#by the time im done for the day im just tuckered out
Halloween prompts year 2 day 29
Dont get him wrong, Danny had some big feelings about finding out his mom had cheated on his dad. He had even bigger feeling about the divorce and the whole shipping him off to live with his bio dad.
He wasn't going to lie. The new school was actually really nice and he had made friends quickly, though at first it was tough to weed out the ones who just wanted to get close to the Wayne family name and not him as a person. He didn't get to chat with Tucker and Sam a whole lot due to thier schedules but he and Jazz always made time for eachother.
His life had surprisingly taken a massive upturn. Vlad had been arrested soon after Danny warned the Waynes about him, making Danny believe either his dad it felt wierd calling him that but da-Jack made it perfectly clear he should never call him that was Batmans sugar daddy or somthing or maybe the Waynes got kidnapped so much that the bats bugged the whole place. Danny hoped not, he had done a whole karaoke thing with Jazz during thier video call the other night and he really didn't want anyone to hear thier shared cat screeching.
Jazz was super happy to learn Danny had joined the Volleyball team and Astronomy club. He used to play Volleyball in middle school and played defense a lot. He was even the best on the team but he stopped playing after one too many times of his parents forgetting to show up or causing a ruckus whenever they thought a ghost was nearby.
But it was better now
The portals were shut down by the bats. The GIW where expertly obliterated from existence. His parents are getting court mandated mental help. There are no more ghosts. No more ghost hunters.
And no need for Phantom
Danny doesn't think he's ever felt this free. He could go out to eat with friends with his way too big allowance that his...dad gives him and he didn't have to worry about having to ditch them to go fight a bad guy. He could eat dinner with a family who was a little awkward but surprisingly open to him and the food was delicious and didn't attack him. He could actually sleep at night and feel safe doing it. His siblings liked spending time with him and getting to learn anout him and thier "bonus sister" Jazz.
He had no reason to use his powers.
Until the grandfather clock he was walking past swung open like a door and he locked eyes with Nightwing coming out of it. They just stared at eachother before Danny just said, "I don't want to know which one your dating. Just know I have a bat and im willing to use it in the most ungodly of ways." And walked back to his room.
He wouldn't be a superhero, but he was willing to be a supervillian to protect his new family. Or in this case make sure Nightwing, a rumored playboy, knew better than to go breaking hearts in this household.
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inspector-m3 · 2 months
Haikyuu sleeping headcannons
I've only done a few but let me know if you want me to do any other characters. Whether it be from haikyuu or from somewhere else.
I feel like this guy would be warm. Not like the melting you from the outside inwards but like a campfire or a fireplace. He wouldn't move if you were with him, he wouldn't dare. He'd hold you tightly but he'd be so careful. Definitely panicked the first time you guys cuddled or fell asleep together. But once he got used to it he turned into a big cuddle bear.
To me he seems like he'd sleep like a rock. After such a tiring day with the team he'd just flop onto the bed next to you and not move, like seriously you've probably had to poke him to check he was still alive.
He'd have and arm around you or he'd be leaning on you, either way once this man is asleep it's gonna be a pain to get out. why would you want to anyways?
We all know that he's a ray of sunshine in both optimism and energy. cuddling/sleeping with him can go one of two ways
Since he's hyperactive this could carry on into his sleep. He's definitely smacked you a few times thinking you were a volleyball in his dream. Maybe even stolen the blanket a few times. He obviously apologies if you tell him in the morning
OR. He could be all tuckered out, kinda like a sugar crash but instead of a grumpy child you get a droopy hinata (almost the same thing) coming towards you with open arms, dragging you to bed or just leaning on you right then and there if he's really exhausted. He'd definitely use you as a giant pillow and just bury his face anywhere he can. neck? no problem. chest, whether it be flat or with melons? sure he can.
He may not seem it with his resting bitch face but he's definitely a cuddler. He'd definitely be more like daichi, calm and barely moving, unless it was to make you mire comfortable, but let's be honest he probably dreams about volleyball just like hinata and once again...you have been mistaken for a volleyball. Prepare for a bruise.
Im leaning towards him being a big spoon but maybe if he had a bad game or practice he'd want to be comforted, but either way his arms will be around you.
This man is definitely a blanket theif. Just like hinata, he's a ball of energy and moves SO much while sleeping, not only does his arms flail about but theres a few kung fu moves going on there with his legs. You've definitely woken up with bruises and a leg across your chest while he sleeps like an angel.
If there is a rare occasion where he's not moving he's clinging onto you like a koala, legs around your waist or legs, arms around your torso and head on either your stomach or chest.
This salty little shit probably isn't very keen on cuddles, but just for you. He'd have an arm around you loosely, maybe even pulling you closer while he's asleep. I feel like he'd be pretty cold (not just in attitude) so he'd be a great icepack for the summer but during winter you'll have to cocoon yourself in a blanket before cuddling up to him. Once you're asleep he's probably secretly affectionate, a few soft head pats while you're completely off in dream land.
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Do you think it was a date?
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 5]
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Part 1
In-chat nicknames:
Daniel = Danny
Sharpshooter = Jazz
TooFine= Tucker
Chaos = Sam
TheCoolerDaniel = Danielle/Dani/Ellie
Private chat nicknames:
Bill = Danny
Pants = Jazz
As soon as Danny enters his apartment, face bright red, he takes his head into his hands and lets out a silent scream.
He could have said anything, and he panicked and went with Toodealoo Kangaroo???
At this rate, he’ll never get a partner.
As Danny stands there in misery, his phone starts buzzing with messages. Curious, he checks his phone to see what going on.
Uh oh.
Team Phantom 👻😎
Chaos: Guys check this out
Chaos: *link*
Chaos: The Joker escaped from Arkham again, but no one’s heard anything of him since, nor have they been able to find him
TooFine: @Daniel 👀
TooFine: ok the @ had been a joke but the fact that he has read it and not replied is concerning
Sharpshooter: @Daniel, what did you do?
Sharpshooter: @Daniel
Sharpshooter: I can see that you’re reading this, don’t ignore me.
TooFine: ohhhh someones in troubleee 👀
Sharpshooter: Tucker.
TooFine: 🤐
Danny takes a deep breath.
Well, it’s now or never. Let’s hope Jazz is feeling merciful.
Private chat
Bill: ok so you know how you said you would still love me if I was a worm?
Pants: I have no clue how this ties into the previous conversation, but yes. Why?
Bill: hypothetically
Bill: would you also still love me if I
Bill: hypothetically
Bill: accidentally
Bill: vibe checked someone that tried to uh
Bill: hypothetically
Bill: kidnap and or kill me??
Bill: 🥺🥺🙏
Pants: Danny, did you accidentally kill the Joker?
Bill: yes or no Jazz??!? 😩🥺
Pants: Yes, Danny. I would still love you if you, hypothetically, accidentally killed the Joker.
Bill: this is why you’re my favorite sister 🥹🥰😘
Bill: don’t tell Ellie 😳🫣
Pants: Danny, what happened?
Danny lets out a sigh of relief before proceeding to tell Jazz what happened.
Pants: Oh Danny.
Bill: are you mad at me?
Pants: I’m not mad at you, I just want you to stay safe.
Pants: While I don’t condone murder, I understand that it was self-defense and an accident. I‘m just glad that you’re alright.
Bill: 🥰💞😘
With a small smile on his face, Danny goes back to the groupchat.
Team Phantom 👻😎
Daniel: you know
Daniel: if I had a nickel for every time I’ve had to fight off an insane clown that attacked me 🤡
Daniel: I’d have two nickels
Daniel: which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice, right? 🤔
Chaos: Damnit Danny, we leave you alone in a new city for a week and you already manage to get into a fight with one of Gotham City’s most infamous rogues
TooFine: actually its been 6 days 10 hours and 17 minutes
TooFine: so not even a full week yet
Chaos: Did you at least get a good few punches in?
Chaos: Danny?
TooFine: @Daniel ???
TooFine: if i had a nickel for every time danny said something concerning and then didnt provide context id be richer than vlad
Daniel: anyway, for completely unrelated reasons, @TooFine I need you to wipe some cams for me 😃
TooFine: danny im not wiping the cams again so no one will have proof of you tripping backward and falling ass-first into a trashcan
Chaos: Speaking of, Tucker do you still have that footage and can you send it to me?
TooFine: already done
Daniel: noo it’s nothing like that this time 😫
Daniel: pleaseeee 🥺🙏🙏
Daniel: I’ll get you an autograph from Tim Drake-Wayne?
TooFine: deal.
Daniel: 🥳🎉
Daniel: ok so the footage from somewhere around 3 am last night
Daniel: around some place named park row??
Daniel: I think it’s called?? 🤔
Daniel: though I’m pretty sure I’ve also heard some people refer to it as crime alley
Daniel: not sure why tho 🤷
TooTine: aye aye captain o7
Chaos: Danny, in an alley getting attacked by the fucking Joker: I wonder why this place is called crime alley
Daniel: stop bullying me 😠
Chaos: No
TooFine: hey danny r u sure thats right? i checked the cams n stuff but theres no available footage from the area n time u described
TooFine: its like someones already wiped it all
Daniel: oh!
Daniel: that’s so sweet of him  😊
Chaos: Wait who is this ‘him’?
TooFine: the joker????
Daniel: oh no not the Joker
Daniel: just some cute guy I met last night  
Daniel: he witnessed me killing the Joker 🫣
Daniel: and didn’t call the cops on me afterward 🥰💞
TooFine: def green flag
Chaos: Oh hell yeah, he’s a keeper
Chaos: Wait you killed the Joker?! I thought you just fought him off!
Daniel: it was an accident!! 😭😭
Daniel: he crept up on me and tried to grab me 😓
Daniel: so I got startled and because all I saw was a clown
Daniel: I just kinda punched his face in with my ghost strength… 😰
TooFine: f
Chaos: f
Sharpshooter: Have you gotten rid of the body yet? Did you leave behind DNA at the crime scene? Will I need to start saving up bail money or getting ready to enact the Fenton Break Out plan?
Chaos: Jazz asking the important questions here
Daniel: well, considering the footage was wiped
Daniel: and also the fact that no one’s found him yet
Daniel: I think it’s safe to assume it’s all taken care of
Daniel: that’s honestly really sweet of him though 🥰😊
TooFine: oohhhhh ur mystery boo??
Daniel: yeah, this random guy saw me vibe-checking the Joker
Daniel: and let me go home without any trouble
Daniel: pretty sure he’s the one who wiped the cams 🤔
Daniel: and then today he showed up at my apartment with flowers 🥺
Daniel: they were sweat peas!!!! 🥰🤩
Chaos: Was that to thank you for the murder orrrr?
Sharpshooter: Oh those are your favorite, was that on purpose?
Daniel: well I didn’t tell him
Daniel: so I’m not sure if he knew or if it was a coincidence 🤷
Daniel: but yeah then he took me out to this restaurant called Pete’s for dinner
Daniel: they had some amazing cannoli
Daniel: you should try it sometime if you get the chance
Daniel: and then after dinner he took me to the observatory!!!!!!! 🤩🥰
Sharpshooter: Gotham observatory?
Sharpshooter: Isn’t that the one with the special telescope, I think you mentioned it before
Daniel: yeah, the crystal-powered telescope!! 😍💞✨🤩❤️
Daniel: and at the end, he brought me home
Daniel: and he asked for my number!!!
TooFine: nice dude!
Chaos: The guy really went all-out and planned your dream date hu? So, what’s this mystery hunk’s name?
Daniel: oh I’m not sure, I didn’t ask 🙃🤭
Sharpshooter: Danny…
Daniel: yes?
Sharpshooter: Did you go on a date with a complete stranger who witnessed you commit a murder?
Chaos: How do you not even know his name?
Daniel: two words Jazz: Johnny 13
Daniel: and he’s not a stranger!! 😠
Sharpshooter: But you don’t know his name?
Chaos: We just can’t leave him alone, can we? Less than a week on his own and he already murdered one of Gotham’s most infamous rogues and then completely forgets the concept of Stranger Danger
Daniel: I mean he probably just found it when he tried to do some research on me or something
Daniel: probably got it from the school’s system now that I think of it 🤔
TooFine: dude who the hell is this guy??
Chaos: Who the fuck did you go on a date with?
Daniel: do you really think it was a date? 🥺😳
Daniel: I wasn’t sure
Daniel: cause he mainly took me out for dinner to thank me for the night before
Daniel: but then again
Daniel: he did get me flowers and ask for my number after he brought me back to my apartment 🤔
Daniel: like I wasn’t sure if I was reading the signals right…..
Daniel: but do you think that was a date? 🫣
Sharpshooter: Danny, for the love of the Ancients.
Sharpshooter: Who was it?
Daniel: oh, it was Red Hood 🥰
TooFine: damn dannys got that vigilante rizz
Sharpshooter: Red Hood? The crime lord?!
TooFine: former, actually
Daniel: what he said ^^
Chaos: Danny, you really have a type huh? Vigilantes with a Red theme. Who’s next? Red Robin?
Daniel: stop bullying me
TooFine: never
Chaos: Never
Daniel: on a different note, who changed my name in the chat again?
Sharpshooter: Ellie did.
Chaos: Ellie
TooFine: @TheCoolerDaniel
TheCoolerDaniel: 😎
TheCoolerDaniel: wait i just read back, danny’s dating a crime lord?? :0 👀
Taglist (for now, I’ll probably stop if I cant keep up):
@i-always-say-yea  @uraniumwizard
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forest-reblogs · 1 year
I've finally finished the first chapter for Loving You Is A Losing Game! Here is the link to AO3, and I've also posted the first chapter under the cut.
@fisticuffsatapplebees @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 @space-dreams-world @omnicrafts @butterflypeachgrove you guys get the credit!
Tag List:
@taniaundertaleau @whitecrowbane @xye-chan @my-perfect-storybook-love @meira-3919 @bubblemixer @wackyattack
Danny stared at the portal, his finger merely one inch away from the self-destruct button. His hands shook as he stared down the portal.
Am I really doing this?
He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and releasing the tension from his body. It felt like this was the only way, but . . . It couldn’t be. There had to be something else he could do.
But he knew there wasn’t. Things had changed. He couldn’t stand being here, alone in Amity Park, where nobody cared about him unless it was to shove him into a locker and where his parents were planning to kill him. He was tired of waiting for someone to see him, tired of waiting for something to change.
Because nothing would.
He’d destroyed Vlad’s portal to the Ghost Zone and stolen his blueprints so he wouldn’t be able to make another one, and he’d planned on doing the same for his parents portal, too, but now . . .
He couldn’t do it.
Danny fled upstairs, away from the portal, away from the basement, away from the place he’d died three years ago and no one had noticed.
Danny could safely say that today was the worst day of his life.
His friends hadn’t spoken to him since they’d started hanging out with Gregor two months ago. Since they’d replaced him with Gregor two months ago. Danny didn’t hold out much hope that they’d talk to him today. He hadn’t had hope for the past week now.
