#i literally feel like there are obvious people im forgetting im sorry!!!
seriousbrat · 2 months
i wish ur following list was public so i could follow ppl like u tbh😭😭
i don't have a clue who I'm following anymore lol and unless you want to wade through about 200 buffy the vampire slayer blogs that ive recently followed.... but here are a few marauders/snape/hp people whose posts/meta type things I enjoy!
@carried-away-with-cleverness @forestdeath1 @said-snape-softly @artemisia-black @goldenromione
there are more people obviously that i'm sure I'm forgetting rn, that's just a few off the top of my head and might be a good starting point!
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smoshyourheadin · 7 days
spencer agnew enemies to lovers one bed trope
The Start Of Something
pairing: spencer agnew x f!reader
a/n: GUYS IM SO SORRY I KEEP POSTING SO SLOW I HAVE NO MOTIVATION MY BAD THIS IS LIKE RLLY BAD AND RUSHED LMAO I DONT LIKE IT i have better stuff otw i promise (also anon ily for this!!) requests are open <3
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working at smosh is pretty great. you’ve been working there about two years now as a producer on smosh games, and you’ve made some darn good videos. the people are amazing, it’s so fun working with literal comedians all day. damien is so kind, shayne is so smart, courtney is so witty, ian is so… morbid? either way, everyone there is family to you. the one thing you don’t like however? spencer.
it all started during your first big project at smosh. you and spencer were both assigned to lead a new series of board af. excited to prove yourself, you put in countless hours to make sure everything was perfect. however, spencer, being spencer, dismissed your detailed plans, opting instead for a spontaneous approach, leading the episodes to be messy, and all around bad quality.
every day at the office is a battlefield. Spencer’s snide comments about your meticulousness clash with your jabs about his unpredictability.
“nice color-coded schedule you got there,” spencer says with a smirk as he passes your desk. “did you plan your bathroom breaks too?”
you roll your eyes, not missing a beat. “at least i won’t forget to show up to work on time, unlike some people.”
he scoffs and walks away, and you smirk to yourself because of how annoyed he gets.
you grew up in a structured environment, where planning and precision were key to success. your parents, both engineers, drilled into you the importance of preparation and hard work. spencer, on the other hand, thrived in chaos. raised in a floridian household with artists for parents, he learned to ‘embrace’ spontaneity and creativity, when in reality he’s just a lazy piece of shit, and this fundamental difference in your upbringings is your reasoning for the friction.
the entire smosh crew is buzzing with excitement for the upcoming vid con. however, ian and anthony made a slight mistake: not enough rooms. as luck would have it, you’ve been assigned to share a room with spencer, and, of course, there’s only one bed.
“great,” you mutter, staring at the single bed. “this is just perfect.”
spencer shrugs. “we’re adults. we can handle this. or are you upset this’ ruined your plans?”
you shove him off, tongue in cheek, and put your bags down.
“yeah, well, i guess we’ll just have to make do,” you reply, mustering a half-hearted smile as you unpack.
that night, as you both lie awkwardly side by side, you can’t help but talk. the conversation starts stilted but gradually, you begin to share your perspectives. you explain how his disregard for plans made you feel undervalued. spencer admits he never realized how much effort you put into your work and how his actions might have come across.
after that night, some subtle changes begin to occur between you both. one day, you catch spencer glancing your way with what seems like concern when you’re stressed. you find yourself defending his unconventional methods when others criticize him.
one day, you witness spencer dealing with a personal crisis - a call from his dad that leaves him visibly shaken. as you’re the only person who saw him, you offer him a shoulder to lean on. that day, you see a side of him that’s vulnerable and human, softening your attitude further, almost affectionate toward him.
as you start getting along better, both of you struggle with your growing feelings. you’re plagued by internal conflict, denying what’s becoming increasingly obvious. spencer starts bringing you coffee in the mornings, and you find yourself lingering in conversations with him to try and stay in his company.
a crisis at smosh forces you both to confront your true feelings. a huge chunk of footage from shayne’s turn on tntl is accidentally deleted, and the blame game begins. in the heat of the argument, spencer snaps, “why do you hate me so much?”
the words hang in the air, and you both freeze. finally, you confess, “i don’t hate you. i don’t think i ever hated you. i think i was just scared that my efforts would never be enough.”
spencer steps closer, his eyes softening. “i didn’t realize. i thought you just… hated me.”
you break. hot tears sting your face, and you bring your hoodie sleeves to your eyes to prevent your mascara from running. he wraps you in a hug, and you sob into his shoulder.
in the end, you and spencer are inseparable. the crew notices the change, teasing you both about your newfound closeness, especially angela who you used to complain to about him. you’re all lovey dovey now, finding joy in each other’s company and embracing the weird balance you bring to each other’s lives.
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stillfrownyclownlol · 6 months
Hiding in the bathroom from a man rn lmao
Aidlyn headcanons because...please? Please? They make me sick /positive
These aren't all fluffy or whatever because they traumatized af and relationships like that are...difficult... but not impossible.
-he's 8-ish months older than her and like, 20ish cms taller (sorry I don't know how American feet work lol 😭)
-He hyperfixated on the relationship lmao.
-Clingy...they BOTH are. In different ways I mean but. They are both clingy. They're scared the other is gonna die when they aren't around lol 🙃 Aiden is ofc very touchy and grabby, he just has to FEEL that she's with him. Also type of guy to call at 2am "hey bby u good?". Ash gets antsy if she hasn't seen or heard from him in a while (a while means like 2 hours) especially since he like spam texts her every 5 seconds. But he also hyperfixates or disassociates for a while and will forget 🤡 like she will yell at him about why he didn't call her for 17 hours and he'll just be like "um sorry. I was. Staring at a wall."
-he has a lot of weird/cringy ass pet names for her that makes her want to slap him; probably calls her Bae or whatever. Ash nicknames for Aiden: Idiot, stupid, dumbass, public safety hazard...called him "dear" like once just to try it and hated it. "Mr. Durable" if she wants to annoy him.
-worlds worst pick up lines. Ash NEVER understands them.
-he loves surprises! Surprise him! He wants to surprise Ash too! She kinda hates this. They decided to "compromise": he will tell her beforehand that there is a "surprise" and gives her little clues/puzzles so she can figure out whatever it is. He has like 0 patience tho so he always helps her figure them out 🤡 Ash likes watching him get excited about the puzzles and doing them together more than the surprise half of the time.
-Him infodumping is like white noise so she can sleep lol.
