#but if they're not canon then you can't really get mad when other people have different ideas
snaggletoothedbastard · 5 months
i know this is a thing that Literally Everyone says, but some people really do need to stop viewing their personal headcanons as Facts.
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rifari2037 · 3 months
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They talked about cultural differences?? Really??? I laughed so hard 🤣
Do they realised that air and water are different too?? That their cultural are completely opposite???
Water tribe people killed animals for food, furniture, clothes, etc. That's their culture! Air nomads don't killed animals, even a fly, for any reasons, they're vegetarian. That's their culture!!
There's nothing wrong with both cultures, but if we think about it with sense, can two people with extreme cultural differences marry and accept each other's cultures easily?
No, it won't be easy. Katara and Aang got married without any problems about cultural differences because Bryke were the writers!
Do they know that Aang/Kataang stand was aware about it and wrote this???
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Do they even realise that in canon Aang doesn't really like Water Tribe culture?? Yes, that's CANON!!
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Katara : Bato, it looks like home! [Bato, Katara, Sokka, and Aang file inside.] Sokka : Everything's here, even the pelts! Aang : [Sarcastically.] Yeah, nothing's cozier than dead animal skins.
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Katara : [Surprised and delighted.] No way! Stewed sea prunes! Bato : Help yourself! Sokka : Dad could eat a whole barrel of these things! Aang takes a bowl of stewed sea prunes and sniffs it, but looks away in disgust and sets it to the side.
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Aang : Hey everyone! Sorry I was gone so long. Katara : [Turns to face him.] Hey, Aang, I didn't notice you left. Aang : Yup, but now I'm back. [Sitting down.] Sure could go for some delicious sea prunes! Aang quickly takes some bites of sea prunes, but chokes them back up, yet he pretends to enjoy them. Katara, Bato, and Sokka look at him strangely.
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Hama : I wanted to surprise you! I bought all this food today so I could fix you a big Water Tribe dinner. Of course, I can't get all the ingredients I need here, but ocean kumquats are a lot like sea prunes if you stew them long enough. Aang : [Sticking his tongue out in disgust.] Great!
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Aang : [Whispering to Toph.] I'd steer clear of the sea prunes. Toph : I thought they were ocean kumquats. Aang : Close enough.
Oh, btw, An ocean kumquat is a small, round fruit often consumed in the Fire Nation. That's close enough with sea prunes, water tribe cuisine.
When Aang doesn't like water tribe cuisine, I can imagine Zuko and Katara having dinner, sharing water tribe and fire nation dishes and they enjoying it because it taste similar. 😂
Fire and water are the opposite elements, that's why they are compliment each other.
Yin and Yang shows a balance between two opposites with a portion of the opposite element in each section.
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Remember what Iroh said about the elements? Let's see if fire and water don't mix together, especially for Zuko and Katara.
"Fire is the element of power..."
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"...The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will, and the energy and drive to achieve what they want."
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"Water is the element of change..."
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"...The people of the Water Tribe are capable of adapting to many things..."
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"...They have a deep sense of community and love that holds them together through anything."
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Young Zuko : [Zuko is shown standing up.] You can't sacrifice an entire division like that! Those soldiers love and defend our nation! How can you betray them?
Zuko and Katara would bicker and not get along well, they said?? Really??
Every time Katara is mad, Zuko just silent and listen to her. Even when they're still enemies!!
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Oh, btw, Katara not 'always' threatened Zuko to kill him if he hurt Aang. It happened once. She is still mad at him not because of Aang, but because he betrayed her.
That's personal to her, she is mad not because he hurt someone else but he hurt her. I mean, if she really mad at him because of Aang, why is she connected her anger at Zuko to her mom, not Aang (again)?
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And after this moment, after Katara by her own choice, forgives Zuko, do Zuko and Katara always bickering and not get along at all??? No, they're not!!
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Zuko gives Katara advice, Katara listens. Katara gives Zuko advice, Zuko listens.
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They reassure each other at a very important moment.
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Lastly, I don't understand how Zuko and Katara, who they said would never get along, always save each other lives, even Zuko sacrifice his life to her?
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alfredda-butt-ler · 7 months
someone tell me why DC hasn't made my boys canon yet >:(
also ignore spelling and grammar mistakes, I can't type.
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like I don't know who they're trying to convince with this Artemis or rose shit, but these are a pair of homosexuals. Like I could start off with just joking around about the fact that they share a bank account or the way they dance around flirting but honestly I think that it goes way deeper then that.
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Because why would two grown, straight, single men share a bank account. No need to answer that, it didn't happen, because they aren't straight or single.
It makes me giggle thinking about Jason being all mad about this because of the money when he mentions that he doesn't even care about the money as long as he is with roy.
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LIKE OMG HE LOVES HIS BOYFRIEND SO MUCH HE'LL GO AND CHANGE HIS ENTIRE LIFE TRAJECTORY TO BE WITH HIM. I love my best friend, but freelance vigilantes is a lot to ask for, especially when I'm only going to join just to be with you all the time. But this guy did it for Roy because they're "good friends".
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I don't have the photo of when Roy firsts calls him jaybird but that one is also a really cute moment but, "that's my jaybird"!!!!! I'm hollering, the possessiveness has me jealous about them.
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This is one go my favorite panels with them because it starts out with such a heart to heart and tender moment then turns into the most bromance thing ever. Also the "you two really need to get a room" OMFG they've upgraded from boyfriends to husbands in my mind.
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I will leave this here, speaks for itself.
The other photos I have aren't saved to my computer so that is all I have to get today but thank you for listening to my ending rant into the open space of Tumblr.
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jadeyarts · 1 month
Separate from that other anon I for one would personally love to hear your Peri and Harbinger/Foxglove headcanons
OMG YAYYYYY. I HAVE QUITE A FEW ♥ (for my own convenience i'm referring to them by their og series names for reasons)
the events of timmy's secret wish are what first planted the seeds of genuine, fully positive feelings and fondness for poof in foop's mind and heart... maybe even a puppy love crush. he seriously thought "well, dying in poof's arms wouldn't be so bad" and hoped that wouldn't awaken something in him. it did.
in a lot of episodes they often have differently colored eyes - foop has a darker shade of purple. i think poof's noticed, and i think he even likes the look of those darker eyes.
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given how foop would cry out for poof to protect or save him, i think that poof grows to be incredibly protective of foop… poof will square up for his square!!!
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hes the one telling cashiers that foop asked for no pickles, imho ♥
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at some point poof stopped intervening in foop's nefarious schemes so i've kind of interpreted poof as just... not caring anymore. he can't stay mad at foop for long, and he finds himself not even bothered by whatever damages he ends up causing anyways. i think he might even find his antics amusing.
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after the events of certifiable super sitter, foop actually feels comfortable with admitting that poof is his best friend-
it'd take a few more years to admit it to poof's face, though, it's too embarrassing for him! he'll gush to chloe constantly, though - she knows he's in love with poof before either of them does.
foop's first boyfriend was actually their mutual friend sammy sweetsparkle in high school, while poof had kind of an on-and-off puppy love situationship with goldie... until he kind of flipped out on her about constantly getting foop's name wrong in the middle of a jealousy induced break-down. foop was actually thrilled to hear that poof let his dark side show over wanting to be with him.
sammy and foop ironically broke up on good terms because sammy's best attempt at understanding the fairy/antifairy situation is that they must be soulmates and he didn't want to stand in the way of true love. he's their second biggest supporter.
technically poof confessed first but his confession was literally just screaming IF I DONT SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH YOU I AM LITERALLY GOING TO BLOW SOMETHING UP!!!! at foop, which was a love confession that would only appeal to foop.
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chloe TRIED to plan the "perfect" first date for them but it was horribly awkward and not to their tastes. so instead their first REAL date was poof taking foop to a kelly clarkson concert where they got matching "my life would suck without you" t-shirts.
poof actually buys - WITH HUMAN MONEY, IN A HUMAN DISGUISE - every kelly clarkson album as it releases for foop.
they nearly elope several times but got caught by wanda every time. wanda doesn't really like the fact that poof is with foop but doesn't wanna turn into mama cosma about it so she comes to terms with it. she doesnt want them to just run away and get married when she doesn't think they're ready yet either, though. timmy has to be the one to appeal to foop's desire for attention to convince them to have a big wedding after they graduate. poof doesnt care whether he has a big wedding or just elopes - as long as foop is his. if foop wants a big wedding, that's what they'll have.
whenever people ask how long they've been together they tend to go silent because their first instinct is to say "about 50 years" even though they're only about 22-24, and they've only officially been a couple for about 6 or 7 years. foop's second instinct is also to say "from the very first moment i drew breath" like the dramatic weirdo he is. which isn't even accurate and they both know it.
literally so specific to my own little homebrewed post-canon that you can't even pretend it works with anw:
in my elaborate fanon after AC and AW abandoned foop in season 10, poof begs wanda to find someone who would be willing to take foop in. luckily, wanda knew just the fairies for the job.
after getting adopted foop changes his name to foxglove thimbleplight - poof changed his last name to thimbleplight when they got married so he becomes periwinkle thimbleplight. :3
they still call each other poof and foop - usually in the form of embarrassingly cheesy affectionate nicknames. we're talking "smoopy-poo" level cheesy usage here.
