#beginner fanfic writer
chili-heeler · 2 months
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title: Space girl (show me the stars) relevant characters: jasmine tran, hazel wells (+ mentioned ocs) tags: toothrotting fluff, aged up characters (13 in this fic), cuddling, stargazing
link to fic
(constructive criticism very welcome!)
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amyrosabell333 · 1 year
Writer's note✒️
Hello and welcome to my fanfic journey 😅 I always wanted to write fanfics of my own and now I'm feeling confident to do so but I'm still kind of new on writing fanfics and still got a lot to learn about it still, but my whole goal here is to work hard on my fanfics and to improve my writings is the future.
About the writer's info ✏️
•My name is Amy and I go by she/her pronouns 🌷💖
•I'm a ENFJ and I'm pansexual I'm also diagnosed with autisim 😅
•My age is 18 I'm a February aquarius  ♒
What I will write 📝
• The reader I will mostly be gender neutral but I might change the reader's gender in some fics probably.
• I mostly read a lot of Yandere x Reader fanfiction so this is mostly a Yandere fanfic blog, but on rare occasions, I might be writing a normal character x Reader fic probably 😅
• I will always put trigger warnings like angst, NSFW, or anything extreme like that
• I might make unique platonic Yandere fics like yandere parent x child reader, yandere sibling x Reader, and in other platonic Yandere fanfics ways instead of romantic Yandere fics
•I also might make a yandere x tsundere reader or any type of yandere x dere reader, fanfic I can or might write about
What I don't write about 📝
• Character x Character Not experience with them honestly 😅
• Adult character x child reader/pedophile is discussing and shameful
• Real people
Fandoms I am in and What I might write about ✒️
• The Sims 4
• Morel Orel
• Death note
• Puss in Boots : The Last Wish
• You're turn to die
• Countryhumans
• Jack Stuber's character Mirror man from Opal
• Wadanohara and the great blue sea
• Welcome Home
• Skyrim The Elder Scrolls V
• Hazbin hotel
• The Lorax
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urnumber1star · 7 months
That moment when the unrelated scenes you've been writing for two weeks both somehow connect (i have no idea how this happened)
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topazadine · 2 months
Remembering Perspective When Writing Descriptions
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Just a short pet peeve of mine, inspired by a shower thought, where I remembered the most terrifying description I'd ever read.
It wasn't bad, or even horror. It was well written.
However. The POV character described his *sister* in a way akin to this (my recreation, not the actual text):
Braden met his sister at the gate. They'd been apart for several years, and in that time, she had truly become a woman. Her curves had filled out, and her red silk dressed strained across her tight figure. Her long black curly hair shone in the late evening light, while her blue eyes watched him intently.
No, this wasn't a brocon thing. The (male) writer was just horny for his female character and ... kinda forgot that his MC, her brother, would not feel the same way.
Now, of course siblings growing up together are going to notice the other one maturing, but it's not going to be ... that. This is how I describe 17-year-old Uileac looking at his little sister, 13-year-old Cerie, in 9 Years Yearning:
She'd shot up in height this past year - almost as tall as him, to his dismay. Whatever they were feeding her in the meronym was quite good for her metabolism, as she'd put on a bit of healthy weight. Her cheeks were losing their baby roundness, and the autumnal light accentuated the sharp intelligence behind her green eyes.
In this description, you can feel Uileac's paternal attitude toward his little sister. "Oh, she's put on a bit of weight and isn't a total twig anymore! I'm glad they're feeding her well. Her face looks more adult. Fuck, she's almost as tall as me now ... I wish I weren't so goddamn short ...."
This is a much more normal way for siblings to talk about each other, if a bit more "dad mode" than the typical older brother.
Siblings who grew up together are not going to say "holy shit I can really tell my sister has become a woman, wow her dress is tight over her curves." If my brother had said that about me while we were kids, I'd throw up and dump a pot of soup over his head.
This kind of thing is generally accidental and has to do with how *you* feel about a character. But the thing is that even the sexiest femme fatale is just going to be Jennifer, The Stupid Annoying Sister, to their sibling. Our brains are literally wired not to see our siblings as sexy if we grew up with them.
There are many other ways that you must take perspective into consideration when writing descriptions. Here are just a few of them.
Sexual attraction/orientation
You're going to focus on different things if you're sexually attracted to someone; namely, you'll focus in on things like breasts, legs, abs, etc. You'll also likely devote more attention to describing people of your particular sexual orientation than you would one that you are not attracted to, and you will focus on different things.
This is part of why we hate "men writing women:" they describe every woman as if they want to fuck them. (See the first example.) It has to do with the places that their gazes naturally linger on any woman, which is what they consider important and what they focus on.
But the thing that they miss is that just because we are sexually attracted to a specific gender does not mean we would want to bang anyone of that gender. I am a lesbian, but the way I would describe my mom or my therapist is vastly different than how I would describe a woman I am actually attracted to.
Romantic interests should get a more sexualized gaze; not exploitative, just more in-depth, and with more focus on their figure, specific details, etc. Everyone else should get a more basic look at eyes, hair color, height, build, and so on.
Feelings about a particular person
You're going to be more forgiving and complimentary toward someone you care about than someone you hate. Things that would be charming on a friend will be downright annoying on that one asshole at work who always throws projects to you at 5pm on a Friday.
A lover's thick eyebrows might be called "dashing" or "strong," while on an enemy, they'd be "overbearing" and "harsh." Your bestie's lisp is cute, while it seems babyish on your school rival. Your dad's meandering sentences give him a sense of harmless musing, but they make someone else look like an idiot.
If you have a character that is prejudiced toward a given group, they are always going to describe that group more harshly than they would a favored group. If they don't like authority figures, a police officer leaning toward them will seem menacing, when they wouldn't even notice it otherwise.
It can be very fun to give two characters similar traits but describe them differently based on the POV character's perspective of them. Readers might not even realize that it's the exact same physical feature!
Previous experiences at a given place
When describing settings, we're going to give more attention to somewhere we care about, like our home. I imagine you can tell me about every chip in the paint in your bedroom, or that one weird stain in the floorboard that you've tried everything to fix. Many times, this is a good time to add depth to the character's backstory by briefly mentioning previous occurrences there.
Would you notice any of those things about a place you're visiting for the first time? Probably not. You'll give a more global attention to the scene and provide impressions, not specifics.
Depending on how nervous or adventurous you are, you'll look for similarities or differences to things that you're accustomed to. You might compare it to other places you have been, trying to get a frame of reference.
If you're on a vacation and were really looking forward to coming to this specific spot, you will likely hone in on exactly what you came to see, whether that's the scene from a particular hilltop or a cafe, and this will get the most description.
Current Mood
Descriptions change with a character's mood, even if they've been in that place a millions times. People just notice different things depending on their mood; if they're happy, they'll look for things that support that mood, while if they're upset, they're pointing out the negatives.
For example, consider someone walking into a court room when they are on trial versus when they are there as a simple court reporter. The person on trial is probably going to be glancing longingly at the door, picking out the angry faces of observers (or assuming the observers are angry), focusing attention on the security guards, staring at the plaintiff with hate in their eyes.
The court reporter will likely pick out anyone they know in the room before looking at anything else. Then, they'll check out the defendant and plaintiff with idle curiosity. Since they are more familiar with the room, they'll gloss over the boring details that they have already seen a million times, giving them only a cursory once-over to see if anything has changed.