-they try to do things the other likes since Ash thinks this is important for a "healthy relationship". Almost died when they went to an indoor rock climbing place 💀 but she got to see Aiden in a leotard when they did ballet together so it was a fair trade (blackmail)
-he is her hypeman at ballet recitals, will probably cheer when she comes on stage and has a sign and everything, the rest of the gang (and Ash) is just like "...we don't know this guy"
-she wishes he took care of himself more. Sends him stuff like "did you drink any water today", "Ben told me you're gonna skateboard down the hill please dont", or "IF YOU SET YOUR BOOKS ON FIRE IM GONNA CALL THE POLICE" <3
-sometimes if she's sad she just kinda. Falls on his back. Like a koala or smth. She has that "I literally cannot do anything" sort of depression (which to be fair Aiden also has sometimes). Aiden carries her around.
-when nobody's looking she kisses his cheek, cuz she knows his face is usually sore from smiling so much.
-pretty low key on her part, but Aiden is so obvious everybody knows 💀 She doesn't like PDA (more so the fact that people stare) but Aiden will usually put his arm around her shoulders or waist/give her a smooch (not on the mouth) <3 it's honestly not that different from how he was when they were just friends ngl 🤡
-he says "I love you" easily, because it genuinely is the easiest thing in the world for him. He has 0 doubts about how he feels for her. Ash doesn't say it a lot cuz she feels weird saying it, so she does her best to show it in other ways.
-he gets jealous easily *siiiiigh* It's cuz he's insecure!!! Help him! 😭 He doesn't get annoyed with her because like. Ash pays about as much attention to other guys (I mean besides Tyler, Ben and Logan) as she does to dust. But he will death glare at any guy they don't know that's staring at her 💀
-kinda codependent... *looks at the floor* they are working on it. Sometimes Aiden feels like he's only alive for her. (I- Look at episode 61- IVE BEEN IN HIS POSITION. AIDEN BABY THIS AINT HEALTHY)
-absolute dork. Draws "A.C. + A.B." in a little heart in his note margins because he's goofy like that.
-he fell first she fell harder NO I will not be taking any criticism for this.
Anyways it's raining outside so I'll just post this now
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paxcallow · 2 months
Shoutout to your Raz for being a little cutie patootie anyway can you spare a headcanons about him for the poor *holding out my little orphan lad hat*
hehehe thank you also OH BABY YOU KNOW I CAN! i may have like 3 hours before i have to get a train to georgia but i always have time for RAZ and TALKING about RAZ!
raz becomes pescetarian after the meat circus. i say pescetarian and not vegetarian because of his toxic relationship with Crab Sandwich. crab sandwich is raz's friend. but raz kind of wants to eat crab sandwich.
^ raz is kind of a freak.
like all things, raz picks up hydrokinesis pretty quickly, but for a while the Hand of Galochio Aquato will not grant him access to water deep enough to swim in. he beats himself up over this somewhat because neither queepie or frazie struggle with the hand like he does and while they're learning to swim, he's standing on the surface of the water like jesus.
actually, i feel like the Hand was always the most physically real to raz than any of the others because of his lack of denial about being a psychic. all the others felt the unnatural fear at a body of water and it grew much more violent and undertowed in the presence of the psychics, but a young razputin aquato heard the name "Hand of Galochio" and took that very literally.
sorry for the sadcanons. bonus augustus headcanon for your trouble. this barrier to water is something raz and dad can bond over, because while augustus can physically get in the water, he is utter ass at swimming and learns it the slowest of anyone in the family. he is so brave but after a lifetime of water curse, being in it feels the most unnatural. you know that clip from golden boy of kintaro(?) drowning all the way across the pool before turning around and very badassly going "So! How do you like my swimming. >:)" that's augustus while raz runs across the water beside him cheering him on.
he got his goggles from true psychic tales magazine, but he uses them now mostly to combat visual overstimulation. it takes him several years to realize that's what he's doing. projecting through a psi portal is very visually intense and that's why raz is convinced for the longest time that those things actually did anything psychic.
a combination of what donatella calls "sibling survival instinct" being surrounded by so many kids his age at camp, needing to blow off steam after just having run away from home, and wanting to make a good impression at his big new job is what explains the difference in raz's rudeness between psychonauts 1 and 2. in psychonauts 3, raz is going to repeatedly say some out of pocket shit to some fellow kids and then feel really guilty because he's a professional now.
i know i've said this before but it bears repeating that raz is a little menace about tickling. he just genuinely likes it and can't imagine that anyone might not. but he's soooooo shy so his primary way of getting tickles himself is being a little shit. that tends to do the trick. he's definitely not extremely obvious about it every single time. everyone totally doesn't know what he's doing.
raz proudly eats food off the floor. raz thinks wasting food is a crime!! he'll eat your leftovers. he'll drink the rest of your soda. he'll eat the other half of your sandwich. empty your unwanted snax into the grumpus that is razputin aquato.
this is sometimes the only way to get him to eat because often he forgets to until his stomach is screaming at him to spare its life. when he is very focused on something for a while, raz's neglect of himself hits him all at once. man im tired- ooh wait im hungry- oh im thirsty too- AH my eyes hurt have i not been blinking- whoa how is it after midnight already- OUCH i have a headache! my feet hurt! etc. he. needs people looking out for him.
raz is going to be a really good dad one day.
raz knows he is cute. intellectually. he uses this to his advantage to subtly manipulate adults into letting things slide or giving him floor bacon. but he has not internalized the fact that he is genuinely a little cutie pie not through his genetics and social engineering skills, but by being a little dorky smush face who is always earnest, borderline transparent, so so so brave, easily embarrassed, wanting to be friends with everyone, being a little baby bean,[i am slowly dragged off the stage with a cane]
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athena-xox · 3 months
The most annoying characters in eah
This is not my opinion this is genuine fact. I don’t mean that in a joking way.
Apple White: this is obvious. I mean she forced destiny on to people, then has character development then has a fucking To Coda or whatever and goes onto the same bs she started on.
Holly O’Hair: in the show she was cool. I don’t mean that as in ‘I like her’ or ‘she has a cool design’ like genuinely, she was cool as fuck, which the other characters thought as well. But in the books… I 100% that either everyone found her extremely annoying or she was on the spectrum (WHICH COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH COOL REPRESENTATION IF DONE CORRECTLY). Like her whole personality was ‘I’m a ✨wrITer✨. I don’t feel that fact checking rn (what im about to say is right just aren’t examples drawn from the book) but she would randomly use words like serendipity and indubitably. And also someone asked POPPY how she got into being a hairdresser and Holly started telling Poppy’s life story. AND IT WAS LIKE A WHOLE CHAPTER LONG OF HOLLY JUST SAYING NOTHING.
Ginger Breadhouse: same thing with Holly. Fine in the series but in the books… okay actually she’s not that bad. But she was lowkey a pick me. Just her internal monologue. I just didn’t like how 13 year old girl she was over hopper. She made such a big deal for what. Anyways the part of kiss and spell where ginger kisses hopper and she’s his true love but everyone thinks it’s briar… stupid af. Lowkey briar x ginger.
Sparrow Hood: I mean this is literally canon. I would find some random redhead constantly screeching with an electric guitar that somehow always has an amplifier annoying too.
