#but I know myself and i could easily get bored of the style like two days later and decide I wanna take it out
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seospicybin · 1 year
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Felix x reader. (s)
Too Hot To Handle Masterlist
Synopsis: You and Felix become contestants in a reality dating show, Too Hot To Handle. (15,4k words)
Author's note: It's kind of experimental turning this into a fanfic but hope you enjoy it. Part II will be out next week x
Content warning: This is entirely a work of fiction and not affiliated with real Too Hot To Handle show.
YOU: I think physical appearance is not that important. It's all about confidence. [flips hair] I think all women should carry their self with confidence, stand tall, and always strive to be better. 
But when you look at me, I'm pretty much a smoke show [laughs] I'd date myself if I could [laughs]
My ideal type is someone with a distinct charm. I'd love to see a tattoo or two on a man and someone who knows how to keep it exciting, cause I get bored easily [blows kisses to the camera]
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
That's why you accept your cousin's offer in exchange for money that would save you from getting kicked out of your apartment and from dropping out of college.
She was in a desperate time too when she reached out to you as one of the contestants decided to drop out of the reality show she worked in as the casting director.
Guess desperate times reached out to each other.
But you, as a nobody with less than a hundred followers on Instagram and you believe half of them are bots, have no experience of being in front of the camera, doubting that you'll do well in it.
Other than that, you think reality shows are just a waste of time, they have no educational value but dumb people down.
But what option do you have? You're broke, jobless, and a week away from being homeless when the offer came.
"What's the reality show about again?" You ask your cousin, Sara.
She rolls her eyes at you, it's probably the umpteenth time you asked her about it again. "It's on the description."
It's on the pile of papers she gave you but you're too lazy to read that many pages written in small fonts with single spaces.
You have to bring it close to your face to read it.
A group of determined singles visit paradise to meet, mingle, and remain celibate for their chance to win $200,000.
"So..." you stop reading after seeing the amount of money you can win from it, "it's basically a dating show."
"Yes," she answers, "but... you will not be allowed to kiss or touch or have sex."
"Oh, thank God!" You let out a long sigh of relief.
Yes, you need the money but knowing that you don't have to do such things for a reality show makes you feel relieved. At least when one of your peers knows, you wouldn't have to be embarrassed about it. You can say you did it for the experience, but spare the part that you did it for quick money.
Another question pops into your head, "But then... how are we going to date each other if we're not allowed to kiss or touch and whatnot?" 
Sara smiles at you, "See? That's the catch!"
She gets all excited in a second, "you have to resist each other from going at it," she further explains as her eyes turn a little loopy.
"Oh, so they'll be sex in it?"
She chuckles, "Maybe yes. Maybe not. Who knows?"
That's a vague answer and you still don't get how she would make money from making a reality show but doubtfully giving people what they want.
It's not like you're in it to actually find someone to date. You agree to join because she promised you more money once the shooting is done.
You're going to stay at a gorgeous villa on an island with a few people and try not to be in each other's pants, which is not what you intend to do in the first place.
What's so hard about it anyway? 
You might have missed the part that you have to be dressed in provocative swimwear and show as much skin as possible in the papers Sara gave you.
However, there's this one motto that always works to make you through the day.
Fake it till you make it and you have no other option but to fake it.
Your hair is styled into loose waves to make it look like you've been spending time at the beach and thankfully, you're allowed to do your own make-up. You put on a simple one, put a little blush on your cheek, and a layer of shiny gloss over your lips.
You changed into a two-piece bikini and look at yourself in the mirror.
Damn, you don't even have to fake it anymore. You look hot and you think that's why they still passed you as a contestant despite knowing that Sara is a relative of yours.
The first segment of the reality show is contestants entering the villa one by one, but in your case, you have to do it with another gorgeous girl.
"I'm Maeve," she introduced herself in a cute Irish accent.
You might or might have not just checked her out from head to toe before shaking her hand back to introduce yourself back.
You're taller than her but that's what makes her cute. She has that pretty dirty blonde hair and a nice smile, exuding a very positive vibe. You like her already.
The staff gives you the cue to start walking into the gravel path that leads to the villa while the cameras take you from every angle possible to capture your best features.
By best features, you mean your breasts and boobs, anything that possibly makes people think that's how a perfect body should be.
You are against female objectification but again, what other choice do you have? Giving up your principles just so you can live another day in this capitalist world.
Cheers welcoming both of you as the other contestants that have made their entrance before you, watching you step into the scene.
You can feel their eyes on you, either in envy or lust or things in between. You introduce yourself around with hugs and kisses, which is not how you usually introduce yourself.
Once they handed you a welcome drink which is a glass of warm champagne from being under the sun too long, it's when you see each one of them better.
Your confidence deflates in an instant because they're all way hotter and sexier than you. They look good in their bikinis and their hair is perfectly tousled like they rolled out of bed looking that gorgeous.
You're not just talking about the female contestants, the male too are incredibly stunning, their abs are on display since they're only wearing swimming trunks, their skins glowing under the sun.
You find yourself fanning your neck just from stealing glances at it.
"Hot, huh?" The other girl asks you, one with a perfect bone structure and full lips.
You lightly chuckle, "Everyone in here is hot," you carefully with what you said, aware that a mic is attached to your body.
"I know right?" She says with a flirty smile.
After a moment, you learn her name is Laura and she's the epitome of a hot girl. She has the perfect hair, perfect body, perfect nails, and even the way her hair parted is perfectly in the middle. Other than that, Laura, like other pretty girls, has it easy in her life, she's a social media influencer with 300k-something followers and said she's here for 'shit and giggles', her words, not yours.
A lot more male contestants enter the villa and everyone refills their champagne flutes as the temperature raises. You can't tell if it's because you're so close to the beach or there's just a lot of heat in here, or it could be that you're panicking inside and try not to show it.
Your cousin Sara is wrong about one thing.
There's not just one catch, they're all a catch and you can't do anything about them.
YOU: I feel like I'm in an ice cream shop and they have all of my favorite flavors. Vanilla, chocolate, salted caramels, cookies, and cream... [bites thumb] I just can't wait to have a scoop of each flavor [chuckles]
After the introduction and draining six bottles of champagne in the process, everyone is allowed to explore the place, get familiar with each other, and mingle.
Well, of course, you have to do your part, be flirty with them but you don't intend to go into that yet. Not when your confidence level is at its lowest that you can't even fake it anymore.
You sit by the lounge chair by the beach, enjoying the view of the beach while trying to ignore all the cameras filming you.
One of the cameramen suddenly got closer to get an angle when you notice that one of the male contestants is coming to the beach and you see no one else there but you.
Suddenly, you feel alarmed, immediately check your appearance, and got you wondering why that is your first reaction. This never happens in real life.
"Hi," he says, sitting on the other lounge chair next to you.
You raise yourself from the longue chair, supporting the back of your head with a cushion.
"Hi," you finally say back, trying to sound calm yet sultry like how Laura speaks.
You notice that he speaks in an accent that you can't quite decipher its origin, "may I know what accent is that?"
"It's French, but I do speak German as well," he says.
"And English," you point out.
He chuckles, "That too!"
"I learn that everyone has an exotic accent while I'm here with the most basic accent," you say and it surprises you how well you're doing at being an obnoxious reality show star.
He smiles, showing his perfectly good teeth, "Nah, I think you're cute."
And surprises yourself again at how receptive you are, smiling at his compliment. You laugh to yourself as you try to remember his name, everyone introduced themselves too quickly earlier and gave you no time to memorize them.
"I'm sorry. What's your name again?"
"Alex," he says, taking another step towards you as if he wasn't standing close enough.
Alex is super tall, super attractive, muscles in all the right places and you have never cared about such things in a man before. Alex has nice brown skin and soft curly hair, he's charming in a way that subtly grows in you.
"Well, Alex, how come you're so tall?" You playfully ask him, holding your champagne flute close to your face.
"I play basketball," he answers.
You click your tongue in awe and at the same time, feel afraid that Alex has raised your standards of men to a whole new level.
YOU: Alex is hot. Isn't that obvious? That French accent ooh... [whistles] and he plays basketball. He's like a tall glass of water and I'm super thirsty.
He's hot, he's tall, he speaks three languages, and he also plays sports. What else can he do? You wonder...
"What about you?" He asks.
You think for a moment, "Well, I only speak English," you answer with giggles.
He leans forward and puts his elbows on his knees, looking at you with an intense stare.
"I can speak cat language too if that counts," you add.
He raises an eyebrow at you, "So you're a cat person, huh?"
"Yes, I am."
"I see..." he says, looking at you with an even more intense stare, "you like to be spoiled, huh?"
You turn to lay on your side to show him the curve of your body and bite your lower lip as you bravely stare back at him, "who doesn't like to be spoiled?"
Alex licks his lip as you catch him glancing at your lips, he thought of kissing you for sure but has no idea what stops him.
"What animal person are you?" You ask as the conversation starts to dry up.
He props a hand under his chin, "Why don't you guess?"
You tap your lips with your index finger to subtly tease him, "A puma?" You wildly guess.
He laughs, "Why?"
"I got the impression that you're wild, can't be tamed," you say whatever it is crossed your head at that moment.
You don't think Alex would care anyway with what you're saying because all he can think about is whether he should kiss you or not.
"Am I right? Or am I not wrong?" You dare him by closing the gap a few inches short.
Yet he remains in his seat and you're getting bored of waiting already. You retreat from keeping this going and sit up on the longue chair.
"I think I have to start getting ready for the party," you excuse yourself.
You're not proud that you're back to being such a bitch who plays with men but gosh, something about this reality show that brings out the bad girl in you.
YOU: Perhaps it's too early for him to get his move on someone. I think he wants to keep his options open and that's what I'm doing as well, I want to get to know a few of them and see if I... uh can have some fun.
The males are already waiting at the beach for the party.
The females are taking longer time to get ready because there is so much to do, hair, make-up and even putting fake acrylic nails.
You have lived as a woman for twenty-three years but only realized now how exhausting it is to be one. Not that you don't like it but people oftentimes don't give women enough credit for it.
"Come here, you sexy!" One of the males says.
Wow. What a way to impress a woman!
Everyone is sitting on the benches set around a bonfire and drinking cocktails with umbrellas in them, sipping and talking, checking each other out in secret or not so secret
A player recognizes another player so there's no use for all contestants to play naive, pretending that they're just here to sit around bonfire and make friends.
Everyone knows that they're here to get wild and becomes famous by doing it on a reality show. Except you thought, you don't want to go that far.
"Icebreaker time!" Says the girl with brunette hair and rosy cheeks. You believe her name is Heidi.
"Each one of us will take turns to stand in the middle with a blindfold on and anyone can do anything to that person. In the end, they have to guess who did it," she explains but more like babbling around the words while seductively chuckling in between words.
You don't get what she's saying but try to learn the game by watching as she takes the first turn to set an example. Heidi is a total babe, it's impossible if no one wants to have a piece of her.
A male comes up to her and has a deep kiss that put everyone to shame. One look and you can tell that it's one hell of a kiss. You sip the drink you've been holding in your hand.
Your heart is drumming the closer it gets to your turn, afraid that someone does things with you but it would be more embarrassing if no one does things with you.
So far, everyone at least has a kiss or a smooch, Laura even lets a guy touch her ample bosoms. You haven't made a move yet and it's kind of a requirement that you show your wild side because that's the idea of the show.
It's Jamie or that's what you remember his name is. He's taking his turn and putting a blindfold on, he looks gorgeous wearing a white shirt and short pants.
Jamie has glowing tan skin and six-pack abs, his hair must have skipped months of a haircut but rocking it all right. He keeps brushing his hair to the back, knowing that it looks better when it's messy.
You take a glance at everyone and none of them seem to make a move on him, impulsively, you get up from the stool and come up to him.
It's when you stand in front of him you have no idea what to do with him or more like, you have tons of ideas of what you want to do but can't choose one.
Everyone else is watching from their seats in anticipation, you shut down your brain from thinking and just go with it. You stand on your tiptoe and kiss him on the neck, covering your lips once you're done to not give him any clue that it's you who kissed him.
You run back to your seat and see what his reaction is once he takes his blindfold off. Next, Jamie has to guess who is it and to avoid looking suspicious, you calmly sip your drink and watch him guess who did it.
After taking too much time observing, he gives up, "I don't know. But whoever it is, I kind of want more," he says.
You try to remain calm and take another sip, looking anywhere but not in his direction.
It's finally your turn, your heart is beating faster and you wonder if the audio guy can hear it too with the mic resting around your neck.
Taking a quiet deep breath, you tie the blindfold over your eyes and around your head. You can only hope for the best now and block every insecurity that tries to reside in your head.
"Ooh..." everyone coos in unison and that only means someone is coming or about to do things to you.
Nervous, you clench and unclench your fists to calm yourself. Then a pair of hands gently cup your face and tilts your head upward.
Not ready for it, this mysterious person kisses your open mouth and proceeds to kiss you more, using his tongue in the most pleasurable way to taste you.
Damn! He's a good kisser and you reflexively respond to his kisses with your hands holding theirs. For a split second, you forget that you're in the middle of shooting a reality show and everyone is going to watch it.
You gasp the second they let go and have you fixing your lipstick because there's no way that phenomenal kiss not smudging it.
"Whoa. Can barely think after that kiss," you shamelessly tell everyone as you act drunk as you walk back to your seat.
Sipping your drink, you secretly assess everyone and try to guess which one of them kissed you. They're all hot anyway, it's not a loss to kiss one of them and you didn't know why you were fussing about it earlier.
Since Laura is taking the last turn and everyone seems to be whipped by her, you can see that all the male contestants anticipated this. You bet they're lining up to get a kiss from her.
It takes only a few seconds for anyone to make a move, the first one to have it is Daniel with half of his body covered in tattoos. He has a lean body and that bad boy attitude, he confidently strides to kiss Laura on the lips, so hard that she gasps in surprise.
You find yourself clapping at two people doing lewd things in front of a group of people. When you think Daniel is the only one succeeding in having a piece of Laura, another one takes his turn.
You almost scoff seeing Alex holds her by the neck and kisses her so deeply. Instant turn off, all those charms he has seems to be wiped off your head in a second.
YOU: Well, now we all know why Alex didn't kiss me [laughs] He likes someone else and that's good, I'll stop chasing him from here [sucks air through teeth] and on to the next one! [Raises hand triumphantly]
Moving on to the next segment, you prepare yourself for your act.
Sara is nice enough to let you know what the show is really about. When you ask everyone else, they believe that they're on a dating show and are here for partying and having fun and such.
Well, until... the cone-shaped talking pops out of its hiding and stops the party and the fun altogether.
"Hi, I'm Lana, and welcome to Too Hot Too Handle!"
Everyone stops talking and turns serious while deep inside you will find pleasure from their pain.
"You have been specially selected because you are all choosing meaningless sex over genuine relationships."
"That's true, though!" One of the males says and the other chuckles along.
"The purpose of this retreat is to help you gain deeper emotional connections in your personal relationships."
Daniel seems to be taking the news badly, "I'm not here for that!" He comments.
"As always, there are conditions to your stay here. You must abstain from sexual practices for the entirety of your stay."
Everyone is groaning in frustration, covering their eyes as if not having sex will make them die.
"No kissing. No heavy petting. And no sex of any kind."
More groans are spilling out of everyone's mouth.
"This also applies to self-gratification."
Wait! You didn't know that you'll not be allowed to touch yourself. Your body and you can't do anything about it.
YOU: The second I saw Lana, I know it's bad. But I didn't know it's that bad. Can't even touch myself? What?
"However, to aid your development, I've increased the prize fund to $200.000."
That one gets everyone hyped and jumping in excitement, including you. Thinking of that much money, you can shrug all your financial problems away. 
"Each time the rules are broken, money will be deducted from the prize fund."
But this one gets you down immediately, there's a possibility that no money will be left with all these horny people locked in a villa together.
"Everyone, welcome to the retreat!"
YOU: Everyone is pissed off, including me. But you know, something about being told not to do something only makes me want to do it [bites lip]
No, you're not pissed off about it. Sex is something you can easily avoid doing, you just need to keep it in your pants and that's what you're going to do.
You want the prize so much and want to put your focus solely on that.
"How do you feel, babe?" Maeve asks while putting her wavy hair into a messy bun.
You're cleaning up your make-up with her with Heidi in the room, "I'm super bummed!" You lie.
"I'm here to have fun so... I'll continue to do that," Heidi eggs on the conversation.
Maeve nods in agreement, "Right!"
Going to the bedroom, you see the next struggle and that is choosing your bed. A few of them have chosen partners to share the bed with. You don't want to choose yet so you nudge Maeve's elbow, "Want to share a bed?"
She smiles at you, "I thought you'd never ask," she answers.
Everyone else is on the bed and you look around, catching someone staring at you from across your bed. It's Jamie.
"It's you," he points at you.
You raise an eyebrow at him and mouthed, "What?"
He turns his head to the side and shows his neck, "the kiss."
Instead of answering, you slump down the bed and giggle behind the duvet. You bet he can tell from the color of the lipstick mark.
However, from all the males you see, you can't guess yet which one of them kissed you. Alex can't be it, he's sharing the bed with Laura and looking comfortable there.
That leaves Jamie, Daniel, Cole, and Felix. It could be Jamie but...
"Goodnight, babe!" Maeve says as the lights are turned off for the night.
"Night, beautiful!" You greet back and you silently thank her for stopping you to think about boys when you should be thinking about the money.
Eyes on the prize.
The first day and you wake up feeling so disoriented. It's the timezone, the weather, and the blinding sun that greets you the moment you get out of the bedroom.
They provide swimwear in the closet for everyone to wear besides your own clothes. You pick a pair and put on your make-up after with Laura and Alex, not sure if either of them is trying to make you jealous.
It's the first day of the rules applied and you already need to remind yourself of the prize fund.
"Who do you like?" You curiously ask Maeve as you're in the pool together with Jamie.
"I like Felix," She answers without a beat.
It's an obvious answer. If this show has two main characters they would be Laura and Felix. The males go for Laura and the females for Felix. You haven't had time to speak to Felix in person then again, everyone in here is attractive. 
"I think he's just so hot and cute," Maeve adds.
Jamie splashes her with water, "you're blushing!"
Maeve giggles and splashes water back at him, "what about you? What is your type?"
You didn't expect she'll turn the table at you and that you're like a rabbit about to get hit by a car.
"Come on, you can say it. Brunette with a British accent, nice smile, nice hair," Jamie playfully says with a grin at you.
Maeve chuckles then comments, "I think you two look cute together!"
YOU: I think Jamie is cute, he's a goofball. We share a vibe and he always smells so good [laughs] I can't say anything yet but yeah, let's see.
