#bc like when she starts being like that it impacts negatively on my mental health.
The Carver Lore Post
(^This isn’t part of it but I do think his favorite color is purple)
Also this is all my opinion (mixed with a little projection) and obviously not canon
ANYWAYS, I will be separating everything into different categories‼️‼️‼️
Home life
I can see Carver growing up in a middle class, small town kinda situation. HUGE mama’s boy, meh with his dad. I think his mom coddled him a lot growing up and he wasn’t entirely able to take care of himself.
I think people have mentioned this before, but I do see Carver as the youngest child. He has an older sister, maybe about 4 or 5 years older. They don’t fight all that much, if anything they’re frenemies. She cares a lot about him and it was really hard to move when she got into a college.
His family is very tight knit but aren’t super into family gatherings so when Carvers invited to other people’s family gatherings he gets excited.
School life
He wasn’t the best at school but certainly wasn’t the worst. He did pretty well but wasn’t exactly sure what to do after high school.
Not incredibly popular but still pretty well known, mostly because he was on the swimming and basketball team (though he quit basketball in sophomore year because he got bored) Generally liked, had enough charisma to not seem like a complete asshole.
Social life
He never had a lot of people he considered friends despite being a bit of an extrovert. Carver never really felt like he knew how to actually talk to someone. He could do small talk and act like he understood what to do but at the end of the day it was exhausting for him.
Maria & Ladybug
I am a strong believer in Maria, Ladybug, and Carver all living in the same town growing up. I think Maria was a mutual friend of Carver and Ladybug but slowly they all just became one friend group.
His friendship with Maria has always been pretty strong. They started off as just lunch buddies but quickly started warming up to each other. They have gotten into a few fights but most of them were resolved quickly.
Carvers friendship with Ladybug was rocky to begin with. Every few months they had a new big argument and it all ended in a sort of rivalry. They still talk, but both have a “I’m not apologizing until he apologizes!” mentality when they’re both in the wrong.
First kill
I think he was the last one to actually kill someone. Carver was friends with someone in the business who happened to have someone wanting to take them out. He happened to be there while the two were fighting and managed to kill the assassin relatively quickly. He felt surprisingly calm about it and the agency Carvers friend worked with started keeping tabs on him.
The trauma and mental health stuff
I’m not gonna get into the specifics bc I’ve talked about it before on my Medusa tattoo post and elsewhere but even outside of that I think Carver went through some sort of major traumatic event. He didn’t tell anyone for a long while, and when he did it was only his close family and friends.
He doesn’t view it as big or important really, Carver doesn’t even see it as trauma. It takes him a while to really understand the impact it had on him.
Trauma aside, he’s always been a very anxious person. Panic attacks are rather physical for him and he’s almost always on high alert. He isn’t very good at regulating anger and it got him into a lot of trouble growing up, but he’s always managed to narrowly escape punishment.
I think his family would be pretty unsure about therapy or mental health in general. They aren’t super traditional but they still hold up some of those values. It would take a while for them to agree to let him go (mostly bc his doctor recommended it)
Speaking of his family, Carver did grow up in a Catholic home but he’s not very religious himself. He doesn’t have a really negative experience with the religion outside of a lot of Catholic guilt he needs to work through.
Regarding mental health, I’m of the belief that Carver’s autistic and has PTSD. I think his parents were recommended an autism diagnosis but decided against it and never told him. Surprisingly (or unsurprisingly ig) Ladybug pointing out his symptoms was what got Carver to realize he’s autistic and has PTSD.
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rememberingnayarivera · 4 months
I "rebranded" or I started stanning somebody new, its so hard.
Its hard admitted that you just can't do it anymore, losing Naya had such an impact on my mental that keeping a stan account running for me personally was just a constant reminder that she was gone and I was living in constant denial. It was hard for me to move past the sadness bc my presence on social media was her.
Since shutting down my account (bc I'll never truly move on from her) I've been doing better mentally I can admit that she's gone and it's rare that when I think of her I'm sad.
I'm only saying this bc of previous anon saying it was hard for them to watch, trust me it's even harder to move on from. I will never ever forget Naya and the massive impact she had on my life but everyone is different and what may help some can lead to neg reactions in other people.
She was incredible and I still follow all my Naya moots and this incredible page, I just couldn't do it to myself anymore.
I’m truly sorry if it felt like you were being judged by me or anyone else. That wasn’t my intention when I posted that ask. I’m all for doing whatever you, or anyone else, need to do to protect your mental health. That’s more important than a social media account.
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malka-lisitsa · 9 months
psychology + mental health deep dive !
Tumblr media
tagged by: The most important person in my life.... me ♡
general mental health related trigger warnings apply.  feel free to include more or exclude those facts / test results that take too much time or don’t apply, you can check out this list for more personality-related quizzes to include!
diagnoses: (unofficial like this bitch would ever go to a therapist, what goes on in her head is none of her business) C-PTSD, Borderline personality disorder. triggers: Literally everything? Not even kidding its hit or miss at all times because shes constantly in fight or flight mode and can sometimes see something as a threat one moment and not the next. skills:  She has ZERO healthy coping skills. She knows HOW to ground in a panic attack, but she often forgets to in the moment. She has zero emotional regulation so she lashes out a lot too. negative coping skills:  Drinking, lashing out in aggression words/actions, petty little revenge missions (or that time she became the devil) attachment style:   fearful-avoidant / disorganised (shes a mess) love language:  Katherine doesn't really have your standard love languages. If she likes you she wants to play with you, silly little games. I suppose that could be "quality time" and I suppose you could simmer her greatest show of love, putting her advantage and safety at risk as "Acts of service" ? myers briggs / mbti: entp (but she can be very introverted too, as long as shes not BORED she has no issues being alone for extended periods of time, and sometimes needs to be.)
are their diagnoses formal ( via a doctor, therapist, etc. ) or informal ( self diagnosis, a hunch, unrealized, etc. ) Informal, she does not care shes just trying to live and be loved
have they ever been treated / medicated?  Oh she self medicates all the time <33333333
have they ever been hospitalized or treated on an inpatient basis?  Does Damon locking her in a tomb count?
how old were they when they first started experiencing / realizing symptoms?  Like most cases of BPD early teens.
do they have a family history of mental illness?   Well her father is a raging and abusive alcoholic man so probably.
how was mental health handled / discussed in the family / community? in the 1400's as a woman??? LMFAO SHE GOT STRAIGHT EXILED FOR HAVING A BABY OUT OF WEDLOCK.
what are their thoughts on mental health / their diagnosis?  Katherine is an advocate for mental health when it comes to pretty much everyone but herself. She had no problem helping Stefan with his PTSD, validated it and taught him grounding methods- which means shes highly aware and has at least researched some of her issues, but she considers herself too broken to be fixable. So she mostly buries her issues and pretends they arent there until she cant anymore. Bottle bottle bottle- breakdown.
in what ways has their diagnosis shaped their life or experiences?   ... you want me to just link her whole bio bc... No but her BPD makes it extremely hard for her to communicate the way she desperately wants to. It makes it hard for her to trust people, even when she wants to, and it makes her almost unpredictable in terms of reaction to rejection or criticism. Her paranoia is sky high. Shes just not having a good time and all she wants is Stefan.
SYMPTOMS: note that all of the below are, on their own, normative and typical aspects of human functioning. they become “symptoms” when they last longer than “normal” or when they pose a significant impact on someone’s life / functioning.
BOLD  all that are present,  ITALICIZE  those that are resolved or in the history.
depression.    anxiety.    panic attacks.    dissociation.    derealization.    depersonalization.    suicidal ideation.    self harm.    homicidal ideation.    psychosis.    auditory hallucinations.    visual hallucinations.    delusions.    mania.   hypomania.    racing thoughts.    hyperactivity.    attention difficulty.    flashbacks.    nightmares.    hyperarousal.    hypoarousal.    hypersexuality.    hyposexuality.    psychopathy.   risky behavior.    catatonia.    somatic / bodily concerns.    mutism.    phobia.    agoraphobia.    hoarding.    obsessions.    compulsions.    body dysmorphia.    hair picking.    skin picking.     amnesia.    illness anxiety / hypochondria.    sensory loss.    speech difficulty.    comprehension difficulty.    communication difficulty.    tics.    defiant behavior.    irritable mood.    vindictiveness.     aggression.    pyromania.    kleptomania.    paranoia.    attention seeking.    narcissism.    avoidance.    dependency.    pica.    rumination.    food restriction.    food binging.    purging.    soiling the bed.    insomnia.    fatigue.    sexual dysfunction.    delirium.    developmental delays.
explanations / elaborations on any of the above symptoms:
I have several HC's that deep Dive Katherine's mental state, two of them are linked in the above info <3
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bottom-slut-unionizer · 9 months
When I started studying psychology I kind of hoped that I'd be able to like better understand the world and be able to get why people did the things I didn't like in the name of psychology.
Well... Now that I got a bachelor's Ive learned to:
Hate rich people a LOT mote
Loath the prison system a LOT more
Realized that a lot of people who claim to use psychology use either outdated or just straight up incorrect information to appear right, while also causing damage
Realized how fucking easy it is to mess someone up
I seriously hate rich people (specifically the type that hordes money, acts like their easy life is the norm, and thinks that the daily problems most people face are their own fault) more... Like bruh... Wasn't supposed to keep being radicalized but here I am
Having money significantly impacts not just your mental health, but also your literal life by influencing what you have access to. If money was more accessible, people could do so much more. Do note, that at some point people get rich enough that the benefits entirely diminish, so it's not even like it's helping them. If that money went to anyone else it would do SO MUCH GOOD
Seriously like the money thing is huge. If someone's is seriously struggling bc they're having to work so much n barely get by, therapy ain't gonna do a ton. Especially since therapy costs money. Literally, if they had more money a lot of that stress n pain would go away entirely, and in ways that a therapist could never do
If you want to teach something or train something you just need to be consistent n give rewards. Punishment is (generally) bad n rewards are the way to go.
Positive (as in positive reinforcement) just means you're adding something while negative means taking something away. Reinforcement means that what you're doing is intended to make their behavior happen more, while punishment is aimed at getting it to happen less. Some examples: positive punishment (adding a curfew bc your child is skipping class n you don't want me to), positive reinforcement (giving a cookie for good grades n you want them to keep doing it), negative reinforcement (removing their curfew after their grades improve), negative punishment (taking their car keys for crashing the car)
Therapists aren't the only ways that psychology can help people, you can also become a researcher to figure out the things that help people
There is not nearly enough of an understanding of neurodiversity as there should be (this is really what I want to study in grad school. That n creative expression)
You can lie to kids super easily. One of my psychology professors told us that she photoshopped a picture of her kids n her at Disneyland n told them they went (they didn't) n now the kids have memories of rides they never have seen before (please don't abuse this lol)
There are a LOT of people out there who genuinely do NOT try to improve. They remain the same... Even when they could get better. Not everyone is trying to improve, so if you are, you're doing wonderful n keep it up ❤️
Burger king foot fungus
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
Hello Ciara!!! I come to you looking for your wisdom bc, honestly, you actually helped before :)) so, i was offered a job promotion, as team coordinator, for the team I'm working in rn, at first i said no bc the manager is not what you wish to be, she's not the best manger 🙃 but now they asked again bc they don't have that many options and like, on one hand I'm thinking F the manager, maybe they'll change her soon, whatever, but at the same time, i tend to be such an anxious person and what if i can't handle it, what if i break down in a meeting and start crying in front of everyone???
But, uhm, I'm also considering accepting the offer bc of how scared i am? Push myself despite being afrain, and, what if it works? And then, i want to do it to understand what I'm capable of bc i keep saying that I'm not good at what i do, I'm just bluffing and hope it works out and nobody notices - which to some extent i know it's not true (gotta love the imposter syndrome on this one)
God, i wish to just be like one of those confident people that just go like, Yeah sure LET'S GOOOO!!!!
