#before you come for me: 1) this is a joke I made for discord. funny haha. 2) late seasons canon and i are nodding acquaintances only
fandom-space-princess · 9 months
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I don't think I ever posted this dumb drawing I made here, so behold: the worst polycule in the history of the universe ❤️, supernatural edition
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beesmygod · 2 years
look: the only arguments in favor of webtoons ive ever heard hinge greatly on the idea that the vastness of the audience on webtoons is crucial to one’s success in the “webcomic business” nowadays. people need money to live. to make money quickly in the entertainment business (and i would like to stress that this is the first time the artist makes a choice: when they decide to pursue art as a career. deciding to do this is not a choice that should be made lightly. additionally, i do not believe that people are being forced to turn to webcomics in order to make a living lol. can you even imagine), they turn toward the algorithmically curated and inflated numbers offered by webtoons.
i’ll start this off with my bone fides so i have to clarify any of this in follow up posts: i started workshopping my webcomic on tumblr in 2012 with doodles and by answering asks people would send me. i would also just post lore dumps for funsies. they are so barely related to the comic now, but they created interest and people asked me cool questions that made me think about the world i was creating. i started the comic in 2013. holy shit i really am coming up on a decade of webcomics. hold on i have to stand up and walk around for a second. picture to break up all these words so your eyes dont slide off the page:
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i made enough money on patreon (as a very early adopter) to live in beaverton, oregon (with first 3, then 1 other roommate[s]) living the most spartan lifestyle a person could manage in order to avoid having to go back to my hometown. now i live in confusing moderate comfort in a house my bf and i bought in a burst of sheer market based luck right before everything exploded. we used all of my savings i earned working from age 15-30 as a down payment.
i still try to take care of myself entirely and contribute a proportional amt of my income to the bills. i use government aid and use(d) it get a lot of medical help that i would not have been able to afford otherwise (medicare for all btw its unconscionable that this isnt the norm). i sincerely enjoyed my poverty and i felt like i understood how to live under those parameters with ease and comfort. i was poor but i was free. i do not like that i have to disclose this in order for people not to immediately dismiss me as coming from a place of monetary privilege. this shit is none of your business. im not interested being assigned a perception to my work and character that does not come from my words and deeds. i do not want “poverty artist” to be the signifier attached to me, forever, that people can scrutinize and obsess over whether or not i deserve the adjective i dislike.
but for things i do like: i like my audience very much, and i hope that they understand that they are under no obligation to care for me, keep me alive, finance me, etc. that is entirely my responsibility. but it is through their continued donations and support that i am able to draw my comic full time in a lifestyle i found comfortable, something that i sincerely imagined would not be possible while i was still working and in college. my audience of ~1.5k (i think, google analytics is kinda whack. lotta bots. this is with all that shit i could find filtered out) has been built up gradually over the past near decade and is comprised of funny, lighthearted freaks of nature who make me laugh very frequently. i just cant let them know that or they will become too powerful and use jokes to destroy me. i dont think i have a single bad thing to say about AGS readers. you guys are a hoot lol.
i do not have a discord dedicated to my work because i find the idea pretty unappealing and have had moderator experience in the past on other websites that i did not enjoy. i did not have comments on my comic until this year. previously the only way to contact me was via twitter, tumblr ask or email. i advertise my comic twice on update days, once in the morning and once at night, so i dont flood dashboards. i do not sign up for zines or jobs. i do not promote my work otherwise. well, there’s a link in my sa avatar, but let’s be real. no one’s clicking that.
i cannot empathize with the people who pursue the webtoons line of monetization and i find parts of (what must be) their reasoning morally abhorrent. im not even going to get into the predatory and laughable “pay per page” concept, an idea so blatantly evil that if it were pitched in any other medium it would get you laughed out of the room at best. im not going to talk about the ridiculous audacity of a comic host demanding you produce a minimum number of panels “per page” (im old lol bear with me) in order to be granted the golden laurels of “publication” (another choice the artist makes is the choice to pursue becoming a “webtoons original” as a financial goal. i think this is wildly unreasonable for every reason. but whatever. you might as well bet on winning the lottery). im going to talk about the bizarre mentality i cannot wrap my head around when it comes to what people are expecting when they sign up for a website that openly flaunts how disinterested it is in anything other wringing its user base financially dry.
if webtoons is not interested in anything other than financial gain and their purpose is to make more money every quarter at any cost, then why would that mentality not directly impact and poison the relationship between you and your audience, as well as your relationship with your art?
but lets put even THAT aside. god there’s so much i could hammer on. i will just focus on audience right now.
1. the quantity of an audience is not proportional to the quality of the audience. i dont think anyone is going to debate with me that the webtoons audience is good lol. this is because the webtoons userbase is comprised almost entirely of random teenagers and adults under 25. this age range is permitted to act like insane hooligans (to an extent) because that’s what the vast majority of us were like in some capacity or another at that age. i frequently hear complaints from creators about how their webtoons audience are frequently ungrateful, irrational, and impatient to them. this is the obvious outcome when two parties, especially parties that are doing business with each other, are shoved together due to algorithmic decisions and not by their own volition. both parties have been robbed of the opportunity of building up a relationship of trust and respect between the artist and the audience. however, building up this relationship takes time. and people want to be be making money as artists right now. presumably.
2. the primary purpose of an audience is not to obtain money from them. at least, dear god, i really hope this is not the idea driving people’s desire to do webcomics as a career. the creators entering the field with this mindset are DOA, straight up. even if you were capable of hiding your odious motivations, whose money are you willing to pursue? would you change your comic if it meant making more money from the audience? do the highest bidders influence the artistic choices being made? is that the relationship you want with your audience? in that case, why not just take furry porn commissions, a field which makes fucking stacks upon stacks of cash? why bother with webcomics and all this extra work?
3. why would an audience of teens and young adults have money to spare? lol for real tho. teens dont often have unfettered access to cash. college age adults are famously deeply in debt to the nightmare state we live in. to jump into this audience with your hands held open is going to result in disappointment when they’ve already prioritized giving what little they have to artists they already know. i dont know what people are expecting with this one. it’s like panning for gold in a swimming pool.
this doesnt even touch on the uglier stuff. but the choice to go all in with webtoon is foolish, selfish, motivated by greed and childish false promises of fame. i do not have any respect for the artists that line up in the hopes that they can simply “jump the line” and skip one of the most, if not the single most, important aspects of a career in art, as though it’s a tutorial mission they are simply too advanced and skilled to sit through. i am not going to feel bad for or comfort the people who saw a company strangling and smothering everything it touches, a company that is subjecting its customers into increasingly more incremental means of payment, a company that has objectively unreasonable demands for the art they host compared to what they pay out, AND WILLINGLY SIGNED ON TO SECURE THEIR OWN BAG.
so that they didnt have to build an audience! the fuck!
my assessment is that to use webtoons is to have a vast amount of disrespect for your audience.
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bugtoast · 2 years
This post that I replied to gave me brain worms, so here's some mythology brain vomit i'm coming up with on the fly! why? neurodivergency
1) What caused Tumblr to become cursed
I think the reason why Tumblr was cursed by Yahoo in the first place was because, the curse was meant to be a punishment for their greed and immaturity.
Tumblr, years ago, was known for promising grand adventures and events to whoever would listen, taking donations from those who supported their ambitions. Little did these listeners know, that Tumblr was lying, they'd take the gold they were given and would run off with not another care in the world.
Tumblr, before being cursed, was much meaner. much more vulgar. much more like Twitter was before Twitter was sold into servitude. But, when their patron goddess, Yahoo, caught wind of Tumblr's antics, she stripped them of their ability to tell stories the same way they used to as a punishment for their negligence and greed.
and, as we know, tumblr learnt from their mistake and bettered themself.
2) Other possible mythological figures
Steam, A widely renowned inventor and tinkerer
Valve, once a mortal themself turned god, he used to be a tinkerer just like Steam was. it's very rare that this god makes anything anymore... Whenever Valve visits morals, they tend to take the form of a man who people call "Gaben" (if they were to have symbolism in numbers? their number would be 3 for the funnies-- also yes I really just wanted to make a gaben joke)
Pinterest, a godless traveler who steals quite a bit-- but don't let her thievery fool you, she's willing to share whatever stolen goods she's taken, and is very tidy and motherly.
Twitch, a traveling Jester who never seems to have a consistent act. One thing is for certain, though. They love to give whatever riches they make to their patron god, Amazon
Amazon, a god known for his seemingly endless riches. whenever he visits the world of the mortals, he's a traveling salesman who has anything your heart desires. They, unfortunately, are not the kindest god out there...
Facebook, a god taken the form of an elderly mortal. nothin much to it, really.
Instagram, a maiden known for her intense beauty... but, its rumored amongst townsfolk that she's made a deal with the gods to make her even more beautiful
i'm running out of ideas so...
3) Here's the other mythological figures im imagining:
4chan (<- stinky)
probably forgot some-- anyways, just in case this becomes a thing kinda like the sexyman descendants thing did...
4) Suggestions for if this becomes a tumblr-wide phenomenon (not saying it will, i'm just putting this here just incase)
Creepypasta characters, prominent fandom characters and other internet folklore creatures (and i don't mean creatures that are popular on the internet, I mean creatures made by the internet, like slenderman. no real folklore creatures.) are basically this things cryptids and animals (like a phoenix or a centaur)
all of the stories are allegories for internet events (like vine shutting down, Tumblr when Destiel became canon, the sexyman showdown, etc. nothing like youtuber drama)
we should call it something funny and/or really stupid, like "tumbology" or something-- though if we do want something more serious: Interology (internet mythology)
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lgbtmi · 10 months
WILLOW!!! TIME!!! <3 <3 <3 (Roos I Am In Love With U)
the very best thing Willow has ever accomplished is the great Sire Heist of Christmas 2020. This was very early on in our chronicle, and it was... an experience. The Prince at the time (who also happens to be Willow's grandmother) had moved locations for Elysium, which was fine, except her Childe (Willow's Sire) was staked in the basement of Old Elysium, and he needed to be moved to the new location without anyone else finding out he was not dead dead, since Adelheid supposedly had him meet Final Death. It's just days before Christmas. Willow is in a Christmas Elf costume, and she already got drunk in the Ventrue-owned club at the Rembrandtplein. Her human roommate bought a plastic Christmas tree as per Willow's request, and she went home to pick up the box! She and her friends moved the body of her Sire from one place to the next, and place it down in the Prince's office. Christmas episode! It was great! Sometimes things are better if you don't inform your ST of silly shenanigans before they happen, y'know?
For a more Recent Development: Shallow only exists because I sent a cursed idea to my friend at 1:30 in the morning on July 10th. I fully expected the guy to just shoot it down or treat it as the joke it was meant as, but we're three weeks into nearly endless talk about them as a couple, their relationship and how it's going to develop, and we're both just all in. So are the other players, though, so it's all good. The ST has greenlit it, Sasha's character sheet is technically completely Illegal (kindred as a touchstone babeyyy), one of the other players is in the process of AI generating smut about Shallow, and the two other players are also completely on board. We're all in. They're perfect for each other.
I've seen Barbie (2023) four times, but before I saw the movie for the first time, I made a silly movie poster edit for Shallow. Little did I know that poster was literally the most accurate thing I've ever created. It's funny on so many levels... I'm so excited for my ST to watch Barbie (2023) on Saturday so I can then spam her messages with Barbie x Willow analyses.
anyway come play vampire the masquerade with me xoxo i sometimes host beginner sessions on a dutch ttrpg discord ;D
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mollrat101 · 2 years
I’ve been doing a season 2 re-watch and...I’m just going to say it. 
Deborah’s characterization gets better in the last half of the season, but I’m sorry but I literally don’t understand the character of Deborah I’m watching to be the same one I got to know in season 1. 
Things have just been adding up to the point that I just don’t get it. 
This was one of the most critical reviews of season 2 I remember seeing and this one paragraph about Deborah resonated with me.
