#can’t explain won’t explain
ravennhearted · 3 months
My FAVORITE fanfic tag is “no beta we die like [insert character here]” it never fails to make me cackle
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doriansbutt · 2 months
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tinseltownie · 3 months
Look I’ve watched the BTS footage a 100 times already. The thing is Oscar didn’t have to pop in. And Lando most certainly didn’t have to keep the conversation going. But he did. And Lando did. And it was all soft and warm and “I want to know the most mundane details about this exact thing that I’ve done for 6 years already but did you have fun Oscar?? Did you? Have fun? Osc? Nice smoothie osc. Gonna copy your cute lil pose osc”.
Everything I’ve learned about Lando in the last few weeks is that he just wants friends? He keeps talking about how he missed out on the uni experience and how his friends are all through racing. And it explains why he’s kept Max on at Quadrant and all that side of it. (Not saying he’s buying Max’s friendship or anything) And he kept being friends with his teammates thinking they were safe but Carlos left and Daniel was fired. Which is the nature of the sport don’t get me wrong that’s fine. But I think Lando is really comfortable because Oscar is here to stay for a while. So Lando has Oscar.
And Oscar has always been better than the rest at this sport so it was hard to make friends with the other boys because he kept moving a step forward, quicker than everyone else. His Prema vids are sweet but there’s a sense that everyone in them is still trying to make it. Plus Oscar has 3 younger sisters but he’s never had a brother and he’s a little quiet and Lando was okay bulldozing his way into Oscar’s heart so now Oscar has Lando.
They both love their families but the sport makes it so they feel distant from them? Yes Adam is at almost every race and Oscar has a very loving relationship with his mom but all they’ve known is this sport forever. This sport where there’s no loyalty and no love and a lot friendships are actually just colleagues hanging out in a work setting.
That’s what makes Carlando so endearing. It’s that the friendship persisted beyond the contract mandated hangouts. That’s what makes Landoscar so special. They’ve found each other, a support system, a person who actually understands every nuance of the car, every corner that they race, every debrief in a way that really only their teammate can.
They are each other’s competition but they’re also each other’s comfort and I think that’s really special. Plus, Oscar’s quite tall isn’t he 😏
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iihavenomouth · 2 years
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peachdues · 6 months
I’m going to have to just make a cut edition of In the Netherwood for the extended smut scenes because I can’t actually leave this in there (it’s long enough) but I also can’t NOT share it because I will always share my horny brain rot with you all
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Like this whole scene is filthy breeding nasty but I literally cannot afford to leave it in lmao
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highfiveheroes · 25 days
the only thought on the episode i will say tonight is this: i’m really disappointed that i’m supposed to be rooting for a set of bullies.
say what you will about the bad kids, they’ve been nasty this season, with a few standouts here and there—notably fabian, who has gone out of his way to make amends and friendships with people outside of the bad kids. but hearing the way they talk about other characters? the way adaine and kristen and gorgug were straight up bullying the rat grinders in a lot of situations? not saying the rat grinders weren’t being antagonistic in their own right, and i fully understand this is a comedy show of people sitting around a table making jokes and rolling dice. but compared to how much connection i had with the bad kids in say, season one or two, when they were going out of their way to be nice to people more often than they were being straight up rude and egging people on…
idk man. something about the bad kids this season isn’t sitting right with me anymore. and i’m sad.
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kiwiorcore · 22 days
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cheeky-cheese · 11 months
Baghera and Forever and Jaiden and Foolish are the two types of siblings
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applecidersstuff · 7 months
You can say whatever you want, but “Viva La Vida” feels like the end of “Crooked Kingdom”
It feels like Inej standing on her ship looking back at Ketterdam promising to came back.
It feels like Wylan and Jesper laughing in the kitchen of Van Eck mansion.
It feels like Nina on her way to Fjerda.
It feels like Matthias being welcomed home.
It feels like Kaz standing on the berth looking at Inej leave.
It feels like an ending.
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Isaac and Malia should’ve been best friends, I feel robbed
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athena-xox · 5 months
The most annoying people ever are the ones who don’t understand there’s multiple Charming families plus royalty who’s older siblings have a predefined destiny and act like they discovered something when they say aren’t Daring and Apple related?
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electric-plants · 7 months
traveler: is that a gem embedded in your skin??
alhaitham: this is my belt it’s actually a pouch
traveler: okay?? but there’s a gem in your skin??
alhaitham: i keep my books and my music in the pouch
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vezinas · 4 months
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1989tv · 2 months
i think i’m drowning at work LMFAOOO i just feel so stressed all the time
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brattylikestoeat · 1 year
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tsunael · 2 months
also, wolcred week is starting soon but due to ✨reasons✨ I’ll be making my own for personal use.
If there are any wolcred girlies here who are also infected with the brainrot I don’t mind extending mine to other peeps here but otherwise the “”””official”””” prompts will be on twitter. (not made by me)
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