#bro i got so many injuries this trip.
mrsshiesty · 1 year
Winter Mood; Joe Burrow
Summary: You get dragged onto a snowy trip by Joe and end up having a blast.
Word count: 1335
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“Do I have to go?” You whined.
“You would be the best girlfriend ever if you did.” Joe begged.
Joe was dragging you on a late winter trip with his family. The only component causing hesitation was the negative degree weather. You loved snow activities but hate the weather. In addition, you had just gotten back from a forced trip to Aspen, Colorado with your family. You were practically tired of the snow and the cold.
“Ugh, fine. But you will have to come ski with me. You need to experience it at least once!”
“I mean technically I can since it’s not season but I don’t want to risk any injuries.” Joe replied.
“Then I-” You started.
“Nope, you already said yes.” Joe cut you off.
“Appreciate your hustle, though.” You said turning into your walk-in closet to pack. You decided to just go and you knew this would make him happy.
“Love you.” He yelled down the room.
Tossing through your winter section of the closet, unsure of what to pack, you just threw in a few North Face jackets and snow pants alongside some thermal wear. Joe walked in to pack too.
“Babe, where’s that Moncler Toshiba Clashiba jacket you got me for my birthday last year?” He asked.
“Pft. It’s called the Washiba and I returned it.” You clarified.
“What! Why did you?” He exclaimed.
“Moncler would never sell anything to us ever again if they heard you call the Washiba jacket a Toshiba whatever.” You said as you pulled out the short-down jacket from a corner.
“Quit the jokes.” He chuckled stuffing the jacket into his duffel.
“You started it.” You smiled.
Next morning
“Y/n, you don’t need that many layers right now. We’re just going to the airport.” Joe laughed seeing you bundled up.
“You’re going to regret wearing shorts once you get off that airplane.” You disagreed.
“I hope that you are aware of a so-called invention called a heater.” He retorted.
“Knew you would be a jackass this weekend. Which is why I brought the other inventions. The ones that I am aware of.” You winked.
“Naughty girl. Doubt you’ll need silly little toys.” He smirked sliding a hand down.
“ Get in the car Burrow.” You scoffed.
Post plane ride
Luckily Joe secured a pilot for a private flight which resulted in you sleeping the entire time. Stepping onto the tarmac, the cold breeze hits your skin immediately.
“You cold?” Joe asked as you shivered.
“Nope! Not at all. I’m so glad we decided to escape to this secluded island with warm weather instead of going to some igloo state.” You gushed with sarcasm.
“Sure is going to be insatiable for my desire to have a little fun this weekend.” Joe muttered.
Noticing your comment got to him after realizing the tone in his voice and the sad look on his face. Wrapping your hands around his torso, you laid your cheek against his back as he bent down to grab a beanie from his bag.
“You know I’m just kidding right? I’d go anywhere with you. I’m actually looking forward to this weekend.” You said softly.
“You’re forgetting that I’m made of tungsten. That didn’t get to me, sweetheart.” He laughed.
“I’m going to throw so many snowballs at you, you aren’t even ready.” You smiled.
Greeting Joe’s family who all arrived at the Air Bnb before you both arrived. You helped out making dinner with the rest of the crew in the kitchen while Joe played Super Smash Bros with his nephews. After dinner, you walked into the bedroom with Joe already in bed.
“So we decided we’re leaving for the resort tomorrow morning. It's only a 10-minute drive from here. There’s a spot inside where you can chill and watch me tear up the mountains.” You told him after making plans with Joe’s brothers and their wives.
“Can’t wait to watch you tear up a mountain.”
“I just realized you never watched me ski before. I still can’t believe you have never skied or snowboarded like ever!”
“Snow activities aren’t really my cup of tea.” He said.
“Whatever. You’ll be stuck babysitting the kids.” You piped.
“I guess you’re going to be the one teaching our kids how to” Joe gushed.
You beamed at the concept of having kids with Joe. Joe noticed recently how obsessed you were with little kids at the moment, not to mention how good you were with them as well. “Yeah, I guess so.” You grinned.
Next morning
Waking up to Joe in bed, lying on his back with his pillow folded in half for extra height and his arms flexed behind his head, realizing that all the pillows were around you. Quickly jumping out of bed to shower and briefly do your makeup since your face would be covered with all the gear anyways. Coming out of the bathroom ready to go, you notice Joe right next to the door.
“Morning, Babe!” You chirped.
“Good morning beautiful. Looks like someone’s in a fabulous mood this morning, you totally look like a local here. Definitely the most gorgeous one.” Joe smiled with his sleepy eyes.
“Thanks and I am. Go peek out the window, it looks like a winter wonderland.” You said.
“I think I’m going to save the ‘I-told-you-so’ lecture until we get back home.” He chuckled.
“Okay! Go get ready! We have a fun day ahead of us.” You said swatting his bare chest.
Since none of the ski participants brought their own gear, you all decided to go to a small business rental shop before the rush hour hit. Leaving Joe at the Air BnB, you return to him just a few steps ahead of you on the front porch.
“Babe, where’d you go?” You huffed struggling to carry all your stuff and noticing him carrying a drink carrier.
“This one coffee shop down the street. Here, it’s your usual.” He said handing you a cup.
“A little busy here.” You muttered trying to step into the house.
“Here give me that.” Joe said as he threw your poles across his shoulder and grabbed your skis.
“Damn, this shit is heavy as hell.” He grunted. Scurrying into the house, he handed you your drink.
“Hmm iced light caramel macchiato with an extra shot of expresso. You know me too well.”
“Only psychopaths drink iced coffee in this weather.”
Switching different cars, snuggling into Joe’s side for those 10 minutes.
“We’re here!” Robin exclaimed, excited to hit the slopes. “Okay, kids. Listen to Uncle Joe and Grandpa, be good.” Joe’s sister-in-law was hushing her kids.
“So that’s the lift, it takes you all the way up. And the-” You were starting to say.
“Sweets, I know how the whole experience works, you don’t gotta’ explain it to me.” Joe rolled his eyes.
“Alright then. I’m going to go now.” You hollered pulling him into a bear hug.
“Be safe out there and come back soon.” He said kissing your forehead and pulling down your goggles off your helmet and onto your eyes as you giggled.
“These are sick! I should wear these for my season opener outfit!”
“Oh my god stop.” You laughed as you started walking towards the exit of the lodge.
Joe watched you glide through the slopes over and over again. Just happy to see you having fun. After your thighs bursts into flames, you decided to go check on Joe.
“Hey, there's the novice!” He yelled.
“Novice?” You questioned.
“I saw you fall a couple of times and do the splits at least twice.” He laughed.
“I fell twice.” You said flatly. Breaking into a loud laugh couple of seconds later.
“I love you, I’m glad I came even though I can feel a sore throat coming in.”
“Shoot! I gonna need to use that throat of yours tonight though.”
“Joey shh.” You guided your hands towards his dad sitting a few feet away.
“I love you more.”
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A list of headcanons I have for Jason Todd that are 100% canon and real trust:
1.) He’s (half) Romani
Dick and Jason are canonically supposed to look alike, and I would also like to see more Roma in media. That, and I think it would be sweet for Jason and Dick to be able to share a similar culture and language thats just for them (Romani culture & language is closed, so only people who are Romani or who married into a Romani family would have access to both)
2.) He was the smallest Robin
Bro was canonically 87 pounds and under “5’0 when he died, he was tiny as Robin and tiny when he dug himself out of the grav
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3.) Mans got some INSANE body dysmorphia
The rapid change in his appearance? The scars? He can’t even recognize himself in the mirror most days, its partly why he started out with a full helmet. It wasn’t that people he once knew would recognize him, but out of the fear that they couldn’t
4.) He is the most scarred out of the batfam
I am anti-“lazarous pit healed all his scars,” no, let him be reminded of everything hes lost and been through as a manifestation on his body
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Pre-Robin face scars:
The slit on his eyebrow is from when he was five, he got into a swordfight (stickfight) with a few friends while their parents weren’t looking and lost
The small scar on his jaw is from when he was six, he tripped in the playground and busted the skin open on the wall of the sandbox
Robin face scars:
The “J” is from the Joker, a permanent branding
Death face scars:
The small scars on his eyelids are from his funeral, its common for spiked contacts to be placed on the eyes to keep the eyelids from opening. When he was resurrected, he tore his eyelids open and repeatedly kept tearing them until the LoA found him
The little dots lining he inside of his lips are also from his funeral, his mouth was sewn shut (another common practice)
“Lost Days” face scars:
The long scar stretching across his cheek and into his hairline is from one of his trainers
Red Hood face scars:
His nose scars and scars on his bottom lip are all from his fight with Bruce during UtRH, his face was used to break so many things
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Robin torso scars:
Scars on his elbows and should rsare from the lack of elbow and shoulder pads in the first two Robin costumes, Dick has matching ones
Scars on his ribs are from the Joker, blunt force wasn’t used on his chest that much, it was mainly puncture wounds that would make it difficult to get far if he did manage to escape
There are a few scars from normal vigilante injuries aross his torso from a mix of his Robin and Red Hood days
Death torso scars:
The ovular scars at the base of his neck and below his belly button are from the embalming process. I don’t think Bruce would have an autopsy done on him for two reasons: a. he already knew how Jason died, and b. if it got leaked it could very easily poke holes in the cover story about Jasons death
The scars on his knuckles and fingertips are from digging himself out of his grave, the skin split over from all the punching and clawing at the coffin
“Lost Days” torso scars:
He has quite a few scars on him that he doesn’t remember getting, so he just blames them on his trainers
The slashes on his back, however, he truly doesn’t remember getting as it was before his dip in the pit. Spoiler alert, he got it as punishment during his stint with the LoA. Whipping and flogging
Red Hood torso scars:
Starting with the most obvious, the scar across his throat his from Bruce during their confrontation during UtTH (comic, not movie)
The scars on his wrists are from a time where he was dosed with fear toxin and tied himself down to stop himself from hurting anyone. He rubbed his wrists raw trying to get out
Like previously said, the other scars hes gotten during this time are from regular vigilante injuries
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Robin leg scars:
Knee scars = no knee pads :(. Dick has matching ones
Scars across the hamstrings, back of the knees, and Achilles tendons are all from the Joker. He didn’t want Jason to live, so the easiest way to kill a bird is to take away its flight
Other scars are caused regular vigilante injuries
5.) He and Dick are each others favorites
“Damian is Dicks fav” “Tim is Jasons fav” NO. YOU FOOLS NO. They were auite literally each others Robin, the first siblings in the Wayne family—Dick gave Jason THE original Robin costume, Dick completely lost it on Bruce after finding our what he did to Jason during Gotham Wars, Jason and Dick had an experience with each other that none of the others could have because everyone else got the Dick after Jasons death, Jason got the Dick who was an older brother.
(Am middle child trust I know an older brother when I see one and Dick does not act like one a lot of the time w/ the other bat siblings)
Dick and Jason friendship,,, my beloved,,,
6.) Jason can speak the most languages
Bro went on a whole ass world tour + grew up in a mixed part of Gotham + was raised by the Batman he knows a comical amount of languages:
a. English
b. Romani (Americanized)
c. Spanish
d. Portugese
e. Arabic
f. Tibetan
g. Tamang
h. German
6.5) His accent is all over the place
At first glance (hear?) it just sounds like a real heavy Crime Alley accent, but listening to him speak w/ other Park Row residents makes it clear that it is very much not
7.) Trians,,,,
I trans man,,, so he trans man,,,,
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normspellsman · 1 year
the sports i think the sully siblings would play modern au! headcanons
literally came up with this at a basketball game lol
also, just a lil something before i finish my spider fic <3
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— kid def dominates the court 100%. he’s definitely a beast at this sport.
— most likely the teammate to be the loudest on & off the court. like he’s always cheering on his fellow teammates & would be the first one to help the other up whenever they trip or get pushed onto the floor.
— gives the greatest pep talks before a game & is quite good at hyping up his teammates on an individual level. also helps them out whenever he sees one get too into their heads & tries to get them out of it.
— 100% the team captain no doubt. he pours his whole being into the sports that he does & tries to be perfect in them, practicing so much. he puts a lot of work into his technique & is rewarded through his playing time. poor kid is always on the court but he doesn’t mind too much, just goes to show how good of a player he is.
