#but all of it was in the documentary itself
popeleoii · 3 days
There is nothing in this world that should stop you from speaking out for Palestine, against violence, death, colonialism and genocide. Nothing justifies silence.
You should not need to see beheaded children in order to care, and if you do, for gods sake reconnect to your humanity, get off your phone, get your head out of your ass, and wake the fuck up.
The institutions that enact this violence and ask us to be quiet rely on your shame, your guilt, your self obsession. If you are ashamed of what our country has done, or of your lack of action, carry it with you, hold it close and use it as fuel for real change. Shame should not stagnate you. Shame is asking you, demanding you, to change. To be better. So do it.
The social systems that shape our reality needs your guilt, your paralyzation, your helplessness. If you are guilty that you cannot do more, that your presence itself is complicit in genocide, let that guilt lead you. Don’t let your feelings be useless and stagnating. Do something. Anything you can. Get your next paycheck and donate. Go to a protest, email your representatives, talk with your neighbors. The idea that we are powerless in the face of state violence is a myth that will kill you.
Most of all though, become better right now. Read about that thing you wished you knew more about. Watch a documentary. Get radicalized. You may not be forgiven for waiting so long, but you can work to make up for that difference.
Do not lose hope. Do not resign to be a witness to violence and death. You must have hope though it all for Palestine. They tell us to fight and we will. They tell us to hope and we will. For Palestine. Free Palestine.
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meandmypagancrew · 5 months
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In My Gif Era - Journey to Fearless
↪ The Best Day
i don't know who i'm gonna talk to now at school
but i know i'm laughing on the car ride home with you
don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
but i know i had the best day with you today
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spinjitsuburst · 4 months
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xxlethal-lunaxx · 2 months
If anyone relates to this even just a little bit, then I'm so sorry.
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#• luna lavinchi speaking •#living with cptsd#cptsd vent#complex ptsd#diet culture trauma#monsters inside me#toxic health culture#ex vegitarian/vegan#emotional flashbacks#health documentaries#dark side of veganism#i should have never been forced to watch these as a child..my mind wasn't ready to understand the information nor tell what was real or not#-i cant try sushi or even think about fish without feeling physically sick and dizzy. i haven't had McDonald's since i was like 6ish years-#-old..i never wanted to share this information but i need to vent. I feel embarrassed and rude for not liking a food chain that most of the#-population does. Smelling or seeing McDonald's makes me wanna puke so bad because of everything those documentaries would say.#I will never be able to eat McDonald's in my life because of how sick and terrified i feel when thinking about the food even the drinks-#-scare the shit out of me. I'm so pissed that I'm triggered. All of the sudden i smell something in the house that smells like McDonald's-#-then the memories come flooding back and i feel like puking so back so i cant even eat dinner. i know this may seem stupid but i am-#-genuinly scared. Im tired of this shit and tired of feeling alone in this.#(anyway sorry. if you read my vent then i appreciate you)#tw food talk#tw diet culture#tw vent in tags#(dont even get me started on parasites cause thats a whole fucking trauma itself. damn it i hate it all. i hate it so much)#(also note: my therapist made me feel so validated weeks ago when i told her during my session that i was traumatized by monsters inside me-#-she literally knew the name of the show before i could even say its name. and she said she also cant watch it and that she saw it as an-#-adult who doesn't have ocd. so she told me she can't even imagine how terrified i was to watch it as a child who was developing ocd.-#-therapist W)
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freebooter4ever · 2 months
btw if anyone is watching the cold war documentary on ntflx? dont bother. lamo this is the dumbest doc i have seen in a while. it leaves out too much stuff, it presents things as true that are blatantly false if you give more information, and it states 'theories' as facts. some facts it just plain gets hilariously wrong. there is an agenda in this documentary that it isnt stating outright, that i am highly suspicious of, and i would be curious to know who is funding it.
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inkedmyths · 2 years
Yknow looking at our current issues with climate change is fascinating from the POV of someone with an interest and possible career plan in volcanoes.
Like, first and foremost, you have to understand how devastating a change in global temperatures is. This disrupts entire ecosystems, and the larger the change, the more disruption, and the more species just cannot survive. Alongside pollutants, its really not an exaggeration to say we are causing an ongoing mass extinction. Maybe not on the level of the previous five, yet, but left unchecked, it could very well reach that level.
