#by r_astra
ky-landfill · 1 year
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norefs · 4 months
More gen (non-romantic) fic recs for @genuaryficrecs! Fandom: DC, batfam. Focus: Dysfunctional Batfam Type of gen relationships: parental and/or siblings This trope is kinda close to the Bad Bruce one but it's not quite the same; a Bad Bruce often is a manipulative bastard in control of everything, or just uncaring, while to qualify for this trope Bruce (or another family member) has to genuinely try and still be objectively terrible - and not just comically bad at communicating either; it usually references the several canon instances where Bruce knowingly inflicted severe physical injury to Jason, or beat his kids (or the various assassination attempts between siblings); usually also involves complex siblings dynamics. And they fucked up, and they still love each other so much but they don't really know how not to hurt each other and they're trying so very very hard and they're learning.
(… maybe don't read all of them in a row though, I don't think that could be good for anyone)
to the red planet Mars, by r_astra (https://archiveofourown.org/works/27613958) 6/6 Chapters, 36,912 words Not Rated, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Main Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, the rest of the batfam
Official summary: Tim doesn’t notice the Batmobile roaring into the cave until the tires squeal as it skids to a halt. He starts, splashing long-cooled coffee across his lap as he lurches upright. Bruce is practically throwing himself out of the driver’s seat. He stalks around to the back of the car and Tim stares, confused. The trunk? He calls out. “Mask?” Bruce grunts a negative. Tim circles the car in time to see Bruce haul something—someone out. They’re big, but not quite as tall as Bruce, clad in black Kevlar and brown leather, wrists cuffed. Tim stops in his tracks when he recognizes the man. It’s Jason Todd.
Why I love it: This is about Bruce and Jason's relationship. This is someone going hey. Look at those canon events. If you stop and think about it, that's fucked up. And I love fics that look close like that at canon. And the characters in there are Not Okay - it's a story about abuse - but it's never hopeless. Because they're trying so hard to make it right and they've fucked up a whole lot, but they (the whole family) love each other and they're trying.
Excerpt: “We’re going to the cave.” Hood jerks his head up. “Hell, no.” Bruce starts walking towards the Batmobile. “No,” Hood repeats. “No way. I’m not allowed in Gotham, remember?” “Hn.” Bruce keeps walking, the pressure in his head building and then easing as Hood must start following. Hood doesn’t respond, but Bruce can hear him swearing under his breath in one long, continuous stream. When they reach the Batmobile, Bruce pulls out a pair of cuffs. “Seriously?” Hood sighs. He holds his wrists out anyway. Bruce slaps the cuffs on and checks to make sure they adjusted themselves correctly, then grabs Hood by the elbow and starts dragging him towards the back of the vehicle. Hood must be processing slowly, because he doesn’t start fighting until they get within a yard of the trunk. Bruce wins.
An Aquarium of Nameless Things, by husborth (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18308171) 4/4 chapters, 14.120 words (has a very good second work in the series at 45k more, with a wider batfam sample; the second work is technically unfinished but stops at a satisfying place) T, No Archive Warnings Apply
Main Characters: Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson
Official summary: After a difficult case, Jason learns a few things about Bruce, and deals with them about as well as Jason deals with anything.
Why I love it: I like this interpretation of Jason and the Pit, with Jason trying really hard to keep a lid on it but also being emotionally 15 (I know nothing about emotional development I just once read the phrase "emotions too big for his body" and liked it), and swinging between actually dangerous/hurtful and siblingly petty. And them all being in over their heads and Bruce not healed yet (never healing) from Jason's death and a Dick, over-protective of Bruce, who never really knew Jason before, and the crushing weight of responsibility. They just feel so strongly.
Excerpts: “You’re an annoying prick who didn’t even eat all of my ravioli, which you stole,” Jason said into the phone. “[…] Also my carpet smells like mildew, so if you want to come shampoo my carpet in apology for your whole everything, that’d be great.” - “No,” Dick admitted. “But it’s my turn. Bruce almost died of an oxycontin overdose in front of me. Did you know that?” Jason’s face turned red and hot and got tight—liar, liar, liar, pants on fire, the fire licking at his legs in just the millennium he lay there dying, sucking air through bloody lungs. A lie. A sham. He’d been tricked, Bruce had tricked him, Bruce had made him think he cared but this was a lie, these were all lies. He would die, he would pass in a storm before him, and Jason would be left to root through the garbage, he’d be—the dogs were barking loud and they tore his heels bloody. “No,” Jason choked out. “I didn’t.”
never be the first to believe, by ohnomydear (https://archiveofourown.org/works/17967926) 15/15 chapters, 98.132 words T, No Archive Warnings Apply
Main Characters: Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Ric Grayson
Official Summary: If Bruce 'made up' with Jason at the diner following the events at Sanctuary, the Red Hood shouldn't be reluctant to ask Bruce for permission to be in Gotham for a necessary surgery. Instead, Jason kidnaps Tim and asks him to make sure Bruce doesn't know he's in Gotham. Yeah, nothing about this sounds like they've forgiven each other.
