#badass mother fucker
alicethedemonicangel · 10 months
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An old OC I made before I got Tumblr that I remade. Meet suzy
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undercooked-icicle · 3 months
I wish I could just like turn into a squid at will. It'd be a neat party trick.
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thefixeraa · 1 year
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kazuki.... KAZUKIIII!!!!
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cozmikvi · 4 months
For all the little baby punks out there,
PUNK IS NOT AN AESTHETIC. It is not just clothes, It is not just fashion. It's not a cute tag on socials that you can slap over a thirst trap. It's not a commodity to be bought, packaged and sold. It is a movement of Anarchists, Marxists, Eco-terrorists, Feminists, badass mother fuckers who have strong principles and a deep love and care for their community. Fashies are not Punk, FARTs, are not Punk, Neo-Cons, are not Punk. You're just assholes co-opting a perceived image that was sold to you by corpos looking to privatize the scene for profit.
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charliedawn · 10 months
Okay Charlie hear me out on something, and I’ve been thinking about this for a while, it’s not a request it’s more of an idea or thought. (It might be dark idk)
Let’s say the nurse went to a different sanitarium, and the patients she treated were horrible towards her, what do I mean? I mean like they were all a group. Each and every one of them broke her down and she just accepted it. They played around with her like a doll didn’t care about her, they used her for anything and she accepted it. It took a lot for her to leave all of that toxicity leaving mainly scars on her back. Once she came to St. Louis (if I spelled it wrong correct me)
Obviously, she thought the same thing would happen, until the slashers actually started to like her and treated her differently. Sometimes she’ll flinch thinking they’ll hurt her like the others did but will play it off, until maybe…idk pennywise or anyone else who has mind powers finally goes in her head to see what happened, or maybe one of them catch her with the scars on her back. like when she first arrived she was all stone cold until she slowly opened up a little more. She promised herself to never cry in front of people but them confronting her about it just made her emotional since she felt worthless and used at that time and knowing they care means a lot
Like I said just a thought I had and would see what you’d like about it.
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The slashers knew that you had transferred from another mental hospital before coming to St Louis. They just didn’t know how bad it was until one day…The scars showed and some of the staff members started gossiping about it. Soon, all the patients knew of what had happened, and they decided to try and see the scars for themselves…Not expecting how bad they were.
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Jason saw them when he asked you to give him a bath. You rolled up your sleeves and he noticed familiar marks on your body.
But, you weren’t the only one being exposed.
Jason normally never showed his scars to anyone but his mother. But once in the bath, you eyes traveled along his scars. There were ugly red angry scars. He was covered in them.
You didn’t say anything, he didn’t either.
You just kept washing his hair and he stared at the ceiling—barely giving you a few glances from time to time. He could see that the scars weren’t only on your arms. He could see they were going far beyond what he could see.
When you were about to leave, he surprised you by grabbing the hem of your shirt and looking at you with pleading eyes.
You knew what he was asking for. Your eyes stayed locked and even though he didn’t utter a word, you had learned to understand him without the need for him to speak.
You sighed before wordlessly raising your shaking hands to your collar as you started unbuttoning your shirt. As you went along, his eyes stayed glued on you—watching intently as each scar was revealed to him.
He was actually surprised to find that you had almost as many as him. But unlike him…His eyes lowered a little…You weren’t even a killer.
He wanted to speak. It was the first time he wished he could actually speak and find the words to make it all alright. But the moment he looked up, you were already gone…
Freddy Krueger :
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"…You don’t need to hide them."
You stopped dead in your tracks before turning around to face Freddy with a slight frown of incomprehension.
"…What ?"
He tilted his head and for the first time, Freddy wasn’t smiling. He eyed your body up and down and leaned forward.
"You can try to cover them up all ya want, sweetheart. The scars ain’t gonna poof out of existence just cause ya want them gone. Believe me from experience. So, if ya wanna hear my advice ?" He crossed his arms over the table and laid his chin on them before looking straight at you. "…Be proud of them. Wear them like a fucking flag and make fuckers shake in their boots cause ya too damn badass for them to break ya."
You stayed silent as you kept looking at Freddy and you smiled—your eyes softening as you realised that Freddy was trying to make you feel better.
"Thanks, Freddy. You’re pretty badass too."
He huffed a laugh—but his eyes showed more than his smile as he replied.
"Yeah. Right. Be grateful you can hide the scars and don’t look like an overused chewing gum…" He grins. "Besides, haven’t ya heard ? Scars is the new sexy."
You laughed and shook your head.
"Right. Then you must be the god of sexy."
He smirked.
"Oh, honey…~Of course I am."
Brahms Heelshire :
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You were playing dress up. Brahms had insisted you play with him and wanted to dress you up with some of the dresses Barry had made.
He waited for you to change, but he couldn’t help to take a sneak peek at you—an old habit from his days hidden in the walls of his old house.
But, he didn’t expect to see the subtle rivers of red scars running down your back. He stayed shocked for a few seconds and it gave you enough time to notice his reflection in the mirror.
You quickly turned around and he could see it in your face. You were upset.
"Brahms ! I said not to look ! Bad boy !"
In normal circumstances, that last part would have made him whimper and beg for your forgiveness. But, not this time. This time…Brahms seemed to realise that you had a past he knew nothing about and suffering he would probably never be able to understand.
He came in and hugged you tightly.
You were about to speak up when he beat you to it.
"You look really pretty…"
Your eyes widened at the compliment and you didn’t know what to say. You knew he was talking about the dress and how it looked on you—but you still started crying. You embraced him back and for once, Brahms was the one to comfort you as he held you in his arms and couldn’t seem to find any other way to reassure you but to keep complimenting you and hoping that if he said it enough, you would end up believing it…
Michael Myers :
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Michael noticed the bandages around your wrists and the fact that you seemed to hide your body with sweaters and jackets…He knew.
Of course he knew.
But, he didn’t ask at the beginning because well…He didn’t care enough to ask. And then, he started to care. And that made him afraid. Because Michael Myers always kills the people he cares about. And he didn’t want to kill you.
But, he could see your suffering and the fact that nobody else seemed to understand or even notice your pain was driving him insane. Until, he couldn’t stand it anymore.
