#but the lady kept apologizing to ME that I had to go over legal details and grief counseling with HER so um. hm.
science-doyourstuff · 7 months
I had to do client counseling for a euthanasia today at the vet clinic while extremely delirious with a fever and I am pretty sure I fucked it up
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izlaria · 3 years
Someone you like (part 3)
This is the third chapter of my “Someone you like” inspired fic. It’s also available on AO3 in case you prefer that platform. Please hit me up to talk about Plance!
Summary: Lance finds a better friend in Pidge than he could have antecipated.
Also, Pidge pining hour.
17 and 15 years old
“I can’t believe we have a cow.” Lance stared in awe at the animal. It looked completely out-of-place in the middle of the highly technological castle-ship. “Where did that dude even get her from?” he exclaimed, waving an arm at it. Lance gasped, lowering his voice to a whisper, “Do you think she’s… a clone?”
Kaltenecker kept on chewing, indifferent to Lance’s fussy behavior.
“Most likely,” Pidge responded. She was looking down at a tablet that contained results from the scan they’d conducted on Kaltenecker. “She is carbon-based, which isn’t such a rarity out here, but is always good to know. The anatomy also checks out with normal cow biology. The only change I could find is that her diet is more adapted to what’s available in this quadrant.”
Lance scratched the top of his head. “Does that mean she can’t eat Earth food?”
“She probably can…” Pidge tapped the edge of the tablet in a considering manner. “We eat alien food and nothing has happened yet.”
“So we’re winging it? That doesn’t sound very scientific.” He didn’t like the idea of putting their cow in danger. “Can’t you figure something out for her to eat?”
“I’m not a biochemist, Lance.” Pidge took her eyes off Kaltenecker to glare at him. “Nor a geneticist. That’s more Coran’s area of expertise.”
“Easy!” Lance held up his hands. “We can talk to him, then. I was just asking a question…”
Pidge huffed out a breath, then let her shoulders drop. “I don’t know how you’re not annoyed right now. We spent the entire afternoon in a fountain to get a freaking video game, only to realize we have no way to turn it on!”
“I actually had fun.” Lance shrugged. He didn’t really see what bothered her so much. Sure, he wanted to play Killbot Phantasm, but even the fact that they’d found the game out in the universe was enough for him. “It felt like the sort of crazy I used to get to back home.”
She fidgeted with the tablet in her hands. “Going to the mall and causing a scene?”
Lance eyed Pidge curiously. Her brow was furrowed, but she looked more lost than irritated. “Sure,” he acquiesced. “This was hardly my first time fishing out coins from a fountain.”
“It was for me,” Pidge interrupted brusquely. “I had never done that before.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Really? You’re one of the biggest troublemakers I’ve met. I’m pretty sure you’re at least guilty of fraud after lying about your identity to get into the Garrison.”
For some reason, this seemed to startle her. It was almost ludicrous to think that Pidge had gone undercover without realizing the legal implications of her actions. It would be just like her, too, to get so caught up in the big picture that she simply bulldozed through every other detail.
“That was different, though.” She was pouting now, her cheeks comedically puffed out. “I was more of a homebody when younger.” Her gaze was lowered to her hands, distant. “I don’t have as many stories to tell as you and Hunk.”
“I seriously doubt that.” Lance scoffed. “Aren’t you always talking about the crazy experiments you and Matt did? I bet he will have a bunch of embarrassing shit about you that you never tell us. I can’t wait to get my hands on all that sweet, sweet blackmail!”
Lance wrung his hands menacingly, but when he looked down at Pidge the expression on her face caught him off guard. He expected her to be exasperated or at least displeased, so the tenderness in her eyes was unforeseen.
He’d been talking about her brother as if they would meet soon, Lance realized. Pidge mentioned him often, but not in detail, not in any capacity that didn’t serve to remind everyone of her mission to find her family. He guessed it felt too much like an open wound, like when Lance tried to talk about Marco or Rachel.
But maybe it did them some good, too.
“Besides, even if we never get to play Killbot Phantasm, we still did plenty today.” Lance began to count on his hand. “We stole money from a fountain so we could buy a vintage video game. We got a cow from a space mall. We were chased by an alien security guard who thought we were pirates! I couldn’t make this up if I tried!”
When he laughed, Pidge joined in. She tried to suppress it, but the air escaped through her nose and her lips quirked up in undeniable amusement. It always felt like a victory to make her laugh. Pidge didn’t let herself get distracted often.
“I don’t know,” she quipped, looking more relaxed. “You have the most convoluted stories of anyone I know.”
Although Pidge said it as if it was a bad thing, Lance could see the playfulness in the twist of her mouth. This was nice, too, because a year earlier he would have seen only the harshness in his teammate. On an impulse, he leaned down to hug her.
“W – What?!” Pidge thrashed against his arms. “Lance, let me go!”
“No can do, Pidgey.” He held on. Lance had crossed his arms behind her head, keeping her tight against his chest. “You can’t escape this friendship.”
“Yes, I can, you nitwit!” Pidge’s voice was muffled by his shirt and Lance simply pretended not to hear her. “You’re suffocating me!”
“We have Kaltenecker now, we’re her parents!” he stated happily, despite the sting of Pidge pinching his sides. “Stop, you don’t want her to see us fighting.”
Pidge let her arms fall, looking up at Lance. Her face was red and her hair stuck out from where he’d accidentally run his hands through it. “You’re ridiculous.”
There was a well-placed moo from Kaltenecker, as if the cow agreed.
Lance grinned and finally gave up his grip on her, taking a step back. Pidge immediately punched him in the stomach in retaliation.
“Ow!” he complained, though it was clear she hadn’t put any real force behind it. “We were having a moment!”
Pidge turned up her nose, but her complexion only grew more flustered. “Then you can forget all about it, like you did with Keith.”
“Fine, you win.” Lance crossed his arms, looking smugly down at her. “I did make you blush, though. I might be rusty, but old Lance still has an effect on the ladies!”
“Ugh!” Pidge moved so quickly that Lance had to hide behind Kaltenecker in order to evade her hits. When they stopped running, she kept her tablet at hand, brandishing it as if it was her bayard. “Never say that to me again!”
He stuck his tongue out at her, then had to duck when Pidge aimed the tablet at his head once more. “Jeez, you know I’m kidding!”
“Yeah.” Something in her voice made Lance shoot back up. She was staring right at him, looking more serious than he’d expected. “I know.”
Before he could ask what was wrong, Pidge walked away from where he stood and towards a panel in the back of the room. She deposited her tablet on one side, then started clicking away at a few keys.
“Coran mentioned we could reprogram the room to look like a field on Earth,” she explained once Lance had made his way over. “We could maybe get some vegetation from a planet in this quadrant and create an area for her to graze.”
“Yeah, that would be cool.” He felt almost dizzy from the ups and downs of Pidge’s humor. The coldness that surrounded her now made Lance want to apologize, but it also annoyed him. He thought they were having a good time earlier. “Introducing Kaltenecker to Earth food isn’t really the priority, huh?”
Pidge nodded, avoiding his eyes.
Despite the awkwardness, Lance didn’t want to leave. The idea of letting Pidge stay mad at him left a bitter taste in his mouth, especially after the day they’d had. She could be incessantly frustrating, but she had also grown on him.
Like a weed. A short, bad-tempered weed.
He watched in silence as she worked the panel. Her concentration was admirable, even when she used it as a way to push Lance away. It reminded him of their time in the Garrison, when it felt like every step he took in their friendship was met with two steps back from Pidge.
With the privilege of hindsight, Lance could guess how tiring the disguise must have been for her. Their studies had never been easy and Pidge had perfected her mediocrity like an art. Knowing her true genius now, Lance imagined she’d actually known it all but had chosen to keep herself under the radar.
“Are you just going to stand there?” Her tone struck a chord with him, bringing forth a familiarity that he hadn’t felt since Earth.
Lance put his hands on his hips, raising an eyebrow at her. “I’m just waiting for you, Pidgeon.”
She turned back to the panel, then took a deep breath, as if calming herself.
“I have a lot to do here,” she said in warning. After a moment, her expression softened. “Why don’t you take the game up to your room? I’ll grab Hunk on my way there and we can try to adapt everything to the castle’s power source.”
Lance could recognize her words for the peace offering that they were. He aimed finger guns at her, earning himself a snicker.
“Don’t take too long or I’ll fall asleep!” he called out as he walked backwards, towards the exit.
“I’ll get Kaltenecker to lick your hair, if you do!” she replied, attention already back to the control panel.
Lance laughed, but he knew that was no empty threat.
He didn’t often spend his nights roaming the hallways of the castle. Lance was a big believer on the benefits of good sleep and an established routine. It helped him maintain his complexion blemish-free and it contributed to keeping him sane when his mind felt scrambled beyond repair.
There were times, however, when not even spa days and special hair masks could calm his thoughts, and then he was stuck like this, struggling to fall asleep.
He buried deeper into his jacket. It wasn’t his normal one, but a big, fleece-y thing that Hunk and Pidge had gotten for him in their last trip to the space mall. Lance loved it fiercely. The castle cooled during the night-cycle to ensure the machines didn’t overheat and Lance always suffered for it.
A blinking light on the doors to his right caught Lance’s attention. It signaled movement in the hangar, just one of many fail-safes devised by Coran and Pidge to ensure no one was trying to mess with the lions. The light wasn’t all that worrying on its own; it was just a way to know what rooms were currently in use.
Lance was too tired to think through his actions. He moved into the hangar, not even questioning who might be in there. He wanted to see Blue. Or Red. Or anyone, really.
He rubbed at his eyes, collecting the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks.
Sure enough, there was Pidge, curled around a set of tools and a big, wiry mess of parts. She had probably been propped up against the processing columns but ended up sliding down in her sleep.
The image filled Lance with so much affection that he found himself smiling. It was unusual to see their youngest member without her defenses put up. She was only second to Keith in her reserve, something that had initially displeased Lance about the two.
Pidge did have the habit of falling asleep while she worked, but Shiro and Hunk were the ones charged with checking on her. Lance thought she looked strangely cute like this, with her mouth a little open and her glasses askew. He’d forgotten how young she truly was, because of how smart and assertive Pidge could be. She didn’t want to be treated like a child and the whole team could respect her strength and maturity.
Even before they’d ended up light-years from Earth, Pidge had already carried more on her shoulders than anyone Lance had ever met. Despite knowing it was a vain hope, Lance wished he hadn’t made things harder for her back in the Garrison.
He crouched down and carefully pulled her glasses free. Strands of hair stuck to her cheeks and forehead, but without the too-big frames Lance could see her face more clearly.
Pidge already looked older than she had when they were students. After so many wormhole jumps, it was difficult to determine how long had passed since their discovery of the Blue Lion, but the passage of time made itself known in other ways.
She was pretty, but that didn’t surprise Lance. Pidge’s no-nonsense ways and sharp eyes had always been striking, even when he only pointed out these aspects of her as a joke.
Lance took off his jacket and balled it up, trying to slip it behind her head. It wouldn’t be comfortable, but it was an improvement to her current position.
“Lance?” Her eyes had fluttered open. From this close, he could see the fatigue that clouded them.
“Hey, Pidgey-Pidge,” he called out in a whisper.
“Hey, loverboy.” She giggled, lids opening and closing tiredly.
The nickname shot another wave of emotion through him. For some reason, Lance felt his eyes burn again.
“We should get you to bed,” he tried to say, though his voice sounded rougher than he intended.
Pidge didn’t immediately notice. She nodded a few times and sat up, stretching her arms over her head. She frowned at the pieces of tech still scattered around them, then focused her eyes back on him.
“Lance,” she sounded much more awake now, “why are you here?”
“Oh, you know,” he stalled. “Sometimes, in the middle of the night, a guy just needs to grab some food goo.” He flexed his now exposed arms. “I’m a growing boy, Pidge.”
Pidge raised a brow, looking supremely unimpressed. “Don’t lie to me.”
Lance winced a little at the terse tone she’d adopted. Even in her half-awake state, Pidge was still able to see through his bullshit.
“The kitchen is nowhere near the hangar,” she continued when he didn’t reply. Her voice was soft in a way Lance had never heard from Pidge. “And your eyes look red.”
He shifted his head to the side to escape her scrutiny. Lance half-expected Pidge to get angry at his stubbornness, so he couldn’t help the small, shocked sob that escaped him when her hand touched his chin, slowly lifting his gaze.
The worry in her face quickly changed into something understanding, an almost desperate ache that must have reflected his own expression. Without another word, Lance buried into her embrace, curved so that his forehead rested on Pidge’s shoulder.
“I c-can’t stop thinking about them,” he confessed amid his sobs. “What – What if they think I’m dead?”
Pidge murmured an “I know” into his hair. Despite their size difference, she wrapped herself around Lance so completely that he felt guarded by her arms.
“Come on,” she said once his whimpers had quieted down. “Your room is the closest.”
Lance let her move away. His knees hurt from the position he’d assumed on the floor and, now that he no longer had Pidge there, the cold of the hangar raised goosebumps across his arms.
“Put this back on.” Pidge draped the fleece jacket over his shoulders. Her hands lingered there for a moment, drawing a line in the fabric. “It’s a better coat than it could ever be a pillow.”
It wasn’t much of a joke, but Lance smiled at her. Crying made him exhausted, but not enough to ignore Pidge’s efforts to cheer him up. He stood up.
“Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.”
They made their way to his room in silence. Pidge had to stop at the hangar doors to put in the security measures, but no more words were exchanged. Lance was just glad to have company.
They paused in front of his dorm. “Will you come in?”
Pidge studied him carefully. Lance didn’t think she could see much in the dark of the hallway, but the truth was that she’d already caught him in a breakdown, there was nothing else to hide.
“Do you want to be alone?” she finally vocalized her concern. Lance shook his head, feeling his chest constrict at the possibility that she might leave. “Then I’ll come in.”
He went straight to his bed and laid down. Pidge stood at the entrance, letting the door slide closed behind her. The awkwardness was palpable and Lance couldn’t blame her for it; Pidge was not the best at social cues.
“At least sit down with me. I promise I won’t start bawling again.” He didn’t mean to sound depreciative, but his self-consciousness must have shown, because Pidge narrowed her eyes at him.
“I don’t care if you cry, you doofus.” She marched up to the bed and sat down near the headboard. “Put your head in my lap.”
Her demanding tone didn’t fit in with the gentleness of her actions. Lance was amused by the incongruity. Pidge was rough around the edges and her earlier show off affection now made her bristle, almost as if she was afraid to reveal too much to him. Lance could understand the urge to put up a front, but he was too exhausted to be embarrassed.
He rolled on his side, fitting his shoulder under her thigh.
“My mom used to do this when I was upset.” Pidge ran a hand through his hair, pulling lightly at the knots until they were undone. “The rhythm of it always soothed me. That and her, really. Mom had – I mean, she has a calming influence.”
Lance didn’t comment on her slip up. The feeling of nails scraping against his scalp was pleasing. The personal closeness was something that they also did in his family and he had missed it. He was a naturally affectionate person and the team didn’t seem to appreciate his expansiveness all that much.
“I used to do this for Veronica and Rachel,” he breathed out. “Ronie is older and she would force me to braid their hair when I was younger. I complained about it non-stop, but now I miss it.”
Pidge traced his hairline, then down to his ear, neck, collarbone. She seemed absent-minded as she did it, mind caught somewhere else.
“Matt was the one who would call me Pidge. I used to hate that nickname. After he disappeared, it seemed only right to assume it as my new name. For him.”
Lance shifted a little, so that he could look up at her. “Your real name isn’t Pidge?”
This made her stop for a moment and look down at him in exasperation. Lance suppressed the urge to laugh, but his lips still twisted into a smile, despite his effort.
Pidge flicked him on the forehead.
“I thought you were being serious!” It was funny to see her like this. Pidge usually responded to him with either blankness or sarcasm, so it was satisfying to garner an actual reaction.
“I could have been!” Lance brought a hand up to rub his stinging forehead. “You do realize you never told Hunk and I your real name?”
“It’s Katie,” she said without preamble. The only sign of her unease was that, when Lance tried to sneak another look at her face, Pidge’s fingers held his head in place, before resuming movement in his hair.
“It’s nice to meet you, Katie.” He let out a soft snicker, which Pidge mirrored.
“Nice to meet you, Lance.”
Lance fell silent, letting her touch lull him into a torpor. The point of contact gave him something to concentrate outside of his thoughts of Earth, until the sensation and Pidge were all he could focus on.
“Did you fall asleep?” she asked after some time.
“No.” Lance slowly rose up from her lap. “I don’t know if I will be able to sleep tonight.”
Pidge frowned, looking down at her hands as Lance repositioned himself to sit at her side.
“You and I are more similar than I ever thought, I guess.”
“What, you also go crying around the castle at strange hours, hoping no one else will see?” She raised a brow at him in response. It wasn’t that much of a surprise, really. Lance had known how broken up she felt about her father and brother’s disappearance. “We will find them, Pidge. I won’t rest until we do.”
The emotion in her eyes shifted. He couldn’t really tell what Pidge was feeling, but the look on her face was both sad and warm, grateful even. Lance tried to think of a time when he or any of the others had tried to support her in her search. There might have been something said when she’d first revealed her identity, but nothing stood out since.
His chest tightened with the realization.
It was possible that Hunk or Allura had spoken to Pidge privately about it, and Lance would put good money on the odds that Shiro had comforted her more than once, but that was it. Keith was quiet and broody, too dedicated to their mission to consider what the rest of the team went through. And Lance…
Lance had been too self-involved to notice. He had wallowed in his own misfortune and it had blinded him to the fact that at least his family was safe in Cuba. Pidge’s father and brother were lost in the middle of an intergalactic war, taken prisoners. Her mother thought she was missing.
He didn’t feel like he deserved Pidge’s gratitude.
“Can you tell me something funny?” she asked out of the blue. “I don’t think talking about our families is gonna help either of us sleep tonight.”
Lance let out a shaky exhale. “You’re right. I’m all cried out.” He poked at the skin under his eyes. It felt sensitive and swollen. “All that investigating for good eye masks and the work was all for nothing!” He put his palm over his eyes, playfully turning his head to the side. “Don’t look at me! I’m a shadow of my former self!”
“You’re the resident beauty guru, I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” Pidge rolled her eyes at his theatrics. She pulled Lance’s hand away from his face. “And you owe me a story.”
“Hey, how do I owe you anything?” He pouted at her. “I just saved you from getting a crick on your neck!”
She pulled more harshly at his hand, making Lance yelp. “You woke me up and I even gave you a head massage!”
It was his turn to tug at her arm, but his smile betrayed that Lance was having fun. “Fine, but then we’re even!”
Pidge finally let go of him, looking smug. He closed his hand and pointed at her face in an act of mock aggravation.
“Is it okay if I lie down?” She looked around the room, as if searching for a hidden futon where she could stretch out.
“Sure, let me just…” He scooted down and to the side. Pidge maneuvered into the space he had created, stuck between him and the wall. “I don’t think these beds were made to be shared.” He laughed.
The position wasn’t the worst they could be in. Pidge was small enough that, with her back pressed to the wall, Lance had enough space in the mattress that he wouldn’t fall over.
“This feels like a sleepover.” Her face scrunched up at the words. He couldn’t tell if she was embarrassed or just amused by the idea. “I never had one of those before.”
“Never?” he marveled.
“No need to look that surprised,” Pidge huffed. “I just didn’t have a lot of friends growing up. Not anyone close, at least.”
“Just Matt,” Lance blurted out without thinking. A shadow crossed Pidge’s eyes, but she didn’t seem upset.
“Yeah… You would like him. Matt can be as much of a goofball as you are.” She nuzzled quietly into the pillow. The lights had dimmed automatically when they laid down, so Lance couldn’t tell if Pidge was blushing or not. “It helps, you know? Having you here.”
Pidge refused to catch his eyes as she said this, which Lance understood. Being vulnerable could be scary, even when around your best friends. Still, he felt pride well up in him, glad that he had done something right towards her.
“You wanted a funny story, right?” he asked softly, the words only loud enough to be heard. Pidge’s gaze snapped to his, obviously relieved. “How about this: My first love was this little girl I met when I was fourteen. I never even knew her name.”
“That’s not funny, not really.” Pidge’s brows took a quizzical air. “How do you know it was love, then?”
“I just know. When I think about her, about that day… It felt like fate.” He saw the cynicism on her face before Pidge could even say anything. “I swear! I met her and everything changed. I don’t know if I would have met Hunk or got into the Garrison or even made it here without her.”
Pidge sighed against the pillow. “Honestly, that sounds like a lot of pressure to put on a first love.”
Lance watched as she drew patterns into the sheets between them. She wasn’t trying to be mean, he could tell.
“She doesn’t know, obviously. I didn’t even like her straight away. It’s just –” he paused, thinking it through. “It’s just funny, how much of a difference one person can make. When she talked to me, I was feeling sorry for myself. She cheered me up.”
That same day, he had met Hunk, who had later confessed that he’d only approached Lance because he’d appeared to be in a good humor. Without Hunk, his best friend, Lance might not have tried out for the Garrison. And, without the Garrison, he wouldn’t have been in Arizona to find the Blue Lion.
“Is she why you are so obsessed with fate and such?” Pidge teased. She was yawning every few seconds, but there was a smile on her face.
“You shouldn’t knock fate down.” Lance grinned, trying to bat her hand away from the sheets. They had bunched up a bit due to her movements. “It got us into space and closer to your family.”
Pidge made a face at him, then shrugged. They’d had this conversation before, about what had led the three out into Garrison grounds that night. Pidge argued that it was bound to happen, with how often she went out to search the radio frequencies, but even that fell back into Lance’s claim that they were all destined to become the new paladins of Voltron.
