#but honestly it’d be funny if they just kept adding them
thereallattehottay · 2 years
you know how in season three they called it “new ninjago city”
what if every time someone destroyed it and it got rebuilt they added another “new”
so by now it would be like new new new new new new ninjago city
i think that would be fun
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drabbles-mc · 11 months
It'll Get Done (Pt. 2)
Richie Jerimovich & F!Reader
Carmy Berzatto & F!Reader
Find Part 1 Here
Warnings: 18+, language, alcohol, canon-typical vibes
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: My writer's block has been brutal lately because of lift things, which is deeply unfortunate because I wanted to NaNo this month. But! I did write this for these guys. I just want to put them in rooms and let them talk to each other forever.
The Bear Taglist: @garbinge @withmyteeth @narcolini @hausofmamadas @ashlingnarcos @darqchilddaydreamz @justreblogginfics (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, plesae let me know!)
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Richie didn’t make it back before the end of the day. You only noticed because the kitchen was a little quieter. Not quiet, of course, but quieter. There was one less person that Carmy was yelling at and arguing with. It was amazing how much it cut down on the noise level.
Every now and then as Carmy raced back and forth between the front and the back of the house, you could feel him lingering behind you. The kid exuded stress in a way that you didn’t know was possible. You understood why, because most people if they were thrown into his position would’ve jumped off the sinking ship rather than trying to scoop the water out with a soup ladle, but sometimes you still felt like you should strap him to the chair in the office and force-feed him some of Richie’s Xanax.
You empathized with him. Or you empathized with him at least more than Richie did, which was a low bar these days. But despite the compassion you were dredging up to give him, there were still plenty of times when you felt him standing behind him and all you wanted to do was spin back around to him and ask him what his fucking deal was. It was easier to refrain from doing that on days when Richie was there because he would say it for you.
Carmy came all but skidding back through the kitchen towards the register, going back and forth between muttering and shouting, “Behind,” as he made his way through.
“Calm down, Jeff,” Tina said with a laugh as she went to take her pot off the stove.
You felt your jaw clench on Carmy’s behalf. Tina was knowledgeable about a lot of things and one of those things was, most definitely, how to get under Carmy’s skin. It wasn’t a difficult code to crack but there were so few people in the world who could do it with such expert precision. Her and Richie were two peas in a pod that way.
“It’d be easier for me to calm down, Tina,” Carmy snapped as he kept walking, “if we were able to pay our goddamn vendors!”
She was shaking her head at him—you caught it out of the corner of your eye. But you also noticed that she didn’t say anything more about it. Content to go back and lie in wait for something else to pop up that she could nettle him about. The end of the day might’ve been approaching quickly but you had the feeling in the pit of your stomach that she would be able to find something else before she clocked out without having to work too hard.
When Carmy came back into the kitchen a little while later, he was walking at a much slower pace than he had been before. You were sure that some of that had to do with the fact that the last of the customers had left, and presumably whatever vendor that had showed up looking for money had also left.
He looked on as everyone slowly but surely worked through their cleanup processes. He wasn’t looking at you, but you still asked him, “All good?”
His head snapped in your direction. “What?”
You couldn’t help the laugh that slipped out of you. It wasn’t funny per se, but if you didn’t laugh about it you’d end up crying. “What can I help you with, Carmen?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. N-nothing. No one can help me with,” he let out a huff, raking his hands through his hair, “fuckin’ anything.”
“Little dramatic,” you replied honestly, sarcastic but kind, “but alright.”
It got a weak chuckle out of him. “You know what the fuck was going on in Mikey’s head with all that shit?” he asked as he gestured to the office.
You didn’t have to turn and look where he was pointing to know how bad the mess was. You’d seen it while Mikey was making the mess. You’d been seeing it as Carmy made almost no headway in cleaning any of it up. You didn’t blame him for that. If you’d been in his position, you wouldn’t have any idea where to start either.
“Thank fuckin’ god no,” you finally answered him.
He pressed his lips into a thin line for a second as he nodded. “Yeah. Yeah that seems to be…yeah.”
“You should—”
“You can head out, Chef,” Carmy cut you off, and you didn’t know if he even realized that he’d done it. “I’ll finish cleaning up.”
You shook your head. “I can clean up my shit.”
He motioned for you to leave. “It’s fine. I got it.”
“Seriously,” he reiterated. “Go.”
You looked at him for a moment, and that’s when you could see it in his eyes, the silent plea to just let him have some time to himself. You knew that feeling—it was the whole reason you’d shown up as early as you had that morning in the first place anyway. You knew better than to tell him that he should leave. He wasn’t going to and all it was going to do was turn into an argument. You didn’t need another one of those.
“Fine,” you said with a nod. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You ditched your apron and switched back into your casual shoes, stuffing everything else into your locker while you grabbed your bag and your jacket. Neither you nor Carmy spared each other another goodbye, or any other words in general as you headed out.
There was no point in getting your car keys out of your bag, not when the bar you went to with Richie all the time was within walking distance. The couple blocks felt way longer when it was cold out, but it wasn’t that bad yet.
The bartender recognized you when you walked in, giving you a smile and a nod as he moved to start pulling your drink together before you even sat down. He waited for you to get situated before asking, “Flying solo tonight?”
You laughed as you pulled your phone out of your bag. “That’s an excellent question. Let me call—” The rest of the sentence died on your tongue when the door to the bar flung open and Richie strode through. You instantly let it drop right back into your bag, eyes fixed on Richie even though you were talking to the bartender. “I’m not flying solo tonight, no.”
“Can’t believe you came over here without me!” Richie said as he walked over to you.
“Yeah, well,” you looked up at him from the stool you were sitting on as he clapped his hands down on your shoulders, “least I ordered you a drink.”
He laughed, leaning more onto you. His tone shifted completely as he spoke. “Have I ever told you that I love you?”
You rolled your eyes. “You can always tell me again.”
He kissed the side of your head. “I love you.”
“Damn right,” you said with a nod as Richie plopped down on the seat next to you. You waited until he was comfortable in his seat, leaning forward with his arms braced against the edge of the bar with his breathing evened out, before you tried to have anything resembling a real conversation. “Where the hell did you go all day?”
“What do you mean?”
“You expect me to believe that it was guys and places all day?” You were only bringing it up because, much to Carmy’s dismay, Richie usually was at the restaurant all day every day the place was open. He’d pop in and out briefly for whatever errands he assigned himself, but other than that he was present and accounted for. Being gone all day was noticeable, at least to you if no one else.
It was written all over his face that he was thinking about not elaborating. You saw the shifts in his expression as he tried to come up with a joke, or a lie, or anything besides getting into the reality of it all. But then when he looked you in the eyes again, all he could do was be honest with you. “Tiff called. Had to go pick Eva up from school.”
You nodded. “Got it.” You paused. “Wanna talk about it or—”
“No, no,” he laughed, shifting back into his usual demeanor. “We’re not doing that. You don’t get to do that.”
You let out a confused laugh. “I don’t get to do what?”
“You don’t get to try and use Eva to get out of telling me what the fuck your dumbass boyfriend did!” He paused as the bartender set both your drinks down, taking a moment to thank him before shifting his attention right back to you. “You first.”
You huffed, wishing that you could get out of it again. Even with things that were much lower-stakes, there was only so long that you could dodge Richie and his endless line of questions. You took a long sip of your drink as you tried to figure out what you wanted to say, how you wanted to try and say it. There was no way that you could tell the story that would end with him being anything but pissed off about the entire situation. You couldn’t blame him for that, either. After all, you were still pretty pissed off about it yourself.
“It’s nothing new,” you said, a cop-out you knew that he wasn’t going to accept.
He shook his head, looking down at the glass in his hands before looking at you again. “Tell me the old news, then.”
“I’m done being angry about it, Richie.”
“I’m not,” he replied with no hesitation.
It got you to laugh, at least. “That’s because you’re never done being angry about anything.”
He waited for you to look at him. “You’re really not gonna tell me what he did?” He paused, and when you didn’t say anything, he added on, “That bad?”
You shook your head, drumming your fingers on the outside of your glass. “That pointless.”
“Ah,” he waved you off with that same smirk you’d seen from him so often over the years, “another drink or two and I won’t be able to get you to stop talking shit about him.” He missed the look on your face as he looked back down at his drink and shook his head. “Fuckin’ jagoff.”
You chuckled, nodding. “Yeah—that we can agree on at least.”
“Speaking of which,” he gestured towards the door of the bar, “how was the fuckin’ executive toddler chef the rest of the day?”
You smiled, rolling your eyes. “An absolute gem once you walked out the door.”
For a split second you could see it on his face that he almost believed you. Then he smartened up and gave you a playful bump against your shoulder with his own. “Fuck you.”
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itsbrittnibitch · 7 months
I had a date scheduled tonight and she bailed on me. (Not the first time this has happened to me yay.) We had a lovely chat on Thursday, no red flags, then she disappeared the next day. I thought, fine ppl work and be busy. Now it’s Monday the date we had scheduled. I’ve texted, called but no response. On WhatsApp it says last active Thursday…
Because I’ve been catfished before, (I accept my silly errors then and after that trauma I’ve tried to move forward) I’m extra cautious and know the signs. the first time lasted a long time but after finally trusting my gut, I decided to look at the red flags, and using catfish websites i discovered and confronted the catfish- to which they confirmed. Good times.
Then the second time I can only assume this person was but never confirmed, cause they’d have the classic excuses of ‘don’t have social media or WhatsApp’, never sent vids with their face and kept canceling plans. Plus the classic asking for nudes.
The one after that disappeared after I said: “the pic you sent me you have blue eyes but in your profile their brown?” They deleted their profile. Lol.
Now this one, who I assume just lied about who they are (or straight up died) and thought it’d be funny to have a chat and then leave. I did check online and checked their pic and it looks catfishy.
Why do I have a collection of catfish?
I’m actually tired. I feel like I want to throw up. Then disappear.
Thave no idea why this is happening? How am I finding these shitty people?
l'm a lesbian so it's already rough out here. Then adding fake profiles on dating apps? It's all of them.
How many times must the universe thrust this upon me? l've learnt my lesson. I know when people are lying and what red flags to look out for. But fuck me it's exhausting.
I'll match with someone like once every 2 months and they are fake? Like? It's fucking insane now.
I simply want to have a date with a women who we both have mutual attraction. I want to fucking meet someone.
Women on social media are like dates with women are hard. And l'm like I actually wouldn't know cause can't get past the talking online and actually FUCKING MEETING A GIRL.
I'm a spiritual person and honestly my faith is wavering.
I don't understand why it's happening.
I want to believe that the universe is creating opportunities for me but like? What opportunity is this?
How to loose trust?
If anyone knows plz let me know cause l'm exhausted and want to crawl into a hole and start again.
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thewritingginger · 3 years
Will It Ever Be The Same? P.1
Ok I made the first part of this idea I had that was going to be a one shot but it was getting kinda long so here's what I've got so far!
The beginning was a trip for me to write/edit when I decided to change the tense it was in 🥴  So forgive any mistakes, I’ve read and edited this as many times as I physically could handle before I got tired of the words on the screen :)
Enjoy ~
Fandom: Blood of Zeus Pairing: Seraphim x Fem! Reader Word count: 4.5k+ words  Warning(s): 16+, Mentions of violence and death, Angst, Fluff, (More might be added over course of writing)
Summary: Seraphim saved you from a pair of boys when you were young and from then on your friendship grew. Everything was perfect till disaster struck, causing you to flee. It’d be 10 year till you saw each other again. Will this rekindled friendship grow to be much more or will it end in disaster once again?
The midday sun was high in the sky, beating down on the flooded marketplace. There were stall keepers hollering their offers and deals that blended together with the rest of the nonsensical crowded chatter. “Make sure you keep up with me. You wouldn’t want to get lost again.” The boy's mother said, giving him a knowing glance as he refocused on their path.
He stood in a shaded bit by the shop hut as his mother was exchanging herbs and spices for coin pieces. His attention was then drawn to the sound of children yelling.
“Hey, wait up guys!” A girl, younger than he, yelled winded as she chased after a pair of boys.
“Leave us alone! We don’t want a girl with us, you’re too slow!”
“Yeah so go away.” A boy with sandy hair added as he shoved the girl to the ground. The duo started to laugh and make fun of her as she began to cry.
“Well that’s not very nice.” The boy’s mother said, breaking his attention. He turned to her with a raised brow.
“Well not like we can do anything about it.” He shrugged, about to walk away.
“Seraphim.” He stopped. “You should always try to help others if you can.” She smiled at him, sweeping her palm over his hair as she walked past him to the next stall. Letting out a huff he glanced up at the back of her head then back to the girl crying in the dirt.
Walking over to the two boys still joking and laughing he strode right up to the sandy haired boy and shoved him to the ground with a hard thud. “What the heck! What was that for?”
“Now you know how it feels to be pushed in the dirt.” With his hands on his hips Seraphim looked down at the boy then up to his accomplice - who took a step back.
“Whatever.” The boy stood up, dusting himself off. “Let’s get out of here, he can deal with her.” The two of them scampered off through the crowd as Seraphim turned to the sniffling girl.
Looking up she saw his extending hand. Hesitantly she reached for it and got up. “I’m… Seraphim.” He introduced awkwardly as she whipped away the remaining tears and snot on her sleeve.
“I’m Y/n.” She stuttered. “Thanks for helping me.”
“Yeah it was whatever. My mom said it’s good to help people so… that’s why I did it.” He scratched his head and looked around like he wished to be elsewhere than in silence with the snot nosed girl. “Well I’m gonna go, bye.”
“Wait!” She interjects. Twisting her hands together she then shook her head and looked down. “Nevermind.” Seraphim looked at her for a second more and before he could say or do anything else he heard his mother’s voice.
“Seraphim are you ready- Oh hello.” She smiled before looking down at her son. “I saw that some boys were giving you trouble. I hope my son wasn’t one of them.” Seraphim tsked and looked at his mom, a small curve of her lip grew while she kept her gaze towards the girl.
“Oh, no. He actually helped me, he pushed the boy that hurt me and got them to leave.” Seraphim gave a nervous smile to his mom when she raised a brow at him.
“Well I’m glad my boy could help you. I’m Ariana, would you like to join us for lunch?” His mother asked, which caused Seraphim’s head to whip towards her but she just chuckled sweetly.
“Uh, I don’t want to be a bother…” the girl trails off meekly glancing at the dark haired boy before looking to the ground.
“Nonsense! We would love to have you join us. Right Seraphim?” She places her hand on his bare shoulder.
“Yeah, sure.”
Seraphim’s mom directed the two of you to go hangout in the shade as she gathered a few more things.
Sitting under a tree, Ariana’s back still in sight, you and Seraphim were in silence. He was standing with a  stick in hand, prodding the ground and loosely swinging around like a sword as you ran your fingers in the grass picking at the small white flowers littered about. Growing bored you asked, “How old are you?”
“Twelve.” He responded, crouching down to look in the dirt.
“Oh well I’m ten.” You started to feel like he didn’t want you around because the conversation just teetered off from there.
About 15 minutes later you heard Seraphim’s mom “Okay, are you two ready to get some lunch going?” She smiled at the two of you. Walking a bit ahead of them you noticed Ariana whispering to her son before she directed you towards the entrance of the forest. “This way, my dear.”
After walking for about 10 more minutes you were in a clearing with a river and a small cave. “Wow, do you guys live here?” You asked, looking at the pretty flowers around the edges.
“Yes we do. You know Seraphim was gonna catch us some fish, if you’d like, I’m sure he’d enjoy the help.” You turned to join them by the river and you heard Seraphim give a quiet whine.
“Mom I can do it myself.” His mother just shook her head and walked away to get things together in their rock home. Then it was just you two. Again.
Maybe I should just go help his mom instead You thought, as you turned to walk away Seraphim interrupted you.
“Where are you going? Aren’t you gonna help me?” He asked, looking up from the spear he was sharpening with a pointed look.
“Oh I thought I could go help your mom. I don’t want to get in your way.” Standing up with a small huff he walked away towards the hut leaving you alone by the river. A few minutes later he arrived back, breaking your thoughts as he stuck the base of a spear in the ground next to you, his other hand holding another.
“Here. Now you can actually help me instead of standing around.” He leaned it towards you to take with a trace of a forced smile on his lips.
So for the next hour you were practically just standing in awe of how Seraphim stood in the gentle flowing river looking for fish and throwing his spear in the water. He even tried to teach you the best way to catch fish as well.  “You want to make sure you don’t disrupt the water too much when you move or you’ll scare them away.” You just nodded and focused on what he is doing in hopes to replicate it.
Standing in the middle of the river a few pases away from the boy you suddenly felt something slippery touch your ankle. Letting out a squeal Seraphim looked at you just in time to see you fall back in the water.
“Something just touched me!” Looking up with eyes the size of dinner plates, you just saw Seraphim laughing. Really laughing, with his spear in the water using it as a crutch as his head reared back. “What’s so funny?” You asked, your face began to heat up.
“It was just a fish you scaredy cat.” He said between laughter. “Are you okay?” He walked over to you offering a hand, much like he did earlier in the day but much warmer than before.
Standing up dripping wet you decided you were done “fishing” for one day. Besides, Seraphim had already caught five fish to your zero.
Walking back to the cave where a fire has been made you sat on a log.
A hand rested on your shoulder, “Here Y/n. How about you change into this and we can lay your clothes out to dry.” Ariana said, handing you what looks to be one of her simple cotton dresses. You accepted it and trudged into the cave to do so. The dress, as you expected, was way too big on you. You had to hold the skirt up so it wouldn’t drag on the ground as you made your way back to the fire pit. Seraphim was roasting the fish over the fire, snorted when he saw your new attire. You were right to think you looked ridiculous. “Y/n, you look lovely. Doesn’t she?” Ariana gave her son a look.
“Yup, she sure does.” He said, trying to hold back another chuckle. You just rolled your eyes at him and took a seat.
Ariana laid your drenched clothes out on a giant rock that was soaked in the sun's rays.
From there everything went quite smoothly. You actually ended up spending the rest of the day with them till the sun was beginning to hang low above the horizon. You honestly had so much fun. Once the newness between you two wore off it became much easier to talk and play.
After your clothes weren’t soaking wet anymore you spent much time after eating, running around in the forest and even playing in the river looking for cool rocks.
But all things have to come to an end at some point.
“Y/n, don’t you need to head home? It’ll be nightfall before you know it.” Ariana reminded the two of you of the time. As you walked back to the cave you thanked the woman for allowing you to stay. “It was not trouble. You’re more than welcome to come back anytime, I’m sure Seraphim would enjoy the company as well.” She smiled. The boy in question looked at her.
“Mom!”  He whispered, embarrassed.
“Oh hush now. You should walk her home, make sure she gets back safe.” His mom nudged him forward as she left you two.
At that point walking side by side wasn’t too weird anymore. “Thanks for letting me play with you.” You said.
“Yeah, it was fun.” He smiled.
A few times throughout your journey home the two of you got side tracked, to look at different rocks, flowers and even by an animal passing by.
“That’s my house over there.” You pointed towards a modest cobblestone hut with a straw roof. “Thanks, again.”
Standing at the door Seraphim gave you a nod. “You’re welcome. See ya.” He turned but you stopped him.
“Wait, would you like to- Maybe we can hang out again? There’s a place over here that has a lot of rocks. Maybe you can find some for your collection?” You said, wringing your hands together, admittedly a nervous tic. He thought about it for a few seconds then nodded his head again.
“Sure, that sounds cool. But I should go now before my mom worries. See ya later Y/n.” He said with a slight smile and wave.
The next few weeks you and Seraphim began hanging out more and more till it became an everyday occurrence. After the first week Seraphim’s mom wasn’t even surprised by your presence.
“Good, you two are just in time to help me pick apples.”
That day you met their bears. It came as quite a startle when you just saw a bear walking up from behind Seraphim. “Oh my god, there's a bear!”
“Don’t worry, these guys won't hurt you.”  He said as he scratched the animal next to him. Taking a few experimental steps forward, the bear accepted your touch when Seraphim guided your hand atop the creature's head. It’s black fur was so soft you couldn’t help but wrap your fingers in it and smile. Then not only did you have Seraphim to play with but also a few adorable bear cubs to pet and roll around with as well.
Though all this joy would soon come to an end a few short weeks later.
You and Seraphim were fishing in the river a bit away from his home. That day he brought his bow and you your spear. You were actually getting better and even managed to catch one that day. Heading back to the camp laughing Seraphim stopped abruptly making you bump into him. “Hey, wha-”
“Shh.” He cut you off. You felt uneasy by the seriousness on his once smiling face. You heard male voices and then a woman’s cry. Sticking close behind him, he crept around the lightly wooded area of your destination. Peering through the foliage of the forest you saw that it was Seraphim’s mother who cried and she was with company that seemed less than welcomed. There was a group of men holding swords talking to Ariana that was kneeling on the ground before one of them.
“Where’s the boy?” The man barked.
Seraphim? You look at your friend, his eyes glued on his mom. The grip on his bow tightened.
“I swear there is no one here but-” Her pleas are cut off by a sharp smack, you saw Seraphim’s body tense as if he was about to stand up. You grabbed the cloth around his waist to silently stop him, your eyes pleading. He glared at you, eyes locked. As you are growing more frightened you can see the fire in him was building.
Your staring contest was broken by a new voice. There was another  woman the man referred to as Ariana’s sister. Your blood ran cold when you witnessed her apologizing before one of the men stabbed their sword through the back of her neck. Covering your mouth your eyes began to brim over with tears. Seraphim’s reaction was just as shocked till he saw another man grab his mother’s neck, strangling her.
Pulling out one of the arrows he readied his bow, his mother looked at the two of you with worry filled eyes. They were screaming for you to run, to leave before the two of you were hurt. Which was exactly what everything inside you was telling you to do but your body felt numb and unable to move. You were then soon brought back to earth when Seraphim released the arrow into the back of that man’s skull, the head sticking out his mouth.
Before climbing the tree he shoved you to the ground. “Get out of here!” His command startled you. You couldn’t just leave him.
After that everything happened so fast it felt like daze. First the bears you’ve played with countless times charged in mauling the men as Seraphim shot arrows at others. Then everything slowed when you saw your friend racing towards his mother as the man in charge grabbed her and sliced his blade across her throat, a wicked grin you’ll never forget played on his lips. Your heart broke for the loss for your friend and from his cry.
You wanted to look away or run, anything besides watching this nightmare playing out before you. The family you found was getting cut down one by one. The bears, Ariana, and all that was left was Seraphim.
You wanted to scream. Get to him. Anything to stop what was happening in front of your eyes. But you couldn’t. What could’ve you done? You could barely catch a fish without Seraphim’s help so you were forced to watch him face off against a grown man with a sword. This can’t be happening! Run! Your mind was pleading but you were frozen in fear once again. No matter how much you prayed to the gods it was all a dream and to make it stop, it didn’t.
Then in a horrifying moment you witnessed the vicious man’s blade strike down Seraphims face. He fell and so did you. Hiding behind the bushes your palms cupped over your mouth, trying to muffle your tears and quickened breath. Then once more a fire was lit under your ass when you heard more screams from the men and the roar of another bear. This time you got up and ran like Seraphim told you to. Glancing back all you saw was someone riding away on a horse and the blurred image of two figures crumpled on the ground.
~ 10 years later ~
For the past few years you’ve been working odd jobs where you can to earn coin. You’ve swept shop fronts, washed and fed horses, and stocked shop stalls with newly delivered goods.
At the moment you were working at a small tavern, filling drinks and cleaning tables.
You were out front serving a couple when you heard some commotion.
“Hey! Watch where you are going asshole!” A man yelled to another.
Probably just a drunk that wasn’t watching where he was going and is looking for a fight. The man just tsks, “Freak.” Before walking past you. Looking up, you catch a glimpse of the man he was referring to as he was pulling his hood back up. You paused. 
That guy- 
But you’re pulled from your thoughts by a voice. “Excuse me.” An older woman calls you, cup held up. You sighed and got back to work.
