#ben caravan
rastronomicals · 7 months
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12:39 AM EDT March 11, 2024:
Caravan -   "The Dabsong Conshirtoe" From the album Cunning Stunts (July 25, 1975)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
A) The Mad Dabsong B) Ben Karratt Rides Again C) Pro’s & Con’s D) Wraiks & Ladders E) Sneaking Out The Bare Quare F) All Sorts Of Unmentionable Things
I've heard it said they were gonna call this one 'Toys in the Attic' and then they heard about Aerosmith, and had to go with something . . . less fortunate. The title has aged less well than the music, which is not peak Caravan, but is nonetheless decent. And even the spooneristic title may have inspired Aerosmith to name their own album RNight in the NRuts. Seems possible anyway.
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september11th2001 · 2 years
hello mutuals.
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brainddeadd · 1 month
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Boone x f!reader
The Wranglers™ x f!reader (platonic)
Fluff, tornado 🌪 shit, slightly Lily x Dani if you squint, violence (someone gets punched and it's valid), creep in the bar
twisters masterlist
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Besties with Dani since childhood, you joined the Wranglers a few months back after Dani introduced you.
Instantly, there was a connection with Boone. He felt it, too. You couldn't explain it, and neither could he, but you both knew there was something.
During the tornado™ in the movie theatre, Boone curls his body around yours as the wind howls and tries to take you and Lily away from him. He can feel your body lift from the ground.
In the moments after, he refuses to let you go, hands and arms snaking over your skin and holding you close. He tells Kate he loves her with his hand in yours, hoping the grip on your hand will convey his meaning.
He drags you into the motel room that night, declaring that he doesn't want to be alone and begging the others to stay close. Lily's the first to agree, taking place on the crappy couch in the room, beckoning Dani to join her. Dexter takes the armchair, and Tyler drags chairs in from other rooms for himself, Kate and Ben.
Boone offers to take the floor so you and Lily can have the bed, but you both shake your heads, Lily curling into Dani's hold and you opening your arms for Boone to slide into.
Boone shakes as he settles, his body finally relaxing into the terror of the day. He wakes with a start, a yelp leaving his body as he frantically reaches out for you, his eyes locked on your form.
"You ok Boone?" Your voice is full of sleep, and your eyes aren't open completely, but he can see the sincerity and concern on your face. His body moves on its own accord, arms pulling you into his chest, legs tangling with yours and his cheek resting on the top of your head.
"Baby," his voice is weak, and the nickname slips out without him thinking about it. "I almost lost you."
"Almost, Booney, but I'm right here." You whisper, not wanting to wake the others, and your hands find their way under his skin. "I'm not going anywhere, baby."
Lily and Tyler heard you, heard Boone's desperation and fear. They both decide it wasn't something they were supposed to apart of.
Dani holds you close in the morning, her arms around you from behind and her head on your shoulder as you slowly go through the motions, muscles screaming with every move you make.
Boone can't bring himself to leave your side, his arm brushing against yours as he moves.
Collectively, you decide to go to a bar, drink and have fun after the drama and near death experiences, and a farewell (for now) to Kate.
At the bar, a man is an idiot and won't take no for an answer. He hassles you and bothers you and follows you for a good hour before you finally snap.
"Come on, I can treat you better than this.. thing," the man's face turns sour as he looks Boone up and down, and without even thinking, you're pulling your hand back and letting your fist collide with his nose, as sickening crack sounding throught the bar.
"Don't you ever insult my Boone again." You're being pulled away by Dani before you can do anymore real damage, but all Boone can do is stand in shock. You punched someone cause they bad mouthed him. You called him your Boone.
He rushes after you and Dani, finding you refusing to get into the caravan, arguing that you need to wait for Boone to catch up, that you can't leave without him. Dani catches sight of him and sighs in relief, hands raising in defeat before she walks back over to a waiting Lily.
Boone comes to a stop just behind you, a small smirk playing on his face.
"Your Boone, huh?" Whipping around to face him, you nod.
"My Boone." Your voice is firm and final, and he chuckles slightly, leaning in until his forehead is pressing on to yours.
"Your Boone," he whispers, hand coming up and cupping your cheek as he finally presses his lips to yours.
Dani fake gags every time she sees you two kiss, but everyone knows she loves it, really.
Boone now sits in the back of the truck with you, leaving the passenger seat empty or for Kate.
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Blood Ties Chapter 7
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Typical TWD violence and gore, vomiting, minor injury, confirmation of minor canonical character death
Moodboard by @dannyo000 💙
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The silence inside the truck was so uncomfortable that it teetered on the border of unbearable. Daryl hadn’t spoken a single word, not even when the caravan stopped to discuss forthcoming plans and you were invited to join. He didn’t have to speak. The intense glare that could have burned a hole through Rick’s head said everything his mouth didn’t.
You noticed Jacqui’s absence at once. There was an ache in your chest at her loss. She had been kind to you the few times you had interacted. You didn’t need an explanation. She had perished at the CDC. Whether or not it had been at Jenner’s hand was irrelevant. It had been his intent to trap you all there. In the end, it would still be blood on the doctor’s hands. 
“So, we’re all in agreement? Fort Benning?” The former sheriff met the eyes of everyone as they nodded. “Alright, that’s settled. I think we need to discuss our means of travel. We’ll burn a helluva lot of fuel taking so many vehicles. Any suggestions?”
Looks were exchanged, but Dale spoke up first. “I know the RV is by far the worst on the fuel but it does provide space and a means of shelter beyond what the others do. I’m probably biased but there it is.”
“No, I think as long as we can keep the RV running, it should stay.” Lori agreed with a nod and a hand on the older man’s shoulder. 
“Alright, okay.” Rick continued. “That still leaves four others.”
“We can ditch the van. Ride in the RV.” T-Dog offered quickly. 
“I can lose the Jeep and ride with you, Lori, and Carl.” Shane leaned against the vehicle in question and awaited a response. Rick shook his head almost immediately. 
“We’ll take Carol and Sophia, keep the kids together. You can go in the RV.” 
The first emotion that passed over the other officer’s face was sour, you noticed, but swiftly turned into a compliant smile and nod. You narrowed your eyes but held your tongue. Not your circus, not your monkeys.
“M’a take the bike.” Daryl stated matter-of-factly, not even waiting for input before he dropped the tailgate of the truck. “Ya help me with this?” He waved a hand toward the truck bed with a glance at T-Dog.
“That’s good, Daryl. Real good. Lori, Carol, the kids, and I in the Cherokee. Daryl and Y/N on the bike. The rest in–”
“Just me.” The redneck interjected, not looking away from the task of unloading the bike. You didn’t need confirmation to know what he meant. 
“What?” Rick asked anyway.
“She can ride in the RV.” Daryl huffed. Rick raised his eyebrows but ended with shrugging a shoulder and moving on. 
