#basically what if the corruption has a Will of its own. Twisted thoughts that were already there into further amalgamation
raynavan · 1 year
A little venti wip for an AU I still need to flesh out more. Got in a Mood and wanted to write this scene out. There. Really isn’t much context for this- and also haven’t really read through it- apologies for any grammar/spelling mistakes!
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I find it funny that in your 3rd category for the relationship between Primus and Unicron is basically flipped for me. My AUs using that type of relationship typically has Unicron as the chill one who goes with the flow and Primus as the rigid one where everything must go exactly as plan, no exceptions.
This mostly came to me from thinking how hilarious it would be if the perceptions on order and chaos were flipped in in reality. Like, order is almost always equated as good and chaos for evil. But what it weren't so black and white? In fact, why not just swap it a little?
Why does chaos have to be evil? Look at evolution, isn't that chaotic? All those little bugs that make humans, plants, bacteria etc into somehow existing. Unicron really doesn't need to interfere with the universe as it makes chaos on its own. That's good enough for him as when he does interfere, he does it with purpose and a goal in mind which makes it actual lean a little more towards order.
Order has shown itself to be evil multiple times. It is not random, it is thought out plans, strict organization with little allowance for chaos. Primus hates how so many things are out of his control, so he tries to bring them under his control. Everything must go exactly how he envisions it, regardless of how those under him think otherwise. Biological organisms are created from chaos, fragile and unpredictable in their abilities to live and think. Anything mechanical is built with a specific purpose to fulfill and when it can no longer complete it or something else does it better, why let it continue to take up room? Why allow it to exist when it is no longer useful?
Primus must make the universe in his image. Unicron could care less about what the universe does, but he doesn't take lightly of someone trying to force their rule upon it.
Funnily enough, this matches the theme I have going for my Grim Dark Archives Au-
Yeah I love a Primus who doesn't necessarily MEAN to be corrupt, but his desire for order is so all consuming that he cannot help but seek out dominion over all that is and will be. Meanwhile Unicron just wants to watch the universe run its course. Stars will be born and die, empires will rise and fall. Unicron will watch is all in joy, observing with glee as reality twists and changes in new and unexpected ways.
I love to imagine them as two pieces of the same broken whole. In the end they both want something to exist. But they are so focused on either eliminating the order or imposing it that things crumble all around them. Truly, it is rather tragic. I imagine the only reason Unicron wishes to destroy it all is because he feels that is the only way to ensure Primus cannot control reality.
In his mind, at least if everything is dead, it is free from Primus's grasp.
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commanderthalys · 3 months
tell me about ro'wynne!
You are getting a ramble as a treat and because I love her dearly 😌
Originally Ro was a warcraft oc of mine, she was a night elf Druid that over time got corrupted by N’Zoth via a long process that I won’t go into here but yeah, she had an existence prior to gw2 and she’s the only one of my blorbos so far who has.
In gw2, Ro’wynne is my sylvari firstborn of the Pale Tree. She had an incredibly strong dream connection that lets her basically send feelings and speak to people through the dream. However before she awoke this dream connection was so strong that she unknowingly delved deep enough into the dream that she touched mordremoth, who in turn planted a little seed in her brain that slowly wormed its way into her thoughts until she thought its commands were her own, but it didn’t affect her until later in life.
When she awoke she kept her strong dream connection, and saw herself as the protector of her fellow firstborn. She loved all of them dearly (except Faolain sorry she tried), especially Kahendins, her brother, and Wynne, her unrequited love. As tragedy after tragedy hit the first of the sylvari Ro became increasingly fearful of the world and isolated herself emotionally (she was already very shy and had a hard time communicating unless it was through the dream) becoming a distant and intimidating figure who tirelessly trained to protect the remaining sylvari. She only left the grove a few times in her life pre HoT and all of those times were to rescue sylvari who needed her (the secondborn and Tiachren).
During the attack on the Pale Tree by mordremoth, Ro fled with the other mordrem, influenced by the elder dragon to seek him out. He twisted her into one of her champions, giving her a monstrous form but making sure that she was still recognizable as the once noble protector of the Grove. He also twisted her perception of what was happening, and she believed that by converting sylvari to mordrem she was healing her poor people, and she became known as a formidable enemy to the pact. Using her intense dream connection to overwhelm sylvari and turn them, as well as her new strength and speed made her a force to be reckoned with. She was never killed, and once mordremoth died she fell into a deep hibernation that lasted a year, where her body tried to go back to its old form and heal.
Eventually she woke up in an almost trancelike state and purely on instinct started heading to the grove, by the time she was near populated areas of Caledon she was conscious and began remembering the horrible things she had done, and with her dream connection restored on waking up again, local sylvari could sense a serious distress and found her wandering in the woods. Aife and Niamh came to see if the rumors of their sister being alive were true, and when they found her she begged them for a quick death. Seeing her as Ro’wynne again and not a mordrem, they decided to take her back since she was to weak/upset to hurt them.
Over a long period of time she reunited with all of the firstborn, moved in with her brother Kahendins and made peace with the Pale Tree, and years later she’s in a much better place and helps tend to saplings. She has some rough days physically due to the pain of her awkward mordrem body, but she’s learned to live again and tries her best. Ro’s always been a person who loves deeply but had trouble expressing that, and it took all of that to have her start reaching out more. She’s very sweet and often can be found in the quiet hidden corners of the grove working on anything that keeps her hands busy (she especially enjoys baking making jam, and gardening among them!). She still tries to help out where she can but her role has changed from a fighter to more of a healer with time. She’s my beloved and I love her very much…
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mistswalker · 1 year
Some thoughts on the Void and the Mists
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End of Dragons has been on my mind a lot. I found the Void fundamentally and thematically intriguing beyond its clear reception of the real-world emotions contemporary with the EoD release.
It raised many questions— About the difference between the Void and Mists. The differences and reasons for the differences between the apocalypses of Kralkatorrik's rampage and Soo-Won's void corruption. About the nature of the Void and its role in the Eternal Alchemy.
What I hadn't expected was the way those questions were answered, or the greater implications they seem to have. I felt like many things about the larger metaphysical lore clicked into place with this new understanding— The deeper nature of the Mists. The "madness" of the Elder Dragons. The role of the Forgotten, and the lasting and unintended impacts of the Six on Tyria. While I'm sure I'm extrapolating and reading a bit much into certain things, as I always have with this series, I'm definitely glad to have this understanding of these concepts for moving forward with my own fanworks, and I haven't quite been able to shake the high of cracking this metaphorical Da Vinci code.
Now, this all gets a big disclaimer that some of this includes extrapolations and headcanons I've previously built for my stories, but that aside, let me just rehash some of the basics of the Mists. As we know, the Mists are potential incarnate. The Mists, "the All", and the "Void" are all facets of this same concept, and each of these facets are interconnected. Each culture in Tyria seems to interpret what it knows of the Mists in different ways. The way most of Tyria seems to best understand the Mists' nature of infinite potential is when it's represented as a physical space. Areas of manifested potential all chaotically swirling, building, deconstructing, and rebuilding. The God realms. The afterlife. The Fractals. The Mists War.
This facet of the concept is what's most observable. But that aspect of the Mists is only the answer to the question "where?" "The Void", on the other hand, is raw coalesced magic. The clay of reality. The raw potential that could be shaped into anything and that manifests reality as its observed to its inhabitants. In this sense, the Void could be considered the Mists' answer to "what?"
"The All", also known as the Eternal Alchemy, is what ties these two pieces together. It is the fractal-pattern of how that reality manifests. The "blueprint" for what the clay is built into. Each new reality's blueprint is slightly off from the last, creating the infinity of the butterfly effect, and the in-world nod to the multiverse of commander timelines. The Mists' answer to "how?"
I speculate that the overlap of The All is an important factor in the distinction between the two potential apocalypses of Kralkatorrik and Soo-Won.
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This is what the people of Tyria have decided is the most genuine representation of "the Eternal Alchemy" at work: Six magical aspects that balance and sustain a world. We see this with the elder dragons, obviously. But where's the other notable place in which six magical aspects tried to balance and sustain a world, only to strangely leave theirs and seemingly planehop to the setting of our story?
The Human Gods.
They aren't perfect matches for each of the Elder Dragons— but they didn't have to be. They were what was created with the clay of their universe, following the larger scale "pattern" in their own unique way. They also exhibit a parallel ascension to that of Aurene taking the mantle of Elder Dragon, and we witness this with the birth of the goddess Kormir from the spearmarshal Kormir.
Another noteworthy parallel between the Gods and the Dragons is something only observable over time in their lore and history— we notice the Gods beginning to go mad, and manifesting in darker and more twisted aspects of themselves as time goes on during their ultimately brief stint in Tyria.
We see it clearly with Abbadon. We see implications of it with Dhuum. And finally, we see further hints of it with Balthazar (including some very creepy deep-lore and environmental storytelling in his realm, but I'll get to that some other time...) But to get into the Gods and the God Realms further, I need to explain what leads me to believe that the Human gods are the reason for the distinction between the Kralk apocalypse (where all of the Mists began coming undone), and the Soo-Won apocalypse (where this facet of reality began dissolving into Void). And to do that I need to talk about inter-planar travel. So we know that many finite universes within the Mists share many aspects with each other, just altered in small ways that stack up over time. We also know that the people of the world experience the Mists to be a sort of afterlife in addition to being a source of all history and potential. We have also seen and visited different "domains" within the mists. The part of the Mists that is the physical living realm, influenced by these forces is the globe in the center. The gray and colored areas outside of it are pieces of reality concretely formed enough to influence that globe very strongly. Tyrians perceive those things as "real", and those include the "domains" in the Mists.
