#at the end of the day is that kind of allyship helpful to anyone?
evildilf2 · 9 months
Like I don’t doubt that there are people who are “weaponizing their OCD” to wiggle out of difficult conversations, but OP of that post was being critical of rhetorical methods that SHUT DOWN conversations from happening! The issue is dogmatism, it’s misrepresenting primary sources, it’s scrutinizing those who don’t immediately understand or accept conclusions based on less than sound arguments. Those are the factors that lead to people developing an unhealthy obsession with morality, it’s not wiggling out of a conversation to suggest “maybe there’s a healthier way to discuss these serious topics”
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isa-ghost · 19 days
In honor of phil confirming that (most) rp phils are the same, maybe some headcanons about q!phil with some of the ex-dsmp members? Or veterans/smpearth?
For the sake of keeping tons of opportunity for more Phil/DSMP member headcanons in the future, I'll focus one duo! And it'd be a fucking crime if I didn't start with Emduo >:)
I WILL say here for anyone thinking of sending more Phil/DSMP requests: I will not be doing Dream Team or Wilbur & Phil. Even though the latter had a huge impact on cPhil. Might change my mind in the future and just gag through it (/lh) but,, for now, no. Fuck that guy.
These might be more general Emduo than DSMP Era specific but hey, that leaves room for more requests too. :D
Dear god these are reminding me I should rewatch Phil's DSMP vods, I'm so rusty on this shit. Apologies in advance if suddenly I get insane about cPhil in the future LMAO.
qPhil headcanons masterlist
First off, I personally don't ship them romantically. I'm not even sure about shipping them as a QPR, that's a maybe. But I do know they were ride or die brothers in arms. The unstoppable force to the other's immovable object. A duo that's down in history in every realm Phil's been in so far.
Even so, just bc he had no feelings of that kind for Techno specifically, spending so much time with him as just the two of them still contributed to him going "Hm. Yknow what, I think I could see myself having a male life partner maybe." So thanks Techno for still playing SOME part in Phil's journey into being fruity.
Techno was one of the first immortals Phil ever encountered, at least the first one he befriended and stayed around long term. It.. was a breath of fresh air to say the least. To know he had eternity with Techno if all things went well, to never have to fear being alone again, knowing there'd always be a when I see you again.
But Techno was immortal, not invulnerable. Same as Phil. Phil was shattered when he lost him. It's by far the worst instance of being reminded he's permanently fated to lose any and all attachments he makes.
Techno found endless entertainment in Phil basically playing Get Off My Lawn with every other member ever whenever they'd come bother the two in their tundra home. He'd purposely go without additional measures to keep people out and away just because he loved watching Phil deal with it or hearing him rant about how many times he had to while Techno was asleep or away.
Phil personally did NOT like some of the "allyships" Techno chose to make, but he was still ride or die with him, so he tolerated them and helped him. And he trusts Techno. He knows in the end, Techno saw some kind of benefit for them. Or the two of them mutually agreed that the destruction entailed in the task was worth it.
Though that changed throughout their time in DSMP. Repeatedly being used and weaponized or crawled to out of desperation rather than genuine desire. It made Phil HATE people for a while, especially mortals. It's why QSMP has him so fucked up present day. For an entire year he was wanted by people, for him. He encouraged Techno to go as ballistic as he did. Even if it was a means to someone else's ends, if they were brutal then at least it demonstrated that the two of them were NOT to be fucked with or taken for granted.
The fucking house arrest and "festival." GOD. That was the first time in a long time Emduo had endured some kind of trauma together. It kicked Phil while he was already down. The fact that none of them cared how he felt or thought in the wake of putting his son out of his misery, now they were giving him a front row seat to the execution of the only person close to him he had left in this realm. Techno felt like the only tangible thing he had left, and they had the audacity to force him to watch them attempt to rip that thing away as if he hadn't lost enough or didn't care that he did. The attempt made Phil EXTREMELY protective of Techno, even though Techno was extremely able to handle himself.
The Syndicate was Emduo's attempt at a found family of their own. What L'Manberg had going was solid minus the government part, it wasn't the community that was the problem. As two immortals who didn't have much besides each other, it was nice to take in a couple people who'd been wronged or forsaken just like them and give them a place to belong and hopefully find some peace. Besides, Phil LOVED being a mentor for them, showing them how to fight & such. Training them alongside Techno,, 🤩 That was his happy place, teaching others to be as strong as them.
Phil's always been more of a Support role guy. He's said it himself plenty of times. That went for Techno especially. He let Techno call the shots, and he'd be at his side no matter what. There's something to be said about how in the same way Etoiles said "I am your arms, just tell me who needs to die," Phil was very much the same way for Techno.
God, honestly, aside from the whole being used repeatedly thing, DSMP gave Phil so much nostalgia for SMPE. Him and Techno vs everything else. He'd missed wearing those antarctic outfits.
When he arrived in DSMP, he didn't expect Techno to be there. He was ELATED, even though he was nowhere near in the emotional state to show it.
I am OBLIGATED to mention the oopsie with the creeper in Techno's cabin. Phil was so bad at playing dumb about it and pretending it never happened. Techno would've never let him live it down.
Phil often falls into mentor roles whenever he's among people. He did no differently in DSMP. But not for Techno. He always appreciated how Techno didn't need him, he wanted him. Now that he's gone, Phil really hopes he finds that kind of companionship again. It's not quite the same as what he has with Kristin or Rose.
After Techno left DSMP, Phil grew even more protective of the tundra. He viciously forbid anyone outside of the Syndicate from coming around unless they had a damn good reason. He'd sooner throw his friendship emerald in lava than let something happen to the cabins while Techno was gone, no matter how long that might've been.
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m-y-fandoms · 2 years
COMMISSION: Aoi Asahina x Female Reader Part 1
Info: SFW, fluff with a little angst - slow burn, friends to lovers, Trigger Happy Havoc Spoilers. Reader uses she/her.
7K words split into two parts - part 2
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Five times Y/N viewed Aoi’s feelings as platonic, and one time she didn’t.
Y/N might as well have been called the Ultimate People Pleaser. Loyal to a fault, she was almost too caring, too gentle on people. She coddled, cared, supported, helped out, anything to put a smile on someone’s face or take a load off their back. She lived to lessen burdens, to take on the tasks that others just couldn’t do alone, and all with a polite tone of voice and a genuine smile plastered across her face. Y/N strove to always see the best in others, to give them grace even if others would not. Confrontation was like torture to her, and so she always opted to trust someone or give them the benefit of the doubt - even when it got her into a spot of trouble. She would be a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, an extra pair of hands, and nothing in the world made her happier than to be there for people. It goes without saying that someone like Y/N, so corruptible and in truth, foolishly gullible, was an easy target to be used or bullied.
After years of working at food pantries, feeding the homeless, running charities, reading to kids at the local library, donating blood, working with people strugglig with mental illness, volunteering at churches and local clubs, tutoring students free of charge, leading the HOA in her area and many more selfless tasks of the like, Koichi Kizakura - in charge of HR and recruitment for Hope’s Peak Academy - was finally made aware of her presence. When she got to Hope’s Peak after being scouted, Kizakura and Headmaster Kirigiri officially dubbed her the Ultimate Ally as an umbrella term, and assigned her to class 78. Immediately she faced adversity, though some enemies she could see clear as day and avoid, others had silver tongues and honeyed words meant to drag her pure soul down. On one end were the gossips and bullies who claimed that she didn’t even belong there. Envious peers or Reserve Course students felt as if she took up a spot in the main talent course that could’ve gone to someone more deserved. Kiyotaka Ishimaru faced similar treatment. How could one even measure a moral compass or allyship? When they went to school with martial artists and fashion models, baseball players and heirs to conglomerates, it was easy to pick on those who, in the court of public opinion, hadn’t earned their spot. On the other end of the spectrum were those who recognized that she would do anything for anyone, even if it cost her, and planned to take full advantage of that innocence. Her gentle, naive personality was easily overtaken by the stronger ones she interacted with.
And the first time Aoi Asahina made her feelings known, Y/N simply thought she was making a new friend.
It was only the first week of classes. Everyone in class 78 was still settling in, finding out where to go, how their schedule worked, and who they would click well with. They were all new and fresh-faced, ready for this exciting new ride that the most prestigious school in the country promised. Hina meshed well with Sakura almost immediately. Right off the bat, their love of athletics and pushing their bodies to the extreme united them. Within days they were fastened at the hip, visiting the gym together, eating lunch at the same time, hanging out after school if neither of them were busy. Hope’s Peak allowed their students a lot of access to most of the campus during their free time, so the pair often even spent their free period in the middle of the day doing whatever they pleased together.
When Aoi first locked eyes with Y/N, she felt butterflies in her chest. Without knowing a thing about her, without speaking a word to the girl, she could feel the warm and kind energy radiating off of her. Seeing Y/N light up the halls already, on their first week of class, attracted Hina to her immediately. Though Hina and Sakura had yet to officially make her acquaintance, they could tell that she had a good heart and would make an excellent addition to their friend group. Aoi, with a little crush forming over the first few days of class, could never admit to Sakura that she might have had a little more than friendship on her mind. Not that she needed to; Sakura was extremely perceptive, especially when it came to close friends and family.
Celestia Ludenberg and Aoi Asahina had already butt-heads within the first week. It was clear to Aoi that they would never be friends. She didn’t like Celeste’s sly arrogance, her layer of false charm that allured her victims too much for them to see her selfishness. She could tell she was the type of person who would say or do anything to get what she wanted, and she couldn’t stand that about her. Nevermind the lies she spouted or the fact that she insulted Hina just for existing on a daily basis. So needless to say, when Aoi saw Celeste taking advantage of someone as sweet as Y/N - though they were not yet friends - she couldn’t just stand by and watch. Aoi didn’t need to be friends with someone to do what was right.
“Just look at her, Sakura. Man, I can’t stand her!” She spoke just loud enough for her companion to hear. Aoi held her books tight to her chest, taking a short break before her free period with Sakura. Across the hall, slightly concealed by a wall, were Y/N and Celestia Ludenberg, chatting away. “I just know she’s up to something again today!” She spat, grinding her teeth down in irritation. She couldn’t be more correct. Celeste, with a polished fake grin and her eyes feigning sincerity, was currently begging Y/N to finish her homework for her. There was always a reason, a sob story, an excuse for why Y/N could and should be completing a task for someone else. A large hand full of students and staff were using her, and Hina couldn’t stand it. Celeste was hamming it up, playing with Y/N’s kind heart.
“You see, I have to get my practice in today. Everyone else here goes to their dojo, their computer labs, their kitchens and such to improve their own talents, while I must travel all the way out of town to hone my skills. I just can’t be bothered to complete tedious piles of math papers. It’s not conducive to my lifestyle at all! They brought me here because of my talent, and I hardly have time to express it!” Translation: I want to go gamble, so do my homework. “Would you be a dear?” Celestia sung, holding out a small folder of assignments. She didn’t have to over exaggerate and put on a show for Y/N’s help. Aoi know Y/N would do anything if Celeste just directly asked. She never turned down a request from anyone.
“That’s it! I’ve had enough. I’m handling this,” Hina steamed, placing her bag on the ground beside her, fists balled and tense. She began stomping across the hall, face hot.
“Some people must learn on their own, Hina...” Sakura warned offhandedly, knowing Hina often did what she wanted anyway. Minding her business, she simply sighed and leaned against the wall, waiting for the exchange to end.
“Hey, you! Don’t just take that!” Hina stepped between the soft-hearted girl and the black-hearted leech, snatching the folder from her manicured claws. “What’s your problem, Celeste?! You want her to do your homework for like what, the tenth time this week?” Hina fumed.
“Ah! The lovely, large-chested, small-brained swimmer!” Ignoring her question, Celeste hummed her passive-aggressive response with facade of friendliness worn like a mask. Y/N stood silently, not wanting to butt in on any fight, big or small. She clasped her hands together, looking at the floor. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” She continued.
“Yeah yeah, insult me all you want, but I’m not gonna let you take advantage of her anymore!” Hina spat her words out like tiny daggers heading Celeste’s way. She turned to Y/N. “Why do you let her treat you like this?” Her brows furrowed, agitated.