You, however, continued staring at the archer. It wasn’t public knowledge that the baby was Daryl’s. Amidst the panic and confusion at the CDC, no one took notice of the exchanges between the two of you. You assumed he’d like to keep it that way. Assumptions were all you had to go on at the moment because the bastard was refusing to speak to you! Still, if he continued with the very obvious disdain toward you, he was going to give himself away.
“Huh?” You turned to find all other eyes on you. 
“Rick was asking if you’re okay being in the RV.” Lori was tilting her head, watching you with a look you didn’t really like. “Oh. Yeah, I’m fine wherever you want me.”
“Probably be more comfortable there.” Carol smiled that gentle smile of hers. “At some point, we’re gonna have to address the elephant in the room.” Shane’s tone was condescending. You curled your lip when he shifted to cross his arms and spit off to the side. His eyes remained on you, flickering down to your stomach and back up. You were starting to get the feeling he didn’t like you much.
Lucky for him, the feeling was mutual. “We’ve got time.” Lori interjected before you could even open your mouth. “One thing at a time. We need to find somewhere safe to stay first. Get off the road.” “She’s right.” Rick started grabbing the fuel cans and hoses to siphon the gas from the vehicles that were being left behind. The rest of the group scattered to move things and automobiles around, leaving you and Shane in a staring match. You wanted to smirk when he looked away first, granting you one last glance before disappearing around the RV.
“Anything I can do to help?” You walked up to the door of the RV as Dale stepped down. He gave you a sweet smile and traipsed out of your way, motioning to the inside. 
“You don’t need to be pulling and tugging at things. You just go on inside.” 
You snorted. “I’m pregnant, not an invalid. I can help.”
The older man was obviously torn but with a glance toward Andrea, he finally relented. Another story there, you supposed. “Maybe move some of the lighter bags and supplies from the other cars. They may have beat you to it, but that’s really all I know of that would be okay for you.” 
“Okay, I’ll check with Lori.” You smiled at him before he went about with whatever he was doing in preparation to leave. You really did appreciate his concern but you were new to the group. You had to show them that you could be an asset. It wouldn’t do for you to end up on your own with a baby on the way. You made it to the back corner of the RV before you felt eyes searing into the back of your head. Maybe Shane had seen the exchange with Dale. Glancing over your shoulder, you locked eyes with Daryl. This time, it was you who looked away first.
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You had chosen to all but hide in the back of the RV, on the bed with a book that Dale had let you borrow. You weren’t really reading as much as you were listening to the exchanges between Andrea and Shane. He was showing her about maintaining a gun. When she mentioned her father, you felt a twinge of pain in your chest. 
The nausea had returned with a vengeance. Sips of water, you could handle with enough time in between. The constant rolling of your gut had you turning away from anything substantial. You knew you should eat. You needed to eat. Maybe when the next stop was made, you could ask about some crackers or something. 
Lost in your head, it wasn’t until you heard Dale’s distressed exclamation that you actually looked up, leaning out to be able to see what was going on from your hovel in the back room. 
“Oh jeez. Aw no. See a way through?” 
You tossed the book to the foot of the bed and swung your legs over the edge to get to your feet. Glenn was suggesting to turn around for a bypass but Dale quickly shot down the idea. 
“We can’t spare the fuel.”
“Jesus.” You whispered when you got your first glimpse of the disastrous cluster of cars and debris. As the RV idled, there was a pop and a white cloud drifted up in front of the windshield. “Shit.” You followed the others out the door, taking in the scene when you heard Daryl’s bike. The hunter weaved through the maze of vehicles and stopped in front of the RV. 
The others discussed options, a conversation you purposefully avoided. They were including you but having a say in things was a totally different matter. You didn’t feel like you were there yet. 
“There’s a whole bunch’a stuff we can find.” Daryl was right. The owners of the abandoned cars didn’t need the things they’d left behind in their panic. Except—not all of them had left. You could clearly see a corpse in the passenger side of a sedan. Was it a walker? Couldn’t be. It would have responded to the noise. 
“This is a graveyard. I don’t know how I feel about this.”
“I’m with Lori. It feels like—grave robbing.” While Lori’s comment went ignored, yours earned a look from Shane that made your skin crawl. He eventually sneered before his expression smoothed out and he gave the order for everyone to go searching. 
You stood still, biting your lip in hesitation. The thought of someone taking your father’s belongings from the camp just because he was dead made you see red. How could you possibly go along with this?
Maybe you could stay behind in the RV. Andrea was there, so it shouldn’t be a problem if—
“Go on.” Daryl gave you a shove you would almost define as gentle. It was the first time he had spoken to you since the CDC. You wanted to retort with something snarky, but what would that do other than piss him off more than he already was. “Grab anythin’ ya think could be useful.”
“Okay.” You kept your tone soft, picking up your pace to catch up to him when he brushed past. “Can we talk?” You really did want to smooth things over. You told yourself that the connection with Daryl was solely physical, but now you’d be raising a child together in an apocalypse. That would definitely be easier if you could communicate on some level at least. 
He never missed a step when he glanced at you while maneuvering between the automobiles. He’d peek in the windows of some but continued further out, probably to keep everyone else closer to your own cars. 
“Nah.” He finally glowered, walking backwards away from you a few steps before turning around and disappearing behind a cargo van. 
Sighing heavily, you took stock of your surroundings. There was no point in following after him. You didn’t have the energy anyway. The nausea was worsening and there was little to no water left in the RV. You allowed for a disgruntled breath, pressed a palm to your belly, and opened the driver door of the nearest car. The sooner everyone got what they needed, the better. 
The smell of the decaying corpse was horrific and forced you to pull things out with one hand while the other pressed over your mouth and nose. Luckily there wasn’t much more than a suitcase that held some men’s clothing. You weren’t sure what the men could use so you left what was there, with the exception of one shirt. Strategically ripping, you fashioned a cover to tie around your face. You’d work faster with both hands. 
After several minutes, you had found a damn treasure trove, including a beautiful knife in a holster that you had taken the liberty of securing around your thigh. It wasn’t a firearm but it was better than nothing. 
You were climbing backwards out of the backseat of a little hatchback when you took a break to steady yourself. You were drenched in sweat and felt a little dizzy. Maybe it was time to gather your findings and go back to the others for a break. You had gone pretty far ahead. 
The silence on the roadway was unnerving. You’d give almost anything for bumper to bumper traffic with an orchestra of angry shouts and sounding horns; for everything to go back like it was. You’d be in the woods at that time of day, tracking rabbits or squirrels. It didn’t take much to feed just you and your father. You didn’t have a smokehouse, so smaller game was ideal. You could still see his proud beam when you’d walk through the door. 
Those days were gone now. 
