#bridgerton introductions
hamletshoeratio · 3 months
In season 4, I demand more Benedict and Hyacinth interactions. Gregory's off to school, Anthony and Kate are off to India, Eloise and Francesca are off to Scotland, the other two have married and moved out, so these two are the last ones under Violet's roof, I love what we've gotten of them but I need more bonding scenes. They're both hilarious and completely unhinged at times, I need more of this chaotic sibling duo.
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jackiequick · 11 days
In The Shadows / Marvel Comics OC ⌚️
Elias Drake-Thorne
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Face Claim: Jonathan Bailey
Full Name: Elijah Henry Drake Thorne
Age: 26
Height: 5’11
Zodiac Sign: Virgo (reserved, analytical, and observant)
“Elias” (tends to have a softer, more modern sound compared to the traditional)
"Eli" (a casual version of his name)
"The Silent Observer" (due to his quiet and observant nature)
“Eli-Bear” (it’s what his mother used to call him)
Relationship Status: Single
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Elias Drake is a figure of quiet strength and subtle complexity. His reserved nature allows him to carefully observe and analyze situations from the sidelines, stepping in only when he feels he has a complete understanding. This calm and stoic demeanor often masks a more impulsive side, revealing a slightly rash and temperamental edge when things don’t go as planned.
Despite his reserved exterior, Elias exudes a quiet confidence. He doesn’t need to be loud or overt to make an impact; when he speaks, people listen. His calm and gentle mannerism makes him approachable, yet he tends to be soft-spoken and slightly sarcastic, especially around new people. His empathetic nature allows him to offer kindness and support, though this is reserved for those he truly believes deserve it.
Reserved and Observant: Prefers to stay on the sidelines and notice details that others might miss, giving him an edge in understanding complex situations.
Quietly Confident: Makes a strong impression without needing to be overtly loud; his thoughtful insights and calm presence often capture attention.
Independent but Collaborative: Enjoys working alone but understands the importance of teamwork and collaboration when necessary, balancing solitude with cooperation.
Slightly Rash: Although generally measured, he can act impulsively when his temper flares or when faced with significant challenges to his principles.
Kind but Selective: His kindness is genuine but selective, extended to those who earn his trust and respect. He is gentle and supportive but discerning about who receives his warmth.
Protective and Loyal: His loyalty is unwavering for those he cares about deeply. Elias’s protective instincts ensure that he stands by and defends his loved ones, even if he seems distant to others.
Quirks and Interests:
Wears Glasses: His glasses add a thoughtful and intellectual touch to his appearance.
Bookworm: Though he enjoys reading, he has a stronger passion for films and often uses them as an escape.
Slight Temper: He tries to keep it in check but can be a bit hot-headed when frustrated.
—Background 🗞️
Elias Drake-Thorne grew up in a gritty, crime-ridden neighborhood of New York City, an environment where survival demanded caution and sharp instincts. His family lived on the fringes of society, often struggling to make ends meet, but they instilled in Elias the importance of resilience and intelligence. The loss of his parents instilled a deep desire for justice, but unlike the flashy superheroes he saw on the news, Elias preferred to operate in the shadows.
His quiet and observant nature helped him navigate the dangers of the streets, but it also set him apart from others his age, who often resorted to louder, more aggressive means of coping.
Struggles in School:
Academically, Elias was never the best student. He found it hard to focus on traditional subjects that didn’t capture his interest. However, when it came to technology, engineering, and creative writing, he thrived. Teachers often noted that while Elias lacked discipline in some areas, he excelled when left to explore topics on his own terms.
He was the kind of student who would rather figure things out through hands-on experience than by reading textbooks. His self-directed learning led him to develop a keen understanding of technology and electronics, often repairing gadgets or inventing small devices for fun.
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Career at Stark Industries:
Eventually, Elias’s natural talent with technology earned him a spot at Stark Industries as a tech consultant. Despite his unconventional academic background, his skill set made him an asset to the company. Elias was particularly valued for his ability to think outside the box, offering creative solutions to complex problems.
While he kept a low profile, preferring not to attract attention, he found satisfaction in contributing to projects that supported the Avengers and enhanced Stark’s technology. His job allowed him to quietly play a part in protecting the world, even if he was never on the front lines.
Passion for Writing:
Though technology became his career, Elias’s true love has always been storytelling. He developed a passion for writing early on, finding solace in crafting narratives that explored justice, corruption, and the complexities of human nature. In his free time, he began writing investigative pieces, focusing on the darker, hidden parts of New York’s criminal underworld.
His reserved nature made him an excellent investigator—people rarely noticed him, and he was adept at blending into the background. His articles, though often published anonymously or under pseudonyms, became a way for him to expose the truths others were too afraid to confront.
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—Likes ☕️
Iced Coffee: Elias has a penchant for iced coffee, which keeps him alert during long nights of work or writing.
Drama Shows: He enjoys drama shows, particularly those with complex characters and intricate plots. He finds them a great escape and a source of inspiration for his own writing.
Mac & Cheese: A comfort food that reminds him of simpler times; he often makes it for himself when he’s feeling nostalgic or in need of a quick meal.
Simple Fashion: Prefers understated, practical clothing—jeans, simple tees, and comfortable shoes. He values functionality over fashion trends.
Homebody: Elias enjoys staying in and tends to be a homebody. He finds solace in the comfort of his own space, away from the chaos of the outside world.
—Dislikes 📌
Loud, Crowded Places: Due to his reserved nature, Elias dislikes loud, crowded environments which can be overwhelming and stressful for him.
Disorganization: He values order and tends to be irked by disorganization, whether in his personal space or in his work environment.
Unnecessary Attention: Prefers to stay out of the spotlight and avoids situations where he is the center of attention.
Overly Sweet Foods: While he likes mac & cheese, he’s not a fan of overly sweet foods or drinks, finding them cloying and unappealing.
—Nerdy Interests 📼
Films and Series: Elias is a film enthusiast who enjoys everything from classic cinema to modern blockbusters. He often analyzes films and series for their storytelling techniques and thematic depth.
Video Essays: He enjoys watching video essays on a variety of topics, including film theory, technology, and social issues. They provide him with new perspectives and insights.
Music: Music is a big part of his life, and he has a diverse taste ranging from classical to modern genres. He often listens to music while working or relaxing at home.
Tech Gadgets: Beyond his professional work, Elias has a deep interest in the latest tech gadgets and innovations. He enjoys keeping up with the latest advancements and understanding how they work.
Comics and Graphic Novels: While not a superhero himself, Elias enjoys comics and graphic novels for their storytelling and artistic value. They provide him with creative inspiration and a way to unwind.
