#autistic bianca di angelo
1800-lemon-boy · 1 month
Friendly reminder that Nico Di Angelo as a child, loved pirates and Greek mythology.
Imagine a 10 year old Nico getting excited that the Greek gods exist, then finding out that he gets to learn how to sword fight just like pirates do. (He was so excited he ended up cutting his leg resulting in a scar)
And now imagine all that excitement disappear when he learns that he can never show his big sister what he learnt.
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wu-does-art · 5 months
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The Titans curse, folks
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mediumgayitalian · 7 months
part one
Nico’s memory is…screwy.
The Lethe warped things, but the body stores memory in strange ways. The only image he has of his mother is the gentle swish of her skirts as Zeus incinerated her, the echo of her fond scoff and curled r’s. Even that memory was shown to him. Most of his childhood memories are from the Lotus Casino, really, running after Bianca through the flashing games and then running away from her, laughing, when she forbid him from driving on the racetrack. His sister is the centre of his memories. He keeps them under lock and key, buried in the same place he keeps Mythomagic stats and his constant string of fear.
(The key is rusted and the lock is loose. He sees her in every mirror, now, in every mirror. She was pretty. Beautiful. He always thought so. She hid herself in too-large sweaters and shapeless skirts, crooked stockings and her floppy green hat. Kept her hand curled around his, turned away from the boys who smiled at her, touched her shoulders. She was his entire world, and he is beginning to realize that he was her world, too, only she had no one to care for her. It makes Nico ache to think about, the tears he sometimes saw welling up in her dark eyes, the creases in her angular, beautiful face. Her pain is as familiar in his reflection as the shape of her nose, identical to his.)
(Gorgeous, Will called him.)
Warped as his memories are, Nico isn’t completely stranded — he has dreams.
His dreams, although rare, are clear. He is a spectator of himself, and voyeur of his own life. He does not remember Venice, does not remember his bedroom, the country side, the kitchen table. But he remembers every dream he has.
Including, embarrassingly, a lecture that had both him and Bianca red-cheeked and scowling.
“You-a smart, bambina,” Maria had said to Bianca, squeezing her chin with flour-covered hands. “Una belladonna giovane, si, Niccolò?”
Nico had snickered into his hands, legs kicking, looking at his sister cross-eyed with his tongue sticking out.
“Bianca è una picchia,” Nico had teased, repeating his mother’s words from the last time she’d been scolded. “Una piantagrane!”
Bianca’s eyes had flashed. “Nico, I’m gonna sell your stupido toys —”
“Sonno worries forra my Bianca,” Maria had interrupted, eyebrows raised. “Ragazzi comma running. But you, Niccolò.” She dragged him back by the cuff of his shirt, cutting off his escape attempts. ““È importante, capisci? Lookame. Niccolò. Lookame.”
He spent a lot of time fidgeting, he remembers. Bouncing off the walls.
His mother was patient.
“You gonna be uno marito, un giorno. Gonna marry a nice-a girl. You gotta sai come fate.”
He wakes up from the dream embarrassed.
He knows why it was brought from the depths of his subconscious. He’s not dense. But he wishes, as he rips the sheets off his sweaty body, that it had stayed in those stupid trenches.
His mother’s raspy, cigarette-smoker voice twists with Will’s smooth rumble: You gonna be uno marito, one day. I’ve had a crush on you for forever.
He buries his burning face in his knees. What is Will’s problem. Who says that?
Nico has had crushes before. Telling Percy made him nauseous for three days. And Will just — said it. Said it!
He rolls onto the floor, refusing to think about it any longer. He has things to do today. Children to humble. He cannot afford — distractions.
Of course, he is distracted anyway.
He hears the kids in his sword fighting class whisper to themselves. They usually do, but there’s an audible difference to it; they sound more like the giggling naiads than nervous kids. Nico spends all three of his classes tense as a rod, stiffer than he usually is a suffering for it.
He dismisses each one of his classes early.
By lunchtime, he’s exhausted. He’s tempted to skip all together, but yesterday he ran out of snacks, and if he skips two days in a row Will’ll come marching, which is the last thing he needs. He lingers in the amphitheatre, biting the inside of his thumb, weighing his options. Eat with a crowd of people, go hungry.
In the end, the choice is made for him.
He startled when his name is called by a group of people, each with similar levels of enthusiasm. Leo, Piper, Jason, and Annabeth — Percy is with his mom this week, Nico recalls — approach him, waving.
“We are flagrantly breaking the rules and eating at Jason’s table,” Piper says, smiling. “Sit with us.”
She says it like an offer, but Nico has a feeling it’s more of a command. He nods, hesitantly falling in step with Annabeth.
