#but i usually poke around in the notes of different posts when im looking for people to follow
seriousbrat · 2 months
i wish ur following list was public so i could follow ppl like u tbh😭😭
i don't have a clue who I'm following anymore lol and unless you want to wade through about 200 buffy the vampire slayer blogs that ive recently followed.... but here are a few marauders/snape/hp people whose posts/meta type things I enjoy!
@carried-away-with-cleverness @forestdeath1 @said-snape-softly @artemisia-black @goldenromione
there are more people obviously that i'm sure I'm forgetting rn, that's just a few off the top of my head and might be a good starting point!
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Ideas for a scenario where the Reader meets the Creepypastas? Perhaps Laughing Jack, Slenderman, and Ben Drowned if that's okay with You?
Meeting Laughing Jack, Slenderman, and Ben! (platonic)
or as i like to say; reader being the main character and being spared by the silly monsters!! very heavy on the hcs in bens segment with the "hes stuck in electronic devices" thing i got going on with him eheheh platonic for the simple fact that this is a meeting post!
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would it really be a meeting with slenderman if i didnt bring up his pages? i think i made a joke post somewhere where your vibe alone intrigued the entity enough not to krill you on the spot... and given how i sometimes write slenderman to be a curious creature, i think it would be fitting that we revisit that idea! though, i dont think you would properly meet on your first encounter; no i dont think you guys formally introduce yourselves to one another until a few days/weeks after the event, when you notice that hes taken to following you around and sticking to the side.. honestly in a weird way its endearing, youve gotten the attention of this old forest monster... creepy but cute! like a stray puppy but if the puppy was like ten feet tall and faceless! thanks to you looking into him on the trusty internet you already know who he is; but you decide to go talk to him anyways. probably go into his woods again after he initially lets you escape... kind of slowly cocks his head to the side when looking down at you and listening to you tell him your name... you kind of jump when you hear /his/ voice in your head telling you that he already knows your name.. friendship.. if you can even call it that, starts off as just him observing you and learning your routine for the first few weeks... youre going to have to make the first big moves in order to get that man to do more than watch
whenever i think of scenarios for the reader meeting jack, it always circles back to one main idea. i personally think that jack is in some way tied to his box. you know, the box to his jack. that box.. i think its like a cursed object, like you get it and jack is going to start messing with you not long after. usually i imagine the reader purchasing him at a garage sale, and then the antics ensue... imagine waking up one night and seeing this giant clown leaning down to your face, his cone nose lightly poking the tip of your own nose... you shouldnt be blamed for being even just a little spooked! and.. well next thing you know you have this clown roommate. i think not freaking out is key in making sure you dont die? i mean lj thinks krilling is mostly a game thanks to isaac and usually the victim is well... scared, naturally.. perhaps being outwardly calm dismisses any idea that theres a game going on. shrugs, thats the only decent idea i have... now go domesticate that clown! make him your best friend! or your malewife if thats what you want! just know hes going to be attached to you by the hip; a friend who wont leave him! how fun!
sure i could say that you go to a garage sale and buy the DS ben is on but thats boring and jack already has the garage sale idea... so im going to be a little different here. i have a headcannon that about 80% of the time ben is tied to a device, but he does have the ability to hop around if theyre linked up in some way... i think a hard drive could work, how he got into one we dont know... but lets say you find a random one, and against your better judgement you decide to plug it into your computer... and oop...! you have a virus.. but no matter how hard you try to look for it you cant find anything... no one can find anything, but your computer is acting so.. weird... its not until it starts leaving notes that you think that someone is doing something... you think its some dark web stuff going on.. what could they want? you guys talk back and forth. at first its just you trying to figure out what the person wants, but over time it turns into just simple chatter... though theres still a tenseness. youre still convinced its someone remotely messing with your computer until that 20% of the time where ben isnt confined happens... needless to say youre absolutely shocked to find a random teenager in your room at your computer, getting water absolutely everywhere mind you! definitely going to need a minute to process whats going on; but honestly i think ben is less of a kriller and more of a troller, at least in my mind... does lead to you trying to find out what happened to him, and perhaps try to find a way for his soul to move on.. funky sibling dynamic, i think
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skeletonsweatshirt · 2 years
How about something with Vander! What’s his morning routine like? Maybe something with Vander and his s/o? Only if you want to ofc!
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Vander's morning routine with his s/o
Vander x gn!reader
Tags: DOMESTIC FLUUUUUUFFFFFFF, Big guy lovin his partner, im so gay, I didn't proofread this, I was too tired
A/N: I am currently in a lot of pain so I'm laying in bed writing because its fun. Enjoy the domestic fluff people, I know I do. Also excuse the fact this post is a bit shorter than the Silco one, it's just there's only so much you can write about a morning routine, especially with a man as busy as Vander.
Context: For these headcannons I am imagining you and Vander living together, whatever stage of your relationship you are at.
He 100% wakes up earlier than he needs to just so he can cuddle with you for a bit before he actually has to get out of bed.
When he does get out of bed, he always leaves you with a kiss on the forehead and I mumbled "Love you" into your ear.
I see Vander as a man that has a long ass morning routine despite not seeming like it.
He showers every morning, cleans up his beard, deodorant, cologne, the whole nine yards.
I mean he owns a business and is the figurehead of the undercity, he has to look good.
Even if you don't get up as early as Vander, he is still usually in the house by the time you get up.
To be fair at that point he is usually fully dressed and almost finished making breakfast for the both of you, but it is a pleasant 30 minutes you guys get to enjoy together before Vander has to go work.
Vander is actually a really good cook. No matter what he's making, it's always delicious.
Vander is always really touchy right before he leaves, because if you don't work at the Last Drop, he won't be seeing you for a few hours, so he wants to make the time with you last.
Even after he leaves, you think about him all day because Vander leaves notes around the house reminding you about different things that either you often forget to do, he forgets to do, or they're just cute little notes reminding you how much he loves you.
As your eyes crack open, slowly adjusting to the sunlight that was beaming in through your ajar window. You haul your comforter over your head in an attempt to capture the few fleeting minutes of sleep you have left. That plan is quickly foiled, however, as the smell of bacon and eggs drifts down the hallway and into your shared bedroom.
You groan softly and gradually get out of bed. You start your walk out of your room and towards the kitchen, only taking a few moments to stop in front of your vanity mirror and tame the bird's nest atop your head.
Just as you reach the end of the hallway, whatever thoughts you may have been having previously are interrupted by Vander's cheery humming and his brief "good morning" as he continued on cooking.
You sit on a barstool right by the counter and gently rub your hands over your face in an attempt to wake yourself up. You let out a sigh just as Vander slides a plate of delectable-smelling food right under your nose.
"Eat up, honey. Maybe it'll help wake you a bit." He stated, sleep still evident in his voice despite how long he's probably been awake for.
You slowly take the fork he included with your dish and poke at a piece of egg before lifting it to your lips, briefly blowing on it, and popping it in your mouth. Vander soon joins and takes the seat next to yours. Your early morning brain can't help but wonder how that little bar stool can handle holding up Vander, who is probably 90% muscle at this point.
You both continue eating, exchanging small conversation and random early-morning small talk. Vander seems to be eating faster than normal, and when you finally let your eyes wander to the clock hanging above the stove, you realize why.
Although it seems Vander beat you to the thought as he stands, deposits his dishes into the sink and he makes his way over to where you sit, arms open in anticipation of a hug. You're hesitant to give it to him, you know once he gets his after-breakfast affection he's going to have to leave. You hate when he has to leave.
"Come on, love. I'm damn close to running late." He had now woken up a bit, but it barely changed his gruff accent.
You groan as you cave in and bury your head into his chest, allowing your arms to wrap around his middle. Vander was always so...comfy. If you hadn't just started to wake up you would fall asleep right there. But you can't, not when you have to get ready and Vander needs to leave.
"Have a good day, Van." You coo as he leans down and steals a goodbye kiss from you.
"You too, honey. I love you."
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
request; Shuichi and his fem!s/o take each other virginity?
pairing(s); shuichi x AFAB! reader
warnings; post-game saihara, saihara has some PTSD from the killing game but it is not heavily mentioned, cussing AFAB! reader, soft dom! Shuichi, vanilla-ish, intense kissing, mention of marriage, hurt/comfort-ish?, angst-ish?, petty arguments, sexual frustration, they both losing their v-card, shuichi picks you up, shuichi reads porn mags but not elaborated here, established relationship, they've been dating 6 months btw, they're living together, cyring, begging, accidental overstimulation, self-indulgent, irresponsible and unprotected sex(always wrap it before you tap it you fucking idiots), unedited but used spellcheck. OKAY I KNOW 6 MONTHS IS REALLY SHORT AND I HAD A DIFFERENT IDEA IN MIND BUT I JUST DBHSBJHSBD IM SORRY THIS IS JUST SUPER MESSY
note; i rushed the end and this is kind of garbage(god please don't read this), but here's a few songs that i listened to while writing this;
505 - Arctic Monkeys & Cute Panties Soaked In Arizona Iced Tea - Sewer//Slvt & a bunch others idk
wc; 5.8k+
You both dabbled in the idea of having sex, having shared mutual trust and desire for each other within the early stages of your love-filled relationship.
Even so, the obvious statements were left unsaid, and the obvious desire you both have for each other’s bodies had been left alone, never to be picked up again.
Now don’t underestimate yourself, there would be some not-so-rare make-out sessions when you both got into the mood and made sure to give each other ‘the look’, but they’d always end in Shuichi stiffening up and asking if you’d like to stop.
And like an idiot, you had always said the same goddamn thing, the opposite of what you wanted to say. “Sure, y- yeah.” Always praying he wouldn’t hear the disappointment in your voice. You didn’t want him to be upset that you wanted to continue, because wouldn’t that just be selfish of you?
Your prayers always seemed to be answered anyway, though mostly carried by Shuichi’s helplessly obvious nature; he ate it all up.
But maybe you should’ve been praying for the opposite because otherwise, you wouldn’t be here right now.
Maybe it was the stress from the fact that Shuichi’s boss yelled at him today, maybe it was from the fact that he had one of his colleagues accidentally file one of the most important cases, improperly, maybe it was because you both hadn’t fucked in 6 months.
Well, whatever it was, it had Shuichi fuming.
“This? Again?” Shuichi sighed in an attempt to calm himself, his face lacking the patience it usually held.
“What do you mean ‘again’!? I’ve told you this, tons of times before!” To be fair, you had no idea why you had been so angry either, but before you could even think or hold yourself back, random arguments you truly never cared about had been brought up.
What the hell were you two even fighting about?
Despite your mind screaming at you to stop, your mouth continued to act first. “God, why don’t you ever listen to me? You know, sometimes it seriously just feels like I’m talking to a brick wall when I talk to you.” That wasn’t true.
“Is that right?” He didn’t know what came over him. “Well, if we’re talking about our talking habits, I think you sometimes talk too much; it’s hard to keep track of what you’re saying sometimes, and it just- it brings me a headache…!” That wasn’t true either; he was a detective, he listened to every single detail you spoke out from those beautiful lips. Shuichi would listen as intently as he would during an investigation as he gathered information from perps.
But you didn’t know that. You had been too busy reeling from his previous statement to remember all the nice moments you had before this. His words felt like acid on your palpitating heart. Did you talk that much?
You gulped, lip trembling without your consent. “Y- yeah?”
No, I didn’t mean any of it. Please don’t look at me like that. “... Yeah.” Shuichi averted his eyes as he lied for no good reason.
You nodded in feigned indifference, chewing the inside of your cheek as you attempted to walk past him and outside the kitchen — to which he immediately stopped you, an urgency laced within his actions. Sudden anxiety wracked his body, and images of the previous executions flashed in his mind.
You couldn’t go.
With his eyes wide in a slight panic, they narrowed back to their normal width as he took a deep breath, pulling you towards him and suddenly pushing his lips on yours. “Shu-” he blanketed any open space for noise to escape through with his lips, kissing you with desperation you’ve never witnessed firsthand.
Despite your internal concern for him, your hands slipped up his shoulders to the back of his neck, pushing him closer to you than he already was on instinct.
Okay… This was okay. It was better than fighting, that was for sure.
You were confused by the sudden display of physician affection, but you could only get a little of you to care; you missed him. It had only been 5 minutes into the fight, yet you had been pulling him close like you hadn’t seen him in a year. Luckily for both you and him, he missed you too. He didn’t like fights. Especially not meaningless ones like these.
You both didn’t know how, nor when, but before you knew it, you had been sitting atop the kitchen counter, legs wrapped tightly around Shuichi’s waist as his hands gripped yours. A familiar, heavy feeling of arousal pooled up at your stomach, remaining there like an itch you knew only Shuichi could scratch. Shuichi was comfortably close for you to somewhat feel his phone poke at your thigh, but even so, not close enough. Clothes started to feel restricting, and you both shared the same need to just tear them off, but
“S/o,” he muffled on your lips, trying his best to try and pull away from your captivating lips on his, though it was incredibly hard with those velvety lips of yours.
“S/o!” The bad feeling in his stomach grew, and he suddenly realized it had been because he didn’t want such a special moment for the two of you, to be spoiled by a petty fight neither of you would remember in a few days. He didn’t want your shared story to be an argument that leads to sex. Call him a hopeless romantic but, that simply didn’t sit right with him.
Shuichi pulled away abruptly, apologizing under his breath as he avoided eye contact with a slightly puzzled you. “I…” He started nervously, gently nestling his forehead atop your beating heart in an attempt to self-soothe himself.
"I don’t want us to finally, um, do... This out of- of anger and- S/o, you have to know that I love you so much and that I-” That wasn’t what he meant to say, it didn’t come out right, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t think of what he had originally planned to say. His mind was jumbled, words weren’t good enough for him anymore. Shuichi began to prick small unwanted tears at the corner of his eyes as he rambled with sincere intention.
“I don’t want to look back at this day and- Or what if you regr-”
You shook your head frantically before he could finish his sentence, gentle fingertips tapping the underside of his head as you urged him to look into your eyes. You sighed fondly as you swam in those pools of liquid gold, a small, assuring smile contorting onto your face.
“It’s okay, I know, I know you didn’t mean it.” You took another breath as you continued, a deeper inhale. “And I know what you mean but, Shuichi I… No matter what, I could never regret a single thing with you,” His hands tightened around you.
“And frankly, it doesn’t matter how we ended up… Doing this with each other.” It was kind of funny how you both couldn't say the word 'sex'. A three-letter word that may have seemed terrifying to the two of you back then, started to gradually lose its intimidation factor.
“Because as long as you love me, and I love you, that’s all that will matter.” You lightly laughed at how sappy you sounded; wondering if you’d be this romantic when reciting your vows.
You two weren't even married.
But Shuichi would be lying through his teeth if he said he hadn't visualized you in a veil; and wow, did you look amazing.
Shuichi paused, gazing up at you with intense affection, and love for you. You could feel your cheeks heat up from how intently he gazed at you, you couldn't help but slightly shrink underneath his gaze.
Without missing another beat, Shuichi suddenly broke the gaze, and wrapped his arms underneath your bottom, picking you up with a concealed struggle. He'd have thought spending most of his time typing in that office, would give him some sort of arm strength.
Well, you'd find out later, wouldn't you?
Making his way to the bedroom carefully, Shuichi gently set you down on your back, trapping you in between his arms and locking his lips back onto yours soft and slowly, unlike his last pecks.
You could feel your heart rate speed up as he started to run his hand underneath the thin material of your top, and despite the rising anxiousness itching at you, the feeling of love and anticipation easily overpowered the feeling — though not completely.
For a split second, Shuichi pulled away to pull your shirt up and over your head, and the moment his loving, eager golden eyes found their way back to you, he swore he almost suffered a cardiac arrest on the spot.
With your hands resting beside your head, lips swollen and exposed chest heaving; he thought you looked like the most stunning human being that had ever graced this earth.
And he wasted no time showing you how he felt.
Quickly stripping himself of his shirt, you watched in slight amusement as he struggled to throw the material across his room, his eagerness becoming his enemy. He felt the mattress slightly dip and inflate, though he couldn't see anything as his vision was obstructed. Shuichi — despite having a feeling you had sat up and was probably going to help — didn't want to submit into his embarrassment just yet. He could take off his shirts, and he was going to prove it-
His eyes clenched shut in frustration, suddenly shot open as he felt a cool breeze hit his warm face, as well as the sound of quiet laughter.
"C- come on, don't laugh...!" Shuichi complained half-heartedly.
You grinned. "Sorry, sorry," You raised your hands in defence, taken by surprise as
Shuichi pinned the same hands back onto the bed, playfully pecking your face all over before moving down the valley of your neck and collarbone.
You did your absolute best to not laugh as Shuichi had told you to, but you couldn't prevent the huge, goofy smile that broke out on your face. The euphoria of having someone you truly love and trust, showering you with affection, combined with the ticklish feeling of his slightly chapped lips on your neck, had caused you to giggle.
"Is it- Is it really that funny?" Shuichi grumbled, kisses turning into gentle bites as he wanted to get you to make noises that weren't giggles; not that he didn't adore the sound.
Just not in this situation, nor position.
"It's not, I-" You snorted, "I promise! I just, I feel really, really happy right now." You admitted in between laughter.
You felt Shuichi pause against your neck, and your laughter died down as you wondered if you did something wrong.
"Shuichi-?" You squeaked as you felt his warm breath and kisses travel quickly towards your stomach, right above where you wanted it most. You could feel your face heat up, as well as your core, from the mere puff of air.
Your excitement slowly turned to dread as you felt his hands slowly slide down to the waistband of your pants, and without realizing it, you stiffened up. You felt slightly guilty of your reaction; you wanted this, right? You were so excited a moment ago, where did it go? The logical part of you didn't seem to want to chime in and say, 'It's a natural reaction!'
So you settled for chewing your lip in an attempt to distract yourself from the heart-wrenching guilt.
The action hadn't gone unnoticed by Shuichi; he knew that habit all too well. It was a nervous habit, quite often in many people, but it always seemed to drive Shuichi crazy when you did it. He never noticed when others did, as he was constantly too busy staring straight at you like a boy with a hopeless crush.
But look at him now.
Shuichi from 6 months ago probably wouldn't believe the Post-Shuichi, that he had got the chance to be your boyfriend, let alone share such an intimate moment with someone as special as you.
"Hey, look at me," He grinned gently as he caught your attention.
"It's... It's just me here. You don't have to worry, or be nervous because I'm right here, and I... I'll love you no matter what." It was hypocritical to say, as his hands had practically been quivering beyond his control, but he spoke the sincere truth for you.
He watched in slight anxiousness as you stayed in silent, stunned shock. Shuichi started wondering if he should've said something else-
"O- Okay, yeah, you can- You can, um." You didn't mean to sound so awkward, but you hoped the slight eagerness laced in your voice made the message clear enough for him.
Shuichi slipped his thumbs underneath the waistband of your pants, golden eyes focused entirely on your face as to detect any discomfort.
Seeing none, he slipped the rest of it off, growing excited yet also nervous as he saw you for the first time. "You're soaked..." He uttered underneath his breath in stunned awe, unwillingly causing you to jerk your legs shut.
And who's fault is that!? You wanted to say that, but in the condition and position you were in right now, it didn't seem very possible nor ideal.
You let out a small whimper as you felt Shuichi gently encourage your legs back open, a small pout on his face as you hadn't given him enough time to savour the visual.
No words were said, and no words were needed as Shuichi communicated his wanton need for your pussy with nothing but his eyes. Captivated and persuaded by his puppy-dog eyes, you hesitantly opened your legs back up, silently gasping as you felt the cold air hit your glossy folds yet again.
Your momentary shock faltered into embarrassed confusion as you caught Shuichi staring at it with a thoughtful gaze. It was strange; you felt like an animal at the zoo up for display to just... Stare at.
But perhaps the most embarrassing thing about the whole thing was the stars in his eyes as he watched you twitch and shudder. “Sh- Shuichi.” You tried to snap him out of his gaze, face growing hotter and hotter as time passed by with him continuing to stare at your impatient pussy.
“I’m just going to… Put one in.”
If there was anything Shuichi had learned from the numerous articles on how to please your partner during sex, is to always prep them.
“Wait, huh-?"
His finger sunk in easily, prodding finger slipping into a pillowy bundle of nerves; it was like heaven on earth for Shuichi, and he wanted to make sure it felt the same for you.
