#atla mental disorders
azulserszzp · 4 months
(so like disorders, conditions or fears)
(the siblings or parents have similar disorders i also gave some of the characters a ton of illness simply because they're possiblys realistically they probably only have 1 maybe 2 or like none or yk be checked into a fucking ward dude but uh yeah)
(this will also probably be edited a ton so not everything will appear on reposts)
​im not a psychiatrist so don't take this to serious obviously also they're fictional so yk it wouldn't rlly matter and this is all maybes like they could
azula: bpd borderline personality disorder and is a clinical psychopath she also suffers form severe abandonment issues and victim of child neglect, schizoaffective disorder, antisocial personnality disorder, npd narcissistic personality disorder (she's a probably malignant narcissist), conduct disorder, machiavellian traits along with sadistic traits
usra: depression
zuko: bpd borderline personality disorder and/or chronic depression along with ptsd, severe abandonment issues, victim of child neglect, low self esteem, addictive personality disorder, anger management, his scar having phantom burning/pains, stockholm syndrome-ish (ps: not in a sexual/romantic way it's toward his father so gross), antisocial personnality disorder, insomnia, slight disordered eating
sokka: ocd obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, chronic pain form breaking his leg psa: he's still able to walk and fight but he tends to be weaker on that leg or have a slight stunt, low self esteem, public anxiety, stage fright , adhd attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (maybe idk)
ty lee: hpd histrionic personality disorder (this features provocative behavior or rapid shifts in emotion)
mai: clinical depression and empathy deficit disorder
ozai: clinical psychopath he also probably has narcissistic personality disorder
aang: anger management issues, ptsd, survivors guilt, slight anxiety and insomnia
katara: survivors guilt and obsessive compulsive disorder ocd
toph: low self esteem
jet: depression, anger management, ptsd, survivors guilt 
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raincamp · 11 months
personality disorders in Avatar: The Last Airbender
i just rewatched The Beach episode of ATLA and i realized something during the fireside traumadumping scene. Ty-lee, Mae, Azula, and Zuko all represent each of the 4 personality disorders in cluster B.
Azula is NPD (narcissistic), feelings of inadequacy, jealousy, a need to feel superior, and to be perfect. she usually puts on her grandiose shell; she has a duty to represent herself as fire nation royalty, and it's rare we see any of her feelings at all. but the shell was cracking in The Beach, and her vulnerable self was showing. she admitted to feeling jealous of ty-lee, and even more amazingly, she showed a little bit of empathy for zuko, even if it was an act, it was still a roundabout way to show that she does care and does have feelings. we even see her admit to feeling like a monster, inherently flawed. a common sentiment for a lot of people with NPD.
Ty-lee is HPD (Histrionic), being raised in a family of ten other people who looked exactly like her, she was always invisible. as Mae said, she has "attention issues" of course she did, how could anyone pay attention to her when she was seen as just like all of her other sisters. In the beach, we see her relishing in the attention that she gets from the boys around her, as she makes them feel like they have a more intimate connection than they actually do. she chooses to wear bright pinks and draw attention to herself instead of blending in and wearing reds and dark browns like everyone else in the fire nation.
Zuko is BPD (Borderline), being abandoned by his father at a young age, we see zuko consistently push away the one person who cares about him (Iroh) because he sees any lack of support in his mission to capture the avatar as a form of abandonment, despite his uncle's continuing emotional support. in The Beach this abandonment trauma is shown with his insecurity in his relationship with Mae. When he sees her talking to another guy at the party he automatically assumes that Mae has moved on and that this guy is her new boyfriend.
Mae is ASPD (antisocial), this is the one i know the least about, i'm still learning about it, but i've read a lot of personal accounts of pwASPD who talk about an inability to feel emotion, or empathy, or to care about anything. this is Mae's biggest character trait, she's always talking about how much she doesn't care about anything, she hates that nothing exciting happens, she "doesn't hate" zuko because she can't feel love for him, but she knows that he's the exception to everyone else in her life.
maybe im not the first to point this out, but if i was a psychologist i would do a much deeper analysis of this. it almost feels intentional, but maybe it was just a happy coincidence on the writers' parts. just thought it was interesting
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vital-information · 2 years
Depictions of CPTSD for people with CPTSD (instead of feeling like an after-school special)
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“The child trapped in an abusive environment is faced with formidable tasks of adaptation. She must find a way to preserve a sense of trust in people who are untrustworthy, safety in a situation that is unsafe, control in a situation that is terrifyingly unpredictable, power in a situation of helplessness. Unable to care for or protect herself, she must compensate for the failures of adult care and protection with the only means at her disposal, an immature system of psychological defenses.” —Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence - From Domestic Abuse to Political Terrorism
Lilo & Stitch (2002)
Avatar: the Last Airbender (2005-2008)
Nastume’s Book of Friends (2008-present)
Short Term 12 (2012)
Mr Robot (2015-2019)
She-Ra and the Princess of Power (2018-2020)
Shazam! (2019)
Kotaro Lives Alone (2021)
Bee and Puppycat: Lazy in Space (2022)
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lalionnalunna · 3 months
it's hard to say to people that i get sad, from time to time, for no reason because of being bipolar. they just don't get that i am depressed despite having a wonderful life.
now, when people ask me why am i sad, i'll just say that "everything changed when the fire nation attacked".
people are more likely and willing to accept that than mental illness.
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comic-book-fan-us · 2 years
Ghost of Ozai: Chapter 1 (AtLA Fanfic)
AN: Basically, I had a really bad mental breakdown in 2021 and I still haven't fully recovered, so I'm coping by doing terrible things to Azula. Fair warning: this one's pretty dark.
Synopsis: After the unexpected death of Ozai, Zuko invites Azula back to the palace in the hope that she can be rehabilitated. Stripped of her bending and plagued by hallucinations, Azula is far from the unstoppable force she once was. She's fighting an uphill battle to redeem herself and reclaim her dignity. That, and she's not entirely sure she isn't being haunted by her father's ghost.
Read it on AO3 here.
Next Chapter
1 | 2 | 3
The chains were uncomfortable, but Azula no longer had the energy to resist them. All she could do now was watch her brother and his friends.