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Everything else out here? That's what Tyria thinks of as "the Mists" in a small-scale sense. The parts of reality that don't have strong shape. The place where potential fragments. This is where the Fractals are. This is where Rytlock was trapped. This is where Kralkatorrik rampaged.
When Kralkatorrik fell back out of the Mists on this rampage, he pulled parts of the God Realms with him. Aurene noted he was being drawn to familiar magics— Melandru's realm and that of Grenth were included alongside the Fissure of Woe this despite Kralkatorrik having only tasted the specific magic of one of those three gods. We could take that a number of ways, but, to me, that speaks to not only a continued parallel between the Gods and the Elder Dragons, but also as a hint to how the Six gods stepped over the border between their original shard of reality and ours.
The Six were magically fluent inherently. They were gods—the Elder Dragons of their homeworld. They used the aspects as a tether between their own domains and the matching magic here in Tyria. They were able to find stasis in the magic aspects themselves.
If we accept the Gods as parallel Elder Dragons, then we can further extrapolate that the Elder Dragons potentially have their own connected pseudo-realms within the less firm parts of reality. Personally, I've long believed this made a great deal of sense as to the nature of their hiveminds, and have talked about that in other non-tumblr babbles about the nature of the Dream and Nightmare to Sylvari.
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That aside, since the Elder Dragons were asleep and any "domain" aspect of the Mists connected to them was only utilized for their hiveminds, the Gods would be free to shape some of these mirrored domains to match their own preferences. This borrowing of the Elder Dragons place in our world, ultimately, is what I believe utterly destabilized things when Balthazar was killed.
It wasn't an immediate destruction because of the other Five's foresight. They'd had the good sense to drain most of his magic when they detained him, but they couldn't drain all of it without destroying his essence itself.
So despite their best efforts to mitigate the risk— taking their personal exodus of not just Tyria but the Tyrian Mists as a whole, and draining Balthazar of as much of his magic as they could safely take with them as only 5, upon Balthazar's death there was still excess otherworldly magic lingering in the Tyrian Mists. And the Mists had already become very volatile due to the destruction of two of their own six structural guardians. Magics were mixing in ways they hadn't since the formation of structure in the realm. Things were already heading toward Void and unmaking of this reality, but what tipped the scales into an unmaking of all reality was that lingering excess magic from another realm. One that's very nature tied two realms together.
Kralkatorrik, with Balthazar's ability to walk between planes, began rampaging in multiple facets of reality, ripping bigger and bigger holes and mixing the contents inside like containers of different liquid.
And because of the fractal-like way the Mists infinitely follow the same larger-scale patterns, this was happening not just in several planes, but several iterations of those connected planes. (which you can visualize with the different commander-timelines. Each different commander who reaches season 4? Is another "iteration" of that fractal.)
Aurene, when she ascends to Kralkatorrik's place as an Elder Dragon, spends a huge chunk of time repairing the Mists after this. And the most important part of that would have been isolating Balthazar's magic and putting it back in the realm it belongs in. Limiting any future fallout to their plane. Now that each plane has the same amount of clay it started with, things are more stable in that sense.
Glint gives Aurene advice on Ascension posthumously prior to this. That same Ascension that was tied to the Forgotten, and "True Sight", and the equivalent of the Canthan concept of "Weh no Su" ("Closer to the Stars") and described by humans as being a "state of communion with the Gods". Which leads me to the next piece of this larger puzzle: The Forgotten.
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We know the Forgotten appeared in Tyria during the last Dragon Cycle. We also know they reappeared and made their presence known in association with the human gods— but we also know that the Forgotten originate from the Mists. They are yet more planeswalkers.
I've mentioned before believing that the Forgotten worked with the human gods to minimize the fallout from their arrival in Tyria. We see Forgotten philosophies echoed in Glint, the Exalted, as well as in Ventari and his peaceful centaur clan. They were very dedicated to Balance. I hypothesize that they were some of the first planeswalkers. They likely learned about the impacts of mists-travel firsthand and resolved to dedicate their existence to preserving stability as a result. (Which may be why even they call themselves "the forgotten". They've existed for so long on the fringes of reality that they may not remember where they came from, only why they're still there. But I digress.)
Ascension and the Forgotten were something integral to fighting the Mursaat (yet again, even more planeswalkers in Tyria) because of how it granted the subject "True Sight" and the ability to see between the realms where the Mursaat liked to slip away and hide.
The Forgotten also had found a way to cleanse individuals from the elder dragon hiveminds as we see in Path 3 of the Arah dungeon, allowing them to preserve free will. I think these two concepts are related in a way.
if Ascension is what taught Aurene how to re-stabilize multiple planes of reality from such a catastrophic mixing of magic, and was also what turned her from a being of crystal into a being of prism? Something that filters light into its base components and sorts it all out? Ascension must be something gives one a sense of their place in the All, their role in the broader workings of the Mists, while helping them reshape themselves to fill that role.
(As a brief tangent, that may also play into Scarlet's fall in Omadd's machine— Omadd's machine was intended to "see and understand the Eternal Alchemy". An artificial ascension. And she certainly embraced her larger role.) Now back to Soo-Won, the origins of Tyria and the Elder Dragons, and the Void-based apocalypse...
Soo-Won talks about being the mother of the other elder dragons. The first one. How she eased her own pain of loneliness by creating children to share the magic with. We see a similar narrative in some senses with the human gods-- Dwayna is looked at as the "first" and the "leader". she's the literal mother of Grenth.
We also see Soo-Won hold off the madness of the Void the longest. Her elemental representation is water-- the foundation of life as we know it. I think that her account of history as being the mother of the other elder dragons and raising them as hatchlings is in some ways true and in some ways metaphorical, as it likely predates Tyria as a concrete reality.
It makes sense to me that Soo-Won was the first consciousness to manifest in the Void as reality began to shape itself. The first sense of will to help the blueprint unfold. the other elder dragons are, in that sense, her "children", but also nearly peers in terms of age in concrete reality. They were created by her will, her loneliness, but reality only solidified into what we know as "Tyria" when all of the aspects found a natural balance.
It makes sense that the Elder Dragons lived lives of isolation— if their distinction had created structure from chaos— something that clearly frightens even Soo-Won, the most familiar with it — of course the answer to that would be separation. Isolation. Loneliness even when no longer alone.
Of course this forced isolation would slowly erode loneliness and despair into selfishness and resentment in many of them. And so of course, then, their own madness and corruption stems from that internal agony. And what is it's drive? How does it take from the world? Consumption. Forced assimilation under their own domain.
"Become part of me. Not the void. Me."
What is the Forgotten's answer to this? The way to preserve balance? To replace the cycle of consumption with a cycle of distribution. willful sharing. Social sharing. A bond between dragons and mortals.
The answer to the fear of being alone isn't to force others into your realm. It's to learn to coexist with them. That's how you fight the instinctual call of the Void.
This is what finally made sense as the answer to Aurene's question. "Why do they all go mad?" The "madness" of the dragons is that— the instinctive call of the Void as they become overwhelmed by pain and suffering and can no longer stand their isolation. They consume and consume more and more to try to sate that emptiness. They grow imbalanced in their identities as they struggle to process all that they consume that doesn't fit.
They don't want to give it back. They don't want to be alone again. Eventually though, it seeps out of them and they awaken more pained and ravenous than before.
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Headcanons for the team Galactic Commanders? Please and thanks! :)
Haha, thanks for asking this! Sorry for writing out more than anyone could be expected to read, but please enjoy as much of this as you’d like!
-Grew up fairly poor and didn’t expect a lot out of life. Did a lot of petty crime for the thrill of it. He was also a natural with tech. Decided to give up crime when his family scraped together the cash to send him to college.
-He and Cyrus were roommates in college. Rather self-conscious at the time, Saturn was immediately drawn to and kind of fascinated by Cyrus’ seemingly-effortless shamelessness and confidence. He quickly managed to crack Cyrus’ shell, and they became good friends.
-Their friendship dissipated after Team Galactic was established. Largely this was because Cyrus knew he’d have to kill Saturn one day to fulfill his plan, and because Saturn didn’t like what Team Galactic was turning Cyrus into/revealing him to be and Saturn wanted to stay in denial about what twisted hands he was putting the universe into. They both just kind of distanced themselves. They do both respect each other a lot, though.
-Trans. Was closeted as a teenager due to thinking his conservative parents would be against it. He ghosted his family for a few years after he could no longer pass as a woman. He came out to them during a moment of world’s-ending-anyhow bravado, and it went much better than he thought it would. This puts him in a better place with his family than like 90% of Team Galactic members are with theirs.