He grabbed your wrist and as you were about to ask what was going on, he dragged you back to a room. Once you were alone, he wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered.
You didn’t understand at first, not until he started pulling on your sweater and lift it just enough for his hands to touch the scars.
Your eyes widened in shock and fear as you tried to push him away.
"No, Michael ! No !"
But, he didn’t listen. He would see them. He would feel them. And he would heal them…Because that’s what you were doing for the slashers on a regular basis. And he would drop dead before letting you think he didn’t see you…
He laid his hands flat on your back as he pulled you into a tight embrace.
"…I…care." He buried his face in your neck. "I care…"
You were so shocked about hearing him speak that you actually stopped struggling and started crying instead—finally hugging him back.
"I know, Michael. I know…"
Bo Sinclair :
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"…Look at that. We got matchin’ friendship bracelets, darls’. If that ain’t a sign ? Then I dunno what is."
Bo noticed your wrists and the familiar binding scars. He had the same damn scars around his wrists. He knew what they meant. He knew torture and pain.
It was even worse when it came from people you thought cared about you. He thought for a long time that his ma and pa had a good reason to attach him and force feed him. He always thought they loved him…But it was only an illusion.
Your older patients…You surely cared for them—or you tried to. But, the scars were proof enough that this care was one-sided and that at the end, they had taken more from you than they had ever given you.
Bo stroked the scars on your wrists and offered you a sad smile.
"…They may not have loved you, nurse. But you can be sure that we’ll love ya bette’ for it," He looked up at you and "You’ll be a’right. I’ll make sure of it."
He grabbed your forearm and pressed his own scars against your own before pressing his forehead against yours.
"…We gonna be a’right. You and I. We gonna be a’right. I promise."
Your eyes filled with tears as you squeezed his forearm back.
"Yeah, Bo. We’re going to be alright."
Penny :
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It was in your bedroom when Penny first saw them. He was hiding underneath your bed and was waiting to jump scare you when you started undressing and his eyes widened when he saw your damaged back.
He kept staring before you were asleep in bed and then, he slowly crept up your bed until his face was right above your sleeping face.
He started sniffing your scars and growled lowly when he realised where you had gotten them from. They had hurt you…
He then slowly opened his mouth to lick your back—trying to soothe the pain. Some of them even healed up a little as he tried to make them disappear. He didn’t like to see you hurt.
Not a lot of people knew of Penny’s healing abilities. Especially since he didn’t like to use it on just anybody. But for you ? He’d make an exception…
When you stirred in your sleep, he had no choice but to stop. But, he still raised his hand to slowly caress your face and giggled quietly.
"…Brave, nursy."
He whispered as you kept your eyes closed and Penny sighed before nuzzling your face.
"…They will pay. They will pay. I will devour their stupid souls and eat them whole. I’ll make them regret every hurting you, my little nurse…"
He then kissed your cheek.
Your eyes suddenly opened—but he was gone.
Pennywise :
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Pennywise sat down next to you as you were having your break. He didn’t speak at first. You glanced at him curiously, but you didn’t try to break the silence.
You were starting to wonder if whether or not you should say something or leave when he finally spoke up.
"I saw many people with scars. Even Penny. I saw men, women and children try to hide their physical scars in fear or shame but…" Pennywise slowly removed one of his gloves and your eyes widened in shock when he actually laid his hand flat on yours. "…I don’t think so."
You stared at his hand on top of yours and were speechless for a second. Pennywise didn’t like to be touched. And the fact that he was now holding your hand was a real shock.
"Pennywise…You do not have to…" You tried to tell him.
He looked at you and smiled.
"It won’t bother me as much if I know it is for you…"
He tried to sound nonchalant, but his hand was shaking. He was forcing himself to stay still and make you feel better.
Finally, he retreated his hand, but the fact that he had actually succeeded in holding on as long as he did was a huge progress.
You smiled to yourself before looking at him.
"Thank you, Pennywise."
He smiled back.
"You’re welcome, sugar."
Dennis :
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You were washing the dishes with Dennis when his eyes spotted the little red scars on your arms. You followed his gaze and sighed before lowering your sleeves a little. Dennis looked up at your annoyed expression and wordlessly finished washing the dishes with you.
As you were leaving to get to your office however, he grabbed your hand. You frowned and looked back at him and he opened his mouth. He was silent for a few seconds before finally telling you:
"…The Horde expected me to protect them, so I did…But nobody came to help me when I needed protecting. So, I know how it feels. And that if you ever need protection ? I am here. And I…understand."
As you weren’t reacting, he thought you might find his words inappropriate or odd. He sighed and released your hand.
"…Just wanted to let you know."
He then turned around to leave.
But, you caught his hand before he could walk away and Dennis was momentarily stunned before he looked back at you and his astonishment turned to worry when he saw that you were crying.
But, his eyes widened when he felt you squeeze his hand and you offered his a small smile.
"…Thank you, Dennis."
He looked back down at your hand holding his and gulped before squeezing it back with a small smile of his own.
"…You’re welcome."
Norman Bates :
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"…Y/N…" His voice was weak. It was the first time Norman seemed so upset. He stared at your naked back and the angry red scars. They were so deep and some looked like the red feathers of imprinted wings.
He was speechless. When you tried to cover up, he stepped forward and held you closely—kissing the scars on your back gently.
"…I am so sorry, darling. I should have been here. I should have…" Norman felt so ashamed. He knew you from far before any of the slashers met you. But he had never really realised how bad it was.
"You couldn’t have. You didn’t know." You tried to reassure him, but he only held you tighter.
"I should have. Forgive me, my darling. Forgive me." He pleaded and his eyes filled with tears as he embraced you tightly and kept kissing your scars.
He wanted the pain to be gone.
Why hadn’t you said anything ? Why hadn’t you told him the truth ? Why hadn’t you given him the opportunity to avenge you ?
He felt anger bubbling in his chest.
…People were going to die tonight…
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so basically. I am a clown. [READ THE WHOLE THING OR ILL CRY]
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status: ONLINE
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Ppl put this aesthetic thing here so imma do it, pretend to be amazed:
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my full legal name [not reaaaaally]: Knox Finn Anaise
im currently trying to survive for the: 16th year in a row [I WAS BORN ON A LEAP YEAR LEGALLY IM 3 YEARS OLD] My gender: i was going to make a funny joke but it’s inappropriate so I’ll be boring and just say im a dude [if y’all can convince me to change it to the joke….]