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(actually that one still works with anw but the art i drew is clearly my own designs and not the anw designs and it's exceedingly cheesy so)
poof convinced foop to go to the fairy academy with him - initially foop was hesitant because he… wants to… but… antifairies cant become godparents, right??? poof was willing to do literally anything it would take to keep foop by his side though. he initially considers manipulating some poor unsuspecting godparent to quit on their godkid just so he can hijack the ensuing fairy idol for foop to win and take their job… it's devious, and he knows foop would have loved that he did something so malicious just for him, but in the end he just gets into a fight with jorgen and the fairy council about it. he argues that technically foop is legally a fairy now since he was adopted by fairies, so he should be allowed to become a godparent. they end up agreeing.
their relationship was kind of a controversial issue in fairyworld for a few years because of poof's high profile status - while they're not the first fairy and anti-fairy couple, they're the first recorded instance of a fairy coupled with their own counterpart in eons. the media did get bored of them eventually though.
they already wanted to get married after high school but they agreed to postpone the wedding until after they graduated from the fairy academy so they had enough free time to make it as over the top as foop wanted it to be. poof actually proposed to foop AGAIN with a diamond ring after they graduated from the fairy academy, even though they were technically already engaged - with the intent of being as over-the-top dramatic and annoying to the rest of their classmates as possible.
^ which is similar to what cosmo and wanda did as teens though details differ. cosmo is literally the only one who seems to realize this and audibly goes "WOW, DEJA VU..." when this all happens.
while wanda had to get used to poof and foop together, cosmo accepted it pretty much immediately. mostly because sometimes they reminded him of himself and wanda. (<- actually canon)
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˚➳❥“Can I put makeup on you, Dada?➳❥
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Jason Grace as a girl dad! Hcs list
Warning: aged up Jason Grace! (duh), just cuteness overload tbh
-He would so be a girl dad. I can see him having atleast 3 girls lol
- ugh he's the attentive and spending quality time dad- all he ever wanted from his own father was time. So no matter what, he's always paying his kid attention, it doesn't matter if it's the most insignificant thing ever, hes going to listen to his children's yapping
- he'd let his kids give him design ideas for his temple diorama project, and he'd actually use their ideas by changing it up a bit 🥹 he just wants his kids to feel included and important.
- a very patient dad. Wouldn't yell or raise his voice at his children no matter what. I feel like he himself hated being yelled at it when he was a child, and he'd hate to do it to other people, let alone his own children.
- but he's pretty strict when it comes to his children being good people and having strictly healthy morals. He doesn't care if his kids get bad grades or don't excel talent wise, just don't be a bad person and be nice to people.
- he ain't raising no ungrateful brat. Hes been happy his whole life recieving less than the bare minimum, so he knows ungratefulness when he sees it.
- definitely cried when his kids were in their "neglecting-their-parents-and-being-moody" teenager phase :( he'd think he had done something wrong and immediately have nagging thoughts that he turned out like his own dad 🥺
- his kids would be so hella polite, and I mean, elegant "please and thank you" royalty kind of polite.
- would so take his daughters on a piggyback ride and little flying trips 🥹
- he'd pretend to be an airplane while having them on his back and goes "jason grace airlines, ready for take off!" And all that cute shit ughh
- would tell his children so many dang stories, we know that this is technically canon with jason telling his grandkids stories in his vision- like he doesn't care how busy he is or if he had an argument with his kids that day, they are still getting spoiled with bedtime stories. Nobody's going to come between that.
- speaking of arguments, I feel like jason is super hard to anger, so if does get mad at his children then it's probably because they risked their lives, or got themselves hurt physically emotionally or mentally that really drives him over the edge.
- when it comes to disciplining his children, he does it sternly but gently at the same time. He doesn't overwhelm them with harshness, but gets his point across clearly
- kind of overbearing but in a sweet and endearing way I swear. Like his children would get a minor paper cut that even they don't care about but he'd freak out and hug tf out them while asking them if they're okay atleast 3 times.
- speaking of which. Hugs. Such a good fucking hugger. He gives his children bear hugs every day. - he's the "no you can't go to class before giving me a hug I don't care if you're late" type of dad
- He doesn't care if his children are like 45, like you're still my precious little girl, you always are and always will be. (He'd say this trust)
- is very verbal with his affection. Hes been brought up in a very intimidating and cold environment where people couldn't even hug properly without it being awkward, so he'll not be ashamed to be openly affectionate. Hes had enough coldness for 15 years
- overall just a big sweetheart of a dad that his children adore with all their heart and vice versa 🥹💙
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rosemarydisaster · 3 months
Thinking about writing something about RoyJay. I just love the idea of those two accidentally fumbling their way into having one of the healthiest dynamics in DC.
Like, they're both considered such fuck UPS by the cape community at large post drugs/pit madness. I just think they're both such no-bullshit people they would be actually really effective at cutting each other's self destructive/self isolating behavior. And at first they would fight it because "fuck you and your holier than thou shit", but they would eventually realize neither of them is judging the other. That they both come from a place of caring and empathy even if they can't always express it.
Like Roy has a lot of background on the Batfam dynamics from being friends with both Dick and Jason. He understands how it feels to not meet your mentors expectations and to be let down by them in your time of need. He's also a father that has lost his daughter and I think that he can both validate Jason's need for vengeance while also offering some perspective on Batman's self destructive behavior after Jason's death. I think that whole angle is so interesting to explore (even in a Bad Batdad or trying his best but it's not enough Batdad situation). Roy also would let Jason vent about his siblings sure, but once he calms down he'd force Jason to reckon with the fact that these are kids. Dick, Cass and Tim aren't at fault for other people comparing them to Jason, and unfair comparisons go both ways.
On the other hand I think that Jason is probably one of the better equipped people to help Roy through his addiction. Jason has never blamed Catherine for her struggles and understands that if she never managed to get clean it wasn't for a lack of love for him. He would be the most empathetic in that situation, understanding how fucking hard it is to stay clean, but at the same time he would never go easy on Roy because he knows that sometimes you need someone to hold you accountable until you can do it yourself again. Roy would really appreciate having someone that has his daughter's best interest at heart but doesn't judge him as a horrible father for struggling. It can be so hard when everyone else just assumes that you should be able to magically cure something that's affecting your brain chemistry because it's what "good parents should do". I also think Jason would point out the hypocrisy of Roy calling Dick a Martyr while pulling the same shit. Maybe Roy doesn't do it out of guilt and a savior complex but the end results are the same.
Like, I don't ship them just because they're two men standing next to each other being friends. I think that even from a completely platonic standpoint their dynamic must be so interesting because of all of the above. Canon doesn't do enough with all of those tasty parallels because they're cowards. They're in the perfect place to help each other and they have the no-nonsense attitude to keep each other in check. They wouldn't judge each other but neither would they try to fix each other. They'd help each other fix themselves. I'm chewing my arm off.
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flavescentskies · 7 months
Ya know.
What IF Vox and Valentino don't "fight all the time"?
The evidence we have from the show does suggest Valentino is "hot-headed" but there's no implication of him being mad AT Vox; it's always one "w**re" or another. On the contrary, Vox is shown to be an effectively placatory presence for Valentino — "waiting for a flat-faced prince to calm him down".
Where tf do people get the idea that they fight, when it's actually Valentino being the "pissbaby" he is, throwing temper tantrums because he's too proud to just dial up Vox and ask him to hear him yap? Yes, I understand the pre-canon interpretations but people should really flush those down a drain now that the canon is out. And if they still can't get over it, they should use "AU" in the tag. Mischaracterization kills characters, and makes viewers question their own interpretation just because previous fans cannot get over their obstinate hyperfixations.
The part where Valentino was throwing the drink at Vox and then flung his phone against the wall were probably the most that he did — and these pale in comparison to what he did to Angel. Valentino knows he can't treat Vox any less than another Overlord. Alternatively, Vox doesn't hesitate to physically drag down Valentino and raise his voice at him...TWICE. What's your reasoning that Vox doesn't have the upper hand in their relationship?
Most importantly, we must pay attention to the reasons for their lashing out. It's a climatic moment: Angel has found a place to which neither Val or Vox's powers extend, and Alastor is back — and they're both associated with the princess of all of Hell, Charlie Morningstar ! Valentino and Vox aren't fighting, at least not with EACH OTHER. They are mad because their authority is soon to be questioned and they don't like it.
So what do they do? Valentino does the unhealthy equivalent of opening up to your s/o; he's telling Vox why he's mad while emphasizing it with his actions cuz he's still a bad guy, obviously. Vox maintains his calm for the "image" of the Vees, but is upset that Valentino didn't inform him sooner and then proceeds to do what he just prevented Val from doing — ruining their image.
Apart from this, Vox and Val have proven themselves to be straight up comfortable and decent around each other. Vox treats Valentino like a gentleman and is supportive of his suggestions — for example, when he agrees to Val's advice that they should "get someone inside" Alastor, in itself a wildly stupid idea. On the other hand, Valentino listens to Vox and seems to genuinely want to spent more time with him without appearing too desperate.
Edit: Additionally, Valentino says "Oh, you know me too well" to Vox right after he allows Val to shoot down their lowest paid earners, which, together with Vox's sly grin, directly shows just how intimately they understand each other. And if mutual understanding isn't crucial in a typical healthy relationship, consider me resigned.
What I noticed here is people assume they're being fake to manipulate each other. While that is a probability, it's worth considering that Vox flashed a fake-er smile to the news audience than he did at Val: his promises to them were also hollow, while to Val they were more concrete.
Hence, we see them sing along and dance harmoniously in the finale. This is what the show's trying to achieve.