“I just think that love is about commitment,” she murmured, eyes already closed. “It’s about choosing one person and then falling in love with him, even when he’s obnoxious, even when he’s…” She trailed off, having fallen asleep.
Lance chuckled at her little speech. It was nice to think that someone would eventually choose to love him, forever. He felt comforted not only by the idea, but by Pidge's slow breathing, the heat of her hand so close to his chest. His own lids felt heavier and heavier. Lance closed his eyes.
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elyreywrites · 4 years
so tell me what you want to hear
a gift for @bionerd2point0 for the Capes & Coffee Discord server’s gift exchange!! a huge thank you to my betas for this fic: Oceans and Tasteofpaint!!
title is from One Republic’s “Secrets”!
AO3 Link
Teen 3,714 words Tim Drake/Jason Todd
And here Tim was, about to ask his goddamn crush to be his fake boyfriend.
He couldn’t do this, he absolutely, positively, could not—
This was a huge mistake.
- - - - -
Tim stared at the phone, at the contact pulled up, and wished for some sign to either call or suffer through the whole situation. He could suffer through it, but… Tim was fed up with being asked the same question every time he was out in public.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“Who are you dating?”
“Is there anyone special in your life right now?”
Ever since he turned eighteen, the vicious sharks that made up the press were desperate for the details of his romantic life. Bruce had said it would blow over soon enough, once some new sensational story came about, but four months later they were still going strong. Tim was at the end of his rope with them.
There were only so many times he could say, “No comment.” It hadn’t made any difference at all in four months. Apparently, being the youngest CEO in history and of such a huge company made him very eligible. While the chatter had calmed down a bit over time, it was still present enough that something had to be done. Something drastic.
Something he was dreading.
All he needed for a few weeks was a fake date, a partner that would get the vultures off his back. It had to be someone he knew because it had to seem authentic. That was a short list though. Dick wasn’t an option. Kon, Bart, and Cassie were all out because they were all busy and they’d have to be in Gotham. Stephanie and Tam were just… no. He wasn’t doing that. That really only left the first and last person Tim would ever want to pick.
Once upon a time, Jason had been his Robin, his hero, the person he wanted to make proud almost as much as his parents. The hero-worship had died when Tim nearly did. Tim’s crush did too, but that didn’t stay gone. It took a few years, Jason apologizing, and the Reds working a few cases together, but it returned with a vengeance.
And here he was, about to ask his goddamn crush to be his fake boyfriend. Tim would be lucky if this didn’t break the shaky… truce? Friendship? Whatever it was they had. Tim would like to call them friends, but did Jason think they were friends? Oh god, Jason probably didn’t think they were friends.
He couldn’t do this, he absolutely, positively, could not—
The soft chime of his phone’s reminder tone broke him out of the downward spiral of his thoughts. The notification popped up, dragging his attention from Jason’s contact. Right, he was supposed to appear on some talk show tomorrow. Youngest and most eligible CEO and all. He just knew they’d try to pry into his love life.
Tim had to do this. Before he could rethink it, he pressed dial. At the first ring, he almost panicked and chucked it across the room instinctively. This was a terrible idea, but it was the lesser of the two evils. He was just about ready to snap and really tear into the press. Physically, verbally, he wasn’t even sure at this point.
Jason answered on the third ring. “What’s up, Timbo? You don’t call very often.”
This was a huge mistake.
“I need you to do me a big favor.”
“That depends,” Jason drawled, “on what the favor is.”
Wincing, Tim said in a rush, “I need you to be my fake boyfriend for a little while so the press will stop hounding me for details on a love life I don’t have.”
Silence. Every moment without a response made it harder for Tim to breathe. He had fucked up, he had fucked up, abort, abort—
Jason snorted. “You know, I was wondering how you were holding up with that. I’ve seen the news about it. Guess this answers my question, huh?”
“Guess it does. Any chance you could answer mine?” Nerves and stress made him snarky, okay? The past few months were rough, Tim thought he could be forgiven.
“Yeah, Timmy, I can help you get them out of your hair for a little while,” Jason said. “Alright, do you want to figure out our epic love story right now, or is there something you need to do?”
Tim sighed, relaxing bonelessly into the couch. “Now please. I have to be on some morning talk show tomorrow, and they’re going to ask.”
The next hour and a half, Tim swung wildly between excitement over getting to date his crush and hopeless misery that it was fake. They both gave the okay for holding hands, going on dates, even kissing to sell this charade. He would get to do all of that with Jason, which kind of made him want to bury his face in a pillow and scream like a complete cliche. As soon as they were out of the public eye, though? There wouldn’t be anyone to pretend for. All bets would be off.
The next few months were going to be amazing and terrible all at once.
Tim didn’t sleep much that night.
- - - - -
This was absolutely a mistake and Tim should have just suffered through the continual questioning about his non-existent love life. What the hell had he been thinking?! Sleep-Deprived Tim made terrible choices, honestly. Sure, he could totally fake-date his sort of long-time crush! That wouldn’t end in disaster and heartbreak at all ! 
Real and fake heartbreak, even, because they had a messy break-up planned. It was going to happen in two months in public, and he would cry – that probably wouldn’t be fake – and the press would hopefully feel sorry enough for him to not pester him about romance for a while.
Tim was absolutely doomed. He literally set himself up for failure.
“Mr. Drake-Wayne?”
Tim startled, staring at the assistant that had called his name.
“You go on in 5 minutes,” the assistant said.
This whole situation was messing him up. He was usually more aware of his surroundings, but he kept getting lost in thought because he was fake-dating his crush and one-time hero. Oh god.
Focus. Talk show. They’ll inevitably ask, and then he has to get to work on selling this whole… thing.
He heard clapping and then the assistant gave him a nod. “That’s your cue,” they said. Tim walked out, his CEO-Drake Heir smile firmly in place.
To his surprise, the host, a woman in her mid-thirties, stayed on script and didn’t ask if he was dating anyone until halfway through the show. When the question did come, Tim coughed and glanced away. The flush on his face wasn’t fake because for a couple months everyone would think that someone like Jason would date Tim, of all people. Jason Todd was legally dead, but he was handsome and kind and he would publicly be dating Tim. No, his blushing was very real, but that only worked to help sell the act even more. 
“Oh,” the host teased, “that look says you are. Who’s the lucky lady? Or maybe you haven’t asked her out yet?”
His head snapped towards her with a very real scowl on his face. “He and I only started dating recently. It’s still pretty new, and I’m not willing to share more at this time. We would like to figure out our relationship before we face the scrutiny of the public.”
He almost smirked at her stiffly pleasant smile. She was trying to hide her shock, and to the inexperienced eye, she succeeded. However, Tim was a detective on a different level altogether. Plus, with Cass for a sister, he was bound to pick up something from the master of reading body language and expressions.
“‘He’, huh?” she said cheerfully for the camera. “That’s quite a surprise – you’ve had multiple girlfriends in the past.”
Tim hummed, “Yes, I’m bisexual, though I recently realized that I lean more towards men than women. See, something a lot of people don’t understand is that it’s like a scale and everyone has their own preferences. It took me a long time to come to terms with that because of the heteronormativity in our society and the compulsory heterosexuality that many of us in the LGBTQ+ community have to work through.” He smiled back at her, projecting as much innocence as he could as he derailed her interview.
“Ah. Congratulations on finding yourself, then,” the host grinned. Tim saw the panic in her eyes. Her interview with the young, eligible CEO had gone in an unexpected direction and she had no idea what to do.
Meanwhile, he was having the time of his life, and he was fairly sure Jason would be howling when he watched it. If Tim had to suffer through pretending to date Jason, he was going to enjoy any suffering others went through along the way. This woman was the first.
Tim sure as hell wasn’t going to regret coming out very publicly and speaking out about some of the problems in their society. He wasn’t even worried that much about how this would affect Wayne Enterprises – Bruce would back him up. He’d probably even be proud of Tim.
The rest of the show went very smoothly. All personal questions disappeared completely as the host stuck to discussing the various community projects that Wayne Enterprises had. It was rather frustrating that it took a fake-boyfriend and shocking the host of a morning talk show to actually be asked about his work, though.
- - - - -
His phone was blowing up with notifications by the time he was free from the cameras. Oh the joys of a live show and a family that either really supported him or wanted to find something to taunt him about – it was difficult to tell. All he knew was that Bruce, Dick, Alfred, Stephanie, and Cass usually tried to watch any time he appeared on TV. Which meant they all heard that he had a boyfriend, and he was about to be pestered to the ends of the earth.
He sighed but accepted the call coming in. “Hey Dick,” he greeted, projecting as much innocence as he could into his voice. It worked a lot better when he was younger and happier. Now he was a bit too tired and jaded to sell it.
“Timmy! I just wanted to check in,” Dick said pointedly. “You know, see if there’s anything new in your life. Maybe something you neglected to tell me?”
Humming, Tim pretended to think it over. “Nope, can’t think of anything,” he said finally as he continued to his car and climbed in.
On the other end of the line there was a quiet squawk and a scuffling sound, then a click. “Tim,” Bruce cut in and oh, he was definitely on speaker now. That meant they were ganging up on him, instead of letting him deal with them one by one. “You have a boyfriend.”
Tim didn’t answer – it hadn’t been a question, after all.
“Master Timothy, I do believe all of us feel hurt that you neglected to inform us of this development,” Alfred reprimanded.
Oh shit, now Alfred was in on this. Dammit, he really preferred dealing with them one at a time. “Alfred, it’s… complicated, but I promise that it’s a very new development! I haven’t been hiding it for days or anything, I swear. How about I come to the manor for lunch today and I’ll explain?”
“Very good Master Timothy,” Alfred sniffed. “I shall set out a place setting for you.”
Alfred hung up the phone, cutting off Dick and Bruce’s protesting.
Tim stared at his phone for a second and then hurried home. He needed to talk to Jason. He also needed to grab something for the inevitable headache. Any lunch with the whole family resulted in a headache, but at least this one might prove somewhat entertaining as well.
Tim collapsed carelessly across his couch, and dug his phone out of his pocket. With a resigned sigh, he dialed Jason.
When he picked up, Tim didn’t bother offering or waiting for a greeting. “You have to come to the manor for lunch.”
There was a long silence on the other end of the line. Then, Jason asked, “Why the hell should I do that?”
Tim groaned and sunk deeper into his couch. “Bruce, Dick, and Alfred watched the talk show this morning—” Tim waited for Jason to stop snickering. So he did watch it then. At least he enjoyed it, apparently. “Yeah. They weren’t happy that they hadn’t been informed. It was fine when it was just Bruce and Dick, but then Alfred spoke up. Jay, he used the Disappointed In You voice. I had to say something!”
“Yeah,” Jason sighed, “that would do it. So, what did you say? That it’s fake or that we’re dating? Or both.”
“I said it was complicated and very recent.” Tim smirked and added, “I also said I would go to the manor for lunch and explain. If you come with me, you can see Dick and Bruce’s reactions first-hand and we can troll them a little more. Alfred will get the truth out of us pretty quick, but we can have some fun with this before he does.”
“You sneaky bastard.” He knew Jason well enough that he could almost feel Jason’s glare. “Alright fine, you little shit. I’ll be there for lunch so we can mess with those fuckers.”
Tim refrained from cheering – that would only make Jason change his mind. Well, he didn’t cheer out loud. Cheering internally was perfectly acceptable. Though this was going to be his first test at acting like Jason’s boyfriend for a little while. Why did Tim keep putting himself in these situations?
“Alright, see you there,” he said before hanging up. Tim hauled himself off the couch and headed for the kitchen. Coffee was imperative and he still needed to grab some medicine. After today, he’d know for sure whether fake-dating Jason would be amazing or painful.
An hour later, Jason was just climbing off his motorcycle when Tim pulled up to the manor. He waited for Tim to climb off his own bike and then murmured, “How do we want to do this?”
Tim paused. “What are you comfortable with?”
“I can put my arm around your shoulders, if you’re cool with that?” he offered. “Feel free to wrap your arm around my waist.”
Snickering, Tim walked over close enough for Jason to get his arm around him, and Jason pulled him into his side. He tried not to lean into the warmth, but if Jason did notice, hopefully Tim could pass it off as his usual touch-starvation.
Trolling Dick and Bruce was going to be hilarious.
Dick threw open the door just as they were walking up. When he did, his hands were on his hips and he looked ready to scold Tim for all his secret-keeping – something that never went over well in a family of detectives. Then it registered what he was seeing and the only way Tim could describe it was that Dick blue-screened. His face went blank and Tim could almost see an error message pop up.
Dick.exe has stopped working.
“Hey Dick,” Tim said casually, jumping right into it, “Jason’s my boyfriend.” As soon as he said it, he wondered if this was really the best plan. Jason was definitely on better terms with the family now, but there was still a chance that they’d react badly, and that might hurt Jason because as much as he tried to hide it, he still wanted their approval at times and oh god—
Dick grinned, and just – what? Yeah, Tim was glad that this was apparently being received well, but that… wasn’t the response he was expecting. At all. He was expecting shock, stuttering and stumbling and confusion ! Not… this.
“Finally!” Dick burst out. “Oh my god, we’ve all been waiting for you two to get together for ages! I guess this means Bruce wins the bet, then.” He mock-scowled at them. “Really, you two? You couldn’t have waited until one of you was in danger and then confessed? Or is that what happened? Oh my god, if that happened and none of us heard about one of you being in serious danger then the lecture on keeping secrets is going to be so much worse.”
“What.” Jason said.
Tim, however, was well on his way to panicking and fleeing Gotham entirely. Apparently, everyone else had picked up on his crush. Okay, sure, he wasn’t really surprised Dick knew after all the times he gushed about Jason to Dick, but enough people for a betting pool? How did everyone else find out? He’d been subtle! Of all the possible ways this could end terribly that had run through his head, he never thought Jason would find out because Dick couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
Dick shrugged, “Yeah, we were betting on you two. I’m not sure why you’re so surprised. I mean, really, after all the other bets we make? I’m just glad you two finally got your shit together.”
He huffed, looking reproachfully at Jason. “Little Wing, I love you, but if I had to listen to one more phone call about how much you wish you had never attacked Tim because he’s wonderful and amazing and he didn’t deserve what you did to him – I was going to scream. And Tim, Baby Bird…” Dick looked at him, raising an eyebrow, “I really don’t need to listen to another twenty minute rant about how incredible Jay is and how you’re so happy he’s doing better now. I mean, you two were ridiculous. Bruce had to listen to me whine about it.”
Tim.exe has stopped working, Tim thought, trying to process all of that with his brain moving at a snail’s pace. Because it sounded like Jason liked him too, but that – that couldn’t possibly be right. There was absolutely no way his feelings were reciprocated. Tim risked a glance at Jason, half-terrified of what he’d see, but Jason didn’t seem confused or disgusted or anything like that. No, he was just as utterly gobsmacked as Tim was, but that didn’t mean he felt the same.
“Man, you have no idea how heartbroken I was when I thought you had started dating someone else,” Dick continued, oblivious to their reactions. “I knew you thought Jason probably thought you were an annoying pest at best, so I thought you’d given up and started dating someone new. Meanwhile, Jason was absolutely convinced that you couldn’t like him after the whole Pit Madness thing. But I am so glad you two worked it all out!”
“We’re fake-dating to get the press off my back,” Tim blurted.
Jason’s head snapped to look at Tim. “You think that I think you’re an annoying pest?”
“Okay , so uh,” Dick rocked back on his heels, “it looks like you two have some things to discuss. I’m just… going to go inside now. Lunch will be ready in ten minutes, so try to have it sorted by then? Come in once you do. Uh. Good luck?” He slipped inside and closed the door.
Tim stared at the closed door, trying not to stare at his… at Jason. Oh god. What even were they now? He was still pressed up against Jason’s side. Why was he pressed up against Jason’s side? He really should not be—
As Tim tried to slide his hand away, the arm wrapped around his shoulders tightened, holding him in place. Then, Jason was in front of him, tucking Tim’s face into his chest and resting his chin on top of Tim’s head. Tim would forever deny that he squeaked.
“For the record, I don’t think you’re an annoying pest at all. The Demon Brat, sure, but I think you’re actually pretty fucking incredible,” Jason said.
“Oh,” Tim whispered. “I think you’re really awesome too. And I forgave you a while ago for what happened while you were still dealing with the Pit Madness. I promise I don’t hold it against you.”
“I don’t deserve that, Baby Bird. I tried to kill you, multiple times. I know for a fact that you’ve got scars from my attempts, so why would you—”
“That wasn’t you,” Tim cut in firmly, dislodging Jason to glare up at him. “That wasn’t you acting as yourself. I mean, it was the Pit influencing you and twisting things. Then on top of that, you were dealing with the trauma of dying and digging yourself out of your grave! It wasn’t you, Jay, and you’re not like that anymore. You’re so much better now, and I’m so glad because you’re happier. I just like seeing you happy.” Tim’s cheeks burned as he realized what he said. He groaned, hiding his face back against Jason’s chest.
Tim felt Jason’s chuckle. “Shut up,” he muttered.
“I like seeing you happy too,” Jason admitted. “Since Dick spilled everything already, I’ll go ahead and say that I like you, Tim. It’s why I agreed to be your fake-boyfriend. I wasn’t sure whether I was dreading or looking forward to the next couple of months. How would you feel about dating for real?”
Tim pulled away, eyes wide. “Yes, please, oh my god I was so not looking forward to the staged break-up. I was going to actually cry without needing to pretend at all.”
Jason laughed louder that time. “I would have probably held it together until I got back to my apartment. I already decided that I was going to be eating a lot more ice cream.” Tim tried to bury his grin in Jason’s chest, but Jason huffed and pulled back. “As fucking adorable as that is, didn’t I just say that I liked seeing you happy? Come on, don’t hide that pretty smile from me.”
“Oh my god, stop. We’re about to have lunch with our entire family, can you please not make me look like a tomato,” he groaned.
“Alright, alright, I’ll lay off for now. Let’s get inside, Baby Bird.”
“How much do you want to bet that they’ve been watching us through the windows?” Tim grumbled.
Jason shook his head as he started leading him towards the door. “I’m sure as fuck not taking that bet.”
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night-dragon937 · 4 years
I need to share my experience from a few hours ago (writing this at 2 am aug 24 2020) yesterday but first I'm going to slap a huge tw: abuse, Christianity/gay stuff, anxiety attacks, and yelling/screaming, transphobia/homophobia, self harm/cutting and a lot of cussing/swearing onto this. Like this is deeply religious and I'd rather not have discourse on my beliefs.
That should cover it...
Okay so it started out fine, my mom and i were just talking. She was drunk, and attempting to convince me that my asexuality meant that i was straight... But since she was drunk, I'mma give her that. There was a lot of aphobia but that's not what this is about She started telling me about her experience, and best i can describe it, she's a closeted demisexual biromantic lady with a preference for girls and a shit ton of internalized homophobia ("being sexually attracted to women's bodies more than men's doesn't make me lesbian, I'm still straight")
It was a mostly civil conversation, but it was adding onto my bad feelings from my dad the past several weeks making snide hurtful remarks about our religion and my sexuality and gender. Also using the f-slur against me when i had explained to him in the past how badly that word hurts me, to which he apologized profusely and said he'd never have used that word if he knew how it affected me. Obviously a lie, because he's still using it with full knowledge of the effects.
Back to my mom. She started getting into the religious side of it, but we managed to keep it civil, until the very end when she said she'd be praying for me and i said I'd be praying to help figure out who exactly i am, and she remarked "make sure you're praying to the right person" with a really threatening tone to her voice. At that point, i lost it, let her know that her saying that made me want to go back to cutting (in case she wasn't aware) and said that i needed a moment alone (or something along those lines, i was thrown head first into an anxiety attack and can't quite remember very well).
I ran upstairs as she tried to grab me and pull me back, but i managed to make it to my room. I went into a fetal position, because safe, but she came in and all i remember is her screaming repeating some question, i think, at me, me not being able to breathe, her hands squeezing my wrists way too tight, my wrist pinned to the carpet with her knee, the other with her hand as she tried to grab my jaw and force me to look at her.
Her touching me made the attack worse (hours later i still have marks and scratches) and i couldn't talk, think, or breathe. Somehow i was able to choke out repeated pleas for her to stop touching me because it was making everything worse. I don't know how long that lasted. But at some point she stopped grabbing me and just placed her hands on me and started praying in tongues. Like i was fucking demon possessed. Because i had an anxiety attack. Which my parents have been triggering in me for as long as i can remember.
I managed to sit up and get her to stop touching me, but she refused to be less than a foot away from me, even though i was going through a sensory overload and needed personal space. She finally trapped me into a corner of my room and put her arms on either side of me, one of them holding the door closed. She was screaming in my face and i was yelling over her, asking her to give me personal space and stop being so loud so that i could calm down, which she refused. I ended up very trapped and very uncomfortable and doing my best to not have another anxiety attack while replying to the most outlandish of her accusations, but mostly keeping my mouth shut in an attempt to get her to do the same.
She kept using my deadname, like usual, but it was worse for me for some reason at this point. I mentioned that and got yelled at more. I mentioned her pinning my wrists to the ground and got called a liar and she tried to make it so that i couldn't leave and grab a Kleenex until i admitted she was right and that i pinned myself to the ground (???). So i just started describing what i remembered until she got sick of it and let me go wipe my nose. She must have closed my door when she first came in. My dad (stepdad) was standing outside the door, eavesdropping, apparently.