Another long day of work is over, thankfully. “Okay, I’m heading home. See ya tomorrow.” You wave to your friend as you leave through the back of the tavern. Turning the corner you see a large figure in a cloak. It resembles the man you couldn’t shake from your thoughts some weeks ago. You decide, against your better judgment, to take a detour and circle around a building hoping to be in a position to catch another look at his face. You don’t allow yourself a moment to really answer yourself as to why it was so important, you just let your legs guide the way.
Crossing the road, the evening sun casting it in a warm orange glow, you stopped at an abandoned stall that was shaded behind the building, trying to get a look of him from the corner of your eye.
Then your eyes locked!
You looked down and tried to walk away as nonchalantly as possible but you were stopped by a booming voice.
“Why are you following me?” The mystery man asks. You froze, turning on your heel to face him. You are about to respond when your words get caught in your throat. You must’ve looked like an idiot with your mouth ajar. It can’t be, can it? He gives a tsk as he begins to step away
“Seraphim?” You finally say. It came out as more of a whisper to yourself but he must’ve heard cause now it was his turn to freeze. You shake your head, That’s ridiculous! “I-I’m sorry. I must have the wrong-”
“How do you know my name?” He cuts you off, turning towards you, advancing a few steps. His build is much more threatening at a closer distance and his question certainly didn’t help. Though it was more of a command. You just open and close your mouth to find the words. Any words, literally anything at all would work just so you could stop looking like a fool that hit their head. Which you might have because this can’t be happening.
“Is it really you?” He just squints his eyes. “You remember me right? We played together a lot as children.” You can tell your words have begun to sink in the more his eyes scanned you, his face drops. Standing there, nerves getting the better of you, you began to rub your palms together awaiting his response. You’d be relieved even if he just spat a “fuck you” in your face cause than atleast there wouldn’t be this deafening silence. Unable to keep his gaze you look away but you can still feel his eyes burning a hole into the side of your head.
“…Y/n?” He finally says. Your name travels hesitantly past his lips. You feel like you might pass out or scream or just simply cry cause it’s him. It’s really him!
His expression reads the same as yours. For a final silent second of looking over each other you take a tentative step towards him, he stays like a statue.
Standing before him you think about touching him.
He is just like you remember, minus the height and strong build, his tanned skin and long brown hair you were always so jealous of. Though when your eyes reach his face yours falls, he notices and turns his away slightly.
His eye.
The right one is the same hue of obsidian as you remember but his left is cut through with a scar and left white.
That must have been from that day. You shudder at the thought.
Reaching up your palm grazes his cheek, he stiffens from your touch. You don’t know why you did that. Maybe you just needed proof that this wasn’t all a dream. That your old friend really is flesh and blood before you.
Turning his gaze to yours, you tilt your head taking him in. He really is the Seraphim you remember just… hardened.
“I- I thought you died.” You say, voice threatening to cry, because perhaps some part of him did that day and in the years apart.
He stays silent a moment longer, you assume it’s due to the similar shock you’re feeling. But then he pulls your hand away before turning. “You’d be better off keeping it that way.”
His body moves further into the shadows and you feel your blood begin to heat up. Does he really think he can just walk away like that?
Stomping after him you catch his shoulder and spin him back towards you, his brows raised. “What’s the big idea? What do you mean I should keep it that way?” Your hands are on your hips, chest is heaving. Unsure as to why you’re reacting like this you just keep your eyes locked with his.
“Do you have any idea how many nights I spent beating myself up for not going to you? The countless years I’ve spent wishing I could see you again? Just for you to tell me, now that that would be possible, that it’s better that I think you dead?”
After your outburst your arms drop to your side. You look up hoping to halt the tears threatening to seep out and just when you were about to tell him to forget it he responds.
“I don’t know what you’re hoping for Y/n but -” He trails off.
“You want to know what I was hoping for? That you were alive and I could see you just one last time even if that was all I’d be allowed.” You let out a breathy chuckle. “Call it pathetic if you want but… you were my only friend and I missed you. I mean it became pretty lonely without you.” You wipe away a loose tear that betrayed your will.
“Then what do you want?” He asks. You look back up with glossy eyes.
“Meet me tomorrow. I have work but I’ll be off two hours till nightfall and if either of us wants to leave after, then that will be that.” You say matter of factly with your hands on your hips. Another moment passes with him in silence. You let out a defeated sigh. “You know what, forget it.”
“I never said no.” His eyes bore into you in thought before continuing. “Meet me at the river.”
And that was it.  He turned and walked back into the dimming streets, hood pulled high before you could say anything else.
So to say you were a bit shaken would be an understatement. Walking home you just kept replaying the image of his face and his voice.
He’s changed so much. Well of course he has, it's been a decade since you last saw him. He’s practically a stranger at this point.
A stranger…
And you’re going to be meeting with said stranger at the river before dusk tomorrow. Leaning against the door of your home you knock the back of your head against the wood. Y/n, what have you gotten yourself into?
Getting through the door you just flop yourself onto your bed, not bothering to change. The whole night was spent tossing and turning thinking about the coming day.
This is a bad idea! You don’t even know him. I mean sure he is your friend but what if he isn’t the boy you remembered? What if things are weird? What if he’s... different?
You somehow managed to sleep, though your unconscious mind was still spinning with thoughts of Seraphim. You had a dream, a memory actually. One you almost forgot.
You were running around in the forest like you guys did countless times. But this time the two of you were ‘battling’ but you were doing a lot more running than fighting.
“Come back and face me! For I the mighty Seraphim will take you down!” The raven hair boy declared boisterously, making you laugh. The air was filled with the sound of rustling leaves and laughter from the two of you. You saw a clearing up a head which would make a perfect arena. However, you didn’t make it there before your foot got caught on an outstretched tree root. Tumbling to the ground you let out a small cry. “Y/n! Are you okay?”
Seraphim kneeled beside you on the damp earth. Looking you over he sees you clutching your knee to your chest. “Let me see it.” He said. You removed your hands to show him, you scraped your knee pretty badly. It was starting to bleed a little but nothing too unmanageable. “Stay here, I'll be right back.” He instructed before rushing towards his home.
About 10 minutes passed and your tears had stopped, though you were sure your eyes were red and your nose snotty. You hear rustling coming towards you and looking up you see the boy returning with a small pale of water and a cloth. “My mom is still at the market so this is the best I could do.”
He soaked the clean cloth in the water and started to wipe your wound. “OUCH!” Your knee jerked away from his touch.
“Sorry. But you need to wash it so it doesn't get worse.” You nodded your head and allowed him to continue. You kept wincing and hissing every so often.
Whilst cleaning your knee Seraphim saw you had a big splinter. “Uh this might hurt but I’ll do it quickly.” He tried to reassure you. Bracing yourself he took out the small piece of wood, you actually started to cry again - which felt embarrassing.
Once your knee was as clean as he could get it he then wrapped the clean side of the cloth around your knee. “Are you okay?” He asked, his onyx eyes laced with concern.
“Yeah, thanks.” you sniffle, wiping away the tears from your cheeks. Seraphim leaned towards you and placed a small peck on your cheek, which startled you. “What are you doing?”
“Uh, well I uh- you were hurt so I gave you a kiss better.” He hastily stuttered as he got up and dusted himself off. Without looking at you he extended his hand for you to take. “We should head back, my mom should be there by now.” He then took your hand and started walking back.
Wow. Okey if you made it through that I hope you enjoyed it. This start feels a bit rocky but lets hope it only goes up from here 😅  
I’m definitely more of a One shots & HCs kinda girl not a big Fic writer, perhaps that’s because I haven’t done much multi part/”chapter” writing before so 🤷🏻‍♀️
If you enjoyed this let me know your thoughts :3
💛 ~
~ Masterlist ~
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
make you mine (spencer reid/reader)
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Title: Make You Mine
Requested: no
Couple: spencer reid/gen-neu!reader
Category: fluff
Content Warning: swearing (if there’s any. I tried to write something so PG that there’s little to no swearing), obliviousness, kissing/making out, mentions of jeid/max/maeve, slight season 8 spoilers, season 14-15 spoilers
Word Count: 3,644
Summary: Spencer wants to ask Reader out, but is too nervous. So he goes to the one person he knows can help, Reader, who is too oblivious to know that they’re the one he wants to ask out.
A/N: day one of my 7 days of 7 fics!  i really liked writing this. i need to write a bunch of fluff bc i just posted a lot of sad and some SUPER angsty stuff soon… so… yeah, here’s something cute and fluffy! thanks for all the love and support! check out my masterlist!
“Thank you so much for coming over to help… I wish I had a brain like yours,” I laughed as Spencer and I walked towards my living room. Stacks and stacks of file boxes were scattered around, making it look like a giant maze instead of a living room. “I don’t know why Emily makes me do this… But the only time I really have for it is when I’m home… Sometimes I question why I took that press liaison position." I sighed before sitting on the couch. 
“It was a spot that needed to be filled.” Spencer looked at me as he took the seat beside me. I smiled, watching as he pulled a box to his lap. “I couldn’t think of a better person to take the position too,” he glanced at me with a smile.
“Too bad JJ’s such a great profiler. I’m sure she’d be great at this,” I sighed, grabbing a box for myself. I pulled the lid off and tossed it to the coffee table.
“It’s funny you say that,” Spencer laughed as he pulled out a small stack of files. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “She was the press liaison several years ago. Back before you were even here as a profiler,” he smiled at me. 
“I think that makes sense. She always does such a great job during press conferences and stuff,” I shrugged, looking at the box of files before pulling a single one out. “Wish I could be like her,” I shrugged again. 
“Again, you’re doing a great job. Emily couldn’t have picked a better person,” Spencer reassured me. I looked at him with a kind smile, watching as he read over the file. He scribbled something on a post it note, pressing it to the inside of the folder. “How do you do it so quickly? I’d be here all night on one case file,” I muttered, looking at my folder.
“I… It just takes lots of practice,” he looked over at me with a small smile. I looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, “And the I.Q. of 187… And the ability to read 20,000 words a minute,” he added in a quiet tone. 
“That’s what it is… It’s the 187 I.Q. that I don’t have,” I laughed as I looked back at my folder. It wasn’t that I was struggling to keep my attention on my work, it was just hard with Spencer sitting so close to me. He’s my best friend and all I wanted to do was talk to him. Maybe he wasn’t the best person to have over for help.
“Hey, can you help me with… With something?” he asked quietly, keeping his voice soft. I slowly looked up at him, my eyebrow arched a bit.
“I mean… It’d only be fair, wouldn’t it? Since you’re helping me with such a menial task,” I laughed before closing my folder a bit. In the time it took me to work on my one folder, he worked on 5... So tonight should be smooth sailing… I hope.
“How… How do I ask someone… out…?” he mumbled, a significant embarrassment in his tone. I looked up at him, feeling a small smile grow on my lips. 
“Spencer Reid has a crush on someone,” I spoke, my smile becoming wider by the second. He looked down at his folder, nodding slowly. “And you want my help asking her out,” I grinned, feeling a giggle bubble up my throat.
“I just figured… You’re dating… Right?” He looked over at me from the corner of his eye.
“Well, sometimes… if I have the time I’ll go on a stupid tinder date. But… No… I don’t really date,” I stopped talking, realizing I don’t really date. To be honest, I don’t remember the last time I went on a real date. Sure, there’s been one night tinder dates. But nothing too memorable. Most of the time the people I went on dates with weren’t even my type. It’s funny how someone can seem perfect on screen over the internet, but the second you meet them for drinks, it’s more than awkward. 
“Can… Can you help? Or should I go to Luke or Penelope for help?” Spencer asked, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. I laughed and shook my head.
“No, no I can help. It’s just been awhile since I’ve been on a meaningful date or been in an important relationship, I guess,” I shrugged, looking back down at my folder. “It’s easy, honestly. I guess you just have to have the nerves to… to do it,” I looked at him and smiled. 
“Well, I guess that’s why I’m finding this so hard to do,” Spencer laughed lightly as he looked over at me. I smiled and shrugged.
“Yeah, that’s fair,” I nodded before cocking my head to my shoulder, “Liquid courage?” I asked, looking over at him with a small smile. Spencer laughed at my joke of drinking before shaking his head.
“That’s the easy way, right? Is there a way I could do it without drinking?” he asked, raising an eyebrow slightly.
“Don’t sell yourself short… I mean,” I paused and furrowed my eyebrows. I couldn’t exactly think of what to say, mostly because I never get asked for relationship advice… I’m usually the one asking for it. “Anyone would be lucky to have you, Spencer,” I smiled at him, watching as he closed a folder and placed it on the coffee table.
“You’re just saying that,” Spencer laughed as he looked at me. I looked at him with a squint. 
“Oh, please, I’d never say something like that. That’d just be too cruel if I didn't mean it,” I scoffed and shook my head. Spencer looked at me with a small smile. “Seriously though, it’s not that hard to ask someone out,”
“Have you ever asked someone out?” Spencer looked at me as he asked his question. I blankly stared at him, my shoulders slouching slightly as I looked at him.
“I… Actually… Well, no,” my words trailed on for a moment when my answer seemed to prove Spencer’s point, “But, my statement still stands,” I smiled as I looked at him. 
“Should I just go to Luke or Derek?” Spencer raised an eyebrow as he opened up his second file box. Of course, he still kept working while we talked. Whereas I just blabbed. Maybe that was why I was so slow working… Because I talked so much...
“No! I’m the best person you could have asked for help,” I smiled at him, “How about… How ‘bout you practice on me,” I watched as he pulled out a folder and placed it on his lap. He looked over at me with a cocked eyebrow.
“I… I’m… You want me to practice asking someone out… with you?” Spencer stumbled over his words. I nodded as I grabbed a new folder. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Spencer slowly stand. 
“Yeah! C'mon! I'm your best friend! I'm, like, the best person who you could practice with,” I exclaimed as I pulled him back down to sit beside me. Spencer looked at me, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. “It can’t be that hard! I know you've asked girls out before,” I winked at him and smiled. Spencer rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“Yeah and look at what happened,” he looked at me with a certain sadness in his eyes. I tried not to think about Maeve, again, or even his failed date with JJ, or even worse… The time JJ said she loved Spencer. But then there’s Max. Sure, they didn’t date for too long. But he still asked her out...
“Maybe this time it'll be different,” I shrugged, trying to keep a smile on my lips, “considering you've asked JJ out on a date, you should be able to ask anyone out. Just… pretend I'm the person you want to ask out!” I smiled at him as I leaned forward on the couch, tossing the file onto the coffee table. Spencer looked at me, and I could see the shade of pink on his cheeks grow to be an even darker shade of red. I smiled as I looked at him.
“I don’t know. I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Spencer laughed nervously as he spoke. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Part of me was surprised that he didn’t start to info dump on me about the dangers of asking someone out, as a joke or even for practice. I knew it wouldn’t cause me any harm from him practicing asking someone out. I mean, he is my best friend after all. 
“Is it someone I know? Oh my god is it that new girl that just started? God, what’s her name? Sarah?” I looked at him with wide eyes and a bright smile on my lips. Spencer looked at me with furrowed eyebrows before shrugging.
“Yeah, yeah, something like that,” he mumbled, looking down at the files on the coffee table. 
“Well, she’d be lucky to have you, Spence,” I reached over and rested a hand on his leg. He looked over at me with a certain sadness in his eyes. 
“Right,” he whispered, looking down at my hand. I watched as his face twitched, and I wanted to know what he was thinking about. But I wasn’t just going to ask what his thoughts were. 
“Well,” I scooched closer to him, looking at him with a friendly smile. He looked away from his file, and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.
“Well what?”
“What are you going to say to Sarah when you ask her out?” 
“I, uh, well, err,” he looked over at me with a raised brow. I smiled and nodded, keeping my eyes on him. 
“It doesn’t have to be anything special. You could just be like ‘Sarah, I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me this weekend?’ or you could do drinks, lunch if you prefer, or coffee,” I smiled at him and nodded. Spencer turned more to face me, his eyes anywhere but me. “And… And I know you’ll be nervous, but there’s no reason to be nervous. The worst she can do is say no. So, you should look at her. Keep your eyes on… her forehead! You don’t need to keep perfect eye contact,” I laughed, “Oh! And make sure you tell her you like her too! A good selling point,”  
“Right,” he mumbled before slowly looking up at me. He cleared his throat before looking right at my eyes. “I, uh… I like you a lot… And… I was wondering… Would… Would you want to get dinner with me… On Friday night…?” 
Part of me almost forgot that he was just practicing on me. It felt like he was talking right… Right to me. And, I wished that he was talking to me. Honestly, I wished that this was actually me he was asking out. I’m not jealous. She’s just lucky she’ll have someone like Spencer. She’d be a fool to say no to him.
“That was… That was great, Spence! She’ll have to say yes!” I stood up and walked around the coffee table, “You’ll do a great job,” I smiled at him before walking into the kitchen. “She’ll be lucky to have you, Spencer!” I shouted as I got a glass of water.
“Yeah…” He started talking, but I couldn’t exactly hear what he said. I just brushed it off like he was talking to himself. Because chances are, he probably was talking to himself. 
“You want a snack or anything?”
I smiled as I watched Spencer approach the woman. He was wearing a very nervous smile as he got closer to her. When he said her name, Sarah looked up at him and returned the smile. She stood up as Spencer began speaking to her. It was hard not watching them, but knowing that I helped him ask her out. 
“What’s he doing over there?” Luke asked as he approached my desk. I smiled as I looked up at him. 
“He’s asking Sarah out. When he was over at my house the other day, he was talking about wanting to ask her out,” I looked back at the two. Spencer’s arms were wrapped around her body, and she was returning the semi-awkward hug. 
“Why’s he doing that?”
“Because he likes her, Luke. Why else would he be asking her out?” I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. Luke looked over at Spencer, pure confusion on his face. 
“Alright, if he likes her,” he shrugged before going to sit at his desk. I smiled as Spencer walked away from Sarah and her desk and back towards me. The smile he wore on his face was a little weird, like he had no idea what he had just done.
“How’d it go? Did she say yes?” I stood up as he got closer to me.
“Friday night… We’re going out,” Spencer looked at me with a nervous smile, “We’re getting dinner,” he nodded as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
“That’s so exciting! I’m happy it worked out for you, Spencer! You’ll have so much fun,” I looked up at him before wrapping my arms around his middle. Spencer let out a small sigh as he wrapped his arms around me, embracing me like I was the last person on earth. 
“Yeah, yeah, it worked out,” he whispered as he looked at me, “I better… I better let you get back to work,” he smiled at me before returning to his own desk. I smiled back before actually turninf to my work. 
I dropped my head to the side as I dragged a highlighter across the words in my folder. Doing this job is so much easier with a second person, rather than by myself. Although, it’s probably a good thing I wasn’t with someone. I’d probably get so distracted. Like I was when Spencer was helping earlier this week. 
I wonder how he’s doing. He is going on that date with Sarah tonight. Hopefully they didn’t get rained out. I don’t think anyone was expecting the horrible weather we got. But that is the spring for you. 
Music was playing loud to drown out the loud claps of thunder outside, and to keep my mind at ease. The playlist went anywhere between classic rock to modern day indie. Thank god no one else was here… I think I’d get made fun of for my weird taste in music. It could be worse. 
My heart stopped as a loud clap of thunder went through my house. The lightning must have hit the near-by transformer, knocking the power in my house out. I silently cursed, placing a hand on my chest to calm my racing heart. Once I was finally calmed down a bit, I grabbed my phone and turned the flashlight on before going to find some candles.
“Hopefully the power isn’t out all night,” I whispered as I lit the candles. And, just before I sat down to resume my work, there was a knock at the door. That knock made me jump again because I wasn’t expecting anyone. Especially in this weather and at 8:30 at night.
“Who is it?” I spoke, pressing my body against the door so I could hear whoever was on the other side. 
“It’s me,” a familiar voice spoke. It was low, like they regretted something. But I couldn’t be too sure what they were regretting. “Can you open the door,” they asked softly. I furrowed my eyebrows before unlocking the door and pulling it open. 
Spencer was standing on the porch, soaking wet as he stood in the rain. He was still wearing the clothes he wore at work, a dark-pale blue button up with a plain purple tie, matched with a black cardigan. I looked up at him with a smile.
"Hey, Spencer,” I smiled at him, taking note how he was looking at me. Then I remembered, he was on a date with Sarah… “Wait a minute… What are you doing here? I thought you were going on a date with Sarah?" I cocked my head to the side. “She seemed pretty excited about going out with you. And, you seemed pretty happy about it too,” I smiled at him. 
“Yeah, yeah… We cut it short,” he furrowed his eyebrows as he kept his eyes on me.
“That’s a shame. Sarah seemed re-” 
“Stop talking about Sarah… Okay? Just… Just listen to me for a minute, please,” he abruptly cut me off with a begging tone in his words. I looked up at him, watching as his hair started to get matted to his forehead because of the rain. 
“Okay, I’m… I’m all ears,” I whispered, feeling a nervous smile grow on my lips as I looked at him.
“I’m… I’m crazy about you…” his voice was low as he spoke, "It's been you all along. I don’t have a crush on Sarah… Or… Or… JJ… or… Max... And, sure I loved Maeve… But… That was in the past. This is… This is now… And I know for sure… That I-I love you. I’m in love with you. And, I don’t know what the hell you were talking about. Because this was the hardest thing I’ve ever done… In my entire life,” Spencer spoke so fast, that all his words nearly went over my head. But I heard everything he said. Loud and clear, well as loud and clear as he could let.
But, I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. There were no words, nothing to respond with… But all that came from me was laughter. 
“Stop laughing… Why… Why are you laughing? This is a very serious moment,” he looked down at me and furrowed his eyebrows. I couldn’t help but look at him, watching droplets of water roll off the tip of his nose. 
“B-because, you’re standing in the rain, telling me you love me… After… After you practiced, on me, asking someone out... Why didn’t you just tell me,” I whispered, looking up at him. Spencer looked down at me, his mouth open just a tiny bit, and his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at me. 
“I don’t… I don’t know. I just…” he looked at me, his mouth parted as he paused from speaking. 
“Did you… Did you even go on your date with Sarah?” I asked, leaning against the door jamb. Spencer kept his eyes on me, watching as I brought a hand up to my face.
“Um… Sarah came and picked me up. And when we got to the restaurant... I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. About… About how you were probably at home, alone, watching a movie or working on those files. And… And I wanted to be here with you, watching movies, cooking food, doing laundry, and… and sleeping with you… Doing life with you…” he rambled on as he looked at me. I smiled and nodded.
“Doing life with… With me?” I bit my lower lip as I looked at him. Spencer nodded. 
“Not with Sarah, not with JJ, or… or Max... Not with anyone,” he let out a small laugh before shaking his head, “Just you… And, maybe kids someday, if we have kids… But, mostly just you,” he looked at me. I laughed again and shook my head. “And, it’d… Are you… I’m… I’m sorry…” he looked at me as I pushed myself off the door frame. 
“Why are you sorry?” I asked, stepping out of the comfort and warmth and dryness of my home, to stand in the rain with him. “You don’t have to be sorry for anything, Spencer… That was a mighty brave thing to do… And you’re right… It is hard, one of the hardest things in the world… Asking someone out is one thing… But telling them you love them… Not even I could do that,” I smiled as I stepped closer to him.
“Please… Please tell me this wasn’t a mistake,” he whispered once I was close enough to him. I smiled and shook my head as I kept my eyes on his face.  
“No, you didn’t make any mistakes. I would say that was the furthest thing from a mistake,” I smiled as I carefully lifted my hands to his face. Spencer looked down at me, his nose twitching slightly at my touch. I went up on my toes and moved a little bit closer to him. “You know why,” I whispered as I got closer to him. I was so close to him that I could feel his breath against my skin. 
“W-why’s that?” he whispered, keeping his eyes on my face. I smiled before leaning even closer to him. Our chests were pressed together, and our noses brushed together.
“Because, I love you too,” I whispered before pressing my lips to his. Spencer hummed before snaking his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his body, as if I wasn’t already close enough to him. Even though it was cold and wet outside, I was warm in his embrace. 
It wasn’t until another clap of thunder cracked through the air that we broke apart. And it was mostly my fault. But, Spencer kept his eyes on me, a warm and friendly smile on his lips.
“We should go inside before we get sick,” I looked up at him, my hands still holding his face.  