“Um…” Y/N could feel her heart rate pick up under the pressure of the slightest bit of confrontation. “Hi,” she winced, “I’m Y/N… I’m in your home room class, but I don’t think we’ve officially-”
“I know who you are! Why do you keep doing whatever this witch tells you to do?!” Hina cut off the soft-spoken girl, refusing to let her dodge the question.
“Uh… I really don’t mind doing the work, really…” with a nervous smile, Y/N reached one small hand out toward the homework folder in Aoi’s hand. Aoi stepped back, snatching the folder away before throwing it to the ground. “Leave it!” She growled preemptively. She pivoted back to Celestia, hatred in her eyes. “Don’t ask her to do anything more for you! You’re sick! Go back to using Hifumi, at least he deserves it! Come on, Y/N.” She huffed, grabbing Y/N by the sleeve of her uniform and dragging her back toward Sakura.
Aoi convinced Y/N to spend her free period with the pair that day, introducing her to Sakura and assuring her they woud be the best of friends. Unlike a lot of the fake friends she’d been making recently, Aoi assured her that she would be safe with them.
“Just stick with us! We’ll protect you!” She showed her teeth in a wide grin, throwing her arm around Y/N in a playful gesture. “Sakura here is the best friend you’ll ever meet. She’s awesome. I’m super stoked to have you with us. You should come play tennis with us later. The court’s totally open!” Y/N felt overwhelmed with the attention, being more on the shy side and not used to people wanting to do things with her, rather than her doing things for them.
“I’m… not really a huge tennis person but I can certainly try!” she smiled sheepishly. Y/N looked down at the ground of the courtyard they sat in, grateful for simply being around people who truly wanted her there.
“What about basketball? We love getting a small team together.” Aoi chimed.
“Uh… again, not my best skill, but happy to try!”
“Lacrosse?” Y/N shook her head.
“Dodgeball?” Another no.
“Swimming?” Aoi saw the girl’s face light up a bit at that.
“Oh! Actually I love swimming! I’m not the most athletic person but I have a blast in the pool. The cool water on my skin is so refreshing!” Aoi smirked like a fool. She could feel her attraction to Y/N grow stronger and stronger by the second. Sakura saw the moment occur, the recognition of this little connection between them, and smiled silently, amused.
“Awww yeah! I knew I sensed something in you! You are I are gonna get along swimmingly! Get it?” Aoi threw her legs over the side of the bench Y/N was sitting on, moving a bit closer. “I love all sports, but swimming is like my thing, ya know?”
“Yeah, I know it’s your ultimate talent. I looked up all of our class members’ talents, but I’m sorry I didn’t get around to meeting you sooner!” Y/N cooed, her smile so genuine and large that her eyes were nearly pushed closed into little creased lines. She tilted her head innocently, over joyed at the acquisition of a new friend.
“Nah, it’s alright! We can make up for lost time! Awesome! Sakura and I hit the pool several times a week! You should join us!”
“I would love to! You’ll have to teach me the different strokes!” Y/N clasped her hands together, a gesture she often did when forming a connection or making an exchange.
“For sure, and even if Sakura is busy at the dojo, I go alone every day regardless as part of my mandatory training, so it might just be you and me sometimes!” Aoi’s heart thumped at the thought of it. “I bet you look killer in a swimsuit!” She half-joked. Y/N felt her cheeks warm up at that, both flattered and a tad embarrassed at the comment.
“Um…” she twiddled her thumbs in her lap trying to distract herself, unable to make eye contact after the compliment, “well I haven’t worn one in ages, but thank you. I’m sure you look amazing, too. You have the body of a true athlete, if that’s not too much to say!” Aoi beamed at the praise, all too happy to accept it from the girl she also found extremely physically attractive. Sakura cleared her throat, reminding Hina she was still there before she stood.
“Hina, I have English in ten minutes. I’m heading there a bit early. Nice to meet you, Y/N. Feel free to join us anytime,” she bowed her head slightly, throwing her school bag over her shoulder.
“It was a pleasure to meet you, Sakura, truly. Thanks! See you soon, I hope!” Y/N waved gracefully as Sakura made her exit.
“Bye, Sakura! Remember, tennis at three!” Hina used this opportunity, now alone with Y/N, to scoot even closer. She placed her bag on the ground to make more room and removed a small container from it. Holding up a little tin of pocky, she offered Y/N some.
“Thank you, Hina. I love pocky!” sincerely grateful, Y/N accepted a few sticks and placed them between her lips.
“No problem! So, I was thinking, you gotta stop letting Celeste treat you that way. I know the whole ally thing is important to you, and that’s admirable to a point, but you can’t let people walk all over you! I’ve heard about you constantly out here helping others without getting anything in return.”
“Well, I don’t really want anything in return. I enjoy helping, honestly.”
“I know, but… don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. You can always ask me! I’ll help ya out anytime!”
“I… I appreciate that, Hina.” She didn’t know how else to answer. It felt odd, wrong, out of place to be asking for help in her mind. She didn’t want to burden anyone else. She was hesitant. She wanted to tell Hina: no, I’ll never push my worries onto someone else. Please don’t bring it up again, it makes me uncomfortable, but she didn’t know how this strong-minded, opinionated girl next to her would take that. She wasn’t good at being stern or setting boundaries.
Hina could sense the shift in the mood, like Y/N’s energy had dipped. She perked up doubly to pick up the slack.
“Well hey, you like what you like. I mean, no one’s gonna tell me to stop swimming! Just, don’t overdo yourself! Stress is no good for the heart and mind!” She searched for any improvement in the girl’s mood, scanning her face for a smile. “You know what, I know you aren’t much of an athlete, but I’ll teach you some towel treatment!”
“What’s that? I’ve never heard of it before,” with a little bit of curiosity, Y/N tilted her head innocently. So cute! Hina thought to herself.
“Well you strip down bare early in the morning, let the fresh air smother you, then you take a moist, warm towel and rub your whole body up and down. You get all the muscles, work into ‘em real good. When it hurts a bit, I know it’s working!” Hina was pumped, while Y/N felt herself shrink at the thought of Aoi stripped down bare. “Anyways, it’s great for blood flow and starting your day off right! With all the work you’re doing, you need it! It will help release stress. Don’t worry, I’ll show ya how to do it one day soon!”
The three girls found themselves spending nearly every day together from then on. All three grew closer platonically, sharing memories and also making them. Aoi and Y/N, however, grew closer in a different way. Neither of them could deny their attraction toward one another, though neither would say it directly. Aoi would flirt endlessly, put herself out there, and Y/N would blush, oblivious that the flattery meant that her feelings were returned. Sakura would watch, happy for her friends and eager to support them.
When the killing school life began, when despair took over, their memories were wiped clean. Their captors could erase away all the joy those memories provided, but not that base level of attraction. That was something instinctual, natural. The bond was too strong for these girls to not find their way back to each other once again. Aoi always was one up for a challenge, even an unknown one. She was starting from square one, feeling that original spark enticing her when she looked in Y/N’s eyes for what was - for all she knew - the first time.
The killing school life was underway. Flustered, scared, and hopeless, the students began to either establish themselves as loners or form groups. Getting to know her classmates all over again, Hina met the plain but kind Makoto Naegi, the selfish but nice when convenient Celeste, the misfit Hifumi and so on. Makoto seemed to be the middle man, the mediator on his own, while people like her and Sakura formed unspoken teams. Toko clung to Byakuya, and that girl Y/N, though scared enough in her own right, comforted their more uneasy classmates, being their impromptu therapist or serving them meals so they didn’t have to leave the perceived safety of their rooms.
The scond time Hina made her feelings known, she was saving Y/N yet again.
Hifumi Yamada, under the guise of needing her assistance (which she was of course all too happy to provide) was creeping on Y/N. He informed her on the world of 2D and the more taboo side of his art. Talking about his more explicit doujinshi and M-rated fanfiction, he was clearly making the girl uncomfortable until Aoi stepped in. The more extroverted girl of course chewed him out, with plenty of how dare you’s and a stern I better not see you bothering her again!
The whole incident felt like déjà vu for both girls as Hina whisked away Y/N like a knight rescuing their princess from the tower. Y/N felt like this was a repeat… had she been Aoi’s damsel in distress before? That couldn’t be the case, after all she just met this girl. Why did it all feel so familiar? They introduce themselves, exchange words, a few details about their talents, before Y/N has the urge to say:
“I really admire your athleticism. I’m not much of an athlete myself. You’re really fit.”
“If you think I’m fit, you should see Sakura!” Aoi replies. “You have to meet her. I’ll introduce you two. I think she’s in her room meditating right now. She had a rough day, or usually we’d be together. We always find something to do. Usually sports-related, but you can still join us!” Y/N knew that already… but how did she know that? It was just a feeling deep inside her heart. “Sakura’s awesome. She’s super loyal and wise, crazy strong. You’ll be best friends in no time.” She knew that, too… the words seemed to echo in her mind.
“I can’t wait to meet her. I’ve seen her around of course since we don’t exactly have that much ground to cover trapped in here, but never really introduced myself.” Probably because Sakura wasn’t asking for your help, making you slave away for her, so you were too busy to meet, Aoi thought, but held her tongue. “We need all the friends we can get in this insane situation,” Y/N replied politely.
“For sure. You should come swimming with us tonight. The pool is pretty sick here, despite everything...”
“I love swimming! I hope the pool is warm, though. I’m always cold, and the AC seems to be blasting in this place.”
“I knew there was something I liked about you! Swimming buddies!” Aoi bounced a bit in her seat. “I’ll see if that Monokuma thing will heat up the pool. Who knows, he hates us. I bet you’ll look killer in your swimsuit though!”
Part 1 END
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certifiedlurker · 10 months
I think I have learnt something new the past few days. Sometimes in online spaces you may think that you are seeing something which in reality might not be there. So it is necessary to sit down and think about what you are seeing and if you are seeing it true. If you don't do that, you might just end up hurting people who were trying to find their space in the virtual world. I think this kind of ties in to the idea of activism in online spaces. I still do think that it plays an important role upto a certain point, because virtual space is very much a part of the world now, but beyond that and I am quoting from a post here, "it is masturbatory". I think I failed to realize this for a long time and only got it to click when I saw someone say: "if your allyship is more about abusing a hate group than to stand with those who are vulnerable then you need to rethink your politics." And that's so true isn't it?
Sometimes we don't have the means to affect any change or help anyone in real life ( that is in the world that's beyond the virtual space), because we ourselves might be struggling financially or in other ways. So even if we want to be a part of something constructive, we unfortunately can't be a part of that. I don't exactly know what should we do in that situation but I think it might help to sit and listen patiently. To read. To allow our voice into helping amplify those who need their voices heard and not speak over them. Standing up against hate but not making it about winning the argument or for the end goal to be a "gotcha!" And to take care of ourselves, that's very important.
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shewhotellsstories · 3 years
i really dont wanna annoy you but you post about racism in fandom sometimes so i thought you'd be the right person to ask. i hope this doesnt come off as expecting u to be my teacher. yesterday someone said they didnt trust white zk shippers and i thought it was mean but then people started sending the them all these nasty messages and i started to worry maybe op was right. honestly a lot of this stuff is pretty new for me. i think our fandom is inclusive & unlike the rest of the atla fandom we actually like katara. but i'm trying to learn.
why would it be a problem that a lot of zk fics have katara looking after zuko? i always just felt like he needed it more bc he was abused and kataras better at dealing with feelings and she's good at taking care of people. is fire lady katara still ok? is there racism in our fandom? there are a lot of woc zks and i've seen them get hate for it. but the messages op got were pretty bad too. i know i'm asking a lot of questions i just hate the thinking that we might be as bad as the z*kka stans have been saying all year.
This is gonna get long so I’m just gonna jump right in. When I listened to fansplaining’s episode on fandom racism one of the guests said white fans who can acknowledge that fandom racism exists tend to frame it as “just a few bad apples” and get caught up in worrying about not looking like a “bad apple” instead of making fandoms spaces that aren’t hostile for BIPOC. Jag offs hiding behind anon to tell women of color who ship zutara that we have a creepy fetish for imperialism and colonialism suck, but your biggest concern really shouldn’t be the optics or if you can claim superiority over zukka stans.
