#but now he is more violent and apathetic about murder
deadtiredghost · 4 months
i liked mutant apocalypse actually
dont get me wrong it was rushed as hell, and the designs arent my absolute favourite, but it had so much potential (apart from donbot - donbot is perfect and i love him)
i know it's not popular but people should talk about it more i think.
Spoilers ahead of course!
the angst potential tho...
Leo (and Raph??) have memory issues
donnie put his consciousness in metalhead in case of his death???DOES DON HAVE A SOUL OR IS HE JUST AN IMPRINT OF WHO THE REAL DON ONCE WAS???
donnie is gonna outlive all of them as a robot - imprint or not he clearly has feelings (AI?)
Mikey probably lived off bugs, alge and ice cream kitty
Mikey managed to keep ICK alive this entire time in the middle of a desert
Mikey looks so frail omg, i want to pick him up, wrap him in a blanket and cook him some homemade pizza.
Mikey lived in near complete isolation for however many years with only two pets as company - is he sane? probably not.
Leo and Raph both have different bodies now - mutation bomb blast maybe the cause? do their weirdly mutated bodies hurt them? there is no advanced medical suff in the apocalypse - body horror and body dysmorphia potential
(especially if you like the trans-fem Leo headcannon - body dysmorphia angst go burrr)
Raph is a dad now.
Mira is such a good character - from traumatised orphan to a dad and three uncles in the span of a couple of days. good on her.
they all got ptsd of course - maybe some violent outbursts from Leo with his memory problems?
haha, Leo angst cause he is ashamed of what he did as an amnesiac - he became the new Shredder and deffo hurt and killed innocent ppl for his own gain.
cause of amnesia Leo never had time to mourn what he missed: the years without his bros, Karai, April and Casey are probs dead, etc.
do they lead the mass of ppl following them now? are they leaders?
Renet said that one day they would be accepted into society and famous and shit for saving the world. however it's likely that Renet's influence in their lives started the butterfly affect which caused this future to be so fucked. i dont believe that this was the future she was refering to.
renet angst - she can't do anything about it now. (or can she?)
they no longer have to live in the shadows... but at what cost?
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paymechildsupport · 7 months
YAN!Suguru Geto // x Reader [Vindication]
-!! Yandere!Vindictive!Geto x Yandere!Reader (two yanderes in love <3 )
-!! CW: Themes of death, suicide, murder, obsession
Storyline takes place a few months after Riko’s death, in the middle of Geto’s descent into immense depression and prior to him leaving jujutsu tech. Instead of investing his time to become a murderous cult leader, Geto pours everything into academics, and against you. He would do anything to make sure you didn’t leave him too. 
-!! The alternation between Geto and Suguru is intentional.
-!! Gender never specified
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You were his academic rival. You’d both do anything to maintain that thrill of competition, anything…
Could they get any more annoying..?
Could they get even more unbearable..?
Could they just shut up for once..?
They were so…
The mere idea of them being happy,
Of them being even remotely okay
Of air reaching their lungs 
Of their bones all perfectly intact
Of their mere  e x i s t e n c e, 
It made you want to throw up. 
Why couldn’t they just… go away?
It would make your life so, so much easier. 
It would make you so, so happy.
If…. They….. could… just…. Cease… to… E̴̠̟̾̈́ẍ̶̡̢̻̱̠̜́̒̀̉̿͝i̴͓͇̓͐͆͘͘ş̶͙͚̞̪̽͛̋͜ͅt̵͓̲̟̪̹̊͒̉̈̏̑
“Is everything okay?” You’re snapped back to the present immediately. You struggled to remember where you were or what you were doing.
You look up to find the words come from Suguru Geto’s mouth. He’s standing over where you slouch in your seat, looking down with a hint of condemnation and… smugness? Fucking bastard.
“Eh..? Where- where is..” 
“You’re in the library” Ah, that’s right.
“Oh! Ehe, of course I am. Geez- ah… Oh! Yeah, uh,  I’m okay. Its all good” 
Geto raises a brow in question, not buying it
“You’ve just been staring out into space for the past seven minutes. And-“ he points, “You just broke your pencil” 
You look at where he was staring at to see your pencil, indeed, snapped in your hand. You were still gripping it, hard. Very hard. 
You don’t even know how you’re still surprised at the sheer power that your hatred has over you. It’s quite scary sometimes. 
“Yes.. everything’s fine, honestly. I’m just tired is all..” 
“The library closed awhile ago” He deadpans. So matter of fact.
“Ah- wait, what? Then why are you still here-?” 
“Satoru and Shoko have already left. I said I’d stay. The librarians were too hesitant to approach you.”A corner of his mouth quirks up, “you’re very intimidating when you’re frustrated.”
You were silent, just now taking in the darkness of the library. Almost all the lights were out- albeit a few lamps in the corners- and you were the only ones still in the building. It was getting very late and the streetlights outside illuminated the dark streets. Under other circumstances it could be considered peaceful even. 
You sigh, looking down. You can see the eyebags under Geto’s eyes, engraved into his features for the past few months. You’d only ever seen that look in the mirror. The similarity unnerved you, and you didn’t know how to feel about it. You felt proud, partly,-- it showed how much he expended just to compete with you, to rake himself up somewhere remotely close to your level, and then some. You reminisce, remembering the Geto a few months ago, prior Star Plasma, prior to Riko, prior to the empty husk in front of you
“Is something the matter?” His voice takes a drastic switch, softening to a wispy tone. You start to shake, “Is someone the matter?”
You knew it was dangerous. Suguru Geto wasn’t who you remembered, – he was unstable, unpredictable. You of all people should know, you’ve been subjected to a front row seat to his descent into despair. He was apathetic, borderline violent sometimes. Ever since the murder of Star Plasma vessel, Riko Amanai, Geto unknowingly latched himself onto everyone close enough, determined to make sure they never suffer the same fate, – and that included you, his rival. 
It was rather humorous, really. The lengths you two would now go to to keep your little game going. You were so invested, so enthralled into beating and dominating him in absolutely every way possible. You were intoxicated by the idea of winning, so drunk off of the thrill that came with competing. You sometimes wonder where you would draw the line.
Suguru was so into your little games that oftentimes you wonder if he really does enjoy to be beaten. To be made lesser of, to be belittled, to be degraded, to be beaten and dominated in every way possible. Obsession would be the only word to describe it. The boy was obsessed. Obsessed with competing. Obsessed with your antics. Obsessed with you. You would often question how far he’d go just for the sake of your little contest. 
“Would you kill someone for me?” The words fall from your lips before you can think as you lift your head up. 
“Yes”. He doesn’t hesitate. 
“I would kill anyone without a second thought, should you request it”
You can’t stop,
“…If there was someone I hated more than anything in the world… someone I couldn’t stand… someone who’s mere presence makes me want to break something…. Someone who I cannot stand the thought of them breathing… someone who just thinking of them makes me… makes me wanna…” You trail off.
“My only regret,” he says quietly, “was that it wasn’t me who had affected you in such a way” 
You smile bitterly, looking out the window.
“Who hurt you” His words were soft, but his tone dripped with venom. 
“… They didn’t necessarily hurt me directly… They just-….  I just…- “ You take a deep breath,   “the things they do and say to others concerning me and people I care about are… questionable, to say the least.”
“Yet they did end up affecting you nonetheless, correct?”
“Well, yes”
“So then they did hurt you”
“You could put it that way, yes”
Geto’s eyes flash,
“What is their name?”
“Tell me their name.”
“…” Such a vindictive sense of justice. 
His smile is laced with dynamite. 
“Tell me their name and I’ll make sure no words will ever be allowed to leave their mouth again”
Still, you remain silent. You didn’t want Geto to get his hands dirty doing something you should have been able to do. You shake your head. 
He sighs, his face softening. He bends down on one knee to meet your eye level whilst sitting down.
“Darling,” He’s so, so very gentle. “It will be alright. All this will be over, soon. Just let me do this for you. Let me get rid of one more disgusting person. Just let me…” You can feel yourself coming undone. “Let me do what I do best. I would never offer unless it was you” Your breathing heavily now, shaking violently from head to toe. 
He was going to protect you–
He leans down to your ear and whispers the final bit like a caress, “Just give me their name”
And you do.
–no matter what.
You tell him their name. 
And just like that, he smiles, gets up, and exits the library, closing the door softly behind him. 
The next morning they’re all over the news. 
A true tragedy, or so that’s what it appeared to be. 
You say nothing as the police describe in morbid detail the mangled and shredded body that had appeared to have jumped off the roof of the school. Your school.
 It was much too graphic to show, the police said. But it was by far one of the most horrendous deaths they had ever witnessed. The poor man looked sick to his stomach merely recounting the memory. 
Mawed and dismantled…
And although you felt as if you should have been happy, that you should have at least cracked a small smile, you simply couldn’t. 
This was only one. 
One death.
One person you hated, gone.
You still had more.
Much, much more.
A whole list in fact.
You wondered what would happen if Geto ever found out about the list you kept in the bottom drawer of your nightstand.
Maybe another day, you think.
Maybe another day.
(Heavily edited from a older piece)
I lo-lo-lo-lo-LOooooove Suguru he's such a bbg malewife :3
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Craig from South Park romantic concept, please?????
