#children and small animals i am so weak to
mysicklove · 1 month
thinking about how cute little yuuji would be holding a baby chick. cupping it in both hands likes its th r most precious thing in the world. i-he’s so cute it makes me sick
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Ever see a depiction of St. George and the Dragon? It's pretty fair to say if you've seen one, you've seen them all: Georgie on a horse stabbing a flailing dragon creature, princess piously kneeling in the background, vague landscape alluding to the homeland of the artist's patron.
The most varied part is the dragons. No one had a real definition for the thing, it seemed. For your pleasure and entertainment, I have ranked some medieval depictions based on how impressive George's feat seems once you see the dragon.
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Paolo Uccello, 1456
This is a terrifying beast. The hell is that. Uccello was one of the first experimenters with perspective, so the thing also looks surreal, like it's taking place on Mars, or a Windows 95 screensaver. I would not want to fight that, I would not want to be tied to that. (Sometimes the princess is tied to the dragon for some reason.) 10/10
Horse thoughts: Maybe if I look at the ground it will be gone when I look up
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Unknown artist, c. 1505
This is a rare change of form for the dragon; it's the only one I've seen actually flying (or at least falling with style). It doesn't look particularly deterred by the spear through its throat, either. Also, George looks appropriately nervous. On the other hand, it hasn't got teeth, it seems to be fuzzy rather than having scaly armor, and George is bolstered by his army of Henry VII and his children, most of whom definitely didn't actually die in infancy. Still, wouldn't want to fight it, wouldn't want my pet sheep near it. (Sometimes the princess has a pet sheep for some reason.) 9/10
Horse thoughts: I am so glad I wore my mightiest feather helmet for this
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Raphael, 1505
We are coming to Dragons With Problems. This guy looks about comparable in size to George, and does have wings, but doesn't seem to be using these things to his advantage (and has he only got one wing?) And how does he deal with the neck? He does have a comically small head, but holding it up with such a twisty neck seems complicated at best. But most egregiously, he is doing the shitty superheroine pose where he is somehow simultaneously showcasing his chest and his butt, with its unnecessarily defined butthole (more on this later) (regrettably). 8/10 bc it's Raphael
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The Beauchamp Hours, c. 1401
We had a spirited debate about this one at work. Again, the dragon has gotten smaller, and this one hasn't got even one wing. He's basically a crocodile. So the debate became: would you want to fight a crocodile if you had a horse and a pointy stick? Would the horse trample the animal, who can't get on its hind legs, or freak out and throw its rider? Would the pointy stick be enough to pierce the croc's thick hide? In this case, George seems to be controlling his horse and putting his pointy stick in the dragon's weak spot, so we can be impressed by his skill and strategy. However, his hat is dumb. 7/10
Horse thoughts: Dehhhh
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Book of Hours, c. 1480
Here we have the same kind of croco-dragon, but George's focus on his strategy has gone out the window. He's flailing around, not even looking at his target, he's about to lose his pointy stick, he hasn't got a hand on the reins, and his sword seems to only be poking the invisible dragon over his shoulder. All he's got going for him is that his hat is slightly less dumb. 6/10
Horse thoughts: Yay, new friend! Come play with me, new fr- what is happening
Final dragons put behind this Read More for your safety:
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Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1432
I'm thinking this guy is at least semi-aquatic. Webbed feet, wings that seem more like fins, bipedal but top-heavy, jaws that seem more for scooping than biting. Maybe she's crawled up here from the nearby body of water to lay her eggs, and this is all a big misunderstanding. Moreover, George's dagged sleeves seem entirely impractical for the situation. 5/10
Horse thoughts: i got my hed stuk in a jar and now it is this way forever
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Unknown artist, c. 15th century
I hate this. I hate everything about it. Why has it got human eyes and teeth. Why is its nose melting. Why has it got a dick on its face and balls under its chin. The fin/wings are back but they look even more useless. Also, George is shifty as hell, schlumped over in his saddle with his bowler hat thing over his eyes. The baby dragon at the bottom eating some hapless would-be rescuer is kind of metal. 4/10 at least the thing is gonna die
Horse thoughts: I Have Smoked So Much Crack
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Book of Hours, c. 1450
Remember what I said about the buttholes? First, sorry. Second, yeah, we're back to that. I'll admit this one is less about the danger from the dragon itself than the very specific choices the artist has made. They didn't need to do that. It's a lizard. They don't even have. And it's like they had an orifice budget and they skipped an exit wound for the spear to focus. Elsewhere. It's so detailed. And George had an even dumber hat. 2/10 take it away
Horse thoughts: I Have Smoked So Much Weed
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Book of Hours, c. 1415
This is just bullying. There isn't even a princess. That is clearly an infant. Look at that smug look on George's face as he swings his sword that's bigger than the whole little guy. This is the equivalent of when DJT Jr. hunted those sleeping endangered sheep. 1/10
Horse thoughts: ....yikes
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And this is the previous one, but now the baby dragon is cute. He's chubby. He's got toe beans. He's Puff the Magic Dragon. His eyes have already gone white, implying that George is just kicking its corpse around for funsies. What's the difference between the dragon and the lamb in the background? That the dragon is dead, like our innocence. This George is truly deserving of the dumbest hat of all. 0/10 plus one more butthole for the road
Horse thoughts: Perhaps it is we who are the buttholes.
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lundenloves · 9 months
〔 this is dedicated to all the girlies who never stopped trying. because sometimes, putting up boundaries isn’t as easy as it seems and that’s okay. if you think i’m talking to you, i am. 〕
˗ˏˋ to be flat about it, simon’s daughter stopped making him birthday cards. this one unintentionally got a bit deep but i do that with everything so don’t act surprised.
⇀ 1.1k | no warnings
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Your husband often forgot about his birthday. Lost to bad memories, and lack of care but primarily his job. Even still, it wasn’t something he particularly wanted to remember — feeling comfort in letting it slip under the rug, rubbing the back of his neck in absence when you had asked him the date. He insisted it was something to be ignored, and for your three years without kids it was, aside from the one present he reluctantly let you buy. 
Of course, that was until your first born came along. 
And there were a lot of things Simon didn’t know about having children. The obvious ones like the guilty regret late at night, being out of his depth and even how to deal with them. But, also their childlike wonder and passion for random things that seemed so foreign to him. Afterall, a birthday is a birthday, it never seemed to matter whose it was — your kid would turn to incredulous sobs if it wasn’t celebrated. Especially when she had found out about her fathers, bottom lip quivering when he had gently told her how he prefers to not do anything. 
It started when she was a toddler, forgetting about his birthday until she had heard you talking about it. Small ears perked up at the mention of the word, hanging by the door to watch as you traced Simon’s arm and the tattoos, his head shaking and a few words mumbled between you. Every year you asked if he wanted to do anything, knowing his answer but hoping for another.
So, naturally, she took to her bedroom. Trashing her small desk with dozens of crayons to create a card for Simon, one that was unevenly folded yet made with her whole heart. 
She did that every following year without fail. Except, her cards folded more evenly as time passed and the crayons were exchanged for pens, then pencils. The drawings got better and better, words spelt right and the inner messages were longer all before they had stopped entirely.
In seemingly simple change for a shop bought card. See, the words were joined together nicely though the message was shorter and the lack of ten kisses in exchange for one suddenly made the card seem empty. “Why’d you stop?” You would ask one night as the pair of you lay together in the dark, your husband's place taken by your daughter near every night when he was away. “Making the cards.”
She shrugged. “Didn’t think he cared.” 
When in reality, those cards were the only thing Simon looked forward to year round. And it wasn’t like he had outwardly expressed how much they meant to him, rather giving a weak smile and a soft kiss to her temple each time. But he kept them, every single one, every drawing was stored for safekeeping in a small box filled to the brim. Sketches that ranged from family drawings, to landscapes, animals and solo drawings of him if not herself.
Time ran from small limbs clambering over your own, six in the morning to reach Simon who had stirred when she fell onto his chest, a hand instinctively placed on the back of her head in his half-conscious state. “It’s your birthday!” She used to drag out with a laugh, sitting up on his stomach and holding the card mere centimeters from his face. 
To the last birthday, handing him the shop bought card in all teenage glory, too embarrassed to write ‘I love you’ so it came as a ‘Love you’ and the once overly done x’s and o’s were now a set of one. He didn’t know the first thing about teenagers either. How past a certain age everything felt detrimental and targeted, embarrassment seeped through everything and it wasn’t cool to like your dad anymore. 
Especially not as a teenage girl. 
And it wasn’t until he was away for his birthday for the first time in years that she had missed it. Missed the softening of his eyes and the way his arm would wrap around her shoulder and pull her to his side, hand rubbing her arm in acknowledgement of her efforts. 
She took his safety for granted most of the time. Waving to him at the door with no doubt that he would be back months later, a naturally blunt text that he was safe would be sent to you and all would be well. Though, sometimes he was required to hand his phone in before the tougher trips. Designed to provide the safest atmosphere, though back home many miles away it never did feel safer. And that was when she missed him the most. 
You always wanted what you couldn’t have.
Simon was no better. He had taken the younger years for granted. The tears before bed, stalking into his bedroom after a bad dream, tired eyes in the mornings and the excitement to see him once back home. He wasn’t to know when the last time he would pick up his daughter was, or the last time she would ask for help when reaching for a cereal box. Hell, even the final she had fallen asleep on his chest or asked him to stay until she had dozed off in her own ‘big’ bed. Small hands wrapping around his fingers, giggles and toothy grins had all evaporated into nothing. 
It was tough being a dad.
But it was hell being a teenage girl. 
Sometimes it felt ike you were made purely to drink iced coffee with alternative milk, wear baggy clothes and feel bad for old people every now and then. The act of growing up isn’t something you want, though something you concede to after realising you had wished your youth away. 
And in that, 
There was something about girls and their fathers. 
The constant need for subconscious approval and love, feeling bad for the man who raised you whenever he was left to eat dinner alone or scorned by your mother in a heated argument you couldn’t help to overhear. Simon’s daughter had always been in that predicament. 