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celaenaeiln · 11 months
Ok so I guess this is a weird question, but what do you think about wally and dick being in a relationship? would it be healthy? would it last long? all those types of questions. I've been getting into dc recently, and I've been starting to realize alot of people ship those two, admittedly I can see why, I'm starting to like them too. Pretty sure I saw someone call them every Dick Grayson/Wally West stan "required phase", it would be a life if I said I didn't snort at that. But I've been curious if they would even work out, with their plans for their lives being so different, clashing with each other
In fact I think that if Dick and Wally ever got into a canonical relationship, they would never ever break up which would be a massive problem for DC because DC needs their IT boy Dick Grayson to be shipped with as many people as possible. lol.
No but really the reason they're so great together is because Wally really, really cares about Dick's mental health. He's canonically made it his mission to make sure Dick is happy and safe and he loves his best friend so much. Dick has grown up with wally since they were tiny kids and he knows every detail of Wally's life and loves him. The Flash Plus comic is just the two of them being best buddies.
So considering the amount of love and care Wally and Dick have for each other. In Titans (2016) Wally literally writes a love letter to Dick. (they call it a friendship letter but c'mon who're they tryna fool.)
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Titans (2016) Issue #15
Do you know what Wally does? He literally turns back time in order to prevent Dick from dying. Wally is retiring because he has a heart condition. He can't run. He can't be the flash anymore.
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Titans (2016) Issue #15
For Dick he killed himself.
I genuinely don't think it's possible for Dick to have a healthier relationship with anyone than he does with Wally. They're like cotton candy, white snow, salsa mix love. The purest, softest, fluffiest romance with a whirlpool of fun and excitement.
Something Wally mourns a lot in the comics is his loss of contact with Dick.
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The Flash (1987) Issue #210
The reason they don't talk as much is because Wally is busy with Linda and Dick can't just third wheel a marriage. I mean he sort of already does but anymore than now and he would be living with them. Permanently.
I think the only issue they would have is the different cities. Neither of them would be willing to move because Wally loves Central City and Dick loves Bludhaven. However they would still be able to maintain a long distance relationship easily because even as friends they go on annual vacations, just the two of them, simply to hang out with each other. Also the occasional drop ins.
As soon as Wally heard Dick and Barbara broke up-
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #88
The only time Dick and Wally have fought is when Dick is refusing self-care and Wally is so mad at him for neglecting his mental health. But even then it's more of a - fine. I'm leaving you alone for now until you get your stuff together. I know you can do it. - type thing. They would definitely work out despite the separate cities thing because Wally has unconditional trust and love for Dick and Dick loves Wally .just as much.
Besides, living in two cities is no problem for a speedster
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #15
They're the classic childhood friends to lovers trope without all the backstabbing and betrayal stuff you see in movies. It doesn't matter if people even ship them or not at this point because if you asked them they would probably just marry each other and call it "bromance."
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thatbirdrestaurant · 22 days
ʚ fairy tail headcanons ɞ
ʚ these all range from canon-compliant to pure fanfiction lala land ɞ
ʚ this ended up being so much longer than i planned ɞ
the b team from the gmg hang out regularly and are all very good friends. mirajane, cana, and juvia have special "making fun of laxus" privileges that not even bickslow has.
laxus is genuinely embarrassed about how he used to talk about erza and she uses it against him very often. "oh, yes, because how can i - a mere woman - possibly accomplish this task myself?" "fine! i'll open the pickle jar!"
cain instinct is strong in the fairy tail guild. everyone is resisting the urge to smack each other, and most of them aren't very good at it. even laxus can be a target, especially after he chilled out. the most surprising display was when levy smacked him square in the head with one of her books, and he just yelled at her, or when cana stared at erza for a few seconds before smacking her across the face.
sex education was, probably, the worst thing to happen to those who grew up in the guild hall. either makarov didn't give enough details or he gave way too many.
lucy and gray are the biggest gossipers in the guild. they know everyone's secrets and while they don't blackmail people, they never hide something from the other. if they're staring at you and whispering, they are talking mad shit or they found out something about you.
juvia and natsu get along alarmingly well. they're not even sure how it works, just that they're so different that it kind of makes them perfect for each other (as friends).
natsu is sting's celebrity crush and he thinks he's doing a great job at hiding it. he's not. everyone knows. rogue knows, lector knows, all of sabertooth knows, all of fairy tail knows, sorcerer weekly knows, natsu knows. no one has the heart to tell him.
juvia doesn't have romantic feelings for lyon but she wants them to be friends so badly. not to get closer to gray, just because she thinks he's really cool and easy to talk to. lyon is so smug about it and gray wants to throttle him for it.
erza and mira's rivalry is alive in the tiniest of ways. they're always having small contests like "i bet i can wash this cup faster than you," or "i bet lucy says hi to me first." there's no hard feelings involved, they just can't help but be a little competitive with each other.
erza was illiterate for a really long time, way longer than she should have been, and makarov felt awful for not realizing it sooner. she was just looking at the reward numbers and going with the flow. on top of that, she has really bad dyslexia, something that somehow went under the radar.
related to the previous headcanon, lucy eventually realizes that the reason natsu has such bad grammar and reading comprehension is because he was tutored by erza, and erza's so bad at writing and understanding big words because she has undiagnosed dyslexia. so takes the time to slowly teach them how to read more complicated things, showing erza ways to read with her dyslexia, and giving them handwriting lessons. the first time erza writes a comprehendible letter is to jellal, and she's absolutely ecstatic about it. natsu is thrilled that he can finally read lucy's book without feeling stupid.
gray teaches wendy a lot about social cues and how to survive in a city as big as magnolia. she grew up very sheltered in a tiny village, so it makes sense that she struggles with "big city living." she's very appreciative and gray is just happy he can be of use.
gray stopped smoking because he heard lucy say she finds smokers unattractive. (gray, in the manga, smoked for a bit, and it's explicitly stated that, at least for the first handful of arcs, he was interested in lucy).
natsu started having romantic feelings for lucy during their fight against kain, but he didn't realize he was in love with her until he watched future lucy die. lucy didn't realize she had feelings for natsu until she realized she was in love with him, which was after the events with the eclipse gate. (the specific moments i'm talking about: kain | future lucy | post-eclipse gate)
between her and gajeel, juvia is the older one. she doesn't give it much thought but gajeel sees her in a big sister role, and has found himself accidentally referring to her as his older sister. which he would rather die than let her find out about.
when asked who she would go after if gray wasn't in the picture, most people expect juvia to say she could never picture a world without gray, but she will look you dead in the eye and, without any hesitation, say, "erza."
gray and loke had something very gay going on before loke went back to the celestial spirit world. the sexual tension between the two of them in this scene is too strong, they've fucked, kissed at least.
when gray realized he liked juvia back, he had a full mental breakdown for several reasons. a fear of intimacy, a fear of losing her like he has every single woman he's ever cared about, and because he just couldn't believe her very weird and very aggressive flirting tactics worked.
in the same vein, evergreen was inconsolable for days when she realized she was in love with elfman. laxus, freed, and bickslow have never been more worried about her mental well-being.
all of crime sorciere have a betting pool on when jellal and erza will get their heads out of their asses. they've had to place new bets several times because they're still dancing around each other. at this point, the betting pool is getting tense, and someone is going to lose so much money.
cobra and jellal kissed once because they were both extremely drunk and extremely sad about their respective crushes. neither of them remember it but the rest of crime sorciere can never forget watching cobra shove his tongue down jellal's throat.
makarov has said "you're like the son i never had" way too many times for it to be an accident.
elfman wants to be a girl dad so bad. he absolutely loves having sisters and he's obsessed with the idea of having a daughter to spoil and dote on.
gray and juvia have a kid before getting married...whoops.
going against the grain and literally what mashima has said, and saying that natsu and lucy have a son before having a daughter. he's a lot like lucy while their daughter is almost exactly like natsu.
yukino is a raging lesbian and is endlessly distressed by how many people think she's in love with sting. her month was ruined when minerva congratulated them on their relationship. completely ignoring the fact that sting is a gay man and is openly down bad for rogue.
rufus and orga have been dating for almost three years and literally no one knows.
lucy cried for three hours when she found out about anna and ichiya.
laxus and freed are in a queer-platonic relationship. laxus is aroace and has no interest in being romantically involved with someone, but he likes the dynamics of dating someone, and freed just likes having someone to spoil (back massages, compliments, all the things freed does in canon).
natsu has ended up in so many situations where he's put in feminine clothing, that he's actually started to kind of like it. he really doesn't mind the idea of wearing a skirt or letting lucy do his makeup. lucy is obsessed with it, and they sometimes do each other's makeup.
romeo is a trans boy and canon is my enemy. macao is extremely supportive and is always introducing romeo as enthusiastically as he can. "this is my son, romeo. isn't he so handsome? just the most handsome boy out there. i'm so proud of my son. he's the best." it's as embarrassing as it is endearing.
gray gets really bad joint pain after using his demon slayer magic, because the demon ice is so cold that it hurts him. thankfully, juvia is always happy to give him massages and crack his back.
natsu had the fattest crush on laxus from the age of thirteen to the very end of the battle of fairy tail arc. everyone just thought he had too much faith in his guild mates, but it was actually because he was so horrendously down bad for laxus that he couldn't accept that he was kind of a psycho.
gray tries so hard to seem cool and nonchalant that he accidentally flirts with basically everyone he interacts with. he thinks he's being cool and mysterious, instead he's making people fall in love with him.
loke tells lucy she's beautiful all the way into her sixties, and he means it every single time.
jude, technically, didn't take layla's maiden name, they just had the most unbelievable coincidence in the world where layla's last name was "heartfilia," while jude's was "heartphilia," so neither of them really saw a point in changing their last names.
juvia and gajeel were not only introduced to the wonders of genuine friendship and family after joining fairy tail, but also the amazing world of weed by cana and bickslow. laxus will never forget walking into his apartment with the thunder legion for the first time in years, and being met with juvia, gajeel, and cana on the couch, passing a blunt, while bickslow was raiding the kitchen.
gajeel and levy elope, only bringing lily and juvia with them as their witnesses. lucy was a little (a lot) insulted by it, but she eventually understood why levy did what she did when her and natsu decided to do the exact same thing, and only bring along their team. basically, elfman and evergreen, and gray and juvia are like the only couples to have a ceremony.
fairy tail has a lot of lawsuits and property damage bills, and freed, levy, and lucy almost had collective aneurysms trying to get through and organize them all. the guild has never spent more money on coffee.
lucy eventually takes advantage of the fact she has a very powerful kick and gets a black belt in taekwondo, a type of martial art that focuses mostly on kicking. her raw leg power combined with knowing what she's doing AND her heels? deadly.