There are five males and five females, everyone can pair up and be a couple but things don't work out that way. There are so many things to consider like chemistry and connection, etcetera. However, you believe everyone is just waiting for someone to break the rules to go further.
That seems to be plausible with Lana throwing a party tonight.
"We're matching!" Jamie says.
You chuckle seeing that the only matching thing you have with him is the color of the pants you're wearing.
"You look beautiful," he compliments.
You tease him by jutting your ass at him and looking over your shoulder while batting your eyes at him, "Thank you!"
Doesn't want to be tempted, he turns your body around and puts his arm around you to lounging outside. You bet that he will use the opportunity to tell you about his intention.
You haven't been in relationships for so long that you forget how nerve-wracking it is.
"Cheers!" You clink your glass with him before taking a sip.
The sky is so pretty and clear tonight that you can see the stars like pinpricks on the night sky. The breeze is warm and salty, it's not good for your hair, you spent almost an hour straightening your hair and it's ruined in ten minutes.
"So do you have anyone you like?" Jamie asks.
You put your glass away and shake your head, "Nah, not yet."
He stares deeply into your eyes, "well, I like you," he suddenly admits.
"Like it isn't obvious," you jokingly say.
He laughs and licks his lips which makes you glance at his lips, it's round and full, glistening wet. You look away before it gets too creepy.
"You're gorgeous and easygoing and so fun to be around," he starts by complimenting you.
You don't know how he can have that conclusion when you only know each other for one day, you go along with him and nod, "Yeah, I agree."
He shifts on the seat and leans in close, putting his arm on the back of your head, "You're the first that caught my eyes when I came."
It's hard to know if Jamie said that in all honesty or to merely impress you. You saw how Alex jumped from one girl to another in a span of a few hours so you can't just trust his words.
Remember that they're all here for a reason, they're horny and emotionally unavailable. Sadly, that's what your types are for the last few months.
"I was hoping you'd compliment me more," you joke.
He throws his head back as he cracks a laugh, "I think it's your time to compliment me back."
You fold your legs on the sofa and put a cushion on your lap to play with the lint to keep your brain stimulated, to prevent you from zoning out midway.
You look at him as he looks back at you with hopeful eyes, "I think you're absolutely fit, you have a nice smile and are tall enough—"
"Tall enough?" He asks, a little offended.
You chuckle at his reaction, "In the best way. I hate when a guy is too tall," you explain.
"Okay, continue..." he allows.
"And you always smell so good," you lean in to take a whiff of his perfume.
"Good, yeah?"
"Tell me the perfume you're wearing," you playfully ask.
He shakes his head, "Not when there's the chance to make you take a whiff of it from me."
Jamie places his hand on your knee and the gust of wind makes his hair tousled and makes him look double attractive. His light brown eyes pierce right through you with the gaze he locked you in.
"What is there not to like about you?" You conclude.
He props a hand to support his head as he looks down at you, "what do you think about us?"
To be honest, it's too early to say something about this relationship. Not only that you barely know him, you don't have the intention to have a relationship at all.
"There's something there but I don't know, not sure about it yet," you honestly answer.
The hand on your knee moves up to your thigh now. Damn! Jamie is smooth.
"Maybe once I get to know you better, I'd know," you hurriedly add before he gets the wrong idea.
The next thing you know, you get yourself in a pickle as you find him leaning closer to you and his hand that was on your thigh, now resting on your waist.
"Maybe if we kissed, we'd know each other better," his eyes are centered on your lips.
"You want to kiss?" You lower your voice, afraid that there are other people around you.
Jamie leans in closer until his nose meets yours, "So bad," he answers.
Is it why he smells so good? That his perfume isn't just perfume, but it's also pheromones? You hold his chin, unable to choose whether to turn him away or bring him close, finding it hard to resist him.
YOU: Jamie looking so good tonight. He's literally too hot to handle [dramatically rolls eyes]
Jamie leans in closer and an inch away from your lips when you put your hand on his lips, stopping him from kissing you.
"Stop!" You mewl at him.
Jamie looks a little taken aback, thinking that he can seal the deal tonight.
"I want to kiss you," you tell him with your thumb brushes over his lips.
"But..." You cup his jaw and slowly speak to him so your explanation is not lost in the middle, "I don't want us to be the first to rule break."
If you were out there in the wild, you'd be all over each other by now. However, you think about the money, and spending money this early in the show isn't worth it, well, for you. Other than that, being the first to break the rules will only get you so much shit from everyone.
YOU: If we were outside, I would have ripped his clothes already by now [laughs] [facepalm] Lana, you should be proud of me.
Jamie sucks air through his teeth and laughs this off, maybe he feels a little rejected, you bruise his ego. Men are fragile like that.
"It's hard for me too," you sincerely tell him and throw your arms around him, consoling him with a hug.
"I'll just give you another kiss on the neck, okay?" you proceed to do it, placing a soft kiss on his neck right below his ear.
You hear him lowly groan with eyes closed, "That's not... uh, make it better."
He puts a hand around you, keeping you close next to him, "what about sharing a bed?"
You laugh at how relentless he is. Not only it means putting you at a bigger risk to break the rules but also, he's being haste about this.
"I'd like that," you answer, earning a grin from him.
"But not tonight," you hurriedly add.
His hand slides down your head to play with the end of your hair, twirling it around his fingers. 
"Why not?"
The player recognizes the player and Jamie is giving you the eyes right now. You look away and snug to his side, "I hump in my sleep and I think you'd like that too much."
He cracks a laugh with his hand drawing you closer to him, "More reason to share a bed!"
YOU: It's too early to share a bed with anyone. I still want to get to know the other and... [shrugs] keep my options open.
The party is far from over but you feel tired from socializing, and worse is, you can't escape them since you're sharing a house with them for the rest of the month.
You decide to excuse yourself, going to the make-up room and powdering your nose, then staying there to sip your drinks in silence.
There are nine other people to get footage from so you don't have to worry about making it interesting for people to watch.
"Hey, I've been looking for you!"
You turn on your seat to see Maeve entering the room, "what's up, babe?"
She drags the chair next to you, then sits on it. She checks her hair in the mirror and brushes the end with her fingers.
"I'm thinking of talking to Felix," she finally answers.
You sip your drink before talking, "And why are you here?"
Maeve laughs at your playful response, she leans back on her seat and sighs, "I don't know I'm so nervous to talk to him," she says.
That should be your question but you know that Maeve doesn't seek an answer from you, she needs some encouragements.
"You're gorgeous and fun, I think he'll like you," you tell her with a gentle squeeze on her shoulder.
She warmly smiles at you and checks herself again in the mirror.
"But if you intend to break the rules, I suggest you apply matte lipstick," you poke fun at her.
"I should do that," she searches for her make-up bag from the cluttering mess on the long vanity table.
After sending Maeve out of the door with another encouragement in a form of a cheeky slap to her butt, you bring your drink with you to the bedroom, feeling so ready to end the day already.
The first thing you see are two bodies going at it on the bed in the corner. You don't know why but you stay there standing in the doorway of the bedroom, watching them kissing on the bed.
After a minute of observation, you're positive it's Heidi and Daniel.
You hear someone coming from behind you, you hurriedly turn around to find Jamie there.
"Get me more drinks?" You immediately ask him, trying to sound natural.
"Sure, yeah, been looking for you," he says, more than eager to take you back to the party.
It's the only right thing to do. He doesn't care about the rules and if he knew that someone has broken the rules, he will be more relentless than he already is.
Thankfully, Lana doesn't announce any rulebreaking behaviors for today, the party ends on a good note and everyone has their happy ending, at least for today.
But for you, you're just happy to finally get on the bed.
As Maeve climbs onto the bed after you, you can't wait but ask her about how the talk went. 
"So, how's the talk?"
From the lack of her usual radiance on her face, you can tell that it didn't go well. You regret asking about it.
Maeve scoots closer to you on the bed and leans in, keeping her head turns away from Felix's bed.
"I talked to him and he was nice, said he finds me cute and funny," she keeps her voice low.
"Well, that's great!" You comment, a little louder than you intend to.
Maeve puts on a thin smile, "yeah so I asked him if he has eyes for someone," she says.
"Yeah and?"
"He said he likes someone," she answers.
You playfully bump her shoulder, "and it's you."
"Else," she finishes her words, "he likes someone else."
She rests her head on your shoulder and you put your arm around her, comforting her with gentle squeezes on her shoulder.
"Does this mean you're going to stop trying or...?"
"Not sure," she shortly replies.
"He said you're beautiful and funny, you should focus on that and work your way from there," you comfort her.
Men are not only stupid, they're all short-sighted, and that's why they like everything big. Maybe at first glance, Felix didn't see Maeve clearly and that's why you encourage her to try once again so he can take another good look at her because who knows?
The morning alarm is ringing.
They set a time to let everyone know when to start their day even though a few of us have woken up earlier. The lights are on and greeting each other, barefaced with eyes still sleepy.
Jamie jumps onto your bed and gets between you and Maeve on the bed.
"Good morning, girls!" His voice is muffled by the pillow underneath.
Maeve gently pats his back, "Cuddles only!" She reminds him.
He lifts his head and looks at you, "Not going to lie but I was about to kiss her until you said that," he tells Maeve.
Jamie looks so fine with a bare face and his bedhead looks extra fluffy when it's tousled.
YOU: Good morning! It's a good day, clear sky, nice weather with no chance of sex. [Snorts]
When everyone is called to the cabana, you know that it's judgment time.
You feel calm knowing that you successfully refrained from breaking rules but you know that everyone is not going to be pleased that a few people spent a few thousand dollars last night. Including you.
So far, you only knew about Heidi and Daniel but there's a big chance that other people break the rules too. It's a big place, you can't keep track of everyone.
This secret you've been keeping is getting too hard to bear yourself. The only person you can share it with is Maeve and you're positive that she didn't break any rules, not that you know of.
"I walked in on Heidi and Daniel kissing," you whisper to Maeve.
"My Gosh!" She lowly gasps.
The sound of Lana's cone-shaped head chiming and your heart leaps. You're not ready to lose money, not when you have your credit card bills spilling out of your mailbox as you speak.
"I regret to inform that there are several rule breaks."
Several? So that means there's more than one rule break? You're doomed, everyone is doomed.
"Everyone better be telling the truth right now!" Cole says as the resident's sex cop.
Everyone is looking at each other and a few are looking very suspicious right now. You bet that Laura and Daniel broke the rules from the way they avoid everyone's eyes.
Heidi raises her hand like she's in a classroom, "So..."
And everyone groans, knowing that they are about to hear a piece of bad news.
"Daniel and I, we kissed in the bedroom," she admits.
It's good that Heidi decides to come clean but it's a bit upsetting that Daniel just sits there like he didn't take part in it.
"But that was it. Just one kiss!" She assures everyone.
Welp, that's $3000 down the drain. However, Lana continues to press everyone to confess.
"Let's just get it over with, guys!" Cole adds with gritted teeth.
Can't hold it in yourself for long, you call them out by the names, "Laura? Alex? Have anything to say?" You ask with a piercing gaze.
"We uh... we kissed," Alex may have a buff body and the tallest of the bunch but he's bad at being honest like all men are.
"But it's because we're sure we have a connection. That's why we kissed," Laura is, of course, backing her man and ready to claw people with her super-long acrylic nails.
"I don't care what all of you are saying. We—"
"You kissed for how many times?" Cole cuts her off with the most important question of all.
There's a moment of silence and that means it's bad.
"Twice. On the bed and the beach," Laura answers with no apologetic expression whatsoever.
"That's so selfish!" Maeve exclaims next to you and lets out a big sigh after.
The worst is Lana is still here and asking if anyone wants to own up to their shit. You don't even want to count the most you've lost, it's a lot.
"You've got to be kidding!" Jamie groans from the end of the sofa.
Not only that the truth costs everyone money but serves the juiciest drama needed for TV broadcasts.
"Daniel kissed me," Aly finally confesses.
Everyone's eyes dart at Daniel, he kissed two girls yesterday and put them in a fight after this. Heidi looks furious sitting next to him.
"I'm pretty sure he kissed me first then he kissed Heidi," she adds, her eyes throwing daggers at Daniel.
"This is a mess!" You quietly comment and plant your face in your hands.
"These rule breaks have cost the group a total of $12.000," Lana announces.
You groan into your hand thinking that much money can cover a couple of months of your rent and here these fools spending them to satisfy their wild desire.
YOU: From now on, I'll be thinking of a Chanel handbag every time I get the urge to kiss someone because that's how much it costs.
"There are a total of four rule breaks in the last 24 hours and the fine on any further rule break will be doubled as of this moment," Lana announces another shocking news.
YOU: Great! A kiss equals two Chanel handbags now. [Hand against forehead]
It was one hell of a way to start the day.
Everyone's mood turns sour after that and Cole, being the sex cop he is, doesn't stop preaching to everyone to not break any rules.
What you fear the most with rules has been broken more than once now, it's allowed everyone else to take their turn and that includes Jamie.
It's only about time that he'll start demanding a kiss from you. Don't get fooled, men are just as insecure as women but they mask it well with their huge egos.
You try to avoid him and hang out with Maeve instead, chilling by the pool.
"I heard Irish people are a great drinking buddy," you want to distract yourself from the reality show you're in.
"I wouldn't call myself a 'buddy' but yeah, we're good drinkers," Maeve answers with her playful laughs.
You dip your fingers in the pool water and mindlessly splash it around.
"Come to Ireland and I'll show you a good time," she says.
You snort thinking that with the debt you have, you can't afford to travel out of the country right now but you can't pass on the invitation.
"Okay, I'll just go there with my winning prize," you jokingly say.
"Oh, yeah, totally," she responds with giggles but her eyes are nowhere in your direction.
Following her line of vision, she is watching Felix working out with Alex and Cole at the beach. You take it that she hesitates to make a move on him after knowing that he likes someone else.
"You're going to talk to him again right?"
Considering that the outside world is off-limits, leaving all of you with no choice but to interact with each other. This also means that Maeve will have to get a move on him or try not to be awkward with Felix walking around the house for the next three weeks.
"Who do you think it is?"
"The one he likes?" You guess.
She nods, glints of curiosity filled her eyes, "yeah."
"Certainly not you," you joke and break into laughter.
"Ouch!" She splashes water at you.
YOU: Maeve thinks a lot when she has nothing to worry about. She should just do it.
The house is huge even for ten people living in it but you can't keep avoiding Jamie.
After dressing up to hang out in the firepit, you sit next to Jamie at ease with the presence of other people there. But that doesn't stop him from touching you, putting his hand around you to play with your hair and whatnot.
"We should have kissed yesterday," he suddenly says.
You lowly chuckle, "When it was cheaper?"
The wind keeps blowing your way, sending your hair flying around and making it messy. Jamie attentively puts the stray hair away and tucks them behind your ears.
"Do you still want to break the rules?" You ask out of curiosity.
"If you want to," he answers.
He fixes the collar of his shirt and looks at you, "what about you?"
You crinkle your nose at him, conflicted. On one side, you want to kiss him and see if there's a spark between you and him but on the other side, it costs two Chanel handbags.
You rest your head on his shoulder, "I just don't think we should be selfish by spending money recklessly," you honestly answer.
"Yeah..." he agrees but the sigh he lets out at the end tells you otherwise.
YOU: Jamie sounds a little disappointed that I don't want to break the rules. I mean, don't hate the player, hate the game!
The make-up room is crowded with the girls cleansing their faces and doing their bedtime routine. You decide to take the last turn, lounging on Jamie's bed to make up for not sleeping with him tonight.
"Are you guys going to sleep together tonight?" Aly asks from the bed across the room.
Jamie turns his head with an eyebrow raised at you, asking you the same question.
"Yes, we are," you finally answer.
Jamie can't hide his triumphant smile and it looks adorable on him, you can't help but smile along.
YOU: I don't want to feel pressured to do it but I owe it to Jamie to at least try and see if this relationship is going somewhere.
It's understandable for them to be nosy, it's what the viewers need, a little drama, a little action but what they need are the juicy details.
Before anyone else gets nosy, you start getting ready for bed. Wipes clean your make-up and go to the bathroom to wash up, someone else is showering inside the stall.
It's a normal occurrence. Honestly, everyone else is just so calm about seeing each other's body at this point.
However, the glass wall is blurry so you don't have to worry about seeing someone's naked body inside. You head to the sink and mind your own business.
As you're brushing your teeth, the shower door opens and a hand reaches out for a towel hanging by the handle. In the mirror, you see Felix steps out of the shower and your eyes eventually meet through the reflection and you reflexively smile with a toothbrush tugged between your teeth.
"Hey," he greets.
It surprises you that the deep voice belongs to him, "Hi," you greet back.
He walks toward you and you scoot to the side knowing that he needs to use the sink.
"You don't mind, right?" He asks, taking his toothbrush out of his toiletry bag.
You shake your head, "not at all."
It's hard to not see his body when he stands close next to you. Everyone in here has a nice body but on the first impression, you see him as this thin and dainty guy.
Now, you've seen him up close, he has one of the best bodies in the house, his muscles are perfectly toned and it shows that he diligently worked on his body.
"How's your day?" He casually asks with the towel hanging low around his hips.
"Alright, I guess," you answer.
"You?" You ask back while washing your toothbrush under the running water.
He looks at you and smiles, "just got better, actually," he answers.
Felix is definitely flirting and you immediately fill your mouth with water before stupid things come out of it. You decide to quickly wrap it up before someone else enters the space even though you're doing nothing.
YOU: Felix and I are just talking. There's— [inhales] he's low-key flirting with me and I freaked out, there I said it.
Maeve is already on the bed when you enter the bedroom and so is Jamie with a space prepared on the bed for you.
It would be rude to say nothing to Maeve that you'll not be sleeping with her, so you come to her first.
"I'm sleeping with Jamie," you tell her.
She slyly grins at you, "Should I give you the sex talk?"
"No, thank you, mom!" You grab your pillow and walk to Jamie's bed still laughing.
Jamie's smile grows wider the closer you get to his bed, he opens his arms to welcome you.
"Come here, sweet thing!" He playfully says.
You hit him with your pillow before coming into his hug. As you settle on his bed, Felix walks past your bed and flashes you a smile, a little different from the one he gave you earlier.
You forget that he sleeps on the bed next to Jamie's and you don't know how it suddenly feels awkward to you.
"Be good, you two!" Cole warns with a piercing glare.
"Not going to break any rules. You can have my words," you assure him despite Jamie nuzzling his nose onto your shoulder as you speak.
YOU: At least, that's what I hope. Being in bed with Jamie and try not to break rules will certainly not going to be easy. Ugh!
Once the lights are out, Jamie spoons you from behind with his arms wrapped around you. Not going to lie but it feels nice to be with someone.
