#but it was presented like 'if you've lost interest in the world around you and feel it has nothing left to offer you can die if you want!'
cliveguy · 5 months
the good place dissertation please please please. just kidding i just wanted to rejoice in another person hating that show
it's so crazy to me because aside from a few aspects of the first season it's overwhelmingly bad, and everyone talks about it as if it was this amazing life changing piece of art. did we watch different shows or did saying the names of philosophers confuse people.
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yandereunsolved · 4 months
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✐ᝰ Yandere Clark Kent 'Superman' ᝰ.ᐟ
Alien, farmer, reporter, superhero, and Justice League member are all titles Clark has collected over the years. They stretch from the most mundane to the ones that are given the highest respect. All of these titles pale in comparison to the one he yearns for the most: to be your husband. Every one of his positive traits seemed to disintegrate when it came to you, his accomplishments and status along with them. He was simply Clark to you, not Superman or Kal-El.
He was nothing but a love-sick maniac at your feet. His obsession threatens to break the moral code he is so devoted to. He understands that his attraction to you is something unhealthy and taboo. He is a beacon of light in the darkness of the world. Yet he'd be willing to blind the entire world with light just to be acknowledged by you. He'd cut out his own heart and present it in a gift box with a red bow if it'd please you.
You—just a human reporter who works at the Daily Planet. You who lives in a small studio apartment. You who has aspirations of doing something greater than just writing opinion pieces. You who has captured the noble hero's heart. 
You, you, you, you, you, you, you.
He can't get enough.
He doesn't get enough of you. You seem to actively avoid him. You interact with Lois so cordially; you two are close friends. He works with Lois. Why are you giving him the cold shoulder?
He knows everything about you. He knows your favorite restaurant, where you go to de-stress, your schedule, your hobbies, and your fantasies. He's spent so much time learning about you. You've learned nothing about him except for the fact that he's your dorky, sweet co-worker.
"Are you staring at them again? How long have you been staring at them? Why do you keep staring at them? Do you have a crush on them!?" Lois interrogates him with that same curiosity kindling in the back of her violet eyes.
He could demolish buildings in an instant, but he couldn't control his pale complexion from being invaded by a red hue. He had to think for a moment. His words had become lost in his mind, like they had been dispersed among the cosmos. He stuttered at first. It felt so out of character for him. He always, well, almost always, knew what to say. 
He had to be careful around her. He's lucky that he has been clever enough to keep his obsessive tendencies under wraps until Lois leaves his side.
"I just want to know why they refuse to talk to me." His words were laced with truth. Still, he was dodging her questions, as always.
Lois huffs in irritation, like he just said the most asinine thing one could ever utter.
"They obviously like you. They just think you're way out of their league."
"What?" He deadpans.
"I never give you the inside scoop about your darling little crush, but this one time I may." She teases him. "Clark, they like you. The googly eyes you two make at each other are such an obvious indication that you both are totally whipped for each other."
"You're serious?" His pupils dilate to such an extensive degree that you would have thought he was getting them checked by an optometrist. A lump forms in this throat, twice the size of his Adam's apple. "They like me?"
"They more than like you. They are interested in you, and you should totally ask them out on a date. I have to help a friend out, y'know? You two would make such a cute couple." Lois's pitch in her voice had become so much higher; even with her evident giddiness, there was an undertone of sulleness.
"Hey!" Lois calls you over. She waves her arm around and points towards Clark.
You scurry over in your flattering work outfit. It wouldn't be appropriate for him to eye you like a forbidden sweet. Still, he could feel his clothes grow tighter and his palms become sweaty. You couldn't even look him in the eyes. He wanted to gently tilt your chin up so your eyes would meet his. He'd eat a lump of kryptonite just for you to glance at him with that love-lorn expression. If only you knew, he could show; no, he has to show—
"You and him are going to go undercover in a local cafe a few blocks from here." He's snapped from his never-ending supply of thoughts about you. "It's supposedly a cover for a notorious drug cartel. Your cover story will be that you're a young couple going out on a date."  
You glance at Lois and eagerly nod. His words don't register your reply, but from Lois's grin, you obviously said something along the lines of yes. You walk off once again, your eyes sweeping across the aged carpet covering the office floor. Once out of hearing distance, Lois turns back to him.
"You're welcome. You owe me one." Lois nudges him in the side.
He could die a happy man now.
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s-awturn · 2 months
Pilots and their love languages || F1 Grid
cw: superficiality, slightly suggestive, PDA and non-PDA and I don't know what else to say, so blah blah blah
starring: LH44, CS55, CL16, LN4, OP81, MV1
a/n: I'm testing something new, so please bear with me 😩 for now it will be just these pilots because they are my favorites here, as I get used to this format, I can include more pilots. Anyway, enjoy!
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LEWIS HAMILTON - Acts of service
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Lewis knows that you are inattentive and forget to eat, sometimes you fall asleep in the office while you are working, you forget your things when you are in a hurry, And luckily for you, your fiancé is always attentive to these details. So he always checks his things, whether he has his keys, whether he has had his coffee properly or whether he is about to finish his work at the office. No matter how much you tell him that he doesn't need to worry, Lewis loves taking care of you and making sure your needs are met, even the most basic ones.
"Sorry for giving you so much trouble, you must be tired from training"
"Nah, I'm fine and taking care of you is no work at all, it's a pleasure for me"
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Carlos loves to give gifts and his generosity knows no bounds, especially for you, he loves to present you with whatever he thinks you like. Did you like that book? It's yours. Did you show interest in a bracelet? It'll be on your wrist before you know it. You've lost count of how many times you've talked to him about it, your closet couldn't fit anything else! But how could you deny it? Whenever your boyfriend arrived with that lost puppy dog look, you knew what was coming, Carlos knew you couldn't resist that look.
"You can't blame me for wanting to see my girl happy"
"You make me happy and as much as I love your gifts, I don't need them, I already have you"
CHARLES LECLERC - Physical touch
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No matter where, no matter who is watching, Charles will always have his hands on you. Whether it's holding your hand, wrapping his arms around your waist or kissing you. PDA is not a problem for him, the Monegasque loves to show how much he loves you, he is completely ok with the idea of kissing you in the street, of fixing your hair when necessary or keep his hand on your thigh while chatting with friends in a cafe. As long as he touches you, the world could end.
"Charl, there are reporters here, they're going to make a huge deal out of this..."
"They can say whatever they want, I won't keep my hands off you, chérie. "
LANDO NORRIS - Words of affirmation
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When you first met Lando, you could have sworn he was the gift or physical touch guy, so it was a big surprise to find out he was the words of affirmation guy. You'd often find notes around the apartment, or receive sweet messages at random times of the day, and Lando was the best at captioning his Instagram photos; He wants you to have no doubts about his feelings, so any chance he gets to tell you how he feels about you, he will.
"Are you paraphrasing Edward Cullen's wedding vows?"
"It was either Twilight or Romeo and Juliet... I chose the one where the characters stay alive... Figuratively speaking"
OSCAR PIASTRI - Quality time
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Oscar is aware that he doesn't have much free time between races, so there aren't many good breaks he can enjoy with you. Knowing this, Oscar doesn't mind spending as much time with you as possible; It doesn't matter what you do, you can read, watch a series, having a skin care session, talk or just be silent, he just needs some time with you. It could be an hour or five minutes, as long as he's with you, it's fine.
"Are you sure I'm not bothering you here?"
"Baby, you never get in my way, I just need a few minutes with you before the race, alright?"
MAX VERSTAPPEN - Quality time
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Just like Oscar, Max likes to spend as much time with you as he can, and that time is usually spent doing activities that focus on the two of you. Max will trade any party, any event for an afternoon at home watching his favorite movies or sitting by the window of your apartment, talking while it rains. Max really appreciates these moments because he knows they don't happen often, they both have very demanding jobs and he values every minute he has with you.
"Choose any movie you want, I'll watch whatever it is, as long as it's with you"
"And you still say you're not romantic"
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Gif credits: rb19, callumilott, quadrantslandonorris, walkingonanunknownpath, artemispt and yungbludz
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO S-AWTURN™ 🪐. I do not allow copying or republication. Any unauthorized publication will be reported.
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crusty-chronicles · 10 months
Hiei Courting Headcannons
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In honor of the Live Action series (Even though I don't Have High Hopes For It)
Now, we all know Hiei is a very stubborn demon. Especially when it comes to his feelings. When he realized he liked you and didn't just tolerate your presence, he fought hard to deny it.
So what if he spent most of his time with you? Who cares that the first place he goes to after coming back from the demon world is your house? It didn't matter that his eyes seemed to soften whenever you were around.
No not one bit.
But the second Kurama threatened to court you himself, well Hiei couldn't just sit down and let that happen. Didn't that fox understand he shouldn't touch what wasn't his.
1. Showing off to see if you're interested
Hiei may be a demon, but he has some semblance of manners. His pride wouldn't allow him to claim you until you accepted his advances. Any creature who dared force themselves onto another was the lowest of the lowest.
So, his first step is showing off during fights.
Letting the enemy bloody him up more to show that injury didn't affect him.
Using more spirit energy than was needed to end another demon with just one blow
Stopping you from fighting because he'll "take care of it. You humans are too fragile."
He'll also use his Jagan more frequently.
You lost something?
Well look no further, he can track it down precisely and easily.
Praise him even once or say in passing he's really strong, and he'll take that as you being interested.
Even if you're just trying to be nice.
2. Wearing Richer Colors
I firmly believe Hiei courts more like a crow than the usual beast. He's sleek like one anyways.
Now if you didn't know, most birds attract mates with their bright feathers.
In Hiei's case, he'll start to wear dark, yet rich colors to get your attention.
Strength is one thing. Any low-class demon can demonstrate strength and be happy about it.
What Hiei is looking for is to see if you're attracted to him. If you find him visually appealing.
Though he's not a vain creature, he still yearns for the confirmation that him and him alone captivates you.
He'll start with darker blues. Maybe change up his cloak a little.
And when that doesn't work, he moves onto purples. Getting teased by Kurama for 'changing up his style.' But he stays determined.
Eventually moving onto a burgundy. And the way you were immediately drawn to him then made it worth it.
Relishing in your compliments on how 'the color really suits him' and 'it matches his eyes perfectly.'
Letting you grab at the fabric and inspect it until he asks why you like it so much.
"Well I always thought your eyes were pretty. It's nice to see something that reminds me of them."
He's a prideful smug bastard after that. Not even comments from Yusuke can tick him off that day.
3. Bringing You Shiny Objects
Once again, he courts like a crow.
Now that you've shown interest in him, it's time to properly start showing his affections.
Hiei isn't one for flirting or compliments. He's more prone to showing rather than telling. And in this case the way to do that is to bring you little trinkets that catch his eye.
Usually, it'll be small gems he stumbles across in demon world.
Rubies, diamonds, and emeralds. All things he knows where to find thanks to his prior occupation as a thief.
He's not trying to buy your affection. He knows you're not that vain judging by the pushback you always give when he presents you with a jewel.
No, rather he's trying to show that he can provide for you. That you'd never have to worry about scrounging around to survive as long as he was with you.
A protector and a provider.
He also notices how you treasure the less valuable items with as much fondness and care as the others.
He had asked you why you slept with a chunk of pyrite on your bedside one time. And your response let him know he wouldn't give up on pursuing you anytime soon.
"Because it was one of the first things you gave me. Don't you remember? You said something along the lines of fool's gold for a fool's heart. I think it's sweet you even got me something at all."
You didn't care about what he brought you. All that mattered was that it came from him.
If that didn't mean you accepted his advances, then he didn't know what would.
4. Scenting
Ah, yes. Back to the classics
Once you've accepted the gifts he's continuously given you, Hiei takes it as you liking him back.
He's aware human and demon courting processes are very different from one another.
But he's exactly not human, is he?
When it comes to demons, once you've accepted their advances, your mates.
In a sense, it's like dating. Only except a dissatisfied partner will kill the other in most cases.