MY HEIGHT: 8’2 (totally definitely not 5’11)
Sexuality: everyone is hot. Oh no!
status: single and ready to jingle [like a fool, miserably on the ground: see below image]
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godly parent: im not a demigod im just a human that the muses [my badass adoptive mothers] decided to take pity on so i GUESS im a demigod?????????
-i can dance very well thanks to momma Terpsichore
-i can write songs and poems and hymns thanks to momma Calliope and momma Polyhymnia
-I can write spicy fan fiction thanks to momma Erato (do not ask me to i will die)
-i can play EVERY INSTRUMENT IN THE WORLD thanks to momma Euterpe
-i can be a dramatic fucker because of momma Thalia [comedy=ADHD] and momma Melpomene [tragedy=depression]
-i can randomly point to stars and know their names coz of momma Urania [do not call her ur anus. She gets cranky.]
birthplace: ohio, USA [a lie]
Lore: I’m just a mortal dude who immigrated and was until recently living out of a homeless shelter.
No i am not an ambassador of skibidi toilet, im just failing at life
anyways heres what I look like externally
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@unhinged-as-hell [first client, CURRENT SPONSOR TO THE CHICKEN NUGGIES FUND]
@of-course-im-the-winner [second client, GAVE ME MONEYYY]
@demigod-jack-hearth (Bebe)
@if-chaos-was-a-boy [SUGAR DADDY, PAPACITAAA😍😍🔥🔥🔥]
@that-girl-cupid [NOT COMPETITOR]
@chaos-pers0nified [theatre nerd?????????]
@gay-emo-child-of-pluto [MY CHILDDD WITH PAPI WRAITH 🔥🔥🔥😩😍]
@stephen-the-spider [i wish i had siblings]
@bambi-the-dummy (slay, mother, girl boss)
@braydons-world (NEWEST SPONSOR)
@daonedaonlyskh [SHES COOL AS FUCK]
@penelope-is-waiting [my mami. She’s so nice.] @odysseus-of-ithaca-is-lost [my new dad. He’s still gone] @professionally-mocking-you [my new god adoptive dad]
This my songs recommendations:
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no1nuzifan · 6 months
Posting my headcanons bc I’m a silly billy ‼️‼️‼️
Lute Headcanons
Christian (duh)
Bisexual with a preference for Adam (but she hasn’t admitted she’s bisexual yet)
Badass 🗣️🗣️
Hates most people except for Adam, Emily and Sera. Emily’s like a younger sister for her, Sera like a mother and Adam a role model, best friend & partner (in crime and in romance)
Trained herself in self defence as well as fighting (though it wasn’t necessary til the events of episode 8)
Loves horror movies
Doesn’t like musicals too much but actually got pretty into school of rock cuz of Adam
Loves fighting, would willingly kill anyone who fucks with her or the people she cares about
Easily jealous, especially when Adam’s literally flirting with others or calling other people hot (which is often)
Reserved in public, clingy in private (especially post episode 8 following the theory of Adam being down in hell now ‼️)
Scared of being abandoned
Has never cried around anyone nor will she ever cry around anyone (she’d only ever cry around Adam if she absolutely had to, for example episode 8, but that’s RARE.)
Adam Headcanons
Christian (DUH???)
Pansexual (took forever to admit it, a combo of “$20 is $20” and “if there is a hole there is a goal” mentality)
Alex Brightman enthusiast
Loves rock (like he’ll only listen to rock or rock-like music)
School Of Rock fan (his favourite song is stick it to the man)
Egotistical, self-centred prick (but he still loves Lute)
Pro guitar player
Will only ever cry around Lute and it’s also very rare cuz it makes him feel weak
“All women belong in the kitchen (not Lute tho she belongs in my arms 🗣️🔥💕)” Adam, probably
Clingy both out in public and in private
Not easily jealous but if anyone tries ANYTHING he WILL get defensive asf like “mf that’s my woman” type shit
Terrified to love (bc of Lilith and Eve, though it was his fault he doesn’t think it’s his fault)
Gets terrified watching horror movies and spends majority of it not actually watching it
Scared of storms 😭
Joint (Guitarspear) Headcanons
Lute and Adam defo play instruments together (Adam plays guitar and Lute plays piano or sings)
They hang out and gossip about the other Exorcists or the fuckers in hell every night while sitting on a rooftop and drinking alcohol (they probably stargaze too if they can)
They have matching bracelets that say danger tits and dickmaster for sure (Adam rarely wears it when out with Lute since he doesn’t think men should wear jewellery but he still wears it whenever he can when he’s not out in public)
They’re that one duo that judges anyone and everyone, if you’re judgable you’re being judged by them
They hype each other up constantly (examples: Lute in Hell Is Forever, Adam in You Didn’t Know)
Adam probably tries to impress Lute with his amazing guitar solos
Adam fell first Lute fell harder
They count down to the extermination like it’s New Years 😭😭
Lute could NOT handle Adam’s death (very sad 😔)
(Post Episode 8)Lute defo goes down to hell just to make sure Adam’s okay even though that’s extremely risky for her (BC WE ALL KNOW ADAMS GONNA BE DOWN THERE)
They both love drama so they just cause chaos together
They refer to themselves as partners (but use the excuse of it being partners in crime)
Adam is extremely bad at giving or handling physical affection and Lute is extremely good at both most of the time (it depends when)
Adam randomly picks up Lute to piss her off (the height difference is laughable)
Lute has selfies they both took prior to each extermination stuck up on her wall
Adam can’t handle horror movies at all so during watching horror movies Adam would be terrified (though too egotistical to actually admit it) while Lute is just being critical about killers and enjoying the movie
Adam is usually the one to incite flirting, whenever Lute flirts she’s just taking advantage of the situation
Lute only calls Adam by his name if she’s pissed and usually calls him sir
They tell inappropriate jokes 24/7 for fun (half the time the jokes lead to flirting 😭)
Lute has a horrible sleep schedule and so just falls asleep randomly during the day if she’s not gotten enough sleep (averages like 2 or so hours max if she’s lucky) and usually either falls asleep on Adam or Adam has to catch her if she collapses
Pillow fights.