I got a Kleenex but then my mom started yelling at me again, but i mostly just pretended to listen because i didn't want to have another anxiety attack. My dad started piping in and making me feel so much worse. He ended with saying "you're not a Christian. You don't believe in God. Even the devil believes in God." (Implying that I'm worse than the devil). At which point i started breaking down crying. And then i ran outside to have another anxiety attack but this time my mom just stood on the porch because the grass was wet and she was barefoot, but i curled up under the stars for who knows how long as i forced myself to do breathing techniques, and stim by rubbing the wet grass, which really helped ground me.
I went back inside when i was feeling better and got a drink of water and a Kleenex. And they started telling me how much they loved me and that i might not see it, but they were doing this out of love, because they were concerned for my eternity. I kept pointing out things they were doing that hurt me and better ways to do it (constructive criticism, so they know what's bad for me) and they repeatedly told me how much worse they could make it for me and that i should be glad they didn't make it worse. I pointed out that this didn't make their actions better and they said "doesn't make them wrong, either." Which ????? Victim blaming, abuse, what?
I brought up the times I've cried out to God for answers and the few times He's responded, (refusing my request for Him to kill me, telling me I'm not going to Hell for being gay/queer) bc they kept bringing up a few dubiously translated verses of the Bible and they told me that i was listening to the wrong person. That i was worshipping the wrong one. They heavily implied that i pray and worship the devil (disclaimer: i don't judge those who do, that's your life, I'm not gonna try and decide it for you, also i can admit that the church of Satan makes valid points and treats people right, from what I've seen, this is just a huge insult for them to throw at me specifically because of what I've been taught my whole life). Also invalidating my whole experience just because they don't like it.
They keep bringing up me being involved in the community (following queer people on social media, having one queer shirt, going to gsa-which they told me I'm not allowed to be a part of anymore-, having queer friends) as me seeking validation and attention, and that i shouldn't need validation and it shouldn't be about validation if I really think that this is who i am. Aka, because i am human and seek human things, i must be a total fake and fraud about all I've told them (very little). Meanwhile they do the exact same thing with their friends and social media and each other and everything.
My dad kept piping up with totally unrelated, totally unhelpful comments and tangents while my mom recited the same 5 min spiel for at least half an hour. My dad was saying how my grandparents aren't actually Christians because they agree with me that the world isn't black and white and there are some shades of gray, and because they believe once saved, always saved. That there is nothing you can do, as an imperfect human, to remove yourself from the infinite and unconscious love of God. (... I can't believe he fucking believes that humans have the ability to overrule God because it makes it easier for him to blame and condemn people he sees...)
These are the grandparents who have loved me regardless of my sexuality and gender, even tho they don't agree, and made me feel loved and gave me a place to go when i need to escape from my parents. They're the reason I'm keeping my mom's maiden name (since it hasn't been legally changed) because it's their last name, and it's them i want to honor, not my abusive shitty hateful stepdad. Unfortunately they are moving into assisted living because my papa is in a wheelchair, so i can't move in with them.
He ended that tangent with repeatedly telling me that i was not saved. That i was not a Christian. That i didn't believe in God. And that i was going to Hell. Repeatedly.
My mom made me hug her and made me tell her i love her. I ended up exercising to stop myself from becoming suicidal. I don't know if I'll tell anyone irl apart from the one irl friend i have on here. I'm not sure if I'm going to tell my therapist or not. I reached out to two of my christian friends after everything but they were both asleep. I needed to write this all down and put it somewhere public, just to be safe. I'm not safe in my own home and i can't move out because I'm a. Under 18 and b. Broke as hell
There was a lot more that happened, this lasted several hours, but i honestly can't remember all of the details besides what i typed out. Anyway so yeah i kinda wish i were dead but i also wanna stay alive for spite and show them that i can be a fabulous queer Christian and that the world is colorful, and you can't reduce that to monochrome and expect to have an even partially accurate view of the world. I want to help others like me, and help them feel better about myself.
I'm setting this as a queue so that if my parents take my phone away, they can't stop me from posting it (they have no clue how to look at queued posts) and also so that i can go to bed now and look at it again later and edit it
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always5hineee · 4 years
Depreciation- Chapter 9: Reader Insert
Chapter warnings: Intense or adult themes
Word count: 1715
       The trial date was not a pleasant one. The entire night before and the morning of, her stomach was turning violently, causing her to avoid eating any breakfast. She knew it wasn't good for her, but it couldn't be helped. If she threw up in court, she could be ejected, which is the last thing she needed. She called the real lawyer as soon as possible to make sure their connection was adequate.
       This would be the hardest part for her. She needed to do everything he told her down to the tiniest details. WayV's lives hung in the balance. She hadn't been able to arrange a meeting with them before the events, so she would just have to hope they were prepared for the things to come. The last she'd heard, Henry had been revived, but he was still refusing to eat, only accepting a slight drink of water after basically being forced to ingest it. They had put him on an IV for a few hours, but he was still weak.
       She only realized a few hours before the trial that she didn't have anything to wear. Going into her room, she noticed that most of the clothes Lucas had provided to her were jeans, sweatpants, and t-shirts. None of those were really quite appropriate for such a serious occasion. The women's wardrobe downstairs were sealed up, which left her with only one dress out and available for her to use... the blue one.
       With a vile taste in her mouth, she pulled it on, looking at herself in the mirror as she recollected the last time she'd worn it. Thankfully, it had been cleaned since, but it still carried awful connotations. There was no choice, she had to suffer. Putting on sensible makeup and gathering her things, she made her way to the courtroom. When she arrived, there were only a few minutes left before the trial. This was her intention. While it may have paid off to be earlier, she knew she wouldn't be able to stomach it.
       She was seated near the band at the front of the room, although she was meant to be active during the trial, so she didn't really have a chance to talk to them. She glanced over once, feeling all of their eyes sliding over her form, giving her the chance to see Kun mouth a slight, 'you'll be fine'. At least, that's what she saw. Before she knew it, opening statements were underway.
       "Your honor," the lawyer from the discovery period stated boldly. She was already annoying Y/N, to the point where she had to clench her fists out of sight to keep from seeming stressed. "I intend to prove that these five men, as well as their late and hospitalized associates, are guilty of the charges against them. These include harassment, assault, battery, kidnapping, rape, murder, and human trafficking, as was read to them along with their rights upon their arrest." The judge nodded, accepting this as an adequate opening statement.
       "You may call your first witness."
       "We'd like to start by questioning Qian Kun." The questioning went on for what felt like an hour to Y/N. The prosecution methodically called up every remaining member of WayV, one by one running through the facts again and again. She was sure the jury had to be sick of hearing the same story by now, but it was evident she was looking for a loophole. The man in her bluetooth agreed as much. What she didn't expect, though, was the first witness after that.
       "Next, I call Y/N (L/N) to the stand." Eyes widening, she heard the man in her ear whisper, objection.
       "On what grounds?" The judge asked.
       "The tribunal has proper objection when the trier of fact may be confused or misled by a lawyer serving as both advocate and witness. The opposing party has proper objection where the combination of roles may prejudice that party's rights in the litigation. A witness is required to testify on the basis of personal knowledge, while an advocate is expected to explain and comment on evidence given by others. It may not be clear whether a statement by an advocate-witness should be taken as proof or as an analysis of the proof."
       Basically, what she was saying was that, by using her as a witness, the lawyer would be confusing the jury on which parts of her arguments were testimony, and which were legal advocacy. It was a valid argument, and she had already gained the permission to act as an advocate by the tribunal, (a fancy word for the court). Therefore, it was well within their rights to object.
       "Objection sustained, for the time being." The judge agreed. "Let the record show that, should your testimony become integral to the case, the objection will be reevaluated." She nodded curtly in thanks.
       Annoyed, but not giving up, the lawyer continued to go through witnesses. The next ones were women Y/N had never seen before in her life. There were a total of four, all of varying ages. She found it difficult to remember any of their names. As far as she picked up, the first two had been sold into slavery and escaped their masters, one had been supposedly attempted upon, but not caught, and the final claimed to have been raped by YangYang of all people.
       "I would like to cross-examine the witnesses." Y/N stated as the trial continued. Speaking to the first girl, she kept her cool. She didn't have a choice in this moment but to follow every direction, take note of every answer and movement. She was starting to wish she had eaten. Still, now wasn't the time to think about this. There was a good- no, a near 100% chance at least one of these witnesses wouldn't hold up in court. She just had to figure out which one.
       The first and second were the most difficult. With similar, yet vague stories about being picked up in seedy areas, thrown into a van, and suddenly being awoken under the direction of a new master, it was nearly impossible to confirm or deny their honesty. While they were under oath, words were easily brushed a side. Hell, WayV was doing it right now.
       The fourth witness was where she started to get lucky. The man in her earbud told her to demand a medical examination in regards to the rape, and she almost immediately recanted her charges. This didn't look good for them, and the jury was swaying. The final, most pivotal testimony, though, was the third. This girl, around the age of 20 or so if she had to guess, had claimed to have almost been kidnapped at a WayV concert, but got away. Thankfully, she had someone on the outside able to pull her any details she wanted. This could be her ticket.
       "Miss, can you tell me exactly what happened on the night in question?" Sniffling with a fair amount of dramatics, she pushed her faded green hair away from her face. She needed to get her roots redone, her makeup was a walking disaster, and her outfit screamed koreaboo. Not only that, but her little show was basically terrible.
       "Yes... I went to go see WayV in Seoul because I am-" She paused, letting her eyelids flutter. "I was one of their biggest fans. At the end of the show, I went to go look around, because I wanted to experience it for as long as possible. I found the entrance to the back parking lot, and who did I find there but Xuxi himself!" The use of his name- especially one that wasn't his stage name- by this trash? It made her sick to her stomach. Still, she continued.
       "Go on?"
       "He pushed me up against the stadium wall and asked me if I wanted to get on the tour bus with him. Of course I said yes, but when we got on, I noticed like, five other girls! Of course, he didn't like any of them as much as me, but it was super fishy, so I tried to leave. He grabbed me and told me that I couldn't go, so I jerked my arm away and ran for dear life!"
       So much for being a great lawyer- the prosecution had really put this clown up here? As a serious witness? She became more confident as she saw the jury's faces fall and scrunch, evidently feeling the same way about this girls as she did. Now for the closer...
       "Miss, I'll remind you that you're under oath. And in light of that, I'd like to put forth these facts: on the night in question, exactly twenty four minutes after the closing song, the entirety of WayV was escorted to the front foyer for a two-hour fansign, giving them a direct alibi for your timeframe backed by hundreds, if not thousands of witnesses." The judge's eyebrows raised as she waited for the witness' statement. When none came, the judge called the room's attention.
       "Lying under oath is a federal crime that could be met with a probation, fine, or a prison sentence up to five years. You will be taken for further investigation, and your rights will be read to you." Y/N suppressed a smile as the girl was escorted through the main floor of the courtroom. She knew she should be professional, leave it at that, but she couldn't help it. Just before the girl exited through the side door, Y/N yelled,        
       "And keep Lucas's name out of your mouth!" With a slight murmur starting anew in the room, the judge slammed the gavel onto the desk.
       "Order in my court! Miss Y/N, may I remind you that you are at risk of being held in contempt?"
       "Yes, I apologize." She quickly muttered, already embarrassed by the action. As she said this, though, the other lawyer smirked, stepping up.
       "Your honor, we'd like to speak to one more person, if that's alright."
       "Of course, the trial may continue." Nodding the lady thanked her, spinning around to face the faces in the seats.
       "The prosecution calls Wong Yuk-Hei to the stand."
Go to Chapter 10
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fuck-customers · 5 years
So apparently it's the store's fault for negligent parents...
I had a lady call the store one evening and ask for a manager, so being the only MOD at the time, I obviously went to pick it up. Immediately she asks "What is your procedure for if someone gets injured in your store?" I'm worried right away. Genuinely concerned, I ask her what happened. She goes on to explain that her 2-year-old grandson fell out of the cart and "Nobody came to help." As someone who has helped raise a child who is now 5, I'm super empathetic, I start apologizing profusely. I ask her to go into detail of how it happened.
"Well he just fell out of the cart and the cart fell on top of him. I ran around the whole store with a crying 2-year-old and nobody helped me!"
Okay, well... There's a fallacy there because if we stopped what we were doing to see what was wrong with every crying 2-year-old in the store we'd never get anything done, especially because a lot of the time, the difference between an "I got hurt" cry and a "My parent's wont buy me this toy" cry is indistinguishable.
And then most of my sympathy went out the window:
"And I don't know if it was because we were the only POC in the store or what..."
Okay. Pause. Lady. I'm sorry that your grandson got hurt. I really am. That's really horrible and I wish there was something I could do. But when you turn around and turn it into a cry-wolf/discrimination situation when it clearly wasn't (note that both floor employees on duty at that time [i mean, besides me] were POC and there were SO many people in the store, there's no way they were the "only POC in the store") you drastically reduce your credibility in the situation. But I apologized more and told her I'd talk to the employees that were around (because I was nowhere nearby when it happened. I was stuck helping out customers on the frame counter in the back.
So I talk to one of them about the situation. She goes on to explain that yes, as soon as she heard something fall she went running to help, not knowing that it was a child falling out of a cart. But by the time she had arrived to the scene of the incident, they weren't there anymore. They had scooped him up and ran off. They left the store immediately after their kid getting hurt, which is understandable. But they complained (TO CORPORATE) that "no one tried to help because of our race."
Fast forward to a couple days later. She filed an incident report with corporate and even called for security footage of the incident. This is where it gets fucked.
The security footage shows them pretty clearly. Here's the kicker. When the little boy fell, not only was he standing in the basket of the cart (which, on any shopping cart anywhere, says to not let your kids do that because it could be dangerous) he was LEFT UNATTENDED. Your eyes are working just fine: They Left A 2 Year Old Child Improperly In A Cart Unattended. He had reached over to a display and pulled forward, causing the flimsy plastic cart to flip over on top of him. And you can even watch as they immediately leave the store before the only employee on the floor came running to help.
She came back into the store that next day (after we had ALL seen the security footage) to "fill out an incident report." Corporate had already filled one out when she contacted them, then sent it back to us to get store specifics (which employees were on the clock at the time, what section of the store did it happen in, etc.) and we had already sent it back to them, as we needed to within 24 hours of receiving it. She kept demanding to see it, even after I told her we didn't have it, and even after I explained to her that we didn't have it, and I even called my store manager and had HER talk to this lady to tell her why we legally do not have it. Plus, I didn't want her to see it anyway because there's a section on it that says "Was the incident questionable, if so explain" where my store manager had written "Yes, child was left unattended" and this lady would have pitched a whole fit if she saw that. So I finally just went back and printed one out for her to "fill out" just to make her feel better even though we weren't going to do anything with it (but I obviously didn't tell her that).
Anyway, this dumb lady, who likely just wants hush money, kept threatening me personally with "I have my attorney on the phone right now." Like... Okay. Good. Would you like me to explain that we have you on video leaving your child in a cart unattended and improperly? Some people just don't know how to take responsibility for their actions.
TL;DR: A woman left her kid standing up in the cart, he fell, and it's apparently our fault, and we're apparently a bunch of racists for not helping her even though she left before we could.
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aislinceivun · 4 years
Hi! I know that you’ve said that you won’t continue with the sequel planned for Wandering Bird, but I was wondering if I could inquire on what you might’ve written? It’s just, I really adore your fic; can’t get it out of my head actually (so I’m so sorry if I’m being insensitive!) You mentioned once that you were going to do a POV from Arthur Gwen and Morgana- does that mean they (Morgana and Gwen specifically) had an idea of Merlin’s fate? Could Arthur “see” Merlin during his adventures? Part 1
Part 2: (Again, I apologize for my questions-your story just has so many interesting plot points!!) How would Bonnie and Co interact/react to Arthur’s return? Why couldn’t Freya interact much with Merlin; Was it a lack of magic, interference or something else? Somewhat weird question: but did you have anything in mind for Merlin’s Vigil Night? (If he can get one poor dear). (Gushing continued in third ask I’m so sorry)
Part 3: I loved how you showed Arthur considering legal reforms before his death-and the Phoenix as the emblem? *Chef’s Kiss* Was the creation of the phoenix’s later on a reference to that? Random aside: I really adored how badass you made Merlin, without making him too edgy or dark, you know? Also I really loved the many prophecies/legends surrounding just Merlin as “Emrys”! I adore literally everything about Aithusa, and her final scene made me bawl (also your art is gorgeous!) You’re amazing!
Don’t ever apologize for asking questions about fics! Even if they’re old fics the author doesn’t plan on returning to, these kind of asks can really make their day and I’m sure 98% of the time they’ll just be over the moon that someone still thinks so much about their work :D I am!!
I still get emotional thinking about Aithusa, so I’m super glad her storyline made you feel so deeply. And that yuo liked Merlin’s portrayal and the lore about him! And thea art! Ahh, just, thank you! 🥰
Unfortunately, I no longer have my original outlines and the roughly 15k I’ve written due to my old laptop crashing, and it’s been 7 years (oh my gosh how) so I no longer remember the details. Which is too bad - I have several abandoned fics in my mother tongue, and I always uploaded summaries of what was supposed to happen to provide some kind of closure to readers. I can’t do that properly with Wandering, but I’ll try my best!
Putting the rest under a cut. :)
Feathers was inteded to be a series of 7 fics: 3 long main stories and 4 shorter (8-15k) standalone side-stories. The graphics are pretty much the only thing I still have  left x’D
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You know this one, 75k of how Merlin spends those roughly 1500 years between the end of the show and Arthur’s rebirth. Then, the stuff that never got finished:
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The Gwen POV side story, set during ch1 of Wandering. Focused on Gwen dealing with Arthur’s death, managing the kingdom and working on abolishing discrimination against magic users. Also getting together with Leon after a few years.
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The Morgana POV one, at parts corresponding to ch1 and ch2 of Wandering. Honestly, I’m no longer sure about the details, but the early parts were supposed to explain and detail show canon, and then... I think I meant to bring her back in as a literal bird. With the life span of it, just keeping her consciousness, so she can watch what happens in the world. She probably watched over Aithusa, too, and Merlin, and IDK but the goal was to show her thoughts and eventually give her character justice and closure.
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The Arthur POV one. He was kept in some kind of otherworldly, underwater palace-like place and could only interact with Freya, really, but he did get constant flashes of Merlin - especially where he was near Albion. This short was supposed to be very dream-like, as time works differenetly in that place. It’s kind of like when you’re half-asleep, y’know? So Arthur didn’t really live those 1500 years like Merlin did, but he followed his journey, in a way. When Freya “woke him up” at the end, they did have a conversation about it. He lost these memories when he was reborn. (But he still often dreams of water and a kind lady)
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The next big one! Set in 2012, this would’ve started with Arthur & Merlin going to uni and “meeting each other” and ended with Arthur finally regaining his memories. Merlin kept away from him while Arthur was growing up, you see - aside from that one time when he learnt that by pure chance, Ray (who became a PE teacher) ended up being one of lil’ Chris/Arthur’s teachers. As old man Emrys, he got himself some history teaching shtick because he wanted to see how Arthur was doing, but he quickly realized that this is not going to work, what with him being in love with the man Arthur is going to become. xD So he left after a few months, and kept away from Arthur. (But kept pestering Ray with questions :D)
Anyway, when Arthur goes to uni (by this point, he exclusively goes by ‘Arthur’ btw, dropping Christopher) Merlin magics himself back into his eighteen year old form and gets enrolled in the same school. Agatha and Mike would have had prominent roles as basically Merlin’s sidekicks. Aggie is especially close with him, after him mentoring her about magic all her life.
Arthur has no memories either of his old life or about the years spent with Freya, so the dynamic at first is pretty much show S1. Most of the angst would have come from Arthur finally wanting to get together with Merlin but Merlin pulling away because there’s just too much Arthur doesn’t know; how is he supposed to be together with him when he’s hiding so much, lying so much? This Arthur is pure and free of the tragedies of the past, and maybe it’d be best if Merlin left him alone... But something must be happening - something the world needs Arthur for, if he slept through WWI and WWII but NOW fate decided to send him back...
Anyways, he would have gotten back his memories aroud the end of this instalment. Cue a lot of crying from Merlin’s part.
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The last big one, a direct sequel to With Memories. A lot of recap and talking in the early parts, Merlin and Arthur reconciliating who they were in the past with who they are in the present and who they wanna be in the future. 
There was a Big Bad of some kind of malicious magical origin (not necessarily a person, but an “end of the world” kind of thing/entity. It was 2012 after all. Little did we knew the real shit was coming 8 years later It was revealed that Arthur had magic himself, plenty of it - he couldn’t use it, at all, but he wielded a lot of pure magic, maybe related to how he was basically marinated in magic-juice for over fifteen centuries and how his soul was pushed back into the world xD There was a lot of magical and dragon-related lore to be revealed. The Phoenixes came back to play a part in resolving the Big Bad, too. But it’s all very hazy. What I do remember is that to fix the Big Bad, Merlin AND Arthur had to hold their Vigil Night, in a way - not dying, god now, but both of them hand to give all their combined magic back to earth.  This resulted in the Big Bad no longer happening and Merlin losing his immortality =)
After figuring out their shit in the first half, they were pretty much together, btw. Learning each other in a new way. Arthur digged Merlin’s Phoenix emblem tattoo, that’s for sure. A lot of communication was needed, especially because it wasn’t easy for Arthur to understand Merlin’s grief (sometimes, Merlin looked so old despite the young form he wore; sometimes he felt ancient, and Arthur was a bit scared in his presence - not scared of Merlin, but scared of how to measure up to him, reach him, help him.) And Merlin had to understand that even with his old memories, Arthur wasn’t exactly that Arthur, the king - he had a life of his own in the present, a new identity, and it was unfair of Merlin to expect him to be the same. They no doubt talked a lot about Merlin’s lived experiences, his lost ones, Aithusa. (Merlin never stopped wearing the pendant made of Aithusa’s scale)
Happy end, of course :)
Well, that was a lot of vaaaague stuff, but hopefully gave you an idea? Bonnie wasn’t around too much, though I’m sure I’d have included some scenes with her. She probably didn’t met Arthur until Together Again. Aggie liked him fine but kept teasing him and she could be a bit harsh, what with her being so overprotective of Merlin. Mike and Arthur got along really well. Arthur was shocked when he was first fully introduced to the whole family and was met with his old PE teacher AND that brought up the fact Merlin attempted to teach him for a few months xDD 
Buuuuut.... this was still just 6, eh?
