#can everyday be an april fool day.
kozukensgf · 3 months
I think the boop thing might have been available only for April fool's
But I thought it was really fun so when I woke up and it was gone I was kind of disappointed
oh i see. thats kinda sad i was really enjoying the boop boop 😭 its the best thing tumblr did tbh
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
Bonus Points: Roxy and Freddy not liking each other or getting along that well but have put their grievances aside for the sake of the April Fools joke.
Bonus Bonus Points: It was Freddy’s idea.
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wip · 1 month
It'd be great if we can check what we posted years ago everyday, like "on this day" or "memories". Are you planning on implementing this soon? ❤️
Answer: Hi, @puregrief!
Fun story: we tried this! A couple of times, actually. One of them is still up that you can see today: the @memories blog on Tumblr was an April Fools prank many years ago, and its posts are customized based on who’s viewing it (you!), and it has some fun things like this.
Another time, we had a thing that would show you a post of yours from long ago with a header like “Blast from the past!”—it was fun for only a handful of people… but most others who saw it really did not like it, and let us know, so we removed it.
There are no plans to bring it back at present. But thank you for getting in touch, and keep the questions coming y'all.
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dbs-scans · 1 year
Minamoto Supernatural Detective Agency — April Fool’s Day 2023
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April Fool’s! Nah, this one’s the real deal—here’s a translated archive of the event hosted on AidaIro’s twitter during April of 2023.
Day 1
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“Hello, you’ve reached the Minamoto Supernatural Detective Agency—” “Oh, it's just you, Kou. Yes, of course.” “All right, I'll see you at 8 PM.”
Click! Booop, booop....
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Day 2
Somewhere in the city lies an ultra-famous detective agency that boasts a terrifying case-solving rate...
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[Teru] “Welcome, I've been expecting you.” “I look tired, you say? Haha, I've been working on a big case that came in yesterday.” “But I have plans to go on break tomorrow, and I'm used to pulling all-nighters, so don't worry about me.” “You reporters are just as busy, right?”
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“I've collected the info pertaining to the Ryokan Case over there.” “Huh? You don't know where I mean? Sorry, I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to organize everything.” “All my other case files are scattered around... but I won't mind if you search through them for it.”
Various items have been scattered throughout the detective agency. What interests you is the...
Old Flier
Strange Magazine
Dirtied Diary ✅
Left-on TV
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It's a diary with a cute design. It's terribly dirty, as if someone had dropped it somewhere. You can see a footprint left behind where somebody stepped on it.
Everyday events have been written inside with neat handwriting: “The potted flowers we planted bloomed today.” “Went out with a friend.” “I spotted a cute cat.”
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...But the diary entries abruptly cut off, and a message written in another person's hand-writing has been left behind: “Go Away.”
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[Teru] “Ahh, that's unrelated to the ryokan.” “A client asked me to locate the diary of someone precious to them.” “I did find it, but as you can see... her work environment was rather poor.” “She set her sights on a new career path, and left to do field research, but I'm not sure where...”
――Knock Knock! “Hm?” “Looks like somebody's here. Is it another job request...?”
[Akane] “Oh, there's a guest here. Hello.” “I came to pick up something I left behind before I leave! I'm going on a trip with my childhood friend!” “A vacation to the hot springs, all by ourselves... I can't squander this. I've finally made it...” “Enjoy working on your day off, Chief! See ya!”
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[Teru] “A hot springs vacation with his childhood friend, huh...” “Oh, that was one of our staff members. It seems he's going to be taking some time off, as well.”
Now, where should I check next?
Old Flier
Strange Magazine ✅
Left-on TV
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A mysterious magazine titled Monthly MO has been left here. There’s a bookmark inside. A special report on cryptids...?
[Teru] “Reports of cryptids at the ryokan are almost never-ending.” “If you go there, try seeing if you can catch one. You might earn some extra pocket money if you do.” “Haha, I'm just kidding, of course.”
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Now, what’s next? 🐈The investigation continues tomorrow at 8PM🐈
Old Flier
Left-on TV
Cassette Tape ✅
Day 3
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It's an old cassette tape. I'll try playing it. ...It's a man recounting how he was spirited away as a child and wandered into a mysterious ryokan in the mountains. He sounds oddly happy about the experience.
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“...and that was how I returned to human civilization.” “I'll never forget the girl who helped me to escape from there. Never ever~!”
“She told me ‘you must never come back here again,’ but it's my dream to return one day and be reunited with her.” “If it meant being with a beauty like her, then I’d do anything—I’d even become a cat...!!!”
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[Teru] “To be attracted to someone that isn't even human? What a freak.” “I can't relate at all.”
Now, what should I check next?
Old Flier
Left-on TV ✅
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The 12 o'clock news is on. It appears that the children of the leaders of the East and West yakuza organizations have gone to dinner together. Rumor has it that they're considering an arranged marriage to unite the criminal underworld.
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“Now this is just plain dumb. A political marriage, in this day 'n age?”
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“Wait, you don't want to get married?” “Huh?”
[Teru] “Wow, they'll make a news report on just about anything.” “I'll change the channel~”
Now, what’s next? 🐈The investigation continues tomorrow at 8PM🐈
Old Flier
Old Newspaper Clipping ✅
Day 4
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It's a newspaper clipping from 50 years ago. During a national tour, a popular circus troupe had their tent burst into flames in the middle of the night and burn to the ground.
Officially, the cause of the fire is unknown, but on that night, two small figures were spotted fleeing from the scene of the crime. However, there was only one child registered with the circus troupe at the time—a single animal handler, who went missing after the incident. The child was known for doting on his pet black cat.
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[Teru] “Rumor has it there's someone at the ryokan who looks exactly like the child who went missing, completely unchanged over the years.” “I wonder what that means...?”
Now all that's left is the old flier.
