#because you could Not make me go out in the sun in 30°s
clueless1995 · 4 months
so i know i never ever talk about it ever but i grew up on a flower farm and it is so funny how people react when i tell them that. some people are surprised that flower farms are even a thing?? like im sorry did you think the florists have big secret meadows full of wildflowers with one big but inviting tree on the top of a small hill that they frolick through every morning, singing and letting butterflies land in their hair???? and honestly even people who aren’t shocked about the sheer existence of them sometimes gets a look where i can tell they’re Definitely imagining that meadow scene skdjksjd
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rageserenity · 3 months
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It's 2024. Are you still thinking about movieverse!Cherik? Because I am.
For the past several months, there's only been a very slow trickle of posts/fics in the xmcu cherik tag. Let's try to breathe some life back into this incredible pairing!
With one clear winner of my poll, here's thirty prompts for the thirty days of April. (This is a super chill, laid-back event---do these in any order, interpret them as loosely as you like! Create in any medium! Fic, art, gifs, meta, incoherent screaming about the otp…all winners in my book.)
The only rule here is to cherik too close to the sun. Alright. Here are the prompts.
Mutual Pining
Doesn't really even need elaboration! Write that horrifically slow slow-burn. Gif every time McAvoy made insane fuck me eyes on screen. Make a playlist of songs about impossible love.
2. Alternate Meetings
There are endless quotes about how these two complete each other in a way no one they'd met before or after ever did. How else could they have met?
3. Erik Has A Telepathy Kink
This is basically canon. Let my boy get freaky!
4. Canon Fix-It
All the times Fox fucked it up. There are endless options.
5. Hurt/Comfort
Put them in that Situation. Put them in that Blender. Break them apart and put them back together ❤️‍🩹
6. Canon Compliant
Draw that missing scene! Gif your favourite cherik moment!
7. Beach Divorce
Make it worse. Make it better. Show it to us exactly how it was. Break it down in a 3,000 word meta. Go wild!
8. Domestics
Sometimes you just want to see them doing normal couple things. Erik put the gun down.
9. Found Family
The real heart of x-men!
10. Time Travel
There are SO many possibilities here. Stick them in a time loop. Give them a chance to change their past.
11. AU
Love a good AU!
12. There Is Only One Bed
Had to get this one in here. What better way to amp up the tension?
13. Genosha
By some miracle, cherik actually did end up together at the end of 2019s trash bag disaster Dark Phoenix. We aren’t making a big enough deal about this.
14. Declaration(s) of Love
Who says it first? How do they say it and when? Have they said it…without saying it?
15. Jealousy
Need I say more.
16. Reunion
These two have absolutely no chill.
17. Soulmates
Classic prompt, had to get this in here too.
18. The DOFP Aircraft
The TENSION here. Break it down for me. How does Charles feel about his injury? How does Erik feel about his injury?
19. Gay Mutant Road Trip
You already know.
20. Body Swap
SO fun when people have superpowers.
21. First Kiss
When? How? Who initiated it?
22. The Mansion
Mansion!content is a genre of its own.
23. Conflicting Ideology
Give me your theses. Who’s right? Can they ever reconcile completely? Write a fic where it drives them apart.
24. Sebastian Shaw
A trope unto himself.
25. Team As Matchmaker
They had to have known something was going on, didn’t they?
26. Cooking
Charles deserves a good meal. Also, imagine Erik using his powers in the kitchen. The sheer domesticity…
27. Hurt No Comfort
Plenty of scope with these two 🥲
28. Growing Old Together
Giving Sirs Ian Mckellan and Patrick Stewart their props as well!
29. Making Up
*pushes chess board across the table* sorry babe
30. Charles Xavier Did More For Mutants Than You'll Ever Know
Rising to each other’s defense. Only I can insult this man.
I will be tracking #revivecherik to reblog stuff! Here’s a fic collection for the same. Let’s get this ball rolling! Please feel free to send me an ask if you’ve got anything to say! And most importantly, let’s all have fun 😁
*I know a few of you preferred something like a gift exchange because of the commitment factor—I’m super down to organise a tiny one for the handful of us! If this promptathon doesn’t flop horribly, we can hopefully do a whole bunch of stuff :)
If you read this post all the way through, please reblog for reach! Thank you! Hoping you participate come April.
Shoutout to @inmymagnetoera for reaching out and helping with this!
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lnfours · 8 months
tolerate it | l.n
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summary: if it’s all in my head, tell me now. tell me i’ve got it wrong somehow.
warnings: happy folklore/evermore season :) angst, language, fears of your partner falling out of love with you, slight anxiety and overthinking, fluffy ending bc i can’t make them stay mad at each other. kinda wanna do an evermore/folklore mini series, let me know if you guys would be interested <3
masterlist | listen
the colder weather meant the sun was starting to set earlier, and it was evident as you gazed out the window, sitting at the dining room table. the candle you had lit an hour or so ago flickering softly, illuminating the room with a soft glow as the gloomy sky hovered above.
you sighed to yourself, taking another sip from the wine glass that sat next to your plate. you tapped on your phone screen, lighting up and displaying the time and the picture you had set as your lock screen. the 5:30 hovering tauntingly above the picture of you and lando from a few months back, your smile wide and trying to hide it in his shoulder as he held his camera to the mirror. he was sporting a smile also, you could almost hear your shared giggles through the photo.
he was supposed to be home an hour ago, and nights like this were happening more often. he’d always be an hour to an hour and a half late getting home. it was always an apology, saying ‘training ran late’ or the quadrant shoot ‘ran on longer than it was supposed to’, you’d see him for fifteen minutes while the two of you ate dinner, and then he’d go off to the office until he decides to join you in bed later in the night.
at first, you didn’t complain, knowing he was a man with a busy schedule, but after almost two months of this same song and dance, your anxiety was getting the best of you.
what if he was out with someone else? what if he was slowly losing interest in you? what if he just tolerates you?
the sound of the door closing pulled you from your thoughts, snapping your head up as you heard footsteps enter the room. he placed his keys, wallet and phone on the counter, frowning softly.
“sorry i’m late,” here we go again, “i told max i needed to be home by 4 and he insisted we played another round before i left.”
you nodded, taking another sip from the glass on your right, “‘s fine.”
he watched you swallow thickly, tilting your head to look back out the window. he noticed the way your hand tapped against your arm softly, his eyes moving to the plates set on the table. your grandmother’s china.
his heart dropped when he thought back to your conversation the other night, him saying the two of you would have a proper sit down meal tonight since he felt bad for running late lately.
and he just fucked it all up even more.
“you don’t have to lie,” he said, making you advert your attention back to him, “i know you know it’s not fine.”
you shook your head, “what’s it matter to you, anyway?”
he knew he deserved the digs and jabs you were sending his way, “seriously, lando, if you’re not interested in me anymore just say it instead of making me play this stupid game.”
the silence that fell between the two of you after was the final blow. he watched your cheeks glisten in the soft candle light, and fuck, he hated seeing you cry. especially when it was because of him.
he didn’t know what to say as your chair scraped the floor, getting up from your spot at the table and picking up your plate. the food untouched as you grabbed the saran wrap from the pantry.
he heard your quiet sniffle, “i’m so sorry, y/n-“
“then where have you been the past two months?” he blinked back at you before you continued, “every single day it’s the same, overused excuse. so, what is it really, lando? enlighten me.”
he swallowed because he didn’t have answer that didn’t sound like he was making an excuse. he really had been busy with work, but he knew he could’ve done better with planning to make more time for you and him.
you knew he loved you with every fiber of his being, but you were upset. you were angry and sad and all you wanted was for him to come home and spend time together like the two of you used to do. but it was like it was too much to ask for.
of course you knew what you were signing up for when he took you on your very first date, but you didn’t know it would mean being put on the back burner, begging to be let in on the things going on his life.
his silence made you nod, “right,”
he reached out to you slowly, not sure how you would react. you bit down on your bottom lip, the dam breaking now as he stepped towards you.
“y/n,” he said your name softly, understanding that your lash-outs were because of men who had hurt you in the past, knowing too well what it felt like when anxiety and over thinking takes over. he couldn’t be mad at you, he just wanted to make things right. make you feel reminded that he loved you. more than racing, more than his friends, more than anything in the whole world.
the back of your hands were raised to your eyes when he grabbed them and pulled you closer to him, letting your body rest against his chest. you gave in, knowing that at the end of the day, he was your safe place. your shoulder to cry on, the one who always saw you in your most vulnerable stages. there was no getting past him with this one.
your hands wrapped around his middle loosely as you cried softly into his chest. he rested his head against yours, rubbing your back the same way he always did whenever he’d comfort you. his lips pressed against your hair before he grabbed your face gently, lifting your chin to have you look at him.
he wiped the tears from your cheeks, eyes searching yours and that’s when you realized he had been crying too, “i’m gonna talk to my trainer and the guys and tell them i need a little bit of a break, and you and i are gonna spend every single day together doing whatever you want.”
you felt selfish now, “but this is your job, lan,”
“i don’t care,” he said, shaking his head as he moved his hand to hold your cheek, “they’ll be fine if i take a few days off.”
your hand came up to mimic his on your cheek, your fingers brushing against the small moles on his face. the same ones your lips press against whenever you kiss his face. the pads of your thumbs brushed away the small tear lingering around his nose.
“i’m sorry,” you apologized, feeling guilty for being cold to the boy who loved you like no other.
“don’t apologize,” he said, “i should’ve done better. you don’t deserve to feel like you’re on the back burner of my life.”
you wrapped your arms around his neck as his snaked around your waist, pulling you closer as if it was even possible. you looked back out the window, the light from the golden hour sun shining on the trees in the backyard. he pressed a gentle kiss to your cheek, “i love you.”
you smiled softly, pulling back to meet his gaze. your smile making his lips turn up into one mirroring yours, “i love you, too.”
he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips, a mixture of the wine you had with dinner and the salty tears you had cried a few moments prior with the subtle hint of your chapstick.
you both pulled away, him taking you by surprise when he lifted you off the ground. you squealed, a soft giggle escaping your lips as you clung onto his hoodie for dear life.
“lando!” you laughed, letting him carry you to the couch and thanking yourself for putting his dinner plate in the fridge earlier.
you had your boy back.
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nyuzip · 5 months
˚₊‧ 심재윤 ─ puppy love ✧ jake / sim jaeyun
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엔하이픈 𓂃 genderneutral ★ fluff ★ not proofread , wc 742 sum: what you thought was a normal day, taking your dog to the local dog park, you meet a cute boy who blends in with the puppies too well
it was your typical friday afternoon. your schedule after work was to take your golden retriever on her daily walk at the dog park and go grocery shopping to buy the food you’ll be eating for the rest of the week, nothing you weren’t used to. something about this specific day felt different, of course it was your co-workers’ karina’s doing. she has recently been dabbling in tarot card reading and asked if you wanted a reading during break. silly as it was, you agreed for the fun of it. karina had told you something unexpected will happen to you this afternoon. before you could worry, she immediately reassured you that it was good. of course, this lurked in your mind the entire walk to the park. will something really happen to me? you tried shaking it off your mind because, in retrospect, it was just a stupid little reading that is usually fake. oh well 
but you were wrong. as soon as you arrived at the dog park, someone held the gate open for you and your dog. you looked up to meet eyes with the cutest boy ever. you took a mental note of his messy brown hair, his eyes that had a hint of a sparkle, and honey skin. not to mention his fashion that matched your type perfectly. you tried to let out a thank you but your mind was already somewhere else. he just simply smiled at you before his dog began to start barking at yours. 
< layla! i’m so sorry. she usually never does this > he lets out an awkward embarrassed laugh 
< oh no it’s all good. she’s cute. > 
by this time, you could see more people going towards the entrance so collectively both of you entered in and kept walking together. your dog seemed to take a liking to layla. they began to play with one another, licking each other’s faces, and their tales wagging relentlessly. 
< wow our dogs really like each other. nini always stay to herself every time we go. > you chuckled watching them roll around in the dirt while you noticed in the corner of your eye, the boy looking at you. it was making you nervous. this never happened before. 
< i guess we didn’t need to bring any toys this time. do you always come here? > he questioned you with genuine curiosity in his tone.
< basically yeah! oh wait! i never asked your name. i’m y/n > 
< oh pretty name. i’m jake. nice to meet you y/n > 
he caught you off guard. hearing your name roll off his tongue melted your heart. his australian accent was strong but gorgeous. not even comprehending the fact he said your name was pretty as you were distracted being down bad. 
< it was nice to meet you too jake > you were able to let out with a beaming smile after you recollected yourself and your thoughts
for a good 30 minutes, you and jake continued a small conversation, mostly yapping about fun facts about each other’s dog. the sun was beginning to come down and that was usually when you would head to the store. 
< it was fun talking to you jake! the dog park has never been this fun before. i’ll definitely see you more often, right? > you questioned him, crossing your fingers in your mind because there is no way you could let him go like this. 
< definitely! it was fun for me too. > 
< okay! nice meeting you again. oh and layla too > you chuckled before proceeding to wave bye. this was enough for you and maybe in the future, it could lead to some sort of romance. it was exciting. 
suddenly, you felt nini’s leash coming loose from your hand. she had practically ran towards layla when you finally realized what she was doing. < nini! > 
< i guess they weren’t done playing. > jake let out a hearty laugh. it was the most attractive thing you had heard. < how about having dog playdates? > nothing could have prepared you for that question. oh it was an immediate yes in your head but you made sure to control yourself, so instead, a “nervous” sure came out of your mouth. god i’m such a mess. but you calmed down as jake gave you a warm smile.
it looks like your “typical friday” will be different moving forward with an australian boy who looks like a cute puppy himself. you made sure to thank karina the next day. 
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had this idea for awhile and i'm so happy that i was able to write and execute it just like my vision. i hope this little meet-cute with jake will make you squeal like i did ! also if anyone has any requests please send them my way ᵔᴗᵔ also i apologize in advance if there are any errors, i rarely proofread LMAO also happy new year mwah
NYUZIP 2023 ─ do not use/steal my work
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hydrasra · 7 months
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SYN: it is all a meaningless dream. do not worry about it.
DISC: ooc and swearing here and there. so.... fontaine is here. how we feeling? also, what do you guys want to name wanderer? also also, kindly let me know if you've changed your username and what was your old one so I can replace it if you are in the tagging list.