Current Need
Your character's objectives need to taken into consideration as well. As an example, remember the last time that you really needed to pee while you were out. Were you slowly and casually admiring the scenery? No! You were hunting for the bathroom. If literally anything registered for you, it was anything that looked vaguely bathroom-sign-shaped. Everything around that bathroom sign, and on your path toward the bathroom, got more attention and description to you than anything else.
Your character's interests
When describing a scene, you don't need to take time and define every single little thing in a character's path. It's annoying and overwhelming. You need to give us a basic overview (it's a forest, it's a grocery store, it's an abbatoir) and then hone in on the specific details that your character finds interesting in order to fill out the entire scene.
We, as people, focus on things we care about, things that we feel are relevant to us. Different people will notice completely different things when they walk into the same room. An animal trainer will appreciate a big pet bed and an ergonomic food bowl. An artist will admire the artwork on the walls. A computer nerd is going to roll their eyes at the scuffed-up Mac laptop.
This doesn't mean that you can't describe other things, too; it just means that your character's attention is going to be drawn to stuff that they, in particular, like or dislike.
Things like where a character's gaze lands, how they describe things, and how much detail they give to any particular element are an important part of secondary characterization: how we get to know a character beyond what they do or tell us. It helps to create a fuller picture of their relationships, their interests, and their thought process, and it deserves just as much attention as actions and dialogue.
If you enjoyed reading this, perhaps you'll consider purchasing my book, 9 Years Yearning. No weird sibling vibes I prommie
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purpleskiesupwards · 13 days
Okay, so I am a growing writer. I am not perfect. But I felt like sharing something because I had a discussion about it with my younger cousin who was into journaling and now wants to venture into writing fiction. (It is my way of understanding things for myself, you can find it useless or useful, depending on if you see things in a similar way as me or not ...therefore, your opinion can differ)
So...when I started writing 12 years ago, at the age of twelve, I struggled with many things...especially how to make my multiple characters' POV sound distinct. Because everyone started to sound very similar in my work, I hated it!
Took me years of writing and reading to improve myself, but if one thing I can clearly remember...it is this:
Characters NEED a sketch/mental map/flowchart - whatever you call it. I know some people can do a good job by winging it, but it is essential, in my humble opinion.
When I didn't do this, all my characters sounded the same, except on the parts where I was doing their monologues or introspection narration. Like, my characters didn't have their distinct action to back them, making them sound or appear different. Because even I was unaware of how they'd act or stand or move etc.
What do I mean by this?
Write your character's name and simply write whatever their traits would be around them (whatever form, formally structured or not, doesn't matter) And not just traits, just random Q/As for the characters too like would my characters like blue color or orange color, love to eat sweets or spicy, be a fan of Jimin or Jungkook, lol.
With these traits, how do I make my POVs sound distinct?
Well...Let's say one of the characters is Adam and the other is Ella.
Adam's character is calmer, sensible, pacifist etc. Ella's character is chaotic, impulsive, angry etc.
Now, if the scenario is 'someone has died', their reactions would be completely different and you can make them sound distinct easily. However, the struggle usually occurs in random settings/scenarios.
The scenario is, 'My character is watching a sunrise'. All you need here is a simple introspection of character.
Adam is standing by the window, staring outside at the fluttering beams of sunlight peaking through the dark drape. Adam is a calmer person, sensible and generally peaceful with no extreme reactions, so would he just keep on staring with no reaction or would he lean his head to the window frame and take a deep breath while squeezing his eyes shut to meet the sun in its full glory. Which one sounds in-character for Adam? I think he'd try to relish in the awakening of nature by calming himself down, taking his time with the view, thinking about the memories he shared with let's say his friends one time during the hike witnessing an astonishing sunrise emerging above the peak of mountains while BEING IN THE SCENE OF WATCHING A SUNRISE.
Ella is standing by the window, staring outside at the sunrise. Ella is a chaotic person, impulsive and angry at times, overall a person with a shorter attention span, but wouldn't mind having her coffee while staring outside the window. So...would she just stare outside and admire the popping colours in the sky or scroll through her phone while sipping her coffee and occasionally looking outside to see the warm light bathing the horizon. She'd groan at the low-charge indicator and slam the coffee mug on the window sill in irritation. Which one sounds in-character for her, I think she'd not be actively attentive to the sunrise, she'd be grunting about the low charge or her coffee being too sweet while BEING IN THE SCENE OF WATCHING A SUNRISE.
You see, we can't write distinct-sounding descriptions or character monologues or transitioning scenes or opening scenes or whatever, WITHOUT KNOWING "WHO" YOUR CHARACTER IS.
If we didn't know how Adam and Ella are, the scene could have turned out simply with Adam watching the sky and admiring it or being sentimental with his internal monologue and Ella watching the same sun and monologuing about how pissed she is at something.
On the surface level, you can say that one of them is being sentimental and the other is angry — they will sound different. They will, but there will be no 'action' making them seem distinct, highlighting their personality in more than just a 'telling' manner. The good old rule of 'show don't tell' applies here.
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In short, it is simply about KYC - Know your characters, because otherwise, you are writing every person as Adam or Ella or XYZ.
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iz-nomerants · 2 months
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A fanart for Yinny’s “The Touchdown” on Ao3.
This was accidental but the fire reminded me of you :))
@brainrotwriter @brainrotgoverner
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bubblegumfanfictions · 9 months
Perfect to Me |Astarion x Fem!Plus-sized! Reader|
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Fandom- Baldurs Gate 3
Ship- Astarion/Fem!Plus-sized! Reader
Warning(s)- fatphobia, negative thoughts about weight, mentions of Cazador, Swearing
Summary- Reader is upset after a rough day in Baldurs Gate, but Astarion proves that she doesn't need to be.
Word Count- 1,700
A/N- Sorry if this isn't perfect, it has been a while. But merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! (I also changed the name of the fic)
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After a long and perilous journey through the Shadow Cursed Lands, The Underdark, and the Mountain Pass to gain allies you finally made your way to Baldurs Gate. The bustling streets and lively atmosphere was almost alien to you after so much time surrounded by nature.
The faces of your companions tell you all you need to know about how they feel at present. Disgust, Excitement, and Fear. You felt for Astarion, it must be terrifying returning to your old hunting grounds after so long, seeing the families of people he had condemned, but that wasn’t who he was now. You felt a fleeting sense of pride that your friend had promised the Gur he would help take down Cazador and find out what happened to their children– Whether they were alive or not is a whole different story.
Karlach on the other hand looked positively elated at being here. Her excitement was certainly infectious, You pause your thoughts and look over at the disgust on Lae’zel’s face, Well maybe not totally infectious. Although you did take note of a glint in Lae’zel’s eyes, she was interested but hid it well.
But even with Karlach’s excitement, you were nervous as all hells. You knew from experience that Baldurs Gate wasn’t a fan of people with your particular build (Well, unless you work in brothels or Burlesque shows but that is a different story.) Knowing what you know about Baldurs Gate you had prepared yourself before you left to expect some comments, looks and even some shoves.
You thought you had managed to keep your anxieties under control and to yourself but that wasn’t the case. Unbeknownst to you, while you were hyperanalysing everything out of nervousness, Astarion was keeping an eye on you. He’d never seen you so nervous- That might not even be the right word, terrified seemed to be the better term.