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There's a tattered, yellowed flier lying around—a notice for a lost cat. It appears the cat went missing over ten years ago...
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[Teru] “What a big cat. Cute, isn't she?” “They said she was a strange cat who would dance on nights of the full moon.” “Apparently they never found her... but lately, I've heard reports that a cat with similar characteristics was spotted near the ryokan.”
I've finished surveying the results of the agency's investigation. Now, for the final step, I'll ask for information concerning the person I'm looking for. 🐈 The final investigation begins tomorrow at 8 PM 🐈 
Day 5
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This is what the person I'm looking for left behind. I've brought it here with me.
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[Teru] “About that coworker of yours who disappeared, the photographer...” “So far we haven't found any concrete proof that kid is staying at the ryokan.” “It's possible he might have disappeared of his own free will...”
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That's what the guys at work all said. That he ran out on us 'cause the job’s too hard. But...
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He'd never go off and leave his camera behind. Something must have happened to him out there...
[Teru] “I see. In that case, you should trust your intuition.” “Even if there's no evidence to support it, there's still a chance he could be there.”
“...And with that, I believe we’ve gone through everything that my investigation turned up.” “So what's your next move? There isn’t much left to do except actually going to the ryokan itself.” “If you hire me, I can tag along and...”
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[Teru] “Oh, you're going alone? Since you don't want to bother me when I'm on vacation?” “But you know, they'll probably be less suspicious if we go together... Have you already got a ticket?��� “Oh... You're so responsible, Kou. Your big brother is very proud of you.” “Okay, see you. Be careful out there.”
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[Teru] “......” “A trip to the hot springs, huh?” “Not like I've got anything better to do. Maybe I’ll go, too.”
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BZzT zzzZzZT......
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"Human society brings endless pain and suffering~♪" "The youth of today with nowhere to belong feel nothing but frustration~♪"
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"Let the hot spring's waters wash your troubles away~♪"
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"And let your bellies be satisfied by our tasty food~♪"
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"So come on down—" "To the Bakeneko Ryokan Hanako-tei!" 🐈 The End 🐈
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instarsandcrimeah · 3 months
Alrighty, I wanna do an In Stars and Time Playthrough, were every day is ACTUALLY A DAY. And like, Time how long it takes me to get to the end.
Don't worry Sif, I'll figure out how long you were in there- IN REAL TIME-
I'll do a Video about it or something, it'll be fun, I just gotta remember to hop on and play.
Rules of the Run 1) When you die, first save point you find you save at, and turn it off until the next day. 2) When you die you HAVE TO START AT THE BEGINNING. as in, you're waking up in that field everyday. 3) No jumping forward. Start at the beginning every time. 4) Aanndd Any %, this sucker is gonna take forever to do anyways, you can also Zone out if you want.
I'm gonna start this on April 1st. (Just remembered that's April fools day- I pick this day because it'll make math easier, I don't like that Holiday.)
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Could you do a Jason and Damian bonding headcanons, please?
The first time one of them said "I love you" was in the heat of battle when Jason said it along with, "You better not die again, brat"
When Damian is angry, Jason will put on sparring gloves and tell Damian to have at it until he wears himself out and calms down
Damian knows when Jason has violent thoughts even if he doesn't talk about them—it's a League instinct
Jason can bench twice Damian's weight—they found out when Damian sat on a barbell because "this was my spot first"
When it comes to Damian, Jason's fear isn't the katana or assassin-like stealth, but the fact that he's a mirror image of Bruce
Back in the League, Jason once caught Damian playing with his mother's makeup and covered for him while Damian cleaned up
Jon teaches Damian TikTok dances and Damian teaches Jason
Jason's not allowed to pick Damian up from school alone on account of the time he pulled up on a motorcycle blasting AC/DC and shouted "I'M HERE MOTHERFUCKER"
Damian wanted to know what the ocean is like but Nanda Parbat was far from one, so Jason recreated it with melted snow and shell-shaped rocks
Damian cooked, and Jason was the last to say "not it" to trying it
One time Alfred told Damian to give Jason some fruits and vegetables so Damian gave him a single strawberry
When Damian is tired, he'll steal Jason's whole coffee maker and put it in his room
Damian knows about Roy sneaking into Jason's room at night
Jason's idea of cooking is slapping a huge piece of meat on the grill and calling it a day, much to Damian's protests
Jason lets Damian have a small sip of wine under supervision
Jason's the only one who lets Damian fight the way he feels most confident
They went sledding on an old table top
They can play ping pong blindfolded, but only against each other
Damian literally owns the world's smallest violin, which he busts out whenever Jason retells his death
Jason once went a whole road trip without noticing Damian in the back seat
Damian can mimic police sirens and Jason hates it
Jason attests that Damian can drive, but he'll also attest that Damian is the worst driver ever
Their have each other's contacts saved as "Bat Brat" and "Dead Hood"
They have bonfire s'mores on Jason's grave
Damian sticks Jason's mugshot to the fridge with alphabet magnets
Jason knows Damian hates surprise parties so he always tells him when the family is throwing one
They have a Jane Austen book club
The first time Damian got his heart broken (in the League, by Ra's) Jason was the one who picked up the pieces
Damian uses his prodigious art skills to speed-draw Jason in everyday life when he's not looking
They got #CancelBruceWayne trending for April Fool's
Jason occasionally writes poetry and Damian doodles in the margins
They can't beat each other in a bare fistfight
When Damian gets excited about something, Jason makes sure nobody can ruin it
Jason leaves sauce packets all over the place to confuse Damian
They know each other's limits and consistently toe the line
Damian submits a fake job application under Jason's name to Build-A-Bear
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harrisonarchive · 11 months
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At the Billboard Music Awards, December 9, 1992; photo by Reed Saxon/AP. (Both speeches can be viewed here.)