Sure! Aged up as usual, this may take place after a break up with Tweek but it's left vague. Up to you! Hope you like it anyway.
Yandere! Craig Tucker Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Violence, Manipulation, Threats, Murder, Slight jealousy, Forced relationship.
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Craig is someone who's hard to read.
He's stoic and apathetic, he rarely shows emotion unless it's something like anger.
He's also rarely smiling and often looks bored.
In fact he prefers to be left alone.
If he had an obsession it would be under the radar for a long time.
Craig wouldn't show it to anyone including his obsession.
Craig would be observing and slightly jealous at times.
It's really hard to get a yandere behavior for him as he isn't very emotional.
He's unpredictable which makes him a bit of a wild card to his darling.
Not even close friends really know what he's thinking in terms of you.
Craig would stalk but not really obsessively.
Some days he just wants to follow you.
If you ask about it he'll say it's a coincidence or tell you not to worry about it.
You'd think he hates you as he has such a blank and bored stare.
He also flips you off sometimes.
Craig does care for you, it's just in his own way.
Unpredictable yanderes can be dangerous.
They're either so insane they're unpredictable...
Or they are nearly unreadable in personality.
Craig happens to be the second one.
Although the obsession is there.
He keeps note on who's around you from a distance.
Craig is a skilled fighter and is sometimes violent when pushed.
If he didn't like someone around you then he'd plan a way to beat them up.
Only then do they know how obsessive he is of you.
Craig has a crush on you but not many know it.
Mostly because if they did then they run the risk of Craig finding out-
Craig feels he'll tell you when he wants to.
For now he's happy just watching you from a distance.
Although at some point he is going to show more hints.
Craig is around you a lot more when he feels ready to ease into his crush.
You even become part of Craig's gang (Clyde, Jimmy, Tolkien, and Tweek I think).
It's strange to join the group but Craig says you'll fit in.
It's really just a way to get you closer.
When he is eventually affectionate, it's minimal.
Quick hugs, a kiss, arm over the shoulder, he isn't really one for it.
Craig just likes your company when he eventually gets you to date.
It takes awhile for him to show you he loves you.
Although he continues to beat people up around you in private.
His gang actually begins to fear the rumors about him.
Even Tweek starts to fidget more than normal.
You have no idea how dangerous Craig can be and he's next to you all the time.
Even when you're dating he's still violent.
You can only hope someone doesn't set him off.
He doesn't have anger issues, in fact it's hard to tell.
You just have no idea when he decides he's jealous enough to bother.
Craig is the type of yandere that's dangerous when he wants to be.
He'd pick fights or even murder in private and there's enough rumors that people stay away.
Which is fine for him, it keeps people away from you.
He likes that.
Craig probably would not kidnap unless he needs to and he's only affectionate in small amounts.
If you tried to leave him, he'd threaten you.
Not like a threat full of anger or sadness...
But a threat so void of emotion it frightens you.
In the most deadpan voice ever, Craig could threaten to lock you in his house or hurt your family if you left.
Which leaves you silent, almost peeing yourself, while Craig goes off to do something else.
While Craig is unpredictable he'll watch his behavior if you keep your attention on him.
You don't really have a choice anyways with his threats... which he will definitely see through to the end.
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eemcintyre · 1 year
Tainted Love (Terry Silver)
TW- noncon touching, toxic relationship, crying, yandere-esque behavior, references to SA and blood.
Summary- Part 2 of "Cruel to be Kind." You are in extreme physical and emotional turmoil after the... incident... at the house. While doing everything in your power to avoid Terry, you're trying to figure out what you should do and how you feel about the person he's revealed himself to be.
Look alive sunshine!! I actually managed to figure out a sequel for my inaugural Terry Silver fic!! I hope that everyone who enjoyed the first one and requested a sequel feels like this did it justice
P.S., the "you are a murderer, no matter how beloved" is not my original creation; it's an aesthetic quote I found on Pinterest, so I take no credit for it
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Y/N had to get out of that house.
She had tried to go to work the day after everything that happened, but upon seeing Brian’s empty desk, the imagery of yesterday and her revulsion crashed over her and she soon had to go home; being violently ill for the rest of the day. Two more days had passed since then and she had not tried to go back.
Y/N could barely eat or sleep, so it was all she could do to gather the strength to move from one room to the other to avoid Terry throughout the day. Being in his presence, let alone looking at him or speaking to him, was even worse than trying to go to work.
Multiple times each day, he would carefully tread into the room, quietly attempting to sit near her and hold her hand or start a conversation. All she could see was the blood that had been splashed across his face, and she shuddered away from the memory of his grip on her chin when he forced her to look at the carnage on his office floor.
As quickly as possible, without a word to him if she could manage it, Y/N would flee the room for another- luckily, the mansion offered many to choose from, but Terry never failed to find her eventually. Especially since he had the staff keeping a close eye on her, making sure that she was alright if he himself couldn’t. He had ordered them to tend to her as much as she would let them, and then report back to him what she ate and how much, whether she was staying hydrated, and how much sleep she was getting.
She couldn’t even bring herself to sleep in the same bed as Terry anymore, opting instead to make her desperate attempts at rest in one of the guest rooms at the other end of the house. The idea of sleeping all night next to a murderer- especially a murderer whom she had thought she could trust and who had left their violent past behind- made her skin crawl.
Terry, of course, would try to justify his actions in his own twisted way to make himself feel better. But he was a murderer, no matter how beloved. There was no undoing, unseeing or rationalizing it.
She had to get out of this house. Yet, she knew Terry would never willingly let her leave, stubbornly under the illusion that he could control every outcome, including bending this matter to his whims. That he could eventually persuade her to his side, and they would somehow go back to an idyllic life and a healthy, normal marriage. She almost admired his ability to be so unaware of self and others and so apathetic, wishing that she could channel some such abilities of her own.
Every waking moment was a feverish inner conflict. Y/N was so hurt and afraid and confused, but the only person she could throw herself into the arms of, who could typically make all of her problems and pain go away, was the person who had now caused them. And somehow, she still loved Terry and missed him so much it ached and wanted to bury her face into his chest and cry- and at the same time she was half-mad with the instinct to run away as fast as possible in the opposite direction.
Since ten that night, Y/N had been pondering along these wretched lines, huddled in a window seat within some empty, unused extra room of the house. The stars had revealed themselves in the sky and provided enough of a brief distraction that her tearful thinking temporarily faded into a blank headspace and exhausted staring up at the sky. But her heart immediately started pulsing frantically when she caught a tall, dark shape approaching in her peripheral vision.
“Did you sleep at all last night?” Terry’s deep voice rumbled from a few feet behind her. She twisted her head just enough to see that he had propped himself against the wall with his hands in his pockets.
“I was just getting ready to-” she had already swiftly risen from the window seat to head in the direction of the guest room when Terry thrust his arm into her path.
“No. You’re not spending another night sleeping in a guest room,” he declared, as if it were a mutually agreed-upon fact. “You will sleep in our bed. With me. With your husband.” His voice hardened, and he grabbed her shoulder with his outstretched hand, turning her to face him, pulling her closer and closer to him as he spoke. “You will have conversations and eat meals with your husband, look him in the eye, and sit in the same room with him for more than ten seconds.”
She stared intently at the area of the wall next to his head, never directly at him, her lips beginning to tremble. She leaned away from him as far as his hold would allow. He took all of this in and exploded, seizing both of her shoulders harshly.
“Look at me! Talk to me, damn it!” He shook her and she flinched, her gaze snapping to meet his, letting the tears fall freely down her face. Lowering his volume, he continued. “I’ve given you your space, I’ve tried with everything in me to understand why you aren’t happy and relieved that your life is so much easier and safer-” he ghosted his fingers down her cheek, “-And instead, you’re crying over a guy- who was probably going to rape you- like you loved him or something!”
Y/N shook her head violently. “I didn’t like him- I hated him! I hated him… but I-I didn’t… want him to…”
“Why can’t you just admit it?!” Terry was incredulous, blue eyes wide and wild. “Why can’t you stop putting on this holier-than-thou production just so you can feel like you have the moral high ground? You’re glad he’s dead, just admit it! The only thing I’m guilty of- besides a necessary lie of omission to you, which I’m not proud of- is having the balls to do what no one else will. I took action. I effectively eliminated a threat- all with… minimal mess. I always have your best interests at heart, baby.”
Terry paused to take a breath and release his bruising grip on Y/N, who was rooted to where she stood in shock. It was half-due to his outburst, and half to the fact that he was right. But she would never say as much.
His chest heaved as he swiped his hair out of his eyes. “And yet I revolt you, don’t I?” he asked, pacing back and forth in front of her. “You think I live a privileged life, but what a luxury to never have had to fight to the death for your life or for the people that you love.” His expression darkened and his voice was low and velvety, the way it sounded when he was most dangerous.
She hated it when he played the Vietnam card against her. “Is this what you think love is?” she cried, throwing up her hands. “Love is… I don’t know- spending time with someone, helping them with a chore, telling them they look pretty- not killing someone in our own house! A man is dead!”
