#but I mean. this would be of convenience to me ❤️
ignorethisbloggghhhhh · 7 months
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strang3lov3 · 6 months
Summary: (mall rats 6) Surrounded by medical supplies is a convenient time to slice your hand open. Joel wrestles your stubborn ass to treat your wound, then fucks you how you like.
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Tags: Jar Jar Binks, Star Wars opinions, manhandling, descriptions of injuries (I tried to keep it as short and sweet as I could, bc I myself am a squeamish girl!! I was squirming the whole time writing this!!!) blowjobs, f masturbation, kinda rough unprotected PIV, creampie, dirty talk, reader and Joel have googly eyes for each other
A/N: as always thank you so much @papipascalispunk for editing. Thank you all for your continued patience with my writing, I am a busy busy lady and you may not get another fic from me for two weeks or more with the whole finals thing, but I do have lots of shit planned! One thing at a time bug one thing at a time. I wish I could write smut for my history of Indiana final essay but I don’t think that would fly with my nun-obsessed professor. Also, thank you @noxturnalpascal and @speckledemerald for hyping me up ❤️❤️
Joel is standing in front of a map of the mall, studying it intently. It’s been a while since you’ve been at the mall with Joel, actually. With the weather getting worse with more and more snow, Tommy is trying to keep travel limited to patrol. Supply runs for necessities only, and Jackson is in need of medical supplies. Rubbing alcohol, gauze, bandages, first aid supplies. There’s actually a medical building not far from Jackson, but it’s pretty well picked over at this point. 
“Mall has a pharmacy. A CVS or Walgreens, somethin’ like that. I’ll go,” Joel had volunteered in Tommy’s office. 
“I’ll come too,” you added as you were helping Tommy fill out patrol logs.
Joel sighed, “No.” 
“Why not?”
“Supposed to be a quick trip. In and out. Don’t need you gettin’ distracted by lotions and perfumes again.”
“Those are necessities,” you argue, “Besides, buddy system. It’s important for us to stick together.” 
“We are not buddies,” Joel scoffed. Tommy raised his eyebrows in amusement.
“No? What are we, then?” 
Joel opened his mouth as if to answer with something sharp and argumentative, but no words came out. His cheeks turned rosy as you both shared an odd look, with Joel’s hands frozen on the buttons of his coat. The pencil you wrote with felt heavy in your hand, held awkwardly on the paper as you stared at Joel. You didn’t mean for that question to come out the way it did. What was the answer to the question, anyway? 
Tommy filled the silence with his own answer. “I know what y’all are,” he smirked. 
Joel shot Tommy a warning look, then took your jacket from behind your chair and held it open for you. “Let’s go, then,” he said. You put your arms through the sleeves, zipped yourself up and left. You could hear Tommy chuckling to himself as you walked out with Joel.
You rode horseback to the mall. Still feeling awkward from the interaction at Tommy’s, you both stayed silent, but the ride wasn’t uncomfortable. You hugged Joel tightly, and Joel savored the warmth of your cheek on his back. 
“Found it,” Joel taps the map, “I remember now. It’s downstairs.”
“Ha!” you brag, “I told you. I knew it was downstairs. I was right.” 
“Yeah, yeah. We’ll throw a party when we get home,” Joel replied, taking off towards the dilapidated staircase. You follow close behind, dragging your fingers against the railing, letting your hand tap each of the thin rods that support it. One breaks off and falls with a clatter. Joel doesn’t bother turning around to see what it was. “You break these stairs, you find us a new way out of here,” he warns. Dramatic. You pick up the thin rail and twirl it as you walk behind Joel, then poke his ass with the piece of metal. Already exhausted by you, he sighs, “What’d you find now, trouble?”
“Lightsaber,” you answer. 
“What?” Joel tilts his head and turns around to finally see what all the noise and clattering was. You’re holding one of the thin rods from the railing, still twirling it. “No, put that down,” he tells you, “You’re gonna give yourself tetanus. Put it down, sweetheart.”
“Ellie lent me this DVD. Did you ever see this old movie, Star Wars?”
“Quit while you’re ahead,” Joel grumbles, rolling his eyes and shaking his head, “Ain’t that old, smartass. And of course I’ve watched Star Wars, who do you think introduced it to her?”
“Oh,” you reply, “Well, there was this character, Jar Jar–”
“Nope,” Joel cuts you off, “You’re done. Lost your talkin’ privileges. Drop your lightsaber and zip it.”
Still twirling the rod you ask, “You don’t like Star Wars?”
“I like Star Wars. What you watched is not Star Wars.”
“Yes it is, Joel. It was on the DVD.” 
Joel turns back around and keeps walking, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Yeah I do. Mesa–”
Joel interrupts, “Do not finish that sentence,” he warns, “God, that movie was so stupid. Took Sarah to see it when it came out, we ended up leavin’ halfway through and gettin’ ice cream instead.” You watch Joel smile at the memory as you approach the pharmacy and he holds the door open for you. You smile with him. Joel doesn’t talk about Sarah much with you, but he mentions her now and then, at least more than he used to.
You and Joel find the first aid aisle of the pharmacy. He knows what to look for, so he peruses the aisles and stuffs his bag full of supplies. Watching him bend over, you can’t help but poke his ass again. “Knock it off, space cadet,” he says, annoyed.
You giggle to yourself and toss the rod aside. You hadn’t realized the end that you were holding was damaged when you broke it off the railing. Fuck. It’s sharp, jagged, and slices your palm all the way across. The rod clangs on the ground and startles Joel. 
Joel turns around to see the rod on the ground, and you clutching your fist tightly. “What’s in your hand?”
“Nothing,” you answer, feeling your hand become warm and wet. 
Joel connects the dots. He bends over and checks the rod for rust and there’s none, thank god. But the end is very jagged, almost serrated like a knife. “Open your hand.”
“No,” pressing your lips together, you lower your gaze and open your fist slightly to check your hand, then quickly shut it. Joel watches your eyes go wide and the color draining from your face. “It’s n–mmm,” you hum, your voice shaky, “I’m fine.” 
“You’re not fine,” Joel reaches for your hand, “You’re hurt. Need to see how deep that cut is, clean it and–”
You shove Joel backward with your free hand, and he looks momentarily taken aback. There was a lot more strength behind that shove than he would have anticipated. You’re not playing, not teasing like usual. “Do you wanna try that again?” he asks, his voice firm.
“Don’t touch me.” 
Joel takes in your expression. You’re not trying to start a fight with him, you look worried, anxious, and defensive with pale lips and trembling hands. You had mentioned not handling blood or pain well before, but he didn’t know you were this squeamish, you poor thing. “I have to, hon.”
Joel raises a hand in your direction, “Don’t argue with me on this. You need to sit down, I can tell you’re gettin’ freaked.”
“Joel,” you say his name again in a warning tone, much sharper than before. 
“I know,” he says softly, as he steps closer to you, and you step back, your feet hitting the wall behind you. You’re feeling more amped up now. “Just let me look,” as he reaches for your wrist and pulls you closer, his grip tightening when you struggle against him and try to pull your arm away. “Quit squrimin’,” he grits his teeth as he fights against your strength. Minding his own strength, and with one hand gripping your wrist, he moves the other to your shoulder and forces you to the ground as gently as he can. A sliced hand is bad enough, he doesn’t need you fainting and cracking your skull open. You kick your legs and punch against him, but he pins his body on top of yours, your free hand between your body and his leg.
“Get the fuck off me, Joel,” you spit, “Get off, get off, get–”
“Hey. Hey,” he says, his voice firm yet gentle, “Breathe, sweetheart. I know you’re nervous.”
You stare at Joel with fiery eyes, breathing heavily through your nose. Shallow breaths, probably not getting enough oxygen to your brain, but at least you’re breathing. Joel gives you a moment to settle down.
“I need you to listen to me,” he tells you, “I don’t know how deep your cut is. I need you to let me look.”
“Please,” you beg, “Please don’t.”
“I’m gonna be gentle,” Joel promises as he flips your wrist up, gently beginning to pry your fingers open, “You look at me. Don’t look at your hand. Just look at me. Will you trust me?” 
Nodding apprehensively, you keep your focus on Joel. He nods in response, then examines your palm. He bites his cheek and frowns. 
“Is it bad?” you ask shakily.
“Uhh,” he hums, “It’s not good,” he answers you honestly. You’re cut in multiple areas and by the looks of it, the gashes go pretty deep. “You might need stitches.”
Fuck that. You squirm under Joel with all of your might to force him off of you. 
“Stop thrashin’. Stop it,” he says, holding your jaw firmly and looking into your eyes, “I’m not gonna stitch ya. We can cross that bridge when we get to Jackson. But you are risking infection. So I’m going to stop the bleeding, wash it, disinfect, then wrap your hand. That’s all.”
He has a tendency to get frustrated with you, and you’re sure he’s beyond frustrated with you right now, but he’s not showing it. He looks sincere, but you’re still on edge and lacking assurance. “Promise?” you whisper.
“I swear,” he assures softly, rubbing your jaw gently with his thumb. When you nod in response, Joel takes his coat off and folds it, then slides it under your head. He needs you as comfortable as you can be. 
“We are gonna have to amputate, though,” he jokes as he pulls out a rag from his bag and presses it into your hand. You give him a dirty look. “Kidding,” he says. 
Joel removes the rag to see if your hand is still bleeding. You catch a glimpse of the cut and the blood in your palm, running down your wrist, “Oh god, my hand, Joel–”
“Don’t look,” he repeats, “Just keep lookin’ at me, sweetheart.”
But you don’t. You can’t seem to peel your eyes away, and you feel lightheaded. Joel notices.
“Tell me somethin’ new,” he says, distracting you from the pain.
“Joel, please,” you whine.
“Somethin’ new,” he reminds you.
“I saw a cat yesterday.”
Joel nods in response. “What color?” he asks.
“Uh, calico,” you reply. He’s reaching into his bag, pulling out his canteen and rinsing your hand out with his water. The cool water feels soothing on your palm. 
“What’s calico?”
“It’s when a cat has three colors, Joel,” you answer impatiently, as if the answer should be glaringly obvious to him. “Fuck,”  you hiss, as he pats the wound dry. The fabric feels irritating and painful against you. 
“Tell me more. Tell me good things.”
Following his instructions, you begin rambling. It’s not hard once you start. “I saw a cat and I kicked Tommy’s ass in a board game and his baby is so cute, by the way. Almost as cute as the cat.”
“You think cats are cuter than babies?”
“Obviously. Babies are gross and they’re noisy and I finished the sweater I was crocheting for Maria and the snow looks pretty and I love you and I…” 
Joel pauses his work on your hand momentarily. He doesn't hear anything else you say after those three words. I love you. It’s a fuzzy sort of quiet, he’s in disbelief. I love you. When your hand twitches, he pulls his focus back to you.
“...And I watched Star Wars.”
“Yeah,” he replies quietly, “You said that already, you said–”
“I did? Oh yeah. I guess I did.”
You’re clearly delirious, in panic mode, and not thinking straight. You don’t remember talking about Star Wars an hour ago, you don’t even realize what just slipped your lips a second ago. Joel smiles to himself. He’s suspected it for a while. He loves you too. But that’s a conversation for later. There’s a more pressing issue at hand, quite literally.
Joel clears his throat and blinks a couple of times. “Uhm,” he hums, thinking of something to say, “And you said you got that movie from Ellie? The Phantom Menace?” 
“Star Wars.”
“Yeah, Star Wars Episode I, The Phantom Menace,” he corrects you. You shrug. “Unbelievable,” Joel says, “Thought I taught that girl better.” He reaches for a bottle of rubbing alcohol and keeps your hand open in his. “Alright, deep breath in and out. This is the worst part, then we’re done.” 
Before you have time to breathe in and out as instructed, before you have time to argue, Joel dumps the alcohol in your palm. You yelp and tug your hand away, but he holds it still.
“I know, I know, I know, baby,” he coos, “Almost done.”
“Joel,” you cry.
“Look, all done,” he whispers as tears off a piece of gauze and lays it over your gash. “See? All done. Just need to wrap it,” Joel prepares more gauze, “Makes sense you’ve identified with Jar Jar, of all characters.” 
“What do you mean?”
Joel begins to wrap the bandage tightly around your hand. “Clumsy,” he murmurs, “Troublemakin’... accident prone.” 
“I don’t think you like Star Wars,” you tell him.
“Not the prequels,” Joel replies, “Only good thing about the outbreak is that they couldn’t finish that godforsaken mess of a trilogy.”
“What do you mean, ‘prequels’?”
“There was an original trilogy that came out before that movie you watched. Ellie didn’t show you them?”, and you shake your head no, “So you don’t know Han Solo or Princess Leia. That means nothin’ to ya?”
“Jesus Christ. What about C-3PO? R2-D2?”
“Oh, yeah. I know them. They were in that movie.”
“No,” Joel disagrees, then looking baffled for a second before nodding his head as he remembers the hour he spent watching that movie with Sarah years and years ago. “Mm, yeah, you’re right. Guess they were,” Joel concedes, “We’ll have to rectify this, you know. Have a movie night sometime.” 
“Yeah,” you agree, “You can make me popcorn.” 
“I’ll make you popcorn,” Joel says, watching a smile form on your lips. “There it is,” he praises, “Missed that smile. Don’t like seein’ you upset like that,” he murmurs, finishing your bandage wrap and securing it in place. “What am I gonna do with you?” he asks as he presses a kiss to your palm before he lets your hand go. You can still feel the warmth of his touch on your skin as he watches you and your cheeks begin to warm.