“George was the kind of guy who wasn’t going to leave until he hugged you for five minutes and told you how much he loved you. We knew where we stood with each other. […] I loved him so much, and if he had never played a note, I would have been so blessed to have him in my life. […] I'm just blessed by God to have known him. He had so much love in him. I realized it more with him gone that he was just pure love.” - Tom Petty, Rolling Stone, January 17, 2002
“‘Me and George have something somewhere where we're connected,’ Petty says with a laugh. ‘Some past life or something.’” - Pulse!, April 1999
“[George] was so funny, it’s hard to explain. He was the funniest guy I ever met. Such a keen sense of humor. A lot of fun. A wise person. He really wanted to know the meaning of it all. But at the same time, he was really light-hearted and tremendous fun. [Laughs] Just tremendous fun. And we got along so well. There’s really not a day that I don’t think about him.” - Tom Petty, Conversations With Tom Petty (2005)
“George [passing away] devastated me. I didn’t think George could die. It so ripped my heart out that I still can’t think about it.” - Tom Petty, Billboard, December 2005
“George came along, and we just got so close; it was like we had known each other in some other life or something. We were pals within minutes of meeting each other. I remember him saying to me a couple of days after we’d known each other — he’s just hugging me, holding me, saying, ‘Tommy, you’re in my life now whether you like it or not.’ It was like I’d been sent the very person I needed. He healed a lot of wounds.” - Tom Petty, Petty: The Biography (2015)
“I went through a bad period, you know, when my house burned… Just kind of one of those great gifts to run into Jeff and George like I did at that time. They probably don’t even realize it, but it really took away a lot of the pain.” - Tom Petty, In The Studio With Redbeard, 1989 (x)
“God I miss him you know. I miss him in the night a lot.” - Tom Petty, Concert for George microsite
“And so much has happed to me that you wouldn’t believe. I’m not gonna try to tell it all to you, but I’m thinking right now about one particular thing. I was looking out there - I know so many people here. Mo, Mo and Olivia [Harrison] are out there. I love Mo and I love Liv. Me and George Harrison and Jeff Lynne one night were at Mo Ostin’s house - this was before, we were just working on the idea of the Traveling Wilburys - and I had written this song ‘Free Fallin’’ and done the record and taken it to my label, MCA. And they rejected the record. And that had never happened to me before. I was like, wow, what do I do? So, we forgot about it. And we were at Mo’s house and dinner ended and George said, ‘Let’s get the guitars out and sing a little bit.’ And we sang and George said, ‘Let’s do that “Free Fallin’” Tom. Play that.’ So we had a kind of Wilbury arrangement of it with harmony. And we did it. And Lenny Waronker is sitting there, he said, ‘That’s a hit.’ With two acoustic guitars, you know? I said, ‘Well, my record company won’t put it out.’ And Mo says, “I’ll f*****’ put it out.” - Tom Petty, MusiCares speech, February 10, 2017 (x)
“I have a special fondness for him [Tom]. It makes you feel a little bit safer to know that someone like Tom is there for you. It’s a good umbrella to be standing under.” - Olivia Harrison, Petty: The Biography (2015)
“What makes Tom Petty a unique live performer is that he is a storyteller. His Florida drawl and the meter of his speech are engaging. Even his everyday observations sound more like tales, and whether he is singing or speaking you'll hear truisms in his words. I call him Aesop Wilbury.” - Olivia Harrison, Billboard, March 20, 2006
“Petty 'had a great bullshit detector – he didn’t suffer fools, just like my dad,’ says Dhani Harrison. While Petty and George Harrison 'were kind of stone-y, mellow dudes, they had that toughness. They’d kick your ass. But they loved the same stuff – ukuleles, motor racing. They would go to the Formula One races together.’ George 'really felt at ease with Tom,’ Dhani says, 'because it was like having another you next to you. There were more eyes watching out for you.’“ - Rolling Stone, 18 October 2017
“Tommy is just, like, the loveliest guy in the entire world. [...] [H]im and Jeff [Lynne] have been the nearest things I’ve had to a dad since I lost my dad.” - Dhani Harrison, Premier Guitar, January 16, 2018 (x)
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100 followers celebration!
Happy or not so happy Aprils fools' day everyone! Don't worry this is not a prank, I'm actually celebrating a new milestone. I got 100 followers like a month ago (which I thought was too soon). I had planned something different, but that project got bigger and bigger and decided that I will focus on that project later time. Anyway I decided to share some toddler defaults for you. I thought that I was done making default replacement for toddlers, but then the Sims 4 Growing Together EP was released. So under the cut are 4 default replacement toddler outfits for you. I was kinda lazy and just made the swatches. You can still check better images of those outfits from links I have provided. My images are scuffed, sorry about that! Thanks to everyone who has followed, liked, reblogged, and commented on my posts! ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅
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Default replacement for pfbodydress
Everyday | No morphs | Compressed
This is Skittles Sims GP10 Dress. Edit: this image has bridesmaid dress when it shoud be the base game dress. I deleted the images from my computer so I can't update the swatch imageヾ(_ _。)
Credits: @skittlessims
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Default replacement for pmbodyjacketpants
Everyday | No morphs | Compressed
This is Skittles Sims 4t2 BG Hoodie Zip & Pants for toddlers. Both outfits share same pant colors, because I like to save space and I didn't like the bunny hoodies pants colors (´~ `;)
Credits: @skittlessims
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Default replacement for pfbodydressbridesmaid
Formal | No morphs | Compressed
This is nonsensical-pixels 4t2 GP11 Dress Flower. I edited the last dress' colors so now they match. I also colored all shoes to be white.
Credits: @nonsensical-pixels, @skittlessims
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Default replacement for pfbodyturtleneckscarf and pmbodyturtleneckscarf
Outerwear | No morphs | Compressed
This is Skittles Sims 4t2 EP0 Coat Rain Buttons. All of them are unisex.
