#bc he’s almost like a different person around j
padfootastic · 2 years
hiii i had a question - how do you think other people saw sirius? like at his time at hogwarts, what was his reputation like? what impression did he give off? and also i feel like there are a lot of parallels between bella and sirius, and so what do you think their similarities and differences are? anyway sorry for the word vomit and the wildly contrasting questions
hello <3 do not worry, friend, here at padfootastic’s blog we specialise in word vomit. ur amongst ur own here ;)
for the first part, i swear my opinion on this has changed so much recently since i started leaning into the cold, arrogant Black heir type characterisation for sirius as well as looking at the black family as a bit more like,,,royalty among the WW type thing ykno?
so i think that all wizard raised kids have at least heard about the black family, mostly as a cautionary tale, almost always in tones of reverent fear/awe, and sometimes incredulously—sirius black, therefore, would’ve come into hogwarts with a lot of expectations/eyes on him. he almost immediately bucks all of it with his gryffindor sorting but people are still wary (bc the WW is so essentialist) so i think that like—lingering hesitance would’ve followed him throughout the 7 years, something sirius would be very conscious of too.
i’m also of the opinion that the black kids all received like,,,etiquette training and pureblood lessons etc etc so they all have a poker face/mask that they use in public as well as being learnt how to control their emotions (think fanon legilimency) and sirius tended to default to that, which ended up making people nervous.
so, basically, he gave off the impression that he was better than everyone else (he was); thought himself superior (lowkey yes but he was working on unlearning that, promise); didn’t care for the general public (absolutely true); and was a bit of a terrifying bastard who never got close enough to most people to dispel rumours/legends ykno?
(and ik i keep banging on this like a dead horse, but i think that most people, including those who knew him, were also a bit wary of his ~dark side bc of his upbringing and family’s actions wrt voldy. like, even remus and peter, on some level had that in the back of their mind. it was only james who never ever held it against him or treated it like an innate part of him/a flaw)
re bella & sirius, whooooo. i’m rly not a bella expert (that’s @narcissa-black-supermacy and i would love to hear ur thoughts on this, dani) but let’s see:
- both of them r very intense, very passionate people. translates into extreme, almost unhealthy loyalty for the people they choose as their own. also makes them very entrenched in & involved with whatever they choose to do- like bella being a death eater, and sirius being a part of the order/harry’s godfather etc etc.
- i think both of them were great at magic, on an intuitive level. like, it’s one thing to work hard at it, but for these, magic was like an extension of their hand, not a tool. this made them terrifying in battles and displays of power bc they just had. so much potential. (duels b/w bella & sirius were also some of the most explosive & entertaining)
- very arrogant, very ‘most people r sheep, and we’re better than them’ (which is almost a Black prerequisite, ik ik) and i can totally see them hanging out just to sneer at people lol
- also this is v random but both bella and sirius lowkey give me aromantic vibes? like, they don’t much care for romance or relationships as much as they do about a cause/person/dynamic, yeah?
for their differences, hm. i actually think those two were much more similar than not (being firstborn heirs) but i really think bella’s morality was way more skewed than sirius’, for one. also think she defaults to magic/violence/physical fights in disagreements whereas sirius prefers using his words. i don’t think i can ever see bellatrix like, slumming it, ykno? she grew up with the finest and she’s very happy to continue using it. sirius, on the other hand, takes it almost as a way to be rebellious and doesn’t mind living minimal & using whatever.
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lvrhughes · 1 year
No One Will Ever Hurt You Again | J. Hughes
pairing: Jack Hughes x f!reader
word count: 0.9k
summary: Past memories are brought up for you, but jack’s there for you.
warnings: mentions of past?? kissing?
requested: yes
this was requested bc it’s rowdy’s birthday!!
not my gif!
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Jack knew your past, he knew everything, all the bad and all the good. He knew you inside and out. Of course that’s what happens when you're best friends with someone for years. He knew what you went through, he knew that it still haunted you to this day. Yet whenever he was near you never seemed haunted.
Being with Jack made you feel safe, he was home for you. He knew that, he would do anything to keep you safe, he’d do anything to make you feel at home. Bringing you everywhere he could, calling you everytime he couldn’t bring you.
“Jack, I’m okay I swear, it’s only two days!” you exclaimed over the phone, where jack was dramatically sighing on the other side.
“That’s why I’m calling! It’s two days, I'm going to die without you.” he groaned and you could hear his dramatic fall to the bed, imagine the hand he laid over his forehead as he fell.
“You’ll survive, I promise.” you laughed, making him smile, he loved the sound.
“Fine.” he finally complied, agreeing he would, sadly, painfully, survive the forty-eight hours.
And he did, rushing into your place as soon as he stepped foot back in New Jersey. Finding you asleep, he halted his movement. Tear marks stained your face, your sleeves and pillow still damp with tears. His heart breaking at the sight, he chose his next moves. Kneeling beside the head of your bed, running his hand down your face. Collecting any missed tears.
He could feel your movement beneath his hand, he stayed cupping your face, running his other hand through your hair.
“Jack?” you groaned, unaware of what time it was, or when he got here.
“What’re you doing here?”
“I just got back, you’re always the first person I see.”
Slowly you sat up, letting him crawl in behind you, resting against his chest.
“You were crying, weren’t you?” The question made you wake up a bit more.
“Don’t lie to me, there’s tears on your pillows and your cheeks are stained with them.” His voice was firm, but not in a mean way, more in a caring way.
“I’m worried about you.” the way his voice almost broke, made you break. Turning in his arms to bury your head into his chest, his hand rubbing circles on your back while you sobbed. The two of you stayed like that until you were almost asleep.
“Princess, stay awake for another minute, okay? Let’s talk.”
“Mhm” you hummed back, waiting for him to start.
“What happened?” He kept his voice soft and even, keeping a comforting tone.
“I don’t want to talk about it. It brought back the memories. I worked so hard to forget them, Jack.” the tears filling your eyes again.
“Oh baby.” he cooed, pulling you tight against him again, covering you in a sense of peace, home.
“I missed you Jack.”
“I missed you too, princess.”
“I love you.” his movements halted at the confession, sure you’d told him before but the way you said it this time, it was different.
“I love you too.” it was not his best reply when he just come to think, what if i’m in love with my best friend? But he hoped it’d suffice, it did not.
“Not like that, but it’s okay.” too tired to argue, too tired to try to tell him what you meant, you just left with that. Curling into him more, letting sleep cover you again.
“What do you mean ‘not like that’?”
“Jack, go to sleep.”
“No, I need to know.” his stubbornness making you groan.
“I am in love with you, Jack Rowden Hughes. Are you happy now? Let me sleep.” he was ecstatic, ignoring your complaining groans when he picked you up, spinning you around.
“Jack, what the fuck are you doing?”
“I’m in love with you too.”
“What?” your confusion making him laugh a little. “Don’t laugh, asshole.” you swatted at him.
“Did you think i was just going to ignore your confession, Princess you’ve been all I think about for years I don’t know how i didn’t figure it out sooner. I’ve been in love with you for years.”
He wasted no time after the words were in the air, leaning down to kiss you. Letting yourself melt against him, his lips were soft but chapped.
“I’ve wanted to do that for years.” he mumbled against your lips when you pulled slightly away, in need of air.
“I thought you never noticed you were in love with me?” you teased.
“Princess, that didn’t stop me picturing kissing you. Just to know what it’d be like.”
Letting the banter continue on for another minute, before you were interrupted by a yawn. Jack, finally noticing the time, was quick to get you back to bed.
“Where are you going?” you whined, when after he place you on the bed he began to leave.
“I just need some other clothes.”
“No, don’t go. Just steal the ones in my closet.”
“Oh so you admit you steal my clothes?”
“Always have, always will. They’re comfy and smell like you.” he almost melted at the confession.
“I can’t even be mad at you when you say that.” he mumbled, crawling behind you in bed, in the sweatshirt he had been looking for, for the past three months.
“I promise, no one will ever hurt you again.” he said, pressing a kiss against the top of your head. You smiled, almost burying yourself further into his chest.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, now let’s sleep, hmm?”
He barely heard the ‘mhm’ you mumbled out, just before passing out. Taking his cue to sleep as well, he place one more kiss on the top of your head, letting sleep catch up to him
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yesimwriting · 1 year
Hi! You asked us if you should keep the tension or let the bubble pop and all I have to say is KEEP YHR TENSION. 1. It does seem more realistic bc it doesn’t seem like the reader is the kind of person who would do that to her friends, and 2. The casually intimacy they all display with the bubbling tension of something more constantly keeps me going on the hard days, I NEED IT‼️ Like desperately (im so normal about this fic and is in no way unhealthy attached to it, why’d you ask?🙂*eye twitch*/j kinda) this actually got me thinking I wonder if other people ever notice how casually intimate they are? Like Stu’s naturally touchy but the way he dotes on her and the way Billy is just different from normal Billy when he’s with her,like not even just Randy, tate, and sid like other people who have known them for a while but they aren’t friends, like aquatints I’d love to see that
I’m sorry this spiraled, anyways all im saying is i personally love the tension, I love this story and I love you and you’re brilliance *MWAH <3* sorry for any spelling mistakes I was kinda rushing
a/n this ask is so sweet!! <3 also love the chance to expand on the final girl universe!!
i love this ask especially bc i feel like billy and stu have gotten so relaxed around final girl fic y/n that she probably just thinks they're like that and doesn't pick up on anyone finding it different 😭
the fic under the cut is in the final girl fic universe but it isn't a part of the main fic so it can be read as a stand alone
i think all the context needed is in the ask :) anyway here are some moments that made the people around billy, stu, and y/n raise their eyebrows a little 😭
"Billy." That's all it takes to snap him out of sludgy version of auto pilot he lets take over on days like this. Days that drag on in their mundaneness in a way that makes it hard for him to keep up the version of himself he's crafted for public display.
He turns his head, a strange type of fondness pinching his chest a little harder than usual thanks to the fact that you've saved him from whatever the peaked-in-high-school-quarterback-in-the-making was droning on about. Some party Billy would dip out of at the last minute or a recap of his last game.
You're smiling at him, casual but warm. He can take your appearance in more openly now than he did this morning when you were rushing to class. You're in a tank top that's a little low cut, paired with a cardigan that seems thin for today's weather. You're also wearing a skirt that's short enough to make him wish he had insisted on picking you up this morning instead of letting you walk.
Maybe he could get you to agree to a ride home. He could suggest it casually, bring up the idea of getting something to eat after school. Today's your least favorite lunch day, so it'd be an even easier sell than usual.
"Hey," he finally says when you're close enough, keeping his tone indifferent.
You stop farther than usual, eyes darting towards the walking varsity letter. It's a shift in attention that has the potential to jab at him, but the stiffness in your demeanor keeps Billy from spiraling in that direction.
"Uh...guess what?" A rhetorical question, probably an attempt to keep yourself from seeming too excited in front of the intruder. "Ms. Johnson paired us up for group projects today and this time she was a lot less mean to me...so that's cool."
Billy can almost feel the details that he's not getting because you're not alone. It's enough to make his apathetic feelings about the unwanted third party take on a violent tinge.
He wants to hear you talk more than usual today because it forces him to be present. It makes the aggravating need for patience go down easier. "So no more cheeto fingers?"
For a brief second, Billy's feels the comment in his chest. A call back to a joke you had only made a few times awhile ago. There's a chance you won't remember. A chance he remembers more than--you laugh, it comes out quick and clearly takes you by surprise.
