#blind clover
sobredunia · 2 months
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haha get it. because. because justice is bli
Yes I made an entire au for the bit.
i probably won't do much with it, so feel free to steal this idea lmao
also i used this to test out a different brush to the ones i normally use and it's not bad ngl. it gives a nice texture
@rotkad @sansxfuckyou @blackfright @beetroot-merchant @ashs-hellhole @h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
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exquisitelyinsanelady · 4 months
Let's take "justice is blind" way too literally
What if Clover was blind the entire time and got around with the assistance of Flowey (and maybe others)
They didn't fall into the underground, some asshole pushed them into it
It takes a few runs for Flowey to realize they are unironically blind
Flowey now helps Clover get through the underground and is now either forced to socialize or have to push things around to meet standards
After getting bored of Clover just living with Toriel all the time, intervention occurs and now they're in the dark ruins
Things would play out as usual with Flowey being on Clover until they're at Dalv's place. At that point, Flowey leaves temporarily and pushes Clover to beat Dalv. This can go 2 ways. 1. This would end up teaching Flowey what patience is and take a while until Dalv finally spares Clover or gets spared
2. Dalv realizes quick that Clover is blind and spares them immediately, not wanting to hurt them anymore.
Either way Dalv gets accquainted with Clover and after a bit, he helps them leave the place and venture into Snowdin. Unfortunately Dalv probably has agoraphobia so Clover is now alone
More later (likely never, i am bad at remembering)
Temporarily coining this AU "Blind Clover" since it gets the point across and I am not creative. Alternatively "Justice is blind" could be used but it's likely used for many other things prior
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tiyoin · 3 months
Does Rook ever just "watch" twisted anxiety reader ?? I feel like he just enjoys the reactions that comes out of the reader.
the moment rook noticed reader slow down during PE was when he got a new target🤭
(rook is gonna get introduced very soon!)
it was enviable becoming rook's next watch target. silly reader! did you really think you'd be safe from people's watchful eyes in the sanctuary of ramshackle? your room?
non non non!
ofc rook loves to watch yuu. he finds them as beautiful as a stem of grass. how they go whichever way the wind takes them with gusto and elegance. how no matter how violently the wind whips them around they'll always be surrounded, always be supported by their fellow blades of grass. winter may be hard, like the obstacles they face! they may get stepped on, trampled and abused. but they'll always stand tall no matter what the cruelness of winter throttles at them. and when the spring rolls around, there's more blades of grass this time. they all get stronger and stronger, forever nonyielding to any adversities.
as much as they were a fortress, they were also a home. insects and bugs alike call grassy plains home. what may seem like meters to us could be miles for them. the grass are smaller trees, rook would joke in French whenever he got the chance.
overbold after overbold, rook was more surprised than the last at their perseverance, just like that of a single blade of grass.
and yet, you were something else entirely.
you were a donkey.
non non non!! that is something you should be ashamed of!
donkeys are de toute beauté creatures! (rook is actually more offended than you were when you got upset he compared you to a donkey)
listen dear y/n! donkeys are peaceful creatures that do not need your narrow mindedness around them. they're doing their best and that's more than anyone else can do.
would you rather be friends with a show horse or a donkey?
if you say show horse rook can see why. they're beautiful, elegant, majestic creatures compared to the latter. they're the models of the mammal species.
and yet, show horses are vain, egoistical divas who are known to kick and prank their trainers. quite literally bite the hand that feeds them.
yes you feel good being around it, but when push comes to shove, they care more about their manes than yours.
donkeys, to others, may be less physically appealing than the mighty knights stead, and yet by live stock handlers are much more beloved.
donkeys, albeit enthused creatures, are sensitive, kind, are known to make incredibly strong bonds. they're loyal creatures, once befriending a donkey you have a friend for life. where you walk they walk, when you cry they cry.
donkey's do not have manes so they do not care for them.
donkeys are very social animals, it is strongly advised of rhyme to not be solo as they become incredibly distressed and depressed when not in the company of their loved ones.
and dear reader, he must call you a donkey because have you SEEN your-
*rook is thrown in horny jail*
but rook is definitely one to appreciate the hidden gems of the world. and with his (and vil's) help he could make you shine! hiding uncut gems is an addictive feeling, but being able to shape and mend those rocks into crystals- that's what rook loves.