“I know what you’re gonna do with me,” you whisper. 
I’m gonna kiss you, and I’ll tell you that I love you too. That’s what I’m gonna do with you, Joel thinks, his heart beginning to race.
“Tell me, sweetheart.” 
“You’re gonna listen to my Jar Jar impression.”
Joel sighs. He watches you with adoration, and he wants nothing more than to express that adoration for you. It’ll happen when it happens. He decides to let it go for now and play along with you instead, however you want to. You deserve it, after all. He’ll put up a facade like you drive him crazy and he’ll let you believe you’re really getting under his skin, just to watch you smile and hear you laugh like you really got him this time. And he’ll tease you back, at least once more. 
“Please spare me until I lose my hearing in my other ear.” 
You oblige, smiling and rolling your eyes. Still holding eye contact with Joel, you become acutely aware of the position you’re in, that all too familiar position. Faces close, bodies closer and staring into his sparkly, warm brown eyes with his weight pressing into you. Maybe it’s the adrenaline, the way he took care of you, who knows. Out of the blue, you’re turned on and Joel knows. Joel cocks an eyebrow when your breath hitches, when you bite your lip and begin to squirm underneath him, seemingly now uncomfortable, aroused no doubt. “Time and place, hon,” he smirks smugly.
Heat rises up your neck and your cheeks at his accusation, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Yeah, you do. I know how you operate,” he asserts. “What’s got ya all worked up all of a sudden?” Joel asks, his hand caressing your cheek, your jaw.
“Nothing,” you lie. Your skin burns where his fingers trace.
“I think you’re lyin’. I know you like when I get rough with ya, just wasn’t expectin’ ya to like it now of all times, when I had to wrestle you down to fix that gash in your hand,” Joel taunts, “You’re very stubborn sometimes, you know that?” 
“Challenging,” you counter his claim, “And I wasn’t being stubborn. I could have taken care of my hand myself. I didn’t really need your help.”
Joel knows that’s a lie. You did, in fact, need his help. Badly. 
“That right there is stubborn.”
“No,” you argue, “And I’m not worked up right now, either.” Joel makes an amused face at you, and you wince internally. 
Shit. You fucked that up. Overcompensated.
“Right. Course not.” 
Against your better judgment, you open your mouth to argue further but Joel hushes you. “What do I get if you’re wet right now, sweetheart?” he whispers, unbuttoning your jeans. Your tummy flutters with desire as his fingertips skate across your skin. “You’re more than welcome to stop me right now,” he purrs. He’s giving you an out, a moment to make a choice, but you don’t dare stop him. And Joel grins. He snakes his hand down your pants, underneath your thin cotton panties. The anticipation builds with the tickle of his fingers lightly dragging over your mound, his middle and ring fingers tracing over your lips. You gasp quietly when he dips his fingers at your core, his fingertips collecting your arousal. You stifle a whine as he pulls his hand away from your body, showing you his two fingers glistening with your slick. Joel clicks his tongue, “Can’t be comfortable,” he murmurs, his tone sarcastic and sympathetic all at the same time. “This all for me?”
“No,” you breathe shakily. Yes. 
“You’re lyin’ to me,” he mumbles, bringing his two fingers to his lips. His mouth makes obscene noises as he sucks them clean of your arousal, humming at the sweet taste. Before you can think, he’s pulling your pants and underwear down in one fell swoop, his fingers finding their place back at your pussy. “You could tell me the truth and I’d go easy on ya,” he offers, his thumb pressing against your clit.
You love the thrill, that feeling in your stomach. Joel gives you a moment to answer, but you don’t. “No?”  he asks before situating himself on the ground with you, backing himself against a wall and pulling you into his lap. “Gonna make it worse for yourself,” he says, spreading your legs apart and hiking up your shirt, one hand playing with your pussy and the other kneading your breasts, teasing your nipples, “Why don’t you tell me how much ya needed this, hm? How you want me to make it all better.”
You sigh, a soft Joel falling from your lips as you become wetter, more sensitive as Joel’s fingers dance through your slick folds. He pushes two fingers inside you, fingers curling into that spot that he so loves. His thumb rubs tight, steady circles around your clit and he flicks the thumb of his other hand across your sensitive nipples, the combination of actions filling you with a deep, hot pleasure. You rest your head on his shoulder, the scratchy hairs on his cheek pressing against your forehead. You reach behind yourself to touch him, tangling your fingers in his curls.
“We’ll do this the hard way, then,” Joel shoves you forward, careful not to use too much of his strength but enough to let you know that he’s in charge. He’s always in charge. He takes his folded coat from the ground and positions it in front of himself. He stands up tall, knees popping as he rises. “Since you have nothin’ better to do with your mouth than tellin’ lies…”  Joel snaps and points to his coat, “Might as well keep you quiet instead. Down,” he instructs, “On your knees. Do it now.”
“Yes, Joel,” as you assume the position.
“Ah, now she speaks,” he taunts, the quiet metallic clang of him undoing his belt buckle sending excitement shooting through you. “Open,” is his next command, “Nice n’ wide, hon, you know how,” he instructs as he pulls out his cock, hard and with a pearly bead of precum glistening on his head. You open your mouth for Joel, eyes wide and Joel taps his member on your tongue. “Keep ya from doin’ that stupid fuckin’ impression, too.”
Your eyes light up as you think of something quippy to say, but Joel slides his cock into your mouth to keep you from doing so. “Ah-ah,” he tuts, “Quiet.” He’s delicious, masculine, heady, and intense. He fills your mouth entirely and you swirl your tongue around him, tracing thick veins and salty skin. “Attagirl,” Joel praises you, gripping the back of your head and pushing himself further into your mouth. You nearly gag, pulling back slightly but he holds you right where he wants you, “Right there.”
He pushes you further than you’re used to, but not to the point of discomfort. His tummy nudges your forehead as your nose presses against dark curls at the base of his dick and you use your hand to cup his balls. As you hum against him, you wonder if Joel intends for this to be a punishment. His tone and the way he conducts himself is commanding, but the way he fucks your mouth is gentle. 
“Still not worked up, right? Don’t need me?”, he asks, staring down at you with raised eyebrows. You shake your head no, lying again. “Okay,” he says, “I wanna watch you fuck yourself on your fingers. But don’t come. Not until you tell me what I wanna hear.” 
Your eyes flutter shut as you bring your fingers to your core, feeling your arousal. You push two fingers into your dripping pussy, pumping them in and out and trying to mimic the way it feels when Joel does it.
As you fuck yourself, you hollow your cheeks around his thick cock, letting him feel every inch of your soft and wet mouth. He’s domineering above you, but his hand on your cheek is gentle, caressing your skin softly. He looks down at you through hooded lids and as your eyes flutter shut, you wonder what he’s thinking. 
The way you’re touching your pussy hardly counts as fucking yourself, it’s teasing at best, and excruciating at that. You rub circles around your clit steadily, subtly, needing more than what he’s told you to give yourself. With your fingers working your clit and your mouth working Joel, the familiar pleasure of your climax is just within reach. Feeling yourself reaching your peak, you look up at Joel, “What are you doin’?”, he asks, like he’s caught you doing something you shouldn’t be.
You pull your mouth off of his cock to whisper, “Please, Joel,” which garners an irritated look from him. Joel bends lower to grab you by your bicep and force you to your feet, spinning you around and bending you over an empty shelf of an end cap. He parts your legs and drags his cock through your folds with one hand, the other gripping your hip. 
“Need those magic words, sweetheart. Say it, ‘I need you, Joel’. Go on, now. You got it.”
With the leftover feeling of your ruined orgasm and Joel’s cock teasing your pussy, you fold immediately. “I need you, Joel,” you breathe, “I need you.” 
“Tell me more. How do you need me?” as he continues to tease. 
“Need you to fuck me,” you gasp, “Please.”
“Need me to fuck ya,” he repeats, amused. Joel notches the tip of his cock at your entrance, “How ‘bout that. Tell me somethin’ I didn’t know.” 
It’s a rhetorical question. He doesn’t give you time to answer before he buries himself inside of you. You groan at the sudden intrusion, how deeply he enters you and how full you feel. 
He doesn’t need to experiment with you, doesn’t need to vary how he fucks you. You grip the edge of the end cap with both hands as he finds his pace immediately. His cock hits you right where you need him. 
“Hey, hey,” he whispers, reaching for your bandaged hand, “Don’t hold that. S’gonna hurt your hand. Hold mine instead,” as he wraps his palm around yours. “Better?”
You’re lost in it all, his hand holding yours tightly and his thighs hitting your ass, his balls slapping against your clit. His face is right next to yours, his nose buried in your hair as he nips at your ear. 
“Fuck,” he grunts as he fucks you. He moans softly, his breath feels warm. Each thrust feels deep and intentional. “Good girl. Takin’ my cock so good.”
“Yes, Joel,” you moan. 
He makes stuttering, strangled sort of noises. His breathing is sharp and unsteady through his gritted teeth, and you wish you could see him like this. You can just about picture him perfectly, his messy salt and pepper curls and that deep set line between his brows. 
He fucks you hard and rough, both of you panting and moaning. Soon enough, his rhythm becomes frenetic and stuttering. “Squ– fuck, squeezin’ me too good, I’m not gonna last, sweetheart.”
“Let me come, Joel,” you plead, “Please.”
“I know, I know. Don’t need to beg me, darlin’,” Joel coos. He snakes his hand between your thighs and quickly finds your clit, his thrusts still steady and deep. He expertly paints circles around your clit as he becomes sloppier and frenzied. 
“Oh god, oh fuck, Joel,” you’re gasping, feeling your walls begin to clench and squeeze him, “Right there, right there, fuck.”
“Yeah, s’it, let go for me,” he pants. 
With a few more circles tracing your clit, you fall apart on him. You come with a loud gasp, gripping his hand hard. Even after he helps you ride out your orgasm, he doesn’t yet stop fucking you, and the sensation is becoming all too much. You bite your lip to stifle yourself as he chases his own orgasm, and he spills into you with shuddering breaths and grunts, painting your insides with his seed.
You catch your breath with Joel as he begins to go soft inside you. You feel empty when he pulls out of you, craving the weight of his hand on yours after he lets go. As your breathing slows, turn around to face Joel. His dominant, taunting demeanor is gone and he helps you back into your clothes, then examines the bandage on your hand. He frowns when he sees he’s crumpled it and dampened it with his sweat. “Hang on,” he murmurs, quickly reaching for more gauze to rewrap it. 
You touch his shoulder, “Just– let’s wrap it again at home. It’s just gonna get ruined again.”
“No, I promise I’m not gonna clean it again, I just wanna–” Joel stops talking when you reach for his hand. He looks at where his hand connects with yours, then looks at you. “Okay,” he says. He stares at you intently, as if waiting for you to say more. You look like you want to.
Hand in Joel’s, you walk together out of the mall. The horseback ride home is quiet. You hug Joel tightly, and Joel savors the warmth of your cheek on his back again.
“Joel?” you ask. 
“Yeah, hon.”
“You’re sure you don’t wanna hear my impression?”
“I’m sure,” Joel says, but you can hear the smile in his voice. 
as always, i appreciate all of my readers. please please please leave a comment/reblog/send an ask if you enjoyed, your comments really do mean the world and keep me going <3
follow @strang3stories and turn on notifs for fics only!
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yuujispinkhair · 6 months
Cute headcanon I wanted to share for Christmas. And this can be for anyone for Yuji. Reader, Sukuna, Megumi etc. He would put so many mistletoes around the place in order to have a reason to kiss his lover all the time when they walk under one 😍🥺
AWW THIS IS SO CUTE!! Thank you so much for sharing the Christmas fluff ❤️🎄
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Megumi is sneaky about it. It starts with a single mistletoe that Yuuji brings over when visiting, and even though Megumi acts like it's childish, he is very pleased about the effect that little green twig has. So the next day, Megumi goes shopping and gradually adds more mistletoes.
He loves that the mistletoes give him the perfect excuse to kiss you. He hates the thought of appearing too needy or maybe being too much, so his little idea with the mistletoes is very convenient. And he can always shrug it off and act as if it was one of your friends who put the new mistletoes up.
When you finally realize what is really going on, Megumi is a bit embarrassed. But you hug him and tell him it's cute as hell,
"You did all that just to have an excuse to kiss me more often? That's the cutest thing someone has ever done for me! But also, you don't need mistletoes to kiss me, Megumi. I am yours to kiss anytime you like!"
And Megumi smiles one of those rare soft smiles at you and pulls you against his tall, firm body, hugging you tightly and kissing you much longer than a mistletoe would demand.
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Yuuji is completely open about it. He walks into the apartment with a big happy grin on his face and shows you the bag with all the mistletoes he bought.
"Look what I got, cutie! Now we will have to kiss all day!"
You laugh with him and kiss his cheek, "But, baby... we always kiss all day anyway."
And Yuuji shrugs and scratches his neck, looking at you all cute with a cheeky sparkle in his eyes, "Yeah, but now those are Christmas-themed kisses! It's different!"
He is so cute! And when he kisses you, you realize that he is right. Those are really Christmas kisses because you can taste vanilla sugar and gingerbread spice on Yuuji's lips and tongue.
Maybe you will buy even more mistletoes and add those to Yuuji's little collection because you can't get enough of those special kisses.
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Sukuna carries a mistletoe in his pocket at all times so he can pull it out and dangle it above your head anytime you are in a bad mood or stressed or complaining about something. Your tattooed bad boy will just hold the mistletoe and smirk that charming smirk and be like,
"Uh uh, princess, look up! You have to be a good girl and kiss me now. It's the law!"
