#cis people can reblog but don't comment
stylesispunk · 4 months
"Where is my love?"
Joel miller x f! reader
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summary: Isn't she coming to me?
w.c: 7k>
warning: angst, mentions of death, and grief.
a/n: this is a sad one and closer to my heart because grieving is the love we can give to people who are gone. The only change of this is that has been ten years since the "end of the world" and is based on the last chapter of the show. reblogs and comments are always appreciated and for the love of god, can you please help me with inspo for writing, I want to write for other characters, so if you have any suggestions are welcome. Have a lovely reading 💌 dividers by @/saradika
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Your paths crossed a long time ago. When the world had descended into madness, the souls met the dead in a now forgotten land. He came across you, and he fell in love with you. The sunlight radiating after the freezing storm was a fire keeping his brittle heart warm.
You had saved him from ending his own life that day, when he had lost faith in a horror movie without an ending or a purpose. He did lose everything he had known—everything he had ever loved and protected—but he had met you.
For him, you were an angel, not delicate nor free from sins, but an angel who appeared after he thought he had met his spirit in heaven.
You have looked after him and Tommy for days, taking care of their well-being and taking care of the reminiscing scar plastered on Joel’s forehead as a reminder of his almost-death encounter with his angel, you.
And you had loved him ever since; you found yourself increasingly drawn to him, not just for his vulnerability under your eyes but because he had brought sense back to life. His presence seemed to chase away the shadows that had been going to hunt you since now.
As the days turned into weeks, months, and then years, the bond between you and Joel only grew stronger. You found yourself drawn to his strength, his resilience in the face of adversity, and the way he faced each day with unwavering determination.
You had loved him after acknowledging every terrible thing he had done, and you loved him anyway. The darkness inside of him, taunted by the loss of the previous time, didn’t prevent you from looking at him as if he hung the stars of the sky. You both looked at night before sleeping, trying to find some reassurance.
Together, you faced the challenges, from the first days of the end of the world to the QZ, to Ellie, to where you were right now, knowing that as long as you had each other, you could overcome anything.
Now, here in Jackson, in the quiet moment before sleep, you and Joel would still gaze up at the stars, finding solace in the vastness of the night sky. And as you held each other close, you found reassurance in the knowledge that no matter what tomorrow brought, you would face it together.
Joel broke the silence, his voice soft yet filled with the weight of years gone by. "You know, I never thought I'd find this kind of peace again. Not after everything that's happened."
You turned to him, your eyes meeting his in the darkness. "We've been through hell and back, Love. But somehow, we made it together."
He reached out to intertwine his fingers with yours, seeking the comfort your touch brought to him. "I don't know what I would do without you," he admitted, his voice breaking a little.
"You don't have to find out," you replied, a gentle smile playing on your lips. "We're in this together, remember? No matter what."
Joel nodded, his gaze returning to the heavens above. "Yeah, together," he echoed, as if trying to convince himself of the truth of those words.
"You will never lose me,” you whispered, leaning in to press a tender kiss to his forehead. "And I'll always be here to guide you home."
He closed his eyes, savoring the warmth of your lips over his skin. "I love you," he murmured, the words carrying the weight of a lifetime of pain and longing.
"I love you too," you replied, your heart overflowing with love for the man beside you.
Being in Jackson brought you back to a civilization, to peace, to a place where you could both sleep next to each other at the same time without fearing other people coming for you.
But as much as you cherished the peace and stability that Jackson provided, you couldn't escape the reality of everyday life. With it came the mundane challenges, the petty conflicts, and the occasional tension that threatened to disrupt the tranquility you had found together. There were disagreements, misunderstandings, and moments of frustration that tested the strength of your relationship.
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You felt a rush of joy as you entered the door of your Jackson home. You couldn't wait to tell Joel about the trade you had made, so you were looking forward to seeing his reaction.
"Joel," you called out, your voice full of anticipation as you approached the living room where he was sitting. "Guess what? "I made a trade today."