The Avatar and the rest of his posse had rejoined Zuko and the peasant girl, which she presumed meant father had failed. The group was gathered in a circle, whispering to each other. She knew they were talking about her, from how they kept glancing at her. Eventually, the Avatar stepped away from his allies and approached her.
He looked down at her, frowning, and Azula was suddenly conscious of the fact she’d been crying.
“What are you looking at?” she growled.
The monk sighed. “Azula, I’m really sorry about this.”
Then he reached for her forehead…
Azula awoke with a shriek.
“What?” a voice she wasn’t familiar with asked. “Is something wrong?”
Azula sat up, trying to get her bearings. It’s been a year since the Avatar took my bending. I’ve been imprisoned in a so-called ‘hospital’. My bastard brother has ordered my return to the palace. I apparently fell asleep on the carriage ride there.
“Miss Azula?” the carriage driver asked. The concern in his voice made her blood boil.
“I’m fine!” she snapped. “How much longer is this going to take?”
“We’re close,” he assured her. “Shouldn’t be more than fifteen minutes.”
Azula grunted in response. To her annoyance, the visage of her mother creeped its way into her vision.
“You should thank him,” Fake Ursa chided. “He told you what you wanted to know.”
“Thank you,” Azula muttered. She didn’t have the energy to argue against her hallucination.
The girl had no interest in conversing with her chauffeur, so she opted to take in the night sky instead.
The moon was but a thin crescent among the stars. It had been a long time since she’d seen the moon, or the stars, or the sky. Her room in the ‘hospital’ had a window to the outside, but it had been boarded up after repeated escape attempts. No wonder the hospital had failed to “cure” her. Nobody would be sane after a year locked in a small room with an illusion of their mother berating them.
Thankfully, the rest of the ride was devoid of chatter, real or imagined.
When they finally reached the palace, Azula pushed herself out of the carriage before it came to a full stop. As her feet hit the ground, a wave of queasiness overtook her. She stumbled but recovered quickly.
Three palace guards were waiting at the front door, two men and a woman. One of the men went to pay the driver while the other two escorted her into the palace.
“The Firelord asked that you be brought to him as soon as you arrived, princess Azula,” the woman said.
Despite herself, Azula smiled. It had been some time since she had been called princess.
Her smile quickly faded as she was guided to the throne room. Her brother sat upon the throne that should be hers, draped in ornate robes, the golden headpiece of the Firelord adorning his head. Mai sat next to him. As soon as the ruling couple saw Azula, their eyes widened in shock.
“What happened to your face?” Mai gasped. She always had been blunt.
Not that Azula could blame her brother or former friend for their shocked reaction. The princess had changed a lot since their last encounter. Her hair was tangled and nodded, her eyes sunken and shadowed. Her once-muscular frame had become thin and gaunt, and her skin was pale from lack of sun. Her most notable feature, and the one that had provoked Mai’s exclamation, was the purple ring of bruised skin around Azula’s right eye.
“Honestly, Zuzu,” Azula said, ignoring Mai’s question. “I am a princess, you know. I deserve better than a four hour ride in a glorified trolley in the middle of the night. It’s almost like you don’t want anyone to know I’m here. Almost.”
“You’re as perceptive as ever,” Zuko noted.
Azula was too tired to play her usual games. “As nice as it was for you to invite me back to my own home, I can’t help but wonder why. Care to share, Zuzu?”
Mai glanced at Zuko nervously. She was clearly still shaken by Azula’s appearance. Zuko, for his part, had settled into a more neutral expression. Azula could tell he was actively trying to avoid showing any sign of weakness. That was why he had met her in the throne room, dressed lavishly. He knew his sister would jump on any opportunity to mock him.
He was smart. But she’d always been smarter than him. At least the “hospital” hadn’t taken that from her.
“Father is dead.”
Azula’s musings ground to a halt.
“What?” she asked, too stunned to say anything else.
“He passed away from illness a week ago,” Zuko explained. “I thought you should be here for his funeral. And depending on how this visit goes, we may consider moving you back to the palace permanently.”
The nausea overtook Azula once again. She dropped to her knees, clutching her head, eyes squeezed shut. Distantly, she heard Zuko and Mai’s alarmed voices calling her name, but they were smothered by the torrent of thoughts overwhelming her.
Father was dead? It couldn’t be! And if he was dead, what did that mean for Azula? Was it a good thing? Or a bad thing? She wasn’t sure how to feel. And apparently, she had the opportunity to return to the palace permanently? But did she even want to live in the palace if Zuko was Firelord?
“Why do you kneel, child?”
Hearing the booming voice of her father, Azula’s eyes popped open. Zuko and Mai were standing now. Behind them, the everpresent flames of the throne room formed the shape of a massive fiery Ozai.
“F-father!” Azula squealed.
“Father’s gone, Azula,” Zuko said reassuringly. “I’m sorry.”
“I may be dead,” the fiery Ozai scoffed, “but I am not gone. You know that, don’t you, Azula?”
“Behind you!” Azula gasped.
Zuko and Mai turned to look behind them.
“There’s nothing there,” Mai said.
Of course. A hallucination. He wasn’t actually there.
“I am no illusion, child. I live on in you.”
“Are you okay, Azula?” Mai asked, concerned.
Azula forced out a laugh. “Made you look!” She jumped to her feet. “I’d like to go to bed now.”
Zuko and Mai looked unconvinced, but nevertheless nodded. “You remember where your room is?”
Azula nodded and dashed out of the throne room, her father’s laughter following her.