You roll your eyes and huff, "Yeah sure, Christmas law or what? And since when do you care about rules anyway?"
And Sukuna grins at you, all cat-like, and wraps his strong arms around you, pulling you against his tall body,
"I care when it means I get more kisses from my princess."
By now you can't suppress your happy laughter anymore, and you get on your tiptoes, cupping Sukuna's cheek and sighing, "Ok ok, I will kiss you, just to shut you up."
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Aww this made me smile!! I hope it puts you in a Christmassy mood too! ❤️ Dividers by @/cafekitsune
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positively-mine · 9 months
You’re a girl?!
how the twst boys find out you’re a girl & their reactions
tags: afab, accidental touches
a/n: very much self indulgent BUT I COUNDNT STOP THINKING 🤔 what if because it was a boys school that they didn’t have skirts and basically Crowley just made you wear the uniform & you didn't tell anyone. Like epel and lilia’s case, they just thought you were a feminine guy (p.s I just started and I haven’t read any spoilers, except for some info from reddit so I’m very sorry if this has already been covered/ revealed) very gacha coded but PLSSSSS bear this brain rot with me
Some spoilers: until book 3
Series: ❤️ 🧡 🩵 💛 💜 💙 💚
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This can go two ways. Firstly, is that he was chasing deuce or Grimm around and you happen to be walking around the corner. And BAM. You’re both on the ground with him on top of you, caging you into his arms. With both his hands conveniently placed on two lumps on your chest. It takes him a good 3 seconds of staring and squeezing before he realises what they are. What you are. Immediately feels embarrassed and starts screaming and scarmbling to get up.
Orrr he has gotten so used to coming into ramshackle house as he pleases and barges into your room without knocking. You’re both guys, so what’s the problem? Big mistake. Because you’re changing and literally only in your under garments. He’s all red and hot faced before he’s running out of your room and the house into the walkway to calm himself down.
The next time he faces you, he’s apologising while avoiding eye contact. He knows you’ve been through thick and thin together but it really did feel as though his whole world view was shattered when he found out. When he’s hanging out with you, he’s much more careful of where he places his hand and tries to look out for you. Definitely tried to act more manly as well, like when there's an overblot about to happen he either pushes you behind him or blocks you with his body..
The way i see this going down is that he’s got his gangster mode on from whatever trouble he’s gotten himself into (or for convenience sake; the broken eggs in book 1). And he’s trying to push you away to stop you from stopping HIM from picking a fight. And something soft hits his forearm. He turns to look at you chest before he quickly realises. He’s screaming like a banshee while moving as far away as he can from you. The initial quarrel was forgotten and now his head is spinning. Thoughts like “what would my mother think if she knew what i did??”, “HES A GIRL?! I MEAN SHE” and so on. The walk back to the kitchen is so quiet that you could basically hear Grimm’s grumbling all the way from Heartsbyul kitchen. Once you arrived back at the kitchen, the guys are wondering why its so quiet between you two but pay no mind to it.
He gets awkward around you every once in a while when realises how close the two of you are but still tries to make up for it. Also becomes more diligent in trying to withhold his gangster personality. He doesn’t want to show anymore of his nasty side to you when he can show you how well he can treat you. Lest he wants to lose you to some other guys…
This one's tough. I don't know if he has sisters so let's just say that he has. He's one of the first few to realize that you're a girl, being the ever observant person that he is. He sees the pattern when you start getting a little bit more emotional than you are. Snapping at Adeuce and Grimm when you're usually much more patient, getting upset at small things or when he catches you tearing up when you talk about returning to your own world. Yeah he definitely knows.
So it's no surprise when you start to receive more baked treats from him and he's piling up all sorts of nutritious food onto your plate when you sit together. The others are wondering why he's doing that when you're capable of doing it yourself. It's only after several months of this treatment that you realize he knows that you're a girl. And when you confront him about it, "I can't help but want to take care of you when I see you".
I like to think that you’re having tea together. He’s invited you to another one of their dorm’s many reason to have tea. Grimm and Ace are fighting for the last cookie and accidentally knock into you as you pick up your teacup. Splashing the liquid all over your dress shirt. Riddle is of course, furious. Rule #363, never spill your tea. Especially on a Tuesday. He’s screaming at them both when his eyes move to check if you’re okay. And that’s when he sees some blue peeking out at the wet area of your shirt. It takes him a quick second to march over to you and drape his blazer over you. “You should go back and change. Make sure to take a warm bath unless you want to catch a cold.” You nod at him confusedly. He watches as you make your way down the steps. He turns to the rest of the members with pink tinted cheeks. “Unfortunately this tea party will have to be cancelled,” and he quickly turns back to walk to his dorm before anyone can say anything.
The next time you see him, his cheeks are tinted pink and he’s trying very hard to not make eye contact with you. Overall, most of your relationship stays the same except that he’s inviting you over for tea more often. But this time its just the two of you. And his excuse? It changes every time. Sometimes its because he says he wants to talk about Adeuce and Grimm’s behaviour, and sometimes it’s because he wants your thoughts on which tea set is better.
For his case, it's not that he found out, rather he overheard it from a rowdy pair of first years and a cat. He was walking to his next class and about to turn around the corner when he overheard their not so very hushed conversation. His eyes widen very similarly to the saucers that they use for tea. He's kind of upset that he didn't find out himself, but learned it through someone else. Oh well. It's a win-win situation for him anyways.
So when he starts being much more clingier to you and offering to walk you to your classes do you start to get suspicious. He’s always coming over to sit together at your table and visiting you at Ramshackle more. Lounging on the beaten up sofa while you do whatever work you have to. Keeping you company for as long as he can. Or at least until Riddle calls him back or you kick him out. Whichever comes first.
Now imagine there’s a celebration of some sort and he’s excitedly running up the steps to Ramshackle to formally invite you as his date. “I’ve got a surprise for you,” he smiles cheekily. And from behind him he pulls out a beautiful dress. “Will you be my date?” No misunderstanding his gestures now.
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reblogs appreciated!
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mochamvgz · 9 months
what they would save ur contact as
; i don't think this needs a synopsis? it's all in the title
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; ot7 enhypen x reader
; genre: hcs, non idol au, established relationship, fluff
; warnings: slight profanity, miraculous, some members being total simps, being called short by niki
; 0.5k words
; perm taglist: @inkelea @yuerki
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heeseung || ramyeon partner🍜💛
the two of you LOVE ramyeon so it's only fitting. your first date, all the way back when you guys were in uni, was having ramyeon at a local convenience store for crying out loud!
and OF COURSE you immediately fished out your phone from your pocket to change his contact to the same
jay || my pretty girl💐 (in a completely not possesive and absolutely unpatriarchal way!)
if you saw xander hawthorne you're a real one pls marry me
we already know this guy is THE ultimate green flag so this came as a surprise to no one
you and jay are also massive feminists and no sticklers for insecure masculinity hence the parenthesis
when you find out what you're saved as on his phone you can't help but fall in love with your boyfriend all over again
jake || bugaboo🐞❤️🖤
if you think miraculous is a kids show GET OUTTA HERE
"there's no way you saved me as that"
"why? is there a problem bugaboo?"
without a word you unlock your phone, open ur contacts, scroll down to find his and hold it up in front of him
jake raises his brow at you and directs his attention to your screen, his mouth immediately forming an 'o'
" ‘chat noir’ ? oh my god you're kidding!"
sunghoon || (name)
the guy first saved your number when you were paired up for a project which was 2 whole years ago mind you and for some reason it just never? occurred? to him? to change it??
of course you're mad when you find out
"seriously hoon?"
"i'm sor-"
"give me your phone"
he complies. you unlock and open his contacts going to ‘favourites’, clicking on your contact which is at the top of the list duh
you change your contact name from ‘(name)’ to ‘the love of my life💘’ and hand his phone back. he raises his brows when he sees what you did but doesn't say anything because it's true
sunoo || QWEEN🙌👑
"YES!!! GO QUEEN!!!"
you guys were hanging out at his place one day, all snuggled up watching a movie and the female lead just did something super badass making you jump up
sunoo doesn't waste a moment grabbing the opportunity
"but you're my queen"
you're surprised at the abruptness of the compliment but try to appear more ‘seriously dude?’ rather than a blushing mess
"what? it's true i even have your contact saved as that"
he brandishes his phone to show you
there's no stopping the blush now
jungwon || yang jungwon's girlfriend 😤💖💓
when you ask him why he's referring to himself in third person he'd say
"in case my phone ever gets stolen or something, the thief would still know you're mine"
you can't take it anymore and burst out laughing
"what?" he'd ask with his brows furrowed
"you're ridiculous"
"but you still love me" he's right about that
niki || shortie🙄
to be fair your height is above average but your boyfriend is a fucking giant and even then you're only like 2 cm shorter
he still can't leave it alone tho and teases you about it to no end
"are you for real?"
"what? it's true ya know"
"for fuck's sake it's only 2 cm"
and just like that the two of you are at it again
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; a/n: surprise surprise! my first hc yayyy! i hope this turned out okay bc i had no idea what i was doing lmao💀 ily if you got the reference in the jake one no i don't just mean miraculous
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© mochamvgz on tumblr | all rights reserved | do not plagiarise, repost or translate any of my works
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
Maybe It’s Foreboding (Or Not) — Miguel x fem!Reader
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word count: 1.9k 
content: no extreme warnings, modern au, fem!reader, reader uses female pronouns, reader commutes to work by train, reader knows basic spanish, hc that miguel speaks both irish and spanish — and that he’s irish on his father’s side (idk if this is correct or not), use of petnames, id say miguel is a bit ooc — but hes not — he just doesn’t have all that canon trauma going on sjsksk
FINALLY DID SOMETHING OF GOOD QUALITY FOR ONCE????? had to get back on my shit yktfv!!! also psa for the translations — i do not speak fluent spanish and not a lick of irish so please!! if there’s anything incorrect/needs changing, dont be afraid to tell me!! hope you enjoy ❤️❤️
Your usual commute to work was barely ever eventful. It mostly consisted of you getting onto your train — hoping you’d get a seat — and feeling despondent every time you noticed no seats were available. 
Which was expected: You had to use a busy train in order to get to work on time. Any earlier and you’d have to wonder around your office’s surroundings to waste time and any later would have you clocking in late. 
This timed train was so much more convenient for pace but it just never granted you those graceful minutes to sit down. 
But alas, you stuck with it, because what else was there to complain about? The trains weren’t too full so it didn’t mean you were squashed like packed sardines and it was relatively quiet due to most passengers being too mellow at this time of morning to make any lucrative noise. 
“Sorry, Miss.” 
At first, you ignored the deep sounding words, assuming they could have been for anyone. But then a soft tap bounced just over your thigh and so you looked down to see what the disturbance was. 
Looking up at you was a man with focused eyes. He wore a plain black suit with matching trousers. His white shirt had two buttons undone and he wore no tie. You couldn’t help but noticed how tossled his hair was. Clearly he was on his way to some type of occupation.
“Would you like to sit down?” He asks. 
“Oh! I…”
You lean off from the pole you were supporting yourself on and adjust your bag on your soldier. Maybe this man was pitying you because you looked tired. You honestly weren’t and were genuinely just being comfortable, but you guess your lax composure compelled this reaction from him. 
“No. Sorry, I was just being lazy. I’m fine, you don’t need to give up your seat for me.” 
You shake your head and deny his request but the man continually persists. He was already starting to get up from his seat. 
“No, en serio, sit.” He moved his briefcase over with his foot. “Can’t have a pretty lady like you standing now, can we?”
And it’s not like you agreed; Flattery of any kind from a stranger was always met with caution, but concerning he was going out of his way to give you a seat, you guess it’d be rude to deny it. 
“Oh…How kind.” You stagnantly laugh. 
The man took your place from before, now standing over you as he held onto the pole. He placed his briefcase between his feet. As you finally sit down and change your bag from your arm to your lap, you look up at the man with a grateful smile.
“Thank you.” 
He only smiles at you acutely before offering you a curt nod. That was the only interaction you had the whole ride before you got off at your stop and made your way to work. 
The next time you see the man isn’t until two days after the first ordeal and towards the end of the week. 
He sees you before you see him, regarding he boarded the train sometime before you, and instantly flags you over.
Weirdly, his call made you smile, and you pot on over, not expecting much. 
“You really don’t have to.” You try as he gets up and out of his seat. He’s however already shaking his head. 
“Don’t be silly. I already told you why you do so I don’t wanna hear anymore complaining.”
With rolled lips, you nod as you meekly sit down. Having an abash austere about you, you struggle to look up at him as you speak. 
“Thank you. It’s very kind of you.” 
“No need for thanks.” 
You wait several seconds before looking up to give him a communal look of gratitude but you find he’s already looking down at you. You find difficultly baring his coarse stare and so you look back down at your lap. 
Throughout the ride, you can’t help but notice how his leg kept innocently brushing against yours. 
Once again, no more words were shared between you and like before, you get up and leave for your stop once it comes. 
“You know how this goes.”
This is about the sixth time the man has offered his seat up for you, and quite frankly you do know how it goes, but it just never seems like a good enough reason to therefore take his seat. 
“Señor.” You muse with a light smile as you board the train. “You really don’t have to.” 
“Oh, but I really do. Come. Sit.”
The man is already out of the seat, hand widely displaying towards it — it’s yours. 
Despite the seatless train, most people know by now not to sit in it’s stead. The man himself is tall and wide enough to deter anyone from trying, but most reoccurring passengers know the deal as well as you do.