(His friendship with her startled him. So many years seething with jealousy, simmering with misplaced hate and pain; only to find out she’s stubborn, like he is, and kinda cagey. She knows what it’s like growing up glancing over your shoulder. They stand the same, shoulders loose but knees locked; and eat the same, like they’ll never see food again. She knows when to let him have his silence. He knows when to let her have her space.)
She nods at him, smiling slightly. Her grey hairs are dyed with pink, today. It clashes horribly with her camp shirt. It suits her.
“Kids do alright today?”
“Harley blow anything up?”
“Impressive, that one.”
Nico smiles. “Yeah.”
They’re the last ones to the dining pavilion. Most tables are already full, conversations rising and lulling, food disappearing from plates. Several people duck close to their friends as they walk by, whispering. Nico pretends not to notice, pretends not to see Annabeth’s frown.
“Nico! Hey! I was just about to come find ya!”
Tripping in his haste to get up from his table — or maybe over his snickering sister’s extended foot — Will bounds up to meet him, hair flopping into his eyes, grin wide and blinding.
Nico’s palms begin to sweat.
“Will,” he acknowledges, after a beat too long.
Will doesn’t seem to notice.
(Everyone else does.)
“Just wanted to let you know that I was up last night digging through the records, and I found a hymn that’ll fix up your face faster. Not that it needs fixing.” He winks, or maybe tries to. What he really does is blink both eyes, beam so bright it forces smile lines. Nico goes bright red. “So just drop by whenever! I’m not on duty today, but it’s cool, just come find me. Better sooner than later, right?”
He doesn’t wait for Nico’s response, already half turned away by the end of his sentence. “See ya!” he shouts, too loud for the limited size of the dining pavilion, already stumbling back to his table, halfway through a new conversation with Austin. He watches him, amused, indulging.
“So,” says a teasing voice, dragging out the vowel, gleeful. Nico turns to find four identical smirks. “He sounded eager.”
“Nope,” Nico says immediately, turning back the way he came. His face continues to grow exponentially more red, which at this point must be some kind of hazard. “Food is overrated. I’m gonna —”
“Oh, no you don’t,” and then there’s a hand clenched in the back of his jacket, pulling, and four echoing cackles, and he’s dragged over to Jason’s table kicking and hissing. “Time for you to spill.”
part three
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punkeropercyjackson · 8 months
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Yeah i had to make this one too LMFAO
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poppitron360 · 4 months
Things I have said out loud while listening to the PJO/HOO audiobooks… In public…
“Okay, they’re splitting up the party… are they gonna kiss? Are they gonna kiss? Pls tell me they kiss.”
“Accept yourself! Love yourself! Accept yourself!”
“Reyna, Honey, one thing Heathers taught me is that Drain Cleaner is always an option.”
“Stop making me like Frank. Stop it. He too cute, but he’s gonna rival goldenchild sweetheat Leo, I know he is. I swear to the Gods-“
“Get her beautiful name out of your slimy mouth. Nobody talks shit about my girl.”
“Wait- did she just die?”
“Aww, baby boy…”
“Babes, why are you afraid of homophobes? You can summon armies of the dead. The homophobes should be afraid of you.”
“Oh no. Oh no. I’ve read the spoilers. I know what happens. Oh no.“
“Jesus fucking crRIST GET THERAPY-“
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nightfang22 · 2 months
I wanna write Percy Jackson fanfic so bad but I feel like I need to finish the series before I can accurately write anything because book Percy is TOP FUCKING TIER
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wanderingmind867 · 8 months
Oh, now you care about Nico. Now that you're a Hunter, you claim to feel bad about abandoning your only family. Well, no! You don't get to to do that, Bianca! You abandoned him and planned on outliving him with your immortality. And then she Blames Percy! "If not for you, I wouldn't have felt okay about leaving Nico". So you're fine leaving him with a total stranger!? A man you knew for one or two days, max!? Wow, Bianca. You suck. You really suck.
And I'm sorry you have no life of your own outside of Nico, Bianca. But you're his only family member! You can't abandon him within three chapters of a freaking book! At least wait to see he's in good company (not just saddled with total strangers)! Jesus Christ! I know he's not the figure I should be praying to for the Greeks, but Jesus! Her story is terrible.
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ladynicte · 2 years
Autistic Nico with selective mutism who never spoke at all with anybody until he was five.
His first words being 'Bianca', said only to her one day they were playing around the canals.