You clamp your mouth shut, eyes glancing to the left again. "No more cheeto fingers on my notes or on my final project. I got paired with Stephanie McDonald, who I don't know for sure won't do the same thing, but she gave me a hair tie during PE one time so she doesn't seem the type."
Billy makes a mental note of the name, not being able to recall anything specific about anyone named Stephanie, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know her. It's Woodsboro, even if he's never met her he'll be able to find out something if he needs to. "Classy."
You tilt your head, eyes briefly squinting in that way that means you're trying to decide if he's teasing you or not. "You might be making fun of me, but she didn't even let me give it back."
"Not making fun of you." He shakes his head once, keeping his expression innocent, silently promising that he could never.
"Nah, that seems nice." A new voice that has you angling your body closer to the lockers. Billy fights the instinct to glare, wondering why he didn't give the guy a reason to leave as soon as he saw you. "Johnson's AP history, right?"
You nod instinctually, a small dip of your chin Billy can't fully read. "Yeah."
Billy knows the guy well enough, but they're not exactly friends. The guy's name is somewhere in Billy's head. After a second of thinking, all he can come up with is that it probably starts with a D. Damian? Or is Damian the other football player that's in his math class and always nods at Billy in the hallway?
"Cool," varsity jacket says it in a way that makes the word feel void of its typical meaning. Billy isn't sure where he's going with it, can't remember if he's one of those self proclaimed jocks that use high school as a four year power trip or just a guy that likes football. "You tutor?" The guy tilts his head, Billy presses his nails into the skin of his palm to resist the urge to step closer to you. "'Cause I wouldn't mind learning a thing or two from you."
The blatant line is finished with a bit of a laugh. Billy wants to role his eyes--a cop out in case you reject him. A built in safety net that makes it seem like he's almost making fun of you so he can laugh off your reaction if you don't instantly drop to his feet.
Your eyebrows draw together and even though your lips are neutrally set, something about your eyes makes it feel like you're frowning. Anger or annoyance for the sake of someone else is rare, Billy doesn't know how to handle the spike of defensiveness he feels. He's used to passiveness, never caring about who's messed with.
"Ignore him," the words are out of his mouth before he can stop himself, "He has a hard enough time keeping his GPA high enough to not get benched."
Billy doesn't know how factual that dig was, but the guy's face falls enough for Billy to assume his guess was accurate enough. The satisfaction of being right is nothing compared to what he feels when he looks at you.
Your lips are still pressed together, now in a way that's more amused than sad and your eyes are wide. The comment wasn't the kind of insult that Billy finds particularly cruel or hurtful but he knew you'd find it biting. Your reaction's enough to ease the tightening feeling in his chest without fully alleviating it. He needs to get you away before the guy says something else and more of Billy's control slips.
"You seen Stu?"
Billy knows the answer. "Yeah, this morning before homeroom." You stand a little straighter, one hand gripping the strap of your backpack. "His next class is next to mine, so I'll probably see him again in a second, why?"
"Good," he mumbles, reaching into his locker and grabbing a random notebook, "Can you give his notes back to him? He needs them back before fifth period and I missed him this morning."
Not true in the slightest, Billy knows Stu will go with it anyway. "Sure." You take the notebook, fingers brushing against his. "I'll go find him. See you later."
Billy nods as you turn away, "See you."
You're now gone. The guy who can't take a hint is still there. Maybe he's waiting for some kind of apology or explanation. Billy's turning on him does seem random considering that most of their conversation has revolved around Billy placidly agreeing to whatever. Instead of bringing anything up, varsity letter laughs. Billy raises his eyebrows, silently asking what that's about.
"Look, man, I get it, she's cute." That heavy feeling that Billy's always struggling to work with rises. The dark feeling twists its way around his lungs, making it hard to breathe without giving into impulse. "But she's so...nice and school...y." Cute, nice, and school-y. Those are the adjectives he's using to describe you. Billy was right to assume his grades are suffering. "It'd be like hooking up with a middle school try hard. Not worth whatever you're putting on."
The anger grows in density, a physical force expanding in his chest in a way that borders on painful. Rationality attempts to lighten the pressure, reminding him that it's a good thing this guy doesn't want anything to do with you. Logic tries to convince him that his focus should be on hardening himself, on making this guy and everyone else think that you're just another friend to him and that he's fully committed to Sidney.
Billy shuts his locker, harder than he meant to. "Good thing she'd never fuck you then."
The last of his patience and civility has been scorched, leaving nothing but bitter ash in its place. Billy walks away, already trying to think of an excuse to find you and Stu.
Stu turns angles his head to the side, just enough to look at you without really looking. You're content, watching some trailer with a measured level of investment. He focuses on that as you absentmindedly extend a hand to grab a few pieces of popcorn from the bag that he's still holding.
You're happy, he's here with you, that should be enough. It's no one's fault that more people that both of you know are here than he expected. That's the hard part of Woodsboro, one slip in front of the wrong person and the rumor mill will have an exaggerated version of events spread to over half the school by the next day. The guy that glommed onto Stu the second he noticed him in the theatre definitely falls into the category of wrong person.
Jacob whatever-his-last-name-is is a try hard. He's been searching for some kind of in, some kind of leverage on anyone that seems even slightly cooler than him since middle school. This need to be bigger and better has forced him into a permanent act that even good old, 'high school stereotypes are bullshit' Randy finds off putting.
You hadn't looked particularly bothered when Jacob stood up and waved Stu over, forcing the two of you to sit closer to the center of the theatre than Stu wanted. After realizing that the screening he had expected to be empty on a Saturday afternoon was crowded, Stu wanted to sit towards the back. It was a strategic goal, it would have given him the permission to be a little more openly touchy.
Stu had to actively focus on not holding it against you. You didn't complain or give any indication of feeling ambushed because you're nice to a point of fault.
"What'd you think of that one?" Stu shrinks down in an attempt to make whispering to you easier.
Your eyes shift away from the screen and towards him. "Hm..." You're debating, analyzing, "Not as good as the one before, but it doesn't look bad." You reach forward, taking another piece of popcorn and popping it into your mouth. "You?"
Honestly, Stu had been more focused on you than the trailers, but this last one had felt like a flat attempt to balance out horror with something artsy. But the chance to get to you is more appealing than just bashing a movie with a title he can't remember. "This one is so much better than the last one."
You snap your head away from the screen. "No." He presses his lips together to keep from grinning. What do you mean 'no'? You asked for an opinion. "You just want to start an argument."
He lets out a breath that's meant to take the place of a laugh. Is he getting that predictable? That transparent? "I never want to fight with you." You narrow your eyes, skeptical. "If Billy was here, he'd agree with me."
Your lips pull together in what's almost a pout. For a second, you're quiet, one hand coming to your opposite arm, smoothing the exposed skin quickly, like you're trying to keep warm. "He wouldn't and you know it."
"Okay," Stu's voice is suspiciously innocent, "We'll call him when he gets back from that thing with his dad."
Stu knows that Billy's dad tends to keep him out until late on weekend trips to the boat. When it gets too late to fish, he likes to keep them out on the water, spewing bullshit about Billy's mom because Billy can't escape.
"What are we going to do? Describe the movies over the phone or...?"
He raises an eyebrow, shrugging and letting his shoulder bump into yours, "Sounds like you're scared."
You grin, adjusting in your seat to make it easier to cross your arms. "Fine. If it's gonna be like that, we'll call him."
You're cold. You have to be. "Told you to bring a jacket," he sighs, already unzipping his hoodie.
"I'm fine, it's--" Too late. The jacket's already off and only somewhat awkwardly being pushed onto your lap. You touch one of the sleeves, oblivious to the way Stu struggles to look at you. "C'mon, Stu, now you'll be cold."
It's said so softly, so earnestly, Stu has to fight the urge to squirm. He can never tell if the nervous energy he feels makes him want to draw you in closer or force you away.
He ignores the touch of warmth rushing to his face. "I'm good." Stu shakes his head once, almost dismissively. "Run hot," he mumbles, finally glancing at you before nudging you with his elbow, "You know that."
You roll your eyes, smiling more than you mean to as you shrug on the jacket. The fabric is warm and criminally soft. "Totally." He'd call you out on your sarcasm, but you're already pulling on the jacket. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
"Sure you don't want to pick up some twizzlers before the movie starts?" You pause for a second too long and Stu knows that the suggestion has hit. Your eyes had lingered on the red plastic while buying tickets even though you insisted you didn't want them after accepting the fact that Stu wasn't going to let you pay for anything.
Scratching the back of your wrist, you give in with a sigh. "Okay." You start reaching for your purse. "I'll grab some." Stu reaches into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out some cash. "Stu."
"What?" He already knows where this is going. You're always trying to pay your own way. Every once in awhile, he lets you win just so that he can justify buying you something else. This is one of those things he probably should let go, but the additional shadow has already downed his mood. "I want them more than you do."
You sigh, pulling your purse onto your lap. "I have twizzler money."
"Oh, I'm sure, but my dad left me a bunch of cash before his latest trip and you're too pretty to buy your own twizzlers." Your resolve is cracking, like you often do whenever Stu mentions his parents. "C'mon, get me some milk duds, too."
Another sigh, the sound sharper as you let go of your purse. "You are so annoying." Stu smiles at the lack of bite in your tone as you stand, finally accepting the cash and putting it into the jacket's pocket.
"You love me, I keep you supplied in twizzlers."
You gasp, jaw dropping in offense. "Asshole."
He laugh as you turn away, "Remember the milk duds."
You glare, passive aggressively setting your bag on his lap. Stu takes it, adjusting his hold on it comfortably as you walk down the aisle.
"That's a fun thing you've got going there."
Stu can feel himself immediately tense even though Jacob's comment should feel innocent enough. There's just something about the way he says it, the hint of an edge implying more. Stu should be bothered because Jacob's the kind of guy who could turn this into a story for Tatum because he wants to have something over Stu. Instead, Stu's feeling defensive over Jacob looking at you like that.
Stu shrugs, "It's just Y/n."
Jacob's eyes briefly leave the screen before refocusing. "That was friendly even by your standards."
Feeling even more defensive over you and the way he acts around you, Stu sits up straighter. "We're friends."
"Yeah," Jacob concedes, amusement in his voice that Stu doesn't quite get, "And she's turning you into a softie."
That hits him in a different way. Sure, Stu's nice to you, nicer than he is to some guy that doesn't get that no one likes him. Stu can also admit that he's touchy with you and likes taking any excuse to be close to you. But he's not soft about it.
Jacob laughs, the sound restrained, like he's scared he'll forget where he is and give in fully. "You're cold, here's my jacket."
Stu scoffs. That wasn't--you're--whatever, it's not like Stu cares about what Jacob thinks. He'll do what he wants, treat you however he feels like. You're the only one that comes close to getting him outside of Billy, Jacob could never get that.
"Whatever, man." Stu mumbles, hoping that you'll come back before he can get too caught in his own head. The lack of aggression in his own comment surprised him and he's not sure how much longer he'll be able to keep it up.
Another preview begins to play on the screen and for a brief second, it feels like that might be the end of the conversation. "If my friends looked like that, I wouldn't mind acting like that either."
Stu tightens his grip on the arm rest. "Maybe if you didn't make everything a thing, you'd have some."
"You're the one holding her purse," Jacob mumbles, attention turning back to the screen as if that proved something.