He hadn’t been planning on going to school today, but he knew that if Principal Ishiyama sent another call to his parents he’d be grounded. And since ghost attacks had decreased after he’d destroyed Vlad’s portal three weeks ago, getting grounded meant incessant boredom. Or having to listen to his parents talking about the experiments they planned on doing to Phantom. The thought of that alone made him feel faint - actually having to experience it would be ten times worse. Which was why Danny snuck into class halfway through first period, using his invisibility and intangibility to pretend he’d been there the whole time. Not that he thought it would work on Lancer. He had a sneaking suspicion that Lancer was the only person besides Wes who knew he was Phantom.
Danny held in a bitter laugh. Somehow, his friend circle had gone from Sam, Tucker and Valerie to Wes. And Wes had spent the better part of two years attempting to reveal his identity.
The period ended, and Danny just walked straight through the wall next to his desk and into the corridor outside, not caring if anyone saw him. He knew no one would believe that he was Phantom. After all, Wes had tried to tell the town for years and had failed, at least until the GIW attack seven months ago when he’d realized exactly what was waiting for Danny if his identity was revealed. Wes had gotten a lot cooler since then, slowly entering his friend group.
Until Gregor. Until everything had happened and Sam and Tucker had decided to kick him to the curb. Valerie had already done so two years ago, when he’d first revealed to her that he was Phantom. She hadn’t taken it well.
Danny still had a scar from when she’d stabbed him with a knife made from ecto-ranium.
He reached his locker, not even bothering to act surprised when Wes was standing leaning on the wall right next to it. He knew Wes would have been watching him through the bugs he’d placed in Fentonworks. 
Wes was always watching Fentonworks.
Danny opened up his locker, pulling out a random textbook. “I couldn’t do it.”
“I saw,” Wes said, not unkindly. He paused for a moment, before asking, “Wanna talk about it?”
Wes stared at him for a few seconds before nodding. “You planning on doing it tonight?”
“I was thinking I’d spend the night at yours, actually.” Danny slammed his locker shut and turned to face Wes. “My parents have an idea for a new invention.”
Wes clenched his fist. “All the more reason to do it tonight.”
Danny took a deep breath. “I can’t, Wes. Not tonight. I can’t go down there again. I died there, Wes, and no one noticed and I can’t go back to the basement and stand in front of the portal and push that button, I just can’t.”
Wes hesitated. "All right." He pushed Danny to the side and opened up his locker. Danny was about to protest when Wes took the books from his hand and gave him a different set of books.
“You have English now, idiot.” Wes shook his head. “Not Chemistry.”
Danny blinked, taking the books. “Thanks.”
Wes grinned at him, slinging an arm over his shoulder. “No problem, dumbass.”
Danny wasn’t entirely sure how it had happened, but somehow, his parents had captured a shade.
Humans couldn’t even see shades.
Danny would have to figure out a way to get his parents to spill the beans on how they’d caught the poor thing, but right now he needed to come up with a plan to sneak in and return the shade to the Ghost Zone, where it belonged.
It wouldn’t be particularly difficult. All he’d have to do would be to make sure that his parents were sufficiently distracted, and then he could open the portal and get the shade through to the other side. Which was why he was currently standing invisibly outside the basement door, waiting for the call Wes would make with one of his burner phones to Fentonworks, and when his family inevitably answered it, they’d be told that there was a ghost attack in progress at the park. The pair would immediately rush to the GAV, leaving Danny free to go down and save the shade.
Danny pressed himself further into the wall as the house phone rang and Mom walked out of the basement, muttering about bothersome people interrupting their work , a scowl on her face. The scowl, however, immediately vanished as she heard what was being said by the person on the other end. He watched as the call ended and she rushed downstairs, excitement evident on her face, and a few minutes later both she and Dad ran out of the basement and into the garage. Danny released a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding, and sank through the floor and into the basement. The sooner he got this over with the better.
It was easy enough to find the shade; after all, they were both ectoplasmic entities, and shades in particular were so common that Danny had no trouble finding them even in his human form. Which was good, since unlike blob ghosts, shades had such low levels of ectoplasm that his ghost sense couldn’t locate them at all. Danny opened the small ecto-resistant container his parents had trapped the shade inside, and held his hand out, waiting. The shade jumped into his palm after only a few seconds. He held back a grin as he walked over to the portal. Easy . Now all he had to do was get the shade to the Ghost Zone.
Danny held his hand over the button that would open the Ghost Portal.
It was shaking.
Danny closed his eyes and tried to relax. This wasn’t even the same button. It was in an entirely different location. He wasn’t going to die again - not unless he felt like it. Danny felt his lips twitch at the joke, and emboldened, he opened his eyes and quickly pressed the button, jumping back almost immediately.
The Fenton Ghost Portal came to life, a green glow that looked almost like a maw forming inside of it. Danny shot through and quickly found the shade in his palm a nice island with a bunch of other shades. He sent out a wave of safe-protect-happy so the shade would know it was safe to stay there, before returning to the realm of the living.
He wished he could stay in the Ghost Zone a bit longer.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 8 months
Tickletober day #20: Relentless
I love lee Thoma as much as the next guy, BUT WHAT ABOUT LEE AYATO?? HE DESERVES TO GET HIS SHIT WRECKED
And its not like im lee for Thoma or smth huahahaha...🫣
Also ive been wanting to write them for so long i lub them 💖💖💖
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Thoma x Ayato (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Ayato
Ler: Thoma
Warnings: Tickles!
Ayato was many things: calm, collected, elegant, that's how he was known to the public. The only one who got to see his more... 'silly' side was Thoma, like now. The Kamisato clan's leader was refusing to go to sleep, although he had an early meeting to go to.
"My lord, please go to sleep. It's good for you" Thoma felt like he was dealing with a hyperactive toddler, which I mean isn't that far off, but he wasn't sure how much patience he had left in him.
"Hmm... make me, why don't you~" was all he was met with, as a cocky Ayato layed back with arms folded behind his head.
In that moment, Thoma could feel a vein pop. He really knew how to push his buttons, but he wasn't the only one with a trick up his sleeve. It was time to resort to drastic meassures. With a deep breath "Y'know what? Fine! But don't say I didn't warn you". Thoma cracked his knuckles dramatically before jumping on top of his master, earning a surprised squeak from the latter.
"T-Thoma?! I didn't think you'd be this bold...~" Ayato tried teasing him to throw him off his game. Letting out a chuckle as Thoma's cheeks turned a nice, crimson red.
"You- you will sleep! If it's the last thing I do" his determination managed to push back the feeling of embarrassment and with that, his hands latched onto Ayato's waist, watching as his eyes went wide when the realization hit.
"Wahait! Uhh... I'll go to sleep?" the blue haired male spoke with a sheepish grin, but the damage had already been done.
"Oh sure, sure. After I'm done with you~" now it was Thoma's turn to fluster him, his hands delivering squeeze after squeeze along Ayato's hips.
"PFFT! NOHOHO! NOT THEHEHERE!" Ayato instantly gripped onto Thoma's jacket as he threw his head back in loud cackles.
"Here, how about a nice massage to get you all losened up?~" the blonde couldn't help but chuckle along as his thumbs rubbed deep circles against Ayato's hip bones.
"WEHYAHAHAHA! WAIT! OKAHAHAY! I'LL SLEHEEHEEP!" the leader begged as his eyes squeezed shut and nose scrunched up, it was quite a cute sight, but Thoma couldn't afford any distractions right now. Not until his master was all tuckered out.
"Hmm... I dunno. Perhaps 10 minutes of tickling is just what you need~"
"S-SPEHEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE AHAHARE YOU?!" how did this man manage to keep teasing while being tickled half to death? Who knows, power of being Kamisato Ayato.
Thoma's cheeks huffed in flusterdness and annoyance. "I tried playing nice, but now you've forced my hand" literally, he shot his hands down to Ayato's thighs, but instead of squeezing aggresively, he lightly trailed his short fingernails all over the soft skin. As gentle as it was, it was an absolute killer move for his master.
"Thoma nohoAHAHAHAHA—" it wasn't long 'till Ayato's laughter switched to silent wheezes and gasped, you'd think he was being tortured.
"I think I'll stay riiiight here until you fall asleep~" Thoma spoke with a grin, keeping up the light grazes and scribbles over Ayato's thighs nonstop. Lessoned learned, don't annoy Thoma.
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sehodreams · 12 days
okay :)) so i have thoughts on each member of tall line in a trad relationship🤭🤭 and obvi this is all fictional and im making it a lil toxic here and there cuz im sick in the head but i’ll try to be chill😶
so i feel anton would be the most relaxed out of the 3. he wouldn’t expect you to do all that much for him while he’s away at work, but he does expect you to be ready for him when he gets home<333 and by that i mean of course u have a free use agreement and u should expect that every night after work he wants u to pleasure and take care of him<333 he loves if u suck him off obediently before he’s even undressed after work, tugging his slacks down and palming him through his boxers while he loosens his tie and shrugs his dress jacket off🤤🤤 he’d love u to take a bit of control by tugging on his shirt or tie to bring him in for a kiss after bringing him to completion with ur lips, crawling into his lap and grinding against him<333 but he’d quickly flip back to using you when he’s ready, flopping you onto your back on the mattress and (if ur good! eating u out<3 otherwise,) stripping you off ur panties and taking u in missionary, he might flip positions but he’s likely just going to fuck into ur cervix repeatedly until you cum once, twice, he’s going to fill you up with his cum multiple times until he’s tuckered out :( falling asleep with his fingers shoved inside ur poor abused cunt to keep his cum from leaking out :(((
eunseok overall would be soo sweet to u :) he’d always be caring and attentive enough to bring u home gifts most days, showering u with flowers n chocolates all the time even if for no special reason other than that u are his queen <33 in return he wild expect u to always have dinner ready though n be on top of household chores n laundry and all that .. so if u weren’t, he’d probably give u a warning the first time, the second time maybe folding you over his lap in ur bedroom to give you a round of spankings hoping that will teach u ur lesson :( and atp u still haven’t learned!! maybe he’d fuck you against the sliding door of ur sunroom for the whole neighbourhood to see how bad of a girl you’ve been :((
and i left sungchan for last cuz he’s always rotting my brain. he’d maybe be somewhere in between anton and eunseok, wanting to be taken care of some days and other days wanting to take care of u, whether that’s as a reward for u or as a punishment for ur behaviour :( on one hand, he could be mean and hold you down on his cock, not letting u move ur hips or anything, just letting you warm him while you babble n cry cuz u need more friction :(( telling u if u weren’t such a dumb slut then he wouldn’t have to do this to u :( you should’ve done the chores he asked u to and not fallen asleep in the middle of the day, silly girl :( or he’s eating u out and worshipping ur body, calling u the sweetest names because u are his princess and he would die for u :) would mark u up even though it’s not like u leave the house and anybody else ever gets to see u :( would buy u slutty little lingerie fits to wear all day n to think about him and get all needy and flustered to be ready for him when he gets home<333
Girl that was exactly what I needed 😭
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With Anton I imagine more a trophy wife than anything. You don't even have to lift a single finger, he'd tell you to get help if you need it, and if not, he also leaves the option there. He wants you to be always fresh, because like you mentioned, he has a free use rule, and that's the only job he'd ever ask you to do in his (your) house.
With Eunseok I can't help but imagine a perfect wife. He likes to eat out, but there's nothing like your packed lunches, and he loves that when he gets home, he shows you his empty Tupperware and then goes down on you to say thanks. However, like you said, he expects you to do all the house chores, and if you don't, better get ready for punishment. He loves to shower you with gifts when you're good, and he loves to punish you when you're not. There's simply something so satisfying in seeing you beg for his forgiveness, all blushing and tearing because the punishment he chooses is dirtier and dirtier every time.
Sungchan is a mix of the other two. He's sweet, telling you to not overwork yourself and get some help, but also telling you to iron and choose his clothes every morning before work. Oh, and you better don't forget his herbs and smoothie for breakfast!
I believe that with him, it also depends a lot on how his day's been. Anton, even if it's been a bad day, arrives home and finds immediate comfort with your presence. Eunseok, when he's had the worst day, only has to tell you that he really wants to get home for you to have his bath ready, his dinner on the table and an apron over your body with nothing inside. Sungchan, on the other hand, needs to take that bitterness out, making you feel his stress with each thrust and forced orgasm, punishing you even if you've done nothing wrong or you've been sweeter than normal with him.
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God, I really want to be their stay home wife and forget about everything else in the world.
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lixxen · 25 days
hello beloved mutual lixxen. im curious of about danny phantom! ive seen your reblogs of it, and i was wondering if you could explain the premise of it? bc my memory of it was a kids show from nickelodeon, but it seems super popular. is it still running??
anyways it seems kind of fun, im thinking of starting it
Welcome back to Lixx explaining hyperfixations!!
Danny Phantom is a children's cartoon from 2004 that has three seasons and a graphic novel (that came out last year) (the show has been done for twenty years)
It focuses on Daniel Fenton, who is a 14 year old who lives in a small town somewhere in the northern Midwest of the US (near Wisconsin but not in it). His parents are scientists/inventors who are obsessed with ghosts. They create a portal that should bring them to the Ghost Zone, a special realm that ghosts come from, but it doesn't work. Danny does inside of it and turns it on, which turns him into a Halfa. A Halfa is a half ghost, half human. He canonically dies twice in the show. I will not elaborate on how this kid just dies a few times.
The show follows Danny and his friends (and various classmates and reoccurring cast) as he learns how to use his powers and fight off ghosts along the way!
The cast includes:
His older sister Jazz, who is actually a really good big sister who cares a lot even if she's overbearing
Sam, his main love interest who is a Jewish goth girl and doesn't eat meat
His best friend Tucker, who is a techno nerd who loves meat
The A-Listers, who are the popular kids
Valerie, who is a love interest and enemy at certain points
His parents Maddie and Jack, who are overbearing and can be kinda crazy at times
Vlad, his not uncle who is fucking insane and a main bad guy. In love with Maddie
Plus various others!!
The fandom is very active and old. There are regular Tumblr/AO3 events that happen every year with a schedule and there is a steady fanon that has been built around the show that is basically canon (or supported by the canon). The creator, Butch Hartman, is a bigoted asshole who everyone hates.
The show is very fun and it is bingeable. It has a specific formula and is predictable at times. But also, it's very grim because you slowly realize that this 14 year old kid is literally carrying the weight of a realm on his shoulders and is living a double life where his parents basically want him dead and gone while loving his alive self
The fandom loves gore/whump.
I'm not kidding.
I have written a handful of gore fics for this show and tbh they're not even the worst things ever. If you've ever want to see some of the most jaw dropping whump and gore, this fandom has it.