He didn’t know why you were so scared of everything. He had seen you take down an Orthon just so he could have the information that Raphael promised him. You didn’t have to do that but you did. When he asked you why you simply smiled and said “Because it was important to you.” So he didn’t understand your fears at all. Are you scared of big crowds? Of the idea that someone could jump you? No, thats not it, you’d look more alert than anything, not dazed.
After a few hours of walking around Astarion finally spotted what it was that was scaring you so much. He noticed the glares and whispers being sent in your direction. He was happy that you weren’t an elf because you wouldn't have liked the things he was hearing. He was physically restraining himself from ripping out these peoples throat. You were beautiful. Why couldn't they see that? Why couldn't you see that?
“Isn't she ashamed of coming out here?” Just breathe, Astarion. You'll be no good to the group in prison.
“She's much too big to be in with that lot.” Astarion kept his rage to himself, but he was sure the rest of his group noticed. After all you were connected by those wriggling parasites.
Eventually you all made your way to The Elfsong Tavern when the Emperor decided to reminisce about his time working with Duke Stalemane. Astarion didn't care though, not after noticing how vulnerable you looked, how upset and withdrawn you were.
He wondered if maybe you could hear some of the comments. Or if you were so used to the treatment that you knew what they were going to say.
Karlach barrels into the Tavern with all the grace of… well- Karlach. Finally getting to sleep in a proper bed for the night. Everyone was excited for it. After the trials they had all been through they deserved some much needed rest, even just for the day.
Karlach decided to go down into the Tavern to spend her night eating and drinking, Lae'zel went to the courtyard to practice. The group had discovered a temple with a link to Mystra and naturally relayed this to Gale so that's where he probably is. As for the others? You had no idea.
You took it upon yourself to kick your shoes off and practically face planted one of the beds in the room you rented, barely taking any notice of Astarion's eyes watching your every move.
The energy it took you to not burst out into tears in the streets had taken its toll on you, you were just ready to sleep.
Astarion moved over to you cautiously, for once he was lost for words. He didn't know what to say to you, should he acknowledge the elephant in the room or ignore it?
“Astarion? Are you okay?” You lift your heavy head to look at the handsome Pale Elf that was watching you. His eyes dance with uncertainty. He seemed deep in thought. “Astarion?” You say his name a second time and manage to catch his attention.
He shook himself from his thoughts “Oh, yes, Darling? What were you saying?” He thought his recovery was smooth but his discomfort still showed on his face.
You sit up and pat the spot next to you. Astarion smiled absentmindedly, even burdened by the thoughts of horrible people you were still thinking of others first.
Astarion sits next to you, “I'm fine, but are you. Don't think I didnt notice the way people were looking at you.” He paused, not knowing if he should let on that he heard what they were saying. “Or how they were… talking about you.”
You stayed silent, looking down at your hands. Like Astarion earlier you didn't know what to say. “You noticed that?”
He looked baffled, almost offended that you thought he didn't. “Of course I did! Why wouldn't I? This is you we are talking about Darling, it's so hard for me to not notice you.” He places his hand on top of yours.
The coolness from his hand is a stark contrast to the warmth of his words to you. “Tell me, why do you allow a few rotten apples to treat you so poorly.” He uses his other hand to brush some hair from your face that had fallen when your head lowered with sadness.
“Because its true. I'm nothing special, no one will ever love me the way I want them too. I'll be alone… forever.”
Astarion's heart shattered, he knew what it was like to feel so vulnerable, so self-conscious. He hated that your life in Baldurs Gate made you feel the same.
“Oh, Darling. I wish I could show you just how wrong you are. These people? This group that you brought together, they adore you, I adore you.”
“But why? I feel hideous.” Tears well up in the corner of your eyes, prompting Astarion to lift you chin with one hand and wipe your tears with the other.
“You are far from hideous my gorgeous gorgeous girl, I think you are beautiful, a walking piece of art. You do not deserve to be treated the way you are just because you don't fit in with their callous beauty standards.” The mixture of Astarion's kind words, the nasty glares, and your exhaustion caused you to break down, tears streaming down your cheeks.
Without missing a beat Astarion wrapped his arms around you in a clumsy hug. He could feel your shoulders shake as the tears (sadly) soaked his new doublet.
“You think I'm beautiful?” You sniffled, pulling your head away from his chest but maintaining contact. He may not be physically warm but his actions and words warmed you through.
“Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? I'm not blind, Sweetheart.” A soft smile painted on his lips. Astarion could tell that his words weren't really getting through to you, he knew that it would take a long time for you to finally feel good about yourself, but he can damn well try his best.
“But-” you attempted to say before Astarion shushed you, a finger gently pressed to your lips.
“No buts. I have been around for a long time, I have bedded more men and women than I can count. But you are by far the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on. You are so incredibly and unapologetically you and I would do anything in my power for you to see yourself the way I do.”
“But I'm not thin like other people, how can you say I'm beautiful when I look like this? ” He moved his finger down to your chin so he could tilt your head up.
“Because you are. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you're the best person for me. I don't want to imagine a life with anyone other than you in it. I adore you darling. I love you and I want you to be happy and I would love for it to be with me.”
Astarion could see your expression change to a more hopeful one. “You love me?”
“I do.” He responds, his eyes darting down to your lips and back to your own again. “Can I kiss you?” The question slipped from his mouth before he could think. You nod your head, still shocked by the sudden confession.
He slowly closed the gap between your lips, when they finally touched Astarion could sense all of your worries melt away. His free hand squeezing the thickness of your thigh as you shared a loving kiss. Astarions fangs brushing against your lips and occasionally nipping them as the kiss deepened.
“Fuck yes! Finally!” You both turned your heads, seeing Karlach stood in the doorway watching as the two of you kissed.
“Man Gale is going to be PISSED. He owes me 60 gold.” She senses the awkwardness she had just caused with her entrance and sheepishly backed away “Don't let me stop you, I was just leaving.”
She slams the door behind her but you could hear her yelling that she was going to be a rich woman and that she knew she had an eye for romance.
The two of you just laughed. This was perfect.
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insect-library · 6 months
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@peophonia 's poob design fanart:333
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hellfirecvnt · 4 months
A Few Ways to Improve Your Writing (on Tumblr) from Somebody Who Has No Business Writing
*Specifically for writing fanfiction, though some of the tips are universal.
- Indenting. I usually only indent on mobile bc for some reason, it just throws them the fuck away on my laptop. To indent, I usually just do five "spaces." It just looks nicer (imo) and can help with readability.
This is a paragraph. In this specific paragraph, I'm showing you what an indention is. It's those five empty spaces at the beginning.
- Dialogue changes. When a character speaks, that's a new paragraph. When a different character speaks next, that's a new paragraph no matter how short the speech is. It's always a great storytelling device. You don't even have to label who is speaking every time if you properly use context clues in the rest of your story!
"I am speaking," said the man. He is a guy and he's totally speaking.
"Fuck you, Todd."
"Whoa." Todd was not expecting that.
- POV. It's easier said than done, but try to keep your story in the same point of view the whole time, or at least clarify when the POV is changing.
Example: Wrong
You smile at Dee. She's your best friend and has been since elementary school. You ask Dee to borrow a pencil and she happily obliges, passing her the pencil. She says thanks to Dee and the two best friends continue writing. (Confusing, especially for someone who isn't a native English speaker.)