Stu's knuckles strain white. There's nothing sensitive about the way he feels about you. It's not Stu's fault he can't pursue right now the way he wants to, and if this asshole knew half the stuff you let him get away with he wouldn't be so smug. "Fuck off."
Maybe the comment could have been played off if Stu's tone had been lighter, more relaxed. But he didn't. It landed with the same intensity a threat would, and Stu's not completely sure he didn't mean it that way.
Soft. Hard to call someone that's pulling out your insides soft. He'd have to wait for Billy to get back, talk the idea up to him and explain why someone they've tolerated on and off since middle school deserves a call. It'd be worth it, though, because should they really leave someone that talks about you like that? Why shouldn't Stu treat you in a way that's totally normal?
"Hey," you whisper, slipping back into your seat, "Guess who got the last box of milk duds." Stu's attention shifts to you, that bloody itch becoming a lot more bearable as you smile a him. "You okay?"
"Yeah," he eases, "Commercials are just getting worse."
You stop tearing into the top of the box enough to look at Stu and wrinkle your nose. "I feel you." You shake out a few pieces of chocolate into your cupped palm. Stu expects you to take them, but you don't. You just extend both hands, the box and the candy you had gotten out. When Stu doesn't react, you prompt him, "Here."
Stu moves his hand, letting you spill them into his palm, the edge of your pinky briefly resting against his. The gesture is so gentle he almost feels like he's being suffocated by it. Stu takes his hand back silently. If you notice the change in his demeanor, you don't comment on it. Instead, you just take your bag back and hand him the unopened pack of twizzlers and box.
The latest commercial comes to an end and the screen fades to the start of the opening credits. "Okay," you whisper, "Last chance to predict if this movie's going to be good or not."
"I picked it," Stu says, moving his hand enough to have the milk duds roll into each other, "Why would I think that it's bad?" He's not acting normal enough, he can feel it. "Why would you come if you think it'd be bad?" A weak question, considering that Stu knows sometimes you purposefully watch the worst movies you can find for entertainment.
You don't point out that sometimes trashy movies are worth the suffering, you just shrug. "I don't know, I kinda just wanted to hang out with you."
Something in Stu's chest cracks. His face feels warmer than it did a second ago. He's not one to feel mushy or look into tone the way Billy does from time to time, but you had said it so innocently.
"Aw," he hums, finally coming back to himself, "You like me."
"Shut up," your response is immediate, "Movie's starting."
He leans down, placing a hand over the one you're laying on the arm rest. "You like me."
You roll your eyes, "Give me a twizzler."
He knew. Even when Stu was still insisting that they were capable of keeping it together enough to keep the circle of people small, Billy knew that the night would turn into a party.
Billy's annoyed and slowly becoming genuinely irritated thanks to the beer and pot mixing together on an empty stomach and the drowsiness that came for him with no warning. Everything feels louder now, heavier.
He shuts his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose harder than he should. Another 20 minutes, half an hour tops, and he'll get Stu to start shutting it all down.
The only good thing about nights like these is that you crash with them. You always choose to sober up at Stu's even though your mom doesn't seem like a hard ass when it comes to drinking. You still don't want her or your practical step dad seeing you drunk and you can't help that other people are smoking, which is something you've made clear your mom would kill you over.
It'll take some time getting you into bed. Unless you're drunk enough, you'll offer to sleep on the couch, like the three of you haven't justified sleepovers before. Sometimes drunk you has a tendency to get a second wind out of nowhere. If you get all hyper on him then it'll take even longer.
"Billy!" He opens his eyes and you're there.
He smiles easily, watching as you walk towards him. "Hey."
You stretch out an arm slowly, open palm gently pushing his arm. There's something sluggish about the movement and something else in the way you nearly miss him all together. Are you that drunk? Stu said he'd watch your drinks.
"Hay...is for horses," you state blankly, almost like some external force had possessed you to get the thought out coherently. And then you burst into a fit of tired giggles.
Billy presses his lips together. He knows you, knows how you get when you're not handling your alcohol. This isn't exactly that. It's more like you at the beginning of...
Ugh. You didn't--Stu didn't--With a sigh, Billy grabs your arm and glances around the room. Everyone's caught up in their world, and even though Sid's around here somewhere, there's nothing inherently suspicious about Billy checking on you. Especially while you're like this.
Still, better safe than sorry when Billy's not in the mood for self control. He tugs you forward, you follow as he leads you two to a nearby corner. You barely protest when Billy angles you so that your back's against the wall.
Billy squeezes your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, tilting your head so that you have to look him in the eye.
"Hey--" You mumble, protesting a second too late, "Oh, I just," you laugh, "--I said the horse thing."
Great. Your eyes are tinged red and considering the fact that Billy saw you take a few shots earlier...
He told you at the start of the night to pick one, and the easy decision for everyone had been for you to stick with alcohol. Drunk you can handle crowds and the general party atmosphere. High you is clingy and easily startled and usually more complicated to deal with.
Billy watches you intently. It only takes you a second to still in his hold, staring at him in a way that makes it harder to keep his edge. "You're high." It's not an accusation, it's a statement. "And drunk."
Your eyebrows pinch together briefly. It'd be easy to lie for the sake of it. "Not high," you defend weakly, "I smoked a little, but not--it wasn't that--I'm good. Not high."
He sighs, letting go of your face. "I told you to stick to one."
"You and Stu smoke and drink at the same time all the time." Billy just stares blankly. It's not a strong defense, but it's all you have. "'S'not a big deal."
Not a big deal now. Just wait until later when it's hitting you harder and tomorrow morning, when you're hungover. Then it'll be a big deal and it'll be his big deal.
"No?" You tilt your chin down in a barely there nod, trying to solidify your stance. "You do whatever you want now?"
You sigh, lips pulling downwards in a slight pout. "It's not like that."
"Who gave it to you?"
Your eyes won't meet his. "I don't--" You cut yourself off, still aware enough that trying to hide things at this point is the quickest way to make things take a turn for the worst right now. "Stu let me use his--a little--but it wasn't like that. It was only a little."
Yeah, considering how red your eyes are and how much slurring and concentration it took for you to get through that, Billy really doubts it was as little as you're trying to convince him. "You're going to feel sick tomorrow."
To be fully honest, you can see that, a tiny bit of off-ness already starting to pull at the edge of your current buzz. You also don't love the way the usual giddiness of alcohol is blending with the easy uncertainty of your high. But Billy doesn't need to know that right now.
"'M okay." True enough, since you're not actively spiraling, "But I believe you."
He hasn't eased and a part of you is now starting to feel bad. You know you're not the easiest person to deal with when you're like this, but you also don't think you've done anything particularly annoying. His sour mood is starting to make what's wrong about your buzz feel magnified. Yeah, Billy told you to stick to one thing but he didn't make it sound like it was a big deal to him.
You swallow once, ignoring how dry your mouth feels. "C'mon." Billy's still close, within grabbing distance. The second you realize that it'd be easy to touch him, you reach out and place a hand on his arm. "Don't be mad."
He tenses under your touch, but you don't move your hand away. "Thought we didn't listen to each other." You half-sigh-half-groan as you drop your forehead against Billy's chest. He doesn't push you off, which has to be a good sign.
Billy places a palm on your back, rubbing soothing circles against the fabric of your shirt. "Let's get some water."
That feels okay enough, so you straighten, nodding once. "Okay."
He keeps a hand on your back, leading you back towards the main area of the party and into the kitchen. You're quiet as you walk, instinctually following Billy without question.
"Hey, I was looking for you--" Stu cuts himself off as soon as he sees Billy's expression. "You guys good?"
You nod placidly, "'M good, he's--"
"You gave her some?"
Stu holds his hands up in defense, "She was begging for it."
Begging is definitely an exaggeration. You want to explain, to defend the situation and take just enough blame to keep the peace without making yourself look like the bad guy. The words jam themselves in your head, twisting until they're in such a knot that all you can manage to get out is, "Nuh-uh."
Stu turns to glare at you, "So when I'm the bad guy it's all 'please' and 'I thought we were best friends' and 'it'll be our secret' but the second it goes a little bad you run to Bill--"
"Didn't run," you defend, but it doesn't matter, it's like you didn't say anything.
"You told her not to tell me?"
"No." The single syllable is so urging you can almost imagine that the question sobered him up. "I didn't say that."
There's a weird wave of tension between them, so thick and tangible a small part of you can't believe that the rest of the party continued, unaffected. You get why Stu snapped back to normal so quickly. "Guys," you try, even though you have no idea where you're going with this, "I just--I asked--asked like a lot--but I didn't beg. And it's--" You squeeze your eyes shut, really wishing you had been better at hiding your high. "It's not worth fighting over." Squinting your eyes open, you cross your arms across your stomach, hoping it'll make you seem more awake. "I love you guys, 'm good, let's just chill out for a second."
Billy and Stu both blink, exchanging a look that you don't get. You know you wouldn't get it if you were sober, either. It's one of their moments, a silent exchange you can't imagine anyone else ever getting.
Stu breaks the silence with a laugh. "She's way more out of it than I thought." You glare at that, not finding anything funny in what you said. You were nice, you diffused the tension. They're such assholes. And you always hate when they talk about you like you're not right there.
You glare. Maybe ditching them's still an option. They'd eventually accuse you of pouting, but there's a chance it'd be worth the future teasing. You could find Sid and Tate again, hang out until you calmed down.
"Aw," Stu hums, reaching for you, "She's pouting."
You push at the hand on your shoulder, too tired and distracted to be good at getting him off of you. "Am. Not." Stu squeezes harder. Normally, that'd just get you to fight back more openly, but now your stomach feels tight and things are starting to feel too warm. "Stu, knock it off--I'm nauseous."
Billy presses his hand against your back, the pressure comforting. "Give her a minute."
Stu lets go but makes a point of staying close. "You okay, sweetheart?"
Nodding slowly, you focus on feeling the words coming out of your mouth. "Yeah, yeah."
"You need to step out? Get some air?"
You shake your head once. You're okay, stable. "I'm good."
Billy's hand moves up and down your back gently. "You need to drink water."
The fighting risk is gone now. You should be completely happy, but the conflict rubbed you the wrong way and you're starting to feel like you might need space from them. "I kinda want to look for Sidney and Tatum."
"C'mon, cutie." Stu takes your hand gently, squeezing it softly. "Don't be like that." You're torn between arguing that you're not being like anything and telling them that they started it. "Do what you want, but no one's going to want to put up with you like this."
The comment stings more than it should. It's been mentioned before, that you're the the lightweight, the one that can't handle their substances and takes over without meaning to. Never cruelly, but it still hurts. "Mean."
"Not that mean," Stu pulls on your hand, "Because you love us."
You roll your eyes, hating past you for letting that come out. "Not right now."
Stu starts walking forward, you follow without complaining. "Don't say things you don't mean."
Billy's stays close as you walk, one hand on your back as you're guided to the kitchen. There are some people lingering around the fridge and the bar, but it's a lot less crowded than the main living room.
You stop at the island counter, moving to push yourself onto it with no warning. It takes Billy less than a second to pick up on what you want, he keeps a hand on your waist to stabilize you as you sit.
"Here." Stu hands you a glass filled with ice water.
You take a few long sips before setting it down next to you.
"Better?" It worked a little too well, and a part of you hates them for it. You reluctantly nod. "Told you."
