#but they're not YOU! they'll never ever know your take unless you! write it!
fstbmp-a · 2 years
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A friend inspired me with smth so I'm finally going to pop off and sound like the pretentious art college grad I secretly am
Writing canon characters is a farce. You're writing your character.
"Mirth what do you mean"
Thank you, strawman, allow me to elaborate. The second an author picks up a character, it is instantly their own. People put too much stake into fitting the mold, when really, you have ceased being a proper canon character the nanosecond you have initiated writing. You are writing your interpretation and, arguably, that cannot be considered the same.
You are INSPIRED. That's marvelous. That's fantastic, even. Your mind is fundamentally different from everyone else's, meaning this character, inspired by whatever take you enjoy most, is going to be irreplaceably unique. No matter what or who changes, that is a constant!
You're allowed to change and develop your character, unbound by whatever canon says or does. Roleplaying is a collaborative front and, frankly, you should be allowed to be as free with your muse as you wish. Get inspired by works, allow your characters to change and grow-- heck, if you get so inspired that it's so fucking different from canon it has to become an OC? THAT'S FUCKING INCREDIBLE!!! GO FOR IT!!!
You're a WRITER! Your work is irreplaceable because there will NEVER be another you and that's so freeing! You aren't held down by anything save yourself! If inspiration strikes, go for it! The entire purpose of this artform is to INSPIRE AND BE INSPIRED! So fuck around! Find out! That's the point! That's SICK AS FUCK!!!
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Anyways, that's all! Have a good one, everybody!
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lostinforestbound · 4 months
hello !! ur my absolute favorite rolan writer and i wanted to make a hc request or whatever u want it to be of lia & cal bonding with tav over embarrassing rolan (like telling tav about embarrassing stories about him when he still had a crush on tav or something like that) if not that’s okay love your writing !! 🫶
Absolutely!!! I love writing for Cal and Lia, especially when they both team up to bully Rolan a little! Thank you so much for your patience while Requests were closed, I know this has been sitting in here since March!
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Cal and Lia Bonding with Tav (By Embarrassing Rolan)
When Tav and Rolan became serious, Cal and Lia were genuinely so happy for them. But they were especially happy for Rolan, their grump of a big brother finding someone who truly understands him.
That absolutely does not mean he's safe from being teased though! In fact, this only made their teasing much worse, now that they had another person to embarrass him in front of.
"Hey Tav, did you know Rolan got so drunk one time he started gushing about you, telling us how fucking irritating you were but then how pretty/handsome your face was?" "LIA!"
Cal and Lia would never tease about Rolan's most vulnerable moments. Not unless they have explicit permission from Rolan to do so. They love to tease Rolan to annoy, never to harm. Some things that are off limits include his condition at Last Light Inn. Lia joked about his drunken foolishness lightheartedly, but when his face twisted into a mixture of shame, embarrassment, and sorrow, she immediately regretted it.
Lia apologized and the both of them made up extremely quickly, as she never meant to upset him, but they both knew then that the topic wasn't something to joke about. Not yet, at least, the wound is too fresh.
It doesn't take long for Tav too feed off of their teasing energy, since they both do it so much, especially when they're around. When they start joining in, Cal and Lia pull them aside to tell them Rolan's limits. This is the first time they see them both extremely protective of Rolan. While they both tease him plenty, that's still their big brother. They won't let anyone harm him.
After that quick discussion, the three immediately bond over messing with Rolan, much to his absolute dismay.
Cal and Lia talk about things he did when they were kids! Firebolts backfiring, covering himself in soot. His first ever date and how much of a disaster it was. Him correcting people's pronunciations on words, almost getting himself into a few fist fights. They'll even talk about how much of a bumbling fool he was before he and Tav's first date, trying to pick the perfect outfit that looked the most impressive, but not too impressive or it'll look like he's trying too hard.
In turn, Tav will talk about their past interactions, like how they made Rolan absolutely flustered for the first time. They were looking in his eyes and complimented the irises, saying they looked like Citrine. A yellow stone that generally means success. They have never seen him so damned flustered, they HAD to share!
Sometimes, Rolan is just sitting there in between the three completely embarrassed and unable to do anything about it. No matter how much he protests to the teasing, they still take joy in torturing him so. He wouldn't have it any other way.
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slasher-male-wife · 9 months
TWD characters when you tell them about your assault
This is heavily inspired by the post @slasherhaven that they made awhile ago. I've been hyperfixated on TWD lately and I'm still in the middle of watching it, I'm early in season 9 so sorry if these are kind of OOC. Also I am now writing for Maggie and Glenn.
Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, and Maggie Rhee
Warnings: Mentions of past sexual assault no explicit details mentioned, murder, canon typical violence, talk of getting killed by walkers, slight season three spoilers
Rick Grimes
When you tell him about what happened to you his heart breaks and he's immediately filled with rage. He doesn't want to leave you alone after you're so open and vulnerable with him about this but he genuinely has to step away to calm himself down about this.
Once he's calmed himself down he'll be quickly back to help comfort you about what happened. Holding you close and letting you vent as much as you need to. Now that he's here he's going to protect you as much as he can and no one is going to hurt you again.
When you give him information on the person who did it to you he thinks not much of it for the time being but when he runs into the piece of filth that hurt you he's seething. But he'll put on a mask until he can really get close enough to get them back.
He's not going to waste a bullet on this sick son of a bitch. He'll made it slow and painful. He'll beat them bloody and make sure they're eaten by walkers before they die.
Then he'll go back home to you and make sure that you're comforted and know that you're deeply loved and appreciated by him. He'll never tell you that he killed them, but he'll always let you know that they can't hurt you anymore.
Daryl Dixon
He's not exactly sure how to go about helping you when you tell him about your assault. Of course he's upset, he's very outraged, but he's not very in tune with his emotions and obviously he's not going to really know how to handle regulating his emotions and help you.
In a rare moment of vulnerability he'll hold you close to him and let you cry out your feelings. He won't say or do much other than hold you close and promise you that no one is ever going to hurt you again.
You gave him details about your assault but he never actually expected to come across that person, especially given the fact that it's the apocalypse. But when he sees the person that hurt you his immediate reaction is to try and kill them.
But he settles on beating them close to death and berating them the entire time about how much of an awful person they are and just how much they deserve what's happening to them. After beating them close to death he'll leave them there and hope that a walker eats them alive.
Just like with Rick he'll get back home and go to give you a hug, which is rare with Daryl. He'll hover close to you for the rest of the day and will be sure to try and show you just how much he cares about you in his own way. He'll also never tell you what he did, he'll just tell you there's no way in hell they can hurt someone ever again.
Glenn Rhee
He's 100% pulling you into a hug when you tell him about what happened to you. He'll be silent the entire time unless you want him to comfort you verbally which he will do if that's what you need to happen.
He'll spend the rest of the day taking care of you and trying to keep your load relatively light. He'll be close to you for the rest of the day and try to make sure that you're not beating yourself up for what happened to you.
When he finds out he knows the person who assaulted you he's livid. He takes them out to a secluded area and threatens them after beating them for a bit. He swears if they ever come near you again he'll kill them.
He personally watches or makes sure that they're long gone before the comes back home to you where he assures you they'll never hurt you ever again. He won't give details but he'll keep assuring you that they'll never hurt you again.
Maggie Rhee
When you explain your assault to her she's heartbroken, immediately pulling you into a hug and holding you there for as long as you need to be held.
If she feels like it could help you she'll talk about her own experience with what happened with The Governor. She'll appreciate how vulnerable you're being with her and she'll feel like she can be vulnerable with someone again.
If she ever comes across the person who hurt you she's going to be overcome with rage and will have to calm herself down to get him back to Hilltop and keep him there while she talks to you about what you want to do about them.