he wants everyone else to see the beauty that is you the beauty that you keep locked away in a hidden tower inside your heart. thick vines and unkept underbrush scatter along the walls of stone, titanium, and glass guard your tower.
rook will do what he must to get that box inside the tower, under the bed. he will do whatever it takes to open that box and show the world it's contents.
so why don't you join him for lunch? dear y/n.
and if the world turns it away he'll happily nuzzle it. as you always say: more for me!
uh, but to answer the question: yes. rook does watch twisted anxiety reader. it's apart of his schedule. he especially loves their unpredictability.
you have a class today, will you make it? or will you skip it again? if you skip it, then that's okay!
there's a few times where you've made him pause to think. but there were other times you were so painfully predictable. so painfully predictable that he felt perverted when he guessed the time you were gonna go to the library. only to see you walk in through the heavy oak doors not a second too late nor early.
and oh my god he loves watching reader's reactions. this mf would keep a track sheet 😭
would you continue playing the role of l'agneau, or would you let your fangs peek through your wooly disguise in hopes that the others wouldn't realize.
rook (and admittedly a few others) want to put you under a microscope.
poor reader would never leave ramshackle again if they found out! it works out for rook that the reader thinks they're unremarkable, it really does. cause it keeps them 'grounded' and in their own little buule! so he doesn't have to worry about any outside forces or them thinking a little too hard about their shadow.
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brotheramberland · 1 year
Senseis' as fathers with a child!reader that was born blind.
Senseis' include: Kakashi Hatake, Satoru Gojo, Yami Sukehiro, and Levi Ackerman.
Please keep in mind: All character & reader interactions are purely platonic. There is NO romance. The reader is somewhere below the age of twelve and is portrayed as non-binary. These drabbles are meant to be platonic, fluffy and comforting.
Kakashi Hatake
"Do you have a good sense of your surroundings?" Kakashi asked from where he knelt beside you.
You sported a determined expression that he couldn't help but to find both adorable and admirable. Even blind you still tried your hardest to improve your skills no matter how dangerous it may be. It made him proud and also worried him to death.
"Mhm," You nodded, tilting your head, "There's a tree five meters that way. I think I know where to go."
"Very good," Kakashi patted your back, "Just remember, if you happen to fall, I'll be right there to catch you."
"Ok, daddy," You smiled at him before focusing all your attention on using echolocation to navigate the branch you wanted to jump on. If you were going to be a ninja one day, you had to practice and train with all your might, "Here I go."
Kakashi held his breath while calmly waiting for you to make your jump, his body braced in precaution. A lump grew in his throat and sweat lightly dampened his clothes. Honestly, he might be over-thinking a bit, but he couldn't help it. He loved you so much, and while he respected your desires to train, he still worried about you tremendously.
He had lost so much in his life. Losing the most precious piece of it would cause him to go infinitely insane. Your blindness was an extreme vulnerability, and although you had grown well adapted to it, there was still much you had left to learn. And it didn't help his anxiety any when you decided to do dangerous activities like this.
In a flash, you jumped.
With a stumble, you landed perfectly on the tree branch. Wobbling to regain balance, you blushed in triumph and giggled, "Ah! Did you see that, daddy? I made it!"
Kakashi swiftly jumped onto the same branch, smiling proudly behind his mask, "Yes I did. That was well done, dongo, good job. At this rate, you'll be a ninja in no time."
Delighted by his praise, you grinned and began looking around, getting excited when you sensed yet another nearby branch. "There's another one," You grinned and went to jump.
Kakashi gasped and reached out for you, "Wait, (y/n), not so fast."
This time around, you didn't land where you were supposed to. In fact you didn't come into contact with any trees, and instead fell to the far away ground. "Ahh, daddy!" You cried.
Kakashi caught you in an instant, safely securing you in his arms while landing on a nearby branch, "You okay?"
You whimpered, hugging him tightly and frowning in failure, "Yes, but... I missed."
"That's okay," Kakashi quickly reassured you, running a soothing hand through your messy hair, "We all make mistakes. Why don't you try again, but this time, try not to let your emotions overwhelm you, ok? Often times emotions can be more blinding than blindness itself."