Back at your pile of finds, it occurred to you that you couldn’t carry it all back alone. Loath as you were to admit it, Daryl had been the closest. You pulled down your makeshift mask with a groan, but there was no other option unless you wanted to walk all the way back to the RV just to bring back help. They would likely demand you stayed put, but you didn’t want them to see you as incapable. Daryl was already annoyed with you, so requesting his assistance was your best bet. 
Your steps were dragging by the time you made it to the cargo van where he had so casually rebuffed your request. Barely around the rear bumper, your stomach decided to rebel. You lurched forward with a repulsive retching sound, stomach muscles cramping from the force of the heaves. Your stomach was empty. Rancid acid and bile burned your throat, the intensity of your gagging ensuring you could be heard all the way at the RV. 
Your stomach still contracted uncomfortably, excess saliva gathering in your mouth. You had just managed to wipe away any remnants on the sleeve of your flannel when a hand clamped down around your jaw. Fight or flight activated, you scrambled for the knife at your thigh, managing a single swipe before a hand caught your wrist. 
“Quiet, goddamnit!” Daryl hissed faintly against your ear. He was pulling you toward the back of the van and hastily shoving you inside before climbing in himself. You loured at him and sheathed your weapon while he scrupulously pulled the doors closed. 
“What—” His hand bore down over your mouth a second time, a finger raised to his lips. You only managed an indignant huff before something struck the side of the van with a thud. Vibrant orbs widened with realization that he had just saved your ass from what sounded like a sizable number of walkers. 
Daryl haltingly lowered his hand as if you’d yell at him despite the threat lurking just outside. The man was sweaty and panting, as if he’d been running. Giving him  once over you noticed the carmine liquid slowly saturating his shirt just above his hip. 
Your movements were slow and deliberate to ensure silence. He didn’t seem to notice you until you were almost next to him, resulting in him reeling back with a vexed expression. 
“You’re hurt.” You mouthed, reaching behind your head to untie the ripped section of fabric you had used as a mask. When you extended it toward the wound, he swatted at your hand. You couldn’t risk speaking so the two of you engaged in an intense staring contest. The hunter finally relented with a shake of his head, deeming alertness toward the flock of undead to be priority. You smirked and pressed the wadded strip against the injury. 
He let out a grunt but stayed still, eyes remaining on the doors. It didn’t take long for the bleeding to let up, giving you a chance to peel back one side of the slice in his shirt. The wound was superficial, wouldn’t need stitches, but it was abundantly clear that you had nicked him when he grabbed you. You felt your stomach drop. Or maybe that was just the nausea. 
“Think they moved on.” Daryl quietly informed you. Oblivious to your revelation, he opened one door, barely wide enough to see outside. “We can prolly head back to the—what?” He stopped short, your apologetic expression giving him pause. 
“I didn’t know it was you. I didn’t mean to—”
The hunter rolled his eyes. “S’fine. Won’t kill me.”
While he was quick to dismiss the event, you still felt terrible. It could have been so much worse. The whole thing made your desire to talk things out with him that much more crucial. “Daryl, can you just listen to me for a second?”
There was the briefest of moments when you thought he was going to acquiesce. There was something more than anger in the way he looked at you. Then he was shaking his head. “We gotta get back. Check in with ev’ryone.” You grabbed his arm with both hands when he shifted to climb out. “M’serious. I ain’t doin’ this.”
“I get that you’re angry—with me.” You swallowed hard against the strange taste in your mouth, ignoring the protests of your inexorable stomach. “You have every right to be.” Daryl growled and snatched his arm away. He climbed out and stood just outside the door, clearly not confident enough with the degree of safety to leave you behind. 
“Drop it, Y/N.” He warned. 
You had climbed out and blocked his path, hands hovering in front of his chest. “The least you can let me do is—” It happened just as suddenly as before. You had no time to react. You could only clutch your abdomen and pitch forward, vomiting up what little bile that had accumulated since the last episode. All over his left boot. “—apologize.” 
If it had been any other situation, the deadpan examination Daryl was currently giving his footwear would have been arguably hilarious. 
“I’m, uh, sorry about that too.”
His eyes moved up to glare at you from beneath his lashes. You didn’t think a mess on his boot would be enough to really set off a man who spent the majority of his time identifying—and very often stepping in—animal waste. This was just the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. He took a step toward you. Though you didn’t think he’d hurt you, even for reasons beyond the baby, you couldn’t say you knew him well enough to bank on that theory. Therefore, you took a step back. 
“Listen, woman, just ‘cause ya got my kid inside ya don’t mean I hafta—” He cut off suddenly, angling his head in a way that was familiar to you. You did the same thing while hunting; listening for sounds to indicate an animal was nearby. 
“What is it?” 
He shushed you harshly. When you focused on the sounds around you rather than the whirlwind of thoughts in your own head, you could hear it too. 
Your blood ran cold with dread. 
“Sophia! Lori, there’s two walkers after my baby!”
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eleanor-bradstreet · 2 years
Two Lines (Benedict Bridgerton x Reader)
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Benedict Bridgerton x fem!Reader Modern AU Rated: G - domestic fluff Word count: 1.7k
Summary: As you settle into your new home, you have a surprise for Benedict.
Author's Note: Sometimes late at night, modern Ben shows up and hands me a one-sitting story. This is one of those. I cannot express enough gratitude to @bridgertontess who put so much thought and care into making the custom photo edit above 🫶 I hope you enjoy this little cottage moment, my dear 💙
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Two lines. Eight, if you were counting all the tests together, the reason you had locked yourself upstairs for the afternoon. Each of them clear as day, opening some new chamber of your heart and flooding it with so much feeling, you had to sit on the floor and allow yourself a little cry. You had tried for so long, the process eventually becoming so demoralizing that you had stopped planning and both started to make your peace with it. You would let nature decide, and had nearly convinced yourself she simply wasn’t in your corner, until now. Right when you had stopped worrying about it, that’s when she caught you by surprise.
Your husband hadn’t even registered your absence. He was too busy painting the rooms of the ground floor. The cottage you had purchased was the definition of a fixer-upper, every wall and window and fixture needed attention. You had been daunted when he showed you what he had found, but that undeniable light in his eyes would have made you agree to move into a caravan. He was enjoying himself with all of the projects, something to pour his boundless energy into when he wasn’t working. He was taking on more than he should, in fact. You loved him, but he was tragically posh and really had no place touching the electrical box. But he would be damned before he’d allow you to hire someone. All probably something to do with male pride and being king of his proverbial castle.
With your heart pounding in your throat - it had only pounded as hard before on your wedding day - you descended the cramped staircase and walked to the dining room.
“Benedict Bridgerton, please be careful on that thing!”
The ladder he had found looked to be as old as the house itself. Some splintery relic that wobbled with every brushstroke he made. He had unearthed it from the shed and saw no point in shelling out for a new one. Now it was the only thing keeping him suspended over the double length windows as he turned the dingy walls a muted sage green.