Why I love it: That one is ostensibly about Jason and Bruce, and the aftermath of the big fight where Bruce beats Jason all to hell. But it's also (more so, imo) about each of the siblings' relationships with Jason, and with Bruce. Yay for Robins banding together against Bruce. People talking past each other, contradicting POVs, and what forgiveness means/looks like. Also this one has an amnesiac Ric, which creates fun character dynamics.
Excerpt: “How did you get me this far?” And whose car was this? “The truth, or would you like a face-saving lie that we can both pretend to believe?” Tim groaned and reached for the coffee. “Which board room did I fall asleep in?” “Your office. For once. But intern Jared noticed and called the car company, which showed up in record time.” Jason gestured with one hand at the car around them. “And then they ‘took you home.’” “Why not just wake me up?” Tim hissed. “And don’t even get me started on how I don’t have an intern Jared and I’m really suspicious that he and the car company driver look astonishingly similar.” “Guilty. And as Bruce has always said, if Tim falls asleep on patrol, it’s because he made poor decisions about how much sleep he needed.” Tim gaped at him. “He—he doesn’t say that.” “No, he doesn’t.” Jason grinned. “But let’s say that I say it. Now, to business. Sorry I didn’t get the copies of the agenda printed first, but I was busy finding a wheelchair to get you out of the building.” Tim dropped his head into his left hand, groaning. “You realize I do have to go back there, right? And explain what that all was?” “That doesn’t sound like intern Jared’s or Driver Ulysses’ problem. Both of them are more concerned with finding their respective missing twin brothers – and solving the terrible murder of their mother, which took place ten sad, sad years ago.” Great. He’d made up backstories for covers with a four second half-life. Tim took a sip of the coffee and found it passable. “The agenda?” “You know I’m not allowed in Gotham.” Jason’s voice had gone flat, as if the humor had just dropped out of it.
How Far Love Goes, by BeatriceEagle (@flybynightwing) (https://archiveofourown.org/works/31871722) 11/11 chapters, 99.549 words T, Graphic Depictions of Violence
Main Characters: the whole batfam
Official summary: Plenty of family reunions end in fighting. Not that many end in explosions. A mass Arkham breakout brings all of Bruce's children home, and with them, all the drama, secrets, and anger they've been keeping for years. Amidst rising tensions and a mysterious new threat in Gotham, the family has to work together to round up the rogues—and confront their feelings about each other.
Why I love it: A main plot peppered by tasty flashbacks (that inform our understanding of the present) of batfam interactions through twelve years, ranging from cute to heartrending. Complex relationships web that actually includes the girls too (Babs and Steph and Cass!).
Excerpts: “How about Nightwing?” said a voice from above, and then Nightwing somersaulted from the branches of a nearby tree, landing lightly on the ground beside Cass. Batman pivoted half a degree to face him. “Oracle called you too?” “Of course she did, B, there was an Arkham breakout.” “It’s handled.” Nightwing crossed his arms. “Handled like it was last time?” Batman mirrored Nightwing’s stance. “It’s handled.” “Excuse me, but I don’t feel like standing by and watching you get your back broken ag—” “Go back to Blüdhaven. They need you there.” Batman spun around and stalked away. Nightwing stared after him, his body leaning in the direction Batman had gone, like he was about to run after him. Then he slumped backward. “Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.” He turned to Cass. As always, his body language screamed awkwardness when he spoke to her. Even facing her, he angled his shoulders away, like he didn’t want to be in this conversation. “Is he letting you help him?” Cass shrugged one shoulder, deciding that was better than trying to put the mess of hers, Barbara’s, and Batman’s stand-off into words - [flashback from Dick's Robin days] Then, for the first time since they'd begun their stakeout, movement beside him. Dick looked over. Batman's hand stretched out towards him. In his gauntleted palm, a single yellow M&M. Dick looked up. Batman's face was unchanged. But the M&M was obviously for Dick, right? He picked it up gingerly, as if it were explosive. (And given that it had come from within Batman's cape, who was to say it wasn't?) Eyes still on Batman, Dick put the candy in his mouth. Just chocolate. No explosions. Batman's hand withdrew back into his cape. A moment later it emerged with another M&M. Green this time. Dick took it and grinned.
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wrdn-tabris · 1 year
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something abt this gonna make me lose my MIND
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saintvainglorious · 4 months
Fics I Enjoyed in January
I was putting together a list of the best fics I read last year and was reminded of two incredible ATLA fics I read in February 2023 ((Never) Forget Who You Are by mindbending and up in the city (until the stars lost the war) by Madseason). Those two fics are absolute perfection and sent me down an Avatar: The Last Airbender rabbit hole this month.