Adam has to take care of Lute’s wings bc she’s reckless and usually doesn’t give a shit about her wings but Adam cares and so usually is the one to preen them and make them look better
@gothlute i wanna tag you in this cuz you’re the reason i decided to post these so enjoy!!
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starandcloud · 9 months
Badass Y/N
This is implied to be a female reader scenerio but it doesn't really matter to be honest-
I need more Y/N things where Y/N couldn't give to fucks what happens to them, where they're just kinda like "oh okay, that happened. Whatever" Someone yells at them, whatever Someone grabs their chest, Okay it happened Someone puts hands on them, okay I don't really care
But the minute The SECOND Someone puts hands or yells at their partner. You bet you your ass they're up in that person's face, in their personal space. Making it everyone's issue that person made their partner uncomfortable. Regardless of if their partner could handle it or not. No matter that person's rank, Y/N would be in their face.
COD Y/N? In Shepard's face for betraying Los Vaqueros and the 141 ATWOW Y/N? Right up Ronal's shit for putting hands on Kiri or belittling Neteyam and Lo'ak Blue Eye Samuria Y/N? Standing up to the Shogun and any man Marvel Y/N? Oh Tony's in for it now
Y'all get the point, I need more Y/Ns like this
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Propaganda under the cut.
Anne Boleyn:
Broke England from the Papacy, her sister was the ORIGINAL throat goat, she was a badass mother fucker and unfortunately did have sex with Henry VIII https://open.spotify.com/episode/55OrGEVUOl5GPNpTlFgEMW?si=PtdjG3AWSjKOqiJQqR1iOg
Cinder Fall:
Ok so Cinder is a high level henchwoman for a depressed immortal woman who wants to destroy the planet. Cinder also has her own agenda though, as a child she was basically sold into servitude for this shitty woman who ran a high-end hotel and her two shitty daughters. Cinder met a Huntsman (Huntsman kill Grimm, creatures of darkness, and protect civilians) while working at the hotel. The Huntsman trained Cinder to be a Huntsman, so that she could eventually leave the hotel. He basically said “just wait so you can get out of this abusive situation in a way that’s good for everyone.” Cinder, having none of that bullshit, eventually snapped and killed her boss and her boss’s daughters. The Huntsman was upset about that, so she killed him too. Girl power. While working for the depressed immortal woman, Cinder killed the Fall Maiden (there’s one Maiden for each season and each has elemental powers, and the last person a current Maiden thinks of before she dies is the new Maiden) and becomes the new Fall Maiden. Throughout the series she goes on to kill, injure and betray a shit ton of people, including her allies. She’s fucking ruthless and very ambitious. If we were assigning superlatives, I would vote Cinder “Most Likely To Run An MLM”. Also, she is very visibly cool as hell and was part of my gay awakening.
Her basis is Cinderella. Her story is, well, Cinderella, but if she'd lashed out at her abusers and her fairy godmother abandoned her. Cinder will do anything for power, including collapsing multiples countries and killing multiple beloved characters (and dozens upon dozens of civilians). While she is power hungry she's smart about it. Conniving and willing to backstab even those who assist her in her quest for power. Plays a rich asshole for her own needs then kills him when she doesn't need him anymore. She's just so cool lol
She has killed people but she was basically a child slave and is being manipulated. She seeks power because she thinks it will bring her freedom. Brought down two kingdoms (with help)
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I'm seeing way to many ppl say Helaena is helping Daemon when she really isn't she isn't telling him any secrets or giving him any info on the army she just telling him like you unc you ain't that bitch OK and you definitely not the badasses mother fucker meet the Night king.
How is that helping him he need to see that the relam had bigger issues then his own needs
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Pairing: Koba (POTA) x OFC (Original Female Character)
Warnings: monster fucker, ape fucker, she is a badass, he is a badass. Explicit. +18. MDNI.
My native language is not English, so I want to apologize in advance for the mistakes that I have most certainly made.
When you see this -> 🖤 get ready.
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- Mother... Fucker... Let me go.
Because of the way his body lies on top of hers, pressing and caging the girl against the mud on the ground, she can barely be heard.
She twists her arms, under the grip of one of his, wanting to push away the knife that he plunges into her cheek.
His knees spread her legs.
- Did you say something? - A wicked smile appears on his face. - I haven't heard anything, have you?
The other man is already masturbating on one side of her face. He doesn't even bother to answer.
How I wish I had room to lift my knee and bust his fucking cock.
Suddenly, he moves the knife away from her cheek and leaves it above her head to reach between her bodies and starts to unbutton his pants.
Now or never.
She bites down hard on the guy's penis to her left, pulls it out and rips it off.
Both men scream, one in pain and the other in horror.
- Son of a bitch!
The eunuch man lies unconscious on the ground so the girl guesses that the one who just insulted her is the bastard she has between her legs. She is about to snatch the knife from his hands but, in one swift movement, he stabs it above her collarbone.
And she... She doesn't feel anything.
No pain, no anger, no sadness. Nothing.
She only realizes that everything that happens before her eyes happens in slow motion.
The orange color of the sky dazzles her eyes as a shadow crosses her vision and takes with it the weight that was pressing her chest. A whimper escapes from her lips, bringing her back to the present.
- Oh, fuck. - The girl leans on one elbow and touches the wound carefully.
This is when she remembers it: Where's he?
She turns her gaze to the left and sees his head. A few meters to its right, she sees his body lying next to the eunuch man. And next to him…
She closes her mouth to force herself not to make a sound.
An adult male ape with dozens of scars marking his body observes her in silence.
Her heartbeat, contrary to what she would have imagined, slows down as he takes a few steps forward. She looks at his fangs first, white and large, then examines his arms, long and strong, and, finally, she slides her gaze to his eyes, one of them of such a beautiful green that overwhelms her, and she observes that he diverts his gaze to the amputated limb before returning it to her.
When the ape is a step away, he looms over her with a leap, putting his arms around her figure and forces her to lie back down in the mud.
She feels scared, but...
- Thank you. - She whispers to him.
And, as his head moves closer to hers, she closes her eyes.