He looked down at you with a shrug, which caused another wobble. “It’s fine.”
You moved to the ladder, ready to brace a fall. “I can’t afford to have you break your neck. Or anything else for that matter.” You suddenly realized what a challenge it would be to keep him intact over the coming months, especially as your mobility gradually became impaired.
The look on your face must have been upset enough, because he pouted and descended a few rungs, reaching a stable center of gravity. “But wouldn’t it give you just a little bit of vindication? Proof that you were right and we should have hired someone?”
That smirk. That smirk was the reason you had allowed him to try his hand at everything in the first place. His undaunted confidence. It made you admire him to the point of resentment.
“No, it wouldn’t,” you spat. “I don’t want my husband in hospital, even if it proves my point. You’re covered. Take a break.” 
Glancing down at himself, he saw that his hands and forearms had practically been dipped green, and the splatters were never going to come out of his orange t-shirt or jeans. He didn’t have many tops to speak of, so he had better start using his brush more carefully. Somehow, this lauded artist who could stipple and blend the most delicate details into a portrait or landscape, looked like a five-year old with a bowl of spaghetti sauce when it came to wall paint. 
“The sun is setting anyway,” you handed him a cloth. “Come watch with me.”
You could see through the west-facing window how the sky was layering orange, pink and purple. Your little spot of countryside afforded you the most breathtaking sunsets, the sellers hadn’t lied about that. It really was the perfect home for an artist and Benedict had known as soon as he saw it. All sky and wildflowers and distant sounds of birds. 
He wiped his hands and swiped the bottle of wine your new neighbors, the Crabtrees, had brought over. He grabbed a glass.
“Do you want some?”
You waved him off. “No, thanks. I’m alright.”
The back garden held another relic, a stone bench that was surprisingly comfortable. That was where you watched the sunsets together, plotting all the improvements you wanted to make. Benedict sat and poured the wine, and you laid down beside him, resting your head in his lap. The hand not holding his glass trailed softly through your hair. You realized he was probably turning it green, but you didn’t mind. 
He took a sip and looked down at you curiously. “Are you feeling okay?”
You furrowed your brow. “Is that some commentary on my drinking?”
He laughed. “No…I mean, well, you do always join me, but…” His voice grew soft. “I just want to check.”
There he went, intuiting everything. Your pulse jumped wondering if you had already been too transparent. If he could see right through you, as usual, and knew what you were about to tell him. But you checked yourself. Of course he didn’t, he wouldn’t be able to keep calm with the news. You smiled, snuggling into him. “I’m feeling fine. Very good, in fact.”
He smiled back, lopsided and devastating. “Good.”
You both looked skyward, watching the orange slip out of sight, then the pink fade to indigo, and the purple to navy. It was autumn and the last of the birdsong was accompanied by gusts of wind, blowing about the falling leaves and grey brush in the flowerbeds stretching before you. The garden had been the lowest priority as you focused on making the cottage comfortable, especially as winter approached. But now there was a new deadline to prepare for, more to take into consideration on what you tackled and how.
Benedict finished his glass and kept one hand combing through your hair, bringing the other to rest on your ribs.
“We need to clear out these beds.” You gestured to the abandoned mess of long-dead foliage in front of you.
“I know,” he nodded. “It’s on the list.”
“If we do it now and plant some bulbs, they should bloom in the spring just in time.” You wrapped your hands around his forearm, sliding it lower, his massive grasp spreading out across your abdomen.
“In time for what? Do you want some grand housewarming once all the projects are done? I’m not sure my family will fit in this place.” He snorted.
You held your breath, feeling the warmth of his fingers pressing softly onto your body, a cosmic point of connection where the three of you intersected. Your momentary little secret. 
You couldn’t help but quip. “Your family fits in here just fine.” 
If he noticed your goofy grin, he didn’t comment on it. You turned your head and nuzzled into his stomach, that knee-weakening sandalwood scent still evident under the paint fumes. This man, he gave you so much by simply existing. Now you had something to give back that finally felt like an adequate reciprocation. You were ready.
“I want the flowers as a backdrop for a portrait.” You said matter-of-factly.
He leaned down and ran his nose into your hairline, murmuring against your skin. “Mmm, that would be lovely. You in our garden.”
“Yes, the both of us.” You whispered, breathless with anticipation.
He kissed your forehead and chuckled deep in his chest. “If you want me in it too, I’m not exactly sure who is supposed to be doing the painting.”
Keeping one hand pressing his into your torso, you brought the other to his hair and gently pulled him to look at you. Locking into his eyes, you spoke, quiet but purposeful. “I didn’t say you’d be in it.”
He stared at you, blue-grey eyes darting back and forth at your pupils, the smile on his face fading from bemusement to confusion, a furrow forming between his brows. Then the penny dropped, and you felt the jolt run through his every muscle. With a shout he melted over you, rocking you as he buried his face into the crook of your neck. You didn’t know if he was forming words, he seemed to be gasping and letting out wonderful little sounds of desperate happiness. His arms bound tighter around you, trembling with nervous energy. You could feel the heat of his tears on your skin, and it was enough to break you. You cried too, clutching back with fingers curled into his dark hair. 
Such euphoria, that you had planned on for so long. Had nearly written it on your calendar you felt so in command of when it would occur. Then when it had been denied and denied and denied, the least painful route was simply to give up hope. To comfort yourself with the knowledge that Benedict brought you so many other euphorias, it almost seemed selfish to demand this one too. But now it was yours, and you felt spoiled by the universe. Spoiled but oh so grateful. 
Gaining some semblance of control over himself, he hovered his face above yours once more, eyes wild, breathless. “You’re…oh my god…we’re…”
You laughed through your tears. “Yes, my love.”
His hand brushed warm over your belly, reverently. You could already see in his eyes that he was going to treat you like you were made of glass for the next nine months. It would be equal parts endearing and aggravating. The house projects would be laden with a new layer of stress, everything now with a greater sense of urgency, and he would try to do it all himself. 
Immediately confirming your assumption, he snapped to attention. “I’m clearing the beds tomorrow.”
You pulled his lips down to yours and hummed. “Not if I don’t let you out of ours.”
At the very least, you could delay his preparation mania for one day. You wouldn’t let him bear every burden on his own. You would build your home together, the two of you, until there were three. Then you would keep building, and see what other gifts lay in store.
With a smirk, he scooped you into his arms and rushed back into the cottage, the two of you giggling like fools.
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No tagging, just goofin
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countesspetofi · 5 months
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Today in The Department of Before They Were Star Trek Stars: Part 2 of a double feature. There are two future Star Trek actors in this episode of Bonanza, and using all the good pictures of both of them would have made this post too image-heavy. Since one of them is in the A story and the other in the B story, I decided to split the difference. "Gift of Water" is the 21st episode of Bonanza, Season 3 (original air date February 11, 1962).
