#bro just standing there šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø
avocado-frog Ā· 2 years
Dahlia. 2
Rating: M Word count: 7,000 (i'll write with a reasonable length soon i swear i just needed to get the first two chapters done) Warnings: Mentions of a suicide attempt, referenced ableism, violence, I think that's all but let me know Title: 4/16/2019-4/20/2019 Summary: Kai and Marcy visit. Leo and Jaxon are still fighting
"How long are you staying?" Sam asked, leaning his head on the armrest of Logan's couch. He had stayed up late, waiting for his cousins to show up. They timed their visit weird, had some setbacks, and had only showed up at ten at night. Later than Sam usually liked to stay awake for.
"A couple of days, I think," was Kai's response, frowning at a lit-up phone screen. He glanced up at Logan. "If that's okay, of course."
"Of course it is." Logan smiled at the two, taking Kai's backpack and Marcy's suitcase. "I'll set up an air mattress in the living room, if you want."
"Yeah, thank you." Kai nodded politely, and turned back to Sam, smiling. "Hey, happy birthday. That was yesterday, right?"
Sam chuckled nervously, fidgeting with his hands. "Yeah, it was."
"Cool," Marcy joined in on their conversation. "How old are you now? Four? Five?"
"Eleven," Sam corrected. Logan, holding a rolled-up air mattress, came back down the stairs. Sam let out a stifled, relieved sigh.
"Alright, Sam." Logan must have sensed his mild discomfort. "It's probably time to get to bed, or you'll be tired in the morning. You have school. You can catch up with your cousins tomorrow."
"Right, okay." Sam nodded, and waved to his cousins. He mouthed a quickĀ thanksĀ to Logan, who gave a small, subtle nod, and he ran up the staircase faster than he ever had before.
It wasn't like his birthday had beenĀ bad,Ā necessarily, it was just...Ā uncomfortable.Ā After they left Jaxon's friend's house, Jaxon had opted to stay behind, and Ryan went to bed when they got home, apparently having done too much that day. Logan had made him a cupcake, and his sisters, Dylan, and Lily got him presents, but it just feltĀ offĀ without his brothers there, too.
Ryan had left his door unlocked, so that was progress. The others had been happy, of course, when he told them that Ryan not only left his room, but left theĀ house.Ā The fact that he left the door unlocked wasĀ huge.Ā Sam was optimistic.
Though, he still wasn't ready to go back to sharing a room yet. Ryan said that the place was too messy, and that he needed a little bit more time by himself, that he was overwhelmed, but that it was okay for him to visit. So, Sam kept that spare room, leaving his cousins with an air mattress and the couch in the living room.
Sam flicked the lights to his room on. It wasn't decorated, and the bedsheets weren't his normal ones, just the generic, maroon ones that had been there when he took the room. It was a little boring, and if he were to stay there much longer, he wanted to get some of his stuff from his old room.
He didn't dare turn the lights off. Maybe it was childish to still be afraid of the dark, but the lab had gotten pitch black at night, with the lack of windows, and blindingly bright during the day. As long as his room was brighter than the lab at any given time, he was okay. If he woke up and it was pitch black like it used to be, and he was alone,Ā thenĀ there would be a problem.
He didn't consider himself fullyĀ safeĀ until the TV was on, and the windows and door were open. Once the TV was on and turned to some random cartoon he'd never watched before, he could turn the lights back off and be okay.
If he didn't do all that, he would wake upĀ screaming.Ā That had only been an issue recently, and it had only happened three times. Leo, closest to his room, was there the fastest, quickly followed by Cass and Lily. Technically, Elliot was the closest to his room, being just next door, with Ryan diagonal from him. But that wasn't the point.
Even after he did his routine- the room was bright enough so that he wouldn't wake up and think he was in the lab again, the door was open so he wouldn't believe he was trapped, the curtains on the window were open so that he could see outside- it still took his brain a minute to calm down, still took him a long time to get his mind to slow down, and it took forever to really convince himself that he was safe.
Kai woke up from a half-sleep, barely able to relax in the living room of someone who was almost a stranger, on a slightly-deflated air mattress.
Eyelids still heavy, he reached out for the phone he set on the coffee table that Logan had moved out of the way, and knocked the poor thing to the ground, causing his sister to make some weird sound and roll over to her other side, from where she laid on the couch.
Wincing, Kai gingerly picked his phone up, and saw that it was only two in the morning. He sighed to himself, knowing he would never get back to sleep.
He stood up, stumbling a little from the lack of steadiness of the air mattress, and wandered to Logan's kitchen. He had said it was alright for him to take whatever he wanted from there, though Kai still felt a little guilty for it.
Mostly, he and Marcy had only decided to come over for two days to help out their cousins, especially after learning what had happened with the youngest kid. He didn't know exact details. He told his parents about it, and they insisted that they visit, despite the fact that they were going to miss school. They were told that this was more important, and that they could hire a tutor if theyĀ reallyĀ needed to, but Kai was stillĀ thoroughlyĀ against missing that much school. Two days felt excessive.
He began filling a cup of water, after searching through the cabinets to find a single cup anywhere, when the front door quietly clicked shut, breaking through the dead silence. Kai made some embarrassing squeak noise, turning around in a panic.
Jaxon, standing on the other end of the hall by the front door, looked just as stunned to seeĀ himĀ there. Quietly, he shuffled past the air mattress, and to the kitchen.
Out of all of the twin's new friends, Jaxon and Logan were the only ones he kept in contact with. Though, recently, Jaxon had stopped responding to any calls or messages, which was unlike him.
"You are... in my house?" Jaxon muttered softly, as not to wake up Marcy. A smart decision. Marcy was nearly homicidal when she got woken up.
"I texted you, and said I was on my way." Kai leaned back against a counter. Jaxon balled up the edge of his hoodie in his fist. "What are you doing, breaking into your own house at two in the morning?"
Kai remembered something about how being tired made you lose control over your emotional regulation, resulting in getting all sad when it was night.
Jaxon sniffed, and swiped at his nose with his wrist, trembling a little. For a minute, Kai worried he would start crying. He wasn't sure what to do if that happened.
"Woah, don't cry..." Kai sort of slurred. He felt a lot more tired than he had a moment ago. "Just tell me why you were gone."
"I was just with a friend." Jaxon crossed his arms over his chest, hands clenched into fists. Under the moonlight coming through the window, blue hair sparkled. Kai found himself transfixed on it.
"Have you ever dyed your hair other colors?" Kai decided to drop the earlier subject. It was making his friend upset. Maybe later.
"Huh?" Jaxon looked caught off guard. He pulled a strand of his hair in front of his eyes, and shrugged. "Oh, uh... yeah, I have. When I was first starting to dye it, it was black, with green stripes. I was, maybe twelve."
"Hm." Kai leaned back against the counter again. "I think... purple would look nice."
"Yeah. Like-" Kai waved his hand in a circle as he tried to form the correct words. "Like, dark purple. It's a little more subtle than your blue, but I think it'd look pretty with your eyes."
"I think you should stay here," Kai said, out of nowhere. At this point, he was just spewing garbage out of his mouth. He was only half-aware of what he was saying. It felt like a dream.
Jaxon glanced up at him, sitting on the counter opposite of him. He shrugged loosely. "I don't- I don't know."
"How come?" Kai had a feeling he knew, but he was curious, anyways.
"Leo's mad at me, I don't knowĀ why,Ā and..." he glanced at a spot on the floor. Kai's gaze trailed to a spot that had been cleaned a little too hard. "I can barely stand to be in here."
"This is where that kid-"
Kai hummed a little, contemplating. "I think... I think you owe it to him to stay. I think that the others need you here."
Running off to stay with a friend after something bad had happened, sounded like the twins back in November. Kai didn't even hear from Leo until almost two months later, too.
"Yeah. Yeah, I think so." Kai nodded, mostly to himself. "I don't know about Leo, haven't talked to her today, but I think I can get her to calm down a little. Leo's never... been through anything like this before, but yeah. Usually, her first reaction to anything bad ever, is getting angry."
"I can tell," Jaxon deadpanned.
"You probably didn't do anything wrong," Kai continued. "Collateral damage. Wrong place, wrong time, you know?"
"Yeah." Jaxon nodded tiredly. He yawned. "...I'll think about it. Only came over because I wanted a better blanket. He won't notice I left. ...I can stay for a while."
Kai frowned again. "You shouldn't be walking out by yourself at night. That's not safe."
Jaxon snorted, smiling. "Yeah, okay,Ā mom."
"I'm serious!" Kai scolded, genuinely distressed. "You could get hurt."
Jaxon, like a flipped switch, went back to his usual self, smiling. "I can take care of myself. Nothing bad will happen to me, walking two blocks down the street."
"You don't know that..."
Jaxon hopped down from the counter, reaching up to place a hand on the top of Kai's head.
"Yes I do.Ā IĀ Ā have magic,Ā youĀ don't." Jaxon still grinned. "If anything,Ā youĀ shouldn't be out at night. You couldn't fight to save your life, either."
"Well, there's no need to be rude about it."
Jaxon snickered, and gestured towards the staircase with his head. "Well, are you going back to bed? Dylan won't wake up, if you want to watch a movie, or something."
Kai wasn't going to be able to sleep anyways, and watching a movie with himĀ didĀ sound more fun than laying on an air mattress trying to sleep. He nodded.
Dylan stared up at the dark, looming staircase to the attic. It was a room they never used until recently, having been just a storage room until a couple of weeks ago, when it had been changed to Elliot's room. Dylan never bothered to ask why they didn't use Elliot'sĀ realĀ room. Didn't matter, they supposed.
A pit formed in their stomach just looking at the door at the top of the stairs. They felt bad about it, but they didn't like to visit Elliot. They needed to. Elliot was scared of being alone.
The worst part, was that DylanĀ knewĀ something would happen. They had Logan hide the knives. They locked every cabinet with any sort of medicine, hid anything that could even beĀ a littleĀ dangerous, and yet, Elliot got hurt.
When Dylan saw that vision of Elliot's stab wound, they saw one for Leo as well, though they couldn't remember exactly what it was, and it never came back up again. If Leo noticed Dylan's desperate attempts to keep her safe, she didn't say anything. They didn't want her to die, too.
Elliot died for a whole five minutes, legally speaking, before Dylan was able to reverse it. That was definitely in the top five scariest moments of their life.
