#being outside and coordinating shit is. stressful
other anon was right your peppino is sooo kissable especially when hes all bashful ggrgrgrg i just wanna take him out on a date and spoil himmmm waaaaargg
Theres like 3 variations of this same ask and you are all so valid 💖 Spoil 👏🏾 That👏🏾 Man!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
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fuck-customers · 6 months
Kind of a fuck customers but also a satisfying story at the same time.
My role in the call center I work in involves taking specifically corporate calls, which means I spend all day talking to “business professionals” (and I use that term loosely) including CEOs. As you can imagine, over 90% of these CEOs are the scum of the earth and the most entitled assfaces on the planet.
A week or so ago, I took a call and went through my usual routine of greeting the cardholder and then began going over verification questions. Since we’re A.) a bank and B.) a bank that handles corporate and government credit cards, we take security seriously and require a caller to be able to verify 3 pieces of information based on what the person responsible for their credit cards put on the account. If they don’t pass, we refer them to their company to get the right details.
So as I’m doing this, the guy on the phone is getting increasingly irritated as he keeps getting the security questions wrong. I’m calm and professional the entire time but firm. Eventually I run out of things to verify with him and tell him that we won’t be able to assist and that he needs to contact his administrator. This is apparently where I went wrong.
“LADY I AM THE ADMINISTRATOR!!” He screeches. Ok, great. I look him up and that’s true but there’s a second admin listed, so I ask him to check in with him. He then yells “THERE IS NO OTHER ADMIN! I’M THE CEO OF THIS COMPANY FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!!”
I apologize and tell him while that may be true, he still got his security questions wrong and needs to reach out to his account coordinator then. This man then proceeds to scream at me for the next minute or so saying how we’re an awful bank, how he’s had problems with us for years, blah blah and how we have the worst customer service ever. Keep in mind, I’ve been nice and empathetic this entire time but also I’m not gonna lose my fucking job just because a guy in a suit doesn’t know his shit. I give him the email to his account coordinator and stress again that he needs to talk to them. Then this exchange happens:
Him: “So let me get this straight. You are saying you are REFUSING and UNWILLING to help me, right?
Me: “No, actually I’d love to help you, however we have these security procedures in place for yours and your company’s protection and cannot make exceptions for anyone.”
Him: “This is fucking UNBELIEVABLE! I’ve HAD IT with this bank!!”
Me: “Ok, I’m sorry to hear that. Anything else I can do for you before we disconnect?”
Me: *gives my first name and spells it for him even though it’s a very basic 4 letter name because I’m a bitch*
Me: “We don’t give out anything but our first name for the safety of our employees.”
Him: *insert that condescending, pissed off chuckle middle aged men do when they’re mad here* “Well I’ll tell you what (My Name), when I close this account and pull my MILLIONS OF DOLLARS out of (bank name) and they ask me why, I’ll make sure to tell them that it’s (My Name)’s fault. And I will see to it that you won’t be able to get another job outside of the minimum wage fast food job or whatever you had before this. How does that sound?”
Me: “Sounds great. Now seeing as how this conversation is no longer productive or professional and threats are being made, I’ll be terminating the call, have a nice day.”
Me: *click*
And that’s how making rich, powerful men rage-cry became my new favorite hobby. Thankfully, I haven’t gotten any feedback on that call; not that I would, seeing as how I did my job exactly how I was supposed to. Anyways I hope I’m his 13th reason. ❤️
Posted by admin Rodney.
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pearlywritings · 1 year
Finally... we’ve waited for so long
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synopsis: tempting images fill your husband’s mind, when after yet another long day he is relaxing in hot water. He is aching and yerning for your caress, but instead it’s his hand reaching down, because he cares for your your well-being too much.
pairing: Diluc x fem!reader
tw: nsfw, established relationship, masturbating, fingering, bath sex
word count: 3.1k+ words
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Diluc sighs in frustration, resting his chin in his open palm, elbow firmly planted on the side of a bathtub. He can faintly hear you right outside the door - moving around your shared bedroom, surely tending to his discarded clothes, sorting through what should be left for maids to wash, what can stay, and what will end up stored away in a jewelry box. Only the golden band around his ring finger is shining brightly, and upon catching how lights reflect in the metal, the guilt twists the heart in the man's chest.
He feels like he is failing you as a husband. Admittedly, it was a horrible couple of weeks, too much happening, with preparation for the festival weighing on his shoulders as well, and he was rightfully exhausted to even talk when his head hit the pillow far later than acceptable. But so were you. You were involved in all these business and preparation things because of him, coordinating and being a mediator in conflict arising situations, which wore you out mentally as much as it did him physically. Many nights only one of you made it to the Winery, the other staying behind in the city and crashing to the hotel room. Maybe you really should consider getting an apartment within the city walls for such occasions. Something small and comfy, enough for two people to spend the night. He'll need to discuss it with you.
Not today though. He groans, straightening his back and realizing how full of pent up stress his body is. Usually he'd ask you for a massage, not forgetting to give one in return, but right now he can do as much as finish bathing to get himself in an appropriate form and get in bed with you to cuddle.
Diluc's fingers twitch at the thought of wrapping his arms around your soft and warm body, burying his face in your neck, inhaling that ever-present scent of fresh fruits that sings of summer, so full and juicy, that one bite can make them leak. A sweet sugary droplet would run down your chin, your bobbing throat and maybe he could catch it on his tongue before it reaches your plump breasts-
Fiery eyes snap open. He didn't realize it but his breathing suddenly became labored, his lungs got into a frenzy, hungrily inhaling the air and almost choking on the bath products' aroma swirling in the air. Why would he have such impure thoughts about you? Of course you are his wife, his lover, the woman whom he's seen in her best and worst, and also neediest, whose body he wants to worship till the rest of his life and whose voice fills him with thrill every time your beautiful lips part open. But…why? Why now? Shouldn't he be too exhausted to even think of your bare skin, of how you'd prettily lay sprawled under him, back arched and fingers buried in his hair? Oh, the sinfully clear details of his thoughts.
The gaze shamefully falls down to the still hot water, temperature unchanged, due to how warm his pyro vision is making his body, and then crimson orbs widen. Shit, maybe those really were long two weeks, with not much but a brief kiss here and there, and even rarer hugs, replaced by holding hands for a few minutes when things got too overwhelming.
Just mere thoughts are making him hard, and it seems like his mind doesn't want to stop fantasizing about you. It's been awhile, he admits, he probably hasn't touched you intimately in a whole month, and it fired back at him with a hard on at the slightest image of your gorgeous body imprinted into his brain.
It wasn't fair to you either, but he wasn't going to ask you to help him now. You've already done so much, and the least he could do is let you rest properly. 
Maybe if he pictures more scenes of when you rocked your bed, it'll bring him to relief in a matter of time, to get out and let you use the bathroom for your own relaxation.
He could keep quiet. It will be quick.
His back meets the tub's edge. Hand immediately goes for the half-hard cock, grasping the pulsing length and applying the pressure. Diluc curses under his breath, when his thumb swiftly swipes over the sensitive slit and sends a jolt through his body. Archons, he is aching, stomach muscles immediately flexing when he moves his palm up and down, pushing the foreskin away, revealing a flushed head.
Another memory resurfaces of when you were helping him relieve stress after a long night at the tavern, kissing his lips and letting your hand play with his leaking length. He traces the starting to bulge veins the same way you did, and even if it's hard to replicate your godsent touch Diluc still shudders again. Flaming gaze turns hazy, glazed over, overtaken by the image of your pretty fingers drawing hearts on his pectorals while your hand never ceased moving, gripping and teasing the hell out of your husband, and the Dawn Winery owner tries his hardest to do the same. But it doesn't feel the same, not with his hand being so rough and calloused that it actually feels a bit uncomfortable without lube - no amount of hot water can soften the scarred palms toughened by hardships. You like them though. You like to hold them, kiss them, have them plunging and curling deep inside of you, soaked in your juices, rubbing again those spongy walls, fuck… 
He has to lift his hips a little to let the precum run down his fully erect cock, to have at least some form of lubricant. Oh, if only you were here…
No, he has to remind himself, you are tired, you deserve a break, not another hour of pushing yourself beyond your limits to deal with his aroused state. 
Just to cum once, he repeats in his head, speeding up the stroking, come once and get out. Just one release, and the bath is all yours, he'll pour new water for you while you take off all your clothes and when he turns around, you'll be standing there in all your naked beauty, folding the garments, hair undone and those plush thighs pressed together, ngh-
Diluc doesn't hear the door open. He doesn't see another person stepping inside, doesn't feel a slight chill entering the bathroom from a window cracked open in the bedroom. His long lashes are kissing the apples of his cheeks, his pants and quiet moans escape those glistening pink lips, and skin too hot with need to be bothered with a meaningless breeze.
He is so close, just a little more-
"Love, you forgot to bring a fresh towel with y-oooooh," your sweet voice and a loud gasp are like a bucket of cold water, making him choke on another prayer of your name. Flaming eyes are wild when they snap open and stare at you, cheeks heating up upon seeing the stunned look on your lovely face. The raging blush coating Diluc's cheeks is apparent on his milky skin, and yours are pink too, but not even coming close to the richest red taking over his face.
The hand, which just moments ago was roughly pumping his thick aching cock, is ripped away by its own owner, previously raised hips hiding under the water, and the big muscular body curling over in embarrassment.
"My flame, I-" it's not even his voice, so hoarse and laced with desire, having dropped half an octave lower. Your husband doesn't even have an explanation for this unbecoming behavior of this. Ah, how much he wishes to sink under this water and die.
"Did you touch yourself thinking about me?"
Diluc Ragnvindr, the sole nightly protector of Mondstadt, the businessman who monopolized the wine industry not only in his homeland but the whole world, almost cries out loud because of your bold question. Guilt infiltrates his body and soul, chewing at his mind, which is spiraling with thoughts of you thinking what a dirty pervert he must be. You've never caught him touching himself before alone, not like he did it often anyway.
He truly is an awful husband.
All he can do is nod, because he would never lie to the woman he holds dear in his heart, and prepare himself for the disappointment in your voice. But what you say next catches him completely off guard.
Diluc turns his head just in time to see you tossing the towel on the vanity and turning around to close the door. When you return and get closer to him, the man is surprised to find your tired expression from half an hour ago being replaced by excitement, desire dancing in your previously droopy eyes and hands feverishly tugging on your clothes to get it off.
Almost in awe he watches your soft breasts bounce, not longer constricted by fabric. Your thighs are pressed together, just like he imagined, when you drag more clothes off, becoming completely naked in a matter of seconds. Archons he thinks with a lovesick look in his swirling eyes, she is a goddess. My goddess.
The love-stricken stupor ends only when you climb into the tub and in his lap, knees pressed to the white porcelain bottom on either side of his strong hips, arms wrapped around his neck and chests pushing impossibly close.
"Archons I missed you too…" You confess, pressing a searing kiss to the corner of his lips, and Diluc believes you. Muscular arms wrap around your waist almost desperately, drawing your body even closer. The low groan finds its way out of his strained throat when your pussy drags against his cock in the process, and is then swallowed by your eager lips, pressing against his.
Diluc keens on the feeling, immediately lost in it, throwing all the thoughts about letting you rest out of the window. Kissing you again and again, he can only wish for feeding both of your desires, giving you the satisfaction that was ripped away from you because of work.
When you gently tug on the roots of his hair, the man quietly moans, cock twitching against you, making you bite your lip and stop devouring his mouth momentarily, instead focusing on rocking your hips, riling not only your lover but yourself up.
This little pause gives you both an opportunity to catch your breaths. Diluc looks down to take in your shuddering form. From the waist down your skin has turned red from how hot the water is but you seem to ignore it, blissfully mewling and moaning, when the cockhead catches against your swollen clit.
"You are not ngh repulsed?" His question makes you tear your gaze from where you soon will be connected and look back at his face. There is clearly worry etched in his features and still some guilt hiding behind the crimson of his eyes. The strong urge to reassure him quickly blooms in your heart.
"Because you were masturbating while imagining me?" He nods, blush bursting onto his cheeks with new brightness. "Oh, firefly," you breathlessly giggle, cupping the side of his face and making him look right into your eyes, "if anything I am happy to know it's me you think of in the moment of pleasure. I am your wife, am I not? I'd take your horny state as a compliment, it is nice to know you are yearning for me. So don't stress yourself over it, okay? Besides…" your voice turns sultry and the smile seductive. "I didn't lie when I said I missed you much. I too did touch myself at the thought of you."
Something in Diluc snaps. Maybe it's the fact he was too stupid not to think that you are married and it's okay to imagine your partner while jerking off, or maybe it's you admitting he's been on your mind in your neediest times as well, or the notion he wasn't there to properly please you, but all his self-restraint is forgotten.
He kisses you again, this time with more vigor and persistence. Hands are all over each other, touching, caressing, groping, carefully scratching, digging nails in the skin of your thighs and his shoulders.
You don't think you can take it any longer.
"Stretch me, love, please" you murmur between kisses and before Diluc knows it a big hand on your hip pushes you up onto your knees, making you stick your ass out, and two of his fingers are already sliding into your hole. Celestia above you are tight. So neglected and horny, closing onto him with a vice grip, walls velvety under the pads of his long fingers, so warm and slick.
Your sounds though… Diluc thinks he is going to come undone just because of them. He picks a pace to thrust his fingers properly.
"I've waited for so lo-ooh, mmm to make love to you, but couldn't find a moment to initiate any-thi-," you shudder when he curls his fingers against that special spot. You almost collapse on top of him, burying your face in his neck and clinging to his back for dear life. "Didn't want work to interfere in an unfortunate moment. But fuck!" Your voice rings, jumping a few tones higher, sounding so much needier. "I wanted you to take me!"