There's a drought in the area around Virginia City, affecting mostly the small ranchers, and the Cartwrights are alone among the big ranchers in wanting to help. In the B story, Ben Cartwright leads a caravan of ranchers and their cattle to watered grazing land on the Ponderosa to wait out the drought. James Doohan plays Mr. Collins, the spokesperson for the small ranchers.
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thelovetheystole · 6 months
Not to be depressing, but here is a selection of stories/plot points we were treated to by the Hudson/Brooks/Shaw trio....
Nate/Moira/Cain/the caravan!/the boat!
Aaron says more goodbyes to Liv than Robert in Robert's own exit story
Al/the whisk in the microwave/Woolpack status quo/Chas affair
The Posners/gift that kept on giving/Lee/Wendy/Luke/Russ
Chloe was the sister of Sarah's heart donor/Kerry was her housekeeper/and later her mother/her dad Damon was also Harry/and Simon
David shot in the stomach with a sawn off shotgun/participated in wild water rafting some weeks later/later became man child about speeding ticket
Leyla's coke addiction/ever re-appearing drug dealer/plot stabbed Jacob/attacked Suzy, who got Leyla hooked in the first place
Robert/got chance to appeal, didn't want to take it/Aaron chose Ben/who he bullied in school/then left the country before Ben was even buried/while listening to "their song"/Take on me
Annie Sugden's death/non-entity
Three teenage pregnancies/Gabby/Amelia/Chloe/all wanted to keep babies/none of them had jobs, money or education
Samson/Noah personality swap
Sexual assaults✅️✅️/stalking✅️✅️/revenge porn✅️
Robert's exit story/Dan's copy & paste exit story/even same actor to play the laywer, lol
Secret children/Nate/Marcus/Naomi/Chloe/Caleb/Oscar/and bonus Clemmie
Secret parents/Bear/Amit
Rishi killed for shock value
Liv/Sandra/complete betrayal/then bam Liv is killed off
The Storm/Kim marries Will (why)/Amelia wanders the moors/Harriet/cow stampede/Sam impaled/caravan comes flying/Aaron's plot off screen boyfriend Marco is mentioned more times than Harriet
Faith dies/never mentions Caleb/not even in a note?
Nicky pushes Caleb off cliff/they pin it on a deer/then move in together
Marshall's dad/Laurel/the bible
Kim's killer horse Ice
"Little Ivy"
One punch can kill/Aaron and Cain bash each other's heads in with a spanner over who is the head of the Dingles
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zaynmirrors · 5 months
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Warnings: show related violence.
Chapter 4: when the night is over
Daryl stared at the roof of their tent, listening as she breathed quietly. Morning light was making its way into the canvas home. He turned his head, taking in her bruised and puffy features.
He rolled to his side and pulled her closer, pressing his nose into her hair. He didn’t want to face the horrors of what they’d walked into when returning to camp last night.
Daryl hadn’t slept, not much anyways, he was unable to ease his anxious mind. Worried more walkers would wonder their way into camp. However they hadn’t. Y/n stirred, a small moan escaping her lips as she awoke. “Daryl?” She mumbled, eyes opening.
“I’m right here” he mumbled into her hair, rubbing her side gently. She turned to face him. A small smile on her bruised face. “Hey sunshine” he said, returning the smile.
Y/n cupped his cheek, rubbing her still manicured thumb across it. She stared at his face, taking it in, memorizing every small detail. “What’re you doing?” He asked, resting the tip of his nose against hers.
She smiled, moving the tip of her nose against his. “Nothing”
He returned her smile, “nothing huh?”. Daryl moved his hands to her sides and began moving his fingers. A laugh erupted from her throat. He loved that sound. It was music to his ears. He stopped his assault and looked at her. “Alright, I gotta get up”
She watched him as he sat up, reaching over her to grab a shirt on the floor of the tent, slipping it over his head. He exited their tent, going to help with the massacre from the night before.
Y/n sat up, gently rubbing her face. She straightened up her clothes and joined the rest of the survivors, helping dispose of the fallen.
The remainder of the group had decided to move camp, so here y/n was packing up what little belongings they had left.
Daryl helped pack, saying nothing. Unsure of what to say. Y/n looked him over, eyes lingering longer on his rear. His jeans hugging his attribute tightly. God, he looked good.
She shook the thoughts from her head as she rolled up the sleeping bag. Now was certainly not the time nor the place. Though, she was dying from the lack of affection in that regard. It wasn’t like the two were sex starved teens but a month without it was definitely a new record.
The two packed in silence, packing away their temporary home and loading it into the bed of that banged up red truck.
Daryl chewed on the inside of his lip as he watched y/n lean against the tailgate. The sun glistening against his gold wedding band around her neck. He reached out, gently taking the ring between his fingers.
Neither spoke, not needing to as she took off the necklace. Letting Daryl take his ring and put it on his finger. Y/n smiled and leaned up, pecking his sweaty cheek. This earned a smile from Daryl as he discarded the chain into his pocket.
Shane and Rick spoke, giving everyone a walkie. They were headed to fort benning. Some survivors supposedly had it good there. The group loaded up in their vehicles and began their journey.
The caravan had come to a halt when the group had happened upon a graveyard of abandoned cars. Y/n hopped out of the truck and joined the rest for a debriefing. There wasn’t much of way to continue forward, and the rv was in no condition to travel. They were sitting ducks at this point.
“Thirsty, ms y/n?” Shane asked, holding a five gallon bottle of water. She went to open her mouth, a grunt sounded from behind her.
She offered Shane a small smile, “we’re alright, thank you.” Shane looked behind her, she didn’t need to look to know her husband stood only a few inches away. Arms more than likely crossed over his chest.
“I don’t like him” Daryl huffed as Shane walked away, “something about him” y/n nodded in agreement. Something about the former officer, made y/n skin crawl. She shuddered at the thought, then turned to join the rest of the women scavenging the abandoned cars.
Chapter 5
@nameless-ken , @bymailin , @writer-ann-artist , @minnie-min , @angelbunny222 , @hc-geralt-23
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solaneceae · 10 months
【 𝙿 𝚁 𝙾 𝙹 𝙴 𝙲 𝚃 : 𝙳 𝚄 𝙲 𝙺 𝙻 𝙸 𝙽 𝙶 】 | a QSMP Baghera playlist 🐤
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a narrative playlist retracing her story, from her humble origins to Purgatory.
cover art by @Rion_Riots on twitter
⤵️ tracklist under the cut ⤵️
CHAPTER 1: lab rat
a duckling opens her eyes to white tiles and syringes.
Bumblebees are Out - Jack Stauber
A Bird in a Gilded Cage - Alex Niedt
Body - Mother Mother
rises the moon - liana flores
CHAPTER 2: Duckling and Bluebird
a bond is formed between two birds of a feather.