-Saturn has a tendency to overthink things. He’s naturally a serious and somber person, and he knows to keep his mind busy and keep some cheerful company so he doesn’t get too mired down in his thoughts. The other commanders are good cheerful company. He might be the responsible one, but he’s also pretty passive and enjoys their hijinx, so it’s a coin toss whether he’ll try to reign them in or just go with the flow when they’re going too far with something.
-loves video games and went through a ton of them during his time in Team Galactic as a distraction. He does not get as much sleep as he should.
-He doesn’t have a specific skill set that Cyrus would struggle to replace, but there are few if any others that Cyrus would feel comfortable leaving everything to for any length of time. Basically, he’s a commander because Cyrus respects and trusts him most. In kind, Saturn would have an easier time moving on from Team Galactic than most of its members. He’s there because he chooses to be, as misguided as it was.
-Giovanni’s daughter, about a year older than Silver. Giovanni was a loving father and never pushed Team Rocket on her, but she was unintentionally exposed to some of Team Rocket’s worst misdeeds far too young.
-ran away from home not long after Silver did because she wanted to pursue her own ideals. Her Pokémon journey went extremely poorly. She lost all her money and ended up stranded in Sinnoh with nothing to her name. She was instantly taken in by Cyrus’ promises to take the corruption, greed and cruelty from the world and practically begged him to join. She was among the first members of the team.
-her experience with evil teams made her indispensable in the early days of Team Galactic. Cyrus largely learned how to be charismatic and tailor his image as a saviour by watching her do recruitment for Team Galactic.
-Mars is absolutely genuine. Everything she says while doing recruitment is 110% her actual beliefs. She has no doubts that Team Galactic’s cause is good and that the new world will be perfect. She’s practically blind to Cyrus’ flaws because she wants a saviour that badly. She’d do anything for him.
-the other commanders are her family and her stability. Jupiter in particular is like her big sister. Jupiter was a very corrupting influence and taught her to battle better, to shoot a gun (as useless as that is in the Pokémon universe), and to act confidently villainous. Mars didn’t take long to catch on, come to enjoy dominating others and become a highly competent battler.
-doesn’t feel like a hypocrite for doing largely the same things Team Rocket does. After all, they’re doing it for a good reason!
-she’s the one who designed everyone’s uniforms. When it came to the unique ones, she took everyone’s preferences into consideration.
-The other two commanders try not to fight around her so not to upset her. She’s very sensitive to that.
-adores feline Pokémon and loved playing with Giovanni’s persian as a child. Her purugly is very spoiled.
-Veteran. Joined the military primarily to bully people, saw more than she could handle, and doesn’t think the world should be like that. She left the army for Team Galactic the second she heard about it. Plus, Team Galactic’s “no one but us matters because we’re leaving the world behind” mindset took away any semblance of guilt she might have felt about being a brute.
-In terms of personality, she’s blunt, sarcastic, aloof, and generally acts like she doesn’t care about anyone most of the time. She has a personal interest in guns and explosives that, combined with her sadism, most would find disturbing. She’s not all hard edges, though. Team Galactic is her family and as one of the older and more emotionally intelligent members, she ends up supporting those within it that she’s close to.
-Her knowledge of weaponry makes her indispensable to Team Galactic, since Cyrus isn’t likely to find anyone else who can build a bomb. As a result, she has job security up to her eyeballs, and she knows it.
-In the early days of Team Galactic, Cyrus would have weekly meetings with her, last thing in the day so they could go late, in which they’d discuss military tech and possible ways to use it. These meetings were largely for his own interest and enjoyment. He pretends otherwise, but she can see through him.
-definitely the toughest commander physically, and could beat almost any member of the team in a physical fight. Though Mars has surpassed her in battling prowess, she’s not to be underestimated in that domain, either.
-To her, Cyrus is just another hopeless, messed-up person in a cult full of hopeless and messed-up people, with the initiative to change things and some weird coping mechanisms. She doesn’t think it would take a special person to make a better world and is kind of living for today, so it doesn’t bother her that Cyrus is ridiculous and clearly isn’t the God much of the cult sees him as. And she does respect his initiative and ability to fool people.
In general
-“Commander” is less a specific position and more an honour Cyrus gives to those he trusts most and believes to be indispensable to Team Galactic. It definitely comes with authority, though.
-the three commanders are loyal to each other, first and foremost. Nothing could ever separate them.
-The commanders know Cyrus better than anyone due to having spent a lot of time with him. They are not only unswervingly loyal, but are the closest thing he has to friends. They’d all love for him to be more open and accept their friendship. He’s too emotionally stupid to see this.
-Team Galactic has allowed them to lean into their worst impulses, but they all have the capacity to be good people.
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opal-owl-flight · 2 years
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Hiii hi. Yes, new Owl House ep dropped and me and a friend of mine made an au. Meet Mapolor, and the local cosmic jester who’s in mirror jail!
Under readmore bc its many thoughts
Mapo’s goals...
Halcandra is not kind to practitioners of magic. If they find one, theyre immediately banished. Mapo here has been interested in magic for a long time, and practiced it in secret until he was found out. He was witch hunted from young age. All hes known is how to run.
He wants to belong so bad.
But he cant find any safe space…
See, even the most “innocent” Halcandran has something against magic users. Stereotypes, all that. I think theyre afraid of forces they cant understand; choosing to rely on tech instead.
I wonder, are there other magic users…?
Maybe Mapo found himself with them. Finally found a place he can belong to… until the “coven” was found and he its sole survivor. (Again with him being the last survivor of something…)
Seeing his found family get banished…made him vengeful.
If he cannot find a safe space for himself and others like him. He is going to make it himself.
Thus enters the thought of “cleansing” Halcandra. Cleanse it of its technological blight, restore magic to its rightful place.
He finds a certain mirror around this time…heard it whispering, heard it promise him everything he desired.
With the power of the being in the mirror, he manages to make Halcandra destroy itself. Probably made the Halcandrans build machine that wiped their entire race from existence, save for Mapo. After the way it treated him…this is what he thought was the best way to deal with his anger. He has gotten the vengeance he sought, and he does not regret it.
But he wanted to do more. Hes aware of the reaches of Halcandra’s influence.
He decides to become the galaxy’s savior, cleansing it of the tech-Halcandran’s influence (a COMPLETE reversal of what regular Mags does!). He renames himself Mapolor; “Hope of Paradise”.
As he does this, he found communities on every planet he “cleanses”.
“A community, to keep magic-users safe. Give them sanctuary.
Under my watchful eye… I will make sure that the planet they inhabit is never corrupted by technology again.”
He sees tech as a blight; how dare a single mortal or society mess with the will of the universe/nature like so?
Those communities are connected to him. Hes keeping watch over them. Protecting them in his own twisted way.
He truly believes hes doing good…what hes doing instead is preventing societies from ever advancing.
Hes very powerful magic-wise. He can defend himself from any magic attack. Tech could take him down. But by keeping most of the galaxy away from it…well. Hes unbeatable.
Basically hes done a Susie and is colonizing planets “for their own good”, and “bring them closer to the forces that be, their natural state”
From what Ive described, it seems that Mapo has suppressed a lot of his desire for friends. He has no intent on freeing Marx, who’s very lonely in his mirror jail and just wants to play….
Bc he believes he already found the friends he needed.
He thinks the leaders of those communities he keeps in touch with are his friends. The truth is, many of them want him dead.
“He promised paradise. He only brought us hell. Mapolor? More like Mafolor!!”
Does he actually care for them? Only a select few. The others are just tools. Pawns for his conquest.
By the way, he never finds the Lor here. He doesnt care to. He has Landia instead :) the Halcandrans were not kind to the big scary dragon with the powerful magical artifact (WHO WAS PROTECTING THEM). They were building a tech replacement. It pissed Landia off so much that she decided to join Mapolor’s conquest out of her own volition.
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
Abraxasverse Headcanons - "Contrasting Sequel Antagonists"
Just spitballing a couple thoughts and ideas of mine about what other Titan antagonists could be like in the Abraxasverse, for anyone who’s interested in using them.
1. Conqueror Ape-Titans
If the Scar King of GxK has an equivalent in the Abraxasverse, then…
(a) I like to think there’d be not one, but three or several such ape Titans, living together deep in the Hollow Earth for millennia; so as to fit with primates being social creatures and with primate Titans like Kong and Thor feeling “closer to human.”
(b) And I’m imagining that, back in the day before their species were reduced to these last few survivors, these Scar Ape(?) Titans were basically Alpha Titan imperialists: they were out to conquer and dominate all other life on Earth including the other Titans and the ancient humans with this “right of a superior species” ideology, they were actually quite competent at their conquestmongering on account of adult Kong’s power level being the Scar Ape species’ standard, and they weren’t at all shy about crushing or trying to crush anything that resisted or opposed them.
And the present day survivors of the species still hold true to that ideology when they learn about the outside world’s current natural order after the Mass Awakening, and they decide to get involved in the outside world again…
© Narratively, maybe it’s Kong who finds the Scar Apes in the Hollow Earth, not realising until after the fact what these fellow ape Titans he’s found alive are REALLY like and what they’ll do…
2. Spacegodzilla’s Xenilla/the Space Crystal Cordyceps
(a) So maybe, if the Space Crystal Cordyceps inside Ozymandias/Spacegodzilla does have its own sentient consciousness separate from Ozzy’s, then maybe, to contrast with Ghidorah’s motives for destroying everything across the stars and Gigan’s motives for killing or fate-worse-than-death-ing everyone across the stars; maybe the Cordyceps’ motives beyond neutralising all serious threats to itself (i.e., Godzilla) are that it wants to spread itself and assimilate as much as possible because it suffers from an insatiable hunger for new information from the nervous systems it infects, and it feels it needs to know everything. So Gigan’s fleet designed their sentient bioweapon to be in just as much lifelong pain as the victims that it infects.