Yeah the “katara’s a homophobe” nonsense didn’t come from our end of the fandom, but it feels naive at best or dishonest at worst to act like the zutara fandom is uniquely immune to fandom racism. A creator I follow made the excellent point that allyship conditional upon if a poc talks "nicely" about racism is still white supremacy. I believe poc need to be allowed to vent and be salty or angry without being tone-policed. I definitely have my days where I’m like “ugh white people,” or "why must white fans be like this," so I get where the OP was coming from. Ironically the folks that sent them anon hate proved their point. You can always count on hit dogs to hollar.
Fandom is only escapist for some people. It doesn’t exist in a vacuum so you’ll find racism in fandom because there’s racism in the world. Navigating that gets exhausting. There are certain things I enjoy, but for the sake of my sanity I'll only talk about it with friends in real life or only follow fans of color. Before I follow white fans I need to see first that they’re not the kind of person who inspires posts about fandom racism. A good friend of mine loves Star Wars, Kpop, and gaming but after years of attempts at calling in she decided that she’d only interact with woc in those spaces. Again, you get tired.
ATLA wasn’t on my radar until last year so I definitely haven’t read every zutara fic out there but I have noticed a lot of fics do tend to have Katara being the one comforting and supporting Zuko. It’s not inherently wrong of course, it’s just in the grand scheme of things in fiction woc are often cast as eternal caretakers and confidants in fiction:
“How characters of color are portrayed in fanworks, especially fanfiction, is worse than the actual films. They are portrayed as supportive, almost invisible understudies. Any characteristics which they possess in the [MCU] films are stripped and given to other white characters. It is not only erasure. It’s a theft of identity.
Characters of color are positioned within storylines to support the main, white characters. Even within the slash biracial pairings, the character of color is underdeveloped and in a position of servitude within the relationship.”
TheNavyLanguage, Fansplaining
As the quote above points out this honestly happens in a lot of fandoms. I’ve read fanfic for books, movies, tv shows, and comics and I can’t help but notice that in fics the writers often have the non-white character or-- if neither character is white--the darker skinned character being the care-taker, the bodyguard, or the person who is performing all the emotional labor. It’s not inherently wrong to have a character of color have a nurturing personality, you just have to remember that since Black and brown folks have been saddled with narrative after narrative where we exist to serve leaning into dynamics where the non-white or darker skinned character is providing all the emotional support and getting very little in return has some unfortunate implications.
It’s not better if instead of being defined as the avatar’s girl, Katara’s the fire lord’s girl. Part of the appeal of zutara for me is the idea that Katara could lay down some of her burdens and get some much needed support. I always imagine she’d have some major issues after the war.
"i always just felt like he needed it more bc he was abused and kataras better at dealing with feelings and she's good at taking care of people."
I’m going to push back against that statement. Yes, Katara didn't grow up in an abusive household but she has pain and trauma of her own. In fact I’d argue that her believing it’s her job to take care of everyone is rooted in her trauma. Katara needs support and care just as much as anyone else does.
Having read a lot of fics revolving around abuse victims in different fandoms I’ve observed that if fans feel a character’s trauma wasn’t properly addressed in canon, they’ll give them a lot of TLC in fics. But again, reducing the non-white or darker-skinned character to a glorified therapist has some implications.
I feel like the Fire Lady Katara headcanon's been talked to death so long-story short, it’s not inherently racist but it can problematic if it's not clear that Katara is Katara of the Water Tribe wherever she lives. Fics and art where her crown has a crescent moon, she wears blue, or Zuko wears blue when she's in red are the executions I'm fondest of.
When in doubt just listen when poc talk about uncomfortable trends in the fandom. Give fansplaining’s episodes on fandom racism a listen here, here, and here. And very loosely quoting my favorite professor just remember that if a marginalized person says they’re distrustful of a group of people or institution it usually happens after a lot of bad experiences. Don’t center your own comfort and hurt feelings.
“If we truly believe in fandom’s progressive credentials, then perhaps it is necessary for us to listen to critiques that make us uncomfortable rather than those that keep arguing that the status quo is perfectly acceptable—even as there is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Perhaps then we will be able to come at these, yes, these very complex and nuanced discussions with the type of openness and good faith that is required for them to succeed, rather than approaching them with hostility.”
-Rukmini Pande, Fansplaining
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the-fandomwriter · 4 years
Wilbur’s Character Arc
holy shit i’m fucking shaking while writing this. 
I just finished watching Wilbur’s last stream where he betrays Tommy, Pogtopia, L’Manberg etc. (I’m late leave me alone) BUT WOW I’M FEELING SO MUCH RIGHT NOW, SO I’M GOING TO DO A CHARACTER (ARC) ANALYSIS FOR YOU GUYS BC I’M A WRITER AND THIS SHIT IS HITTING SO HARD. 
So, incase you need informing, in Wilbur’s recent twitch stream we watch as he basically descends into madness, declaring that he and Tommy cannot (and should not) trust anyone except Dream. 
Why should they trust Dream you may ask? Well, according to Wilbur, he believes that Dream just wants to watch both nations burn. Dream wants to take advantage of two crumbling nations to show just how well the Dream smp is thriving, and how his lands are better than any other on the server, and that he is essentially the best and most fitting ruler throughout all nations. 
Now, this assumption can be mostly proven through Dream’s book “Tyrant” which he gave Tommy a few streams back. This book explained that Dream will assist the members of Pogtopia, but will only do so from the shadows since Schlatt was legally elected to rule (L’)Manberg. However, Dream’s true intentions aren’t exactly clear. He’s always had a slight soft spot for Tommy, (he accepted Tommy’s deal of trading the discs for freedom, and he supplied Tommy with supplies and allyship during their initial banishment) which would explain why he would side with Pogtopia in this situation rather than Manberg, who has no history with him, and Dream sees as compete chaos and does not support Schlatt’s ruling in any way possible. 
Dream’s whole role in the fall of L’manberg is to be touched on another day. 
But Wilbur. Poor old Wilbur. The man we once knew as the kind-hearted leader of a nation who never fought with swords. A nation who never bore armor, even during wartimes. Wilbur Soot may have declared himself ruler of L’manberg without making any accommodations for other possible rulers, but in the end, he deserved to rule L’Manberg. Wilbur founded L’Manberg, he helped build it’s walls, and wrote it’s “Declaration of Independance”. He earned his place as President of L’Manberg, and deciding to open up an election to make L’Manberg into a democracy was a brilliant idea. 
But the elections are where everything went downhill. 
Wilbur argues during his recent stream that “the people voted for Schlatt2020″ But they didn’t. Schlatt2020 only won because of the agreement that occurred between Quackity and Schlatt two days before the election results, which resulted in their votes being pooled together. 
POG2020 won the election by 45%. Schlatt2020 and SWAG2020 both lost. 
The people voted for POG2020. The deal ensured the win of Schlatt2020. Not the people. 
But Wilbur doesn’t understand this. He is convinced that people wanted this, that people wanted him out of office, and they did not see him fit to rule L’Manberg any longer. The loss of the Presidential election was the turning point of Wilbur’s character. 
The banishment of Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit only fueled the fire. It made Wilbur angrier, pushed him to his limits and in the end, ate away at his kind exterior, and began to reveal a side of him no one had ever seen before. 
The rise of Pogtopia gave him an ounce of hope. Hope that he could regain his rule over L’Manberg and shut down this tyrannical ruler and restore peace and harmony to the world. But the trust issues he developed after the betrayal of Eret during the previous war with the Dream smp, and the betrayal of his own son, Fundy, after Schlatt won the election, begin to swallow him whole. 
Wilbur doesn’t know who to trust. He ignores Eret’s help, insisting that such a person could not have a “redemption arc”, and that Eret’s intentions are only malevolent. 
He helps Niki when Schlatt raids her home, but after that he separates himself from her. But Wilbur refuses to believe that she really wants to help him. 
He believes that Tubbo is just faking his “007″ act. That Tubbo is really playing Pogtopia, and feeding information to members of Manberg instead. Which in return, only gives them (Wilbur and Tommy) a false sense of security in his role as Hercules Mulligan. Same with Technoblade. Wilbur insists that the second Techno is given the chance, he will turn around and stab Wilbur and Tommy in the back. That he will turn to the “winning side” the moment he finds it fit. Wilbur cannot find it in himself to trust anyone but Tommy and Dream. 
These trust issues are isolating Wilbur from everyone. He spends more time monologuing about how he can’t trust anyone. That Pogtopia and Manberg are doomed no matter what. He feeds into his negative thoughts, which fuels this colder side of himself I mentioned earlier. This is the side of Wilbur no one has ever hoped to see. 
We watch him slowly begin to unhinge. Lashing out at Tommy, saying horrible things about him (Tommy) that the other Wilbur, the kind, big brother Wilbur would have never dared utter in such a bitter and serious tone. His hysterical laughter chills me to the bone. Calling on Dream who helps him bring his plan of blowing up the entirety of (L’)Manberg to life. 
And worst of all, he’s happy about it all. He literally says this is the first time he’s been happy since their banishment. The thought of burning the nation- he built -to the ground makes him happy. The thought of any casualties, friend or foe, during the attack, makes him happy. Because Wilbur has fully convinced himself everyone is against him. He can’t wrap his mind around the thought of other people being on the same side as him. 
Due to this isolation, the separating himself from all other possible allies, he has lost sight of himself. He had lost sight of his true intentions. Of his good heart. 
This is no longer the Wilbur Soot we know and love. The Wilbur Soot who fights with fancy words and dramatic monologues. This is a new Wilbur. One who has been devoured by his trust issues, and entirely lost to the results of war. Wilbur is not a leader anymore. He is an anarchist. A madman. He fights with swords and wears armor and conspires against the people who truly do love and care for him. He is becoming a villain. 
And I fucking love it. 
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smugful · 2 years
@cindrelle​​ X : 
        impassive as an iron wall,  lukas meets fernand’s gaze until the other stops making eye contact entirely.  the mockery he makes of kindness,  like it’s meant to earn something in return  …  only one word bubbles to the forefront of his mind  —  pathetic  —  and it’s enough for shame to overcome him.  this dislike,  it’s too close to true hatred for his tastes,  for it is with such extremes that he prefers not to dally.  it presents bias,  skews his actions in a direction of harmful over helpful.  too in the vein of his brother,  a man not worth becoming.
        yet,  arguably,  the work he does  —  his dirtied hands over anyone else’s  —  has tainted him far more than his ugliest emotions and sentiments.
        “  me offering my assistance isn’t by any means part of some transaction.  ”  lukas replies with more bite than he’d like,  a byproduct of his offense toward the insinuation.  in the downward curve of his lips,  the furrow of his brow,  a shadow of disgust.  perhaps he should take his advice and grant fernand his peace  —  and his own,  but no one is here to make note of his condition after he’d scared off the medics.  lukas is far from one himself,  though it’s something.  he’d like to think no one wants to be alone like this,  or deserves to be.  pity  …  is an improvement.
        “  we,  whether or not it’s to your liking,  are allies at the end of the day.  ”  despite his tone,  he dedicates himself to inspecting fernand’s work.  not that he doubts any soldier has the ability to wrap their own wounds.  it’s simply that,  bluntly,  he’s out of it.  so it’s nothing more than a failsafe at this point since fernand will certainly freak if backwater noble essence contaminated his bandages  —  but considering he’s already winded halfway through  …  “  i believe that is reason enough.  ”  sucking in a breath at the absolutely abysmal job he’s doing in this state,  lukas takes a moment to curate his face back into its resting expression.  hopefully.  his head tilts,  typically an innocuous idiosyncrasy.  “  so,  ** _please_,  do me a favor and let me help you.  ”  **he allows urgency to color his words,  as if he’s the one who needs help.  it’s hardly fake,  spurred by frustration.