More like Billy told you, but you're not opening that up again.
A small half-scoff-half-laugh snaps the three of you out of your bubble. Stu turns his head towards a semi-familiar blonde holding a beer bottle, "What?"
"Nothing." The voice is also familiar. A girl named Marley that used to hang around freshman year. "Just remembering the first time I got high and freaked out, you told me to get it together."
You crane your neck to look at the stranger, unsure if her comment's meant to attack Stu or you. "I'm not freaking out."
"Yeah," Stu defends, placing a comforting hand on your knee, "It's just water, Marley, if that's an issue, go be bitter somewhere else."
The girl scoffs, "Not bitter, just different."
You soften a little at that. Maybe she hadn't meant to come off as that hostile.
Stu shrugs, "I've grown." You watch the exchange curiously, wondering how well they know each other. There's a chance they met in kindergarten or on the first day of middle school or in some random sophomore class. Sometimes living in a small town that you didn't grow up in is the constant fear of becoming a third wheel in a matter of seconds. "In more ways than one."
Marley pretends to scoff, "Yeah, I'm out." She holds her hands up in a display of surrender before walking away.
"You know she used to be obsessed with me."
There's a 50-50 chance he's exaggerating. A more sober, more adjusted you would be able to make an educated guess, but right now you can't and for whatever reason that twists your stomach. You reach for your glass, taking a few sips to stabilize yourself.
"He's delusional," Billy corrects, voice so low you think you might be the only one that hears it. "She used to hang around, mainly for Sidney and Tatum, but never stuck." You nod absentmindedly. "No one else did before you."
The comment is small, muttered like saying it felt like pulling teeth. You smile regardless, way more warmed by it than you should be. Billy finally looks back at you. For a second, you let yourself openly watch him. A wave of casual drowsiness hits you with no warning, so you lean forward, resting your forehead against Billy's shoulder.
"You okay, angel?" Stu places a hand on your back. "Jealousy making you feel a little sick?"
You let out a breath that's almost a laugh as you force yourself to straighten. "You're right," you look at Billy, "He is delusional."
"Hey," Stu makes a point of poking you in the shoulder, "Don't be mean."
"You're right, I'm totally obsessed with you and--" A yawn breaks your sentence into two, "Close to bursting into jealous rage."
Stu's fingertips brush up and down your arm. "You're staying over, right?"
You nod, "Mhm, if that's okay."
He almost rolls his eyes. You're always prone to formality, always wanting to make sure that you're not bothering anyone. "I'd never kick you out of bed, sweetheart." You try to glare at him, but you're too tired to seem bothered. "You should go lay down for a little, I'm going to start kicking people out."
Hm. You are tired, but you never like being the first to go, the first to head upstairs and be left alone. You're about to protest, insist that you're fine when Billy speaks up, "I'll go, too." Billy straightens, holding out a hand to help you hop off the counter. "Over it."
You take his hand, getting off the counter with minimal complications. Billy moves an arm around your shoulder, deciding that that'd be the quickest way to help you get to the stairs.
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wc-confessions · 8 months
re: WC misogyny
This is solely to get my thoughts out abt this bc I’m probably not gonna be able to articulate this to the best of my ability but I feel like it’s incredibly important to say that these books are pretty damn misogynistic and so was the fanbase for the longest time.
Not saying that to be "throwing the word around without knowing what the word means", because misogyny is defined as a dislike/contempt against women. This can also absolutely be an unconscious bias (which is primarily what I see anyway!) I've seen far more people dismiss these characters while holding up male ones that do similar/worse things (i.e. Thistleclaw primarily but a lot of the MV characters to an extent)
The reason why discussion about sexism usually ends up against cats like Mapleshade, Squirrelflight, Frecklewish, and Nightcloud is primarily due to how the universe of the books is written to chastise these characters while their male counterparts go thru barely half of the shit thrown onto the girls.
Mapleshade gets her kids and herself exiled for breaking the code while Appledusk literally gets a slap on the wrist for breaking the same code she did? The Riverclan leader just tells him "well, you'll not do it again so you don't need to be punished" while Mapleshade doesn't even get to bury her kits. Even if she's the Warrior Cats evil woman that's still really fucked up!? And this goes to Frecklewish as well, who does not watch them drown oh my god. The flood that kills Maple's kits is incredibly loud--saying Freckle would have been able to do anything else OTHER than watch dismisses the fact going to the flooded stones was an idea doomed to fail (of which Mapleshade has a lot of in MV specifically.)
Frecklewish absolutely ended up in the Dark Forest over Oakstar or Ravenwing (who both condemned the kittens to their fate instead of?? idk punishing Maple and not the kits who didn't even know they were half clan?) because of the way the fandom perceived her at the time. Freckle's a lot like Squirrelflight where fandom opinion only recently shifted to people defending those characters--she's pretty awful for calling the same kits she doted on half-clan creatures! But I don't think she deserved to go to cat hell forever when the cat who actually caused those kittens to end up dead (and every other cat in MV!) ends up in Starclan without even so much of a trial.
Speaking of trials--Squirrelflight and Leafpool literally end up almost being sent to CAT HELL for following Starclan's orders. Leafpool ends up having forbidden kits but Starclan goes "it's okay!" until it isn't. Brambleclaw almost being involved in Firestar's fox trap murder never gets mentioned or brought up while both of the girls are questioned about if they even belong in Starclan because they "broke the code and lied"?? There's a pretty damn big bias towards the toms for doing bad/worse actions but Bramble never went to Starclan and had his ticket for heaven almost revoked. Oakstar didn't get put in the Dark Forest because he exiled 3 innocent kits.
I think it's important to note the fandom has a lot of say over how characters like these get interpreted (which is why Nightcloud ended up being hated a lot despite the fact Crowfeather is just. actually abusive to Breezepelt.) That's why I brought up unconscious biases, because I think generally a lot of WC content creators tend to stick to presenting the stories in a more radical/black and white way.
I think the discussion really should be that the books and the stories ARE pretty misogynistic but unconsciously so? A lot of the story beats I mentioned weren't written by just one person, and the Erins have different opinions on these cats than the fans do. That's not me stating an opinion, that's just me saying recognizing that it's very male-oriented IS an issue these books have.
Anyways this got way too wordy, Ashfur is one of my favorite villains so I don't even know why I typed all of this up /j.
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thelovelylolly · 8 months
hi there :) i loved your latest Billy fic, it nearly brought tears to my eyes. could you please do a fluff alphabet with Billy ? Thank you 🤍 keep writing, you're so good at this !!!
Fluff Alphabet w/ Billy Hargrove
A/N: aw thank you so much love! i hope you enjoy <3 (also this isn't proofread bc im tired, what else is new lol)
A: Affection (how does he show affection/is he good at it)
He mainly shows it through physical touch or little acts of service. He's not very vocal about his love, he much rather show it. He loves to hold your hand or have an arm around you at all times.
B: Beauty (what does he think makes his s/o beautiful)
While physical looks are a huge part of his attraction towards you, he really loves your personality. He loves the little quirks about you, little things that only come out later on in your relationship. It's almost like he's the only person who knows about those things, and it makes him feel so special.
C: Comfort (how he comforts his s/o after a rough day)
He'd take you out for a drive. He'd let you pick the music to blast from the speakers in the car and let you roll the windows down. He loves to hear you scream the lyrics to your favorite songs and if he knows the song, he'd sing a long, too :)
D: Dreams (what does his dream future with his s/o look like)
He wants a home and kids, but he's terrified he'd become just like his father. He knows if he pursues the family life with you, you would never let him become like his dad, but it's still a fear he'll always have.
E: Equal (is he more dominant or soft in the relationship)
It's Billy, even ooc, he's the dominant one. He doesn't see himself as superior to you in anyway, he just knows what he wants and he's gonna get it, y'know? Your happy to let him take the wheel in the relationship, but you both know that you'd take it back if needed.
F: Fight (how would a typical fight go and how easily would he forgive his s/o)
At the beginning of your relationship, Billy would pick fights over stupid things. You fought back, putting him in his place of course, until the fighting became too much and you sat down with him to talk things out. After that, the fights nearly stop, only happening over serious things.
G: Gratitude (is he grateful for all his s/o does/has done for him)
He's so grateful for you. You helped him cope with the abuse he'd gone through, you were patient with him as he unlearned toxic habits he had because of his dad, you were an angel to him and he will always be grateful for you.
H: Honest (how honest is he to his s/o)
He's pretty honest with you. He only hid and lied about things to you at the start of your relationship, but once his walls come down, he doesn't have anything to hide. He mainly stopped hiding and lying to you because he never wanted to lose you over it.
I: Inspiration (did his s/o inspired him to become a better person)
Yes, 100%. Like before, you helped him cope with the abuse he had gone through. You helped him work on himself to become a better person, a person he would've never become without you.
J: Jealousy (does he get jealous)
Yes, yes, yes. Did I mention yes? He's so scared of losing you that if another guy tries to make a move on you, Billy is by your side in a second to scare the guy away. He knows you wouldn't leave him, but he can never too safe.
K: Kiss (where does he kiss his s/o, where does his s/o kiss him)
He loves to kiss you anywhere, but especially on your lips. While he's kiss other girls on the lips, you were different. Every time he kisses your lips, sparks fly like he's kissing you for the first time again and again. Your favorite place to kiss him is the top of his head. He loves wrapping his arms around you when your standing in front of him while he's sitting, so you would press soft kisses to the top of his head. Just gentle intimacy :)
L: Little ones (how is he with kids)
Not good AT ALL. Unless they're his, he does not like kids. He'd try to put up with other people's kids if your babysitting them or something, but he doesn't like taking care of kids that aren't his. If they are his, he's one of the best dad's out there.
M: Marriage (does he want to get married)
Yes, but I feel like he doesn't want a traditional wedding. If you want one, he'd be down, but I think he'd prefer a courthouse wedding with a small reception with your closest friends afterwords. He doesn't see the point of dropping thousands of dollars on one day, but like I said, if you want a traditional wedding day, he'd be happy with it.
N: Nicknames (what nicknames does he have for his s/o and vice versa)
His go-to pet names are 'babe', 'baby', and 'sweetheart'. He isn't good at making personal nicknames, so he just sticks with the simple pet names. You do the same, usually calling him 'babe' or 'handsome'.
O: On cloud nine (what's he like when he's in love)
When he's in truly and deeply in love, his playboy personality disappears. He's a gentleman and a sweetheart, making sure you know he loves you. At first, he doesn't say it a lot, but after a few months, he'll be saying "I love you" every chance he gets.
P: PDA (is he okay with pda)
He loves PDA. He loves having an arm around you or his fingers intertwined with yours. It's mainly because he wants to tell the world your his s/o and he wants to show you off.
Q: Quirk (a trait of his that makes him a great partner)
When he loves, he loves hard. He's kissing you, cuddling you, hugging you, doing things for you. You name it, he does it. He puts his whole heart into his relationship with you because he adores you and you treat him better than anyone else does.
R: Romance (how romantic is he)
He's romantic, but not in a cheesy way. He does the dinners and flowers, but not only on special days like Valentine's day. He also gets you little gifts no matter the occasion. You spotted something you wanted but didn't end up getting? It's on your bed a few days later with a sweet, short note from Billy.
S: Security (how protective is he)
Jealous AND protective. If he gets a bad vibe from someone, he's immediately finding a reason to get you out of the situation. He'd put himself between you and danger if it ever comes down to it. He puts you before him in a dangerous or uneasy situation.
