#bruce banner x scott lang
incorrectquotesmcu · 2 months
Y/N: Nothing in life is free.
Kate: Love is free.
Bruce: Knowledge is free.
Scott: Friendship is free.
Sam: Self-respect is free.
Wade: Everything's free if you don't pay for it.
Avengers: ...
Bruce: Wade, that's illegal—
Y/N: No, let him finish!
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literaryavenger · 10 months
Summary: after Civil War you meet and bond with Bucky Barnes. You want to help him, but do you really realize how hard it's going to be?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Warnings: Minimal use of Y/N. Hints to eating disorder. Language probably, for now just fluff and innocent and broken Bucky. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 2.7K
A/N: This is my first story, and it's taken me a long time to even decide to post it. As of now I honestly have no idea where this story is going, the idea just popped in my head and I ran with it. I do have the first three chapters ready and I'm starting the fourth, I hope I find a plot at some point, we'll see how this one does and go from there.
Also, this is a reader version of a story I have on wattpad with an OC, if anyone wants to check that out the name's the same :) I had to rewrite it accordingly so if there are any mistakes that's why, feel free to point them out so I can fix them thanks.
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You enter the kitchen of the Avengers tower and saw two people sitting at the counter, immediately recognizing the one closer to the door.
"Stevie!" you practically yell, running towards the blonde man who stands up and opens his arms in time for you to jump on him, hugging him tightly while he raises you in the air and spins a little.
"Good morning, koala bear." he says while chuckling lightly.
"When did you come back?" you ask excitedly after a few minutes of hugging, not letting go just yet.
"Last night." he answered "Nat said you had just gone to sleep, I didn't wanna wake you."
"Steve, what's happening? Is she hurting you?" a voice you've never heard says.
You let go just enough for him to be able to put you back on the ground without letting go of you.
"It's okay, Buck, it's just a hug." he say to the other man as you turn a little to look at him better. He has a confused look on his face, at which Steve adds "It's just a way to express affection, it's fine."
At this you're a little confused yourself so you look at Steve who gives you a look that tells you not to question him, so you don't.
Instead you let go of Steve, turning completely towards his friend and stepping a little closer.
"Hi," you say looking at him and introducing yourself.
He doesn't look very comfortable so you don't try to shake his hand, choosing to wave a little with a smile.
He answers with a quiet "Bucky." while looking at the ground, like he's quite sure if he's even allowed to answer.
You tilt your head to the side, considering him for a second before saying "Do you want a hug, too? I promise I won't hurt you." you add quickly after he raises his head a little and you notice a slightly worried look on his face.
He thinks about it before just shrugging and nodding his head slightly.
"Okay. Do you... want to get up?" you hesitantly ask and he raises his head a little more, still not looking at your face but slowly getting up from his chair.
You glance at Steve who seems very interested in what's happening and is watching intently without making a sound. Your eyes meet for a few seconds and he raises an eyebrow and motions slightly towards his friend as if to tell you to keep going. You nod and get closer to Bucky until you're right in front of him.
You watch him for a couple of seconds and when his head stays lowered you decide to take the lead and move to put your arms around his neck, slowly so as not to startle him.
After several seconds of you gently hugging him while he stands with his arms to his sides, you're about to pull away when you feel him slowly move his arms to your lower back and keep them there lightly, being very careful like he was afraid of hurting you.
You smile a little into his shoulder and wait a couple of minutes before pulling away.
"Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" you tease, your hands still on his shoulders.
He gives you a little smile and finally looks you in the eyes for the first time and, as soon as his eyes meet yours, you're transfixed by how blue they are.
You're not sure how long you two stay looking into each other's eyes, but you're brought back to reality by Bucky's voice.
"Are you okay?" he asks, seeming genuinely concerned.
"Yes? Um... if you ever want another hug I'm always up for it... I love giving hugs." you say smiling and taking your hands off his shoulders as he drops his arms to his sides again.
He drops his gaze to the ground again, while your eyes stay on his face and you see a small smile and a slight nod.
After a few more seconds of looking at him you turn around and start walking towards the fridge, passing Steve and noticing a weird smirk on his face.
"What?" you ask him with a confused look but still smiling.
"Nothing..." he says, still smirking.
"Okay, weirdo." you say back laughing a little.
"Okay, weirdo. Breakfast?" he asked.
"No, I'll just drink some water." you say casually, avoiding his eyes.
"Y/N..." he says warningly.
"It's fine, Stevie, I'm just not hungry." you say, still not looking at him and grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.
As soon as you turn around you're met with the slightly disappointed face of Steve and the confused face of Bucky.
"Besides I don't have to train until this afternoon..." Steve's worry doesn't fade, so you add "I'll eat something later, I swear." you don't know if he's convinced, but his face softens and he lets it go.
"How about you fill me in about what happened while I was gone?" he says, changing the subject with a sympathetic smile.
"Sure, I'll just take a shower first, is that okay?" He nods and you run to your room to take a quick shower.
After you come out you put on some sweatpants and a sports bra just to not have to change until after training.
You grab a hairbrush and run back downstairs where you find Steve waiting for you alone while sitting at the table.
"Hi koala, that was a quick shower." he says with a smile when he sees you.
You lean with your back to the counter in front of the table he's sitting at and start brushing your still damp hair.
"Yep, you know me it's either 5 minutes or 50." you say smiling while he chuckles. "Where'd your friend go?" you ask casually while concentrating on brushing away a knot in your hair.
"He went to take a shower. Last night he was so tired he practically passed out in the guest room."
You humm a response before asking "So, is he gonna live here now? You know, be a part of the team and all? Tony refused to share any details with me..." you add with disappointment, which you're sure he notices because of his answer.
"Tony's still not 100% okay with it, but he's getting there. You know how he is, he doesn't talk about things until he's finished processing them... anyway yes, he'll live here and eventually be part of the team, I hope."
You look up and think about his words before nodding and waiting for him to speak again, but when he doesn't you try to sound as casual as you can while asking questions about his friend. "Why did you have to tell him what a hug is?"
He doesn't look you in the eye and you know he's getting uncomfortable so you don't really expect him to answer. But he does nonetheless
"Buck's not really been himself for the last 70 years... he hasn't been shown a lot of kindness or humanity. That's why I was surprised that he let you hug him so fast. Don't get me wrong I'm happy about it, it's real progress I just wasn't expecting it so soon..." You let him talk without interrupting, pretending to be more concentrated on your hair than his word so as to not make him even more uncomfortable.
You know stories about Bucky in the 40s from Steve and you have seen photos of him, only in black and white, but it was nothing compared to having him in front of you. Something about him just made you want to know more, like you were drawn to him.
You guess Steve picked up on this because, after a little pause, he adds "Look, I know you want to know more, but it's not my story to tell. If and when he's ready, it's up to him who he wants to tell." damn him for knowing you so well.
Of course you understand what he was saying and you know he's right, so you nod and say "You're right... I won't push it, I promise." before he has time to reply though Bucky enters the kitchen with different clothes and wet hair.
To not let him know you were just talking about him Steve quickly says "So, tell me, what have I missed around here?"
You thought about it for a moment as you watch Bucky make his way through the kitchen and sit at the table next to Steve.
"Um, well, Tony made a new addition to the team. It was very abrupt and it's weird that he's so young, but he's a nice kid. His name is Peter, he's 15 from Queens and apparently he's this Spider-man that's been all over youtube. What?"
As you talked you could see a bit of guilt on Steve's face. "We've met him... didn't know he was a kid though..."
"Well, what happened?" you ask, getting more and more frustrated that no one will tell you anything.
You're part of the team after all, and, even though you don't have powers or are a super soldier, you think you have a right to know why everyone suddenly disappeared one day on some mission that you weren’t allowed to know anything about, and why it took half of the team a couple more weeks than the others to come back.
It's not that it was uncommon for you not to know details of a mission you weren't assigned to, but, since Fury chose you from the SHIELD agents to join the Avengers several years ago, it's never happened that a mission required the WHOLE team except one single person.
What pissed you off even more it's that you're not the youngest in the team, nor are you the newest or the least trained.
You started as a SHIELD agent right before Natasha, granted you were a teenager, but both of you trained a lot together with Clint and you fought alongside the other Avengers in the battle of New York.
You also fought together against Ultron, where you united forces with the Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro, (the latter had to spend a lot of time in the medbay after, having almost died) and then also Vision, which is still a little weird since you still have Jarvis controlling the tower.
In all of this time you developed family-like bonds with the whole team.
You honestly consider Tony a father figure, him and Pepper treat you like a daughter and you love them for it. Rhodey, Happy and Bruce are like uncles.
Natasha is like a big sister and Wanda is like a younger one. Clint, Thor and even Loki (since he's been made to spend his exile with you as punishment for New York) have been like big brothers to you, Vision and Pietro are kind of like younger brothers, and now even Peter the last few months.
Scott is another new face that's quickly becoming a chaotic best friend. Sam is like a best friend that still shamelessly flirts with you, after years, obviously knowing nothing is going to happen.
And Steve is your absolute best friend, your favorite brother. He's overprotective (to be fair they all are when it comes to you) and caring, can't really say no to you, spoils you a little and you love every minute of it.
They are your family, and having them keep what feels like a very serious and important situation from you, and only you, not only makes you extremely angry, but it's also very sad to think they don't trust you enough.
Or at least that's what it feels like even though they keep telling you that's absolutely not the case.
You can see how uncomfortable Bucky is getting, while Steve is looking more and more guilty by the second, but neither is saying anything, so you just give up.
"Fine," you say, a little disappointed. "Don't tell me. I guess I'll have to wait on Tony to know."
You don't wait for them to answer as you bring your attention to Bucky.
"Can I?" you ask him while pointing to his hair with the brush that you just finished using on yourself.
He gives just you a confused look, so you explain. "Your hair is pretty long, it would be better if you brushed it before it dries otherwise it hurts like hell to do it later."
He looks at Steve with an uncertain expression, and, when the blonde just shrugs in response, Bucky looks back at you and nods.
You go around the table and position yourself behind Bucky. "I'll be as gentle as I can, but I'm sorry if I hurt you. If you want me to stop, just say so, okay?"
He nods again and you start to slowly and carefully brush his hair while telling Steve all the things you did with the others while he was gone.
The mysterious mission happened about 3 months ago, half of the team came back after a day, the others a couple of weeks later, while Steve and Bucky were the only ones to come back just now.
You tell Steve how you bonded with Peter over being "Tony's children", how Scott became something of a girlfriend and the time you spent with him and his daughter, Cassie, who was just adorable.
You tell him about the weird best friend-like friendship that Peter and Loki developed, much to Tony's annoyance, but that you find very cute and funny.
You tell him about all the pranks that you pulled with anyone and against everyone, specially with Sam, Scott and Loki and against Happy, Clint and Thor.
Steve knows everyone in the team is very quick to forgive you, he always jokes about how you have everyone wrapped around your finger, especially Tony.
And you have to admit, he's not totally wrong. Nobody really stays mad at you for more than a couple of days, and sometimes you're definitely treated like the kid of the family. The golden child.
Even Fury has a soft spot for you, which is very rare, to the point that you're the only one allowed to call him Nick.
You also tell Steve of all the "family time" he missed, which is essentially a whole lot of movie nights, game nights and things like that.
You tell him all the jokes you can remember being said, all the funny moments, all the missions and all the times when you missed him like crazy.
By the time you're done telling him everything you could remember, he's crying laughing and you're almost done with Bucky's hair.
"Are you okay? Am I hurting you?" you ask Bucky, as Steve tries to compose himself, still laughing at the prank you and Sam pulled on Clint where you turned his whole room into a giant bird's nest.
Bucky shakes his head and says a quiet "I'm okay" that you're sure Steve doesn't even hear over his own laughter.
You gently finish brushing his hair, then sit in the chair next to him leaning in and gently turning his head towards you so you can check you did a complete job.
At this point his hair is dry and falling down both sides of his face. You push his hair behind his ears to see his face better and smile, his eyes scanning your face.
Neither of you take notice that Steve has stopped laughing and is watching you with the same smirk he had after you hugged as you're both too intent in taking in each other's appearances.
"Is that better?" you ask after a few minutes of silence.
"What?" he ask, a little confused, which makes you giggle.
"Your hair. Is that better?" you ask again.
"Oh. Yeah, thank you." he says blushing, his voice still very quiet.
"You're adorable." you said with another giggle that makes Steve laugh too, while Bucky blushes even more.
You smile at him again before getting up, giving Steve a kiss on the side of the head while you pass him and going towards the door. "I'll see you guys at lunch. I'm supposed to meet Scott and Cassie in 10 minutes. Bye, Stevie."
"Bye, koala bear." Steve answers.
"Bye, Bucky."
"Bye." he says, still kind of quiet but loud enough for you to hear.
You turn around and give him one last smile before going through the living room to the elevator and to the floor that Scott's now living in and where Cassie spent the night.
part 2
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“What about Evan Peters as Pietro Maximoff lol? I’d obviously vote him!” ——> precisely why he’s not on the poll
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tldrthor · 1 month
Promises, oceans deep - peter parker x reader
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peter parker x f!reader // you said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me // based on the song 'Peter' by Taylor Swift
Summary: the misfortune of being left behind in the blip, and the consequences of aging without him.