Courtley Jester: her voice alone is annoying
Justine Dancer: what do you mean to tell me ‘Justine Dancer, the youngest of the twelve dancing sisters […] But who does not yet know her fairytale destiny.’ (Moonlight Mystery). My girl be lacking braincells. Especially since she’s a double Royal people would be so sick of her wondering her destiny. Hmm you have 11 older sisters and your mom was a dancing princess… I wonder what your destiny could possibly be.
Meeshell Mermaid: again with the inner monologue. ‘In sea we all sing beautiful choir together and everyone’s voice is equally beautiful, except for Coral that’s why she’s the sea witch 🎀🐠. But fsr on land my voice is the most beautiful ever’ and don’t forget the ‘no headmaster Grimm I don’t want any Accommodations for being a mermaid because ppl will treat me differently *cutely forgets that’s there’s literally fairies, witch, ogres, giants at eah and she’s nothing special* so because I’m don’t excepting any accommodations people are treating me weird because I need accommodations to fit in’. Also her singing is shit.
Gus + Helga Crumb: self explanatory
Tw: controversial opinion
Cerise Hood: ⛓️I’m so different🐺 💔no one understands me🐾 I’m sorry but she legit talks and thinks like this. Also I can’t remember if it was the year book or royals & rebels but like there was a catagory that said bffa’s and cerise put something along the lines of ‘I could never have friends no one would know the true me.’ And then raven legit put Cerise down as one of her bffa’s. Cerise bffr. She’s so Wattpad alpha female coded
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cressthebest · 2 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 5
chapter 9:
2. oh good wait, remus left and came back
3. sirius’ first thought is to brush his teeth to kiss sirius 😭😭 he’s so me fr. i wouldn’t let my ex kiss me unless they brushed their teeth first. or had a mint. im so sensitive to smells
4. “He used to build things. Create things. And now he's lucky if he doesn't destroy what's already formed.” JESUS FUCK. THATS LITERALLY SO SAD WTF
5. 😭😭😭 sirius is literally amidst gay panic beyond your wildest comprehension and remus is just like ✨☺️😏🥱🩷🏳️‍🌈 “touch me”
6. “Remus hums. "Imagine how I feel. No one's touched me without causing me pain in five years."” NOOOO BABY
7. god, wolfstar deserves everything. the best wolfstar content i find is always in a fic that is centered on another ship. i could literally survive off wolfstar alone- no water, no food, no air
8. wolfstar calling each other beautiful>>>>>>>
9. 😬 what did sirius jsut say. i must be going crazy. cause there’s no way he just said he needed to brush his teeth
10. wolfstar deserves the world universe
11. reg is no longer a pathetic teen with a crush, he’s a pathetic adult with a crush
12. reg being grumpy even in his sleep <33333
13. james having a pathetic crush on reg while cuddling together is top tier
14. there really needs to be an emoji to accurately show the face i just made. it probably looks similar to this- 😀😟 what. there’s no way reg is about to tease james, just to get his old 14 year old self off
15. 😀😀 girl what is he doing. i-
16. how he became freinds with barty is so crimson rivers canon, i can’t even. like, i KNOW that it’s canon. but it’s also canon that bizzarestars was right about. no author mistakes in that piece
17. damn, reg is actually gonna go at it. i don’t know how james is gonna survive this and make it to the actual arena.
18. “James says his name like it's the only word that has meaning. His voice is rough, and Regulus' name is sloppy and desperate in his mouth, like a hail mary or a form of salvation.” CHRIST. I SAID I DIDNT KNOW HOW JAMES WOULD SURVIVE THIS, BUT HOW THE HELL DID REG SURVIVE THIS??
19. “Barty is a good lover, there's no denying that—but he'll be damned if James isn't just better.” 😟 shocked. omg. who would have guessed this would be reggie’s thoughts
20. “"Because you might die today," Regulus tells him bluntly, shrugging one shoulder as he stands up. "Consider it a parting gift. Now, get out."”
they just fucked, and all reg can do is be like “yeah yeah, now get out horny bitch” no fucking way i just read that right i-
bitch that’s foul
21. “Regulus is a conundrum, honestly.” yes. that’s the word i’d use to describe him.
22. james: don’t tell sirius that reg and i just fucked. also james: “he’s in the shower”
bitch if you could be any more obvious
23. “Remus Lupin. If there's one good thing to come out of all this, it's him.” YES YES YES ABSOLUTELY! REMUS IS THE GOOD IN THIS
24. “”James, I am so grateful to know you, and so sorry that I had to. Every name that I call is a name I wish I never learned. Yours—you—will remain etched into my heart forever."” BITCH I CANT CRY OVER THIS- MY EYE MAKEUP LOOKS TOO GOOD TODAY TO CRY
25. “"I'll see you again soon, Regulus."” BITCH WTF THAT HURTS EVEN MORE THAN JAMES’ GOODBYE
26. maybe it’s been too long since i’ve read the books, BUT this fic seems to capture the absolute tragedy and horrors of it before it even starts even more
27. christ, not reg saying the “i don’t want to go” that hurts. like holy fuck. he’s still just a scared child. don’t put him in that arena
28. god, the way the death of james feels like sirius dying too. and sirius deciding that once james is dead, sirius will be too
how the hell is this people’s comfort fic???
29. not sirius having a lapse of memory and losing his memory of his last moments with james. that shit hurts
30. fabian <3333
31. 😧 wait fabian is dead. they just shot him. holy shit
32. gideon <3333
33. wait gideon is dead too.
y’all. i just-
this whole chapter was a fucking rollercoaster.
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scooter-ing · 1 year
ive been itching to actually say something about this, so like
idk man i just think its actually appalling how some people can't get it past their thick skulls that tyler/?? didnt care about wednesday. oh, "wednesday has tyler!" no she doesn't, he admitted to enjoying the brutal murder of multiple innocent people. and even if that isn't enough to get wednesday away from him, he literally hurt eugene and sent him into a coma?? she literally blamed herself for it!!!!!! and then he also hurt enid, who she has quite literally actively shown more care to rather than xavier or tyler. she didn't even touch him when she kissed him. she fucking ran away from him when she had the vision!! how thick headed can you be!! oh, "she said he was his type," it was a quip. she's talking about how she seems to attract dangerous people.
don't even get me started on xavier, that man is just so pathetic it's just beyond me lmao. the guy had the gall to actually continue to try to win her over, even AFTER she got him fucking arrested without remorse??? that's just so funny to me. bought her a whole ass iphone and everything. she asked him to the dance ONLY because she had ulterior motives relating to the hyde, and really didn't gaf when he found out. just resorted to more scouting w/ eugene for the night of the dance. and that scene where he asked bianca to make him forget about her... just Ew. like ew stop that. poor bianca.
