#brown solidarity
arttuff · 10 months
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i want steph and jason to team up so bad
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gildedlead · 2 months
Steph: I don’t think Jason likes me very much.
Duke: Huh? What makes you say that?
Steph: He cut my grapple line, just cause I tried to pass over Crime Alley!!
Tim: Eh. Jason doesn’t really like anyone. I wouldn’t take it personal. Just be glad he didn’t shoot at you.
Duke: Are we thinking of the same Jason right now?
Tim: Is there some other Jason we should know about?
Duke: Look, I’m not saying I don’t believe you guys, it’s just hard to picture. Look, here he comes now.
Jason, dapping Duke up: Narrows! You coming to book club tomorrow?
Duke: Wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Jason: Glad to hear it, and don’t be afraid to bring your own work, too. I’ve seen your writing, it’s powerful. Really. I’ve gotta bounce, but you think about it, alright?
Duke: Yeah, yeah…See you, Park Row.
Tim & Steph: Hey What The Fuck.
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abisalli · 2 months
Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown bestie solidarity!!
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POV: you are Bruce Wayne
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sayruq · 5 months
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antifainternational · 5 months
What happens when you defend a drag show from the armed transphobes who threatened to murder attendees? In Texas, first you get arrested on bullshit charges, then a "Christian fascist fraternity" sues you for violating their "right" to attack drag queens and their fans. When two people facing this situation contacted the International Anti-Facist Defence Fund, we stepped in to help them with their legal costs, because we have the backs of anyone willing to protect people from transphobic violence. You should too, here's how: Chris' crowdfunder Aeshna's crowdfunder If you also think that having a standing fund to come to the aid of anti-fascists in emergency situations like this = a good idea, you should contribute to that fund right here!
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
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got an urge to design ponies oops
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silverwhittlingknife · 5 months
The Bats Are Fighting (Distaff Edition)
some conflicts I enjoy:
Babs is pretty hostile/judgy toward Helena at first & is bitterly upset and hurt when Helena starts wearing a Bat costume - apparently a Batgirl costume - without asking her. Later on, Bruce chases Helena out of the costume, and Babs gives Cass the Batgirl costume with her explicit blessing. Helena and Cass never have a rivalry over this exactly, but I don't think they ever really get along, either
Babs and Helena eventually make up when Babs lets Helena join the Birds of Prey but it's rocky in the beginning - Babs dislikes Helena's methods and doesn't entirely trust her; Helena resents being kept on the outside
Steph is super-impressed by Cass and tries to get her to like her and they eventually get close, but Cass has a pretty low opinion of Steph-as-a-vigilante and doesn't hesitate to boss her around or knock her out, and she's super-hurt by Steph lying to her about what's going on during War Games (probably not unrelated: Cass is the only Bat to blame Steph instead of Bruce after Steph dies)
Babs and Cass get very close but also have tensions because Babs wants Cass to have the 'normal' life that Babs thinks she should've tried harder to have when she was younger, and Cass isn't entirely comfortable with this pressure, plus - this one I think is a bit more well-known - Babs spends a lot of time tutoring Cass and looking after her (awww), BUT ALSO in a tense moment she gets really nasty and harsh about Cass's reluctance to learn to read and calls her "stupid"
Dinah finds Steph REALLY annoying and wants her to stop tagging around after her... until she finds out about Steph's miserable home life, and then she appears like an avenging angel and kicks Steph's dad and his cronies out of the house
Babs decides to work with a guy who tortured Dinah because she thinks he's capable of redemption and Dinah is NOT HAPPY about it
Just generally, Steph and Helena are very much outsiders who don't get brought into the "core" Batfam and who aren't trusted with info like Bruce's secret identity. By contrast, Babs is an insider almost from Day 1 - she may have conflicts with Bruce, but she's also got his absolute trust - and Dinah is as insider as it gets, with a mom who was also Black Canary and a stint on the JLA
other general characterization notes that cause Conflict (TM):
Babs is pretty much a classic Bat - she's got a ton of control issues and she's an instinctively secretive workaholic
Helena is an adult who will kill people if she damn well feels it's necessary and she doesn't appreciate being lectured about it
Steph is a defensive teenage outsider with a bucketload of family problems - deadbeat evil dad! addict mom! - and when she's upset she's got a reckless self-destructive streak
Cass is very much like Bruce in that 1) she is wildly super mega good at fighting, 2) she's an instinctive loner who's comically bad at people AND YET she can nevertheless effortlessly manage to head off to a foreign country for a weekend and have a passionately-felt mutual love affair with some random criminal or something, and then that person dies & she goes home like nothing happened, 3) she cares about other people but completely sucks at communication & when in doubt will just go silent & take off or refuse to have conversations, 4) because she hates talking sometimes she'll just knock you out or hit you so that she won't have to do it, 5) she will spend an entire year planning to have a fight to the death with someone for Reasons and tell no one about it because why would she tell someone
anyway they're all terrible <3
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sir-jay-bell · 4 months
pillager trio! man, I sure hope they don't blow up most of the server!
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not sure if i like the masks, they look kinda goofy
but it's finally finished!
extra info below cut 👇
as you can see, i've given them each an illager role:
Joel: vindicator - i felt like Joel's skin was easiest to adapt into a vindicator. i made his jacket longer with more buttons, and made his trousers the same colour as those of a vindicator. i also gave him an axe.
Lizzie: evoker - this honestly fits Lizzie's SOS vibe so well lol. gave her an evoker's robe. other than that, not much has changed, except she's wearing her red SOS clothes, rather than her normal blue ones.