— my own personal au is that neteyam was put into varsity his freshman year but kids so humble about it, other students can’t even be mad at him for it. he truly deserved it.
track & field
— probably only started this sport to get better / faster at basketball. it started out as something he felt like he should do in order to improve at basketball but then loved the sport at the end.
— probs a sprinter
— he receives so many medals that he has way too many
— always striving to beat his best times
— he honestly wanted to be like his big bro so bad. he looks up to him so much it’s hella cute.
— he started the sport to be like neteyam but ended up liking it anyway in the end
— tried so hard to make it onto the varsity team but made it onto jv his freshman year. bro was so heartbroken he silently cried on the way home from tryouts. but he did make it onto the varsity team halfway through his sophomore year. the recruited him onto the team after one of the varsity players received a season ending injury.
— 100% the one that instigates fights on the court, which causes neteyam to swoop in & save his ass from being ejected or benched.
— he & neteyam are a force on the court. leads the team in points. bros got telepathy bc they always know when to pass the ball to each other & are always so sync it’s kinda creepy to watch.
— i feel like his jersey number is 0 bc neteyam already had 1 & he wanted that number so he got petty & went w/ 0.
— def only did this sport bc jake played it when he was younger. he wanted to impress him & he like jake :(
— stopped playing it once he realized that he was receiving no joy from it & that jake’s praise from it didn’t give him the same feeling it did when he was younger
— might pick it back up in college or something for fun but not very likely
— probably was a quarterback or wide receiver
figure skating
— idk why i see her doing this but i just do
— so elegant on the ice that it’s almost mesmerizing watching her skate. so graceful too.
— really enjoys the sport. allows her to express how she’s feeling & gives her some alone time.
— literally spends so much time on the ice that the owners of the skating rink know her by name & allow her to skate during holidays or way past closing, trusting her enough to lock the doors behind her on her way out.
— perfectly lands all her jumps & moves, receiving such high scores from the judges after every performance.
— has so many medals that neytiri has multiple bins full of them in the attic lol
— will argue on her death bed that figure skating is a sport & will fight someone if they say it’s not
little league soccer
— jake & neytiri wanted tuk to be involved in some sport to get out her unlimited energy & came up with soccer.
— at first, she wanted nothing to do with it. whining in the car the whole ride to practice, pouting.
— but once she got there, she actually enjoyed it. she even made a friend! once practice was over, she couldn’t wait for tomorrow’s practice.
— loves just running around, chasing after others, & being chased.
— 100% the type of kid to wear her shin guards outside of her socks. hates the feeling of the shin guards against her sweaty skin.
— always has mix matched socks on
— def has brightly colored beads in her hair so when she runs by, she’s just a blur of color running by
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vylithscat · 2 years
dominant mc - obey me! headcannon (18+)
so, in my eyes, not every mc is gonna be an adorable, obedient (kinda), subby mc, there’s gotta be some that are doms and will absolutely crush a skull with their thighs and cause problems with the others,, or maybe i’m hopeful either way! i wanted to write something more suggestive with some bromance shit for beel, this is just the bros but i’ll do the dateables minus luke at one point part 2 has been out for awhile, i just forgot to link it ;;;
minors dni, slight spoilers in like,, all of them prompt: a dominant mc is picked for the exchange program and how their time with the bros would be (+how sex is) genre: general & smut pairings: bros
You cause him so many more headaches cause of the trouble you cause it’s unreal
Finds you more unbearable than he already did at the start because of it
He was one of the few that expected a small, meak, frightened human to appear but instead a muscle head appears and goes, “Well! Okay! I’m MC.”
Yeah, he knows, and he regrets this program so much right now
Continues his normal deal about the program, Mammon becoming your guard, etcetc
And you just nod your head along while he talks which makes him think you won’t be a problem
Then you ask, “So, do you guys have gyms down here? Home workouts?”
Completely floored that you just grazed over the program that Diavolo has to pipe in that yes, Devildom DOES have gyms and Mammon can show you them!
After all the season one stuff and you get your pact, he’s more or less interested how you’d handle the belonging to him thing
Oh how you turn the tables on him the first night
He’s sprawled on his desk, gripping the edges when he can, gasping for air as he moans while you’re fucking him and ripping his head back up by his hair
Refuses to admit what he likes about it when you’re coddling him because he can’t walk in a straight line
You’ve broken part of his pride and he WILL get back at you for it
But he does slightly like being on the receiving end, especially during the aftercare
Just don’t comment on it or you’ll get a snippy reaction that he’s just seeping the moment in that you did what he wanted
“What you wanted, huh?”
You’re beaming as he realizes what he says
“Wanna elaborate?”
“No, I don’t.”
Doesn’t get why he has to protect you, you clearly got some tough blood and you’re ripped!
But when he tries to leave, you grab his hand and smile, “C’mon! I wanna last a few days at least.”
Mostly trails after you cause you’ve got the stride going and if he gets distracted, he has to jog
After the TSL knowledge battle, he’s really just falling to the fucking floor for you
Somehow, a big strong person like you still manages to hurt themselves too?
And he hates that you’re bullying yourself for it
“I could’ve run for a couple more minutes, really! But I was too damn clumsy and tripped, just my luck.”
“Quit talkin’ about yourself like that! You’re still a strong person under that little injury! It’s gonna heal real fast cause you know how to treat it, so why worry about it!?”
Small pause, “You think I’m strong?”
Now it’s your turn to fall head over heels for him
Don’t let anyone see how you look at him, especially Mammon
If he sees you resting your head on your hand while leaning on the table, he’ll go from no blush to a fucking tomato in two seconds
Is even worse during your first time because HOLY SHIT YOU’RE ON TOP OF HIM AND YOUR HANDS ARE HOLDING HIS DOWN AND YOU- you’re taking off his pants holy s-
A complete moaning mess from just a tongue, a screamer to the point you have to shove his head (sadly) into a pillow so you can please him properly
Aside from moaning like crazy, he whines like crazy when you don’t give him what he wants or when you tease him
Worship his body when you’re teasing him and he’ll moan, he’s a mess for you in and out of the bedroom
If you do anything out of the bedroom, please be ready to catch him if he stumbles or his knees buckle
Your size both confused and made him jealous
How the hell is a human Beel’s size? Why isn’t he YOUR size? Probably cause he’s a yucky otaku who holes himself up
After the TSL knowledge battle and the pact, he’s more open to you but doesn’t expect you to swing by often
So fucking confused when you swing by often and even more confused that you’re interested in his collections and games
Someone your size.. Likes this stuff? Otaku stuff?
“I’m still kinda new to it but I don’t mind learning more.”
Recommends you animes, manga, everything and if you read/watch/etc go tell him about it
And the closer he gets to you, the less he can even look you in the eyes without becoming flustered
The first time you laugh and call him cute he shuts down like, literally folds over in his chair that you think something happened, but when he wakes up and panics again because you’re inches from him, kinda fills in a  f e w blanks
And everyone, truly, we all know he has a degradation kink
The first time with him is a bit rocky because he’s super shy and doesn’t know how to do these things that well and when you moan he goes red and needs a second
So you have to get him riled up, tell him how bad of a boy he is, that he needs to do better to please you
He’s more than likely into choking or collars so use that to your advantage
Mix in praise when he does good
And when his back is arching off the ground while his hands are hiding his red face and muffling his moans, lean down, bite his ear and murmur, “Bad boy, you need to do better for your master.”
Whines super loud before peeking out to see your false disappointment before whining again to tell you to go harder
Your name definitely falls from his lips a lot
He found your strength impressive considering what he’s heard about humans
But that doesn’t change how he treats you much or what leads up to the body switch
He’s still the same Satan who you had to help his relationship with Lucifer
But, once you’ve formed a pact and grown closer, watch him go from smug to very flustered
You can pick him up, poke his cheek or just pull him into your arms and he’ll click his tongue or softly huff before hiding his blushing face in his book
He doesn’t understand how simple gestures stir up these feelings in him
The first time you completely pick him up, either bridal style or over your shoulder, he’s gonna be near screaming at you to put him down
“Sorry! I don’t know what came over me.” With a head pat with clear away any negative feelings of the matter
Still not a big fan of it in public, even if he’s showing off that you’re his
But instead of him holding you, you’re holding him, the Fourth strongest demon in your arm as if he was nothing but a feather to you..
And during your first time, good god
He wasn’t about to let you see him in such a state and shoves his face away in a pillow
But when you lean down and bite his shoulder while telling him what a good kitty is
Come on, you don’t think he’d snap his head to you while moaning up a storm?
Refuses to look you in the eye the next morning, especially if you’re very aftercare centered
But he did like it just.. ore gentle next time, you can keep the pet name, but he needs to walk in a straight line
Oh he was beaming from day one
You’re cute already cause you’re a human with a bright soul, but now you’re a human who’s got a great body?
How badly does he wish his charm worked on you cause he’d have his way with you
He’s very touchy with you, especially around your abdomen/thighs
Will go lower if you don’t smack his hand away
If you don’t though, he’s gonna have his fun, especially if you’re alone with him
Just cause you’re more muscular doesn’t stop him from the skincare treatments
And the first time.. Oh the first time
He has honey dripped words, hands gliding across your body like he’s done this with you before and sweet kisses being planted everywhere
Absolutely loves you on top, bottom, anywhere
He likes it slow so he can admire and praise you for longer
He’s had so many sexual experiences with demons and humans alike, but you’re better cause you listen to him too
Y’all could go for multiple rounds and he still would sit up and ask to go again
But, whenever you’re done, he’ll grab you a rob and get you all comfy
May sometimes just let you sleep nude in his bed with him if you’re just too tired to get covered
Which he doesn’t mind at ‘cause your body.. worship-worthy along with his own
Gym bro energy 100%
After you get a pact with Beel, he’s a lot more open to share his workout time with you
He’ll let you do what your body can handle and rest but he has a workout he has to keep up with
You can’t match his eating and dietary habits cause it’s Beel, but you do explain that human muscle building is way fuckin different from demon
Going out to eat with Beel is a “cheat meal” by a lot
But Beel absolutely loves spending time you more and more, especially cause you’re gym bros
Now, the first time, you were torn
It’d be fun to be topped by a demon for once, but holy shit he’s so cute while flustered
I hc that Beel is slightly subby to mc but their height/strength/etc matters
So you being his size or bigger he’ll let you take the lead
But he does really like making you happy and you make him a special kind of hungry, so it’s rare
He’s a marker, he’ll leave a lot of bite marks, hickeys, and may make you bleed by accident from time to time (and then apologize once the bliss is gone)
He mostly grunts, occasional deep moans but he’s a bit embarrassed when he does it
So encourage him, make him comfortable then go at him and he’ll be more vocal with you
He does like it gentle and on the slow side but not extremely slow
After you’re done, grab him some snacks so he doesn’t nibble on you and start it up again
Whenever you’re comfortable around him again, he’s using you as a pillow
You don’t have a choice, you’re Beel sized
He likes how your body is like a pillow
Squishy but not to the point he sinks and not too hot either
Plus, hearing your heart slowly beating if his head is on your chest relaxes him a lot
On the other side of the coin, he’s such a bratty ass sub who likes to be smug and tease you
Not even just during sex, he’ll remind you about that while teasing you
He likes seeing someone your size so flustered from one little comment
And your first time together most likely started because he walked in on you or you walked in on him trying to have private time
If it was him walking into you, the whole time you’re fucking him, he’s smirking and saying you’re glad he walked in
And if you walked in on him, he’s still smirking but calling you a pervert instead
But he does really like it, and that’s obvious cause of how much he moans in between words
And while you’re doing it from behind, grab his hair and TUG
Degrade and praise him at the same time, bite and suck at his neck, he’ll be a mess especially if you aim for over stimming
He likes aftercare the most cause he can cling onto you like a koala or you carry him to the bathroom and have a bath with him
Just be sure nobody walks in cause he’s for sure falling asleep on you and you won’t be able to move
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protect-daniel-james · 5 months
i’m sending you a character (he is a *character*) - 🧛‍♂️ pls?