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        “  you’d do well to sit up.  slouching like this won’t help,  though i doubt i need tell you that.  ” a hand hovers above fernand’s shoulder,  hesitating only since lukas has no desire to find out if he’s all bark.  and out of decency and concern for comfort.  “  so let’s get this done quick so you can rest.  you must be feeling all out of sorts right now.  ”
                 His words were an insistent buzz in his ears. Like a fly suck in your helmet with no place to go but into the most obnoxious of depths. It was unpleasant. It was uncomfortable. Frankly if he were able, he would prefer to splatter the source across the wall. And yet... ever so slightly he shifted, putting in an effort to not teeter over with a wince. 
                 No, it wasn’t because the other asked. Gods knew THAT wasn’t remotely close to the reason. But it was because as much as Fernand would rather stab himself than admit, he was correct. Even if his words of ‘ allyship ’ and a lack of transaction did little to dispel the doubt from his mind, there was little he could do to contest his final statements. Fernand himself was as far off from being a medical professional as, well, --- Lukas, ( Oh how he loathed to refer to him by name in times like these ) but even he could see the merit in not shriveling like a mewling child while the other attempted to help him with his wounds. 
                 “ I... ” He began, dreading what he knew had to come next. Such a pause truly did prove that he was as out of sorts as the soldier pointed out, but not as much as admitting defeat to someone he loathed such as he. The words churned in his head for longer than they needed, things like ‘ please ’ and ‘ thank you ’ once came so easy even in times like these but ever since... He scowled to himself once more. There was a time and place for remembrance, but in a dingy room with a man he hated did not make this qualify for either --- no matter how grave the wound. 
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               “ You may do what you please. Just this once --- and tell no one it happened, lest I truly do make due of my threats. ” 
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mcrcki · 3 years
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we’re at the pizza hut, we’re at the taco bell, we’re at the combination pizza hut and taco bell. alright here i come with a new ooc mascot and a ridiculously long event plotting/starter call !! below the cut you’ll find a far too long list of my girls, where they are, what their vibe is, possible plot ideas, as well as a general consensus of injuries or involvement in that sort of thing and their starter slots! these plot ideas are just a jumping off point and by no means are they the only ones possible for any of my girls, so don’t worry about sticking to just the connections on this list!! please give this A LIKE for PLOTTING, and COMMENT what character combinations you would like for STARTERS !! i’ll come swooping into your discord dms ( tired mom™#6101 ) over the next few days to plot things out! i will probably still dm you even if you just request starters so i know what the vibe is but !!! anyways, y’all know i’m wordy, so enjoy my essay ♥
cassandra dimitrescu | resident evil 8 | aware 
currently residing  : the island
open to : death | injury | harming others
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cassandra is rightfully rather pissed, concerned and admittedly a little scared. she doesn’t know what’s become of her sisters or mother again, and is fearful that they may be in some kind of danger. of course, she knows whatever they are faced with they can destroy, but she can’t help but be fearful. while she’s afraid for the safety of her family, the actual island does not concern her all that much. the only thing that can hurt her is drastically cold temperatures, so as long as this damn place doesn’t start snowing she doesn’t get what all the fuss is about. she did try to fly off the island being 3 million flies in a trench coat, and is pissed when it didn’t work. not above using people as human shields however if any of the disasters do start to harm her. will just be enjoying the misery of others while trying to reach her family.
possible connections : anyone looking for some more immediate danger from a pissed off mutant vampire, someone who can maybe tame her anger to get them to help her, is someone wants to be her human shield, anyone who has a phone she can borrow, anyone just looking for even more chaos vibes
starters ( 4 / 5 )
hope mikaelson ( swan )
neville longbottom ( cherry )
daniela dimitrescu ( jodie )
alcina dimitrescu ( katherine )
text starters ( 1 / 5 )
bela dimitrescu ( kasey )
emma vanity | harry potter - marauders era | aware
currently residing : the island
open to : death | injury | harming others
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emma’s not exactly outdoorsy. while she is big into quidditch and fitness, she is not one for camping, and rightfully so, not a big fan of being stuck on a deserted island. she thought, maybe, this would be a good time to relax, until the rain started. now, she’s even more pissed. she’s down to team up with other people with power, not wanting to be on her own here, but do not expect t her to be using her magic to protect anyone but herself. she would love to just hunker down and wait for it all to pass but it doesn’t seem like that’s fully an option with things changing so quickly. she just wants to know where her friends are, to make sure her allies are safe. she’s going to be in a bad mood, so best of luck to anyone she deems less than her because she too is not afraid to use people as shields. would happily trip you to outrun any of the disasters about to strike.
possible connections : an uncomfortable allyship, anyone who wants to be at the other end of a death eaters wand, someone who proves to her she’s not all that and all powerful like she likes to claim/someone who pulls her out of immediate danger so she can be a bit humbled, anyone who tries to get help from her but is turned down??
starters ( 4 / 5 )
narcissa black ( swan )
rita skeeter ( sunny )
alecto carrow ( cherry )
oliver mckinnon ( sam )
text starters ( 1 / 5 )
rabastan lestrange ( alex )
ginny weasley | harry potter - golden era | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death | injury | harming others
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ginny woke up to the blinding light only to see luna gone from their apartment and immediately her only thoughts were ‘what the fuck, not again, this isn’t happening again.’ she is absolutely losing her mind seeing dementors flying around the city, seeing merlin knows what these other things are roaming around. she’s panicked, having not done all that well last time she faced down a magic surge like this back in the fall. the smart thing to do would be to hunker down in her apartment and wait for them all to disappear. but she’s got too many friends, too much family in the city. so, find this girl wand ready and running through dc trying to find them all. she’ll try and help people as she can, she’d always been rather skilled in battle magic so she’s fine facing these things off, she is just begging for a break though. will be happy to help, to find people safe zones and lost family. all around just ready to fight, to help, all while she’s constantly trying to phone her family to get some sign of life from them.
possible connections : people she helps in a fight, someone who helps her out of a dangerous situation, battle buddies, anyone who needs help getting to somewhere safe, just all around an ally in the streets, someone who can explain to her what the hell some of these creatures are, someone who needs help against against from hp, etc.
starters ( 4 / 5 )
hermione granger ( swan )
annie james ( jodie )
draco malfoy ( sam )
charlie weasley ( marie )
text starters ( 3 / 5 )
ron weasley ( katherine )
luna lovegood ( kasey )
neville longbottom ( cherry )
leia organa | star wars | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death | injury | harming others
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leia’s been through this type of situation a few times and while she feels like she’s mostly prepared for something like this, the sight of stormtroopers is definitely something she didn’t think she would have to mentally deal with again. although she has spent the better part of a year now training with her lightsaber and feels at least somewhat prepared for this. she has her blaster if all else fails. she is going to do all she possibly can to help her people, to help anyone in her city that may need it. she doesn’t care about the cost to herself, to her own harm, so long as her people are safe. she’s going to be trying to get in touch with her family, but she knows they can handle themselves, she would feel if something would be wrong, right? it’s far more important to help those who don’t have the help of weapons and the force. if you’re looking for anyone to help you, for an ally or help getting to a safe zone, she’s your lady. will have big ‘someone has to save our skin’ energy so someone truly remind her she cannot save everyone thank you
possible connections : anyone who needs help , someone trapped and looking for a safe zone, someone that she could get hurt around trying to help cause let’s face it girl will shoot with her eyes closed and regret it later, maybe someone who decides they want to take advantage of the chaos in the streets and they fight???, anyone who knows the first family/ss agents who are trying to get her dumbass back home 
starters ( 3 / 5 )
izzy lightwood ( swan )
diana prince ( marie ) 
jacen solo ( chany )
text starters ( 2 / 5 )
luke skywalker ( cherry )
allana solo ( kasey )
marlene mckinnon | harry potter - marauders era | aware
currently residing : the island
open to : death (still up in the air on this) | injury | harming others
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marlene’s entire thought process right now is just “are you fucking kidding me, not again.” she’s scared, worried about her friends, worried that they are stuck back in the city with bloody voldemort wandering around. and merlin she still has lily’s wand. if something happens because she nicked her friend’s wand to protect herself and now she’s memoryless and defenseless. all she knows is she has to get home. has to find her friends, find her family. make sure they’re all safe. she knows that, despite being stuck on the island with james, they’ll be able to make it out of here with some smart magic and holding off on bickering. she will be doing what she can to help others, offering out protective charms and any help they may need. she’s in full order mode, focusing on saving the people around them and shoving down any concern she has for her friends. they’re just as prepared as her, and can take care of themselves and each other. whatever people around her need, she’ll be there to help in any capacity she can. 
possible connections : someone she helps protect, someone she pulls under a protective charm at the last second, someone who sees her while she’s letting her mask break for just a moment, a possible death plot, maybe someone who pulls her out of a dangerous situation
starters ( 3 / 5 )
james potter ( kasey )
esther mckinnon ( sunny )
alice longbottom ( ariel )
text starters ( 1 / 5 )
lily evans ( sunny )
omega | star wars : the bad batch | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death | injury | harming others ( solely accidental )
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omega is nothing if not desperate to help. she might not be the best shot, the best fighter, but she small and quiet and can easily sneak around whatever the kriff these monsters are. will be doing everything she possibly can to help people. she knows her team can handle themselves, but will be relieved when she finds them. also looking for her mom but will definitely get distracted by whatever is going on in the streets. her and her bow will most likely try to hide out on roofs and in alley’s, will do what she can to help people to safety. if you need someone to run right into a battle with, she’s got your back. basically dumb child with a laser bow that’s ready to kick some ass.
possible connections : someone who she helps, someone who wants to team up and fight things, people who find her hiding out and want to hide with, someone who she drags out of a fight, someone who drags her out of a fight.
starters ( 2 / 5 )
feyre archeron ( kasey )
diana prince ( marie )
text starters ( 0 / 5 )
pj halliwell | charmed | aware
currently residing : the island
open to : death | injury | harming others
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a charmed one’s kid through and through, absolute powerhouse witch, pj’s main focus right now is making sure that the people here on the island are safe. she’s going to be pushing herself through whatever mental block she’s having, whatever fear she has for her friends, focusing on making sure she is fully in the zone to protect the people around her. she’s still careful not to expose her own magic, as it is something that could get their entire family into trouble, but if that’s what she needs to do to keep people safe, she will. elders be damned. truly look to her if you need someone to help you, even if you just need someone to talk to take your mind off of whatever hell this city has thrown our way again. she’s great for just a distraction, and for saving lives. no better bogo around. 
possible connections : someone she saves, someone who needs just someone to talk to to distract, anyone she could expose her powers to, someone who helps her or tells her that she too needs to take care of herself
starters ( 1 / 5 )
emmett cullen ( marie )
text starters ( 0 / 5 )
sella palpatine | star wars | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death (kinda in the air on this but) | injury | harming others
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sella is having a no good very bad day here, friends. she is absolutely terrified and if you see her and ask if she’s okay i guarantee she will break down sobbing. she is not a fighter, has been pretty much locked inside her family’s estate until she got here and does not know what is going on. this was supposed to be a nice place. she will be looking for a place to hide, but is not very good at it so expect to see her just running away a lot. she keeps trying to find her siblings but this stupid data pad she got for work is so hard to use she cannot find any of them. please someone just come get her before she gets herself killed thank you very much, she did it once and would not recommend it. just, help
possible connections : truly anyone to save her ok she’s got no clue what’s going on, someone who she hides out with, someone who can help her know what’s going on, maybe someone who pushes her into the fray to save themselves :) , anyone who has a savior complex and wants to lend a hand, someone who knows how to text and can help her figure it out thank you
starters ( 1 / 5 )
sion val palpatine ( alex )
text starters ( 0 / 5 )
suki | avatar : the last airbender | aware
currently residing : the island
open to : death | injury | harming others
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okay, sure the island situation isn’t ideal but honestly suki’s pretty relaxed. this is all part of her job, keeping people calm and safe. she’s almost missed the kind of chaos that this sort of thing will bring. it’s giving her a purpose here in dc and she’s relieved to have some kind of control and familiarity. will 100% help people find shelter and safer ground, will be the level headed one to turn to when a decision needs to be made. there’s some concern about her friends, but they can handle themselves better than most people. she had a job to do protecting people and she needs to stay focused on that.
possible connections : anyone who needs help, people who need a shoulder to cry on, people who get trapped in one of the disasters and need someone to help get out of it, anyone who wants to argue over ways to protect people
starters ( 3 / 5 )
katara ( swan )
ty lee ( kasey )
niye ( jodie )
text starters ( 0 / 5 )
victoria | twilight | aware
currently residing : washington dc
open to : death | injury | harming others
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this is the best thing that’s happened to her in this city since getting her memories back. god this is going to be fun. seeing all the people absolutely terrified and monsters filling the streets, vic cannot wait to join in it knowing that she doesn’t have to hide in the shadows to hunt. she’s just excited to add to the chaos. some of the monsters are creepy and gross sure, but who cares, it’s got the entire city terrified and scared blood tastes the best, so let the feast begin.
possible connections : people she can kill lmao, people she can make fun of for being scared, people she can trick thinking she’s going to help but really she’s looking to maim, harm etc, maybe someone who’s safe house she crashes.
starters ( 4 / 5 )
bree tanner ( swan )
erica reyes ( bee )
jean grey ( marie )
rosalie hale ( chany )
text starters ( 1 / 5 )
renesmee cullen ( kasey )
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pbscore · 4 years
White folks and non-black poc who define themselves as ‘leftists’ need to stop making protests, riots, and ‘revolutions’ that are specifically about the injustices that black people face about THEM.