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bibibbon · 11 days
if we're talking personality disorders (of the cluster b variety). obvi its not 1=1 but its far more likely and reasonable to say toga has bpd (with izuku or ochako being her "favorite person") than aspd. also when people call villains (or characters they don't like (← seen this one more than the first tbh)) "unsympathetic psychopaths", it really feels like they know nothing about aspd, personality disorders, and how they form. It also just feels kind of ableist towards real people with aspd? idk maybe i'm seeing things that's aren't there
These people know that aspd (and other personality disorders) form due to outside factors right? obvi there's the genetic factors but that just increases the possibility. these outside factors typically tends to be factors that is in some way traumatic for the person in question like emotional/mental abuse or neglect (*gestures to dabi*)
if anything, based off of that alone, toga being a "psychopath" just makes her more sympathetic in my eyes and people around her even more unsympathetic than they already are and I doubt anyone calling her a "psychopath" without aspd in mind wants that
this is also how i feel about people needless throwing around the word "narcissistic"* when it comes describing bakugo. (saying this as someone isn't a fan of him). bakugo with npd** could make him a more interesting if written correctly*** tbh and could probably be backed up in canon but in turn it would force people to seriously think and question if he actually had a good childhood and good parents… which from what i've seen alot of anti-bakugo people (including the ones that call him a "narcissistic") believe he has
*i'm sure there's bakugo stans out there call him "narcissistic" without npd in mind but atm i've only seen bakugo antis do that
**same with aspd
***without portraying bakugo as an ableist stereotype and/or excusing his actions
sorry abt the rant i'm just tired of the demonization surrounding personality disorders
You're definitely correct anon in saying that people tend to use words they either don't know the full meaning of or just mental health issues to demonise characters they don't like and this is a problem within all fandoms I have interacted with not only MHA.
When people use the words "psychopath" or "narcissist" it's rare to see them using it in the right context as most of the time it's used to demonise a character. For example take atla I have seen plenty of people label azula a psychopath but they do that to demonise and dehumanise her not to actually say that she is mentally ill. The same thing is done with characters like toga, Dabi, shigaraki and more!
Now I know that you're mainly quoting of the ask that @sapphic-agent sent me and actually she has made it clear that she doesn't view toga as psychopath and actually brought light to the issue of people dehumanising and purposefully misinterpreting the leauge. Now I don't know much about aspd in general but from what I have seen toga does seem to have some symptoms of aspd but it also makes sense to speculate that she may have BPD (none of this is cannonically confirmed but they would make for some interesting headcanons). Also like you mentioned it would be incredibly interesting to explore how toga got to such a mental state in the first place as mental health issues can happen to a variety of reasons for example or could be an environmental or social issue as we see that toga wasn't given the right support at home and was taught to simply build a mask and burry her urges deep down until it all broke and she broke, toga associated blood and cannibalism with love and self expression from early on. Also, it could be a biological factor since toga was born with a strong fascination for blood.
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Overall, toga and her mental state is heavily influenced from all of those factors and it would be interesting if she was cannoncially diagnosed and had that be explored in depth.
However, mha does already have a character who is heavily implied to be mentally ill which is twice. Twice is heavily implied within the show to suffer from DID (dissociative identity disorder) and I think the way horikoshi presents this is really interesting it's to the point that it's incredibly integral to twice's character whether that be his name or what his quirk is.
We see exactly how his mental state worsens in his backstory and how he has reached his breaking point multiple times. Twice is also presented as the most redeemable of the leauge and we see that even with that the system doesn't care for him as twice mercilessly kills him even though he had a high and good chance of being saved and redeemed.
I do wish that hori spent a bit more time delving deeper into twice and developing him before killing him off while also making his death have a long lasting impact between characters (specifically the league)
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I think what's interesting is that hori doesn't demonise jin for his mental issues but addresses them in a serious manner and a lot of the scenes where we do see him struggling we are able to feel a lot of sympathy for him.
This ends up being the exact opposite of what people usually do by demonising mental health and using it to dehumanise characters. Horikoshi uses it to humanise his characters whether that be twice who struggles with DID or tamaki who struggles with social anxiety. These issues are brought to light and aren't a one time thing but it's something that's integral to their character.
Now, moving onto my final comment : yep it's bakugo!
I admit that I have seen many bakugo antis and critiques label bakugo as a narcissist. I also believe that they don't inherently speak of the mental disorder when labeling him in such a way but use the word in exchange of other terms for bakugo like self 'absorbed' or 'selfish' or 'only cares for himself' etc.
Now, I agree this is bad and shouldn't be done. I do however want to offer my own view on this subject (iam also a big bakugo critic/anti) I personally don't think that bakugo suffers from Narcissistic personality disorder and I don't think that mitsuki is abusive towards her son.
I think that the scene with mitsuki hitting bakugo was played in a comedic light. This is the only scene we see mitsuki act aggressive towards bakugo in the whole manga while in the other scene she expresses concern over her son (for example katsuki doesn't like rain etc). I think @delawaredetroit post surrounding this has the best explanation
I also want to add the fact that bakugo feels comfortable enough to sit next his mother. He is right in between his parents (he could of sat away from her closer to his father if he wanted to but he didnt). Bakugo also feels comfortable enough to express himself in such a manner whether that be him calling his mother "hag" or also shouting at her when he is equally pissed off.
I do think that because the manga had already made it clear that abuse was a theme that was in the story and gave us an example of abuse (the todoroki family) that many did raise their heads at this scene and may of been concerned that this is abuse when it's not but its hard to spot since it's being presented in such a weird manner.
You do have a point bakugo's behaviour comes from somewhere and that's not talked about enough. I personally think that horikoshi didn't explore how society influenced bakugo's behaviour and his raging quirkless discrimation (maybe it's because hori didn't want to paint bakugo in such a bad light so he didn't make him prejudiced against the quirkless and didn't explore the theme of quirkless discirmation that he implemented into the story). There is also the superiority and inferiority complexes that bakugo seems to have that could be a result of a mixture of factors (biological, social and environmental) Now his brash behaviour could come biologically from his mother and it turned worse due to his environment where he was built up to be this guy who had everything so he should be happy as he fits into the status quo.
Tldr: mental health shouldn't be used as an excuse but it also shouldn't be used to demonise characters either.