If you want them dead she's happy to help you with killing them, however you want to kill them she'll help, unless you want to do it yourself. She wants to get you justice and if killing them is justice to you then go ahead.
If you don't want them dead she understands that but she'll eventually to it herself. She can't stand the idea of the person who hurt you so horribly being able to go unpunished for what they did to you. Either way after what happens she's going to comfort you again.
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The Arcana HCs: M6 with an asexual MC
~ this is by no means my personal experience, but after several requests and some wonderful people helping me research, here we are! Hope you enjoy :) - brainrot ~
NOTE: being asexual and being aromantic are two distinct experiences. these headcanons are for an asexual MC, if I write for an aromantic MC, that will be in its own post so it's properly covered ^.^
This reflects on his own unfortunate dating history, but he's really not used to starting romantic relationships off of something that doesn't involve a physical connection. He's a little confused
He's not stupid, he can tell you two have something special going on, but you don't seem especially interested in taking things to the bedroom and he's not sure what to make of it
Do you just find him physically repulsive, but mentally stimulating? Is it the eyepatch? Because he can lose the eyepatch -
Genuinely relieved once you explain, because it lets him know what your boundaries are and how best he can work towards something real with you without pushing you into something you don't want
If you enjoy steamier things when it's part of you two connecting and expressing your feelings, he's still quick to initiate
He's very understanding when you're not in the mood or up for anything steamy, but it's equally important to him to hear that you still want to spend time loving him, even if it's not in that way
If you don't want to do anything steamy at all, he'll want you to give him clear boundaries so he doesn't accidentally overstep
In the end, his relationship with you is based on your mutual commitment to taking care of each other. That's not changing
This is ... complicated for them
Don't get him wrong. He loves you, completely and unconditionally, and he would never, ever want you to feel forced. He's just happy he gets a second shot at life with you
At the same time, they have the easiest time expressing their love for you through their physicality
He says "I love you" out loud maybe once a fortnight - but he says it a thousand times daily with gentle touches, kisses brushed to your neck in passing, and casually intimate moments
So realizing as they cared for you that you had no interest in the ultimate physical act of love required a bit of a mental reset
Honestly, he's scared of not being able to love you the way you deserve, and of not feeling loved in return (he'll find it's not true)
If you enjoy steamier things as part of an emotional connection, they are all on board. They're always clear about being open to fun times, but they'll leave it to you to actually initiate stuff
If you don't want to do anything of that nature, he'll avoid the conversation at first but ultimately want to talk to you about what physical affection you are open to. Kisses? Cuddles? Handholding?
Their joy is in your joy. If they can feel you breathing, they're happy
Oh. Oh dear, she's gone about wooing you quite the wrong way
Her first instinct on hearing your explanation is to apologize. Her approach to courtship tends to be very sensual, and the thought of you not enjoying such things didn't cross her mind
She's going to want to clear a few things up, too - she knows she took a steamy approach, but she genuinely enjoys you for who you are, regardless of what you are or aren't open to
That said, please sit down and talk to her right away about what your boundaries, preferences, and comfort zones are, because she doesn't want to take any chances on miscommunication
Thankfully, spoiling you doesn't require any physical contact at all
If you're open to fun times as part of a special connection, she's very careful to establish a balanced power dynamic in that area. (Unless you'd still like her to take control :P)
She'll initiate sometimes, but it's always preceded with her asking what mood you're in and if you're in the headspace for it
If you'd rather keep things completely innocent, she'll want detailed boundaries for what physical affection is and isn't okay
She doesn't love you for your body. She loves you for your strength, and your faith in her. Give her that, and she'll give you everything
Okay. Sounds good
This is accompanied with a heavy blush because it means you're referencing *adult* things, but he's really not that bothered
If he has any relational issues with it, it would only be after you've been together long enough that he would feel comfortable sharing his body with you if it were an option
Then he might take it into his head that this is your way of saying you don't trust him not to hurt you, or that you find his scars ugly
Obviously, this is not true, and all it takes to prove otherwise is not wincing when you see him or shying away when he gets close
If you enjoy less innocent things when it's a way of being close and enjoying each other, then he's down for that too. He doesn't really get "in the mood" unless you put him in the mood, so there's that
There might be a lot of missed opportunities until one or both of you learns to initiate without worrying about pressuring each other
If you don't like steamy things at all, cool. He likes how relatively uncomplicated that makes the physical side of your relationship, especially when he's still got a complicated view of his body
He's learning to love gentle, safe touch, though, so if things like cuddles and cheek kisses are your jam, then please. Have at it
Huh. She's pretty sure she's heard of this before, but she's never navigated a relationship where that was something to keep in mind. Tell her more!
She feels the most free to discuss it casually/joke around about it. Gets completely into the garlic bread stereotype and will laughingly bake you some if it's something you like eating
If anything, learning about this makes her feel even more secure in her relationship with you. It tells her all over again that you chose her for who she is, and not some other motivation
That said, she does have needs of her own, and feels just as free talking to you about how she goes about satisfying them solo as long as that's not something you're disgusted hearing about
If you enjoy steamy things with her as part of your connection, she'll go out of her way to really emphasize what the act means with you instead of getting lost in the moment
She'll bring it up fairly often, usually as part of a list of options to do together: do you want normal cuddles, or special cuddles?
If it's something you don't want anything to do with, she's likely to ask you lots of questions about it simply because she's a curious person. You're her partner in crime! That's all that really matters
He's about as confused by someone who wants a relationship without adult special fun time as he is confused by people who like to listen to music without dancing along
Don't you feel like you're missing out? Isn't that the whole point of being in a relationship with someone? (spoiler alert: it's not. that's the trauma and lack of self awareness talking)
When he first learns this about you as he gets to know you, he ends up assuming it means that you just don't do romance at all
And then, as his own feelings for you grow and he learns what it means to trust someone enough to be vulnerable around them, he comes to realize that relationships can be so much more than that
If you enjoy adult stuff when it's part of a bigger context, he ends up having to learn how to engage in intimacy that isn't just a greedy scramble to satisfy physical desires
You have a standing invitation to his body, and he'll bring it up frequently, but he finds way more satisfaction in the quiet security of being held by someone he loves, who loves him back
If you're not into it at all, he'll need a solid explanation of what's on and off the table and why before he learns what to and not to initiate. He wants to love you and be loved. That's all
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
Hello! I saw your works of what Kaveh and Cyno would be like as parents... That leaves me thinking of Al-haitham as a father. Would him take his child to his grandmother? Would he read them advanced physics books? (⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠)
scholarly lineage.
summary. what would alhaitham be like as a father?
trigger & content warnings. brief hypothetical mentions of assault in general, can be interpreted as s/a, but is not explicitly stated to be that way. sensory overload mentions. spoilers for alhaitham's character stories.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. dad!alhaitham & reader. 0.7k words. they/them pronouns for reader. in this fic, alhaitham and the reader are both written as neurodivergent in some way; interpret it however you please!
author's thoughts. OUGDHSJGSJSG wait this is so cute. dad alhaitham..... it is such a cool thought, because with alhaitham, i don't think there's any obvious or "correct" way to write him as a dad. he could be overprotective. he could be very casual, the "cool dad" if you will. also i know i haven't been posting as much recently! it's literally only because i've been hyperfixating on hsr... whoops. /lh
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alhaitham as a father is a very interesting concept to me. now, believe it or not, i feel like he is a less strict father than cyno. he's actually relatively laid-back.
alhaitham is the kind of guy who raises his child to be smart. he raises them to play the game, not to be played by it, you know? therefore, he believes in his child's judgement and their ability to make wise decisions. he feels no need to be protective over them.