Credits: @skittlessims
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wordsandrobots · 2 months
[@lilenui informs me today (8 April) is Shino/Yamagi day. Actually, they informed me of this via a post four days ago, which proves I can write fast when I have a looming deadline, since I bashed this out inside 24 hours.
Anyway, in honour of today, here's a flip-side piece to accompany Falling for a Fool. Content warnings for extremely bi himbo energy and general dumbassery.]
It shouldn't have meant anything.
It probably didn't.
Touching other people was such a normal part of everyday life, Shino barely thought about it most of the time. A nudge here, a knock there, the clasped hand or bumped fist, a slap on the back for a job well done or a kick to the ass for being an idiot. He couldn't count how often he'd lifted one of the little guys where they couldn't reach, or knocked about with those in his weight class, or simply slung his arm around a familiar pair of shoulders just because.
What was there too think about?
Why couldn't he get this time out of his head?
The battle with the mobile armour had been intense. A giant monster robot from hundreds of years ago on a rampage that nearly ended with Chryse getting flattened, that was only stopped because Mikazuki went all-out. When the dust settled, Tekkadan were heroes once again. They'd done something nobody had since the Calamity War and by rights it ought to have been the start of bigger and bigger things, putting them on the path to truly becoming the kings of Mars.
Hadn't worked out that way, but still: they got to prove how awesome they were!
And in the middle of it all, Shino headed out to fight in a mobile suit he barely knew how to use.
Yamagi had been pissed at being dragged into the cockpit to work the new Ryusei-Go's equipment. He didn't wait to start bombarding Shino with homework afterwards, insisting he wasn't about to take a job as a full-time operating manual. That sucked because reading a mountain of technical mumbo-jumbo was more likely to send Shino to sleep than help him understand the rail-guns and the transformation mechanism and so on, but he supposed it was fair.
He'd practised hard until he could remember which buttons did what, first try.
His record now stood at switching to and from shelling-mode three times in a row without throwing anything out of whack, which had earned him a rare nod of approval.
So all in all, the situation worked out well, for him specifically. He got a Gundam to call his own, did his part in the battle, bringing down a canyon to split the mobile armour off from its drone swarm, and Yamagi was still talking to him despite everything. Sure, with what had happened since, it felt like a very small achievement in amongst a storm of massive disasters, but you took what you could, right? It definitely wasn't nothing, to finally have the strength to protect his friends.
Yet the memory kept worrying at him, like a stone in his boot.
Not the whole thing, just one particular part.
Because there'd been this moment, on-route to the target, where he'd needed to swerve. He can't remember what he was avoiding, exactly. An outcropping or a crater, some common hazard of speeding across a rocky desert, pinging on his sensors. He'd done what he always did, throwing the Ryusei-Go into a sharp sideways jink, and normally that'd be that. Only, he had another person stuffed in there with him and when he hit the dodge harder than he'd meant to –
The cockpit rocked as he regained his balance.
And Yamagi's hand struck his shoulder.
Which made sense. Yamagi was sitting across Shino's knees, folded practically in half, and there wasn't anything else for him to have braced against. It was that or being pitched across the cabin. In any case, Shino hardly felt the touch. Yamagi was not what you'd call heavy, or especially strong. He could've pushed with all his might and it'd likely have done very little had Shino been standing up, much less sitting down with a back-rest behind him.
But Yamagi didn't push.
He flinched away and hunched up, and began tapping furiously at his data pad.
Now, true, Yamagi wasn't the world's biggest fan of being manhandled. A holdover from how he got treated when he first joined the CGS and quite a lot of the time after then, before Orga took charge. Probably from being a small, slim little guy who worked for a military company in general, really, especially since getting so badly sick from the Alaya-Vijnana surgery meant he never took to the training. It was understandable, if he was sensitive over getting shoved around
Shino did his best to respect that, even when circumstances meant he needed to physically move Yamagi about the place.
Yamagi usually let him know if he went to far, with glares that had him regretting his life choices.
Except this wasn't that. Yes, Shino did catch hold of Yamagi as well, to stop him going flying, and got shrugged off for his trouble, but he was fairly sure that hadn't been the reason for the reaction. No glare, for one thing. Could it run both ways? Did a dislike of being touched make you hate touching? That didn't sound right. Then again, Shino couldn't say he'd ever paid much attention to who or what Yamagi went around touching. Maybe it was just something he'd failed to notice?
No, hang on, Yamagi helped him put on Alaya-Vijnana connector blocks all the time.
Surely he'd have noticed if that made Yamagi uncomfortable?
If they hadn't been fighting a life-or-death battle, and if Orga hadn't chosen that exact moment to come on the comm to tell them to get a move on, Shino would probably have asked Yamagi what was up then and there. He regretted missing the chance. He got too caught up in the high of victory to remember to do it when they made it back home, only thinking he should after Yamagi had already shoved the pad into his hands and hurried off, boots dangling from his…
Did Yamagi run away from him?
He replayed the scene in his head, trying to recall the exact expression with which Yamagi delivered the instruction to read the damn files already. He'd had his head lowered, fringe falling across his face, making it hard to see fully and meaning it was even harder to picture in hindsight. Vaguely annoyed and despairing? That wasn't exactly unusual. Sometimes, Shino genuinely wondered why Yamagi had put up with him for so long.
That was probably why Shino was worrying about this.
He and Yamagi made such a good team, he hated the idea of anything coming between them.
Was it just a gross place to put your hand? Checking for himself, running a finger around the point under his collar bone where the slab of muscle on his chest gave way to his arm, there didn't seem to be any strange bumps or warts or whatever. Maybe the bare skin felt bad? Mobile suit cockpits weren't much better than mobile workers when it came to overheating and getting ugly-sweaty. Except Yamagi had been wearing gloves…
And Shino never got complaints from people who touched him there while working up a nicer kind of sweat!