But here's the flipside: life on Earth can, and probably will, recover. Life on earth has weathered disasters the likes of which we can barely fathom. It isn't hopeless. Things will be hard, things will change, especially if we don't change, but we are not automatically doomed.
This isn't to say we shouldn't change what we're doing; we absolutely should. Carbon emissions and pollution should be reduced, and should have been reduced decades ago. Just that its easy to get wrapped up in doom and gloom in regards to climate change, and that you shouldn't give into despair.
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felixfellowish · 6 months
Gritting my teeth and screaming into a pillow because I'd want to start the process of getting my own dog already!!! But I can't yet!!!! And it's such a pain to have to wait!!!!
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artanogon · 1 year
do people even realize that every costume in the original lord of the rings was handmade
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
So me and my friend unpacked that night terror I had the other night & basically I am now on a self-imposed horror ban because I genuinely think if I keep consuming horror with my current mental state I will have a full-blown psychotic break 😔✌🏻
#for the uninitiated: basically i dreamed of an entity that was ‘the personification of fear itself’ and it was standing in the corner of my#room heavy-breathing and looking at me. it followed me through 3 layers of sleep (dream within a dream; regular dream; WAKING -#i hallucinated it during a sleep paralysis incident)#and i was unpacking it with my friend and i was like ‘i think the reason i was able to fall asleep again so fast (within 10 minutes lol)#and the thought of it hasn’t really bothered me when i’ve tried to sleep since is that it felt like more of a warning than a threat#like it kept getting worse each time i saw it but obviously i was fine. like it never tried to harm me. it just stood there’#and she was like ‘so do you believe in symbolism in dreams?’ i said ‘i don’t believe in prophetic dreams and i don’t believe that dreams#always have meaning. what i believe is that when the conscious mind shuts off for sleep; the subconscious starts unpacking stuff completely#at random and starts working through it. i think it’s a complete roulette. i think the best example of that is the time i had a dream that#one of my teachers was selling teddy bear ties just because he wore a tie with teddy bears on it once. i had that dream about a week later.#i was not in any way preoccupied with his tie; i saw it once and that was it but my brain obviously decided to use it’#so she was like ‘so you think that you dreaming about an entity that was the personification of fear itself is completely random?’#i was like ‘oh no not really. that makes perfect sense to me. all the movies i’ve watched and books i’ve read and podcasts i’ve listened to#have been horror’ and she was like ‘and you think that’s healthy for you?’ ‘oh no not really. plenty of it scares me. i even got scared the#other day listening to true crime; which doesn’t usually happen to me but i guess the 4 hour serial killer documentary wore me down’#she’s just like ‘for god’s sake’ lol#so i’m like ‘i mean if i interpret it your way; about dreams having meanings and messages; i guess i’m being warned that i’m dwelling too#much on fear. i’m inviting it into my space deliberately. it’s the main emotion i’m experiencing from the media i consume. and i don’t know#that that’s necessarily… good?’ and she’s like ‘no i don’t think it is. maybe you should read a sci-fi or something or rewatch that reality#show you like?’ and i was like ‘that actually seems like a good idea’#so. no more horror for me for the foreseeable :( i just want to get through the seasonal depression. and get my grief for mabel down to a#manageable level. i mean it’s somewhat manageable now but i still feel sad and guilty all the time and cry randomly#i’m thinking about signing up to be a dog fosterer for the rspca. i mean i work from home; i have an enclosed garden & plenty of time#and i could use the companionship. i just don’t know that i can take on a multi-year commitment right now#personal
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thefiresofpompeii · 1 year
just watched kier-la janisse's 3 hour documentary epic about folk horror as a mode of interpretation and understanding of vastly different styles and eras of genre cinema and despite everything the fact remains that most "horror" "fans" and creators are cowards who firmly stick to their guns regarding their ingrained assumptions and prejudices about cultures/beings/identities that are seen as the other, continuing to proliferate these damaging harmful narratives without questioning which parties may benefit from a version of the story being told from this particular point of view. what ends does the instilling of fear, the most powerful, potent, galvanising in some cases emotion, serve for an audience? (obviously this is the case with any other genre and in actuality just a far wider problem sort of inevitable in a regime that instructs which ideas are to be spread to the masses) but again, it's vital to consider this issue specifically within the realm of horror, since nothing inspires scapegoating, hatred and self-righteous violence quite like blind fear of a phenomenon that the required effort has not been put into comprehending
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marklikely · 2 years
a while ago you said you hated the movie the eternals so I was wondering what you didn’t like about it? just bc I’m vindictive about marvel lol
god they just literally didnt do even a single thing right.