They had a visiting-Elliot cycle, as they called it. Lily usually went in the mornings to check on him, then Logan to do the important medical stuff, and then Sam or Leo. Dylan hadn't been going to school, and visited whenever they had the opportunity.
This time, they were being accompanied by Ryan. To Dylan's knowledge, Ryan hadn't gone to visit his brother at all, since the incident.
"Are you sure?" Dylan signed one final time to their friend, who gave a small nod in response, hands balled into fists, shoulders tense.
Ryan couldn't even go into the kitchen. Dylan thought that it was still too soon, that he should wait until he could stand in the kitchen again, but Ryan insisted.
"I have to," Ryan signed back. Dylan shook their head. He didn'tĀ haveĀ to do anything. The obligation was purely fictional. "I promised Sam I would leave my room more."
And Dylan, while glad Ryan was doing better, making a little bit of progress in the short span of two days, was still convinced he was going too fast. Dylan knew Ryan well enough, he preferred to go slowly with this sort of thing. They couldn't help but worry.
If Ryan really wanted to go up there, it wasn't like they could sayĀ no.
Dylan walked up the staircase, ahead of Ryan, so he could leave if he wanted, and unlocked the attic's door. That automatic locking thing was going to be the death of them, they were sure. When they were around eight or nine, they got trapped there trying to look for something, and it took five hours before anyone realized they were in there. Jaxon had practically broken the door down in a panic, and refused to let Dylan out of his sight for the next week. A bad day for everyone involved.
Dylan paused before opening the door. Ryan was still there, when they turned around.
They shot Ryan the most serious look they could. "Don't shut the door," they signed, and Ryan nodded. "It will lock. We'll be stuck."
Ryan nodded again, like he had experience in getting locked in the attic. Out of all the group, it would be the most unfortunate for Ryan and Dylan to get stuck in the attic. Neither of them were loud, and definitely not loud enough to be heard all the way in the first floor where Kai and Marcy- the only ones that were there- were. Dylan could only hope Ryan would listen to them.
The other worst case scenario was if Ryan saw his brother and started to panic like he did whenever he went into the kitchen. If that happened, Dylan would have to leave him alone to get help.
To his credit, Ryan didn't panic when he saw Elliot. Instead, a certain, sad, resigned look flashed across dull eyes. He wasn't afraid of him, like he was afraid of the kitchen. Ryan twisted his hands together, before turning back to Dylan.
"How often do you visit?"Ā Ryan signed, and Dylan had to think about it.
"Maybe... three times a week?"Ā Dylan signed with a shrug.Ā "I try, often as I can. Visit you, too."
It wasn't like, staying home by themself all day, they had much else going on. It was hard to do anything else. They had a routine; wake up, eat breakfast, see Ryan, watch TV, see Elliot, lunch, TV, dinner. Simple, comforting. Dylan didn't want to stray from that routine. Anything else was overwhelming, they found out.
"I should have come up sooner,"Ā Ryan signed. His arms fell limp to his sides. He looked like he would cry. This was not Dylan's area of expertise whatsoever. Still, they were almost upset that Ryan thought like that.
Dylan shook their head firmly, when they got Ryan's attention.Ā "Don't say that. You're here now."
Ryan nodded silently. Dylan turned back to Elliot. A pang of guilt struck them.
Dylan had never been great at making friends outside their family. Most kids their age didn't know sign language, so there was a slight barrier there. Despite them being in a class with other deaf kids, it still just didn'tĀ work.Ā It was frustrating, they couldn't get why. They didn't think they were rude, or boring enough to ignore, and yet, it was a struggle.
Jaxon said it didn't matter, that they were stupid if they didn't want to be friends with them, and Logan said that they were bound to findĀ someoneĀ who liked them outside of home, and Lily said she would beat anyone into the dirt for them if they asked, but they never got an answer as toĀ why.
Dylan wished they could say that they just got along better with the teachers in their classroom, but they didn't. The teachers talked to them more often than the other kids, yet, they couldn't help but feel babied by the teachers. Talked down to, ignored. Dylan liked to think they were smarter than that.
ElliotĀ understoodĀ that.
Logan was in online college, but he had a job, and he was relatively well-liked. He didn't understand. Leo gained a sort-of popularity among her classmates, though it hadn't always been like that. Leo almost understood. Cass was smart, and everyone seemed to like her, too, so she didn't understand. The same for Lily. Jaxon got along with everyone, and so did Sam. Ryan and Elliot both truly understood when Dylan said no one liked them.
Like them, Ryan wasn't good at reading people. Social cues were a tricky thing, and people seemed to get offended by the slightest misreading. It was a minefield.
Elliot, missing an eye, constantly deadpan, jumpy, he told Dylan that his classmates were genuinelyĀ afraidĀ of him. Dylan didn't think that was justified. At worst, Elliot knewĀ howĀ to scare people. In truth, Elliot was only a kid. (Though, to be fair, Dylan was only a year and one month older.)
So, seeing Elliot in the condition he was in, and seeing Ryan hurting so bad over it, it felt like a hot knife carving a hole in every inch of their skin. It was not a pleasant feeling.
Visiting whenever possible was the best thing they could do. Their only fear was that Elliot didn't know they were there. Some people in comas can hear, and Dylan's hearing aids were downstairs in their room, they didn't usually like to talk without them, and the high-pitched ringing noise was getting a little irritating. They must've needed new batteries.
One thing they used to do as a kid, before they knew sign language, but after they went deaf, was something Logan had started; writing letters in their palm. It was easier than sign, but you had to pay attention. Logan had caught onto sign language pretty quickly, and so had Dylan, but it was taking Lily a while, and Jaxon had been having trouble with the right hand movements. His brain injury mostly damaged the part of the brain that controlled speech, so for a while, neither Dylan nor Jaxon said a word to their new friends.
Dylan used the old trick of writing into Elliot's hand to let him know they were there. They didn't usually say much, as it took a while, and touching other people's palms sort of grossed them out. It was strangely leathery. Usually, they just wrote a simple greeting. They could only hope Elliot knew it was them. He hated being alone.
"I wonder if I could have stopped him,"Ā Ryan signed out of nowhere, and Dylan glared, already hating where this was going.Ā "If I tried hard enough."
"Stop,"Ā Dylan signed, with the sternest look they could possibly manage.Ā "You got hurt trying to take the knife. You did what you could."
Somehow, they doubted Ryan believed them.
Leo was not acting normal, despite what the others were saying.
She sat across the table from Jaxon, staring at her phone in one hand, holding a sandwich in the other. Sometimes, one of the others would start talking, and she would look up, and her gaze would flicker to the phone.
Something wasn't right, and it seemed like he was the only one who noticed.
Leo scrolled up for maybe half a second, and then back down to the same thing, over and over. Her eyes held a dim blankness, like she was just on her phone for show and didn't care what was on it. If someone talked to her, she would answer in brief, quiet sentences.
It wasn't like Jaxon was the one who had known her the longest, so that wasn't why he knew this, either. Cass was her sister, Kai and Marcy were her cousins, Logan and Lily were her childhood friends, the triplets, while her brothers, she only met them five months ago. Jaxon had met her in November, so he was not the one who had known her the longest, by a long shot.
And still, Cass thought she was acting fine. Logan said she was just recovering from the shock of what happened the previous month, like they all were, to just give her a few more weeks. If Elliot were there, he would notice, Jaxon was sure.
Kai was probably right, about what he had said before. Leo was probably targetingĀ himĀ out of everyone because he happened to be there. Leo would be fine in a few days, and everything would be okay again. He hoped so, at least. He missed her.
Jaxon took an angry bite of his sandwich, setting it down on his plate. He stared at the table, resting his chin on his hand. He glanced at Leo, who glanced at him, scowled, and looked back at her phone.
He tried everything he could. He tried to apologize, to get her to talk, to leave her alone,Ā everything.Ā And nothingĀ worked.
Jaxon didn't ever really getĀ angryĀ with any of his friends.
His hand tightened around his cup, his eyes burned, a scream threatened to claw its way out of his throat. He was shaking, his knee bounced as his foot tapped against the floor.
He wasn't angry at her. He was just a little annoyed. Irritated, if you will.
Leo would get over it, and so would he.
"Ew, you've been on an air mattress all weekend?" Jaxon made a face, rolling it back to it's original rolled-up form. "I hate air mattresses. I always think I'll fall."
"IĀ didĀ fall," Kai remarked, and handed him the box that the mattress was supposed to go in. "Multiple times."
Kai glowered at his sister half-heartedly. "She called dibs on the couch when we got here."
"Not even a trial with rock-paper-scissors, huh?" Jaxon sat on the floor, his friend sat down across from him. Kai always seemed to sit with perfect posture, Jaxon couldn't get why. He thought it was just how he was raised, but then Marcy sat backwards and upside down on the couch every day. Jaxon cupped a hand over his mouth.Ā "Lily always does that with the TV remote!"
"Well, maybe you should get to the couch faster!"Ā Lily yelled back, from wherever she was.
Kai snickered behind his hand, and Jaxon stared at him with wide eyes.
"I didn't even know she couldĀ hearĀ me!" Jaxon made a wide gesture with his hands, and began picking at the carpet. "Do you need help packing anything else?"
"Nah." Kai shrugged. "I didn't bring much." He gestured at Marcy's entire suitcase. "UnlikeĀ somebody."
Jaxon smiled thinly, drawing his knees close to his chest, resting his chin on his arms. He wasĀ thatĀ close to going with Cass's cousins.
"Oh!" Kai shot up, staring at his phone. "My parents are here. Guess it's time to go, then."
"Oh, okay!" Jaxon stood up, and followed his friend to the door. Marcy probably knew it was time to go. Jaxon genuinely didn't have a clue where she was anymore.
Kai turned around, looking a little concerned. "You'll be okay here?"
"Yeah, of course!"
"Seriously." Kai's expression became a bit sterner. "Tell me if things get worse with Leo. Or with Elliot."
Jaxon suppressed a flinch. A slight pang in his heart. "I will. He'll be fine."
Elliot was going to be fine.
"Okay." Kai nodded. His arms wrapped around Jaxon's neck in a swift hug. "I'll text you on the way over, if I have any internet."
"Alright!" Jaxon grinned, heart racing a little. "Drive safely! Tell your grandma and your cat that I said hello!"
Kai laughed a little. "I will. See you later."
"Do you ever watch where you're going?"