We have fics that are literally the best written alternate universes and have nothing to do with the original show besides characters and death. Like. There's bound books of that specific fic. I haven't read it but it's long and it will make you sob
Some things that are lore building/fanon shit that everyone knows:
Ghost obsessions (you'll know it when you see it)
Ghost cores having specific effects on ghosts (it's canon but not really talked about in canon for more than two seconds)
Danny having allergic reactions to blood blossoms outside of his ghost form
Ghost speak being a ghost language all ghosts speak
Wes Weston and Kyle Weston being unnamed background characters that the fans took and made into full characters. It's actually cool as fuck. They're fully functioning characters and I love them
Death echoes/death days
I will warn that whatever feelings you have regarding to ships needs to be kicked to the side. All things go for ships here. Don't like the ship/don't condone it, don't interact with ir. You will waste your breath trying to play police over ship
Ships also have names. Platonic AND romantic ships. Here's some I can name off the top of my head:
Pitch pearl: Danny/Phantom (Danny gets split into a ghost and human form at one point)
Amethyst ocean: Danny/Sam
Savant Par: Danny/Tucker
Everlasting trio: Danny/Tucker/Sam
Badger cereal: Danny & Vlad (I think????)
Swagger Bishie/Golden Twinkie: dash/Danny
Pink astronaut: Danny/Paulina
Gray Ghost: Danny/Valerie
So yeah lol
This is my most read fic I think. I am gonna start writing again for DP soon. I love reading them
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(here's my AO3 fic tags from my bookmarks for DP)
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gilbirda · 2 years
I fee like people are milking the Anger Management ship a little too often now when there are other ships they can go with. The only Danny x Cass ship that sailed and I’ve seen is in Lex Luther’s Ascent from Supervillainy to Fatherhood 😃 I kind of want to see Jazz and Dick getting closer because of being the oldest and/or Danny and a super kid! Danny x Duke is a ship that no one wants to dip their feet in 😔 they could bond over having powers or maybe everlasting quartet 🤔 (sam x danny x val x tucker) sorry im good at giving ideas out im just horrible at executing them 😭 also, Jazz x Babs? their ship Name could be Oracle Specter? Bc some hc jazz as a liminal and oracle liminal doesn’t sound as good 😀
Friend, I'll be real with you, I don't see the point of this message.
The following answer is not for you specifically, is to everyone out there that has said something similar. I can't just ignore it anymore.
I will say this once: why the need to stomp on something to highlight another? Why start with "I think Anger Management is too common/used/repetitive, when we could be doing this instead."
I'm sorry but this rubs me the wrong way, and I cannot find in me the energy to play nice when it isn't the first time I've seen people stomp on my favorite ship for the sole purpose to try and highlight other ships.
The sad part? I like other ships. Jazz/Dick (Nightbirds), Danny/Cass (Dead Silent) and all those you mentioned are okay.
(Jazz/Babs is Red Dead Redemption, but it can be changed)
Like, what's the point? Guilt trip people into making content for other ships? Make me feel bad enough so I write for other ships instead? I am not the DPxDC ships wizard, I don't wake up one day and decide which ship becomes popular.
I just saw the potential for Jazz and Jason, how interesting their dynamics could be, and run with it. I'm happy that my rarepair has become so popular that it has antis and detractors, it's such an honor to have started the fire that took my OTP out of rarepair hell.
But, please.
If anybody out there likes other ships? That's great!
Now go make content for it.
Don't go into mine, or other writer's, inbox and try to guilt trip people into making content for your ship. Or make vagueing posts in the Anger Management tag complaining about it.
Be the change you want to see.
I wrote nearly 100k words of my ship before I saw other people that wasn't me making posts and AUs about them. Before I saw more fics with that ship posted in AO3.
I just sat down and made content.
"Why are people sleeping on these ships?"
"Why isn't [CharacterA/CharacterB] more popular?"
"Anger Management is great, but I'd prefer if it was done this way instead."
Again, this isn't an attack on you personally, is a PSA to anybody out there being pissy about Anger Management and shitting on it just to make other ships look better or more interesting; or wondering out loud why this ship is popular and their ship is not, behaving as if it were all a plot to make Anger Management more popular on purpose.
Stop that.
Multiple ships can coexist in peace, no need to put down the popular ships unnecessarily. Is not rocket science.
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
“I thought of you all, I hope you like it!”
… Characters: Earl Gray x Pure Vanilla x Eclair x Gn baker! Reader)
note: not proof read, its kinda rushed idk
You are in a relationship with Earl Gray, Pure Vanilla, and Eclair. You’ve away for a bit in other kingdom, leaving your lovers to take care of the kingdom.
You were gone longer than you hope to be. Its been weeks since you’ve seen your lovers, you’ve sent lettered to tell them you’ll be home later than promised.
while you were in the other kingdom, you had meetings multiple times a day. You believed some of these “meetings” were just ways to make you stay longer with them. There was an argument a few days ago, it got violent, and the continuation of said meeting was a week later.
During this week break you went into town to find gifts to give to your lovers. There were lovely outfits, gorgeous hats fit for a king or queen, but nothing truly grabbed your attention. Until you saw a tiny store around the corner selling bracelets. Theu werent full of jewels and gems, just simply colored bracelets with adorable charms. You walked into the store and saw a wall of charms and wall of yarn and fabrics.
“Hello- Baker? Welcome!” Said the short cookie working at the front desk.
“Hello, im just here to get matching bracelet set as a gift.” You said, your eyes trailing the wall of charms.
“Well, here the customer makes their own bracelets, it jsut makes the gift more personal. But i cam make it of you nee-”
Your eyes lit and you said “I would love to make them!”
You instantly went to the walls of charms to get a better look. You found four of the same charms that remind you of you. So you cam put them on all four bracelets so all of your lovers will hav something that reminds them of you. You then found charms that reminded you of them.
~hour later~
You were done making the bracelets, they all had the four charms on each one, one representing you and you and lovers. The store clerk helped you make the bracelets and tie the bracelets. You both had lots of fun, making jokes, dropping things, and overall laughing till your hearts content.
“Thank you again for the help!” You said after you payed, the bracelets where in matching gift boxes with blue blue bow on top.
“Anytime! Im just glad you had fun!” The store clerk said smiling.
“I’ll definitely tell people about this place, you deserve to have more customers!”
O-Oh! You dont have to do all that.” The store clerks cheeks were red and they were looking anywhere but your eyes.
“I do, but I must be leaving. I hope to see you again!” You say walking oit the door, the store clerk waved goodbye.
~a few days later~
The meetings were over, and you can finally go home! You were fast asleep on the carriage ride home. You were laying across the seats with soft blankets and pillows surrounding you.
By the time you made it back to the kingdom, you were still asleep. The carriage pulled up to the castle, your lovers rushing to it when they saw it. They opened tot he door and saw you fast asleep.
“I guess those meetings really tuckered them out.” Eclair whispered thens tarted to wrote something down on his scroll.
Earl grey then picked you up, all the blankets still around you. Eclair and Pure Vanilla grabbed all the bags and brought you in.
When they were dropping you and your bags off in your room, Pure Vanilla tipped over a bag and hand sized boxed with blue bows fell out.
“And what might that be?” Pure vanilla picked up of the boxes and shook it to hear whats in side.
“Jewelry if i had to guess.” Eclair walked over and pick up another box.
“They don’t wear much jewelry, let alone buy any. They wear the ones that mean a lot to them.” Earl grey said after he placed you in your bed and walked over to Eclair and Pure Vanilla. He picked up the last two boxes on the floor
“True, so what could be inside?-” Pure Vanilla was interrupted by you waking up. “My love!” Pure Vanilla rushed over to you, getting his knees in front of you.
“Relax lover boy.” Earl Grey grabbd Pure Vanillas collar and pulled him back.
“What are you guys holding?” You goggly say while getting up.
“We were gonna ask you that, Pure Vanilla dropped obe of the bags and these fell out.” Earl grey hands you one of the boxes.
You examined the box, you were still tired and your eyes were still adjusting to the light.
“Oh, Open one! I thought of you all, hope you like it!” You say remembering whats in the boxes.
Pure vanilla and eclair opened the boxes with no hesitation, eclair took his time trying to not ruin the box.
Pure vanilla and eclair looked like kids on their birthday getting the gift they really wanted.
“Are these-” Pure Vanilla started.
“-Matching Bracelets!” Eclair finished
“Baker, you’re awesome!” Eclair and Pure Vanilla sounded like school girls when they find out their crush likes them. They keep obsessing over them, Earl Gray takes that time to sit next to you and put you on his lap.
“They’re beautiful..” Earl Gray whispered in you ear. He then kissed your cheek and smiled.
“Im glad you guys like them, there was a bracelets making shop and i made them there! I chose these charms cause they reminded me of us.” You said. Eclair and Pure Vanilla squeal even louder.
“They clearly love them.” Earl Grey laughs.
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raytorosaurus · 2 years
hi nic nj hardcore scene historian. could i ask for some essential podcasts of thursday/geoff <3 if you have the time ofc :-)
YES OFC okay i need to warn you that this shit is Potent. you will fall in love and it will get to a point where you need a certain amount of food water geoff podcast just to get you through the day. if you search "geoff rickly" on spotify and sort podcasts i can genuinely say every single one of them is worth a listen. but here are a couple that are a good starting place, from memory:
going off track (october 2012): this one's a classic because it's the first time he appeared on steven smith's (yes, of untitled rock show fame) podcast - he's been on it a couple of times and every one is great but this one covers a good deal of interesting information about the jersey hardcore scene geoff was really involved in (which is really cool to learn about as a my chem fan too!) and the vibes are good bc they all go way back (one of the co-hosts, jonah bayer, is in another grindcore/punk band with geoff)
sappenin' (october 2019): again, vibes are great with these hosts because they've been friends for ages. i'm not sure exactly how in-depth they explain it but geoff went through some real shit in 2014-16 and some of that's referenced in here. two pieces of context just in case: they talk a bit about the band geoff formed with the ex-members of l*stprophets after that lead singer went to jail for some fucked up stuff (major csa warning if you google), and also about the music label geoff created in an attempt to prove that it was possible to run an ethical, artist-first label, which...imploded quite dramatically and publicly because he trusted the wrong investor lol.
cautionary tales (january 2018): the vibes of this one aren't as laid-back and fun but it is very interesting and informative about, like, scene history and politics as it relates to both thursday and my chem
lead singer syndrome (feb 2021): geoff has earned his poor little meow meow title more than anyone else. they talk quite a bit about all the label bullshit thursday/geoff went through in this one
shallow rewards dream life of emo part 1 and 2 (sept 2016): again this one's really interesting in terms of emo/post-hardcore history and situating both thursday and my chem in that, fairly succinct too
and last but not least it's worth mentioning that geoff has his own short podcast on spotify (under geoffrey rickly) about mental health in the arts industry, and this episode specifically features steve from thursday and norm brannon (who is also currently touring with thursday) and they discuss homophobia and being closeted as a touring artist in the scene (nothing graphic or too upsetting, but definitely worth a listen).
okay that's already quite a lot of podcast lol but like i said. you can't go wrong. some of the guys, especially tucker and steve, have done some good ones too which are funny to listen to after geoff podcasts bc both those guys are like eighty times less dramatic than geoff in general lmao. also shout-out to this one by stu, thursday's current touring bassist (and geoff's no devotion bandmate), because he does talk quite a bit about geoff in it, but also because it's just like. a really good listen. they talk about some pretty confronting stuff regarding the l*stprophets situation, im not exaggerating when i say this episode made me laugh out loud and cry in my car within like the same ten minutes.
anyway. have fun good luck not falling deeply deeply into parasocials with geoff after these lol ✌️ and just in general, to mcr fans, i honestly think getting to know a little bit of this kind of stuff can really enhance your enjoyment and appreciation of my chem as well!
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f33der · 1 year
Darren and Tucker (Part 2)
A week and a half went by. Darren kept it professional with Tucker and the two seemed to be back on track with joking around but an aura of sexual tension was building under the surface for them both. Darren couldn’t stop replaying the scenario over and over in his head. The way Tucker looked up at him as if there was a silent agreement of who was in control. Tuckers cock stiffening as Darren pushed the melted milkshake into his face, forcing him to finish the thick, calorie rich drink. Darren jerked off every night just cherishing every small detail about that day. He remembered the whimpers that Tucker let out as Darren told him to keep eating. It was too much for Darren to bring up now that the incident had ended. Tucker didn’t mention it either. It’s as if it was a secret they both experienced together but kept from each other at the same time.
Tucker met Darren one Friday morning in the gym at the usual time. His strong arms reached for the handle to the lifting area of the base gym and as he opened the door, Darren was benching what looked like 225lbs with ease.
Tucker smiled and said
T- “damn, look who’s the big guy now”
D- set his barbell on the rack and sat up to look at Tucker “I have some catching up to do if I’m competing with you” he laughed
T- “Wanna keep hitting chest today? Im good with it if you’re already started on it.”
D- “Sure”
The two men traded the bench back and forth until Darren was beat.
D- “ I gotta switch it up, Im going to do some decline sets. Will you spot me?”
T- “Sure”
Darien threw two 45 pound plats on the barbell, sat down and wrapped his ankled around the leg supports that stopped him from sliding head first on to the ground. He watched as Tucker slowly walked over toward him to spot. Darren loved the way Tucker developed a waddle these days, His thick thighs rubbed so much he had to sway side to side with each step. Tucker was wearing an oversized workout shirt. His pumped up chest and thick shoulders were still visible in the black pull over t shirt and his belly still pushed against the fabric enough to tell he was eating well. Tucker assumed the position over Darren. Darren pushed against the barbell and started his set.
“1..2...3...4..5..6.. come on you got this..7..8..9...10” Tucker yelled. Darren was focused on the fact that Tuckers meaty package was inches from his mouth. He could smell this big mans spunk. Even better, Tuckers belly was pushing against the shirt enough to show his thick hairy underbelly. Darren watched it giggle happily each time he yelled out a number for motivation.
D- “What is going on this weekend? Got any plans?” Darren said as he sat up from the decline bench.
T- “Not really, Its actually my birthday on Sunday so I think ill treat myself to a nice meal or something”
D- “WHAT??, Dude no way? Please let me buy you a drink tonight! I literally will not take no for an answer”
T- I didn’t want to mention it because I didn’t want you to feel obligated or throw me a dumb party or something.”
D- “you’re so annoying for keeping this from me. Hows that shitty bar across from base sound? We can start there and maybe get into something else or get dinner!”
T- “yeah! That sounds really great. Thanks”
The two finished up and got ready for work. Tucker finally received his new, bigger uniforms a few days after the button popping incident. He wore only his tucked in undershirt the days leading up to the arrival of the other uniforms. Darren loved watching him lean back and showing off his almost 60 pounds of gains in his tucked in, skin tight shirt. Tuckers round belly ate the bottom of his shirt and smothered his belt looped through the struggling pair of pants he probably fought to button.
They grabbed breakfast together and headed up stairs. “Lets get shit done and i’ll close the office early” said Darren excitedly.
“Sounds good!” Tucker replied.
