#but rest assured that i have seen this with MANY other characters as well
skepticalcatfrog · 2 months
Every time someone draws a character who is described in the text to have curly/wavy hair with PIN STRAIGHT, NOT EVEN A HINT OF TEXTURE hair, a fairy dies
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caffichai · 6 days
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Food Bank Fundraiser
Hi everyone!
First of all, I want to say thanks to everyone who's been leaving such nice tags/comments on stuff I've posted! It's been really encouraging (o^▽^o)
Anyway, I think we all know it's very dark days on the economic front for many of us. So as such, I'd like to help raise some funds for Food Banks Canada! In exchange for you making a donation to the food bank, I will draw a character suggestion!
I know this is not really the sort of thing I normally do or post here but... many folks are struggling to put food on the table right now, and the food bank is a source of support for many and provides an absolute necessity. I've seen many people struggling in my own city, and food security has become an even bigger issue than it already was in the last couple of years with the food bank struggling to keep up with demand. Of course, food security is an issue across the whole country that's putting a huge strain on food banks, with nearly 5% of the entire population making use of food banks monthly, and 23% of the population reporting food insecurity (CBC, 2024; Global News, 2024). Unsurprisingly, those who are already most disadvantaged suffer the effects of food scarcity even more (Statistics Canada, 2023). To make matters more desperate, Canada's food bank system is on the brink of collapse (CTV News, 2024).
I know this isn't going to something big enough to change the world or anything, but being able to make even a small impact for individual people is important too!
Of course, I'm sure people aren't just in it for a reward, but rewards make things all the sweeter, right?
For those who want to contribute, I'll take a character suggestion and add it to a poll (depending on the number of contributors, it may be split up into multiple polls), and then I'll draw as many as I can from top to bottom ranking! If you contribute, please send me a DM with your donation receipt and your character idea! They won't necessarily all be drawn in the same style, and they'll be done according to how much time I've got. (I know that commissions are probably the biggest incentive, but realistically, I struggle to get them done quickly and they're probably not that affordable to everyone)
If you prefer SFW or NSFW, you can let me know (But NSFW will be posted to Cohost). If you make a bigger contribution, I'll reach out to you and ask if you wanna see more specifics/details in your piece. How's that for sweetening the pie? :3
For those who can't make a donation (which is completely understandable), simply spreading the post is also helpful, and I appreciate that greatly as well!
Don't forget that giving a donation allows you to get a tax break based on the amount donated as well!
If you'd rather donate to your own local food bank, that's great too! You can DM me and send me a pic of your receipt and I'll still add your suggestion to the poll.
If you REALLY want a commission, you can also DM me and I'll do my best to fulfil it! I won't be taking commissions for this till/if there's at least a couple of items on the poll though. The proceeds will go to my own local food bank. The commission will be done later though, and may take some time to fulfil. I take payment only after starting.
When do we start??
I guess once there's a good number of poll options? I have no idea how long that will be, but rest assured I'll keep you updated!
Where do we contribute?
You can make your donation to Food Banks Canada! They really need it!
Alternatively, you can make a donation to your local food bank or equivalent charity.
Other Questions?
Feel free to send me a message or an ask! I'll get back to you ASAP. If I need to include more details or clarify something, let me know! It's my first time doing this!
I want to help raise money for food banks! Anyone who contributes to Food Banks Canada (or donates to their own local food bank or equivalent charity) can DM me with their receipt and give a character to add to the poll. Poll characters will be drawn in order of their ranking, as many as I can manage, over as long a period of time as I can manage!
No pressure to donate of course, I just figured this would be a fun way of raising a bit of money to help out, and allow us to donate more than what I personally can
Current Contributor Count: 10
Suggested Characters:
Imagine your beloved, obscure or popular character here on this poll list! Oooooooh, how lucrative :3
Total funds raised:
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crispywaffles2 · 2 months
Hi I have a request! How about macaque and wukong (separate) acting over protective after if finding out their (female) s/o is pregnant? And how would they act throughout the whole pregnancy?
Please and thank you!
Hi! Of course I can, thank you so much for requesting! I'm not really versed in this particular field of romance or the struggles that it comes with, so I apologize if a lot of these seem out of character or unbearably tropey!
Overprotective Macaque & Wukong with a Pregnant!S/O
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The moment it's revealed that you're pregnant he's tweaking out
He doesn't know how to be a dad what the heck
But he also can't deny that he is kind of excited at the prospect of being able to take care of your child!
Or children?
Oh my gosh what if it's twins-
He's seen mortal babies and toddlers walking about in the streets with their parents, and he's well aware of how.. tiny... and stupid... and vulnerable they are
He never much cared for it, thinking that mortal children were weak for not immediately coming into the world with powers or some sense of right and wrong
But it's different with his child! He can't let the tiny, stupid, vulnerable kid in your stomach get hurt!
Rest assured that he's rearranging furniture to make it easier for you to maneuver around
He insists on going out with you everywhere, and if you were to ever voice that you were getting tired of it, then he'd eventually relent...
Maybe send a clone or two to watch you in the shadows without your knowledge, but other than that he'll leave you alone!
He will glare at anyone who's eyes linger on your growing belly bump for too long, giving them a silent warning not to come to close
He'll throw down his cape over a small puddle, gesturing for you to safely cross. He says it's a joke, but really he wants to look like a gentleman in front of you
Despite his overprotective nature, he will not fulfill your cravings without question
"A what?? Why on Earth would our baby need to eat that?? They probably don't even like it!"
Other than your strange food requests, he's happy, eager even to help fulfill anything else
Worried about the stretch marks forming in your stomach? He'll tell you about how they remind him of battle scars and shows off his scars to you to make you feel better
"See? We're both warriors."
In pain from bad cramps? He's secretly panicking and making bad jokes while tending to you because he's nervous.
Stays by your side all the time just in case you start feeling pain. He wants to be there for you
Secretly reads books and looks up videos for first time dads when he thinks no one is looking
He's a warrior! A master of the shadows!
Sly, cunning, teasing, playful, sure!
But a father?
He couldn't even picture himself holding a baby
When the delivery finally happens he is such a Karen
Might as well hire him as a doctor, considering how he practically tried to deliver the baby himself
Eventually though he composes himself and stands in the corner fidgeting nervously
He's never been one to cry, not even in his brotherhood days, but the tears that welled up in his eyes when he held your child couldn't be helped
Instinctively starts trying to groom the baby
It's all over now. You're not pregnant, and the baby is finally here
He's still pretty protective of you, and his child even moreso
All that he could think as he looked into the eyes of your writhing, still slightly damp, baby was those nine months of making frankly disgusting foods were worth it
Absolutely flips when the bomb is dropped that you're pregnant
He genuinely doesn't know what to do
He's not sure if he should be excited that he's going to be a dad or worried that he's going to be a dad
We all know Wukong is protective of those he loves and carries a guilty conscience about including them in his messes
He knows that pretending he knows what he's doing won't get him out of every situation. He knows how many messes he pulls people into. He knows that his lingering 'do now ask questions later' mentality can put those he loves in danger
And now he has a baby too??
It takes a bit, but he eventually starts to warm up to the idea
He's the monkey king! And he'll teach his child to be better than him. Stronger, smarter! Well, not that much stronger because then he wouldn't really hold the crown the one of the strongest beings and he would not be able to handle that
Still though, he'll raise this baby and change his ways doing so
He's cartwheeling all over the place after a while just from pure excitement
Trust and believe this man is NOT reading any baby books or watching any videos. He doesn't need some mortal telling him how to raise his kid. He's the Great Sage
Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to interpretation
He'll rant to his monkeys about all of the things he'll teach the child, and he does it with so much excitement that even they get pumped up
Will try to speculate it's gender and appearance with you
"Maybe it'll have your pretty eyes and my handsome jawline! Or maybe it'll have your hair and a little tail like it's dad!"
Makes little baby toys out of sticks and leafs
He is actually super overprotective of you, but tries to pretend he's just being casual
"Where are you going? Not that I care or anything... You're trying to go to the store?? Babe, you should totally just.. stay here with me. I can make one of my clones do the shopping."
Will furiously stammer and insist that he's not worried about you if you ask
He knows you can handle yourself! It's just... You're all pregnant and vulnerable and round and he's such a worrywart about you!
He thinks that if anything even gently bumps your tummy the baby won't grow or something, so he's constantly paranoid
Rearranges furniture so it's easier for you to get around
He even cleans up just to lighten your load a bit! He must really love you!
He's actually super eager about people looking at your belly bump in public and will absolutely go off on a tangent about how his beautiful partner is about to have a beautiful baby and it's going to be beautiful
But if someone gets a little too close to you he will not hesitate to push them down or maybe accidentally give them a broken wrist if they reach out to touch your stomach
Is confused about why everyone isn't literally bowing to you while you're walking the streets
Genuinely got upset when you two were walking through a crowd and he had to hold you because people wouldn't just part for the pregnant woman walking through
"What?? Ten dollars for this? You do know my partner is pregnant right? This should be free for her! Everyday is a struggle for her! You'd have no idea what she's been through and you're charging her ten dollars-"
He's an absolute Karen
Suggests putting a pillow over your stomach
"That way you won't bump into anything and our child can be cozy!"
Because Wukong is an absolute hazard in the kitchen, he's concocted a crazy amount of different foods
He has no problem fulfilling your strange food requests and even eats them with you
"Oh my goodness! I love crab cakes with syrup!! I'll make some for both of us bud."
Has like three different emergency plans for when you're in pain
The moment you lurch forward or let out a groan he's on it
With a snap of his fingers his monkeys are all marching over to help you sit down in a single file line
He sits there and soothes you as best as he can while his monkeys scamper around trying to get anything you request
When it's finally time Wukong is genuinely confused, thinking that it's just contractions or something, but you keep yelling at him and saying "IT'S TIME!!"
Time for what?? Lunch or...?
Thinking the baby is talking to him through you, he hoists you up on his somersault cloud and zips off
When the doctor gives him a strange look and tells him you're just about to have your baby he freaks out
He tries to help in any way he can, holding your hand, breathing with you
Offers to help with the delivery of the baby
"Oh, looks like it's a bit stuck. Need a little help there bud?"
Losing his mind in the corner of the room but trying to play it cool for you and the doctors.
"Why is it slimy?" Are quite literally the first words that come out of his mouth when the baby is delivered
When he finally has his child in his arms he's all over it
Kisses, cooing, holding, hugging or even just staring at it
He may not know much about being a father, but he will try his best to teach his child not to go down the path he did because he already loves it to the moon and back
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tsunamiholmes · 6 months
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I'm sure many of you have seen the new Among Us x A Hat in Time announcement by now, which consists of new cosmetic items based off of the AHiT characters as part of the new Indie Cosmicube.
However, what I've not heard as much discussion about is the new art featured in the promo.
"New art?" you ask, glancing at the familiar sprite art of the AHiT characters in the background. "I guess Bow Kid's looks new..."