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—Elias Drake-Thorne's Soundtrack Playlist 🎧
“Sweater Weather” – The Neighbourhood
Perfect for Elias’s cozy, laid-back, and home-centered vibe. It’s atmospheric and moody, reflecting both his introverted nature and subtle complexity.
“Sure Thing” – Miguel
This track brings out Elias’s grounded, nurturing side. It has a sensual yet chill vibe, showing his capacity for caring deeply and being there for those he holds close.
“Saturn” – Sleeping At Last
A beautiful, introspective track that mirrors his thoughtful, reflective nature. It hints at his connection to loss, his desire for justice, and his emotional depth.
“Leave The Light On” – Tom Walker
A perfect fit for the more intense, emotional side of Elias, where he wrestles with personal struggles. The song’s message about holding on through tough times connects to his quiet but strong resilience.
“I’ll Be Good” – Jaymes Young
This song matches Elias’s inner conflict, balancing his quiet demeanor with a desire to do better and strive for justice, even in his more discreet ways.
“Flares” – The Script
An emotional, heartfelt track that speaks to Elias’s experience with loss and his gentle side. It captures his vulnerability and the quiet strength he draws from those experiences.
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—Style & Background Insights 🔓
Casual and Practical: Elias's style is understated and practical. He favors simple fashion choices—think well-fitted jeans, casual shirts, and comfortable sweaters. His look reflects a preference for practicality and comfort over flashy trends.
Subtle Elegance: His wardrobe includes pieces that are stylish yet subtle, with a preference for muted colors and clean lines. This aligns with his reserved personality, emphasizing functionality and a low-key elegance.
Tech-Influenced Accessories: Given his tech-savvy nature, Elias often wears minimalist tech accessories, such as smartwatches or sleek glasses, which complement his practical and intellectual style.
Challenging Upbringing: Growing up in a tough, crime-ridden neighborhood in New York, Elias witnessed the harsh realities of life early on, despite trying to see the light in the darkness. This environment shaped his cautious and observant nature, instilling in him a deep-seated desire for justice and a resolve to make a difference in his own way.
Dual Career: Balancing a career in tech consulting with a passion for journalism, Elias has forged a path that reflects his diverse interests and skills. His work at Stark Industries showcases his technical prowess, while his journalism endeavors highlight his creative and communicative side.
Quiet Heroism: Elias’s approach to justice and heroism is understated. He works behind the scenes, tackling issues with a subtle, yet effective impact. His focus is on creating change quietly and meaningfully, rather than seeking the spotlight or overt recognition.
Homebody Nature: Preferring a quiet life at home, Elias finds solace in simple pleasures—like enjoying a cup of iced coffee, indulging in drama shows, or spending time with his favorite books and films. His home is a sanctuary where he can unwind and recharge, away from the demands of his professional life.
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—The Soft-Spoken Journalist 🖥️
Elias Drake-Thorne, much like a male counterpart to the iconic Lois Lane, embodies a blend of strength, determination, intelligence, and kindness. His journey reflects a deep commitment to storytelling and a passion for uncovering the truth, making his transition from tech consultant to journalist a natural evolution of his career and interests.
~Career Transition
Shift to Journalism: Elias's career initially centered around tech consulting at Stark Industries, where his technical expertise was invaluable. However, his true passion has always been storytelling. Recognizing that his heart lies in writing and reporting, Elias has made a deliberate shift towards journalism, focusing more on his love for writing and storytelling.
Focus Areas -> Elias's new role allows him to explore a range of topics:
- Entertainment and Celebrities: He writes engaging stories about the entertainment industry and celebrities, providing fresh perspectives and in-depth coverage.
- Technology: Combining his tech background with his journalistic pursuits, Elias covers the latest trends and innovations, offering insights that bridge his technical knowledge with his storytelling skills.
- Real-Life Events: His investigative work delves into significant real-life events, uncovering hidden truths and presenting them in a compelling manner.
- Lifestyle: Elias also explores lifestyle topics, sharing stories that resonate with his audience and reflect his understanding of contemporary issues and interests.
- Passion for Truth and Impact: Elias is driven by a desire to make a difference through his work. His stories aim to inform, inspire, and impact readers, emphasizing authenticity and the search for truth.
-> Narrative Style
- Thoughtful and Insightful: Elias's writing is characterized by its thoughtfulness and depth. He brings a nuanced perspective to his subjects, combining detailed analysis with engaging narrative techniques.
- Empathetic and Relatable: His approach to journalism is empathetic, focusing on the human element behind the stories. Elias’s kindness and sensitivity enable him to connect with his subjects and readers on a personal level.
- Commitment to Authenticity: Elias prioritizes honesty and integrity in his reporting. His commitment to presenting accurate and meaningful content reflects his dedication to making a positive impact through his work.
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—Fun Facts 🖇️
— Multilingual Skills: Elias is fluent in both English and Spanish, a skill he picked up growing up in a multicultural neighborhood. He enjoys using his language skills to read international literature and connect with a diverse range of people.
— Phobia of Public Speaking: Despite his career in journalism, Elias has a deep-seated fear of public speaking. He prefers written communication and finds large audiences daunting, often opting for written articles over speaking engagements.
— Collector of Vintage Cameras: Elias has a growing collection of vintage cameras. His fascination with photography extends to collecting old and rare models, each with its own unique story and history.
— Night Owl: Though he often forces himself to adhere to a morning routine due to work demands, Elias is naturally a night owl. He finds that his creativity and productivity peak during the late hours, which is when he does most of his writing and thinking.
— Unusual Hobby: Elias is a bit of a “house husband” at heart. He takes pride in keeping his living space organized and enjoys the routine of household chores, finding them oddly therapeutic.
— Pet Peeve: He’s easily annoyed by loud or chaotic environments, preferring quieter, more serene settings where he can concentrate and feel at ease.
— Dream Destination: Elias dreams of visiting Paris, France someday, drawn by its rich cultural history, iconic landmarks, and vibrant arts scene. He’s eager to explore its museums, architecture, and culinary delights.
And we’re done! Pls let me know what you think 💭
Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @djs8891 @starkleila @cherrysft @mandylove1000 @yetanotherwells @rickb-chaos @topgun-imagines @hardballoonlove @buckysteveloki-me @sherloquestea @ximehs @savemewattpad @lazywolfwiccan @terry-perry @triptuckers @daughter-of-melpomene @superspookyjanelle
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doodlingaway · 4 months
Quick Introduction
I have been meaning to do this for ages, but I've finally broken down and created a Tumblr for all of my Kanthony/Bridgerton nonsense. 😂 Figured I might as well in time for season 3 (OMG OMG OMG) and introduce myself!