Part two <3
tw: mention of bad eating habits/food disorder; insomnia; angst
The night was cold, dark. The halls of the compound were as empty as they had been since the blip. That's the thing about this place - in it's hayday, it was a wonderful place to live. Laughter and camaraderie filled every corner, every crevice. There was always music, dancing, movies, games, whatever. That was before. Now, the halls were a stark reminder of everything that is lost. Every step echoed in this hollow home.
Forgive me, Peter My lost fearless leader In closets like cedar, Preserved from when we were just kids. Is it something I did?
The glow of the fridge was the only light in the kitchen as you searched for anything to eat. It hadn't even occurred to you to look earlier, when you could do something about the empty shelves. You sighed, taking the milk and setting it on the counter, prepared for another night of cereal for dinner.
"You need to eat better, (y/n)." You jumped at the voice behind you. How, when your steps were so cacophonous, were his so silent? You turned to face him, turning to pick up the blanket that had slipped off your shoulders as you jumped.
Steve. As he turned the light on, he looked tired. The bags beneath his eyes aging him by at least a couple of years at least. You had always considered him to be almost immortal, un-aging. But these past few years, you saw him looking older, much more tired. You weren't really sure if it was a result of the pain of the times, or if he really was biologically aging. The thought of either was too painful to dwell on.
"Yeah? And you need to sleep better, Cap."
He chuckled and shrugged with a small, sad smile on his face. You both knew the other was right, and also knew that neither of your words would make a difference. After two years of your comrades being missing, dead or blipped, the Avengers had stalled. So, each of you, the remainders that is, seemed to have set about to destroy yourselves in a myriad of different ways.
He walked around the counter, taking the milk out of your hands. He opened the top and gave it a whiff, visibly recoiling. "That's so out of date." He poured it down the sink before bumbling around the kitchen, bringing out a pan, some eggs and various herbs and spices. "Sit down, let me make you something substantial."
You followed his orders, knowing that if you told him that you weren't hungry, felt sick, he wouldn't believe you. You knew he had too much on his plate with all the council meetings you had long gave up on. Just tonight, you would give him the win. God knows he needed it.
There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as he crafted up a meal with anything usable he could find in the kitchen, "God, we have to get better at doing food shops." He muttered, mostly to himself.
He broke the silence as he handed you a plate of food, having made on for himself as well. He sat next to you at the kitchen island as you both ate. "So, how's school?"
You almost laughed at the mundane question. You tried to remember the last time you were asked such a question. You missed this, you supposed. The small talk, back when life was normal. Back before Thanos.
"School is... okay." You didn't want to tell him that actually, school was a constant reminder that your boyfriend and two best friends were missing, presumed dead. "It's boring, pointless."
"You graduate this year, right?" He asked.
The question made your bones go cold. You hadn't even thought about it, but yeah. You would be graduating this year. Without them. You swallowed harshly. "Yeah."
He could see the emotions written all over your face and gave your shoulder a squeeze, reassuringly.
You went back to silence.
The goddess of timing, once found us beguiling. She said she was trying, Peter, was she lying? My ribs get the feeling she did.
The day was a blur. You walked up to the stage to receive your diploma, looking out into the crowd. They were sitting in the guests of honour box, being the avengers and all. Natasha and Steve smiled at you and waved, Bruce and Tony cheered while Thor gave you a hearty thumbs up. Rocket sat on his shoulder, looking bored. You wandered across the stage in a fugue state, accepting the scroll and the valedictorian award. The school hadn't asked you to do the speech, which you were grateful for. They knew you never really talked anymore.
As you returned to your seat, the principal called out "And now, we want to take a moment to remember those that we lost..."
When his photo flashed across the screen, you were sure you were going to be sick.
And I didn't wanna come down I thought it was just goodbye for now.
"Good job, kid." Natasha opened her arms and enveloped you in a hug. You returned it, almost desperately. You didn't feel like it was a good job. It was an empty achievement without them.
You both turned to walk back to the parking lot, with Steve putting his arm around you. "What do you want to do to celebrate, bud? You wanna go out to dinner?"
While your heart screamed absolutely not, your head said that they needed the win. "Sure, yeah."
You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me.
When you moved to college, it was almost a breath of fresh air. You felt bad, leaving Steve, Natasha and Bruce since Tony had left to live with Pepper and Morgan, and Thor had gone to settle the Asgardians into New Asgard. But the silence in the halls of the compound was chest-crushing, and only grew worse by the day.
You heaved your things up the stairs into your dorm. A single one, thank god. Being one of the surviving members of the Avengers really did have its perks sometimes. You struggled to carry things that you probably wouldn't have before, and recently you had noticed that you were so tired. You tried to hide your shaky legs and the sweat on your forehead from Steve and Natasha. But they noticed, and exchanged worried glances behind your back.
Steve obviously insisted on helping everyone else in the parking lot, ever the good samaritan. You and Natasha arranged your room together, putting up posters and decorations and trying to make the space feel homely.
You picked up a picture frame and turned it around. Him.
You said you were gonna grow up, then you were gonna come find me. Words from the mouths of babes, promises, oceans deep. But never to keep.
The assignment you were working on was rough, like, really rough. You had been conducting some research and there was just something alluding you. You ended up scrolling through instagram instead, when Steve's contact flashed across the screen. You looked at the time - 2am. Way past Cap's bedtime.
"(y/n)? Were you asleep?" He asked, worry immediately flooding his voice.
You rolled your eyes. "Yes."
"God, don't... don't lie to me, kid." He sighed. "Either way, you've got to come back to the compound, it's... Scott Lang. You remember the giant guy from Berlin? He's back, we're not really sure how. It might... It might be something."
You breathed out. "What?" You squeezed your eyes closed and breathed for a few seconds. "I'll be there, I've... fuck, I've got an assignment due tomorrow."
You could hear Steve smile at the absurd normalcy of what you had said. "Hey, let's mind our language. I'll get someone to send a letter to your professor to excuse you, I'm sending a quinjet to you now. Be ready."
"Sure thing, old man. See you soon."
"See ya, kid."
From there, things moved quickly. Too quickly. Your life descended into utter chaos from writing papers in college to time travel, other worlds, alien species and infinity stones. Natasha's death.
And then there was the snap. The second one. Bruce screamed in pains as rainbow colours flashed up his arm, a thousand little lightning strikes. Steve stood in front of you, protectively. If this explodes, we're all dead. You thought, rather pessimistically.
As Bruce finally gathered the strength to snap, you were almost shocked to see he survived. Everyone ran forward to check him, Tony cooling the nasty looking burns on his arm, neck and face.
"Clint, your phone." You spoke, but it was perhaps too quiet. "Clint! Answer your phone!" You shouted, getting everyone's attention. It was the first time you had spoken in a long time, never mind shouted.
It was Laura. Oh my god. It was Laura.
Scott looked out of the windows, admiring the birds. There were so many more birds. He spun around and laughed.
And that's when it hit. You weren't even sure what it was, but then you were falling through the air. Your surroundings were crumbling and it all happened so fast you couldn't even react. Steve grabbed a hold of your arm and drew you to their chest, protecting you as you tumbled.
As you collided, your mind swarmed with so many thoughts. What the hell had happened, and was Peter back?
The battle raged. You didn't even know if everyone was out of the rubble. The battlefield was the now ruins of the only real home you had ever known. You lined up with Cap, and the others. And stared down what you were almost certain would be your death.
As the alien army marched closer, Steve turned to you. "You should run, (y/n). You have your whole life ahead of you."
You smiled, almost sadly, at him. "Cap, I don't think there is a life after this." He sighed, knowing that it was no use. You had been raised better than to abandon your family, and he knew that it was his fault. He couldn't save you.
Suddenly, sorcerer circles opened behind you and the ones you had lost came pouring in. Including him.
Are you still a mind reader? A natural scene stealer. I've heard great things, Peter. But life was always easier on you, than it was on me.
There was little time for rejoice as the army advanced towards you.
"Avengers!" Steve called. "...assemble."
And with that, you were running. You watched as spider-man flitted in and out of the hordes, doing his bit. You ran towards him, and held no mercy for any rogue soldier who dared to come near you and him. The others protected him too, and you were glad of it.
The battle was won but Tony was lost. You stared as Pepper cried by Tony's body, his eyes open, his body and face badly burned from the impact of the stones. There was a circle of Avengers around him. Just staring. No one knowing what to do, or say.
Peter. Your Peter. Collapsed into a heap near him, his emotions taking over. It was instinctual, the way you ran to him.
"Hey," You whispered, gathering him up into your arms. "I've got you. He's resting now. He saved us." You tried throwing every phrase people had ever thrown at you, at Peter. You knew it all meant nothing to him.
You looked down at his face, and horror crossed your face as you realised how much older than him you were now.
Steve watched his youngest team members in the puddle on the ground, the kid who had given him a run for his money in Germany, and the girl he had raised these past few years. He watched as your heart broke, and Peter couldn't even see it. He knew exactly what was going though, watching the now 21-year-old you holding a still 16-year-old Peter.
As emergency services and the military started to pull into what used to be the Avengers Compound, he knew there had to be a co-ordinated effort to resolve the tragedies they had just witnessed.
He walked over to you both and whispered softly, "Come on, kids, there's work to be done."
And sometimes it gets me, when crossing your jetstream, We both did the best we could do underneath the same moon but in different galaxies.
"(y/n)." You didn't hear him say your name until that night. Well, the next morning, you suppose. You didn't even know what time it was.
Your face softened as you saw him. After the compound was destroyed, Clint was kind enough to bring you all to his house with Laura and the children, just until something more permanent was sorted out. It had been a couple of weeks now, and you had barely exchanged a word with anyone.
"Hi, Pete." You breathed out. He looked at your face, intently. Like he was searching for something he recognised, and couldn't find it. "How... how are you?"
"I'm alright. Um... yeah. Doing okay."
"Good, good." You hummed, sipping your cup of tea.
There was a moment of silence as the two of you looked out over the farm.
He cleared his throat. "(y/n), can we talk? I..." He faltered. "I miss you."
You looked at him, a little panicked, you'll admit. You didn't even know where to begin thinking about how to go about moving on with your relationship with Peter. You had been together for a year... but that was five years ago. That's not even considering that fact that he was still in high school and you were now of drinking age, at college. Shit, you still hadn't done that assignment.
"Peter, I..." His puppy eyes made your heart break. "I'm an adult now... it's been five years for me, and I... I changed a lot, in that time."
"Right, yeah." Tears swelled to his eyes. "You're right, yeah." You knew he was putting on a brave face.
"I'm sorry, Peter. For now, we have to go our separate ways, I think." Tears crashed down his cheeks, but he never broke eye contact with you. "I... I have to go back to college, and I won't see you for a while."
And I didn't want to hang around... We said it was just goodbye, for now
Thank you for reading! I'm really new to posting on this blog, so any likes and reblogs are so appreciated! <3
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lokilaufeysonslove · 3 months
*Avengers celebrating Y/n’s birthday*
Tony: Okay Y/n, make a wish and blow out the candles.
Sharon: *walks in as you’re about to blow the candles and blocks one*
Nat: Oh, for god’s sake, Sharon!
Sharon: *smirking sarcastically* Oops, missed one. Now your wish won’t come true.
Steve: Seriously?
Bucky: Grow up already!
Y/n: *looking at Sharon dead serious* Lucky for you, ‘cause I wished you were dead.
Sharon: *smirk fading slowly*
Scott: Oh my god!
Steve: *trying not to laugh*
Peter: Wo-wow!
Nat: *smirking and staring down Sharon*
Loki: I like her!
Wanda: *staring daggers into Sharon* Unless you want it to come true, leave.
Tony: Okay, this is a real warning here.
Sharon: *looks at Tony, then at Wanda, who’s about to commit a murder, gulps and leaves*
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road trip as a teenage avenger headcanons!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1k
request: yes / no
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: lots ofc but i'd say big emphasis on reader (duh), harley keener, peter parker, miles morales, scott lang, clint barton, bucky barnes, sam wilson, tony stark, happy hogan, natasha romanoff, and bruce banner. more are prob in it but i don't wanna type it all out lol
a/n: y'all i think my pictures are getting more chaotic & tbh i think it's a good thing anyways requests are still open, send in an ask whenever :)
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
it was an annual tradition for the avengers to go on a road trip.
steve always said it was "team bonding". it was honestly kind of fun.
better than the other "team bonding" you did, which mainly consisted of running long distances!!
anyways, they usually would do it soon after you, harley, peter, and miles finished school (also yes im including miles now bc i love him)
tony would come over the intercom while you all were lounging around and tell you to pack your bags.
packing is always a big issue.
let's just say that SOME people are big overpackers...
no offense to him but like ppl have had to sit in the trunk before because of him
and he overpacks with stuff that rly doesn’t make sense
like once y’all went to colorado
and he packed snorkeling equipment
and so you were like “scott. seriously?”
and he looked at you with such a serious face
“y/n. what if all the snow melts? then we would be underwater!! i have an extra snorkeling mask too. i was gonna give it to you, but now idk….”
bruce overpacks too
but he overpacks in a good way
guys bruce is like the mom on vacation
well him and tony both
you’d think steve would be but he is NOT
like the man doesn’t even wear sunscreen
and then here comes bruce with a tote bag full of snacks
which tony eats half of by the way
the best part of having thor on a trip is that he will ALWAYS pick you up if you’re too tired
like once he had you and peter under both his arms like footballs bc u got tired
and clint was sad bc he was tired too
he tried to get scott to pick him up but scott wasn’t ready and they both fell and they like hit their heads
that was an interesting day
ok so setting the scene again
you, peter, harley, miles, natasha and bruce were in the middle of a very competitive round of uno
like y’all
competitive doesn’t even begin to cover it
anyways you were about to get uno
you put down your card and suddenly 
“HEY EVERYBODY” “SHHH you’re being too loud” “ohh sorry HEY EVERYBODY”
you started laughing at the quite obvious blunders of thor and clint in the intercom room
“thor, buddy? you don’t need to be kissing the mic when you speak, alright?”
tony, from another room, always quick with the jabs.
natasha just shook her head but you and peter, harley and miles were DYING
with that done, you all got up, groaning.