"But... What if I miss again?" You say sadly, "I-if I can't jump like I'm supposed to, then I'll never get to be a ninja, an-and you'll hate me, a-and I w-won't get to be like you-"
"Hey, hey, where's this coming from?" Kakashi grasped your shaking shoulders, looking into your milky, watery eyes, "Dongo, I could never hate you, so don't ever assume that, ok? And this was only your second attempt. You have plenty more to go. Don't be so hard on yourself. One of the most important things about being a ninja is never giving up. You're not giving up, are you?"
Quickly wiping your eyes, you shook your head and say softly, "Do you really think I can do it?"
Kakashi smiled and went to playfully pinch your cheek, kissing you on the forehead through his mask before saying, "I know you can. There's nothing you can't do, (y/n), and I'll always be right here by your side to make sure of that."
Levi Ackerman
Levi was enjoying one of his rare days off from the ever tiring Survey Corps. He hadn't gotten to see you in over a week- something he chewed Erwin out for sternly. By the time he entered his house, you came rushing towards him, your tiny figure accidentally bumping into things along the way.
"What did I say about running?" He grumbled, unable to resist hugging you whenever you were close enough, "Damn runt, gonna hurt yourself."
"I missed you, daddy," You say in a mixture of sadness and excitement, your cracking voice causing him to frown, "You were gone so long. I-I was scared you wouldn't come back."
"Hmp, so much for faith," Levi ruffled your hair, relief flooding him at finally getting to be at your side again, "Has nanny been good to you?"
You whimpered a bit, your glossy eyes pointing towards the ground, "I like her, but... She doesn't let me draw... or cook... or sew."
At that answer, Levi sighed and palmed his face, cursing nonsense underneath his breath. This was a common problem for you and him; nannies and babysitters not letting you do anything fun all because you were blind. None of them had any patience or consideration and it really got on his nerves.
"Tell me she read to you at least?" He rubbed his temple, not really in the mood to threaten another dumb nanny for mistreating his child, but if he had to he would absolutely give her a piece of his mind.
Your small "yes" was the only thing that saved her.
Seeing the dejection decorating your face, Levi tapped on your nose and said, "Well, you should know it's been a while since I've had some decent food. Get your little butt in there and cook me something already."
Gasping in joy at his given permission to do one of your favorite activities, you nearly leaped into the air, twirling around and giggling excitedly, "Yay! I get to cook for daddy."
Before you could run off, Levi grabbed your hand and grumbled, "No running this time."
You grumbled back at him and marched to the kitchen with a silly pout on your face. Levi shook his head, grinning as he thought about how much he loved you. Honestly, you being blind was kind of a relief to him simply because it meant that you would never be able to fight. And being the protective father he was, he rather preferred it that way.
You were already doing such a good job at basic daily activities like reading braille, learning how to write, cooking small meals, navigating your way through familiar places, and even drawing and sewing. People said you wouldn't develop properly when you were born. Well, Levi would like to see them say that to his face now.
Taking off his jacket, Levi none-too-politely paid the nanny and threw her out of his house. Then he went into the kitchen where you were currently working on mixing eggs in a bowl, your eyes staring mindlessly at the wall. You may be blind, but you made him so unbelievably proud, you had no idea.
"I'm making your favorite, daddy," You say cheerfully when you noticed his presence.
Levi smirked and went to put some fire in the stove, "'Bout time I was spoiled."
You giggled, carefully climbed down from the chair, and walked over to him, reaching out to feel for his hand, "Can I see you?"
After getting the fire started, Levi knelt down in front of you and patiently allowed you to touch his face with your hands. You often did this during moments when he held you, your little hands gently feeling the structure of his face in an attempt to get an idea of what he really looked like.
"I missed you, daddy," You say quietly.
Levi reached forward and pulled you into a firm, loving hug, kissing the side of your cheek, "Missed you too, you little runt."
Satoru Gojo
Who would have thought that his child would be born with beautiful crystal eyes like he himself had, and yet be cursed never to use them? Even though your disability was not his fault, Gojo still felt guiltily accountable, and always sought protecting you and making you the happiest he possibly could.
Starting a new morning, Gojo carried some fresh, folded clothes into your bedroom, quiet and stealthy. You were sleeping peacefully on your bed, your little snores causing his heart to flood with endearment. Gosh, you were so precious to him.