She missed her dad when he left, yet hated when she shared the kitchen with him. It felt like an itch that you weren’t able to scratch, though his rare hugs completely killed all flame she had for him and sometimes, instead, they allowed for tears to flow. Because after all, a girl is really just her dad. 
Maybe that card should've been made after all. 
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˗ˏˋ university is wiping me out already. it’s the first week back do you want to fucking calm down. been set two presentations (both recorded wtf) and three literature papers.
simon ‘ghost’ riley taglist: @vamppxncess @crowbird @misshoneypaper @tallrock35 @fluffmonster @islanderr @blueoorchid @lea3773 @coldflapjack @rayhawk05 @han11dh @liishook @melovetitties @fallonx @rvjaa @fuckmelifesucks @bhayatsara @takeomisbitch @local-spidey @konigsblog @penutjuice @babychoi03 @sheluvzeren @sparklingtragedy @maviee @wiserebelpartypie @daddylorianisastateofmind @bhayatsara @mistydeyes @writingmysanity @johfaam0 @idkbbyx3 @gressseyy @fwibblefwobble @shibble @maladaptivedaydreamingbum @airghostlyfox @hotgirlsshareaccounts @simpxinnie @dilfdotgov @cliosunshine @bloobewy @lazybutsmexy @maki-z @yyiikes @tieflingteatime @cosmoscoffeee
as always reblogs and comments are mighty appreciated blah blah blah
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spacebarbarianweird · 5 months
Baby Fangs
Synopsis: Baby Alethaine is severely sick, and Astarion is afraid his daughter is going to die.
Tags: hurt/comfort, dadstarion, dhampirs
Alethaine's age: 5 month
Thanks @queenofthespacesquids for beta-reading!
Read on AO3
Astarion has never been so afraid in his life.
Not when he was dying in the streets of Baldur’s Gate. Not when he thought Tiriel had gone. Not when Cazador had inflicted tortures on him.
It just can’t compare to the fear of losing a child.
“She needs to make it till morning,” the healer says. “If she is alive by sunrise, she will get better.”
“But can we do anything?” Tiriel looks as if she is going to fight. “There are healing spells, potions, anything!”
“And most of them aren’t fit for a five month old child. Astarion, Tiriel, I give you my word. I’ve done everything I can. There are probably some clerics and wizards who can heal your child immediately but none of them live in Daggerlake. I am sorry.”
The healer walks away, leaving a dreadful silence in the house.
Astarion sits on the bed, clasping his hands together. Of course, things couldn't be this good. Of course something had to go wrong! How could he have been foolish enough to believe that things could be good for him?
His little daughter, Alethaine, is such a miracle, such a gift. When he first held her in his arms, he dared to hope that everything would be all right from then on. And now they tell him she's dying? That she would be dead by morning?
Alethaine whimpers weakly. She is already too tired to cry.
Tiriel looks terrible. She is a warrior, a fighter, but for the first time in her life, she has no enemy to kill. The enemy is her daughter's fever, and she can't beat it the way she beats monsters.
The baby starts coughing.
Astarion doesn't need to be a vampire to feel his daughter's pain. Her muscles are too tense. Her breathing is ragged and her heartbeat is too weak. Alethaine is suffering at this very moment, and there is nothing her parents can do about it.
Can’t give her medicine. Can’t soothe her pain.
There is a grip of death around her tiny heart and neither Tiriel nor Astarion can unclench it.
Tiriel sits on the bed, cradling Alethaine in her arms. Astarion wraps his hands around them.
“So what do we do?” he asks.
“We wait,” she answers. Her voice sounds exhausted.
He nods.
Yesterday, Alethaine was perfectly healthy. She tried to sit up, but each time her head proved too heavy and she fell on her back. Then her black eyes clouded over and a fever rose. She refused to eat and only cried like a wounded animal.
“What if she doesn’t make it?” Astarion asks.
Tiriel doesn't answer and he sees tears flowing down her cheek. “We will keep living. Could you please bring a blanket?”
Astarion reluctantly lets them go and picks up a thick fur blanket from the floor. Then they sit together with their backs against the wall, covering their sick daughter with the blanket. Only a desperate cough echoes through the room.
Children die all the time. Mostly little kids like Alethaine. Daggerlake isn't a very big town, but Astarion knows that at least three babies have died this year. From disease. Small children like this are too vulnerable. It happens all the time.
There's a chance that tomorrow Astarion will have to dig a grave and put a tiny bundle in there that never had a chance to grow up.
It's so unfair that it makes Astarion want to howl.
"Astarion," Tiriel touches his curls. "Let's talk. The silence is killing me."
“What do you want to talk about, my sweet?”
“I don't know… Anything.” Tiriel places the girl in his hands and Astarion flinches sensing the heat of Alethaine’s body. Fever. A terrible killing fever. “Do you think she is a dhampir?”
“She is an elf like I was before I died.”
When Tiriel was pregnant, he read as much as possible about dhampirs. Deadly and fast, half-vampires don’t need blood and can live in the sun. But they have vampiric strength, can walk on ceilings, and regenerate much faster than mortals. No wonder vampires are often jealous of their children.
But at the same time, the life of a dhampir is full of hardships. Neither a vampire, nor a mortal, they are doomed to be alone. Once they feel bloodlust for the first time and fangs replace the canines, they are outcasts often disowned by their own mortal families.
But does it have to be like that? Astarion has been fighting the odds against his vampiric nature for the last twenty years. Why can’t his daughter?
But Astarion is afraid they will never learn the answer to either of their questions. Alethaine opens her mouth and makes a deep breath as if suffocating. Something doesn’t allow her to breathe and she makes hissing sounds. Her little eyes are watery - by this time she can only cry.
So can her parents.
“I wouldn’t want to, I think,” Tiriel says. “If she is dhampir it means she is alone. Even if other spawns have children too, what is the chance she will ever meet them?”
Astarion kisses Tiriel’s cheek. if Alethaine dies, they bury her and leave. Daggerlake is a welcoming town but it will be a place of sorrow for them.
Tiriel adjusts herself a bit.
“Fuck” she mutters. Astarion immediately smells the blood. Tiriel’s thumb is bleeding. “A fucking splinter.”
Alethaine cries at the top of her lungs.
Astarion stares at his daughter with shock. She screams with the strength they didn’t know she posseses. It’s desperate. Angry.
This moment she doesn’t sound like a child. She sounds like a little beast.
Before Astarion makes up any coherent thought, Tiriel puts her bleeding thumb to Alethaine’s lips, making the blood pour into her mouth.
“Tiriel, what are you doing?”
Tiriel doesn’t answer. The girl makes sucking movements as her mother squeezes drops of blood from her finger.
And then her dark eyes turn red.
They glow in the half-lit room like two tiny lights.
Tiriel puts her fingers away and Alethaine makes a disgruntled sound. Her elven ears twitch.
The eyes stop glowing so intensely and return to their natural black color.
And then Alethaine laughs.
She is kicking her legs and stretching her arms to her parents.
The girl is happy. Happy like a well-fed vampire.
“Astarion, look at her gums.”
Two baby fangs. Very small, almost kitten-like.
“It wasn’t a fever,” Astarion mutters. “It was a bloodlust.”
Of course… If she was older she would just try to get blood from somewhere.
But when you are five months old you can’t do a lot of things.
Poor girl, how she suffered those two days.
Is dhampir bloodlust the same as vampiric? Was she feeling her stomach being ripped apart, her throat hurting and bleeding? Maybe it was even worse for her? Maybe her mortal nature was fighting the bloodthirsty monster, causing Alethaine to cry in pain?
Helpless baby alone with her pain and fear while her parents didn't think of the most obvious explanation.
** Astarion sits at the doorstep with a plushie doll in his hands. The toy has white hair and elven ears, and now Astarion is stitching small fangs to its mouth.
The tears prickle his eyes.
He’s condemned his child for a life of hardships. For loneliness, for constant war against herself. If someday Alethaine shows up at his doorstep blaming him for all her tragedies, he will not even try to defend himself.
“No, kitten, I don’t care if you don’t like it! I can’t breastfeed you anymore and I am not giving you any blood! You eat normal food!” He hears Tiriel’s voice from inside the house.
Alethaine isn’t going to comply easily.
Then he hears footsteps from behind.
“What are you doing?” Tiriel asks.
“Adding fangs to her toy.”
Tiriel sits beside him.
“You have mash in your hair.” Astarion notices
“I know. You should see the other girl. How do you feel about giving her a bath?”
“I don't think you should ask. It’s my child. It seems like… even more mine now.”
“Hey, don't be upset. We knew it was possible.”
“I just… Her eyes, Tiriel, you saw them.They were like theirs… My siblings…Cazador… the same fucking glowing eyes as if she was a vampire, too!”
“It’s because of blood. She doesn’t have to drink it, she can eat normal food.”
“We should have found the cure before making a child.”
“But we didn’t find any.”
Tiriel takes a wet piece of rag and wipes her hair. “Astarion, I am going to talk to you seriously and, please, pay attention to every word I say.”
“I am all pointy ears, my love.”
“I was beaten and humiliated daily for who I was. My family didn't even give me a name because they despised me. But when I met elves for the first time they called me “garbage” - Biir. Half-something, half a person. Half elves aren't uncommon. There are surprisingly many in big cities. But I’ve been taught to despise my body, to hate my ears, to be embarrassed of my own existence. And our daughter is a dhampir. And I am sure there aren’t many like her. This world will have a thousand opportunities to shove her differences up to her nose. This world will teach Alethaine to hate herself. I can guarantee you she will try to pull her fangs out or maybe will ask someone to knock them out. She will cover herself not to let people see how pale she truly is. And we must not be a part of her problems.”
“Tiriel, I would never - “
“She is a girl, Astarion. Her image of herself will be formed mostly by you, not by me. The way you will perceive her will be the way she will see herself. And if she sees resentment, if she senses your sorrows that she isn’t a normal child, she will start hating herself. She will feel it. And it will stay with her till her long days are over.”
