#but i felt bad for taking too long on my current request so please enjoy this one to tide you over
recurring-polynya · 5 months
Hello! Long time lurker. I've really enjoyed reading your work and especially love Heart is a Muscle and the way you characterise all the different relationships in it! My ask is how do you think Byakuya finds out about RenRuki. I feel like it would be one of those moments where subconsciously he'd see it coming but at the same time still be caught of guard and manage to be very Byakuya about it.
This was one of those where I wasn't quite sure if it was an ask or a fic request, but the fact is I have an old chunk of story sitting around that addresses this very question. I guess I intended to someday throw this into some post-Heart is a Muscle story, and maybe I still will, but who knows if I'm ever going to get there, so you can have it now. Takes place after everyone gets home from the Blood War (where Rukia and Renji had to confess to each other in the middle of bankai training because I thought it would be cool it was weighing on their hearts)
(I wrote this in 2019 and gave it only light edits)
| read on ao3 | request guidelines |
⚔️ 🕶️ 💕
The sun was starting to go down when Kuchiki Byakuya arrived at Practice Field #3. On a normal day, work hours would be long over, although one might find an industrious officer out in this part of the division grounds, training on their own, or a few of the younger ones playing a game of pick-up football. Tonight, it was quiet.
It had been nine days since Kurosaki Ichigo had defeated Yhwach.
A young human girl was perched on the fence surrounding the field, chatting animatedly with Byakuya's ridiculous adjutant, who snapped to attention when he sensed the approach of his commanding officer.
"Good evening, sir!" Abarai Renji barked. "Thank you for agreeing to this! I hope you don't mind, but I asked Inoue Orihime to come."
The girl hopped off the fence and bowed deeply. "Hello, again, Captain Kuchiki, sir!"
"Worried that I won't hold back?" Byakuya asked with a coolly raised eyebrow.
"Oh, I know you won't," Renji replied. "She's here so that I don't hold back."
Byakuya guffawed, and one side of his mouth quirked up. "Congratulations, Lieutenant. You've finally managed to say something humorous."
"You feeling good today, sir?" Renji asked, just a tinge of concern in his voice. "You feeling up for this?"
"I am fully recovered, thank you," Byakuya sniffed. "Yourself?"
"Feelin' good, sir."
"Then let us begin."
"Oh, one last thing, Captain. Would you mind leaving your scarf with Orihime, here? I wouldn't wanna get my blood all over another one."
"Truly, Lieutenant, you are on a roll today," Byakuya noted, unwinding the scarf from his neck and draping it around Orihime's.
"Oooh, it's so light!" Orihime cooed. "It's like nothing!"
"I'll tell Kurosaki to get you one for your birthday," Renji teased.
"Are you ready now?" Byakuya demanded.
"Yep, enough stallin'. Let's do this."
Orihime hopped back up on the fence and called up a shield in front of herself. "Good luck, Renji!" she called.
Abarai shot her a wink and took up his position on the field.
Byakuya placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, but did not draw it.
Abarai drew his and silently released into shikai. He bounced lightly on the balls of his feet. "Might wanna release, sir."
"I shall be the judge of that."
Renji gave a little nod. "As y'like. BANKAI!"
It was common knowledge that Abarai had unlocked a second level to his bankai in the Royal Realm. Byakuya was looking forward to seeing it actually, but he wasn't particularly concerned about it.
Byakuya knew quite a bit about zanpakutou and their releases. It did happen occasionally that a sword would reveal itself in stages, but it tended to retain its essential character.
Hihiou Zabimaru was an excellent bankai, powerful and versatile. It required immense spiritual pressure, iron concentration and significant amount of mental bookkeeping, Byakuya was given to understand. It had served Abarai well in his ill-advised hijinks up until now, but the fact was, it would not be truly formidable until Abarai himself had another half-century or so under his belt. It was too bulky, too finicky, too fragile. There was no other way to master bankai like that, only experience. Byakuya knew a quite bit about bankai like that, himself.
Abarai launched himself at his captain, blade swinging.
Byakuya went to shikai as he drew his zanpakutou, petals pouring forth from his sheath and forming a shield in front of him.
Abarai's blade sliced right through it.
Byakuya flash-stepped away, sweeping Senbonzakura's blades into a more solid foundation, only to find them knocked out of the way by a giant skeletal hand. Another flash step, another regrouping, and Abarai was there again.
Suddenly, it dawned on him. Hihio Zabimaru had been a joke. A prank. A giant, heavy, impossible-to-use freight train that Abarai had taken in stride, as he did every other misfortune that fate heaped upon him. It was a shadow, an echo of Abarai's real bankai.
So-oh Zabimaru also took immense spiritual pressure to summon, that much was still true. But the bulk, the unwieldy mass was gone. It was as if though Abarai's new spiritual armor was plugged directly into his spinal column. It moved with him weightlessly, astonishingly fast.
Something else had changed, too. Something about Abarai's spiritual pressure. It was more unified, more focused, more together. For the first time out of the many, many times Byakuya had fought his lieutenant, he did not feel like he was being attacked by an angry, flailing youth, but that he was facing a worthy adversary.
Byakuya was being pressed harder and harder to defend against Abarai's assault.
And the fact was, he was not fine.
The injuries inflicted on him by As Nodt were grievous. He was lucky to be alive, and if it weren't for Kirinji's healing springs, he probably wouldn't even be able to summon his zanpakutou. His soul was damaged, and although he had made a miraculous recovery, he was not completely made whole. His speed was close to what it once was, and his bond with Senbonzakura was as strong as ever, but his power and endurance were greatly compromised. He could go to bankai if needed, but it was extremely taxing, and Shuukei Hakuteiken was, at the moment, out of his reach.
He thought it wouldn't matter.
Abarai had never even come close to beating him.
Abarai wouldn't notice such a weakness and furthermore, was too sentimental to exploit such a--
He had brought Inoue.
Abarai knew exactly what he was doing.
“BANKAI!” Byakuya called out.
Abarai smirked. “You shouldna let me get that head start, Captain.”
"Renji, he's waking up!"
The world swam into view, tinted orange.
"Hey, Captain!" Abarai's grating bark rang out. "How you feel?"
"I feel fine," Byakuya snapped, starting to sit up.
"Lie down please, I'm almost done, but not quite," Orihime said firmly.
Byakuya put his head back down on the ground, and replayed the last few moments of the fight in his head.
Abarai had come out aggressively, going to bankai immediately. He had never allowed Byakuya to gain a solid footing, and pulled out his strongest attack, which Byakuya had never seen, as soon as he possibly could. Byakuya hadn’t even been able to get a good look at it, he only had the impression of fangs before becoming completely overwhelmed. Abarai, who knew his attack patterns, who knew that it took him a minute or two to work up a full head of steam, had bet everything he had on defeating Byakuya immediately and it had worked.
It had been a rout, an utter humiliation.
Byakuya could still beat his adjutant, surely, but he could no longer plow him over with superior strength, and certainly not in his degraded condition. He was going to need to think up counterstrategies. And some of them were not going to work.
He looked down at his chest and realized that his shihakushou had been sliced from shoulder to hip, and was soaked, absolutely drenched with blood.
"You didn't cut me in half, did you?" he sneered.
"No, you were definitely all still, um, attached," Renji clarified.
"Not by much, though," Orihime mumbled.
Renji nudged her firmly in the shoulder.
Orihime waved her hands, and the healing bubble collapsed into nothingness. "All done!"
Abarai held out a hand. With a twinge of reluctance, Byakuya took it, and let the younger man haul him to his feet.
Orihime scrambled up, pulling the scarf over her head, and offered it back. "Thanks for letting me watch! That was a really fun fight! You're both so, so strong and it's so much nicer when no one actually wants to kill each other."
"Hey, we don't wanna keep everyone waiting, right, 'Hime?" Renji said, glancing sideways at his captain. "We got dinner plans, everyone's leavin' tomorrow."
"Yes, Rukia mentioned it," Byakuya replied dryly.
"You okay to--"
"Stop checking on me, you fool. I have said I am well and I dislike repeating myself."
Renji nodded quickly. "Thanks for the fight, sir. I'll see you in the morning."
Three hours later, Byakuya sat in his office.
He was thinking.
He was thinking about the current state of the Gotei 13, the captain-less squads, the loss of highly seated officers. He was thinking about his Third Seat, who had never exactly been lieutenant material and was currently on medical leave after having his sword-arm completely reconstructed.
Byakuya looked up at the sound of the door opening.
"Uh, hi, Captain," Abarai said, clearly surprised to see him. "What are you doing here so late?"
"This is my office, is it not?" Byakuya snapped.
"Well, sure," Abarai replied, walking over to his own desk. "I left my sunglasses here," he explained, sticking them on top of his head.
"It's dark out," Byakuya pointed out.
"I'll need 'em in the morning," Renji shrugged. He frowned thoughtfully, then pulled open his filing cabinet and withdrew a folder. "Speaking of which, I was gonna give you this tomorrow, but as long as we're both here..."
He crossed the room and extended it.
Gingerly, Byakuya took it, then squinted at the notation on the tab. "Strongly Worded Letters to the Management of Squad 11?"
Abarai's eyes widened. "Oh, no, that was just to keep people from poking around. It's actually...well, it's pretty obvious what it is," he finished lamely.
"You aren't ready,"' Byakuya snarled.
"Yes, your new bankai is very powerful, it is true. But just because you have run roughshod over a few enemies with it hardly means you're ready to strike out on your own. You need more training, more control. A bankai like that can land you in hot water as well as it can save you. Furthermore, there's a shortage of competent lieutenants, it would be foolhardy indeed for you to set forth without experienced backup, and don't tell me you're even thinking of the Seventh. I have heard how you and Lieutenant Iba are when you two are unsupervised."
Abarai's face was twisted in utter befuddlement. "Sir, what are you talking about?"
Byakuya flipped the folder open and stared at the neat stack of papers within. "This isn't an Intent to Test for the Captains' Exam," he said, taken aback.
Renji made a choking noise. "No, sir! Cripes, sir, I just got a new bankai, why would I leave? I need you to help me learn to use it. An' I wouldn't leave you, anyway, not while you're still, you know. From the As Nodt thing. Also, who the hell wants to be captain of anywhere but the Sixth?" His voice rose steadily in both volume and pitch as he babbled.
"There is no need to shout, Lieutenant," Byakuya frowned, looking down again at the stack of papers.
It was a copy of form RHCA-48-006-C, an application to become a Family-Approved Suitor.
Stupidly, Byakuya's eyes drifted over the names written into the form's blank spaces. "With the submission of this form, Abarai Renji, Assistant Captain of the Sixth Division of the Gotei 13," (did he really need to write all that out? It barely fit in the space) "requests the approval of the Kuchiki family to court Lady Kuchiki Rukia, Assistant Captain of the Thirteenth and First Daughter of the Kuchiki."
Byakuya sat in the garden, on the bench near the koi pond. His brain was chasing about in aimless circles, much like the fish in the pond.
He looked up from the water. His sister was still dressed, despite the late hour. Byakuya recalled that she had been out earlier with Abarai and their human friends. Her hair and makeup was different from the way she wore it for formal events, sharper, wilder. It seemed surreal that parts of the city had been reduced to dust, while others had come through virtually untouched. That despite it all, life continued on.
"Are you alright?" Rukia asked, her brow creased with worry.
Byakuya smiled at her gently, affectionately. He thought about the great lengths he had once gone to protect her from the world, and now she, a woman with one of the most beautiful and deadly bankai he had ever seen, was fussing over him.
"I am fine, Rukia," he reassured her. "Will you sit with me?"
He had expected her to perch at the other end of the bench, a nervous bird, always ready to take flight. Instead, she sat close to him, and with an egregious disregard for propriety, took one of his hands between her own, holding it in her lap. "Renji's sorry, you know. He thought he should have waited another week or two, but I said--"
"He should not be,” Byakuya said stiffly. “Another week or two would have made no difference. I do not wish to speak of it further."
"Did you have something to eat--"
"Did you know that my lieutenant is in love with you?"
It was dark, so he couldn't see if Rukia's cheeks turned pink, but he did catch the shy smile that crossed her lips before she turned her face away self-consciously. Long ago, he had caused her normally unflappable sister to make that face once, maybe twice. It was possibly his greatest achievement.
"He, ah, mentioned something to that effect the other day,"
Byakuya was fairly certain that Abarai wouldn't have proceeded without Rukia's buy-in, but he felt it prudent to double-check. "I take it you... reciprocate?"
She made a pleased little hum. "He only happened to mention it at all because I had just told him that I was in love with him."
Byakuya often enjoyed whimsically deriding his ridiculously hardworking and absurdly devoted adjutant, even more so in the presence of his sister, whose affection for the man had long been obvious, if not the degree of it. But he couldn't bring himself to make jokes, not right now.
"You do not need my permission to take up with him romantically," he pointed out. "You and I have had a long-standing agreement, that as long as you were discreet about it--"
"Renji and I don't want that," Rukia interrupted. "I mean, we do. We do want to take up romantically." She made an odd face at having to say the phrase out loud. "But you're very important to both of us. We wanted you to know. We… wanted you to approve."
Byakuya glanced over at the young woman who he had adopted so many years ago, and yet, had only recently become his sister. She was, in so many ways, much like himself in his youth. Brash. Stubborn. Willful. Too brilliant by half. Byakuya adjusted his hand in hers, and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"You know I am a sentimental fool," he began, and Rukia turned to look at him again with an expression he couldn't quite parse. "I think it is embarrassingly obvious how fond I am of both of you."
Emotion broke over Rukia's face. "It is not, Brother," she tried to scold him, though her voice cracked at the end.
"He hardly deserves you," Byakuya went on.
Rukia rolled her eyes. "The two of you are so--"
"But at least he acknowledges that, and seeks to remedy it," Byakuya ignored her. "I shall be watching closely to make sure he does not become complacent, but if he continues on his current trajectory, he may eventually become worth your affection."
"So, are you going to approve his stupid form?" Rukia asked.
"That," replied Byakuya, "is a different matter."
"Oh," Rukia said softly.
"Becoming a Family-Approved Suitor has nothing to do with whether or not I like him. It is an opening of negotiations, a proof of suitability for marriage. Surely, you two don't…" He trailed off when he saw Rukia looking away again.
"We've only just started figuring this out," she admitted. "But it's not...out of the question."
"Oh," Byakuya replied. He'd always had the distinct impression that his sister had little interest in matrimony, although he knew as well as anyone the difference the "who" of the equation could make.
"That presents...a difficulty," he admitted. "The Family would not take it well. They already think I have been too selfish in these matters.”
“That’s so short-sighted,” Rukia muttered. “So he doesn’t have much money or a name that goes six generations back. He’s got bankai. He’s incredibly strong. The family hasn’t even produced anyone who can pass the vice-captain’s exam in the last hundred years.”
"You misunderstand me, Sister," he clarified. "Bringing Abarai into the family would be a tremendous benefit to me, personally. I lack for neither money nor familial pedigree. The only thing I lack is a family line. A young man of immense spiritual pressure, with no family ties of his own, and an inexplicably fierce loyalty to myself would be of great benefit to our line and perhaps to our family as a whole. It would not be very advantageous to those who are jostling to prove themselves the best among a number of poor choices. The family has not been to war in a long time, and many forget how important it is to maintain our strength. I have not forgotten.”
Rukia’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t name him…”
Byakuya made a horrified face. “Of course not.” He frowned. “Not for the family. But the Captain of the Sixth need not also be the head of the family. I told the Head Captain a year ago he was the only one I trusted to replace me in that regard, although I doubted my posthumous opinion would be respected. I suppose I should tell Kyouraku the same. This would make things a bit smoother, I suppose.” He was quiet for a moment. “I will need to think on this. I might.... I might need to talk to Grandfather. I… will do what I can.”
Rukia eased her hand from his, and slid her arms around his waist and leaned into his side. “Thank you, Brother. I love you.”
Byakuya closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He hardly deserved her, either. He pulled one arm out of her hug and rested it gently around her shoulder. “Thank you, Rukia,” he said softly. Another deep breath. “I love you, too.”