"I will, my flame," he hurriedly promises you, kissing your temple and pressing a thumb to rub your clit. "I will make you feel so good, I will take care of you…"
"You are already doing it," your muffled cry and how your thighs clench together, sandwiching his hand tell Diluc that you are close. "One more finger, please, please, please, please-"
And he complies, adding one more, pumping three digits in and out, in and out, not forgetting about the sensitive nub. You kiss him again, burying fingers in his disheveled hair, wet strands streaming through your fingers like a river of fire, and Diluc feels that it's him who is being swallowed by the flames of temptation, but if you are the cause - so be it.
Just don't stop wanting him.
"Come on, dear," he whispers, taking his hand off of your hip and bringing it to hold the side of your face, "I need you to cum for me. Get all wet and slick for my cock, right?"
Your jaw goes slack at how fast he starts to fuck your pussy, eyes blown wide and cheeks red in response to his bold words. You might have initiated it, but Diluc is sure to finish it.
One last rough press to your clit and you burst, crying his name and convulsing around his fingers. Juices of your relief immediately coat them, making your pussy squelch as you are guided through your orgasm. Your husband gently shushes you, littering your face with sweet kisses, and carefully working the digits out of your gaping, gushing cunt. You tremble and whine quietly when he helps you lower yourself back in the water, head pressed to his chest and eyes closed, going a bit limp on top of him.
The room grows quiet, save for your shared heavy breaths, and Diluc hugs you tightly, kissing the top of your head. The small heart you draw on his shoulder, too breathless to speak just yet, fills his calming heart with pride and joy. There is no more worry in him over the unholy act you caught him in, not after you took his fingering so eagerly, reassuring him your want for him is just as strong.
Speaking of his want…
He was still painfully hard.
"My flame…" Your lashes tremble before you hum and shift yourself to be able to look up at him. The pretty gems of your eyes shine brightly as you gaze lovingly at the man who's just given you the best orgasm in the last month.
"Yes, 'luc?" 
He clears his throat, reaching to brush a wet strand of hair away from your face. You turn your head and playfully catch his thumb between your teeth, softly nibbling the digit. A smirk appears on Diluc's face. He pries his thumb out of your mouth and instead press with it on your swollen lower lip, locking the rest of his fingers under your chin and tilting your head back.
"Do you think…" he wonders, lowering his head to brush his equally swollen lips against the side of your neck, "...you could help me out?"
And with that he rocks his hips, making you aware of the still remaining problem.
This seems to sober you up, as you are suddenly pushing your body off of him.
"Of course, 'luc, I am sorry, I was so caught up in the moment," you sheepishly chuckle, grabbing the hand that was holding your chin seconds ago, and kissing the wide palm. "Your fingers are just that good."
"I am glad," he smiles, content with your praise and knowledge that he makes you feel this way. He lets you straighten up, wondering what you are going to do next. You wink at him, moving away and to the other end of the tub. He cocks his head in confusion, but it quickly dawns on him, when you turn around to face away from him and grasp the edge with both of your hands, bending your body in a delicious manner. His gaze turns hungry, when he sees your compromising position - legs spread the best the width of the tub allows, back arched, ass raised and lower lips shyly peeking from between your thighs and above the water surface.
"What are you waiting for, Diluc~? Why don't you put it in?" Your teasing voice and a wiggle of your hips spur him into action.
A soft gasp leaves your lips when a big hand slams on the edge near your own and hot lips latch onto your shoulder, sucking the very first mark tonight on your skin.
"Oh, Y/n..." You feel him smirk, clenching around nothing at the way he drags out your name in a rumbling growl. "I am going to take such good care of you… And don't you dare hide your sweet sounds from me."
"Only if- oh yes," you arch even more when a thick head pushes between the lips and nudges your hole.
"Only if what?" Diluc presses, grasping the base of his cock, and pushing the head past your rim, cursing under his breath something along the lines of how tight you are.
"If you promise me to not hold back anything you've got either," you turn your head to glance back at him, but he beats you to it, sliding the hand over your smaller one and threading his fingers between yours, leaning forward and indulging you in a kiss, which ultimately seals your deal.
"Never from you."
And he thrusts his hips forward.
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queenvidal · 8 months
Welcome To The Sanctuary
Negan x Reader (Rick’s Daughter)
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Chapter 1: Something Eerie
Chapter Summary: It was supposed to be just another pickup day - not a nightmare. Rick is ready to strike against Negan, but all war efforts come to a complete stop, when the life of the woman both men care about the most is on the line.
Wordcount: 2157
Era: Season 7
- Part 5 of the The One And Only Series -
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
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It’s late in the morning, when a small convoy of trucks makes its way down the deserted roads. 
The Saviors are heading to their bosses favorite community. Negan is almost mindlessly driving behind one of the trucks, watching the all too familiar suburb passing by his windows. Today is pickup day for Alexandria and he can’t wait to see what Prick’s people got him this time. It better be good after all the trouble his son caused last week. 
It probably won't be much, he muses. Not that he cares too much about it but the town is now short of three more people. It certainly has to put their scavengers under even more pressure. But then again, Rick and especially his Sweet-Thing had to deal with even worse conditions in the past, when coordinating their teams and if anyone can get shit done, it’s her.
After the events of last week's pickup, Negan had to think of her constantly. She must have known about Spencer's plans or at least had to have a suspicion, given how stressed she was, when he first approached them. What a slimy asshole and a coward on top. There is no doubt in his mind his Sunshine would have killed him for what he tried to do. Luckily she didn’t have to lift a finger, she is already close enough to getting exiled as it is and also Negan was more than willing to lend a hand in that matter. 
As much as he can't stand Rick, he's got to admit that he's doing a good job - that is keeping his people alive and scavenging good stuff. Also he is well experienced from his years outside of that town and kept so many people alive during that time. That knowledge is priceless in times like this and Negan actually respects him for it. That Spencer really thought he'd not just be as good but even better than Rick as a leader is not only astonishing but also downright pathetic. That asshole got what he deserved. 
Still, there is one thing from this whole ordeal that’s still leaving a bitter taste in Negan's mouth and that is the death of the fat woman. He disliked her and was never subtle about it but he knew she was somewhat close to his Sunshine and although it was Arat’s decision to take her out, he still feels sorry for Y/N. 
He can’t forget that burning anger in her eyes, when she glared at that bitch that tried to shoot him. He'd be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little bit turned on by the sight of it, as out of place as it was. After all his Sweet-Thing is hot as hell when she’s pissed and she’s been seething. 
Negan can’t help but smile at that memory. He’s so excited to see her again. It surprised him how much he actually enjoyed their little game of hide and seek. It made the whole affair even more enticing. Still he’s glad people somehow found out eventually. Hopefully this will result in more time with her than rushed quickies every now and then. Given the new circumstances, Negan decided to retire his RV for the time being and left it in The Sanctuary. There is no need for it anymore and her bedroom will do just fine. He really can’t wait to take his time with her.
Finally the high walls of Alexandria are slowly coming into view and the head of the Saviors  focuses back onto the road ahead of him. Slowly the gate opens up, making way for the convoy. Negan scans the guards standing on the wall but his Sunshine is nowhere to be seen. She’s not on duty right now it seems. 
The trucks drive through the gate onto the parking lot and Negan stops his car right on top of the convoy. The Saviors gather around their vehicles, ready to go through today's pickup. Negan jumps out of his car, shutting the door shut. 
Uncomfortableness is creeping up his spine immediately - Something is wrong. 
Somehow he has the feeling that something is off but Negan just can’t put his finger on it and it's making him feel quite uneasy. Suddenly on high alert, he's looking around the area. Usually around this time Alexandrians would roam the street, watching the activities but the streets are empty. 
Except for one person. 
“Ah, Rick!” Negan calls the approaching man with a bright smile that quickly dies again. The closer Rick gets, the more his sorry state becomes visible. The man looks like he’s seen a ghost. His skin is pale, only accentuating the redness of his sunken eyes. The hell happened to him?
Once he’s reached the Saviors, Rick greets them with a weak nod of his head. “Negan. Your stuff’s at the pantry.” 
A frown settles on Negan's face. Rick’s not meeting his eyes and while that’s nothing out of the ordinary, in fact it’s quite welcome, it still seems off. The other man’s not avoiding his gaze like he used to but is just staring into the void. What the hell is going on here? After another quick glance around the area, still not seeing his Sweet-Thing, Negan asks, “Where’s Y/N?”
Rick swallows hard. After a moment, he states. “She’s out scouting.”
This statement only adds to the distressing feeling in Negan’s gut. Rick is so obviously lying. She would never go out scouting with a different car than her stupid Mini. The Mini that is clearly sitting in the far corner of the parking lot. 
Negan takes one step closer to Rick, his eyes narrowing. But before he can confront Rick about his observations, he sees a woman appearing in the corner of his eye. She’s stepping out of the infirmary. That’s one of Sunshine’s team, he realizes. The woman is crying and wiping her tears. Blood is dripping from her hands.
Negan’s eyes switch between her and Rick. Something is going on. After one final glance at the other man who’s still not meeting his eyes, Negan gets moving. He pushes himself past Rick without a word, heading for the infirmary. Rick’s about to say something but when he sees Sasha standing on the porch, he keeps his mouth shut, following Negan with his head down.
Knots tighten in Negan's chest. The air feels tense, almost eerie. There is not a single person in sight and the whole town is silent. Only the sound of boots moving over the gravel can be heard. It’s quite goosebumps inducing. The head of the Saviors tries to calm himself down, he can’t have his nerves get the better of him. 
When they reach the porch, Sasha moves out of their way to the side. She looks at Rick, even more tears are running down her cheeks when she slowly shakes her head at him. Negan can’t see Rick's reaction but at the moment he doesn’t care. All he wants is to find out what’s going on. With the unpleasant feeling in his gut quickly growing, he opens the door and moves inside.
Once through the door, the man is being hit with the pungent smell of blood. His nose crinkles to its own accord and he is met with another puffy red eye. Rick's boy is sitting on a chair next to a cot, looking up at him with a tear stained face, holding the hand of the person lying there. 
When Negan's eyes eventually wander to the cot, he stops dead in his tracks. Sunshine. Negan almost forgot how to breathe. There is so much blood. 
"It's been an accident." Rick's small voice sounds behind the boss, but he barely registers the other man. Negan moves forward, coming to stand right next to Carl. The boy doesn’t say a word, only holding the hand of his sister in silence.
Negan’s eyes roam over her. His Sunshine is almost unrecognizable, the way she's lying there, completely still, unconscious. Her skin is so pale, almost gray. Bandages are wrapped around her exposed middle but there is still so much blood on her, the cot, the equipment. A rusty metal rod on the cart catches Negan's attention briefly but he quickly moves his eyes back to the big crimson red spot on her belly.
"It happened so fast." Rick tries to explain, "We couldn't-"
"Got a doc or something?" Negan cuts him off immediately, his eyes not leaving her.
Rick’s just looking at his daughter. "She's… she’s our medic.”
Negan’s clenching his jaw. A quiet fuck is leaving his lips as he’s running his ungloved hand through his hair, still taking all of this in. 
She’s dying. 
Once that thought passes his mind, Negan snaps back from his spinning mind. He moves his attention back to her father, “Prepare her for transport. I’m taking her with us.”
“No-” Rick is about to argue, but there is no room nor time for a debate right now.
“I see you still don't understand what your daughter means to me, Rick.” Negan states in a serious tone, towering over the other man. “I’ve got a doc and a clinic. She’s coming with me.” 
“I'm coming with you.” Surprised, both men look at the boy. “So she won't be alone.” 
After a short moment of consideration, Negan agrees and nods at him. “Fine. Pack her some things.” Carl carefully places his sister's hand on the cot again, before quickly rushing out of the room. Negan turns his head back towards Rick again. “You get her ready,” he orders, before brushing past him, getting his car.
Rick watches him leave before moving his attention back to his daughter again. Slowly he comes closer, taking her hand in his. His eyes well up again as he looks at her. He raises her hand to his lips, praying to any God who cares to listen, to make her stay, to not take her away. “I love you so much,” he whispers against her skin. It pains him so much to see her like that.
After a new wave of tears are threatening to stream down his face, Rick realizes he has to get going. With as much care as he can muster, he puts a blanket around his daughter, wrapping her up into a cocoon before slowly lifting her up into his arms. Cautiously he hugs her against his chest. “Please don't leave us, Y/N.”
Eventually Rick starts moving, bringing his daughter outside. Sasha is sitting on the railing, still fighting the tears, trying to take a breath and calm down. She offers to help him but Rick doesn't seem to notice her as he’s passing her by without a word. Negan parked his car right in front of the house, Carl is already waiting next to it with a duffel bag in his hand. 
Rick walks down the steps attentively, going towards the car. Negan, who just finished instructing Simon to carry on with the pickup, comes closer, ready to take over but Rick moves past him. Carl quickly opens the door before helping his father to slowly and carefully lay his sister down onto the back seat of the car. Rick tugs her in one more time, whispering to her to keep fighting, to please wake up again, before he has to reluctantly let go of her.
As much as he hates Negan and as much as he distrusts him with every fiber of his being, if that man can save her, he will swallow all his hatred up. He’d do everything in and beyond his power for her. All he wants is for his daughter to open her eyes again.
Negan comes to stand next to Rick, looking at him with something close to compassion in his features, “Whatever happens, either way, I’ll let you know.” He's reaching out his hand, offering the other man a two-way radio.
Rick only nods silently, taking it. After one final look at his daughter, he's moving away. Negan lets out a sharp whistle, gaining Carl's attention. “Jump in.” The boy does as he’s been told, hopping into the passenger seat while Negan hurries onto his. 
The engine roars to life as they quickly take off and hit the road. Rick watches them drive out of the gate. His heart is shattering into a million pieces. This feels way too much like a last goodbye.