the acting was really bad from just about everyone (except maybe kumail nanjiani who was the only person who decided he would try to play an actual character), like everyone was just phoning it in. im going to chalk it up to bad directing because people also seemed like they had no idea what they were supposed to be doing on set, plus some of these people are decorated actors that have proven they were good at their job in other movies.
it could also be because the writing was just a mess on every level. like, how good could the acting be when no characters were given any solid motivations or personality traits (any motivations or traits that they DID bother to put in the movie were either told with 0 evidence, or just changed whenever it suited a plot twist to try and create some tepid and meaningless conflict within the team). the lore was tedious and nonsensical, there were no stakes because absolutely nothing felt earned or consequential at all, the overall goal of the plot changed like 8 different times as well as constantly being interrupted by flashbacks with no rhyme or reason as to when we would see a flashback or what we would flash back to, which led to a pacing nightmare.
and the tone was too dour and serious to be able to ignore any of this for the camp or fun either!! because there was absolutely no fun!!!!! it's like they wanted to make a Prestige Drama out of a movie that's 75% exposition dumps and half-assed sci fi lore and 0% actual character moments that make dramas work.
ok im typing too much so let's just rapid fire the rest: the color pallet was atrocious, just concrete and mud. the costumes looked like absolute garbage, cheaply made and extremely bland even just on a design level (i'm talking specifically about the hero uniforms here. the civilian clothes for every character were also boring and pointless, though). the effects were literally laughably bad, the object designs (like for the spaceship and other alien stuff, i'm not sure what to call this category) were ridiculous and never fully came together into something interesting or otherworldly. the score was trash and the needledrops were distracting. the diversity was shallow and insulting, you can't just constantly brag about diversity when you couldn't be bothered write those diverse characters to be actual, yknow, characters.
anyway if you want a well-made superhero movie about ancient heroes who have a deep love for humanity, that has diverse characters who are actually fleshed out and treated like characters instead of an Inclusivity Checklist, that has serious moments with emotional impact but is also capable of being fun, that has clear intra-team conflicts and morally grey characters that you can actually understand, that doesn't look like total garbage, then literally just watch The Old Guard. just watch The Old Guard im literally begging you. if you liked eternals just watch The Old Guard and see what it looks like when a movie actually does what eternals pretends it's doing.
#sorry anyway i decided a while ago that eternals is the new number one worst movie ive ever seen xoxo#if i could say one nice thing about it uh. again kumail nanjiani hard carried and he wasn't even that good.#its just that the bar was literally so low that him deciding to actually try and play a character was still leagues above everyone else.#uh. the opening song was by pink floyd and i like those guys.#although the song they chose was time which is like. completely antithetical to the entire movie so idk.#i guess they were just like oh its about time and these guys are eternal it must be perfect *does not actually listen to the song*#asks#the diversity thing really fucking bugged me too like they wont shut up about diversity but#then when we watched the making-of documentary to try and see what we missed that would make this movie make sense#like there was this one section where they all listed a bunch of personality traits for each of the characters#(and for most of the characters they either listed things that are not actually a personality or were things that were NOT in the movie)#and for one girl literally all they could come up with was that shes fast and Deaf and she taught them asl.#which is like. so fucking insulting. you couldnt think of a single personality trait? shes just fast??#shes just fast and she taught the hearing people some asl because as we all know thats the only role a Deaf person can have right?#we dont need to give her an actual character we just need someone to fill the Deaf Marvel Character quota.#idk. if it were me and i realized that i couldnt name a trait for this character besides 'knows asl' and 'has super speed' id like#stop patting myself on the back for my Great Deaf Representation. because thats not good representation at all its just pathetic.#and the other characters were all similarly shallow but she's just. the best example of it bc they couldnt even PRETEND that she was deep.#movie diary#and again if the movie was even slightly able to have fun id be a lot less hard on it but it took itself so fucking seriously#and patted itself on the back so much for being like this Highbrow Next Level version of a marvel movie#and like. no. this is the worst marvel movie by a nautical mile even if youre judging by really strict standards of Art.