“Smart is as sharp and bracingly funny as she was in the first season, but the progression of her personal growth backslides once she discovers Ava’s betrayal in an early episode. Despite a few moments of tenderness, she’s not only the same callous person she was before her relationship with Ava began, but she’s actively more abusive. It’s hard to believe that Ava would continue working for her given Deborah’s continual abuse regardless of their connection as artists. It also robs the show of the pleasure season one gave us by slowly peeling the layers away from this terrible person to reveal how she got the way she is. Instead, she’s just relentlessly cruel and by the time there is a glimmer of growth, the cruelty has gone on so long it’s eroded a lot of the goodwill the character had built up.”
2.04 made Deborah look snobbish and unprofessional when season 1 took pains to explain that she didn’t get that far in her career with that kind of attitude. “A gig’s a gig” after all. And yet she freaks out because she has to perform on a lesbian cruise? Are you not a professional comedian who’s worked for 40 years? But then if you try to excuse it by saying it’s because of her prejudice well that’s still bad because then that means she’s a bigot. And the show never really challenges her for this, so I guess that’s the message we’re left with? I could deal with Deborah’s prejudices if a) the show didn’t seem to try, in theory, to be “progressive” and b) if I thought they were ultimately going to be challenged or explored. 
But 2.04 also made her seem so insecure about her attractiveness and desirability which is something that’s very human and I can understand but seems over the top in the way it’s shown. There could’ve been subtler ways to portray that Deborah worries about her sexual desirability than the lesbian cruise. She just comes off as very openly desperate which...I could work with but the way I see Deborah she tries desperately to hide any feelings of vulnerability like that. @circling-back-to-it-all made a good point that this season is very loud and that includes Deborah’s character and it rings off as discordant with season 1. 
She says that Ted Kennedy is innocent? Yeah it’s a joke, but what are we supposed to learn about Deborah that she’s excusing a rich, privileged man who’s actions got a woman killed? 
It just feels like this season is like “calm down, it’s just a joke” except season 1 also recognized that jokes had meaning. That jokes sometimes revealed truths about the way people think. Take the therapist joke where Deborah tells DJ that “all therapists are pedophiles”. It seems like an outrageous joke until you see where it’s coming from in Deb’s brain. It’s Deb’s way of coping with being raped by her therapist. People have outrageous or seemingly paranoid views (especially Deborah) are explained as being how she’s coped with what she’s endured. 
But the Ted Kennedy joke doesn’t tell us anything deeper about Deb and what it does is very ugly. That apparently she will side with a rich, privileged men who committed wrong because...I don’t know because Deb just excuses people like that? Which wasn’t really a thing in season 1. Deborah usually either tried to go along with the awful biases of her industry in order to fit in and she’s internalized it or she reluctantly tried to keep her mouth shut in order to not create waves. 
Or is the joke trying to help us see that she agrees with the worldview that privileged people like her should be excused from their actions because of outside forces? That’s the feeling that I’m getting from this season. Deborah isn’t an underdog (which to be fair, she was never completely), she is a rich, privileged asshole and she’s damn proud of it. In a season where she also sues her less wealthier employee and threatens her with financial ruin, it’s not very charming, it just makes her look like a jerk. 
Deborah being a jerk wouldn’t be a problem if it was consistent. If I was always supposed to think that and never read anything deeper about her actions, then I could handle it. But that’s not the expectations they set up for me in season 1. They seemed like they wanted me to understand why this woman is the way she is. This is a woman who’s lashing out is based on self-protection and trauma. Her privilege is both a way to try to shield herself from harm and yet has also made her feel empty and not made her feel healed. This is a woman who came from nothing so, while I’m not trying to say she doesn’t have rich person’s entitlement, she also knows very well what it’s like to be at the bottom and sympathizes with those who society tends to shove to the side. 
But season 2 hasn’t focused on Deborah’s internal world very much and so now I’m shut off of understanding a lot of her actions. It just makes hard for me to sustain my sympathy for her. 
I feel like the show wants me to like this person and, in season 1, I very much did. But season 2...it’s a mixed bag. There are parts I like and feel like the character I thought I knew and then it feels like someone else. A different character who belongs in a different show and a lot of people have pointed out how season 2 kind flipped genres on us. 
It’s not that there’s nothing to like about season 2, but it doesn’t live up to the idea if you were going into this season hoping to see more of what you loved in season 1. And I fully admit, I was. 
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newtedison · 4 months
New Year's Ask Game For Writers
thank you to @crestfallercanyon for creating this and tagging me, and also @blue-summers for tagging me as well!!!
To close out 2023…
1) what fic did you have the most fun writing this year and why? Or, if you can’t decide, what was most fun about writing this year for you?
i gotta go with How Brenda Spied-Her Man, even the title is fun. i had never written a superhero AU before let alone a semi-crossover event like this, and deciding how Minho would be Spider-man was a really fun experiment. i also just really loved creating the dynamic between Brenda and Minho in it, this is one of my favorite versions of them. maybe one day i'll write a sequel fic!
2) what’s a scene/story that you finished and felt “wow, I really accomplished that, that actually went so well”?
it's hard to say a specific scene but i think all of feet on the ground, head in the sky kind of felt like that. i'm proud of a lot of it and surprised i was actually able to pull it off.
3) What helped provide the most inspiration for stories, if anything? Was it poetry? A song on repeat? A gorgeous gifset? A walk outside? A book you read that made you want to change everything? Whatever it was! Tell all.
i think music usually is the main inspiration, i'll hear a line and it will make me think of a character, or a scene, or just general vibes of a WIP. i'm close to publishing speeding 72 which is named after a Momma song and includes some lyrics as paragraph breakers. and the fic itself is a spinoff/prequel to all we do is drive, which is quite obviously a songfic. it's usually a combination of music and me just really wanting to see a specific story be told. i write fic for me first, and everyone else second, to be honest.
4) What is something you want to share about what you’ve written this year? A particular line, a comment that made you feel really good, a scene that was difficult to write — you get to choose! What do you wish someone would ask you about when it comes to what you’ve written?
this is more a funny tidbit that when i was writing feet on the ground, head in the sky, i wanted Brenda to be reading a book, since she does in The Death Cure. but i couldn't tell from the screenshots i took what the book was supposed to be. but through some sleuthing in the Discord, lovely @smalleymcsmall was able to figure out that it was an X-Men book! so Brenda is canonically a fan of the X-Men. i have that as a note at the bottom of the chapter but i was so shocked that Laura was able to figure that out that i want everyone to know.
And to start off 2024…
1) do you have any writing/creation goals for the year? What are they?
if i can get my shit together enough to figure out what to do with this wip i have 34k worth of scenes written for but not enough purpose or structure to continue writing, then i will be unstoppable
2) is there a fic or idea that you’re really excited to be able to continue to work on in the new year?
i'm not excited for the fic i mentioned in the last answer it's more like my curse. but i am excited for the potential for people to see some of those scene cause i do like what i've written. that's the only WIP i have right now amazingly
3) What’s something new in your writing you want to try/are going to try? A different writing style? Different fandom? Darker works? Fluffier? Longer or shorter?
i would love to be able to write short fics again, like 2-5k. for some reason im allergic to fics that are less than 10k. i made some shorter things for Brinho Week which was refreshing so maybe i'll try to do more of those as writing exercises
4) what’s something you love about your own writing that you will continue to appreciate in the new year?
i gotta write more jokes! i gotta get sillier!
i'm sick and delirious so i can't think of who to tag but you can just say i tagged you if you want to do it sdjsakdh
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streaming-yn · 3 years
Hi, its Grim anon! I was wondering if I could request a platonic bench trio with y/n (she/her) who is very open about her affection for the three (constantly complimenting them, saying ily, etc.), but lately she's been worried that people will take it the wrong way so she's stopped? And now they're like. Where's my Y/N validation? :(
yep yep!! here you go, grim anon! ^^ sorry if I got a bit off track? I'm not sure if I did or not!
platonic!BenchTrio x affectionate!y/n
pronouns: she/her
other information on the reader:
. minor
. very open with her affection
. minecraft streamer
. faceless streamer
. it's against her boundaries for anyone other than friends to use her real name
warnings: sexism/misogyny (ends well, the haters are addressed), idk but the "girl near streamer I like? ew wtf 😒" type of hate (also gets addressed n shut down), little angst, distancing yourself from friends, trying to change yourself, cussing, mention of "weird comments" made towards y/n *ALL OF THESE ISSUES ARE ADDRESSED AND SHUT DOWN THOUGH !!!
form: headcanons
summary: y/n is super openly affectionate with all of her friends! unfortunately, a lot of people think that's a negative thing, though Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo notice y/n's change and get to the bottom of it to fix the issue ^^
genre: platonic, little angst, fluff(?) after it gets found out, hurt to comfort type of deal ^^
abbreviations: s/n -> streamer name, y/n -> your name
note: I'm not very good at angst yet so I'm sorry if it kinda sucks !! :(
you were very in touch with your loving side and showed all your friends affection very openly and however you could
unfortunately, since y'all didn't live near each other that meant that you had to wait for visits for like hugs n stuff :(
at first you didn't think much of it, affection was a normal thing between friends, why do it differently on stream?
you would often tell the boys how much you loved them and we're genuinely happy and grateful that y'all were friends
complements and validation paired with this, naturally
the boys looked forward to streams with you, not only because you where best friends but for the serotonin that your affection brought :D
actually!! on streams with all of you together, it wouldn't be uncommon for tommy, tubbo, and ranboo to playfully fight over your affection
it would be in different ways though, like with Tommy, you would complement either ranboo or tubbo and if you didn't state a name tommy would be like "THAT WAS MENT FOR ME, (TUBBO/RANBOO)" after they thanked you
meanwhile tubbo would either go on about betrayal and how you didn't love him anymore and he's going to run away or he would do something along the lines of ":(( what about meee"
and ranboo, if the compliment wasn't aimed at him, even if you clearly added tommy or tubbo's name at the end, would always reply "thank you" or something similar
however it's different if the compliment is directed at them!
ranboo would thank you, do a small laugh that's half flustered half awkward, and then complement you back (he got less awkward and flustered as he got more used to it though!)
you could hear the smile in tubbo's voice as he loudly thanks you and gives you like 3 compliments in return
tommy, it would depend if either of y'all are streaming or not! yes? "I know" all jokingly cocky like. no? "thank you, I guess" he says it as a half joke, it's a genuine thank you, but he likes keeping it playful so the "I guess" is thrown on, it's random if he gives you a complement back or not, it's literally not even dependant on how he feels, it just at random
also I feel like you and Tommy would have like a "ily!! /p" "ew /j" bit, very often I will add 👍
like while your streaming you like "tommy!! I love you, thank you for being my friend :)" and him, completely disregarding the last bit, would reply "EWW, Y/N YOU DO KNOW IM I MINOR CORRECT??"
if him ever saying ew hurts your feelings then he won't say it, however he will say the rest, unless him deflecting your "ily" makes you feel bad as well, it's fairly easy to crack him to say it back since you're best friends
a lot of back and forth, but not too hard since he never wants to genuinely hurt you
ALSO if you complement him (on stream ofc) he will find a way to turn it around, not onto you, but just turning into something too tame to be labeled and insult but definitely something close!