I read an insane amount, for me, even more than I did last year in September/October, when I was chowing down Drarry longfics like a starving dog. There's approximately 993k words of fic in this rec list - if you assume the average novel is 90k, that's about 11 books!
half in the shadows, half burned in flames by r_astra Avatar: the Last Airbender | Gen | 4k | Not Rated
“They say you tried to kill the Firelord,” Hakoda says. "Why?" Zuko doesn’t know how to answer. Because I hate him. Because I love him. Because he wants to see the world burn. Because he knotted one hand in my hair and cupped flames against my face with the other. Because my mother is dead. Because my uncle is dead. Instead, he shrugs tiredly and says: “Someone has to.”
i am through finding blame by sokkaesque/@sokkagatekeeper Avatar: The Last Airbender | Gen | 6k | Teen & Up
Sokka was fourteen the first time he realized people didn’t apologize to him very often. Or, Sokka during The Southern Raiders.
a nation, held by snowdarkred/@snowdarkred Avatar: The Last Airbender | Gen | 6k | General Audiences
It doesn’t take long for the rumors to start. The Fire Nation prides itself on its civilization. It isn’t like the other, lesser, nations who throw their children away by sending them into war. They are to be protected, because children are the future glory of the nation. The crown prince is thirteen when his father burns his face in front of an audience of hundreds.
The Iconoclast by ranilla_bean/@ranilla-bean Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Suki/Zuko | 21k (WIP) | Explicit
After a protracted civil war, the victorious new Fire Lord sends a call for a new bodyguard across the four nations. A Southern Water Tribesman and a warrior from Kyoshi Island respond.
Life in Eden by WitchofEndor/@a-witch-in-endor Avatar: The Last Airbender | Gen | 14k | Not Rated
In which Ursa tries to be a better parent to Azula, and it doesn’t change very much. And then, quite abruptly, it changes everything.
While Mighty Oaks Do Fall by WitchofEndor/@a-witch-in-endor Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 181k (WIP) | Teen & Up
The newly-crowned Fire Lord Ozai offers his firstborn son to service in the temple. This turns out to be a catastrophic mistake.
where the stars do not take sides by WitchofEndor/@a-witch-in-endor Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 60k | Not Rated
When Azula is nine, she becomes an only child. She hears the Fire Lord call for Zuko's life, and in the morning, her mother and brother are gone. Azula may be young, but she isn't naive. She knows what happened to them. Which makes it all the more surprising when Azula tracks the Avatar down and fights his group of peasant friends, only to find herself staring into an eerily familiar face.
War Crimes by Lovely_Elbow_Leech/@lovelyelbowleech Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 90k | Mature | Part 1 of All's Fair
Book one ends with two major differences: 1. Sokka went on the mission with Hahn (it did not go well) 2. Zhao survives the North Pole and that proves unfortunate for everybody (except Zhao, obviously). Imprisoned on Zhao’s war ship, Sokka and Zuko have to work together to survive. They are not very enthusiastic about this prospect. And they argue. A lot.
War Games by Lovely_Elbow_Leech/@lovelyelbowleech Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 443k (WIP) | Mature | Part 2 of All's Fair
Sokka is aware that being friends with the enemy is going to bring complications, but he probably should have guessed that being friends with Zuko in particular, was going to be a bit like dunking your head repeatedly into a bucket of angry Fire Ferrets.
Below the Sun by CSHfic and VSfic Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 25k | Teen & Up
Sokka is washed overboard while working on the fisherman's boat during the storm. He wakes on a deserted island. Or... mostly deserted.
Will We Last the Night by CSHfic and VSfic Avatar: The Last Airbender | Sokka/Zuko | 143k | Teen & Up
Chief Arnook never assigns Sokka to protect Princess Yue, so he goes to fight the Fire Nation with the other men. When the moon dies, and the ocean spirit takes its revenge, Sokka is caught standing on the deck of a Fire Nation ship. Sokka should have drowned… and he would have drowned, if not for a certain Fire Nation raft fleeing the North Pole. [An enemies-to-lovers season 2 rewrite, where Sokka is separated from the gaang during the Siege of the North, and travels the Earth Kingdom with Zuko instead].
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kindlingkeen · 2 months
do you have any good fic recs? i've just finished reading all of your fics (AMAZING btw i LOVE competent jason and you write him sooo well) and obviously you have good taste so i thought i might as well ask (i will say that i don't really do ship fics tho)
thank you! looking forward to what you have in store for jason and the batfam next!
First, thank you for the ask! And I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying my fics!! 😊 I’m on vacation this week and finally writing again (had a bit of a rough writer’s block patch). So hopefully I’ll be posting more content in the next couple of weeks.
Fic recs - boy do I ever. I will say, I have super varied tastes in fics, I’ll read just about anything Gen that’s Jason-centric, plus a few Jason ships (although I’m pretty picky about what actually makes it into my bookmarks). All of the fics I’m rec’ing below are Gen, although some might have flavors of a relationship (likely JayRoy since that’s my preferred pairing). I tried to pick a selection of different styles and tropes, so hopefully you find something you like. Almost all these authors have multiple fics I’ve loved, so look at their other works on ao3 for more great reading (you may need to be logged into ao3 to see some of them). Enjoy!
Fic recs
Glow in the Dark Stars by essspressso (stylesmakethefight) 
This is a time travel fic that made me bawl ugly tears, like seriously bawl. Read if in need of a good cry.
The Cold Like Coming Home by cabezas_de_vaca 
An interesting one-shot of Jason and Bruce finding their way back to each other.
More Chances Than Deserved 'Verse by Skalidra  @skalidra
A series that starts out post batarang, Jason does not rejoin the family.