Ryan's head thumped against the door. A headache pulsed behind his eyes. Dylan hung upside-down on Sam's bed, playing a game on their phone. Sam searched through boxes underneath Ryan's bed.
"I'mĀ looking."
"I know, I know." Sam waved his hand absently in Ryan's direction. "Ha! Found them!"
Triumphantly, Sam held up Ryan's sound-cancelling headphones. He lost them at some point, even after he had cleaned his room. Sam handed them to him. Ryan pulled them over his head, cringing a little at the pressure.
Sounds became muffled, like he thought he should have been used to by now. Putting them on would suddenly plunge him underwater, and he'd be sinking, he couldn't swim, water would flood his ears through the headphones, it would all still be muffled when he got out and stood on the dock, shaking, about to cry, Jaxon was panicking, a group of kids frantically apologized.
Ryan shook his head. He was fine. He couldn't drown, he had been fine. He just got a little sick afterwards, was all.
"You okay?"Ā Sam signed, and Ryan nodded. He could still hear his sister fighting with Jaxon outside of their room.
From the little context he had, Jaxon tripped and fell, and knocked Leo over, and Leo was overreacting a little.
The fights got worse after their cousins left. Practically the minute the two had driven off, it had been nonstop.
Logan tried to stop them, tried to separate them, but it never seemed to work. Ryan knew that Leo was messing with Jaxon on purpose now, and that he was taking the bait. It was annoying. If it continued, Ryan would have to resort to violence.
"Think they'll stop?"Ā Sam signed, looking equally annoyed. Their fighting became muffled, he couldn't tell their voices apart, or understand what they were saying.
"No."Ā Ryan signed back, and pretended to fist-fight the air. Sam snickered.
"They won't fight."
"They'll fight."
Sam glanced over at Dylan, then back to Ryan.Ā "Leo will win. Dylan doesn't agree."
Ryan nodded. He didn't think Jaxon really had the heart to seriously fight any of them. Although, he had heard from Lily and Logan that he used to get in fights at school all the time. But then, so had Leo.
Someone knocked on the door, and Ryan shot up, seconds before Lily kicked the door open, slid inside, and shut the door behind her.
"Hey, I hear this is where we're hiding." Lily's voice was louder than the other's, Ryan could hear her quite clearly through the headphones. He slid them around his neck. "Cass left her laptop in here. She's at the store right now, but she asked me to find it."
Sam pointed to a thin, silver laptop covered in little sunflower stickers. Lily nodded, and picked it up, choosing to sit on the bed instead of leave.
"Annoyed yet?" Lily chuckled lightly, but all four of them flinched when a loud thud sounded from the hallway. "I barely got in here without catching on fire." Lily made a dramatic gesture with her hands, leaning forward. "IĀ think Leo'sĀ thisĀ close to snapping my brother's neck clean off."
"They shouldn't be using their magic indoors," Ryan mumbled. "They could both burn down the house..."
"Mhm, totally." Lily nodded in agreement. "They'll wake up your brother with all their fighting."
Ryan winced a little. Sam cringed, but nodded.
Dylan sat up, turning their phone off. Their hearing aids were out, and carefully placed on Ryan's dresser.Ā "Are they done?"
Dylan groaned and flopped back down on the bed. Lily patted their head sympathetically.
"Dinner should be ready in a few minutes, Logan thinks." Lily turned back to Ryan and Sam. "And Cass should be home any second now, which means that she'll mom-friend those two into submission and get them toĀ shut the fuck up!"
She shouted that last part in the direction of the door, and momentarily, the argument stopped. It then continued with,Ā "and now you're annoying Lily!"
Lily buried her face in her hands and pretended to cry. "Oh my god..."
"They're annoying the rest of us, too." Sam glared at the door. He looked back at Ryan. "Should we go downstairs, since dinner's done?"
"Ugh!"Ā Lily stood up, and sighed dramatically. "IĀ guess."
She signed to Dylan that they were going downstairs for dinner. Lily was the first one to open the door, acting like the hallway was a warzone, as she carefully inched outside. She was followed by Dylan, who didn't seem to care all that much, and then Ryan and Sam at the back of their line.
By the time they got out there, Leo had seemingly pushed Jaxon down, and had already gone downstairs. Lily silently helped Jaxon back up.
Cass had come back home by the time they got to the dining room, she was helping set out the food with Logan.
Lemon chicken and rice, one of Ryan's personal favorites. He could hardly bring himself to enjoy it.
Usually, it was Leo and Jaxon talking the loudest at the table, which caused the others to all join in. With Leo and Jaxon not on speaking terms at the moment, it meant that the others didn't talk, either.
Cass and Lily made light conversation, though it was strained and reduced to small talk. Across the table, Logan asked how the food was, to which Ryan responded with a thumbs-up.
Leo was eating slowly. She glanced up, looking around the table and sighed to herself, going back to eating the rice.
Leo finished first, and had run up the stairs.
When it was finished, Ryan helped to collect the plates, placing them in the sink. Logan gave him a small smile, patted him on the head, and Ryan ran off to go find his sister.
He darted up the stairs faster than he normally would have, slowing down at the sight of Leo's open door.
Leo's room was Ryan's favorite out of all of them. It was messy, disorganized, yet somehow, Ryan was instantly anxious upon entering (like he was with Dylan and Jaxon's room). It had a calming effect, he was safe there.
Leo was on the floor, emptying school supplies from her backpack, leaving them scattered on the floor. He thought that was odd, since they had school the next day. Leo skipped school often, so he wasn't too worried about that. Still, he had a bad feeling.
"What're you doing?" Ryan asked, and Leo jumped.
"Oh, Ryan." Leo smiled thinly. It was forced. "I'm going to a friend's house tomorrow night, I thought I would pack early."
Ryan stepped inside, kneeling down on the floor in front of her. He gestured to a pencil, rolling away. "You aren't going to school tomorrow?"
"Nah." Leo shrugged. "But don't tell Logan."
Ryan chuckled a little. He hugged his knees, watching Leo neatly fold a shirt from a red hanger, setting it inside her backpack.
"AreĀ youĀ going to school?" Leo picked up the runaway pencil and poked him in the forehead. "It's been a while, but there's no rush, you know. Take as long as you need."
Ryan shrugged. Going to school still made his stomach churn. He hated leaving Sam alone for so long, and he felt a bit better than he had been before, but he wasn't sure if school was too much or not. The principal had given him, Dylan, and Sam all a pass to skip the rest of the year, if they wanted.
"I don't know..."
"Don't force yourself, if you aren't sure." Leo placed her hand on his shoulder, smiling softly. "And hey! You went to the kitchen today! You're making progress."
Ryan blinked, remembering how he had gotten to the dining room in the first place- through the kitchen- and how he had helped Logan with the dishes earlier. He hadn't evenĀ noticed.
"Now, go get ready for bed, watch a movie or something. Whatever it is you kids do." Leo ruffled his hair gently. "We'll do something fun tomorrow, when the others leave, yeah?"
Ryan smiled a little. "...Yeah."
"Alright. Goodnight, love you."
"You too."
Leo took him to the aquarium downtown, had even bought something from the gift shop. That was something she never did, complaining about how expensive they were, how she could buy somethingĀ eighty-five dollars cheaper at the Dollar Store.
It was just a stuffed axolotl, but Ryan looked deeply suspicious of it, and Dylan was deeply suspicious of the frog keychain they got as well. Yet another frog thing for their collection, Leo had said.
They went to the park afterwards. Leo sat on the bench and watched Dylan water the flowers in the garden with their water bottle, and Ryan swinging on the swing set. She snickered as another kid approached him, and he began signing a bunch of nonsense until the kid left him alone.
Leo didn'tĀ wantĀ to leave them. The more she thought about it, the less appealing it became. Funny, this was the same bench she stayed on while trying to decide whether to stay at Logan's house in the first place, where she wondered if looking for her brothers was worth it. It had been. Ryan had just started leaving his room again, she didn't even know how Sam was doing, and Elliot was in a coma. It'd been worth it, but Leo wasn't able to take care of them like Logan or Cass could. As soon as she hit eighteen, it would be her responsibility. She doubted Logan was going to let her stay that long, as nice as he was.
This made sense, as much as she hated it. Her and Jaxon's fighting wasn't a good environment for the kids, and she knew that the older ones were getting irritated as well, and she couldn'tĀ stop.
She didn't hate him...
...Maybe she did.
It wasĀ hisĀ fault she was leaving.Ā It was all his fault.
She would miss them, but they would be fine. She didn't know where she was going to go- certainly not back to Emily's house, though she could possibly take her old one if nobody moved in. Or maybe that was too obvious. She wasn't old enough to legally own a house.
If she left-Ā whenĀ she left- she likely wasn't going to know whether Elliot would be okay. She couldn't justĀ takeĀ him, after all.Ā If he woke up, he was going to beĀ so pissedĀ at her.
But Elliot was going to be fine. Dylan's weird spooky voodoo shit was keeping him alive, Cass's healing magic was keeping the wound stable. He'd be fine.
She walked across the street with the younger two, to where Logan's house was. Her hand was heavy, as she unlocked the door, pushing it open for what could have been the last time.
Leo still had to finish packing. She wasĀ leaving for a friend's houseĀ in just six hours now.Ā Six hours left.
She would finish packing, go see her brother, wait until seven o'clock that afternoon, talk to Jaxon, and then she was going to leave.
...Leo found packing to be quite upsetting.
She tried to focus. She had done this before, when she left Emily's house. Back then, five months ago now, Leo had been rushing, there had been a sense of urgency. She needed toĀ get out.Ā 
This time, Leo was slow. She didn't want to leave, not really. This wasn't fair.
Leo tried to convince herself that she could get by just fine on her own. She barely talked to Cass before they left for New Hampshire, she barely talked to Kai or Marcy before they left. She only met the others five months ago. Leo's aunt and uncle- she could argue that she spent more time withĀ themĀ than her sister and cousins before they left, and they were hardly around. Leo took care of herself just fine before, she'd be fine now.
In one year and six months, Leo would be eighteen. That was old enough to buy a house, probably. At least, rent something. Leo could manage a year and a half. This wouldn't be hard.
"I'm sorry," was what Leo managed to say to her brother, still asleep. Leo adjusted the stuffed rabbit on his bed to be closer to him. Elliot didn't stir. Leo sighed a little. "I don't think I'm coming back. You'll be okay, won't you?"