TAG: [ 22/30] @bloop-booop @sunsethw4 @neverlandlostchild @ghostlysyntaxed @wolfe02 @valeriele3 @the-dumber-scaramouche @weirdducky17 @esthelily @shroombro @ayanokomu @bamboozledchaos @xo-tokki @bloopthebat @maybeyourcat @7smexy7diva @shimi-shimi @issy-lol @theblueblub @nightmarewhispersxx @ra404 @blackhoodsmile
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"do you ever feel insignificant, neuvi?" [y/n] asked, sitting down next to the hydro sovereign while staring up at the starry sky.
for a good minute, silence ensured, which made the "fake" creator look at him.
"I did," the iudex sighed softly.
"you did?"
a nod... and then, "now, the people of fontaine, and," neuvillette paused, took a deep breath and closed his eyes, "as well as lady furina made sure that I am always feeling comfortable. besides, they all seem to be very appreciative of my work," a deep chuckle escaped him.
he opened his eyes once again and locked gaze with [y/n], "and I am deeply grateful for that."
the "fake" one nodded, smiling softly at him before turning back to look at the starry sky, "well, in that case, I'm happy for you, neuvivi."
the two sat in comfortable silence for a mere minute before neuvillette spoke once again, "the people of teyvat... no, your people are simply making a mistake," their eyes widened and looked at him in shock.
"please, I hope you can forgive them when the time comes and they realise that, all this time, they have been led astray by a fake and chasing away the real one," he extended his hand towards them, and yet, he seemed so far away.
[y/n]'s shocked gaze softened, "I... don't know, neuvillette. their words and actions hurt," they managed to mumble.
"please," his hand was still extended towards them, "if you were in their place, would you not blindly follow the one you trust the most despite their questionable antics simply because of your devotion for them?"
[y/n] bit their lower lip.
'would I?'
and then, "I do understand your pain and hesitancy, however, creator."
"how do you know that the one in front of you right now is the real creator?"
neuvillette, with his hand still held towards [y/n]'s direction merely smiled softly. a rare and beautiful sight.
"I can only appear to the real one in a dream when they are resting. that was your wish for your sovereigns, wasn't it oh merciful one?"
[y/n]'s eyes shot open. they slowly sat up and groaned while looking around.
ah, that's right. they fell asleep and lumine, along with paimon and venti, decided to sleep on the same bed with them.
and despite it being cramped, it was oddly comforting.
sleepy [e/c] eyes fell onto lumine's resting face and a sigh left their lips while a ghost of a smile sat on their lips.
they then looked at barbatos and then, last, was paimon.
a heart ache.
they slowly untangled themself from the small sleeping pile and walked out of the room.
where were they going? they didn't know themself, they simply allowed their feet to carry them.
and carry them they did.
they now were outside of the mansion in lumine's serenitea pot, staring at the... same starry sky that was in their dream?
oh, and they felt a piercing gaze on them as well.
"your... grace," an all too familiar voice spoke in clear hesitation.
uncertain if he could even talk to them, much less breathe the same air as the creator that he had hurt physically previously.
a hurtful tug in both of their chests could be felt.
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"the sun is shining brightly today," a passer-by commented.
"yeah! looks like the hydro dragon is finally happy, huh?" one of their friends said, grinning.
neuvillette, who was sitting on a bench nearby, a rare sight and yet, people didn't crowd him, not wanting to disrupt him, let a ghost of a smile sit on his face.
yet, as soon as it appeared, it was gone.
"monsieur neuvillette, bonjour!" a pleasant and feminine voice said.
when he looked in the direction it came from, it was navia, accompanied by her two bodyguards and friends, walking towards him with a wave of her hand and a big grin on her face. the two men looking as expressionless as ever, however, they did greet him with a nod of their heads which he acknowledged with one of his own.
"good morning to you too, lady navia," he went to stand up to greet her properly, but the president of the spina di rosula simply shook her head in disapproval.
"there's no need. also, please, just call me navia," the pretty lady sat down next to him and her two bodyguards stood a few feet away.
it was their lady's private time with a friend after all.
"how have you been?" she asked, looking at the happy passer-bys.
"I have been all right, as always and you?" he said, looking at a melusine that walked by and waves at him.
he waved back.
"that's good to hear! and I have been in such a good mood lately! so imagine how happy I was to see the sun after so many days of rain!" navia leaned her head back, closed her eyes and seemed to soak in the sun.
"good morning, lady navia, monsieur neuvillette," a monotone and feminine voice said, which made navia's eyes snap open and look immediately in the voice's direction.
"good morning to you too, lady clorinde."
"ah, good morning, lady clorinde..." navia trailed off.
she was still a little awkward around the champion duelist, after all. not as much as before, however.
sensing the president of spina di rosula's discomfort, the tall woman was about to excuse herself, already coming up with an excuse to leave the awkward lady alone, but a sudden commotion caught her attention.
and at the heart of it all, there stood furina, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
"ah! please, move aside..." the people around started whispering, wondering what was going on and if something special had happened.
alas, she simply wanted to make her way over to the iudex.
furina smiled nervously at her people before calmly stating having to talk to her right hand and his friends for important matters.
which, in turn, made them even more curious but they did not want to be even more of an inconvenience to the person they admired and made way for her.
"ah ha! thank you, wonderful people of fontaine...!" and with that, furina seemed to practically run towards monsieur neuvillette.
oh, archons...
⠀⠀ ══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
hey, how ya doin? 🤩
I'm alive, don't worry.
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
hiii, congrats on 900 followers, you deserve it! I'd like to make a request if it's not too much trouble. dbf!Joel is talking to a female client and the reader is jealous because she thinks she is immature for Joel and that if he has the chance he would prefer someone closer to his age. I'm sorry if you haven't been taking requests and thank you for your attention <3
oh bestie, the way I'm just now seeing this, I am so sorry this is late but ty! ily!
everyone say thanks to @peterhollandkait for helping me with this! <3
CW: Smut! Minors DNI, angst, established relationship, secret relationship, implied age gap (reader is mid 20's and Joel is late 30's, oral (f receiving), cum eating, praise, talking you through it.
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You tried not to think anything of Joel answering his phone in the middle of your secret dinner dates at this little diner he loved taking you to, but it was hard as it became more frequent. The constant texting at the table while the waitress is trying to tell you the specials, the calls as he’s dropping you off and too busy trying to answer the phone he won’t give you even a peck goodnight. You had no idea what it was about and every time you’d casually bring it up, he’d tell you, “don’t worry your pretty head, doesn’t matter.” That was all fine and dandy until one night as he’s picking you up at your apartment, you walked out to his truck and you could hear a woman’s voice on the other side of the phone. Your blood was boiling and your face was hot as all the worst ideas came flooding into your mind. Was he seeing someone else? Did he no longer like you? Was this just a fling to him?
He hurried off the phone and opened your door from the inside, leaning across the seat with a smile. “How’s my favorite girl?” He questions as you climb into the passenger seat, the pure look of annoyance on your face. “I’m fine Joel. Can we just go eat? I’m kind of tired and I don’t want to be out all night.” You rest your head on your fist as you look out the window and you feel a soft squeeze on your thigh. “We sure can sweetheart, we just have to stop at the office before we go, okay?” His tone is trying to sound reassuring, but the knot in your stomach isn’t easing up at all. 
The ride to his office is almost dead silent had it not been for the radio faintly playing in the background. The gravel crunches under the tires as he pulls into the lot and you notice an older woman standing outside of her car. She’s close to Joel’s age and you gotta admit, she looks amazing in her little power suit she’s got on. Joel throws the truck in park and he brushes your cheek with his thumb to get your attention. “I’ll be ten minutes and then I’m all yours, okay darlin?” His fingers pinch your earlobe gently and he’s gone before you can turn your head to respond. Your eyes watch as he hugs the woman and walks her inside, the door shutting quickly behind them. 
The windows of the office were too dark to see in because of the setting sun, so you could only imagine what was happening. You put your feet up on the dashboard, holding your knees to your chest as you tried to keep your thoughts at bay. Sweat started to form on your forehead as the sun was falling behind the hills, casting a beautiful orange glow on your face. This was gonna be a long night.
He told you he’d only be ten minutes but that quickly turned into twenty minutes and that turned into thirty minutes. You started dozing off as the breeze flowed through the windows when you heard the office door open and Joel was walking behind the woman. She was smoothing her hair as she looked straight at you, a smug smirk on her face. A hug was shared between them and he waved goodbye as she drove off. “The hell was that? You always hug your clients goodbye?” You asked dryly and shook your head. “Baby I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for it to go that long, honest. Let’s go get some food, m’starvin.” He mutters as he kisses your cheek a few times before turning the truck on and driving away. His hand was on your thigh the whole ride to the diner he loved taking you to but you didn’t have the heart to tell him what was bothering you. The lump in your throat was growing and so was your anger and you knew you’d explode soon.
Dinner was quiet, the diner was not so packed this time like it normally is. He tried so hard to make you laugh and you did a few times just so he wouldn’t keep asking what was wrong but he knew something was bothering you because you weren’t your normally bubbly self. He grabs your hand and interlocks your fingers as he gives you a warm smile. “Thanks for bein so patient tonight baby, I appreciate it.” The lump still present in your throat hindered you from responding with words, all you did was nod. After he paid the bill and walked you to the truck, he put on your mixed cd you made for him. He sang Nickelback to you at the top of his lungs trying to get a genuine smile from you but it didn’t work like he wanted. 
As he pulled up to the front of your apartment, his phone buzzed with a text message from the woman from earlier, and he grinned widely as he was glowing with excitement. You suddenly felt the tears stinging and you knew this was it. “Hope she can be what you need Joel. Fuck you, I’m outta here” you blurted out as you hastily gathered your things and walked to your front door. “What the hell are you talkin about?” He shouts, getting out of the truck quickly to catch up to you. “Just leave it alone Joel, go call her back and see if she wants to fuck you again” your voice was shaky as you hollered, you dare not turn around to let him see your tears. The screen door creaked when you opened it and your keys almost made it in the dead bolt when Joel wrapped his arms around you from behind, repeatedly asking what’s the matter in a hushed voice. “Baby c'mon just talk to me, what the hell are you on about?” 
You unlock the door and break free from his grasp, walking directly into the middle of the living room. You didn’t even notice your hands were in fists, your face getting hot again. Joel followed you inside and shut the door behind him, hand on his hip as he was getting ready to ask you again to talk. “Joel you’ve so secretive and answering your phone late after you’re supposed to be off work and you wouldn’t tell me anything! Why did a ten minute meeting suddenly turn into a half hour sex romp in your office? Just tell me if I'm too immature for you now that you’ve met her and we can go our separate ways, my dad won’t know a thing.” The hot tears were streaming down your face now and your hands came up to wipe from Joel's sight. He sighed deeply as he walked towards you and grabbed your arms, pulling you into him tightly. 
“Sweetheart, she's just a client that’s all. She’s got tons of money and tons of land she wants work done on, this could be great for Tommy and I.  I didn’t tell you because work is work, it’s boring as all hell. I talk to your dad about work, not my girl. You really think that’s what happened there baby? Why did you think that?” He was crouched over slightly so his eyes were on yours, inspecting your features soften as you process his words. Your eyes fall to the floor for a moment as you contemplate telling him. “Like I said, you were in there for longer than you said and she came out fixing her hair and she gave me this look and I dunno, I feel so silly now.” You barely choked the words out as you let the tears keep falling and you buried your face in the crook of his neck. His hand reaches up to the back of your head and smoothes your hair tenderly, hushing your cries. 
“I’m so sorry I made you feel like that sweet girl, I am. You’re the only girl I want and I’m sorry it seemed like something else was going on with her. I promise I’ll never make you feel like that again. I swear it” He wipes your tears away and kisses your salty cheeks while he pulls you close to his chest, his hand squeezing your ass tightly. “You mean everything to me, Darlin. Let me prove it to you” he pleaded and got down on his knees, hugging your torso. Kissing your stomach over your sundress, he caressed your body ever so tenderly, taking his time running his hands over your soft skin. He pushes your dress up just above your panties and peppers kisses right underneath your belly button before parting your legs slightly. “May I?” he begs with his glistening brown eyes and you eagerly mutter, “Yes”, earning a smile from Joel. He kisses your clothed cunt and his nose bumps your clit, making you whimper and dying for him to hurry up. Joel loops his fingers in the waistband of your panties and tugs them down to your ankles before he runs his hands up the back of your legs and stops right underneath your ass. “You’re so beautiful, baby. Can’t believe you’re all mine and I get to make you feel so good.” Your knees go weak from his words and you giggle softly, running a hand through his soft curls as you eagerly wait for him to keep going. Joel licks a strip up your pussy and watches you just melt under him. His tongue flutters against your clit and the pleasure courses through your whole body, sending shivers down your spine and you whimper his name. “Joel please, I need you, fuck I need you.” 
Joel grabs your ass and pulls you forward into his face more, sucking your clit while he moans, vibrating the bundle of nerves between his lips. Your moans echo off your living room walls, your knees growing weaker by the second. “You’re such a good girl for me, baby. I love the way I can make you shake while I've got your pretty little pussy just throbbing and begging for more of me” he groaned into your wet pussy, his face covered in your slick. You bucked your hips, moving against his tongue while he buried his face as far as he could between your legs. Joel hikes one of your legs up over his shoulder and squeezes your ass firmly, grunting as he guides you to ride his tongue. “You taste so fuckin good baby, god I’m so lucky I get to taste you. Cum for me baby doll, let me clean you up.”
Your face contorting with pleasure and lust while the pit of fire in your stomach grows, your orgasm just in sight. “Baby please, I’m gonna cum. Don’t stop please, Joel- oh fuck” you whine and he goes faster, digging his fingers into your waist. “Cum on my face baby, let me clean that gorgeous pussy of mine, sweetheart.” Your breaths get heavier and your eyes screw shut as you let out a squeal of curse words and Joels name, letting go on his face. Joel's growls of pleasure mix with yours as he laps at your pussy, licking up every drop of cum you had. You start to sink down the wall slowly with every jolt of your body and he moves his head as your ass falls to the floor. Your moans quiet while Joel kisses your face, bringing you back to Earth. Your heavy eyes open slowly, Joel’s grinning face in your sight, “Told you I’d make it up to you.” 
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beautysamour · 1 year
What kind of fluids are we talking about…
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Pairing: Aaron warner x reader
Set slightly before the first book, you’re one of Warner’ soldiers.
Characters: Kenji Kishimoto, Aaron Warner
Summary: Aaron Warner reminds you to drink water.
warning/s: A slightly suggestive joke from Kenji at the end.
point of view: 2nd person
You woke up to the sun shining in your eyes, the sounds of bird chirping, and-
and kenjis loud ass voice forcing you to wake up.