"You smell so good," he whispers into your ear.
You don't respond, afraid that it will only encourage him to do more.
"You're so soft," he says again with his hand splayed on your bare stomach.
"Night, Jamie," you put an end to the talk.
That doesn't stop his hand from cuddling you and nuzzling his nose in your neck.
"No goodnight kiss?" He asks.
You take his hand and kiss it as a substitute, earning a low laugh from him.
Jamie kisses you on the neck in return, "Night!"
YOU: It's getting a little hot in here [fanning your neck]
The first thing Cole does when he wakes up is ask everyone an important question.
"Did anyone break any rules last night?"
You shake your head because as much as it's been hard to refrain from touching Jamie, you didn't do anything but cuddle under the cover.
"I can promise you we've been good in here!" Jamie confidently states and puts his arm around you.
Aly as Maeve's new bedmate, points at Laura and Alex's bed, "I definitely heard noises coming from their bed," she snatches on them.
Alex may have a good poker face but you can't say the same with Laura, she's looking guilty but the kind that tells she's not sorry for doing it.
"You may as well spill the truth now," Daniel eggs in.
Laura nonchalantly shrugs as if she's not been acting selfishly when it's only about time that Lana announces how much money we've lost because of them.
YOU: I'm proud that Jamie and I managed to not break any rules last night. I hope that proves that we do have a real connection.
It's too late for you to walk out as Felix sees you coming into the bathroom.
You walk to the sink to grab your toiletry bag you forgot to take with you, "I can't believe our meet cute is in the bathroom," you say.
He laughs hearing your words while struggling to put sunblock on his back.
"Need help?"
He considers it for a moment then nods, "Yes!"
You take the tube of sunblock from him, pressing a big dollop of the cream on your hand and slowly lathering it on his honey skin. His skin is smooth and warm with muscles that make his back the perfect spot to lean on.
"So, you and Jamie, huh?" he suddenly asks, looking at you through the reflection in the mirror.
The question snaps you out of your daze. You're thankful that he can't see your face as you're busy making sure the sunblock is covering his back evenly.
"Yes," you shortly reply.
He hums while subtly nodding his head, "And what do you think?"
You play dumb but it's also because your hands wander to his lats and they're distracting, "of what?"
Felix leans forward with hands resting against the sink, "is it serious?"
You silently gulp air because his question only means that he has an interest in your relationship which also means that he has...
"We're still figuring each other out," you settle with a diplomatic answer for him.
You glide your hands back up to lather the sunblock down his shoulder blades.
"I see," he responds with a smile.
And not just a smile, a smile that tells he got the answer he wants.
You slide your hands down his arms and playfully squeeze his biceps, "there! Done!"
He takes the sunblock back from you and checks himself in the mirror, "thank you."
Felix raises his hands for a high-five with you, "Let's have a great day!"
You smile at him and return the high-five, "Let's do it!"
YOU: Maeve likes Felix and I'm obviously team hoes before bros. Always!
"Blue looks good on you!"
It's another day of Jamie's endeavors to kiss you, starting the conversation by complimenting your bikini. He joined you sunbathing by the pool in the afternoon, sharing a sun lounger.
"Thank you!" You reply with a smile with your eyes squinting under the bright sun.
His hand is squeezing your arm, "you got some muscles here," he says.
"I played volleyball in high school," you share.
Propping a hand under his head, he looks down at you, "I want to see you play volleyball."
You chuckle, "That was years ago. I forgot how to play."
"Must be looking sexy serving ball in tight shorts," he lowers his head into your neck.
You burst out laughing and slip your hand in his soft locks, "that sounds so wrong."
Not only that you're out in the open, it's rather dangerous with how close he is and his lips looking inviting as he plants it on your shoulder.
It's only right that you distract him by giving him a little taste but not too much, enough to make him crave more.
"Do it for me?" You ask with a bottle of sun spray in your head.
"I'd love to," he eagerly says.
Jamie sprays on parts of the body he wants to touch, all over your back as you lay on your stomach and down to your asscheek, excessively kneading on them.
You laugh at how he can't stop himself that you eventually have to turn over so he can continue, spraying your shoulders.
You take off the straps around your neck so he can spray your chest and sneaks his hand on the valley between your breasts.
"Yeah, get in there!" You playfully encourage him.
Jamie grins like a child who got caught taking a cookie out of the cookie jar. He then continues to spray on your abdomen and evenly rub them down your thighs next while glancing into your eyes once in a while.
To say that you don't enjoy teasing him would be a lie.
YOU: Jamie becomes more relentless by the day but am I wrong to not want to rule break? Isn't that the purpose of this retreat?
As the day turns to night, it's only about time until everyone got called to the cabana.
You feel sick listening to the sound of Lana's cone-shaped body chiming, especially with Laura and Alex acting so suspiciously.
Lana is a computer but she sounds not pleased as she greets everyone. Cut to the announcement, she informs that Laura and Alex did break the rules last night.
You glance at Cole who got speechless that he's just looking at Alex in disbelief.
"These rule breaks cost the group $18.000."
YOU: For three kisses? Really? Lana, please, be reasonable with the prices.
"That's not the only rule break they committed," Lana spills more truth.
This is what you fear the most, getting riled by the whole group for breaking the rules. Everyone looks at both Laura and Alex waiting for them to confess.
"I touched his willy under the cover," Laura confesses.
Everyone groans in unison.
You don't know how Laura is okay being so selfish and can keep a straight face, but that's probably why her make-up is super thick.
"This rule break costs the group a further $4.000."
"Why would you do that?" Maeve asks and she rarely gets this mad.
"It's not a big deal!" Laura nonchalantly responds.
"Yeah but not for $4.000!" Heidi snaps at her, as furious as everyone.
"Now the prize fund stands at $166.000."
YOU: I can use that money as a deposit for a house and here we are, spending it on kisses and a hand down a guy's trouser.
The night gets darker not only on the outside but inside the house as well.
Lana sends Laura and Alex to the suite to test if they're building a true connection but everyone is skeptical that they'll pass the test.
You sit on the bed with Jamie resting his head on your lap, brushing his hair to relax you now that you've lost a chunk of money.
"Alex is like the horniest people and Laura is the biggest teaser, it's a recipe for a disaster," Aly comments, lying on her stomach on the bed opposite yours.
"They will rule break once or twice at least," Jamie adds his opinion.
The night ends early but you see that Maeve and Felix haven't returned yet to their respective beds. You hope that things are going well with them.
You nuzzle your head into Jamie's chest and murmur, "We haven't broken any rules," you tell him.
"Yet," Jamie continues your words clasping your hand with his.
You look at him and smile as he looks back at you, "We've been good and I'm proud."
He foolishly smiles and opens his arms to invite you for a hug. You jump right into his embrace and those muscles on his body feel pillowy under you.
Jamie pulls the duvet to cover both of your bodies even though the lights aren't out yet. You squeal as he starts to glide his hands down your sides.
YOU: I appreciate Jamie for being so patient because I know, it was hard for me to not throw myself at him.
"We don't need another rule break tonight!"
Cole pulls the duvet down to reveal that the two of you are just tickling each other under the cover.
At the same time, Felix makes his way to his bed, seeing you straddling Jamie on the bed which sends you to get off of him immediately.
It's unclear why you do that but your eyes go straight to Maeve's bed, it's empty even when the lights are already out.
You nestle your head in Jamie's neck as he lightly touches up and down your arm and kisses your hand once in a while.
You plant a soft kiss on his neck and whisper, "Night."
He kisses you back on the head, "Goodnight!"
YOU: I start to believe that maybe Jamie and I do have a genuine connection [smiles]
Everyone is looking restless from the moment they woke up and looks in shambles once they gathered in the cabana, ready for that time of the day.
After a while, Laura and Alex are returning from the suite. You recognize the glow on Laura's face right away but you could be wrong.
God! You hope you're wrong and they didn't do anything selfish last night.
You're spacing out as Lana comes with her anxiety-inducing ping sounds and all you can think about is how much money Laura and Alex spent last night.
"They're looking suspicious," Aly whispers at you.
Indeed, they are, and looking very guilty as well. Everyone waits in anticipation as Lana takes her time to announce whether they pass the test or blow all the money in one night.
"I must tell the group that Laura and Alex did..."
You hold your breath for the worst outcome.
It's getting harder to breathe now.
"Break any rules!"
Everyone shoots up from their seats and congratulates the couple in turns. You got so far in life that you get to celebrate people for not having sex.
YOU: So they can keep it in their pants! I'm proud!
Lana has another announcement after everyone settled in from the celebration.
"To motivate everyone to grow genuine feelings of connection as opposed to lust, I've prepared gifts for all of you."
You take the box in front of you and open it to reveal a watch inside.
"When I observe two people forming genuine connections, they will be given a green light like this."
Everyone's watch chimes and turns green at the same time.
"While the lights are green, the rules do not apply for a limited amount of time."
Cole claps his hands together to get everyone's attention, "There's no more excuse for anyone to break any more rules!"
YOU: This [shows the watch] motivates me to build a connection with Jamie. Hope we get to be the first to get the green light.
After a very stressful morning that thankfully ends with a happy ending, you can have the room to breathe since the boys are out of the house to do a workshop at the beach.
The girls are hanging out in the bedroom and with the drama going on earlier, you forgot to ask Maeve why she went to bed late last night.
To get a little privacy, even though you can't get any with cameras placed in every crook and nook of the villa, you take her to the make-up room. You sit next to her while fixing your make-up in the mirror.
"Is everything okay?" You ask.
Maeve sits with both feet up on the chair and looks down at her nails, "not okay, honestly," she answers.
You stop looking at the mirror and turn your chair to face her, "why? What happened?"
Maeve hugs her folded legs and looks at you, a sad smile on her face.
"I just don't know what I'm doing here..."
You place your hand on her knee, "hey, don't say that!"
"I'm not making connections with anyone and I tried, but it's not working. I-I don't know why I'm here," she says with a heavy sigh at the end of the sentence.
It seems like things aren't going well between her and Felix, and Maeve is someone with low self-esteem, which makes her somewhat dejected that things didn't go well.
"You don't have to be a couple to make progress, you know," you comfort her and it's true, Cole is proof that he's fine not being in a pair and dedicates himself as an avid protector of the prize money instead.
"I'm not pretty. No one wants to be with me," she breaks into tears and buries her head in her hands.
You get up from the chair to hug her, "First of all, everyone here is pretty and it's not a beauty pageant, okay?" You comfort her while slightly bending down with your arms around her.
"It's not about look. It's about chemistry, attraction, and stuff," you awkwardly explain.
You have no talent in comforting someone but you try your best. After a moment, Maeve lifts her head and looks at you.
"No one is attracted to me," she says with her fingers carefully dabbing the corner of her eyes to avoid ruining her make-up.
You scoff and turn the chair to face her before sitting on it, "you are so beautiful, Maeve," you assure her with both hands holding hers.
Maeve puts down her feet and your clasped hands dropped onto her lap, "I know," she half-heartedly agrees.
"For you, I'll fly to Ireland and come see you, we'll get drunk and have so much fun," you cheer her up with nice thoughts while shaking her hands.
Maeve cracks a laugh and you can see that she starts to get hopeful again. She's a genuinely kind person which is not someone you expect to meet here, you think of her as a friend despite it happening because you both are in a reality show.
A crazy idea crosses your head, "you know what? We can be a couple and win the money," you tell her.
YOU: I'm bad at comforting people and the only thing I know how to comfort someone is through actions [slyly smiles]
She laughs at your wild suggestion that it takes her a while to reply to you, "I'd love that, yeah," she jokingly answers.
An even crazier idea crosses your head, "come here then," you tell her, pulling her close until your heads meet in the middle.
Maeve senses your intention but not doing anything to stop you, instead, she leans in first to kiss you.
You kiss her back as she softly brushes her lips on yours over and over again. She tastes so sweet and warm, she knows how to use her tongue and not overdo it, and overall, one hell of a good kisser.
You pull away first as the reality that someone might walk in on you dawns on you.
"Did we just break the rules?" Maeve asks while wiping her smeared lipstick.
"You'd better have a good poker face!" You warn her.
YOU: Goodness! Maeve is a good kisser and that kiss... I think that was the best $6.000 I ever spent. No regret at all.
The boys are back just in time for another party Lana is throwing tonight.
The theme is Saints and Sinners and there's a box of costumes for everyone to wear. You choose to be an angel with wings even though you've been behaving badly after breaking the rules earlier.
He sits you on his lap even though the sofa is spacy enough for another two persons but you feel safe since Alex and Laura are there, cuddling in the smaller sofa across from yours.
"So, what did you do in the workshop?" You ask Jamie.
He takes a deep breath and his chest heaving along with yours, "we learned how to be more open with our feelings."
You nod along and leer over at him, "And how did it go?"
Jamie rests his chin on your shoulder with a hand resting on your stomach, "Well, I'm never good at it but I think I did alright."
He doesn't sound so convincing but you appreciate the effort.
"You look beautiful, babe!" He compliments you along with a gentle squeeze on your thigh.
You're immune to sweet nothings like this but a compliment is a compliment. You smile and mutter, "Thank you!"
You slip your hand into the opening of his shirt, "I like your shirt," you compliment back with a seductive smile.
He sees your hand slide in further into his shirt, "should have let another button open."
Jamie keeps checking his watch hoping that the light turns green soon.
You doubt that a few compliments can do it and silently laugh at his fruitless effort. 
YOU: I'll always be physically attracted to Jamie but I don't know. I can't tell if I doubt myself or him, or us, entirely [clicks tongue]
The time for doom is here.
You exchange nervous glances with Maeve knowing what we've done would damage the numbers on the prize fund. You doubt that it's what Laura felt when she broke the rules because what you're feeling is a sense of guilt but that's solely because you behaved selfishly, not for the kiss.
"Hours after receiving the gifts of my watches, a couple of you decide to break the rules by kissing," Lana announces.
Everyone's eyes land on Alex and Laura since they're the regular rulebreakers. Just know that they'll be surprised once they found out who did it.
"You know the routine. Just spill it!" Cole sounded so done at this point.
You hate to break his trust but you don't feel bad for breaking the rules, not when you have a good intention. Your heart is pounding for how much shit you'll get either from admitting it or don't, you choose the former.
"It was me," you blurt out with a hand raised.
Jamie snaps his head at you, eyes wide filled with confusion because he knows for damn sure you didn't kiss him or vice versa.
"I'm not going to name names who I did it with and why," you quickly add and it's the only right thing to do, you don't want to force Maeve to speak out unless she wanted to.
"I'm sorry," you apologize.
Jamie looks even more confused but his eyes are scanning the guys one by one even though it isn't any of them you kissed.
"I'm sorry, Cole," you apologize to him personally since he's the one who gets sensitive the most about the money.
Maeve raises her hand and decides to admit it as well, "she did it with me."
They let out a collective gasp, laughter, and sneaky eyes going on after. Jamie squeezes your shoulder but not saying anything to you.
"Another $6.000 has gone from the prize fund, leaving the group with $160.000," Lana furtherly informs.
Funny that you didn't about the money at all when you kiss Maeve. Probably because you know that you intend to rebuild Maeve's confidence, so she's not giving up on herself and continues her journey here.
However, when it comes to Jamie, you're still not sure if you want to spend $6.000 on a kiss with him.
The rule break doesn't seem to leave that much impression on everyone.
Maybe because they give you a pass because it's your first time breaking the rule and the night ends in peace or that's what you thought.
You're chatting with Aly in the firepit to avoid the crowded make-up room when suddenly Felix comes behind you. You didn't notice until Aly sends you a signal with her eyes.
"Can I talk to you?" He asks.
Aly gets the hint and decides to leave, "I'll excuse myself then."
You've spent a couple of times alone with him even though they only last for a few minutes, but this time is different, no one is around except for the filming crew lurking in the bushes or somewhere you're not aware of.
The sofa could fit a couple of dozen people but Felix decides to sit next to you.
"Hi," he sweetly greets.
"Hi, how are you?" You ask with a smile.
His legs are spreading wide and he has gaping holes in his jeans, exposing bits of his thighs that you found are surprisingly muscular.
"I'm good," he answers, doing the classic move of putting his arm on the headrest of the sofa, "how about you?"
Your body somehow responds by putting your leg over the other and leaning towards him, "Never been better."
Felix gets quiet but his eyes are deeply looking into your eyes as if he found something fascinating in them. A while later, he clears his throat as he slightly slouched on the sofa, legs spreading wider, sending the holes in his jeans to stretch and expose more of his skin.
"During the workshop, we were taught to open up about our feelings and I–" He pauses to scratch his small nose and continues with an uneasy glance at you, "I know what I want and I want to do it. I know I'll regret it if I don't."
"Okay," you respond while nodding along and at times, getting distracted by the holes in his jeans.
"I know you're with Jamie and I don't mean to break things between the two of you but I feel like... I need you to know that I like you."
Felix talks without a beat and with the intense stare he's giving you, you gulp air feeling nervous but in an exciting kind of way.
"I like you," he says again.
Your heart starts to race because you can feel how much he meant all of his words.
YOU: Oh my God! The hottest man in this retreat likes me?!
"You don't have to do anything about it," he casually says as if he didn't just put you in a predicament since you're with Jamie.
Felix retracts his hand and accidentally or not, brushes his hand on your shoulder. He gives you the faintest of physical contact but enough to send a shiver down your spine.
Still speechless by his sudden confession, but you know you should have said something to him to avoid him getting the wrong idea.
"Thank you for letting me know," you begin.
"You're very welcome!" He excitedly responds with a wide grin.
"But let me know if you want to do anything about it," he adds with a playful grin.
Something about him makes you warm inside, you can feel your cheeks heating, flustered with his eyes never straying away from yours even for a second.
The night is late and the fireplace is laying low, swaying with the gentle breeze coming from the sea, Felix's lips suddenly look so inviting, enticing you like a forbidden apple.
This is dangerous. 
"Let's head inside," he says, thankfully being the one putting a brake on the imminent danger.
YOU: This is honestly what I seek with Jamie, that excitement, that sparks and it's a problem that I got it from someone else without any sort of physical contact whatsoever.
"So, Maeve, is she a good kisser?" Jamie asks as he sits with you on the bed.
Maeve sips water from her tumbler before answering, "The best!"
She takes another sip before talking again, "You're in for a treat, Jamie."
He glances at you with an impressed smile, "Too bad that I can't confirm that," he says.
That's his way to dig at you for what you did. You understand that he feels betrayed by what you did, you refuse to kiss him but easily kissed someone behind his back.
You put your hand across his chest and look at him, "Are you mad?"
"Nah," he coyly answers.
You bring your mouth close to his ear, "are you jealous?"