Sasha’s slowly approaching him. She puts her hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture, but there is nothing that can console him. 
Negan is racing down the streets as fast as he can. Adrenaline is rushing through his veins. Please, let it not be too late. It’s dead silent in the car. Now more than ever is he afraid of noises. 
Dreading to hear the tell-tale sound of quiet groaning. 
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Chapter Index: Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 - COMING SOON!
Masterlist / Negan x Rick's Daughter Series
Taglist: @starry-night-20 / @joceymoo / @srhxpci / @ladykxxx08 / @sunneeflower / @frombloodandflesh / @aleeeesa /@lanamiller / @fanfic-n-tabulous / @noirfan12 / @abbiesxox / @elinafresk / @obsessiveformiyatwins / @kokushibosgirl / @syrma-sensei / @oceandolores
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catierambles · 8 months
Feral Instincts Ch.27
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Pairing: The Rogue’s Gallery (Geralt, Syverson, Mike, August Walker, Walter Marshall) x Stephanie Daniels (OFC)
WC 1564
Warnings: uhhhhhhh *shrug*
It took coordination with Heather, but she had the next couple weeks off from work. Mike, unfortunately, wasn't included in that so he still had to work while Stephanie stayed up at the cabin with the others where they could keep an eye on her. A few of the Betas in the pack were going to stay over in the apartment during the day, as well as a couple of the other Omegas so Albert felt more comfortable. Mike and Hunter had become fast friends, a routine set up where he and Mike played Warhammer 40k twice a week with Hunter’s set laid out on the dining room table.
“I swear to all that is good and holy, Mike,” Stephanie said as she put clothes in a duffle bag, “If I get back when this mess is over and the apartment is trashed, you’re sleeping on the couch until the end of time.”
��Have a little faith in me, babe.” He said, rolling his eyes with a smile.
She and August headed up to the cabin in his truck, Stephanie throwing her bag down on the floor of Mike’s former room once she greeted the others in turn.
“I know this is tough, doll.” Sy said from the doorway, “But we’re just tryin’ to keep you safe.”
“I know.” She said, sitting down on the bed. “First Jordan and now potentially a Council hitman. Can I go back to the most stressful part of my life being work when something explodes?”
“Trust me, this shit ain’t normal. Even for wolves.” He said.
“It’s ridiculous, is what it is.” She said, “If you explained this entire thing to me as an outside observer, I would tell you it's a shitty D movie plot. Direct to streaming, no theatrical release, but no, it’s my goddamn life and I just--” She made a frustrated sound, flopping backwards onto the bed with her hands pressed to her face.
“Geralt is going to talk to his contact on the Council, see if there’s any weight to it.”
“The Council strikes me as a very “the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing” kinda organization. You know, plausible deniability and all that. The Councilors themselves have no idea what their underlings are doing in detail so it can’t blow back on them. If the shit hits the fan, they just step to the side of the fan.”
“Wouldn’t shock me.” Sy said with a shrug, “I’ve learned more about it in the last few weeks than I have my entire life. They were just this…thing when I was growin’ up. I knew they were there, I knew what they did, but it didn’t affect me none so I ignored’em. They didn’t bother me, so I didn’t bother them. But now…shit Steph, if they try to come after you, I’m goin’ down swingin’.”
“Don’t.” She said, sitting up again to look at him, “Don’t talk like that. Don’t place my life above yours. Don’t any of you place my life above your own. I’m not more important than you, my life doesn’t mean more than yours or anyone else’s.”
“You don’t get it, and I understand why. You weren’t raised wolf.” He said, “You’re our Alpha. More than that, you’re our Mate, and we protect our Mate. With our lives, if it comes to it. It ain’t a matter of choice.”
“I don’t like that.”
“I know.” He said,  “Alphas protect the pack, and Alphas protect their Mates. You just happen to check both boxes. Wouldn’t’ve mattered if you were still human and our Mate, or just a member of our pack but not our Mate. Either way.”
“I really don’t like any of this.”
“I know.” He said, “Hey, maybe when this is all over and done, you can introduce us to your folks.” She gave a snort that was devoid of humor.
“I told you my dad was a SEAL, right?”
“Yeah, retired when you were sixteen.”
“Well, I haven’t seen my dad since I was sixteen.” She said, “He and my mom got divorced right after he retired, and I stayed with mom while he took off for parts unknown. My brother had already moved out of the house at that point.”
“You got a brother?”
“Yeah. Jack.” She said and there was pause.
“You got a brother named Jack Daniels?”
“Mom was sixteen when she had him.”
“Yeah, that’ll do it.” Sy said, “What about your mom? Don’t think she’d approve?”
“Not even remotely.” Stephanie said, “And not because there’s more than one of you, but because you’re wolves, and she doesn’t like wolves.”
“Ah.” Sy said after another moment's pause. “Does she know you’re…”
“Nope, we haven’t talked in years and I plan to keep it that way.” She said, “She disowned Jack after he got married to a wolf he went to college with and she infected him at his request. Getting married to one is one thing, she can just freeze his wife out, becoming one was too much for her. I thought she was going to have an aneurysm when he told her.”
“When’s the last time you talked to him?”
“Couple years back?” She said, “Jordan kinda…alienated me from him after I told him my brother was a wolf.”
“Probably because he woulda seen him for what he is, a Feral. If not him, then his wife.”
“Probably. I tried to call him a little while back, but he must have changed his number because someone else answered who didn’t know who he was.”
“Want me to find him?” Sy jumped about a foot in the air, Geralt having appeared behind his shoulder.
“Shit!” He exclaimed, “Did you know he was there?” He asked, looking at Stephanie and she nodded with a small smile. “Fuck, man, damn near gave me a heart attack.”
“Do you want me to track him down, Steph?” Geralt asked again with a snort, “Him and your father.”
“If you want to,” She said, pulling a leg under her, “But don’t go sweaty on finding my dad. If he had wanted to stay in our lives, he would have.”
"Jack, right?" Geralt asked and she nodded, "Jack Daniels?"
"Their mom was a teen when she had'im." Sy said and Geralt arched a brow at him for a moment before shrugging. "How old was your dad?"
"Seventeen." Stephanie said and he sighed.
"Lemme guess, found out he got his girlfriend knocked up and enlisted in the military, marryin' her when she turned eighteen." He said and she nodded, "Knew a few boys just outta boot with the same story. Seein' as they got divorced…doll, don't tell me…"
"I was supposed to be the fix-it baby." She said, "Because bringing a child into a loveless marriage is always a great idea. It didn't work. Shocker. Jack was seven."
“And she don’t like wolves?” Sy asked.
“Last time I spoke to her, she told me, laughing, how she had called Animal Control on her neighbors while their son was outside doing yard work. He wasn’t shifted, obviously, but she called Animal Control on him saying there was a “rabid dog” in their yard.”
“Fuck.” Geralt said and she sighed with a nod.
“Yeah, and it was the last time I spoke to her.” Stephanie said, “She tries to call me every now and then, but I let it go to voicemail.”
“I’ll see what I can find.” Geralt said, giving her a small smile and walked away, heading back to his room. With an exaggerated sigh, Stephanie flopped back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. She heard Sy come closer before he laid next to her, settling on his side and lacing their fingers together where her hands lay folded on her stomach. She could see him watching her out of the corner of her eye and she started to run her thumb back and forth over his skin.
“Can I switch gears?” She asked and he hummed. “Do you resent me?”
“Why would I do that?” He asked, a scowl furrowing his brow.
“Because I can’t give you kids.”
“I don’t resent you, babe. Not even close.” He said, “Thought about gettin’ it reversed, though? If it’s buggin’ you that bad?”
“I thought about it.” She admitted, “If you had answered yes, or something to that effect, I would have seriously considered it. I got it done for medical reasons, for the shit that runs through my head. Don’t want to pass that onto a child knowing what their life is going to be like through no fault of their own.”
“Yeah.” Sy said, “Not wantin’ a child to suffer is a damn good reason, even if that child is just an idea.”
“Do you think the others--”
“Not even a little bit.” He said, cutting off her train of thought. “I’d say maybe in vitro, as you still got your eggs, they just can’t make the trip, but you’d still be passin’ on your genes.”
“Yeah.” She said, “Kinda invalidates the reason why I did it. If they could single out what causes mental illness and make sure it doesn’t get passed on…maybe.”
“We’ll love you no matter what, Steph.” Sy said and she squeezed his fingers gently. “Pups or no pups, as long as you’re happy, we’re happy.”
“I love you.”
“Love you more.”
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ahlovelightaflame · 10 months
Out of Hits ~ *Lee Chan*
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Summary: Chan wants to prove himself as a worthy member of the gang. But when his opportunity presents itself as a dare in a dare contest, he’s not sure he can do it. But if it means proving his worth, he’ll do whatever it takes.
Pairing: Lee Chan X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffy Oneshot
Word Count: 2734
Warning: Swearing, fighting, drinking, dares
Mafia Masterlist
It sucks being the youngest. There, he said it. But it’s true. It absolutely sucks being the youngest! It especially sucks being the youngest out of thirteen boys.
Chan was a good subordinate. He did as he was told when he was told to do it. Of course, what he was told to do were the petty, annoying tasks no one wanted to do. He was like an unpaid intern, but at least he knew he had the ability to move up in the ranks. At least, he hoped so. If not, why was he still here?
The only upside was being able to work on his fighting in the training room. Chan was the best member on the team when it came to hand-to-hand combat. Boxing, karate, kickboxing, and even just traditional street fighting were easy for him. Training his agility and hand-eye coordination was his stress reliever when the teasing and taunting from the rest of the gang got to him.
So it’s not surprising that he was punching and kicking a punching bag in the training room. About an hour ago, he returned from a mission with Jeonghan, Vernon, and Seokmin. The mission went well, but Chan was stuck being the getaway driver, as per usual. It’s not that he wasn’t good at it, in fact he was the best out of those fours. But he didn’t want to always be the getaway driver. He knew he could do so much more if only the boss or Hoshi would give him the chance.
“Working late again?”
He didn’t pause as he continued working out. Nevertheless, he still answered, “Of course. I have to get stronger for the next mission.”
She chuckled. “Chan, you keep going at it like this and one of two things is going to happen: I’m either going to have to get a new punching bag or I’m going to have to wrap up your bloody knuckles.”
“I can take care of myself.” He shot back defensively.
“I’m sure you can, but it’ll make me feel better if I do it.”
He rolled his eyes. “Why are you here?”
She shrugged. “Couldn’t sleep. So I thought I’d come and do some work. Not only that, but my sister asked me to get her weapon schematics that she left here accidentally.”
“Not surprised.”
Laughing, she took up her place behind the punching bag, holding it in place. “Neither am I. She’s a lot like you, always working and working and working. But she also knows when to take a break, unlike someone I know.”
Chan scoffed. “I need to keep working if I want to keep up with the others.”
“Fine. But can you at least do me one favor, please?”
This time he did take a second to look at her with slight confusion. Usually, if it was anyone else, he’d instantly reject them. But she didn’t ask for favors ever. So it must be pretty important.
“What do you want, Y/n?”
“Hoshi is taking his team drinking tomorrow and he invited me to come as well. I know you’d rather not, but could you go with them for me please? My sister needs my help with some big project, so I’m staying behind. However, I need someone to make sure Hoshi isn’t talking shit about me behind my back. He gets a little crazy when he’s drunk.”
Everyone knows how crazy Hoshi gets when he gets drunk. He’s tried on multiple occasions to kiss Seokmin and Jeonghan. He’s challenged Wonwoo and Mingyu to stupid challenges that ended up with him almost dying. One time he even tried to flirt with the Big Boss to make Seungcheol jealous, which ended up with him sleeping outside in his underwear. So Y/n’s apprehension about not going in fear of the crazy shit Hoshi would say or do was warranted.
He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”
She sighed with relief. “Chan, you’re a lifesaver, you know? I’ll even pay you for every time you have to bail him out of trouble tomorrow.”
Chan could feel the tips of his ears warm at her compliment. However, blushing meant weakness and he wasn’t about to give in to weakness. So he started attacking the punching bag with more fervor. “Thanks, I’m going to need it. It better not be chump change either. I’m looking for the big bucks.”
Laughing, she nodded. “Of course. Nothing but the best cold hard cash for the best getaway driver in the Seventeen Mafia.”
Scowling, he landed one more solid on the bag before calling it a night. As he left the training room, he called back through gritted teeth, “Yeah, sure, whatever.”
Now, if Chan didn’t know any better, he would say Mingyu, Seokmin, and Hoshi were on a mission to get as close to drunk as possible in the shortest amount of time. And since Chan was still considered the best getaway driver, he was also considered the designated driver whenever the boys went out drinking. Despite missing out on the drunken fun, he at least was drowning in free soda that the drunk ones kept buying him and he was gathering more than enough blackmail material. All in all, it wasn’t a bad night. He could almost say he had fun.
It wasn’t until they were driving back to the base that he wished he didn’t go out with them in the first place.
“Guys, guys, guys, I have an idea, before we get home.” Hoshi explained like he had just come up with the coolest thing ever. “We should do a dare contest!”
“A dare contest?” Seokmin slurred.
He nodded excitedly. “Yeah, yeah, yeah! See, we give each other dares. And then, and then we have a week to complete them. If, if we don’t, the loser has to do something embarrassing.”
“I think the winners should decide that when they’re sober.” Mingyu muttered.
Again, Hoshi nodded. “Cool, cool, right. Okay, so like Chan, come up with a date for Mingyu.”
This would be too easy. “Mingyu, I dare you to trash your hotel and blame it on ghosts.”
Mingyu gave him a wonky glare. It wasn’t as intimidating as it usually was considering how drunk he was. “I hate you. Okay, DK, I dare you to make a joke about your sex life in your next set at Jeonghan’s casino, in front of your girlfriend.”