“Rise and shine princess- we have work to do!Unless you hit your head so hard you forgot all about it?” Kenji doesn’t shy away from letting his sarcasm drip out with his words. for fucks sake.
Kenji resumes pacing around your room, not bothering to hide his loud footsteps. All of course, to piss you off and get you off your bed.
You groan before pushing yourself off of your bed- sending a glare at Kenji- “Alright, alright. You’ve been yapping for the past 30 minutes Kenji, get the fuck out of my room.”
Kenji stopped his pacing and let out a gasp before reciting one of his dramatic monologues, “Did you just curse? At me? I bless you with my presence and you-“
“Fuck off, Kenji, I’ll be out in a few minutes.” He raised an eyebrow. You let out a dramatic sigh, “I promise. Now please, I still have to get out of my bed and I don’t have a shirt on right now.” You finish your sentence with a deadpan directed at him.
He turns and heads towards your door, and actually walks out your room, but not without sending you a slight smirk and a flirty response of: “You were that excited to see me?”
You threw a pillow at him, which he throws back and says “I’ll meet you at the eating area.” before closing your door.
A few seconds pass before you fully get out of bed. A groan escapes your mouth as a wave of nausea violently came over you. As you get dressed the wave of nausea that crashed into you seemed to have only gotten worse, even after blocking all the light from entering your room because that seemed to make it worse.
With another groan and a shake of your head, you open your door and made your way to Kenji. As soon as you opened your door, you immediately leaned on the wall- the nausea only getting worse. You let out a few curses under your breath and pushed yourself off the wall.
“Fucking hell,” you whisper once you regain your composure. You let out a heavy breath and began to walk, luck seems to really be on your side however, as you bump into another wall.
A rather soft…wall? No it wasn’t a wall, it was definitely a human. Bumping into whoever this was seemed to have brought your headache back, you brought a hand up to your temples and took a step back from the person.
“Sorry, my bad,” you mumble out and side step around them, desperately hoping that this time you’ll actually reach Kenji, and that the person you bumped into wouldn’t get angry and track you all the way down.
“I almost thought you went back to sleep.”
You sat down across from Kenji tuning out his voice, your headache was throwing you off. “I bumped into someone,” you close your eyes as you rested your elbow on the table, bringing your hand up so you could message your temples and shield yourself from the light.
The remaining time of breakfast was filled with Kenji going on tangents about some movie called Tangled and with you tuning him out, focusing on messaging your temples.
After breakfast officially ended, you and everyone else began to go to their designated area for work. It seems that your boss, Warner, was conducting a mission that involved some kind of asylum. Well that’s what Kenji told you.
After cleaning up the table, Kenji reunited with you and the two of you began to walk out of the cafeteria. Seeming to have realized that you didn’t feel well, Kenji stopped talking and instead focused on making sure you didn’t fall over while walking.
The light hurt. Everything seemed so much louder than normal, and you felt so cold. The violent throbbing in your head only got worse and now you really wanted to throw up. Kenji seemed to have started speaking again but his voice was muffled and everything started to blur.
Your feet began to slur, and the last thing you see before you completely black out- and before you even realize that you were falling- was the figure you bumped into earlier walking towards the two of you.
You woke up to silence.
The room was dimmed and you were in your bed again. The throbbing in your head is still there but not as violent as it was a few…hours? A few hours ago.
You tilt your head towards the lamp in your room that was responsible for giving your room the dim lighting, only to be greeted with the presence of your boss- Warner.
You immediately push yourself up into an upwards sitting position, tempted to push yourself completely off the bed but he speaks up before you could make another rash move.
“Relax. I don’t need you making any sudden movements that will end up having you pass out again.” He gets up from where he was leaning on your desk and pulls up a chair to sit in near your bed.
You don’t respond to him at all, you don’t even look at him, you’re not even sure if you’re breathing any more. The hell is he here for?
After a few moments of silence, you realize that Warner was waiting for you to say something- when you take too long to respond he speaks up again.
“I have an order for you, you would’ve heard this earlier at the briefing but you passed out.” You stiffen in embarrassment, you passed out- and he was told about it.
“This is an extremely private mission, I expect that you’ll be able to keep this private and complete your part of the operation. In two months, Kent is going to go to an asylum where he is going to have direct contact with who we’re trying to get. Once they come back, you will be in charge of keeping her well and making sure she gets comfortable. You will essentially be her best friend.”
You look up at him and make direct eye contact- vibrant green eyes- he seems to be waiting for a response again. This time you’re able to respond in time.
“Yes, sir.”
The two of you keep the eye contact for what feels like a minute, and then he gets up. “I have high expectations for you, Kishimoto recommended you for this operation.”
Hearing this takes you out of the daze that the eye contact put you in, “Ken-Kishimoto? Why?” Realizing that was a stupid question, you clear your throat and whisper “nevermind” under your breath.
What the fuck? Stupid, stupid. He probably doesn’t even know why Kenji recommended me!
You look back up at him again only to be met with a glass of water in your face, “Make sure to hydrate. I can’t have you passing out once she’s here.” Feeling your cheeks slightly burn up from embarrassment, you mumble out a thanks before taking the glass of water out from his hands.
You watch him walk towards your door and open it, taking a step out. You feel your nerves settle thinking that the moment is finally over but then he turns back towards you- causing your back to immediately straighten. “And by the way love, make sure to keep your head up while walking. Some bastard might take it personally if you bump into them.” He gives you a slight smirk before fully stepping out your room and closing the door.
Your face fully flushes this time as the embarrassment is now too much to handle. You bumped into him?! Warner- of all people!
Your little panic session is cut short when Kenji rushes into your room.
“Are you feeling better?”
You take a few moments to respond but end up giving him a nod.
“That’s good…so did Warner give you the update?”
“You mean what my part in the operation is?” Kenji nods. “Yes, he told me.”
The two of you remain quiet for a few moments before Kenji speaks up again.
“What?” You respond confused, what was Kenji saying no to…?”
“Don’t tell me you like him…” Kenji dramatically brings a hand up to his mouth, “Kenji what the fuck are you talking about?” you respond.
“Oh, no, don’t “kenji what the fuck are you talking about” to me,” he poorly imitates your voice, “I get being intimidated by being alone with him one on one, but blushing? Uh uh, I can’t believe this.” He says even more dramatically.
“Kenji, I don’t-“ you’re unable to properly form a sentence, getting even more embarrassed. You did NOT have a crush on Warner of all people…absolutely not….
“Yeah right,” Kenji says, “hey, where’d you get that water from?”, he asks in a rather teasing tone. “Warner,” you respond. He raises an eyebrow before speaking again, “Hmm…well. I bet you would’ve preferred if he gave you another kind of fluid-“
Your mouth drops open at his grotesque implication, “Kenji, get out!”
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miya-akane · 11 months
ho, can I request a headcannon for Jingyuan, Blade, Caelus and Luocha with a dramatic s/o. Like someone when the exam week end be like “I ALREADY SAW THE LIGHT OF THE END, THE SATAN, THE JESUS, BUT NEVER A HELL IN FORMAT OF A PAPER”?
Jingyuan, Blade, Caelus and Luocha with a dramatic s/o
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a/n:i must say, this request is very fun to write! I hope you'll enjoy it too zhuwang! And sorry i make it a scenario instead but i think this'll fits better.
context: jingyuan, blade, caelus and luocha x dramatic! s/o (separate) (s/o is kinda childish)
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*chuckles*"Dear it's just a paper"
"JUST A PAPER?! Jingyuan. My love. Darling. These papers could fry my brain off."
(okay for context, you're the general assistant. And now you guys need to do some paperwork bit you know it's too much that you think you're starting to lose your mind)
"AHHHHH WHY THERE'S SO MANY OF THEM? That's it I'm dead now. Goodbye honey. You're on your own now." *fake faints*
"Oh dear. Seems like you've already on your end now. Alright then" he picked you up. "We're taking a break okay?"
(name) magically revived now "Really?! You're the best! Could we get some ice cream?"
jingyuan chuckled. "You're just like a little child. Very easy to entertain."
"Hey! But you love this child, don't you?"
"Of course I do dear. Now let's get you some ice cream shall we?"
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"You're overreacting."
"Yet you don't. So let's get going"
"Bladeeee, bladieee please why do I need to tag along?"
"Because elliot ordered you to. Now hurry up"
(Oh what's this? Blade and his fellow stellaron hunter lover is going out on a mission but his beloved don't wanna go out cause it's too hot outside?(honestly very relatable))
"But it's too hot~ I couldn't move any faster than now"
"Tch..(name) darling, aren't you an ice user? You could use your power to cool yourself down."
"And you're a wind user so that mean you could provide me with some cool air so please? "
"Alright fine." He uses his power to help you cool down a little. "There all better now?"
"Very! Now let's go beat some asses love!"
"..we're just going to investigate some people not beat them.."
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"Haha,I understand you're tired but we need to get going. Pom pom said that the train is about to depart. We don't wanna them to leave us right?"
"CAELUS! HOW COULD YOU LAUGH AT MY MISERY!? I thought you love me but not anymore i guess.." (name) fake cries.
(Oh my what now? You're crying cause you can't stand walking anymore. I mean i understand you cause you've been walking with caelus everywhere he goes since you're trailblazing with him)
"E-eh?! Babe don't cry! You know what?" He picked you off your feet, carrying you princess style. "This is better right?"
"Eehh?! Caelus!! Put me down this instant!"
"Why so? You said you're tired of walking right? So carrying you is better right. Since we're running late now"
"Y-yeah but you can't just-! Ugh i don't know what to say but just.. Please don't make me fall"
"I thought you've already fall for me?"
"Shut up you raccoon! Just go okay?!"
*chuckles* "Love you too baby~"
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"I can't see why you're complaining love."
"I can't say allergic is the right word...you're just trying to run away from responsibilities aren't you?"
"...i can't say that's wrong but-!"
(interesting, now luocha and his s/o needs to fill a long ass form to continue their journey? Damn i felt sorry for (name), those paper could make me cry too)
"No buts, we need to fill this form to continue our journey so why don't you fill your part?"
"But why there's too many papers like?! How long is this form honestly?!"
"Hmm..around 30 pages?"
"It's just a simple task"
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another a/n:this turned out more hilarious that i imagined
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mrsackermannx · 10 months
MDNI | smut, slight age gap late 20s/late 30s, single father geto suguru/neighbour f!reader, use of sir, pet names, soft dom condescending geto, no curses au, not beta read. | 1k |
author’s note: omg jazz my brain just brained and i am passing you a note in class like a giggling schoolgirl @p00pdev1l <3
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Thinking about shamelessly teasing single dad Suguru whilst his daughters are away at summer camp. He’s always so respectful, never letting his gaze avert from your face whenever you stop by. Even when your tits are close to spilling out of your shirt, or your shorts are extra short. 
But after an entire week of your antics he was reaching his limit and fast. In fact it was escalating so quickly he wasn’t sure whether he could slam the breaks on this. You’d suddenly taken up gardening in the backyard and he was cursing the short little fence and your even shorter shorts. 
“Hey Mr Geto!” you called over, for the fourth afternoon in a row. He waved back with a friendly smile but muttered a sharp “vixen” to himself as he placed down his book and decided to text an expert—his best friend.
You were only ten years younger, in your late 20’s, your head on your shoulders, but here you were seducing your neighbour so brazenly like this. 
How do I know if a younger woman is trying to seduce me? 
Satoru: You’re a hot single dad, do the math!
Suguru wasn’t quite sure how to breach this, he debated texting Satoru again for some advice but he wasn’t even sure on where to start. That was until you were smiling and standing in front of the pathetic fence that separated your backyards. “How’s the book?”
He resisted the urge to swallow the lump in his throat, “It’s great! How’s the gardening going?”
You were wearing one of your skimpy little tops, it was tied around the base of your nape and exposing your back. He wanted to rip it off with his fucking teeth.
“Not too bad! I just wanted to check on you and make sure you weren’t getting too lonely without your girls.”
“I’m not lonely, I’ve had you to keep me company all week, haven’t I?” he asked. Your heart thudded so loudly you wondered if he could hear it. 
Nevertheless you went with the flow, ignoring his obvious call out.
“You give me too much credit! But I’m glad I could lend a hand anyway, I don’t seem to be making too much progress with my flowers so!”
He chuckled, “Oh? I find that hard to believe, you look like you’re good with your hands.”
Suguru mentally cheered himself on with every remark, growing bolder and bolder. 
You mentally rejoiced, finally he was taking your bait. “I’ve always been one to take a hands-on approach.”
He unexpectedly stood up from his chair, meeting you at the fence with an amused smile, “I hope your skill sets don’t end there, you can only do so much with your hands, you know.”
“What about you? Are you a hands-on kind of person, Mr Geto?”
“Hm? I like a combination, I’m rather good with other things too.”
“Like…” he leaned forward, his black hair glinting in the sun, “I’m good at using my head.”
“Please, do tell.”
“I’d have to show you, you can always come in. Because now I’m curious to see what you can do.”
Your eyes widened, but you grinned, finally ready to accept the challenge from your mysterious, seductive eyed neighbour. “Oh? Have you bitten off more than you can chew, pretty thing?” 
“No sir.” 
He offered you his hand as you stepped over the fence and he led you into his home. As soon as you were inside of it your back was pressed against the wall, and he was tilting your chin upward. “Can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” you answered without missing a beat. Your lips collided in a needy clash and he kissed with so much passion that you were mewling into his mouth. You jumped up and he rucked you up onto his hips, walking you through his kitchen and up the stairs.
“You’re a bad fucking girl,” he groaned, “Sweet, but bad nonetheless.”
When you reached the slick, dark interiors of his bedroom, the masculine scent of him sweet in the air, he was turning you and untying the strings of your halter top.
“Tell me if you want to stop,” he purred, kissing along your shoulder blades as your top fell to your waist. “Answer me, darling.”
“Yes, I will-“ your voice fell into a pathetic whimper when his large hands engulfed your breasts and he squeezed. But he quickly released one, roughly turning your face to see your debauched expression.
“Good, because this has gone on long enough, don’t you think?”
You nodded, his thumb brushing your lip before he was pushing you gently until your knees sank into the soft sheets of his bed, his long hair loose and tickling your back.
“Hm? I didn’t hear you,” he cooed, running his hands down your sides until they reached your waistband. 