Her only response was to hug him just the teeniest bit harder.
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tbaluver · 10 days
Hey (●’◡’●)ノ I really love your works and want to request a short/long story about lads guys reaction when they found out mc/reader has a high s*x drive and she's embarrassed about it ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧
It's okay if u don't want to ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
I'll understand
P. S: I love youuuu ❤❤❤
If You Had A High Libido- The Love And DeepSpace Men
parings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader genre: MDNI, 18+, suggestive content, oral reader receiving, head canons/ reactions + small smut scenarios a/n: hihi anonnie! i'm so happy to hear you love my works and i hope this was okay lmk ! if not this doesn't exist okay ദ്ദി ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ ) sorry it's taking me a while to write and post stuff i'm currently studying and it's taking up most of my time (っ- ‸ - ς) anyways i hope you enjoy reading ! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ p.s i love you too cutie ! your emoticons are soso cute i love them !! (づ๑•ᴗ•๑)づ♡ any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy!
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poor baby was so confused on why you wanted to go for so many rounds. he thought he wasn't doing enough for you until he asked and that's when you embarrassingly told him about your high libido
"But....do you feel good?" He asked, tilting his head curiously.
"So good, that I can't get enough of you" You whisper, leaning in to press your forehead against his before pressing a heated kiss on his lips.
Xavier is always there to please you whenever you need or wanted him too. He can handle pretty much anything. If he was tired after many rounds, he'll lie down on his back and let you ride him til you meet your sweet release again. He'll give you plenty of options. You can ride his face, his thigh, whatever you want until you were satisfied.
When he says he'll be there for you, he means it. When you were whimpering softly, desperately ignoring the heat growing down there as you try to go back to sleep. You didn't want to wake up your sleeping boyfriend but it seems he was already awake. You felt his arms snake around your waist as he pulls you closer to him.
"Would you like me to help you?" He knew you would be lying if you said no, even if he slides his hand in between your legs to find you practically soaking already. You bit your lip, feeling his hard erection against your ass.
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He didn't understand why you were so embarrassed about telling him. He knows and can read you so well. You can't hide anything from this man. He noticed the way you bit your lip when he licked off the excess ice cream on his fingers or when your thighs clenched when you watched him get dressed.
He would reassure you that having a high libido is natural to have and there is no "normal" sex drive.
"I can assure there is nothing to be embarrassed about having a high libido." He says, his voice remaining monotone as he adjusts his glasses. "Just tell me how I can help you."
He would not be irritated or bothered at all if you needed him. Although if he was busy with work then he'll make a couple arrangements to make sure he finishes his reports while you get your fill. He'll keep you seated on his lap and let you ride off his thigh or he'll keep a toy or his finger or two in you as he continues to finish his patient report with his other free hands.
He'll know what you want whenever you press your ass against him whenever you both cook or whenever you sit on his lap.
He slips a finger under your panties, pulling them down with ease. His cock was hard and he could feel your cunt soaking quickly. He settles you on top of the counter, slowly pushing his length inside of you. His pace starts off slow as your body hums in response.
“That’s it...just like that's my good girl”
The pot that was already cooking was probably close to burning as you two were distracted meeting your sweet release.
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Oh, He loves it way more than he should and he uses this to his advantage to feed off his little praise kink. He just loves to hear his cutie need him so so bad. Hearing you beg and whine for him is like a siren's song to his ears, attracting him closer to you.
"What's wrong cutie?" He asks, tilting his head to the side as he tucks the stray hair behind your ear. You bury your head in his chest, too flustered to admit you wanted more, even after all the rounds you've done together.
"Want m-more" You murmur, your voice muffled against his chest. He chuckles softly, clearly amused, and continues to tease you while gently stroking your hair. "What's that? You need my dick again? Do you want me to fill you up princess?"
You respond by rolling your hips, grinding against him, hoping he would get the idea.
He'll fill you up everyday or whenever you need him too. He loves watching you beg and drip a mix of yours and his juices down your thighs every time as if you were in heat.
"Want me that much? Gonna fill you up so much." Feeling his cum ooze down your legs, his dick going impossibly deeper inside of you. Snapping his hips as whines escape your lips.
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“Satisfied baby?”
Your core ached for more and you silently debated on telling him. You knew if you told him you were satisfied, your vibrator or your hands can’t even compare what he does to please you. You rubbed your thighs together, trying to ease the ache that was forming in between them, not realizing Sylus notices this.
He leaned down, tracing kisses down your jawline, to your neck to grab your attention again. “Use your words baby.” He whispers hotly, his warm breath fanning against your skin.
"M-more Sy.."
It does not take him that long to get used to your high libido. If anything he can match your energy or do more. He'll keep going even if his stamina runs out, if it ever runs out.
Sometimes he's uses this to tease you. While he's away for a couple days, he'll send you pictures of his body. His shirt slightly lifted up to give you a tease of his abs and his v-line peeking above his waistband.
If he was feeling mean, he'll send you a mirror pic of his chiseled abdominal, and his carved v-line leading down to the girthiest dick you're familiar with or he'll send you a video of him stroking his dick to get you riled up. "Need my pretty girl to wrap her lips around it"
You're like a drug to him and he's addicted to you. He wants to spend as much time he has with you and he does not find you to be a bother if you were feeling needy when he was in his office.
He buries his head in your folds and you can feel his tongue in and out of you. You push your hips back to meet more of him as he reaches down with one hand to stroke himself. He groans into you, the vibrations bringing you closer to the edge. You reach down to play with your clit as he fucked you with his tongue.
He needed to be inside you as much as you want him to be.
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sttoru · 1 year
hai this isnt the same anon that initally requested it but i too would love to see brat! reader :3 maybe with gojo? <3
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⟣ sypnosis. satoru eating you out simply because you had been pushing his buttons for too long.
⟣ note. has been in my inbox for a while but i finally got the inspiration for it nyom nyom enjoy
⟣ tags. dom!gojo satoru x sub!female reader. smut. pwp (diving right into it), sprinkle of degredation, edging, cunnilingus, spanking, uhh hes eating it out from the back, pre-mature ejaculation almostttt, mention of creampie.
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“fuckin’ wet already, shit.”
satoru groans as his hands grasp at your hips, keeping your lower body in place — palm harshly making contact with your ass each time you tried to take away his view of your pussy lips spread out so nicely.
it had only been a minute since satoru’s switch was flipped; since he had enough of your games and placed you on your stomach, forcing your ass up like you asked for. you had been provoking him all afternoon — on purpose — to make him lose his temper. it was your own curiosity and stubbornness that led you to this current predicament;
you simply wanted to get a reaction out of your lover whilst he was busy checking some paper work for his upcoming mission. that reaction turned into your ass up in the air, panties down at your ankles, pretty cunny right in front of satoru’s face.
“‘toru, please — want you.” you still had the guts to beg him. satoru wasn’t taking any of it, not when he was already planning on how to take revenge on your earlier actions by edging you until you start to cry tears of frustration.
your lover flicks his finger against your wetness for a second. it felt like a pinch, yet you couldn’t help but be absolutely turned on by it. the slightest of touches made your sensitive body jolt. satoru’s hot breath on your gaping pussy was just adding to the overwhelming need to be eaten out;
“hmm. . i can tell you were touching yourself before this,” the white-haired man sighs, that exhale of air making you once again squirm — gaining another heavy slap to your left buttock, “sit still. i’m not repeating myself, baby.”
you try your best to keep your own (involuntary) reactions in check. maybe if you listened to satoru, he’d reward you by tasting your pussy. he was dying to do it — to put his tongue against you, use it in ways that were going to make you come undone in just a few seconds.
though, he also did want to punish you for messing with him. as much as he wanted to eat you out — bury his face in your folds and lap up your juices diligently.
“ohh? seems like you can listen to me now, huh?” satoru chuckles, seeing how you were trying so hard not to take matters into your own hands and push your hips back against his face, “if you had just behaved and listened to me earlier like you were doing right now, i probably would’ve eaten you out long time ago.”
“too bad ya decided to be a brat today.”
all you could do in that situation was whine and beg satoru in such a lewd tone that it got him gripping your hips tighter, almost leaving bruises by how hard he was trying to hold on to his current desire to edge you. to not give you what you want until you—
“satoru, please — i’m sorry. i need you, baby.” you moan and try to look over your shoulder at your lover. if your words weren’t convincing enough to make him forgive you, your pleading looks certainly will.
and you were right; that was his breaking point. to hear you moan out his name and the nickname ‘baby’ so erotically whilst also staring at him with those glimmering eyes of yours. . . he’s given up.
his mouth immediately latches onto your soaking cunt, sucking on it to relinquish in the taste of your wetness. his nose was buried between your pussy lips, skilled tongue working circles around your clit and below the bud — swallowing his own saliva which was mixed with your slick,
“mmph—fuck—you got me good this time.” he mutters whilst his eyes rolled back into his head from the way you were trying to ride the feeling of his tongue. his big hands held your hips down as he knelt behind you, keeping you from escaping even if the stimulation was becoming too much.
satoru could feel his cock stir in his trousers. it begged for a release - for a release deep inside your walls - the place his cum belongs. your loud moans and your round ass that jiggled slightly as you tried to grind against his tongue, made the sorcerer want to cum already.
“shiiit, yeah—show me that fucking ass.” satoru grunts once he feels you clench around nothing due to the feeling of his fingers digging into the fat of your ass. his mouth continues its magic on your dripping cunt, keeping your lips spread so his tongue could tease and dip the slightest bit into your throbbing entrance.
his own hips buck up into nothing—an automatic reaction to your needy whines and motions, along with the delicious taste of your tight little cunt. satoru could feel you shake, your noises of pleasure increasing — which could only be due to one thing;
“aht, aht. not yet,” your lover chuckles and pulls his mouth away last minute, before you could finish and hit your long-awaited release. you groan in frustration, though that only turned satoru on even more as he watched the sloppy mess around the skin of your pussy. a mixture of his saliva and your sticky wetness;
satoru could’ve sworn that he almost felt himself cum in his pants. if he hadn’t pulled back, he would’ve orgasmed right along with you — which he doesn’t want. he wants it to be with you and in you.
though, you’d still have to earn that latter. you’d have to earn your orgasm and his body if you wanted to get anything out of your current situation.
“did ya really think i forgot how much of a tease you were earlier?” satoru coos, almost in a condescending manner, his finger tracing your vulva slightly to keep you wanting more.
“how adorable of you.” he purrs before placing a soft kiss against your aching pussy — one that made it tingle and tighten up around nothing again.
it was in that moment that you knew: you weren’t going to catch a break tonight.
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jasperhaleobsessed · 10 months
Dancing with the Cowboy
Jasper Hale x GN reader (requested by anon)
Notes: Sorry this took me forever I've been preparing for the holidays and school's been a bit stressful the last week or two. Thank You so much for your patience! :) This is my first x reader fic so please be nice! Posted this by accident oops! But it's fine it was practically done anyways! Not heavily edit sorry in advanced! Hope you still like it! :)
Warnings: None, pure fluff
Word count: 853
Tagging some mutuals/friends cause I need some love since this is my first x reader fic! @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @twilightsaga123412 @nobody0805 @naolvshan
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You smiled to yourself as you popped in your ear buds. It was finally your 'me' time in the day. And to say the least today was exhausting and you needed some music in your life. Excitement rushed through your veins, it was finally time to listen to your favorite album and your favorite artist. You were bubbling with excitement, you just couldn’t wait. You unlocked your phone and tapped on your music app. You scrolled until you found your favorite album. Reputation by Taylor Swift. Out of her discography rep was most definitely your favorite and the best out of her other albums in your honest opinion. It was different and unique from the rest of her work that’s what made it special. Of course the rest of her discography was amazing but this album held a special place in your heart. 
This album always pumped you up. It always brought a smile to your face when you were down. When you were sad it made everything better. They say books can take you to magical places but in your case it wasn’t a book, It was Reputation and any of Taylor Swift’s music. Her music was magical in your eyes, her lyrics were like poetry, they’re beautiful. They’re amazing. It’s what got you through the good and bad. But it wasn’t just her music that helped a certain cowboy, helped as well. You blush at the thought of your boyfriend, he always had this effect on you. You tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, smiling at the thought of your boyfriend. You also couldn’t help but feel excited to see him in the next 30 minutes. Currently it is 2:30 and he said he’d be at your place at 3:00. So you have about 30 minutes to listen to tswift and relax. This sounded perfect. You headed towards your room, you twisted the doorknob and flicked the lightswitch. 
Once you stepped into your room you plopped onto your soft, comfy bed. You hit play on Reputation and the first track started to play …Ready for it? The song started to play and after a minute you couldn’t help but move from your bed. It was a difficult move since your covers and pillows were ever so soft and comforted you greatly. But suddenly you were in the mood for a little dance even if you weren’t the best, at the end of the day it was all about having fun. You started to shuffle your feet, a giggle escaped your lips as you continued to shake your hips trying to match the rhythm of the song. Dancing hasn’t always been your forte and you haven’t always enjoyed it but when you're alone and not judged by others it feels good. It also helped you were listening to rep. Suddenly you felt a strong arms wrap around your waist. You squealed in surprise. And you may or may not be very, very ticklish. You whipped your head around to meet a pair of golden eyes. You put a hand over your heart, it raced fast. 
You swat his arm, “You scared the crap out of me Jazz.” He chuckled at your response. “Sorry Darlin’ didn’t mean to startle ya.” He smiled dazzlingly at you. 
You pulled your earbuds out of your ears to hear him better. You quickly pause your music and toss your phone on your bed. You admired his smile, you could never stay mad at him long. 
You shake your head and a small smile graces your face. “I thought you said you wouldn’t be here until 3:00?” You question, raising your eyebrow. 
“Sorry darlin’ I missed you too much.” 
“You just saw me like an hour ago, you know!” 
“Well excuse me darlin’ but I missed you and I’ll take any chance to see you.” You smiled at him like a dork. You blushed and closed the gap between the two of you. You pressed your lips against his cold ones. It made you shiver and yet it was a wonderful feeling. A warm feeling blossomed in your chest as you kissed him. You pulled away and giggled, you looked up at him and you couldn't help but look deep into his honey eyes. He smiled warmly at you, and caressed your cheek. “I also may or may not have felt that you're a bit exhausted and I wanted to do anything to help ya.”
Your heart melts, it's official you have the sweetest boyfriend. “Aww thank you Jasper, that is so sweet and considerate of you. I love you.” He beams and you lean in and hug him tightly. 
“May I have this dance?” You smiled at him and took his hand. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and pressed play. The beat of lover came on, it was one of your favorites. 
He wrapped his arms around your waist and you rested your hand on his chest. You both swayed together and danced to the slow beat. 
You felt glad he came over. He always came when you needed him. It really helped that he could feel what you felt, it may or may not have come in handy at times. He has this wonderful talent of taking away your worries and making everything better. He had the best hugs and always knew the right words to say He really was the perfect boyfriend.
The End. 
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oh-puffle-cakes19 · 2 years
You and Tom or Peter have sex but he didn’t know you was a virgin until you bled and he felt bad not knowing as he would’ve been more carful. Lots of after care after.
Anything For My Princess
Pairing - Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - You are a virgin, while Peter has more experience. You are embarrassed about it, therefore you have sex with Peter without telling him that You are a virgin!
Warnings - Smut 18+ (Loss of virginity, bleeding, Praise kink, Protected sex) 
A/N - Thank you for requesting, hope you enjoy! Much appreciation to the love and support 🥰
P.S requests are currently closed at the moment, if you send one in. Please note that it will probably not get done for a long time. I am writing all my requests up at the moment, that I have now.
“Get on the bed baby,” Peter squeezed your thigh as you whimper, you go on the plushie bed. 
“Let me have a taste of that pussy, Darling,” Peter smirked as he tugged your skirt up, “Your not wearing any panties, Mm such a naughty girl! Baby,”
“Peter,” You moaned as his tongue hit your clit, up and down flicking its way down your pussy.
Peter suckles on the sensitive nerves, having your hips jolt up, he pushes your hips down.