(b) OR, if the Space Crystal Cordyceps DOESN’T have a mind of its own and is just as mindless as any fungus, then I can imagine that it’s all just a corrupted Ozymandias in Spacegodzilla: what the Cordyceps did was rewrite Ozzy’s personality while he was helpless to stop it during the infection, like Alzheimer’s. Turning him from a noble creature into a twisted monster obsessed with controlling everything via spreading the Cordyceps which he’s psychically linked into via his infection, while he had no agency of his own.
All interesting ideas! It really is sad that Kong would finally find the Scar Apes (or maybe Scarred People or Scarred Ones? Maybe in AbraxasVerse they practice ritual scarification?), after being led by the false hope that their might be more of his kind in the Hollow Earth so naturally he’s elated to meet them, but over time his hopes are utterly dashed by the realization of what the Scarred Ones plan...
Hm, I personally like the first option for Space Crystal Cordyceps, but the second option is also good for how comparatively mundane it is. Actually, the first instance’s SCC’s endless thirst for knowledge can mesh nicely with something I’ve been mulling over regarding Gigan’s fleet (since it’d been established in the tags that they’re involved with the SCC and Ozymandias’ abduction), so now might be as good a time as any for a potential lore drop:
The fleet’s whole thing is cybernetics and body modification, in a sort of “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” regarding Gigan himself, who they revere as a living god (natch). The first alterations begin in utero and continue on throughout their lifetimes, genetically altered and given so many cybernetic implants that by the time they’re adults it’s almost impossible to think they’re the same species they were at birth. They might as well be, compared to anyone from the main planet they hail from. And then once their lives approach the end, they will be temporarily put on life support with a combination of chemicals and their own extensive cybernetics, so they can experience the skin flayed from their bodies and sewn onto a leather tapestry representing a family tree; once dead, the cybernetics will be systematically removed from them, cleaned and decontaminated so they may be transferred to the next generation.
The point of cybernetics is not to remove themselves from their organic origins, but to extend it and heighten sensation. Experience is the name of the game, and pain is a vital part in realizing one’s own existence. Never go “full borg,” as they’d say in Cyberpunk, because then what would be the point? If you remove your pain receptors then you lose an important part of Self; pain is gone, but pleasure loses its meaning, and you slowly feel yourself slip away. To adopt the Metal in the image of Gigan is a form of worship, yes, but the Flesh is an anchor to keep you centered, to remind you of your own mortality. You adopt the Metal so your Flesh can experience the universe’s wonders with more clarity; knowledge and sensation are the keys to a good life. And so, just as the fleet chases sensation, the SCC chases knowledge.
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x-authorship-x · 10 months
dragon age is a series of games(and one show) that takes place in a medieval/renaissance age.
(this is missing A Lot but reading Nobody Expects The Shinobi Inquisition doesnt require most of this knowledge as it expects that some ppl dont know dragon age.)
they have magic, which works by having the real world and the spirit world(called the fade) which are separated by the Veil. Mages are individuals who can manipulate the fade to cast magic.
in the fade, there are spirits which typically embody an emotion or idea, such as compassion or wisdom. there are also demons, which are basically twisted spirits, wisdom becomes pride, compassion becomes despair, etc. demons can possess mages and they're called abominations and are a bad thing. the fades like. a whole place and stuff. sometimes when mages dream they actually go to the fade where spirits and demons can talk to them. this is how some get possessed
Due to the risk of possession (and other reasons to be expanded upon) mages used to be confined to "circles" which basically restrict them and teach them according to what is considered acceptable. templars(expanded below) are used to guard and makes sure mages dont do unacceptable things such as escaping. circle mages tend to be sheltered and sometimes were mistreated. the Champion of Kirkwall(from dragon age 2) kinda dissolves the circles so mages are kinda running free and its a whole situation.
templars are kinda like knights who can smite mages so they stop doing magic. this is harmful to mages. they get this power by drinking lyrium, which is magic rock juice(titans blood but shhh) that has a special connection to the fade. lyrium is also addictive to templars. mages can use lyrium to replenish their mana to cast more spells.
there are also Seekers who are basically templars but instead of getting magic through lyrium get it through Hard Work (very challenging initiation thing to get powers) theyre supposed to regulate the templars but kinda fail
there are mages outside of the circles. either apostates(learned by themselves or in a non regulated group) or a dalish elf mage, which is an elf who lives away from the main human kingdoms and they have their own culture.
there are also the tranquil who are mages who were deemed too unruly or whatever and got their connection to the fade severed. this also kills their emotions. they can work with lyrium bc of this. they also are kinda deemed as weird but like. they were kinda lobotomized so
theres also a thing called the Blight which was said to be started bc some mages from trevinter(evil mage country) tried to get to the fade city thing and something happened and they became darkspawn which are kinda evil zombie things. the blight is a sort of corrupting force which is a sickness and problem. there were 5(i think) big Blights where the blight was a big problem where darkspawn were attacking people and there was an Archdemon(blighted dragon things thought to be old gods or smth) and the fifth blight was the problem of dragon age 1
red lyrium(evil lyrium) is blighted lyrium and causes problems.
There are 4 main races, the humans, elves, dwarves, and qunari.
humans are humans. they are the dominant race and they oppress elves. idk what to say. i think you know what humans are. the only racism they have is towards non humans, and especially to elves.
elves. there are two main groups. the city elves who basically live in human society, often have jobs as cleaners or servants. they live in elf alienages which i dont quite remember what they are but they live in those and they kinda suck. city elves kinda idealize dalish elves the other kind of elf is a dalish elf. they are nomadic groups with caravans and they have cool fantasy deer instead of horses. they also have facial tattoos as part of their culture(coming of age, and also different tattoos represent different gods and their aspects) they kinda dont like humans and also dont like city elves because they think that they are weak and kinda dumb and also dalish elves are kinda prissy. dalish elves have very rich culture and history which ends up being kinda important. elves in general also are slightly closer to the fade then humans and thus are mages a bit more(there is a reason for this)
dwarves are never mages. they are also the only ones who can work with raw lyrium(which is in rock form. in mines and stuff) which normally causes ppl to go insane or smth. this also means they typically are the ppl who do enchantments. dwarves also loose their lyrium immunity if they are in the sun too much. dwarves in the dwarf city are prissy towards dwarves who aren't.
qunari are big and grey and have horns. most of them are part of an evil group thats evil idk the specifics but most are part of that, but a couple aren't.
there are two important ones. the chantry and the elf one idk whats it called.
the chantry is kinda Christianity and its the religion in human cities. thinks the world was made by The Maker. who is basically the christian god. they think he made the fade first and was like. this sucks. so he made the normal world. because of that and also because of demonic possession they dont like mages. there's a jesus-ish figure who is Andraste, who was said to be the wife of the Maker and was burned at the stake but then basically becomes a saint. (this is kinda relevant) they think the blight was caused by the tevinter mages messing with the throne of the maker in the golden city in the fade (more reasons to hate mages) the pope equivalent is the Divine, who is elected or whatever
the elf religion actually is kinda accurate. so the fade and normal world used to be one. and the elves were the main race and they were kinda crazy powerful. they had really cool cities and stuff. they were ruled by a family of gods which were kinda just elves but with magic god balls(called focuses or foci) which were suuuper powerful. there was another god but kinda not, (loki equivalent kinda) called fen'harel(he is important) who was in service of mythal but then rebelled against the gods (but mythal was secretly supporting him) the face tattoos that the dalish have come from the fact that ancient elves would tattoo themselves in devotion to their chosen god. it also acted as a shock collar for punishment and also there was slavery. something happened and one of the gods Mythal was killed and then fen harel freaked out and decided the best course of action was to seal away the other gods and also split the world into the magic and normal world. which became the fade and normal world. there may also be a third one called the void but idk. then the ancient elves kinda became the dalish but they were much weaker. (this is why elves are closer to the fade) and some got subsumed into human kingdoms. idk how much of this is actually dalish religion but its the actual worldbuilding lol. dalish religion is based on this
orleis or whatever: prissy rich place, political, has 'The Game" <- just politics
tevinter is a mage country and theyre kinda shady and evil and they have slavery
ferelden idk what this ones about its just kinda there
other places idk
AKA. events that happen during Dragon Age: Inquisition
after the kirkwall thing where mage circles got dissolved and there is tension between mages and templars Divine Justinia tries to organize a conclave to make peace. one of the original tevinter mages that cause the blight uses a old elf god orb to try and merge the fade and world and also kill the divine but [player character] interferes. passes out. stuff happens. you wake, and guess what!!!
everyone else who attended the conclave died. you are the only survivor and you have a glowing mark on your hand, neat! youre being interrogated but you have no fucking clue what the fucking hell happened. turns out theres a hole in the sky that is connected to your hand mark and smaller rifts are also appearing. theyre connected to the fade and demons come out(spirits got pulled in and couldnt adapt and their nature was torn and they became demons) so you fight that and realize you can close rifts. neat. so youre taken to try and seal the Big Sky Hole. you kinda get it to stop expanding but pass out
you wake and are deemed to be the Herald of Andraste by the people but the chantry kinda dont like you. you go on quests to stop rifts and accomplish tasks to help the Inquisition, which is a thing thats established when the world Goes To Shit and needs to be fixed so they make the organization. (its a kinda established thing) and eventally you fix the sky hole and then you find the evil guy who killed the divine so now you're trying to kill him. you become the Inquisitor! yay!
thats most of it i think. i know this through only fanfiction i have consumed none of the actual dragon age franchise. sorry for having it be so long. i missed a lot of stuff.