Jimmy: pillager - the pillager title kinda fits Jimmy, as his base was a tower, and he made that awesome crossbow hit on Pix. gave him a crossbow attached to a belt and a quiver of arrows. he also has shoulder pads, like a pillager.
ref pic, taken from sausage's vid:
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ravendraculina · 7 months
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Day one: Fake Dating :33333
I love cass and Kon’s friendship. Lesbian and gay solidarity fr fr
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freyanistics · 1 year
I feel like Hobie and Margo helping Miles escape was due to the black connection/solidarity. They both knew something wasn’t right so they went against the society
We as black people need to go back uplifting and helping each other fr
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punkeropercyjackson · 7 months
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Making these rq before i forget to
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Will never understand the use or appeal of character ai
like genuine question... can you not just imagine that?
like within your mind's eye?
In terms of aphantasia I can understand, but aphantasia effects external material too, like not being able to visualize fanfiction or ai writing either. As they completely lack a minds eye with any kind of literature.
So like, that aside - can you genuinely not imagine it yourself?
Is it that difficult? To just sit there and imagine it?
Why must you resort to a machine in order to do that?
They can say comforting words-
Okay, but can you imagine them saying comforting words without the assistance of an AI? Yes? So - What's the problem?
Why take advantage of systems you know infringe on and endanger many people and careers, when you can literally just sit there and do nothing and get the same experience
By imagining it.
Imagining things and daydreaming deliberately is not a bad thing or inferior to works feed to you. In fact, they can have even more of an impact as they are personalized to you.
If your imagination or creativity is not strong enough and you are aware of that - even more reason to actively try to strengthen it.
Imagination of nonexistent scenarios contribute directly to the ability of forethought and critical thinking. The more you go out of your way to imagine things, the more you'll see possibilities and solutions in real life you wouldn't have before.
The more you are able to visualize things without assistance, you become more able to practice compassion and empathy.
Because you don't need to be shown/live something directly to understand or put yourself in said situation.
Ones imagination is a very vital thing, not just to ones creativity - but to their wellbeing, critical thinking, and memory.
You are better off just imagining it, truly.
Instead of restoring to the convenient option of using technologies that you know can harm people IN THE NOW.
Like - yes, you wanna hear Hobie say 'I love you'. - Close your eyes and imagine it bro.
Free and you can do it anywhere. As far as we know we're the only mammals on Earth capable of this gift.
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You don't need to use AI character voices that are actively putting voice actors out of their jobs.
You DON'T NEED character ai chat bots that write fanfic for you when writers are STILL STRIKING because large studios want to use the SAME technology you're using for the SAME purpose.
The more you interact with these bots and technology, the smarter and more advanced they become. They learn with every interaction. The more you use them, the more dangerous they become.
I work in the film industry. We're still lights out, and it's getting worse.
This post may sound preachy, but just try it once. Turn off everything and go somewhere and find the perfect song and sit there and do nothing but imagine the character. Complete focus on your fantasy.
For the sake of screenwriters and fanfic writers and voice actors and fan artists and everything else
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Sebastian Murdock at HuffPost:
Northwestern University in Illinois and Brown University in Rhode Island both reached a deal with pro-Palestine protesters this week to end their occupation of campus grounds.
College and universities across the U.S. have been flooded with student demonstrations in the past several weeks against Israel’s attacks on Gaza, in some cases pressing their schools to divest from companies linked to Israel. Many of the demonstrators, including those at Columbia University, have set up encampments on campus that have been met with police force, arrests and school suspensions. On Monday, Northwestern officials appeared to be the first to reach a deal with antiwar demonstrators, following five days of protests and encampments on Deering Meadow, the Daily Northwestern reported. As part of a bargain made by NU and the Northwestern Divestment Coalition, a group helping to organize the protests and encampment, the university agreed to permit protests and pro-Palestine gatherings through the final day of spring classes on June 1. The school has also agreed to disclose its investments in businesses with Israeli ties. In exchange, the NDC has agreed to leave just one aid tent on the lawn. University officials also stressed that students shouldn’t be punished for demonstrating by non-campus actors like employers.
[...] On Tuesday, another deal was reached between Brown University and the Brown Divest Coalition, a similar pro-Palestine group. Protesters involved with the coalition agreed to remove all tents and end the encampment on campus in exchange for a promise from the university to hold a board vote in October on whether or not to divest from Israel-linked companies. Brown also agreed to invite five students chosen by the coalition for a meeting next month with school administrators to again discuss a 2020 proposal recommending divestments from companies linked to Israel. BU also said students and faculty who have engaged in demonstrations won’t be punished by the school. “No member of the Brown community ― including faculty, staff, graduate students, undergraduate students, or alumni ― found to have been involved in the encampment or related activity will face retaliation from the University, including termination of employment or reduction in salary,” the agreement from the university said.
This is how universities should properly respond to the campus protests against the Gaza Genocide: Brown University and Northwestern University reached deals this week to end their occupation of campus grounds with mutual cooperation.
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magnoliasandarson · 7 months
i just think that Tim, Jason, and Stephanie would make the best trio.
i want a buddy-cop style story where they team up.
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The Elm Fork John Brown Gun Club has been coming out to successfully defend LGBTQ+ and drag events in Texas from armed bigots for months now. Last month, three of them were arrested while doing just that. The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund has stepped in to help the defenders defend themselves in court.
Story above; make a contribution to the Defence Fund here
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