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the-genius-az · 29 days
imaginary war AU
The posts about the ATLA kids having various mental illnesses and developing a real-life roleplay of the 100-year war doesn't wanna leave my head, so have some headcanons =] (this is gonna be long so buckle up)
-16 yo
- (paranoid) schizophrenia/schizoaffective, childhood abuse (cPTDS)
- a machievillian
- hallucinates 90% of the time, she's always in her own world
- when not, she's a very quiet, closed off person
- admitted at 11 after suddenly snapping at her mother leaving
- firmly believes the anti-pshycotics/any pill they give her is the same poison her mother 'gave to their grandfather'
- Azulon died a natural death without Ursa's intervention
- Has a god complex
- fully believes she's 'Agni' at times (a deity from her imaginary world)
- every time the sun shines on her or it's sunny outside, she makes sure everyone knows her 'bending' is completely pure (meaning she attacks everyone close enough)
- she has martial art knowledge and uses it against the nurses
- Ty Lee and Mai are the only people she feels like she can trust (her mental state will collapse even further when Ty Lee and Mai leave)
- has no hope of getting better
- 24/7 supervision
- Zuko is both her ancor to reality and the reason for her hallucinations
-18 yo
- cPTSD, HORRIBLE anger issues (intermittent explosive disorder/disruptive mood dysregulation disorder)
- Goes into blind rage often
- random hallucinations and delusions
- knows Azula is struggling but oftentimes cannot make himself care enough to help her or just talk to her normally
- Azula's hallucinations hurt him, so he gets aggressive and very snide (that makes Azula's hallucinations worse, and his 'charater' in her world be her enemy)
- cares for people, but holds grudges for forever
- Iroh helps him regulate his anger when he visits
- getting better slowly
Ty Lee:
- synesthesia, hyperactive ADHD, depression
- doesn't know that Azula's imaginary world is a product of her illnesses
- plays along because she thinks that everyone is just bored and has a game going on to fill in the time
- Talks a lot
- a child of abusive domestic labor
- she both ran away from home and tried to commit suicide to escape her parents
- is getting better and will get released soon (every nurses dreaded day)
- Alexithymia, social apathy
- she either refused to comply with her parents for whatever reason so they sent her here or she put Tom-Tom in danger
- does no give a FUCK about what the nurses say (she's either very uncooperative or does the exact opposite of what was asked of her)
- feels wronged all the time
- prods at Zuko because he's 'free entertainment' when he gets angry
- when bored out of her mind, she listens to Azula's blabbering or pisses off Zuko
- plays along when alone with Ty Lee and Azula
- no signs of getting any better, but the nurses have no reason to keep her in the asylum except her parents paying to keep her there
*Quick background break about the monks before I talk about Aang!*
- the Avatar is a diety they believe in, kind of like how Shaolin monks believe in Buddhism
- it's a very gated community
- only family members or very few handpicked people can join the monastery
- it's basically Shaolin monks but less hardcore on discipline and performance
*Anyway back to the charaters*
- god/savior complex, religious psychosis
- believes he's the Avatar and will bring peace and balance to the world
- for some reason, Ozai is his nemesis (he's seen him maybe twice when Ozai visited Azula)
- gets very aggressive and irritated when Ozai is mentioned or if he sees him
-keeps most of his routine from before his admittion (meditating, exercising, praying...)
- always freaks out so hard when his hair starts to grow back that he has to be immidiately shaven (if not, he gets either aggressive or paranoid)
- wishes to cure others with his 'Avatar powers'
- no chance of release, but he is usually allowed to roam freely without supervision
- anxiety, childhood abuse victim
- got in trouble with the authorities and got sent to the asylum after trying to harm security at the juvenile prison she was in
- both sad and happy she's away from her home
- rebels all the time
- youngest person in the asylum
- Is vary of Azula ever since Azula tried to attack her
- sometimes plays along the 'war' (usually on the opposing team as Azula) just to have an excuse to talk shit to Azula straight to her face
- was incredibly sheltered (like in canon), but her parents ignored her even more
- has an avoidant attachment style
- bounds of extreme coldness or rudeness against people she considers friends
- probably will get released, but she attacks nurses/gets worse whenever her release date gets close
- I don't think she would have any illnesses that would land her in the asylum
- I think she'd be a med student/nurse
- cares for the girls
- has a way of getting Azula to take her meds, Ty Lee to settle down...
- very calm and friendly but pretty easily irritable (Mai annoys her all the time)
- got attacked by Zuko so bad she had to take a month long break
- Azula is the reason she's in therapy (both because of how Azula's deteriorated mental state makes her pity Azula and because Azula verbally berates her all the time)
- a nurse
- takes care of the guys
- only one strong enough to hold Zuko down when he has one of his fits
- Zuko's #1 caretaker
- a beloved nurse even though everyone swears he gets on their nerves
- Him and Toph are best buds
- was the first one to see Azula out of her hallucinations as she was roaming the asylum (he still wonders how the confident and prideful Azula is the same person as the hollow and quiet girl he found that day)
I dont have any specific headcanons for Suki and Yue so tell me yours if you have any
Might do a part 2 about my hc about how the 'war' works
I don't want to write so as not to ruin this beauty.
Please send your other ideas, Squid.
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prying-pandora666 · 1 year
I’m really terrible at Tumblr but I kept getting told that people wanted me here instead of on Reddit.
So I guess, hello! Pandora here.
I wrote that one thing for ATLA one time and voiced Azula for an ad when I was 19. Nowadays I am a professional writer and VA (since I didn’t have the money for med school and autoimmune disorders and a lack of parents made it harder for me too).
I’m very grateful to ATLA for the experience and opportunities it gave me in the industry. Nowadays I end up arguing for Azula a lot since so many people seem to have a rage-on for a mentally ill abused teen girl, which just baffles me. Ironic since my favorite character is actually Zuko, but I appreciate the whole Gaang to bits.
I also work on the Book 4: Air Restoration Project. It’s a project adapting the comics with full voice over, music, limited animation, SFX, etc. We are also doing rewrites and adding original content so if you weren’t a fan of how the comics went originally or if you’ve read them a dozen times and are looking for something new, consider checking us out!
Here’s a preview from the next arc: The Search:
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azulas-daddy-kink · 2 years
In no particular order, here are my least favorite AtLA/LoK half-baked fan theories:
- The old lady who heals Korra after she washes up on the beach is actually Azula (she looks nothing like her wtf?).
- Sokka is Suyin’s father... no. Just no.