Black folks are allowed to be angry. Black folks are allowed to be sad. Black folks are allowed to express our hatred for how we have been treated for YEARS AND YEARS. Black folks are allowed to talk about how they don’t trust white folks. Black folks are allowed to talk about how they don’t trust non-white poc. Black folks are allowed to talk about how they don’t trust other black folks who would rather agree with the ruling class and the oppression of their own people.
But, guess what?
Black folks are ALSO allowed to be scared. Black folks are ALSO allowed to feel like they don’t want to participate in protests, riots, and ‘revolutions’ that could definitely end their lives and leave their families in pieces. Black folks are ALSO allowed to question the legitimacy of a proposed ‘revolution’ by white/non-black leftists, that would predominantly involve BLACK FOLKS to do pretty much all the heavy lifting, while these ‘leftists’ sit on their asses making ‘relatable’ leftist memes.
Calling us ‘cowards’ and insinuating that the black people who are critiquing y’all are ‘uwu actually just white people’, is beyond tone deaf and makes y’all look like y’all are full of shit! And that’s cuz y’all are lol
I’m tired of hearing and seeing white/non-black leftists talk all this tough shit about how they’re ‘willing to lay down their lives’ for what’s right and then the next minute, they can’t even handle a black person telling them something they said was racist. Y’all aren’t about change, at all, and y’all damn well know it.
The callousness that y’all have towards black people’s fears of more physical violence and death from the very country that built it’s ‘justice system’ to constantly antagonize us ‘legally’ just tells me that y’all lack so much compassion for us.
Y’all don’t care about our trauma or the trauma that our children will have to constantly face EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Y’all don’t care about our history where we have constantly fought for ourselves AND for other minority groups, beyond Malcolm X and MLK.
The amount of injustices that black people have fought for, throughout history, for ourselves AND for other folks, is CONSTANTLY thrown out the window the moment y’all white/non-black leftists ‘need us’ to prop up your so-called ‘revolution’.
This is not for Y’ALL. This is for us! And if you’re out there helping us, without being compassionless asshats about the trepidation that we feel being black, every day, then yes, I do appreciate y’all.
But what I don’t appreciate (and I personally think more black leftists need to stop letting slide) is the egregious amount of tone deaf, unsympathetic, and anti-black ‘leftists’ who only ever show up to talk about how ‘leftist’ they are when black people, specifically, talk about plans to protest or stand up for our rights in any way.
It’s so obvious that y’all don’t think of helping ANYONE until black people are actually the ones pushing boundaries and carrying the weight of hundreds of years of anger and hurt within us, to do something about it. And yes, this has happened multiple times throughout history, when black people would push the boundaries for voting rights, working rights, healthcare, education, etc.
Black people have ALWAYS been there because NOONE was there for us. So, what kind of ‘revolution’ are y’all white/non-black leftists talking about when you say ‘we need a revolution uwu’?? Because last time I checked, black people have already been causing more revolutions WITHOUT y’all than they ever have WITH y’all.
Y’all’s ‘allyship’ means nothing if you only show up to cause chaos that y’all know you won’t have to worry about getting killed over that WE (black folks) eventually have to feel the consequences for.
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Work Safety
It is very neat to feel safe at work.
[Content warning: mild transphobia, misunderstanding, and internalized transphobia. Mentions of the Supreme Court.]
Context: A little over a month ago, I moved from my hometown in the midwest to New Orleans, LA.  I knew I loved the city from past visits, but I didn’t actually know what I was getting into.  Two days into being here, I walked into a small grocery store and applied for a job.  I’ve been there now for three weeks.
There is a lesson here in allyship, and in living your truth loudly enough that other people grab your wavelength.  On my second day of training, I’d spent enough time with my coworker to figure he was safe.  He’s well over six feet tall, built like a mountain, hands big enough to grab whole sealed meats from the deli case one-handed without dropping them.  He’s also incredibly friendly, very outgoing, and he has the voice. 
When I told him my pronouns, he jumped right on it and asked if it was okay to spread the word around.  I agreed.  I was excited by his support and help here (I’d gotten that sort of support from my college roommates, but never from anyone else, and I figured they were sort of a fluke in that regard.  The kind of perks you get from found family, not from strangers). 
But the next day I notice other people making the effort, stumbling occasionally, but correcting themselves.  Which has never happened before.
And a few days later, when someone messes up and doesn’t notice, I somehow find the guts to speak up.  They say something along the lines of “SHE’ll help you out--”  and I go to help, of course, but also chime in an audible, “THEY. But yes.” 
Anytime I corrected pronouns in front of my parents, my mother would roll her eyes and go off about how I was her little girl, and I can’t expect my family to just change their view of me like that, I can’t expect them to change their language, just let it go, they’re family.  I have an otherwise good relationship with my mother, so I never pushed too hard.  Besides brief rants from my father about “the way God made us” and “there’s only two genders” and “taking it out of God’s hands” I never heard much from him, but I knew his opinions.  My grandmother would claim support, but would also corner me to whisper about how “nobody ACTUALLY wants to be a woman, you just have to pretend,” and would go off on screaming homophobic rants when she was drunk.  Never told her I was a lesbian, or bisexual, or anything.  She’ll find out I’m trans when there’s no more hiding it.
So those were the responses I was used to.  At my last job, as a nurse’s aide in an old folks home, any mention of pronouns or corrections at all were met with a chuckled, “Oh right, my bad, of course,” but my coworkers were far too busy with other things to remember beyond the conversation.  The few who did would persistently get my pronouns wrong, saying things like, “Don’t call [Name] a girl, she’s a THEY.”  As if they were a noun all to itself, a new way of being a person.  Like how they used to say “she’s a he-she” “she’s a queer” “she’s a butch” turning something into a descriptor where it doesn’t belong, making you feel a bit... odd.  Even if queer or butch or they are ways you describe yourself, when someone takes your word and frames it that way around you, you still feel off. 
But that doesn’t happen here.  Coworkers here, even supervisors, say, “Right, I’m sorry,” and correct it.  Every time.  
I wasn’t expecting the chef I worked for to give two singular fucks about my pronouns, let alone about me.  I expected a chef to be like a nurse-- busy, superior, a bit callous and with a hundred more important things to care about than what I had to say.  I just wipe the butts/chop the vegetables/scrub the dishes.  Who cares what kind of gender-freak I am while I do it, so long as I get my job done.  Who cares what they call me.  They don’t owe me anything, right? 
But he’s gone out of his way to be careful about it.  Correcting pronouns, every time, and he’s told me twice now that he’s “really trying to pay attention to it, and to let other people know too” and he “doesn’t want to slip up.”  This is a mid-forties rocker dude who wears bandanas and cargo shorts and signs along badly to the Beasty Boys.  Past experience has taught me not to trust these men.  He’s changing his mind. 
And maybe I’m feeling a little burgeoned by the Supreme Court’s decision, even though I know it’s rather arbitrary.  A friend of mine has been working in the factories back home since he finished high school, and any time words gotten out that He’s not just a butch woman, he’s been out the door by the end of the week.  If they can’t fire you for being trans, they’ll come up with another excuse. 
Regardless, I’ve been feeling brave.  Maybe it’s the testosterone.  Maybe it’s the camaraderie.  Maybe it’s my girlfriend’s support, or the Supreme Court, or the uprisings, or nine hundred miles between me and my parents--
But yesterday, when a coworker slipped up with the “he/she/they” situation for at least the fifth time that day, I laughed loudly and yelled, “She?  Just you wait till I grow a beard, then you’ll stop with this SHE business!” 
And they laughed.  And the chef added, “Yeah, or the voice drop,” because I’ve mentioned it several times before.  I’m just so excited for these new changes, excited to be put together correctly, excited for less people to fuck up about me.  And I don’t want to drive my girlfriend crazy talking about it, so I gush at my coworkers, explaining the voice drop, the facial hair (maybe), the masculinization, the fact that a lot of things will be underway at the five month mark, which is conveniently right in time for Christmas (God help us). 
What I’m saying here is that things are good, and this city is good.  I didn’t think it would make such a difference.  I spent so much time around people who thought I was some sort of defect or odd-ball or attention seeker that I started to believe them, and to be treated like a normal person?  To say something and have people listen?  To be given respect? 
I almost can’t believe it’s possible.
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mrssarablack · 4 years
Tumblr media
I’ve been quiet.
I realize this. I’ve become painfully aware of my lack of voice in regards to activism or hot takes on the news. For the duration of June I stuck to activists posts and news, which has never been a thing I’m super vocal about on this page. I just happened to move my content over at either the exact right time to facilitate the shift of content, or the exact wrong time to keep to my regular scheduled programming running. Either way, I’m not sorry. Nor do I expect I’ll be able to keep my mouth (or rather my keyboard) shut long when things feel overwhelmingly outrageous in the real world. 
My intent going into the month was to back off a little on the political posts and take back the “safe space” I have here for cultivated fun in what is usually a very chaotic day to day life. I would continue the activism but perhaps less so on here. That’s not to say I wouldn’t actively be doing other things. I’m not yielding my support by any means.  I had intended to take this month to mostly focus my support of the BLM community through prioritizing putting my money where my mouth was failing to find words. Shifting from broad political posts about the injustices to instead turning it towards better educating myself, actually getting through the large stack of books I intend to get through, prioritizing purchasing items from black owned businesses where it makes sense to, donating to the charities and organizations that I can. This is the quiet work that is also necessary for good allyship. But then I found myself wrestling with the growing feeling that quiet can lead to appearance that whatever I was presenting in June was instead a performative allyship.
That’s hardly the case at all.
At the end of June I made a joke about trying to mentally prepare myself for whatever July 2020 had in store for us. I was not prepared. 
I met the reality of July 2020 four days later, like so many of us, and I was not even close to prepared for what was coming and I froze in the wake of it. I was not prepared to watch snippets of the Orange Man’s speech at Rushmore. The speech, that without even dicing his words was a hate speech. It was a proclamation, of sorts, against the citizens who were, and are still are, actively protesting for the BLM movement throughout the country. It was a formal declaration of “us vs them” in a way he has not actually done before. The intent is always there, his supporters will forever deny it, but it is. His own history shows he has always been a racist. That this man cares more for tributes, than the people he is meant to govern. Meanwhile, Native protesters were yelled at, by Trump supporters, to “go back to where they came from.” In the wake of this speech and the juxtaposition of it being given on stolen lands while the people who see them as sacred were accosted... I found very little to be proud of on July 4th. 
By the time I processed that moment, we had sped straight into ICE declaring that they would not extend the rule allowing foreign students to continue their education here because of the mandate against online learning. This rule makes sense, if we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic. But we are. 
Everything about this decision was cruel and xenophobic. It didn’t make sense economically, considering how much money Universities get in tuition from their foreign students. It didn’t make sense logistically, when so many students wouldn’t be able to get back home. Our immigration centers are already a fucking mess, but that’s a deep dive for another time. All it was, was an attempt to strong arm schools into accepting the administration's stance that Covid-19 is fully under control and that everything should go back to normal. It is the same reason they are threatening to cut funding for public educational institutions if they do not open completely in the fall. Yeah, kids at school is a far more ideal scenario than online classes, but not at the risk of their or their teachers' lives. The schools see that. The administration doesn’t. They don’t care. They simply want to force their narrative in whatever way they can. 