T: Thrill (does he like new things in the relationship or does he like routine)
He loves adventure, so he likes to try new things. Mainly new date locations and activities to keep things fresh. I have a feeling he wouldn't like going back to the same place over and over again (unless it's your favorite restaurant or date location).
U: Ugly (what are some of his bad traits and does he know about them)
His temper. It's gotten better because you pointed it out to him, but it used to be so much worse. He used to have such a short temper that your arguments would be over stupid little things. It was because that was how he defended himself from his dad, so that's how he reacted whenever he felt threatened or criticize. Luckily, you helped him out and now he's much better.
V: Value (is his relationship his main priority)
YES!!! Billy is head over heels in love with you, of course you and your relationship is his priority! You're basically his entire world <3
W: Wild Card
He likes to be the little spoon when you two cuddle. With your arms around him, it's a reminder that you're there with him and you love him enough to cuddle with him. It's a comfort thing, and you don't mind it at all.
X: XOXO (how often does he kiss, hug, and cuddle with you)
Any chance he gets. He loves his arms around you and his lips on yours. If you need some distance, he'll respect that of course, but physical touch is definitely one of his love languages.
Y: Yuck (something he doesn't like)
Too much complaining. He understands complaining about your day or a person neither of you like, but he doesn't like it when you or anyone is constantly complaining like they're impossible to please.
Z: Zzz (how is he when he sleeps)
Since your relationship started and you two started to sleep in the same bed, he sleeps like a baby. He snores a little bit and tosses, too, but you two are always touching one way or another while you two sleep. After a while, Billy couldn't fall asleep without you with him.
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vidyagamereference · 10 months
I have so many feelings about touchstarved character design pt 1 Kuras
So! First lets talk about how his whole outfit is just.... yassified priests garb. Like... the collar, the long sleeves, the "tabbard" straps, the gold. Its all very.... 3 peice suit high fashion is eating a catholic Fathers robes and a protestant Preists robes at the same time. Like the whole suit to me drips power.
Lets count off the different things that imply power to his outfit
Gold and stark white fabric (hard to clean and hard to find)
WELL TAILORED suit (high fashion)
Religious leader symbolism (Christian)
Fucking EPAULETS???
The hair (weird one but in animated/drawn mediums royalty tends to have longer hair)
If yall told me there was 1 person from Hightown (rich people land) and everyone else was from somewhere else and ONLY showed me the character lineup I'd pick Kuras as the hightowner tbqh.
More analysis under the break
Lets look at his "circles"
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I dont have anywhere else to put this so... epaulets look like wings sleeves also imply wings. Makeup = crying gold. Gold bodily fluids = ichor. Ichor = divinity. that is all
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A list of imperfect/broken circles/halos on kuras
There's attempted circles with his belts (inturrupted by his buckles and almost always at least two [i'll get to the one on his chest]). The buckles around his thigh in particular remind me of slashed circles.
There is an attempted circle on his chest (implying a flase homesty if you like the theory that veres chest is open bc hes more honest and kuras's is covered because hes more of a lier) that is left open by way of the empty preists collar. Like something religious was taken away. Its highly decorated so i think were ment to see it
The epaulets have some shape language of wings and halos imho and they also continue the trend of doubled up circuits (these are too angular to be circles but square triangular halos were in fact a thing)
His earrings are rayed halos (halos that have sunlight/sunbeams coming off of it) but even they somehow seem inturrupted by his ears when looking at how theres never a perfect circle. Another example of doubling round things
The golden cords on his hip (princely) are also imperfect circles and doubled up round things
What do the doubling up of round things (and honestly most things in some way or another. Makeup, vials on his chest, aprony tabbardy strappy things) mean? I dont know for sure but I'd wager its hinting at a few things
Broken halo
His Angelic body structure (see also: belt talk below)
A duality to his nature
Actually on the topic of halos he seems to imply a lot of shapes of halo! He obviously has the thin circular outline ones (for old testament prophets, angels, saints, Mary, and the symbol of the four evangelists according to Wikipedia), the triangle (less prominently) which is for The Holy Trinity (god jesus and the holy spirit),
and somewhat also (weirdly) square halos. Which was for.... *checks notes* celebrities who wanted to be painted like their blorbo jesus and friends... dont beleive me? Look at the fancy "not a belt buckle" thing he has and if its NOT giving painting frame I'll eat it.
Looking at the belt buckle square halo thing again it has been crossed out which makes me think that maybe kuras hates the rich and idolitry (komrade Kuras)
Another word for halo is glorihole. That is apropos of nothing i just had to learn that and yall do too now. Youre welcome
Anyways back on the topic
His too many belts moment at the hips really makes me think of the standard idea of a biblically accurate angel. Yknow. Rings of eyes around a central flame are a common depiction, the hidden rings on the inside are studded to look like false eyes to me. Especially so hidden behind a decorative false belt
The hiding of so much black (another dye reserved for royalty) under such pristine white makes me think hes lying to us, or at best putting up a facade.
THE ABOVE BEING SAID he only has two stripes of true black, the rest is a humble brown. And the belts look like theyre holding something in. I think theres a third layer to him
Layer 1: The Good Doctor Kuras Of Lowdown. Friends? You mean people im around so nobody suspects I'm not human! Yes i am human man and i eat human food!
Layer 2 possibilty a: MWAAHAHAHAHAHA I AM EEEEVILLLLLLL A FALLEN ANGEL!!! THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED ISNT IT?!?! [Edgelore noises] [terrified screams of those who just realized this edgelord could kill us all]
Layer possibly b: this is the [insert accurate adjective here] of a killer bell- I MEAN MC. emotions. Like 300 gallons of them in one sitting. Possible 0 sum game. More likely hes a living nuke and will Go Off somehow
Layer 3: hey I'm feeling less catholic guilt can i still go sorta wild ish and not be eeeevillll? And also maybe kiss? Also I'm not actually baby I'm just unsure of how to be myself in this new way will you help me figure it out [happy ending noises]
So yeah tell me if i missed anything :]
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rebar2042 · 1 year
Some stuffs about A&j, and C&D crossover I wrote on Twitter
folded it bc it's little bit long
actor pretends to be a good colleague next to Jackie to take advantage of him, but he plays so well that his advice actually work so well for Jackie<<i want to see this kind of thing.
Wanna see injured Jackie asking actor to take him to Henrik's clinic, and actor is so damn suspicious of Henrik....something like that.
Henrik will notice that the actor is not exactly alive and the actor will be very uncomfortable about him.
actor saying - I won't let you die even if I sacrifice this damn city.
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Still obsessed with the tree man actor
When Jackie (knows the actor's ability) asks why he uses explosives to decorate the fight, the actor replies, "Because people like flashy things", but in fact it's because he wants to cover up the terrible things he actually does.
I hope the actor is influenced by Jackie and cares about him somewhat sincerely but the result is a twisted and terrible thing Jackie doesn't want.
(It seems to conflict with what I wrote above, so I would like to add that I would like to see the actor stop playing the ideal person and the more he truly treats people, the worse the outcome gets)
A: You know, I wasn't taking this job so seriously, but seeing you work so hard made me think differently. That's why I helped you a little harder.
J: You didn't have to kill them, are you out of your mind?!
A: Why are you angry? This gave you time to save the civilian...?
Chase and Damien can sympathize with each other's situation, but at the same time they can be each other's walking triggers.
Damien: Haha my sister and I almost got killed by her husband who was possessed by a mysterious being
Maybe I just want to see Dark trying to convince Chase to give up the body control and Chase beating the shit out of him
Wanna see Dark actually helping Chase but in their weird and violent way
But if Chase doesn't like it, they'll quit. (Or do it secretly)
Dark trying to steal Chase's body
sorry I love dark stealing bodies
But I don't think Dark actually succeeds, and I'd like to see them continue to play tricks in the position of Chase's dubious helper.
D: If you want to give up your body, feel free to tell me! ^-^)/
Chase knows that Dark isn't morally innocent, but he'll be around them seeing that they're still intact after being attacked by Anti.
He expects them to do something for him, and he's sure they just won't die around him.
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barely comprehensible ramblings under the cut, also spoilers for dune messiah
Figuring out in my head (with close to zero knowledge about nuclear physics & i'm too scared to research it because it scares me, your girl couldn't even watch Oppenheimer ok) how the stone burner in Dune Messiah works/what the hell it is. This likely will not make any actual sense, science side of tumblr please don't eat me.
What we actually know about it. 1) it's a weapon "powered by atomics" (what?) that is somehow barely legal within the in-universe laws surrounding atomic weapons 2) it "emits J-rays" (wikipedia did not elaborate) 3) it has just enough power to fuck up eye tissue of anyone in the vicinity but not enough to destroy skin, bones etc. The explosion itself like, levels an entire block of buildings though so there's that. Also, if "given too much fuel" it can also destroy an entire planet?
What we/I can infer from Dune: Messiah. 1) It's portable and at least somewhat concealable, or else the Tleilaxu not checking spelling on that i'm tired wouldn't have been able to sneak it into the city correct? 2) there are different "settings" or at least different fueling levels that can alter the level of destruction
What I'm not at all clear on: 1)what it actually looks like?? I have zero idea what I'm supposed to be picturing 2) how it's activated. Is it like a firework where someone's gotta run in and light it and then back the fuck away? is it remote controlled? is it a missile? no clue 3) similarly just...how it works?? clearly there's some kind of nuclear reaction going on but there seem to be suggestions that something external is going on too...once again I know Nothing about atomic weapons in our own world let alone this fictional sci-fi one but. it feels like it doesn't make a lot of sense ya know.
And honestly...it doesn't matter that much? I joke but I really don't mind that it's this sort of weird mysterious thing that isn't fully explained in the text. But I remain a very visual person, and it bugs me that I don't know what I'm supposed to be imagining. Also, I wonder how the hell they're going to depict it in the third film, assuming they do so, because while being deliberately vague about a piece of Weird technology can work in a book...in a visual medium that's a lot trickier.
(I've more recently wondered if Denis won't actually have a stone burner be a thing at all...while I'm convinced that, no matter how far from the book they might stray, they'll stick with Paul going blind, I almost wonder if they'll have it happen in a way that's similar but easier to explain just to get rid of the uncertainty around the tech?? Though I hope not bc I want to see what he comes up with)
So my conceptulization of it in my head as I was reading it, was like. Not something that probably makes any sense but I thought it was a cool visual and so tried to rationalize it??
I imagined something of a cross between a firework and a gas camping stove. Bear with me. I pictured something sort of tube-like in shape and a couple feet tall that houses...something radioactive. The "J rays" are the radiation that's released prior to the explosion itself and are somehow "inactive"/somewhat benign to begin with. Then then some kind of "spark" is set off remotely, and ignites at the top of the "radiation bubble", causing a chain reaction of ignition that "activates" the bubble and causes an explosion that remains within the specific radius and also causes the radiation to become dangerous.
So we have the hissing sound of the radiation "leaking" before the explosion, followed by the visual of the ignition spark rising slowly into the air and then sort of exploding downwards. Sort of like a weird firework. I am aware this is not at all how atomic weapons work.
@fuckyeahisawthat coming back to tag u in whatever the hell this is...
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transguydeuce · 8 months
queer twst headcanons pt 7: diasomnia
first. we must establish fae genderisms.