They hustled through the day and even skipped lunch, “a gainer sin” Darien thought to himself as he looked over at Tucker typing away. 3pm came and Darren called it. “Aright let’s get out of here.” Wanna head home and get dressed? I have an extra pair of going out clothes in my car so i’ll just meet you at the bar.” Darren explained.
“We should probably eat first right?” Tucker asked.
“Oh.. oh yeah for sure” Darren responded and laughed. Lets get food there, its like dive bar food.”
“Sounds good, i’ll see you in like half an hour, I’m not far from base.” Tucker responded.
The two headed off and Darren arrived a the bar. A notification reading “Just left, be there in a few” lit up Darrens phone which lay face up on the old wooden bar. The saloon, called Murphy’s somehow resembled the same dive bar in ever city in America. Old USA pics all over the walls and the smell of stale beer filled the air. People started to trickle in as Darren ordered a beer for himself and two menus. Darren heard the saloon style doors slap open as he turned around to see Tucker in his iconic cowboy boots, a tight pair of Levi’s that hugged his thick legs, and a shirt that looks like it had shrunk in the washer a few pounds ago. To top it off, he had on a tan, leather cowboy hat with brown stitching that matched his boots. Darren couldn’t help but stare a little too long as he watched Tucker walk toward him. His heart fluttered a bit.
“Ohhhh he’s ready to go OUT” Darren screamed Tuckers way. Tucker smiled with his cute little bushy mustache and chronic 5 o’clock shadow and yelled back “damn right, let’s get lit!!”
Tucker sat down next to Darren and the whole bar shook just a bit. His weight made the chair under him creak ever so gently. “Lets eat and get a drink, shall we?” Darren said to tucker with a smile on his face. “Oh yeah I’m starving!!” Tucker emphasized.
Darren ordered a cheeseburger, fries and a side of wings to split if he was still hungry. Tucker ordered 2 Cheeseburgers with a large side of bacon cheese fries, mozzarella sticks, another order of wings and just to be safe a large basket of onion rings. The bartender looked round as he took the order to see if others were joining the two. They waited for the food to arrive, sipped beers and chatted to pass the time.
D- “So do you go home for birthdays ever? Where even is home?” Darren asked, realizing he never really got to know that side of Tucker.
T- “I’m from Southern Nebraska and I spent 24 miserable years there so I try not to go back unless absolutely necessary” Tucker said as he laughed a took a long sip of beer. The foam sticking to his mustache making Darren laugh and hand him a napkin.
D- “ I get that, any family still there?”
T- “yeah my dad and my two brothers still live there on our ranch, they herd cattle and such so its kind of a family business. The army was a great excuse to get out of that though. How about you, where are you from again?”
D- “Just south of Atlanta. I also lived with my dad and my sister. They both cut hair actually!” Darren said as he chuckled. “I like to go home for the holidays because it’s not too far and my dad is really great. You’d like him” Darren said accidentally which made him blush and turn toward the bar.
T- “I bet I would!” Tucker said sincerely.
The food took a while and another beer was drank in that time. When it finally arrived, both of them had an empty stomach buzz going and they both dug in quickly. Darren finished everything he ordered including the wings and Tucker destroyed his meal. He was halfway through the basket of onion rings, the last of his order, when he heard a familiar call from behind.
“Tuck??!!” Screamed a voice entering the bar.
“Dude, is that you?? Holy shit you got fat!!”
Tucker turned to face the familiar voice behind him. Barbecue sauce was smudged on his cheek from dipping the rings. His hands were greasy and his belly at its fattest state of the day, pushing proudly against the black pull over T-shirt he was wearing.
“Dude, office life has done a NUMBER on you!” The man said.
“Whats up Ricky?” Tucker asked unenthusiasticly as his face turned red and he quickly reached for napkin to wipe his hands.
“Dude, the guys are going to trip out when I tell them how fat you got. I cannot believe it. You’ve got some sauce on your face big boy” Chris said as he reached for Tuckers stomach. Darren watched as Ricky dug his bony fingers into Tuckers gorged stomach, making him heave a bit and turn even more red.
“Stop dude, what the fuck??” Tucker said in an angry defensive voice.
“Im just messing around man, you like you’ve been stuffing yourself for months non stop. Bet I can outrun you now!” Ricky said as he laughed and again attempted to poke at Tuckers belly.
Darren quickly grabbed the young mans hand and said “Enough, he said stop! Are you bad at listening or just dumb” He said in a very stern voice.
“Jeez dude, who the fuck is this guy??” Ricky said confidently to Tucker.
“Staff sergeant Branner. Whats your rank??” Darren replied quickly and with anger in his low voice.
“Ugh.. Im.. ugh, Specialist Inker.” Ricky replied as he realized he was disrespecting a higher ranking soldier and clearly wasn’t ready for the backlash.
“Infantry is it? I’ll have a talk with your Staff sergeant on Monday about your appearance and attitude off base. He should be able to clear that issue up for us really quick. In the mean time why don’t you move on and enjoy your weekend while you can.” Darren said sternly as he sat back down, turned and took a big swig of his beer. Ricky eyed Tucker up and down and smiled. He turned to walk away and yelled to the bartender “get the fat dude at the end of the bar a light beer on me” as he laughed.
“He is such a douche bag, I’m really sorry about that. Thanks for saying something” Tucker said sadly with his head down. Darren could see he was defeated after that altercation. “Dude.. No wonder you left infantry. I’m sorry you had to put up with that” Darren said to him sincerely. “Its fine, we can just move on. I might just head home actually.” Tucker responded.
“No, I have a better place we can go, pleased don’t go home yet! Lets meet up with Mo and go out downtown! I’ll drive and you can crash at my place again if you’re up for it. I’ll pay for your Uber if not.” Darren smiled and gave a full puppy dog eye performance for Tucker. “Please you gotta say yes??” Darren begged in a joking way. “...Fine, stop lookin at me like that.” Tucker responded with a smile on his face. “Lets get the fuck outa here” Darren said as he threw some bills on the bar and. The two men left.
Darren unlocked the doors on his new Toyota SUV and hoped him. He watched as Tucker jumped and and sat in the passenger seat. Tucker buckled up and his belly sat over the belt as they drive toward the city. Darren couldn’t stop staring at Tuckers round belly hanging over the seat belt and waistband of his tight jeans. They listened to music and Darren tried to lighten the mood by singing along to some new pop song. Tucker shook his head as he adjusted the fabric around his groin a few times in the car saying how he had outgrown his “Big Boy” clothes now. Darrens cock started to swell just hearing him say those words. The two parked at Darrens place and decided to go to a trendy bar near Darrens house until they heard back from Mo. Darren thought Mo was working at the club since it was Friday but would maybe come out for an hour before the doors opened. Turned out she was off tonight and was excited to see Tucker again. Tucker had a few IPAs at the bar and got loose and talkative with Mo who laughed at his shy little demeanor. Darren just watched and enjoyed Tuckers cute chubby face as he drank and talked. Darren loved it when Tucker would talk more, he always felt like it was a special treat to hear Tucker say more than a few words and start to let loose.
After several many beers for Tucker and a few more vodka sodas for Darren and Mo, the group decided to hop around. They visited the few bars next door, getting a drink or two and moving on until they got to the gay club Mo worked at. Darren was a bit tipsy and Tucker was definitely buzzed. “Is it ok if we go here? This is where Mo works. It’s pretty gay and they have a lot of drag queens running around.” Darren asked nervously.
“Of course it ok! That sounds like so much fun. I wish I would have worn my chaps.” Tucker said drunkenly and with a slight lisp to his voice. Darren laughed and his mind immediately thought of Tucker in nothing but boots, chaps and a cowboy hat stuffing himself fatter and fatter. Darren snapped out of it as they entered the empty club. It was only 9:45pm and the crowd hadn’t filled in yet. They all grabbed a table near the stage with a great view for the performers and close to the dance floor as well. “I gotta go to the bathroom, where to??” Tucker asked looking at Mo. “over there sweetie, don’t fall in” she said and blew him a kiss. Tucker laughed and went off. 

“Jesus Christ he got big, you must be medicated to keep your hands off him. Thats your type baby” Mo said sarcastically. “Girl I know!! I have been losing my mind I tell you. He is so fine and he got so thick and I don’t know but I am catching a vibe” Darien said as he laughed with Mo. “he is sweet though, not like the guys from the apps. He is like genuine and uncorrupted so I’m ok with being friends if he isn’t into it” Darien said. “Thats mature of you, I wish you all the luck and restraint baby” Mo said. Tucker returned and the cocktail waitress come over to take orders. Beer for Tucker, Two vodka sodas for Darren and Mo. They group talked and laughed and drank until the crowd started to come in. Mo recognized some young, handsome gays guys and invited them over. She attempted to introduce the thin, young handsome men to Darren and Tucker but their names were lost literally seconds after they said them.
Darren turned to Tucker and asked. “Is this your first time in a gay bar?”. “Umm... actually no. I went to one when I was like 16 in Nebraska. My dad actually found out and that did not go well” Tucker responded. Darren quickly replied “Oh!! Oh nice... I mean not nice about your dad but I’m glad your not shocked and appalled by the scene.”
“No not at all, I love gay bars!” The two locked eyes in the dark and disco lit club as a voice over the speakers announced the first drag show of the evening. Mrs water melon was her name and she represented “the plus sized bitches in the house” as she came out on stage in her tight singlet. Darren got up to scream and clap for the statement as she strutted down the runway toward the table. The crowd went wild.
Tucker and Darren had separated at some point in the night with Darren ending up on the dance floor and Tucker at the bar. Tucker watched as a very tipsy Darren removed his shirt to show off his glistening athletic torso. His sweat running down the middle of his toned back. His shorts fitting snuggly against his cute and perky ass. Tucker could even make out the outline of Darrens thick cock resting toward his right thigh. Tucker leaned against the bar, slightly exposing his beer bloated gut to the club. A handsome older man approached Tucker and offered to buy him a drink. Tucker declined but thanked the man. His name was Steven and he was persistent! He got real close to Tucker and was talking in his ear as his hand reached up under tuckers shirt to rub his hairy belly. “I really love the way you look tonight, Such a cute and hairy bear. What do I need to do to get your number?” Steve asked Tucker, his hand still caressing tuckers distended belly. “Oh i’m ugh.. actually here with someone.” Tucker responded. He pointed to Darren who was dancing in a circle of other, handsome, skinny and attractive men. “Looks like he is occupied, come find me if you change your mind.” Steve said as he grabbed a thick love handle on Tucker and blew him a kiss.
Tucker felt a bit shocked. He had never been called a bear before. He liked the way it felt to be grabbed like that though. He focused his attention back on Darren who had struck up a conversation with a new guy from the dance floor. Tucker watched the two men exchange words by talking into each others ears, they leaned in close to each other. Tucker didn’t like the body language the man was using on Darren. He was grabbing him by the waist and pulling Darren toward him as they spoke. He wanted to approach them to distract Darren and bring his focus back to him but he didn’t want to be rude. Tucker decided to get two waters a bring them over to them. He ordered them and marched over toward the two dancing men. On his way Darren turned to look at Tucker approaching with the drinks. The new guy romancing Darren grabbed his face and kissed him... hard. He shoved his tongue into Darrens mouth and grabbed him around the waist to pull him in against his body. Tuckers heart sank watching. He turned away, walked up to the bar to place the waters down and headed for the door. Darren pulled away from the guy and quickly scolded him about consent. When Darren turned to find tucker, he didn’t see him. He noticed the drinks on the bar and decided to run outside and make sure Tucker wasn’t leaving. He pushed open the double doors to find Tucker on the curb, back toward the doors, looking sad for the second time this evening.
“Where’d you go??!” Darren yelled Tuckers way. “I don’t know, I think I’m ready to head home. I can get my own Uber though.” Tucker responded. “What? Why? I thought you would crash at my place??” Darren asked.
Tucker looked away from Darren and said “I don’t want to interrupt you and that guys night so i’ll just head home”. Darren laughed out loud and responded “that perv?? I had to run from him. He forced himself onto me and kissed me like, not in a consensual way.”
“Is that your type?” Tucker asked. “NO” Darren responded. After taking a second to gather his thoughts Darren added “I think you’re well aware of my type Tucker”.
Tucker stood top and faced Darren. Darren smiled at Tucker as he stepped toward him. “Lets say bye to Mo and go. I have an idea.” Darren said with enthusiasm. He grabbed Tucker by the arm to pull him into the club with him. They said goodbye to Mo and headed back out the door. Darren didn’t let go of Tuckers muscular, hairy arm as he dragged him through the club to say goodbye and leave.
The streets were busy. People were entering and exiting bars all along the sidewalks. Music could be heard with each bar they passed by. The two swerved and talked as they made their way toward Darrens house. “Sorry, I didn’t want to make you leave early” Tucker blurted out. “Its fine! it’s actually late and I was over the guys there.” Darren said. Tucker took a second to respond.
T- “I... Ugh... I can’t stop thinking about that day... the one where you ugh ... like fed me all that food. We never talked about it after but I.. I liked it.. a lot!” Tucker replied rubbing the back of his neck.
D- “I really liked that too. I was worried I was crossing lines when I was in the moment but I’m glad you liked it. I.. wouldn’t mind doing that again if you wanted to?” Darren asked slowly and with a grin on his face.
T- “I would really love that.” Tucker said eagerly.
Tucker stopped and faced Darren, pulling at his shirt to stop as well. They were on a side street heading towards Darrens apartment as Tucker looked at Darren wide eyed and took a deep breathe before blurting out.
T- “I like you Darren. I like the way you make me feel. I think you’re really, really attractive and I couldn’t stand seeing that guy kiss you tonight. Im sorry if this makes things weird and I know we work together but I just... I need you to know that I like you and I can’t stop thinking about you. ”
Tucker looked down toward his feet when Darren gently lifted his chin and leaned in for a kiss. The two connected and time slowed. Darren reached his hand slowly around Tuckers neck to hold the thick mans head closer to his. He slowly shoved Tucker against a cement wall parallel to the sidewalk. Tuckers back hit the wall as Darren leaned down, pushing his tongue into Tuckers mouth. Darren felt the stubble of Tuckers beard on his chin as he tasted the beer Tucker had drank all night. His thick, dark mustache tickled Darrens nose as the two sucked each others faces passionately. Darren reached his free hand onto Tuckers side belly. He caressed the area while the two kissed and slowly lifted Tuckers shirt, exposing his thick, bloated belly. Tucker looked down at Darrens hand and whispered “do you like that?” To Darren.
“You have no idea” Darren responded before diving back in toward Tuckers juicy lips. Darren grabbed a hefty handful of tuckers underbelly and gave it a good giggle, making Tucker whimper ever so slightly.
“Hungry??” Darren asked as he pulled away from the very erotic moment. 

“Yeah!!” Tucker responded.
“Aright I have a good place in mind” Darren said with a big smile on his face.
They walked side by side without talking for a few minutes before rounding a corner to find a big green sign lit up that read “Paella”.
Darren approached the door, opened it for Tucker and the two men walked in together. Darren immediately approached the counter, ordered, paid and went to sit.