"But what about the rest of them?" I ask, smirking.
"Those have been around for years!" you protest.
"Ah-ha!" I raise a finger, a witty smile spread across my face, "but have they?"
In fact, all of the main character sprite art in the background of this promo has been redrawn. Some, like Hat Kid's, has even had design changes as well.
Let's start with Hat Kid:
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Overall new shading and smoother painting lines, including added highlights and shadows to create more depth
New eyes that give her a more cheery and childish appearance
New, more expressive mouth with fangs!
Updated stars on her umbrella
More detailed ears
Below you can see some of the areas pointed out and the original art we've had for years.
Next, Mustache Girl:
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Again, completely new shading and highlights
New, sharp gremlin teeth (I'm loving all of the new teeth choices here, Jenna)
Brand new eyes
Changed left eyebrow position to give a more "evil" expression
New styled nose to match the other, newer art
Next, The Conductor:
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New shading and highlights
More light spill/reflections on his dark clothing and hat (see the underside of the bill and the left side of his arms/collar)
Larger tongue
Slightly more plump tie
Cleaner line art, specifically on his right hand
The crows are the same from the Welcome to Mafia Town title card, as pictured here:
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I didn't bother making a GIF since they didn't have any changes!
~ ~ ~
That about sums it up I think. That new Bow art is super cute, and I can't wait to see it in full. Oh, did I not mention? Gears for Breakfast didn't spend all of this time redrawing these classic images just for some Among Us promotion. Or rather, they might have, but a little birdy told me that we'll be seeing them again soon...
For what? I have no idea. No clue there. But you can be assured that we'll be getting the full, brand new versions of these pieces of art in the near future!
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idontwantotsayimgodbut · 10 months
Hear me out!! Jealous!Welt? I recently pulled Blade and I've been so busy building him that I've kinda neglected Welt 😭😭 so that got me thinkingㅡwhat if reader and Welt went on like a mission where they come across Blade? And they start gushing about Blade which makes Welt reeaallyy jealous and yk the rest<3
jealous!welt x fem!reader
cw: jealous welt, fingering, welt’s a jealous little tease, praising, fluff
“You should’ve seen how he just completely destroyed those abominations! His blade work is so precise!” As you enthused about Blade, the man walking next to you had… a different idea on Blade. “Yes well, this swordsmanship is nothing compared to many other people we’ve met on the Luofu”, he replied, unimpressed.
“Sure, sure, but can they all look so good like him when killing enemies? I don’t think so”. You may have been giggling, but what you said struck a cord in the man. He swiftly grabbed your hand and pulled you into his cabin. “Wh- what are you doing?!?” You exclaimed, confused, and curious. He huffed. “What’s your obsession with Blade hmm? Am I not impressive for you?” He said his name in disgust, as he softly held onto your wrist.
You we’re stunned, this seemed so out of character for the man. He was usually so composed and calm. “I- wait… Mr. Yang… are you jealous?”. There was a slight smirk on your face. He blushed slightly at your words, but recovered quickly. “And if I am?” He quipped back. “ Mr. Yang, I assure you, you have nothing to be jealous about”, you whispered.
He got closer to you, so you were essentially pinned up against the wall. “Show me I have nothing to be jealous of”, he murmured. You wasted no time, you kissed him. The moment his lips touched yours you just knew this was the right thing to do. It felt so right, and so good.
After a few moment of bliss, Welt pulled away and whispered. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now”. He ran his hand down your skirt, and got on his knees. His words and actions caused you to grow more aroused, which was apparent by the sweet sounds you were making. He slipped his fingers under the hem of your skirt, as he kissed up your thigh. You whimpered, bringing a chuckle out of Welt.
“You’re so cute”, he whispered. You felt his fingers touch your clothesd cunt, causing you to whine out his name. “Tell me Y/N, could Blade do this?”, he teased. You shook your head, unable to form words. He seemed satisfied with that answer as he slipped his fingers into your folds. “Oh dear, you’re *so* wet”, he mused as he stuck one finger in to your cunt. “W-Welt”, you whispered, as you gripped onto his head.
He wore a smirk on his face, your reactions edging him on. He slipped another finger into you, “you can take it, can’t you darling”, he murmured, his voice laced with lust. You nodded as he pushed his fingers into you, praising you as you felt your high approach. As soon as he curled his fingers, you came down his arm. “Good girl”, he whispered, as he licked your cum off of him. It was all so lewd, turning you on even more.
He kissed his forehead “Darling Y/N, I’ve loved you for some time now, I think it’s time you know”. You smiled, and kissed him. “I love you too”, you whispered. He grinned as he pulled you closer.
He began to unbuckle his as he looked at you with a sly smile. “Now my love, I think it’s timeI fuck you so hard, you’ll be screaming my name, and my name alone”
Yeah, you had a long night ahead of you.
a/n: THIS REQUEST WAS SOOOO HOT I had to do it the second I saw it actually 😭😭 but don’t worry! I am working on other requests too!!! just pls be patient with me LMAO anyways, thank you for reading and I love you all <3
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starlightandfairies · 2 months
Hello!! Can I request and Elijah fic where reader meets him at Klaroline Wedding. Maybe she was childhood friends with Caroline or something. Any details up to you! Thanks!!
Description: The reader meets Elijah at Niklaus' and Caroline's wedding
Warnings: she/her pronouns, fluff, swearing
*Requests are open, please send through as many requests as you want, check my character list and requesting rules.*
Thank you for requesting this! I hope you enjoy it!
Key: Y/N = Your Name, POV = Point of view
Word Count: 1,622
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First Person's POV
In a way, I'm almost envious that Caroline got married, don't get me wrong, I am incredibly happy for her that she got married and Niklaus Mikaelson was perfect for her. I truly admit that I've known Caroline since I was a little girl and since then everything has been one heck of a rollercoaster. I was glad for the fact that Caroline chose pretty and flattering dresses for the bridesmaids to wear. Caroline had gone full-on out for the wedding, planning exactly who would sit where and who would be walking down the aisle with whom. 
"Caroline, you look stunning," I reassured, resting a kiss on her cheek and carefully hugging her so I wouldn't ruin her dress, hair or make-up. Caroline shot me a smile, staring at me happily and grabbed ahold of my hands. Shooting me a smile. Finally, she looked less stressed and worried. I mean I knew she wanted this to be perfect, who wouldn't want their wedding to be perfect? 
"Thank you. Okay, remember Bonnie's walking with Enzo, Elena's walking with Damon and Elijah's walking down the aisle with you. Got that?" I nodded slowly, I originally thought I'd be walking with Matt, but I didn't want to question it so I simply just smiled and nodded a little more firmly. 
"It's going to Elena and Damon, Bonnie and Enzo and then you and Elijah. Understand?" I smiled reassuringly, took her hands and shot her a look. 
"Don't worry, we've been doing this since we were little girls. Tons of practice. Don't worry. Okay?" Caroline sucked in a breath, nodding and grabbed my hands. 
"Make sure Klaus hasn't killed someone or ran off." I left the room, heading towards the groom's room, I knocked on the door and jumped as it was instantly open revealing the most handsome man I've ever seen in my life. The man greeted me with the most charming smile I've ever seen, he leaned against the doorframe. 
"On a groom check?" He questioned, a smirk dancing on his lips, I nodded and gave a gentle smile. Figuring this was the noble Elijah Mikaelson. I sucked in a breath, admiring this man and his perfect facial features. 
"Elijah?" I questioned, smiling once he nodded and thus confirming my assumption. 
"I take that you are the lovely Y/n?"
"It's nice to meet you, Elijah." I greeted, he took my hand lightly, resting a kiss on my knuckles and the simple action brought a blush to my cheeks. 
"Niklaus is perfectly okay, no random feedings, no talks of running off. Please assure Caroline that everything is just fine." Elijah's smile made me giddy, that smile was one that could light up any room and make anyone feel a plethora of emotions.
"Thank you, Elijah. I look forward to getting to know you."
"As do I, Y/n. I'll see you shortly."
Elijah and I hooked arms as we walked down the aisle, I made sure to smile at everyone, it came naturally the smile due to the happy occasion and obviously, the feelings associated with this kind of situation. We walked to our ends of where the other bridesmaids and grooms stood. It seemed that in the blink of an eye, the ceremony was over and the reception had begun.
The Original vampire managed to find me in the crowds of people that were attending the Klaroline wedding, Elijah once again greeted me with a smile, I thanked him for the glass of champagne and sat at the table with Elijah while everyone else mingled on the dance floor.
"I must admit, Y/n I am curious as to why I have never seen you in this business of..." 
"The supernatural? Well, before you Mikaelsons came into the picture, I was attacked and used as collateral damage. I didn't really like doing that so I found a witch and had her do a spell. I use a bunch of protective charms, the spell, in a sense I'm pretty non-existent to unwanted supernatural beings... didn't really work out too well with your brother but he never tried anything so... quite thankful for that." I laughed briefly, taking a sip of the champagne and smiling as he chuckled lightly. 
"Fair enough, however, I am quite glad that I've gotten this chance to meet you." 
"As am I." 
"I've heard so much about you, it's nice to finally meet the man behind the legend." 
"I wouldn't go that far." He chuckled, I shrugged and smiled at him. 
"I would, Niklaus talks to Caroline, and Caroline talks to me. I suppose that he doesn't say it to you but Niklaus is very fond of you." Elijah looked reassured by the fact that his brother did appreciate him, I've heard of so many things that have happened and it is clear that Elijah has tried his best to assist the Hybrid and has on many occasions gotten nowhere. 
"That pleases me more than I would care to admit." 
"I understand that. It makes sense." Elijah looks to see everyone else begin dancing, he stands up and holds out his hand for me to hold. I place the glass down and take his hands. 
"I'm not the best dancer, just letting you know," I warned, knowing that my coordination is atrocious and I didn't want to make a fool of him in front of everyone. 
"That is okay, we can just sway." He led me to the dancing, resting his hands on my waist and my hands resting on his shoulders. Together we swayed to the slow music, obviously, Caroline and Niklaus were the main focus but right now I focused solely on Elijah. I wanted to know this man inside and out, I wanted to know Elijah and I wanted to spend more time with him, I am almost angry with myself for hiding myself away because I thus didn't get a chance to know Elijah. 
"Is it nice, seeing the world change or does it get lonely... or both." 
"Seeing humans change and shape to the societal standards is always interesting. It does get lonely, making friends with humans is always... watching people you grow to love age and disappear or die before their time.... have you ever considered becoming a vampire?" 
"I wouldn't be angry to become one, I've asked before to become one just so I'd have some kind of protection against trouble if it came my way but the others are all like- no, no we can't do that to you, doesn't matter if you want it... it's not fair on you." Elijah looked as if he were considering this, weighing up some options and kissed my knuckles once the dancing came to a stop and proceeded to clap along with everyone else. 