“uno.” natasha smirked at you, noticing that you only had one card.
“darn it!!!” you said. “well, doesn’t matter now. we have to go anyways.”
“we can always resume it later, y/n :) “ 
“fine, nat. but i’m going to win this time!! right bruce??”
“well, kid, you know i’m usually on your side, but…”
“aw, come on!!”
ok fast forward. 
you were in the family room
aw guys isn’t that cute that they call it a family room
bc ur a family
ok anyway
and here comes scott with his fifty bags
“relax sharpay, we’re not gonna be gone for THAT long”
guys i wanted a cool tony nickname and tbh i just remember vaguely that sharpay had like suitcases on the cover of her movie i never even watched it so i could be wrong but that was my intention
“tony, these are my essentials.”
“scott, why don’t you just shrink that down? like seriously, man.” miles remarked, and you couldn’t help but agree.
“hey, y’know what? that’s a great idea miles!!”
and so he ended up shrinking his luggage
but then he couldn’t find it
oh scott
anyways tony and happy did a lot of car assignment work
to make sure everyone would get there safely
and your car
drum roll please
ok also this was only for the trip there
the trip back would be different
ok the car was
tony, happy, clint and peter
tbh this was not a bad car at all
poor miles and harley were stuck with scott, bucky, sam and steve
natasha and wanda and pietro and thor were the other one
although here’s the issue
tony is a bad driver
but happy didn’t feel like driving
and u were just starting to drive so clint was like “NO WAY do i trust y/n in a car!!!”
that goofy clown fr
so tony was driving
oh and btw y’all were going to the compound
tony told you and you were like 
“dude, that’s not a road trip”
and he was like “we’re in the car for more than an hour. it’s a road trip, kid.”
and miles and harley kept texting like theorizing about where u were going
harley said europe
and you were like
anyways ya 
so tony is like swerving and speeding everywhere 
ok maybe thats dramatic
but happy was holding the little bar
and he was like yelling at tony to slow down
meanwhile clint is just singing along to the music thats BLASTING
and u and peter are ready to accept ur deaths
like u literally texted sam a video of what was happening and he almost called happy to tell him to pull over 😭 
sam’s got ur back thats for sure!!
anyways tony pulled into a drive thru
bc he needed coffee
guys hes tony stark he needs stuff like that
and he got u and peter and clint happy meals :D
and clint was so excited like 💀 
love him
happy made sure u and peter had ur seatbelts on 
he said it was bc he didn’t want to have to explain to midtown why yall didnt come back for the next year 😭 
that and “too much paperwork”
anyways tony finally got it together
u and peter decided that he just needed an acoustic song on the radio bc as soon as something more relaxing came on he was a lot better lol
the rest of the drive was pretty alright
i'm gonna do another headcanon set about the avengers actually on vacation but yeah there ya go :)
thats how the road trips work yahoo
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weyirn · 2 years
◡̈⋆ʜᴇʟʟᴏ(●’◡’●)ノ!!!! If you don't mind can you do a avenger boys x male reader. The m!r is small compared to the boys and one day m!r was doing something and he couldn't reach something that he needed. What would be their reaction and would they help out. (Sorry this was my first request lol I apologize if it's bad 😭)
Lastly, stay hydrated and have a wonderful day! 🤍
Wassup, anon! And don't worry, this isn't a bad request at all! Also hope yall are having a good day, and thanks for the stayin' hydrated reminder! 😁
Marvel Men x Male!Reader
Marvel Preferences: You Need Help Reaching Something
☆Steve looks a little troubled seeing you struggle, since it kind of reminds him of how small and short he used to be. He helps you without you even asking. For the future, Steve makes sure things aren't so high up so you don't have trouble reaching them.
❄️Bucky teases you a little on your height, but he gladly helps you when things are out of your reach. He thinks it's a little cute, but he doesn't tell that...
⌲Sam laughs and (jokingly) encourages you by telling you to jump higher, probably earning a hard stare from you. He'd be like "okay, okay, relax. Step aside," and he'll help you while smiling to himself.
🐜Scott would feel confident that you need to ask him for help, only to have trouble reaching high things himself...He would probably get a stool in order to get whatever you need.
💲(He's an asshole lol) Tony would say something like, "looks like someone's too short," and then stare back at you when you would glare at him. When you would tell him to stop and help you, he sighs and does what he's told to do, while mumbling under his breathe about how short you are.
🕸One small problem...Peter probably can't reach tall places either (lmao). But he just climbs up and gets whatever you want, and gets confused when you would look at him funny.
⚡️Thor chuckles and pats your head, telling you not to worry. He gets whatever you want with ease, but other times, he would lift you up for fun so you can get it yourself.
🐍Loki thinks it's kind of cute when he watches you struggle get things that are out of your reach. Sometimes, he'll just stand by and watch you until you call him out and demand him to help you. He'll hold it over your head for a bit, before finally giving whatever you want to it because he thinks it's amusing.
💚When Bruce sees you trying to reach whatever you want, he kind off feels sorry for you. He gets whatever you want for you, but next time he makes sure to have a stool near by so you don't have to ask for help.
🖤Eddie chuckles and gets whatever you need, just that simple. Venom on the other hand teases you for being shorter than him and calls you 'pipsqueak' for being so short...It's not guaranteed that he will always get the things you want that are out of your reach ,though (because he's an asshole).
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strangercarla · 2 months
College Chemistry
Avengers AU | Love triangle | Clint/Tony x Y/N
The Avengers in college in the 90s, everyone is in their 20s studying different subjects.
Y/N: Music student, sings in a duo with best friend Wanda.
Wanda: Musical Theatre student, plays gutair in duo with best friend Y/N.
Natasha: Fashion student, reads novels in free time, best friends with Clint.
Tony: Engineering student, goes to gigs in free time & drags Bruce, his best friend along with him.
Bruce: Science student, is a great at art & making sculpturers, best friends with Tony.
Steve: English Literature student, writes poetry in free time as well as playing football with Clint, Bucky, Sam & Scott.
Bucky: Journalism student, writes for the college news paper, has his own sports section, plays football & soccer with Steve, Sam, Clint & Scott.
Sam: Sports Journalism student, also writes for the college paper & has a sports section with Bucky, plays football with Clint, Steve, Scott & Bucky.
Scott: Engineering student, also plays football & soccer with Clint, Steve, Bucky & Sam.
Clint: Music Industry, writes original songs, plays multiple instruments & plays soccer & football with Steve, Bucky, Sam & Scott. Best friends with Natasha.
I'm so excited to write this, I've had this in mind for so long!
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writtenfangirl · 1 year
Steve Rogers Fic
I wrote this fic because Chris Evans was declared People's Magazine World's Sexiest Man and it's been a year. I can't believe I only got around to finishing it now.
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Y/N’s home could only really be called a villains lair.
It’s high cavernous walls; the gothic spires that towered over the lot; the human-sized gargoyles that lined the dark roof; and the dark exterior cut an imposing figure against the backdrop of the grey sky meeting the even greyer sea. It was perched high above a cliff, carved into the very stone of the mountain.
The frigid salty wind that bellowed from the sea had rain slapping against Steve’s suit, darkening it’s blue leather. He hated the miserable weather, the dark grey sky and the pelting rain reminded Steve of memories of the war that he would rather sooner forget. 
But right now, he couldn’t care less.
His feet slapped against the gravel, taking him up to the foyer of Y/N’s home. The large oak doors of her home were slammed shut and Steve found his hands rapping against the wood. He could almost imagine the sound echoing around the cavernous house, up towards Y/N’s room.
Steve knew Y/N didn’t get many visitors and so his presence was an anomaly to her.
She had a sordid reputation after all, one that had her painted as an enemy of the Avengers.
But right now, Steve didn’t care about that.
In fact, all Steve could care about right now was Y/N.
“Y/N, open up!” He banged against the solid doors once again, his body a live wire of buzzing energy and adrenaline begging to be released.
He was met with silence.
The rain was beginning to pelt harder against his body, the wind howling in the distance.  The storm was a big one, the biggest of the year if the news was right. Worry and panic seized Steve the moment he heard, his heart thrumming loudly in his throat. Y/N didn’t live in the friendliest of environments and though he knew she would loathe Steve for caring about her, he couldn’t help it.
Still no response.
He could break down the door. She’d hate him for sure but she’d always hated him. At least this way, he knew she was okay.
“Y/N, I swear—“
Her voice had been swallowed by the wind and if it wasn’t for his exceptional hearing, Steve wouldn’t have heard her lovely voice.
The relief that seized him nearly had his knees buckling to the ground. He spun, meeting Y/N’s E/C eyes, wide with surprised and confusion. Despite the hard sleets of rain that continued to rain down, she was perfectly dry, not a strand of hair out of place. Her face was perfectly made up, her lips painted a beautiful red, rouge streaking her cheeks. She looked wonderful and alive.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Y/N didn’t sound as furious as she usually did, simply confused. As if seeing Steve standing in her front door had stunned her to silence.
Steve didn’t care. He reached for her, relieved to find her hard and solid beneath her hands and not some ghostly apparition.
“There’s a storm,” Steve panted, eyes locking to Y/N’s own E/C ones, “biggest of the year. I-I thought… I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
Her eyes fluttered in surprise. “You… you wanted to see if I was okay?”
Steve nodded, unabashed. He was glad to see that she was fine and there was no hiding the relief that had him straightening.
He knew he wasn’t suppose to care about her. She was the villain and he was a hero. He was suppose to hate her, capture her right now for whatever nefarious scheme she was no doubt plotting to take down the Avengers.
But he didn’t care about that right now.
He didn’t care about their roles and he certainly didn’t care about what his teammates would say or what other people would say. Right now, all he cared about was her.
Y/N seemed to hesitate before she pushed past him and opened her heavy front door as easily as if it was made of plastic.
A roaring fire was raging in the hearth of her living room, the smell of cookies baking in the oven like an invitation to Steve, begging him to enter through the threshold. 
“Why don’t you come in?” Y/N said softly, waiting by the opened door. “Maybe wait for the storm to settle before you leave?”
Steve looked down at his sodden clothes, at the fat drops of water that dripped to the floor. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I might ruin your furniture.”
Y/N stretched out her hand towards him, her fingers hovering above his face. A strange warm sensation enveloped Steve, like a blanket had suddenly been wrapped around his shoulders. Steve looked down, his clothes suddenly dried. His hair, that was once plastered on his forehead, was now dry and fluffy and not a drop of water splashed on his shoes. In fact, even the puddle that had steadily gathered around his feet had been wiped cleaned, lightening the once dark wood. Magic was strange but there was no denying its benefits.
“Come on in.” Y/N stepped aside, her face impassive.
Despite racing here upon learning of the raging storm, Steve hesitated now. He’d never been inside of Y/N’s home and though their relationship was more or less antagonistic, it felt strange to have her invite him to her sanctuary. He felt like an intruder, rifling through Y/N’s innermost secrets in the hope of gleaning information to use against her in their next confrontation.
Thunder rumbled loudly above their heads followed by a flash of lightning that briefly illuminated Y/N’s features. She was peering at him through her lashes, her lips pursed as if she herself was unsure she should let Steve in. He wondered if she’d turn him away now.
Instead, she further leaned into the door, opening the entrance even wider. “I don’t bite. Well, I don’t bite hard. So come on in before I magic you into a deep sleep and you can have Stark kiss you awake.”
The smell of cookies continued to waft through the opened door and that was enough to convince Steve to get in.
He felt warm almost immediately, the chill that had previously gripped him suddenly chased away by the magic in the atmosphere. The smell of melted butter further saturated his nose, the warm fire raging in the living room permanently removing the chill of the outside world.
“Shoes off,” Y/N said as she removed her own shoes, placing it neatly on the shoe rack by the door.
Steve followed suit, desperately trying to remove the feeling of awkwardness that seized him.
Y/N walked into her home, not bothering to wait for Steve to follow her.