In service of that, HI! 👋 I'm Carly, a 30-something corporate girlie by day and Bridgerton fangirl by night. I've been so obsessed with Kanthony that it has sparked a creative writing itch that had lain dormant for 15 years. That muse shows no sign of slowing down, so find me over on AO3 at doodlingaway if you want to see what I've been up to!
I'm happy to connect and chat with other fans, and I'm looking forward to soooo much collective squeeing with season 3. Let's gooooo!!
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hauntingmothgirl · 3 months
About me <3
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Im a 20+ year old girl with a love for vintage, history, and all things spooky.
I am a pirate enthusiast, cryptid lover, divorced dad music listener, horror buff.
My interests are: ┃dnd┃vampires┃gaming┃cryptids┃creepypastas┃anime┃horror games┃2000s horror movies┃paintings that make me cry┃halloween┃bones┃dark photography┃Religious imagery in art┃y2k┃anything vintage┃my kitties┃moths┃halloween┃the undead┃Jesus┃cosplaying┃moths┃weeping angels┃true crime┃bone┃saws┃possums┃rats┃bats┃occult┃fantasy┃ghosts┃sirens┃wendigoon┃basically any monster┃clown figurines┃victorian dolls┃the medieval┃crows/ravens┃goth clubs┃mythology┃atlantis┃mermaids┃dragons┃vikings┃old hollywood┃diaries┃silent hill weather┃any church or gas station on a foggy night┃comics┃the creepy┃the paranormal┃1800s┃
┃goth┃emo┃scene┃y2k┃post punk┃gothic rock┃screamo┃new wave┃darkwave┃classic rock┃punk rock┃pop punk┃midwest emo┃yallternative┃2000s rnb┃rap┃essentially anything┃50s-60s music┃
Fav characters:
┃misa amane┃draculaura┃sibby┃love quinn┃harley quinn┃Alice cullen┃starfire┃catwoman┃dracula┃chica┃bridgette bardot┃barbie┃wendigoon┃hawkhatesyou┃tinkerbell┃bela dimitrescu┃loeylane┃cjades┃
┃skyrim┃resident evil┃silent hill┃outlast┃fallout┃alice madness returns┃bg3┃fnaf┃mw2┃
┃haunting adeline┃pride and prejudice┃the seven husbands of evelyn hugo┃my life at rose red┃blue is for nightmares┃im thinking of ending things┃the haunting of hill house┃the hunger games┃
┃kesha┃halsey┃avril lavigne┃evanescence ┃paramore┃melanie martinez┃flyleaf┃billie eilish┃lana del rey┃ethel cain┃stevie nicks┃ptv┃sws┃creed┃
┃deathnote┃berserk┃soul eater┃the phantom of the opera┃nosferatu┃jersey shore┃the conjuring┃the roommate┃disturbia┃rose red┃midsommar┃13 ghosts┃house of wax┃the messengers┃twilight ┃jeepers creepers┃H20 years later┃labyrinth ┃ghost ship┃haunting of hill house┃YOU┃gothika┃thebatman┃scream┃RED┃coraline┃monster high┃ncis┃criminal minds┃alice in wonderland┃sanrio┃nana┃supernatural┃gilmore girls┃bridgerton┃ahs┃mlp┃the crow┃k-12┃priscilla┃
hehe did this for fun :)
very long but pls interact im very friendly 
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kdelarenta · 4 months
you guys, this is going to sound mean, but i PROMISE this is an actual, genuine question - can anyone name one personality trait of either simon or daphne?
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agikay21 · 21 days
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Hey, pretty people! I’m Agikay (but you can call me Agi) and thank you for stopping by my blog! The main idea is sharing my opinions, headcanons, fanfics, outbreaks and everything a fucked up nerd does about things I like and people who doesn’t exist/fictional. So, basically, I write.
In this blog, I’ll use two languages:
Brazilian Portuguese 🇧🇷;
American English 🇺🇸. ← mainly English
Let's look at the "nos" and "yes" of the blog (things I’ll write or post about and won’t) :
YES ✓:
-SFW (and its subgenres);
-NSFW (and its subgenres); ← but be conscious!
-Film genres (ex.: romance, drama, etc.);
-Aged up characters;
-Acid humor; ← but be conscious!
-Swearing; ← but be conscious!
-Addictions; ← but be conscious!
-Sensitive topics; ← but be conscious!
-Musical Theatre.
NO ✗:
-Sexual assault;
I like many things in the cinematographic world and I am always open to discovering new things. But my main subjects are:
Tales of Arcadia (Contos de Arcadia);
Songs I like;
Stardew Valley;
Good Omens (Belas Maldições);
How to Train Your Dragon (Como Treinar o Seu Dragão);
Heathers: The Musical;
Hamilton: An American Musical;
Ride the Cyclone;
Hazbin Hotel;
Helluva Boss;
Howl’s Moving Castle (O Castelo Animado);
Darling in the FRANXX;
Five Nights at Freddy’s;
EPIC: The Musical;
SIX: The Musical;
Harry Potter Saga;
The Folk of the Air Saga;
Shitpost; ← what can I say? it’s funny (*´-`*)
35mm: A Musical Exhibition;
BeetleJuice: The Musical, The Musical, The Musical;
Historic Facts; ← the owner of the blog is a humanities girlie, so don’t mind if some random history shit pops up on your screen (ভ_ ভ) ♡
In conclusion:
owner of the blog = cringe fucked up nerd ♡
The list will keep getting bigger with time, I guarantee to you.
So, about requests, they’re currently open!
-𝑅𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈: 𝑜𝓅𝑒𝓃
-𝒫𝑒𝒹𝒾𝒹𝑜𝓈: ���𝒷𝑒𝓇𝓉𝑜
That’s it for now. Don’t forget to send your requests if you like the topics I mentioned.
𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝑒𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧
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audra-0-0 · 1 month
˚ ༘ ೀ Welcome here!!