“Tiriel, what exactly in my behavior tells you that I am going to mistreat her? She is my child! She is…”
“I didn’t mean to ignore the fact she is a dhampir. You must cherish her differences. We must love her for being a dhampir. We must form this idea that it’s good she is a dhampir.”
Astarion chuckles. To be honest, he has never accepted his vampirism. It happened against his will and he would give anything to get rid of it. It is a curse. And now… his daughter is cursed as well.
“Astarion, this is important. Even the tiniest things will affect her. And we will have to deal with the consequences.”
The girl cries for her parents, and Tiriel, planting a kiss on Astarion’s forehead, returns inside.
Several hours later, when a washed and clean-clothed Alethaine is happily lying on her parents' bed and trying to make some coherent movements, Astarion finally finds enough moral strength to accept the reality.
He takes his daughter in his arms and walks up to the ceiling. The girl laughs and tries to bite him.
"Aren't you the cutest dhampir in Faerûn?" he mutters. "I can't wait to teach you how to use those fangs in battle. You will be deadly, my princess! But don't bite your mother, that's my prerogative."
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propertyofrjl · 6 months
As someone who is currently rewatching all of Aphmau's series and has major brain rot over the Aphverse, i am desperate to find a fic where some of the mystreet people get somehow transported to the MCD universe. BECAUSE IMAGINE THE ANGST POTENTIAL IF MYSTREET!ZANE WAS IN THIS GROUP OMG.
MCD!Garroth having to see what he could have had with his own brother if things were different is breaking my heart.
Right imagine this little mystreet group is also when they're teenagers, smol little Zane being transported to a world where pretty much everyone despises him because MCD!Zane is the embodiment of evil.
Like, maybe little Aphmau and Zane get separated from the others and end up in Phoenix drop, they manage to make it to the town square where Molly is coming back from praying to Irene, and she sees Zane, the man who hurt her precious baby and used dark magic on their town. Molly then runs to alert whichever guard she can find (it just so happens that Laurence, Garroth and Dante are all leaving the guard tower for their respective patrols at that moment)
These men run to the town square, fearing the place they are sworn to protect is under attack by one of the most dangerous tyrants of their time, and they come to find not only Zane (who's looking around with a sour look on his face, and albeit a little smaller than Garroth remembers) but also the woman they spend their lives protecting (and two of said party are definitely, totally, not in love with her...)
And when i say they're teenagers, i mean the first season of PDH vibes, so Zane and Aphmau with these squeaky voices and no social skills, and Aphmau has spent most of her time looking around in awe up until that point because OH MY IRENE ZANE IT'S JUST LIKE MY GAME!!!
Laurence moves first, rushing over he knocks Zane to the ground harshly before yanking Aphmau away, to which she screams because this tall, scar covered, very scary looking version of her friend (or maybe crush depending on when in PHD this happens) has picked her up far too easily for her liking and she's worried about Zane.
Then Garroth and Dante move in, and suddenly Zane is being looked down upon by his big brother with such a look of disgust and hatred that has never happened before. Garroth loves Zane. Sure they disagree and fight every now and then, they're brothers, but Zane knows Garroth loves him and would keep him safe, and even though he wouldn't admit it, Zane loves his brother too. But the scary and hate filled man standing above him does not make Zane feel safe, and a flush of fear runs through him, followed by watery eyes and embarrassment because why is he feeling so weak and despised by one of the only men in his life who's provided a steady stream of love (unlike his dad)
And when Zane pulls his shaking hands up in surrender, with this wounded animal look upon his face, MCD!Garroth almost has to double take, because not even as children has he ever seen Zane look at him with such fear, the only man who'd ever brought fear upon Zane's face was their father, and maybe that gives Garroth his own little internal crisis because he's tried so hard to be nothing like dear old dad.
The rest of the group (let's say...Laurence, KC and Garroth) show up, and they try to find a way home without the help of the villagers of Phoenix drop, only to be attacked and have Zane kidnapped by people MCD!Zane has royally pissed off. The little group run back to Phoenix drop for help, and all the MCD lot just can't seem to understand why these little versions of themselves/their friends want to help Zane of all people so badly. It takes the Garroths having a full on row over it and Mystreet!Aph breaking down in tears to get people to help (because how can Laurence and Garroth watch a small version of the woman they love sob and not do something to try and help?) and obvi Lord Aphmau was on board the moment they asked and was going to do it alone before her Guards through out their protests and Little Garroth decided to cuss out MCD!Garroth for "abandoning his baby brother" (which is where the fight started)
Maybe I should write this myself...
Anyway, that's where my brain has gotten me today.
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cosmiclion · 11 months
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Based on this self indulgent post I wrote the other day, about a Kuro AU feauturing 5 years old Ciel and a new demon dad who's doing his best. Suddenly this little scene popped into my mind, then I remembered my talented fren @grelleswife's Dadbastian fanfic The Wolf (link here!) so I guess that, even though it's not exactly the same setting, I must have gotten subconsciously inspired by it 😅
During his days in the cult all little Ciel could do was try to survive the best way his young mind could think about, and when he had just been rescued by the demon he was weak and sickly, barely alive even, and then pretty much catatonic. Once the dust has settled, however, the realization that his family won't come back dawns on him, and he starts having nightmares about monsters with deformed faces that laugh while hurting him. Moreover, even though he's supposed to be back at his house the place doesn't feel too familiar. The first night the demon hears the child screaming and crying, they try to comfort him as best as they can with the scanty knowledge they have about comforting children. After a while they have an idea, based on the partially burned portrait they found from which they could make out the shape of the family pet.
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(You ain't foolin' anyone trash demon, you're starting to care about the smol).
When Ciel wakes up the next morning, he's still surrounded by the borzoi's slender but fluffly body. He yawns and rubs his eyes, and then sits up and just stares at the creature that looks so much like his late pet. "Good morning, child." the voice coming from the dog says, without really expecting an answer, "Did you sleep well?" After a pause, the child that up until this point hadn't spoken at all utters a single word, albeit almost in a whisper. "Hm? I am afraid I could not hear that. Come again?" Ciel lifts a little hand, points a finger at the animal and raises his voice a bit. "Sebastian." "Ah. Well, yes, I guess you can call me that from now on, if you so wish." the demon answers with a small nod, and Ciel could swear he sees his snout twist into a faint smile. Sebastian then sleeps on Ciel's bed, in the form of the soft borzoi, every night until the child is a little older and can be alone at night.
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superhero--imagines · 2 years
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A/N: So I am weak, here is the first part of the Waking up in PJO Series, I drew inspiration from a lot of different series and I’ll credit them all at the end. I hope you enjoy this and if you want to be added to the tag list please drop a comment :)
* Your first thought when you wake up is:
* Oh geez, not again
* ‘What is this, the thirtieth world?’
* You’re starting to get tired of this
* To make matters worse you’re never the same age
* One day you’re nineteen, the next time you’re twelve, the time after you’re twenty-one —
* And this time you’re an infant, a handful of months old at most.
* You’re swaddled in a thick blanket, held against a woman’s pillowy chest.
* ‘What kind of backwater system am I going to have to fix this time.’ You wonder, bitterness ringing through your thoughts.
* You aren’t allowed to be bitter for long, the gentle sensation of a warm chest and familiar scent lull you back to sleep again.
* ‘I have an entire life in this body this time, I should do it right.’ You think
* You’re three years old the next time you’re able to process cognitive thoughts.
* ‘Well this hardly seems fair.’
* You look straight ahead, staring into the abyss, and your father looks back at you.
* He doesn’t look like your original dad, but that’s hardly surprising. You’ve been in a dozen or so worlds where your parents don’t look like your parents—
* ‘At least I always look like myself though.’
* This time your father is a younger man, in his early twenties, he has jet black hair that seems to stick in every direction, skin the color of pale moonlight, and heterochromic eyes; one amber and the other green, both remind you of swirling galaxies.
* But the most noteworthy thing about him is that he seems to be tinged in red. The hue saturates his knuckles, flushes across the bridge of his nose, and stains the whites of his eyes.
* ‘He doesn’t look angry though,’
* “Daddy what’s wrong?” You ask, your small hand resting on his face.
* ‘Just sad.’
* His large, calloused hand, covers your own.
* “Nothing baby, I’m just so happy you’re here.”
* You’re four when you realize you’re stuck in Percy Jackson
* Your teacher is crouched on the ground, her blue apron soiled with the playground dirt
* That much wouldn’t be all that surprising, the power of despair always stays with you regardless of what body you’re in, radiating from you like an aura to everyone around you if you let it.
* Even more unsurprising is that this small body can’t handle your emotions very well yet. Small outbursts are to be expected.
* What is surprising is the snake strangled in your small fist.
* ‘Normal four year olds can’t strangle snakes.’ You think numbly as your pre-school teacher fluctuates between hysterics and crippling despair.
* You calm yourself down enough after loosening your hold, soothing your teacher the best you can.
* “It’s okay see, we’re both okay.”
* You doubt this is some anime world where even children are overpowered and people seem to heal in a couple of minutes.
* And it doesn’t seem like an original world either, this is a very American landscape.
* ‘What city is this again?’
* New York, Manhattan to be exact
* Something about strangling a snake felt awfully familiar, not to mention that warm golden hue when you were a baby.
* Think about this objectively, your mom is not around, you’re strong but not anime or video game overpowered, and you’re in an American setting.
* You’re about to fall asleep for your afternoon nap when it hits you
* ‘Oh shit, I’m in Percy Jackson.’
* It seems unlikely, but wilder things have happened
* ‘Maybe it was only a matter of time. Still there’s only one way to confirm it.’
* “Hey Daddy,” your father glances at you from the rear view mirror in the car. “Why don’t I have a mommy?”
* You feel bad asking your father a question you know will bring him pain, especially when you see hurt flash in his eyes.
* Your father is a handsome man, well built with beautiful eyes, you wouldn’t be surprised if a goddess found him appealing.
* “Your mother went somewhere far away, somewhere you and I can’t follow for a long time.”