“Be a good girl for me, baby,” Peter slipped a finger into you, “That’s it, baby! Such a good girl,” As he puts another finger into you.
“God, so fucking tight!” Peter grunted as he finger fucks your walls, you didn’t let out a key detail that you are indeed a virgin.
“Mm, feel so good! Peter, please Fuck me!” Wanting it over with, you really wanted to feel his cock into your pussy.
“Be patient, I’m going to make you cream all over my tongue and fingers,” Peter hushed you as he put his tongue on your clit again.
Going deep down your region, “Peter, more! Fuck, I’m going to cum! Pls make me cum,” You screamed as you came.
Peter moaned into your pussy, riding out your high as he puts a condom on! 
“Such a good girl, for me. Aren’t you? Princess,” Peter whispers into your ear as he makes you sit down on his lap.
“Awe, does the baby want my cock?” Peter smirks, you nod, “Yes please, please fuck me!” You feel your core getting more wet as Peter teased your entrance.
Peter moves you on your back, so he can get a better position into fucking you. He can feel your pussy creaming up around him.
“Going to fuck you good and hard, Darling!” Peter promised, you was way too into it before you could tell him your a virgin.
Peter pushes his large, cock into your little hole, “Awe, do you like that?” Peter kisses you as you moan. He does let you adjust to his cock for a few seconds.
“Yes, I love it Peter,” You moan into the kiss, Peter slams his hips into yours as you roll your eyes back.
“Mm, So fucking Good!” You whimper out, Peter took that as a sign that he isn’t hurting you.
He opens your legs a bit more, holding you securely as he slides his large, Harding cock in and out of your tight, slit.
“Taking my cock, so we’ll! Baby, such a good girl,” Peter grunted, pushing deeper and harder into your pretty, little tight core.
He takes one hand and massages your boob for comfort as he fucks you into the bed.
“Yes, Mm love your cock, Petey!” You moaned out, barely getting any words out!
“You close baby?” Peter sees the signs as your close, your pussy clutching around him more and your cute face all scrunched up.
“Mm, Peter,” You nodded, “I’m gonna,” You moaned, “I’m gonna cum,”
“Cum for me, Princess!” Peter rubbed your tummy and boob as he fucks you through your high.
When he feels you cum, it sends his cock to release his own high too.
“You good? Baby,” Peter asked, kissing you on your pretty, lips, “Yh,” You smiled.
Peter pulled out, but as he was doing that. He gasped, “We’re you a virgin, Darling?” asking softly, as he looks really guilty.
Peter sees blood over his sheets, where you lay.
You nod as you let a few tears slip out, “I’m sorry,”
“No, no Darling! It’s ok, your ok, You should of told me, I’m so sorry! I didn’t even release,” Peter explained, holding you into his arms.
“I was going to but I got scared,” You whispered, “As your so experienced and I’m not, I guess it was embarrassing to mention,”
“Baby, I’m sorry! I didn’t know you felt like that.. I would of gone much more careful and gentle with you,” Peter kisses the top of your forehead, wiping the tears away from your eyes, “You lay there and I’ll sort everything out, ok?”
“Ok,” You whimper, nodding.
Peter got up to change into a new pair of clothes, to get you some clothes and even brand new bed covers.
“Sh, Sh, Darling! It’s ok,” Peter got an idea, “Do you want me to run you a nice, hot bath?” He suggests as your still naked.
“That would be nice,” You nodded.
Peter went into the bathroom to quickly pour you a bath with bubbles and your favourite scent. Feeling bad about not knowing that you was a virgin!
“The bath is ready, can I pick you up?” Peter asks, “yep, Petey,” You giggle as he lifts you up.
Placing you into the bath, Peter smiles.
“You coming in?” You pout..
“I will if you want me to, Darling,” he states.
You tug his hand into the bath suggesting to come in or else.
“Ok, ok,” Peter chuckles, undressing himself as he slips in behind you.
You sigh into relieve as you lean against Peter’s warm, toned, chest.
“Your really, comfortable,” You giggle, “Do you want me to wash you, Baby?” He asked as he peppers kisses all along your shoulders and collarbone.
“Yh, that would be heavenly,” You mumble, closing your eyes and taking into Peter’s embrace around your waist.
“Anything for my princess!” Peter whispers, Kissing your cheek as he starts work on your back with your sponge and (fave) soap.
“Mm, That tickles! Petey,” You giggle, forgetting all about the pain down there.
“My bad,” Peter chuckles, “It’s fun to tickle you, my love,” he has a cheeky, grin on him.
“I don’t know what, your grinning about,” You shook your head, you can feel his smile against your wet skin.
“You look so beautiful,” Peter mumbles, leading yet another trail of kisses along your skin.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Parker!” You winked, teasing him.
“Let me, wash your hair,” Peter grabbed the shampoo, scrubbing it against into your scalp as you hummed contently.
“Feels relaxing,” You mumble, smiling, “I would hope so!” Peter smiles.
Soon after, he rinsed it off and put conditioner on, “Hey, please don’t ever feel like you can’t say anything to me again! Because honestly, you can and I’m so sorry that you thought couldn’t tell me that you was a virgin,” Peter rambled on.
“Peter, it’s ok! Your looking after me aren’t you?” You lean into him more as he rinses the conditioner off your head, “Yh because I love you so much, Darling,” Peter blushed saying those words.
“Your so sweet, Peter Parker!” You turn around to kiss him right on his lips, passionately, “And I love you so much too, Petey,” You say in between kisses.
After you bath, Peter got out first to wrap a towel around you and empty the bath.
He gave you his clothes to wear seeing that you love them because they are so comfortable.
Then he changes his bed covers, putting them in the wash.
“Here, Baby,” Peter smiles, giving you painkillers to ease the pain between your legs, “Thanks,”
He got in bed with you, you snuggle into him as he covers you both up.
“Your so warm and cozy,” you sigh into his embrace.
“You too, Princess,” Peter kisses your forehead, he turns on the tv for you to watch Netflix.
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daydream-cement · 2 years
hi, i have a solicitus from larissa weems x master elf reader smut, where the reader is nice to all people including morticia addams and larissa gets jealous (english is not my first language)
Remember Who You Belong To
Larissa Weems x f!reader (NSFW)
Authors Note: I hope I understood the prompt correctly :) This is my take on it.
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“It’s so nice to meet you too! You know Larissa has told me so much about you.” You grinned widely as you spoke to the dark haired woman in front of you. Larissa Weems had spoken about Morticia Addams before, but it was typically due to their strained relationship.
“Oh? I hope it’s all bad.” Morticia winked at you and you returned the gesture by smiling with your teeth. You didn’t think much of the interaction. You were actually wondering where Larissa had gotten to. It was her 15th class reunion and you had accompanied her.
“Oh not at all. She was just telling me about the one time you-” You began your next thought, but Larissa cut you off. Approaching you from behind, placing her hands on your shoulders.
“Y/n, I left something out in the car and I was hoping you could accompany me to retrieve it.” Your eyes move up to her and you feel yourself shift side to side excitedly.
“Of course! Whatever you need!” You turn to her and take her arm, waving goodbye to Morticia, “Great meeting you!”
Larissa was quiet on the way to the car, but you kept glancing up at her with a smile as you walked. When you get there, Larissa opens the door to the backseat and motions for you to get in, “After you.”
You didn’t question her, but you were a little confused as you thought you were here to retrieve something. You slide into the backseat and she slides in after you, pulling the door shut once she was inside.
The car was dark, but you could faintly see Larissa from the street light that was a few cars down. Her hands reach out and take your face, drawing you in for a searing kiss. She guides you to straddle her lap without her lips leaving yours. You didn’t quite understand what spurred her current mood, but you certainly didn’t want to question a good time.
Larissa pulled away, her forehead resting against yours, “I saw how you were talking to Morticia. Do you need a reminder of who you belong to?”
You smile, knowing that you don’t need a reminder and you certainly wouldn’t want to be with anyone else. You knew, however, that Larissa would love to give you a reminder, so you obliged her, “Yes, please.”
“Good girl.” Larissa purred before pulling you in to another kiss. She allowed you to enjoy more time kissing on her lap. Your hands on her cheeks, keeping her close. Your kisses grew more impassioned and desperate.
Larissa pushed against your leg, signaling for you to get off her lap. She wanted you in the seat next to her. Car sex was certainly a clumsy activity, but you could feel Larissa’s need to fuck you from the way she grabbed your thighs and pushed apart your legs. God, she love when you wore a dress.
Larissa settled half onto the floor, half on the backseat, her legs far too long for this activity. She pulled your panties off to the side and wasted no time diving between your legs to lick your clit. You knew you would please her as you began moaning her name, “Larissa… Larissa… Larissa!”
Larissa’s fingers moved your cunt, two fingers slipping inside of you. She pulled her mouth away from you, her teeth instead moving to nip the inside of your thigh as she fingered you, “Yes, fuck me…”
“Good girl…”
Fifteen minutes later, Larissa had you writhing beneath her touch. You were coming onto your third orgasm and Larissa’s strong grip was keeping your legs apart as she licked and sucked at your clit. You were trembling and begging for Larissa to make you cum a final time, “Please make me cum… Please, please, please…”
Larissa was happy to fulfill your polite request, pressing against your sensitive clit with her tongue. You braced yourself with one hand on the car window and your other arm around the headrest. You felt the final orgasm moved through you like a electric shock. Larissa kept moving her tongue against you and you gently placed your hand on her head, moving your hips away from her.
Larissa kissed the insides of your thighs. You were an absolute mess in the backseat of Larissa’s car. She pushed herself back up into a seated position and then leaned into the front seat, turning on a car light, to glance at her make up and hair in the rearview mirror. She adjusted her hair and wiped at her lipstick to clean it up.
Larissa turned off the light and leaned back into the backseat. She turned back to you, hand reaching towards the car door handle, “Clean yourself up.”
She blew you a kiss and gave you a wink before leaving you a sweaty mess in the backseat of her car.
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reivrze · 1 year
hey there! I’ve been a follower for a bit and I wanted to finally request something…first time ever requesting so please tell me if I do anything wrong ;-;.
Hru? Finals are coming up and I am stressed out as hell, should be studying but uh-yk-who does that….💀😭😭😭😭😭
anyway I was in the middle of my anxiety thought train when I thought of like….how sunghoon was talking abt how he was 100% not an ace student and how he was embarrassed with the Enhypen members teased him about his exam score. could you do a reaction abt Niki and sunghoon (separately) reassuring a top student s/o who is stressed asf abt exams? I feel like we can all relate to that as the finals season slowly draws out. Ofc you don’t have to do it if ur busy, life comes first! 🫶☺️. I’m sorry if this is a bit uh…specific, but I would really love it if you did it!
and if you have exams to, I wish you good luck! May all 100s be blessed upon you 💖🥰🫶☺️🙌🔆!
a/n : thank you for your good luck wish and i wish you as much luck too with any upcoming exam ! first time writing for a specific set of members, but honestly, it was a lot easier ! anyways, hope you enjoy reading this ♡ ♡ ♡
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pairing : bf!sunghoon x gn!reader | bf!niki x gn!reader genre : fluff warnings : anxiety
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p. sunghoon . ⁺
sunghoon was on his way to your house for a date night you guys had planned. you were supposed to have a chill night together in bed, watching the show you guys had started a few weeks ago. your exams were approaching quickly and you had been studying all day, trying to squeeze in as much information as possible in your head. your eyes were betraying you as you felt them starting to close, so exhausted from the books covering your desk completely. the date long forgotten, your heart started beating quickly, your hands sweaty as fear and anxiety consumed your mind. reading through the page getting harder as your eyes got blurry with tears threatening to fall. so distracted by your current state, you had missed the knock of your door and the sound of it opening.
"y/n..? Are you okay"
at the lack of response, sunghoon started getting worried, making his way to your side. seeing the tears falling and the books laying everywhere, he understood the situation quickly. not knowing exactly what to do, he decided to pull you away from your work, taking your hand and making you get up from your chair. with a lack of words, he took you between his arms, brushing your hair, letting you cry into his t-shirt.
slowly, you started breathing a little easier, your heart calming down from its anxiety high. with the comfort of his body against your own like a blanket, you felt safe. sunghoon knew that he wouldn't be much help with all the school stuff but he knew that he could provide a safe space for you to calm down.
n. riki . ⁺
you had told niki that you'd be at the library all day because exam season was coming up soon and you had wanted to be as prepared as you could be. niki had been sulking, bored out of his mind and missing you. he had come up with the genius idea to surprise you at the library and to take you out to go eat together for lunch.
on your side, you had been feeling on edge all day, your lesson refusing to stay in your brain. you found yourself getting irritated at every sound the people around you made. you had to take a deep breath every time a book fell or a group of students would walk past, talking a little too loud for your liking.
niki had just entered the library and had gone out on a search for you. when he finally found you, he stalked behind you, preparing to surprise you to the fullest and scare you a little. what he hadn't expected was for you to lash out at him and frantically try to tell him that you had a long day and that you had no time nor the patience to deal with his childish pranks. niki had gone silent, feeling bad and a little rejected, his intentions were pure and he was just missing you.
after your little rant, you sighed, realizing that you had gone a little overboard, you felt disappointed in yourself after seeing niki's smile fall and him looking at the floor. he whispered a little apology, telling you that he didn't mean to annoy you and that he'd be on his way. you had reached out, grabbing onto his arm, apologizing and explaining that you had just been having a hard time with your studies. niki knew that school was a tough period for you recently and that it was probably stressing you out.
"wait," you cleaned up your stuff quickly, putting your back over your shoulder, telling niki that you needed a break, hoping that he'd forgive you for getting angry at him. niki could never stay mad at you for long, he offered to take your bag and you guys walked to the nearest little café, hand in hand.
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© miyu 2023 - do not copy, translate, repost or plagiarise my work anywhere !
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addict-rat · 1 year
Your Eyes Betray You
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Summary: You have a rivalry with Zemo and his team, but you also have mixed feelings with him, in one mission you both finally end up saying what you feel and more.
Words count: 2880
Paring: Helmut Zemo x F!Reader
Warnings: +18 Explict, swering, very poorly written smut, wall sex, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, fingering, p in v. 
Author’s note: Buenas, I just want to say a few things, frist this is my frist smut written in english, that leads to the second thing english not my first language I know a bit of the language but still learning so I used a translator from time to time if you see a mistake in the grammar or in general please let me know, I accept criticism but I don’t tolerate hate comments or similar. I probably gonna write more fanficons so I accept request in the future and I in the process of writing a Namor fanfic x!Reader. Gracias enjoy the fic :D
My masterlist.  
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Your career as a government agent was going pretty well. Not long ago you had been promoted to a position now you have your own team of agents to lead although you still had to follow orders from your superior, Secretary Ross. you could say that you had done everything to be where you were now, and you knew that one day you would be in a higher position than the one you were currently in, you worked hard to have a record of success in most of your missions, that was one of the reasons why you were given this position, however everything changed when you met your now "enemies" the Thunderbolts.
Thunderbolts was a team similar to yours except they had two supersoldiers, Ava Starr better known as Phantom, Justin Hammer and criminal mastermind who more than once could take you down. While your team was not bad, the problem was that it turns out you were not the best person to lead, since most of your life you had and preferred to work on your own.
Valentina and Ross were on the same path, therefore Thunderbolts and your team ended up on the same mission so you saw them very often, they were a headache for you because you knew you had a half chance of succeeding in the mission and a half chance of losing because of them.
Everyone already knew each other, it was like seeing co-workers who had been together for many years, but as team leader you knew all the opposing team better, especially their leader.
Helmut Zemo.
Being both team leaders you had faced him before, at first you could say you had no opinion of him, after meeting him on a mission where you lost, you began to hate him especially when you realized how much you found yourself thinking about him, you were not going to admit the obvious you had to stay focused on what mattered.
                                                             You weren't a fan of missions that involved having to infiltrate parties and looking like you were enjoying being there, usually these types of missions you would send someone from your team, but this time you had to go, so there you were finishing your fifth drink. You were waiting for the host of the party to come out of his office so you could go and get some files that could put a big f behind bars, you heard in one of your headphones that he had already left his office and that you could move on, so you preferred to go and finish the mission instead of having your sixth drink, you walked straight to where there was a crowd of people dancing.