Gotham CPS by ebjameston 
Not sure how to even describe this one, it’s pure hilarity told by an outsider POV.
Nests and Cages by LanternWisp, Lysical @lanternwisp
A series detailing Jason’s journey back to the family. The last installment of the series has probably the best reconciliation discussion between Jason and Bruce re: Bruce taking on another Robin that I’ve ever read.
Buy One Get One Free by Here_we_go
A series that starts with catatonic Jason. I love how Jason is written in this one so so much (especially the main first part), and there’s a short segment later in the series with Talia that’s lovely.
fever by r_astra  @heyy-its-skip
One-shot. Quality batdad in the context of a sick fic
nightmares and daydreams by r_astra @heyy-its-skip
One-shot. Beware, there’s some heavy duty torture in this one. Jason & Tim isn’t usually my thing, but I really like their brief interaction in this one.
all the small weights by sparkycap
One-shot. More quality batdad, this time in the context of fear toxin
a (cat)astrophe in the making by mikkal
Part of a loosely connected series, if I’m remembering correctly. I’m a firm believer that Jason Todd needs a cat.
Red Hood by envysparkler @envysparkler
An amazing Jason rejoins the family, classic fix it, set early in Lost Days continuity. Envysparkler’s works are pretty much solely responsible for getting me into the Batfam. This fic in particular motivated me to start writing TPWC.
Overcoming Our Antecedents by Batbirdies @batbirdies
De-aging fic, this isn’t my favorite trope, but of what’s out there, I like the dynamics in this one.
Things We Only Talk About After Dark by BabblingBookends
One-shot. More good batdad, but not fluffy like the other two above. I really like how Bruce is written in this one, how he struggles with the unknown.
Kidnapped! by Cerusee @cerusee
One-shot set in Jason’s Robin days. One of my favorites for father and son feels.
More baby Robin Jay and good dad Bruce.
White Lighters / Afterglow by lurkinglurkerwholurks @lurkinglurkerwholurks
One-shot. Another one that legitimately made me cry.
Druthers by d_aia @e-alexandrescu
A really creative, not-your-typical-take on Jason rejoining the family. Sniper Jason is so frelling cool.
I linked the tumblr’s for the authors I know of. If you have any to add, leave them in the comments and I’ll update!
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ghost-bxrd · 1 month
Hi! I love your writing and was wondering if you had any good Bruce centric/Batdad fics to recommend? Sorry for bothering you if you don’t like being asked for recs!!!
Hi! Here are a few. I'm not very good at reccing but, yeah. These popped up in my bookmarks :) mind the tags!
to hear, to see, to smile by @salparadiselost , JUBE514
Broken by LambSouvlaki
would you lay with me and just forget the world by batmandaspandas
fever by r_astra
this kind of weather by r_astra
mr. sandman by @envysparkler
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cactusspatz · 4 months
December recs
Whew, I read a lot of fic in December! My Yuletide recs are here and here, and I winnowed down the rest of them to a mere ten recs.
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Click on for Batman, Murderbot, and Goblin Emperor fics!
The Time Before by @cdelphiki
One moment, Red Hood was fighting with Black Mask, listening to the idiot go on about how he'd murder Jason long before he'd become a problem. The next… Jason was ten years in the past, nine-years-old, and fending for himself on the streets of Gotham. Bruce might not know about Jason yet in the timeline, but Batman was the only one who could protect him against Black Mask. If only Jason didn't hate him so much…
Excellent time travel fic!
this kind of weather by r_astra / @heyy-its-skip
Jason’s at school when his mom dies, and that’s the only reason any of it happens. If he’d been home, if he’d been with her, he would’ve been in the wind before anyone else even knew. Even if they looked, no one ever would’ve found him. He’d have taken to the sewers if that’s what it took, man-eating crocodile guy and all.
I love Jason in this, and his friendship with Stephanie, and the identity secrets.
seventeen going under by @bonerot19
"Where's your pops?" Terry shouted down the sidewalk. "Dunno," Jason said. "Haven't seen him in a week. I stopped goin' lookin' for him a long time ago." Hell, Jason was happy with the man's absence. Maybe it would stick, this time. "He owes me fifty bucks." Terry, closer to Jason now, was still shouting. Jason spun around and started walking backwards. "What'a'ya know," he said. "Me too." AU where Jason is seventeen, his parents are alive, he works nights at a convenience store, and everything is about to go to shit.
Loosely inspired by this kind of weather (in that Jason's parents survived longer) but much heavier on the angst and h/c. I'm loving the WIP sequel as well!
coconut and aloe by merils (Tim/Kon)
Tim still doesn’t sit. “I washed it like three times, but my hair still smells like vinegar and death,” he says, and gazes intently into Kon’s eyes. …Ah. Now Kon gets it. “Tim, buddy,” he says, amusement bubbling up in his chest, because apparently Tim can’t just ask like a normal person. It’s stupidly endearing. “Do you want me to wash your hair?”
Soft and sensual and sweet.
An Unexpected Quarter by @ilovedthestars
Murderbot is captured by the company, with no one to come to its rescue. Help comes from somewhere it doesn’t expect.