Seokmin flushed redder than before. “You’re cruel! I’m going to get in so much trouble! Okay, but Hoshi, you have to take engagement photos of the Boss and Seungcheol without either of them knowing.”
“Easy, no problem.” Hoshi turned to Chan, grinning viciously. “Chan, I dare you to ask out the combat trainer on a fancy, romantic date.”
Chan almost slammed into the mailbox.
The three boys burst out laughing. “Oh come on! It’s so obvious you have a thing for her!” Hoshi teased. “I mean, you weren’t even going to come out tonight if she didn’t convince you to spy on us for her.”
“She did not!”
“Yes she did!” Mingyu rolled his eyes. “C’mon, we know her. She hates being left out of the gossip. And you wouldn’t have come if she didn’t suggest it. Which is another reason why Hoshi dared you to ask her out. You SO love her.”
“I DO NOT!” Chan responded a little too loud. He could feel his cheeks warm as he refused to look at his friends.
Hoshi groaned. “Are you going to do it or not?”
With a huff, he snapped, “Fine. I’ll do it. But only to prove I’m not weak.”
“No one said you were.”
Chan shouldn’t have agreed to the dare.
It has been almost a whole week since Hoshi dared him to ask Y/n out and he still hasn’t approached her. Sure, Mingyu still had to do his dare, but Hoshi was doing his right now and DK did his three days ago. His girlfriend gave him an earful and even threatened to break up with him. But he managed to smooth things over by promising her a week of non-stop romance.
So Chan needed to grow some balls and just talk to her. It shouldn’t be that hard. He had asked out girls before and even though most of them ended in crushing failure, it never bothered him THAT much. So why was he so nervous this time around?
He saw her everyday. They sparred together all the time. They laughed, joked, and spent time with each other as often as they could. So why did everything feel different and scary now that they were labeling it as dating?
But if he didn’t go through with this, he would not only be forced to endure whatever punishment the other’s conjured up, but he would be seen as weak for the rest of his life. He couldn’t have that. He would show them. Chan was strong and manly and he could do anything.
“Hey Y/n.”
The trainer looked up and smiled brightly at him. “Oh, hey, Chan! Ready to train again? I have some new moves I can show you if you’re interested.”
“I think I have some better moves to show you instead.” Not his smoothest line, but it was out there, so he needed to work with it.
She furrowed her brows. “Oh yeah? What kind of moves?”
Chan’s hand found the wall beside her head, effectively trapping her against the wall. As soon as he did it, he felt his face go solid red. Could he get any cringier?
With a small smirk, she replied, “Oh, those kinds of moves?”
Chuckling, she shook her head. “Oh, Chan, you’re adorable, really. But let’s not bite off more than we can chew now, alright? I don’t think you could handle me, even if you think you can.”
“I know I can!” He shot back defiantly. Where that small burst of courage came from, he had no idea. “I have lots of great moves! And I can show you all of them if you go out with me this weekend.”
One of her eyebrows raised as she folded her arms over her chest. “Is that so? Well, then let me make a friendly wager with you. Sounds fair?”
He removed his arm from beside her head and took a small step back. Not because he was scared! No, he wasn’t scared! He just needed to look serious when he heard her challenge. With a nod of his head, he encouraged her to continue.
Holding up three fingers, she said, “Three matches. I challenge you to three boxing matches, with the best of three being the winner. If you win, I’ll go out with you. If I win, you don’t ask me out and you don’t try again. Alright?”
Chan felt his stomach churn at her stipulations of the wager. Now, he likes Y/n. He may not have seriously thought about asking her out, but he always knew deep down it was a possibility. The idea of never asking her out if he lost made him feel bad. What if he did lose and wanted to ask her out again in the future? Was he willing to jeopardize a potentially beautiful relationship over three little matches?
With a defiant nod, he held his hand out, which she shook. “Alright. Let’s do this.”
Following her into the boxing ring, he taped up his hands and tried to psych himself up. He must really be stupid to agree to this. But he made his bed. Now he had to go lie in it.
Turning to face her, she nodded and got into the proper stance. “Alright, on my count. One, two, three, go!”
The first match was over before it began. All it took was a quick swipe of her leg and her even faster reflexes to pin him. Tapping out, Chan huffed and trudged to his corner again. This was not the victory he wanted. He was too in his head about this and he knew it. He needed to clear his mind, take a deep breath, and treat this like an actual training match. There was nothing on the line, there was nothing in his way. Just him and her, sparring in the ring, just like always.
He could do this.
In the second match, he was better. He was quick and dodged her preliminary attack. As she recovered, he got a couple hits in and kept her on her toes. Watching her openings, he made sure to strike fast and strike hard. He was doing really well.
Until she landed a particularly good hit on his shoulder. As he tried to recover, she landed blow after blow after blow, hitting him with a flurry of punches and kicks. Before too long, he was pinned on the floor again, tapping out.
Panting hard, he wiped the sweat off of his face. She stood up and held out her hand to him, which he took. Now on his feet, he shook the hand he was still holding onto.
“You always were a phenomenal fighter, Y/n.” Chan told her. “And I hope now that all of this is over, we can still fight with each other. You’re my favorite partner.”
“We can still be partners.”
He nodded and smiled, though his heart wasn’t in it. “Well, I’m going to shower. I’m sure Hoshi is going to want to go over that big mission coming up soon. They’re going to need their getaway driver to be ready, you know.”
As he turned, he paused as she called out. “You don’t have to go. We still have one more fight.”
Chan furrowed his eyebrows. “Y/n, I lost. You won, best two out of three. The wager is over.”
With a cheeky smile, she shook her head. “No, it’s not over yet. Besides, I really wanna see how this last fight will play out.”
“You’ll beat me.” His answer slipped out before he could stop himself.
“Perhaps,” She shrugged before beckoning him towards her, “Unless I even the playing field. Come here, I know something that we’re both good at.”
Dropping to the floor, she held her arm out. He snorted. “Arm wrestling? Really?”
“What?” She challenged him. “Afraid you’ll lose?”
Shaking his head, he got on the ground as well. Clasping hands, he gave her another determined nod. Either he was going to go out in a blaze of glory or burn in shame for years to come. But it didn’t matter all that much. He was having fun and that’s what mattered to him.
When she nodded as well, she counted off and the challenge began. She was strong. She always has been. But Chan had been working out a lot more lately, especially his upper body and arms. So even though she put up a good fight, he beat her.
Laughing, she stood up, dusted off her hand, and held it out to him. “Congratulations, Chan.”
He shook her hand. “I may have one but that doesn’t-”
Before he could finish his response, she pressed her lips to his. At first he was caught off guard, but he managed to reciprocate before she pulled away. He was about to ask her what that was all about when she spoke first.
“Look, just because I said you couldn’t ask me out doesn’t mean I can’t ask you out.” She explained. “So, Chan, do you want to go out with me this weekend?”
He blinked before smiling dumbly. “Yeah. I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
Oh, and as for the rest of the dare war, Hoshi didn’t get found until DK let it slip accidentally a day later. Seungcheol almost beat him to death, while the Big Boss locked herself in her office and didn’t come out for twenty four hours. Mingyu never completed his dare and his punishment was that everyone was allowed to use his hotel for one event for free. Jeonghan swears on his life that he plans on using his event to host Seungcheol’s wedding, which also got him beaten up by Seungcheol as well.
And Chan escaped without any punishment. However, both Y/n and him agreed to adjust the details to save the poor boy's reputation. But now that he’s with you, reputation doesn’t matter quite as much as it used to.
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lemmilemura · 9 days
We’re not friends.
Part 1
You and your parents just moved into the neighborhood into a freshly built house, your parents built it themselves, which just so happened to be next to the Mayor, you found out, but had no idea what side. Day 1 was truly more like day 0, since all your furniture was still being delivered, you barely had a mattress, pillows and a blanket to sleep with, the rest was either still at your old place or on its way here. You had only packed one bag of clothes, toiletries, your laptop and your swimwear, since you would finally have a pool, which you would be able to use immediately.
And that’s what you were doing, laying by the pool on the one pool lounge chair you personally dragged outside, eyes closed behind your sunglasses trying to relax after the long journey here and the stress of moving. Inside your parents coordinated with seemingly every person on the planet; the moving company, their friends, their jobs, your school, even some of the neighbors had already come by, not the Mayor yet, your parents would have come to get you if that happened. 
You had your laptop, safely under your lounge chair to shield it from the sun, playing music loud enough for you to hear but not others. You swore you could have fallen asleep, that’s how comfortable and tired you were, when someone or something hit your pool with such speed and force that it splashed so high that it reached you, the cold water waking you up abruptly and instantly. You sat up and looked in the pool, seeing a medium sized ball, probably volleyball, floating around the middle of it. 
“Ah, so you are alive.” you heard from somewhere above you, but it wasn’t a voice you recognized, so it didn’t come from your house. You spun around, probably looking like a fool, before spotting the person. It was a guy, approximately your age, leaning out of a window which was probably in his bedroom. He had his arms crossed and was leaning on them, a shit eating grin on his face. ‘Oh great. My neighbor is a creep.’ you thought. “Why the fuck did you do that?” you wish you could retaliate, but your throwing and aiming skills weren’t the best, and you had a feeling you didn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of that guy. 
“To prevent you getting heat stroke and dying. You’re welcome.” he stated as if it was fact. “Well I’m obviously fine, asshole” you wanted to go in the water to get the ball out, but didn’t want this guy to watch you do it. “Yeah, ‘cuz I saved you.” he smirked. Oh how badly you wanted to knock that smirk off of his stupid face. You just rolled your eyes and made your way back to your lounge. “So…” he started. “So?” you raised a brow. “Who are you?” you let out a sigh. “Obviously I’m Santa Claus, can’t you see?” you mumbled, moreso to yourself. “Fuck you asking for?” You yelled back, an idea suddenly popping into your head. You didn’t turn to face him, reached down under your lounge into your bag and fished out something you didn’t think you’d get to use this soon.
“‘m asking for myself. I am your neighbor after all, isn’t it normal for neighbors to know eachothers names?” the sass and smirk were audible in his voice, you hated it already. You walked back to your pool, careful to conceal your weapon so he wouldn’t see. You dipped it underwater and waited for the bubbles to stop. Very luckily for you, when you looked up at him, he was turned away from you, reaching to grab something. As quickly as you could, you aimed right for the back of his head and pulled the trigger. A strong jet of water flew from your gun, high up to his window, hitting him perfectly. He yelped pathetically, flailed for a bit then fell off the chair he was sitting on. You spun your gun like in movies, then blew against the end and held it against your side.
“Even?” You asked, trying not to laugh. From your angle you could only see the top half of him as he stood up, using the windowsill for support. His hair was pretty wet, sticking to his face, even a bit at the front. His shirt, on the other hand, was absolutely drenched. He looked like a wet cat. He shook his limbs and head for a bit, then his head snapped to you, and with an absolute look of murder in his eyes he replied. “Oh you are so fucking on.”
Maybe he wouldn’t be that bad of a neighbor.
~Taglist~ @pine-ferret @awild-mustang
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editorialsonlife · 10 months
Well well well
I'm 2 weeks into 2.5 weeks of stress leave from the office while I try and get myself together again and man has it been a super needed break from the office and all its toxicity. It's been so good to be able to catch up on sleep and have some slow days and have some super good girlfriend time which has been sorely lacking as of late.
I spent all of Saturday catching up with Freya who is the queen of reinvention and so good to talk to and so reassuring Her and Laurence have lived so many lives and careers paths and its so nice to hear from people who have done it and what's been good and what's been bad and how she's navigated it and for someone who really struggles with being decisive in this kind of stuff it was just great to catch up.
I caught up with Lynaire briefly on Sunday and went and saw an open home as well which was fun. house was terrible but it's nice to be like, poking around the edges and seeing what might be out there for when we move I guess. Still don't know how finances are going to work out for everything but we'll see as time goes on I guess.
I spent this morning in bed brainstorming all the big questions that I have that are just sitting out there and stressing me out and emptied them onto a page. I linked together the common themes ones into to do lists and health and money and tomorrow I need to tackle the work stuff as well and come up with a bit of a plan there about how things are going to change when I go back and where other people need to step in to help and step up and do their jobs so I'm not covering everything while they're being shit.
I came up with a mini to do list under each of the headings so I know what my next little baby steps are and then wrote a list of all the things that are outside of my control as well - what I can't control, what I can influence but not decide and what is just going to have to wait as well so there's that.
I've set up a couple of APs into different bank accounts to save me some money for an emergency fund (somehow I'm 33 and still never had one) and I'll rebuild all my holiday savings budgets and our mortgage account budget and write them down so I can be confident in them and start tracking against them. I know this is probably a double up with YNAB anyway but I'll feel better about it so I'm gunna do it anyway. I need to go to the bank to set up some more accounts in our joint account for stuff as well so I'll get that sorted too. Need to pay the truck registration and get a new headlamp put in it as well (snore). adulthood man.
I've also deleted instagram off my phone to try and curb the time wastage and scrolling. Likely just means I'm gunna read more smutty novels on kindle unlimited but oh well LOOOOOLLLLLL.
I've been seeing a different counsellor as well who I don't love but has been useful. I know I need to work on setting better boundaries in just about every aspect of my life so I need to clock on and do that. Classic me I got a couple of books to read on the topic so we'll see how those go.
One of the really nagging questions that keeps hanging round and I keep circling back to is 'When is it all enough?'. and Enough in everything - when have I earnt enough money, when have I climbed the career ladder enough, when have I delivered enough, when will I ever be enough. So that's one of the things I really need to work my way through. I spent some time this morning writing down all the ways that I have enough already - and it just became a really nice gratitude list so I'm going to keep doing that a bit more often I think. and try and remember to build in some little celebrations at work as well for things that I've covered.