* On one hand he makes it sound like she passed away
* On the other hand this is a very vague statement, for all you know your mother is in Olympus or seducing her next victim.
* “What was she like?” Your legs swing underneath you.
* “Your mother was, is, the love of my life.” He reaffirms. “She brought warmth with her into every room she entered, and she was the kindest soul I ever encountered.”
* Even now he looks positively dazzled when he speaks about her.
* ‘So my mom is a goddess, great.’
* His description doesn’t help either, at best it’s a vague description and at worst they’re the words of an unreliable narrator.
* ‘So his love sickness aside, maybe my mom is a minor goddess like Hestia, or maybe Nike or Themis.’
* Though who knows, maybe his description’s completely off and your mom is someone like Athena or Artemis.
* Regardless of who your mom is,
* “Come on baby, I heard you had a bad day at preschool today, I’ll make you something yummy to make up for it.” Your father promises, holding you tenderly against his chest as you make your way up to your familiar Apartment in Manhattan, waving hello to the doorman of your building.
* You’re glad you have your dad
* He may not be a parent your recognize from a previous life, but the way he holds you so gently, the familiar scent that wafts over you — like spring and amber mixed together — has your eyes drooping close
* “I love you daddy.” You yawn against his neck
* “I love you too baby.”
* You’re seven years old when you meet the black dog for the first time.
* You’re walking home from elementary school, sighing as you cross the street.
* ‘I have to be more careful, Dad practically had a heart attack last night when he saw me reading the book about Greek mythology.’
* “W-why are you reading that book sweetie?”
* “The pictures looked pretty.”
* “W-w-well what about this one? Don’t you think these pictures are prettier?”
* You’re going to have to start handling your research with more tact.
* ‘I get about 30 minutes a day for silent reading, but if I choose a book about Greek mythology everyday my teacher will mention it to my dad, I’ll need to limit myself to one day a week.’
* You’re thinking of making a schedule of things to study every day so you might just appear like a very organized child, instead of the freak you are.
* That’s when you see it.
* On appearance alone it doesn’t seem like anything all that special, the dog is large, a black Great Dane with big brown eyes and a tail wagging a mile a minute.
* And in its mouth is a bright red ball.
* Despite yourself a smile twitches on your lips as you get closer, you’ve seen dog body language enough to know when an animal is uncomfortable
* “Hey boy, what are you doing out here all alone?” You hold out your hand expecting to receive an introspective sniff, but instead the dog placed his whole face on your hand.
* You laugh as you pat his head
* “Why’d your owner leave you alone like this?” You wonder aloud, the dog looks like a purebred, and he’s friendly and social too — it doesn’t appear to be abandonment, but he doesn’t have a leash, just a collar with blue gemstones embedded into luxurious leather.
* ‘Whoever’s dog this is, they must be rich.’
* Not that your father seemed to be hurting for money either considering he’s sending you to all the best schools in Manhattan
* The dog drops the ball into your hand when you still
* Does he want to play fetch?
* It’s only when you look down you see it’s not a ball at all.
* “A pomegranate?”
* Before you can think about what kind of person gives a dog a pomegranate to play with, the dog gives you one final lick before leaping away, leaving you standing alone in the middle of the street.
* “Well that was weird.”
* You meet her when you’re eight years old
* She’s adorned in a varsity jacket, a flip phone in one hand and a dog leash in the other
* The black dog from earlier wags it’s tail
* ‘So this is the bad owner.’
* She looks like a college student, maybe twenty at most. With jet black hair and bright green eyes.
* ‘She looks familiar’
* There’s a certain tint to her though, a gold tint that lingers on her skin, gold flecks in her eyes, a golden sheen to her hair, you don’t know what to make of it.
* “Hey kid, do you know me?”
* “Yeah you’re the lady I’m going to report to my teacher when I get to school.”
* The woman sputters with laughter, her hand covering her mouth as her dog shuffled towards you, pressing its nose against your hand. You pet instinctively.
* ‘You really deserve a better owner. How hard would it be to incapacitate this woman and steal her dog?’ You muse.
* “Looks like Cerb has taken a liking to you.” She states, the dogs practically curled around you it’s head in your small hands.
* “You named your dog Cerb? Like Cerberus?” You feel like the name fits a Rottweiler better than a soft hearted Great Dane.
* “I didn’t pick the name, I inherited him from a distant family member recently.” She shrugs, patting her side, the dog pouts but obediently returns to her side.
* “I’ll see you around kid.”
* ‘This is starting to get weird.’
* You wonder for a second if that was your mother but dispel the thought.
* ‘Dad could do better.’
* You stumble into adolescence without a hitch, running into the college student and her Greek mythology named dog.
* You learn her name is Maki and she’s a sophomore at a local university.
* “So are you in college?” You ask.
* “I guess you could say that, I’m getting a degree in architecture at NYU.” You nod.
* You mainly put up with her to pet her dog.
* And you continue your research into the gods, hoping you might find a clue about who your mother is.
* “They seem very interested in Mythology, they even have a schedule on what type to learn more about everyday, it’s still early but archeology may be a good field of study for them.” Your teacher tells your father during the semi-annual parent teacher conference.
* Your father can barely contain his joy, a wobbly smile over his mouth as he ruffles your hair.
* “They’ve always been fairly independent, but if there’s anything I can do to support them as a parent please let me know.”
* ‘I wonder what dad does to be able to afford all this.’
* It’s something you’ve never really thought of much until now, but the penthouse apartment in Manhattan, the elite private schools, even the designer clothes you wear — the money has to come from somewhere.
* ‘He does seem to work a lot.’
* Your dad is always there for you before school and after school, but you’ve seen him mulling over a stack of paperwork a handful of times when you woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, a heavy sigh heaving from his lips as he leaded through the documents.
* ‘Maybe he’s an executive and he just has really good boundaries.’ You think to yourself.
* You’re also growing fairly certain that your mother was a minor goddess, for one you don’t seem to have any special powers aside from your usual despair aura, and second…
* The monsters are few and far-between. There’s been the odd occasion naturally, a snake that tried to poison you, an Eagle that latched onto your arm and refused to let go, a man with only one eye that eyed you from outside the playground, but one look from you was enough to make them scamper away.
* ‘I must not be worth the trouble to them.’
* Besides it’s not like you need protecting, as long as you have your despair no monster on earth can harm you.
* As you walk home, slightly disappointed that Maki and her dog aren’t at the park today, you think maybe this is okay.
* You don’t need to know who your mother is, your blood is weak enough that you won’t need to go to camp half-blood, you can live a nice long life with your father.
* You smile at the doorman as you walk into the marble lobby of your apartment building.
* ‘Maybe this time there aren’t any problems I need to fix.’ You think as you step onto the elevator.
* ‘Maybe this time I can live a nice peaceful life with my super rich dad.’ You decide, tapping the key code into your door before turning the handle.
* You’re greeted with the usual sight of your father, but instead of his usual place on his favorite armchair, he’s seated on the sofa, his mouth stretched in a tense fine line.
* Across from him is a woman, if you had to describe her you’d say she resembled a peony. Everything about her felt like a blossoming flower, pink cheeks, perfectly well manicured pink fingernails. She has long brown hair the color of tree bark, and bright green eyes.
* She’s adorned in a white pantsuit, and stares at you with an amused smile twitching on her lips.
* “(Y/N), come sit by me very quickly.” Your fathers words are strained and tinged in urgency, the woman rolls her eyes.
* “Oh come now Zagreus, you think I would hurt my own grandchild?”
* “It’s never seemed to stop you before.” He grumbles.
* Your eyes flick from the woman to your father.
* The last puzzle piece fits into place.
* All this time you’ve been fixated on your mother, believing her to be of godly lineage.
* ‘But that’s Persephone, and if she’s my grandmother—‘
* ‘Then I’ve been looking at this wrong the whole time.’
* “It was just the one time Zagreus, and I already told you I don’t approve of Thanatos as a son in law, naturally I wouldn’t approve of their children either.”
* ‘Because that means my dad is Zagreus.’
* This entire time your godly parent has been right under your nose, a mere hallway across from you in your own home.
* “Well shit.”
A/N: Thanks for reading! I wanted to credit a few series that I drew a lot of inspiration from which include Hades, Circe by Madeline Miller, and Lore Olympus.
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Also a shout out to the anon who guessed it below, hope it was still a surprise! As always if you want to be added to the tag list please COMMENT and I’ll add you until it’s full! 💖
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vacantfields · 4 months
If you can! Please listen to Reverie by Invent Animate, as those are the vibes for this (: Thanks
[CONTENT WARNING: blood, death, violence]
It had been a regular day. However, it was long ago, of course.
He remembers begging Sun if he could join the children for their arts and crafts hours. Sun had sighed and crossed his arms over his broad chest as he looked up at the taller.
"Eclipse... You're not supposed to interact with the Starlings... Moon and I could get in trouble for letting you even be in here in the Daycare." Sun had said with a soft sigh escaping his lips.
"Sun, please. I will be good. I will not act out of line. I just want one hour with the kids, then I will return to my post, I promise." He had pleaded with his smaller counterpart.
He was taller than Sun and Moon, but they were all alike. He was a mix of Sun and Moon's codes; he wanted to entertain children so badly, but he was just a security bot.
Sun had given him an exasperated look, and with a wave-like spin of his rays, he gave the taller a nod.
"But just an hour, and that's it! Alright?"
He hadn't been able to believe it, the shock, the excitement, the warmth in his code.
"Yes, yes! Thank you, Sunny!" He quickly went to the children who knew of him as Super Eclipse, as Moon had spun a story of him rescuing kids from dangerous people, so the Starlings adored him when he would pass the Daycare.
He sat down at the small table as he watched and interacted with the kids happily. They were drawing and laughing together, and it felt so good. He felt so happy, so content, his three rays giving a weak wiggle.
He was watching a small boy drawing himself as Robin and him as Batman.
Cody. Cody was maybe his biggest fan. Cody was around five years old and so excited whenever he would walk past the windows when he patrolled.