Upon a lawsuit, they walked back their proclamation of denying foreign students their education but, from what I have seen, there are still a lot of things up in the air. From accounts I’ve read on reddit the administration may choose to apply the former ruling to  first year students who may have invested in a future they now won’t get. They may deny foreigners the right to apply to after graduation work programs that formerly they were allowed to be in provided they had the right visas. If they did this they will claim it is to provide american’s the best chance at new work first. America first is ringing through this whole thing, and millions are left wondering how this is all going to actually pan out. 
Let me reiterate now the fact that we are still in the middle of a pandemic. This is a fact. A fact that the administration wants to deny till every last one of us has encountered this illness personally. The Orange Man is actively swatting Fauci away like he is nothing more than an annoying fly. He doesn’t like the “doom and gloom” truth of this virus so he denies it. He is actively pushing to block new money for further testing and tracing for the CDC because he doesn’t “like the numbers”. The CDC no longer has control of collecting patient data to help track covid-19. Something that has been used so that people in authoritative positions can make adequate decisions in regards to the virus. Less information will lead to more spread. Florida is now the new epicenter and the sunbelt, as a whole, looks bad. Things are not good and we’re still fighting with fellow citizens who don’t want to wear a mask. A simple act to help protect others is a political stance. I don’t understand it, and I’m not going to pretend or even try to. It’s not a hoax. The virus is real and it is deadly. Even those that recover from it have had lasting damage to their lungs among other side effects. 
But I digress, instead I will now get to the reason that brought me to this very long political monologue: in Portland, Federal agents fired tear gas on protesters after declaring it a riot. This is not the first time this has happened and it won’t be the last. Allegedly, these federal agents are part of the customs and border protection agency, and they also took protesters up into unmarked vans and detained them. Citizens who are executing their right to protest were kidnapped by federal agents. Think about that. This is why the declaration of ANTIFA being a terrorist group was a bad omen. They are not a membership based organization, they don’t have meetings, they just kind of are... and that fact alone can be exploited. Anyone can potentially be dubbed ANTIFA if a federal agent deems them acting radically in the eyes of this administration. 
This is the roots of fascism in America. It is masquerading as nationalism and to some degree that's legitimate but the effects of those beliefs are becoming a thin facade for the other.
It’s almost undeniable at this point. This is the reason I started with the beginning of this month because between the hate speech, the stances that support racism, the xenophobic decisions, the active statement that there is no problem with the virus, and now kidnapping citizens are all part of a fascist playbook. Speaking out against a dictatorship is a death sentence. But a dictatorship is anti-American. If you believe in the idyllic America we were taught exists. I am not sure that America has ever fully existed.... but maybe somewhere she does, but, oh, is she flawed… but that’s okay because admitting to those flaws can lead to growth. Owning all of our past will lead to growth. But denial, denial leads us down a path to losing ourselves. 
My boyfriend is right, I’m a fighter. I will get up and I will fight even if there are tears in my eyes. But that doesn’t mean I am not tired. I find myself so heartbroken over the events of the last two months that I fail to have words to express the effect of keeping my eyes open to the world actually has on me. One thing I have figured out is despite what the president says, I don’t hate my country. I am part of the left, yes, but I love it. I can say that because I wouldn’t be so upset about all that is going on if I didn’t. I realize there are fellow citizens who wholeheartedly disagree with me, and they would also claim they love the country, but to me their fear of change says more about them than they realize. They don’t want to accept ugly truths and grow. It’s an oversimplification but here we are.  Everything is so polarized. We are divided. I’ve said this before but I’m not sure something isn’t going to break spectacularly before November, during, or shortly after. Regardless, a new normal is being forged and I do not accept it. I will not accept it. I will fight it, and I hope whoever takes the time to read this ridiculously long post will too. 
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siverwrites · 4 years
Yuletide 2020 Letter
AO3 - Siver
Thank you so much for taking this on! Here there are some general prompt details if you want them and if you already have some idea of your own, awesome. I can’t wait to see what you come up with.
In all cases, all listed characters do not have to be included.
General Likes: fluff, hurt/comfort, comfort, missing scenes, close relationships of any sort whether romantic or platonic, family found or otherwise, sickfic (but nothing covid/quarantine related please), fandom crossovers or fusions, angst with a happy or at least bittersweet end, bonding, cuddling/hugs/holding, banter, mutual care and support, emotional bonding, loyalty, pre-canon, post-canon, reunited characterse, slice of life, supernatural stuff, mystery, adventure, worldbuilding, creepy or unsettling atmospheres
General DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage relationships, shipping (except those ships listed as liked or background canonical pairings), infidelity, explicit gore, modern mundane AUs (eg. coffee shop, college, high-school etc), perma-death of requested characters
Any gen combination of character tags within each fandom is cool. Heck, any crossover/fusion between any of these fandoms is welcome too, go nuts.
Ghost Trick
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, infidelity, explicit gore, modern mundane AUs (eg. coffee shop, college, high-school etc), permanent death of requested characters (unless doing something during Alma being dead)
Alma/Jowd/Cabanela are the OT3 of my heart but I’m perfectly happy with gen fic for them too with bestest friend Cabanela to Alma/Jowd. I’m also happy to see something focused on only one of them here or two of them--I only ask that if there’s a ship situation between 2/3 here it’s a situation with no infidelity please. 
I’m a big fan of hurt/comfort and the more tenderness on the comfort end the better. However you can’t go wrong with pure fluff either.
That said I’m also a sucker for those five years of Jowd jail time and Cabanela’s 5 year solo mission or interactions with Pigeon Man (who is more than welcome; I love him too) during that final year, so anything exploring that is always welcome as is anything post Ch.9 which I can never get enough of.
On the OT3 front I’m always down for that initial get-together, but I’d also love to see the early days and basking in the feelings of ‘oh, this is happening’ and a very sparkly, very in-love Cabanela. Already well-established is also great. What do they do for fun? What’s a vacation look like? How does Jowd tease Cabanela mercilessly? How does Alma come out on top of the teasing game period?
I love the whole cast wholeheartedly, so if you need anyone else to make an appearance by all means throw them in.
The Legend of Heroes VII | Trails to Zero/Azure (Any)
Alex Dudley (LoH VII)
Elie MacDowell (LoH VII)
Lloyd Bannings (LoH VII)
Randy Orlando (LoH VII)
Rixia Mao (LoH VII)
Sergei Lou (LoH VII)
Tio Plato (LoH VII)              
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, ships in general (except canonical background pairings & mentions eg. Cecil/Guy or past Sergei/Sonya), infidelity, explicit gore, modern mundane AUs (eg. coffee shop, college, high-school etc), permanent death of requested characters, spoilers for Cold Steel IV or Hajimari
Any gen combo of characters welcome here--as few or as many as you want.
I love the sheer amount of found family feels in this pair of games and in the SSS in particular but let’s face it Rixia and Dudley may as well be SSS members by this point too.
I love the idea of uncle Sergei to KeA. I’d love to see more KeA and Dudley interaction. I love Randy so much and very fond of the sibling kind of relationship formed with Tio. Tio’s love of Mishy is adorable. Elie needs more chances to shine--she’s skilled and knowledgeable and so well-connected; put it all to use! Lloyd is Dad and I love him dearly. We see plenty of Lloyd and Rixia but how about Rixia and anyone else here? Sergei and Dudley interactions are great and have the history. How about some time working together? How about some time off the job?
Send the SSS on a job. Or a big family trip. To Mishelam? Could they go to another country (Liberl perhaps? >.>)?
Trails in the Sky (Any)
Estelle Bright (Trails in the Sky)
Kevin Graham (Trails in the Sky)
Kloe Rinz | Klaudia von Auslese (Trails in the Sky)
Mueller Vander (Trails in the Sky)
Olivier Lenheim | Olivert Reise Arnor (Trails in the Sky)
Renne Hayworth (Trails in the Sky)
Ries Argent (Trails in the Sky)
Tita Russell (Trails in the Sky)
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, underage ships (adult and minor), ships in general except those listed as liked or background canonical ships (eg. Cassius/Lena mention), infidelity, explicit gore, modern mundane AUs (eg. coffee shop, college, high-school etc), permanent death of requested characters, spoilers for Cold Steel IV or Hajimari
Liked Ships: Estelle/Joshua, Kevin/Ries, Olivier/Mueller
Ries &/ Kevin: Anything in 3rd or after, pre-Ao no Kiseki, or after Ao no Kiseki. Give them some much needed soft times. Or could expand on a moment in Gehenna if you want to do something creepier, or really anything in Phantasma in particular or another Gralsritter mission.
Any combination of the Brights and those they adopt: Really feeling the family/found family vibes strongly with any combination of the Brights and Renne. Please give Renne some warmth, peace and happiness, or at least 2 out of 3.
Tita & Renne: Girl time! Bonding time! Give these girls some joy. Send them plushy shopping or engineering nerding. Send them both to hang out at the Bright home!
Olivert & Mueller, Olivert/Mueller: Being there for each other. I’m fond of the little things like how Mueller always calls him Olivier even in Erebonia when Olivert’s identity is known and public. Something on the Ark or in Phantasma? Address Olivier’s wishful thinking of staying there a little more? Final preparations before leaving Liberl?
I’ve grown very fond of the growing connection between Kloe and Olivier (working together in Crossbell!) and would love to see more of that, the start of this blooming allyship/friendship after Olivier’s identity is revealed?
Friendship and sister-like bonds between Kloe and Estelle. Estelle providing our crown princess with support?
Or try some unexpected combos! Ries and Tita? Mueller and Kloe? Olivier and Renne? etc.
Dragon Quest XI (Any)
Graig | Hendrik (Dragon Quest XI)
Marutina | Jade (Dragon Quest XI)
Rou | Rab (Dragon Quest XI)
Sylvia | Sylvando (Dragon Quest XI)           
DNW: NSFW, non-con, dub-con, shipping of any sort (reference to parents and other background canonical pairings are fine), explicit gore, modern mundane AUs (eg. coffee shop, college, high-school etc), permanent death of requested characters, any kind of focus on the Ogler’s Digest
I’m focusing more on two characters at a time here, but if you have a way to pull in three or all four, awesome. If you just want to focus on one of the characters here, also awesome.
Throwing Sylvando at anyone here is great. I love him and how bright and genuinely caring he is. I love his dynamic with Hendrik and always want more of them. Beyond fighting how else might they support each other? That said we don’t get to see much between Sylv and Rab and/or Jade and I’d love to see more of that too.
Jade and Rab are perfect for family feels. Exploring more of their time pre-game is cool. It’s a very different life from what either were used to. How do they adapt and grow together? Any moment in-game is great too. Or post-game helping each other out in Heliodor and rebuilding Dundrasil. Grandpa Rab and adopted granddaughter Jade just makes me happy.
Jade and Hendrik once knew each other. Hendrik’s a knight of her family. How do they reconnect? How does Hendrik adapt to Jade no longer being the little princess he once knew? How do they get along after the world is saved?
Rab and Hendrik have points of connection through both Carnelian and the fall of Dundrasil. Hendrik has also lost his homeland with the fall of Zwaardsrust. I’d like to see interactions between these two explored more.
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bicepsie · 4 years
My name is Troy Vincent. I am a husband, a father and a grandfather. A brother, an uncle and a nephew. A Black man and a Christian. My pronouns are he, his, him. I identify as straight and cisgender.
You may recognize me as a former player in the National Football League for 15 years. And while it seems like yesterday, my playing experience ended 14 years ago. Now I am an Executive Vice President of the NFL.
Throughout the time of being associated with the NFL, my learnings have been informed by how we as players, coaches, trainers and club owners make diversity equity and inclusion work. We stand on the foundation that diversity is a fact and inclusion is a choice.
But here's the thing ...
There are 1,696 active NFL players. According surveys conducted by GLAAD and the Trevor Project, approximately 9-12 percent of people polled identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community.