(cw for child abuse on this one, skip if needed) minerva has such a massive appetite because jiemma would starve her both as punishment but also to "make her stronger." her body just never feels full, like the food will be taken away from her again.
sabertooth members calling minerva "m'lady" started as a serious thing to show respect, but now it's a running joke where everyone is trying to be as obnoxious as possible with it.
it's kind of implied that rogue is (at least) sexually attracted to minerva, and the fact larcade's "find out who's a virgin" spell hits him right after seeing minerva being affected by it, makes me think he lost his virginity to her. it was awkward and objectively bad but he's still glad it happened. sting drank an entire bottle of tequila when he found out about it.
getting 1 v. 2-d by natsu was the biggest ego crash sting and rogue have ever, and will ever experience. they will never be able to live it down. it will follow them to their graves. please never talk about how egotistical they used to be, they will cry from embarrassment.
minerva calls everyone's boyfriend their "boy toy" because, and i quote, "i don't respect men."
juvia is the best gift giver you will ever meet. she just has a way of always knowing what's perfect for someone, and it's a mutual agreement to always make her go last for gift giving so everyone else feels better about their gift for at least a few minutes.
natsu is the kind of guy to remember something someone said to him once in passing and randomly bring it up weeks or months later. his brain is a library of miniscule information about the people around him.
gajeel talks trash about levy's romance novels but will also be sneaking peeks over her shoulder and trying not to react to various moments. he is deeply invested in the plot twists and the main characters' romance.
while he's traveling, gildarts will buy cana a gift from every town his visits, which results in him having about a pound of knickknacks, clothes, and alcohol for her when he comes back. she pretends to be embarrassed about it but she secretly loves being spoiled by him.
gildarts and cana go on daddy-daughter dates and she'd rather drink bleach than let other people find out about it. gildarts is just happy to be there.
natsu and cana have had this conversation: "so, are we, like, siblings now?" "excuse me?" "because, like, gildarts is basically my dad, and he's your dad. so..." "we are not siblings, natsu." "okay, didn't know you liked being an only child so much." "go fuck yourself."
gildarts knows lucy is going to be his daughter in law. he doesn't know if it's going to be from her marrying natsu or from her marrying cana.
wakaba would sneak teenage gray cigarettes. erza, mirajane, and makarov almost killed him when they found out about it.
mira is aroace, feeling absolutely no romantic attraction and being sex repulsed, but she is absolutely obsessed with other peoples' love lives. she thrives on it.
lisanna is fairy tail's resident lesbian and is a little in love with every girl she meets.
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mintaikk · 21 days
Things I wanna see in Venom 3
It's about a month away and in writhing in excitement. These are gonna sound very fanficy, but also, please look at the movie I am talking about. The sad sweaty loser and the agender alien parasite are canonically in love. Let me have this.
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-I want them to be more affectionate in the movie. The first one was them meeting and them getting used to each other, the second one was them going through a breakup and making up, and now I just want them to just be closer and more affectionate and comfortable with each other
-Stop being cowards, Sony. Use the pet names from the comics. Have them call each other darling. Maybe even my love. Who knows
-I'm not deaf, Sony. I know you took out the "You take me to all the finest places!" In the trailer for theaters. That better be in the movie, you cowards
-Unless the movie IS more romantic and they're trying to hide it in the trailers so film bros don't get mad???
-We got Venom saying he loves Eddie. I NEED EDDIE TO SAY HE LOVES VENOM AND I NEED VENOM TO FREEZE LIKE HE DID IN THE MOTORCYCLE CHASE OR GET REALLY EXCITED LIKE WHEN EDDIE CALLED THEM LETHAL PROTECTOR. In the first movie, Eddie says something like, "I'm gonna go to my room and play hard to get." Imagine that being foreshadowing, so for most of the movie, Eddie is denying loving Venom, and at the end during the final battle (The Last Dance *COUGH COUGH*), Eddie's last words to Venom are "I love us."
-Wishful thinking, but imagine a fade to black scene lmaoooo
-Wishful thinking again, but include the marriage aspect. For the people that don't know, Venom and Eddie compare their union to a marriage in the comics. I need that to happen in the movie. Also, imagine if them going to Vegas was foe their metaphorical wedding-
-Another kiss scene plz. I don't think Anne is going to he in the movie and, as of now, I can't see Venom going into another host, so idk. Maybe like, a head bonk. Or how Venom would most likely show affection without a body; shoving his tongue down Eddie's throat and into his stomach
-Post-credit scene or end-of-movie scene where Venom and Eddie are relaxing and talking about nothing. Out of nowhere, Venom says, "By the way, Eddie, we are Pregnant." And Eddie goes "WHAT THE FU-" roll credits. It'd be a nice nod to Sleeper
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Gonna add more in reblogs if I think of any
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lynnscove · 1 month
Tomura Shigaraki/Tenko Shimura headcanons!!
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I lied, these are basically just things I consider canon. Some actually are and I threw them in there cause I got off track. (A few of these r similar to my old hcs post about him,, but that's on a whole different account so we're gonna ignore it.) edit: actually this went 100% off track and I just started talking about fanon shiggy halfway through.
The urge to destroy everything used to be all consuming. Though when he met the league, they became his family. It was subconscious at first, but he didn't want to destroy everything anymore. He just wanted to destroy what hurt him, and what hurt his friends. As AFO began to take more and more control over him, he realized that he wanted to destroy AFO too. Even before AFO revealed what he did to him as a kid. That was a hard pill to swallow, since he'd been forced into the belief that AFO was the only person there for him, and the only person who loved/could love him as he is, meeting the league was the only thing that broke that belief.
He doesn't blame his sister in the slightest for anything that happened. He knows she was a child, just like he was, even if she was a bit older. He knows, and has accepted the fact that there's no way she could've predicted what was going to happen next. She was just stuck in a shitty home and didn't want to get in trouble for sneaking into their father's office. Though he does blame the rest of his family for not doing anything to help.
He dislikes bystanders nearly as much as he dislikes bad people, he can't stand those who make excuses about why something is happening instead of helping. Especially when it comes to adults. They really piss him off.
He really doesn't care about someone's power when it comes to joining the league, they're working towards a society where people aren't shoved aside for things they can't control so, why would he reject people who only want to help? (Like, he didn't reject Spinner when he joined the league, despite him having a pretty useless quirk compared to the others.).
He was a lil bit jealous when he saw stain merch at the mall. He wanted his own merch </3
He is NOT the introverted, touch hating, loser people make him out to be. In "encounter" he gets mad and then goes straight to a massive shopping mall😭. We rarely ever see him hiding away or rotting in his room. He's always available, always with the league, the most we see of him being alone is like,, him stepping out for 0.3 seconds to go take a breather. Not to mention he's VERY handsy. Pun intended. I think that if he didn't have a dangerous quirk, he'd be a lot more touchy (PLATONICALLY, YOU PERV) with his comrads.
He thinks about Mon and Hana more than the rest of his family,, ofcourse, he loves his mom and grandparents to an extent, but he still sees them as the adults who watched him be abused and never helped him. So ofcourse he thinks about the innocent more. He does understand that they were scared of his father too,, but it's always your responsibility as an adult to help a child in need.
His nails are neglected, always cracked/chipped
He lifts his pinkie even after he gains control over his quirk, it's a habit.
Villain work became a lot more taxing after the PLF formed, so it was a lot to take on. Especially since he'd been injured so badly he could barely stand.
Has played EVERY Zelda game to ever be made. ALL of them. He was on a MISSION to complete them all.
Decayed more than a few controllers‼️
He has to sleep with gloves/finger covers so that he doesn't decay his bed.
These started out as serious and now I'm just throwing random crap at you guys.
Instead of decaying his trash, he just stuffs it in bags and leaves it wherever he pleases. I like to think he has carpet flooring and doesn't wanna have to sweep dust out of it.
He had to get his room carpeted because he kept throwing his controllers around when he lost a game.
He has an insane amount of restraint over himself in every situation EXCEPT when he's playing video games.
Speaking of restraints..💕
He's lowk open to freakiness😞 not the way he is in fanfics, like he's not gonna bend you over and piss on you in an alleyway 0.5 seconds after meeting you, but if you're in a relationship he'd probably be open to a lot of stuff. He's one of those guys who just wants you to feel good.
Now 100% fanon shiggy headcanons, some nsfw. I'm sorry in advance.
He loves s3rl, and never left his nightcore phase.
Owns Minecraft creeper boxers.
Would give you the most ferocious, earth shattering, mind blowing, soul sucking head of your life n then look up at you with that stupid cat smile he does😞 THAT or give you this cocky look.