"You will..." Leo continued. "You'll be fine. I'm sorry. This isn't your fault. None of this is your fault. Maybe I'll come back someday? I don't know."
If Elliot chose that specific moment to wake up, he'd be able to get Leo to stay. She knew that, and she hoped that heĀ wouldĀ choose that specific moment to wake up.
Leo took a final look at her brother, and left.
Something was up.
Jaxon didn't trust Leo atĀ all.Ā He kicked a pebble on the sidewalk, watching it bounce to the street. In the garden, he could see Leo sitting on the marble fountain, waiting for him.
After dinner (she was acting weird. She thanked Logan for letting her siblings stay there for so long, she looked near-tears as she claimed she was going to a friend's house, with a bag slung over her shoulder.) she had asked Jaxon to meet her in the garden, saying she wanted to talk.
Jaxon crossed the street.Ā Crickets chirped in the dark silence, there was a quiet mumbling among people still walking this late in the night, the wind provided a cool breeze. The streetlights provided a faint, white light on the street. Cars drove past, wheels splashing against puddles from an earlier rain.
There was no gate to the garden. It was simply rows of dirt with flowers planted. Bushes formed arches, grown around curved wires and neatly trimmed, about five of them led to the marble fountain.
This was Dylan's favorite spot, the quietest part of the city. Dylan watered the flowers here in the spring and summer. They had met Cass here, which had led to the twins staying over.
Leo hopped down from where she sat on the fountain, walking towards him. Jaxon glared at the gravel trail beneath his feet. A petal laid on the ground. Aconite, wolfsbane. A poisonous flower.
A deadly foe is near.Ā Jaxon always liked that particular flower. The meaning of it, he only remembered because Dylan got super into it once when they were nine. Jaxon remembered that specific one, because it sounded like a video game's final boss. He thought that was cool.
Leo was about five feet away, hands in her pockets, head hung low, expression unreadable.
"Leo," Jaxon startled himself with how low his own voice got. "I'm not in the mood-"
"I'm not going to fight." Leo's voice was dangerously monotonous, though it wavered a little. "I'm leaving. I wanted to apologize first."
Jaxon blinked, heart dropping a little. "You're... what?"
"I'mĀ leaving,"Ā Leo repeated, harsher this time. "I'm not coming back, so I wanted to talk to you before I go."
Acid rose in his throat. His heart pounded. A thick knot in his throat made it impossible to speak. "You're- you're just going to leave?"
Leo nodded. Like she didn't even care. Jaxon took a few breaths, they came out shaking. Tears stung at his eyes. He wasn't going to cry-
He gritted his teeth, breathing grew sharp and unsteady. "You can't justĀ do that!Ā You can't justĀ leaveĀ because things got a bit harder!"
Leo flinched backwards, gold eyes became cold and narrowed. Jaxon tensed, nails biting into his palms.
"That's theĀ exact same fucking thingĀ you did!" Leo made a wide gesture with her arms. "What the fuck are you talking about? What's the difference?"Ā 
"IĀ came back!" Jaxon took a step forward. "You're justĀ leaving.Ā Were you ever going toĀ tellĀ them?"
Leo didn't say anything. He was standing closer to her now. She was still six inches taller than he was. Leo's hands curled into fists, but her expression softened a little as she looked at something in the distance.
"Jaxon, Ryan's here..."
Jaxon whirled around, and sure enough, Ryan was hiding behind a streetlight, watching the fight. He noticed Jaxon staring at him, and recoiled, trying to make himself smaller. Jaxon winced. He knew what Leo was going to do.
And then, a hard punch to the side of the head sent him straight to the ground.
Jaxon barely had the time to brace himself for the impact, slamming into the gravel. For a moment, he was disoriented, having to blink to relocate himself. His palms stung.
Jaxon forced himself to stand, moving slowly,Ā stunned.
Leo didn't move, didn't speak, stared with burning, yellow eyes. Red sparks flew from clenched fists. She wouldn't...
Jaxon lunged forward and knocked Leo to the ground. A crack echoed through the park, as Leo managed a kick to the stomach. Jaxon gasped, falling on his side. Leo hovered over him. He grabbed a handful of gravel, she stumbled back as the small rocks hit her face.
He managed to stand back up, shaking, breathing quick and painful, and glanced up in time to be shoved back to the ground, back digging into the sharp rocks.
Jaxon knocked her down with a kick to the knee. He was losing. Jaxon stood up. His fist collided with Leo's face, and for a moment, the sharp, pulsing agony of feeling his fingers crack distracted him. Her nose was bleeding now, bent awkwardly.
She grabbed him by the collar of his hoodie, he heard the fabric begin to rip, and suddenly, colors blurred around him, and a sharp pain- the fountain- collided with the back of his head, and he slumped over, vision fading.
Leo left.
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milk459 Ā· 1 year
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Some anatomy practice cuz I still canā€™t draw good muscle :( . Itā€™s a bit wonky but itā€™s got spirit šŸ˜ŖšŸ’–. We makin progressšŸ’ŖšŸ¾šŸ’ŖšŸ¾šŸ’ŖšŸ¾
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mad-as-a-box-of-frogs Ā· 10 months
Katee Sackoff saying thereā€™s no romance between Bo-Katan and Din SAY THAT
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livlaughloveluke Ā· 6 months
underwater moments w/ Poseidon!reader x Luke
į”£š­© š˜€š—®š˜š˜‚š—暝—»
daughter of poseidon! reader x luke castellan šŸŖø
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IN WHICH.. youā€™re dating the famous hermes boy šŸ’˜
warnings! this fic contains- no betrayal luke šŸ„³ // percy is a lil bro // fem reader // not all of these are underwater moments
šŸŽ§- saturn by sza
sneaking out for starlit swims !!
you and luke spend your nights secretly swimming under the dark waters of camp half-blood, while the moon grazes the surface and turns the black depths glittery. you and him try to remain quiet, but how could you resist laughter when he almost accidentally drowned, twice?!
the famous underwater kisses <3
with little privacy at the kid-filled camp, you and luke rarely found moments alone. all you had time for were sneaky, quick kisses in between planned activities. as a child of poseidon, you found a way to solve this intimate problemā€”underwater kisses. creating an air bubble under the lake allowed for a moment with no curious glancesā€”at least from most. (the fishies and a certain pesky brother often interrupt)
going pearl diving!
luke likes to sunbathe in the gleaming sun, resting on the docks while you splash around in the blue lake. you dive down deep, searching for the prettiest pearls underwater and placing him on the wood surface next to him. this could go on for hours, you entertained by the adventure and luke just happy to be in your presence. the next day, luke graciously gifted you a gorgeous necklace made with the pearls you excavated.
surfing and paddle boarding šŸ„ā€ā™€ļø
while the calm waters donā€™t offer many waves, every once in a while you like to manipulate the liquid so you can surf. not to mention, you love to instruct luke, too. heā€™s not the best, but heā€™s willing to give anything a try. (if weā€™re being honest, he hates it. he hates constantly falling off the board and sharply coming into contact with the water, but heā€™d do anything if it meant you were happy.)
in contrast, he loves to paddle board with you. itā€™s more gentle, and he can actually talk to you while in the water.
the olive theory! (but with cherries)
definitelyyyy the type of guy to pretend he doesnā€™t like cherries just because he knows you love them more. every morning at breakfast, he slides you his small fruit cup with only the cherries remaining, and you eat it up every time. unbeknownst to you, heā€™s only doing this to see you smile. he loves the way your lips curl up into a smile when you eat them, the juices staining your lips with a shade of red. he would give up anything to see you smile like that.Ā 
carrying a waterproof digital camera around šŸ“ø
he loves loves LOVES to take photos of you! whether your swimming in the lake or picking strawberries in the fields, heā€™s by your side with the camera directed towards you. heā€™s the number one candid picture taker! and when you ask why, he usually presents you with some dumb excuse or pickup line to conceal the fact that heā€™s totally whipped for you.Ā 
ā€œew, stoppp! i look so bad right now! why do you like taking so many photos anyway?ā€
ā€œdunno. youā€™re the subject of all my dreams, sweetheart.ā€
late night beach bonfires
singing, laughing, and cuddling by the warmth of a campfire with all your friends is a weekly occurrence for you and luke. it feels like youā€™re both just normal teens, living life with no fear of monsters attacking or angry greek gods. plus, he makes BOMB sā€™mores.Ā 
CHAOTIC game nights with percyĀ 
attempting to play charades with your little brother, but overall he just gets mad and rage quits because you couldnā€™t guess the word. oh, and we canā€™t forget the craziest uno nights. you and percy arguing over the rules while luke just stands awkwardly in the corner.
ā€œyou canā€™t place a draw two on a draw four! it doesnā€™t work that way!ā€
ā€œyes you can!! suck it up and draw your six cards!ā€
ā€œuh, guysā€¦? šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļøā€
the annual cabin decoration contest ! (yes, i made this up)
when that time rolls around, you and percy are DETERMINED to have the best cabin. you hang up seashells, scatter around the prettiest dried coral on shelves, and buy fairy lights for a cozy atmosphere. luke watches from afar as you and percy playfully argue whether a lana del rey poster would ā€œfit the theme.ā€ to be fair, it was a tunnel under OCEAN blvd poster.
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flwrstqr Ā· 7 months
enhypen doing a challenge with you
pairings: idol!enhypen x fem idol!reader | genre: fluff | wc: 1000+ | prompt: ENHYPEN members when you do a challenge with them but the catch is your dating them secretly | warnings: not proofread | LIBRARY FOR MORE...
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ģ“ķ¬ģŠ¹ (lhs)
you're the 6th (or 7th) member of lsfm. you just had your comeback easy, and you're were told you were going to do a challenge with heeseung. and boy, heeseung was so happy. like he forgot about dating and how judgmental knetz can be. hes just excited to see you because how busy you were do to your promotion schedule meaning he couldn't see you for weeks. when you guys meet at the hybe dance practice room, you teach him how to do the dance. which he obviously eats it up. then you would start filming the challenge. the two of you guys would end the challenge by like going opposite directions (like out of the camera view). and as heeseung being a supportive bf, he would watched the mv and dance. so he would like exit the camera by doing that chaewon move. like i can see him doing it so vividly and leaving the camera view while your laughing so hard. now the comments are all like: "heeseung being #1 fearnot fr!"
rest of the members below
ė°•ģ¢…ģ„± (pjy)
as the 5th member of aespa, you had a comeback of drama. and comebacks = interactions with idols = interaction with enhypen = interaction with specifically jay. and when jay heard hes going to do a challenge with you, bro is like yapping about it 24/7 to his members. he would be sitting in the living room, yapping to jungwon, "man, im gonna film a challenge with my amazing gorgeous girlfriend." but now lets talk more specifically during the challenge. he would have already learned the choreography because he streams ur music duh. and by the time you go to hybe dance practice room, he's basically like the 6th member of aespa. during the challenge, jay would try so hard not to smile at you cause of rumors (and he doesnt want to be fired). but in the end, he does give a small smile to you cause he can't even hold it. (guess what the next topic will be during the next enhypen discussion!)