Despite the imposing exterior of Y/N’s home, the interior told a different story. It was warm and inviting, the walls painted a rich green and covered with beautiful paintings. Red velvet furniture was scattered all about the space, the most notable being the large floor-to-ceiling bookshelves that covered the right side of the room. It was filled with books and different sculptures decorated the empty spaces. There was even a medieval suit of armor between the shelves. There was a staircase to the left, leading to what Steve could only assume was the bedrooms. A lush carpet was laid before him, covering the whole expanse of the room.
Steve followed Y/N, who’d walked through the a door next to the fireplace.
The smell of baking cookies intensified, causing Steve’s mouth to water. He’d always  had a bit of a sweet tooth and even now, in the presence of his enemy, he couldn’t deny the pang of cravings.
Y/N led them to a modern kitchen, one that was vastly different from the living room they’d just left. There was a kitchen island in middle with white leather seats lining the side and even a breakfast nook big enough for eight people towards the right. There was a TV on the farthest wall of the nook, turned off and quiet. The panels of the countertops were a gleaming marble, the walls painted a pretty light blue. There were two refrigerators, wide enough to fit at least two people inside and no doubt fully stocked with cooking ingredients and snacks. One of the counters was occupied by an espresso machine, as fully stocked as a busy cafe with equipment Steve didn’t know the name of scattered around the side. The stove was set on the other side, with eight burners set against shiny metal. There were two ovens below it, one of it lit and where no doubt the smell of baking cookies came from. There was a bookshelf to the side below the TV, filled with different cookbooks and some in languages Steve couldn’t understand. While the living room was warm and slightly dark, the kitchen was all light, the walls covered in windows that let in plenty of light even with the dark grey sky.
“I’m sorry for the mess. I wasn’t expecting guests,” Y/N said, the words coming out almost stiffly. An apron magically appeared around her waist and she got around to continuing whatever it was she was doing before Steve got here.
In truth, Steve wasn’t sure where the mess was. The kitchen was clean and pristine without even a speck of dust floating in the air. He wasn’t sure what to say so he stayed silent, his eyes roving around the space.
“Anything you prefer to drink?” Y/N said just as the oven dinged. She pulled open the door of the oven and with the use of her powers, telekinetically moved the hot tray of cookies towards the kitchen isle. “I make a mean cup of coffee. Or if you want some chocolate or tea, I can make those for you too.”
“Coffee sounds great,” Steve said with a slight smile, pushing aside the awkwardness. It was strange, he thought, that the only pieces of conversation Steve ever had with Y/N was when he’d captured her or when she was monologuing her villainous plans or when she was behind bars and was too tired to escape, choosing instead to make idle conversation with Steve.
“You can take a seat, you know,” Y/N gestured at one of the stool in the kitchen island and Steve watched in wonder as what seemed like invisible hands pulled the stool, giving him space to take a seat.
Steve didn’t even hesitate. He took a seat on the stool and silently watched as Y/N used her powers to move the cookies to a cooling rack. An almost white glow seemed to envelop the cookies as they slowly moved from one tray to the next. She moved assuredly, her eyes trained in concentration in the task before her.  “How do you like your coffee, Rogers?”
Steve paused, a little surprised by the question but he wasn’t really sure why. She’d already offered to make it for him. Why should he be surprised that she would make it to his liking? “To be honest, I’m not sure.”
At that, she stopped. Her eyes snapped to his face, her brows furrowing in confusion. “You don’t know what kind of coffee you like?”
“Well back then our only option was black. No cream or sugar because of the war. There’s all these options now and I’ve never really got around to exploring them before.”
With the way Y/N stared at him, it was a miracle a hole hadn’t burned through his forehead. 
“Why don’t I make you my go to coffee order so you can give it a try? You aren’t allergic to anything, right?”
“I’ll have whatever you’ll have. I was allergic to whole bunch of things before the serum but I’m not anymore.” 
Y/N simply nodded silently before walking towards the espresso machine and grabbing ingredients from one of the massive fridges. Cartons of milks and bottles of syrups flying out of the fridge in a neat conga line, swaying this way and that.
“I’m a little surprised you didn’t know that I wasn’t allergic to anything,” Steve said, his words trailing off. Y/N was smart, a certifiable genius who could wield magic more effectively than Steven Strange. She wasn’t nearly as powerful as Wanda but there was no denying that she’d give the Scarlet Witch a run for her money if the situation called for it. Steve had expected that Y/N would learn everything there was to know about the Avengers, especially since they were her enemy. 
“I did know you weren’t currently allergic to anything,” Y/N said, her words almost indecipherable over the loud din of the brewing espresso. “It would have been rude of me not to ask so I did.”
Well, Y/N was nothing if not impeccably well mannered. 
She turned to him then, her gaze pure unbendable steel as her eyes locked to his. “Steve, what are you really doing here? I haven’t done anything remotely villainous for the past few months.”
“I told you, the storm.” Even his words sounded feeble in his ears. 
“You expect me to believe that you came all this way to, what, protect me from the hurricane? My house is reinforced by magic, Rogers. Nothing can harm me while I’m in here. Not rain, snow, tsunamis, earthquakes or hellfire. And I know you know that. And if what your saying is true and you wanted to warn me about the storm, I’m suppose to suddenly believe that you, what, care about me? So why are you really here?”
The urge to tell her that he really did care about her fought its way out of his throat, scratching and biting and screaming as he struggled to push it back to whatever box it crawled out of. Feeling anything but antagonism for Y/N was a recipe for disaster, one that had the word DOOM spelled out all over it. 
The truth is, they were two very different people. Or, at least, Steve desperately hoped that they were different. 
He was a good person. He didn’t need a super soldier serum to tell him that he was a good person. 
But calling Y/N a villain wouldn’t have been fair to her. 
She was so much more. 
When it came to Y/N, the lines were always blurred. Even when she did terrible things like murder people, you couldn’t bring yourself to feel bad for any of the people she’d killed because they themselves were monsters. And when she did good, it was far better than any goodness Steve had done in his life. Y/N had been known to heal children sick with cancer, permanently purging their diseases from their bodies. She’d helped protect rape victims and domestic abuse survivors by giving them protective charms. 
But because of her methods, because she’d never been afraid to kill and hurt in order to achieve her goals, she’d been labeled a villain. 
Her personality changes were enough to give Steve whiplash. 
Still, Steve couldn’t deny the obvious attraction between them.
The first time the Avengers had captured her, she had been in a gleeful mood. Almost manic. She’d succeeded in assassinating a high profile senator who was running for the presidency and while his profile was clean cut on the outside, his assassination broke the news that he wasn’t as good as he claimed to be. He’d profited off of a sex-trafficking ring, selling girls as young as 4 to shady buyers looking for slaves. There’d been signs of torture and mutilation on his body and with the way his blood drenched Y/N from head to toe, it was clear she’d felt no remorse for what she’d done.
Steve almost didn’t want to arrest Y/N then and in truth, a part of him had been relieved when she’d escaped her cell. The whole team had silently agreed to not answer any of their phones when she’d initially escaped. Even Nick Fury had agreed to put his phone on silent.
After a week, Y/N was sighted in Madripoor freeing the captured women. The lives of a thousand women in exchange for one horrible, greedy man didn’t seem like a hard exchange in Steve’s eyes. When the Avengers finally arrived on the scene after several pitstops involving coffee, donuts and ice cream, Y/N went with them willingly only after she confirmed that the women would be fine, giving each of them a protective charm that helped them sleep better at night despite the traumas they’d endured.
After that, she’d stretched out her arms, ready for the power-dampening handcuffs that Tony had designed specifically for her. She’d done with an almost gleeful smile on her face, humming an unfamiliar song. Despite the soot, the blood and bruises that marred her pretty face, she was the image of pure contentment.
“Don’t even think of escaping, Y/L/N,” Tony had said as she clasped the manacles around her wrist, the technology whirring to life with a little beep. “With these little guys around your wrist, you can’t use a single iota of your powers.”
She’d smirked at Tony then. “Very bold of you to assume I need magic to escape.”
Steve and Natasha had taken it upon themselves to escort her to her prison cell with the rest of the team staying behind to ensure that all the freed women would be okay. 
“You know, I’m almost rooting for you,” Natasha said with a wry smile.
“Almost?” Y/N asked incredulously. 
“Scratch that. I am rooting for you.”
Y/N smirked. “I’m a huge fan of yours, too you know. It’s not everyone who can defeat a giant purple alien hellbent on destroying half the universe’s population.”
“What can we say? All in a day’s work.”
“I hope there isn’t any hard feelings between us when I do eventually escape from these restraints.”
“That’s going to depend on how hard you hit us.”
“I’ll try not to throw a punch.”
Y/N eyed Steve on her right, who had been quiet during the whole exchange. “He looks sturdy though. I’m sure I can take both of you in a fight even with my hands tied behind my back. Well, with my hands tied in my front, rather.”
She did manage to escape that time.
One moment she was sitting at the back of the Quinjet, the very image of regality and the next, the manacles were off her hands, with the Quinjet’s hangar opened as she jumped out of it, the whole interaction happening before either Steve or Natasha had even unbuckled their seat belts. 
Neither Steve nor Natasha were eager to run after her.
The second time the Avengers captured her, Y/N had paid a visit to a suave businessman who’s whole appeal was his efforts to Go Green!
As it turns out, the only green he was after was money. 
Y/N had leaked the news, telling the world about how the businessman’s green message had been nothing but a sham. He’d burned down whole forests to cultivate land in order to create cocaine that he could serve to the masses, exploiting young boys by turning them into dealers and addicts.
Y/N had leaked the story to the press, telling the world about how the businessman’s whole green message was nothing but a lie. Not only was he burning whole forests down to fuel his greed, he’d been doing it to plant cocaine plants, enough to get the whole northern hemisphere high on his supply. It was lucrative business and he’d exploited young boys by forcing them to work in the factory, forcing them to get high to keep them subservient to him.
She’d gone after the businessman first, sending a message to the world that his hypocrisy wouldn’t be tolerated. She hanged him, dangled his body over the side of his company’s skyscraper in New York then proceeded to free the boys stuck in his factories around the world before cutting down the cocaine farms and replanting new trees. 
With the businessman’s shady dealings all over the world, it had been difficult to track down where she’d strike next. Not that the Avengers were actually eager to capture her.
Strangely enough, Bruce would find himself immensely hungry before they had to fly to wherever in the world Y/N was in and it didn’t do well not to feed the Hulk.
They’d finally captured her in a tiny island off the coast of Mexico, the last of the businessman’s strongholds. She’d freed the boys, cured them for their addiction then cut down the cocaine plants. Then she sat down and waited for the Avengers to arrive.
“Took you guys long enough,” Y/N had said as Steve and Natasha walked towards her. She stood up, dusting off her pants.
“Scott drank a lot of orange juice on the way here. We had to make a lot of pitstops.”
Y/N frowned at them. “I distinctly remember that your jet had a restroom.”
“Plumbing was broken according to Tony,” Steve said with a shrug.
She made a noise of assent before she put up her arms. “Alright, I’m ready. Let’s go.”
“Put your hands down. We aren’t going to cuff you.” Natasha led the way to the Quinjet where Scott Lang and Bruce Banner waited.
“Oh, pulling out the red carpet for me?” Y/N batted her eyelashes, almost flirtatiously. “You shouldn’t have.”
“If I had my way, you’d be in cuffs,” Steve huffed under his breath.
Y/N raised a challenging brow. “Not a fan of me, Steven?”
“I’m not a fan of anarchists,” Steve retorted.
“Anarchist,” she repeated with a pleased grin. “I like that. Never been called that one before.”
“Steve,” Nat said in a warning tone. 
The group had already discussed the whole Y/N situation. While majority of the Avengers thought that while Y/N’s actions were brutal, ultimately, the end results and her intention was good. Even if it resulted in the death of one evil soul, none of the could deny that her actions ended up saving hundreds, if not thousands, of lives.
She may not have taken down a giant purple alien hell-bent on wiping out half of all living beings, no one could deny that her actions saved others.
Still, Steve didn’t exactly approve of her methods.
“Listen, I get it,” Y/N said as their group ascended up the Quinjet, occupying one of the empty seats and giving Bruce and Scott a greeting nod. “I’m not exactly conventional but sometimes, it takes breaking the system to help others. You can’t help the survivors if they were victimized by the very system created to protect them.”
“I’m just saying there are proper channels—“
“No there aren’t. There are no proper channels for people like them.”
Steve frowned. “Who, the oppressed?”
“No. Them. The rich and powerful bastards who constantly use their money and resources to take advantage of people. There is no justice when it comes to them.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t I?” Y/N turned to Scott, who watching the exchange between her and Steve with rapt attention. “Lang, weren’t you imprisoned for grand larceny?”
“It was one time,” Scott sighed, “and I didn’t steal that money for myself. I gave it to the people most in need.”
“Right, and how many years did the CEO you stole from spend in jail for stealing from his employees?”
“None,” Scott replied, almost quietly.
She turned back to Steve. “See? The system is broken and sometimes the only way to make it work is to smash it completely to bits.”
He’d ignored her then and it didn’t take much effort for her to escape them. 