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Would totes lose his shit n turn into a huffy puffy mess if you worshipped his cock
That's it. I ran out of ideas.
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firegirl888101 · 21 days
Hi! I’ve been re-reading the insatiable madness series and can’t wait for the next chapter! I have a little thought though, what if reader cosplays a character the harbingers know? Like Raiden Ei or Zhongli? And then reader almost perfecting the makeup look and persona of that character that the harbingers think they are the character reader is cosplaying, really wanna see their reactions! Have a good day/afternoon/night! :))
- 🌮 anon
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Special Ask:
In the canon story I'm not going to include cosplay regarding clothes or wigs.
(this is because they're a college student with parents who barely support their genshin habit) 💀
Plus that shit is expensive, I think we all know Y/N doesn't have that type of money.
This question was asked by five different people funnily enough, and they were all within the same weekspan! Either the same person asked the same question but wrote it differently grammatically every single time, or that's one hell of a coincidence. Either way, I wanted to answer since it's a fun concept.
I did think about this when coming up with a plot - the Harbingers were first supposed to meet Y/N at a cosplay competition actually! But, I changed it since there would be way too many questions and too much chaos that I probably wouldn't be able to convey well :(
@fuhuaily you asked about this on the 30th of January, I've mentioned you since you didn't put on anon mode <3
Just wanted to warn people that I decided to choose Raiden Ei as the specific cosplay, which means there will be she/her usage when Y/N is wearing the cosplay. This is because Childe sees the cosplay as an entirely different person in his mind, thank you!
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Childe was having a relatively normal morning.
Sure, he'd woken up with worst neck cramp he's ever experienced in his life, but he felt ready to take The Balladeer in another fight. To him, this means he's in tip-top form.
Well, he thought everything was normal until he realised that you were nowhere to be seen.
"Hey, has anyone seen Y/N this morning?" He questioned his insufferable comrades, rolling his eyes when seeing their exasperated faces when they turned to him.
"Probably sleeping in again." Scaramouche rolled his eyes in return. "That mortal sleeps later and later everyday."
"Hm. I thought they'd be crying." Dottore shrugged.
"Why?" Pierro mumbled worriedly, a sharp glare crossing his face and waiting for the doctor to explain himself.
"They had a tantrum due to their homework, not a big deal."
"They had a what!?" Pulcinella raised his voice, worry in his tone. "And you didn't tell a soul?"
"They were being a child. No, not like Childe. Ugh, that's besides the point. They were whining about biology, something about forgetting which parts of the heart were which." Dottore explained, an uninterested face present on his face.
"You ought to report these situations sooner, Dottore." Pierro scolded him.
"Why didn't you help them?"
"Jester, he did." Columbina smiled politely at her superior, a small wave gestured to get his attention. "The Decider didn't listen and ran off."
"Tartaglia, go see what they're up to. If they truly are in their room crying again it's best we force bring them downstairs for a chat." Pulcinella coughed into his hand.
"Who makes the orders, you or I?" Pierro turned to look at him.
"What are you going to do about it?" Scaramouche snickered into his hand. "According to Dottore, we're going to be stuck here. Can't tattle to the Tsaritsa now, can you?"
"Don't you start with me, puppet." Pierro glared at him, feeling all the other harbinger's gazes on the two.
"The minute we get back to the Zapolyarny Palace, I will make sure everyone is reminded why the rankings exist." He threatened.
"Ah, and the Tsaritsa will be informed of everything that takes place. I must remind you not to take things too far otherwise it will get worse for you."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. If we get back home." Childe rolled his eyes, walking upstairs after loitering at the bottom to hear the drama.
"I heard that!" Pierro shouted from the bottom.
Childe sighed and walked up to your bedroom door, the nameplate crooked and slightly dusty. He knocked on the door three times. Actually, make it a fourth. For good measure, he reasoned with himself.
"Don't come in! Who is it, and what do you want?" He heard you call out from behind the door, your voice barely discernable.
"The boss man is wondering if you're alright. He's concerned about you crying or something." He answered.
"Whaaaat?" You sarcastically shouted at the door, already recognising Griffin Burn's voice shouting from the other side. "Noooo."
"You totally were."
"Was not. Anyway, I can't come out my room right now. I'm a little... occupied with something." You called out, hairspraying the blonde wig in front of you.
"Listen, as much as I care about you being busy and personally wanting to leave you to it, it's not up for discussion. Pierro and Pulcinella don't look pleased." He rubbed the back of his neck to soothe his cramp.
"When do they not look pleased? Sometimes it seems like simply being in their presence pisses them off." You sighed to yourself, foregoing the wig you were working on and taking pictures of yourself in the mirror.
"Well, I wouldn't say that's the reason... But the way you turn their mood upside down is always funny to watch." He chuckled to himself.
"Whatever, can you leave me alone now? Tell them I can't come down right now - I'll be there in half an hour at most."
Childe felt confused with this. What could you possibly be doing that causes you to be unable to come outside your room straight away? From what he knows, you don't have any evident hobbies. Throughout the days the Harbingers have stayed in your home, you're forced to spend time with them only and answer questions they have about this world.
This is the first time you've ever done something by yourself, and from the sound of your voice, you seem to like doing it too. So much to the point that you got irritated when he tried to make you come downstairs right away. Seeing you act independant for once is a big change he wasn't expecting this morning.
He also doesn't know why, but he doesn't like this change one bit.
Ideas cross Childe's mind as he tried to guess what you could be doing. Eventually... no. No, no, no, no, no. You couldn't possibly be... No, you can't be. An hour for doing that??? If that truly was the answer you must have some impeccable stamina! Maybe the urge to have a spar with you wasn't as outrageous as he thought.
"Hmm... Okay. But, I don't know what Pierro will say to this. If only you had a reliable man on the inside who could tell him to leave you alone for now. Oh wait, that's me." He slyly pushed an idea he thought of in his head.
"What's your point? I don't like that tone of voice you're using." You rolled your eyes at the door.
"Let me in and show me what you're doing! In return, I'll defend you when we go down in an hour or when another Harbinger comes up."
"Seriously? Are you actually blackmailing me right now?"
"Blackmail?" Childe feigned a shocked gasp. "Of course not, it's just a deal within both of our self-interests."
"Riiiiight. Your interest being what I'm doing, which is very nosy by the way. And my interest is not being in trouble with Pierro. For some reason, he's always the one turning my voice against me. Ugh, I hate my life, I've been reduced to a hormonal teenager who whines and complains all the time. Oh wait, that was me years ago."
"Just open the fucking door."
"Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone." You gave up, putting down your phone in your hand and tucking it under one of your pillows.
"No way, did you give up that quick?" Childe spluttered.
"Obviously not. I just figured that you'd go on and on and on about it. Plus, you'll probably find out eventually if you search through all my cupboards."
Childe put his hand on the doorknob, his fingers shaking in anticipation. He was going to be the first Harbinger to enter your room, and you had no problems with that? It seems his day really is going great today!
With a deep breath, he pushed through the door, anticipating your room to be neat and tidy. However, unlike your consistent checks to make sure the house was tidy, your bedroom unfortunately wasn't.
Looking in your direction, you were kneeling on the floor with a can of something he didn't recognise in your hands. Whatever you were looking at intently looked like it was about to fall over any second, the blonde hair being propped up by a cardboard box on your bed.
"Who...? Where's Y/N, and what are you doing with that hair in front of you!?" He exclaimed, not recognising the person in front of him.
Is Childe really this shallow to not recognise me when I don't look like myself? Maybe I can use this somehow... You thought to yourself, deciding to pull a small prank.
"Daring to enter my personal chambers without my permission..." You slowly turned around, trying your best to keep you movement rigid and stoic.
"You are aware it's not the most intelligent of ideas for lower lifeforms to anger their superiors, correct?"
Childe couldn't move, he didn't recognise the person in front of him. She had purple eyes and raven hair, her plait having the same shade of purple at the tips. She wore a stone cold glare on her face which gave no hint of mercy, he figured as much considering the tone of voice she used before. The thought of her not giving him any mercy made him feel excited, has he finally found a worthy opponent to spar with in this world?
"Well, will you at least give an excuse for your blatant blundering?" You narrowed your eyes with folded arms.
"I..." Childe's eyes shook, his dull eyes shining in adoration. "I want to fight you."
Hah? Even when Childe doesn't know it's actually me, he still wants to fight me? Of course he would...
You can't actually fight him. The safest option right now would be to break character. But, this is too fun. Let's keep going.
"You disturbed my peace within my own sanctuary, and now demand things of me?" You questioned him, taking a step closer.
"Do you really wish to taste the engulfing lightning laying dormant in my blade?"
"I do." Childe nodded, displaying his own hydro blades, their glow lighting up the room.
"Very well." You nodded, unsheathing the engulfing lightning polearm you made from its custom case.
"You're not going to take my request for battle seriously? Why fight with a weapon as shoddy as that?"
"Bitch!" You broke character.
"This was my first ever prop I made myself! Apologise right now or I'll kick you out of my house!"
"Wait, Y/N? That was you all along?" Childe cautiously stepped closer, his blades disappearing with his change of thought.
"You're really... them?" He eyed you up and down, eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
"Yes, you prick!"
"How are you all purply? And the way you acted before, it was nothing like how you usually are!"
"I wanted to mess with you since you didn't recognise who I was. It's such a shame I was dressed as the Raiden Shogun, it would have been much easier if I wasn't cosplaying an archon."
"Raiden Shogun? As in the Electro Archon!?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot you didn't go to Inazuma. Well you do, but after the Traveller finishes their business there." You thought outloud. "But still, fuck you for calling my masterpiece 'shoddy'!"