Joel looked up from his book, interest in his eyes. "A trade?" "What did you get?"
You smiled, holding out the little camera you'd traded for some extra food supplies. "I exchanged some of our extra coffee for this camera! It's in excellent condition, and I thought we might use it to save some memories."
As you proudly showed the camera, Joel's initial curiosity turned into an unhappy face. He set down his book and looked at you with a mixture of disbelief and stress.
"You traded all of our extra coffee for a camera?" Joel repeated, his voice filled with frustration. "We rely on that coffee, you understand. It's not simply an extravagance; it's a product in high demand here in Jackson."
You faltered, understanding the potential repercussions of your impulsive trade. "I know, Joel, but I thought..."
"You thought what?" Joel interjected, his irritation growing. "That a camera was more important than having enough food to get us through the winter? "What if something happens and we need that coffee?"
You bit your lip, feeling a sense of remorse rush over you. "I didn't think of it that way. I just thought it would be wonderful to have something to save our memories."
Joel sighed and ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. "I understand, but we must prioritize our needs before our wants. You cannot go out there and make bad decisions."
His words hurt, and you felt a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. You didn't plan to compromise your safety, but in your excitement, you forgot to consider the repercussions of your actions.
"I'm sorry, Joel," you said quietly, feeling a sensation of shame rush over you. "I didn't mean to cause any harm."
Joel's gaze softened slightly as you apologized, but the tension in the air remained. "It's okay," he said softly. "Just stop being this childish," he murmured, strolling past you to the kitchen and leaving you in
Joel's gaze softened slightly as you apologized, but the tension in the air remained. "It's okay," he said softly. "Just stop being so childish," he replied, walking past you to the kitchen and leaving you in the living room with a bitter taste in your mouth.
A wave of guilt swept over you. You didn't mean to act impulsively or selfishly, but you now see that your actions had far-reaching implications.
Feeling the weight of Joel's disappointment, you remained in the living room, staring at the camera in your hands, your heart heavy. You realized he was correct; you needed to be more responsible and more aware of the circumstances and the actions that could affect your survival; being at peace in a place did not imply the risk had passed.
With a heavy sigh, you lay the camera down on the table, the excitement you had felt earlier replaced with a sense of regret. Joel's words lingered in your head, reminding you of the excitement you had felt earlier, replaced by a sense of remorse. Joel's words echoed in your mind, a reminder of the need to grow and learn from your mistakes.
You walked upstairs to your room, and with a heavy heart, you lay in bed, the events of the day on your mind. Despite the comfort of the blankets that surrounded you, you couldn't shake the sense of remorse and sorrow that persisted within you.
You closed your eyes and replayed the conversation with Joel in your head, each word stinging like a sharp reminder of your failure. You knew you'd let him down, and the thought gnawed at you, leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
And as you drifted off to sleep, the weight of Joel's disappointment gradually began to lighten. A few hours later, you awoke to the faint click of a camera shutter. Blinking sleepily, you opened your eyes to see Joel standing by the bedside, a tiny smile on his lips as he held the camera.
"What are you doing?" you said, your voice still laced with sleepiness.
Joel chuckled and lowered his camera as he neared the bed. "Just capturing a moment," he said, his eyes filled with adoration as he glanced down at you. In confusion, you furrowed your brow and sat up slightly in bed. "A moment of me sleeping?" you asked, feeling both amused and fascinated.
Joel nodded, his smile growing wider. "Yes, a second while you sleep. You looked beautiful; I couldn’t resist."
Despite the lingering anger from earlier, Joel's gesture made you feel warm. It was a modest act, but it showed a lot about his remorse and faith in your relationship. Reaching out, you took the camera from Joel's hands, studying the image of yourself sleeping soundly.
"I look horrible," you muttered. Joel softened his smile and leaned in to kiss your forehead. "Liar," he muttered. "Sorry for how I acted earlier." He moved forward, pressing his lips against your cheek this time.