Rule #4 Fish in a Birdcage - Fish in a Birdcage
Two Birds - Regina Spektor
Evelyn Evelyn - Evelyn Evelyn
Innocence - Madeon
CHAPTER 3: escape!
this little duckling has had enough.
Escapism - Rebecca Sugar
Shelter - Porter Robinson
We'll Meet Again - The Ink Spots
CHAPTER 4: drifting away
the ocean waves are tall and scary, but she presses on.
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi - Radiohead
Ship in a Bottle - fin
Shackleton - Adam Young
soundscape diary - vylet pony
CHAPTER 5: a new life of music and dirt fountains
she finds new friends. and slowly, she forgets.
Youth - Daughter
Tout Oublier - Angèle
La veriter - KronoMuzik
I Say - Zerator & BagheraJones
CHAPTER 6: [[We Hope You Enjoy The Island :) ]]
you didn't think it would be that easy, did you?)
Fallen Down - Toby Fox
Amnesia was Her Name - Lemon Demon
HEAVEN SAYS. - chart
Clocks - Alex Niedt
CHAPTER 7: binary green and white bears
federation? codes? where am i?
Your Best Friend - Toby Fox
Beware The Friendly Stranger - Boards of Canada
01001010 01000001 01001101 - Red Skies Project
Untrust Us - Crystal Castles
CHAPTER 8: cherished egg
the island has granted me the gift of motherhood.
Daughter - Sleeping at Last
I'm a Survivor - Reba McEntire
Apple Pies and Butterflies - Blue Wednesday
Little Moth - chloe moriondo
CHAPTER 9: petit frère
Anything You Can Do - Bernadette Peters, Tom Wopat
Amor de irmão - Barão Vermelho
Brother - Kodaline
For Forever - Ben Platt
CHAPTER 10: can I call you Bébou?
(gifting furniture is his love language.)
Lemon Boy - Cavetown
Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend - Powerwolf
It's Alright - Mother Mother
Chateau - Angus & Julia Stone
CHAPTER 11: ordo theoritas
call her apollo, because her theories ALWAYS turn out correct.
Cry Babies - cclorox
Touch-Tone Telephone - Lemon Demon
Dream Sweet in Sea Major - Miracle Musical
A Good Song Never Dies - Saint Motel
CHAPTER 12: don't you want to become a leader?
the election arc.
Blood // Water - grandson (first death: whale)
14.3 Billion Years - Outer Wilds (second death: the tower)
Brutus - The Buttress
Animal Farm - BIBI
CHAPTER 13: There is no escape this time.
a childhood bedroom hidden beneath engine steam.
Everything Stays - Rebecca Sugar
715 - CREEKS - The Nor'easter
Memories - The Midnight
Look who's Inside Again - Bo Burnam
CHAPTER 14: "Pomme reviens... les gosses me manquent."
she waits for things to change. she seeks her origins.
Dear Wormwood - The Oh Hellos
CRT Days - Waveshaper
Implanted Memories - Infinity Frequencies
What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
CHAPTER 15A: P U R G A T 👁️‍🗨️ R Y part I
i don't want to leave. i can finally be myself, here.
Wonderland - Caravan Palace
Misery Meat - Sodikken
Hayloft II - Mother Mother
Chainsaw Girl - Chainsaw Girl
Family - Mother Mother
CHAPTER 15B: P U R G A T 👁️‍🗨️ R Y part II
adios, bolas. i won't leave without her.
Idioteque - Radiohead
Eat Your Young - Hozier
My Friends - Oh Wonder
Goodbye - Bo Burnham
On the Nature of Daylight - Max Richter
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simptasia · 9 months
LOST reading list
a list of books read by characters in lost for you to enjoy (or not). this isn't every book referenced in lost. for all that and more, see the "literary works" page on lostpedia, where im getting my info
no, my criteria for this list is that it's been read by a lost character. i'll tell you who (you'll see sawyers name a lot), and i'll add if it's somebody's fave book. this list will not include things like the bible or the qur'an or historical texts, as that while that can technically be recreational reading (it seems to be for ben), i'd rather not
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (read by Jack)
Are You There God? It's Me Margaret by Judy Blume (read by Sawyer)
A Brief History of Time by Stephan Hawking (read by Ben)
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky (read by Ben)
Caravan of Dreams by Idries Shah (read by Ben)
Carrie by Stephen King (Read by Juliet, Ben and various other Others. This is Juliet's favourite book)
The Chosen by Chaim Potok (read by Sawyer)
Dark Horse by Tami Hoag (read by Jack)
The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger by Stephen King (read by Ben)
Dirty Work by Stuart Woods (read by Jack)
Everything That Rises Must Converge by Flannery O'Connor (read by Jacob)
Evil Under The Sun by Agatha Christie (read by Sawyer)
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (read by Ben)
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes (read by Ben)
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (read by Sawyer)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling (read by Jack)
Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salmon Rushdie (read by Desmond)
Hotel by Arthur Hailey (read by Ben)
The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares (read by Sawyer)
Lancelot by Walker Percy (read by Sawyer)
Laughter in the Dark by Vladimir Nabokov (read by Hurley)
Notes from Underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky (read by Ilana)
The Oath by John Lescroart (read by Ben)
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck (read by Sawyer. This is Sawyer's favourite book and author)
Roots by Alex Haley (read by Ben)
A Separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda (read by Ben)
The Sheltering Shy by Paul Bowles (read by Ben)
Ulysses by James Joyce (read by Ben)
Valhalla Rising by Clive Cussler (read by Ben and Jack)
VALIS by Philip K. Dick (read by Ben)
Watership Down by Richard Adams (read by Boone and Sawyer)
A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'Engle (read by Sawyer)
Every work by Charles Dickens other than Our Mutual Friend (read by Desmond. This is his favourite author)
I encourage you to speculate on the character implications put forth by these reading choices. This can raise such questions as: Jack is a Harry Potter fan? What is Desmond's favourite book by Charles Dickens? Boone can read??
Thank you for your time
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ombrathefurry · 5 months
how do you generally design characters/choose color pallets?
whenever I try and create a good color pallet they always end up clashing and looking absolutely awful
i've tried using websites but they always end up being very bland, so i'm turning to the expert lol
the only character i've created that I actually. like. is the one that's just a black freaking tiger with rainbow glowing stripes, but that's because monochrome with color pops just always is flawless </3
Expert what expert
I'm by no means any expert, but I'm really happy you think my designs are appealing enough for you to ask me this!!
I ALWAYS try to come up with a character concept or idea for who they are before I start designing. Because of this, you see a lot of my designs turning out to be designed very strategically, with their features actually having proper functions and reasons to be there
This is why I have such a hard time with gifted designs. I don't know how to make them work without a background or concept I can really connect to properly.