“What did you order??” Tucker asked.
“Don’t worry, I got us both PLENTY of food.” Darren responded with a giant smirk as her reached out to pat Tuckers belly. Tucker looked down and smiled. He looked around to make sure no-one was watching and lifted his black t shirt to show Darren his big thick stomach. Darren gazed happily at. The thick treasure trail leading down the arc of Tuckers bloated stomach. He had never seen the angry stretch marks this close before. Darren poked a finger into Tuckers deepened belly button. “Darren” yelled the lady behind the counter indicating that the order was ready. “That was quick!” Tucker added. The two walked out and headed toward Darrens place. They rode the elevator up to Darrens apartment. He unlocked the door and the two stepped inside and locked it. “Want a beer or soda or something?” Darren asked Tucker. “A soda would be great, thanks” Tucker replied as he sat on the big sectional couch. Darren returned with 2 drinks. They opened the bag to find two massive Paella bowls with utensils. One bowl could feed 2-3 people alone. Tucker opened his and started to chow down as Darren turned on a Netflix movie.The sexual tension in the room was strong. The two ate and ate side by side, giving each other side eye once in awhile and laughing in between bites. Darren put his down after eating not even a quarter of his bowl. Tucker on the other hand was hard pressed to finish his. He stuffed in bite after bite until, his entire bowl was gone. He reached for the soda, took a few big gulps and leaned back, placing his hand on his round and now extremely bloated belly.
T- “dude, that was so good. Thanks again for doing all this. I had such a fun night with you”
D- “Im really glad. I had a lot of fun too.” Darren said as he slowly reached over and patted Tucker on stomach. “Are you full?” He asked.
T- “stuffed like a balloon after all that beer and now that whole bowl of food.”

Darren rubbed Tuckers stomach with the tips of his fingers, eliciting a a soft moan from Tucker.
T- “that feels so good.” He said. As he tilted his head. back and his eyes closed slightly.
D- “I still have my bowl left. You know how I hate to be wasteful.” Darren said with a big smile.
T- “I don’t think I can finish that, I’m about ready to burst.”
D- “This is how you can repay me for tonights fun” Darren said as he reached for the bowl. He moved closer to Tucker who’s stomach was pushing against his shirt. His belly was pushing over his waistband as he sat back. His shirt was wrapped tight around the rounded mass of heft in front of him.
T- “Fuck man, you’re gonna make me fat.” Tucker said with a smile as he slapped his thick stomach.
D- “I’m certainly trying to.” He replied as he took a heaping spoon full and shoved it into Tuckers open mouth. Tucker had put his arms up on the sides of the couch and was sprawled out. His mouth opening to accept spoon full after spoonful of paella from his feeder every 30 seconds or so. Darren was getting hard. His cock was throbbing as he continued shoving paella into tuckers greedy mouth.
T- “ fuck, I feel like I’m gonna pop. I don think I can eat anymore.”
D- “you’re going to finish this Fatboy, or get damn close” Darien said forcefully as he got up and faced Tucker. Tuckers face was flush and greasy. His big belly was expanding into his lap. Darren threw his leg over Tuckers lap and straddled him right below is gut. Darrens ass sat right over tuckers crotch and he could feel tuckers cock twitch as he placed his weight down.
D- “open up big boy, you’re not finished yet.”

T- “I’m gonna pop Darr...” Tucker tried to explain but as he opened his mouth to protest, Darren shoved a big spoonful of rice and meat into his mouth and practically down his throat.
D- “less talking more chewing” he said, holding the bowl in one hand and the spoon In the other.
Darren watched Tuckers head roll back on to the couch cushion as he slowly chewed the massive bite. Darren dropped the spoon in the bowl and used his free hand to lift Tuckers tight shirt over his belly up to his chest. He lightly slapped the mans rounded stomach on the side and leaned in to kiss tuckers neck. Tucker winced at the slap but moaned as Darren licked the dried sweat off of his body. Darren reached down and grabbed a nice handful of soft hairy underbelly and gave it a giggle.
D- “you’re getting plump. Look at all that. This wasn’t there when we met. I think I’ve been a bad influence on you fatboy.” He said as he shook Tuckers belly.
T- “ooooh god, I’ve put on over 60 pounds since I’ve been in that office. All those burger king lunches you kept feeding me really stuck huh?” Tucker replied.
D- “Damn right they did.” Darren responded as he felt Tuckers fat underbelly being squeezed by his tight belt sitting under his heft. “looks like we need to make some room for you to grow bigger. You’re never gonna finish this big bowl of food with that belt digging into your gut.” Darren said as he got up and placed the food on the coffee table behind him. Darren motioned for
Tucker to lean forward. He yanked Tuckers tight shirt over his thick shoulders and arms as he undressed the porky man. Darren admired the hairy thick muscular chest and the hairy armpits Tucker had. He loved the way he sat so proudly on the couch, sprawled out like a big thick man after a heavy meal. His meaty arms resting on the back of the couch. Tucker smiled and asked “you like what you see” to Darren. “You have no idea” Darren replied as he got down on his knees.
Darrens hands found their way to Tucker fat belly spilling over his waist band. He lifted Tuckers thick fat to find his belt pressed so hard into his underbelly that the logo on the Texas sized buckle was imprinted into Tuckers skin. It looked almost as angry and red as Tuckers stretch marks around his armpits and love handles. Darren laughed and said, “suck it in Fatboy, this belt is gonna cut you in half soon.” Tucker did his best to suck in his bloated thick belly long enough for Darren to unbuckle his belt and and tight jeans. Tucker let out a deep sigh as he released his heft back into his lap and his belly spread out a few more inches forward. Darren caught a glimpse of the tight boxer briefs covering Tuckers engorged cock. His belly threatening to cover that as well. “Fuck, that’s the best feeling ever.” Tucker exclaimed.
D- “good, now I can stuff you with the rest of this meal fatboy”
T- “go easy on me, I’m really so close to an explosion here. I feel like a tick ready to burst.” Tucker said. Darren reached down and poked his fingers into Tuckers belly, making him wince in pain. “Feels like you got plenty of room left in your tank Fatboy, I’ve seen your capacity, this isn’t full.” Darren said as he picked up the bowl and again straddled Tuckers thick hairy shirtless body. “Keep your arms up there and open up when I say.” Darren ordered. Tucker nodded hesitantly and opened his mouth to receive another fattening bite of food. The bowl was close to being finished and Tucker was moaning after each swallow. He was mouth breathing in between bits to catch his breath as another spoonful was on its way to his greedy gullet. Little bits of rice were sprinkled in his thick chest hair covering his meaty pecs. His mustache was full of crumbs and grease dripped down the sides of his mouth toward his hairy double chin.
Darrens cock was throbbing and he would lean forward to press it into Tuckers tight belly every once in awhile. He felt Tuckers cock throb every time he called him “fatboy” or placed the spoon down to rub his hairy stuffed belly. Tucker was full, very very full. Darren knew he only had a few spoonfuls left though.
T- “I... I can’t do anymore.” Im seriously going to be sick or explode” Tucker cried out. D- “there isn’t much left, you can finish it. Don’t make me tie you up and force it down your throat big guy.” Darren said jokingly.
T-“ fuck. I seriously cannot eat anymore right now. Just give me a minute, the rice is expanding in my stomach and I feel like I’m going to burst.”
D- “ let me see if I can make you more comfortable.” Darren said as he unmounted Tucker and dropped again to his knees. Darren slid his fingers over Tuckers belly button with his fingers before tugging at the skin tight jeans wrapped around his thick thighs. He reveled Tuckers bulging cock under his tight underwear that was disappearing under his immensely large stomach. He really looked like he was going to pop. The skin around the sides of his stomach was red and tight. His breathe was labored and shallow. Tucker let out a small burp almost every time he took a breathe and he developed hiccups from the stuffing. Darren was feral for it all. He was in heaven watching Tuckers belly expand as he grew fatter and fatter. Darren reached out and grabbed Tuckers thick love handles with both hands. He lowered his mouth right over Tucker hard cock and wrapped his lips around the head of his throbbing member which was just visible under the thin underwear. Tucker let out a load and ecstasy filled moan. Darren smelled the bug mans musk and it made it all the better. He kept toying with Tucker cock through his underwear until he thought Tucker would cum if he continued. Darren reached under Tuckers fat belly again to pull down his lovers underwear to reveal his meaty dick.
Tucker had a big thick hairy bush over his modestly sized cock and had shaved his big balls giving a nice groomed look. A pudgy and hairy fat-pad sat over his cock and and rolled under his very stuffed and hairy stomach. The hairiest part of his treasure trail run down over his belly button and curved out of sight under tuckers chubby gut spilling into his lap only to reappear as it approached his pulsating, almost purple cock. Tucker was so horny that his cock was bulging with veins and pre cum was oozing out of his head. Darren leaned forward, grabbed a big handful of his thick hairy belly, lifted it and opened his mouth to take Tuckers whole cock down his throat. Tucker cried out in pure lust as he felt Darren tonsils on the head of his cock. Darrens nose dove into Tuckers thick bush and as he bobbed up and down making Tucker squirm in pleasure. The smell of Tuckers manhood overwhelming Darren as he worked Tuckers cock close to organism. He felt his own cock swimming in precum from the experience.
T-“Stop stop im going to cum.” Tucker screamed out as Darrens was buried in a mound of thick fur and soft flesh, taking in Tuckers whole cock to the back of his throat.
D-”fuuck, You taste so good big boy.” Darren said as he lifted his head, wiping his mouth.
T- “i’ve never felt anything better than that, you make me feel so fucking good.”
D- “good” Darren said devilishly as he grabbed Tuckers cock with his right hand. Squeezed his chubby underbelly with his left and leaned in to lick Tuckers big smooth balls. Again, Tucker was moaning in absolute pleasure as Darren slowly jerked the fatboy off. Darren knew Tucker was close and so was he. He decided to stand up and strip down for tucker as he was still fully clothed. He removed his shirt and pre cum stained shorts and then underwear revealing a large thick and veiny cock in front of Tucker, who was leaned back against the couch. The gorged Tucker, nearly pinned down by the weight of his belly, leaned forward and cupped Darrens balls in his hand. He opened his mouth and took Darrens cock as far as he could but gagged a bit as he was unprepared for the girth and size of Darrens meaty dick. “Still hungry Fatboy” Darren said as he grabbed Tuckers hair and guided him into a rhythm.
Darren didn’t want to make Tucker puke all over him by shoving his throbbing dick down his throat but he loved the control of a good face fuck. He moaned as Tucker played with Darrens cock head with his tongue. Darren reached down and grabbed a meaty handful of his pecs and squeezed. He bobbed Tuckers head up and down for a few more strokes as he ran his fingers through Tuckers thick head hair.
Darren stepped back from Tucker and said “lets go to the bedroom”. He helped Tucker lift his beefy body off the couch and fully undress. He peeled his cowboy boots off as he bent over, Tuckers thick juicy ass was out and just as hairy as the rest of him. Darren wanted nothing more than to rim him and shove his fat cock into the big mans hole but he knew that might be too much for after a heavy stuffing. He followed Tucker into the bedroom and pushed the big man onto the California king sized bed belly up. Tuckers whole body giggled a bit as he hit the soft comforter. His arms and legs spread out as Darren crawled on top of him and sat right over his cock, pressing his ass cheeks into Tuckers throbbing dick. “You’re so fucking hot” Tucker said as he reached up to caress Darrens beefy muscular chest. “You too big boy. I just want to make you eat and cum.” Darren said as he peeled himself off of the big man and told him to move toward the headboard. Tucker sat up against the stack of pillows. His hairy thighs spread and his thick stomach spilling into his lap and almost over his hard cock. Darren grabbed lube from the night stand drawer and drizzled some over Tuckers cock head. It was cold and shocked Tucker at first. Darren preceded to gently massage Tuckers cock as well has his own. He leaned over and kissed Tucker passionately and started to stroke the fat mans cock faster until Tucker started to squirm. He dug his knuckles into Tucker thick underbelly as he gripped his cock and stroked him hard. “Fuck, fuck, Darren i’m gonna cum. Im gonna cum.” Tucker screamed as he reached out to grab the sheets. Darren stroked the Tuckers cock making his fat stomach giggle until thick strands of semen shot out of Tucker so hard that it hit the headboard above him. It didn’t end quickly either. At least 8-10 gushes of cum pooled up on tuckers hairy belly and chest as he tried to catch his breathe. Darren came shortly after and drenched Tucker with another hot pool of cum as he loudly moaned while grabbing Tuckers fat stomach. “Holy fuck” Darren said with a sigh as he collapsed next to Tucker.
After they caught their breathe, Darren pulled himself away from Tucker and went to the bathroom to grab towel and start the water in the nice large standup shower. “Wow, men make such a mess when we come” Darren said.
“That was the best orgasm I think I’ve ever had.” Tucker said shocked as he laid on the bed reaching for the towel Darren had brought him. “Yeah, you’re so sexy I could go again right now. Come shower with me big guy” Darren said as he motioned toward the Bathroom.
The two showered and cleaned each other. Darren played with Tuckers thick stomach and meaty tits for a while and moved to his thick chunky butt and thighs. He couldn’t get enough of Tuckers heft. The two finished up, dried off and headed to bed. Darren wrapped his long strong arms around Tuckers big plump body and grabbed a nice hand full of soft flesh to hold before falling asleep.
The next morning was a late one. Darren and Tucker sleet in until 11:30 and woke up feeling slightly hungover but overall ok. Tuckers hair was a mess but Darren couldn’t take his eyes off of him. He was the cutest man Darren had ever seen let alone slept with.
“Breakfast?” Tucker asked as he pushed his hands over his head for a big stretch showing off his hairy armpits for Darren. Tucker laughed and said it tickled as Darren proceeded to poke and rub his thick lover all over. They both got instantly horny again and went at it. They rolled around in the sheets, avoiding each others morning breathe as they inched closer to another amazing organism. Tucker came so hard on Darrens chest and grabbed his curly hair as he moaned loudly. Darren followed, spraying his own face with his powerful stream. Tuckers big round stomach was not bloated any more but was soft and plump. Darren could just look at Tucker and get hard, he was enthralled. The two got cleaned up and dressed. Tucker squeezed himself into the tight jeans from the night before. His thick hairy stomach spilling heavily over the waistband. He proceeded to put the belt he had on through the loops around his overflowing stomach. Darren watched in amazement as Tucker bent and twisted to put the belt on. He loved the way his stomach was so thick and soft to touch but still was round and firm to look at, almost as if gravity had no effect on the thick mans bulbous belly. He loved the way it giggled as Tucker tightened the buckle and fastened it. Tucker let out a big sigh and his gut shot forward again over his waistband. Darren was hard again. “Why do you even wear a belt. Your pants are definitely not falling down?” Darren asked. “Because If my button pops on my jeans at least it wont fly off and hit someone in the eye. That seems to happen often when you’re around.” Tucker said with a smile as he grabbed both sides of his stomach and gave it a good couple shakes in Darrens face. “You seem to really like me full and bursting out of my clothes” Tucker said playfully. “Stop! You’re making me horny again and I’m so hungry” Darren whined as he buried his face in Tuckers hairy stomach. “Aright let’s go then!” tucker replied as he pulled away from Darren with a smile, threw on his shirt from the night before and they headed out the door together toward the elevator.