Jamie chuckles as your breath tickles his ear, "A bit, yeah."
You kiss his cheek and deliver your apology with a heartfelt whisper, "I'm sorry, baby."
YOU: I, of course, feel bad for not giving Jamie the heads up about the kiss I did with Maeve. He looks rather upset but I know I deserve it.
It's probably luck that follows you throughout the times you spent in the retreat.
Everyone forgot about your rulebreaking as Daniel decides to get a new bed partner. He used to sleep with Heidi but tonight, he decides to sleep with Aly.
You nudge Jamie who's sleeping with his head nuzzles in your neck to witness the drama happening in the room.
His mouth opens in surprise while you look at Heidi who's slumped down on the bed.
"You okay?" You mouth at her.
"No," she mouths back.
You turn to look at Jamie, "Oh my God!" You lowly gasp.
"I feel bad for Heidi," Jamie whispers.
"Me too," you say back behind the duvet at Jamie.
YOU: Let's say we never know what's going to happen next [shrugs]
The mood the next morning has been set to gloomy with the drama that happened last night.
The good news is there's no sign of anyone breaking any rules and the bad news is that Jamie seems to not moving on from your kiss with Maeve yet.
Jamie is usually chipper whenever he's with you, except for today, he seems distant even though you're working out together by the beach.
"Tighten your glutes," he instructed.
You play dumb since that's the most successful way to win a guy's heart, "tighten my what?"
Jamie chuckles and enthusiastically shows you the parts of your body you need to work on, the back of your thighs and legs. His hands don't skip the chance to rub over the curve of your ass.
"Can you feel it?" He asks as he guides you to do a proper squat by standing right behind you.
You intentionally nudge his crotch with your ass, "oh yeah, I can feel it," you answer with giggles.
By working out, you hope that it would help to release tension between you and Jamie, it worked but in the process, you're getting that tingling down there with his hands constantly touching you.
You collapse onto the yoga mat from doing a plank and groan, "Ugh... I'm so horny."
Jamie laughs as he helps you get up from the mat.
YOU: I realized now that maybe Jamie needs validation, he needs more than just words from me. Maybe I have to do something about it [raises an eyebrow]
Before you can set a plan, Lana calls everyone to the cabana.
Not sure if anyone breaks any rules but you feel sick in the stomach whenever you sit down and face her cone-shaped body.
Cole is getting ready to put his laser eyes on anyone who breaks the rules.
"No one break any rules last night," Lana announces.
Everyone seems to be letting out a sigh of relief and you feel guilty just from thinking about doing a rule break later for Jamie.
"With the couples seeming to form deeper bonds, it's time to establish how committed to each other you really are," Lana states.
Couples? You are positive you and Jamie are included in it.
"By sending some of you on dates..." Lana continues.
YOU: The question is... Who's going on a date? I would love to go on a date with Jamie.
Now everyone starts to hold their breath again with Lana dragging each piece of information just to torture all of you.
"With new arrivals," Lana finally finishes.
This is not a good time for Lana to intervene, not when you plan on taking things further with Jamie. Also, new arrivals mean that they're not adapted to the rules yet, they'll be uncontrollable, horny babies like... well, everyone here a week ago.
"The first arrival is... Mia," Lana announces.
The guys snickered in joy, excited even just from hearing the girl's name.
"I have given her a choice of dating one of the boys currently in couples."
Your mouth hangs open in surprise, you're wrong to underestimate Lana's power and that she owns this game, she's the mastermind.
"She has selected..."
YOU: I hate to think about it but I have an inkling that this Mia girl is going to choose Jamie [leans back on the sofa]
"... Jamie."
The timing is impeccable.
Things are going well between you and Jamie, then Lana, being the girl boss she is, decides to ruin all of that.
You look at Jamie and he looks slightly pleased that he got chosen.
You're spacing out the rest of the time Lana announces another arrival, a boy who chose Laura to be his date.
It's unclear whether you're jealous about him going on another date or you regret holding yourself back from him all these times.
Jamie rubs his hand up and down your arm, briefly kisses your cheek, then says, "You have nothing to worry about."
How come you trust his words when you've witnessed all these bed hoppings and jumping ships happened overnight?
YOU: What Jamie said only makes me even more worried. Lana said it's a test so this Mia girl must be sexy, and speaks three languages or something. You know, like a girl version of Alex.
Maeve is helping you style your hair for tonight.
"How do you feel about Jamie going on a date with someone?" She asks.
You shrug and sigh, sending the powder you're holding flying around your face.
"I just hope she's ugly," you jokingly answer.
"Hate to break the news but I think she's hot and a potential rulebreaker," Maeve decides to pour salt on your wound instead of soothing it.
"It's not that I don't care but I decide not to care," you explain.
You finish your make-up with a setting spray and check yourself again in the mirror, "but you know, deep down, I'm scared, shitless," you admit.
It's getting more nerve-wracking waiting for Jamie to come back from his date. Maeve keeps you occupied with happy thoughts, telling you fun things you can do in Ireland with her.
The other girls low-key comfort you by complimenting your looks. It's a nice gesture except that no one died and you're not in mourning, you just want this to get over with.
Laura is the first one to come back, guiding the new arrival by linking her arm with his.
She introduces Killian around, an Irish man who's just the perfect match for Maeve.
Killian is a great distraction, his accent is attractive and so is his smile. You keep nudging Maeve's elbow to send her hints.
Maeve replies by elbowing your side and you thought she was being playful, then turn your head around to see Jamie has came back from his date.
"Oh shit. She's hot!" Aly exclaims.
You bite your tongue and put your lips together, not wanting to lose your calm easily. There are only two possibilities, Jamie stays with you, or not.
As Jamie pulls you to the make-up room, you know it's time for him to decide.
"How was the date?" You ask with a smile.
"It was nice. We had champagne and fruits and cheeses," he gives you an answer that you don't expect.
You silently gulp air and keep on putting on a smile for him, "Sounds lovely!"
The moment passed in silence is deafening and you need to burst it. You clear your throat and hold the hand on his lap.
"So... are you here to tell me I was right for not worrying you?" You joke.
Jamie awkwardly laughs at your question and that you're right for worrying him. A part of you is in denial that you're not chosen but another part of you decides to shut him out right here, right now.
"I want to tell you that Mia and I... I think we have something going on between us and I want to get to know her more," he slowly explains.
This heart is fickle, you decided not to care but you feel a sting in your chest when he told you that.
"You're saying you chose her?" You ask for confirmation.
Jamie takes your other hand, afraid that you run away before he can explain.
"No, I'm staying with you and openly telling you that at the same time, I want to get to know Mia," he refuses your words when it's exactly what he wants.
Other girls would give him the chance but not with you, if Jamie chose her then he should stay with her. There's no use for you and him to stay together if he wants to get to know someone that isn't you.
"Jamie you can't do that. You either stay with me or be with her, you have to choose!" You insist on him settling on a decision.
YOU: Apparently, Jamie wants to have his cake and eat it too [shakes head]
You get it that Jamie is conflicted because he still likes you but the other girl offers him something that you don't give to him.
"I like you. I still want to be with you," Jamie persists.
His words are not aligned with his action. You shake your head and put his hands away, "it sounds like you're asking me to wait for you while you're getting it on with someone else."
That seems to put the nail in the coffin that he got speechless. The disappointment got to you that you and if you stayed longer, you're afraid you would say something you didn't mean to him.
"You've made your choice, Jamie," you tell him.
YOU: To say that I'm disappointed is an understatement. I'm livid, I'm... I was planning to take things further but yeah... [brushes hair to the back] Mia happens.
Can't believe that you'll be the one serving drama tonight.
You stall in the make-up room, not wanting to get to the bedroom yet. You're drying your hair after a shower and sitting there for a minute, just taking everything in and trying to let it go.
Taking a deep breath, you keep a straight face as you push the door into the bedroom and have no choice but to share a bed with Heidi since Maeve is sharing the bed with Killian.
"You alright, babe?" She quietly asks.
You hold your forehead and slump down on the bed, "it's shitty."
She gently squeezes your elbow, "yeah."
You lay down on the bed and avoid the eyes looking back and forth between you and Jamie. You may decide not to care but seeing him sleeping with another girl right in front of your eyes, hurts.
You cover your eyes with your hand and mumble, "I just want to get this day over with."
YOU: Jamie has decided so he has to live with that decision. Good luck, I guess.
If it weren't for her, Jamie would have stayed with you and you wouldn't be waking up to Heidi lowly snoring next to you.
Mia might have seduced him but it wouldn't happen if Jamie remained faithful so you decide to blame him, not her.
This is probably what Maeve felt that day when she cried, defeated, and dejected.
But Jamie has to try harder if he wants to see you cry.
 "How are you feeling, sexy?" Maeve asks as she waddles in the swimming pool.
You sit on the edge with your feet dipped in the sun-warm water, "I don't know, really," you shrug.
She holds onto your leg, clinging to it to stay afloat, "You're better than her, trust me, she's not that attractive if you looked at her long enough."
You know that she's not saying that out of spite, she said all that to make you feel better.
"Saying unkind things about her doesn't make me better, Maeve," you tell her with a glare.
"I'm sorry but it's true," she says with a subtle shrug.
YOU: Jamie and I [sighs] We hugged, we cuddled, we slept in one bed together. I don't want to care but the truth is... I care.
The day drags on and you're more than happy to get to your bed except that you're not ready to see Jamie and Mia cuddling on the bed you used to sleep on.
You're hanging out with Maeve in the make-up room while she's braiding your hair to pass the time.
"We can sleep together. I'll just tell Killian—"
"And risks Heidi stealing him from you?" You cut her off with a joke.
Maeve laughs as she tied the end of your hair with an elastic band and fixes the loose hair on the back of your head.
"Enough about me. How about you and Killian?"
Maeve plops down on the chair next to you and takes a hairbrush from the table, slowly combing the end of her hair.
"We chatted a lot but not sure if we have that connection," she answers.
"But don't worry, we're getting along just fine," she assures you in response to your concerned expression.
"Is it perhaps because you haven't moved on from Felix?"
Asking her that is like walking on eggshells and you're doing it carefully. Mostly because Felix confessed that he likes you that making it seems that way to you.
"Oh come on! I've moved past that," she answers while twirling her hair around her fingers.
You consider telling her about Felix's confession that night but it comes to no use, the retreat has come halfway to finish and you're not sure if Felix still likes you.
It's close to lights out and you step into the bedroom with Maeve.
Heidi is already taking half of the bed with her long legs that you have to scoot close to the edge to lie down.
"Goodnight, everyone!" Aly says to everyone in the room and getting sleepy mumbles in return.
YOU: When I think about it, I'm seeing Lana more than my therapist [uneasy smiles]
This is not how you want to start the day.
You don't want to hear what Jamie and Mia did or how they spent $20.000 last night. He probably has pent-up tension and finally got to release it with her.
"You got the watches, man!" Cole is coming at him.
You sit back and watch it from the end of the sofa on how Jamie is trying to explain himself.
"I know you won't believe me but Mia and I, we have a connection," he explains.
"Why not act right and get rewarded?" Cole is jabbing him with words.
"You won't understand," Jamie says with a defeated sigh.
YOU: Maybe that's why I doubted Jamie. I can see it now, the bright side [smirks]
Nothing says a fresh start than doing yoga with Heidi.
Apparently, she is a licensed instructor and you feel a whole lot better after stretching your body to the limit.
You share the shower with Maeve to cut the time and get ready to dress up.
As you're applying your lipstick, Lana chimes in and makes you jolt in your seat.
Maeve's mouth drops open and she stops curling her hair altogether.
"Hello, ladies!"
"Hi, Lana," you nervously answer and push your chair away from the table.
Then she calls your name and you almost choke on air.
"I'm offering the chance to go on a date with Felix " Lana informs out of the blue.
"Me?" You ask in disbelief.
"Would you like to attend?" Lana asks.
You turn to look at Maeve to remind yourself to be a good friend and a good friend avoid hurting her friend's feelings.
"Shouldn't we make them wait for at least 48 hours for an answer, Lana?" You playfully respond.
Maeve kicks your feet under the table, "what are you doing? Say yes!"
"Then how about you?" You blabber, not expecting that she gives you the blessing to go on a date with her former crush.
"What about me?" She asks in pure confusion.
"Don't you like him?"
Maeve excessively sighs, "I told you I've moved on!"
She kicks your feet again, "Hurry! Say yes!"
You turn to look at Lana in her mixed purple-hued lights and hesitate to say yes. Not only it means you have to start it all over again, but also letting yourself open for another heartbreak.
"Would you like to attend?" Lana asks once again.
YOU: I'm not sure if I'm ready to try and restart [sighs]
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theprettyarachnid · 1 year
JJK characters and their reaction to a sensitive, innocent and easily flustered s/o🌹
a/n: yes <3 also i was on a roll with this one and i’m proud of myself
also sorry for the depression fest lately, my bad yall
warnings: the more you scroll the more nsfw it gets
characters: itadori, megumi, inumaki, yuuta, gojo, suguru, nanami, sukuna (some characters aged up)
🕷️ he thinks it’s really cute how flustered you get over the simplest of things
🕷️ he’ll hold your hand and he catches a glimpse of the tips of your ears turning a little red
🕷️ yuji once made a dirty joke while hanging out with you, megumi, and nobara and while the other two were rolling their eyes or saying their piece about the joke, he noticed you having this confused look on your face
🕷️ almost like you were a stranger within an inside joke
🕷️ he took note of it and will occasionally say things that are dirty when it’s just the two of you only to watch it fly over your head
🕷️ yuji doesn’t really lose his temper but you did something reckless on a mission once and he got really upset
🕷️ he couldn’t stop himself from yelling at you out of concern and fear but when you started crying he stopped
🕷️ he immediately gave you hug while you kept apologizing only to hear him shush you
🕷️ he was upset with himself for the rest of the day and a little more
🕷️ he cuddled with you for hours even when you told him you had something to do
🕷️ “just a few more minutes, you’re warm and i don’t want you to go”
🕷️ you can say whatever you want, i think megumi gets a little flustered at times as well
🕷️ in the beginning of the relationship, nobara and yuji would be snickering in the background as megumi tried to make a move
🕷️ your sensitivity can sometimes be a problem because megumi is naturally stand-offish and can sometimes come off as kind of mean
🕷️ especially because we know he can be kind of bad at comforting people but he’s gotten better at it because of you
🕷️ he likes to tuck your hair behind your ear because he likes seeing your lips thin out while you shyly look down
🕷️ not huge displays of affection in public but even when you two are alone and you kiss both of you end up having coloured cheeks when you pull away
🕷️ if he’s feeling like it, he makes you flustered on purpose just for your reaction
🕷️ as well as he’s not one to be ashamed of showing his affection so throughout the day he holds your hand, kisses your cheek, twirls your hair when he’s bored
🕷️ but he finds it funny when he shows big displays of affection watching you try to run off before everyone starts staring but he catches your hand so you can’t leave
🕷️ “tuna!”
🕷️ when you two are alone he’s noticed that you’ve become a little less embarrassed when it’s just the two of you
🕷️ movie night with the gang
🕷️ everyone has turns picking out the movie so panda or gojo (on the rare occasion he joins) might put on a scary movie
🕷️ you’ll cover your eyes at certain parts of the movie but be peaking out a little because you’re too interested
🕷️ he pulls the cringey yawn over the shoulder thing even though he doesn’t have to and he knows it’s cringe
🕷️ also finds it cute but goes easy on you even though he could do a lot worse
🕷️ occasionally pokes fun at you but gives you a quick kiss so you know he’s joking and you don’t have to get upset about it
🕷️ sometimes he can’t help himself and puts his hand a little lower than usual or will gently squeeze your waist
🕷️ can be overprotective during missions
🕷️ when he leaves for missions, he gives you multiple pairs of sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc for you to wear and even when people ask “is that yuuta’s” and you get embarrassed you still keep it on
🕷️ yuuta can’t help himself when he gets back, as soon as he sees you he picks you up bridal style and spins you around while kissing you
🕷️ by the time you’ve stopped spinning, you’re out of breath, dizzy, and grinning like an idiot
🕷️ consider getting a restraining order
🕷️ like sometimes it can be cute like he’ll call you beautiful but other times he gives you a quick smack on the ass or squeezes your boobs when no one’s around
🕷️ you yell at him at times especially if it was in public and really embarrassing with red cheeks
🕷️ and as a sensitive person myself, probably a little tears in the eyes
🕷️ he feels really bad when you yell at him and hugs you for however long he feels necessary
🕷️ for some reason he really likes seeing you in his shades and randomly will put them on you
🕷️ it doesn’t really make you flustered, you actually find it kind of funny at times
🕷️ even when his eyes are covered, you can feel him staring at you and when his eyes are uncovered it’s in adoration
🕷️ gojo just thinks you’re so pretty and he can’t keep his eyes off you
🕷️ he finds it funny how suggestive jokes go right over your head so he’s more direct when it comes to you
🕷️ he whispers something in your ear occasionally and bites the tip of your ear watching your eyes widen and your face getting red
🕷️ he wiggles his eyebrows whenever he says some promiscuous which makes you make your mouth agape as you just turn your head away
🕷️ finds it amusing
🕷️ isn’t as relentless but occasionally will intentionally do something here and there
🕷️ when he’s talking to one of his disciples and you’re with him, he slyly moves his hand down to your ass gently squeezing it
🕷️ the disciple usually looks confused when they notice you hide your face while staring at the floor
🕷️ likes to sneak up on you and will give you a kiss behind your ear and feel the blood rush up your neck and onto your face
🕷️ gently cups your cheek and compliments you a little too loudly so people will hear
🕷️ he likes how innocent you are because the less you know the more he can expose you to
🕷️ is really gentle with you so you don’t get upset
🕷️ death penalty to anyone who makes you upset, the more upset you are the more miserable the death is
🕷️ he doesn’t let you know though, the last thing he wants is to see who he really is when it comes to others
🕷️ noticed it the first time he leaned over you to see what you were doing
🕷️ it was only out of curiosity of what you were doing but he thought it was cute seeing how flustered he made you
🕷️ notices how you keep stealing glances at him when he loosens his tie which shows a bit of his collarbone
🕷️ “you know, you don’t have to be embarrassed around me dear.”