Setting the clothes down, Gojo knelt beside the bed and reached out to brush a gentle hand through your hair. You whimpered, your head stirring around on the pillow. "Hm? Hello? Rise and shine," He playfully sang.
You groaned softly, your body stretching out as your eyes squinted open. "Mm... Daddy?" You reached out to feel for him as your eyes stayed aimed towards the ceiling.
"Morning, my little angel," Gojo grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently, "Time to get up."
"Are you taking me to work today?" You asked curiously, tilting your head towards him, your hand tensing within his own larger one, "What if they don't like me?"
"Are you kidding me? They're gonna love you," Gojo blew raspberries and laughed, "And if they don't, then guess what? More butts' for me to leave my ultra-famous, Gojo styled foot print on."
Giggling at his joke, you reached out with your free hand and go to feel the blind-fold covering his powerful eyes, "I wish I could be more like you."
That sent a bullet roaring through Gojo's heart. He absolutely hated it when you degraded yourself and/or claimed that you wished you were different. It broke his heart more than you could ever imagine. "Hmm, well I love you just the way you are," He said casually.
"In fact I'd give up my own eyes any day to be just like you; free house, free food, the world's most riveting, handsome dad (if I do say so myself), and of course the opportunity to never have to work in a dangerous environment," Gojo smiled and patted your head, "There are plenty of reasons to be like you. Quit being so negative- you'll make the walls cry- and they don't even have eyes."
Letting go of your hand, Gojo grabbed your clothes and unceremoniously tossed them onto your face, "Hurry, hurry, or I'll eat all of the breakfast. Hm? Breakfast... Oh no, the breakfast!"
Sensing your father quickly disappear, you only manage to frown when the fire alarms began going off seconds later. Looks like he burnt breakfast... Again...
After you got dressed, brushed your teeth and headed down the hallway, you grimaced at the stench of burnt eggs. Goodness, what a silly father you had, but you loved him. Coming to a stop at the table where you sensed he was sitting at, you timidly held out a single band of cloth.
"Oh? What's this?" Gojo asked nonchalantly, pretending not to be embarrassed about, yet again, burning breakfast, "A scarf?"
"I... I thought that maybe... S-since I'm blind, maybe I could wear something like what you wear to cover your eyes. Then that way..." You frowned, tilting your nose down at the ground, "That way they won't know I'm blind. They'll think I'm strong, like you."
If your words could be knives, then they would have just sliced right through his chest. Still though, he managed to maintain his optimistic, calm persona, "What? You wanna lie to your new friends? Well that's not very nice. Their hearts would be broken in seconds."
"But..." You whimpered.
"Listen, (y/n)," Gojo reached out to grasp your shoulder, squeezing it gently, "You're not like me. You will never be anything like me. Why- you may ask? Because you're already a million times better."
You sniffled, leaning in to hug him, grateful that he so greatly accepted and loved you no matter how flawed you were, "I love you, daddy."
"I love you too, little angel who is stronger and cooler and- while I hate to admit it- better looking than me," Gojo teased, your laughter his haven that he could live in forever.
He loves you, (y/n), remember that.
Yami Sukehiro
Yami, in general, was already extremely protective of you, especially after he discovered that you would forever be blind. Now that's not to say that he didn't encourage you to push past your limits. In fact he helped you train all the time. But see, the only problem he had with you training was when you trained by yourself.
And when he found out that you had been flying around on a broom by yourself thus leading to the breaking of your arm, Yami just about tore the rooftops off buildings with his sheer rage alone.
He was in the medical ward giving Magna and Luck a good scolding until you came prattling up, your arm perfectly healed by healing-magic. "Daddy, please stop being mean to Magna and Luck," You whined, tears in your eyes as you lightly shook, "I'm sorry. It's my fault... I went outside without their permission and rode the broom... It's my fault."
The entire ward went dead silent as Yami turned all his attention to you. Considering how bad his temper could get, you were pretty brave for admitting your mistake. And the look on your face; embarrassed, frightened and sad. He knew that you were telling the truth.
"Alright then," Yami relaxed and stepped forward to take your healed hand in his, his voice calm as he said, "Think it's 'bout time you and I had a little chat."