My favorite blorbo of them all :3
favorite thing about them
Oh boy where do I even start:
he's a hard worker and deserves all the success and opportunities he gets. he worked hard to get from humble beginnings to managing some of the big European clubs, coming from "nowhere", with barely any playing heritage
he's extremely polite and humble, doesn't whine and moan about decisions going against his teams or referees not siding with his team, or his team struggling with injuries
but most of all his LOVE FOR FOOTBALL oh my god do I even have to say that? the man absolutely LIVES for football, when you hear him talk about it, you can see how his little eyes just lit up, how excited he gets... I bet his heart beats faster, and maybe he gets a lil' hard as well - football, football, football, it's always football. I wish I could see inside his brain but I assume it's literally 100 % football 24/7, it's always on his mind - and it's just such a pure love and adoration, he doesn't care about fancy expensive players and watching the most promising stars - he just loves the concept??? man has been turning up to the most random matches in Carabao Cup and the Spanish Cup and just watching whatever team he could (he even went to see the Legia Warsaw Women's team play when he was in Warsaw?), he just needs football, it's absolutely his drug. I bet he gets high off it, and his perception of the world changes, he feels calmer when he's at a game of football... He loves a big match of big clubs just as much as a local Gipuzkoan derby or something. He loves how football can be literally a multibillion thing, just as well as a nice local pastime in the countryside...
I just genuinely believe he's a good person who tries his best to be able to look at himself and say "I tried my best".
least favorite thing about them
The fucking hair gel, no doubt.
favorite line
"I like the smell of the pitch, it produces a sort of comfort within me." I think this is honestly such a cute sentiment that captures the carnal nature of his love for the game...
"In England that identification with your team brings the game alive. It’s deeper there, like a church. I was born in San Sebastián and my team is Real Sociedad. That feeling is in my heart and that’s what you find in England. It’s marvellous, the loveliest thing there is.” - this was the ending of an interview with him, and I absolutely loved it. The loveliest thing there is.
Also, his villainous arc:
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I don't even think Unai has any bros :') No, honestly, I think Klopp kinda likes him (as you would like a sickly wet skrunkly cat), and Marcelino probably does as well, as does Andoni Iraola. I can see all of them looking at Unai with a combination of admiration and pity. I think it would be lovely if he and Andoni could go on a biking trip together.
Unai x Football is the one ship to rule them all. I love the potential of Unai x Mikel, because for Unai, Mikel is...the one to be jealous of, the one who got what he himself did not, and looks so good as well - Unai must feel such a strong emotion about this all, I can imagine him wanting to just.....tear Mikel apart, maybe physically, maybe sexually, maybe psychologically torture him, maybe suck his blood to have at least something from the perfection that Mikel is to him. But also, he's terrified of his not-very-christian thoughts (well, at least if he's not a vampire), and he has to turn them into something better.
I don't think I have any tbh! There's not many ships for Unai, and I actually quite like all the potential in those I have seen around AO3... Including Unai x other managers, Unai x players, Unai x club owners... I think the humble, polite way he presents himself, combined with the dark, vampire-like elements of him (the cruel smile he's capable of, the way his mind can calculate) make him perfect for all sorts of ships and set-ups. Although I love skrunkly blorbo wet cat (or bat) Unai who struggles and panics and breaks down and gets humiliated and loves it the most.
random headcanon
He's struggling with taking care of himself :') I know he said in an interview he's a decent cook (decent enough to invite friends over for dinner), but I just love the idea of him being extremely incompetent with taking care of himself (like, resting when sick, cooking proper meals, drinking enough water) - he's just BUSY with FOOTBALL, okay. That's why having someone like Klopp or Ange taking care of him also works well for a ship. And that's why I don't believe him and Mikel would survive for long together.
unpopular opinion
He's cute!!! I don't think that's a particularly unpopular opinion in our little corner of the internet lol, but ... when he loses the hair gel, he looks incredibly soft and sweet!
song i associate with them
En algún lugar by Duncan Dhu. Canonically Unai's favorite band of his youth - I think it captures beautifully the Emery sadness and everything it's about. Also, Txoria txori, because he and his brothers actually sang it in Hondarribia when Unai received some award at the townhall. Once again, perfect for the Emery sadness - the longing, the devotion, the hidden, repressed true self.
favorite picture of them
God, it's difficult to choose one! But I think one of his youth pics full of Emery sadness gotta do:
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Just, there's this sadness about him...like, he's doing the one thing he loves the most, Football, and yet he's scared...afraid that he will not be enough. He just wants to be enough.
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jaybleu25 · 3 months
My Heart Hears You (Part 7)
(TW: Injury, blood) Time: HS Years; Bros are in 9th, Bowser is in 10th. Setting: Mario & Luigi's High School. Hallway.
Not knowing what to say, Bowser looked around himself. He was alone. Many eyes were on him, looking at him with disgust, fear, and hatred for what he had done.
Filled with emotions too much for him to handle, Bowser turned around, running out of the school out the nearest exit. The moment Bowser was out of sight, Mario immediately focused on his brother once more.
Luigi's eyes were filled with terror. At the same time, he felt tired, but he was fighting to keep himself awake.
That was all Luigi could mutter before coughing a bit of blood.
"You're okay, you're going to be okay," Mario reassured with a shaky voice. "I've got you..!"
The crowd of people around them still stood there, unsure of what to do. However, seeing Bowser leave, the teachers immediately sprung into action. Some quickly ran into their classrooms to call on the phone for someone to help, and others came over towards the brothers to check on Luigi.
One such individual was a particular purple toad with the name Mr. Toadsmauve who was not there at first, but he came right as Bowser ran away. He was Mario and Luigi's English teacher at the time. He had quite a good relationship with both brothers, but Luigi in particular always stood out to him. Luigi had always managed to write amazing essays, and there were even times where Luigi had written stories that he shared with him. He was even Luigi's favorite teacher.
Seeing how terrified Mario was during the situation, Mr. Toadsmauve did what he could to help reassure the one in red that his brother was going to be okay. He told Mario that help would be arriving shortly. After a few moments, the teachers who had previously left to call for help soon called for their students to return back to their classrooms. This was so the hallways could be properly cleared so that the medical professionals could get in with no problem once they came. Once all the students and other teachers left, it was just the two brothers and Mr. Toadsmauve left in the hallway.
Still battling to stay awake, Luigi slowly turned his head to look at his teacher.
"M-Mister..." Luigi said weakly. "I'm s-sorry...I might miss..."
"Luigi, you have far more important matters to worry about than my class," reassured Mr. Toadsmauve. "And your grade is the best in the class. Don't worry about missing it today. You and your brother will both be excused."
"And save your energy," the English teacher added.
In the distance, sirens could be heard outside the school building. Mr. Toadsmauve would stand up, backing away a little from the brothers.
"Mario, make sure you take good care of your brother, okay?" asked Mr. Toadsmauve. "He needs you right now."
"Y-Yeah..." Mario agreed worriedly. "Yeah, I will. Thank you, Mr. Toadsmauve."
Mr. Toadsmauve would nod, and a nearby door leading to the outside would open. Paramedics and EMTs were beginning to enter the building.
"Stay safe, you two," Mr. Toadsmauve added. "We'll be here for when you both come back."
Mario would nod, and Mr. Toadsmauve would back away a little more to give the medical professionals space to do what they needed to do. As they were getting Luigi onto a stretcher, Mario told them what had happened to his brother. He then soon followed them into an ambulance, which began its trip towards the hospital.
-To be continued…-
Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/746341252448043008/my-heart-hears-you-part-1?source=share
Part 1.5: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/746341378314944512/my-heart-hears-you-part-15
Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/746500897895514112/my-heart-hears-you-part-2
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/746506353298767872/my-heart-hears-you-part-3
Part 4: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/746920665451495424/my-heart-hears-you-part-4
Part 5: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/746921486930034688/my-heart-hears-you-part-5
Part 6: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/746923474412568576/my-heart-hears-you-part-6
Part 7: You're already here!
Part 8: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/747120181983281152/my-heart-hears-you-part-8
Part 9: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/747121034850975744/my-heart-hears-you-part-9
Part 10: https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/747121820844556288/my-heart-hears-you-part-10
Part 11 (END): https://www.tumblr.com/jaybleu25/747122379621269504/my-heart-hears-you-part-11
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mikurulucky · 1 month
Tochiro hyperfocuses like a goddamned champ. I wonder how many times he forgot to eat while he was tinkering with stuff or building the Arcadia. How many times did Emeraldas and Harlock end up giving him food thinking "Yo, you forgot to eat lunch a few hours ago, so I brought you this".
The times he feels he NEEDS to do something and stubbornly sticks to that thing, whether it's fixing the ship when he needs to rest after an injury or it's driving through a disease/cancer causing wormhole to fix Emeraldas's ship, or wandering off to a random western town to find his people in Gun Frontier despite Harlock and Shinunora telling him "Bro, you're gonna get yourself killed!"... it's numerous.
He's like my black cat endlessly looking for his toy mouse because it's his favorite. If he's got something he needs or wants to do, he's dead set on it until it's done. I imagine in the case of tinkering, that might've lead to moments where he ended up staying up all night only realizing he did so after randomly looking at the clock and realizing "Oh shit, I've been tinkering with this machine for literal HOURS!! O_O" and going to bed at like the crack of dawn. I know I've done that many times lol.
I wonder if that's part of the reason he rarely bathes in some timelines lol. The other part maybe being executive dysfunction or a negative association with past bathing incidents like someone forcing him to bathe and being too rough with him.
(I do suspect that that, the lack of motivation, and the fact there's only like ONE bathing area in the boarding house could be why Nobotta hardly bathes unless he's made to bathe, and the landlady's attempts to make him bathe probably only exacerbates that issue long term. As for his unwillingness to wash his boxers... idk maybe that was to save money, like forgoing a trip to the laundromat in favor of buying food?... or more boxers??? As if that's cheaper somehow??? Idk, I liken Nobotta's endless buying of boxers to my doordash addiction thanks to having less energy to cook half the time lol. And the mushrooms seem to be the result of rain leaking into his closet, as moisture DOES lead to the development of mold and other fungi after a while, and you DON'T want that. Nobotta's just lucky the mushrooms that grow on his boxers are actually edible inky cap mushrooms and not something poisonous (yes, I do believe they're supposed to be based on the inky cap mushrooms Leiji found growing on one of his clothing once and fed to, iirc, the creator of Ashita no Joe?). Eating those mushrooms is still kinda cursed tho lol.)
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r-edacted · 1 year
skateboarding isn't that hard guys I promise (ZeexEmma)
a/n: this is literally the first time I've EVER written a fanfic so I apologize if this is crummy. There were no cooks in the kitchen so I had to make my own food. I don't have an ao3 account so imma have to slap it here until I can get one! enjoy! Emma has never touched a skateboard in her life despite her athleticism. She always gravitated more toward things like tennis or volleyball. But finding out that one of her good friends did skateboard she decided she wanted to try. So they agreed to meet at the skatepark after school. It can't be as hard as riding a bike right?
Oh how wrong she was. 
"Hey ems you don't have to get on the board if you're not ready," Zee assures, noticing Emma's nervous expression. She's seen people skateboarding on TV before. Chase even used them in his stupid pranks but has never actually tried to ride one before. She was now remembering all those epic skateboarding fail compilations she's seen go viral online. But she was ready! Emma made sure to get the proper protective gear before asking Zee to teach her. 
"Don't worry Zee I'm ready! Besides, I always get a bit nervous before doing stuff like this." Emma replied. She didn't want Zee to think she feared a board with wheels.