Contemplating quitting the current job to go and be a programme coordinator with my friend Katherine. Would be the same money mostly but way less responsibility and more flexibility. I feel bad ditching work when the boss has been good to me but also, if nothing changes then nothing changes and I'll be back to being a burnt out mess pretty quickly tbh. Unideal. I think we'll just have to see how we go overall once I'm back. September is going to be an interesting month I think.
Ok that's enough of a brain dump for now I think byeeeeeeeeee
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gi-maeve-rose · 2 years
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Olivia felt like the air was vacuumed from her lungs. Every muscle in her body went stiff. “Who is this?” she demanded.
The man on the line laughed. “Oh, shit! Is that Detective Benson?” He spoke like they were old friends, adding to their infuriation. “Wait, no. Lieutenant Benson. That’s right, it’s been a while since we last spoke. You really climbed those ranks, didn’t you?”
Monday, October 31st, 7:15PM
Valeria was fifteen minutes early. She thought the traffic would be worse getting back. Would showing up at his door now make her look too eager? Should she wait at her apartment and be fifteen minutes late, or would that make her seem disregarding? If she was on time, it might make it seem like she was too coordinated for this.
At the end of it, she decided she was overthinking it, as she usually did, and went into her apartment to try to mask the stress of the day before heading to Rafael’s. And if Isabella was back home, give her a piece of her mind. But she wasn’t, and that gave Valeria the chance to put on her best cool demeanor while she changed into cleaner, more casual clothes. This was her first real date in over a decade. Rationality said there would be no date if Rafael didn’t already see something in her, but realism reminded her that he didn’t see it all. He saw what Valeria showed him, what she deemed safe to be seen. And it wasn’t much…
Valeria finished off her refresh with dry shampoo, her leather jacket in place of her blazer and jeans in place of slacks. She wasn’t a fan of the “professional” attire rule Liv had in place, but she also wasn’t in a place to question it or fight it. It really wasn’t a huge deal at the end of the day. What was a huge deal, was this first date. She’d almost forgotten it was her birthday until she walked into Rafael’s apartment and smelled the fresh meal he’d prepared.
Rafael poked his head from the kitchen, his smile the brightest thing in the room when he saw Valeria setting her bag next to the door. “Well, shit. You actually came,” he teased.
“Okay, well, if you’re gonna be an ass right off the bat, I can just go and have dinner with Liv and Noah.” She picked up her bag again.
Rafael laughed, setting the food to warm as he went to greet Val at the door with a glass of wine. “Put the bag down, and leave your attitude with it.” He placed a glass in one hand and took the purse from the other. “Leonetti Merlot, 2015.”
She hummed, taking a quick sniff before a sip. “Sounds expensive.”
He raised a brow. “And if it was?”
“I’d complain. A lot.”
“So, what I’m hearing is, never let you find gift receipts,” he summarized. “Thanks for the heads up.” Rafael chuckled as she rolled her eyes and brushed past him, watching her walk toward the kitchen. She moved more gracefully when she wasn’t drunk. Straighter, stronger. It formed a familiar knot in his lower belly. One that he had to actively remind himself to ignore, to not act upon. At least for now. “Arroz con gandules y lechón,” he explained the smell, following her into the kitchen. “Pasteles are still heating up in the pot.”
Valeria’s eyes widened as she looked back at him, her chest feeling warm as the swarm of butterflies got feistier in her belly. “You actually took the time to make pasteles?” That expectation wasn’t even close to being on her mind. At least not this soon into their… whatever they were doing.
Rafael walked past her with a guilty expression, grabbing the wine to top off her already almost empty glass. “For the sake of keeping you impressed and not tarnishing my reputation as an overachiever, we’ll say yes.” Store bought, but still quality made, in his opinion. He would have made them himself if he had the time, but he truthfully hadn’t expected her to accept his invitation to dinner, let alone agree to a relationship with him. He seemed confident on the outside, but honestly? He was freaking out just as much as she was. All of this was almost brand new, and he didn’t want to ruin it.
Valeria chuckled. “Trust me, your effort at all is impressive enough,” she assured, leaning back against the counter. Her stance changed, shoulders shrugging up as if she was trying to hide. She was timid, glancing down into the glass. “You really want to give this a shot, huh?” God fuck— Why did she ask? Why couldn’t she just let it be? Was it really that unbelievable that she could have something good?
It honestly almost broke Rafael’s heart that she had such a hard time accepting that she was worth the effort, but he understood how that doubt came to be. “I do,” he confirmed. “I don’t have a clue what I’m doing, but I’m willing to figure it out as I go, if you’re willing to be patient with me.”
Her smile grew gently. “I’m raising a teenager,” she reminded jokingly. “My patience isn’t a problem, it’s my sanity.”
“I’m guessing Isa finally got back to you?” He sipped his wine before setting it down to tend to the food being prepared.
“Nope, but we traced her phone. She’s at her crush’s house.” She fully expected the concerned looked Rafael gave her, sharing the same sentiment. “I know, but I also know Isa. She’s not gonna do anything stupid. Er… Well… Not anything stupider than what she’s already done.”
“As long as you’re sure,” Rafael encouraged, pulling open a cabinet for plates.
Valeria watched as he plated and served their dinner. How the fabric of his polo moved with his muscles, fitted to his contours. His grip tightening on the plate as it started to weigh heavier when more food filled it. And when he walked to the table… Lord, save Val from these sinful thoughts. Or don’t. “Fucking wild,” she thought out loud, biting her lip.
He glanced back, setting the plates down. “What is?”
He noticed her eyes cast up to his from his hip region, grinning slowly. “You said ‘fucking wild’. What’s fucking wild?”
She shook her head, sipping her wine. “How when we first met, I wanted nothing more than to beat your ass,” she indulged, grabbing his glass and bringing it to the table. “You were just… so fucking arrogant and snide, walking around like you owned shit just because you’re good in the courtroom.”
“You know, when you talk like that, I get the feeling you still hate me,” he chuckled. Although, it was a very real concern he had, but tried to bury.
“I never hated you,” she admitted. “You just frustrated me. Still do, but for different reasons.”
Curious. “And what are those reasons?”
Valeria finished her second glass, setting it empty on the table before turning toward Rafael. One hand propped against the table while the other rest on her hip. “You’re still arrogant and a pain in my ass,” she said, though voice held a… certain undertone. Her eyes wandered over the features of his face. The hints of silver in his hair and beard, the tired lines from years of fighting in court. Seasoned, but refined. She inhaled a subtly shaky breath in an attempt to settle herself, her hand lifting from the table to straighten the collar of his polo. “But now it adds to your charm. I don’t want to fight you as much as I would rather…” A pause. Valeria bit her lip with a sultry grin. “Something else that starts with an ‘f’.” A quick little tug at his collar undid the loose top button. She left him with that, grabbing her glass as she went back to the kitchen to refill it.
Jesus fucking Christ. Valeria made it harder and harder for him to keep his hands to himself. No matter how much he tried to tell himself to keep it together, his body did the opposite, following her into the kitchen. He stood directly behind her, smirking when her breath hitched at his hands on her hips. “Are you trying to seduce me, Detective?” he asked quietly, lips brushing against her ear.
Valeria tried to keep her composure, but her hair standing on end gave her away. “Depends.” She leaned back against his chest, turning her face slightly toward his. “Is it working?”
She gasped in surprise when he squeezed her hips and turned her, backing her against the counter. The involuntary moan as he pressed his hips against hers deepened a blush on her cheeks. “You tell me,” he breathed, eyes staring hungrily into hers.
Restraint broken, Rafael gave into temptation, claiming Valeria’s lips with his own. Hardly a risk when she so eagerly returned the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck, hands pushing through his hair. It was the same intensity as the first time, but they forced themselves to take their time, savor the feeling of each other under their hands, explore each other’s bodies, taste each other. No touch was a bad one, lighting every nerve on fire.
Dinner was long forgotten. The only thing on their mind was lust as they stumbled out of the kitchen and into the living room. “You know, I have a rule about not putting out of the first date,” Rafael teased through kisses, pushing Valeria’s leather jacket off her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor.
Valeria chuckled, pulling the bottom of his shirt from the waistband of his slacks. “Well , excuse me, Princess,” she teased back, kicking off her shoes. “Should I stop?” The backs of her knees hit the arm of the couch and she let out a soft yelp as she toppled onto her back. She stared up at him, warmth pooling in her lower belly and between her legs in response to how he looked at her.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Rafael pounced, laying himself atop Valeria, his hips settled between her legs. He was desperate for friction, grinding the strain in his pants against her, drawing a vulgar moan from deep in his chest as their kisses grew pornographic. This was not in the plan for tonight, but there was no way either of them would stop.
But perhaps they spoke too soon. Valeria’s phone started to ring in her purse, eliciting an irritated groan from her. “Déjalo,” Rafael begged, his lips trailing down her neck.
“No puedo,” she panted, despite her wanting to. His hands tearing off her clothes and his mouth on her skin begged her not to stop. “¿Y si es Olivia?”
“Puedes llamarla más tarde. Puedes culparme.” As enticement, he slipped his hand down the front of her panties, coating his middle and ring finger in her wet before pushing them inside her. “Por favor.”
His fingers inside her and his breathless pleading were electric, ripping a gasping moan from her chest. She drowned out her phone ringing long before it stopped, mind stolen into the moment. “Fuck, Rafa,” she whined, hands gripping tight on his shirt and in his hair. The lower he kissed down her body, the heavier her breaths came. She couldn’t help but watch.
Rafael wasn’t lying when he said this wasn’t something he would do on the first date, but he couldn’t help himself this time around. Every snippy remark Valeria made, every glare she cast toward him, the way she carried herself. The longer it went on since May, the more he wanted her. And the more he wanted her, the more he thought had to push it down. Until that past Friday, at least. He really couldn’t stop thinking about her body on his, her tongue in his mouth. He felt guilty, perverted when he imagined how that night would’ve gone if he hadn’t told her to stop. Even more so when he pleasures himself more than once at the thought.
But he intended to make a dream come true now, his hand leaving her core despite her protesting whines and removing the fabric that covered her. He tossed them onto the floor with her jeans and her shirt, marveling at her statuesque body laid open beneath him. “You’re so beautiful,” he praised, his hands gliding gently over her silky legs. He pushed her knees closer to her chest as he leaned down, laying soft kisses to her thighs, alternating as he dipped lower and lower, closer and closer.
Valeria’s head fell back, eyes shut as she reveled in the expert way his tongue danced over her clit. Sexual partners were far and few between, and when they did happen, it was admittedly nothing memorable. She never experienced what it was like to be pleased like this. They never really cared, but even if they had, she was positive nothing would compare to Rafael. Her hips rolled, begging for more, to which Rafael happily obliged by wrapping his lips around her clit. Valeria’s back arched, her moans louder, surely heard by neighbors through the walls.
Music to his ears. She was so much sweeter than he imagined, so much better. He shifted on his knees to adjust the hardness in the front of his pants. His cock twitched and throbbed, begging to be freed from its confines, pleading for pleasure. If only he cared about his own as much as he cared about hers. Or perhaps it was his name falling from her lips with breathless moans that did it for him, that could easily get him off. He released one of her thighs, slipping his fingers into her again to work in tandem.
The knotting core in her belly burned white hot. “Just like that, baby,” Valeria panted. “Fuck, don’t stop. I’m right there. I—“ Her orgasm cut her words short. She clawed at the couch for dear life as she toppled over the edge, shouting Rafael’s name in euphoric bliss.
It took pure willpower and a half to keep himself from cumming, but holy fuck, was it difficult. Her lust flooded, dripping down his chin and hand as he kept working his fingers, helping her ride out her orgasm. Her legs relaxed, Rafael carefully laying them down as he pressed kisses to her hips. “Good girl,” her purred against her skin, grinning as she twitched from each kiss, every nerve in her body ultra sensitive. “Should’ve figured you’d be a screamer.”
Valeria chuckled between heavy breaths, eyes glazed over with lust as she looked down at him. “Get your clothes off and I’ll show you just how loud I can be,” she challenged, pressing the top of her foot against his cock, strained in his slacked.
She didn’t have to tell him twice. He groaned sharply, his hips involuntary grinding down to add more friction as he sat back on his knees, pulling his shirt off in one fluid motion. “Yes, ma’am,” he rumbled.
Fin had forgotten his phone at his desk, grumbling to himself in irritation as he was now forced to get dressed again to go back to grab it. Phoebe was sure to tease the almighty shit out of him when he got back. He passed by Olivia’s office, attention grabbed when he noticed the lights on. He peeked in to find her at her desk. “Hey,” he greeted in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
Olivia looked up from her computer with a grateful sigh, taking off her glasses. “Dodds needed me to double check that Joshua Fletcher case,” she explained. “Said something about it felt off.” She gave a tired laugh at Fin’s offense. “I assured him you did everything right, but he insisted, so I’m just trying to give him a piece of mind.” But it could wait for now. She had her boy at home and she didn’t want to keep Lucy any longer than she needed to. “What about you? I figured you would’ve been in for the night.”
“I was until Phoebe pointed out that I left my phone,” he retorted, a little embarrassed.
Olivia laughed, standing from her desk to follow Fin out to his. “Fin, if you need a day, all you have to do is say so,” she assured. “You’ve been working your ass off, you deserve it.”
He waved a hand as he grabbed his phone. “Nah, I’m alright. You know me, I get antsy if I’m not doing something.” The phone buzzed in his hand, dropping his jaw just slightly when he read the caller ID. “Well, well, well.” He showed Olivia, who shared the same expression when she read the name. Isabella. Fin shook his head. “She’s got another thing coming if she thinks I’m not telling Val.” He and Olivia scoffed before he answered on speaker, Fin mentally praising God that he didn’t have any teen girls to deal with. “Girl, do you have any idea how bad your sister freaked out about you? First you skip your classes, then you don’t return anyone’s calls? Val’s gonna be pissed. You got a death wish or something?”