As you take your seat, the man smiles down at you. His smiles have gotten a lot warmer over the various interactions. Per usual, he places his briefcase down near your feet and brush his knees with yours. You believe it’s going to be another wordless journey but the man opens his mouth, closes it, before saying: 
“And please, call me Miguel.” 
He jogs your knee with his, so you were aware it was you he was talking to, but you still looked up at him with a slight expression of confusion. For some reason, it was as if moths — the Night’s Butterfly — were flitting around within the neck of your stomach. 
He sighs out of his nose. It was not out of annoyance, but as if he too was experiencing some emotions of nervousness. The man however had enough confidence to look down at you and attempt to gain your gaze. 
“As opposed to señor, call me Miguel.” 
Your mouth lets out a small ‘ah’.
“Miguel.” You repeat. 
So his name was Miguel. 
It suited him, and made slight sense concerning he seemed to know Spanish well, but even more so because it was as if he had metamorphosed right in front of you. It wasn’t a physical change, but being able to put a name to a face definitely altered your perception of him. It was as if he’d become more human. 
With a soft hum, you look up at him with an inquisitive contort. 
“Miguel.” You taste his name in his mouth once more. “Is that what you’d like me to call you or is that your actual, real, government name?” 
The man’s expression was unreadable. 
“Well, what do you think?”
You shrug, unsure why he’s asked the question, but you give your answer anyways. 
“I’d think it’d be kinda stupid for you to give your government name to a stranger on the train. So I’m guessing it’s a nickname or at least a pseudo one.” 
Miguel’s eyes clip towards the moving view behind you, before training back onto your face. 
“Looks like I’m kinda stupid then.” 
You pause, register what he’s said, and then let out a tinkling laugh as you shake your head meticulously. Miguel chuckles a few seconds after you, and he can’t help watching you as he does so. 
There’s a pause. 
“I’m not much of a stranger anymore though, right? We’re more acquaintances than anything.” He tries. 
“But Miguel, you don’t even know my name.”
“Only because you haven’t told me.” He shrugs.
This is the most quick-fire that he’s ever been but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t enjoying it. 
“You want my government name or the pseudo one?” You muse. 
“It’s only fair that you give me the government one.” He catches himself before adding more gently, “Only if you’re comfortable doing so and kinda stupid like me.”
Once again, you can’t help the smile that braces your mouth. You tell him your name, the government one, and Miguel knocks your knees together in concur. 
“Ah. Hermosa nombre por una hermosa dama.” [1]
He says, and regardless of whether you understood or not, you knew what he was getting at. If his words didn’t convince you then it was the silky look of— admiration? That gave him away. 
Your cheeks heated, and your head dipped. All you could force out was a humble Thank You. 
“Where I’m from, we have this saying.” 
Miguel angles his breakfast snacks in your direction and you wordlessly take a small handful. 
Surprisingly, your usual train was a lot quieter this morning. Maybe it was due to school holidays season, but there was enough space for you and Miguel to both have a seat. Your journey so far had been non-stop chatter. 
“Más í an ceann í, beidh a fhios ag do chroí sula ndéanann tú.” [2] He reprises wisely. 
It wasn’t Spanish, and you knew Miguel spoke Irish (“That old bastard was only good for one thing.”), so the translation was pretty much lost on you. 
“Is that so?” You say with a hum and a crunch. 
Miguel is also crunching on some of his snack, palm covering his mouth as he chucks the small pebbles towards the back of his throat before he’s shaking his head. 
“Nope, that was a complete fucking lie. No such saying exists like that, I just made it up on the spot.” Miguel leaves room for you to let out a burst of laughter. “But, if it was a saying, I’d live by it like it was gospel.”
Shaking your head, you finish the portion of snacks that were in your mouth before you reply. 
“Maybe you should paten it then. Make sure no one else gets the chance in saying it’s the gospel they wrote.” 
“Maybe I should patent it…” Miguel echoes to himself with a deep laugh. “Yeah, maybe I should.” 
The both of you lull into a comfortable silence. The sort of silence you could fall into with a long time friend who was low maintenance, or a family member who you tolerated sharing the living room space with. It was the type of stilling that didn’t require speech but welcomed it if it came. Mornings with Miguel were the calm before the inevitable storm and the small pick-me-up that pushed you out of bed. 
But then as you pondered how he made you feel, you realise that you only knew Miguel within the context of your work commute. You’d only ever spoken to this man within the short time that you travelled to work; Never before, never after. Had you gotten just one train earlier or later — heck, one carriage — different that fateful day, it would have inevitably changed the course of your life and the starting foundation of the friendship (?). 
Life truly was funny in how it dealt it’s cards. 
“What does it mean anyways?” You ask with piqued interest. 
Miguel makes a WTF face, a face he made often, before he’s scrunching up his packet of finished snacks and dumping it within the blue convenience store bag he had. You recognise that everything he’d purchased was in Spanish. 
“What does what mean? Be more specific.” 
“Your fake saying you lied about.” 
Miguel turns his head to look at you, those deep insightful eyes of his analysing you, searching for something. You’re not sure if he found what he was looking for. Whether he did or not, you wouldn’t know. 
The man only turns forwards again and snorts. 
“Don’t worry your pretty lil’ head about it.” He concludes. “You wouldn’t want to know.” 
[1]: Beautiful name for a beautiful lady 
[2]: If she’s the one, your heart will know before you do
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The Man 6
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: mob!Lloyd Hansen
Summary: a demanding customer complicates more than your work life.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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You stare at your phone. It can’t be. After everything else going wrong, you can’t deal with Floyd. It suddenly makes sense why he was messing around with your phone. Ew, he’s kind of a creep.
You don’t answer and put the phone away. Well. You have no money, you’re about to have no home, and your milk is spoiled. Don’t panic. You can figure this out. You’re an adult, aren’t you?
First, go to the bank. You need milk. Once you have a coffee, you’ll worry about the whole eviction thing. You leave the convenience store and open Maps to look for the nearest bank kiosk. Not too far, one block. At least you’re getting your steps in.
You follow the directions on screen and turn to cross the road. You’re so distracted, you forget to look both ways and nearly get hit by a gleaming bumper. You wave a head but don’t look up. You need to get to the bank.
You come up to the pulsing blue dot and glance around. Huh. You don’t see a bank. You turn around and face the ATM built into the side of the building. Oh goddang! You walked to a bank machine, not a bank. Is it you? Are you the problem?
You drop your shoulders. Alright. You’ll just try again. You scroll to the next location and spin around, nearly colliding with a new wall. Oh, not a wall, a person.
You look up at Mr. Henson as he watches you with a line between his brows. Somehow, you’re not very surrpised. This guy is everywhere. It’s almost like he has no hobbies.
“Oh, hi, sorry, excuse me, I’m just on my way to the bank--”
“Ah, running short? Need me to spot ya?” He raises his hand, showing a black credit card.
“Um... noooo,” you utter in confusion. The other day, you ran off after calling him names. You really don’t believe he’s changed his stripes. He’s still a snarling tiger getting ready to feast. “Thanks, but I--”
“Things are tight. Job market’s trash, housing isn’t any better, and those banks,” he whistles and puts his card away, “they like to fuck around, don’t they?”
You look at him, scrunching your face up.
“Y-yeah. Weirdly, I did just get a notice to...” your voice trails off. “Why are you bugging me?”
“Bugging you?” His brows pop up and he guffaws, “oh, sweet lips, you’re funny, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know few jokes but--”
“Think a little harder, cupcake,” he lowers his timber and stares at you.
You blink and wet your lips, pushing them together. Think about what?
“Look, about yesterday--”
“I’m talking about today,” he insists.
“Sure, uh...”
“Do I really need to spell this out for you?”
“Spell what out?” You cringe, clawing for some hint of what he means.
“Your bank card isn’t working, right?” He asks, you nod. “You’re getting evicted.” Another nod. “You have no job.”
You make a face, “yes, okay. Rub it in. Alright. I get it. You’re some important guy and I’m a loser. Don’t worry. You own this city but I think I’m on my way out.”
He sighs and presses his fingers flat on either side of his nose. He drops them and opens his eyes again, “it was me. I’m the reason you—Don't you understand what I can do to you? I got you fired, kicked out, and poor in one day. What else do you think I could do?”
Your chest hollows out and your stomach lurches. What? Him? He just doesn’t stop.
“Sir, what—why would you—I'm sorry I called you a meanie. I was upset and the coffee, I tried--” You sniffle and shudder out a half-sob, “I didn’t mean to.”
“Yeah, well, you shoulda shut those sweet lips and opened those ears, huh?” He grins, “look, cupcake, you’re not going anywhere. You try to run back to your family, I’ll find you. Your mom’s a good lady, you shouldn’t trouble her. She doesn’t make enough teaching brats to put up with another one.”
“My mom—how--”
He spins his finger in the air, “catch up, honey bun. Alright? This is it. I’ll lay it out real clear for you, right now. You have no money, no home, you have nothing. You are nothing.” He jabs his finger at you, “so, I can solve all your problems and make you something.”
You look around. There’s really no way out. He’s a psychopath. You think. You don’t really know the difference between that and sociopath.
“Are you like CIA or something?” You ask.
He scoffs and flinches, “oh man, you are something else. Really, each time you open that mouth, I’m blown away by the idiocy. Rather just get blown, you get it?”
You shake your head and pout.
“Look, I think we can sort this out, Floyd. Really, I’m really sorry and I understand now. I get it. You’re very important and I messed up. I’m nothing and I did everything wrong. And from the bottom of my heart, I apologise. So, can I please have my life back?” You say, “I think we’d both be happier if we just went on our way and never saw each other again.”
His eyes dart away and he stares into the distance. Exasperation wrinkles above his brow and he looks back to you, hands on his hips, “too late, buttercup. So, let me put it as plain as I can. You don’t get a choice. You belong to me now. Just like everything else in this city. You are mine.”
“You can’t... do that.”
“I am doing that,” he insists. “Another thing,” he raises his hand, showing his palm, “it’s Lloyd.” He emphasizes the consonants of his name, “Lloyd Hansen. You can call me sir or Mr. Hansen. Hell, if we’re getting frisky, you can call me daddy.”
“Ugh,” you groan in disgust and curl your lip.
“Ugh?” He mimick the noise, “I’m about to--” He shakes his hand and sucks in the end of his sentence, “fine. Show, don’t tell. Got it.”
You cry out as suddenly he lunges at you. He grabs you by the back of the neck and hauls you forward down the sidewalk. He marches beside you as you writhe and paw at his large hand. You whimper, helpless as pedestrians move out of your path.
“Your mouth got you into trouble, now let’s see if it can get you out,” he growls.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 4 months
Angst, Eddie is mean, fwb relationship. 18+, brief smut so minors go away!
Part two ❤️
All he had to do was stay, just once and then you would know that this relationship that the two of you had actually meant something to him.
It was with some misplaced hope that you hoped this would happen as you met with Eddie at his trailer. It wasn't long before the two of you were fucking, but you hoped this would be the time that he would stay with you, instead of rushing away straight after.
For a couple weeks it seemed like things might be changing with the two of you, that something was changing in Eddie's feelings.
Eddie was currently balls deep inside you, whispering sweet words that never failed to make you come.
My sweet girl, you're so fucking tight. I love how fucking good you make me feel. Let me make you feel good princess.
His thrusts turn erratic, the two you are both so close to the edge, his moans grow louder as you clench around him until finally you're both in the throes of a mindblowing orgasm, that has you seeing stars.
As soon as the night is over with Eddie is getting up and readying to leave, just like he always did. He lights up a cigarette and sighs at your dejected look.
"Not that look again sweetheart, come on I gotta meet up with the boys and shit, but I'll see you Wednesday yeah?"
You feel your stomach bottom out, the crushing blow to your hopes is too much to take. How many times would you keep doing this to your week?
How many times could Eddie do this? Use you for his pleasure but not commit or show any indication that you were more than just a fuck?
For the last few weeks you had stupidly thought that things were changing, obviously not.
"I thought were meeting on Monday?" you ask, he winces and shrugs.
"Chrissy is in town" right, Chrissy. Chrissy who had been in an on and off relationship with Eddie for a year or so. Which obviously was back on again, this made you feel even more of a fool.
For the months you had been fucking this had been going on, Eddie hiding your relationship, encounters hidden away.
"So, you can take Chrissy on dates and shit but I'm just... a convenient lay right? Someone who you can fuck how you want because Eddie is too vanilla for your shit?''
He runs his hand through his hair and looks frustrated, it's nothing to how you feel. You were so damn sick of this and being to dress.
''Why am I never enough for you, Eddie?'' you murmur, feeling tears pool on your eyes.
No. You won't give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. Fuck that, fuck him.
"Look we both agreed this is just sex, why do you insist on bringing this up every fucking time?" Eddie snaps and his cold tone is the last straw for you.
"You know what go fuck yourself Munson, because it's the last time I'll ever do it" Eddie blinks surprised at your words, then he scoffs.
"We both know, you can't stay away from me" he snaps and you shake your head, your broken heart hurting but you'll get through it.
"Oh yeah? watch me" and with that you walk right out of the trailer.
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thechaoticdruid · 3 months
Hello! A scene rewrite for your consideration (no obligation of course!):
Astarion’s siblings’ reactions when they break into the party’s camp at the Elfsong Tavern and see Astarion and Winnie cuddling in bed. After the fight, Winnie asks him about not having empathy for the other spawn and Astarion says his line, “No one ever looked out for me. No one ever said a kind thing to me…you’re the only one.”