ģ‹¬ģž¬ģœ¤ (sjy)
being the maknae of gidle, is also being the gf of jake from enhypen. you're the youngest in the group and you had your comeback of super lady (lady lady call me super lady). and jake already, as the golden retriever he is, he's hyping you up 24/7. he stalks your instagram page + fancams. like even before his manager tells him he's gonna do a challenge with you, he already knows the lyrics and dance by heart. when he does the challenge, he eats it up. but lets be honest, jake would honestly purposely cause a dating rumor during the challenge. like this man can't hold his urge to hug you at award shows or talk about you during live so he would just like grab your waist while watching the scenes (NOT TO MENTION, THERES A BEHIND THE SCENES CAMERA WATCHING WHICH HE OBVIOUSLY KNEW). like jake that wasn't part of script (????)
7th member of ive, which is aka you. you knew sunghoon cause your member, wonyoung, is friends with him due to them being music bank mcs together. (lets say you were jealous that your member got to be with him every friday and not you but still) you had just came out with all night (cover) and enhypen came out with sweet venom. like his challenge with wonyoung, you would film the all night challenge + sweet venom challenge too with him. before, sunghoon would be sooo happy to see you but at the same time so scared (this man has like trust issues with k-netz so). during the behind the scenes, you guys would just standing šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ§ā€ā™€ļø like this. like your scared too (i would). but in the end, when all the cameras are off you wave goodbye and of course sunghoon leaves a small kiss on cheek.
ź¹€ģ„ ģš° (ksn)
obviously, as expected, you're the 6th member of newjeans. being in the same company as sunoo means that you would be best friends with him. ironically, you knew each other from school and unexpectedly joined the same company. as sunoo is easy to connect with, you two became close friends within days. six months later, you're now dating sunoo (cute <3). during the sweet venom era, you film a challenge with sunoo (you begged the company). usually, hybe posts behind-the-scenes of challenges, so your behind-the-scenes footage i feel would go viral. some fans were shocked to see the fact that the two of you were friends and knew each other (well, you were technically more than just friends). but at the end of the challenge, you guys would do a heart together šŸ«¶. like, how cute is that?
ģ–‘ģ •ģ› (yjw)
you were gonna have a comeback, dash, as a member of nmixx. which meant you were going to do a challenge with jungwon. which means you were going to see your bf (or your loyl). you guys do the part of "mhm i just want to continue my pace!" and you messed up so badly cause how cute jungwon was. I MEAN WHO WOULDN!?!??! like you want to stop the video to just squish his cheeks and dimples!!!!! but other than that, after 45 tries you made it and was able to post it. your guys interaction was so >>>>>>>>.
č„æę‘åŠ› (nsr)
10th member of kep1er was you. being from a survival show like riki, meant that you were easily connected with riki. ironically you both guys came in 4th in survival shows. back in galileo, era, you guys filmed a challenge together. the two of you were known for your dancing skills and rapping skills. so obviously when you filmed a challenge, fans are freaking out. but in reality, the two of you were actually dating and super excited to film the challenge. riki never really did a gg song challenge often so it was slightly new but in the end he was able to pull it off iconically (as usual, like did you guys see the hype boy challenge and super shy challenge?!?!??!). but let's talk more deeply during the challenge. riki was obviously the shy person as he couldn't seem to make eye contact with you. the comments are all about riki's shy smile towards you and started shipping you + him.
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banj0possum Ā· 6 months
Alistair x (platonically) Teen Reader
In the fic he is like oh my god a bride, he walks in and instead of an adult..or a bride-
They find a teen, who literally threw a pebble at him, an angsty teenšŸ’€
Iā€™m very happy to read ur fics and usually pair them with teen/child mc because I find it funny because they expect the love of their life
and teen mc standing there :šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø
anyways sorry for the long request, luv ur writing, and ur art :D
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Yandere! Evil King x Teen! GN! Reader
CW: platonic relationship, Alistair is a bit of a DILF so do with it as you will, Dads are hot you guys!! READER IS A MINOR.
šŸ‘‘ Who is this sassy lost child?
šŸ‘‘ His minions kidnapped you while you were on a carriage ride back to your kingdom.
šŸ‘‘ He was hoping for like a princess or something to marry and take over the kingdom with or whatever so like...what tf he gonna do with you???
šŸ‘‘ Clearly you were too young to be in a situation like this, but theres no way he's giving you back without a reward, so yes he still holds you for ransom.
šŸ‘‘ "Child, I am Alistair, King of-ACk!"
šŸ‘‘ Did...did you throw a pillow at him?!
šŸ‘‘ "How dare yo- AHK! Stop it!" another one..
šŸ‘‘ You refuse to listen to anything he says, you just wanted to go home
šŸ‘‘ You two had a bit of rivalry for a bit. He hated you and you hated him.
šŸ‘‘ He promised not to show any affection or care towards you since in his eyes, your actions didn't deserve it. How can someone be so rude to a king !?
šŸ‘‘ But he starts to notice you don't eat much. He never sees you in the dining hall and has only seen quick moments of you nibbling on some bread or pastries the servants gave you.
šŸ‘‘ He scoffed, so irresponsible! You must eat a proper meal right this second or you'll starve!
šŸ‘‘ You're surprised to see a meal prepared for you during your routine trip to get a snack from the pantry with a note on the plate.
šŸ‘‘ "Next time, ask for a proper meal. I don't want your parents to think I've been starving you. -Alistair P.S. go to bed early."
šŸ‘‘ Huh...
šŸ‘‘ Alistair smiled from the doorway of the dining hall, watching you eat up with a smile on your face. You might have been too scared of him to ask for food so you've been sneaking snacks while he wasn't looking.
šŸ‘‘ Of course he wasn't doing it because he cared about you, he just didn't want royalty like you to resort to such pathetic means to eat!
šŸ‘‘ Why are you still sad? Perhaps he should get you some things to keep your attention..
šŸ‘‘ He asks (threateningly may I add) about your hobbies or interests.
šŸ‘‘ The next morning your cell (which has been upgraded to a lovely room in the castle because he didn't want you to be filthy and gross in a dungeon) was filled with anything he could find that he thought you'd enjoy.
šŸ‘‘ Don't think he wants you to be happy! He's just tired of seeing you sulk everywhere!
šŸ‘‘ He denies everything, but you swear you could see a tiny smile on his face when you hugged him happily.
šŸ‘‘ You start being a little more open to him, showing him anything you've made or done with pride and he'd receive it gratefully, but he won't show it of course.
šŸ‘‘ "I made you this friendship bracelet!"
šŸ‘‘ "I've seen better jewelry."
šŸ‘‘ "Oh I'll take it back then I guess.."
šŸ‘‘ "No, it's mine now, back off."
šŸ‘‘ Drawings and the like that he said would be thrown out as soon as you left would be seen framed in his room
šŸ‘‘ It would be a..waste of good canvas..
šŸ‘‘ And of course he buys a few books of your choice for you to read, he'd be damned if your brain turns to mush.
šŸ‘‘ Bro bro he'd be the type to let you swing around while holding onto his bicep.
šŸ‘‘ If you ever have any problems, or come to him in a bad mood, he'd have no idea how to help other than to sit down and listen to your troubles.
šŸ‘‘ He's not the most physical when it comes to affection, but you bet your ass he's gonna do everything he can to cheer you up.
šŸ‘‘ At this point he's rewriting his demands for the ransom. Either your kingdom lets him sign some adoption papers or he's starting a war.
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oh-no-its-bird Ā· 2 months
Normal 'Izuna survives' au but he gets isekaid into canon founders era and doesn't notice for a week (everyone is convinced he's a ghost)
He literally lives in the same house as Madara but Madara acts like this is normal bc hes been hallucinating so this is clearly just another hallucination
He only realizes smthn is wrong with Tobirama sees him and immediatley goes "what the FUCK" and suddenly everyone is going "oh god you can see him too????"
Izuna is on a quest to convince people he's not a hallucination (it's a losing battle)
Realistically tho, in that era, wouldn't it be more believable that Izuna is a ghost / somehow came back to life than fucking dimension travel?
Cearly the ghost of Izuna just doesn't realize hes died (common enough in ghost lore)
Tobirama is the only one who believes Izuna bc he has the brain cells to think ab dimension travel / time and space jutsu
POV Madara starts to convince Izuna he's actually a ghost. Maybe... he did die? And he just doesn't remember?? Oh god is he a ghost??? Is he dead????
Tobirama is standing by watching this shit happen with a look of disgust on his face (I'm sorry Tobi the stupidity is genetic)
Madara really said gaslight gatekeep girlboss, starting with yourself first
@beatriceportinari :
hashirama is trying to be compassionate and get him to move on and izuna just. stays there (bc he's not a ghost)
hsrm so desolate abt it
tbrm he won't move on šŸ˜¦ what if he's stuck forever šŸ˜¦
Tobirama is standing nearby watching this shit happen fully aware Izuna isn't dead but no one will listen to him so !!! Might as well watch the show
@fashionredalert :
Izuna standing there like
Tweak it slightly to turn it into a happy ending where they get to keep him bc he eventually has to go back home: there was no dimension travel, for some reason he survived or was revived (zetsu interference gone wrong?? Or right ig, for Izuna)
@mengfm :
He fr came back to life/survived but everyone's convinced he's a ghost and are trying to lay him back to rest
The idea of people trying to re bury him is so funny. Left and right heā€™s trying to avoid having funeral rights just said to him
@beatriceportinari :
montage where they make him lay down in a coffin and he's just laying there fidgeting like "this feels weird is it working yet"
noooo asdfghjh he's letting them do it'
maybe i should be dead yeah' izuna!!!