i genuinely don't know how to express my feelings in relation this cause its just all so incoherent. like, isn't it obvious enough how much wednesday brushes off xavier and tyler?? like? so obvious? obvious enough that wednesday is actively upset and says that being alone doesn't fucking feel good? only when ENID leaves, and ENID gets mad at her, and she only hugs ENID, and tries to maneuver her language to not upset ENID!! (save for eugene) . it's just, ugh. like,,, ugh. how can you say that there's no chemistry. i just don't get it. "im not homophobic but its obvious that wednesday is straight" okay well shut up i think you just don't wanna see gay people in shows that you like (you're homophobic). and it's not even just that, there's so much more to back up wenclair than there is like, any other ship in this series.
i don't mean for this to be like actively directed at anyone btw, i'm just channeling my thoughts into a stupid tumblr.com text post because im angry and hyperfixating on a ship that i like. this is extremely incoherent im sorry u had to read this
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linaharutaka · 2 months
gen question but isnt dedegoon or dedesuka or whatevr a proship? ive seen some ppl calling it a proship cuz its abusive but your bio says proship dni so idk if its ok to ship or what (sorry im new to this)
hiya! thank you for your ask! it isnt and heres why
first of all i am /Not/ proship. i am not anti-anti or whatever either. what drives me to ship them is the fact theyre friends who like to be in each other's company. i like their sweet moments together. they bond over scamming an innocent population and bullying children. they're partners in crime. theyre besties who talk shit about others as a hobby.
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i also don't think theyre already dating. i look at their relationship and im like. you guys have some kind of weird crush on each other and you're also selfish assholes. they're in the world's worst situationship.
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"but dedede whacks escargoon a lot!" not only does escargoon get physical towards him too (the dynamic starts shifting in the dentist episode) but his "punishments" are often for a reason. escargoon is often very mean to dedede. in almost every episode he calls him hopeless or stupid or ugly or anything like that. and that gets him a whack. if i were dedede i'd do that too! it'd piss me off! having my lackey who i pay and who i consider my best friend insult me so overtly over and over LOL. but does escargoon ever try and stop him his evil doing? hell no! the guy helps him and gives him advice and ideas! he is NOT a good guy either. he loves being mean! he literally says it!
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of course escargoon cares a loy about him. pretty sure everyone is aware. i don't even need to compile all the times he runs after him or worries about his well being. one time he "left" after he realised he'd have to do all the waddle dee's chores and didn't want to do his job. guess who's shown tearing up when seeing what poor state dedede is in after being left all on his own. he's always protecting him and defending him (sometimes backhandedly) from other people. he holds dedede dear. it's obvious he does. he's an old man, he's not being manipulated into liking dedede. he genuinely cares about the guy.
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there are episodes where they bicker a lot but end up getting along, episodes where they're the best of friends and episodes focused on their resentment against one another. the show kind of yoyos with their relationship. it's not really anything to take seriously. if you get offended from their interactions you'd get a heart attack from watching looney tunes. the back and forth of their dynamic is part of the fun!
I *highly* recommend watching the original version of the show as the dub often replaces sweet lines they share with jokes that don't really hit the mark. it's a shame. (however i will give the dub some credit on occasion)
Actually, i have a [post] that compiles a lot of sweet screenshots of them together. it doesnt include the times where they hold on to each other in the cannons or in the whispy woods episode or when esxargoon said "isnt this strange? can't you feel we're striving apart?" and dedede says "what! that's ridiculous!" in a lighthearted voice. or when escargoon makes a joke about a late night drive being romantic and dedede just? laughs in agreement? there's a scene where they call each other stupid in the most friendly way ever. i actually have a handy twitter of fun scenes where escargoon gets away with some things (doesn't include when escargoon yells at him in the fireworks episode or orders him in episode 69), like saying *he's* actually the one in power because dedede isn't competent enough to reign. or dedede understanding escargoon's concerns of him becoming dumber than he is already.
they're just villains who are attached to each other and are a team no matter what.
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escargoon protects dedede a lot, and he cares about him more than what his job entails, but people tend to forget he's got a special place in dedede's heart too.
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dedede keeps an album of pictures they took together. he never threatens to fire him and, as far as i know, never even cuts his salary and is the only one in the castle to even have a bonus. he shares the food he keeps from the waddle dees with him in episode 93. he clarifies he doesnt want knuckle joe's monsters to attack either of them. he's fine spending large amounts of money on him. twice? he never calls him ugly somehow. he even thanks him for having put up with him for so long and serving him well when the world is about to end. and then he clings unto him because he's scared of dying alone. his way of showing affection is not the "im crying because i think you're in danger" type of way that escargoon shows a lot but it's there.
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Of course i don't think they're perfect gay rep. that's literally so stupid. you think im gonna look at two dumbasses who are bitter towards one another from what, a parodic, satirical children's anime from the early 2000s, and go "hmm yes this is what every queer couple should aspire to be this is peak lgbt rep"
If we're gonna talk about them how about we talk about some issues this show has that no one ever addresses. the colorism of the uv episode that is not put into question, not even by tiff, the moral compass. the rising sun imagery that is very much intentional as dedede is a caricature. the fatphobia? the fact kirby calls kawasaki and nagoya homos??? straight up???
people often blame episode 88, and yeah, it's not my favorite episode either. everyone's weird in that episode, not just dedede! yabui is far from empathetic, even the ebrums are disrespectful, and escargoon taunts dedede into chasing him for laughs and teases him about his old age. even at the end he teases him. i think it's one of those episodes that you just have to blame on the writers kinda like 89 (for example this one has got the right message but the execution is painful to watch. poor tiff.)
now, if 88 had changed their relationship it'd be a different matter. there are some sweet moments they share outside of their general "partners in crime" dynamic past episode 88 in my post actually! my favorite is the one where dedede has his arm around escargoon who's curled up like a cat while they're sleeping and the waddle dees are tucking them in from episode 91. it makes me so happy.
i could probably talk so, so much more about them. they're a huge comfort to me. however i don't trust just anyone with them. i am very much aware some people like them for the wrong reasons. but if you have a brain you can see where i'm coming from.
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the show makes fun of them because they're evil, self-centered cowards. not because they're "gay" or anything like that. i saw someone call them queerbait one time and i had to log off for a minute.
anyway, to answer your question, people who do not recognize their genuine attachment to one another are bound to have a twisted view of them. i don't like dedegoon because they're "toxic" or awful to each other. but because they're each other's best friends. that's all. it's fine if you don't ship them, too. i just hope i can prove to people that they do matter to each other and that they're friends :)
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danrifics · 4 months
i’ve been trying to write this post forever 😭 but omg where to even start with this weekend it was just so amazing!!!
first @ahappyphjl and @dnphobe thank you guys for putting up with my crazy ass for 2 days!! i know i can be a lot especially when i decided to drop the autism mask 😭 you guys are amazing and it was so cool to see the show with friends cos last time i saw it i was by myself so it was absolutely amazing to experience it with you both! also jenna thank you for waiting in a 2 hour line for a pretty mid hello kitty cafe 😂
next to everyone i met for the first time over the weekend!! its so honestly amazing when you get to put actual real faces to blogs and you were all so amazing and cool! its also very weird but also fucking cool to just have people walk up to you and say they follow you on tumblr i felt so famous 💅
again i have to apologise for how awkward i am irl i know i seem so cool online but im actually a very social awkward and weird irl😅
it was also cool to see @ahappydnp and @calvinahobbes!!! cal thank you for buying me a coke zero 😂
special shoutout to @pseudophan @gardener-dyke @personthattoleratesme for putting up with my sleep deprived, dehydrated, hungry self especially when i wouldn’t shut up about how im in love with dan and what if he stared as me or whatever the fuck i was talking about??