"Alright, well first you get on the board. Remember balance is important and so is staying chill." Zee demonstrates by standing on his board with the greatest of ease. They take a swig of their soda while balancing on the board. "Easy as one, two…uhhhh.." zee trails off. "Three?" Emma finished. "Yea! Three! There are so many numbers to keep track of, it's crazy!" Zee laughed and Emma giggled. Zee got off their board and gestured to Emma to give it a go. "Your turn ems!" Emma took a deep breath and slowly placed her right foot on the board feeling it shift slightly. Then her left foot, keeping her feet on the two couples of screws that are screwed into the board. "That's it ems!" Zee cheered. "Bend your knees a bit to give yourself more balance." Zee bent their knees as an example. Emma mimicked Zee and felt the board roll a bit to the right causing her to yelp in surprise. She instinctively started holding her arms up to keep her balance, making her wobble a bit. "Woah! Easy skateboard!." She nervously shouted. Zee rushed behind Emma just in case she fell. "Don't worry ems if you happen to slip I got you. You won't fall." Zee assures. "Thanks, Zee." Emma calmed down and was back to being balanced on the board. “Do you want me to push you a bit so you can get used to the board moving?” zee asked. “ Totally! If I can't skateboard I at least wanna feel like I can” Zee smiled. “Cool! Alright here we go, keep your arms out ems." Zee gingerly held Emma's waist and began to push Emma across the skate park. Starting slow but gradually gaining speed until Zee was lightly jogging across the pavement. “WOHOOO! THIS IS SO MUCH FUN ZEE!” Emma laughed. Zee grinned looking at Emma's excited face. However, Zee probably should've focused on the ground because they tripped on a rock causing Zee to let go of Emma. Emma shrieked waving her arms in the air as her skateboard speeds to a chain link fence. “Emma look out!” Zee bolted off the ground and sprinted to the board and pulled Emma off, but being a string bean meant that he wasn't able to hold her. Zee folded like a lawn chair but was able to shield Emma from the impact of falling on the pavement and landed on Zee’s lap. “OMG zee are you ok?” Emma looked down at Zee. “Yup..im ok!” Zee gives a weak thumbs up as they open their eyes to see Emma above them. Emma’s face softened when seeing her friend had no series injuries. “I'm just glad you didn't get hurt bro” They smile at each other before Emma realized how close their faces were. Emma's face gains a light pink hue and bolts up. “Haha yea, that was so much fun! We should totally do this again sometime or not I don't know whatever you like haha!” Zee gets up and walks to the fence to grab their board. “Yea, I think we should pause the skateboarding lessons until tomorrow. Wanna go get some ice cream?” Emma's face brightened with excitement while putting her skateboarding gear in her backpack. “Heck yea! You buying?” “Who said I was?” “Says me Hezekias” Emma taunts. “Well considering I did save your life today id say you owe me one” Zee gives a triumphant look at Emma and she caves. “Alright alright fine.” She grins and gives Zee a soft punch on the arm while the two walk to the ice cream parlor nearby.
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
Home Alone
Hope you like it!!!!
"Ok kids me and your mother are gonna be gone for a few hours can we trust you two to be home alone?"
The twins were 13 now and waiting for this day.
"Ok, you two. Bye, we love you. AND DON'T OPEN THE DOOR FOR ANYBODY!!!!"
"YES!! WE GET IT!!!"
"Ok Sweetfaces, Bye! We love you!"
"Bye Mom! Bye Dad!"
"Bye Mum! Bye Dad!"
Once they were out the door the twins enjoyed the house to themselves. It was a good half an hour into their home-alone experience when they heard knocking at the door. They did what their parents told them and didn't open the door and went to arm themselves with knives. The knocking stopped but eventually came back and they heard tapping at the windows. Eventually, they went away as well, but the twin's suspicions grew that they were trying to see if nobody was home and the person or people knocking at their house were trying to plan a break in.
"So, should we booby trap the house?"
"You read my mind, we gonna home alone this"
They were the kids of Chucky and Tiffany Ray they had several weapons and trap ideas laying around. Glen placed sharp objects under all the windows and doors. Glenda got wire and tied it up at the door, and loaded her BB gun she got for Christmas a few years ago. They set many more traps around the house and waited.
Just then Tiffany and Chucky pulled up. They noticed all the curtains were up and the lights were off.
"Why is everything shut and off?"
"I don't know, the kids are probably on their phones or something?"
"Yeah maybe."
They tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Even when it was unlocked nothing. It wouldn't open.
"Ok, I'm breaking down the door."
"NO, YOU IDIOT!!! You know how expensive that's gonna be just go through a window or something!"
Chucky rolled his eyes but agreed and opened a window and stepped inside. Unfortunately for him, he stepped straight on a nail!
"AHH!!! FUCK!!!"
"What!! Are you ok?" She questioned till she looked at his foot. With a long nail right through it.
"Holy shit!"
Tiffany stepped inside and avoided the sharp and pointy stuff her husband stepped on. She went in and slipped on oil or slippery liquid and head backward.
Chucky heard his wife's scream and limped into the house this time avoid the stuff he stepped on earlier.
"You ok?" He said helping her up.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
Chucky ran upstairs and was about to reach the top when he tripped on the wire and fell all the way back down.
Luckily this man knew how to fall and managed not to break anything.
Tiffany went in his direction but tripped over a wire and landed directly on her husband.
"Sorry Sweetface. But thanks for breaking my fall"
"Yeah, yeah you're welcome, now help me up! You're crushing me! And my foot is throbbing."
Tiffany quickly crawled off and helped him up. Together they went up the stairs and looked for their children. Glenda quickly came out and pulled out her BB-Gun.
"EY! We come in peace!!!!"
"DAD!!!! MOM!!!"
Glen came from the corner with a baseball bat in his hand.
"MUM! DAD!!!!"
"You two got some explaining to do."
The twins looked down at their feet and apologized for everything. They told them what happened and why they made so many traps.
"Ah. I see."
"Hm, ok. But you two are cleaning up all this!!!"
"Yes Mom"
"Yes Mum"
They all hugged and heard the front door slam open.
A guy in a black beanie tried to enter and immediately froze when he was in the family. He didn't know people were home. Chucky grabbed his daughter BB Gun and shot him in the eye and throat killing the guy.
"Ah shit. Ow! My foot!!!"
"Sorry about that Dad."
"Yeah sorry."
"It's fine. I'm just glad you two are ok"
Tiffany tended to Chucky's foot injury and together they watched the classic home-alone movie.
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whimsicalcotton · 2 months
Howdy, it’s been a hot minute since my last review! Life happens, as it does. Hope you’re doing alright, sending my support and care. Always a pleasure seeing you on my dash. I’m back after rereading Chapter 2 (finally lol). Here’s my live commentary on it :]. The song you picked the chapter title from is also a certified banger btw, TIL what disinter means. Also I couldn’t help myself and read Chapter 5 as soon as you posted it, let me just say I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS, all of them are the good kind of excruciating. But Chapter 2 time first!! Sorry not sorry(?), this review’s even longer.
Nightmare sequence opening let’s gooooo. Max talking to Victoria during the Vortex Club party each repeat, always reassuring yet blaming herself for that single mistake she made once (which was the smart option given her limited information at the time) and always prevented afterwards hits a certain way. And you just know Victoria’s becoming less abrasive mostly due to the increasing levels of car crash fucked up Max is looking and acting like. But hey, at least she gets to wake up in a cuddle pile. Describing sleeping amberprice as a pair of koalas is so big brained of you honestly. “Her joints are sort of creaky, sort of crunchy, and very unwilling to listen to her.” Same Max, same. Her standards for what makes an injury worth worrying over is so funny because it only applies to herself and I know she’d start freaking out the second Chloe gets a paper cut. She’d be all: “Is he bothering you, queen?” (he being an innocent, inanimate roll of film). Nothing, not even anxiety over the impending and looming future, is worse than looking at one’s reflection. Again, same Max, same. Out of the way popular fanon fursona backed up by canon evidence (deer), Max’s true inner self represented by an animal is a raccoon with hypothermia and rabies <333. The similarities are astonishing. A) Bags under her eyes so big they’re banned from airplanes as carry ons, B) Legitimately keeping the option of running into the woods as a not so distant backup plan, and C) Feral. 
Newton’s law of inertia, Sisyphus, and Orpheus walk into a bar, and Max Caulfield walks out. She’s completely right to be worried about Chloe tripping down the stairs, considering that’s what almost happened at the end of the previous chapter lol. Rachel sums up how everyone is feeling about Max rn: “You’re fucking nuts”. I’m so normal about her mentally comparing them to Chloe’s parents and having an instance of genuine, unadulterated happiness from it. Rachel and Chloe both getting embarrassed is so cute. The way you describe Max here, “Liquid sunlight shot straight through her veins, strawberry lightning fizzling through each strained, twitching muscle of her heart.” SO GOOD BRO THE IMAGERY. Also the line right afterwards, “Happiness is foreign to her at this point, and therefore just as likely to cloud her judgement as carnal anxiety or blind anguish.” Emotions come preinstalled when you’re born and are a vital component of the human condition Max plsss. But her rewinding anyway to savor the ephemeral moment until her nose bleeds is perfect. While Max cares more about Rachel’s sweater getting blood on it than where the blood is coming from, at least Chloe has a good retort when she points out the sweater isn’t what’s bleeding. Max confirming her nosebleeds have been happening for a while now must have fired off every one of Chloe’s concern receptors since it certainly wasn’t a childhood phenomenon. “Max has to be careful, or she'll be tempted to stop and stare forever.” Her resolution to stop, not for herself, but to simply take in Chloe and Rachel, just for a little while, has got me shaking my fists in the air. And right after Rachel says she never left too RAHHHHH, APF SAVE ME!! *proceeds to get hit by the emotional equivalent of an eighteen-wheeler, flattened via steamroller, and then scraped up by a rusty snow plow*.
Rachel’s being observant enough for all three of them. “'I know what you did last summer' stare” LMAO. Maybe a concussion would fix Max idk. Can’t say it would hurt at this point :p. Describing your emergency surgery situation as a debacle sure is a word choice Rachel. “Seriously, what kind of fucked up serial killer bullshit?” I’m pretty sure some permutation of that sentence left my mouth several times in increasing frequency when I first played LiS even though I knew what was going to happen haha. That moment Rachel realizes Max, illogically as it seems, was the one who saved her was very well done. I’m loving the comparisons to a bloodied hare Max is evoking in everyone, because I think it provides something important. I’m not sure if I’m wording this well, but the symbolism gives a layer of abstraction, in a way? Both Rachel and Chloe are viewing Max’s damage as a result of cruel nature, something occurring to a hapless creature. Even as the former is getting more suspicious. But Max knows it’s due to her deliberate choice of throwing herself repeatedly at her and everyone else’s problems. IDK, the juxtaposition is just really interesting to me!! “The name rolls off her tongue like molten ore, white-hot richness scorching down her jaw and branding her indebted to its owner.” The amberfield of it all… And Max accepting the cigarette afterwards while Chloe is left gawking ARGHHH. “...sotto voce, a sentiment simmering and secretive…” The alliteration, I love alliteration! Rachel’s biggest fear being permanently separated from Chloe, even more so than dying, and never having the chance to see her again *insert Kermit jumping off building superimposed over BtS after credits scene here*. Yeah the astrology girl comparing her gf to celestial bodies, in both brilliance and importance alike, got to me. Max saying she picked up the word hella from a friend I’m literally crawling up my walls.
Chloe my pathetic little meow meow, “...what lanky skeeve of a hipster does Chloe have to punch out for giving the girl her first cigarette?” I have some bad news to break to you. Ofc David spills the beans -_-. All things considered, Chloe is doing an amazing job at keeping calm until Max’s lichtenberg scar jumpscares her. “She just needs to know what the fuck is going on so she can figure out how to help.” But it’s the one thing she can’t possibly help with without sending Max into a spiral of anxiety. Max believing she’s a bigger cause of strife for Chloe than mf Mark “I drug and photograph teenage girls” Jefferson has me losing my mind. Also Chloe acknowledging what she would’ve given for an apology before Max stumbled back into her life, but now that she has there’s nothing she wants less makes me feel some kind of way (heartbroken, I’m feeling heartbroken). Max berating herself out loud with such vitriol is just so :(. “Instead, she falls back on tried and true reassurance from their younger days, familiar words bubbling up from somewhere far brighter than here and now.” Now I’m imagining younger pricefield and my eyes are sweating while I’m writhing on the floor. I understand Max’s mom is in the right here as a concerned parent whose child might as well have gone missing, but woooo you go Max you curse her out for trying to yank you away woooo. “Please stay out of trouble while I'm gone.” It’s the Magic School Bus Theme Song, “With the Price? No way!”
If you couldn’t tell from my absolute monster of a ramble, this chapter is fantastic. I’ve reread it multiple times, and my review is little more than a 1,000 word proofread version of me screaming into a pillow. Thanks for writing, seriously.