@mengfm :
"No I saw you die"
"Ok convincing argument I guess" -Izuna, apparently
@fashionredalert :
I know thereā€™s that trope about the Uchiha burning the bodies with funeral rites could you imageā€¦Bro having to run away from Madara trying to burn him alive to lay him to rest again
@mengfm :
@fashionredalert :
Izuna running through the village with rope ties around his hands as he runs
Madara is chasing Izuna through the streets with a lit torch as Izuna screams about wanting to try a different way and Madara screams about how it'll work if he just STAYS STILL
@instant-bull :
(Hashirama looks out his window and asks Tobirama if he just saw Izuna running through the streets and Tobirama tells him to stop making shit up to get out of work)
@mengfm :
Thatā€™s just a lack of sleep hallucination back to work!!!
@instant-bull :
Madara trying to burn his brother alive isnā€™t real!
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"You'll get used to them" Tobirama waved his hand, the years of insomnia experience making him sound particularly knowledgable
Hashiramaā€™s already moukoton scrambled brain is going to feel even more insane. This is not helping his sanity
Hashirama starts to believe he sees into some alternate timeline or the past or whatever that shit was
The ending is literally just Tobirama hitting everyone over the head with a rolled up newspaper and yelling that they're all stupid, going "HES alive. YOURE not hallucinating. and YOU can not see into other dimensions!"
Only sane person in Konoha
(Then in the epilogue he goes home and has his own regular hallucinations of his dead brothers)
Parts of todays AU are brought to u with the help of @instant-bull @mengfm @fashionredalert and @beatriceportinari, everyone say thank you to them
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pyrondeeznutz Ā· 1 year
EJ is a smartass, but he takes things way to literally and isnā€™t exactly up to date with modern internet culture since he got turned in the early 2000s. Bros so fucking unseriously serious
Heā€™ll ask a harmless question and Toby will be like ā€œFuck you go dieā€ and heā€™ll just stand there like ā€œOk šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļøā€
Or heā€™ll insult someone in the most straightforward way. Ben talks shit and EJ just ā€œYouā€™re short. And ugly.ā€
The one thing that cracks Toby the fuck up is Jacks habit of saying ā€œI seeā€, and he doesnā€™t see the irony in it either (pun not intended)
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lowkeyrobin Ā· 6 months
Heyy, Ghostbusters preference- when they get jealous?
ooo okay ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy!
includes ; trevor, phoebe, podcast & lucky
warnings ; language
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he's so awkward about it
he doesn't even know what to do at first like... fuck you want him to do??
he doesn't even realize someone's trying to hit on you til you give him the most pleading look of all time
and he literally has to run every scenario through his brain to figure out what to do without getting sucker punched
he's just not a jealous person in general either, half of its obliviousness, half of its just the trust he has in you because he knows you aren't gonna leave him. maybe
if it's going on to long he'll slide in, introduce himself as "Trevor Spengler, one of the Ghostbusters" and hopes it'll impress the other person enough to just leave you alone
90% of the time they just leave because Trev is too awkward to just say "Hey I'm their boyfriend, leave them alone please" lmaoo
she literally doesn't know what to do bro
like on one hand maybe she's being dramatic but on the other why the hell is someone else talking to you like that???
she's autistic and it's very obvious (this isn't even a hc I'm pretty sure it's actually canon + her being queer yipee) and can sometimes be very blunt or awkward
"can you stop talking to them like that? thank you." while she's got this serious bitch face on
the person quickly scurries away and you're just relieved while she's like confused and a bit upset but doesn't know how to explain it
"pheebs, I'm not leaving you, don't worry. thank you though, i didn't know how to get them to go away"
she gives you a little hug to just silently tell you "Okay, thank you, I'm sorry"
just kinda stands there like šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø
kinda tries to sling his arm around your shoulders and signal that you were not up to hang out later
and somehow the person just doesn't get it!!
"Okay, uh, they have a boyfriend! they don't wanna hang out with you, please listen to them, thanks"
the person scrambles and he's just like "what the fuck I thought you loved me" in a joking manner
you both go get some candy down the street because that was awful for both of you LMFAO
she's a confident bad bitch okay...
hugs you from behind, arms around your waist and her head resting on top of yours/your shoulder
"Hey, please listen to people when they say they don't want to talk to you, take a hint. they have a girlfriend"
literally a life saver
lucky domingo is a mindset
"I don't understand, why can't people just listen??"
honestly same girl
she's always coming in clutch tho, ain't no way she's letting someone bother you, especially when she's jealous of the fact you're giving them attention
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omerobert Ā· 17 days
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Joost is so drunk šŸ˜­
Bro is just standing there like this šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø
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cerosin-bis Ā· 8 months
Nikto hcs pls? if theres some you got for scraps.
Of course.. Of COURSE it is my pleasure!! I do not stop thinking about Nikto like ever. First main hc post here (it's old but still relevant) and then many more in my nikto tags. the one about his youth is also relevant to my view of the character. Here are more Nikto headcanons:
He fidgets when he thinks. Not when he's anxious or upset (in that case he just stands like this šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø he's perfectly still and it's terrifying. it means he's holding back.)
Very self-aware about the way he processes things, which allows him to plan out & avoid certain situations when needed.
Actually has a lot of self control in general, but if he indulges in one (1) thing - usually the thing is an unhealthy coping mechanism - then the dam breaks immediately. It's basically all or nothing.
Extremely funny when he wants, mostly because he can deliver anything with a perfect deadpan and has a *lot* of wit. It's not that hard to make him smile either, if one has the right type of humour - and in his squad, everyone does.
Doodles of him! i will post the full doodles of my friends' niktos one day. ok. My take on Nikto is that he got nerfed by life because bro literally had too much for him he was too huge too handsome.
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a lil more under the cut about my face hc for him.
Features of my version of Nikto weren't actually really defined from the start save from the sad mohawk tbh. After drawing him semi-consistently for 3.5 years I can now list them and it's.
chemical burns, mostly limited to the middle and left side of his face + left shoulder - with a defined pattern on his face (that probably no one noticed because my lines are that messy šŸ‘)
burnt/cut top part of his left ear
almost no eyebrows remaining. a few hairs on the right side.
very little facial hair
fairly big nose with the left nostril damaged like his upper lip is (prolongating his cleft lip sort of)
square jaw, with a slight underbite
stitch marks on some smaller, different scars mostly around the chin
a few cigarette burns under his chin/neck
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cremecakess Ā· 11 months
Trust falls w/ Floyd, Malleus, Leona, Idia & Kalim
reader is yuu
more below the cut :)
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He isā€¦. somewhat trustworthy?
Heā€™ll be all giggly and laughing when heā€™s joking about catching you but when he actually is waiting for you to fall, he stands there ominously
Heā€™s probably going to wait for the last possible moment to catch you to actually catch you
ā€œHaha.. Shrimpyy I told you I was gonna catch you! Why? Donā€™t you trust me~?ā€
Probably one of the most trustworthy people for a trust fall
Bros gonna be the most majestic being catching you
The second you fall in reach of his arms he will catch you
And heā€™ll look pretty while doing it too
ā€œOh, Child of man, Iā€™m glad that youā€™re safe, in my armsā€
i am so sorry but he wouldnā€™t even agree to a trust fall in the first place šŸ˜­
Heā€™ll be like ??? no Iā€™m not gonna do that Iā€™m gonna take a nap instead.
BUT in the unlikely scenario that he agrees, itā€™ll probably go with him just casually catching you.
The most chill in trust falls, doesnā€™t care.
(the first time when Ruggie introduced him to trust falls he had no idea what to do and let Ruggie fall)
ā€œHerbivore.. I have no idea why you wanted to do that, but if itā€™s with you, then I donā€™t mind. Iā€™m gonna go and take a nap now.ā€
Heā€¦. panics
This boy would be internally panicking and fretting over the fact that he had to CATCH you
He would fret so much that he wouldnā€™t even catch you
When you fall he panics even more
Kalim would be like a mix of Idia and Malleus
Trustworthy, yet he slightly panics
What if he doesnā€™t catch you?
When he does, he is very relieved
ā€œHaha! Caught you, Yuu! Now I wanna try you catching me!ā€
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this is probably so ooc i am so sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
bro my phone is so laggy rn šŸ„²
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w0rmm1lk Ā· 8 months
Can I request a Bakugo (Cuz letā€™s be honest, he is FINE AS HELL) x gn! Reader whoā€™s very socially awkward?
Like, if anyone they donā€™t know tries to talk to them theyā€™ll just be likešŸ§ā€ā™‚ļøand give them that classic awkward smile
yes!!!! i relate to this reader sm and also I 100% agree bakugo is so fucking fine like??????? he's a fucking 2d character from a style where theporportions arent even based on humans, he has unmanaged anger issues and will fucking explode and not in the joking sense and yet????/ like whoever made hi design TEL ME YOUR WAYS. he's so fucking pretty. but also as much as I love him jeanist did him so fucking dirty with that hair. jeanist looked at *THAT* and really said "I can fix him"??? bitch don't fucking fix him I like the explosive pomeranian bitch. but like that one scene when he was making fun of todoroki during the provisional license extras classes like bro I was watching with my siblings and had to aggressively hold back a fucking screach noise. AND I STILL DO WHENEVER I WACTH IT. he's a fucking anime character who is so damn unhealthy but if you cant tell by the length of this, I fucking love him.
reader: GN
characters: bakugo katsuki
summary: reader is a very much not people person so how the fuck are they dating bakuhoe out of all bitches
warnings: swearing if you couldnt tell. anxiety, mentions of anxiety attacks. bakugo being a bitch.
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šŸ’„- okay honestly, first day? didnt even know you were in the class.
šŸ’„- this mf too focused on beating everyone up to notice you.
šŸ’„- was forced to acknowledge you when you kiri and bakuhoe were in the same area during the usj attack.
šŸ’„- after yall beat the shit out of some ppl you were sweating a ton but not bc you just fought some bitches.
šŸ’„- your ass was panicked af, not only are you shoved in a small space with two extroverts, you're also being exxesivley complimented by Kirishima bc you punched someone and along with that the fucking usj is under attack.
šŸ’„- it was very obvious you were panicking tbh.
šŸ’„- like bakuhoe at this point doesnt give a shit about other peoples feelings at this point but even he could tell.