A wet caress covers her bloody cheek.
When she thinks he's finished, another caress takes the same route and she can't help but open her eyes to notice that it's his tongue and not his hand that is cleaning her cut.
His eyes lock with hers as he leans lower and licks the blood from her collarbone. She sighs and his green pupil dilates instantly but, before he finishes collecting all the blood, hurried footsteps echo through the forest.
She recognizes the sound of human combat boots and knows he does too.
- Go away.
He remains unfazed.
She insists:
- Listen, you have to go.
His arms wraps around her and lifts her up.
He runs through the forest holding her over with one arm his shoulder.
- Wait... Wait! - Her voice sounds urgent - You have to leave me, you are not safe with me.
His claws pull and position her in front of him. Fastly, she manages to hold on tight to his torso before he starts climbing a tree.
Once he reaches a branch wide and sturdy enough to stand on, he presses her back against the tree trunk and stays there, holding her legs on either side of his hips with his claws.
- Why?
- Why what? - Her voice is a whisper. She doubts he's heard her.
He reaches for her neck, slides his fangs across her skin and inhales.
- Why am I not safe with you?
He tilts her head back and fixes his gaze on her hazel eyes. The girl looks back at him for a few seconds before saying:
- They are looking for me.
His expression doesn't change nor does the way he holds her, he just waits for her to continue speaking and she sighs.
- I've killed a soldier. You gotta leave me, I don't want you to be by my side when they find me.
His claw rises toward her waist, forcing her to rest one of her feet on the branch below them. Then, he does the same with her other leg and, when both of her feet are holding her, he presses her against the trunk gently with both hands, as if he was afraid that she would fall if he let her go, and she feels a liquid run down her stomach.
Her hand brushes against his claw as she touches the skin of her navel. It's blood. And its origin is... an elongated wound on his forearm.
- You are injured. - He hears her whisper.
She exchanges a couple of glances between his eyes and his forearm but, since he doesn't seem interested in anything other than her eyes, the girl speaks again.
- You wouldn't be hurt if you hadn't saved my life. - That idea makes her angry. - Why...?
She looks behind her suddenly.
An ape a tree away watches her silently. An ape that, she's sure, wasn't there a second ago.
And that's when another, more coherent explanation for what's happening crosses her mind.
I may have misunderstood his intention. He may not have actually saved my life.
- Koba.
The ape who still has her hands on her narrow waist and who still stares at her pale face lets out a growl and finally separates himself from her taking a step back.
She wobbles on her feet before being able to stand upright on her own.
...Yep, it seems to be that he wasn't exaggerating as much as she thought when he insisted on pressing her against the trunk.
- What?
The newcomer hastens to stop looking at her and directs... Koba some hand movements that she recognizes as sign language, but doesn't know how to interpret them.
Koba turns his face towards her again, although this time his gaze has stopped being so penetrating and has become something more inquisitive.
She doesn't want to be naïve and believe that he has no interest in harming her just because his face has stopped being threatening, but...
She may be able to convince them.
- Please, you gotta leave. - She says.
And not a second after begging them, the sound of a gunshot sounds through the trees and a thud follows.
The ape whose name has not been named has fallen to the ground and she runs towards Koba arms outstretched to try to protect him from the hail of bullets that have exploded.
She feels his arms wrap around her tightly before she passes out.
The noise of her gut forces her to wake up and, as if that weren't horrifying enough, a horrible headache racks her brain and forbids her to keep her eyes open.
She doesn't know where she is or how she got here.
She doesn't know how either, but she still breathes.
A tear slides down her cheek and she just doesn't have the strength to do anything about it.
However, a wet caress traces the path drawn by her tear and she thinks she knows where it comes from.
- Open.
Something presses on her lips and she opens them.
A liquid falls on her tongue and it slides down her throat. It's water. It's delicious. And she swallows and swallows until soon the water stops falling and something solid makes its way past her lips. It's something... sweet that makes her headache go away slowly. After that, it doesn't take more than a couple of minutes for her to fall back asleep.
She dislikes the feeling of fear that takes over her as she finds herself alone when she wakes up, even though a beautiful lake extends in front of her.
She follows the smell of something sweet that whets her appetite. Her head moves until she sees some fruits near her. She's never seen them before, but she's more than willing to try them. And when she does it, she recognizes that she has in fact already tasted it. Specifically, recently and unconsciously.
She can't be completely sure, but she imagines that it's because of Koba that there are several pieces of that fruit around her. And also that he's the reason she's in this place.
She devours the last piece of fruit before deciding that she's going to take a bath.
Dives and becomes absorbed in thought once she has rubbed her clothes and left them on some rocks under the bright sun of the... sunrise?
...What am I going to do with my life?
She's a human who has no place in this world, a murderer who is not welcome among her people, much less among the apes.
A smile spreads across her tearful face.
Yup, she's in a screwed up situation and yup she can't stop crying, but she doesn't care about any of that. At the end of the day, after assessing her situation and what she did, she no longer has anything or anyone to live for.
So, yeah…
She dives again under the water and her tears dilute.
It matters little whether or not having a reason to live - her mind reminds her - if you don't even have a chance of surviving.
I wish - her thoughts surprise her once again - it was Koba who washed away my tears.
When she surfaces and opens her eyes, two eyes stare back at her.
One of them white and the other a beautiful shade of green.
Her nipples harden furiously at the sight of him and she winces at her own body's reaction.
She hurries to cover herself as best as she can with her arms but, as it could not be otherwise, his gaze has already dropped to her breasts. Her skin, white as the moon, turns red under his scrutiny.
- Kob-
He growls at her before she finishes saying his name and a split second after she thinks she hears the echo of his growl behind her.
She turns around. Or so she tries. Because something prevents her when it grabs her hair and pulls her.
Her hands rise and what she touches terrifies her. A limb covered in hair. The arm of an ape.
From the corner of her eye she notices that the place where Koba had been is now empty and she squirms, trying to reach the attacker's eyes avoiding getting close to its mouth and deadly fangs.
If I use the water factor well, I may have a chance to survive.
She suddenly remains still in the arms of her aggressor and its movements hesitate for a moment. Now. She nudges it in the nose with all her strength and gets the ape to let go of her. She swims and gets to move away a few meters before throwing water at her aggressor with such force that she gets a muscle cramp on her leg and is forced to stop dead, whimpering.