“An asshole got what he deserved, and no one’s going to come looking for him!” Terry ceased his pacing, pausing in front of her again, and despite her boldness just moments ago, she felt small. “Like anything else, love is just a matter of perspective. To me, wiping that lowlife from the face of the earth was an act of service. A profound act of love. I know better than most, and better than you, that the world is disgusting and evil, and there’s nothing I won’t do to protect you from it.” He shook a finger in her face for emphasis. “It might make you feel better to think that I don’t experience any feelings of my own, but nothing hurts me more than seeing you unhappy and afraid.”
“Then why are you making me feel that way?” she sobbed, backing away from Terry, him following and maintaining the small space between them despite her attempts to widen it.
“You don’t need to be afraid of me! Darling, I would never hurt you. I hurt people who give me a reason to- and that includes anyone who comes near you with bad intentions- but never you.”
Not until she gave him a reason, she thought. She jumped as her back hit the wall. “I don’t believe you anymore!”
At these words, Terry looked almost… wounded, and Y/N was stunned. But with a flicker of his eyes, it was like he’d flipped his internal switch and any tenderness she might have been starting to feel from him was gone. Stepping well into her personal space, Terry trapped her against the wall between his arms.
“Well.” His tone was flat and measured but his eyes were deeply fixated on hers. “What’s done is done. We’re still married, I’m not letting you go, and you’re not leaving. I always told you that this thing between us was going to be ride-or-die. So, whether you can learn to forgive me or not, you have to figure out what we need to do so you can put this behind you.”
Terry took her hand in his, relishing the soft warmth that he’d missed so dearly over the last few bleak days, ignoring the fact that she was frantically trying to pull away. “It’s time to go to bed,” he declared, dragging her down the hallway.
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sirenofthegreenbanks · 11 months
thinking about how the department of the unfaithful is likely a thematic parallel, almost a foil, to wkx. and im not even talking about luo fumeng or liu qianqiao, im thinking of the many women working there, those that have notably no martial arts or power of their own, who are somehow part of the valley and take care of "women's work", the servants, the invisible threads that keep the machinery running. the machinery being wkx's era of ghost valley; still violent and hostile, but notably more inhabitable, with a clear direction of right and wrong.
alright, im going on a tangent, but what i mean is: everytime wkx has personally to do with these women, he is confronted with their "uselessness", their institutional weakness. they dont have any worth beyond the small acts of service they can provide; they dont have money of their own, they are not established in any way in the jianghu, they dont carry titles or achievements to their names, they are rarely portrayed as anything but unfortunate victims of their circumstances. his reflex reaction is always to send them away--out the valley, back to the human world. and he is puzzled and carefully apathetic when they remind him that they dont have anywhere to go but the valley.
im assuming that he has a hard time understanding this; hes not stupid and hes not unsympathetic to the systemic and institutional struggle women face, so im guessing he very carefully does not think about this too hard, to avoid finding parallels to his own experience. these women are prey as he used to be prey, but he is strong and established and has his martial arts now, he doesnt want anything but jump back into the human world--trying very hard not to think about what he fears is true: that there is no place for a ghost like him, and what the life h envisions with zzs is all but an illusion.
the women of the department of the unfaithful reminding him that even as weak, adorable, pretty, and as far removed from the state of ghost as they are, they are still finding it hard to edge out a life anywhere but in ghost valley and let everything remain exactly as it is, i mean, that must be difficult for him. i feel like a big part of wkx has internalized victim blaming, or that he is terrified of the invitable nature of these women's fates.
i mean, he so often looks back at the times when everything was still good and well, before he went to the valley, and im wondering if he is not thinking that he deserved what he got, and that there was nothing he could have done. he has suppressed the memory of how exactly the murder of his parents comes to pass, and he later reasons that he is the one to blame for it, because he was the one who lead the wolf into the sheep's den. so he might think, even as innocent and blameless as he was as a child, maybe it was inevitable for him to be and stay and die a ghost
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okay you guys convinced me to write about my memories so here it is. it's gonna be kinda messy but uhh I just need to get it off my chest
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a bunch of Suzuya Juuzou nonsense under cut. it will NOT make sense I'm just writing it down before I forget. if you understand something out of it that's awesome if you don't then it's okay me neither. general CW for mentions of murder, violence, suicidal/intrusive thoughts?
first of all, I'd like to say that I regret some of my behavior. I wish I wasn't that messed up and violent and I wish I was healthier in general.
now to the actual rant, I don't even know which memories were a part of the original written down Suzuya lore in tkg, and which weren't. I can't tell. it all mixes together, because those are my experiences either way.
I don't remember a lot, but at the same time I remember so much. or rather, I KNOW so much, but I don't REMEMBER a lot. that doesn't really make sense, does it? I don't know.
I remember the academy. I was a violent teen, I was apathetic, I was unstable, yeah. for a while. but it's because I was so hurt and it was so normalized in my head. I wish it wasn't. I wish I knew other ways to show my discomfort or anger that didn't involve lashing out or punching or anything.
i tried my best to get along with the other cadets and whatever, but no matter how hard I tried they just didn't want to be anywhere near me. I guess I was too weird. I didn't really get them either, I tried to understand how their heads work and why they Care so much but I just kind of couldn't. grades and whatever it is we learned about didn't really interest me much, I was too busy zoning out and replaying unpleasant memories in my head. maybe that's why I didnt know almost anything about ghouls at 19 despite being an investigator?
as for the empathy/apathy thing, it was more complicated than that. it was all Really Really complicated and I'm STILL confused. I guess I didn't know how to cope, and I in general became so desensitized to violence and the concept of morality I just felt Nothing regarding the topic when it was brought up? other than that, it's not that I felt Nothing ALL the time, my brain just decided the trauma was too much to handle and tucked it away somewhere to never think about, and then decided that caring about other people again is a waste of time and energy and is just going to get me hurt.
for a while I didn't know what to do with myself. I just kind of followed Shinohara around and looked forward to slashing up ghouls because it was fun (but actually, it was more of an outlet for my emotions and intrusive thoughts, and all that pain and hurt I never let myself think about went into stabbing and cutting). I attended those stupid meetings and tried so hard not to fall asleep. I listened to his lectures about ghoul anatomy and physiology even though I didn't really care. I didn't really care about anything at the time, all i wanted was to curl up in the corner somewhere and cry. cry it all out. maybe go back to mama. maybe die. living was too exhausting and painful and I wanted to push everyone away
Im so mad at myself for saying I wouldn't care if something happened to Shinohara. and for being so fucking difficult to deal with in general, and for being an ungrateful little bitch. he was nothing but kind to me and I didn't know how to show my appreciation for him. It was all scary and new, I wasn't used to somebody caring so much. but I did care. I just never showed it. I'm so stupid I feel so guilty and bad and I miss him.
okay my head hurts and all of this made me really sad so I'm not going to write any more for now. good news is, Suzuya Juuzou gets Better and Grows as a person after all this and actually becomes semi normal. so I'm gonna write about that some other time and you can all tell me how proud you are of me for coming this far
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Late to the party but making an entrance, Murder Drones Episode 5 is finally out so at long last I can stop with the memes (for now) and share my thoughts on Dragons Rising so far.
Okay, first things first, I'm gonna be 100% honest with y'all: I low-key do not care about any of the new characters. I know, I know, BURN THE HERETIC, I can't really explain it myself. Maybe I'm just too attached to the OGs or haven't gotten to know the newbies well enough yet, but so far all I'm seeing is Average Shonen-Esque Protagonist, Nya 2.0 Catgirl Edition, Cute and Easily Marketable Dog-That-Is-Not-A-Dog, The Only One With A Mildly Interesting Backstory, and a bunch of generic cookie-cutter villains. It's not gonna make me stop watching or anything, it's just that they could all randomly vanish by the next episode and never be brought up ever again and I'd be totally fine with it. Certainly wouldn't be the first time this franchise has completely dropped something out of nowhere and hoped no one would notice.
A'ight, got that out of the way, now to start nitpicking: I don't understand why they're pronouncing Riyu as "Rai-yu." I thought it would've been "Ree-yu," like the dude from Street Fighter, and I'm not gonna say it any other way. And why do they keep trying to convince us that Lloyd had to be trained for years when in reality he mastered Spinjitzu within, like, a month at most? I'm going to assume that either A) He's just blatantly lying to make Arin feel better, because there is literally zero chance that Season Two took place over the course of multiple years, or B) Lloyd himself has absolutely no concept of time and can't even remember that he's, like, an eighteen-year-old in the body of a twenty-three-year-old by this point.
BTW Lloyd please do not try to be like Wu, you of all people should know what being like Wu entails. You're already in the "training child soldiers" phase, you can not go further or else you are going to hit the "keeping way too many things to yourself" stage and you know what always happened when Wu didn't tell anybody jack squat until it was too late. Heck, there is still a very real possibility that the Merge wouldn't have happened in the first place if he'd just been like "hey so all the Realms might start trying to fuse together soon and as per usual you're the only ones with a chance at stopping it" instead of sticking to his "The Apocalypse™ is coming for like the seventh time and all I'm gonna do about it is be needlessly vague and cryptic for no real reason" schtick.
They should not have given Ras and Rapton such similar names, I'm going to inevitably mix them up. Also Rapton you will never be Iron Baron. I never thought I'd say anything positive about Iron Baron but I could actually tolerate him, whereas I just wanna see Rapton get run over by a bus. And not even in a cathartic "I want she-whose-name-we-do-not-speak-in-this-household to be brutally murdered onscreen in such a horrific and violent manner that it'd never be allowed anywhere if they weren't Legos" way, just in the most apathetic "please remove this character from existence" way you can imagine.