(however... that does not mean someone could do something harmful to them and get away with it. if anyone does anything to hurt them? abuses them? verbally, physically, or worse? good lord, he does not take well to that. he is a man with power, and by the gods, he'll use it if he has to in their defense.)
if his child has sensory issues, alhaitham is very attentive to those things and will get them any and all needed accommodations. if they struggle with auditory sensory issues where they get easily overwhelmed? they'll have ear pieces that match his. <3
when people point it out, depending on who they are, they will get one of two responses; either him very blatantly admitting that yes, their headset matches his, or him getting a little embarrassed and claiming it was all he had on hand at the moment. liar. /lh
it's kaveh that gets the latter response, of course.
if they ever happen to get annoyed with their father in their moments of overwhelm, he doesn't take it personally at all. sensory overload will do that to a person. he gets it, tbh.
i think alhaitham would definitely want his kid to attend the akademiya. ideally, haravatat, but he supposes he'd be okay if they enrolled in a different darshan. he'll recover...
UNLESS they enroll in kshahrewar. alhaitham would NEVER recover from a betrayal of that magnitude!! however, his grandmother herself was from kshahrewar, so... well. he'd get over it, he guesses. he'd still prefer if they enrolled in haravatat.
whatever darshan they enroll in honestly doesn't matter, though, because if anyone gives them trouble for any reason? all alhaitham has to do is give the problematic person a single look and suddenly the issue is resolved! apparently people think he's scary. not that he minds. he likes it that way; it keeps trouble away from both him and his child.
of course, he won't intervene unless they specifically seek out his help, because he knows his kid can handle themselves. still, he pulls a few strings behind the scenes every now and then. he doesn't really want to see his kid struggle. he knows they're intelligent, and he also knows he doesn't have to worry about them not wanting to work for themselves. therefore, he sees no reason to let them struggle needlessly.
he'd also understand if they weren't too big a fan of being surrounded by so many people. he isn't fond of it, either, so he'd let them stay in his office whenever needed. he'll even invite them to do their classwork in there rather than anywhere else in the akademiya, simply so that they don't have to be around a bunch of random people they couldn't possibly be less interested in.
alhaitham definitely read his kid very difficult books when they were little, which would totally lead to them being ahead of their peers. that really wouldn't be unexpected, i think. they probably enrolled in the akademiya a little early.
you know that "i know you don't know any astronomical pretentious voluminous colossal words" audio? yeah, that was alhaitham's kid when they were small.
also, yes, alhaitham would absolutely take them to his grandmother!! i think she would see their father in them, just like how she saw alhaitham's parents in him. of course, this is before her death.
i think alhaitham would ultimately be content that his child got to meet the woman who raised him.
to think that she saw himself in them...
it brings him an odd sense of pride and comfort.
and as a little treat:
kaveh is kind of like another dad (or like a wine uncle LMAO) for them. do what you will with this information.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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6okuto · 2 years
Hii!! can I request oikawa having “the great-queen of seijoh” as his girlfriend? I’ll explain: so basically oikawa is the great-king of seijoh right? He has lots of fangirls and is in class 6 AND is the captain and star setter of the volleyball team. What if his girlfriend is just as popular and constantly gets love letters and bouquets from others, and she’s really sweet and pretty so, others view her as the ideal woman and student, and nickname her as the great-queen; and what if she is the manager of the volleyball team?
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no warnings | yes u can absolutely req that. i did write it in 3rd person rather than 2nd,, i hope that's ok/what u wanted! 👩🏻‍💻👩🏻‍💻
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never in these people's lives will they ever again see such a power couple. when they started dating it was fate. at least that's what people said in the halls while the couple walked past holding hands
a lot of oikawa's fangirls can't even be mad because,, she doesn't give them a reason to. she's so so nice to all of them and understands why they'd like him because well,, so does she LOL
^ plus the few times they tried starting trouble with her, oikawa and her fans were basically ready to fight, and that's not a war you want to fight
oikawa and his girlfriend's fan clubs teaming up. not even just for events and stuff, but if anyone tries to mess with their relationship?? they're about to face the wrath of dozens of fans because What's Wrong With You
most people are smart/respectful enough to not confess to either of them but sometimes,, you know how things go. one time someone tried personally handing oikawa's girlfriend a love letter while she was waiting for him outside, and the look on oikawa's face when he saw. woah. get that guy out of there
like of course they'll be rejected. whether that rejection is gentle or not depends on how respectful the confession was. don't bring up that one girl who said she'd be a better girlfriend to this couple unless you want oikawa to start ranting and ruining his image
oikawa's annoying btw (said so lovingly). he will Literally buy bigger bouquets, more food, make better, personalized gifts, etc. after witnessing his girlfriend's gift pile.
where do you think she got that sweater that has his initials on one sleeve and hers on the other, little hearts beneath? or that crochet flower bouquet with her favourite flowers/colours? or that unfolding love letter he wrote over the span of like 4 days? or those joke matching shirts that say "her king" and "his queen"? or
oh volleyball practice...oikawa pouts and whines, "can't i get some special treatment as your boyfriend?" which is easily met with a smile and "nope. i'll even make you do extra if you ask."
does the entire team react ranging from a snicker to a cackle? yes of course. but fair is fair and tooru does get back to practice
he'll regularly tease her but as soon as he gets the opportunity to? oikawa will tell the team to make her life easier and to Work Hard! you don't want to disappoint seijoh's queen would you? and everyone just looks at him. like be so serious rn
of course she and the team get along and bond over this dynamic. they love her!! both because she can give them ammo against their captain, and because she's genuinely super sweet and makes sure they're taking care of themselves.
GAH...just imagining oikawa telling her notes about the team so she can work it into her own plans and stuff (and vice versa .) it means a lot to them that she's working hard to help everyone be their best but also? these two strategizing is Scary. you have to just listen in awe at the plans they come up with
it must be said that she holds her role as manager over oikawa when he's over-working. she'll start cleaning up and pull him away, saying that he's important to the team and as the manager, it's her responsibility to make sure he's well-rested. oikawa asks "and as my girlfriend?" (fully knowing her answer.) she sighs before pushing his hair back or squeezing his cheek. "i still want the same thing, tooru."
somebody help everyone who doesn't know these two are dating at games. if they don't know about seijoh's royalty when they get there, they're About To. is it a normal thing for the manager to also have fans and signs in the crowd ?
also as if it isn't already obvious they're dating, oikawa offers his jacket for her to wear while they warm up and also,, maybe,, loudly asks "isn't my girlfriend the best manager ever?" bro could not be more conspicuous
y'know how everyone acts with kiyoko? yeah. imagine that except instead of noya and tanaka it's fucking,, oikawa tooru + the rest of aoba johsai's volleyball team appearing. woah. i'd piss myself
the teams may have problems with oikawa, but his girlfriend? whenever he's being smug or whatever else, she comes over and pulls him back while apologizing. there's something funny about oikawa pouting and whining when he's so renowned
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🏷 | @devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @leexshin @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @idontlikeyourjob @sparrowb3nscloset @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtic @dimslover @kuroaka @sunaslay @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @the-b-u-n-n-y @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu @isentsworld @lilithlunas @anime-ships-gay @todorokiskitten @tooruchiiscribs
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inkblackorchid · 28 days
Hi ,I love your writing and the way you write Yusei ,Aki and Faithshipping overall ! Would it be okay to ask for some Faithshipping headcanons ?
Also ,wanted to ask if there will be any new fic for Faithshipping in the future :)
Thank you so much! And absolutely, faithshipping hc requests are always welcome! <3
At some point after the DS arc (probably in order to take on repair jobs that pay decently), Yusei got himself a diploma to the equivalent of a high school graduation certificate. Aki helped him lots while he was studying for it, because there are a lot of subjects he never interacted much with when growing up in Satellite.
Aki and Yusei's relationship, once it becomes official, ends up suffering from something like the Tony Hawk effect—it's technically an open secret and many people outside the signer group (like Aki's classmates) know about it. Yet, more often than not, they still catch people off guard with the fact that they are, in fact, a couple. (This is absolutely based off @sojourner-between-worlds' hc that Yusei, post-canon, when he's a guy trying to lead a normal work life, also gets Tony-Hawk-ed a lot.)