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"I thought you didn't like these kinds of events" you pulled away a little when you saw how close you were to him "I don't I'm here beacuse of work, look like you a really having fun" you said in a mocking tone "I'm here beacuse of work too and your distracting me, can you even fight in that? "You tried to ignore the previous comment even though you still felt that feeling that had become recurrent in your stomach and you knew that he was the reason for your behavior. Your thoughts left you when you heard one of your colleagues telling you to hurry before he went back to his office "I don't have time for this and yes I can fight in this" you said walking to where you should have been a few minutes ago.
You felt someone pulling you by your arm so hard that you ended up glued to the body of the man who had pulled you, obviously it had to be the last person you wanted to see here and who in fact you were expecting to see.
The mansion you were in was so ridiculously big that it took you a little longer to get there, in some corridors there were people around so you had to find another way or wait for them to leave. You were a little more relieved that you were so close, you just had to look for the files and leave being as cautious as possible. Already in front of the door you looked to the sides before placing your hand on the door handle but before you could open the door, you were a little scared since no one had warned you that someone was already inside but your concern was gone when you saw Zemo in the door frame, the two looked at each other for a few minutes, you still did not understand how he had arrived so fast.
"If you are looking for the same as me, good luck, I doubt you will find a copy" whenever he was in advantage or beat you he always put that mocking smile, you saw him walking away while you doubted if you were really looking for the same or were different motives of the mission, but still you went after him, you approached him and he stopped walking when you reached him "Do you really want took me into a fight in that dress?" he asked this time looking at you again from head to toe "Do you want to try me? Baron" he approached you, cornering you in the wall "Do you know I love when you use my title?" you were going to answer him but you both became alert when you heard footsteps and you heard your team warning you that someone was coming in the corridor, obviously it was going to be suspicious to see you two standing near the office and there was no time to go anywhere else.
You grabbed Zemo by his coat and pulled him closer to you, you whispered an almost inaudible "sorry" before you started kissing him, obviously nobody was going to suspect two lovers looking for a place to be alone, at first Zemo was a little astonished he didn't expect you to do that, but he understood that it was to cover the two of you and not to raise suspicions, so he didn't let go of you, his leg got between yours applying some pressure, which made you moan in the kiss, he took the opportunity to dominate more the kiss and taste inside you, you didn't want to admit it but it was the first time you had been kissed so well.
You remembered that this was your chance to look for the files in his coat, your hands traveled through Zemo's coat, trying to find the files but he noticed what you were doing, he took your hands and slammed them against the wall, pulling something out of you between a sigh and a moan, something you were going to regret later "You like that don't you? You like it when someone else takes control" He said close to your lips, you started to move your hips a little on the leg he had between yours, you did it by mere instinct you hadn't even noticed, " Egear are we? " He murmured as he left a path of kisses from your jaw to your neck, you let out a gasp as you felt his wet kisses, your weak legs brought you back to reality and you saw that there was no one but the two of you in the hallway "T- they're already gone" Zemo let go of your wrists "Yes, I know they left like two minutes ago" he left a kiss on your cheek "Looking for this, Draga? "He took out a small usb from his coat and put it back almost immediately, while you were still stunned and bewildered by what had just happened a few seconds ago.
You followed him down another corridor when you had already put your feet on the ground again, when you got to the corner where he had crossed he was not there, you looked around, but it was useless, there was no one there, you walked back from where you came but you saw from afar that a group of people were coming and you saw that from the other side of the corridor as well. For a moment you were paralyzed, but they dragged you to another small room, that looked like a cellar or something similar, the room was only illuminated by the small lines of the shutter that almost completely covered the window of the door.
You couldn't finish.
"Don't shhh to me"
He put his hand on your mouth "Shhhh" you heard murmurs that were going to close where you were, you did not pay attention to what they were talking, you were more focused on watching him even with the little light that came from the hallway, his dark eyes staring at the door where he had you nailed, you saw how he frowned to concentrate on what the other people were talking, his dark hair well combed and how soft it seemed to be, you wanted to pass your hand touching him.
"Enjoying the view?" He ask with that cooky smirt and removed his hand from your mouth "I do, although I preferred the way you looked in the hallway" he tilt his head, his hands went to your hips "You didn't look at me like you hated me... but you don't, do you? Well you did at first, but then you pretended to" Your eyes widened in amazement, after all this time you were still impressed by how capable he was of reading you despite how good you were at pretending.
"Your eyes, your eyes betrayed you" he replied as if he knew what you were going to ask, it was no secret that he no longer saw you as if his gaze could kill you, at first he detested you especially you being the one who had beaten him a few times, but that had been a long time ago.
Your lips approached his, when it finally looked like your lips were about to touch his, he moved a few inches away from you "Tell me what do you want, darling?" You bite your lip, his hand slowly went down to the hem of your dress, caressing your thighs under your dress "Please, please Helmut... Touch me, make me yours please fuck me please" you begged pathetically for the other man to touch you, you never thought you would beg like that for anyone ever in your life, but for him, you didn't mind doing it.
This time it was his lips that found you and he drank you in almost the same way he had done in the past kiss, his kisses went down to your neck and his hands this time went up your dress to your waist and into your panties playing with the now wet fabric, you were about to beg for more, when you heard the rustle of the fabric tearing, You gave a gasp of astonishment that quickly turned into a more erotic one as you felt his fingers in your wet folds "You won't need these" he said finishing removing your panties "You already so wet for me" one of his hands took your leg to lift it a little, your fingernails dug into his shoulders to steady you.
"Don't stop Zemo ples...Ah" Two of his long and thick fingers penetrated into your wet cunt, his fingers curled in that place that made you forget where you were. "Ah" you moaned loudly feeling how his fingers stretched you and at the same time his thumb started massaging circles in your clit. You began to feel that sensation in your belly that indicated your orgasm was beginning to form, your nails dug deeper into his shoulders. His lips so close to yours that you could feel his breaths heaving and he could feel your gasps and moans.
"Zemo... I..." His lips caught your lips in a kiss before you could raise your voice any more, you heard footsteps and murmurs outside, across the hall but they gradually receded. "You have to be a little more quite, my love... As much I would love to hear you, we can't let anyone hear us, do you understand?" Zemo asked you shortly after you came down from your state of pleasure. "Yes, Baron" you said he kissed you again, this time a little shorter "Good girl" you were surprised when he turned and your face pressed into the door, you heard the sound of his belt unbuckling as well as the zipper of his pants, one of his hands was on your hip gripping you tightly then you were to find the bruise in the shape of his hand on your hip, with his other hand he said the tip of his cock was moving in your wet folds "Stop teasing me, baron please" a choked moan came from your lips as you felt him slowly penetrate you, it was much bigger than you had thought, your count trembling with the strecht as inch after inch.
You both let out a sigh when he fully stettled, both of his hands on your hips "Fuck, you're so thigt" He whisper in your ear leaving a path of kisses and hickeys in your neck, you moved your head to the side leaving him more space, you let out a loud moan when you felt his teeth penetrating the skin between your neck and shoulder "Oh! Don't mark me you possesive... Oh fuck" you whimper when you felt how he came out completely and penetrated you again in a single movement, his nails dug into your hips while he came out and entered you in a constant pace, Zemo grabbed you by the neck turning your head so he could kiss you, his kisses were hungry, a little violent, you tried to follow the same rhythm as him returning him with kisses full of lust and needy, you didn't separate until you were both out of breath, a loud moan came from your lips when he hit that place that left you wanting more, your back arched and he noticed it by the way your legs weakened and by the way your walls squeezed his cock, his pace this time faster hitting that sweet place. Even though you wanted to be quiet because you were not exactly alone, anyone could pass through the hallway and hear you, but Zemo made it difficult for you to be quiet, his arm grabbed your hips while the other one massaged your clitoris, a gasp escaped your lips from the pleasure he was giving you, it wasn't a few minutes later when you felt your second orgasm come again.
"I'm so close... I'm gonna come" you let out a loud moan "Come for my draga" he grabbed your neck bringing your head to his shoulder, he applied a little pressure to your neck, which brought you to your second orgasm with a sigh and a gasping moan, Zemo waited until your breathing was no longer so agitated and came back with the same pace he had before. You felt his seed fill you deep inside your walls, you heard profanities between Sokovian and Ingles in between cut off by his agitated breathing.
After a few minutes you both had come down from your euphoria, you felt Zemo's lips on your bare shoulder, his short but affectionate kisses were going up to your cheek, his hand grabbed your jaw returning it to his face leaving a soft and affectionate kiss on your lips, you kissed him back, you let out a whimper in the middle of the kiss when he came out of you, you felt his semen going down your thighs "We could have had fun a long time ago... you know it was much better than I had fantasized..." you weren't going to admit that you had also dated him in this way, but that wasn't something you would say out loud at least not today. you know it was much better than I had fantasized" you weren't going to admit that you had also fooled around with him in this way, but that wasn't something you would say out loud to him at least not today. You both began to arrange yourselves to hide any kind of evidence. You looked for your panties on the floor, when you found them they were torn "Great, now I have to go back without underwear thanks Zemo" you said showing him your ruined panties, Zemo took them out of your hands and put them in his coat "I will buy you new ones, and next time I won't tear them" you both left the room and walked down the hall "So now we will do this on every mission we see each other" You smirk devilish "I can't promise you that I won't, but I'd prefer it to be somewhere more private" they both laughed a little "What a strange way to propose a date but ok I'll take it" they both headed for the exit and went their separate ways to where each team was waiting for them, and there Zemo noticed that you had removed the usb.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Taking Its Toll
Javier Peña x GN!Reader
Request by Anon: Javier (and Steve as bestie). Y/n is their partner and is feeling extremely burnt out; running on empty, coffee, cigarettes and not much else. They're barely sleeping or eating and constantly has a tight chest and racing heart. They both know something is up with them but they just shrugs it off until one day, Javi is out on a raid and they reach their breaking point. Steve manages to get them home but can’t reach Javi until he gets back to the embassy etc. Plus a lil Carrillo cause… Carrillo
Warnings: light angst, hurt/comfort, mentions of minor injuries, smoking, language
Word Count: 4.5k
A/N: This request has been sitting in my inbox for months and I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to it. Also this is the first fic I've finished in a hot minute so hopefully it came out okay. It's been a while since I've written for Narcos. Missed these boys. I tweaked some of the details of the request but I hope you still enjoy it!
Narcos Taglist: @thesandbeneathmytoes @garbinge @meadowofsinfulthoughts @winchestershiresauce @sizzlingcloudmentality @alm0501 @panagiasikelia @616wilsons @hauntedforsst @mirabee @buckybarneshairpullingkink @boomclapxox @nessamc @southotheborder @supersanelyromantic @padbrookcottage @mysun-n-stars @raincoffeeandfandoms @bport76 @marrianena @ashlingnarcos @passionatewrites @artemiseamoon @narcolini @purplesong1028 (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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It was a wonder that the stress alone hadn’t taken out the three of you yet. But the fact that you were all under constant stress, and then compounded it with a continuous influx of coffee and cigarettes while not eating enough real food or drinking anywhere near enough water truly made the fact that the three of you were still surviving a miracle. All of the dangers that you all faced every day, and the reality of it was that a bullet was just as likely to take you out as a stress-induced heart attack. It was a game of chicken to see which one succeeded first. One would make a better story than the other.
The trembling in your hands didn’t bode well for you. Whenever it would get too intense, you’d clench and unclench your hands a few times, hoping that it would make the shaking subside. Sometimes it did. Other times all it did was garner some concerned looks from the two other members of your team. For as much as they wanted to call you out on it, they also knew that it would just be the pot calling the kettle black. None of you were in good shape these days.
You were clutching your coffee mug tight in your hands, using that as your current way to ward off the trembling in your fingers. You were trying to quietly and discreetly take a few deep breaths, but it was proving to be much tougher than it should’ve been. Your eyes were focused on the surface of your desk, but you weren’t really reading anything that was written on the papers there. You just needed something stationary to focus on while you tried to get yourself under control.
“You good?” Javi’s voice forced you out of the bubble you’d been trying to put yourself in.
It took more effort than you cared to admit to turn and look over at him. You forced a nod. “I’m fine.”
His eyes narrowed slightly, clearly not believing what you were saying. “You sure? If you need to you can just—”
“I said I’m fine,” you snapped, but still kept your voice down. You almost felt bad but you were to exhausted and struggling too much to be able to spare the energy for a debate that wasn’t going to get either of you anywhere.
Steve looked silently back and forth between the two of you. He knew better than to insert himself into the middle of it. He had no intention of starting and losing an argument against you. He saw the way that Javi looked like a kick puppy after your comment, but it wasn’t enough to make him get involved. Instead, he just shook his head at the two of you and went back to sorting through his stack of photographs.
The minutes turned into hours and the hours slowly but surely slipped by until the entire floor was empty except for the three of you. A few stray officers crossed the floor as they got there for their shift, quickly leaving to be out and about on the streets. Nothing had really caught your attention until the lights around you started being turned off. More and more of the floor was encased in darkness, except for your desk, and Steve’s and Javier’s.
“Alright,” Steve was the first of the three of you to speak up, heaving out a sigh as he pushed his chair back away from his desk and stood up, “I’m going home.” He grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair. “You guys should too.”
You dropped your pen onto your desk and ran your hands over your face, letting out a groan but not much more of a response than that. Javier leaned back in his chair, nodding to Steve. “I’m out in a few.”
Steve looked back and forth between the two of you once more. All the comments that he wasn’t saying were clear as day on his face regardless. “Right.” He grabbed his keys. “’Night.”
You and Javi both say a quiet, somewhat mumbled, “Night,” in return.
When Steve was out of earshot and out of sight, you finally lifted your gaze to look over at Javier. You found him already looking at you, not that you were all that surprised. You shook your head at him. “Don’t start.”
“I didn’t say anything,” he countered, a weak smile tugging at his lips.
“You don’t need to.”
He crossed his arms across his chest. “Ready to go?”
You huffed, shaking your head. “No. But I know you’re going to make me.” You shuffled everything into something resembling a pile before stuffing it into a manilla folder. “So I’m bringing it home.”
“You mean you’re bringing it to my place?” he said with a smirk.
You rolled your eyes but you weren’t successful in your attempt not to smile. “If you knew what I meant, then why—”
“’Cause I like giving you a hard time.” The smile on his face should’ve only made you more annoyed with his response, but it didn’t. He nodded towards the door as he got up out of his chair, grabbing a few things of his own to bring home. “C’mon.”
You sighed but you didn’t argue. You grabbed your over-stuffed folder along with a few other items to keep you busy after Javi inevitably fell asleep before you once you were both back at his place. You felt him watching you stuff your folder and your notebooks into your bag, but he didn’t say anything about it. He waited for you to walk over next to him before you both started to finally leave for the day. It gave the illusion of clocking out even though you both knew too well that you were never really off the clock.
It was some obscenely late hour of the night, but you were still lying awake in Javi’s bed. He was passed out beside you, snoring somewhat peacefully. You doubted that any of you ever got an actual peaceful night’s sleep. But either way, he was getting more rest than you were. You were still up, poring over your notes in the soft light of the lamp on what had become your side of Javi’s bed. You gnawed absent-mindedly at the end of your pen as you scanned over what you had written, comparing it to the new intel you’d gotten earlier in the day.
You were flipping the page in your notebook when you felt Javier start to stir awake beside you. He took a deep breath as he came-to. His eyes weren’t open all the way, but even through his narrow view, he could see the light from the lamp and also that you were sitting upright and were still very much awake.
“What time is it?” he grumbled, his face still resting against the pillow.
“Late,” you replied softly.
“It was late when we got home.” He lifted his head slightly. “You sleep at all?”
You shook your head. “Tried, but I couldn’t. Figured I might as well make use of my time.” Leaning over, you pressed a soft, lazy kiss to his lips. “Go back to sleep.”