Ohhhhhhhhh the hand thing!!!! That Shisui gets in the fic!!! I was so confused 🤣
This is AMAZING you have put so much time and thought into this, I'm really touched! Also your cliffnotes were low-key hilarious, I chuckled throughout this - very informative - ask
P.S the seeker thing immediately hit me with "oh god...Rock Lee" 😂
Thank you so much! 🥺❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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hello, so maybe i'm dumb, but I never understood why Marika wanted to separate herself from the Golden Order. like. was it because she realised that she would be eventually replaced with someone else? To me it always seemed that her morals were not so different from the vision of the Greater Will on how the world should operate (also sorry for any mistakes, I'm not native eng speaker)
I had no problem understanding you! Your English is perfect, don't worry :)
As for why Marika wanted to seperate herself from the Golden Order- my interpretation was that she was totally in cahoots with the Greater Will for the majority of her life, with her working as its vassal early on and then eventually becoming elevated to the vessel of the Elden Ring- and thus a means for the Greater Will to control life- after she conquered the Lands Between. During this time, this basically bound her to the Greater Will and made her the head of the Golden Order, with her creating Radagon to fight the wars on the frontline while she hung back and organized her kingdom, speaking for the Greater Will. During this time, the reign of the Golden Order hit its peak, with Marika coaxing miracles from the Erdtree to strengthen the pure, the Erdtree itself filtering out the impure from the cycle of rebirth as the Greater Will seperated life into categories, and all the atrocities of the downtrodden being established so that they would have slaves to keep their empire afloat. Marika was a conquerer then, and was completely in line with what the Greater Will wanted her to do. She was its vessel, the Golden Order was her way of controlling people, and so she was the god of everyone by proxy.
Sometime after this golden age happened, however, Marika started losing faith. I can't recite it exactly, but one of Melina's recountings of her words has her saying that the time for blind faith has passed, and that the followers of the Golden Order must approch it with a more critical eye. We don't know what caused this break in faith, but it's the first sign that Marika began to doubt the rule of the Greater Will. And then from that point forward (perhaps the start of her reign's downfall), she just kept getting more and more disillusioned with the rule she ordered, until she eventually saw that what she did was wrong, and tried to strike down what she created. The issue, however, is that she herself has been the vessel of a god for so long that she was then rendered completely incapable of killing it herself, which lead to the Shattering ultimatly failing in killing the Greater Will.
You can choose from a variety of theories as to why her faith began to dwindle- she started to notice the withering toll the lack of death had on the reborn, she began to see how blind and corrupt her followers became when given a rule they thought they had to follow no matter what, the Greater Will's opinions shifting on the Primordial Crucible grated against her own beliefs- but I personally think that her locking the Omen Twins in the Shunning-Grounds was what caused the first crack*. Marika is a terribly cold mother, and an awfully selfish person (it was alright to kill or hide away Omen children until HER babies were born cursed), but we do know that she cared for her children in her own odd, twisted way. The grief from Godwyn's death was the catalyst for her shattering the Elden Ring, after all, so it wouldn't be too far off for her to have started to rethink her life choices when her two wanted sons had to be chained underground because the Greater Will considered traits that were once considered blessed to be undesirable. In fact, because she herself had to confer with the Elden Beast, she might have felt the full brunt of its disgust, and while it didn't stop her from agreeing to it, it DID make her reconsider what she had caused so much suffering for
*This, of course, does not absolve her of her sins, or erase the fact that she was a terrible mother who was directly responsible for her son's abuse. It's just a logical explaination based on her apparent love for Godwyn- if she loved her first child, then she likely wanted her twins, and would have had a hard time condemning them bc of it
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artidoesthings · 2 years
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I may have decided to make a Kirby in Monster Hunter au for you... You don't actually have to use any of this (obviously), but I thought it would be fun to at least make up an idea for it.
Heads up this is pretty long
So Kirby characters in a Monster Hunter like universe, but with a twist! While Kirby is a normal monster hunter, a lot of Kirby's friends have a curse that causes them to temporarily turn into a wild monster!
Basically, it works differently for everyone who has the curse, but under certain conditions a cursed person will turn into a monster and lose all control of themselves. They are aware that they turned into a monster, but they might not remember what happened while they were in their monster form. It could also be some remember, some don't; I'm not sure yet. Most are aware of what conditions it takes for them to transform so at the very least they can be prepared. I also think it would be fun if their armor set is of the monster they turn into. Turning into a monster is bad for not only others safety, but also your own since this is a town of monster hunters. The monster curse is not known about within the general public. Not all with the monster curse are monster hunters, some are normal towns folk, but most have a job that aids monster hunters in one way or another. They believe if anyone could stop this monster related curse, it would be a monster hunter. Taranza, for example, would help make armor. Meta and Dedede for would be monster hunters though. Quick note about Taranza in this au, instead of a mirror corrupting Sectonia, she could have gotten the monster curse and was then killed by monster hunters. Alternatively, he could have accidently killed her during one of his monster transformations. No one knows how to cure the monster curse and it could even be different from person to person. In the end it will probably be one big bad monster that causes this and has to be killed to break all the curses.
Kirby and Bandana are monster hunters and often go hunting as a pair. Despite that, they've been going on more and more solo missions do to a high rise of monster and human disappearances. That day, Kirby was on another solo mission. This time, it was more or less to confirm a recent monster sighting and to see how dangerous it was. After some time of searching Kirby realized it was starting to get dark. He was still a good distance away from the town or any camp, so he decided to find a place to set up shelter for the night. He reached a cave and crept inside hoping that it wasn't a monster's nest. Then he saw something, no, someone! Just when he was about to make his presence know something horrifying happened. Right before Kirby's eyes the human turned into a monster! Kirby screamed! causing the monster to notice him and lunge. Despite Kirby's panic, he was still a skilled monster hunter and was able to dodge its attack. He ready his weapon to fight back, but then stopped. Was this monster actually a human? What would that make him if he were to kill them? After a bit of thinking while avoiding the monster's attacks, Kirby decided the best course of action was to restrain the monster and to come up with a better plan later. After a restless night of applying and reapplying restraints over and over again, the sun started to rise and the light was shining through the cracks in the cave. Suddenly Kirby heard someone calling his name. "Bandee!?" he replied without thinking. Bandee came running into the cave where he heard Kirby's call. "Kirby! You're okay! I got worried after you didn't return yester..." his voiced trailed off as he stopped when he saw the monster Kirby had captured. He readied his weapon. "Wait! Don't!" Kirby quickly shouted before putting himself in between Bandana and the monster. "They're not a monster! Well I mean they are right now... But! They aren't a monster over all!... I think..." As Kirby was explaining to Bandana what had happened, a bright light shined from the monster. When the light faded, the monster was gone and in its place was the human Kirby saw before. Okay, I feel like I've written to much with opening section so I'll just summarize. The person was Meta Knight (might change that, but he's the one I made a monster design for so he's on my mind). Meta Knight was obviously confused at seeing two hunters in front him who don't seem like they want him dead despite him being a monster literally seconds ago. He also noticed that he didn't have any injuries and the pink hunter (Kirby) had only a few scrapes. Kirby was like "See! he really was a human!" Bandana recognized Meta as a well known monster hunter as well as someone who often left town for days on monster hunts, but it had been over a month since anyone had seen him and people started to get concerned. This recognition just made Bandee even more confused. Meta realize that he needs to explain what happen to him and proceeds to tell them about the monster curse and how that's why he turned into a terrifying bat monster. Kirby kinda just accepts this while Bandee has several questions. After some convincing, Meta agrees to head back to town with them to at least let everyone know he's still alive. He answered their questions to the best of his abilities on their way there.
I shouldn't forget about explaining the picture... Meta turns into a bat like monster who has a feathery torso and scales on his head and legs. The blue on his wings are surprisingly soft. While he can see, he relies more on his hearing in this form to find and kill his prey. I've never really been good at designing monsters and I've never played any of the Monster Hunter games so I don't know if he looks very Monster Hunter-y, but I tried. I think he still looks cool though. Also do you think a should add a tail? I think it looks good as is, but tails are cool. The silhouette of the human for size reference is supposed to look like your Meta Knight, gijinka but in armor.
monster Hunter au,,,, yes yes yes yes yes.
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phoenixmosheh · 11 months
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Quick Teaching Point for the Basic Betch & her Basic Groupies and fans...