Having never really spent much time dating before they met—Yusei because old Satellite wasn't exactly a dating hotspot and Aki because she was too scared to grow close to people and people too scared to grow close to her—Yusei and Aki both don't really know how the "dating" thing works. Sometimes, they'll manage to go on stereotypically romantic dates (and sometimes, Aki enjoys that more than anyone could get her to admit), but much of the time, they just do whatever comes to mind and call it a "date". They don't care what they're doing, they care that they do it together.
On occasion, when the opportunity presents itself, Yusei likes brushing Aki's hair. It's soft, he loves the colour, and she always looks very calm when he does it. It's something they indulge in behind closed doors.
Sometimes, when it's late and they have nothing better to do, they watch the duel channel together. Unbeknownst to their friends, their discussions about people's card plays can get downright philosophical, because at the end of the day, they're both passionate about duelling. (And really freaking good at it.)
Before Yusei, Aki didn't think she would ever be comfortable sharing anything than a double bed with someone else, because she needed her space. As it turns out, it works just fine with him.
Yusei generally isn't one for opening up about his fears or bad experiences in the past much, but when he's sleepy or when things weigh a bit too much on him, Aki's the only one he manages to open up to. They have a mutual understanding between them that whatever they share, it might be met with concern, with care, with sadness, but never with judgement.
Yusei is the first person to make Aki feel any semblance of actual pride about her powers. Divine tried, but ultimately still worshipped them for their destruction, which she hated. But Yusei regards the things she can do when she's not lashing out in anger with something like quiet awe, and it makes her melt, because that, more than anything else, is proof that he doesn't and could never see her as a monster.
Aki is the only one besides Yusei himself who's allowed to drive the Yusei-Go. Even Jack and Crow aren't, unless it's a dire emergency.
Aki never really warms up to the idea of modifying or repairing her runner herself, per se, but she likes watching Yusei do it—and manages to pick up on more mechanical stuff than she thinks along the way.
If somebody is rude to or insults Aki within Yusei's earshot for any reason, he absolutely stands his ground and defends her. If anyone is rude to or insults Yusei within Aki's earshot for any reason, that person had better run.
Also, to answer your final question, there will absolutely be more faithshipping from my side in the future! It features heavily several times in the WIP fic already—it's just that the WIP is sooo long and not even done yet, haha.
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pseudowho · 23 days
Hi Mrs. Haitch :D!!! I have a bit of a problem dump in the following 2 paragraphs. And I absolutely do not expect you to read or respond unless you want to! You’re not a therapist and you’re not responsible for others’ emotions. If you do want to read/reply, that’s really welcomed as well!
I personally have had/am having issues with men who are in their thirties hitting on me when I thought I made it clear I just want to be completely platonic friends AND they all knew my age from the start 🥲 TW - I was 19 when two 33 year olds sexually harassed me (one was a coworker who said stuff out of the blue, like, “you want kids? I’ll put one in you” (for context, he heard me talking to my co-hostess about wanting to raise children in the ways I never got loved, nurtured, and cared for) // “What if I touch myself and moan your name?” // “Wanna hear a joke TRIGGER WARNING “Are you a school? Cause I wanna shoot kids inside you” which was literally such a disgusting and inexcusable joke??? Hello?) and currently there’s a 30 year old guy who KEEEEEPS trying to get me to be his super close friend (he was flirting CONSTANTLY until I made it really overly clear I don’t want romance with anyone atm). He knows I am 21 as well! Which is wild to me! Just wild. I’ve literally FELT my frontal lobe developing in the past few years (It’s like I could suddenly start to understand the importance of more practical decisions), and it won’t stop developing until I’m 25 either. So for a full grown 30 year old… to be… I’m 9 year younger than him… idk… it’s weird to me…
and I was wondering, should I feel bad for these people? Would you let pity/guilt override the judgment? (I am not perfect at all and have my share of flaws, but I have had a issues with letting hurt people who hurt people, get away with stuff they do to me AND I feel guilty for not being their personal therapist, even though expecting that of any single person who ISN’T one’s professional therapist, is unfair). You seem like a kind person who understands the depth of humans, so I think I trust your judgment! And would love to hear what you have to say if you want to share. The 33 year olds have deep rooted issues and my heart truly sympathizes with them (but I do feel a shit ton of disgust too. if they ever did that to somebody else I would be SO MAD).
I’m eventually somehow gonna figure these questions out (as life tends to go), so don’t worry about this ask at all if it’s not ur cup of tea, or is draining.
Take care and hope you have a LOVEEEELYYYY DAYYYYYY!!!! (Also curious what ur fav tea is? Mine is Numi’s earl gray. It’s too perfect, so elevated. Very flavorful and elegant and THE NOTESSSSSS oh god. Could write a whole post on it)
Anyone who thinks comments like that are flirting, need to be re-educated. With a baseball bat. They'll call it 'dark humour' when really they're just cunts, so they're doing you a real favour showing you that early.
Well done for not being flattered by the attentions of an older man, because...
If there's anything that women aged 30+ tend to notice, it's that when men their age hit on much younger women, it's usually because that man's character is lacking, he's emotionally immature, a predator who relies on younger women and girls being less self confident, and it is most often a RED FLAG.
These 30+ year old men are usually not with women their own age, because the women their own age recognise that they're arseholes or losers, most of the time, and we cringe when they then repeatedly shoot their shot with young women who they will flatter with that age old adage of 'you're so mature for your age!'
If they have deep-seated issues and they turn it into someone else's problem, without any sense of ownership or willingness to actually work on resolving or improving from their issues, RUN.
Never get with someone out of pity. Have some self-respect, and do not let them mistake your kindness for weakness.
Because people see me as understanding, I am a therapist. To everyone. All the time. Strangers, within hours of meeting me, will often pour out their emotional vulnerabilities and traumas; while I'm tough and able to compute it all, and to help them, and read through a solution, it is sometimes a heavy burden.
But for YOU, remember there is a difference between you therapising someone, and someone using you to trauma-dump. Learn to recognise the two, and protect yourself from being used, especially if these are the very same men who have recently been trying to get into your pants.
My favourite tea is Yorkshire Tea by Taylors of Harrogate, with a splash of milk and a spoonful of brown sugar or honey.
Don't let these pieces of shit use you, kiddo.
They're not "daddies"; they haven't earned such an esteemed title. Nothing daddy about these tramps.
All my love, and I have a knife in my pocket,
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-- Haitch xxx
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Hello hello! Got another request if you don’t mind! How would the 141 react to the femmilitary reader having a big family? Like she has a mum and dad, aunts and uncles and lots of cousins, and their all wholesome. Like the ultimate wholesome family?
Thank you ! 🏡👨‍👩‍👧👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
As someone who comes from a big family, this is something I can easily write about lol
Also sorry this took me forever ❤️
How Do They React to Reader who has a big family
When he first found out about your big family it was bittersweet
On one hand, he liked that you had a family you could rely on when you went home. He knows that a lot of the people he works with don't and that having a support system that you can fall back onto is great
On the other hand, it meant that if anything happened to you, there would be a lot of heartbreak
He makes it his mission that you return safely for this reason
He probably ask about all of them, how your nieces/nephews are doing in school, how your siblings are, what your parents are doing. He's curious
If you show him pictures he'll be happy to see them
Won't be nervous to meet your family, he knows so much about them that he has so much to talk about
Would probably help whoever is grilling if it's a cookout
If there are any nieces/nephews who are kids they're going to love him so much he's going to be stolen away by them but he doesn't mind
He's actually really good with kids and will be the best person to tire them out for the parents
Shares obscure stories with your parents, uncles and aunts
He fits in really well with your family and when the visit is over you'll probably gets texts telling you to bring him around again
He honestly finds it hard to understand how someone can have that big of a family but he's not that intimated by it
Much like Price, he becomes a lot more aware of your safety and takes extra precautions to make sure that you make it back to base with minimal or no life threatening injuries
Won't really ask about them unless you mentioned something about them offhandedly, then he'll want you to elaborate
He does like when you show him pictures though since he likes putting a face to the names you give him
He'll be a little nervous about meeting your family, being the natural introvert he is and what he would have to do about wearing a mask in front of everyone, even when you assured him that no one would make fun of him
He will probably try to stay in the less traffic/popular areas, though it's a little difficult with that many people
He will make small talk with anyone who tries to talk to him though, he's not rude, he's just a little bit overwhelmed
Eventually he will warm up and that when your nieces/nephews strike
They'll have him do anything and everything, parading him around as their pack mule for toys and showing him around the house. He's not going to question it at all, he's going to do what they tell him to.