A fattening weekend
“Stay for the weekend. Spend your birthday here and i’ll take you out to dinner. Wine and dine you like a pig.” Darren said to Tucker as they got in the car both pretty stuffed from breakfast. “Really? You don’t mind? I don’t want to linger.” Tucker replied. “No not at all! I would love to keep you around for a while and make sure you’re well fed all weekend. Let’s go to the store and get a bunch of snack to veg out on today and
tonight.” Darren said happily. “Okay, that sounds great. Keep me fed huh? How much feeding are we talking?” Tucker responded while smiling as they drove off. Darren had some big plans for Tucker.
They returned to Darrens place later in the afternoon with bags of ingredients. Darren got a bunch of stuff to make pizzas and he got started as soon as they got in. He made the dough from scratch and and got a bunch of pizza sauce and cheese and toppings. He wanted to fatten Tucker up even more than he already was.
Tucker had unbuttoned his pants after exiting the store. They were digging hard into his underbelly and making him super uncomfortable. “Is it cool if I borrow a pair of sweats from you? I don’t like these jeans anymore” Tucker asked. “Sure! They’re in the bottom dresser drawer. Not sure if they will be any more comfortable though. You’re getting pretty big.” Darren teased. Tucker left for the bedroom and returned shirtless in a pair of grey sweats that were about 3 sizes too small. Darren could see the outline of Tuckers cock and the fabric stretched nicely over his meaty thighs and butt. Luckily the elastic waistband gave him some needed comfort in the belly area.
T- “They fit I guess haha” Tucker said as he looked down at himself.
D- “For now!” Pizzas almost ready, I made 3!!” Darren said with a smile. “I was thinking... would you want to try something that I think you might like.” Darren offered. T- “What is it??”
D- “Well I was thinking, if you’re in to it, I could maybe tie you up to my office chair and feed you.” Darren said hesitantly. Tucker paused and thought about it for a second.
T- “You really want me to keep getting fatter don’t you?? I’ve never been fed before let alone bound and fed but it sounds fun! You can’t keep stuffing me bigger though. Eventually I do need to cut and drop some of this weight” tucker said as he grabbed his thick tummy.
D- “Of course, let’s just enjoy this fattening weekend while I help you with your much needed gains. Is it a yes???” Darren asked poking tuckers gut.
T- “Yeah, why not. Stuff me like a pig. This weekend I want you to control everything those goes in me.” Tucker said enthusiastically.
D- “Omg thats hot, I’m so excited. I’ll let the pizza cool off and i’ll go find some binding rope. I think you’ll really like this and you wont have to move an inch. “
By this time it was about 5pm and the two men were hungry, Darren pulled his nice office chair out and placed it in the middle of the room not under any rugs. He found his rope and asked Tucker to sit.
D- “Alright, our safe word is fiddlestick”
T- laughing “okay, I like it.”
D- “go ahead and sit down for me.”
Darren watched Tucker plop down on the nice office chair. His fat stomach again spilling over the waistband of his tight sweats and his thighs spreading out to almost bust the stitching. Even his hairy breasts were resting on the shelf of stomach that was growing bigger and bigger.
D- “Actually I have a great idea. I’ll be right back.” Darren returned with a button down shirt from his closet.
D- “go ahead and put this on. It’s going to be really tight probably but it’s old and maybe I can feed you until you pop the buttons...again.”
T- “dude, its so tight. I’m going to have to bust the sleeves.”
D- “go for it!!”
Tucker put his meaty arms in the sleeve holes and pulled the shirt on. He flexed hard and ripped both off the sleeves easily with a smile. Darrens cock rose to attention. D- “fuck, that was hot.”
T- “I don’t know if I will even need to eat anything to pop these buttons. I don’t think I can button the chest as is.”
Tucker attempted to button the whole thing. His chest wouldn’t allow the top two buttons to fasten without breaking immediately but he managed to get the buttons around his fat belly to hold. He slowly sat down and looked up at Darren. His fat stomach was being tortured by the tight shirt. The white office shirt with red plaid print design was stretching hard over the roundest parts of his stomach and it made the entire design look like it was being sucked into a black hole that was his belly button. He was fit to explode out of it. His hairy stomach could be seen through every button gap. Darren gently tied up Tuckers left arm to the arm of the leather office chair, he was good with knots from previous experience and knew how to secure tucker nice and tight while also making sure he was comfortable.”too tight?” Darren asked tucker as he bent over his fat captive. “No it kinda feels good” Tucker replied softly. Darren moved over to the right and and grew excited as he watched the helpless fat boy being restrained knowing he was about to feed him fat enough to bust every button on that old shirt.
“Pizza should be cooled down, I sure hope you’re hungry big boy??” Darren said as he placed his hand on tuckers bulging stomach and gave it a good hard slap.
“Stuff me like a pig” Tucker replied. His cock was getting hard just from being restrained by Darren.
Went off into he kitchen and returned to the dining room to find Tucker, bound and rock hard. He went back to get the other 2 pizzas and placed all 3 of them on the table next to the men. They were already sliced and Darren ate the first pepperoni and mushroom slice right in front of Tucker. He would pretend to be giving him a bite. And then pull it away from Tuckers eager mouth to take a bite himself. Darren proceeded to eat 2 more slices right in front of Tuckers eager face. “Hungry yet Fatboy?” Darren asked. “Yes!! stuff me! I want to eat all you can fit in me.” Tucker begged.
“I’ll remember you said that Fatboy.” Darren replied.
The next slice went to Tucker. Darren made sure to really give him huge bite, at least half the slice he shoved into the beefy mans mouth. Sauce spilled out from his lips and landed on the shelf that his belly was creating. His cheeks swelled as he chewed and swallowed. Darren hurried and shoved another bite into his mouth. He would periodically take a bite for himself here and there but most of it was being pumped into Tuckers gut.
“One Pizza down, two more to stuff into you” Darren said mockingly. “Fuck, that was so good, I’m already feeling kinda full man.” Tucker explained.
“You’re going to have to make some room then cause there’s a lot more coming.” Darren responded.
He wasted no time. Picking up another slice of sausage and ham pizza and forcing a massive bite into Tuckers wide open mouth. The chubby man moaned and again made a mess all over the straining shirt which was now ready to burst off of Tuckers swollen stomach. As soon as he swallowed, another bite was forced between his lips and another and another and finally after 3 more slices ***ping*** both the men looked down to see that tuckers bloated stomach had popped the button that was sitting directly over his deep belly button. His fat stomach took the opportunity to spread out into the new space. Tuckers hairy chest heaved up and down as he caught his breathe. “Fuck man, i’m so full. You’re making me so fat. If you keep feeding me like this I’m gonna be a blimp.” Tucker said with labored breathing.
“Such a messy pig, you’re busting out of your pizza stained shirt. I’m going to have to punish you for this mess you’re making. Guess i’ll be forcing the last pizza into your chubby belly slice by slice until you shred that old shirt.” Darren teased.
Tucker leaned his head back as he felt his stomach expanding. He lifted his head forward after some time and a slice of the remaining pizza was waiting for him and another and other until the second pie was shoved into the thick mans stomach.
Darren picked up a piece of the final pie covered in sausage pepperoni and extra cheese. Darren went to feed his bound friend when they heard another two **Ping** noises. The stretched shirt couldn’t take it any more and Tuckers belly surged forward as the two more buttons closer to his chest had burst. “Fuck, I think I’m going to explo...” Tucker tried to say but Darren shoved a massive slice almost all the way down Tuckers throat. He heard Tucker gag as it was too much for one bit and pieces pizza fell out, tumbling down his chest and landing in his crotch. Pizza sauce oozed out of Tuckers plump lips and dripped down onto his hairy, gorged belly.
Darren took a second to lean over and lick up the sauce, noticing tuckers massive hard on in the process. He grabbed it with his free hand and made Tucker jolt forward to moan “oh fuck”. Darren looked up at Tuckers messy face and said “Jesus, you’re cock is so hard. You’re such a greedy fat boy. You love this don’t you?? Me controlling how much you eat. Feeding you until your big softening gut pops out of the clothes you’re wearing. You have no control, I can feed you until you burst.” He teased as tucker moaned in pleasure and pain.
Darren continued the stuffing, slice after slice. Tucker was slowing quickly, he was taking so much time to chew and another button had burst around his chest, leaving just the very bottom button intact which was being eaten up by Tuckers heavy stomach. The weight of his belly was pushing down on that last remaining button and Darren knew he could bust it if he just kept pushing more into the fat mans mouth. Tucker looked like a blimp. His now starter beard was covered in grease, sauce and pizza crumbs. His cheeks swollen with pizza as he opened wide to breathe with a full mouth of mushed up dough and red sauce. His stomach was extremely bloated and swollen so fat that his belly looked like it was forming new stretch marks right then and there. He could barely breathe and sweat dripped down his forehead. “I’m gonna pop” Tucker said. “Please no more I’m so full, I forgot the safe word but I’m using it.” Tucker cried out.
“Thats not how this works Fatboy, you have to say the safe word or you’re going to keep eating until I’m satisfied.” Darren said in a deep and manly tone, smiling as he hovered over Tuckers pumped up torso.
“Please, no more I’m so full. Look at me I’m going to either throw up or burst right here. No more plea...” Tucker tried to cry out as Darren forced another slice into the helpless mans mouth. He wouldn’t pull it away until Tucker took a massive bite. Darren placed his hand over Tucker mouth to force him to chew and swallow. “Don’t worry my little piglet, I wont make you bust, i’ll just bring you really close” Darren whispered.
The last slice was presented to Tucker and he turned his head. Darren went around to the back of him, grabbed his hair and tugged his head back. Tucker opened his shocked mouth and Darren took the opportunity to stuff his feedee with half of the last slice. “Eat fat boy, Eat” Darren said as he reached down and grabbed a big handful or tuckers tight drum of a belly. He reached all the way down and massaged his throbbing cock to give him the motivation he needed to keep chewing and swallowing. Darren couldn’t believe how fat he had made Tucker. He was a tank, massive in all areas. His stomach was stretched so tight that it looked like he actually would burst. “One more bite fat boy, you’re so close!” Darren said as he came around in between tuckers thick legs and forced the last bite into his reluctant mouth. Tucker was beyond full, he couldn’t even talk anymore, just moan. His fat stomach like a beach ball. Darren dropped to his knees, pulled his hairy lovers sweats down to his ankles and shoved his face onto Tuckers hairy crotch. His thick fattened belly was far too big to get his mouth all the way down Tuckers shaft but Darren persisted, pushing on the fat mans under gut and making Tucker moan in pain and lust. His head tilted back as he moaned “fuuuuck, that feels so good. Your... making me huge... I’m gonna be so so fat if you keep doing this to me.” Tucker cried out. “I might just leave you tied up and stuff you for the rest of the weekend, see how long those new uniforms last.” Darren responded before burying his face in Tuckers hairy crotch again. At this angle, Tuckers bloated belly and fat pad were swallowing his cock. Darren loved the taste of Tuckers sweet pre cum. He loved how Tuckers fat gut rested on his forehead as he brought him closer and closer to an organism. Darren knew Tucker was close and had a little surprise for him.
“I’ll be right back” Darren said as he ran to kitchen. He returned with a beer funnel and a pint of ice cream. “No more, please no more, safe word, safe word!” Tucker pleaded as Darren approached from behind him, grabbed his hairy bearded face and and shoved the funnel end into the desperate mans greasy mouth. Tuckers cock twitched as Darren leaned over and whispered in his ear “the safe work is fiddlestick”. Darren laughed as he heard Tucker trying desperately to yell Fiddlestick with the thick tube forced down his throat. “I can’t hear you fat boy, I hope you left room for dessert.” Darren teased. He proceeded to pour the melted thick chocolate ice cream he had bought earlier into the funnel. He watched tuckers eyes follow the dense liquid until it reached his mouth where he started to gag a bit but then proceeded to slowly consume the calorie rich drink. Darren watched with pleasure as Tucker helplessly ballooned from the thick heavy cream. About half of the ice cream was gone when the last button finally broke free that was sitting under Tuckers heavy stomach. It sat in his thick pubic bush as his belly took the opportunity to push even further into his lap.
Darren continued to hold tuckers fattened chin upright so he was facing the ceiling. He could feel his Adams apple bob up and down as he tried his best to make room for the heavy dessert being forced into him. The last few ounces made their way drown the tube into Tuckers mouth and Darren finally pulled the funnel out. “Tucker leaned forward, opened his mouth and let out a massive wet burp. “I.. Ive never been ... ufff more full... Fiddlesticks” Tucker said. Darren laughed and walked around to examine his work. He had never seen Tucker so fat. He looked like an over stretched ballon. His thick shoulders still straining the shirt that lay in ruins over his meaty hairy body. His chest heaving up and down as he attempted to catch his breath in between burps. Ice cream had leaked from sides of his mouth, down his muscular neck and had formed several puddles in his thick chest hair. His beefy arms still restrained to the chair, his stomach stretched far enough out to where it was pushing into his throbbing, hard cock. The sweat that was building up on his chest and belly pooled above the shelf his gut made and dripped down his sides, making his love handles glisten. Pizza toppings and sauce littered his torso. Darren leaned over him, kissed him on his greasy lips and stuck his tongue into Tuckers cold mouth. Tuckers breathing was shallow and quick. Every exhale was moan. His stomach was bright red and almost shiny from the stuffing
Darren took it all in and bent down to finish what he had started. He lifted his fat stomach enough to get a good enough angle to really go deep and took Tuckers cock in his mouth, cradling his big nuts with his other hand. He pressed his fingers under Tuckers balls and found the little area that stimulates the prostate right before his hole. Darren began to gently massage it and suck until he heard “Fuck, omg holy fuck, Darren!! Darren i’m going to cum, I’m going to cum!!!” Tucker screamed with urgency. His thick arms twisting under the restraints and his fattened stomach quivered as he pushed against the back of the chair. Tucker desperately tried to warn Darren of the impeding bust coming but Darren kept sucking, even more so now. He lifted Tuckers hairy underbelly, shoved his face as far down as he could and felt a hot stream gush down his throat, “Fuuuuck!! Oh fuuck, fuck fuck fuck!!!!” Screamed Tucker as he thrusted his groin forward. Darren kept swallowing until the stream of hot liquid eventually stopped. He could barely breathe under the weight of the fat mans gut but he never wanted to leave. He lifted his head to find his lover completely worn out. Darren rose up above him, gave him a few soft slaps on the side of his rounded gut and proceeded to untie Tucker one arms at a time. “Go shower if you can and i’ll give you belly rubs for the rest of the night big guy.” Darien said reassuringly.