!!! hello anon!! always nice to see you too ^^
first off another round of thank you thank you thank yous bc i love your commentary so much and i'm glad you found me on here so i can have the full screaming into a pillow experience bc it's The Best. like seriously i've always wanted to write fic good enough to have ppl rambling and sdjfhgsjd it makes me so happy <3 so thank you anon i appreciate you so much jsyk. i shall be patiently (very very excitedly) awaiting your ch.5 commentary also 👀👀👀
i also learned what disinter means from this song lolol. i have like. at least 3 more TRAILS songs on my playlist for this AU bc i am out of control. here is another one that i think you would also enjoy (read: foam at the mouth over bc oh the pricefield of it all)
"Newton’s law of inertia, Sisyphus, and Orpheus walk into a bar, and Max Caulfield walks out." obsessed w this actually. so true bestie <3 <3 <3 also also now you have me thinking about the inertia/orpheus combo; the tendency of one looking back to keep looking back. ouuughgh
funfact Max's running off into the woods 'plan' is a reference to how i very first wrote/planned this AU waayyyy way back in 2017ish. in that version she didn't let amberprice look after her At All and just fucked off into the woods immediately after the semi-accidental meeting chloe in the parking lot. not sure where the hell i was going w that draft and the doc is lost to the ages so ig we'll never know lol. oh well i'm def more happy with how it is now anyways
''RAHHHHH, APF SAVE ME!! *proceeds to get hit by the emotional equivalent of an eighteen-wheeler, flattened via steamroller, and then scraped up by a rusty snow plow*.'' <<< unironically my favorite emotion to cause via fic. also what i feel while i'm writing shfgshfgj
"Now I’m imagining younger pricefield and my eyes are sweating while I’m writhing on the floor." yessss join me. join me in the baby pricefield headcanons that seem innocent and chill but actually hurt like a bitch <3 i am suffering torments of my own design <3
0 notes
ruby-fury-secret · 1 year
still a draft
Damn it.
 He was stupid. So stupid.
 Raph stumbled through the lair, pausing every minute or so to swallow back his harsh gulps of air. His legs felt wobbly, his steps shamefully lacking stealth. His left wrist, aching like crazy, was tucked tight beneath his other arm, as though the pressure could help with the pain that throbbed in time to his heartbeat.
 It had taken him way too long to make his way back to his bike. And then way too long to swear a blue streak as he realized he couldn’t drive the damn thing with a maybe-sprained, probably-broken wrist.
 Best he could do was drag the bike out of sight, hope no one messed with it until he had a chance to go back to get it, and then do his best to sneak back to the lair. Taking off the Nightwatcher gear one-handed was an experience. He’d had to shimmy his way out of most of it, grateful that no one was there to witness his graceless undressing.
 Damn it. This one hurt.  
 He’d suffered worse injuries, sure. Deep slashes, concussions, broken bones, gunshot wounds even. Injuries that he still felt, every so often, when he moved wrong or the air got too humid. He’d caught his share of bruises in the Nightwatcher getup, but it felt like so long since he’d nursed a real injury.
 They didn’t spar anymore, the three of them. He didn’t even have the chance to revel in sore muscles from throwing too many kicks with his brothers.
 Maybe he was getting old. He felt old. Tired and achy. Maybe his body, maybe his heart. He couldn’t tell these days.
 The lair was quiet. Donnie had work in the morning. Mikey probably did too. Splinter’s favourite show didn’t start until 9am. No one saw Raph slipping over to the kitchen. And even if they did, what did it matter? They assumed he slept all night and day. Hell, if he was doing that, you’d think they’d give a crap. That he was depressed or anemic or whatever. He’d laugh about it if his wrist didn’t hurt so much.
 He just needed ice. He could hide in his room until his wrist didn’t look bad anymore. What did it matter? If they weren’t concerned about his alleged sleeping habits before, they certainly weren’t going to start now.
 Raph rummaged through the kitchen, grabbing a hand towel, fumbling through a pile of frozen-solid cake slices (wasn’t anybody eating these, why were there so many) and hoping to God there was a filled ice cube tray in there somewhere.
 There was. He pulled it out, staring at the cubes, wondering about the quietest way to pry the cubes out and stack them in a hand towel and disappear in his room to sleep off the pain.
 “Oh! Hey Raph!”
 Raph yelped, sending the ice tray clattering to the ground. Shit. Well, that was one way.
 Some ninja he was, letting Mikey of all people sneak up on him. “What the hell! What are you doing here?”
 “Uh, I live here. Remember?” Mikey’s chuckle took the sting out of it. “Oh yeah, I guess it’s been a while since we’ve run into each other. You’ve probably forgotten me. Hi, I’m Michelangelo, I have a black belt in skateboarding. I enjoy pizza for breakfast and long walks on the beach.”
 Raph sighed. Great, now a headache was threatening to overtake the throb in his wrist. “What are you doing up?”
 It was… crap, what time was it? He thought it was still night out. The coveted ‘wee hours of the morning’. Was it morning already? Had it taken him that long to get back to the lair?
 Mikey cracked a yawn. “I know, I know. 6am should be illegal. But duty calls! Cowabunga Carl’s got a gig in Jersey, so… early road trip, you know?”
 “Hm.” Raph kicked at one of the wayward cubes. Now he had a wrist, a mess, and Mikey to deal with. He got down to one knee, felt it go click (hello, old injuries) and gathered a few cubes in one hand, tossing them back into the fallen tray. Mikey crouched down to help.
 “Raph? You good bro?” He zeroed in on the way Raph held his arm, hand stiff and useless against his plastron. “You burn yourself or something? If you suck at cooking that much, I can make you something.”
 He probably wasn’t kidding, and somehow that made Raph feel a hundred times worse. They’d barely said two words to each other in two weeks, yet he knew that if he asked, Mikey would put his heart and soul into making Raph a sandwich, or scrambled eggs, or even beef Wellington or whatever.
 “I’m fine.”
 “Yeah, I mean, I’m sure you’re fine, but do you need help?”
 “I said I’m fine, so no. Don’t you have to go scare some kids in Jersey?”
 “Yeah, but I gave myself extra time to get ready, get lost a couple of times on the way over, stop at a drive-thru to get my zen back, and then find the place. I’m good. Are you, though?”
 Raph sighed. He was too tired for anger, in too much pain to put up a front. And Mikey was right there, and damn it, he missed the little idiot.
 “… Think I broke my wrist,” Raph said. He picked a spot on the floor that wasn’t covered in quietly melting ice cubes and sat down, carapace against the cabinet door. Yeah, he was lucky it was Mikey crouching there. Donnie and Splinter would have a million follow-up questions, and Leo would have…
 … well Leo didn’t matter, because the jerk wasn’t even here to ask questions.
 But Mikey, well. He preferred action to words. “Dude, that sucks. Can I help? You know what, stay there. I got this.”
 So Raph stayed right there, tucking his knees to his plastron and resting his busted hand on top of them. Some Nightwatcher he was. And to think, Mikey was probably his biggest fan. It was almost worth telling him his secret identity, if only to see the excitement in his brother’s eyes.
 Mikey returned triumphantly, a first aid kit in one hand and a stack of something in the other. Mikey was surprisingly good under real pressure, especially when it came to first aid.
 And surprisingly efficient at cleaning, when he was motivated. A dish towel dropped to the floor, followed by Mikey’s foot, who used it to sweep away the water and leftover ice cubes. Good enough.
 “All right, let me take a look at this. This is a job for Dr. Michelangelo, DDS!”
 “DDS means dentist, doofus.” Snark was useful but could only do so much to mask pain. Mikey was gentle, but it still smarted something fierce as he worked to remove the guard wrapping from Raph’s wrist and cradled the hand between his own, taking a closer look at the bruises creeping up and down the swollen joint.
 “Owie,” Mikey declared. Raph agreed. “How’d you do this, anyway?”
 Yep, no avoiding that. Questions. “Openin’ a pickle jar.”
 Mikey snorted. For a blissful moment, Raph thought he’d give up on questions, but no. He unzipped the first aid kit and rummaged while continuing to ask. “Nah, seriously, how’d you do this? This looks like you twisted it.”
 Yeah, about that.
 Raph hadn’t expected that encounter with the street gang to go sour. And technically it hadn’t. He’d beaten them just fine, and not one of those meathead jerks had put so much as a scratch on the Nightwatcher. Oh, they’d tried.
 One punk came at him with a narrow pipe. He’d pulled out his sai, blocked the pipe, and twisted to disarm. But damn it, as much as Raph tried to train solo and keep up his skills, it was nothing compared to sparring with his brothers.
 He used to be able to size up opponents and weapons in a heartbeat. He’d misjudged the weight of the pipe. He’d sent it packing, yeah, but the movement made his wrist snap in a way that made cold sweat break out on the back of his neck. Lucky for him, that was the last thug.
 Disappear into the night. Stash bike. Hobble home.
 Which left him here. Sitting on the floor, Mikey at his side, palpating a bruised-purple wrist, waiting for an answer.
 “… Long story,” Raph muttered.
 It seemed enough for now. Mikey turned his attention to his task, murmuring, “Oof, it’s pretty swollen.”
 Raph liked the way his voice dropped to a low pitch when he was serious about something. Sometimes he forgot how competent Mikey could be. How good Mikey was at patching up his hurts. Donnie, for all his smarts and science, could get squeamish about injuries. Leo was too fussy. Splinter never really gave it away, but Raph had the sneaking suspicion he was disappointed whenever his sons came home with injuries. Especially Raph.
 Mikey took his hand as though offering a handshake, nodding at the swollen joint. “Okay, squeeze my hand, tell me when it hurts.”
 Raph found himself obeying, naturally, comforted by Mikey’s tending. How long had it been since he’d just… hung out with his brothers? Since they’d given him a hug or asked how he was doing without making a crack about him sleeping in until 3 in the afternoon?
 Mikey’s hand was warm and he wanted to squeeze just to enjoy a bit of physical contact. But as he tried his damnedest to squeeze, his hand started to shake and the flare of pain forced a sad grunt past his lips.
 “Okay, so probably broken,” Mikey tsked. He kept his hand loosely wrapped around his brother’s, moving the joint up and down and rotating slowly. Raph knew from experience what he was doing, testing the range of motion, and he let Mikey manipulate his wrist for a few moments. It hurt, but it wasn’t excruciating. He could sit through the pain if it meant enjoying the contact.
 Satisfied with his examination, Mikey hummed a happy little noise and rested Raph’s palm against his own while he rummaged in the area of the first aid kit.
 Raph sighed. He was tired. “So, am I gonna live?”
 “Oh man, this is a terminal fracture. You better leave me all your stuff. The cool stuff, only. Donnie can have the junk.” Mikey held up a gel pack, popping a cartridge in the middle and giving it a little shake. “It’s not a bad break. Probably just a little crack. I’m gonna ice it a bit and then wrap it for you, ‘kay?”
 Raph nodded. Mikey didn’t let go of his hand as he draped the instant ice pack on top of it. The numbness was kind of nice. “Did you bring a whole pile of these things?”
 “Haha, yeah. My personal stash. Cowabunga Carl gets knocked around a lot. I don’t think the Foot Clan ever kicked me as much. Or bit me. Or barfed on me.”
 Okay, that got a smile out of him. “You’re tougher than me. I couldn’t handle that.”
 “Then there’s the moms.” Mikey shuddered, lifting the ice pack and adjusting it. “Some of them flirt.”
 Raph shifted on the floor. His butt was starting to go numb, but this was nice. If he asked to move to the table, Mikey might let go of him.
 Raph shut his eyes. It would be so easy, right now, to just tell him. That he was the Nightwatcher. That he wasn’t a bum, that he went outside every night because staying cooped up in the lair left him twitchy, anxious, and ready to scream into a pillow from being useless.
 “Mike… can you keep a secret?”
 “Surprisingly enough, I can!”
 “So the thing is…”
 Tell him. You’re the Nightwatcher. Tell him. You hurt yourself busting some bad guys. He’ll be happy. So happy. He’ll be proud of you and think you’re cool and might even hug you.
 “I broke my wrist ‘cause I… I uh… went out on a roof to do some katas. Tried some flips, didn’t stick the landing. Guess my wrist didn’t like that.”
 Crap. Coward.
 Mikey nodded sagely. “Thought so. I knew you were hiding something. Hey, no judgment from me, we all fall over sometimes!”
 “I miss being outside. At night.” He didn’t mean for it to sound so raw. He didn’t miss the way Mikey made a sad little hum of agreement. “I miss… all of it, you know?”
 “So that’s why you’re always sleeping in? ‘Cause you’re out late exercising on the roof?”
 “Yeah.” Raph squirmed as Mikey removed the ice pack, gave his numb wrist a few judicious pokes, and plucked a tensor wrap from the first aid kit. “Feels good to get out. It’s just… it’s embarrassing that I messed up a flip. So let’s keep that between us.”