“Funny you should say that, Detective Tutuola.” The voice that responded was too deep to be Isabella’s. Too old. Too masculine. It wasn’t entirely familiar, but something about it pierced hard, making the detective’s and lieutenant’s blood run cold.
Olivia felt like the air was vacuumed from her lungs. Every muscle in her body went stiff. “Who is this?” she demanded.
The man on the line laughed. “Oh, shit! Is that Detective Benson?” He spoke like they were old friends, adding to their infuriation. “Wait, no. Lieutenant Benson. That’s right, it’s been a while since we last spoke. You really climbed those ranks, didn’t you?”
She in no mood for games, grabbing Fin’s hand that held the phone. “Answer me,” she demanded. “Who is this?”
He sighed. “I guess I wouldn’t be very memorable to you, huh? Val doesn’t really talk about me, does she? Not that I blame her. We had a… rocky relationship. I tried calling her so we could talk it out, but no answer.”
Connor Davis. If hell was real… Every horrible thought ran through Olivia and Fin’s minds. Isabella’s behavior started to make sense. It didn’t seem like her because it wasn’t her. Davis had her, and it was sickening to think of what could’ve happened to her in the last eight hours. “Where’s Isabella, Connor? Let me talk to her,” Olivia pleaded.
“No.” Venom laced his voice. He had nothing to hide anymore. Thanks to Valeria, the world knew what monstrous things he was capable of. If it was a monster they saw, a monster they’d get. “I have a message for my ex, and you’re going to make sure she gets it.”
A/N: First and foremost, I want to apologize for this chapter being two days late. I have a day job as a hairstylist, and with Thanksgiving being right around the corner, work has slowly been getting busier. On top of that, my creative writing has been lacking. It took me three days since posting Chapter 6 to even start writing Chapter 7, and even when I started, the creative thoughts just weren’t there. But I managed to finish it, and while I worry it’s not up to par with the first half dozen chapters, I hope you all enjoy it anyway.
All this being said, I will be taking a holiday break from writing. I absolutely intend to continue and finish Marked, but for now, I owe it to you all and myself to give you the best writing I have, which means I need to let my mind rest a bit and rejuvenate. The estimated time of my return can be expected on either January 6th, 2023 or January 13th, 2023. Until then, I actually wanna know your thoughts on what I have so far and what you think will happen! In comments, asks, DMs, however you want to make your predictions! This break would also give me a chance to interact with you all like I have really been wanting to.
Until the new year, my friends!
♥️ Georgie
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xarrixii · 7 months
Cinder_07 : "A Brief Reprieve" ━━━━━━━━━━━━━
CW: previous chapter | beginning | masterlist
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The station was quiet for a Friday. Alph had been playing Uno with their dad’s coworkers, still hearing about Hayton Deposits and all of the shit circling around.
There had, apparently, been an incredibly detailed investigation regarding the matter. That also conveniently happened to turn up nothing regarding who Urban had been fighting or who really owned the bank. According to Cinder’s claims at who ran it anyway.
“I’m telling you, they left that last one behind.” Kepler, the chief of the region’s police branches, surprisingly chill, squinted down at his cards.
“They could have been the other TE/TK there to assist in rapid coordinate information,” replied Alph’s dad, Garry Roy. “It could be them trying to mess with us and lead us down the wrong road on purpose, wasting our time while they cover up the rest.”
Murphy, the front desk guy on their phone at the moment, decided to butt in. “Far too intricate.”
“You’ve haven’t been on the field for the last ten years. Maybe they were crafty back then, but the generations are getting dumber,” Kepler said, lightheartedly, as Alph laid down their final card after a long row of plus-fours.
Alph could feel the tension that would rack their voice if they tried talking about the incident, thinking again about the way Liam had really just left Urban to be dragged back to rehab like some sort of rabid animal.
It still pissed them off.
Murphy picked up the lobby’s phone before looking at Alph’s dad. “Longport Elementary School. Electrokinetic.”
Alph’s dad stood up, flopping their twenty-seven cards down onto the table. Alph, in turn, shot up to follow. Opportunities to help calm down electrokinetics were rare, and practice for different kinetics came by only as chance.
Getting out of the car again at the scene, Alph’s dad stopped Alph before they rushed in. “Remember, the goal is to stop the crisis as soon as possible.”
“I know,” Alph said before rushing in. They recognized their elementary school anywhere, same place they themselves had awakened their kinetic. Except they’d also been right next to the fire alarm and yanked it out of panic, and no one had realized until Alph had gotten home and security footage had been recovered.
They’d been painfully lucky, and they knew it.
This electrokinetic, on the other hand, wasn’t.
There were hundreds of kids standing outside in the lot, terrified. They had a right to be, there was a kid that had just found out they could shoot lightning from their fingertips at will. A will they couldn’t quite control. Alph’s dad was being helped into a rubber suit, and Alph took only a moment before they rushed in. Throwing personal precaution out the window.
Last electrokinetic Alph had been on apprenticeship for had been Ty, their adoptive little brother. Guardians had been temporary, from the foster system. Alph had begged and pleaded with their dad not to do that to the kid after something like this. Alph had gotten decently shocked from it, in the physical way. It had hurt a shit ton, and scared the kid. They had learned a little more about electrokinetics by now, though.
“Stay away!” the kid cried, tears streaming down their cheeks. “I’m gonna hurt you!”
“It’s alright. You’re gonna be okay,” Alph reassured, approaching slowly.
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Alph had been unable to prevent it. Again.
Another kid stuck in fucking hand binders. It made them sick.
“It’s about speed, Al,” their dad said, watching the doctors haul the kid to the kinetic injuries department. “That’s how you save as many people as you can. You can’t keep stalling on the scene.”
Alph had been so close.
“Calmest I’ve seen one in a while, though. What do you say we stop at Jerry’s on the way home?” Their dad nudged them, but Alph barely budged, absently nodding.
“We can get the kid some, right?”
“I can’t deny a stressed out kid ice cream.”
Alph’s phone buzzed in their pocket, and they reached back to stare at it. They’d turned the ringer noises off so it didn’t interfere with their apprenticeship. Their dad stared at them, at the phone. Concerned.
“It’s Mum. Should go see what she wants.”
“You know you don’t have to do what she wants, right?”
“I get the feeling she’ll find a way to make me.”
Their dad set a hand on their shoulder after a moment, lightly shaking it. “You’ll always be welcome home for dinner, hey?”
next chapter
━━━━━━━━━━━━ ▲ missing a content warning? let me know
man i need to learn to write again, too much shit's happening
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
i'm in the middle of my third time reding this, gathering my thoughts for a review, and i wanna point out some things real quick
- balcony memories on new years and now on christmas!
- yoongi calls the reader love and i don't even know how to react lol almost swallowed my fist when i realized it
- i'm not 100% sure, but i remember that when the reader finds out about vmin, it's in a context of taehyung acting weird for a while and then saying some stuff about no one likes to be hidden and shit. so it's so so so nice to read they're getting more comfortable to be publicly together (idk if their group knows, but it's p likely)
- if i got it right (and that's a stretch bc my first reads are super dumb lol) the reader was cheated during christmas, right? and, besides, there's some shared trauma with bro, something that happened eight years ago and all, and since there's a bunch of dialogues of bro having to look out for the reader and being her only family, i'm guessing their parents died? can't be sure but... seems pretty likely
- i felt the atmosphere here seemed a bit different from the other chapters (especially bc now i'm reading it all again for reviews). i'm not quite sure what's changed, but i'll investigate. it created a whole different effect, an euphoria and intensity (not the angsty type) that i can't quite place rn... 🤔
anyway, i'm still processing everything ok
but i just wanna say once again, that all your hard work definitely payed off! i'm sorry you had to stress so much over it :( but it truly is perfect. you keep throwing those mesmerizing works everytime and i just can't believe an author like you exists. i'm completely addicted to the way you create and window was just another proof of how talented you are.
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i'll sleep now cus it's super late lol and i'm not thinking straight. today at work i was randomly smiling and flushing bc something about the chapter randomly came to mind and my coordinator was throwing me looks like 🧐
LUAAAA i'm gonna answer this but just know i got your fantastic af review on the actual chapter and pretty much sobbed throughout the day because of it LMAOOO thank you so damn much !! it means the world that someone took the time to write all of that out?? to the point where they thought they needed to take some things out because it was too long (when there is no! such! thing!)? made my entire week and it's only monday<3 seriously, thank you endlessly!
as far as this commentary, i think it feels different bc we don't know if it's canon, but they're still themselves - if that makes sense? like the characters are being the same people but the environment coupled with the "side arc" aspect is probably what gives this one a different ambiance. it's a holiday special!! gotta have that sparkly tint on it, too.
and as far as the parents, we don't know yet. but we're slowly getting more and more info the further we get into the story, and i'm sure the full backstory will reveal itself in due time. but you're right about all the bro looking out for reader and all the pressure and stuff. and despite all the tension surrounding bro, the siblings are tight. we'll explore all of that as we go along!
hells yeah to the vmin development! and the yoongi saying that outside of a spicy context oh god my head was spinning??? bye. BYEEE. anyways, thank you so much for the commentary and incredible review on window (that i'm gonna read again soon ahaha.) i appreciate the heck out of you :(( i had a lot of fun writing this one so even though it wore me out, i think it was worth it.
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snifekinner · 1 month
office au time!
missed my work-related emotional support aus so posting some staff profiles here so i hopefully remember to continue...
norway, russia and bulgaria under the cut and open to requests!
HETATECH HUB Staff Profiles
🇳🇴 Name: Lukas Harald Kristiansen 🇳🇴
Age: 33
Pronouns: he/him
Job: Research and Development Coordinator
Height: 5'7
How do they take their coffee: black, blistering hot and strong enough to strip the paint off a bus
- very unfazed attitude towards work. praise and criticism and extra deadlines all get much the same response from him: 'mm.' some people hate it; others find him very easy to work with.
- so deadpan and dry that people have questioned if he actually experiences human emotions.
🇷🇺 Name: Ivan Rurikovitch Braginsky 🇷🇺
- leaves things til the last minute and always manages to pull the work out his arse, much to the frustration of everyone he's working with. extremely laissez faire in his approach, it doesn't really matter how it gets done as long as it gets done.
- brings the worst smelling food to the break room and eats it with impunity; accuses people of cultural insensitivity if they complain and no one knows if he's joking about it or not.
- good friend of fellow nordic emil who works on reception. they're not related but lukas pretends they are to wind him up and confuse other people.
Age: 45
Pronouns: he/him
Job: Head of HR (yeah really)
Height: 6'7
How do they take their coffee: Milky with three sugars; sometimes a cappuccino with vanilla syrup as a little treat.
- gets a lot of gentle ribbing from the younger members of staff which he takes in good humour. also no one ever goes too far because there are rumours he's ex kgb (he's not).
- he is surprisingly a very patient and kind manager, but he's also naturally awkward and puts his foot in his mouth more than he means to. he also has favourites.
- notorious for being a soft touch when it comes to requests - head of finance Yao is always tearing his hair out because if he says no to something, Ivan will say yes two minutes later. very susceptible to flattery and bribes. not monetary ones but if you offer to make him a brew or share your chocolate it goes a long way.
- fond of posting on the staff bulletin board and sending round friendly emails. prides himself on creating a supportive work environment. will occasionally drop by people's desks for a chat and ends up knocking something over, distracting them from their work, or saying something unintentionally hilarious/rude.
🇧🇬 Name: Boris Goranov 🇧🇬
Age: 32
Pronouns: he/him
Job: Customer Support Associate
Height: 5'10
How do they take their coffee: two tablespoons of instant coffee + boiling water, drink mostly cold when you eventually get round to this
-boris' job means he gets shit on by customers and staff alike because he has to be a go between.
- He has the worst luck in the universe. This isn't a good match.
- always looks a bit sweaty and rumpled like somethings chasing him (deadlines)
- actually a really good laugh outside of work! just doesn't deal with stress very well.
- gets serious cases of the nervous shits and due to his diet of whatever he can heat up and bolt down in his spare time, his bathroom issues are famous among staff
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milkyruins · 2 years
## college au!park jongseong x reader, YOU SING PRETTY
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summary: you start to crush on a mysterious person with a guitar and a heavenly voice and bff!jungwon does something about it (meet cute edition)
genre: fluff
content warnings: academic stress, mentions of oral sex in a joke
wc: .5k
You needed a room to scream in. Desperately.
Your asshole Music Theory professor flunked the composition you pulled an all-nighter for. It just seemed like your college experience was getting worse and worse because of this little twat with a PhD. And Jungwon, your most favorite person on this entire planet, just had to hear about it. 
With furious speedwalking, you found your target in the back corner of the music building. A perfect spot to shit talk uninterrupted for a while (and actually be a music major, but that was beside the point). A victorious smirk played at your lips.
And suddenly, a soft cadence of notes trickled out of an open practice room. God, people really need to learn how to reduce noise pollution in this damn institution (you were mainly talking about your professor). You went to go tell the instrumentalist that they were being a prick and–
You realized it was a guitar, and whoever was playing it was caressing out gorgeous melodies from its body. The feet that once stomped your way over to their practice room halted right in its place.
Then they started singing. Their voice held such brass, yet remained so sweetly honeyed. 
“Y/N?” Said another, much more familiar voice.
Jungwon stood next to you, catching you mere feet away from the entrance of the mysterious and talented musicians’ practice room. In his hands was a pristine Music Theory textbook. “Why are you standing outside of Jay’s room?”
You flushed, heat radiating from your cheeks. A boy with black hair stepped out of the practice room, taking the textbook from Jungwon and swearing never to forget it ever again. He was plenty gorgeous, with that defined jawline and thoughtfully coordinated outfit. 