“I... im going to explode I think. My gut is so packed tight, I think the skin is about to rip. Help me up and cut me out of this shirt.” Tucker pleaded. Darren helped him to his feet. His balance was off since he had just consumed what felt like 20 pounds of food. He leaned back letting his protruding stomach stretch forward. His big meaty shoulders and thick back threatened to shred what remained of the poor old shirt. Darren got him free from the button down and sent him off to the shower. He got him a new pair of sweats and found some lotion to help with he inevitable stretch marks that were bound to appear after such a massive stuffing. Tucker returned and received a long belly rub session on the bed. Darren massaged tuckers fat gorged stomach for over an hour before they both fell asleep happily in each others embrace. It was an evening that was sure to live with them for awhile.
Darren woke up before Tucker and decided to make breakfast for the birthday boy. He cooked up as huge pile of bacon, eggs and biscuits. He didn’t want to be too cute but it was Tuckers birthday so he wanted to make it special. He threw it all on a platter and brought it in to find Tucker just getting his big morning stretch in. His furry chest and belly arched and his thick thighs flexed outside the covers as Darren brought the bed tray over to the big beefy man.
D- “Happy birthday to youuuu, happy birthd...” Darren started to sing before Tucker reached over and put a finger over his lips to quiet him while laughing.
T- “This is literally too much. I’m still stuffed from last night.”
D- “Don’t make me tie you up again and stuff this into you.” He teased grabbing Tuckers thick belly and giving it soft bounce.
T- Fuck, that was so hot. You are so sweet I cannot thank you enough for this Darren. Also I have never been so stuffed in my life. I actually thought my stomach was going to burst with the ice cream.”
D- “nah, I know you big boy, I have seen your limits. And I think I could have packed another pizza or two into that big hairy belly.” Darren said as he rubbed Tuckers chubby gut.
T- “well this smells amazing so I guess I can peck at it.”
The two ate in bed and sipped coffee. When they were finished, Darren moved the tray to the ground and went under the covers to play with Tucker some more. He laid down right between Tuckers thick legs. Tucker squeezed Darren playful with his thighs as the two started to get horny again. “This is how id like to die” Darren let out as Tucker squeezed him tight. Tuckers cock started to twitch as Darren kissed his way toward it. “What are you doing now??” Tucker asked.
Darren peeked out from under the blanket, looked at Tucker and said “birthday head.” Tucker laughed and leaned his big body back onto the pillows. Darren went to town on Tuckers cock. Before Tucker came, he pulled Darren off and asked him if he could fuck him. Darren was vers and agreed to it without hesitation. Tucker laid him down and kissed him sensually from his neck down to his throbbing cock. He loved Darrens caramel skin and smooth abs. He lifted Darrens legs and proceeded to rim him gently. Darren moaned in pleasure as he felt Tuckers facial hair rub his ass cheeks and his thick mustache slide up and down his ass. Tucker positioned himself in between Darrens legs, towering over him with his massive muscles and chubby belly as he put on a condom. His gut was round and pudgy.
Darren reached up and gave it good slap as Tucker reached for the lube on the end table. His thick stomach was too irresistible for Darren who grabbed a healthy handful to squeeze. He loosened Darren up with a few fingers first and proceeded to force his thick hairy cock into Darrens tight hole. Darren moaned and reached for Tuckers big arms as felt him slide in. Slowly Tucker buried himself in Darrens hole. He felt Tuckers hairy stomach press into him as he was being squeezed happily under Tuckers heft. Both of them breathing heavily and moaning passionately. Darren watched Tuckers stomach jiggle as he felt him thrust faster and faster into his ass, his cock hard as a rock. Tucker was getting close as he leaned over and pinned Darrens cock between his fat sagging stomach and Darrens lean abs. Darren moaned “I’m going to cum” as Tucker continued to thrust himself into Darren, massaging Darrens sensitive cock with his fat belly. Thick streams of cum coated Darrens chubby torso as they moaned in unison. Tucker pulled himself off of Darrens body and out of his ass. He removed his condom and finished on Darrens chest. Darren watched the chunky hairy man moan in pleasure as he come hard and long, hitting him in the face and even spurting onto the pillow behind him. Tucker collapsed next to him and they laid silently for a while. He reached for Tuckers hand they kissed passionately.
Darren asked Tucker what he wanted to do and tucker said maybe a trip to the state park for a picnic and maybe dinner. Darren loved it. They showered and got ready to go. Darren realized Tucker had been wearing the same thing all weekend and that he had expanded enough that his jeans wouldn’t even consider buttoning. “Maybe we can go get you some shorts” Darren suggested to Tucker who nodded in agreement. They spent the morning getting another coffee and going shopping for a pair of shorts, Tucker needed a size 40.
The two got to know each other even more and Tucker revealed that he was bisexual but had been more interested in men as he aged. He did not get along with his family for that reason as well. His dream is to own his own business maybe in manufacturing and distribution or something similar. Darren told Tucker about growing up in Georgia and his dad and sister are cool with him being queer. He mentioned the places he has been stationed and how he is transferring next summer hopefully back to Northern California where he really loved the weather. They both really enjoyed each others company and it became more apparent as they chatted. When they arrived at the park, they took a short easy trail toward the lake in the center of the park. Trees lined the dirt trail as they walked. There were almost no cars in the parking lot of the park. The smell of oak was present as the wind blew through the forrest.
Tucker couldn’t stop looking at Darren. He marveled at his beauty as he explained the difference between two different kinds of plants they happened to walk past earlier. Tucker saw an opportunity and pulled Darren behind a series of bushes. Tucker kissed Darren hard and reached down to rub his package. He and got on his knees and unzipped Darrens shorts. Tucker looked up at Darren, pulled his cock out of his underwear and watched it swell as he wrapped his juicy lips around it. Darren loved Tuckers mouth, his cock was large and thick and Tucker did his best to deep throat it as far as he could until his eyes watered and he gagged violently. At times, Darren would thrust his meaty cock deep into Tuckers throat just to hear the noise the fat man would make. He grabbed Tucker by the ears and formed a quick rhythm as he choked Tucker out with his dick. He pulled out of Tuckers throat and came off to the side as his knees buckled. Tucker watched in pleasure as he climaxed. They finished up and got dressed again, Darren pulling Tucker in for a long and romantic kiss before headed back out to the trail. They enjoyed the afternoon, feeding lettuce to the ducks and snacking as they walked. Tuckers big belly swayed with every step he took and Darren couldn’t keep his hands off of it. The waters edge was beautiful and the two men sat on a bench under a large shade tree. They talked and laughed and just enjoyed the scenery. It was about 4pm and they decided to catch an early dinner. Darren knew of a great steakhouse on the way back with lots if fattening and delicious meals that Tucker would love to guzzle down. They were a little underdressed but they didn’t care. Tucker slid into the tight booth and his stomach almost touched the end of the table. “You might need to cut me out of here if I’m expected to eat like I did last night” Tucker said with a grin on his cute face. He lifted his shirt up to show his fat hairy gut to Darren and pushed it out far enough to touch the table in front of him. Darren whispered “put that away, my dick can’t take it any more.” They laughed and Tucker dropped his shirt.
They ordered an impossible amount of food and Darren watched at Tucker ate and ate and ate. It was all delicious. Lobster Alfredo, steak Diane, pulled pork Mac and cheese, and some good wine to wash it all down. Darren got the check at the end and Tucker literally was pinned in between the booth and the table after stuffing in so much food. “I’m ughhh actually too fat for this booth now” Tucker said as he lifted his shirt once again to show Darren the damage from the meal. His stomach was packed tight and pushed into he edge of the table enough to fold slightly over the top. Darren looked at him lustfully and threatened to keep feeding him until he cracked the bench seat he sat on. Darren motioned for the waiter a few minutes later to order 4 desserts to go. They bought out the desserts and Tucker sucked his gut in to slide his way out of the thin booth. Him and Darren sauntered toward the door. Some of the other patrons had taken notice of how bulbous Tucker was. They stared as he waddled towards the exit with his thick hairy underbelly threatened to peak out from under his skin tight shirt. His new shorts were tight on his legs and the button was completely undone as they walked away from the restaurant. They hopped in Darrens car and Tucker leaned over to thank Darren by giving him a big kiss. Darren rubbed his lovers thick fattened stomach as they dove deep into each others mouths. He was smitten. They both were really. Darren had never felt so happy. Tucker felt love like he had never felt before and he knew he was safe with Darren. “Can I spend the night with you again?” Tucker asked. “Of course!! who else would I stuff these desserts in if you go home?” Darren said happily. “We can wake up early and i’ll take you to your car before work.” He added.
They arrived back at Darrens, headed upstairs and immediately stripped naked. Tuckers fat stomach jutted out over his swelling cock as Darren approached him with a spoon and the bag of desserts. Chocolate Cake, lemon crunch cake, strawberry short cake and and a Mango ice cream. Darren hand fed Tucker the fattening desserts over the course of the next hour. Kissing and stroking each other as tucker continued to be plumped up. His stomach was sitting in his lap and stretching further and further out as Darren forced bite after bite into his greedy mouth. The final spoon full exited Tuckers lips. His beard had grown out in the last few days. He had a big piece of chocolate stuck to his chin that Darren leaned over and licked off before kissing his chubby stuffed man.
T- “This has been there absolute best birthday. I cannot thank you enough. You’re amazing but I feel like a blimp. Wanna lay down?” Tucker asked. They showered and changed the filthy sex sheets that they had left that morning. Tucker held Darren close as he laid his head on Tuckers meaty chest. He could hear Tuckers heartbeat and feel his stomach churning and digesting. They fell asleep silently thinking about how happy they were right there in that moment.
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Hey okay so I can’t help myself and IM BACK to request for Adam again because I love him 🥺if it’s possible I would love for some headcannons about reader taking care of a stressed out Adam and/or vice versa (feel free to make it as fluffy or NSFW as you want queen!!)
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Adam Faulkner Stanheight Headcannons - Taking care of each other when you’re stressed
• Adam gets really snappy and short when he’s stressed - you always know because that’s the only time he acts that way
• your first step is to make a cup of tea and sit with him for a while
• when he calms down enough to open up, you listen first without saying anything
• he rants until he’s almost out of breath every time
• you hold his hands, tracing circles with your thumb. he doesn’t do well with lots of contact under stress
• you like to make sure he’s warm and has eaten, so you make him a snack after he’s done talking
• while he’s eating you, usually take the time to give your advice to the situation, it’s when he listens the best
• after he’s taken in everything you have to say he’s quite quiet, really wanting to understand what you’re saying to him
• then, when he calms down and takes what he needs from your advice, he gets really lovey
• lots of thank you’s, cheek and forehead kisses, hugs and hand holding. maybe some cuddles if he’s feeling real adventurous
•a shower or a bath together is a must, always makes him feel better
• maybe some bedtime music and sing-alongs to lighten the mood
• almost always sex, because as he always says, it is the best stress reliever
•on the flip side, if you’re the one stressed, it’s always silly goofy Adam that responds. If it’s normal stress, at least. Serious shit makes him a lil nervous.
• then, once he gets a few laughs out of you, he bombards you with love. Goes out to buy your favourite snacks, maybe depending on the time of day, even some flowers.
• he makes sure you have a stress-free night, no cooking, cleaning, or work. just down time.
• he’ll put on your fav movie or music, or offer to read to you from your favourite book. you often say no to the last one, mostly because his character impersonations are terrible
• if you want him to cook, he’s already on it. Takeout? Already at the restaurant. Whatever you want, it’s pretty much already done.
• cuddle session before bed is a must. He will eat you out too.
• when you’re tuckered out, he plays with your hair and then gets you to tell him in detail what’s bothering you
• as you’re going to sleep, or just about to, he’ll start a plan to help you get over whatever’s bothering you.
• he won’t really go over it until the next morning, though, because he wants you to get a good nights sleep before anything
• in the morning you make breakfast together and while you’re eating, you work through the action plan together.
• he always does the dishes as a little added stress-reliever
• he tells you how much he loves you so many times
• he lets you know that he knows you’re more than capable of doing what you need to do, but he’s always there to help out
god i love this boy fluffy Adam fucks me up fr
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Vera I'm so sorry you are still shadowbanned! I wish tumblr would get their stuff together.
For the fanfic writer's asks: 1,5,12,25,55,69,71
Hope you have fun answering them <3
Hi, yeah the shadowban is….ugh, annoying. Definitely annoying.
Thank you for the questions!
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
Oh wow…I think I daydream more than I write. I daydream all the time and I’m pretty sure half the stuff that’s in my head I’ve never even started writing. But if I finally start writing then I’m not stopping till it’s done lol
I’ll sit the next few days on a one shot or chapter or whatever and I need to finish it. ���😂
5. How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Fuck I- I don’t know
Let’s see
The au’s with @jamneuromain “broken bones and broken hearts” ( Steve Rogers x reader) & “together or not at all” (Steve Rogers x reader, Nick Gant x reader, Johnny storm x reader, Jake Jensen x reader) in the second one is a lot ready and there’s also a loooot of smut lol just so y’all know
Then there’s “drownin siren” Steve Rogers x mermaid reader
I’ve planned a sub!mafia!Bucky Barnes x reader one shot
A meet-cute for Stucky!! Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes
I have a Lloyd Hansen x reader smut Drabble ( ready to post actually)
Oh Noise pt 3, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader smut, which is nearly finished [ pt 1 is here pt 2 here ]
I’m planning a grumpy!roommate!Curtis x reader au :) but haven’t started one this one yet
Oh god there’s also pretty boy pt 2, sub!Steve Rogers x reader smut [ pt 1 is here ]
Omg i still have more; mean!dom!steve Rogers x villain!(sub)reader
Is it weird that I’m already planning my kinktober list? But yeah I’m doing that too
I have also a pt two to the Lance tucker shot “stretch you (out)” that I think I haven’t posted yet?
I’m working on so many things rn fuck I hadn’t noticed until now
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Sometimes yes, I definitely some background stories and I like planning how every character met or if they had any relationships before with them etc
Definitely also about their family history or school
But I don’t think more than that
25. What’s your favorite part of the writing process (worldbuilding, brainstorming/outlining, writing, editing, etc)?
I love making moodboards hahhahaha
I like writing because of all the possibilities i have!
And also interacting with people. I know many people don’t leave feedback and that’s okay BUT when i finally see Someone comment or reblog something even with just a emoji or gif I’m in heaven. It makes me so so happy to talk about my work or answer questions. Idk, I just love interacting with others. I’d say im really shy in rl and it’s just so much better on tumblr. Here I feel like I found my people and I can be myself:)
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
“He felt blood rush to his cheeks, making him blush”
I use this often or always the -ing verb form
I feel like there’s also always some kind of misunderstanding? There are definitely a few oneshots and fics with this trope
There was something else I wanted to addd but I forgot what
69. What are your favorite fic at the moment?
Ohhhh I love “in the snow” By @postmodernmulticoloredcloak
71. Do you spend more time reading or writing?
Id say it depends on the day. Sometimes I’m writing all day long and the next day I’m reading all the time:)
Thank you for all these questions!!!!! Love you!!!!!!