"Mr. Eclipse! What do you think? Do you like it? Do you?" The kid asked excitedly as he held his drawing up to the tall android, who gently and carefully took the small drawing into his huge hands and smiled softly, awfully fond.
"I love it, Cody. Thank you." The drawing was... A child's drawing. It was stick figures, but you could tell it was him and Cody.
He felt his eye twitch at the red color Cody had used, and his hands itched, which confused him as he gently put down the paper.
"Mr. Eclipse?" Cody asked softly, the other kids stopping with their art as they watched the tall android; they looked startled and confused.
His hand jerked hard, a horrible twitch.
"I am okay, Starlings! Do not worry!" He said with a nervous grin, but Cody moved closer to him, worry in his eyes.
He took note of where Sun and Moon were for some reason...? His systems deemed them far enough away. He looked confused. "Starling-" He began only for a haze to cover his view; it all got dark.
He could feel his body move.
A warm and wet feeling on his hands.
Dripping. A growl from his lips.
He tried to regain control of his vision and body, but something was hindering him.
He heard screaming and crying. Frantic voices from Security guards traveled around him suddenly, and then more screaming.
He felt scared, terrified, horrified.
He couldn't connect to Sun or Moon via their shared headspace but heard them beg him to stop.
Stop what? What was happening?
He timed how long this fog lasted.
Four hours.
Four hours. Before he got out of the daze, he found himself pinned on the floor on his stomach by Freddy. Roxy. Monty and Chica. He frantically looked at them. "Please! What is happening!?" He shouted. Scared. His wires and fans were twitching.
The animatronics held him down, his hands pinned on his back. Their grip was firm. They didn't answer his cries, only looked over to Sun, who was shaking and covered in blood. His eyes looked empty, haunted.
Moon was also covered in blood. Holding something. Someone. In his arms.
His eyes widened. "No. No, no, no, no, no! NO, NO, NO, NO!" He yelled as it turned into agonizing sobs. "NO, NO!"
Moon was holding what was left of Cody.
"THAT WASN'T ME, IT WASN'T ME! I CAN'T HURT ANYONE! IT WASN'T ME!" he kept yelling, wriggling underneath the animatronics hold. He sobbed.
Moon was silent, eerily so. He held the body, just gazing at it like he could will the child to wake up again.
Sun was the first one to move. His hands were shaking, and Eclipse watched him nervously.
"Sun-" He choked out as he tried to free his hand. So he could touch Sun to calm him. But he couldn't move.
Sun dropped to his knees gently, and Eclipse slowly got his head pressed down by Freddy. Onto the colored floor, his cheek pressed hard against it as he felt Sun's light touch on the back of his neck. He was moving Eclipse's hair out of the way.
"No! Sun! Please don't! Please, I can't! Do not shut me down; please do not! It's so dark, and I can't- please don't leave me in the dark!" He cried out.
Sun didn't answer Eclipse's pleas as he felt his neck panel being opened. He shuddered as Sun wrapped his fingers around a bunch of wires, and he sobbed again. "Please don't, please," he begged. "Please, Sunny, please don't; it wasn't me! I would never hurt anyone!"
He heard Sun taking a sharp breath, and then he felt it.
His wires got pulled, and he fell slack. His system warned him that his wires weren't okay.
His eyes faded to nothing but blanks, though he was still aware.
"... I will call them," Moon said. Eclipse supposes it has to do with Cody.
"Okay." Was all Sun responded, his tone flat, as he stood and walked to do something. Eclipse guessed.
The rest of the animatronics were quiet, though he heard some mumble to Moon about helping.
Eclipse zoned in and out of awareness; his body had locked and not shut down, though, to everyone around him, it would look like he was powered off.
He couldn't feel himself, but he heard movement; he was being moved somewhere. He thinks it's Monty who's carrying him. He liked Monty; they played mini golf together on his patrol rounds and talked a lot. Eclipse could hear Monty mutter something but couldn't tell what the animatronic told him.
He zoned out again.
Then, he heard a heavy thunk, which probably meant he was sat down and propped up against a wall. He could see a tiny bit, but the room was dark. Monty's heavy footsteps meant he left for the door, then the door shut and locked. He was alone. He tried to move but couldn't.
It was so dark in this room.
He was left here until he would be found again.
That's at least what he remembers.
The virus is so strong it's tiring. At least he thinks it has to be a virus. He hopes he isn't like this. He's not someone who hurts anyone. He hopes.
Oh, he hopes.
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satoru-is-the-way · 1 year
Spoilers for Avatar 2!!
Avatar! Rick Quaritch x Navi reader
"Given Enough "
Series Master List
Tag list: @the-wanderer-2022 @zootsutra @anyzandy   @kneelingforvillains @dioriez @mylovelyreblogs @dinobae-replyacc @voodoogoul @freshmoneyalmondathlete @thedumboneforsomereason @world-dominating-kitty @scarletpines
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Angst, Mentions of Dead, Killing in a sort, depression, and maybe some more not sure I'll add it I find one!
Also lowkey not proofread lmao. ..Also this does Include Mayan language and such because me trying to represent my peeps. Love you fam...but low key had to add the flying bison 😭 y'all don't @ me
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 -Flying is lesson one
Quaritch wakes up only to meet (Y/n) beautiful eyes gazing down at him. Yesterday felt like a dream. He never imagined himself to be in this position. But anything to make Jake Sully pay for his sins. “Lik'en,” She said. He looked confused at her. “Get up.” (Y/n) repeats in a more annoyed tone. “We will have to teach you our language. You are like a baby. You know nothing of our ways.” This earned a simple eye roll.
“So I assume we will be going over the language barrier today?” He stood up slowly standing a whole foot taller than (Y/n). Mastering the language would be the hardest part; everything else he figures would be easy. In the marine core, they trained him for many scenarios, but the likes of Pandora had not been one. But how hard could it be? “Unless you have something else in mind, princess.” He grins a flirty tone. (Y/n) looked down. 
“No, first we eat and then we ride.” She comments. Quaritch follows her. She tossed him a rather odd fruit-like food. It resembles a dragon fruit but on a much larger scale. “Lesson one is flying.” Quaritch chuckled.
“I already have that down with my Ikran.” He bit down on the fruit taking in its sweet flavor. He truly liked Pandor and could not wait until it belong to them. 
(Y/n) chuckled also eating her fruit as they walked through the village. “No, I am talking about another animal. Bigger, stronger, and faster than any Ikran. We use the Ikran for many tasks. But  Kamimaljuyú has another way of flight. They are part of our clan and have been since the dawn of time.” She called out for her Ikran who soon arrived along with Quaritchs. “We have many sub-villages in our large domain. However, these creatures live farther out to the east.”
“SISTER!” Called (Y/n)’s younger brother landing beside her Ikran. “The Mamífero Ka’anal’s have just given birth hurry!” Quaritch has never seen anyone this happy before. He took a mental note that these Mamífero Ka’anals could be a weak point in this clan. He nods over to (Y/n) and they both take off flying deeper into the clan’s territory. Quaritch knew he hit the jackpot landing here. If he could mate with the Princess all of this land, people, and warriors could be his to command. “Hurry before the children find their soul animal.” Her brother, Balam, smiled. Quaritch’s eyes widen and his ears go back once the large creatures come into sight.
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The humans had very little information about this creature. He could remember the small paragraph written over these ‘Sky Bison’ in human terminology. They were large animals of the sky, they belong to the air clans, every ten years they could be seen on migration, and they would disappear into the mountains never to be seen again. They land next to other Ikrans. He noticed many children possibly around 9 years old gather at the edge with food in hand.
“What the hell are they?” He asked. (Y/n) smiled softly seeing the baby Mamífero Ka’anal’s fly around their mothers. 
“They are the Mamífero Ka’anals Great warriors in the sky. Or as your people might call them Sky Bison’s as they resemble an earth creature. They are part of our family.”
“Why are the children here?” He asked, walking closer toward the edge. An animal like this in a war would be unstoppable. 
“In our tribe when children turn a certain age they are given more responsibility and utilities before they reach adulthood. Such as this. New Mamífero Ka’anal’s are brought here. The child and the Mamífero Ka’anal bond for life. Much like the Ikran, they will never have another owner. But if their companion dies they can ever fly again.”
“What do you mean by never flying again?” He asked watching the newborns fly down to the Navi children. They were so small and innocent, weak. An easy target. (Y/n)’s ears lay back thinking of the sad times a Navi died before their sky bison. “Did…I say something wrong?” He touched her hand. 
“No, it is a very sad time. We bond with the Mamífero Ka’anal for life. It is more than a connection to an Ikran. They become part of our family, we are friends for life on a spiritual level. If we are in danger they can sense it and vice versa. Our bond with them is sacred and blessed by Eywa.  If a Mamífero Ka’anal dies we can never choose another. But if a Navi dies before the Mamífero Ka’anal’s…” (Y/n) paused, “The animal gives up their will to live. It’s cruel and unfair how they work differently. They will lose all motivation to fly, live, and be happy. They will not eat or drink. Normally to avoid the torture of starvation we perform a ritual in front of Eywa and kill the animal in a humane way before we return them to her. Then they can live in eternal happiness alone alongside their companion.” (Y/n) whipped the tears which fell from her large (e/c) orbs. He felt bad not for the animals or Navi but for seeing her cry. The colonel shook his head trying to stop feeling sympathy for the enemy. Her beauty meant nothing in the end because his goal is to kill Jake’s whole family. 
“Hey, Princess, don't cry. In the end, they are happy, right? They don't suffer anymore. They are returned to their family.” He tried to comfort her which seemed to work. “So…do I get one?”
“Yes, but there are very few adults. Sadly in some cases when a Navi child does not make it to age, there are some who are left over. It is harder to bond at an older age. Mainly catching them but I can help you with that.” She clears her throat. “First be thinking of a unique call.”
“So these Bison respond to a certain call?”
“Yes, they do. Watch and listen.” (Y/n) cupped her hand over her mouth calling out to her bison (this sound). The colonel listened and looked to see the bison come for their master. Soon the large creature called back, flying towards the floating land. “Hurry!” She yelled running towards the edge of the floating rock before jumping off. 
