#because he loves to bark
Jade: i made steak today :D
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x Dc AU: Jazz Fenton, after years of fixing her brother’s injuries, becomes a Doctor with an inclination towards behavioral health and psychology- In order to make the difference she wants to see in the world she joins Dr. Leslie Thompkin’s practice. 
Jazz Fenton, M.D. has spent years of her life doing research, doing the hard work and the emotional labor, and finally, finally, she’s joining a practice she can feel 100% confident in. She’s goddamn good doctor and she wants to make the biggest impact that she can. 
Dr. Thompkins (who insists that she call her Leslie as they’re colleagues now), is a kind woman, sharp as a tack and keeps her practice open at odd hours to help the most unfortunate. It took some time for them to bond and trust to be built, but now Jazz is being allotted a few night shifts here and there. 
It’s incredible. Jazz gets to spend time with the kids who come in and really talk to them (in addition to getting them antibiotics, heating pads and pokemon themed bandaids) to help equip them with a few coping skills. Her passion for psychology never disappeared after all, but the expansive knowledge of how to heal the human body has made her find a sense of fulfillment like no other.
Having proven herself and worn Leslie down, Jazz now takes up about 1/3 of all the night shifts in the month. She’s hoping to get to 50/50 by the end of the year but she’s content with what she has. Danny keeps odd hours anyway so calling him after work on her walk home can happen any time of day and he will always answer enthusiastically. 
It’s a particularly busy night before he comes in. The Red Hood. 
He was known for being an ally to Leslie, despite being on contentious terms with the Bats, but Jazz had never asked directly. Never one to turn away a patient with bullet hole wounds, she hops into action to get his wounds cleaned, sewed up and gauze wrapped. She’s handing him a sheet (an Infographic! Dani made it with her! Graphic design is her passion!) on how to care for his wounds when he first seems to recognize that she’s not Leslie. 
“No, Of course not. I’m Dr. Fenton. I can’t blame you for not remembering but I did introduce myself as you bled in the entry way. You’re Red Hood, right?” 
“Hm. Didn’t realize the practice was expanding. Where can I find-” He grumbles before pushing her hand aside from where she had still been supporting his shoulder.
“Hold on there, mister. You’re going home, you’re following this infographic and you’re going to get some sleep.” 
“Lady you don’t know-” His voice modulated ton came across antagonistically. As if he was trying to intimidate her. Ha, Jazz rolls her eyes at the inclination.
“Who I’m talking to? Who I’m dealing with? You’re hilarious. I can eat you vigilante’s hero complexes for breakfast. Tell me who I’m calling to pick you up and then you can say thank you.” Jazz snaps at him. It really had been a long night but his whole dialogue thus far is making her a bit batty. 
“Oh really Doc? You know Leslie’s tough shit, and from what I can tell you’ve got nothing on her-” 
“Trying to make me feel insufficient when I just saved your life? That’s cute. I’m sure a lifetime of abandonment by both of your parental figures gave you that. I’m also sure that you inherited this desire to prove you’re not going to be dependent on anyone who wants to help from whoever got you dressing up in tights to fight crime in the first place. Again, I’d love to talk at length about how predictable you-” 
“Bwah- wait- I’m Predictable? You’re probably some nepobaby who had parents who told her she could have the world-” But Jazz cuts him off with hysterical laughter- he couldn’t be further from the truth. Her parents loved her, but nepotism? With what, the ghosts? If anything she got that from Danny, but he doesn’t need to know about her ghostly titles. 
“You’re just some guy who came back from the dead and made his trauma everyone else’s issue. So shut it. And tell me how I’m getting you home from this clinic.” She seethes though her voice stays devastatingly level with each word. 
Speechless for a moment, he eventually relents to Jazz that he’s already called for help on the comms but it will be hours before they can come for a pick up. The sun had already come up and the night had been over for most of them before Hood had walked into trouble. She groans and the realizes the time for herself and the empty clinic around them.
“Fine. My shift just ended anyway. I’ll get you home in one piece and I swear to all the ancients that you’d better follow the directions on the infographic.” 
And that’s how Jazz ended up calling her brother while supporting the weight of a grown ass man (who no longer wanted to talk to her) on her walk home. 