 “Turtle’s honour, bro.” A few loops later, and Mickey pinned the tensor in place. “How’s that? Not too tight?”
 “It’s fine,” Raph said. Mikey was messing with something in the kit, rattled a bottle, and handed him two ibuprofens with an encouraging smile. Any other day, he would have put up a token protest, but he took the meds without fuss.
 “All right then, Dr. Michelangelo, DDS predicts you’ll be right as rain in no time!” Mikey leapt to his feet with an energy that Raph absolutely did not feel, pouring water in the nearest clean mug and handing it down. Raph didn’t have the heart to tell him he’d already dry-swallowed the pills, and sipped delicately.
 “Hey, Raph?”
 “When you go out at night, do you uh… y’know.”
 Raph swallowed. Thank God for the mug of water because now his throat felt dry. Had he maybe not fooled Mikey? “Do I what?”
 “You know, the Nightwatcher!” Mikey sounded positively giddy. It did nothing for Raph’s nerves, until Mikey finished his thought. “Do you ever see him? Do you ever go looking for him? Because I would!”
 Dear, sweet, innocent Mikey.
 “Haven’t yet,” Raph muttered, staring at the mug. “You like him, huh?”
 “Oh man!” Mikey crouched down to pack up the first aid kit, swooning with his entire being. “He’s so badass. Did anyone ever think that about us when we used to do this sort of thing? That were badass? Ah, I’m with you, I miss it. If I didn’t have work I’d probably be up on the roof too. Maybe when Leo comes back…”
 “Tell you what,” Raph interjected. Better to squash any thoughts of Leo and coming back while he could. “If I ever run into the Nightwatcher while throwing backflips on roofs, I’ll get his autograph for you.”
 Mikey squealed, thrusting out a hand. Raph took it and let his brother effortless haul him to his feet. “This is why you’re my favourite brother!”
 Tonight, anyway. Raph wasn’t anyone’s favourite anything, but he’d take what he could get.  “Thanks. And remember… don’t tell Donnie and Sensei I busted my wrist, okay? I feel stupid enough as it is.”
 Mikey nodded conspiratorially, and Raph was certain he would never more closely guard a secret in his life. “Count on me. Here, take the packs and try to keep it iced. You’ll be back to punching me in the arm in no time.”
 He pressed five ice packs into Raph’s good arm, gave it a thought, then took one back.
 “… Might need one after the gig today. All right, duty calls! Catch ya later!”
 Mikey grinned big and wide and whirled away. Yeah. Way too much energy for this time of morning.
 “Hey… Mikey?” Raph called out. Mikey, already halfway out the exit, spun in place. Raph waved his tensor-wrapped hand at him. “… Thanks.”
 Mikey’s answering smile was the very definition of sunshine. “I got you, bro! You know I always got your stupid butt.”
 Cradling his wrist, now down to a dull ache, Raph hobbled to his room. He bolted the door and crawled into bed. Either the ibuprofens were kicking in or he was too tired to worry about pain, spiralling into sleep with thoughts of Mikey’s smile. With everything else happening, it was nice to know someone still had his stupid butt.  
 Maybe things were not all right at the moment.
 But maybe one day, they would be.
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ppnuggie · 2 years
I am a natural clutz with many injuries can I get some Ratchet loving and another mech of your choosing on reactions to the multi injury person. If not too complex.....
TFP x reader — fluff
 『 ratchet ,, smokescreen ,, shockwave ,, gn s/o reader 』
 -> ratchet and smokey w/ a gn s/o who’s clumsy and gets injuries that way
 — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
— i added smokescreen and shockwave <33 and since you didn’t specify what continuity i did tfp ,, so hopefully thats alrighr ?
ratchet ::
• bro freaks everytime something happens ,, and then acts like he dont care
• you could trip over air and he’d scold you ,, then huff and puff and act as though he never said anything
• as much as he shows that its an annoyance to him ,, it really isnt ,, hes just worried for your safety
• old man swears hes getting vietnam flashbacks the first time you fall down the stairs
• like chill ,, maybe youve got a couple of bruises and stuff ,, maybe a huge bumb on your forehead ,, but is alright bro
• still swears he dont care ,, mf was bawling just a minute ago and acting as though you took your last breathe
• a few of the bots get a nice snicker out of it ,, smokescreen mostly and wheeljack every now and then
smokescreen ::
• bro probably doesn’t notice ,, and if he did he’d just tease you
• like you trip over a rock? mans dying of laughter ,, until he does it himself and then its uno reverse
• big goofball would freak the first time something major happened due to your clumsiness
• he’d rush you to ratchet and all ,, acting like you were dying right in his servos
• like bro ,, you just skinned your knee ,, alls okay bro ,, no death here
• had to get a lecture from arcee abt taking care of you ,, bc he’s not responsible enough
shockwave ::
• bro dont give a fuck ,, he rlly don’t
• bro doesnt notice until you get really hurt from it ,, then he’s all “its illogical for you to misstep over nothing”
• bros not clumsy ,, bros not sure what clumsy is ,, bros gotta google this clumsy word he hears
• it just gives him more of a reason to see humans as a inferior race to cybertronians ,, as though them being organic wasn’t enough
• shockwave still dont care ,, as long as you dont do anything to harm yourself too much
• he’ll understand a bruise or skinned elbow ,, but walk to him with a cast and he’s on the move to scold you
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3rensgf · 3 years
stupid/annoying, but endearing, things they do in a relationship eren, armin, jean, connie, erwin, levi, reiner, bertholdt, porco, zeke, colt, hanji, mikasa, sasha, annie, pieck
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word count: 2.3k
warnings: one mention of sex in erens, reader uses makeup in jeans, mentions of injuries and dilf!reiner in reiners
notes: this is a gn!reader. there are mentions of makeup being used, but i feel like any gender can use makeup. it's not even anything serious like a beat face. just some lip gloss n mascara. chapstick too but thats not makeup. it's just one line, so you can skip over it if you would like to!
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✩ eren bites you. its not even in a sexual way, he just likes to bite. they’re like a second form of kissing to him. you could be chilling together on the couch watching a movie, and he’ll just chomp on your shoulder. even when you were trying to focus on something, he swings by, bites then leaves. eren has no shame, so he does it in front of your friends too. you could be having a normal conversation with mikasa and he’ll just bite you, then the two of you carry on as if it was normal. it’s not normal. but you love it. sometimes you bite him back too. but only in private.
✩ armin gives you random things he finds. armin likes to go out and explore, with or without you. when he comes back after an adventure you opted out of, he always has something for you he found. a rock, a seashell or a cool flower are just some of the things he gets for you. if he can’t find something, he finds a gift shop to get you something instead, saying, “well, (y/n), i did find it in the gift shop.” he always looks so proud giving it to you, rambling about the story of how he found your gift. you have a small box tucked away with all the treasures he gives you.
✩ jean steals your things. whenever he comes over, he likes to mooch off your possessions. if he’s spending the night at your place and needs a shower, he’s using your shampoo, conditioner and body wash. if his lips are chapped, he swipes your lip balm to use on himself. one time you even walked in on him trying your mascara and lip gloss. another time he had your clothes on his giant frame. but he always replaces whatever he uses, venmoing you within the next few days with some cash and a sorry note. “sorry for using ur lip balm baby, buy some more <3” with $20 attached to it. you tell him that lip balm doesn’t even cost that much, but he tells you to treat yourself to lunch with the extra money.
✩ connie makes plans without letting you know beforehand. at 3am, you are woken up by an influx of messages and calls from your boyfriend. in your sleepy state you go to answer him, only to be told to get dressed and come out. he’s right outside of your house and hungry. you remind him it’s very early in the morning and you both have class. “but i’m hungry and craving burgers,” he repeats. you have no choice to get in the car with him. this can happen throughout the day, not just early in the morning. one time he whisked you away in the middle of your online class because he didn’t tell you he bought tickets to a movie showing in 30 minutes. the memories you share on these spontaneous dates are always your favorite ones with him.
✩ erwin buys you whatever you like in bulk. it’s not even an exaggeration when you say bulk. you mention one thing to him, and the next day there are boxes upon boxes sitting on your kitchen counter. “these oranges taste pretty good,” you mumble to yourself as you peel your 2nd one. erwins sharp ears hear this, and first thing in the morning he’s off to buy multiple bags of your supposed favorite oranges. it takes you days, sometimes weeks, to finish whatever he decided to buy you. you always tell him he doesn’t need to buy so much, but he never listens. though, you always appreciate how attentive he is to your likes and dislikes.
✩ levi cleans up for you and ruins your organization. it’s always a blessing when someone else decides to take on the burden of cleaning for you, and you thought you hit the jackpot with a boyfriend who loved to clean, clean, clean. but it could get annoying when you suddenly couldn’t find anything you placed anywhere. if you’re anything like me, you’re messy but organized. you know where things are. when levi comes to clean, he places things where he thinks they should go. you’re sent on a wild goose chase looking for your pencil case, only for it to be in a completely different drawer than the one you usually kept it in. despite this behavior, it’s always nice to come home from a long day from school to see your desk organized. what was once a mess of papers and other supplies have been filed into their correct places, the table wiped down from any lingering coffee stains and your supplies being organized in a way so you knew where everything was. sometimes there’d be a plate of fruit with the note, “good luck on your exams,” written in your boyfriends neat writing beside it.
✩ reiner coddles you too much. whenever you express any sort of discomfort, reiner is always rushing to your side. “are you hurt? do you need medical attention? how many fingers am i holding up?” he asks, checking you for any cuts or bruises. thank you, honey, but i’m fine. just bumped into the counter. despite that, he’s dragging you over to the bathroom to fix up your imaginary injuries. you always find it a bit much when you’re fine. it’s during the times where you’re actually hurt where you learn to appreciate it. he’s so gentle cleaning your cuts, kissing them softly once they’re dressed. you wonder if he’d be like that with your future children.
✩ bertholdt is too nervous around you. it’s been years since the two of you got together, and he still refuses to make eye contact with you. his hands get sweaty and shake when you attempt to hold his hand. he always stumbles over his words when speaking to you as he tries to find the right words to say. he even blushes when he introduces you to other people as his significant other! you remind bertholdt over and over again that he doesn’t need to be so shy around you. but you cant help but coo over him showing up for your date, flustered mess and thrusting flowers into your hand. “they reminded me of you,” he said quietly, refusing to meet your eyes. you giggle and press a kiss to his hot cheeks.
✩ porco is too cocky for his own good. he’s always parading around the house, boasting about his latest achievements. he beat colt in a video game colt was a supposed god in. he can throw a baseball farther than zeke. he can run faster than pieck. if he’s taller than you, he's always making fun of you for being shorter than him. if you’re taller, you’re not exempt from his wrath either. he’s boasting about how he’s perfect height to not hit his head on doorways. he never goes as far as to hurt your feelings, always knowing when to stop. though he has a big ego, he would let it crash and burn just to see you smile after beating him at smash bros. you laugh and taunt him, happy you beat him in one thing. he doesn’t mind, instead watching you with a soft smile on his lips and love in his eyes.
✩ zeke forces you to work out with him. and it’s not like in the afternoon to help you stretch out. it’s not light yoga or a couple minutes on the treadmill. no, this man wakes you up at ass crack in the morning to take you on a 5 mile hiking trip. you barely have any time to register what is happening around you before you’re already standing at the start of the trail with your gear. “come on! we can’t slack off!” he says, clapping his hands together. the sun is beating down on you and your feet hurt, but this man doesn’t let you stop for a break. “we’re almost there,” he says. your complaining goes out the window when he shows you the view at the top. its one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. hiking up long ass trails to see beautiful views with your boyfriend was so worth it in the end.
✩ colt accidentally turns your dates into babysitting sessions. you show up at his house with the promise of a good time, only to be met with a guilty looking colt and his little brother falco behind him. “sorry,” he says sheepishly, “gabi got sick with the cold, so i couldn’t drop him off there. i hope you don’t mind him staying.” you hide your disappointment behind a wide smile, nodding enthusiastically as to not hurt either of their feelings. you just wanted to spend some alone time with your boyfriend, and it would have to wait. hanging out with falco wasn’t actually that bad. the three of you had an amazing time together, watching tv, playing games and even baking together. if you hate kids, you can’t bring yourself to hate falco; he’s just the sweetest boy you’ve ever met. you and falco are already asking colt when the three of you can hang out again when you have to go back home.