Aimed directly at my id, and a great outsider POV. On a similar theme, I also enjoyed Salvage or Repair by the same author.
words left behind by torpidgilliver
"How do you stand it?" Dr. Gurathin's tone is slow and even when he asks, "Stand what?" SecUnit 3 shares its feelings with someone who might understand.
Beautiful exploration of Three's grief, and a lovely look at Gurathin's life.
Terrible Tactical Strategy by audreycritter
Three is behaving oddly. There's a surprisingly ordinary explanation, it's just that the explanation isn't fun for anyone.
In which Three has feelings about media in an entirely new direction, and a mini breakdown. Achy but kind.
Un/Safe by John_lzhc
Ayda Mensah was in her office cubby, reviewing the last of the council dispatches, when she received an urgent assistance request from Secunit. That… had never happened before. Murderbot has a close encounter of a 3-year-old kind. It is not impressed.
*cackles* Look, Murderbot is so competent that I just can't resist stories where it panics in social situations.
The Search for Marneise Amalo by Sphragis
"Before we may attend to the truly important aims of our account, we must address a matter that we had rather not. Were it not for the prurient curiosity of the worst kind of people, we would not deign even to introduce the following subject. As we are obliged to speak, we shall keep the point brief: Pel-Thenhior was not marnis. The accusation was always and only vicious rumor." On the (in)ability of love to find expression in the historical record.
Gorgeous fic using historical research (letters, academic writing, and video/interview) to explore the edges of Thara and Iana's relationship and future. Creative and wonderful.
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ivy-and-ivory · 10 months
I absolutely adore your Batman and Jason Todd fics!!! I was wondering if you had any fic recs? ♥️
Thank you Anon!! I’m so glad you enjoy my writing :D
There’s so much incredible Jason & Bruce fic out there and I’m more than happy to share some recs! I’m unfortunately not the best about remembering to keep track of fics I enjoy, so this is by no means a definitive/comprehensive list of my favorites, but I scrolled through my bookmarks and found a few fics that will hopefully satisfy your Jason & Bruce cravings :)
Stargazer by LemonadeGarden @lemonadegarden (47,656 words, Multi-chap, Complete)
Author’s Summary:
“Jason Todd is seriously injured during patrol one night, and is forced to stay at the manor to recuperate until his injuries are healed. To pass the time, he makes a list of things he never got to do before he died. Except there's one small problem: most of them involve Bruce, and Jason doesn't really think Bruce cares all that much about him anymore. This is a story about how wrong he is, but I made it sad anyway.”
Truly what can I even say about this fic. This is the story that made me fall in love with Jason Todd, and Bruce & Jason reconciliation fics, and Bruce & Jason destination/road trip fics, and basically everything I care most about in this fandom. I’d been a Superbat fan for a while before I started getting into the Batfam side of things, and around the time I read this I was only just starting to read stories about the Robins. This was the gateway fic. This was the one that caught me and made it stick. Formative, definitive, one of my all time faves.
this kind of weather by r_astra @heyy-its-skip (46,456 words, Multi-chap, WIP)
Author’s Summary:
“Jason’s at school when his mom dies, and that’s the only reason any of it happens. If he’d been home, if he’d been with her, he would’ve been in the wind before anyone else even knew. Even if they looked, no one ever would’ve found him. He’d have taken to the sewers if that’s what it took, man-eating crocodile guy and all.”
Ohhhhh this fic. Bio-parent Bruce AUs don’t always do it for me, but the fics that get it right get it RIGHT, and this is one of them. Possibly my favorite Jason joins the batfam late fic ever. I’m obsessed with the Jason characterization in this one. Like actually obsessed. Like he is rotating in my brain like a rotisserie chicken at all times constantly 24/7 obsessed. Cannot recommend enough.
Growing Like A Breeze by whaleofatime @cetaceans-pls (6,114 words, Oneshot, Complete)
Author’s Summary:
“April 27th isn't anyone's favourite date, but it's somehow worse than usual today when Bruce gets his car stolen. It's nice of Red Hood to come to his rescue. Nicer even that Jason keeps him company afterwards.”
If you’ve read my fics I think it should be a given that any Jason & Bruce fic tagged “Inexplicable Road Trip” is absolutely going to do it for me. But god, Bruce’s psyche in this one. The man has twisted himself up in more tangles than the Gordian knot. Really fantastic exploration of Bruce & Jason’s relationship and trying to move forward past the destructiveness of grief and blame. I will be thinking about the bumper stickers on Bruce's Hyundai Elantra forever.
through space and time by sparkycap @sparkysomething (6,334 words, Oneshot, Complete)
Author's Summary:
"When an Outlaws mission gets Jason sent back twelve years in the past, he finds himself in a familiar position: stealing something stupid and getting caught by a Batman who wants to give him a second chance. It’s a refreshing change from how encounters with his present-day Batman usually go."
I am a simple woman. Give me a fic where Bruce interacts with Jason without really knowing the significance of who he's interacting with and I will go feral, every time. Absolutely brutal interaction between a well-meaning Bruce and a hurting Jason in this one. Don't want to spoil anything, but there's one line of dialogue in particular that just. Ugh. Fuck me all the way up.