He reached for the papers you had propped against your bent legs, no real effort behind the motion as he tried to push them away from you and off the bed. He was mumbling something under his breath that you couldn’t quite make out, but you could take a few good guesses.  You easily lifted them up out of his reach. His eyes were already shut again, so he couldn’t see the way that you were shaking your head at him.
“You’ll be dead on your feet in the morning,” he warned you, the gravel in his tone letting you know that he was only about a minute away from falling back to sleep.
“I’ll be fine.”
You were rewarded with the sound of his snoring a few minutes later.
You didn’t remember falling asleep, but you were woken up not by the sound of the alarm clock, but by the feeling of Javi shaking your shoulder. You groaned, half-heartedly swatting his hand away from you.
He chuckled, gathering up the papers that were still scattered on top of the blanket on your stomach. Apparently it had all eventually managed to put you to sleep, even if it was just for a very brief couple of hours.
“I tried to stop you,” he taunted playfully, “but you wanted to keep working.”
You were rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you said, “I don’t wanna hear it.”
“That’s why I gotta say it.” He tossed your papers back into your bag. “Coffee’s ready when you are.”
It felt like your heart was in your throat as you took your first sip of coffee. You chalked it up to the lack of sleep and the oversaturation of stress. Once a few more puzzle pieces fell into place, you would be able to try and get a little bit of rest. It'd been a marathon-length sprint building up for your team’s next big move with Search Bloc. But, if it all panned out, the extra stress would be more than worth it.
The tightness in your chest didn’t lessen as you drove to work. If anything, it only got worse. You put on your best neutral face, not wanting to give away the fact that you felt like you were starting to fray apart at the seams a little bit. It wouldn’t do any good against Javi or Steve, but if you could fool everyone else you’d be alright.
Steve got in not too long after you did. And, just like you’d expected, he did a double-take when he saw you. He didn’t come right out and say that you looked like shit, but you almost wished that he had. The worried look on his face was far more annoying than an insult would’ve been. Your annoyance was compounded by the way that he looked over to Javi, silently asking what the deal was. You watched their wordless interaction, the way that Javi frowned and gave a slight shake of his head before returning his attention to his work.
You were beyond tempted to rip into one or both of them, but you simply just didn’t have the energy. Despite the large cup of coffee you’d slammed back at Javier’s apartment, you still felt like you were dragging yourself around. Rather than arguing with either of them, you pulled a pack of cigarettes out of your desk and angrily lit one up before starting to sift through the notes that had been dropped off by one of the overnight officers.
It was quiet among the three of you for most of the morning. Scattered phone calls here and there, every now and then something would get passed around your little cluster of desks. But for the most part, you each had your piece of the puzzle you were trying to make fit.
Afternoon was just beginning to come around when Carrillo came striding across the floor of the base. He always seemed to be moving quickly, with determination, so you never knew how to gauge how urgent something was when he was around. Sure, it was all urgent, but there was still a ranking. It was hard to parse it out when it came to him.
He disappeared into his office with a couple of his men for a few minutes before reappearing and walking over to your cluster of desks. All three of you stopped and looked up at him from your chairs, waiting for him to say something. He looked at each of you, seeming to study each of your expressions. None of you spoke, waiting for him to be the first one to say something.
After a silence that was probably much shorter than it felt, Carrillo spoke up. “Peña,” he nodded back towards his office, “with me.”
You and Steve had similar expressions on your face, wondering why Javi was the one being cherry-picked for whatever this was going to turn into. It wasn’t much of a secret that Carrillo had his favorites, but even so usually everyone was in the loop on the gist of it all, even if some didn’t get to know the details.
“What’s going on?” you asked, trying your hardest not to sound too combative.
“Got a tip. Going to pay someone a quick visit—leaving in twenty.”
Your frown deepened, knowing that their visit was going to be anything but. “Any reason that we aren’t all—”
“Don’t need everyone,” he said simply.
It was so easy to take everything personally when it came to Carrillo because of the harsh way he spoke, but you fought the urge. If you were one of his favorites, he made sure you knew. Same went for if he hated you. You had the unfortunate luck in falling somewhere between those two categories, which meant that sometimes it felt like he was trying to slight you, and other times it was clear that he wasn’t putting that much forethought into whatever he was saying or doing. You wondered if he would like you more or less if he knew about you and Javi. You weren’t brave enough to find out.
“Want us to just sit here and twiddle our thumbs while we wait for you to get back, then, Colonel?” Steve asked, his sarcasm as thick as his drawl.
Carrillo’s eyebrows lifted slightly. “I want you to keep doing your job, Agent Murphy. Think you can handle that?”
You saw the way that Steve sucked in a deep breath, and you knew that he was gearing up for some sort of smart response that wasn’t going to accomplish anything but digging him into a deeper hole with Carrillo. You jumped in before he could make matters worse. “Got it, Colonel.”
Satisfied with your response and the annoyance still prevalent on Steve’s face, Carrillo motioned for Javi to follow him, wanting to give him a brief rundown of the plan before they headed off with a few of the other officers from Search Bloc.
“That’s why he never picks you,” you said with a tired laugh once Carrillo and Javi had both walked away.
“If I woke up tomorrow morning and starting kissing his ass it wouldn’t make a shred of difference. You know that.”
“So making it worse is your solution?” You chuckled and shook your head, unable to do much else.
He shrugged, eyes falling back down to the papers in front of him. “Gotta do something.”
A few minutes later, the small group of them reemerged from Carrillo’s office. They all took off at a clip, heading for the door. Javi didn’t even make a full stop at his desk as he grabbed his badge and his gun. The two of you exchanged the briefest of looks, the silent short-hand you’d become so comfortable with as the months wore on.
“Be safe.”
“I’ll try.”
There was more to be said there but you tried not to think about it too much as you watched Javi catch up and fall back into stride with Carrillo and his men. Even when the door shut behind them, you still found yourself watching where they had just been.
Dropping your pen onto the surface of your desk, you leaned back in your chair. You tried to take a deep breath, tried to loosen the ever-tightening knot in your chest. You knew it wasn’t nerves over Javier leaving with Carrillo and his men, although that certainly didn’t help. But regardless it was a feeling that you hadn’t been able to shake for far too long.
“What’s going on with you?” Steve finally asked.
“You look like shit.”
Like you said, it was better than the heavy, sickening concern he usually wore on his face. “Yea? Well, you look super well-rested and emotionally stable,” you said sarcastically.
He laughed as he leaned forward onto his desk, forearms almost sliding against all the papers scattered there. “You don’t usually look like shit though.”
You rolled your eyes. “You really know how to pay a compliment.”
“Seriously, what’s—”
“I’m fine, Steve,” you cut him off. “Just, just fucking exhausted like we all are.”
“We’re all exhausted, but—”
“Are you a doctor now, Steve? You gonna fix me up?”
He huffed, lips turning downward into a frown. “Alright, alright. I’ll let it go.”
“No you won’t,” you said with a roll of your eyes.
He laughed, and then so did you. “No, I won’t.”
The afternoon continued to slip by. Neither of you had heard anything, and you assumed that no news was good news. When things went south, word tended to travel fast. You were hoping that the silence from Javi and Carrillo meant that things were going according to plan, whatever their plan even was.
You dragged your hands down your face, all of the words in front of you had started to blur together over the last hour or so. Your eyes just needed a break for a few minutes, to stare at something completely unrelated to your job. You knocked lightly against the top of your desk to get Steve’s attention.
When he looked up and over at you, you asked, “Coffee?”
“Sure, yea. Thanks.”
You nodded as you stood up, trying again to take a deep breath as you stretched your arms above your head. The few pops that went down your spine felt heavenly for a few brief moments. Steve was already nose-deep in his intel again by the time you started to step away from the desk.
The coffee dripped down into the pot at a seemingly glacial pace. You braced yourself against the side of the counter, drumming your fingers as you waited. Your racing heart was telling you that the last thing you probably needed was caffeine, but the prevalent exhaustion you were dealing with pitched a very good counter-argument.
You had one coffee mug in each hand as you walked back towards your desks. You were focusing on your footsteps as you made your way back, feeling like the relatively short walk was taking more effort than it should’ve. As you were about to go down the couple of steps that separated the DEA desks from the rest of the base, your knees buckled, legs giving out beneath you.
Steve snapped to attention at the sound of your fall, the sound of ceramic cracking against the floor. He jumped out of his seat and went over to help you, to make sure you were alright. He knelt down next to you, managing to get you so that you were sitting upright. Your heart was still racing in your chest, your hands shaking. You tried to situate yourself so that you could stand back up, but your legs felt so weak.
“What happened?” he looked at the tiny cuts on your hand where the mug had shattered against it.
You shook your head. “I don’t, I don’t know. All of a sudden my,” you tried to take a deep breath but couldn’t quite manage it, “my legs just gave out.”
“Come on,” he slipped his arm underneath yours to help you up, “come sit.”
You slowly stumbled your way back to your chair, plopping down heavily. You let Steve carefully wipe off your hands and check you over. Despite your fall, you didn’t exactly feel like you were going to pass out. You just felt weak, and tired. You were waiting for him to try and usher you off to the hospital, but he remained silent as he watched you.
“I can take you to the hospital,” he offered. When he saw your face, he said, “Or I can take you home.”
“I can get—”
“You’re not driving,” he was firm about that.
“I don’t wanna…” your voice trailed off as you thought over your options. You knew where you wanted to go—you just didn’t know if you wanted Steve to be the one to bring you there.
“Think you can just drop me at Peña’s?” your voice sounded so small.
A smirk instantly curled the end of his mouth. “Sure,” he drawled.
If you had been feeling better, you would’ve shoved him. “I could be dying, Murphy. Wipe the fucking smirk off your face.”
“Wanna die in Jav’s apartment so you can haunt him?” He put his hands up in mock surrender. “Whatever you want.” He walked away without a word, coming back less than a minute later with a cup of water. He handed it to you before saying, “I’ll bring my car around. Think you can make it to the front door?”
“Or what? You gonna carry me?”
“Or drag you.”
You took a sip of the water before shaking your head. “Fuck off. Go get your car.”
Despite the relatively calm demeanor that Steve tried to keep around you, you didn’t miss the way that he kept trying to reach out to Javi. He never got an answer, though. It was about what you had expected, and you assumed that Steve wasn’t necessarily surprised. You couldn’t blame him for being incessant, though.
Steve helped you up the stairs to Javi’s apartment. He was about to reach for his keys but you already had yours out. He was silently smirking as he watched you slip it into the lock. You decided to save your energy and you would rip into him later. He tried to insist on walking you over to the couch but you waved him off, arguing that you could handle the couple of steps between the door and the sofa.
You watched as Steve rooted around Javi’s kitchen in search of something that would pass for a meal. You hadn’t eaten well in a while—none of you had, really. Apparently it had taken more of a toll on you than on them.
Multiple times you had told Steve he didn’t need to hang around. Eventually Javi would be home, and you would just rest until then. But he refused. So the two of you stayed camped out in Javi’s living room. Your cover was blown so there was nothing really stopping you from going and crashing on the bed. But you didn’t want to give Steve any more satisfaction than he had already reaped. So you were sprawled out on the couch while he sat in the chair beside it, both of you somewhat paying attention to the television, but not really.
Steve kept trying to call Javi. A few times you told him to give it up, but you also knew that if the roles had been reversed, Javi would incessantly call Steve if something had happened to Connie. Not that the two situations were exactly the same, but they were apparently similar enough. Thinking about that too much wasn’t going to do anything good for the pounding sensation in your chest.
Apparently the sound of the news and Steve sporadically trying to get in touch with Javi had been enough to lull you to sleep at some point. When you woke up, it was to the sound of the two of them talking in the kitchen. You had no idea how late it was, but it was dark out at the very least.
Javi couldn’t have been home for long—he still had his jacket and shoes on. You couldn’t really make out most of what the two of them were saying, but you did catch Javi thanking Steve for everything, and Steve assuring him that it wasn’t a problem. Steve made his way towards the door, offering you a nod and a quiet goodbye, which you repaid with an equally quiet and tired thank you.
Once the door shut behind him, you heard the sound of Javi toeing off his shoes and shrugging off his jacket. Seconds later he was beside you, managing to perch himself on the narrow edge of the couch so he could be right next to you.
You could see the worry and the exhaustion on his face. “You okay?”
You nodded, shrugging. “I’m alright.”
He let out a tired laugh. “Liar.” Leaning down, he kissed your forehead. “Sorry I wasn’t here.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about.”
“What happened?”
You shook your head as you propped yourself up on your elbows. “My body decided to clock out on me, I guess.”
He chuckled. “Yea?”
“Yea. Steve had to scrape me up off the floor of the base.”
“How you feeling now?”
You nodded. “A little better. Not at a hundred percent, but, you know. A nap and some real food didn’t hurt.”
“You should stay home tomorrow.”
“You don’t get to argue.” He shook his head. “Not after today.”
You sighed, dropping back flat against the couch. “I know.” After a few seconds of silence, you looked back over at him. “How’d it go today?”
He nodded. “Fine.”
“I’m not going to let you keep working with Carrillo if you’re going to start answering questions like him.”
Javi smiled, and you instantly felt a little better. “We managed to get a couple of the guys. We have them in holding now. Gonna start interrogations tomorrow.”
“That’s good,” you said with a nod.
“Only if they give us something.” You were both silent for a moment before he asked, “Anything I can get you?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Wanna go to bed?”
You chuckled. “I just woke up.”
“Naps don’t count.”
You let him walk with you towards his room, his hand steadying you as it pressed protectively against your back. You didn’t even want to put the effort forth to peel off your work clothes before collapsing onto the mattress, but you did. You watched Javi as he grabbed a towel and made his way off to shower. He came back in a few minutes later, towel wrapped around his waist and water droplets still scattered across his shoulders. You were in a sleepy daze but you still saw it, still admired it.
He quickly pulled on a fresh set of clothes to sleep in before slipping into bed beside you. You rolled so that you were facing him, giving in easily as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer. His forehead rested against yours and for the first time in weeks you almost felt like you could breathe normally again as you related against him.
You were both exhausted, both just glad that the other managed to make it home at the end of the day in one piece. There was a conversation to be had about it all. You knew that. You also knew that it wasn’t the time as you soaked up the heat still radiating off of Javi’s skin from the hot shower. As his nose brushed against yours, there was one more silent sentence said between the two of you before you both fell asleep.
“We’re safe.”
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fairyniceyeah · 2 months
Here’s a gold star ⭐️. I can’t think of a fic that I want more context for, so it’s up to you!
Love, Your favorite Texan
Hey @writercloud 🩷!