(if you wanna just scroll to the headcanons for the lads tho feel free)
i think fae have around 3 “sexes”. i say “around 3” “sexes” bc science has proven repeatedly that sex is way more complicated than it seems lol. anyway i think fae have majority intersexed individuals with some female and some male. this definitely means that there’s not really a gender binary to trans around in, and fae don’t have the same concepts of trans and cisgender that we do. plus the fact that most fae, including both male and female (which here i’m referring purely to whether they produce egg or sperm) have a range of traits that are traditionally viewed by humans as gendered aka breasts, external/internal genitalia, etc. i would say body hair also but tbh i don’t think they have any, baul’s beard looks more like scales or horns to me and unless i’m wrong i don’t think we’ve ever seen a fae with body hair.
i would almost hesitate to say that fae are mammalian but they do have some hair as well as boobs (thank u meleanor for screwing w my fae biology headcanon /j) and it’s also known that they r capable of creating hybrid offspring w humans so they have to be closely related enough to humans to do that so they are mammals, my thought is just that they have adapted to live in environments with higher magic. that’s why they’re typically more magically gifted yet it’s more dangerous for them to be without it (cough cough glomas cough cough) ALSO. BECAUSE THEY LAY EGGS, FAE ARE BASICALLY MONOTREMES. HAVE FUN WITH THAT.
anyway it's impossible to tell what bits a fae has just from looking at them. so they don’t really get assigned a gender at birth and therefore they don’t really have the same concepts of cis and trans that we do. personally, i hc that "he" is the default gender-neutral pronoun most fae use. that is all thank you for your time now ON TO THE HEADCANONS
malleus: personally hc him as intersex :) doesn’t really understand human concepts of gender, but is curious about it since arriving at night raven. he doesn’t really know what an “all boys” school is especially because some of his classmates r definitely not all boy. (he thinks that’s neat though.) dressed masculine primarily for convenience and would have no complaints wearing a gown. he/him pronouns bc it's the default fae pronoun and that’s what he grew up with but after interacting more with humans he enjoys a she or they from time to time. gender is like a fascinating human custom to him. also i love the hc that he’s pan bc he’s attracted to player character regardless of gender so i’m sticking to that
sebek: [just insert the entire knuckles pronouns comic here]
ok all jokes aside he uses he/him as well, and thinks that that’s the default for everyone. the most important human in his young life was his dad who is also he/him so naturally sebek gets very confused when humans have more than one gender. most likely finds out more after asking about why epel doesn’t like being mistook for a girl (uh oh) he concludes he must be a guy cuz he’s big and strong (epel what have you done). i don’t really have a read on sebek’s sexuality and i don’t think he does either tbh.
lilia: THEE genderqueer just look at him. she is genderfuck incarnate. he’s on that immortal vampire gender. he’s on that ftmtftmtftmtftmtf type shit. a different pronoun set each day. throw some neopronouns in and stir the pot. basically he’s genderfluid. gendergas even. she’s traveled all around the world, if you think he didn’t pick up all the different genders like a crow hoarding shiny objects you would be wrong. if you ask them directly they’d probably say their gender is gamer (to be hip with the kids). also a bisexual king and definitely had a thing for meleanor and her husband there is no doubt in my mind.
silver: well he was raised by lilia so….. afab doesn’t really apply to him. he grew up in briar valley and was never assigned a gender besides the default pronoun “he”. when he’s older lilia probably teaches him a bit about human culture and asks silver what he feels like doing and i think he’d most likely go on t, partially for gender feels and also partially to build muscle mass and be a better royal guard lmao. his gender is knight boyprincess. no i shall not explain. i think he’s sex-neutral grey ace that’s just the vibes i get from him
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
fluff alphabet ( sodapop curtis )
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-> navi. | -> outsiders masterlist
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
Your attention to detail. you know when somethings wrong, through that carefree façade, and you'll coax an explanation outta him.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Your hands, bruh. He loves watching you light your cigarettes, loves watching you fuck up the Socs that talk shit about pony and other people close to you, loves watching you lace your fingers with his, loves watching you.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
Sodapop Curtis likes to smother or be smothered. Will 100% lay on tip of you if you let him, and is 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999% willing to have you lay on top of him. In all seriousness, Soda really don't give a fuck whatever y'all are doin as long as ur both together
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
Soda will do just about anything with you, so you've got a variety of things you could both do. Personally, Soda really likes when you find some nice grassy field and you're all wrapped up in his jacket or whatever, and you're talking about whatever-the-fuck comes to mind
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Soda is one to wallow in their feelings before doing something impulsive, so you'd be given little to no warning whatever he's doing if he's upset (angry/sad)
Soda feeling cuddly and lovey is a different situation entirely. This guy is clingy and simping and jesus im overwhelmed thinking about the love he smothers you in 😣💞
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Personally, Soda wouldn't be too opposed to having kids, biological or not. He will definitely bust his ass to give his kid the opportunities he didn't/couldn't have, and would the kind of father a lot of people would want
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
With the minimal amount of money this man gets, there is no doubt in my mind he would try his very best to get you a CD or book you've been eyeing
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
ALWAYS, MEIN GOTT. Just hold his hand. He likes it and dgaf if someone says smth to him about it. Soda believes if you truly love someone than you wont be afraid to show that love (and Soda's love language is touch idgaf)
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Angry. Angry at whoever decided to fuck with the gang (everyone loves you, especially bc you're Johnny's second fave person ever)
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Like a lot of members in the gang, Soda leans to joking rather than pranking. You both have a lot of inside jokes, and he loves just randomly bringing up said inside joke to see your smile.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
Mans puts effort into kissing you its pretty endearing. The way he pants into your mouth suring a makeout sesh is 😏😏😩😩😩😍😍😍😍🤭🤭🤭❤❤❤ and then he whines and pulls you closer than humanly possible with his hands on the back of your neck. i- 🥵🥵🥵❤❤🤭😍😏😍😍🤭😩🤭😩🤭😍💍💍😇😇😇💒💒💒🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️🛐🛐🛐🛐
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
By affirmation and physical touch
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
First kiss together. No details.
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
Soda's worst fears: you/Darry/Pony walking out of his life with no warning and school
O = Oddity (what is one quirk they have?)
bros kinda a worrywort
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
he calls you: babe, baby, doll, pretty girl/boy, angel
you call him: pepsi cola, babe, Coca-Cola, baby, sweetheart,
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
-You Found Me by The Fray
-Freaks by Surf Cruise
-Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Will answer almost any question you ask him
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
A year maybe? All depends on your resolve
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Well absolutely bust ass to help him, and will absolutely annihilate anyone that says jack shit about him. He'll get real quiet and only ease up if you or his brothers are there to comfort him.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
He's proud that he can call you his. He loves showing you off, even if you insist theres nothing to show off.
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Is confident in your ability to fight if you are, but will always look out for you. Soda will definitely fight for you. no comment
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
Pretty well, actually. He would observe you for a while before you started dating, and would definitely pick up subtle hints from your body language
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
By proposing to you with a ring pop and then if you said yes you would both go buy a ring
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
you, smoking, sleeping.
sodapop curtis taglist:
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
asking this again bc I forgot to say it was a hc sorry 😭
hcs for poly matenrou x GN! s/o?
- ✨💅
Poly! Matenrou x GN! s/o
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ahhh it's okay..! here you're!! <3 (Werewolves vers)
GNreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff;;
-The most comfortable poly you would ever have!
-Your relationship is more soft and gentle, as both Jakurai and Doppo are pretty calm men who want some peaceful evenings all together, and the only one who's put more lively energy and freshness in your lives is Hifumi.
-Yet even he can be pretty caring and mindful, always treating his dear partners with delicious dinners. And even if you would offer your help, worrying that it would be pretty hard for one person to cook so many dishes for four people, Hifumi just shakes his head.
-"No, no, no, s/o, Jakurai, go on and relax a little!" - with a small giggle he pointed to Doppo who was sitting on the couch. - "Here, follow his example!"
"I think our poor worker is almost sleeping now.." - Jakurai chuckle when you both get closer to him with a soft smile.
"Ahh, then try to wake him up while I'm cooking..! This would be enough help!"
-Actually, Jakurai also loved to treat his lovers with dinner, yet preferred to take you all to some fancy restaurant.
-As one of the best doctors in Shinjuku, he has a pretty good salary that he never even spends too much, as he doesn't really feel an urge. So now, when Doc has so many partners that he cares about, spoiling you all with gifts and cafes was one of his favorite things.
-He's also pretty attentive and knows how to choose just the right things without even asking what you three need, always pleasantly surprising you on the dates.
-"J..Jakurai-sensei, it's..! It's too much..!" - Doppo squeak, blushing heavily, and both you and Hifumi can't help but giggle:
"Ahh, Doppo~po! It's not the way you should thank people for their kindness..!" - Hifumi cling to his right side, tickling his ear with laugh, when you wrap your arms around his waist from the left:
"You're always so selfless, honey. Don't be so shy, you deserve it.."
"Doppo, they're both right..That's just a small present to reward your big work." - Jakurai also get closer, luring you all in a big hug. His arms were long enough to wrap around your and Hifumi's shoulders, pushing you tightly to his chest. Ahh, is it you or your boyfriend sniffing right now..?
"I.. Um.. Thank you, thank you all.." - he mumbled, hiding his now even more red face from Hifumi's teases:
"Hehehe, say it more loudly, Doppo!"
"S-shut up..! I can't…"
-Oh, of course. You three always help him feel better after work. It's sometimes to meet up all together, so you do it turn by turn: sometimes you relax him with some cuddles and light massage, sometimes he cries on Jakurai's shoulder, venting about his problems, and most of the time he finds a new strength in Hifumi's dinners.
-As they live together they spend more time together, but are always willing to invite you and doc to their place when everyone has free time. It can be hard due to absolutely different work shifts (especially with Hifumi's mostly night work.), but when you actually sit all four together, just cuddling and discussing random things, it is worth the time of waiting.
-Hifumi jump around, trying to cling to everyone in the same time, Doppo acting all grumpy and scold him, trying to drag you closer to himself, with clearly visible bright pink on his cheeks, and Jakurai just near you all, with his casual soft smile as it pretty amusing to watch all his lovers fooling around like that.
-But if you have a hard time putting together your schedules and can't meet up, it's still okay! None of you is getting too jealous if the other two or three are hanging out, it's actually the opposite - you love when Hifumi sends you new photos from fishing with Jakurai and always sends back some selfie from Doppo's lunch break when you bring him homemade meals. Or when Doppo shyly but happily bubbles about his little date in the park with them both on the phone, and then listens carefully to your story about shopping date with doc last friday.
-"Oh, I also bought this new shirt.." - you mumble into your phone, attaching to your text a photo of you that Jakurai did when you tried it on in the store. - "Here.. did you receive it?"
"Yeah..!" - for a moment your boyfriend gets silent, and then his voice get more weak. - "Woah.. You look so cool here.."
"Did it suit me?" - A small chuckle escaped your lips as it was kinda cute how quick Doppo got shy just after something like this.
"E-everything suits you, s/o..!" - he gasps, then sighs. - "I'm not really good in fashion, you know..? You can ask Hifumi next ti-"
"Ask what? Oo, you talking with s/o?!" - a sudden voice breaks through. - "S/o, you remember we are going to the cinema tomorrow?!"
"I remember.." - you can't help but laugh, hearing a little playful fight between your lovers. - "Hifumi, check out my purchase.."