"It's not even made out of metal! Good thing you'll never become a weaponsmith..." He laughed nervously, eyeing your angry strare growing by the second.
"Anyway, could you finally tell me what you're doing in here? It's not just pretending to be an Archon, right?"
"Of course not. Also I'm not 'pretending to be' anyone, I'm cosplaying." You explained, picking up your hairspray and continuing to spray the golden locks.
"...What the fuck is cosplaying?"
"It's a hobby of mine. To put it in simple terms for someone as uneducated as yourself, you dress up as fictio-- uh, people you admire."
"You seriously admire the Electro Archon? Scaramouche would have your head for that." Childe rolled his eyes, unable to hide a mocking grin.
"I don't admire her. In fact, my opinion of her is quite negative. I just find her beautiful, so, I wanted to cosplay as her." Yeah, that negative opinion of her is only due to the fact that now you have to deal with her prototype puppet bullying you both physically and mentally.
"How many of your wacky costumes do you even have?"
"Quite a lot. I recently sold a couple online because I don't wear them much anymore. I got a lot of money for it ya know?"
"Damn, so this is an actual business you've got going on then."
"Exactly. Anyway, can you get out now? I showed you what I was doing." You shooed him away with a hand gesture.
"Nuh-uh. What are you doing to that blonde hair on your bed?"
"Don't even get me started on this Navia wig. It's the last part of her outfit I need and the hairspray ISN'T STICKING. I have spent almost 15 minutes trying to still the curls and it isn't working. If I'm not careful I'll dry it out!" You complained, aggressively spraying the hair.
Childe just stared, feeling the hairspray shroud his lungs leading to him cough excessively.
"Can't you just, not do that? If it's not naturally meant to be that way why are you trying to force the hair to keep still?"
"Styling, my friend. It's because styling exists."
"Riiiiight..." Childe dragged out the vowel, accidentally mocking you from earlier.
"Wait, do you have Lord Capitano's outfit??" He asked suddenly, practically having stars in his eyes.
"Ah, no, I don't. I wouldn't be able to pull off a cosplay of him anyway. Hmm, I don't know about you, but I think he'd be overjoyed at the fact you can't cosplay as him." You answered, snickering into your hand.
"Why would I use one of your wacky costumes when I can get the real thing from the man himself?? I just have to fight him for it!" He excitedly proclaimed, running out of the room whilst shouting his name.
"Oh shit, CHILDE NO!"
Running down the stairs after him without thinking, you were greeted with the Harbingers looking exasperated at a very loud and excited Tartaglia trying to fight Capitano but just being dodged.
"This is why I keep my hobbies to myself.." You sighed into your hands, watching the scene unfold with the rest of the Harbingers.
"Decider, what did you feed him this ti--"
All the Harbingers turned to you with wide eyes, some looking confused and some (Scaramouche) enraged.
"What the fuck... do you think you're wearing?" He grumbled, voice gradually getting louder as his shock wore off into anger.
Uh oh. You forgot you were still in your full get-up... AND THE BALLADEER IS RIGHT THERE. THIS IS THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED!
"Let's calm down, and-"
"I asked you a question, mortal." His teeth clenched, stepping dangerous steps closer towards you.
"WHY ARE YOU WEARING HER CLOTHES? You could probably fool an incel like Childe, but I would never be fooled by your appearance. What do you think you're doing, pretending to be that... that.... traitor...!"
"Well, I just thought-"
"You thought wrong." He snapped. "What would possess you to dress like someone I hate? Someone you know I despise."
"Listen, you have every right to feel frustrated with the character I decided to dress up as today. I don't fault you one bit for that. But you have to understand, this was just bad luck. Of all the days I decide to wear this cosplay..." You tried to reason with him, leading to his eyes snapping open.
"You mean to tell me you do this to others? And I thought I was evil." He scoffed.
"The only people who think of themselves as evil are people who are trying to be looked at that way." You winced at his accusation.
"Except Dottore, that man is vile in both personality and hygiene."
"Genuinely shut your mouth." Dottore scratched his ear, only proving your point and causing many Harbingers near him to scoot away.
"That has nothing to do with this." He folded his arms. "You know, I've been getting sick of your attitude as of late, aren't you the one who always makes me apologise when I do something wrong? Why don't you do that for a change?"
"Hah? But I already apologised?" You muttered.
"Don't make stupid excuses. All you did was take fake-pity as if you're a friend of mine. I want you on your knees with a heartfelt apology."
Fuck that. You're not apologising sincerely to this piece of shit. Yeah, you messed up and genuinely feel bad, but you'd never tell him that.
"Uh, no thank you." You waved him off. "I didn't even wear this to torment you, I was checking to make sure my stitching was stable enough."
"So you can wear it again?"
"Yeah, for a competition. The whole point of dressing like this is to compete with other cosplayers."
"Ohhh, so that's what you were doing!" Childe pitched in, seemingly giving up with his one-sided fight.
"These competitions you speak of," Sandrone coughed into her hand politely, gaining attention. "Do many compete?"
"Yes. You can dress up as whoever you like. I decided to dress up as the Raiden Shogun because she's beautiful. Also she's popular among competitors to cosplay as, so I like the amount of competition I get by dressing up as her."
"Interesting..." Pantalone mumbled. "And these clothes are expensive, no?"
"Definitely. They can cost over a hundred if you get the entire outfit - and I'm talking about the cheaper lower-quality ones. As for me, I buy the raw materials and sew the outfits myself."
"You... made this?" Signora gaped in awe, stepping closer and feeling the fabric.
"Yes, it has potential. Have you tried clothes which aren't Inazuman?"
"Of course, I dress up as all kinds of people. I'm currently working on Navia from Fontaine. She's--"
"The President of the Spina di Rosula." Arlecchino finished for you, sipping her cup of tea. "The children stationed in Fontaine told me."
"Right, Lyney and his siblings. Yes, I remember them."
"Hm? You know of them?"
"Something like that." You laughed nervously, creeping towards the stairs.
Let's not tell her they're framed for a murder trial and almost get wrongfully convicted...
"Anyway, I'm going to get changed as per request by Scarawoosy. I'll be upstairs, and may not come down. So uh, yeah. Have fun with whatever you wanted me to do before."
You quickly ran off after that, hearing Scaramouche's shouts for you to grovel growing fainter.
"You're just going to let them run off like that?" Scaramouche looked around him, only questioning the others when feeling Capitano's heavy hand on his shoulder.
"Not necessarily." Pulcinella walked into the room, his cane supporting his slow movements. "It's an admirable skill to have, wouldn't you think so, Dottore? I'm aware you have a similar skill."
"Indeed." Dottore contemplated his words. "Although, it was only because we've lived for hundreds of years did we realise they were pretending to be the Electro Archon."
"Do not put me in the same league as Tartaglia." Arlecchino swirled her cup with a teaspoon. "I could easily tell they were pretending."
"No, you didn't see them." Childe argued. "The second I entered their room, they switched personalities and aura's quickly. Not to mention they agreed to fight me when we all know how much they hate any talk of that kind."
"So they're good onstage." Sandrone grinned to herself. "Perhaps if we asked too much of them regarding their ability they'd crack under pressure. It's certainly not perfection, but it's a close start I suppose."
"I'm very intrigued." Columbina announced, being strangely silent throughout the entire confrontation. "Although Childe is younger compared to us, we shouldn't doubt his words. He was named a Harbinger for a reason, maybe they were very convincing?"
"Ugh, out of all the people to defend me of course it's you." Childe shuddered slightly, staying quiet when noticing her intense gaze.
"My point is, we should test them and find out which people they specialise in. Heheh, I'm more focused on the amount and range of people they have in their wardrobe."
"You put forth a good point." Capitano nodded in agreeance. "Although, do you believe they perhaps have some outfits of us?"
"They better not." Scaramouche stated, walking back to the seat he once sat in moments ago. "If they had my outfit, I'd rip their hardwork to shreds." And perhaps, he'd give you the real outfit instead... after all, you still need a punishment for going behind his back and choosing her of all people to present yourself as.
"Well, if they had my dress I wouldn't be opposed. They'd finally be worthy of looking at in the eyes if so." Signora grinned wickedly.
"I want to see what else they have up there." She announced before also walking up the stairs.
"Wait for me!" Columbina giggled, running after her. "If they have my outfit, they have to put it on right away!"
"I better follow them, you know how those women get when intrigued. Besides, it will give me the opportunity to look inside their room." Pantalone pocketed his coins before also walking up the stairs, much calmer than the woman before him.
"Rooster, where is the Jester?" Sandrone spitefully asked him, a slight sickeningly amused tone in her voice.
"Working, as usual. He often tells me 'when we get back', but at this point that day might never come."
"It will come." Dottore silently warned him. "Despite what you've seen me do during the day, at night I work on a plan for the machine back. It would be oh so helpful if The Decider could help me, but why would they help me when that's practically planning their own death?"
"So, it will take longer without their help?" Capitano questioned him.
"Well then," Sandrone had an incredulous look on her face, not believing the stupidity of the men around her. "Why don't we just force them to help?"
"So we're not playing the 'nice guest' role anymore?" Scaramouche laughed, a laugh almost escaping his lips.
"No. I would say we can't afford that anymore." Pulcinella secretly winced, feeling his bones grow shakier every minute.
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I honestly see a Y/N who would keep up their cosplay hobby during captivity using it as a way to escape. They would dress up as other characters and imagine themselves to be them as they're not being held captive.