“Yes, Mr Geto,” you mumbled shyly. “It has.”
“Yes sir,” he corrected, fully tugging down your shorts. When they reached your knees he scoffed, like he’d been proven right. “What do we have here? No panties?”
“Yes sir.”
“Do that often?”
“No sir.” 
He smirked as he removed your shorts, leaving you naked he pushed your body into a neat arch.
“So I did almost see your cunt in these when you were bent over earlier.”
“Oh? I had no idea.” Your voice was small because he could surely look and see the beads of your arousal dripping onto his expensive charcoal grey sheets. But he wasn’t looking there yet.
Instead you could feel the way your cunt was oozing as his mouth stayed close to your ear, and he trailed up and down your spine with his fingertips. 
“Oh? You didn’t realise? But you can show me now, can’t you?” 
His seductive voice dripped with condescension.
“Yes sir, I can,” you murmured, feeling his hair slide down your spine as he pulled back, standing on his knees, waiting, staring…
“Then spread yourself so I can finally see, darling. I know you’re a good girl really, you just wanted to show me, didn’t you?” he cooed. “So, show me.”
You did as he said and solemnly stuck your ass in the air, taking the fat of your ass in each hand and spreading your pussy for him to finally see every desperately soaked inch of you.
He cursed under his breath at the sight, a little “hum” leaving his lips like new information had come to light and he was a doctor about to give his prognosis. “Yeah, I knew it, I’m gonna have to ruin you, sweetheart.”
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©mrsackermannx: do not repost, plagiarise, translate or modify my works.
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sunnylands-world · 11 months
Western boy
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Pairing: cowboy Harry styles x fem reader
Summary: your little crush on your father's best friend finally turns into what you always wanted it to...
Word count: 1,186
Warnings: oral [fem receiving], unprotected p in v [don't be dump please], dirty talk, tummy bulge kink, breeding kink, age gap, western themes
A/n: I don't know if I have any readers for Harry styles but here's this fic again because I deleted it
You and your friend were taking a stroll to the market in your town. The dust of the desert seemed to blow heavily despite the heat that scorched your skin; your boots looked like your father hadn't taken them to get a decent scrub in a while and your hat sat tilted on your head protecting your eyes from the rays of the sun.
"dear God [name], how much farther I honestly think I'll melt if I have to take another step!" your friend groaned and you chuckled. "It's a beautiful day out daisy, I think it's perfect for a walk. You act as if you ain't walked a day in your life." you called back to her. "But you're father's the sheriff! surely we could have gotten a ride, why ever didn't you ask." She whined and you rolled your eyes.
Your father was indeed the sheriff, people in town considered you a daddy's girl who was spoiled despite the fact that you hadn't been seen bathing in the finest things. You took a few steps before familiar brown leather boots on horseback caught your eye and a small smile came to your face. "My, my if it isn't the chief's little girl" his voice said as the sound of horseshoes came in closer, stopping you in your tracks. "Hello to you Mr. Styles" you said looking at him.
Harry was your father's best friend, you practically grew up with him in your life; his hair was cut nicely though you did miss the long locks under his brown cowboy hat. His smirk spread wide as he shamelessly looked you over, you bit your lip thinking about how much he'd done that lately. "I must say, you've grown up to be a fine young lady. Pretty as a flower!" he praises and you shyly smile. "You're not too bad yourself Harry" you complimented and there was no lie in your words.
Harry was at least in his late 30's or early 40's and he definitely aged a lot better than most men out here, he looked like he was a favorite of the lord's with his brown curls and shimmering green eyes and his facial hair suited him deliciously might you add. "Shouldn't go around telling a man like me somethin like that doll, I might just think you're offering me something" he breathed out, letting his eyes linger a while on your open top showing your perky breasts.
"Maybe I am styles" you challenged. "Don't go making promises you can't keep" he mumbled and you locked eyes with him. "I ain't making promises styles, I'm offering" you say and your eyes are genuine. He smirks. "Go home daisy, I'm taking your friend for a ride" he says, reaching his hand out for you to climb up the brown horse.
Your friend huffs heading for the stairs of the nearest place for alcohol and you cling to Harry's back as you ride to his home.
Your back rested on the queen size bed as Harry knelt down between your legs that were bent upwards so he could lap at your dripping cunt. Your dress was long gone and your hands grabbed handfuls of your breasts as you lost yourself in the pleasure of the older man. "You taste as sweet as pie doll, dripping your sweet juices for me" Harry said, as he let his tongue thrust into you.
"Oh God Harry" you cried out, bucking your hips up chasing your high desperately, his nose bumped your clit with every jerk of your waist and his stubble scratched an itch you never knew you had. "That's it doll, cum for me, make a mess" he says, dipping his tongue deeply into you, licking at your soft walls assaulting the sensitive area between your legs. You followed his order like the good girl you were drenching him with shouts of his name. He didn't stop slurping and sucking till he gathered every last drop of your release.
He stood with his knees now between your thighs, leaning forward kissing your forehead gently. "You still with me sugar?" He asked, seeing your lashes flutter a bit but you nodded. "Still with you Harry" you uttered softly, hazy from your first orgasm. "I'm gonna fill you up sweetness, you okay with that. Want me to stuff you full" he confirmed, his little comment at the end only made you all the more eager for him. "Yess Harry, please" you begged, dry humping his jeans.
He let out a chuckle, pulling at the loop of his belt that was adored with all his many gadgets. You couldn't help but look as he freed his cock. It leaked precum from the swollen red tip, his size was at least a good six or seven inches and you almost shut your legs as you thought of how something so big would fit inside you. He came forward rubbing the head of his length between your wet folds teasing your entrance.
"Please don't tease me Harry," you pleaded far to in need of fulfilling your fantasies. "Since you asked so nicely" he said, driving his cock deep in your tight wet opening, your head went back into his pillows as you felt him touch the spot deepest inside you. "Oh my goodness Harry!" You called into the room as he began to move in a back and forth motion, his hands pressing your legs to your chest; the bed rocking against the wall.
"Would you look at that, my cocks deep in your little tummy" he said letting one of your legs go causing you to grab it as he pressed his hand down where his cock was supposedly visible. You leaned up on your elbows to look and sure enough a bulge was there in the place his hand was. Your eyes went wide as you moved your own hand to take the place of his while he rutted into you, you looked up to his now forest green eyes.
"God, that's the prettiest thing I've ever seen. You looking all innocent while I take you like a little whore" he mumbles, his head falling back as he quickens his paces. "Wanna fill this pussy up with my cum, get ya nice and round with babies." He says, his country accent is clear as day. "That's what ya want sweetness?" He asks looking back at you, you hold eye contact with him nodding.
"Please Harry, need it" you whine rolling your hips and that seems to be what pushes him over the edge as he fills you with warm cum triggering your second climax of the night.."holy fuck doll take it fucking take my cock" he moans with his legs trembling as he falls forward baring his head in your neck, sweaty chest pressed to yours.
You kiss his neck tenderly while you cum on his cock with your own words of nonsense. You don't even think about the reaction your father will have while you snuggle closer to Harry with him still deep in you.
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madame-fear · 2 years
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hello all !! 💖 so, since requests are open, i had to make 90+ (might edit and make more) prompts and scenarios in case you'd like to use them when requesting c: if you're going to use them when requesting, i'd highly appreciate if you also gave me a small insight on what plot you'd like/had in mind for the request/prompt/scenario.
i believe there are some that might not be fully original because i'm not entirely sure if i imagined them, or read them somewhere and it stuck to my mind and i don't remember where & when i read it; so if you see a non-original prompt/scenario, feel free to tell me so and i'll delete it!
💖 requesting rules + characters/fandoms i write for // suggested reading !! 💖
💖 — last updated : 06 / 12 / 22
anyways! on to the prompts and scenarios :
1. “you have no idea how badly i need you.”
2. “jealous? who, me? impossible” *is actually seething with rage & jealousy*
3. catching [character] staring at you, and they immediatly look away blushing when you notice them.
4. “hold your breath, we'll be just fine.”
5. “you're so, so stupid, and so incredibly blind to not see it.” “see what?” “that i'm so in love with you, for gods sake!”
6. “would you fancy to sleep with me tonight, in my bed?” “only if we cuddle.”
7. [character] wakes up breathing heavily from a nightmare, and you soothe them by bringing them to your chest, and whispering sweet things to their ear while your hand caresses their hair.
8. “i saw this and i thought of you.”
9. “what would i do without you?”
10. “shut up and love me.”
11. “i love you so so much, you're my sun and stars, but if you don't reciprocate i understa–” “i love you too” you reply. “well, i hope we can at least be frie– wait, WHAT??? You love me back??? oh my–”
12. “i wish i could gift you the sun, the stars, the moon, and all the planets that exist.”
13. “what are you doing in my room?” “oh, you mean, our room?”
14. tracing [character]'s features while they sleep, and vice versa.
15. “you look lovely today. May i have this dance with you?”
16. “i am head over heels for you, and you deserve to know... i can't hide it anymore. I. Love. You.”
17. intense kissing session while cuddling, and getting caught by someone.
18. “your eyes shine when you smile. I love it.”
19. “gods, your lips are so sweet. Please kiss me again?”
20. goofily smiling in between kisses.
21. goofily smiling in your very first kiss.
22. “are you certain you want to do this? i mean, i don't want to make you uncomfortable.”
23. “and who are you to tell me who i can and can't be with?” “i'm your future husband, and probably, father of your future children.”
24. [character] slightly tilting your chin to make you look up at them when you lower your gaze out of shyness.
25. doing flower crowns for each other.
26. “you look pretty when you blush. Do it more often.”
27. “if only you knew the effect you have on me.”
28. “please, don't ever leave me alone. I could never stand being far away from you, my love.”
29. “i could smooch all your pretty little face right now.”
30. playfully wiping away their kiss, and getting tackled with more kisses by them.
31. “if only you saw yourself the way i see you... such a pretty angel on earth.”
32. “you occupy every single thought in my head, and every single dream.”
33. “i know this sounds strange, but you smell really good. You smell of... raspberry and citrus.”
34. taking care of [character] when sick, but they're so touch starved for you end up cuddling on bed together, but you end up sick as well.
35. Same as prompt 34, but vice versa: [character] takes care of you when sick, but since you end up cuddling and kissing on bed together they become sick as well.
36. “kiss me again. I dare you.”
37. teasing looks with each other in public. As soon as you're all by yourselves, you both fall into an intense, loving makeout session.
38. “is that... my shirt that you're wearing?”
39. “stay in bed a little bit more with me, please...”
40. “you're so distracting... i love that.”
41. “i don't think i'll ever let go of you.” *while cuddling*
42. “your hair is so silky. Can i braid it?”
43. “i will always be by your side, no matter what.”
44. [character] playing with your hair, occasionally twirling a strand around their finger.
45. [character] warming you up with a cloth of theirs when they notice you're cold.
46. “you're cold! i can see you shivering – here, have this. You'll feel warmer.”
47. “as long as i am by your side, nothing nor no one will possibly hurt you. I'll fight for you till my last day, i promise.”
48. singing/humming/reading to each other before sleeping. [ a/n : if you'll request something for this, specify whether you want the reader or character to sing, hum, or read. ]
49. “you're voice is like honey to me. Please, don't stop.”
50. “i don't recall asking you to stop. Keep kissing me.”
51. [character] get jealous because they think someone is flirting with you, but it's actually a relative they didn't know about and the two of you have re-encountered with each other after a long time.
52. “gods, you're such an idiot.” “and yet, you still love me that way.”
53. “the different shades of colours in your eyes are hypnotising.”
54. “have i told you how perfect you look?”
55. “you deserve the world.”
56. being reassured by [character] that they love you just the way you are when you show signs/tell them about your insecurities.
57. “you're perfect just the way you are, my princess, and you'll always be.”
58. “who told you that? I'll fight them.”
59. “you don't need to change nothing for no one. I love every small thing about you, and every inch of your precious being.”
60. “i will vow my life to you, my Queen.”
61. “let's run away together: leave all of this behind, and make a new life where it's only the two of us.”
62. “the sun is getting jealous about you, by the way you so brightly shine.”
63. “have i told you to stop? no. Keep going.”
64. “oh, no! your hands are so cold! here, let me warm you.” *[character] warms your hands with theirs*
65. “oh, thank god– my family likes you!”
66. “i know i make you nervous. Don't try to hide it. Say it.”
67. [character] accidentally calls you a dearly nickname (love, sweetheart, princess, etc) and realises what they've done when you blush and giggle at it. Ends in a love confession.
68. “come dance with me under the rain!”
69. desperate, needy and forgiving kisses with [character] after a bad argument/fighting.
70. “who hurt you? i'll fight the hell out of them.”
71. hugs from behind when you're distracted. Ends with makeout and cuddling session.
72. “you live in my head, and heart! yet you can't see that?”
73. friends to lovers situation. Getting hit with realisation that they're enamoured with you when [character] sees you laughing at someone else's joke, or flirting. Ends in love confession, too.
74. “oh my god– are you... jealous?”
75. “jealous? no, just curious.” *with clenching jaw, in between teeth*
76. “you're my first, and last. Thank you for all the love, i appreciate it, my sweetling.”
77. “don't cry, please. I hate seeing you this way– i'm here for you, and i'll always be.”
78. “you're so... breathtaking.”
79. “are you comfortable with this? i mean– i'd hate making you feel uncomfortable, or forcing you to do something you don't want.”
80. [character] giving you knuckle, hand, and palm kissing.
81. [character]'s family/friends/relatives notice the mutual crushing you have going on, but since you're too scared of doing anything, they set the two of you until you confess.
82. “i've realised, i'm slowly falling for you... and it's painful. So, so painful.”
83. “you should've said it earlier, idiot. I love you too, can't you see?”
84. star gazing with [character]
85. “the stars are pretty tonight... but you're prettier.”
86. “you're stunning. I'm so lucky to have you.”
87. “show me, then.” “show you what?” “you just said you loved me, didn't you? Prove it, and come kiss me.”
88. “did you really just buy me... [insert gift] (specify when requesting)? Oh my– thank you! You shouldn't have.”
89. “gods, you're going to be the death of my with all this... love smothering.”
90. “but they like you, [name]!” “oh, they like me? Too bad, i am so in love with you, and no one can compare to you.”
91. “please...” “please what, love? tell me what you want, angel.” [ for smut ]
92. “tonight, i'm yours... i'll be at your mercy.” [ for smut ]
93. “sometimes i can't help but wonder, if being so pretty hurts?”