"Hah- Nnnn!”
Your loud moan snapped him out of his trance, and unfortunately, he had reacted a moment too late as his finger had already been knuckle deep.
Experiencing a mini panic attack, guilt overwhelmed his body, and he moved to pull out, only to be caught by surprise as you caught his wrist right before he could.
"N- No...! It's- It's okay, mmngh- Just- just feels good, is all." You were glad you hadn't lost the complete ability to speak yet; because that'd surely be humiliating, wouldn't it?
Shuichi tensed his hand unintentionally, causing you to jolt slightly as you could feel every single movement. Shuichi's eyes widened in realization and guilt at your sudden reaction.
"A-Ah, sorry! I didn't mean to-" He cut himself off, head tilting as you moaned a little too loud for your taste — but not loud enough for his.
Shuichi shifted himself, so his face was hovering over your blissed-out one, slight confusion taking over your features as he seemed to be watching you carefully, almost as if he was expecting something —
With a sharp inhale, you felt your hole swallow in another finger, the pleasure now doubled up. If this is what fingering felt like... Then you'd have to assume the main course felt 5x as good as this, right?
Your hands shot up to his shoulders to dig your nails into, the pleasure finally becoming too much as he started experimentally moving in and out slowly.
Shuichi would've asked, 'Is this okay?' but judging by your moans and pleas for more, he concludes he has his answer.
Running his thumb down your folds, Shuichi decided he would explore your pussy as he continued his slow thrusts in your clenching hole — and what better way to do that than to accidentally brush his fingers against your clit?
You nearly sobbed, climax rising alarmingly close, before dropping as Shuichi continued with his exploration.
"Shuichi! T- There! Right there! Please!" You repeated like a mad man, nearly jolting up if it wasn't for Shuichi's body that loomed over you.
With a confused, but obedient nod of his head, Shuichi tested the waters yet again, eyebrows furrowing as he pressed around in random spots. "Ah!" His eyes widened in slight achievement as he watched you start to violently spazz out the moment he pressed onto a button-like nerve.
"C- Coming, I'm- I'm comin- Ahnn!" Shuichi began roughly circling his thumb over the bundle of nerves, unknown of how sensitive the nerve was, and unknowingly forcing you into overstimulation.
"Sh- Ah- W- Wait!" You stammered, squirming away from his unrelenting hand, unsure as to why it had felt as strong as it felt. "Wait, please!" Shuichi suddenly pulled away from your clit, panic taking over his body yet again as he carefully picked you up and slipped you onto his lap.
"I- I'm sorry...! I didn't... Are you- Are you okay?" He stuttered, eyes wide with concern.
Had he gone too far? Was he missing something? Maybe there was a spot you didn't like?
You shook your head, doing little to assure the rising storm of worry you knew Shuichi would accumulate.
"I- I'm okay, it felt good. I think you just overstimulated me a bit but," You brought your arms around his neck, scooching your partially numb ass over his erection.
"... Not like I didn't like it." You grinned lopsidedly, leaning up to capture his lips into a passionate kiss, one filled to the brim with ever-lasting passion. He wasted no time to reciprocate, face slightly reddening as he groaned from the slightest pressure of your thigh pressing down against his erection.
"Sorry...-" Shuichi slipped in an apology, before quickly being sent back into the depths of your touch.
"Don't be-" You countered, letting one of your hands run down the crevices and nooks of his scrawny chest and stomach, down to trace his faint V-line.
"Mm-" An unplanned moan slipped out, and the blush on his cheeks worsened. He was sensitive, and that was to be expected for a first-timer. Though Shuichi refused to believe it was his sensitivity, but your soft touch.
Jolts of pleasure shot up his spine, and his pants only grew tighter, to the point where his brain was screaming at him to take them off.
Lucky for him, you complied without another thought.
You broke the kiss, resting your forehead against his chest as you hunched over to unbuckle his pants. The breathy and beautiful sounds of Shuichi panting like a dog-in-heat above you only made your fingers work faster. The sound of his zipper being pulled down hit his ears, and his eyes clenched tight shut as he felt a curious hand fiddle with his boxers.
"Can I...?"
He nodded frantically, an adorable eagerness overtaking control of his actions.
As you slipped your hand into the binds of his grey-scale boxers, you weren't sure what you were going to see, or how he would feel once you got your hands on his stiff length.
Shuichi wasn't sure what he was expecting either, but expectations didn't matter when you were with each other, right?
"H- Hnnnn...!"
Well, even so, he sure as hell wasn't expecting his strained whine he let out the moment your hand coiled around the base of his cock. With his whine unintentionally egging you on, you decided to pull it out all the way, curious to see him.
God, if you were to laugh now, he'd probably die.
The truth was, you weren’t sure if you could physically laugh, nor breathe…. Or even speak for that matter. He rendered you speechless, and as he tried to read your expression, he found himself praying the silence was a good thing. Though before the thick, lust-filled air could suffocate you both, you decided to voice your thoughts.
“W- Will that fit…?” Your face was probably as hot as a pizza pocket fresh out of the oven.
Now, you weren’t sure what a real dick looked like; you hadn’t seen one in real life before, so maybe it was average in dick sizes, but you couldn’t help but shudder from uncontrollable excitement combined with the fear of that thing tearing into you.
Shuichi noticed the look of fear on your face, and his instinct kicked in; nervosity and anxiety went as he focused on your needs instead, something he’d always done, to an almost unhealthy point.
You let yourself fall back onto the mattress yet again, your head that had been lost in its own thoughts, hitting the plush pillows as Shuichi softly guided you comfortably down. It seemed only now did you realize you were completely bare to Shuichi, head to toe, naked. What a convenient time.
Shuichi’s T-Shirt struggles couldn’t distract you now, and so there you sat, avoiding eye contact with the worried boy as you shrunk further into yourself. You were ready, you repeated to yourself. But perhaps your true fear had been, was he ready for you?
His voice broke the upsetting silence, and out came the words you didn’t want to hear. “If you’re having doubts, we don’t have to do this today, or ever, for that matter.” Shuichi was so close to you, you could practically hear the sound of his little heart beating unevenly. Your hand subconsciously lifted and set itself on his chest to try and feel the small hum and vibration of his heart, and for a second you almost forgot what he had asked.
“I… Shuichi, I want this but,” You weren’t sure how to explain, and a part of you wished he could just read your mind and tell you exactly what you wanted to hear. But relationships weren’t that easy.
“I… What if I dissatisfy you? Like, what if I’m too small, or too loose, or- or what if how I look impacts the experience; are you sure you want to have your very first time with someone like me? Like-” Shuichi cut you off with his lips, the desire for you to stop talking about things that would never happen, as well as the desire to kiss you, combining into this moment.
The man wore an expression of pure earnestness; the confidence he had almost scared you. “I love you so much, and none of that matters to me. I promise you, none of that will ever happen.” His voice was heartbreakingly sincere, to the point where you felt guilty for doubting him.
He, honest to god, understood how you felt completely. Shuichi was afraid he would cum too early, or if he wasn’t long enough, or girthy enough- He was terrified of ruining your first experience with him, he just didn’t want to look the emotion because he was afraid diffidence wasn’t sexy.
Maybe it was ridiculous, but to be fair, your assumption of yourself dissatisfying him was even more so.
Not trusting your own voice to speak, you simply averted your eyes and nodded, exhaling slowly as you tried to push your doubts away. Shuichi followed your gaze, using a gentle hand to tilt your head back to face him, wanting you to look at him as he finally puts it in.
“I’ll go… really slow, okay? Tell me if you want me to stop, okay baby?” You went beet red at the new pet name, but before you could counter his sneaky remark, your voice and breath were stolen from you as you felt something warm throb at your entrance. Was that his —
“Sh- Shit...!” You hissed, eyes clenching tightly shut to conceal the small tears prickling at the corners of your eyes. You were right, it was going to hurt.
Shuichi had only slipped in the tip of his cock, marvelling at how easily it sunk in at fault to your slick. He bit back several low moans that threatened to spill out of his mouth, God, you felt so warm inside. Perhaps it was a gross thought, but Shuichi hadn’t exactly been thinking anymore, eyes clouded and nearly crossed from the intense, foreign but pleasing feeling.
“H- How does It feel this good…?” He slipped quietly to himself, eyes lidded as he lost himself in your embrace.
Gulping harshly, he stilled his hips and tore his eyes away from your walls that hugged him so snugly, shifting his attention instead to your pained expression. With a hushed and strained voice, Shuichi voiced several shy but sincere praises and assurances.
His bony hands travelled up from your hips, to lace your hands, fingers shakily lacing your fingers together. Shuichi found himself sighing in relief as he could feel your stiffness slipping away, squeezing your hand as a reminder that he was proud of you for it.
“Do you want me to move?” Shuichi asked, worried eyes darting to your concealed ones.
You pursed your lips, hesitating to shake your head no. You knew they couldn’t stay like that forever — Well, Shuichi probably would’ve if you told him to, but you couldn’t do that to him. Then again, you were still trying to get used to the painful yet filling intrusion in between your legs.
You were on a mental crossroad, unsure of what to say in response to such a simple question. And great, now you left him too long without a reply; the poor guy was just laying there. You could hear your brain screaming at you to just say something! Just fucking say something-!
Shuichi noticed your slight discomforted expression, as well as feeling you tense underneath him. A light bulb went off in his head as he thought of a way to make it all better, and he opened his mouth to speak once again.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, just um… Just trust me, okay?” You felt him squeeze your hands again, to which you squeezed back, voice caught in your throat.
You trusted him, of course, you did. What if he didn't know how much you trusted him? You would put your entire life in his hands, you would jump off a cliff if he told you it was safe.
Your lifeline spoke up again, "Take a deep breath and then exhale at three. R- Ready?"
You nodded, taking the deepest breath you could.
"One," Shuichi whispered.
"Two," You felt your shoulders relaxing.
"Three." As soon as your entire body sunk into the sheets, relaxing completely, he sunk the rest of his length inside you, pushing harshly against your hands pinned on the bed for leverage. Shuichi had been holding his breath as to not moan too loud, despite the foreign feeling, it almost felt like it was meant to be like this. Would it be cheesy if he thought fucking you was his destiny?
You gasped sharply, eyes shooting open as your jaw dropped, silent screams escaping your mouth as your back arched into him.
"Ah- Ah!" Your strained moans grew louder as the stretch finally registered within you. A bead of sweat formed on your forehead as you squeezed his hands tightly, wanting to pull him closer.
Shuichi didn't say anything, biting down on his lip and nearly drawing blood as he bottomed out, his balls clapping gently on the tender skin of your ass.
You couldn't help but whine uncontrollably the feeling being too much. You could feel everything. The small curve of his perfect cock, the feeling of his tip pulsating into your walls and every goddamn accidental shift of his Shuichi’s hips.
With his hips pressed as close as they could be against yours, you had no choice but to wrap your legs around his waist, heels bumping against his tail bone as you did such.
Everything seemed to slow after a couple of seconds filled with breathy silence, your heart rate slowing down as well. The stretch remained, but the pain slowly melted away with every exhale you took, pleasure and need overtaking it instead. “Sh- Shuichi.” After hearing your voice so brittle, Shuichi lifted his head from your shoulder in urgency and concern. “Y- Yeah? D- Don’t worry, I won’t move until y-”
“N- No, you can- You can move, it- I want it.” You stammered over your words, suddenly shy as you pleaded for him. It was embarrassing to be begging for something so lewd, but you’d soon learn that embarrassment wasn’t valid when you were screaming your lungs out.
You’d wonder why you were both suddenly so timid with each other, treating each other like fragile glass that could break if you arose your voice too high.
Nodding uncertainly at your words, Shuichi gave your hands one last reassuring squeeze unsure if he had done that to assure you or him.
With a shaky inhale, Shuichi tested the waters by rolling his hips against yours gently. Worrying whether he was doing it right, as well as worrying if he hurt you. Though he’d be lying if the worry didn’t somewhat slip his mind the moment he felt that nearly irresistible wave of bliss wash over his body. Not wanting the feeling to stop, Shuichi decided he’d do it again, causing you to moan louder than the first time.
He couldn’t help but feel something strike his heart, and before he knew it, he was thrusting harder, more, aiming in different directions to get you to moan louder.
“Hah!” It was a foreign feeling, but that didn’t necessarily mean it was a bad thing. You could feel your heart pulsating, a thin layer of sweat cultivating on your skin and his, and most of all you could feel Shuichi moving inside you. Every inch of him rubbed against your walls, and all of it just felt so fucking addicting.
“S/o!” His call for your name had lost itself in the sea of your moans as well as his own.
You could only reply in rickety moans, body bouncing as each thrust he granted upon you pushed your head closer to the headboard; the only thing keeping you as close as you were to Shuichi, being your connected hands.
“Sh- Shuichi, fuck!” You couldn’t even remember your name anymore, the name of your lover rolling off your tongue a couple of hundred times as your eyes rolled into the back of your skull, his hard pace driving you to insanity. You couldn’t even recognize yourself anymore, moans that escaped your lips sounded so pornographic you couldn’t possibly assume those were yours.
Shuichi on the other hand had been moaning and grunting like he was in pain; the way your walls clenched around him had brought him closer and closer to his high, but he didn’t want to cum just yet. He wanted to get that sweet spot.
It was so incredibly gratifying every time you called out his name; maybe not-so for the neighbours, but he couldn’t help but feel slightly smug as his neighbours would’ve known that it was — “Shuichi!” — who had been making you wail and moan like that.
Your uncertainty and discomfort from earlier disappeared into thin air, forgotten forever as you lost yourself in this new feeling of being plowed like a cornfield.
Finally finding the energy and courage to pry open your tear-filled eyes, your jaw remained slack, mouth blubbering out nonsense and ‘I love you’s as you made eye contact with Shuichi.
You felt your heart stutter and stop a moment as you saw how pretty he looked at that moment. With his facial expression contorting into one of pure pleasure, and a thin layer of sweat making his skin almost seem like it was glowing, combined with the loving look in his eyes; it was all too much, and before you knew it, you made your own lewd expression as you felt a foreign knot suddenly build up and untie in your stomach just as quick.
With stuttered, pathetic attempts at pleading his name, you attempted to get his attention as you had been slightly afraid of what was building up inside you. “Sh- Shu- Some- Something’s- Mmnhah!” You sobbed out, jaw going slack as screams poured out from your throat.
Shuichi’s eyes widened just a fraction as he realized what was happening, slowing his hips before suddenly going faster than before, grunting as he brought himself back to his high. “It’s- It’s okay baby, just let go- Urk—!” Shuichi wheezed as he felt your trembling vaginal walls clamp onto his throbbing length, feeling as if he had just gotten the air punched out of him. Well, you were only following his order.
Hunching over you, he squeezed your hands as he rolled his hips one last time, slow and deep, causing you to elicit a louder scream from the spot he hit. He had to suppress a thankful smile; there it was. He began to dig his glans especially hard into that spot, causing you to sob and squirm from the intense pleasure he had been putting onto you. “S- So good- I- I can’t-” You stammered, mind fuzzy and misfunctioning as your orgasm had been concentrated by Shuichi’s bold action.
You wondered if this was his first time; he seemed so experience like he knew all the right spots to press and prod at.
When really, he just read way too many porn mags.
Shuichi’s breath hitched as he felt his cock twitch, not long after the mini action, he had finally released inside you, going slack over your body as he nearly cried into your shoulder from how good it felt. Desperate and shaky moans and groans spilled from the binds of his thin lips, and no matter how hard he tried to dig himself into your neck, the moans remained loud.
Time seemed to slow down, Shuichi had gone flaccid inside you and quiet as he tried to catch his breath. Despite the lower half of your body still incredibly sensitive and numb, you managed to switch your positions, shifting him, so he was laying on his side instead of you.
He let himself be cradled by you, sweaty skin sticking together in an uncomfortably comfortable way. It was warm.
“... God, we should’ve done that months ago.” You half-joked, voice gravelly.
Shuichi groaned in response, wincing as he pulled out slowly.
“I don’t think I.. regret waiting.” Shuichi truthfully spoke, smiling a lopsided grin.
“Because it made this moment more special… right?” He hoped he wasn’t the only one to think so.
You nodded, eyes eventually drifting shut. “Yeah… You’re right, you’re.. always right.”
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infernal-fire · 3 years
Long Forgotten
I am choosing to not use warnings. Do not read if you are uncomfortable with themes of infidelity, angst, swearing and sexual innuendos. 
Summary: Your Steve isn’t yours anymore and you’re beginning to understand why. 
Word Count: 3.5k
Pairings: Steve x reader and a surprise appearance ;)
Disclaimer: this is set right after Endgame
A/N: this story was inspired by @nsfwsebbie’s fic please don’t take him (even though you can). it was so damn amazing. i thought of how the situation would go under different circumstances, and added a more strong willed reader into the mix  :)
i tried to proofread but im sort of posting in a rush so all mistakes are my own!
(This GIF does not belong to me)
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Your head was nestled in the crook of Steve’s neck and his arms were cradling your tired form. Dried tears left your face feeling dry and your up do from the funeral was now tousled. Steve let out a heavy sigh and held you a little tighter. 
You could fall asleep if it weren’t for the looming stress of returning the stones so you decided to bide your time by focusing on the super soldier’s unnaturally slow heartbeat. 
“We should go, sweetheart. They’re waiting for me.” his voice broke the placid silence that had enveloped the room. 
You silently got off the bed and Steve’s hand nudged yours, stopping you from reaching the door. 
He slowly pulled you towards him and you met him halfway, face-to-face.
“I know things aren’t great right now. But we’ll get through this,” he spoke lowly as his large hands cupped your face. They felt rough against your supple skin, but his touch was as tender as ever.
You stared into his eyes for a moment before speaking. "I’ll come with you,” you offered.
“No,” he affirmed. His tone was firm yet a touch of softness was reserved in there somewhere, just for you.
“I love you Y/N. I’ll love you no matter what,” he said as he pulled your head into his chest and engulfed your body into his. 
You reached the new, mini version of the previously destroyed time travel contraption Tony made. Sam, Bucky and Professor Hulk were engaging in light conversation that clearly, none of them were interested in. You look up at Steve, who was as tense as ever, clutching your hand like a vice. He let go and glanced back at you before joining Sam. 
You knew deep down that Steve would never be the same anymore. Hell, after the Battle of Wakanda, Steve almost ended the relationship because the Avengers lost.
But the Avengers won this time, and things should feel different. So why did it feel like he was leaving forever? 
You recalled the very short conversation you had with him about Tony’s snap.
 “I should have snapped,” he sobbed. 
“You’ve always been selfless your whole life. This was Tony’s time to be selfless, and you don’t get to take that away from him.” You hugged him and cried with him. 
There was nothing else to be said.
How much you wished no one had to die. 
He stood on the platform and nodded at Bruce before locking eyes with you.
Apologetic. He looked apologetic. 
At the time, you thought he just looked sad. You assumed it was residual sadness from the funeral but looking back, you realized he looked apologetic for what he was about to do. 
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Rebuilding your relationship wasn’t easy. Tony and Nat’s death and the trauma of the battle were overshadowing both of your feelings. You salvaged what you could and life returned to a “normal” that never existed. 
Being an Avenger means your living costs are covered by Tony, basically compensating for the missions. Only there weren’t any missions anymore. You were grateful but it meant that you had a lot of time on your hands. 
You took up a job as a waitress and Steve continued running sessions at the VA with Sam. It was humbling to be serving people at a diner after fighting alongside some of Earth’s mightiest heroes. But you needed it. And slowly but steadily, happiness crept its way into the tower. 
You didn’t see Steve around anymore though. You weren’t sure if you were even together anymore, aside from the forehead kisses and lingering glances.
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You and Bucky set the table while you heard Sam and Steve banter over who gets to choose the movie today. Bucky chuckled and called them to eat.
There was relentless teasing, jokes being tossed around and big smiles everywhere.
“The nurse had poked him 2 times at this point and there was no blood coming out of him.” Sam laughed. 
“So she asks me if we can do the other arm.” Bucky snorted through breaths of amusement. 
“This guy pulls up his sleeve and the girl faints.” Sam howled as everyone doubled over in laughter. 
You wiped a tear from your eye and you look over at Steve who was laughing as well. It had been a long time since you’ve seen him so happy. 