I'll give them this, tho, the show itself is gorgeous to look at, and the concept is pretty nifty. And while I may not be completely in love with Sora and Arin, I'm still glad they didn't go the braindead babymode easy route of making the "next gen" series revolve around the OG Ninja's kids (even if it is mostly because it completely avoids the possibility of being forced to endure the timeline where Lloyd actually thought getting with she-whose-name-we-do-not-speak-in-this-household was a good idea). I'm definitely gonna stay tuned for Part Two, even if I'm admittedly not the biggest fan of what we've got so far. Hopefully it's all uphill from here.
(More spoiler-y stuff under the cut)
Wow I can't believe they somehow managed to make a Cloud Kingdom character more punchable than Fenwick. The scrollworms are pretty cute, tho. Also, uh, Euthanasia or whatever your name was, Morro would like to know your location.
So on the one hand it seems like we might be getting slightly more focus on Lloyd's dragon side this time around, but on the other hand we've already had multiple instances where it could've been brought up but just wasn't, which could mean that it's all just more of the same token Chosen One™ nonsense we're used to and this post got hit by Quanish's dodgeball of prophecy. (Seriously, surely at least one of the super-mega-ultra-powerful Source Dragons should've been like "Kid what is wrong with your blood," right?)
But, on the chance that the former is the case...
What if the Imperium finds out about it and decides the weird little Oni-dragon-human grandson of literal God is a far more valuable prize?
Also this is how we can still get Garmadon's dragon half to show up please I am begging on my hands and knees
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motheatenscarf · 1 year
OH, okay, so Zenos is CRAZY crazy.
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A shame they wouldn't let him be just an unhinged weirdo from the start and tried to make him be some like... apathetic manipulator, he was creepy and boring for like 98% of Stormblood and then just went BATSHIT INSANE. Mask off, cackling like a lunatic, started espousing the virtues of violence for violence's sake, turned himself into Shinryu, said, "Thanks for the fight, I finally felt alive before I died, unlike all the rebellions I've been trying to seed to give me an interesting challenge, BYE, BESTIE!" and then killed himself??
And you know what? Good for him. I was at least laughing at how batshit he went. Be weirder and more unhinged! His ethos is stupid, but god, if you're gonna give me NOTHING but bullshit mustache twirling boring fucking villains with no humanity or depth to them, the LEAST you can do is give me memorable scene chewing. If you can't be interesting, at least be FUN.
I will say, taking the story in good faith, I'm deciding he does make a VERY good dark mirror for Talia! I forget the exact quote, but he said something to the effect of, "I can see even now you want to rip my throat out with your teeth," and like, that was VERBATIM something I said Talia would do when she got her hands on him, so like, yeah, he's not... wrong... about specifically Talia being a revenge addled violent murderer at heart. That's why it's important that Talia always has that morality anchor. Her instincts are DARK. (Other people joke if anything ever happened to a character they'd kill everyone and then themselves; Talia means it. It almost happened when she lost her sister!)
I grant you those instincts are born of like, y'know, caring too much about things, and not like... this bizarre violence fetish born of apathy, or desperately trying to pursue the thrill of the hunt or whatever. The Dark Knight story got it right when the Moogles said that the reason you angst and plunge into the depths of despair and rage is because you're scared of losing the ones you love or are hurt from having already lost them. Moogles know what's up.
But like, Talia doesn't NOT find joy in being the best murderer in a room; in her mind, it's all she's good for, so she does take some joy in her strength.
So Zenos rolling up and unlike the good people in her life who inspire her to be better (the twins, Lyse, everyone from Heavensward but mostly Aymeric now), just goes "I see you! We're the same! WE'RE FRIENDS NOW!" and she just... needs to go take a long think while floating in the ocean while it rains. Because she already knew she needed to do better in order to be worthy of the admiration these ACTUALLY good people place in her, but WOOF, that was a blow to the ol' self esteem.
Anyway, CHICKENSHIT move that he took his own life, but I still say I'm the reason he died, so by rights, his dumb spinning golfclub bag of swords belongs to my girl now, those are the rules.
I'm REASONABLY certain he isn't really dead, if only because I've seen his Stormblood model, and I've seen the fanart and gpose shit people post of Zenos, and uh. Either people are really REALLY kind in lovingly re-rendering him, or at some point Zenos is going to come back just to wash his fucking hair.
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spinchs-field · 2 years
graaahhhh fuck you i typed this out!! im GOING to post it!!!!!!!! Ghost lore because i genuinely dont think a majority of my followers actually know who he is
so Ghost is a sona-turned-his own beast. he’s a total sweetheart if you ignore the murders and pettiness and seething hatred for smokers. he lives in an apartment complex with his roommate, Ronnie. on the surface they live pretty normal lives. Ronnie works on a few dev teams for games, Ghost works at a butcher shop. Ghost does most of the housework and all of the cooking.
he’s a real mama’s boy ngl. was a lot closer to his mom than his dad, so he follows a lot of her beliefs/morals. also picked up some of her hobbies (knows how to sew, obviously very good cook, etc.). the old lady that lives on the floor below him just adores him.
despite this! he’s a fucking dick! he’s extremely petty when he wants to be, and extremely violent when he has to be. he doesn’t have much of any care for the people he’s not close to, and is just. completely apathetic towards the pain/suffering of strangers. obviously, he’ll help them out; try to make their suffering stop, but he doesn’t really care the same way he would if, say, Ronnie was in pain, or his mom. to him it’s more of an inconvenience
anyway. onto the cannibalism because that’s his Thing. see, when he was a young boy, ‘bout 16 years old, he, in a panic, ended up killing some guy that was attacking him! of course, when you’re a teenager still in shock from murdering somebody, you make really rash decisions! so instead of hiding the body or i dunno TELLING THE POLICE. he just decides “well i’ve always wondered how cannibalism felt so! here we go!” and chows down. obviously raw meat aint that good, but he had a taste for blood now.
so he ends up eating about half of this dude’s corpse before the realisation hits him that “ohhh fuck i just killed and ate someone” so he flees the scene and washes himself off in a river before coming home to tell his mom he got in a pretty nasty fight.
after a few years, mans moves out. he hasn’t eaten another person since that first incident, but boy has it been on his mind. so you know what he does?
he finds some fucker on the street that really deserves it and drags them to a storage unit. he decides he should probably cook this poor bastard so he does and. Uh Oh. then it spirals into a life of crime and uh. briskly walking from the police because. i mean. where’s the evidence? hm?
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So it turns out trying to post weekly when there’s a lot going on is not a good idea. I got the drawing done a while ago, but didn't type shit, so I will quickly explain his backstory and how he met [REDACTED].
Tw for cult, torture, hints of body horror, murder, and maybe genocide???? (does killing an entire cult count as genocide, idk)
Author Wood (he/him) was a human of angel descent who was born in a cruel community that “experimented” back when Jack the Ripper was rampant, when Author turned 18, he got his halo (a ring of one word representing an aspect of anyone of angel descent, it could be a traditional one, jewelry, or a mark somewhere one their body). The moment the word death was revealed was the moment he was imprisoned and tortured up until somewhere between his late 30′s early 40′s, it was impossible for him to properly tell without thinking about the pain he endured, it’s so severe that his hair had turned completely white within a few years. Within that time, he promised himself to never become as apathetic or violent as his community when he got out. He managed to escape one day, realizing that if anyone lives, they catch him again, so he killed everyone in his community. He blacked out throughout everything then realized that he couldn't feel anything. It no longer felt cold, he no longer felt anything other than the wounds from his community trying to defend themselves closing up. He imeadieatly realized that he would never live a normal life no matter how much he tried, he broke his promise he made, and this was the consequence. He started running for days, feeling his skin breaking away from frostbite and growing back, it was the one thing he could feel, and he could feel the severe pain it brought, but it slowly got more and more muffled as he panics more and more, one day, he entered an abandoned library in Germany and stayed in there until the late 1940′s when the library was entered by builders who planned to re build it. When he thought they were members of his community, he blacked out until he was waiting in line for a plane, hearing about the recent killings....his killings. He boarded the plane to the USA and started a cycle of starting to work at a library or bookshop, having his abilities be found out, and killing the person who found out, and leaving to another library. The cycle repeated until he started working at a bookstore in Chicago.
He had a reoccurring customer who constantly bought trivia books. One day, he got curious and asked about them. He then learned that the customer’s name was Spencer, and he’s been using the trivia books for a project (aka tmp, but he doesn't reveal that). They then started talking, getting mild feelings, but nothing serious. Then Author accidentally cut his finger off with a paper cutter in front of Spencer. They both start panicking because
1.Author chopped his finger off
2.Spencer, aka [REDACTED], realizes his curse just triggered and is worried about hurting Author
3.Author is worried Spencer will find out about his ability and get him in danger
Spencer is trying to figure out what to do, when he see’s Author’s hand regenerate. Author is panicked about having his secret revealed, but Spencer reassures him by taking off his glasses (revealing his actual eyes) before temporarily fading into a shadow before fading out of a shadow with specs of blood still on his sweater. They both briefly explain each other situation and Author spends the night at Spencer’s house (platonically). As they continued to hang out, they opened up to each other more and more, explaining each of their pasts in detail, sharing passions, to they point they became a couple and got bracelets in honor of it. Now Author is a bit more open to people, but makes sure that Spencer gets sleep due to the fact he’ s a workaholic.