šŸ’„- you were just standing there with you r arms pinned to your sides staring into the distance as Kirishima was obsessing oever how you beat someone up.
šŸ’„- after the usj he started to notive you more often.
šŸ’„- he noticed hpw evenn when the whole class was close with each other, you were still extremely quiet.
šŸ’„- he noticed how awkward you were even when talking to your friends.
šŸ’„- he noticed how youd speak up if your friends were being rude to you but the moment someone like monoma said something you just shut down.
šŸ’„- he even noticed how panicked you were when you learned about the internships.
šŸ’„- during the sports festival you both fought one on one, that's when he truly noticed how awkward you were.
šŸ’„- like bro was beating the shit out of you while yelling shit like "say something damnit!"
šŸ’„- honestly even though he wouldve won anyways, the round ended faster due to your panic with him yelling n shit.
šŸ’„- bro was thinking about it more and was like "damn. but like why were they kinda cute."
šŸ’„- first thoughts?
šŸ’„- immediete denial.'
šŸ’„- bakugo thought his time would be something like loud and outgoging, someone whos super confident.
šŸ’„- then saw you who was about to have a fuckinh panic attack and was like:
šŸ’„- i want that one.
šŸ’„- honestly ur crush on him was not obvious at all, you were just your normal panicky self but this time with slightly more blush.
šŸ’„- honestly you guys didnt get together until someone had to word it to make it seem like they were challenging bakugo to confess.
šŸ’„- will fight someone for you.
šŸ’„- monoma insulted you? 3 days of house arrest for bakuhoe.
šŸ’„- someone judged you? explosions.
šŸ’„- cashier looked at you wrong? banned from the convenience store for the next 6 months.
šŸ’„- congrats on your new scary dog privledges.
šŸ’„- mf so fucking protective tbh
šŸ’„- its not that he doesnt think you cant fight for yourself, he knows you can beat anyone to a pulp. i mean like- you're in the hero course for gods sake man.
šŸ’„- more in the sense of, distant jealousy. you wont know he's jealous, but whoever is talking to you thats making him jealous will know.
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not my best work but i wanted to type something lol.
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johnnycakesswitch Ā· 3 months
Hey!! I see youā€™ve been reblogging a lot of sickfic type headcanons and was wondering if maybe you had any for the curtis bros and or johnny?? Iā€™m a sucker for sickfics and I feel like youā€™d have some really cute headcanons haha
Ok Iā€™m sorry I took a minute to answer but I wanted to think up some rly good ones for you!! Sick fics are my absolute fav so I will do my best!
ā€¢ heā€™s the baby of the family so he gets absolutely doted on when heā€™s sick and he loves it so much
ā€¢ gets so many colds in the winter. His nose is perpetually red from having to blow it so much. Always has a wet cough
ā€¢ when heā€™s sick he really enjoys being held or laying in someoneā€™s lap on the couch. Soda will hold him close at night and do whatever he can to make him comfy enough to sleep like rub his tummy or back or play with his hair, he absolutely hates seeing his baby brother hurting
ā€¢ when his head is hurting really bad, Soda will massage his neck and shoulders because migraines really make your entire body hurt so bad
ā€¢ if his head isnā€™t hurting too bad he likes watching tv because heā€™s bored so heā€™ll curl up on the couch with a bunch of blankets and watch tv with whoeverā€™s around
ā€¢ If no one else can get off work, Two-Bit will stay home from school and watch Pony. Heā€™s actually really good at taking care of people and Pony likes having him there when his brothers canā€™t be
ā€¢ if Pony gets too anxious or stressed heā€™ll get awful stomachaches, heā€™ll be nauseous all the time and have no appetite. His brothers know there really isnā€™t much they can do until he stops feeling this way so Darry just makes him food thatā€™s easy to digest and Soda always rubs his stomach so he doesnā€™t make himself sick
ā€¢ if Pony is really sick like a flu or something heā€™ll lay in bed with Darry, partially because it reminds him of his parents and because his bed is bigger and more comfortable. Usually Soda ends up squeezing in there too
ā€¢ not necessarily dramatic but can be very whiny. Not in an annoying way but heā€™ll like make noises in his sleep or just these unintelligible sounds when someone asks him a question, especially if heā€™s got a bad headache. Just incoherent, miserable whines
ā€¢ very pukey kid, canā€™t keep anything down if his stomach is sick and usually throws up if heā€™s got a migraine. On rare occasions though, heā€™ll be super nauseous but not actually able to throw up which he hates more than anything, heā€™d rather just get it over with than feel queasy for a long time
ā€¢ will stand in the doorway of Darryā€™s room like ā€œI frew up šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļøā€
ā€¢ Darry and Soda really fuss over him like always checking his temperature, asking him what doesnā€™t feel good, making sure he stays hydrated and try to get something in his tummy. Usually he doesnā€™t like being babied but being sick is the only exception and he will complain if he feels like he isnā€™t getting enough attention
ā€¢ bro will whine about drinking ginger ale and asks for Pepsi instead and Darryā€™s just like bruh be fr
ā€¢ poor Soda is a tummy ache survivor. He has such a sensitive stomach itā€™s not even funny. He physically canā€™t hide if heā€™s sick because his stomach starts making these awful noises and thatā€™s how the others always know heā€™s not feeling good
ā€¢ donā€™t even try to make him eat when heā€™s sick because he will throw it right back up
ā€¢ when he gets sick itā€™s like really bad. He gets very high fevers and body aches and is just completely miserable
ā€¢ needs to be physically comforted because heā€™s always just so uncomfortable when heā€™s sick. He likes having his belly rubbed or his back or having his scalp massaged. Darry does that for him to put him to sleep when heā€™s sick and it works like a charm. Another thing Darry will do is rub his shoulders and arms which he loves because Soda always has trouble getting warm when heā€™s sick and it feels so nice on his achy muscles
ā€¢ gets sore throats a lot bc bro breathes w his mouth open at night āœ‹šŸ˜­
ā€¢ Soda looks so endearing when heā€™s sick though because his eyes are all glossy and his cheeks are flushed and heā€™s always bundled up under a bunch of blankets which makes him look so tiny and precious
ā€¢ he always psychs himself out about being sick like heā€™ll convince himself that he has to throw up so Darry will go sit with him in the bathroom and it wonā€™t ever come and heā€™s just like ā€œno I swear Iā€™m gonna throw upā€ and Darry just has to coax him back to bed because itā€™s been like an hour. Sometimes bro honestly just needs to burp and ends up feeling so much better after
ā€¢ the most dramatic sneezes ever, if Soda has a cold itā€™s everyoneā€™s problem bc you can hear him sneeze a block away
ā€¢ heā€™s a very emotional sick person if heā€™s super sick, always really teary and upset because he feels so yucky
ā€¢ worries Darry so much because he overheats so easily, his temperature will go from low fever to veering on dangerously high like nothing
ā€¢ Darry makes him put a cold cloth on his face or neck and he hatesss this he always tries to take it off because he hates being cold so Darry will have to sit with him and hold it in place or make sure he doesnā€™t move it either until Soda falls asleep or Darry thinks itā€™s been long enough
ā€¢ gets sick like a regular amount but itā€™s usually not that bad
ā€¢ when he does get pretty sick though, he tries to stay away from the others so they donā€™t get sick too
ā€¢ this never works because Soda and Pony will break into his room to snuggle him which he canā€™t deny that he loves
ā€¢ the one thing that really gets poor Darry is a cold. He gets the most uncomfortable colds, his ears always ache, his head hurts, his nose runs, itā€™s just miserable. Soda and Pony can always tell when one is coming on because his colds tend to start with a sore throat and his voice gets really raspy
ā€¢ Soda will massage his back to help him sleep because heā€™s so restless when heā€™s sick and canā€™t seem to relax properly :(
ā€¢ stomach bugs affect him the least, he tends to throw up once and feels so much better after, which is good because they definitely hit Pony and Soda hard so he likes that he can quickly feel better and take care of them
ā€¢ super light sensitive when he has headaches so if heā€™s holed up in his room for hours, the others know he isnā€™t feeling good
ā€¢ when Darry is sick, Soda and Ponyboy make him soup which is actually super good and he really enjoys. Theyā€™ll lay in bed with him after and cuddle, Soda usually lays his head on Darryā€™s stomach and Pony on his chest and Darry puts his arms around them both. Itā€™s soothing for all of them
ā€¢ he actually gets sick frequently in the winter but itā€™s a bunch of small, not serious stuff. Like low grade fevers thatā€™ll last a day, a random cough, sore throats, etc. He doesnā€™t like the winter because he feels like heā€™s perpetually not 100%
ā€¢ will always try to go to work, but one time Soda convinced him to stay home by saying ā€œwhat if you throw up off the roofā€ and the thought of that was so embarrassing to Darry that he stayed home so he wouldnā€™t risk it
ā€¢ will usually camp it out at the Curtis house or at Buckā€™s with Dally
ā€¢ a very good patient- he doesnā€™t mind being left alone but he wonā€™t fight being taken care of either
ā€¢ Darry will always let Johnny lay in his bed or help him get comfortable on the couch if he would rather be with everyone else
ā€¢ lots of fevers, whether itā€™s a flu or a cold or whatever, Johnny always runs warm when he doesnā€™t feel good
ā€¢ a very sleepy sickie, he usually just wants to sleep off whatever doesnā€™t feel good. He likes if another person is near him when heā€™s sleeping, it makes him feel safe
ā€¢ Dally will always lay with Johnny when heā€™s sick and at Buckā€™s, partially because he knows Johnny likes it and so he can keep an eye on him. If Johnny breathes the wrong way Dallyā€™s like šŸ‘€
ā€¢ Johnny likes if Ponyboy reads to him when heā€™s sick, it gets his mind off of it
ā€¢ if he throws up itā€™s really bad, it usually comes on super fast and itā€™s always a lot. He canā€™t always get up in time so if Johnnyā€™s sick best believe someone is getting a bin or a garbage can for him to keep close because heā€™ll go to completely fine to šŸ¤¢ super fast
ā€¢ being sick really takes all his energy away so even if itā€™s just the sniffles this boy is TIRED. Itā€™ll be 7 pm and heā€™s like guys can I go to sleep on the couch now šŸ„ŗ
ā€¢ will not go home whatsoever if heā€™s sick because he just canā€™t deal with both things at once and everyone knows, so theyā€™ll make sure to tell Johnny to stay over so he doesnā€™t feel bad about asking and try to sleep outside instead
ā€¢ everyone coddles him but he appreciates it so much
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weebswrites Ā· 1 year
The Demon Bros + Undatables Holding Your Drink at a Party I put this on my tiktok back in 2020 and don't recall putting it here soooooo
Lucifer - 6/10
ā€¢ Doesn't understand why you can't just set it down or get a new one
ā€¢ Would protect it nonetheless
ā€¢ Probably never been asked to hold a drink before so he just šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø (standing man emoji) until you come back
Mammon - 5/10
ā€¢ "'Course baby! Want meh to refill it while yer gone too?" (he's drunk)
ā€¢ Might accidentally look away for a second because he thought he saw grimm on the floor
ā€¢ Nothing bad would happen though
Leviathan - 10/10
ā€¢ Would sit in a corner with his hand over it the whole time
ā€¢ Would even stop watching anime on his phone to give it his full attention
ā€¢ Keeps an eye on you to make sure you get there and back safe
Satan - 8/10
ā€¢ Holds it normally, but makes sure no one comes within a foot of him while he waits for you to return
ā€¢ Secretly honored you asked him over any of his brothers (esp Lucifer)
Asmodeus - -5/10
ā€¢ Would be a good choice if he weren't the least sober one there
ā€¢ Loves you so much though, he'd definitely try his best
ā€¢ Mammon ends up taking it from him and scolding him for dancing around with it
Beelzebub - 15/10
ā€¢ Has been making frequent trips from the party to the kitchen
ā€¢ Stays in the kitchen with your cup so no one else is around
ā€¢ Gives him a good excuse to stay in the kitchen and eat
Belphegor - 9/10
ā€¢ You'd have to leave the party and go to his room to ask him
ā€¢ Bc we all know he simply would not be at a party (unless he was forced)
ā€¢ Gladly watches your drink as he tries not to fall asleep
Diavolo - 9/10
ā€¢ Happy to do it
ā€¢ Sad you feel the need to ask him (or anyone)
ā€¢ You get a 2-in-1 protection because Lucifer hasn't left Diavolo's side the whole night, so he's also keeping an eye on you and any potential threats
Barbatos - 4/10
ā€¢ Conflicted on whether to watch Diavolo or your drink
ā€¢ Still hasn't decided by the time you get back. His attention was split between the two
ā€¢ Diavolo ended up keeping watch over it instead and gives you a knowing nod when you question Barbatos' watching skills
Solomon - 9.5/10
ā€¢ The only other human at a party of demons, so he gets it
ā€¢ Moves so his back is against the wall, preventing anyone from "bumping into him"
ā€¢ Loses .5 because gets cocky you asked him
Simeon - 8/10
ā€¢ Absolutely, take your time šŸ©·āœØ (heart and sparkle emojis)
ā€¢ Glad you trusted him
ā€¢ Tries to make a joke about him being more trustworthy than the demons but you roast him
Luke - 1/10
ā€¢ Luke is a child.