This was long, long overdue from over a month ago. As my inbox is currently exploding with requests I found this and have to admit I totally forgot about it 😅
It was really hard to decide on which fic I wanted to talk about – but since it’s you (the reason why I first got into posting here and why I am even a Carat now, so lots of thanks 🩷) I decided on the Hajoon series. Part 3 – Eclipse and this section in particular:
Woosung – he could immediately tell from the light footsteps – flicked on the light, walked up towards him and sighed. Was he angry that Hajoon was still in bed? But they didn’t have any schedules, did they? Then a careful hand came to stroke his hair away from his forehead and the leader whispered: “Hajoon-ah, time to wake up.” Hajoon couldn’t pretend any longer. He was normally a light sleeper and he knew Woosung would know something was up or know he was faking if he didn’t wake up. So he slowly blinked open his eyes, faking yawning which turned into real yawning. “Good morning, baby”, Woosung greeted him with his typical smile, “there you are. How are you feeling today?” Why was he faking this concern? Hajoon didn’t understand. “You slept like twelve hours straight, we were getting worried”, Woosung continued oblivious to Hajoon’s inner struggle, “you must be really exhausted, huh?” Hajoon nodded, dumbfounded. He was exhausted. His stomach growled and he realized that he hadn’t eaten in close to twenty-four hours. Woosung grinned a bit at the sound. “You’re still really sleepy. That’s okay”, Woosung added, still stroking Hajoon’s hair, “yesterday really took you out, hm? We wanted to go out and get something to eat, maybe even go up to Namsam Tower. If you’re not up to that, we can stay in too.” What was he supposed to say? He was hungry but going through half the city and being forced to watch the trio interact sounded terrible. Forcing them to stay in was also not an option – it seemed like they really wanted to have fun together with their plans (their plans he wasn’t asked his opinion about). Maybe he could convince them to go without him. And it creeps on me like a sunrise And it swallows me into black skies “Hyung, I think I’m getting a migraine”, Hajoon whispered, “I’ll stay here but you can go out.” “Oh, I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. That was all a bit too much information for you just now, baby? Hyung is sorry. How about we all stay in and we go out on a different day?”, the leader suggested, sounding worried. But he got up and left. Hajoon wasn’t sure if he was happy about it or not. Then the overhead light was turned off and Woosung returned to his bedside with the glow of his phone-screen. Oh. His hyung had just flicked off the light, knowing it would bother Hajoon (if he actually had a migraine). Hajoon felt overwhelmed. This sweet, kind hyung was not the hard leader from last night. He didn’t understand the two versions of Woosung – the one who would make sure that Hajoon was comfortable and the one who wanted to get rid of him. It didn’t make any sense! “Better?”, Woosung asked. Hajoon whispered back a small “yes”. “What do you need? Medication, bucket, icepack?”, the leader continued. “I … not right now. It’s not bad yet, I just want it to not get worse. Please, I just wanna sleep. You three go out and enjoy.” “But, baby”, Woosung protested, smoothing the blanket over Hajoon’s shoulder, “we want to go out as a group. We’d miss you. Let us stay here and take care of you today and when you’re better we’ll go.” We’d miss you. If Hajoon hadn’t felt so miserable and confused he would have laughed. Miss him? Hajoon? On a few hours trip when they actually didn’t want him in the group anymore? The lie was as ridiculous as it was sad.
As you know, Hajoon is my bias in The Rose – I think it’s his quiet and unassuming personality, that makes him seem innocent and shy. He likely is shy and quiet, we often see him only interact loudly with his members and considering that Jaehyeong is often referred to as the “mother of the band”, it seems probable that Hajoon is their baby. But remember, these are just my thoughts.
Above is a scene I re-read a lot myself. I just love it and I think – without wanting to sound arrogant – it’s one of my best. I wanted to show how easily a few words can hurt. In the chapter before Hajoon overhears his members talking about him what sounds to him as a bad way (which it in the end turns out wasn’t). But still, just a few misinterpreted words can make your world shatter.
To be honest, it happened to me well after I wrote that but I saw a chat between somebody who I consider a friend and an acquaintance. My friend talked about having to endure the whole week with “her” – and, since I was the only person I could think of at first that both of them knew at that place, I was deeply hurt and very insecure in the relationship. Days later it occurred to me that another person was likely meant that I had forgotten about but the damage is done. I still doubt the relationship.
This exactly happens to Hajoon here and for him, worst of all, he isn’t treated any differently than normal. Woosung is as kind and sweet to him as he always is, especially when knowing Hajoon is sick. Woosung pays a lot of attention to Hajoon and instantly recognizes something is wrong, even if he thinks it’s just a migraine. He treats Hajoon lovingly and gentle, as if Hajoon could break. It’s how I would wish to be treated if I wasn’t feeling well.
But to Hajoon? It confusing and overwhelming. Just hours ago he heard his members – the people he trusts and loves - calling him weird and basically saying he was fucking up the whole concert behind his back and now Woosung is acting as if nothing happened. Hajoon doesn’t understand his whole world anymore and, with him already feeling pushed aside at the concert before, he spirals.
He convinced himself he heard his members wanting him out of the band and now Woosung pulls a 180° and says they would miss him in a short trip. It doesn’t make sense, and Hajoon is confused and depressed and it’s the start of a really bad mental health phase for him. I needed this to be a set-up point for everything that happens after and I stand the firm belief that mental health fics need to be long and deep, they can’t just be done in a few short, undescriptive lines.
For me it was important to show how people can feel tossed away and unwanted even if you give them all the attention. Depression makes you think that you are hated and gives you reasons to believe it. It can take you too dark, dark places and if nobody notices, you can fall down so deeply you can’t get back up. Insecurity and hate is everything your mind can focus on.
The Rose has always been about mental health – just look at the lyrics of She’s in the Rain, Eclipse, You’re beautiful, Lifeline, See-Saw (which even explicably talks about Jaehyeong’s depression) – and it always will be. The members talk about their problems on Mindset, the information I used to write this fic, and it makes it real for the fans. This is why I love the band and why wanted to show this vulnerability and the ability of depression to destroy everything in this fandom.
In this light: Please, if you do feel like this, like Hajoon feels in this story or you know somebody who does, seek help! Life and your brain may not be kind to you at the moment, hell, I had a lot of these moments, but I promise it’s not an empty promise to say that things do get better!
And Woosung says it himself all the time: They formed the band to show music is healing and it can be!
Hello, it’s me, I’m here
And you’re okay, don’t worry
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angelst4re · 2 years
I have a request but also i just wanna say i love your writing sooo much 🙁 it makes me really warm and soft and you’re so sweet, keep going with the amazing job bestie ilysm!!! The request I have IS !! Reader and Jamie are dating and she’s sleeping at his house and its pouring rain outside. She says she’s tired and will take a shower, Jamie asks if he can join her, she’s reluctant at first because they’ve never seen each other naked before and she’s really insecure w her body but she says yes. They go to take a shower HOWEVER things started heating up, they get out of the shower and end up having sex for the first time?? And Jamie is like super careful with her and lotsss of aftercare!!! Thank you 💖
omg hello lovely!! you're so sweet :') this idea was so <33 and because autumn has just began in my country this felt like the best time to post this... i love it so much!!
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Afterglow- Jamie Campbell Bower x Reader
summary: read the request! :)
warnings: NSFW!! contains smut, please don't read if you're uncomfortable my loves!!
note: I HIT 400 FOLLOWERS WHILST I WAS GONE THIS WEEK??? I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH OMG MWAH <33 also, yes the title is a taylor swift reference! :)
The tv was playing quietly in the background of the dimly lit room as you snuggled up to Jamie on his bed, under the comfy white covers. He played with your hair as you told him about your day, the customers you encountered at work, the gossip you shared at the coffee machine, and he listened to every word, genuinely enjoying the stories you told, along with your company and the weight of you on top of him brought him comfort. 
The rain was falling quite heavy now, you had even gotten caught in it on your way to your boyfriend’s house, but it wasn’t so bad then. It was a perfect autumn evening. When you got to Jamie’s house he had already made you a hot chocolate and set it down with a slice of cake he had bought you from a nearby coffee shop. The small gesture made you smile, feeling warm inside as he kissed your forehead with a small ‘I love you.’ 
Your head was currently resting on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat as your finger traced one of the tattoos on his arm. He was quite literally a work of art. His hand came down to the small of your back, where he traced small patterns through your (his!) t-shirt. You relaxed into his touch, and that’s when the tiredness began to hit you. 
“I should probably take a shower before we sleep,” you say with a yawn, pushing lightly against his chest so you could sit up, “I won’t be too long.”
“Mind if I join you, sweetheart?” He asks sweetly, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. 
“Um… I’m not sure, Jamie.” You say with a frown, you felt bad saying no as it was his house, but he had never seen you fully naked before. 
“It’s okay if you don’t want to, I just thought it’d be nice.” He says with a smile. Who were you to deny this beautiful man? 
“I do, I do want you to. I’m just worried you won’t…”
“Like what I see? Darling, the way your body looks isn’t going to stop me from loving you. That’s impossible!” He says, taking my hand in his and rubbing his thumb over my knuckles. “Go turn the shower on, love. I’ll grab some towels.”
You go into his bathroom and take a deep breath. He was finally going to see you. All of you. As much as it worried you, it also brought you happiness as it showed he was comfortable to do this with you. 
You did as he asked, and got the water ready, turning it to a nice temperature where it wasn’t too hot, nor too cold. You weren’t too sure whether to undress now or not. How would he feel if he came back to see you naked? Would he turn around and say he changed his mind? Would he-
“Got the towels!” He returned, placing them down beside the sink. “Ready?” He asked. 
You nod your head as he takes off his t-shirt, yet you can’t manage to lift your arms to begin undressing. You were too nervous, you didn’t think you could do this. When he was stripped down to his boxers, he realised you were still fully dressed. 
“Darling, you can’t shower in your clothes!” He chuckled, before noticing your demeanour. He walked towards you, placing his hands on your waist before whispering, “would you like a hand?”
You nod your head, not sure what else to do at this moment. His hands come to the bottom of your top, lifting it over your head gently before throwing it back to the corner where his clothes lay in a pile. He then began to slide your shorts down your legs, crouching down to help you step out of them, leaving him eye-level with your heat. Before coming back up, he places a hot, wet kiss at the top of your thigh, almost causing your knees to buckle. 
He smirks as he stands back up, noticing how you gasped at the feeling. 
“Can I take this off?” He asks, reaching to the back of your bra. When you say yes, he skillfully unclasps it, slowly sliding the straps down your shoulders, almost to brace himself before revealing your breasts to him. “You’re so, so beautiful, y/n.” He says, looking into your eyes. 
His hands slide down your body, from your back to your stomach, hips, thighs and knees as he crouches back down again, his thumbs hooked into the waistband of your underwear. He looks up at you for permission before he slowly slides them down your legs. You now stood fully exposed above him, and it took everything inside him to not dip a finger into your glistening heat. 
“Jamie,” you said, although it came out as more of a whimper, “we’re wasting water. Let’s get in the shower.”
He stands back up and you are already under the water, letting it flow through your hair and down your body, sighing into the warmth it gives you. He quickly removed his boxers before joining you. 
You feel his arms wrap around you from behind, his lips finding the sweet spot on your neck as you giggle at the feeling of his hair on the delicate skin. As he places soft kisses to your neck, you take his right hand, which is resting on your tummy, and bring it down slowly until it rests between your thighs. 
“Feel how bad I need you?” You pant, your arm coming up to pull him closer, to connect your lips. 
“But we’re wasting water.” He smirks devilishly, tracing his middle finger in circles around your clit before pulling it away. “Let’s shower first, baby, then I’ll give you what you want. Is that okay?”
“Yes,” you whimper, pulling him so he was under the water with you, “that’s okay.”
He smiles before picking up the shampoo bottle, you were a little too excited to smell like him. He always smells heavenly, you just assumed you smelt normal- but Jamie would definitely disagree. He poured some of the shampoo into one of his hands before rubbing them together and massaging the bubbles into your scalp. His hands worked wonders, you wished he would always wash your hair for you. 
When he was finished, he ran his fingers through your hair, helping to wash the bubbles out. You then turned around and returned the favour, rubbing the shampoo into his hair, although he had to bend down slightly for you to reach. He giggled at the sight of you on your tiptoes, concentrating on your face as your hands worked into his hair. 
After you were both clean, Jamie stepped out of the shower first and wrapped you up in one of his fluffy grey towels, before wrapping himself up. As you made your way back to the bedroom, he spun you around and his lips crashed into yours. 
You let out a small moan into the kiss as you feel your towel slipping down, about to reveal your body to him once more, and you couldn’t wait. You pull back from the kiss with a smile on your face as you drop the towel to the ground, tugging on his to tell him to do the same. 
And he does, he lets it fall to the ground before climbing onto the bed, pulling you with him. You smiled briefly as you straddled his hips, before he pulled you back down for a kiss. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered against your lips, “I’m so, so lucky.”
You moved your lips down his jaw and to his neck, placing hot, open mouth kisses on the skin. At the same time, you take his hand and lift it up to your breast, as if you were inviting him to touch you. He massages the soft flesh, tracing a finger over your nipple which causes a shiver to run down your spine. He does the same to your other boob when he was satisfied enough, and by the time he was done you were unknowingly rolling your hips against him, grinding against his hardening length. 
“I’m gonna flip us over, is that okay?” He asked, placing a kiss on your shoulder. You nod your head and in a blink of an eye you were now against the pillows, underneath Jamie. 
He goes back to kissing your lips, gliding his tongue along your bottom lip to ask for entrance, whilst his hands were on your hips, rubbing circles with his thumb. You part your lips, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth. 
“Jamie,” you gasp, feeling breathless, “please… touch me.”
“I am touching you, darling.” He chuckles. 
“No…” You whine, taking his hand and slowly leading it down your body, between your thighs, “touch me here, where it feels good.”
“Are you sure?” He asks, pulling back to look at you, to check for any signs of hesitation on your face, “and if this leads to us… making love…”
“Yes, I want to. If that’s okay with you?” 
“Of course, baby, of course,” his lips return to the skin of your neck and begin to kiss down your body, “if you would like me to stop at any time please tell me, okay?” You nod your head but he wasn’t satisfied, he needed verbal approval.
“Okay…” You whimper, feeling his breath fanning on your heat as he spreads your legs further, letting him see everything you had to offer. 
You looked down at him, his head between your thighs. It made your mind feel fuzzy, even more so when his finger dipped into you, the tip of his finger tracing your dripping hole before spreading the arousal up to your clit, tracing small circles on the nub that caused your mouth to form an ‘O’ shape as you sucked in your breath. 
“That feels good, hm?” He asked, placing sloppy kisses on your inner thigh, “what if I…” 
You felt something warm and wet flat against your clit, you didn’t need to look down to realise it was his tongue. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as he uses the muscle to play with your clit, tracing circles around it and going side to side. When he wrapped his lips around the nub, suckling on it, you let out an unexpected moan and dig your nails into the bedsheets. 
As he continues the assault on your clit, his finger comes back to your hole, gently easing it in before pulling it back out, adding another finger which easily slipped in beside the first, your wetness beginning to drip down onto the sheets. 
It doesn’t take long for you to approach your high, he can tell by the way your cunt pulsed around his fingers, and the way you were squirming above him. Your arm reached down and you wrapped your fingers around his wrist. 
“Jamie… mm stop…” You whine, trying your hardest not to throw your head back and cum right there and then. He places a kiss on your thigh and pulls his fingers out. 
“Everything okay?” He asked, his eyes meeting yours. 
“Yeah, I just… wanted to cum… with you…” You pant, your hand moving to cup his cheek. “Please, I need to feel you, Jamie.” 
He smiles, placing a kiss on your clit before moving back up, his face inches above yours. You feel his hardness press against your thigh, and you sigh, wanting nothing more than to move your hips to the left slightly so he would slip in…
“I want to take this at your pace, okay?” He takes his cock into his hand, giving it a few tugs before lining it up with you, coating it in your arousal. “If I’m going too slow, tell me to go faster. If I’m going too fast, tell me to slow down.”
“Okay,” you whisper, your fingers tangling in his damp hair as he buries his face in your neck. As the tip of his dick pushes into you, you let out a pained whine, but he rubs your hip in an attempt to soothe you. 
“Shh, you’re doing so well for me, darling. I know it hurts, I know,” he pushed in a little further, “hold on to my shoulders, baby. The pain will go away soon, I promise, sweetheart.”
And then he was all the way in. You both stayed still for a moment as he sucked on to the delicate skin of your neck, your fingernails digging into his shoulder blades. You took a deep breath and tried to stop your pussy clenching around him, it only caused more pain for you and he found it difficult to keep his hips still. 
“I’m ready.” You whimper, holding tightly onto his shoulders to brace yourself. He placed gentle kisses along your collarbone and whispered praises as he began to move, pulling himself out half-way before pushing back in. You whine out in pleasure as he hits deeper and deeper with each thrust. 
“Darling, you feel heavenly…” He says between kisses as he peppers them across your cheek, “you’re doing so well for me, baby.”
“I love you.” You whimper as you feel his cock brush against the spongy spot inside of you, causing you to babble and think out loud, “mm, I love you so much.”
“I love you more, darling.” He says, looking you in the eye, an innocent smile on his face as his thrusts pick up the pace, his hand coming down to where your bodies were connected, “I’m close, are you close, love?” 
You nod your head, feeling a white heat flood your body, a knot forming in your belly as his fingers toyed with your clit. 
“Gonna cum, Jamie…”
“Hold it, baby. Can you… hold it, for me?”
You nod your head, he knew you were on birth control, and you let him know it was okay for him to finish inside you. He wouldn’t have done so if you didn’t tell him you wanted it. 