Sure, he’d been distant. He hadn’t touched you since he came back. It had been 2 months though, and you wondered if you should try again tonight. You put a hand over Steve’s and he snapped his head to you. He gave you a small smile before slipping his hand out from under yours and picking up a napkin.
He needed the napkin, you told yourself. 
You went up to change into something that he might find more appealing. You were torn between the red lace set or the black corset. You settled for the classic red lace and tied on a robe before heading downstairs to tease him a little. 
“You’re going to tell her before you go right?” You heard Sam’s voice and broke your stride to the kitchen. 
“She won’t be happy.” You swore it was Steve’s voice but it was a little too quiet to be sure. You silently padded toward the kitchen, standing right outside the entrance to hear better.
“Of course she won’t be happy. You went back to be with a girl from 70 years ago and spent 4 months with her. You sort of cheated on her Steve.” Bucky’s voice quipped at Steve. 
You couldn’t be hearing right. Steve went back and got together with Peggy?
“It’s not sort of cheating, he almost got married to her,” Sam remarked in rebuttal. 
He almost got married to her. 
He almost got married to her. 
He almost got married to her.
There was so much information to process. Your shoulder sagged with the weight of the news and you cupped your mouth before anyone could hear your sob. 
“But I came back.” Steve countered. 
“Do you love her?” Bucky lowered his voice and inquired. 
“I don’t know anymore.” 
Your chest heaved and eyes burned. You wanted to gasp for air but you knew if you breathed, you would let out the anguish building in your stomach. 
Your back hit the wall and you slid down, not caring if he hears anymore. 
In moments, Steve, Bucky and Sam appear beside you with startled faces. 
You didn’t look at them as you got up and paced to your room. You thought you heard Steve’s voice calling after you but your thoughts pounded and clawed at the insides of your head. You couldn’t be sure and you weren’t going to turn back now. 
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He didn’t run after you. You had predicted that he didn’t want to deal with your hysterical crying which surely could be heard past your room walls. When you considered it, this new Steve was actually quite predictable; you knew he wouldn’t bother bringing it up to you until you brought it up yourself. Because he was a coward like that, you decided. All of his actions spoke for themself and the one true motive behind his cheating is cowardice. You don’t know if you would have been okay with him going back to Peggy, but if he talked about it, things not have ended the way they did. 
After 2 days of not leaving your room, you knew that there was a better way to handle this. It wasn’t you who should be embarrassed; instead of sulking, you marched to his room with newfound determination. 
You threw open his door that he didn’t even bother locking. Steve was mid-speech with someone on the phone, seemingly a conversation that wasn’t going his way. He seemed tense, his muscles protruding from the tight white t-shirt pulled over him. 
Your jaw ticked as you shifted your weight onto one foot and rested on the doorframe, waiting for him to end the call. 
“I’m sorry to cut this short. We have a lot to talk about but it’ll have to happen in-person.” he concluded the phone call and sat on the bed with his head in his arms. 
“Seems like you planned it all.” you commented, trying to sound like you didn’t care. In reality, the wound was still very fresh. Even though a part of you had known that the relationship was over for some time now, you were only coming to terms with it now. 
“I wanted to tell you before I left, but you were just so upset and I couldn’t …” he trailed off. 
“All of a sudden you care about me? And now this is somehow my fault that you were too chicken to tell me,” you retorted, unimpressed with his answer.
“I have always cared about you and always will.” He got up and walked towards you. He cupped your face but you pushed his hand off, glaring up at him. 
“It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I admit I could’ve handled everything lot better but Y/N. When you told me Tony’s snap was his moment of selflessness, I realized that all I’ve ever done is be selfless. And I don’t regret any of it. But it was time I chose to do something for myself. Then I remembered Peggy and the life I left behind and I just knew this world would be okay without me so I chose to be selfish. I chose to be selfish, Y/n, and I don’t regret that either.” 
You were crying now, and Steve reached to wipe it off, but you smacked his hand. 
“You used to choose me. You woke up everyday and chose us. The day you decided you didn’t want this anymore, you decided you would just go ‘fuck all’ and cheat on me? You couldn’t have ended it like a normal person?” you questioned through your tears. Your vision was foggy but you kept wiping your eyes, trying not let him see your tears.
He sighed and let a few moments stretch on before he answered.  
“We both know that this relationship was over a long time ago Y/N.”
You noted his use of your name and not the usual pet name ‘sweetheart’ or ‘love’. It saddened you even more to think that he doesn’t associate those words with you anymore. 
“You’re a fucking bastard Rogers. You are the biggest coward I have ever met in my life. You may be the Captain America, but you are the biggest wimp in real life.” You could tell he was fuming because of your comment but you continued your spiel. 
“I tried everything to make this work. The moment that the thought of cheating crossed your mind, you should have broken my heart. Because all you did now was rip it out and stomp on it before spitting on the what’s left-”
“I can’t believe you’re standing here accusing me of not trying to make this work. You know what Y/N? I fucking left Peggy because I thought about you and thought I could make this work. And then I came back and remembered all the reasons why this wouldn’t work and now I regret it. I wish I could go back to Peggy.”
“Go fuck yourself Rogers,” you muttered and turned to leave. “Actually, go fuck Peggy’s skeleton Steve. I curse you with every cell in my body. I hope you never get to see her again. I know you’re trying to go back,” you added before wiping you final tear, once and for all. There was no way you were going to shed another tear on this asshole. 
Except, it wasn’t that simple. You did cry over it more, but if there’s anything you did right, it was making sure he never saw your tears. 
You also found that post-break up glow up’s were a real thing. The lack of missions means you didn’t need to see Steve unless you chose to be in the same space as him. So you chose to make new friends and bring new light into your life. There was no dread clouding your judgment because for once, there was no impending threat on the future of Earth. 
You cut your hair, you changed up your wardrobe and got as fit as you’ve ever been. Your friends made frequent stops at the Tower which eventually turned into dragging you into their bar hopping.
On the other hand, Steve was doing everything he could to go back to Peggy, just like you had predicted. You manifested his downfall. Hank Pym refused to let his work fall into the hands of the Avengers and Steve was having a very hard time convincing him otherwise. The final nail in the coffin was when Hank decided that Pym Particles should not be produced anymore. As long as the world didn’t understand the entirety of the quantum realm, no one should have access to something that could mess with it. No arguments could ensue because there was nothing anyone could say to change Hank’s mind.
As much as Bucky and Sam wanted him to go back, they knew he deserved it for everything you were put through. When Steve found that his friends weren’t on the same page as him, he spiraled deeper into regret and depression. There wasn’t much to be done in terms of world-saving, which is what he was made for. The person he thought was the love of his life is gone now. When the dust settled, he realized that you were the only thing that kept him going for so long. But now he lost you too, and there was nothing he could do get you back. 
While you were out living your new life, Steve was trying to find a life for himself. He would see you around the compound and wanted nothing more than to feel the warmth of your love. What he would do to feel that again, he couldn’t explain to anyone. 
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Your escapades were at an all-time high. You knew that single life is the life. Just when you finally concluded that all men were trash, Ransom came crashing into your life. Although he only reinforced this belief, this man wasn’t just any trash. He was your trash. 
He was the mutual of your friends and you seemed to never be able to escape him. Moreover, your friends decided that you wouldn’t escape him. 
The teasing and playful banter between you two turned into something more serious about a year after your break-up. Ransom was everything Steve wasn’t. 
Steve was a gentleman. Chivalrous. Gentle. 
Then you reminded yourself that he had proven to you that he wasn’t any of things anymore. Ransom was the exact opposite, but he wore it on his sleeve. After all the lies and cowardice, Ransom’s blunt and bold attitude was exactly what you needed. 
There were moments you found yourself comparing the nature of the two relationships. With Steve, a lot of it was gentle and soft with some roughness around the edges. Life alongside Ransom was nothing short of callous, but that’s why soft, vulnerable moments felt even more extraordinary and special. 
If you made a judgement based off first impressions, someone like Ransom seems to be more likely to cheat than someone like Steve Rogers. Upon deeper analyzation though, Ransom doesn’t have any skeletons in his closet. He doesn’t claim things easily, but when he does, he would go to any length to make sure what’s his, will stay his. Soon after you realized this, you began abandoning thoughts of comparing the two relationships. 
There was a party at the Tower for Sam’s birthday. It was the first time in a long time that you were going to be around Steve for longer than 10 minutes. Doubt began seeping through your determination; how well would you fare under the pressure of pretending to be okay around him? 
“Do we have to match, sugar?” Ransom whined from your bathroom. 
“Why would you even go to an event as a couple if you aren’t matching?” you hollered back. 
You heard Ransom grumble as the bathroom door swung open. The emerald green dress shirt with small gold polka dots complemented his eyes so perfectly. Ransom was about to complain again before seeing the look of awe on your face. He decided right then that he could suck it up for the night. 
You were wearing an emerald green cocktail dress with sheer black net covering your shoulders, your sleeves reaching your elbows. The material was different, but the print was the exact same as Ransom’s. He couldn’t help but wonder why you put so much effort into such little things. He made a mental note to do something like this for you another time before wrapping his arms around your frame, burying his face into your face.
“Ran! My hair!” you squealed as you tried to push him off. 
“Usually it’s me that takes this long to get ready. You trying to impress the Captain?” Ransom winked and sat on your bed. 
“Oh fuck off.” you rolled your eyes and added the big bow to your half up hair-do. 
“You look so innocent baby. How angelic would you look with my cum dripping out of your mouth?” he smirked as you dropped your mouth, looking at him through the mirror. 
“My god Ran, this is not the time.” You shook your head and pulled him with you, finally making your way to the party downstairs. 
You were breaking out into cold sweat for some reason. Part of you really wanted to show Steve how happy you were now, but you felt that it meant you weren’t truly over him. Were you making a mistake?
Right before you opened the door the common room where the party was ongoing, Ransom stopped you and looked right into your eyes. 
“You know, as much as I’d like to make your ex jealous, if you don’t want this, I could think of a lot of other ways to spend the night,” he winked and you blushed. This is exactly why you liked him so much. There was no pressure to be anything but yourself around him. Even if you told him you wanted to go back to your room, there would be no judgement on his behalf. He wouldn’t ever bring it up as a joke either, because he just knew what he could and couldn’t joke about. 
“Let’s do this, bubbles” you giggled. He groaned at the nickname and pulled you into his side with one arm, opening the door with the other. 
One of Ransom’s many talents was making an entrance and this event was no exception. As you walked through the entrance, Ransom kept his head high and pulled you along with him. His confidence began rubbing off you and within a few steps, you stopped slouching. Straightening you back and tossing your hair behind your back, you bathed in the glory of the looks you and Ransom were getting. He took you straight to the bar, smiled at you and ordered drinks. 
“You know, your ex was fuming in the corner,” he remarked as he sipped on his drink. 
“No!” you laughed incredulously, unable to imagine Steve begin angry over Ransom’s presence. 
“It’s true, look for yourself,” he calmly retorted. His eyes flicked to a corner of the room and you followed his gaze there. Steve looked away upon seeing you look at him but it was clear that he was flustered. Bucky stood beside him, entertaining a gaggle of girls, but Steve’s attention was clearly elsewhere. 
“He’s actually pretty hot in person, it’s making me jealous” Ransom nonchalantly mentioned. 
You threw your head back and laughed. Your doubts of whether this was a good idea were dissipating very quickly. 
Ransom chuckled and then looked at you intently. You looked back at him, the high of the laugh wearing off because of his intense stare. 
“I think I’m in love with you.” you blurted. 
“You know, I’m glad you said it because I did not want to say it first.” he snickered and you playfully punched him. 
“Ow! I’m just kidding, don’t go all Avengers-mode on me!” he fussed.
You pulled him into a tight hug. He peeled your head away from his chest to cup your face and give you a light kiss before whispering ‘I love you too.’ You started to tear up, thinking of all the pain you had to go through to get this moment of tranquility with your favourite person in the whole, wide world. 
He cooed and kissed your forehead. 
“I always got you.” he assured and pulled your head back into his chest. You smiled and broke away from the hug, sitting back on the bar stool. 
“I think you transferred your lipstick because you have a dark red lip mark on your forehead.” 
You groaned and frantically wiped your forehead. 
“Hey,” he caught your wrist. “Why don’t we go back up and fix that?” His eyes glinted in the dim lights and you giggled like a schoolgirl as he pushed through the crowd.
In that moment, and every moment after it, Steve was long forgotten. 
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Fill out the form in my bio or shoot me a message if you want to join my tag list!
I believe the page dividers are by @firefly-graphics (I forget which ones were my own and which ones were downloaded, but regardless, they have amazing work that I definitely rec writers to check out!)
Tag list:  @partiesandblurrypolaroids @hitmewithyourbest-shot @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @bval-1
Other tags: @mculibrary @saiyanprincessswanie​
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barcaavengers · 3 years
Weakness || Bucky Barnes Imagine || Pt. 4
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Note: Here we go! This part is mostly a short fluffy moment. Reader being there for Bucky when he talks to Yori, and supporting him when he admits he will always be missing a key person in his amends. Next part will probably be more fluff, domestic and carefree Bucky cause we all know the Wilson's bring out the best in him. I'm thinking of what else to add to it so I want you guys to tell me what you'd like to see in part 4!
Updated: The first posting was all messed up and cut parts for some strange reason so it is now updated correctly!
Disclaimer: Gif not mine. All credits belong to @ryangoslings Tag List: ❤️ @hanakin-im-panakin, @evie-pr, @justinekomwriterkru, @felicityofbakerstreet, @maaaaryx, @ijustwantedplums, @winterberryfox, @ttatum14, @pastelbabygirl19, @love-buckybarnes, @forever-aimless, @izzlenizzlebizzle @pastel-boy-sungjae, @johnmurphys-sass, @ren-ni, @rachelizabethgraham
"This looks so different…" Bucky says as you two walk down the streets of Manhattan. "Steve and I would come to a hot dog stand on that corner after school. I would get him the same order every day" he says as you two walk.
"Wow, the same order" you smirk.
"He felt bad whenever I paid him, it was the cheapest order so he always asked for it no matter how many times I told him he could order something else."
"I have always admired your loyalty to each other" you say. "Never gave up on each other, always had each other's back no matter what."
"There was a time we were all we had left" he says and you could hear the nostalgia in his voice.
"Well, things change now" you bump into him and he chuckles, hands tucked in his jacket pockets. "You are not alone. You got Sam and you got me" you smile at him and he looks at you, smiling back. How much you loved this happy side of him was beyond words.
"I couldn't be more thankful," he says. His hands fall from his pocket and for a moment you see him hesitate after lifting one hand, until he realizes you were on his left side, so he drops it.
"You can do it, you know?" His eyes go wide for a moment, like if you have read his mind.
"Was it that obvious?"
"A little" you giggle and you can see his cheeks flushing. You reach for his gloved hand, but he moves it out of your reach. "Easy steps, remember?" You pause as you look at him. He nods his head before moving his hand to yours and you hold it. "So…" you trail off and get close to him, taking his arm and wrapping it over your shoulder. "This is what you wanted to do, right?" You ask him with a smile.
"Too predictable?" He asks.
"Not at all," you grin. You notice he is almost hovering it, he is touching you alright but not letting it actually drop on your shoulder. "Relax," you say. He let out an air through his nostrils before he rests it completely. The arm wasn't that heavy, or it wasn't to you. You haven't said anything about the Serum still having a slight effect on you although you have slowly felt it leaving your body.
"Thank you, for being so patient," he looks down at you as you two walk down Central Park.
"I told you I'd wait for you, I meant that" you admit. "I'm sure you will get the hang of being around a girl real quick again" you tease.
"I wonder what Steve said to you about me" he chuckles.
"That you got all the girls, even the dates you got for him" you smirk. "A true charmer" you say playfully.
"Jerk" he chuckles. "I didn't even try."
"With those looks? Of course you didn't try. One word and girl's would show you their ankles in one go" you laugh.
"Now I see enough ankles" he looks around and you elbow his side playfully and he pretends to be hurt.
"Don't you dare look other girl's ankles, Barnes" you tease.
"I'll try," he chuckles. "How have you been feeling though?"
"It's...almost gone" you shrug. "I mean, I feel it still but it isn't like the first time."
"I don't like that," he frowns.
"I know. If that stays in my system you won't see me as someone you have to save or help cause I can take care of my own."
"It has never been about that, doll" you duck your head so your hair falls and covers your cheek. The word making your cheeks flush instantly. "I'll still be there to save you, and you don't need saving so it isn't even that. You don't need help. I'm just worried of the toll it could have on you. That was a prototype, we don't know the side effects it could have…" he admits.
"Hopefully none" you bite your lower lip.
"We will figure it out," Buck says as he stops to pull his phone out when it starts ringing. "Sam?" You eye him curiously as he answers.
"Look at those lovebirds, taking a walk through the park like old people" you hear Sam on the other side of the phone. Your eyes look around the green areas, but he was nowhere to be found.
"Considering I'm a hundred and six" Bucky is looking for him too, dropping his arm off your shoulder.
"You dumbasses realize that I can fly, right?" That makes you two look up and you squeak at the sight.
Sam was above you, his wings and uniform were different, more white than the colors that Steve used to wear for his Captain America uniform. It was a sight. He lands perfectly in front of you, wings extended before they get concealed.
"Holy shit, is that what you asked Shuri to do?" You ask Bucky.
"Just a little something," he shrugs.
"Damn, Sam." You laugh as you go around him, his wings coming out scaring you off making him laugh.
"You like it?" He asks.
"I do" you say and squeak again at the shield on his back. "Oh, that's awesome." You say as you poke the shield.
"Thanks, man." Sam says to Bucky with a grin.
"No problem." Bucky says with a nod of his head. "What's up?"
"Karli is going to try to sabotage the votes in the GRC tonight" Sam says.
"If you give me a chance to change to something more comfortable I can be there."
"Alright. Voting starts in an hour. I'll send you the coordinates" he says and the jetpack initiates. "Sorry for ruining your date!" He shouts as he goes up to fly away.
"Right," your lips pressing together and you turn to Bucky. "You are going to change too?"
"Nah, I think I'm good. I'll go with you."
"If you want you can go and meet with Sam. I'll be quick" you shrug. He eyes you and you tilt your head, "I'll be fine, Buck."
"Be fast," he says and pecks your lips before he walks away without a glance back at you. It takes you a second to process that gesture before you start running back to your place.
When you get into the building, Sam, Bucky and Sharon were already inside in their respective places for the mission. Karli was forcing everyone out, which you had to admit, it was quite smart. Then you find yourself in the garage of the building where the armored cars with the Senators were leaving from. "Bucky?"
"I'm here," he says as he comes from your side. "Karli distracted me on the phone." He says as he takes the keys from one of the bikes, tossing it to you before he gets on one of them. "You are coming with me."
"Seriously guys, you had one job," Sharon says from your earpiece.
"You worry about your guy" Bucky says as he accelerates the bike. "Stay behind me." You nod your head before reviving the engine and taking off as instructed.
When you arrive at the meeting point of the Flag Smashers, Bucky turns to you, "You still have that adrenaline rush?" He asks, not stopping his bike.
"I think so!" You shout.
"Get ready!" And with that he hits the break of the bike, sending him forward and he tackles one of the group.
You jump off yours before taking the bike by the handles and flinging it forward to the group, taking down two of them at once. You are quick to run to them and kick one on the side, sending him back a few feet away, the other one comes at you and you avoid their hits for a moment before they take both of your arms. You screech as they try to hold you back but you are quick to kick the back of the knee of one of them, making her lose her grip before you move backwards behind the other person, making them follow you for a moment which gives you the chance to use their weight to your advantage and fling them over you and to the floor with a loud thud.
"Karli!" You shout as you see the group lighting up both trucks. Bucky is quick to try to open one and you go for the other one but to no avail.
"Morgenthau!" Walker's voice echoes and your eyes widened and you look at Bucky.
"How the hell does he keep showing up?!" You ask, but not really expecting an answer.
John is getting beaten by the Flag Smashers and Bucky is quick to save him from one of them, and you get to Karli, kicking her on the side, sending her against a fence. "Don't make us do this, Karli." A member of the group catches you off guard and wraps their arm around your neck, Karli delivers a few punches into your stomach that takes your breath away before punching you in the face. You are let go of and drop to your knees. Yep, the Serum was wearing off. Your vision was blurry, but you see Karli kicking Bucky and you see him sliding to the edge of the construction site before falling, hearing his scream. "Bucky!" You shout and are quick to stand up and run to the edge.