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masonmace · 2 years
Warning: murder, erased spoilers, rape mention, cussing, abuse mention, family issues
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See? Look at how relieved he looks :,C
Okay— but in the rooftop scene, before Gaku lets go of the wheelchair, he’s crying, and his eyes are wide. He doesn’t look sad, he looks relieved. As he lets go of the wheelchair, his eyes go brown again and he stands up, about to end it up. If you ever read the manga, you’d know that Gaku has the thread himself, and he kills people with the thread. So, Gaku is relieved, finally feeling free to go because he’s realized he can’t live without Spice. Now, I shouldn’t sympathize for a murderer, but he had a shit child hood, and felt the obligation to play the role of Buddha and Kandata, finding those to give the thread, but knocking them down and cutting the thread. Letting Satoru go, was his way of letting the thread go and accepting that he’ll never be good. That he’ll always be a sinner. And this realization is heart breaking.
Honestly. Don’t just over look this, because I’m serious. Gaku was fucked up from the start, yes, I get it, but he didn’t get there on his own. His brother would beat him, out of jealousy, because Gaku earned the attention of their RICH, POPULAR parents! Gaku never asked to be smarter. Hence, he acts like the abuse didn’t affect him, but it obviously did.
There wasn’t much detail, but I’m willing to bet that their parents didn’t treat either of them good, especially Gaku’s brother. They both probably didn’t get any positive attention unless they got good grades or achieved something. So, the only attention either of them got was the violence, so therefore violence is all they know!
And even more, Gaku’s brother forced him to help RAPE little girls, made Gaku BRIBE them. Just so Gaku wouldn’t have to get beat up anymore. This went on until Gaku’s brother murdered a little girl, made Gaku hide said body, and hid it from anybody. Imagine being a little kid having to keep that to yourself? Hell to the fuck no no no.
Furious, Gaku is so so so fucking furious and outraged by his brother that he KILLS him, imagine being 10 and feeling to need to kill your own sibling because they murdered somebody. And it was all perfect, made it look like it was out of guilt. Christ. Gaku feels the need to kill people with the thread because they’re bad, hell! He knows he’s bad, because he sees the thread on himself after he murders his wife.
I can see how Gaku is remorseful, yes, he’s so apathetic and sadistic, but that’s because he doesn’t know how to FEEL. All he knows how to feel is that adrenaline! That’s all he knows how to feel. Being provoked violently spikes adrenaline. From a young age, all Gaku knew was the heart racing and fight or flight. Fucker chose fight.
I can’t help but feel bad. He sees the threads, which are connected to sinners. Gaku himself knows he’s a sinner. It must feel like having the weight on your shoulders to know who’s a bad person, to feel the obligation to murder them and clean the world. Then having to know that you’re evil, too. That must be soul crushing.
Then again, Gaku had attachment issues, all the way. Has attachment issues to Satoru. Literally! He realized he cannot LIVE WITHOUT HIM!! People, please! This man is fuck from the inside out. Upside down, sideways, vertically, horizontally, every which way! Mentally! He doesn’t know how to interact with anything but violence.
On the rooftop, he’s crying because he can’t decide whether to kill Satoru to get rid of his killing instinct, or to kill them both. He decided to do them both. That realization in his eyes when he realizes it shouldn’t be his job to kill is so… so… sad. You can see it. He goes from rage to relief in a moment, getting so relieved and happy to let go on that thread, to stop the dull throb from the burn of his weight tugging on the thin silk.
Just imagine being in his place. Nobody should want or have to be in that place, nobody. :C
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gogolstoelicker · 3 years
Okay so, I saw your post on Monoca and I got excited. So what about a Junko Enoshima mc? She highly intelligent, cunning, somewhat impulsive, extremely manipulative, and violent and cruel without remorse. She was a highly toxic individual, being both physically and mentally abusive to everyone around her and wears interesting clothes... You don't HAVE to do this you can just delete this ask if your not comfortable! Have an amazing day/night dearie!
Twisted wonderland with a Junko!MC
warning(s): mentions of abuse
notes: hooboy. i feel bad for everyone but especially riddle
and honestly i genuinely have no idea how to write for her so LNSKABSJ
Apathetic and easily bored to an unhealthy and abnormal degree, it came to the point where you even got bored of yourself. Because of this, your behavior and mannerisms tended to be extremely erratic and unstable by your own autonomous design.
Highly intelligent, cunning, somewhat impulsive, extremely manipulative, and violent and cruel without remorse. You're a highly toxic individual, being both physically and mentally abusive to everyone around you.
well trey def did try to seperate u from riddle considering how u act
not to mention, those personality switch of yours are quite confusing
they had a REALLY hard time dealing with u
it came to the point ace, deuce and grim is a better option than u LMFOAOAOOA
well i mean they're not wrong?
you may or may not have gotten ace's wake up call beating?
well not like it worked anyway but he tries
you know what they said, u never know until u try!!
well this def doesn't work out and they should stop bc ur unpredictability is kind of scary¿!¡"'!5(@$4(
well its not like they like u but they tried their best to help u at least
riddle even tried to bring u to counseling lmao
cater tried too with many more help but again, it never worked
so uh
maybe team work makes the dream work????
all i can say is that nobody will like u im sorry
actually, not sorry. deserve
go break em teeth leona!!
actually naw he might just
scowl at u and avoid u forever
like hm? i smell the prefect🤔
*sleeps on top of a tree or smth
ruggie avoids u too
hes busy enough as it is, he doesn't need or want to deal with u
if he were to ever run into u, he would probably just
just do some 💃🕺distract👯‍♂👯‍♀ his way out of there
well if it works??5!6"5!6(5
jack is probably the one who genuinely tried to help u out?
he might deny it but
but he means well!
if u try anything to him, i will fight u at mcdonald's parking lot
jade and floyd probably thought of it as amusing
well they're weird like that
floyd had a hard time keeping up with ur personality switch
so he got mad
and i got depressed or mad too
and then it turned into an emotional breakdown
well just u tho
and then it turned to uh
happy murder discussion?
well good for u for finding a friend?
jade would entertain u here and there if hes not busy
hes entertaining himself too anyway
the way u went from 👑 to 💔 to 👹 to 🤩 to 💪 is kind of funny anyway
azul is
sick and tired thats what he is
he might even ban u from monstro lounge if its not for the fact that the tweels enjoying ur presence
oh jamil def HAIYAAHHH WATAHHHH his way with u
well if u tried anything that is
esp if its directed to kalim
like you're getting close to him? HAIYAH
you're trying to talk to him? HUHHHH
you're LOOKING at his direction? he's calling u in front if Sam's store to fight
Sam's store new mcdonalds HELPPPPP
kalim? kalim!
he is uh
trying to understand u at least!
ur personality switch is VERY confusing but he can get used to it!
he have a very short attention span anyway do its ok he can keep up with this
doesn't really know what you've done actually so good for him
just follow jamil for now kalim and dont come back😅
well you're an ass but at least u have good fashion
depressed but well dressed ig
well just mentally ill but well dressed actually
good for u for being the ultimate fashionista
at least your taste and fashion is worthy enough in the eyes of vil shoenheit himself!!
that being said, since the two of u are models, I'd say vil is pretty interested in ur works
he would even give out honest tips and criticize what needed to be!
other than that, he doesn't want u anywhere near him🤗‼️
rook? uh rook
well he finds beauty in everything so
but maybe not so beauty in u
what do u call less beautiful in french
anyways, epel is def uncomfortable around u too
he'll even fight u with a stick if he have to
oh idia does not like u at all
probably made ortho avoids u too
yknow the "stranger danger😡!!" thing parents told their children?
thats what idia is to ortho abt u
might even made some upgrade on himself if thats what it takes to avoid u
ortho uh doesn't really understand why
and is probably a lil bit worried for u bc
bc you're the way u are
well i mean the entire school is worried and he surely is in that circle
well he tried to research into it kinda???
and then found out its some mental illness and uh
tried to convince the bro to help him help u
back to square 1 with idia ig
another group to fight u
instead of a stick, with a sword
might even with magic
watch out
they don't trust u at all
well malleus is quite upset
but seeing what the people around u are trying to do, he's trying to help u too!
fear not as he, malleus draconia, knows a thousand spells and potions!
maybe its smth with that mental health of urs????
or maybe that personality switch???
the way u treat others???
well lilia have surely came across someone like u one way or another
so he can kind of deal with u
in a way
he hangs around u sometimes
only bc you're a tiny weeny bit interesting^^
^real footage of sebek talking with u
is it bc u keep switching the way u act or is it bc he's confused or confusedly frustrated? who knows
all we know is that it's very hard for the poor boy
silver def have his guard up with u
you're so confusing too he's about to sob frfr
like one day u might just walk up to him and he might just break down on the floor
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kachuuyaa · 2 years
i’m too nervous to make a request but ummmm i love how yuta is SO loyal+good to those he cares for and does his op thang if said person is in trouble. so maybe yuta!reader x childe 😭 idkkkkk hopefully i did this right 😟
a/n: U DID IT RIGHT DW its just the same event from last yr n I'm so excited about it
1 year link!