"Mm? Oh, Doppo, lemme see..! Lemme see what s/o talking about..!"
-Hifumi would totally make a chat for you all to share these photos and to just check each other from time to time.
-It's probably specific but I'm sure that he uses kaomoji (these things > o(≧▽≦)o), Doppo is more silent type who's only sending sad emojis (or maybe some voice messages where he scream in his berserk mode about how much he hates his work), and Jakurai is just:
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-And also Doc is probably sending some long poetic texts, asking how your day is and what exactly you all eat. These lectures with a bunch of tips for your health look kinda funny around Hifumi's messages that are like: "Okie~dokie ☆ ~('▽^人)"
-But this difference between you all was one of the most important things that kept your relationship so interesting and alive. It was full of different colors as everyone brings something new in the lives of others, and it feels so reassuring.
-It's also help you all to go through your problems, like overworking for Doppo and Jakurai, your bad days, Hifumi's fear.. Cause there's nothing more healing than love..♡
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thefandomenchantress · 11 months
Asks you more stuff because why the hell not What do you think of the ship: Levi x Ace x David? What do you think of the theory of David being the real protagonist? Apart from Acevid, whats your favorite David ship? (Acevid >>>>>>) What do you think *my* MBTI is? (I love asking people this so sorry) Who do you think killed Arei and why? Out of all my current Acevid oneshots, whats your favorite and least favorite? (Any why ofc bc I just love hearing what people think about things I make) While we're on the topic of Acevid oneshots, whats your favorite and least favorite out of your own? Whos your favorite DRDT VA? (Probably Ace) Is there anything you genuinely don't like about Ace? Do you like Arturo? Which DRDT character would you say is the emoest?
Yaaaay more questions to answer! I love when people ask for my opinions and stuff! :D (/gen)
What do you think of the ship: Levi x Ace x David?
Hmm, I’ve never considered this ship before, surprisingly. And here I was thinking I shipped every Ace ship in existence!
But since I ship acevid and acevi, and I’ve read at least one good David x Levi (Levid?) one-shot, I think they could all be cute together! I think their personalities would even each other out, if you know what I mean. I kinda wanna see a fic about them now, though I’m not sure how I would approach writing one myself.
What do you think of the theory of David being the real protagonist?
I’ve never seen this theory around before, so I can’t be 100% sure I know what you mean, but I do think it’s interesting that he stands where a protag normally would in a canon game.
I suppose maybe in the in-universe TV show the cast is on David could maybe be the protag? Since, as mentioned before, he stands where the protag would. Maybe audiences got bored of the hopeful protags and wanted one that was more interesting and morally grey like David.
But I think, in terms of the real-world YouTube series, we’re going to have Teruko as the protag the whole game.
Apart from Acevid, whats your favorite David ship?
Honestly? Probably Teruvid. Their banter makes me smile, and I’m a total sucker for the rivals to lovers trope (hence my obsession with acevid, haha).
I’ve seen some Nico x David stuff, too, and I think they’re also pretty cute.
Honestly, most David ships fascinate me, just because each character deals with David’s whole personality change/reveal a bit differently.
What do you think *my* MBTI is?
Who do you think killed Arei and why?
Okay, hear me out…Eden. NOT BECAUSE I THINK SHE’S SECRETLY EVIL OR ANYTHING! Nice people are allowed to be nice. But there’s piece of evidence pointing to her as the culprit I don’t think we can ignore.
When Ace wakes up from almost dying and knocks Eden to the ground, a few moments later the tape that was on the floor of the crime scene disappears from the background, seemingly stolen while Teruko was distracted by Ace. Then later, we have a whole scene with Teruko and Rose (the pull-up scene) confirming it’s gone. If Eden stole the tape, then I say that she definitely killed Arei.
If you want to read something more in-depth about this theory I suggest checking out @1moreff-creator’s theories about it, they were all super interesting and convincing, at least to me.
Out of all my current Acevid oneshots, what’s your favorite and least favorite?
I guess to properly answer this question I’ll have to go reread all your one-shots, AKA some of my favorite one-shots to reread…oh no…/j
But in all seriousness, after rereading all of them my favorite is probably ‘Red and Blue Work So Well Together’ and the sequel ‘Love Between a Ruby and Sapphire’, which I’m counting as the same one since they’re in the same timeline. I also really like ‘It All Started with a Bet’!
And I honestly don’t have a least favorite, since I think all of your one-shots are good! :)
While we're on the topic of Acevid oneshots, whats your favorite and least favorite out of your own?
My favorite would probably have be either ‘Synonyms’, which will always hold a special place in my heart as the first Acevid one-shot I was really proud of, or ‘Stealin’ Shit’, my most recent one, since I’m pretty proud of the overall story and longer length of that one. Plus I got a chance to put Jarei in that one!
My least favorite is probably ‘Sleeping Soundly’, just because it’s so much shorter than my other ones, or ‘Soap’, because Ace felt a bit out of character.
Who’s your favorite DRDT VA?
I know that this is super predictable…But yeah, it’s Ace’s. He just sells Ace’s emotions so well, and it’s so cool to listen to any voices lines of his!
But I also really like Hu’s voice actor. At first, since Hu was usually pretty calm and delivered most of her lines in the same tone, I didn’t really notice her voices lines as much as Ace’s, but that one moment in the 2nd trial when she says “I am trying my best” and goes on her tangent about usefulness? My God, that was such a stand-out moment for me. I can still hear it in my head.
But honestly, all the voice actors are amazing! I love and appreciate every single one of them so much!!!
Is there anything you genuinely don't like about Ace?
Even for someone who loves him as much as I do, I will admit his bullying of Nico wore me down a lot. Every time in Chapter 2 when we saw them arguing, I would go, “Ugh, he’s doing this again?”.
But that’s not a bash on the writing by any means! The failed murder attempt would have felt like it came out of nowhere if not for all the necessary build-up, and I can totally understand why the DRDTdev showed them arguing as much as they did.
But seeing my silly little angry coward turn into a certified bully definitely made me…Well, not annoyed, but really sad? Like, I was under the impression Ace would get a redemption, only for him to get worse.
But despite the fact it made me feel pretty sad in the moment…I think I kind of like it. It would make sense for someone like Ace to get more desperate, more aggressive, than to just get redeemed this early on. It wouldn’t have been very realistic if they didn’t take this route. And like I said, it’s not even that this makes me dislike him…It just makes me feel bad for him. With a group of people like the one in the killing game, he might have finally started to grow as a person, but instead someone murdered and this happened. It feels tragic, and I can’t wait to see where the character goes next.
My tangent about what I don’t like about Ace kinda turned into another reason that I like him…Whoops. What I’m trying to say is that Ace’s abrasive personality can be a lot to process, even for me. I can kinda see why some people just write him off as a jerk, but I think a closer inspection can yield a lot of interesting stuff.
Do you like Arturo?
In the past I’ve said I’m kinda meh about him, but he’s grown on me a bit. His mindset is…unique, let’s put it that way, but it seems he’s got an interesting backstory and I think the prologue/chapter 1 version of him is good for comedic purposes.
He’s a good character. Not my favorite, not even close, especially not with the developments of chapter 2 and him following J around, that was hard to watch (not a bash on the writing, I can honestly appreciate how they’re not using the stalking/obsession thing purely for laughs, just treating it as creepy, unlike other pieces of media will do sometimes).
Overall, still not one of my favorite characters, he might even be my least favorite. But I love all the characters in DRDT so much that saying he’s my least favorite isn’t even an insult. There’s just some tough competition.
Which DRDT character would you say is the emoest?
Oh, I’ve never really thought about this before. I wasn’t sure what the definition of emo was so I looked it up:
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And I think the person who would be the ‘emoest’, or the biggest fan of emo music…Would probably be J? She feels cool and badass listening to it, especially if her Mom called it ‘distasteful’ or something. In that case she’d also listen to it out of spite.
Welp…That’s it. This was super fun to do again! Sorry it took me a while to answer this ask. Tumblr reloaded and deleted my unsaved draft answering the first few questions, and it took me a bit to get the motivation to retype them and (after triple-checking it saved) answering the rest. But again, I love when people ask my opinions and stuff, so this was super fun, thanks for the ask!
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bluegekk0 · 1 year
Honestly, I love your style, And I enjoy the way you design the characters we rarely see with the cloak off, like grimm or the pale king. But obviously, No artist is without his flaws, and I presume you do not view yourself to be without any. For starters, While the whole "Pale king is an innocent gubblemuncher" thing is cute, depending on how it's handled, It gets stale, fast. (especially considering purely how non-gubblemuncher PK is in the lore, but whatever, we can just ignore that-) Then, I have a bit of a nit to pick at with the way the "Feral PK au" was handled. Once again, similar issue to as I listed prior, PK being innocent and chill is cute, but it gets old fast, especially when the au is based around this characterization of the pale king. (Also, I didn't like PK and WL breaking up despite WL seeming to still care about him in the game, Unless there was some insane sit-com tier argument they had after PK reincarnated that I was never told about, But ig we needed a reason to ship grimm and pk, since, as most are aware, WL hates grimm's guts, so I doubt she would be ok with sharing, so it makes sense.) And finally, I don't like the missed potential of the "feral PK au". When I first heard of that au idea, I imagined a tragic story where PK comes back, But is almost a wild animal and WL ends up caging him bc she's too attached to let him go.... Instead, It's basically an artifact title, one that only applies to the act 1, maybe even just act 0.5, Possibly act 0.25 depending on how it worked. So, I think a more accurate title would be "palegrimm crack au" /j
(Note that "Gubblemuncher" is not an expression I meant to offend, It's 11:55 AM and I needed to make up something to describe a gremlin who is adorable in their own way.)