Thank you for your amazing writing! ❤️
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Pairing: Astarion x Named!Tav (Winnie)
Note: I hope you don't mind, but some of it is word for word from the game while some is changed a bit, but it's pretty much the same context. This is literally one of my favorite scenes in the game! Also please ignore that the photo is not set in the same place as this oneshot. The oneshot takes place in the Elfsong!
Content: Violence, Fluff, slight angst with comfort. Nothing too bad!
Winnie had never thought she'd feel safe enough to sleep peacefully, undisturbed. Not since before the attack on the Lost Grove, her childhood home, did she ever truly feel safe. Today had been particularly tiring since Winnie, Astarion, Jaheira and Karlach had been on the trail of Jaheira’s friend Minsc. Karlach seemed super excited to meet him, apparently he was some great hero or something. Winnie had never been too educated on Faerûn’s heros. They didn't tell stories of them in the Lost Grove. Now she was resting up in their room in the Elfsong, snuggled up in Astarion's arms as he played with her hair, face nuzzled into his chest. The two of them laid on the bed together hidden away from the view of the others as the drapes closed off the room they were in. 
Astarion was awake watching over the human druid as she dozed off in his arms. The sound of the Elfsong’s ghostly songstress lulling her to sleep. Astarion leans over and plants a chaste kiss on her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of lavender and cherry blossoms, the druid’s signature scent. 
For a while she was in a peaceful slumber, but the wicked don't sleep, someone was here to disturb her rest.
Astarion’s pointed ears detected the sound of footsteps and the scent of undeath hit him hard. 
His siblings had come for a visit, slipping in through the curtains that separated them from the rest of their sleeping companions. Glowing red eyes gazed over at the couple in curiosity.
“Astarion? Finally we've found you.” A tiefling female said as she stepped through the curtains. She was followed shortly by what appeared to be a shirtless human male. The two immediately noticed Astarion curled up around his sleeping human love. Astarion mentally cursed himself for allowing his siblings of all people to witness him in such a vulnerable moment. Cazador was the last person that needed to know of his relationship with Winnie.  
“Looks like he found himself a pet mortal.” The man murmured. Astarion slipped away from Winnie and stood in front of her. 
“Oh, her? She's more of a convenient blood bag, really.” Astarion bluffed, hoping his lie would make sure Cazador didn't see Winnie as a means of leverage to use against him. Winnie shifted, exposing the faded bite marks upon her neck.
“Nevermind that brother, you're coming with us.” The tiefling said before she and the male began to corner Astarion.
Winnie slowly shifted, unconsciously feeling around her bed for her lover. Her eyes blinked open as she suddenly heard the sound of shouting. 
“GET THE HELLS AWAY FROM ME!” Astarion snarled. Winnie leapt out of bed now wide awake as she noticed Astarion backing away from two unfamiliar intruders with his fangs barred. 
“Peace brother, we've come to take you home.” The tiefling said. Winnie glared at them and moved over towards Astarion's side.
“The master needs all seven of us for the ceremony, come with us and be reborn. We'll live again.” The man said.
“You're not taking Astarion anywhere.” Winnie growled out, taking a step in front of him protectively.
“Our master needs him for the Rite. He must attend.” The tiefling woman said.
“Oh, I'm well aware of what the master needs. But don't we deserve better?” Astarion spoke up.
“Better? What do you mean?” The other male spawn questioned.
“After these centuries of torment, I know what you all want, more than power, more than to walk in the sun.” Astarion looked at the other two spawn before a devilish grin formed upon his lips. “You want to see him dead.” The other spawn looked at one another as Astarion continued. Winnie rose an eyebrow at Astarion, curious about what he had to say. “The Rite of Profane Ascension will be mine and he won't see a scrap of its glory. I am going to complete the ritual as the Ascendant and then I am going to kill him!” 
Winnie's eyes widened in surprise. He was really still trying to go through with this despite all of her warnings. Winnie wasn’t a stranger when it came to killing, but his siblings were under Cazador's control just as much as he'd been. Whatever their sins were, they weren't their own. At least that's how it was in Winnie's mind. 
“This is your chance. Name me your new master. We will get our revenge and you will live again.”  Winnie could see the lie in his smile, the hunger for power was clear as day. He'd throw them to the wolves for his own gain.  Normally Winnie would be sickened by such a rotten scheme, but being that it was her lover cooking it up she just felt disappointed. 
“Astarion, you can't be this cruel. You're asking them to die for you in that ritual.” Winnie looked at him, eyes saddened. Astarion tensed as he looked back at his lover's round puppy-like eyes, the soft pout of her lips nearly making him cave.
“Don't look at me like that. With the sweet little ‘disappointed I'm not getting cuddly Astarion’ pout. I can't take it.” He glared back at her slightly. “I can't be what you want to see in me.” 
“Die in the ritual? Whatever are you speaking of? We're going to cheat undeath.” The tiefling said, looking quite puzzled.
“Cazador is lying to you. He needs your souls to complete this ritual!” Winnie exclaimed, “why else do you think he wants Astarion back so badly?”
“The master doesn't need to lie to us. He controls us completely. Why go through the trouble of giving us hope?”
“Oh, I don't know…Maybe because he's a sadistic piece of shit?” Winnie crossed her arms and rolled her eyes at their ignorance.
“Shit. She's right, we're doomed.” The male spawn said. “Alright, we'll help you. Just tell us what to do.” Just as he was about to speak further the tiefling woman began to cry out in pain, her body glowing red.
“The bond’s hold. He owns us. We have no choice, we must obey. Get out of here, Astarion!”  She shouted before the other male began to glow red as well.  Winnie tensed, the sound of the front doors to the connecting rooms slamming open sent her into survival mode. Almost immediately she dropped down, wild shaping into her direwolf form with a loud howl to alert the others. 
Astarion quickly grabbed his rapier from under the bed as his tiefling sister came at him with claws. Astarion's blocked her with the blade, slashing her across the chest and kicking her back. Winnie immediately jumped on Astarion's brother and sank her teeth into his shoulder. While the other members of their group fought with the other invading spawn, they were able to slip right past them and make their way towards the room where Astarion and Winnie were locked in combat. 
They lunged at the transformed druid, sinking their fangs into her flesh and draining her of her precious ichor. Winnie released the spawn, jerking back with a high pitched dog like whine as the other spawns mobbed her.
“Winnie!” Astarion pushed his sister out of the way and rushed over to the druid as she was forced out of her wild shape and into her human form. The arcane trickster kicked one of his siblings off her before casting scorching ray and hitting multiple of them with it. Winnie had to take a moment to regain her composure as her head was spinning from blood loss. 
This is bad….Fuck…If only the sun was….Wait a minute!
“Sol Invictus!” Winnie suddenly cast daylight on one of the nearby chairs, sending intense beams of light at all of the nearby vampire spawn. Their skin began to sizzle and scorch. Astarion's siblings immediately made a run for the exit, disappearing into mist before they could be turned to ashes. Winnie huffed a bit, eyes glancing around at the blood and damage caused by their uninvited guests. 
“What a mess. Well at least you've met my family now.” Astarion sighed, running a hand through his hair. Winnie crossed her arms and glared at Astarion.
“Oh come on, you're not still pouting over this!” Astarion whined.
“That was low Astarion. Lying to them like that.” Winnie huffed out.
“I don't know why you're so upset. They're only six vampire spawn!” 
“Can’t you at least be a little sympathetic to others who suffered the same as you?” 
“None of them would do the same for me! 200 years or torment and no one ever said a kind thing to me! You're the only one.” He said, gesturing towards the brunette haired druid.
“Astarion.” Winnie frowned, a saddened look in her eyes. 
“Other people don't have a heart like you….You're you….No one is like that.” Astarion said softly before suddenly feeling a soft hand on his cheek as Winnie looked into his eyes.
“Star, there are so many wonderful people in this world who will love you as much as I do. You just need to open your heart to them.” Astarion placed his larger hand over Winnie's. 
“Don't sell yourself so short. I'm doing this for you too, you know. To make sure we're both safe. Forever.” Astarion smiled sweetly as he gazed lovingly back at his druid before adding a firm, “for good.” Winnie smiled at him, eyes growing soft.
“Your sweet words aren't gonna change my view on this I'm afraid.” Winnie smirked, “but I am rather happy to hear you want to protect me.” 
“Stubborn little thing.” Astarion murmured before leaning in to kiss Winnie's forehead. “I saw you get bitten quite a few times. Are you alright?” 
“I feel woozy I guess, tired.” Winnie admitted, before receiving another forehead kiss. 
“Wait here, I'll go get you something to eat.”Her vampiric love hummed.
“Ooh! Ooh! Cheese!” Winnie said giddily as her partner rolled his eyes with a smile before walking off to fetch her some food. 
Taglist for Winnie's during campaign oneshots:
@vixstarria , @paganwitchisis , @kerwin290710
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minminyoonjii · 4 months
What about minchan smut where they go out to a convenience store together to grab snacks for their movie night only to bump into someone and instantly fall head over heels with them and end up bringing them back to their house and railing them into oblivion turning them cock drunk and brain dead?
-🤍🦇 if I may
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❤️Ultimate Masterlist
💜Rules and Guidelines
🕯Summary: Movie night snacks are always essential. Who knew bumping into a wall would lead to this?
Definitely, 🤍🦇-nonnie hehe. First fic after a while, I hope it's good.
Cunnilingus|Oral Sex|Protection Used|Blowjob|Oral Fixation|Pussy Drunk! Lee Minho|Praise Kink|Wet & Messy|Dacryphilia|Needy! Reader|Slow to Rough Sex|Switch! Lee Minho|Spitroasting|Aftercare
💌 This is a work of fiction, I by all means don't force ship anyone. They have the right to love whomever they want.
🍄Wordcount: 2.3K
"Hyung, did you get everything?" Minho asked, hooking his chin over Chan's shoulder. "Looks about everything. Are you sure this is enough pudding?" he teased, running his fingers through Minho's hair. Minho tsk, nipping Chan's ear, "Very funny, hyung," he muttered. Chan chuckled, "If that's all, we should be good then," he said, walking ahead, facing Minho. A firm grunt escaped his lips when he bumped into something. 
You winced, thankful that the cans you held didn't fall on you. Chan's eyes widened, "Oh shit, sorry," he apologised, helping you up. You coughed up a laugh, "It's fine, but to my defence. I didn't expect a walking wall." you said, eyeing Chan's build. He chuckled, rubbing his neck sheepishly, "Yikes, sorry again," he said, picking up the things you dropped. Minho snorted at his boyfriend's blush-tinted cheeks. 
Chan gulped, taking a good look at you as he handed the cans. You smiled, oblivious to his blatant stare, "So, movie night snacks or just stock up?" you asked, gesturing to the handful of snacks. Minho blinks, hitting Chan's shoulder subtly, "Movie night, what about you? That's quite a number of canned fruits," he rambled, snapping out of his daze. Minho chuckled inwardly, "Don't you think it's rude to question a person's grocery choices, hyung?" he teased, rubbing Chan's ears. 
You giggled, "Well if he's being rude, then I'm ruder for bringing it up," you said, taking Minho aback. Minho's jaw dropped into a slight agape before he blinked out of it, "I didn't mean like that, I just-," he said, flustered by your comment. Chan chuckled, rubbing Minho's back, "Deep breaths, baby," he said, egging Minho on. Minho scoffed, biting his tongue before burying his face in the crook of Chan's neck. You cooed, "Aww, I'm sorry if I made you shy," you said, looking at Minho sympathetically.
"It's okay," Minho mumbled, peeking out briefly. Chan felt his heartthrob, "Since you have the drinks and we have the snacks, why don't you come to our place for a movie?" he suggested, letting his emotions take the lead. You freeze, "Huh?" you questioned, wondering if you heard wrong. Chan cleared his throat, "I meant what I said, would you like to hang out with us?" he asked, his fingers over Minho's firm arms wrapped around his waist.
You bit your lips, weighing the pros and cons until you decided 'Fuck it, they're hot,'. With a deep inhale, "I'm down," you agreed, smiling at them. Chan mimicked one back, "Great, our car is out front. If you don't mind we can ride it together," he prompted. You nodded your head, "Fine by me," you said, laying your purchases on the counter. Minho turned to face you, "My name's Minho," he said, waiting for yours in return. You chuckled, answering him, "And you?" you questioned, looking at Chan.
"Oh, I'm Chan. I didn't realise the late introduction," he said, carrying the items. You shrugged, "Me neither," you said, growing comfortable with their presence by the second.
"Nice place you got here," you said, setting the ingredients aside. Minho hummed, "It's very minimal," he said, pouring the snacks into containers. You nodded, "I bet your rooms showcase your personalities well," you said, mixing up the punch. Chan nodded, "Our shared bedroom has its spin, but if you really want to know our personalities I suggest a visit to our studio," he said, taking a sip of the punch you made. Puzzles connected in your head, 'They're a couple', you thought.
Minho stood far back behind you, instinctively eyeing the curve of your ass. He tried his hardest to look at something else but he wanted nothing more than to watch your bottom meet his palm. Chan was holding his composure slightly better than Minho, "What were the actual plans for your night?" he asked. You hummed, tasting the punch from the ladle, "Casual night in with shows to binge," you said, deeming the punch sweet enough. 
Chan nodded, feeling the drool pool below his tongue at the sight of your glossy lips, "Self-care is important," he said, bringing the things to a coffee table. You purse your lips, "Yup," you said, knowing damn well you were going to spend the night edging your aching cunt. A deep exhale escaped your lips as you tried to shake the idea away. Minho took a seat next to you, "What movie would you recommend to us?" he asked, subtly reaching his arm over your head. 