Everything keeps happening in quick blurs. John helps hold back the falling truck you couldn't open, and he manages to almost do it until the group kept going at him making them all fall to where Bucky was. Sam stops the truck from falling and is able to open the doors thanks to Redwing, so you help the Senators before jumping down to where your friends were. Batroc throws smoke grenades and Karli and her crew escape your sight until Sam identifies them and you follow, along with Walker.
Next thing you know, Sam is bringing Karli's body and talking with the senators and you had to lean against one of the trucks to process her death. Of course you didn't know her, but she was just a kid fighting for a very good reason but in the wrong ways. She was just a kid.
The next morning, the sound of a knock on your door woke you up. You lazily stand up, dragging your legs across the floor to your apartment door. Usually you would ask before opening the door, but you were too tired from the fight from last night to even be careful. When you open the door, you find the Sergeant right in front of you. "Hi" he breathes out. "Sorry, I- I didn't mean to wake you up."
"No. It's okay. Um...Come in" you step aside and he walks in. His cerulean eyes look around your apartment while you close the door. "Is everything okay?"
"Uh, yeah. It's just...I want to go visit someone, you know, about what Sam talked to me about...I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. If not it's okay. It's early but-"
"Yeah," you interrupt him and he sighs in relief. "Just let me change real quick before we go" you pat his chest as you walk to your room, leaving him behind you. You pull your shirt over your head, tossing it to the side and grabbing a bra and pulling it on, then throwing a shirt on. You reach for your jeans and step on them in front of the mirror, only to catch Bucky's eyes before they drift away like the gentleman he is.
He takes you in his bike to his destination, your arms wrapped around his waist. This felt too... intimate and your head can't help but wander off at the situation, you have to shake your head when things get heated in that daydreaming you were having. He parks the bike on the street side and turns it off. He was quiet, jaw clenched, eyes showing his concentration.
"Buck?" You call as you step out of the bike, following him. "Are you sure you are ready?" You ask him as you step in front of him.
"Yeah…" he clears his throat and your head tilts to the side.
"I'll be out the door, okay?"
"I don't know where to start…" he admits, looking at the entrance of the building. He was nervous, fidgeting with his own fingers, his voice slightly trembling.
"You will when it comes to it" you nod your head. You take his vibranium hand in yours and give it a reassuring squeeze. "Just one more name and you will be free, Bucky." A smile goes up your lips and his head nods.
"I know... It's just...he trusted me from day one. Telling him this about his son after so long…"
"I'm sure Yori will understand, not right away, but he will" he returns the squeeze of your hand before letting go. He walks inside and you follow him closely. He hesitates in front of the door before knocking. You lean against the wall, he looks back at you and you nod your head before his eyes return to the door as it opens.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Yori asks as he looks at James. "It's early, come in before someone calls the cops" the man says before he catches your form a few feet away. "Is she with you?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah, but don't worry about her…" Bucky waves off. You nod your head to the man with a smile before Bucky walks in and the door closes.
You wait patiently outside, your head resting against the wall and closing your eyes. Not even twenty minutes go by until you hear the door opening and Bucky walking out, shutting the door close behind him. You could see he was on the verge of tearing up, the tip of his nose red, his shoulders hunched and his head hanging low. "Bucky," you call quietly and he looks at you. He walks up to you and you wrap your arms around him. "Hey, it's okay. It's okay…" you coo as he holds you close to him, the few tears he let out wetting your shirt. "You gave him closure, Bucky. You gave yourself closure. You did the right thing…"
"He won't forgive what I did. What I did to his son…" his voice was shaking and it broke your heart into a million pieces.
"He won't forget, but he will understand later that it wasn't really you. I promise" your hand moves to the back of his head, your fingers soothingly moving along his scalp.
After a few seconds, he pulls away before taking his book out of his jacket pocket, taking out a pencil as well and scratching the name off his book. He stares at the book for a moment, looking at all the names he has crossed. Your hands place on top of his and you press your lips against the back of his palms, he looks down at you and nods his head before sighing and putting the book back on his pocket. "I need to do one more stop…"
After taking the bag with the book and an envelope with Bucky's gratitude. He takes you back to your place. You don't remove your arms from around his waist until after he turns the bike off. "Feeling better?" You ask, your chin resting on his shoulder blade.
"I do," he says with a nod of his head.
"Come on," you say and pat his back before stepping out of the bike and walking to your apartment. He is quiet as he walks with you and comes through the door, sitting on your couch. "We have to drink for today" you say as you walk to your fridge and pull two beers out, tossing one to him which he is quick to catch with his vibranium arm. "For closures, for partners, and for the beginning of something new" you say with a smile as you sit beside him.
"Cheers to that" he raises his beer before the two bottles make a crystal sound as they bump into each other. He takes a sip from his drink and stares at the bottle afterwards, his mind somewhere else.
"Steve would be proud, you know?" The mention of his best friend's name makes his eyes light up. "I know I am" you say as you take a swig.
"I thought I would never be able to finish that list," he says. "There's still one person I couldn't even apologize for what I did back then. I know they hated me for it but-"
"You are talking about Tony?" His head nods. "He never brought it up after what happened" you say. "Tony felt betrayed, Steve kept that from him, never mentioned it. That alone and the accords complicated things to a different level."
"That was a horrible moment…"
"Tell me about it" you say and take a sip of your beer, so does he. "I had to step out, I couldn't fight Tony, I couldn't fight Steve or you. The best thing I did was to stay out of it. I couldn't have forgiven myself if I fought any of you…" you say. "Tony wouldn't have admitted it...but I know he knew it wasn't something you could've controlled."
"Even then, I never got a chance to say something about it…" he says as he fidgets with the bottle. His cheekbones doing that thing you couldn't describe but you found attractive…
"I'm sure he understood in the long run…" you assure him. Bucky was looking at the floor, lost in thought.
"Hey, no. Let's not ruin the good moment we were having" you whine as you lean against him and he let out a soft chuckle. "We have to celebrate later with Sam. He is officially out there as Captain America," you raise your bottle and grin.
"True" you can see how proud Bucky was of Sam by the smile that appeared on his lips. "I'm glad he took the shield back."
"I'm sure he is too, and he will do a great job. He already did with that speech." There is a moment of silence. "I'll go get another one, you want one too?" You ask him noticing his beer was about to be empty.
"Uh, yeah, sure" he lifts it up.
You walk towards the kitchen and open the fridge, pulling two beers. "I have to restock-" you say as you turn around only to be met by Bucky's body a few inches away. His gaze was soft as he looked down at you. You could feel his hot breath close to you, and you were sure he could hear the fast beating of your heart. His tongue runs along his lips, and you can't help but bite on your lower lip as you look up into his eyes. "Bucky-"
"I just...want to try something…" his vibranium takes the beers from your hands and sets them aside, then resting it against the fridge, caging you, but where in any other situation you would've been defensive, you were calm because this was all Bucky, not the Winter Soldier. His other hand moves to the side of your neck, his fingers resting on the nape of it, moving ever so slowly. You can feel your cheeks flushing, your breath hitching as he leans in, his lips pressing against yours slowly. Three times you two have kissed, three times he has kissed you differently and three times you have felt different.
The first kiss was an impulse of yours, very out of place, but he kissed back anyway, even if it was a liplock kind of kiss. You felt guilty about it, you felt like you took advantage of the situation and you two had a small argument about how you shouldn't apologize for it. The second back at Sam's house which he initiated. It lasted somewhat longer than the first one, it was something that happened with the moment because you were talking about your status. Now this, which you wanted to kiss him as much as he wanted to try that something. You melted into the kiss, trying to mold your body against his. Your hands rest on both sides of his hip ever so lightly, your lips moving slowly against his, his tongue brushing your upper lip. Your head tilts, deciding to test the waters by deepening the kiss, and you were glad when he didn't pull away like the first time.
His body presses closer to yours and your fingers curl around his shirt, unconsciously pulling him closer. Your teeth graze his lips and he hums, and gosh you would lie if that didn't awaken something in you. He pulls away slightly, and you take the chance to get your breathing in check, your eyes open slowly while his remain close for a few more opens until his eyelids lift. "You good?" You ask under your breath and he nods, noticing he was short of breath as well. One of your hands let go of his shirt, moving up his side and wrapping around his neck, the one on your neck moves to your waist, holding you close to him but he leaves against the fridge his metal arm.
His lips connect with yours again, this time isn't slow, it's more urgent and you can't help but give into it. You bring him closer, if possible, as you tilt your head to deepen the kiss. Your tongue trails his lower lip, and he grants the access, a soft moan escaping your lips as his own intertwine with yours. His finger traces your skin where your shirt rolled a bit and you shiver under his touch at the contact of his hand touching a part of skin he hadn't touched before.
Then your phone goes off and you break the kiss, your forehead resting against his as you pant, so does Bucky. "I-"
"Yeah. It could be urgent…" he clears his throat and drops his left hand from the fridge and the one on your back. You look at his lips one last time, catching your breath before walking to the table and picking up your phone.
"Hey, Sam" you say as you look at Bucky who slowly turns to face you.
"Hey, kiddo. Just wanted to invite you and Barnes to a cookout my family will have tomorrow."
"Oh, uh" you look at Bucky who shrugs. "Sure, I'll let him know."
"He already knows, huh?" Sam chuckles.
"Shut up, Sam," you say playfully.
"Well, be safe. Have fun. Not too much fun though" Sam chuckles.
"Weren't you the one to tell us to take baby steps?"
"Depends on how big the baby already is."
"I'll see you two tomorrow! Bye now!" And he hangs up.
You stare at the phone in your hand before sighing. "Cookout tomorrow?" You offer the man an apologetic smile, tapping your phone against your palm.
"Would be nice to go back," Bucky shrugs, leaning against the kitchen counter. "I go if you go."
"Only if you want to" you walk to the counter, standing on the other side of it so it was the only thing between you two. "We can take the first flight tomorrow. I can go and pick you up," you shrug. Then you have that idea… "Or you-" you stop yourself. Nope. Too straightforward. "Nevermind."
"What were you going to say?" His head tilts, eyeing you curiously.
"Oh, nothing" you put your phone down on the counter and scroll through the airline app looking for a flight. "There is a flight tomorrow at 5am. We can get there early to spend some good time there." Best attempt to change the subject, but when you look up, Bucky is eyeing you. "Oh, no. I'm not gonna talk."
His lips purse and he walks around the counter and you curse under your breath. "Would it be that bad?"
"Terrible actually," you swallow harshly as he stands in front of you, his arms crossing against his chest making his biceps bulge out. Why was he like this? His head nods in agreement, but he has that face that you know he won't let go of it until you speak up. You sigh. "Fine," you pause. "Can I walk you through a hypothetical?"
"Using my words. This sounds promising" he says, and you see that playful smile on his lips which purse as he waits for the answer. No matter how many times he smiled, you were glad about two things. One, that he was now falling to the Bucky he once was, he was getting his personality back. Two, that his smiles were around you, that you in a way have helped him. Yes, there was still a long way to go because he still hesitates about some things, but it was okay. Every new thing he tried you took it as a huge step.
"So, what if, hypothetically, you…" you trail off, "you stayed the night and we go to the airport." His gaze softens, and you see he is thinking of your words. "Hypothetically, okay? Like, just an idea. That way we just go straight to the airport." You can't help but chew on the inside of your cheek nervously.
"That's- I would- I would like that" he was stammering. "But, um...I don't want to make you feel-"
"If you say uncomfortable after you kissed me not more than five minutes ago I'm gonna kick your ass" you say and he smirks, but he remains somewhat serious. "You can sleep on the couch" you were regretting this. The more you say, the more you felt you were screwing it up. "I mean, if you want, Buck. It was a random suggestion." You wave off and turn around to continue looking for the flights.
"Hey" Bucky calls and you continue on your phone. His hand rests on your back before it reaches your waist and turns you around, you avoid his gaze but he bends down a little to meet it. "I would like nothing more than to stay with you, doll" he starts. "But I- I don't trust myself enough to stay around you while the nightmares are still there. I don't want to hurt you."
"Bucky," your hand rests on his cheek, his stubble poking the inside of your palm, feeling his warmth. "I trust you." He leans against your hand and kisses the inside of it, sending warmth all over your body. His cerulean eyes were looking at you with such affection that was making you weak. "I know the Winter Soldier is gone. It's just a matter of time that the nightmares will stop, when you feel more at ease."
"I know, doll" he nods his head and you smile softly at him. He pulls you closer to him, leaning in and kissing your forehead. Lips lingering there for a moment. "I'll go get my things. Text me which flight you choose" he says as he pulls away, letting go of your body before walking out the door.
You felt like this trip could help him. There was nothing to be worried about. No Zemo. No Karli. No Flag Smashers. He could now be at ease and sort his thoughts out now that he has finished his book. This could be the perfect getaway if things planned out right.
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a-singleboat · 4 years
Virtual Reality
Word Count: 2.4k
Request: hi! if your taking requests, i was wondering if you could write a damien x reader, where they meet through Twitch? add anything else you want i always love everything you write, thanks so much!! - anon
Warning(s): like, one swear
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It was a Thursday night when you first met him, or rather, heard of him. You had been streaming for five hours heading into your sixth when you decided it might be time for you to log off for the night. As per usual, you took at least thirty minutes at the end of your stream just to talk with your viewers, usually about how their lives were going in exchange for a story from your own day. 
Tonight, however, there was an influx of people asking if you’d ever heard of a streamer by the name of Damien Haas, which you hadn’t, and if you would do a collaboration with the man anytime soon. Apparently, your content was eerily similar and you were, and I quote, “Practically the female version of him, looks aside.” 
“Damien Haas…” you rolled yourself back closer to your desk, hands settled on your keyboard. You typed his name into the search bar, patiently waiting for Twitch to pull up his account. You clicked into the first one, making an impressed face at the purple checkmark next to his name. You squinted at the screen. “Is this him? In the profile picture with the LEDs in the background?” 
You glanced at your chat, chuckling as the viewers started spamming ‘yes’ and ‘oh my god it’s happening,’ and your personal favorite, ‘mom come pick me up the best crossover of 2020 is happening and im SCARED.’
“He plays a lot of Animal Crossing,” you observed, clicking on one of his videos and dragging the tab onto your main monitor so the stream could see it. You skipped through the beginning part, biting into a pretzel as you watched. 
“He’s kinda cute,” you commented, laughing as your stream freaked out once more. There were a few people commenting what looked like it could be a ship name though you ignored it. “Shame I’d never meet him, though.”
You paused his video, taking note of the time, before rolling out your shoulders. “I think it’s time for me to head out so I’m gonna end this stream with a huge thank you to you all for sticking with me through this entire stream and if you didn’t stay the entire time, I’m glad you decided to join in on the ride even halfway through. I’ll see you guys next time.”
You ended the stream, waving goodbye to your viewers before the light went out and you could relax the smile off your face. Don’t get it twisted, you loved streaming and you loved your viewers but just like any other job, it could get exhausting at times. You shut down your monitors, the screens turning blue before fading to black. You stretched, taking your phone up from its charger and launching yourself into bed, opening your phone and clicking on Twitter. 
Much like staying thirty minutes after you were done streaming to talk to viewers, you usually went on Twitter right after to answer questions and respond to DMs. This time, however, instead of opening the app to see a bunch of post-stream questions, your mentions were filled with the video clip of you saying, “He’s kinda cute,” as well as maybe a million people tagging both you and Damien in them. 
Well, shit. 
Soon enough, that was all that filled your timeline. You couldn’t move in one direction without running into another screencap of you admiring the man. God, you knew the consequences but something in the back of your mind was urging you to reach out to him.
After a few moments of contemplation, the lonely side of you won out, forcing you to message him against your better judgment. Without even thinking about it, you found his Twitter and sent this message:
Hey, I’m sorry about your mentions blowing up because of me tonight. My viewers recommended your Twitch to me and I spoke without thinking about it on Live. 
And with no expectation of his response, you fell asleep right there with your phone on your chest and the DM still open. 
You woke up the next morning with a sore neck and a dead phone, which was a terrible way to start your day. You rolled over, plugging your device into an outlet before crawling out of bed to start your day. When you weren’t streaming, you worked as a freelance editor for different YouTubers, helping their editors with their workload or even staying on as a Temp for different companies. Occasionally you edited the odd commercial here and there, but those gigs were rare. 
Most recently, you had received some material from a group of YouTubers, Smosh. This job was different, however, because if you did well on this you could be looking at a permanent place of employment through their parent company, Mythical Entertainment. 
You knew Mythical Entertainment, it was hard not to, especially since your aunt was one of the producers within the company, but tended to ignore everything the company did. The last you’d heard, they’d onboarded another YouTube group (which you did later find out to be Smosh, the same YouTubers whose video you were hired to edit). 
 After a quick shower and a half-assed attempt at a proper breakfast, you were ready to start your day. You situated yourself behind your monitors, opening the video clips that had been sent to you. The first was a sample video, something that gave you insight on what their editing style was actually like. 
But imagine your surprise when you’re staring down the same man you have called cute the night before, his approximately five-eleven stance taking up one-sixth of the space. He was standing next to a blond, who had been marked as “Shayne Topp.”
Despite there being five other people in frame, your eyes kept moving back to Damien’s figure, watching his mannerisms through the screen and laughing along to his jokes when they fell upon deaf ears. 
Your eyes slid over to your phone, now decently charged after sitting for so long. On your screen were dozens of notifications. There were maybe two from your mom, asking if you’d be coming home for dinner sometime that week but the majority came from Twitter. You picked up the device, unlocking and responding to your mom with a, “yes,” before opening Twitter. 
Nothing much had changed from the night prior. Your mentions were still being flooded with the video from last night but newer content had been ushered in, namely fan edits using footage from your streams and, you assumed, his. 
The only major difference, however, was the fact that Damien had responded to your DM from the night prior. The first message read: 
It’s really no problem! My stream had mentioned your name before, too.
Followed by the second:
P.S. I think you’re cute, too.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Mr. Damien Haas, the man that you had made a thoughtless comment on stream about, also thought that you were cute. Suddenly, the fact that you had been staring at him for the past hour seemed less stalkerish and more like a blooming crush. You wrote back:
Aw, thanks! Have you seen the newer fan edits? They’re all so talented.
You cringed at yourself. A cute boy started talking to you and you’ve suddenly forgotten how to be suave, not that you really were in the first place. But still, you liked to think you had some tact when talking to people that you found attractive. 
Not even a moment later, there came a response. 
Yes, I have, he responded. And I agree! They are all very talented individuals. 
You looked from the monitor in front of you. You had about a quarter of the footage left to go through before you could start editing but this technically wasn’t due until the following night. Feeling emboldened by the fact that he had actually responded, you replied:
Are you going to TwitchCon on Friday? We should meet up or something. 
Anxiously you awaited his response, taking his silence as an opportunity to watch a bit more of the footage and take down notes according to the sample they’d given you. Roughly thirty minutes later is when the next response came in, reading as an affirmative to both questions. 
You didn’t respond, choosing to leave your social media for after you’d finished editing the video. Your heart still pounded, however. Just the thought that there was a possibility for the two of you to meet was, simply put, insane. You’d just heard of the guy the night before and decided that he was going to be your latest hyperfixation. 
But who could blame you? He was a nice, funny guy that showed the slightest bit of attraction towards you. It didn’t help that you were a sucker for guys that were nice to you. 
Fast forward to the Friday of TwitchCon, also known as the first day of TwitchCon. You and Damien had been talking steadily over Twitter DMs and just last night you had gained his phone number, giving you even more access to the man than you had before. But of course, who were you if you didn’t tease your fans with the prospect of you meeting. 
The night before, at the end of your stream, you’d given your fans the little tidbit of information that you and Damien were, in fact, planning on meeting up sometime during TwitchCon and would be greeting fans together for an hour at your booth. 
That sent Twitter into a frenzy, both of your combined fans getting your ship name to trend within the hour, which confused the hell out of a bunch of locals. 
It was nearing the time you and Damien had set to meet up. The plan was you’d meet around twelve for lunch, take an hour for yourselves, before going back to your booth and meeting with fans for an hour or so as promised. 
You had never been more nervous than you were in that moment. Not only were you about to meet your three-day-old crush but apparently a very popular YouTuber. You tried not to let the thought mess with your head. One of your friends, Wilbur Soot (who you played Minecraft with from time to time) was poking fun at you for being nervous about meeting a popular YouTuber. 