"If I offered, would you want it?" I stared at him flabbergasted, was he really offering this to someone he hardly knew? Elijah Mikaelson seemed like the man who would be reserved and not offer this to someone unless they were truly deserving of it. 
"I believe the term you're searching for is OMG." I squinted at the man, laughing briefly at his attempt to use woke language and licked my lips before leaning closer to him still at a loss for words. 
"Would I still want to become a vampire? Yes, please, I would want that but you hardly know me... are you sure you want to do that?" I questioned, grateful that he was offering this however, I didn't want him to think I was taking advantage of his vampirism.
"Yes, I am sure. I promise. You have my word." 
"Thank you, Elijah." 
"Yes, of course." Elijah and I continued to speak throughout the wedding, giving toasts and speaking with the bride and groom. As the wedding began getting filled with more drunkness, I adventured outside, sitting in the cool breeze and smiling seeing Elijah coming to sit down beside me. 
"Would you like to do this now, while no one is watching?" I nodded slowly, grabbing his wrist as he bit into it and cringed slightly at the taste. I wiped my mouth with my hand and stared at him as I waited to hear how I was going to die. Elijah rests his hand on the side of my face, stares into my eyes and speaks softly. 
"You will not feel any pain, this won't hurt, it'll be peaceful only if you agree to become a vampire." I sucked in a breath, nodded and whispered the words to him. 
"I agree to becoming a vampire." 
"Then your death will be peaceful, you will be okay." I didn't feel any pain or even realise that I was dead until I was being fed blood. Apparently, I woke up pretty quickly so no one noticed my disappearance. Elijah placed his daylight ring on my finger and helped me to my feet. 
"In the morning, I'll give you your own daylight ring. For now, you can borrow mine, I don't exactly need it." I wrapped my arms around Elijah, hugging him tightly and whispered my thanks.
"Thank you, this means a lot."
Elijah proceeded to mentor me, and teach me everything that I needed to know and then some. Over the months, we grew closer and closer eventually to the point where we formed our own relationship together with Caroline and Niklaus betting on how long it would take for us to become married.
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bookworm-2000 · 4 months
I don’t think a dom/sub relationship/situation works for Sterek.
Don’t get me wrong, sterek has to be one of my favourite ships of all time, the chemistry’s there, the saving each other is there, it just works.
But looking into both of their pasts? Neither role works for them.
Dom Derek? Absolutely not, he would be constantly worried he was acting too much like Kate, hurting Stiles, having too much power over him, etc, also might worry about the age gap and believe he’s preying on Stiles like Kate did to him.
Sub Derek? Nope as well, would remind him too much of Kate. He would most likely have this idea in his head that he’s allowing someone control over him again and look where that got him last time? With most of his family dead.
Dom Stiles? Yeah, no. The Nogitsune. Need I say more? He’s terrified of ever having power over people again. Last time he had the power to actually do something? Look at how many people he killed. (Of course we know it wasn’t actually him but have you seen his guilt complex?)
Sub Stiles? No. He was literally possessed, lost all control over his own body for months. I just don’t think he would be able to give up that control again willingly, even with someone he loves and trusts with everything he has.
This was just a bit of fun with a character study and rest assured I will still read all of these dynamics 🤭
Sterek is eternal!
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ghost-bxrd · 9 days
I think the one that concerns me most that I really want to know more about is "little birds in little graves" because, given context, one bird is for sure Jason. So who the other, or others, is, has my morbid curiosity. I'm also hoping this is mostly a metaphorical title.
It could be Dick. We've all seen how well you write those two being brothers. It's wonderfully heartbreaking. The 'grave' of his being depression, guilt, or regret of not saving Jason, or being distant with him, whatever, pre-death.
It could also be Tim. I haven't seen much of him from you, which is a lil sad, he's probably my favorite. This isn't pressure to write him more, you're doing fantastic! I just have a lot of thoughts on his character. The 'grave' for Tim being his personal mission to keep the Batfam on track in the wake of Jason's death. Something he never really digs himself out of.
The last real option I'm seeing for our second bird, is Calvin. You've been focused on him, you've had thoughts! And I'm really thinking "Screaming sounds a lot like birds singing" might be a more Calvin focused WIP. But it could be Calvin! This is a much slimmer chance than Tim or Dick, but it could be! I think it was an ask, but someone mentioned Calvin saving Jason from Joker after the Court had him watch Joker. So it could very well be inspired off that.
Damian or Steph could technically also be the other bird, but I really haven't seen you mention them, so really low hopes on that.
Personally, the most interesting, and most complicated, way to explore the "little birds in little graves" thing would be to explore how that applies to ALL of them. How being Robin is a sacrifice, a burial, of youth and innocence had before. I know Gotham isn't a great place, but the Robins have definitely seen more than the average Gotham kid.
I have many thoughts on this title, and what it could mean. I do know for sure, it will probably make me cry.
Hehe yes my first thought reading through half of your ask was “awe, why assume there’s only two birds and two graves?” Especially because Bruce has so many birds flying around. 🤭 although, arguably, we could say that Dick wouldn’t need his own grave because he’s .1 seconds away from crawling in beside Jason anyway. 👀
I love your thoughts on the title btw! And I’m DYING to share the contents with you guys but first we need to build some more suspense 😩
Rest assured though, Tim is going to feature a lot more frequently in the series from now on. ✨ I’m really going to put our poor “Replacement” Robin through the (proverbial) wringer, wahahahaha!!! 😈
As for Calvin… well, we’ll just have to wait and see. But one thing is for sure, the Court of Owls isn’t as “destroyed” as everyone suspected 😌🦉
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princesssarisa · 1 year
If there's any character from Sleeping Beauty from whose viewpoint I might like to write a poem or short fic, it would be one of the four princes from Act I of Tchaikovsky's ballet.
Other, later retellings of the tale have also given Sleeping Beauty a suitor before she succumbs to the curse, but those princes are usually portrayed negatively, as silly fops in contrast to the charming prince who ultimately wakes her. The four suitors in the ballet, on the other hand, are perfectly nice, handsome, gallant young men. Aurora dances the famous Rose Adagio with them, and while she doesn't choose one of them to marry, she seems to like them well enough. Yet after sharing that beautiful moment of dance with her, with every reason to hope that one of them will soon be her bridegroom, they have to witness her fall under the spell.
Aurora's finger-pricking doesn't happen in a secluded tower in Tchaikovsky's ballet. The evil fairy Carabosse comes to her 16th birthday feast disguised as an old beggar woman, and (depending on the production) either gives her a drop spindle as a gift, which she takes naïvely because she's never seen one before, or gives her a bouquet of roses with a spindle hidden inside. Then she pricks her finger and collapses in front of the whole court and all the party guests, including the four princes. In some productions, one of the princes catches Aurora in his arms as she falls, and when Carabosse jubilantly reveals her identity, many productions have the four of them rush at her with their swords just before she vanishes. Then, after the Lilac Fairy arrives to assure everyone that Aurora is only sleeping, not dead, and to put the King and Queen and all the rest of the court to sleep too, in some productions it's the four princes who carry Aurora into the castle to her bed.
Even though Aurora doesn't fall in love with any of those princes, they still share something meaningful. When Aurora enters, her music and dancing is all childlike exuberance and innocence. But in the grand Rose Adagio – one of the most demanding showcases for a ballerina – she comes into her own both as a dancer and as a young woman receiving courtship for the first time. Arguably, the dance she shares with the four princes serves as her coming-of-age moment, which prepares her for her ultimate marriage to Prince Désiré/Florimund a hundred years later.
Yet there's no happy ending for those four young men. They have to watch Aurora succumb to the curse, fail to take down Carabosse, and then learn from the Lilac Fairy that Aurora is lost to them, destined to sleep until another prince finds her long after they're all dead. All they can do is reverently lay her to rest, then go back to their own lands, presumably to tell the rest of the world what happened.
I'd like to imagine that Prince Désiré/Florimund is the grandson or great-grandson of one of Aurora's four original suitors. A few other adaptations have the Prince who wakes Sleeping Beauty be descended from an earlier suitor of hers, so I'll imagine that's the case in the ballet too.
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au-starss · 2 years
༄ synopsis… they're voicelines about you, before and after starting a relationship (pt. 2)
༄ characters… artem, ayato, childe, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, luke, marius, pantalone, thoma, xiao, vyn, zhongli x gn!reader
༄ tags… slightly ooc
༄ words… n/a
༄ author’s thoughts… part 1 can be found here!
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luke !
Before dating:
‘One of the best lawyers I know of! God they’re so spectacular. We’ve known each other for quite a while, since we were kids, as a matter of fact. It’s a shame we were separated for so long, but that’s a story for another time, right? Anyways, I’d definitely recommend their services. I can give you a contact number if you’d like.’
‘I want to get a bit personal with you, if that’s alright. I love [Name] with everything in me. I want to give them the best life. They’re the reason I’m having a harder time accepting my limited time left. I would hate to just up and leave them like that. So, I’m gonna fight to stay alive. Just for them. [Name] is always someone worth fighting for.’
marius !
Before dating:
‘Definitely someone who’s really feisty. Even during our first meeting they were determined to not play my games and get what they needed with me. Though, we did get a little closer after investigating together. Hopefully you trust me when I say that they are one of the best lawyers around. I could go on for hours about [Name]’s skills if you’d like.’
‘A work of art to me. That’s how I would describe them in my eyes. Ever since our relationship started my artistry has been filled with them and their beautiful smiles. I’m hoping to compose a book of drawings of us, and maybe even gift it to them one day. That way, [Name] knows how incredible they are to me. Yeah, that’s a good idea!’
pantalone !
Before dating:
‘I can let you in on something about [Name], traveler. They’re a harbinger for a reason. Their negotiation and gambling skills are beyond anything I’ve seen before. They even exceed my own in some areas. Working with [Name] always guarantees success on my part when it comes to trades. I assure you, you don’t want to get on their bad side.’
‘It’s truly mind blowing how well we work together in a relationship. I love them to death, and I trust they do love me too. I sometimes wonder what life would be like if I hadn’t pursued a relationship with them. That made me realize a small pang of loneliness I always had before. I can’t imagine going back to feeling that way again, all thanks to my love, [Name].’
thoma !
Before dating:
‘[Name] is one of my closest companions at the estate! They’re always offering to help me with my daily duties after they finish. They’re such a blast to hang around all the time. Even my lord and my lady enjoy [Name]’s presence when having a nice evening. You should come and spend a dinner with us one night traveler, how about it?’
‘Where do I even begin with them? [Name] is absolutely spectacular in so many ways. Words can’t properly explain everything about them. We both really enjoy helping the local dogs when we have free time. To be honest traveler, I want to spend the rest of my life with them. It’s selfish, I know, but I truly can’t help it when it comes to them.’
xiao !
Before dating:
‘Oh yeah, I know of them. [Name] is one of the workers here at the Inn. They’re always bringing me meals, leaving them on the table and coming back later to see if I’ve eaten them. It’s irritating; we’ve never once come face to face yet they’re so adamant on making me get that meal. Maybe I could consider showing myself to them so they stop coming.’