For specific character designs, I usually think of and flesh out a basic idea in my head. Depending on how lucky I end up being, I can imagine every detail right off the bat. Other times, I have to put some work into it and experiment a little.
Here's an example of me working out a character design WIP right now
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Development of Mr. V
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Some characters just pop into my head exactly the way they are, like how Samuel did
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Cogsworth too
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Some of my characters come from dreams, too, and I just immediately sketch out my interpretation of the idea I'd had
Peter came from a dream about a white rabbit with a weird face killing a nuclear family's father leaving the mother and child alone with no idea what happened (it was disturbing, (there are more disturbing details,) which is why I made peter very unsettling)
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Butch came from a dream that had something to do with fake peppino from pizza tower running around the It Steals maze area throwing cleavers at whoever he ran into
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Dreams are a GREAT place to come up with character concepts
They give you a very solid ground before you start designing
One of my guidelines for creating characters is that they should be instantly recognizable as their own character. What are their special features? What defines them? What features would I keep if I were to draw them at the bare minimum detail? What parts of the design would make the character unrecognizable without them?
For example, Reena without her yellow.
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Queen without her shadows.
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You see this rule pop up a lot online, though mostly focusing on the idea of the silhouette of a character standing out from the others.
While I think it's a good option for when it comes to developing designs, I don't like worrying about it too much. I try to create the individual features of the character rather than immediately think about the silhouette.
All things considered, you're also totally allowed to break the rules to achieve something else. For example, Saleem and Minnow have identical silhouettes because I wanted them to give an uncannily similar vibe. Some characters who were derived off of others through dreams I might have had have very similar silhouettes as a nod to their origins, though have very differentiated individual features.
I look to various other artists and designers I like for feature ideas when I'm super stuck (usually when my ideas are more abstract)
for example, scrawl came from a very abstract dream and literally didn't have a face (they were just a bunch of hands and looked a little bit like a black void worm from Rainworld)
I took inspiration from Fooffle's Space AU Warren for his face, Sir Needle's sona's ears for his hair, and gave him this sweater from a random thing I found on Pinterest that I liked
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Bennet (and the rest of the caravan gang) came from a dream about various different individuals riding on a wagon - Bennet specifically in the dream was Uncle Ben who runs The Urban Rescue Ranch. I ended up giving him the name Bennet in reference to this, as well as Uncle Ben's broad shoulders, muscular build and curly hair.
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Queen's entire existence is inspired off of the protagonist from Bendy and the Dark Revival. As a nod to this, I gave her a partially monochrome color scheme with some accents. Queen's shadow face was inspired off of this specific fanart of Caesar from The Mandela catalogues.
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(I can't find the source for the life of me sobs)
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Mr. V was inspired off of Itward from Fran Bow, as well as Pastra's sona Clyde the veldigun. I gave him Itward's large hat and formal attire, and Clyde's long limbs and striped patterns. I also gave him deep halloween colors as a nod to both inspiration's aesthetics.
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My biggest thing about features is there has to be a REASON why they have these features, but that's just personal preference (and there doesn't have to be a good reason, or even a reason at all every single time)
okay now for the main part of the ask (I've been stalling)
Sorry if this is disappointing, I don't have a process for picking colors that work together
It's a lot of trial and error, and some characters I've even stalled making profile pictures for because I don't know what to color them as.
to me, you can pick any color you want. It's actually very impressive to think about how many colors you could use.
I'll try to explain what I do know about the placement of colors, though. It doesn't matter what colors you use, but in my opinion, the placement of these colors is what really matters in designs.
Depending on how many colors I'm planning on giving the design, I like to split them up into parts. Primary coloration (1,) which takes up most of the design, secondary coloration (2,) which takes up less of the design but still a good amount, (Sometimes I have more, tertiary, quaternary, whatever, that take up about an equivalent ratio of the design as secondary,) and accent colors (3.)
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Similar colors can also be grouped together in these sectors. For example, all the purple in this character would be primary, the greys secondary, and the oranges the accents.
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For Chakra, his purples would be primary, all the bright colors of the wounds secondary, and his outstanding eyes accents.
Each sector should be different and differentiable from one another!
Divide your character up into sectors for coloration. Decide what colors go where. Sometimes it takes a bit of shuffling to find what works for you. Adding inbetween colors to branch the gaps between your selected colors can help tie things together, too.
To me, instead of WHAT colors you use, it all comes down to how you USE those colors.
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Cordis is mainly dark colored, primary, with their secondary rainbow colors and their accented white features. Even with rather bright colors in their palette, they still come off as a dark gloomy character because of the placement/ratio of those colors.
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Monarch has very clashing colors, though when separated and balanced out, they appear harmonious and work together.
Anyways that turned further into a rant about character design than anything else
I hope this helped :D
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lolrel · 1 year
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I’m back from my holiday on the Welsh coast with my partner Ben! It was bittersweet because it was my last time staying in my family’s static caravan that’s getting chucked from the campsite because it’s too old. I grew up in that caravan, and the part of the world it’s in played a big part in making me who I am. It’s always been a constant safe place for me. I’m feeling grateful and lucky to have had it. Thinking of making a zine about all my memories and feelings there.
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honeydais · 5 months
Hey friends! I returned a month later and brought for you a list of songs with which I associate the characters.