With this in mind, Hiei happily accepts the fact you're his and immediately moves onto the final stage of courting.
Scenting you so that other demons know to back off.
Think of it as your last out if you realize what's happening and actually don't have feelings for him.
The scenting process will start with Hiei showing up to your place of residence and staying with you.
Not yet following you around, but making sure to spend time in each room.
If he has to leave somewhere, he'll leave either an article of clothing or his sword.
It confuses you at first and you think maybe he just trusts you.
But you start to think otherwise when he starts getting touchy.
Laying in your lap and ordering you to stay still, only to find out he's fallen asleep on you.
Or letting his face rest against the crook of your neck. Which you didn't mind all that much.
It was quite funny to see someone as tough as Hiei become completely docile around you.
You weren't too worried until he followed you out when you went to buy groceries.
"You don't like being around people. Don't you wanna stay home until I get back?" You asked him.
"I've already shown you that you're a very fragile creature compared to me. It's best I accompany you so you don't hurt yourself."
Usually you would have argued back, but it was clear something was off with him.
These past few months had been strange with him either trying to get your attention or trying to stay directly next to you.
You wouldn't figure out what it was until your other three friends showed up.
Kuwabara wanting to have a movie night and you offering your home to do it.
When the three of them arrived, you noticed Kurama and Yusuke hesitate by the entrance.
"Something wrong?" You questioned.
" I can't put my finger on it, but something's telling me I shouldn't go in." Yusuke responded.
Unawares it was Hiei's scent warding him off.
But Kurama knew. He'd known since you opened the door.
It seems Hiei had staked his claim on you.
Yet judging by your calm demeanor, you didn't know that yet.
"Have you noticed Hiei acting strange lately?" Kurama asked.
"Yes! I thought I was the only one. He's been really clingy. I mean at first it was odd he kept bringing me stuff like gems, but then he started following me around like a house cat. It's endearing, but honestly what's going on with him?" You ranted. Prompting a laugh from the redhead.
"I see. Good luck on your new relationship."
Before you could question him about what he meant, a gentle grip around your waist stopped you.
"What're you doing inviting these fools to our home. You know how long it took me to get rid of their scent the first time? It's like you want me to start the whole courting process all over again."
You couldn't say you minded now that you knew what was actually going on.
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the-fluff-piece · 2 years
Headcanon: OP men being vulnerable little babes in relationships
-> there's a part 2 now with Sanji and smoker
SFW fluff headcanon for Law and Zoro: Vulnerable and cute behaviours in an established relationship
Like this one? Check out my headcanon masterlist
Asks you multiple times a day if you still love him and is visibly relieved when you say yes
Is very interested in your opinions on his style and changes outfit if he doesn't feel sexy enough
Will infodump medical knowledge randomly just to talk to you
Loves to sleep cuddled up against your chest and likes being held tightly. He loves little kisses all over his hair and face.
Is working on matching partner tattoos but never feels like it's perfect enough to show you
His mind often wanders to plans of your future together. He wants Bepo, Shachi and Senguin to be there, too.
When he got beaten up badly and you took care of him for the first time, his eyes got a little wet but he insisted it was because of the pain
He baked you a great cake for your birthday. To make sure he got it right the crew ate cake with fresh strawberries on top and whipped cream for months. He made them rate the cake by flavour, consistency, presentation and digestibility repeatedly
When you were excited about seeing his coin collection, he knew you where the one
He loves showing you his creative ideas and through your support, he begins expressing himself in more ways than his jolly roger and reorganizing marine soldiers' bodies
He was a loner once, and he still doesn't like many people, but he wants you to be near him whenever possible. You are his shield against the world
During the day, he just randomly wanders in, sits down next to you and falls asleep
When he's been drinking he drags you around to show everyone his partner. Even the thousand sunny crew that already knows you.
He never cared about being sweaty and stinky until you began sharing a bed. Now he washes every evening to smell good for you. He even asked Sanji about what cologne to use. He will never live that down.
He has this dream where he gets lost and never finds you again. He wakes up drenched in sweat. He is thinking about chaining himself to you so that you never get separated. It's not important where the two of you are - it's important that you are together.
If he can, he takes on any danger to help and protect you - or just to make your life more comfortable. He never talks about it though. You never let on that you know it happened, again. He still gets a backrub for it.
He doesn't care if he gets lost as long he knows where you are. In fact, he can follow you easily and even follow your instructions most of the time.
He wrote a poem about how you are like his swords. It's genuinely bad and he knows it, but he showed it to you when he was really drunk. When he saw that you pinned it to your wall he almost cried. Of course he didn't, there was just something in his eye. All day. Stupid dust!
Now that you've read the whole thing let me know in the comments if you liked it ⬇️
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Hi 👋
I've been loving the fics you've been putting out and I saw you wanted some ideas for Nightcrawler? I love my blue child lol
How about this:
The reader is a shy artist that is a student at the x mansion. She carries a sketchbook with her everywhere to sketch new pieces, but she doesn't show her work to people unless it's to Rogue or Jubilee.
She and Nightcrawler become friends and slowly develop feelings for one another, but they won't say anything to each other because they think that the other wouldn't want them. Until Nightcrawler finds her sketchbook by accident and finds the book is filled with sketches of him. Nightcrawler confronts her about it, but she's a stuttering mess, and they end up confessing to each other. And please make it extra fluffy. Maybe throw in a kiss or a makeout session. Your choice lol.
Drawn to you
The halls of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters were bustling with energy, filled with students whose powers ranged from the awe-inspiring to the whimsical. Among them, you navigated the day-to-day with your head down, your ever-present sketchbook tucked securely under your arm like a shield. The thick, well-worn pages held a piece of your soul, capturing the world around you in lines and shades. But only two people had ever seen what you created within those pages: Rogue and Jubilee, your closest friends who shared in your quiet passion for art.
You were content to let the world flow around you, observing and sketching, but always from a distance. There was safety in your shyness, a barrier that protected your heart from the complicated emotions of growing up among mutants. However, that all started to change the day you met Kurt Wagner.
Kurt had a presence that was impossible to ignore. His vibrant personality, infectious laugh, and the way he moved through space with the grace of a performer left an indelible mark on you. His tales of life in the circus, the bright lights, and cheering crowds filled you with images you couldn’t help but capture in your sketchbook. You were drawn to him, fascinated by the blend of joy and melancholy that seemed to radiate from him in equal measure.
The two of you quickly became friends. Kurt would teleport beside you in the middle of your walks, flashing a playful grin that made your heart skip a beat. He’d talk, and you’d listen, sketching all the while, though never letting him peek at what you were drawing. You cherished these moments, but the more time you spent with him, the harder it became to ignore the feelings that had begun to bloom in your chest. Feelings that you were certain were one-sided.
After all, why would someone as incredible as Kurt be interested in someone like you?
So you kept your distance emotionally, hiding your growing affection within the pages of your sketchbook, where countless drawings of him lay hidden—his gentle smile, the playful glint in his eyes, the way he moved with a fluid elegance that never ceased to amaze you. Each sketch was a small piece of your heart, poured out on paper in the only way you knew how.
One afternoon, after a long day of classes, you found a quiet spot in the garden to sit and draw. The sun was setting, casting a warm golden light over the mansion grounds, and you lost yourself in the peaceful moment. You didn’t notice when your sketchbook slipped from your lap as you stretched, falling to the ground behind you. It wasn’t until you heard a familiar voice that you realized it was no longer in your grasp.
“Was ist das?” Kurt’s voice was filled with curiosity, and when you spun around, your heart dropped. There he was, holding your sketchbook in his hands, flipping through the pages with wide eyes.
“K-Kurt!” you stammered, scrambling to your feet, your face flushing with embarrassment. “Please, don’t—”
But it was too late. His expression softened as he realized what he was looking at. Each page was filled with drawings of him, capturing moments both big and small, from his bright laughter to the way his tail curled when he was deep in thought.
“Is this… me?” he asked, his voice quieter now, filled with something you couldn’t quite place.
You nodded, unable to speak as you felt your cheeks burn with mortification. The urge to run, to hide, was overwhelming, but your feet refused to move.
Kurt looked up from the sketchbook, his golden eyes meeting yours with an intensity that made your breath catch. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
You tried to form a response, but all that came out was a string of nervous, stuttering syllables. “I-I didn’t think you’d… I mean, I didn’t know if… I just—”
He stepped closer, closing the sketchbook carefully and holding it out to you. “You didn’t think I’d what? Like it? Or… like you?”
Your eyes widened at his words, and you could only shake your head, feeling tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. “I thought you wouldn’t want me,” you finally managed to whisper, your voice trembling.
Kurt’s gaze softened further, and he took another step closer, closing the distance between you. “I thought the same thing,” he admitted, his voice gentle. “That you wouldn’t want me, that you might be afraid of what I am.”
You shook your head more fiercely now, the words spilling out before you could stop them. “No, Kurt, I could never be afraid of you. You’re… you’re incredible. You’re kind, and brave, and so full of life. I… I’ve liked you for so long, but I didn’t know how to tell you.”
Kurt’s expression lit up with a mix of relief and happiness, and before you could say anything else, he pulled you into a hug, his strong arms wrapping around you with a tenderness that melted away all your fears. You buried your face in his shoulder, breathing in the comforting scent of him, feeling the warmth of his embrace.
“I’ve liked you, too,” he whispered into your hair, his voice thick with emotion. “You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that.”
You pulled back just enough to look up at him, your eyes meeting his, and in that moment, everything else seemed to fade away. The shyness that had always held you back melted under the warmth of his gaze.
“Kurt…” you started, but before you could finish, he leaned down, capturing your lips in a gentle, lingering kiss.
Your heart soared as you kissed him back, the world around you disappearing as you focused on the feel of his lips against yours, the way his hands cradled your face with such care. The kiss deepened, and you felt a surge of warmth spread through your chest, your hands clutching at his shirt as if he might vanish if you let go.
When you finally parted, you were both breathless, foreheads resting against each other as you shared a quiet moment of bliss.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” Kurt murmured, a playful smile tugging at his lips.
You giggled softly, feeling a wave of joy and relief wash over you. “Me too,” you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper.
He pressed another kiss to your forehead, his tail curling around your waist in a tender gesture. “I’m glad I found your sketchbook,” he teased lightly, earning a soft laugh from you.
“Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing after all,” you replied, your voice filled with newfound confidence.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other’s arms, the worries and fears that had once kept you apart now nothing more than distant memories. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a gentle twilight over the garden, you felt a sense of peace settle over you—a peace that came from knowing that you were no longer alone in your feelings.
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mondaymelon · 1 year
— 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱 ♥
:feat~ alhaitham, kaveh x gn!reader:
⤷ headcanons ♥ ⤷ kaveh is so silly help-
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ (open!) : @manager-of-the-pudding-bank, @iamdedinside, @ilyuu @solxima, psps come get your sumeru men ♡
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"Wh- Hey, are you stealing my food??"
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ALHAITHAM quietly notices, but doesn't particularly mind.
So, he doesn't point it out, and merely watches with an air of amusement how you're attempting to "sneakily" snatch the food of his plate when his gaze is "averted."
Of course, he's only acting to see how you'll react.
For someone like Al Haitham, whose job is as predictable as a straight line, someone as interesting as you immediately made him intrigued - the way you move, the way you speak, how you present yourself, the way you smile... all of it has enraptured him.
To the point where he can't take his multicolored eyes off of you, you're just so... fascinating.
Just like now, how you were quietly giggling to yourself and at the diminishing amount of food on his plate, while the ashen-haired man seemed to remain oblivious to it all. Haitham, who just sat there, the most minuscule smile appearing on his expression - a rare sight indeed, arms crossed as he watched you with a slightly smug aura.
Still, it seems you're not all that stupid. The more you take, the more you glance up at the man's calm expression, the more confused you begin to look... and that confusion soon blooms into suspicion, and then, finally, realization.