‘They’re.. too kind for their own good. The amount of times they come back after I push them away is frustrating and irritating. [Name] doesn’t understand how being with me endangers them. Still.. I can’t help but feel somewhat nice that someone is taking time to be with me everyday. But that stays between us traveler, understand?’
vyn !
Before dating:
‘They’ve already exceeded my expectations so many times, despite knowing each other for less than a year. [Name] truly is remarkable. A good lawyer, a sharp mind, and even good character. It’s hard to find someone with all those good qualities these days. I want to further my relationship with them, and I do believe you should meet them.’
‘I never believed myself capable to love someone as much as I love [Name]. Everyday they continue to shock me in the best way possible. If I may get personal with you, my social experiences as a child weren’t great. Meeting [Name] and allowing them in my heart was scary, but I overcame it. I have them, and I never want to let them go.’
zhongli !
Before dating:
‘Ah, you speak of one of Ningguang’s closest companions, is that right?. If I may, I believe they are reliable and easy to speak with. I’ve noticed [Name]’s interest in some of the stories I have to tell. I enjoy they’re company, and I truly don’t mind telling them any stories or facts I know. I believe their attentive nature is why Ningguang likes them so much.’
‘What a beautiful soul they are. I sometimes wonder how I managed to become lucky as such, with [Name] by my side like this. It’s things like these that make one really start to think traveler. I have a will to protect them with everything I have. Such a pure soul in this world is hard to find, and I plan to keep mine for a while.’
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dragonydreams · 1 month
Fic: I choose you as my man - BuckTommy
Title: I choose you as my man Fandom: 9-1-1 Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Pairings/Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Tommy Kinnard Summary: Buck wants another date with Tommy before the wedding. Timeline: post 7x05 Word Count: 1,382 Disclaimer: I claim no ownership over these characters. I am merely borrowing them from Reamworks, Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, Ryan Murphy Television, and 20th Century Fox Television. Betas: Thank you to @medieshanachie for looking this over for me. Author's Note: Title from "Take Me As I Am" by Wyclef Jean from Love, Actually soundtrack
Read on AO3
Buck couldn't believe he had as many butterflies in his stomach as he did as he adjusted the placement of the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. He glanced up at the television to where the movie was waiting to be started. 
He grabbed a couple of coasters and set one on either side of the popcorn bowl because he was an adult and didn't want rings on his table from when the beers that were still in the fridge inevitably began to sweat.
He didn't know why he was so nervous. It wasn't like this was the first time that Tommy had been to his loft. Then again, this was the first time he was coming over for a date. 
He felt the smile begin to grow as he thought back to the last time Tommy had been here. To when he'd turned Buck's world upside down with that kiss. The kiss he hasn't been able to stop thinking about since it happened.
He really hoped that they would kiss again tonight. And boy, did he feel fourteen years old again, just hoping for a kiss. 
Before he could get too lost in his thoughts, there was a knock at the door. Buck smoothed down his polo shirt and hurried to the door.
"You're here," Buck said, holding the door open for Tommy. A thrill raced down his spine as Tommy gave him an appreciative once over. One he couldn't stop himself from returning.
"I'm not too early, am I?" Tommy asked, stepping inside. 
"N-No, you're right on time," Buck answered, closing the door. "Go ahead and sit on the couch and I'll grab a couple of beers."
Tommy's rich laughter boomed when he saw the TV. Buck grinned to himself as he hurriedly opened the beers and joined him.
"You've been talking to Howie about me?" Tommy guessed as he accepted the beer Buck held out for him.
Buck dipped his head and looked up at Tommy through his lashes. He heard Tommy's quick intake of breath at the gesture but ignored it. "Well, he has known you the longest."
Tommy's bright eyes dimmed a bit. "Yeah, I was a different man back then," he said.
"Don't worry, he told me that, too," Buck assured him, reaching out to squeeze his - very muscular - arm.
"How'd that conversation go?" Tommy asked, somewhat nervously. 
Buck gestured towards the couch and they sat, both turned to face the other.
"I pulled him aside during a slow period at work and told him that I was bringing you as my date for the wedding," Buck said. 
"I wish I could have seen his expression to that announcement," Tommy said. "I wasn't out to anyone when I was with the 118."
"This was also how he found out that I'm bi, since I'd never been on a date with anyone who wasn't a woman before you," Buck admitted.
"And you chose a fire station as the place to come out to him?" Tommy asked, eyebrows raised. "Howie can't keep a secret to save his life."
"Which is why he was the last one on my team that I told," Buck said. "Not on purpose, but it just kinda ended up happening that way. I was kinda almost hoping that Maddie would let it slip, but unlike her fiance, she can keep a secret." Buck paused, then rushed to say, "Not that I'm keeping  us a secret. I'm not ashamed that I'm bi, or to be going out with you. After all, I'm bringing you to my sister's wedding. To Chimney!"
Tommy reached out and rested a hand on Buck's knee and squeezed. "Relax, I didn't think you were."
Buck took a deep breath. Not just because of how good it felt to have Tommy's hand on his leg, but also to release some of his nervous tension.
"Anyway, once that news sunk in he was so excited that we're going out and couldn't wait to share with me some of your favorite things," Buck said, glancing at the TV. "And I figured that since we missed the movie last time, that we should start with one of your favorites." 
"Have you seen it?" Tommy asked, resituating himself on the couch to better face the TV.
Buck grabbed the popcorn and remote and did the same, scooting closer to Tommy, but with a couple of inches still between them. 
"I used to watch it with Maddie," Buck said. "She loves it, too."
"But you don't? We can watch something else if you don't. I'll have lost some respect for you, though," Tommy teased.
"I do," Buck confirmed. "Who doesn't love a movie about people falling in love and the hope that being in love inspires?"
"Exactly," Tommy agreed, stretching an arm out behind Buck on the couch as he settled more comfortably. 
Buck eyed the arm behind him and just grinned to himself, having pulled that move himself way too often, pleased to be on the receiving end of it. He felt the heat rise on his cheeks. 
He raised the remote and pressed play before setting it on the coffee table.
As he sat back, he spread his legs just a bit so his knee was lightly pressing against Tommy's. The other man didn't say anything, but Buck felt him press his knee a little more into Buck's in acknowledgement. A pleasant shiver ran down Buck's spine as Tommy brushed a thumb against Buck's shoulder.
Buck glanced at Tommy from the corner of his eye and he was smiling. Whether that was because of Buck's reaction or the movie, Buck wasn't entirely sure.
He grabbed a small handful of popcorn and tossed it in his mouth. As he automatically began to lick the lingering butter and salt from the palm of his hand, he suddenly realized that he'd forgotten napkins. He leapt to his feet to find Tommy staring hungrily at him. 
"I-I forgot napkins. For the popcorn," Buck stuttered. 
Tommy looked from Buck's buttery lips to his fingers. "I think I can help with that," Tommy suggested, reaching out for Buck's right hand; the left still holding the popcorn bowl. 
Buck blindly set the popcorn on the table as Tommy pulled Buck back down next to him, much closer than before. 
Keeping his eyes on Buck's, Tommy sucked one of Buck's fingers into his mouth, swirling his tongue around each one until it was cleaned of butter and salt. 
Buck could barely catch his breath as he watched Tommy suck each of his fingers clean. His dick took an interest as well, suddenly wishing for Tommy to suck that appendage as well. It took all of Buck's effort to not glance down to see if Tommy was enjoying this as much as Buck was.
"That was so hot," Buck breathed when Tommy finished. 
"Oh, I'm not done yet," Tommy promised. 
He reached out with the same two fingers as last time and pulled Buck into a kiss.
Buck whined with relief to be kissing Tommy again, letting himself rest the hand that had just been in Tommy's mouth in his shoulder, his fingers digging in as Tommy's tongue flicked against his lips. He parted his lips and they both moaned as Tommy's tongue brushed against Buck's.
When they pulled apart a few minutes later, Buck panted, "This isn't why I invited you over tonight."
"You sure about that?" Tommy teased.
"Well, not the only reason," Buck admitted. "I hoped. I really hoped. But I also just want to spend more time with you."
"You don't hear me complaining, do you?" Tommy asked, running his fingertips along Buck's shoulders and upper back.
"N-n-noo," Buck said with a shuddering breath. "How do you do that to me?" he muttered quietly.
Tommy chuckled. "I remember what it was like when I first admitted that I was attracted to men."
Buck's wide eyes met Tommy's smiling ones, his fingers running down Tommy's arm. "Is it like this for everyone?"
"I can only speak for myself," Tommy said. "But in my experience, when you click with the right person, yes."
As if to prove his point, Tommy leaned back in and captured Buck's mouth again. 
It was a good thing that they'd both seen the movie before.
The End
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Together. Bo X Din
They went to the Mines of Mandalore TOGETHER.
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They took down the pirates and helped Greef TOGETHER.
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They saved Ragnar TOGETHER.
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They visited Plazir-15 and United the Mandalorians TOGETHER.
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They took down Moff Gideon TOGETHER
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Throughout the season we see Bo and Din grow closer TOGETHER. I’ll start by saying if Din never went to the mines and had never gotten captured Bo would be dead. Him sending Grogu to find Bo to save him ended up saving her as well. Her castle was later bombed and completely destroyed..
We see that Din and Bo care about each other deeply. Weather it’s longing looks from Bo or the actions we see from either of them.. Bo always looks for Din for assurance.. it happens MANY times throughout the season. Bo also asks for Din’s advice countless amounts of times.. She values what he thinks more then anyone else.. We get to see how well they work TOGETHER.. (The Droid Chase, The Droid Bar, Ship Dogfights, Talking to the Ugnaughts, Taking down the pirates, Etc) Another huge moment is in Episode 6.. when Bo and Din are on there way to first talk to Axe who has taken control of Bo’s fleet. Bo sits across from Din with a face full of anxiety and slight nervousness.. she doesn’t know how to play the situation.. Din tells her that she is there leader and they will follow her.. they then arrive to Axe and the others.. Bo challenges Axe to a duel with Bo coming out on top. Axe doesn’t take the loss well and tells Bo they won’t follow her because she doesn’t even have the saber and won’t fight Din.. claiming he “doesn’t have a drop of mandalorian blood in his vains.” Bo immediately comes to Dins defense stating that “Din Djarin took the creed and chose to walk the way.. just as our ancestors did.. he is every bit the mandalorian they were.. especially as much as any of us..” Din looks stunned to Bo who gives him a reassuring look.. Axe again reiterates that they will only follow whoever posses the Darksaber.. before Bo can reply Din interjects That Bo will have the saber and explains how it is rightfully her’s.. He gives her the saber and they share a soft tender moment that ends with Din giving her a warm nod.. again assuring her that she can do this.. The episode ends with Bo wielding the Darksaber and Din standing next to her.. They stand TOGETHER.