After three years of streaming and gaining a solid following, you’d think you’d be used to meeting other popular content creators. But because it was him, you found yourself unable to think straight. 
“What if I fuck up?” you asked Wilbur anxiously. He’d flown in from London for this event at your insistence and because you’d offered to pay half his airfare to get there and back. He didn’t have his own booth as his arrival was very last minute, but he didn’t mind. He signed the occasional poster though his main purpose was to provide you mental and emotional support. 
“You won’t fuck up,” he comforted, leafing through one of the comics a fan had given you. The entire thing was hand-drawn, which was an insane fact in itself. It looked professional, which was what blew you away when you’d received it. “Well, you won’t fuck up as badly as you did when you first met Schlatt.”
You groaned in embarrassment. “Don’t remind me.”
Long story short, you’d dumped a red in color slushy on the man accidentally after tripping over an unmarked cable. It really wasn’t your fault but the boys hadn’t let you live it down since then. 
Half a moment later, Wilbur was poking your side. “Is that him?” he asked, jabbing his pointer finger into your side while looking in the opposite direction. He was looking at a familiar figure walking down the hallway toward your booth. He stopped for a moment to take a photo with a fan, talking to them about something, before continuing on his way toward you. 
Your eyes locked and you gave him a smile while trying to beat Wilbur into no longer poking you. He stopped when you slapped his arm the first time, sticking his tongue at you before going on his phone. You rolled your eyes at his half-assed attempt of pretending he wasn’t about to start listening in on your conversation. 
“Hey, Y/n, right?” Damien asked as he approached. You nodded, reaching out for a handshake but becoming pleasantly surprised when he instead pulled you in for a hug. 
“You ready for lunch?” you asked glaring slightly at Wilbur as he made kissy faces over Damien’s shoulder. Luckily, Damien hadn’t noticed your moron of a best friend. 
“Yeah, I saw this sushi place on the way in if you wanted to try that?”
“I’d be down,” you agreed, reaching behind your table to grab your bag. Wilbur was set to meet with a few other Minecraft streamers, meaning you didn’t have to worry about him while you had lunch. You looked over your shoulder, making sure everything was set for you to leave before saying goodbye to Wilbur. 
Over the course of lunch, you and Damien had gotten to know each other pretty well. Once the conversation moved away from your fans and, well, work, and more into personal details, you found that you actually weren’t all that similar. For starters, Damien loved watching anime while your guilty pleasure was Gilmore Girls. The one show you both had a love for, however, was Avatar the Last Airbender, which made sense. 
Another thing was that he actually enjoyed being in front of the camera while you tolerated it on most days, really only putting on your face cam for the last thirty minutes on most days. Despite that, he still classified himself as an introvert. 
You returned back to your booth much later than you anticipated, thoroughly shocked at the line that had formed with Wilbur at the front of it, entertaining the fans that had shown up early to meet both you and Damien. 
“Y/n!” one fan called, pointing in your direction. Immediately, the entire line turned and gaped at the sight of you and Damien walking together. You greeted them happily, stopping for pictures and verbally promising that you’d stay until you got to meet everyone personally. 
“You really love your fans,” Damien observed as you put your things back down behind the table. Wilbur had set up shop on your right side, chatting with a few people at the front of the line. 
“I wouldn’t be anywhere without them,” you admitted, pulling a silver sharpie from your bag. You handed a gold one to Damien. “I also wouldn’t have gotten to meet you without them, which I’m still sorry about, by the way. Your feed must have been chaotic.”
“You have no idea,” he chuckled. “But everything happens for a reason.”
You nodded, grinning up at him. “Yes, they do.” 
@beautiful-holland @toms-order @starlightfound @grandmascottlang @positiveparker @bippity-boppity-boopa @caswinchester2000 @andreasworlsboring101 @imladylunaticbitch​
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evanescentdawn · 3 years
MASTERLIST (and review) JULY 2021
(4th july) the crossing over —
fandom: tokyo ghoul
pairing: reaperneki & kuroneki
summary: the lines between them are a blur, he’s not quite Haise, even as he holds their memories; and he’s not the other kanekis either.
notes: this is more like a exploration fic. i had finished it a long time ago but had confused myself with the pronouns/names but fixed that and did a little bit here and there, and then, posted it! I like this, and what it stands for, and the way it fits together. there’s a lot I think I could do better with, and not quite satisfied with it, but I think it’s good as it is, too. really love how the ending came out, and the descriptions. there’s a lot of good lines! it’s just...the beginning part that makes me cringe a little because it didn’t quite come out well. the title is a play on how it’s a crossover, like with the all the different kaneki’s and how they are similar in ways and literally the same person, but very distinct and exist as one person, too. and also, how this place, this part is like a crossing over. that place in between death and life. which I Love
(6th july) carry my heart in your hands —
fandom: tokyo ghoul
pairing: touken, kaneki ken/kirishima touka
summary: this is something that kaneki had been considering for a long time, fleeting thoughts that seem — closer, and more possible, now.
notes: this month was through and throughly a touken month. well. most of it. like, wow! I wrote so much! I really, really love this one. the beginning came out a bit messy, a trend im noticing in my writing haha, but, like god, I love so much how fun I had with this, the feelings it carries and kaneki’s pov. it all flowed so well. and, it got longer than I accepted! originally, thought it was gonna be like 500-600 words, and then, look, it’s like 1K. Possibly longer, since it’s gonna have another part. (who knows when that other part is gonna finish, though....)
(14th july) could you take me? —
fandom: tokyo ghoul
pairing: kaneki ken/kirishima touka
summary: N/A
Notes: I posted part one, inspired by Haku’s art. It was so fun to write for! I loved it!! Sadly I didn’t get to end up finishing the next part. Or even. Started writing for it, forget finishing lol. Nothing specific to just about this one, expect that it was fun, lol. Writing for touken is just *clenches* so good. I love them so much.
(27th july)   Isn’t that why I’m here, M’lady?  —
fandom: miraculous ladybug
pairing: ladybug/chat noir
summary: “I can’t do anything!” Ladybug cried. “I’m practically useless at this point.”
“That’s not true,” Adrien said.
notes: finally got something up for ml! so incredibly happy about that, and gah, love this fic a lot. it’s short but has everything I love; that good o’ hurt/comfort. it’s very good and hit right where it’s good. writing reassuring adrien was very fun. also: usually when writing adrien in context of chat, I see people refer chat as chat even in his pov. I played around and thought of how it would differ if I wrote “adrien” and surprisingly a lot. made me think a lot about chat & adrien. there’s a little part in the fic that pokes at adrien’s insecurities but like. it’s not textual at all but all inference, lol. anyways... yeah... I love this fic a lot. it came out really well and exactly how I wanted! also: was feeling a bit frustration of how I couldn’t anything finished yet and FINALLY DID... was very fulfilling.
(30th july) within this uncertainty of us (what are you thinking about)  —
fandom: tokyo ghoul
pairing: kaneki ken/kirishima touka
summary: Sitting here again, being by her side, it feels like a miracle.
(Kaneki comes back.)
Notes: I always wanted to write “should we kiss” trope thing for touken because im hopelessly in love with them and really, really like that trope. i really had so much fun writing, even made better with the fact it was for my lovely friend <3 there were hiccups because i was like. shit. how do i draw kisses in detail, lol. but it came out well???  REALLY LOVE this anyways. i had only the vision of them kissing and stuff at first, but then it ran away from me and turned a bit angsty, a canon divergence. kaneki’s pov is so much fun to write. haha, i loved the whole book part. i do have another part in works, which is touka’s pov! <3 which...unfortunately i dont think will be soon any time soon, jjk has me in its clutches. 
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angeltrapz · 3 years
saw ur post 4 saw asks n im here to deliver!! (also fully gonna answer the one u sent me i just had a busy night 💚) — hmmm would personally love to hear more abt the Matthews-Faulkner-Stanheight-Blank family dynamic? esp maybe Daniel + Art, but rlly just anything u wanna talk abt there! maybe if they have any sorta family traditions, what holidays look like for them, that sorta deal
shfajs tysm!!!! (also tht's totally okay, take yr time!!!)
also oooo I love this question okay. so like u mentioned this when I asked abt what Eric n Daniel's relationship would b like post-trap, but I think it's very very good fr Daniel 2 like. see tht Eric has ppl who love him n who don't mind helping him when he needs it n who are THERE fr him bc again, like you've mentioned, seeing a parent so utterly shattered th way Eric was after his trap is incredibly difficult, esp for a kid (though Daniel is like. at least seventeen? still). knowing tht his dad has a good support system n is surrounded by ppl tht care abt him helps put him at ease bc he knows he can trust Adam n Art. he knows they'll keep Eric safe n tht they'll help him to heal, tht they love him n want 2 see him do well n get better. plus, Daniel knows tht if he needs to talk 2 some1 abt how difficult seeing his dad like tht is, he knows both Adam n Art r there fr him and tht helps a lot. of course, he also has Rigg + maybe Hoffman (until th whole. u know.), but they don't live w Eric. they don't see him every day th way Art n Adam do. that's not 2 say they don't know Eric is struggling, but there is a difference btwn them n Eric's boyfriends. basically, Daniel is very much grateful fr Art + Adam.
I feel like Art wld be VERY good at lending an ear fr when Daniel needs 2 talk. whether that be abt their trap + tht whole experience, Eric's trap n the consequences/rough aftermath, just plain venting, etc.; Art is there 2 listen to them + offer a solution if they want one. most times I think Daniel just wants to b listened to, esp when it comes to what they went thru in the Nerve Gas House - tht's smth they don't feel comfortable discussing w Eric right away fr obvious reasons, but therapy can only do so much. I think th two of them have more in common than they might realize at first, bc hey, Art Killed A Man Because Trevor Was Going To Kill Him If He Didn't, and Daniel Killed A Man Because Xavier Would Have Killed Both Them And Amanda If They Didn't. I feel like Art is like. very reserved abt th details of his first trap + how they affected him (and th second one tbh; it's not smth he vocalizes often at all), but fr Daniel he wld gladly talk abt it if it meant Daniel didn't feel alone. if it meant it could help them, reassure them that hey, it wasn't yr fault, u did what u had to, n I know tht can be hard 2 believe right now n that's okay. u need to process things at yr own pace.
and so Art tells them abt the Mausoleum, bares a part of himself he keeps locked away where he doesn't often give it much thought/actively ignores it. n I think tht's healing fr him too, maybe. there's solace in tht shared experience, as horrible as it was in th moment. 2 know there's someone out there who has even th faintest inkling of what u went thru + what u had to do to survive. of course Daniel relates 2 Adam fr this reason too, but like. Art will use his Lawyer Voice n make sure Daniel understands tht what they did doesn't make them a bad person or confirm tht Jigsaw Was Right And They Deserved It. n tht's rly important fr Daniel 2 hear, esp early on. it's honestly one of th first times Art is truly honest abt his feelings on th matter + the Mausoleum, n it's just. a step tht much closer to healing for both of them.
family traditions!!! they do have a few! in the summer, every sunday they have Daniel w them, Eric Art n Adam go out fr ice cream, even if they get it at the drive thru n eat it in th car bc none of them want 2 be around all th people/sit outside in th muggy weather. it's a good way to get them all out of th house fr a little while, something enjoyable tht doesn't require too much energy or even interaction. it's just smth nice they can do where they're all together n chilling n just enjoying each other's company!
this is mostly a Daniel one but every year around April Fools he just. puts fucking googly eyes on everything. n every time some1 discovers some, it doesn't matter where in th house he is, u can hear him cackle abt it. Adam thinks it's an absolute delight n has assisted on multiple occasions. tht's abt as far as pranks go fr them, bc none of them like surprises like that, but god is it ever hilarious 2 hear Eric frm the kitchen while Art Adam n Daniel r in the living room when he says "I found another one!" while he's looking fr smth in the fridge kjdkfsf.
holidays!! every Christmas they all sit down in th living room n watch a couple of movies w the blankets spread out on th floor w snacks n hot chocolate. the first Christmas following his trap, Eric was sat on th couch between Adam n Art while Daniel chose to sprawl out on th floor, n he just looked around at his boyfriends n his son n the fake pine tree they had all decorated together n he like. needs to take a moment bc this is it. this is all he cld ever want out of life right here. this is a level of peace Eric never knew he wld ever be able to reach after what he went thru fr those six months. n he just sort of presses his face into Art's shoulder n breathes thru it. he doesn't even have to say anything fr Adam n Art to know what he's thinking bc Adam's hand is on his arm n Art's resting his cheek against th top of his head, n he might cry a little, but he's happy. surrounded by th ppl he loves n who love him, love him enough to keep the lights down low n the volume on th television soft, to use subtitles so he doesn't get overwhelmed, Eric realizes he has a home n it's just. oof.
fr Valentine's Day, this one was actually Adam's idea initially: wht they do is take sticky notes n write little affirmations on thm fr each other, n stick thm in places where they'll see it. sometimes Daniel joins in on this one, but usually it's an Art Eric Adam thing. so like it'll be little things, like a note frm Adam telling Eric how proud he is of him, or one from Art letting Adam know he couldn't have had a better best friend, or th one from Eric that thanks th both of thm fr helping him w his rashes + helping him 2 accept tht part of him n start to see it as nothing to be ashamed of. it starts on th first day of February and ends on Valentine's Day itself, n sometimes they get those packs of cards u get fr kids just to write goofy shit on thm to pass back n forth n make each other laugh. they also get th discounted candy!! (Adam steals all th twix bars tho. tht's okay bc Eric likes snickers anyway n Art is fond of reese's peanut butter cups. they share th sweet tarts + conversation hearts!)
Halloween is when they get a big bowl of candy 2 leave on th porch fr the kids who're trick-or-treating while th three of them stay inside (+Daniel sometimes!) n watch some classics, like their Christmas tradition. they Also add in some bad movies 2 mix it up a lil bit bc sometimes u just need a laugh. I am like in Lov w the idea u had abt Eric n Adam sometimes building cozy pillow forts, so they do tht n the three of them just vibe in there n lay together n look n talk. n like it's So Much Fun 2 have ppl to like. discuss movies w while yr watching them! esp when they're ppl who won't be annoyed w u when u wanna share a thought! like Eric n Adam will get into this deep discussion abt horror movie decisions n Art will just lay there n listen bc he loves them so much n loves hearing them get amped up abt things. he'll offer his own two cents if asked too! mostly he listens, but he can definitely contribute.
inevitably at some point, someone's hand ends up in Eric's hair n he's just. asleep not too long after that. usually on someone's shoulder or against their chest, n depending on who's still awake, they either try 2 move to th bedroom or they just sleep in th living room (i.e.: Art will try to convince Eric n Adam to come to bed properly, whereas Adam will just b like "fuck it" n pass out right there. has this led 2 them waking up sore b4? absolutely. but it's like. "we r adults who live w our decisions n this one happened 2 be sleeping on th floor" so.
n then a minor one is on their birthdays, some1 (usually Art, to be completely honest w u) will cook tht person their favourite comfort food fr dinner n they all help make cake/cupcakes/cookies/something dessert-related of their choice. so like Art rly likes brownies, Adam is fond of strawberry jello poke cake, n Eric can make some RLY good carrot cake cupcakes w homemade frosting too. it's just smth fr them to do together + like! it's celebrating! they've all been thru so much hell but they're still here! n that's rly th focus for the three of them. sometimes they have ppl over too - like Rigg, Gibson, Brit, Mallick, Lawrence, William (all of them best-case, obv); it's nice 2 have a lil party sometimes! after what they've endured they've kind of earned it I think!
thank u sm!!! this was so fun 2 think abt fjdkjsk
(lil random hc: when Daniel was little, Eric used 2 write letters to him frm Santa. eventually Daniel got "too old for that," but honestly? they cherish tht memory. I wanted 2 include it bc it makes me kjehfje!!!)
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mikemoon · 3 years
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( choi yeonjun, cis man ) have you seen MICHAEL “MIKE” MOON ? i heard HE is a COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR at SAN VERTO COLLEGE and an EMPLOYEE at HALL OF FILM. they’re 22 years old and they’ve been living in san verto for 6 YEARS. they tend to be CARE-FREE & ADVENTUROUS, but rumor has it they can also be GRUMPY & CLUMSY. [ tally, 25, gmt+4, she/her ] @foolsstarters​
tw // mentions of depression, cheating, divorce, underage drinking and smoking
michael moon, born myungjun moon –– choi yeonjun fc
birthday: september 9, 1998 - 22 yrs old ; virgo
cis man, he/him, bisexual
born and raised in philadelphia, pennsylvania
mike grew up being an only child, and always around the company of his mother in their house. his father was always traveling back and forth from south korea to the states for work. his parents have met at work on one of his father’s trips to the states, and they fell in love. his mother being american-born, she couldn’t really leave philadelphia. she loved it there. so they decided to keep it a long distance relationship.
sometime during those fleeting meetings, she had gotten pregnant with michael. and of course, his father spoiled them both, giving them everything they wanted. he never left them to fend for themselves. when the boy was born, his father named him myungjun, and his mother decided to name him michael for his english name. the nicknames jun, mike, and sometimes junnie were often heard whenever his parents or childhood friends called him.
up until mike was five years old in 2004, he’s lived with his mother, while his father was leaving and coming back for a week or two. but that year, he’s finally moved to the states and stayed with them for longer nights. he even finally married michael’s mother. of course, he still disappeared for a few days or weeks on end for work.
but that was also the year michael’s mother found out that her husband was with another woman. michael has never seen his mother break down like that before. sadly, the young boy was peering into the room when the fight happened and witnessed everything. his mother made her partner choose between the two women, and he eventually told her that he was going to divorce his first wife for her, and appeared to have gone through with his promise. because after that incident, he’s been around more often.
by early 2015, when michael had just turned 16, his mother had gotten a teaching job in ashdown academy, which resulted in their move to san verto, california. meaning, new school and new friends for mike. meanwhile, his dad was still traveling a lot for business and coming back whenever he could.
michael has grown up as a cheerful and energetic child. his friends at any school he went to would tell you how much of a great friend he is, how trustworthy and caring he is. it was so easy for him to make friends anywhere. he was the type of friend who would smile at you and listen to you talk on and on about whatever you liked, and the type who would cheer you on with anything you want to achieve. he wanted everyone to feel included and loved.
so it wasn’t that hard for him to get along with new people once he moved to town. he was a very social person. 
he was also the type of teenager who was out there doing things he wasn’t supposed to. he missed his old friends and his old home, but he wanted to have fun with all the new kids he was befriending. that simply resulted in him going to house parties as an underaged teen to ‘have fun’. his mother didn’t approve of him coming home very late at night, clearly smelling like smoke and alcohol. 
internally he was a depressed mess. of course, no one is completely happy as they grow up. his family was a mess, even if it appeared as fine to everyone else. his family life affected him so much while growing up. mike sometimes could disappear for a few days in his room, and it was always during some of his bad spells.
what made it worse was the day he found out the truth.
it was 2017 when michael walked into his father’s office in their house, looking for him to ask him about something. and instead of finding the man, he found a stack of papers poking from underneath his father’s laptop. upon closer look, they appeared to be divorce papers. michael’s heart sunk, thinking his parents were breaking it off.
michael is a curious kid, he couldn’t help but close the door and read the papers. but what he saw wasn’t his mother’s name, it was another woman. his heart raced, as he put things back where they were and immediately left the room. michael had found out one of his father’s many secrets. he never divorced his first wife all those years ago. he lied and somehow stayed with both women without suspicion... well, until now. clearly the other woman was breaking it off for a reason. 
michael couldn’t help his curiosity. he came back to the room later that night and snapped as many pictures as he could of evidence he could find. he even found his father’s phone (which was easy to figure out the password of) and found a plethora of pictures of the man with a different family, different kids and a different partner. he airdropped the pictures to himself to avoid leaving any traces behind and quickly left again.
a quick search on facebook, and he managed to find the first wife. it was easy with the name and pictures he had. if anything, michael prided himself on being a good internet detective... or stalker. he spent everyday trying to find the rest of the family on the internet. he found the woman’s young daughter on instagram and twitter, along with her older son’s accounts as well. it felt weird. it was a constant “now what?” for michael. he’s found them. what was he going to do now? he couldn’t just message them and tell them everything. and he couldn’t break his mother’s heart by letting her know.