Immediately, the ape immobilizes that same leg and, when she screams in pain, the water sneaks into her mouth and the girl chokes on it.
She can't breathe or see, but the claw that was holding her leg suddenly disappears and she swims backwards as best as she can, away from a cloud of water, noise and grunts that has quickly formed.
Once she reaches the shore, the girl narrows her eyes over her shoulder. She sees him. Koba hits her attacker with blow after blow and chokes him with his hands.
The cloud disperses around a figure whose eyes are already on her and whose mouth is open as a breathless beast.
Again and again the beast's chest swells and she finds that swaying movement dangerous. Dominant. Magnetic. Attractive.
- Say it again.
She tilts her head, crossing her arms over her breasts.
- What?
He comes out of the water after her, making her back away as he checks whether or not her figure has any injuries.
When he seems satisfied, he stands over her trembling, soaked and naked body despite her pathetic attempt to hide her breasts and deigns to respond.
- My name. Say it.
Her back hits a rock when she takes another step back.
- Why - have you saved me? - ...did you kill him?
- To save you.
And he takes another step, imprisoning her between the rock and him. Her arms brush against his chest and she becomes enraged.
- I'm none of your business. Stop putting yourself in dange-
A drop of blood falls and stains her pale arm. She searches for its origin, again, and sees a fresh claw mark cross his left eyebrow.
She growls at him.
- Koba, you're hurt agai-
Roughly, he picks her up as if hipnotized to do so, and she clings to him with a little gasp, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.
He crushes her against the rock, but her eyes do not leave his cut:
- You have to stop. Stop saving my life. - A strand of hair blocks his view of her when she shakes her head - You don't even know me.
- You killed the human who was holding ten apes captive. You let them escape. And now they want you dead. You are not one of them.
She curses herself internally because her voice trembles as she assures him, - I don't need you. - because she knows she does.
He holds her hair between two fingers and examines it. In contrast to the white of her skin, the hazel brown of her eyes, and the red of her lips, her hair is coal black. She's the closest thing to a mermaid he's ever seen.
Koba squeezes her tighter and she, much to her embarrassment, lets out a sigh as his damn flat stomach presses against her pussy.
- Have you forgotten why we are here?
- What? - His hard torso squeezes her breasts and her heart, despite she begs it not to, races uncontrollably. She can barely breathe.
- You say I have to stop saving your life, but you pounced on some bullets aimed at me. And you don't know me either.
He sees her blink several times before answering him dryly:
- I know humans. And it didn't help because I fainted.
Koba leaves her hair behind her ear.
- And you seem to dislike seeing me hurt.
Her beautiful face blushes, furious, and his crotch hardens a little more at the sight of her.
- I feel hatred towards most of my race. In my opinion, they are the ones who should get hurt, not the apes. Even if it's about me.
Taking a step back, he separates her from the rock and crouches down to lie on top of her on the ground.
Beneath his body, she seems even more unreal.
- What's your name?
He watches her carefully for a few seconds before she puts her hands on his shoulders and pushes back.
- ...No.
A grimace appears on his face and his fangs seem to increase in size.
- No?
Neither of them is surprised when a moan emerges from her mouth in response to the sharp movement of Koba's hips against the inside of her thigh. She wants him. They are both aware. And he laughs gravely.
- I've never tasted a human body, you know? But I know you want this. - His hands open her thighs and the tips of his fingers become impregnated with her wetnees when he drags them between her folds. - Your breaths burns my skin, your skin, white as snow, is hot, soft and red, and your damn nipples stick into my torso. You are more than ready for me.
- Koba...
His eyes close.
- Now is not the right time to say my name with that voice of yours, mermaid.
She brings her hand to the wound on his eyebrow.
- Does it hurt? - She laughs at her question the instant she asks it. - True, you are much tougher than a human.
She puts her hands on either side of his face and, when she gets him to tilt his head down a little, the girl lifts her chin and licks the wound.
He freezes in her hands and that makes her unable to resist giving him another lick. Taking advantage of this new position, he licks on her collarbone and buries his face between her breasts. Koba massages, squeezes, licks and bites them, and she moans his name without thinking much about it.
His claw spanks her pussy.
- I have... warned you... mermaid.
Grabbing her, Koba turns her around and puts her on all fours and she feels something hot, hard and too big that sets her alarm bells ringing. She squirms, wanting to see what monstrosity is rubbing against her too-tight entrance, but Koba pins her to the ground with a hand on the back of her neck.
- Look at you - She gasps when he inserts a finger inside her. - You swallowed my finger. - He moves inside, testing her. - Are you so turned on by the idea of me fucking you, human?
She rolls her eyes as Koba goes on and penetrates her with three thick fingers.
Full. She feels full and yet she needs more. She wants more.
She moves her hips seeking friction, wanting to feel him deeper, and his breath caresses her cheek as he speaks.
- I would kill again to have you like this.
She sobs and extends her arm between her legs.
- Do you want that, mermaid? Do you want me to kill for you?
- No. - Although... - You don't need to kill for me to have me like this.
Koba hisses when her hand catches his cock and presses it against her entrance.
- Damn, Koba, how can you be so patient?
- I'm a hunter. You humans are the impatient ones.
And with a hard thrust he thrusts himself inside her.
She doesn't understand what he's saying to her since she's a little distracted as his ridiculously large penis is splitting her in two and, even so, he keeps going deeper and deeper until his balls are rubbing against her clitoris:
- You're fucking tight... And that's a fucking problem.
His claws dig into the back of her neck and waist when he begins to pump in and out of her in such a bestial way that she scrapes her cheek against the dirt of the floor and tears gather in her eyes. It's too much. No. It’s fucking perfect. The size of him, the way he reaches every pleasurable corner inside her, is overwhelming and he licks her tears slowly.
- Even your fucking taste is a problem.
She intercepts his tongue with her own and his intrusion inside her slows down a bit. She kisses him, as best as she can, and his claw slides over her skin, caressing her stomach.
- Holy shit, mermaid.