Ends up getting a little sad because he gets reminded of his own family, but holds out until the event is over
Will get emotional if you tell him your family likes having him around and wants him to come back, but it'll take him a while to feel accepted just due to his own distance he puts between your family and him
Oh this guy is so happy to know you have a big family
He wants to everything about them and even friends a bunch of them on Facebook because he's nosy and likes to be in the know of what's going on in your life and your families
Will never stop asking about them. He's so excited to learn about what's going on and if you don't know he will most definitely found out by sleuthing through social media for it
Love seeing pictures. Please show him pictures
Lowkey accidental lives vicariously through you since he rarely ever sees his family or hears from them so getting to know all about them makes him feel a lot less lonely
Not nervous to meet your family, in fact he shows up like he's known them his entire life and your family greets him the same way
Gets along with everybody, he's got this charm to him that just wins people over
Jokes a lot with the adults and never fails to have stories to tell them that make them laugh. When he starts talking they all listen because they want to know what he's going to say but he's also just loud
Gets really into the family games
Price may tire the kids out but Soap puts them to bed with how much energy he's able to get out of them. He's really proud about it
Your family definitely wants him around and he might even visit them when you're not there. He's just that comfortable
Ever heard of the phrase "Parents love him"? Yeah that's him
Was honestly surprised to learn you came from a huge family but is super curious about them nonetheless
He gives me only child vibes idk why so he's always willing to listen to how the family dynamics are within yours
Will ask about them a moderate amount and genuinely listens when you tell him what's going on
Probably friends a few of them on Facebook too
Likes pictures, thinks it's really sweet when he sees them
Nervous to meet your family but once they greet him with open arms all of it goes away and he feels right at home with them
Becomes the one that will do anything that needs to be done
Food needs to be moved? You got it. Things need to be carried? You don't have to ask him twice. Need help setting up tables? He's already doing it.
Talks with everyone but mostly connects with your cousins since they're most likely similar in age. He even manages to get some juicy gossip from them because he can be persuasive
The kids like to use him much like Ghost but they force him to actually play games and toys with them
He's happy to know that your family wants him back while your family wants you to marry him as quick as you can since he's so sweet
Hope you like! Sorry again for how long it took me to get to it.
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nogenderbee · 10 months
Yandere Alphabet: N, O, R, T, U
Characters: Mafuyu Asahina, Ena Shinonome
Sure! I actually had some fun writing these ^^ so hope you like it as well!
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕐𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣𝕖 ℕ, 𝕆, ℝ, 𝕋, 𝕌 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Mafuyu, Ena N, O, R, T, U yandere alphabet
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: unhealthy obsession, mentions description of killing, mentions of tortures, jealousy, possessiveness, bullying
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow @hearts4gf @badwhole @qxmmi @modyuki @bl4cktourmaline
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✧ Non stop = How clingy they'll be when you're in relationship? How possessive are they? And how much free space do they give you?
Mafuyu is extremely clingy and possessive!! She won't exactly be hugging you all the time but she'll simply walk with you whenever she gets the ocassion. And let me tell you, her school, mom or anyone worn ever stop her from making sure your well and only hers. She sometimes doesn't let you go a step away from her because she's immidietly following you.
She won't stop you from walking wherever you want, unless that place seems dangerous to her... so that's already some kind of freedom! You can see her as your bodyguard really.
But if you need some space, you can only get it at home. She understands but she also won't take any risk. She'll allow for you to stay at home and rest but once you get outside, she'll follow you once she sees you.
"Why are you so persistent on walking alone? Do you not know how many dangers await for you? I'm just here to make sure you're safe."
✧ Other = Someone else speaks or flirts with you, how will they react?
Mafuyu becomes more on guard when someone comes just to talk with you. She still has to keep her "good girl" act up but she'll do her best to make the person understand you're busy so that you can focus back on her.
And if someone flirts with you? They must have a death wish... she doesn't care about her "good girl" act then and of it's just you two and the flirt, she may even kill them on your very eyes if she'll have to. So if you want them to live, here's a tip: make them understand no as soon as you can, even be harsh with them, it's gonna be better than what the purple haired girl is planning either way...
"It's not my fault they can't understand basic boundaries. If they didn't wanted to end like that, they should've accepted 'no' you gave them."
✧ Risk = How risky will they be with getting rid of rivals?
Surprisingly Mafuyu would not care at all. She's good at almost all school subjects, that includes chemistry and biology too! And from there, it's easy way to go.
Of course she still does basic things like getting her rival into more private place but let me tell you, while stabbing them, it's like she gets all her trauma out on them.
But somehow she still was never found... maybe it's because she knows all the liquids that are good for wiping all the blood or? Or maybe she knows where to cut to not make bit mess? Or maybe it's just luck? She couldn't care less... as long as she can keep danger away from your, she doesn't mind.
"My, my... it seems Y/N is like a magnet for danger... they're lucky I'm here to stop that."
✧ Type = What type of Yandere are they?
Mafuyu is the overprotecte type of yandere. She thinks that this world is too cruel and has too many dangerous for someone as sweet as you, she even see simple greeting as a potential threat to you.
She also sees you a bit like a pure angel and despite her being unable to feel emotions, you broke that and made her feel strong connection and desire towards you and your love, so she set it as her goal to protect you from everything in return.
"You don't have to worry about any dangers... I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to after all."
✧ Unsure = How much trust they have in you? What happens if you break it?
Mafuyu's trust will depend on your past relationship, if you never or rarely lied and tries to trick her, she'll have trust for you! But if you lied a lot... she won't take her eye off you for a single second. But it's also kind of easy to convince her to give you a second chance, you'd just have to promise her to change and behave for few days and you can be sure her trust will he restored.
But one thing that can shatter her trust completely and almost irreversibly is you running away from her or cheating on her. When it happens, she may go as far as even hurting you badly, she won't kill you but you can be sure it'll hurt as hell once she gets to you. It's just her way of making sure you'll remember to never make that mistake again.
"You were so full of yourself back then... it's not so funny now, when your life is in my hands, is it?"
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✧ Non stop = How clingy they'll be when you're in relationship? How possessive are they? And how much free space do they give you?
Ena is both but she's still a bit more clingy than possessive. She'll always hold you arm as you walk and don't you even think of sitting anywhere than next to her unless you have different classes, that's the only exception she'll make.
As for her possessiveness, it actually applies to her clinging a little bit... she does that as a way of letting everyone know you're taken by her and makes sure no one will came up to you with wrong intentions.
Also, say goodbye to your free space because you're getting none of it with her on your side. She wants to be next to you 24/7 and that includes when you're at home too! That's why you have sleepovers so often actually...
"So are you coming to my place for tonight? I made sure to get your favorite sweets and movie ready... you literally have no reason to decline it~"
✧ Other = Someone else speaks or flirts with you, how will they react?
As previously mentioned, Ena is really clingy and possessive so it's enough you take your attention off of her for 5 minutes and she's already all pouty.