“Oh daaarn,” Natasha said sarcastically as her hands pulled at the accelerator, taking them further and further away from where Y/N landed, “we can’t exactly turn back now. Might as well go get some ice cream while we’re at it.”
They met again after the death of a high-profile serial killer. Because the serial killer work in law enforcement, he got off easy and he was released after 10 years in prison despite the fact that he’d killed 23 families, roughly 100 or so people. No one was spared, not women or children or even babies. 
When he got off, Y/N was there to make sure he never hurt anyone again.
“He could have changed!” Steve yelled, his voice bouncing around the Quinjet. He was alone with her this time, having rushed to the scene of the crime. “He could have become a better person.”
“He could have,” Y/N said quietly, her unblinking eyes trained on open sea in front of them. Steve wasn’t sure where he was flying the Quinjet but he’d be damned if he brought Y/N back to US soil. She’d be met with handcuffs as soon as she lands and it wasn’t Y/N he was worried about. Anyone who tries to arrest Y/N would end up in the hospital. “I’m not willing to take that chance.”
He glanced at her. Y/N’s face was passive, a stoic facade as hard as stone but her eyes were soft, the sadness and pain in her eyes unmistakable. 
“When you can do the things I can,” she whispered, her voice so low, Steve strained to hear, “when you’re cursed with powers like I have, you have two choices. You can either lash out at the world or you can do something to fix it. Any person that man would have killed after he was released, their blood would have been on my hands.”
“You are not responsible for other people’s actions,” Steve said, his previous anger leaching from him. 
“You’re right. But I am responsible for my own. Now where are you taking me? If you’re not entirely sure, you can drop me off in Australia. I have some business to attend to.”
“What business?”
“Not that you care but the leader of the Russian mafia is staying there for vacation. That man and his operation has killed hundreds of people. I’d like to pay him a visit. I can portal my way there but using the Quinjet means I have a few minutes to rest my eyes.”
The right thing to do would have been to bring Y/N back to the States to answer for her crimes. Instead, Steve turned the plane around and headed to Australia. And as Y/N slept soundly, he ignored the vice-like grip of the anaconda that constricted itself around his heart.
They landed in Australia after a few hours and he watched as Y/N stretched her body against the seat. “That has to be the best sleep I’ve had since… well I hardly remember.”
“Go,” Steve said, his voice harsh. “Before I change my mind.”
But Y/N did no such thing. Instead she lounged against the seat as if it was her throne and she its lazy queen. “You know, when Natasha or even Tony let me go, I understand their motives. Tony doesn’t trust the legal system and Natasha could have been one of the women I saved in another life. But you? Don’t you have a stick up your ass the length of a stripper pole?”
Steve bristled at her words but kept his mouth shut. His eyes were narrowed into slits as he watched a wry smile pull her lips.
“So, what, Steve? What’s the play here? You really want me to kill this guy? Why are you letting me go?”
“There are a lot of people who deserve to go to jail. You aren’t one of them. What you do with your freedom, that’s up to you.” His words were the truth. She looked at him with an expression he couldn’t really place and for a single second, it was as if a silent agreement passed between them. But the moment was gone and Y/N conjured up a portal and sashayed away.
That was three months ago and any and calls Steve heard regarding Y/N, he’d ignored. He ignored her when Y/N went on a prison break binge, releasing small time drug offenders and helping cure them of their addiction; he’d ignored her when she’d leaked the financials of big pharmaceutical companies, causing their sales to tank and for the price of insulin to go down; he’d ignored her when she’d saved hundreds of women in another sex trafficking ring. 
Except now, today. He’d heard reports from Nat, who decided to keep in touch with Y/N on the down low, on Y/N’s location and he ran here. Now she was looking at him with the most perplexed look on her face. 
She turned, once again busying herself with making his coffee. 
“I’m surprised you aren’t using magic to make the coffee,” Steve said. 
She shrugged. “I like making it by hand. Reminds me of simpler times.”
She set the steaming mug of coffee in front of him before grabbing a small plate and setting a few pieces of the freshly baked cookie in front of him. The coffee was still hot enough to hurt his mouth but Steve didn’t hesitate to take a sip. He’d had worse injuries than a burnt tongue. 
The coffee was delicious. It was sweet, sweeter than he was used to but still delicious. The cookie, on the other hand, was something else entirely. He half suspected that maybe Y/N had sprinkled some kind of magic potion on the cookie because it was the best damn cookie he’d had in his life. The outside of the cookie was soft but the inside was gooey, the butter saturating through every nook and cranny. It melted on his tongue, the dark bitter chocolate and sweet butterscotch encased in a tango of flavor that danced on his tongue. 
He briefly wondered if it would be polite to ask Y/N if he could bring home the entire tray.
“Good?” She asked, taking a sip of her own cup. 
“This is the best cookie I’ve had in my life.”
She smiled at that. “Thanks. It’s an old recipe.”
Mundanity with Y/N was weird but strangely nice.
“So what are you really doing here, Steve?” Y/N asked as she took a seat in the stool next to him. 
He took another sip of the coffee, buying himself some time. “To be honest, I’m not sure.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You’re not sure why you’re here? Radio silence from the Avengers for three months despite the crimes I committed and then all of a sudden, Steve Rogers grants me a house call.“
When she put it that way, he sounded ridiculous. But the words he’d spoken were the truth. 
Instead, he shifted the subject. It was all he could to escape from Y/N’s scrutinizing gaze anyway. 
“Right before we got to Australia, you said something,” Steve said the words slowly, hoping not to scare Y/N off by his line of questioning, “you said you were cursed by your powers?”
Steve had been mulling over her words for the better part of three months, taking it out like a precious pearl to examine on his quiet days. He couldn’t make heads or tails of it. All he knew was that her words were strange. Y/N was a gifted magic user and Stephen Strange had often commented at her adept ability at it. It took people years, centuries even, to gain the level of mastery Y/N had when it came to magic and yet she used as surely as she breathed.
Why would she refer to it as a curse?
Y/N raised a brow, almost in challenge. “You’re telling me the Avengers haven’t figured it out?”
Y/N usually spoke in riddles and though it always frustrated Steve, he was also incredibly patient and so his next words came out even. “Figured what out?” 
“My powers. I thought Steven Strange would try to figure me out the moment I came on to the scene.”
“He tried. Well, still trying. It frustrates him, y’know. How he can’t find answers to you.”
She grinned at that. “Alright then, I’ll give you the answers to me. Then it’s up to you if you want to tell him or not.”
“Why do you think I’ll keep everything you say to myself?”
“Because you’re Steve Rogers. And you came here, to me, in the middle of the biggest storm of the year, to see if I was okay. I doubt the others know and I’m pretty positive you wouldn’t tell them. So whatever information I say here, right now, you’ll keep to yourself.”
She was right. Of course she was. Steve figured Y/N was rarely wrong about anything. 
“Alright. Go ahead. How’d you get your powers?”
“I was cursed with it by a god.”
She said it so seriously, Steve struggled to figure out if she was telling the truth. 
“Why do you say it’s a curse?”
“Well the god who cursed me said that as the years past, I will become the most powerful magic wielder to exist. My powers will magnify tenfold, twentyfold and one day, I will become so powerful, I’ll have the ability to take over entire universes. Problem with that is magic always comes with a price and mine is my conscience. Every time I use my powers, my conscience becomes blacker until finally, it becomes a void inside of me.”
“So when you use your powers—“
“A piece of me dies with it and is reborn into something I don’t recognize. It’s why I do what I do.” 
Realization dawns on Steve. “You do your own twisted version of good to remind yourself you can be good.”
She gave him a wry smirk tinged with bitterness. “There’s no place for me in Heaven, Steve. Only Hell. But when I get down there, I’m taking as many as I can down with me. Assuming I can die, that is.”
“You’re immortal?” Steve said with a frown. 
“Well, according to the god that cursed me, I will not age and I will never get sick. Though, I imagine that if I was stabbed through the heart and someone finds a way to stop me from using my powers to heal myself, I’d die just like any other human.”
She gave him a pointed look, one that Steve shifting in his seat uncomfortably. 
“If you want to use my weaknesses against me, go right ahead, Rogers,” Y/N said nonchalantly before taking a slow sip of her coffee. “I’ll even stand still while you plunge a knife through my heart.”
“I don’t have any intention of killing you.” And it chilled Steve to the bone to find out how much he meant those words.
“Bummer.” And Y/N looked genuinely disappointed.
“Hey,” Steve said sharply. “Life is a gift. You shouldn’t—“
“Can it, Rogers. I don’t want to hear that right now,” Y/N said but there was no malice in her voice. She just sounded tired.
Fine. If she didn’t want to discuss it, Steve was more than willing to change the subject. “You never said why the god gave you your magic.”
Y/N let out a cynical chuckle. “He was in love with me.”
“What?” Steve asked, not quite believing her words. 
“The god. He was in love with me. I turned him down. Repeatedly, might I add. He got so fed up by my rejection, he decided to curse me with immortality and power. He said that one day, when I get bored with my life, it will drive me to his arms. I intend to live forever without ever thinking of him again just to spite him. And when I gather enough power, I’ll kill him myself. He can take away my humanity but he can’t take away my hatred of him.”
Steve couldn’t stop his smile. Y/N’s story was sad, incredibly so. He couldn’t imagine the profound loneliness that stretched before her. Centuries, maybe even a millennia of isolation and solitariness to spite a vengeful god. But she’d succeed, Steve had no doubts about that. He couldn’t picture anyone squaring up with Y/N and coming out of it victorious on the other side. 
“So, what do we do now, Steve?” Y/N said with a slight sigh. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well you broke a boundary. We never explicitly said it but I think we both decided to keep each other at arms length. I’ve been chummy with Nat and Yelena up to a point but not you. Back in Australia, I think we both agreed that our relationship will be strictly professional, even if we never really said the words out loud. But now, you’re here. What do we do about that?”
“I don’t know.”
Y/N simply sighed before taking a sip of her coffee. “Every morning, when I wake up, I find myself looking for reasons to get out of bed.”
“What are you doing?” Steve said with a frown. 
“I celebrated my 100th birthday last (birthday month). I love to read. When I get bored, I write poetry. I love music though I was never talented enough with it but I do have centuries to learn now so who, knows, I might start. I love art too. I’ve been everywhere in the world and yet I never fail to visit a museum to see their art. I like sad paintings. The kind that can bring people to tears.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
She looked at him like he was the biggest idiot in the world and the answer should have been obvious by now. But Steve knew how to look past the arrogant veneer and see the vulnerability that swam in her eyes. “I’m going to live forever, Steve. And even if I’ll always remember other people, I won’t always be remembered. I figured, it’d be nice if someone knew some things about me. The last person I knew from my old life, she recently died. As humans, we are the people we know. I want someone to know me, even a little.”
“I miss music from the 1940s,” Steve said, not even thinking about the words. “Sam and Nat have both been trying to update me about the music of the decade but nothing beats my music. I like wearing converse because it’s one of the few things that never changed since I woke from the ice. I don’t like the rain. It reminds me too much of the war. There’s a boxing gym I use to go to back in New York. I never had a chance to box before because I was always too sick but I use to accompany Bucky whenever he had a match. When I was injected by the serum, I never had a chance to go back and so when I woke up from the ice it was one of the first places I went to.”
“Was the gym still operational?”
“It’s a little run down but I make it work.”
She smiled at him and Steve tried to ignore the jolt of warmth that shot down his spine.
“Why are you telling me these things?” She asked, an eyebrow raised in question, a playful expression beginning to bloom from her face. 
“Friends know things about each other.”
And then Y/N’s face lightened like the sun peeking from the clouds after a storm, all warmth and joy. 
The rain. Steve hadn’t even realized it had stopped. He glanced at the window behind Y/N and saw that the day looked almost as bright as Y/N’s smile.
“You need to go, don’t you,” Y/B said a little wistfully. 
“Yeah,” Steve said, a little wistful too. He finished the cup to the dregs letting its sweet flavor fill him up til he was sure he’d be able to taste it until he got home. 
Y/N led them out of the kitchen and back to the living room before she opened the front door and let him out. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N,” Steve said as he pushed his sweaty hands into his pocket.
“You will?” She said, surprise laced in her voice. 
“You said you struggle to find reasons to wake up in the morning. I’ll be a reason to. Friends do that, you know.”
“I know,” Y/N said but without her usual bravado. She looked almost roseate and Steve suddenly realized how strange it is that despite the fact that he’s seen her many times before, he never realized how pretty she was. As if a sudden burden had been lifted from her shoulders, making her look younger than actually was. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Steve.”
“See you tomorrow.”
And she closed the door.
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the-nameless-poet · 6 months
I was thinking about a marvel and Harry Potter crossover. I mean not exactly but yes. That. Like where the characters are from Marvel but the whole universe is the wizarding world from HP books. I like the thought of that. Idk why?
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braveclementine · 2 months
New York
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC Elizabeth Lightwood. I do not condone any copying of this.
They landed and Tony watched Steve as he headed out first, his shield on his arm. "All right, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock."
They all watched suddenly as a Hulk leaped down, smashing an alien with a wrecked car. Steve turned to look at Bruce, "Maybe smash a few things along the way."