Example: Right
You smile at Dee. She's your best friend and has been since elementary school. You ask Dee to borrow a pencil and she happily obliges, passing you the pencil. You say thanks to Dee and the two best friends continue writing. (Coherent and Cambria, baby.)
Additionally, to show an intentional change in POV, just announce it!
Dee's POV-
This bitch will not stop asking me for pencils.
Your POV-
Oh, fuck. I forgot my pencil again...
- Complete words. This may be a personal thing, but around the time that Stranger Things 4 came out, I noticed a TON of people just not using the first few letters of the first word of their sentences?? It's another one of those things that's unintentionally inaccessible for people who don't speak English as a first language.
Example: Wrong
"'m not tired yet," she said.
Example: Right
"I'm not tired yet," she said.
- If it's a reader insert, please do not describe Y/N. Pls don't mention hair texture, but a vague style is usually fine. Pls don't mention body size unless it's specified. Don't mention skin tone. Pleaseeee, don't take away from someone else's ability to see themselves in your work that's specifically meant for the reader to see themselves in. Lots of communities don't ever get to see themselves in media, don't take fanfiction from them too.
- Use bold/italics. Both of these things can breathe a whole new life into what emotion you're trying to convey.
Example: No bold/italics
"I told you not to go there. Now we're both screwed."
Example: with bold/italics
"I told you not to go there. Now we're both screwed."
- Reread periodically. When writing a story for a few days, take a moment to go back and reread everything you've put down so far. You'd be surprised by how many little details and storytelling devices you'd forgotten about between writing sessions.
- Hit "Save Draft" literally every 15 minutes or any time you set your phone down if you write on mobile. Speaks for itself.
- AI will fuck you over. Don't be a fuckin' loser.
- Your ideas are NOT bad. Don't water down your vision in hopes that more people will read it. There really is something for everybody. You're doing yourself and your audience a disservice by changing your storyline to be more "mellow" or "relatable." It can be big, it can be dramatic, it can be weird, it can be angst or fluff or smut or literally anything bc YOU made it! No matter what, there will be people who love it with all their flesh and bones and people who scroll past after the first few sentences. It's all about chemistry or something idfk.
(Drop more tips in the comments/tags/reblogs for the new writers of Tumblr ((and me)) to learn and grow!)
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Hi! Are you comfortable with angsty topics?
If you are, what do you think about the brothers (or just Lucifer) coming to terms with the fact that the time with us (or MC) is running out (be it sickness, health, life exchange, etc)? Can it be gn please?
Thank you so much!!
Lucifer was drowning in paperwork, slumped over by his desk when he saw the time. The decades spent with him were taking a slow but aching toll on your human body. It was a realization that suddenly occurred to him, your graying hair, and your increasing amount of wrinkles. Your pained smiles as moving became harder worried him, he tried every remedy he could think of, but eventually came to the conclusion that this was meant to happen. Although he made sure to cherish you even on your deathbed, it still lingered that there wasn't much time left.
Expanded Version
Mammon was listening to some RnB music while looking through his old photoshoots when a vintage song came on. The release date of the song reminded him about your first date together, and although he looked as young as ever, you were aging along with time. He never admitted his worry, but it was as plain as day to the average observer, His frantic internet searches as he realized your death was inevitable. The aches in your muscles, the sagging of your face, your smile lines. He held your face in his palms, kissing you softly and letting death gently take you away.
Expanded Version
The characters flashed around on Leviathan's screen with hilarious dialogue, an action-packed roguelike from the 90s. His retro game system crashed again, as he noticed his first save file. It was a game he'd played with you a few times. As he looked back on those fond memories, he thought about you now. He loved you now just as much as before but grew concerned. It hurt him to see your pained back, dark circles and thin lips. He noticed your fatigue after concerts and competitions. Knowing you wouldn't be around for eternity, he put special care into your last moments, showering you with love.
Expanded Version
While studying the arts of the human world, Satan was amazed by the Mona Lisa. The colors and the historical value all appealed to him, however when researching, he couldn't help but ponder upon your own end. He remembers exploring old museums and educating himself on the realms, but as his knowledge traveled through time so did you. He observed your smile, ever-so-radiant, wrinkles holding onto the edges, the spots on your skin, the pains that weren't there before. He started watching you more, holding you while he could.
Expanded Version
Every stroke of the nail polish was beneficial, complimenting his youthful signature look. Asmodeus painted every last bit of fingernail, carefully inspecting his work he proudly showed off his work. He started applying makeup to your face, savoring every smile line and wrinkle you had, every special and unique mole. Although he used to hate aging, he appreciated your natural beauty, highlighting it. He knew you would eventually pass, so he did things he normally wouldn't do, going out of his way, being extra affectionate, making sure you had a peaceful rest surrounded by the man you love.
Expanded Version
As Beelzebub ate five Hell's burgers blissfully, he reminisced on the times you spent at restaurants together. He tasted every bit, nibbling to show it care. This was much unusual from his typical pace, ravaging through meals, he savored it for you, knowing what burgers can do to a human body, knowing it wouldn't last long. He began cooking more for you, noticing that your body was becoming weaker day by day. Even in your weakest moments, he held you and quietly shed tears.
Belphegor was listening to relaxing piano music as he slept in bed with you, holding on tightly. His snores filled the room as you woke. Usually a heavy sleeper, Belphegor jolted to the unexpected sound of your joints creaking and popping. He cuddled closer, knowing you couldn't hug him forever. Even when he hated humans, he knew how easily they could die, be killed off. And although he knew this was going to happen, he didn't want it now. He let you rest, awoke early in the morning to do laundry, to attend class. You slept on his lap when you passed, cementing his favorite human's death as a peaceful one, one that he couldn't get over.
Expanded Version
This is my first angst attempt, so feedback is appreciated!
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nerdazzler · 5 months
Royal Sword Academy Au
Welcome to the good guys team! Pt. 3-4
Raheel and the animal eared man spent a good five minutes chasing the fairy. The purple eyed boy pulled something out of his pocket that looked like a jar, and using what remaining speed he had, he captured the rogue fairy using the jar in his hands. “Gotcha!” gently shaking the jar around, causing the fairy to shake around inside the jar. The animal eared man walks towards the purple eyed boy, staring at the fairy in the jar in amusement. “I don’t think you should be doing that.” Tapping the glass of the jar. “Look at how dizzy you made the little guy.” 
The fairy shakes away his dizziness to glare at the animal eared man, shouting something at him. But no one could hear it, however, sounds similar to a bell chime could be heard from within the jar. 
Ambrose gives you a stern look. “Do you know this fairy?” looking back at him with the most obvious ‘no’ expression your face could muster you respond “Don’t know em, never seen em a day in my life.” The elderly man looks confused. “But you could understand him without a fairy translator.” Well now you’re confused too. “What? What’s a fairy translator?” He shows you the item the fairy had shoved in his hands.
It’s a rather…odd yet pretty looking object, it’s hard to describe how it looks. But it almost resembles a bell or a teapot in a sense. It doesn’t have the snout of a teapot though, however it does have four handles instead of one. The teapot-bell-thing has intricate floral details engraved into it, as for what type of metal it’s been engraved into the bell-pot looks like it’s made of silver.
Looking at the object, then the elderly man in confusion you finally reply “And??” He sighs to himself before answering you. “Well, in order for fairies to be understood by other fae and potentially humans, they need a translator.” This is the part where you’re supposed to  nod your head and pretend like you understood all that. “I literally understood none of that. Like I get the premise but…this affects me how??” You respond.