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itsukicoded · 1 year
like always i had the re-revelation that i only really ever read reference books growing up so it’s making me wonder if i should ‘start there’ to ‘get back into reading’
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ohmyoverland · 2 years
Netflix’s Cheer season 2 really suffered from its success in the last episode. Watching season 1, I was so hyped about the performance because I’d never really seen it in full until they performed at Daytona; and I only got to see it in full because the show wasn’t allowed to bring in its own cameras. All the footage was audience cell phones and official camera angles.
There weren’t incessant close-ups and slowed down footage over music that didn’t match up. I just finished watching the Daytona performances for season 2 and STILL feel like I was never allowed to see the whole routine at once
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me watching actual Egyptians put up a fight over the Netflix Cleopatra documentary
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ceilidho · 10 months
prompt: reader is hired as a live in house cleaner because ghost is always away and he only comes back on leave and he insists she stay in the guest room. Over time he increasingly acts like she’s his live in girlfriend or something. Very confusing for reader lmao.
The job comes at the exact right time. 
The way you stumble onto your new job is a bit dicey, if you’re being honest. You’ve been meaning to get out of the waitressing life for a while—the tips are shit and the number of times that you’ve had your backside pinched has slowly but steadily climbed into the double digits. You just haven’t had direction; somewhere to go. 
Your savior comes in the form of a six foot plus soldier. Oh, he doesn’t tell you that, but his body language speaks for itself. 
At first, even the sight of him makes your belly clench and palms sweat like when you watch rock climbing documentaries or parkour videos online (all moist and clammy and you have to wipe them on your jeans before shaking his hand). He’s a one-time customer at your little roadside diner that gradually becomes a repeat offender. 
He comes at odd times, sometimes disappearing for a month or two before he’s back to sitting in the booth at the back of the diner with his back against the wall. You smile shakily when you pour him coffee after coffee. He never eats. Always sits in the same booth, dressed in the same black hoodie that does nothing to hide the sheer size of him and a black surgical mask that he never removes. He has a sixth sense for when you’re watching him from behind the counter, waiting for him to take a sip.
You never do catch a glimpse of his face. Not completely anyway. You know him only by the faint smell of gunpowder and metal that clings to him like a second skin, and the feeling of his calloused hand against yours. 
Like ice slowly chipping off a glacier that one day cracks, a huge chunk splintering off and crashing into the sea, you know nothing about him until you’re suddenly in his house. Simon, he tells you, and the sound of his name awakens something in you. He needs a housekeeper and you need a reason to leave. 
You quit the diner; barely even put in a week’s notice. 
The day you drive up the long beaten road up to his property, a cabin deep in the English countryside, clear blue skies follow you. Clouds crisp, delicate even. Simon takes you through the house, showing you to the guest room where you’ll be staying while he’s away. He never directly confirms your suspicions, but the faint tightness around his eyes when he mentions his job tells you all you need to know. No wonder he needs someone to keep the house in order. Never around to do it himself.
Then he’s gone, swift as a ghost. You wake up in the guest room to a hastily scrawled note on your bedside table and a faint feeling of loss. 
You scrub tiles and dust the top bit of the fan that everyone always misses; you mow the lawn, clean the gutters, and sit under the shade of a poplar tree with a glass of lemonade in the early evenings. If you look up into the tree, you’ll see spiders and squirrel nests. It’s almost therapeutic. 
Weeks pass at a time. Simon reemerges like clear skies between periods of rain. Sometimes even before you wake up, you can feel the change like lighting sizzling in the air, crackling hot under your fingertips and then stumbling into the kitchen to find him leaning against the counter, coffee already brewing. You blush into an apology that he waves off.
Good soldier. Better boss. 
You fall into a routine, something of a cadence that is only interrupted by Simon’s hands on your hips when he moves you out of the way to grab a mug from the top shelf. His finger brushing over the curve of your cheekbone to wipe away flour smudged on your cheek. Then he’s gone again, passing through like a ghost. 