Also, i did not know you were watching stranger things!!!!
hey bud!! first of all, congratulations on the offer!! 🎉 but ahh that is a very tough situation - it's so frustrating just how much a manager/boss can negatively impact your experience of a job :/ especially when this should be an exciting moment for you!
i think there's two aspects you need to consider:
to what extent will you have to work with this manager?? is this literally someone you'll have to interact with and take orders from every single day or are they just the person in charge of your section/team? how likely do you think it is that they'll get to you/upset you? (especially if you’re interacting with them on a regular basis)
how worth it is the promotion? like, taking your manager out of it, is this a good career move and opportunity for you??? do you like the idea of the work? is it better pay??? to what extent do the pros outweigh the cons, y'know?
what i will say is that in my own experience and in that of my friends', no job is worth being treated badly by your superiors no matter how much you love it. before i had my current job i was working somewhere else for placement during my masters but the management was awful. like genuinely, absolutely terrible and treated us like we were worthless. in my case, i was doing the exact same profession in both instances so it wasn't hard for me to leave and go somewhere else. a friend of mine still works there but he was always able to shake off the issues we experienced in a way myself and our other friend couldn't so it never really got to him.
similarly my best friend loves her job as a vocation but has complained about her place of work for five years straight. and it all comes down to her management and the way the staff is treated. i've given up telling her to quit bc it’s clear she probably won’t since it’s one of the only places she can do the job she wants to do but i’m pretty sure she hasn’t been happy there a single day since 2017 and i know that’s taken a toll on her mental health
i honestly commend you for wanting to push through your anxiety to challenge yourself and take the job and i definitely don’t want to discourage you!! because like you said, it might be fine and you might be so much more capable at handling it than you even realise right now. and what a wonderful thing that would be to discover! i think the best thing i could say if you do want to take it is consider your escape route. if you take the offer and you don’t like it or your manager is really getting to you, what are your options??? is this contract based where you’d have to fulfill the role for a certain period of time or could you leave at any stage? is going back to your old position an option?
ultimately, just remember choosing it doesn’t mean you have to do it forever and that there’s nothing wrong with putting your mental health first if you need to. but also! if you decide to go for it, i have every faith and confidence in you that you’ll be amazing!!
i hope this was helpful in some way sjdafh let me know how it goes!! i’m rooting for you 💖
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s1ep12 darkblade
the plot was fine. nothing really stood out to me. but we're already hitting episodes that feel like i've accidentally set it to 2x speed.
i do think that the writing choices here speak the overall mistreatment of marinette tho. like yeah, she manages to balance being ladybug and being class rep, but at what cost and to what end?
again, the writers somehow manage to write the show episodically while treating it like it's serialized. we never really see just how much being ladybug impacts her life, and when we do, it's very small things like comments about how she's late for class, or forgot homework, or smth. and yeah, sometimes it gets her into hot water, but by writing like it's episodic, it resets everything by the beginning of the next episode. so we never feel like she every finds a true balance.
as far was we're concerned, someone gets akumatized every day. and going by the episode, sometimes twice in one day!
idk how i wanna phrase this bc i gotta sleep soon, but i know the writers talked about how she has all this bad luck to counterbalance her as ladybug, but again to what end?
how is her taking on more responsibilities than she could possibly handle a good thing for her? i think that's what my main problem with this episode is. the fact that, despite her stating she can barely keep up her double-life, everyone, including the narrative, encourage her to try it anyway.
like i get taking a leap of faith to try new things and step out of your comfort zone, but there's also learning when to pick your battles and when not to spread yourself too thin. bc that's how you develop mental health issues, burnout, and end up accidentally hurting ppl in the process. like however unintentional that hurt may be.
going back to my point about the frequency of akumas, bc we never get a real handle on how frequent it is, we never get a feel on how well marinette is actually handling it. bc she never faces tangible consequences that we see from it--she only gets scolded every now and then.
it also makes it feel like the writers really didn't think about the logistics of the story, nor the powers.
the thing is, when sailor moon had to face enemies, each enemy always had a reason to choose one very specific person with presumed time between each attack (more than a couple of hours, at the least). that gave the girls breathing space to just exist, while still feeling like having to be sailor scouts impacted their life. but literally, hawkmoth seemingly jumps at the chance to akumatize anyone and everyone who has a negative thought or feeling across all of paris. that's too much!! that's too big a scale!! they really should have sat back and thought about the logistics of everything, but it's starting to feel extremely unrealistic.
and it's not like you can't have your antagonist do that. they really just needed more planning and forethought put into the show.
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supercorp-hosie · 3 years
My thoughts for Legacies 315:
1) for the Star Wars, I have no knowledge about it, I saw some parallels of characters after the episode, it seems accurate, but I still have no idea why Hope’s characters in it didn’t even have a backstory or name lmao. I’m just overall unfazed;
2) the background of the trio and Alaric! There are like so much to address and I don’t know how to fully share my thoughts in-depth organisedly. I’ll try;
3) facts first: so it’s canon that Lizzie’s mental problem is diagnosed at earliest 11, but specific time unknown;
4) Jed activated his curse earliest at 11, since Lizzie had a crush on him for two weeks. I mean who would’ve thought that, common headcannons seem to incline on Josie x Jed tho😂. That just doesn’t randomly cross my mind🤣. Anyway, it doesn’t deny that Jed and Josie could be a thing too, since the twins often have the tendency to crush on the same person? I’m feeling like 60% of the time? I mean they obviously have the same preferences for LI, bad girl or bad boy type, anyone? Rafael, Sebastian, Jed, Jade, Penelope, Hope, Finch. They kind of have this thing with new people to their lives, for Josie, Rafael, Finch, Jade(it’s arguable but I think people tend to have a whole new lens when reconnecting with a disappeared person in your life for years when you’re very young. The perspectives are not the same, like you’re meeting a new person especially you don’t really know them before);
5) especially Lizzie, she definitely has a thing for new people that seems like bad boy/girl. I emphasised on the new people here bc I don’t think ethan is exactly that type, it’s just how Lizzie imagine him to be in that AU. Raf, Sebastian, Ethan....(maybe Jed was new when she crushed on him too, who knows), more specifically, it’s Strangers to Lovers trope for her romance department, so she can imagine as much as she wants and have the wildest dreams (bgm intended). Maybe Josie’s it’s not as much like this considering we don’t know how Posie happened, and with Hope her crush is canon when she was 12, but we don’t know how long exactly the crush was and when did it started, I just have to count that not being new person into her life. But I do get that why Josie said Lizzie always get the boy/girl Josie crushed on too, mostly they have the same type and preferences. Though they can randomly blurt out characters that we all don’t even know as more solid examples.;
6) Alaric and the fact of him being quite an absent father since the twins were 11 is solid canon. I understand the need to care for Hope because the world can’t afford a tribrid went uncared for and went around killing people, but still, the different perspectives of Hope and Lizzie to Alaric are very sad. To think that your father would betray you for another child, is very sad, even for Lizzie, the more dramatic one. So I understand that Caroline wasn’t there for the twins either, another absent parent. About the mother figure being diminished here, I’ll address it in another point. What’s left for Lizzie? Josie.
7) So basically Josie had to handle herself and Lizzie’s all by her own? That’s very hard! My BFF is bipolar, we are not living together, but before, my whole situation [for being in love with her + her situation] had really been hard for me too. I couldn’t imagine what’s it’s really like for Josie. (Another point that I need to address is the real mental problem that Lizzie has) Sure Alaric might not always be absent, but the intensity of Lizzie’s perspective begs to differ. Josie had to understand what is Bipolar at a very young age; had to be there for Lizzie when she had her outburst; had to be the one constantly check on Lizzie whether she had taken her meds; had to digest the emotion impacts from Lizzie after the outburst; had to understand how Lizzie functioned when she was down. None of that are easy, and there’s no one there to ask of what Josie really feels. How Josie pent out? What does she need? Josie might feel the need to be not wanting things and always be good so that she can get the love from Alaric (I remember in season 1, Josie felt the need to lose the game to get on Alaric good side) . So she just started to suppress her voice and her needs, because Lizzie need them the most. Over time or years of suppressing in front of her dearest family, she most likely felt unneeded by her parents, and forgettable to her parents(the girl that’s so quiet that her parents forget about her, the girl that Penelope won’t fight for anymore). She needed to feel needed, so she just let Lizzie take all of her, from whom she felt needed the most. So all of these from Josie’s perspectives, it started a vicious cycle for the twins. And leads to how the twins dynamics and how Josie are in present days. But her problem was never solved, they just accumulated day by day, year by year, leaving the good and dark side from Josie being so separated and unbalanced. The inner turmoil is always there. These lead to the extreme polarity of Josie’s good and bad side. When she’s doing bad, Josie would be especially aggressive than she needed to be because that’s an instinct to compensate the lack of action before. After long suppression, once being released, the instinct would be stronger than usual and harder to get it under control. Under the influence of dark magic, Dark Josie felt like another personality inside Josie here to take over the whole Josie and protect their interests that true Josie are neglecting. Kind of like dissociative identity disorder but not really it?? It’s just an understanding that I’ve been wanting to express, but so hard to organise it, because it’s so complex. By this understanding, I do still think that Josie should still be held accountable for her actions, even when dark magic was influencing her, like even people with mental health illness should be instituted and lost their freedom. I just think that it’s not fair to think she’s straight up very evil and do nothing good for people. It’s not like she’s being dark for no reason at all. This just mean that the dog that doesn’t bark can be more harmful than people think. These doesn’t mean that when Josie goes dark, she doesn’t deserve any leniency at all while holding her accountable. (And it’s not like she’s not beating herself up for most of the things she had done) Oh and sure, Josie should do the healthy way of voicing out these needs and all, to encourage a healthy dynamics between them like she’s the only healthy one between them, but still the problem is, they both lack the environment and guidance to make a healthy working relationship between themselves. How could they know what is healthy when the environment was already lack thereof.
8) Reading Lizzie’s diaries is bad, I understand, because you literally need to understand what leads to what, to gain control when your life is a chaos, but still. It’s even worse when you have that need to confide in another person to get things out wrongly. (I was having a phone call during the diary sharing review, but this is what I vaguely get) a) Josie is confiding the contents very specifically to another person that Hope can somehow reconstruct a sequel to it? b) Josie chose the wrong place to confide it since when she gets emotional, people can probably hear what was shared. At least from what I guess I got, it isn’t stated that she spread it to the whole school nor it was spread to the whole, even if that’s the case, it may not be on purpose, and she chose the wrong person to confide in. Like about the reveal in 112, she made up that Hope talking bad about Lizzie to the whole school, but it doesn’t mean that she spread it nor the whole school actually knows. Another case is, even if the school knows, it could easily be known by any passerby to Lizzie outburst and spread in the school. From what we saw from 101, the kitchen is a public space, the utensils and cutleries breaking should be very alarming, and there are students with intensified senses in the school. By that fact itself, it doesn’t really help Lizzie in being discreet of her illness. Still, sharing your sister’s diaries after reading it is really bad. But I do get that, sometimes you really need to talk to someone that know some of the situation but don’t really know the person in question to recalibrate yourself. But that person have to be like the dead end of all school gossip but not close to Lizzie, so it can do no harm (because he/she/they literally have no use to talk to someone with all these, usually there’s this no name policy, but with Lizzie being her sister, it’s useless hiding, maybe) when you disclose something related to her pertaining your own issues. Josie should apologise for sharing Lizzie diaries, even if Hope was not meant to know that, despite her werewolf hearing. For the reading part, did we get the apology tho? I guess we had? If negative, apologies needed.;
9) From Lizzie perspective, we can see her does Josie wrong but didn’t apologise either. Like Lizzie being princess but Josie being her android, personalised valet? It just showed that during that period of time(specifically from when until when tho, that’s a question), after what Josie had been enduring, taking care of her, Lizzie thought of herself being princess but didn’t actually think Josie as her equal? Like how the Android was programmed to bow to Lizzie? That’s just the habit of the twins dynamic showing, also partly Josie mistake, but Josie does deserves to be perceived as more than that, even when she’s derogatory to herself, Lizzie should uphold that for her. Their dynamics is just sad because it’s not entirely the twins fault, it’s also due to the absent parents in the household, they didn’t know better, they can only depend on each other. They’re orphaned like Hope in a way when their parents are still present. Even though they have privileges as Alaric’s daughters, but that doesn’t help with their real situation. This is just a perfect example of how your family shaped you, but we can still fight to shape ourselves after the power that our parents have over us gradually diminished, like how they’re starting to shape themselves more now as they’re coming to age.
10) What really warms me from the Android situation, despite Josie feeling like she’s being degraded the whole time, a subject to Lizzie, is that from how Josie is the combination of two Androids, also shows that how Lizzie actually looked up to Josie. Maybe it’s not addressed, but I see that. For Lizzie, Josie can really do so much things for her, take care of her so closely that Lizzie can count Josie as her personal valet. Derogatory, yes, but that place is also very important to prince and princess, bc they can literally do nothing to take care of their daily lives themselves well, like Merlin for Arthur (I mean the actions, not the presumably romantic relationship). Without Merlin, Arthur life is a mess! And the knowledge for Android part, it means that in Lizzie’s mind, Josie actually is like the person who knows everything😂 usually that figure should be our parents😭, but for Lizzie, it’s Josie, like she knows the answer to all. It’s sad and warming at the same time. Just more appreciation will do! And the fact that the special sword that they’re finding the whole time was in Josie’s thigh, just show how the trust that Lizzie had in Josie, not even their parents can triumph it, because Josie was the one being there the whole time. So they really deserves each other despite all the shitty things they have done to each other.