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Hi. I am doing great I know you all care. The guy I was staying with tried to sleep with me and when I rolled over on his comfortable sofa bed and pretended to fall asleep...he began to cry like a little weak a$$ baby thinking I was asleep (wow). My unborn children have more game than this pu$$y. However, he did start withholding: no more random gifts you ungrateful betch or outings or groceries. (This is a great example of people doing kind things to look good for clout aka their own benefit and masking it with selfish desire)
But thats OK... because the security gaurd friend of his came over and asked what kind of groceries I wanted... so I have texted her my grocery list. Basic betch...you don't gotta do anything you don't want to do boo...you might not keep getting all the finest things in life... but you'll survive pu$$y intact.
(If you are one of those people who are going to click the play button below and say things like "nobody gives a f*ck betch"...try and remember nobody told you to click play ...you did it yourself idiot).
(Don't get it twisted people...I support walking away and cutting off people and d*cks and whatever needs to be axed...but I also believe in proper investigation and a fair and speedy trial before cutting people off...because then I can say I did my very best and don't feel bad when I choose not to go back to toxic people)
(Elias now that you know you have a natural contraceptive d*ck and can't get these garden hoes pregnant...don't give me a reason to think you are actually a dumbass & have bad taste without being under a love spell...its a quick Ciao for me,pregnant or not. On the contrary, let another one of these hoes try you...I'm going to beat that a$$ pregnant or not (baby gonna come out all frazzled and yet still smarter than these chemically imbalanced test tube babies).
https://youtu.be/uxfKH7yc9ZM - Sagittarius Women
Back to Elias corrupt Adoptive Stepmother who never thought she was going to get exposed within this blog...
(uhm ... you do realize in order to be tied to a bloodline you have to be born into one biologically/ or spiritually OR at least share a child with someone right? Don't be ghetto betch.... killing someone's parents and then taking their baby (Elias) and doing spell work on him all his life so that his money connected to his bloodline would never leave doesn't count. I also don't understand how you can be racist against people of different complexions. I have seen your pictures and no offense, but my biological mother is a couple shades lighter than you and no offense but if you're trying to avoid being a minority your features would give you away. If you are going to be a racist to others...make sure to be all the way racist you're confusing yourself and others. As for Elias...I know I know...spell work was involved but...I've had some racist family members as well who didn't want me bringing men home that were your complexion...I brought them home anyway and my family would call me a traitor, but I didn't care. Do you have to kiss this person and deal with their bullsh*t grandma? No! I'm bringing home the whole rainbow, until I find "the one." Thank you very much now pass the tabbouleh.
Intro to finding out Elias' Mother was the Ringleader of this plan and partnered with one of his toxic Masonic ex-girlfriends to obtain his inheritance from his real parents.
Elias, I didn't finish this video its longggg... but per God there is something significant about what is being said. From what has been explained to me your adoptive mother had a stillbirth but was a relative to your biological mother. Does your adoptive mom have any dead sisters, that you have never met or heard of? God wants you to solve this. Did your grandmother ever mention a daughter she lost?
...I know some ignorant arse racist is going to have some kind of whack a$$ Commet like "brown and black is not a part of the rainbow colors"... there is this thing called primary colors you learn about before year 1 of your education. There are children under the age of 2 who know when you mix these primary colors of the rainbow you get brown and black babies idiot. (Blue or indigo if you've never heard of people who have deeply melanated skin...referred to as blue black that's also a thing...get out and travel more and you won't be so closed-minded & useless!) There are actually apes smarter than people who are racist...some people just can't be taught. Smh. In fact, just give me the ape at this point, sh*t, someone with enough brain cells who can utilize the critical thinking part of the brain. Keep mixing colors of the rainbow fellas, you'll get black eventually. And a sticker saying "congratulations, you did it." (Fruit Loop that betch).
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And lastly basic betch, you can't have any of my energy... my babies feed off of it and I don't want to look like Bella from twilight when she's giving birth to Renesmee because your leech a$$ can't figure out your own identity. (OH sh*t here come the witches gathering on a full moon "make her look like Bella, Make her look like Bella" keep playing with me you all are going to look like Bella....)
6/30/23 update for Elias...
You need to learn how to control your anger per Raphael. Also, I was told to tell you at least 7 or more. And yes, you will have a daughter she's going to follow you everywhere and be way more interested in learning about your skillsets than mine...I'm jealous.
Elias, a month ago I bought a new bikini, a size bigger than usual on purpose... so that I could watch my booty miracle grow into it...lol. today it fit (quite snug actually). My hair is also growing again I hope you like to pull hair 😘...OK I'm done talking don't want people in bikinis to start falling out left and right. I also got you a gift ❤️ don't worry... I didn't put a spell on it and it's not me. I am way more thoughtful than that.
Uhm Basic Betch... I was sent word that you don't appreciate my gift in which you asked for...You wanted to be me right?
Is your hair falling out? Did those fibroid tumors make an appearance yet (a result of casting miscarriage spells) yikes.? Did that poison from your fake tatas seep into your bloodstream yet? Be careful of the heatwave going on outside odds are you don't have a car anymore...and whatever you do don't try that street drug Tranq woman to woman its not a good look...I would say you would heal overtime from these things... but I put a cap on my energy soooo ...probably not. (I'm still waiting on a thank you for letting me borrow your energy...not people allow others to be them) Have fun! Anybody else want to be me?
Teaching Point # 2: Intuitive Art Predictions
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I kept coming across this NASA article on my phone. " 7 US Companies Collaborate with NASA"... first time I overlooked it. The second time I fell asleep reading it and the third time I dropped my phone and there the article was again. It clearly wasn't clicking because I'm honestly not all that interested in investments that require human beings to take me to another planet for survival... when they can't even fix the planet they are on (Earth) that yields all that is necessary to survive such as oxygen for starters. But hey...these people have been to the most prestigious schools so don't listen to me.
Anyway...I remembered the guy that was housing me showed me a drawing he made inspired by this guy at a Boba Tea shop he frequented who always had on a NASA t-shirt.
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So I read the article and it led me here:
The guy told me it's a Boba pearl but I think it's an Orb (bomb) and they are using the moon to practice on before they start releasing them into Earth's low-orbit. I could just be paranoid and a skeptic like many are about Jesus Christ.
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nirahsaooc · 1 year
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So I’ve completed the main story of Diablo 4 and it was definitely interesting. It to me in ways feels like what Diablo 2 may have been like if they’d had the tech and desire to do a much more in depth story. Not that Diablo 2′s story isn’t good, just that it is a product of its time. Where gameplay was the primary thing with the story as the means to that gameplay.
The ending does seem to be setting up for an additional expansion and such, but it makes sense given what was resolved in this story versus what is still unresolved.
Below the Read More are more blatant spoilers for the game with some of my thoughts.
First of all Mephisto in this is just a delightful son of a bitch to me. Because he’s a Prime Evil you keep thinking, “Is he lying to me? What’s his game?” But he actually plays it very straight, he doesn’t really lie at all to you because he knows the truth is more motivating. Towards the end he even lampshades this saying, “I won’t lie to you, there will come a time when we are enemies. But right now, we need each other.”
The game in general is full of both hope and despair, you meet good people that are just trying to survive, and evil people that are just trying to take advantage of the situation. As well as people that were once heroes and have fallen to corruption and despair. Often because Lilith has sweet honeyed words, she knows how to tug on your desires, your hopes and dreams to the point you start to wonder “Is she right? Does she have a better idea of what to do?” But Lorath dispels this by pointing out how she is the Daughter of Hatred, Hatred is in her nature and motivates how she does things. In the end she may think her path is better but it will still be a path of hatred and not love.
Inarius wasn’t any better than Lilith, he was an arrogant angel full of vanity and so sure of what he had to to do to get back into the heaven. He wasn’t here to protect Sanctuary, we were just tools for him, a means to an end. And he didn’t even realize in the end that Heaven was silent to him because of his betrayal in making sanctuary, and that he can’t just undo that with more death.
It was interesting how the game in ways points out the folly of looking to Prophecy. Basically how no one can figure such things out, multiple different characters tried and they all had very different ideas of what the Prophecy meant and how it would end. They were all wrong, because their own innate bias let them twist the bias to fit perfectly with their world view
Holy Crap was I wrong, Diablo did not show up at all...in a Diablo game. I mean if they do any additional story via expansions or anything he undoubtedly will, but its the first time Diablo has not been the End Boss in a Diablo Game.
One of my favorite lines your character gives in the game is when Neyrelle asks you if you ever feel like you can’t do anything right, if it all feels for nothing. You respond with. “More than I’d like to admit. They call me hero. But underneath, I’m still the same person I always was. Powerful, sure. But flawed, too.”
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"Don't shoot a dead body so pointlessly"
Today I will be discussing the scene from the anime/light novel 15 in which Chuuya kicks Dazai's gun, as suggested by my the one and only: @ryuuaka713 !!!
When I first saw this part in the anime, I didn't really grasp the concept of the scene. Of course, Chuuya kicking the gun from Dazai's hands and basically telling him to not disrespect the dead shows us a glimpse of Chuuya's humanity and where his moral code stands but... Did Chuuya's move impact Dazai in any way?