The thought wrapped around to hit his brain like a live grenade.
No. No! Absolutely not. Why would he think for even a second that that had anything to do with it? Sure, yeah, it was technically an intimate place to touch, and looking at things from that angle – the angle where he hadn't been wearing a shirt and he and Yamagi were closer than they'd ever been before in their lives – then the connection wasn't a totally wild one to make. Under other circumstances, for other people, it might have been sensible. But come on!
Did Yamagi seriously think Shino thought he'd been trying to cop a feel?!
That was crazy!
For starters, Shino would never think that. Tekkadan was his family and as far as he was concerned, that put everyone else in it squarely off-limits when it came to any sort of intimate touching, giving or receiving. That was just… obvious. Orga said they were a family, and Shino cared about the guys around him the way you were supposed to care about your brothers, so of course he wasn't about to start leaping to all the wrong conclusions just because –
It suddenly occurred to him he hadn't ever checked if the others took the same meaning from what Orga said as he did.
Perhaps he needed to change angles again.
Yamagi being into guys wouldn't be the most surprising thing. All the crap the First Group bastards used to sling around aside, it was hard not to notice how uninterested Yamagi was in girls. Or at least, he wasn't interested in going out on the town to pick them up. Like Orga, except without the feeling the point was flying over his head. Yamagi seemed to understand sex as a concept, he just didn't appear to want it with the kind of people who showed up in Shino's magazines.
Didn't he ask if Shino was into girls once? As though there could be any doubt!
…had he maybe wanted a different answer?
OK, this was starting to feel weird. Now Shino was wondering if he'd ever seen Yamagi look at someone in a way that suggested he wanted to get it on with them! He was always so quiet and serious, it was hard to picture him being horny. Or giving anybody the time of day, honestly. The closest he got was maybe how he'd looked when they were putting the Alaya-Vijnana into the Graze Custom. The intense concern he'd shown over the pain the testing caused Shino.
Since then, he'd made it a mission to always perfectly tune Shino's A-V system, to avoid it hurting him again.
Did… did he do that for anyone else?
An itch spread across Shino's scalp as he took stock of the sheer amount of stuff he relied on Yamagi to do for him. Hell, there hadn't been a question that he'd be the one to head off to the Saisei to get Gundam Flauros fixed and turned into Ryusei-Go the Fourth. Shino bought the paint out of his own pocket but he'd known he could rely on Yamagi to make sure his new machine came back a roaring pink. Shino knew he could rely on Yamagi, full-stop, with pretty much everything.
Which was great!
Having a comrade – a friend – who'd make sure he got what he needed to fight the way he wanted was amazing!
Why though? Why did Yamagi do that? Shino was always bugging him with new ideas and he was always going along with them, despite his better sense. Sometimes, he'd explain bluntly why a suggestion was stupid and impossible given their resources, then come back an hour later with a plan to get close to something like what Shino wanted, and the result would turn out even better. In fact, the only time he'd flat-out refused was…
When they talked about funerals.
When Yamagi said he'd not make ice flowers bloom for Shino because they were too expensive.
Shino got the strong urge to slap himself across the face. He'd known he was being given the brush-off back then, it just hadn't occurred to him that was because – because, well, how could it have been? 'Cos when you started bringing in things like… then you weren't talking about sex any more, were you? And he could deal with somebody thinking he was hot, he could handle them being embarrassed over that, but if it was more than just a guy into guys being into a hot guy –
He was getting ahead of himself.
Way, way, way ahead of himself.
So what if Yamagi's flinch could possibly, maybe be taken as a response to… that. What other clues were there? He hadn't squirmed or blushed. He was a predictable level of snitty over being treated as on-site tech-support. He'd… not exactly been pleased when Shino got a tiny bit loud over Ride using Ryusei-Go the Third to snag the monster's attention. Nothing out of the ordinary for someone so cool under pressure, the only sign of nerves was a single foot tapping against Shino's knee.
Hold on.
Back up.
For a long few minutes, Shino sat with what snatches he could remember from before the flinch. The yelp Yamagi gave on being hoisted through the hatch. The restless patter of his toes, like he was trying to grab on with them. The all-business voice in which he rattled off information about the Flauros cannons. The faint reek of engine oil, soaked into his overalls, mingling with the new-clean smell of the cockpit and the animal musk of another body. The way he kept looking away –
None of it should have meant anything.
It still probably didn't.
But if Shino's suspicions were on the mark, then there was somebody in Tekkadan who did not think of him as family, or at least, not the kind of family Shino had assumed they were. Which meant he needed to figure out what to do next, because he couldn't just leave the guy hanging after going so long without realising. He'd have to say something, do something, decide if he wanted to see what came of saying yes…
Surprisingly, there didn't seem to be much of a question over that.
Good to know.
Even so, he ought to make sure. It'd be a huge pain in the ass if he worked himself up to asking an important question only to find he'd completely misread the situation. That'd be a real jerk move, inflicting such an awkward mess on Yamagi, and then Shino'd be the one dealing with horrible embarrassment. No, the smart thing would be to get a second opinion, check his working, make sure he wasn't chasing down the wrong rat hole with all of this.
And Eugene was sitting right there, so –
“Hey, can we talk about Yamagi? Do you think he… likes me or something?”
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freneticfloetry · 5 months
hello courtney, incoming with a hyper-specific and random ask: do you have a signature scent/favourite perfume? if so, what is it <3 if alternatively/in addition, what is your favourite candle/home fragrance scent?
Lola my love, you could not possibly have known this about me, but this is one of my favorite topics ever.
I’ve been wearing the fine perfume oils of @blackphoenixalchemylab since 2004 (hilariously enough, the same year I started writing!). My stash is ridiculously huge, like hundreds of bottles, and indeed, I do have ones that are almost twenty years old — one of the fantastic things about oils is that they age, and change, and get better with time, like fine wine. Sometimes I think my oil chest is the thing I’d grab from a fire, second only to my cat.