You hummed, "Well there was this show I wanted to start," you said, clicking it. Chan smiled, "Good choice, I think I heard it from somewhere," he said, getting comfortable as he took a seat. All was going well until you remembered why this show was infamous. You gripped the glass, staring ahead. Chan shifted, crossing his leg over the other to hide his growing semi. Minho took deep breaths through his nose, shutting his eyes every once in a while to distract himself from the sheer pornographic moans.
A weak whimper escaped your lips, body heated both from the alcohol and the initial neediness you had. Chan gulped, hearing your sweet whimper over the actor's grunts. Your thighs trembled, pleading for any form of pressure to subdue the craving in your abdomen. Minho grunted, turning down the show "Do you want our help?" he rasped, hair tousled from how much he was brushing it back to distract himself. 
You blinked, "Huh?" you questioned, voice barely above a whisper. Minho got on his knees, rubbing your calves, "Do you want us to help you, princess?" he whispered, careful to not make you uncomfortable. You gulped, embarrassment running through your veins at the thought of you being so utterly obvious, "Please?" you questioned, thoughts running through your mind. Chan stroked your hair, "Don't worry, we'll stop the moment you tell us to. Just give us the word and we'll back off," he reassured, patting your shoulder.
Minho nodded, "We just want to help you, sweet thing," he said, letting you rest your palm on the top of his head. You gulped, undeniably horny at the thought of two gorgeously looking men prioritising your consent. Chan hummed, "You can make the first move, little one," he said, tracing circles on your shoulder. You pressed your thighs close, "Kiss?" you asked, turning to face Chan. He chuckled, cupping your cheek, "Close your eyes for me," he instructed, pressing his lips against yours.
You moaned into the kiss, feeling his plush full lips sync with yours. Chan groaned, slipping in his tongue, teasing the roof of your mouth with the tip. Minho grunted a whine, nipping at the fabric of your tights. "Shit, angel. You kiss so sweet," Chan chuckled, pulling back. Low heavy breaths huffed between you, and Chan couldn't help but lick your spit-glossed lip. You shivered a moan, lifting your hips for Minho to tug down your bottoms.
Minho wasted no time to mark your supple skin, nipping and sucking deep bruising bites. Chan cooed at his boyfriend's possessiveness, "Can't leave the kitten to his own devices for too long, princess. Why don't you tighten that grip of yours?" he prompted, kissing down your neck. Your cunt ached to be touched, soaking through those skimpy panties you wore on a whim. You tugged on Minho's roots, bringing his face closer to your warm pussy.
Chan removed his top, defined muscles on sight, "May I?" he asked, brushing his fingers up your top. You nodded, spreading your legs further for Minho to comfortably bury his face against your panties. Chan gripped your waist, pushing the fabric up to show your cute tummy, his thoughts spun at the idea of his cock bulging at that specific spot. "Fuck me," he mumbled, tugging the fabric past your head to admire your body. 
Minho worked his tongue the moment his face was inches from your clothed cunt. Drool pooled his mouth, soaking the panties you wore. He pushed the fabric aside only to wrap his lips around your throbbing clit. You bit back a squeal at the sudden zap of pleasure electrifying your abdomen. Minho moaned, hooking your thighs over his shoulders, "So fucking pretty," he grunted, licking down your slit. You whined, arching your back into his mouth "Ah! ah, ah," you moaned, breathlessly. 
Chan groped your chest, lips sucking around your sensitive nipples, "They're so hard, princess," he groaned, flicking his tongue. Tears pooled in your eyes, pleasure swimming in your head. Minho shifted lower, using his nose to press on your swollen clit as his tongue stretched out your hole. Your back arched at the intrusion, "There, please, please, please," you pleaded, clawing your nails into the sofa below. Minho huffed out a growl, adding his fingers with his tongue.
A silent scream escaped your lips as your orgasm broke over the edge. "Shit, shit, fuckk," you dragged, moaning. Minho licked your orgasm clean, sucking on the entrance of your cunt. Chan pulled off your chest, "I need to see that expression again, princess," he groaned, manhandling your body across the sofa. You moaned at his strength, arms wrapping around his firm thighs, "Chan," you whined, looking up.
Minho groaned at the aches in his knees, "Hyung,  the condom?" he slurred, shaking off the pussy drunk haze. Chan leaned back, grabbing a box, "Here, baby," he said, handing them to Minho. You furrowed your eyebrows, "Fuck, I forgot to ask if you both are clean," you grumbled, the underlying pleasure still clouding your mind. Chan chuckled, brushing your hair back, "We are. I'm guessing you are too?" he asked, kissing your forehead.
You nodded, "Got a test a few weeks back," you said, eyeing Chan's clothed bulge. Chan followed your line of sight, "Ask and you can have it, little one," he said, holding your jaw to face him. You bit back a whine, "Please, Chan. Let me suck your big cock, please," you begged, needing to feel the weight of his throbbing cock on your tongue. Minho moaned at the sight of your curved back, finally able to touch the mounds of your ass, "Sweetheart, this might just kill me," he grunted, slicking his wrapped cock against your folds.
Chan cooed, stripping off his boxers, "Such a sweet little girl," he praised, stroking his cock. You whimpered, slacking your jaw, sticking your tongue out. Minho spread your folds, lining the tip of his cock with your stretched hole, "Relax for me, darling," he whispered, pushing inch by inch into your cunt. You moaned, pressing your cheek against Chan's thigh, "Fuck," you hiccuped, crying at the burning white heat stretching your ribbed walls.
Minho grunted, leaning forward to pant against your shoulder, "She's so fucking tight, hyung," he chuckled, easing his length with gentle strokes for you to get used to. You mewled, urging Chan to shift closer so you could wrap your lips around his throbbing cockhead. Chan cooed, "Aww, don't cry, princess. My cock isn't going anywhere," he said condescendingly, tapping her bottom lip with his leaking slit. You whined, sucking on his sensitive cockhead, melting at the sheer taste of his precum hitting your taste buds.
Chan threw his head back, "That's it, gorgeous," he growled, thrusting his cock firmly. Minho groaned in tandem, dragging his hips to make languid thrusts. He smirked, hitting your ribbed gummy walls "Just look at her fall apart," he grunted, angling his thrusts just the way you needed it. You choked on a sob, bobbing your head to Chan's pace as he held your hair firm. Chan growled, "Uhm, she takes it so fucking well," he praised, feeling the bulge of his cock sliding in and out of your throat.
Your face slicked with tears and drool, broken moans muffled by Chan's girth filling your mouth. Minho slipped two fingers into his mouth, drenching them in spit before reaching down to rub figure eights’ on your sensitive clit. A muffled cry vibrated through your throat around Chan's cock. He groaned, feeling the air get knocked out of him as your throat convulsed around his cockhead. Your body quivered, teetering at the brink. You sniffled, peeking up at Chan's half-lidded eyes.
Minho noticed, quickening his pace when your warm pulsing walls tightened around his cock, "Is our sweet princess about to cum? Go on and cum for us," he grunted, gripping your waist to lay merciless pounding. Chan felt his knees buckled when you sank your nails into his thighs, "Fuck! Gonna, shit, cum," he growled, thrusting his whole length down your throat. You choked, sputtering around his orgasm, trying your hardest to swallow every last drop.
Chan hissed through his teeth, easing his cock out, "Good girl," he chuckled, pushing back his sweat-drenched hair. Minho nosed your neck, marking your skin, "Please, please, princess. Need to feel you clench around my cock," he rambled, grunting into your ear. You whimper, moans falling freely as your body gave out, abdomen tense when your orgasm broke "Fuck, fuck, ah," you mewled, clenching hard around Minho's girth. 
He choked on a groan, veins on his neck apparent, "Oh fuck," he keened, filling the condom to the brim. Chan chuckled, kissing you to ease down your high, "Such a perfect little girl," he hummed, pampering kisses all over your face. Minho lifted his head, kissing your cheek, "Took my cock perfectly, princess," he praised, shifting to pressing his lips against yours. You weakly mimicked his movement. Chan brushed your hair back, "I've got a warm bath prepared, do you want to wash up now or more kisses?" he asked.
You gave him a fucked out smile, "Kisses, please," you whispered, growing sleepy by the second. Minho grunted, slipping his cock from your warm walls, "Let me help you up, angel," he rasped, lifting you onto his lap. Chan smiled, standing in front of Minho with your back facing his chest, "More kisses, as granted," he whispered, leaning forward to kiss you until you're satisfied. 
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zepskies · 7 months
Code Red
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Pairing: Boaz Priestly x Female Reader
Summary: When you call him for help, Priestly realizes that he finally has the relationship of his dreams.
AN: So I didn’t think I’d ever write for this character, but it was prompted by a lovely anon and encouraged by my friend @thatonewriter15! I hope you enjoy. ❤️ 
Song Inspo: “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. “I’ve found a love…”
Word Count: 1,500 Tags/Warnings: Period talk, suggestiveness, mega fluff
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He was in the zone.
Four six-inch double buffalo chicken clubs with banana peppers on whole wheat bread (gross, but he wasn’t the one eating ‘em), two spicy Italians, and a tuna on rye.
Priestly wrapped them up with practiced precision and slid them down the line to Piper, Mission Impossible-style. She smiled at his antics and took them and brought them over to Tish at the register.
Priestly had another turkey and provolone on his docket, hold the mayo, when his cell buzzed in his pocket. Today he actually did have pockets. As in, he was wearing joggers, boots, and a graphic tee that said: NO TEQUILA, NO ENTRY.
He swiveled his phone in his hand like a drummer with a drumstick. He smiled when he saw your name flashing across the screen, and he answered it.
“Hey, Beautiful. What’s up?” he asked.
“Boaz, I need you,” you said. To his ears, your voice was sultry, and a bit strained.
He perked up with raised eyebrows.
“What’s holding up the turkey and cheese?” Piper asked.
Boaz held up a finger to the blonde and tucked the phone between his ear and shoulder. His hands busied themselves with the next sandwich order, but he was all too attentive to your every word.
“Oh yeah?” he replied to you. His smile deepened. “Well, that’s convenient. Because I’m craving some of you, baby.”
You gave a breathy chuckle. “Normally I’d take you up on that, but no. I need you. As in, I really need you to do something for me.”
Priestly arched a brow. His brain was already filling up with ideas of how he could best help you. He mentally took an inventory of the “tools” in your nightstand drawer, and which ones he could best use to his advantage when he—
“Uhh, well, I got about one more hour in my shift,” he said, lowering his voice, even as it deepened a notch. “But if Jen covers me, I can be outta here in half the time.”
“Oh my God, good,” you gasped. “I’m in so much fucking pain, you have no idea.” 
Priestly blinked, and any thoughts of kinky fun times came to a screeching halt. Concern took over when he realized that the strain in your voice wasn’t from the sexy kind of need.
“What’s wrong?” he asked quickly.
“I’m out of Midol, my uterus is rioting like it’s a Vietnam War protest, and…oh yeah, I need more tampons too,” you said. “But I legitimately cannot move from this couch.”
Priestly couldn’t help but smile in amusement.
“Ech, I hear ya. Are we in a Code Green, Code Yellow, or Code Red situation?”
Jen glanced over at him from where she was mopping the floor, and she gave him a questioning look.
What’s wrong? she mouthed.
“Code Red, definitely,” you answered with a sigh.
Priestly grimaced in sympathy. He mouthed back to Jen, Code Red.
She nodded in female understanding, and raised a hand that said, Say no more.
“Okay, yeah,” Priestly replied to you. “Don’t worry, I got you.”
You released a sigh of relief. “And if you want to throw in a Snickers, I wouldn’t hate it.”
He chuckled at that one.
“You got it,” he said. “I’ll be home in T minus an hour, give or take.”
You groaned. “Can’t you just steal a DeLorean or something?”
“You know, I could, but that would mean I’d be going back further into the past before you even needed to call me, and I’d still probably be making sandwiches since I’ve been working here since damn near 2000 B.C. But you know what, they should really call that movie Back to the Present, since they don’t actually go to the future until—”
“Okay,” you had to laugh, even though it was edged with discomfort. “I’ll see you later.”
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At the supermarket, after his shift at Beach City Grill, Priestly had most of the supplies he needed for a successful mission. All he was missing was his old enemy on Aisle 2.
Once again, he faced a wall of tampons. All bright colored boxes and numbers and sizes…
Okay, not Code Green, so not the slender ones that might as well be match sticks. Not Yellow, so no to Regular…ah! Here we are. Super Plus.
AKA: Code Red. Complete with leak guard, no latex. He grabbed the blue box and threw it into his basket of essentials, including no less than three assorted chocolate bars and a pint of Ben & Jerrys. He knew his girl, and you liked your Half-Baked ice cream with chocolate chip cookie dough and brownie pieces.  
He brought over his haul to the checkout line. Sure enough, Gerry, one of the locals, was finally old enough to buy a case of beer by himself. He glanced at the blue box Priestly was taking out onto the conveyor belt and smirked.
“No slender regulars this time?” Gerry remarked.
Priestly’s smile was tight. “No, Gerald. Slenders are for pussies.”
“Literally,” the blonde beanpole snorted. “What, your girlfriend got a heavy flow this month?”
Priestly rolled his eyes, and his mouth pressed in a line. The word flow still kind of grated on him like nails on a chalkboard, but what irked him more was this guy imagining any part of your intimate parts.
“All right, my girl’s flow is none of your business,” he said. “Once you hit puberty and grow your first pubes, you’ll understand.”
Gerry floundered while Priestly continued on to make his purchases. Even the cashier was smiling, trying not to laugh as he silently gave Priestly his props for a burn well made. Priestly shot the guy a nod and a smile before he left with his spoils.