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{ Hi!! You can call me Odette. Just a delusional teenage girl. I’m half French, half Slovak so English isn’t my first language ✧˖° }
{ Feel free to dm me at any time if you need to went or just talk, this is a safe place. And request are open and really welcomed!! }
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Useful info
{ Basically here there are all the fandom and characters I write about but you can request more characters in the fandom mentioned earlier those are just my personal favourites }
{ Fandoms } : F1 ; Fourth Wing ; The Cruel Prince ; Marauders ; HP ; MCU ; Spiderverse ; AGGTM ; Bridgerton ; PJO ; Gilmore Girls ; Avatar
{ Husbands } : Liam (Fourth wing) ; Bronnan (Fourth wing) ; Xaden ; Jess Mariano ; Dain Greenbriar ; Max (F1) ; Luke Castellan ; Cardan Greenbriar ; Anthony Bridgerton ; Benedict Bridgerton ; Neteyam (Avatar) ; Remus Lupin ; James Potter ; Miles Morales heart 42 ; Hobbie Brown
{ Wifeys } : Rhiannon (Fourth wing) ; Imogen (Fourth wing) ; Jude Duarte ; Lily Evans ; Marlene ; Dorcas ; Mrs Zabini ; Daphne Greengrass ; Ginny Weasley ; Natasha Romanoff ; Heloïse Bridgerton ; Francesca Bridgerton ; Clarisse Larue
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My current pookies : … Liam Mairi, Max 33, Paul Aron
What I currently prefer to write abt : … Fourth Wing, F1, F2
What song I am currently listening : … In Between - Gracie Abrams 
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riaaalol · 2 months
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𐬼𝗺𝘆 𝗻𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗥𝗶𝗮 𝗶𝗺 𝟭𝟵 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗺 𝗮 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿. 𝗜’𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝟰-𝟱 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶𝗺 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗱𝗮! 𝗠𝘆 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝗲 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗼𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗴𝘂𝘆𝘀 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗜 𝗮𝗺 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆 𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀, 𝗺𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗸 𝘁𝗼 𝗶𝗻 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗟𝗠𝗔𝗢𐬽
—𝗔 𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘆 𝗱𝗿𝘀
…𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗲𝘄 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘆 𝗱𝗿𝘀 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗶 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘆 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝘀!
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randomishstories · 2 months
Hi! I'm Moony
Age: 19
Degree Progress: Psych and Creative Writing double major
Biggest Interest: My girlfriend!
Interests: My girlfriend, writing, poetry, NADDPOD, Dimension 20, Marauders, Percy Jackson (and other Rick Riordan books), my girlfriend, 9-1-1 (Both the original and Lone Star), marine creatures, Post Harbor (and other webtoons), queer books/short stories, Bridgerton, my girlfriend, and like so much more that I can’t think of rn so i guess I’ll edit this later
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ꕤ Hi people, I'm Giuli || she/her || 20s
ꕤ may Gemini || a fan and mediocre writer.
ꕤ writing for whoever occupies my thoughts rn but my English is bad :)
Main fanfic: Bonds and Barriers || Benedict Bridgerton x OC
ao3 account
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lovelykikill · 2 months
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Whispers of Avonlea
Chapter 1: Blooms in the Garden of Imagination, where they weave their dreams
1892 in Prince Edward Island, Canada. More specifically Avonlea, the small little town that was called home by its no more than 200 loyal residents. Avonlea had its charm, there was no denying it, although small in size and population it was very pretty, the sea bathing the coast beautifully, the houses nicely built many meters apart from one another, the farms kept neatly from the outside perspective, the people seemingly regular and sympathetic to newcomers, nice weather and everything else someone could expect from a small town such as Avonlea. Prince Edward Island by itself was possibly the prettiest little Island Canada had to offer.
He had just come back from a long travel with his sickly father just a week or two ago, John had wanted to see the mountains before dying, Gilbert hated it when he said such things, dying, made him feel uneasy, he was just a boy, what was he supposed to do if his father died? He has no mother, how would he live alone? How would he deal with it? It made him overthink so he would scold his father whenever he mentioned his passage. In the week or so he came back, he met a new girl “Anne, with an E” as she asks to be called, she is an orphan that had been adopted by the Cuthberts, the girl had an intriguing appearance as well as personality, fiery red hair, freckles all over her face and hands, the bluest big eyes possible, pale, thin and short, short temper from what he saw, very expressive and imaginative, he hadn’t had the chance to talk with her yet as it seemed the girls pulled her away from him whenever they could.
Anne Shirley had arrived in Avonlea around a week before Gilbert came back from his trip, she had a hard time in the town but found a kindred spirit in Diana Barry, although finding Diana made her life easier, the disappointment she felt when the reality didn’t quite suit her imagination was very difficult for her, she quickly found that her personality would have to be a bit diluted to be liked and fit in with the other people of Avonlea, she knew that was what she had to do, she mustered up the will to do it around specific settings, such as during lessons and around other girls, Mr. Philips didn’t exactly appreciate her expressive reading or loud voice, as for the girls, they didn’t appreciate her stories from when she was in other families.
Gilbert had tried to befriend her however she learned that that would be an awful idea, when Gilbert was trying to talk to her while entering the schoolhouse she was met with a crying Ruby Ghillis surrounded by angry girls, Josie Pye explained quickly that Ruby had ‘dibs’ on Gilbert as she had liked him since they were little and if she didn’t stay away from him she would be ignored by the girls.
Anne liked to be optimistic, but she couldn’t deny Josie Pye was mean, and so were Billy Andrews and his friends. It was frustrating and not what she had imagined, but Anne just figured she would try to not get attention around Josie and try to keep away from Billy Andrews.
Billy and his friends tended to be the first ones to leave the small classroom when dismissed by Mr. Philips so Anne made it a point to take longer to leave, that particular day Diana had to leave early as her parents had arranged a meeting she had to attend, so Anne had to go back the way to Green Gables by herself, not that she’d mind, her imagination was enough to keep her entertained for longer than she could count.
She got up from her wooden chair once she thought Billy was far enough from the schoolhouse; grabbing her plain pencil box Matthew made for her: her slate: and books. Moving over to the cloakroom, she placed her items in her basket, decorated with the flowers, leaves, and sticks she had found on the path to school like she did every day, she dressed her coat, put on her hat, and laid her plain gray scarf loosely around her neck, it was Autumn and thankfully not cold enough for her to need to put it on properly. Leaving the classroom once she was sure she had everything, remembering the day she had gone home without her milk bottle and Marilla scolded her endlessly. When she checked the mental checklist and was satisfied with the results she left the white schoolhouse.
The air was crisp, and a gentle breeze whispered secrets through the branches, encouraging Anne’s mind to wander to her favorite daydreams. Today, she found herself thinking of Princess Cordelia, a tragic figure she had conjured up in her mind. Cordelia was beautiful, of course, with long, flowing hair as dark as the deepest night and eyes that sparkled with a pearl of wisdom and sadness far beyond her years.
“Oh, Cordelia,” Anne murmured, her voice soft and dreamy, “how terrible it must have been to live in a castle filled with such splendor yet feel so utterly alone.”