The next time Red Hood appears in her clinic, he’s brought a dozen roses in addition to the cut on his neck that definitely needs to be pressurized like ASAP. Did he stop for the flowers on his way to the clinic? He’s going to pass out from blood loss! She doesn’t even like roses!
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dismas-n-dismay · 4 months
I'm not fucking joking when I tell you I saw this panel and literally started sobbing and crying over seeing my babygirl buying chocolate with just fucking quarters. This is the people's jason todd for real, thank you Juni Ba
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iwaasfairy · 3 months
ok ok heavily inspired by your gojo drabble (truly a masterpiece btw) and a disgusting overuse of niichan. I came home after drinking one night and my pussy typed this word vomit all by herself
Sitting on your niichan’s lap while he brushes your hair has long since become a nightly routine before bed. The soothing feeling of being held and cared for by him was always just the thing to get you nice and sleepy. But things have changed now that you’ve grown, niichan’s breaths come out in short warm puffs at your nape whenever you shift in his lap. His always gentle grip tightening ever so slightly on your hip. And there’s something warm and hard that presses right into the crotch of your panties that makes your tummy feel funny. You finally gather the courage to ask about it but niichan says it’s only natural for that to happen. It means he’s healthy, don’t you want your niichan to be in good health? You want him to feel good right? Good, of course you do. You’re his good little sister after all now let niichan do his thing and brush your hair before bed. No no it’s okay if he pulls you down firmer onto him, you’re all grown up now so he has to make sure you don’t fall. And it’s okay if that hard thing rubs against your panties, it’s not like you don’t like it right? Do you like it? Why don’t you let niichan check? After all, he has to make sure you’re in good health too. Oh look at that, you do like it. You’re shining nice and pretty down there, that’s because of niichan you know? Yeah of course it’s okay if he touches you down there look how sticky his fingers are getting, that’s a good thing. Niichan has something that’ll feel even better. You trust him right? No no it’s okay, he knows it’s big but so are you right? You’re all grown up now and niichan can’t help himself but you’ll help him right? Of course you will. You’re always so good for him now why don’t you sit back down on his lap so you and niichan can start a new nightly routine.
This is SoooooOOOOO!!!!!! YEEEEEAAAAAAAA IM GONNA Have mY MAGICAL Girl transformation!!! I loVE SATORU NIIIII I love this omg omg your brain nonnie thank you for senDING THISSSSS
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fisherrprince · 6 months
if you look at the literal implications of alisaie stealing the limit break first chance she gets it’s not because she sees a shiny button and hits it it’s because she is Always, Consistently ready to push past her limits in combat at the drop of a hat
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Holmes + their watsons + being dog coded
Arthur Conan Doyle, "A Study in Scarlet"//Planate Animal//Wikipedia, "Black dog (folklore)"//Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Hound of the Baskervilles"//Mitski, "Cop Car"//Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Adventure of the Devil's Foot"//Athur Conan Doyle, "The Adventure of Three Garridebs"//Sherlock & Co, "The Dancing Men"//Limbourg brothers, "Les tres riches heures du Duc de Berry"//Psych, "Lock, Stock, Some Smoking Barrels and Burton Guster's Goblet of Fire"//Elementary, "Details"//Sherlock & Co "Shoscombe Old Place"//Sherlock & Co, "The Solitary Cyclist"//House, "House Training"//Sherlock & Co, "The Solitary Cyclist"//Maurice Leblanc, "Arsene Lupin vs Herlock Sholmes"
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jasonsbruce · 30 days
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mostlyghostlyy · 2 months
How possessive do you think Kobble is? I think he has to be at least a bit, but like him being a more passive pining stalker it might look a little weird on him. Less telling you off and more desperate, maybe.
I think he definitely has a possessive side during a relationship. Before, he would be mostly just passive pining and stalking. When you’re finally his, he doesn't want to lose that and will take drastic measures to keep your affections.
I don't think he would ever outright tell you off in any way. Any criticism would be masked in light-hearted passive aggressive comments. Dale seems more like the type to try to be coy about things, and would prefer to sulk instead of addressing any concerns with you. Deciding instead to hint at things and hope you’ll notice. If you don't understand what he's lamenting about, it will only make his mood worse. Rough sex usually follows. He would be huge into guilt tripping. He likes the attention it affords him, even if it's negative.