And when it's cause by someone purposely talking with you? That's like starting a fight with her. She wants your attention on herself and her alone! So you can just imagine the death stares she gives the person talking with you. And if they're flirtinf with you? She immidietly starts a verbal fight and if it turns into physical fight only depends how quickly they'll give up.
She gives the talking person no more than 5 minutes to leave, and after 3 minutes she even starts having problems... but you can make her patience last 10 minutes if you make sure to give her lots of attention despite talking with someone!
"It's time for us to go! We have no time for talking with someone like them!!"
✧ Risk = How risky will they be with getting rid of rivals?
Ena is actually really caucious, she's not fond of doing dirty work to get rid of rivals so instead she'll speed nasty rumors and create some alt accounts so she can ruin them mentally.
She can really spend lots of time just collecting fake or real pictures that'll make their life slowly become hell. But of course she acts as if it has nothing to do with her and if you happen to contont her, she'll even act like she's scared and worried about both of you... when she knows well it'll never actually happen.
"Im so scared Y/N... What if they go after me...? Or you for that matter!"
✧ Type = What type of Yandere are they?
Ena is possessive and a bit of clingy type of yandere. She definitely won't be happy when you're hanging out with anyone other than her and she hardly ever let's anyone stay close to you.
And when it comes to clinginess... she won't let you go, EVER. Be prepared to spend eternity with her because there's absolutely no way she'll ever let you go anywhere alone, even your house. She'll demand face time even if you both will just sleep, it's her way of staying close to you despite the distance.
"I think you're forgetting yourself! I never said we're separating... call me right now, I want to talk with you while you're walking back!"
✧ Unsure = How much trust they have in you? What happens if you break it?
Ena actually has a lot of trust in you, she'd trust you with her life! Her clinginess and possessiveness is not because she's afraid you'll leave her, it's caused because she knows you're amazing person and others may want to take you away from her. That's why she doesn't leave your side, but she won't actually check your phone to see if you're not cheating on her because she filly trusts you!
But once you break her trust... it will be almost impossible to rebuild it. Of course it depends what you do but considering it would probably be running away or cheating, she'd begin to keep much more closer look at you and will always take a sneak peak through your shoulder when you're texting. She also becomes more clingy... now calls are NOT the way out, you have no choice but be next to her in person ALL THE TIME.
"If you didn't do that, I'd had no need to check it. Now c'mon, open your messages! I want to see them all!"
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waywardsculs · 7 months
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This place is a ℂ𝕀ℝℂ𝕌𝕊,
you just see the surface They cover shit under the rug
You can't see they're 𝔽𝔸𝕂𝕀ℕ𝔾,
they'll never be naked
Just fill your drink with tonic gin,
this is the American dream
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Hey yo what's up you filthy fucking sinners welcome to my little multimuse blog for Vivziepop's HAZBIN HOTEL and HELLUVA BOSS , featuring characters like VELVETTE , LILITH and FIZZAROLLI .
That said, I go by Ritsu, She/Her or They/Them, 30, Australian and just generally tryna chill. You can find my rules below.
@constellaris ( multifandom multimuse, sideblog ) @harmonysheart ( robin from honkai star rail, sideblog )
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AFFILIATED WITH: @bittcnneck , @hellshoard , @cxncrie , @ochtendster / @dageraadster , @sinfuldxgenerates ♥
Header & Promo Credit. || Pinned Credit. Dash Icon Credit. || Icon Template Credit. MDNI & 18+ Warning Credit. || Divider Credit.
IMPORTANT NOTE : if you ship adam with charlie, for both of us, it would be best you do not follow me if you don't intend to tag it. i'm sorry, but it makes me so vehemently uncomfortable that i just would prefer to keep my distance.
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Keep the setting of the show in mind when looking to interact. Not all muses will be friendly or even remotely nice. Don't take it personally.
I'll be as canon divergent as I feel like. Let's face it, the second we take up writing a character we're making shit that ain't ever gonna be canon. Let's just have fun.
Muse ≠ Mun. Shouldn't have to say this, but I will anyway. Some muses might be assholes, but I try not to be. You're free to come talk to me any time, I'm usually just tired lmao.
I will not be following any pre-conceived relationships with OCs unless specifically discussed prior to interaction. For example, one of my OCs (Ambriel) has her main story tied to Velvette, being that she works for her, however this only applies to my Velvette. I will not push this on any others who write Velvette, and I expect the same in return.
I am very into shipping. Our muses should kiss. Bang. Fuck around. You know what it is. I'm a ship hoe and I don't care.
NSFW content may be present. I'll make sure it's tagged as #nsfw cw or #suggestive cw for easy blocking if you guys need it, but don't be surprised if it shows up from time to time. You shouldn't be, not with the nature of the show.
Mutuals only. Meaning you need to be following this blog and be followed in return from my main blog for us to count as mutuals. If you are using a hub blog, please have your blog(s) linked somewhere so I know who you are. Otherwise I block personals on sight.
Due to personal reasons, I will only ever touch on angst threads / content in general with people I feel I can trust immensely. Please do not push me for this. I may also post occasional ideas, but I will be very picky about who I explore these with.
Every ship is in its own verse and completely separate from one another. There will never be any form of infidelity occurring on this blog in any way. To expand on this, I also will not partake in any polyships or any situations where my muse has more than one romantic or sexual partner.
I never try to hide the fact that I do struggle with my mental health a lot, and I cannot stress enough that I need any and all of my partners to be understanding with it. I have been formally diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder. All of this is by no means an excuse in any way for anything, I simply hope this may help explain some of my behaviour at times.
I have a life away from Tumblr. I won't always be around to write replies or chat. That's how life is. I work, I have responsibilities, and those take priority.
I don't do passwords/pass phrases. If I follow you, it's safe to assume I've read your rules. I always do before following anyone.
I'm not here for drama. I know you see this everywhere, but I'll be real - I barely have the spoons to live lately. I just wanna vibe and enjoy a hobby, not take part in any bullshit. Leave me out of things unless it's absolutely imperative I know about something.
No art on this blog is mine unless I openly state otherwise. The usual. Let's leave it at that babes.
Ships I Will Not Write / Do Not Like
I will not be elaborating on why I dislike them or won't write them. These are simply things I've found I really don't like and, if possible, would prefer tagged so I can simply block them.
AdamsApple (Adam/Lucifer), Velmilla (Velvette/Carmilla), Charlastor/Radiobelle (Alastor/Charlie), Valentino/Angel Dust, Adam/Charlie, Valentino/Charlie
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queenlilithprime · 2 months
Business of Love - Cruel Notes (Pt. 5/8)
Gavin (He/They) x Lily (They/Them), Malik (He/Him), and Harper (He/Him)
A @campwillowpeakvn fanfic
Content Warnings: Kidnapping, Blackmail, Threats
Word Count: 885!
Gavin's hands shook as he read the letter scrawled in red ink. The police eventually confirmed it wasn't blood, but it still looked like it. It was shakily written, unconfident but definitely Lily's handwriting. Along the top half of the paper, there are tear stains. Not many but enough for them to be noticed and smudge some of the letters.
My belov-d Hyeon,
Please pardon my absence. My heart aches for you, but for your own safety I cann-t return home. I cannot return to you without putting you in d-nger.
There isn't much I c-n say about where I am. I am fed and shelt-red. I miss you.
Suddenly, the handwriting changes, far more messy and aggressive, less gentle than Lily's.
There is no way they'll ever return. Give up. I've already taken the ring.
Leave my lover. Never contact or seek them again.
Lilith is mine.
Gavin's heart sank through the floor each time he read it, looking over and over at every word, every detail to see if it was possible to discern where they are. Who has them. Everything in him ached for Lilith and he felt useless not being able to bring them home.