✩ hanji is always talking. you don’t discourage them from talking about their interests. they’re very passionate about the things they love, and can’t help talking about them. its like the scene where hanji kept eren up all night talking about titans. when you’re trying to focus on something or go to sleep, hanji is just yapping away. you’re honestly amazed at their ability to never run out of things to say about the most mundane things. hell, one time they talked for an hour and a half about a building color they saw when they were out one day. but hanji just looked so happy when talking. their face would break out into a huge grin, and their arms would fly around as they told their story. it was too cute for you to tell them to stop.
✩ mikasa hovers too much. every corner you turn, every place you go to, mikasa is following. she claims she’s not clingy, but in reality she is. it’s like a cat who hates affection, but needs to be in the same room as you at all times. you don’t mind her following you into the bedroom or living room or kitchen. you had to draw a line when she tried to follow you into the bathroom. even when you’re out, she’s always following you around. you tell her it’s okay to break off from you and spend some time by herself, but she always shakes her head and follows you to your next destination. you’re always grateful for her hovering when a group of drunk people try hitting on you, whistling and telling you they’ll give you a good time. but one look at your girlfriend who showed up from out of nowhere, and they’re running away with their tails between their legs.
✩ sasha eats your food. she can’t help it. she likes to snack. she’s always hungry. and you get that. to stop things like this from happening, you have separate places to keep your food. just so sasha and you have your favorite snacks and takeout separated. you respect the rule, but your girlfriend seems to lose her reading skills when hungry, one too many times you have walked in on her with her hand deep into a bag of your chips, something you’ve been waiting to eat all week when you were supposed to watch that new horror movie on netflix with her. you huff and puff and retreat to your bedroom. sasha comes back after a few hours, looking upset with tons and tons of snacks in her arms. “i’m sorry i ate your chips,” she frowns. she sets down all the food she got on your bed. “i got all these snacks you liked as an apology. and 3 bags of your favorite chips.” you could never stay mad at her cute face.
✩ annie complains about spending time with you. “i like my alone time,” she says, brushing you off when you asked why she didn’t want to watch a movie with you. some people were introverted, preferring to spend time by themselves rather than with someone else. you were like that too; you had your moments where you didn’t feel like being around your girlfriend. but it became an annoying problem when she constantly shot down your attempts to hang out with you. when she finally agrees, she’s always finding something to complain about. but during important dates or when you’re not in the best mood, she’s always the first to remind you or initiate a hang out/date. she shuts her mouth and enjoys her time with you, not one criticism or groan leaving her lips. she would never admit it, but being around you made her so happy.
✩ pieck is always sleeping. you have to wait a few hours to get a text or call back from pieck because she’s always dozing off somewhere. “sorry sweets,” she yawns into the mic, “was taking a nap. need something?” good luck trying to reach your girlfriend during an emergency. when you come home with takeout for dinner because neither of you wanted to cook, she’s sleeping at the dinner table. when you’re watching a movie she wanted to watch, she’s snoring away, curled up at the end of the couch. during lectures you share together, she has her head in her arms and has the audacity to ask you for your notes in the end. and it’s not like she’s not getting enough sleep, no. she gets her recommended 8 hours of sleep and then some. it’s nice to have a sleepy girlfriend, though, when you’re dead tired from living. you drag your feet into the bedroom to see her about to take her nth nap for the day. she notices your zombie-like state and opens up her arms for you. the two of you cuddle and nap together, sleeping the stress away.
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3rensgf © 2021 ; do not repost or translate my work.
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kyuala · 3 years
cravity with a clumsy s/o
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requested by anon
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oh boy do his leader instincts kick in bad when he's around you. and he makes sure to be around you as often as he can because he knows you'll inevitably get hurt, so he has to be there to either prevent that or take care of you afterwards. reminding you to not get so close to hot pans or to be careful when you're playing so you don't get hurt - he'll do it all. he's got it all covered. will also kiss it better for good measure but please don't tell his members
oh man he'll try to be serious so bad‼️ like rly going "didn't i tell you to be careful when going down the stairs 😠 you should've listened to me you could've seriously hurt yourself 😤 but like fine okay i guess i'll have to take care of you now 🙄" but you didn't even ask? also definitely offers cuddles as a way to heal injuries god bless 🙏🏼
thinks you're just SO CUTE 🗣️🗣️ he'll always be smiling for days at you whenever you're being clumsy, like it actually even takes him a while to get that you need help sometimes. also uses your clumsiness to avert attention from his own occasional clumsy behavior 😶 but shhhh 🤫
always keeping an eye out for you! having an arm around your shoulder or a hand holding your waist - not only because he likes being close to you but also to guide you and make sure you don't just randomly trip and fall. it's just second nature to him at this point. he'd make some light jokes here and there but would surprisingly keep the teasing to a minimum for the most part! would also insist on always being the one to treat your little bruises and scratches 🤕
CLOWN. but actually not so much because he's just so so soft for you, he thinks you're the single cutest thing on earth. like you could really be screeching because you just stubbed your toe and he'd just be like omg 😍😍 aren't you just the cutest thing 😍 how can u be so cute 😍😍 would help you with patching up after laughing at you for two solid minutes also
honestly might be right there with you...........? i feel like minhee might be a little more clumsy than we get to see bc he can be so awkward sometimes and Lord knows that when we're awkward stuff Just Happens.... so he'll be the second most normal one about it lmao except for a few jokes here and there just to tease and make you laugh so you forget about getting hurt😞 helps you with treating little injuries too
honestly right there with you too...........? but hyeongjun is more upfront abt his own clumsiness bc he just thinks it's funny!! you're both just a couple of dumbasses!! life is good!!! now give him a kiss so he can feel better and he'll do the same to you 😚 will also speak to you like a baby when you're being clumsy to either be annoying or cute, depends on how you take it
ANOTHER CLOWN. but more of a true clown than wonjin because he just thinks your clumsiness is funny, he knows it's nothing serious and you can take care of yourself. therefore he feels he has the right to yell "HEY MAKE SURE YOU DON'T TRIP AND FALL ON YOUR FACE THIS TIME OKAY 👍🏼" at you when you're literally just standing there (and so you somehow trip and fall on your face because ofc you do) (and it's all his fault)
bro he'll deadass laugh at you? bc he knows it never gets serious so he'll feel comfortable just busting a lung laughing at your shenanigans. will regularly be like "omg remember that one time you fell on your ass in front of like 20 people?" in the middle of conversation and just start laughing so hard he'll cry. aside from that he'll actually be the most normal one, giving you as many cheek kisses as you'd like to make you feel better (while still holding in his laughter)
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House of Wax: Wrath of Woman
Inspired by House of Wax and so many wonderful slasher headcanons and fics, I thought I'd try to make one myself. I don't know about the ending though, left it on a cliffhangar for now but tell me what you think. Reader is afab. Part 2, or just fixing the ending?
Warnings: Violence, Gore, Swearing, Bullying, maybe bad writing
House of Wax Sinclair Bros. x AFAB! Reader
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It was supposed to be an easy kill. The idiots were snarky, petulant, arrogant pricks that acted as if the world belonged to them. They never seemed to understand the respect that ought to be given to things, people, and especially seemed to have never heard the word 'no'. A spoiled bunch of children who belonged in Hell, which they'd be taken to after becoming living art for the House of Wax in Ambrose, Louisiana.
But human nature has an instinctual life thrive, and these kids respected neither the living nor the dead, their self-preservation helping them like some cheat code against the premeditative, vicious Sinclair twins.
They were a pack of 4, one girl, three guys, the girl siblings with one, girlfriend to one, and the third an apparent classmate, all three of them not having influence but never stopping their degenerate behaviour. One by one they were picked off, leaving only the girl and her boyfriend behind, the boy severely injured compared to the girl.
When her boyfriend began to fall behind due to his injury, she screamed at him to get up, hurting the ears of everyone around them. Bo and Vincent were determined to silence them, the elder twin already wielding a trusty knife as he stalked towards them from a corner, savouring his upcoming kill.
The girl yelled angrily at her boyfriend, blaming him for all of 'this' happening, and her boyfriend started yelling right back about how she was ungrateful and that they needed to work together to get out alive and she was wasting time. More like a waste of oxygen.
She huffed like a little kid and glared at her boyfriend, turning her head after seeing something in her periphery, screaming bloody murder at the sight of Bo. He smirked sadistically as he quickened his pace, frightening the girl.
In her panic and pure self-preservation, she dumped her injured boyfriend (who honestly was still pretty mobile, just a little slow) and ran away, screaming.
Bo caught up to the boyfriend who was in a small amount of shock, before struggling to get up, his shin stabbed by a screwdriver Bo kept on him. The boyfriend stupidly tried to stand up by forcing his weight on his injured leg, stumbling and costing himself valuable time to fight back. He huffed and tried again, this time using the proper leg. Only it was too late, and Bo kicked his injured leg, sending him falling once more.
The girlfriend ran and got to the centre crossroads of town before Vincent stepped out of the shadows, long black mane trailing behind him as he slashed one of his beloved dragon knives across her body, slicing her hair as she just barely dodged out of the way. Vincent advanced, his boots stirring the sand as the girl whimpered pitifully and tried to run only for him to send a well-aimed kick at her abdomen to send her sprawling on the ground, spine brushing against the dirt as she crawled backwards on her hands, trying to put some distance between her and the artful killer.
You watched from inside one of the apartment complexes, where just underneath the commotion was going on while you were safely tucked away. You were a last resort in luring them there but not in capturing them, as the two men were far more capable than someone new, at least that was the reason; truth was they could never stand you being there in direct harm's way. Luring has no problems but capture? No, they couldn't bring you into the crossfire.
You grimaced as the boyfriend struggled with Bo, who was overpowered by the lean kid due to his sudden adrenaline and testosterone rush that helped him fight, tripping Bo (and you hated to admit it but you might have snorted at that) and wrestling with him for the knife. The kid was quickly losing the upper hand as Bo squirmed and wrenched his hold off enough to nearly stab him before the boyfriend did the one thing no man should do in a fight with another:
Kicked him where the sun don't shine.
Or at least he tried to, but in the dark and atop a moving opponent it would be hard to tell where to aim, but he did knee Bo hard enough in the thigh that the man released his grip on the boy who ran as fast as he could to his now ex-girlfriend.
The girl was struggling, Vincent gripping her head after she kept squirming away and painfully clutching her by her brunette tresses as she pleaded with him to not kill her, yelling obscenities just before Vincent was shoved aside by the boyfriend who had stupidly come to the deserter's defense.
It wasn't a good push but surprising and placed enough that it worked to push the masked man away. Then he swung his knife at the boy, who fell to the ground with blood gushing down his arm.
The girl stood to try and run again, but Vincent caught her once more, and she screamed for help as Bo reappeared, tackling the downed boyfriend. The boy and the girl yelled out pleas and obscenities, the twins not heeding them, as they prepared them for the fatal final blow.
Seeing their end seemed to have flipped a switch.
The boy screamed and launched himself at Bo, who was not only startled by the scream but also taken aback by the boy attacking him, this bleeding ghoul who leapt upon him and bit his arm, his teeth latching onto the jumpsuit as his hands turned into fists and beat his attacker furiously on the head, Bo grunting in pain a few times before yelling out as the boy left a hit that'd surely result in a black eye.
The girl seemed to have taken the same route. The knife glinted in the lights of the abandoned town before she too began screaming like a banshee, her hands reaching out to claw at Vincent, blood running down his hands as the girl's nails pressed at his wrists, paining him until he staggered back and she leaned up, punching him in the throat then kicking him between the legs, screaming profanities at him as she climbed atop him and slashed at his neck, her nails leaving grooves of scraped skin bleeding on his throat, the man behind the mask gasping for air.
You could only look on in horror as the brothers suffered continuous beatings from these children turned ghouls from a horror film, bruises blossoming and making themselves known, cuts and scrapes irritated by the sand underneath them.
The lights of the gas station began to blur as the two fought to keep their heads and regain control, feeling their opponents' attacks lose intensity as adrenaline and blood declined.
The blur of the lights brightened as weights seemed to be lifted off them, first Bo seeing light, and then Vincent feeling cool shadows and claws ghost his skin as light violently entered his one eye.