🕷️ even with his statement though, you still would
🕷️ occasionally asks you to loosen his tie for him and watches as you look at the floor quietly giving an “okay” before walking over
🕷️ he takes this opportunity to wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss to the forehead
🕷️ he gives you a small smile when you look up before gently kissing you again on the lips enjoying how your hands tremble a little as you still loosen his tie
🕷️ if he raises his voice out of frustration and sees you curl into yourself while looking at the floor, he makes sure to take a breath and apologize
🕷️ it’s a very rare occurrence but it still happens
🕷️ likes when you sit on his lap while he works because he likes how close you are to him and how you stammer a little bit whenever he talks to you
🕷️ oh god
🕷️ not to be cringe but you’re literally in the lions den
🕷️ sometimes literally if you’re in his domain
🕷️ sukuna always makes a point for you to look him in the eyes whenever he talks to you, no matter what he’s saying
🕷️ if you look away from embarrassment, he grabs your chin to make you look at him and sometimes even makes you repeat how he wants you to look at him when he’s talking to you
🕷️ “what did i say about keeping eye contact? say it so i know you understand.”
🕷️ occasionally gives you a break if he’s feeling nice but will still do things to get a reaction
🕷️ you sit on his lap on his throne, one of his arms wrapped around your waist and the other on your thigh
🕷️ a little too high up your thigh most of the time
🕷️ lifts your chin up before he kisses you
🕷️ he doesn’t care if one of his servants comes to him about something and he’s doing whatever to you just to hear you stumble with your words while nervously playing with your hands
🕷️ loves fucking you especially in his true form because he has more arms, two of them holding each of your wrists while another one is slung over his shoulder and being extended just a little too far
🕷️ to make it even worse he makes you beg most of the time and watches your tears run down your face
🕷️ isn’t exactly the nicest person, i mean he’s the king of curses, so he says a lot of insensitive things
🕷️ he rolls his eyes and tells you to stop crying which usually only makes it worse so eventually he gives some weird half-assed kind of an apology so you’ll stop crying
🕷️ he doesn’t say “i’m sorry” but pulls you closer so your head is against his chest while he plays with your hair and that’s usually the closest you get to an apology
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koolades-world · 8 months
Hey there! I'd Like to request something. So like, MC is an Artist (Style doesn't matter they just have to draw humanoid things) and then they draw the brothers+dateables in their style, what would the reaction be?
hello! sure thing :)
I myself am admittedly not a very good artist, which is my my preferred art form is writing. the only time I draw is usually during gartic phone games with friends, and thanks to my franticness under a time limit it's always very chaotic. but at this point I've just embraced it and it's always funny
Artist Mc
you draw him while he's seated at the dinner table on a saturday morning while he's reading the newspaper and enjoying a coffee
not that you didn't intend to show him, but suddenly he was leaning over your shoulder, staring, and it caught you off guard
as you scramble to explain, he just smiles and sits back down in his chair and goes back to what he was doing to keep being you model
once you're done, he asks if he can at least have a copy to keep, which in itself is a huge compliment, but it's so he can think of you every time he looks at it 🥺
during class, he happened to look super cute as always while looking wistfully out a nearby window a few rows in front of you and the lesson was getting boring anyways. next to your notes, you begin to doodle him, using highlighters for color
you forget it's there and lend him that very notebook since he had tuned out that same lesson
once he opens it, he seems himself and doesn't know how to react. he's a babbling, red mess
once he regains motor functions, he shakily declares that it's very becoming of the Great Mammon and that you did a great job. success!
the two of you are hanging out in his room. he's playing a ruri game and you're lounging behind him, sketching on a bean bag
you're not drawing anything in particular and were searching for an idea when suddenly, the idea found you
levi wasn't paying attention to you, so you could easily look at him and ruri, and sketch them side by side in matching outfits
once he stops for a moment to get a snack, you happily show him the drawing and he does the demon equivalent of blue screening. give him a minute to reboot then try again haha
when you decided to draw him, the two of you were seating together, with you in his lap while he read a book so he saw the drawing from it's first line to it's last
made positive comments about it the entire time, like about how you captured the green of his eyes perfectly, or telling you his hair looked better in the picture than it did in real life
at some point, he stopped pretending to read the book and sat watching you with his chin on your shoulder
he added cute little notes around it once you were done with little hearts around them
he's asked you to draw him jokingly a few times, but never expected you to actually do it the next time he asked
when you tell him if he wants, he can pick something else to wear, he almost strips down so you can draw him nude but you stop him as soon as he started to take his shirt off
he scurried away and was back quickly in a new outfit, and posed how he would for a picture
talks to you basically the entire time you draw, and once you're done, he squeezes you into a tight hug and asks if he can post it on his Devilgram
after joining him enough times for Fangol practice, you knew it well enough to begin making sketches of him as he practiced
drawing him in action was a little challenging since he never held still, but you were determined
you drew a few since his practice went on longer that day, and got to proudly show him the results
he was equally as proud of you since he thought you did a great job. he asks if he can have one, and if you give it to him, you'll find it hanging up next to his bed next to all his Fangol trophies <3
he's an easy model to draw thanks to his lethargy, so you often find yourself sketching him
something about his peaceful nature and natural frosted tips was just so drawable, so you had at least a few pages full of him napping in various positions with different blankets
one time, he wakes up while you're next to him drawing, and is a little shocked in a good way. he didn't know you viewed him that highly
he's still half asleep, so he just compliments your artwork and moves to lay his head on your lap, then falls back asleep, ensuring you're the flustered one now
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eskymoos · 7 months
Levi Ackerman- The Richest Man in the World
You wanted to make a normal date with Levi more fun and unconventional, but you forgot that he can read you like an open book. Word count- 1409 Female reader x Levi Ackerman SFW
Dating Levi Ackerman can be very exciting. From under the sheets to simple, humble dinner dates. He always has a way of making it memorable for both of you. There is one occasion in particular, however, that will never slip your mind.
It was a hot summer day in Trost when the two of you headed for the heart of the city. There was no end goal other than to put your responsibilities aside and save up some time for each other. You were having an amazing time when a great idea came to your mind. 
There was a tall building on your left– a multifloored store for dresses of all sorts. Green, red, blue. Short, long, exotic. All of it in one place. You weren't surprised considering that many wealthy people lived here and most of them could easily afford to fill their wardrobes with clothes. Your eyes turned to stars and your jaw dropped.
''Hey, why don't we go inside?''
You suggested that and Levi, who was holding your arm to his chest like a gentleman, glanced over at the entrance. ''Hmmm? You like something?''
''Not yet. Come on.'' You urged and he didn't set you back. The Captain followed right after you, curious as to what you had in mind.
The place really was huge and the store owners gladly welcomed you inside, inviting Levi to sit over at a sofa and observe for now. You began looking at every dress, mesmerized at how amazing all of their designs were. 
But there is another thing that you couldn't ignore. You wondered if the reason you never wore dresses is because your body type just didn't allow it or because your budget was too small. Nonetheless it all made you hesitate a bit. You went quiet for a moment.
''Are you okay?'' Levi inquired, already sipping on a cup of tea he was brought while you were zoned out. 
''Yeah.'' You clicked your tongue and resumed the search.
It was best you kept your worries to yourself. You knew Levi was always one to watch over you and be sensible. You didn't want to feel like you've wasted his time so you chose to pretend that none of the dresses were up your alley.
The first one you tried on was truthfully ugly. You didn't have to fake the reaction. The color made your nose scrunch in disgust.
''I feel like a disco ball. There are too many beads,'' you murmured and your gaze ran to your quiet boyfriend. Levi was silent but his eyes were burning right through you. He took another long sip and said nothing. No sign of any emotion. 
Then you tried another one on. It was very beautiful but too long and tripped you over a couple of times. 
''It's my style but too long. I would need them to shorten it.'' You looked down and realized that not even your legs were visible through the material.
Levi was still watching and still saying nothing. You're beginning to wonder if this is boring for him.
Then your interest was piqued by three others. Unlike the first ones, you actually had luck this time. The dresses were the perfect size, shape and color. In fact, they resembled the ones you used to read about in your books. It was a fantasy brought to your reality. 
But you couldn't have Levi know that or else you'd have to tell him how this entire time you didn't have the money for any of this. You know he wouldn't mock you but the guilt would eat at your heart.
''It's…something. These are getting progressively worse, don't you think?'' You asked for his input, finding his sitting reflection in the mirror. Once more his mouth didn't open to speak but his focus went up and down on you. Was he eye fucking you or judging your horrible taste? 
After a few minutes of doubtful thoughts and inner regret, you shrugged your shoulders.
''Well it's fine. I'm glad that we came here at least. Maybe next time I will buy myself something.'' You explained, sighing deeply. What nobody knew was that if you could, you'd collect every single piece of clothing in this building. That dream owned your soul. 
You put on your casual clothes and walked out the fitting room to Levi who stepped closer to you and brushed the hair out of your face. For a moment you got the idea that he was telling you something telepathically but you didn't know what.
''You are beautiful.'' He leaned in to tell you, his voice raspy yet smooth. 
The two of you left, saying goodbye to the workers inside. Your gut shrunk a bit. You didn't know what to feel about what just happened.
And so, the arrows of the clock kept looping and two days passed by. You heard a knock on your door.
You opened it to see Petra and Oluo– two very loyal members of Levi's squad. He had told you many times about them but you rarely saw them.
''Is everything okay?'' You rush to ask, already overthinking what could be happening.
''Oh yeah.'' Petra grinned warmly and lifted a strange, enormous bag in her hands. ''The Captain told us to bring this to you. Enjoy.''
The two nodded respectfully, deserting you there with your own thoughts and a lot of confusion. Why exactly would Levi send you something? The two of you lived together so wouldn't it make sense that he directly handed it to you?
You brushed off all questions and checked the contents of the delivery. Your eyes turned big and round when you saw the three exact dresses you fell in love with the other day. But how? You gave it your best to hide what you felt and even acted repulsed but somehow Levi saw through your disguise. Now it makes sense why he was looking so attentively at you. He was studying your face bit by bit as if it were some kind of science. He knew just what you had on your mind.
All of them were crazy expensive which made you freak out a bit. The Captain went out of his way to purchase them without even looking at the price tag? The idea that he went back for that made your heart melt. It also angered you a bit that this entire time he kept quiet and acted natural while you put up an act.
What a foxy man.
A small note fell off the bag onto the ground and you picked it up to see what was written on it.
Come to my office when you can. Bring the dresses.
Excited to hear from him, you did just that. You flew out of the house wildly and mounted your horse, heading for the location.
When you arrived, you opened the door to find Hange and Erwin inside, having a conversation with Levi.
Levi looked at you instantly and a spark began dancing in the coldness of his blue eyes. 
''Hange, Erwin, see yourself out,'' he commanded in a reserved tone. Erwin gave him a nod and greeted you idly before exiting. Hange did too, but not before leaning in to whisper in your ear.
''Don't know what you've done to him but he's not himself today.''
You gave them a baffled look. 
''Is that good?''
Hange just grinned, not elaborating any further. They stepped out and shut the door which left just you and Levi in the room. The air turned thick and hard to breathe for a moment.
''Levi, you spent all these money on–''
''Try them on.'' He cut you off, standing up from his seat and approaching you. ''Put them on again. This time be genuine with what you think.''
You sucked in your lower lip and try to formulate a sentence. ''It's too much. It's just too much. I can't possibly pay you back.''
He reached out and pulled you in his arms, his intonation full of sheer affection and pure devotion. ''That's not for you to worry. I want you to try them on and tell me if they need any adjustments.''
You put both hands on his shoulders, ''Are you sure?''
His face moved closer, his mouth caressing your ear. ''Why would I say it if I don't mean it?'' He chuckled. And before you could do what he requested you to, he took your hand and stole your attention momentarily to speak what was on his mind this entire time: ''You make me the richest man in the world, you know that?''
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writing-whump · 4 months
Woww thank you for the accident fic I was one of the fans who asked for it 😄 maybe it was not fun for you as much as other but I really enjoyed it (guess I'm a huge fan of those kind unexpected drama and sacrifice lol) Tbh, I don't want to bore you, or mess your schedule and attention but I can't help myself! Well, ok, I admit I'm a drama-addict and love to read other's reactions to it. Sorry for insisting!!
So it's just a tiny request, it really doesn't have to a fic-long as usual (if you want to write that way of course it's way better for me lol) I'm just curious about how would Isiah feel and think when he found out about the accident. I understand that this kind of trauma can be healed easily for wolves and not a concern, and Hex&Arnie got through it well, but it could be worse, right? Idk maybe Arnie would feel stressed about it afterwards and worry about Hex even though he's already healed. He might also blame himself for what happened as he was driving? Anyways, would you consider write another part stress sick Arnie and caretaker Isiah?
I mean, this is fitting, since Arnie doesn't get stress sick, but he gets stress migraines. And we didn't have him with Isaiah as caretaker for a while...here you go🥰🤗
Stress migraine
Arnie really wanted to have fun today.
Hector was sleeping third day in a row already, tyring to get his shadow back up after all the healing. Nobody really knew, since Hector wouldn't want the pack to know and refused to call anyone.
Arnie understood. It was usually just the two of them, when something bad happened to either. Hector never let himself or Arnie find out if they had other people they could trust.
But now they had someone like that back. Someone they could call.
Other thing was that there wasn't really much to tell. Hector was fine, the car was getting fixed, Arnie wasn't hurt very much. What was he supposed to make a scene for, when there was no proof something even happened?
He caught himself looking for the little wound in his hair in the mirror just to make sure he didn't dream the whole accident up.
They had a scheduled meeting with Isaiah on Saturday though and Arnie figured it was a good opportunity as any to get out and distract himself.
He wanted to stop waking up to the fear he was back at the car or keep checking Hector every 30 minutes like he would start coughing blood out of his sleep all of sudden.
No, this was good.
Isaiah took him on a tour around Vienna. He said it was a scandal Arnie didn't get to see the center yet and that he didn't know all the sights by memory now.
Isaiah definitely did. They took Tram D around the main ring of the first district. Many important things were all after each other, parliament, city hall, the two giant museums of natural history and art history right across each other, the giant theater, the Butterfly House...
Isaiah refused to take a car, when everything was so well-connected and they spend the day on foot, from one park to another, one big street to another.
Isaiah seemed to have a thought out plan of switching between greenery and impressive buildings, talking all about the style of architecture, how many times they were rebuild, who famous lived there.
Arnie was so overwhelmed with all the information he stopped putting it together halfway through. He took comfort from just Isaiah's relaxed mood, his zealous voice and ardent expression.
Everything was all good with the world again. One could believe it, listening to him.
Somewhere around midday they went to get lunch near the Schonenbrun castle and gardens, Isaiah treating him to schnitzel and cake for good measure. He never let Arnie pay for anything when they were together.
"I have the same inheritance as you do," Arnie objectdd as he took a sip from his cold brew coffee.
Isaiah smiled. "Yeah, but we will start this talk once you make your own. Rich or not, there is nothing like getting a paycheck for the first time. Your effort, you decision."
"So you want to pay for everything with what you earn?"
"The assistance job I got at the uni pays well. I also helped out with a city planning project last year that had very good funding."
Arnie leaned back in the chair. "That's cool. What about your whole wolf helping activities? Hector says you get called to things all around the city. Do you get any pay from that?"
Isaiah took a spoonful of his chocolate lava cake. "No, I don't do that for money. I like helping out."
"You shouldn't be doing that for free though, when it takes so much of your time. Or is it the contacts and favours you gather that way?"
"Isn't it worthwhile and helpful when you can give people things without having them pay for it?"
"Yeah sure, but that's sustainable if you actually use all the money you were born with. If you were born with it." He was getting the impression Isaaih didn't like relying on anything that came from their father. "Besides, don't people take skills and advice more seriously if they have to pay for it? If you give it for free, they might not take any interest at all. It's a way to show them something is valuable."
"What exactly would I call it? Hello, I have experience that your shadow is entirely manageable with the right kind of training, but your pack doesn't seem to know, so come and listen to me?" Isaiah shook his head. Way to insult the pack and trivialise the wolf's problems.
"You have expert training from leading packs of the West. If you wanted to make that systematically accessible through courses or stuff, I think people would find it easer to find you. You could even prevent most of the problems the packs and human authorities call you to."
Isaiah chuckled. "You aren't the first one to suggest something like that. Matthew said something similar. Even Seline said I could make it a job. I don't know. I like working in the academic environment as well."
"It's not like you would have to choose between one or the other. Plus academic jobs are pretty instable I hear."
"You didn't even start uni yet and you are hearing about uni conditions?"
Arnie shrugged. "Lots of protests about the Mittelbau and the time constrained chain contracts around lately." Apprently 80% of the academic workforce that didn't have safe professor status worked under conditioned contracts, always afraid if they were going to be prolonged or not and if they wouldn't have to move to another town just to get a job they specilized in.
"It's impressive you can understand it. You still thinking about law school?"
"Yep." Hector was very careful about not mentioning it too much so Arnie wouldn't feel pressured, but he knew Hector would find it useful. Even wolves had to respect the law.
And Arnie would love to feel a bit more powerful around them.
"You are still studying it too?"
"Additional classes and courses, yeah. It's not my main subject, but it's useful in practice."
Arnie hummed, satisfied with the prognosis of that. He wanted to know useful important stuff.
They talked some more about law and different teaching styles of different faculties.
Everything was going well, except the sun was becoming a bit too much and Arnie's temples were starting to pulse.
Why now? He finally relaxed, finally forgot about what happened at home...
His stomach flipped at the reminder. He was pleasantly full just a minute ago, but now it felt like too much.
They paid and strolled around the gardens, when Arnie said: "Let's sit in the shade for a bit?"
Isaiah gave him a puzzled look that they barely got up and Arnie wanted to sit down already, but complied.
For such a historical sight, there were lots of people chilling on the benches in the shadows. Lots of trees planted for that purpose aside all the magnificently styled flowers everywhere.
"It's really hot today," Arnie said, tugging at the collar of his buttonup. Short sleveed, but still.
"There is a good ice cream stand nearby. I'll get you some." Isaiah patted him on the back as he left.
Arnie slumped back on the bench, relieved to be out of sight for a bit. He didn't want to ruin the tour that Isaiah planned out so carefully, but his head was positively pounding.
He didn't get a headache after the accident. That was weird in hindsight. Usually, when something stressful like that happened, he would absolutely get one.
He must have been too worried for Hector to let himself relax enough for it to set in. Veins must have finally opened from their tense contraction, and that's what made it painful.
Cold sweat was gathering at the back of his neck. His right temple felt like someone was putting a drill to it, while the other was held in a crushing grip.
The sunlight was so blinding, even though he was in a nice shade. He felt goosebumps on his arms, as his lovely lunch churned inside him.
Arnie leaned forward, planting his elbows on his knees as he swallowed heavily against the saliva pooling in his mouth.
His stomach let out an angry whine, cramping up. Arnie hid his face in his hands, taking quick shallow breaths. Not now, not now, not now.
He groaned as his lunch roiled inside him, sniffling. There weren't many people around him in particular but this was still a public space. Beautiful gardens under a tree with a view of the castle, no less.