Anne could almost see Cordelia now, standing on a balcony high above the kingdom, looking out over the vast lands that were hers to rule, yet feeling a profound loneliness in her heart. The princess’s gown, a beautiful pink that caught the light of a thousand stars, and of course, the puff sleeves flowed around her like water, elegant and ethereal, nothing she, herself felt she could ever wear, she thought of herself as too plain, ugly, homely, and most of all her fiery hair didn't allow her to wear such colors.
“She had everything,” Anne continued, her eyes distant and filled with the sorrow she felt for her imaginary friend. “Jewels and silks, beauty, intelligence, the adoration of her subjects, and yet, she longed for the one thing she could not have: true love.”
The path twisted and turned, leading Anne deeper into the woods. She twirled a bit of her auburn hair around her finger, lost in her thoughts. In her mind’s eye, Cordelia was wandering through a moonlit garden, the scent of night-blooming flowers heavy in the air. Despite the beauty surrounding her, the princess’s heart was heavy with unspoken pain.
“And so, Cordelia roamed the gardens, night after night, hoping to find solace in the whispers of the wind,” Anne said, her voice barely above a whisper. “But the wind could only tell her stories of what was and what could never be.”
Anne stopped for a moment, looking up at the canopy of leaves above her. The sunlight filtered through, casting dappled shadows on her face. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, imagining the cool, crisp air was the very breath of the enchanted forest where Cordelia lived.
“It was then, on one such lonely night, that Cordelia found a small, hidden gate at the edge of the garden,” Anne said, her eyes snapping open with excitement. “A gate she had never seen before. With a heart full of hope and a touch of fear, she pushed it open and stepped into the unknown.”
Anne’s steps quickened as she moved deeper into her story. She imagined Cordelia stepping into a mystical forest, much like the one she now wandered. It was a place of magic and mystery, where the trees seemed to whisper secrets and the air shimmered with possibilities.
“And in that magical forest,” Anne said, her voice full of wonder, “Cordelia found something she had never expected: a kindred spirit. Someone who saw her not just as a princess, but as a person with hopes and dreams, with fears and longings.”
With a sigh of contentment, Anne continued her walk, knowing that as long as she had her imagination, she would never truly be alone.
“Oh, how I wish I could be as brave as Princess Cordelia,” Anne mused aloud, her voice echoing softly among the trees. “She faced so many trials with such grace and fortitude.”
She pictured Cordelia, her long, flowing gown trailing behind her as she wandered through a similar forest, her heart heavy with the weight of loneliness. The princess’s deep dark eyes were filled with unshed tears, and her raven hair cascaded down her back like a dark waterfall.
“Tragic Cordelia, separated from society by cruel fate,” Anne continued, her voice trembling with emotion. “How she longed to find someone, yet duty and honor kept her apart. Each day, she wandered through this very forest, hoping to catch a glimpse of someone, to hear a voice carried in the wind.”
Anne paused for a moment, her eyes scanning the forest as if expecting to see Cordelia’s ghostly figure appear among the trees. She sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the princess’s sorrow in her own heart.
As Anne wandered deeper into the forest, the sound of the leaves crunching beneath her feet was accompanied by the gentle hum of the autumn breeze. She turned a corner, and there, standing in a sun-dappled clearing was a vision that made her heart leap into her throat.
At first, Anne thought it was just another figment of her imagination, but the figure remained steadfast as if conjured from her very thoughts. It was Princess Cordelia—or at least, it seemed to be. The girl had long, flowing hair as dark as the deepest night, cascading down her back in waves. A delicate, silver bow adorned her hair, catching the sunlight and sparkling as if encrusted with tiny diamonds.
Her gown shimmered in the afternoon light, a cascade of silken fabric in a hue of pink that seemed almost otherworldly. She was tall, with a slender, graceful frame, a year or two older than herself, and her skin was as pale and flawless as porcelain. Anne’s breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight, unable to believe her eyes.
“Cordelia?” Anne whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of excitement and disbelief.
The girl turned, her dark eyes wide with surprise. For a moment, they simply stared at each other, the forest around them holding its breath. Then, a soft, hesitant smile curved the girl’s lips, and Anne’s heart swelled with the possibility that her daydream had somehow, miraculously, come to life.
“Hello,” the girl said, her voice as soft and melodic as Anne had always imagined Cordelia would be.
Anne stepped closer, pinching her own arm to make sure her brain wasn’t deceiving her own eyes, attention never leaving the girl’s face. “I—I’m sorry. You just... you look so much like someone I know. Or rather, someone I imagined.”
The girl’s smile grew, and she tilted her head slightly, a gesture so familiar that it sent shivers down Anne’s spine. “My name is Chiara Everhart,” she said gently. “I just moved here from Montreal and thought I’d explore a bit.”
Anne blinked, her mind racing. “Chiara Everhart,” she repeated, tasting the name on her tongue, Anne’s eyes sparkled as she clasped her hands together, almost bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Chiara Everhart! What an utterly enchanting name! It’s like a melody, so lyrical and beautiful. It sounds as if it belongs to a princess in a far-off, magical land, or perhaps the heroine of a grand, sweeping romance! Oh, how fortunate you are to possess such a name! You look just like... well, just like Princess Cordelia from my stories.”
Chiara chuckled softly, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. “Thank you. You’re very kind.” Chiara’s eyes sparkled with curiosity and understanding. “Really? That’s quite a coincidence. I’ve always loved the idea of being a character in a story.”
Anne’s face lit up with a brilliant smile. “Oh, wouldn’t that be wonderful! Imagine, Princess Cordelia finally stepping out of the pages of my imagination and into the real world!”
Chiara laughed softly, a sound that was both musical and comforting. “I’d love to hear more about her,” she said, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. “Perhaps you could tell me as we walk? May I ask your name?”
Anne’s exuberance faded slightly as she sighed, casting her gaze downward. “I’m Anne. Just Anne. Anne Shirley-Cuthbert. Such a plain, unremarkable name, devoid of any poetry or grandeur. But please make sure to spell it with an E, Anne with an E sounds much more romantic than Ann with no E, still nothing like magnificent Chiara Everhart.”
Chiara shook her head gently, her eyes filled with warmth. “Oh, Anne, your name is wonderful. It’s full of grace and character, just like you. And you, Anne, are anything but plain. You look like you’ve been kissed by the sun himself with those freckles. Your hair is like fiery autumn leaves, and your eyes shine with the color of the brightest water or sky.”
Anne’s face lit up, her eyes wide with wonder and disbelief, Chiara did seem to use big words romantically, and she even complimented Anne. “Do you truly think so? Oh, Chiara, how marvelous! I have always wished to be thought of as special, to have a name and a presence that captures the imagination.”