“Contrary to popular belief, you can’t get sick from standing out in the rain,” he went on to info dump but stopped when I just looked at him, “Yeah…” he chuckled, “Yeah we should go inside before we get sick."
if you want to be a part of a taglst or have any comments about this one shot, let me know here 
taglist: @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto , @thebluetint​  , @mggsprettygirl​
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keanureevesisbae · 3 years
sugar sugar - the proposal
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Summary: For their second year anniversary, Henry and Becky are going to Rome, Italy to celebrate. 
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x Becky Kim (asian OFC)
Warnings: Slight Daddy kink
Wordcount: 2.5k
Masterlist // Sugar Sugar Masterlist // Sugar Sugar the wedding Masterlist // 
September 23rd 8 p.m.
The sun in shining, the birds are chirping and the soft breeze brushes through my hair. This is Rome in September and I know that if I said to Henry I would want to go here every September, he’d arrange it for us.
Just like he did now, Henry would arrange the most beautiful presidential suite with a balcony, a jacuzzi and the softest bed you’ve ever slept on. Sometimes I’m afraid I’m getting too spoiled, but when I express my fears to him, he simply leans down, gives me a kiss and tells me I deserve it and should enjoy it.
To spend our second year anniversary in a city like Rome, is something I never imagined. I actually never imagined that I would ever spend an anniversary with someone. Not because I don’t have any faith in Henry and me, but more because I never thought I’d be in a loving relationship, long enough to spend these types of anniversaries together.
The two of us decided that the day we met, would be our anniversary date.
September 23rd. Two years ago we met. Two years ago he changed my life forever and I changed his.
Henry holds my hand tightly in his. ‘I love you,’ he says, kissing the back of my hand.
I chuckle. ‘I love you too, honey. It’s been two years since we’ve met.’
‘Yeah,’ he says, ‘time flew by.’
‘It sure did,’ I say to him.
‘Not only have I gained the best archivist Midnight ever had, but I also got a beautiful girlfriend and I can now say that I’m the boyfriend of a New York Times Bestselling Author with an extra book deal.’
Even after we spend so much time together and we know each other so well, I still blush around him when he hands out compliments like that. ‘That’s so sweet,’ I say. ‘Where are we going?’
‘A nice place I rented. It’s I think a few minutes from here.’
‘You rented an entire place?’ I ask him.
‘Just one floor,’ he says with a shit eating grin on his face, the one he has recently discovered when he shamelessly flaunts his wealth in my face. I want to roll my eyes, but seeing Henry this confident and cocky and happy, makes me laugh as well.
After our first anniversary, a lot changed for the two of us. I still work in the archives, but mostly because I liked it there and it gave me plenty of time to not only work on my first book, but also on my second one. The following February, two weeks before my birthday, my book got released and not long after that, I reached the number three on the New York Times Bestselling list. My book reached number three! My debut novel. It’s unbelievable. It’s all thanks to the magnificent job Roger and his team has been doing to advertise my book to the public. I was never on Instagram, because I didn’t have a phone that would allow it and when I met Henry, I didn’t really think about it anymore. But now, I’m officially on Instagram and while it’s a bit weird, I still really enjoy to see the beautiful fan art and the stories of the readers about what my book did to them personally.
I moved out of my first apartment, since I was hanging around Henry’s place most of the time anyway. I mean, his place has the private gym and we added a sauna to it, because he didn’t forget my joke from a while ago. My pink and pastel influences are shattered around his place now and in his home office, we placed another desk, so we could work together.
Yes, we are that type of couple.
Despite our age gap, I barely notice it in our day to day life. He is in such good shape for someone who is only two years away from hitting fifty and he is really up to date with trends and technology. I mean, call me digital illiterate, because he had to show me how Instagram worked. I don’t want to say he’s old (because it’s obvious he is older than me), but I thought that eventually I would notice the difference in age.
I don’t.
It’s just that sometimes he says something about his grayish hairs, how he isn’t in the best shape anymore and how he needs to watch his food, after a check up. Honestly, I don’t see his “bad” shape. I only fall more and more in love with him. Besides, the second he becomes a complete silver fox, is also the second I will jump him every chance I get.
‘Thank you for taking me to Rome,’ I say. ‘I can’t wait to travel to even more countries with you. I’m such a lucky woman. All those beautiful places in the world, right at my finger tips. Isn’t that amazing?’
‘It sure is.’
‘Is there a place in the world you want to see?’
‘Well, as long as you are there with me, I’d love any place. Besides, I did my fair share of traveling, I’ve seen a lot. It doesn’t matter to me.’
‘You don’t mind that I’m awfully inexperienced with traveling?’
He scoffs. ‘No, of course not. It makes the experience even better. That way I can show you all the beautiful places in the world and see your surprised face.’
We walk into a restaurant and the waiter escorts us to the elevator. We go up and we actually get out on the roof. My mouth falls open, before I squeal. ‘Honey, this is fantastic.’ I give him a kiss and the two of us walk towards the table. He helps me in my seat, before he sits across from me. He pours in some wine for me.
‘You like it?’ he asks.
‘Of course. Everything you arrange for me I love.’ I look over my shoulder, to see the waiter has left. ‘I love what you do for me, daddy.’
He bites his lip. ‘I’m going to sound like a broken record, baby girl, but I love it when you call me like that.’
‘I know.’ I look around, admiring the view and say: ‘Thank you for arranging this for us.’
‘I want the best for my baby girl,’ he says with a smile. ‘Only the best.’ He holds out his hand and I place mine in it. ‘You know, I sometimes can’t believe I actually met you.’
‘Why not?’
‘Well, when I signed up, I only did it because I didn’t want to be alone anymore. Never in a million years I expected myself falling head over heels with you, when the two of us were only supposed to have a sugar daddy/baby thing. But you were just amazing, kind and caring. Beautiful, considerate and funny. I remember when I first laid my eyes on you. I thought to myself: this could actually be it. This could be the woman I’ll fall for and for me to love endlessly.’
That… Is so sweet.
‘I kept thinking about every pro and con. While our personalities matched, you were a lot younger than I were. While I finally had someone who I can give the life she deserves, there is a possibility she’ll never see me as more than just a sugar daddy. It was difficult, because you were more than a sugar baby to me, though I tried to deny that multiple times. The relief I felt when you and I… That we have what we have. That you stayed when I needed you and vice versa.’
I smile. ‘Of course I did, silly. I have never felt this about someone ever before nor will I ever feel about this about anyone.’
Henry nods. ‘I want to spend the rest of my life with you,’ he says. ‘I want us to build a future together. I want to buy a house with you, have a dog and tons of kids with you, though it has to be an even number. But before we do that, there is just one thing I need to ask you.’
Henry gets up from the chair, searches his pocket and I see he has a blush pink velvet box in his hand.
Is this what I think it is?
‘My sweet Becky,’ he says, sitting down on one knee, ‘it’d be such an honor if you would become my wife, that you are gonna be mrs. Cavill. Baby girl, will you marry me?’
He reveals such a delicate and beautiful ring to me.
Maybe, maybe, I’m experiencing some shock. I knew that Henry would propose to me one day, he literally told me so many times that he’d propose, but now that it’s happening, I just can’t believe it.
He smiles. ‘Really, my love. There is no one else in the world I’d want to spend the rest of my life with. You are the only one. My only one.’
I place my shaking hand in front of my lips. ‘Yes,’ I whisper. ‘Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes. I want to marry you, Henry.’
He takes the ring from the little box, before gently sliding it on my finger. I look at it for a few seconds, before I wrap my arms around his shoulders.
‘We’re engaged?’ I ask him.
‘Yes, baby, we’re engaged.’
I press my lips on his, as tears of joy and happiness drip down my face. I’m gonna get married.
‘Oh yeah, our Becky is engaged!’ I look over my shoulder to see Genevieve, Viola, Noah and Greg rushing up to me and is that Gino I see, with Peter from the boutique?
‘Show me the ring,’ Viola says and I hold out my hand.
Noah lets out a whistle. ‘Damn, mister Cavill.’
Gino gives me a big hug and two kisses on my cheeks. ‘Congratulations, darling.’
I can’t believe Henry flew out our friends to Italy, but it totally seems like something he would do. I bet he arranged a private jet for them and the best hotel.
‘We’re getting married,’ Genevieve shouts.
‘Technically, sweetheart,’ Greg says, ‘it’s Becky that is getting married.’
Genevieve rolls her eyes. ‘Well, Viola and I are gonna be bridesmaids and we’re going to plan a wedding. The ring is absolutely beautiful. Really, Henry, you need to help out Greg when he wants to propose to me.’
Henry chuckles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. ‘I’ll help him out when the time is right, Gen.’ He kisses my temple and says: ‘How about we celebrate?’
✤ ✤ ✤
I keep staring at my ring, mainly because it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen and it’s mine. While Henry’s checking the locks, I’m already in bed. This ring still takes my breath away. It’s gorgeous and I bet it was expensive.
‘There she is,’ Henry says, as he walks in the bedroom in just his boxers. ‘My beautiful fiancée.’
‘I am sure it’ll take awhile before I get used to that,’ I say.
Henry steps underneath the covers and ushers me over. ‘But you’ll always be my baby girl,’ he says. ‘Even when you become my wife.’
I hum in content, as I nestle myself against him, in his strong embrace. ‘Just like you’ll always be my daddy,’ I whisper. I place my head on his thick arm, so I can look up at him and still stare at his handsome face. ‘We need to start planning a wedding. When do you want to get married?’
‘I don’t mind,’ he says. ‘We could even elope.’
‘We’re never going to elope,’ I say. ‘Don’t you ever say that again. I deserve a wedding. Back in juvie, both times, I’d envision myself getting married, buying a house, having a family and growing older with someone. I owe it to teen Becky to have a fantastic wedding.’
He chuckles. ‘Okay, we will not elope. What did you think about back then?’
‘A spring wedding outside,’ I say, ‘with pink blossom trees around us. A tent or a large cabin or something where we’ll get married and afterwards, people can dance, eat and talk to each other. A Photo Booth for people to make pictures on. Disposable camera’s on the tables and a photographer. My friends and their family are there, your friends. I want it to be intimate, but not too small, like maybe fifty to seventy people. I want a wedding dress on the tighter side, but I have never tried on wedding dresses, so I might be surprised. But I want to dress to have little illusion sleeves, a veil and a hairband with diamonds.’
Henry nods in approval. ‘Sounds lovely and that can all be arranged. What do you want me to wear?’
‘Champagne colored suit,’ I say. ‘The bridesmaids dresses could be in a pastel color. Okay, who am I kidding? I want those dresses to be pink.’
‘Of course.’ He lets out a content sigh. ‘We can arrange all sorts of things. Whatever you want for the wedding, it’s yours.’
‘And I want the date and each other’s names engraved in the inside of the ring.’
‘I love that.’ Henry gives me a kiss on my forehead. ‘A lot to plan, but also a lot to look forward to. I cannot wait to call you my wife.’
‘Oh, me neither. And then after that, we can start our life together as a married couple.’
‘At least four kids, right?’ Henry jokes.
‘At least,’ I say in all seriousness.
‘Why don’t you want an uneven number?’
I scrunch up my nose. ‘Because I come from a family of uneven number. I don’t want that. I know, it’s stupid, but…’
‘It’s not stupid, it’s understandable,’ he says. ‘So, for imaginary sake, let’s say you and I have five kids.’
‘Imaginary sake, baby girl, remember that,’ he snickers. ‘And then we have twins, making it seven.’
‘We’ll go for the eighth,’ I say to him. ‘Really, Henry.’
He laughs. ‘Wow, you’re quite something.’
‘You’re up for it?’
‘With you? Of course. I can’t wait to have multiple mini you’s and me’s running around to place.’ He pulls me closer and says: ‘You’ll be an amazing mother, I just know it.’
‘And you’ll be an amazing dad.’ I circle my finger around his chest. ‘Would you mind if I stopped working as your archivist and become a stay at home mom, who also writes?’
He shakes his head. ‘Of course I don’t mind. Whatever you want, I support you.’
‘You don’t think it’s weird?’
He frowns. ‘Why would I think it’s weird? Honestly, baby girl, if you wanted to become a career woman, I’d support it. If you want to become a stay at home mom, I also support it. No matter what you do, I’m your biggest supporter and fan.’ He gives me a sweet peck on my lips. ‘Don’t you worry about those things, okay?’
‘Okay,’ I whisper, already a bit more at ease. ‘You know, it has always been my dream to become a mother.’
‘Yeah,’ I say. ‘It’s just that I figured I’d never meet someone who I wanted kids with. With the dysfunctional family I’m from, I wanted a partner who I could trust and rely on. And that partner is you, Henry. My future husband.’
✤ ✤ ✤
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awritingtree · 4 years
The Complications of Friendship and Love
James Potter x reader, very little Sirius Black x reader, James Potter x Lily Evans
@wand3ringr0s3‘s 1.9k follower writing challenge: Angst prompt 5. “I never thought something could hurt this bad.” The prompt has been bolded :)
Summary: Being best friend’s with your ex is complex. But adding your best friend dating your ex? Things got a whole lot more complicated.
Words: 2.4k
Warnings: angst, low self-confidence talks, friendship betrayals, unrequited love, 1 swear word
A/N: jsdf I’m sorry this took so long love <3 I wrote half of it and then lost motivation and then got back to it after so long 😂 anyways I hope you all enjoy it xx
Next part: The Benefits of Friendship and Love
Y/N Y/L/N had believed that James Potter was her one true love; the person she was going to spend the rest of her life with. But there she sat in her Potions class watching her two best friends giggling and flirting with each other wondering where did she go wrong?
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked, not glancing at her.
“Of course I do, James,” Y/N replied, bewildered he would even think about asking her such a question.
“It’s just- I’ll be really busy you know. With quidditch, NEWTs coming up and being head boy, I won’t have a lot of time to give you,” James explained.
“I don’t care about that. As long as I’m with you, nothing else matters.”
James didn’t get a chance to say anything as Sirius just plopped down next to Y/N, throwing a hand over her shoulder. “What are you two talking about?”
“Nothing,” said James before launching into a conversation with Remus about prefect duties.
“Right, nothing,” sighed Y/N, picking at her food.
“Hey, can we talk?” Lily’s voice snapped Y/N out of her daydream. Her eyes connected with the grey eyes of Sirius Black before she turned around to face Lily with a smile, “Of course, Lils.”
“Can we go somewhere...” Lily looked around the courtyard, “a bit more private?” she finished.
Y/N nodded, stringing her bag around her shoulder as she followed Lily towards the Black Lake. It was a rare warm day at the beginning of October of their seventh year. The grounds were filled with students soaking up the remnants of the warm sun before a cold, harsh winter took over.
Lily led Y/N to a secluded area near the edge of the Black Lake. She stood there, rocking back and forth on her heels, wiping her hands on her uniform every few seconds. She took a deep breath, turning to face her best friend. Her forehead creased, her bottom lip pulled in between her teeth, nibbling down on it.
“Is everything alright?” asked Y/N softly, concerned at her best friend’s behaviour.
“Yes- well um no. I guess- I just need to tell you something. Promise me you’ll listen to the whole thing before speaking?”
Y/N nodded; her eyebrows furrowed in worry. What could Lily possibly have to say that’s gotten her so anxious?
“I want to start by saying I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done what I did, especially without talking to you first. James and I, we’ve been dating. Since a few weeks ago before the term started. We didn’t tell you because I knew it’d hurt you and none of us wanted that. We’ve broken up now. We talked a few days ago. I- we couldn’t carry on like that, not when we knew what we were doing would hurt our best friend. I knew you liked him, and I still said yes, and I shouldn’t have done that, especially after he hurt you so badly. I know you’re upset; we shouldn’t have hidden it from you in the first place, but we’re over now.”
Lily looked up suddenly, shocked to hear Y/N laugh. Not a hurt, mocking laugh but a genuine laugh as if she had heard something really funny.
“I know, Lily,” Y/N said giggling, “You all did an extremely bad job at hiding it.”
“Really? And you’re not upset?” Lily asked nervously.
“Of course not, silly. But I do think you’ve both gone mad. Absolute bonkers. How could you ever think I would stand in the way of my two best friends’ happiness?” Y/N asked with a small smile.
“I can’t. We can’t do that to you.”
“Rubbish! You’re not doing anything to me. Go, be with him. Be happy, both of you.”
A grin made its way onto the redhead’s face she jumped onto the Y/H/C, squeezing the life out of her.
“Thank you! Thank you so much. You’re the best,” Lily shouted as she ran back towards the castle. She turned her head to see her best friend with a small smile on her face, what she didn’t see were the tears gathering in her eyes and how her face fell once she was alone. What she failed to see was the sight of her best friend falling onto her knees, breaking down once again.
Sirius, Remus and Peter found Y/N sitting against a tree, face resting on top of her knees drawn to her chest. They all grimaced at the sight of her blotchy face and red-rimmed eyes. She looked so broken.
“You knew, didn’t you?” she whispered, continuing to stare at the still lake before her.
Sirius, Remus and Peter stayed silent not knowing what to say. They did know from the beginning. James came back home shouting about it as soon as it happened. They were asked not to tell her and so they didn’t, a big mistake on their part they realized a little too late.
“Leave me alone” requested Y/N, her voice hoarse from crying.
“Y/N/N, we are-” started Remus.
“Please, just go,” she pleaded weakly. She had no energy left to do anything anymore. Her heart hurt too much. She’d wasted all her energy trying to be enough for a boy who wanted nothing to do with her; all for nothing.
“Alright. But we are sorry Y/N,” said Remus softly.
“We’re here if you need anything,” Peter went on.
Y/N didn’t reply. She made no acknowledgement that the words reached her ears. She continued to stare at the still water, a defeated look on her face. Remus and Peter turned to walk back to the castle. Sirius sighed and took a step towards Y/N, ignoring the pointed look Remus sent him. He leaned down to press a soft kiss against her head.
“We really are sorry, love,” he mumbled before following his best friends back to the castle.
A few months passed by. The weather got colder; the wind got harsher. The leaves changed colours and fell. The green grass began to get covered with white snow. All through this, Lily and James got stronger. Every girl was envious of their relationship. The golden couple, they were known as throughout the school.
Meanwhile, Y/N continued to suffer on the sidelines, never showing anyone how badly she was hurting. She wore a bright smile, fake to anyone who really looked. Sirius, Remus and Peter noticed it, she had begun to pull away from all of them, spending all her time in the library when she could, sitting with other people during meals. Anytime they approached her she would cut the conversation short saying she had somewhere to be. The times where she did stick around them, she wasn't the talkative Y/N they knew and loved but a shell of her former self.
Y/N felt disgusted with herself for the hate and anger she had begun to feel towards her best friend. It was justified in her eyes, but she knew no one else would see it that way; she would be considered too dramatic, petty and honestly, a bitch. Due to this fear, Y/N kept quiet about how she felt about the situation. She couldn’t rant to Remus, Sirius, Peter, Marlene, Alice or Dorcas. The only person she could rant to, who would understand her completely or otherwise not judge her, was the sole cause of all her problems in the first place.
James Potter not only ripped her heart right out of her chest and stomped all over it but also left her alone with no one she could talk to, making her spiral into a whirl of self-hate and loneliness with nothing to keep her from drowning.
“What happened to not having enough time to be in a relationship?”, “Be more like Lily then maybe we’d like to hang out with you more”, “Look at Lily, she’s beautiful and she takes care of herself” were the only thoughts that swirled through Y/N’s head on repeat. Her self-worth was reduced to the size of a speck of dust, ready to be blown away into the open by the lightest of breaths. Sirius had noticed her change in mannerisms, clothes, tone of voice; almost everything and it made his heartache. He watched from afar as she continued to distance herself; not that anyone could blame her. But it appeared that her absence went unnoticed by everyone, except by him, Remus and Peter. Not even her best friend noted the lack of her presence; too involved in her new boyfriend and busy making new friends.
Y/N soon found comfort in her friends from Ravenclaw, particularly Dave. He understood how she felt; not completely but a bit was better than nothing. He was someone she could rant about James and Lily to without the fear of judgement. Dave and Lily had broken up a few months before she’d started dating James; turns out she had liked James throughout their relationship, using it as a backup since James was showing interest in her best friend at that time. But in the end, not even the friendship of Dave was enough to fill up the empty void inside her, the gaping hole that she believed only one person could close.
Y/N was broken, like a mirror shattered into a thousand pieces and the glue that could put her back together was only in one person’s possession.
Y/N wanted to cry; she wanted to break things, thrash a whole room as she collapsed under the weight of her sobs. She wanted to scream into the void until her throat ached, her voice hoarse and raw. She wanted to shout at Lily for deceiving her; for pretending to care all these years. She wanted to yell at the universe, asking what she had done to deserve this. She wanted to punch James, break his nose for destroying her. Y/N Y/L/N had lost herself and she was nowhere to be found.
Y/N knew everyone would pick Lily if it came to it. Everyone always picked Lily; she was the much more favourable and lovable choice. It hadn't bothered Y/N much at first, she would gladly pick Lily first over herself too, but it started to get too much when people she was close to first - she’d introduced Lily to (such as the Marauders) - chose her. The last straw was drawn when James, the only person in the world Y/N had thought would never abandon her; tossed her aside like a second choice, opted for her. The person she revealed her deepest, darkest secrets to; whom she told things she’d never imagined telling another living, breathing soul had thrown her without a second thought, without any regret, onto the side of the road like rubbish without glancing back once to see the damage he’d caused. He’d promised he wouldn’t turn out like the rest. He’d promised to her.
Maybe it was all her fault. She gave her everything to him; her heart and soul, all her time, her first kiss, amongst other things whether she wanted to or not. There were days where she wondered whose fault it really was. Was it her? Was she not pretty enough? Lily Evans was beautiful; no one could deny it, you looked like a tiny twinkling star next to the glowing moon. Surprisingly the only person that comprehended what a first kiss and relationship meant to Y/N was Sirius Black, the notorious player of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was the only one who’d not told her to get over it and instead held her hand through the period of time when she had needed someone to rely on.
“Y/N! Wait! Y/N/N!” Y/N reluctantly slowed down, waiting for the person calling her name to catch up to her. She found herself in the company of Sirius, Remus, and Peter once a hand quickly grabbed her and pulled her to the side of the corridor.
“What do you want?” she asked impatiently. She just wanted to go back to her common room and sleep - an evening of peace - but the universe was against her, as usual.
Peter looked around nervously at the tone of her voice whilst Remus looked as if he’d been expecting this reaction.
Sirius raised an eyebrow in question, “Have somewhere to be, do you?”
“Yes actually.”
Sirius sighed before his mouth pulled into a wide cheerful smile choosing to be the bigger person, “Well we’re all sneaking out to Hogsmeade later if you wanted to join us.”
“No thank you. I’m busy,” Y/N said pushing her way from between them and walking away.
“How long are you going to keep this up!?” he yelled after her, irritated.
Y/N froze, anger bubbling through her blood and she turned on her heel slowly to face him.
“What?” she asked slowly, her teeth gritted, and her free hand clenched in a fist.
“Padfoot, don’t,” Remus muttered in warning, placing a hand on Sirius’ arm.
“No Moony,” Sirius said shrugging his hand off, “Someone needs to tell her that enough is enough.”
“Enough? Enough!?” Y/N laughed taking a step closer to Sirius with every sentence. “Enough was when my best friend decided to date my ex despite him breaking my heart not once, not twice but three times! Enough was when my best friend decided to date the boy who left me shattered behind my back! Enough was when my best friends knew about all this and chose to keep it from me!
“Enough was when all my friends left me stranded alone.”
The pain she’d locked up inside washed over her, her knees buckling beneath her. Sirius moved swiftly, gathering her in his arms before she hit rock bottom. Y/N clutched his shirt in her fists, soaking it as she sobbed against his chest.
“I never thought something could hurt this bad,” her voice broke, tugging Sirius’ heartstrings. Y/N’s heart ached; her chest physically hurting as it constricted her heart. The pain was too much to handle; the wound tearing open and blood smearing the ears of whom the sounds of her anguish fell upon.
Sirius had always known a time like this would come. A time when he’d sit there holding the love of his life in his arms as she sobbed into his chest over his best friend, for his brother. And there was nothing he could possibly do about it.