You whimpered but otherwise said nothing the entire time your father lead you just outside the ward. You knew from how he treated others that making him angry resulted in a scary outcome, and you worried what he would do to you now that you've finally done something to upset him. You felt bad too. Sad and regretful.
Once you were outside, Yami let go of your hand and lit a cigarette, "So... Ya just thought ya could do whatever the heck ya wanted to, huh?"
You tensed, your blind eyes staring at the ground, "I did a bad thing. I'm sorry, daddy."
Yami considered you. Unlike other people who annoyed him, he had never really ever gotten mad at you. Seeing how scared you were right now was suffocating enough to make him pout. Was he really making you that uncomfortable? But... He was your father. You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable around him.
"Ya know, if this were me an' my dad, I woulda' already got my head beat in," Yami blew out a cloud of smoke, "Lucky for you though, I ain't him... I do wanna know one thing though- If all ya wanted to do was ride a damn broom, why didn't ya ask for help?"
You swayed back and forth, fiddling with your hands, "'Cause... You don't need help, an'..."
Ah. So you wanted to be like him. Yami closed his eyes in understanding. "Squirt, get over here an' look at me," Yami crouched down and guided your tiny hand to rest against the side of his face.
He in return cupped your face, gazing into your foggy eyes and saying, "I don't need help 'cause I'm all grown an' got full control over my mana. You're still a tiny, little sprout. Now if ya wanna train, that's fine, but 'till then, you train when someone else is around to help, ya hear?"
You nodded, your lower lip wobbling, "Yes, daddy."
"Eh? I go easy on ya an' you're still about'a cry? Talk about sensitive," Yami chuckled a bit, gently whacking your nose with his thumb.
"I-it's not you, daddy, I..." You whimpered, your body buckling up, "When I fell- i-it... It was just so scary a-and it hurt..."
Oh. Yami's face bloomed with realization. Oh... That was your first traumatic experience, huh? No wonder you were so upset. At first he thought about teasing you or making a sarcastic remark, but ultimately decided against it.
Instead he settled for wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against his large chest. "It'll be alright, squirt. You're tough. You'll pull through. Everything's gonna be alright, ya hear?"
Soaking up his comforting warmth and attention, you whimpered and nodded, trying your hardest to hide in the safety of his chest. Your father was so strong and comforting. With him around, it was guaranteed that you would always be safe.
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asktubbygoatasriel · 21 days
Well, if that blind date will be understanding of what happened if they are worth their salt. Have some confidence I'm sure things will go well. Who knows Chara, maybe they might also have something they are worried about too. (Also, who's the blind date?)
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"my confidence is dead & buried under my fat"
_chara 2024
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kcuf-ad · 2 months
Yuno: *defeats a clone of Lucius all on his own while everyone else is struggling to beat a single Angel/Paladin*.
Morons: He has been watching White Clover 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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autism-corner · 2 months
guy JUST realized he might have a thing for eye-covering bangs.
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musaeon · 1 year
...really tempted to readd some z/e muses onto this blog as test muses again...
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king-tower · 2 years
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Heikki Laakkonen 🌹 Raffian Jing
for @slothseasims Love Is Blind!
fans of galaxsims' Love Island will be excited to see this duo join the fray; Gabi's presence on the air encouraged both of them to sign up for the new show...for different reasons.
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Heikki Laakkonen 🖤 they/them
Soulmate - romantic - gloomy - jealous demisexual
Heikki recently had the misfortune of dating--and getting cheated on by--the infamous Gabi Jing. despite the rough persona they try to project, they have a soft and fragile heart (if this were a better game, say, The Sims 3, they'd have the Hopeless Romantic trait), and seeing Gabi flirting on Love Island was the last straw. desperate for true love now, they're throwing themself at the mercy of the universe, hoping to find The One on this gimmicky show. which is a little awkward because...
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Raffian Jing 💄 he/him
Friend of the World - materialistic - paranoid - party animal gay
Raffian is Gabi's older brother, and boy is that a job and a half. he's always had to fight for attention, even more so now that his brother is basically a celebrity. for years he's been clubbing and hooking up with dozens of casual encounters, but now it's starting to wear on him--he wants to settle down and finally have a real relationship for once; someone who won't make him feel like he has to beg for their attention. unfortunately, his trust issues and reflexive need to keep people at a distance make that kind of difficult. there's a lot of hurt under that bubblegum twink appearance.