94. “oh, fuck me.” “ok, when?”
95. “promise me you'll be more careful next time, alright?” [ please specify scenario for request ]
96. “you drive me so fucking crazy. i want you... now.” [ for smut ]
97. “i would kill, and get killed for you, my love.”
98. [character] randomly picking you up from the floor, carrying you bridal style to their room, and throwing you to their bed just because they're needy for your cuddles.
99. “you're such a needy, good girl, aren't you?” [ for smut ]
100. [character] sees you crying, and holds you in their arms as you cry on their chest and they whisper sweet things until you calm down. Ends in cuddling, and lots of fluff.
101. “you're such a dork.” “yeah, but i'm your dork.”
102. talking with [character] about dreams, and they accidentally confess they dream about you often. Ends in love confession.
103. [character] sees you being nice to little children and how much they adore you, and they can't help but daydream about those kids being your own. Ends with both of you talking about starting a family together.
104. “oh, fuck- we should be quieter, otherwise they're going to hear us!” “let them hear, love. i want them to know you're mine, and only mine.” [ for smut ]
105. “i shouldn't have touched you in such inappropiate way, i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable-” “shut up, and keep going. i've been waiting for this for a long time.” [ for smut + fluff ]
106. “you look so pretty when you're wet.” [ for smut ]
107. “please, sing me a song, love. i can't sleep.”
108. “you're doomed to be my pillow now, for the rest of my living days.”
109. “did you... cancel all your plans just to be with me???”
110. you call [character] – your life time best friend – an endearing nickname for the first time, and then they realise they're slowly falling in love with you.
111. “i think... i love you. I love you like i never loved anyone else before in my life.”
112. “has anybody ever told you how pretty your eyes are?” [ specify who says this to whom if possible ]
113. “i think it's getting hot in here.” “you think?”
114. flashing teasing winks and smiles once you find out [character] has a crush on you.
115. a relative of [character] confesses that [character] loves you because they're too shy to do so... while [character] is witnessing the moment.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
A relaxing night at home
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PAIRING | Tony Stark x Girlfriend!Avenger!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You've been going through a bit of a rough patch lately and Tony's caught on, so he wants to do everything in his power to make sure you have a nice, relaxing evening at home. This way you won't have to think about work or any other worries for even a second. He will of course join you, because he could use one of those nights himself, too.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Age gap (Tony is in his late 30's, reader is in her late 20's), reader is going through some tough times, low self-esteem and bad body image are mentioned, talk about the loss of intimacy, surprise marriage proposal, smut [ slow lovemaking, nipple play, oral (F receiving), cock grinding, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), multiple orgasms, lots of praise/praise kink, implied aftercare ].
A/N | This is my first time writing for Tony, but I hope I will get to share many more thoughts about him in the future! If you have any ideas you'd want to request, please don't hesitate to share them with me 🖤
This turned out to be way longer than I had planned, but I just couldn't stop myself from writing more, so I hope you will enjoy what I wrote for all of you!
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist
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Sure, your relationship might not be entirely ethical, but the heart wants what the heart wants right? And your heart wants Tony Stark, one of the founding members of the Avengers. The very same Avengers you are a part of as well, which means he is technically your boss. At the beginning of your relationship, you two kept it a secret for quite a while, but that was over when the two of you were spotted out for dinner one night, and the paparazzi shot some photos of the two of you in a loving embrace and kiss when he dropped you off at your house. Everyone found out not much longer and after some grumpy faces about the fact that you didn’t tell them, all of the Avengers were very happy that the two of you found love in one another.
That has been almost 3 years ago, and the two of you will be celebrating your 3,5 year anniversary together soon. That seems like ages away to you, because the last few missions have been kicking your ass harder than any other mission ever had before, and it's starting to get to you, both mentally and physically. Tony has noticed but he decided to leave you alone for a bit in the hope you would feel better eventually, but when it seemed to only get worse, he decided to lift your spirits tonight. The intimacy between the two of you - even though it never left entirely - has decreased, and that had him worried more than anything.
Usually, the two of you were always all over each other, barely able to keep your hands off of one another, but lately, you were holding yourself back more and more. You didn't feel good in your own body, and it reflected on the lack of intimacy too, you didn't want Tony to see you like that. Even though he always thinks you're the most gorgeous woman on earth and he tells you that every single day, it is getting increasingly rarer that you and Tony are having sex, which also definitely doesn't help to make you feel better. It's not that you don't want to be intimate with him, but you just can't get yourself past your insecurities.
Right now, you're sitting on the windowsill of your bedroom with your book, reading in the sun and taking in the warmth of the beautiful spring day. You came back from your mission late at night and decided to stay in your room this time because you needed to be alone for a little bit. You were glad you insisted on keeping your bedroom as well, so you could have your privacy when needed and right now that is exactly what you need. You had also taken Alpine from Bucky's room when he was sleeping because you needed some feline love, and it appears he finally caught on because you heard a knock of metal against your door.
''Doll, are you in there? It appears someone stole my girl and I'm very worried about her!'' he said with fake worry. ''No one's here! And not a certain white ball of fluff!'' you said as you laughed and he came in. Alpine immediately lifted her head when he came in and when she saw Bucky she curled up again to continue her nap. ''Well, we see who her loyalty lies with,'' you joke and he sits down on the window sill across from you, his back against the frame. ''Are you okay? You look like something is bothering you,'' he says and you sigh. ''I don't know, I don't think I am but I can't quite put my finger on what's wrong,'' you sigh.
''Anything you might want to share with the group?'' he gestures to Alpine and himself, and you laugh as you put your book to the side. ''I don't know if I should tell you, because it's kind of a personal subject between me and Tony. I'd love to get it off my chest, but I think it's better if I talk to him about it,'' you sigh, and he understands. ''That's okay, but if you ever need someone to talk to, you know I'm here for you, right? I don't like seeing you like this, I'd prefer you to be your happy-go-lucky self,'' he admits which makes you smile. ''I know, and I'm sorry. Just been through quite a rough patch lately is all,'' you tell him as you pet Alpine. Bucky reaches out to grab her and he puts his hand on yours. ''Just talk to him, and I'm sure you'll be okay, but I do need to take her now, I'm sorry, doll,'' he says and you just smile. He walks out with Alpine and closes the door behind him.
You sigh and lean with your head against the frame behind you, closing your eyes as you let your thoughts go their way, and they instantly go to Tony, so you're going to visit him. ''FRIDAY, can you tell me where Tony is?'' you ask, and the voice responds almost instantly. ''Mr. Stark is currently in his lab. Do you want me to let him know you're looking for him?'' the AI asks, but you say that it isn't necessary. You were just lounging around in a comfortable outfit so you're on the hunt for some shoes and when you found them, you're on your way to Tony's lab. You haven't seen him since the mission, and you're missing him now, within no time you're at his lab and looking around at what he's currently working on despite you having zero idea what it all means.
He's bent over a table and you check what he's doing before wrapping your arms around his waist, feeling him relax instantly as he feels your warm hands sliding under his shirt and over his stomach. ''Hi Honey Bee,'' he says as he stands up to lean into your touch, his back now flush to your chest and your face leaning against his shoulder. ''Hey Babe,'' you say as you inhale his scent, feeling right at home again. ''Are you going to let me turn around, or am I doomed to only get my stomach stroked from now on?'' he jokes and you laugh, letting him turn around. ''I can rub your back too,'' you tease and he gives you his beautiful smile as he finally sees you. He leans down to capture your lips with his and you scratch his back softly at the feel of his soft lips on yours.
His hands found their home on your waist and they were sliding down to your hips as he kissed his way down your jaw and to your neck to find your sweet spot, earning him a soft moan from you. ''Missed you so much last night,'' he said as he retreated and his forehead was against yours. ''Missed you too, but I needed some time for myself after that mission. I hope that's okay,'' you sigh as you look into his eyes. ''Of course, it is always okay if you need time for yourself and you shouldn't ever apologize for it,'' he says and you give him a small smile. ''I love you, Babe,'' you say as you wrap your arms around him again. ''Can we talk about what's going on with us tonight?'' Tony says and you nod, you were going to ask the same thing, but you're glad he brought it up first.
''Shall I make dinner for the two of us?'' you offer and he nods. ''That would be nice,'' he says and he captures your lips in one last sweet kiss before you let him do his work. ''Also, I love you more!'' he says by the time you're almost out of earshot, so you decide to have him let this win for now. It is already close to 4 PM at this point so you decide to just relax a little before having to start dinner, and you run into Bucky again, with Alpine in his hands. ''Are you busy, or can I have some more Alpine cuddles?'' you ask him with the biggest puppy dog eyes you can manage. ''Fine, you can have her for a few minutes!'' he laughs and you gladly take her from him as you settle on the couch, Bucky sitting down on your right.
''I just went to see Tony and we're going to talk about everything tonight, so I hope I will feel better after that,'' you tell him as you scratch Alpine behind her ears, earning a low purr from her as you do so. ''That's good, I'm glad you're talking to him about what's going on,'' he says with a reassuring smile. ''It's a good thing I'm running into you by the way, I was hoping you would maybe want to come to the gym and have a sparring session. Unless you're busy then it's okay if you don't,'' he says but you agree. ''Alright, but I can't make it too long, since I'm cooking dinner for myself and Tony later,'' you say before handing Alpine back. ''Sorry girl, but your dad needs to bring you to his room again,'' you say and Bucky happily takes her.
When you're in your room you quickly change into your sports outfit consisting of sports leggings, a matching sports bra, and a pair of Converse. You're not going to do too much intense training so this will be perfect. You look in the mirror and intrusive thoughts are taking over again, so you grab a wide t-shirt which you throw over your outfit even though it's going to be way too hot. ''Hey doll,'' Bucky says as you walk into the gym, and you're already on the verge of tears right now due to your intrusive thoughts earlier. ''C-can we talk for a-a minute?'' you stutter as you feel your composure crumble right then and there. ''Yeah, of course, anything you need,'' he says as he rushes over and pulls you into a hug.
''I-I'm so s-sorry,'' you hiccup through your tears and soft sobs. ''Hey, there's nothing to be sorry for. Everyone has a bad day sometimes,'' he says as he rubs your hair slowly, and just then Tony happened to walk by. ''Doll, do you want to talk to me, or are you willing to talk to Tony instead? He's here too,'' he says and you just hug Bucky a little tighter. ''You...'' he says and Tony heard it too. ''It's okay, we all need our best friend more than our partner sometimes,'' he smiles but he still places a kiss on your shoulder from behind. ''I love you, Honey Bee. We can just order something in for dinner tonight,'' he says and you just nod while Tony walks to his bedroom, a little heartbroken that you don't want to talk to him.
''C'mon, let's go somewhere more private. You never know who will hear what you have to say when we're out here,'' Bucky offers and the two of you walk to your shared bedroom with Tony since it's closest. You knock on the door to make sure Tony isn't there and to your surprise, he isn't, so you just open the door and quickly close it before telling FRIDAY not to let anyone in without permission from you. You drop on your stomach on the bed, burying your face into the comforter and you feel the bed dip beside you. ''C'mere doll, let's get you sitting up before you suffocate,'' he says and you do, sitting with your back against the headboard of your bed and that's when all your troubles come out in one steady stream.
''I haven't been feeling like myself lately, and it is starting to show in my missions and my day-to-day life. I feel horrible about my body, I have constant intrusive thoughts and to make things worse Tony is picking up on it too and it's starting to take a toll on our relationship I think. Like, we haven't had sex in almost a month, because I just don't feel like I can let him see me when I feel like this. I miss him so much and even though he's extremely understanding it bothers me so much. I don't feel like I deserve all his patience with me and after yesterday's mission I didn't even go see him even though he's all I want, but my mind won't shut up and it's making my anxiety even worse...'' you say without catching so much as a breath, but it feels so good to have it off your chest.
''A month, huh? That explains why Tony is a bit more grumpy lately,'' he says like that's the only thing he heard. ''What are you talking about?'' you say raising an eyebrow at him. ''Well, usually he's pretty okay apart from the occasional sarcastic comment but lately, whenever you're not around he turns into a monster, commanding everyone and getting angry over the smallest things,'' he said and he shrugs. ''I-I didn't know... I'm so sorry. I should've just pushed my thoughts aside and just do it to not bother you guys-'' he says and Bucky is quick to interrupt that thought process.
''Doll, no. Please don't ever do that. You shouldn't have to have sex with your boyfriend just so he won't be a grump to everyone else. You should do it because you want to because you love each other and you want to be intimate with him. Not because that way he will be nice,'' he says as he grabs your hands in his. ''But I honestly think this is something you and Tony should discuss. Also, you're gorgeous so those thoughts inside your head, you know they're not true right? Those voices aren't telling you the truth, instead, they're trying to bring you down and now that they're succeeding, it breaks my heart. Please don't give into what they're saying dollface,'' he pleads and you shake your head. ''I won't.''
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Before meeting Tony for dinner you decided to take a shower in the hope to calm yourself a little bit, which did work surprisingly well. Now that you're standing in front of your closet you're opting for a simple black lingerie set that you know Tony goes crazy for. You're kind of hoping that after the talk you will be having, you will be a little less talking and a lot more moaning, so you're dressing accordingly. You put on a dark red sundress and when you're ready you go to the floor where Tony practically lives. Since you also have your apartment you don't stay there too often, but you like to stay over every once in a while.
You take the elevator that stops right in the hallway and when you step out, you can hear Tony preparing dinner for the two of you. He is still wearing the same clothes as earlier, but you can see he did clean himself up a little which makes him look especially handsome. ''Hi, Babe,'' you say as you approach him, and his face immediately brightens when he sees you. ''Hi Gorgeous,'' he says as he takes in your form from head to toe, and you twirl to show him every bit of the outfit you're wearing. You walk over to him and just when you're about to give him a kiss he lifts you and sits you on the counter, where he finally captures your lips in a breathtaking kiss.
''Did you dress up for me? You didn't have to-'' he says, but you stop him right there. ''I wanted to, because I was hoping tonight after our talk you could unwrap me like a reward for all your patience with me lately,'' you say in a sultry voice, and Tony immediately feels himself getting hard and starting to strain against the tightness of his pants. ''Is that so? And what if I want to unwrap my present before dinner?'' he teases as his hands slowly rub your thighs to relax you a little because you immediately tensed as soon as he touched them. He knows it's not because of him, and if you were bothered by him you would just take his hands off of you.