Bruce ripped his tank off. "I think its gratuitous, but whatever."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"Better hustle Cap, things look like they're just about wrapped up here." Steve heard Tony said into his com.
"Got it. I'm approaching the elevator right now." Steve replied.
"Mr. Rogers I almost forgot that, that suit." Tony chuckled. "Did nothing for your ass."
"No one asked you to look, Tony." Steve sighed.
"It's ridiculous." Tony responded.
"I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's Americas ass." Scott said next.
The elevator doors opened and Tony took up another position to watch as Natasha handed the scepter over to Sitwell.
"Who are these guys?" Scott asked.
"They are S.H.I.E.L.D." Tony said in a low voice. "Well, actually, HYDRA, but we didn't know that yet."
"Seriously? You didn't?" Scott asked, but Tony was more watching Y/N as she laughed with 2012 Tony and watched his old self wrap an arm around her waist, kissing her cheek, before touching her stomach which contained not even born yet Everleigh. "I mean, they look like bad guys."
"You're small, but you're talking loud." Tony muttered.
"On my way down to coordinate search and rescue." 2012 Steve said, hurrying past. Tony smiled a little, watching Loki turned into Steve and repeat, "On my way down to coordinate search and rescue." Then he turned back to himself. "I mean, honestly, how do you keep your food down?"
"Shut. Up." Thor said, slapping the gag over Loki's mouth. Tony felt a little sad, watching the cheetah that was Elizabeth rub her head against Loki's leg. He wondered, not for the first time, if it had been a good idea letting her go to Asgard.
"Ooh. All right. You're up little buddy." Tony said. "There's our stone."
"All right." Scott sighed, "Flick me." He flicked ant man, then back up and fell out the window.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"All right Cap I got our scepter in the elevator." Steve listened to Tony in his ear. Steve already had a bad taste in his mouth from what came next. "Just passing the eightieth floor."
"On it." Steve said, pressing the elevator button. "Head to the lobby."
"All right, I'll see you there." Tony said.
Steve watched as all of the Agents in the elevator gave a start upon seeing him. He said not a word, simply stepping into the elevator.
"Captain." Sitwell said. "I thought you were coordinating search and rescue."
"Change of plans." Steve said, getting next to Rumlow. He remembered when the piece of filth had put his hands on Y/N. . . multiple times.
"Hey Cap." Rumlow said.
He knew everyone's hands were reaching for their guns.
"I just got a call from the secretary. I'm gonna be running point on the scepter."
"Sir? I don't understand." Sitwell said, turning to face him.
Steve looked around him and then said, "We got word there may be an attempt to steal it."
"Sorry, Cap." Rumlow said. "We can't give you the scepter."
"I'm gonna have to call the director." Sitwell said, pulling out his phone.
"That's okay. Trust me." Steve said in a loud voice then leaned in to Sitwell, who leaned into him. He bit back all of his pride and then said, "Hail HYDRA."
And then he walked out of the elevator with the scepter.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"Thumbelina do you copy? I've got eyes on the prize." Tony said, dressed like a security guard. He watched himself walk out with Y/N's hand in his. "It is go time."
"Bombs away." Scott said. "Is that Axe Body Spray?"
"Yeah, I had a can in the desk for emergencies. Relax. Y/N didn't care." Tony muttered. "Can we focus, please?"
"I'm going inside you. . . now." Scott said.
Tony watched as Alexander Pierce stopped them, "Um, maybe I ask you where you're going?"
"Um bit of lunch and then Asgard. I'm sorry, you are. . .?" Thor asked, clearly done with everything happening at the moment.
"Alexander Pierce." 2012 Tony said. "He's the man above the folks behind Nick Fury."
"Oh." Thor said.
"My friends call me Mr. Secretary." Pierce said. Current Tony wondered why Past Tony hadn't picked up on that when it came to HYDRA. But then again, HYDRA had been more the Captains' forte. "I'm gonna have to ask you to turn that prisoner over to me."
Elizabeth growled at Pierce and Pierce glared at her.
"Uh, Loki will be answering to Odin himself." Thor answered.
"No, he's going to answer to us. Odin can have what's left. And I'm gonna need that case. That's been S.H.I.E.L.D. property for over seventy years." Pierce continued.
"Hand over the case Stark." Another guard said.
"All right, move it, Stuart Little." Tony said urgently, hearing Y/N join in, her voice sounding rather angry though he couldn't make out the words. "Things are getting dicey out here. Let's go."
"You promise me you won't die?" Scott asked.
"We're only giving me a mild cardiac dysrhythmia." Tony muttered.
"That doesn't sound mild."
"I need the case." Pierce demanded.
"Do it, Lang." Tony growled.
"Get your hands off me." 2012 Tony snapped.
"Window's closing. Pull my pin."
Y/N shoved one of the guards away from 2012 Tony angrily. Elizabeth growled threateningly, snapping at a guard that got to close to her.
Suddenly, 2012 him dropped, falling on his face on the floor.
"Medic!" Tony called lazily and the call was repeated.
"Stark is it your chest machine?" 2012 Thor asked, leaning over him.
"Tony?" Y/N begged, cupping his cheek, looking worried.
Scott kicked the suitcase away and Tony scooped it up. "Nice, meet me in the back alley, I'm gonna grab a slice-"
He went flying as the door he went to go through smashed into him, Hulk rushing out. The case skirted out of his hands and he watched as Loki looked down at it, looked around, and grabbed the cube. Elizabeth touched him and the two were whisked off. Tony felt his heart drop.
"No stairs!" Hulk snarled.
"That wasn't supposed to happen, was it?" Scott asked.
"Oh, we blew it." Tony mumbled.
"Loki?" Thor shouted.
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
"Tony what's going on?" Steve asked as he turned another corner in the hallway. "Tell me you found that cube." He stopped, looking in front of him. "Oh you gotta be shitting me."
He watched himself raise a hand and say, "I have eyes on Loki. Fourteenth floor."
"I'm not Loki-" Steve said. "-and I don't want to hurt you."
His younger self charged at him. Their shields started to clash together and they started to fight. The younger Rogers kicked him and Steve landed on his side.
"I can do this all day."
"Yeah, I know." Steve sighed, getting to his feet. "I know."
They threw their shields at the same time, which clashed with each other, their shields falling down over the catwalk they were standing on. Whose stupid idea was it to build this cat walk with literally no way of safety. Either Tony or Y/N and he could only imagine it being Tony.
The scepter fell below as well as they kicked out the glass siding. He went to flip himself over, but thrusted to far and the two of them fell off the catwalk as well, crashing through another glass ceiling, and then tumbling down a flight of concrete stairs.
Steve got to his feet and saw that the younger one had his compass in his hand, "Where did you get this?" He growled. It fueled his rage, making it possible for him to wrap his arm around Steve's neck, bring him to the ground.
The two of them rolled, but Steve knew that his younger self had a hold over him. "Bucky. Is. Alive."
"What?" the other Steve let him go.
Steve grabbed the scepter, pointing it at his own chest, and he fell unconscious. Steve panted, grabbing the compass and standing up. He looked down at his unconscious self for a moment and then said, "That is America's ass."
🎃 :::::  🧡  ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━  🧡  ::::: 🎃
Steve landed in the alleyway that they were supposed to, scepter in hand, shield in the other.
"Cap." Tony said. Steve turned to see him and Scott sitting in a ruined car. "Sorry buddy, we got a problem."
Scott laughed, "Yeah we do."
Tony explained what had happened to the tesseract, "And so yeah. Loki has it and him and Elizabeth are off god knows where."
He wondered more if this was going to affect his future/present with the Elizabeth he knew. If she had gone with Loki. . . and that hadn't happened before.
"So what do we do now?" Steve asked.
"You know what? Give me a break Steve." Tony snapped, angry. But more at himself most likely. "I just got hit in the head with a Hulk."
Meanwhile, Scott was freaking out, "You said that we had one shot. This was our shot. We shot it. It's shot. Six stones or nothing. It was six stones or nothing."
"You're repeating yourself." Tony said. "You know that?"
"You're repeating yourself, you're repeating yourself." Scott snapped.
"Dude. Come on!"
"You know! No! You never wanted a time heist, you weren't on board with the time hesit-"
"I dropped the ball."
"You ruined the time heist."
"Is that what I did?"
"Are there any other options with the Tesseract?" Steve sighed. He was also wondering if when they went back- if they went back and lost again- if Elizabeth would still listen to him, or if she would think he was just saying it to stay with her because she was the rebound. Second hand. He wanted to kick something in frustration.
"No, no, no, there's no other options." Scott scoffed. "There's no do-overs. We're not going anywhere else. We have one particle left. Each. That's it. All right? We use that, bye-bye, you're not going home."
"Yeah, well, if we don't try- then no one else is going home, either." Steve said sharply.
"I got it." Tony said, scrambling out of the car. "There's another way to retake the Tesseract and acquire new particles. Little stroll down memory lane. Military installation, garden gate." Tony said, only talking to Steve now.
"When were they both there?" Steve asked.
"They were there at a time. I have a vaguely exact idea."
Steve gave him a look, "How vague?"
"What are you talking about? Where are we going?" Scott asked.
"I know for a fact they were there." Tony said slowly.
"Who's they? What are we doing?"
"And I know how I know." Tony finished.
Steve looked around.
"Guys, what is it? What is it?"
"Uh looks like we're improvising." Steve said, though he felt a little weird about it.
"Great." Tony said.
"What are we improvising?"
"Scott, get this back to the compound." Steve demanded, shoving the case that had the scepter into his hands.
"Suit up." Tony said.
"What's in New Jersey?" Scott asked.
"0-4." Steve repeated.
"Uh, 0-7."
"Hey! Excuse me."
"Are you sure?"
"Cap? Captain? Steve? Sorry. America. Rogers. Look, if you do this. . . and it doesn't work. You're not coming back."
"Thanks for the pep talk Pissant." Tony said. He turned back to Steve, "You trust me?"
"I do."
"Your call."
He thought about it in seconds. Get Bucky back. Keep Elizabeth and his daughters. Or go home now and possibly lose literally everything over insecurities he didn't realize Elizabeth had. It was an obvious choice.
"Here we go." 
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swan-of-sunrise · 5 months
Hawkeye (Part IV)
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Summary: Christmas Day arrives and while (Y/N) and Steve enjoy a quiet day with their daughter, a familiar face pays them an unexpected but ultimately welcomed visit.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings/Disclaimers: None
A/N: Hi guys! We've finally made it to the last chapter of this little mini-series and trust me, there's no content warnings but you'll for sure wanna read this with a box of tissues nearby lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
Hawkeye (Part IV) December 25th, 2024 The Home of (Y/N) (Y/L/N) and Steve Rogers, Brooklyn (Previous Chapter)
Christmas Day had finally arrived, and the Rogers-(Y/L/N) family spent their morning amidst a flurry of shredded wrapping paper, discarded ribbons and cast-off decorative bows, their home overflowing with holiday cheer. The television was turned on to a broadcast of the Yule Log and while Christmas music played faintly in the background, the scent of (Y/N)’s famous hot coca and Steve’s homemade cinnamon rolls combined with the smell of fresh pine emanating from their sizable tree to create a warm, heavenly aroma. Outside, snow leisurely came down from the cloudy sky, dusting their lawn and the near-deserted street and creating a tranquil landscape that (Y/N) couldn’t help but admire each time she glanced out their windows.
Carina, after tearing through all the presents she’d gotten from her parents and her many aunts and uncles, was sitting content on the floor of the living room and playing with her brand-new Mega Bloks while Indy, whose fur had been lovingly decorated with bows by the enthusiastic fifteen-month-old, was curled up in his dog bed by the heat vent and munching on his new bone. (Y/N) and Steve took advantage of the peace and quiet to exchange gifts with one another; they initially agreed on giving something small and possibly handmade, but it quickly became apparent that they both went behind each other’s back and splurged on one another. (Y/N) beamed with joy when she opened her expertly wrapped package to reveal a handmade cassette mixtape, featuring various songs that had special meaning to the two of them and their relationship, and her jaw subsequently dropped when she withdrew a gorgeous antique pearl necklace. Steve laughed in delight when he pulled a custom Viewmaster out of his box, marveling at all the pictures of their life together she’d added to its many reels, and his azure eyes went wide when he saw the autographed 1941 Pee Wee Reese – one of his all-time favorite Brooklyn Dodgers players – baseball card tucked into a hard protective sleeve.
It was then that (Y/N) and Steve finally unsealed the envelope that Dr. Prince had prepared for them together, scanning their most recent sonogram and gasping in unison when they read ‘It’s A Girl!’ printed along the bottom. “We’re having another girl!” Steve exclaimed and (Y/N) laughed in delight as his hands came up to cradle her face and he captured her lips in an enthusiastic kiss; when they came up for air, he pulled her into a tight hug and murmured into her ear, “I told you so…”
(Y/N) playfully dug her fingers into his sides, smirking at his surprised yelp and leaning back to meet his mirthful gaze. “Come July, you and Indy are going to be outnumbered around here.”
Grinning, Steve trailed kisses along her jaw and towards her smiling, kiss-swollen lips. “We wouldn’t want it any other way, sunshine.”