If you enjoyed reading this fic, please like/comment/reblog! Your opinion/feedback is welcome, appreciated, and motivating :)
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theboredwritertm · 4 years
hi if you write smut.... maybe mando being the reader’s first time?? if not, ignore this :))
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A/N: I’m going to admit this was the first request I received (ever) for The Mandalorian and it’s been gathering dust for the past couple of weeks (because I’m a simp for Cobb Vanth apparently??) Anyway, so sorry it’s taken this long, anon. I haven’t written this kind of thing before, but always love the chance to try new subject matter. Thanks for sending it through! I’ll admit this piece felt kind of clunky as I was writing it, but since I’m (sorta) sticking to a posting schedule now, I just wanted to get it done. And apparently, I can’t write something without backstory, so it got a little long!
Rating: 18+ for adult situations
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader
Warnings: Awful jokes and innuendos, awkwardness, a clueless Din, probably swearing, consensual sex, loss of virginity
Word Count: 5930 (Once again, consider the first 3000 words terrible foreplay)
Summary: After putting up with months of your supposedly-unintentional innuendos, Din finally takes charge…only to find out things aren’t quite what he expected.  
He’d picked you up like a Bantha tick and hadn’t been able to shake you since.
You’d managed to argue your way into a semi-permanent position onboard the Crest after what he would call a rescue, but what you still stubbornly referred to as an ‘assisted retreat’, and it didn’t look like you planned on leaving any time soon. 
So, he was stuck with you. At least that’s how he liked to think of the situation.
Never mind that it was nice to have someone to come back to after a long mission that could actually talk back to him. Or that you kept the ship neat and tidy. Or that you were practically a live-in babysitter for the little one at this point. Not to mention the way you always managed to throw together decent meals for the three of you that didn’t always come out of a pack – and that you seemed to enjoy doing so. 
And never mind that he liked listening to your soft, happy hums as you stirred together whatever ingredients you had managed to pull together, and that he’d stand in the doorway, silent as a shadow as he took this in, thinking to himself that if a Bantha was half as lucky to pick up a tick like you, it could do much worse for itself.
But what really got to him were the jokes.
You weren’t what he would consider shy, not since you seemed to have no problem at all talking back to him when he had grown so used to others shrinking back at the mere sight of him – still, he hadn’t been expecting the first comment that had just sort of slipped out of you after a few weeks of being in each other’s company. By that point you were comfortable enough to throw the odd sarcastic quip around at each other without having to worry about someone getting offended, so that’s what he had decided to take it as: a joke. At least, the first time. 
Since the Crest was prone to the odd malfunction, given its age and what he guessed to be a few too many battles before it was decommissioned, it hadn’t surprised him to walk into a cockpit full of smoke one day. What had surprised him was the way you had stepped into the room, taken one look around as you waved the smoke from your face, and said, “Is it hot in here, or is it just you?”
He’d taken it as he thought he should. A bad joke. You were prone to them as he had come to find, and there’d been plenty of times that he’d heard you use the same kind of lines on people you needed something from. In his case, he guessed that something was shelter and a place to lay low for a while. And he had obliged.  
The second time wasn’t as bad. It was worse. Terrible, even. He had no idea what you’d been going for, but as he’d approached the ship after a particularly grueling job and found you standing on the ramp, one foot balanced on a crate and look of mock-seduction, you’d cocked an eyebrow and greeted him with, “Hey, handsome. Looking for a ride?” 
His response? A semi-confused, completely weary, “It’s my ship,” as he’d passed you by.
The third time he thought maybe he’d just taken it the wrong way.
You’d been discussing his work, how long it had been between jobs, and how you were both getting a little light on credits. You’d shaken your head, lounging sideways in the co-pilot seat in a way that always looked uncomfortable to him, but seemed just fine to you, when you’d said, “I don’t get it. There’s got to be work out there somewhere.” Then you’d paused for a moment before adding, “If I looked hard enough, I’m sure I could find a few openings for you to fill.” He had frowned and glanced over, certain he’d caught the passing ghost of a smirk on your lips before you resumed looking completely innocent, as if you were simply pondering the tricky predicament you found yourselves in. 
Then there was the touching.
At first, he’d found excuses to move out of your reach, an attempt to make his knee-jerk reaction to shrug you off look less obvious. Then one day he’d exercised some restraint as you’d popped a warm, friendly hand on his thigh before getting up from the co-pilot’s seat, announcing you were ready for bed, and he’d realized…he kind of liked it. What, to you, (he was sure) was just fleeting, friendly touches – something ordinary and human he had been deprived of growing up – started to become something he would linger on for hours, sometimes days afterwards. There was something frustrating in the way you could make something that felt so intimate to him look so casual to you. 
Another time, more recently, was probably the worst of the lot – but only because of the effect it’d had on him.
During the last stop-off, you’d both been standing in the holding bay surveying the handful of acquisitions he had stored in carbonite. Work had finally picked up, and you’d proven surprisingly helpful in acquiring them, but in that particular instance, there had been a slight problem – two of them were destined for the same planet, but the cities were in complete opposite directions. The timeframes to meet the employers would never have allowed him to make both trips. So, you’d stepped up, placing a hand on his arm as you’d surveyed the captives and said, “Look, I’ve never been much of a delivery person, but I’m more than happy to handle your package for you, just this once.” He’d stared at you, glancing down briefly at the hand on his armor, then up at your smile. “What do you say?” you’d asked, eyes never leaving his visor.
It had taken a troubling amount of self-control not to close up the ramp and show you just how okay with that proposition he was. Because it had been a long time since he’d last gotten the chance. He’d blame the dry spell on the kid, on new responsibilities that hadn’t been there before, but it had been like this for well-over a year, way before the Child had even come into his life. Gone were the days of his youth where he could pick someone out of a bustling cantina crowd and lead them off silently to some grimy bathroom or backroom for a quick fuck – them, for the thrill of being with one of his kind, and him, out of sheer physical need. He’d made peace with the fact that those days were behind him (and considering the state of some of those bathrooms – and some of the partners – it was probably for the best). But that didn’t mean that the need went away. And then there was you.
You, with your perfect skin and the glow of youth still about you. Your long, shiny hair that always made his fingers twitch with need to reach out and run them through it. Your (cute) annoying laugh, and the way you would crinkle up your nose as you found something he’d said particularly funny for some reason he could never figure out (him, fumbling with switches from the pilot’s seat as he attempted to focus, ignoring the smile prickling at his own mouth as the sweet sound of your giggling flipped the doofus switch in his brain). You with the form-fitting pants you sometimes wore when a mission called for something you could move easily in, ones that made his own pants feel a little more form fitting when he stared for long enough to let his mind wander. 
You and your damn jokes.
In the end, much to his surprise, it wasn’t a joke that had finally sent him over the edge. It was a simple word, and this time you actually had context to back you up, to assure him that it wasn’t you just fucking with him. Given the situation, it absolutely shouldn’t have had the effect on him that it did. But it had triggered something in him that even he didn’t know he was into.
The kid had been seated in his usual spot, in the seat behind Din’s, when you’d walked in and spotted his big eyes beginning to droop. You had developed a routine with him now – dinner, a bit of bonding time with Din in the cockpit, then bed – and so far, it had seemed to work well for the little guy. You were new to the whole childcare thing, but it made it easier for you to know where punishment and reward was warranted – especially since you were terrible at telling him off. One look at his little face and all wrongdoings were forgotten, something Din never seemed particularly impressed with (even if he was just as guilty of it as you were).
You approached the seat, reaching down to scoop up the sleepy bundle, and pulled him close.
“Come on, little one. Let’s leave daddy to his thing. Time for bed.”
As you turned and headed for the steps leading down to his cot, you failed to notice the way Din had stiffened in his seat. He turned his head to watch you go, eyes dropping down to linger on your ass as the word replayed in his mind. Then he turned back to the flight console, hand lingering over it in a split-moment of indecision, before he flicked on auto-pilot and got to his feet.
Enough was enough. 
You had absolutely been fucking with him.  
The first time it had just sort of slipped out, you’ll admit. After years of dealing with the Guild, which what was honestly a bit of a boys’ club, you’d developed the shitty flirting as a reflex to seem more at ease with whoever you were working with (and, okay, sometimes it got you better jobs, too. So what?) But after catching Din’s initial reaction (back when you knew him solely as the strong, silent Mando) you knew it was a thread you had to tug at. And tug at it, you had, just to see the man unravel. 
You knew the risks, knew the Mandalorian’s reputation, but part of you had wondered how far you could take it…how far you wanted it to go. 
You were about to find out.
As you pressed the button to close up the baby’s metal capsule, smiling as you caught one last glimpse of his sleeping form, you turned to find yourself face-to-helmet with the man himself. Even without seeing his face, there was still an intensity to the way he was looking at you, how he leaned in until you have no choice but to back yourself up against the cold steel of the wall. 
“This needs to stop,” he says, tone full of warning. Though you could have sworn there was a touch of something else to his voice. You want to say it sounds like desperation, but that feels a little self-indulgent, even for you.
“I’m sorry. Did you want to put the kid to bed? I just thought—”
“You know exactly what I mean.”
His hand comes up to rest beside you on the wall, as he leans in closer, effectively boxing you in. 
Oh, boy. 
You wonder if this is the same technique he uses on people he’s trying to get information from and if it should be having this effect on you. You’re almost certain it’s fear that you should be feeling, not, uh, this. You clear your throat and look up at him, wracking your brain for what you’ve done or said in the last ten minutes to warrant this kind of reaction from him, especially given the more obvious attempts to rile him up over the past couple of months. You’d picked up the kid, same as you did every other night. Maybe it was the way you’d bent over to do it. You glance down briefly at your clothes, but it’s not a particularly revealing outfit. You’d worn much less in front of him before with far less reaction. Maybe it was something you’d said?
Come on, little one. Let’s leave daddy to-
The word leaves your mouth as a soft question intended mainly for yourself, a thought given voice. Din stiffens immediately, across from you. You look up at him, realizing at the same time he does that you’ve caught on.
“Wait, really? Is that what this abou—?”
His other hand comes up towards your throat, and for a moment you think he’s going to choke you (and you’re a little concerned that the feeling you get from that thought still isn’t fear) but his touch is gentle. His hand comes to rest on the side of your neck, thumb against your cheek as he looks at you for a moment before his voice comes through once more. 
“Say it again.”
You keep your gaze trained on his visor, where you’re sure his eyes are currently burning into you, and feel heat flooding in opposite directions in your body; up to your face, and down between your legs. And you feel ridiculous. You had never been into that kind of thing before, and you feel silly saying it; but if there’s one thing you are into, it’s the big guy in front of you – the one telling you to say this one little word, just for him – and having him this close talking to you like this, well it might just be worth the humiliation. Hell, maybe that’s something you’re into, as well.
The hand on the wall next to you pulls back as he growls, and slams forward fast enough to make you jump, smacking against the light switch, bathing you both in sudden darkness. You feel him lean in closer, certain that if you were to move your head even slightly forward it would come into contact with the cold beskar of his helmet.
“Do you want this?” his voice, gravelly with lust, sounds through the modulator, as the hand on your neck begins to slide downwards.
Even if you had wanted to say no before – you hadn’t – you’re sure the low rumble in his tone would have changed your mind. You’d never heard him keyed up like this before. He always had a way of keeping it together, of staying in control, but you’d been messing with him for so long, teasing, casually throwing your innuendos around, knowing exactly what you were doing to him. You don’t know why you feel so surprised that it’s finally come down to this. It was kind of like a daydream, a fantasy finally coming true, and you feel completely unprepared.
“I do, Din, seriously, but, uh, there’s just—”
“What is it?”
You wonder how you’re going to break it to him. Honestly, you feel like a fucking fraud after everything you’ve put him through. You feel like you’ve been leading him on. You sigh and duck your head as you make your confession.
“I’ve never done this before.”
You don’t know how to explain it, but you feel him suddenly deflate, as if the tension in the room has been replaced with something akin to disappointment. 
“You’re joking?” And for once, you’re not.
He doesn’t mean for the words to come out the way they do, and even though he can’t say he’s any less turned on by this revelation he knows there are implications there that can’t be ignored if he wants to keep going. Only, right now, he’s not feeling very patient. 
You wince at the level of exasperation in his tone. “No.”
There’s silence for a moment and you have to reach out to feel that he’s still there, your hand landing on his chest plate. His hand comes up to rest on top of yours, and you think that maybe its to pull it away, that the lights will come back on at any moment and this opportunity will disappear forever, but he holds it there, thinking things over. 
“How much experience do you have? Any?”
There’s a change to his tone, now. He sounds curious.
“Yeah, I mean I’ve…”
Why does this feel so fucking awkward suddenly? You’ve spent the last six months in this man’s daily company, and while that might not seem like a lot of time in terms of getting to know a person, a majority of that was spent in the confined space of the Crest. You know each other’s routines now; all the little habits and pet peeves you can only pick up on when living in close quarters with someone else. You know he likes silence at meal times, but that he’s more open to conversation after time away on a job, and you’ve come to be able to tell just from his posture if that job had gone well. You know some of each other’s history – him mostly learning yours, since you’re by far the chattier person – yet, still, your face is hot with embarrassment as you recall the handful of experiences you’ve had. You’d never talked about this kind of stuff. You’d only ever joked about it.
“You know, like, mouth stuff.”
“Mouth stuff?” he repeats, and you swear there’s laughter in his voice when he says it.
Your face is beginning to feel unbearably hot, and you’re sure that if he decided to read your heat signature right now your skin would look like you’d just spent a week straight wandering the Tatooine desert. 
“Shut up, you know what I mean.”
“Hm,” he replies thoughtfully, like he does and that maybe he’s picturing it, “What else?”
“Hand stuff?” he cuts you off, undeniably making fun of you now. 
You smack him in the chest plate, only managing to send a sting through your hand in the process, then push forward as if to move past him, like you think you could make your way anywhere in this darkness. “You know what? Maybe I don’t want this, after all.”
It’s a blatant lie, but you’re starting to think maybe humiliation’s not your thing after all.
He stops you and you don’t resist. You’d been wanting this pretty much from day one, back when he’d assisted with your retreat after a hunt had gone sideways – from the moment you’d watched him swagger into the cantina and stand calmly between you and the half-dozen armed men who were protecting their wanted leader. Back when you’d been just a young, fellow hunter in need of aid.
“Tell me what you want,” he asks you now.
You think about it for all of two seconds. “I want y—This. I want this.” You stumble over what is almost too much of a confession. It feels too soon to tell heavy truths like that, so you settle for what you already know he’s offering. “Just…go easy.”
There’s a silence that seems to drag out in the darkness, then a hiss as he removes his helmet. You feel his body move closer to yours, and you swear that’s his hair brushing your cheek as he leans in and says, “I can do that.”
He scoops you up without warning, reminding of how quick and strong he can be even when he’s weighed down by all that armor, and you find you can’t help yourself as you say: 
“You really know how to sweep a girl off her feet.”
Without the helmet, his sigh meets your skin as a warm huff across your face.
“Do me a favor?”
“Sure,” you reply without hesitation, feeling him still beneath you.
“No more jokes. Please.”
You laugh at the exasperation in his voice and find yourself caught completely off guard when you hear a huff of breath escape him that might have passed for laughter, too, but before you can say anything you find yourself being whisked away towards what you assume is the small space of his sleeping quarters. He seems to know his way well enough to not bump into anything along the way, but even so you hug yourself in tight to avoid any knocks to the head. You look up as a door rasps open in front of you and you can only barely make out the outline of the bed. Din is quick to place you down on it before he drops his helmet to the floor and starts tugging off his armor, placing it somewhere nearby. You sit on the edge of the mattress staring awkwardly into the darkness, knowing you should probably start undressing, too, but suddenly feeling self-conscious despite the pitch darkness that surrounds you. 
“Do you want me to undress you?” Din asks, and his tone is gentle enough for it to be a serious question. 
You shake your head in response after thinking it over for a minute before remembering he can’t see you. 
“You’ll have to use your words,” he says, “The lights need to stay off.” He pauses for a moment, then adds, “Is that okay?”
You know it’s not him asking if you’re expecting him to betray his creed in order for this to happen; it’s him asking if you’re okay with not being able to see anything for your first time. 
Your first time.
Urgh. It sounds so juvenile when you think about it that way, but so far, it’s living up to the adolescent kind of awkwardness you had expected, back when you had actually been an adolescent. You were past that now, and if you’re being honest with yourself that’s part of what’s making you feel self-conscious about this whole thing. You feel like this should have happened a long time ago. You wonder if Din thinks it odd that you’ve left it for this long.
“That’s fine,” you tell him quickly. Though you wish you could see him, not only to know what you’ll be working with, but also because doing it this way adds a layer of anonymity you didn’t necessarily want to associate with your first time. You’d always pictured it being with someone you felt close to – as cliché as it sounded, someone who was special to you. And even though that was true in this case, not being able to see that certain someone was detracting from the whole experience. 
You feel movement in front of you and a large, warm hand finds your knee, running it over the fabric that still covers your body.
“We don’t have to do this if you’ve changed your mind,” Din tells you. His voice is different without the helmet; softer, gentler. Or maybe it’s just the circumstances that has him talking to you this way. You’d heard him use this kind of tone on the Child, and you had always admired the level of patience he always managed to show the kid, but you’d never found yourself on the receiving end of it like this before. It’s comforting.
Comforting enough to confirm your decision.
His hand moves away as he feels you start to shimmy out of your clothes. Your top goes first, up and over your head, joining his pile on the floor, then you reach down for the button on the front of your pants. You pause, realizing how exposed you’ll be, even with the cool air meeting your already-exposed nipples. This is a different kind of exposed, you think; more intimate. You give yourself a moment. 
“May I?” he asks, and you’re surprised enough by his politeness that you nod, forgetting again he can’t see you, and breath out, “Yeah.”
You move your hand and let him take over, feeling his deft fingers make quick work of your button and zipper before he starts to tug the fabric down your legs, taking your pants and underwear all in one go. His hands find your knees and you sigh at the skin-on-skin contact, never expecting the man to feel this warm. You hear him drop down to his knees and suddenly feel warm breath between your legs. You make to close your legs at the unexpected sensation, unsure about having him this close to that area, but his hands come up to pull them back apart.
“What are you doing?” you ask, only to distract you both, because your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest at how fast this is moving.
“Mouth stuff,” he replies simply.
It’s simple, dry humor, but you swear he never makes you laugh more than when he catches you off guard with stuff like that. You don’t think anyone else would believe you if you tried to tell them how funny he can be without even trying. The joke manages to diffuse some of your anxiety and you relax back onto the bed, trusting him with whatever he’s about to do. Still, you gasp when his mouth meets your core, and he hums happily against you. You’ve done this with someone once before, but the memory feels clumsy compared to what Din is doing now; his grip tight around your waist and tongue immediately finding the right places. You try not to think about where he’s had the practice, focusing instead on the sensation he’s creating with a simple flick of his tongue.
You start to make noises you don’t think have ever come from you before, unable to help yourself with the sudden assault on your sensitive nerve endings. He pauses from what he’s doing as if struck by a sudden thought, smiling at the way you whimper at the sudden loss of contact.
“Have you ever cum before?” he asks.
“I think so,” you reply, but if you were being completely honest, you’re not sure. And least, not with another person. You’re pretty sure you’ve gotten there on your own. You think. You feel like that’s something you should know for sure.
“You think so?” he repeats, sounding unconvinced. 
“Yeah. I mean, I’ve had, you know, urges, I took care of them, then they were gone.”
He makes a thoughtful sound and ones of his thumbs finds your clit, rubbing a couple of circles before he dips it down to your center to scoop up some of the wetness there to bring back up again. 
“You don’t sound very sure,” he says casually, like he’s not driving you crazy right now with a simple touch. Feeling slightly pathetic, you can only whine, your brain feeling scrambled as his assault on your clit empties it of all coherent thought. “Next time I ask you, I want you to be a little more certain,” he tells you, and without warning dives back in, his tongue taking over from his thumb at a much faster pace. Your back arches off the bed and he slips his free arm across your hips, holding you in place. 
You soon feel pressure at your entrance as he presses a finger carefully against it and in your frenzied state you push forward onto it, forgetting in a moment of desperate need your body’s inexperience with something like that. You’re wet enough that it doesn’t hurt, but it’s still a foreign feeling having something inside of you, and you realize that’s only one finger. Before you can start to imagine how something larger is going to feel, he presses the finger upwards inside of you and hits a spot you’ve never felt before. You cry out, caught completely off guard as the tight feeling in your lower belly breaks and you cum hard against him, hips bucking uncontrollably against his face. He growls against you, but doesn’t stop moving until your hips do. 
“Fuck,” you whine, still panting as he slides his finger out of you and gives you one last lick. Still sensitive, you yelp and jerk back from the sensation, making him chuckle.
“Now you can say you’ve cum,” he tells you, and hell if he doesn’t sound proud of himself for giving you that. 
“Yeah,” you agree, still barely able to form a proper thought. Then one comes to you. You sit up. He’s getting to his feet in front of you and it’s put him at the perfect height for what you have in mind. 
He’s not expecting it when your hand finds his length, giving away his surprise with a sharp intake of breath. You take a moment to guess at his size, thinking once again how it’s going to feel once he’s inside of you, but any thought of pain is completely overridden by the very idea of having him inside you at all.  But one thing at a time – you want to explore a few things first.
“Do you mind if I return the favor?” you ask him. You’re feeling different after your orgasm – feeling a sudden, renewed confidence – and the way his breath hitches as you start to pump him up and down sends a thrill through your body. He doesn’t reply, answering instead with a simple touch as his hands find your head, brushing your hair back from your face. You’ve done this before, too, but unlike your partner’s attempt on you at the time, yours had proven more successful.
You bob your head forward to find him, lips meeting the head of his cock and parting to let it enter. As your tongue laps at its underside, Din drops his head back with a moan that only encourages you further. You take as much of him inside your mouth as you can, letting the salty taste of him hit as close to the back of your throat as you’re comfortable with, and his grip tightens on your head as he fights the urge to buck forward. You’d said to go easy, and he’s mindful of that, but picturing what you must look like right now, face pink and glowing from your orgasm, mouth stuffed with his cock, he wishes he could flick the light on for a second just to see it. You guide your head back and forth, taking in all the sounds he’s making for you, testing particular places just to see what else you can make him do. All the while he continues to stroke your hair, murmuring praise that sounds strained as tries to force the words out, things like, ‘Good girl’ and ‘Yeah, just like that’.
All the praise starts to go to your head though, it seems, as you forget your earlier feelings of humiliation and whisper back, “You like that, daddy?” Then you pick up your pace and have him moaning to the point where he has to stop you. He gently grabs your head, pulling his hips back and plucking himself from your mouth with a slick ‘pop’.
“We’re going to have to stop there, sweet girl, or your going to make me cum.”
You simply look up to where his voice is coming from and make a sad little hum, any self-conscious thoughts or anxiety long gone at the sound of his half-ruined tone, and you find yourself eagerly awaiting the next step, your body begging for further touch. He chuckles at your reaction and leans down to find your lips, capturing them in a searing kiss, both of you groaning as you taste each other. It’s the first kiss you’ve shared with him, and as he moves forward and forces you back onto the bed, you find your legs come up automatically to wrap around him. That’s when you feel him, hard and pressing into your thigh. 
“How do you want to do this?” he asks, as he grabs his length and rubs his tip between your folds to coat himself with your wetness. You moan when he passes over your clit and give yourself a moment to bask in the sensation as he continues to rub over that area. 
“Just go slow,” you tell him, then you feel his cock move down from your clit to your entrance, now that you’ve finally given him permission. He only applies the slightest pressure, letting you get used to each new sensation as he introduces it, but you’re so slick down there that he begins to slip in. You tense, waiting for the sharp sensation you’re sure is coming.
“Relax.” Din’s hips have stilled, and he reaches up in the darkness to run his thumb across your cheek, soothing you. “Deep breaths, okay? I’ll make it feel good for you.”