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“Honey, I’m hoooome,” Priestly sing-songed.
He stepped through the door with his keys still jangling in his hand. He was trying to balance the big bag of groceries while closing the door to the apartment he shared with you.
Your head perked up from the living room couch, and your hand slowly curled up, beckoning him over. Priestly obliged you. He peered over the side of the couch and smiled at the way you were all curled up under a throw blanket, already in your pajamas, while FRIENDS reruns played on the TV.
“Finally,” you said with a tired smile. But not the kind of finally that just meant you were impatient for the goods he carried. The kind of finally that also meant you were happy to see him.
He laid a comforting hand on your head, leaned down, and pressed a kiss above your brow. You held him there by the collar of his shirt, prompting him to kiss you for real. Your hand moved up his tattooed neck and your nails gave the back of his head a little scratch, careful not to disrupt the blue mohawk.
He reluctantly pulled away from your lips, just enough to try and gauge how you were feeling.
“How’re you holdin’ up?” he asked.
“Like a beach umbrella in a hurricane,” you replied wryly. “You got the stuff?”
Priestly held the grocery bag tucked under his arm like it was a drug deal.
“Oh, I got the stuff, if you got the money,” he said.
You nodded, and your small smile turned mischievous. “I got your money, Big Man.”
With your hand delicately hooked behind his neck and the other gliding up his arm, he didn’t realize he was falling into a trap.
You tugged his arm hard enough to try and get him to fall over the back of the couch.
“Hey!” he yelped. Yet he also laughed while you tried your best to pull him overboard.
He had to toss the bag of groceries to the floor next to you, but he managed to get over and onto the couch without crushing you. He probably smelled like old sandwich and mayonnaise, but you didn’t seem to care. 
You just helped him settle in behind you, with your back to his chest. This was the only way you’d find comfort for your lower back. It had been aching since you woke up this morning.
You grabbed his closest hand and guided it under your overlarge sleep shirt, then under the waistband of your panties. You laid his warm hand flat against your cramping lower belly.
Priestly pressed a kiss behind your ear and tucked his arm underneath your head. He felt the rise and fall of your sigh as you leaned back against him, and his smile softened.
“You’re gonna fall asleep without digging into your treasure trove,” he teased. “I even got your favorite ice cream.”
You glanced at him over your shoulder in interest.
“Half-Baked?” you asked.
“Yep, for extra brownie points. Eh? See what I did there?”
Your body shook with a quiet laugh. You reached your hand back to touch his bearded cheek this time. Your fingers toyed with his many earrings.
“Did you know that you’re my favorite human?” you said. “Like, ever?”
He smiled against your neck. “Could’a sworn I was your third favorite, behind Ben and Jerry.”
“Nope, just you,” you said, snuggling back further into his warmth. “Thank you, baby.”
Priestly realized then that he’d found it.
He’d really, honest to God found the life he didn’t think he’d get, with a woman who didn’t want him to change; who just wanted him to be here.
Though he smirked when you reached for the bag and dug out the pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
“That’s what I thought,” he said.
You giggled. “Shut up.”
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AN: Priestly was such a fun character lol. I rewatched 10 Inch Hero this past week and this was the first thing I thought to write! If you liked this, let me know! (And if you want more Priestly.) 😘
Read the Prequel!
If you liked Code Red, read the start of their story:
▶️ The Miracle Man
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Priestly Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Tag List:
(Lovelies from my "Everything" tag list. If you want to be tagged on Priestly stuff specifically, check out the Tag List link in my bio.)
@kazsrm67 @letheatheodore @agothwithheavysetmakeup @jacklesbrainworms @foxyjwls007 @wincastifer @ades106 @iamsapphine @simpforbuckyb @vanillawhiskeyflavoredkisses @roseblue373 @brianochka @branj19 @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog
@globetrotter28 @charmed-asylum @waywardxwords @deanwinchestersgirl87 @this-is-me19 @rachiem4-blog @sweettimelady @leigh70 @clinicallydepresso @emily-winchester @xiphoidbones @skoveu @nyotamalfoy @kmc1989
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faithst · 1 year
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pairing zb1 x gn!reader
genre fluff
warnings mentions of food?
notes hellooooo, thank you for requesting <3 i’m sorry for the delay ☹️ and i hope you enjoy this ^^
also trying out a new style of writing reactions, (inspired by @chxrrymxxnlight , go check them out !) tell me if i should stick with this or my old one ❤️
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— zhang hao
awkward. like really awkward
awkward smiles, trying to brush them off
unless they get too close to him or anything, he’s really polite 😇
zhanghao had brought you on a date to a new café that recently opened. everything was great; the service, the vibes, the food and especially your boyfriend. you thought nothing could ruin this moment until a waiter decided to come back to your table right after taking your orders.
the waiter didn’t even look at you and went straight to zhanghao. “you’re really cute, can i have your number?” zhanghao was really shocked, now very uncomfortable and looking at you for help. he tried to brush the waiter off by saying “i’m sorry, i’m kind of in the middle of a dat-” the waiter put a hand on his shoulder.
“i know we can work it out.” the waiter said, smiling at him. he pushed their hand off, standing up obviously annoyed. “you shouldn’t just touch people like that. let’s go babe.”
— sung hanbin
v v v v v polite
awkward laughs whenever they do a pickupline 😀
makes an excuse to get out of it
you were shopping with hanbin for skincare products. he said he’d help you find a product that was good for your skin type. as he looked around the wellness store, he found a brand that he wanted to recommend. he grabbed one of the moisturisers and showed it to you “this one is great, i use this.” you took it from his hand and looked at the product information.
a worker came up to you both, smiling as they look at the product in your hand. “oh, this product is very good for a cutie like you!” they say, beaming to hanbin who was now laughing trying to brush them off, awkwardly shifting to you.
“you should give me your number and maybe i can tell you about our promotions.” they continue, offering their phone to him. “haha, no worries.. i actually have somewhere to go now!” hanbin took your hand, running out the store in a flash.
— seok matthew
makes it obvious he’s in a relationship
doesn’t want to be mean
but he still shoves it in their face that he’s perfectly happy and in love w you 🥰
matthew had brought you to dinner, with you looking so stunning in his eyes. everyone could’ve seen how lovestruck he was; basically giggling and twirling his hair around. well, everyone except this one person.
they came up to you both, confused on the sudden approach. they gave you a disgusted look but then faced straight to your boyfriend. “you’re definitely my type.” they say, smiling as they hand him their phone asking for his number.
��my partner thinks that too!” he says, grabbing both your hands as he kisses your knuckles making you blush a rosy red. matthew made sure the love in his eyes were even more prominent after that.
— shen ricky
politely declines
“no thanks.”
if the person is persistent, he just leaves them hanging 🧍
going out with ricky was very common and people staring at your amazing boyfriend in awe was also quite common. when you both decided to visit an art museum, he got more attention than the art displayed.
usually, people would just stop and stare. but this time, someone came up to him. “i couldn’t help myself because you’re very attractive.” they smiled before continuing “can i invite you out to dinner?” ricky looked at you before looking back at them.
“no, thank you.” he intertwines your hands, bringing them up to show it off to them “but-” they try to speak up but ricky already walked away to another section of the museum with you.
— park gunwook
confused 😐
looks to you for help
lets you speak to the person
you and gunwook were going to buy some stuff from the convenience store for a movie date at home. as he scans the shelves for a pack of his favourite snack, he reaches for the last pack of homerun balls when another person snatches it away from him.
his mood sullens until they offer the pack back to him “you can have this in exchange for your number.” they state, completely ignoring you. he was caught off guard by the abrupt bold move from a stranger.
gunwook looked to you, eyes signalling for help. you caught onto this and went in-front of him “sorry, he doesn’t have a number.” you pass by them, pulling gunwook along with you to another convenience store.
— kim taerae
the way he looks at people is so 😵‍💫
so naturally, he attracts alot of people
super dense and nice
taerae had prepared a cute little picnic date for you two to get away from work stress and spend more time together. he helped lay out the mat and the food that he made beforehand. while munching away on his sandwich, he noticed someone in the distance.
“they have a nice bag.” he says, pointing to the bag. you nod in agreement when the person that owned the bag came up to you. “sorry, i just happened to notice you staring.” they say, shyly smiling “oh, i’m so sorry!” taerae apologised profusely for staring.
“it’s okay, i think you’re quite cute.” the statement made taerae laugh, smiling as he thanked them. “i just thought your bag was cool!” he mentioned, his hand forming a ‘thumbs up’. they smile, thanking him before asking him for his number. he tilted his head “oh, do you sell this bag? i don’t think you should be selling them with your personal number.”
— kim gyuvin
honestly a bit scared
stranger danger ‼️
might call 911
as you both were about to line up to get onto the ferris wheel ride, someone approached you both. gyuvin was confused at first and just wanted to deal with it until they hit him with ‘i never believed in love at first sight until i saw you.’ his eyes widened at the pickup line.
immediately, he grabbed your hand and ran far away. “gyuvin, what was that for?” you ask, slowing down to catch your breath. gyuvin paced around, checking every corner to make sure the coast was clear.
“i’m gonna call 911.” he stated, absolutely mortified. before he could dial the number, you snatched his phone away. he tried getting it back but you stopped him. “they didn’t do anything, gyuvin.” you say, shaking your head while crossing your arms. gyuvin held his hands to his hips “hey, i could’ve gotten kidnapped!”
— kim jiwoong
he’s really pretty so naturally, it attracts
but you’re in luck cause he only has eyes for you 🫣
legit just ignores them
a perfect date with your perfect boyfriend; an ideal situation everyone wanted to be in. a situation that you were in right now. jiwoong wanted to make up for not having dates as he was busy with work so he brought you to a nice restaurant.
everything was perfect until someome came up to him with a sultry gaze. jiwoong didn’t notice them though, he didn’t want to. the person tried to get his attention but he didn’t budge. his eyes were locked onto yours, hands resting his chin. “how was your day, my love?” he asked, not breaking the eye contact.
in another attempt to get your boyfriend’s attention; they speak up “do you think i could get your-“ jiwoong shushes them with one finger on his lips before turning back to you, smiling. “where were we?”
— han yujin
says no but if they still try
he gets annoyed and he might be a bit mean 💥
brutally honest ?
hanging out after school with yujin were your favourite times, his too. loving the peace and quiet after a exhausting school day. you were about to ask yujin a question about an assignment that was due but was quickly interrupted by another student handing him a letter that had a paper heart on it.
“i hope you accept my feelings.” they say, shyly looking down. yujin just stares at the letter before placing the letter back into their hands. “no, i like them.” he said, looking at you. “i can be better than them.” they remarked, giving you a glare.
“no you can’t.” he said with a blunt expression, standing up. he offered his hand to help you up before picking up his bag and moving to another quiet place “we won’t be disturbed there.”
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© keiwook | 2023
taglist @bruhiamistake @trashhdez @chxrrymxxnlight @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @gnwookie @yjhcloud
here, if you want to join the taglist !
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paper-mario-wiki · 5 months
I'm sure you've been asked this before, but I need a source who isn’t wildly out of touch with what it's like to be a normal person. how financially viable was it to move to japan as a 20/21 year old? did you move there with assistance from a study program? were you able to afford everything relatively easily without an extreme amount of financial stress? sorry for being nosy. I dont need specifics, I'm just terminally curious for a firsthand account from a person who isn't independently wealthy or a 70 year old retiree. ❤️
For one semester of tuition I (my parents) paid:
$5000 without scholarship
$3000 with scholarship
Scholarship was granted on the basis of academic promise and financial guarantor status, and some students had their fees reduced by 75% and 100%.
Tuition was the thing my parent's helped me with the most, as they had saved up for all my siblings to go to college, and only my sister and myself did. But like I said, there was also significant tuition help for students worldwide at my school. Everything else I paid myself.
Before I moved I made sure I had no less than $5000 in pocket money for paying my move-in fees at my apartment, getting a Japanese phone, bank account, insurance, and a bike. After that, home appliances and necessities. When you make your budget, you always want to over prepare. I made sure I had $1000 wiggle room on top of my budget because once youre there, YOURE THERE and home is a long puddle away.
My rent was $600 for a small 1 room apartment (pictured here) that I would have paid less for if I spoke Japanese (paid the gaijin tax by going through an english speaking rental company)
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I chose this apartment because of its proximity to the Karasuma subway line, which I could ride directly to school. There and back was about $4 a day, as I went all the way up town. I paid about $40 in utilities on low-use months, and up to $120 on high-use months.
Monthly insurance was $70 without student subsidy, I believe closer to $10 monthly with it. This covers basically everything healthcare-wise.
Food was cheap in Kyoto specifically. Most restaurants had meals under $10, and if you're moving there for school theres a high liklihood you'll be in the city, which means you'll rarely be more than a 3 minute walk from a convenience store which has lunch sets you can take home or reheat and eat in the konbini's sitting area (not guaranteed to have one but more frequent than not having one). I spent maybe a few hundred monthly on meals, mostly because I couldn't cook due to how small my kitchenette was (it's that little stall in the back left corner of the room in the picture).
As an international student, if you're performing above a certain threshhold in your studies you can get a baito visa, meaning on top of your studies you can work a part time job for up to 20 hours a week. This can help a lot, and I knew a few people who worked at clubs, as translators, and as baristas.
If you are making money, you are expected to either pay tax to Japan, or your home country. This is something I absolutely cannot give advice on.
All that said, in my case, living in Japan as a solo adult was easier and significantly more affordable than living in the US with 3 roommates.