A burp snuck its way past his lips. His upper lip was covered in sweat now too. He could taste the salt as he licked his lips.
Arnie knew from experience it would only make him more miserable to fight it. The pain in his temples pulsed in synch with his heartbeat.
When he looked up from his hands, the sunlight pierced his eyes even stronger. The pain in his left temple spiked and Arnie heaved, pulling his feet more apart.
He swallowed the first retch down, but the second almost made him choke. Letting his head hang between his knees, he burped, the third wave bringing up the cake and the cold coffee onto the ground.
His brain was buzzing in his skull, so he kept his eyes closed, completely giving in to the sensations. Another wave of puke landed between his feet. Arnie only hoped his shoes wouldn't get dirty.
"Aww kiddo. What happened to you?" He felt Isaiah's cold hand against his nape. Isaiah discarded the two scones of ice cream on the ground at the sight, sitting down gently next to him.
That's when another wave of yellow brown puke found its way up, tasting of the potato salad and meat. Arnie groaned, back arching as he vomited up the longest stream yet.
Isaiah held his shoulder to steady him, rubbing up and down with his thumb. "What happened? Did you feel sick suddenly? Or before? Is it the sun?"
Arnie burped emptily, spitting at the pool between his feat. The smell was making him nauseous still.
"I thought we took enough breaks in the shade. Maybe I miscalculated. You are sweating all over."
Arnie sniffled, his nose running. He kept his eyes closed still, the pounding in his head worse whenever the tried to open his eyes. He tilted towards Isaiah's voice blindly.
Isaiah obediently filled in the spot, letting Arnie lean against his shoulder. "Shhhhh. All good now. We will cool you down and you will feel better in no time."
Arnie sniffled again, curling into Isaiah's clean cologne, probably leaving a trail of snot behind. "Head hurtsss."
"I know, buddy, I know."
"...wanna go home."
Isaiah nodded over his head. "I'll call a taxi. We can go to my place too..."
Arnie shook his head. "Home." He wanted his own bed, his curtains, his medicine, though it would probably take a bit for his stomach to settle enough for it.
Isaiah was quite as they waited, only wrapping his arm around Arnie and helping him up when the taxi came. It was more or less a blurr for Arnie, who was glad Isaiah took over so eagerly, masterfully, despite not even knowing what was wrong.
As they sat in the back of the car, Arnie buried his face in Isaiah's chest, trying to muffle the sounds and light as much as possible.
"You will be okay. Just breathe."
"I'm sorry I ruined the trip."
"You didn't, you didn't. Should have chosen a later hour. With this heat-"
"Not the heat," Arnie sighed. "Migraine."
Isaiah tensed underneath him. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Miragine. It's fine. Not...not your fault."
"Since when do you get migraines?" Isaiah said in a strangled voice.
"Since I was 12? Or 13? Something like that." He moaned quietly as the car took a turn and jostled him.
Isaiah tighed his grip around his torso. They sat in silence for a while before he spoke again. "How often do you get them?"
"Not regularly anymore. Something...usually something triggers it."
Isaiah's hand went up his arm, gently sneaking into his sweaty hair. When Arnie leaned into the touch, Isaiah started rubbing at his temples gently.
"What triggered it this time?" Isaiah asked softly.
The car jostled them again, making them both jump up and down on their seats. Arnie tensed up, then buried his face against Isaiah's neck with a moan.
Isaiah held him as tight as he could without making it painful. Arnie fought against the growing pressure behind his eyes, lips pressed together.
Isaiah's voice was so soft and concerned in his ear it got the tears spilling down Arnie's cheeks. "I-it's nothing. Nothing really happened. We-we just-" He sobbed quietly.
"We-we were in a car accident with Hex. Three days ago." He felt the coldness wash over them as the car came into the underground parking place of their apartment complex. Arnie blinked, leaning back, blinking his eyes open in relief at the darkness.
He looked at Isaiah with teary eyes. "I-I was driving and it wasn't my- but Hex, he- protected me and got super hurt and, and he is fine now..."
Isaiah watched him carefully, green eyes of the same shade meeting his. They seemed to have a glow in the dark from how intensity he focused on Arnie.
"But I was really scared, you know? And it's stupid to be upset about it, cause nothing h-happened-"
"It's not stupid. It was scary and horrible, no matter the outcome. I'm sorry."
"B-but I shouldn't be upset, right? Cause we are fine, we are both fine-" His breath hitched with another sob as another tear ran down his cheek. Some part of his brain wondered how the taxi driver didn't say a thing, waiting for Arnie to cry his eyes out on his backseat.
Isaiah brushed some sweaty blond hair away from Arnie's forehead. "And that's important that you are both healthy and okay. But it makes perfect sense you are upset too. You are allowed to get scared and worried."
Arnie's face twisted with another sob as Isaiah petted his hair gently, carefully watching him for any signs it was making the headache worse. But the pressure was really going down as Arnie let the emotion go, through words and tears.
"We didn't have to go out today if you were upset," Isaiah said.
"I wanted to see you though. And we had it scheduled..." so it was the best opportunity.
"If you called me, I would have come. We don't have to just meet when it's 'scheduled' or when you need help with something serious, you know?" Isaiah was still combing Arnie's hair away, when he started to look through his pockets with their other hand, manifesting a paper towel out of nowhere. "Here."
Arnie wiped his face and carefully blew his nose.
"I want to know when something happens in your lives. Good or bad, big or small," Isaiah said, no trace of reproach in his voice, though he sounded firm. "I want to be in the picture."
Arnie felt better hearing it somehow. It was like a permission to call him, even when the trouble wasn't real. Even if it was just Arnie wanting to talk.
The younger boy took a shaky breath, offering Isaiah a shy smile.
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starclast · 10 months
Entering gravity falls 📌
Soooo...I've talked about before on how did I first encounter certain games/series or entered certain fandoms and such but...honestly? Out of everyone...how I came to actually enter to gravity falls fandom is (for now) certainly the *weirdest* of them all 😅
To be honest with you, I wasn't interested at all in gravity falls when it was first airing. I was in my, what could be called, *you cant watch cartoon shows, that's childish* face...😑 Back then I kind of knew about gravity falls and had seen some little bits here and there but not really knew anything about it. And the fact that I thought the art-style was *childish* too didn't help me at all to get interested in it. Years passed and my knowledge about it grew...a tiny bit (if knowing that Bill Cipher would bring the apocalypse seems like a tiny bit to you 😶), buuut I was still pretty uninterested so any spoiler that crossed my way just didn't hit hard me at all 😑
More years passed and then I stumbled my way into itchio, where I started to look for games I could play. Then I saw it for the very first time, the fangame: Swooning over Stans ✨✨✨ And then I was like *...What??? Why does these two look so simi-? Oh wait, they are twins. huh...Wait a minute, this one looks familiar to me*. I read that it was inspired by gravity falls and though it didn't click me at first, at the end, I remember that indeed there was a series called gravity falls and so I...kept scrolling 😶 Yep, I still wasn't interested in it or anything related to it aaaand it stayed like that...until last year.
One afternoon I was bored, like BORED to death and nothing, nothing remotely interesting seem to be in my way 😑 Sooo since I didn't anything better to mind, I said to myself: *why not try out that gravity falls fangame? At least it will be good to pass the time* And so, I did.
At first I was jus planning to try out one route, Fords route, to be more specific, because he was the one who got my attention out of the two, and then...it caught me 😆 It wasn't like I fell or find it interesting instantly, but the art-style, humor and characters started to appeal to me more and more as I kept playing (and even though I was spoiled already for some of the stuff that there were mentioned, my mind didn't relate them or kind of forgot about it all together so... My first playthrough wasn't perfect at all, but overall I had an incredibly more enjoyable experience than what I first expected, so I decided to keep playing! 🤗
I tried out Stan's route then, and though I didn't got a perfect, I still had a lot of fun!! Soooo...I kept tryin until I made it 😅
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I only made two OCs while playin. First was Misha for Fords route, and then Ann for Stan's route. Their designs came to me surprisingly easily, actually, and though they are pretty simple, I quite like how they look! 😄
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After the game, I obviously wanted to draw some fanarts and such...but I struggled a lot because it quite differed from my usual style of drawing (specially the head shape, eyes and nose 😅) But well, as you can see, I managed to do it!!! 🤗🤗🤗
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In the end, I liked the game so much so that I couldn't stop myself from wanting to see the series it was based on and till this very day...I don't regret that decision 🤩🤩🤩 So yeah, thank you very much to everyone who worked on this project and gave me an opportunity to finally get into gravity falls!!! ...Though it was in a kind of weird way, haha 😅
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tiramissyoucake · 1 year
Hi, I really love you're writings, it's so good!! Can I request a fem chubby reader with Shidou? Like the reader is being insecure about herself and Shidou fucking her in front of the mirror and telling her that he loves every inch of her body. Thank you so much btw! ❤️
hi omg tysm!! I kinda went crazy on this but i hope i did well dskjjjfbsjh :’)) shidou is so yummy idk how to explain it, I had to look up gross pickup lines for this lmao
Mirror, Mirror
Ryusei Shidou x reader, reader is female and chubby, all characters are 18+, Shidou and reader are in established relationship, Shidou being whipped for reader, approx 2.2k words
CW: NSFW, Shidou being gross, dirty talk, lots of groping, mirror sex, nutting inside, Shidou calls reader lame but cute pet names (pookie, sugar, sweetheart, baby) little proof reading
notes: this is the first request ive gotten and i kinda took a while on it kdshfkj kinda mad at myself cuz i had the chance to post it on his birthday but nOOO ugh either way enjoy !!
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Shidou couldn’t care less about beauty standards, he thought the general image of beauty the people around him established was boring, he indulges in Gyaruo fashion, knowing his style wasn’t common he didn’t care about people’s staring; he knew he looked good either way (plus he has zero hesitation to fight so he welcomes any comment, the repercussions are not his fault though <3)
Whenever Shidou is around you, he has to blurt out an overly sexual or praising comment about your appearance.
The comments have a wide range, a simple “Lookin’ good, Sugar!” or a cheesy “Call me a pirate ‘cause just found some booty!”, and the worst of them, the explicit ones he whispers to you whenever your shared friends are around like “the condom In my pocket expires tomorrow, be a doll and help me use it?”
even if his words were crude it was nice to know someone found your body appealing and you never took it to heart given he was this sexual with his words with everyone. Shidou notices how much you prefer to wear clothes that hid your figure and it invokes some kind of internal struggle in him. on one hand, it made him want to rip those rags off you and dress you in something more scandalous. On the other, he told himself that you were hiding that pretty body because you don’t want anyone other than him to look at you
Shidou’s confidence boosts helped you see yourself in a better light but you still insisted on bigger sweaters and hoodies, it infuriated him, even after establishing a relationship with him your wardrobe didn’t change. That didn’t stop him from being handsy with you, always having a hand on you anywhere you two went.
If you were sharing a meal in a restaurant he had his hand on your thigh lightly stroking, if you were with friends he always had an arm around your waist as he chatted away about god knows what. His favorite by far is when you wear jeans, he could easily rest his hand in your butt pocket and watch you grow flustered, it was adorable how you acted so shy even though his hands were already pretty familiar with your body.
You had been staying in recently because of some doubtful thoughts that even Shidou’s comments couldn’t chase away, you spent your day trying to be productive by cleaning around your place then getting some work done on your computer before your loud boyfriend barged in with a package of cupcakes from the bakery you enjoyed.
You didn’t know which was worse, the fact that you wanted to stay away from the sweet delicacies or that your boyfriend caught you in your stay-at-home clothes consisting of shorts and a tank top.
Even as you tried shutting the door and telling him you’re busy, he insisted on coming in, although he kept saying he came by because he was worried- his excited expression said it all that this was the first time you wore something that showed so much skin around him.
Shidou stood in your living room and listened to you explain your recent absence as he was examining your physique, he was listening but his mind was going elsewhere as he drank in more and more of his view of you pacing around your living room busying your hands so your mind won’t be occupied by the worry of what is he thinking while looking at you so intently.
He was snapped out of his thoughts as silence filled the room, oh shit- it was his turn to talk.
“… aw I’m sorry baby, I wish I knew! Come here!” He pulled you into a hug, it took you a moment to get over the closeness in such a bare outfit before returning the gesture, he cooed words of encouragement to you.
“Everybody gets those thoughts Pookie!, even your dashingly handsome boyfriend gets those thoughts, but remember…” he slid his hands down below your waist, both his hands settling on your ass and squeezing at the clothed flesh immediately you gasped and let out a surprised noise startled at the sudden action.
“No matter what your worried head tells you, you’ll always be the sexiest bitch around~” he ended the sentence with a devilish chuckle as he watched you grow embarrassed from his groping, you set a hand on his forearms in an attempt to get him to slow down as he watched how well his hands cupped your ass cheeks over your shoulder, he could see it spilling in the gaps between his fingers.
“Shidou! Don’t do that!” You got over your initial shock and he pouted at you, sticking out his bottom lip as if he just got scolded. “How can I resist?! showin’ off this pretty ass while you’re alone at home? I should come over all the time!”
He kept one hand on your ass as the other ventured under your tank top, feeling your soft flesh and kneading it as he watched you fumble and stutter “Shidou..! Not there- hey! Watch it..!” He had a smile on that practically tore through his cheeks.
“Why don’t we take this to your room, hmm? I know a great body positivity exercise~”
How did Shidou always manage to coax you into saying yes? You had no idea, you had no idea how you agreed to let him lay you down on your stomach as he hurriedly tugged your shorts off you, burying his face into your neck as he kissed and licked whispering sweet words to you. He spent his time groping and feeling you under your clothes as you tried your best to return his affections, but he didn’t mind, if it was up to Shidou he would gladly shower you with love, praise, and something else that would be too vulgar to add.
“You’re so pretty like this, baby~” he muttered to you as he removed your shorts fully, sitting up so you could feel his growing erection against your ass, he noticed just how well you two were positioned where your full-length mirror could reflect the view perfectly to him, a wicked grin plastered his features.
“Can you look up for me, sugar?” at his command, you followed and your eyes connected with the image of you on all fours with your shorts hanging from your excited boyfriend’s hand, he let out a sinister giggle at your expression as embarrassment filled you.
“Shidou- can we move? Please? I look stupid- AH?!” You were cut off as you felt his hand sharply smack your ass after he threw aside your shorts, he rubbed the sore spot and shushed you as you looked at his reflection in disbelief.
“… SHIDOU?!”
“I’m sorry sugar! I can’t let you badmouth my pretty girl like that!”
Removing his hands from you, he shuffled as he freed his hard cock from his tight pants, hissing as it practically bounced out his clothes “I’m gonna fuck you like this, ‘kay? so you’ll know just how fuckin’ gorgeous you are..” He promised referring to how he’ll use you in front of your mirror, His hands gripped the flesh of your hips as he pulled you back to him. Slowly maneuvering his hips in short movements, he felt his dick run up and down your slit, he bit down on his bottom lip as he felt your slick cover his length with each stroke.
You wanted to deny this, you felt awkward as your eyes darted back and forth between your reflection and his, you can’t deny Shidou’s affection when he spent so much prepping you for a good dicking down and your rationality was slipping away with each delicious rub of his cock nestling between your thighs waiting for you to give him permission.
“… okay, fine..! But-“
“Yeah yeah, red for no, yellow for so-so, green for ‘fuck me harder Ryusei’~” He giggled at his wording as his free hand moved down and adjusted his cock to slip in quickly
As you were about to complain about his vulgarity once more, he gripped your hips and pulled your ass to him, as he thrusted his hips to meet you in the middle, biting down his bottom lip and releasing a long groan that layered with your gasp that melted into a moan. His cock squeezed in perfectly like you were a pussy pocket molded perfectly just for him, he watched your expression in the mirror as he made sure he was balls deep inside you, relishing in how your pussy hugged his cock so perfectly practically brainwashing him.
As Shidou slowly moved his hips at first to get used to the warmth (as much as you felt incredible, he didn’t wanna act like some virgin and bust so early), he noticed how you lowered your head and that set him off; his hand reached out and grabbed a fistful of your hair and lifted you so you’d sit on your knees with your back arched, a startled noise escaped your lips.
“That won’t do baby! Come on, look! Take a good look!” He urged you between pants as he gradually sped up, hips slapping against yours as your wetness grew, your struggled to get a good look through your boyfriend’s fucking, your reflection showed your figure but this time you couldn’t turn away, Shidou had a way of fucking you so thoroughly- of slutting you out so beautifully, it was shameful to say but it was the only way to describe it.
“Ahh- ah! Shidou- I can’t- its too embarrassing!” You finally managed to speak out through the pleasure, Shidou gave you a particularly hard thrust at your words forcing a surprised moan out of you “first, Call me by my first name.. second, I told you to look”
He slowed down his thrusts as his hand guided your head by your chin to the mirror, giving you a clear view of yourself, his hand had pulled your shirt up to reveal your chest to him, one hand holding your hip as the other squeezed and groped at your breast.
“See?” Shidou started as he made eye contact with you in the mirror “You’re such a pretty goddess~” he practically purred as he admired how your body bounced and jiggled with every impact of his hips, not faltering as he pistoned his cock into you making sure you had a good view of it all; one hand squeezed at your chest enjoying how your breast spilled between his fingers, the other gripping at your love handles as leverage to smack your hips down to his making sure his cock was reaching all the right places, a perfect view of your loving boyfriend making sure every curve, dip and crevice of your body is appreciated.
“Fuck- mmmh! So good baby, you look so good on my dick like this..” He whispered sweetly to you, your thighs trembled as his praise went straight to your core “I’m so fuckin’ lucky, you’re a beauty..” his words weren’t empty compliments, he studied your body so closely as he fucked his cock deep into you with nothing but love and adoration in his eyes. Ryusei Shidou genuinely and wholeheartedly thinks you're the most gorgeous woman to ever exist.
“you like it when I make you bounce on my dick? Yeah? You’re so fuckin’ cute, I love you~” he cooed at you turning your head to give you a sloppy kiss, tongue slipping into your mouth with ease as he swallowed your moans, separating in between kisses inducing a wet noise everytime you did.
“Ryusei..! Ah- ahn- Ryuseiii! I-I’m close..! shit, I’m so close..!” You spoke through your blabbers and moans, Shidou’s cock practically throbbed in excitement as you called him by his first name.
Shortly after you came, body shaking as soreness settled into your knees, Shidou allowed you to lower your head as a mercy since the sensitivity was getting to you, the way your pussy sucked him in, especially after tightening from your orgasm he couldn’t hold himself back.
“G’nna cum, ‘m gonna cum sweetheart, you’re gonna be good for me and take it all right? Yeah, take it, take it..!” he urged you as he neared his end, his thrusts shortening and picking up speed as he finally filled you, he stilled and made sure to shove his entire length deep inside as his cum practically overflowed and dripped out of you, down his cock and dripping on your bed sheets.