He lifts her up and separates her knees from the ground before fucking her fiercely. She can't do anything but moan and endure Koba's harsh assault on her pussy, but when his claw scratches her clit, her core tightens around his cock.
He pulls her hair.
- Your name. Tell me.
A sob escapes her throat before telling him:
- Marina.
Her back arches deeply as he pulls her hair further.
His threat blinds her reasoning:
- I'll kill anyone who dares to take you away from me...
Koba thrusts sharply once.
- I'll kill you if you run away from me.
Koba thrusts sharply once again.
- Do you understand, Marina?
She cries yes a second before cumming so hard that it hurts her.
Koba turns her around, locking eyes with her and, as she can finally see him and touch him, she reaches out her hands while trying to catch her breath.
As soon as Koba feels her fingers scratch his back, his claw lifts her butt and he shoves his still hard dick deeply inside her.
She moans as he fucks her mouth with his tongue and his hot milk inside her pussy, load after load, for too many times.
There's so much cum that some spills down her thighs and his fingers tickles her when he collects some of it.
- Open.
And his mermaid licks his claw clean.
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halloweenism · 5 months
could you summarize the lore drops? its gonna be a while until im able to watch the stream :/
Disclaimer: I watched bits and pieces of the stream off and on again with very bad connection, so I have not picked up on everything!!! I think you might be better answered by someone else but, still, thanks for thinking of me, I hope this helps somewhat!!
Spoilers for Pit Stop in Hatchetfield below:
Charles yellow jacket is Charles Coven, owner of CCRP he is the coven in the name!!!!
Dan and Donna are smoke club members.
They were both! present at the protest at the Hatchetfield kennel.
They dropped lore on the problematic puppy but i missed that.
Miss Holloway got to be a bit bitchy and i loved that she is so fucking badass bro.
They read through a scene of Bottle Imps and two (or three?) scenes of Miss Holloween.
Extreme bouts of Hollo-lore.
She is concerningly chill about sacrificing herself.
She has had enough! of giving herself up when it all inevitably is pointless. She's done her fair share of good!! She deserves to do something for herself for once, god damn it.
The Lords in Black appear as children! in cute little onesies. They seem to like Miss Holloway.
She has multiple names, she wants back her real, true one. There's one Wiggly wants.
Tinky smittenly repeats that Miss Holloway thinks he's cute! (she said it about all 5 of them)
Charles used to work in government (possibly PEIP) and he knows President Howard Goodman.
Miss Holloway revokes her deal with the Lords in Black. Implications... Think of them.
They mention a girl she saved ten years prior who didn't make it during that decade. It hits Miss Holloway hard. to the point she decides to turn back on her deal.
Brenda, the cheerleader from NPMD is a waitress at Miss Retro's!
Kyle went to college and Brenda failed. They are no longer together.
Duke helped Holloway set up an email! She is not good with this stuff.
New characters revealed:
Pastor Todd (Jon), a man that Riley's mother enlists to try and help her son. He does not what he's doing and calls Holloway.
Riley, a kid who finds a mask which attachs itself to and possesses him.
Monster Mask (Jeff), a mask that's a demonic entity of some sort.
Blaire (Mrah), Riley's mother.
Tucker the Fucker: Brenda's boyfriend. He sucks ass. Miss Holloway doesn't like him.
That's all I can remember at the moment, anon! I'm so sorry this is hours late, I got busy, but I hope this helps!!! If I remember more, I might edit this. (This does not touch on the death match. Unfortunately, I can't recap that)
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howlingday · 5 months
Personally, if I wrote for Vol 8, I wouldn't have some big argument about Yang and Blake telling Robyn about Amity. I would have just had someone bring it up, Yang and Blake try to justify what they did, and then everyone just glares at them. No shouting, no arguing, just cold glares telling the two of them they messed up. Imagine how heart wrenching (but a little badass) it would be if Yang tried to get Ruby to agree, only for her little sister to shut her down and go into leader mode, not wanting to hear Yang explain how she and Blake broke her's, Weiss, and Team JNPRr's trust. Imagine Blake and Yang seeing that, while their hearts where in the right place, their actions had personal consequences. The amount of drama and tension would have been soul crushing, but so reliving when they reunite back at the mansion and get to have a proper talk. (Sorry that I keep bringing this up. I'm a little hyper on sugar at the moment)
Nah, nah, it's cool.
Rewriting Volume 8, though... It could be written better. Starting off at right about... "Worst Case Scenario". Right after Ironwood gives the order to capture Robyn Hill and Tyrian Callows, we cut to Blake and Yang talking about whether or not they should have told Ironwood about what they learned about Salem. Yang says that he should know because he deserves to know what he's getting himself into, "like we all did". Blake argues that Ironwood would just overreact, like he's doing now with his plans for martial law, to which Yang agrees, but mostly because there's not a lot of good options for their current situation. And then...
Oh... Oh god dam- MOTHER FUCKER! THEY DID REFERENCE ADAM! Fucking- AGH! THIS is your attempt at giving us closure about them murdering Adam?! Just vaguely referencing what happened in Seeing Red?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Anyways, Yang then comes up with the idea to not ambush Robyn. When they finally catch up to her, they try to reason that Ironwood already knows about the supplies missing and how he plans on sending more than "just a couple of kids". Robyn then shows off her semblance, natural lie detector that she is, and learns that Ironwood is using the Amity Colosseum to build a new communication tower.
They then discuss what Ironwood is trying to accomplish with all this secrecy, and to be honest, I can't argue with his logic. Salem is coming to Atlas, as evident by the presence of Tyrian Callows, who Ironwood knows is in her inner circle. Trust is a big part of the Atlas arc, and Ironwood can't trust anybody but himself. Enacting martial law would give him a tighter grip on control on the kingdom, allowing him to personally redirect resources and manpower wherever without any civilian or rebel interference. And what would happen if everyone knew about Amity Colosseum being used this way? Well, Tyrian is going to go on another killing spree until there's enough Grimm there to prevent ANY construction. Salem is playing a game where she has every advantage.
But back to Yang and Blake telling everyone everything, it's shortly after this that player three enters the chat. Knock, knock, who's there?
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It's HER... with HER.