You nod, and this time he feels the movement against his hand and doesn’t ask you to voice it, instead taking it as his cue to continue on. There’s a momentary sharp, burning sensation deep inside as you feel everything stretch, but as he slowly begins to move his hips, you find it fades more and more with each thrust, your wetness coating him and amplifying your pleasure. You’ve never felt this full before, not in this way, but he’s big enough to be hitting all your best spots at the same time. You’ve never felt this close to cumming this quickly.
Hearing that single word, he starts to pick up speed and you clutch at whatever part of him you can reach, giving yourself up to the sensation as you feel that electric, tightening sensation starting again in your lower belly.
“Do you think you’re close?” he pants, because he knows he is – dangerously so – but he wants to keep true to his word. He wants to make this experience just as good for you. 
You fail to answer, unable to stop the harsh cries leaving your mouth instead, and you don’t have time to tell him before the feeling breaks inside of you again and you’re pulsing around him. You cry out, louder than before, and this is enough to send him over the edge, too. He slips out at the last moment, and you feel warm bursts of liquid squirt across your stomach.
“Sorry,” he pants, grunting as he braces himself on one hand and then shivers through a couple of aftershocks, “I didn’t— I couldn’t—”
“It’s fine,” you tell him, voice just as breathless. And it is fine. You couldn’t care less about it. Your entire body feels more relaxed than it has in months. You feel spent in the best possible way and right now you’d be fine to just fall into a pile on the sheets and sleep.
He collapses onto the mattress next to you, his body close to yours in the small space, warm and sweaty, and you’re surprised when he slips an arm underneath you to bring you closer. “So, was that okay? Do you feel okay? Sore?”
“Yeah. I mean, no, I’m okay.” The words come out as a few huffs of breath and, still high on endorphins, the noise makes you laugh. 
Din gives you a squeeze at the familiar sound, smiling to himself in the darkness. Then he makes a thoughtful noise.
“What?” you ask.
“It’s nothing. It’s just…You’ve never been in here before.”
“So?” You gaze around in the darkness, thinking it is a little cramped compared to the space you’d made for yourself in the much larger cargo hold, and realize maybe that’s what he’s hinting at.
“I think you should cum here more often.”
“Did you just…?” You sit up to look at him the darkness, never in a million years expecting such a horrible, so very like-you joke to be uttered by the man and he yanks you back down and pulls you close, ignoring the sticky mess he’s made of you.
Then you hear a sound you’re not familiar with, and feel his warm breath against you as he laughs. 
“Din Djarin, that joke was terrible.”
He presses a kiss to the side of your head and heaves a sigh that suggests fast approaching sleep. “I learned from the best.” 
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Heyyyyy baby! Okay, I don't know if I'm the only one who's experienced this but did it ever happen to you that you're really good friends with someone in a platonic way and then one night you have a dream about them and you just wake up with this weird crush? Making you notice things about them? Maybe you could do a Tom x Co-star reader oneshot based on this? I'd want reader to be working on Spiderman then we could explore her relationship with the rest of the cast. But that's up to you. ;*
Don’t Dream It’s Over
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
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“Don’t be scared. I got you.” A smirk lit up Peters face before he slipped his mask on as you peered off the ledge hesitantly.
“What if I fall?” You chewed your bottom lip.
“Don’t worry about that, pretty girl.” He said softly as he held your chin between his thumb and pointer finger. “I’m always gonna be here to catch you.”
“Okay.” You agreed, and Peters pumped his fist in the air.
“You might wanna hold me a little tighter.” The eyes of his mask widened in excitement as he wrapped his arm around your waist. “For safety reasons, of course.” He added timidly.
You rolled your eyes at him but complied. You wrapped both arms around his neck and fit yourself as close against his body as you could.
“You ready?” He asked you and you nodded.
“You’re gonna love this.” He said excitedly and stepped off the building. You began to fall freely until and a scream ripped through your throat. Peter shot a web at a nearby building and you were suddenly lit flying upwards, wind rushing in your ears.
“Don’t let me go!” You squealed and tucked your face into Peters neck.
“I won’t.” He laughed in delight as he swung towards another building. Sensing your fear by how tightly you were clutching him, he decided to land. He swung towards a building and landed gracefully on the rooftop. You still held him tightly and he let out a chuckle.
“You can let go now.” He said shyly, not that he wanted you to. You slowly slid your arms down and opened your eyes.
“How was that?” Peter asked you as he removed his mask. He noticed the look on your face and worried that he had upset you. “Did you not like it? We don’t have to do it again.” He said apologetically. You flung your arms around Peters neck and pressed a kiss to his lips. When Peter recovered from the surprise, he kissed you back and let his hands rest on your hips.
“I love you.” You mumbled against his lips when you pulled away. The corner of his mouth tweaked up in a half baked smile. “I’ve felt it for a while. I don’t feel scared when I’m with you. I feel like I can do anything. Isn’t that love?”
“I think it is.” He nodded, eyes full of hope.
“Then why are you just standing there?” You asked him and he made a face that showed he didn’t understand. “Kiss me.”
The moment your lips touched Peters, your eyes fluttered open and you found yourself staring at the ceiling of your trailer. Your heart was beating out of your chest as you sat up in bed. Even though it was just a dream, you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach that it was over. You felt oddly disappointed, and a little dazed. You had hours upon hours worth of fittings and rehearsal to look forward to that day, but there was only thing on your mind: Had Peter Parker always been that cute?
You’d seen Tom in his Spider-Man suit a million times since filming began, but the thought of him in that red and blue was making your heart skip a beat that morning. You rushed out of bed to get dressed, suddenly feeling eager to see him. You threw on a dress he had complimented once before and smiled at your appearance before something dawned on you.
“Oh shit.” You whispered.
You now had a crush on Tom Holland.
You sped walked out of your trailer on high alert. You spotted Zendaya by the makeup trailer and waved her over.
“DAYA!” You shouted. “Daya come here.”
“What’s wrong girlie? You look like you’ve had a fun morning.” She folded her arms and laughed at the panicked look in your eyes.
“You know when you have one of those dreams that make you wake up with a crush on a person you thought you could never have a crush on?” You asked her quietly and she raised her eyebrows.
“Oh shit. Are you asking me out?” She teased you and you clenched your jaw.
“No, Daya. It wasn’t you.” You looked around for anyone who might be listening and quieted your voice. “It was Tom. Well, it was Peter. But now I think I like Tom.”
“Everyone knows that.” She shrugged you off and you scoffed.
“No, everyone speculates that.” You corrected her and she pursed her lips. “I honestly never had feelings for him until now. How am I supposed to act around him?” You whispered harshly.
“Just act like you always do.” She said and you groaned. You ran your fingers through your hair and tugged it.
“I can’t even remember how I used to act. All I can think of is that damn suit.” You folded your arms and blew out a breath. Zendaya looked you up and down and cocked her head.
“Damn, girl. What kind of dream was this?” She raised an eyebrow and you shoved her playfully.
“It wasn’t like that. It was romantic. I kissed him.” You insisted and she nodded skeptically.
“How did the kiss feel?” She interrogated you.
“I mean, I left my earthly body and saw the time knife but that’s it. It wasn’t anything special.” You dismissed it and Zendaya let out a laugh.
“So mediocre then?” She asked sarcastically. “Just talk to him. It’s the only way to tell if these feelings are real or just from your dream.”
“What do I say?” You asked desperately.
“I can’t think of everything. You need to take it from here.” Zendaya told you and you nodded reluctantly.
“You’re right. I’ll talk to him.” You squeezed her arm and walked away. You only got a few paces before you ran into a lady from the props department.
“Hey, Y/n.” She greeted you. “Could you take this to props please?”
“Oh, sure.” You smiled at her and took the fake knife she was holding. You kept walking and tried to think of a plan for what you were going to say to Tom.
“Hey there Juliet.” Jacob nodded at you. You stopped in your tracks so hard that your shoes skidded.
“Juliet? What have you heard?” You held the fake knife up to his throat and he held up his hands in defense.
“Woah there ku’uipo. Relax.” He chuckled and you lowered your knife. “I was just referring to the knife. You know how those crazy kids killed each other in old England.”
“Romeo and Juliet takes place in Verona.” You said and Jacob made a face like he didn’t understand.
“It’s in Italy. And they killed themselves.” You corrected again. “Why are we talking about this?”
“You’re right. What we should be talking about is what you think I heard.” Jacob smirked. Knowing Jacob wouldn’t drop the subject, you confessed.
“Have you ever had one of those dreams that makes you wake up with a crush on someone?” You whispered and he nodded.
“Yeah. I had one just last week and now I’m in love with Jake Gyllenhaal.” He said seriously and you glared at him. “Why, have you ever you ever had one of those dreams?”
“No.” You said quickly.
“Then why did you ask?” He challenged you.
“Ask what?” You played dumb.
“I…I don’t remember.” He blanked.
“You asked me if you could bring this knife back to props. And I said yes.” You lied and handed him the knife.
“Okay.” He shrugged and began to walk towards the props department. Jacob turned around again with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Tom.” He stated, and your heart stopped.
“What?” You faked a laugh.
“You dreamt about Tom.” He said, sure of himself this time.
“What? No.” You tried to lie but saw no use. “How did you know that?”
“Hawaiian intuition.” He tapped his head twice.
“That’s not a thing.” You accused him.
“Oh yeah? Then how did I know you’re crushing on Tom?” He asked you with a knowing smirk.
“I think Props is really missing that knife.” You tried to get out of the situation by sending him away.
“Alright. See you around, Juliet.” He saluted you with the knife and walked away. You swallowed thickly and soon as you turned around, you were met with Tom smiling face.
“Hey Y/n!” He greeted and you jumped back.
“Christ on a bike, Tom. You scared me.” You clutched your hand over your heart.
“Sorry, love.” He laughed softly, making your knees weaken beneath you. “Why was Jacob carrying a knife?”
“It was a prop knife. You could find it at a dollar store. It’d probably be more than a dollar, though. My guess is $3.99. Are you excited for the holidays? I am.” You rambled and Tom tilted his head in confusion.
“Are you okay?” He chuckled, taking a step closer to you and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Are you kidding? I’m fine. It’s almost crazy how fine I am. How are you? Are you parents doing okay? They were so nice to me last time I saw them.” You said through a smile and Tom snorted.
“Yeah, you are pretty fine.” Tom commented and you gulped loudly.
“God in Heaven.” You said in a straggled voice and looked up at the sky.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Tom said, thinking he offended you. “I just meant that I think you’re pretty. I’m sorry if that was inappropriate.”
“No, no, no.” You stammered and he relaxed. “Totally appropriate. Don’t even worry about it. I don’t even remember it. What were we talking about again?”
“That I think you’re pretty.” He played along and you pretended to remember.
“Were we? That’s crazy. You’re a crazy guy, Holland. One crazy son of a gun. But I uh, I think you’re pretty too.” You said quietly as you looked down at your shoes.
“Hey uh, did you hear about the crazy actress who killed her costar?” You asked suddenly and he furrowed his brows.
“No, oh my God. Who?” He wondered.
“Reese.” You nodded and looked past him.
“Witherspoon?” He asked in shock.
“No. With her knife.” You gave the punchline and grimaced. “I’m so sorry. That was a bad joke.”
“I thought it was funny. I always think you’re funny.” He smiled. Your breath hitched in your throat at his gaze. You’d never noticed how pretty his eyes were, or the little flecks of gold embedded in them.
“I , well, you — but you know, it’s just — I didn’t even uh, it was just a joke so, you know.” You stammered.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked you and you felt your palms beginning to sweat.
“Never been better, Peter.” You gave him a thumbs up, not realizing your slip up.
“Peter?” He repeated and your face fell.
“I didn’t say Peter.” You said quickly, eyes shifting to the left.
“I’m pretty sure you did.” He looked you up and down, wondering why you were acting so funny around him today. His stare only made you worse.
“Really? That’s funny, you must be hearing things. Hold on a minute, COMING DAYA.” You yelled behind you as if you were being called.
“I didn’t hear Zendaya calling you.” Tom said skeptically, beginning to think you didn’t want to talk to him.
“Wow Tom, you better get your ears checked. They are all out of wack, my man.” You laughed nervously as you began to back away. “I gotta go help Daya with something but I’ll catch you later.”
“Okay. Have fun.” Not too much fun, though.” He joked and you pointed finger guns at him, immediately killing you inside.
“Fank yew! It’ll be an alright time, it will.” You shouted in a cockney accent. You shut your eyes and covered your face with your hand. “I’m so sorry. I regret that so much. Can you please forget I just did that?” You pleaded with him.
“Might be a little hard to forget, love. I think it seared itself into my frontal lobe.” He tapped the side of his head and smiled at you. You gave him a big smile and hurried away. You stormed all the way to Zendaya’s trailer and shut the door behind you.
“I cannot believe that just happened.” You whined and covered your face with your hands.
“Woah there. Why are you all red?” Zendaya put down her script and laughed at your appearance.
“Because Tom just tried to talk to me and I forgot how to person.” You yelled in frustration, only making her laugh harder.
“I’m sure it was fine. It’s just Tom.” She insisted in dismissal.
“Exactly!” You exclaimed. “It’s just Tom. So how come when he looked at me, my brain told me to go EFF myself and put on a Nikki Minaj song.”
“Oof. That bad, huh? What song?” She asked you, amused with your embarrassment.
“Super Bass.” You half smiled. “The whole time Tom is talking to me I hear “this one is for the boys with the booming system. Top down, AC with the cooler system.” I couldn’t even think straight!” You whined.
“You’ve been friends with Tom for years.” She pointed out. “What happened?”
“It was that stupid dream! I had a dream we were in love and now I’m whipped. Whipped like…” You trailed off when you couldn’t think of the right word.
“Whip cream?” She raised an eyebrow and you glared at her.
“Shut up. I feel ridiculous.” You sighed and took a seat on her bed. You rested your head on her shoulder and she rubbed your back.
“I’m sure he didn’t think you were ridiculous.” She said quietly. “And look on the bright side.”
“Which is?” You asked her as you plopped down in her swivel chair.
“There are worse people you could be crushing on. Tom is a really great guy. He ill, he real, he might gotta deal. He pop bottles and he got the right kind of build.” She said in a serious tone.
“The way I’m about to shadow kick you right now.” You said gravely as you looked up at the ceiling.
“I’m serious. He’s one of your best friends right? What’s so bad about him being your boyfriend?” She nudged you gently and you sighed.
“There’s nothing bad about it. But what if that’s not what he wants?” You asked quietly as you played with your fingers.
“Take a look at yourself in the mirror, model.” Zendaya spun your chair around to face the mirror as she tucked some of your hair behind your ear. “Of course that’s what he wants.”
“You better be right.” You looked at her in the mirror and she smiled at you.
“I am. Now come on. We have rehearsal on the Crown Jewels set.” She held you up out of the chair.
“I’ll meet you there in a second. I have to grab my script.” You told her before leaving her trailer. You went back to your trailer as she went to set.
“Is this mace real?” Jake asked as he weighed it in his hands as the rest of the cast went over their scripts.
“You really think they’d give us a real mace? Especially with you on set, Donnie Darko?” Jacob teased him and Jake began to play with the mace like it were a sword.
“Do they even make maces anymore?” Zendaya wondered, backing away from Jake a little as his swings gained momentum.
“Who’s they?” Jacob laughed.
“The blacksmithes.” Jake said seriously before we went back to moving his mace.
“Yeah, Jacob. Don’t you know about the blacksmiths?” Zendaya asked sarcastically, making a face at him.
“This thing is kinda heavy, though. Makes me want to swing it around and take down the leader of the Huns or something.” Jake realized as he began to swing his arm in a circle.
“Jake, put the prop down.” Jacob laughed nervously as Jake got a little too close with the mace.
“I physically cannot put it down. It’s in control now.” Jake insisted as he swung it around even harder.
“How are you the oldest and most childish person here?” Zendaya asked as she hide behind a suit of armor for protection.
“I feel so free.” Jake smiled wildly. “Is this how the vikings felt?”
“How would anyone here know that?” Zendaya sassed.
“And why do you want to know how the Vikings felt?” Jacob added.
“Hey guys.” You greeted the room happily only to get smacked in the mouth with the mace upon arrival. You collapsed to the floor and felt warm blood trickling down your face.
“Y/n! I am so sorry!” Jake covered his mouth with his hand when he realized what he had done. He bent down beside you and sent the mace down.
“Jesus? Is that you?” You asked groggily as you looked up at Jake.
“Yes. Jesus accidentally hit you in the mouth with a mace. But Jesus was just trying to feel like a Viking. Do you forgive Jesus?” Jake as he he picked your head up a little and let it rest on his hand to keep you elevated.
“Yes?” You asked in confusion as the corners of your vision began to blacken.
“She’s okay guys!” Jake called to Zendaya and Jacob. “But can we get a medic?”
Zendaya rushed out of the room to get a medic right as Tom entered it. He took one look at you on the floor and bloody and dropped to his knees.
“What the hell happened here?” Tom snapped as he took your hand. He dabbed some of the blood off your chin with his sleeve and saw a large cut on your mouth. He looked up at Jake for answers and Jake looked very sheepish.
“Someone hit Y/n with a mace.” He said quietly.
“Hm. Could it be the man holding the mace?” Tom asked in sarcastic anger as he pointed to the mace. He turned his attention back to you and slowly helped you sit up. He held you against his chest and tried to get the hair unstuck from your face.
“Jesus hit me.” You whined and Tom looked at Jake with a raging anger.
“You hit her? I’ll kill you.” He tried to move towards Jake but you patted his chest.
“Jesus hit me accidentally.” You added, and Tom calm down.
“Are you okay, darling?” Tom asked, switching to his most gentle tone. He pulled a pack of tissues out of his pocket and held it against your mouth to slow the bleeding.
“I’m all dandelions and fruit cups down here, handsome.” You giggled, vision still swirling.
“She’s losing consciousness. Where is the medic?” Tom growled and look towards the door right as a woman in white came in.
“Right here. Move aside, please.” The medic ordered. Tom reluctantly laid you down on the ground and backed away to give you space.
“Pickle side, pickle side.” You laughed to yourself and moved your hands like you were conducting. The medic transferred you to a gurney and began to roll you towards the door.
“Where are you taking her?” Tom asked as he followed them.
“We’re gonna take her to the closest hospital. It looks like she needs stitches.” The medic told him and his heart sank.
“I love that song.” You mumbled and began to hum Stitches.
“Can I come?” Tom pleaded as he helped push the gurney along.
“Are you family?” The medic asked him.
“Yes.” He said quickly but she didn’t look convinced. “No. Please. I need to be there when she wakes up.”
“Fine. Get in the back of the ambulance.” The medic nodded towards the ambulance and Tom climbed inside. He waited until you were loaded in and took your hand in his.
“This is just like Grey’s Anatomy.” You smiled a little, then stopped when it hurt. “Nobody knows where we might end up. Nobody knows.” You sang to yourself.
“Thats right, Y/n. Just hang tight, sweetness. It’s gonna be okay. We’re almost there.” Tom said soothingly as he stroked your hair. You smiled at him softly before you fell unconscious.
“We’re almost there. Just hang tight.” Peter looked over at you, taking your hand in his to kiss the back of it.
“Is she gonna like me?” You asked him, hoping for an honest answer.
“Sweetheart, May is going to beg you to move in before dinner ends.” Peter chuckled. “She’s gonna love you.”
“How do you know?” You worried, trying to distract yourself by looking out the window.
“Because I love you. And I’m her kin.” Peter shrugged and you snapped your attention to him.
“That’s the first time you ever told me that.” You smiled softly at him as the streetlight lit up his profile.
“Is it?” He raised his eyebrows to play along. “I didn’t know.”
“Pull over.” You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth.
“What?” He laughed, his smile fading when he saw that you were serious.
“Pull over.” You repeated. Peter obliged and pulled over as soon as he could.
“Is there something you needed?” He asked you with a coy smile.
You smirked at Peter before unbuckling your seatbelt. You leaned across the gear and pulled him into a long kiss.
“I love you too.” You told him, and kissed him again.
“Love? You awake?” Toms voice pulled you out of your dream. Your eyes fluttered open and you looked over to where his voice was. He was sitting in a hospital chair, pulled right up to your bed. “How you feeling?”
“Like I got hit with a mace.” You tried to sit up and he immediately went to your side to help you. You gave him a grateful smile and rubbed your eyes.
“Yeah, I figured. Jake said he’s really sorry. He’s been calling me every five minutes to see if you’ve woken up.“ Tom smiled softly and touched your cheek. He kept his touch light, not wanting to hurt you.
“Thanks, Peter.” You leaned into his touch and rubbed his wrist lightly with your thumb.
“Back to the Peter thing, huh?” He laughed softly. “They told me they got you on some crazy pain killer that was gonna make you loopy.”
“You wanna know something?” You raised your eyebrows suggestively.
“Tell me, darling.” He took a seat on your bed and gave you his full attention. You walked your fingers up his arm and drew patterns on his shoulder with your fingernails.
“I’ve been dreaming about us.” You told him, something you’d never admit if you weren’t on the medicine.
“Have you?” He raised his eyebrows. “What are you dreaming about us doing?”
“You’re mine.” You leaned into him with a sleepy smile. “And I’m yours.”
“You’ve been dreaming about us being together? Like as a couple?” He asked for confirmation and you nodded.
“Uh huh. And then I wake up and I’m sad.” You pouted and stuck out your bottom lip.
“Why are you sad?” He asked quietly, his heart beginning to speed up. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and gave a sad smile.
“Because it was just a dream.” You told him. Tom let out a shaky breath and tried to process what you were saying.
“Are you saying your want us to be together?” He tilted your chin up so he could see your reaction. He knew you were high on medicine and probably had no idea what you were saying, but a part of him hoped you were telling the truth.
You leaned in with a dopey smile and pressed your nose against Toms.
“You’re the boy of my dreams, Peter.” You cooed and he pulled his face away in annoyance.
“Right.” He sighed and looked away. “Peter.”
“Are you mad at me?” You worried when you noticed his reaction. Even with the medicine compromising your mentality, you could tell he was angry.
“No. No darling, I’m not mad. Not at you.” He mumbled, avoiding your gaze.
“Come here.” You pulled at his shirt and he cradled a smile. “I want to be close to you.”
“Okay.” He obliged and scooted closer. You shut your eyes and rested your head against his forehead.
“Can I ask you something?” You whispered, and he could’ve sworn you were sober for a moment.
“Anything.” He nodded against your head.
“Can you hear my thoughts?” You asked seriously and Toms face fell in disappointment.
“No. No I can’t hear your thoughts.” He told you and pulled away.
“Good.” You cupped his chin and turned his face back to you. “Because they’re all about you.”
You let your thumb slowly drag down his lip, laughing a little at the sound it made when you let go. Toms throat tightened at your action and he gulped.
“You’re so pretty.” You smiled as your eyes trailed down his face.
“You’re pretty too.” His lips tugged into a grin.
“Peter.” You whined as you pushed him away.
“What?” He asked, confused with your mood change.
“You’re giving me butterflies.” You said timidly as you played with the edge of your hospital gown. “But I like someone else. I can’t like you too.”
“You like someone?” His face paled. “Do I know him?”
“Yeah. He’s like a really, really good friend of yours.” You blew out a breath.
“Is it someone on set?” He questioned you.
“Maybe.” You said in a sing song voice and shrugged.
“Who?” He asked, getting more worked up by the minute.
“I like Tom.” You whispered loudly and Toms eyes widened.
“What?” He whispered back.
“Shhhh, Peter.” You pinched his lips between your fingers. “You can’t tell Tom that I like him.”
“I think he might already know.” Tom said when he pulled your hand away from his face.
“What?” You panicked. “Who told him?”
“Whew, I don’t know.” Tom played along. “I think Zendaya did.”
“Daya? No. She swore she wouldn’t. It must’ve been Jacob.” You hit your fist against the bed.
“You told Jacob before me?” Tom exclaimed.
“I didn’t tell him. It was his Hawaiian intuition.” You tapped the side of your head twice.
“His what?” Tom tilted his head to the side.
“I have to go to sleep now, Peter. I can’t talk about this right now.” You waved your hand and pulled the sheets over your lap.
“You’re gonna tell me that you like me and then go straight to sleep?” He whined. 