Jealousy is a big component of his possessiveness. He is very sensitive to the feeling of envy. If he ever feels slighted or ignored at all while you are in someone else's company, you would never hear the end of it. His hands would be all over you, and Dale being shameless would start talking over the conversation. He commands your attention, whether you are finished or not. He will say anything to get you to leave the conversation, even if it embarasses you. Throwing a smug grin at the individual while you tote Dale off to somewhere more private.
I don't think he would be controlling enough to keep you hidden away from friends and family all the time, but he definitely wants most of your free time spent with him. And if you do have plans with anyone, he will make sure that they know you belong to him. Dale would be fixing you up with hickies, bites, bruises. Any kind of sexual related markings so they cannot be misconstrued. He does this when you go out together, making you sport a shirt that has a plunging neckline so everyone can see his trophy (you).
You would have no privacy with this man. He would always want to know where you are at all times. Even if you simply stepped outside for the mail he would be at the door, pestering you with questions when you returned. Dale is clingy, and that mixed with insecure is a toxic mix. He would need to do everything with you, and would act as if he can't function without you by his side 24/7. Dale has no boundaries, so he would expect you not to have any either. I think he would be personally offended if you ever asked for space, and might even break down in tears. Expecting you to comfort him. On this note, I think he would want to know what you’re thinking at all times. Constantly looking for validation that you’re happy and that he is secure in trusting you.
A cute little hc that i have (which is i guess only slightly possessive, but still applies) is that he NEEDS to be the one to drive you places. You need to get to work? Dale will drive you there, and pick you up. Something from the store? Dale loves errands! Meeting a friend? Dale will also be meeting the friend because he’ll transport you! You will never have to touch the wheel of a (personal) car again, because he will take you anywhere you want to go. He will not take no for an answer either.
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misslovasstuff · 4 months
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if he doesn’t set himself on fire for you, is he really the one?
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batrachised · 2 months
Chapter 6 establishes a dynamic we'll see throughout the series: the E's of New Moon never quite understanding each other. Aunt Elizabeth and Emily talk past each other repeatedly in this chapter because they're essentially speaking a different language. There's an emotional culture clash here that represents a gap never to be bridged. As the previous chapter said, Aunt Elizabeth understands with her head first, not her heart; Emily understands with her heart first, not her head.
The Emily series takes this even further by presenting Emily as some sort of fey child. There's many a thing about Emily that can't be understood with a head or be explained rationally at all. Emily doesn't just feel things deeply; she experiences the flash, a thinning of the veil between worlds. It would be difficult enough for Aunt Elizabeth to understand a sensitive, artistic child, but Emily's second sight tendencies defy explanation or comprehension. I have more thoughts, but they're very spoilery stuff, so see underneath the cut below for them.
From Aunt Elizabeth's perspective, she sees a child who doesn't like the food, and she kindly orders different food. She doesn't want Emily to sleep alone because she thinks that would be bad for her. She knows Aunt Laura won't sleep well if she sleeps with Emily, so Aunt Elizabeth sleeps with Emily instead. You see Aunt Elizabeth trying to be kind in her own way, but it's so stiff and cold that to Emily, it doesn't really matter. (Which makes complete sense - Emily is a little girl who is grieving.) Also, Aunt Elizabeth's attempts to be kind aren't thoughtful. She isn't taking into account Emily's feelings on the matter at all - instead, she's actively dismissing them. On top of this disastrous clash in communication styles, Emily has a tendency to dig up old graves (figuratively and literally, as we'll see!) which does not help one bit.
From Emily's perspective, she's met with a cold, stern woman who views all attempts at explanation as impertinence, a "griffin." It's funny, because Emily is doing exactly what Anne does consistently and repeatedly in Anne of Green Gables. Every time someone like Marilla is mystified at Anne's feelings, Anne explains: how would you feel if you were me? How would you feel is said by Anne so often it could genuinely be used as her catchphrase - and most of the time, it works! Characters are charmed by Anne, and almost without fail, she wins them over. They tended to be amused by her sensitive ways, not frustrated or downright cold.