"I like your sunglasses!!" "oH??? SO YOU DONT LIKE MY EYES??? THANKS S/N"
(also feel like tubbo might do this)
ofc would stop if it makes you sad/uncomfortable/etc
with ranboo though, he might occasionally do that, but it's way more often for you two to get into complementing matches (just going back and forth with complements)
you also sometimes do the "ily more" thing, just because it's funny bc it's like a cringe romance movie thing, y'all never do it on stream though because ppl might make it weird, and some friend quirks are better kept private anyway, just a you two thing :)
occasionally the "no you hang up first" too, except you both play they teen girl waving her hand and saying it the most high pitched voice she can. it's so funny hearing ranboo going so high 💀💀
as a rising streamer, of course you have Twitter, and your subtwt isn't toxic – due to your personality and stuff, the people you attract to your content are all pretty loving and chill! ofc there's a few bad eggs, but that's just what happens, you choose to ignore those few
but since you've gotten more popular, people finding you through your more popular friends, you've seen a rise of tweets mentioning you, whether it be in general or in the boy's replies
you're glad to be getting more popular, now you can find more people who seek comfort from your content, which was your goal when you started anyway! so it's all exciting! ..at first.
rise in people means rise of people in the toxic 1%, and also means rise of haters or people who just don't like you
sometimes you come across tweets like "why does y/n feel the need to be around ranboo, tubbo, and tommy? leave them alone ffs, she got her fame she wanted, she can leave now 🙄✋" and "we get it, girl streamers are less talented so you needed to leech off they boys' talent! like is she done yet or??" or occasional tweets saying something about shipping – which is against not only your boundaries but all of they boys' as well.
the replies being full of "use s/n, using her real name is breaking her boundaries! and if you have an issue, then don't watch the streams she's in, dickhead!", "you could just mute her name on here and not follow her twitch, you're being overdramatic for no reason", "hey hey, remember that s/n checks her indirects", "ew, deactivate", "aw, are you scared bc a girl is better than you at gaming? aw you gonna cry??", etc, makes you feel a bit better, but the punch from the original tweet lingers
after seeing a bit more, you saw the majority of the haters – and weird people – you saw the root of it was probably because you were so affectionate towards you friends and just being around them in general
so, it'd be best to stop, right? don't participate in as many streams, stop being so affectionate in general, to be honest you were already quite anxious that you being so "clingy" was annoying, the hate just solidified it
so you have a plan in line, the hard part is executing it :(
to start, you stopped complimenting them as much on stream, and the late phone calls lessened, and those became more and more noticeable before you "got too busy" to be in as many streams as you used to
I feel like ranboo would notice first and try talking to you before bringing it up to tommy and tubbo, but when you replied "oh! yeah I'm good dw :)" he knew it was a lie and went to the others
"what do you think is going on?" "I'm not sure" "whatever it is, do you think this is why she stopped being so affectionate? I miss it"
then it clicked for tommy while ranboo and tubbo still tried to figure it out
"do you think it's family problems?" "no, last time they has family problems they became more clingy and their phone calls were more frequent, not-" "wait wait wait"
tommy checked your social media platforms, of course they had more followers than before
"what? tommy?" "I think it's more of an online hate problem" tommy leaned back in his chair, running his hands over his face before looking over at the discord call as the two others made sounds of shock, "yeah, this started after her platform got bigger and she got more well known" "..you're right" "how- how do we fix it?" "address it on a stream?" "no, no, not yet, I think we should contact y/n first, see if she'll tell us if we're right or not" "I could try? last time I texted her she responded pretty quickly so maybe that still applies?" "yeah, tell us if we're right or not and we'll continue from there"
so ranboo texted you, making sure to form the text to get to the point but not scare you, he knows how anxiety inducing confrontation, especially from friends, can be for you
you didn't know exactly how to respond, would it be better if you lied? or would the truth be better?
after a few times of the "..." appearing and disappearing on ranboo's screen before you message of ",, yeah, that is the reason actually ;; I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I thought it'd be better to just distance myself :(" sent through
the boys on call could hear the frown in ranboo's voice when he sighed and said "oh" "were we right?" "just a second"
ranboo replied to you, reassuring you that you don't don't have to apologize for not telling them and it isn't your fault, making sure to remind you that you can come to either him, tommy, or tubbo whenever you want
"yeah, she got hate, and I guarantee that if we go through her indirects then we'll see what exactly happened, we may have to scroll a bit though" so they searched around on Twitter and found some, then tubbo spoke "do you think she would want to join call so we can figure out what to do to fix this?" "I can text her, though maybe we can more of distract and comfort her tonight? we can talk about the hate and stuff another time" "yeah yeah, I think that's a good idea"
so he texted you to see if you'd like to join the call, you accepted and ended up playing video games with them – mainly Minecraft servers – for a few hours before tommy had you and ranboo (assuming you're in the US or close) sign off to get some sleep (if you're in the UK or close, he had you and tubbo sign off and then signed off himself for some sleep)
the next day you guys hopped back on call to discuss how you guys would fix it, as well as them giving a bunch of positive comments about your affection :)
you guys decided on a serious stream from Tommy's account, it was either tommy or ranboo's account, but you guys chose tommy bc he's not anxious about turning off donos and other things
you guys discussed that the hate you were getting was uncalled for, and the weird comments were to be stopped immediately.
"I think that's everything? y/n, anything else?" "yeah I think that's about it, thank you guys so much!!" "alright, one more thing before we go- chat- chat, if you have an issue with y/n being in our streams just don't watch our streams! if you don't like y/n we don't want you here" "tommyyyy :(( (/pos)" "wait wait!! chat, if anyone asks or is being rude either spread clips on the stream or screenshots of the tweets we posted!! we want to make sure that everyone – even those not watching the stream – are informed!" "alright, bye chat, I better not see any more y/n negativity!!"
there wasn't negativity in chat when you went to check btw :)! it was in emote-only bc they thought it'd be the best thing to do and most of the chat was filled with hearts and other positive emotes! <33
now whenever hate stuff it posted the replies have screenshots of either tommy, tubbo, or ranboo's tweets, links to the VOD, or clips, stating the most important and the tweet is usually taken down within a matter of hours – days sometimes
and after that everything was back to normal!! you started complimenting them again, telling them how much you love them again, etc etc! you even got back into late calls :)
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vicea · 3 years
techno and dreams dynamic tho :c so good so pure. how dream said now they're closer and he doesn't want to jeopardize that by doing another big competitive thing against him (even though we'd all be happy to see it and they'd get so much clout) im luv them
oh my god how I literally have been waiting for this moment. technoblade and dream... the OP duo... the “Make-A-Wish” team... I MISS them so MUCH God when they work together, when they team together, when they have interactions I get so excited because there’s not a dull moment with these minecraft nerds.
you already mentioned one thing that literally lives in my head rent free and it’s the fact that dream said the main reason why he doesn’t want to do a manhunt against techno is because he does not want to make this “rival” status of theirs into this enemy thing between communities and between them because they’re friends and he doesn’t want to lose that- and like 🥺 dream really cherishes their friendship a lot !! and respects techno so so much. he’s always been such a big fan of his and they’re both overall super supportive of each other under the whole rivals bit:
exhibit A 
exhibit B <- also has a link to techno and dream wholesome friendship moments where techno is seen being a dream stan (said it himself in minecraft chat) as well (for clout but lets ignore that part) and also being really supportive after the mrbeast duel 
exhibit C techno referencing road trip here GGhhhHHGH 
like i remember his first message to techno on discord was to team with him for minecraft monday too albeit probably for clout but lets be real this clout chase between them is a mutual thing and they both don’t mind at all. plus it’s fucking OP as hell
another thing that lives in my head rent free is the fact that dream wanted to just vc techno when they were the only ones on the dream smp and just wanted to talk (before sap, george, and bbh crashed their VC LOL) like... that’s crumbs yo. CRUMBS for rivalsblr.  and also we cannot forget the infamous “dream is homeless bit” by techno... how dream had techno’s livestream pulled up and was listening in to his every joke and playing along by making a small diary and writing everything word for word that techno said as a joke. and then this part here too. like they easily bounce off of each other so well,, more interactions please.
GOD I cannot emphasize HOW funny it is whenever dream is trying to do lore and Techno is just pulling his “breaking the fourth wall” jokes in the middle (as he always does) because Techno would just be reading his donations aloud and dream would be patient and just barely tolerate it at first then BLOW UP AFTER THE FOURTH TIME OR SMTH. LIKE TECHNO LOVES PUSHING HIS BUTTONS ITS HILARIOUS god i love them
okay this is more dream smp lore related but like,,, c!dream being the only one that ever really stayed true to his word and never betrayed c!techno... and c!techno agreeing wholeheartedly, but then like both of them explicitly stating that they aren’t friends. we love to see it !! stating and !! respecting !! each other’s boundaries whilst blowing up countries together 😎 (like yeah i get it, both of them saw an advantage and took it but let me HAVE MY CRUMBS PLEASE) also dream and techno teaming up with tommy during the battle of the lake and winning... that was fucking epic and before the 3rd explosion of lmanberg and tommy’s betrayal against techno - techno goes “is this where you turn in your favor?” but then dream is like “pft what No you already wanted to blow up lmanberg” and techno goes “you know me so well dream” BHBJBJBHJ (SYNDICATE!DREAM COME TRUE OR ELSE)
OKAY also lmao I think it is always so funny every time I am reminded of how fucking sweaty dream and techno are even in the dream smp lore. Like the two standing facts of how dream literally made a WHOLE ass fucking obsidian grid above lmanberg with his fucking rapid TNT dropping thing and techno 1. breeding probably over hundreds of wolves as his army and 2. grinding for... way too many wither skulls. and both of them were on the same side. like holy shit they really know how to blow a country up.
also lets not forget the fact that once for buildmart, techno and dream “cheated” the MCC system by learning the builds for build mart (they were on separate teams too)- techno saying “there are 26 builds” and dream was like “actually 27″ they are absolute SWEATY NERDS and I LOVE THEM for that
speaking of MCC... when dream and techno teamed up that one time it was probably both relieving and stressful at the same time. because 1. they both play MCC competitively but in the case they are teammates, they will be more confident in each other’s skills and be like “oh i have dream/techno, they can do the heavy lifting.” whilst at the same time 2. because they are competitive and rivals, they want to outdo each other, they want to show off to each other as well you know?? like “I beat you in parkour” or “i outlived you in battle box” but also we’re on the same team and still winning LOL SO IT’S AN EZ DUBBB
OH WAIT and also that one time in minecraft bingo... i remember seeing a comparison of them being nervous due to the time pressure and it’s funniest thing ever. Dream talking really fast about what materials he has and asking questions to techno whilst techno is like the buffering noise. i love how complete opposites they can be 
... we were robbed of rivalsblr content too from that one masquerade party one... could’ve had it all...
anyway! in conclusion, i’m going to drop some more rivalsblr crumbs here and here and god i love their dynamic so much please give me more content of them and also dream smp related- get c!techno to find out canonically that c!dream is imprisoned and being tortured. have him Feel Revenge for someone he didn’t consider a friend just an ally who had a common goals. and free c!dream and have a happy ending of them being besties who spar every day wooooo 
just like i said with tommy’s post... fuck continuity, fuck plot holes. just want techno + dream interactions.
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seths-wife · 3 years
Theory: why is Seth Twiright the demon of wrath? What's his backstory?
Note: this theory tries its best to be as objective as possible in explaining and deducing facts basing on only what is known in the novels and not basing on personal preferences and sensibilities, just cold gathering of the facts and trying to draw plausible conclusion. That doesn't mean i'm right, necessarily.
1) Demon of wrath or demon of pride? (Biblical references and discordance of themes).
2) Was Seth a victim of abuse? (Can we draw this conclusion basing only on what we know?)
3) That one comic by Ichika
4) Conclusion
Chapter 1: demon of wrath or demon of pride?
Seth is a really peculiar character: the sin he's represented by doesn't seem to be...displaying that much, contrary to those of the other demons in this series.
Gilles is clearly lustful (basing on the catholic religion definition of it, at least) seen his high sex drive.
Vlad is not really explained but he's a cook so he must be obsessed with food (joke), also his interactions with Banica seem to suggest a morbid curiosity of his to try new foods for hedonistic pleasure, no matter if it's immoral and illegal to eat those.
Marie Annette is a really prideful human/demon seen her few lines in the entire series, like "bow down to me" without any legitimate reason.
Eve...well...on another theory about that...
Rahab is clearly envious when also other people get what she has, seen that she's basically the ec version of Ayano Aishi and a big stereotypical yandere, at least in one part of the narrative.