"You've noticed, haven't you...?" You stare at him, the slightest pout forming on your lips.
"Noticed what?"
"You- Are you really..." A sigh. "You know what I'm talking about."
"Do I, now?"
His short answers, words that reveal nothing, are starting to irritate you. And when you stay silent for the count of three, Haitham merely shrugs his shoulders, pushing his chair back.
"As it seems that I've finished my meal, I'll be leaving." Flicking his gaze to his nearly empty plate, he can barely hold back his amusement from creeping into his voice as he stands up, starting to walk out.
"What?? Wait-" Latching onto his arm, face flushed, you glance up at him with wide eyes. "Archons, Haitham, it was a joke!"
"I know. And so was that."
Then he sits back down just as quickly, not bothering to remove your hold from his wrist, the small smirk on his face growing.
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" ♥
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KAVEH doesn't notice at first, mostly due to the fact that he's already downed several goblets of alcohol.
It's late at night, but you can't even tell, since the two of you are sitting at a table in the dimly lit establishment, the mixed hubbub and laughing chatter almost drowning out the outside world. The blonde male had finished a long-awaited building project, and you had decided to treat him to a meal and a couple drinks as celebration.
A couple drinks.
He's obliviously ranting away, words about "Haitham" and "Irritating" spilling out of his mouth. In his wavering hand, sloshing about is his... what, third drink, now? You've already lost count, merely smiling and nodding along as the male continues to sputter all the annoyances he's ever experienced, face flushed.
Meanwhile, you are busy eating to your hearts content, cheerfully taking Kaveh's food whenever he's looking the other way. Do you feel any guilt? Somewhat, but...
It's not like he'd be able to stomach anything solid with all of the alcohol he'd drank, right?
You're basically doing him a favor - after all, isn't food waste a large-scale problem? Ah, but Kaveh still is perceptive, even with his mind all clouded.
"Hey... wait..." Kaveh's voice is slurred. "W...Where'd m...my food go?" The way his crimson eyes are almost tearing up as he shakes his head several times, staring at his plate with the most puzzled and remorseful expression. He glances around the room, squinting, almost as if his missing food had grown legs and walked away, and that he would be able to find it somewhere.
He sounds so heartbroken it makes you feel bad.
"Ahaha..." All you can do is laugh nervously.
"...Ah, but I could've sworn... I ordered... hm, whatever..." With that, he takes another large sip of his drink.
At least he wouldn't remember any of this tomorrow. ♥
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(a/n) just realized that without context, that last line could be interpreted a very different way-
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allfearstofallto · 7 months
I hear your pleas for ideas loud and clear so I raise you yandere Kaeya gaslighting tf out of you. So talented you are, but you always fumble when it comes to presenting your skills to the world. Oh so many wonderful ideas in that mind of yours - too bad they die on your lips.
And that's why you need him. To save you from embarrassing yourself as you clutch your latest creation that would undoubtedly revolutionize some industry against your chest as your eyes burn with unshed tears. It always baffled him that you thought that you were worthy of that honor. I mean, you can't even order a meal without shaking like a leaf.
You aren't built for this lifestyle, now are you? Geniuses could easily bounce back from failure, yet here you are, soaking his shirt with your never-ending tears. Were you ever a genius?
(basically Kaeya gaslight gatekeep girlbossing talented inventor darling into oblivion bc I just know this man would be jealous if you were famous. I'm so sorry for writing so much but this idea has been eating me up inside so now I send it to you. May I be 🐇 Anon?)
🐇 anon, first of all, it is a pleasure to meet you! Secondly, my dear bun, you've saved my ass!! This was such a good prompt and it felt incredible to write!
Maybe I'm just in the mood to write gaslighting bitches cause this felt natural!!
Yandere! Kaeya x reader
TW: gaslight, and quite harsh words, but Kaeya is saying them so it's kinda sexy
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If people could see what was going on inside your head, they'd think you were a genius. And you are, or at least, you believe that you are. But all those faces, all those eyes on you, those people looking at you makes your body go stiff and your words lodge in your throat. And in the end, you look like a bumbling idiot.
But you were his bumbling idiot. That's what he'd tell you at least. Hurtful words yes, but he meant them in an endearing way. His phrases were sweet and loving, even if to the average person they sounded a bit harsh. You explained to people that he didn't truly mean it that way, he was just trying to make you feel better.
“And how was it today?” He’d asked you. He always looked like a work of art when he came home from his long shifts. Every strap and piece of clothing would be pulled from his body as he spoke, he was so careless about showing himself off in front of you, but you were still flustered and shy around him.
With a sheepish smile, you held up the mora that he'd given you to use for a drink, completely untouched. You couldn't even bring yourself to leave the house. A dramatic sigh fell from his lips, but he still kneeled on the couch and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
“Oh, you sweet, poor thing,” he whispered in your ear. He took your cheeks into his hands and squeezed them lightly, like he was coddling a child, “Still so shy aren't you? It's okay, I speak for you.”
It's like you breathed a sigh of relief when he spoke. All the weight of the world was lifted off your shoulder. You were a genius, yes, but you were a genius who could barely speak a full sentence to anyone. Except for Kaeya.
His charming smile and flashy personality made you weary at first. Why would someone like him be interested in something so quiet and timid? You felt like a coal in comparison to his flashy, diamond-like nature. Your mind was like a maze, endless corners and rooms filled with ideas, but you got lost in them as well, and just ended up choking on your own words.
Kaeya released you from his warm embrace and sat down next to you. He looked at the coffee table in front of you, covered in ideas and doodles that you'd have for your latest inventions. Your mouth never moved, but your brain was a constant machine, most days you couldn't get it to shut up. It all had to be let out, in notes or drawings.
He picked up one of the random pages, an idea for a water filter, and a chuckle fell from his lips, “And how would you pitch this one?” He asked. The way those words fell from his lips felt condescending, he already knew that you couldn't do it, but you knew better than to think that. It was just his love, it was how he showed it, he wanted you to succeed.
You felt yourself flush even thinking about it, but you still stood with the paper in your hands. Walking to the other side of the coffee table, you looked down at the notes you'd written. It was all there. Everything about your idea was right there, everything you needed to say was right in front of you. But when you looked up from the page, you felt dizzy, the letters on the paper began to merge and swirl together.
It was like your world had tilted on its axis and suddenly everything was lopsided. You felt yourself spinning, but you knew you were standing perfectly still. The only person looking at you was Kaeya. His beautiful self, like a statue crafted by the gods, was sitting there, focused on you.
An average person would love and adore the amount of attention someone like Kaeya gave. A smolder on his lips and all a sparkle in his eye. But you weren't the average person and you already felt as if you were sinking into yourself, like the world was about to swallow you whole, and before you knew it, tears had started to fall from your eyes.
“Can't even talk in front of me anymore, can you?” He asked and you gave him a slow, solemn nod. You tried to hold back sobs as you realized how truly useless you were. Unable to speak in front of even your own boyfriend, a true genius would never suffer from this.
“I'm- I'm sorry,” you'd somehow managed to stutter through your apology, but that much was to be expected of you. Tears fell onto the page and smeared the ink of your notes, but it didn't matter, it's not like you were going to read it anyways.
“That's the problem, my love,” he cooed to you in his usual tone, he stood from the couch and began scooping up all the pages that lay on the coffee table. All your ideas, all your work was crumbled up into a ball. It stung a bit, seeing everything you had worked so hard to make be treated like trash and thrown away, but nothing hurt more than your failures, “You're not built for this kind of thing. You know that, right?” He spoke close to your face, your lips brushing against your, soft like flower petals on your skin.
“I know,”
“But that's okay. Do you know why?” He asked, placing a gentle hand on your face and squeezing the fat of your cheeks.
“Because I'm yours. And I don't need to be smart to be yours,”
He held you close to his chest, peppering your forehead with kisses. All your work was thrown in the trash. “It's only making you unhappy,” he said. And he was right. You weren't ready for this. This type of thing wasn't for you. You only needed him.
So you lay in his arms and tried to stop the sniffling. He was the only person you'd need to talk to, he'd be your voice if needed be. You were only hurting yourself trying to do these things that you weren't made for.
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Poly Judgement Day hurt comfort fic where accidentally forget readers birthday because they're so occupied getting ready for a big match. But once they realize they forgot, they try to make up to reader?
Make up || The Judgement Day x Reader
Summary: Your partners forgot about your birthday, now they will do everything in their power to make up for it.
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You wake up to the sound of your partners' hushed voices and the scent of breakfast wafting through the air. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you stretch and sit up, realizing it's your birthday. As you step out of the bedroom, you're met with the sight of Rhea, Dom, Finn, and Damian gathered in the living room, their expressions a mix of guilt and determination.
"Happy belated birthday," Rhea says softly, giving you a sheepish smile.
"Yeah, we're really sorry we missed it," Dom adds, scratching the back of his head.
Finn chimes in, "We've been so caught up with the match preparations, we lost track of time."
"And that's not an excuse," Damian pipes up, a serious look on his face. "We should have remembered."
You feel a mix of emotions. You're touched by their honesty and determination to make it up to you, yet a bit sad that they forgot in the first place. But seeing their sincere expressions, you can't help but smile.
"We're going to make it up to you," Rhea insists, her eyes determined. "Starting with breakfast in bed."
They lead you to the dining area where they've set up a spread of your favorite foods. The atmosphere is warm and festive, with balloons and decorations filling the room.
"We have a day planned out," Dom grins, passing you a plate filled with your favorite pancakes.
Finn slides a wrapped present toward you. "This is just the beginning," he says with a mischievous grin.
You open the gift to find a thoughtful item that speaks to your interests, and it warms your heart.
Throughout the day, they pamper you with little surprises and activities. They take you for a relaxing spa day, filled with massages, hot tubs, and laughter. Damian surprises you with tickets to a show you've been wanting to see, and Rhea challenges you to a friendly game of your favorite video game.
As the day comes to an end, you find yourself surrounded by your partners once again, this time in the cozy comfort of your living room.
"We hope this makes up for missing your birthday," Damian says, his voice soft yet earnest.
"Yeah, we should have remembered," Finn adds, his eyes sincere.
"But we love you," Rhea says, her gaze unwavering.
Dom nods, a reassuring smile on his face. "And we're going to make every day feel like your birthday."
You look around at the faces of the people who mean the world to you. Despite the initial slip-up, their efforts to make your day special have filled your heart with joy. With a heartfelt smile, you realize that the love and connection you share are what truly matter.
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months
Hello, thank you for all your hard work on recommendations! Do you know of any vampire games where being a vampire is NOT presented as a 'You are a horrible parasite clinging to humanity!' thing? And/or perhaps it is more about how humans are awful to vampires. Being non-crunchy is a bonus. It doesn't have to be light-hearted, I'd rather play something with a serious tone.
Theme: Alternative Vampires.
Hello friend, there’s a lot of really interesting vampire games out there! One of the most well-known is, of course, Vampire: The Masquerade, which you've possible heard about before, but I think is important to acknowledge when looking at many vampire games that have been created in the past. It's influenced the way a lot of roleplayers see vampires.
On the other hand, there's also a lot of work to change up how vampires are seen, and the BIPOC Vamp Jam is an excellent example of that. I think you'll recognize some of the games in this list from that jam!
Some of the games here are more serious than others, but I think there’s still some complex themes even within the games that don’t take themselves too seriously. I hope there’s something here that fits what you’re looking for!
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Bloodsucker Elegy, by Porcupine Publishing.
Tonight, everything falls apart. The place went up like a bonfire Black-clad mortals They know everything about us They know our names They know how to kill us
Bloodsucker Elegy is a compact (15pp) game for two or more players, about vampires on the night their world comes crashing down around them.
Intended for short-form play, Bloodsucker Elegy uses a diceless system that draws on ideas from the Vampire: the Masquerade spinoff video game Swansong.
