#asd kid
bli-o · 7 months
hey autistic people who get overwhelmed by large groups or noise or conversation or etc etc etc you’re not evil for wanting to leave a family gathering. just so you know.
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holierthanth0u · 5 months
"gifted children" are not necessarily gifted... sometimes kids just get a burst of development in certain areas, and it evens out and stagnates over time. its just how some people develop, you are not "failed" because of it.
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snakeautistic · 8 months
As overplayed as the undiagnosed gifted kid to burned out neurodivergent narrative is, I fall into it perfectly. I have complicated feelings on being labeled as ‘gifted’ and placed into various advanced classes as a kid. Being “smart” was (and still, is, honestly) a deep rooted part of my identity. Any turn of events that makes me feel unintelligent deeply shakes my self esteem.
I think this is particularly potent for ND people because we think in behave in such divergent ways that our differences are considered an extension of our giftedness. In our minds being intelligent is the one good thing we have. We’re often mocked or looked down upon for not fitting in, so our only security is academic achievement.
I’d think admittedly very nasty things about the classmates that would ostracize me as a child. “It doesn’t matter what they think, because I’m so much smarter than them, and they’ll end up failing at life while I succeed” It hurt a lot to be excluded and at times laughed at. Basically little me was just coping extremely hard.
It’s dangerous to attribute success, whether academically or monetarily, to worth, but it’s something almost everyone is prone to. And in a society not designed for neurodivergent people, it’s much harder to meet that definition of success.
So you fail. And then what? Those around you have been sending the you the same messaging all your life- the one part of you that is worth anything at all is not enough.
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raynedayys2 · 8 months
A couple years ago everyone called me:
"A pleasure to have in class"
All those labels did was other me. I felt so alone & I never had a word to describe how I felt.
You can claim that "autism is a trend" or that I'm "just an attention seeker" but now I have a community of people who're just like me.
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sprinkleofquirk · 2 months
I was talking with my therapist about how I hadn’t realized as a kid that other kids would hang out outside of school for no reason. I thought birthday parties and school projects were the only reason to ever see anyone outside of school. Like you go to each other’s houses? Just because? To “hang out”???
I thought that was just something that teen movies made up
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awetistic-things · 11 months
gonna be pissed if my future child isn’t autistic, gay AND trans
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isorottatime · 2 years
kinda funny that a prominent trait of autism is feeling strongly about injustice. yes hello my child is angry about late-stage capitalism, can we get a ‘tism certificate?
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
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they're all autistic kiddos!!
autism has no look.
we were born autsitic, and we will die autistic.
being an undiagnosed autistic child was very hard on us. shout out to the autistic kids, teens and adults.
oh and *whisper* the child on the right is nonbinary..
🎭 - The Dreamdrop System
art credits - Shane/Angel/Locket/Theo/Bug
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paranormalplanet · 1 year
god it's so uncomfortable how people treat you when you let them know you're nonverbal/semiverbal. i had my roomie call my professor with me and kinda be my voice and they said i was struggling to speak (i was only able to get out a weak "h-h-h- i" to prove it was me and it was so painful) they said "oh my god im so sorry" and it was so uncomfortable. they treated it like "oh you poor thing :(" even after we said it was fine and it happens and it was so weird and seemed like they thought it was horrific? i hate the pity reaction so much.
i haven't been able to speak for a few weeks and it's perfectly chill. i don't mind it at all and i just use my aac if i need/want to say something. if anything it's just mildly inconvenient? because i can't answer phone calls without help and i get weird looks from the grocery store employees but that's... about it?
please stop treating disabled people like it's a tragedy that they're different. i just need patience and understanding, not pity and apologizes. i do not think it's sad that i struggle to speak or am slow. yeah, it's tough to be in a world not made for you, but that doesn't mean it's awful. im proud of who i am and don't want pity for being myself.
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naskaolgia · 1 year
Overstimulated craig because autism.
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[haha funny note, I was overstimulated myself when making this ahhahahahahjshd]
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quodekash · 1 year
anyone else ever get a momentary moment of panic where you accidentally use the wrong their/they’re/there or your/you’re or whose/who’s and you’re freaking out and calling yourself a hypocrite because you’re the kind of person who corrects people for using the wrong their/they’re/there or your/you’re or whose/who’s and you fix it quickly but you think about it for the next three weeks because What If I Hadn’t Fixed It In Time
or is that just me?
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raynedayys2 · 7 months
The most autistic experience I've ever had is people bullying me because of how I acted, but would turn around and act like they liked me because I was "smart".
I feel like most people only people like me when I can do something for them.
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dontcallmeeds · 2 years
Man can we just get an irl kiss from Natalia & Maya already like Charlie & Joe style???? Like girl just go do it yourself after Do Revenge, you know the Duffer brothers aren’t gonna let it happen
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When I first started thinking I might be autistic I would ask my friends and family what they thought. I always got some form of “but you don’t have a schedule” or “you don’t do routines”.
This morning I was getting ready for the day and declared that I wasn’t going to wash my hair because I didn’t want to deal with it. What was the first thing I did upon entering the shower? Get out my shampoo because that’s the way I start a shower. So I was caught standing in the shower with a fistful of shampoo trying to decide if I should waste the not-so-cheap shampoo or just cave and wash my hair.