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lostlosersclub · 5 months
So. Nico Di Angelo HCs :>
be prepared for so much projection
ok so:
• nico is trans, and came out to bianca during the lotus casino. she helped him cut his hair afterwards
• he is also autistic and had a special interest in mythomagic for a long time
• part of why hes not great at interacting with others is the autism
• oh right just bc i say so he also has ocd, ptsd, anxiety, panic disorder, and depression
• hades was always very accepting. i just feel like he would give nico a binder while he was on his own
• binds for way too long. will (who is also trans btw) lectures him on binder safety daily
• he is also physically disabled from his powers. i hc him as using mobility aids. i also hc him as having a hellhound service dog when hes older
• he is often described as twisting his skull ring in the books, so i say that its him fidgeting and stimming discreetly
• favorite fruit is pomegranate
• had an especially hard time grasping the fact that hes gay because he felt guilty for being trans
• when he was outed, cupid also outed him as trans. when jason was the only one who knew, jason would pull him aside to check that he was binding safely
• listens to emo music but less like mcr and stuff hes more of a midwest emo listener
• always wears tons of jewelry like rings and necklaces because he likes fidgeting with them
• wears headphones around his neck for sensory issues, but also to block out the voices of the dead
• has very light freckles and a mole right under his right eye
• goes nonverbal when super stressed out and is prone to panic attacks
• get sunburnt very easily
• lets his hair grow out a bit to around shoulder length once he’s older
• got his ears pierced when he was little, and kept them in to this day
• got more piercings as he got older
• got a star tattoo to match will
sorry this is so long im very passionate about my boy
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1800-lemon-boy · 1 month
Imagine 10 year old Nico info-dumping to Bianca about pirates and Greek Heroes.
Now imagine HOO Nico on the Argo 2, looking back at it all and realising he’s basically now a Greek hero AND a pirate, but he isn’t able to info dump to Bianca like he used to. 💀
Imagine him going to tell Bianca before realising-
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nightshade-anura · 1 year
since ive got the occasional ask about nico di angelo being autistic, im gonna go through it now:
in ttc, he talks non stop- especially about mythomagic- without realising that no one else really cares. he is literally infodumping about his special interest
similiarly, it's also hinted at that he used to be obsessed with pirates, which could've been a previous special interest
he stims regularly. the most obvious example is the fact that hes often described to be twisting his skull ring
he has a very complicated relationship with touch, with not being comfortable with most people touching him. the only exceptions to this rule (that i can think of) are bianca, will and jason, all of whom he very clearly trusts and cares about deeply
he straight up fucking leaves whenever it gets too much for him
he always wears black, with the exception of ttc, where hes wearing school uniform, so doesnt have a choice
he gets on better with deities and mythological beings than demigods and mortals, because of the different social standards and cues. yeah, some of this is self imposed and some is the whole "people making assumptions because hes the son of hades" thing, but it very much still applies. as proven, theres already multiple reasons for it
he (appears) to be extremely empathetic, if the cases of bob the titan and hestia are worth anything
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underwxrldprincess · 2 months
Intro post 🌙
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Greetings/welcome back to my page! My name is Bianca (she/they), and I'm 21 years old. I identify as genderfluid and aro-ace, but I'm partially attracted to (some) men.
Other facts about me:
🥀 INTJ 1w9
🥀 Slytherin
🥀 Cabin 13
🥀 French, Italian and Korean
🥀 autistic
🖤 Marauders
🖤 Miraculous Ladybug
🖤 Percy Jackson
Favorite fictional characters:
🪐 Amélie Graham de Vanily (if I were to have any children in the future, I would totally name them Amélie and Félix)
🪐 Bianca di Angelo (my namesake)
🪐 Félix Fathom (mon prince)
🪐 Nico di Angelo
🪐 Regulus Black (mon étoile)
🪐 Thalia Grace
🌑 astronomy
🌑 Greek mythology
🌑 history (especially British and Jewish history)
Things I love:
🐈‍⬛ cats (especially black or white cats)
🐈‍⬛ classical novels (especially Victor Hugo's works)
🐈‍⬛ goth fashion
🐈‍⬛ musical theatre
🐈‍⬛ plushies
🐈‍⬛ silver jewelry
🐈‍⬛ this one kid at the daycare I work at
Things I hate:
🗡️ Colt Fathom
🗡️ disrespecting my boundaries
🗡️ inhumanity
🗡️ loud environments
🗡️ my mom
🗡️ not taking "no" for an answer
🗡️ small talk
Other Marauders for Jews members:
♟️ he's a ten but he likes 🐀 @rmoony01
♟️ Lily kin @atyd1960
♟️ Lily/Remus kin @siriuslybowie81
♟️ Snape stan @jackcryptid
♟️ @poitionsprince
(Alona does not have Tumblr)
☕️ ableists
☕️ antisemites
☕️ biphobes
☕️ homophobes
☕️ racists
☕️ transphobes
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Fanartists who draw characters with super ashy/faded skin tones and delicate facial features and builds and focus almost entierly on nonblack/male characters and shipping and powerup aus have done irreperable damage to the Batfam and Pjo ecosystems
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Pjo head canons I refuse to believe arent canon
- the Grace siblings have tics bc of the electricity running in their veins. They can never sit still and the tics get more intense the more they use their powers.