You were exhausted and fucked out, you wanted to move into a more comfortable position but Shidou practically flopped onto you, refusing to pull out just yet.
“Ryusei- get off..” You tried sitting up and he only groaned, throwing more of his weight on you as he maneuvered your body under him to lay more comfortably.
“naaah~ stay with me here a little bit! Afterglow helps lots with body positivity y’know?” you were confident most of his information about ‘body positivity’ was wrong.. but it was the thought that counts you suppose.
“(Name)? you know I meant all that stuff, right?” he asked while fixing your hair away from your face, you know he's serious as he called out to you curiously, among all the filth he speaks shamelessly he was still earnest in his affections.
“… I do, thank you Ryusei” Hearing you say his name so sweetly made his heart throb in his chest as he cuddled you, kissing the back of your neck he uttered “I love you, gorgeous~”
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justthisgirlsworld · 2 months
Usually I’m the one giving out advice on here, but I think it’s my time to ask you guys now.
Ever since breaking up with my ex, my life has gone downhill.
Now, don’t get me wrong, getting back with him would NOT solve my problems. He moved on insanely fast. Ridiculed me. Threatened me. Sexually assaulted me. Was possessive and controlling and overall made me lose myself and reduced me to nothing but a stay at home, housewife in our future plans (which is a lovely life, but, it’s not me at all).
But, I’ve since lost a lot of friends? At first, everyone was on my side, backing me up, but slowly, they got bored of it and just started talking to him again. Even friends of mine who weren’t overly keen of him when we were dating are now wanting to, or even going ahead and talking to him, exclaiming that I can’t choose who people can talk to and that there are “two sides to every story.”
They are right, I’m aware of that. But, I would love some loyalty!!
I wasn’t perfect in the relationship, I know that too. I could be stressy, and at times, over emotional. Taking out my stress from the day on him. But, for the majority of the time, I kept up this act of perfection. I was nurturing, and maternal, and loving and his perfect, pretty trophy for him to show off. I stopped listening to music I liked, because he didn’t like it, stopped wearing clothes I liked, because he didn’t like them, cut off certain friends, because he didn’t like them - and put up with his friends constantly ridiculing me, just for him to never defend me.
I feel incredibly lonely. I’ve tried so hard to put myself out there, to make new friends after having my life revolve around him for the past two and a half years - but everyone else has pre-established connections and so they don’t care much for me. Plus, I can be quiet and awkward around new people.
It frustrates me to see him so easily get into a new relationship, and be surrounded by close (but not particularly nice) friends, even having my own friends go and speak to him now. I don’t know what to do.
My only gratification in this scenario is that, since splitting up, I am much more free and comfortable within myself than I was with him. I can wear what I like. Speak to who I please. Have opinions of my own and not have to worry about him freaking out because I said or did the “wrong” thing. I don’t constantly have his hands on me, and I’m not forced into doing sexual favours for a man that I felt constantly sick and headachy around. I no longer have greasy hair, nor break out because I am not around him anymore. Not only that, but, I look so much more beautiful. I am glowing (if I do say so myself). For a while, I slipped back into old eating disorder habits, and so, lost a lot of weight. I was already borderline underweight, so this wasn’t good. But I’m back on track now, with less weight in my face, beautifully dyed hair, makeup skills on point, a defined style and my old confidence back.
I just wish that the social aspect of my life was improved? I know I can’t just manifest a friendship, or, relationship and hope it to somehow fall into my lap. I just think, if I had a best friend, or, a guy/girl showed interest in me - maybe things would be a bit easier? What do you guys think? And do you have any tips for me?
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revyn-moonfox · 5 months
Commenting on the the magnus archives episodes, part 3 (I think) - spoilers ahead
MAG 16 Arachnophobia: I was fully prepared for that episode to destroy me, I can't stand spiders, but now I feel like it could have been worse, at least it was only one spider at a time, my nightmares are filled with a bunch of spiders... which I guess he got at the end, but that wasn't described in great detail, so I was okay. Apropos the end: I was a bit confused because I read this episode was the most obviously paranormal one, and honestly, thinking the spiders from your youth are haunting you isn't so much paranormal, I thought episode 15 with her beeing found with candles she didn't pack was worse, but then I got to the end, and him beeing found incased in Web... uah. And come on John, you wanna try to reason that they came from one week of lying there?! Ugh
MAG 17, the Bone Turner's Tale: immediately after the first few sentences I was like: oh no, this is a Leitner one, isn't it? And sure enough it was... I don't even know what else to say to this except type out the Leitner Rant, but that is a lot of text, and this post will already be very long. At least John is a bit more inclined to believe the tale when there is Leitner involved.
MAG 18 The Man upstairs: I needed a bit more time for that episode because I have a very active imagination and got nauseous towards the end...
MAG 19 Confession | & MAG 20 Desecrated Host || : love the connection to the hilltop Road episode. Also, did somebody say religious trauma? Because these episodes screamed in answer. The beginning of 19 was... worrying to say the least - "We will get to the cannibalism of course" ehm, hold on, what? On another note, these episodes made me suspect that John's predecessor realy had a sorting system because that was at least the third episode in a row with the flesh entitie! While I honestly was just waiting for the first appearance of the Vast...
MAG 21 Freefall: finally, the Vast, I don't know what exactly sparked my obsession with it, but I like this entitie (as much as you can like a fear personified) since I first saw a art-tiktok about it weeks ago. Nothing much to say to this episode tho, except that John got sceptic again, he had such a good run of taking things seriously before.
Ending the Episode with the quote "By God Martin, what are these things?!" Was a choice...
MAG 22 Colony: Did I ever mention before that I love Martin? Well, I do, and now that he actually speaks for himself once, I feel even more justified in saying that.
Two options here "poor Martin, just wanted to show a picture to his (future) boyfriend" or "King wanted to stick it to his asshole Boss" I'm in the party of both. Both is good.
Also, after this episode the following post I found on Pinterest suddenly makes a lot more sense
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I also asked myself how much the entities blurr together, because, while this was mainly corruption, there was also darkness because the lights didn't work in Martins flat, right?
I was so happy when John showed that he cared for Martin, in telling him to life in the institute for now :)
The creepy text messages at the end sparked a conversation between me and @regulus-needs-swimminglessons and I wanted to share one of his comments to that:
These text are so funny because there are basically 2 options
1 (the boring one) Jon and Martin don't text a lot so Jon doesn't actually know what Martin's texting style is like so Jane was able to impersonate him easily
2 (the better option) Jane was looking through the past texts giggling and kicking her feet while reading funny passages out loud for her worm friends so she could copy his texting style but she had to hold back to not end every message with "❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😍😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘🪱🪱🪱🪱🪱😘😘🥰🥰❤️"
MAG 24 Schwarzwald: at first I was convinced that the headline was read by someone else than John, because it sounded weird to me. Then I got reminded that German words, like Schwarzwald, just get pronounced weirdly by englishspeakers, which is totally normal, so back to the story. An old letter to Jonah Magnus, did Elias read these 👀. The comment that there was no account of a Johann von Württemberg confused me, because Johann is/was a fairly common german name, especially in the higher up families. And there was in fact a Johann Friedrich von Württemberg who lived from 1582 to 1628, but that's not the one reported here, I would guess. He ruled as the 7th Duke at that time. Anyway, the Grave gave me slight Lukas-Family vibes, even tho I know that not the case, the involved entitie here is the Eye not the Lonely (even tho it kind of screams the lonely to me too, I mean, it's the Schwarzwald, and he described it as silent on lonely, but oh well)
Martin, scaring John by walking though the archive without pants. 🤣
Sir that is his living room and he can wear whatever he wants 😌 Martin can do whatever he wants, wherever he wants, just because he's awesome, and I love him.
MAG 24 Strange Music: I don't like dolls, I don't like clowns, and that's all I'm gonna say to that... But there is finally an appearance from sasha, which is awesome ^^ And again, something incredible: John is inclined to believe a Statement woob woob
MAG 25 Growing Dark: I mentioned religious trauma before, and I will mention it again, because this is exactly that. A bit frustrating to go back to "mh, we don't believe this because the author isn't even believing himself"
MAG 16 Distortion: Michael! My Dude! Be a dear and miracle me a towel, would you? Oh whops, wrong fandom, wrong quote... anyway, hello Michael, and hello Sasha. Its a bit sad to hear every archival assistant tell in their statement that they feared to come forward because John would judge them... But Sasha is hurt, and the "most level headed" so of course he believes her. Also, she's a little heroine, because she went to that place only to save John (and Martin, and the Archive, but oh well) first time that not beeing able/wanting to quit got mentioned, intrigued for the future.
MAG 27 A sturdy Lock: Everything involving the spiral always confuses me. I feel sorry for the old man, and am very interested what the statement from his Son is gonna be. But what do you meant the door had no knob or keyhole at the end?!
That's all for now, I'm currently listening to MAG 28 Skintight, but that will be in my next post I assume. So good bye, I hope you had fun with my incoherent rambling. (And again: please excuse my grammar, English is not my first language)
Okay byyyyeeee
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 2 months
Another Sonic twitter thread thing I saw but it's random questions this time
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There's nothing I love more than talking about Sonic the Hedgehog after all.
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I got into Sonic because when I was too young to even remember anything in any detail my family had a Mega Drive with Sonic 1-3, and I mean I played them a lot. I don't think I could tell you my thoughts on it then though because I was like pre-toddler age lol. Probably thought it was the coolest shit ever. As opposed to today where I still think that but like I'm way more autistic about it.
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Quotes and themes are different things and I also don't know if by theme they mean music or like thematic shit so uhhh. Uncertainty of intention means I'll relegate myself to just quote, which is hard - in a series with so many iconic lines how do you pick just one? But I do think "what you see is what you get - just a guy that loves adventure!" as well as "do I need a reason to want to help out a friend?" are both very good lines that portray Sonic himself very very nicely. I'll go with those. Not strictly a final answer and I could probably make a whole post on just this question, but we'll leave it on the two mentioned.
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Out-of-game I think Yuji Uekawa's adventure era artwork is my favourite, I think for in-game art styles I'm between Unleashed, Colours, and Mania.
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I'll keep it simple just make him and Mario have a fucking platformer crossover or even like an RPG or something, anything that's not the Olympics.
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You know my answer was very easily Live and Learn until Sonic Frontiers came out lol. Now it's Find Your Flame quite handily. Shit fucks harder than god.
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A couple different pieces of Sonic media have entertained the idea of Silver attaining some sort of like heightened state of power, like ESP Silver from Runners and I think he's in Speed Simulator too - I'm curious about how far along he goes with that. A much younger Josh who cared marginally more about power scaling was interested in the idea of Silver becoming the strongest character in the series even. I think there was an animation in the Lythero Silver Campaign video (I've been meaning to watch this but that's neither here nor there) showing base Silver fighting Super Sonic. I'm kind of interested in that. How far does base Silver go if he's that aforementioned ESP Silver or whatever. Can he thoroughly whoop the likes of Knuckles or Blaze eventually? Perhaps even Shadow or Sonic? We're going with roughly that.
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Of the 4 listed here I'd certainly say the OVA, it's just by far my favourite. SatAM has some props for its fandom significance but I find it boring, X has some props for being the most game-faithful but it's kind of crap, OVA is just dope. Even extending it to what's come out since I'd still stick with the OVA.
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I used to be able to reliably name a decent amount of Sonic fanartists but unfortunately my mind has consistently blanked on that front recently. Official as a qualification lets me get away with saying Yuji Uekawa though so we'll stick to that. Jack Lawrence's IDW art is also really nice, particularly in Scrapnik Island.
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I don't like blue shoes Tails at all lol. Like I think the argument amongst people that do like it is it makes him and Sonic compliment each other better but Sonic lacks orange on his colour palette so I just don't agree at all. Giving them the shared red is a lot more effective.
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For least favourite I could point to various points in Archie's history as well as Prime pretty confidently, and stretching it the likes of Chronicles and Underground and stuff but I'd need to play more of them. Favourite I've got the very simple storybook games and Unleashed answer, we've seen it all before, although Frontiers has a pretty great Sonic too.
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I don't want to skip any out of principal but also just so particularly don't care for Sonic ships that I've kinda got nothing here. I guess gun to my head I like Sonic and Knuckles' dynamic a lot but I don't need that to go romantic or anything so like, you know?
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I just want multiple playable characters from the get-go and all of them to be as fleshed out as Sonic is, really.
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There's definitely a lot of little things I can say but definitely the main one for me is less busywork tasks around the island. Pressing switches or parrying items or running in a hamster wheel, a lot of that stuff doesn't really play to the strengths of the gameplay, and I'd like them to work to correct and improve upon that I suppose.
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Like the entire Mania and SA2 and 06 and Unleashed soundtracks. We'll go Crisis City specifically.
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I have a lot of opinions on the Sonic series and its representation in Smash and that could also be a post of its own honestly, but just taking the question by itself I want Eggman a ton.
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"Limited to teams" is such a leading-question type approach to this, L. Anyway yeah no variety is good. I understand the desire to stick to the teams we know, and certainly I think it's important to get those core things down before making a game where Sonic, Charmy and Omega are a team - but yk the cast is so expansive that letting them bounce off of the more unique faces is fun.
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They cooked.
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"Mainline" is quite the distinction here - I'd love to see more spinoffs handed to other studios even just to have spinoffs coming out, but I think for mainline I like seeing how Sonic Team evolves and where they're taking the series. I can imagine other studios making good Sonic games certainly, but that mainline clarification leaves me wanting to say nah honestly.
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I have a somewhat decent amount but I mean that doesn't lend itself well to this type of post. I still like my Sonic has some old shack on Christmas Island where he keeps random sentimental junk from his adventures though.
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Unleashed so easily it's not even funny.
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Comics and just external media in general being included actually widens the net a lot because Archie and IDW both have a ton of good stories (haven't sonic the comic'd yet sorry lol) and I adore the OVA too but once again I'd point to your storybook games, Unleashed in particular, as well as Adventure 2. The Sonic 2 into 3&K overarching narrative is also very effective despite how simple it is.
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Not an artist rip. Idk though the muzzle or something feels good to draw and harder to fuck up than the quills or something.
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Honestly I could think about this one for a while too, but I think the one that always comes to mind - and this isn't even so much a cherished memory as just a sort of unforgettable one that I always go back to and think is kind of cool - one day when I was a kid, my brother and I walked to our school that was less than 2 minutes away, at the door were told the school was closed that day because a thunderstorm the previous night had done some fuckery or whatever, and then we went home and had the day off. And the particular thing we did is play Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity for most of the day. We'd owned it for a while at that point but the Riders games are pretty complicated for children even when they're as streamlined as ZG was, so we never really knew how to play it and frequently came dead last against the CPUs. It was this day off school where we really grinded the fuck out of it and just, got good at the game. Won a ton of rings and bought new extreme gear with them and shit, it was just a really memorable day for whatever reason. It's maybe not the most special, but it's what comes to mind when I think of cool Sonic memories I have.
Anyway that's all lol.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
OC Questionnaire
Thanks to @elizaellwrites here, @mysticstarlightduck here, and here, @the-golden-comet here, and here, @urnumber1star here, @duckingwriting here,
@thepeculiarbird here, and @paeliae-occasionally here!
And that's STILL not all the tags! Stopping at eight again because that seems like just enough (yes there are nine tags but one of them repeated questions)
Other Questionnaires:
Round One Masterpost
Round Two: Tyler, Gwen, Liam, Noelle, Akash, Robbie, Sam, Ewan
Round Two: Jazlyn, Carla, Wade, Rose, Maddie, Xitlali, Jedi, Lexi
Round Two: Ash, Kelsey, Atsila, Teo, Carmen, Issa, Raissa, Gabriel
See below for George, Wendy, Hye-Jin, Alex, CJ, Anathi, Niri, and Parker!
#1- George
Where and how did you learn most of your skills?
“Well as a matter of fact, I learned most of my skills in the easement of my own home! I grew up here, and I even took a lot of my schooling here, remotely. As for how, well... I don't mean to brag, but I am self-taught in a lot of areas. Miss Donner was my teacher when I was younger, but uh... Anyway, my chemistry skills came from years of studying my father's books as a young adolescent. Technology came so naturally, I didn't need many lessons for it to stick, and I fiddled around with it so much that I learned it. I got bored super easily even before my superspeed, so I had to do something! I went from project to project, so much abandoned. And I got a degree in technology, but nothing too fancy. Only got something to get a job to support myself and Carla.”
Who has had the greatest impact on you? How?
“That is a hard decision. I don't remember my parents very well, so not them, even if my father's journals helped me. Damian, maybe. Damian was like a second father to me, and he stuck around and supported me more than anyone else did. He's the reason I was able to help Carla.”
Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist? Why?
“I am an optimist! Things can always get better. They did with Carla! And also, despite a lonely five years, we have so many more friends now! I got to see Carmen again, who I barely remembered before. And I met Liam! And now I know what Mario Kart is! Things are awesome now.”
Other George: OC in three, questionnaire one
#2- Wendy
Do you know how to dance? If so what kinds?
“Conceptually, yes. Occasionally I'll find myself reading a book on dancing through the ages. Many kinds. Alii and Ceter dances. Even styles that are a mix of both!”
What's the season you hate the most? What's your favorite season?
“I find all seasons fascinating! But summer is hot, and I can't wear my favorite style of clothing.”
Do you have any unusual fears?
“... I wouldn't call my fear of being buried alive unusual. I've read plenty of history books, and this happened on Ceteri all the time four hundred years ago. It's perfectly reasonable that a terrakinetic could bury me even deeper! A mean one, I mean.”
Other Wendy: questionnaire one
#3- Hye-Jin
How good is your sleep schedule?
“I think it's pretty good! Though it did mess up a bit when Dr. Asghar scheduled early sessions to study my powers. It's okay, I fixed it!”
Do you have any siblings? If so, how good is your relationship?
“Yes! A younger brother named Ye-Jun! We have a good relationship, but there's a few years between us.”
What was the toughest time you had to endure while growing up?
“... My parents were protective, and I love them for that, but sometimes I did find it difficult not knowing how to fit in. But it's okay! They were looking out for me.”
Other Hye-Jin: OC in three, questionnaire one, bingo, origin
#4- Alex
What's your relationship with your family like?
“Oh, it's awesome. It's just me and my mother now! Well, uh, she did kinda get this new boyfriend, and I dunno, it doesn't seem like he likes me. But it's okay! I always have my pia!”
Do you have any hobbies? if so, what ones?