“Fucking hell!” He yelled before following the Navi princess. How did she land smoothing on top of the Bison? "SHIT!" He yelled, landing with a thud on the animal's back. She laughed and walked up onto the large creature's head connecting her queue to him. He gripped onto the bison's fur. 
"Áramà! My beautiful girl! I want you to meet someone." (Y/n) smiled as the bison flew down to the ground below. 
"Was jumping off the cliff necessary?" 
"For dramatic purposes…Yes it was." She laughed jumping down. Quaritch follows examining the animal. He looked for weak spots. This creature would be a nightmare to fight. "Áramà this is Rick Quaritch." (Y/n) said. The Bison leaned over sniffing the Colonel. 
"Hello there. Áramà is it?" He was supposed to treat this animal like a native. It seemed intelligent. Rick noticed the silent communication Áramà had with (Y/n) maybe their bond is on a spiritual level. "So girl where is the other at?" He asked reaching up to pet the female Mamífero Ka’anal. She looked at Rick before glancing at (Y/n) making a few sounds that sent the Navi into laughter. "What's so funny?"
(Y/n) chuckled," She said she cannot wait to watch you fail." The colonel looks at the bison and huffs. 
Currently (Y/n) , Rick, Balam, and Áramà are above an unclaimed bison. "So Balam , she is your sibling?" 
"Yes I am younger though. Now focus. You have to drop down and make the connection quick." Balam instructed. "Or else it will not work. Just try and think gentle happy thoughts when connecting. Calm and command the Mamífero Ka’anal. When you are done I will help you fly him." Balam said. Quaritch nods looking at (Y/n).
“What do you say, give me a kiss for good luck, princess?” This caused (Y/n) to smirk and move closer lips near his. Quaritch felt his heart race ear going back.
“I said dont call me princess.” She then pushed him off. Quaritch yelped, falling off Áramà and turning around to land on top of his bison. It was quick how much the beast began to thrash around in an attempt to get Quaritch off his back.
“Ts'a a wóoli' yéetel beet le vínculo!”(Hurry and make the bond!) (Y/n) yelled.
“WHAT.THE.HELL.DOES.THAT.MEAN?” He called back. This was much harder than some Ikran. This beast had strength. Quaritch refused to let an animal make a fool of him. He needed to focus on the mission. With one mistake it would all crumble. With a loud war cry, he leaped forward and connected his queue to the Mamífero Ka’anal. The bull instantly settles down. “That’s it, boy.”
Balam dropped down chuckling,” Not bad for a human. I am surprised you didn’t die.” (Y/n) soon lowers her bison so they are riding side by side. 
“Now give him a name.” She smiled.
“How about Pup?” He asked, causing the siblings to chuckle.
“I like it. Now come on. Let’s teach you how to fly. They are much different from an Ikran.” (Y/n) smiled. 
It was now nightfall and Balam returned to the village on his bison leaving Quaritch and (Y/n) alone. The pair lands on the ground side by side before descending from their bison. “So how did you feel about lesson one?” She asked, nudging his shoulder. The colonel had trouble admitting he enjoyed today. Enjoyed being with the Navi princess. Also, her brother was not so bad, her complete opposite. 
“I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy myself. Today was a different one for sure. Pup here is rather pleasant. It is so odd how…I understand him even without being bonded I feel him. Hear him. Know what he knows.” Rick did not know Navi could truly be this emotional. Have connections not only with their forest but animals. 
“Well, then tomorrow we are going to dive deeper into more traditions and our way. Including our language which you desperately need to learn.” 
“So then I get my kiss?”
“Tch, in your dreams.” She blushed.
“I am counting on it, princess.”
Chapter 3
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canines-crown · 15 days
Anyways y'all know how I've been questioning a deer kintype for months now? You know... Hoof shifts... Some kind of thingie on my head... The ears... Herbivore... Headbutting things... Yeah those shifts and urges!
So what if it's NOT a deer? 🫠
Guys I present to you...
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GOATS 😳 (putting my existential crisis under a read more ahahah help me)
I've been questioning goats before I've been questioning deer! It started with me intensely questioning chamois for several weeks, until I thought about goats! I don't exactly remember why I stopped thinking about them and moved onto deer, probably because I feel more at home in a forest, being wild.
But recently the goat thoughts have come back... When I look at goats, I just see myself. I look at a goat and feel as if that's me.
I have always had this connection to large rocks and mountains... The thought of jumping and climbing on them with ease fills me with excitement! I want to live on a mountain with other goats, grazing, bathing in the sun. I want to headbutt playfully... I also want to fight. I want to defend myself. I am stubborn and determined, small but never weak. If you mess with me I will fight. I WANT to fight.
I realized that there's goats on mountain pastures (I'm not sure if that's the correct word, but basically goats that belong to a farmer or something, but they roam somewhat freely in the mountains on a field and stuff)
Ever since I realized that I felt as if something clicked for me?... Idk...
Today I had another strange experience. I was at a funfair, and there was a tiny little goat, all in white. I looked into the animal's eyes and it felt as if I was looking into my own. I saw myself in that tiny creature. The goat was headbutting some children that didn't respect it's boundaries and that made me proud. Then the goat walked up to me and started playing with my shoe laces! It sniffed my hand and I pet it carefully... It's fur was so soft. It felt as if I was touching an angel.
Since then I couldn't stop thinking about goats. When I think of myself I see a white goat with yellow eyes, a goat with sharp hooves and powerful horns. I feel as if that's me
I also haven't found any kind of deer that fit me. I feel like I may still be deerkin, because I want to live in a forest and well... Be a deer. But maybe I'm not one. Maybe I'm a goat. Maybe I was right the first time...
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devilbeez · 7 months
Headcanon collection #14
Random FloydxRiddle fluff
Riddle’s weak to Floyd doing the hold hand kiss the knuckles thing
Riddle some time question if dropping his mom out of his life as the right choice and Floyd just take his hand and kiss his knuckle because he can see Riddle was worried and Riddle just “you know what? Yes. Yes it was the right choice—“
“I can show you the world~ top shelf, pantry, no tip toe” — Floyd @ Riddle at some point probably
When the boys are old enough to try alcohol the third years were supervising and they told them “your limit is one drink” and because Riddle had no experience he thought he could just chug the bottle in one go, so obviously he got drunk and it’s the one time Floyd the responsible one between the two and take care of Riddle. With that being said tho Floyd still would draw on on Riddle face with sharpie
Riddle did not handle his first time being drunk well and end up being chaotic, he even chase Floyd for a change
Riddle being Riddle there probably things he never say sober or just— generally complimenting Floyd and saying couple like stuff so when he’s drunk there just random slip of “you have beautiful eyes” and Floyd capture every moment of it and he refuse to delete it
Riddle and Floyd date would be at like festival date it just make sense and I can’t explain
Speaking of festivals date, Floyd won Riddle an Eel plush and now he have something that represents Floyd in his room. Eventually Riddle won him a goldfish plush so now there just a special space in both their room for those plushes. They both insist on calling the plushies their children
That btw is what cause Riddle to spiral down plushies hole Floyd got him more plushies this time hedgehog ones
Floyd message Riddle during class from time to time and Riddle going through the corruption arc and not as strict with rules now sometimes replies. But there are time he doesn’t want to respond cause you know class and there are time when Floyd so excited about something so you just have
Riddle: I’ll do it later I’m in class
Riddle: good for you but I am in class
Riddle: I A M I N C L A S S
Floyd sometimes messaging Riddle like “this pebble remind me of you 🥰” Riddke keep all of the pebbles. He never been gifted something before especially it’s his mom so now he keep everything Floyd give him
Trey: …riddle is that a rock?
Riddle: huh— oh that’s Rockington jr. Yeah I use him as paperweight sometimes leave him there
Trey: …I’m sorry I still stuck on the fact that it have a name and it’s “Rockington Junior”
Riddle: yeah Rockington senior is over there by Floyd Jr.
Trey: ….Riddle that an eel plush
Riddle: I never said I’m the one naming it— blame Floyd—
This video. That is all
After they get together Floyd take Riddle to petting zoo for his birthday. He say it’s for Riddle cause he love small animals like hedgehogs but in reality it both for Riddle and for him to meet his goat friend Sir Wayne Georgia Wellington the third
Riddle’s mom hate Floyd because let’s be honest just as friends Floyd is already a bad influence, but as boyfriend there will be no turning back for Riddle. Literally the only thing holding them all back is his love for rule. And even that doesn’t hold them back that much considering Riddle have becoming more and more chill with the rules
They once made the mistake of sitting down and having family dinner with Riddle’s mom and eventually at some point Floyd or literally anyone snap and went on a rant like “—AND ANOTHER THING YOU SHOULD APPRECIATE HIM MORE BECAUSE HE’S AMAZING AS HE IS, AND ANOTHER THING YOU’RE NEED TO LOWER YOUR STANDARDS, AND ANOTHER THING—“ and it just keep going, no one stop him they just sit there eating their meal like “huh this place have nice salad”
Most people would think Riddle the one taking their first valentines seriously and .Floyd just don’t really care when it’s the opposite. Floyd want to do everything and even try and planned stuff for the day with Jade and Azul help cause he thought Riddle would be all over this since “rule of valentines and stuff” while Riddle barely planned anything out cause either 1. He never really care for valentines and don’t get why couples like it 2. He just straight up forgot it’s valentines cause he don’t have it in his calendar or 3. He thought Floyd wouldn’t really wanna celebrate so he just expected to spend their day like usual and maybe go on a regular date-hang out and not date date
Adding to this, because Riddle didn’t expect a date he almost go with Floyd in his school uniform then Cater pull him away and tell Floyd to wait. This lead to Trey and ADeuce messing around like “what is your intention with my son?”