The dynamic between Din, Bo and Grogu was also a huge part of this season.. Grogu grows closer to Bo as the season goes along.. Each time the three of them are in Bo’s ship.. Grogu gets closer to Bo until he eventually sits in her lap.. When Grogu is knighted on Plazir-15 it nearly bring Bo to tears.. Din and Bo train Grogu together and get him ready to face Ragnar. She takes on the mother dynamic to Grogu earning herself the nickname “Mommy Mando”
Bo went from not wanting anything to do with Din at the beginning of the season to being her most comfortable self by his side.. I said in an earlier post that when Bo begins to ever doubt herself, it’s Din who picks her back up and tells her what she needs to hear. Din is the only person who pledges to Bo for Bo. She feels like she can’t keep everyone together “there’s too much animosity” Din puts those concerns to rest and states that “What means more to me is honor, loyalty and character..” Bo turns to Din.. her face is as soft as we’ve ever seen it.. he continues “These are the reasons I serve you Lady Kryze..” Din turns to leave and Bo admires Din as he walks away.. as she turns back to view the horizon a slight smile cracks her face.. She feels confident and at ease again thanks to Din..
Bo never smiled very much.. but in season 3 she does when she’s in the company of Din and Grogu.. Her Family. This is when Bo feels most comfortable.. TOGETHER with Din and Grogu..
We’ve also seen that people would follow Din and Bo if they led TOGETHER . Bo stands to ask for volunteers to aid her.. nobody stands or volunteers.. Bo look’s defeated and uncomfortable.. Until Din stands and Volunteers.. Bo is immediately grateful it means more to her then Din could ever know. The other mandalorians then fall in line and join Din in volunteering. Din’s opinion means a lot to them.. Paz was never a fan of Din.. he makes it clear.. but once he helps save his son again Paz points out that he will follow Din Djarin and Bo Katan.. The other Mandalorians agree and aid them against the pirates thanks to Paz’s words.. they will follow Bo and Din TOGETHER.
To end it all Din, Bo and Grogu take on Gideon TOGETHER. Din fights Gideon and is on the brink of defeat.. Bo spots him and flys to his rescue. She knocks down Moff and tells Din to “Go save his kid..” Bo fights Gideon and the darksaber is destroyed.. As Bo is nearly defeated she states that “Mandalorians are stronger together..” Din arrives and saves her.. They take on Gideon TOGETHER. The clan of three. And that’s where we end. The clan of three. Grogu saves them with a force shield.. we get the final shot of the three of them.. the clan of three TOGETHER.
Bo and Din are stronger TOGETHER
Bo, Din and Grogu are stronger TOGETHER
Cheers to seeing more of them all TOGETHER in season 4!
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lady-phasma · 17 days
This specific use of the 180 Degree Rule has been nagging me since the last trailer came out. The 180 Degree Rule refers to how the camera frames the subjects in a scene so that they are "switched" when the camera moves. This is less disorienting to viewers than if the subjects stayed on the same side of the frame every time (see example below). It's a small trick, but it is noticeable when it isn't used. Logic tells us they should stay on the same side of the frame but it really doesn't work. If you are interested in understanding this further there is a great sequence in Satoshi Kon's Paprika (2006) that explains it better than I have ever seen anywhere else.
Daemon's War
The exchange between Rhaenyra and Jace in episode 10 conveys so much meaning in so few words. I'm not going to discuss Rhaenyra's desires in this post or if they conflict with Daemon's. That would need its own post all to itself.
Jacaerys: Where is Daemon? Rhaenyra: I don't know. Gone to madness. Gone to plot his war.
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Daemon and his motivations are revealed so concisely. There is certainly foreshadowing here, but I appreciate that Rhaenyra knows him so well and has no expectations of him (at this point) beyond what she has seen in the past.
Daemon makes bold assumptions and is arrogant enough to think his way is the best way. When he lists Meleys in their assets there is no doubt in his mind that Rhaenys will side with them in the war. But why does he assume this? What isn't being said is intriguing.
We have Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys. Your sons have Vermax, Arrax, and Tyraxes. Baela has Moondancer. There are also unclaimed dragons. Seasmoke still resides on Driftmark. Vermithor and Silverwing dwell on the Dragonmont, still riderless. Then there are the three wild dragons, all of whom nest here.
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Then, at some point in season two, we see Daemon presumably stop Rhaenys by grabbing her arm.
This man is manipulative and good at it. Rhaenys is not pleased with him touching her. With no context at all, we only have a few words and body language to interpret. I can't wait to see if I'm correct about this when this episode airs. There is a threat or ultimatum here. Daemon's posture is so self-assured, hand resting on Dark Sister as if whatever he is saying has only one response: agreement.
Correct 180 (from trailer):
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Might be helpful to cover one while watching the other.
Incorrect 180 (my edit):
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What made this 180 rule from the trailer stick in my mind is how tight the frame is on Rhaenys for her reaction shot. A medium shot on Daemon cuts to a medium close up on her in order to show her facial expression. We can't interpret too much from trailer editing as it is specifically designed to manipulate and distract viewers in a different way from the final product. However, we are given Daemon's dialogue for this particular shot: "We are going to King's Landing." But what next? Why show her disdain, frustration, irritation? Is there an "or else" or some other technique to coerce her and House Velaryon?
Rhaenyra's words are relevant here as well as in the foreshadowing of the upcoming war. Daemon is not asking permission. His hostility, animosity, and wounded ego combine to make him rash. Another example of the applicability of the title The Rouge Prince. This isn't an argument that his character is made more complex by this foreshadowing, but that he has rarely, if ever, hidden his motives. His motivations are always clear even if they shift from selfish to selfless (which is only evident a handful of times). He is morally ambiguous to viewers because much of the time he seems to be amoral. He can stomach things that others cannot. He believes the end justifies the means. I think it will be fascinating to see how the showrunners, writers, and Matt can navigate someone becoming a villain without making him completely one dimensional. He is irredeemable and many of his fans love him for precisely that. He doesn't want to be redeemed. He wants to be in control.
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I started writing this last night and today this amazing gifset comes across my dash so I had to link it.
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Sunshine- 141
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This is based on a request:
Fluff, F!reader, Platonic! relationship, reader who had Tourettes.
You are literally the sunshine of Task Force 141. It was difficult to join the military and even more difficult to be where you are based on your condition. Having Tourettes is something that you still struggle to bury deep. But after being assigned to Price, more like he picked you up one day and you became his child, anyways he had become your protector. If a new recruit would ask why the sergeant was allowed to say random shit and do random stuff out of nowhere Price would make them run a lap around base.
You whistled, catching the attention of the recruits, "two birds in a pod!" you exclaim, they giggle like little kids. You ashamed because you couldn't control this one look down. Price signals for Ghost to take you elsewhere while he gives them a lesson. "So have you seen ghost lately?"
"no..." you whistle and snap your fingers, "two birds in a pod!"
"C'mere kid." he joyfully looks down at you as his arm rests around your shoulder. You smile up at him. In his many years of service not once had he met another person who can just make him laugh. You, after the first time Price made ghost run around base for a while, assured him that he and a few others were allowed to laugh at your little ticks. He found it adorable, how he could say something stupid and you'd repeat it over and over. He loved how if he felt like being a prick to Soap was needed, then you should be around to remember his words, you of course would be excused for your vulgar language, he wouldn't, but its worth the punishment.
"Soap the proper wanker, wanking along base." you would say at times when you felt awkward in a room. Poor Soap would just blush and look down at the ground, the others would remember your, well Ghosts wise words and would repeat to him over comms.
During mission you and Gaz were assigned as a team. This was because price was tired of seeing how much of a bad influence Ghost could be on your while you two were paired up. Before and after a mission, Ghost would talk to price, asked him, no, begged him to please return you to him. "No, you are already on probation for what you taught her last mission, I cant afford another long meeting with the other officers. "Soap the proper wanker, wanking along base" you voice echoed on the hall, it caused Ghost to laugh so hard, he had tears coming out of his eyes. Price was sure you and him were the reason for his next aneurysm.
"No R/n, it's tippy toppy I wanna see poppy" Gaz was forced to teach you a few stuff that could stick instead of the mean and slander against soap. You soon adapted this, changing a few things.
During a serious mission, Price was up front, revising a plan and adjusting a few things. All of the sudden you got anxious, "tippy tappy I wanna see Gaz as a toppy." You snapped your fingers. Gaz soon was on probation for it. "Gaz!" Price scolded.
Soap literally fell to the floor every time he heard it, Ghost literally patted your back and as he too started to reach the floor, he said "please let her continue with her nonsense." He was referring to price having you on watch duty instead of the field, where at least you could stay quiet and learn less 'funny' stuff from the men.
Lately as you watched a crime show, you adapted "wheels up in 30" and through out days you repeated, with the same monotone voice as the character. Price got you in trouble this time, because many soldiers and newbies waited for hours by the heli pad, all thinking they were going on an unknown mission. You cleaned the toilets, only for like 2 minutes. Because how could he ever punish you.
This still goes on, it has been years since you and the team started working together. And as a usual thing for you, you fucked up one time. All thanks to Ghost(he encouraged you to watch a special), who made bets with Gaz on what you'll say when you all meet Soaps newborn.
Unfortunate for him, his wife and you, you just recently watched a John Mulaney special on the telly. As you all nervously walled up to your comrades home, you were nervous. Your ticks were getting the best of you. Price and Ghost put their hands on your back, trying to just calm your anxiety out.
You met the beautiful baby boy. "Look lass, this is my son!" he brought his son to you.
"Awe he's" you softly said, "👹 UGLY👹 " you accidentally said, Soap literally just stared at you without saying a word. "thats his doing." his wife said, laughing at your funny reaction. Ghost and Gaz had to excuse themselves to a different room. Although they thought they were saving themselves from any unwanted frowns, their deep and loud laughter gave them up. When they came back into the room, Price smacked the back of their head. "sorry sir." they both said.
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A/N: hi, so I by some fucked up mystery deleted the original one, so here's this one that I so did not write in a rush. XOXO bitches
to 🐣 , thanks for this request. Also im not really educated (much at least) in this disorder so if you think this was offense or not accurate, please do let me know
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A Graves x Reader x Ghost Love Triangle
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As Shadow Company’s second in command, you’ve seen firsthand the kind of man Graves could be, including the kind of man he wanted to be for you. It was a game you two unknowingly played, one that would surely not end well. A quick distraction meant to tame your busy souls. Warm bodies to lie with. Anything other than that was pure fantasy, though you two couldn’t help dreaming...
Future NSFW 18+, Future Angst, Pre-MW2 Events, Fluff, Flirting, Teasing, First Kiss, Romance, Drama, Build-up, Implied FWB, Make-Out Session, Shadow Company!Reader
WC ~ 2k
AO3 Link | Masterlist
A/N (2024): Made a few minor grammatical fixes and touched up some of the sentences that weren't making sense. Hopefully, this reads a lot stronger now! ^.~
A/N: I have never posted on Tumblr like this before; I’m a grade A lurker. But I’m obsessed with this for whatever reason, so now you’re being subjected to my writing. This is chapter one to a longer story that’ll be posted on AO3. Sorry if the characters feel OOC, I’m trying my best with what we got. Please enjoy! (T^T)>
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Phillip Graves was as much of an enigma as the rest of the men in Shadow Company.