Salem (does he even exist? (joke)) is an economist so he must be obsessed with money and gathering earthly and perishing goods. (joke)
I won't talk about Adam Moonlit as the demon of greed here as it's for another topic.
But Seth? When in the series does he show unrighteous wrath? Do we see him get angry outbursts and go around beating up and killing people because he's angry at them?
On the contrary, in the whole series Seth seems to be pretty calculating and cold, and he doesn't seem to be really excessively troubled by any behavior or at least he doesn't really show a strong vengeful attitude towards them.
Yes, he might get on bad mood when his plans don't succeed as he expected to, but he never goes like "you'll pay for ruining my plan" or something. He proceeds with his plans, trying to adjust the latters in order to fit the new situation.
Actually, sometimes he seems to find amusing and funny when people try to kill him and unmask (pun or not lol) him for his evil bahaviour, like when Adam tried to kill him and the latter was surprised he couldn't succeed since Seth outsmarted him, or Gammon when he confronted him about brainwashing Miroku.
It's as if Seth finds funny when people are frustrated because of him, it soothes his ever-roaring mind and boredom.
For months, i've thought that Seth should have been the demon of pride because of his attitude in the crime novel and because it fit him better as for the Biblical references:
We see multiple instances in the crime novel that Seth likes himself very much: he loves the fact that he consideres himself to be the best scientist in the country™ as he uses this bunch of words everytime he introduces himself (both as Horus and as himself), also he considers himself to be very handsome to the point he doesn't want to change his face because it would be "such a terrible crime" (i mean, i also think he's hot but Seth, calm down, what the hell...).
But his pride doesn't end with him flaunting his intelligence and hotness.
There are also other instances of Seth's pride that are even more remarkable.
Like for example, the whole matter of Seth making artificial humans (so called "ghoul children") mimicking the creation of the "gods" in the series. This can be considered a matter of pride, as he wants to act as the "gods", he thinks he's able to be on par of them.
Well lol, gods...i always found pretty unrealistic how we got from human scientists with high tech from almost omnipotent beings that can cast lightening wherever they want, make ladies pregnant and instill thoughts and visions in people in a single arc while being trapped inside of a spaceship. This always provoked some strong cognitive dissonance within me, this sounds like a stretched, inappropriate and unrealistic even if they have big tech. That's why i call them "gods wannabe". They're still humans playing God after all.
But that's besides the point.
Even more remarkable is this other line, right after quoting the achievements of other "gods" in the series:
"In that case—
I am the god who creates “evil”.
Seth is literally and explicitly placing himself in the place of the gods, considering himself to be a god on par of the pillar ones in the series.
And this is very coherent basing on the fact he should be the parallel of the Biblical serpent, the demon who thought he was on par of God and fell because of pride.
So it would have had much more sense to have Seth as the demon of pride.
So when and why is seth the demon of wrath since in the series it looks more like he's the demon of pride?
His motive? Not really...Seth doesn't seem to act because of some sort of anger as his main motivation is to "follow his h.e.r.s nature and make himself 'new friends' (his own definition of friends)".
Then i think we have no choice than look at his backstory and see if we can spot some unrighteous anger there.
Chapter 2: is Seth a victim of abuse and angry at his mother?
The vast majority of the theories around about the reasons of Seth's evil are based off the fact that Seth might have gone through motherly abuse that provoked him some childhood traumas back when he was a little white and red mask.
Those assertions are usually backed up by pieces of the short story "Outlaw and lychgate".
Let's look at them.
The most quoted line about this issue is:
“My, and what sort of dish is that?”
“It’s not really much of a dish. You just splash some curry powder and ketchup on a sausage. My old ma used to make it for me a lot when I was a child.”
“Just like mom used to make, hm. That sounds quite nice. My mother never did any home cooking for me.“
Well...from this particular line, fans have begun to speculate than maybe his mother starved him or refused to cook for him.
But is it necessarily the case? It can be a possible interpretation but we don't know how masks work in this series or whether or not they need to eat, especially since they don't have a mouth or a digestive system of some sort.
It can also be that Seth was just curious about food in the line upwards since as a mask maybe he could not experience food, given that he couldn't physically eat when he was a mask.
This doesn't necessarily refer to an abusive situation of a mother refusing to provide food and care for her son.
There is also another instance in which Seth spoke about his mother.
"I often hear strangers tell me that they can’t tell what I’m thinking.
Even my own mother said so, before she died.
That’s why, to get her to understand at least a little bit, I shot her in the forehead.
To this day I still remember how stopped moving, her mask cracked in two.
That was the first murder I committed."
Ok, the fact that his mother "didn't understand him" could have been because of various reasons:
1) maybe she didn't try to understand him and neglected him.
2) maybe Seth became too different from his mother since he contracted hers and she couldn't understand and relate to him anymore even if she tried to.
3) Seth is just too cryptic or changes his mind too fast (probably because of his boredom) when it comes to expressing his true intentions or having certain intentions therefore people have big trouble understand him.
I would go for 3 since Seth also explained that not only his mother didn't understand him but also various other characters, so it's not necessarily true that Seth's mother just refused to listen and understand him, it could have been that Seth was too cryptic or that she couldn't relate to a her.
Anyways, we don't have a lot of info about this but i don't think it is correct to see a mysterious passage in just one possible way.
And also i wouldn't like for Seth to be "he's evil because mommy wasn't nice therefore he's angry and wants to make everyone like him and destroy everything uwu" because:
1) that's a really misused trope.
2) it doesn't properly explain why Seth did what he did in the crime novel, it's clear that there has to be an even deeper motivation that made him do those horrific things: abuse is too much of a simplistic and lazy motivation given his role.
Also there is no specific mention of anger and resentment even if there could be.
So where can we see that Seth is angry?
Chapter 3: that one Ichika comic.
Let's look at this one comic.
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It is kinda difficult to understand what it means but the face resembles Seth's human form a bit and also this comic shows a theme of anger against the human creators of the first period since the comic seems to be talking about the second one "in this world where everything is an extension" (the second period is a virtual parallel reality to the first one in the series).
Seth seems to be pretty aware of the first period.
I think so because Kiril (his clone) at one point gained back the memories of his original.
Who? Seth? Pale? (That twist complicated things a whole lot).
I will go for Seth since in the series he's always referred to as the original talking about his "clones".
Kiril with Seth's memories came up with "Vocaloid, huh?!", showing awareness of the knowledge of vocaloid (since the first period is similar to the real world in the series) but i don't think this is an info Kiril learnt on his own but he took from Seth's memories since he was a researcher of parallel worlds and wouldn't have been out of place for Seth to learn about the first period.
So, given that Seth is the one of the comic and he's talking about the humans of the first period, he seems to be angry at the fact he was born to be an her (let's remember the humans of the first period started the her problem for their own personal gain) and in the society of the second period he's seen as a problem because of that.
Therefore Seth in his anger invites people to blame the creators instead of him since he doesn't think to have a free will and has no other choice than being evil because of those humans who "made him this way".
Funny how the same topic is faced with Irina and Levia in the duel. And funny how Levia in this series seems to also be a victim of her own pulsions and can't really be a moral authority in this, again, gods wannabe. They have their morals inspired by their originals who made their avatars who have tainted them with a virus, so they can't create, define or judge good and evil themselves.
So funny.
Chapter 4: conclusions.
So i think this is a plausible reason Seth might be the demon of wrath. But still, i wonder how it is that Seth is happy later on to follow those pulsions he thinks he can't control (given by humans) and doesn't try to fight back the instincts.
Maybe he accepted and got happy with his disease or he just resigned that that was his destiny thinking that he had no choice.
I don't know if i will make anymore theories after this, since i want to go on and make content for something else.
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Osborn’s 5✩ Inspiration: Interdigital Heartbeat [指间心音] Date Translation (Prologue)
"Hu? Looks like he's really waving at you. What now? Should I give you two some space?”
*Light and Night Master-list | Osborn’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *This 5✩ Inspiration has 6 Endings!! *Osborn’s tag will be #For Night, For Freedom
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The Bar Street lit up with its disarrayed ensemble of neon lights as night fell, the night scene revving to life.
Dragging Osborn with me, we made a mad dash down the street before coming to a stop at the entrance of a bar that had Seed’s poster plastered on it. I whipped out both of our tickets.
MC: Huff… Huff… Still 5 minutes late…
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MC: I planned on coming here early to get a spot in the front row… I can’t believe this.
A couple of days ago, Gao Cheng and I had agreed to go watch Seed’s live performance together.
Although the band wasn’t well known, they’d been active for a long time now, performing in bars all over Guangqi City. Gao Cheng and I both loved the style of their music.
However, Gao Cheng had suddenly called in a few hours before the live performance was slated to start, citing that his pet had suddenly fallen ill and that he wouldn’t be able to come.
Thinking that it wouldn’t be all that fun going to a live performance alone, I suddenly remembered Osborn, who was an avid fan of music himself…
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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The small underground bar had cleared the area of all its tables and chairs, with many people packed into its cramped space.
After gaining entry, I pulled Osborn along and made my way to the front. Taking advantage of the break between the ending of the first song and the start of the next, I briefly did a simple introduction of all the band members.
MC: The last guy… He’s my favourite! He’s their keyboard player and also their leader, Liyuu!
MC: He’s especially talented! All the arrangements and lyrics that the band uses are all written by him!
Osborn raised an eyebrow as he looked at Liyuu, who was wearing a Camo T-Shirt, nodding at the fans with a smile on the stage, and back at me again. He nodded indifferently.
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Osborn: Oh? That's your idol?
MC: Hmm… Not really? I just admire and look up to him!
MC: I’m the same as all these fans here. We’re all enamoured by his talents.
As soon as the words left my mouth, the two girls next to me screamed out loud with their hands cupped around their mouths, acting as make-shift trumpet amplifiers.
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MC: Uh...
The slap to the face came way too suddenly, freezing the smile that had been on my face almost instantaneously. A look of understanding was displayed on Osborn’s face as he nodded pretentiously.
Osborn: Hm. Same like them? Okay, I get it now.
Osborn: So, what do you normally yell? Lemme hear.
MC: I don't! I really don't!
I hurriedly waved my hand, desperately trying to clear my name when I accidentally bumped into someone else and got a vehement glare in response.
MC: Sorry!
Osborn laughed, reaching an arm out to pull me closer.
Osborn: Okay, okay. I believe you.
It was then that the second song started up. We naturally put a halt to our conversation, focusing our attention on the music.
After a couple of songs, I couldn't help but feel like there was something different about today's performance. I tugged at Osborn's sleeve to explain.
MC: They normally sing catchier songs. I don't know why, but it looks like they're doing more of the emotional ones today.
He nodded lightly, calmly watching the stage.
Osborn: I like songs like these.
MC: Great!
The band members played freely on the stage as the spotlights shone at them, illuminating the glistening sweat on their foreheads. They'd occasionally divulge away from their scores to do an improvised segment, showing off their inspiration and the mutual tacit understanding they shared.
Emotions poured out of their music, infecting every member of the audience in the crowd before them and raising the excitement in the air into a crescendo over and over again…
During the encore, Liyuu stood up to thank the crowd from the bottom of his heart as the leader of the band.
And lastly, he ended it off with a bow. I saw him raise his hand to dab at the sides of his eyes, as if wiping away fallen tears.
MC: Oh no… I think I’m a tad moved…
Osborn purposely leaned down, getting in front of my face with a devilish smile on his face. He was clearly enjoying this.
Osborn: Oh? You're crying too? Lemme see.
MC: I'm not!
The live performance ended with a round of thunderous applause. The lights below the stage had turned back on, but the melody they’d played still resonated within my ears as if it didn’t want to dissipate just yet.
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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The audience started to disperse. Osborn had to reach out to hold onto me as I stood there in a daze, getting swept along with the bustling crowd.