<private download if chosen! thank you so much!! x>
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sadisticmagpie · 10 months
I got an idea
There's Kurogiri, and he's basically:
-LoV taxi service
-saves their asses when they're doing smth stupid
-Fusses over them like a mother
-OP when pissed off, or when he's serious
-Basically he's Mamagiri (at least according to fandom)
Then there's Finral Roulacase, who's also:
- Black Bulls taxi service
-saves their asses when doing smth stupid
-After Character Development™ basically their babysitter/mother
-OP when pissed off/serious
-He's the mom of the squad
The conclusion is easy: Teleporters are basically the moms of their groups, and Finral and Kurogiri qould probably get along easily.
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sobredunia · 2 months
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More blind!Clover AU!! I wanted to mess around and try giving it a more watercolor-y feel and I think it came out pretty cool
They're music buddies and they play songs together :3
dont look at the music notes dont look at the music notes dont look at the music no
@rotkad @sansxfuckyou @blackfright @beetroot-merchant @ashs-hellhole @h3xt0r @bree-sae @helloidkwhatimdoing-0 @zecrisketch
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luminouslion · 2 years
Hi, is the first time writing to you and am a bit nervious, may i can request a date headcanon about Nacht? If is not a problem, thanks you!
Hi, of course! Thank you for requesting. I’m really sorry it took me so long to answer…
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Blind Date Nacht:
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You’re on a blind date arranged by Yami cause he thought Nacht needed a partner at his side… or maybe he just wanted to mess with him
For your first date you two met at a not well known but still cozy café
You sat in a backyard that belongs to the café
Since it was quite late to be at a café there weren’t many people besides you two
At first Nacht was acting quite distant and cold
Therefore you had to do most of the talking
But as time passed he grew more comfortable talking to you
Later that evening Nacht walked you home
Both of you noticed other people staring at you, but Nacht just stepped closer to you and subtle put an arm around your shoulder
Both of you didn’t talk on the way home, just enjoying the company
Before you enter your home you turn back around to him and ask with a shy smile „maybe we could repeat this someday“
„Yeah, maybe.“ he answered with a smirk
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I‘m really sorry if Nacht seems too ooc and I’m also sorry that this is so short, I’m still not really familiar with his character 😭, but I hope you enjoyed this nonetheless 🥰
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cloverandhagstones · 2 years
She is hidden by the clouds, but the moon is full tonight.
The garden needs the rain. It makes my bones ache.
This moment is not all of one thing. Balancing joy and pain on a razor's edge, holding space for the whole of right now -
I remember the moon when she's out of sight. Dancing with the Earth, ever moving and changing and exactly as she always has been.
My candle burns at both ends; it will not last the night - the moon reflects, in careful seasons, gentle borrowed light.
Time is - broken. It holds still and passes by without warning or relief - the moon alone is pacing me.
Here and now is not one thing: and right now is only for now.
The rain will end
The moon will wane
Pain will ease
And joy remain.
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fatfemmearoorc · 7 months
thinking abt how the villain of 999 tortured and killed children in fucked secret medical trials trying to create psychic powers in order to cure his disability and his disability is. faceblindness.
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miawinters · 2 years
Ohh, so I think whoever went through the 5 door last time probably picked up the 9 bracelet? maybe someone found out then killed for it. Junpei going through 5 apparently means seven, snake, don't take it here?
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katskitoshi · 8 months
synopsis: you respond to a "what's your type?" question with his name. how does he react?
characters: riddle, trey, cater, ace, & deuce x gn! painfully blunt! reader
includes: cursing, non-explicit makeout mention,
heartslabyul(here), savanaclaw+octavinelle, scarabia+pomefiore, ignihyde+disomania.
grim, as always, was nagging you with questions in front of your crush and group of friends. they're all left to their own devices until grim asks, "what's your type?" and the attention of your crush falls on you for your answer.
riddle rosehearts, dorm leader of heartslabyul.