- the Di angelo siblings are both autistic. Bianca was able to mask more bc she’s AFAB but Nico had a much harder time adjusting. ( it’s a lot better in the 21st center tho)
-Percy is the mf to stop and go “it’s going to rain” even when the sky’s r clear. (He’s always right)
- Annabeth needs glasses bc of her eye strain of staying up all night with minimum lighting. (Leo makes her a pair with build in flashlights)
-Leo has stiff fingers and often drops things bc his muscles are slow to work. It’s frustrating bc that means he has to take things slow.
- similar to Leo, Will also experiences muscle pain in his hands from healing. The constant temperature change from healing has strained his muscles and he does little physical therapy when no one’s around bc he doesn’t want to worry anyone. (I headcanon his hands get very hot the longer he heals to the point of almost burning. He got first degree burns once and he’s been scared to try anything more since)
- Annabeth knows Percy’s going through it really badly when Grover shows up or calls him more. They lean on each other bc Percy doesn’t like asking for help with his mental health.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Wait, back to the “Nico speaks more formally than needed” thing.
Besides the possibility of an autistic trait, what if Nico talks that way because he’s a bilingual, and English is his second language?
To be more specific, my point is that those who know more than one language tend to try to speak strictly, grammatically correct in the secondary ones, at all time - unless they are super fluent and have engaged in enough daily, informal conversations in said languages to be casual like a native.
I’m proposing this headcanon because English is my second language, too, and like my fellow learners, I’m much, much more aware of my grammatical errors, vocabulary choices, etc… of my speaking/ writing than natives usually do.
Now, I don’t recall how Nico learnt English, so i assume he learnt a little at school, then has been picking up more since the Lotus casino. A 10-year-old boy was suddenly plucked out of his hometown only to be thrown in a new society, whose language he barely knew at that point.
- Nico was then put into a military school, where there are many native children, and children say whatever come to mind. A new boy with amnesia, no parent, a suspicious guardian and an European accent. Nico was bound to be embarrassed at some point. Maybe he had difficulties talking with others because Bianca had hardly let him talk to strangers in the casino and they didn’t talk much besides welcomes and liquor offers anw. Maybe people found his accent eccentric. Maybe they found his stuttered sentences hilarious.
Gradually, he grew to be self-conscious about his English speaking and therefore would try to keep it flawless, correct and always appropriate.
Someone mentioned that he even used the word “whom”, which, i must agree, is rarely used in daily conversations except for maybe academic works. He might have tried extra hard to work on his English in the school.
- Also, i don’t know if you know this but Nico is a truly good child. He is respectful. He’s not only to those who give him a reason not to. Look at him talking to Hestia when no one does. He defended his sister. He took his sister’s words seriously.
“Is it G or PG? Because Bianca is kinda strict—” As a child who was always curious to do what I was forbidden, I pay utmost respect to Nico di Angelo.
This might be another reason for his formal speaking. Because he wants to show respect and commitment, that’s all.
- As for the unnecessarily (or necessarily, it depends) meticulous threats, I just think that since Nico is around dead people most of the times, he is aware of their causes of death and has seen a fair share of… gruesome images, hence the specific threats.
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solisaureus · 3 years
autistic nico di angelo thoughts:
-all demigods are neurodivergent in the first place so it could easily be canon
-doesn’t like to be touched
-difficulty understanding his own intense feelings and putting them into words to explain to others. often confuses intense emotions (such as love, hate, and anger)
-special interest in mythomagic and pirates
-wears the same jacket everywhere
-stims with skull ring
-feels different from everyone else and like fitting in requires a lot of effort to change himself
-copes with big changes really poorly (such as losing bianca and moving to camp half-blood)
-obsession with black clothes and items
-easily misled (ie by minos, geryon, hades), operates under the assumption that everyone means what they say and are upfront about their intentions
-gives off an unapproachable vibe, other people don’t know how to interact with him and think he’s weird
-generally bad at socializing and tends to prefer solitude
-desperate for companionship, and for someone to accept him the way he is even though he’s not like everyone else and never will be
-i am autistic and i relate to him
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