Some time later, they FaceTimed their friends one by one to share their happy news with them. The Barton’s and Kate Bishop were thrilled, and (Y/N) was pleased to see how much the young archer was enjoying spending Christmas Day with her new partner and his family; the Wilson family was equally ecstatic, with AJ and Cass letting out a cheer at the news and Sarah immediately listing off various foods that would help with her lingering nausea, and they all burst into laughter when a disgruntled Sam reached into his wallet and handed a folded bill over to a smug-looking Bucky. Everyone else they contacted – Bruce, Scott, Rhodey, Pepper, Brunnhilde, Carol, Wong and the Guardians of the Galaxy – seemed to be enjoying a wonderful holiday season with their own families and they all eagerly congratulated them on their second pregnancy; none of them said anything, but (Y/N) could tell that they were relieved to see another signal that life was slowly but surely returning back to normal after Thanos and the Snap.
“Shouldn’t you put the ham in the oven soon?” (Y/N) asked, her arm outstretched to grab a wayward scrap of wrapping paper that somehow ended up underneath the armchair. When she finally succeeded in grabbing it, she sat up with a tired huff but frowned once she realized that her husband hadn’t answered her; glancing over her shoulder, she smiled to herself as she watched Steve and Carina stacking her new blocks together, both wearing near identical looks of concentration as they completed their task. Like father like daughter, she thought with an inward chuckle before pointedly clearing her throat. “Sweetheart? The ham?”
Steve’s head shot up and his brows rose in surprise as he craned his neck to look at the clock hanging over the entryway. “Time sure flies when you’re having fun, doesn’t it? I’ll be back in a minute, angel.” He kissed the top of the infant’s head and let her continue playing before standing up and walking over to where (Y/N) was kneeling, offering her a hand and helping her clamber to her feet. “What’s that look for, sunshine?”
“Do I need a specific reason to admire my handsome husband and his newfound appreciation for toddler architecture?” She countered with a teasing smile.
Chuckling, one of Steve’s hand rested on her waist while the other moved to cradle her cheek. “I suppose not, but I’m afraid it’ll cost you a kiss.” He leaned in and planted a swift kiss onto her forehead. “One more.” His lips brushed against the bridge of her nose and she giggled at the ticklish sensation. “Wait a sec, one more.”
“Nope, that last one didn’t count.” Steve gave her cheek an over-exaggerated kiss, a devious smirk playing on his lips as she laughed. “One more, baby.”
“Steven Grant Rogers, I’m carrying your child and if I don’t eat something soon, I promise that you’re going to live to regret it.” Her half-hearted threat went unnoticed by her husband, who was preoccupied with peppering kisses along her jawline, so she was forced to place her hands on his chest and firmly push him away with a laugh. “Go!”
With a playful wink, Steve turned and sauntered into the kitchen to prepare their Christmas Day dinner, and (Y/N) looked over at Carina with an exasperated sigh. “Your Dada’s silly, isn’t he, lemon drop?” She chuckled when the infant giggled and clapped her chubby hands together, leaning down to ruffle her daughter’s (Y/H/C) hair and letting her continue stacking her blocks while she gathered up the rest of the wrapping paper; after she crammed the last of it into her brown recycling bag, she carried it into the kitchen and set it down by the back door to dispose of later. Steve was setting the oven’s timer when she sidled up beside him and leaned in to kiss his cheek, but the sound of their doorbell ringing throughout their otherwise quiet home interrupted her.
“We didn’t invite anyone over, did we?” Steve asked and when (Y/N) shook her head, the muscle in his jaw clenched as his brows furrowed in worry. “Guess we should’ve left Brienne activated after all…”
“I sincerely doubt that any of Kingpin’s lackeys would be dumb enough to announce their presence by ringing the doorbell,” She reasoned, but her own logic didn’t stop her from bringing a hand up to her lips and whistling Indy’s command to guard; they exchanged a look before leaving the kitchen and heading down the hallway to their front door, and she spared a brief glance into the living room to see their senior German Shepard standing alert beside an unaware Carina as she continued to play. They passed by their entryway table – stopping for a moment to retrieve several stun discs they’d stashed away in its hidden compartment for emergencies – and Steve wrapped a protective arm around her waist as she unlocked the door and cautiously pulled it open.
Standing on their porch was a young woman, with long blonde hair intricately braided over her shoulder, numerous silver ear piercings decorating her ears and dressed in a stylish emerald-green winter coat. She looked to be in her mid-twenties and while her pale green eyes were outlined with dark blue liner, the makeup couldn’t mask the uncertainty and the hint of fear in her gaze; her lips were pursed and her hands were shoved into her coat’s pockets as she looked between them both, and after a tense moment she finally spoke. “I’m so sorry for imposing on your Christmas, but I was in the city on a work trip and I couldn’t leave without stopping by. My name is-”
“Yelena,” (Y/N) interjected, her eyes widening in surprise; Natasha’s description of her little sister was spot-on, but it wasn’t until she heard her thick Russian accent that she fully realized who she was.
Steve, who was doing a far better job of hiding his shock, opened the door wider and gave the young woman a tight-lipped smile. “Please, come in.” Yelena hesitated for a moment but stepped through the doorway, her eyes carefully scanning their festively-decorated entryway as she slipped off her coat and black leather gloves. She allowed Steve to hang her coat on their coat-rack and followed them into the living room, and (Y/N) caught the blink-and-you-miss-it smile that formed when she spotted Carina and Indy. “Would you like something to drink, Yelena? Water, hot coca, hot coca with a splash of whiskey…?”
“I won’t lie, the third option sounds very good right about now,” The former Black Widow replied with a wry smirk, although it was still easy to see the apprehension that she was trying so hard to hide. “Thank you.”
Steve’s azure eyes briefly met (Y/N)’s before he turned and headed into the kitchen, whistling the command for Indy to join him, and (Y/N) scooped Carina up before sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Yelena; the infant squirmed on her lap, seemingly displeased to have been taken away from her Mega Bloks, but she was quickly distracted by the stuffed Hulk – a Christmas gift from her Uncle Bruce – that (Y/N) wriggled in front of her. “If it wasn’t for this little gumball,” She patted the side of her baby bump with her free hand. “I’d have a spiked hot coca the same as you.”
Yelena smiled politely. “Congratulations. Do you know whether it’s a boy or a girl yet?”
“We actually just found out this morning; it’s a girl, and we’ve already decided on her name.” (Y/N) took a steadying breath before continuing. “Natalia Austen Rogers-(Y/L/N).” When they were initially brainstorming various baby names, she and Steve came to the agreement that they would find a way to name their little boy or girl after Natasha and Tony; Natalia, being the spy’s birth name, and Austen, being the long-lasting nickname that the billionaire bestowed upon her the very first time they met.
The younger woman’s green eyes misted over, but she was quick to duck her head to hide her emotional reaction. “That’s…um, that’s a wonderful name. Natasha would like that.” She anxiously began to twirl one of her many rings around her finger. “I’ve been working up the courage to speak with you for quite some time. I came close earlier this week, at the pizza parlor in Greenwich Village, but I…” Trailing off, Yelena’s eyes flicked up to meet (Y/N)’s, carefully reading her before continuing on. “Judging by the overwhelming tension that is emanating from you and your husband, it would be safe to assume that you’ve been in recent contact with Clint Barton.” When (Y/N) mutely nodded, Yelena sighed to herself and threaded her fingers together in her lap. “Firstly, I would like to assure you that you and your family are not in any danger. I was hired to remove an obstacle and while it was an assignment that I was admittedly eager to complete, I ultimately decided against completing it; Barton was not responsible for my sister’s death, and I couldn’t see that until it was almost too late.”
“But you did see it, and that’s what really matters,” (Y/N) reassured her as she gently smoothed out her daughter’s hair, smiling when the infant waved at the former Black Widow and babbled away in excitement when she waved back. “And if it makes you feel any better, Clint’s not really the type to hold a grudge…well, except for that one time when Nat bit him during a fight. He still likes to bring that up from time to time.”
The corner of Yelena’s lips briefly twitched upwards before she sobered. “Secondly, I would like to thank you for helping my parents arrange for Natasha’s memorial. Ohio was…it was the first place where she was truly happy, and I’m glad that there is something there to honor her memory and her sacrifice.”
Swallowing the lump in her throat, (Y/N) adjusted her hold on Carina and cast her eyes downward. “It was the least I could do. Nat told me a little about her past after she went on the run and helped take down the Red Room, but she opened up more in the years after you Vanished.” She glanced up and met Yelena’s gaze with a sad smile. “She was so proud of you, Yelena, for traveling around the world and making it your mission to give all those Widows their freedom. Everything she did to help us reverse the Snap she did because she loved you, and she never once gave up trying to get you back.”
Yelena, overcome with emotion, nodded in thanks as she wiped a wayward tear from her cheek. A moment later, Steve walked back into the living room with a full mug of hot coca cradled in his hands and Natasha’s old knapsack slung over his shoulder; the former Black Widow murmured her thanks when she accepted the mug and while she took a cautious sip, Steve shrugged the knapsack off and leaned on the arm of the couch beside (Y/N). “I’m so sorry for your loss, Yelena. Your sister wasn’t just one of a kind, but she was a hero.” One of his hands moved to rest on (Y/N)’s shoulder and she briefly brushed her lips against his knuckles in comfort as he continued. “As I’m sure your parents already told you, Nat left you a message before she died; we’ve kept it safe since then, along with a few of her things that survived the Battle of Earth.”
After another sip of hot coca, Yelena set her mug down onto the coffee table and gingerly accepted the knapsack, her expression unreadable as she examined the faded name patch sewn onto the sturdy canvas. “Can I…?” She cleared her throat and looked up at them, her green eyes tinged with red. “Would you mind if I listen to it now?”
“Of course not,” (Y/N) assured her with a tight smile, allowing her husband to help her stand and positioning Carina to sit against her hip. “We’ll, um…we’ll just be in the kitchen, if you need anything.”
Yelena nodded and while she tentatively reached into her sister’s knapsack, the (Y/L/N)-Rogers family made their way to the kitchen to give the younger woman some much-needed privacy to finally face her grief head-on.
“So, what’s Yelena like?” (Y/N) asked, reaching into her satchel for another apple and offering it to the massive rhino behind the wooden fence; the Border Tribe had been gracious enough to allow both the visiting members of Wakanda’s new outreach program and the fugitive Avengers to visit their impressive herd of rhinoceros and since (Y/N) hadn’t seen the spy since she’d gone on the run after Siberia, she invited Nat to join her at the enclosures.
“She’s strong, much stronger than she realizes. She’s funny, smart as hell and although she can be a little bit of a pain in the ass, she’s the kind of person who’ll have your back no matter what.” Natasha’s sincere smile turned playful as she arched an appraising brow at her. “Come to think of it, she sort of reminds me of another person I know…”
(Y/N) sighed in exaggerated exasperation. “You better not let Sam hear you saying that, ‘cause his ego’s inflated enough as it is.”
Rolling her eyes, Natasha lightly shoved her shoulder as she burst into giggles. “You know damn well that I was talking about you, hot-shot, and I meant every word of it.” Both women shared a look of understanding and while her heart burst with affection for the spy, (Y/N) patted the rhino’s neck and fed her another apple. “She likes music almost as much as you do, you know, and lately, she’s turned into a bit of a fashionista. Hopefully, you’ll get a chance to meet her someday; you guys would totally get along.”
“I think so, too. We can talk about music, clothes and all the best ways to annoy the hell out of you,” (Y/N) chuckled as Natasha shook her head in disbelief, giving the rhino one last pat before looping her around hers and smiling brightly, “C’mon, we should head back to Bucky’s farm and make sure he hasn’t fed Birdbrain to his goats.”
(Y/N) smiled to herself as she recalled her conversation with Natasha so long ago and leaned down to kiss the top of Carina’s head. It had been nearly a quarter of an hour since they’d left Yelena alone in their living room with Natasha’s final message for her, and they were trying to distract themselves from the emotionally-fraught situation with their daughter and their dog; Steve was crouched on the kitchen floor and scratching a pleased Indy behind the ears while (Y/N) entertained Carina by singing various Christmas songs, beaming with pride as their daughter sat on the kitchen island in front of her and happily babbled along with her.
“At this rate, she’s gonna be singing her ABC’s before she even turns two,” Steve remarked with a proud grin, standing up and watching Indy stroll over to his water bowl for a moment before leaning against the kitchen island and jiggling her stuffed Hulk in front of her. “Aren’t you, angel? You’re so smart, just like Mama.”
“Mama smart!” Carina exclaimed and clapped her chubby hands together in glee.
“Yep, but so’s Dada! He’s very, very smart, lemon drop, just like you.” The infant giggled when (Y/N) gently booped her nose with her index finger, and she glanced over at her husband and smirked when she saw the bemused expression on his face. “Don’t sell yourself short, sweetheart; your intelligence is one of the many, many things that I love about you.”
Steve’s brow playfully arched and he hummed in interest as his arm not-so-subtly moved to wrap around her waist. “Is that so? Mind tellin’ me what the rest of ‘em are, or is that classified intel?”