"my ideal type? well, he's red-haired, with grey eyes, whose short and just happens to be the dorm leader of heartslabyul!"
the "ideal crush" in question was as red as his hair. he almost spits his tea out.
you practically confessed to riddle! or at least told him he's the type you're looking for.
riddle looks at you like you've gone mad, not even realizing he's been actively staring at you.
"[name], are you serious?" he questions, calming himself down. you look at him confused.
"why wouldn't i be serious? was my clear description of you, riddle rosehearts, my crush, not enough?"
he still looks at you confused. riddle fully understands, it's just.. you're being so straightforward about it! he can't handle how blunt you're being with your advances.
you sigh, "since you still aren't understanding, i like you riddle. is that clear enough?"
"no, i am not as red as my hair! ugh, yes, [name]. i understood just well. it just took me a while to get used to how blunt you were. but, i guess i could say you're my ideal type too. and i guess i like you too."
trey clover, vice dorm leader of heartslabyul.
"my type's obviously a green-haired, amber-eyes, glasses-wearing, hot baker with a clover on his cheek."
doth trey's ears deceive him? you obviously just described him. he has green hair, yellow eyes, glasses, and a clover on his cheek. plus, he's a baker!
trey doesn't even realize he's stared at you, the tart he made long forgotten on his plate.
you stare at him like you didn't just say he was your type. "um, [name]?" "yeah?"
trey looks at you, takes a deep breath and asks, "do you like me?"
"of course i do, silly! i wouldn't have described you as my type if i didn't."
trey takes a deep breath once again. thank the great seven.
"oh thank goodness. i liked you too but i didn't really know how to approach it. i was gonna make you a (favorite dessert) with "will you be mine?" on it, but i guess i don't have to anymore. oh? i should still do it? well, i guess you'll just have to come over to heartslabyul tonight for a surprise, dear."
cater diamond, heartslabyul third year.
"do you even have eyes? my type is this really cute guy with orange hair, green eyes, a red diamond on his face, a heartslabyul third year and magicam influencer! aka, the hottest guy in the world!"
he squeals. cater lets out a loud, high-pitched, squeal that would be associated with preppy high school girls in movies. people would have noticed if it wasn't for the already loud cafeteria.
he moves to the seat next to you, holding you by your waist.
"[name], do you really like me?" the smile on his face blinds you, but you can see he has a hint of worry in his green eyes. imagine how disappointed he'd be if you were to like some other heartslabyul guy that looked exactly like him.
you lean in, hooking a arm around his neck and using your hand to push his head into your lips. your lips kiss him and you can taste his lime tart and cherry chapstick.
"is.. is that enough to prove to you that i love you?" you pant after the kiss, looking at cater's reddened face.
"haha! that was more than enough, but how about you prove to me how much you love me a bit more, cutie?"
(you guys make out and have to be forcefully separated becuase the friend group does NOT approve of the pda.)
ace trappola, heartslabyul first year.
"okay, so he's a fucking pain in the ass and a stupid idiot but i love him, y'know? his orange-red hair and the stupid heart on his face and that silly grin his makes when he does something dumb like breaking riddles rules or messes up a potion or something.. he may be a fucking dumbass but he's a dumbass i have a crush on."
first of all, ouch.
he's not a pain in the ass or a stupid idiot! and his heart isn't stupid and his grin isn't silly- wait, did you say you have a crush on him?
ace is flattered, but that would never ever stop him from being a little shit about it.
i mean, you called him a stupid idiot you love, right? so that means that he can be a dumbass and you'll still forgive him, right? of course you will, he thinks.
"[nickname]~ you have a crush on me? aww, you're too cute! of course you'd like me, i'm hot, i have a cute grin,-- what! i'm not an idiot!"
deuce spade, heartslabyul first year.
"what a silly question! anyways, my type is tall, blue-haired, and a real cutie! he has this cute little spade on his face but hes kinda dumb. i love it about him though! the pout on his face he gets when he's confused is adorable!"
queue cute, confused deuce.
"aw look, he's doing the little confusion pout right now! ah, i have the biggest crush on him!" you gush, and the color drains from his face before it comes back as a vibrant red blush.
he bangs his head on the table, making a cute whimpering noise.
when he finally looks up, still blushing, he's met with your smile and almost topples over. you're gonna give him a heart attack!
"don't embarrass me like that! ugh, but since we're on the matter, y-yeah i like you, too."
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