The old man nods his head in mental notation, “We’ll discuss it later.” Before glancing at the purple eyed boy, who’s shaking the jar with the fairy in it while the animal eared man watches in amusement. Ambrose looks back at you, “And you’re sure you’ve never seen that fairy before?” You nod in agreement as a response. The elderly man looks conflicted, taking a second to himself to think before speaking. “I suppose I should help him find his homeland and send him back.” 
The fairy starts tapping on the glass shouting something at the elderly man and everyone in the room. But no one can hear nor understand it. The purple eyed boy giggles to himself “I don’t understand a word he’s saying!” 
Ambrose has left your side and walked up to the boy asking him to hand the jar over before standing in front of the glass mirror, and announcing something to everyone in the room. “I officially declare that the entrance ceremony has come to a close. Dorm leaders, please escort your students to their respective dorms.” 
looking around the room he realizes “Does anyone know where the dorm leader of Rosemni is?” A tall man raises his hand from a corner of the room “He’s over here, headmaster!” He has a very preppy voice. “He’s not asleep again is he?” The blonde haired boy from before asks. The redhead boy from before looks worried “Well that’s not good! This is a very important event!” 
The man with a preppy voice chuckles, “Apologies everyone, it seems the dorm leader didn’t get enough hours of sleep last night.” He waves over a brunette with blue tips before whispering something to him and turning back to the crowd, flashing a smile. “All students of Rosemni are more than welcome to follow me to the dorm!” With that, everyone begins to disperse into groups and leave the room. Leaving you, Ambrose, and the fairy that's still in a jar.
The fairy glares at you from without his jar. “If you make a jar joke about this I WILL come for you!” It takes every fiber of your being to not make a jar joke right then and there to spite him.
Ambrose looks at you with an apologetic expression. “I’m deeply sorry Y/N, as much as we’d love to have you here, a magicless student is no place for a school that focuses on honing one’s magical abilities.” You shrug, not really caring that you have to leave. You were fine with whatever happens to you, as long as it gets you out of this dream. 
The elderly man’s expression switches from apologetic to cheerful “But not to worry! The Glass Mirror will safely get you and your fairy friend home.” He steps aside, and motions for you to come forward. “Now, please step up to the mirror, and visualize the place where you came from.”
You Step up to the glass mirror “I can’t wait to get out of this weird ass dream…”  
Ambrose faces the mirror, the jarred fairy still in hand before speaking. “O’ Glass Mirror please return this soul to where it belongs!” The glass mirror does not respond. You both stand in silence for a minute or two. Ambrose awkwardly clears his throat, “Um…G…Glass Mirror? Please return this—”
“No such place exists.” The mirror responded, cutting off Ambrose mid sentence. The elderly man clears his throat again before speaking, “Pardon?” The mirror, not missing a beat. “No place exists in this world.” Silence. The elderly man is confused, “But how can this be? My, today is just full of predicaments.” 
 Putting a hand to his chin “In all my years working here, something like this has never happened. So I’m at a bit of a stump on what to do…” the elderly man looks at you, seeming to come up with something. “Could you please tell me where you’re from?” You shrug in response before answering, “Sure. I’m from—.” 
Ambrose takes a minute to digest the information, thinking to himself before responding with a sad smile. “I'm sorry, I’m afraid I am not familiar with such a place.” You look at the man in disbelief “Are you sure?” He nods his head with an apologetic look, “I’m very sorry, I’m usually acquainted with the origins of every student who has ever come here, and yet...I have never heard of your homeland.”
Ambrose looks as if he had just thought of something “However!, we can go to the library and look up your homeland!” That’s actually not a bad idea. You nod your head in agreement and follow him out to the ceremony room to the library. 
The walk to the library was quite…awkward, to say the least. Ambrose was trying to be polite and make small talk. While you were only responding in one word answers or short sentences, you were too lost in your own head trying to assess your situation to really pay attention to what the elderly man was saying.
But now you’re in the crisp, clean library of Royal Sword Academy. Currently, looking through book after book in an attempt to find any information of where you’re from. 
You were about to pick up your fifteenth book before the sound of a book slamming interrupted you. Looking in front of you, Ambrose shakes his head in displeasure before placing the book down beside him. “Just as I'd suspected. Nothing.” Well shit. This is just great. The elderly man folds his hands towards himself as if he was interrogating you, “Now, are you quite sure that you come from this…earth? That wasn't some sort of last minute lie, or perhaps a joke?” 
You shake your head in response. The elderly man takes some time to think before responding. “Hmmm…as far-fetched as it may sound, the only explanation is that you've come from another world.” Ya know that pikachu meme face? The one of him looking shocked? Yea, that one. That’s basically your face right now, because there is no way you’re from another planet. I mean it would explain why magic exists here.
If not lost in your own shock you would be hearing the snickers from your fairy companion, who sat beside Ambrose, still confined in his jar prison. Ironic, considering you found a place that was home to fairies during your research, and had the little bitch not been making faces at you. You would’ve told Ambrose about your discovery and happily sent the fairy away. 
The elderly man clears his throat, snapping you out of your thoughts and back to reality. “Perhaps you were summoned here from another dimension?” The pikachu face returns. He thinks for a minute before coming to a conclusion, “Did you happen to bring any ID with you? A driver’s license maybe?” Thinking about it for a minute slowly starts to raise panic out of you, the realization slowly setting in as you pat yourself down for any objects. “W..where’s my phone?!” You ask yourself in a panic. your phone is gone. Your beloved phone, one of the few things you always keep on you. Missing. Oh yea, you have no ID either.
Ambrose hums to himself, “Well this is quite the predicament. We can’t have someone with no magic residing in a magic based academy.” Well isn’t that nice! First you don’t have your phone and now you’re going to be kicked out! As if your internal suffering couldn’t get any worse. “And yet, I can’t expel someone without anything on them. That’s just cruel.” So you’re not being kicked out? Yay! 
The elderly man snaps to himself as if he just recalled something, “There’s a vacant building on the campus that you can use! It was, in fact, used as a dorm a long time ago.” He’s giving you a place to stay? He’s giving you a place to stay! Your internal panic ceased temporarily. “Although it is rather rundown at the moment…with a proper refurbishing, it should be habitable enough for you to stay in.”  The old man smiles at you before standing up and putting away both his and your pile of books.
After putting away the stacks of books he walks over towards you, “In the meantime, I will investigate other ways to send you home.” For some odd reason you’re a bit skeptical of that? You feel like he’s…
“You don’t mind if I send him back home, right?” Ambrose had snapped you out of your thoughts. “Huh?” He’s holding Fiddlellen’s jar. “Oh. Yea, I don’t mind.” The elderly man smiles “Wonderful! You can wait here until I return. Then, I shall take you to your dorm straight away.” He waves goodbye before leaving the library with Fiddellen. 
Leaving you alone in silence for the time being. 
You waited in the library for about 15 minutes before Ambrose came back to retrieve you. The walk to your soon-to-be dorm was awkward…again. Not because you were lost in your thoughts like last time, you just didn’t know how to respond to most of the questions the elderly man had tried to ask you. 
Leading you to now. In front of a building that looks like the shorter version of a princesses castle. Just how rich is this school?! It was very pretty though, you will give it that. The colors blue and white just like everything else on this campus is very prominent in its design. “So…“ you look at the elderly man in bewilderment. “You expect me to stay…here?!” motioning to the castle-like building in front of you. 