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Last instalment, another side oneshot, and a prequel to the whole series. Kilgharrah’s POV. Set a few generation’s before Uther’s rein, elaborating on some of the lore and backstories revealed in Together Again. (all of which I no longer remember, rip) I know we’d have met an ancestor of both Merlin and Arthur through Kilgharrah: Aurelius Ambrosius, who does some good deed to Kilgharrah, and the dragon blesses him - after this, the man takes the name Pendragon. And Coel, who was a dragon lord, husband to Ystradwal high priestess. Coel had a cheerful and kind personality, and he was the first human Kilgharrah came to like. They became friends. Coel was supposed to be Merlin’s grandfather, I think. Kilgharrah and his mate were expecting their first egg to hatch when Uther’s purge started, and that was pretty much the end of this short =(
All I have left aside from these is some tidbits of dialogue from the single file on the sequels I have:
“Whoa, Merlin, slow down. I can’t follow you.”
“I’m different from you. Okay? I’m not... I wasn’t... I didn’t reincarnate. I’m not a reincarnation of the original Merlin. I am the original Merlin. Do you understand? I never... Look, I never died.”
“You are. The same Merlin." Merlin nods. "The same Merlin who mucked out my horses and saved me countless times and magicked his way into my life.”
“I’m afraid, sire.”
The title comes without a conscious thought, and when he realizes, his heart twists and cracks.
Arthur just stares at him.
“So? Who are you guys, then?”
“I wasn’t lying about them. They are family. No! Gods, no, not like that,” he adds quickly upon seeing Arthur’s widening eyes.
“He’s our magical fairy godfather,” Mike and Aggie say in perfect union, completely straight-faced.
“The only times I was really miserable were the very first few hundred years, and later the roughly three centuries that followed Aithusa’s death. For the rest of the time, I wasn’t completely alone, and that... helped. A lot. But... it was hard. I hated how everyone I cared for withered away and died before my eyes, so I tried to keep people away for a long time. I was lonely, but that kept me safe from heartbreak. At least, that’s what I’d thought.
“But then I met Bonnie, and as I watched her grow up and start a family - a family that welcomed me - I realised how foolish I was for attempting to condone myself to a solitary life and deny myself the warmth of others’ love.”
Arthur wipes a hand over his face. “Owning a magical heritage but no apparent talent to use it... Just. Great. I’m a fucking Quibble!”
Phew!! What a trip down memory lane xD And I actually remembered more than I thought I would, so that’s nice. Thank you for enabling me to ramble and recall some stuff a really liked about this verse. I hope I was able to give you some closure! Cheers!♥
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prorevenge · 5 years
Angry moms tirade BACKfires, literally
Hello Tumblr, my friends are pretty invested in you and this subreddit, and after hearing about it I decided this story was worth creating an account for. This is my first post ever, so I’m sorry if I violated any unspoken Reddit rule or anything like that. (I know people will say this is fake because of the new account, but I promise it’s all true, down to every detail).
So over the summer (around 7-8 months ago) my family decided to take a vacation to Pennsylvania (we live in Cali) for a week to visit some relatives. We end up meeting up with our twice removed cousins, who are around my age. (14-15, yes I’m a minor, I don’t bite) We have never even seen each other before, so to break the ice a little we drive to a quarry that filled up with water. The “lake” had a nice little water park on it, with inflatables chained in place that you would swim out to. Some attractions included slides, obstacle courses, and the big kahuna inflatable.
The big kahuna, aka the fat boy is a giant peanut shaped inflatable where one person sits on the end while another jumps on the opposite end to launch the first person up into the air and down into the water. This being the main attraction, we decided to go try out the big kahuna first.
SOME (semi) IMPORTANT SIDE NOTES: It was kind of packed that day, and when they handed out life vests before you go out in the water, they began to run a little low. I ended up wearing a small and basically inadequate life vest meant for 8 year olds, even though I was 13 at the time. It was the biggest size they had though that wouldn’t swallow me whole.
Moving on, we swim over to the line for the big kahuna. The queuing system was a line of inflatable poles that people would lean against as they waited to get to the stairs. We got in line behind a lovely family of some kid about 8 or 9 and his (what I assume is his) mom. I banter some with my cousins as we wait, and since I’m floating the waves naturally push me around some. This direction just so happens to be towards these angels, who will now be referred as Red Haired Lady (mom) and Brat (kid). I accidentally bump my back into the RHL and I apologize and paddle back a foot or two. (In the line we are packed tighter than sardines, keep that in mind). She glares at me with a burning hate, which frankly catches me off guard. She huffs loudly at me and says “Well, aren’t you going to say sorry?”
Me: “I did, but I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you.”
RHL: “Well, back up”
Me: swims an inch or two back as far as I can, against the inflatable
RHL: “|=ucking move more, your literally choking me to death”
Me: “I’m back as far as I can, sorry”
RHL: “Don’t apologize, back up”
At this point I’m so squished up against the inflatable I’m almost under it. And mind you, these aren’t pool noodles. These are huge things that are surprisingly heavy, about the length of a semi.
I then accidentally brush my leg on her leg, her ankle even.
RHL: starts hyperventilating “Did you just attempt to sexually harass me young man?”
Me: (Slowly and cautiously) “No...?”
RHL: “Don’t do that ever again, sinners like you will go to prison and hell alike”
Me: “It was an accident, I swear I didn’t mean to do anything”
RHL: “So you aren’t sorry?”
Me: “Wh-“
Everyone around us, including my cousins and I: o.0 wtf
It’s obvious to pretty much everyone that this lady is crazy, and they all saw her overreact and snap at me, so nobody really did anything.
A short while later
Me: slowly drifts over without realizing it
Brat: detects enemy
Brat:swims over
Brat:whines “You know this is our spot, right”
Me: “Yeah man, don’t worry about it”
Brat: “Well then move”
Me: moves
Me: franticly doggy paddles my way over because of my garbage life vest
Brat: I guess gets done with my sh1t
Brat: Deadass dunks my head underwater and holds it there
I was caught by surprise and my lungs invited some water over for dinner. As I struggle I pop up and shove the kid off my. The mom, smuggly watching the whole thing unfold, turns from being a spectator to an ass. She SLAPS me hard as hell across the face and screams at me “DON’T EVER TOUCH MY SON AGAIN!” The brat starts crying saying how I hurt him and hugs his mom. At this moment, coughing up water, I began to plan. And oh what a plan it was.
When we got to the stairs, there was a sign in how to properly and safely jump on the big kahuna. The best way I can describe it is putting your legs out in front of you straight, folding your arms across your chest, and almost sitting in mid air. (But with your legs straight). So the RHL goes up and Brat jumps fine on the cushion and crawls over to the other side. His mom, being the insane person she is, is scared to jump 10 feet down to the cushion. For 5 minutes she sat up there breathing slowly and looking down in fear. It got so bad that people even starting cheering her to go, then booing as she just stood there.
I had an idea and pulled her aside. I said “To make it up to you for being so rude to you,” I said with my best happy go lucky smile “I’ll give you a little tip. What helps me is that I put my arms on my knees and my legs straight down when I jump, it helps break my fall.” She nods and being the idiot she is and not reading the signs, does exactly what I told her to do.
What follows was so satisfying words cannot describe it. She jumps down, and the moment she hits that bag in that position, her whole spine and body just whip up and back like a whip, and I hear this loud crack! Her kid flys off the other end and does the crispiest belly flop I’ve ever seen, while his mom hits her neck on a rebound on the bag again. After she hits her neck in the second bounce, she belly flops in the water too, and she just lies there floating. Her kid ends having to literally drag her across the water and lay her on the beach. She doesn’t move her back or neck, she just stays there moaning in pain from the brutal punishment and force of that jump.
She ended up fracturing something or other in her back, and I didn’t get mentioned at all or got any blame. They just said that it was her fault for not following the safety directions, and even when she threatened to sue, apparently the owners kept their calm and cooly explained that she signed a waiver and blah blah blah. It was legally airtight, and she ended up with a broken back essentially. Best day of my life, hands down.
(source) story by (/u/ILickCement)
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selenecrawford · 5 years
The Odd Pair 18
 Warnings: None at the moment. But if you see some please let me know. Thanks.
Selene saw Kennyo walking out of the office exactly five minutes later. The man had an unreadable expression on his face. He didn't address anyone outside. Kennyo kept walking leaving the place. Selene wanted to get into the office as soon as possible. But at the same time, a sensation of fear to being reject paralyze her from going to Shingen's side. A hand on her shoulder took her out of her thoughts. Nobunaga was next to her.
      “Go, he needs you now.” a soft squeeze on her shoulder was all she needed to enter the office.
She found Shingen sitting on his desk with his hands on his face.  Selene walked next to him. Hesitating Selene started to caress Shingen's hair. She wanted to tell him so much, to let him know how much it hurts her seeing him like this. But this was not about her. This was about him, the man she had never stopped loving not even when he hurt her. Selene kept caressing his hair until Shingen turned to her and hug her by the waist. Selene embraced him in silence. Both stood there sharing their warmth for several minutes. Shingen then broke the embrace to look at her. His eyes focused on her. For once she saw how vulnerable he was feeling at that moment. Although brief he let her see him bared, Selene closing the distance gave him a soft kiss on the lips. Cupping his face in her hands she keeps the soft short kisses until he demanded something longer. Soon both were kissing, taking what they could from each other. At some point, they broke the kiss to take a break and recover their breaths.      
“Thank you.” Shingen's voice was a soft whisper.     “I'm always here for you.” was Selene's only reply.       “There is so much I want to tell you, I wish we could be alone...” His words got cut at the sound of the knock on the door. Nobunaga entered.     “You got to be fucking me...” Shingen buried his face on Selene's chest frustrated. The task of speaking with his own wife now seemed monumental.      
“This is not my doing so stop giving me that look Shingen,” Nobunaga smirked at the annoyance of his rival.
“ The Board called for you and Selene.” Both looked at each other in surprise, Shingen stood up still embracing Selene.      
“We will be there in a minute. Kennyo left some documents on this folder for Selene, could take a look at them to see if there is anything illegal? Also, could you give us a minute?” Shingen handed the folder to Nobunaga.
The lawyer took the folder and turning around he left. With a sigh, Shingen looks back at Selene. Smiling he hug her once more in silence.    
“I wish we could speak more but until this is over it seems we won't. Selene?”    
“Yes?” she felt her cheeks a bit of warmth.      
“Keep being you always, never change. It is one of the things I love from you.” with a kiss on the forehead Shingen dropped a bomb on Selene.
Widened her eyes Shingen didn't give her time to react. Taking her hand with a gentle squeeze he started walking.    
“Come on let's go. The board is waiting.” with a tug from his hand, Selene started walking still too startled to make a proper reaction.    
Selene's mind was completely blank. How could he tell her that then walk away without explaining? Ladies and gentlemen Crawford.exe has crashed. Selene's heart was beating fast and her cheeks colored with a beautiful crimson red. She followed Shingen without saying a word and her gaze looking at the floor. The rest of the gang were following them, noticed Selene's semblance. Her cheeks were with a bright shade of pink while biting her lower lip softly. Shingen must have told her something that took her out of the base. Considering the situation he is trying to distract her. Nobunaga decided to stay behind at the office to look at the documents Shingen gave him. He wanted to know what sort of testament Loren Dali left.    
  When the group arrived at the conference room they notice that Nolan was not there. The members of the board were still there, waiting. Once everyone was inside Roxanne Jones stood up to speak.     
“Thank you for coming back Mr. and Mrs. Takeda. We like first to apologize for Mr. Nolan's behavior. We thought he got good reasons to oppose this marriage, but we see this has been a show for him.  You're had work hard Mr. Takeda, to rise this company to what it is today.  And now is only natural that you want to start a family. We don't mind you taking this “sabbatical” in order to achieve this. Congratulations.” everyone on the board decided to stand up and applaud them.     
Breathing a sigh of relief Shingen gave his trademark grin. Turning toward Selene to kiss her. Selene looks at the ground completely flustered by Shingen's actions. Nonetheless, she was happy with the outcome. A kiss on her forehead made her lookup. She could see his eyes, full of emotion, by an impulse she hugged him and giggles. Shingen turned toward the board, with a reverence that also Selene imitated.    
“My wife and I are grateful for your understanding. Words can't be enough for us to thank you.” Once the meeting finished, everyone went back to Shingen's office.    
Nobunaga was a completely adsorbed on the documents when everyone went back. Seeing their smiles meant one thing.      
“So we won uh?”    
“I guess you can say that,” replied Shingen.
“Found something on those documents?” Nobunaga wanted to tell so many things but not in front of Selene. Loren Dali had proved to be a man of many talents. And most of those documents were legal. Which meant Selene was going to be rich enough for a couple of lifetimes. What worried him was the terms of the testament.  Nobunaga got fed up with all these eccentric conditions to receive an inheritance. Trying to make as nonchalant as possible he replied to Shingen.    
“Most of this is basic stuff, but still I need them for a while to work out some details. May I?” Shingen nods. Nobunaga started to get the documents back on the folder.      
“Well, I'll be on my way. If you guys need anything give me a call.” with a wave he left.
The rest gathered talking about the situation. For the moment Nolan was still a threat and they can't leave him walking around. Everyone agreed to go to Shingen's apartment to celebrate.
     “Ok everyone we are seeing you there. Princess and I will be there in a few minutes I need to make some calls.” once alone Shingen made some calls to other Managers to leave the company.   
Selene decided to wait on the couch while observing Shingen. Although she should be happy Selene felt something was missing. Or several things were missing. Many questions came to her mind about Kennyo. The second was the bomb Shingen dropped on her.  
“Stop overthinking.” startled she look at Shingen who was staring at her.    
“Why you say that?” frowning Selene stopped biting her nail.   
“Every time I said something that gets you by surprise. You start thinking and I can see the smoke coming out of your head.” Shingen smirked before adding.
“Also you have this tick of biting your nails when you don't know what to do. Had someone had ever told you how adorable you look?”    
“How...Takeda, you are not playing fair. I...you are insufferable come on hurry up I'm getting hungry.” Selene tried to hide her embarrassment by changing the topic.
Turning around she took her phone decided to hear some music. Shingen's smile softens at Selene's reaction. She still was struggling to open up to him. He admitted not playing fair. But he was betting everything to make sure this time she will stay with him.      
Alex Nolan slams the door of his office behind him. His secretary, Alice Smith, took the action as a bad moment to disturb him. Knowing her boss he will call for her as soon as he got something in mind. Passing around the office, Nolan cursed Shingen Takeda and his stupid wife. Kennyo, in the end, was a dead end, a waste of precious time. Takeda was the perfect cover for his extracurricular business. He cannot loose like that, there must be something he could do. Drumming his fingers on the notes of Chopin, Nolan started plotting. Oh, the joys of planning. Life was full of surprises and sudden unexpected events could happen. It was time for the Takeda's to receive a series of unfortunate events. 
Notes: Sorry for the delay but a lot of things had happened. From losing my inspiration to having a writer's block, getting sick, overwork and a revolution (figure of speech) of my island. Here is the new chapter of this saga. I hope you like it and as always really grateful for your support, patience, likes, shares and reblogs. You can find my page on AO3 as Selene Crawford. I will start posting this instead of my second page since I want to make some changes. Thank you once again and enjoy!
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33 notes · View notes
moonlit-nightingale · 4 years
.:RP:. Cursed
Warning(s): Trigger warnings for suicide and blood.
Characters: Saranqerel ‘Sari’ Qalli (male Xaela), Akio Obinata (male Xaela), Botan Kurenai (female Raen)
Origin Date: 22 Feb 20
“Death is easy. To live is the most painful thing I could imagine and I’m weak and no longer willing to fight.” —Hannah Wright
Everything is in place. Sari has left his farewell letters and wrapped up his affairs. And so he goes to depart in the quietest way. Though a new friend picks up the signs too late...perhaps the Qalli’s story isn’t over yet.
(Note: This is from an RP session. So there is a back and forth of writers. A - in between paragraphs indicate a change in narrator.)
< Hingan >
> Xaelic <
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A letter and small box would have been left outside Akio's room a sennight after his and Sari's last talk. Enclosed within the envelope are two documents. One is a letter, one is an official document endorsed by a Gridanian embassy, complete with a corn-yellow seal. It states that Akio is, legally, Enqtani’s legal guardian. There is also a small box like those used to sell the tokens at the charm counter.
My friend,
I know we haven’t known each other long so please forgive my selfish requests especially after I’ve placed such a burden on your shoulders. Enqtani is loved by many at the temple, however I haven’t seen her attach to anyone as closely as you. It has been a short time but a child just knows. The sealed document is official documentation that you are now Tani’s guardian. It may just be a piece of paper but with it I’m trusting you to look after her best interests in my absence.
You have been kind and a wonderful friend. And I have the utmost faith that you will be a kind and wonderful father for Tani. You mentioned once that she should know her roots. There is little to tell. I found her abandoned on the Steppe during a hunt. All I can surmise is that she was a child conceived unwillingly. She has features or the Oronir tribe which were once the leaders of the Steppe and still hold themselves in high authority over others. Not all of them are bad but it is a privileged tribe. I expect you can follow my path in thinking of what may have occurred. If Tani wants to see the Steppe with her own eyes one day, seek out Khenbish of the Buduga at the town of Reunion. He is a healer and a good man. If you can’t find him, search for Yesulun of the Qestir and her mate Khaljar of the Oronir. They are among my dearest friends even if we have parted ways. Unfortunately I am unsure of their whereabouts but their names should be known in Reunion.
Ah, but I’ve rambled on. I wish to make this process as easy as possible for you. Please rely on the others if needed. Mr. Aoki is a stern man but he has looked after Tani many times when I needed assistance.
It is little payment for what I ask for you, but I hope this gift is acceptable. Thank you, Akio, and I thank you on behalf of Tani.
Winds carry you,
Inside the box, carved from a reddish wood, was a crane. Its wings are spread, every feather meticulously detailed in its carving despite the small size as its long neck and head were raised high in a cry. The figure could rest on a grown man’s palm.
Akio's shift for guard duty had ended earlier than expected, that night. And though he was tired, the Eastern Xaela had been in a surprisingly good mood, that ever-present smile a little more genuine as he took long, measured strides to his quarters. A good night's rest after some meditation sounded absolutely splendid to the man.
The presence of the letter and box caused the samurai to pause, however, tail quivering just slightly in alarm as he watched it with keen black eyes. But with heightened guard, there was little worry of it being any sort of trap or bait; he kneeled, slowly, picking it all up and entering his room.
In the privacy of his quarters, he allowed the mask to slip from his face; a frown pulled at his expression as he opened the box, looking over the figure with a delicate awe, and then the letter, reading over the words swiftly.
What laced through his blood could only be described as ice-cold panic as he realized what these words meant.
A Hingan snarl dropped from his lips as he spun around on his heel, movement swift as he threw open the door and bolted down the hall towards Sari's quarters. No doubt the man would want to do it there; the clinic was far too impersonal, and even from their short time, he knew Sari would never wish to inconvenience the clinic staff or distress the patients there.
Thank the Kami he was relieved when he was- it gave him some small hope that this time he may not be too late.
But no, the room would be empty if he should knock and try to enter. The wards' rooms couldn't be locked. It was part of the temple's design. Why would a ward of this place have secrets to hide? The futon would be folded neatly in a corner and the room immaculate. Sari never really had too many personal effects and it seemed even those were gone.
The only thing left was a small bundle of letters, left for whoever may have peeked their head in.
Another swear, and he turned on his heel, heading for the clinic itself. If Sari wasn't in there... He had no idea where to look. But he wouldn't stop looking.
His rush nearly made the clinic's night time attendant eep loudly. There was something about an empty clinic in the dead of the night just just spooked this particular Auri young lady.
"Obinata-san, kami help me." She rested a hand over her chest.
Akio paused, examining the lady for a long moment; the mask was back on in an instant, though the smile was strained, showing just how much of a rush she was in.
"Have you seen Sari-san?" he asked quickly, tone leaving little room for questions.
That tone has the girl nearly eep once more. She shook her head. "Ah, I mean, he came in earlier for a few moments to tidy up and then left about a bell ago."
Tidy up? Why on earth would he need to tidy up the clinic?
"Did he say where he was going? This is- he must be found." He'd apologize to the poor girl properly later- no doubt he was an intimidating sight, agitated as he was.
"He is planning to kill himself."
She covered her mouth at those words. "Sari-san? But..." He was always so kind! And quick to help when she'd taken over the clinic duties just a sennight ago!
"I-I don't know. I thought he was going to visit a patient because he took supplies for the intravenous bags!"
Akio murmured as he went over the word in his mind, taking a moment to translate it before another swear fell from his lips. Without another word to the poor attendant, he spun on his heel and ran out. Where could he be?!
Perhaps he left the temple grounds? But if he did, it made it nearly impossible to find him. Unless...
But Jebe never left Sari's side, and so the little bluebird would be little help, even if Akio could find the bird in time to find Sari to keep him from doing the irreversible. Damn it...
His mind was racing as he ran through the temple grounds, searching for any clues to where the Qalli might have gone.