A game about enduring the end of life as you know it, Bloodsucker Elegy gives you both human skills and supernatural powers to help you face your oncoming doom. Every time you do something supernatural, you must take 1 Hunger. Every time you use a human skill, you must spend Willpower. With no Willpower left, you’ll slip into a slumber resembling death. At 12 Hunger, you can feel your inner beast surface, your bloodlust take over. You can gain willpower by meditating and reduce hunger by feeding, but both are dangerous when you’re being hunted. If you want a game that pushes your characters and forces them to make heavy choices, this might be the game for you.
Thousand Year old Vampire, by timhutchings.
A creaking hunter among dust and cobwebs, you prowl the night places, seeking the souls on which you feed. You have done this since time immemorial, or so you believe; you have no memories of  living as a man-thing like those you catch and eat. But human traces linger; your fingers trace clever arabesques in the dirt of your grave-place and with the flourishes come whispered songs in a language you've forgotten. Far away, in a museum, hangs your portrait in oil by a master five hundred years dead--you might have been lovers but the diary you kept then is long lost.  
This is a solo game, meant for intimate and personal experiences. Thousand Year Old Vampire comes with a lot of high praise, meant to be powerful, emotional and thought provoking. You are a vampire, discovering and losing memories as you fill up your diary. This is a personal horror game, a game about losing pieces of yourself to the ravages of time. It’s received 3 awards from the Ennies, and also won the Indicade Tabletop Design Award in 2020. I think it’s probably worth checking out!
The Blood, by Falconian Productions.
Vampires are creatures of magic; how else do you explain the undead? It’s not some outside force’s pet project — vampirism is magic. An arcane force, The Blood, is what makes a vampire.
What is the Blood? It’s the fragment of power shared by every vampire in the world, and the conglomerate force made up of those segments. It's not a voice, or instinct, but… insight. The Blood shows you what you want, what It wants. It shows you the quickest and easiest ways to get to it.Then, it gives you what you need to act on it.
But your choices are always your own. Those that would do no wrong even in the face of temptation likely still won't as a vampire, but those that avoided wrongdoing only because they feared being caught, or lacked the means?
The Blood is a game about vampires as arcane creatures, an otherworldly force empowering their undead forms and providing them with magical potency. The powers attributed to vampires in stories and media are simply the spells that come most easily to them. It's about seeing how they balance their desire for power with the need for secrecy in the world, and about succumbing to or resisting the arcane desires their Blood inflicts on them. 
This is a game that feels like it draws quite a bit from the lore and allure of Vampire: the Masquerade. It gives your characters an internal struggle to wrestle with, gives you 10-sided dice to roll in dice pools, and counts a 7 or higher as a success. In this game, your character also has magical strengths and personal advantages or disadvantages - perhaps a certain kind of magic always comes easier to you, or perhaps you have a sworn enemy who is always on your tail. If you want a game about secrecy and struggle, this might be the game for you.
Dead Letter Society, by Rori Montford.
Live your best unlife as the newest member of the Dead Letter Society, an exclusive communication network for vampires. Pursue your ambitions, and question the Society's motives, in this journaling and epistolary game for 1-2 players.
Dead Letter Society is a journaling game where your letters drive the action. Choose your genre, build your world, and discover the joys of corresponding via a secret society with unknown motives. 
This is a slower and quieter game, for a much smaller group of people that happens over the course of writing various letters or journal entries. Using tarot cards, you’ll answer the questions that arise out of the course of your play (although it looks like you can use dice or other method of number generation if you like). The game is, at its core, about two vampires sharing a connection through a Society whose motives are… suspect. It looks like there are play-sets for various settings, and while I’m not sure exactly what your vampires’ position is in relation to humans, the fact that it’s meant to take place between 2 players (or by yourself) gives me a suspicion that your characters will be sympathetic, rather than monstrous.
Eat the Reich, by Rowan, Rook & Decard.
The year is 1943. You are a team of crack vampire commandos with one mission: drink all of Hitler's blood.
This over-the-top, ultraviolent game is designed to be played from beginning to end in one to three sessions of carnage, blood magic, meaningful flashbacks and hundreds upon hundreds of extremely dead fascists. It tells one story, it tells it loud, and it tells it brilliantly. Think Wolfenstein crossed with Danger 5 and you're not far off the mark. 
This is a game about punching up, and punching back. The designers are aiming for something that is over-the-top, messy, and violent, something that guides your characters through one big mission while providing the ability to flash-back to moments in WW2 that led your characters to this final moment. It’s meant to be big, bombastic and bloody - and it’s currently still in production. You can still pre-order it on the Kickstarter page, but if you want to learn more about it first, I recommend checking out this post by the authors, as well as the game v, which uses the same rule system to deliver a punchy one-shot experience.
Bloodbeam Badlands, by Viditya Voleti.
You have survived the apocalypse, and your worst nightmare has come true. The sun burns redder, brighter, and hotter, never setting - the Forever Dawn. The land has been irradiated and kissed by its strange sanguine rays, warping the world into a carnival for the strange and the supernatural.
Bloodbeam Badlands is a game for at least 2 players, including a Game Master (GM). It’s a game about vampires stuck surviving a post-apocalyptic world where the sun never sets, what it means to keep moving when the deck is stacked against you, the immortal facing mortality with every step. It’s also a game about being really cool vampires with cool vampire powers and cool magic guns going on rad adventures in a rad world filled with rad things. 
Characters in Bloodbeam Badlands have 3 Stats: Guts, Guile, and Guise that determine your capabilities and how many dice you roll, and 3 Sources: Blood, Bullets, and Burn which determine your state of being and what value you need to roll under. Managing your Sources as they fluctuate and playing to your strengths allows for a dynamic yet simple system! It’s the end of the world and your greatest enemy is able to kill you at all hours of the day.
A game of survival and plenty of character pieces that exist in threes, Bloodbeam Badlands hands you some cursed guns and powerful vampiric abilities and asks you to try and survive in a world where not just the humans, but the landscape wants to kill you. If you want a game about kicking desperation in the face and rad adventures, this might be the game for you.
The Sun’s Ransom, by pidj.
The Sun's Ransom is a poetic, tragic RPG where you play vampires determined to bring back the sun.
The world has gone dark and the mortals are consumed by the need for warmth, light and power. It is up to you, who do not need life or warmth or light or power, to ransom the sun, despite the cost. You must go against your vampiric nature and remember what brought Light and Joy to your mortal self. That is the blood-price for the sun.
This is a game that takes your resources away from you as you play. Your table will have the freedom to determine what kind of world you start in and what exactly the roles are for both mortals and vampires. This means that it’s up to you what kind of creatures vampires are, and how people see them! What you’ll struggle with is your doom - or to be more clear, the doom of the mortals around you.
When you begin play, you’ll place as many dice as can cover the sun that the game provides for you to print out. As you play, those dice will be removed - and the sun will come back, saving the mortals you fight for, and hurting you in the process. If you want a game of tragedy and sacrifice, I recommend this game.
Other Games I’ve Recommended
Blood and Sacrilege, by Tom Clark.
Vamp Camp!, by Sebastian Yue.
Bubblegum Vampires, by Gormengeist.
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alphawolfstabs · 3 months
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gifs not mine ~ Through cuts and wounds it often flows, In whispers only blood bestows, A story etched in shades of red, Of every tear and word unsaid.
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Meet the Blogger:
Howdy, hello, hi. My names Billy, He/Him pronouns only, I'm incredibly autistic so this is a friendly autistic space. DNI if you're a minor, no TERFs allowed, and basic DNI criteria.
Writer, Gore Lover/Analysis, Billy Loomis Coded. You've been warned
Disclaimer for my page:
talks of abuse, sometimes
talks of drugs and alcohol, not often
mental illness
I will always put warnings on what I post, always! I'll put warnings and a cut so everyone can avoid being triggered on my page. But please, do mind the tags I put and please stay safe here on my page. While things I talk about may be upsetting, I do not wish to upset or trigger anyone on here. Please please please, keep yourself safe on my page.
My Fics:
Animosity: A pre-scream - current scream fic! Slow updating, very gay stuilly. A tad bit inspired by Sharps Debaser but it's not really all that similar, I assure you.
Crimson Moon: Stu discovers he's a werewolf and Billy needs to help him figure out how to navigate. [Unfinished/no longer being updated. However, Cereal occasionally draws Werewolf Stu, that's the art that inspired this. Go check that out]
Fangs Of Insatiable Longing: Vampire Billy, Human Stu. Billy has to learn to navigate this world, Stu helps him, still follows the plot of Scream with a few added things. Slow updates.
Shut My Brain Off, But Keep Me Breathing: Submissive Billy Loomis with Dom Stu, this one is very self indulgent.
The Vexation: A cracks hip fic with Doug Van Housen and Billy Loomis. Slow updates.
To The Edge, Until We All Get Off: Sub Top Stu with Dom bottom Billy. It's Stu's birthday and Billy gets him a present, not super long but really nice.
You Like It Rough, But I Like It Rougher: Pure Smut, lots of blood and knives in this one. Be safe reading this.
Up Coming Fics:
Malevolent Trinity: A soon-to-be Fic with Doug Van Housen + Stuilly. It will follow the plot of Scream, just with Doug added.
Unlikely Desires: A College Stuilly fic, in which Billy looks like Vincent from As Good As It Gets And Stu looks like like Tim LaFlour
Lost Years: A Team Loomis fic with Sam and Billy, Billy is alive and Sam kinda hates his guts but they get closer and become a good pair.
A Serpents' Song: A Fic sorta based around river dale, does include Stu.
I do take Drabble requests! If anyone is ever feeling up for me to write them something I will work on it slowly but surely. On top of that, I am starting Commissions soon for my fics. So if anyone is also up for that, keep it in mind for later down the road.
Easy Links:
Stuilly Head Canons
Autistic Billy Loomis
Funny Scream Text Posts
Scream Script Thoughts
My Carrd - This shows my name, my interests, and rules for my blog. :)
My Discord: Alphawolfstabs. Be careful
Letterboxd: AlphaWolfStabs or Here, Mostly horror movies to be honest. I am a Horror Movie nerd, I apologize
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Possessed by Grief - an essay on MyHouse.pk3
Here's that essay on MyHouse.wad I've kept threatening to drop like a big anvil, which I definitely did not forget about for like a month :P Seems like an opportune moment to publish it, what with all the recent influx of interest in the game - and so I present some more of my thoughts on this masterpiece. Enjoy :)
MyHouse.pk3 is a game about grief.
It is a game about nostalgia and regret, obsession and devotion, confusion and despair. A game that asks if it's ever possible to escape grief's clutches, or if each apparent success only makes the net close tighter around us. A game that compels us to seek answers, and provides only further questions.
This is also a game about love, and how grief scrunches it up impossibly small and stretches it out impossibly thin, as we are forced to reckon with what this person really means to us, what impact they've had on us, and how we can possibly continue to exist in this world without them.
It is by all accounts a common thing for prospective modders to recreate their own houses, or those of their relatives, as part labour of love, part test run for future projects, part rite of passage. I imagine that playing through one is akin to a virtual property tour, with added demon killing and grunting. And perhaps this was all MyHouse.pk3 was ever meant to be - just another map of just another house, albeit uploaded as a tribute to its original owner who passed on.
What we get instead… is nothing short of an electronic manifestation of grief itself. The house changes as we play, as demons thought vanquished return stronger than ever. New hallways jut out at impossible angles while old doorways vanish into thin air. We wander through wildly different versions of the house's floorplan - a brutalist office block that changes in size, a perpetually-flooded bathhouse suspended in an eeriely tranquil skybox, an abandoned daycare falling into disrepair, an empty airport devoid of life, adjoined to a bathroom with a bloody secret. Mirrors become portals to alternate versions of the same house, where everything is the same except reversed. You jump out of a plane and seemingly wake up back at the house, but time has passed and everyone has moved on and the one thing you thought a concrete certainty ("Safe as houses", so the saying goes) is literally sold off behind your back and you turn around and there's nothing there anymore, it's just gone.