''Tony, please. We should eat dinner first, I have to get something off my chest before I let you touch mine,'' you say and he stops his antics, instead putting his hands on your cheeks as pulls you in for a soft, passionate kiss. He suddenly remembers the dinner he was preparing and quickly pulls away, always dropping you forward on accident. ''Woah, steady there!'' he says as he's turning down the stove and holding you at the same time. ''Can't have you bursting open your head now, can we?'' he says and you laugh, because he's right. You'd rather not end up with a huge wound on your forehead.
Tony finishes dinner and leads you to the dining room, which was dimly lit as a few candles were burning on the tables, giving the room a very romantic atmosphere. ''Oh my god, Tony! It looks amazing,'' you gasp as you hold onto his arm. Tears start to well up in your eyes at the sight in front of you, and when a small sniffle escapes Tony immediately turns to you. ''What's wrong? Is it me, did I do something? We can just eat on the couch if you want! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overwhelm you,'' he says with a worried look in your eyes. ''Take me to the bedroom, Tony. Please,'' you whisper and he complies immediately, bending down to grab the backs of your thighs and lifting you so you can wrap your legs around his waist.
When you reach the bedroom he slowly puts you down on the bed as he leans over you, your legs still wrapped around him and pulling him in for a sensual kiss. All your worries are immediately forgotten, and replaced by nothing but absolute need and lust for the man on top of you. His hips slowly grind against you, as his thickness starts to strain against his zipper once more, becoming increasingly hard and painfully so with every grind. He just can't seem to stop himself from doing it, and you don't want him to. Your dress starts to ride up with his movements and when he finally rubs over your core, you let out a breathy moan at the friction.
''Let's get you out of this dress, okay?'' he says and you nod, already being turned into a puddle underneath him as you uncross your legs from his back and hips. he lifts it up and over your head, revealing the black lingerie you put on for him and he hums appreciatively. ''God, you look delicious now, baby,'' he says as he throws your dress on the floor, quickly followed by his shirt and pants. When he's undressed too, he crawls back to the position he was just in and you instantly hook your legs around him to pull him on top of you, needing to feel him on every single inch of skin possible. ''I need you to make love to me, Tony, please. I need you to show me how much you love me,'' you tell him, and he doesn't say anything, instead showing you with his actions.
He starts by kissing you slowly as one of his hands runs over your arm, up your neck, and onto your cheek, rubbing the apple of your cheek with smooth motions of his thumb. The two of you lay like that for a while as he slowly keeps thrusting up at you, giving both of you just enough friction to stay sane and not jump each other's bones. Right now, you need him to be gentle with you and show you exactly how much he loves you by being the most selfless lover imaginable. He gladly does, and his hand now makes its way down your neck again, followed by a trail of kisses down your neck, and into the valley of your breasts.
''Lift your back a little for me, baby. That way I can free these beautiful nipples and give them the love they deserve,'' he says and you whine lightly as you what he says. He sits up on his knees as he unhooks it and releases your breasts from their confines. ''You're doing so good for me baby, you're perfect like this,'' you let out another soft moan of his name at the praise as you're getting increasingly wetter, but Tony keeps on giving you just enough friction to keep you sane as his mouth closes around one of your pebbled nipples, his hand finding the other. He rolls it between his fingers, tugs on it sometimes, and all around just give it some love, while the one in his mouth gets sucked, licked and slightly bitten which makes your hips buck up at the feeling. After a short while he switches nipples and does the same on the opposite one from what he just did.
''Feels good, Tony. Love you so much,'' you tell him as he comes back up for another kiss, which you slowly deepen, your hands finding their place on the nape of his neck and in his hair, softly scratching with your long nails which earns you a little moan from him. ''Love you too, Baby, more than you'll ever know,'' he says and it makes you smile. You're already so blissed out that you almost let the words 'marry me' slip off your tongue, but get cut off by the feeling of Tony's hand finding its way down your hip and onto your still-clothed cunt, earning himself a bit of a louder moan this time. ''That's it, keep making those beautiful noises for me,'' he praises you as he palms you over your panties and feels that you're practically dripping at this point.
He slides down the bed and hooks his fingers behind the band of your underwear and you lift your ass slightly, making sure he can take it off in one smooth motion. When he comes back up he settles himself in between your thighs, his broad shoulders automatically opening you up further for him. ''Hm, you're already dripping wet for me, Baby. I can't wait to taste all your sweet juices on my tongue,'' is the last thing he says before you audibly gasp, his mouth connecting onto your clit and sucking softly. One of your hands finds its home in the sheets, the other into his hair where you can't help but accidentally scratch his scalp, earning you a groan from deep in his chest.
''T-Tony, it feels so good,'' you moan as he starts licking broad stripes through your folds, sometimes giving kitten licks on your clit, and finally bringing his tongue into your entrance as he nuzzles your clit with his nose. He keeps doing this for a little while and you slowly feel your orgasm approaching, and because Tony is taking its time, the build-up makes the orgasm only more intense. When you're close your moans get more erratic and you start grinding your hips against his face, eventually soft whines leave your lips as the coil is starting to tighten. When he sucks on your clit one last time you fall apart under him, and he keeps lapping up every last drop you spill, working you through your orgasm like he will never have enough of you - which in all honesty, is the truth if you ask him.
Instead of him crawling up to you, he pulls you down to where he's laying until your faces are lined up again, and he captures your lips between his own, and you can taste yourself on his lips and tongue. The two of you keep laying like this for a while, hands roaming over each other's bodies as Tony keeps whispering sweet nothings to you about how much he loves you, how grateful he is for you, and how beautiful you are. Eventually, your hands roam down his back and to his underwear, hooking your thumbs underneath the elastic and letting it snap back to let him know you want it gone too, and he gets the hint, getting up and pulling them down to free is achingly hard cock, which slaps with a wet splat against his stomach from the precum that has been dripping this whole time.
''I'm going to make the sweetest love to you, Baby, but I want you on top when I do just that,'' he whispers in your ear, and with a squeal you're flipped over and sitting on top of him, your cunt resting on his cock that is pressed against his stomach. You slowly move forward to capture his bottom lip between your teeth and when you do that you shift a little, making Tony moan as he feels you glide over his cock, giving it the friction he needs. You moan too as you feel the texture of the veins rubbing against your clit, shooting electricity up your spine and you continue these same motions.
His hands find their places on your hips where he rubs small circles while softly guiding you back and forth, but letting you decide the pace. You sit back up and increase the pace a little, even grinding far enough to give his tip some love as it nudges against your clit. Your breathing gets heavier again and you pick up the pace until you shatter again, this time your limbs are starting to feel like cooked noodles and you fall forward while Tony keeps moving you through your orgasm. ''F-fucking god, that feels amazing,'' you whisper in his ear and you nuzzle into his neck. His hands moved from your hips down to your butt and he squeezes affectionately.
''I will never get enough of you, and I can't wait to marry you one day. You're the one I want to grow old with, and who I want to have as many children with as possible. You have my entire heart, Tony, and I know I have yours too,'' you tell him, a few small tears escaping as the love you feel for him is practically flowing over. There is nothing you wouldn't do for this man beneath you, and you want him to know that. ''I love you more times than there are stars in the sky, I love you more than the sun loves the moon, and I love you more than anyone I have ever loved before. Tony, please marry me,'' you say and his eyes get wide as saucers. ''Are you- Did you just propose to me?'' he asks and you nod.
''Yes Tony, I just proposed to you. I never wanted a fancy or over-the-top proposal, and the time doesn't feel any more right than it does now. I love you so much, and I want to prove just how much by becoming your wife, Tony,'' you say, and this time it is Tony's turn to get a little emotional. He scoots back with you still on top of him and he sits up against the headboard, so he can look at you properly. ''Yes, I'll marry you, Baby. But only if you let me get you the engagement ring you deserve,'' he says and you laugh. Of course, that's what he thinks about. ''Okay, that sounds like a fair deal. Now, please make love to me, I need to feel my husband-to-be inside me,'' you say and Tony pulls you towards him for a passionate kiss.
Tony doesn't hesitate any longer and he lifts you while positioning himself at your entrance, and you slowly sink, taking every last inch of him while you turn into a moaning mess on top of him. He leans forward and positions himself on his knees, your back laying on the bed again so he can make the slow, passionate love you so badly desire right now, and with deep and slow thrusts he makes you walk around the edge of an orgasm, without pushing you over just yet. He hits your sweet spot every single time and you keep making the noises he so badly desires, letting out soft whines and whimpers, while moaning his name too. The two of you stay like that for what feels like hours and hours, until he finally picks up speed.
''I'm getting close, Baby, I'm almost there,'' he says and his hands reach between your bodies, his fingers finding your clit as he starts rubbing steady circles while giving the right amount of pressure, and your back arches of the bed and into his chest, so he can leave kisses and nibbles on your neck to work you through your earth-shattering orgasm. You don't know left from right and up from down anymore, all you know right now is Tony, and the immense pleasure he's giving you right now. You can't bring out a single word, instead just moaning and whining as he keeps rutting into you chasing his high.
Just when you think you're back on earth he repeats the same motions, and this time it doesn't take long for you to become even more of a mess underneath his skilled fingers. ''Y/N, keep gripping me like that, gripping me like you're milking every last drop and I'll cum for you,'' he says and you do. Not long after he reaches his peak, and he chants your name as he shoots his cum deep inside you, not wanting to leave the warmth of your body ever again. ''Love you so much, Baby. Can't wait to marry you,'' he says and all you do is give a soft smile as you're completely fucked out underneath him. The rest of the night feels like you're floating on cloud nine, and the aftercare barely goes noticed, but you're quickly falling asleep once the two of you are in bed, ready for sleep.
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You're still not quite believing the fact that you proposed to Tony, but he assured you this morning it's real and it wasn't a dream. You're marrying him soon, and you have to tell the one person you trust almost as much as your fiancé. ''Bucky, Bucky!'' you yell as you run into the gym where he's working out. Tony just officially went down on one knee with the most gorgeous ring you've ever seen, and obviously, you said yes too, and you couldn't wait to tell Bucky. ''Doll, what's wrong?'' he said as he quickly turned around after hearing you call out for him. ''Nothing's wrong, I have amazing news!'' you tell him as you hold up your hand to show him the ring.
''He proposed? Congratulations. You deserve it!'' he says and he pulls you in for a big hug. You don't care if he's all sweaty, you just need to share your enthusiasm with him. ''Well, it's a bit of a funny story. Yesterday Tony and I were supposed to have our talk, but he prepared dinner and it was the most romantic thing ever, so one thing led to another. And after he just gave me my second orgasm I couldn't hold it back anymore and I asked him to marry me,'' you said as a flush traveled quickly over your cheeks and down to your chest. Bucky laughed loudly and just shook his head. ''I can not even begin to tell you how much that sounds like something you'd do,'' he says and you agree. ''But he proposed to me with an actual ring before I came here, so now I'm officially going to be Mrs. Stark in a few months,'' you say, the biggest smile on your face.
''What is that I hear? Did he finally pop the big question?'' Sam asks as he and Steve walk over to where you and Bucky are talking. ''I did it first, but yeah! We're engaged now!'' you say and you show both of them your ring, earning you some compliments as well as some more congratulations from the two men. ''Oh, I got to tell Nat and Wanda. See you later, guys!'' you say as you sprint away, leaving the guys behind. ''I can't believe he did it. He found the perfect girl for him and he hasn't chased her away yet,'' Sam jokes, and Steve and Bucky laugh. ''She deserves it though, especially after everything she's been through. She deserves all the happiness in the world,'' Bucky says, and the other guys couldn't agree more. ''He'll make her happier than anyone would ever be able to,'' Steve said and with that, they were getting used to the idea that you would be plastered to Tony's side even more than you already were, but they didn't mind as long as you're happy.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 7 months
Dad’s Best Friend
➤Day 9
𖤐 Pairing: Soap x F! Reader
𖤐 Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: Smut, NSFW, age gap, language, P in V, eating out, dad's best friend, kissing, making out,
𖤐 AN: I would like to say this kind of clashes with hes-just-a-bit-older it's kind of the aftermath after Price finds out about Y/n and Soap's little incident.
𖤐 Summaries: The day Soap and Y/n had fucked, Soap and Y/n's relationship grew, and Price was definitely weary of the relationship. Price of course doesn't want his daughter hurt and he doesn't know how he feels seeing his best friend kiss his daughter every now and then.
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A Couple Years Later
Soap and Price were watching at football game (soccer for the American) Soap's team was winning and Price every time Soap's team would score Price would sink down into the couch as Soap would cheer.
Y/n was in her bedroom talking to her best friend. She would roll her eyes when she heard Soap cheer and Price groan. She's glad they're having fun and all, but she sometimes wishes they'd be quiet, so she could hear her best friend.
Her best friend wanted to go shopping and do a girl's day out and maybe go to a bar afterwards to have fun.
"I mean, I'll get ready, but we'll see on the bar, I'm not big on bars."
"Yeah, I understand, we don't have to go," her best friend Aria said.
"Yeah, I'll get ready and let you know." Y/n said as she hung up her phone and opened her closet pulling out an oversized t-shirt that was actually Price's old Military shirt that had 'Capt. J. Price' on the back and 'Task Force 141' on the front. It was worn out, the Task Force and Capt. J. Price where slightly creaking, and the J was fading. Luckily no holes or stains on it.
She then grabbed some black sweatpants because it was going to get cold when the sun will go down. She grabbed shoes, her wallet and texted Aria that she was ready.
She goes downstairs and sat on the love seat putting on her shoes. Price and Soap looked at Y/n getting ready to go somewhere.
"Where are you going?" Price asked.
"Aria, wants to do a girls day out, so I'll be gone for a while."
"How long is a while?" Price questioned his daughter.
"I don't know, what it's 12:30....maybe 5:00? I'm not sure," she said, putting her shoes on and kissing Price's cheek and going to Soap with a smile and kissed his lips.
Soap placed his hand on her lower back deepening the kiss.
"Okay, that's enough. It's already weird for me, seeing my best friend kissing my only daughter," Price said as Y/n pulled away with a red face and Soap just smirked.
Soap and Price are still close best friends, inviting each other to parties and anywhere to hang out like bars to talk and come over to each other's houses to watch a football match. Even though it's been 2 years of them being together, Price still finds it a bit weird that his best friend who's almost 40 years old, and his daughter is only in her late 20's and doing college work online.
Price allowed it because Y/n and Soap are happy together and he doesn't see anything wrong with it as long as his daughter isn't hurt by Soap, if Soap did hurt Y/n, Soap would be 6 feet under, and his tombstone would be saying 'died by strangulation, stabbing, shot, drowning, and fell off a cliff.'