Perhaps he’s a more tactile man than you originally assumed. Something about the way he held himself in those first few weeks in the diner suggested otherwise, the way he seemed to radiate a latent hostility. Do not get close. You read this in the general slope of his eyebrows and the scars across his muscled forearms up until he reaches out to touch you, growing more and more comfortable with you around.
“You alright, love?” said into your ear on a warm night when Simon materializes onto the couch beside you, practically out of thin air. Your heart almost bursts in your chest. 
When you turn, he’s as beautiful as ever, honey burnt eyes staring out from behind a balaclava this time. Still dresses in his standard issue tactical pants, the faint smear of grime and gore around the ankles. There’s a lump in your throat when you smile. 
He smells richer now. Deeper, like the forest floor. Like crawling through mud and spider webs and a thick, cloying miasma of desperation. 
“Sorry—I didn’t know you’d be back,” you apologize, going to rise up to your feet. It feels wrong to commandeer his house when he’s on leave, even though you live here too.
A heavy hand on your shoulder pulls you down, settling you to his side. “Off your feet now—there you go, atta girl. No sense getting up; show’s not even done.” 
He angles you back to face the TV and tugs you into his lap almost effortlessly. You do not look back, even when you feel him slip the balaclava off, hot breath fanning over your neck. Not even when fingers play over the thin line of skin where your shirt rides up. You blink like your eyes are gummy and try not to shudder when his thumb dips underneath your shirt.
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emacrow · 20 days
Alfred's new ward making sure everyone is having great day during their day off from crime whether they want to or not.
Previous original post
Damian knew from day one of meeting alfred's new ward that he was going to be trouble..
He may have been stalking the kid doing alfred's work while alfred sat down in a comfy couch with a plate of fresh jasmine tea, his prescription medince bottle at ready and a raspberry strudel to nibble on.
He ain't going to replace his favorite Butler, not now, not ever. So Damian got Tim and Dick to help sabotage this heathen from taking over...Not knowing this kid was expecting their over the top sabotages. They tried scaring him with Titus but the little traitor lay there on his back getting belly rubs like it was heaven itself.
Changing the plumbing in his shower to freezing cold, but he walk out there refreshed. Tim trying to look of anything to blackmail him only for the batcomputer to go off the frizz with a virus.
Alfred did make sure to have his work sort out alphabetical because he is the Glue that keep these Wayne Manor going and everyone living in it not because caveman style creatures of the night.
Danny made sure Bruce didn't escape to his batcave on his supposed day off after 96 hours without sleep and spite driven nature, and don't even come with Justice never sleep excuses is going to run by him. He got Alfred's speical Bruce's tranquilizer gun at ready and he is not hesitating to shot you Bruce.
He does kept Tim from overdoing with the coffee addiction, giving him a better offer of coffee as long as he goes to sleep. Dick will still talk about Saturday night when Tim tries to sneak out to do some more investigating in the batcave only to see Danny dragged a unconscious Tim back to his room, a two tranquilizers to the back and one of his arm, though he didn't mention the Danny's glowing cat light green eyes that shine in the dark.
Danny's funny puns neon ghost stickers made dick's days, every morning as he goes to get his lunch, and he really want to know where he get them from.
Danny did actually helped a lot with the Wayne Manor as it never been cleaner before, Jason visited one time even mentioned that the chandelier never feel so clean to hang on from, not a speck of dust on it.
Damian getting a new animals book/documentaries, a new knifes for the collection or art supplies that match his demands in a way that keep his stabby nature at sate and bay for now.
Barb, Cass and Duke are amused by the fact that Bruce, Tim and Damian are having a little mid crisis that danny making them have day off on certain days such as holidays.
All this free time actually had alfred's going back to old hobbies that were nearly long forgotten such as conversations with old dear friends, practicing his old shooting skills, and having well deserved rest. Once his arm was healed, he stil did his duty along side with Danny as it was much quicker to do together as two people at hand.
What they will probably find out later on in the future that danny is actually Bruce's great grand uncle from his older sister side, and that he had disappeared when he was 20 years old in a old spooky town that vanished and still on today uneXplained series after his great grandmother moved to gotham. (But that another story for next post)
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