He could be many things when asked: Confident and self-assured, charismatic and dependable, disciplined and cutthroat, remorseless … as cold and calculated as a well-trained attack dog, or as warm and inviting as a long-time friend. All these personas existed within the commander, ready to be switched on in a single order. A chameleon, true to his craft. He’s grown accustomed to making himself whoever the world needed him to be. Anything that gets the job done.  
There was never any mistaking where Graves' thoughts lie, as more than often he'd just admit to them out loud. He accepts that others believe him to be an open book -- easy to read, with little complexity or depth beyond being a good soldier. Being lighthearted and obedient to the right people has worked wonders for him in the past, so he's mastered this façade and uses it well to his advantage. Proudly too.
But for a man so unafraid to be himself, Graves could be surprisingly secretive. 
As his second in command, you've seen firsthand the many personas your commander wore, including ones he's worn for you. Most of his tricks and plays you recognized by now, even as you've yet to understand them. Though as of late you’ve watched these many faces of his waver into something unfamiliar. They chip away slowly, each time you surrender yourself to his needs, taking your place beside him in the black of night, when no one's around to see. There, he's created a new façade, for your eyes only.
One that only made things complicated.
When you first began spending your nights together, it was more of a means to an end. It had been months since either of you had the pleasure of someone else's full attention, and lately, you were starting to notice. Shadow Company had grown more acclaimed and busy this past year, making dating pretty impossible. And after a while, anyone starts to look like a good lay if they're not ugly. Unfortunately, it didn't leave you with many options, until you'd caught the starved eye of your very own commander. 
You’d hardly been a part of Shadow Company for a month before you’d picked up on Graves' interest in you. He was surprisingly subtle with his flirting, if not predictable. It was the way his eyes lingered on you in quiet moments, his expression turned soft as his lips curved into a charming smile whenever you'd catch him. He could always spot you in a crowded room, always noticing when you were away for too long. He laughed just a little too hard at your jokes and always looked your way first after sharing one himself.
Before long, you found yourself beginning to watch him back. 
It was the little details you noticed first. The small cuts on his face from past firefights, how glossy and full of life his blue eyes looked in direct sunlight. Its rays would make a halo over his dirty blond hair, each strand looking clean enough to run your fingers through. He once caught you looking at him lick his lips, something he did often. When your eyes lifted from his mouth to see your superior officer looking dead at you, it shot a bolt of lightning through you. But you didn't look away, perhaps wanting him to see you looking. Taunting him.
Graves didn't say anything at first when he saw you ogling, but you knew he'd made a mental note of it just from the way he smirked afterward. "See something you like?"
"I see you, Commander," you'd said, hoping your glib nature would cover up the embarrassment you felt from getting caught. But Graves was like a shark in the water, and you'd just given him a taste of your blood.
"I see you too, Songbird." 
It seems all he needed was that clue that you were interested in him, because it wasn't soon after this when he decided to make his move.
You and the Commander had just finished prepping your mission brief for the other Shadow Company members. By now it was getting late in the night, as the building you two were in was a small facility only authorized personnel could enter. You occupied one of the empty rooms converted into an office space for all the pencil pushers to work out of. They’d all clocked out for the day though, leaving you two alone; and the tension in the air between you had just reached a boiling point.
You stood up from one of the tables in the room, preparing to slip into your coat and call it a night, until you watched the Commander approach you suddenly. You assumed he was getting ready to leave as well, until you noticed his come-hither nature.
“So, you got any plans tonight?”
And just like that, the game was on. You knew right away where this would go and it had your heart already skipping a beat. But you didn't want to jump to conclusions, nor did you want to rush this either. The thrill of the pursuit provided you with a nice little rush.
Wicked as you were, you began to smile.
“Why?” you ask. “Did you have something in mind?”
“I can think of a few things,” he said, behaving purposefully coy, in hopes of getting a rile out of you. He always did enjoy your banter and had no problem doing a little teasing himself when presented with the opportunity.
“Is that right?” you say flirtatiously. “Will I like those “things”, Commander?”
Graves smirks, raising an eyebrow at your comment. Hearing his title roll from your tongue so provocatively brought a sudden twinkle to his eyes. At this point, he didn’t need to guess where your mind was, which only made him more bold.
He chuckles under his breath, taking a few small steps closer, until he’s only an arm's length away. His next play.
He wasn't the tallest man you met but he still managed to tower over you by a few inches, the light from the room casting a shadow over him. This close you could smell the aftershave and cologne he’d used this morning, watching the way his eyes took in every detail of you, pupils dilating, black over-compassing the deep blue of his irises. He leans against the wall and unconsciously licks his lips again.
It was like a switch flipped in him.
“You will.”
You scoff, laughing under your breath at his boldness. You were wondering when he would be. Still, you wanted to poke at him a little more, see how long you could keep him waiting, if not to see if he was being for real. “Cocky as always.”
“Would you like me some other way then?”
You play on his words from earlier. “I can think of a few ways.”
“And what might those ways be, Songbird?”
"You're a smart boy," you hum. "I think you can figure them out. My lips are sealed, otherwise."
Graves steps even closer. He lifts a hand and pushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His touch is gentle and surprisingly warm, gliding against you like feathers, his fingers trailing across your jawline and resting beneath your chin. Goosebumps formed where he touched, and you could tell from the doe-eyed look he had that it was doing something to him too, seeing you like this. He takes his hand beneath your chin and lifts your head, forcing you to lock eyes.
"And if I order you to say them?"
His voice was now much lower than before. Sultry. You could feel it in the air he was ready to come in closer, simply waiting for an opportunity to do so that felt right.
Butterflies shot through you like a thick swarm; you didn’t want to let on that his words had you like putty in his hands, though you feared your little lip quiver may have given it away. You instead look down at his lips again, your gaze sullied. You began thinking of all the ways you could close this space between you two and put an end to the tension. The thrill of it all had your adrenaline spiking in all the right ways, simply waiting to see where things go from this point. "Then I won’t listen," you purr.
"Insubordination is rather punishable," he said.
"So is fraternization."
"I can keep a secret." Graves brought his thumb to your lip, lightly running it across, as his eyes lowered to your mouth. He nearly says in a whisper, "Tell me what you’re thinking."
"Let me show you."
His lips slowly come down to yours, kissing you gently. When you pressed your lips back against his, he exhaled pleasurably, tongue grazing your bottom lip. He moves his hand from your chin and curls it to the back of your neck, holding you in place and continuing to tease you with short, velvety pecks. His lips danced against yours with the skill of a seasoned player, clearly experienced in his craft, but it wasn’t until he felt your hands glide against his hips and tug him closer that his kisses grew insatiable. 
His grip on the back of your neck tightened, lips pressing harder against yours, feverishly. When the sudden aggression brings a low moan from you, it only makes him push harder, his other hand grabbing the small of your back and roughly pressing himself against you.
His weight causes you to shift backward until he has your back pressed against a wall. Unknowingly, your arm bumps against a nearby filing cabinet on the way there, knocking over a few papers that now littered the floor. Mere background noise to Graves, who only continues, his arms planted on other sides of the wall around you, as his lips trailed down your neck. His kisses reach your collarbone, the sensitive sensation causing you to gasp out a moan. “Graves!”
Hearing his name be moaned out sends him on a personal mission to hear you say it more. He takes his hands and slowly runs them down your body, feeling every bit of you he can through your uniform, before resting them on your thighs. In one swift motion, he then lifts you, taking your legs and straddling them around his waist, as he keeps your back against the wall. He presses himself to you and breathes heavily, rejoining his mouth with yours.
By now you could feel him through his pants, and you pushed yourself against him in response, the grinding motion bringing quiet moans from both of you. That’s when you two suddenly hear footsteps.
At the drop of a hat, you two freeze, going completely silent. The footsteps come from outside the room -- someone walking by in the hallway. A janitor maybe? God forbid it was anyone in the company. You held your breaths for only about a minute, listening to the steps pass by the room until you couldn’t hear them any longer.
The two of you let out a shared sigh, before looking back at one another. Graves had you still pinned to the wall, your legs tucked in his arms. He can’t help but chuckle. 
“This probably ain’t the best place for this, darlin'," he spoke. "As much as I want to keep going."
“I don’t know,” you joke. “I like the vibe. It’s very risqué.”
Graves smiles at you. And then, he pauses for a moment. Suddenly his eyes can’t seem to pick a spot he wants to look at on your face. You see something in him change, gears turning in his mind. Thinking of what he might say to you now. Hiding away his vulnerabilities. It makes your own mind begin to ponder.
“See something you like?” you ask him.
“I see you.”
Graves leaned in and kissed you another time, softly. Like you’d been lovers your whole lives. That’s when you realized how truly dangerous your commander could be; for a minute there, you started daydreaming about what tomorrow could bring you both. You wanted to fall for his pretty words. But then you remembered where you were, and who you were with.
This was a game. A mutual distraction. As things stand, thinking that this could be anything else beyond a good lay was purely a fantasy. You almost just lost yourself in it.
And so it goes.
"Your place or mine?”
...Chapter Two Here!
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marwhoa · 2 years
request: marloweeee c; ‘tis me (tmntxthings) what about a oneshot for 2012 vampire!donnie x fem or gn reader?! the rest is up to you though a dash of jealousy would be amazinggg orrrr vamp!donnie being like a super-mega bad boy and reader gets warned against falling for him but reader is just like “so he’s a bit of a fixer-upper, that’s a minor thing~” iendjcksoejddi idk totally up to you I’ll love anything you write <33333
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🝮 “ the sheep loves the wolf ”
2012!Vampire!donnie x female!reader
author’s note: hihi !! I love 2012 donnie smsmsmsmsmsm, so this request got me squealing !! there are a few… side characters! I’ll put all their text in green, to minimize how many different colors I’m using, so don’t get confused like, “Whuh, I thought he was green, why is she green too?” They’re just all side characters in the story between donnie and y/n uwu as always, thank you for reading, and consider dropping me a cute wittle request!!
word count: 4.8k
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The feet of two in love danced in synchronized steps, across the barren ballroom’s floor. Hand in hand, their eyes never left the other—completely captivated in their waltz. A loving sigh left Y/N’s lips as she was twirled in the hands of a dashing fellow with mahogany eyes that glinted a tad bit redder than she would have liked in the chandelier’s light.
Nonetheless, the red flags might as well have been green through her rose-tinted glasses as her dress bellowed and fluttered with each spin and delicate yet swift footwork. The two lovers made the dance look so much easier as they swayed here and there, fingers interlaced, hand upon shoulder, and the gentlemen’s hand fitting puzzle-piece-perfect onto the lady’s hips.