Suddenly, I caught sight of Liyuu coming down the stairs at the side of the stage from the corner of my eye. He waved in our direction. Surprised, I couldn't help but tug Osborn over.
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MC: Huh? Am I hallucinating, or is he actually waving at me…?
Osborn waggled his brows playfully at me again as he purposely spoke provocatively.
Osborn: Hu? Looks like he's really waving at you. What now? Should I give you two some space?
Having said that, he let go of my hand and made a move to head outside. I quickly grabbed his hand and held it tight.
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MC: Not funny! Stop joking around! You're not allowed to leave!!
I watched as Liyuu got closer and closer. It looked as if he was making a beeline straight towards us, which made me unwittingly panic as I thought of how I should say hi.
Liyuu stopped before us, raising his hand to pat Osborn on the shoulder.
Liyuu: Os! It really is you!
Osborn: It's been a long time.
MC: Wha? You know each other…?
Osborn: Yeah. He's my classmate from the Maritime Academy.
Liyuu: ...And who is this, Os?
I was just about to introduce myself, but his gaze had already dropped to our joined hands. A look of realization dawned upon him.
Liyuu: Oh…
A look at his slowly withdrawing hand was all that I needed to know that he’d misunderstood our relationship. However, Osborn still acted as usual, continuing to talk to Liyuu as if nothing happened.
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Osborn: This is my friend, (Y/n) She loves your band, and she was the one who brought me here.
Liyuu: Thank you for supporting us!
Osborn: Grats. That was a great performance.
Liyuu: I’m really happy to run into you here, Os! It’s been a long time since we last saw each other!
Liyuu: It’s so rare to see you! I want to talk to you more.
Liyuu: Our band’s gonna go for a celebratory party now. Drummer man’s also from our alma mater. How about you and (Y/n) come join us for a spin?
Osborn nodded but didn’t reply. Instead, he turned to me.
Osborn: You decide.
I hesitated for a while before deciding to…
Do I want to join the band's celebration?
⊹ ˚✩ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ∘◦ ✥ ◦∘ ━━━━━━━━━━━ ✩˚ ⊹
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✥ Choose your Ending:
END 1 | Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]
END 2 +3 + 4 | Choice: Call Out [呼唤] ⊹Speak⊹
END 5 | Choice: Listen [倾听] ❖ASMR
END 6 | Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ★Night★
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Freedom⊹ —————★❖
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smeraldos · 3 years
Love by Daylight (1/2)
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➸ characters: Seokjin x Reader
➸ genres: Sailor Moon!AU, fluff, sort of e2l
➸ tags: sly friends, petty enemies/secret crushes, running away from the mortifying ordeal of being known
➸ words: 2K+
➸ summary: The day you find out who your suave partner in saving the world is, you're absolutely, positively, without a doubt sure you'll be over the moon. You'll be so happy you'll think you're dreaming. Turns out you're right. You do think you're dreaming. Because this? This can't be real. You're being pranked. Someone, somewhere, is going to jump out and say you're on Candid Camera. (Please.)
>> PART 2
When the lights fade and the facades fall, this is what you’re left with: Tuxedo Mask without a mask, you without your moonlit glamor. Tux the civilian is handsome, you can tell, and this is it—the moment you’ve been waiting for.
He lifts his face.
The youma's words come rushing back: Let the truth be known, the city’s deepest secrets shown.
Tuxedo Mask is none other than Kim Seokjin.
Suddenly, you’re reminded of a crystalline city; people bowing before you; Seokjin taking your hand, your matching rings gleaming in the light. Was it a memory or a dream?
You stand there, dumbfounded, until Tux/Seokjin dons his mask and brushes past. “Come on, Sailor Moon,” he says, sensible enough to use your alias. “The coast is clear. We’ve got a fight to finish.”
“Why does it have to be Seokjin?" You whine, collapsing into bed and disturbing your sleeping cat. (In your defense, he was on your pillow. Which you’ve told him numerous times not to lay down on because his fur would shed.) Luckily, Agust is acquainted with your dramatic side and simply gets up to move.
“Well, why do you have to be Sailor Moon?” He points out. “It could have been someone less bothersome.”
“Hey,” you retaliate. “You’re the one who came to me. You could have given anyone the Lunar Key.”
“I didn't have a choice.”
“What do you mean you didn’t? You could have walked away and picked someone better, just like that.”
He scoffs. “Not when it’s the Queen.”
“Queen-schmeen." You flop back onto your bed, the springs creaking in protest. "I bet Her Royal Highness is on her throne right now, all nice and comfy. She couldn't care less."
Agust doesn't reply.
At first, you think it's because you've won and nothing else can be said, but when the silence stretches on, you know something is off. You sit up to see Agust no longer curled into himself, but sitting. He stares out your window into the night, his normally keen eyes empty. "She's dead."
Judging by his somber tone, she'd meant a lot to him. "I'm sorry," you whisper.
Agust sighs. "No need to apologize, kid. She was your mother, after all."
"My mother?"
"Not now," he amends. "But she was a long time ago, when you were the princess of the moon and Seokjin the prince of the earth.”
The next morning, you head to school on time.
Your mom—present day mom—was surprised to see you up early, and Jeongguk called you out like the bratty brother he was (wow, no morning run today?), but the truth was you couldn’t sleep.
Last night, Agust recounted your past, how the dark eclipsed the moon. Although the queen tried her best to protect the kingdom, it was to no avail. Seokjin died in the fray, and you fell shortly after, helpless to save your beloved. In the end, the queen sacrificed herself to give you and Seokjin another chance at love, her people another chance at happiness.
A chance to rebuild the Silver Millennium.
The thing was, you didn’t know if that was what you wanted. Not that you’d want the Dark Kingdom to reign, but you weren’t sure whether you wanted to rule in your mother’s stead. Or marry Seokjin. Past you might have wanted to, but the you now could barely stand him. And neither could he. Or so you thought. You’d gotten along just fine with Tuxedo Mask, even grown a crush, but that wasn’t enough to warrant a marriage.
“Hello? Veen to Selene*?” Someone nudges your shoulder, and with a start, you notice Mina looking at you in concern.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“Nothing yet, but it looks like you’ve got something on your mind. What’s up?”
You’re about to tell her when you see Seokjin approaching, his uniform blazer neatly pressed.
“Morning, ______,” Seokjin says. “Mina.”
“Morning,” you reply, ready for whatever biting remark he’d say next. But once Namjoon comes up, he leaves. That's it.
Even Mina, who hardly sees the two of you interact, notices. "That's the first time I've seen you guys polite. It's weird. What happened?"
After a discreet look around, you grab her by the elbow. “He's Tux,” you hiss, but Mina doesn’t look the least bit shocked. Her face breaks out into a giddy grin, like a child who’s finally tall enough to get on the big kid ride.
“You knew?” You ask, a little hurt she didn’t tell you.
She pouts, squishing your cheeks together. “Don’t be mad. You don't know how hard it was to keep it a secret.”
You don't blame Mina, for the most part. It would have been better if you hadn’t known who Tuxedo Mask was, and vice versa. You felt like Cinderella running away from the ball, her beautiful dress giving way to rags and ratty shoes. If the prince caught up to her then, she’d probably be humiliated.
Just like you are now.
Tuxedo Mask has seen you at your most embarrassing moments, fighting to have the last word (or milkshake) as Seokjin, and also at your best, saving civilians with grace. You've only wanted him to see the best of you, for him to think of you as the perfect wonder-girl heroine everyone else saw you as, but he's seen almost every side. You don't know what he sees in you now, if anything. And frankly, you don't want to know.
"Have you ever thought that maybe he's thinking what you're thinking?" Mina asks. "You've seen all the good and bad in him, too."
"But it's different when he doesn't have a crush on Sailor Moon!" You say, exasperated.
"Oh, I wouldn’t be sure about that if I were you."
Seokjin thinking of your alter ego that way is embarrassing, but considering he's also Tuxedo Mask...now your face is red, you can feel it. Red as roses in bloom. "You're joking, right?"
"Why don't you wait and see," Mina replies, as cryptically as when she was Sailor V and you hadn't known any better. Having sympathy for you, she gives you a warm smile. "Don't stress out too much, Moon. You're amazing either way. Just talk to him."
You think there's some reconnaissance to sort out first. When you walked into Crown Arcade and saw Seokjin talking to Jimin pretty intently, you didn’t want to interrupt...okay, who were you kidding? You chickened out.
But Jimin is his best friend, so he'll know how Seokjin feels the most, right? It's the next best alternative to actually speaking to Seokjin, which, well, you aren't ready for. Case in point: you've done the impossible and made yourself scarce. You aren’t about to break your streak now.
So the instant Seokjin leaves, you walk up to the counter. Jimin looks up from sprinkling a milkshake. "Hey. The usual?"
"Yeah, just double on the chocolate."
"You got it," he says, passing the drinks he finished making to a server. You watch him blend milk into ice cream, then reach over for a new cup to pour the mixture into later. It's all done with practiced ease, and you marvel at how quick he is, not to mention how beautiful the finished milkshake looks after. The chocolate is perfect, the whipped cream a cloud of snow drizzled with dark syrup.
Jimin slides it over with a grin. "Mademoiselle."
"Why, thank you," you say, digging in with gusto. This is exactly what "stressed is desserts spelled backwards," meant: Jimin's milkshakes never fail to kick your worries down a notch.
"Good?" He asks.
"Mhm," you mumble, more to your milkshake than to him, when the thought that you haven't paid yet crosses your mind. Oh gosh. You pull your purse onto your lap, but Jimin chuckles, stopping you.
"I've got it covered. Besides, I heard you weren't yourself lately."
He shrugs. "From the way you're devouring that, it's kind of hard to believe…"
You take an extra large mouthful to prove his point.
"But you only lay on the chocolate when you're bummed," he finishes, and you’d protest if you hadn’t made it a habit to drown your sorrows in his milkshakes. They were just too good to resist. Not to mention Jimin is a great listener. Your girls, although you love them, aren't always the best. You'd catch the moment they crossed over from attentive to "Is she done yet?" but with Jimin, you've never had that issue. Turns out you have a different one.
"I hate how perceptive you are."
He laughs. "You're just predictable."
"You know what? You can take back your milkshake and go back to work," you say in a fit of grumpiness, pushing the glass back to him.
"Are you sure you want me to do that?"
You meet him eye to eye. After a minute—a long, impressive minute might you add—you take it back. "Fine. What do you want to hear?"
"Anything you want to tell me. And if it's something you can't share, please tell someone you can. It's not great to keep things bottled up, trust me."
You sigh.
"Here's the deal," you begin, feeling a little weird telling your old crush about your new one, but marching through nevertheless, "I met someone on...online. He's nice and funny and understands me even though he's different. I just click with him, and eventually, I want to tell him I like him. The thing is, I don't really know who he is. We've been chatting on Discord and his profile picture is Tuxedo Mask, but he can't be Tuxedo Mask. Or maybe he is, who knows?"
Jimin laughs. If only he knew.
"Anywho," you continue, "I meet him and find out he's someone I actually know...but he's a pest. He always gets on my nerves and it's like he's a completely different person! I don't even know how that's possible, but apparently it is and it's just so frustrating."
Jimin doesn't speak for a while, which is fine by you. You take the time to jam spoonfuls of chocolate and cream into your mouth.
"You know," he finally says, amused, "that sounds a little like the plot to You've Got Mail."
"That isn't funny.” You huff. “Joe Fox was a jerk and I don't know why they played him off as charming."
"Isn't that what you think of the guy?"
"I never said he was a jerk."
"But you said he was a pest."
"That isn't the s—" You pull at your hair. "Ugh. I don't know anymore."
"Did you talk to him?"
"And what? Spill my complicated feelings?"
"No, just talk to him. You don't have to confess right now. Just air out the laundry and see where you guys are at. Chances are, if you're confused, then he's confused, too, and there's no way either of you can get out of it without talking to each other."