These two menaces show up and drive the schism even further after Ironwood decides to tell everyone about Salem. Unfortunately, even after collaborating with Robyn Hill on this, he becomes injured fighting Arthur Watts and orders martial law to be enacted, resulting in THE DUMBEST FIGHT IN RWBY HISTORY! ...But I digress. Anyway, Ironwood can't trust anyone anymore and, in his defense, he didn't think to ask Robyn if she or anyone she knew was working with Salem. Not accusing her of it, but I still feel like if you're paranoid to think that anyone could be working with Salem, you'd start having a woman who can get you an honest answer on your staff ASAP. Then Ironwood makes his plan known after Salem makes her presence known, and Team RWBY stand together when Ironwood makes the decision to raise Atlas into the sky. Team RWBY stand against him, leading us to probably the second-best fight of V7 (if it's war that you want, then you got it! If it's pain, then I've brought what you need! If it's true what they say, that you're the best, then let's play!). Ruby quickly lets JNR and Oscar know before martial law is established and the group becomes public enemy number one.
But hold on! When does Ruby and Yang start yelling at each other? When do we get to an actual answer to the ask? Well, I guess it comes in the next Volume, right after a word from our sponsors!
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And we're back! Welcome to V8, where we can finally have the answer to the question of "How should Ruby have reacted?" First, real quick, here's why she didn't respond before; General Ironwood dropped the bigger truth bomb, and Salem dropped the biggest truth bomb by saying "Your mother."
Honestly, we were about to get a Ruby v. Yang matchup until Ren stepped in to remind everyone that the plot is happening, and he just wants to get this Volume over with already. Straight from "Divide":
Yang: What you’re saying is it can’t be done. It’s pointless. And even if you got the message out, there’s no guarantee help would come. Ruby becomes annoyed while Yang speaks. Ruby: It’s not pointless! Atlas is only Salem’s current target. She’s not hiding anymore and once she’s done here she’ll move on to the rest of Remnant. We need to warn them! Yang stands in silence for a moment. Yang: Ruby… when we came here, we said we’d follow your lead… but... things haven’t exactly worked out. Ruby recoils somewhat with a mix of emotions on her face. Yang’s statement elicits various reactions from Weiss, Nora, Oscar and Penny, as well. Yang: I just-- Ren steps forward, interrupting Yang. Ren: There are people here who need us right now.
And again, I reiterate, ad nauseum, RWBY focuses too much on the plot to let their characters be themselves. That's why we never got a beach episode. If the plot WASN'T happening so much, we'd probably get a scene like this...
Yang: I just- Ruby steps closer. Ruby: You just what? You just thought you'd go off on your own behind our backs? Do things without telling us? Yang huffs, narrowing her eyes at Ruby. Yang: You're not the boss of me, Ruby. Ruby: I'm your leader! I am EXACTLY your boss! Yang: You don't to make my decisions for me! Ruby: After everything you just did, as your leader, clearly, I do! Blake steps closer to Yang and Weiss steps closer to Ruby. Yang then raises her hand to Ruby's hood, her eyes flashing red for a moment before she softens and lowers her hand. She then walks away to lean against the wall. Yang: Yeah... Okay... Whatever you say, miss "leader". Weiss and Blake let out sighs and relax a bit, though Ruby does cast a glare at Blake for a moment, making her flinch. Ruby then walks away, as distant to Yang as she could. Ren then steps closer, looking uncomfortable as he glances between the feuding sisters. Ren: ...So, uh, what should we do now?
AAAAAND scene! How's that? This also sets up for Blake and Ruby apologizing later in their episode of infiltrating AND sets up for a much more touching reunion between Yang and Ruby!
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hisuianserperior · 1 year
Javid you are actually one of the most badass mother fuckers I've ever seen, this man challenged a massive miramon and actually took it's heart then proceeded to sacrifice himself in prison to keep the miracle sealed then broke out when that would have stopped working to go try sacrifice himself again. Malik finding his father's skeleton and voice message was so intense that entire ending was intense. Tang Xuan's whole ass world view is being questioned this event and my man deserves that employee of the month trophy and a proper vacation and really should just go to a Destiny's kiss concert with Malik as well. Yamato out here scheming trying to be the final boss
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theehorsepusssy · 9 months
zizek lookin mother fucker
zsa zsa was badass
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
Now I need to hear more about Ike in your OJV universe
What's he like as an adult?
Hell yeah brother! I haven’t written him much in the OJV main stories, or in general, really, I think the only stories I’ve done where he was more than just mentioned were HWB (love him in that lmao) and ATLCTS. I should amend that bc Ike SLAYS!!!
So OrangeJuiceVerse Ike Broflovski. I had an ask a while back (from the wife I believe ehe) where I went into style and their relationships with their family members and each others where I touched on Ike a little bit, but here’s official OJV Ike lore!
That Canadian fucker is smart as HELL a certified genius, skipped a couple grades and graduated high school before he even turned 16. Sped right through college and got a masters in computer science, double majored that with engineering. Like his brother, he has a passion for understanding the world around him, but he did tend to coast a bit in school, just because it all came so naturally to him and he usually didn’t have to try. As an adult, he has a tech startup company (I know nothing about technology so I’m not going to pretend I’m not kidding I can’t even figure out the tv my husband has to do it) and it’s SUPER successful. Ike is a resourceful badass and while he doesn’t share Kyle’s or their mother’s penchant for taking up a cause and fighting injustice, he has helped a lot of people with what he does.
I see Ike going through a laundry list of girlfriends, but I don’t know that he’d ever truly settle down romantically. Long term relationships don’t really interest him, but he’s very devoted to his friends and family.
I feel like he got tall really fast in middle school. Yes this pissed Kyle off. Wide smile, black hair and brown eyes. He’s kind of a string bean too lmao one of those guys who’s all limbs
He’s completely unserious a lot of the time too, and the most hilarious guy ever to troll the internet. When he and Stan hop on the gta roleplay servers, Ike knows ALL the codes to fuck shit up and make it rain rubber ducks or something. He likes to see how fast he can get kicked off. Idk why I have that headcanon but I just feel like he so would.
He’s really protective of Kyle, in the typical sibling “only I get to make fun of you” type of way. At the style wedding when Kyle was getting ready he absolutely told him he looked “gay as fuck, good thing you’re getting gay married” lmao
Ike what a dude
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