11) about Lizzie mental illness, I was recommended a post informing people about how Legacies fucked up Lizzie’s illness. After my own research, I do agree with the OP, I think that Lizzie situation is more like borderline personality disorder rather than bipolar, but that doesn’t make the whole situation easy. I can provide the table I made the next time regarding that.
12) Hope being Lizzie’s villain is really fitting, lmao, the intensity of Alaric care for Hope is so much that even Lizzie thought that Alaric would betray the twins for Hope.
13) I like Hope’s look. Josie being the Android that malfunction sometimes is funny too, especially when Josie is angry the whole time, cuz it’s infuriating too🤣🤣
14) Hope and Josie during Lethan kiss is me. How they’re totally in the same team when Lizzie being like that? Hosie are both wary of their characters and backstory? Hosie rights. Hhhhhh, oh Hope might be jealous of Ethan😂 Hizzie rights.
15) Another Hizzie rights, Hope wrote a sequel to Lizzie fanfic. And..... is Hope officially a nerd too???? I can’t! Hhhhh but maybe not, or else Hope would have known who she was.
16) Lizzie says, maybe deep down I still feel that you’re the chosen one (IN HER OWN STORY)
17) Younger Hope kind of break my heart more. It’s so sad😭😭 how she’s in denial of their parents death, and blame it on herself.....no baby. How Hope just have to tell herself all that again. And about Hope being scavenger, I think it’s fitting too. Her life, like the twins, is in pieces too. She had to pick them up herself, and build a world where her heart and hope can rest safely, and that just make her not mad at Josie burning down her room gayer. She was so closed up to herself that her room is like another world for her. So forgiving Josie just because of her crush, is like Josie and her crush on Hope meant the world to her???? Hosie rights! Anyway, Josie still messed up with that.
18) Having Younger Hope saying those things to Josie, oh my heart! Josie is a protector for Hope! Hosie rights! And Hope knowing the truth to stop Lord Marshall! Malivore, and Josie just stop talking because she doesn’t want to encourage Hope to die😍😍 Younger Hope actually wants to be best friends with the twins!!!!
19) Hope literally just stop growing taller after 12/13 like I did, is fact! And I’m comforted by that, sorry not sorry, lmao!
20) For real I don’t understand why Hope is suddenly full tribrid at the end. When she fights with Malivore.
21) The gun fight and sword fight is so weird! It’s like the gunners don’t know how to shoot at all, like they’re in slow motion, difficultly level easy to the audience, it’s so fake. I’m for Hope being badass, but it seems like the show doesn’t know how to portray a good fight scene. The sword fight is like in slow motion. And if Hope is to combine magic with sword fighting, she should combine them more. I don’t feel she’s badass at all, cuz it’s literally level easy😑
22) Star Wars AU have brought up so many childhood unresolved for the trio to understand each other more and be a better team. I love them ended up being all supportive and the panda promise🤣🤣 I love that the twins just agree not to let Hope die like that. But they’re like promise that a little later than Cleo and Landon? My team Sowanby! Applause to Handon, but please don’t be together again! Strike three, no is no!
23) for MG, Jed, Kaleb, they really need to make up with each other, I’m glad that they finally made it. And Kaleb being jealous of Methan? Lmao! And MG didn’t even say Ethan name? I love Maleb bonding, and MG never left his man behind!! Another things is, what’s wrong with those boys fighting scenes? We saw them throwing valuables to distract the monster again?! What if the keys are damaged? How are you going to go home? Oh and Jed being useful!
24) Jed last name is Tien, 田/填 in Chinese, I’ve shared enough in my other post. But still WE DONT ACTUALLY HAVE JED FIRST NAME! Give us that!
25) Still, I don’t understand how the wendigo is not dead yet. And how come it’s defeated by fire this time??
26) I don’t quite actually know what’s happening with Dorian. Is he okay? I bet he is, so Emma is coming back, right? Based off what the conversation is? We need Emma, really.
27) regarding Emma, is the lack of mother figure that I want to address when stating the twins dynamic. I don’t actually know a lot from TVD or TO, I just happen to know some general things and snippets from edits. But I know Hayley’s words before she dies, like “I’m not going to teach my daughter it’s okay to let people she loves die” and paint art, have at least one epic love? But for real, in legacies, all I get for Hayley is 103, Josie paying her respects, but none other than that. It’s all Klaus. I believe that Hayley is an important figure to Hope too. But she’s not mentioned enough, it’s kind of erasing her impact on Hope?? Like Caroline too, we get her phone calls, the twins trip to Europe to treat their problems off-screen, the letter for Lizzie in 302, the recommendation for Lizzie to go to the witch retreat, but not vetted by Alaric.....yes she get all these and Jo Laughlin being there in 106 (I cried so hard). But still the mother figure is still being minimised. Like in Lizzie’s fanfic there’s never a place for Caroline? How surreal? It doesn’t make sense. (I understand the actress is just not returning). But still these doesn’t change the fact that the show is lacking a mother figure as a whole. Emma should be that.
28) Clarke!!! Like it’s predictable! But what’s unpredictable is that he went straight to shower🤣🤣🤣 I love his snarkiness! Clarke meeting Hope half naked! Holarke! Hhhhhh
I’m too tired, sharing this episodes thoughts is exhausting me. There must be something I left out, please feel free to remind me!
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I put so much investment into Roxie and Dadlock lately (I’m sorry) and it's all I ever think about them bc who doesn't love found family tropes. For TFTN, I took in key elements of characters, backstory and lores from IDW and incorporated the ideas into my own for TFTN.
I’ve been listening to Lasting Impression by Silent Descent when writing up Dadlock’s life (which probably fitting).
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Trigger warnings for mentions of discrimination, drug use, implied dubcon, medic, shadowplay / mnemosurgery(?), child abuse, depression, implied suicide, ptsd trauma(?). 
I’ll put all of this under readmore
I've been thinking about how much similarities between Roxie and Drift in having to hide certain things about themselves from the society--with Roxie being deaf who has to constantly cover her hearing aids with her long hair, and Drift was a forged triple changer. 
Triple changers cybertronians bear the brunt of discriminations for being so different and the Functionalist Council saw them as a threat to Cybertron's future and the caste systems. Techno-organics also shared the similar reaction for being much different from others and were turned away by Functionalist medics.
It was pretty telling what Drift had gone through in his life… Before Roxie was constructed with his spark, before the Greatsword connected to his spark while unaware of the intentional true purpose in store for him and Roxie later on, and before Dai Atlas took him in to the Samurai clan. 
He did not start off as a good life living on the streets and homeless on Rodion. He was an independent, mostly kept to himself, barely opening up to anyone. He endured survival instincts living on the streets, and learnt self-defence battle protocols to defend himself when necessarily. 
Obtaining Energon for refuel wasn’t easy. He went through a dark place of sleeping rough, hooked on circuit boosters to spare the pain and selling himself for Energon through sexual activities. It wasn’t his choice nor how many times had he lost count when he came close to almost-deactivation from certain outcomes.
He never forgot the time he visited the medibay clinic to be patched up and to feel safe. That was the first time he saw Ratchet.
It was not the vivid life Drift wanted to remember for discussion. He spared the dark details of his early life and post-Shadowplay-to-Autobot’s assassin era from Roxie, because it’s not something he wanted to subject her to that exposure, even for one so young and carefree who was not exposed to the Functionalist era. He only shared his life after Dai Atlas approached and took him in, which changed his life completely, to his life amongst the Samurai clans. Dai Atlas was the closest thing he would call to a Sire. He became familiar with the likes of Cyclonus and Axe.
Axe and Cyclonus became his best friends who later became his Amica Endurae. Axe does not understand the life Drift went through--he had experienced living rough--but he was the only person he could trust enough to vent to. Cyclonus, on the other hand, understood what he went through and offered her shoulder for him to vent.
Crystal City was the safest place it had been in so long for Drift, not counting the fact a particular medical clinic had been relatively safe away from the backend alleys. Everything was good afterwards, he became a trained swordmech. It takes some adjustment for him to get used to sleeping in an actual berth provided for his own amongst other things--including Energon for refuel and to live. He did meet Ratchet, despite them having met long before when Drift lived on the rough streets.
Drift received upgrades to his frame, putting the past behind him to start anew under Dai Atlas’ mentorship, and touching the Greatsword had given him a second chance to move on from his past (obvious to the fact that the Greatsword had chosen him for a reason, or what fate had in store for him).
Becoming a Samurai was the best life-changer for him.
The Functionalists Council had arranged for Drift to be taken and captured (all the while, Pharma had secretly played a part in it) and was taken straight to the Institute where he was subjected to Shadowplay against his will.
Many years later, he eventually discovered Roxie’s existence… and somehow learnt she is his Kindred. And that instinct promptly activated his paternal Sire Coding within both his and Deadlock alter-ego’s programming. 
Life for Drift was royalty fucked up after Shadowplay had changed him into a deadly, fearless assassin with Emperor Nemesis as his handler (this was revealed in Prologue Part One). He was not known as Drift, he became Deadlock--likely a case of an alter-ego formed as the result from his traumas. Before all that discovery, he met Windblade and Perceptor who became two important figures in his life and opened up his spark. As a reminisce of his early days forcing to hide the fact he’s a triple changer, Windblade had to hide her cityspeaker ability whereas Perceptor had to hide his outlier ability and refrained himself from reading others’ thoughts. They hid this from the Functionalists and found themselves form a connetion with Drift after he saved them from unforseen situations. Drift knows what it’s like to hide and pretend, and sworn to sercery to keep both Windblade and Perceptor safe. He fell in love with Windblade and Perceptor--with an emotional deep connection with the young cityspeaker and scientist--but he never got to tell them both after they got separated apart from each others.
Roxie was constructed cold with her spark being a donor from Drift’s, thus forming a strong bond between the two--such bond between a Sire and a Kindred are considered rare in some cases. This is known as Cognatio Endurae.
Though, Roxie… didn’t have a good start after being subconsciously locked away in a stasis pod by the Emperor’s doings. The sad thing is? Drift does not know whether she was physically abused constantly through the bond whenever he was resistant against being controlled, or forced to obey commands, or goes against authority orders--and the thought alone had really broken him.
He tried to save her the first time but was caught out and forced to watch in horror as The Emperor abused Roxie in front of his optics--which played into the triggers whenever he saw Roxie was harmed and he shifted into his Deadlock persona way later on. Yes, Drift and Deadlock alter ego both genuinely care for Roxie. 
Techno-organics were not well-known to Cybertronians until the 22nd or 23rd Century, but one with an organic human DNA is considered rare. Now for Roxie, being a techno-organic and all… it wasn't easy to bring her up. Drift is new to parenting and can be a worrywart over her. His past actually helped him to adapt and care for her--he eventually grows into a better person than he used to be. 
Though, what Drift never prepared for… was Roxie diagnosed with severe hearing loss, aka Deaf / Hearing Impaired, in both audial receptors. He went as far to start his research and how to help her. He is patient and relied on the bond to communicate with her, he taught her to lipread--because he had little knowledge of sign languages. Once they get their servos on functioning Hearing Aids for her, she can hear their voices. It wasn't the best or helpful to her, Drift was relieved she was responsive to his voice like a sense of familiarity to her.
Due to the immense strong bond and prioritising Roxie first before himself, Drift turned off his pain sensors to take in the burdens and sensed her emotions and pains.
But her upbringing had its moments. Roxie hated hearing tests. It made her extremely stressed over the noise levels and the lowest ringing noises were the worst of all. She was a victim to disability discrimination by society, which she was completely shunned out and struggled to make any friends. It did hurt her and her hearing wasn't perfect that the kids relentlessly teased her for her difficulties--the aftermath forced her to cover ears and hearing aids with her long hair to hide her disability. 
She was dejected and left out, unsure whether to question where she would fit in in this universe. Drift sensed this coming through the bond and tried his best to comfort her as a father wanting to understand her. Roxie’s struggles with deafness had impacted on her mental health and she went through a dark place succumbing to negative voices and far too anxious to socialise with anyone.
She would cry herself to sleep with a wish how badly she wanted to hear, and bottled all of her emotions and issues to herself. She found it completely hard to talk or open up about her feelings--even to Drift and Axe. Such intrusive thoughts prone her despair into an emotional crying mess leading to Drift exposed his spark chamber to guide and soothed Roxie out of an anxiety attack keeping her focus onto his calming, pulsing spark and enfolded within his EM field filled with nothing more than a comforting familial love.
Suffice to say, Drift had coaxed gently, without pressuring her, got her to open up to him and listened to her confide in him. One time, she accidentally slammed Drift’s doorwing, which was very sensitive, when her emotions got the best of her during an outburst and of course, Roxie felt completely bad afterwards.