A dull whack sounded through the air, the rush of wind resistance against something solid as a pained cry echoed from...somewhere, but they couldn't see what it was, only knowing they weren't the ones making those sounds as they struggled to sit up to see what happened.
Another howl of pain followed by a high-pitched screamed curse as another impact sounded, a continuous rhythm that had them muddled and confused. The two blinked the blood and sweat away from their eyes as they watched the scene, their awe turning terror.
Standing in the lights of the gas station was you, in all your glory, swinging something at the two teenagers. The boyfriend yelled and swung a fist which you dodged and struck him in the ribs with some metal weapon, him clutching his stomach and reeling as you used the weapon to pry the dagger out of his shin, leaving him helplessly bleeding. His girlfriend let out a battlecry before trying to tackle you, which ended up with the girl backside on the ground. The boyfriend was somehow up again, and you whacked his head, which sent him falling on his knees, delirious from everything he'd endured before you dodged a clawed hand from the girlfriend, who tried to grab you only to receive a compound broken arm, blood erupting from where the bone poked through the skin. She was in agony, her boyfriend clawing at you in a weak impulse before you slammed your weapon into his neck, slicing through his jugular and killing him in moments, his blood choking his airways as he perished. His girlfriend swiped at you again, scratching at your shin to get you to fall before you turned to her, hair unkempt from fighting as recognition glinted in both pairs of eyes.
Her horror turned to anger as she tried to spew venomous vitriol at you: "Fuck you, you murderous fucking whore, go to fucking Hell-"
She didn't get to finish her sentence as you brought your weapon down, slicing into her heart through brute force alone. She stared up at you, blinking owlishly, as you spoke to her during her last moments: "I'll see you there, but you're going first. Say hi to the devil for me, won't you?" Your voice was calm and collected, your posture the graceful stature of a predator, before you retracted your weapon, her body falling to the ground.
Red pooled at your feet, rivers of blood flowing to the ground as you crouched over their bodies. Bo and Vincent watched you slowly rise to your feet, your weapon in hand, the light shadowed by your presence as you stood in front of it, casting your silhouette in a near-divine glow: You were a god, and these two were your sacrifices.
Your clothing was modest but fair for the Louisiana summer, and there was only a small handprint of dust marring the otherwise clean fabric. There were only light scrapes and bruising on whatever skin you had exposed, which meant you were relatively unharmed. The blood on you wasn't your blood, but it painted you, dripping dark red across the skin of your cheeks, a little on your face and arms, looking both beautiful and terrifying: ethereal.
The brothers stared at you dripping in all your gory glory, into your eyes, and for a moment they flinched.
Your eyes held nothing. The glow in them that you'd usually have in seeing them was gone; they were cold, a bitter winter that promised nothing but the worst.
No emotion, no sense of catharsis- an inhuman blankness.
They looked back at the victims, how horrifyingly bludgeoned their necks were- even with their size and stature compared to yours, you took them down with fierce grace and poise, like a choreographer.
Bo audibly gulped. Vincent trembled.
Your eyes would haunt them in their dreams as you jutted your chin at the bodies before leaving, your weapon, a crowbar, dripping blood upon the earth as you let the boys deal with the bodies.
You helped the twins gather their victims before you drove them home, where you bandaged the twins up, who were steadfast in silence, only grunting and groaning when they were pain. With Lester, they disposed of the bodies while you cleaned things up and went to bed.
The next day, you woke up, startled awake by a knocking at your door, Lester's familiar voice calling out from behind the door.
"Hey Y/N, breakfast's ready for ya! C'mon dow'nstairs!" you could already feel his beaming, polite smile as you groggily woke up, opening the door to smile at him as he chuckled at your bedhead before patting your shoulder, waving you towards the dining room.
Coming down the stairs, the men come into view, Vincent at the stove and Bo setting up the table along with Lester. You quickly padded over to them, rubbing at your eyes, happy to see them. The twins didn't seem to notice you until you cheerfully asked them what was for breakfast.
Vincent spun to face you, his mask barely keeping up as his hair swished harder than a whip. Bo turned to face you at nearly the same time, his eyes widening at you before nodding, seemingly as frozen as his twin before giving a half-smile. "G'mornin', darlin'. Sleep well?" he asked, his Southern accent spilling into every word he said. His eyes regarded you curiously, as though not only waiting for an answer but trying to figure it out before you said it.
"Yeah, I did. And you?" you asked out of politeness. Bo, grunted a low 'fine', a cigarette between his lips as he gathered a buttered roll and a peach as he made his way out to the garage. While Bo's greeting had been curt, you didn't question as to why it might have been, as the result of questioning Bo was too unpredictable and he probably had a bad day from the beatings the kids gave him; the bruises marring his jaw looked terribly painful.
It made you a little more proud of coming to their defense.
Speaking of which, his twin Vincent hurriedly placed breakfast down and walked back to the stove, stirring something around absentmindedly. He was making pancakes, the Aunt Jemima mixture and syrup on the counter next to him ready for storage as he decided he was done making them.
You greeted Vincent, who seemed to flinch before nodding in your direction, not meeting your eye. You reasoned his mind must still be wandering on art he would make out of last night's assailants, which would require quite a bit of thought on the artistic man's part.
Lester kept you company as Vincent placed the pancakes down on the table and left to the basement, the door shutting closed on silent hinges. You talked to Lester, asking about his morning and the things he had to do for the day, which was mostly work with roadkill and some greenery that was usual for his job, before he checked the time and scrambled to get out in time for work. He tipped his hat to you in thanks for helping him prepare, calling out he'd be back for lunch before he hightailed it out of Ambrose.
You took the initiative to wash all the dishes, and to plan something for lunch seeing as the brothers were all a little busy today, leaving you pretty much free reign unless another hapless traveler came by. You started out with the dishes and did some odd cleaning around the house before it was noon, leaving an hour for you to prepare a salad, some eggs and sandwiches for the boys. You figured Lester would come into the house and find his portion, but the twins usually were so buried in their work and didn't say anything about lunch so you'd have to deliver it, and it was not too bad a day for a walk.
You stepped outside, the breeze ruffling your clothes as the sun peeked through fluffy white clouds of the Louisiana summer. Even with it being a deserted town, it smelled really lovely with the flowering bushes dotting the town, a gentle Western gale ruffling the trees to shade your walk from the house.
You stopped at the garage first, a few meters closer than the House of Wax where Vincent would probably be at this time. You walked through the open garage door letting out the near overwhelming scent of chemicals and petrol, where you spotted Bo's shins sticking out from the underside of his truck, hoping to make improvements on the old vehicle constantly. You grinned at the idea of playing a prank but remembered that this was Bo in a not-the-best mood so you'd have to save it for another day.
Rapping your knuckles on the car, you hear a dull thunk and a curse as you stifle your own giggles behind your hand, knowing you'd surprised the man. He wheeled himself out from under the car before catching sight of you, his eyes widening in surprise when he sees you standing above him as he scrambles up to retain his dignity. "Well, what're you doin' here?" he questioned low, brows furrowing as he wiped his hands with a rag before cleaning up his tool. "Somethin' wrong?"
You smiled at him and shook your head, lifting a basket into view before leaving a paper bag on his workbench. "I made lunch, I thought it'd be easier for you to eat it here since I know you're probably really busy. How's the truck going?"
"Good, good. Just a few things to fix up" he sighed, looking at you through the corner of his eye before you turned to catch him. Nodding, you gathered the basket as you apologized for taking his time, and hoping he enjoyed his food. You didn't understand why he seemed to be in such a hurry to make himself scarce under his car, consistently cleaning the wrench in his hands.
You walked over to the House of Wax, where Vincent was as you'd suspected him, scoping out another area for the new victims while cleaning up any damage yesterday's victims had done. You grimaced as you saw one of the works, a stunning rose bouquet carved by Vincent ruined on the dining table, fork-like marks in some of the waxed-over faces of the sitting people. It was tragic enough to have the dead encased and displayed but the sacrilege of others never failed to sadden and enrage you further.
Knocking on the door, you called out for Vincent who jumped at the mention of his name. He whipped round to see you, wondering why you were here with a tilt of his head reminiscent of a cat. You smiled up at him before lifting the basket, letting him see the bag inside.
"I made lunch for you since I know you'd probably be busy with a project. It's mostly cooler foodstuffs so don't worry if it gets cold, just please make sure you eat it, okay?" you asked, giving him a smile as he nodded in both thanks and understanding, watching you move the bag into your hands before you seemed to look for something.
"Is it okay if I leave it on the table? I know you wanted to fix it, or I could leave it in the basement for you" you suggested, before Vincent shook his head, using his hands to sign that he'd rather have it on the table.
You nodded and placed the food down on the far side of the table which seemed to have the least damage he'd need to fix, before waving over your shoulder and wishing him good luck. He watched you leave before you saw him through the window, giving him another wave as you jogged back to the house to get out of the sun, basket still in hand as you wondered why he saw you off rather than return to work, but it was still upstanding of him to do so.
You neared the house and caught a familiar smell, rounding the corner to see Lester's truck. While the omen was not the most favourable the company it brought was much appreciated. You stepped through the doors and saw Lester almost finished with his food, munching on a few leftover pancakes in between bites of the sandwich. How he managed to stomach the combination of flavours was astounding, to say the least. You ate with him and asked how work had been, the two of you in amiable conversation before he remembered he had to leave, this time on schedule as he drove back, saying he'd be late returning. With dinner in mind, you quickly whipped out some ingredients and packages and prepared steak with veggies, mashed potatoes and gravy in a style the brothers taught you, before setting the table for 4. Knowing they'd be late you cooked it slowly, and it was 8:30 when you finished, past sunset. You waited until 8:45 for the brothers to come for dinner, occupying your stomach with some snacks before you decided to simply eat and go to bed, tired from the day. Washing your dishes, you turned off the lights before heading off to your room.
Sleep evaded you however, and you found yourself sitting up in your room reading a book in candlelight, hoping the dim lighting would let you sleep better. Unfortunately for you, the book was fascinating and rest remained elusive. In an effort to induce it, you lay down on your mattress, closing your eyes, enveloped in blankets as you laid in wait.
Bo and Vincent slowly entered the house, taking off their shoes and quietly walking in. The lights off, they entered into the dining room to see food was ready for them, and you were out of sight. Bo entered first, taking off his shoes, Lester and Vincent tailing him.
"-they literally slaughtered the kids. Stood over their bodies like it was nothin'".
A pause, before a reply: "Yeah, was like for the first time, they enjoyed killin'".
"C'mon, ya think they'd really fuck around wi' murder like that 'less somethin' happen?" came a calmer, younger voice.
"They attacked us-" "You mean them kids were handin' yer ass back ta ya-" "Shut the hell up Lester or I'll beat your ass for ya; now as I was saying, them kids attacked and Vincen' an' I were fightin' back when Y/N just came the fuck outta nowhere and started beatin' the snot outt'em with a fucking crowbar, and then guess what?"
"They slashed open 'em fuckin' kids' necks with the end o' the crowbar. You know what the fuck, how does someone slash open someone's throat wit' a fucking crowbar?!"
"Holy shit" came the awed whisper of someone who was absent.
A few heavy moments passed between the brothers, silence accompanying the barrage of thoughts in their heads.
"I'd never wanna be on the receivin' end o' that kind, I know fo' sure no one'd make it through that kind o' action" the absentee spoke again.
"The hell ya mean?" an incredulous voice asked.
"I mean, can you imagine how long Y/N'd kept that strength in? If they turned it on us, what'd stop 'em?" the voice scoffed, as though it were a fleeting thought, but it still sent a shiver through the other conversers.
Hands moved with soft urgency. 'Do you think they'd ever hurt us like that?'
"Naw, they wouldn'. 'Sides, Y/N's with us. We can take anyone, even 'em if needed" a shadow of doubt was far too visible in his voice.
A masked man nodded, all three of them deciding to eat dinner that was left over. Only one voice complained about the food having cooled, but it was just put in the microwave to heat up. The brothers ate in silence, conversation neglected where it should be present.
They'd never know how they left you staring up at the ceiling, sleep a perished thought, as the world seemed to crack at the seams between three brothers and a wrathful woman.
Few could say they'd made the Sinclair brothers fear for themselves.
Fewer wanted them to.
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