ā€¢ Don't give a child alcohol or take a child to a party.
ā€¢ If somehow he ends up with a cup, he'll replace it with water and act like he doesn't know what you're talking about when you mention it
ā€¢ Gets 1 point for good intentions, I guess
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lueurjun Ā· 7 months
ENHA REACTION ā‹†Ģ© s/o that loves the gym
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. Ėšā—žā˜ļø āœ§Ė–šŸ¤ąæą¾‚
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. Ėšā—žā˜ļø āœ§Ė–šŸ¤ąæą¾‚
šŸ–‡Ā·Ėš ą¼˜ā”Š š‘š„š . anon ,, hello !! i was wondering if i could request a enhypen with gym rat s/o? i took my friends to the gym w me (they wanna beef up, their words exactly) and they were genuinely shocked when i got on some of the machines to demonstrate for themšŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Ėš ą¼˜šŸ’­ Ā·Ėš message from lueurjun . . . hi sweet ! i really hope this was okay for you ā€” this is just hyung line [ refer to my pinned post as to why ] so i hope youā€™re okay with this. also ! teach me your ways ! we love a talented gym icon like yourselfā€”ps. iā€™m sorry for how long this took, i was caught with a serious case of writers block and just couldnā€™t seem to like any of the drafts i did.
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ā˜… ! H E E S E U N G
jaw on the ground
literally unable to look away
me when i see u fr šŸ«Ø
a cute gym date where youā€™d work out together turned into him literally gawking at you
bro fr saidšŸ§ā€ā™‚ļø
he knew you were consistent at the gym, the results were right before his eyes whenever he saw you
but he wasnā€™t aware of how effortless it was for you
yo he lowkey high-key loved it
letā€™s be honest, he spends the majority of the session just watching you
heā€™d still be on his first machine by the time youā€™re almost done
gym people have my full respect, i start seeing stars after my ten min pilaties work out
once the first wave of shock had washed off, itā€™s replaced with something else
a feeling in the pit of his stomach which has him seeing you in a different light
mind out of the gutter you filthy animal
heā€™d never been more attracted to you than when he saw you tearing it up on those machines
the way you can tell iā€™ve never stepped foot inside a gym before-
ā€œare you good?ā€
youā€™d ask him, taking a moment to catch your breath
thereā€™s slight concern creeping up your spine as you watch him
heā€™s just standing with his mouth half open
you: šŸ‹ļøā€ā™€ļø/šŸ‹ļø him:šŸ§ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ« 
ā€œme? yeah! perfectly fineā€
thereā€™s literally drool sliding down his chin and his voice is at least an octave higher
despite his obvious amazing acting skills when it comes to acting like he wasnā€™t about to combust
you do notice that he becomes quite clingy during your break
imagine him wrapping himself around you like a koala whilst you stand and just drink your water, holding up his weight like itā€™s no big deal šŸ’Ŗ
once his clinging streak starts
yeah that break signals the end of your workout because he is not letting you go
like at all
you practically have to carry him out of the gym
that should be me šŸ˜¤ you should be carrying me
ā˜… ! J A Y
i see him being slightly competitive with you
but in a sweet romantic way
it would be your little thing!
bashing my head against a wall bc competitive romance šŸ«¶
he was a little worried he wouldnā€™t be able to keep up with you at first
because youā€™re a warrior on those machines
but he actually manages just fine which is how it turned into a competition between you both
ā€œbet you canā€™t do 6 setsā€
if i got the terminology correct i want a cookie and your hand in marriage STAT if not then at least still give me a cookie
gym couple goals
jay definitely posts those pinterest aesthetic gym selfies with you
in my world he is a pinterest addict LET ME HAVE THIS
the two of you would definitely go viral on pinterest too
sometimes the other members tag along and just have to sit and watch the two of you threaten to bash each other with weights
they pretend to vomit when he kisses you after threatening to push one of the machines on top of you
thatā€™s so romantic to me shut up
you both try to outrun each other on the treadmill
and you pretend not to notice him slowing down so you can win
youā€™d probs beat him even if he didnā€™t but weā€™ll let him have his moment
dabbing each others sweat away which turns into the two of you hitting each other with the towel
him holding your water bottle up to your lips and just holding it whilst you drink it
me in the back laying on the treadmill just letting it fling me off because youā€™re the cutest
without a doubt gym dates are your thing
and dare you say, your favourite dates of all time
ā˜… ! J A K E
without a doubt he buys you matching gym gear
a lot like heeseung in the sense that he will spend the majority of the time just gawking at you
finds you the absolute hottest when youā€™re in the zone, he cannot cope
youā€™d be having him hyperventilating fr
supportive supportive supportive!!!
did i mention supportive?
heā€™s the type to stand behind you and pat your thigh, offering words of encouragement when he senses that youā€™re tired
ā€œyou got it! you got this! one more.ā€
didnā€™t think that through before i typed it- šŸ˜¬
ā€œi might die.ā€
ā€œiā€™ll carry you home, you got this.ā€
he does in fact carry you home
likes having you in front of him when heā€™s doing his own work out
he claims your face gives him encouragement and who are you to deny him as such?
supportive lovers šŸ«¶ iwillbestargazingintheroadtonight
definitely makes you lay beneath him whilst he does press-ups, making sure to kiss you every single time
does the same when youā€™re doing press-ups
basically press-ups = kiss central
and i personally find that rather romantic šŸ˜Œ
jake is the proudest boyfriend ever
loves seeing your progress and listening to you talk about it
if youā€™re the type to log down your workouts and meal plan then he likes to sit and read through it and will put smiley face stickers in the corner of each page
jake has a collection of stickers stashed somewhere because i said so
the gentleman he is will move the equipment after youā€™re done so you can get straight onto the next one
he doesnā€™t even work out at this point he just spends his time doting on you
celebratory ( and sweaty ) hugs once youā€™re done because you deserve them
ā˜… ! S U N G H O O N
ngl i struggled with this one
iā€™m running off 0 sleep let me live
i like to think that he admires you from afar
he loves that you love to work out and is super proud of your process in a silent way
i can definitely see him working out with you but separately
like the two of you do your own thing but with the added comfort of knowing that the other is nearby
iā€™d sit on the sidelines cheering you both on like WOOOO GO SUNGHOON ! WOOO GO Y/N !! WOOOOOO ! like that šŸ˜Œ
sometimes when sunghoon is resting, heā€™ll admire you whilst taking sips of his water
you definitely make him nervous especially when you catch him watching
smirk at him and heā€™ll go into cardiac arrest
heā€™s so real for that
no but genuinely heā€™s so enamoured by you
enamoured šŸ¤“
the two of you gazing at each other every now and then whilst on one of the machines
he almost dropped a weight on his foot because you winked at him and he lost all feeling in his body
not you almost breaking his foot šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
protective of each other
the gym is your sanctuary so if anyone comes in and tries to ruin that by approaching you in a manner neither of you like
youā€™re both ready to start throwing weights around
imagine you just launch a dumbbell at someone for eyeing him up HA
forced couple selfies
as in you ask him to take one with you and he pretends like he hates it but makes the photos his lockscreen, his homescreen, his laptop homescreen, his ipad homescreen
basically any homescreen he can find
bro would plaster it on a display tv in a shop if he was allowed
yeah bro definitely hates taking couple selfies, sure sounds like he absolutely despises them šŸ™„
shy kisses on the cheek when the workout is over as a ā€˜well done, im proud of youā€™
gosh let me have what you two have i cannot
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