- P’Li / Ming Hua is Azula’s daughter.
- Asami is Azula’s granddaughter.
- Lin Beifong must be a lesbian (you know, because she can’t just be single and childless, there has to be a “reason” for it).
- Ty Lee being part Air Nomad.
- Autistic Zuko / Azula. 
- “Azula has [insert heavily stigmatized mental disorder here] because I read a Web MD article about it.”
-  Ozai had Lu Ten killed.
- 8 year old Azula murdered Kya... somehow. (Yes, this is a real take).
- Azulon actually told Ozai to kill Azula, not Zuko.
- Azula “slept her way to the top”.
- Iroh is Azula / Zuko ’s biological father, not Ozai.
- Azula knew Aang was alive from the very beginning and purposely took Zuko home with her so that she could set him up to be the fall guy (in which case, why did the conversations in her bedroom and by the turtleduck pond even happen???).
I’m sure there’s more but these all came to mind lol
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kalys-404 · 1 month
Atlas "Sentinel" Osmerova backstory and headcanons
So I finally decided to give my OC a background story, which is kinda complicated so I'm just going to put the big lines here. There is also some headcanons on how she interacts with the rest of Shadow Co. and her personal life.
she was born in Vladivostok and has two older brothers who were already in the military when she was born.
her mother was very absent and uninvolved in her education.
her dad raised her in a military-like style because he didn't want a daughter.
when she was in 5th grade she got into a navy cadet class (cadet classes are a thing that lasts the child's whole education in Russia).
in 8th grade she was noticed as an excellent student and offered a transfer to an elite military school in Moscow, which she accepted.
she started coding at 6 and was fascinated by the dark web and more specifically the classified info that can be found there.
at 16 she knocked on the door of the FSB with a file that contained classified info from the Russian government and asked them to hire her because she was bored at school and knew she could do more.
they refused but offered her a position as soon as she graduated.
she was given a cyber-security degree from Moscow State University without ever going to university to make her employment look more legit.
she actually spent a year doing missions with the Spetsnaz as a form of field training. Afterward, most of her duties were centered around the FSB headquarters especially when she started rising in rank.
she got annoyed with the political bullshit and how it limited her range and freedom of action and left at 21yo.
she offered her services as an intelligence contractor on the dark web and met graves when he hired her for a job.
he hired her once, was impressed by her work and how she made sure the whole thing stayed quiet and hired her a second and then third time. Ultimately, he thought it would be a good idea to develop Shadow Co.'s intelligence by creating a designated department and offered her a leading position as it was safer than hiring someone he had never worked with.
Personal life and relationship with the rest of Shadow Company:
she has no contact with her family whatsoever and does not wish to contact them.
she functions solely on RedBull and spite.
she has a schizoid personality disorder and therefore does not have a very close relationship with the rest of shadow co., she is relatively close with 7-11 though and they banter daily.
even though she might seem distant from the rest of the shadows, she still gives off the "no one bullies my siblings but me" vibes and will kill anyone who messes with her guys.
she doesn't do any sex or romantic stuff but is an amazing cuddle buddy if you catch her at the right time and give her enough puppy eyes.
she doesn't really do any combat and people often assume she can't fight at all. Little do they know, she has been able to kill a fully armored soldier with her bare hands since she was 15 and is one of the most dangerous snipers to ever live. The shadows have bets going about her kill count, which only Graves knows.
her lack of empathy due to her mental illness makes her the voice of reason in any and all situations, which can be crucial during missions that take a bad turn.
she knows everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, like a shadow comes up to her like "Hey, have you seen my-" and she immediately goes "In the gymnasium.", or when someone starts telling her an anecdote about someone and she's like "I already knew that" even though said anecdote happened like 30 secs ago and she wasn't even there when it happened. She also knows a lot of stuff that is definitely some of the most classified shit on earth but no one mentions it.
she has 50 backup plans and is creating more by the second.
knows some of the more elaborate torture techniques to ever exist and will not hesitate to use them if need be.
her lack of facial expressions makes it impossible for people to know what she is feeling, even the shadows have a hard time guessing her emotions (if she even feels any).
probably the most blunt and honest person in the company.
she goes by her callsign most of the time and Graves is the only one to call her by her first name when he feels like he has a death wish.
she is fluent in French, Russian, ASL, FSL, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, German, RSL and Mandarin. (and obviously English)
she is semi-verbal and uses sign language when she doesn't feel like talking.
I don't have any other ideas right now but if you'd like to know how she would react to certain situations let me know and I will add it.
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hopskip-andajump · 8 months
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Meowdy! Welcome to my blog :3
I go by Skip and Atlas ! :3
I use He / Him, They / Them, Star / Starself , and Chirp / Chirpself pronouns, I really like it when people use these interchangeably so please do that!!
I am a polytherian , plantkin , and otherkin! my theriotypes / kintypes are
Black Maincoon Cat
Black Tipped Reef Shark
Red Tailed Hawk
Russian Blue Cat
Mountain Lion
Miros Bird ( Rainworld )
Slugcat ( Rainworld )
Lantern Mouse ( Rainworld )
Rainwing ( WOF )
Amaryllis flower
I am an artist and have been for about 7-8 years :3 I don't have comms open yet but I plan on opening them soon!! here's some examples of my art!
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I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Anxiety, and Depression (but I am currently in recovery!!)
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Heres my straw page for a tldr ^-^
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Downandcrafty - My irl best friend!! He's been a huge source of support for me and it is so skrungle
Kidwhomhasahat |alt 1 and alt 2| - one of my mutuals and a huge source of inspiration for me!! Plus she is very very silly :33
Lordoftablecloths - one of my mutuals ^w^ he is very cool and swag
Thef0llyofman - a fellow tourney kid and another one of my inspos!!
Sparklecarehospital - a comic I've been hyperfixating over :3 go check it out! It's very well written.
Tgcg - i think I spelt it wrong but amazing art!! Very pleasing to the eyes ^w^
Nikovolt |alt| - another moot and just a general silly person!
Scene-royaltylolz - very silly moot and a very kind person!!!