@energeticwarrior it was so cool to meet you on saturday sorry i randomly shouted your name and didn’t immediately tell you who i was so you just looked at me blankly until i was like shit i should tell you my name 😭 also sorry i made it seem like that was the first and last time you’d ever see me only for me to randomly appear at the show on sunday it was really cool to sit with you and thank you for laughing when i shouted smash at dan when he was stripping
lastly big obvious thank you to the man himself, @danielhowell (yes fuck it im tagging him too) you are the funniest man alive (well second obviously phil is number 1) i’ve met you before literally a year ago yesterday?? but sometimes i do forget you’re actually real and then you’re standing in front of me on stage and i can literally see your face and every detail on it???? insane anyway thank you for We’re All Doomed it was funny, sad and moving but it was literally the best thing you’ve ever done and i’m so so proud of you for it! thank you for always showing you love us just as much as we love you.
this community means everything to me and i’ve never felt so loved until i became apart of it! honestly words cannot describe how i truly actual feel so im gonna have to stop rambling now
i love you guys so much
phannie cult for LIFE
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fcknstar · 1 year
,, the daily call "
- harryosborn x reader x peterparker
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a.n : jokes on me i forgot to post ehhh, im gonna write for other characters, so probably a lil break from harry, but he will come back for sure. i actually didnt know how to title this because i actually imagined this shit out lmao.
warnings : none?
**lowercase intended**
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walking through the busy streets of new york, you made sure not to spill the coffee you got harry on yourself or others. harry was currently on call with you asking about your whereabouts.
" ehh, i think im about 5 minutes away? but you know, may take longer. gosh will people ever just move? " your last sentence made harry laugh. harry loved your nasty and sarcastic comments you made that could be aimed to literally anyone.
" alright, just be safe okay? i dont want to get called knowing you got hurt or something. ill be waiting in the office. " harry sighed, not wanting anything happening to you knowing how clumsy you are.
" i wont- uff " as you rounded the corner, you bumped your face flat onto a chest. you were balancing your phone in between your head and shoulders, and due to the impact your phone dropped.
as you were about to pick it up and apologize to the unknown person, you saw a spiderweb sling across you and landed on your phone, flying towards someone. looking up, you saw peter.
" peter? " you breathed, opening your hand for him to place the your phone back into your hand. you were glad that you managed to save the coffee, knowing how devastated you would be if you didnt hold it tight enough.
" thats me! oh, uh. harry? scary guy isnt he? i wish you luck " winking towards you, both of you clearly knowing who harry is to peter ; his best friend. placing the phone back onto your hand, he watched you talk to harry. peter has always been your best friend. well both harry and peter. peter lasted with you longer as harry left early to boarding school, leaving you and peter alone. having you to himself, peter realized that he felt more than just platonic love. after spilling a secret about him being spiderman, he felt closer to you than ever. he would always stop by your apartment to get himself cleaned up.
watching you work on his injuries made him feel loved. how you would gently touch his skin, check whether he felt okay, whether it hurts. how you would nag for hours about being safe, how you dearly cared about him. that was when he started feeling tingly, it took him a few days to adjust to it. he tried to not make it obvious, completely unaware about how you felt about peter. but to his luck you felt the same way. you both were more than friends with benefits but not labeled as together yet.
" sorry harry, i gotta go. yes ill see you there, bye " your hand that held the coffee merely escaped peters grasp when he tried to grab it, teasingly thinking it was for him. you and harry had a habit of calling each other and making sure if one another is safe, of course it all stopped after he left. now that hes back, he expected the same. i mean he did get calls from you every morning, but youd never hung up on him, ever. so if saying that it hurt harry by abit was an understatement. harry liked you a lot. since young. he tried forgetting about you but pictures of you both flooded his phone and mind. seeing you smile in pictures pasted around his dorm room warmed him. it felt as it you were still there with him, not that you were dead, but he cut off connections with his friends in new york, which included you.
harry loved every hug you gave him, he enjoyed the little moments you gave him that he couldnt have in boarding school. of course there were girls in school who tried to be close to him, but he didnt budge.
hanging up, you shook your head. " no, thats for the sir up there " pointing towards the tall building to your right. peter leaned forward, pressing a kiss onto your lips. pulling away, showing how late you were, laughing. peters lips followed after you, indicating how 'needy' he was.
sighing, you pressed a kiss, feeling a smile appear on peters features, making you smile too.
" alright, alright lover boy, i have to go " you slapped his cheeks teasingly, making peter chuckle.
when you got to harrys office, you saw him playing with his bouncy ball that you got him as a replacement when he lost his.
" harry, sorry for hanging up, i had some things going- " you havent finished your sentence when harry stopped you.
" its whatever. " you could tell harry was mad. walking towards him with his coffee, you swung it softly infront of him hoping hed accept it.
not being able to resist you, he gave in. " thank you. " he smiled when the taste of his favorite coffee hit his tongue.
what you didnt know was that he saw every bit of the little interaction you had with peter. including the spiderweb stunt.