The best thing about BPAL, though, is that it’s so dependent on skin chemistry. The exact same blend can smell wildly different on everyone. It does mean that I have death notes — honey, for instance, however lovely it may smell in the bottle, smells exactly like cat pee on me. There’s exactly one blend with a honey note that I can actually wear, Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife, and even then, there’s a solid ten minutes of drydown time when I smell like a walking litter box. But nothing demonstrates the power of skin chemistry better than this review of Jingo-Kogo v6. (Don’t drink anything while you read.)
I have a whole list of Holy Grail blends, but my biggest one is probably an old April Fools’ Day blend called Monster Bait: Underpants. It’s a slightly sweet gourmand with whiffs of saffron and a sandalwood base, and it smells delicious but not like food. It’s kind of a special occasion wear, though, since it was literally only available for one day and I only have so much. My everyday blend at the moment wavers between one of this year’s Yules, Lavender Earl Grey Cookies, one of the old Amanda Palmer collabs, Cupcake Splatter Pattern Analysis, and a long lost Pickman Gallery blend, Undine Comes Into the House of the Fishermen.
I highly recommend BPAL to pretty much any and everyone I meet (poor @hoko-onchi-writes can testify to this). Their catalog is massive. They partner with awesome people for awesome collabs inspired by their work, Mark Waid and Peter S. Beagle and probably most notably Neil Gaiman — there’s a licensed perfume line for all his greatest hits. There’s a healthy helping of nostalgia — childhood tales, the aforementioned Beagle line for “The Last Unicorn,” even a line for The Fraggles. And all of it is absolutely magical. Beth's ability to capture imagery and concepts and feelings in a bottle is simply mind-boggling and must be smelled to be believed. I mean, they were commissioned to do a blend for the Smurf movie premiere, and I swear the best way to describe Smurf Essence is that it smells blue. They also support worthy causes far and wide (and loudly and proudly), so be sure to check out their full and fabulous line of activism perfume.
Wow, that was a lot. Sorry. 🤣
(My candle answer is much shorter! In general, I love love love cashmere blends, but my favorite candle ever is Archipelago Botanicals’ Black Forest. Especially this time of year.)
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alchemisland · 1 month
Crust Punk Scene
Thinking back to my days as a crust punk
It was cans everyday before I smoked skunk
Looking back can’t imagine what she thought, mum
I smoked, screamed, pierced myself and battered drums
All my mates over all the time doing what they couldn’t
At home, always people explored shadows they normally wouldn’t
Around me, in this sense I am satan’s sudden student
Said don’t need no education but I’m not the type to bunk
In Ireland we call it mitching, tell you true I never played truant
That game I never played through it, I did do it though
Leaving school, true to my word there, they’re all fools
Drooling on desks, whole thing an out of control April Fool
I rue a man to put a rule on me, do one man, judge ruling on me
Midway through fifth year I elected to leave, selected my reprieve and none could refuse me
I worked in my dad’s while my mates went to school, few quid for the pocket, mostly for booze
The rest I spent on looking punk as fuck, bulletbelts getting delivered bulk
I had more anger in me, and more rips in my clothes, than incredible Hulk
Carry No Banners from Galway became Cut The Reins, went Galway a lot 
Lovely spot but cut the rains
At the Spanish Arch drinking cans all day
They call this place ambition’s grave
Nightlife to rave about, suddenly you’re fifty and never got out
Use the old sessioners as a lesson on what not to be, less than pensioners but close
These licentionnaires with greying hair at college parties plying wares
Only kiss they get result of double dares.
Spent plenty hard cash perfecting my look
Moon in Leo outlook, out with the old room for my new look
Never out unless looking good, flooded with looks my bulk
Onlookers audibly say fuckkkkkkk, like The Wire’s Bunk 
I only cared about being the punkest punk, no giving fucks
More binfrequenting than local fox
Some shouldn’thavesent in sentbox.
Everyday in full costume like an habitual monk
The way you do when you’re young
I wrote punk’s dead in marker on my sleeveless parka shirt from army surplus
I had a navy nike hat with an immortal patch on, buckle had rust
Never saw it again when I left it on a Greyhound Galwaybound GoBus
Frayed with wearing, greyed with caring, grade unerring it was my A hat
I had studs and metal bits glued onto all my jackets
Nothing flair lacking
Nothing’s fair that age
Started using red dax wax to sculpt my hair into liberty spikes
Until my top tips signalled to the rising moon like IRA pikes
No rules except what to think, wear, listen to and how to act
Didn’t realise I was signing a pact, I’m listening to Filthpact
Crusties barely wash after enacting the No Showers Act of 10 years back
Their baggy clothes are filth packed
Like wallowing pigs they’re filth backed
At crust gigs no pints are sold
It’s bold but might get one water to pour in a six pack
Posh father daughters playing at homeless, LATFO lmao
Caught between a rock and NWOBHM, more piss smell than OTO
Bake sale
Pit hair like lichens sprouting my cut off Amebix merchandise
Dreads dirt-caked, Latvian army boots in bad shape, looking like piltdown man
They shout crust as fuck existence in can-strewn Cabra kitchens
They form bands called Nuclear Axe Wound or Mandatory Deexistence
No distance between bands, scene is small and incestuous 
Every second punk kid here attended Wesley, half played rugby
Dad’s in the ministry like Weasleys, but they’re punx see
Purposely didn’t take their pocket money, funds beneath their dignity
Rather play for beers, be dirty and have nits, playing on the streets
Dirty knees kid calls himself a magpie, watches train hopping documentaries
A total crock those demo tracks you sent to me, 4 track ra-punk 
Shit be the scent of me, all kak perfume, two birds and eighty blokes per show
Lops off locks and let grease wind dreadlocks, acquire shocking forehead stick and pokes
Squat the world, he jokes, his dad’s place is on millionaire’s row
Fucked up at the front of the show, milling elbows
Dreadlocks like a dingleberry lasso 
Buckfast purple lips and unwashed teeth on show
Your uncle has a spare rolex, everything gold like butter
Your patch says train robber, another says cradle2gutter
You all absolutely deserve each other.