Sponseredbywalmart - one of my moots, very silly
Red-rat-ryu - my beautiful amazing partner ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kr1ck3ts-d3n - my other beautiful amazing partner :3 ❤️❤️
Potato-in-dirt - one of my irl friends !! Shark buddies ....
makothedorito - one of my moots ive known the longest ! Pelting her with bricks :3 /vvpos
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PLEASE INTERACT: alterhumans / alterhuman allies , artists , lgbtqia individuals / lgbtqia allies , neurodivergents , DOATK / MWM / mashup tournament enjoyers , NON-PROBLEMATIC Homestucks , non-problematic people :33
DO NOT INTERACT: Racists, Zoophiles , Homophobes / Terfs , Cringe Culture participaters , Proshippers , People prone to drama , generally shitty people
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Please keep like spam down to 5 posts or less ! It can be fairly annoying if I receive a shit ton of notifs ( Mutuals are exempt from this to a point )
If you like my art, reblog it ! Likes are nice, but reblogs can help more people see my art. I spend a lot of time and effort making my art and if it doesn't travel , it means that effort went to waste
Please don't use it / it's for me. I know a lot of other alterhumans use those but I feel very uncomfortable when they're used for me .
Please don't use nicknames for me unless we are mutuals
Please don't dm me unless we are mutuals
DO NOT MAKE SUI / SH JOKES! I have personally experienced both of those and they are a huge negative trigger for me . I am currently recovering and thinking too much about those things have lead me to mental breakdowns .
If I don't respond to an ask / message / comment, do not spam me please . My antidepressants make me very tired and I sleep alot because of it , so I might not get back to you immediately .
If you violate my dni or break my page rules I'm blocking you /srs
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I am part of a system ! This blog is mostly used by Skip (the host), but sometimes other alters might pop in as well. Both of the ones that openly communicate type differently than I do (one types in a sort of "uwu speak' kind of fashion, and the other may replace Es with 3s), so please let them be if that happens!
Blogs for other alters ; Nep /\/\ Jolt ( One doesn't have one due to complications )
My sign offs for each of my alters are;
Skip ( Me ) - ⭐ - info above :3
Mozart - 🎸 - He / They - Doesn't front much due to complications with his source , he prefers to talk in a more " uwu " sort of way ??? idk how to describe it , but if he needs to ( or forgets lmao ) he'll talk more normally
Nepeta - ♌ - She / Kit / Any with a She / Kit preference - nonverbal , but loves to talk through other means ! Kits fairly hyper and loves talking about quadrents :3
Jolt - 📺 - She / They / Chip / Glitch - Milf energy . She talks very smoothly and uses " darling " alot . Doesn't know much about her past and struggles with remembering things . The few things she does remember are fairly traumatizing for her , so please don't bring them up !
Cirus / Lamb - 🔻- He / They - Former cult leader turned god of death . He is fairly fond of cats as his spouse was one . He's very much determined to keep the body healthy . Loves talking to people :3
Davepeta - 🍎 - She / He / They / It / Any - Whimsy lil fucker with BAADD memory . Would follow anyone who gives it apple slices . fairly new .
Jaspers / Frigglish - 🐈‍⬛ - He / Any - Also fairly new . Says whatever hes thinking . Very kind and loves talking to people :3
We love meeting doubles and alters from the same source !!!!
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Here's where I got the teeth dividers!
And here's the moon dividers :3
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Why I Headcanon Azula Suffering from Mental Illness, Pre-Sozin's Comet
Note: To make it super clear, I have no relevant training when it comes to mental health, or in psychology in general. I am just a fan sharing my headcanon based on what I think would lead into interesting storytelling. So if you have any problems (ex. you think I engaged in ableism) with my characterization and/or diagnosis of Azula, please let me know in the comments.
One of the more contentious arguments in the ATLA fandom is whether or not Azula has any mental disorder(s), and if so, what they are. 
Some fans think Azula suffered from some combination of antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and/or bi-polar personality disorder, and so all the events of the back half of Season 3 did was make her actively psychotic. 
Meanwhile, there are other fans who believe that Azula’s problem was being a poorly socialized kid who was raised to be the perfect conqueror and tyrant, and so her mental breakdown during Sozin’s Comet was a temporary stress-based breakdown caused by her life falling apart.
And while the comics could have provided a clear answer, they unfortunately haven’t as of the time of this post. 
This is because while Azula suffered from constant delusions and hallucinations for at least a year, they can be easily explained by her less than ideal treatment in her asylum.
(Yes, apparently it is canon that there is systemic abuse present in the Fire Nation’s asylum system, and that it played a major role in not only Azula’s worsened mental state in the comics, but also why the Fire Warriors willingly joined Azula’s side as well.)
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Moreover, despite her and Zuko claiming that she appears to mentally better off in Smoke and Shadow, with Azula claiming that she no longer sees or hears “Ursa”, she occasionally is drawn in the same fashion as an actively psychotic Azula is in The Search.
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Which suggests that her escaping the asylum and finding a new purpose in life, turning Zuko into a tyrant or retaking the throne for herself, is just a temporary fix.
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In addition, at least in the post-Sozin’s Comet comics written by Gene Luen Yang, Azula is supposed to be suffering from a split personality disorder. 
Yet I am pretty sure that a significant portion of fandom would agree with me when I say that did not appear to be the case in those comics considering Azula never appears to switch between her normal personality and any alters.
Therefore, considering the franchise refuses to give a clear answer on what, if any, mental illness(es) Azula has, what, if any, mental illness(es) Azula has is the realm of headcanons for now.
So, what mental illness(es), if any, do I headcanon Azula suffering from?
Well, I headcanon that Azula has (childhood) schizoaffective disorder plus complex post-trauma stress disorder (C-PTSD) caused by the fact that Ursa did manage to teach her morals, but she had to consciously disregard them to be her father's perfect heir. 
And that the first time she hallucinated Ursa was after her father made her do something heinous, like torturing an agitator in a prison at his command, or after she smiled after Zuko's burning, thinking that deserved it, even though deep down she knew it was wrong.