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koqabear · 3 months
i was rooting for soobin the whole time and his betrayal and giving into his primal urges just cuts me so deep like when she's getting fucked by gyu and she looks into soobin's eyes and it's the first time he's ever looked at her like prey.... mic drop hardest fuckin line to ever im a mess
i love love love darker fics from u sm like the smut always gotta be the hottest feral heat inducing stuff ever but is this okay?? like should i enjoy this?? 😭 still feel bad for mc when she woke up omg poor baby
OH absolutely adore how u write the freeze fear response in a prey hybrid mc god that was insane, like even before gyu got to her i felt that rush of adrenaline and the tension!! ugh how do u write them so good anw the part where mc's so frightened she literally submits and presents herself 🤯 blended my brain i fear
ALSO WHN GYU CALLED SOOBIN A GOOD DOG!!!!! AAAAAAAA UR CRAZYYY!!!!! 💥💥💥 gyu's insane in this he literally drove mc to submission in pure fear and basically brainwash soobin into following orders like ugh i im obsessed im in distress
u said that ur not letting us forget they're hybrids AND U DELIVERED!!!! tbh there's so many hybrid aus that's just ears and tails but u went deep in it, make them actually animals with instincts and behaviors (i sound like a furry omg 😭)
also kinda off track but the way mc's so naive and independent like yeah no it's fine ik the woods i'll be fine alone ^_^ and soobin's like babe ur a prey hybrid reminds me a lot of the trend of ppl posting their pets w proof they won't survive in the wild 💀
HIIII i’m super sorry that i took so long to answer this (but when do i ever answer asks on time 😕) BUT THANK YOUUUU SO MUCH!!! i love ltts so much it’s seriously one of my fav fics i’ve written so far and. your review literally means everything to me
(the rest is under the cut ! 🫶)
AGH THANK YOU THANK YOU it makes me so giddy to see that you liked that internal conflict as much as i did… like the build up to it was so intense and as soon as i wrote that “im sorry.” line i had to do a victory lap bc damn!! i really liked how soobin’s character turned out!!! (thank you sm for noticing that detail mwah) 
i mean….! that’s kind of the appeal of dark fics for me personally… if it’s written well enough it’ll make you question everything. but again thank you hehe i will be honest and say that i like to take pride in my dark fics 🤗
AHHHHH im happy you pointed that out !! my favorite thing about hybrid aus that i don’t think people take advantage of is all the new and heightened senses they have… im insane and i loved leaning into it and making it aide the characterization and idk. very happy you enjoyed it 🫶 (and if you sound like a furry… what does that make me… /j)
beomgyu master manipulator >>> i had a little too much fun with the name callings, can you tell…. is it obvious…. he is feral and insane and will do anything to get his way. my favorite ! 
I THINK I KNOW WHAT TREND UR TALKING ABOUT LMFAOOO and you’re so right too…. this poor mc was just unfortunately too trusting and naive for her own good :(
and if i say that im so in love with ltts that i feel like i could……. add more to it….?
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shyrose57 · 1 year
I've made like three new life smp posts in a row today, and I'm sorry, but I gotta. I watched more episodes, I'm only doing what I must.
Im just gonna like, chunk a bunch of my trains of thought in a single post and hope for the best, honestly.
Literally Martyn is the best, followed up by Sparrow, but anyway-
I think??? It'd be hilarious if the Colin-y was just. convinced that Martyn was just some fucked up creeper, and that's why they're friendly. Like, they all stay in the mountain, so Martyn shows up, he's vaguely blue, clearly cold, and has fur. Clearly that equals fellow creeper. So they just adopt him into the group, and that's why they all decided to pile into his base. Their new friend cant fit into the old den, so they move into the big new den. Or maybe the cave was their home first and his decision to live there cemented his creeper status. Martyn doesn't know why these particular mobs have just decided to be passive, and he's beginning to think he's never going too.
I also like the idea of Martyn being really new to being a hybrid?? Like he's clearly not used to his powers, sort of, right??? So what if he just like, recently manifested these traits. And even just recently showed up in the area, even. Maybe Sparrow could know him, or something.
If he messes up his timing and unfreezes before he hits the ground, is it gonna be like he shattered?? Just like, breaks into a million pieces right before his respawn, that melt into snowflakes. Think of the potential. Think of the angst. An icesicle shattering upon the earth.
Also, and this concept has been eating me alive, has there been a Snowgrave!Martyn yet, now that he has snow powers. Can anyone point me there?? Because like, with his current lore, a Watcher deciding it wanted to possess one of its fellows, or even just a Winner and snagging up Martyn in its games would be amazing to read about. His power slowly growing as servermates disappear, taking more and more hearts each time,, and he doesn't know why. And then, eventually there's only three. His snow buries someone alive. He feels himself die with them, from maybe his own frost, or the possessed player deciding he's outlived his use and doing away with him. Then there's just one.
Katherine is a human. I have been?? Crawling up the wall since I found out. I haven't even finished her episode. I don't know if she even survives it. I do not care.
So, let's set a background where, obvious exceptions aside, everyone has sort of grown up together, even if maybe distantly. And theyre all different species, with different abilities and needs and instincts.
And Katherine is human. Humans are social. How many traits and habits do you think she'd sort of absorb from everyone.
What if she was like, all the hybrids basic idea of human, and she forgets she's human herself half the time.
I am. Desperate for a fic where Katherine meets Sparrow. Or where everyone sort of knows her, and walk into meeting Sparrow with the idea that he's gonna be similar to her, and thus, similar to them. And just get smacked in the face with how different they are.
Give me a Katherine who's spent so long around people who aren't human that she just doesn't really clock that that's what she is.
Given that new life randomly rolls you an origin,, what's the chances of Sparrow having one already that he's gonna start 'manifesting'. Do you think its a bird. I need him to be a bird. At least once.
What if he dies and to come back as a phoenix or something. That would be so cool??.
What if like, fic wise, nobody's sure if humans are included in the respawn mechanics. If they come back at all. I think that'd be fun to explore. Everyone looking out a bit more for their human servermates. The angst potential of one of them dying and returning under this premise.
Also, and this just occurred to me, the humans are space orcs approach? I'd love to see that in a fic. Sparrow and Katherine just being weird and ridiculous by hybrid standards.
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lilssea · 9 months
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people tend to compare SandRay and BostonNick as they have the same situation when first all:
- Nick and Boston had a friends with benefits situation where Boston put at the first some “boundaries” but then he completely ignored them; Nick, because of Boston behaviour and obvious attraction, fall for Boston. (oh, and lets not forget how they met because…the photo? the hookup in the back of the store?)
- Sand and Ray had a strange power dynamic at first and then it changed as some kind of friends (plus their sleeping together so like kinda friends with benefits) meanwhile Sand became more and more attached to Ray with the progress of his feelings.
The most important things is between the two couple is: Sand has always been vocal about what Ray did was wrong or what he didn’t like meanwhile Nick didn’t much do anything because of Boston mixing signal (and manipulation)
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They started all their relationships on a hookup in the back of the store after the selfie Nick took on Ton’s phone for letting him know that he was there and ready for it. They tried to set boundaries and they literally didn’t even followed them. Of course, after some time (literally none) Nick fell for Boston; and obviously he wanted more than a just mere fwb situation.
Nick literally thinks he’s gonna be with Boston and he even accepted the fact Boston slept with Top. He is “okay” with it and its even “okay” for him be abandoned by Boston for some random shit.
like?? the party?? Where Boston literally told Nick to go back home by himself? Only because he wants to fuck Top??