“Let go, dear. Cum for me, you’ve been so good, please…” He moaned, his thrusts becoming slower and sloppy. 
You let go, the wave of ecstasy flowing through your veins and before you can come down, you feel him come undone inside you. You whimper at the feeling of his warm seed coating your walls, your nails digging into the skin of his shoulders once more. 
He flops down beside you, pulling you as close to him as he could, your face resting on his chest, listening to his racing heart. 
“That was so amazing,” you whisper after a few moments of silence, “that was, uh… my first time, ever.”
“Well I’m glad you enjoyed it, sweetheart. I did too.” He smiles against your forehead before placing a kiss there, brushing away your damp hair. “How about I get you cleaned up and everything, then we cuddle in bed with another hot chocolate? How does that sound?”
“Wonderful.” You say with a small giggle, still basking in the afterglow of your high. 
Jamie slips on some boxers and wanders to the bathroom, coming back with a damp cloth to wipe you down with. He then hands you some spare underwear that you kept at his house, along with a comfy hoodie of his. After getting dressed, you go to the bathroom to pee (because we don’t want a uti!) whilst Jamie goes downstairs to make hot chocolates. Once you were finished, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. Was your skin glowing?
When you finally came back to the bedroom, you noticed Jamie had also changed the bedsheet. You climb in beside him and snuggle up into his side, the warmth of his body, along with his scent, was so comforting. 
He kisses your forehead as you wrap an arm around him, smiling into his chest as his hand slides under your (his!) hoodie to rest on your lower back, rubbing soothing circles onto your skin. 
“I meant it,” you say after a few moments of silence, “I love you, Jamie.”
“And I meant it too, darling. I love you more.”
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tan1shere · 6 months
heyyyy, if you want i have a request for a jesse smut 😊 where he tries to dominate but reader easily switches and yeah he becomes the submissive, thats all have a great day
(this man has me crying)
Don't Try
Jesse x female reader !
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A/n: Coming right up !! Hope you enjoy :) this one's for my Jesse lovers <3 also sorry this is so short I tried my hardest to keep going but my gay ass just couldn't finish or get into too much detail 😔
Warnings: smut, kinda. Sub Jesse, Dom reader. Dom Jesse for a tiny sec. Language and I think that's it
You sigh as you sat on the worn out couch in your little house. Jesse was currently on patrol so you were just waiting on him to get home. Making your way into the kitchen as you felt a bit peckish, going to make some food. When you eventually hear the door open signifying Jesse was finally back. "Hey babe, hungry?" You asked, considering you already had supplies out, knowing he would've been after a long day on patrol. He sets his backpack down, looking over at you. "For you, yes." You raise your eyebrows ever so slightly, then suddenly you felt his strong hands go around your waist, coming up behind you. It only surprised you more. "What is it that you're doing?" There was a short pause, him coming closer to you ear. "Get on your knees." Now at first you'd swiftly turn around and put him right in his place, but you decided to see how far he would take this. You look at him, going to do as he says. But not for long. "Pl-" But he cuts himself off. "Suck me off." He finally gets out. Aw cute. He almost said please. You keep quiet going to get on your knees and start to take his pants off. You slowly get it out, noticing the slight pre cum, going to lick the tip ever so slightly.
You could tell he was trying to keep this dominant facade up. Knowing he wouldn't stay like that for long, you still decide to test it. Moving your hands at the same pace you've been going, placing them on his thighs. Maintaining that eye contact with him. "You really think you're going to survive this?" You say, in a taunting manner. He doesn't respond. "Look at you, it's only a matter of time before-" "Shut up." He finally blurts out. You raise your brow, pulling away from him completely. You knew you'd have him where you wanted him shortly. "Hmmm." You gently hum, slowly going back to his dick, licking a stripe up the tip in a teasing way. All of your movements were like this, slow. Agonizing. You'll have him begging to be touched in no, time. "Somethings got you going." You state, continuing the small licks. He closes his eyes. "Mind telling me?" No response. You begin to suck him slightly, making him let out a small breath. "Huh.. shame." You tut, pulling back. "What a shame." Keeping that eye contact he immediately opens his eyes to look at you, noticing you stopped. Boom.
You hear him whimper slightly but you just smirk. Knowing he's done for. You begin to stand back up. "Wait wait no please-" He breathe out, grabbing your hand. "I'm sorry i- please." His eyes were pleading. How adorable. But you weren't giving into it that easily. "I cant just give you what you want that easily, now can I?" He lets a small whine past his lips. "Please, I'll fuck you so good mommy, I'll make you feel so good i promise, please." He's needy. Right where you needed him to be. "That's tempting. But tempting enough? I dunno." You hear him breathe out a shakey breath. "Please, I want to so bad." It really was tempting, enough so that you begin to back him up against the counter. Considering you were both still in the kitchen. That's when you grab his dick, making him gasp as you slowly stroke him. "Go on then. Right here." And this man wastes no time. Leaning in to kiss you, slow but with that desperation. You begin to lay him on the surface, climbing on him while lifting up his shirt ever so slightly. Tracing his muscles.
"Please.." He whines out. "Patience, baby." You hear him let out a small breath. He was in for a long night.
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the-widow-sisters · 2 years
Please do Kate and Natasha with the prompt "I don't think I could be alone again."
A/N: Thank you so, so much for the request!!!! Kate and Natasha hasn't been something I've wrote in a while 😂 It was super nice to revisit them 💞
I kind of made this one so that it was a continuation of my fic "Mommy Issues," so if y'all want to read that, just follow the hyperlink here.
And if y'all want to request a platonic pair and a quote, click or tap here! I'm looking forward to receiving more of these! 🥰🥰🥰
Word Count: 1.5k+
   “You okay?” Natasha questioned, not wanting to specifically ask how it went but at the same time dying to know.
   Kate furrowed her brow, staring straight out the windshield, and Natasha felt her stomach clenching up a bit as it knotted, worry filling her as she tried to squash the urge to march into the prison and pay Eleanor a little visit herself.
   “It went well, Tasha,” Kate simply stated, and Natasha raised her eyebrows, absolutely shocked considering everything that had happened between Kate and her mother and how Kate’s mother had acted toward her in the past.
   “Really?” Natasha questioned, unable to help sounding surprised. Kate nodded, barely glancing at her as she took it all in.
   Natasha was quiet for a few moments, hoping that Kate would follow up with more details on the entire thing.
   “What happened?” Natasha finally could not resist asking, and Kate seemed to snap just a little out of her stupor.
   “She said that she guessed that the superhero stuff was not as bad as it could be if it was teaching me to protect myself. And she said she was sorry for me being put in danger because of her. And she just wants me to be safe.
   “And then we just kind of agreed to disagree on the superhero-ing thing, I guess, and we just talked for the rest of the time,” Kate explained, and Natasha slowly nodded, taking it all in.
   She then turned her attentions more primarily to Kate, eyeing her carefully.
   Strangely, Kate did not look too happy at all. She seemed strangely numb to everything, and Natasha was not sure what to make of Kate’s strange mood. She was ordinarily so happy, and Natasha did not know what had caused this change. Especially since things had gone so well that day.
   “Did you enjoy it?” Natasha questioned, subtly prodding for information to perhaps get an idea of what Kate’s current thought process was.
   Kate blinked, shrugging.
   “I mean… It was great and I loved it,” Kate expressed. Natasha raised an eyebrow, knowing there was more to what Kate was going to say. It was not just the fact that Natasha could see how weird she was being. It was also in Kate’s voice that she had something else to say but was holding back on it.
   “But?” Natasha cued, offering her a way to keep going. Kate shrugged, looking over at Natasha as she regarded her for a long moment.
   “I guess I just got caught up thinking when I was in there,” Kate admitted, and Natasha furrowed her brow, tilting her head.
   “How so?” Natasha tentatively questioned. She did not want to push too far, but she knew that Kate was wanting to say the things that were swirling in her mind.
   Natasha knew the mind of an overthinker on a personal level, and she knew that Kate herself could be an overthinker. Things that did not occur to most people sometimes had a tendency to nastily dawn in upon overthinkers, and Natasha strongly suspected that Kate was suffering from that exact thing right then.
   Kate swallowed, taking in a breath, and Natasha knew she had pushed past the barriers now. Natasha turned a little more in her seat toward her, showing Kate with her body language that she was fully attentive and engaged in an attempt to make this a little easier for her.
   “It’s stupid.”
   “Not to me,” Natasha immediately answered, and Kate looked at her immediately, thankfulness shining in her eyes.
   “You’re really special to me, and my mom’s really special to me. And now that it looks like I have her back for at least a minute… I don’t know, Tasha,” Kate paused, taking in a deep breath.
   “When Mom was arrested, I had Clint and his family, and even though they were an absolute blessing, I needed my mom and I didn’t have her,” Kate told her before her eyes went wide and she realized fully the potential implications of what she said.
   “I mean, it’s not like you’re my mom or anything! But like… I’ve needed someone in my life that was sweet and kind and nurturing or whatever and,�� Kate trailed off, obviously not knowing how to explain herself as she moved her hands around uncertainly. She was doing her best to form the words, but there was no good way to get out what she was trying to say.
   Natasha knew this, and she could not help the warm feeling that ran through her at Kate’s sweetness.
   “Gosh, I’m just making a mess of this,” Kate chuckled humorlessly, and Natasha shook her head, listening to her carefully as she devoted her full and undivided attention to the brunette.
   “You’re fine,” Natasha expressed, her voice calm and soft as she remained still. Kate took in a breath.
   “I guess what I’m saying is that you’ve been one of the best people to come into my life and you made me not feel alone since my mom has been in prison. You’ve been there so much for me,” Kate told her, her voice warm as she gazed at Natasha with nothing but the most adoration. Natasha felt her chest swell, affection for the kid filling her heart.
   “And now that my mom and I worked whatever it was out in there, I’ve felt so much better already,” Kate admitted.
   Natasha nodded, tilting her head just a bit as she tried to guess what Kate was going to go for next. She was not quite sure where Kate was going with this considering the fact that Kate was on such a squirrely track of saying things and backing up.
   “I mean, until the thoughts snuck in and made me think about things that are just dumb,” Kate continued, and Natasha could see that Kate was getting visibly more upset. She resisted the urge to extend her hand, waiting to see what Kate needed specifically.
   “I just… I don’t want you to leave me now that Mom is at least for now back in my life in a good way,” Kate at long last confessed.
   Immediately, Natasha felt like she had been slapped in the face with the utter tragic sadness of the statement.
   Kate was such an important part of her life at this point that she could not imagine life without her. Yelena was her first baby sister, but Kate had become her second but definitely not lesser one. Kate was one of her most favorite people in the world, and to think of a life without her in it now was almost completely unfathomable.
   Natasha opened her mouth, starting to try to form some sort of argument to quiet Kate’s thoughts.
   “Mom’s probably not going to stick with it, though, because I know how she is and how much she hates what I’m doing, and if she ditches me and you’re not here like you were before… I don’t know what I’d do,” Kate explained, and Natasha felt her heart hurting deeply for the fact that Kate seriously thought that Natasha might would leave after Kate was not practically disowned and unloved.
   “I don’t think I could be alone again,” Kate expressed finally as she looked at the redhead once more, those beautiful gunmetal blues full of pain and tears that Natasha could not bear to see on the sweet girl’s face.
   Natasha shook her head, extending her hands as she touched either side of the girl’s neck. Her thumbs were softly resting just along Kate’s jawline as she grasped her gently yet firmly.
   “Kate, I am not going to leave you as long as you’ll have me with you,” Natasha expressed, her voice soft as if the slightest noise would break Kate. Kate was leaning into her grasp, and Natasha raised her thumbs to rub her jaw under her cheekbones softly.
   Kate nodded in reply to her, and Natasha smiled gently, trying to make her feel better.
   “You’ll never be alone again if I can possibly help it,” Natasha reassured her.
   “Thank you,” Kate mumbled in Natasha’s grasp.
   “You’re my baby sister, angel. You’ll always be,” Natasha expressed, and a tear slipped down Kate’s face. Natasha moved her thumb to wipe it away. Kate stared back at her for a long moment before trying to move closer, her arms clambering to try to grab Natasha around her neck and shoulders and embrace her.
   Natasha moved forward, shifting one of her hands to hold the back of Kate’s neck and moving the other one to grab Kate’s body and pull her nearer. Kate buried her face in Natasha’s neck, hiding her face as she allowed herself to cry.
   Natasha knew that this was just a release from all of the pain that Kate had been feeing with her mother for so long, but she could not help but feel her own eyes threatening to tear up, too.
   Eleanor did not know what a gift she had with Kate. Or maybe she did. After all, she was trying to patch things up with Kate.
   Regardless, Natasha knew one thing.
   Kate was her baby sister and Natasha would never leave her. Ever.
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euphorickaeya · 2 years
if your up for it can I request (imposter au) reader whos on the run from everyone and ends up in snezhnaya. Exhausted from running, ends up collapsing in the snow. Childe finds them, foul legacy recognises them as the creator and yeah... Just sort of fluff/comfort if possible, I'm finding it hard to find works on him in sagau. Thank you
an yes! The classics, back in the prime days of sagau you’d find these in no time, but ofc ofc Childe is one of my favourites so I need to write this too!
i think, I wrote this too much out of what i wanted el oh el, as much as I love the carefree childe who’ll probably try to cheer you up by popping jokes, I’d like to dig deeper into their actual obsession to you. Reminder, I believe that, they don’t really worship you, you as the person but as a embodiment of the god that create them.
i don’t see a lot of people write about that, and it might be ooc but I really want to dig deeper into this!
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honey’s notes : hello, hello! I’ve been trying my hardest to get back into genshin impact, im currently trying out tower of fantasy + marvel movies, it’s been a busy year for me! Please do be patient with me when it comes to putting things out, im trying to continue both my series and see if im able to progress where I left off. As of now, have this small fic I wrote, I hope you enjoy this!
summary : ever since you’ve been small, you’ve always had the connection with the colour blue, it was the first thing you ever felt happy seeing. whether it’s the blue sky, the serene waters, or even, your favourite acolyte’s eyes.
pairing : childe x reader. [can be platonic/romantic.]
reader uses they/them pronouns.
may contain really bad grammar.
taglist : will be placed in later!
recommended song : once upon a december - christy altomare.
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a cough escaped your lips, frail and shivering. you clutched the now tattered and ruined cloak, the fabric barely clinging onto your bruised and battered skin. Your fingertips run themselves against your arm, trying to create warmth.
you couldn’t tell if people were still hunting you, chasing you. their yells and distaste ringing in your ears, their words so thoroughly clear in your ears, never leaving. you grit your teeth. You haven’t slept in days, you remember. You told yourself you couldn’t, not until you’ve passed Liyue. Then you will rest.
You grit your teeth in anger and disappointment, your legs wanting to give way but your will won’t let them. You could remember the amber eyes that laid their gaze on you, full of hatred, full of distaste, as if, you were to blame of the way you looked. Were you?
You have no idea how long you’ve been on the run, how long have you had a full meal? Clean water? Warm clothing? A home? Every step you took, it felt like your body would cave in. You remember what Venti has told you once,
“there’s no home for you here. As long as you carry a face we so adore, you are always to be considered a curse.”
Your gaze stays on the floor, you can no longer tell when you’ve crossed lands, you no longer remember when you’ve stopped to take a rest, because you knew, they’re always near by, the people who despise you so, the ones who can never let go of the face you so wear.
For once, for once in your long walk, you look up. The silver storm of a suspicious land greets you so, you could almost see, every unique snowflake’s design, so intricately made. Your head makes a click, Snezhnaya. You could see the sigh that escapes your lips, forming a small gust of air in front you.
You just now start to feel the ice freezing up to your feet, your toes no longer being able to move, how long have you been walking this barren land? The icy blue was the only thing you can remember. For once, you smile. Blue was your favourite colour, it reminded you of the good things in life.