“I do,” Chiara affirmed, sincerity in her voice. “You are a rare and beautiful soul, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, with a name as lovely as the person who bears it.”
Anne’s heart soared as she took Chiara’s arm, feeling the warmth of her presence.
Anne struggled to keep pace with Chiara, whose long strides and graceful movements seemed to make her glide over the uneven forest floor. Despite the height difference, Anne’s enthusiasm and energy propelled her forward, determined not to let her new companion out of sight.
“Oh, Chiara,” Anne exclaimed breathlessly, “you walk like a queen through her enchanted realm! I imagine you’re exploring your vast kingdom, seeking out hidden secrets and lost treasures.”
Chiara turned her head slightly, a smile playing on her lips. “Do I? I’m just trying to find my way around these woods.”
Anne’s eyes sparkled as she continued, hardly pausing for breath. “And here, beneath the ancient oaks, you discover a hidden glade where the fairies dance by moonlight, their delicate wings shimmering like the stars. You’re their beloved princess, the one they’ve waited for all these centuries.”
Chiara chuckled softly, clearly amused by Anne’s vivid imagination. “That sounds wonderful, Anne. What happens next?”
Anne’s face lit up with excitement as she weaved her tale, momentarily forgetting that Chiara was not just a character in her story. “Next, you find an ancient, forgotten well. It’s said that whoever looks into its depths can see the face of their true love. You lean over the edge, and—”
Chiara gently interrupted, her voice warm with amusement. “Anne, you have the most amazing imagination. Do you often create stories like this?”
Anne blushed, realizing how carried away she had become. “Oh, yes! I can’t help it. Every person I meet, every place I go, there’s always a story waiting to be told. And you, you’re like a character straight out of a fairy tale.”
Chiara smiled, her dark eyes sparkling with curiosity. “Thank you, Anne. It’s quite a compliment to be part of one of your stories.”
Anne’s cheeks flushed with pride and embarrassment. “I just can’t help but admire you. Your elegance, your poise, it’s all so enchanting. You’re like Princess Cordelia brought to life, walking here beside me.”
Chiara’s pace slowed slightly, making it easier for Anne to keep up. “Well, if I’m Princess Cordelia, then what shall we do next in our enchanted forest?”
Anne’s eyes widened with delight. “Oh, we must prepare for the grand ball in the fairy court! You’ll need a crown of flowers, of course, and a magic wand to grant wishes.”
Chiara laughed, clearly enjoying the play. “A crown of flowers, you say? Then we should gather the most beautiful blossoms we can find!”
They darted around the forest, picking wildflowers and weaving them into a delicate crown for Chiara. Anne’s nimble fingers worked quickly, and soon enough, she placed the floral creation atop Chiara’s head, admiring her handiwork.
“You look absolutely regal,” Anne declared. “Now, with this wand”—she handed Chiara a stick adorned with a few flowers and leaves—“you can grant three wishes to anyone you choose.”
Chiara took the makeshift wand with a graceful nod. “Very well, Lady Anne. What is your first wish?”
Anne’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “I wish for…a grand feast under the stars, with all our friends and magical creatures in attendance!”
Chiara waved the wand dramatically. “Granted! And for your second wish?”
Anne pondered for a moment, her imagination running wild. “I wish for a magical adventure, one that takes us to far-off lands and mysterious places.”
Chiara waved the wand again. “Granted! And your third wish, my dear Lady Anne?”
Anne’s face softened, her voice filled with sincere admiration. “I wish for our friendship to grow ever stronger, just like in the stories.”
Chiara’s eyes softened as well, and she waved the wand one last time. “Granted, Lady Anne, with all my heart.”
They laughed and continued their game, creating elaborate stories and pretending to be characters from Anne’s vivid imagination. The forest around them seemed to come alive with their words, the colors of autumn painting their path with hues of magic and possibility.
As Anne and Chiara continued their playful journey through the forest, Anne’s mind suddenly sparked with a vivid memory. She recalled the special friendship ritual she had once performed with Diana, a ritual that had bonded them as kindred spirits for all time. Anne knew that she must share this cherished tradition with Chiara to seal their new bond.
“Oh, Chiara!” Anne exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. “I just remembered something very important. We must perform a friendship ritual to ensure we remain kindred spirits forever!”
Chiara’s eyes lit up with curiosity. “A friendship ritual? That sounds wonderful! How do we do it?”
Anne’s face flushed with excitement as she began to explain. “It’s very simple but incredibly meaningful. First, we need to find a special place, a secret spot where only the truest of friends can meet. Then, we must each bring a token, something that represents our friendship.”
Chiara nodded eagerly, clearly enchanted by the idea. “Where shall we find this special place?”
Anne looked around, her eyes scanning the forest until she found a secluded clearing surrounded by ancient trees. Sunlight streamed through the canopy, casting a magical glow over the area.
“Over there!” Anne pointed. “That clearing looks perfect. It’s as if it’s waiting just for us.”
They made their way to the clearing, the air around them humming with anticipation. Anne reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, worn ribbon, a keepsake from one of her many imaginative adventures.
“This ribbon represents all the stories we’ll share,” Anne said, holding it out with reverence.
Chiara rummaged in her satchel and produced a delicate, silver bracelet. “And this bracelet represents the bond of friendship that grows stronger every day.”
Anne took the ribbon and tied it around the bracelet, binding their tokens together. Then she looked at Chiara, holding her pinky finger up for them to lock it together, her eyes brimming with sincerity.
“Now, we must recite the pledge,” Anne instructed. “I’ll say the first part, and you can repeat after me.”
Chiara nodded, her face glowing with excitement.
Anne took a deep breath and began, her voice clear and full of emotion. “I, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert, pledge to be your kindred spirit and friend, to share in your joys and sorrows, and to stand by you through all of life’s adventures.”
Chiara repeated the words with equal sincerity, “I, Chiara Everhart, pledge to be your kindred spirit and friend, to share in your joys and sorrows, and to stand by you through all of life’s adventures.”
Anne continued, “With this token, we seal our friendship, and promise to keep it sacred, now and forevermore.”
Chiara echoed, “With this token, we seal our friendship, and promise to keep it sacred, now and forevermore.”
They placed the ribbon-wrapped bracelet in the center of the clearing, a symbol of their new bond. Anne looked at Chiara, her heart swelling with happiness.
“Now, we are officially kindred spirits,” Anne declared, her eyes shining.
Chiara beamed, her dark eyes sparkling with joy.