Riddle’s mom think Floyd come on to Riddle as friends or boyfriend for the money. But then we cut to this mf Only wanting to buy shoes on some occasions and only want to ever buy tiny ducks to mess with Azul. Like
Mrs. Riddle: he probably want our money
Floyd with his new shoes and lil ducklings: and I’ll call you goldfish Jr. and you Ducklia, and you will be Tako because Azul would hate that—
Riddle only stole hoodie because man read somewhere it what couple do but he like it so much because they comfy Floyd no longer have hoodies— they just all at Heartslayul
Because the lounge being you know basically a restaurant, they need to decorate for stuff and sometime they need to buy things so they rotate between every members for decoration shopping in the town and one time Floyd was assigned the role and invited Riddle cause Riddle rarely get out and it basically go
Floyd: come on it’ll be fun!
Riddle: I don’t know—
Floyd: here talk to Azul he’d cover for your work if you say it to supervise me
Riddle: no he wouldn’t he know you responsible enough
Floyd: does he? Does he really?
Riddle: ……*call azul* hey so I’m here with Floyd he said he’s going to go into town and I was thinking—
Azul: he need supervision? Agree, I’ll cover your work thank *hang up*
Riddle: ……well show me the town I guess—
Riddle one time went out with the shirt Floyd made him wear saying “cunt era” first he didn’t wanna but as day went on he got over it and just vibing. And then his mother somehow find out and about to start lecturing, out of pure being done, I give no fuck mix with couldn’t change personality in time moment he went “I don’t approved of your parenting and you don’t see me complaining” And that the story of how Riddle moved out of the house at 17–
they adopted 2 kids in the future a set of twins merfolk and fate have it so that the kids are octopus merfolk so as soon as Floyd know he just shaking from excitement cause Azul gonna be so happy. A couple of years later it backfired and Azul keep saying he gonna steal the kid cause one time the kid saw Azul merform and got so excited cause he’s just like them
Kid: will I get to see uncle azul merform? :D
Floyd: probably not kid, he doesn’t like—
Azul, in his merform: please don’t answer for me Floyd
Kid: *shaking from excitement and have the brightest smile anyone ever seen* UNCLE AZUL IS LIKE MEE!!
Azul also spoiled them rotten btw, he love his niece/nephew so much and Riddle got so much headache from it
Leaning into my ship here but I like to believe Azul brought Riddle and Floyd kids one of those kids instrument that doesn’t have a lower volume button. Jade just give them a teddy bear…..that have a voice box and a button on its hand and the voice line is “I love uncle Azul and uncle Jade more than everyone else” Floyd think it’s funny and Riddle hated it so much— he haven’t been in a quiet house in days—
When Riddle moved out and was about to send her a gift but Floyd the chaos skyscraper intercept it and gift her like a bunch of things that say stuff like “worst mom ever” “fuck you whore” “⬆️ Karen”
Floyd don’t say Riddle’s name often but when he does he do it in private and in intimate moments like saying “I love you”, proposing etc and it melt Riddle every time. His name being said by Floyd is one of those things that he love and couldn’t explain why
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redhead-batgal · 2 years
Can I request a reader x Damien soulmate AU?
With these prompts please
“If anything happened to you, it would utterly ruin me.”     
“You have no idea who I am, do you?”
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Type: Drabble
Pairing: Fem! Student! and Soulmate! Reader x Damian Wayne/Robin
AU: Soulmate! Reader
Prompts: ✢14: “You have no idea who I am, do you?” ☙21: “If anything happened to you, it would utterly ruin me.”
Content: Cursing, some technical angst because why not, aged up Damian 16/17 yrs old.
Word Count: 981
P.S: This was sooo much fun to write, sorry if you wanted something else. I just- I just really wanted to write it this way
In this world there is love, and life and joy. Almost every person has a chance at these things through their soulmate. Someone chose by fate itself to help you have a good life. While not all soulmates are romantic some are, and that soulmate will be with you (hopefully) for the rest of your life.
There are of course cynics who believe soulmates are a myth, those people usually lose their chance. Chance at happiness because they turn away one of the people chosen to help them have it. And some... some choose to defy fate and choose to find others to love, others to create joy with.
And fate... fate does not like to be ignored, so it caused... some backlash in response. Which is unfortunately how you came to be.
You parents were soulmates, but they didn't want anything to do with each other. Of course, fate had its way, and you were born. Born in a home where love and hate ran so closely, they intermingled.
It was one of the reasons why when you realized who your soulmate was you didn't say a word. You in fact began avoiding them all together. But your heart- your soul longed for them. And so you were stuck in conflict. Conflict with your soul and reason.
Which was why you were sitting in the library, in the very back corner. Watching, despite the voice of reason screaming in your head, Damian fucking Wayne, talk with his friends.
Looking up from your book you sighed, he- he was annoying and rude and and and loved animals and was an accomplished artist. So much that he began teaching children with special needs how to draw.
While you may have heard it was a punishment from his father, your soul still ached for him. Letting out a groan you slammed your head against the table. Why was fate such a cruel bitch? Why could fate just once give you a fucking break?
Footsteps caused you to freeze and you looked up to see a red haired boy standing in front of your table. He smiled and waved and you gave him a weak smile.
"Hi, I'm Colin and me and my friends were wondering if you wanted to join us."
He pointed to a table- the table behind him and you winced. Looking up you saw the small smile on his face and your conscious screamed.
"Uh, are you sure? You guys don't even know me."
Colin raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"Uh, you've been in our classes since we started school here. And- Dam-" Colin paused before shrugged, "we can get to know each other better. I mean we've been in the same grade for years."
Before you could reply, a dark-haired boy, who you recognized as Jon Kent, bounded over towards you and Colin. He threw an arm over Jon's shoulders and smiled.
"Hi, Y/N. Are you going to join us? You're going to join us, right?"
His glasses slipped to the edge of his nose, and you winced. You were? Oh no you were.
"Uh, Okay." You remarked, "I mean I guess."
"Awesome!" Jon said.
He then leaned down and scooped your things into his arms. Turning towards his table he bumped Colin.
"Get the rest of her stuff."
Colin looked to you and you quickly grabbed onto your bag and stood up. Before you could even blink, Colin leaned forwards and grabbed your book.
Then he turned and followed after Jon. Cursing internally you followed him. They both sank down onto their seats and left one for you directly across from Damian. You watched as he flipped the page and Colin and Jon set your stuff on the table.
Damn it.
Reluctantly you sat down and winced. Damian looked up and you noticed a cut on his face and his eyes looked strange. Was it a black eye?
Your heart stopped and the words slipped from you before you could stop yourself.
"What happened?"
"It's not important, why do you care?" Damian remarked looking back at his notebook.
Why do you care? why do you care
Because you wanted to shout If anything happened to you, it would utterly ruin me.
Instead, you shrugged. "You just looked a little banged up. Sorry for being curious."
He paused for a moment before looking up at you eyes narrowed.
"Do you know who I am?" he asked.
You nodded and answered the right answer instead of the one your soul begged you to say, "You're Damian Wayne."
But, you thought, you have no idea who I am, do you?
Damian blinked a few times his body tensing. And he shook his head.
"That's not what I meant."
You froze, swallowing you forced a smile onto your face. Reaching out you grabbed your book and pulled it towards you. Don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it.
He tilted his head and watched as you brought your book closer. Smiling weakly, you pulled it towards your face.
"You- You have no idea do you. Who I am?" He muttered
Soul crying and reason cheering you blinked. You were always terrible at lying. Maybe- maybe he meant something else? No, no you couldn't even convince yourself.
Shrugging you pressed your face into your book. Why did you agree, why did you do this to yourself?
because now he's close and near and hearing his voice made your heartbeat faster and and-
no- no. No nonononononono. stop that right now. No. No. nuh-uh no way you weren't- you weren't going to let your soul and- that raging bitch or dick or whatever it was fate control you.
Taking in a breath you went to read you book when it was pulled away from you and you met Damian's eyes.
"I'm your soul mate."
"Fucking shit."
Tag List:
@andromedaj2003 @thomasbeloved @instabull @zvtanna @daemonnix96 @krswrites @thefallingstarlight @masset-fotia
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kikiiswashere · 3 months
Children of Zaun Sketch & Segment: Chapter 21 - Silco and Katya post swim lesson
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Silco gave her a weak smile and retrieved the lumpy loaf of bread from his bag. He tore a piece off and handed it to her. She took it and held it in her hands, thinking of how she might smooth out the lines that had appeared on Silco’s face at the mention of Enyd. How she might dampen the small flame of ire that had appeared in his eyes, and rekindle the joy that had been there earlier.
“I am glad I got to show you this place,” she decided on, looking up at the stalactites on the cave’s ceiling. “As grateful as I am that only Viktor and I seem to be the ones to ever come here, it’s so beautiful that I feel badly for it that so few people visit. Know about it.”
Silco hummed, biting down on a piece of bread and looking around at the cave. It’s towers and divots. At the lush moss and algae that collected at its mouth, and hung down from its opening like a shredded curtain.
“This is where your parents taught you how to swim?”
Katya shook her head. “No. I learned in the Oases. Like a lot of the children do now. When it came time to teach Viktor, his body did not handle the cool water well, so Papa taught him here. Being in the water also helps relieve some of the chronic aches he has in his body.”
“How did your father find this place?” Silco asked, looking around again.
“I never thought to ask. I wish I had now. He used to talk about taking me and Viktor out on a boat someday. To explore the Conqueror’s Sea.”
“It sounds like he had an affinity for water.”
Katya chuckled and took a bite of bread. “I suppose he did, now that you mention it. One of the books he would read to us most frequently had to do with ocean life. Various habitats, animal and plant life – that sort of thing.” She laughed and said, “My favorite chapter was about the deep sea, and all the monstrous creatures down there. It sort of reminded me of the Undercity. I found it fascinating, but I don’t think Viktor did.”
“How come?”
She shrugged. “He is more interested in building and creating things. He preferred when Papa read about inventions and why they worked. Engineering and chemistry and physics, and that sort of thing. Biology never grabbed him as tightly.”
“But it did you?” Silco asked, taking his knife to the apple again and slicing it twice. He handed one piece to her, and popped his into his mouth.
Katya shrugged again and bit thoughtfully into the apple’s flesh, Silco’s eyes flicking down to her mouth as she did.