“Not necessarily, but it is the sort of intel that comes with a hefty price-tag.”
“I’ve got a pint of A Hunka-Hulka Burning Fudge and two Three Musketeer bars stashed in the downstairs freezer-”
Just as a chuckling Steve leaned in for a kiss, Yelena hesitantly entered the kitchen and cleared her throat, giving them an awkward sort of smile when they both looked over at her; her pale green eyes were puffy from crying, but (Y/N) could see that for the first time since entering their home, the younger woman’s features were free of any anxiety and trepidation. I hope that Nat’s final message helped her find some closure, she thought to herself as she watched Yelena gently place the empty mug onto the counter before finally speaking. “I want to thank you both, for the delicious hot coca and for inviting me into your home so that I could accept my sister’s personal items.” She hugged the knapsack close to her chest and gave them a tiny smile, and (Y/N) could’ve sworn she spotted a hint of longing in her steely gaze as she continued. “I’ve taken up enough of your time, so I should leave you to enjoy the rest of your holiday.”
Steve and (Y/N) exchanged a look as the former Black Widow turned to leave, an unspoken agreement passing between them before Steve spoke up. “Yelena?” She turned back around to face them and Steve gathered Carina up into his arms, his trademark smile of sincerity spreading across his face as they walked around the kitchen island to stand before her. “I know that you’ve only just met us and that there’s probably other ways you’d rather be spending your Christmas Day, but we’d be honored if you joined us for dinner.”
Yelena froze, seemingly unsure of how to respond to their invitation. “I…that’s very cool of you to ask, but I-I wouldn’t want to intrude…”
“You wouldn’t be intruding at all,” (Y/N) promised as a smile of her own began to form. “It’ll be great, so long as you don’t mind listening to a fifteen-month old incoherently sing along to Christmas songs and fending off an adorable German Shepard as he begs for some of your dinner.”
As she looked between them both, Yelena’s pale green eyes softened and a softer, more genuine smile slowly illuminated her features. “Well, I do like your American Christmas songs and adorable dogs…”
At the start of the holiday season, (Y/N) planned on spending her picture-perfect Christmas with her beloved Steve and Carina, and she assumed that the biggest surprise in store for them would be finally learning the sex of their new baby. But after over ten years of living the life of a superhero, it should’ve come to no surprise that even the best-laid plans could change in the blink of an eye; in a week where she’d watched a Broadway musical loosely and hilariously adapt her husband’s entire life, helped her favorite archer and his biggest fan take on one of New York City’s most notorious criminal organizations and finally met her deceased best friend’s mysterious little sister after she nearly killed their friend, it just made sense that they’d add another place setting to their dining room table and enjoy their Christmas Day dinner alongside a talkative and overall happy Yelena Belova.
Neither (Y/N) nor Steve dared ask Yelena about Natasha’s final message to her, both unwilling to dampen the younger woman’s cheerful mood, but if her sparkling eyes and joyful laughter was anything to go off of, then (Y/N) knew that the message succeeded in helping Yelena finally find some closure. Yelena, being the sort of person that was quick to open up once she felt at home, was a delightful guest; while they enjoyed their dinner, she regaled them with stories of hers and Natasha’s childhood in Ohio and her journey of self-discovery since being freed of the Red Room’s chemical subjugation and in turn, (Y/N) and Steve shared their happiest memories of Natasha with her. If this is any indication of what the future Rogers-(Y/L/N)’s Family Christmases will be like then I’m all in, (Y/N) thought to herself with a smile as Steve and Yelena laughed at her story and Carina nodded off in her highchair, stroking a hand over her growing bump and basking in the cozy holiday cheer that occupied their home.
A/N: And there you have it, a little Christmas fluff for ya'll in April! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ziGMhEsAw833GQ9eV44nR?si=6dfead09c76848d5 
Stumblin’ In Book VII: “Superhero Snapshots” Masterlist 
Tagging:  @mrs-obrien​​​​​ @lahoete​​​​​ @awkward117 @cminr @natdrunk​​​​ @momc95​​​​​ @savedbystyle​​​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​ @mangosandmimosas @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​​​ @brooke0297​​​​​ @hufflepeople​​​​​ @becausewelie​​​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​​​ @ladydmalfoy @mads-weasley​​​​​ @username23345@crist1216​​​​​ @capswife​​​​​ @lilmschild​​​​​ @avngrsinitiative @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​ @y-napotat​​​ @mary1raven​​​​​ @groovyqueer​​​​​ @ljej95​​​​​ @innersublimefury​​​ @prettysbliss​​​​​​  
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literaryavenger · 6 months
I've been having a bit of writer's block lately, everything I write I don't like and delete almost right away, so I'm here to ask anyone who wants to, to give me ideas, requests, suggestions, concepts, whatever. Even if you have a fic you'd like to see written out, I'm willing to do even personalised fics with your name and details you want, really just anything to get me writing something I won't hate!
I mostly do Bucky, but it can be any other Avenger or even non-marvel related character, as long as I know the character so I can give you the best story possible.
It can be any kind of trope, au and pairing, I'm open to anything except incest. I've never done smut, but with the right idea I could try it out.
Feel free to message me or use the ask button anytime you want!
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winters-hysteria · 2 years
mcu smut prompt list----
nsfw below the cut!
some of the prompts are the same, it's just that jesus i need these
rbs and likes appreciated!!
steve rogers
steve giving gentle aftercare to y/n after rough sex
y/n walking into steve masturbating
steve fingering y/n after creampieing them
 y/n chokes steve during sex
y/n is shy and keeps quiet, making steve go rougher to hear them moan
steve eating y/n out
 y/n giving steve a handjob while they're playing minecraft
steve making y/n beg
 y/n straddling steve on their lap
bucky barnes
y/n biting bucky's neck
: bucky handcuffs themself to the bed and makes y/n ride them
bucky pulling y/n aside to a private place
 y/n moans way to loud and bucky has to cover their mouth
bucky got a new toy for y/n
y/n telling bucky how well they're doing
 bucky felt bad and started praising y/n
bucky holding a knife to y/n's throat the entire time until y/n cums
scott lang
scott fucks y/n so hard they cant stand or walk
scott has such a massive shlong that it gives y/n a belly bulge
 scott edging y/n to the point they start crying
scott trying out a new sex position with y/n
 scott making y/n beg
scott chokes y/n during sex
scott teasing y/n with sex toys
scott telling y/n how well they're doing
loki laufeyson
loki walking into y/n masturbating
y/n asking loki if they want to have shower sex
loki putting y/n in front of a mirror
 y/n goes into heat and loki just cant resist their omega in heat
y/n making loki beg
 y/n walking into loki masturbating
y/n chokes loki during sex
y/n holding down loki's hips as they kiss down their body
 y/n going multiple rounds with loki
thor odinson
y/n straddling thor on their lap
thor licks honey off y/n's chest
 y/n moans way to loud and thor has to cover their mouth
thor creampieing y/n
thor teasing y/n with sex toys
 y/n deep throats thor
 thor giving gentle aftercare to y/n after rough sex
sleepy sex with thor
sub!thor being tied up and ridden by y/n
bruce banner
y/n pulling bruce aside to a private place
y/n making bruce beg
bruce fucking y/n in a church
bruce going multiple rounds with y/n
bruce giving gentle aftercare to y/n after rough sex
y/n chokes bruce during sex
bruce fucking y/n in a stall
bruce controls a vibrator while y/n tries to work
clint barton
clint answering the phone (it's laura) while absolutely railing the fuck out of y/n and talking calmly
clint eating y/n out
 clint cutting little hearts in y/n's thighs
clint controls a vibrator while y/n tries to work
clint presses y/n up against a wall
sub!clint begging y/n to let him cum
clint helping y/n undress
clint got a new toy for y/n
clint fingering y/n after creampieing them
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rev-glut · 1 year
Request Rules
Current request status: Closed.
I write character(s) x reader, so yes I also write poly ships with reader too and love doing so.
AUs are welcomed. Specify if you want the reader to have a specific trait or I’ll just write whatever comes to mind. This also goes for Reader’s gender, I will write for pretty much any gender and sexuality.
I will also reject any requests for whatever reason (unable to write it, it makes me uncomfortable, etc.) I will still respond to the ask and tell you that I can’t write and open it up to other writers (unless it makes me uncomfortable to post the ask)
Yes: Matt Murdock, Peter Parker (Holland, Garfield and Maguire), the Moon Knight system, Eddie Brock, Venom, the main Across the Spiderverse Spiders.
Yeah: Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Gwen Stacy, Sam Wilson, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff/Natalia Romonov, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson (minus the Loki series), Wanda Maximoff, Stephen Strange.
Sure: Carol Danvers, Brunnhilde/Valkyrie, Charles Xavier, Scott Lang, Wade Wilson, Erik Lehnsherr, James “Logan” Howlett, Spider Noir.
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adopting a pet with the avengers!
Tumblr media
type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 911
request: yes / no
original request: hello good fellow. can you do a headcanon set on adopting a pet with the avengers? thanks
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: mainly tony stark, scott lang, reader, peter parker, harley keener, miles morales, and bruce banner!
a/n: bucky + alpine = fave duo ever. OK maybe natasha & liho too. and clint and lucky. there are so many good pets already in marvel (usually just comics tho smh) so i had some stuff to go off of. THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST i loved writing it <3
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
you had been BEGGING tony to let you get another pet
bc a few of them already lived at the tower
lucky, liho, and alpine
but you wanted a dog.
not just any dog
specifically a puppy 
and miles, peter & harley were on ur side
especially harley bc he rly wanted a dog
so one day when tony got rly tired of y’all asking him, he came up with an idea
“tell you what. how about you kids make a petition. if you can get a decent amount of signatures, i’ll consider getting you a puppy.”
and that was good with u!!
i mean u were all taking government class at midtown so this was gonna be easy
the first person you went to was scott
bc he’s scott, he wasn’t gonna have an issue with a puppy right
but when you asked him, he seemed kind of sad for some reason.
and when you asked him why?
“well, it’s just… i don’t want my ants to feel left out.”
“scott, i don’t think they would feel left out. you love those things more than anything!”
“yeah.. you’re right. ant-onio banderas won’t be mad right? or ant-ibacterial? oh, hopefully if they’re mad, it won’t be permen-ANT!!!”
you got the signature and left asap because once scott says one pun he takes like hours to figure out another
love him though
so next you went to clint
and he was more than happy to sign!!
bc ofc lucky would love a little friend
and natasha was there too
she was a little more hesitant bc liho is rly sweet but kinda skittish
but you convinced her because you told her how cute it would be if they loved each other & like you could get the cute stock photos of a dog & a cat together or something
thor was totally on board
because he’s thor ofc
and thor loves puppies
“y/n, this is so exciting! i remember when i got my first pet!! well, it turned out to be loki in disguise. it was still very exciting, though!!”
oh btw miles and peter signed 
they were ur first signatures!!!!!!
next up was sam, bucky, and steve
and you and harley decided you needed a little extra push to convince them
so you made a powerpoint presentation. 
and it was awesome
like you may have used every single available transition
maybe three times each
like i said it was awesome
maybe a little excessive
but awesome!!!
steve kept making you go back a slide because he was taking notes
what a nerd, am i right???
jk we love steve rogers in this house
anyways then they deliberated
and they made you and harley go stand outside the room
it literally felt like shark tank you guys
well not the standing outside while they decide but still
but they signed it yippee!!!!
bruce and wanda signed quickly too
especially bruce was really excited
i feel like he would totally be a dog person 
like he prob had a puppy when he was young that he really loved
you even went over to the sanctum sanctorum to get stephen and wong to sign it!!!
and they did!!!
well wong did
and then he forged strange’s signature for you
wong supremacy fr
you were on a roll
you got aunt may to sign it. you got phil coulson to sign it (pretend he’s alive oml sry yall) you got maria hill to sign it.
hell, nick fury even signed it!!!!
so you took it back to tony
and he was like 
“woah this is a lot more than i expected”
and y’all
you and peter, harley, and miles found the cutest one
a little german shepard 
w like the floppy ears & stuff?
oml he was so cute
tony kept saying his named was tony jr
but you told him no
but he kept saying it
ok, live in ur fantasy world ig stark!!!!
jk love him
anyways you named him max!!!
bc yes!!!!
and you took him back to the tower
thor was really excited and max like totally loved him from the start fr
any time he liked ripped up the furniture or smth thor would just hold him with one hand and take him around
but he was happy so he was like wagging his tail and stuff
sam and bucky looked like they didn’t like the dog at first
but then alpine was like obsessed with it and so bucky had to like him
and max kept sitting on sam and licking him
and he was like “omg stop”
but he was laughing so you knew you were good
tony and bruce even built a little spot for max in the lab
and a bunch of like cool toys for him
max was the perfect dog for y’all bc like he loved everyone and everyone loved him
every night he slept in a new room & he loved to play 
he ran with y’all too when you had to run so it was way more fun
suddenly dr strange was over at the tower a lot more…
he’s such a softie
and scott loved him too they were best friends
tony was just proud of himself for “teaching you to be good citizens”
dw y’all he loved the dog too
just trust that max is the most spoiled dog EVER!!
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