No-one asked you. You did not consent to any of this, and yet it has happened all the same.
And life ticks on and you try to move on but you can't. Even the Underhalls, Doom II's second level, provides only temporary respite, as you are immediately spat back out right where you began, and the whole process starts over.
THIS is what grief does to someone. It freezes you in time, folds your mind into endlessly recursive origami shapes that loop on themselves again and again, removes an old keystone from the bridge of your psyche before stepping back to watch the structure slowly crumble to ruins. You flail helplessly as you are caught between trying to invoke what you've lost in meaningful objects and places, and tossing everything aside and trying to escape into some new, different reality. The past contains bittersweet memories of happier times you can never return to, while the future promises nothing but a bleak pseudo-existence utterly devoid of meaning. You cannot go back. You cannot move forward.
And all the while, you torment yourself with the same questions, over and over and over: Why did this happen? What do I do now they're gone? Could I have changed something? Could things have been different, if I had just been kinder/braver/better/gentler/more attentive?
Grief haunts MyHouse. It is the unseen hand that shapes the world and all the artefacts scattered throughout it. It is the force that compels Steve to continue adding to it, convinces him that only he can do what is needed, and he becomes as dependent upon the map to frame his loss as it is dependent on him to shape it. There are no ghosts or demons, no supernatural forces at play here - just one person trapped in his despair and loneliness, pouring everything he has into the one last thing that connects him to his dead friend. And in the finished map, we see exactly what Tom was to Steve, just how precious and irreplacable of a friend they were to him, just how fathomless his depth of feeling for them. So deep that Tom may very well be "the only person I [Steve] ever loved."
Grief and love are intertwined, they cannot be teased apart. The deeper and more profound the love for someone, the greater the agony experienced when they are taken from you. For Steve to have constructed such an elaborate, multifaceted, labyrinthian space, and to have done so deliberately as a trubute, it becomes increasingly obvious that he was motivated by a love and a grief so abyssal and all-consuming that there was no-one and nothing he valued more in life - to the point where it must have seemed that he, too, had died alongside his friend.
This house and all of its impossible multitudes is a digital mausoleum, built not so much for a person as for a relationship, dedicated to stupid in-jokes and childhood traumas and painful secrets, plagued by a burning love that cannot be spoken yet has to be expressed lest it destroys the one who harbours it. It stands as proof that Tom existed, that the bond they shared was real. And through all the confusion, the hopelessness and the heartbreak, a way forward begins to emerge.
Grief never truly goes away, is never truly "beaten" as a video game final battle may be. But it does become easier to navigate, its twists and turns becoming more familiar with each pass, with each story shared between others who are struggling alongside us. Contentment can be reattained. Life does, indeed, go on. Love is not negated by death, but endures forever in how we choose to honour those who are no longer with us.
Thanks for reading.
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soapoet · 1 year
W.I.T.C.H. pick-a-card reading
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Will Vandom; a letter from the past
like & rb if it resonates ♡
Shufflemancy: Four by The Wrecks
you should stop to take a breather. do you realise how far you've come? no, seriously, turn around and look at that distance. no matter how many times things have stalled and obstacles have forced you to go around, you never really stopped. remember the times you felt weak and weary? frustrated and lost, perhaps even worried and afraid? so many what ifs keeping you awake at night, worries nagging in the back of your head about how you're trudging through a swamp with baby steps and getting nowhere. when you thought you weren't moving, you still did. one step is always better than none, and you haven't acknowledged the immense strength that it took you to keep going. 'no biggie, it is what it is, you gotta do what you gotta do' you might say, but there are plenty of people far behind you who stop, turn around and give up when the path gets fuzzy. you didn't. you're proof humans are persistence hunters. you always try to figure it out. no matter how far you need to stray to get a better vantage point or mcguyver a solution to a problem, you do it. when you've stopped it's only been a pause in the long run, even then you felt like such a loser for, what exactly? taking a break? gathering yourself? you've been way too hard on yourself. you really need to start clapping, because your resilience is commendable.
your past self would be amazed by who and what you are today. even mundane, simple things are impressive for who you were long ago. something in you, a vision or a burning desire, has kept the magic alive, and kept shining a light on your path so that even when you stumble and fall, that light in the distance beckons you forward. please hold on to that dream. your past is cheering for you, and believes in you even when you can't muster the faith in yourself in the present. you are so close to making your dreams a reality, so don't let the doubts cloud the view of the finish line. you deserve the world, and the world needs to know your name.
Shufflemancy: Yes & no by XYLØ
if you aren't in your lone wolf era already, you might consider it. your past self is a little horrified by how you've been treated. you're no doormat, and people need to stop walking all over you. daydreaming of things like true friends and truer lovers sounds depressing. loyalty and reciprocation should be the bare minimum. do not get gaslit by words you've been told in the past. there's nothing wrong with you. your past aches watching you suffer, even more so as it witnesses you wonder if it's what you deserve, or think that there must be something you've done, maybe faulty wiring making you inherently flawed. the past knows you're better than this and deserve more. you have every right to be angry and upset at the world and those around you. just please, do not take it out on yourself or burden yourself further by accepting these negative views of yourself. if not out of love and care for yourself, then at least push back out of spite. you probably got plenty of that.
if you need to burn some bridges, be sure to build them too. it may be better to be alone than to be in bad company, but you do deserve those good connections that you yearn for. don't be afraid of reaching out and seeking help, going out and meeting new people. there are many in the horizon who would love to connect with you on a deeper level. people who take genuine interest in you and take initiative, check in on you, wish to learn about you and your world and share theirs with you fully. have faith in yourself and the enigmatic nature you possess. it is just as interesting and desireable as you wish it was, you just need to keep going and be true to yourself. the right ones will find you.
Shufflemancy: Trying my best by Anson Seabra
has no one told you that your 100% looks different every day? and that that's totally okay? marathon runners don't just finish a race and run another with the same results the next day. hell, they don't even run the next day! they rest. and my god, do you need some rest. genuine rest. it's time to really assess how you're doing and even look back to the past. time does not heal all wounds. some wounds were cut deep and need to be tended to, not ignored and left alone to risk infection. you've been through so much, and i guarantee that if this was about a dear friend of yours you'd be up in arms, ready to protect them, make them smile, bend over backwards to make them see how precious they are. because that's the kind of person you are. always have been. a true friend, an ally. someone who could move mountains and declare loudly from the rooftops how deserving of love they are. why can't you do the same for yourself?
please be gentle with yourself. it's okay to hit pause and hide away for a little. do not feel guilty or ashamed if you need time to yourself. if all you can do for a while is to exist and not much else, let yourself simply exist. recharge, have a good cry if you need it. recognise your strengths and skills and talents, and applaud yourself for who you've grown up to be. you are your past's hero, because just look at you! you've grown to be so kind and strong and fun. it's okay to not be okay, and you deserve some tender love and care like everybody else. you're not weak for needing space and time, nor are you somehow lesser for having scars. you're beautiful and deserve to treat yourself with gentle kindness and compassion.
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atsullia · 1 year
Hihi another request from me!! I saw Reo is your favourite, so I thought I'd request something with him!
You know how Reo got bored of presents because he always got what he asked for from his parents? What if his s/o gives him a handmade present, and it's the first handmade one he ever received, so it's very special to him and it's the first present that makes him feel so loved in a very long time!!
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Pairing(s): Reo Mikage x gn!reader
Warning(s): Profanity, aka swearing.
Author Note: I finally finished writing this fic🎉🎉
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It's no secret that Reo likes giving gifts, especially when it's for his s/o. There would be times when you would feel bad by how much money he would spend on a gift for you. 'Just the best for my love♡,' a common phrase you would hear from him.
Now, it's your time to gift him something! Well, it's hard to buy him a gift since he could buy almost anything - plus there were times when he would try to pay you back for the gifts.
He won't let you pay for the bill whenever you two went out - which led you fighting to pay the bill with your lovely boyfriend. The two of you try to one up each other like paying the bill, giving gift and etc. You even calculated the 'score', and it resulted in a tie.
So you're very determined to gift Reo something he would treasure his whole life! Then, an idea came into your head - why not make him a handmade gift? He wouldn't be able to pay you back with money, nor buy it somewhere - making it very special.
The thought of that got you riled up and excited, which caught the interest of your boyfriend.
"Hmm? Did something happened love?" The fact you got startled by his voice made him even more curious. "No- it's uh nothing..?" You tried to lie... but considering the look on Reo face- he didn't seem convinced at all.
"Hmm, something tells me that I don't believe you-" "Bitc- you never believe me either way," you quickly defended yourself - pointing your index finger to your lover accusingly.
He didn't even try to refute what you said, making you want to throw hands at him. However, you didn't since you love him too much to do that. Well actually there's this one time... but that was before you two started dating, so that doesn't count.
After he left you alone, you started brainstorming what to give him. Bake him something? Nah, he might find you baking something, and the surprise will be ruined. Maybe a peom? Hmm, that sounds too cheesy. One after another idea, you couldn't find what to make for Reo.
You almost gave up hoped until an acquaintance to give you an idea. They love crocheting and started teaching it to other people.
Honestly, you thought it was easy and felt like you mastered crocheting until the world had to humble your ass and everything went turned downhill. You wanted to quit so bad, but you had to remind yourself that this is for Reo.
After the days of suffering, counting each stitch and restarting because you've lost count - you finally completed it. You wanted to thank them so much for helping you out, but they only wanted a few yarns for compensation.
It wasn't much despite how long it took to make it... you couldn't wait to see Reo reaction.
The next day, you invited Reo to your house, texting him that you wanted to show him something.
You calmed yourself - making sure everything was perfect. As soon as you heard the door ring, you dashed towards the door and instantly open the door.
"Looks like someone excited," Reo chuckled. You never got tired from his laughs - it sounds so heavenly to the point that it's addicting.
"Sooo- what d'ya wanna show me love?" Reo looked around your house, seeing if anything changed. "You have to close your eyes first!" You exclaimed, pushing him toward the couch for him to sit.
"Fine..." He reluctantly agreed, closing eyes and putting his hand over it.
He could feel something placed on his lap, it's wasn't heavy, which made it harder to guess what it it. "Okok- you can look now!!"
His eyes were drawn to the bouquet of flowers, but when he looked closer, he saw that it was crocheted. There were different types of flowers too! An arrangement of white and lavender roses accompanied by tulips and daisies.
A crocheted lion plush was tucked next to the bouquet - it wasn't large, but it was huggable, which is all Reo cares about right now. "Lion is your favorite animal, isn't it? Y'know that shit took so long to make," you ruffled his purple hair, "Buuutttt- since it's for my beloved, it's worth the time and effort."
You were going to say something, but you instantly forgot everything when you heard Reo crying. "SHi- did I accidently hurt yer head?! or maybe uh-"
Reo didn't respond, but you can see how tightly he was hugging his present. "I will get a tissu-" Suddenly there was a hand preventing you from leaving, "hm? Is there something wron-?!"
You feel him embrace you, hugging you so tightly, not wanting to let you go.
“[Name]- thank you...,” You could feel his tears getting your clothes wet, his voice trembling - trying his best to say something. A smile approached your face as you hugged him back, “Your welcome, Mi chan.”
Mi chan, an old nickname you gave him before you two started dating, he always hated how cute it sounded back then. But for once, it felt so nice to hear it again.
“Your such a big baby Mi chan- but yer my big baby~”
A giggle ecaspe your mouth as you console your boyfriend. Upon hearing you giggle, he couldn't help but smile. "I love you so much," your lover tried hiding his blushed face by covering it on your shoulder, "Sometimes I wonder how I managed to end up with someone amazing as you..."
"You're such a sap, y'know~" You commented, "but that's what I love about you♡."
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✦ Bonus:
"Thank you for the gift," Reo smiled, "it must've taken a long time to crochet all of that - I slightly feel guilty..."