And with it you can determine my favorite characters :)
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Jeff Woods ( Jeff the killer)— Psychosocial (Slipknot)
Americano ( Lady Gaga)
Lights out ( MSI )
Enemy ( Imagine dragons)
Liu Woods - Hayloft II (Mother Mother);
GOSSIP ( Måneskin )
Replay ( Lady Gaga )
Two birds (Regina Spector)
Lira Rogers - Looking at me ( Sabrina Carpenter )
Jane Richardson ( Jane the killer )- Telephone (Lady Gaga)
Bloody Mary ( Lady Gaga)
Bad girls ( M. I. A. )
She wants me dead ( Cazzette i AronChupa )
Jane Arkensaw - Genesis (Grimes)
The mess you made ( AJA )
Nina Hopkins ( Nina the killer ) - Mamma Mia (HUGEL)
Vicious ( Bohnes )
Criminal ( Britney Spears )
Take your shirt off ( Millionaires )
Toxic ( Britney Spears)
Nina Hopkins(new) - Toy ( Netta Barzilai )
Slumber party ( Ashnikko )
Troublemaker ( Olly Murs )
Jack Nairas ( Eyeless Jack)- HURT ( 1 800 PAIN )
Ate my heart (Lady Gaga)
Valentino ( Olly Alexander )
Devil town ( Cavetown ) 
Mama ( My Chemical Romance)
Benjamin Lauman ( Ben drowned )- That That ( PSY )
Don't try sucide ( QUEEN ) 
Tobias Rogers ( Ticci Toby )- My alcoholic friends ( The Dresden Dolls )
Teenagers (My Chemical Romance)
Mama's boy (Dominic Fike)
Blow ( Kesha )
Natalie Ouellet ( Clockwork )- People I don't like (Upsahl)
NO ( Meghan Trainor )
Haunted house ( neoni )
Seventeen ( Marina and the diamonds) 
Tim Wright - GRRRLS (Aviva)
Older ( Isabel Larosa )
House of memories ( Panic! at the disco)
Brian Thomas - Guys don't like me ( It Boys )
Don't trust me ( 3OH!3 )
Kate Millens (Haze) - She homeless (Creep - P)
Helen Otis ( Bloody painter)- dump dump (mazie)
yes & no ( Paige Duddy )
She likes a boy ( Nxdia )
Dina Angela Clark ( Judge Angel )- Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land ( Marina )
Mary on a cross ( Ghost)
Bloody Mary ( Lady Gaga)
Jonathan Blake ( The Puppeteer)- Drunk-Dazed ( ENHYPEN )
Lost in the fire ( Gesaffelstein )
Look what you made me do (Taylor Swift)
EYES ON ME ( asteria)
Ann Luzen Mia ( Nurse Ann ) - Take a hint (Elizabeth Gillies and Victoria Justice)
Sweet dreams ( Eurythmics)
Primadonna ( Marina )
Emra Amelia Aldridge - Dance to forget (TryHardNinja)
Cake ( Melanie Martinez )
Oh no! ( Marina and the diamonds)
Material girl ( Madonna)
Zero - Hole-Dwelling
Hermit the frog ( Marina and the diamonds)
Jason Meyer ( Jason the toymaker )- DARKSIDE ( neoni )
Super Psycho Love ( Simon Curtis)
Sexy dr_g ( Falling in Reverse)
Jealously, jealously ( Olivia Rodrigo)
Louis Vuitton Body Bag ( Jeffree Star ) 
Laughing Jack - Lonely (Palaye Royale)
Happy face (Jagwar Twin)
Backstabber ( Kesha )
Bad feeling ( Jagwar Twin )
Laughing Jill - Lone Digger (Caravan palace)
What are you watching for?  (Gwen Stefani)
Applause ( Lady Gaga)
Maniac ( Michael Sembello ) 
Shoot him down! ( Alice Francis)
Candy Pop - HIP ( mamamoo )
Nathan Nobody - Gladiator ( Jann )
Beautiful is boring ( BONES UK )
Mammamia ( maneskin )
Sally Williams - Who is she?  (I Monster)
Dollhouse ( Melanie Martinez)
Tag, You're it (Melanie Martinez)
Lazari Natalie Svong - I hate my mom ( GRLwood )
Lucille Tiffany Greatfield( Lulu ) - Tag, You're it (Melanie Martinez)
How do you sleep? ( AJA )
Slenderman - I didn't find the right song 
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tangledbea · 6 months
Why do you think they even put Hook foot on the caravan anyways? I understand Shorty for comic relief, but why Hook Foot? They may have wanted someone to balance out the two duos of Rapunzel and Cass and Eugene and Lance, or someone to fill the slot Ariana would’ve had on the caravan trip, but that didn’t have to be Hook Foot. And was Lance (and for that matter, Varian) even developed during the point where Ariana would’ve been on the trip? If not, that point may be moot. They may have wanted to put another guy on the team for when Lance was out of commission during the S1 premiere. But my personal opinion for why they chose Hook Foot specifically is that they really, really wanted to do both the Seraphina episode and the episode with Hook Hand, which afterwards Hook Foot no longer mattered to plot so he left. I think they wanted to bring back Hook Hand for an episode and have him and Hook Foot interact, and I guess they figured the best time for that was when they were on the road, but I can just imagine someone who worked on the show just really liking the concept of Hook Foot and a mermaid having a romantic thing going, and then they decide to make an actual episode about it, and that being the main reason they put him on the caravan 😂
So, fun fact from what I know about Hook Foot existing at all: They wanted it to be Hook Hand, but Brad Garret wanted them to pay him way more money/amenities to play him than they had the budget for, and they weren't going to get a sound-alike. Their general rule was: if the original cast can't be the character, that character won't be in it. Ultimately, they got Brad for one (1) episode, and I believe that was agreed upon much farther down the road, not when they first asked him to reprise the roll. In fact, there are early storyboards where Hook Hand is included, and Hook Foot is nowhere to be seen. (Unfortunately, I can't seem to find said storyboard at this time, or I'd show you.)
I have no idea why they ultimately decided not to include Arianna on the trip, but I think that was decided on well before they decided to include Hook Foot. So it's not a case of "instead," more a case of "they went in a different direction".
As for why Hoot Foot was included in season two at all, while I don't have any hard facts about this, I feel like it has something to do with making Eugene more serious during the season (especially towards the end), and so they needed comic relief to balance him out. They (and by "they" I mean "probably Ben Balistreri") seemed to really like the gag where his hook foot was used as a tool. And, yeah, probably also to balance out the traveling party, numbers-wise.
But primarily, I feel like it was because they wanted an excuse to have him not be at the wedding (I guess, even though Hook Hand ultimately was). Like, Hook Foot was the first of the cast to leave the party permanently. I think we're meant to assume that, between him joining Hook Hand on the road, and then not being at the wedding, that he either got his solo career and/or ultimately went off to be with Seraphina (like the end card implied, even though that was just one artist's personal desire). Either way, someone in the crew (again, probably Ben) really liked him enough to include him.
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putuponpercy · 1 year
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Caravan OC because why not her name is Gretta she is close friends with Trevor and BoCo and her favourite pastime is assisting Bill and Ben in coming up with new ways to wind up the rest of the railway
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orangecoluredsky · 9 months
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Fic Rec & Rave Review
Poor Boy by mushroomheadgirl A Jegulus (70's Band) Muggle-AU Fan Fiction 9 Chapters - WIP (39K+ words and counting)
Summary: When Regulus is caught by his parents in the arms of his “good friend” Barty the summer before his last year of University, they give him the choice between conversion therapy or the streets. Regulus turns to his estranged brother, and falls into the world of sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll, and maybe the bed of the one person he swore himself to hate.
Featuring: A Regulus Centric AU The Marauders as a Band 70's Fashion & Drama
Review: I recently fell into the Jegulus ship and it now holds a special place in my heart.
As a child of those boomers who spent their 20's living in a caravan, following bands across the country, I found 'Poor Boy' to so far be a true delight! An omage to a time not so long ago when we were on the cusp of learning and accepting love as love, no matter who you are.
This story is incredibly relatable down to the finest minute details of action and self reflection.
Credits: Story found on Archive of Our Own Banner made with Canva Pro Fan Casts: Timothée Chalamet, Joe Keery, Andrew Garfield, & Ben Barnes
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