Meeting new people was difficult for her, much less making new friends without the unnecessary attention from adolescent organic males. Due to the society looking down on disabled people, Roxie doesn’t want to let anyone in, something that was passed on from her Sire, without putting her guarded wall down and succumbing to heartaches. She stayed--remained--close to Drift and Wing. She trusts them and they’re the only ones she relied heavily on for their support and speak on her behalf.
Beyond that, there were complications on their welfare over the years hiding on Earth, especially when Roxie’s health was concerned. Her height growth was stunted and slowed throughout her activated age. (At eighteen activated age as example, she stood at 5ft 4in). However, there’s major issues Drift and Axe had to deal with rationalizing Energon usage after the first time they watched Roxie overcome with extreme fatigue from low Energon. They were alerted by this despite the three of them living pretty rough to hide out on Hedonia without detecting the Autobots--they moved from one hideout to another, erasing their presence from their previous accommodations. Moving to a new place made Roxie unsettled the first few nights.
Drift’s early life resurfaced given the living arrangements on Hedonia, he was willingly to sacrifice his Energon for Roxie and replenish her energy and to avoid her body going into stasis shock. He had considered an Energon transfer reserved for emergencies only just for Roxie alone, and the process was risky that Axe had berated him for it on a dangerously low Energon withdrawal. Axe could understand due to Energon being scarce and trying to save as much credits that he had gone further to search and provide fuels for the three of them to survive.
Had they lived on Cybertron, specifically in the roughest places, Drift would’ve given away a full Energon to Roxie and spared little usage for himself to live through another day.
"A good Sire would do anything for their Kindred" Drift told Axe. And the truth is, Roxie was a beacon of light to Drift through the darker aspects of his life, even with being there for her through her low days.
That's as far I've written from my head about these two and I'm having many feelings over these two.
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doinbetter · 4 years
this is very personal so i completely understand if u don’t want to share!! but i know you have mentioned that you have struggled with an eating disorder in the past. so i’m wondering how you are doing and how you’ve sort of fixed ur eating habits and patterns and how they’ve changed to become more healthy? like have you struggled with binge eating or self control issues with food for example?
i’d like to open this w this is NOT a guide for how to manage an eating disorder & if anyone’s reading this that’s struggling with one, you should get help if you can. you’ll see that that’s hypocritical of me but I don't rly want anyone to go through what I’ve been through w it. 
I’m definitely comfortable with sharing it, but this does get super personal lol so if u don't care to see this or if you’re gonna be a dick about it, i’d prefer if you didn’t read this all. 
ok this is a rly long answer but i feel like it’s necessary to see the whole picture to understand where I’m at? I was about to be vague like...
“well its been ok for a few years now and it’s constantly on my mind, but that’s fine bc I can manage it by reducing negative influences and eating a balanced diet! :))) maybe I’ll get help when I’m older!!!:)))))”
but I’m giving my long answer. I wouldn’t want someone seeing this like “oh! she just eats healthy and it’s fine now!” I just can not minimize this and make it seem less important than it is. ED’s suck and fuck w your mental / physical health like nothing else. 
My history with my ED: 
I’ve actually been doing relatively well w/ the restricting aspect recently (as in for the past 3 years) barring what I call my “annual bad week.” the worst of the restricting happened first in 7th-8th grade, then in in spring & summer 2017. it usually flares up when my life gets out of balance in some way, like in 7th and 8th grade, 4 of my family members died, my mom was in the hospital, my dad wasn’t emotionally present and I was super insecure in general. junior year, i was in a really toxic friend group & in a REALLYYYY toxic / abusive relationship. 
Regularly, it’s easier for me to force myself to eat than to stop myself from eating. This is why i’ve struggled to get down to a healthy weight since I gained like 40 lbs after my 2017 flare up. (sidenote: this is what people mean when they say heavily restricting isn’t effective for weight loss. I had been restricting for so long, that when I started eating more again, I just couldn’t stop. and now I’m actually overweight, when I started at a healthy weight. but that’s not the worst thing in the world. I’ve just been **slowly** losing that extra weight for the past 2 years in an effort to get to a healthy weight, but it’s so much more taxing when you’re trying to balance wanting to minimize the negative health impacts of being overweight, with not wanting to fall into your ed again.) 
There are still some nights where I overeat, and yea I feel kinda guilty still, but I’m good at not punishing myself for it the next day. imo it’s so much healthier for me to accept being a bit overweight still and overeat sometimes, as long as I'm not quickly gaining or losing weight. 
How I’ve been managing it without therapy (not recommended but I do what I gotta do):
Nowadays, I try to just eat a normal amount of what I’m craving when I’m craving it & to not worry about it, rather than making a big deal about it. and that’s good enough to prevent Major binge/restrict cycles from starting, which was my main issue between my main flare ups (like in 9th / 10th grade). Even if I wasn’t quickly losing a ton of weight, I’d binge eat and then restrict bc I felt guilty, until i binge ate again, then i’d restrict again, & I tied my worth/confidence to what I was eating. 
My body image has also improved a lot as i’ve gotten older, and my weight has regulated now that I’m not in a relationship. i’ve been in some unhealthy friend groups & relationships, but now that i’m not in those situations, my habits are a lot healthier. 
until I’m able to get formal help for it, I’m just trying to live the most balanced lifestyle possible- which includes choosing healthy relationships, not getting too stressed/ leaving stressful situations, getting the right amount of exercise, sleeping plenty, and being mindful about food without letting it control my emotions. 
therapy thoughts:
i haven’t gotten help for it yet, but really I should and want to. it’s mostly just money holding me back, bc I don't want to approach my parents with it to get help paying for it. there are reasons that I don’t want them to know, and I’m not sure they even really “believe” in therapy anyways bc I asked for it junior year and they didn’t think I needed it. unfortunately, they’re still the generation that thinks you only need therapy if things are Really Visibly Bad, and things never got visibly bad for me- I’ve always looked healthy. 
My actual health / life hasn’t been at risk in recent years, but I do trust myself to know when I’m getting junior-year-level bad again. It’s definitely on my mind, but luckily I’m able to manage it so that it doesn’t physically manifest. 
But I definitely want to see a professional ASAP, and definitely before I have children of my own, because a lot of my disordered tendencies can be tied directly to my mom. it has become painfully obvious that she’s always had a bad body image and unhealthy eating habits, and she passed a lot of that onto me by a) not setting a good example, but more importantly b) by congratulating me when I lost noticeable weight (even tho I was always at a healthy weight & had no need to lose weight in the first place) and by condemning me and humiliating me when I gained weight. 
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aplaceforthesoul · 4 years
Anonymous submitted:
for tash again pls from https://aplaceforthesoul.tumblr.com/post/620183874016870400/anonymous-submitted-from
i’m really sorry that i keep hammering on about this but some days im ok and i thought im getting over it but sometimes like today it all comes in waves and i’m overwhelmed with sadness and cry about it again and i dont know where else to turn because i dont really have friends and my family expected me to be over it.
i used to have a friend who is still working there (lets call her C). we bonded bcs we’re from the same country, on the same visa, and the same age, although she’s been working there longer than i have. our visas expire around the same time, and we both had spent a lot of time together worried about what to do about it (we wanted permanent residency, but it’s not easy) so we talked about maybe going to regional australia and study something else, maybe we’ll just return home, and we can live together. we bonded over how we were not getting paid, our toxic employers, etc.
C came to australia as a student, on her own, and started working at this restaurant years ago, when it once was a small takeaway shop, before it reopened in a bigger place - thats when i joined the team. in some way, the original boss had acted as a sort of maternal figure to C, who is obviously far away from her family, and she is also epileptic. so the boss had done things like fetch her to and from the airport, the clinic, advice for living in the country, etc. and somehow, in this employer’s twisted mind, she thinks it is then ok to treat C like free help for her shop rather than an employee because she had done all this for her. so instead of paying C properly, as well as paying her super and everything else an employer should do, she finds it ok to abuse C by paying her whenever she likes, screaming at her for not answering her phone, overworking her, etc.
and C has on numerous occasions complained to me about the abuse she went through. she clearly doesnt like the boss, as on numerous occasions she had brought up the idea of reporting the business, she complains about the work, not being paid and the difficulty it had caused her and flat out said doesnt like the working conditions. BUT. if u were to ask her about the NICE things the boss has done for her, she changes her tone. she boasts about the GOOD things the boss has done for her like the flowers for her birthday - the pictures of her holding the bouquet is her profile pic everywhere, and how the boss takes care of her during an epilepsy episode - (and then put her to work the next night.)  i’ve always thought it was weird , but never questioned her more about it. soon after the fallout with the two bosses, i was on the phone with her. i was crying bc i was distressed about the change, and she said: “we are the children, and they are the adults. if the business fails, it fails. let them deal with it. we’ll just carry on our work."
we were talking everyday after that just before i realised i had gotten fired. our last conversation was in february, on the phone, when we were talking about hanging out after work. and suddenly, everything dropped. i realised i had been let go from work, and suspect that the boss had told C not to talk to me anymore. i know C had extended her visa by changing to a student visa, to study cooking, because the boss said she would sponsor her if she did that. she went to study with borrowed money from her family (since she isnt getting paid nearly enough to even pay her rent smh) which is something she told me she didnt want to do. like i dont understand that at all.
what a shit show huh.
now C is not returning my messages. in fact i saw her at the shopping mall just last week. my first instinct was to go up and speak to her, until she spotted me, stopped in her tracks, and went the other direction. i truly did not expect her to be the one to turn her back on me, after everything we’ve been through.
my visa is supposed to expire next month, but after the lockdown my family and i decided that it is the best decision to stay put in australia for the time being. so i applied for a visitor’s visa for a year. the form asked for proof that i had stopped working, in the form of payslips or contract, both of which i dont have, obviously. but i submitted it anyway so now im still waiting on my application.
it just baffles me how one bad employment and two incompetent bosses had fucked up my life this bad. i cant apply for anymore work in australia, so i have no income, the only other person who understood my situation is now gone, now im just waiting until its safe to leave the country. sitting at home, doing nothing but mulling over how i had lost my job, lost my best friend, lost the opportunity to do my masters, and leave the country i had lived in for this long.
im trying not to think about it anymore but its like half a year later and its still causing me grief but nobody knows or gets it.
anyway. sorry that this is long winded i just need to vent. you’re amazing tash, if only i could borrow your residency while you’re in the uk.
hey again <3 yeah getting permanent residency in australia is a nightmare, australia’s government is mostly anti-immigration which makes me sad. 
I can honestly understand why you’re still thinking about this and being negatively impacted by it all, the job gave you hope of completing your masters and staying longer in the country? and hope is a very powerful emotion! to then have it all taken away in such a brutal and unfair and cruel way...well that would affect anyone pretty badly. add in the fact that the ending of the job has created a lot of other negative situations and distress? it makes a lot of sense about why you’re still upset over this. 
this business needs to be reported, honestly what they’re doing is cruel and illegal. it’s quite clear that they are using the promise of sponsoring study as a way to manipulate vulnerable people into underpaid work, it’s also now very clear that they have no intention of following through on that promise -- it’s now become a pattern of behaviour if they did it with C as well as you. they shouldn’t be allowed to continue to operate and to profit off the backs of immigrants and illegal wages. you’re the one who’s suffered, it’s up to you whether you do want to do this? but I would think a lot about it -- I know you mentioned that your parents are close with the owners, but this isn’t ok.
I think all you can do now is put this behind you, accept the reality of the situation and try to be as kind to yourself as you can. spend time looking after yourself, practising self care, prioritising you and your well-being. maybe that means daily exercise and walks, or creating art (clay, painting, drawing?), or spending time gardening, or practising yoga / meditation, whatever works for you. as long as it’s calming and relaxing for you, and you find some measure of peace? then that’s what matters. 
know that what happened to you wasn’t right, it wasn’t your fault at all. you were exploited and taken advantage of, and you didn’t deserve that. try to keep yourself busy as best as you can, take it one day at a time. make a conscious decision to work on letting this go and looking forward, see how things go. I think right now is the hardest bit, because you’re kinda stuck in limbo and there’s lockdown / social distancing measures to deal with too? but once you get moving again and things change, it may have a more positive impact on your mental health when you’re being kept busy again and you have a change of environment. 