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As he went by the gardens, there was angry chirping nearby. At this time of the evening? Odd. It was near the small pond where Sari often took Tani to play when she had excess energy.
The bluebird was puffed in anger, flying about the small cage propped up on a rock. It was placed near the walkway, enough that some attendant would have found it the next morning and not endangering the small bird at all.
Akio froze when his horn caught the angry chirping, head snapping over.
The Kami were merciful this day! He rushed over, kneeling down with a soft clicking noise as he fiddled with the latch to open the cage.
"<I am here,>" he said quickly, throwing the cage door open for the little bird. "<Take me to him.>"
Oh angry birb was angry. He instantly dive-bombed Akio's face before flying off at a surprisingly quick pace down the stone path that led out of the temple.
Akio made a short 'pbbth' sound out of reflex. Hey, he was trying to save the man!
But he didn't have time to be offended at the little angry puffball, instead darting after Jebe as fast as the two of them could go.
How could such a small lil blue puffball be so quick? Jebe darted over Shirogane's infrastructure, heading down the slopes towards the beaches. Even then he still flew, heading away from the beach chairs, the awnings, away from what would populated areas in the day.
The beach... Water...?
It would be out of the way, for certain, leaving it near impossible to find the body. Was that what he'd wanted?
Akio was nearing breathless as he kept on the tail feathers of the small bird, eyes searching for the Qalli in an almost desperate fashion.
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Rocks dotted the sand in some of the more remote parts, harder to climb and navigate over, rougher terrain.
And that's where Sari sat motionless. He was leaning against one of the rocks facing the water. The IV line ran to that flesh arm, put in with an expert hand. The sedative bag he'd stolen weeks ago was empty, rigged up over a stick.
At least he could watch the water he enjoyed under the silvery light of the moon as he’d fallen asleep.
No no no no no no no no!
Akio felt as if he'd been kicked in the chest by An Yeung, breath leaving him in a wheeze as he scaled over the rocks. Normally, he wouldn't have so much as slipped, but tonight he stumbled once or twice, hands flying out to keep himself moving forward.
"<What have you DONE?!>"
The question came out in Hingan, far harsher than he'd meant it, a near roar as he slid to one knee next to the Qalli. The damnable idiot! The stupid... Poor, pained man.
Akio knew better than to let anger lead him to blame. He knew what this was like. But Sari deserved better. To die like this....
"<You're not dying tonight!>" he hissed sharply.
But it appeared to be far too late. Sari was a healer of both traditional and aetherial means. He knew well enough of what would happen with a fast drip of a sedative of this nature. A sleepy death, far more peaceful than what he'd deserved. No mess for others to worry about if his body was found.
He hoped no one found him. That those letters were enough.
But those hopes were gone. His breathing had stilled, no rise and fall of his chest under the Eastern cloth. Silvery hair obscured most of his face, that one eye closed, head lulled against the rock and his shoulder.
Akio had been too late, by far, it seemed.
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Once more, Akio found himself holding a body in his arms, the Xaela quick to gather the Qalli to him as he tried to check for his pulse, his breathing, anything. Teeth gritted against an all-too familiar pain, he snarled, tail lashing against the sand and rocks. Fingers curled into the fabric, head lowered as long blonde locks fell over both his own face and Sari's chest, forehead pressed to his still breast.
"<No, please,>" he whispered, pleading, begging. It was all far too familiar, and the mask cracked, old wounds bleeding once more as he hunched there.
"<You silent, selfish fool.>"
He knew it wouldn't be heard. Knew the Qalli wouldn't be able to retort.
"<What of Enqtani?!>" he yelled now. "<You were her father! No one will replace you in her life!>"
It was quiet for once.
A quiet he used to only be able to find in the peace of the Shroud's embrace, days on his own in the Twelveswood. Soon though, even that place became haunted to his memories. There was always...something. Something to drag the Xaela back to the dark.
So he'd given up fighting it. Fell into sin and the bottle without care.
And it was why he finally had the resolve to fade away. He was a ghost. No one would care. Everyone had their lives, their loved ones, their families. Perhaps he was envious. But he was also glad for them.
So he'd smile and wish them all well, even as he faded from their thoughts. And he'd be left to the grey shadowy mist that had become his life. Ever since that day he'd walked into that empty house, a newborn in his arms.
Ever since he'd knew, with certainty, that a happy ending never awaited a ghost.
'>You fought me with such ferocity before. Where is that beast now?<'
The drums, he knew this from before. Before when they had met, it had been a raging river, blood, and mud.
'>I am most disappointed. I cannot allow my vessel to fade in such a pathetic manner. Show me that ferocity, that fire.<'
And suddenly Sari shot awake, falling to his side and away, retching. Breaths forced into his lungs, some force pushing that deadly toxin from his body in no way that should be possible.
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Akio let out a small, muffled noise of surprise, eyes widening as he let go and nearly jumped back, hands up. What the...
He'd been dead... Dead! There had been no breath in his breast, no pulse underneath his fingers! And so he stared, wide-eyed and startled. How...?
He didn't speak, hands lowering, before one placed itself gently on the other male's back, some minute attempt at comfort.
Oh it burned, it hurt, yet was so unbearably cold at the same time. Shudders wracked his slender frame as he retched again and again into the sand. Toxicity was black on his lips, something having gathered all that poison he'd given himself and thrown it out in some unnatural way.
By the time he stilled, he was breathless, gasping for air and covered in sweat. Still not fully grasping what had happened.
An exhausted look to one arm that propped him up. The IV was still there. Then...what had happened?
"<You're alive...>"
If it weren't for the breathless awe and disbelief in Akio's tone, one might think he'd been answering Sari's unspoken question. But he wasn't; he was trying to affirm the truth for himself, in his own eyes. Sari was alive. Somehow, in some way, something had saved him.
Even he knew this shouldn't have been possible. And yet here he was, breathing, if barely. "<Easy, Sari-san, easy.>"
Sounds were beginning to return outside of the wild pounding of his heart echoing in his horns. The sound of the waves over the surf, a familiar voice. Sitting up, shaky, he saw Akio at his side.
He rubbed his mouth with a wrist, still feeling that sickening bile there. "...Akio-san... How..."
It was night, he hadn't been...out...long then.
"Why am I not..."
Gods, had he failed at this too? Could he even not kill himself correctly?
"You were," came the answer, soft and haunted, but he smiled, despite the pain in his eyes. "And now, you are not... I do not know why. I do not know what happened."
He sighed, pulling off the top part of his kimono to drape it over the Qalli, reaching to gingerly take out the IV. It was freezing out, especially at night by the ocean, but...
He didn't seem to mind, simply holding Sari's arm to stop the bleeding from the injection site.
"Why would you..." he trailed off, hesitating as deep black eyes flitted over to Sari's face.
"... What pain you must endure," he finished with a soft murmur.
...why? Why couldn't he even do this right? His throat tightened, foul taste still in his mouth. Had he guessed wrong? No, a full bag at that rate of drip, it couldn't have been metabolized in time for him to live. And if what Akio said was true...
A harsh swallow as the other Xaela tended to him, Sari not fighting it one bit. His own mask was in shambles, magitek hand going to cover his face as a sob escaped.
"...I just wanted it to be over," he strangled out. "I don't want to be here anymore, please."
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Akio paused at this, a small frown pulling at his features as the mask slipped once more. Ah... What should he do?
He knew that people would need to be informed. The priests, for certain. Perhaps the guard, and the clinic staff. Those who would be able to keep an eye out, an eye on the man.
He knew it was improper, but he'd spend enough time in the West that he was able to cast aside his upbringing's teachings for a moment to simply... pull the man into a tight hug.
"...You are much too desired in this world, to leave it so," he murmured softly.
"That's a lie!" was the sharp denial and he wanted to fight the hug so badly but he had no strength to, even more so as the tears flowed from that one blue eye. "They all leave, they always live, no one stays. Love doesn't mean anything. Not with me. I'm all alone."
The words he'd held back for so long, for years, gushed forth without stopping. Every little thought that had passed through his mind, that he wasn't good enough, that he wasn't worthy, that he was unwanted.
Akio didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to soothe the pain the Qalli suffered, or how to comfort him. So he simply sat there, for the time being, holding Sari, rocking him back and forth and shushing him gently.
"<You're not alone,>" he answered finally, wiping away those tears with one thumb. "<Through all the pain, you are not alone. Your death would leave a hole in the hearts of many, one that could never be filled again. I know not what words to say to convince you of this truth. I can only speak it plainly.>"
He let out a breath, cradling him as Akio sat there, eyes closing.
"<I'm not lying. I promise this.>"
"It is a lie. You're lying. I'm sorry." An instant apology at the accusation but it was true. Everyone lied.
Even as he listened to those Hingan words, his spilling out of words continued in Common.
"He said that, too. He said I'd be safe. That I could cry. That we'd be happy. And that he'd never leave me. It was a lie, again and again it was a lie!"
Voice rising to a wail, uncaring of who heard, how much a mess he was, damn his mask.
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"<Then he was a liar, and a fool, and he never should have held your heart in his unworthy hands.>"
And still, Akio rocked, gently, like the ocean they sat beside as he held the wailing Qalli, holding him securely in his arms.
"<But you have family. Family, and a child, and friends, all of whom adore you and your presence.>" His words came across far better in Hingan; he didn't mind that Sari spoke in Common. He understood him, and so he could get across his meaning better. That was what mattered, just then, to the Eastern Xaela.
"<I'm sorry that you weren't safe... You deserved to be. You have always deserved to be.>" A small, gently squeeze in that hug, the taller man curling over the smaller just slightly. "<If only I could find him and force him to his knees to beg your forgiveness.>"
No no no no no. It was still lies. No one wanted him about unless they needed him for something. And Sari wanted to be angry but he couldn't be. They'd found happiness. He hadn't. He couldn't fault his friends that had found peace.
But it was godsdamned lonely when he'd been so close to the same and it had drifted like smoke through his fingers.
"...n-no. He left because I wasn't..."
Good enough? Worthy?
"<Because why...?>" came the gentle prodding, one hand rubbing Sari's back gently.
"<If you say it's because you weren't good enough, then you view yourself too poorly.>"
Exhausted, face red with his tears and sorrow, he rested his chin on Akio's shoulder and nodded. It was true. He was disgusting, used, weak. That was why. Not smart enough, strong enough, charming enough, brave enough.
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"<I refuse to believe that,>" Akio retorted firmly, resting his own chin on Sari's shoulder. "<Whoever this weak-willed  man was...>" He trailed off, shaking his head.
"<I don't have the words to describe the kind of filth he was.>"
"No, he..." His hands weakly rested against Akio's back. "...he was good. I just wasn't...meant for him. I trapped him."
That's what the bonding had done. Khabi had seen what a weak person he'd tied himself to. That's why he'd left, right?
"<If you simply were not  meant for each other, then why did he not say so?>"
Akio shook his head. "<If he wasn't able to tell you such things, to talk to you about it, he was weak.>" He pulled back, looking at Sari with a firm expression, mouth pulled into a frown as he stared the Qalli in the eye.
"<It is not your fault, Saranqerel.>"
...it was. It always would be. Why did everyone always leave? There was only one constant in all of that. Those words threatened to spill out but he was so tired, so frustrated that he couldn't even do this deed right.
Shaking his head, Sari looked to the sand. How could he still be crying?
"Can you..." Shite, he was fighting hiccups. "...leave me here?"
The word was spoken in Common now, as he shook his head. There was no way in the seven Western hells he was about to leave Sari alone right now!
"I am afraid I cannot do that."
How could he go back now? Everything was in place. Things were finally ready. There was finally going to be quiet.
But there was little fight left in the Qalli as he begged. Just let him rest where he wasn't a burden to anyone.
"Iie," he repeated in Hingan. "You may rest with me. But I will not be leaving you alone. This is final."
Akio's tone left little room for argument- or at least that was the intent. He didn't know what else the Qalli might do, but he was damn sure not going to let him try again.
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"...you'll leave...in time."
That was a guarantee. Just wait it out. Like everyone else. As he relaxed his hold on the other Xaela, his hand brush the hilt of that katana the samurai had at his waist.
A weapon he'd learned to use from someone else that had abandoned him, turned against him. There was a flash of anger somewhere deep and before he knew it, Sari went to draw that blade in a swift motion as he leaned back. Quickly he got to his feet, though stumbling a bit as he did so.
There was the softest 'sorry' as he raised the blade, going to drive it into his chest.
Akio swore, and in an instant he was on his feet, surging forward to grab at Sari- the sword, his arm, whatever he could grab.
Likely the sword, and the razor sharp blade would cut into his fingers, a pain he would brush aside in favor of throwing the sword away from the Qalli. "<ENOUGH!>" He bellowed.
It was just a bit too late, that magitek arm giving the former Adder the strength advantage.
...yes, pain. But it was nothing he wasn’t used to. The sword impaling him through and through before Akio ripped it from his grasp.
...had it been enough? He sunk back down to his knees in the sand.
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Akio snarled, throwing the sword away now as he grabbed for Sari. If that was how it would be, then so be it.
He was swearing up a storm that would make a seasoned sailor tremble in fear. His goal would be to pick up the Qalli and rush him back to the shrine.
"<I will NOT have your blood on my blade!!>"
No! A return of that snarl from the smaller Xaela.
Anger rising to meet anger. Everything had been arranged. It was time to go. He swiped with the claws of that weaponized arm but he was already feeling faint, unable to fight it when the samurai lifted him from the damp sand.
"I will not abandon you," came the snarled reply as he bolted over the sand and rock, booking it as fast as his legs could go.
He needed to call ahead, but his arms were full, and so he simply ran, pushing until his legs burned then pushing further.
The anger soon faded as the blood loss began to drain him of such things. Soon his head rested limply against Akio's chest. ...and then again he gasped for breath violently, so much like before.
No no no. Could he...not...
>A small spark of that fire, not nearly enough. Impress me, child of the moon.<
Once Akio finally reached the shrine, he burst in through the door, offering a silent apology to the resident Kami. Any damages would be repaired later, the Xaela was on a mission.
He called out for the night clinic as he rushed to it, ground Sari as if he were the one dying.
That poor young woman was still there and anxious. But at least she had a good enough head on her shoulders to have things ready for the worst. And when she saw the two Auri men, and that blood, she directed Akio to the closest bed.
"...I can't die," Sari mumbled.
"No, you cannot," came the response, though Akio misunderstood what it was Sari had meant, immediately rushing the man to the nearest bed and setting him down, immediately backing up to give the woman room to work
. He looked haunted, tail lashing violently as he stood there. "Anything I can do to help, instruct me."
There was the sound of books falling over in the back. Botan had been given a room, and yet...she was asleep under a blanket that was under a pile of books, half beneath the low sitting table. A yawn left her as she stretched herself out and nose wiggled at the scent of blood. The shadows eager, but she stilled them. Least another ghostly movement spook another clinic worker.
She got up, dressed in the standard shrine attire she had stolen from the common rooms. Her wooden sandals clicking on the floor as she approached. "Assistance needed?" She inquired with unblinking eyes. "It seems the answer is 'yes,' but will not invade unless wished for."
That tail was still, lips in a straight line, and eyes unblinking as she stood before the scene without an iota of emotion portrayed.
Ah the poor healer never ceased to he spooked by Botan, even after knowing she was there!
"Yes, please. This may require stitches."
Though Sari was obviously dazed by the blood loss, he knew...he knew. Why hadn't he died on the Steppe before being found by Khenbish? Had that plunge in the river, those drums...what Shonkhor had seen.
Not a crazed vision?
Akio simply bowed his head and stepped out of the room, remaining out of the way of the two medics as he stood against the wall, closing his eyes.
Blearily the Qalli tried to get his bearings. The familiar scent of the clinic. He'd been in here just bells before... His mind was still reeling from the revelation. If that's what it was and not some nonsensical shite.
Botan was in the room. No ceremony to the matter. Just pulling out a pouch of the pain killing incense from her sleeve and filling the bronze incensor before lighting it on fire. Then she was sitting over Sari. Her hands resting over that wound in the gut, fingers lingering over it as she focused on the composition of aether and murmured calculations on the fly as she steadily studied Sari's biology through the geometric patterns she etched in her mind.
Every bit of her form was still. The shadows seemed to withdraw, shrinking in towards her and feeding into her power as she focused. They were every bit an extension of the small raen woman.
To her eyes, she may have seen the shadow that had curled itself tightly into Sari's aether. Foreign, spread evenly through every aspect of the Xaela and content to be where it was. Oddly dormant, just...there. It was nothing like the near feral aggressive curse of the kitsune that he'd suffered from for a good year. In fact, that curse has been completely obliterated by this new presence.
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Botan was aware of that presence, but did not disturb it. No. She would simply work around it, add it to her calculations, and apply new formulaic patterns of aether into Sari's own. Those that would encourage flesh to stitch itself together and slow the bleeding. Her brow creased and lips pursed together as calculations were rumbled off.
If it would not allow her to heal him, she would simply brute force her way past it. That or she would show it who the scarier creature was. Not that she thought she could bully something like this...something far older than she; a mere raen youth of twenty-some-turns.
Oh the presence didn't fight the healing, no. In fact it held strands of aether close, not letting the flesh fall into death. A threshold of sorts. Sari could very much end up close to death but that final step into the lifestream wouldn't be taken.
The work was slowly finished and her fingers pressed against the fabric over the wound. Those digits dipped in blood and eyes open again as she sensed how flesh gave way to her calculus. There was no grin of victory. No whoop of astonishment.
This was peculiar. Curious. The violet false eye with its mandala like patterns fixed on Sari.
"You have ventured far and brought shadow back with you."
The pain killers helped sooth her own pains. A twist in her gut told her she had pushed herself too far aetherically, but she ignored it. That tail ticked and she lifted her hands away to look at the blood. No blinking, just...rubbing fingers against one another.
"Fate is not done with you yet, Saranqerel." Then she looked at the woman. "Clean. Stitch the surface wound that remains."
Then there was a yawn. Botan was ready to retreat back to where she came. Like some horror slinking away into their closet until the next time someone had need of her and her arcanistry.
The Auri nurse watched with some nerves. How could one not be unnerved watching Botan work? But she nodded and went straight to work. Ritsuka didn't hire weak-willed employees, after all. Especially for the clinic.
The stitches were made evenly, front and back where the blade had pierced. Then wrappings about his middle. And, in some irony, an IV attached for fluids and antibiotics.
Putting everything away and washing her hands, she went to peek out into the hallway. "Obinata-san, he'll be alright."
Akio turned his head, and, mask back in place, he smiled, despite the blood that coated his front. It wasn't anything he was unused to, and so it didn't seem to bother him. At least, now that Sari was okay.
"You have my deepest thanks," he said with a low bow.
Botan just looked at Akio. The raen quiet, and unmoving in that moment before her stomach growled to cut into the moment.
All she said: "Beef Udon. Three sets."
Akio turned his head to look to the other Raen with a chuckle and another bow. "My thanks to you as well- if it will serve to repay even a small portion of my debt to you, I shall see it done."
He turned then, setting off unless stopped, to go get that Raen some damn beef udon.
Botan sat on the stool in the room, and just waited. That tail swishing. Good. Though her attention was fixed on Sari again. Academic curiosity in that gaze.
The nurse was sure to return the bow with a smile before returning to the clinic. She had to write everything in the changeover log for the day shift and what supplies had been used...as per Mitsue and Mashuel's rules.
As for Sari, he drifted in and out of awareness. But that gaze on him pulled him more to reality. He tiredly looked over, pale and a mess from his sobbing earlier. "...can you see what it is...?"
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"A thing of the Steppe. This is what their old knowledge tells me..." A hand lifts and taps one horn. Though the shadows are watching. "Well it is my knowledge now."
This is a reference to the Xaela back in the Steppe she had first aetherically devoured to fix her own aether. With it perfectly assimilated she was back to the pale flesh and red hair rather than that ugly dark complexion she never liked. Not that she was a vain creature. Not like her mess of a dead father.
"It is what kept you alive."
"...then it wasn't a nightmare." Slowly he pulled the sheets up to his chin. Ugh he was utterly drained on every other possible level. "I can't die then."
Of course...of course. The one solace he could bring to himself, denied.
"Death is not an escape." Botan said in an observant matter. "You simply pass the burden of pain to those you leave behind." A flick of the tail. "Look at your friend who tried so hard to fight to keep you alive too."
"...he shouldn't have."
Why? Yes, he and Akio had had some good times. But they'd known each other for a few moons. Why would he...bother?
Botan didn't even frown. She just fixed her unblinking gaze on Sari. What a dumb question. The tail flicked and she simply breathed deep of the pain killing smoke.
"Every life is precious, even those that are destined to be eaten." Botan explained. "It's not about the why and the who, it is about the preciousness of that gift. The holiness of that cycle."
"I don't want it..."
How was any of this a gift? Being left alone again and again. Never being granted a happy ending...
"...can you check on Obinata-san? I think he hurt his hands earlier."
It was just then that Akio entered once more, hands wrapped to keep that blood from getting into the udon.
"I do believe I have a delivery!" he announced, far too cheerful for what had happened and how he'd felt not a quarter bell earlier.
He smiled bright, looking to Botan as he held the noodles. "Where do you want me to put these?"
Botan looked at Akio.
There is something broken in this one.
Though she at least kept the thought in her head and didn't blurt it out with the same heavy handed honesty she served Sari. That ivory tail flicked, and hands reached out for the udon. In an instant she had the chop sticks plucking up a swirl of the good beefy udon to take a bite.
Any harsh words of knowledge were lost for now. She would just chew and think. Though she did look at the wrapped hands.
No it required none of her energy, let the other woman handle it.
Meanwhile in the bed, Sari had to look away. Hand clenched in the sheets. How could he look at Akio after that?