Clearly Calm and Keeping Terrorized by Batbirdies @batbirdies (258,290 words, Multi-Chap, Complete)
Author's Summary:
"Jason made a deal with Bruce, no killing, and there would be no more conflict between them. At least on patrol. Jason reasoned it would be easier to accomplish his goals without constantly fighting Batman along the way. It didn’t change anything, not really. Not until he found an old gift he never knew about and Bruce asked him to dogsit Titus while he and Damian were out of town. Not until the Lazarus Pit started bothering him again. AKA: My take on a Jason rejoins the family fic."
I am once again reccing a Bruce & Jason reconciliation fic (are you perhaps noticing a trend?) This one will break your heart and put it back together again. It's part of a series but can stand alone (though I've read the two works that precede it and highly recommend them as well). 250k+ words about a father and son and the rest of their family trying to figure out how to heal. Genuinely there is so much love in this fic. And trauma! Can't forget the trauma. But also so much love.
Code of Silence by JHSC @jhscdood (9,376 words, Multi-Chap, Complete)
Author's Summary:
"Willis Todd doesn’t die in prison. That doesn’t change much, until it does."
This one is less Jason & Bruce-centric than the others on this list (though Bruce still features, especially in the other works in the series) but it absolutely fits the bill for Jason & his dad content so I'm reccing it anyway. This fic utterly transformed the way I view Willis Todd. Incredibly thoughtful, emotional exploration of trauma and recovery and trying to heal. The whole series is gold.
Good Intentions and the Highest Hopes by rotasha (16,863 words, Multi-Chap, Complete)
Author's Summary:
"Bruce offers each of his children the chance to go on vacation with him, and they get to choose the destination. Jason chooses the one place he thinks Bruce will enjoy the least, out of spite. That’s how the two of them end up going to Disney World."
Another one that perfectly checks all my favorite Bruce & Jason fic boxes. Reconciliation fic? Check. Set in highly specific non-Gotham destination? Check. Bruce not quite knowing how to connect to Jason but trying his best anyway and Jason finally deciding to let him? Check, check, check. Jason's kind of an asshole in this one; I adore him eternally. And I love Bruce so so much in this.
There are so many more I could add but I'm going to leave it at that for now! Hope some of these are new to you & that you enjoy them! And thanks again for reading my work :D
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harleykeener · 3 months
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this kind of weather - r_astra
Jason’s at school when his mom dies, and that’s the only reason any of it happens. If he’d been home, if he’d been with her, he would’ve been in the wind before anyone else even knew. Even if they looked, no one ever would’ve found him. He’d have taken to the sewers if that’s what it took, man-eating crocodile guy and all.
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midnightpink · 3 months
and breathe again
read it here on ao3
The guy they pull out from under Lake Laogai freaks Sokka out.
Not in like, a personal way. He doesn’t have anything against the guy, even if he looks scary as hell, with all those bruises and scars. It’s just—
Well. He’s living proof that people are capable of a lot of things Sokka doesn’t want to believe they are.
by: r_astra
Words: 6,262, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English 
Series: Part 2 of i'll find my own way down
Collections: Best of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the pickiest and pettiest, miQ_y's fav fav fics, Lumi's library of favourite fics, God Tier ATLA fics, Qqqqqq115, ATLA hyperfixation go brrrrr, I promise to reread you 🥺❤️, My Cabbages!!!!, Fanfiction Masterpieces, But muuum they're my emotional support fanfics!, MoreATLAship, the peanut butter to my jelly, A Collection of Beloved Inserts
Fandom:  Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Jet (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Azula (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar)
Relationship: Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Sokka & The Gaang (Avatar), The Gaang & Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags:  Angst, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Past Rape/Non-con, Character Death, Badass Zuko (Avatar), Protective Sokka (Avatar), Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con
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megamindsupremacy · 1 year
Avatar: The Last Airbender Fic Recs (Part 1)
Where the stars do not take sides by witchofendor
When Azula is nine, she becomes an only child. She hears the Fire Lord call for Zuko's life, and in the morning, her mother and brother are gone. Azula may be young, but she isn't naive. She knows what happened to them.
Which makes it all the more surprising when Azula tracks the Avatar down and fights his group of peasant friends, only to find herself staring into an eerily familiar face.
The sundered sea by aloneintherain
It was a sight Hakoda never thought he would see: a firebender dressed willingly in fur, cradling an Earth Kingdom girl, the both of them laughing with an Air Nomad.
Their thoughtless joy. The easy way they touched each other. Three different benders, laughing in the Southern Water Tribe, as if they belonged there. How could any of it be real?
Or: several months after Kya’s death, Hakoda gets a glimpse of the future.
Do you hear the people sing? by generic_username
The Fire Nation has only rebelled once in its long history. They are a proud people, and a loyal one. They do not turn against their own for no reason. They protect their own.
Especially their Prince.
~~~ Basically this was a What if the Fire Nation said Fuck Ozai and rebelled AU. along with a sprinkling of world building built in. Enjoy!