The Harbingers would also use this skill of yours on their enemies as bait. They'd have to assess and train you how to act like them, but eventually you'd be a spitting image of them and be the perfect trap for luring in potential assassins. Don't worry, they'd never let them actually hurt you. They've most likely shot the enemy down before you even realise the threat has turned violent.
Scaramouche, if he had no feelings for you, would definitely use the Raiden Cosplay against you. I feel he would tell you and lash out at you whilst saying everything he's always wanted her to hear but never heard him out for. It sucks for you, but it's a good stress-manager for him. As long as you play the part correctly, he won't get physically violent. Play the part poorly, and expect to become the punching-bag instead. In the little oneshot, Y/N is quite lucky it ended where it did. They should try to avoid dressing up as Archons going forward though.
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(Murder Drones Episode 8 spoilers!)
Space. The final frontier.
Poor robo-roaches always getting tossed around and killed.
They just left Braiden and Rebecca's corpses there??
Honestly the Teacher is such a mood, I can't believe I never realized it before.
Solvedcalculus reference???
Nori you can't say that this is a Christian Minecraft server.
It's amazing how they're able to make her still convey emotions when she's only got one eye.
Well she did tell you to "Die Mad" about it, so...
Kiss. Kiss! KISS! KISS!! KISS!!! KISS!!!! KISS!!!!!
New cute date idea: Skydiving from space and burning up in the atmosphere together <3
Why no kiss tho :(
Dang it, that was Thad's only good pipe.
No!! Bad dingo!!! We do not eat our friends!!!
So did J know the whole time or was she kept in the dark at first and only recently found out? Not entirely clear on that.
You really think it's not gonna dispose of you once all the universe is dead?
I was fully expecting her to chuck N into the core for a second there. But TBH I don't think continuing to destroy the planet is gonna fix it.
Y'know J thinks pretty highly of herself for someone who's literally never killed a single person on-screen in the entire time that this show has existed.
Huh, I guess those theories about Uzi not having a core icon were wrong.
You get a panic attack! You get a panic attack! EVERYBODY GETS A PANIC ATTACK!
Wait which part of this is the trap?
Uzi is not beating the bisexual allegations.
Nori I don't think most people call their daughters "babe."
Playing Nightcore during a final battle is the most anime thing ever.
And the J abuse continues.
*teleports behind you* Nothin personnel, kid.
Okay bye J, thanks for literally nothing.
Thad is confirmed the coolest dude on Copper 9.
Sorry y'all, Khori divorce real.
Man Teacher don't wanna deal with none of this, same TBH.
Everybody gangsta til the cowboy robot dinosaurs start driving buses
Nah you're not damaged you're just autistic and edgy.
Polyclue shippers low-key getting fed tho.
My heart goes out to all the Doll fans, y'all got done dirty. 😔
He's learning how to draw anime!!! His art is getting so good!!!
He finally got to play rummy with the WDF!
They're gonna passionately make love on that bed later.
Wow what did Rachel ever do to you. Also who's Rachel.
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bonefall · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Crowfeather's Trial? I already know how you feel about my other least favorite super editions so I'm curious about your opinions on this one lol
I think at best it's just okay. Like...it feels like they're going "see!! We're holding him accountable!!" But then they just kinda...dont?? Like I didn't feel any differently about Crowfeather by the end than I did when I started. There's parts I like about it but overall it just fell flat for me
Like how am I supposed to like this guy when he's just constantly a dick?? he can't stand Harespring for some reason, there's a moment where he's like "I wish my son was dead" and when Nightcloud goes missing he barely gives a damn and doesn't bother to even try and look for her
Anyways I'll forever be mad that they gave this guy a whole super edition and he'll probably have the most dramatic death ever while Leafpool suffered her entire life (and afterlife) and got killed off screen. Hoping he gets jumped by rats and dies from infection
I'm not a big fan of it. It's one of the better written SEs and has a clear goal in mind, but every time I have to encounter it, it feels like it's sidelining the characters who actually deserve to be explored in favor of Crowfeather Sadboy Whinging.
Breezepelt has 12 books detailing how being mistreated by Crowfeather is making him worse, and showing that social alienation is pushing him towards the Dark Forest. Nightcloud was demonized by the old team even though they wrote Crowfeather deflecting all the blame of Breeze's behavior onto her, giving the new team a great opportunity to correct the mistakes of the old writers... and they decided to focus on Crowfeather instead.
And, mind you, they conveniently leave out massive details about how BADLY Crowfeather was abusing his child.
There's this one part of the book where he learns that Breezepelt broke his leg as a kid and he feels like shit for not remembering it, and it's supposed to be a big moment where Crowfeather realizes he was apathetic and careless. But he WASN'T just apathetic and careless. We see him TEACHING his child xenophobia in order to mock and offend Leafpool, smacking Breezepaw around for being 'rude' (the way Crowf always is), and screeching at him for having basic needs like hunger or rest.
Crowfeather WASN'T just a sad, sad boy who didn't pay attention to his kid because he was too busy pining over Dead Wife. What he did to Breezepelt wasn't just neglect; it was physical and emotional abuse.
The book DOES ultimately hold him responsible for how Breezepelt turned out, yes. But it doesn't properly focus on WHAT made Breeze come out the way he did. It wasn't genes, it wasn't Daddy Not Smile At Me. I can only assume the reason why they didn't address how ghoulish Crowfeather actually was is because they knew that being honest and direct about him abusing his child would make him unsympathetic.
Which is a problem, because, y'know, you can just make it Breezepelt's Trial and NOT have to thread that needle??
And furthermore... the book is trying to show Crowfeather addressing that he's kind of an asshole and moving on from it, earning deputyship as a reward for his growth, but what the book really demonstrates to me is that Crowfeather is a dickhead who actually shouldn't have ANY power at all. I don't understand why people would trust him or want him as their leader. I don't see any reason to think that he would be responsible with the lives of an entire Clan of people.
Before I hear clown shoes; if you think that means I "just don't like" that he would be an ""interesting leader,"" pile yourself back into the car with your 30 other jesters and drive away. I mean that it feels completely wrong that any character in-universe would look at the person who exists in Crowfeather's Trial, and say, "this is a person who would help me effectively rule."
What he does, all-book-long, is show that he's an emotionally unstable loose canon borderline incapable of self-reflection. Other characters have to directly tell him "you should try being less of an asshole" and "maybe be nice to your family sometimes?" while he comes up with bullshit reasons to seethe at every character who wanders into his line of sight.
I massively resent the fact that even Leafpool has to mommy his baby ass towards the end of the book. After he spends a good part of Po3 and OotS finding roundabout ways to snipe at her for not giving him exactly what he wanted. It falls on HER to be the one he can ask for advice on how to fix the family he treated like shit his whole life.
no that's not hyperbole she literally. textually. is compared to his mother.
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and he can't even be gracious about it, he's instantly all huffy and offended, completely proving her point. Why the hell would anyone make this guy a deputy? The man needs TWO motherly figures giving him the exact same basic advice and a dedicated super edition before he adjusts his behavior even slightly.
(watch him get Boring Leader Syndrome the minute he inevitably becomes Crowstar, too)
Sooo, in a nutshell;
It's one of the better SEs. unfortunately.
Crowfeather is held accountable for being the problem in his own relationships, thank god
but it doesn't fully hold the actions we SAW in the main series books accountable, seemingly purposefully leaving out the worst things he did.
Another WC book where a male character gets an insane amount of sympathy and rewarding that female characters are NEVER deigned deserving of.
Should have been Breezepelt's story. I strongly dislike how Breeze's "redemption" was based on his shitty dad saying sorry. He deserved an actual character arc struggling with ever trusting WindClan again after they took his dad's judgement about him at face value.
Absolutely awful that Leafpool is killed between books and given a trial where they consider sending her to hell when they finally DO get around to showing how she died, while Crowfeather gets an SE about the whole world holding his hand so he can fix the family he broke in 5 easy steps.
Its biggest problem is that it is about a character whose actions you can go and read about. It doesn't deliver on the setup of 12 books of Crowfeather being an absolute git; it's a good story for the version of Crowfeather the new team seems to have created in their heads.
Doesn't stop me from manifesting him getting an infection and having a Sandstorm-tier disrespectful death in the upcoming series, lmao.
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alexandraisyes · 3 months
Bffr rn. U really think reblogging is going to do anything. Ain't u the one who liked a confession about nonshippers being more toxic than us shippers? Ain't u the one who's annoyed that aroace fuckwads are mad that we're shipping moon with someone? Ain't u the one fighting for SolarMoon? Are u on our side or not? Make up ur damn fucking mind. Like we said these celestial-family fucktards and aroace fuckwads had what's coming to them. U're either with us or u're another apologist of these fucktards and fuckwads. If it's the latter then stay away from SolarMoon and EclipseEarth. We don't need no apologist defending those fucktards and fuckwads who started the hate for our ships
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What a sad sack of shit you are! I'm getting a really good laugh out of your reaction. Much appreciated after the shit show of a day I had yesterday. So let's break this down, and maybe it'll be cleaner than the breakdown you are clearly having. But first, let me fix your grammar.
Be for fucking real right now. Do you really think that reblogging is going to do anything? Are you not the one who liked a confession about how nonshippers are more toxic than us shippers? Are you not the one who is annoyed that aroace individuals are mad that we are shipping Nexus with someone? Are you not the one fighting for SolarMoon? Are you on our side or not? Make up your mind, please. We've already told you about how the people who enjoy the canon dynamics of the show and aroace individuals are getting what is due to them based on our biased and immature opinions on how if they don't agree with us they're wrong. You are either with us or you are against us. If it's the latter then stay away from SolarMoon and ShadowPlanet. We don't need someone who doesn't agree with our perverted and revolting actions towards other people defending the minority group who disagrees with us.