It was upon the last spin that Y/N had finally caught a glimpse of something much too frightening to mask. Some walls in the ballroom were dedicated to being pristine, decorative mirrors, so that it’s dancers could see them and their partner’s wondrous performance.
But, all she saw was herself, and her hands placed upon…
With a nervous intake of breath, a hitching in her voice, Y/N had tried to mask her discovery as she gazed back to her partner and saw he had been looking too. A skin-crawling grin crept upon his features, and goosebumps grew upon her smooth skin. Reddened irises glinted with hunger as they gazed upon the scared doe eyes.
“ Now, now, “
He purred, bringing their dance to a slowed halt. Your dress riveted as he pulled your shaken frame flush against him. The once-upon-a-time welcomed fingers caressed your chin, stroking with the kindest adoration—akin to possibly the same touch you would give to a treasure,
“ Why did you have to go and ruin the surprise with those curious eyes, my dear? “
Thunder echoed in the distance, illuminating the already dim room. Your skin crawled as memories of how you made it here flooded in.
“ Y/N! Do not be foolish, you know we are not to follow the Willow’s path at night—have you no brain? Have you forgotten where that path leads, woman! “
Your frightened mother held your hand, tugging you away from a path your village had so fearfully deemed the forbidden trail—clearly-named-so by the path which was lined by dozens of weeping willows, far too breathtaking this time of year, and the creeping thyme had hues of purple that made that little route all too alluring. The wind bellowed through the willow’s tresses, and you couldn’t help but feel something pulling you forth. It was almost as though the wind was whispering your name.
“ Yes, mother, but I know how foolish the townsfolk are to be afraid. I have seen the man who lives atop the Willow’s path, and may I say that he is nothing like the tales say he is? “
“ You may not! Now hush that delinquent mouth and heed my words. I may be so kind as to forgive this insolence, but I assure you the foolish townsfolk will not take such sympathy for ye who dare fool with that monster. “
With a huff, your mother tugged you home. Upon your hips bounced a woven basket filled with various fruits and berries, as well as a handful of herbs, and even a vegetable here or there.
You were but a regular little lady in a humble village, raised on a story that one day four men had been ever so ignorant as to venture to the castle atop the weeping willows and creeping thyme hills. They were in search of the monster who lived there, plaguing the lands with an insatiable appetite of blood. Hope had riffled through the townspeople, hoping his reign upon them would finally be stopped by these sudden heroes.
Alas, not every story is meant for a happy ending. The four never returned, and the townsfolk were still ever so afraid as those drained of their blood appeared once again—though at a slower, much slower pace than before. Rumors spread that one of the men still roamed the castle grounds, agonizing the loss of his brethren while praying upon the youthful and naive ladies of your quaint community. Despite such a story, filled to the brim with reasons to never give in to the siren’s call that beckoned you up the purple-hues road—the one call that held your hand, tugging it as if to say, “ please, please. come help yourself, i guarantee your safety “, you still found yourself inching closer and closer to climbing the path.
With each passing day of the path’s begging you to come forth, your ability to resist it dwindled.
Some days it was stronger than usual. On those days, you would swear there were eyes on you. And one day, you had even been able to catch the eyes while picking medicinal herbs.
Your hands had brushes of green upon them, kisses left behind by the plants so mercilessly torn from the ground for human benefit. Your eyes held a calmness not even the ocean’s waves could achieve as glowing red eyes pierced through you. A smile quirked upwards as you shifted your sitting position to face him, smoothing out the skirt of your dress.
“ It’s you, isn’t it? The one in the tales, the rumored Count Dracula, lord of the vampires, right? “
The anticipation and excitement swirling in your eyes, twinged with a hint of courage and need to challenge, all disappeared with a trace as the red eyes contorted with a look of sadness.
“ The Count Dracula? “
His voice came out all too normal (go on, hide that disappointment! what, had you expected him to sound scarier? a disembodied, gravelly tone?), and all too depressed as he slips from the bushes. His tall frame was clad in full black & brown; a long trench coat, hat, neat button-up, and fancy shoes. Unlike the people of your town, this man seemed even less like the town’s story, and definitely less dangerous than when you had seen him at the hill’s tallest point one night, and a silhouette you assumed was tending to a garden? It was dark and far, forgive yourself for not having caught all the details!
“ I could never be that fool. “
His hands clenched into a fist as you caught what seemed to be anger. Turned to your basket, you would shift herbs here and there until digging out a pristine red apple that caught your eye on the way here.
“ My deepest apologies then, are you perhaps one of the four men who were said to have ascended the Willow’s path some time ago? “
Y/N extended the apple, hoping to offer it as an extension to her apology. Her smile grew as it was accepted by the gentleman’s gentle touch. Their hands brushed—hers with tinted green fingertips, and his with smooth leather gloves. It had flown straight over her head that the gloves had only three fingers.
“ I am, those other three men were my brothers. “
A crunch of the apple being bitten filled the blanketing silence. You hesitated, but after casting your gaze to the basket, you pushed on,
“ Were? “
“ Yes, I assure you my speech holds no errors. What I say is what I mean. “
“ May I ask what became of them? “
“ You may not. “
His red eyes met yours, and you felt a heartbreaking blue twist in your chest. That was the look of a lonely man who had quite literally lost everything.
Your conversation continued until your basket was full. By then, it was time for you to return home and he gave a tip of his hat as farewell before ascending the purple hills.
The siren’s call begged you to follow him, it whispered in your ear, “ go on, don’t leave the gentleman all by his lonesome. have you no heart? were those weary eyes not enough for you, dearest lady Y/N? “
Y/N continued home with her basket.
Come the next day and the next after that—and far more days after— you were always able to find him somewhere near you. Fear was a foreign emotion when he was near. One of the days, you finally caught his name, Donatello. Donatello Hamato. He was not a monster per se, but rather a mutant of sorts. He described it as having been similar to a yokai.
He was the remaining brother of three others like him, the lone survivor after they had taken care of the true Dracula. Amidst your amazement, never had it crossed your mind to question who exactly had been draining the ladies of the town. In fact, there had been no found bodies since you had met this man and been seeked out by him each time you tended to laundry by the river or collected ingredients for that night’s dinner. No, no, he was much too confident you would never question any of those things.
After all, your focus revolves around him. He had never not noticed your searching eyes, a sheep who brightened at the sight of the wolf rather than shrinking away and rushing to safety.
Even the townspeople were beginning to notice you, searching for someone no body knew. That was, until one unlucky day.
There was no need for you to be out collecting berries and herbs today—your daily treks had made the inventory far too full. They could survive a whole winter without another trek. So of course you would find yourself to be followed by the village’s strongest, a well-known Caspien from a family of hunters, sent to see what nefarious deeds hast led themselves to you.
“ I knew it, you have been bewitched for that monster, Dracula, and only come here for him to have easy prey. “
Standing beside an imprint in the grass, where you and the one you almost would call beloved had sat for so long, discussing this and that—in fact, you had learned something about him that made all the pieces fall together. He told you about a world—or, rather, a time? A time after this one?
No, never mind that. Y/N, startled, whipped around to have her eyes met with the hunter’s forestry green ones seeing through to her soul.
“ Ca-Caspien? What are you doing here, following a lady like this? Have you no respect or mind to know it to be inappropriate! “
You were nervous, taking a shaky step back each time he got closer. Never had you felt it with Donnie, but right here and now with Caspien, you couldn’t help but shrink into the role of a frightened sheep before the hunting wolf.
“ Y/N, dear, with all due respect, it is not inappropriate at all for a hunter to ensure the safety of his people. “
Caspien took more steps forward, cornering you until you lost your footing and thumped hard against the ground. Fearfully, your eyes watched as his hand reached out, gesturing to help you up. What did he have to gain being out here? Would he hurt Donatello? Would he…
Would he hurt you?
Y/N’s hand stiffened as it took his, trying to play this out normally.
That was, until her frame was yanked up from the ground, stumbling into Caspien’s chest before then being thrusted into the tree whose roots previously tripped her.
“ I will force that monster’s hold off of you, even if I am to need to slay it. “
Y/N trembled, from both the night air’s chill and from the fear that ran down her spine. That, and the pain from having been slammed against the rough surface.
Unbeknownst to either of you, there had been a pair of watchful eyes taking in the scene for the past few minutes. Had his hands not been obscured by leather gloves, then it would be visible just how pale they turned as he gripped a log his weight was knelt into.
The scene, before now, had come off to him as two lovers meeting beneath moon’s light, albeit with a little trip from behavior Donnie couldn’t reason with (who backs away from their lover?). This would have been something he ignored, had it not been you that was here. You dared to lead him on? To smile at him as you had all these days the two of you sat together? He watched with a grin as it seemed that your affair was to be falling through. This guy seemed like a far-cry from the gentleman Donnie would proudly say he was, and he hoped that the souring quarrel in what should have been a romantic moment would prove to you just how much better he was. He could only imagine you running to him, pretty lips glossed up and kissable, your eyes shining in their usual doe-like shimmer, and your impeccably soft hands caressing him.
That dreamy fantasy whirled around his head, until he started realizing this situation was much the opposite of what he had assumed. The pained sounds from you were doing things to him, and none of them were of the good, nonviolent, potentially suggestive kind. There was a raging flame he himself hadn’t known laid dormant within. He bared his fangs in the shadows, slowly losing his ability to resist intervening.
You weren’t meeting some random human here, in this very place where you and him would share your time together. No, no, you were coming to meet him, weren’t you? But this nosy human had come to disturb that, hadn’t he?
Donatello agonized over whether or not to appear between the two of you, tearing apart this rattlecap. It had worked in his favor this long to never appear before anyone aside from…
Well, that didn’t matter, since now he had you and a dastardly mutt dared lay his mangy hands upon you.
He wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt his beauty. So, when the softest squeak slipped your lips as this man dared injure you once more—pinning and frightening you—Donatello wasted no time in making it at your side.
Y/N whimpered in pain, closing her eyes and wishing for her special someone to rescue her from this hunter (though, part of you wanted him to stay away. What would Caspian do if he saw Donnie?). A hand placed itself upon her hips, and Y/N cringed at the sight she imagined opening her eyes to. Sure that it would be Caspien, far closer than she could ever need him to be and with his hands far from where they ever should be, her heart skipped as she opened her eyes who see the familiar brown collar of a coat. Topped with a fancy black hat.
“ Donnie… “
You whispered, your voice a mixture between afraid and affectionate. His hold on your hip tightened as your quiet voice reached his ears, feathering kisses with the innocent longing braided into each syllable. Your eyes trailed up to find his other hand latched tightly onto Caspien’s arm. For once, you saw the hunter assume the position of prey. You almost swore a cracking sound vibrated through the still night as Caspien tore his hand from your body and out of Donatello’s vice-grip.