gaining confidence in yourself was never really fruitful, if anything. treating yourself as an outcast to the citizens of liyue and inazuma would only be for the better, you think. and while people try to make conversation with you, the dark figure emitting from behind you always makes them second-guess their sympathy towards such a timid being as you.
your nature of being moody was showcased to every person you have met, although, with the curse inside your body, you met quite a handful of eccentric people who allowed you to be yourself, regardless of your unknown capabilities as a combatant.
rika, the spirit who haunted you most of your life, and one of your closest friends in your early childhood, has always been bold enough to protect you in any way she can, despite being such a terrifying spirit. though thankful, you wished she would refrain from being as violent as her nature was, which led to your spiral in insecurity.
the first time you met childe was on a personal mission overseas, in snezhnaya. the general public did not know of the true extent of your power, thinking that you may be a part of the abyss order. no one with a vision would have the ability to conjure such a horrifying spirit in a blink of an eye, more so have the ability to copy powers unheard of and unseen. it was as horrifying as seeing a vengeful god reign upon the mortal world. you've grown nervous at their assumptions.
now apathetic, a great contrast to your previous personality, you strolled through the streets of Inazuma with boundless energy coursing through your veins, noticed even by the passersby that walked past you. and, well, naturally, they reported such sightings of a so-called "bygone god" on the streets of inazuma, clad in such normal streetwear.
they just had to report it to childe. seeing the sparkles of excitement and of bloodlust was enough to send the messenger into contemplation. of course, before childe could swarm you with the persona he puts on, another harbinger intervened, telling the messenger to send some lower-ranked fatuus to monitor your behavior. it wasn't long for you to take notice of their advances. the apathetic persona you wore upon arriving in the snow-covered nation was enough to make your appearance unsettling, especially with your boundless power energy emitting from your form. nevertheless, they tried attacking you for the sake of information, the only thing they hope was to interrogate you.
you did not want to hurt them, however, as their attacks were relentless, you quickly knocked them out with such expert moves you learned from a green-haired student you worked with. rika appeared and told you to kill them, however, you waved her off with a smile. the fatui now thinks you have the face and the movement of a cold killer with no remorse.
upon receiving the news, childe happily took on the mission-- with no hesitation as he met you, seemingly gazing up to look at the moon. you brandished your sword with such precise movements, turning to look at the harbinger that appeared behind you. you smiled at him, taking him back, as the rumors only described you as a murderer who has no remorse. the atmosphere was friendly, and as much as you liked to sit and chat, you knew what he was here for. seeing his face contort in surprise and confusion, you sweatdropped, smile dropping and muttering an apology for making him uncomfortable.
a skilled fighter, not a murderer, was what he thought about you as. hell, you even provided him with information! although he was known to be ruthless as he was, such friendliness cannot go awry. you spent your days in snezhnaya with a smile and tales from where you were from. he piped in sometimes, providing comments and such, while you seemingly listened intently.
there were times when your moodiness shows itself, and childe was more than capable to nurse you back to your original self. you thank him for that.
your bond with him was more than platonic, it was obvious. childe, bold as he was, asked you out. he knew the consequences of such things, and he made sure he was going to cut them short. you cared for him, sympathized with his position as a harbinger, and dedicated yourself to fighting alongside him. although your morals get in the way, which leads to some disagreements; although childe admits your statements are more valid than his. rika, uncharacteristically, grew fond of the harbinger yet there are more times when she insults him. this always elicits a glare and a click of your tongue. she does it when you're not looking, now.
a bond that would never be severed, in fact. you once found him covered in blood and rushed to his side, asking profusely who did that to him and once you received your answer, the energy emitting from your body manifested more times than he's seen. a sight rivaling the Zapolyarny palace, your movements were fierce and calculated as you maneuvered through the attacks of the perpetrator. even the attacker would agree it was a show to behold, yet the bloodlust and determination hadn't wavered, your rage was a great contrast to the person childe thought he knew. he made a mental note to never anger you to reach this state, especially with a plus one-- that being rika.
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mayday505 · 2 years
oh my god yoasno mafia boss au sounds interesting please tell me all about it !! like how does she lead the mafia, and how’d she get to her position?
Hello!! Yes yes thank you for the ask!!! I’m p sure I answered this in the previous ask ngl but I’ll go over it again bc this question is more specific and I can expand: (I apologise for the length)
Yosano gets taken in by Mori at 12, who intends for her to be his successor and use her ability to make the mafia unkillable. In this AU the previous boss is starting his decline around now, and Mori disposes of him as soon as he starts to show traits of madness.
As for how she got her position. During the two years she spent as Mori’s student/protege in the mafia, Yosano attempted to kill him many times, because of how strongly she despised him. Mori would often let her, finding it was somewhat cathartic for her and due to the trauma bond Yosano wouldnt ever let him truly die, healing him before he did. It was also a test of her assassin skills to see improvement. However one day after Yosano fished a 10 year old Dazai out of a river (the ripple effect things are happening much earlier) and they discover he has a nullifying ability because Yosano can’t heal him. Mori makes a comment about this that pisses her off, and Yosano impulsively decides to kill him (where Mori is calculated Yosano is impulsive). Mori assumed she would bring him back but miscalculated and Yosano let him die, promptly becoming the boss. She offers Dazai a deal to join the mafia and that after he helps her she will help him kill himself painlessly. Dazai, having just seen her murder a man and reply that she did it because he pissed her off, refuses, unable to trust her word since she is a wild card and very unpredictable. He leaves and does not become affiliated with the mafia. (He is in the AU though and eventually joins the ADA)
There is infighting and a insurgent group formed inside the mafia, unhappy that Yosano killed Mori and that leadership is changing into the hands of a child just two years after Mori took over. In order to gain their respect and trust Yosano makes an alliance with low level mafia member Kouyou Ozaki who is one of few who acknowledge Yosano as a suitable and legitimate leader. Together they wipe out the insurgent group and make an example of them, a warning that if anyone betrays Yosano they will be met with harsh consequences. After this incident the rebellion is squashed and Yosano and Kouyou become close. Kouyou is promoted to Executive to spite the other members of the mafia and is Yosano’s closest most trusted confidante. The incident strikes fear into her subordinates who spread rumours about Yosano’s ruthless nature and call her the Angel of death since she brought everyone who was a part of the rebellion back and healed them after Her and Kouyou almost killed them all, “granting them mercy” and warning them not to fuck up again since she can kill them whenever she likes. She frames it as her being a good boss and gracing them with her forgiveness since she is so benevolent.
Okay onto her characterisation/personality (how I interpret it would’ve differed from canon due to the circumstances) and How she leads:
Because she never recovered from the trauma of the Great War, Yosano is very apathetic and closed off. She does not have it in her to feel compassion anymore and acts uncaring about all/most human life. Mori takes advantage of this to groom her in his image, fostering and encouraging her sadistic and violent tendencies as well as her ruthlessness and apathy. He teaches her how to use the resources available to get what she wants (mainly her ability but also manipulation tactics) and how to get people to willingly submit their loyalty to her. Basically Yosano has been off the rails since she was 12 and grows into a cruel, uncaring person who is very willing to kill to get her way and thrives off others suffering. Her main motivation warps into boredom over time, because she is apathetic and lacks emotion and empathy, she seeks the thrill of feeling something that isn’t boredom leading her to be cruel to others (courtesy of her sadism that is mild in canon but becomes a core part of her personality in this au due to Mori’s prolonged influence)
She truly enjoys lording her influence over others and finds satisfaction in manipulating and using others to get what she wants (mostly she just likes the looks on their faces and the feeling of making others helpless and powerless before her). She fills the void Mori left with ease and excels in her position to be even more feared and respected than he was despite her age. She also enjoys torture, using her ability to break people apart and put them back together in a sick and twisted way, and psychologically damaging/harming others by holding this god-like ability to decide who lives or dies over their heads. Due to Moris tutelage she also has a very sharp wit and is very capable strategically. Maybe not a mastermind genius like her predecessor but very much an intelligent woman who knows what she’s doing.
As well as her overall sadism and apathy, a lot of her cruel tendencies towards others and her enjoyment of their suffering comes from her trauma. She was powerless in the face of Mori and suffered greatly under him. He took advantage of her ability and her will to save people and general childish naivety and broke her to make her cold uncaring and ruthless. A part of her believes Mori did the right thing and taught her a valuable lesson, and a part of her believes she shouldn’t have suffered. As such, to certain characters (I won’t say who that’s spoilers ehe you’ll have to ask more to find out ;D) some of her enjoyment of suffering comes from a place of resentment and helplessness.
She wants to make others suffer as she herself has suffered, wants to see the powerlessness and helplessness she experienced on someone else’s face, because she STILL feels that way. It gives her a sense of power and untouchability to punish others and see their pride and strength and all round love for life and other people broken down. She does it to obtain power over herself because Moris shadow still haunts her even now she’s killed him. She sees herself in others and because she doesn’t like what she sees, (she sees her previous self as weak and useless and this is what she sees in others) she puts those people through hell as a way of punishing herself whilst also maintaining that she shouldn’t regret the things that happened to her and that she’s teaching them the same valuable lesson she had to learn.