The blue sky, the calm waters you’d play at as a child, the bluebells that’d grow outside your home. You can no longer feel energy to walk, you knees give way, a soft thud onto the snow, you can barely feel the cold creep up to your limbs. The white snow, reminding you of a blank canvas. So peaceful, yet so horrifying. You’re alone, in what seems like a never ending field of ice and snow.
A hum is heard from behind you, you don’t turn your head, no longer feeling the will to, just staring at the white fields that lay itself in front of you. weirdly enough, you’re warm.
“your celestial highness, you must be cold no? don’t you worry. This one, will take care of their most beloved.”
You don’t remember what happened after, the last remnants you do, you remember staring at a beautiful creature, reminding you of the galaxies they’d talk about back in your world. Oh how gorgeous you remember it. You felt a warmth surround you, as you slowly close your eyes, letting yourself be consumed by the tiredness you’ve finally acknowledged.
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blue eyes stared at you, you felt your eyelids still droop, your tiredness not going away. a hum, once again, though you can’t tell if that came from him or you.
Childe stared at you with uncertainty. Although not at you, archons, never at you. You force your fingertips to life, you felt it twitch, shaking. Your eyes slowly move around the room, the fireplace in the far corner, the countless pales of warm, boiled water. The bucket that lay at your feet, your feet’s draped in a hot towel.
You could tell why, from your ankles to your calf, it grew bright red, you though, from the snow, must be. Childe watched you scan the room, you remember him as awfully noisy, so, carefree. Almost child-like. It kind of weirds you out, how quiet and so, calculating his gaze was on you.
“tartaglia..” your hoarse voice calls out, as if a machine turning back to life, he moves, his hand reaching for a glass of water from the bedside table, slowly placing the rim of the glass to your lips, quenching your thirst.
“shh..beloved. you’re still weak.” His hushed whispers tell you, slowly tipping the glass more and more, so you could get as much water as you needed.
you force yourself up, childe supporting you from the small of your back, the soft plush bed dipping as childe stacked your pillows up behind you.
“where..” a hum silences you, you stay silent for a moment, almost afraid to speak.
“I cannot apologize for, what the other nations did to you, your highness..” childe replaces the now cold towel on your forehead, only now feeling the wet sensation as he peeled it off and placed it in a pale with warm water, you watched his hands wring it damp before dipping it back into the water.
“they know not, when their god possess such a weak mortal body, and for that, they are insolent idiots.” Childe continues, wringing the towel damp one more time, before folding it neatly, into a small shape, big enough for your forehead.
“but here, in snezhnaya, we adore you so dearly.. here you are, our treasure. the most wondrous.” you took the time to admire him, as he gently placed the warm towel on your head. You could see his ginger curls, lay so perfectly on his frame, his hair was a mullet, small cuts litter his cheeks, you mustered it was from the countless spars you always imagined he’d love to do.
his freckles littered his face so perfectly, his lips in a thin line, his gaze flickers from the towel to meeting your eyes. His cerulean eyes meet you, his eyes carry adoration, care, love and affection for you. a truly magnificent acolyte.
You could not think of anything to describe laying your eyes on childe for the first time, almost, as a breath of fresh air, but you can feel yourself bubble up, especially his eyes, oh how his eyes affected you so. Your favourite colour, Blue.
“we, snezhnaya as a nation, will restore you to your peak greatness. I, your loyal acolyte, the 11th harbinger. The holder of your foul legacy, will promise you so.” His words stun you back into silence. You aren’t sure how to respond to him, his declaration has you so curious. Why hasn’t he had the same reaction as the other characters you’ve met?
and if he knows who you truly are, then why doesn’t the others?
you didn’t let words speak for you, rather your actions. Your hand shakily raised to meet your beloved Ajax’s face, it was almost if it was a perfect fit, his cheek to your warm palm, his eyes flutter close, as he yearns more for your skin, your touch. Your thumb slowly runs through his cheekbone, delicate, soft and gentle.
“ajax..” you mumble as he hums even more, the vibration ran shivers down your spine. he looks up at you, a small smile on his face, determination and his face shows serious listening, wanting to hear every syllable your lips tells him.
“will you…will you protect me, till then? till I give them their judgement, my revenge?” You whisper, voice still hoarse, ajax leaned his lips against the inside of your palm, nodding enthusiastically, kissing it ever so gently, as if you’ll break from under his touch.
“I promise, I will restore you back to your divinity, and I will stand by your side, the day you take back the world you once created..” his eyes glisten, never breaking his gaze on yours. you couldn’t help but, fall a bit in love with his eyes. after all, blue is your favourite colour.
“we must get started then, no?”
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katsu28 · 2 years
i LOVE ur writing smmm could you please do jj maybank x reader where u guys get sent to go grocery shopping and end up getting kicked out because u were messing around 🫶
ur the sweetest ily!!! <3 i enjoyed writing this so much, thank you for the amazing request!!
supermarket shenanigans
pairing: JJ Maybank x reader
summary: see request! 
warnings: swearing, sexual innuendos, allusions to sex, inappropriate behavior for a grocery store lol 
masterlist + taglist
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(gif found on pinterest!)
“Yo, d’you think John B would notice the difference between regular cheddar and extra cheddar Goldfish?” You glanced over at JJ from where you were scanning the shelves for the brand of popcorn Pope had asked for, where he was holding two almost identical looking bags of the tiny fish shaped crackers. “Like, I know he asked for extra cheddar but I kinda wanna get the regular one just to fuck with him.” 
“You really wanna get between John B and his Goldfish, don’t come crying to me when he cuts your dick off in your sleep,” You replied, to which JJ’s eyes widened, and he instantly tossed one of the bags back onto the shelf. 
“Copy that. What else do we need?” He asked, making his way over to slide his arms around your torso as he peered over your shoulder to look at the list on your phone. 
You and JJ were on grocery duty this week, and seeing as the only thing left in the Chateau fridge was the stale butt end of some old bread, the two of you had quite a shopping trip ahead of you. 
“Frozen pizzas and…Eggo waffles.” You recited off the list, maneuvering the shopping cart towards the frozen foods section with JJ hot on your tail. 
The blast of cold air from the freezer as you yanked the door open raised goosebumps on your arms, but was a cool escape from the sticky heat of a summer day in the Outer Banks. You’d stay inside this air conditioned store forever if it weren’t for the impatient blond teenage boy currently sagging against you with his entire body weight. 
“I’m bored,” He whined, digging his forehead into your shoulder. 
You inhaled a sharp breath through your nose, because although you loved JJ, the heat radiating off his body was stifling. “Get away from me, J, you’re too hot!” 
“Don’t I know it, babe.” 
“Not what I meant.” You groaned, unpeeling yourself from him. “Why don’t you head over to pick up some fruit? Sarah wants white peaches and grapes.” 
“Fine. I’ll leave you alone. Holler if you need something off the top shelf, short stuff.” JJ huffed, but you knew he was just poking fun at you. 
“Kie said she also wants strawberries and bananas for smoothies!” You called after his retreating form, fighting the urge to roll your eyes at the haphazard hand he waved over his head in response. JJ disappeared around the corner, and you went back to browsing the frozen pizzas. 
It didn’t take long before you heard pounding footsteps coming back your way, then JJ’s voice. 
“Babe, babe, look,” He sounded a tad too gleeful for your liking, and you already knew he was about to show you something he wasn’t supposed to. Turning around, your eyes clocked in on the eggplant he was holding over his crotch, then flicked up to his shit eating grin with a raised brow. “Look at my schlong, babe!” 
“You wish it was that big.” You snickered. 
JJ looked immediately offended, head cocked and nose wrinkled in maximum offense taken at your words. “Not cool.” 
“So not cool.” He muttered, chucking the eggplant into the cart with a childish pout. You stifled a laugh, letting the freezer door swing shut before following JJ as he stomped back to the produce section. Grabbing a few produce bags, you milled around, picking up some fruits and veggies to toss into the cart for the week’s dinners. Free food from The Wreck was nice, but you were starting to feel a little bit guilty about freeloading off the Carreras for so long. 
JJ was still moping around from your earlier jest, and now you felt bad, so you came up with your own way to cheer him back up. 
“Hey, J,” You lilted, attempting to get his attention. No response. “Wanna see my melons?” 
That got him good. His head whipped around so fast you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d given himself whiplash, eyes wide at the chance of possibly seeing your boobs. His shoulders slumped in disappointment, however, when he saw that you were in fact not flashing him, but holding two mini watermelons in front of your chest. 
“Funny.��� He deadpanned. 
“You didn’t actually think I was gonna show you my tits, right?” You snorted, making your way over to him with your hands on your hips. He shrugged, letting his hands slap against his sides disappointedly. “We’re in public, baby.” 
“That’s never stopped you before.” 
Your face grew warm, and you reached over to shove his chest lightly. “Shut up.” 
“Don’t tell me you’re shy now, Y/N,” JJ smirked, catching your hand and bringing it up to kiss your palm. “What was that thing you were asking me to do last week at the beach? Wanted me to take you in the back of—” 
“Oh my god, stop it.” You hissed, wrenching your hand back. 
“Gimme a kiss and I will,” He countered, puckering his lips at you. You shook your head with a snort, shoving your palm into his face instead of granting his request. 
“Get a grip, dude.” You moved to walk away, but JJ lunged at you, grabbing you and spinning you around in a circle before setting you down again. “JJ!” 
“I’ll get a grip on you, sweetheart,” He growled, biting at the side of your neck gently. 
“Did you just bite me?” You exclaimed incredulously, scrunching your nose in confusion. JJ mumbled something unintelligible, planting a soothing kiss over the spot he’d just bitten instead of answering your very obvious question. 
“Kiss. Now.” 
“Please?” He pleaded, squeezing your hip. “I’m dyin’ here, woman, gimme something!” 
You braced your hands on his biceps, craning your neck to brush your lips against his ever so gently, and JJ’s eyes fluttered shut in anticipation for your sweet kiss. What he wasn’t expecting was for you to knee him in the balls—not too hard, you still needed those working for later—and then scamper away. 
“Jesus fuck—ow!” He swore, doubling over in pain. “Baby, what the fuck?” 
“Come and get me, blondie,” You taunted, winking at him before disappearing around the corner of a shelf. JJ only faltered for a second before he took off after you, heavy boots pounding on the tile as he chased you through aisle after aisle, dodging some very annoyed shoppers with his barging across the store. 
You, on the other hand, were a little more polite about it, weaving through carts with a ‘so sorry!’ to every person you passed. In hindsight, inciting a chase in the grocery store wasn’t your best idea, but now that you’d started it, there was no going back. Not until JJ caught you. 
Skidding to a stop in the pet food aisle, you bent over, bracing your hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath. You didn’t see or hear JJ anywhere, which was a good sign. It meant you could take a break and—
“Gotcha, sweetheart,” JJ’s breath was warm against your neck as he collided with you out of nowhere, snatching you up around the waist and nearly bowling you over in the process. He squeezed you impossibly tight, so tight that your attempts at wriggling out of his arms soon proved a wasted effort. “Thought you could get away with it, didn’t you?” 
“Maybe.” You lilted, winding your arms around his broad shoulders with a sheepish smile. 
“Solid effort, I’ll give you that.” He hummed, mirroring your grin. “Now can I have my kiss? Please?” 
“Yeah, alright,” You’d barely gotten the words out before his lips were moving against yours in an eager kiss. As always, you melted right into him, the feeling of his hot mouth on yours turning you into putty in his muscular arms like it always did. 
“Excuse me, ma’am, sir,” Your kiss with JJ was interrupted by a sharp, nasally voice cutting through the atmosphere, causing you to pull away from your boyfriend with a start. Behind him was a severe looking man in a shirt displaying the store’s logo, frowning at the both of you like you were merely the gum on the bottom of his shoe. 
“Hi. So sorry,” You felt your cheeks flame embarrassingly hot at being caught making out in a random aisle, pushing one hand against JJ’s chest lightly to stop him from going for another kiss, drawing a pout from the blond boy. “We were just—” 
“We’ve been getting some complaints from other shoppers about disturbances to the shopping environment and concerns of inappropriate behavior from the two of you. We’re going to have to ask you to please leave the store.” 
“Come on, man, we were just messing around,” JJ sighed, shifting around to face the guy with a half-assed shrug. 
He didn’t look amused. “Please make your way out of the store, or I’ll be forced to call the police.” 
“No need for that, we’ll go,” You said quickly. Another run in with Peterkin and Shoupe was definitely something neither you nor JJ needed. “Sorry again for the disturbance.” 
Before anyone could say another word, you tugged JJ out of the grocery store and back into the sweltering heat of the parking lot, not stopping until you were safely making your way to the Twinkie parked crookedly towards the back. 
“That was so embarrassing!” You groaned, covering your face with your hands. 
“Disturbances to the shopping environment, my ass,” JJ rolled his eyes, slinging an arm over your shoulder. “Those folks got sticks up their butts.”
“We were being a bit disruptive.” You admitted, smiling guiltily. 
“Only because you wouldn’t give me a kiss. If anything, this is your fault.” 
You shot a playfully pointed look at him. “Whatever.” 
“So…how do we tell everyone we didn’t actually get any groceries?” 
“That is a very good question.” 
@scenesofobx @purple-flamingo @milkiane @tenaciousperfectionunknown @strawberryforks @vesperluvsbillie @fearthewalkingbitch @like-gabriel-and-castiel @eichenhouseproperty @dpaccione @directioner5lifw @liltimmyst @lilygreennn @mrstealuregirl @izzymaybank @bubsonnobx @laylasbunbunny
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
hi! could I request something like dream needs reassurance in the relationship, because he sees how good you and George get along so well on streams and he can't stop himself from feeling like you don't love him anymore
Hallo, thanks for requesting!
I've been like avoiding any type of angst like the plague, because my fragile heart can't take it lmao, but this is not to bad
Hoep you enjoy <3
You & I
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Includes: Dream
Click Here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
He honestly couldn't help it
You and George had been friends for longer then you two had
And if he showed you no interest during those times, what makes it different now? Especially now that you're taken
But the little green emotion inside (out) his head said otherwise
I mean, how could he not be jealous George?
He was so effortlessly handsome and funny, sometimes he's a bit too loud and childish but he still knows how to treat a partner right
Who wouldn't wanna date him?
"I'm out for the day, bye."
The laughs that were currently playing in his headphones while you two talked about an inside joke were just mocking him and adding more salt to the wound
He had never left a call like that. He would usually keep the conversation going until one of them inevitably fell asleep on call and the others decided to call it a day
So you followed plan B, you showed up at his house
Your first thought was obviously to call him. But knowing Dream, whenever something is going through his mind he'll ignore everything until it inevitably goes away
Mind you it was 2AM when Dream abruptly left, so, yeah
He couldn't leave you out there in the cold. You were so stubborn when it came to him, so he knows you wouldn't just let him be
And here you two are. On the couch. You starring daggers into Dream's head in hopes of reading his mind and understanding what's going on, while Dream tried not to let his insecurity show to you because he didn't want you to think that he didn't trust you
"You're gonna tell me or...?"
"I have nothing to say. I told you, I was just tired"
"Yeah, no, we both know that's not what's happening. Spill it."
"Why can't you let it go?"
"Because you're my boyfriend and I'm obviously worried about you, idiot. You think I would drive at 2 in the f*cking morning for anyone else?!?"
Your outburst to him felt like a slap in the face. Like an alarm telling him to "wake the fuck up and not listen to his jealous side"
You were here for him. To make sure he was okay. Because you were dating him. How more obvious did this have to be?
After a moment of silence the man spilled everything out. His worries about you and George, how he felt George would've been a better partner, how you two had more history, ect.
You couldn't help but feel guilty for getting mad at him before. Maybe you should've payed more attention to Dreams feelings
But you both knew that no one was really in the wrong here. It's common for people to feel jealous of other people's closeness, especially if they have more "history" then the other. That's why it's more important to focus on making new memories
You held Dreams hand, giving him a grip of reassurance and a small smile
"You know those stupid tik toks, where you question yourself "In a room full of people, would they still choose you?". Well, I would always choose you. I don't care how long we've known eachother or how many things in common we have. Even if we were as opposites as we could be, I'd still choose you. Nothing will come between you and I, Dream. Because I'll love you always"
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