This begs an important question:
Have we created an environment of allyship and support across the NFL -- and all professional sports for that matter -- to give people the space to be who they need to be?
Locker rooms across the nation seek to make inclusion work. A teammate is highly regarded for their abilities on the field and their heart for those on their team. A team's success is dependent upon this bond.
There has never been a single active player that has come out. While I'm sure I've played with LGBTQ+ players -- highly skilled, athletic and effective at their jobs -- they did not come out. But they were my teammates and part of the larger NFL family.
That was their choice irrespective of the culture or other reasons. We all have the right to share, or not share, different aspects of ourselves publicly -- whenever and wherever we choose to do so. No one is entitled to information about our identities or orientations, especially if you do not want them to know. We all get to decide.
While there's always work to be done, we seek to create an environment of allyship and support across the league -- and in all professional sports for that matter -- to give people the space to be who they are.
Sunday, Oct. 11 is National Coming Out Day and 22 NFL teams are slated to play games that day.
Coming out can be challenging. It's something that can be overwhelming and scary. It's intensely personal. As such, I want to make something abundantly clear ...
The National Football League condemns homophobia. We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind in our sport. There is no place for harassment, heteronormative language or ignorant terminology.
Our "It Takes All of Us" mindset includes supporting and celebrating openly LGBTQ+ players and personnel as well as allies across the league. It also applies to those who aren't ready to be open in their workplace.
We've long heard from players that an out teammate would be accepted in their locker room. As someone who speaks with players and football personnel daily, I wholeheartedly confirm that notion.
At the NFL, we have a shared commitment with clubs and players to continue to foster a safe space and not put any pressure on out athletes to lead.
From out NFL legends Dave Kopay, Jerry Smith and Ray McDonald who played in the 1960s and 1970s; to Roy Simmons, Jeff Rohrer, and Esera Tuaolo, who played in the 1980s and 1990s; to Kwame Harris, Michael Sam, Wade Davis II, Ryan O'Callaghan, and Ryan Russell who came out over the last 20 years -- we acknowledge and welcome members of the NFL family who have come out.
We must continue to focus on creating an accepting environment and work together, unrelentingly, to stamp out bullying and to eradicate discriminatory language. Most importantly, we need to walk the walk.
Anyone in the player community who may be considering coming out, know this:
Just as I have done with family members and close friends, I am committed to serving as a conduit to help you through that journey -- either myself, in collaboration with my teammates at the league office, or through the many organizations with whom we partner on LGBTQ+ issues.
We have no way of knowing if an active NFL player would choose to come out, or what they might experience. What I do know is that I am committed to celebrate, support, and welcome them.
Troy Vincent is the NFL's Executive Vice President of Football Operations.
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rontufox · 5 years
trans ask game taken from here!
How did you choose your name?
I wasn’t gonna change it initially.  I like my given name.  but I don’t like attention or talking irl, especially about myself.  so I figured I’d have a simpler time if I changed it to something more people considered masculine  
my new name had to start with B so my initials could remain BLT.  I also wanted a “white” name cuz although I’m biracial, my given name was white, and it just feels weird to have a name of totally different feeling, in that regard
the only B names I liked were already associated with people I knew, which I didn’t want.  so I kinda stopped.  I wasn’t motivated to find a name LOLOL.  one night, my cousin asked what I’m changing my name to.  when I was like “idk man I can’t find any I like” he pulled up a huge list of B names on the internet and just started reading them off the whole night lolol.  a few resonated with me, but Brian really felt right.  
I like how it sounds out loud, the feeling it gives.  I like its meaning (strong, virtuous, and honorable or hill/noble).  it’s Irish, which I am, so that was perfect.  and, amazingly, the strokes involved in writing it are actually really similar the ones I use for my given name
in the end I’m even more glad I changed my name, for feeling so much more of a self-made person.  it was kind of a new start, where I could decide anything.  I chose my own name.  I could choose anything else in life I wanted.
What gives you the most dysphoria? (Acknowledging that not all trans people experience dysphoria)
my dysphoria stopped after I got top surgery and transitioned socially ✌🏼
What was the first time you suspected you were transgender?
in college.  that’s when I fully learned the term.  I always knew what I was since I was 5 or 6.  but college is when I learned there’s a term and community for what I was.
What is your favorite part of being transgender?
just, being able to be myself, freely.  
How would you explain your gender identity to others?
trans guy
How did you come out? If you didn’t come out, why do you stay in the closet? 
I thought I’d stay closeted irl forever honestly.  it always seemed something I’d never be capable of.  coming out as trans was something incredibly strong people did.  people who were wiling to change their entire life.  well... I eventually became that person.
I first came out to my online friend Bsumo.  that was easy cuz they’re amazing, and we talked about gender so much anyway.  then I came out online, only on tumblr (I’ve been stealth online all my life).  after that, I personally told a few people irl I really trust.  next in line was my parents.  I had no idea how that would go.  but I was prepared to be rejected.  it went okay
then I had to come out at work.  I wanted to do that before making an announcement to my extended family via facebook to avoid anyone at work seeing it.  and that, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.  I’m very fortunate to work in a progressive organization, so I knew I’d be okay.  but it was hard.  I first told the CEO and our HR person.  it’s really, really hard to let the words out.  but I did it.  and the second I did, it was like... a floodgate.  like, there was absolutely no turning back at that moment and I loved it.  I told the rest of my coworkers in a meeting a few weeks later.  I gave them my new name and the pronouns they should use for me.  the older generation staff members had trouble getting the hang of it, but I didn’t meet any intentional resistance
I will say, you receive allyship and rejection in very unexpected places when you come out.  people you thought would support you that don’t.  people you thought would avoid you, reach out and advocate for you.  it was all quite an interesting experience.  
What have your experiences with packing or wearing breast forms been?
What are your experiences with binding or tucking?
tried binding a few times before I had surgery.  I couldn’t stand to wear it more than 3 minutes.  it triggered a fight or flight response in my body for some reason.  like the panic you feel when your finger or limb gets stuck in something and your life flashes before your eyes as your mind overreacts thinking you’ll never escape.  I even cut a binder off with scissors once cuz I felt like I needed to get it off NOW.
Do you pass?
yeah, unless it’s over the phone lol!
What (if any) steps do you want to take to medically transition?
top surgery and T.  I woulda still been miserable to this day if I hadn’t gotten top surgery.  but I kinda took T on a whim.  see if I’d like it.  I’m glad I did, I really enjoy it.  out of all the changes I love my sideburns the most!
How long have you been out?
3 years!
How does your family feel about your trans identity?
frankly I don’t care lolol
Would you ever go stealth, and if you are stealth, why do you choose to be stealth?
I’m kinda in the middle.  I’m open about being trans online.  I pass irl so I’m pretty much stealth there to strangers.  but if anyone ever asked if I was trans, or if a trans discussion ever came up, or if I was just talking bout my past where it’s relevant to the story, I’d be fine revealing I’m not cis
What do you wish you could have shared with your younger self about being trans?
1) that no, people don’t secretly see you as a guy, 2) the term trans,  3) that you can get top surgery without any therapy involved (I thought I’d never be able to get it because of that, I resigned to that fact for so many years when I could’ve been arranging it!)
What’s your biggest trans-related fear?
lol I’m not sharing that
What do you wish cis people understood?
I honestly don’t think about that much
What impact has being trans affected your life?
it didn’t affect me much til puberty.  before puberty I sorta deluded myself into thinking everyone around me secretly regarded me as a boy but weren’t allowed to show it.  when puberty came my life ended.  dysphoria really made me suffer all through my 20s.  and I always hated being seen and treated the way people did.  I’ve never ever disliked being trans.  it’s always been me.  but now I live so fully and happily.  I love being trans
How do you feel about trans representation in media?
I really do not want it unless a trans person is the one creating it.
Who is the transgender person who has influenced you the most?
can I say myself? lolol
How are you involved with the trans community, IRL or online?
making/reblogging trans posts is the extent of what I do.  I did do a few things irl--helped carry a huge trans flag during pride once.  it was an amazing experience, but way too overwhelming for me lol.  tried going to our trans masculine group at my local lgbt center but had a bad experience with one of the members there, and he later became the group facilitator so lol
How do you see yourself identifying and presenting in 5 years?
same as I do now
What trans issue are you most passionate about?
trans youth having all the info they need to be aware of themselves and make decisions about their own lives
What is your sexual and romantic orientation, and what are your thoughts on it?
I’m aroace and it’s amazing!  I love being ace!  being both trans and ace made me wonder how the heck my life’d pan out in terms of having a partner.  cuz I did always want one.  but I thought I’d have a pretty low chance of finding someone I liked (I don’t like many people LOL) who also embraced and understood both my transness and aceness.  and who made it simple and easy for us on both ends.  maybe the chance was low, but I got the perfect partner now ❤
How did/do you manage waiting to transition?
it was just painful.  there’s not much more you can say
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weremarkable · 5 years
Fun read. His case is strong, very strong!
I'm down for a Man from UNCLE sequel!
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Jan 7 2019
I’m not sure how everyone missed this when it came out in 2015 but the queer energy that this movie puts out is intoxicating.
Guy Ritchie’s 2015 retro spy flick The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is a fantastic and fundamentally bisexual movie, and I will die on this hill.
As a bisexual cinephile, I find myself queering most films I watch. Unless and until I’m told otherwise, all movie characters are bi. Still, some movies stand apart. Not because they explicitly embrace queerness, but because they feel queer on some deeper level. They exhibit queer themes, queer aesthetics, queer politics. They lend themselves to queering by the audience (...)
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. is one such queerable film. A remake of the 1964 series of the same name (which itself didn’t exactly scream "straight"), the film exudes bisexual energy at every turn, both narratively and in the chemistry, between not only its three protagonists but virtually everyone they come into contact with.
To be abundantly clear, I know the characters weren’t written bi. I know there’s nothing explicit in the film. (...)
U.N.C.L.E. opens in 1963. Suave CIA agent Napoleon Solo (a dapper Henry Cavill effortlessly channeling James Bond) is on an extraction mission in East Berlin. He’s looking for fast-talking car mechanic Gaby Teller (Alicia Vikander), whose former Nazi scientist father may be helping a group of international terrorists build a nuclear weapon. Hot on their tail is no-nonsense KGB agent Ilya Kuryakin, played by tall, broody, square-jawed Armie Hammer. Soon the two spies are tasked with working together to find and stop Teller, with Gaby along for the ride and more or less on their side.
The plot doesn’t really matter though. The pleasures of The Man from U.N.C.L.E.—and there are many—come down to the quick repartee, charming flirtation, gorgeous mise-en-scène, and constant turning of tables, where any back can be stabbed by anyone at any time.
The actors deserve a lot of credit for how bisexual this whole endeavor is. The three protagonists bicker to no end, and while Ilya and Gaby’s playful fighting (sometimes literal wrestling) does explicitly lead to and connote romance, Ilya and Solo exhibit an almost identical tension (wrestling included) that seems hardly limited to the bromance the filmmakers might have intended. Solo and Ilya are jealous of each other’s love interests when they’re not comparing gear and bugging each other’s rooms (the double entendres are hard to keep up with). Add in the overt flirtation between Solo and Gaby when they have their own meet cute, and you have a rather perfect love triangle between the three.
The villains get in on the action too, each as universally flirtatious as the next. (....)
In hindsight, casting doesn’t hurt either. U.N.C.L.E. stars queer ally Armie Hammer. Hammer played down his onscreen kiss with Leonardo DiCaprio in 2011‘s J. Edgar as a normal part of acting, and was visibly and physically affectionate with his co-star Tomothée Chalamet during promotion of their queer coming of age hit Call Me By Your Name in 2017. Accusations of self-satisfied queer-baiting are not unreasonable, but for what it’s worth, Hammer’s enthusiastic allyship has always come off as entirely sincere to me.
Beyond Hammer, the entire cast is just absurdly good looking to the point of distraction. It’s not just that any pairing could work, it’s that they all seem so darn appealing—I can only assume the film itself left more than a few impressionable viewers with questions about their own chaotic scattershot of attractions.