Hanging around the closest we have to train tracks
Pretending you’re leatherclad raiders outta Mad Max
Spent my inheritance on cans, family won’t see me again
Until I’m in dire need of a lend, I also attend Christmas and holidays
Driving mammy around the bend, arrived for Thanksgiving dressed like a Fallout raider
They have saved up but secluded my money until I grow up, few years finding myself
Finally settle into a position at Dad’s firm, dad’s firm on this decision, I’m binding myself
To his millions.
Yes me boys that’s me gone, striking out west goodbye Muirsin Durkin.
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local-yurei · 1 year
Yurei 70 follower event
[pt: Yurei 70 follower event /end pt]
we’re at 70 followers so I decided to make a coining event, cuz those are always fun! any type of term(s) can be coined for this event! (excluding transx/transid terms)
the event officially starts the 27th, and ends the 2nd of April!
you don’t have to coin something everyday, but if you do want to participate please try to coin two things minimum!
please only coin one theme per day!
please @ us in your post, and use the tag ‘70yurevent’ so we don't miss any! we’ll rb every post we see! (as long as we arent on the poster's DNI)
day 1 / Mar 27: poetry / quotes
day 2 / Mar 28: calm / peace / comfort
day 3 / Mar 29: bruises / scars
day 4 / Mar 30: season(s) / seasonal / holiday
day 5 / Mar 31: music / song / lyrics
day 6 / Apr 1: divinity / mythology
day 7 / Apr 2: paranormal / ghosts
Alt Prompts:
term inspired by yourself / yourselves
aesthetic(s) / thing(s) you like
coin term under fav term umbrella
favourite colour combos / palettes
about the universe
alt for day 6 / Apr 1: april fools theme
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dani-the-goblin · 11 months
🎧 9 Ship Songs 🎧
List 9 songs for one (or more) of your ships.
tagged by: @luvwich
Do you know how hard it was to not make these all Taylor songs? If y'all want, I will. I really want to. 👀 Also a decent amount of their songs don't have words, so I picked one's that actually do.
Val & River 💕
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Taylor Swift - Sweet Nothing
Outside, they're push and shoving You're in the kitchen humming All that you ever wanted from me was nothing
Alesso - Heroes (We Could Be)
Every day people do everyday things, but I can't be one of them. We can do anything. We could be heroes.
Abby Cates - April Fools
I like the way you look at my mouth when I talk to you And I, I like your fire
Peach PRC - Loved You Before
In this life and the next two If it's over soon we'll go back through Just to say, say "I love you"
Ariana Grande - imagine
We go like up 'til I'm 'sleep on your chest Love how my face fits so good in your neck
Leanna Firestone - God and the Government
And I'd make you a dad Not right now, but someday And when we have that brat, I'll be the head of their PTA
Zolita - Ruin My Life
Baby, I know if I died tomorrow You'd be the last thing I think about When I go out
Alec Benjamin - If I Killed Someone For You
Would you turn me in When they say I'm on the loose? Would you hide me when My face is on the news?
Ian McConnell - Casual
I know the thing I want you to say back But there’s no pressure on you to say that I’ll understand if you walk away
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p0ffstarz · 1 year
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His coat has many coffee stains, he tries to wash them off but some of the stains still remain.
He’d definitely be that one person to wear like a summer fit when it’s literally freezing outside.
Almond would be a ticklish guy, he’d try to hide it but like that’s the easiest way you could make him laugh if you can manage to tickle him.
If almond ever had a social media I feel like half of his dms would be random people sending him dumb things specifically images like the uh “you obviously don’t own an air fryer” or they’d do that thing where they message him everyday with a request like those “day 1 of asking almond to ____”
Almond is very hard on himself, often feeling very disappointed or frustrated if he isn’t able to do something right or how it was needed. Like trying to chase down a criminal, if he’s unable to catch them he’ll go back home feeling ashamed that he wasn’t able to catch them. Usually taking the huge fault at something if it doesn’t go right.
Almond definitely has a sweet tooth but he denies it all the time, if you have any bowl or candy left unintended you’ll probably find that some of it is missing sooner or later. (he would definitely snag a few candies from walnut’s candy basket after Halloween..)
Almond has been caught in the act of trying to act as the tooth fairy, halfway trying to swap out a tooth from walnut she woke up and saw him.
Almond would have to be extra careful on April Fools day because of a certain two cookies,,,(Roguefort and Walnut but mostly Roguefort) they would be pranking Almond all day. Walnut would try to pull classic harmless pranks on Almond half of them would be obvious pranks but almond would still pretend to fall for them just to see Walnut happy. Honestly Almond would probably be the target of many on April Fools Day,,
Batman enjoyer as a kid and still enjoys it now in present time, he’d probably use some quotes from Batman and like say them infront of walnut just for fun. Also a Robin enjoyer too.
Almond probably gets asked very often why his sweater is so big, I don’t think he knows why..
Almond seems like the type of dad to not want a pet but then literally when they finally do he’s like bestest friends with the pet, literally Inseparable.
He is a sleepwalker, he’ll randomly wake up in the middle of the night sometimes and find himself in a whole new spot.
Cat Babytalker forsure, Walnut walked in on him doing this once and he begged for her to just keep it between the two of them. NOBODY KNOWS EXECPT WALNUT, NOBODYYYYY. Some people have their suspicions though.
Almond would randomly say something you’d hear from a detective movie, if the time was right ofcourse. People would definitely laugh at him for this because he’d usually say it in the most serious tone ever. I also think Walnut and Almond would have a small inside joke on this, where randomly they’d both say something of that sort and just go along with it.