And lets be honest who sane in his mind would actually be okay with their own crush or situationship whatever fucking around especially having something with someone who his crush has a past with it
To be honest im not saying that Nick doesn’t have his own faults because the recording? the most disturbing thing ever. I’m not condoning revenge porn. But at first you can see that Nick is trying to be just fwb with Boston, no feeling etc but Ton always used some kind word and gesture that made Nick fell for him; thinking he was even special (maybe he is/was we still dont actually know but tbh i dont think so).
one of the examples that i can say is the photo they took together when they “meet” Drake’s character (who i dont even remember the name sorry not sorry) when at first Ton doesnt want to have any proof of him be with Nick in any kind of way because of his father.
or every time Boston told Nick how special he was and how maybe “one day” they would be something more just for letting Nick be calm in this kind of relationship-ish they have.
And we even know that Boston cant take a no as an answer (like the scene in the shower with Top? horrible). He knows what he wants, who he wants and doesn’t care anything if it’s not something for him. He knows his own value and how easy he can have someone else because thats what he does. Even if does mean to destroy your own friendship (for some dick)
oh and Boston doesnt like losing what he thinks its his own like Top (as we talk about his hookups) or his comfortable zone (his group of friends).
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Meanwhile Ray and Sand are polar opposite of BostonNick because the relationship between Ray and Sand started as a “job” where Sand was literally paid for driving Ray at home and just spending some time with him because Ray felt alone and miserable with himself.
Yes, at the end they slept together (plus the little thing they did in the car before Mew called) but they started their friendship after that where you see both of them talking about their family, trauma and why Saund doesnt like Top. oh, lets not forget the fact Saund literally took Ray to see his mom (technically not really but they do meet and spoke a little bit).
examples: Sand talking to Ray after the car thing saying how he felt and didnt like the feeling of being left by Ray in that kind of situation (which im with Ray because if my friends call me drunk in needing of help ill drop anything for them)
the talking about Sand’s nonexistent dad and Ray’s mom/ relationship he has with his father after his mother’s death
Ray’s alcoholism’s and how he would literally die if he doesn’t stop of doing his own sabotage.
or the time where Sand literally screamed at Ray because he doesn’t want the money anymore because he genuinely care about him now
literally the part where Ray is drunk and driving the car and Sand is following and the all scene in the hospital.
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you can see in the hospital scene is concern but he actually act like a friend because he has feelings but he is truly trying to protect himself from it and trying of be there for Ray after the shitty night they had.
oh and the fact: Sand KNOWS about Ray’s crush on Mew. Of course, its not like Ray told him first (thanks Boston) but they spoke about it.
certainly Sand and Nick both fell in love but Boston is not emotionally available because he doesn’t want to be in a relationship and having a something with someone who is so much easy to get; meanwhile Ray cant just flip his feelings for Mew but you can see he sees Sand in another kind of way. He values Sand and try new things with him or just be around Sand environment instead of be alone or be drunk.
Both Nick and Sand receive different way of be treated both in acting and speaking with their own crushes; because at the end they are two completely different dynamics of relationships and way of thinking and communicating things or just coping with it.
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nirvanai · 2 years
Though the secret ending implies Tokiko was right all along.
oh i do have some thoughts about this! rotates diverge route in my brain. this is just personal opinion and a lot of just. interpretation and looking at things in a meta-narrative sense, so feel free to disagree entirely lmao, but! anyways.
(also im so sorry anon this got really long and rambly sldkfhgsdg i did not mean for this to happen)
for me at least, the nil ending stuff doesn’t really end as a “she was actually right!” sort of thing, but rather, it feels like more of a direct challenge to the player and their expectation of what a narrative “should” give and what a secret ending “should” be. the ending itself breaks the 4th wall directly, it gives the choice of whether or not it happens directly to the player- it even relies on (from what i understand) a random number, so you can’t cheat it. You need to play the game to see your own personal nil number.
The game is presenting you with a ‘final twist’- this world is a game, something that you as a player have known all along. It is a fictional world, Tokiko is right- they just dropped the pretense. for a very brief moment, Ryuki sees the ‘truth’ of the world, and Tokiko then gives you as the player an option: you can tell him everything, change the course of history to try to reach a “better ending”, or you can let him forget and let events play out the same as they did before. 
When I play through the diverge route content, it gives off a very strong feeling of things feeling... off. It rings a bit hollow, almost like a pyrrhic victory- it should be a better world, Uru was stopped in time, Komeji is alive, Amame is free, none of the explosion end stuff happened. And yet, it feels like there’s still a heavy cost to it, to Ryuki’s own psyche. The awareness that we granted him weighs him down- he’s disconnected from the people around him, he got promoted but barely leaves his office anymore, even Tama is more blunt about not believing him about this ‘other timeline’. 
This world should feel better, but something has been lost- not just for Ryuki, but the player as well. All of the bonds that were forged, the emotions we just went through in the story... all of them were washed away by our doing.
Now, I’m not saying this to claim “oh we as the players are villains! we’re doing a bad thing and helping tokiko win!”, because I honestly do not believe that either. I don’t think that’s the point of the ending- its not making any sort of accusation at the player, but rather, it’s asking us why we may feel the way we do about it. If it feels hollow to some, why does it feel hollow? Why does it seem to linger?
When playing games, its natural to want to find all the secrets- especially in a mystery game such as this. The ‘Frayer” question is presented extremely early on in the story, and it may linger in a player’s mind. It’s a secret, so of course you want to figure out what it means. Seeking that sort of information is an understandable, and likely intended response, especially considering this is a literal murder mystery game. Almost every LP i’ve seen has people stop and try to guess at numbers for a while before moving on, and hell, I did that myself!
So when the game gives you the nil number at the end, and asks you what you want to do with it, its just the obvious thing to do. You want more answers, you want more time with this game, you want to uncover every mystery and secret that you can. The achievements in-game help with this a bit on a meta level, too- you know there’s secrets to find, so go find them!
Objectively, in the true end timeline, people suffered far more. People died, Amame is in jail, everything that happened in the explosion end- but for all of the suffering and pain, it wasn’t a world without meaning. Ryuki and the Mizukis were both still fighting in their own ways for the truth, to solve things- perhaps the past couldn’t be changed, and that better world may not exist to them, but their world still has meaning. Things may still be bittersweet, its not a perfect happy ending- but those are rare in life. Everyone is still finding their own way forward as best they can, and making the most of the life they’re living. No matter how you’ve struggled, there is still value in that life, and finding that value is something so very important. 
(Please note I’m not saying that people should suffer in life, or that you need to suffer for your life to have meaning- rather, I just want to say that a life where you have suffered is not meaningless. Experiencing loss and hardship is tragic, and often times traumatic, but your life still has meaning and you are not defined by the hardships you’ve experienced. There is always the chance that you will find a way to make things better tomorrow, that you will find the strength to start picking yourself up if you need to, and that is important and extremely meaningful.)