You needed a response. “I was trying to,” Words started to jumble just on the tip of your tongue. “I was trying to tell him… he sings pretty?” 
The quirk of Jungwon’s eyebrow told you everything you needed to know. You fucked up. What sort of creep calls a stranger’s singing pretty when they first meet?
“Oh, thanks.” Jay replied with a small grin. My goodness, his smile was beautiful. 
Jungwon, ever the little devil, took one glance at your flustered state and put two-and-two together. “Y/N thinks you’re pretty too. In general.”
You shot him a hellishly fiery glare. “What the-”
Jay shrugged. “I think you’re pretty too.” And with that, Jay swung his guitar case over his shoulder and departed.
Your jaw slacked. What sort of nonsensical series of events did you just witness? You were going to beat up Yang Jungwon later, but Jay… Jay thought you were pretty?
Jungwon rolled his eyes at you and ruffled your hair. “Love, Jay sits behind us in class. He’s always staring at you from afar. You’re a little airhead and never realized it.”
You sputtered incoherently. 
“Go get yourself a boyfriend and some sort of head, please. All music majors should get head for free since we’re all so stressed from Intro to Theory.”
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
Team Tokyo First Years Headcanons
(Ft. Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, Gojo & Sukuna)
Gojo created a group chat with all three students to coordinate things. However, he never knows if Megumi reads the texts because he never says anything (he does), and all Yuji does is send memes, so basically that's its only function now.
Yuji and Nobara created a game: try to take a picture of Gojo with his blindfold off. He takes it off frequently, it's just impossible to catch an image of it. Surprisingly, Megumi of all people has gotten the closest. If you squint, you can see the baby blues.
This escalated into "who can take the ugliest picture of someone without them looking", after capturing an image of Yuji standing next to Gojo's desk with almost four chins. Nobara discovered she has many bad angles and Gojo discovered he's photogenic from ALL angles.
Yuji likes to use Nobara's ugly pictures as reaction images and memes. At first, Nobara beat him up whenever he did, but now as long as they don't leave the first-year chat she doesn't care. She'll even supply them if she's feeling silly.
Gojo started a prank war on accident and it shows no sign of stopping. It started because he enjoys Nobara's over the top reactions. When she found the LIVE snake in her bed (oh boy, everyone's soooo lucky she's good with reptiles), she immediately suspected this was Yuji's doing. She pranked him, he got her back, Megumi walked into a prank on accident, he got them back twice over, and now it just won't stop. Gojo was fully prepared to deal with the consequences, but he isn't complaining.
The First Year prank war is pretty well known around the school, and everyone's learned to stay away from anything that looks suspicious.
Gojo uses this to his advantage too; sometimes he'll pull pranks on the first and even second years just to watch them blame each other. He's even gone as far as pranking Principal Yaga hoping that he would blame the kids, but Yaga knows for a fact it's Gojo. He hasn't done anything about it though. This stresses Gojo.
Most of the time, when they eat out, each student pays for their meal. When Gojo's there he pays for all four of them, and if Yuji tries to use the "I don't have any money" excuse when Nobara decides to stop for a coffee, she'll buy him one too. She holds it against him, though.
If his kids are all craving a certain type of food (i.e. Chinese) Gojo will head out and pick it up and they'll all eat as a family.
Nobara proposed once a month they have a "spa" day. Surprisingly, the other two students agreed. She's allowed to give them manicures and pedicures (so long as she doesn't get carried away), trim and treat their hair, exfoliate their faces, and they help her re-dye her hair. Megumi is a good client, while Yuji gets bitched at a lot for squirming while getting his nails clipped and jerking when he gets his eyebrows plucked.
Yuji also proposed they have a movie night every Friday night. If they're busy, they'll move it to Saturday, or have it earlier in the day during the week. Sometimes the second years will join. Gojo is banned because he's basically seen every movie and always spoils the end. Everyone got mad at Yuji's request to use subtitles but gave up arguing with how loud Yuji chews.
They also have game nights, but they lost the pieces to most board games after Nobara threw them out the window, Megumi is the only one who knows how to play chess and Shogi, and Yuji fears the safety of his controllers after Megumi got dangerously close to beating Nobara in Smash. 
Yuji's room is the main hangout joint because of the electronics he owns. Literally, there's a whole ass common/living room for them to use. However, they go to Nobara's room for a spa day, as long as the boys are gone by sundown.
Gojo knows damn good and well his kids don't like each other in that way and would never have sex with each other, but he still feels the need to give them the talk ™. He's literally given each child a free box of condoms just in case. 
Gojo bought each student customized "if lost, please return to Jujutsu Tech" shirts. Yuji doesn't mind wearing his because it's just another hoodie to him, and Nobara doesn't mind hers because it's a crop top and it's cute. Megumi burned his in front of Gojo. 
Nobara takes the boys shopping a lot. Megumi is surprisingly good at picking out clothes that fit Nobara's physique and taste, and Yuji is there to hype her up when she walks out of the dressing room. He also isn't scared to tell her a dress doesn't look good on her, and she respects that.
Sometimes even Sukuna will pop out and give commentary. He gives really mixed signals, sometimes he tells her how she's not much to look at, sometimes he talks about the things he wants to do to that ass because of how good they look in those jeans. This results in Yuji getting slapped, Nobara yelling something like "Shut it, Fang Face!" And people staring at him funny because of it.
She also buys outfits for the boys and occasionally Gojo, because she's tired of hoodies and black. She was just as shocked as the rest when Megumi walked out in his outfit. He only wore it to shut her up, though, and hasn't worn it since.
No matter what they're doing, Yuji is ALWAYS the DJ. He has playlists for almost every occasion (spa day, sparring practice, car rides, game nights, even the times they just chill in the same room on their phones) and the only person that really complains is Sukuna, but only because he hates the Backstreet Boys.
Yuji bursts out in song a lot. No matter what he's doing, he'll just start singing. If they know it, Nobara and Gojo will join in too. Always ends in a giggle fit.
Sometimes Gojo's hand slips and boom! He has 18 dozen cookies instead of 4. He's been known to wrap the cookies up in nice tins and packages and leave them outside the kid's doors.
Gojo has also been known to cook meals for the kids and drop them off. This helps because Megumi is basically the only one who can actually cook. Yuji thinks instant ramen is okay for every meal, and Nobara burns food in a way it's still edible but you don't really want it.
The kids play wrestle, a lot. Yuji was scared to at first because the only one who really wants to fight is Nobara, but he learned quickly she can both take and deliver a punch just fine. She also isn't one of those girls that gets upset if there's an accidental grope, which is cool.
This is how the others discovered Megumi is ticklish. Yuji probably still has the scar and Nobara doesn't dare try to tickle him again.
Yuji fell asleep once and woke up to Sukuna's mouth on his cheek having a full-blown conversation with Nobara while she was reading a magazine. He swears they were gossiping about boys, but as soon as Yuji was awake enough to pay attention, Sukuna noticed and started bullying him. To this day Nobara still thinks she was talking to Yuji the whole time because she never noticed he fell asleep.
Yuji can fall asleep almost anywhere. Nobara draws on his face a lot. He's spent countless nights on Megumi's floor just because he's too lazy to move literally one room over.
Nobara has a habit of walking into the boys' rooms without knocking. Megumi is usually laying in bed on his phone or sitting at his desk, however, she's walked into Yuji doing some weird shit. Not gross shit, just... Concerning shit.
Once she walked in on him crying and didn't know what to do. She just kinda walked in and sat down with him until he stopped, occasionally rubbing his back. They didn't say a word until Yuji made a joke and Nobara continued with why she even came into his room, to begin with.
The three students are surprisingly supportive of each other like that, it's just kinda awkward and passive-aggressive at times. Sometimes they even confide in Gojo, and he takes it seriously, surprisingly.
Gojo has a Tik Tok account. He participates in every challenge, every dance, every trend, and apparently has a huge following. Yuji gets featured in the videos sometimes when he isn't recording, and he's mostly doing the stupid shit Gojo does, like doing backflips on building ledges.
While Tik Tok is Gojo's forte Yuji has done video game commentary on twitch and yt live. Megumi is quite popular on subreddits about urban legends and related folklore, and Nobara helps maintain blogs about current events, but... It's mostly celebrity gossip and new music.
Every Saturday is chore day and no one's allowed to do leisurely activities or leave until they're done. Rooms and hallways have to be vacuumed, swept, mopped, whatever. Gojo checks that the rooms aren't dirty. He doesn't mind clutter, he just hates wrappers and shit being left around. He especially pays attention to the cleanliness of the bathrooms for some reason. Megumi is good about cleaning his room throughout the week, Nobara usually just has clutter on her nightstand and dresser, and Yuji waits until the last minute to clean.
The first years used to do their laundry separately, but Nobara threw a temper tantrum when she witnessed Yuji just throw all of his clothes in the washer at once and simply turn it on. Now normally, she wouldn't help anyone get out of work, but she also likes things being done the right her way, so she does his laundry for him. Megumi got involved somehow and now they throw all of their clothes in the same basket and divide them by darks, colors, whites, and delicates. She refuses to let any of their overly- soiled clothes touch hers, so those usually get their own wash too. Each student folds and puts away their own clothes. 
Most arguments end with rock paper scissors. Pinkie promises are also sacred.
Gojo keeps a sticker board in the classroom. Whenever the kids do something good, they get a star. Whenever they do something bad, one gets taken away. When they get to five stickers they get a prize from the treasure box.
No one has gotten to five stars yet. This is good because there is no treasure box. Gojo is bullshitting everyone.
Yuji likes to steal Megumi's stickers because he thinks Megumi will not notice. He does every time.
Gojo has a stool in the corner of the classroom complete with a horribly cliche dunce cap he calls "the Naughty Corner" for when the kids "act up". Nobara ends up there because she's always on her phone, Megumi mouths off a lot and has days where he doesn't feel like doing work, and poor Yuji ends up in the naughty corner because Sukuna can't behave.
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pascalpanic · 3 years
hello lovie how u doing? sorry for bugging again but I was thinking.. how about reader lil jelly of the DEAs new secretary hitting on Javi but he's not giving a shh and reader go to the office for a visit with cinnie and kisses javi like out of nowhere and he gets ?????? and she's suddenly shy
Covetous (Javier Peña x f!Reader)
Summary: see above
W/C: 2.1k
Warnings: jealousy, flirtation, language and innuendos
A/N: HI I hope this was what you’re looking for!! I hope it’s clear enough that reader is insecure and not demonizing Javier or Luisa... you’ll see. Enjoy!
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Javier naturally attracts attention. You’re not quite sure what it is about him that does- or rather there are so many things about him that you don’t know which one it is. Is it the tight shirts that show off his broad shoulders and thick arms? His commanding aura? The sex appeal he radiates like humidity on a hot Colombian morning?
You love him more than anything. How can you not? He gives you all of his love, and expects nothing in return from you. His love is a passionate and all-consuming one; Javier fears commitment, but once he’s in, he’s all in. He’s the strong and silent type, but he melts with you, allows himself to be soft and gentle.
You know Javier would never do anything to hurt you. He can, has, and will go out of his way to protect you, especially with the danger of being the DEA agent’s girlfriend. That doesn’t lessen your anxiety, the fear that some poor judgement lapse on his part will lead to a broken heart. You know the man’s past. You’d be lying to say you weren’t a little scared.
When he started mentioning Luisa, you’d brushed it off and frowned. Javier is an adult. He can be friends with whoever he likes. Plus, she works with him. He can’t exactly ignore her. You didn’t know much about the woman other than the fact that she was young and pretty, as Murphy had told you. She was intelligent, a skilled worker as their receptionist. The only reason you had to dislike her was the little demon inside your head named Jealousy. Hell, you’d never even met her.
Javier mentions her in passing, just something she did at work or something funny she said. Never anything to be suspicious, and you know deep down that your Javi would never do something like that. He’s a good man, he loves you. You know it’s irrational, that you have no reasoning at all, but you can’t help but feel insecure when he talks about her.
Javier works ridiculous hours. He doesn’t have time to do much other than work and work and come home to you and do more work on the couch. He loves you for that more than anything: you understand it. You understand the busy hours and that he doesn’t often have the energy to do much when he gets home. You just sit next to him and quietly rub his shoulders, pressing kisses to his skin while he grinds out some paperwork. You don’t always understand what he’s doing at work, but your outside perspective often offers valuable ideas. You’re not just a girlfriend to Javier, but more of his partner. You are his other half, his comfort and relief and love in his hectic life.
If he’s being honest, Luisa bugs the shit out of him. She’s a smart girl, really, but her job is not as an agent. She likes to think she is, but she doesn’t have the training or knowledge to do so. She’s a go-getter, and Javi admires that, but it’s just another problem on his endless pile of them.
The most annoying thing is her flirting. Javier is no stranger to flirtation, obviously, and in any other situation he’d love to play along; she’s pretty and funny and a good conversationalist, but Javier, of course, only has eyes for you. He’s given her signs to back off, clearly, but she hasn’t picked them up. He’s tried to be more blunt, but nothing works. She is dead set on Agent Peña, and she’s a determined little thing.
You don’t visit Javier at work often. It’s rare that you get the chance, since you’re busy yourself. Usually, you’ll coordinate a day with Connie to bring lunch for the boys and sit with them for a while. They obviously both enjoy it, other than the mockery they receive from the other men when you leave. You love doing it, preening under the attention of your boyfriend and laughing at his annoyance with the other men. You’ve been there enough to know some of the other agents, and you know plenty about them from Javier’s annoyance at them at the end of the day.
Planning a day to surprise Javier at the office is fun. You usually do it when you know he’s extra stressed, when he could use the diversion and a little break in his day. That’s why you decided on it last night. Connie has the day off, and she insisted she’ll help you cook something to bring into work; Steve has been a mess lately too. They need it. She was right.