I may have also laid your intentions clear as well. Whoops, now the whole world can see what you actually meant.
I don't think that reblogging has any power when it comes to making you realize you need to stop, but it will make more people aware of your hideous actions and be more ready to prepare for the harassment that I am getting.
Way to be a real stalker, going through posts to see who liked what and writing them all down. Everyone loves a prepubescent teen who is obsessed with them! It's very attractive, don't you know? (Obviously, this is blatant sarcasm, but I can't be too sure you would pick up on that so I have to call it out.) However, it's true, I did like a single person's perspective about how sometimes from the side of the shippers it can feel like the non-shippers are overly hostile. That doesn't mean I agree that it's all the time, and I have the media literacy (which you seem to lack) about how that post was targeted specifically to the non-shippers who, gasp, are toxic, and not to all of the non-shippers.
And wow it's almost like it has nothing to do with whether they ship or don't and more to do with them being a toxic person in general, kind of like you! But I digress.
"Aren't you the one annoyed with the aroace-" blah blah blah
Oh, honey. I'm a sociopath. I don't give a fuck what other people are doing as long as it's not harmful. Every now and then I may comment about how I don't understand how people have gotten this idea that Old Moon was canonically repulsed since we have no proof of that, and Old Moon himself said he didn't know where he was on the aroace spectrum because SURPRISE! Old Moon was aroace.
But obviously, you've forgotten that.
I'm actually not fighting for anything, believe it or not, except for people like you to get off the internet. My friends all know that I do not ship SolarMoon, but I support my friends because it's their interest and I agree with them having an interest that's harmless, unlike you. I think that everyone has a right to ship and not to ship whatever they want, since it's all personal preference, and I don't get butthurt when someone doesn't ship something I like. You should give it a try, honestly.
"Are you on our side?" I am on my side. And on my side, we don't worry about what people do and don't ship. On my side, we don't harass people over a YouTube channel. On my side, we pay bills, because we're adults, and we don't have time to give a fuck about what other people are doing. On my side, we celebrate the canon family dynamics of the show while also having AUs where the dynamics don't exist and we can ship the characters as we please, since my side understands that this is a YouTube channel about fictional robots and that it's not that deep.
I will not and will never associate with someone who thinks it's okay to send unsolicited gore and death threats to minors. Or to anyone really. I think it's cowardly, and it's most definitely below my standards. So no, I'm not on your side.
And don't worry, my mind was made up ages ago when I realized that fandom drama is for people who don't have bills to pay and don't have anything bigger than the box in their hand to worry about.
HOW DARE THEY LIKE THE CANON SHOW!??!?!!? How fucking dare they, you're completely right I take back everything I said because people shouldn't like the canon material!!!1!!!1! How could they like the canon material that makes up the entirety of the canon show!?!?!?!?! How could they enjoy just liking canon?!!?!??!?!?!? WITHOUT SHIPPINGS?!??!?!?!? ILLEGAL!111!1!1!!
You sound like you're 12.
Also, I'm aroace, dumbass. You would have known that had you spent even an ounce of time doing any research into who I am. I have always been aroace. Double also, I like the canon show. Again, you would know that if you've done any research into who I am. I run an entire thread on the official fan server where I talk about the canon family dynamics, and psychology, and Eclipse. He's his own category.
Do you even know what that word means?
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Now, I may be out of the loop, but I don't think that not sending gore to minors is controversial. You're an apologist. You are providing an argument in defense of harassment.
And no, I don't think I will stay away from SolarMoon and ShadowPlanet. I've been shipping ShadowPlanet much much longer before it became popular, and I have witnesses to confirm if you need them. As far as SolarMoon? I'm currently writing a SolarMoon (two actually) one-shot where I explore two different dynamics (canon and fanon) in similar settings. One will be posted on my main Ao3 (18+) and the other will be on my side sfw account since it's going to be about their dynamic in canon as found family. Because as a writer I have that power and I do what I want.
And you're just going to have to sit there and cry about it.
Oh and don't worry, I'll even use the main fandom tags so everyone can point and laugh at what a sad little person you are.
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magicxc · 4 months
Pairings: Survey Corps - people they cannot STAND
Word Count: 1076
Warnings: none
A/N: Idk man I love a good tussle jskksks. Like give me two characters who absolutely hate each other! And with AOT I really don't have to look too far, yay. This is basically canon but it's funny to think about so here it is as well. 
Headcannons Masterlist
Eren  - Jean, Weak People
I think the Jean one gets over exaggerated a little, and for good reason too, cause the girlies be EATING with those tropes. But at the end of the day they have a mutual understanding and are cordial at best. They're mostly cool because they share mutual friends and spaces but it’s no longer beef per se. 
Hear me out, I don't think anyone wiping out 80% of humanity is willing to kick it with people who aint about it. Mans need someone who’s willing to stand on business behind him. Even throughout the show he’s always admitted to not liking people who’s willing to live like “livestock.” So this is not to be confused with physically weak people by the way but psychologically weak people. Essentially Eren has beef if you’re willing to take it lying down. 
Levi - Zeke
Listennnn I LIVE for their fight scenes okay lmao. Like it's almost always on sight for them and their lil jabs at one another? It’s chucklessss for me omg. Lets be clear, their beef is absolutely warranted. It can be safely argued that Levi doesnt really care for most people but Zeke?? Oh baby its all smoke for him. 
Erwin - The Government 
I swear if it wasn't for the literal fate of humanity and his brewing theory Erwin would've just said fuck it cause baybeeee, they wanted that man GONE. They've tried to get him fired, pointed guns in his face, and built a whole ass guillotine to unalive him; in front of the entire town mind you. Maybe that was the custom back then I don't know. I don’t remember Erwin outright saying that he doesn't fuck with the government but fuck it, I’ll say it for him. Cause I'll stand ten toes down behind this one here. 
Connie - Ymir
I promise you I let out a nasty ole chuckle at the thought cause he don't even dislike her fr fr. I think it's a situation similar to Eren and Jean's in the sense that their friends and environment often see them in the same places. Because if we’re being real, not only do they have little in common but they just don't really vibe like that. I think they could've been a little more cordial but Ymir be on her own timing and it's usually at the expense of the squad. Like when she made fun of Connie for suspecting his mother was a titan or when she kidnapped Historia like 3 times and put them all in danger. And I can't even be mad at Connie for being the voice of reason cause him calling her ugly was simply the truth. I, too, reared back when I first saw Ymir's titan form. 
Jean - Eren, Reiner, Annie, Bertholt
The whole Eren thing is basically squashed but it’s worth noting that if he were to see him in public, he’d walk the other way. 
I lowkey had to dig deep for this one cause I genuinely forgot. But even though they’re all kumbaya now, those three bitches literally watched his homie get half his face chewed off by a titan. Jean is absolutely pouring one out for Marco every birthday by the way, but yeahh it’s still fuck them. Like if they were playing uno stacked, he’d save all his draw 4’s and make them draw 16. 
Onyankopon - Yelena
I'm not too sure that Ony dislikes anyone honestly. But I'm going with Yelena here mostly because she’s the reason he found himself in his current predicament. On what was supposed to be a solid plan in motion to save his people quickly turned into Ony modernizing a primitive people, helping build their resources from scratch, having people question his race (and I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar it was mfs that got ignorant), seeming untrustworthy among his peers, almost getting killed, fighting in a war he had nothing to do with, and probably losing his entire family in the rumble. Now, one or two of those things were inevitable, but if you were to view things from Ony’s POV everything went to shit over a bitch with a fatal attraction to a man with daddy issues. 
Reiner - Himself
Lmaooo I LOVE a good Reiner drag. And while this started out as a joke, I'm deadass now. This man stays talking about wanting to end it all but never follows through, smh. With lots of therapy and support, I genuinely think that Reiner would be on the road to recovery and a healthy lifestyle; but there’ll always be that lingering thought on if he’s worth it or not
Honorable mention: Ymir. But solely because she would get in the way of his fantasy life with Historia. 
Armin - Floch? 
This munchkin is damn near Tanjiro levels of sweet cause omg who does he even hate??? He is always looking for the good in people and I'm about to dislocate my shoulder reaching this hard BUT, hear me out - It’s Floch even if he doesn’t outright say it. The same Floch who damaged the flying boat and almost ruined their mission before it even started? The same Floch who fucked it up so bad that Hange had to sacrifice herself which resulted in Armin taking on an even bigger responsibility? The same Floch who got in a lil too close with his bestie Eren? Close enough to be trusted with his future plans? The same Floch who when he lay on that ground bleeding Armin was nowhere in sight? Even at the port where they attacked the Yeagerists and Armin got shot in the face, he pleaded with his old comrades to stand down but Floch is beneath that level of reasoning huh? Whether Armin despises Floch or not it's safe to say if Floch were getting jumped, Armin would definitely sneak in a kick before helping. 
Floch - Erwin
This is literally one of those cases where its like I disagree but I understand lol. That man legit made them do a suicide charge and yeah he lead the charge blah blah blah but I could never be that brave. And so that resentment is understandable but in all fairness it shaped Flochs character for the better to be honest; cause that whole pwussy boi arc was annoying. 
Also adding the main cast of the Scouts lmao. They thwarted his plans and he spent his DYING breath standing on business. Gotta respect it.
Tags - @eveningatthemoviesnetwork
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