They were barely taking care of themself at this point, losing sleep and having to take time off work because they just... Can't handle it. Malik had been staying over because Hyeon couldn't handle the silence of the house. The lack of someone else there. Even if he wasn't Lily, knowing they weren't alone was a big relief.
"Hey, do you want me to order takeout again or...?" He asked quietly, not sure if his college buddy would respond. "Gavin...?"
Malik's eyes settled on the letter in their hands, gently plucking it from the shorter of the two. The blue-haired architect reached up to grab it but Malik raised it out of his reach.
"Nah dude, you need to stop stressing over it. The police already have the original, rereading the copy you have won't make Lily appear. Stop." He said, his expression softening as he saw Gavin's red eyes. "I know you're struggling with this, trust me I understand. I would fucking freak if I were in your shoes. Lily was my friend too Gav, I'm also really worried about them."
"No Malik you don't... I mean you do get it but there's things I can't tell you and there's a reason why Lily and I don't go on trips without each other and—" Gavin was starting to tear up, thinking about how difficult it must be for Lilith to be unsustained for so long. His words started to blur together as he spoke faster, "I physically need to be near Lily or else they—"
"Or else what, Gav?"
"Lily gets sick..." His voice broke as he barely got the words out. Malik didn't... particularly understand why Gavin was so sure that Lilith would get sick if they were far away from him but... His best friend was also extremely sure of this.
"Okay... I don't have a clue how that happens but..." He paused before sighing, "I believe you dude."
"I just... I need to see them, to make sure they're okay." They said, dropping their head. Malik rubbed their shoulders for a second before pulling them into a hug. The architect was a wreck without Lily and honestly their entire friend group was incredibly stressed.
They all knew Lilith was pretty but, they respected the fact that they were in a relationship with Gavin. So finding out that they were kidnapped was a huge shock. Especially when the letters started.
The first few were vague threats telling Gavin to keep away and stop searching for Lily.
Eventually they ramped up to death threats.
Then, the blackmail came.
It started with threats towards Gavin's family, saying that they'll be physically hurt unless he stops looking for Lily.
After that, there were letters in Lily's handwriting pleading for Gavin to stop but with the tear stains and the aggressive writing under it, the police told him that these were likely coerced.
Gavin was growing unsure of how to handle it all, unsure of how to bring Lily back.
The latest letter stung like a knife. They were getting vague and infrequent again. Did this mean they'd stop?
Would he eventually never hear about them again?
How... How did this happen?
Who is doing this?
It was breaking his heart.
There was a loud shattering of a window that jolted Gavin awake, a rock had flown through his bedroom window and nearly hit him.
Malik ran into the room in his PJs, looking towards the window then to Gavin. When he saw that Gavin was fine he ran to the broken panes to see if the person was still there.
It was too dark to make out much other than the dude was fucking massive. Something itched at the back of his brain, the guy was so familiar but so... Not? Like he was forgetting someone.
As Malik stared out the window and dialed the police, Gavin picked up the rock.
It had a note taped on it.
Tell the police to stop looking or I'll burn your house down. This is your final warning.
If you tell the police about this I'll do it tonight.
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quinloki · 2 months
Do you have any tips on how to write for yandere?,Could really help!
I can give some advice, sure, but Yandere can come in several different styles, so it's difficult to give blanket advice for it.
Generally, Yandere types are NOT aware that their love is extreme. Love itself is extreme and there's nothing abnormal about how passionate they feel. There are exceptions. Some Yandere are terribly aware that what they're feeling - and what they do because of it - is wrong, and they'll usually take steps to mask it until they're triumphant.
Yandere types who aren't aware obsession is bad, will often give away the game before they've ensnared their darling, but sometimes luck can be on their side and things just fall in place enough they don't get exposed.
Passion and Obsession will often result in them terrifying their darling, but not harming them. At least not permenantly.
Yandere will often imprison their darling - either because they want to keep them all to themselves (how dare the world glimpse you! // you're all mine, no one else's!), or because they're fearful of losing them (you cannot leave me! // I won't let anything hurt you).
At the core is obsession and CONTROL.
If the obsession and control are in a character who is brash and impulsive (more of a Eustass Kid vibe), then they're likely to be violent toward other people openly, and physical with their darling (bodily removing them from places or trying to force them elsewhere).
If those traits are in someone kind/social (Sabo >.> ), then they're more likely to undermine those around them, or set up schemes to get the outcome they want without tarnishing the public face they have (this can easily backfire though, if they push too hard).
Cold and calculating yandere will often plan for months (Crocodile, anyone?), if not years, before making a flawless move. It's more likely that no one will ever know that they are obsessed - unless something outside their control steps in (another love interest, friends they can't manipulate that have the darling's best interests in mind, etc.)
Kind and experienced yandere (I think of Marco when I think of this type), seem the least likely to be found out. they'll charm and delight everyone around their darling and no one will question their love unless things go REALLY sideways.
Doflamingo would be a social and experienced yandere - unhinged and aware of it, but you're perfect, and he deserves nothing less. He'll make sure you see he's perfect for you as well, one way or the other. And with his connections and social standing, you don't stand a chance.
And all these can be on a slider - awareness, obsession, passion, desire, experience, personality - there's a lot of variables.
The best advice I can give, is probably good advice for any kind of writing: Remember that any personality type/trope/concept is never going to be set in stone. There's wiggle room and you can stay in the middle of the path, or you can push the edges. You're not "boring" by staying in the popular part of the path, and you won't be automatically "amazing" by pushing boundaries.
Think more of what kind of experience you want to create, and then mold your parameters around that.
And don't be afraid to let the story go its own way. Maybe you want the yandere character to be found out, and maybe the story you build ends up working better with them actually "winning".
You can always write another yandere story after that one, and use what you learned to guide the story better. And hey, for everyone else, it's two cakes and not one \o/ so win-win.
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gulliblelemon · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @bigalockwood!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively Young Royals. 
Top five fics by kudos
See You (Soon)
Where We Left Off
Please Try Again Later
Happy 18th, Crown Prince Wilhelm
The Umbrella
(I have a whole kudos spreadsheet and watching the trends is fascinating 😉)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Well, I try to. It sometimes gets a little bit overwhelming, especially at the beginning when there's an influx. But they're all so wonderful.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I haven't written anything with an angsty ending. I don't think I have it in me 😅
(Unless you count one shots in a series, in which case it's What Am I Going To Do? But that's part of a whole universe that does have a happy ending, so I'm not counting it - although when I posted there was no promise of a continuation of the story, so it was angsty for a while).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings. But I think they all feel like it's a happy ending to that particular part of their story, and will go on to be more after.
Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't as of yet. I still can't really believe that's a thing that happens.
Do you write smut?
No. And the longer I go on, the more I wonder if I should. But then again, I wrote a whole fic that was basically about hooking up without it, so maybe I'll be fine never writing it.
Craziest crossover
I've never written a crossover.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! I had The Umbrella translated into Russian and uploaded to ficbook.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
All time favourite ship?
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a folder full of WIP documents, most of which are just a line or a few sentences scribbled down. Some scenes, some ideas. I doubt they'll all get written, but lots get pulled for other things. And Wille's Month made me dust some of them off and either expand on them or just publish as they were.
But as for actual WIPs that I'm actively working on, I haven't got one that I don't think I'll finish. Once I start, I kind of get to the end by whatever means necessary 😅 Even if it takes me ages.
What are your writing strengths?
Erm... horrible question 😅. Dialogue? Maybe? I don't know. Someone else would have to answer that for me. I think I have a very skewed view of my own writing based on what I do and don't like doing.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Also horrible question, for very different reasons. Repetition probably. When I have something I just need to get down, I stop paying as much attention to how I'm saying things (what words I'm using, how I'm structuring sentences etc). But luckily @iwouldnevergetintofanfic is pretty good at catching it.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
It depends. I am not fluent, or even passable really, in any languages other than English. I'm not averse to dropping the odd word in, but in general I write the English translation (since they're speaking in Swedish anyway). I also discovered that the grammar rules are different, so ended up changing a load of stuff back to English in one fic because I wasn't sure which grammar rules to use.