I’m glad you were able to vent and get this off your chest, I hope you’re able to find some peace and acceptance moving forward xxx
- tash
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sunsetsover · 5 years
I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on Ben having BPD
ok WHEW you just opened a fucking can of worms this about to be the longest post i’ve ever made i hope you have your seatbelt on
let me just preface this by saying nearly everything i talk abt in this post will be based off of my personal experiences w bpd. some people experience it differently, some people might not agree w some of the things i say, but i can only talk abt my own pov. therefore, this just my own personal opinions on ben having bpd. so yh lmao
and disclaimer!! i’m not a doctor!! don’t take anything i say in this post as diagnostic criteria! i’m not an expert or mental health professional!! when it comes to your own mental health or the mental health of ppl in your life, do not consider me a source to reference like ‘oh well lauren sunsetsover said xyz’ like pls just don’t do that. do your own research. and most importantly consult a doctor!!!!!! i am not one!!!!!!!!!
also there are very few sources in this post bc most of this is just shit i’ve absorbed over the years from doctors and doing my own research lmao
now that’s out of the way let’s go! (this became part character study, part informational masterpost on bpd. also it got really fuckin long, hence the read more, so be warned lmao)
warning for potentially triggering content (abuse/mentions of suicide and self harm - nothin too bad but i do touch on ben’s behaviour and history, and this is a p serious mental health issue we’re talking abt here so! take care of yourselves!!)
ok so! some things to keep in mind before we even get to ben:
i believe (at least in the uk) borderline personality disorder is considered to be an outdated name, and one that essentially isn’t appropriate or fit for purpose anymore, so in my experience, a lot of the time now it’s referred to as eupd (emotionally unstable personality disorder) in medical settings. which is way more apt name imo, and tells you more abt what bpd actually is (but i still call it bpd bc it’s easier and ppl know what that is lmao). so like. emotionally unstable personality disorder. i bet that conjures up a way more vivid idea in ur head than borderline  personality disorder does.
no one 100% knows what causes bpd, though it’s thought to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors, like most things. but the general consensus is that bpd develops when something (usually traumatic, but not always in an extreme sense. ppl w bpd have often been victims of some type of abuse in their childhood, but that’s not necessarily always the case) happens in your childhood that impacts the development of your personality. kind of a bizarre metaphor but hopefully it will help u understand: u know how in finding nemo, the egg nemo was in got damaged by the shark? and even tho the damage looked minor, it actually meant that one of his fins was permanently damaged - it was malformed, it didn’t grow right, he couldn’t use it properly? well imagine the fin = the personality; that’s what happens to a person w bpd’s personality. smth happens to us in our childhood that permanently damages our personality, and so it doesn’t grow and develop properly as the rest of us does, making it less functional than an average person’s. u can imagine how that can lead to all sorts of problem (we’ll get to them later)
but bc it’s a mental disorder that affects the personality, you can’t be diagnosed w bpd until you’re 18, when your personality is basically developed fully (i believe it can be diagnosed slightly younger, but those are rare and extreme cases). however, symptoms can start to present themselves earlier, as ur personality begins to develop and mature. (mine started presenting in my early teens)
bpd doesn’t really go away, and treatment with medication generally isn’t effective for long periods of time. however symptoms can be treated with continued therapy, and symptoms sometimes can start to ease as you get older!!
bpd also gets misdiagnosed a lot bc a lot of the symptoms are similar to that of other mental health problems. the biggest one it gets misdiagnosed as seems to be bipolar disorder, which i get tbh. i’ve always considered bpd very similar to bipolar, just like… quicker cycles. there are even memes about it. also bpd has a tendency to coexist w other mental health issues, which makes it harder to recognise and diagnose.
so now lets look at this from a diagnostic perspective
in order to be diagnosed w bpd you basically have to deemed, by a medical professional, to be meet certain criteria, and to have been meeting these certain criteria for a significant amount of time. there are some variations to this criteria, and proposed subtypes and basically different flavours of borderlines but i’m not even gonna go there. i’m just gonna talk abt what i’m most familiar w and how i think that applies to ben.
i’m copying and pasting the diagnostic criteria part from here bc as far as i’m aware this is the criteria doctors use for diagnosis. there are 9 different ‘indicators’/’criteria’, and you have to display or meet at least 5 of them in order to be considered for a bpd diagnosis:
1. Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
this is one of, if not the biggest part of bpd. that trauma i mentioned earlier? often stems from or is related to abandonment, or perceived abandonment, in childhood, be it physical or emotional. for example, a child that’s being abused by one parent might feel abandoned by the other parent if they don’t do anything about it, even if the second parent has no idea the abuse is going on. sound familiar? a similar thing happened to ben, with stella. phil not doing anything about the abuse ben was facing at the hands of stella - even though he didn’t know it was happening, even though phil did do something once he found out - was an abandonment to ben. and that’s just the tip of the abandonment iceberg for ben - kathy faking her death and leaving him was an abandonment (even when he thought she was actually dead), phil’s own abuse was an abandonment, as was his reaction when ben came out, and so on. and abandonment like that skews your thinking so you believe that everyone is going to abandon you, sooner or later, that they must be abandoning you for a reason, you must be a terrible person, you must be unworthy of people’s effort/time/love etc etc.
even when paul died, that was an abandonment to ben! like logically we know - and ben probably knows too - that paul didn’t want to die, he didn’t want to leave ben, he didn’t deliberately leave ben. but that doesn’t matter. mental illness is illogical, bpd is illogical, esp when it comes to abandonment. e.g. my therapist had to cancel a few of our appointments once bc she was ill, and it felt like an abandonment. like it was personal somehow, like she wasn’t coming into work bc of me, bc i was too much work, too hard to handle. ofc that wasn’t true, but that’s how it felt. it’s illogical. so ofc my solution was to just not go to my appointments even when she came back, bc like what other response is there lmao. it’s just that everything a person does feels personal, like it’s because of/about you, even when it isn’t. even when it has nothing to do w you. that’s probably why ben can come across at selfish at times, like he’s making everything about him. because it is all about him, in his mind. everything is because of him, is his doing, his fault etc. his way of thinking is skewed into thinking like that, bc shit keeps happening to him and ppl keep leaving him, so it must be his fault.
and!! ‘frantic efforts’ isn’t necessarily what u think it is!! it can be desperate begging ‘i’ll do anything to keep you in my life’ type actions, but it just as equally can be lashing out and abandoning someone in order to prevent them from abandoning u first - a ‘get them before they get me’ mentality  (the whole scene where phil was in the hospital comes to mind - the ‘why doesn’t he love me back?’ was the more desperate part of him, tho it wasn’t necessarily an ‘effort’ per se, but then him trying to kill his dad basically in order to have the abandonment be at least on his own terms? that’s lashing out, and def qualifies as a ‘frantic effort’ lmao). and how often do we see that in ben? lashing out at jay in the hospital because he knew he was mad at him, and he’d rather hurt jay physically before he could hurt him emotionally? ben trying to support callum and showing him kindness, only to turn around and threaten to out him when he finds out callum asked stuart to sort him out? everything that happened w his dad, trying to fuck him over before his dad can get there first, trying to get rid of keanu so he can’t be abandoned in favour of him (although that didn’t really work, but it rarely does work the way u want it to lmao). and the biggest one to me, though probably one that people have already forgotten, is him breaking up w that guy he was seeing in newcastle even tho they were into each other bc he ‘had to, otherwise [he] would have ruined his life’. even tho we don’t really get details, that says it all to me. it’s v much a pattern that’s present in ben.
2. A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by extremes between idealization and devaluation (also known as “splitting”)
i feel like this one doesn’t need much explaining lmao
here is a definition of splitting from here (which is a very good article on splitting imo if u wanna read more abt it): ‘Splitting is a term used in psychiatry to describe the inability to hold opposing thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. Some might say that a person who splits sees the world in terms of black or white, all or nothing. It’s a distorted way of thinking in which the positive or negative attributes of a person or event are neither weighed nor cohesive.’
a little explanation of it from me: ppl w bpd can sometimes have very simplistic, all or nothing views on things. and splitting is basically when ur opinion on something or someone changes very quickly (sometimes instantly), often to an extreme (e.g. going from loving and idolizing someone, to absolutely fucking hating them, or from having a neutral opinion on something to suddenly becoming extremely angry abt it) sometimes without even having an identifiable trigger. it links into black and white thinking, which u may have heard of before - u either love someone and they can do no wrong, or u hate them and they disgust you. either something is amazing or it’s terrible. there is no grey area, no in between. it goes back into the whole ‘not being able to regulate ur emotions properly’ thing lmao there’s rarely nuances to our emotions or feelings, we’re all or nothing a lot of the time. so splitting is when ur opinion rapidly changes to one of these extremes. sometimes u can even go back and forth, splitting over and over on the same person/thing which is super fun.
ben splits on his dad all the time. all the fucking time. he doesn’t care about phil at all and wants to ruin him, then he wants phil’s approval and to be welcomed back into the family fold and the business. then ben hates him and wants him dead, then 5 minutes later he wants his love, wants to be a good son again. that’s splitting. u can also see it w jay, too, but no where near as extreme as w his dad. and i’ve seen it a couple of times w callum too, but again, it’s way more subtle. u probably wouldn’t notice it if u weren’t looking for it, whereas w phil it’s obvious.
but like i don’t need to explain ‘unstable and intense interpersonal relationships’, do i? just look at the relationships w phil, w jay, w lola, w callum, even w paul - they were unstable back when they first got together, and were arguably kind of intense too. (he settled a bit w paul, but his death/perceived abandonment fucked him up a lot beyond the expected ways). he’s always arguing w the ppl he loves. he tried to get poor billy killed, and yet since then he’s had no problem w him!! none of his relationships - apart from maybe his mum and ian (i don’t include lexi bc she’s a child) - are stable. and i would definitely describe his relationships as intense lmao
3. Identity disturbance: Markedly or persistently unstable self-image or sense of self
u can see this most - as most things - in his relationship w his dad. he fluctuates between seeming to know his worth (and demanding other people know it too), knowing he deserves his dad’s love and approval (why else would he be so mad abt the fact hes not getting it, if not bc he knows he’s worthy of it? if he didn’t think so, he wouldn’t be so angry abt not getting it - he’d be accepting/understanding, wouldn’t he?) and being desperate to do anything to get his dad’s love/approval, even things that are below him, turning into a child, begging to know why his dad doesn’t love him, why he’s never been enough. that scene where phil had found out abt ben trying to frame keanu and leaving him for dead is the epitome of this. u can see ben fluctuate between a hurt, traumatized little boy, begging his dad for some answers, some explanation as to why he’s not enough, begging him not to start drinking again, and a man who is angry, angry at his dad, angry at himself for crumbling like this, bc he should be stronger than this. u see him change multiple times in that one single scene. go watch it again. you’ll see it too.
some more examples: his absolute certainty that he is better and more qualified than the likes of shirley and keanu for working with his dad, and then being like ‘my dad was right, i’m good for no one’ - they don’t line up. does he have self esteem and know his worth or not? also his entire relationship w callum is an example of this - all those changes in his attitude towards cal and their situation? he often treats callum like they’re equals who understand each other, yet sometimes it seems like he thinks he’s superior to callum (e.g. the scene outside the cafe), and others he behaves (keyword) as though he thinks he’s not good enough for callum (why else would he just take all that shit from whitney and not say anything in retaliation? why, if not because he deems it more important that callum has an easier time of it than he does; that he regards cal’s comfort more important than his own? and why would he do that, if he held himself in such high regards? i mean he certainly acts like it sometimes, so why not then?)
also like……. who is ben? is he the bastard who cares about no one but himself, who’s always causing trouble not only for himself but for the people he cares about? is he the guy who just completely folds when people he knows hurtle abuse at him, accepting it lying down, who thinks he’s no good for anyone? the guy who goes out all night and drinks himself silly and purposefully gets himself into fights? the guy who shows callum so much empathy even tho it brings him nothing but pain, who loves jay unconditionally, who tried so hard to help bobby when he came back from prison? which one is he? which one does he want to be? does he even know?
(and you could argue that people are just multi-dimensional, but there’s just such a vast gap between these different facets of ben’s character and he can flip through them so fast it’s jarring, which is why i think it’s more like he straight up doesn’t have a consistent sense of self. which is a big part of bpd)
4. Impulsive behavior in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating)
again, does this need explaining?
doing illegal shit, excessively drinking, becoming unnecessarily violent, fucking up his relationships, just generally doing reckless things regardless of the consequences - this has always been a part of ben’s character.
(his constant hook ups could be another one, but the jury’s still out on that one. if anything it’s less the sex that worries me and more the flippant attitude he has when meeting up w ppl - they could be anyone and do all sorts, at the end of the day)
it became most obvious recently around the anniversary of paul’s death - drinking himself sick, gambling all his money away, deliberately starting fights. but even before that and since then it’s been there.
it’s basically just a way to self sabotage.
i feel like this one isn’t a consistent part of ben’s behaviour like the others are, but it is undeniably there, so.
5. Recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-harming behavior
although ben (to my knowledge) hasn’t displayed any suicidal behaviour, he has at times spoken in ways that could kind of sway that way. (i’m no good for anyone, i’m not worth it, why do you care etc)
also self harming!!! just because he doesn’t hurt himself in a direct way doesn’t mean he doesn’t deliberately put himself in situations where he’ll get hurt, and that is self harm!! letting stuart beat him at pride was self harm!! picking that fight w those homophobes at e20 was self harm!!! drinking to excess is a form of self harm!!! putting himself in harm’s way, even if he doesn’t get hurt, is self harm!!!! just bc he might not be self harming in the traditional sense doesn’t mean he’s not hurting himself!!! this one has been on my mind for so long!!!! oh my god!!!!! he absolutely has a pattern of self harming/self destructive behaviours, and just a general disregard for his own safety and well being!!!! the fact that it doesn’t worry more ppl in his life is so upsetting to me!!!!!!
6. Emotional instability in reaction to day-to-day events (e.g., intense episodic sadness, irritability, or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days)
aka the biggest part of bpd: pt 2
i feel like this definition doesn’t really do justice to this aspect of bpd. this is basically you literally having no control of your emotions. ‘day-to-day events’ have fuck all to do with it half the time. u could be sitting there minding ur business and all of a sudden you wanna smash up the entire room, for seemingly no reason. one time i was crying - like uncontrollably sobbing, a complete mess - and had been for maybe half an hour? and then all of a sudden, literally mid sob, it stopped. like it just stopped. i was done, i wasn’t sad anymore. i went from inconsolably crying to perfectly fine in a split second. can you even imagine that? it’s fucking crazy. that’s what having bpd is like. it’s like mood swings x1000 (that’s why i describe it like bipolar on a smaller scale - their mood swings last days/weeks/months, ours last minutes/hours, sometimes days but not often). you can be fine, then all of a sudden you’re not. or you can be not fine, and then all of a sudden you are. you can be ecstatic, then all of a sudden all the joy gets sucked out of ur body n u wanna die. then 5 mins later ur fine again. u can cycle thru every single human emotion in the space of a few hours with no warning whatsoever. u can go from feeling so many emotions u don’t know which one to focus on to feeling none at all. it’s exhausting. so yes ‘day-to-day events’ (this can be as minor as the way someone speaks to you, or not enjoying ur food as much as u thought u would, and it can make u terrifyingly sad or spark uncontrollable rage in u) can trigger it, but it’s like… at least that’s kind of justifiable. most of the time u just cannot regulate, control or predict ur emotions whatsoever. and often the emotions u do feel are not appropriate for the situation at hand lmao
on top of that, ppl w bpd have massive problems processing their emotions. while most ppl have the capacity to identify what they’re feeling and why, ppl w bpd often can’t. and bc they can’t identify it properly, they don’t know how to process it. that’s why emotions and feelings are so often black and white - we might develop the ability to recognise Big Emotions, like love and hate, happiness and sadness etc, but we can’t figure out the smaller, nuanced emotions. it becomes or, not and.
this is also why our emotions feel so big and all encompassing!! we can’t ignore our emotions!! they are our focus in a lot of ways. when ur sad, it feels like the world is ending, every single time. when ur happy, ur euphoric and nothing else matters, and so on. every emotion has the volume turned up to 100. that’s why our emotions sometimes come out in extreme or unhealthy ways - our emotions often feel so big we have such a hard time handling them. so we go to drastic lengths, whatever they may be, to cope.
(also bc most ppl w bpd are victims of abuse, we’re often hyperaware of other people’s moods, which can impact ours. someone can be annoyed for some innocuous, innocent reason, and yet bc we can sense it, we become scared or defensive and may lash out.)
and ben… little old ben, have u ever seen him have a rational reaction to anything in his life? how often have we seen him have an appropriate response to smth? my dad is shit, so i have to destroy him. failing that, i have to kill him. oh, my brother isn’t gonna let kill him? time to punch him in the face. my daughter ate all my cereal? it’s Overreaction Time. (this one in particular is Very Me like yes lexi is a child and he was unfair but my 7 year old cousin once drank all my j2os and i almost had a breakdown so i Get It) i’m feeling like shit? time to antagonise these homophobes until they beat me in the middle of the street. i sleep with this man once? time to get overly involved. he shows me a little bit of love and kindness? time to develop feelings for him despite him insisting he’s straight, the fact that he’s with a woman and i have been harassed and beaten by his homophobic family multiple times. but it isn’t going the way i wanted it to? time to impulsively hit him for not knowing what he wants, then immediately regret it.
and like. he went from crying his eyes out in his dad’s kitchen to threatening kat slater within the span of what, 10 minutes? he went from trying to kill his dad, to falling tf apart w jay, to trying to manipulate his dad - who had just woken up from a coma - for his own gain again, in the span of maybe an hour. if that doesn’t say rapid cycling, inconsistent emotions idk what does.
like idk enough about the old bens to say if this is a consistent characteristic of his or not (although based on the fact he killed a woman bc he was angry w his dad, i’d say it’s fairly safe to assume lmao) but ever since he came back his reactions and emotions have been pretty much never once been rational, stable or consistent.
(and like i wanna say i am saying all of this from the perspective of the bad days. so if you’re thinking ‘well, ben isn’t like that all the time’ ur right. neither am i. some days i’m fine, some days it’s not that bad, sometimes i can cope. but i still have bpd, even on those days. and imo, so does ben.)
7. Chronic feelings of emptiness
this is one i don’t really see in ben. we maybe see moments of emptiness, but certainly not enough to call it ‘chronic’.
also a lot of the moments we do see emptiness in ben, i feel like it’s forced emptiness, more for his own benefit or for the benefit of others rather than actual genuine emptiness. it’s not that he’s not feeling anything, it’s that what he is feeling he’s not showing. that’s very different from actually feeling empty.
8. Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (e.g., frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights)
this! is! such! a! massive! part! of! having! bpd! and it’s a part that no one ever fucking talks about either!!!
and again, does this one need explaining?
ben is anger. he’s a ball of it, and he has been for a very, very long time. he’s angry at his dad, at the world, at himself. for all sorts of reasons, both complex and simple. if i sat here and tried to get into all of it this post would be twice as long as it already is. and i don’t think i really need to, anyway. it’s not as if any of us need to dig very deep to see it, is it?
‘frequent displays of temper, constant anger, recurrent physical fights’ like i really don’t need to elaborate do i? bc what does ben do when he’s angry? his temper flairs up, he gets physical, lashes out, makes threats.
and he’s so often angry in response to emotional pain, which is the saddest (and for me, most relatable) part. just look at paul’s anniversary, how angry he was just in general, to everyone - even his mum, who is like the only exception to his anger since he’s been back - when he was just hurting and sad. how angry he got when he found out keanu had replaced him in phil’s will, when really he was just hurt. he gets angry and violent so people don’t see him as weak bc he’s hurting. he has been conditioned to get angry instead of getting sad. it’s not healthy at all.
there is so much more but i feel like it’s unnecessary for me to get into it. bc u know. ben’s not exactly subtle in his anger is he lmao
9. Transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms
this is the only other one that i don’t see in ben at all, and it’s one that i don’t really experience myself either so i don’t even have any insight to offer lmao
so!! more or less 7/9!! that’s a passing grade for diagnosis!!! welcome to the club, mr mitchell!!!!
all of this, of course, has been purely from a medical, diagnostic standpoint (w some of my personal experiences sprinkled in lmao). there’s so much more to say from like a ‘living w bpd day to day’ standpoint but like, this post is already way too fuckin long so i’m just gonna hit on a few that i feel are important in regards to ben, and ones i have’t spoken abt yet
most ppl w bpd have a ‘fp’ or ‘favourite person’ (tho it can be multiple people), which sounds nice but it’s kind of a really complicated and difficult thing tbqh. here’s the best definition i could find: ‘When someone with BPD uses the term “favorite person” to describe someone else, they are typically insinuating that this is a person they cannot survive without. For BPD sufferers, the favorite person is the person who is a source of emotional support and dependence. This individual has the ability to truly impact the BPD sufferer’s day in either a positive or negative manner. The favorite person to someone with BPD holds a critical role in their lives by holding the power to ‘make or break’ the successful navigation of daily tasks and struggles.’ it’s a difficult thing to explain/understand (so please feel free to google ‘favourite person bpd’ to get a better understanding), and is not always as dramatic as it sounds, but it’s like… even if they aren’t a source of ‘emotion support’, ur mental wellbeing can hang on this person’s every move. (which is not healthy, i know, but it’s just a thing that happens w bpd!) and phil is absolutely ben’s fp. ben hates phil, and yet is still so desperate to be in his good graces, in his life no matter what that costs him… and ben’s self esteem, his actions, his moods are so dependant on phil. it just?? makes so much sense to me. i realize it may not make much sense to someone who doesn’t have any understanding of what a fp is, but like if u do, i’m sure u see what i see.
i think maybe jay was another fp of ben for a while in the past. i don’t think he is as much since ben has come back, but in the past?? maybe. like less in the ‘my happiness is dependant on u’ way and more in like a ‘i’m very very attached to u and need u in my life and would maybe go crazy if anything or anyone got in the way of that’ way.
and i think callum might be sneaking into territory now too tbqh. it would explain why callum’s actions and words have such an impact on ben’s moods despite not much really happening between them. and like i wanna say: someone becoming ur fp is not a choice. it just happens. it’s not like ben is going ‘oh im going to get overly attached to u just for a laugh’, no. this would be completely out of his control. and when it happens, it fucking SUCKS. so if that is what’s happening, it’s going to have a massive impact on ben - and it seems like it already is.
and like taking the whole fp thing out of it (bc i know it’s complicated and hard to grasp) bpd would explain why ben seems to be so attached to callum even tho very little has actually happened between them!!! like bpd will have u falling in love w someone who just shows you basic human kindness and decency, and i mean that very literally!!! bc like i said when you have bpd, you struggle to navigate and handle basic emotions, so all the nuances of romance and love? jesus christ. it goes back into black and white thinking - i either love this person or i hate this person, there is no in between. so callum, showing ben kindness? showing him support with what’s going on w louise and what happened w phil? not hating him and thinking he’s despicable and evil and all those things people say about him? and ben, having bpd? he probably wouldn’t be able to comprehend that maybe cal’s just being friendly, esp not after they slept together. so ofc he would latch tf on to that. i would latch tf on to that. his behaviour towards callum just seems very on brand for having bpd to me, genuinely.
and !! all those things whitney said the other night !! people complained about him not arguing back, but like… she’s almost saying what ben wants to hear, when it comes to callum. bc i touched on it before but like the thing is when, you have bpd ur thought process is like ‘i care about this person, they are good, i don’t deserve them, i am bad, i am going to ruin them, i’m probably manipulating them into spending time with me and caring about me, but i can’t let them go, i need them, i bet they don’t even like me, i don’t deserve them, i don’t want them to get hurt, i don’t want to hurt them, i am going to hurt them, in the end.’ (and eventually it spirals into ‘actually they’re probably going to hurt me first bc everyone always does so let me completely destroy this relationship so it’s unrecoverable and hurt them now so they can’t hurt me later’ but that’s another story) and whitney more or less confirms that for him!!! in essence, what she says to him is ‘you’re bad, he didn’t want anything to do with you but you manipulated him into it. you don’t deserve him, you’ve hurt him, you’ve hurt me, how could you do this?’ so like… ofc he’s not gonna argue w her. he’s already had a shit day, all of the fight is gone from him, and he agrees w her!! i’m sure he was thinking that he deserved what whit was throwing at him - not necessarily for what he’d done to her, but because he is Bad and callum is Good and he needs to stay away from him, otherwise he’ll ruin him. bc that’s just what bpd brain tells u, even when u’ve got no basis to believe it. (unless ur splitting or experiencing a big emotional high, but again, that’s a different story)
and that kind of makes sense as to why he’d go to the wedding. going back to the anger instead of sadness thing - he’s hurting, so he’s going to get angry and vengeful. he has been hurt, so now he is going to hurt in return. esp considering both callum and whitney have seen him in such a vulnerable state. it’s probably a pride thing, too.
also just to expand a little more on the ‘unstable sense of self’ thing - ppl w bpd (and also victims of abuse, but sometimes that particular venn diagram is a circle) tend to change the personality based on who they’re with. which is what most people do, yes, but i mean the Extreme version. it’s a trauma response thing - u’ll reflect parts of a person’s personality back at them, or even take bits from personalities of ppl u know they like in the hopes that they’ll like u more like that, as opposed to ur real personality (if u even know what that is). and sometimes those parts stick (esp when you idolize the person u stole them from/they’re your fp), and it’s like u all of a sudden realize ur entire personality is built of parts of other ppls personalities that you’ve stolen. so it makes sense to me that ben seems to have so many differing personalities/sides to his personality, bc he’s learned which parts to show to who, and in what situations - in response to his abuse as a kid, if nothing else.