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dyst-blogs · 1 year
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I posted 2,211 times in 2022
That's 1,832 more posts than 2021!
108 posts created (5%)
2,103 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 758 of my posts in 2022
#so true - 35 posts
#rowdyposting - 32 posts
#lmao - 32 posts
#me - 28 posts
#oh my god - 20 posts
#good post - 14 posts
#love this - 14 posts
#what are tags - 12 posts
#lmfao - 9 posts
#god - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 108 characters
#not because the post is good. but because the idea of the post is so good you have to inflict it onto others
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
a trans girl whos deadname is tucker. foreshadowing
24 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
sometimes i feel like my life is literally the worst. and then i remember im gay and that helps for some reason
25 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
one day ur walking outside and suddenly your future self shows up and starts beating the shit out of you. you get really mad so the next day you get into your time machine and go to the future to get revenge on ur future self. once ur done beating the shit out of you, you get back in and realize you suck at math and had gone back a day instead of forward. the cycle continues
35 notes - Posted December 24, 2022
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just made a small update to my sex playlist, in response to recent events
168 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i think i love tmbg just because of how many things they are at once. like. they are an alternative band from the 80s that often has political themes of being against the establishment. but theyre also some goofy fuckers from brooklyn with an accordion, a bari sax, and a guitar that they named "the mojo chessmaster". they were one of the first big bands on the internet. they make children's music. their music is either completely meaningless, or incredibly well written and meaningful. usually both. like. there are an incredible amount of layers to this band. does any of this make sense
169 notes - Posted December 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Thank you guys for all the support lately!! My notifs have been going crazy (not a bad thing!!), I'll try to post something soon, promise!
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quietmyfearswith · 3 years
needy little ; preferences
warnings —  DDLG, swearing, mentions of longing/missing someone,  mentions of leaving someone, teasing??
characters — dark!andy barber, dark!steve rogers, dark!ransom drysdale, dark!bucky barnes, dark!lance tucker,  dark!clark kent, dark!syverson, dark!august walker
a/n — THIS IS FIC  WITH DDLG DYNAMICS,, do not interact if youre not 18+,, finally??? a new fic???? oh my god im sorry, i may be a bit rusty..
tagging — @la-cey​ @doozywoozy​ @melancholyy-hill​ @pedropcl​ @beck07990​ @isysen​ @anna-bailey @briefnerdwobblerpainter
their love language | with their little | when you’re insecure | slipping into little space | fussy | happy hoelidays | cartoons | obssessed |little rules | innocent little | bratty little | little activities
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After placing two scoops of the chocolate ice cream on the cone, Y/N lifted her head up to look at her daddy who sported a scowl on his face as he was drumming a pen in between his fingers as he tried to piece together the facts of the case. Normally, she wouldn’t be allowed so close to Andy as he was working, but given how needy she had been all morning — despite sitting right by his feet wasn’t enough for her — she promised to remain well-behaved and quiet for him so he gave her the green light to go ahead and stay with hi as she played with her scoop and learn toy set. Silently putting down her cone by the ice cream trolley, she moved towards his leg and when he didn’t move or acknowledge her, she clung her arms around his calf as her cheek snuggled up against his shin. “What?” Feeling something cling around his lower leg snapped him right out of his focused trance as his confusion easily melted into adoration as he peered down and saw his girlfriend curled up against him. “My petal’s quite needy today isn’t she?” “Sorry dada,” She said lowly as her fingers drummed rhythmically against his clothed leg, “Was behaved and nice.” Nodding, he then bent and carried her to sit on his lap. She squealed excitedly as she then wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled her face in his neck, “Wuv you, dada.” Humming, he rubbed her back soothingly as he looked into her eyes, “Need to hold dada huh?” The smile that formed on her lips was a toothy grin that was the attorney’s favorite sight in the whole world. “Want to hold you so much, dada; ‘m sorry,” She pouted at the thought of him being disappointed at her; sensing the drop of her mood, he then cooed and peppered kisses all over her face, feeling his prickly beard graze her skin prompted her to erupt in a fits of giggles as she loved the affection that he was showering her with. “This what you needed, my little petal?” He asked her in his gentle, playful tone as she nodded and snuggled herself against his chest as she toyed with his large fingers, “Mhm, love you so much, dada.”
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“Hello?” August answered the phone call with a frown — Y/N was never one to call her boyfriend when he had missions that required him to go undercover and/or while he had overseas operations; so it was alarming that she called him he thought of only the worst possible scenarios. “Hi, daddy,” She sniffled out into the phone — part of her was relieved she got to hear his voice, but really she just longed to be with him. “What’s wrong, little one?” He furrowed his eyebrows as he impatiently tapped his fingers against the steering wheel; she let out a sigh before admitting, “Miss you, daddy. So sad without you.” Despite feeling pain on the field of his job, the sound of her small and vulnerable voice was the most painful thing he ever had to hear or endure. “Little one, have you been good for me?” She nodded against her phone as she hugged the Cinnamoroll stuffie that had a shirt specifically sewn on for the stuffie which had the words “daddy’s little one” embroidered on it, “I do, daddy. Miss your kisses and hugs so much.” As he parked his car in front of their yard he smirked as he answered her, “Well who knows when I’ll get back right?” He was positive that there was a pout on her lips as she thought of the likelihood that she was going to be alone for a while, “But daddy I miss you already!” Her whine was so loud that she didn't hear the way August opened up their front door and walked to the living room where she was lying in the couch; he ended the call and he could see her slumping down her shoulders from behind before jumping down beside her and hugging her, “Well good thing daddy’s home now, yeah?” She let out a shrilling shriek in excitement as she kissed his bearded cheeks repeatedly, “I missed you so much, daddy! Promise I was the goodest girl for you!”
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“How are your chicken tenders, sweetie?” Bucky asked after pressing a kiss on her forehead; they were out to dinner with Sam and his girlfriend, Leila — who like her was a little too. After the two bonded over the activity paper the server handed to them, they both munched down on their meal. “So yummy, tătic! But,” She trailed off as she looked around nervously. After drinking down a chunk of his beer then looked at him with worry written on his face, “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Without a word, she snuggled close to his side right as she tangled her arms around his metal arm before looking up at him with doting eyes, “All better, tătic!” Slightly picking up on what she was up to, he grabbed another chicken and tapped it on her lips; she moaned lowly when he fed her then snuggled up more to his arm. “Need my touch, don’t you sweetheart?” Shyly, she nodded as she played with his fingers, “Always want you close to me.” Sam and Leila were both busy being all snuggled up too so Bucky repeatedly, sweetly kissed her lips before telling her, “How ‘bout we take a bath later, sweetie?” Extremely thrilled with the idea of spending tub time with her daddy, she nodded too much that little chunks of the chicken she was eating escaped her mouth as she expressed her liking of his idea, “So excited for that, tătic! Can we go home now and bathe together?” Chuckling at the small mess she made, he wiped the sides of her mouth with a napkin then kissed her forehead, “Only a few more minutes before we can bath together, sweetie.”
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“Into the tub you go, doll,” Steve sing-songed as he gently placed Y/N into the bathtub that was filled with warm water and soapy bubbles. She giggled as she felt the warm water graze her skin. For a while, she was busying herself with playing and blowing the bubbles; after a while, she was craning her neck to look for Steve, “Sir? Where are you?” A pout was now formed onto her lips that earlier was stretched out into a smile. The super soldier was in their shared bedroom preparing what she was going to wear after her bath when he heard her distressed call for him. Entering their ensuite bathroom the skin of his forehead wrinkled up as he approached her and kneeled down by the tub, “What’s wrong, doll?” A small amount of water splashed onto him when she crossed her arms, “Want you, sir.” Not fully understanding what she meant, he brought a hand to caress her back — as if to coax her into explaining as he said, “I am here, doll. What do you want?” “Want you here, sir,” Unclasping her arms from where they were crossed, she dropped her arms in the bubbly water and pouted at him. Nodding in understanding, he then stood up; hearing her whimper in need made him chuckle a bit, “I’m just gonna remove my clothes then join you in there okay, doll?” Gone was the frown that earlier donned her face for she now had a wide grin as she clapped when Steve slowly dipped in the tub, careful as to not spill water out of the tub. Once he was fully seated in the tub, his doll then moved over to him and hugged him tight, “Love you, sir.” Placing her on his lap, he then kissed the top of her head as he tried to calm his beating heart, “I love you too, doll. Now, how ‘bout we clean you up with your favorite shampoo hm?”
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“Where you bringing me, baby girl?” Sy wondered out loud as he allowed his nearly 200 pound self to be whisked away. It was unusual of her to remain this quiet; for some her whining and blabbering would be annoying, but the Texan captain loved how verbal she was especially since it served as a constant reminder about how much he was needed by her. Upon being brought to the den of their house that served as the office, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he gently stroked her back, hoping to coax out an answer out of her, “What are we gonna in the office, baby?” She pointed to the landline phone and to the stuffed animal that arrived defective a few days ago. “You want me to make a call?” He asked and she nodded with a wide smile. “Why can’t you make the call?” The question was asked out of curiosity, but with the way she batted her eyelashes and bit her lip bashfully had him worried. A small smile graced his face when she opened her mouth, but she quickly closed it and instead grabbed a pen and paper. Sitting down on the swivel chair, he patiently waited for her to finish jotting down her message. When she was done, she shyly slid over the paper to him and once he read it the words broke his heart, “My voice is ugly. Who said this, baby girl?” Shrugging her shoulders she fiddled with her fingers but he placed her on his lap which allowed him to gently stroke her thighs, “Come on, baby girl, please talk to me? I miss hearing your pretty voice.” As if to prove his point, his beard tickled her skin as he pressed kisses on her throat; she giggled as her hands pushed his wide chest away and cleared her throat, “Some guy said my voice is too deep for a girl.” Sy’s jaw clenched in anger at the person who disrespected his girl’s feature; a thick finger of his hooked under her chin to make her look at him, “Listen to me, okay? Don’t listen to the meanie who said that. Your voice is beautiful and lovely, just like the rest of you.” Biting the inside of her mouth, she then looked up at him with teary eyes; he was about to question as to why she was tearing up when she wrapped her arms tight around his neck as she peppered kisses on his bearded cheek, “Thank you, daddy. Needed that reminder.”
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“Papa?” Y/N groggily called out as she rubbed the sleep away from her eyes and looked to the side of the bed; she frowned when she noticed that the gold medalist wasn’t occupying the earlier spot he claimed. Grabbing for the first stuffed toy he had given her in her arms, she made her way off their bed and checked their walk-in-closet and ensuite bathroom — and was displeased when he wasn’t there. There were two other bedrooms and a bathroom on the upper floor and all three areas did not house her loving boyfriend.  “Where are you?” She was now close to crying as she headed down the stairs. Upon hearing noise coming from their dining room, she then skipped over there and was shocked to see him wearing his USA jacket and was faced in front of a laptop. “Well I have to say that my biggest motivation has to be my loving girlfriend,” Just as he said the last word he shot Y/N a sincere smile, patting her lap — motioning for her to sit on it.  Thankful that she wasn’t wearing her little pajamas and instead fell asleep wearing one of his sweatshirts, she shyly sat on his lap and was surprised to see that the accomplished gymnast was being interviewed, “And she just pushes me to be the best I can be, in all aspects.” At the compliment, she shyly waved at the interviewer. “Well that is all the time we have. Thank you so much Lance Tucker for gracing us with your presence and introducing us to your lovely girl too.” Lance’s computer screen faded into his screensaver of the two of them — the gymnast kissing her cheek as she smiled wide into the camera. “Woke up without you and was so scared, papa.” Her confession had his heart hurting a bit but he cuddled her and explained, “I’m sorry, angel. I had an interview and you looked so adorable while you sleep that I didn’t want to wake you.” At his explanation, her little mind was able to understand it and nodded, “Promise to never leave me?” His reply was instant, “My greatest nightmare would be leaving you. I love you so much, angel,” For the only thing he has ever been sure of in his entire life was that she was going to be with her for the rest of their days together.
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As much as Ransom and Y/N enjoyed summer, the bright sunny days allowed them to stroll around the different sights and go on long road trips across the state — even the country if the only Thrombey child wasn’t feeling lazy. “Princess, have you packed your clothes already?” He asked from the main floor of his house as he zipped up his duffle bag after checking once again that he had packed the necessary garments for their three-day stay in the high-end resort Ransom got them a booking to.  “King, can you come here please?” The man that was called for had to chuckle as he made his way up the stairs, heading for their bedroom because he could practically sense that she was pouting as she called for him. “Princess, everything alright with you?” Seeing her kneeling down in front of her suitcase with a wide array of clothing articles spread all around her. Shaking her head, she crossed her arms as her lips formed a pout, “Need king to help me pack.” Wrapping his arms around her  and placing her on his lap, he kissed the side of her neck, “My little princess needs help packing her clothes?” Snuggling against his chest, she nodded as she slipped her thumb into her mouth, “King packs my clothes better.” Having her in his lap as he was folding some of her clothes then placing it on her matching suitcases didn’t pose as a challenge for him; in fact he loved the thought of her being all small that she needed him. “Such a helpless, needy little thing you are hm?” Even though he was partially joking, she took it seriously but was not offended by it, “Just want my king near me at all times, please.” After zipping up her bags once they have been filled with all the clothes she was probably going to use during their stay there, he simply kissed her cheek and gently pat her thighs, “Well king’s not going anywhere without his pretty princess. Now let’s go on our vacation, okay?”
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“Where are you, bubba?” Y/N pouted as she rubbed her hands on her arms as she stood by the balcony in their apartment. Her phone was in one of the pockets of the bathrobe she was wearing, and when she grabbed for it, she searched on Twitter for Superman. A sad smile graced her lips when she read about him being currently in a different country, aiding citizens who were currently suffering a forest fire in their location. Locking her phone, she then moved towards the door and before fully going in and locking the door behind her she looked up in the sky with hopeful eyes, “Please come home soon, bubba.”
Removing the robe from her body, she rested it by her dresser then crawled under the covers as she hugged the pillow Clark often laid down on when they slept together. A gush of strong wind blew past her and before she could even process what it was or see it properly, she was faced with a freshly showered Clark who was smiling and laying down beside her, “Hi, bubba. I’m home.” Her cheeks hurt from smiling so wide as she kissed his lips repeatedly and excitedly. “I’m so happy you’re home, bubba! I missed you so damn much.” She moaned out in pleasure when his arms opened wide and cuddled her close and warm into his chest. Pressing a kiss on the top of her head, he then rubbed her back soothingly, “I know, bubba. I heard you.” hearing those words, she hid her face deeper into his chest, not having the guts to look up at him. With a cheeky grin, he reassured her, “ And don’t worry, I’ll be all yours this weekend. There’s no way I will be neglecting my precious bubba.”
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