In contrast to Mori, Yosano very much uses fear to rule others. Mori had a respect based off his utilitarian beliefs and genius intellect, whereas Yosano, after she takes over, gains respect based off fear. She is very big on punishing those who betray or cross her judgement, and will make an example of these people to others. Under Yosano’s leadership, mafia killings as deterents of interference are staggeringly more common. Again, whilst Mori trusted his subordinates to carry out his plan because of his genius, Yosano is a very impatient and strict boss. If something is done even slightly wrong she will fix it herself. And she likes efficiency. She has a “if you want something done right do it yourself” outlook and barely trusts others with her most important work and plans. Almost no one is aware of her motives besides her one confidante Kouyou, who knows not to disagree with her as she is very Stubborn and will get her way one way or another. Even when she has a full panel of executives to help her, she still will not fully trust them with her plans and keeps them almost completely in the dark regarding most things that count. This creates some communication problems and she is not well liked as a boss like Mori was due to her cruelty but feared enough that no one would dare go against her.
She has an obsession for control. Because of her trauma, where she notably had no control over her own life and actions that took away her childhood and compassion, she rules over others with an obsessive control born of fear. She fears losing control more than anything, fears losing her power over others that acts as protection against her own demons (Mori). She convinces herself if she has complete control and power over the mafia this justifies what she went through and she no longer has to fear Mori. It’s proving to herself that he can no longer control her, that she has outlived him. This control leaks into her hands on approach and willingness to step in in any given situation should her better judgment decide it is needed or that things are not going how she wants them too. It leaks into her relationships with certain mafia members such as the execs. Verlaine in particular, who hates nothing more than being controlled, and as such clashes a lot with Yosano who desperately hates the fact she can’t control him and his actions.
Essentially. She is a wild card who does not mix with other wild cards. She is unpredictable, impulsive and messy, mysterious and cruel, yet incredibly good at what she does. Her only flaws are that she refuses to give leeway of control and trust to others, and cannot see past her own trauma or let her guard down, and how her main motivators are boredom, sadism, and a need for control.
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
This is a graphic thought and you don’t have to do it if you don’t feel comfy or if it broke any rules.
May I request hc’s of the Brothers reacting to an MC who killed their family before they were brought into the Devildom? Their family often abused and mistreated them which caused them to snap and they feel an attachment with Mammon with how he’s treated. MC’s not mean or intimidating. They’re very calm, polite, and keep a blank face since nothing scares them (It’s not like they have nothing to lose or care about so threatening to kill them would only be met with an empty smile and an even emptier eyes saying “Promise?”); but if asked about their family, MC would be like:
“Oh, I killed them 🙂” or “The last argument I had with my sister resulted in me cracking her skull open, so I can safely say we don’t fight anymore 😶”
They don’t regret it at all and would often wish they could do it again.
So I didn't make this very graphic. It is mostly just the brother's reactions to finding out Mc killed their family, no details about how they did it.
Content warnings: Abusive family, mentions of violence and death. The brothers being demons don't condemn this behavior. Mc struggles with mental health issues.
Yeah, Mc? You’re going to have to explain this one.
Lucifer is big on family. He might be strict and find a certain kind of joy in punishing his brothers but he loves them more than life itself.
Once you explain that your family was abusive and that your life was in danger from them, he’ll be more understanding.
He is certainly shocked though. How could his sweet Mc be so violent?
And the fact that you have no remorse is both frightening and impressive.
He wonders if he should insist that you talk to someone about this.
“Listen Mc, what you did may have been justified but trauma doesn’t just go away because you ended the situation.”
He doesn’t want to force you to relive any of your trauma by making you talk about it. But he does think that maybe you should talk to a professional.
He won't insist unless you show signs of any lasting trauma, but he will keep an annoyingly close eye on you to make sure you are ok.
This is a big deal. It changes the way Lucifer sees you. He is less worried about you being able to protect yourself in the Devildom. But he grows increasingly worried about your mental health. After all, the human psyche is far more delicate than a demons.
He doesn’t condemn you for what you did, he just wants to be sure you aren't still suffering in any way.
Mammon just stares at you when you tell him what you’ve done.
How could some weakling human do that?
You act completely normal until something threatens you, and then you are apathetic. Daring the demon to do their worst. And Mammon can’t handle that! “Mc, no! That demon could kill ya without a second thought!”
“I-what?!” He cares too much to let you throw yourself into danger like that.
He’s a bit afraid of you now. Not because you killed your abusive family, he understands that, but because you don’t seem to care about your own life.
Mammon starts tagging along with you everywhere just to make sure you don’t get yourself killed.
He tries to subtly get you to open up about your feelings more so he can help you. But 9 times out of 10 he isn’t subtle at all.
He...gets it. He’d rather you do something drastic and be safe than be lawful and hurt. But he’s worried about you.
“Mc, you can just do something like that and then spring it on me!”
Levi is more shocked than anything.
He thinks it's cool good that you stood up for yourself. He’s glad you aren't in that situation anymore. But killing them was a little drastic.
He has the awareness to worry that when you go back to the human realm you’ll be arrested. He knows humans have laws and consequences for these kinds of things even if it was to prevent your family from harming you.
Levi is angry that your family, the people who are supposed to love and care for you no matter what would be abusive to you. Part of him thinks they got what they deserved. The other part is still trying to comprehend how you could do that.
But your apathetic attitude does worry him. “Mc, you can’t go around acting like you don’t care about your life. Even if you don’t care, I do! You’re my Henry!”
Satan wants to know why you don’t care about your life.
When you tell him about your family he is so angry he would go to the human realm and kill them if they weren't already dead.
He wants to know how you did it. The gory details.
Satan’s so proud that you would protect yourself like this, it's such a demonic thing to do.
But your lack of remorse while impressive and satisfying to his sin is still concerning.
He’ll read up on human psychology to check in on your mental health.
Expect him to recommend therapy to help you learn to care about your life. And work through any issues you may have.
Insists on being around to protect you until you learn to care about yourself again.
He assures you that he doesn’t think any less of you now that he knows what you did to your family. He just wants you to be ok.
Abusive family makes him so angry. If he could, he would wipe abusive families from existence.
His main concern is you and making sure you feel safe and loved.
“Oh? Mc, I didn’t know you had this tasty little secret.”
Asmo is both impressed and frightened.
You are so dainty and helpless compared to demons he forgets the violence that humans are capable of.
Your lack of remorse doesn’t bother Asmo at all. As far as he’s concerned they got what they deserved. Why bother with remorse, remorse is a waste of time.
But he is frightened by this surprising new side of you. The violence is what surprises him most. He’s never seen you be overly violent and the fact that you are capable of such things is frightening. He has a bit of trouble coming to terms with actions that he considers more a part of demon nature, not human nature.
Asmo’s sin is lust but he is in love with love. All love. He wants you to love yourself and it breaks his heart that you don’t seem to care about your life or wellbeing.
Please Mc, don’t antagonize demons into killing you. Asmo wants to help you learn to value yourself again.
He is determined to instill a sense of self-worth in you.
“They were abusive? Then it’s good that you killed them.”
Beel point-blank agrees with your actions. He would rather you have done something drastic and illegal than be stuck in a situation where you are hurt repeatedly.
Beel would have killed them himself if you hadn't. He is a demon after all.
But he is concerned about your mental wellbeing.
He would rather you hadn’t had to do that, but he understands.
Now he just wants to be there to love and protect you, so that you can be happy.
He wants to show you that the world isn’t all bad. That there are people who will be kind to you even if those people are demons.
Your lack of self-worth concerns him. He hates to see you ask for a demon to kill you. Hates to see the emptiness in your eyes.
He wants to help return the light to your eyes more than anything.
Out of all the brothers Belphie understands murderous urges the most.
Your lack of remorse isn’t concerning him either. Especially when they deserved it.
But when he realizes that your lack of self-worth is due to your family's abuse he is concerned.
He wants to show you that he can be your family, him and his brothers. A good, caring family.
Belphie is suddenly so overprotective of you.
When any of his brothers or other demons threaten you Belphie is there to step in and stop them.
He gets so angry that even his brothers are shocked.
There is no way he will ever let anything like that happen to you ever again.
He’ll make sure your crimes cannot be traced to you, that way when you do go back to the human realm you won't face any consequences for what he views as self-defense.
Don’t think Belphie will let you keep trying to throw your life away. No way, he’s going to find a way to improve your mental health if it’s the last thing he does. Starting with working through the anger issues he suspects you have.
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mybg3notebook · 3 years
Astarion Analysis Summary
Disclaimer Game Version: All these analyses were made up to the game version v4.1.101.4425. As long as new content is added, and as long as I have free time for that, I will try to keep updating this information.
This will be a summarasing analysis integrating most of the main characteristics shown and proven in the post (Astarion Analysis)
Additional disclaimers about meta-knowledge and interpretations in (post)
The number between brackets [] represents the topic-block related to (this post), which gathers as much evidence as I could get.
Alignments are usually a topic of discussion since characters can be so complicated, that they are hard to put in some place on the spectrum. However, for Astarion’s case, it’s clear that he is an Evil-aligned character, like Shadowheart and Lae’Zel. Whether he lies on a Chaotic side or a Neutral one is a bit less important (personally, I believe this small shift is the most you will be able to change Astarion through the main game, but I will explain that in another post Astarion and Power -Part 2). 