(and before anyone can even go there: that is not an act of manipulation. it’s a trauma response. it’s something that happens without us consciously having any say in it, as a way of self-preservation. it’s like if i make myself likeable and appealing to u, you’re less likely to hurt me, physically or emotionally. and yes ben has a habit of manipulation, but this is not a part of it. none of ben’s manipulation is directly bc of his hypothetical bpd, it’s bc that’s just who he is. i don’t ever want to see the two equated, or see anyone say any shit like ‘ben must have bpd bc he’s manipulative’, ever.)
just for the hell of it, here are some spicy bpd memes, bc that’s how we communicate on the internet. (here are two in particular seem quite relevant to ben rn lmao + bonus one for phil!!)
so! there we are!!! i’m sure there’s some important stuff i overlooked and that this is not what u expected when u sent me this question, but there are so many misconceptions and stigmas out there surrounding bpd that i wouldn’t have felt right half assing it. and i hope, if nothing else, u learned something abt bpd that u didn’t know before :-)
if u read this far ur a trooper lmao but if anyone has any questions, be they abt ben having bpd or bpd in general please feel free to ask!! i’ll do my best to answer them to the best of my ability 💖💖
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lividian · 5 years
Wat up, I'm here to bitch about stuff.
A good 90% of my life is straight pain and struggle right now. I spend every day trying to distract myself from how I'm feeling, whether that's through sitting on facebook watching slime videos for hours, doing schoolwork for even more hours, or doing regular things and pretending everything is fine. I try to make myself believe that I'm ok. Not say I'm never going to be ok, but I'm having a hard time dealing with all the shit life is throwing at me; has been throwing at me, for years.
I took off that mask yesterday, and I feel like I've been emotionally flayed. I'm raw and feeling all those little fragments of emotion I was protecting myself from, all at once. I've been in bed for the past 3 hours or so, thinkin about life and what mine is trying to teach me. Writing helps and I'm really open abt my mental health struggles, so I figured I'd pour it all out on here so maybe it could help someone or something.
A lot of my stressors include other people, so for their privacy, I'm going to use aliases.
Have you ever done something completely against your values/beliefs and wondered what underlying causes made you (re)act that way? I try to think about that often bc it tends to give new perspective and shed light on information necessary for changing those behaviors.
I had a tough childhood and now that I'm older, I can see the impact it's had on me for so long. Even things I can barely remember are reflected in my emotional responses and conscious decisions if I pay enough attention. Bc of the trauma and inconsistent relationship I had with my parents, I have varying degrees of trust issues, problems with relationships (platonic, familial, and romantic), and mental illnesses. I've struggled with behavioral problems for a long, long time. At one point, it was thought I had ODD because of the severity of some of my outbreaks.
Fortunately, some of my more unusual symptoms started showing up as early as 7. I had been placed in the custody of close family a couple years before that, who sought professional help when my depression and visual hallucinations first appeared. I was in counseling from that point on and began seeing psychiatrists at the age of 13, all of that lasted until I turned 19 and lost my medicaid.
Shortly after I started experiencing various mental health problems, I went into sort of a "dark age" and I don't remember much, like there's a big blind spot in my memories. There are some memories that survived and I've clung to, because I don't have much left from that time period. It lasted until about when I started taking psychiatric medications. And about that time, I started to experience extreme mood swings which resulted in damn near anything, from self harm and suicide attempts to violent outbursts and severe paranoia and delusions. These only increased in intensity until I was kicked out at the age of 17.
*I was hurt by that for a long time which fueled poor decision after poor decision, but I have forgiven both myself and my family bc all that anger and pain and guilt was doing was holding me back. I appreciate everything my family has done for me and I hold them very dear to my heart, especially in times of hardship.*
That's some back story for ya. A lot has happened since then, and maybe I'll talk about it some other time, but I'd really like to focus on the present.
My biggest source of pain currently is the fact that my daughter, Acacia, is in one state and I'm in another. I miss her terribly and every day I sit and think about how I've failed her. I want to be a source of joy for her, but right now she's hurting because her mother is gone and she doesn't understand why. We facetime, but she tells me that she doesn't like me and she's sad. It breaks my heart that she's dealing with such big emotions and I can't even be there to comfort her. But I'm also very grateful she's surrounded by people who love her and we can talk every day. It's really hard, and I'm usually in a lot of pain after we hang up, but I will always be there for her. I have to be the mother she needs me to be so I'm going to have to make some tough decisions. I'm not going to talk abt this anymore bc it's too much for me right now.
I'm in another state living with my husband, Onyx, and I feel utterly and completely alone. We left bc we were evicted back home and the only place we could go was his parents'. He shut me out a long time ago, but the homesickness is amplifying my feelings of isolation. Due to some of the toxicity in our relationship, I burned many bridges with friends and family, and aside from my 2 best friends (who I rarely talk to anymore) I have no one. Many days I beg Onyx for affection or communication or some semblance that he still loves me, but my efforts are futile. Weve been having the same fight for nearly half a year. I bring up something that's bothering me, and he becomes angry and says "it's always something", in some form or another I try to remind him that we have to work on the issues in our relationship at some point if we want things to get better, this is where he usually gets defensive and says something something along the lines of "I always need 'more or too much'". From that point, I've learned to just be quiet bc our problems are suddenly my fault and he will do everything in his power to deflect and shame if I try to get him to own up to his negative behaviors that hurt me almost every second.
I saw the red flags a long time ago, but I had hope. Hope that has now completely withered away bc I know he won't change, at least not anytime soon. I can see it in his face when I try to have any form of an adult conversation with him. The way he just barely squints his eyes while I'm talking, the smirk that I try to convince myself isn't real bc it's so slight, the overall look of complete apathy.
I've tried leaving before, several times and one period of 5 months, but I wanted to make things work bc we got married this year. He told me it would make me more consistent and I wouldn't feel like leaving all the time, but let me tell you, I feel like leaving all the time. I've told him about my plans to go back home, without him. I've told him I would stay if he would be a part of this relationship too bc I can't be with someone who is the source of so much of my pain. You know that saying, "you can't make someone love you if they don't want to"? It's true, fucking painfully true. I've found myself holding on to tiny shreds of hope here and there, making myself believe that he'll try in small gestures like a kiss or laying his head on me. But I've been doing that for too long. I have made sacrifices for him over and over to the point where I don't recognize myself anymore. I've stopped talking to wonderful ppl bc it made him uncomfortable. I'll admit it, I kissed a guy back the night after we decided to be mutually exclusive. I talked to an ex love interest for a period of time abt how I was struggling in my relationship w Onyx. But I apologized, owned up to those behaviors, and made changes. I don't deserve for those things to be held over my head and brought up in almost every fight bc yes, I fucked up, but I did what I had to do to fix things. At a certain point, you have to be accountable for how you let your hurt and anger manifest.
So now I'm leaving bc I have to get back to my daughter and get in a better environment, but I don't know how or when. Like I said earlier, I ruined a lot of relationships try to preserve the one that was ruining me. But I'm really stuck out here, I've never been able to hold a job in my working career, and even if I could, I'm also taking several online college classes (that's been a bitch too) so I can't work more than part time and even that would jeopardize my mental health. I'm really stuck and so frustrated and I'm sorry that this has been a super long post. Like I said, I'm just bitching about life. I know the most sucky situations bring about the most growth.
For those of you who are curious, my diagnoses are PTSD, atypical OCD, and persistent depression w mood incongruent psychotic features.
Also: Besides being a good talker, I'm also a great listener. If you're struggling right now, I'm here for u.
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kae-karo · 5 years
things i’m grateful for
okay preface: i hate the reason thanksgiving was invented ofc but i do love the concept of taking a day to sit back and remind myself of the things in my life that i’m grateful for so here we go (and pls i encourage y’all to take some time and do the same) anyway feel free to read below the cut if y’all want way too much insight into my personal life lmao
my friends
without question, my experience both in the phandom and like in life in general has so massively improved thanks to these lovely people and i can’t say i’d be as happy a person as i am without them
of course my incredible gcs (jolly best friends and dickmates, “moderate sex references”, we have goldfish memories, katashen, and the gc that always changes names lmao) and the lovelies in them @thereisnobearonthisisland @philsroots @uselessphillie @daliensgrandads @severaltortillascollector @dnptrqsh @dip-and-pip-trash @transhowell @dreamdilddy @hey-itskxt @dreamdilddy @freckliephil @philsdrill @phloridas @lovestillaround @legdabs @amczingphil @phantasieslide @maanjha @manialester @sleeplessnightwithphan @phandumb @imnotinclinedtomaturity @auroraphilealis @ineverywordisay @glitterydanandphil @kerasines @workinprogress91 @merridewhoo @natigail @swissfuckingcheesegdi @phastelpink​ @stick-it-to-the-phan @phanarchy
my dearest friends irl with whom i never spend enough time and often bail on bc i’m tired of existing around people, but who never fail to be lovely and kind and wonderful friends anyway. i’ve known them for eight years now and i am so lucky to have found them and to still be friends with them
a very good friend of mine who taught me everything i know about customer service and just being a diligent person (she’s also literally the reason i link everything so uhh thank her lmao) who i consider my lesbian big sister and who i’ve been so so lucky to get to reconnect with and will get the opportunity to work with starting in december and who even remembered one of my fave bands like after literally two years when i only mentioned them one time i love her
my family
whomst thank fuck are not on this hellsite but i love them all dearly
my sister who’s like still figuring her life out and doing a way better job of deciding what she enjoys doing than i ever did and like she’s younger than me but it’s a constant lesson that hey look it’s good to be true to yourself and do what you want. and i’m so grateful that we don’t fight the way we used to, that we’re like partners in crime and that she actually likes spending time with me and thank god she’s not gonna see this bc she thinks i get too sappy sometimes but i gotta make up for hiding her glasses when we were younger and literally forgetting about them for two weeks okay <3
my parents who have always been steadfast supporters even when they don’t love my choices. without them, i wouldn’t be where i am today, i wouldn’t have the level of independence i do today, and honestly i wouldn’t have learned to find the strength to follow my own path. i also can’t thank them enough for supporting even when they don’t understand, like they literally do not understand dnp but my dad found out they were doing ii and asked if i would want tickets for christmas and my mom always asks about my writing
my grandma who, bless her soul, has been completely alone without my grandpa for two years now, after having been with him since she was sixteen, who reminded me (unintentionally) that people who are suffering from mental health issues (she’s had depression for years now) can so greatly benefit from having someone reach out. i’m grateful for our weekly calls where we just catch up, because sometimes i go for a year without seeing her in person (usually just for the holidays) and it’s good to know how things are going with her. i’m also eternally grateful to her for reminding me that people are just people. my parents often talk about her as if she’s some one-dimensional character who only has a handful of (negative) personality traits, and it’s nice to get to know her on my own
the rest of my extended family, who, although i’m not nearly as close to, are still always fun to see during the holidays, and i’m immensely grateful that i don’t have the kind of family that i dread seeing. there’s always entertainment, overflowing alcohol (not that i partake, but everyone else has a fuckin blast with it), and laughter and although i occasionally feel a bit outside the circle (lots of cousins getting married/in relationships/etc and uhhh can’t relate lmao) i never fail to look forward to seeing everyone
yeah ik it’s cheesy but i do really appreciate y’all so much? like. i just read this note i made to myself abt something unrelated a year ago but i’d offhand mentioned that i was so so thrilled to have almost a hundred people following me. like it just blew my mind that so many people were interested in what i had to say, in my writing at the time, etc. and now,,,,,i mean. jfc i can’t even begin to fathom what i must’ve done to deserve all of y’all, and to deserve you all being so kind. like since the minute i joined tumblr i saw/heard horror stories of mean anons, of people being rude for the sake of it, etc etc. and like. of the literal thousands of asks i’ve gotten, i can count on one hand the number of even vaguely unkind ones. it just makes me so immensely happy to know that such lovely, kind people want to participate in this blog. so please know that i appreciate the existence of every single one of you not just uwu bc u follow me and that’s what i’m supposed to say or w.e but bc you’re out here making a positive impact on the world and on me, and you’re the kind of lovely person that i’m so glad i have the pleasure of existing alongside
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ u knew it was coming, but honestly i am grateful to them as people
they set such fantastic examples for how to be good humans, constantly donating their time to good causes, reminding us to take care of ourselves, and doing their best to figure themselves out which yes is so incredibly important bc it’s this amazing example of how people aren’t any perfect shiny version of themselves, they’re real and raw and imperfect and that’s why we love them???? and by extension, that teaches us self love and love for others
that’s another thing i really didn’t realize at first - how much self-hatred i was harboring, how much internalized homophobia (toward myself! never others) and how much i just accepted about the world (heteronormativity, misogyny, the lack of diversity in media, the list goes on) and a lot of things said by both dnp and by the phandom have helped open my eyes to things like that. and dnp helped me realize that being ace isn’t a bad thing??? which was such a horrible thing i’d held onto for years and years
so i’m so grateful to dnp for existing, for being who they are and how they are and for encouraging the wonderful kindness and acceptance that they want to see in the world
my therapist
and to daniel and depression for convincing me to see one. i’ve let go of a lot of the baggage i was holding onto over the time i’ve been seeing my therapist and i’m grateful to her for, well, doing her job. and for doing it well, and for asking the questions that i didn’t think to ask, to get at things i didn’t think about before. and for reminding me (not directly, but by virtue of her existence) that honesty is one of the most important things to me
my job
or just generally the jobs i’ve had over the years that force me to interact with people, because it’s taught me that nobody’s ever angry or upset for no reason, and that people who are angry or upset and mean are not mean because they’re actually trying to be vicious but because they’re suffering in some way. so it’s a daily reminder to treat everyone with kindness and not take things personally, because ultimately most people are not intentionally vicious people. and i’m grateful to my job for reminding me how meaningful it is to me to help others
i think it’s important at this point that i stop and remind myself that i was born with a lot of privilege that makes my life immensely easy compared to others. i’m grateful for my upbringing and the ways that i’ve benefited from my privilege, but i need to acknowledge that i have benefited. not everyone is as lucky, and i need to be mindful of that in the things i do and say, and in the actions i choose to take, and - when i can - i should be using my privilege to help others
and finally, my greatest of thanks goes out to the fic writers, the gif makers, the edit makers, the phan artists, and all the other lovely people who make this community so wonderful
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glittertimes · 5 years
My best friend's birthday is coming up, and I'm going to have to see my other "friend" who's been mad at me since October and I'm kinda worried. Like the way he acts reminds me of my abusive parents and it can be really triggering to be around him, but he's really good friends with my best friend and he'll most likely be at her celebration.