okay so uhh. i wanted to keep this short but i have a lot of things to say, though i'll get to the point right away. i don't appreciate those kinds of comments, i'm sorry
don't get me wrong, you have every right to dislike aspects of my au. there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. i'm aware that some of my takes are perhaps a little out there. i know many of them stray far away from canon. however, i never claimed that i wanted it to stick to canon, quite the opposite in fact
this au, the whole story, is something i do for myself. it's a little comfort space for me, that i decided to share with friends and other people because they showed interest and wanted to me to talk about it. i did not make it with the intention of creating a coherent narrative, or writing something sophisticated that would have a good plot. i'm not good at those things, i won't pretend otherwise. all this is, is just a silly self-indulgent au that means so, so much to me
and so i understand if some people don't vibe with it. that's perfectly fine, it's not for everyone. what i'm not fine with is people telling me how they think i should write the characters or where they think i should take the story, treating it as if the au is meant to cater to them. that is not what you'll find here, i'm sorry. i find comments like "this is a missed potential" to be a bit rude and quite discouraging, especially since i've never done anything like this and so i'm very insecure about it
some parts of this ask come off as a bit passive-aggressive to me, but that could very well be me overthinking. and because i don't like assuming the worst in people, i want to clear some misconceptions i saw here instead
first of all, the au is not built around the idea that pk is innocent. i've stated before that i don't agree with that notion, he has done terrible things and that should not be ignored. the difference here is that i try to make him more nuanced, and i've personally always loved the theme of well-meaning people committing horrible actions in the name of good. that is where i'm going with my interpretation. he tries to do well, he is very emotional and anxious, he wants to make others happy and be loved. and yet he's still responsible for the deaths of so, so many beings that did not deserve that fate. that is not something i want to ignore, it's something that haunts him constantly, and is a huge part of his character, his struggles and his arc in the au
the reason why you rarely see that portrayed in my art is because, like i said, this is something i do for myself. while i enjoy thinking about more emotional aspects of it, i also want to find happiness and comfort in it, and so i prioritize wholesome art, as that is what i find the most comforting. perhaps it is my fault that i'm not clear enough about this, and if so, i'll try to do better
i will be more short and to the point with the next part, as i've answered many asks about this topic in the past. but no, fpk and wl did not separate because of grimm. they did not separate because of a "sitcom tier argument" either. it was a result of their vastly different approaches to dealing with their guilt and shame (among other things about their relationship), and they divorced while still on good terms. this would've happened in the au even without grimm in the picture, so no, i did not just get rid of wl to make space for the ship i like. that was never my intention, even if pale nightmare is my preferred ship
lastly, about the name of the au, i mentioned before that it wasn't a conscious decision to name it that, people simply started calling him "feral pk" and i decided to keep it. for convenience, and because i thought it had a nice ring to it. that being said, it's still accurate to his character in the au. he doesn't simply "drop the feral act" once he reunites with his family, his instincts are a part of him now. throughout the whole story of the au, he is by all accounts "feral". if you had different expectations for this, then i'm afraid that is on you. you are free to explore the idea you had yourself, it sounds interesting. but it's not something i wanted to do
like i said. i don't want to assume that your intentions were to be rude. but i wanted to respond anyway to clear possible misunderstandings, and emphasize that i don't like seeing comments like this. still, i hope you have a good day anon. if you did not mean for me to interpret it like this, then know that i don't hold it against you. we're all here to enjoy ourselves, but some boundaries need to be made, and this is where i set mine. i hope you understand
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r4tmaid · 1 year
hi hello, i wish to inhale mason lore since my lovely friend (noodle, noodle is my friend) got me into content smp, showed me a charcater that will now live my brain and THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN THE LORE !! (can you belive that. so rude /j). but have no clue where to start.
basically all i got was that mason is a guy who is now dead, and had a thing for ending world? and also picked up like. 2 kids on the way, and eventually stopped after killing child's 2 entire species because they were pathetic. then the idk. content smp happens, and he dies.
there's also something about circles. and ouroboros and The Seven (<- i think that's what they're called). noodle sucked at explaining that. but they kind of remind me of bloodborne which is my favourite game ever and my Special Interest Of All TIme so i'm SO curious. do you happen to know where i can start inhaling and picking apart this so interesting lore?
thank you in advance :D
No problem :deranged:
So, the funniest part about Arathain’s characters is that Arathain is The Bloodborne Enthusiast Ever. 95% of their lore for anything is Bloodborne inspired. This also, fortunately or unfortunately (depending on how you view it kekw) applies to their character, The Mason. I have this (albeit REALLY outdated) insane person moodboard from my my good friend ghostpajamas (linking and not tagging because he’ll fuckign kill me /lh) only posting this one because he never finished the powerpoint
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The namemc skins connections have been expressed by Arathain to be NOT CANON I just don’t have the energy to edit it out (help its 1:30 am)
We have gotten lucky with the fact that The Mason is fuckign dead and therefore can no longer have any more interactions so less vod scrubbing but unfortunately we still have to scrub through them to get the most recent stuff like the destroyer of worlds and entire peoples. We also have posts from The Arathain Themself (another link bc I’d rather kill sif than tag them) about different lore (which I’m sure noodle has expressed before)
There’s no really “good place to start” you kind of just grab a piece and start munching on it. The more you explore the more you’ll find. Their lore is the MOST complicated to decipher but that’s why we’re insane about it o7
Also Arathain always wants me to get peoole to watch the tbskyen playlist of the bloodborne boss designs because their brain is wired around that for lore or something (<- hasn’t watched it. dude its like over 30 hours long???)
Anyway. I started writing this 30 minutes ago, got distracted to yell at Arathain, almost went snrrr mimimi without finishing the post, and remembered I have to wake up in 6 hours. Good luck on your journey my friend o7 if you have any specific questions about anything ever I’ll do my best to answer, and though even I don’t know everything, I’ll still answer to the best of my ability.
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theajaheira · 1 year
hello! firstly GREAT taste in music fabulous playlist. id be curious to hear about deep blue somethings breakfast at tiffanys and cruel to be kind (letters to cleo cover) if you dont mind? also thotoughly enjoyed waterloo by abba right at the begining. its very them, even down to the random use of a napoleonic battle as a metaphor! :)
HI THANK YOU!!!! for giving me the opportunity to talk about this! and i feel so gratified by your appreciation of waterloo for them fdfjd i was walking home listening to abba last year and almost fell over. took me like 7 yrs to realize that's Their Song.
was going to put this under a cut before i realized that everyone really is following me with the understanding that i'm going to be insane about jenny and giles sometimes-to-all-the-time. so.
breakfast at tiffany's is a song about a relationship that is on the precipice of dissolution with two people mutually recognizing that they do still have this one flickering thing in common. like --
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that specific set of lyrics, man!!! thinking very specifically about jenny and giles directly after angelus, and how this big rift has sprung up directly from jenny's omissions and giles's outrage. how they have this consistent pattern of flinching back when one of them learns just a little too much about their partner, who is desperate to earn back their approval. also "now your eyes see through me" + giles literally refusing to look at jenny, hello.
but this song is really about, like, two fundamentally different people who do not lead compatible lives --
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and yet they do still have these things in common that they are both holding onto so hard, and it's ambiguous as to whether that will be enough, but maybe the wanting is going to make it enough, yk? AND the (male) singer is the one persuading his girlfriend by saying "look, we can fit back together, see? we DO have things in common, see? don't give up on this and don't try to talk me out of it." very giles and jenny.
as for cruel to be kind, it's first important that u know i SPECIFICALLY chose the letters to cleo version because that's the one from 10 things i hate about you and sometimes i look at that and go "teenage giles/jenny would go like that."
but also just in general -- the entire song is about this idea of one lover floundering and struggling because the other person is jerking them around and tripping them up, & their honey asserting "no, this is how i love people. i'm being a dick to you BECAUSE i love you so much." which is. like. (gestures very pointedly to jenny lying about spilling coffee on giles's books. and taking him to monster trucks. and making fun of his clothes. and giggling whenever the kids make fun of him. the list goes on and on and on forever.) and it's actually soooo vital to me to adore that aspect of g/j, because so often i have seen in fandom people point to jenny being terrible and go "this is why calendiles doesn't work," OR they downplay her being terrible and go "calendiles is such an adorable twosome of cuteness and she's so supportive of him!!!" no. that woman bites and that man is repeatedly putting his hand in her mouth bc he wants her to draw blood.
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Observing John Adams.
yoyo this is for my amrev/1776 followers bc i've fallen off the tracks and i felt like writing tumblr fanfic at 4:30am on a school night
getting less than 3 hours of sleep >>>
Ben observes more than people think. Of course, being an innovator, a scientist, you need to observe. And he does. He just observes more than graphs and scientifical combinations. He observes people. Not just women, but also people like John Adams.
Grim, and dark, and black-haired, the man is like a raven. And that's what he is. Ben finds it funny. A squawking raven in Congress, loud and clear. Always on the move. Flapping its wings everywhere and never letting up because why would it? Why would it stop when there's so much to do?
At least, that's what Ben thinks as he watches John. They had to share a bed, and he was going to make the most of it by telling John all about his scientific notes about air and weather and hot and cold. Besides, opening the window was a better idea. But at some point during, John fell asleep. John always fell asleep during his nighttime rants. Ben didn't blame him, really: as much as he wanted to he knows he would've too. He knows. And he knows that John should stop, should take a break, should sleep. Should just stop moving.
But that's not in the Adams blood. To stop. No. John is a non-stop, moving force, always full of adrenaline and shouting and making motions. He can't stop, because he won't. Because there's so much more to do than what a day can offer, or a night for that matter. Because he has to move. If he stops, then what is he doing? He's never still. Always kinetic energy bounding across the room and zipping and flapping his lips as if everyone is paying attention. And almost nobody is half the time--but Ben, but Dickinson, but occasionally Tom. So he continues. He continues because he wants to. Has to. Needs to.
Ben looks up at the ceiling.
He's the same, actually. He'll admit.
Ben isn't always constant. He isn't. He takes his naps and he takes his breaks, but he can be a moving force when he wants. And that is the difference between them; Ben is a mover when he wants, John moves because he has to. It's not productive to stop for too long, it's not productive to take long naps, so in John's mind he needs to do something to be useful.
Ben would rather sleep like an old cat in Congress. But he has his moments too, when his brain is electric with thoughts and wonders and observations. Would it be too hot to make this? Or would it be too stale in the air for this to work? Or this? Or this? He has those moments. But it's expected from him--he does science, and John doesn't. He makes things, and John doesn't. Well, John does, but in a different way.
He looks at John again.
He also knows the man's lack of war experience eats at him like a spider to a bug.
Benjamin knows that John will always wonder why he wasn't asked. Why he wasn't asked to volunteer for the war. He'll wonder that all the way until he's Ben's age and older, with (admittedly) half as many diseases, with glasses and white stringy hair. A cane, maybe. It'd be a funny picture. The always-on-the-move John Adams, limping on a cane. Ben knows that's one of the things John can't live with. Not being useful in all ways. He'll always wonder: was he unavailable? Did he not fit the bill? Was he too short? Too tall? Too weak? John isn't weak, but he's not a unit either.
But personally, Ben doesn't think it's as important, really. All men around John's age and younger believe war experience and military service is the most important thing, above all else. Above education, above wealth, above family and other achievements. And maybe it is. To them, at least. In their age. Ben can't be bothered. He has gout as well. He'd be shot in an instant, maybe eaten if the Redcoats ran out of food.
He can tell John will always think of it, and he can tell John will not stop thinking of it. So he turns, slightly, to the man.
"John." he lightly pokes him. "John."
John Adams rolls over, squinting. It's dark. Truthfully Ben can barely see him; he doesn't have his glasses on. "What, Franklin?"
"Do you ever wonder where you'd be if you had war experience?"
John rolls his eyes. Or Ben thinks he does. Again, he can't really see him. "No. Now let me go back to sleep, and you, sleep in the first place, Franklin," then he rolls back over and is likely asleep the second he's facing the wall again.
Ben looks up at the ceiling. He can tell a lie when he hears one. He knows exactly what a lie is like from the man's mouth, and he'd just heard one. John isn't as fooling as he thinks. But he won't bring it up again, because he knows John wants to sleep. And maybe he should too. He can bring it up later, when they're energized and John is moving like lightning around the Congress room. Or maybe when there's a dull in conversation. Maybe then. And he thinks for a minute, because it's still hot, even with the window open.
Could he construct something that cools the air down, by rotation? Like the wheel, but better. Not wood. Steel perhaps? Could he construct something that rotates the air and in turn cycles it, cooling someone down with the air repeatedly hitting them, like a version of the wheel but for air? Like a windmill. But smaller. More compact, made for everyday use, or special occasions.
He spares one last look at John. Still. Dark. Grim. A sleeping raven. This is rare, to see him so... still. Less motion. And Ben is glad, because his friend needs it.
Until the morning, where John is insistently poking him awake.
"Franklin, Franklin, get up Franklin, I'm not letting you oversleep."
And then maybe he wishes John could fly out the window for an hour longer.
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