Ambrose smiles at you in delight, “Isn't it lovely?” He then grabs your shoulders and starts pushing you towards the building’s entrance, leading you inside. The interior is… a lot nicer than you expected. For an unused space they really tried to keep it as clean as they could. Minus the dust everywhere, a few broken items, and the cobwebs. Ambrose proudly puts his hands at his sides, “This should keep you well housed for the time being.”  This place is too fancy for you. You feel like a wet cat compared to the castle.
Ambrose claps his hands together, “Now! I shall return to my research to give you time to adjust to your new surroundings,” he checks a watch on his wrist. “It is rather late though so don’t go wandering around the campus!” The elderly man gives your shoulder a quick pat before leaving you alone to do whatever you pleased. Walking around the lounge of the castle, admiring how nice the place looks. “Wow…I feel like I’m going to break something…” your foot hits something at some point, the object making a thudding noise that sounded like a bell chime. “Wait, a bell?”
“OW!” a voice yelped. Jumping back in surprise you scan around the room to find the entity that screamed out in pain. “Watch where you’re going!” Your eyes land on an all too familiar fairy screaming at you. “Fiddlellen!?” The fairy rubs his head in annoyance, “Yea, it’s me. What of it?”  You point a finger at him. “You’re not supposed to be here!” 
Fiddellen crosses his arms, “Psh. Like getting sent back home would stop me from coming here! It’s called magic, duh.” Wow. Sass much? You cross your arms in return, “You’re really set on this place, huh?” Fiddlellen looks shocked at your words. “Who wouldn’t be?! This is one of the best magic schools in the world!” He looks really excited about this…”Do you know how cool it would be if a fairy out of all things were to attend a prestigious magic school like this?!”
You raise your eyebrow, interested in what he meant by that. “Do fairy’s normally not attend school here?” Fiddlellen awkwardly scratches at his cheek, “I mean, we do attend school but not with humans, ya know.” Deadpan. No. No, you don't know. Staying silent in hopes of the fairy picking up on your confusion, to no avail. Either he’s oblivious to your confusion or is purposefully ignoring you. You honestly don’t know at this point but from what you’ve seen of him so far they sound like the right answers.
But now that Fiddellen is in front of you and not causing any more problems. You can actually get a pretty good look at him. Short, choppy blonde hair with light green tips, tanned skin, bright eyes with winter blue and white pupils. His heterochromia sticks out from the whole green vibe he has going on. Taking note of his outfit which seems to be a casual teal green shirt with black pants, and slip on shoes with pom poms on the toes. When could shoes have pom poms on them? Weird. Given how small he is you bet he could fit into doll-sized clothes if he wanted.
“Oi! What cha starin at?!” The fairy yells. “Nothing.” Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you accidentally take a step back and trip on a loose floorboard. Causing you to fall on your butt. Before you could assess anything a drop of water falls on your nose. Looking up you notice a hole in the roof. It's starting to rain. Looking at the ceiling more you notice there are a few other holes in the roof, not a lot but they’re still a problem. 
You hear a yelp come from Fiddlellen followed by a small thump from beside you. “Holes in the roof?! I can’t get wet! If I get wet my pixie dust will wear off!” You’re guessing Fiddlellen got hit with some water and had fallen onto the ground. Seeing how he’s shaking his wings to dry them off. The fairy notices your staring and points at the roof. “Fix this!”  Rolling your eyes at the fairy’s demand you get up off the floor and dust yourself off. “Fine. I guess I’ll go find some buckets or something…” You leave the fairy in the room to go look for a supply closet that may have a bucket or something that could be used to catch the rain. 
Fiddellen follows you from behind, flying right beside you. “Why don’t you use magic to—“ he abruptly pauses, remembering something. “Oh right.” He points at you and tries to hold back his laughter. “You can’t use magic!” But he can’t contain it and starts laughing at you. You glare at him. “Excuse you! If I’m so useless then why don’t you do it!?” Another drop of water hits your nose.
Fiddellen sits on your shoulder, crossing his legs as he looks at you with a mocking smile. “Me. Help you?? Ha!” He bats his eyes at you. “I’m just a wittle fairy, what do you expect me to do about it?” This son of a bitch. Another raindrop falls on your nose. You look up and realize you’re standing right under one of the holes in the ceiling. “Right. I should really find those buckets…” you mumble.
Continuing to walk further in the castle with fiddlellen on your shoulder, you walk into a dark hallway in search of the buckets. “As nice as this place is. It does not have to be this dark.” You mumble. You attempt to find a light switch, only instead to have grabbed something squishy. “Wait, squishy?”
Looking at your hand you realize you’re holding a glowing Fiddellen. Wait, since when could he glow? He looks like he’s five seconds away from biting your hand. “Let. Me. Go.”  And you immediately do so. Dropping the fairy on the ground with a soft thump.
“Oh! That looked like it hurt! Are you okay?” something from behind Fiddellen asks. “I’m fine than-“ Turning around, Fiddellen sees the voice of concern was no other than a ghost in the wall. The ghost giggles and waves at both you and Fiddellen. “Hiya!”
RSA Au: Part 1-2
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seishinnookami · 1 month
A little about me!
If you are reading this, ✨congratulations!✨ You have reached a small writer’s posts! English isn’t my first language, so please excuse my grammar errors and spelling mistakes.
This isn’t the first time i write, but only now I thought about actually publishing them to others. I write poems, love verses, fan-fictions and self written books.
i dabble in quite a few fandoms, like;
-Twisted wonderland
-Hypnosis Microphone
-Nu: Carnival - Bliss
-Obey me!
-Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation
-Star wars
-Call of Duty
-Bad batch
-EPIC; the musical
And many others. I hope i can make many things for you reader to enjoy! I promise not to disappoint. My iconic character is the ducky you see. Also, none of the arts are mine unless written so! I’ll try to credit as many times as i can.
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amyrosabell333 · 1 year
Yandere Vladislaus Straud 🦇 The Sims 4 Headcanons
Note: I'm generally surprised there weren't any fanfics (at least what I have seen) of the Sims characters yet, so I decided to make my personal Yandere fanfic about lol This is the first complete fanfic I have made, so I don't expect to be perfect and all, but hey I had a lot of fun making this fanfic with my favorite sim character Vladislaus. (Yes I'm a simp for this evil, old man lmao) I might plan to make other fanfics of the other sim characters soon.
Type of yandere traits and warnings ⚠️🔪: Sadistic, manipulative and controlling
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At first, he saw you as nothing more than a prey and a simple sim, but that suddenly has changed when he got drawn to your negativity...
Why don't you fight back? He hated the fact that he has feelings for you. How could a simple sim like you make this evil, black-hearted monster fall in love with you? A sim's mortal blood is far more important to him than anything silly called love to him... That's until he got attracted to you and your naivety... He wanted to make you pay for having such curse feelings for you.
He would manipulate you first by harming you and your loved ones ruthlessly, to keep you by his side. He would isolate you and everyone you love, he's the only man you will have eyes for from now on. Have eyes for someone else he will eliminate and torture them with no hesitation for you to have no choice but to stay isolated by his side forever. He might as well have your hand in the marriage too.