except he had to let her know. he could never live with the fact that he knew his father was betraying her this entire time. and so michael told her everything, and after comforting her all night when she broke down yet again, she immediately ended things and asked for a divorce. now it was just michael and his mother, all alone. and for once, having to get by on their own.
thankfully they were safe, with his mother’s amazing money management skills, and the job she got at the academy, they managed to live their regular lives despite the heavy feeling of a broken family looming around them. the two just wanted to be happy again.
michael spent the next few years trying to lead a normal life. his mental health had gotten worse after everything he’s found out. he went to college, and he continued trying to do well in school. he really wasn’t the best when it came to grades, but he was trying his best.
and truthfully, he couldn’t help but make a few spare accounts on some social medias to follow his father’s other family.
but he eventually decided to just let it go, assuming they definitely knew about his mother and himself, which would explain the first divorce. so he decided to put it in the past and move on.
his mother has moved on as well. she found herself someone who actually cares about her so much (mike’s stupid ass has done a secret background check to make sure this dude wasn’t another cheater lmaoo) and now mike isn’t an only child anymore. it’s been 2 years since his little sister yuna was born, and he loves her so much. he still isn’t used to the idea of a new fatherly figure in his life, but he’s.... getting there. 
little dumb hcs
mike majors in computer science at san verto college, with a concentration in game development and design
hes a lil gamer boy,,, u KNOW he’s that annoying dude with a gamer chair that has a sound system in it khjkh
he posted a few videos on youtube but rly just ditched the channel after like a month. he still posts whenever he feels like it tho and it’s usually just.... messy gaming videos or opinions no one asked for
his dad’s dumb ass still doesn’t know it was mike who exposed him to his mother. he thinks she found the divorce papers on her own. therefore.... mike still gets money from his dad on a monthly basis and gets to keep the car he bought him for his 18th birthday lmaooooo a win 
you probably heard me say this before but.... theres a hc that mike is allergic to eggs. simply bc the idea of him shopping in the vegan section is funny to me 
this boy has a love for frogs ? idk where the obsession came from but you bet you’re gonna see a cute lil frog sticker on everything he owns. he doodles them on everything too ? it’s a habit at this point. he also knows random little facts about them and tells them to anyone who didnt ask for them 
. embarrassing but.. this dude... omg.... a big sana stan.... he has a photocard collection.... he went to a twice concert like 5 times.... dont be surprised if you see a feel special sana photocard in his phonecase.... im embarrassed of him 
he also has a hyunjin mcdonalds hashbrown photocard framed that a friend gave to him for christmas bc.. it’s a rare card,,, and you can see it on a table by the door when you walk into his apartment 😭
mike also has a habit of buying things he doesn’t need ?? he has a plushie collection that has been growing since he was young, and now is getting bigger with the rise of squishmallows
there’s this random hc where he drunk bought a cardboard cutout of john cena ,,,, don’t ask,,, it’s currently guarding his room back at his mom’s house djfhdj
can you tell mike is my most embarrassing , most chaotic character,, 
also he moved out after graduating school and when he started to attend college,,,, gimme some roomies pls
connection ideas ??
michael’s childhood friends; could’ve gone to the same school back in philly before he moved away ?? 
friends he made when he moved to town?? mike is very social and was... kinda popular in school, i’d say. he made friends with basically anyone he found interesting
michael’s ex; they could’ve ended on a bad note, or even on a good one and ended up being friends. im really up for plotting anything.
michael’s best friend; PLEASE i love wholesome best friend plots. it doesn’t matter if they met in san verto or philly
roomies pls !!! i would love it if he could have some roommates who have to deal with his very . peculiar decorating habits 
co workers ?? customers ? regulars ? he works at hall of film ! 
like this to plot or hmu !
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unintentionalgenius · 3 years
you're post about buck converting was very insightful and i was wondering if you could maybe share what that process looks like?
so, im not sure if you mean about the process in general or about buck specifically - if I guessed wrong feel free to pop back in and tell me!
so, all this is with the caveat that there is a TON of difference between denominations, different synagogues, and even just individual rabbis. No two people will have the same process, or even the same general steps or ""requirements"". Also with the caveat that I am a fairly well-educated jew but I am not a rabbi. For context, I would say my background is conserva-form, or Masortiform (some mix of conservative/Masorti and reform judaism).
an important note here before we begin: jews don't proselytize. it's not a fully closed religion like Zoroastrianism, but we don't recruit, and there is an extensive formal process in Jewish law for transitioning from a non-jew to a jew. We also don't believe that everyone needs to be jewish; if your only frame of reference is christianity, that might seem very weird. there is a very small subset of moral laws called the noahide laws that we think all people should follow, and you don't need to/have to do anything else if you're not a jew. becoming a jew means exponentially increasing your moral/religious obligations!
if one decided that despite all the good arguments against it, they still wanted to formally begin the process, it would start with an expression of interest - most people have done something jewish or gotten at least marginally involved in a jewish community at some point, just kind of poking around. You have to know something to even begin to think you might want to convert, you know? and so at some point you go from a person hanging around a jewish organization to someone who has spoken to a rabbi and is Officially Exploring Judaism.
Now comes the weird part - i know people for whom this section was less than a year, and people for whom this section was a decade+. All you do is learn. that's it! there's no guide for when you've learned enough. You might take an intro to judaism class, you might take other classes about judaism, you might just go to services a lot, you might do Torah study... one thing that's almost guaranteed is that in this period you meet every so often with the rabbi who is guiding you through this process. The key is to integrate into the community and functionally live like you're Jewish before you actually formally become Jewish. between the two of you, you decide when you're ready. Some things a rabbi might want to see at this stage include:
indications that you understand the seriousness/permanence of your decision
a shabbat practice of some kind
a tzedakah (charity) practice of some kind
some form of personal prayer practice
engagement with jewish community
overall acceptable level of factual jewish knowledge and knowledge of jewish theology - if you don't know all the major holidays, or if you don't know what kosher means, if you can't name any mitzvot (commandments, the things you're obligated to do as a jew), those would be bad signs.
some denominations will test you on rules about keeping kosher, which blessings you say when, etc. but that tends to be more orthodox
some consideration of keeping kosher or at least engaging with the moral underpinnings of it
commitment to living a jewish life publicly, including in front of your family
commitment to renouncing any other religion traditions you might have been raised with (this gets fuzzier when it comes to the blurred line between religion and culture; every rabbi will interpret it differently)
most rabbis will also want you to have done one full jewish year cycle, so that you've hit each of the holidays
it all depends, really! but at some point your rabbi is going to say to you "hey I think you're ready". This will often come as part of an ongoing conversation - much like getting engaged, it shouldn't surprise you. At this point, if not before, you'll pick your Hebrew name. [Hebrew names are one to two personal names and then a gendered word for child, and then the names of your parents. Unless they have a good reason not to, converts usually format their names as personal name(s) bat/ben Avraham v'Sara, child of Abraham and Sarah, the first jews.] The Hebrew name-choosing process is deeply personal and also a lot of fun! Some people who were raised jewish never got a Hebrew name, or some folks will add a second personal name after a major life event, so there are a lot of ways to end up picking part or all of your name.
After you and your rabbi agree you're ready, the final step is a beit din - a religious court, but it's not as scary as it sounds - and then immersion in a mikvah, a ritual bath. the beit din is a small group of learned jews (though in modern conversion processes they're almost always rabbis) who talk to you and ask questions about your conversion until they're satisfied. They will ask about many of the things in that bulleted list above. No rabbi ever sends someone to the beit din if they don't personally think they're ready, but I have heard of people being sent back from a beit din, so it's not a guarantee. The vast, VAST majority of people are not sent back, though, and at least in the reform movement, the formal beit din concludes with a series of questions that everyone gets asked, almost as a formality; the rabbi definitely already knows your answers to these. Once that's done, you immerse in the mikvah; some places do these immediately one after the other, but I've heard from people whose beit din was on a different day than their actual immersion.
there is a whole separate post about immersing in a mikvah but basically a rabbi or mikvah guide walks you through it and after you come out of the mikvah is the moment you're officially jewish! mazel tov!
Crucially, at any point in this process before the mikvah, you can back out - no one will be mad. We love people exploring judaism and it's great to learn about even if you ultimately decide you were not meant to join the tribe! However, once you've immersed in the mikvah, it's permanent - there is nothing you can do to "un-jew" yourself. there's a teaching that all of the souls of all jewish people forever were together at Sinai when Moses brought down the ten commandments, which is a beautiful teaching that also embodies a lot of the modern approach to conversion - you were always jewish, it's just that your jewish journey looks different from someone else's!
i hope this was helpful and not just massively confusing 😅
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My way
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Pairing : Din Djarin x OC
Blurb: When something bad happens it’s unsure what one will do in the face of something new and scary. For one such as her, the role seems small, unimportant and yet she’ll do it all her way for the child in her care.
A/N : I wasn’t gonna post this because it seems a bit too ...meh. i dont even have a proper vision for this yet but...im sure it’ll come to me. i got into the star wars universe recently so im a bit uneducated which...kinda works for this story actually. Lemme know any thoughts though. 
Warnings: None? i don’t think in this chapter
Part Two
Chapter One: Arrival
There's a Galaxy not too far away.
It's beautiful. It's everything she could have possibly asked for and it's right there in her sights. It feels almost as if she could reach out and touch it, so close and yet so far away. So many things it could have been, yet it was a simple yet complex Galaxy that caught her eye in the dark space around her.  
Sighing, she looks away from the hunger-inducing chocolate bar and continues to work with her higher-paid...male coworkers.  
They bustled and ranted from all around her, flanked from all sides as she tried to figure just why they didn't treat her with the same respect other females in the workplace got.
Perhaps it was her clothes, her blue hair? her choice in jewelry perhaps? Everything about her seemed perfectly normal, she was fairly normal, kind, and helpful...so why did they seem to hate her so much?
Maybe it wasn't hate so much as indifference. They did thank her when she brought their coffee or tea and they did say please when they asked her for stuff. She smoothed down the black pencil skirt as she looked upon the notes and files on her desk.
The place of her work wasn't entirely for the simple. Sure there was the usual lab work, science work involving different studies, the particular area in which she was interning for, was Space.
Time and space.
The small team of scientists were working on several theories and tests all at the same time. Files from new technology to new ways to travel in space came through her desk each day.
Never had she thought something quite like this would be obtainable.
Pens, rocks, different fabrics, all of which had gone through the test of teleportation into space. The landings were screwy, some rocks landed in the dead nonexistent atmosphere, forever suspended.
Others had landed on different planets. Only discernible if the tracker still worked.
Three hamsters had died in transportation, more had suffocated in space...she knew which idiot had forgotten to put them in a sealed oxygenated box.
There were more failures than successes and they were no closer to their goal of finding out what lay on the other side of a Galaxy.
The day had started off like any other. She pined for her chocolate, pined for her soft fuzzy socks and warmth of her bed. As much as she loved that she had gotten into one of the most wanted lab spots as an intern.
She wished she was more than just an intern.
The light pink shirt she wore blended nicely between her blue hair and black pencil skirt; black heeled shoes completing the air of sophistication.  Everything seemed fairly normal except for the people.
They'd never been like this. The workplace always used to be kind and safe, now she just felt odd and scared. It was silent and they all looked at her with passing glances, hoping she wasn't realizing that they were staring sometimes.
It was awfully suspicious. All-day they'd be secretive, more so than usual and it was really starting to creep her out. So she reached down and picked up her bag from the floor, heading for the first reception out of the building.
''I'm heading home for the day, I don't feel too good.''
''Of course, Nora. I hope you feel better. Oh! quickly before you go-'' Nora rejected the urge to roll her eyes. Anticipating the gold medal run for Talking in the Olympics for England, Nora was ready for her feet to be aching, instead what she felt was entirely different.
The woman was still talking as the pinch in her neck subsided, Nora's eyes falling shut immediately, the world going blank as she fell back into the waiting arms of a coworker.
Well, Ex-coworker.
Waking up was a feat in itself. She felt hot, courtesy of the fact that they had stuffed her into a spacesuit, where they had acquired the thing or where they had put her favourite pair of shoes were the questions on her mind.
Aside from the obvious 'what the fuck are they doing to me' question in big bold letters, screaming itself in her head. At least it was before the realization set in.
They'd thrown her into a spacesuit without taking off her underclothes, her skirt bunched uncomfortably under it, she had no socks on in the giant boots. The vacuum-sealed room had only one exit and it was locked tight.
Though it wasn't entirely empty. She was there yes, but so were her shoes and her bag. ''THose are for you to keep in event you end up somewhere...alive.''
The head of their little team spoke on the other side of the glass. He used to be kind, he used to smile all the time and now he just looked evil, devoid of any emotion.  
''Please don't do this!'' It wasn't hard for them to hear her, the helmet's comm was connected to the entire room and she could hear her echo. ''I'll die!''
''Nonsense. You're the best human candidate we have for this test.''
''I never fucking volunteered! Asshole!'' She pounded her fist against the window, the fight in her was dead but she was going to act as if she had any chance of getting out of that room. ''People will look for me. They will miss me!''
''There's nothing to look for here. You left early after suddenly coming down with an illness.''  Anita's face fell, her own excuse being used against her so all her friends would think she was just another missing person.
''Fire it up.''
She could feel the rumble beneath her feet, the telltale startup of the machine. They actually going to do this. ''No! This is inhuman! Monstrous! Please don't!''
Ignored, the head starting barking more orders, muffled and incoherent as he turned off the comm connection. The lights in the room flickered, computer screens and phone screens, electricity could all but be seen in the air.
This was new. Something they seemed to have done behind her back. The normal machine never took so much power to be used, and she wondered just what needed so much power.
The answer came in the form of a strong wind. A pull from behind her and she could see that her bag was moving towards it.  
Space. In the palm of their hand, contained in this tiny room. They had opened a portal nearby to the andromeda galaxy, or it so seemed like they had done it. Anita couldn't actually see the galaxy, nor any galaxy or star, just the vast darkness of space.
Anita gathered her grey bag, shoving her shoes into it as she turned back to the window, banging on it in fear as she pleaded with them to stop this. Pleaded with their humanity that she would stay silent about this if they just let her out.
All her coworkers stayed still, neither moving nor blinking at the show of science in front of them. Whatever force of gravity was pulling her away was getting stronger, her instant hold on anything was pure instinct.
Though it was not strong enough. The gloves didn't allow for the same grip she would have had without them on.  She felt her hands slipping and when she eventually had been pulled from the bar.
The loss of gravity felt strange, as though she were in an elevator, her entire being felt weightless but it still terrified her to no end. On the edge of hyperventilating, she suddenly felt the sucking vacuum once again before Gravity dropped her to the ground.
Anita felt relief, eyes closed she thought perhaps the machine hadn't worked, that it had turned off and failed. On the contrary, The machine had worked too well.
The room she was in was empty. The scientists were baffled and the entire building was dark, everything within a five-mile radius was dark as the power had been used for the machine. The only thing that told the scientists that it had worked, was the lights they checked when they managed to get everything back on.
When Anita opened her eyes, the relief vanished and fear had returned. The ground underneath her was not white and tiled, it was brown and...sand, her helmet had cracked and she hear the air whistling through the tight gap as the wind blew.
She'd had been dead if she couldn't breathe the atmosphere so it had to be at least similar to Earths atmosphere. She was warm, too warm and she didn't know if it was because her heart was pounding or because of the sun looming overhead.
Wrenching off the bulky helmet, Anita worked on stripping the heavy and hot suit from her body which left her in just her smart work clothes and a labcoat. Anita's cries were loud, no one was around to hear them and she had to let out some of the emotions she was feeling.
She couldn't believe they had done that to her. She had worked with them for months and thought she was their friend. To be thrown away so easily wasn't something Anita was used to and crying in the middle of a desert, barefoot and at risk of cancer was something she never expected to be doing.
She picked up her bag, heels poking out the edge, and hugged to her chest. the only familiar thing around her wasn't going to leave her sight.  The sand was hot on her toes, tears still falling as she stood to her feet and wondered which direction to walk in to find any sort of civilization or place to set a base up.
She hadn't known how long she had been walking, sand was stuck to her feet as sweat dripped down her legs. Flyaway blue hairs stuck to her head and she wished she had more than the tiny bottle of water she bought on the way to work.
She was scared, alone, and had no way of knowing where she was. She hadn't seen anything more than a random frog-like thing hopping around. The racing heart and mind were only just starting to calm down when she heard shouting in a foreign language.
Something shot at her, just barely missing her toes in the sand and Anita screamed. Falling to her knees and throwing her hands in the air as non-threateningly as she could possibly get.  Hands roughly grabbed and shoved down behind her back, forced back to her feet and to walk in a direction different to the one she was going in.
''Please, I don't understand!!''
The strange beings that had seemed to take her prisoner continued to force her forward. Only 4 of them but the glimpse of red and green skin was enough to make her realize she didn't want to see them.
Something in her dropped with relief that they seemed to know even a little bit of English. She half thought she could perhaps reason with them, try to get them to let her go in any direction they were not in.
The feel of a gun barrel told her not to speak again though. Anita regretted not doing so as they walked over a large dune, an encampment sitting there looking all...suspicious to her.  More of the people who had captured her were walking around it, seemingly keeping guard of the place which only further cemented the fact that these were not good people...things.
They took her in and snatched her bag from her, one looked through it while the other pushed what looked like a metal egg towards her.
''Hey! B-be careful with those!'' Though scared, her phone was terribly expensive and she still wanted to keep all her familiar items from home even if some of them wouldn't work here.
The one with the gun like weapon jabbed her with the barrel and made a sound that told her to be quiet. pushing the metal egg into her thighs with more force. ''You care for it.''
''Care for what!? Is this thing alive!? It's an egg! Hey, now that is super duper expensive!'' Overwhelmed and jabbed once again with the gun barrel, Anita watched helplessly as the one with her bag dropped her perfume back in it without a care. She hoped it hadn't broken.
''Care for it!'' Hardly any other option at the end of a weapon, Anita wrapped her arms around the egg and held it close to her hoping to appease the thing talking in broken English. The other one threw her bag back down to the floor and they both left together, the large metal door shutting behind them heavily.
Evidently her only way out of the room, Anita had little choice but to sit on the floor and observe the metal egg she was given. It was white, but very clearly bashed up with a slit down the middle of the top end.
Anita squinted at what looked like buttons on the front of it. Gently tapping her painted fingernails on the metal, jumping when she heard a cooing sound muffled from within; her mouth made an 'o' shape at the realization that the egg itself wasn't alive, but there was instead something alive inside it.
She didn't want to open it. What if it was like those other things. What if it was scaly or had horns and sharp, what if it bit her entire hand off and she needed a metal hook to replace it!? Laughing at herself, Anita hovered her finger over the button counting to three before pressing it quickly and shuffling away on the off chance it would bite her.
The cooing sounded again, louder now it wasn't covered by the metal. Anita opened her eyes and glanced at it, thoroughly surprised by what she saw, for one, it was green...
And utterly adorable.
''Oh hiiii.'' Whatever it was cooed again at her tone and Anita held her breath, heart pounding for a completely different reason now. ''You've been kept in this pod thing like this the whole time?''
She questioned mostly to herself, as it seemed not to be able to speak actual words. It tilted its head, large green ears the size of her hands flopping a little at the tips and it made another sound as it reached its hands out to her.
Anita could almost burst out into tears, it wanted to be held and it looked so heartbrokenly neglected. She immediately swooped it from the weird metal bassinet thing and cradled it to her chest, wondering if her heart could break anymore when it closed its eyes and tapped its small green finger to the sound of her heartbeat.
''Oh honey, they've been treating you horridly haven't they?'' at this, it's hands bunched in her lab coat. The creature was obviously quite frightened, confused as to why it was so important to the other things and Anita had chosen her path in this new galaxy, right by this child's side for as long as it needed her.
''There's no need to be afraid anymore. I am your mother now and I will protect you.''