“I don’t like you, Peter. I like Tom.” You corrected him. “I like Tom and his curly hair and his brown eyes and his cute ass nose. God, what a nose. And I like his accent and his smile and his ambition and FUCK, his nose.”
“You mentioned that already.” He chuckled shyly.
“I did?” You sat up slightly and shrugged. “Because I love it. I love it all. And if you’ll excuse me, I needs my sleeps.” Tom sat back in his chair and sighed, knowing he wouldn’t be getting any real answers until you woke up.
“Good morning.” You said weakly as you reached for the ice pack next to your bed. You held it against your cheek and sighed in relief.
“Hi sunshine.” Tom smiled softly. “Are you feeling any better?”
“Yeah. I don’t feel like someone put my brain through a pasta maker anymore.” You said as you rubbed your eyes.
“Aw. How about your mouth?” He questioned. 
You gave him a weak smile until it hurt and returned the ice pack to your face.
“There she is.” He smiled back. “You may want to keep the smiling to a minimum until those stitches heal.”
“That wont be a problem.” You groaned in misery and leaned against his body. He hesitantly brought his hands to your head and stroked your hair.
“Hey, can we talk about before? About what you told me?” He asked softly as he combed the tangles out of your hair.
“Tom, if you think I remember a single thing since this morning…” You shook your head as you trailed off.
“You told me that you liked me.” He got straight to the point. “Or, you told Peter that you liked me. But I heard, o-obviously.”
“Oh God.” You buried your face in your hands to hide your shame.
“Jacob knows, Zendaya knows. You told everyone but me.” He said softly. You began to panic now that he knew. Even if he was cool about it, it’d never be the same between the two of you.
“Sorry, no.” You blurted, back to forgetting how to act around Tom.
“Sorry, yes. You told me a few hours ago, love.”
You turned away from him in shame and squeezed your eyes shut, wishing you were anywhere but in that hospital bed.
“I’m sorry if that creeps you out. I guess I don’t really have control over the fact that you’re…” You trailer off with a loss of words.
“The boy of your dreams?” He humored you and you huffed out a breath.
“Leave me alone.” You groaned and put your head back in your hands. Tom gestured for you to scoot over so he could take a seat beside you, and you did.
“You know, those stitches come out in a week.” He brought you and you looked at him quizzically.
“And?” You asked, unsure of his point. Tom took your chin between his fingers and placed a kiss on the corner of your mouth. Your entire body froze as he pulled away and gave you a half cocked smile.
“Find me in a week.” He winked.
“Pssh.” You smirked. “In your dreams.”
Tag list 🏷
@maybemona @foreverxholland @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts @jackiehollanderr @tiny-friggin-human @celestial-skylines @mara-twins @iamaunicorn4704 @delicately-important-trash @spideygirl2003 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @maryjanee23 @spacebitch2 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @jillanaholland @unbelievableholland @rebekkah4766 @flixndchill @sovereignparker @wendaiii @thisisthebiplace @spideydobrik @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ @itscaminow​ @thegr8kush​ @solarxmoonchild @where-art-thau-romeo @canyouevencauseicant @probablyparker @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @parkerboop @smilexcaptainx @hes-amarillo @quaksonhehe @kelieah @cahosinparadise
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washymylifeaway · 4 years
SunaOsa fanfic recs: valentines edition~~
SunaOsa is one of my all time favorite ships and this past month, there has been/was an exchange going on between writers (here is the link) and artists (separately) and because I don’t have a life (or maybe it’s just that SunaOsa is my life LOL), I’m here to tell you some of my favorite fics from the pile :D However, as much as I love a ship, sometimes fluff is too asajndajnd so mind you there will probably be a lot of good fics missing just cause I couldn’t get myself to read more fluff (or angst) LOL (IM SORRY but sometimes I also just can’t motivate myself to read a fic no matter how good it looks OOPS).
As always, please check warning and tags before reading any of these fics, and take care of yourselves!!!!
In no particular order (jk the order is last updated haha) tho my favorites will have *** next to them :)
***glass stained black by unrequitedangst (E) 31k // Mafia AU’s are some of my favorite kinds of fics, and this one did not disappoint! The character development of Osamu is really legit and despite being mafia, it’s not that heavy or angst of a fic (but you should still definitely read tags and warnings first). It’s an Osamu heavy fic, and if you’re into reading him being stupid, go right ahead LOL.
redux by catalysis (T) 2.3k // ngl I hate break-up fics with a passion truely (when you can’t handle fluff or angst what to do) but I liked the concept for this one hehe (so I made myself suffer LOL). It was short, but cute !!! and the unspoken words really hit me in the FEELS (so what I’m dramatic fight me LOL).
Impropriety by DeathBelle (T) 5.7k // royalty~ I love the banter between them in this fic and we DO stan respectful Osamu yes we do <33333 The relationships between not only SunaOsa but SunaAtsu (because even though it isn’t really SunaAtsu best friend agenda, I can delude myself into think it is okay :/) are done so well and so nice he’s mean Osamu is best Osamu.
***what are you waiting for? by Slumber (T) 3.7k // MIGHT BE MY FAV FIC FROM THIS EXCHANGE!!! It made me cackle and I love how they learn new things about each other!!!! Like the development is so good and Suna is really doing the MOST!! Also, I love recursive endings AHHHHHH!
agape by sketchedsmiles (T) 11.7k // soulmates, then they were SOULMATES! (ik that’s not how it goes but pls just humor me LOL) This fic really depicted Osamu’s insecurities/internal turmoil/overthinking really well and the realization he has vs Suna’s AHJAFKASFJ. I love confident Suna.
fireside by tartaglia (starkartifices) (T) 3.6k // we do love the subtle flirt flirt don’t we hehe ;) It’s short, it’s fluff, and it’s funny - what more could you ask for? Also whats a vigilante fic if there isn’t at least one pun about being a vigilante LOL.
Over and Over Again by tookumade (G) 6.4k // I would like to order one reassuring, reliable Miya Osamu for myself please and thank you :((( The way the relationship is so GOOD like both Suna and Osamu pick each other up and they know the other has their back ajfhkajdfl. I would purchase all the onigiri with the deal Suna was proposing ;) Onigirintarou.
from here to eternity by TheGlovedArtist (T) 6.6k // I for one am a big fan of mythology and stuff (heroes of olympus but like IDR any of the plot LOL) so of course I read this fic. The snark appearances of Sakusa and Komori gave me LIFE and the difference in descriptions from Astumu and Kita cracked me up. This is another respectful Osamu fic (yes I love these) and in this one it was a ‘I save you as much as you save me’ type beat LOL. Gotta love rings.
***Subtle Inarizaki Dating by sifuhotman (T) 15.2k // THIS ONE. Even if you don’t read the whole thing, I beg of you, please, I AM ON MY KNEES, read the SID for Astumu. It is worth the loss of all your brain calls I guarantee it. It made me giggle so freakin much. Suna might be an A-Hole but he’s OUR A-Hole <3
Forever Begins with 8 Seconds by subtlehues (T) 3.9k // FLUFF hehe, I love their dynamic in this one it’s very good and cute and everything great! Also, I am all for the head cannon that Suna cannot cook, yes pls. Also SUPERPOWERS whooooooooh.
***try again, and again, and again by rosegoldwriting (T) 2.6k // SOULMATES! If you ever wanted a specific soulmate AU! for SunaOsa look no further, it probably comes out LOL. I love this concept of them just being like ‘WTF’ everyday, it gives me life. Also, count how many soulmate AU’s you recognized because I just thought about it and I think it’d be fun LOL. (I went back and I think 11 but I’m not sure LOL)
let us burn by SilverMoonT (G) 13.5k // I am always up for a nice vampire Osamu and witch Suna (which believe it or not, is my second one because I read the other one by this writer LOL) This one is more Suna POV and it really goes into his fears and desires, and I like the way Osamu pushes him to live more freely.
***reasons to microwave an elixir by spiritscript (T) 8.2k // THIS ONE. UGH I love, and it’s funny and cute and it EVEN HAS CRIME (kinda not really but yes)! I love the quiet moments they have and the PET AHHHHHHH! We love medic Osamu :DDDDD But also the betrayal and the sparring (and the irony at the end LOL) AJSKJNFK.
we fall between by stringendos (T) 14.7k // honestly the entire time I was just screaming at my computer, begging for them to hurry up and realize, but alas this is a ~slow burn~ for a reason and the tag ���exes who act like theyre married’ really is the reason I read it and I do not regret LOL. Also bless Matsuda and stan her.
All the Time in the World by minie_ai (M) 8.8k // we love immortality! Denial! And Suna mentally filing away blackmail against people (namely Astumu) LOL. Running away from your problems is always the answer (I am saying this is a not sarcastic manner because I too, run away from my problems LOL) but ramen is ALWAYS a good answer. We love ourselves some emotional constipation LOL.
***none but you by broikawa (T) 7.2k // everything is a competition always LOL, not that I’m complainin but still LOL EVERYTHING. I really love this one because I love the progression and cock-block SakuAtsu hehe. I love them being synchronized idiots <3
it all comes back to you, (my home) by iritaescents (T) 4.5k // FOREVER, WE STAN FOREVER. Anyway, LOL this was is very very cute and fluff and not slow burn, it fast burn LOL. It’s a cute fic to read and it even has our favorite, now say it with me SOULMATES LOL.
Can't help falling in bed with you by tirralirra (T) 6.7k // here we see a 5 + 1 with points for the title (I think it’s very funny LOL my humor is bad ;)) Not that it really needs extra points because it’s a great fic in itself LOL but I really liked the title so I felt the need to share this with you all (OOPS). This was so cute, and the + 1 is HILARIOUS.
It’s no longer up :(((((( -> love's consequences by xginpuff (T) 6.5k // WARNINGS AND TAGS been a while since we had an angsty fic in this list (LOL the way I just tried to avoid all of them hehe). I read the tags but ngl I was still surprised later LOL maybe I’m just dumb, but anyway IK it starts out a bit confusing, but after you read more, you’ll get into it!
***sunagashi by bastigod (T) 9.8k // if there’s anything I like more than mythology, it’s folklore LOL. I love this fic and the plot is written so artfully AHDSAJN. Also the scene with the Ume-chan and her comment (so snarky I love). Also they way I went through so much trouble trying to figure out the kanji LOL (SPOILER it’s miyarin hehe)
catch me (while i'm still runnin') by lunarins (T) 4.3k // first and foremost, may we have a moment of silence for Komori and his eyebrows..... Continuing, this fic was so good because I love a good heist hehe. Their slight of hand abilities really doing the most LOL, and the ending OMG. I love the way the writer added in how they appeared to others during the heist, it really made it so good! Ugh to have a painting class and almost die LOL.
***if we get this right by Slumber (G) 5k // OLD FRIEND plsplspls I love this fic and I love how Osamu slowly relearns who he knew Suna as AHHH. The ending, again UGH, I really loved it and their banter with one another.
The Study of Suna Rintarou by DeathBelle (T) 6.1k // PLEASE the way Osamu kept getting offended omg. But also the effort Suna puts into getting to know Osamu, I was in ~love~. Read to me Osamu, READ TO ME. But also the Osamu is an oblivious MF agenda is alive and well within this fic hehe.
Take a Hint by pancake_surprise (G) 2.3k // ok so I had just read a tumbr post about the one bed thing and then I saw this fic. It was like the stars aligned okay? I was like, ig I HAVE to read it now hehe. But seriously read it, it’s cute and like everything else, of course there’s a challenge to be made LOL.
Heatwave by pancake_surprise (G) 2.1k // the way they were dating without knowing they were dating man. The tag ‘Didn't Know They Were Dating‘ more accurate than the ‘first dates’ one LOL jk but actually tho am I kidding? It’s the first official one IG. LOL anyway, we do love the doin of the defining of relationships. Yup.
If you made it all the way down here, CONGRATS LOL. Like I said, I didn’t read all of them (sadly) and these were the ones i did read LOL. I might add more depending on whether I can motivate myself into reading fics I know will be good LOL so we’ll see heh. Honestly, I thought I was gonna get word counted, but YAY we finished (for now hehe). Also sorry for any possible typos (is this no beta we die like men?) I’m running on 90 min of sleep so my engrish be strugglin LOL. Be safe and wear masks :)
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danddymaro · 3 years
Afraid | Loki x Reader
She didn’t think he was afraid of anything, but of course she was wrong.
Flashbacks are in italics : Example
Thoughts are italics  in quotes : ‘Example’
word count: 1172
It’d taken him far too long to open up, even moreso to speak on matters that dealt with his heart, but eventually, he found the ease needed to reveal more about himself, so long as the other person at the end of the conversion was the (h/c) haired young woman now sitting beside him.
It’d happened by chance, where a single lonesome night from a distant memory marked their first meeting, 
“It’s you...” She said with wide eyes, gazing at him with obvious surprise. 
‘Of all people,’ She thought to herself, wondering if somehow, it had been fated.
‘Is this some sort of sign?’ She mindlessly wondered.
“Oh, were you expecting anyone else?” He asked her, moving to stand beside her, basking under the same moonlight she did, soon being gracefully touched by the same chilly breeze. 
“No,” She admitted, shaking her head with a little airy giggle of amusement, 
‘And that’s what’s so funny about it,’ She inwardly mused, ‘You’re just the person I wanted to see...’ She went on.
“ It’s just that, I was just thinking of you,” she revealed to him, and the sudden, daring admittance made him chuckle, “Oh really?” He questioned her, doubting her, because he was no one to her, and vise versa. 
They were just strangers, strangers who inhabited the same space and occasionally said a word or two to each other.
 “Yeah,” She muttered, noticing the dismissive way he brushed her comment aside, obviously not believing her. 
‘Is it that so strange?’ She wondered, ‘Do you really think that no one here worries?’ She wondered, knowing that of course it’d all been a rocky start, but it was understandable given the circumstances he was introduced with.
It wasn’t an immediate welcome, but a gradual one, one she’d hoped he took notice of, but apparently, wasn’t so clear in the long run.
“ Honestly, I’ve been wondering about how you’re feeling,” She confessed, and as she said that, he looked down at her with narrowed eyes, trying to see if she had any aim, anything that was a giveaway to an ulterior motive, but he found none. 
Instead, he found honest (e/c) colored eyes staring back at him, the woman that possessed them waiting with a friendly expression that had welcome written all over it.
“- Well enough,” He answered back, soon taking his eyes off of her, instead, occupying himself with gazing up at the starless sky, and she would have followed up, but somehow, she felt it fitting to fall into silence. relaxing aside him, silently admiring his beauty and calm.
He didn’t seem to mind, and she took it as a loose invitation to stay.
‘No reason to leave right?’ She asked herself, enjoying the moment instead, not wanting to go back just yet.
There hadn’t been any words in exchange at first, only long quiet moments filled with company that later on turned into mindless idle talk that finally evolved into true conversations.
Little jokes and musings turned into childhood memories, and long days were relieved by those simple, simplistic talks, all to a point that eventually, the meaninglessness had gained importance in both thier minds.
He knew he could trust her, confide in her all of the little things that, until then, he’d kept silent, and the very idea was lovely to him because, before her, he felt that he was alone.
“- When I discovered my parentage, I was afraid.” The dark-haired male admitted with a soft, forlorn smile gracing him, his eyes touched with a mist of sadness that dimmed the glowing emeralds.
The sudden topic stunned her, and slowly, as she took in his words and let them saturate, she found herself wondering, 
“Afraid?” (f/n) breathed softly, her (e/c) colored eyes drawing up to his lovely face, eyeing him attentively, capturing the vulnerable look that tenderized her heart furthermore.
‘You?’ She mused, not having thought it possible.
“ - Deeply frightened, “ he breathed, his smile still touched with sorrow that still remained.
“Of what?” she asked him, soon, inching her hand closer to his, before overlapping it, the action causing his entire face to grow warmer.
‘You can tell me,’ She silently encouraged him, attentively listening, though having one thing to admit, 
“ I didn't think you'd be afraid of anything, “ she said while smiling, truthfully admitting to him that all in all, she’d always thought of him as fearless.
‘ What could you be afraid of?’ She wondered. 
And at that, he brought his eyes down to hers, the (e/c) colored eyes connected with his before his other hand moved to caress her cheek, the touch both light and sweet as it was executed.
“ You Think the world of me... don't you?” he asked her with realization, looking down at her as though she were a newly discovered treasure.
Not answering, she blushed, both the touch and realization affecting her.
‘I think so,’ She accepted. 
‘I mean, you’re not perfect,’ She reasoned. ‘ I know you aren’t. I’ve caught enough of the real you to know that. But even then, I can’t help but think so highly of you,’ She thought with featherlight amusement.
'I don't really know why,' She then added.
“Silly girl….” He said while beginning to lean down, stopping himself just a hair strand away from her lips,
‘Wait, what am I-’
Mid-way though he stopped, the sudden instinct to lean into her broken by his better senses and reasoning that slowly flooded in after the instinct.
He felt foolish before he realized that she had taken it upon herself to meet him the rest of the way, and at that, he instantly melted, the doubt that had settled over him slowly dying out.
“Loki..” She said softly, worriedly peering up at him, “Just what are you so afraid of?” She then asked him, her heart aching at his hesitance.
‘It was unexpected...but doesn't it fill you with the same excitement?’ She wondered while a sleeping part of her was roused out of it’s slumber.
He then took a moment to reflect upon the question, racking his mind on what was most important, and what much more, had haunted him throughout their time together, 
‘If I come and find this spot empty,‘ He started, not wanting to share a night with anyone else. ‘I know I wouldn’t find rest,’ he continued, all while looking down at her.
‘I know you could never be replaced,’ he then added, ‘So, of course, I’m afraid,’ He mused.  
‘ was this bound to happen?’ He wondered, letting the little, magnetic draw finally overwhelm him, and letting what needed to happen, just happen. 
"Certainly not this,” He murmured, his eyes slowly coming close before he lay a soft press to her awaiting lips. 
“- Loki,” She then said, “You can tell me anything, I’ll stay and listen,” She assured him. 
‘I’ll hold your hand throughout all of it...and yet, still think the world of you.
After all...It’s been you that I’ve been waiting for.’ 
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May i request vivienne x mc where mc leaves vivienne after a huge fight and doesn’t come back, only to have her find mc not only living in Japan but also finds her figure skating her heart out during after hours because mc’s best friend owns the skating rink facility. Vivienne stays and watches mc skate but when mc sees her, she ignores her because mc is tired of empty promises and dancing around everything that goes on between them. Especially their feelings. Little bit angst but fluffy ending
Warning: Mentions of toxic behavior.
“Fair warning, Vivienne, but this is stalker behavior.”
Vivienne swallows, feeling the words curl around her heart like barbed wire. The thing is, after so many wounds, what’s a few more?
So all she does is pause, ignore it and mask it with her trademark smoldering smirk, her expression all teasing confidence.
“Never thought I’d hear that jab from you, Jace. You learn something new every day.”
Jace stares at her with all the judging intensity of a spectator, the kind that knows when the character on screen is going to crash and burn into a hopeless little thing. Vivienne meets their gaze with a defiant one of her own, because she won’t let that happen.
She’s too familiar with the bitter feeling of a mistake. She knows when to stop. What she’s doing right now? It doesn’t feel like that. It’s light with the possibility of a new beginning, raw with the pain of a past confrontation that demands healing. It’d be easy to bury it in her past, adding more to the ever-growing pile, but Vivienne has grown tired of running and escaping and pretending everything is alright behind a fake smile and- and… She simply had to change. For the better.
She needed to face everything. Make it right.
And MC… that’s her biggest regret. And her first priority.
She has been to Japan before. The memory feels like it belongs to another lifetime.
The urge to run it’s overwhelming. She sees anything or anyone that reminds her of MC and her body tenses like a cat about to bolt away from visitors, yet she marches on, determined. An hour later she finds herself in front of a skating ring facility, bigger than she had initially assumed it to be.
“I didn’t expect anything else but the very best for you, MC.” Vivienne murmurs, her pace slowing down for the first time ever since she left the apartment the Poppy had in Japan. Doubt began to creep in like a flood, snuffing all the courage she had managed to gather, rooting her in place for a long minute, hesitating.
People were beginning to stare. Well, they were more like brief, curious glances, but Vivienne felt each of them like a prickle in her conscience.
She could turn back. MC wasn’t expecting her. No one would know about this other than Jace and-
No. No, no. No.
If she went back to the Poppy’s apartment without at least a brief conversation with MC, everything would have been for naught. The failure would otherwise crush her. She needed to face this. Otherwise, had she even changed at all?
She took a deep breath, trying to piece her courage back together. Slowly, she made her way in.
MC didn’t have a talent for ice skating, but her passion more than made up for it. She glided along the ice, effortless, easing into a slow spin along the ring, as if she was taking in the view of everyone skating alongside her. Vivienne hadn’t been here for more than a second and she was already mesmerized.
Her body is graceful and relaxed as she goes, completely in her element. From this distance, her expression is nothing but a fleeting mystery – the seductress gets the sudden urge to chase after her ethereal figure, to marvel intensely that someone this perfect exists. Vivienne had seen MC on many situations before, but nothing quite like this. She looks so free, her movements light like a leaf caught in the wind, and the light falls on her in such a way that she might as well be glowing.
Her happiness shines through, and a slow, loving smile settles on Vivienne’s lips before she can even register it. Her hands grasp the edge of the ring and the cold sensation startles her out of her reverie, not sure when she had come so close, but basking in it.
This is the effect MC had on her. She had missed it.
Caught in the warmth of her melancholy, what she sees next hits much harder. One glance up reveals the full-splendor of MC’s face, less than a meter from where Vivienne is standing. She is there one second and gone in a blink, speeding to the other side of the ring, but it was enough time to burn her expression into Vivienne’s mind: a full-blown scowl, barely softened by the sheer surprise of a memory long forgotten, buried deep into the ice. There’s a clarity in her eyes that stuns Vivienne and steals her courage away, and they speak clearly a decision from long ago: MC doesn’t want anything to do with Vivienne anymore.
The urge sparks again and Vivienne throws herself forward, not caring one bit about the stares she receives. She circles the ring in record time, intent on following MC who is already heading for the exit, her pace surprisingly brisk despite the skates she is still wearing.
“MC!” No response, save for MC’s hands curling into fists. “MC, please wait!”
Still, MC does have some distance advantage. It’s all she needs to get to a room and shut the door in Vivienne’s face just as she catches up. It’s one of the rooms not open for the public, she distractedly realizes, only for staff. There will be no pressure for MC to open the door, though. She only needs a few minutes and a call for security to escort Vivienne out, but like hell Vivienne is going to let that happen without saying her piece.
“I’ll leave you alone after this, I promise.” Vivienne says against the door, raising her voice just enough to be heard over it. “Nothing empty about it, I assure you. I— I’ve had… some time to think. I’m sure you’ll be glad to know the rest of the Poppy gave me plenty of lectures and no rest whatsoever… Zoe most of all. And I deserved it, because I didn’t… I didn’t really take the time to notice how you were feeling. I just wanted to protect myself, and that was too selfish from me. It’s true I was scared to enter a relationship, but I had no right to act the way I did, to… to try and manip—”
“Leave, Vivienne.”
The seductress took a sharp intake of breath, wishing she had all the time in the world to make this right. “Hear me out.”
“I’m friends with the owner, you know. Security would come in a second.”
Despite her suspicions getting confirmed Vivienne can’t help but smile, moving one hand to press it flat against the door and lean there. “Don’t go all Karen on me now, MC. Just give me five minutes.”
“I won’t listen to anything you say. I know better than to believe in your words.”
“I’ll say it again: there will be no more empty promises between you and me.”
MC snorts, on the other side of the door. Vivienne wants to imagine she’s also leaning against it, arms crossed, defiant. There’s a beat of silence which makes her heart swell, and at the next second she’s back to tumbling over her words, almost desperate.
“It didn’t realize it as soon as you left. I—I thought I was safe. That no one could hurt me now because I had driven them off, again, but then I began to feel like I had lost a crucial part of myself. I didn’t realize how much those nights we spent together talking meant. I didn’t realize that at some point I had begun to… to feel safe, and accepted, I just kept my guard up and manipulating you so you wouldn’t get any closer. Not once did I stop to think about you, and the way I dismissed your feelings, even when you tried to talk to me—”
“Please, leave. I don’t want to deal with this.”