"You're just an old, grumpy man," you remember, with a tiny giggle. His soft kisses eased the tension between you. His amusing response lightened the mood and lifted the sadness that had been in your heart.
"Old grumpy man, huh?" Joel chuckled, shaking his head in mock indignation. “I’ll show you what this old, grumpy man can do,” he said, planting a more urgent kiss on your lips this time.
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You worked hard in the weeks following your fight with Joel to repair the distance that had grown between you. Despite the apparent signs of peacemaking, you still had a persistent sense of insecurity.
Then a new woman arrived in Jackson. She was closer to Joel's age, and you couldn't help but notice the easy connection that had developed between them. They spent a lot of time together, whether on patrol with Tommy or speaking in the common areas of Jackson.
You tried to ignore the jealousy that was bubbling up inside of you. After all, Joel had always been polite and accommodating to strangers, so there was no reason to suspect anything other than friendship between them.
But as the days went on and you saw Joel and the new woman form a stronger bond, your concern grew. You couldn't escape the nagging suspicion that there was something more between them—something that harmed the precious trust you'd worked so hard to build. 
On today's evening, as you watched Joel and the woman laugh from across the room, you felt a pang of jealousy. You excused yourself and withdrew from the privacy of your thoughts since you could no longer contain your feelings.
You were alone in the living room, struggling with opposite emotions. Part of you felt ashamed for doubting Joel and allowing jealousy to cloud your thinking. But another part of you couldn't help but feel sad and insecure as if you weren't enough for him; after all, it wasn't just you, him, and Ellie outdoors any longer, and here in Jackson, you weren't the last woman in the world.
As you sat alone in the living room, buried in your thoughts, the sound of steps broke your state of trance. Looking up, you noticed Ellie enter the home, looking bright and cheerful, until she spotted your teary eyes.
"Hey, I missed you at dinner in the bar," Ellie said, concern etching her features as she approached you. "Is everything okay?"
You tried to brush off her concern with a forced smile, but Ellie wasn't fooled. "Yeah, everything's fine," you replied, your voice betraying the turmoil within you.
But Ellie wasn't about to let it go that easily. She moved closer, her gaze searching yours with intensity. "No, it's not. What happened? Why are you crying?"
Your heart ached at the concern in Ellie's eyes, and despite your best efforts to hold back the tears, they continued to fall. "I...I don't know," you admitted, feeling the weight of your emotions pressing down on you. "I just...I don't know where Joel is."
Ellie's brow furrowed in confusion. "Joel? He's eating with Tommy and the new girl, why?"
You shook your head, unable to articulate the jumble of emotions swirling inside you. "I don't know," you repeated, feeling the tears threaten to overwhelm you once more. "I just...I need to talk to him."
Sensing the urgency in your voice, Ellie nodded in understanding. "Okay, let's go find him," she said, taking your hand and leading you out of the house.
As you followed Ellie towards the bar, your heart raced with fear and anticipation. You knew that whatever awaited you there, you couldn't continue to let your doubts and insecurities consume you.
Once inside the bar, you noticed Joel in the crowd, his gaze settling on yours with a warmth that shot an emotion through your chest. It was as if a magnetic force drew you closer together, despite any remaining doubts.
You moved across the crowded bar, Ellie's hand firmly clutched in yours, Joel's smile widening, and his gaze never leaving yours.
Finally reaching Joel's side, you felt a wave of relief sweep over you as he held you in his arms. The warmth of his hug swept away the residual frost of doubt, leaving you with an eager sense of calm and belonging.
"I missed you," Joel murmured, his voice soft as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"I missed you too," you whispered, your voice barely above a breath as you leaned into Joel's embrace, reveling in the familiar scent of his cologne and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
For a moment, the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only you and Joel locked in a tender embrace. It was as if time itself had slowed to a halt, allowing you to savor the precious moments you shared together.
As Joel pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, you felt a rush of emotion swell within you, a profound gratitude for the love and support he had always shown you.