First fandom you wrote in?
Young Royals.
Favourite fic you've written?
I don't know. I like certain ones for different reasons.
Where We Left Off was a massive undertaking. It's over twice as long as the next longest thing I've written (still not long by 'long fic' standards) and I was writing it for nearly a year. (And I'm not sure I'll ever write something that long again, that's not really how my brain works).
See You (Soon) was the first one where I felt like I knew what I was doing, and I think I will always be very fond of it.
I loved the process of writing Making Music, because it was a gift for a dear friend @purplehoodiesandclementines.
But I love them all in different ways 💜
No pressure tags for @unfortunate17, @enjoythesilentworld and @peakotp (and anyone else seeing this that wants to answer - I love reading these. I'll even retroactively tag you if you want!).
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》Hospital Visit《
Content: Buggy Fluff. Ambiguous Reader.
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Buggy is so mad at you. You reckless fool, how could you do that? How could you literally walk off a cliff? What kind of absolute moron did he fall in love with? Though he supposes it was not wholly your fault. Maybe the earth was stupid because when you wandered a touch too close to the edge, the ground gave out beneath your feet.
The captain ties his hair up in a colorful scrunchie to get it off his neck. It's far too hot for him in his cabin. Despite the open windows and the cool sea breeze, Buggy is sweating. His foot taps anxiously as he crosses his arms over his chest. He couldn't imagine what was taking those medics so long to patch you up. He refused to believe you were hurt so badly that the medbay team would take forever to fix you. That wasn't possible… was it?
The knock on Buggy's cabin door makes him jump. A crewmate from the medical team pokes his head into the captain's quarters. Buggy is on his feet before the words leave the crew member's mouth. "If they're up, I want to see them," Buggy announces, dashing any negative thoughts from his mind. Since the crewmate wasn't shaking in fear, (Name) must be perfectly fine.
"(Name) is pretty banged up, but they'll be back to normal in a few weeks," the crewmate assures, leading his captain down the hall- well, not so much leading, more like chasing after,
Buggy storms down the ship's halls till he gets to the sick bay. His insides are squeezing most uncomfortably. His nerves won't let him be comforted by anyone's words. Seeing is believing, after all.
He bursts through the doors to find his partner sitting up and awake. Their leg is wrapped in a white cast, and they've got bruises and bandages, but (Name) is okay.
Emotion rolls over him in the most unexpected storm. His anxiety is washed away with relief, followed by anger and guilt, but none of those feelings will help. He lets out a breath of relief.
"(Name)," he calls smiling, "I'm so glad you're alright."
"Sweetheart!" (Name) grins back, waving to him. They're pleased to see him turn a bit pink at the nickname. Then they pat the spot beside them.
He frowns, looking down at the blank cast. "I'll be with you in a moment, precious," he says before disappearing. Upon his return, Buggy has a large box of permanent markers in hand. He comforts himself on the bed's edge and starts doodling on your cast.
"Now you'll look extra flashy," he states with a smug smile. He writes his name in big blue letters, giving his signatures lots of flourishing touches.
You can barely contain your laughter as your partner draws over your cast like a young kid. How sweet. "Thanks, B, I appreciate it," you say, gazing at him fondly.
"I know you do, and I don't do these kinds of things for just anyone. Only people as handsome as you," Buggy replies winking at you.
"How long can you hang out with me?" you ask, hoping he'll take the afternoon off from piracy, "The doc is only entertaining me so much."
Buggy pauses in his coloring, frowning again. "I can't stay too long. I put off all my work until right this minute," he confesses.
"Why would you do that?" you ask, bewildered. Ever since you met the man was a workaholic. He never wanted to take a break unless he felt like he had earned it. Maybe that was the remanence of Silvers Rayleigh stuck in his subconscious.
Buggy huffs, not looking at you. "I was worried. You fell off a cliff, and I couldn't catch you," he spits, clearly upset with himself, "How am I supposed to work when the most important treasure I could ever get falls off a cliff and is in the medbay?"
You reach down and stroke his hair. The moment burns an unseen injury, but you ignore it for the moment. "Thank you," you say softly, "For caring about me."
"Of course, I care about you, idiot," Buggy retorts, flipping back to his usual snarky self, "What fun am I supposed to have if you're not around."
You nod, considering the prospect. He'd certainly get into a lot more trouble, but maybe a little trouble and worry were good for him. Perhaps you thought the flashiest man you knew needed to take a moment and remember the precious things in life.
————— ୨୧ —————
Want to keep up with your favorite characters? Join my tag list to be notified as soon as I post something new!
🏷: @meltiverse @bolinhodadestruicao @kristaline2dmensimp
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zoeykallus · 2 years
First I wanted to say how much I love your writing. You are so talented and brings those boys to life. If you're okay with it, could you maybe do headcannons for how tbb would react to having a male s/o? (Like they're worried their brothers will judge them for liking a guy when they bring him over to meet the family or announce they're together). Totally understand if you're not able to! Mostly just wanted to let you know your writing is so good and i could spend hours reading your stuff. ❤
Thank you so much! Yes I can and I will :))
The Bad Batch x Male!Reader HC's - No Need To Be Afraid
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First off, he's not afraid at all. He might be a little nervous, but he won't let that influence his feelings for you or how he treats you in public. Holding hands? No Problem. Kissing? No Problem. Talking to his brothers about you? Not a problem. He knows them, he knows they will always have his back and if he loves you, they'll have your back too.
He's a romantic and a family man. It's actually pretty important for him to make you part of this family, to show you that you are welcome and at home with him, no matter where you two go.
He's affectionate but shy. Holding hands in public, sure, but kissing not so much. That has nothing to do with your gender or who you are, he just feels like everyone is watching if you two kiss and hates being the center of attention, at least when it's strangers. He does love your attention, though, more than he can put into words.
Telling his brothers about you is not a question of fear, rather one of shyness. He introduces you to Hunter first, then Tech and then Wrecker. He keeps Crosshair for last.
Crosshair looks you up and down, then at Echo.
"Don't be rude!", Echo growls.
Crosshair doesn't really care much. He's okay with it.
Big boy is so happy to be with you. Why would he ever be afraid of what others think about the two of you as a couple? He doesn't give a hoot! He is affectionate and hyper, always keeping you on your toes. Wrecker won't hesitate to introduce you to his brothers, if you let him, he does it right away.
"Hey guys! This is Y/N, the man I love!"
Don't panic. The guys may be a little perplex at first, but much more of the way he introduced you than by you yourself. They'll warm up pretty fast (apart from Crosshair, don't expect him to talk to you much. He doesn't do that with anyone.)
You're in for a surprise with this man. He's so extremely shy at the beginning, but as soon as he warms up, he's super affectionate and passionate. But, public shows of affection are not his kind of thing, never will be. He's very private about intimacy of any kind, so don't expect him to be a public kisser. Holding hands is already kind of a challenge for him. But when you have him all alone, he's gladly all over you.
Telling his brothers is not a big deal. They probably helped to get you two together. If they had left it to Tech alone to talk to you, it would have taken years for the two of you to happen. Unless you do the first step, of course. They probably know all about you in the first place.
Now, he's a no-show of affection in front of others, no matter who. After some time, that might change, but this guy is a lot of work to begin with.
Telling his brothers? Actually, he sees no need for it. But if you insist on it, that's fine with him, too. He has no problem with it if they know and the guys are pretty relaxed, no one will be bothered by you.
To get Crosshair to really commit to this relationship, it takes time and a lot of patience on your end. He's a handful. Crazy about you, but won't tell you for a long time.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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