What is most important is to understand that we are analysing an Evil char, so his personality will lay in the negative characteristics. He likes all degrees of cruelty [3,6], violence [2, 13], and murder [2], having a particular taste for animal cruelty [4]. He finds this cruelty funny.
When it comes to animal cruelty, he has a broader concept of what’s animal than most Tavs would consider: he includes kobolds, goblins, and gnomes as such [5]. So all the cruelty upon them would be labelled, for his standards, as “animal” cruelty. This is why I specify he has a particular taste for this type of cruelty: he doesn’t only enjoy the death and torment of animals, but also of races he considers as such [5].
He has many racial biases [5] (hardly any char in Forgotten Realm lacks them): he only sees valuable elves and some humans (not all, since he despises the Gur) probably as a consequence of his backstory. Let’s remember that a group of Gur put him at death's door, forcing him into accepting Cazador's proposition. However, it’s also important to keep in mind he put himself in that situation with his corrupted magistrate role as a mortal (Swen’s interview).
He supports the most common biases about Tieflings and Gurs [5], and mocks halfling and Dwarven Tavs. He sees goblins, kobolds and gnomes as animals. Probably the list is broader, since all this information is what's present in the EA game at the moment.
Astarion as a character has a play of concepts with the duality animal/owner [14]. He speaks about choice as the element that separates animals from humanoids. Animals react out of instinct, thinking creatures choose to act. This speech doesn’t end with him claiming choice but being an animal desiring to kill. If in any other instance he would show a hint of empathy, one would be inclined to think his character is about the overwhelming reactions of a wounded animal installed by the abuse. But I hardly see it like that. He was twisted before turning into a vampire.
As such, he speaks about “survival instinct” [14]. With the little we see and can read in his approvals and disapprovals, he is looking for acceptance from Tav about his vampire nature, for the sake of survival. This character is an extreme survivalist. Astarion would care nothing about endangering or even killing innocent people to guarantee his survival. Once more, we see in the way he speaks about survival, the constant repetition of the symbol of “animal”. 
He is greedy [1], no matter if what he gains is little or not; as long as it gives him a small reward (he hates to help for free), or if it causes pain, torment, or the death of the person he is interacting with, it’s enough. If Astarion doesn’t have a radical change in his background, we can be assured this greed comes from his past mortal life, when he was a corrupt magister to the point to double sell criminals to a local vampire lord and to slavers. 
Manipulation [7]is the main characteristic in him. His words and mannerisms change as the game progresses, playing with the tones and the half-truth/lies he keeps saying. During his first interactions with Tav, Astarion is very careful in sharing his opinion about the events, —his judgements are always vague—while he tries to appraise Tav. This can be easily seen when he has no opinion about Kagha’s snake killing Arabella and playing an obvious mind game to Tav. For further detail check (Astarion and his Standards).
He is sometimes considered a prankster [3], but I prefer to call him Evil Trickster (pretty much like Shadowheart, who has trickster domain as cleric) who enjoys pranks to a higher degree of torment, ending sometimes with the death of the person in question. He enjoys, following this Trickster nature, the humiliation of people in general and outsmarting small people in particular [6]. He is aware that outsmarting powerful ones can bring consequences hard to deal with [7] (as he warns when Tav thinks about outsmarting Raphael), but applying all these torments to weak people is inconsequential, and therefore, enjoyable for him without risks.
We already stated that he enjoys the suffering of people [2,3], but he has a particular taste for the torment of the weakest ones [6]. The root of this pleasure for humiliating weak creatures comes from his desire for power. Astarion is a char deeply related to power [11], not as a goal itself (not power for the sake of power), but as a means to obtain revenge, and in the process, become a Master. I will analyse this aspect in another post  (Astarion and Power part 1/ part 2). 
However, I think it’s worth noting that Astarion’s descriptions of Cazador reflect not only his need for power but also his desire for that kind of power applied in a similar goal. Astarion despises Cazador’s obsession for power, but he has little problem to aspire to it. The obsession with any kind of power, especially the one given by the tadpoles which bend the will of people (mind control) [11], his paranoia, his constant desire to become master [14], his pleasure in cruelty and humiliation [2,3,4,6]… all these characteristics are very descriptive of Astarion too. Cazador and Astarion seem to be each other’s mirrors ( for more details check post  Astarion and Power part 1/ part 2). .
Despite hating to be involved in anyone else's problems [9], he encourages and supports most acts of revenge [8,16], especially the ones against figures that can be interpreted as master. This will occur if and only if Astarion perceives the victim of such a master as a strong and resilient creature worth the trouble, i.e. Karlach [16]. 
He enjoys most Intimidation options you can pick [13], since they can result in the humiliation of a certain NPC, as a demonstration of power, or simply as elements for tormenting NPCs that would lead to murderous situations which are “funny” shows for Astarion. In general, most intimidation tags will be approved by him, except the ones that could be used to defuse violent outcomes.
All these evil pleasures can be considered as “the result” of turning into a vampire, but if we stick to what Swen has explained during the first demonstrations of the game and interviews before the release of EA, we know Astarion has been an Evil character during his mortal life. He was a corrupt magistrate in Baldur’s Gate, who fed the local coven of vampires with criminals. Being greedy, and trying to bite more than he knew he could chew, he sold this food into slavery to earn more money. As a consequence (directly or plotted by Cazador, we don’t know) he was attacked by a group of Gurs who almost beat him to death. Cazador appeared soon afterwards to grant him immortality with the curse of Vampirism. As we can see, he is not better than he was when he was a mortal elf.
A deeper relationship with concepts such as power, abuse, and victim will be explained in another post ( Astarion and Power-part 2). From Astarion’s brief background we can see that he has been an abuser in his mortal life. Due to his own actions, Cazador grasped him into his power and inflicted torment, humiliation, and violence of many kinds, for two centuries, twisting his personality into evilness even more than before (we also need to remember that not only torture may have twisted his personality, vampirism via Dark Desires causes a natural perversion of the persona as well). He now aspires to become more powerful, a reflection of Cazador himself, as a way to acquire his freedom. He wants power to be free [7, 11, 13, 14], and the power of mind-controlling others excites him [10,11] to no end, ignoring completely the cognitive dissonance of his own mind as an ex slave [12]. Although he suffered slavery in his own flesh, he is pretty apathetic (or even supports) slavery [10]. Some players may understand his narration of Cazador’s torments as a means to manipulate Tav, others, as a self-dismissal of his own traumatic experiences. 
His story seems to narrate the story of an abuser who found a greater abuser and became a victim of the latter, seeking to return to a stronger power position (the greatest vampire of the world—description in Larian web page—). Despite suffering this abuse, that could be understood as poetic justice to certain degree, he never developed empathy for those sharing his condition. He cares little when he sees others in the same situations he had been ( for more details check post (Astarion and Power part 1/ part 2). 
Some fans see that Astarion detests slavery, and he is just putting a show of a thick-skinned survivor, pretending that it does not affect him. I can’t see it with all what we see in EA. This “supposed” repulsive emotion should be a matter of narrative (we should see it in clear approvals or disapprovals as meta-knowledge), not a baseless imagination/wish of the player. We know that there are hundreds of resources to show hidden emotions in characters. Remorse or a desire to improve can be perfectly shown without being explicit, even when he may not be conscious of them. We can see how this is managed with Shadowheart, and we know there is something going on under her cruelty despite knowing little about herself (she knows less of her past and still yet we manage to see some degrees of goodness in her despite her evil inclinations). 
So I don’t believe that Astarion has some remorse going on, because if it were the case, it has not been shown in any scene so far. To me, it makes much more sense for him to develop as a full evil character inside the spectrum of evilness. After all, and following the tradition of the mechanics seen in BG1 and BG2, a redemption arc of an evil char of this magnitude makes little sense (We can remember Edwin,Dorn Il-Khan, Sarevok Anchev, Viconia DeVir, Baeloth Barrityl, Xzar, or Hexxat, all evil chars whose development was always inside their evilness or showed, in few cases, a slight shift of it). But further details and reflections will be addressed in another post (Astarion and Power part 1/ part 2). 
As a last detail, we can or cannot believe his statement of having lost his memories (he can perfectly claim it to hide his evil past from the main character to have a better manipulation of Tav) but considering Larian has kept most of the DnD vampire characteristics, I would like to bring awareness of a particular vampiric effect named Dark Desires (here). It’s the twistessness of the mortal-desires, which due to the fact that Astarion’s had always been dark, changed little with his vampiric nature, or just deepened in its perversion, and may cause sometimes the loss of memories (he was greedy and cruel before, now he stays the same, but darker and morbider.)
In short we can summarise Astarion as a moral bankrupt narcissist, a survivalist no matter the cost, a power-hungry character who wants to bend people’s will. He uses manipulation as his main tool, and enjoys violence, murder, and humiliation. Despite his slave past, he enoys acts of cruelty and torture on innocent or weak creatures. All his actions and words seem to ominously display a similarity with Cazador, as if his fate is to become the next Cazador.
This post was written on April 2021. → For more Astarion: Analysis Series Index
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