Half in the shadows, half burned in flames by r_astra
“They say you tried to kill the Firelord,” Hakoda says. "Why?"
Zuko doesn’t know how to answer. Because I hate him. Because I love him. Because he wants to see the world burn. Because he knotted one hand in my hair and cupped flames against my face with the other.
Because my mother is dead.
Because my uncle is dead.
Instead, he shrugs tiredly and says: “Someone has to.” -
This is a gift (it comes with a price) by witchofendor
They had spent hours and hours drilling and preparing the servers upon the importance of everything being perfect for the new fire lord. This was fine. Jin was good at her job. She could handle one fire lord. Expect that wasn't the fire lord. That was FUCKING LEE!
Salvage by muffinlance
Mid-Season-One Zuko is held ransom by Chief Hakoda. Ozai's replies to the Water Tribe's demands are A+ Parenting. Hakoda is… deeply concerned, for this son that isn't his, and who might be safer among enemies than with his own father.
absence of heat, excess of destiny by they callmesuperboy
Sokka is born in the dead of winter with a red dragon curling down the left side of his back.
Zuko is born in the sweltering heat of summer with a sword down his spine.
He doesn’t want to talk about it when their gazes turn on him. They make assumptions— is it someone he left behind in the Fire Nation? He looks away when he agrees with them.
Toph brushes past him when they all part ways. She says, “I know you’re lying.
For hearth and home by haircrescendo
[There’s a child underneath Fire Lord Zuko’s desk.
He doesn’t realize this until he sits down and tiny hands wrap themselves around his ankles, and Fire Lord Zuko definitely does not shriek and backpedal away at the unexpected touch.
He definitely does do that but Gou, the single guard he’s agreed to let shadow him, is kind enough not to mention it.]
In which Fire Lord Zuko is a total mess and somehow people manage to love him for it anyway.
Burn cream for cats by bladehuntress
Spirit goes quiet, and people don't worry, but they should. Then Spirit stops being quiet, and that's when people start worrying, even though they don't need to anymore.
equivalent exchange by haircrescendo
[“Are you dead?” Are the first words that come out of Zuko’s mouth.
Lu Ten winces. He’s barely adjusted to the idea himself, but he still wasn’t expecting Zuko to reach that conclusion so fast. He can’t lie to him.
He nods.
“I am.”
“But you’re real.”
“Yeah. Real dead.”
He tries for a joke but Zuko bursts into tears instead.]
Or, Lu Ten makes a promise, Lu Ten dies. Lu Ten comes back
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bruciemilf · 1 year
Have you read 'to the red planet mars' by r_astra or the Lazarus Pit Withdrawal series by I_Have_To_Get_Off_This_Planet ? They're like god-tier Jason angst fics like full punch in the gut best ever angst
Oo not yet!! I've been in a TFP stump for a few days now sjsjs but I'll get to it, I've never heard of pit withdrawal before?? Sounds cool!! Thanks for the rec <3
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kittymaine · 3 months
Feedback Fest 2024
Happy Internation Fanworks Day! For Feedback Fest, I wanted to put together a list of 10 fic recs for the DC fandom. I hope I can recommend something you haven't seen before!
The Salmon Incident by CoffioCake Do you like identity shenanigans? Boy, do I have a fun fic for you. Bruce buys the Daily Planet and becomes Clark's boss' boss. Clark finds Bruce charming and develops a crush, and goes to the person he's closest to for dating tips: Batman.
Spoiler Alert: It Gets Better by carolinaa trans!Stephanie runs away from home and ends up in an underground youth shelter run by the Red Hood. She makes a lot of friends, but her most meaningful with trans!Tim.
brilliant (like a confession) by kathkin Lois Lane has a thing for Superman. Lois Lane has a thing for Clark Kent. The things are pretty different, but will they survive the reveal of Superman's real identity?
You're Moving to Metropolis? Is That Even a Real Place? by VamillePudding After Jason nearly dies in a warehouse explosion, Bruce decides enough is enough. He retires Batman and Robin and moves the Wayne to Metropolis until further notice. Tim is not dealing with the change very well.
borderline by TheResurrectionist The batfam are all psychically linked very suddenly. Will being in each other's heads cause the family to implode or make them stronger than ever?
this kind of weather by r_astra Jason's mom dies when he's in high school, rather than when he's a kid. But, he's in for more than one shock when he finds out that the man listed on his birth certificate as his father is Bruce Wayne, not Willis Todd.
Developmental Milestones by audreycritter The man who operated on Bruce and saved his life is pulled deeper into Batman's life and vigilante activities. But, he doesn't seem all that mad about it.
Sanctuary by FabulaRasa Hal Jordan has always thought that Bruce Wayne was kind of an asshole. So, when he has to inform him that he has to cut back on Justice League activities due to developing a genetic disease similar to muscular dystrophy, he was expecting him to act like an asshole. He wasn't expecting Bruce to help him more than anyone else in his life.
let's get mischievous by CreamofTomatoSoup Bernard is possessed by the god Dionysus during the events of Batman: Urban Legends. Tim is willing to do anything to save him.
the bird, the fog, the mist by bacondoughnut Jason decides to come home on a whim, while also trying to make his point to Bruce as Red Hood. It works until it very abruptly does not. It's hard to terrorize someone when you can see how your actions hurt them at home.