Don't bother escaping, he'll eventually catch you by mist-teleporting to wherever you are. As punishment, he will use one of his vampire powers against you and leave you in a locked room for hours without eating or drinking until you apologize to him.
If you weren't a vampire already, he would force vampirism on you so you would live with him for eternity. But he will make you a lower-ranked vampire than him just to have full control over you. He truly does love you, but he also loves torturing and manipulating you. You made this bloodthirsty sucking monster fall in love with you, It's your fault that he blames you for letting him fall in love with a simple sim like you...
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urnumber1star · 6 months
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That awkward moment when you're writing in public and that one person is reading your work over your shoulder and you just have to look at them like "I'm not psychotic I promise"
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topazadine · 2 months
Let's do another spicy writing take, one that is going to get a lot of people very mad. However, please note that I am saying this out of love and concern. This is not an attack on you personally or on your writing process.
Take a deep breath, prepare to listen with an open mind. Alright. Here goes:
Stop starting a million WIPs.
I am serious. Please. Do not do that. Do not start a million WIPs.
Why? Because then you won't get any of them done. And why is that? Because you'll lose motivation, get distracted, and hop on to the next thing, leaving a trail of heartbreak in your wake.
I have 131 stories on Archive of Our Own and have written over 2 million words of fiction. Two. Million. Words.
Don't believe me? Look.
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And then there's more that is not accounted for here: a 110k novel, another 109k novel, and a 20k novelette, along with my current WIP which is currently around 10k. All told, I have written approximately 2,084,000 words.
Are they all perfect? No, of course not, especially the older stuff. But is it done? Yep.
And I did that by doing each project one at a time.
If I get another story idea while I'm in the middle of another story, I write a note in my WIP list, but I don't start it. Only when I'm letting a story "rest" before editing do I start outlining another book, but I still don't start. I wait until I've finished one entire project before I do another one.
Your brain does not actually multitask. Our brains aren't wired to do that. This article from Forbes explains:
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You are highly unlikely to be part of that 2.5% even if you think you are. I'm not, and you're probably not either.
What you are really doing is task switching. Take it from the software management program Asana:
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That article from Forbes elaborates:
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And it is even worse when you are hopping from one WIP to another, essentially changing contexts.
Pleexy, another task automation company, continues by discussing 'context switching':
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Every time you stop working on one WIP, you are switching contexts and pulling yourself out of the world you have created, jumping into another. Now your brain is struggling to reorient itself, and it's not going to do its best work.
"But I love writing different WIPs and I get some of them done!"
I am sure you do, but is it your best effort? Would you have been able to write faster, more coherently, better, if you had only worked on one? Probably. And don't you want to do your best?
"But I have ideas and if I don't do them right now I'll forget them!!!"
Then write them down. I have a whole WIP list of things I am intending to write later. Make a notepad document, a spreadsheet, whatever, for your different WIPs.
When you think of something interesting for that project, put down a small note underneath it, but don't start writing! Your brain will let it marinate and when you're done with your current project, you'll have a better idea of what to do with it.
I like to visualize things before bed, so a lot of the time, I will use that visualization for a different project as my way to calm down, but I'm not devoting too much attention to it before I'm ready to work. I've got some scenes and images that I have daydreamed about, but I haven't drawn attention away from my current WIP by actually beginning to write.
This way, I can devote all of my brainpower to my current project while reserving a little bit of attention and aspiration for the next one. I also avoid writer's block because I have my next WIP lined up, waiting for me, and I can transition to it almost immediately.
Generally, I don't go more than a few days without starting a new project (after completing one!!!!!) because I am prepared for it: I can give it my full attention. There's no sitting around and waiting for inspiration.
"But I have so much inspiration for this project and want to start right away!"
Something I am learning as a writer is delayed gratification. I am an impulsive person and I want to jump into things right away, but then I get disappointed with the results. For example, I released 9 Years Yearning before commissioning a really good cover. I regret that and I'm going to learn from that mistake with the next book in The Eirenic Verses.
By waiting, you get a better payoff.
I've got four different projects waiting to be released and one waiting for serious revisions. They are all finished, but they're not polished. It would be very easy for me to spend a few hours formatting them and then just throw them up, but I won't get the best payoff then.
Instead, I'll wait for a break between projects before turning back to them and fixing them up, giving them all my attention. Yes, it means I don't release a billion books a year, but it also means I release my best work.
Writing is not a sprint; it's a marathon. It's okay to give your projects a break.
By letting my stories rest, sometimes for entire months, I can come back to them with fresh eyes and make sure they're perfect. The same is true of your WIPs. Let them sit and marinate for a while.
How to avoid having a billion WIPs:
Make a list of future WIPs. Put it in one document. Add things as you think about them.
Put this list of WIPs away and ignore it.
Allow yourself to get some writer's block if you're struggling with your current project. Writer's block is okay sometimes. Don't use writer's block as permission to start something else.
Put reminders up that tell you not to start things. I like the phrase "bird by bird" which I got from the eponymous book by Anne Lamott (which is really good writing advice).
Read up on task switching and the myth of multitasking to show why having a million WIPs doesn't work.
Interrogate yourself. When you have a bunch of WIPs, do you actually get any of them done? Be realistic and ruthless with yourself.
Look back at how many WIPs you have in storage. Identify your WIP completion rate. It's probably lower than you think.
Read about the writing habits of other writers. You'll find most successful writers do not have a ton of different projects at once. They also go one at a time.
"No I'm going to write a million WIPs anyway! You don't know me!"
Okay, then go for it. You're not obligated to take my advice. I can only tell you that the science - and my personal experience - says that's not a good idea.
Ultimately, it doesn't really matter to me if you continue to stop and start a gazillion different projects and get none of them done. That's your problem, not mine.
But I'd rather you be able to finish something you're proud of, because then you're growing as a writer, and I always encourage personal growth.
It honestly makes me sad when people go "teehee I have soooo many WIPs and I just started another one hehehe!" because I know, without a doubt, that almost none of them will see the light of day.
You deserve better than a bunch of unfinished projects. You can achieve more than that. Put down the WIP list, focus on your current story, and go for it.
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1-beansss-1 · 11 months
~ Feverish ~
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Simon petrikov x gn!reader
Brief summary - you have a bad fever, and Simon comes over and cares for you.
You woke up feeling terrible, your nose was stuffy, your throat was sore, you were shivering, you sat up putting your arms around yourself for warmth, you got up and walked to the bathroom, you did your normal morning routine, you looked in the mirror.
"I feel like shit.. I look like it, too.."
You said, your voice was hoarse and you audibly sounded stuffy.
"Sound like shit..."
You said and yawned a bit. You went out to the kitchen where you had a meditation cabinet. You pulled out a thermometer and took your temperature.
"Holly.. I'm going back to bed.."
You were running a high fever, luckily you always had medicine just in case you were sick. You took some for your stuffy nose but didn't have anything that helped a fever.. you sighed and walked back into your room. You laid down and pulled the covers over you. You felt very cold. You suddenly remembered that you made plans with simon for later in  the day, You grabbed your phone that was on the bedside table and texted simon
'Hey, Im so sorry to camcel but jm very sick rn.. I have a hih fever'
You started to fall asleep as you typed. You sent it without noticing the typos and fell asleep. You woke up to your phone ringing, you answered
You were groggy still and felt a little woozy due to the fever. You rubbed your eyes and yawned.
"I saw your message.. are you alright?"
Simon answered, and he sounded slightly worried.