“ Muh-Monster, you dare show your face here and hold Y/N as though she belongs to you? ”
The collar of Donnie’s coat might as well have been laughing a Cheshire’s bout as it was obscuring your vision, stripping your nosy gaze from catching the all-knowing smirk grow upon the tortue’s face.
“ How laughable is it for the monster to call someone else a monster. No, no, you are not the monster—not the one who held his hand to a lady! The monster could never be the one who forced himself upon an innocent lady? “
His arm pulled you closer. If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought he was preparing to move…?
“ I believe we both know who is the true monster here, O’ Great Hunter Caspien. “
He was taunting the hunter, Caspien. And for what, to throw him off his rhythm? Or just for petty delight? Regardless the reason, you had no time nor leisure to analyze anything. There was only a split second to respond as the atmosphere thickened, and you watched Caspien’s hand move to his hip.
“ Donatello! “
Cried out Y/N as she put all her strength and weight into shoving him out of the way. A shot rang out, followed by her fearful shriek, but thankfully the bullet had missed them both—whether that was from your quick thinking or Caspien’s shaky aim was anyone’s guess, though.
Anticipating to slam against the ground, Y/N was surprised to instead feel weightless and hear the wind whisking past her. It felt like it was bellowing down her bare skin, as though to be running faster than humanly possible. Hesitantly, she opened her eyes to see she was held against Donnie’s chest, and he was running—no, leaping? No, they were quite literally soaring through the tree tops! It was right about now that the stories of his ninja training played back in your head.
Your hold on him tightened and your face buried in his chest, letting slip the content smile he had as he realized you were becoming his more and more, bit by bit. What didn’t slip, however, was the slight tremble you felt while pressed against him.
“ I’m sorry. “
He said, a gasp escaping you as he thumped down to the ground while holding you securely. Donnie straightened up, placing you down outside the window of your room.
“ Why? “
Your hand lingered on his chest, falling after a few extra seconds of shared silence.
“ For letting you get hurt. “
Donnie decided it best to hold his tongue and not tell you he had been watching it play out with jealousy whirling around his head. But, his hands stroked where the hunter’s hand held you much too tightly. You shared his gaze, looking at were a dull pain radiated. For a second, you shifted the shoulder of your dress to reveal the faintest crescents starting to pearl a ruby red.
The man before you found himself blushing for more than one reason, averting his perverted gaze from both the bare skin of your shoulder and the beads of blood growing. You shifted your dress’s fabric back, seeping into the uneasy quiet.
“ … “
Y/N bit her lip before going in for another hug. She just knew he wasn’t the bad person everyone thought he was, and that made falling in love with him all the more easy.
“ You couldn’t have known, but I am grateful to have had a knight such as yourself rescue me. “
You stared into his mahogany eyes, noticing a slight unsettling white glow. Was the moonlight hitting his eyes just right? You gave but a quick glance up to the moon, noticing clouds covering its pale spotlight that could have casted that shine to his eyes. But, before being able to put anything more together, Donnie’s hand turned your head back to him by holding your chin with a light pressure.
“ A knight? Why, my lady, you flatter me..Though, I should leave you now, “
He smirked, winking,
“ Not appropriate to be with a lady so late at night. “
“ Wait, you heard that? “
“ Heard what? Y/N, I am a gentleman, and a gentleman knows how to treat a lady. “
He leaned down, placing a kiss upon the surface of your hand, before then taking a step backwards and waving goodbye. Back up the rolling hills, he went to the castle awaiting his return at the top.
You found yourself wanting to follow him, but instead you turned on your heel and went inside to sleep. Slumber found its way to you instantly, lulling you into its pillowy embrace. Alas, as quickly as sleep had come, just as swiftly away it would have gone, with you reawakening before the sun had risen. Your mother shook you awake, shouting to you things that your slumbering brain couldn’t make sense of. All you could see were glowing orange hues outside and your mother pushing a bag into your hand. Pulled from the bed and shoved out the back, your ears finally made sense of what she was shouting.
“ Y/N, you foolish, foolish girl! “
She sobbed out in harsh, choked whispers while shoving a wrap around your body to fight the midnight chill,
“ Go on, you have to get away! Sir Caspien is saying you were cursed by the monster, Dracula, and they have come to do away with you. “
Holding your face, she planted a rough kiss on your head before shoving you out and shutting the door.
Knowing she meant only the best, your tired hands clutched your bag and looked around. Where could you slip away to?! Where could you hide without them seeking you out? Where, where, wh—
The siren’s call came to you, but this time in the forms of three silhouettes, all beckoning you to follow them. Astral bandanas swayed in the wind as their whited out eyes watched you with anticipation, eagerly praying you would heed their call.
You were no fool. Giving in to the tempting invitation, you trailed after the three apparitions, and they led you up the Willow’s path. One held your hand, flashing a big toothy smile as he led you up. The other two lagged behind you, almost as if to protect you. Had you not been running for your life up the lavender hills, you may have noticed how similar these three looked to certain stories Donnie had told you of his brothers.
Never mind that, though. Y/N stumbled through the gates as they gave an eerie creek. She took a few hasty steps forward, crunching autumn leaves under the weight of her feet, before turning to look for the three spirits.
A chill ran down her spine, but a nervous gulp would push down all of that as she turned and ran up the castle stairs. The large door was given a heaving push then let to close behind her shaky frame.
It was dark, far too much to see, so instead Y/N took a blind step in the dark and readied her voice,
“ D-Donnie! “
Silence answered you, wrapping a shawl of empty fright around you. Your blood was running oh-so cold as tears threatened to slip, glossing over your eyes with an irresistible sheen.
“ Don—Donnie, please, it’s so—umphf! “
You stumbled, falling onto a soft surface. After a few pats, you deducted from touching it a few times that it was a carpet that you tripped on.
Well, touch, and the lights that came on just a second ago, illuminating the ornate indigo rug, tasseled at the edges. It rolled up the stairs, which split into two towards the top. A large painting was hung in the divide, between stairs going to the left and stairs to the right. Whatever was depicted had been slashed through, leaving hardly enough puzzle pieces to put the original back together.
But, that mattered far less than the figure descending the left side of the stairs, hand on the gold railing. The light basked his green skin in a warm orange hue.
“ Y/N? What are you doing here, at this hour? “
His voice was alarmed as he descended the stairs—though, looming behind him was a larger desire. Behind a mask, he was rejoicing at his victory. You had come up the path, and he didn’t even need to drag you here himself. His arms welcomed you, and you accepted the offer as you dove into the turtle’s comforting embrace. Snugly, he rubbed your back and gazed towards the windows. He wore a sinister grin, which melded into false security and worry as he pulled away from the embrace to feather-light stroke your cheeks.
“ Never mind my inquiries, dearest. Your silence is answer enough. I knew it would be only a matter of time before those snakes bared their fangs at the prettiest flower blooming. ”
You pressed into his loving hand with shut eyes. Soft sobs escaped you as light tears strum down your cheeks.
“ Where will I go, Donnie, they wish to harm me. Caspien has told my people that you have corrupted me, joined me to your evildoings, but dearest Donatello I know your truth,”
Had it not been for your softened heart, blurred eyes, and shaky touches, you would have caught how stiff those last four words made him.
“ M-My truth? “
He stammered, hands ready to betray their gentle hold on you.
“ Yes, I know you are not the monster they speak of, love. You couldn’t be. ”
Donnie loosened, leaning in close. His breath rolled over your delicate lips, of which were practically begging him to kiss them. Your doe eyes gazed up as you leaned into him, taking his lips for the first time.
One sweet kiss.
And one naive girl, obliging to belong to the true wolf.
And that, my sweet lady, is how you got here.
In this gorgeous ballroom of the rumored Country Dracula’s castle atop the Willow’s path. Thunder rolled down the hills, illuminating your dimmed dance floor as well as the paths out below. Your heart dropped, seeing the smallest silhouettes in the distance marching forth.
“ Y-You … You were, you truly were the Count—-hyii! “
Y/N screeched as she was suddenly dipped, their previously dropped dance renewing itself. Her dearest partner had not missed the lamb’s eyes that gave one last once-over to the silver-backed mirrors that lined the walls.
“ Love, no. Heavens no, that was no lie. “
The dance which previously made you swoon was now making you sick. There were millions of thoughts rushing through your head: the silhouettes outside, that was the townsfolk in a mob, yes? Likely lead by Caspien, no less! And Donnie, he had no reflection, so surely that means he is… If not the monster, then surely a monster. But also, someone as kind as he—monster or not—could not truly be so foul? Though, there is the chance he could have been leading your poor heart along, but surely not! Could these gentle, loving hands truly be so…
Misleading? Manipulative? Desiring to corrupt?
“ Tut, tut, tut, Y/N, my lady, your mind seems to be straying when I,”
Another squeak slipped you as he spun you away from him then twirled you back, dipping you again with his face dangerously close. Your heart is sent fluttering.
“—should be your priority. “
The lovers’ feet begin to synchronize as he lavished your full attention.
“ As I have said before, I am not the Count Dracula. I wouldn’t even claim the title, despite living in his home. No, that, this home, I have taken as, say, payment. “
“ Payment? “
Your fingers interlaced, you noting his three fingers with familiarity.
“ Revenge might be a better word for it. My brothers and I were led here some years ago. Our guide, a time-keeper, had hoped we would be able to fix a small issue of hers. “
He spoke with a bitterness, tightening the hold his hand had with yours. You winced at this. Donnie noticed and was quick to correct his mistake.
“ The first to go was my brother, Raphael. Turns out the one true weakness my brothers and I shared was that we were powerful together, but if you take even one of us away, the rest will fall. “
“ Your brothers,”
Y/N had an eerie calmness settling in as she began to dance with almost the same liveliness as before she caught her dearest’s reflection. Her dress was riveting with almost as much excitement and energy.
“ Were they… Slain—ah! “
He pivoted, jerking you towards him with an almost graceful twirl.
“ Watch your tongue, Y/N. “
The spark of fear igniting once more in your eyes was enough for him to smirk. And this time, you caught it.
There was an uproar outside, muffled and distant, but slowly becoming too much to ignore any longer.
“ I… Apologize. For my reaction, but yes, they were… “
Your gaze left the window and returned to him. This time, he wore a new expression—one you hadn’t seen on him before. It was a sadness unlike any other you had seen. The way it played at the strings of your heart was all you needed to know for now.
You were truly, through in and throughout, enamored with Sir Donatello.. In far too deep…
“ Your silence is answer enough, my dearest Donatello… “
The way his eyes melted into yours… Whether they were just a clever ruse or a genuine show, you were prepared to venture down this path.
“ I… I am not afraid of you. That is a promise. “
“ Y/N… My lady, you are much too true and sweet. I fear you will be my undoing.. “
The two of you shared one more—or maybe, one last— kiss as the doors downstairs began to shake with thunderous banging and the crackling of outside lightning.
Everything was a recipe for tonight being a night no one would ever forget, for better..
Or for worse.
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