With a fresh tray of cookies out of the oven, you sigh and climb onto the couch to knock on the ceiling. You rap three times; moments later, two come back in response from Connie. It’s easier than using the phone, Connie suggested one night while you and Javier steadily got the Murphys drunker and drunker. It was funny to you at the time, but she was right. You smile remembering it as you put some cookies into a container and walk out of the front of the apartment building.
Connie is in a cheerful mood today. It’s probably because she has the day off; normally, she’d be asleep at this hour, thanks to long night shifts. She chats with you as the two of you drive to the embassy together, humming along to a song on the radio. She tells you all about Steve, the latest recipe she found, her new favorite grocery store. You smile and nod, mind elsewhere. Her blonde head bobs along to the rhythm as she finds a spot and parks.
You are irrational, you remind yourself as you walk in. You know and trust and love Javier. Luisa is nothing to worry about. Then why do you have a painfully tight grip on your container of cookies? “Hey, you’re gonna crack that,” Connie chides and swats your hand. “You okay, babe?”
You shake your head and smile it off. “It’s nothing. Guess I’m just excited,” you chuckle and loosen your grip on the cookies, though your spine is rigid as a board.
There’s a desk and at the front sits a woman, slightly younger than you, writing something in a book. She looks up when she hears the two of you enter through the lobby deeper into the building. “Hola. Soy Luisa, bienvenidos. Necesitá-“
That’s Luisa? She’s sweet, you frown. You’ve been all worked up over this? She’s cut off when Steve walks past. “Woah, hey ladies,” he chuckles as he sees the two of you. He wraps an arm around his wife and kisses her forehead. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”
Connie shrugs, beaming up at her husband. “We just thought we’d bring you lunch.”
“I made cookies,” you offer weakly, holding up the tupperware. You’re surprised it isn’t shattered into plastic shards on the ground by now.
“Hell yeah,” Steve smiles and snatches the cookies from your hands. “Luisa, this is my wife, Connie.”
She nods. “I could tell,” she chuckles, gesturing to the blonde hair and blue eyes. Who else would she be around here? “And you are?” She asks, turning to you.
“Ah, that’s Peña’s girl, remember?” Steve says for you, which makes you breathe a sigh of relief.
Her smile becomes tight-lipped and passive-aggressive. “Ah, yes. Wonderful to meet you,” she tells you, turning back to her books immediately. “Steve, you will show the women back then?”
He nods. “Thanks, kid.” He steals a candy from the jar she keeps on her desk and leads you back into the bullpen. He and Connie talk about their days, and you trail behind, nervously tapping your fingers against your sides. Now that you don’t have the Tupperware to clutch, you fidget until your heart warms at the sight of Javier. He’s hunched over his desk, shoulders straining against his tight shirt. He’s rapidly banging out a report on a typewriter, and your smile becomes a little bittersweet with how hard you know he’s working.
He’s a jumpy man, but scaring him is your favorite thing in the world. You hold a finger to your lips to the Murphys, telling them to be quiet, and they nod in agreement. Silently padding up behind him, you cover his hands with your eyes. “Boo,” you squeal.
“What the fuck?” Javier jumps, rapidly pulling the hands off his eyes and spinning in his chair. His hand hovers over his weapon, but his anxiety fades when he sees it’s you. “Hijo de puta… cariño,” he smiles softly, laughing a little. “What are you doing here?” He asks as he stands, pulling you into a hug.
His face is all the reassurance you need, his smile and his arms squeezing you making you grin. “We brought you lunch. Wanted to surprise you,” you tell him as you break away, adjusting the collar of his shirt. “Got a spare minute?”
He sighs and sits back down at his desk. “Can you give me five? I need to finish this report then I’m all yours.”
“Fine,” you sigh teasingly and kiss him on the head. While he types, you and Connie set up the desks, arranging chairs and plates on top of piles of cluttered papers. Javier’s handwriting is messy, you notice as you look at a folder of information, but legible. Hurried but still nice, looping and arcing.
“Hey,” Javi booms playfully and startles you, snatching the folder from your hands. “That’s classified.”
“That’s about as classified as your dick is to the Colombian population of women,” Steve snorts.
“Stephen!” Connie gasps and scolds, smacking his arm.
It doesn’t matter. You and Javi are laughing, falling onto each other and giggling at the joke. Steve sniggers under his breath, trying to avoid Connie’s wrath from the rude joke.
Straightening up, you take a sip of your water and try to collect yourself, though you’re still chuckling softly. “Does this mean you’re done?” You ask him hopefully.
Javier sighs and signs the bottom of the paper. His signature is beautiful and classy: J. Peña. “Now I am,” he smiles at you and tucks the file away in a desk drawer. “What did you bring us to eat, hm?”
The four of you converse over the meal, waving forks around aimlessly to make your points. The Murphys talk on their own, chatting about plans for the night. The meal is clearly finished and Javier cracks open the container of cookies, winking at you. You know he loves them, adores the little fluffy things. You smile and snag one from the tupperware before he can. He frowns. “I wanted that one.”
“Poor baby,” you tease and cup his face, taking a bite from it.
There’s the clacking of heels on tile approaching before you hear it: “Agente Peña!” a feminine voice sings. You roll your eyes, completely missing the way Javier rolls his too. “Javi?” She asks as she gets closer, about to round the corner.
God, you can’t stand that she calls him that. He’s only Javi to you and the Murphys, to those who love him. Your rational brain is far out of the window, possessed by jealousy as you do the only thing you can to, what, stake your claim? It doesn’t matter. Javier won’t be mad with the tiniest bit of affection. Your other hand cups Javier’s face too and you kiss him.
He’s used to kissing you. The two of you do it all the damn time. He’s just not a big PDA man; never has been. He prefers to keep his passion in private. But he doesn’t care, and cares even less when he knows Luisa is watching. He kisses back, rolling your chair closer to his and cupping your face too.
Luisa huffs at the sight. “Guess you’re busy,” she scoffs in English.
You break away only to find her walking away, and you can’t help but smirk. At least now she knows that Javier is truly committed to you, if she even caught a glimpse of the way he kissed you back. “What was that for?” Javier asks.
“Because I love you?” You chuckle and kiss him one more time, soft and quick.
He knows exactly why you did it. He doesn’t ask again. “I love you too, cariño,” he chuckles and rests his hand on your thigh.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan @princess76179 @starless-eyes-remain @tacticalsparkles
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kyejuns · 3 years
reaction ; 둘
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✎ᝰ┆r : having an idol s/o
✎ᝰ┆fluff ; warnings : none
thank you to the kind soul who helped me out by requesting since i have no ideas 😭😭 I LOVE YOU 😭😭
also these gifs looks more coordinated i think ill start using these instead 🤩
+ i kinda got overboard with baekseung for some reason?? 😨
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i feel like you two would meet via a mutual friend
like a mutual idol friend would introduce the two of you to each other and you'd hit it off and start talking
okay anyways, he would be so proud of you ngl
but as proud as he is he'll be so worried about you because he knows your competitive the industry is
he'll call you or text you during meal times to check up on you to see if you're eating
even if you're dieting he'd make sure you had enough so you won't faint while performing
anyways let's say you have to keep your relationship a secret
it'd absolutely pain him not to be able to hang out in public with you
but at the same time it's for both your career so sacrifices have to be made
so while you have private dates he'd try to lay off anything else he has to do for you and just company you
sigh tbh it would pain him not to wear couple items with you
but once y'all go public 🤩
he'd start wearing all those couple matchy things
and he'd also tweet stuff like ' please support us ' etc.
but overall i do think that he'd prefer getting a girlfriend that isn't a celebrity
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keumdong 🤩
i feel like y'all would meet at like a dance sort of content (like dancing high or 1million dance studio)
so like if you're a singer uhh 😨
like i see him with an idol that's like a main dancer
someone who shares the same passion and interest as him
anyways keumdong
i feel like he'd know all your schedules and would text you after just to ask how it went
he would also send you many dance videos and you would do the same
you two would just help each other even if you're not face to face
tbh he wouldn't mind and would wear subtle matching items like earrings
like he wouldn't care at all 💀
anyways if you're dating in secret
he'd definitely try his best to keep the relationship but like compared to wish he would have his dates outside during night time where there isn't as many people
once your relationship goes public
he'd just bring you anywhere and he'd stop caring tbh
even if you're idols you deserve your own life
so he'd just stop caring and go out with you
he'd be super protective of you when someone says something about your relationship
sigh he's just be more protective about you if you're an idol
but overall he'd definitely prefer a non-celeb s/o
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omg tbh i don't see mu with an idol s/o?
like i really don't see it
but okay let's imagine
i think you'd two be friends prior to debut
so you'd like kinda be known to be friends (like moonbin and sinb)
so like tbh fans who kinda speculate some shit is going on but you'll just play it off as you're just close friends 🤩
anyways he would watch your performance,, like literally every single one even if he's busy
and he'd compliment you on how pretty you were and how well you've done
and he'd tell you to rest and not to overwork yourself 😭
he would also promote your new song on his solo vlives and tbh it'd be so cute
anyways i think the both of you would have many chances to interact
like variety shows 🤩
and he'd be extra caring towards you but you know say it's because of your friendship 🤩
anyways you'd just date privately but like it's just so out there but people just brush it off as best friends 💀
once it's public i think many people will support it since you were previous friends even before debut
kinda expected
but anyways he can finally show more skinship towards you and talk about how much he loves you openly 🤩
but overall still would prefer a non-celeb s/o
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i heard some idols uses like the inkigayo sandwich to exchange phone numbers
yes i think he'll stuff his phone number in there and get a staff to hand it to you just because you were pretty 🤩
and tbh it'd be smart because it'll attract your attention and you'll begin to start talking and end up as a couple
anyways man's would promote you better than your company
he'd be like ' the song im currently obsessed with is (...) you should check it out! '
it'll be so subtle no one suspected a thing
and ngl he'll probably have a fan acc for you 💀
and he'll probably end up being known as your fanboy after 💀
he'll compliment you a lot public or not 🤩
anyways despite doing so much and hinting so much your relationship would still be private
like fans would be pretty sus of the both of you but it's your lives not theirs 🤩
anyways once you go public i think you would go on variety shows together quite often
it'd be cute
ngl i do see him with an idol s/o like compared to a non-celeb
since he can relate to them and stuff and just talk about their stresses together 🤩
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i think you'd be going to the same school, in the same class and that's how met
maybe you've already debuted when you met or maybe you're just trainees then but idk man whatever it is y'all would be friends
and then yes relationship
anyways mans would be so proud of you and always bragging about you to the other members
the other members would end up being so sick of hearing him brag about you and tell you about it just so you could reprimand him and have it keep it on the low 💀
he would keep up with your variety show and especially aegyos so he can tease you about it 💀
just do the same to him so he would stop doing it once he realizes how shitty that feels
anyways like i said in the boyfriend series y'all would gossip together and it will be the same
except you have a lot more to gossip about 🤩
you'll talk about the entertainment industry, idols and your companies etc.
i would think that he would prefer to keep your relationship private and intimate so he'd prefer not to publicize it + do his best to keep the relationship a secret
even if it's made public, he'd act as if he doesn't know you during events that will make some fans think that you're having a fight but in reality you're doing well
he just prefers to do all the couple things in private you know
but like i think he'd prefer a non-celeb s/o too
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i have a feeling that if ayden was to fall for an idol, it would be an idol from his own company aka c9
like you'd probably meet when you guys were still trainees and have probably trained with each other before debut
and like so you'd become friends and eventually develop feelings for each other and you know date
to be honest i feel like as an idol he'd be a lot more low-key in front of everyone even his own members
to the point that sometimes they're wondering if you guys have broken up but no he was just low-key
he'd just quietly sit before he has to perform watching your performance as a source of motivation which is kinda cute💀
like he would work harder because of you and like there'll be a friendly competition between the two of you just to see who's better
since your relationship is so low-key no one would know about your relationship except for members 🤩
tbh the only time they'd find out would be when you personally decide to announce it yourself
like it'd be as unexpected as the daniel × jihyo pairing
overall i feel like he wouldn't mind if his s/o is an idol or not, as long as they have a mutual liking and understanding then it's fine
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i think you guys would meet by like a singing programme
like a duet special stage 🤩
anyways he would be extremely polite when you first met and you'd take a liking towards him
then you'd end up hanging out outside of your schedule and eventually end up dating
anyways he would stare at you a lot during like programmes where you meet each other
like he wouldn't care and just stare at you 🤩
during like award shows he'll text you and be like ' you look beautiful today '
tbh he would stare at you do much that fans would start to speculate something is going on between the both of you
like he wants to talk to you so bad but the fans just makes it hard
so he ends up publicizing your relationship to go out freely with you 🤩
but to be honest he would prefer an idol s/o
since he'd prefer sharing the same passion + having more common topics to talk about
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alright to be honest he's another one i don't see having an idol s/o💀
like you two were probably friends before you were trainees and ended up debuting
and like somewhere in between you fell for each other and got into a romantic relationship
kinda like mu except you keep your friendship low-key so not many people knew you two were friends
till like past photos resurfaced
anyways i think he'd just be extra caring knowing that you're an idol
since there are many risk factors of being an idol
like wish tbh he'd text you a lot checking if you've eaten and if you're feeling okay in case you overwork yourself
and he'll restrain himself from looking at you too much just in case dating rumors end up surfacing
after all your career is more important considering how hard you've worked to be an idol
he'd only publicize it once dispatch catch you guys
but i doubt that'll happen💀
anyways he would have a personal vlive after telling fans to continue supporting the both of you despite the news
overall, he'd prefer a non-celeb s/o
wow this reaction took long to complete HAHAH
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