"I'm fine.."
You said as you fell back asleep, you still had your phone up to your ear.
"You sound tired.. try to get some rest, ok?"
He said and heard quite snoring from his phone. He smiled and let out a small sigh.
"... You already are.... sweet dreams.."
He said, hanging up the phone. Simon finished up with his exhibit, closing it early. He started to walk to your house and on the way he started to think about making you soup. He walked over to the nearest market and bought all the ingredients he needed.
He got to your house and opened the door. He walked inside, making sure he was quiet so he would disturb you. He walked to the kitchen and started to cook. He cut up the vegetables and boiled some water, humming as he cooked.
You woke up to the smell of food and walked out to the kitchen. You were still half asleep. You walked up to simon and put your arms around him.
"..Mmm... I love you.."
You mumbled, pressing your body against him. Simon's face turned bright red when you said that,
You clearly meant it in a platonic way, right?
Simon thought and started to overthink. He had been battling his feelings for you for a while, only recently entertaining the idea in his head.
The sound of you snoring quietly snapped him out of thought.
"You poor thing.."
Simon said, turning around. He had an arm around you so you wouldn't fall over.
"You're that sick, huh?"
He looked at you. He looked concerned. He didn't know how you were sleeping standing up. He picked you up and started to carry you back to bed.
You woke up, confused. You couldn't tell if this was a dream or not.
"simonnn..I..I don't feel good.."
You whined.
"I know...I know.."
He said, putting you down in the bed and pulling the covers around you. He put his hand on your face, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. He quickly pulled away when he realized what he was doing and stood up.
"I gotta go back to the stove.. I'll be back soon, ok?"
He said with a gentle smile. You grumbled a bit and frowned, you were pouting.
He blushed slightly. You were being way too cute for him.
"Go to sleep. You won't even notice I'm gone"
You nodded, your eyes were already closed, and you quickly fell asleep. He sighed and walked out of your bedroom.
"Focus, simon! ...You're here to take care of them...."
He mumbled to himself as he returned to the stove. He focused back on cooking. He stirred the pot a bit and tasted it.
"Mm Almost ready.."
He said with a smile. He got a bowl down and waited for the soup to be done. When it was, he turned off the stove and scooped out some in a bowl. He grabbed you a spoon and walked into your room. He sat down the bowl on your bedside table and gently shook you awake.
"Hey... I made you some soup."
You whined slightly when he woke you up, and you sat up and rubbed your eyes.
He put some pillows behind you to prop you up. He handed you the bowl of soup. You grabbed it and hunched over it, putting the bowl closer to your face. Simon sat down at the foot of your bed watching you eat. He was worried about if you liked the soup or not. He looked at you, looking for an indicator that you liked it.
"Mmm.. good soup.."
You mumbled in-between bites. Simon sighed in relief. He was glad you liked it. When you were done, you sat it down on the bedside table. He got up and tried to grab the bowl, but you grabbed his wrist.
"Simon.. come here.."
You mumbled sleepily and squeezed his wrist slightly. You didn't want him to leave you alone.
He leaned on the bed and looked over at you.
He said, tilting his head a bit. You grumbled, you wanted him closer.
You whined, squeezing his wrist a bit more.
"What is it? Do you need something?"
He smiled sweetly. He found you calling him adorable.
You put your arms around him and pulled him in the bed. You were surprisingly strong in your feverish and loopy state.
"W-What are you doing?"
Simon said, falling on top of you. He caught himself so he would squish you.
You pulled him closer, making him lay on top of you. You just wanted some comfort when your whole body hurt and when you couldn't think.
Simon tried to gently move off of you. He thought he would make your fever worse, but you squeezed him tighter, not letting him move.
"Alright.. alright.."
He mumbled. He felt his cheeks burn. You nuzzled your head into his neck, making him even more flustered. You fell asleep, snoring slightly.
He started to think.
this is just platonic, right? No way you liked him.. friends did this all the time!
He convinced himself. He took his glasses off and put them on the bedside table. He closed his eyes, trying to go to sleep.
In the morning, you woke up, keeping your eyes closed. You grumbled slightly. You didn't wanna be awake. You felt that your fever had calmed down a bit. You were actually having coherent thoughts.
You were so loopy and out of it yesterday you could barely think. You couldn't remember if what happened yesterday was a dream or not.
You realized that something heavy was on your chest. You opened your eyes and looked down at Simon. Well, this part wasn't a dream. you blushed, feeling embarrassed about yesterday. Simon rolled off of you and sat up slowly. He rubbed his eyes. Simon looked over at you.
"How long have you been awake?"
He said in a sleepy voice. He looked over at you, squinting so he could see a little better.
"Uh.. couple of minutes..give or take.."
You said, sitting up on the bed, smiling at him.
"How's your fever...?"
"Better, I don't feel out of it anymore.. I can actually think"
You said, giggling a bit. He blinked, trying to wake up. He was thinking about what you said. It took him a bit to process it since he just woke up.
"Oh, that's great!"
He said as he woke up a bit more. You nodded, your face was still flushed.
He leaned closer to you.
"You're redder than yesterday.. are you sure you're alright?"
Your body stiffened as he got closer towards you. You leaned back in embarrassment.
"Yes.. well, I think I still have a slight fever, but it's not as bad?"
You laughed nervously. He leaned closer to you and put the back of his hand on your forhead. It wasn't as bad as yesterday, but you were still burning. He felt your cheek to check, too.
"Hmm.. your cheeks are hotter than your forhead... you should get more rest."
He said, his face full of concern. You nodded and laid back down. Simon got up and grabbed his glasses, putting them on. He turned to you and pulled the covers over you. He smiled and turned around to walk out the room.
"S-Simon...could...could you stay.. please? I know you stayed with me last night... but I don't want you to leave me.."
You looked at him with big pleading eyes.
He looked at you, his face was red. He couldn't say no to you, even if he wanted to. He nodded and walked over to the bed and sat down next to you.
"Thank you.."
You smiled at him and let out a sigh.
"..I'm sorry you have to stay.."
You said as your expression changed, you looked upset. Simon turned to look at you. He moved some hair out of your face.
"I don't have to stay.. I'm here because I want to.. because.."
He paused for a bit, he stopped himself from saying what he wanted. He was way too embarrassed to tell you what he was thinking.
"Uh... because I want to make sure you're alright.."
You smiled, he knew exactly what to say to make you feel better, he always knew. You yawned a bit and drifted off to sleep. He smiled at you. He gently ran his fingers through your hair. He enjoyed this closeness, but he started to think.
Was this fair to Betty? Was he betraying her by being this close to you? Was he taking advantage of you while you're sick?
He didn't even know if you liked him back. He put his hands on his head and let out a loud sigh.
In your sleep, you threw your arm on him, kinda slapping his chest, pulling him out of his own head. He chuckled a bit. It was almost like you knew he was overthinking.
He looked around the room and saw the bowl on the bedside table. He got up, and you grumbled a bit.
"I know.. I'll be back, I promise.."
He said and picked up the bowl. He walked out of the room. He put the bowl in the kitchen sink, and a bookshelf caught his attention. He walked over and ran a finger across the spines of the books. One caught his attention, and he picked it up. He walked back to your room and sat down next to you and started to read. You rolled over to him, putting your arms around him.
Mabye, it was alright to just stay like this with you.. just for a little while longer..
He thought to himself before he started to read again.
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