"For what? I did it just for ya, so it was worth it," you rejoiced, putting a hand on his shoulder. At first, he felt all lovely dovey until you whispered something.
"Also, FYI- I won," he didn't understand what you meant by that, but it took him a few more seconds to realise.
He started walking to your room, leaving you on the couch alone.
"Iwasjustkidding..MI CHAN! WAIT- LOVE?? MY BELOVED!!"
You tried to call your lover with many nicknames but with no avail.
"Also- you're sleeping on the couch."
The way Reo turned to look at you with a scary glare that could rival any mother made you step back and lift up your hand in defeat. "Haha... I love you, darling♡."
It seems like you're going to sleep on the couch today...
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Author note: I love writing bonus parts whenever I write fanfics.😌
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astrojulia · 1 year
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Navigation:   Masterlist✦Ask Rules✦PSD✦INSPO
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Born to lead: Aries assume leadership roles not out of ego, but due to their natural gift. They guide people on a common path and easily take the leadership role when they see that no one is playing that role.
Calm in danger: To witness a calm Aries, put them in a situation of stress and danger. In those times, they put their attention and intelligence to work and don't just stay in action. Ruled by Mars, war is their true field and not the same thing as everyday life.
Refined sense of humor: Aries raise the energy of the place and do so through jokes as well. Their sense of humor can also be different, accepting jokes about their appearance and manner when made by people closest to them.
They have a unique style: Aries like to show themselves through their appearance, so they also look for something in which they can stand out. Whether it's using a more hardcore haircut or wearing a piece of clothing in a dark green tone, it doesn't matter - it needs to be recognized as their own brand.
Rebels by nature: Don't try to tell Aries what to do, as they will find an argument to do it their own way. If you're not Aries and you're reading this, learn to "eat around the edges" - speak indirectly and softly so they'll change their minds. Because if you're going to face them head-on, you're lost.
Honest to the extreme: Aries hate lies, and that's why they always seek to confront the issue head-on. They speak the truth promptly instead of prolonging unnecessary deception - it's one of their mottos.
Loyal: You've probably heard that fire and air signs aren't loyal at all, but that's a lie. Aries want to have strong bonds with their loved ones and try to be always present in their lives. When something goes wrong, they try to fix it, but when it's over, it's over.
Opinionated: Aries strive to be heard in situations they witness, refusing to be passive when action is necessary.
Sweet dreams or a beautiful nightmare: Aries tend to be very sweet and polite, yes, they know how to socialize and are not rage animals, but their moods can change quickly when they feel hurt.
Competitive: It's not surprising that Aries are competitive, but it's important to remember. Aries can change their environment, even if it's something comfortable, if it doesn't ignite their competitive spirit.
Sensitive heart: Aries are very emotional when it comes to matters of the heart. They become sensitive in their relationships, giving their all to form intimate bonds with people. That's why, after a breakup, they take time before getting involved again.
Dislike of waiting: Okay, was that a secret for anyone? Now, jokes aside. Aries don't like to wait, especially when there's no explanation for the delay. More than 15 minutes, and they're gone.
Engaged in various activities: If the whole world had complementary activities in schools, then I could say that all Aries do them. But since that's not the case, Aries seek out different activities in their routine. Similar to Geminis, Aries enjoy having more than one thing to do and find it dreadful to just go home and go to work.
Dislike of routine: Aries don't like routine at all, neither in life nor in love. They need something new and something to do. Every now and then, let your Aries friend create a spontaneous itinerary.
Authenticity in expressing feelings: Just as they dislike lies, Aries never lie about anything, including their feelings. If they don't like something or someone, they make it clear. They may try to disguise their emotions, but if you get close, they'll drop the façade.
Quick learners: Being passionate doesn't mean being unintelligent. Aries rule their heads and have active minds, just like other air signs. However, Aries use their mental capacity to assimilate information quickly. They often excel in specific types of intelligence that align with their interests, such as mathematical or kinesthetic intelligence.
Distorted self-perception: Aries tend to have a skewed view of themselves, particularly regarding their bodies and appearance. Sometimes they exaggerate their flaws, while other times they underestimate their true qualities.
Guardians of secrets: When someone confides in an Aries, they keep that person's secrets confidential. Their commitment to truth and trust prevents them from gossiping or sharing private information. They believe that "some things are best left unknown."
Difficulty opening up: Especially in matters of love and intimacy, Aries find it challenging to open up unless they feel a deep sense of trust. This goes against the popular belief that Aries are more relaxed in these areas.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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soraviie · 2 years
crushing on a friend.txt
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━ type: bts x gn! reader  ━ navigation
━ about: fluff + crack + some smut ━  pictures taken from Pinterest
━ a/n: [..] means an upcoming 18+ segment so if you're not a fan of that, feel free to skip. Just wanted to write something easier so headcanons it is
━  can be read as a continuation of "you're a friend of a friend"
━ previously posted on soraviii
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art galleries, raspy laughter, late-night bike rides with your hands wrapped tight around his warm waist is what you must be thinking
and well, it is true
but the first thought that crosses his mind is:
he's kind of a goof and the universe has conspired to make his life an utter hell
so mostly his grand romantic gestures crumble like a tower of wet, rotten cards
bike rides? ends up driving into a bramble
bought you flowers? ends up tripping and hurtling the bouquet underneath a car
but enough about Joon taking L's
so obviously the situation is not ideal and halfway he doesn't even understand these feelings he's slowly gaining knowledge of
has probably googled "heart fast rate why???"
(it's because you fixed his shirt, drama queen)
asks you to be travel buddies!
Switzerland, Chicago, Amsterdam, wherever he goes, he asks you to join
"It's normal to ask friends on a trip, right," he reasons to himself
loves to have you hanging around his hotel room
lays back on the bed with the TV in the background and talks to you about anything that comes to mind then
often has meals with you
late night snacks in the hotel room, dinner in a cafe abroad, breakfast brunch squeezed in between his hectic schedule
giggles a lot
giggles x 10 when drinks, say, on one of those late-night dinners
oh, 100% a giggly, blushing mess when dining with you and intoxicated; the whole world becomes so fuzzy and nice because he's with you and even if you're not together you're friends and enjoying each other's company
does get more nervous around you, to the point you can definitely spot the difference
becomes more silly, is more concerned about making you laugh
uses any and all possible excuses to grab you by the waist
bike comes too near? grabs you by the waist to "protect " you
you're in a crowded place? grabs you by the waist so you don't get lost
if you got a special interest and or hobby, does his due research and often brings up said topic
then gets that dopey look in his eye as he watches you rave on excitedly
like the kind that has cartoon hearts in his eyes
everyone can tell he has a thing for you
you're so present in his life that people have started calling you mini Mon :(
when he catches feelings begins to call you cute 24/7
because he likes cute things :(
even if you two are around common friends, sticks to your side the entire time and talks with you more than anyone else
asks you to take his Instagram pics mostly because if he's on a walk, you're there with him
if you've got social anxiety, frequently checks up and lets you know you can use him as a "get me out of here quickly" card
will immediately fake a yawn and go "this has been fun but I've got a busy day tomorrow, see ya"
you're breathing the outside air in under a minute if that happens
always assures you that it's completely fine if you want to leave; you shouldn't torture yourself for the sake of other people
(always wants to rub your back when this happens but he restrains himself, keeping his palm to his side even as it burns on and on to just reach, to just feel your warmth)
doesn't go to your place often but when he does it's healing
late-night talks with a drink of your choice
he doesn't want to trouble you too much but with a little bit of nudging he ends up spilling his worries and anxieties
listens thoroughly to your advice
if you don't know something, let's say about an art installation or how one specific tax works, always frees the time to explain it
you could have problems with registering for something and once he sees the message, puts things aside to voice message you on what to do
he doesn't call all that often but if he does you know he's missing you like crazy
doesn't say it, of course, he's not there yet to confess quite so soon but you can tell - his voice is gentle and deep, and he doesn't enunciate his words properly cause he's just so tired, but he couldn't sleep without hearing your voice
if you have the hots for someone, where before he would tease you about it, make some (savage) fun about it, now he's choked by jealousy
"you're constipated or something?" you ask him, peering dubiously over the table
"No, why?" with furrowed brows, he sputters.
"You're making a face. That face," you gesture vaguely around his envenomed expression. "You usually make that face when your gut stops working."
"It's working just fine," he scoffs. "You're just a gross little gremlin."
"Jeez, all I said was that the waiter is hot you don't need to - THERE'S THAT FACE AGAIN!"
if you have a partner...
please, just don't, 'cause this has been fun and it won't be any more
Namjoon gets sullen, he feels like he's doing something wrong, the very act of falling in love with you as he knows with unshakeable certainty you return home to someone you call love...
well, he'd rather just lay down in the snow and wither through the ground
so just, please, don't have a partner, he won't stop you, of course, Namjoon is perfectly aware he can't ask anything of the kind from you when he's keeping quiet about his feelings but still...it'd break him, not completely, but enough to make it hurt
plays with your fingers :((
always cuts it short with an awkward cough as though to suggest he'd done it without realizing it, because he's too wrapped up in himself to tell you that he's in love but still does it time after time
if you get along with Monie, he sulks
"He likes everyone more than me."
and if you don't...
then just scolds the poor thing lmao
"They mean well, why you're such a spiteful dog (-_-)"
has masturbated and thought accidentally about you before realizing his crush
afterwards, he couldn't look you in the eyes for 3 to 7 business days
not so rarely fantasizes about you while getting off and then immediately feels guilty about it
probably moans your name with praise as his eyes scrunch shut and he gets lost in the unfolding scene of his frenzied brain
ngl probably thinks of blowjobs a lot
favourite go-to fantasy is you making eye contact as your mouth is wrapped around him
sometimes he forgets about all the technicalities of what could be, what is and what he wants to be and lets himself slip
that usually involves compliments, tugging you onto his lap, giving fleeting kisses anywhere except your lips, saying he's better than whomever you find hot
straight up asking would you sleep with him
(has done so only once out of fear of scaring you away)
when hit with unbridled jealousy, puts his hand around your shoulder, and refers to you as "mine" despite knowing you will have questions about this he can't help himself
subtly checks you out especially if you're wearing something more revealing than usual
if you're showing signs of being flustered...
oh, boy, you're in a world of trouble
"come here," in that deep ass voice
if you want his opinion on an outfit, he 100% leans back and asks you to give him a twirl
likes to stare at you, not even thoroughly sexually but he just likes to zone out and admire you from a near distance
sometimes calls you "baby" mostly when thinking of something else and forgets you're not officially his baby, just one in his mind
either takes the longest time out of seven to fall in love with a friend or the shortest, there's literally no in between
the type to find everything you do cute
he doesn't verbalize it but you can see it on his face
the enraptured smile he has around you!
might as well scream to the entire cosmos he's caught a bad case of feelings
incurable one at that
the easiest how to tell of his feelings is his enthusiasm to contact and/or meet you
calls out of the blue and plays it off completely casual
confused, you see the ID and pick up the call on one unassuming late evening
"Did you sit on your phone or something?" you frown
"Can't I sometimes check if you're alive or not? Is it a crime?"
ever think he's too cocky for his own good?
pull up the picture of him in the maid outfit - instantly humbled
but this works only once, afterwards, he just leans into it and says his legs look sexy or something
roasts you
he's in love with you but Yoongi will remain Yoongi
he's soft about it however and secretly enjoys if you give him back the same attitude
sneaky yet deliberate hand holding
frequently lets his hand brush up against yours
it's like a drug to him
does things for you (acts of service king!) like say, peel tangerines for you, cut up fruits, peel shrimp
shares his food with you, especially the things you like
if you're out eating somewhere makes sure they have your favourites
praises might be rare but you know he believes them whole-heartedly
once in every blue moon arranges a get-away, particularly if you've complained about being stuck at home too much
the boys all inspect him with big, wide eyes wondering what could he possibly need the weekend free for
"______________ wants a change of scenery."