Well, the answer is yes! (obviously).
Firstly, lets take a look at Dazai's point of view. Dazai was 14 years old when he first joined the port mafia, therefore his view on the world was grim and dark, his view on humans was no exception. I always have believed that Dazai's view on humans was as clouded as Atsushi's, if someone was on the bad side they were bad and if someone was on the good side they were good. Of course, that view changes when he meets Chuuya and Oda. But beforehand, ive always thought that Dazai was the kind of boy who thought that everyone who was involved in mafia and gangs probably indulged themselves with power and homoicde. But Chuuya proved him wrong.
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Dazai has always been a mysterious character, what I mean by that is that we rarely ever know how he is truly feeling. But usually when he is around Chuuya his mask comes off for a small moment, in this case Dazai couldn't hide his feelings of shook and amusement.
As its stated in the text, he had an expression of wonder—he was astonished, he was shooked, he was amused. He did not expect a former gang leader and killer to respect the dead. But on a grimer note, this made him realize how cruel and inhuman he is in comparasion to someone who is pretty much in the same position as him and the same age as him, to Dazai this was a wake up call, and this made Dazai's gap from humans to become even bigger, the fact he is reffering to Chuuya, a literal gang leader as an "ordinary boy" speaks volumes on where he believes his own humanity stands, moreover—he feels devoid of his humanity and Chuuya became a walking reminder of that.
Wierdly enough, this scene sort of reminds me of when Chuuya uses corruption and Dazai has to stop him, bringing him back to his roots, to his humanity. But similarly to Dazai, Chuuya feels this sort of void or this sort of reminder that there is a possibility that he may not be human and Dazai is Chuuya's walking reminder of this too.
Thie gun scene wasn't the only time that Chuuya gets frustrated with Dazai's cruelty, especially since Chuuya does see Dazai as human and is aware that Dazai can be more than just an emotionless mafioso.
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Similarly to the past scene, Dazai disrespects the dead. In this case he disrespects a deceased mafia executive. And Chuuya reacts violently, punching him across the face and saying the one thing that could hurt Dazai the most, that no one would believe that he is human.
Dazai's face here speaks louder than his words ever will. You can tell that he is hurt. But he wasn't just hurt by Chuuya's words, at least, thats not how I view it. When Chuuya punched Dazai, it made Dazai realize that he crossed the line, that he said something that to someone as human as Chuuya was cruel and inhuman, giving Dazai once again a wake up call that he is lacking his humanity. After the punch, Dazai says "Im human too, you know?" which seems like a desperate way of trying to presuade himself out loud that he is human. The hurt look in his face shows us the realization that he feels that he will never achive his humanity, and that he will be trapped in this sick and twisted mindset forever.
But no matter how Dazai feels about himself, that will never change his complete admiration and appreciation for Chuuya, as a partner and as a human.
Of course, all that changes after Oda's death. But before Oda, it was Chuuya who was indirectly changing Dazai's perspective on himself and humanity.
Andddd thats it for today guys!!! Thank you for reading!!
Ps: I have gotten an overwhelming amount of inboxes so I will be answering them soon, just be patient:)
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o-wyrmlight · 2 years
Okay I've been home for like 4-5 hours but I got caught up in playing the new Kirby game and got all the Waddle Dees and gem stages of the first world so let me see if I can uhh. Y'know. Explain my thing with Affogato.
So I've been rather aware of the fact that my interpretation of Affogato himself is a lot less about Affogato as a character and moreso in regards to how he is in relation to Dark Cacao. Of course, Dark Cacao's probably my favorite Cookie Run character, so that's sort of a given--but then I sort of started thinking a bit more into depth about why that is.
After all, my interpretations of pretty much any other character is rather complex. Madeline is conspiring against the Republic to take down its corruption, Dark Cacao is dealing with the repercussions of generational trauma and complicated grief, and Pure Vanilla even has the trauma of losing his kingdom and his family, having to deal with that while trying to keep himself as put-together as he possibly can be. They have their own individual character that defines them, and isn't necessarily canon, but it's interesting enough for my brain to latch onto.
Affogato, meanwhile, sort of doesn't have that in my AUs. Canonically he's a largely manipulative person, capable of using charisma and words to sway his way into the good graces of places he ought not to. And for a while a part of me was wondering whether or not it's because I'm not very good at writing manipulative characters--half of my brain fumbles with trying to find a way for them to justify their manipulation tactics to themselves, and make it seem like they have no choice--but perhaps that's not entirely the truth. A part of it, yes, but not entirely.
After all, I like Manipulative Madeline a lot. He's a very self-driven character. So what's the difference between him and Affogato, when canonically Affogato is a manipulator and Madeline absolutely isn't?
So it's sort of at this point that I come to realize that all of my character interpretations actually have characters outside of themselves. The dynamics exist but it isn't what them or the story centers around, and that's largely aided by the fact that it's essentially also how it is in canon. Affogato doesn't really have that luxury--the vast majority of his character is defined as a contrast against Dark Cacao, so I feel we don't really know who he is on a personal level, and as such, it's difficult to figure out what his character is.
It's the same issue with Caramel Arrow, I feel. We have a blueprint of how these characters exist and what their motivations are, but it's rather basic and both of them revolve around a person--that person being Dark Cacao. While there's nothing wrong with that, it's hard to come up with an interpretation that stays loyal canon or takes an aspect or two of them and twists it on its head in an interesting way.
As an example, I saw how the fandom treats Madeline largely like a lovable doofus golden retriever sort of person with narcissistic tendencies and a heart of gold, and then I thought: 'What if that was a cover-up?' And from there, I worked on his personality, his backstory, and his belief system to make the blueprint for a story that I genuinely believe is very, very interesting.
And with Pure Vanilla, I saw a sweet cookie with a heart of gold who can do no wrong and doesn't like conflict and thought to myself: 'I know cookie descriptions imply that the ingredients of a cookie influences their personality, but I feel like it'd be interesting if Pure Vanilla is sweet and kind not because that's how he's made, but because that's how he CHOSES to be.' So now I have a stressed king who doesn't take praise well, loves too much to the point of self-neglect, and is perpetually teetering on the edge of losing his shit.
The pont being that with those two characters, there were traits that I could take and then subvert--ways that I could change them in an interesting manner without making them unrecognizable. What do we have with Affogato? What do we have with Caramel Arrow?
Affogato is implied to have had a rough life. He's manipulative. He wants the crown. That's kind of it. What kind of subversion can you do with that? How much context can you gleam?
Caramel Arrow is fiercely loyal to Dark Cacao. ... That's kind of it.
It's. Mmn. Difficult for my brain to write characters like that, it seems. When I think of Affogato reacting to situations, some part of my brain feels flighty in an uncertain way, because I don't really. Know. How he would react to certain situations. I don't know how I'm supposed to perceive his character. The only things I can glean for my AU is a) He genuinely wants to do good by cookies, b) he had a difficult childhood, and c) the different-ness of Bittersweet's kingdom is an odd sense of comfort.
But like. After that comfort and that loss of interest in taking the crown, what is there? Sort of nothing. So I'm like. Hmm. The story becomes less about Affogato in Bittersweet's world and more about Affogato trailing along after Bittersweet while Bittersweet has a lot of his own shit to deal with. That just. Doesn't seem. Interesting and seems like a disservice to the potential that Affogato could have. But without having an idea for what would motivate his character outside of the crown and comfort, it's difficult to figure out how to give him more plot relevancy and conflict.
Idk I'm probably rambling at this point but ah. Just some thoughts. Smth prompted me to bring this up earlier today but it is legit something that's been bothering me for like a month or so.
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spiderling-space · 3 years
As I mentioned before, I'm doing a piece for Balkanoid MC. It's something I can %100 relate. This will be a mix of headcanon, scenario and incorrect quote. Also each different scenario/hc/quote is separated with ----
There are a lot of countries in the Balkans. This work will focus on things that everyone living in the Balkans can relate to. I'm avoiding certain stuff because it would be too heavy for [tumblr]
Setting: MC is from the Balkans
MC is just thrown into a whole new world, no friends, no family, just all alone. There is nothing that resembles their home and it doesn't seem like Dire is going to do find a way for them to go back so they decide to make Ramshackle a homely place. It took them over 2 weeks to clean the entire Ramshackle with the help of Ace, Deuce, Jack, ghosts and Grim.
After the cleanup, MC wiped the floors clean one last time and then they were done. Now they were just chilling on the couch.
"Oi prefect!" Ace opens the main door and just walks in. "Let's go an-"
MC isn't listening to what he is saying. Their focus is on Ace who just walked into their house with shoes on.
"Take your goddamn shoes off and wipe the floor you stepped in."
"Don't be ridiculous, I-"
"So you've chosen death..."
Ace is confused why they are so insistent on not wearing shoes inside. "What are you talking about?"
The closest thing they have is their house slippers. They took it in their hand and hit it on their other hand, making a slapping sound. "I won't hesitate to go over there and teach you manners."
Ace gulps as he sees the look on MC's face. "I'LL DO IT!" He takes off his shoes and leaves them outside, then asks where the mop is.
After MC tells where the cleaning supplies are, there is only one thought in their head "Mama, I'm making you proud!"