I’m not alone in my thinking. I’ve found ample common ground when bringing this film up with bisexual friends. The world of fan fiction, well known for queering pop culture, has also embraced U.N.C.L.E. As I write this, popular fan fic database Archive of Our Own lists 2,702 works of Man from U.N.C.L.E. fic. For comparison’s sake, 2013’s Man of Steel has just 543 entries, and the whole Die Hard franchise has 623.
Even a handful of film critics could see, if not the full bisexual potential of U.N.C.L.E., at least some hints of homoeroticism. None really followed the queer breadcrumbs all the way to any satisfying conclusions though.
In one particularly dismissive review from Wired, Daniel Smith suggests that any homoeroticism applied after the fact should be disregarded. The question “are they gay?” Is irrelevant. Instead, men—straight men, presumably—should be inspired to emulate the warm camaraderie of Solo and Ilya as some kind of model for healthier masculinity, says Smith.
What a cop out, and what a heteronormative view of male bonding. Healthier masculinity is a noble pursuit, no doubt, but why should it come at the expense of attraction between men? Non-straight men aren’t magically exempt from toxic masculinity, and our experiences shouldn’t be passed over in the name of educating straight dudes.
But there’s more to it than that. The dismissal of the hints of attraction between Solo and Ilya (who also both display attraction to many women) leads critics to pass over U.N.C.L.E.’s fundamentally bisexual—rather than gay—themes.
The whole premise is one big Kinseyian metaphor. Alfred Kinsey famously established the concept of the Kinsey scale, whereby human sexuality exists on a spectrum. Your sexual orientation can be measured from zero (exclusively heterosexual) to six (exclusively homosexual). It’s a relatively blunt instrument for measuring sexual attraction, but it gets at the basic notion that sexual attraction exists on a spectrum rather than being binary
Our two Greek God-inspired super spies similarly find themselves somewhere between two polar extremes when they decide to collaborate for the greater good (the expression “playing for both teams” comes to mind).
The basic Cold War tension between East and West is extremely binary in nature. The film’s opening credits graphically illustrate this by drawing straight, hard lines on animated maps between East Berlin and West Berlin. But the entire narrative undoes this division by bringing the CIA and KGB together in a murky space somewhere in between American and Soviet politics.
In one early scene, we see Solo zip lining across the border between East Berlin and West Berlin. When Ilya attempts to follow, Solo lowers the wire, and the Soviet spy is caught right in the middle of the two extremities. It’s a beautiful bit of imagery that sums up my entire argument. This is a film so conspicuously invested in exploring the middle ground of things that it thematically lays the groundwork for queering its characters.
One can only hope that a more overtly queer sequel might one day grace our theater screens. Or a moreexplicitly queer sequel. Solo and Ilya are paired up by their superiors as they tussle in a men’s room, for God’s sake. The messaging is clear, just not stated in so many words.
Rumors of a sequel have circulated for years, but unfortunately U.N.C.L.E. wasn’t a huge hit at the box office, despite how incredibly fun the damn thing is. One potential explanation for its failure is that 2015 was a pretty crowded year for 60s spy nostalgia, and it had to compete with the latest entries in the more well-established Mission: Impossible and James Bondfranchises.
Nevertheless, Hammer has pointed to the film as one of the roles he’s most often asked about by fans, and he once even suggested he’d talked screenwriter Lionel Wigram into starting on a sequel. I’m still skeptical, as nothing definitive has been announced yet.
For now, I’ll hold on to what we have and cherish The Man from U.N.C.L.E. as a resounding bisexual anthem. Anyone who refuses see it as such is frankly missing out on some of the film’s most rewarding features.
In short, it’s ours and we’re keeping it.
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This Week Within Our Colleges: Part 16
University of Pittsburgh has become the latest school to be served with a long list of demands from its students. The 15-point ultimatum was issued to Chancellor Patrick Gallagher, stating “In the political climate we’re forced to inhabit, our university cannot stay silent on issues that affect our community.” Some of their demands include, “students are to be paid $15 per hour minimum wage, any student debt to be wiped and free tuition to be given, to declare the university a sanctuary campus for illegal immigrants and to switch to renewable energy, gender neutral bathrooms must be in every building, to disarm campus police and ban police officers from entering campus and the Chancellor to give up some of his own income.” 
Pennsylvania State University-Behrend wants America to end it "obsession" with 9/11.” The student newspaper published an editorial claiming that “the general consensus between us is that the U.S. needs to remember September 11, but that our society’s obsession with the day needs to fade.” This “obsession” has to end because “the majority of us have little to no memories of that day, but have grown up with the consequences in the form of “increased airport security, the PATRIOT Act and hatred towards people that look anything remotely like the terrorists.” They go on to point out that we need to get over it as “there are plenty of other things in other countries that were a result of the terrorist attack.” “The World Trade Center collapse has affected many people in the U.S, but it is fair to say that many more people have been negatively impacted in the Middle East because of the U.S.’s harsh attitude after 9/11.”
Duke University is now seeking applicants for its "Men's Project," a nine-week program that helps men examine how their masculinity exists "often in toxic ways” while beginning the work of “unlearning violence.” The program, now in its second year, meets at the university's Women's Center, an on-campus office for students interested in learning how to "resist patriarchal oppression." Over the course of the program, men will participate in weekly discussion groups conducted through an “intersectional feminist lens,” with the hope of helping male students learn an “intersectional understanding of masculinity” and creating “spaces to destabilize masculine privilege.” Organizers warn that it will make the men feel “vulnerable” and “will be challenging,” but upon successful indoctrination of the program, participants will be dispatched across campus to host teaching events for other male students on topics such as “pornography and rape culture, male privilege and taking up space.” 
An Austin Community College professor said he would be fine with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos being sexually assaulted after she announced plans to revise guidance on Title IX. “I’m not wishing for it... but I’d be ok if Betsy Devos was sexually assaulted,” Rob Ranco says. After declaring he would be cool with sexual assault if it’s against someone he disagrees with, he blames DeVos for “not understanding how horrible rape is” and how her plans to stop colleges from covering up rape and denying due process has made the world “less safe” for his daughters. Hm, who’s really doing a disservice to his daughters here, someone who made it clear in her speech that “acts of sexual misconduct are reprehensible, cowardice, disgusting, and unacceptable” or someone who says he would be okay if a woman he disagrees with was sexually assaulted? 
The Dallas Independent School District Board has kicked off its campaign to begin renaming schools, identifying twenty-one schools with “some sort of Confederate tie” while four are noted as “priorities” for a name change. A mother who sits on the school board was defiant about the name changes, saying, "It’s especially concerning to my husband and myself, because we are raising a strong young African-American son and want him to live in a world where his heroes are people who fought on the right side of history.” What’s the bet we’re going to see a Trayvon Martin Elementary pop up in Dallas soon? 
Loyola University-Chicago is expanding its program that trains white students to become “anti-racist, anti-supremacist White allies.” The program will hold seven workshops this semester to “create an affinity space for self-identified white students to engage in dialogue” surrounding racial issues. “Aimed to further awareness, knowledge, and skills, we invite white students to begin the journey of operating in solidarity with others in an effort to work towards racial justice.” During weekly meetings, students will explore topics such as “Unpacking White Privilege,” “Oppression, Microaggressions,” and “Vulnerability.” Upon successful conclusion of the program, participants will be required to go on to develop an “Action Plan” they will use to educate and train other white people to be better white people.
A John Jay College professor and self-proclaimed member of Antifa said “it’s a privilege to teach future dead cops” at the criminal justice college. Michael Isaacson wrote “Some of ya’ll might think it sucks being an anti-fascist teaching at John Jay College but I think it’s a privilege to teach future dead cops.” 
A fraternity at the University of Virginia has come under fire for throwing a “cops and robbers” themed party as it “encourages racist conduct and allows white supremacy to continue.” The group Students United posted its dismay after crashing the party in protest. “These “costumes” make a joke of mass incarceration and the prison-industrial complex, systems that disproportionately brutalize people of color. The predominantly white members of this fraternity got to take their costumes off at the end of the night, people trapped in the prison system do not. The police have justified violence against people of color in the name of protecting white women, and when those women also wore “sexy” cop outfits, they made a joke of that legacy of violence. It’s this kind of willful ignorance that allows white supremacy to continue.”
The University of Vermont is offering non-white students several racially segregated events, including an upcoming "Women of Color Leadership Retreat,” a “Sisterhood Circle" exclusively for non-white women and “Racial Aikido,” a retreat for non-white students to talk about microaggressions being committed against them by whites. For students who "self-identify as white," however, the university will host an "Examining White Identity Retreat" so participants can examine their "white privilege." As I keep saying, throughout history it’s always been Democrats who have created and enforced racial segregation, everything from creating the KKK, instituting Jim Crow laws, to opposing the Civil Rights Act and 13th-15th amendments. Little has changed today, the left still thinks segregation and dividing people into groups rather than recognizing them as individuals is progressive while the right still fights to abolish these backwards ideas.
A workshop held at Ohio State University taught white student attendees about their “privilege,” how to not act racist, and that it’s impossible for anyone but white people to be racist. The event, titled “Interrupting Racism: Tips & Tools for White People,” was one of the many programs the public university’s multicultural center will host as part of its “Ally Week of Action,” currently underway. The center’s workshop aims to teach white students “allyship, and develop a personal plan of action to interrupt racism” and they tell students to keep in mind that “although all are welcomed, content will focus on skill building amongst white identified people.”
An academic organization dedicated to discussing men "through the advancement of feminist-informed scholarship,” and headlined by a gender studies professor from the University of California Riverside, will be hosting a conference exploring ways of “queering masculinity” through the “critical study of men and masculinities,” with an emphasis on “sexualized violence” and “rape culture” perpetuated by men. Accepted speaking proposals for the conference will look to discuss men through the lens of “sex-positive feminist theory,” “queer theory,” and “psychoanalytic theory.” The organization is coined as a “Men’s Studies Association,” yet it is run by feminists with a commitment to “feminist-informed policies, politics, and practices.” 
A sorority at the University of New Hampshire was placed under threat of investigation over a snapchat showing them singing along to Kanye West’s “Gold Digger.” The video was reported by an organization known as “All Eyes on UNH,” a group that seeks to “expose injustices” at the school, which called the 11-second Snapchat video a “showcase of ignorance.” “The girls sing the n-word without thinking of the implications,” the group said of the video showing dozens of sorority members of all races dancing at a house party. “This is a showcase of ignorance and that the Panhellenic Council should do better in combating racism.” The sorority later issued an extensive apology, promising to learn from their mistake. As a result, the university announced that it would not pursue disciplinary action, sparking outrage from the college PC-watchdog group. “UNH has decided to take the side of Alpha Phi. This is another failed promise to students of color.”
The Columbia University Marxist Association dedicated its first meeting of the semester to uncovering the “reality” of Venezuela’s government, arguing that this is needed because “capitalist media” only promotes “scare stories” about the socialist regime. "Capitalist media bombards us with scare stories about Venezuela, as “proof of the failure of socialism,” they say. But while it’s clear Venezuela is in a humanitarian crisis and millions of citizens are going starved, the Columbia Marxists insist that this isn’t so, saying Venezuela “has inspired" with its “revolutionary” flair. The event was one of many that the group plans to host this semester to promote socialism and Marxism among Columbia students, having already promoted the use of socialism to fight the Trump presidency, and encouraged students to study “Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, and others” to fully understand how to revolt.
Students for Justice in Palestine are back at it again. When they’re not drinking salt water to protest the imprisonment of Palestinian terrorists, legitimizating and advocating for terror group Hamas, shutting down Jewish student events or trying to prevent universities from dealing with Jewish businesses, they’re holding ironic “Smash Fascism” events. The University of Illinois chapter described it as a “radical anti-fascist demonstration,” and declared there to be “no room for fascists, white supremacists or Zionists at UIUC.” Students were holding an Israeli flag with bloody handprints on it and chanting “No Zionists, no KKK, resisting fascists all the way!” The group sent out a Facebook post leading up to the event, claiming that the “confluence of fascism and Zionism is becoming more obvious by the day” and that the “two forms of racial supremacy merge seamlessly together” while in another Facebook post, the group endorses the tactic of “violent resistance.”
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