"oooOOooooooooOoo _______________ wants a change of scenery ~~~"
they rip into him without mercy for being such a simp
and if anything goes wrong, when it's supposed to be p e r f e c t
he becomes genuinely upset
"Can I not get nice things just once? Just this once can something not go to shit!"
doesn't, of course, flip out often, if ever, just sometimes it occurs and he's very sulky
you can reach him 24/7 (he's always on that damn phone T-T)
will scold you if you have bad eating habits
"Turns out I have not one Holly, but two," he grumbles, shuffling through your door with a takeout in hand. "I have to make sure you're fed and with enough liquids. At least, Holly has cute ears."
"I'm not your pet!" peeved, you turn to glare at him, but Yoongi only shrugs.
"Could've fooled me."
hOld hIs HaND nOw
it legitimately twitches if yours is anywhere near
if he's not super tired, is constantly cracking jokes around you
definitely lets himself be more playful with you than at the start
when he's jealous, he just looks disgusted like on the brink of vomit
obviously, you don't receive an explanation as to why his face looks as though he was just forced to lick a toilet bowl
proper gentleman
patiently waits for you to get ready
subtle but frequent touching
fidgets a lot and stares awkwardly away, cause he's just so shy when it comes to you
"how many stares until marriage"
he'd rather die than admit that question is in his google search
off-handedly, tells you you're pretty
sometimes ties your shoes??
darts his tongue over his lips when he finds you sexy
also, gets this zoned-out look in the eye
like his soul leaves his body for a second
if you wear something rather fitting or revealing, he swallows nervously and rasps that you look good
it's not that he doesn't ever think of you in that way, wondering how would it feel like or that he doesn't not want to jack off to the thought of it, but more like he doesn't allow himself??
like he can let his mind wander and then realize the direction of where this is winding up on and he goes: "No! No."
this is the one aspect I think he would oppress quite hard
mostly because it feels weird for him to make these hypothetical scenarios and then look you in the eyes all without saying a word
almost in a way he pushes these thoughts off until and if you get together
that said has had a session with himself in which the main fantasy was eating you out on a piano, legs quivering around the sides of his head as you yanked harshly on his hair
subtly touchy
say, instead of holding your hand he shakes it
every time you meet, he's just like "welcome, hello." *shakes your hand*
lame jokes and wordplay about you lowkey dating him
clings to you like a koala if it's cold
particularly fond of back hogging
not hugging, hogging
try and get rid of him when he's in the clingy mood
does the absolute most if you're not paying attention to him
if you're on the phone when he's talking - will pinch you
sometimes breaks into your house
you wake up one day, wondering why the hell is TV going off at full volume
and you see Jin lounging on the couch, eating cereal (yours ofc) and tossing a casual greeting:
"You took your time. If I'd been a burglar, you'd be so dead."
crashes at your place when is his drunk giggly self
imagine JK's birthday live
but he doesn't leave lolol
so the thing is, he has joked about wanting to kiss you for a long time
teasing before, just being silly, without meaning quite anything
which guarantees him a sort of immunity now
as he still jokes about wanting to kiss you, maybe even puckering up his lips just to see your reaction
but where you think it's a joke, he means it oh so earnestly
responds with "you're cute" when you say something gross
"oh, I'm going to hurl all over these fucking stairs"
"ur cute" *cue drunken swaying*
constantly is hounding to get some drinks
maybe because it’s less conspicuous than dinner
maybe because if he’d see you, cheeks glowing in the candle light across the table
he’d have to have an untimely funeral 
but jokes, of course, on him
cause you’re no less lovely sitting by a bar, laughing at his jokes, face and gaze flushed with inebriated joy
avoids eye contact like his life depends on it cause it does
you know of “hyung will do it” now get ready for “honey will do it”
quite possibly squabbles with you as he instantly jumps into things to help you out
shamelessly uses you as an excuse to not go out or get away from a social gathering 
“Ah, you see,” he smiles, the fake little bitch. “__________’s tummy is making funny noises, better to avoid unnecessary evacuation.”
presses you for a crumb of affection but when you give it, vehemently protests - ears, neck, face bright fucking red
politely yet savagely rips apart any love interest you might have
“But who am I to judge?” he says smugly once finished destroying some poor stranger who made eyes at you
repeats your whining in a cutely mocking tone
goes off in your texts and calls if he’s even mildly annoyed
which is how you get the learn the precious knowledge of how Jungkook had his toe stuck in Jin’s asscrack for a fleeting second 
the more resistant you are to play along with some of his jokes, the eager he is to make them 
yes, your mortification provides him much needed joy
can and will literally come over just to do dishes and dip without any explanation
okay, so he’s over a lot
has a fruitless ongoing debate of why should some of his things be at your home
It’s for cOnVeNieNcE, says he
and not at all because he has the delusional idea that he can move in first and then become your partner
he’s your little house husband 
constantly has gifts for you
especially when he visits, which, as mentioned, is all the time 
often comes bearing fruits and snacks, but the presents have included and not been limited to - a jumper, a jacket, fridge magnet, shitty freebie, matching couple bracelets, tickets to a show and, of course, the most noteworthy - his own signed selfie
he hangs it up in the entry hallway
and, despite how many times you remove it, it’s always somehow there the next day 
along with heavy stream of complaints about how unappreciative you are of being friends with a superstar
jokes this time on you, he thinks you’re the star 
nap in his presence and be prepared to be made fun of, bothered and getting air blown in your ear
sometimes lets his intrusive thoughts win and bites your hand 
cooks for you and makes such a fuss about it
even as you point out he’s not fucking invisible and you can, in fact, see his grin spreading from cheek to cheek 
much like Yoongi, it’s not that Jin’s the innocent soul out there and lives without harbouring a single impure thought about you 
that’s not the case
but more so he simply does not allow himself to often venture there
it’s not polite first of all and second, he doesn't wield the best poker face against you 
but if he lets himself wander…
oh boy, imagine it nasty, imagine it wild, and with no small amount of soft domming
just for the sheer torture, he might not touch himself at all and just think of scenarios
is particularly fond of overstimulating fantasy and you pleading out to him in soft whimpers, clutching at his broad shoulders
that fantasy wholly fulfils his wish to be needed and it’s a secret pleasure of his
hearing fantasy you praising him about how he’s taking care of you like no one else…
well, it makes his entire skin burn as though fevered
sometimes his fantasies include light bondage and food play,  both on you and him
has cracked a sharp smirk imagining how would it feel like to be tied to the bedpost and be had in your way - scratched, marked, absolutely drained dry and punished
in those scenarios, he always imagines you jealous
he likes thinking about you being jealous
it ties back to the being needed wish fulfilment of his 
Jin himself doesn’t often get jealous but when he does he becomes authoritative
guides you away from the conversation; firmly puts down all your protests and points out why that person is no good for you
sometimes whispers in your ear to do something without whining
that is the riskiest he’ll get
but that inquisitive line of whether you’d obey his order or be a brat fuels him like no other
the only one whose feelings are not in fact typed in 108-size letters on his face, in bold print, mind you 
so out of all the boys, he would be capable of keeping up the front for years
and quite believably so 
he thinks about it a lot - what would happen if he did confess, what if he didn’t, would it change anything?
but that currently is only for him to know
what he shows to you is exactly what you make him - the best of himself
sometimes you see how sulky and depressed he becomes, but it’s not as much as he puts a facade in front of you when that frown turns it to smile
(well, partially it does but he also knows you can see right through his masks, that’s why you’re so scary; so scary and lovely at the same time)
it’s not so much of a pretence as much as he genuinely feels his heart lighten whenever you’re around
is deathly afraid of disappointing you and maybe it does make a foundation on why he doesn’t come outright about his feelings
but that’s the story for another time
in this situation, it means, however, you are an exclusive guest of his world
no, not guest - citizen
quietly consults you on things that he struggles with and in return earnestly listens to yours
becomes a glue in your life
whenever something threatens to chip off, be it your confidence, your stability or financial state, he’s first in line to help 
holiday periods are the most stressful time
because he’s always searching for the best possible gift for you 
it has to be  p e r f e c t
perfect gift for his perfect person
which is why he collects detailed mental notes about everything you say you want and/or need
and along with that never fails to gift something handmade
pots, jewellery, even if it’s something stupid like a worm figurine, you know he meant it explicitly for you and tried his very best 
actually doing those things in his free time is a stress relief
because when he’s there, in the dark studio, alone and buckling under pressure, the thought of your smile is the only thing that keeps him from snapping completely 
has picked up knitting solely to make you some mittens
now, look me in the eye and tell me that the image of Hoseok dripped out in an absolute rockstar of an outfit knitting a bright yarn with a focused expression doesn’t melt your heart 
often calls you after award ceremonies, shows, concerts, flights
voice tired and fragile; he just needs some comfort
so largely a late-night phone call is a semi-routine
but when you meet, Hobi has no time to rest - it's time to feed and care for you
has a thing for offering you food
doesn’t flirt often but when he does…
…loses all shame 
usually laughs afterwards to brush it off
at times, gets really nervous around you 
notably in settings that make one think this is a date
bounces his knee like crazy if you’re sitting near him and he can feel the warmth radiating off your body 
*opens up one button of his shirt* you’re interested in this ;)?
pretty much allows you to do anything you want 
loves to style you 
falls for your traps all the time
you can pout and whine, and he’ll get anything
will drop everything if you call him crying
pays so much attention to all your details he prepares things before you even arrive and/or ask for them
say, you’ve been sneezing a lot, has tissues nearby
say, you’ve got a hydrating schedule, pours you a glass of water before you even get up to do it
invites you to places all the time
even if he knows you’re going to decline
the point is he’ll always be there to greet and hang out with you 
actually battles with you when you put yourself down
all the things you point out as ugly, he reframes as “cute”
has taken about a thousand of your pictures
for one week he made one as his lock screen but then changed it out of fear you’d notice
at times, he holds your face in his palms 
for a short amount of time but it makes both of you feel butterflies
gives the dryest, most judgmental look to whomever tries to make a pass at you 
he doesn’t even say anything merely one look can make a person lose all their self worth
often invites you to dance, always assuring that you don’t need to be coordinated or anything, he just wants you to enjoy yourself 
gets off on the thought of you quite regularly 
has literal library of fantasies about you
most of them downright nasty
filthy and rough is his go to 
including but not limited to, fucking you in doggystyle and holding your arms crossed behind your back
has a thing for smudged mascara streaks 
and probably spitting in your mouth
at his horniest, imagines a sloppy blowjob, pushing your head down on his cock and hearing you gag repeatedly 
very much is driven by hard domming and allowing himself to feel like you’re his
which, of course, does hollow him out a bit when he realises the stark opposite in reality 
he doesn’t exactly have a problem about picturing you in various dirty scenarios 
as, no matter what he imagines, he never ever projects it onto you - he fully realises this is his own mind and he’s intended to keep all these fantasies there
even if you got together I don’t think he would confess what he thought 
he’d just brush it off casually - that yes, he has had some sexual thoughts about you but he wouldn’t get into it 
likes mostly to jack off on the bed as that’s where his fantasies revolve around
he knows he can’t shake off these thoughts as he has tried and failed so he leans into them but this is a very private and secretive part of himself Hoseok never wants to share 
no matter where or when, is always ready to meet you 
at times, you’re the only thing that gets him out of the bed
good old fashioned Jimin things - shameless, needy for touch and with a big whooping praise kink
fail to compliment him and you’ll get those upset eyebrows, pout and whining combo
has a kink for your thighs
doesn’t matter what kind they are, big, thin, hate them or love them, he’ll have his hand there and be damned if anyone tries to remove it ;)
you can suggest any plans and he’ll happily join you 
you want to stay home? he’ll stay in your home too lmao 
kisses, so many kisses
and it’s only because it’s Jimin that you don’t notice because he’s affectionate to everyone, right?