Random TWST cast: 90s were the best years!
MC, remembers the 90s of Balkans: Lol what?
MC and the rest of the first years go on lunch in a restaurant. They eat it and it is time to pay
MC: Waiter, please give me the receipt, I'll pay for everyone
Ace: Niceeee
Deuce: I cannot let you pay by yourself 
Jack: Thank you MC but it is not necessary
Epel: I can't either, I can pay for my food
MC: So none of you is going to fight for paying for all? 
Everyone gives them a strange look: What are you talking about?
MC, taking out their wallet: It is the Balkan way
Ramshackle dorm is perfectly clean and everything is well organized but there is something that's missing. MC couldn't point out what it was until they managed to get a second-hand TV in the lounge.
"My grandma's white knit thingy!" Oh boy, Mc is so happy to find the missing piece. For the record, they have never understood why their grandma would knit a square-shaped balloon net but now they just missed that homey feeling. "I'm going to knit myself as I cannot afford to buy."
After a few days and countless tries, MC manages to knit a few balloon nets and they put it everywhere in the living room such as on the coffee table, on top of the couch's backside, over the fireplace and on side tables. As the final touch, they put one on TV.
"Now it feels like grandma came over!"
MC is arranging a bag that has basic needs; bottled waters, crackers, canned food, whistle, blanket, first aid kit, sleeping mat, flashlight with extra batteries, some cash, wet and dry napkins and the medicines they use
Deuce: Are you planning on going camping?
Ace: Deuce, go get us two tents, I'll be in the same one as MC and you can have a tent for yourself
MC: What? No! Where did you get that idea? Also, Ace ewww!
Ace: Hey wait a sec-
Deuce: It's because of your bag...
MC: Oh! This is my bag for an earthquake. Everything in this essential if I get stuck under the rumble
Deuce: Eh?!
Ace: Silly magicless MC, every building is protected with magic here, there has never been any damage on structures or people
MC, cries in Balkan
MC, internally: Hmm, interesting, dorm members resemble their dorm's icons so much. Hmm, Ignihyde is based on Hades who is a Greek God. I heard their dorm leader is from Isle of Lamentation which is from Greek myths so he must be a Greek!
MC: Idia!
Idia, silently: Oh shit
MC: My fellow Balkanoid! *tries to greet him by kissing his cheeks*
Idia, freaks out and retreats: I have no idea what they mean!
MC: Well, you are Greek
Idia: I have no idea what that means either. I'll pay you to stay away
MC: Wait, you have money?
Idia, nods
MC: You know what, I'll just leave... Clearly, you are westernized! Here I thought I met a chad Balkan fellow!
MC, learns that Malleus and Leona are royalty
MC: Wait, there are non-corrupted country leaders?!
Leona: Tch, there is absolutely no chance that Ferena is corrupted. You thought I was?
MC: No?
Leona: Tch herbivore...
Malleus, offended: Did you mean my grandmother?
MC: Nope! That’s why I said non corrupt
Malleus: I'm saddened by your statement. What made you think this, child of man?
MC, laughs: Bro, bro... I lived in Balkans
One of the foods that MC would miss dearly is burek/börek.
They would pause and ask for a moment when someone asks about the relationship between MC's country and its neighbours and the history behind it. They only say the good parts and don't get into details much.
MC would slap the watermelon to understand if it would taste good.
MC would be overjoyed when Divus doesn't call them a useless tool for giving him the wrong tool while fixing his car.
They would secretly miss those "good morning" pictures with flowers or babies on the background sent by elderly people around MC.
If MC has to stay more than the academic term, their choice of residence would be Land of Pyroxene as it is likely to resemble Germany.
They would find it weird that countries getting along with their neighbours.
It is a weird feeling to live on their own as they expected to live with their parents until marriage or until they found a job outside the city.
MC would find it basic that people are driving automatic shifted gear.
MC would get weird looks when they tell that their mom also calls them "mom".
MC is used to greeting people by kissing each cheek so it is weird to not do that in Twisted Wonderland.
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angry-geese · 3 years
At Dawn’s Break II
Pb!Dio x Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut. Consensual sex. Dio being an asshole. (Both parties are 18+) Fem!reader
notes: I ended up liking the last part enough to write a second one. This one is is basically just shameless smut
Part One, Part Three, Part Four
You're early.
You were always early. 
The cold English night makes you pull your coat tighter around your shoulders. You settle into your spot under the apple tree with a quilt, a lantern, and a flask of tea.
It looked suspicious for the two of you to leave at the same time. Your visits grew longer and more frequent. More noticeable. It wouldn’t surprise you if Mr. Joestar knew by now. Neither of you seemed to mind. Your relationship- if you could call it that- was the worst kept secret in the world.
You challenged him.
Dio admired your bite. You were one of the few that dared speak up against him. Instead of crumpling under his gaze, you challenged his views with your own. You made the injustices of the world known, you were not one to be pushed around. He had opinions that you would not let him keep.
You find yourselves arguing often. When it's clear you've won, he sneers and says you should know your place- you're on your feet, fist cocked back for a hit.
For a man that has been able to lie, cheat and steal his way through just about anything, you intrigued him. He can't deny his attraction to the power you hold.
It isn’t love in an innocent sense. Calling it that would be using it in the most corrupted, bastardized sense of the word. A man like him isn’t capable of love. He’s cruel, ruthless, and capable of acts you’d never understand. But in his own twisted way he loves you.
It might be in the way a person loves their pet, though you can live with that.
You cannot deny the attraction to a man so cunning and prideful. Anyone else talked to you that way, they’d be a dead man. But after spending nights curled under the apple trees, exchanging harsh words in an attempt to get the other to fold and crumple, you see something in him. It's not a heart, or even a soul, but it's raw power. Pure potential.
Something about the look in his eyes tonight is predatory. Dio settles in next to you, the other half of the quilt around his shoulders. He coaxes you into his lap, his arms around you. One rests on your back, the other on your thigh. His warm hands work circles into your calves. You’ve been on your feet all day- they ache. He moves higher- brushing over your knees- working the muscles in your thigh, moving your shift up You're so comfortable in his lap you hardly notice how high he's gotten- or the way he gently tugs them apart.
"What are you-" your breath catches in your throat.
One of his fingers slides down your bare slit. His other hand comes to pull your shift up, baring you to the world. You feel your face begin to heat up.
“This is lewd,” you bury your face in his shirt.
“You want me to stop?”
You don’t. 
Weakly you shake your head, instead maneuvering so you’re straddling his thighs. He hums in approval, planting a wet kiss on your neck. With a clumsy and inexperienced hand he toys with your clit, the other pulls down the top of your shift, exposing your breasts. You work the buttons on his shirt before he gets impatient and just pulls the thing over his head. The hand working your clit only ceases for a moment. You grab it, pulling it back to where you want it most.
He frees his cock from his trousers. It's... Intimidating, to say the least. Larger than you expected- not that you’ve thought about it much, it’s not like that! Thick, and an angry shade of red, with a vein running across the bottom.
If you were unsure before, you certainly know his intentions now.
"You'll ruin me for marriage?" Though it's pointless, you've already allowed him to kiss you the way your husband would. Marriage for you was something you avoided thinking about at all costs. What does someone like you have to lose to someone like him?
It only stings for a moment. He pushes in slowly, groaning as he does. You brace yourself against him. He gives you a moment to adjust, sinking his teeth into your shoulder. Not hard enough to draw blood, nor hard enough to hurt. He sucks marks into your neck, ones that you’ll have a hard time covering up.
His fingers dig into your hips as you move- only adjusting yourself. You’d never know how truly suggestive it was. You won’t let him go without marks of his own, raking your nails down his back, sucking hickeys into his collarbone. He settles on a slow pace, guiding your hips up and down. You move his hand back to your clit. He hums in amusement, and begins toying with the bundle of nerves.
“Dio its-” To stifle a moan you nip at his shoulder. He’s busy burying his face in your neck, half drunk off your scent and the slick feeling of your sex. The two of you are trying- and failing- to stay quiet.
“Just like that.” He bites particularly hard at your ear.
You could swear that the air gets colder. As he rocks inside of you, his spare hand comes to grope at your chest. The two of your fit like a glove. His thrusts hit deep, deeper than you ever thought it could. His pelvis rubs against your nub sending little jolts up your spine, your mind hazy with pleasure.
There’s a coil of pressure in your stomach that only seems to tighten, threatening to snap. As his thrusts grow sloppier, you can tell he’s close. He growls low in his chest, rolling you onto your back, kissing along your throat. When he speeds up you realize the pressure will overwhelm you entirely.
The coil inside you that’s been threatening to break has come undone entirely. Once more, your mind goes hazy. He lets you ride out your orgasm before he pulls out, giving himself a few pumps before spilling his seed onto your stomach. Too much of a risk to cum inside.
He lingers for a moment, before lying down next to you. You shift so you can rest your head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat, his skin sticky with sweat. His arms come to wrap around you, one hand idly toying with the ends of your hair.
Although it isn’t love in any proper sense of the word, you can’t tear yourself away. Part of you is attached.
You’ve long forgotten how cold the night was.
“Stay with me, pet,” its more of a plea than a demand, “we will be so powerful together.”
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