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auxiliuno · 9 months
𝑵𝒐𝒆𝒍 𝑵𝒐𝒂, ʳᵉˡᵃᵗⁱᵒⁿˢʰⁱᵖ ʰᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃⁿᵒⁿˢ ᵖᵗ.²
ᵀᵃᵍˢ: ᵐᵃʳʳⁱᵉᵈ ˡⁱᶠᵉ, ᵖʳᵉᵍⁿᵃⁿᶜʸ, ᶜʰⁱˡᵈʳᵉⁿ, ˢᶠʷ
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• When you get pregnant, he knows that it is very hard and would be with you every step of the way.
• He would take time off from the soccer world while you're pregnant so he can fully support you throughout your pregnancy.
• He is an amazing husband!
• Understands that pregnancy hormones are tricky to deal with, especially since you're growing a small human being inside of you.
• He would never get annoyed at your outbursts or emotional meltdowns.
• Holds you gently until you calm down or feel better.
• Cravings? Check. No matter how outlandish or what time it is; he will fullfill your cravings, even if it means going to the convenience store at 3 am, buying pickles and peach gummies together.
• Does housework for you (Even after you have children, he is such a sweet husband).
• When it is your delivery day, he is by your side the whole time through your contractions; holding you and reassuring you that you are so amazing and that you will always be the only love for him (plus his children).
• As you are giving birth to his children, he holds your hand and encourages you to squeeze it as hard as you can -- if it means he can take away some of your pain.
• Once you successfully deliver the baby, he doesn't even realize tears are coming out of his eyes; you will be the one telling him with a tired smile: "why are you crying Noa?" "Ah, it's nothing y/n....it's just you gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl/boy..." He would say softly, holding them and giving you a kiss on your forehead. "Thank you for giving me your everything, y/n. I promise I will give my all to our beautiful family."
• Once you get out if the hospital, he convinces you to take it easy and just let him take care of everything.
• All you have to do is make sure the baby is happy and fed; he will take care of everything else.
• Hates it when he has to go back to his soccer career, even though he postponed his return long enough that you've recovered from your first pregnancy.
• Because being abroad holds him back a lot from spending time with the family, he always asks to FaceTime you guys so he can see his wonderful wife and children.
• He always calls you and texts you before and after games or practices.
• Every morning, no matter what the time difference is, he will always make sure to send you a good morning text and tells you his schedule for the day: "Good morning mon cœur, I'm going to training now, and I have an interview later at 5. Remember to take care of yourself and call me when you're free okay? I love you. ❤️" .
• Tells you when matches are, so you can watch him on TV with your children.
• Your children(s) will look up to him so much; he is their superhero!
• He is aware that him going abroad a lot might be bad for his children because he is not as present as a usual father is.
• He still tries his best to be as present as he can in their lives. So, whenever he does have time with you and the children, he does everything with you guys.
• Takes the family on vacation, shopping, arcades -- anything that forms core memories with the family.
• Even if it's just at home, he plays outside with the children and teaches them soccer.
• He never yells at the children; gentle parenting all the way!
• Although, if the children still misbehave after a light scolding, he will pull them aside and tell them in a more serious voice why their behavior is bad. (Coach mode: on).
• Almost -- spoils the children too much.
• It's hard for him to say no to such cute face's; so you often have to be the bad guy and say: "No!"
• But he still knows when he is going too far and shouldn't give them everything they want; the last thing he wants is for his children to grow up to be spoiled brats that expect everything to be handed to them.
• Teaches them humility and compassion.
• He spoils you though -- buying you things, expensive or trendy, and always cuddles with you whenever he can.
• Even when he's away from you, he can never stop thinking about you and the children; you guys are his world.
• You gave him purpose in life.
• Before he met you, all he knew was soccer -- he was lonely even with all the wealth and fame.
• Every decision he makes now is based on how good it is for you and the children.
• You two rarely get into arguments; although he is bad at expressing emotions, he still tries to communicate everything gently with you. (He's so soft-spoken).
• If you two ever actually do get into arguments, he never raises his voice at you nor becomes petty.
• He apologizes to you for the thing that caused the argument in the first place and works out a solution with you.
• Finally, if you are a big animal person, he would raise any animal with you (just don't go too overboard with how many you raise).
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Hi everyone! I haven't updated in a bit, but I had so much fun writing this! (Noa is so sweet I love him so much).
Hope you guys enjoy, thank you! Pt.1 here
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starsandhughes · 8 months
Penalty Box Series— Pregnancy Announcement Edition
23-24 Season Masterlist
OCTOBER 27, 2023
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liked by trevorzegras, _quinnhughes, and 17,566 others
yourusername we’re not just adding one baby to the roster— we’re adding two!
trevor and i have been keeping this mighty big secret for the last eight weeks, and i’m so happy to finally be sharing this news with everyone!
you’re going to be a great dad to our little ducklings, z. i’ll forever cherish your reaction when i told you. i never thought us crying in the kitchen would be a good thing, but it turned out to be rather beautiful.
to mom and dad, i would not be as brave with this pregnancy if it weren’t for you two raising me to be the person i am today. i’m still scared, but i know i’ll be ready.
to quinn, jack, and luke, you’re all going to be amazing uncles. i felt immense joy when i told you guys, and i know that our babies will never know a world without love with you three in their lives.
to alex, cole, jamie, matty, and spencer, i’d make all of you godfathers if i could. but the twins will still grow up with you all as uncles, and i hope they’re forever confused as to who’s related and who’s not because you’re all apart of my crazy little family.
trevor and i are very excited for this next chapter of our lives, and i get to do it with the best people by my side❤️
tagged trevorzegras
view all 547 comments
trevorzegras you’re going to be the best mom, sweet girl! and i can’t wait to be a dad❤️ i love you, forever
yourusername i love you, always, baby daddy❤️
_quinnhughes it’s already been an honor to be your big brother, but the biggest honor will be becoming an uncle to the twins! i love you, sissy! (you, too, z)
yourusername you made me cry again, quinny! i can’t wait to meet them, and i really can’t wait for you to meet them! i love you so much❤️
_quinnhughes i know this pregnancy was a surprise, but i’m happy it was planned perfectly so we can all meet them at the same time this summer! good work!
yourusername so convenient! thanks, universe!
trevorzegras this means a lot, quinner. i love you, too
lhughes_06 i’ll spoil them rotten, sissy! you’re going to be the perfect mom! i love you❤️
yourusername they’re not going to know the word “no” are they? i love you so much, lukey moosey❤️
lhughes_06 you don’t even know what no means and i plan to pass that trait onto your kids
yourusername you’re so thoughtful <3
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 can toy storage be apart of that spoiling?
lhughes_06 @/trevorzegras no <3
user33 i’m in tears oh my god
jackhughes i can’t believe my twin is having twins! all teasing aside, you two are going to be the best parents this world has ever seen. i love you, sissy, and i can’t wait to shower the twins with so much love and affection and toys❤️
yourusername aw jacky baby, i love you so much❤️
jackhughes no jacky boy?
yourusername treasure it while it lasts
jackhughes i’ll treasure it with so much security until the twins are born. then it’ll be thrown out to treasure that memory
jackhughes you’re welcome, sissy!
trevorzegras @/jackhughes you definitely don’t have me crying, but thank you, hughesy!
yourusername @/jackhughes he’s lying <3
jackhughes @/yourusername i know
trevorzegras damn
user91 i hope the world is ready to handle two more zegras’s!
_alexturcotte the babies are going to look so cute in little kings jerseys! i love you two, but i think i’m going to love the twins more
yourusername i know i’m going to love our babies more, but i’ll still love you, turc! you’re stuck with me❤️
trevorzegras @_alexturcotte ducks jerseys***
jackhughes @_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras devils jerseys***
_quinnhughes @_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras @.jackhughes canucks jerseys***
colecaufield @_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras @_quinnhughes @/jackhughes habs jerseys***
slknight35 @_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras @_quinnhughes @/jackhughes @/colecafield panthers jerseys***
yourusername @_alexturcotte @/trevorzegras @_quinnhughes @/jackhughes @/colecaufield @.slknight35 they’re going to look cute in all the jerseys! (stars jerseys***)
trevorzegras @/yourusername don’t you dare
yourusername @/trevorzegras they’re my babies, too!!
user65 OMG BABY Z’S
dylanduke25 MOM’S GONNA BE A MOM!
yourusername these babies are going to have a lot of brothers!
dylanduke25 as long as i’m their favorite!
user54 now when i say “daddy, sorry” about z, he will be daddy😭
slknight35 i can’t believe two of the wildest people i know are going to be parents, but i know you’ll both be great at it. these twins will never run out of people that love them. i love you two!
yourusername i can’t wait for them to get sassy and be able to say that they got it from their mama! they’ll keep me tame, and i’ll make sure they’re as stubbornly independent as me. i love you, too, spency!
trevorzegras @/slknight35 snoop dogg said to live young and wild a free, and they’ll live by that
_quinnhughes @/yourusername @/trevorzegras oh no
yourusername @_quinnhughes oh yes
slknight35 @/yourusername @/trevorzegras the world isn’t ready for that
yourusername @/slknight35 the world has 9 months to prepare!
lhughes_06 @/yourusername that is not enough time
jamie.drysdale i can’t wait to see you two become the best parents to ever exist! i love you both more than words (we’re going to need a bigger house)
yourusername i love you with my whole heart, jamie baby❤️ (that sounds like a later problem)
trevorzegras you sap! i love you, too, jimmy (i’ll take care of it)
jamie.drysdale @/trevorzegras (maybe i should take care of it)
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale (good idea)
user76 those ducks booties are so cute!! this is amazing news😭
matthew_tkachuk you two are going to have double the trouble around! i’m so excited for you guys! i love you, sissy!
yourusername don’t teach them to be rats, matty ratty! that’ll be my job! (i love you MORE)
matthew_tkachuk i can make no promises
yourusername that sounds about right
user62 you’re going from sissy to mommy! how exciting!
colecaufield my best friend number two is having two! i’m going to be the best godfather❤️ i love you guys!
yourusername that’s a bold claim considering we just announced that we’re pregnant! i love you, too, coley woley!
trevorzegras @/colecaufield please don’t cause her to have a godfather decision breakdown because you will be off the list. i love you, though!
colecaufield @/trevorzegras that’s fair
trevorzegras i just wanna say that i loved being your boyfriend, and i’m loving being your fiancé, i’m going to love being your husband, but i’m going to love being a dad with you even more❤️ i love you, forever, mom ;)
yourusername you sappy dork, you’ve got me crying! i love you, always, dad❤️
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eating-plastic · 9 months
Headcanons: Dating Maison Talo Would Include
A/N: Yay, more House House! I love Maison a lot but unfortunately it's hard for me to come up with ideas to write for him. I don't know why, but it kinda bums me out. Never mind that tho, let's get to the headcanons!
🏠- Well this is...yep
🏠- Maison can't even remember the last person he genuinely loved or if he even had one, so this is gonna be interesting
🏠- First things first, he knows dating him is very unconventional, so he tries to make the relationship seem as normal as possible.
🏠- What I mean by this is he finds himself in his human form much more often than he's used to, and unless he has to eat, his house form doesn't degrade it's true shape
🏠- He'll also always let you know when he's about to feed so you have enough time to get outta dodge or stay away for a bit
🏠- He's got two phones now. One for "potential buyers" and one for you
🏠- He makes sure to send you a lil "I love you" text everyday
🏠- Although I should probably mention that he prefers calling you over texting, but he understands that calling you takes time and that texting is more convenient
🏠- Maison is romantic as fuck, man. He does the whole gentleman act like holding doors open for you and pulling your chair out for you
🏠- Dude knows how to shower you in the most passionate words possible, but I mean he's had a lot of experience with knowing what to say to get people to trust him
🏠- Speaking of trust, you trusting him despite knowing what he is makes him feel...he can't even describe it. Your trust, your acceptance, you love, it's no wonder why he's so infatuated with you
🏠- That is why he is so protective over you. I went into more detail in my protective headcanons I made for him (shameless self promo I know lol). Anyhoo, Maison knows that someone like you is extremely rare. He knows he'll never find someone that loves him despite who he really is. He knows he'll never find someone that makes him feel so good, someone that makes him feel so alive
🏠- He doesn't want to lose you. He can't lose you
🏠- Moving away from that lil bit of angst, that is why he does everything he can to make you happy
🏠- Yeah, this man spoils you a lot, in both the gifts and affection department
🏠- He's touch starved too because I said so. Come on, you can't tell me that when you hug him for the first time that he wouldn't tense up before relaxing, and then growing addicted you snuggling up with him
🏠- Kisses too, he loves your kisses
🏠- Oh my God, imagine him getting ready to head on out to find a "potential buyer" and you make sure his outfit's all straightened out, like adjusting his lil pin and placing a kiss to his cheek before he leaves like you're a fifties house wife from a sitcom ❤️
🏠- I mean if you are fem then a guess you would be a "house wife". Get it? *gets shot*
🏠- Oooo, slow dancing with Maison too. This man loves slow dancing. If you're shorter than him (which you probably are this guy's tall as shit and wears heels), you stand on the toes of his shoes while you both slowly sway to the music
🏠- He would especially love cuddling you if your smaller than him because you're like a human teddy bear for him. It makes him even more protective because you're so smol and he's so much bigger so he feels like he has to protect you
🏠- In conclusion, dating Maison Talo would be a bit odd at first, but then cute as shit after you get past the whole "I'm a house creature that eats people but you cute as shit so I wanna date you instead of eat you" lol
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