I feel like almond could have the most sweetest smile but have the most coldest stare also, like despite him being more serious most of the time he’d never be like cruel or whatever. His face expression would usually just look like serious or just typical but he could have like a super cold expression if he wanted too, there’d definitely be a difference
This dude definitely snores, his nose has to be messed up or something. Probably from falling so many times onto his face or some other things, MANY THINGS COULDVE CAUSED THIS.
He has one of those mugs that are like “Worlds #1 Dad” or “Worlds #1 Dadtective” he would atleast have ONE of these mugs from a Fathers Day Present (Walnut gave it to him and it’s his favorite mug, he always uses it)
He has dressed up as Batman for Halloween once when he was a kid, it was his favorite costume when he was younger. But now looking back at the photo almond can’t believe that he walked around in that costume (it was bad) He has a photo of it and only a few people have seen it, or so that’s what Almond thinks (many people have seen it)
I’d say there’s like a good handful or more of people (most likely being any co-workers he has or friends) that just don’t take him seriously at all. I can imagine almond being in the middle of explaining something and someone just goes “Okay Dragon Arrester” (nobody is ever letting that go)
Nail biter (this one is short I KNOW)
He would be able to do the most randomest things but also not be able to do the most randomest things if that makes sense,,,like for example ‘ya Ik how to bake a cake but I can’t make eggs’
//I’ve never done this before I had fun writing these Headcanons lol!! Ty for reading! (*^▽^*) <3//
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merlintarotfest · 1 year
Very interesting idea!! First, it's not April Fool's day kind of thing I hope? Second, now to my question, do you have any suggestion on which tarot to pick other than visual preference? (which I might go for in the end because I don't know much about tarot and their different types, I think there are at least 2?)
Lol, it's definitely not an April Fools joke! I'm very excited to launch this, I've been sitting on it for a while.
I don't have any Lenormand decks, which might be the 2nd type of tarot you're referring to. All the decks I have follow the traditional 78-card tarot structure. Choosing a deck based on visual style is perfectly valid and often a good indicator of how well you'll work/vibe with that deck and its cards. You can also research the decks' creators or read reviews to see if there's a deck on the list that matches a particular characteristic you're looking for.
I can also give a quick breakdown of the different decks available for the fest:
Rider-Waite-Smith: probably what you think of when you think of tarot. I used the Magician card from this deck in my initial promo post. Many other decks take their inspiration from the Rider-Waite-Smith artwork
Everyday Tarot: simple, minimalistic cards based off the Rider-Waite-Smith art, done in white, gold, and purple
Fifth Spirit Tarot: queer and inclusive deck that expands tarot archetypes beyond the gender binary
Ink Witch Tarot: done in a limited color palette. References Arthurian legends as well as Norse and Greek myths, pagan witches, and fairytales
Light Seer's Tarot: uses contemporary characters in a brightly & richly colored style
Morgan-Greer Tarot: similar to Rider-Waite-Smith but more colorful and more intimate, as a lot of the illustrations are more zoomed-in
Next World Tarot: features a world based on radical redefinitions of love and social justice. Also features diversity in body types and abilities
Queer Tarot: based on the Rider-Waite-Smith but features models/characters of a wide range of queer identities (including gender expressions and sexual orientations) in a very brightly colored style that references queer history
Sasuraibito Tarot: a deck designed to aid the curious wanderer, featuring contemporary Western characters as well as Japanese and Buddhist concepts
Spacious Tarot: this deck features no human characters. Most cards feature only nature, and the court cards feature various animals
This Might Hurt Tarot: a modern, queer, and diverse take on the Rider-Waite-Smith artwork
I hope this at least serves as a good jumping off point for you!
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saorikuhara39 · 2 years
Feb 2022 issue of B’sLOG Obey Me! translation feat. The Obey Me! Team
B’s LOG Creator’s Interview
(Reblogging / Comments okay)
Feb 2022 issue of B’sLOG Obey Me! translation feat. The Obey Me! Team
B’s LOG Creator’s Interview
(On Sale Dec 2021)
① What left the greatest impression during the year 2021?
② What kind of presence did you think you have in the entertainment world during COVID? Also, what kind of communication were you trying to achieve?
③ What message do you have towards your fans?
④ Which Kanji do you think best describes the year 2021?
① The animation short "Obey Me! Special Anime — Devildom Family Trip!" which was posted on April 1 (2021), left a great impression on us because of the great response it received from exchange students around the world, which could also be partly due to the day being April Fool's Day itself. We had received many requests for an animated series since the global English version was first released, so we were very excited that we were able to make it happen. It was also great that we were able to design bunny boy costumes for the brothers 🐰 We hope the bunny boys will spread further throughout the world 🐰
② The exchange students from all over the world said, "It's a difficult situation (where I live), but I'm glad to have 'Obey Me!' I can relax when I play "Obey Me!" and watch the videos," etc. When we received these messages, we learnt that the content we provide can have a positive impact on people in the pandemic as well. We feel that we could to continue to create more content for "Obey Me!" so that we can be a small pillar to make as many people's lives become more enjoyable as possible.
③ This year has been valuable for us with many firsts, starting with 'Otaku FM', followed by "Obey Me! The Boys in the House," the anime, the manga, and the opportunity to meet exchange students both online and offline. We would like to thank you all for your support, which has made all of this possible. Our team will continue to work hard to provide content that will make your everyday life more enjoyable with 'Obey Me!'
【結】 musubi
meaning join, union, connecting
Last year was a year full of encounters with many people, so we answered "fate/connection" . 【縁】 en/enishi
This year, that connection was further deepened through 'Obey Me!'. Even though we did not have many opportunities to meet face-to-face, we chose this kanji of the year to strengthen our ties with those who love 'Obey Me!'.
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