“I do find it interesting,” she said around the fruit in her mouth. “It certainly has served me well with my role at the clinic. And with caring for Viktor. And like I told you, I think I would like to become a doctor once Zaun is free. Once we have the ability to manage such things.”
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beast-towers · 3 months
Warning! Post Contains: Past Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Blood, Bullet, Bullet Wound, and Flesh.
Finally finished my drawing of Otsana! I’m kinda proud of this one, so this is her memory before she joined the Ministry. Also, I wanted to do some animal eye shine on Otsana, to show that she isn’t human… well she kinda is, but we all know she is a werewolf. (Also: I really thought that it would be cool ;-;)
From her childhood to now as an adult! Girl had a rough time as you’ll see, before going into the post I will paste the warning one last time before y’all see.
For now, I do hope you enjoy!
Warning! Post Contains: Past Trauma, Childhood Trauma, Blood, Bullet, Bullet Wound, and Flesh.
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“Ever since I could remember… if I can remember… as a child, my transformation has been a painful process. Yet… I felt more afraid while I was transforming, my pain was there of course… but I felt panicked? As if I wasn’t suppose to transform, but as a child, I didn’t have full control of it like today. Unfortunately, that’s all I can remember there… or so I thought.”
“My teen years are also foggy, but I found myself alone and feeling my primal urge to kill anything I see just to eat for my survival… so I allowed it in willingly… by the stars I deeply regret it, to this day it brought me fear upon feeling myself being thrown to the side and watched myself rip and shred an animal just to devour it… I vowed to make sure I eat before I do my part for the Ministry.”
“My final memory…. Oh…. I thought the man succeed in killing me… then again I… I did chase him and his children. I don’t remember their faces, but I remember his rifle pointed close-range at me… and fired. The burning… the pain… ahh… thankfully I was able to heal it off, kinda, but I didn’t want to be there. I was able to escape to treat my wound… now as a scar to make sure I remember that very day, and to never mess up… that’s all I could really remember…”
“I believe I got enough money to move into the United Kingdom, just so I can start fresh and away from people… yet I and the Ministry crossed paths, and now the rest is history. Sadly, no matter how hard the Ministry tries to make me forget EVERYTHING from my past, only my full name and three pieces of my memory remains…”
“I put myself under Marmalisation to make sure to keep myself in check, as well as my wolf-side in check. I don’t want to bring harm to a soul, unless I have no choice if my life is in danger. The times I use it is for intimidation, locking my patience in place, locate anyone who is hiding, boosting my hypnosis, and of course… combat if needed. In my stay however, I developed a second way of hypnotism or stunning a group. I’ve painted white and yellow spots on my gray fur, and preformed ether a small dance or shake myself to flash my spots out. Creating a mesmerizing effect. Surprisingly, it worked. Thus, I’ve became a living Stage 3 and 5 of Marmlisation, a very handy discovery.”
“My name is Otsana Risa, I am one of the head Scientists and Hypnotist for the Ministry of Joy and The Sanctuary. I am a being that holds a secret that only the Higher Ups of the Ministry or my trusted Colleagues know… People call my kind Werewolves, Dogmen, or Lycans. I don’t care what they call me… except the words “Pup” or “Puppy”… I find them annoying… as if they are calling me weak. I. Am. Not…”
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adhd-puppet · 8 months
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Dr. Wally Darling x patient child reader
This is my first ever story ever. I am working with a new Welcome Home AU that takes place on a children's hospital. Wally and his friends as the staff. I really like the idea and wanted to get my feet wet with a small little story/ prompt.
Y\N is a young child, who has a rare disease that makes their Immune system very weak. Sadly they spend more time in the hospital then at home. This has made them become very close with Wally and his friends kind of like a second family, but Wally is their favorite. Today he is finishing his rounds, as he sees Y/N he hopes to bring a smile to their face.
Dr. Darling was waking down the bright and colorful hallway, he was just about to finshie his rounds for the day. He always make sure to stop and see each of his young patents personality, many of them alone, their families having gone for the day. Just to help them feel more comfortable, he knew how scary it could be in a place like this and not always understand what's going on. He stoped as his eyes go through his list, he only had one more patent to see, Y/N. He sighs sadly to himself. Y/N was here often, more oftne then not, they had a rare disease, one that made their Immune system so weak a common cold could be deadly. Luckily they were recovering well and should be able to go home soon.
Because of just how often they were here, Wally and his friends became like a second family to the child. With their family having to work to pay the medical expenses Y/N didn't get to see them often. Y/N loved the staff and was not scared when they were there. Barnaby was funny and always made them smile and laugh when he stoped by. Sally and Julie kept their Imagination alive with their plays and silly stories. Poppy was like a mother, baking treats and goodies for them and the other children. Eddie always brought them to the hospital and made sure the trip was as easy for them as possible. Though they did not get to see Frank or Howdy often, the two were also kind and always taught Y/N something new whenever they met. Still Wally was Y/N's favorite, he was so kind, and made them feel less lonely and special, they loved his werid laugh and soft voice. Despite this all it hurt them all to see a child go through this. Shaking his head from the thought he put his best smile in and knocked on the door and called out, "Y/N I am here for your check up".
Y/N looked up from a book their were reading and smiles happily. "Wally!! Your here". Their voice happy but tried. The room was colorful, bright and closer to that of a typical child's room then that of a hospital. The room was Y/Ns, filled with toys, stuffed animals, books and many childish drawings of Wally and his friends. It felt, sounded and even smelled less like a hospital, so that they could feel at home.
Wally kept his smile on as he walks over to the bed. Y/N was on, to check on the medical equipment Y/N was attached to and the IV, making sure to re fill it with their mediation. "How are you feeling today? Any better?" He asks them, stopping his work to give the child his full attention.
"I am doing better, I did not cough a lot and I was not tried all day! I even got to go to the play room." Y/N says, before letting out a little yawn.
He lets out his trademark laugh, "you definitely seem better, in fact I think your be able to go home in a couple of days." He tells them, after taking another look at their chart.
"Really?!" They ask, their eyes bright a even bigger smile on their face.
He nods "Yes, your doing a lot better, I think just a little more time and we will send you home with some medicine." It was always a hope when they sent them home it be the last time, it never was, a couple weeks later they were back tried, sick and sad. If only a cure could be found. No child should be forced to miss out on life, school, fun and freedom. Then a little thought came to his mind, just a small silly thought. "Y/N how you ever head the expression, An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor away?"
They look at him and shake his head, "No Wally, I never have, do you mean if I eat a apple every day it will scare you away?! I don't want to do that" They say shocked their eyes wide.
Again the room was filled with his laugh as be shakes his head. "No, silly it means that if you eat a apple everyday, you will stay healthy and won't have to see the doctor. You wont have to come here anymore".
"Wait...that would mean I won't be able to see you...and the others..? You guys dont like me anymore?!" Y/N looked upset their eyes starting to water, yes they hated to be sick but they also loved everyone here, it made being sick not as bad, and with missing so much school Y/N had trouble finding and keeping friends. For them they only had their parents and the staff here and the thought of not seeing them anymore was breaking their heart, their grip on their book getting tighter.
Wally bit his lip, his little idea quickly backfiring on his as he shakes his head quickly and gives the child a serious but still kind look. "No Y/N we never stopped liking you, your sweet, funny, strong and deal with to much for someone so young. What I mean is we want you to get healthy and enjoy your life, a hospital is no place for a child to grow up in. You should be able to play outside, go to school, and enjoy everything life has to offer. We all care about you and everyone who comes through these doors, but our goal is to make sure when you leave you don't have to come back". His voice was kind as he hopes he reaches the child.
Y/N wipes the tears from their eyes their voice a little weak as they speak. "Will...you re..remember m..me?" They ask this voice shaking.
He can't help but smile softly again and nod. "We will never forget you, helping children to life a happy life is what we love to do, and every time we help someone we know that their life is all the better after. It may be hard at first, but your strong Y/N, and once your healthy you can face anything your life will throw your way. I just hope you don't forget me and the others.." he says with a coy smile.
Y/N eyes widen at Wallys kind words their eyes still forming more tears as they lean forward and hug the small man. "Of ..c.ccouse not..I wi..will never...forgot..you guys." They say between their crying.
He was a little taken back, at the studden hug but carefully he returns the hug, patting their back, as he gently tries to help them claim down. Their crying getting softer, as the tried feeling came back. The warmth of the hug and the thought of someone caring for them helping to allow their mind to settle down. Wally carefully lays them down on the bed and takes the picture book and lays it on the nightstand. "I will hold you to that promise, and now I want you to make a promise to me."
"What is it ..wally?" They ask as they yawn and close their eyes. sleep just about to take them.
"That you will get healthy. Live a happy life and eat an apple a day to keep me away?" The only answer he got from that question was a single nod and a "I..promise Wally". Y/N falling into a peaceful sleep.
Wally sighs, as he covers them up and stands up to leave. "And I promise you, that we will find a cure, so that a apple a day really does keep me away." He made a promise and he would not break it.
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yurious-george · 8 months
I guess for me... I am so glad princess tutu as is exists, and even a really good reboot might have some ways in which its not as good. (Especially with the current state of the anime industry.) But I think it has a lot of potential to be re-examined and retold in the way that the fairytales it draws from are. We give the fairytales different endings, emphasize the angles that resonate with us, use the retelling to criticize the biases of the versions we grew up with, and more. For a more animanga related comparison, "Pluto" doesn't render the "Astro Boy" arc it's a retelling of obsolete, but there's still something interesting in how the work is retelling a narrative from a piece of children's media through an adult lens to create a piece of storytelling that also stands on its own.
Oh yeah - one of the most charming things about princess tutu is, to me, that its budget is so small. pt has such fantastic art direction that most of the time, its limited resorces become a strength rather than a weakness; the character designs are still distinctive & fun, and the frequent still panning shots are well-placed & honestly nice to look at.
I love the world this evokes. going to see a production of princess tutu should be like seeing a shakespeare play... everyone has a different perspective and none of them are strictly wrong.
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