#chaotic poet things
chaotic-poet · 2 months
Being the "it" girl with S3 Wilhelm (Part 3)
1. Party hard (again)
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2. Mope around
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3. Talk it out with bestie + do your nails
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4. Go to embarrassing lengths to be around your Person™
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5. Bake stuff with Your Person™
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6. Go skinny dipping
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7. Choose yourself + reject roles that drain you
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8. Chase your dreams
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9. Run away with found family + the one you love
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10. Be happy, full of love, and freely yourself (with your head out the window)
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Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
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nongiftedpoet · 2 months
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How does a poet become… a poet?
And what makes a poem… a poem?
- nongiftedpoet
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existingillusion · 29 days
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graciepasty · 3 months
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Charlie Dalton/Nuwanda. Dead Poets Society (1989).
ily @h3x-ed ! im not using ur request cuz it messes with my format :( but p.s.a this girly is my number one fan !
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oscarwildin · 1 year
dead poets society changed my life because john keating is so right. i read and write poetry because i’m a member of the human race. i do need to seize the day. words and ideas do change the world. i am filled with passion.
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fairydrowning · 1 year
It's all in the little details of your life and nature. It's all in the reading while sitting on the floor or just sitting with your favorite person in silence. It's all in the different shapes of clouds and stars which don't collide with each other again and again. It's all in the raindrops and in the swaying tress. It's all in your body scars, your acne and in your freckles which makes you more human. It's all in hanging out with your friends or with your loved ones. It's all in the little details which you notice about your friends like the way they change their hair color again and again or how they make their tie. It's all in the sitting in sunlight in Winters and walking calmly in Spring or just drinking your coffee/tea in Autumn and drinking fresh juices in Summers. It's all in these small details.
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celestesloveletters · 2 years
the book worm urge to buy all the pretty classic covers of all the books you want.
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"If you see beauty in something, don't wait for others to agree."
–Sherihan Gamal
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i-want-to-be-a-poet · 2 months
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“why not?”
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“i wish you were a boy”
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studying, fangirling and having 100 side-hobbies because murder is wrong 🎀🩷
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chaotic-poet · 1 year
Being the "it" girl with S2 Prince Wilhelm (Part 2)
1. Do makeup
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2. Eat good food
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3. Have a panic attack/menty b
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4. Go to therapy
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5. Plot revenge
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6. Reject roles/responsibilities
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7. Burrito
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8. Break tradition with the squad
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9. Break tradition again
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10. Shatter tradition + the monarchy
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Part 2
Part 1
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nongiftedpoet · 2 months
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“What is home?”
It’s a place surrounded with books annotated with emotions, aged papers with messy handwritings, piano hugged by vines, sounds of ticking old clock filling the air, soothing smell of scented candles, magical library with books roaming around, a lake in front of the house accompanied by a kitten, near a garden filled with white flowers on the hillside, and with you by my side.
- nongiftedpoet
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deweydecimated888 · 27 days
autistic academia™️ (my personal contribution)
you adore knowledge so much that it hurts, it's as if the fact that you have a physical form limits your ability to interact with this thing (I JUST WANT TO EAT THE BOOKS??)
sure, you were capable of comprehending year 12 textbooks at age 13, but getting up and grabbing water? that's an inhumane request.
you were told by teachers that you had to stop "undermining their authority" by correcting them.
you were a Shakespeare kid
You can't watch anything without yelling about historical inaccuracies ("HE DID NOT PUNCH THE BURSAR!!")
not basing your self-worth on your ability to be profitable and succeed within the capitalist system, you are so much more than your job or your income.
sometimes you come across as obnoxious but, you tend to assume that people value fun facts more than they actually do...
you take your comfort plushie with you to job shadow for a professor of economics
self-regulating by watching video essays and reciting the digits of pi
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oscar-still-wildin · 2 years
Dark Academia things:
- Researching in the library, six academic books spread around your spot on the floor in front of the lit shelves.
- Wearing loafers everywhere
- Walks before a storm
- Drinking coffee in the window of a cafe, watching passers by
- Going to the library just to read in some place quiet
- Having a drink in a quiet bar with a friend
- Devoting way more time to essays than necessary just to continue exploring your ideas
- Writing poetry by hand
- Longing for a pen pal
- Longing for adventure
- Playing classical music whilst you get ready in the morning
- Discovering a favourite wine
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noor1ee · 4 months
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