"I'll be back," she said, walking out the door and going to Aria's car and they drove to the mall.
Y/n had walked through the front door of her home, arms full of bags and her left hand held her phone and her right hand held a Starbucks drink.
They didn't have time to go to a bar or anything.
"I'M HOME!" Y/n shouted.
"He's not home." Soap said, coming around the corner of the kitchen holding a bowl of cereal.
"Where is he?" She asks, placing her bags down on the ground, and her drinks and phone on the counter.
"His work called him asking him to come in...he asked me to stay here till you got home to make sure everything's okay..." he said as he brought the spoon to his mouth and started to eat the cereal.
"I thought you wouldn't like fruit loops," she giggles at him, eating the cereal.
"Nah, it's good, just haven't had cereal in a while," he said. Y/n smiles at him and walks towards him. He placed the bowl down on the counter and held his little girlfriend's face and kissed her lips.
He pushed his tongue inside of her mouth. She slightly moans into the kiss, as his hands were placed on her hips, and he picks her up setting her on the counter. His hands went up her shirt and tossing it on the floor, he put his hand behind her back and unhooked her bra, letting it fall off her shoulders.
he grabbed the bra and tossed it on the shirt, his head goes down to her chest sucking on her breasts and squeezing her on breast as well. She moans and tangles her fingers into his hair.
His hands went to her sweatpants and pulled them off her lower half just leaving her in a cute black thong. He's never seen her in a thong before. Her hips just protruding from the small thin straps made him fucking melt. The small triangle just barely covering her clit and nothing covering her ass.
"Holy shit," he said with a red face.
"What? You don't like it?" She said, bring her leg up to cover herself but Soap stopped her.
"No, no, I love it. I fucking love it...you look so sexy with this on," he grabbed the thin straps hugging her sides and let them smack against her skin earning a soft moan from her.
"I don't even want to take these off of you. I want to see you just walk around in them...I want to fuck you in them..." he said, kissing her neck as his hands just rested on her hips.
"S-Soap..." she moans.
He pulls her off the counter till her feet touched the ground, Soap turned her around and pushed her over the counter, seeing her ass and giving her a hard smack leaving a red handprint on her ass.
"God," he leans over her shoulder pushing his clothed crotch against her ass and she could feel his bulge in his pants. She smirks and rubs her ass against him.
Soap looks around remembering the cameras in the house Price put up. He could see one in the corner of the kitchen looking right at them. He stops and moves away from her.
"Why are you teasing me?" She whines.
"I don't want the cameras to see us, and Price gets mad that we're fucking on the kitchen counter."
"Okay, follow me, I know where we can go..." she said as she stood up grabbing Soap's hand and bring him to the bathroom, there was no camera in the hallway where the bathroom was.
Soap looked down staring at her bare ass in the thong.
"Why does he have cameras everywhere?" Soap asked.
"We had a break in when I was 15 and...I was home alone while he was out..."
"Oh wait...your-"
"Mom...yeah...when I was 15 and the break in happened, and I was home alone my mom came home and the robber...shot her....this is when my dad started to come home a little more and then he decided to put cameras in the house so I could feel safe."
Soap felt bad that he asked.
"I'm sorry-"
"Don't be, it's okay..." she shut the door behind them and placed her arms on his shoulders. "I know this is kind of weird to do it in the bathroom but it's the only place that doesn't have a camera in the room or in the hallway." She said.
"I understand." He smiles down at her. His hands went to her waist and smirked and leaned down kissing her lips.
Y/n's hands went down his chest to his pants, unbuckling his belt and pulled them down and she pulled his hardened cock out.
He smirked into the kiss and started pull her thong off her lower half pulling them down and tossed them somewhere in the bathroom.
He puts her on the sink counter, and she put her feet on the sink giving him a perfect view of her slick coated pussy. He smirks and starts pumping himself viewing at her. He smacks his cock on her lower half.
She moans as he then pushes himself inside of her. She moans and falls on her back, Soap traps her between himself and counter. He starts to go easy till she gave him a look to speed up and go a little harder, which he did.
She moans and brings her head back hitting against the marble counter. Her hands held her legs, but her arms were getting tired, Soap grabbed her legs placing them on his shoulders.
Her hands kneaded her breasts as she moans and brought her hands under his shirt pulling it off his head and she tossed it on the bathroom floor. Soap was getting the rest of his clothes off as he still was thrusting into her.
"H-Holy f-fuck," he moans. He looks down at her seeing her stomach bulging with his dick inside of her. He smirks and leans down kissing her lips pushing his tongue inside of her mouth.
She moans when his tip just barely hits her g-spot. She moved her mouth, and his lips attacked her neck leaving hickies all over her neck and collarbone.
"Ahh~" She moans when she felt herself cum on his dick. He smirks and keeps going till he came inside of her.
He pulls out of her and goes down on her, licking between her folds getting cum on his tongue and swallowing it. Y/n moans feeling his tongue go inside of her as well. She grabs a handful of his hair making him go a little faster with his tongue.
"Y/n? Are you in there?" Price was on the other side of the bathroom door. She looked down at Soap who kept going but she doesn't know if she could keep quiet.
"Everything okay?" Price asks.
"Y-Yeah, I'm just not f-feeling well," she moans but tried to keep quiet as Soap just keeps going.
"Oh okay....hey Soap." Soap stopped and looked up at Y/n knowing they were caught.
"Fuck," Soap whispers. "Hey, Price..." he says.
"What's going on?" Price asked.
"Nothing much."
"C-Could we not h-have a con-verstaion bet-between t-the door, p-please." Y/n asks.
"Fine...I just came back for my wallet," Price said.
They heard the front door shut letting them know, Price was gone.
"Did that turn you off?" Y/n asked, Soap.
"No, don't worry about me, did you get turned off?"
"A little."
"Why don't I fix that?" Soap went back to licking between her wet folds. She moaned and grabbed a handful of his hair once again, her thighs squeezed around his head.
"Oh baby," he moans as he looked up at her and she felt herself cum again and Soap licked her clean again.
"S-Soap," she moans.
He smirks and stands up hovering over her and kissing her thighs and biting them as well.
"God...you look so fucking sexy," he said as he grabbed his clothes, and she grabbed a towel to go get her clothes from the kitchen. Soap looked down seeing her black thong on the ground and stuffed them into his pocket.
Y/n was getting ready for bed wearing a shirt that was Soap's and laid on her back looking at her phone, she was looking at TikTok before getting a text from Soap.
Soap: *I have something of yours*
Y/n: *Oh? And what is that?*
Soap: *Sent 2 photos*
Soap had sent two photos of Soap holding her black thong. He had the thong resting on his hardened dick and she could see some white liquid on the black thong.
Y/n: *Is that your cum?*
Soap: *DUH!*
She looked at the other one and saw him holding it in his mouth, he was shirtless meaning...he jerked off on her thong.
Soap: *Oh, I know, love, but goddamn all I could think about was you in this thong, looking absolutely sexy*
She rolls her eyes and thought she should send some back. One of her showing off her butt in another pair of underwear in Soap's shirt.
Another where she stood in front of her full body mirror lifting the shirt exposing her panties and her hips being tightening by the panties.
Another one with the shirt off and panties off.
Soap: *GODDAMN! New photos to jerk off to*
Y/n could feel his smirk from a far away and could feel him already jerking off. She placed her phone down getting her clothes back on and laid on her bed.
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crashtestjeffy · 5 months
Canadian in my 50's, single-father to a teenage girl. We got a scruffy cat named Jehoshaphat or Joe for short. Not here to try to see your nakeds or to romance my way into anyone's life. Never really have been. It's just a place I found myself 13 years ago or so and got stuck, like a rash that won't go away. After over 30 years of blue collar worker I became too ill to work anymore. I am now on pension and disability. I am also a long time dweller of the shadows of mental illness and scars. I had a more detailed version of this type of pinned post before, but one day I felt too exposed and maybe a little like I was oversharing where it could be harmful. So I deleted everything but the blog. I'm a Democratic-Socialist I consider myself a copacetic and open dude, I support women's rights, trans rights, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration and minorities. All fringe and marginalized folks. Fighters and failers.
Though we won't get along if you are a right-wing, gun lover who thinks that taking rights from others is somehow restoring yours, you're just not my kind. This quote says everything you need to know about me really -
“Lonely's a temporary condition, a cloud that blocks out the sun for a spell and then makes the sunshine seem even brighter after it travels along. Like when you're far away from home and you miss the people you love and it seems like you're never going to see them again. But you will, and you do, and then you're not lonely anymore. Lonesome's a whole other thing. Incurable. Terminal. A hole in your heart you could drive a semi truck through. So big and so deep that no amount of money or whiskey or pussy or dope in the whole goddamn world can fill it up because you dug it yourself and you're digging it still, one lie, one disappointment, one broken promise at a time.” ― Steve Earle, I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive
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Finally, being a single-father is tough enough. But doing it on disability is nearly impossible. The day to day needs of a home and food and transportation are many times impossible. I have to chose rent over the needs. I have no car and no real luxuries. And so I will include a link to ko-fi and PayPal, if you feel I am worthy and you want to help out, it is always welcome. And appreciated and gratitude exudes. You'd be a good cheese.
ko-fi & PayPal
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enchantinglyjade · 2 years
Milk & Honey - Ch. 1
Austin!Elvis x Black!OC
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Prologue | Next 
Summary: After a few weeks of working at her new job at Club Handy, Honey meets someone new, or does she?
Warning: Swearing, racial issues(you know just cute 1950′s stuff), 
Note: I’ve watched at least 30 hours worth of 50’s movies this week specifically for writing this story, so if you need any recs I gotchu. Anyways, lets dive in!
Ma and I moved to Memphis a few months back, Tupelo just wasn’t putting food on the table anymore. Ma’s getting older and I don’t have any other friends or family, so it’s on me to take care of us. I know I have to be a pillar of strength and support for Ma, but I still have dreams of my own that I’m determined not to give up on.
Elvis and his family left Tupelo the summer after I turned 11, Thomas following suit shortly after. Thomas’ family moved to Atlanta after his dad found himself a nice job of some kind, but Elvis never told me where he was going. 
Elvis grew shy and more distant towards me the older we got, causing that connection we once had to slowly slip away. Of course, I still missed him when he left, but things didn’t leave off how I had expected them to when we were growing up.
I always took it as him finally trying to learn how to fit in with his own people. Can’t blame him. I would have too, if I could have.
In fact, Ma used to teach me how to talk, going as far as scolding me for using slang in her company. She told me I needed to act more ‘proper’ and ‘educated’, which was her way of saying ‘white’. She’d dress me in the most ordinary clothes and wrap my curls up and away from other’s eyes, anything to keep me from standing out. When the boys would run around and ride bikes or play sports, she’d keep me back in the shade, hoping if I dodged the sun enough my skin would lighten over time and help me pass as a white woman.
It didn’t.
Of course, she never directly told me these were the reasons behind her actions because I was only a child, but I knew.
It all made sense.
Honestly, I’m not mad.
Though, I never understood why she tried so hard. It don’t take a genius to know I was born to stand out. Just a glance in the mirror is enough to see the obvious. But all the world wanted to do was hide me.
After the youngest boys left, it was just me and Michael. We’d hang out sometimes, but- it wasn’t the same. 
Michael and I were both awkward teens that didn’t really have nothing in common to begin with. He was difficult to talk to, and I always found myself cutting our meetings short. But honestly, it was because I missed Elvis.
Micheal didn’t see art and music that same way Elvis and I did, he didn’t feel it.
But, it didn’t matter anyways, because one day he up and left too.
I hated the growing feeling of isolation in that small, ghetto town of ours, not to mention the lack of excitement and money. So, I talked Ma into moving to the closest, job filled city. Memphis. I told her I wanted to start working so I could afford a proper education one day, but she never saw all the newspapers I hid under my pillow.
“Free-rolling, new race records corrupt our youth as a new sound sweeps over the South. One thing these rising artists have in common: Beale Street.”
It sounded exhilarating.
Wasn’t too hard to convince her. She would have taken anything over finding me working a plantation like she did.
The population in Memphis was mostly black, which made Ma feel comfortable. However, this did not make it any easier for me.
They like representation. The ‘right’ kind of representation.
Diners were filled and busy, and as desperate as I was, I’d be damned before I became a nurse or washed white folks dirty drawers as a laundress. Not that they accepted my request to work there anyways. Didn’t like that I was mixed white. Told me they couldn’t get caught representing all that nonsense.
But then I found Club Handy. On accident actually.
You see, Ma doesn’t like me walking around during the day, too many people to see me, and if I do decide to show myself in the sun, she’d always put me in a headscarf and make me promise to never look people in the eyes.
Being mixed left me with some… unconventional features.
She had me do this since I was little so people would never see my differences. The awareness that mixed kids were even being born was enough to make the right person go mad, Ma feared those people would find me one day.
But anyways, back to Club Handy. I was out for a nightly stroll, thinking no one would be out to see me, but boy was I wrong. Most of the city was asleep except for one place it wasn’t. Instruments were blasting sound onto the streets that could be heard from miles away. I couldn’t help but follow it. In front of me was a small, baby blue building with a bright neon sign and shadowed figures dancing and playing together behind the curtains of the windows.
It was beautiful, it was new, it was exciting. It was exactly where I needed to be.
But I couldn’t get in.
Private property they told me. Had to be a real musician… and I wasn’t.
I begged them to let me play there just once, but I never even got past the bouncers. They were right though. Sure I had practiced, wrote a few lyrics here and there, but I was nothing compared to Big Mama Thornton or Tharpe like they had in there. But I knew I’d be better with just a little exposure and I was determined to get it.
I spent days learning how to set aside my dignity until I finally asked them for a job I knew they’d hire me as.
A cleaner.
Obviously, not what my heart wanted, but it was a start. It’d buy me time to learn more and develop my voice until I was really ready.
It was a risky job. Had to hide it from Ma. Pay was low too, but it was a colored bar, so it was expected. Nonetheless, I got food back on the table.
I felt bad for lying though. Technically, I told Ma the truth about coming here for better job opportunities. I just never told her which one. As far as she knows, I'm a waitress at a cute little restaurant on the blackest street of town where I serve milkshakes to Harriet Tubman and everyone shits out great moral values for our youth of today. I could never tell her I wanted to be a singer at a nightclub where everyone bumps and grinds till 3 in the morning.