Emily's attempts, though, are viewed as alien instead of winsome. They also have the unfortunate tendency of forcing Aunt Elizabeth to confront various psychological closet skeletons. Anne's characteristics endear Anne to her community; Emily's isolate her.
Following up on the second sight bit: that's why Aunt Elizabeth's commitment to plumbing the well in face of all logic and reason is the pinnacle of her character arc in this book. It's, at last, the conjoining of the head and heart. It makes no sense to do to check the well from a rational perspective, but also, it's the only rational choice when it comes to keeping Aunt Elizabeth's word and Emily safe - so that is what Aunt Elizabeth chooses. The Aunt Elizabeth at the beginning of the book would have never committed so recklessly; the Aunt Elizabeth at the end is true to her inflexible ways, but in a way that allows room for the side of Emily that will forever mystify her: the sensitivity that allows Emily to know something is at the bottom of that well, and the same sensitivity that Emily uses to write.
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lilpatison · 1 year
[Moulin Rouge 2001] art dump
(Because this movie lives rent free in my head.)
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candycryptids · 3 months
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It's my birthday today (6/14) so I get to be mindlessly and shamelessly self-indulgent and pose myself with my speece's characters Kizuna and Setsuna Shader is I think from [Kore - Pearl's Dream] but I might be wrong, I downloaded that shader before I realized I should make creator folders so I'm not 100%
Kizuna is @zombiesockfuckinglovescardfight Also Sir Cash is here ;v; (the dog)
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theloveinc · 6 months
just thought abt catching an attitude and being petty w/ shinso.....................................
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inukag · 1 year
I think calling sesshomaru a racist is a bit of a stretch. Yes that applies to koga but I’d say sesshomaru is classist not racist
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Calling people of a certain race “vile creatures” is, in fact, racist.
“But he changed! He developed compassion for humans!” he learned that there’s some humans & hanyo that he can tolerate/respect, and he cares for Rin, but he still sees human lives in general as worthless even at the very end of the series.
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(Mind you Rin had already spent some time in that village at that point and Kaede took care of her. The thought that she might care about Kaede and the other people in the village doesn’t even cross his mind so even his care for Rin doesn’t extend very far)
But you’re right he’s classist too, and generally completely incompatible with someone like Kagome Higurashi.
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mcybree · 5 months
i need to start hating other characters besides just scott apparently. does anyone have suggestions
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red team are FULLY going feral im so here for it, cellbit vouching for cannibalism and getting excited, baghera wanting to build a dirt shack and everyone wanting to crawl into a cave and chase people through the woods
#qsmp#qsmp liveblogging#end of the event the other two teams are gonna have interpersonal conflicts to worry about#meanwhile red are having trouble being reintroduced to their own society because they went completely rabid#if they do get all the eggs back chayanne and tallulah watching their dad burrow even further into the wall and snarl and hiss at people as#they approach#missa's avoiding own home at first not just for fear of being a burden on his husband and family now but bc he hasnt had his rabies shot#cellbit gets EVEN WORSE somehow and roier dives down the rabbit hole with him not because purgatory made him feral but bc it made him#bloodthirsty and he loves his husband ESPECIALLY at his worst#leo gets back and doesnt notice a change at first bc her dad always barks at ppl and wants to hunt bbh for sport but the eating ppl is new.#if pomme finds out her mother nearly gave up on saving her shes distraught until she sees the state of baghera#living in a dirt shack and eating human flesh#charlie gets back to eggxile with a new craving for human flesh and a new distrust for codeflippa bc hes said it out loud now and knows in#his heart its not her but how can he let go when he has nothing but her and the other cannibal freaks he trauma bonded with in purgatory#jaiden would be more upset about cellbit killing fed workers but by the end of the 2 weeks she gets him a little now. shed never turn on th#federation ofc but she gets it a little bit.#and differences aside green and red have all bonded now over a shared murderous rage towards bbh lmao#pac is afraid not only of cellbit but all of red now. too afraid to leave the lab.#you get the jist its 2am im going to bed lmao#(lying)#qsmp spoilers
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