Fortunately he was saved as the nurse came by after cleanup to see that blood. "Obinata-san! What are you doing? Over here!" She grabbed his wrist, trying to pull him over to a medical station.
Akio had opened his mouth, wanting to speak with Sari- but then he was dragged away, and he laughed slightly. It would be easy for him to resist, but he let himself follow as if he were no stronger than a child, tail fluttering behind him.
"Hai hai, my apologies miss!"
Botan had a moment where she felt like laughing, but didn't. Though her gaze went back to Sari.
"Fate, the Twelve, the Kami, or whatever has given you something, Sari. An opportunity." She moved chopsticks lazily through the soup, gathering noodles. The fat things rolled around through the beef brother as she seemed to play with her food. "An opportunity that you can take, face them down with, and carve your way through the hell you've been given. The question is," she lifted the roll of noodles hanging from the chopsticks, "will you tear down your tormentors, or let them devour you?"
Those eyes looked to him unblinking. "After all, the thing attached to you does look delicious."
"Then take it." There may have been a bit of a snap to his tone.
Botan shook her head. "Looking delicious and wanting to eat it are different things." Udon noodles were slurped in not-so-graceful a way. "I want to see you challenge your path, Sari. Show whatever gods there are in this world that you will not sit under their heel no more. That is what I really want, because you're a dear friend not a morsel."
"I don't give a shite about any of that!" he snapped, fangs bared.It seemed sorrow had warped to anger.
He covered his face. It was so unlike him to be like this.
No one understood. No one got that he was so bloody tired!
Akio, from where he'd been taken by the nurse, looked up. It hadn't been hard to hear that in the quiet of the clinic. How he wanted to go to the poor man's side, offer him some comfort, even if he didn't want it.
A soft sigh escaped him, and he looked down once more, to watch as the Raen woman did her work.
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Botan shrugged. The girl wasn't going to push back and forth with him, and simply moved to stand. There was a look at Akio, and she just left the room to go back to her hiding place in the back room to finish her noodles and get back to sleeping. It wasn't her place to fix broken minds and hearts after all.
The Auri nurse was very obviously troubled with the back and forth, but unsure of what to say. So she kept to bandaging Akio's hands, both disinfected and wrapped firmly.
"There. I know it's difficult but try to limit as much use as you can. Ask for help in tasks, alright?"
Akio smiled warmly, tilting his head to the side. "Hai,"  he said with a playful sort of reluctance. "If I must trouble others, then I shall under the doctor's orders." A crooked grin given to the Raen woman, before he stood with a bow of thanks, making his way back to Sari's bedside.
The Xaela's anger still simmered but there was no one to direct it towards and it quickly fizzled out as he stared out the window. A cold rain had started, obscuring the moon's light over Shirogane. Depressing. Fitting.
The name was soft, gentle, as Akio watched the other Xaela, expression turning sympathetic, perhaps almost sad, if not for that smile staying in place. It ill befitted the scene.
That burned side was closest to Akio, hiding the one good eye which closed at the sound of his voice.
Anger that he'd been stopped.
Anger that, even if he hadn't been, it wouldn't have meant anything.
Sorrow that someone had to witness all of that.
It's why Sari had slunk off and away.
"...I'm sorry. You should take some painkillers and rest."
"I am not leaving you alone."
Despite the gentle tone, it was, once again, firm. Resolute. Akio simply watched as he sat there, watched the Xaela stare out the window, at the rain.
He wanted to be angry, himself, but he couldn't bring himself to be. He was just.... sad. He wanted to help, even if the two of them were near strangers.
"I will be perfectly fine," he added now, tail curling to one side as  he leaned back, smiling. "It is nothing I have not endured before. Perhaps less so."
The Xaela chuckled, tilting his head to one side.
"....I am sorry to have stopped you, Sari-san..." Once again that quiet, gentle tone. Almost regretful, but not quite.
What could he say to that? That he accepted the apology? No.
He'd wanted to go. He still did. But that wasn't an option anymore.
....so what did he say?
"Please don't tell anyone else. I don't want to..." Deal with it.
They'd care for a few moments, fuss over him. Then fade back into their happy lives once more. He didn't want to ne envious, bitter. Sari was glad those he knew had found peace. But...he'd wanted it too.
"...You need help."
It was a quiet observation, the Xaela almost frowning. Almost. He couldn't let the mask drop again, not like that. By the Kami....
He lowered his head, hands folded together against his forehead as he stared at the floor. What did he answer with? He couldn't just not tell the priests, or Ritsuka. Sari needed to be put on suicide watch, to keep him from doing it again. He needed help....
He needed to want it first, though, this much Akio knew. It was a universal truth to many problems. Someone who didn't want help would only reject it.
"I am certain you are angry with me," he said softly. "And I am certain that you will be angry with me for my answer. But you must understand, I am bound, by contract and honor, to report this."
"Feck honor," was the snap, though he kept staring at the window.
What did honor do? The twisted pride of the Steppe? The samurai code those at Kotodama supposedly adhered to? The Grand Company that had thrown him aside because of something he couldn't control?
Akio let out a breath, brow furrowing now.
"I will not throw aside mine to suit the ends of another."
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Grumbles in Xaelic as Sari rolled over despite the pain of his injury. No, he didn't want to deal with this. He may say something more he'd regret.
Safe from death, perhaps, but not safe from the recovery that came of the incident.
Another sigh, and Akio settled back in his chair, arms crossed over his front as he closed his eyes. He likely wouldn't sleep tonight, instead meditating. Some form of rest, while keeping alert.
"I said I would not leave you alone, Sari-san," he said gently. "I mean this, as an oath." And Akio did not break his oaths.
"I didn't ask for your oath," was the grumpy mumble as he pulled the blanket over his head.
Nor did he ask for acceptance. But he didn't voice this aloud, simply remaining silent now.
And silence met silence as Sari tried to sleep. As much as he didn't want to, the stress of high emotions and whatever his body was doing sapped him.
Eventually with the sound of the cold winter rain, his eye shut and he drifted off in the darkness of his blanket lair.
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alj4890 · 5 years
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Part 11
What happens when the one you thought you were meant for turns out to be meant for someone else?
@walkerinfolkvangr @alleksa16 @penguininapinktuxedo @blackcoffee85 @stopforamoment @fullbeaumonty @cocomaxley @darley1101 @hopefulmoonobject   @krsnlove   @annekebbphotography @gibbles82   @bella-ca  
Part 11
"I can't believe you haven't seen this yet!" Addison exclaimed as she dragged Thomas down the hall.
"Amanda was afraid seeing it might affect my choice in casting the roles." He explained as he tried to keep up. "Slow down Addison! The portraits aren't going to disappear before we get there."
She slowed to a steady jog causing him to grumble. Addison grinned when his grumbling stopped at the sight of Amanda waiting in the gallery. He cleared his throat and walked over to her when she smiled at him. It thrilled her how happy the two were married.
Holly and Addison had arrived in Cordonia a couple of days after Thomas and Amanda returned from their honeymoon. The three Californians were all struck speechless over the gothic beauty of St. Orella. The pictures they had seen did not do the place justice. Though the outside facade seemed to harken to the days of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey, the inside was warm and inviting with all the modern conveniences one could wish for.
While noticing all that the estate offered, the two also noticed how different Thomas and Amanda acted. They were not hiding the smiles or touches. Thomas still became a bit flustered if he caught them witnessing a tender moment, but he was not stopping any from happening. He in fact instigated many moments. The ladies nearly cheered at seeing the romantic gestures happening before their very eyes.
Holly hid her smile as Thomas wrapped his arm around his wife, softly asking her something that made her kiss his cheek. She exaggerated clearing her throat before directing his attention to the portraits. Thomas stepped forward with Amanda and studied the two that were the subject of the film that he would begin directing.
Duchess Elizabeth and Duke Reginald Wilbraham of St. Orella, on their wedding day, October 27, 1781.
He noticed the way Reginald was shown gazing down at his bride. Thomas knew the man had wanted this moment to be captured.
The painter had displayed the depth of love and adoration in Reginald's face. Elizabeth had a look of pure joy with her lips curved as if about to laugh. Her body was turned toward her new husband. Her hand was over his heart and covered by both of his.
Another painting showed the happy couple with their first born, Helena. Reginald had his arms around his wife and toddler. The last showed them with their three children: Helena, George, and Cora. Elizabeth and Reginald were shown in the last to be looking at each other as their children faced the painter. Once again, Elizabeth had her hand pressed to Reginald's heart.
"Ugh. They are so freaking sweet! I love seeing them so happy together in these paintings after all the uncertainty. With Elizabeth being in love with Arthur before meeting Reginald, knowing they ended up with the one they were made for makes this story so much better." Addison exclaimed.
"From both the journals they kept during their marriage, they were truly happy." Amanda replied while looking up at her ancestors.
"I wish we could see what Arthur looked like." Holly said as she stepped closer, studying Reginald's blonde hair and blue eyes.
Amanda pointed to a glass case holding several miniatures. "Arthur gave Elizabeth a small painting of himself when he left Cordonia after angering the queen."
Holly and Addison rushed over and gasped. "No wonder you recommended Ryan! They share many of the same features."
Thomas approached and immediately found the earl. He had to agree. Ryan looked like he could be a descendant of the late earl's. "Did he ever marry?" He asked.
"Yes, he eventually married a lady with a rather large dowry. They never had any children. His younger brother inherited the earldom and passed it on through his descendents."
While Thomas and Addison discussed speaking to Ryan about his hair style and facial hair, she walked down the gallery, toward the spot where her parents' wedding portrait hung. She looked up at them, remembering their laughter and joy in all they did.
Thomas wrapped his arms around her from behind. "You look like your mother but you have your father's smile and eye color."
She smiled and leaned her head back against him when he kissed her cheek. "My uncle used to say the same."
"When will your portrait be painted?" Addison asked as she stepped up beside them.
"They are typically painted on the wedding day. I suppose we should try and have it done before you start filming and the social season begins."
Thomas looked at the painting of Amanda when she was a little girl with her parents. He had never really thought about having children. He knew from this entire gallery that this was what was expected. An heir to continue the House of St. Orella would be something they would have to try for. Amanda had no family left to leave it to.
Holly's alarm on her phone went off. "Your meeting with Sir Francis will begin in fifteen minutes."
"We better go down to the study. I know he will have some papers for you to sign." Amanda moved out of his arms and laced her fingers with his. He walked with her ignoring the delighted smiles of the other two in the room.
"While the two of you have your meeting, I am going to draw up Elizabeth's wedding dress from the painting." Addison announced. Holly added that she would begin planning the schedule for the shoot.
Once they were alone in the downstairs study, Thomas pulled her into his arms. His lips caught hers in a kiss. She smiled when he lifted his head. "What was that for?"
"Do I need a reason?" He kissed her again, letting his lips move slowly over hers. His hands moved up her back while hers slipped around his neck. They were interrupted by a knock on the open door and a clearing of a throat.
"Sir Francis!" Amanda blushed and welcomed the lawyer that had handled her family's affairs for decades.
He bowed respectfully. "Your grace." He eyed Thomas suspiciously. Amanda introduced them and waved Sir Francis to a chair. "Please make yourself comfortable."
He opened his briefcase and pulled the documents out. He began explaining what each was signing while going into detail what all was expected from Thomas now that he was a duke.
"Your conduct needs to remain above reproach. Scandals do not need to be associated with the duchy and crown."
"No worries there." Amanda replied with a smile. "Thomas is one of the most decent men I know."
Sir Francis continued to frown. "What are your plans concerning your former lifestyle?"
"Former lifestyle?" Thomas asked.
"Your film career. You are leaving that behind, aren't you?"
Thomas and Amanda stared at him in surprise. "I had no plans to." He finally said.
"You are the Duke of St. Orella. That position should supersede all others. You will have very little time to run about with a camera."
"Sir Francis," Amanda began calmly while placing a hand on the man next to her who was getting angrier by the moment. "I am able to handle the duchy on my own. Thomas does not need to forgo his career unless he wishes to. I know he will assist me in any capacity I need."
The lawyer's expression showed his complete disapproval. He handed Thomas another set of documents to sign. "These concern any heirs you may have."
Thomas read over the legal jargon and asked questions. Somehow his inquiries seemed to irritate Sir Francis more than his film career.
"If something were to happen and you divorced Lady Amanda or she were to die, then you would have no claim on the duchy or her estates if there were any children. This is to insure the line of succession, especially if you were to remarry. You and your new family would not be able to claim this property from the true heirs."
Thomas nodded. "I agree with all of that, but it is clause eight I am having trouble with. If Amanda died, I am unable to take our children out of Cordonia?"
"You can take them on visits to America and anywhere you deem fit for vacations. Yet, they must reside in Cordonia."
"What if I see a reason for us to move back to the States?" Thomas had a hard enough time picturing the mythical heirs much less not having a say where they lived.
"This is highly unorthodox." Sir Francis muttered. "I have never had a noble ask such a question."
"Sir Francis!" Amanda reprimanded.
He apologized quickly. "You would have to gain the King's permission to relocate with the children. If you needed to live somewhere else, then you could go while the children became wards of the monarchy."
Thomas glared at the lawyer. Once again, Amanda stepped in. "Liam would never refuse to let you take our child to America if you saw a reason to do so. All I ask is that you show them their inheritance one day."
He was no match against her when she pleaded with her eyes. He quickly signed the documents and listened silently to the lawyer's continuation of what was expected out of him. Once Amanda finished signing the documents required for her dual citizenship, Sir Francis left with another bow.
Thomas tapped the pen against his leg while he tried to comprehend all the new changes. He had never really thought of Amanda's nobility and all that was expected of her and now him. She never acted different from anyone, thus he never considered how different his life might be when married to a duchess.
Amanda turned toward him and placed her arm along the back of the sofa. "Thomas? You do know that I don't expect you to give up the life you have?" Her fingers brushed against the back of his neck.
"It seems there is more to this than I thought." He stood up and walked over to the window to compartmentalize the vast amount of knowledge the lawyer had sprung on him. He rubbed the tense muscles in the back of his neck. Amanda could practically feel the dreaded thought creeping into her mind: He regrets our impulsive marriage.
She forced herself to walk over so she could see his face. "If all of this is too much or more than you want, then I will understand if you want to divorce once the social season is done."
"What?" He practically yelled. She had never heard him raise his voice and stared wide eyed at him.
"I don't want you to resent me for adding all these unexpected, um, for lack of a better term, expectations." She folded her arms and looked down at the floor. "I don't want you to do anything you don't want to. I don't expect you to attend court events with me and such. I would love to have you with me, but I won't make you feel guilty over it. I won't be the first lady to be without a spouse to escort her. You can remain in California, if you want. I can live there too and return here when needed, that is if you...still...want me to." She wished she had never agreed to his idea to keep her from becoming Liam's suitor. It ended up being unfair to him and it made her feel horrible.
Thomas stared at her while trying to get his temper under control. She looked up at him and apologized, causing his anger to nearly consume him.
"I'm sorry I did not have us come here first before...before we decided to try and have a real marriage. You would have then had all the facts so that you could decide whether or not you wanted me."
He could taste blood in his mouth from biting his tongue to keep from yelling at her. Thomas needed her to stop talking.
"I don't want you to remain married to me out of some obligation. I won't hold you to the promises you made in Paris. I will make sure that nothing is taken from you in the div--"
"Enough!" His voice was dangerously low. She took a reflexive step back. He advanced on her until she bumped into a wall.
"I do NOT see you as an obligation. Even if we had come here before Paris, I would still have pursued you. I would be unable to stop it from happening." She felt a bit of a fluttering in her stomach at hearing him admit that he wouldn't have been able to help himself.
"I am sure that over time, all of this will seem second nature. We will try and make a plan of dividing our time between California and here. I will attend as many events as I can with you." His dark eyes searched hers for a moment. "I do not want you mentioning the word divorce again unless it is something you want. I told you in Tahoe, Paris, and here. I want this marriage. I love you. I am not one who speaks that phrase haphazardly."
He reached out and took her hand. "Are you regretting you decision to marry an American? One who never thought of the responsibility a title carries?"
"No! Of course not!" She moved into his arms. "I love you, Thomas." She pulled his head down and kissed him. His anger and worry made the kiss have an edge to it while he moved his lips over hers, as if it were his last chance.
He led her to the couch and continued the kiss as she landed in his lap. His hands slipped under her shirt, tracing up her back. She moaned as his lips moved down her neck.
They froze and looked at the door that was suddenly opened. Thomas thought the man looked familiar. He seemed both embarrassed and somewhat angry at seeing the two of them entwined.
Thomas stared at her as she quickly got up and straightened her shirt. He stood up when she pulled on his hand. "Thomas, this is Maxwell Beaumont, one of my oldest friends. Maxwell, this is my--"
"Yes, I know who he is." Maxwell interrupted.
His sarcastic tone caught her off guard. Thomas shook Maxwell's hand. "I've heard a lot about you."
"Funny," Maxwell began. "She hardly mentioned anything about you."
"Maxwell! That's not true! I did say a lot--"
"About work. Nothing about him personally." He interrupted.
Amanda's cheeks darkened. "That was because I thought I should not have feelings developing. I was in denial..." Her voice trailed off as she thought of how strong her feelings grew over time.
Thomas placed his arm around shoulders. "We both were." He said softly as he pressed a kiss to her temple.
Maxwell shoved his hands in his pockets and watched them closely. "Yeah well, I didn't come here to discuss your lack of communication with the one you call your best friend."
Amanda stiffened at his words. She decided to be the decent one of the two and not give the angry retort she had burning on her tongue. "Then what did you come for?"
"Nadia sent me here to ask you to dinner."
"That's sweet of her. When does she want us to get together?"
"Not 'us'." Maxwell corrected. "She wants me and you to go to dinner alone and fix our friendship."
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dat-g-man · 5 years
Voltron au with drag queens and Shance! Inspired by Rupaul’s Drag Race Part 2
Got him a lot of momentum, and creating content for those marginalized groups like a weekly youtube channel with skits written and produced by them. Later on there is a reality tv show opportunity when the queen of queens requests lance to help screen those that will be competing in a drag competition (like Ru Paul's drag race but in this fake universe) and should he know anyone to send them the link to the application as they will remain open for a while giving them enough time to iron out the contract details and negotiate a guest appearance as Ms. Blue is another great icon. Lance agrees and emails some of the queens he has kept contact with but Keith is the only one he calls.
Keith is in the bathroom but knows its lance as he is the only one who has that ringtone. He makes Shiro answer but did not realize the events that would set in motion. Lance is surprised but remains his flirty self and tells the smoldering voice to let Keith know to call him back as soon as he is available.Shiro is blushy but stutters out that Keith is finishing something in the kitchen but will be with him momentarily. He is just answering on Keith's orders so that he wouldn't miss lance. Lance is like how sweet of him to leave me in such great company making Shiro blush but then Kieth is out of the can so Shiro tells him bye and nice meeting you over the phone as he passes it back to Keith. Keith is kind of catching his breath as he rushed it and lance is teasing him about the mysterious melty voice but then checks himself as he has a great opportunity for Keith. 
Keith is amazed and somewhat unsure but Lance tells him do it bitch. I have seen you grow so much and before you say that's because of me, it is not. Our drags may include technology but yours is all you. Since you made yourself a profile you have exploded and this is the next level. I signed a nondisclosure agreement, but I can tell you I will be a very small part of the show. The worst that can happen is they reject you, but I am positive you will make it to the end if not win it. I sent emails to some other queens, but I called you because I am a big fan and want to see you slay on national television. Keith is touched and agrees to send in an application. Time passes and receives notice that he is one of 10 selected to compete and that they look forward to meeting with him regarding the terms and conditions.
His hotel and travel will be covered and he is allowed to bring 2 guests. He is glad and picks Shiro and Pidge. The whole process is like a lunch orientation vacation. They gave them extra days so they can explore the area before and after the paperwork time. Because they do not have the queens finalized, they are not scheduling them together but individually. Lance is a part of this process and bumps into Shiro while out and about. More like Shiro steps in as the cashier of the juice bar was being a butt to Lance. He was going to step in either way but the fact that its Lance makes him angry. 
After Keith started drag Shiro started doing some research. He found the one who inspired Keith and was enthralled. He became a follower but never went to meet and greets. He occasionally joined as Keith's plus one for competitions but usually it was Pidge who went with him. He was also unlucky because in one of those competitions Pidge met Lance and his main tech support Hunk and they had a blast and shared contact info. Shiro took that as a cosmic sign that Lance was too good for him and left it at that but The Call reminded him of the charisma Lance always has and he fell for him again. 
He is a lawyer so he is all about them fancy words. His fists are just back up according to Keith. So he puts a hand on Lances shoulder and asks if he can step in. Lance is dazed by his beauty and lets him. Shiro tears into the dude in a way that emphasizes how much of an asshole he is and that he will make sure to contact the franchise to see if he is representative of their view on Queens because that is what Lance is. They will be taking their clientele elsewhere and he offers Lance his arm before walking out with him. Some person recorded and posted it making it go viral with many being outraged at the employee for treating a potential customer that way but the fact that its their lovely queen made them out for blood. 
Others are like get that momma Blue, what a man, wishing somebody can make me feel like a queen, meant take a lesson from a true gentleman, if you don't want him can i keep him, etc. And the juice franchise company speaking out because this got A LOT of attention and that ex employee/manager reflected real bad on them. But back to Lance and Shiro, Lance thanks Shiro because he was very close to doing something his friend Red (Keith) would do but thanks to his new hero, he remained the classy lady he is.