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sunflowerbi · 3 years
4 and 26 😳😳😳😳 for the fluffy prompts!!! ✨✨
I finally did it!!
okay okay i really wasnt sure i’d manage, but i did. im not sure how great it is, i think i like it but i’m a bit rusty, honestly. thank you for being patient!!! i really hope you enjoy it lovely! i’ll try to be,, quicker in the future 
ao3 / writing tag  / fluffy prompt list ✨
Villanelle woke slowly, lazily reaching for her girlfriend, frowning as she only felt cool sheets and a smooth piece of paper. She didn’t intend on sleeping late, truly, she was going to get up when Eve did, but they’d both been insatiable the night before, and there was nothing Villanelle enjoyed more than a lazy post-sex morning. Except for maybe lazy post-sex morning sex. Either way, she would just bring Eve some breakfast, or maybe lunch, depending on just how late she’d slept. She grabbed the paper, reading it on her way to take a quick shower.
I got a work call early, and last time I tried to wake you up before 9 you started mumbling about slicing open my throat, so I decided to let you sleep. I’ll see you later, baby. xx
           After letting the hot water wash away any remaining sleep, Villanelle stepped into her room to get herself dressed, opting to steal Eve’s shirt from the day before, tying it in the front and throwing on a pair of black jean shorts to match the bra just barely showing through the white of the shirt. It was nearly 11 so she figured it’d be best to grab a few sandwiches from across the street before heading over to see Eve, hopefully she’d be able to pull her away from work long enough to have lunch at the park right next to the MI6 building.
           It was nice outside, slightly cool with the sun warm against Villanelle’s skin as she walked towards café, ordering their usual lunch, a fake French accent rolling easily off her tongue. She still disguised herself sometimes, the instinct fresh in her mind. The people at the café knew her as Danielle, who spoke with a soft French accent and never had much to say, but the people in the bar down the road knew her as Amy, who spoke with the faintest hint of an Irish accent. Still, more people knew her by Villanelle these days, as she tried to allow herself room to relax. She spent a lot of time thinking about Oksana, letting the name roll around in her head, listening to it fall out of other’s mouths, but it never felt quite right. Oksana was the little girl who was beaten by her mother and by kids in the orphanage who were bigger than her, the little Russian girl who everyone thought would die on the streets high on cheap drugs. Villanelle was not perfect, but it was who she was.
           She smiled as she stepped into the MI6 elevator, fiddling with the paper bags in her hands. She worked here too, now. With her girlfriend, taking down the people who had stolen so much from her. She still got to kill people too, which was a bonus. Eve often came in early, most of her work was still done in the office, with Villanelle primarily in the field.
           “Hi, I come with lunch. I think you should give me credit I showed up at work on my day off.” Villanelle announced as she walked into Eve’s office.
“Villanelle, you fina-” Eve stopped as she turned around, her eyes landing on the blonde leaning against her doorframe. “you finally woke up.”
“Yes, and you are staring at me.” Villanelle smirked, crossing the room and pressing a kiss against Eve’s cheek.
           “Can a woman not stare at her very attractive girlfriend?” Eve finally let her eyes drop, noticing the sandwiches held in her hand.
           “Of course she can, do you think she can also have lunch with the attractive girlfriend? Preferably at the park?”
           “I think she can arrange that, how did you sleep, darling?” She grabbed her bag and powered off her computer, happy for the break from hours of tedious research.
           “Like a baby, which is only natural considering what you did to me last night.” Villanelle smiled, memories flooding her system.
           “What I did to you? If I remember correctly you are the one who waltzed into our room in nothing but a robe and a strap-on.”
           “Fine. I am hungry though; can we go eat now?”
           Eve just rolled her eyes as they made their way to the elevator, allowing herself to stare a bit more openly now that her coworkers couldn’t decide to poke their heads in at any second. For all the shit Villanelle had given Eve about her taste in clothes, here she was, with one of Eve’s white button-downs.
           “You are staring again, rodnaya, is there something on my face?”
           “No, it’s just, I can- I really can’t believe you’re wearing my clothes.” Eve stumbled out, finding it more distracting now that she’d mentioned it out loud.
           “Oh, yes, it surprised me too. It turns out not all of your clothes are completely unwearable, and this shirt smells like you, which is a nice bonus.” She noted, pulling the collar up to her nose.
           “I am going to call Carolyn, take the rest of the day off. I did most of the research already anyway, and I can finish at home.” Eve said, reaching out to fuss with the knot in Villanelle’s shirt.
           “Why do you need the rest of the aftern- ohhh, we are going to have sex. Can we still have lunch in the park? I did not eat breakfast.”
           “Definitely, I think we’ll both need the energy.” Eve answered as they walked off the elevator, taking Villanelle’s free hand in her own. The rest of the walk was quiet, Villanelle with a pleased smirk and Eve biting at her bottom lip, her mind running a mile a minute with different pictures of the rest of the afternoon.
           They eventually stopped at a bench, sitting down to actually eat their food, although Eve took the opportunity to trace patterns down Villanelle’s back, distracting both of them from making much progress.
           “If you do not stop that I will never finish this sandwich, and I think the people over there will call the police if I fuck you on the park bench.”
           “It’s not my fault that you look hot in my clothes.” Eve noted, her fingers now slipping up the back of the shirt.
           “Eve, I have been to a Russian prison, if you don’t think I will spend the night in a cell here for stripping naked in a public park and fucking my girlfriend, you are underestimating me, which never goes well.” Villanelle warned, her voice low.
           “Well why don’t you take me home to strip naked and fuck me?” Eve teased, leaning as close to Villanelle as she could without jumping climbing into her lap, “It would avoid all the prison nonsense, at least.”
           “You are insatiable, a woman cannot even eat her lunch.” Villanelle shoved a final bite into her mouth, standing up and throwing their trash away before dragging Eve behind her.
           “Although, I have a good idea of something you will let me eat.”
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Just A Fan
Oc writing. I just really wanted to post the first part because I’m really proud of it. Like it? Let me know & ill share more of it 💕
Fic jumps between Cherry & Seto’s POV
W! This is going to be a kidnapped fic. SFW. (For the most part. No sex) its a different take. Instead of the fan being obsessed its the comic book artist.
Super Big Comic Con was was always in September, the last weekend of the month where all the fans and collectors gathered to share interest and spend all their money on prints, comics and whatever else they could find. Cherry had to rush through her homework the week before so she could focus on the con and only the con. She was a junior in highschool studying editing and art. She was a popular girl with everybody but she really preferred her own space to think and work on her ideas. One day she wanted to work at a comic book company in the editing department. Her name was Cher but she liked to be called Cherry. Cherry was about 5’4 with long cherry red hair and her fashion was usually lose tops with overalls and sneakers, she was thin with a tiny waistline and always had eyeliner on with little wings. She had a lip ring that was a shiny silver and a eyebrow piercing in her right brow to match. She always carried herself with confidence and opportunity. She had been saving up for the hotel so she could attend the con all weekend and it was finally time.
Seto was just getting ready to leave his house to make his way to the convention. He checked all his rooms, his locks and finally his basement. It made him frown as he leaned on the stairway looking in on the empty room; it consisted of a fuzzy carpet, an expensive dresser, an even more expensive computer and a brand new art tablet. This was his ‘inspiration room’ but lately… it was missing what inspired him the most.
He sat down on the bottom step with his elbows on his knees as he scanned around the room he put so much money into, he was a very tall man, lanky and an even 6’1 with jet black hair he liked to keep long.
The windows were small and high up, one on each wall. He got up with a slouch not bothering to fix his short hairs in his eyes as he sulked to the little area under his stairs. It had a small wall so you could not see inside and a door with a lock on it. He lightly kicked the door open leaning forward to peek in, his hands in his pockets. It was the same carpet with a small tv built into the wall and a makeshift bed that looked like just blankets that were sitting comfortably on some chains that were attached to the wall. He needed a new inspiration, he was lonely. Poor guy, all those comics he drew for could not fill the empty hole in his heart
Cherry had packed her bag into her car along with some clothes for the hotel and was ready to go. She got in the driver's seat and left her hometown for the next city over on her way to Super Big Comic Con. It was a long drive, maybe an hour and a half but she checked into her room around mid afternoon and could still catch the first day of the con if she hurried.
The first thing Cherry wanted to do was walk the con and see what it had to offer. It was always a delight for her, comics, artists, figures, cosplayers, writers all in one place. She bought some prints and asked some artist for advice that would help her with her career choice. Most artist were very nice and told her its a great place to work which really boosted her confidence. Cherry was making her way through the con looking for one particular comic artist. He was her favorite and she had all of his books and even his special edition sketch books. His pen name was Kidd Nathers but he usually went by Kidd for short. He always showed up whenever he wanted which normally meant towards the end of the day. He always did it this way, his real fans would wait around for him. Made picking out his inspiration easy.
Seto sulked through the con, hands in his pockets and eyes half lidded. He loathed these cons to be painfully honest. Too many people congesting the walkways and fake fans trying to get free art. He was nearing his mid 30s and just had no time for it. Long hours of editing, drawing with no pay off. Sure he got paid very well but what's the point if he had no one to spend it on right? Seto was approaching his table to see one person waiting near it. Just one fan ? well okay. Looks pretty legit.
Seto slid down into his chair laying his arms on the booth and sorting out all of his prints with sticky notes on each one with a set price. He did not do deals, too many hagglers and what not. He ran a bony hand through his hair watching this girl check her phone a few times while she looked around. Must not know he sneaked up.
“Looking for me?” his voice had a tickle in it along with a subtle tease. His smile creeped up his face too.
Cherry jumped nearly dropping her phone, the little cherry phone keychain dangling around in the air . her hair whipped around and Seto raised an eyebrow once he saw her face, that smile once she realized who was talking to her. Eyeliner, piercings, that hair.. He rested his cheek on his palm while his free hand tapped his booth. “Sorry i'm late, i didn't want to come. “ he said with a cheeky smile.
“Kidd!!!” Cherry hurried over placing her hands on the booth with a big smile on her face that made her lip ring shine in the light. “Oh my gosh your here! I was beginning to think you would skip this time around but something told me to wait it out , i love your work!!!”
Awww .. you're so nice. “Thank you ,I'm flattered” he tapped his index finger on his face under his eye. “Big fan, I take it? And i show up when i want but it appears you already know that “ he told her , leaning back to stretch. He was wearing a long white top with a stretched out neck with black jeans and boots.
Cherry could not hide her blush; she was so excited. “I just!!! I watch all your interviews, well . I read them since I know you said once you don't like in person interviews but you said you like to show up late to cons or not go at all. Im happy your here, if its any recollection, i love your work and its made my whole day to see you let alone talk to you. What you do is truly amazing.”
Seto folded his arms behind his head letting out a soft laugh and a big smile. He was touched by her words it gaver him a pleasant high , something he had not had in awhile. It was only the first day of this con and he was already feeling a … connection.
“Thank you, that means the world to me, these cons are a hit or miss for me, its the only time i really leave the house.” he faked a laugh .
“Aw cmon! Surely you go out!”She teased while looking through his prints.
“Okay okay” he leaned on his booth with his arms folded while smiling up at her, “ya caught me” he was lying. “See anythin ya like…?”
“Cher!! But i go by Cherry! And well. Everything but i only have maybe $80 left so i can only get one print.”
Cherry….. “Thats a nice name and nickname, pick whichever you want and ill sign it for you Cherry”
Cherry had picked a jester girl with a chain around her neck with a big hammer behind her back . Seto signed it for her and even put it in a print holder for her,
“Thank you!” she beamed while looking at the print.
“My pleasure”
“Will you uh be here tomorrow and sunday?” she asked looking at him.
“Mmm.. yeah, i will. Just for you “ Seto teased, poking at the girls arm.
Cherry giggled and waved goodbye to the comic book artist leaving Seto all alone. He felt good inside, this feeling in his chest was telling him something. Should be an interesting Convention for once.
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warmau · 5 years
*this post was commissioned | more info on skye’s commission here!  you’re a flight attendant and jungkook needs your help with a problem 
“is it possible to get a seat in economy?”
you pull back in shock, no one in the history of your job has ever asked to be switched OUT of first class
“did you almost get killed in that ocean of fans?”
you overhear your co-worker snort, adjusting the pin on their uniform’s lapel
“almost? i got the wind knocked out of me. im thankful i even managed to make it onto the plane alive.”
you shake your head to yourself - to be fair you think the conversation is a little childish
by now everyone should be used to this
afterall you all work for seoul airlines - it should be expected that any outgoing flight from incheon is going to either be completely lackluster
or a complete mess
it’s summer, idols are all having concerts, overseas schedules, and more 
no use in complaining about it, just working hard should be enough
“whose the group flying with us today anyway?”
there’s a pause and then someone groans
“no wonder it was a nightmare - it’s bts!”
usually you just go about your job as always
to you - all passengers are the same, they should be treated with respect and be handled with kindness
if you’re a picky business man, a world famous athlete, a mother of two, or an insanely popular boy group member
you’re a passenger and as a flight attendant, it’s your duty to make sure everyone is comfortable 
but today - you can tell everyone is a little off
some of the other attendants keep whispering about taking photos or bragging about meeting bts to their friends
other attendants are chewing their lip, worried they’ll have to deal with saesangs and fan-sites 
the captain is mildly unamused when he comes into the cabinet asking for someone to hand him some water and everyone but you ignores him
all musing over what’s in store for the upcoming flight
you just prep and get ready - this is a flight to the states so it’s bound to be over twelve hours long 
as you’re placing blankets on seats, someone asks if you’d be willing to switch your place in first class with them 
but before you can answer, an announcement for boarding to start cuts you off
first class is seated first, so after a couple of clusters of chatty ceo’s and lawyers get their way on 
you see the silhouettes of seven men come down the hall 
the first one is tall and lanky, a black face mask pulled down onto his chin - black beanie hiding his hair 
he smiles as he comes in and you give a slight bow as you direct him to his seat
following him are two shorter men, one is talkative and the other is listening to him silently - you hear him go “hoseok - did you bring the charger?” at some point and the other answers in a high, excited voice
after that a handsome, but comfortably dressed man comes in - a white neck pillow of some cartoon character settled on his neck
he greets everyone with a gracious bow of his head and a boy in a beret skips behind him - immersed in whatever song he’s listening to on his headphones
the last two to come in look like polar opposites
one is a smaller frame, with expensive sunglasses on and hands crossed over his chest
the other, whose holding an insane amount of bags is tall and built
with broad shoulders, but with a sweet, almost childlike smile and a simple all black attire
when he comes in - you offer to take a bag and help him get settled, but he just shakes his head
“it’s heavy - but im fine!”
his eyes almost sparkle - dark hair prettily combed out of his face, the longer strands falling on the nape of his neck
you nod and turn your attention to the other oncoming guests, helping people get their luggage into the compartments above and fetching extra towels or pillows when requested
nothing seems out of the ordinary
the only thing you note is that the members of bts all look slightly exhausted and the flight hasn’t even begun yet
two of them knock out like lights before landing and the only one with any energy is the strong, smiling one from before
who enthusiastically rummages through his bag to take out a hand held camera 
they must have such hectic schedules, i hope they can rest on the flight
you think, before feeling a tug on your uniform and turning to face a irritated looking girl
“there’s a seat open over there - can i take it?”
you look between her and the seat right behind one of the bts members
it’s vacant, but it’s the same exact seat as the one she’s sitting in now
first class has individual rows, so there isn’t any reason for her to request it
but you can’t be outright rude, so you simply assure her that if anything - you need to wait till all passengers board till any seating arrangements can be fixed
you don’t notice the curious pair of eyes on you from behind, flickering between you and the familiar face of the passenger
when the plane finally takes off, you run through the safety basics and menu that’ll be available for the in-flight lunch
everything is going rather normal - the only thing different is the attendants are all whispering and poking at you - asking about bts
“are they handsome up close?” “do you think their girlfriends are on the plane too?” “which one is their manager?” “you’re so lucky to be first class~”
you don’t really get it - what’s so lucky? they’re just passengers and you’re just their flight attendant
you’re not expecting any kind of drama like turn in that relationship
the overhead light goes on with a ding, signaling someone has called you over
and you make your way down the aisle to the seat where the boy with all the bags is
he smiles as you approach, a laptop open on the unfolded table - a flashing screen with some game on it
“how can i assist you?”
you ask, pausing - because you’re not sure what his name is
he kind of flounders - before asking you about the drink selection on-board
you offer him the menu and point out the beverages as he gives you an order and gives a small, cute bow of his head when you take the menu back
as you start down the aisle, you feel someone tug on your uniform again
you turn and see the same ticked off expression from before
“what did jungkook just order?”
you blink, not sure what she’s talking about
“im sorry, who?”
she scoffs - “what did he just order?”
she signals with her head to the seat across the ways - to where the boy, who you assume is jungkook, is immersed back in his laptop screen
“some seltzer, would you like some too?”
“it’s fine.”
she lets go of you, and you have half the mind to ask her not to grab you like that again
but you just keep your composure and return to hand jungkook his drink
he thanks you, smiling and showing off the charm you assume his fans must fall for - bunny teeth and all
and you tell him to use the button above if he needs anything else
the first couple of hours are always the most busy, usually first class fliers expect more from the service
so they ask for extras and some even request food earlier than others
you run around between the passengers, sometimes a member of bts calls you over - sometimes it’s just another business man aboard
but again, it’s all routine, and you ignore the insistent prying from the other attendants about ‘flirting’ or ‘taking photos’
id like to keep my job, thank you!
you think as one of them groans that you should take advantage of this - and you remind her that only a week ago you guys had the korean prime minister on the plane - where was all that enthusiasm back then?
you’re rolling the snack cart down the aisle when you catch something out of the corner of your eye - jungkook’s seat is empty - bathroom probably
but you can see the girl from before inching her way across the aisle before snatching the empty cup of seltzer from the unfolded table and scurrying back to her seat
for a second you don’t believe your eyes
why - why did she do that?
you blink back the confusion as a voice calls out from behind you
“sorry, excuse me?”
you turn and jungkook is standing there - you apologize and wheel the cart forward so he can slip by and back into his seat
he looks around, and you have a suspicion he’s looking for his glass, so you take the moment to pour him a new one
you set it down and he gives you a small thank you - before you continue on your way
about halfway through the flight, you get a designated thirty minute break
usually you eat a snack and open up the book you’ve been reading - but you take the time to peek around the side of the cabinet
and scope out that weird girl from before
you take notice of how she keeps her body angled toward jungkook
her phone in her hands like she’s taking a photo
most of the members are asleep, but jungkook is still tinkering around on his laptop 
and you start to see that he’s actively trying not to look up that way
almost like he’s avoiding being in the line of vision of this girl
it’s odd - and you feel a little weird for watching, so you turn to your snack and in the last couple of minutes of your break you ask a fellow attendant if maybe you’re just being dramatic
“no, she’s probably his fansite or something. you know, those girls who follow them and take photos.”
“like a reporter?”