"I can't talk to him, Jimin. I avoided him for three weeks! He's going to hate me."
"He isn't," Jimin says firmly, and you wish you could have the same conviction. "Sure, he'll be upset, but if he's really someone who cares, he'll listen. Look, during that time you avoided him, did he try to reach out?"
"Well, I told him I didn't want to talk and he stopped asking."
"So he'll listen. If it turns out he hates you, give him a piece of your mind and I'll give you triple chocolate milkshakes on the house."
When he puts it like that, talking to Seokjin doesn't seem as dreadful. "You're not just saying that?"
"Have I ever said something I didn't mean?"
You get your answer when someone comes trudging in, holding up a bag from your go-to fast food joint. "Jimin! You better be grateful I drove all the way downtown to get you these burgers. Since when did you like ______'s favorite, anyways?"
"Since now," your traitor of a friend says. You glare at him, which he conveniently ignores.
"You're the best," he tells a surprised Seokjin, leaving with a pat on his shoulder. "Enjoy your meal!"
*Venus to Selene, like "Earth to [insert name]?" but replace Earth with Venus and [name] with Selene, Greek goddess of the moon
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sarunohadaki · 3 years
DQXI/Great British Bake-Off Crossover
Crossover week: Home | 1 | 2 | 3| 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
This story idea in particular is very near and dear to my heart because when I first arrived in the SOS discord server, I mentioned it, and I got to talk with a lot of cool people for a long time about it. A lot of people seemed to love the idea, and Cicada even made art for it! 😭
It’s my favorite crossover idea and would be the most intricate to write. More under the cut because it’s another long post. (very long. With graphics. What is this, an essay?)
Spoilers for a potential future Saru fic.
Funny-but-I’m-not-using-these fic title ideas: Baking Bananaza, Fluff — and not just Meringue
Relationships: Gen or M/M (depending on how heavy the luminerik will come out)
Premise: Erik is a graduate student studying biogeochemistry with a particular interest in peat bogs in the UK. He interviews and gets on the show after Mia nags him to do it in the hopes that it’ll have a monetary reward, but as they soon find out, there’s no money involved. Erik participates anyway, figuring it’ll be a fun thing to do and help him hone his skills for the next time his sister randomly begs him to make éclairs at two in the afternoon.
He doesn’t really know what to expect, having never watched the show before, and is initially a little overwhelmed when he meets other amateur bakers from all over the country.
Twelve contestants enter the tent, but only one will come out on top. Who will it be?
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Initial plan is to have none of the characters be related or know each other aside from the twins and Hendrik/Jasper. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to have Rab related to El and so on and so forth, but I think it would be funner to have all the characters meet for the first time and develop friendships from there.
Everyone’s occupations are picked directly from my self-indulgent wants, haha.
And then here are some epithets, since the show uses things like this sometimes:
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The structure of the fic
I initially thought it would be fun to do it sort of like a screenplay, but I am most comfortable writing in third person limited. BUT when you do it that way, you lose out on all the other disasters that are happening around the tent because you are only seeing what Erik’s seeing. And it would get boring after one episode to tell the reader, “I am now making this cake and following these directions.”
To combat this, I think it would be cool to do the omniscient POV for most of it, with the intention of writing it like an episode on TV. This would be interspersed with Erik’s director cut of events because he and Mia are watching the events play out while watching TV on the couch.
This would give us a chance to have Erik say, “Huh I didn’t realize the workstation behind me was almost literally on fire because I was too distracted trying to not over-mix my batter.” (Or staring distractedly into the back of ur crush’s head in front of you)
The short of it is you get to see a bunch of characters hang out and bake stuff semi-competitively! The long of it is, well… let me show you.
Each chapter is an episode
The Great British Bake Off usually has about 10 episodes, each with three challenges: the signature, technical, and showstopper. Whoever performs the worst holistically in each episode is eliminated. I have already roughly determined how that will play out based on some things I saw on a wiki. So, here’s the progression as it stands (don’t worry if it looks complicated at first — I can explain!):
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To read this chart, each number refers to the episode. So, to see how people performed in episode 1, go to 1 and read down the column. From episode 1, you can see Erik, El, and Hendrik did well, while Ronnie and Faris did not. Vince got booted. Doing things this way, you can see Sylv had a few rough patches before they were eliminated, while El — the sweet boy — was never on the judges’ “least favourite bakers” list (alongside Jade, Rab, or Serena!)
This isn’t the final thing, and maybe there are patches that don’t make sense, but for a skeleton, it’s pretty useful for thinking up interesting plot points.
For example, Vince gets eliminated after baking an unchewable cake, and Sylv keeps pushing the envelope on how flamboyant their bakes can be in showstopper challenges, which lands them in trouble. Veronica really messes up in one episode and makes the food way too spicy.
Okay. So you thought that chart was complicated, then behold this! Charts detailing any and every challenge from the Great British Bake Off from series 1-10, including signature, technical, and showstopper challenges with hour constraints where I could find them. Compiled from various wiki pages into one Google doc.
Potential problem: I don’t know if it would be plagiarizing to take various challenges and put them in a fic, and even more worrisome, if I could include recipes or just rip off what former contestants made. To create everything from scratch (pun intended) would take a lot of work. Based on the elimination chart, there are 225 instances of something being baked. Do you know how much work that is. (It goes down to 160 unique dishes when you take into account technical challenges all being the same recipe.)
In recent series (the gbbo say “series” and not “season”), they have had a few episodes such as “the ’80s,” “vegan,” and “forgotten bakes,” along with such classics as cakes, biscuits, etc. Pretty much every season includes the following episodes: Cakes (episode 1), biscuits (2), bread (3), desserts (~4), pastry (~6), patisserie (9), and a final challenge (episode 10). That leaves you with about 3 or 4 unique challenges each series unless you cut out one of those staple weeks, such as pastry. (Also, for anyone wondering the difference between pastry and patisserie: Pastry is a type of dough with fat and patisserie is a style of baking.)
This is where I said things were going to get intricate. Sometimes the details are what really sell a fic for me. Remember the five senses or that random thing that no one cares about but helps fill in the setting or make the story feel more alive. Having a masterful grasp of which characters are cooking what without overwhelming the reader would be difficult. Unlike TV, the reader is keeping track of all of this in their head!
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I am no stranger to plopping some HTML into my fics from time to time and maybe that could help? To include graphics of what each person is baking, kind of like those… idk, “recipe blueprints” the narrator talks over where they tell you what the contestant is making and then they give you an illustrated piece of what the dish is supposed to look like.
Anyway, that’s a lot of work and I think just telling the reader, “he’s making this and I’m making this” would prolly suffice.
Why does any of this matter?
Because it’s fun. Because all of the characters will exchange jokes and poke at each other and I had plans to make Jasper and Hendrik have past beef and maybe Jasper throws food at Hennie or something. And also the pining for Elian would be very persistent. Erik and El have some stuff in common and their stations are right next to each other, maximizing the potential for banter and small talk about trying to manage school and this baking show thing at the same time.
In my heart, Erik wins because he’s the one who gets to date El at the end, but El is the hero so I know he’s the one who wins the show. And Hendrik has a secret baking sweet tooth so of course he comes in close third. (That is to prepare Hendrik for baking cakes for Jasper later.)
Unlike 80% of my fic ideas that are fusions, I think this one might be a legitimate crossover with people like Paul Hollywood, Merry Berry, and Noel Fielding. Sylv might slot into being a host, too.
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*sequel* to actual fucking quotes from the shiftblr coffeehouse discord server
once again, it's out of context because x1000 funnier
also x1000 longer than previous post
"ur satan is gnc af"
"Bestie I’m already having gender envy over a fucking demon please"
"O_O ODEPIJHFbavevisdpvfhzdcnjawedsidjksjdkoeirjfmkdsoeirujdksodifjndmksoidfjdksidfj ITS" NOT IN MY FRAFTS IS SPEDNT 1 hour PN THAT SHIT"
"ohoho sexy"
"I am very proud of myself"
"himbo x edgy fuck"
"he has teefs"
"good for biting 📷"
"he's a himbo basically"
"i havent watched blue exorcist in years but mr okumura my beloved </3"
"is it important information to mention that the person i put up for my turn is the son of satan" "I know like 1 thing about everyone who isnt ranboo lmfao"
"tumblr sexyman"
"idk why but my first thought was cowboy onceler"
"I vibe with him but he is very long and twisty"
"steampunk e-girl"
"steampunk tumblr sexyman"
"Canonically bi crimelord I agree!!"
"they look like someone i would want to be friends with but is way cooler than me so i'd never actually talk to them"
"babby..... would die for him"
"honestly i probably kin him"
"i'm sure he's lovely but he looks way too much like my ex i'm sorry-"
"i'd be down for another rotation! i have another twink to show y'all"
"Also :00 blonde friend"
"Let us all infodhmo"
"Hsjagdvbs shhh im on phone"
"Nix woukd you like to joon?
"skitters away"
"I have two braincells and they both drink dumb bitch juice"
"oof wait whats the order again i have 0 memory"
"i want to bond with him over cosplay-"
"Awkwardly watches in band kid"
"One day I'm gonna a broadway star"
"which isnt to say they were bad. they were just fortnite dancing during rehersals"
"I threw it so hard my glasses flew off and slid under the stage right divider"
"anyway heres my boi"
"haha emo"
"virgil sanders kinnie"
"he looks like he listens to my chemical panic at the fallout boy"
"Bro I bet he'd kick my ass with his deck"
"bird man my beloved"
"fuck i had so much to say and then i forgot it all"
"She sounds like someone I would end up stealing her personality"
"yess name collector gang"
"alias glass aiden haven absinthe fish brick rice"
"But I have Cypress, Remure, Genesis, Lemres, and Comet"
"And she's named after a mars candy bar bc alien"
"Hey, if plato went by plato, you can be king thief"
"im not dissing my gramma like that shfojd"
"My dad has seven legal names" "bitches be like *looks at fictional character* *steals their name* it's us we're bithces"
"coraline lowkey traumatized me but i adore it regardless"
"mmmmmm magic man :]"
"°0° green man"
"criminal (affectionate)"
"he would shoplift a candy bar from walmart and then brag to all of his friends about the sick stealing he did"
"despite the fact he's canonically been capable of overpowering a minor deity"
"i would commit so many crimes for him"
"Very babey"
"Yes please tell green man he is very pog"
"he also keeps a lot of dumb secrets"
"but I will sorely miss the chaos and energy of this here chat until I wake again" (by request XD)
"i just say words and if they're funny then they're funny"
"* or extremly chaotic either works"
"at this point we are just taking turns rambling"
"bc my brain has a schedule"
"Hopefully they have gyoza there or I will lose my mind"
"hehe yes spooky man"
"my ghost glucose guardian"
"the head of the undead group that lives there, and we end up dating. (yes I date a ghost, no I will not be taking constructive criticism /lh)"
"ghosts r just inherently sexy"
"i mean im becoming a squid thing so"
"Raven quirk raven quirk!!"
"ł â m p"
"mothman: ooh lamp you look very nice today! do you come here often? mothman: wait shit no"
"I'd date a ghost"
"mine is still accurate, i am still sobbing (/j)"
"p e e p e e"
""@nick wilde is a tumblr sexyman" is the best thing i have ever seen"
"im sorry im cackling like a dying hyena"
"you're all 12 year olds"
"He once caused global warming on accident so he could get a tan"
"god, what a himbo. i love him"
"that reminds me of my friends kin assigned me jesus"
"Man outside of battle be like: princely crying but then in battle hes like: "CATACLYSM! DISASTER! DEVASTATION!" Chill out man"
"Every time I talk about satan it never fails to shock people it's my favorite thing to do"
"im kin assigning him roman sanders" ""Oh yeah he caused global warming because he wanted to get girls" "he what""
"oh damn i forgot satan was straight"
"twink appreciation club"
"give us the twinks"
"my first thought was bottom-"
"so many people to try and get his dad to love him"
"daddy issued"
"Big boy but"
"anyways janus is swagggg"
"gib twink"
"give twink then i will share"
"holds him gentle like hamburger"
"This dumb bitch opened a book that said "do not open" and got possessed by a little bastard"
"he is. fragile creachur"
"klug is beauty klug is grace i would let him step on my face"
"If I'm playing swap and I have to hear one more "Pwanet Powew" Im gonna lose it"
"Who is to blame? Pandora or the box?"