However, even though I got the job, there were still some major complications. The owner, Sunbeam, as kind as he is, was still highly aware of my differences and their negative connotations, even in the black community. Therefore, I was stationed in the back, where I was never in the direct line of customers.
Busy days were becoming more and more frequent as the club only rose in popularity. Sunbeam was getting more strict on who he let play. Only the best of the best got in, and only the best of them actually got to perform. You had to be a creative, bold, visionary to make it here.
Luckily, I had the vision. Unfortunately, I lacked the action.
It’s a slow day today, so Sunbeam was comfortable allowing me out to clean tables every so often. I’d bring dirty dishes to the back, then come out to restock the bar area, trying my best to sneak peeks at the new acts.
Arms full of dishes, I excuse myself to Jackson, the bartender, and bend down to fill any empty slots on the shelf below the counter with freshly washed and warm cocktail glasses and beer mugs.
“Ah! There you are, man!” I hear a customer call from not too far to my left. I glance around the counter, watching as a man walks past the bar towards the doors of the nightclub.
“You know I’d never pass up some good music.” A deep southern accent responds.
A lump forms in my throat upon seeing the last person I had expected to walk through these doors. In the entrance stands a white man.
I hide further behind the counter, preparing myself in case things go south, but after seeing his youth, soft smile, and oversized, baggy tux, perhaps he was of no harm. Maybe having an identity crisis, but mostly harmless. Regardless of who he is, he’s still that last person here I want to run into. I could think he’s fine now, but who knows what he’ll do if he sees me.
I watch as the white man steps further into the club. The black couples seated near the door eye him til he and his friend sit at their own table. He sits, smiling at his friend, throwing his head back in laughter as they talk. He has a playful darkness in his eyes. They’re filled with mystery and wonder behind the few strands of blond hair that fell into his face.
Honestly, he’s kinda cute, but I shouldn’t think that way.
A new singer takes their place on stage, setting up their equipment. I take a glass from my arms and notice that it’s still wet. I grab the towel hanging from my apron and wipe off the few droplets while I study the music being played. I take in everything. They way they move. The way they sing. The way they flick their wrist.
It was inspiring, hypnotizing.
That’d be me one day. I just know it. I felt it inside of me; the passion to perform. One day all those years of watching, waiting, and daydreaming would go to use. One day.
“Hey there, sir. Could you fix me up a nice Pepsi-Cola, please?”
Shit. I jump, ducking further behind the counter. It’s him, right on the other side of the bar.
Jackson lets out a breathy laugh. “Easy enough,” he mumbles. He turns around to reach for a cola, popping off the lid and handing him the glass. “Here you go, sir.”
He tips the glass towards him as a thanks, before tilting his head back to take a sip. He hums in satisfaction, placing the bottle back down on the counter as he takes in the club once more.
Jackson glances down at me for a moment with an amused smirk. Luckily, Jackson’s one of the most kind and understanding people here, so he knows exactly why I’m basically hiding behind his legs like a scared puppy dog.
I wait a few moments longer, not even daring to peek and check if he’s still there. I hear someone step down from one of the stools and walk further away from the bar. I assume it was him, considering how close in proximity it sounded. I sigh in relief, starting to cramp up in my hunched position, finally standing, but not before completely missing Jackson’s silent warnings. I spin around only to come face to face with the very person I was hiding from.
“Well, hey there, little miss. Where’d you come from?” He says wide eyed with an amused laugh.
For a moment, I'm dumbstruck, absolutely wide eyed and frozen, unable to do anything but stare him right in those bright, baby blue eyes. And from the looks of it, he seems to be having a similar problem.
“My, you have you some beautiful eyes.” He compliments.
I can't tell if he's being serious. Technically, this is my first time speaking to a white man, besides Elvis and the occasional run in with his father, but that was different. This is a stranger. Sure, I had seen white people from afar, but to be this up close and personal with one of them is new. And now this guy's complimenting me? I've never been approached in this fashion… by anyone, really.
He chuckles at my lost gaze. “What’s your name, lil darlin?” He asks with his deep, southern drawl.
I feel a heavy blush rise to my cheeks. That's not supposed to happen. 
I quickly snap out of my trance, realizing the man is still waiting for a response. “Um, Honey.” I answer, scratching the back of my neck.
He pauses to process, narrowing his eyes and studying me closely for some reason. “I used to have a friend with that name...” He states dubiously.
Now it’s my turn to squint at him. I take in his face, his features: blue eyes, blonde hair…
No, could be anyone.
I shrug off the thought, “Didn’t know there were any white girls named Honey.” I comment slyly, skeptically eyeing him over.
He chuckles, thumbing the sweat on his glassed cola. “There’s not. At least, that I know.”
I raise an eyebrow at this, curious. What kind of people is this kid hanging around? “You got a lot of black friends?”
“Is that so hard to believe?” He grins.
I guess if he's up in a place like this I shouldn't be so surprised, but still. “Yes.”
Normally, I wouldn’t feel this comfortable talking to any kind of stranger, but something about this guy was just so… familiar– so comfortable. 
He chuckles, “I guess it would be.” He props his head up, resting it on his knuckles. “I s’pose you didn’t grow up in ol’ Tupelo, Mississippi?” He takes another sip of his drink, looking off in the distance as if he’s not expecting a yes out of me. Little does he know.
Immediately upon hearing his question my face drops. Is it-? He couldn’t be-?
I shake my head in disbelief, a small smile creeping onto my lips as my heart immediately begins to recognize the boy in front of me despite what my eyes can barely grasp. He notices the change in my expression, letting his jaw drop. His eyes find mine as we both realize the other’s identity. “Uh uh, ain’t no way.” He mutters, running his hands through his hair while he shakes his head.
“Elvis…?” I just barely whisper.
A large grin appears on his face. He jumps over the bar, completely oblivious to the eyes on him, and pulls me into a big hug. I gasp, embracing him back. “God, I barely recognized you!” I exclaim, pulling back to look at him. “I’m surprised you ain’t forgotten me by now. I’m sure you have a whole posse of friends now. I mean… look at you!” I chuckle nervously. Lord. And I used to think he was cute when we were little.
He scoffs, playfully rolling his eyes at me. “You don’t forget a friend of that many years.” He leans to the side, resting his forearm on the wooden counter with a… mischievous smile. “ And trust me, darlin,” he begins. “I’m the one who’s really shocked here. I mean…” His eyes scan my body up and down. He takes a deep breath, cocking his head to the side with a shy, yet suggestive chuckle. “You’re definitely a woman now.”
My heart thumps ferociously in my chest, hands sweating nervously as my former best friend begins to notice me in a way I had only once dreamed of.
He pulls at the collar of his button up, clearing his throat. “Well, I oughta get back, but uh, I’ll be back to you later.” I nod, still too embarrassed to say anything. He backs away, eyeing me with that dumb grin of his that I used to hate and love so much as a kid. He turns back to his friend but not before shooting me one last flirtatious smirk and wink before sitting down.
I can’t help but giggle as my blush darkens. I turn back to the bar, unable to stop myself from smiling like a gummy idiot. Jackson raises his eyebrow at me, chuckling to himself as he sees my flusteredness. I flash him a quick and embarrassed grin, before scurrying back to the kitchen.
The rest of the night goes by painfully slow. My previous ear for music now directed to the sound of my heart, though I try my best to focus on my work in front of me. Eventually, the club drains out as closing time nears, Elvis and his friend being the last left. I take the time to wipe down tables and flip chairs, prepping the area for sweeping and mopping.
I glance over at Elvis for the nth time tonight. I can’t believe I’m seeing my childhood best friend again, all grown up and a man now no less. It warms my heart seeing as his open and playful personality hasn’t diminished over the many years and that he never lost touch of our roots.
He started doing his hair differently. All pushed back and messy.
It looks good on him.
As I take in his new look, I find myself pathetically oblivious to the fact that I’m fully staring at him, and that he’s aware that I’m doing so. He lets out a laugh as he excuses himself to his friend, who takes the time to go over and speak with Jackson.
Oh, Lord. I’ve gone and invited him over now. What do I say? Maybe I’ll just play off the fact that I was looking at him all night, make it into some small joke. Oh, he’s gonna know I’ve been all goo goo eyes for him since the day we were born. Maybe I should just walk out. ‘Sorry, busy,’ I’ll tell him. Is that rude? Oh! Maybe I’ll-
“I didn’t forget about you, if that’s what’s troublin’ you.” He teases with an annoyingly cocky grin.
I snap my head up towards him with wide eyes, before quickly snapping it back down in embarrassment to look at the table I was cleaning before he had come over. I narrow my eyes, attempting to play it off. “Nothin’s troublin’ me, Elvis.” I assure him.
He hums, not at all convinced as his cocky grins turns into a prideful one. “Really? ‘Cause from where I was standing, you were looking pretty troubled to me.”
I roll my eyes, but can’t fight the smile on my face. “What do you want, Elvis?” A defeated sigh heavy in my voice.
He shrugs bashfully, looking down at his feet. “I wanted to catch up with you. Been a while.” He says softly.
My eyes fall guilty to the floor. “Well,” I begin. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid much ain’t changed.” I say with a sigh. It was true. New city. Same problems.
He scoffs. “That ain’t true, otherwise you’d still be down there, wouldn’t you? What brought you up to Memphis?”
“Money.” I say bluntly.
He lets out a chuckle. “How’s Ma?” A softer look in his eyes. 
I sigh once more, dropping my shoulders. “Lonely.”
He looks down at me with an empathetic look, knowing she still misses my dad.
Ma and Dad met in Alabama. Dad was the son of a plantation owner and Mom was the maid. They spent so much time together that eventually they fell in love. They started fooling around, got caught by his folks. They thought something was wrong with his head and called the cops on him. Ma found out she was pregnant, ran to Mississippi and Daddy got locked up. Elvis and I had that little bit in common. 
I never met my dad. In fact, he had no idea I even exist. Other than that, she never really told me nothing about my dad.
“Yeah, it be like that…” Elvis says, trailing off as he stares at nothing in particular on the floor.”
I clear my throat, attempting to change the subject. “Well, what have you been up to then?”
A small smile returns to his face. “Oh, you know, school. Been going around as a truck driver.” He shrugs his shoulders, trying to appear nonchalant about his recent activities.
I nod slowly. A young truck driver hanging around these parts. I’m sure he gets by well in his community. “How’d you come by Club Handy? Most people like you don’t come around here…”
He laughs, amusedly smiling at me as he leans against the nearest table. “I assume you mean white?” He chuckles when he sees my eyes guiltily look away. "I just really like the music. Can't find it nowhere else."
My smile widens. "S'good to hear you still like music so much."
"You have no idea." He says with a hint of mischief in his eyes. Our eye lock onto each other's. I try my best not to let his gaze get to me, but my lips betray me, forming into a flustered smile which causes me to break our little staring contest out of shyness.
I watch in my peripheral view as he bites his lips, letting it curl into a devilish smirk. I shake my head. “Mama always warned me about you.” I say with a chuckle, looking back up at him.
He stares at me, taken aback, but still amused. “Oh, did she now?” He raises a brow at me.
I nod matter-of-factly. “Mhmm. Said you was all kinds of trouble.”
He takes big nods as he very obviously processes this new information. He accepts it. “I guess I am.” I raise an eyebrow, not expecting him to answer in such a way. 
He glances down at me with a new found sense of confidence. 
“How bout you?”
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@mirandastuckinthe80s​ @queenslandlover-93​
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boomtastics · 1 year
𝑶𝒄𝒆𝒂𝒏-𝑺𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
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Character(s)? | Jade leech and Vil Schoenheit
Type? | gn! reader, mutual pining you and Vil are friends
for @twistedchatterbox​ 30 day event! luv u<3
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Like how the setting sun meets the dark ocean, Jade loves you.
You didn't know that, he didn't think you did anyways because well, you have the attention of THE Vil Shoenheit and have defeated many Overbloats. But for now, the letter you shall never see will do. For now.
A ringing bell takes him out of his trance. Has school ended already? Well then, he can just get notes from another classmate it's no big de- Oh.
You're with Vil again. How pleasant. Your friendship with him is growing quite strong. It's almost as if you're attached at the hip.
“Yo, Jade calm down looks like your about to murder someone!” Ah, it's Floyd. Usually, he could tell when someone was behind him. He's been spacing out more, that's no good. “Im alright, Floyd. Im just a bit tired that's all.” that was a lie, but having his brother worry over him while his crush is slowly slipping away from him is bothersome.
“Yeaaahhh noo, for real, what happening are you okay?” curse Floyd for knowing him so well.
Jesting his head over you and Vil he understands immediately. “Shrimpy and Betta getting too close for your liking? Why not confess to Shrimp already? What, are you scared?”—that's stupid.
“I am not. I'll confess to them in an hour!” What a stupid mistake.
Rummaging through his boxes of letters he needs to find the right one. About your eyes? Predictable. Your bravery? Others are already telling you that. Your beauty? That won't work.
That one.
The perfect one.
A knock is heard on your door. You would think it's vil but he's already here.
“Alright, sorting from expired, terrible, and unusable I have found one make-up brush. You exceeded my expectations…What are you doing?” Vil asked. It's not like you to just leave him without warning.
“Sorry! I heard a knock at the door and went to see what it was” A letter was behind your back hidden from his view. “Well? What is it? Did another desperate potato ask for your help?”.
“No just this” You held the letter up in clear view. “Aren't you going to read it??”
“If it is not too forward of me to say so, I have developed a very strong affection for you…The more we have talked... it is as if the world has brightened. I have never met someone as charming as you before. That feeling has never changed, and I will always be in love with your genuine, and beautiful soul. How did a person as wonderful and kind as you ever come to this world? You are truly a blessing, and I’m forever grateful to know you and to love you. You make every waking moment I spend with you feel like I am in paradise. I never want to leave your side... These words I write are not enough. Words will never explain how much my heart bleeds with love for you, how your love and affection for me cause joy to resonate through my body and spirit. I hope that my feelings will reach you in the best way possible. You’re my everything. I love you, and you alone. To me, you're a rose that should be protected from thorns, a delicate angel who needs a defender. To be your defender, I promise that I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy and keep you safe. I'm serious when I say, "I love you." I usually rhapsodize about your outstanding natural beauty to my friends. Your beauty hit me with a force of a poetic sledgehammer. I love you and cherish you. You're an angel personified.
“Well, now we know he likes you. What are you doing standing around? Go talk to him. I swear if you fawn over him anymore to me I WILL poison you.”
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