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ao3feed-zukka · 2 years
turn me loose
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gp13PTc
by r_astra
The man flashes him a faltering smile.
He’s young, Zuko realizes suddenly. Not just small. Zuko’s age, or maybe even younger.
“Sokka,” he says. “I don’t have any wire cutters. So, I think I’m going to have to unwrap it. Which is going to suck. Sorry.”
“The barbed wire?” Sokka says, brow crinkling again. “I can’t cut it, but I can unwrap it, I think. It doesn’t look too tangled.”
“I—” Zuko’s voice dies. “You know—”
“I know what it’s for.” Sokka’s mouth is set in a grim line. “And believe me, you start throwing flames around? We’re going to have problems. But—”
Something in his expression cracks and, suddenly, he looks exhausted.
“I’m not just going to leave you like this. You don’t deserve that. No one—no one deserves that.”
Zuko doesn’t respond. There are a lot of people, he thinks, who would disagree.
Words: 3020, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Western, Hurt Zuko (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar) Needs a Hug, Zuko is Bad at Feelings (Avatar), Zuko Has a Bad Time (Avatar), Zuko Doesn't Try to Capture The Avatar (Avatar), Smart Sokka (Avatar), Sokka has a big heart, how is that not a tag wtf, cw:, Animal Death, Blood and Injury, Non-Sexual Bondage, Graphic Description of Corpses
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Gp13PTc
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ao3feedzukka-blog · 2 years
turn me loose
https://archiveofourown.org/works/42160314 by r_astra The man flashes him a faltering smile. He’s young, Zuko realizes suddenly. Not just small. Zuko’s age, or maybe even younger. “Sokka,” he says. “I don’t have any wire cutters. So, I think I’m going to have to unwrap it. Which is going to suck. Sorry.” “…What?” “The barbed wire?” Sokka says, brow crinkling again. “I can’t cut it, but I can unwrap it, I think. It doesn’t look too tangled.” “I—” Zuko’s voice dies. “You know—” “I know what it’s for.” Sokka’s mouth is set in a grim line. “And believe me, you start throwing flames around? We’re going to have problems. But—” Something in his expression cracks and, suddenly, he looks exhausted. “I’m not just going to leave you like this. You don’t deserve that. No one—no one deserves that.” Zuko doesn’t respond. There are a lot of people, he thinks, who would disagree. Words: 3020, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen, M/M Characters: Zuko (Avatar), Sokka (Avatar) Relationships: Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), Sokka/Zuko (Avatar) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Western, Hurt Zuko (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar) Needs a Hug, Zuko is Bad at Feelings (Avatar), Zuko Has a Bad Time (Avatar), Zuko Doesn't Try to Capture The Avatar (Avatar), Smart Sokka (Avatar), Sokka has a big heart, how is that not a tag wtf, cw:, Animal Death, Blood and Injury, Non-Sexual Bondage, Graphic Description of Corpses October 05, 2022 at 12:26AM
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norefs · 1 year
batfam fic recs
A few batfam fic recs. Mostly gen, because I'm not there for the romance but for the siblings or parent angst and love. Mostly Jason&Bruce.
Ain't no compass, ain't no map, by ebjameston, 52k https://archiveofourown.org/works/38048365 : batfam gen: a social worker gets a call about Tim not having adequate parental supervision (and hanging out with Red Hood instead). The funniest identity porn / banter, with surprise chips of heart-rending feelings. Social worker POV. One of my top batfam favorites so far.
a second psalm of life, by r_astra, 63k series, https://archiveofourown.org/series/2701597 mostly Jason&Bruce, but most of the batfam is there: heartbreak express in a dark tunnel (it never feels hopeless though so imo it doesn't feel needlessly dark) (and fluff afterwards! but. The fluff is extra fluffy because gosh did you earn it.)
The R Stands for – by Cirth, 6k https://archiveofourown.org/works/22544392 Damian-centered: very good Damian - with cultural context!
detective stories, by prismatical, 144k series, https://archiveofourown.org/series/1784842 character development and emotions on a plotty skeleton mostly Dick-centered, also fairly Jason-centered, but features fleshed out Babs, Steph, Cass and Duke (and Bruce, but that's more frequent).
this kind of weather by r_astra, 46k, WIP https://archiveofourown.org/works/37027825 skittish Civilian!Jason that Bruce wants to adopt, and the best identity porn (and a very interesting take on how regular people see the vigilantes).
may tomorrow never come, by lurkinglurkerwholurks, 3k https://archiveofourown.org/works/43606872 I tried to choose longer fics, but I couldn't not rec that one. It is really good. In which Jason wakes up from a nightmare.
the fate you aim at me, by nex_et_nox, 26k series, https://archiveofourown.org/series/2470333 : Red Hood gets tossed into the Young Justice dimension -- just in time to save Robin from being murdered by the Joker. Then, of course, everyone has to deal with the aftermath. Batfam feels and humour and heartbreak.
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