Then I was getting dressed and I picked up my top. I was immediately repulsed by the idea of putting it on before my jeans and threw it on my bed. Why? Because pants go first.
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pinksmonkey · 3 months
Roblox Has A Problem
Hey everyone, sorry for the more serious post today, but I have an important issue I really need to talk about and bring attention to.
Recently when I was trying to upload one of my autistic pride designs to make a t-shirt on Roblox, I was sent a moderation warning saying this:
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(And this was the image I uploaded btw):
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Obviously I was annoyed and frustrated by this, so I contacted Roblox and sent an appeal message.
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Today I received a response from Roblox Support saying this:
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Does this action seem fair to you? Because it doesn't feel fair to me. I ranted to one of my autistic online friends about it after, where we discussed it in more detail and you can understand more of the context around why this is so messed up. (I got permission to share these screenshots.)
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I know Roblox moderation has never been great, it's always had its issues. But as annoying as that is, in this case I feel like it's crossed a line. This isn't just about Roblox either, this is about how society views autism and the lack of autism education in general. I'm not just upset because I can't post something on Roblox, I'm upset because my voice as an autistic person is being silenced while other products on that platform are clearly mocking autism, and I'm trying to teach people about us. This is completely unjustified, and it sets a scary precedent when marginalized groups get censored for talking about their own experiences. Yes, Roblox is for all ages, and we should keep conversations appropriate, absolutely. But autistic people's existence, disability in general, is not inappropriate, kids should be learning about it. We don't need to discuss eugenics and hate crimes towards disabled people on Roblox, of course not, but I should be able to mention my identity without fear of being punished.
Basically, censoring the word autistic doesn't protect autistic people from hate, bullying, and discrimination, that is still happening regardless. What it does do is make it harder for us to fight back and stand up for ourselves, teach people about the realities of autism and normalize us as human beings. It's doing more harm than good, and that's what I hope Roblox can start to realize.
If you agree with me and want to make a difference, please reblog this and share it as many places as you can. We need to send a message to Roblox, and show them that silencing autistic voices is not ok. Obviously, be civil and respectful though, I just want to have a peaceful conversation about this problem, and hopefully Roblox will care enough to hear us out.
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box-of-chaooos · 6 months
Dcfdtl headcannons, I love them very much
Bruce loves comics, those super hero action comics that all the boys read he loves them.
He loves getting messy, playing in mud, finding bugs rolling down hills and baking.
He likes baking, cookies, cupcakes he loves it and has fun doing so he feels in control of himself when he’s baking and independent which they all like to feel.
He does not like water on his head he can’t stand it which makes washing his hair very hard for him.
Stims by shaking his fists and shaking his head a lot.
His favourite texture is silk and he likes to run his hands over it for sensory times.
The big sister of the group
She likes martial arts but father doesn’t let her do it.
The bow she wears is from her baby toy that father threw away, saying it was to childish for her so she now wears the ribbon.
She takes alot of pride in her hair it’s a big part of her self esteem so she takes forever brushing it and washing it.
She loves the smell of mallow and vanilla
She likes to stim by humming and playing with her hair spinning it through her fingers.
She’s nonverbal when not with her siblings, she won’t speak unless with them and so when ever apart she mostly signs instead!
She loves to knit her favourite texture is soft cotton so she loves making things from cotton wool she makes blankets and scarfs for them all.
She stims by clapping her hands and fist shaking.
She had to sleep with the door closed she has a sort of fear that someone will watch her sleep otherwise.
When she sleeps she likes to be smushed in the middle and all snug and cozy.
She loves loves loves Christmas because the cozy feeling and lights she loves them.
She’s very neat and tidy and likes things to be organised.
His helmet is a sensory thing, not only does it hide scars from father but it blocks out noise and light and he likes the gentle pressure on his head.
His favourite texture is minky he adores it and has a blanket made of it that he often curls in when having a meltdown.
He’s the most prone to meltdowns out of them all, the next is Bruce.
He loves to play in the mud and find bugs with Bruce.
He’s closest with David often seeking him out when he’s upset or in the middle of a meltdown.
He stims by hand flapping and giggling, you’ll often find him giggling happily over nothing but feeling pleased.
He also repeats phrases he’s heard mumbling them to himself repeatedly.
He loves to sing and finds music soothing.
Has a fascination with newts and salamanders, he thinks their funny lil things that are awesome in so many ways.
He sucks his thumb when he sleeps hence his need for braces and headgear.
Davids bangs cover his eyes so he doesn’t have to make eye contact, father says it’s rude not to when you talk but he can’t do it so he grew his hair out so no one can tell.
He loves faux fur like faux fur coats and such finding the weight and feeling amazing.
He has a weighted blanket.
He stims by fiddling with his hands and repeating words someone’s said, like if someone says Tuesday, he’ll repeat it to himself quietly. Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday.
He loves to play piano and often plays for Lenny.
He doesn’t like bright lights in his eyes which his bangs also help out with but bright flashy lights give him sensory overload.
He’s prone to going nonverbal when meltdowns occur.
He likes to do Alexandra’s hair for her and Constance too.
He loves rainy days and gloomy weather finding it most peaceful that way.
They all love to draw and doodle, coming up with drawings of weapons and them destroying the knd.
They all like the smell of lavender and use a mist on their pillow at night.
All of them are on the spectrum and help one another with all their meltdowns and listen to each others rambles.
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