“Yes! I love designing things. Like, interior stuff. I have some models that I work on sometimes, and I work around the house so much. My pia lets me decide what things should look like since she's busy, and I have a more convenient power.”
Do you dream often? what about?
“I remember a lot of my dreams, actually. A lot of them seem to involve me getting lost. Which is so silly since I'm a teleporter!”
Other Alex: questionnaire one
#5- CJ
How much time do you spend on your phone, if you have one?
“Yeah, we have phones in this dimension, too, but they also work in Alium, we just have to change the settings before we go through the portal so it works in the other dimension. I don't spend...too much time on it... though I'll admit I'm checking my school email often and I have to reply to all notifications immediately. I hate them building up."
Do you often lose your stuff?
*laughs for almost a full minute* “Oh, no, no no, I never lose things. I'm serious. One of my hobbies is organizing things and knowing where they are at all times!”
Tv shows or movies?
“Oh, that's a tough one. TV shows are pretty big commitments, but I like the routine of them. I'd say weekly shows are the best.”
Other CJ: questionnaire one
#6- Anathi
Would you ever kill another person?
“What, no! ... I mean, I don't think I would... I could... And I hate that I can!”
What is your biggest dream?
“I want to hold someone without being scared I'll hurt them.”
If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?
“My powers. Superstrength is already awful, but I have a rare condition that makes it nearly impossible to 'turn off,' and it's greater than any recorded, growing at a much faster rate than most. Maybe I'd give myself a lower level of superstrength, but I'd rather just get rid of the power altogether.”
Other Anathi: questionnaire one
#7- Niri
What's a book that you'd recommend?
*getting extremely excited and signing furiously* “Scarne’s Encyclopedia of Card Games!” [pause...] “I understand that sounds weird. I really like card games. Maybe you'd prefer normal books.... I like romance dramas and comedies and dramedies. I started reading Jane Austen. But I sometimes stop by the romance section in book stores and get some modern stuff! Like if you want a tragedy, maybe They Both Die At The End? It became popular during my childhood. My older cousin read it then. I also started While We Were Dating recently. I don't read often, but I like reading.”
What's your favorite type of cuisine?
“Hard decision. I like Cajun food and Mediterranean.”
What's your favorite way to unwind after a hectic day?
“Art. Card games are fun, but I feel like I have to be in the mood for them. I can do art whenever, especially when I'm stressed. I just paint or draw or sculpt something to understand my emotions.”
Other Niri: questionnaire one
#8- Parker
Would you give away secret information if tortured? Be honest.
“Uh, obviously not! I've literally never given away someone else's secret! It's true! *Sigh* WADE BACK ME UP! He's not answering, but believe me, I can keep a secret. And I have a high pain tolerance. So I'll be good.”
Who could you trust the most with a secret?
“Another secret question! HA! What, did you run out of questions? Alright, fine. Anyways, Wade, of course. I'd say Teo is up there, but he's slightly more likely than Wade to forget something is a secret. He's my number two, though.”
You have been caught somewhere you shouldn’t be! Quick, what is your excuse?
“This ALL depends on where I've been caught. If I'm in an unfamiliar building, I always use the classic 'I can't find the bathroom' excuse. Works every time.”
Other Parker: questionnaire one, two truths and a lie
Tagging @winterandwords @loopyhoopywrites @mrbexwrites @sarahlizziewrites @sleepywriter00
Your questions: 1) What was your biggest fear as a kid? Are you still afraid of that? 2) Do you ever go on passionate rants? If so, what was it about? If not, what would it be about if you did? 3) What's the biggest obstacle in your life?
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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kenziefear · 6 months
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I was almost married. Almost. But he left me at the altar. When nobody in the village could find him, I went searching myself. When I found him, he was in the arm's of another man.
There was relief in that for a moment. Argyle hadn't left me at the altar for any fault of mine, I just wasn't the kind of person he wanted to marry. But I immediately knew, it would be scandal. Lord of the manor caught with the strange traveler - a handsome man, with these auburn eyes - only spotted at night. He had charmed Argyle. Maybe for the money, the blackmail? Who knew, but they were wrapped together none the less.
I tried to get a closer look, being nosy and intensely curious, but a branch snapped beneath my feet. They both looked up, spotting me. My face felt flush with embarrassment. Quickly, I turned to rush away, so easily spotted in my white wedding gown. But I was snatched aggressively, thrown to the ground and knocked out cold.
When I awoke, I was covered in blood, soaking my dress like a fresh strawberry stain. It was mine, I knew it, but I wasn't in pain. I felt nothing at all except cold.
I've been alive nearly two centuries since then. Not dead, but not alive, just endlessly living on, never aging, never falling sick.
I watched my mother pass, all my friends and remaining family. Eventually my endless youth began to frighten the townsfolk, so I ran to Argyle's manor to hide with him.
His lover had turned us both into the undead, one vampire, one witch. Two people who had seen the world turn over and over again. Most people don't know this, but a witch can live forever when their blood is mixed with that of the undead. Like a potion of youth, they congeal and create eternal life. Unlike Argyle, I could stand the sun, I could eat human food - I received all the gifts of a vampire with none of the downsides! - save for wanting to die.
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When all those who remembered my face passed away and the witch trials went out of style, I returned to the town. I lived in this beautiful Victorian house with my familiar, pouring everything I had into a normal life. I became a fortune teller for the people of the town, advising them through life, giving them potions to help their everyday ailments. Women would come to me for love potions, men would come for a tarot spread. I began to live a life where I could wave to my neighbors and take a jog with no fear of being burned at the stake.
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Life became routine, but a routine that didn't bore me. When the time came, I knew I'd be able to move on to the next town, start a life away from any lineage I knew. But for now, I could see Argyle's manor on the hill, visit the woods that hadn't changed since I was born, watch the families grow and flourish around me.
Something I had yet to learn in my years of experience is that things can change instantly, the rug can be swept from underneath you, and there's hardly any chance of seeing your own future plow you over.
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abtheb · 2 years
What are some pieces you're particularly proud of?
This is a really great question and I wanted to give it a thoughtful answer so it took a few days.
I'm most proud of the art I made when I first started learning Blender a little over two years ago so I could do gamejams with friends.
Very early on, I remember thinking that I wanted to save and keep all my progress so I could look back on it one day -- so I saved more or less everything I've ever made, in chronological/numbered order, so it's easy to look back fondly and get a snapshot in time of what I was making and how goofy it was.
This is the first thing I made after fumbling with Blender's sculpting tools, and realizing I could make muscly-men-shaped things and also bird-shaped things.
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I would try to keep sculpting things for a while and get super frustrated at my computer not being good enough to handle the files. Eventually this would nearly cause me to quit learning altogether, convinced that my computer was too underpowered -- not that I was working in absurdly high-poly without realizing it.
This attempted gimpsuit Bowser I tried making for a friend, for example:
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75 million triangles!!!
Not really knowing any better, it took me a long time and a lot of trial and error doing gamejams and working with my smarter, more wizardly gamedev friends to start getting an understanding of poly counts and optimization. Eventually, with a lot of practice and models, I would get better at working in low-poly - a style I really like. By comparison, my last model was 33,116 triangles (7mb)
I can tell from looking at my pile of projects that something clicked after our third gamejam. I started having a better understanding of how Blender worked as software, and how 3D modeling worked conceptually. At some point, I started seeing misc art ideas on tumblr etc. and thinking "i think I know how to do that!", and some of the time I actually could (or at least, a bootleg quality version of it)
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But the biggest turning point for me, and the closest I can get to answering the question about projects I am most proud of, were these two models.
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I had started playing Dragon Quest 11 some time before I started learning art, got bored/burned out on it, and unknowingly quit right before the big mid-point events of the game. It wasnt until a year or so later that I picked it up again, and immediately saw it with the noobie "cube eyes" I'd been developing over the last few months.
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I realized that the art style was beautiful yet simplistic enough that I could try and copy it, and was indeed able to make pretty decent versions myself (though unusably unoptimized it has to be said). It was also my first deep dive into Blender shaders, something which would take me another year or so to even scratch the surface of.
That moment not only empowered me a ton as an artist, but it also opened a whole new way for me to play and appreciate games that I had never experienced in my like 25+y of viddy gaming up to that point.
Honorable mention:
I went through a BOTW phase earlier in the summer when I replayed it looking for art to make. My eye crimes are buried deep in my #my art tag, but tldr I made a rito first, then zora, a goron... building up to the big man himself - whom I was afraid to try making because I was afraid I wouldn't do him justice.
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Kass was easily the most complicated model I had ever made until that point - involving handpainting his colors and patterns, a complex rig for animating both the body and the accordion, and just a lot of decor and misc outfit accessories. I cut some corners from the original design, but I was still really happy with both the result, and myself for being able to have achieved it.
Thank you for the ask!!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 2 years
Pokemon Scarlet Character Thoughts: League Members
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The first (if you go in order based on strength) Gym Leader people will face. Her outfit is rather cute, and her dialogue is enjoyable as well, but to be brutally honest, she’s kind of boring. I had actually forgot about her later on in the game as she didn’t stick with me compared to some of the other leaders. I do enjoy seeing that the Paldea Leaders have additional occupations instead of just being a Gym Leader, as it gives them more character depth. I think Katy is a nice character, just a bit boring compared to other characters, maybe if she had more bright pops of color in her outfit it might make her stand out a bit more. Her gym challenge was fun, as it made me think of the olive farms in Italy that have huge harvest festivals.
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The thirst I had for this tired look man when he first dropped! This tired man is so extra but I love it! Brassius, as well as other characters in these games, all give me vibes of theatre children, they’re so extra, but also passionate and unique. He’s an artist but also a climber, as when we first met him, he was on top of a windmill! Compared to other grass gym leaders I love that he gives off a totally different vibe, he’s edgier, but he does have his moments, especially later on in the game. His gym challenge was fun, playing hide and seek with Sunflora, I’m not sure if other people had this happen, but one of the last Sunflora actually ran from me and I had to chase it down and battle it to get it to come with me.
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I 100% totally believe that these two cupcakes are dating and have been for a long while! They have cute nicknames for each other and just look so comfortable with each other! One thing (of many) that solidifies this is Brassius is the grass gym leader, and Hassel has a Flapple, which, according to the Pokedex and lore, if you give an Applin to someone you care about you’ll be together forever!! It’s canon and they’re so stinking cute together I could cry!!
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In comparison to Katy, who I think is a little bland looking, Iono is the exact opposite, she’s vibrant, colorful, and definitely not forgettable. If I had one complaint, I feel like she’s almost a little over designed, she is very busy from her outfit, her adorable pastel hair, oversized accessories, her shark teeth, and her wild personality. This is not to say she’s unlikable as I adore her character, she’s fun and lively and her gym challenge was very fun.
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He is another gym leader whose personality I adore, he’s so nice when he’s coming out to our match, interacting with kids and other people around, he’s so likeable. This being said, his facial hair, eyebrows and beard, are... yeah... I’ll leave it at that. It was nice to have a bit more involvement to getting to the point of battling him, from taking his wallet to the auction, winning the auction, and then meeting him back in his town, but I kind of wish there was an actual gym challenge on top of it as it would have been interesting to see what Gamefreak could have come up with for a challenge for his gym.
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Oh lordie, this tired, old, normal, salaryman. HOW I LOVE YOU!!! 100/10 best gym leader EVER!!! He vibes so much with me as I work a grueling 9 to 5 office job myself, so I complete understand why this cupcake is the way he is! Yes, he is plain design wise, but his character is anything but forgettable as everything flows so easily together for him. I was also extremely happy to find out that his style when throwing his Pokeballs was based on Koyo Aoyagi of the Hanshin Tigers! I know baseball is very big over in Japan, but to see this little easter egg in a Pokemon game was very enjoyable!
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Even though I adore Larry to pieces, Ryme is my favorite Paldea Gym Leader, she’s fierce, she uses one of my favorite types of Pokemon, she’s the sister of one of the teachers, and she’s a rapper! Her gym challenge was overly simple, but it was all forgiven when I came out to see her in a rap battle with a store clerk! I was offended when she asked if I wanted a rap battle and then told me no, even though I would get torn to shreds by Ryme, I still wanted to have fun! Her design is so much fun and I love when she gets mad and her eyes go white, that’s so funny when it happens. Not going to lie, when I see Ryme and Tyme, all I see is Salt n’ Pepper!
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Her design is so beautiful, she’s elegant and feminine and just so freaken pretty!! She gives that vibe that she can snap your neck if you disrespect her without any issues while putting on mascara and not losing a single ounce of her concentration. When I first met her, I thought she was a snob, as she was on the phone, but once I got to see more of her character afterwards, she quickly grew in favor and showed that she’s not just a pretty face. Her gym challenge was Simon Says with a few battles thrown in, nothing majorly difficult, but my favorite thing was the photo we took afterwards, she did that position in those high as frick heels and made it look easy.
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Grusha is so pretty but personality-wise, I hated this pompous prick until I saw more of the dialogue. Grusha was very rude to me and acted like battling me was going to be a huge waste of time. However, I came to realize that Grusha was trying to protect me, by being an asshole, as Grusha was one of the top snowboarders, keyword ‘was’ which makes me think there was an accident with major injury that resulted in Grusha’s retirement; they’re trying to keep others from doing the same because they don’t want us to get hurt and ruin our futures. Grusha is, according to the official site, male, but I’m not convinced, and prefer to keep their pronouns gender-neutral. Design wise I love Grusha’s design, it’s simple but not boring, I love the two-toned hair color and the oversized scarf that is so adorable that I want to find a tutorial to crochet myself one.
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When I first saw her, I thought Rika was a skinny man, but once I found out that she was female, my inner lesbian all of about exploded from immense glee! Her design is amazing!! I can’t find a single thing bad to say about her other than I wish we had seen more of her and had more interactions with her!!
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How in the world did this child become an Elite Four member at such a young age? When I first met her, I was in disbelief, how is this possible?! She was decently strong, and her design is rather cute, and the dialogue she has with others is rather cute. It is amusing to see this little bebe that is one of the strongest trainers in Paldea. I feel like her color palette could use something, her outfit is mostly all the same color and I wish that there was some more color differences, like maybe her shoes could be black as well, and the lining of her jacket could be black. I’m not sure what that giant key thing around her neck is, it reminds me of a key holder that younger kids would carry their house keys in. Ahh latchkey kids, brings back memories...
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Nuff said <3
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Woof, this man radiates DILF energy, he’s elegant, kind, and goes hard in battles but is so sweet and a wonderful teacher on top of it! When I found out he was in the Elite Four after only knowing him as my art teacher, I squeed. His design of beautiful, his eyes remind of me of a hawk, and his clothes scream professor but at the same time he’s so handsome!! He was one of the hardest battles in the game when I faced him in the Champion Test, but I loved it! By end game (Elite Four time) I’m usually over-leveled as I want to be able to handle it in one shot, but he gave me a run for my money. When I beat him and he started to cry and tell me how proud he was of me, I cried, I wanted to immediately adopt him as my new dad.
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Not going to lie, when I first saw her, I thought she was going to pull a Chairman Rose and be the secret secondary bad guy like in Sword and Shield. The way she carried herself and just the vibe screamed sus to me, and I just couldn’t shake it. Now that I’ve finished the game and now know that she is just a very serious person, I’ve come to appreciate her more as a character, unless if they bring out a DLC and my sus vibes were telling me the truth and she really is evil! Her design was a little...ehh for me. Her hair is very full, almost like a mane, and her outfit makes her seem very boxy, unlike Rika who pulled the look off well. She is another character that I wish had a bit more color in her palette, the black, blue, and yellow is fine, I just wish there was a bit more of varying colors.
Overall, the Paldea League is very diverse, design wise, and most of the characters, if you didn’t know them, you wouldn’t be able to tell what kind of trainer they were, which I like, as it makes it fun to learn through trial and error with each of these trainers.
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genshinimpactlife · 2 years
Hi, may I get a genshin match up (male) if it's not too much trouble? I would like both SFW and NSFW. Some basic info about me: Sexuality/pronouns: straight; she/her Appearance: slim, petite and short. Midneck lenght, blonde hair, green eyes. My style varies from, classy to tomboyish to comfy. Unfortunately I'm no beauty, which I get really sad about really often. Personality: Now the tough part. I'm a very contradictory person. On the one side I'm quiet, introverted, distant, soft spoken, polite, shy and very strict with myself. I don't like being the center of attention, I'm modest and easily embarrassed. I'm a loner and I require quality me time which is when I get to unwind, I'm also a very private person but I'm a good listener. I'm not very flexible and I would like to know what my day will consist of so I can mentally prepare myself for whatever awaits me. This is because as I mentioned before I get easily embarrassed and not being the brightest it's super easy for me to make a fool of myself which badly influences my mental health. So in conclusion I don't like surprises as I prefer to calculate and analyze every situation and it's outcomes so I can act accordingly to the best outcome. Additionally I'm usually collected, calm (on the outside), guarded, disciplined and in control of my emotions (I've been told that I have an emotionless expression and that I'm unreadable) but despite all my best efforts being rather clumsy, ungraceful, awkward and anxious I have many slipups. Because of this I'm an indoor type because it's where I can be myself, where I can recharge (every social situation for me is energy draining) and where I know I won't mess up. I have a hard time opening up to people because most of the time I don't know what to share with them that would be worth their while and not boring and uninteresting. I have had bad experiences in the past which concequenses I struggle with today. That's the reason I'm so guarded, cautious, vigilant and mistrustful of others. And because of all this I feel worthless, unlovable, depressed and insecure.
I would match you with...
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Both you and Xiao are very guarded, withdrawn, and mistrustful of others. It would take being friends for a long time before either of you started to open up to each other.
You two would slowly bring out the best in each other, especially once you admit your feelings for the other.
Deep down, both of you are very kind and gentle people who only want the best for others.
Human's definition of beauty doesn't matter to Xiao. He may not be the best at expressing himself, but he finds you breathtaking in his own way.
Anytime Xiao has to interact with humans that aren't you, he also needs to take time to recharge. So it would be the time you spent together just existing that makes him feel better again.
As you took down your walls, Xiao has learned a lot about humans, and he's been able to apply that to your relationship.
At first, he was a bit awkward with physical touch, but he soon discovered that he was also touch-starved. Whenever the two of you are alone, you are constantly touching somehow—holding hands, cuddling, hugs, etc.
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It was a while into the relationship before you two became intimate.
You needed to break each other's walls down before you could be that vulnerable.
Xiao isn't very experienced with intimacy, so that it would be a learning experience for him.
He loves gentle and soft sex and wants to feel the emotions that come along with it.
He's not very vocal, but you can see how much he adores you with the look in his eyes.
He would worship and praise every inch of your body through touches and making you feel good.
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I included both parts you sent. I hope you enjoy! <3
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