"Bakugo isnt my type but I respect the drip"
"i say like my type isnt long-haired pretty boys and girls that look so gnc that people have a history of confusing them for men"
"hes a gremlin and i can appreciate a pretty gremlin"
"that is to say i am attracted to VFlower vocaloid. This is a confession."
"note i am a lesbian"
"You may like Schezo wegey"
"why does he have one single expression"
"soul soul eater passes the vibe check"
"magic wand"
"I Want To Hold His Hand"
"i would commit a war crime for him any war crime idc which one"
"my favorite one is when he sounded rlly gay because he said "Muscular bodies keep me satisfied""
"p e a n u t"
"Klug is a homophobic homosexual its just facts"
"grug from the croods is peak male performance"
"jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair Ahem, you look very lovely."
"tag yourself im the fireworks shooting from the top of the head"
"i like essays"
"central time gang"
"11:11 pog-" (wait... is that a suprise angel number?? yes it is lovelies just for you <3)
"Then again im also a dumbass bitch who wonders what the souls in soul eater taste like. SERIOUSLY THOUGH. THEY LOOK TASTY AS HELL!!!! LIKE GODDAMN BRO YOU'RE MAKING ME FUCKING HUNGRY. Like. that shit- it's Bone Apple motherfucking Teeth. hell yea my guy. Im hongy now.... shlorp I'm seriously considering this. Like. They seem kinda like a liquid? But a solid? Are they like jello? The fuck they taste like my guy???? I keep imagining they're like sour, like sour candy maybe? Or do they taste salty? Sweet? Maybe some combo of two? Do they even have a taste or is it about the texture? The sensation? God my mouth is watering what the hell. I am starving. I think I need to go get a cookie. I'm gonna go get a cookie. Brb. I'm better. I'm still craving souls though. Which is a weird-ass cringey thing to say but I'm being dead-ass rn. They just.... look tasty???? And I wanna eat one. Thus. I am shifting to Soul Eater for the express purpose of satisfying my fucking cravings. enjoy"
"points were made"
"jello? more like helloooo schloooAHFJDSDAIDWNALDHSJKDAIDANDM"
"anime girl voice: mmm! mm... ahhhhmp!! mmm, mmm... aaahmp!"
"i think it sounds great i'm going to start eating like that"
"several people are typing"
"do these look edible to you"
"forbidden gummies"
"when I was on lsd I couldn't eat my fruit gummies because I thought they were alive because they had little faces on them"
"oh shit yeah don't do drugs"
"anyways general consensus is puyos are edible, ty for your input everyone"
"everypony is a word so powerful it can bring nations to its knees"
"pls the self control it's taking me not to say "hewwo everypony" in gen chat when someone new joins-"
"hewwo evewrypony uwu deaw cewestia i hopwe it doewsnt wain owo"
"ive cooked up a sowution wiwth the knowwege ive acwued. they say a kitcwen time saves niwne, but im just savwing two. Ive gathewwed the inwedients to make a time sowbet. Thewe's hawdly woom fow seconds when the seconds mewt away."
"I had a ten year old sister... you know what happened to her??? very sad, very tragic... she turned eleven....."
"Guts dont say the secks word :( /j"
"watch your fucking language in front of the president"
"im so sorry lumi"
"i think you're like ehhhh 8/10 funny"
"now me???? 10/10. Hilarious"
"sometimes i have to take a step back and remember that this is the same guts i follow on tumblr /lh"
""ok every here's some good shifting advice!!! uwu have a good day" "yeah i did lsd and ate fruit gummies""
"i have one setting and it's whatever this is"
"my bitch ass cat just pushed the door open with his fuzzy face and now my sleeping dad is being lulled into dreams by Cosmo Sheldrake's 'Pliocine'."
"me on discord: nick wilde"
"me on tumblr: shifting water! haha funne! me on here: my hermit crabs are cannibals also i want to eat souls."
"u give off older cousin ive never spoken to but always admire at the family gatherings vibes"
"what the fuck"
"If you adopt me then yes"
"am I qualified for dad jokes???"
"we're all a lot smarter on tumblr"
"I'm like "awww... sweet... sweet little shiftlings... posting such sweet shiftling content... so pure, so wholesome... does not even know abcs....""
"can't think before you speak if you never think B)"
"I'm not responsible enough to be a mom"
"cat pet"
"show us pictures of the cat or i will do Crime"
"maybe thats me being a coward tho"
if y'all want I can make this a series bc shiftblr keeps giving me more content
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shoezuki · 3 years
This is a post on the cheating accusations around dream mostly surrounding his response video.
If you don’t want to see this or any of these posts then blacklist the tag #discourse
SO I’ve been doing a lot of digging into what dream has said in his response to Geosquare’s original video and report, which was compiled and conducted by the Minecraft Java mods on speedrun.com. 
I won’t talk about that original report in detail, but basically: the mods came to the conclusion that Dream had a 1 in 7.5 trillion chance of getting the pearl bartering rates and the blaze drop odds that he did within the 6 streams he did. As in, someone would need that luck to replicate what dream got. Therefore, he cheated. 
I’m going to put this into a sort of ‘point form’ in according to topic, attempting to put it in chronological order.
Dream’s Initial Tweets
Ok so first like. these are bad. these tweets are what he said (on twitter, excluding in the speedrunning discord) directly after the video was Uploaded to Geo’s channel. 
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worth noting he did apologize later, although i wanted to talk about these two instances so i felt the need to include it. 
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there’s a lot of interesting wording in the apology tweet itself too. I personally find that when he apologizes he tends to still be very subtextually angry in them with the tone, but more specifically. where he says ‘although i have reason to be upset’, that’s kinda weak and really unneeded. Alongside the ‘intense criticism’, it reads as him trying to say he’s still in the right. kind of like “im sorry i was rude even though I had reason to be rude’. Its an apology sure but he’s not saying sorry for how he really reacted; its justified to him.
Dream’s Response Video
Dream posted a response on his side channel DreamXD on the 22nd, along with the report he had a supposed astrophysicist conduct. I’m going to talk about the report separately from the video for reasons I’ll explain. 
Frankly, the video doesn’t really summarize or explain the report in a meaningful way. At most, it takes some points from it but tends to twist the numbers around, misunderstand the probability and math, and also what the report itself concludes. 
Essentially, dream’s video insists that the numbers found by the mods are wrong and therefore he didn’t cheat at all, yet the report concludes that the numbers found by the mods weren’t entirely accurate, however they’re still extremely unlikely. This is also all under the assumption that the report is entirely correct (ill say how its not next)
His first point is that only his 1.16 run (that was at 5th place two months ago, would have now been 16th) was deemed cheated. This is true; the mods have said that he isnt banned outright and theres no reason to question the legitimacy of his 1.15 runs. 
He also concludes that Geo’s statement that Dream didn’t cooperate with them, and that he deleted 1.16 mod folders, was false. This one is a little more complicated. It could more be chalked up to a miscommunication, although it’s relevant. Geosquare posted screenshots of the specific conversation they had:
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Essentially it wasn’t entirely clear, i can understand how geo and the mods interpreted it in such a way. Altho April added in a quote retweet thread that dream didn’t supply the folder she asked for, so he didn’t supply everything they asked for like he states in the video
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Essentially: yeah, misleading and weird on both ends. I dont think this is really anything quantifiable, although dream talked about this in the video heavily. 
Out of this though, Geo DID correct himself in the description of the mods’ video. Dream shows this in his own response, but it crops out some of what geo says. here’s from dream’s video
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that Update 2 is where he corrects himself. literally why the fuck would you crop it like this and put it in the video i mean this looks so weird and genuinely doesnt provide anything. Here’s what geo actually said
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Dream specifically cut it before the line where geo mentions how he said he deleted his specific 1.16 speedrun profile. This one is just so dumb to me. I’d say ‘why not include that’ but either i feel its a) so there’s no potential for people to say what he had actually said could be interpreted otherwise easily or b) doesnt want people to know he got so upset he deleted files (ego wise yknow). Again, I dont think this is definitive of anything but god. it feels scummy lmao
The Video: Incorrect Representation of His Own Report
Dream straight up doesnt present the report’s numbers properly. In fact it makes the entirety of his visuals forfeit, i.e. the gold block analogy that goes on for like 20 minutes. 
The mods said his luck was 1/7.5 trillion. Dream’s report says its 1/10 million (with the addition of 5 other streams) or 1/100 million (only the 6 streams).
I’ll only consider the 1/10 mil odds, since its all dream really brings up. but Basically; there’s not much difference between 1/10 million and 1/7.5 trillion. 
Dream says that the difference is 7.5 trillion minus 10 million, aka 7.4999 trillion. This is what his entire visual with the gold blocks is based on. This is absolutely incorrect, i cant stress that enough. 
You can’t find the difference of fractions by subtracting only the denominators. Like. this is elementary school math. it just doesnt work. 
It’d actually be calculated as: (1/10 000 000) - (1/7 500 000 000 000) = (74999/7 500 000 000 000)
If the mods are wrong, they’re only wrong by 749999/7.5 trillion. that’s literally only  0.000000099999866666667. 
Dream no doubt saw the numbers, considered 10 million vs. 7.5 trillion, and used these big numbers to hold his own point. PROBABILITY DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT. I really think he was just taking advantage of the seemingly big numbers here and wrote it out in a way that favoured him. The gold block analogy in the video played throughout the entire video practically, jokes were made on it, and he made a point of it being ‘so big the game crashed’. 
It’s just plain wrong. even so a difference in the odds doesnt prove shit. He’s downplaying his own odds that he found too. 1/10 million isnt a small number. Even though the legitimacy of that calculation is in question, it is still significant enough to proclaim he cheated. 
Some quick points before I move onto the report; these aren’t as significant in my eyes but it adds to the picture
there’s been criticism of his joking manor throughout the entire video, very specifically the Bill Nye joke. Considering he doesnt actually have a name to provide for his astrophysicist, this joke doesnt feel right
the mod he had a voice clip from (willz) even believes that he cheated and has agreed with the mod team the whole time. 
Dream never has a name for the mod who is apparently on his side (more understandable), the minecraft developer he quoted, or the astrophysicist (most damning)
Dream states that fabric is used by most speedrunners which is true, but fabric and fabric API are different; dream also had the latter installed. my knowledge of how theyre different is limited, all i really know is the API is what can enable editing of the code while fabric is more a modloader. im not entirely sure on this
Dream has said at the end of the video that all funds will go to the mod team so they can make a client that will regulate cheaters. this has been noted as feeling manipulative or like a ‘bribe’, but it definitely puts the mods in a bad position. 
either they accept it and look like they ‘gave in’ to dream and therefore acknowledge him in the right
they deny it and look selfish/taking dream’s kindness for granted
geo said they would insist it goes to a charity instead
Dream constantly disregards the mods as young, inexperienced, ‘just volunteers’ etcetcetc, despite the fact that theyre analysis has been discussed by people with confirmed PhDs without much criticism
Dream’s Report
The report itself is extremely interesting, in that it’s very questionable, but even so it doesn’t come to the conclusion that dream didn’t cheat. The tone between the video and the report is drastically different. 
This is from the “3. What are the goals of this document?” section:
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It essentially says this isnt intended, from the very beginning, to completely exonerate dream of cheating. Also note that the author says the mods’ report was mostly correct. 
This is at the end of “9 Conclussions”:
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It does notably say cheating isnt the only explanation, but it doesnt actually go as far to say that it’s not possible that he cheated. 