“no,,,,,,,like a stalker.”
you purse your lips - taking photos of someone famous doesn’t seem like stalking
but then you remember how disturbing it was to see her steal the glass he’d been drinking out of
you sort of cram it into the back of your mind as you go and help prep for the lunch meal 
but something just doesn’t sit right with you
the lunch selections are between three different meals, you hand them out as you go up the aisle
and when you get to the girl, she adamantly refuses to tell you her decision - not until you come back from finishing and she stops you with another tug on your uniform
and demands you tell her what jungkook chose again
you aren’t a spiteful person, and to be fair you’re always kind - but this person is testing you 
“ill have whatever he had.”
she boasts, nose practically in the air 
you pull out the tray and hand it to her with the best smile you can muster when talking to someone who treats you like a dog
she takes it, grabbing so hard it nearly shakes the side dishes out of their containers
you take a moment and she snipes at you to leave her alone
it’s weird, for sure, and you start to get the feeling something is definitely off about her 
but you’re not doing this job to judge anyone - so you do your best to qualm the thoughts as you assist others
suddenly, the light goes on above jungkook’s seat and you make your way over 
you expect he’ll ask you for another blanket, maybe ask about extending his on-flight wifi - the usual
what you don’t expect is for him to ask, in a small voice for such a large body
“is it possible to get a seat in economy?”
you pull back a little in shock, no one in the history of your job has ever asked to be switched OUT of first class
“is there a problem with my service, how can i better-”
you begin, but he shakes his head - wide eyes darting over your shoulder
“no, no, i just - i don’t want to be near a certain person.”
your back stiffens a little - but you know who he’s referring to
“is she bothering you?”
your voice drops a little and jungkook gives you the best shrug he can, even though you can tell he’s really - really uncomfortable
“ill see what i can do.”
you turn and take note that the girl is drilling darts into your side as you walk away from jungkook
you do everything that comes to mind, you check her ticket to see if she really paid for first class - she did
you try to find if anyone on board in economy or business might be pregnant and who you could switch out with jungkook - but of course this has to be the only flight where everyone is perfectly fine
really, you can’t think of a good excuse as to why you should switch him out 
until you return into the aisle and see that the girl has switched her seat to the one behind jungkook
his shoulders are now completely frozen, face blank and iced over
all of his members are asleep and the other passengers don’t care enough to notice
so you come over and ask, as politely as you can, why she decided to move
“this seat looked better”
she spits out and you let your lips form into a thin line
“all of these seats are the same, and for safety purposed i am going to need you to go back to your-”
 you stare - caught of guard by the brashness 
“ma’am, please it’s easier for everyone if you-”
“leave me alone, im sitting here.”
her voice starts to raise and people are glancing over their shoulders at the festering commotion
you try to think of something quick, when jungkook places a large hand on your wrist and asks
“im not feeling so well, can you help me to the bathroom?”
before you can even take a second to respond, the girl is a whining mess
“jungkook-ah, are you ok? why are you sick?” 
he kind of ignores her, but also gives a tiny bit of acknowledgment by shaking his head
you cut into her rambling to tell him to follow you to the steward’s cabinet for some water and medicine
he gets up and you can tell the girl is itching to follow - when you use your body to block her way
“ma’am please do sit down, we might experience turbulence and i don’t want you to get hurt”
your voice is sickeningly fake now
her eyes narrow, but the distraction lets jungkook hurry up the aisle 
you usher him into the cabinet and you hear the sound of footsteps behind you two - but before anything, you pull shut the cabinet door
you’re both alone, the other attendants busy on the plane 
he lets out a small sigh and you apologize, explaining that economy is full and there isn’t anyone you can switch him out with
but he just gives you a sad smile
“it’s fine, thanks for keeping her out of here at least.”
you suddenly realize that among everyone’s excitement about his group coming on board, no one really stopped to think about how exhausting all of this could be
jungkook is handsome, there’s no denying it 
with slightly long black hair and wide, curious eyes but - you can see a little bit of weariness on him
dealing with constant attention for a 12 hour flight - being locked in a plane with someone who makes you feel miserable,,,,,, 
“if you want, i think i can hide you here for a little bit. ill just tell the attendants you’re feeling sick and don’t want to get near anyone else.”
he perks up a little
“i won’t be a bother?”
“no, if anyone has a problem with it - tell them to find me.”
jungkook lets out a sigh of relief
“ok, ill just go back and get my stuff if thats ok?”
you agree and say you’ll help
but just as you step out - you notice that the girl is standing in the aisle, pulling something out of the compartment above jungkook’s seat
you realize it quickly - she’s trying to go through his stuff!
you rush forward, putting a hand on hers as you explain that she cannot be going through another passenger's things
she yanks herself free and suddenly the entirety of the plane is looking over at you
“it’s my bag - get off of me!”
“im sorry, but we know none of the items you brought on with you are in this compartment. so please sit down or we’ll have to take note of this with security when we land.”
she scoffs, “and ill take note of your rudeness with the captain or whoever employees bitches like you”
the comment doesn’t sting as bad as you thought it would
 instead you push the bag she’d been trying to get out back in it’s place and ask her, again, to go back to her seat
she leans in before you can register what she’s going to do, grubby fingers reaching for the badge on your uniform with your name on it
when someone’s hand extends over your shoulder and stops her
jungkook doesn’t say anything - but the girls expression turns awfully sweet, awfully fast
he let’s her go and silently takes the bag from overhead
he turns to walk back toward the cabinet and you try to keep the girl at bay, but she nearly slips past you
but one of the other members you assume, the tall and lanky one from before gets up and in her way before she can
he lets you through, so you can see if jungkook is ok
and when you return to the cabinet - you try to think of something comforting to say
but he just gives you a small wave
“this happens a lot.”
“im sorry you have to deal with it.”
the plane shakes a bit and the overhead announcement from the co-captain warns about upcoming turbulence 
jungkook doesn’t seem as shaken up as anyone else would be to find someone rummaging through their things with consent
instead he just looks exhausted and you turn to try and grab some water from behind
when the plane jerks a little bit and you grab onto the counter top - slipping a bit
when you feel an arm tug around your waist to hold you steady
you flush - thanking jungkook
his hand sort of supports you a bit longer before the plane gets back on a smooth track
you feel embarrassed 
you’re a flight attendant you really should be able to hold your own even through the worst of flights
so you don’t know where to look when he pulls back his arm 
thankfully your colleague who comes rushing in doesn’t witness any of this
instead she just shakes her head frantically
“that girl in first class is out of her mind - i just saw her trying to take something off hoseok’s lap!”
jungkook apologizes with a bow, stuttering out that she’s a fansite of his and that she’s always been
“you shouldn’t apologize on her behalf.”
you say quietly
and he stops, looking at you as your colleague nods in agreement
“it’s not your fault she’s like that!”
“ill go take care of her-”
you volunteer, but your colleague shakes her head explaining that some of the other attendants are on it and that everyone’s agreed you should make sure she doesn’t somehow weasel her way into bothering jungkook again
when you and him are left alone again
you feel even worse for him than before
 he’s so genuine with his feelings, trying to take the blame for that girls behavior on himself,,,,,,
jungkook sits down on the duffel bag and you wish you could provide some sort of comfort
so you look over your shoulder, before joining him on the floor
“i hope this isn’t out of line - but you work hard and she would be a better fan if she respected you.”
he peeks out from his bangs, wide eyes burrowing into yours
“i don’t know the first thing about being an idol, but no one deserves that.”
you feel nervous all of a sudden - not everyday do you get to speak to the nations most popular boy group member
so you want to pick your words carefully, but you also just want to help him out
“thank you”
jungkook smiles and the exhaustion seems to leave his face for the first time in this long flight
he reaches out and takes your hand and you can feel his warmth 
“are you-”
he starts just as the plane hits another tumble and you almost tip over, but jungkook pulls you into him
you end up against his chest this time as his back hits the cabinets behind him 
“are you o-”
you start and he just laughs 
“how do you guys deal with being knocked around like this all the time?”
it’s a joke and you’re happy to see that he still has humor even in the situation
you feel your cheeks flare up when he’s still holding you and you have to bow your way out of the accidental embrace
the captain’s voice crackles over for an announcement that the plane will be landing soon
you and jungkook spend the remaining time talking - you ask about the schedule he’s going to and all that and only when the plane lands do the other members crowd into the cabinet
the tall lanky one, namjoon you learn, apologizes about the fansite 
but once again you and the rest of the crew assure him he shouldn’t worry
“thank you for taking care of it though and getting jungkook out of there.”
you blush and say you really didn’t do anything ,,, 
they all shuffle out first and are followed by whoever else is on their team
jungkook throwing one glance over his shoulder at you
then the rest of the first class fliers come off and the girl skids to a stop in front of you
“ill be complaining about you.”
you nod, giving her a fake smile
“of course, we love feedback!”
it’s only when everyone is off the plane and you and all the other attendants are cleaning up that you get approached by the captain
you brace yourself 
ready to get yelled out for pissing off a passenger, especially someone who paid for first class
and for keeping someone in the cabinet for nearly half the flight
but he just passes you a note with a smile
“seems someone was very happy with your service.”
you blink, opening the note and seeing an official business card from bighit entertainment
jeon jungkook and his signature are scrawled at the bottom
you flip it over and see a number scribbled down
‘i wont be back in seoul for sometime, but when we do go back - could you possible let me know what flight you’ll be working?’
you re-read and re-read and re-read
is this just a ‘thanks for being a good flight attendant’ note or,,,,,,,,,, ‘i want to see you again specifically’ note,,,,,,,,,,,,
it’s both
jungkook walking through the airport with hoseok slinging an arm around him
“so what’d you and the attendant do in the cabinet jungkook?”
387 notes · View notes
smutav · 4 years
So i posted the pictures I had for my xray and comic in this post here and I said id wait a year but I’ve decided I need to lay this project to rest and move on to what comes next. Its under the cut because its mad king heavy
the old man part was fully scripted out so I’m going to throw the script in here first then it’ll be just notes for the general plotline
(M) Old Man   = O1 / (J) Old Man   = O2 / Xray          = X / Vav           = V
we come in on Xray and Vav coming onto the scene but we start lookin at the old men
O2: "Uh Oh, the calvaries here" O1: "issit the popo? tell them they cant make me go back... to that horrible home... fulla old people..." O2: "No.. its those spandex kids again" O1: "Oh, the blue one confused me... so blue jus like those dirty cops" O2: "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE US ALIVE" [O2 throws something that lands nowhere near xray and vav] V : "Look you have to stop causing a ruckus!" O1: "ah ah ah prettyboy we got da bomb" O2: "Thats right if you get in our way it'll be a real stinker!" O1: "Uh Ohhhh"
X : "you have got to be kidding me" O1: "I'm too old for kidding, im old-ding over here" V : "What are you doing with a bomb!?" O2: "We've got demands!" O1: "Oh yeah lots of demands!" O2: "We want.... Pudding!" O1: "Oh yeah and none of that rice shit in there" O2: "get that rice out of our pudding no chunks!" O1: "itsa chokin hazard, I almost died when they had that at the home" O2: "thats why we left they was tryna kill us" O1: "But you only show up to stop two guys havin fun" O2: "Ya punks!" [Vav has snuck over to the obviously hidden 'stink bomb' and gags when he sees whats under the cover]
O2: "Ey!" [he smacks Vav with a cane] "gettaway from there" O1: "These two have no manners" O2: "they jus go touchin stuff that doesnt belong to them!" O1: "Well two can play at that game" [he moves towards Xray pointing at his glasses] "I want those" X : "How about I give you this instead" [he shoots a lazer at the old guy but it bounces off his walker] O1: "uh oh you shouldn't have done that" X : "oh yeah what if i do it again" [it really has the same result smart guy]
[Vav at the same time is dealing with.. a really slow old guy. and he dodges a punch an the old guy just keeps goin down and hits the ground] O2: "Ah! I'm hit thats it for me! [he tries to get up but just knocks himself over again] it's over for me I'm deadd. You killed me ya bastard" V : "I really didn--" O2: "this blood is on your handssss ohhh im goinnnn" [Vav backs off while the old man keeps slowly 'dying' to help out with Xray who's wrestling for his glasses from O1]
X : "Youre smudging up my glasses!" O1: "oh i'll do more than that" [he moves to take a lick at them] X : "no you dont!" [He punches the old man square in the jaw] O1: [catches himself on the walker] "you want a boxing match, i used ta have the belt ya know" [he lands a punch on xray who doesnt even flinch]
V : [Vav comes up from behind and pulls the old man away] O1: "No he's got me!" [he flails a bit but ineffectively to get out] "this is just like the 40s you cant stop all this" V : "We're sending you both back to the old folks home just stay there this time!" O1: "You'll never keep us caged! We'll always be ba-- Oh no is this a heart attack? Ma is that you in the light I'm-- I'm comin... comin to kick your dead ass" [and he's dead]
[Xray and Vav dump the old guys on an elderly bus they're used to dealing with these guys 'dying' and approach the stink bomb which is the stink jug but theres wires and stuff attached to supposedly detonate it] X: "Well I guess we'll have to deal with this" [he kicks the 'stink bomb' and Vav goes green] V: "I guess it'd be best to get it to Hilda she'll know how to get rid of it" X: "right lets go" [he starts walking leaving Vav to carry the barrel, poor vav]
I hope the notes after this make sense plot wise a lot of it was going to be explored deeper as we get drawing XDD ((also you get all my note writing jokes that i make to myself))
V = xray and vav / K = mad king / R  = rimmy tim / M = mogar
(V) - I need,, some basic everyday hero biz to start the story with - tIME TO THROW THE OLD MEN IN THERE (K) - He decides to try out his powers a lil test run ((around Hilda's lab)) - Xray and Vav crash the party ofc - He gets by them EASY slow mo can't do much against teleporting - He didn't have much of a goal for it but, now he knows he has the upper hand on Xray and Vav - He leaves victorious (V) - He gets the business end of a run in with ender ryan - What was that?? he can teleport?? - Well we have to figure something out! (R) - Rimmy Tim runs into Mad King - Which is wild! thought he was dead! - but he does have some weird ass shit going on (K) - Wow running into Rimmy Tim isnt that neat? - He pays no mind to the Battle Buddy (R) - Rimmy Tim is crashing at Jake's place ((to be relevant)) - He also meets Xray and Vav but nobody knows what his full deal is ((and theyre distracted from having they ass kicked))
(V) - Vav is the plan guy - They get intel that he has a weird power source - it gave him the powers so if they can figure it out maybe they can take them away! - We'll need to be stealthy boys... - MOGAR! - ask mogar for help, he distract while they sneak in and nab the gem (M) - The plan involves Mogar fighting Mad King up front - Mogar runs into Rimmy Tim and is suspicious of him (K) - Ofc he knew Xray and Vav would make a plan - Mogar comes to fight him aw they just decided to send a fwiend - Mad King is busy beating Mogar and doesn't notice that they got the gem ((Uh Oh! Plothole!)) (M) - They dont see him at the meeting place (K) - He Notices when he decides to experiment with it and tries out a lesser power source - Resulting in Zombie Mogar
(V) - They HAVE to find Mogar - poking around the outside for a sign of him they find his sword in the dumpster - thats,,, not good - its really heavy but if vav straps it to his back he can handle it - they wind up splitting up for any sign of Mogar (K) - Well if you're going to be rude about it - [teleports in the streets] - Have it your way do what you want - [and he leaves Mogar there] - when he teleports back Rimmy Tim is there and he quips ab how convenient tping is (R) - MK has him get rid of the new power source obviously a failure (V) - It gets dark but vav hears a noise in the alley - He finds Mogar! But he's eating something - Mogar growls and starts running at him - *british screaming* - As he BOOKS IT around a corner Xray runs into him and Vav just grabs his arm - NO TIME TO EXPLAIN - so what the plans just fucking run - oh wait thats Jake's van - *climbs in* wEHAVE TO GO HIT THE GAS - bro its a red light - iTS THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT THERES NO TRAFFIC JUST - Mogar jumps on the vAAAAAAAA - Thats enough to convince Jake she slams on the gas - " you guys are paying for any tickets i get"
((for context, Jake is my oc she has an ask blog that I was planning to use to be like in between she and rimmy tim are hanging out and you might find out things from interacting w her. But for character knowledge she’s an appliance installer that works with The Monarchy’s Servants. Which that is the company that installs the stuff that comes out of Monarch Labs. there was also a whole bit where she and rimmy tim would be hanging out and he’d be joking like oh do you ever go in like “ah m’lord!! is this installation to your liking thank you m’lord!!” and she’d goof back if he ever had a house for her to install shit in she’d do it just for him.
and for how Jake and Rimmy tim met it was at 3am dennys a few years ago and they been buds ever since))
(R) - Jake's checking on her van later and Rimmy Tim comes out to give a hand - and he asks what happened and she's shaking a lil - she just leaves it as hero biz as usual she thinks (V) - bloody hell we have to help mogar! - yeah what did Mad King do to him! - they gotta bait and catch him (R) - Jake gets a call from xray and vav asking for help getting mogar to a lab - Rimmy Tim tags along and gets to see Mogar (M) - Xray and Vav catch mogar and have him leashed in the lab - But?? Is he dangerous?? Can he contaminate others??
(R) - This is wrong - RYAN is wrong - Rimmy Tim,, Has to do something - discussion doesnt work, Ryan's just a wall discussion wise - theres no talking him out of anything he's too absorbed (V) - Mogar has good moments - reference the rotten flesh test w vav (K) - Rimmy Tim is getting increasingly worried ab him - Rimmy Tim mentions Mogar - Well it wasn't on PURPOSE - but yeah i did that - No, I don't particularly know how to reverse it (R) - Rimmy Tim tries talking hey what if we just did this partner like - Nothing can beat the battle buddies then this can all be done right? - Mad King brushes him off and tells him to stay out of his business - Ryan gets caught in the rain - He claws Rimmy's face oh no! his money maker! - Rimmy Tim decides enough is enough and leaves to help Xray and Vav fix this,,, fix him,,, (V) - They hear Mad King in the rain - hhhhh i dont want to deal with more monsterrrrssss - Rimmy Tim joins the team! - he explains his history with Mad King - and how he's worried - wORRIED LOOK WHAT HE'S DONE TO MOGAR - He digs out the lesser power source that was used on Mogar - THIS made THAT *points at Mogar* (K) - Mad King is bandaged and goes to sleep off the pain and *emotions* (gross) of the evening - as he drifts off instead of dreaming he finds himself seeing through Jeremy's damaged eye - He just sees xray and vav but he cant hear a word - needless to say he feel betrayed
(Finale leadup)
- they need a plan to catch MK - Xray and Vav decide to drill RT ab possible weaknesses - he doesnt have much to contribute though they havent worked together in years and he didnt have all this magic junk going on. - and all RT's seen of the magic junk is teleporting - Well have you seen his hideout? can you explain like layout or whats going on there - oh fuck yeah i guess that is intel lemme sketch it out
- Hilda is playing around with whats the difference between the gem they stole from MK and the one that RT says changed Mogar - Mayhaps after some experimentation gone wrong she figures they cant use the thing against him but need a device that'll remove that specific energy - so you know a SUCKING machine - While she's working so closely with this she starts having enderhilda dreams but like when she's awake shes like yeah thats neat but you aint caught my interest you dumb gem
- Wait RT if you and MK used to be in cahoots do you have any powers that can beat him? - I got guns we were guns for hire you know battle buddies - wot MK doesnt use guns he plays mind games - well yeah NOW he does he uh-- didnt have it all together after our last mission
- Battle buddies are cleaning up after a mission - they're both pretty angry like we wound up being the bad guys AGAIN how does this keep happening - RT agrees he's not a fan of dirty cash - MK comes to the conclusion if i controlled these sheeple nobody would be calling my shots and makin me do the wrong thing - come on ryan ya cant control people thats wrong - whats a little more blood on my hands if it means making things better on the whole - and MK winds up leaving the battle buddies :C
- Hilda comes in like hey i got your guys's sucking machine go suck off mad king or whatever - and vavs like Alright! lets make a plan lads! - then we go to MK - he can see them coming, he's gotten practice watching through RT's eyes - he gets the machine from them as theyre barely through the door - "well I was curious what this would do but what does it matter anyways" - and he's got like some full ender shadow clones to help with the fight and they all pair off ((not like an army literally just enough to pair off MK dont need an army to beat these guys)) - the real MK personally faces off RT though :) - RT "why do i get the real ryan why couldnt you face off with like vav or something" - MK "im curious if you could shoot me 'buddy'" - RT "well I doubt i'll do something but i do owe you one ;)" and he do shoot him but yeah the bullets are stopped and do nothing - MK "I do hope you brought something else if youre turning against the MAD KING you have best be prepared" - RT "what can i say" [drops gun] "I stick to my guns" [throw punch]
- but yeah after the fighting and witty dialogue clears it looks like MK do have the upper hand - RT was left bleeding out ((stabbed through with pointy fingers oooo MK got his blood literally on his hands)) - While MK is monologuing RT sneaks into the bathroom which MK pauses mid monologue when he sees a flash of RT's bloody hand reaching for the showerhead - cant believe that fuck - and RT comes out and hoses him down ((yes it reaches that far LOOK its got a long hose)) - then MK's on the ground fucking sizzling - vav's like oh right! and jumps up to get the sucking machine and they use it on MK
- Jake drops RT off where they got MK locked up and shes like "do what u gotta do man" and RT's like "thanks for understanding bud" - and he gets in MK shifts to look at him - RT starts to apologize for ruining his plan but gets interrupted as MK says "you were right" - which is a SHOCKING thing to hear from that guy - and mad king is like "thank you" - and we end on "anytime buddy."
so that was my plot I havent been kidding when I said it was a long comic plan. Its been heartbreaking to have this whole thing ripped from me but I can’t tell a story about friendship w a manipulator. 
I’m not sure how long it’ll be until I actually get another thing started but I hope its soon because I was very excited to share a good long story with the xray and vav fandom and I thought this plot wouldve been like a good season worth of content
I had some draws tagged under “#its all connected” and they were all me working on this idea before I actually decided to write it out and try for a whole comic after being inspired by some close friends and the good at being bad animation collab
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