“Today was supposed to be fun.”
“It’s just— you can’t honestly expect me to believe this. That you’ve changed. It’s only been, what, three months? There’s no possible way—”
“There is.” Her hand falls to the handle, the other automatically moving to search for a pin to pick the lock, but she freezes mid action and forces herself to keep them still against her sides. The one who must open the door is MC, voluntarily. “I was just made aware of your side of the story. It took some time for me to fully process it, admittedly, but once I did—”
“Yeah, sure. Real convenient you didn’t process it sooner.”
“Once I did, I realized how manipulative and… and, frankly, toxic I had been. No one deserves to be treated that way by their partner—”
“Funny, I don’t remember you saying we were in a relationship back then.”
“To be honest, relationships are… tools, for me. It’s my job in the Poppy. My biggest mistake was operating like you were a mark, when you obviously weren’t.”
“You’re sounding like a real knight in shining armor.”
“I’m… merely admitting my faults. I was stupid.”
“The biggest moron to have ever lived.”
Vivienne blinks at that, letting her head drop against the door with a dull ‘thud’. “I can’t deny that. It’s the truth.”
“Right… well, I’m glad your toxic behavior is out in the open now. I… I was warned, in the beginning. Nikolai and Remy told me how used you are to running away. That as a thief you were amazing but as a romantic partner you were a mess. I didn’t listen. I thought I could get through you.”
“And you did, I just…”
“Yes, yes, you realized it too late. And after the whole Poppy yelled at you, probably.”
“…you aren’t wrong.”
“You said what you wanted. Can you leave now?”
Vivienne hesitates, torn. “I feel like there’s more to say.”
“Frankly, I don’t care about you or whatever you feel right now.”
“May I come another day, then?”
“Are you seriously asking that after—? No, no, I don’t want to see you anymore. I left for a reason, you know.”
“I’m well aware. I just want to show you that I have changed.”
“And what, do you expect a medal? Just go.”
Vivienne doesn’t. She grips the handle tight, trying to let it anchor her. “Please…”
There’s another pause. MC’s voice is softer, quieter when she continues. Vivienne almost has to strain her ears to listen. “You always avoided any important subject I wanted to talk about. You always danced around my feelings. No, you looked for specific actions or feelings to take advantage of them. I don’t want to go through that anymore. Whatever we had is over. Leave.”
“I didn’t come here trying to start dating again.”
“As if we ever were before.”
“The fact is you did get through me. You were one of the few people I ever felt safe around. I’ve already accepted I destroyed any chance I ever had with you… I just want to part on good terms. I can’t stand the thought that I hurt you.”
“I’m calling security.”
Gritting her teeth, Vivienne takes a few steps back from the door. “I understand. I respect your decision, MC. I’m… glad we could talk. Goodbye.”
The universe has a twisted sense of humor, sometimes.
She’s seating alone in front a café, reading a book Remy had recommended to her long ago, trying to look for a distraction. Her mind won’t stop replaying the conversation she had had with MC almost a week ago, and the memory only makes her soul twist in agony and regret and a little bit of frustration. Not for the first time, she finds herself wishing to go back in time and slap her past self across the face, for hurting a wonderful woman such as MC.
“I’m a mess,” she muses, staring at the book in her hands without really reading it. “A complete mess. I never do things right when it comes to these types of situations…”
Dean flashes briefly across her mind and she scowls.
“I swore not to play with my loved one’s feelings like you did, and yet here I am.”
The chair next to her scrapes, as if someone had suddenly dragged it out. The sound makes Vivienne go tense, one hand already preparing to poison whoever had managed to surprise her. That shouldn’t happen. She’s normally hyperaware of everything that happens around her, as any thief would be.
Just how distracted is she?
“Careful there.”
Vivienne blinks, startled, pressing her back against her chair like a caged animal. “MC?” She breathes, wondering if she’s hallucinating.
“Yeah. Hey.”
“What… what are you doing here?”
MC presses her lips together. Vivienne’s eyes are immediately drawn towards the action, and then she forces herself to meet MC’s eyes, intent on not making this awkward.
“I mean—”
“Jett called me.”
“He explained things further. It’s not enough to make me want to mend our…” She cuts herself off, looking away for a moment, but Vivienne catches how her lips had stretched around the ‘r’, and her heart beats with abrupt panic when she realizes MC had been about to say ‘relationship’. “Not enough to make me want to return to the Poppy.”
“But it’s enough to make you want to hear me out?”
“I want you to listen to me.”
“Ah. Of course. Go on.”
MC’s eyes are like volcanos waiting to erupt, two intense pools of chocolate that Vivienne can’t help but drown herself in. “You said you wanted us to part on good terms. I don’t think that’s entirely possible, but having this conversation will help us both. You said it yourself – you manipulated me to ‘protect’ yourself, because you were scared. You made empty promises, like you would if I had been a mark. I was interested in you because you were a mystery. You presented yourself like this very experienced, seductive young woman, but I knew there had to be more. I never really got past your shell, mostly because you were toxic, but also because I didn’t want to force you to tell me what was going on.”
That was true. MC had always been respectful, skidding around subjects that seemed to bother Vivienne. She was ready to talk if Vivienne was ready, on those few sleepless nights. At the time, Vivienne had thought that it was because she had MC perfectly in her control when in truth MC had let her, because she trusted her.
And she had fucked things up, as usual.
“You say that you understand how much you hurt me, I say you don’t grasp it entirely. You wouldn’t have come here otherwise.”
“I’m tired of running away.”
“Anyone would be.”
“But it was because I was tired that I decided to come here. I wanted to set things right, even if it meant we’d go our separate ways later.”
“I’m glad you at least acknowledge how bad you were, even if it took something like this.”
“You helped me change for the better.”
MC hums, skeptical. “I hope your… next relationship has more truthful communication in it.”
“I’ll try to apply that to all my relationships, romantic or not. Well, so long as it doesn’t interfere with my job…”
The only two people Vivienne felt she could have been with were out of her grasp, anyway, one dead and one so deeply hurt she wanted nothing else to do with her. There was no point in pursing a romantic relationship anymore.
“I’ve noticed you guys haven’t done any heists lately.”
“We’ve been laying low. Mainly it was so the others had more time to tell me off, which I appreciate. And… what about you? Are you doing better?”
“A lot. Ice skating is very therapeutic once you get the hang of it.” She smiles, then, something small and easy to miss. Vivienne treasures the sight. “My friends have helped, too. I’m not hurting, anymore.”
“I’m glad.”
MC nods, silent.
“Thank you for approaching me, MC.”
“Thank you for letting me go. We won’t meet again.”
The words sting, but Vivienne doesn’t feel like she’s crashed and burnt. She feels free, for the first time in ages.
“Goodbye, MC.”
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rax-writes · 4 years
Romeo & Juliet
Fandom:  Stranger Things Pairing:  Steve Harrington x Reader Warnings:  None Notes:  Shoutout to my dear friend @mxgyver​ for the inspiration ♥
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You had been best friends with Steve Harrington since you’d arrived at Hawkins Elementary in the fifth grade. A kid named Kevin had been bullying him on the playground, and although Steve had been doing his best to ignore the asshole, you found yourself incapable of doing the same. Kevin had intentionally screwed up the science project you’d been working that morning, purely because he thought it’d be funny to torment the new kid, and in the moment, you were so upset that you said nothing. The anger set in after he’d already walked off, laughing to his buddies about what he’d done. So, seeing him bully another innocent person made your blood boil, and before you knew it, you were chucking the basketball in your hands as hard as you could at the back of Kevin’s head.
Kevin flew forward from the unexpected impact, landing flat on his chest on the cement, which knocked the wind out of him. Steve’s jaw dropped as he looked from Kevin to you, meanwhile the ball rolled back over to you, and you picked it up to tuck it under your arm. When Kevin sat up and spun around to locate the culprit, the agitation on his face turned to fear as he locked eyes with you. Apparently the sheer rage in your 11 year old eyes did the trick to let him know you meant business.
“Look, Kevin, I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. But I do know that you’re just some jerk who thinks it’s fun to be mean to people for no reason. You’re a bully. And one thing you’ll learn about me is that I don’t like bullies. So, you really ought to be nicer to your classmates, or you’ll have me to deal with.”
The boy hesitated a moment, before he realized his friends were watching him, obviously expecting him to retaliate. He stood, then crossed his arms as he sneered at you, “Oh yeah? And what are you going to do about it?”
The basketball hit Kevin square in the nose as he stumbled backwards, hands covering his face as he cried out in pain.
“That. That’s what I’m going to do about it.”
“You’re crazy!” Kevin yelled over his shoulder, as he ran off, his friends close behind.
“Yeah, and don’t you dare tattle on me, or a bloody nose of yours will be the least of your concerns!” you hollered, watching them retreat to the other side of the playground.
“Thanks for that,” Steve piped up then, and his tone seemed to be a mix of gratitude and bewilderment.
Shrugging, you explained, “Honestly, I mostly did it because he ruined my science project this morning. But also because I do really hate bullies.”
“Whatever the reason, I appreciate it,” Steve said with a chuckle. “Well, you’re obviously pretty good with a basketball. Wanna play HORSE?”
That was 7 years ago, and Steve had been your best friend ever since. All through the remainder of elementary, middle school, and high school, the two of you had been inseparable. The two of you had shared a ton of fun and crazy adventures, as well as some hard times, and you were there for each other through it all. He had shown up on your doorstep 20 minutes after you called and told him about your boyfriend cheating on you, with a tub of ice cream in one hand and a Disney movie VHS in the other. Similarly, you had been there for him about three months ago, when Nancy Wheeler broke his heart.
You’d have never admitted it, but as you got older, you slowly began to realize that you liked him as more than a friend.
For years, you had pushed those feelings to the back of your mind. It didn’t matter how much you liked him; keeping Steve as your best friend was your top priority. You wouldn’t risk losing that. But, on one fateful evening, you found that you could no longer ignore how in love with him you’d fallen.
Your teacher was making your class do a miniature version of Romeo and Juliet as a senior project. Everyone had voted you and Steve as the leads, because you had such good chemistry – despite the fact that you’d spent ages telling people that you were just friends. And of course, the teacher wanted to include the scene where Romeo and Juliet kiss. You and Steve had both tried to talk her out of it, but she wouldn’t budge. So, that’s what led to your current situation: sitting in Steve’s living room on a Wednesday night, a short distance separating you on the couch, practicing your lines.
“O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair,” Steve recited, then ran a hand over his face. “What the fuck does that even mean?”
“Hell if I know,” you muttered, sounding equally as confused as him, before continuing. “Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake.”
“Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take,” Steve said, then paused and cleared his throat. “And, uh… this is the part where they kiss.”
You could feel his eyes on you, but you kept your eyes glued to the script in your lap, not wanting to meet his gaze.
“Yep… so it is.”
“Do you… should we...?” Steve trailed off, then exhaled slowly, as if calming himself. “We could practice that part too… if you wanted?”
You looked up at him with wide eyes, and he backpedaled immediately.
“Actually, that’s a bad idea. That would be so weird. I honestly don’t even know why I said that. Forget this ever happened,” he rambled, waving a hand in the air exasperatedly.
“I mean…” you began softly, still looking at him despite the fact that he was now staring at the floor. “Ms. Myer made it clear that she wants us to stay true to the script. So we might as well get it over with now, rather than in front of the whole class.”
Steve glanced at you, and the two of you shared a few moments of eye contact before he exhaled again.
“No, yeah, you’re right. We should totally get it over with now. After all, it’s just for the play, right?” Steve said, with feigned nonchalance, and you nodded.
“Exactly! So we should just kiss now, rather than kiss for the first time in front of the entire class. But it’s totally not weird at all, since it’s just for the play. Obviously doesn’t change the fact that we’re friends.”
“Best friends!” Steve agreed earnestly, then ran a hand through his hair as he took a deep breath. “Alright, so, take two…. Then move not, while my prayer’s effect I take.”
Your eyes had been on your script when you felt his gentle fingers tilt your chin up to look at him. The two of you stared into one another’s eyes for a few moments, before Steve leaned in and pressed his lips against yours.
It was beyond everything you’d ever dreamed of – and you had definitely dreamed about it on more than one occasion. His lips were soft and sweet, and you instinctively leaned into him. But, far too soon for your liking, Steve pulled away, although only slightly. His face remained mere inches from yours, as he stared at you with an expression you couldn’t read.
“Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged,” he whispered, after a quick glance at the paper in his hands.
“Then have my lips the sin that they have took,” you responded breathlessly.
“Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged,” Steve responded, his voice still soft, before looking down at your lips. “Give me my sin again.”
You met his lips without hesitation as he bent down to kiss you once more, and his hand moved from your chin to cradle the back of your head, fingers burying themselves in your hair. Steve dropped the script to the floor, and moved his newly-freed hand to rest on your waist, as your own hands clutched the front of his shirt. The whole thing felt like a daydream, and in the moment, a white-knuckle grip on his shirt served as a way to ground yourself, a reminder that this was actually happening.
The kiss lasted far longer this time, his lips moving slowly and methodically against yours. After what felt like an eternity, you both broke the kiss to catch your breaths, and you realized then that your back was now against the couch and he was leaned over you, enveloping you in his embrace.
Steve rested his forehead against yours, breathing heavily – both from how long the kiss had lasted, and from the adrenaline of the fact that he’d just made out with his best friend.
“God, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Steve whispered, then leaned back to get a better look at you. You smiled warmly at him.
“Why didn’t you then?!” Steve asked, surprised as a grin formed on his lips.
“I could ask you the same thing!” you retorted, laughing.
“Fair enough,” he conceded, matching your laugh. As your laughter faded, he grew more serious, although he still wore a small smile. “Truth is, I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you. At the time, I didn’t really have any close friends, so I just really wanted to be friends with you. Plus, I thought you were super cool, so I felt like you were out of my league,  ya know, romantically.”
“You thought I was cool?” you asked with a chuckle.
“Of course I did! You were the first person to ever stand up to Kevin Matthews, and you did it on your fourth day at our school!”
The two of you shared more laughter, before he added, “Obviously, now I know you’re actually a giant nerd, so the coolness has worn off.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Anytime,” Steve replied, then scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “So, I guess you kind of feel the same way then, huh?”
“I suppose,” you teased, and he smiled. “I didn’t fall for you when I first met you, though. I don’t know exactly when I did…. I think it was freshman year. I remember watching your first baseball game of the season, and thinking you looked really hot in the uniform, especially when you ran over to me in the bleachers, all excited after you’d hit a home run. You were a little sweaty and your hair was messy and god, you looked so good. Then, a week or two later, I watched you flirt with some girl, and I remember getting really mad about it but couldn’t understand why. It took me like three days to realize it was jealousy, and that I’d caught feelings for you. The feelings only got stronger over time, and eventually, I realized I was in love with you. But I was too scared of losing you as a friend to do anything about it.”
“The toughest girl I know, scared of losing me?” Steve quipped, placing his hand on his chest and giving you an exaggeratedly shocked look. You rolled your eyes.
“Only because I love you, smartass.”
Steve grinned brightly, then resumed his previous position, looming over you on the couch as his arm wrapped around your shoulders and the other rested on your waist once again. His lips hovered over yours before he said, “I love you, too,” and kissed you.
The two of you spent the rest of the night just like that: making out on the couch, making up for lost time, the play now long forgotten.
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olliedollie1204 · 4 years
TSUS Day 9- Analogince
Roman and Virgil persuade Logan.
Word Count: 1,054
Written for the Sanders Sides Unpopular Ships Challenge by @emy-loves-you
(AO3 Link)
also, i am officially out of backlog for this challenge xD hence why this one is going up late. i still super wanna keep writing these, bc they’re so fun! but any future drabbles might be a wee bit late, so be warned :3
For most people, if their boyfriend launched himself at their bed with enough force to bounce on the mattress, they would be freaked out. Surprised, maybe. Or at least shaken enough that they would make a mistake on the careful notes they were copying into their notebook.
After years of practice, Logan didn’t even react.
“You have to do it,” Roman said. His eyes bored into the side of Logan’s face; he wouldn’t give Roman the satisfaction of looking at him.
“I don’t have to do anything.”
“Yeah, but you should do it, though,” came Virgil’s voice from the other side, the mattress dipping slightly as he joined them. It was a bit of a cramped fit, the three teenagers in Logan’s childhood bed, but they managed to sit side by side by side against the headboard if they squeezed.
(Logan had never particularly minded the tight space, and he had reason to believe that his boyfriends didn’t either.)
“You keep saying that, and you haven’t given me one good reason to do so,” he said. They’d been going on about this topic of conversation for days, and although Logan was quite certain about his answer, he was interested in what argument they’d give him now.
He bit his cheek as Roman huffed a sigh, awkwardly shimmying down the mattress until he was flat on his back and staring resolutely at the ceiling.
“Reasons why Logan should absolutely run for senior class president,” he announced, holding up a finger. “Reason one: College applications.”
Virgil clicked his tongue. “Looks good on a resume.”
“That’s a low blow,” Logan said. “You know I love padding my resume.”
Roman continued. “Reason two: you’d be really good at it.”
At this, Logan scoffed, flipping the page of his notebook with a bit more force than needed. “Anyone would be good at it. The president barely does anything.”
“See?” Virgil added. “Reason three: it’s easy—!”
“The president does stuff!” Roman insisted over Virgil’s voice. He counted on his other hand as he listed, “The senior class president says the morning announcements over the loudspeaker, they organize community fundraisers, they help organize prom—”
Virgil lightly jostled Logan’s shoulder, finally making him pause his writing. “You can make our senior prom better than our junior one. Reason four.”
“And reason five,” Roman added swiftly, reaching over to snatch the pencil out of Logan’s hand. Logan looked up at him with a pout that was only partly genuine.
“You love taking charge with stuff,” Roman said warmly as he shot Logan a proud smile. “This would be a good fit for you.”
Logan softened at the look on Roman’s face, and the fondness in both his and Virgil’s voice. It was becoming increasingly difficult to say no to these two, but still…
“I don’t know,” Logan said, eyes down to where his hands where folded in his lap. Virgil looked at him appraisingly. “Oh, reason seven!” Roman said triumphantly. “You get the closest student parking spot there is—”
“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, L,” Virgil said. His eyes darted down to Roman. “Don’t listen to us.”
Whatever look the two of them had shared, Roman seemed suddenly sheepish. He turned on his side and ran his hand up and down Logan’s shin comfortingly.
“Yeah, Lo, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it a whole thing—”
“You didn’t make it a whole thing!” Logan interjected before Roman could spiral. “It’s okay. Honestly, I… I think it’d be. Good. To be— you know. To try it.”
He floundered for just a few more seconds before quitting the thought. Luckily, his boyfriends were experts in translating Logan speak.
“You want to be class president,” Roman encouraged. “So why don’t you wanna run?”
Logan shrugged, picking at his bedspread. “I don’t know.”
There were a few beats of silence, and then Virgil grabbed his hand. Logan looked at him, but he merely raised their combined hands to kiss the back of Logan’s hand.
“Reason number 8 you should run,” he said simply. “You’d win.”
Logan scoffed to distract from his flusteredness. “I don’t know. You don’t know that.”
“Of course you’d win,” Roman insisted, getting up on his knees to scooch closer to his boyfriends. “People really like you.”
“Yeah, dude, you always talk about the smartest shit in class, everyone thinks you’re a genius,” Virgil said.
“And they think you’re funny,” Roman said, grabbing Logan’s other hand and massaging it gently. “People always tell me how hard it is not to laugh when you make some comment behind the teacher’s back.”
“And people just like listening to you,” Virgil said, bumping Logan’s shoulder again. “You’re a leader, dude. You’d win.”
Logan kept his eyes on his lap. His face felt hot, and not just from the casual physical affection from his boyfriends.
“I don’t want to lose,” he said quietly. His face got hotter; how juvenile that sounded. But it was the truth.
Suddenly he felt something brushing his cheek: Virgil’s hand, gently urging Logan to look at him again. Logan looked, and was immediately gifted with Virgil’s mouth on his. The kiss was short, just a few seconds, but it made something lighten in Logan’s chest.
“You will win,” Virgil said. Logan could see the earnest belief in his eyes.
Then those eyes narrowed into something mischievous. “Roman, tell him he’ll win.”
Logan quirked a brow, but before he could react Roman was leaning into his lap to give Logan an overdramatic smooch on the mouth.
“You will win!” he said chipperly as Logan flushed and tried not to laugh. “Virgil, tell him again—”
“Okay, okay!” Logan said through his escaping laughter as Virgil tried to press another kiss to his cheek. “I’ll run for class president.”
Roman and Virgil made some whooping noises of celebration for a few seconds. Roman flipped onto his back again, while Virgil and Logan tried to move to lie down next to him. Despite how little room they had on the bed, they made it work, as they always did.
“Hey, you know what?” Virgil added when they were settled. He gestured between himself and Roman. “You got two votes right here.”
“Yeah, you do!” Roman said proudly, snuggling closer into Logan’s arm.
Logan smiled, soft and real. “Yes, I know.”
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
Please gush more about this wings AU thing
aaaAAAAAA sir you’ve opened the floodgates
K so most things are similar to canon? But there’s wings and that’s fun. Luz is just a common lil house sparrow, nothing particularly special about her. Eda, on the other hand, is a whole melting pot. Hybrids between different species are a thing, but the thing is, the hybrid traits show up in color and mannerisms of said bird. Wing shape sticks to only one specific species. Eda got the owl gene, but has a mess of other birds in her, too. She’s got raven (shiny things), cardinal, scarlet tanager, vulture, probably goose, and many others. Lilith was given the raven wing shape, which added to the reason on why she dyed her hair, so she can at least look like a pureblood.
Willow was pretty easy, hummingbirds fit her Aesthetic. But she’s also Buff, and I thought it’d be funny if she was a giant hummingbird, since those bad boys are, as far as I know, bigger than house sparrows. Gus was a little more difficult. I wanted a small bird, but I didn’t know which. Then I looked up the white-breasted nuthatch and found that 1. they are very loud. 2. they will fight bigger birds. So obviously I had to go with that. Gus is babey but he is loud and he will fight. probably a bit of a mix with chickadee or finch in there somewhere, too. A fast bird just seemed to fit Amity. But I wanted a fast but dainty-ish bird, not like a hawk or eagle. She was almost a gyrfalcon, but mutuals thought an american kestrel would fit her better. They are tiny, they are fast, and they are babey. Mattholomule was obvious. Shrikes are assholes. That’s just how it is. Boscha gave off the vibe of a bird of prey who would destroy me. But parrots could also bite my face off without blinking so I went with pretty and deadly. Lovebirds have a color similar to Boscha and also her being a bird with that name was funny so I chose it. Skara as a songbird was obvious, she’s in the bard track after all. So a nightingale was inevitable. Simple feathers, but with a beautiful voice. Viney,,,,,,honestly I just thought of birds that hang around other animals and came up with Oxpecker. She’s also probably a bit of a melting pot with dove, egret, and a couple different starlings. Jerbo is tall. Secretary birds are tall. Enough said. Belos was almost a bearded vulture, but I decided against it. I decided “let’s give him the biggest wings imaginable. simply because I can” so I chose the wandering albatross, the bird with a wingspan of twelve feet. Yeah, they’re thin, but these guys can also fly for a really long time, and idk, I thought the threat of that looked interesting.
In this AU, the rich don’t really,,,,fly. Flying, in the high-class, is seen as too much work. People who don’t fly are seen as powerful because they have better things to do, or they simply have no need for it. This has led to a couple of high-folk simply,,,,,not knowing how to fly. Also a lot of wing muscle issues. The twins can fly, not well, but they can fly. Amity, on the other hand.....can’t. At all. Of course, nobody else knows this. Choosing not to fly is one thing, but not knowing how is a disgrace. 
Luz is a different story. She uses her wings all the time, which helps strengthen them. It’s not just because she flies often, but because she is constantly moving them. She uses them as extra hands to push and pull things, she flaps them excitedly and hovers an inch or two off the ground when excited, she hangs them when she’s tired or sad, she flares them when she’s mad, and she just moves them around when she talks or is showing off something. She simply cannot hold them still. Which is fine for her, since sparrow wings are small and thin, but for Eda, who also moves her wings a lot, it’s a hassle. It’s a common occurrence for something to fall over in the Owl House because neither of these two can hold still.