I say most likely bc he's currently mad at my bff too because he thinks she's "too negative" and literally won't talk to her until she goes back to therapy. Which is really shitty imo bc he's putting all the blame of their unhealthy relationship onto her when I'd argue it's mostly not her fault. Because
1. She lost her health insurance a year ago and just got it back, so even if she had wanted to go back to therapy, she couldn't. Plus she started going to therapy since her mom died when she was little, so it's not like she's never tried to get help for her mental health issues. And she's also a psych major and is relatively well educated on mental health! Everytime I hang out with her I learn something new about depression and anxiety bc she shares what she's learning in class.
2. She deals with all of his mental health issues and cuts him sooooo much slack, often putting his needs before her own, but the second she feels depressed she's too "negative" and "needs help." Like that just sounds awful to me. Like I know sometimes too much negativity can impact your own mental health, but I've seen her flat out ignore her own mental health and needs for his and it makes me mad to see him bail the second she needs him you know? Like obviously the way she handles this is NOT healthy, and I'm not saying he should act the same way, but I'm tired of seeing him ignore her feelings.
3. I've had to act as her therapist before and it can be exhausting, but I'm angry bc most of time she's depressed because of something HE DID. You can't constantly hit someone in the head and then ask them why their head hurts or why "they're in pain all the time."
It just reminds me of how abusive parents will like completely destroy your self worth / beat you up and then tell you you're just being "too sensetive" and need to "toughen up" when they see you crying.
Like yeah I agree therapy would be helpful for her, but you know what would also be helpful?? If she had a supportive friend who would listen to her and try to do better if they hurt her. Not someone who will hurt her, ignore her pain and tell her she "just needs therapy."
And I'm mostly worried bc my best friend wants to go paintballing for her birthday, and she thinks it'll be a good way to "resolve any aggression" and I'm like "No dude this a terrible idea, and we're all going to get hurt physically and emotionally bc we're already in such a weird state."
Like we had a water balloon fight at his birthday party last year when everything was relatively okay, and I still ended up getting hit really hard and it got pretty violent. I don't want to know what it'll be like to give a bunch of angry 19/20 yr olds paintball guns, and I am not looking forward to this at all.
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rpbetter · 2 years
Re:server drama anon; this actually happened outside of the group because of concerns brought up about my mental health regarding the rp environment. the head mod told me what this mod had said and had reworded it because it was in her words a scathing review of my behavior
she brought up the incest thing
Said I purposely hurt people's feelings and made it seem like I hurt hers when I have little to no interaction with her (It was a misunderstanding with another group member and I wasn't even aware I had hurt their feelings, by suggesting that not everyone might like a mechanic bluntly)
Along with the plot derailment which her own muse was derailing the plot himself
I've.. Actually brought up problems with this group before in your ask about player biases..
Another thing that happened was that she got another one of the mods to send a message to one of the members, suggesting they were going to kick me out of the group and that I was uwuuwu toxic and going to drag them into the drama of it
Which mind you, I don't like drama. My friend was able to tell right away that it wasn't sent by the mod they convinced because it was overly harsh and suggested behaviors they hadn't seen along with the fact that they were slowly getting disenchanted with the group themselves (mind you, the mod who sent it i ended up blocking and immediately he ended up breaking down bc of it tho later admitted he didn't write it)
From this ask.
Oh, wow. Combining this ask and the other two, what comes to mind immediately is...this is a mess.
I would say (and obviously, I'm not there in the server or your friend group, as always, I can only formulate opinions based on what I'm being told) you all have a serious problem that needs to be taken care if the server and friend group is going to remain intact. However, if the previous instances didn't warrant it already, I don't know what will. If there is one person in a group that is perpetually at the root of drama and problems, they need to be removed.
Not everyone is going to get along or write well together, that's fine when everyone is committed to being mature about it, but that is obviously not the case here. For whatever reason, this person doesn't like you. (Based on that first ask, I have to speculate the reason might be you speaking up regarding how they were impacting the server.) That would be alright if they could keep it to themselves and not negatively affect the group with it, but again, they cannot.
What I think is worse here is that all of this appears to have been alright with the rest of the group, or even furthered by the one mod she used. I don't know if everyone is just so concerned about more drama, if some of them are actually enjoying it, or if they're so attached to the server that they're willing to not remove her, but at this point, this is really not a good situation. A lot has happened, but she's still there, and horrifyingly, a mod. How much farther is this going to go?
You're the only one who can answer that, as it really looks like you're the one who is going to have to make a decision here. I completely understand not wanting to give up the group! But it feels like the group has given you up. Maybe you can get the friend who shares your feelings to start another server with you where you can do a group RP without her, or you can try getting the mods together in a private channel to discuss the entire thing. Just have it all out, present calmly everything that this person has done and ask that she be removed so that you can stay. I would be rather concerned at this point that if they agreed to not allowing her to mod regarding you, that she would influence decisions anyway. She, apparently, has some hold on some folks that you do not. After everything that has happened, I wouldn't trust that they would keep her in check now either.
As I said, I understand not wanting to leave or argue with remaining friends, even when they've not been very good friends, but this situation is unfair and unfriendly to you. It would be my advice to go, but if you're not ready to do that yet, you're not ready. If or when you are, if any of them are angry or sad about it, remember that, since no one was willing to take action to stop her from harassing you, they did force you to make a choice for yourself. I'm very sorry that something that should have been a fun thing with friends has turned into so disaster! That is a particularly nasty feeling.
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themikewheelers · 6 years
this isn't a st related question but i truly enjoy reading your answers and your rants, and i wanted to ask what do you think of 13 reasons why (if you have seen it)? i've so many conflicted thoughts about it and many people don't like it because of the way the characters seem to approach things/situations, and the obvious explicit content the show has
I mean I guess my number 1 opinion of it is that I’m just TIRED of always hearing about it? I feel like every five minutes online there’s someone new posting smth trashing it and it’s just kinda exhausting. Even if you don’t like the show that kind of constant negativity is just too much. I’m gonna post my actual opinions under the cut bc it’s pretty long
I can see what some people say about how it romanticizes suicide, but personally I didn’t interpret it that way. For me it was more like “Hannah had all these problems in her life and people couldn’t stop them, but if they gave her some support maybe she would have been able to cope with them” and that’s a valid thing. You can’t love away someone’s mental illness, but you can give them the support they need so they don’t fall to a point where they’re considering ending their life. Personally I don’t really think it romanticized her suicide, but I can understand why some people feel that way. I do think the show didn’t do the best job sharing their message in s1 and the vagueness left a lot up for interpretation and a lot of people interpreted it in a bad way, and there was definitely some insensitive lines that are bad out of context. I think it was better with this in s2 though, it was more clear about it’s themes and what it was trying to say. 
But even with that said, honestly the argument that it glorifies suicide just makes no sense to me. The whole point of the show is that Hannah’s death was a tragedy, an AVOIDABLE tragedy, there was really nothing (at least that I saw) that was portraying it as a good or honorable thing or whatever. I can see how someone may say it romanticized her death, but it certainly didn’t glorify it. 
And just let me say, in general with ALL suicide-related media, it’s gonna cause more suicides. That’s not something that’s going to change and it exists for literally every piece of suicide-related media. People watch it, and possibly get triggered by it or it puts the idea in their head, and it results in more suicides. But that doesn’t mean the topic should just be avoided? Suicide contagion isn’t a black and white issue. Of course there are going to be problems caused by talking about a topic that’s become taboo in our culture, but there’s also existing problems that aren’t going to get help unless people start talking about them. Talking about suicide is inevitably going to cause more suicides, but it’s also going to prevent them.
So with that being said, anybody who blames this show for anyone who may have hurt or killed themselves after watching is just plain disrespectful. A show does not make someone suicidal. If someone is at the point where they are considering ending their life, they have a lot of mental health problems going on, and while a show may bring some bad feelings to surface, those feelings always existed, and this was without a doubt something a person struggled with before the show. This show could be the most awful, trashiest thing on the planet, but the fact of the matter remains, blaming someone’s mental health problems or suicide on a television show is plain disrespectful. End of discussion there.
And quite honestly, there comes a point where you can’t blame a show for something in it triggering you when you had complete knowledge it would be shown. There are CONSTANT trigger warnings in the show, they’re at the beginning of every episode, there’s extra ones for the episodes where more intense stuff happens, and in the beginning of each season theres a video you can’t skip from the cast urging anyone who may be triggered not to watch the show and to reach out for help if they need it. If someone ignores all those warnings, it’s not the show’s fault. It’s not their fault either and I’m in no way blaming them, but I’m just saying the show itself shouldn’t be blamed for it. And I do think peer pressure plays a role here because people are constantly talking about the show, so I think there’s a lot of people who should be avoiding shows like this but then ignore the warnings bc they feel like they have to watch it to understand the hype and all that. I think fans (and even people who aren’t fans) have to take some responsibility themselves and do their best to make sure people who might be at-risk don’t feel pressured to watch something that might harm them. I think one of the major problems with the show is it’s marketed as a teen show, but contains a lot of intense stuff most teenagers can’t handle, but still force themselves to watch even if it hurts them bc of all the hype. 
There were absolutely a lot of parts of the show that were in bad taste. They really didn’t need to explicitly show Hannah’s suicide, there’s definitely some insensitive lines thrown around, there’s some parts I think it would have been a lot better without. I think there were parts that were overdone and used for shock value and all that. It’s in no way a perfect show. But at the end of the day, I don’t think it’s black and white. There’s obviously problems in the show, but there’s also been good that’s come out of it. And you can’t take any one person’s opinion for it, because there’s people who struggle with suicide who think this show is trash, and there’s also people who struggle with suicide and this show is their lifeline. I don’t think it’s as simple as “this show is awful” or “this show is amazing”. I don’t think it deserves all the hate it gets, but there are definitely problems with it. And more than anything, people really need to stop being dicks to people who enjoy the stuff. Nobody’s interests are 100% flawless and perfect, there’s problematic aspects of everything, and a lot of the people who are fans of the show care because it brought up personal stuff for them. I don’t care how awful you may think this show is, I just really want to stop seeing fans get shit for it. That’s what bothers me the most. 
And I’m just going to say one last thing. I think at the end of the day the goal of the show was to start conversation about the way suicide is treated in our society, and it’s definitely accomplished that. Both people who hate it and love it, they’re talking about it, and they’re talking about suicide and how to better deal with those at risk, so in that sense, I do think the show made a positive impact. It’s had good and bad effects, but it’s gotten people talking, and no matter what I do think that’s a good thing. 
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