Anne took Chiara’s hands in hers, feeling the warmth and connection between them. “We’re kindred spirits, and that’s the most magical thing of all.”
As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows through the forest, Anne and Chiara realized it was time to part ways. The sky shifted from the golden hues of late afternoon to the deep purples and blues of twilight, signaling the end of their magical day together.
“I guess we should head home before it gets too dark,” Anne said, a tinge of reluctance in her voice.
Chiara nodded, her expression mirroring Anne’s wistfulness. “Yes, but I’m so glad we spent this time together, Anne. I’ll cherish our friendship ritual.”
“So will I, Chiara. It’s the beginning of something truly special,” Anne replied, giving her new friend a warm hug.
As the two friends bid each other farewell, they promised to reunite soon before making their way to their respective homes. Anne increased her pace as she realized Marilla and Matthew would be eagerly awaiting her return.
Upon finally reaching the familiar Green Gables, it stood as a tranquil sanctuary under the night sky, its charming farmhouse silhouette framed by the delicate glow of moonlight. From Anne's perspective, the house was a comforting beacon of warmth and safety amidst the cool, crisp night air. The familiar gabled roof and quaint dormer windows seemed to glow softly, reflecting the gentle light of the stars that twinkled above.
The yard, usually alive with the colors and sounds of day, was now a serene expanse, bathed in silvery luminescence. The ancient trees cast long, gentle shadows across the lawn, their branches swaying softly in the late evening breeze, whispering secrets to one another. The garden, a riot of blossoms during the day, now going to slumber peacefully, its fragrances mingling with the cool night air, creating a soothing and almost magical ambiance.
Inside, the soft amber light spilling from the windows hinted at the coziness within. The kitchen, always the heart of Green Gables, emitted a warm, inviting glow. Anne could almost hear the crackling of the hearth fire and the quiet hum of Marilla’s evening tasks, creating a lullaby of domestic contentment. The aroma of freshly baked bread and a hint of Marilla’s lavender sachets mingled in the air, a sensory tapestry that spoke of home and love.
The parlor, with its polished wooden furniture and carefully arranged knick-knacks, held an air of timeless elegance. Anne imagined the soft ticking of the grandfather clock, the gentle rustle of the curtains, and the occasional creak of the floorboards, all adding to the symphony of nighttime sounds that made Green Gables so unique.
As she gazed at her beloved home, Anne’s heart swelled with a profound sense of belonging and gratitude. Every corner of Green Gables, every shadow and flicker of light, held a story, a memory. From the adventures and dreams she had woven into its very fabric to the quiet moments of reflection, the farmhouse was not just a structure but a living, breathing entity filled with love, dreams, and endless possibilities.
Under the canopy of the star-studded sky, Green Gables stood as a testament to all that Anne cherished—her sanctuary, her muse, her home.
Anne noticed a warm glow emanating from the windows. The amber light spilling out into the dusk signaled that Marilla and Matthew were patiently awaiting her return. Eager to escape the cool evening air, she hastened inside, her heart quickening with anticipation and relief.
In the cozy kitchen, Marilla was engaged in a worried conversation with Matthew about Anne not being home yet. The comforting aroma of freshly baked bread and simmering stew filled the air, mingling with the crackling of the hearth. As Anne entered, Marilla's sharp eyes immediately detected her, a hint of concern in her expression.
"Anne, where have you been? It's getting late, and you know how worried I get," Marilla scolded gently, her voice tinged with apprehension but softened by her undeniable affection for the girl.
Matthew, with his gentle demeanor and kind eyes, raised his gaze from his seat, mirroring Marilla's worry. "Did you have a good time, Anne?" he asked, his voice a soothing balm to Anne's slightly frazzled nerves.
Anne nodded enthusiastically, her face aglow with the exhilaration of the day's adventures. "Oh, yes, Matthew! I met the most extraordinary girl, Chiara Everhart. We had such a magical time exploring the woods, spinning tales of wonder and make-believe."
Marilla's stern expression softened slightly at Anne's unbridled joy, but her discerning eyes quickly scanned Anne's appearance for any signs of trouble. "Anne, where's your basket?" she asked, noticing its absence.
Anne's eyes widened in realization, her heart sinking. "Oh no! I must have left it in the forest while Chiara and I were lost in our stories. I got so caught up in the adventures that I completely forgot about it."
Marilla released a sigh, a mix of exasperation and empathy coloring her features. "Anne, you must be more careful. That basket contained important items," she chided, though her voice was gentle.
"I'm terribly sorry, Marilla. I didn't mean to leave it behind," Anne apologized, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and a touch of guilt.
Matthew stood up, his comforting presence a steadying force. He placed a reassuring hand on Anne's shoulder. "It's alright, Anne. We can go retrieve the basket tomorrow. For now, let's have dinner. You must be famished after your adventure."
Anne looked gratefully at Matthew, the weight of her earlier mistake lifting slightly. "Thank you, Matthew. I promise to be more attentive in the future."
Marilla nodded, a faint smile tugging at her lips despite her earlier sternness. "Just make sure you do, Anne. Now, freshen up and join us at the table."
As Anne washed her hands and prepared for supper, her mind drifted back to the enchanting afternoon spent with Chiara. The memories of their laughter and shared stories warmed her heart, a reminder of the magic and wonder that could be found even in the simplest of moments.
Meanwhile, Chiara made her way back to Everhart Manor, the day’s adventure still vivid in her mind. The dim light of the setting sun cast long shadows along the path, illuminating her way home in a serene and ethereal glow. The air was cool and crisp, filled with the earthy scent of fallen leaves and the distant chirping of crickets.
As she strolled through the twilight, her thoughts danced between the enchanting stories she and Anne had spun that afternoon. It was then, among the scattered leaves and the gentle rustle of the wind, that she noticed a familiar basket lying near the edge of the woods.
Chiara bent down, her fingers brushing against the worn wicker. “This must be Anne’s,” she murmured, a soft smile playing on her lips as she recalled their joyful time together. She decided to take it home, intending to find a way to return it to Anne the next day.
Upon reaching Everhart Manor, Chiara’s new home, stood grand and imposing against the lush backdrop of Avonlea’s countryside. The stately white mansion exuded an air of timeless elegance and sophistication, its pristine facade gleaming under the golden rays of the setting sun. Tall, fluted columns framed the entrance, supporting a balcony that overlooked the sprawling, manicured grounds. The architecture, a blend of classical and colonial styles, spoke of an era of grace and grandeur, every detail meticulously crafted to convey a sense of opulence and refinement.