I also headcanon that she went to great lengths to hide her hallucinations and avoid triggering herself by doing things like avoiding mirrors to the point that no one other than Lo and Li suspected there was anything wrong with her.
But as Zuko, Ty Lee, and Mai “abandon” her before the events of the show occur, she starts to fall apart.
Hence why she seeks out Ty Lee and Mai, even though there are better fighters available like Combustion Man, and why she allows Zuko to "redeem" himself.
That and "Ursa" telling her that she has been a bad sister for trying to imprison or kill her own brother, and that he deserves to come back home, not in chains or in a coffin, but by her side as their father’s rightful heir once again. 
So, with her brother and friends back in her life, combined with the fact that she has succeeded in securing her father’s love by essentially winning the war as far as she is concerned, Azula is able to keep “Ursa” for the most part suppressed.
Hence why Azula appears to be happy and even somewhat normal during the first part of Season 3.
This, even though “Ursa” keeps telling her from time to time that it is wrong to blackmail her brother about the Avatar’s potential survival, and that it is a matter of time before Mai and Ty Lee stop tolerating her after everything she has done to them, especially Ty Lee.
So it’s no surprise that after Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and Ozai's "betrayals", especially considering the nature of their “betrayals” and how they all occurred within a short timeframe, that she becomes actively psychotic, with her condition then worsening due to the abusive asylum she was placed in, as well as the fact no one came to visit her until Zuko needed her to find Ursa.
But after Noriko apologizes for not loving her enough, plus Zuko affirming that he will always love her, she stops being actively psychotic due to a combination of no longer being in the asylum and her realizing her purpose in life is to "help" Zuko.
However, Azula hasn’t really healed, since her actions in Smoke and Shadow were essentially having a manic episode due to having a new purpose in life, no longer being in the asylum, and having new friends in the form of the Fire Warriors.
Moreover, her trying to turn Zuko into a tyrant, or if that fails, retaking the throne for herself, is a giant coping mechanism since actively coming to terms with the fact her trying to be her father’s perfect heir alienated her from everyone who she cared about would be too much for her psyche.
Especially since there doesn’t seem any way to redeem herself, let alone get her brother, Mai, and/or Ty Lee’s forgiveness and companionship again.
And why do I headcanon Azula suffering from (childhood) schizoaffective disorder alongside C-PTSD?
Well, initially, before rewatching ATLA, I used to think that Azula’s breakdown was a temporary, stress-induced breakdown caused by her life falling apart.
But after rewatching ATLA, or more specifically, the mirror scene, I picked on something very peculiar: Azula doesn’t appear to be shocked by the presence of “Ursa”, even though as far as she is concerned, Ursa has been gone for over five years at this point.
Azula: “All right hair, it's time to face your doom.”
Azula grabs the bangs hanging in front of her face. She lifts them in the air and cuts them, with them falling near her feet. Her reflection in the mirror shows her grinning, with her hair a mess, but she stops grinning as she notices Ursa appears in the reflection, behind Azula.
Ursa: “What a shame, you always had such beautiful hair.”
Azula: “What are you doing here‌?”
Ursa: “I didn't want to miss my own daughter's coronation.”
Azula: “Don't pretend to act proud. I know what you really think of me. You think I'm a monster.
Ursa: [Cuts to shot of Azula looking at her reflection in the mirror, clearly angered; off-camera.] “I think you're confused. All your life you used fear to control people, like your friends Mai and Ty Lee.”
Azula: [Closes her eyes before turning around sharply to face her mother.] “Well what choice do I have?! [Cuts to shot of her standing in the room, her back to the mirror which still shows the reflection of her mother.] Trust is for fools. Fear is the only reliable way. Even you fear me.”
Ursa: [Sincerely.] “No. I love you, Azula. I do.”
Cuts to close-up of Azula as she bends over slightly, tears in her eyes, and her hair hanging down in messy locks. Cuts to shot of her hand gripped around a hairbrush on the table. The camera shifts as the enraged princess lets out a shout and hurls the brush at the mirror. The resulting impact shatters a large portion of the mirror, including where Ursa's reflection was seen. Cuts to overhead shot of the room as Azula kneels over and begins bitterly crying. The room is devoid of any other people, showing that Ursa's reflection was a mere hallucination.
So, after reading the comics and learning that not only did Azula continue to suffer from hallucinations and delusions, but also that her “recovery” wasn’t really a recovery at all, I came to the conclusion that you can tell a compelling story of Azula suffering from (childhood) schizoaffective disorder plus C-PTSD.
Or more specifically, you can tell a compelling story of Azula constantly struggling to suppress her conscience after Ursa left and she got molded into Ozai's perfect weapon, with her symptoms worsening as her friends and brother slowly but surely leave her life, only getting better after she forcibly brings them back into her life.
But after Zuko, Mai, Ty Lee, and Ozai “betray” her one by one, making her (subconsciously) realize that all the people she had hurt and pushed away in pursuit of Ozai’s "love" was all for nothing, and that she was wrong to ignore to “Ursa”, she can no longer keep her symptoms under check.
And that her behavior from Sozin’s Comet onward can be explained due a combination of the asylum worsening her condition, her going through periods of mania and depression, and her trying to avoid consciously admitting that Ozai’s abuse and her own choices led her to lose everything that mattered to her since doing so might break her for good.
So to conclude, I headcanon Azula suffering from (childhood) schizoaffective disorder plus C-PTSD, even pre-Sozin’s Comet, partially because Azula was not surprised at the presence of “Ursa” during the mirror scene, and partially because she continued to be suffering from delusions and hallucinations long after Sozin’s Comet.
And while I wish the writers for the franchise would do more research before trying to depict Azula suffering from such disorders, I do think with has already be depicted and said that there is enough present already to tell a compelling story involving Azula trying to deal with and overcome such disorders, regardless if she actually does succeed in overcoming them, or at least learn how to manage them.