Also, they have more than just wings. That’s some weak shit right there. They’ve got tails, patches of feathers, can make chirps similar to their species, if their species has crests of feathers or a certain piece of feather(s) that stands out, it shows up. Along with dots of color if it stands out. Peacocks have those three frills on their heads plus faint whites around their eyes, turkeys have those dangly things I’m too lazy to look up the name of, and sometimes the size of the bird affects a person's height. The whole sha bam. It’s hell for Eda, who’s a blend of at least 5 different birds. What surprise will today bring? Who knows!
There’s also of course, accessories and fashion for wings. Jewelry, ribbons, scarves and silk that can be pinned or pierced on wings and sometimes tails. Of course, the rich have the most lavish, but the prettier ones are usually very heavy and weigh down flight near completely. And trying to fly with ribbons or silk around wings is difficult, and can tangle and cause birds to crash. In fact, some types of silk or techniques for fashioning wings are banned or heavily mandated due to the hazards and accidents that occur. Fake feathers are also a thing, usually for those who want their wings to look more grand, hide knives in their wings, or, recently, to hide clipped wings. Binding wings are also a thing, though they are typically only for prisoners or for people with such big/broken wings that they can’t keep them closed properly. These are usually covers that wrap around the entire abdomen to keep the wings shut, but for people who don’t want others to know they need them binded, there are thin strings that stretch across the backs of wings that hold them shut or up at a certain angle. Some people put painful pricks right underneath their scapulars to keep their wings at a regal posture. There are also piercings. Some are rings, some are simply nubs. A common piercing is to piercing the base and tip of the membrane and hang a thin chain between the two. Emperor Belos has a tradition of stabbing hooks through the membrane of prisoners and hanging them by their wings alone before they are to be petrified. 
There’s also a little unofficial tradition with gifting feathers. A person will pluck a feather from their wings (sometimes tails but that’s more uncommon) and give it to someone. The more important the feather, the more you mean to someone. It’s not inherently romantic, it’s more of a way you show you care about someone, but it can be. Scapular (base feathers) and primary feathers are the important ones. They’re the feathers that are the closest to said person or their the feathers that are required for flight, they’re usually shown off with pride when they’re gifted to someone. Often a simple string with the single feather on it, but earrings and bracelets are also used. 
Luz has a necklace each from her friends and family. She has a primary feather from her mother, a primary and scapular feather from Eda, a primary covert from Willow, and a secondary covert from Gus. She would later get a secondary feather from Amity that would eventually be replaced with a primary feather. She keeps them all on one necklace in her room and switches them up every now and again. Sometimes she’ll wear only one feather, sometimes she’ll wear a few, or all at once. There’s no particular pattern, she just wears what she wants to that day. 
The grom note in Enchanting Grom Fright is replaced with Amity wanting to give someone a marginal covert feather (she was going to go with scapular but decided that might be too much). Luz going with her to grom coincides with her gifting a secondary feather to Amity, and Amity gifting the same type back. Amity kept that feather with her at near all-times as a necklace she hides under her shirt. A secondary and primary covert feather from Willow and Gus respectively would soon join Luz’s every now and again.
Luz would also teach Amity how to fly, once she realizes that Amity can’t. Course it’s in secret, nobody can know that Amity Blight can’t fly, but Willow and Gus do show up to help. Thing is, it hurts. Amity has barely used her wings in fourteen years. Her parents always made her hold them at a certain angle and she could barely express herself with them. They were more like large pieces of jewelry than anything. So when first learning to fly, she has to stop after only ten minutes, because her wings hurt. They ache and cramp and she’s convinced it’s too late for her to learn how to fly, her wings simply aren’t used to it. Luz, not one to back out on her word, basically becomes a coach instructor. Once a week she drags Amity off into a clearing where nobody else is and basically chucks her into the sky (stronk wings). And after a while, Amity’s able to go longer while gliding or warming up her wings. Ten minutes becomes fifteen, then twenty, then thirty, and suddenly, she can go over an hour practicing without getting tired. And you better believe she shows off to Willow and Gus. Maybe even Lilith a little bit during training, though that’s mostly on accident. Races, of course, happen a lot. 
I’m already ramblin’ a lot and I do wanna write this eventually, so I’ll stop here for now. But know that there are romantic flights, Amity’s parents do not like the ‘common species,’ wings can be clipped, Eda is not immune to wing injury, and Barcus is trying to avoid all the bird drama, unsuccessfully.
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justafewsmallsteps · 4 years
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Happy InuKag Week 2020, Day 6! It’s been literal years, but here’s finally Part 2 of The Problem With Thinking, my Inuyasha High School AU. Lots of love going out to @coquinespike for all the encouragement. Thanks for your patience! It’d probably be better to reread Part 1 (no big edits, but because it’s been SO LONG) but honestly it’s not a huge deal if you don’t. Lots of fluff.  I’m sorry I can only offer the same bland AU over and over. Please forgive me and leave comments in the notes anyways? 
So the fight was officially over and now they stood there holding each other. It was so intimate that it made the tips of his ears feel hot with embarrassment. Hard to believe that just this morning he was still avoiding her, yet now she was practically molded up against him, and there wasn’t a single part of him that wanted her to move away.
He was hyper aware that Kagome was so very close—closer than she’d ever been before.  It was new territory. With their reconciliation, the bridge he thought he’d burn reassembled itself anew, and they’d crossed a line somewhere. What line, he couldn’t be sure.
A new burning filled Inuyasha’s chest, a fire that wanted to engulf her entirely. He’d missed her so much, and being away from her had drained him like a dying battery. He’d felt so tired, so void of any energy or drive, so… lonely. Now she was here, right here, and his whole body was thrumming with the desire to grab her tightly and hold on, to bask in her warm presence like a spring field finally coming out of winter’s harsh cold.
He saw the same look of longing reflected in her eyes. They were magnets kept apart until now.
He forced himself to speak, though his heavy tongue and heart protested the words as he spoke, “I should get you home.”
The sky was getting darker by the second. Her house was just down the street, but he’d worry too much if he let her go by herself. Besides, it was an excuse to stay by her side for a while longer.
“Are you trying to get rid of me?”she asked with a hurt tone.
“What? No!” Inuyasha yelped. The opposite! He coughed and looked off to the side. There was no decent way to explain how he was afraid that the more she stayed by him, the harder it would become to let her go even though they only lived a block apart. He’d cut her off so thoroughly from his life, and now he realized it was like denying himself oxygen. How had he survived?
“Inuyasha?” She gripped his hands again to pull him from his thoughts.
“Huh?” he noised dumbly.
“C-can I…” Kagome wracked her short-circuiting brain for an excuse, any excuse to stay longer. “I don’t want to go home looking like this.”
“What?” You look fine, he thought.
She bit her lip. “Since my face is all puffy and my eyes are red. I don’t want Mama or Jii-chan to worry.”
“O-oh. You… Do you want to come up?” His eyes suddenly opened wide. “Not if you’re uncomfortable with that! I could get you a… wet towel or something.”
“It's okay. I’m fine with going up.” Kagome fought a blush.
“Are you sure?”
She nodded firmly, if only to keep from jumping up and down in glee. Success! How obvious would that be?
He replied with a stiff nod back. He swiftly turned around, dropping one hand from her grip but holding on with the other to lead her into the building. Their palms and fingers felt as if they’d fused together like hot glass. It was weird to imagine they’d have to come apart anytime soon.
As they walked past the metal gate and into the complex, Kagome’s eyes wandered to drink in the unfamiliar territory, but also to keep occupied. There was a tension in the air—some shy but persistent heat that sealed their mouths shut. Inuyasha was looking straight ahead avoiding looking at her, but she couldn’t bring herself to do much differently than him. The fact loomed upon them: they were going to be in his apartment… alone. It was very new for them, and they’d only just gotten their problems solved. Her heart raced. She’d just found out she was in love with him. Maybe asking to come up was a bad idea.
Before she could think else of it, Inuyasha finished turning the key to his door. It opened with a small push, sending her stomach to do a cartwheel. The darkness inside fed her curiosity despite her nerves. She followed him in as the lights flickered on. Humble. Quiet.
It’s not like he has anyone to greet, she remembered. There weren’t decorations or frills—just the basic necessities.
Kagome removed her shoes, noticing how awkward it felt to do so with one free hand. Still, she had no intention of letting go.
“Uh, the… bathroom is over there.” Inuyasha gave a directional head gesture that had his ears twitch. “Is there anything you need?”
Her eyes dropped down to their locked hands. With a strange sense of concentration, she loosened her grip—at least she thought she did. It didn’t budge.
“Oh.” Inuyasha noticed the problem.
A voice yelled in his head. You’re an idiot. You can’t follow her in there! Let go!
With the care and hesitation of unwrapping a bandage, he moved his fingers to uncurl from hers. It felt like pulling apart linked chains. Their palms slid past each other, fingers sweeping to the tips. He would have let it go, but the slightest hint of uncertain, lingering pressure from Kagome had him stop in his tracks.
They froze. His eyes flickered to her blushing face, and he felt her fingertips squeeze his.
The next second he yanked her close—his earlier desire to do so finally sated. He grasped the back of her head while his other hand wrapped around her wrist. Her contact against him felt like finally gulping air after drowning.
“Inuyasha?” the girl gasped.
Shit. He’d acted on instinct when he grabbed her. He had no idea what to say, and he felt the embarrassment bubble fast to the surface. She felt nice though, and he couldn’t deny that.  
Kagome’s face pressed against Inuyasha’s chest, her mind drawing blanks as her cheek felt the heat of his skin beneath his T-shirt. His heart was racing, just like hers. It was reassuring.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. He shifted the hand in her hair, letting the smell of lavender shampoo and Kagome’s natural scent fill his home.
Kagome’s free hand came up to hold him back gently, and she realized she’d been aching to do this since she laid eyes on him: to hold him in her arms, to pour out her affection, to be close.
“It’s fine,” she whispered, running her palm soothingly up and down a short length.
Inuyasha reflexively pushed her closer in an attempt to keep from shivering at her touch.
Her heart was still beating rapidly. How else was she supposed to feel when the boy she loved was hugging her so sweetly? It took a while, but after a few moments of silence, Kagome relaxed enough to speak.
“Inuyasha?” She squeezed him a little, somehow already comfortable with touching him so intimately. Funny, but it just felt right being close to him.
She allowed herself to sink against his body, letting him hold up more of her weight. “Have you been doing all your homework?” It was a familiar question, bringing a sense of normalcy back to their dynamic.
“Uh…” he hesitated.
“I’ve been doing enough,” he responded vaguely. It was the truth, but he knew she wouldn’t like the answer.
Kagome clicked her tongue in disapproval. “That sounds like you’ve been slacking…”
“I got lazy without your naggin’.” Lazy. Frustrated. Uninspired. Angry. Depressed. Who was he kidding? When he wasn’t moping around he was trying his best not to punch walls.  
The girl sighed. “I’ve been distracted too, so I’m not one to talk… Though I’m going to blame that on you.”
He scoffed, but the sound was soft. “You gettin’ all worked up over me…” Never mind that he’d been the same.
She poked him in the shoulder blade and dug her finger into it as a small jab. “Don’t be a jerk. I missed you a lot, dummy. I wouldn’t be here otherwise, looking like a total mess.”
In seriousness, he apologized. “I’m sorry.”
The sincerity of it brought tears rushing to her eyes so quickly she was defenseless against them. She was completely caught off guard, but if he was going to be that honest then she’d follow suit.
“Don’t do that to me again,” she had to whisper in a rush to keep her voice from faltering. If it sounded like a plea instead of a reprimand, there was nothing she could do about it.
“I won’t,” he swore. “I… please don’t cry Kagome. I can’t stand it. You know that. I don’t know what to do.”
“Just don’t be an idiot again.”
He held his tongue and let her calm down. His hand kept rubbing soothing circles against her back.
“Were you eating properly?” She finally sniffled with a frown.  
“I ate. Not what you’d call ‘properly’ though.”
“You can’t just have three packs of ramen when you get home from school.”
“I can and definitely did.”
Again, she sighed. “We should go to the grocery store together. And I need to teach you how to actually cook.”
“I can fend for myself fine,” he retorted. After a beat he added, “But if you want to come over and make food, I’m not going to stop you.”
“I’d cook for you everyday if only to keep you from high blood pressure.” She pulled away in time to catch the shock on his face, and realized then that her words sounded like a proposal, like she could commit to taking care of him for the rest of her life. She felt mortified. It was too close to a confession!
“You would?” Inuyasha felt embarrassment splash him in the face like cold water.
“No! I mean, yes, but I didn’t mean that I…  you… you know? I just want you to eat balanced meals! That’s all I meant, okay?”
Normally he would retort her sweet sentiment with something brash. He was marvelously good at ruining the moment. Instead he was frozen, looking at the girl in front of him with affection seizing his whole being like lightning, strong and inescapable. He was helpless as it coursed through every nerve in his body.
His silence had Kagome fidgeting.
He couldn’t move. He opened his mouth and closed it repeatedly, no words forming whatsoever like a dumb fish gaping for food. The idea of Kagome cooking him a meal… of her setting down plates, of her coming home to him… every day for the rest of his life…
The girl’s cheeks flared indignantly at his lack of response; heart thrumming nervously because it wasn’t a true confession, but it had the tone of something so much more—something akin to promising forever. She couldn’t take his surprised expression locked onto her so intensely, so she shoved her face into his shirt to avoid his gaze. Her hands gripped at his sleeves. She shook his arms hoping for a reaction and cried out, “Don’t just stand there staring at me! You have to say something, you dummy!”
He really should say something, he knew, but nothing was coming to his head. Nothing except Kagome, over and over again. Her in his kitchen, her walking down the road by his side, her eating meals with him everyday… When she told him to let her stay by his side, Inuyasha didn’t consider the actual depth of it. He’d simply taken it at face value. If she wanted to be around him, she’d decide that. The thought of her being there for him daily triggered something heavy to lock itself into place. It felt like she’d smacked an old machine and the gears finally fit themselves together. The realization came to him then.
He was in love with her.
Kagome felt his hold on her slacken. “Inuyasha?” she tried again, with a miserable tone to her voice. She was still mortified.  
He released his steady hold on her wrist. Then he pried her hand gently away from his shirt, slowly easing his fingers between hers. The action was enough to get her to pull herself back. He’d never been very tender before.
His gaze was molten hot against hers, burning maybe, but she was caught in it like sweet, sticky honey. Her chest panged with how much she loved him. Couldn’t she just… reach up and show him? She tightened her fingers entwined with his. God, that felt so right. Her hand belonged in his.
“Kagome…” Her name was meant for his mouth.
Oh, he was so attractive, and she’d missed him so much. If she could somehow wrap herself up in him she would. His tentative grip firmed, lifting her hand closer. Her eyelids lowered while the rest of her body tilted up, up, and towards him.
Inuyasha was enamored. His entire world was swirling around Kagome as if she was the center of the universe. She very well might be, with him caught in her gravitational pull. He closed his eyes and saw black—and then he saw a star; faint and twinkling behind his eyelids, like the uncertain pressure lingering sweetly against his lips.
Then it was gone.
Slightly dazed, he opened his eyes to a blushing Kagome shying back from her kiss. Damn if he didn’t want to pull her to him again. A ‘wait, come back,’ on the edge of his tongue.
As if asking for permission, Kagome tugged at his sleeve and steadied her gaze on his mouth. He wanted to smile at her obvious signals, but a prick of paranoia had him stop her from moving towards him.
“Wait…” He watched as her courage was drained from her face and tried quickly to assure her. “It’s not that I don’t want to, I… I didn’t mean for this to happen when I asked you up, you know.”
“I know that,” she responded earnestly.
“Right…” he turned to look at the floor, trying to sift through his clouding thoughts gathering and darkening like a storm.
“So what’s the problem?”
“I mean, you know. That stuff,”
“The ‘stuff’ that people who don’t know anything say?” she asked.
“Well they ain’t that off if we keep at it,” he replied dryly, but there was a blush on his face. He’s just been kissed by Kagome Higurashi, the most beautiful, wonderful girl in the world. She would’ve done it again if he hadn’t held her back.
“Look, I don’t care. This is what I want. Do you…” she bit her lip unsurely and his knees almost buckled in, “Do you want this?”
Do you want me? Her eyes, clear and bright as a mid-summer day, seemed to ask him.
“Of course I do…” he confessed. There was more he wanted to say on the matter, or rather, more doubts that wouldn’t stop surfacing, but in the next moment Kagome had her mouth back on his, pushing his thoughts down to drown. He let them die there. Instead he let his world become so full of her that nothing else fit, and he’d never felt more put together than he was now, overflowing with her.
Kissing Inuyasha was something she’d dreamt about a lot lately, but not a fantasy she’d thought would come to fruition. It was different than she’d imagined, her body awkwardly stiff yet her heart soaring.
Attached, was the first word that came to Kagome’s mind.
That was how people described how Kagome felt about Inuyasha. She was fond of him. She had a soft spot for him. She was irrevocably and inexplicably attached to him. Now that they were kissing, she uncovered a new sense of meaning to that word. She’d been so attached to him that his absence felt like pulling her seams apart. Kissing him now was sewing them back together, but she still wanted to be closer. She stretched up on her feet higher, pressing her lips harder against his. Her goal was more, but of what, she wasn’t sure. More Inuyasha, somehow, in any and every capacity seemed to be the only answer. Her hands moved up his arms, slowly feeling the worn fabric of his shirt beneath her palms. Her cheeks flared with a new blush feeling the muscles beneath. She wasn’t just attached; she was attracted; she was in love. She loved him so much that it burned from her lungs to her lips.
Their mouths parted, and he huffed her name into the hot air between them. It was a match that set her ablaze. She intended to engulf him, so she kissed him harder. She wrapped her arms around the boy’s neck and drew him in close to her, wobbling between standing on her toes and back onto her heels.  
Sensing her imbalance, Inuyasha tugged her by the waist to steady them both, but it had searing consequences as her body pressed into his. He heard her react with a sharp inhale and he hissed in response to her. So this is what happened when you got close to the sun, huh? He wasn’t melting, but he was burning everywhere they touched, and she scorched her way through him like a wildfire. They were moving so quickly his mind was whirling.
Kagome tilted her head, and Inuyasha felt the foreign sensation of her wet tongue swiping against his lip.
“Holy shit,” he cursed, and Kagome immediately pulled back startled.
“Sorry! I don’t—”
“No, it’s fine,” he muttered with winded effort. He took a moment to breathe, noticing Kagome’s chest similarly took deep rises and falls. The reality of what had just occurred between them settled in his mind. He wasn’t sure what to do next, but he wanted to continue.
“Was I… Did I go too fast or do something wrong?” She sounded so out of breath that his head spun.
“’Course you did nothing wrong,” he whined, putting his face in his hand and closing his eyes. He was more turned on than he’d ever imagined possible, and it was making him dizzy. “Just surprised me there.”
“Oh,” Kagome finally squeaked in response. She self-consciously folded in one herself.
He peaked through his fingers at the girl only to see her looking shyly down at the ground. Her kissed lips were set in a puffy little pout and her cheeks were a warm pink. Inuyasha groaned. She was beautiful and he was such a sap for her.
He was devastatingly in love with her. And he kissed her! And she kissed him back! And more!
He was having a hard time believing this was real.
“Maybe we did go kinda fast,” he admitted. He just couldn’t wrap his head around this whole thing. When did his life make a 180? Was he dreaming? When did his dreams ever get this good?
“Sorry,” Kagome mumbled.
Inuyasha sighed and lowered his hand. “Quit apologizing.” He tucked his finger under her chin to get him to look at her,  but found the vulnerability behind her eyes almost too much to bear. He swallowed to fight the blush staining his face. “Just… gimme a sec, okay?”
Kagome nodded into his hand. He moved his face forward and pressed his forehead against hers, feeling her heat radiate against his skin. She was too much for him, he knew. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself down—mind and body. He felt Kagome do the same, slowly relaxing into regular breaths.
This is real…
Delicately shifting, he pressed his lips to hers again, feeling her seize and then press into him. The awkwardness set back in, but they pushed through it and felt it out until it slowly melted away. He felt her exhales as sweet, warm puffs of air. They stayed like that for a while until Inuyasha took his hand and slid it to hold her cheek. He opened his mouth slightly and tilted his head to deepen their kiss. Kagome followed suit, letting him set the pace. They kept going, pushing lips together, adjusting, readjusting, and getting comfortable.
He felt her adorable eager little jump as he pulled her face closer, her hand coming up to grasp his shirt in a steadying motion. It was a swift pump to his ego to know she wanted this and was probably holding back.
He was getting turned on all over again, but it wasn’t as sudden as before. He took his time adjusting to each step forward, but Kagome didn’t make it all that easy with little gasps and the sweetest taste he’d ever experienced.
He’d always thought kissing was a gross concept. He wasn’t keen on saliva or using tongues, but the instant he felt hers on his lips he was convinced it was more than okay. Sure, it shocked him, but it felt good. Too good, at that moment, but now… Now he enjoyed the slight pressure of her sucking on his bottom lip, and the tease of her teeth as she did so. He enjoyed doing the same, shocking sensations prickling his spine with each new discovery. She was infinitely patient and understanding, letting him set their pace, and following suit.
Tentatively, Inuyasha sucked in a breath and dared to sweep his tongue against Kagome’s lips. He felt her eagerly part her mouth, inviting him to try again. This time he had taken the lead, but tremors still passed through his body as he tasted her, yet he was determined for more. She moved her arms up to wrap around his neck and pull him down. She must have been standing on her toes for a long time, he remembered. Kagome was petite, and he was over a foot taller if he stood up straight.
Ideas flash in his mind—making out on the floor, on a couch, him lifting her up to the counter… Oh damn. So much for calming down.
He grabbed her hips and moved her back just a bit, away from his lower body. It was achingly difficult to do so, since every part of him was screaming for contact with her.
She broke their kiss with a gasp.
“I should maybe think about getting home soon.”
A little more than dazed, Inuyasha did his best to recalibrate his brain. He felt the blood slowly making its way back there, but for now all his thoughts were hazy. Kagome. Home. Her house.
“And I should also still wash up my face.”
She giggled then, likely because he was still in a hormone-induced stupor. “I’ll be right back,” she assured him with a quick kiss to his cheek that left him feeling tingly. Then she was off to his bathroom.
As the door clicked shut and the buzzing sound of the restroom light came on, Inuyasha blinked himself back to reality. And it hit him hard enough that he had to sit down. He replayed the whole night in his head, wondering how the hell he’d gotten to this point. It was another miserable Friday punctuating a shitty week of dodging her at school. He got home feeling like garbage, only appreciating the weekend as a reprieve from having Kagome’s scent peppered in the air of the hallways and classrooms. His apartment was the one place he could lock himself away and not be haunted by her. But then the buzz came from the gate, and then her broken voice pleaded through the phone.
He came down just to end it once and for all. No more texts. He’d just have to scare her off and be done with it, but she was stubborn. She’d never let him push her around, so why did he expect her to let him push her away without a fight? She clung to him, dug into him, broke his resolve with her sad and angry tears. She’d missed him too. What did he do to deserve her?
A whine pushed its way past his throat, just in time for Kagome to walk out of the bathroom and shoot him a concerned look.
“You okay?”
It was weird, seeing her in his apartment like this, so casually as if she belonged there. She did, as far as he was concerned.
Filled with a new sense of determination and longing, he stood up resolutely and made his way to her. Before she could ask another question, he scooped her up in his arms and kissed her fully on the mouth. She gave an initial squeak of shock, but quickly accepted the new position, once again putting her arms around him.
“I missed you,�� he admitted quickly before his unfounded resolve melted away.
“I just washed my face,” she teased as he lowered her back to her feet.
Incredulous he stammered, “That’s not what I—!”
“I know,” she interrupted. Kagome smiled, and Inuyasha’s annoyance vanished. “You don’t have to miss me anymore.”
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