As Chiara approached the manor, the wide gravel driveway crunched softly underfoot, flanked by meticulously trimmed hedges and vibrant flower beds that added splashes of color to the pristine white surroundings. Majestic oak trees stood sentinel around the property, their branches forming a natural canopy that provided both shade and a sense of seclusion.
The double doors painted a deep, welcoming blue, opened into a vast foyer bathed in soft light from a grand crystal chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. The polished marble floors gleamed underfoot, and an intricately carved staircase wound gracefully to the upper floors, its banisters adorned with delicate wrought-iron designs. Elegant sconces cast a warm glow along the walls, highlighting portraits of generations of Everharts, their dignified gazes watching over the house.
Each room within the manor spoke of luxury and careful attention to detail. The parlor, with its plush velvet furnishings and richly patterned rugs, guests to linger and converse. An ornate fireplace, its mantle adorned with fine porcelain and silver candelabras, crackled softly, adding warmth and a sense of homeliness to the otherwise grand space.
The dining room, dominated by a long mahogany table polished to a mirror-like finish, was ready to host lavish gatherings. Crystal glassware and fine china gleamed in the soft light of another chandelier, while tall windows draped with heavy silk curtains offered views of the expansive gardens beyond.
Chiara’s room, a sanctuary within this grand abode, was a haven of tranquility. Soft, pastel hues adorned the walls, and the large windows framed by billowing lace curtains allowed natural light to flood the space during the day. A canopy bed, its posts intricately carved and draped with sheer fabric, stood as the room’s centerpiece. A writing desk, cluttered with journals and sketchbooks, sat near the window, offering Chiara a perfect spot to capture her thoughts and inspirations.
Chiara walked through the grand entrance, the basket swinging gently in her hand. The manor’s stately presence loomed against the evening sky, its windows glowing warmly. Inside, the house was filled with the comforting aroma of dinner being prepared, and the flickering lantern light cast a golden hue across the elegantly furnished rooms.
She ascended the grand staircase to her room, the plush carpet muffling her footsteps. Once inside, she placed the basket on her writing desk. The soft glow of the lantern light illuminated her room, casting a warm and inviting atmosphere over her personal sanctuary filled with books, sketches, and delicate trinkets.
Curiosity piqued, Chiara examined the contents of the basket. She carefully lifted out each item, recognizing the various belongings that must have been important to Anne. School books, a slate, a small very well-made pencil box, a glass bottle stained with milk on the inside, and a handkerchief —each piece told a story of Anne’s lively spirit and imaginative mind. Chiara’s heart warmed at the thought of her new friend.
“I suppose I’ll have to return it to her tomorrow at school,” she mused aloud. “If she’s not there, surely someone will know where Anne lives.”
Settling into bed that night, Chiara felt a deep sense of contentment. The memories of the day’s adventures with Anne, the shared laughter, and the budding friendship filled her with serene happiness.
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lilliad-dreams · 3 months
New intro post!
Hello! My name is Lilliad.
I use any pronouns!
I’m 18+ !!
I roleplay, draw, and sometimes sing!
I’m autistic and adhd!
I’m heavily interested in Bridgerton, and of course my blog is themed after my dear Henry Granville!
I am taken! I have a boyfriend, and I’m not open to other relationships I’m afraid. However I do use pet names with people a lot, so don’t assume I’m flirting with you when I call you “dear” or anything like that!
My blog is 18+ !! Minors are to DNI with this blog, as it has inappropriate content on it! If I see minors on my page, you’re blocked!
Thank you!! ❤️❤️
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cantaloupe-cowgirl · 8 months
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Welcome to my blog!
→ My name is Freddie → I'm 19 → I go by she/they pronouns → Currently taken by the funniest person in the world, ladies and gents → Formerly the blog @daisy-bell-blue (was logged out, have been trying to get back in, eventually just gave up-) → I tend to post a lot of oc related content along with the occasional fandom related blurb, so beware → Feel free to jump into my askbox or pms if you'd like to talk! → I will always accept cat pictures or pictures of very small frogs → DO NOT interact with my content OR follow me if you're underage/a minor → I will block ANY blogs that are blank, or don't have any visible age in their bio/intro post
Current Fandoms + Fixations
→ Outlander → Bridgerton/Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story → TURN: Washington's Spies → The Walking Dead → The Legend of Vox Machina → Elemental (2023) → Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) → Godzilla (Shin Godzilla, Godzilla Minus One, Legendary Pictures Godzilla) → Joy Ride (2001) → Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) → House of 1000 Corpses (2003) → Saw (2004 - 2023) → The OG Star-Wars trilogy
Other Fun Stuff!
→ My Cosplay Blog - @reach-for-the-skywalker → My Book Review Blog - @freddie-reads-n-rambles (Snowed in at The Overlook) → My Movie/TV Show Review Blog - @freddie-watches-n-rambles (Lost in Westeros) → OC Masterlists (to be added... sorry, y'all)
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daisy-bell-blue · 9 months
✨ stuff about me ✨
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♥ my name is freddie ♥ I'm 19 years old , and I go by she/they pronouns ♥ I mainly post oc stuff and the occasional fandom related things ♥ my current fandoms consist of outlander, bridgerton/queen charlotte: a bridgerton Story , TURN : washington's spies, the walking dead, five nights at freddys, godzilla (minus one , shin godzilla , 1954 , + legendary pictures godzilla) , joy ride (2001) , texas chainsaw massacre (2003) , house of 1000 corpses (2003) + the og star wars trilogy. ♥ feel free to hop into my askbox or pms if you'd like to chat ! ♥ DO NOT interact with my content/follow me if you're a minor ♥ I will block ANY blogs that are blank or have no visible age
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wibley-wobley-pixie · 9 months
Is there any fics for the matchmakers anywhere?
Every character in this show is too damn cute
Middle sister and her boy are supreme himbo tsundere couple I love them so much please guys guide me to some fics if you could
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upgrxded · 2 months
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woah! was that FRANCESCA BRIDGERTON walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from BRIDGERTON. they’re 26 and live in GLEN OAK HEIGHTS but watch out because they can be ANXIOUS + RESERVED but are actually HONEST + OBSERVANT. despite them NOT HAVING memories, you’ll always think of SPENDING YEARS ABROAD STUDYING MUSIC, SEEKING OUT A QUIET ROOM IN A BUSY HOUSE & MARRYING HER HUSBANDS COUSIN IN HIS MEMORY when imagining them. / hannah dodd, she/her
Where does she work?
she teaches piano to people who wish to learn.
What's she like?
she's very quiet and reserved. definitely autistic. she can't handle loud noises or busy places, she much prefers the quiet of home and that she can hide away when things become too much.
i would love a family for her!
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