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angel-shaw · 1 month
Hay y’all just a quick update on my life cuz I can’t really tell anyone else and y’all are really fucking nice to me so…ya
I have two partners and we are all in a poly relationship, there’s Ollie (dateing for 2 years in a few weeks) and Atlas (dateing sense March)
Ollie knew Atlas and asked me if they could start flirting and stuff and that night when I met atlas we also started dateing (it was so funny)
Now however Ollie has been going through a lot and due to that has decided to try going back to a long term mental hospital, now a few of you might know from my posts a few months ago, Ollie has already gone to a long term and it ended up being a terrible place for them, it told them they didn’t have a disorder leading to an entire mental brake that had them brake up with me for a week. We talked it out and we are fine but it was extremely bad for both party’s
I’m so scared about history repeating itself and I miss Ollie a lot. Atlas is here this time but he tends to be more busy, witch is not a grate thing for me seeing as how when I’m alone I tend to sink back into my belh mentality and can’t do much so I’m really struggling:( I really want to just get over it but I’m struggling a lot with it
It doesn’t help that a lot has been going on in my personal life that sets me on edge:/
School is starting up again soon so I’m gonna try to focus on that when we start but still :(
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Another thing I noticed but no one talks about. Now we all agree the Atla movie is trash. But one major mishap would’ve been the pursue of Azula. She’s depicted as laughing because in the movie she’s interpreted as eeeviiilll. You know, a maniac, a sadist. But she isn’t. In the show when she’s smiling during Zuko’s Agni Kai with fire lord Ozai it’s because she feels a thrill to what she’s been taught represents a service in justice: punishing weakness and power reigning. Not because of inflicted pain.
Compare this:
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To this:
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Same for when she tracks down Zuko at the northern air temple, smiling visciously.
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But her motivation that this smile originates from isn’t amusement but victory in dominance.
She just assured herself that she’s powerful. People who do that chase power because they run from weakness.
In the Boiling Rock she doesn’t needlessly torture the accused the second she finds out he isnt a traitor because she does in fact not get any arousal from such acts of violence.
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Even in the beach episode:
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This isn’t a game for her. She’s not a loco, she’s manipulated (and deeply traumatised) and I think it would’ve been a very tragic mistake to write Azula not misunderstood but like an unrealistic idea of what mental disorders make people do. Cruelty for the sake of cruelty, or because that’s the only way we can feel something like so many blockbusters make their villains out to be.
It’s would’ve taken away one of the main points of the show really, that an entire nation can be mislead and convinced of their rightfulness and even benevolence through propaganda, resulting in the Defense of War. This is also thematised in this episode:
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And Zuko challenging his father during the black sun *rephrased: “When I grew up I was told the war was a way to share our prosperity with the world. But they hate us.” They believed this of course. Raised on lies you can’t tell apart those incongruencies and propaganda.
It’s a generational cycle…
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I mean, we only see her like two times in the movie and she’s built up as being the villain to come so the audience is supposed to fear her so that might’ve been a strategic move making those few seconds as creepy as possible and they were planning on giving her her calculating self later but since they already sucked at introducing the mysterious and untouchable fire lord like it was a new art form:
*show introducing Ozai, the main villain, mysterious, powerful, unreachable and intimidating:
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*movie introducing Ozai:
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I guess it’s safe to assume this was the trope they were going for with Azula.
More glad than ever they couldn’t develop that.
It’s about fear and control, not unreproducible bugginess…
(Comic by ghosteyes:)
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Sorry for my English
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slasherhusband · 9 months
heyo!! my names atlas! ive decided to start doing slasher headcanon things.
please note this is my first time actually attempting to publish any of my writing in any way so its probably gonna be mostly short headcanon list things. i might be more comfortable eventually to do longer stuff, but for now nah
also dont except my posts to look fancy im still getting used to how posting here works
more info below!!
slashers im willing to write for:
-vincent sinclair
-jason voorhees
-bubba sawyer
-thomas hewitt
-bo sinclair
-lester sinclair
-michael myers (og or rz)
-billy lenz
-brahms heelshire
-asa emory
-freddy krueger
(feel free to request others)
request rules:
-NO nsfw (may still write slightly suggestive things, but it will not be the main focus of any of my writings)
-im willing to do things about physical and mental disabilities, but if i feel i cannot accurately portray it, i will NOT write it. small list of things i know im comfortable with are autism, adhd, ocd, did/osdd/other dissociative disorders, and cpstd/ptsd
-im willing to write about heavier topics depending on what it is, so feel free to ask
-very willing to do trans readers!!
-if i do not want to do a request, i’ll simply ignore it
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d0g0r0t · 9 months
Head Canons and Master List
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So this blog started with ticci toby headcanons but recently I've been getting into other things and have been holding you guys off for a really long time and I'm so so so so sorry for that but either way, I decided to just write about all the mfs I find attractive 💀
I won't do anything that isn't consensual
won't do anything is it involves NSFW and underage or age gap (go find that shit else where)
I won't do anything that involves assault in a sexaul manner, r-grape, gross and icky kinks like feet or some shit like ew
When it comes to sh. sewer slide and ed's be a little filtered if you don't mind but I don't care if you want me to write about that stuff :)
I won't write ANYTHING wit incest
No x oc I'm sorry that shits HARD
If one has (SFW ONLY) I mean don't ask me for anything weird for that character. They are MINORS, UNDERAGE get that in your head. If you ask for anything NSFW or any gross you will be blocked and reported.
Gory topics
Sensitive topics
Anything to do with gender or preferences
Mental health
Literally anything you want don't be shy!
Master List
Ticci toby master list
Nina the killer
Eyeless jack
Jeff the killer
Ben drown (SFW ONLY!)
Any other pasta
Blue eye samurai
Dr. Flug
Sally Face
Todd (platonic only)
Josh Hutcherson 💀
Clapton Davis
Mike schmidt
ATLA (aged up)
Aang (sfw)
Toph (sfw)
South park (aged up)
Cartman (platonic)
Anyone else idfk 🤷‍♀️
I really DONT have many obsessions rn bc I have to stick to one thing at a time but IF YOU WANT ASK ME FOR A CHARACTER AND IF IK THEM ILL DO MORE RESEARCH
Once again I'm so sorry to all my readers for not posting, I had a really rough few months and I hope you understand but I promise I'll try my very best to get more out and be consistent
Thank you truly for the love you guys gave me.
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