But this can be argued to not matter if we consider the validity of the report as a whole
Dream’s Report: Criticisms
Possibly the first and most known debunking of the report is by u/mfb on reddit, although there’s been much more such as this programmer criticizing the code provided at the end of the report (partially due to how the author of it stated that piglins barter 4-7 pearls, which is incorrect: it’s 4-8), Andrew Gelman, an actual statistician professor from harvard, commented on the original mods’ report as ‘impressive’ while Dream’s report is being regarded as something funny in the comments, and even analysis of dream’s behaviours and his argument by a law student
But what u/mfb posted is what i’ll focus on. Some background into the user; he’s a particle physicist, is moderator in subreddits like r/cosmology and r/astrophysics, he’s regarded as a reliable source on r/askscience and r/askreddit. Basically, multiple other people have vouched for him and before all this he had many posts in these fields. 
that’s already better than the unnamed astrophysicist. 
The post is better speaking for itself but here is a few exerpts from it;
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Essentially, the report’s methods are debunked by u/mfb-, alongside that a moderator of r/statistics regarded the report as ‘nonsensical in its application of statistics’ and linked to u/mfb-’s comment. 
i’m going to end this here. Partially because severe backpain or whatever,.
but I want to say at this point its practically definitive that dream cheated, that he lied to us, and that he continues to do so. Much more could be said on his video such as his tone, intentions, the overt emphasis on the ‘biases’ of the mods. 
I havent even mentioned that the ‘astrophysicist’ themself may be a scam; they are sourced from a website that is extremely sketchy, has no names attached to it, and was created less than a year ago (with practically no traffic on it until maybe a month ago). 
But i hope this is coherent. I have interest in this so if theres questions im always open. 
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bowsie22 · 3 years
Five rumours Pangzi spread and one that was true - Chapter 1
Summary: Five rumours Pangzi spread about Wu Xie’s love life and one that wasn’t a rumour
Wu Xie loved Pangzi, adored him even. The man was literally the brother he never had, his platonic soulmate. But he could also admit that Pangzi pissed him off like no one else ever could. Not even Xiao Hua and they’ve known each other since their diaper days. Pangzi annoyed him in a number of ways. He was loud, had sticky fingers and dragged Wu Xie into his messes. But the worst thing he did? Start stupid rumours about Wu Xie’s love life that spread around China like wildfire.
1. Pangzi
They’d been friends for a few months when the rumours started trickling through Hefang Street. Wu Xie was used to people talking behind his back. Whether it was that he only succeeded due to his family name and his uncle’s support or saying his looks and lithe body helped him more than his brain, Wu Xie didn’t care. He knew his uncles helped and he could admit that he did use his attractiveness to his advantage. Let people say what they want, Wu Xie knew he was damn good at what he did and he worked hard too. But he had to admit, this one threw him a bit.
“He looks so sad.”
“He can do better anyway.”
“I heard that Wu Xie was caught with someone else.”
Glaring at the men whispering behind him quickly shut them up. Wu Xie left the shop, bags in hands, very confused. It almost sounded like they were talking about him being in a relationship? Which was ridiculous. Wu Xie hadn’t been with anyone since Hou Daofu and they’d broken up a few years ago. He never even brought anyone back home on his nights out. So, what the hell was going on?
The whispers continued. Wu Xie was a cheater, he was heartbroken, he couldn’t go on without the love of his life. And yet, Wu Xie had no idea who these people were talking about! Who was this mysterious love of his life? It was honestly starting to annoy him and he wanted answers. Pity no one would talk to him about it. Wang Meng said that people were afraid how he’d react.
“Fine then! You ask them. And do not come back to Wushanju without answers!”
He tried to slam the gates behind Wang Meng’s back but the damn things were too heavy. Wu Xie hated Wushanju sometimes.
Wang Meng arrived back a few hours later, interrupting Wu Xie as he recorded their new stock. Wu Xie did not like the grin on his face, he looked way too happy. Nothing good ever came of Wang Meng being that happy. Wang Meng watched the other man work knowing the quieter he was, the more impatient Wu Xie would be. After recording the same vase three times, Wu Xie broke.
“Well? You must know something. I know that stupid smirk on your face means you know something that I don’t.”
“And you hate that.”
“Right now? Yes!”
“Ok, you know Mrs. Chen?”
“Yeah, owns the noodle shop down the street. Sweet woman, good noodles.”
“Great noodles. Anyway, about two months ago, a man came into the shop just before closing. She said he was pretty well kept, heavy set, very chatty and made a lot of stupid jokes.”
“I assume so, he never shared his name. He did however talk about his broken heart. About how he loved the young owner of the antique shop, but had to choose between you and Beijing. It was the most difficult decision of his life but his business had to come before his heart and you, a fellow businessman, understood that. He had to leave Hangzhou that night because he knew dragging your separation out would hurt you both too much. But you, Wu Xie, were the love of his life and he could never imagine having anyone else!”
Wang Meng paused, wanting to see his laoban’s reaction. Wu Xie’s normally pale skin was bright red, his fists clenched and shaking by his side. Wang Meng was trying not to laugh. He’d never seen Wu Xie so angry before, it was kinda funny.
“Thank you for finding that out Wang Meng. If you’ll excuse me, I have a phone call to make.”
“Don’t kill him.”
“No promises.”
“I thought it would be funny. Tianzhen, how was I to know that it would spread like wildfire?”
“You know what these streets are like! People talk about anything and everything. Pangzi, I can’t leave my house without people talking about our so-called relationship. Do you know how annoying that is?”
“You’re right. I’m sorry, I should know better. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“Swear it Pangzi. On the thing that means most to you.”
Pangzi laughed, loving Wu Xie trying to be threatening. It was like being threatened by a cupcake. Made a nice change from the people normally threatening him.
“I swear on my bank account that I will no longer spread any rumours about you and I being in a romantic relationship, I promise.”
A/N So a massive thank you to the DMBJ discord which gave me this prompt. Next chapter will hopefully be up in the next day or two
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streaming-yn · 3 years
Can I request forgetful y/n just interacting with people (like eret, bbh, Tommy for example)
I just want to know how the others would be like with y/n
of course anon! :) I'm hyperfixated on charlie (slimecicle) and jack (jack manifold) so I had to add them !! also I already did tommy (check out chaoscrew part!! (part 5!)
part 1 // part 2 // part 3 // part 4 // part 5 // part 6 // part 7
includes: Jack manifold, Slimecicle, bbh, Eret, technoblade
note: these are pretty short! (to fit more people)
Jack Manifold
as much as he's on the internet, I 100% believe he wouldn't know about your memory issues until y'all interact
while playing Minecraft together, you forgot where your house was, not abnormal for someone, so he didn't question it
but you forgot more stuff as the stream went on and he got a bit worried bc that's not normal :( but bc he didn't know what was going on, he didn't know if it was okay to say on stream, so he dmed you on discord and told you to check
"are you alright? you've been forgetting quite a bit" the message made you smile, it's nice that he cared enough to ask "I'm okay, thank you for asking! I just have a medical issue with my brain that makes me forget stuff a lot (ps it's okay to say on stream dw!) :)"
he was like half low key embarrassed and half relived that you were okay 👍 but as you continued playing he didn't bring it up or question it at all, just helped you when you forgot something
he thinks you're a really cool person! definitely can't wait to play with you again ^^ (he also thinks your character in the dsmp lore is cool and is a bit sad they haven't interacted yet </3 (you are too, y'all talk about it on stream sometimes and the chats like WHEN WHEN?? GIV JACK S/N LORE INTERACTION NOW!!!))
Charlie Slimecicle
I don't think he'd acknowledge it much if at all! not in like a mean way, more in a "I don't see the need to acknowledge it because you're still you so like ?" type of way
basically doesn't see you different from anyone else!
when you forgot something he'd just casually tell you what you forgot
"where was the mine? I forgot . .;;" "when you leave the house, you'll see a nearby forest, the entrance is in the side closest to the mountain!" "okay! forest, close to mountain, got it, thank you!!" /minecraft
people want your dsmp characters to interact SO bad dude !!!
congrats! there's a new subtwt, a very small one, but they're there!! it's named bc they think y'all act like siblings! it's slimesiblingtwt / slimesibtwt, if may sound a little odd to some but if anyone relates it to something against either of y'all's boundaries then everyone is like hey wtf that's weird,, don't, don't b weird (and reported bc ew ykyk)
the two most common shirts were simple white shirts that said dap me up, and his "so yeah. I'm a gamer." shirt 👍
there were also shirts like the classic "I'm with stupid" shirts, pls they thought is was so funny fkfkfj
he also like, genuinely loves how you describe things when you forget the word because with the way your mind works you wont describe it in a way that sound serious
has started calling a few things by the "nicknames" you've given them unironically bc he was calling them that ironically for a while and it became a habit
examples of things you've said: spaghetti cake (lasagna), dead but not dude (zombie), etc
and if you forgot the name of a character in like a video game (or didn't know in general) he likes the nicknames you come up with for those as well, because they're named after their defining feature
for the entire game of little nightmares II you couldn't for the life of you remember your partner's name (six) and kept calling them (her?) "little raincoat buddy" pls,, u sounded so genuinely happy too, like you saw them and interacted for all of 3 seconds and got emotionally attached (pls someone request forgetful! y/n playing little nightmares II if you wanna see it I think it'd be fun and I love the game sm) (also feel free to request for resident evil 8 🤲)
honestly 100% I think he'd feel a little bad a first bc :( his memories mean a lot to him, he couldn't imagine not having most of them :((
of course, doesn't bring this up on stream, this isn't something you talk about on stream!
y'all text for a bit until he understands that he doesn't need to feel bad for you because of it, of course it's annoying and makes you upset that you don't have as many memories as everyone else, but you had him think of it as a jar
your jar (capacity for memories) is smaller than everyone else's, so while most things do leak out, that's okay because if you had all the small things in your jar, there wouldn't be space for the bigger things. so while it's upsetting that your jar is smaller that everyone else's, it's okay because that's just how it was made and you'd rather remember the big things than a bunch of small things
he said he understands but he still feels kinda bad 😭
if you're capable of having hyperfixations (nd!) then he would 100% listen to you talk about it in you wanted to talk to him! :)
and if it's a game or show or smthn he doesn't know, he might do a bit of research about it so the convo wouldn't feel one-sided if you feel awkward if you're the only one talking (also never cuts you off!)
I can't explain it, like,, at all but I feel like they would be the type of person to like not bring a whole lot of attention to it, but would make sure you remember what he's talking about since he would assume that speaking up about forgetting something in the middle of someone else talking would be quite difficult
especially when talking about dsmp lore because so much goes on that it's confusing and hard to keep up with
"and after my character betrayed them- do you know what I'm talking about? it was a long time ago" "yep yep! very vague and fuzzy but I'm pretty sure I get the main idea! :)" "okay! :) then after my character betrayed them that's where one of the most famous quotes of the server came from! «it was never meant to be»? that's where it started, though Wilbur's character blowing up l'manberg definitely made it more popular"
y'all don't interact very often, but ifs fun when you do! took you on a tour of her castle before 100%!!! :) chat had a blast with that
also didn't know at first but didn't think of DMing you to ask
you forgot a lot of stuff and he was like ???? "s/n are you okay?"
"oh! yeah yeah, I'm good, I just forget a lot!"
wouldn't say more after that I feel like, would try to avoid making references to the past that you might've forgotten but not so much so that it's obvious he's avoiding it yk?
if y'all become close enough for him to make memory jokes he'd probably make a lot of little lighthearted ones, like maybe 2-3 big memory jokes (like bits that take up a few minutes) per stream if it's average time (1-2 hrs), but not more than that (also wouldn't continue the bit if you don't)
most are little light-hearted side comments that are there just to poke fun at you and not actually meant to be rude and focus on your memory issue
taglist; @ophelia-enthusiast @cvsmixplant @l0ver0fj0y @decay-as-a-life-form
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