In the diverge route, everything is better, but the emotional connection with the player is gone. You’ve found what you were looking for, you’ve found that ‘happier ending’, and now the game is asking you what that should mean to you. What do you consider important from the narrative? What makes a story satisfying to you? What parts of this were drawing you in, investing you? We’ve removed the facade, this world is just a game- but it was a game that meant something to you, it got you invested, made you care, and it was satisfying as a result. It doesn’t matter that it was a game- we go along with it because we care, because we want to see what happens to these characters we like, and because seeing them struggle and fight and ultimately claim that ending song they so very deserved is a reward of its own.
So to me, the nil number is essentially asking you to think about your own personal relationships to media. What is it about the ending of a story that matters to you? Is a “perfect ending” all that matters for you to be happy, or are you actually looking for something else? It’s not intended to be a happy ending, despite it being a better one- it’s nil. A process has occurred, and something has changed, yet you have no more or less than you did before.
Apologies again for rambling on here lmao I’m sure you probably did not intend for that. And again, this is just my personal interpretations of the ending- I’m sure other people will have their own too, and that’s part of the fun to me! It’s very ripe for analysis and discussion, I don’t want to present my views as the only “correct” way to look at things, I’m just giving my case here as best I can in hopes some people may enjoy reading my thoughts on the matter.
The diverge route stuff is fascinating to me because its challenging, it lingers, it makes me think about it and want more in a way that I know I’ll be better off never getting it. Expanding on the ending in the game would honestly feel counterproductive- it works so well to me because it feels hollow. We have frayed at the edges, and now we get to see what we’ve done. (not to say i won’t read fic tho bc there’s some cool fic out there already on the topic. hell yeah.)
So, yeah! I hope that made at least a little bit of sense to read through, thanks for reading if you did, and I hope that even if you don’t agree it was still a fun thing to look over lmao. 
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galactikburzt · 5 months
Im sorry for saying this on a small fanart blog but I feel like I really need to say this
Honestly with all the new AI stuff going around not only through art but also through other spaces like voice acting, for example, all of these company CEO's are getting way too comfy trying to feed us with trash content for easy money while thinking none of us will ever notice anything
I even dare to assume that for all those executives we are nothing but a bunch of meaningless statistics for them, so they really are forgetting that we do NOT need them, but they do NEED us the consumers
Honestly I think we all should collectively avoid buying online services as much as possible and start putting pressure on companies that do endorse the use of AI + Try to constantly remind each other to support Indie projects, artists, voice actors, small businesses, and so on
I know all of these new things happening with AI are getting scarier the more time goes on, hell a lot of the things I'm particularly passionate about, art, animation, writing, voice acting, are getting directly affected by AI trash because of some rich asshole trying to save a couple dollars because nOOOO you don't get it they need to make more money because NOTHING seems to be enough for them
And honestly? What are they gonna do if we suddenly stopped "consuming". What are they gonna do about it? Are they gonna force everyone to subscribe to the next generic monthly service? Are they gonna make me get a Netflix account against my own will? They literally can't do anything without their sweet precious profit.
Excuse my language but Hell even fucking ibis paint added a new AI function and instantly backtracked after receiving backlash for goodness sake
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We can't keep being silent about this bullshit forever. I dare say that at this point it's A FACT that these big companies would feed us with soulless ""content"" trash just to gain a couple extra cents. I wouldn't even say they see us as customers at this point, because it's obvious we are just a bunch of numbers in their perspective.
And before I end this post, one last thing.
It's NOT content. It's animation, it's art, it's a message waiting to be seen, a story, it's REAL passion carefully crafted by artists. Not to be "consumed", but to be enjoyed by people like you and I.
That's all I needed to say for now.
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itchyeye · 1 year
aaaaaa yes all good thoughts! see a lot of my thoughts re: the stranger had more to do with how it seemed too material and reliant on physical stuff. the spiral had a literal endless maze, but also had people's lives falling to delusion. the web had literal spiders, but also had the concept of control and all that. so even if you aren't scared of the more obvious manifestations, you still have the chance to be disturbed by the more abstract ideas.
but the stranger (as delightful as its monsters are, i love nikola and breekon and hope etc etc, they just don't feel as clever) relies so heavily on the idea that the listener MUST be scared of dolls or taxidermy or automatons, meanwhile i love all those things! and ive had plenty of nightmares involving the uncanny valley or identity, and concepts like the mandela catalogue scare the shit out of me. but tma never seemed to get to the core of why that stuff is freaky, just "hey wouldn't be fucked up if this happened?"
and like you said, they didn't seem to put much care into why a person would worship the stranger, which is strange (ha) to me because the options feel so obvious? i've met plenty of people who are so concerned with maintaining appearances (not in the Flesh way, in the social way) that they construct false identities and roles to play for themselves, and that seems fitting. idk! something !!
and they could've played with what identity Means more - in a story where so many characters are struggling with the line between humans and monsters, it would've been interesting to have manifestations of the stranger where you're left wondering if the spooky entity is actually a person or not (whether that be through not trusting the statement giver to be a reliable narrator, or through the question of What Is A Person? itself)
idk im sort of rambling jfc i didnt mean for this ask to be so long sorry but yes woo there r my thoughts i do not have many tma friends so i am deprived of enrichment
but tma never seemed to get to the core of why that stuff is freaky, just "hey wouldn't be fucked up if this happened?"
YES!! i think a great example of how this falls flat is the desolation, actually! because all of the follower's of the people's church of the divine host are made of wax
they are no longer human, their physical being is made of boiling, moldable wax
that seems like it should be a stranger thing, right? they're literally wax works, the unknowing took place in a waxwork museum and the dancers were all waxworks
but the difference is exactly what you've just said. the desolation's followers actually aren't scary because they're made of wax. them being made of wax is so far down the list of why they're scary i literally forget that it's true most of the time. whereas:
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the waxworks at the museum are just scary... because they're waxworks. weird ones tho.
(as delightful as its monsters are, i love nikola and breekon and hope etc etc, they just don't feel as clever)
this is really really it!! the stranger's monsters just don't feel as clever
i really like your idea about someone worshiping the stranger because they're so image obsessed!! i would love to hear more about that. i think that would make a very interesting acolyte.
also i was thinking about this last night and i think part of what makes the stranger feel so vast (ha) and disorganized is that fear of the unknown is a fundamental building block of every single one of the fears
the whole point of all the entities is that they take things that are pretty innocuous (wasp nests, ant infestations, garden spiders, tall buildings, stairwells, hallways, security cameras) and turn them into something vile
the characteristic of "the unkown" or "the unfamiliar" is impossible to localize under one entity
also, understandably it took a while to establish all the mechanics of like what a ritual is, how it can be stopped, why people would want it to happen, etc
but it took the gang two full seasons and several major character deaths to stop the unknowing, while the black sun was solved off screen between episodes
and like yes of course like gertrude would be better at finding and stopping rituals because she has 50 years of experience! and yes it gets easier to find and stop rituals as you keep going. but the balance of the story pacing just feels weird, y'know?
this isn't the only time that i feel like tma does a massive amount of build up for a whole lot of nothing but it's up there
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