particularly fond of neck kisses
and hickeys, the possessive little bi-
oh, and nosing at your neck, he loves it all 
constantly piles up food onto your plate 
sometimes he wakes up and is extra in love with you 
on those days there’s nothing past his lips but rows of giggles
at other times, he wakes up pissed off and tired
he doesn’t speak at all then but still holds your hand 
to let you know he’s not mad at you but at the world
you’re his happiness fairy how could he ever be mad at you 
when he falls in love he becomes uh…gentler
like before his method of waking you up would be to toss a pillow into your face or just jump on top of you, now he’s a tad calmer about it
never ever get sick 
he loses his mind then
gets jealous quite easily 
he’s well aware of it but, damn it, sometimes the sharpness just slips 
“Why don’t you run off to your other friends if they’re so wonderful?”
crawls back in like 5 minutes afterwards
but if you piss him off…
…still forgives you
the longest he’d been mad at you was two days 
he wholeheartedly believes you can do no wrong
the literal embodiment of: “I have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life. “I know this and I love you.”
someone could complain of how you cussed them out and punched them for good measure and at most Jimin would arch an eyebrow, and ask dryly: “what were you doing provoking them?”
speaking of, doesn’t shy away from saying “I love you”
will show up on your doorstep if you don’t contact him for like…a day lol
“so…like…” he pants, out of breath. “You’re busy or something? What’s going on?"
mentioned before, but it deserves a spotlight - constant touching; rarely his hands are completely away from you 
loves to squeeze you like a stress ball, especially, how to say it, if you’re curvier in some places
doesn’t function well (re. at all) if you have a love interest on the side
literally doesn’t matter how great they are, Jimin thinks they’re below you 
has probably been confronted by many of your possible dates, love interests, and partners, because it’s so obvious he’s in love with you 
MOREOVER, he just acts like such a boyfriend thus most people stay far away from you as Jimin glares daggers across the distance
another one to designate you as a travel buddy
has schemed the evergreen “there was only one bed” trope
the only thing it lead to was him having atrial fibrillation for several hours as you snored softly by his side
will sit in your lap, will tug you into his lap, literally doesn’t matter, either way, is heaven
hour-long conversations occur with alarming frequency
without fail asks often how much you like him
he just needs to hear that confirmation
gorges on your snacks >:(
so incredibly focused on you, he can almost read your mind 
you don’t even have to say it, if you’re sad, he’ll understand and will begin to comfort you 
prefers to watch you without you realising, be it right by your side or across the room, he’ll have a small, proud smile blossoming on his face wherever you should be
fond of dragging - by the waist, by the hand, will lug you around if he wants to :)
might just be your biggest fan
practically lives at your place lol
“Just trust me!” 
usually, you end up getting into some shit after he says this
hounds you to cook for him
probably sets his own selfie as your lock screen
add a heart to his contact number or face the consequences :)
sings at you often
has somehow gotten a hold of your childhood pictures and does treasure them like his own heart
has tried to kiss you a thousand times but always chickens out at the very last second
what if he ends up losing you? that’s just not a thought he can ever bear
insatiable thirst 
another one who doesn’t feel all too guilty about thinking of you in that way lmao
he just reckons that these thoughts will happen so instead of pretending he can stop them, Jimin just lets them unfold in his own privacy
doesn’t have set roles like either he wants to dom or be dommed
he just wants you, so it ends up switching a lot
has thought about you scolding him, tying him up and leaving pretty nail marks 
has also thought about tying you up and them overstimulating so much tears are running down your cheeks
probably has had both of these fantasies in the same night
that said, has some kinks that appear frequently 
cock worship 
the way his ego gets stroked thinking of you going haywire about his ehm…endowment 
you professing you’re his is a must in every scenario
sensual BDSM is also one of his faves
blindfolds, silk bondage, wax play
everything that asks for equal trust and submission (on both sides) drives him nuts
might even edge himself with these fantasies
picture them in clear detail and not even touch himself
so that eventually the relief is so overwhelming, he gets dizzy
definitely moans your name 
blatantly checks you out
holds intense eye contact just to see you get flustered
gets inappropriately and insanely hard when you’re mean and fired up
going to a club with Jimin, means a lot of grinding and whispering in your ear
presses your delirious, intoxicated figure into his, so close that at one point you could swear that the point of where you ended and he began was obliterated
has lowkey sent you his nudes and asked which one looks better
probably has had hookups with other people and couldn’t get off if he didn’t pretend it was you 
that’s the only thing he’s ever gotten conflicted about
Bold, with a capital B
acts like your boyfriend, no question about it
good night texts
weird, cryptic, out-of-context selfies and videos sent in the middle of the night
your gallery has 1001 pics of Tannie
and also his fe- *gunshot*
gets so giggly if you’re jealous
it’s honestly hilarious that you feel the need to worry about him not being enamoured with you 
lives to tease you 
if you’re more a tsundere and/or reserved type…
…lord help you 
he will make it his life mission to smother you in love
lowkey kidnaps you for car rides and to accompany him on the chores 
shameless about asking for attention and affection
he’ll just take it if you’re stubborn T-T
sends you love songs passed off as music recommendations 
loves to surprise you with little gifts 
wants to be pampered and will fight for it to happen 
has millions of your pictures in his camera roll
not only set your pic as his home screen, but it’s also his MF LOCK SCREEN 
has one picture of you framed in his house
speaking of - always finds excuses for you to hang out in his house 
“Stay,” he whispers, catching you by the elbow as you try to leave. “Just a bit longer.”
misses you constantly
invites you to slow dance 
is the most confident *cough* delusional about you both ending up as a couple 
has made people blush with the way he stares at you 
“He doesn’t even blink,” someone laughs, the sound falling thin and awkward. “It’s like he wants to eat you or something.”
gives those types of hugs where he envelops you fully, resting his chin on your shoulder
has lowkey obsession with linking arms as you walk 
if you’re fighting can’t think straight until it's resolved
though, of course, he’s very stubborn about it cause Tae will remain Tae
you might naturally ask - if he’s so brazen why doesn't he just confess 
well, it’s more so for your sake than his own
'cause while Tae is ready to commit, he treasures your comfort 
so for the time being he’s okay with all of this; as long as you’re happy 
probably carries some sort of token of yours wherever he goes 
will fight for your honour until his last breath 
doesn’t allow anyone to tease you, not even the boys, that’s only for him
singing matches in the car
regular movie nights during which no one is even watching the movie lmao 
entrusts you with Tannie
though not before completing a two-hour-long presentation about how to properly care for the guy 
mentions you constantly 
the members are probably exhausted from hearing about how great you are
says “I love you” often but always becomes wistful 
‘cause you’re not his yet properly 
uses all of your shit >:\
from shampoo to dishtowel, what’s yours is his lmaooo
is honestly so annoying
and cOckY
he knows you love him (even if it’s just as a friend for now) so he just gets on your nerves a lot 
purely because he can 
and then gives that shit-eating grin 
because what are you going to do about it? ;)
pull his hair? ;)
scold him? ;)
oh no ;) what a nightmare ;))
he doesn't much interfere with you getting a side fling (he thinks of himself as your main man)
but he won’t pretend he’s happy about it 
will visibly sulk and get upset when you mention someone else’s name
generally have the foulest of moods if you’re attention is grasped by another
wants to go to the gym, just to impress you 
with little success
matching shirts and accessories, notably while on vacation
if he cooks for you and you don’t like it, pouts for an entire hour
watches out for you constantly 
ropes you into ridiculous games 
always accompanies you with his gaze
when travelling pulls up your picture and stares at it, will do so even in a crowd
doesn’t often let himself slip in sexual thoughts
in his mind that’s just for the future
as it’s simply inevitable you’ll end up together
however, when he does, he solely fantasises about you getting off
how would you do it, would there be toys, would you moan, would you bite your lip that sort of thing
sometimes in those fantasies he imagines you know he’s watching you and put on a show
Taehyung loooves a good show
has a thing for voyeurism
wears shirts that barely cover his chest and then sits on your bed, saying nothing but meaning everything in the half lidded stare, in the slow way he moves his hips…
if you wear shorts to bed, will check you out while biting his lip
loves to be all over you when intoxicated
has probably kissed you drunkenly once 
and now it’s referred to as “the incident”
a literal fucking SIMP T-T
prepare to be bugged every time, all the time
does and says the most ridiculous things just to be noticed by you 
does your chores and/or accompanies you on grocery runs
will scoff if you give him attitude but secretly enjoys it 
is unintentionally bold
he could completely say “love took shape when I first laid eyes on you” without breaking a sweat
but holding your gaze for longer than 5 seconds? nah, find someone else to do it
actually don’t 
Because, and you knew this was coming, 
p o s s e s s i v e 
but in like a healthy way
he would never think of prohibiting you in any sort of way 
baby wants you to grow and flourish :(
but others are a fair game lmao
your little storm cloud glaring left and right, brewing and just wanting to be left alone with you 
“That’s mY bUsInEsS,” he huffs when asked about this
and also not??
it’s hard to explain
ig depends on whether he wants to be praised or be granted your blissfully annoyed attention 
scared shitless of telling you how much he loves you but he’s also so obvious it’s really doing him no favours
no. 1 back hug enthusiast
and I know I said this a lot already about the other boys, but Jungkook is really the no. 1 
likes to hold you and from the side, it looks like he’s holding you down so you can’t escape
“Jungkook, would you ease? They’re not running away.”
usually follows your whims and wishes (‘cause of the SIMP status) 
but at times he can get so obstinate about particular topics
no amount of arguing or reasoning can persuade him 
“No, and that’s final (-_-)”
usually, it revolves around your health or going out with someone (or sharing food lmaoo)
big on gestures of affection, both from you and from him
think of like peeling a perilla leaf, or putting something on his plate that you know he likes
literally swoons over these things
because they’re so domestic and so important to him 
it’s proof that you’re close to him
you’re like a star in his sky so he just assumes everyone is out here trying to marry you 
even if it’s not remotely true
hangs out at your place and invites you to his 50/50
sharing takeout or dinners at random places is a must
whatever stupid joke comes to his mind, it’s shared with you 
doesn’t cook for you often but enjoys the hell out of it lmao
look at him being a good husband material 
spaces out on you a lot 
can forget to talk and listen because he’s just staring 0.0
shamelessly abuses the power of his doe eyes
anything to make you forgive him lol
will steal your food
you can come home and find entire cupboards absolutely annihilated 
loves to gift you cute things 
while he may not understand some of your hobbies or interests, especially if they’re the polar opposite of his, he always tries his best to make you feel heard and be respectful
teases you a lot
pokes and pinches you if he feels like it’s been too peaceful for too long 
imitates you, endearingly 
kiss his cheek and watch him self-destruct from inside
when abroad often sends you little voice messages just before falling asleep
with his voice all groggy he confesses how much he’s missing you 
…and your cereal
smells your hair, especially when cuddling
you can be laying peacefully 
and then you hear the “pfffffffff hmm pffffffffffffffffff”
may even gift or suggest some shampoos and shower gels whose scent he enjoys 
has to physically restrain himself from slapping your butt 
he’s in the middle level of tapping his spank bank if you know what I mean 
it’s not rare but he prefers to distract himself in other ways
otherwise looking at you afterwards is just too damn awkward
that said, his favourite fantasies are different than others because he’s not actively thinking about sex
(well, sometimes he does but that’s another story)
however, he’s really into groping
into soft and lazy makeout during which he can grope you all he wants
it’s domesticity for him 
taking things slow as well as having your agreement to everything he’d suggest
he loves to fantasise about that freedom, that should he want to he could just take you on the couch 
have your legs shaking and arms clawing at his back 
it’s just comfortable
has a thing for fucking you while you wear only his shirt or hoodie
he likes to think about how he’d be kneading your ass, teasing and turning you on 
how soft and warm you’d be 
how you’d taste and feel 
has a small brat-tamer streak within him as ironic as it is given who the og brat really is
so occasionally he’d dip into those fantasies of playfully subduing and edging you till begging comes up ;)
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© soraviii/soraviie 2022-2023
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