Shiro is positively charmed and let him know he is welcome. The two introduce themselves with Lance teasing Shiro like, Shiro the Hero, were you named after your occupation my good sir. Shiro is blushing again. But tells him nothing like that. He is just always ready to fight against inequality and that his brother is always inspiring him. Lance eyes twinkle and he asks about the identity of said brother and Shiro tells him about Keith and recognizing him as his brothers charming friend. Lance is like I knew it was you! I recognized that voice the moment you stepped in. Shiro is like wait you remembered my voice? 
Now lance is the blushy one and confessing that he has a really nice voice that could read audio books or have its own podcast/radio show. Shiro is pleased and asks if it's not too forward of him, to share contact info and get to know each other better as he is simply charmed by Lance and always wanted to meet his brothers other greatest support. Lance is floored and agrees. Shiro is not only charming and a hunk, but he was respectful and broadcasted his intentions. 
Shiro also lets him know if I am reading this wrong I apologize as I did not want to make you uncomfortable. He was also serious about the lawsuit because that manager was an asshole and needs a lesson before he continues to share his hateful rhetoric. So the sparks fly and practically have a date. Lance pays for as he wants to thank his hero with Shiro paying for dessert as he wanted to sweeten their meeting. They lament meeting before the official meetings as they will have to be professionals but will meet up after everything has been wrapped up with Keith.
The meetings end up taking longer as Shiro got into lawyer mode with Pidge and Keith being like we need these materials to be available as supplies and any other requests. They were unable to get all their demands, but most of the supplies provided by the studio would do. Two companies are pending as the studio reached out to them and are negotiating sponsorship, but seeing as one of them already sponsors Keith and Lance, they are hopeful. Shiro was also able to negotiate a higher wage/payout (idk), as Keith would be missing 1-4 competitions to appear on the show. The grand prize is not guaranteed but with his reputation of consistently being 1st place he would be losing guaranteed money. 
As such, they should try and meet that. The studio is hard presses to find an argument but concede as they were told by The Queen that Keith is one of the high priority candidates and that provided the nda is signed, they can add anything in the contract with the exclusion of being able to cheat or having 1st place guaranteed. So they negotiate the sum as Shiro is correct, but one must also consider the level of exposure. Shiro responds with exposure or exploitation? And the studio team is impressed again and concede with a 10% or something reduction of the originally proposed amount. They all agree, sign, and before they walk off exchange business cards so that they can talk about having Shiro consult is he is unavailable to join their team.
Shiro lets them know he will consider the offer and the legal team walks off. Lance is waiting for them at the lobby with Hunk to see how the talks went and is happy when he hears how Shiro arm wrestled the team for Keith's supplies and compensation. The group is together for the first time nut they all click as if they were long time friends. Also, I am debating Lotor as The Queen. I was initially gonna have him be the loser from Keith's first competition but then he is meticulous in the show so he would not be in character as a loser. I mean Keith's is not in character, but i wanted to avoid the initial rivalry and change it into a mentor ship. 
That is not say they are instant bffs but that just like in the show, Keith is a natural and Lance has worked his way to that level. He was initially envious of Keith's start, but then got to know him and talk after a few hang outs with alcohol and had their heart to heart because at that stage Lance was in a rut and seeing Keith running made him feel inadequate. Afterwards they became the brohoes we have now.
So, they all hang out while Keith is there but the group notices the sparks between Lance and Shiro so they conveniently forget something back at the hotel and leave them together. I need to cut this short but Keith slays the competition and wins the grand prize. Shiro has his own following after the juice bar incident and they have joined with Lances following to create The Blue Paladin Squad. They refer to lance and Shiro as paladins because both are advocates and do a lot for the lgbtq community. Even before lance Shiro was active so the internet is invested in them.
The end
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readingwebcomics · 5 years
Analyzing Questionable Content: Pages 201-250
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Marten’s closer, Dora. Of course she’d go for his first.
Okay, I’m just going to be upfront and honest with you guys. I’m just really not feeling it for this batch of comics, and that’s part of the reason why I had taken the previous week off. That’s not to say this batch is bad or anything, it’s just... I feel like I have a lot less to say about it than I should. So I apologize ahead of time if this feels too short or if it’s much more dull than usual. I’ll try hitting the high points and give you the proper character analysis I can muster here - the fact that what you see right now, with Marten and Dora going on a date and Faye’s reaction to it, will provide quite a deal of character insight.
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For example, right here. Not even a single page later and Faye’s genuine irritation over the situation is showing, despite what she has to say about the situation.
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Ignoring for the moment the stupid contraction thing (which, if memory serves, will thankfully be dropped after this batch of comics), do Faye’s eyes look... different to you guys? I don’t know, it feels like Jeph’s making an attempt at a slight tweak in his style here and I mostly notice it in Faye’s eyes. I could be looking way too deep into it though, I’m willing to accept that.
They have some light banter, part of which includes Faye continuing to press on the fact that Dora is hyper-sexual and will jump Marten’s bones the second she gets the chance, Faye goes on and continues her nice streak with Marten by offering to make him dinner. Now, I could take this time to point out the obvious, that Faye is clearly doing this much for him not just out of a sense of guilt over how she’s treated him but also bolstered by the fact that, even if subconsciously, she does NOT want Marten to be with another woman and is vying to keep his attention on her... But Faye doesn’t give us a chance to ponder that for very long.
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I don’t blame her, the rims of cans are fucking horrifying. Not as bad as the edges of an outlet box, but thin slices of metal ain’t fun let me tell you.
Despite this, there’s really not much to say about the outcome - we learn that Faye’s last name is Whitaker and that this city has a “punching intern” for the local hospital.
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That... can NOT be legal. Then again, if this city held itself to any standards of legality I’m certain the Irony Cafe would be closed already due to false advertising. Plus, this is taking place in America and Faye isn’t freaking out more about not being able to afford the hospital bills than the fact she was injured, so maybe that’s the trade-off to having a halfway decent medical facility.
Oh, and when everyone gets back home, we get a bit more insight into the mechanics of Pintsize.
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That raises some questions. If this is unique to this particular platform Pintsize’s AI is housed in, how was he able to taste the cake mix in his previous body? If this is universal between Anthro PCs, then why didn’t Marten already know this if he’s been with Pintsize as long as has been implied thus far? I mean I get it, Jeph’s using this as an outlet to create some lore behind the funny robot people in his comic’s universe, but... I dunno, it just feels like this makes Marten seem more incompetent than anything if he didn’t know this about his own Anthro PC. Maybe if he helped explain it alongside Pintsize to Faye to showcase that he knew about this as well? I dunno.
The next day, Steve gives Marten a call:
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Faye, your irritation over the situation isn’t exactly subtle. Also I’ve said it before but I’ll keep saying it - sarcastic Marten is best Marten. I like this Marten a lot.
And so, as a wise Skeleton once said... DATE: START!
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We’re already off to an amazing start with Ellen kicking off! And, oooh, it looks like she tripped and injured herself in the initial play! Can she recover, folks? Well before we find out, we have another comic involving a drastic art shift deliberately invoked from Jeph:
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In all seriousness, the art shift isn’t... bad, per-se, it just looks so drastically different that it catches me off guard. As is what usually happens with Jeph in these situations, it takes the next comic for him to reel himself back and find a happy medium between his original style and the new one he wants to experiment with:
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Marine Biology is not for the weak of heart. You knew what you were getting into when you took on that major, Ellen. But yeah, while I’ll get more into detail as to what I think about the art shift at the end of the post, I’ll say here that I like it as a natural evolution. It seems like every time Jeph improves, the face is the bit that gets the most focus every time. Remember just last post when I was complaining Jeph wasn’t talented enough to portray the silent emotion he wanted to in Faye’s face? Now, I feel like he probably could.
The date goes well enough, and the evening comes to a close:
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My bet is that Steve’s like the Pied Piper of arachnids. I’d believe it were that the case, at least. Also it was mentioned to me that Marten probably did have the eye-shine like the rest of the cast did, but his eye color just made it harder to spot. In this page, that becomes clearer - still hard to see, but much easier than previously.
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Oooh dear. Steve’s in some hot water now. Also I just realized that as of yesterday I’m as old as Steve is. Good God, I’m an actual full-blown adult. Christ.
...I’m going to put off thinking about that for too much longer as we move onto the rest of this batch, okay? Okay.
Anyhow, Dora invites Marten into her apartment for some coffee where she cuts right to the fucking chase:
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It’s probably for the best you read the conversation yourself, they’re pages 226-228. I say this mostly because I really don’t have anything to add or comment on here - Dora’s a smart lady who gives good advice here, makes it clear that while she’s interested in Marten she wants him to be happy, and all-in-all is one of the coolest people ever. Go Dora!
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Go... Dora. Oh. Well, I still think you’re cool. Let’s give this woman some time and cut back to Steve and Ellen!
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I have some things to say about this situation that I’ll touch on a little bit later. Marten gets home and makes it clear to Faye that nothing happened between himself and Dora. While quite clearly relieved, she’s a touch confused.
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So I’m not the only one who feels strangely sad whenever I eat a s’mores Pop Tart? Oh who am I kidding, I’ve got depression, I’m always fucking sad. And hey, speaking of sexy times, Pintsize throws his proverbial hat into the ring!
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Honestly, I kind of knew I should’ve kept track of that pink Anthro PC, but would you believe me if I told you they never got a name? Also could AI fuck over IM? My bet is that 2004-speed internet wouldn’t exactly make it smooth. But man, imagine having sex over the ‘net on Fiber.
...too much? Too much.
The night ends, Steve parts from Ellen telling her he needs a couple of days to sort his head out, and Faye comforts Marten...
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...in, erm, a very Faye way... oh hey, Faye, Fae! I wonder if that was intentional on Jeph’s part. Probably not, Faye isn’t quite a Maniac Pixie Dream Girl. For one thing, she’s better written.
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If memory serves, I think Dora mentioned she was a blonde previously? Either way she’s crystal clear with it now. Also, while I complimented Jeph before on his faces... I’m not going to lie, he could stand to improve drawing skirts. I don’t blame the guy, I imagine skirts are fucking hard to draw.
Oh, and here we begin an annual tradition of Questionable Content:
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I’d like to start a petition for all Questionable Content fans to go by the fan-name “Turkeys” now. You with me, fellow Turkeys?!
...no? Eh, fair enough.
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Here we get some interesting information. At least, it gets interesting in the wake of what comes up later - the timescale is more-or-less confirmed here that this takes place around the early to mid 2000s, likely 2004 or so since that’s when the comic was written. I always assumed, considering we have walking AI around, that the universe of Questionable Content took place in the near future... but rather, it seems more like it takes place in an alternate version of history where our technology is slightly ahead of the curve. And yet a lot of pop culture phenomena remained as it did in our version of history, if what they’re saying is true. Again, this doesn’t get super relevant until later comics where we see just how far advanced the technological level in QC has become.
Ellen drops by the Coffee Shop for some advice:
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Faye’s gotten a LOT more open recently. Back near the beginning of this comic she would never, never openly admit to giving into any kind of carnal need, and now here she is candidly talking about private shower times.
And while they’re discussing things at the Coffee Shop, Marten and Steve are having their own conversation back at the apartment:
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Now here I need to put in my two cents. The characters make a point of saying how they don’t really think the age difference is that big of a deal. Were she legal, which she will be in less than a week, there’s no real problem with an 18 year old dating a 24 year old. I know this is entirely a matter of personal opinion and I fully expect people to disagree with me here. I also suspect this is going to make me sound like a prude, but... yeah, I think there is a problem, there.
Ellen’s a freshman in College. She’s JUST turning 18. While she’s shown to be intelligent enough to get into college early - and good on her for that - she lacks the emotional intelligence or maturity to really strike out into a relationship with someone six years her senior. And Steve, for his part, is too old to get anything out of a relationship with someone so much younger than he is. There’s no real connection there, the difference in emotional maturity is going to make itself evident before too long and the relationship is more prone to self-destruct.
Like I said, feel free to disagree with me there. If you feel like there’s room for a relationship in such an age gap, let me know. I wouldn’t mind starting a conversation or changing my mind, but that’s where my mindset is there - it just wouldn’t work out.
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Remember that last line Dora said. It’s going to get much funnier later, to the point where part of me wonders if that was deliberate foreshadowing on Jeph’s part.
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And here we welcome Ellen’s roommate, Natasha. My oh my, characters are building up, ain’t they? Just give it time, guys. It gets so, so much worse.
(Also am I the only one stuck on that first panel? Just... I know they already made the joke about her dual-major but there’s something so surreal to that I kind of can’t escape it)
And now, to round out our batch of 50:
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Wow. It seems like Dora’s a touch more insecure than she lets on, huh? She seems so cool and in-control of herself that moments like this where it’s surprisingly easy of her to accept that she may have weirded the object of her affections out are much more blatant.
Now that we’ve reached the end of the batch, let’s do our usual beginning and end comparisons:
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Like I said before, Jeph has clearly put more detail into the faces. He’s taking steps in the direction of “realistic cartoon” if that makes sense, further details in the wrinkles of their clothes, their bodies looking more defined, that sort of thing. I can’t really decide if I like this newer style better than the older one, but it’s no question that the newer style is a technical improvement. Nice work!
So what’d I think of this batch? Eh... plot happened, I suppose, but it feels like not much ended up happening. I dunno, for my money this felt a lot slower than the last batch... but then again, last batch had Amanda drop by for a visit, so that may have something to do with it. Either way, we have outright confirmation if we didn’t think so before that Dora is super into Marten, but it’s also made clear she’s not going to step in between the dance he and Faye are partaking in right now. Whether this is a good or a bad thing is entirely up to personal opinion, I suppose. I dunno, I feel like having Dora as a potential wild card offered the possibility for drama to shake up the dynamic going on, and without her I fear the dynamic may stagnate.
I mean, I know exactly how the dynamic’s going to go because I’ve read it, but you get the point I’m trying to make here.
Anyhow, you know what time it is now - data analysis time! In this batch of 50, we have...
Marten: 34/50 – 68%
Faye: 29/50 – 58%
Dora: 24/50 – 48%
Ellen: 15/50 – 30%
Steve: 12/50 – 24%
Pintsize: 11/50 – 22%
Natasha: 2/50 – 4%
Miéville: 2/50 – 4%
 Grand Total:
Marten: 200/250 – 80%
Faye: 192/250 – 76.8%
Dora: 75/250 – 30%
Pintsize: 61/250 – 24.4%
Steve: 34/250 – 13.6%
Ellen: 18/250 – 7.2%
Amanda: 12/250 – 4.8%
Sara: 7/250 – 2.8%
Jimbo: 5/250 – 2%
Turing: 4/250 – 1.6%
Raven: 3/250 – 1.2%
Miéville: 3/250 – 1.2%
Scott: 2/250 – 0.8%
Natasha: 2/250 – 0.8%
Ell: 1/250 – 0.4%
Personally, I won’t be satisfied until Jimbo overtakes Sara in his number of appearances. You can do it, Jimbo! I BELIEVE IN YOU!
...erm, in any case, tune in next week for the thrilling next installment of QC! You ready for more backstory on our main characters? I know I am! See you then.
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That Damn Smirk
Summary: Male reader moved to Hawkins from New Orleans. He get’s an odd sense about this town... then he meets Billy Hargrove. 
Author’s Note: I sat down and wrote this in about an hour which is rare for me. I usually take a day or so of reading over it and adding things before I’m happy with it. The quotes from the newspaper are actually clips from the Hawkins Post! I read the teeny tiny clippings that we got views of in the show! Some things are improvised where the text was cut off by the camera shot!
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When you entered Hawkins, it was like a cloud flew over your head. Something about the town had a weight to it, something that didn’t have good intentions. On a quest to find out more, you headed to the library to look through old newspapers. Maybe there was something that happened here. A notorious murder, perhaps some freakish cult.
You flipped through the old texts, finding several things of interest. You pulled out a paper from almost exactly a year earlier. The headline read “Two of Hawkin’s Own: Missing”
Under it were two pictures. One of a young boy, maybe ten years old. The other of a young woman, your age. She wore wire-rimmed glasses and her cheeks were littered with freckles.
You continued to look through the papers, coming to another interesting headline. The Boy Who Came Back From The Dead
“The former missing child Will Byers has been found after a week of searching. He is presently in stable condition at Hawkins General Hospital. Byers’ mother, Joyce Byers alleges that Will was the subject of a secret government program run by the Hawkins National Laboratory. The allegation comes amidst a massive investigation into the hidden organization and its elaborate experiments in perusal of mind control. The abuse detailed in the first report includes prolonged physical duress and psychological interrogation. This experiment sanction torture has sparked outrage amongst the American public. In a statement issued yesterday, Ives mention her “disgust” towards the organization saying “Our own American people are being treated like the enemy. We should be directing our attention to the real target, the Soviets, not our own daughters and sons.” Under legal advice,  Dr. Brenner has issued no comment on the allegations.”
Hawkins National Laboratory… Experiments… That doesn’t sound good.
You continued to flip through the pages. The name Dr. Brenner kept coming up.
Dr. Martin Brenner Named in Lawsuit
“Senior researcher Doctor Martin Brenner and seven other staff researchers have been named in a new lawsuit filed today on behalf of former federal research study participant, Terry Ives. Dr Brenner’s attorney in conjunction with the Department of Energy has asked the circuit court to seal the details of the lawsuit until the attorney general’s office can determine that no federal or proprietary information has been exposed.
Ives alleges that Dr. Brenner kidnapped her newborn daughter for scientific research. Following an investigation, the district attorney has already declined to press criminal kidnapping charges against the research facility and staff, citing lack of evidence.’
Kidnapping and experimentation…
         “Isn’t that stuff so totally crazy!?” A voice questioned from behind you.
A girl with bouncy brown curls stood behind you, reading over your shoulder
        “Now they’re saying stuff about a Russian spy… Some guy committed suicide in his diner… a social services agent got shot… Something weird about this town.” She chatted.
        “Yeah… Yeah… I uh… I kinda felt the energy when I got here. You know? Like something was weird.” You stammered, unsure of how the girl would react to your statement.
It wasn’t weird in New Orleans to believe in the supernatural, energies and forces beyond your understanding. In fact, it was weird if you didn’t. It was so ingrained in the culture.
        “Totally! Names Diane.” She introduced, holding her hand out for you to shake.
        “You going to Hawkins High, Y/N?”
        “Uh yeah… I start tomorrow.”
        “Oh, new kid! Better watch out… We’ve got a not-so-welcoming committee.”
Being newest thing in Hawkins meant that the top dog had to come see his new competition. At least, that’s what you’d been warned about before you were approached by Billy Hargrove. He was new kid turned keg king and the word around was not to mess with him.
He blew a puff of cigarette smoke into your face, much to your annoyance. You fanned the smoke away, glaring up at the boy in front of you.
        “Somebody tells me you’re the new kid here.” He chuckled, running his tongue over his lips.
        “That’s me.”
        “Where you from?”
        “New Orleans.”
He pondered that for a moment before opening his mouth again. 
        “So… I saw you hanging around with Diane last night.” Billy commented as he approached you. He adorned only his shorts and his signature necklace.
        “Yeah, and?”
        “See. I’ve had my eye on that ass for a while now. So I suggest you step off.”
        “It’s not like that, dude.” You insisted, rolling your eyes.
You found it hard enough to come out in your own town. You weren’t about to do it to some meathead in a testosterone filled high school locker room. Billy grabbed you by your collar, slamming you up against the lockers with a thud.
        “Better watch your tone.” He snarled, looking me up and down.
        “You think you’re hot shit, but where I come from, they would’ve chewed you up and spit you out.” You retorted.
That’s when he let out a devious cackle, throwing his head back.
        “You’ve got some fight in you, kid.” He laughed, “Unfortunately, I can’t have that… No…”
He brought up his fist, punching you in the nose. You brought your hand up to catch the blood as it flowed from your nostrils.
He turned around, giving a victorious shout to the rest of the boys. You felt anger burning up in your stomach. You dealt with enough abuse in your old town, and you weren’t about to put up with it here. You grabbed him by the shoulder, spinning him around and swinging. Your fist collided with his jaw.
        “Oh, ho, ho!” He laughed, “More fight than I thought!”
He swung back, striking you in the eye.
The next several moments were a blur of fists and screaming. You were torn apart by the coach and the gym teacher.
        “That’s enough!” They shouted, dragging us away from each other.
        “Principal!” They demanded.
You opened the front door to see none other than Billy Fucking Hargrove standing on your front porch. He had a bruised jaw and a black eye to match yours, though it wasn’t one you had given him.
        “I-uh… What’re…”
        “Look. This is some bullshit that I don’t want to be doing right now.” He admitted, motioning over to the car that sat in the driveway. It wasn’t his car, and there was somebody else in the driver’s seat.
        “I came here to apologize to you, even though I don’t owe you shit. So, if you could please pretend to look like I said something meaningful I would truly appreciate it.”
        “And why would I help you with anything?”
        “Because you’re gonna beat the shit out of me again?”  
        “Nah. Nah… I think you held your own pretty well, all things considered.” He smirked.
That fucking smirk. You hated that fucking smirk. It was one of somebody who knew they could get whatever they wanted just by curling their lips.
        “Look, you seem like a nice dude, okay?” He reasoned, “Just do me a solid, please.”
You offered him a fake smile, being sure it was obvious to the person waiting for him in the car.
        “Now shake my hand like you don’t hate me.”
        “I don’t hate you, Billy.” The words flew out of your mouth without your brain’s permission.
        “Well. You’re the only one.” He scoffed, giving your hand a shake before turning and heading off the porch.
“Hey, kid!” Billy hollered, running up behind you and throwing his arm around your shoulder.
He had left you alone since your last encounter. Nearly a month earlier… Well. He had left you alone. But he hadn’t left your mind.
Whenever you heard him talk, you felt yourself hanging on to every word he said. Whether or not it was anything of importance. And most of the time it wasn’t. Usually, it was some childish bullshit that made everybody laugh. But he fed off of the attention to distract himself from something else. You just couldn’t quite place what it was.
        “Uh. Hi?”
        “So… I could use another favor.”
        “And again, I ask you, why should I?” You scoffed.  
        “I could make you somebody around here, you know? Somebody the ladies will be all over.”
        “That’s not really much of my concern.” You retorted.
        “What? Not a ladies man?” He teased.
        “I-I- Uh… I- I.”  You stammered. You didn’t think he meant it that way, but boy was that how it sounded.
        “Fine. I scratch your back, you scratch mine.” He offered, “What do you need from me?”
A date… A kiss… for you to stop looking like such a damn snack all the damn time and tempting me.
        “I- uh… How about a drink?” You suggested… Great job, you still sounded like you were asking for a date. Great job Y/N,
        “Okay, fine. I come around your house with a bottle of booze and you can tutor me in French.”
        “French?” You questioned.
        “Yeah. I’m failing… They speak French in New Orleans, right?”
        “Uh… Oui…”
        “Oh, fuck this shit. I’m never gonna pass.” He growled, hurling his notebook across the room and taking a swig from the bottle.
        “Come on, man! You almost got it!”
        “No. No, I don’t almost got it!” He snapped, “Why the fuck does the table have a fucking gender! It’s an object!”
        “Okay… okay… Yeah… To be honest, I don’t understand it either, but you’ll get it if you practice more.”
        “Practice? How can I practice when I don’t even know what any of this means.” He knocked over the bottle when he threw his arms up in frustration. The remaining liquor flowed off the coffee table and onto the floor.
        “Shit!” He hissed.
        “You gonna clean that up?” You sighed.
        “Your house. Kid.”
        “Your mess. Kid.”
There was that fucking smirk again. You rolled your eyes, giving in and going into the kitchen to grab the towel from its spot on the stove door.  You were annoyed with yourself for letting him get away with that again. But damn, the smirk worked for him… it worked well.
        “Tu es une merde, mais quand tu me donnes ce putain de sourire et que je ne fais que fondre et que je ne peux pas l'aider. Je crois que je suis en train de tomber amoureux de toi.” You grumbled as you leaned across the sitting boy to soak up the liquid from the carpet.  It felt good to get your feelings out into the world, whether or not anybody could understand them.
As you sat up, you came face to face with him.  His eyes flitted from your eyes to your lips before he grabbed you by your cheeks and pulled you in to kiss him. You pulled away breathlessly. Never in your wildest dreams had you even considered the fact that Billy Hargrove was into boys. Yet here he was, sitting on your couch, both of you tipsy, and he made the first move.
        “I have no idea what you just said, but you looked cute so I just went for it.” He breathed, still holding your face.
This time, you were the one to smirk. Leaning back in for another kiss.
(Rough translation:  You’re such a piece of shit but when you give me that fucking smirk and I just melt and I can’t fucking help it. I think I’m falling for you.”)
@johnohhsosexy @enigmasareoverrated @samuel-maurice455  @starry-eyed-colour-bandit 
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seagull-laugh · 6 years
The Sickly Duckling
The office was cold and quiet. Only the tapping of keys from the various computers could be heard throughout the various rooms and halls. Donald took up this job not even a week ago but he was already bored of it. As he sipped his now cold coffee he continued to read the writing displayed on his computer monitor, he analysed texts and cross referenced the data repetitively for hours until the silence was broke but the fain sound of his mobile ringing. Donald didn’t speak to his family anymore and hadn’t for five years, he had friends but he hadn’t seen or spoke to them much either, not since he adopted the boys, and they where currently in school, so he just ignored its tones and carried on until he suddenly remembered, He’s their emergency contact. Somethings must be up with the boys.
Donald quickly answered the phone and cleared his throat, people struggled to understand him on a day to day basis, having a dry throat wouldn’t help. “Hello, is this Mr.Duck?” “Yes, eh, speaking!” He tried to calm his voice “Is everything okay?” “One of your sons, Hubert, has thrown up in school, you will need to come and Collect Him” then with urgency “I’ll be there right away”, he stopped himself from hanging up the phone to bring it back to his cheek “thank you”. With that he quickly headed to his Boss’ office.
When Dewey was sick he liked to pretend he wasn’t, he was stubborn like that, and of course that made him a handful to look after. When Louie was sick he was a lot easier to look after, he was already the laziest out of the three of them and thou he enjoyed playing with his brothers he was also perfectly happy lounging around somewhere, thou when he was sick he tended to like physical contact, constantly leaning against or snuggled up to Donald while he slept, Even just holding his hand seemed to help the little boy relax. This of course was fine, if they where just in the House Boat, but otherwise was hard to manage. When Huey was sick he was more than happy to be left alone. He read something in his Junior Woodchuck Guidebook that said if you where sick it was best to drink water and get plenty of rest, it also said to have the woodchuck guide look you over (as they are trained in health and Safety) and do as they say as they will know the best course of action to take to ensure your health. Because Donald was his legal Guardian, the role of Senior Woodchuck of course went to him, this meant if Donald said it was best to sit on your own and sleep then Huey would do so. Of course Donald wouldn’t dream of leaving a sick duckling unattended BUT it meant that he could still do his work with Huey present in the Office, if his new Employer would allow it.
After a lot of pleading Donald’s boss agreed to let him collect Huey during his lunch break and bring him back to the office for the rest of his shift that day. He knew in his mind that this meant he won’t have time to eat today but his nephew was more important. He quickly got in his car to drive to the school. As he drove down the road he thought of all the events that had happened that morning to determine if he had missed any signs of an Illness. All three boys got up in the morning when Donald woke them, they then all got dressed, as usual Louie took longer while Huey and Dewey seemed to easily roll out of bed and get ready for the day. They all ate the breakfast Donald made them, all plates where empty. They then wen’t to the bathroom to brush their teeth and wash their faces. All as Normal. Afterwards Louie And Dewey started playing with their toys cars and Huey sat on the couch, it was his turn to do something for show and tell and he wanted to tell his class about the Junior Woodchucks. He only recently got into them but he was very interested in it and Donald remember thinking how cute it was. No signs of any of the boys being Ill or poorly this morning had occurred. He thought again to last night. They Boys did their homework, ate all their food, played their games as usual, had their Baths and went to bed. Again nothing unusual. Donald replayed all the events from when he picked them up from school yesterday to when he dropped them off this morning over and over again and he tried to find a sign that he had previously missed. Then the realisation hit him.
Huey liked to plan things out, every last detail, and when things don’t go to plan he starts to freak out. Dewey and Louie refer to it as ‘Huey is Broken’, because of how uncharacteristically he starts to behave. Donald figured that something must have gone wrong during ‘show and tell’ and during his little ‘break down’ he worked himself up to much and that caused him to be sick, that of course upsetting him more and making him feel worse.
When Donald arrived at the school he rushed to the main office, the Woman from the phone was the one to greet him and told him Huey Threw up during a talk in class, confirming Donalds Suspicions (he knew his boys). When she let him through to get Huey he saw the chick curled up on a chair with his knees to his chest, and tears welling in he eyes. He was also shaking quite a bit. On the Chair next to him was his School bag, his lunch still untouched inside, and his Woodchuck Junior Guidebook. Donald walked over, crouched down in-front of him and placed his hands on his shoulders “Hey Huey, You did your best today and that’s what counts” a single tear started to roll down his cheek while he nodded his head. Donald really wanted to reassure him that everything was okay and that it is okay that things don’t always work out how we want but he knew that wouldn’t help and that he didn’t have the time. “I have to get back to work. Will you come with me?” Huey’s big eyes looked into Don’s worn out ones for a few seconds until he spoke “Okay”, Donald then leaned forward and gave him a hug before picking him and his stuff up and thanking the Lady before heading back to the car. Donald set Huey up in the back seat, he took his Blazer off and placed it over the boy to form a blanket. While driving back Huey didn’t speak except once when he muttered an apology and Don had to reassure him he had nothing to apologise for. Once back in the office he pushed a second Chair to his desk and Huey sat on there, still using Dons jacket for warmth until he fell back asleep.
Working at the office was boring, time seemed to stop and Don could almost feel his braincells dying while he typed away at the computer, the rumbles of his stomach didn’t help either, but every time he glanced to his left he saw one of his dear boys wrapped up in his jacket and it made him smile. Being a single parent was incredibly hard and not anything like what Don wanted in his list of dreams and ambitions, but he truly loved them with all his heart and thou the ideal situation would be for Della to still be around, he was still more than happy to have them in his life. He Called the baby sitter at four O’Clock to check with the babysitter and make sure the other two boys where okay, he reassured her Huey was safe with him and that they would be home for Six. Once the Clock struck five donald quickly started to pack his stuff away and turn off his computer, once everything was set he put his blazer back on and put his car keys in his beak. Huey was only six but he still would take two arms to carry back to the car. Donald’s Notorious bad luck happened to strike him in the carpark when he went to take the keys out his mouth while still carrying Huey and they fell to the floor, jabbing his foot first. With a loud Quack and a hop Huey woke up and Donald fell to the floor, He landed on his back so Huey was okay but that didn’t make it any less painful. Huey stood up while Don grabbed the keys and opened the car door, this time he climbed into the front seat so he could sit next to his uncle.
The traffic this time of day was horrendous and doubled travel time, everyone on the road was on a mission to get as far away from work as they could and was in a terrible mood for being stuck in traffic. The muffled sounds of beeping horns and shouting could be heard from outside the vehicle making both males happy that The younger hadn’t tried to sleep on the way home. The car was otherwise in complete silence.
Donalds Parked the car and turned to Huey. “Listen. I know your talk about the Woodchucks didn’t go how you wanted. And I understand, when you work really hard on something its sad when it doesn’t go the way you want… but it’s okay and it just means next time you can try again” the little boy just nodded slowly and honestly didn’t look too convinced. “When we get home I want you to put you Pyjamas on and go have a nap in my bed okay?”. Another Slow unsure nod was given as response. That Night on the House Boat was pretty hard work, it’s hard to dote on a sick child a-swell as occupy and supervise two others single handedly while trying to keep them separated, but that was fine, He would do anything for these boys no matter how hard. Huey wasn’t really sick, after-all he threw up with nerves but Don didn’t want to risk the other two getting sick so he did his best looking after him. That night Don flopped into bed and let out a long and tired sigh, he was exhausted and life just wouldn’t give him a break, his body constantly felt heavy and this was one of the few times he’d let the exhaustion consume him. Negative thought about how he’s wasting his life kept pestering him and he hated it. He felt something push up against his side, he looked down and was Huey snuggling up to him. Being a Single parent was hard, finding a job was challenging, trying to support three unique individuals was draining and the ever growing stress-levels bringing him down was more then he could take, but seeing the boys smile. Knowing that all his hard work was paying off. Well. It was more than worth it.
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keyofjetwolf · 7 years
Jet Wolf Summarizes Act 40
The manga and I kind of hate each other. This is unfortunate, but still, I’m determined to come out of this with something. Rather than spend energy on a liveblog that’s increasingly negative, I’m reading each manga act (mostly) silently, and then writing up summaries at the end. I won’t pull my punches. There’s going to be criticism and snark about the manga, either wholesale or in details. If that isn’t a thing you feel like reading, please skip this post!
Mercury is in the title, so I am of course immediately suspicious. She doesn’t actually show up until thirty-five pages in. I’m SUPER suspicious. But I get ahead of myself.
First we have to deal with Mamoru in the hospital, where he regrettably regains consciousness. The Senshi run in like they’re a) concerned, and b) were notified, both of which we know are patently untrue. So since Ami isn’t with them, I’m going to assume she had one jello shot too many and passed out. At which point Mako hefted her up piggyback and ran all the way to the hospital like a charging bull, drunkenly barreling down the street and mowing down all passersby while Minako kept pace in her wake despite drinking more than anyone, making ambulance siren sounds and also carrying Rei piggyback style who made it a point to scream at everyone to get out of the fucking way and turn and nearly but never quite fall and yell at anyone who had the gall to not possess her precognitive abilities and ALREADY be out of the way, which meant, not coincidentally, that she was yelling at literally fucking everybody.
Unfortunately the manga didn’t have that, it had this.
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Yet another wasted opportunity, manga.
They get an eyeful of bodyswapped Usagi and Chibs, and conclude that Black Lady’s back, which I’m sure wouldn’t have traumatized Chibi-Usa in any way. Talk talk, recounting last issue, Ami enters! MERCURY DREAM!
Oh, not yet, she was just late, despite the Senshi otherwise all consistently arriving at the same time always. She says they should get Usagi and Chibs checked out, and she called her mother to look at Mamoru, too. Speaking of, Ami’s mum enters. She looks, creatively, exactly like an older Ami.
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I guess hairstyles are hereditary after all. NOW YOU KNOW.
Ami’s mum finds nothing wrong with Usagi and Chibs, and I can only assume that includes the fact that Chibs is a sixteen year-old girl impossibly squeezed into a ten-year old’s clothes, SERIOUSLY WHY DON’T USAGI AND CHIBS AT LEAST EXCHANGE OUTFITS CAN YOU IMAGINE HOW UNCOMFORTABLE CHIBI-USA IS
Anyway, Usagi and Chibs are medically fine, but Mamoru has “shadows over the lungs”, which is apparently so unusual that the doctor “has never seen anything like it”, and I’m just sitting here UHHH MAYBE GET THIS GUY AN ONCOLOGY REFERRAL RATHER THAN LET HIM WALK OUT WITH A VAGUE PROMISE TO SCHEDULE A FOLLOW-UP SOMETIME MAYBE
Of course this is probably the same hospital that let Mamoru walk out with a ten year old child for whom he has no parental or legal guardianship and despite her suffering from cardiac arrest and no blood flow, SO CLEARLY I AM EXPECTING TOO MUCH OF THE MEDICAL STAFF HERE AT FUCK YOU HOSPITAL.
Chibs decides to try and trick Ikuko, so she goes home and pitches Luna-P at her. It works! I can’t even be surprised. She goes up to Usagi’s room, and rather than, I dunno, CHANGE CLOTHES, she thinks about how Mamoru said she was pretty and ughhhghgh. The Pegabell accidentally falls and instantly summons him, and someone really needs to tell Pegasus to let the phone ring a couple times because desperaaaate.
Pegasus says he can sense this is a bad spell cast on her by “someone”, but he refuses to answer any other questions, proving that no matter the continuity, Pegasus will never be helpful and needs to fuck off.
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“I won’t tell you anything at all whatsoever, not about me or the enemy you’re risking your life to fight, but trust me, okay? PS: GIVE US YOUR POWER PRECIOUS”
One thing I will say is that Chibs immediately is like “I GOTTA TELL EVERYONE PEGASUS SHOWED UP AGAIN”, so while this is super jacked up, it’s not SuperS jacked up, so I can avoid screaming about everyone neglecting Chibs while she’s being secretly groomed by a fucking magical ungulate, and yes, I WILL take my small mercies.
Meanwhile, Usagi’s hanging out with Mamoru, who is intensely weirded out by the fact that Usagi is now a child, which I have to say that I was more than a little concerned about given the Chibi-Usa stuff.
Hm, this is twice in a row the manga’s not exceeded my expectations in a negative way.
Well certainly Mamoru angst is coming, and jesus fucking wept. “I’M SICK I’M DRAGGING YOU DOWN PERHAPS WE SHOULDN’T HAVE A FUTURE TOGETHER”. And while fundamentally I’m fine with this conclusion, dude, you’ve been ill like A DAY, maybe take some Nyquil and calm your shit. And while I could maybe appreciate this from a flipping of stereotypes to have Mamoru the one so uncertain and worried, given how EVERY OTHER FUCKING PAGE OF THIS MANGA is about lifting Mamoru up and making him critically important, it reads less like a reversal and more Takeuchi grasping at a reason so she personally Usagi can remind us how wonderful he is. These plagues of doubt only work if something ever happened for him to be doubtful ABOUT.
Anyway, Chibs walks in and sees them (specifically she sees ten year old Usagi kissing an unconscious Mamoru but I can’t you guys I’m so tired) and she has a thought.
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She thinks about how her dream is to become an amazing lady and meet her own prince, and then we cut to Pegasus and then I threw up everywhere. BUT JUST IN CASE YOU NEEDED A PARALLEL TO DRIVE THE POINT FURTHER HOME, Pegasus is thinktalking to Mamoru and apologizing for not protecting him, because they’re trading positions now you see like Usagi and Chibi-Usa with the bodyswap and blaaarg. I much preferred all this last arc, when Mamoru was like “Huh I feel like I just married Chibs and Hotaru, THAT WAS WEIRD.”
Meanwhile at Ami’s house – YES AMI ACTUALLY APPEARS OVER THIRTY PAGES LATER – she’s up late doing research on the Dead Moon Circus. She pauses for a moment to have a really nice flashback with Pluto:
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You guys know me. You know I fucking LIVE for Senshi moments. But the Outers spent THE ENTIRETY OF LAST ARC actively avoiding the Inners. THAT WAS LITERALLY A PLOT POINT. You can’t work so hard to sell them as separate teams unable or unwilling to come together until the climactic final moments of the final battle and then turn around and pretend that Ami and Pluto were hanging out every weekend trading cool links and writing Perl applets. And it can’t have happened after, because as soon as they learned they’d gotten a baby out of the deal, the Outers fucked off before the dust had even settled.
I realize I should just be happy I’m getting anything at this point, but I’m ACTIVELY IRRITATED that this is being painted as something that was there all along when you know and I know that Takeuchi hasn’t been able to scrounge up two fucks to rub together about the Senshi before this point, let alone them interacting in any capacity that didn’t have Usagi at its center. OWN YOUR TERRIBLE DECISIONS DON’T STARVE ME AND THEN ACT LIKE YOU’VE BEEN SERVING ME STEAK DINNERS FOR THE PAST SEVEN MONTHS
Not to mention how it makes exactly zero sense for Ami to be all wistfully missing Pluto.
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Which brings us to Part Two (through fucking Ten, I’m so angry) of why this pisses me off: it attributes whatever accomplishments Ami has had to this point TO A MENTORSHIP THAT LITERALLY NEVER EXISTED UNTIL THIS MOMENT. This Act is ostensibly about Ami learning to trust and believe in herself and blah blah blah THESE ARE NOT PROBLEMS MANGA AMI HAS BEEN WRESTLING WITH. Manga Ami hasn’t been wrestling with ANY problems, because Manga Ami has all the characterization of my partially-filled Papa Murphy’s punch card. But at least she could own whatever tiny moments of achievement she managed scrap together for herself out of this dismal fucking story that barely remembers she exists. BUT NO. Now she has to be smacked back five steps just to watch her walk back to where she started and call it development.
Jesus fucking WEPT I hate the manga.
All right, let’s blast through the rest of this since it means literally nothing. Ami begins to feel ~a stirring~ or whatever, prepping for her end of episode power-up. Her mum finally comes home at 1am and laments that she’s not a very good mother, but seems to make no actual effort by the end of the story to change that, so yeah, I guess you are. Ami zones out partway through to tell us about her father, who was an artist who fucked off to paint fish or something.
Blah blah bad guys, blah blah Fish Eye and PallaPalla will go after Ami because they’re blue.
Next day, Ami goes for a walk and spontaneously buys a fish, as you do.
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Oh no it’s really Fish Eye, who could possibly have foreseen this?! As Ami falls asleep, she begins to have a nightmare where her mum brings a new man home and disowns her. Then she becomes her younger self, and her dad doesn’t want her either. Then she sees Usagi, Mamoru, and Chibs (though bodyswapped as they currently are, wtf Ami) and imagines Usagi saying that when she’s with them, she doesn’t need anyone else.
Not a single bit of this I feel is unreasonable for Ami to be really worried about, I have to say, but since no part of this has come up before now and no part of it will come up again (PARTICULARLY LOOKING AT YOU, NIGHTMARE USAGI), it has all the staying power of a foot cramp I had once, inconvenient and a little painful in the moment, but over and forgotten five minutes later.
Ami realizes none of it is real and tries to break free, only to fall through a mirror and begin talking to herself, only tiny.
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Tiny Ami says Bigger Ami should remember her real dreams and not give up. “Yes, there are so many people I love and who love me”, she says, LITERALLY THINKING OF ONLY SEVEN PEOPLE TWO OF WHICH ARE HER PARENTS BECAUSE REMEMBER WHEN AMI HAD TO USE NARU SHE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE A SINGLE TERTIARY ACQUAINTANCE WE CAN PRETEND SHE CARES ABOUT
My favourite part of this though?
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Ami goes on to say that her real dream is to become a “full-fledged soldier” (okay) and protect everyone. This triggers her power-up, and also a talking doohickey.
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I can’t help but notice we’ve increased our talking inanimate objects by about 500% lately, and I’m wondering if Takeuchi was on massive amounts of painkillers.
I wish I were on massive amounts of painkillers.
“Mercury Aqua Rhapsody”, Ami breaks the mirror, and frees her mum from the nightmare. But she apparently still can’t actually do anything of real combat importance, SURE AM GLAD YOU’RE A FULL-FLEDGED SOLDIER NOW AMI. It takes Chibs and Usagi running in (Ami called Usagi earlier) and transforming – triggering the end of their bodyswap – to attack and kill Fish Eye.
Because Usagi and Chibi-Usa are here, the story is instantly handed back to them. Usagi’s awesome awesomeness is just so bloody awesome that Chibs is like “Oh man, I must not be this Princess who can help Pegasus, it’s probably Usagi.” So she calls and tells him he’s got it wrong, to which he’s “Oh? Weird, but okay. So heyyyyy, other Princess, s’up?” Which upsets Chibs and she runs off.
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