As the tender moment between you and Joel lingered, a voice interrupted, pulling you back to the present. "Hey, Joel!" called out a cheerful voice, and you turned to see a woman approaching, a bright smile on her face.
Joel turned to face the stranger, his arm still wrapped over you protectively. "Oh, hey Rachel," he said, a warm smile on his face. "This is my girlfriend," he added, introducing you. Then he turned his face to introduce the stranger to you. "This is Rachel, and she is new to Jackson."
You smiled politely at Rachel, but a tinge of dread came over you as you watched how she drew in closer to Joel, her hand casually resting on his free arm. You repressed a jealous pang and pushed yourself to keep a friendly demeanor, even though your heart squeezed with uncertainty.
"It's nice to meet you, Rachel," you said, your voice solid despite the tumult inside you.
Rachel returned the welcome with a warm grin, and her eyes flickered with intrigue as she glanced. between you and Joel. "Likewise," she replied, her tone friendly but tinged with a hint of flirtation.
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As the night went on, you couldn't ignore the sense of unease that hung in the air. Despite your best efforts to ignore it, Rachel's lingering touches and seductive glances at Joel gnawed at your insides, stoking the jealousy that threatened to engulf you.
With each passing moment, it became more difficult to ignore Joel and Rachel's growing friendship. Their laughter and friendly banter got on your nerves, reminding you of the bond that they had.
You tried to ignore your misgivings and enjoy the evening with Joel, but insecurity weighed heavily on you. It felt like you were on the outside looking in, watching helplessly as Joel and Rachel got closer with each passing second.
Rachel's flirtations became more daring as the night progressed, her touches lingering a bit too long and her laughter provocative. Despite your best attempts to remain calm, the jealousy simmering beneath the surface threatened to explode.
You stole looks toward Joel, hoping to find reassurance in his eyes, but he seemed unaware of the impact Rachel's actions were having on you. It was as if she had enchanted him, consuming all of his attention.
You excused yourself from the table, unable to take the sight of Joel and Emily's flirtatious behavior any longer. You could understand, after all, that Joel was a handsome man who hadn't received this much attention since the world ended; yet, that didn't make it any less painful.
As you excused yourself from the table, a slew of feelings surged through you—pain, jealousy, and a deep sense of isolation. You longed for Joel's reassurance, his acknowledgment of the hurt that Rachel's behavior was causing you, but as you stole a glance at him, you saw only obliviousness in his gaze.
With a heavy heart, you moved away, your footsteps quietly echoing on the bar's hardwood floor. You felt Joel's stare on your back, but you couldn't force yourself to look into his eyes, scared of what you might find reflected there.
As you approached the edge of the room, you hesitated, your back facing Joel, struggling to find the perfect words. Finally, you spoke, hardly rising above a whisper. "I need some air," you remarked, your voice filled with anguish.
After a period of silence, you felt Joel's hand on your arm, warm and soothing. "Hey," he replied quietly, his voice full of concern. "Are you okay?"
You turned to face him, meeting his gaze with a mixture of longing and frustration. "I just...I need some time," you replied, your voice trembling slightly. "I'll be outside."
Joel's expression softened, and his eyes filled with understanding as he nodded in response. "I'll come find you," he promised, his voice gentle as he squeezed your hand.
But instead, as you walked towards the house, the weight of the evening's events bearing down on you, you felt Joel's presence beside you. His steps were quiet, but his presence was comforting, a silent reassurance that you were not alone in your pain.
"Hey," Joel said softly, his voice breaking the silence between you. "I'm sorry about back there. I didn't realize... I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."
You glanced sideways at Joel, the warmth of his gaze softening the edges of your frustration. "It's not your fault," you replied, your voice tinged with sadness. "I know you didn't mean to."
Joel fell into a step beside you, his hand reaching out to brush against yours. "I just want you to know that you're the only one for me," he said earnestly, his voice filled with sincerity. "No one else matters, not like you do."
“You could have told her about it,” you said, frustration edging into your tone.
Joel's expression faltered slightly at your words, a hint of defensiveness flickering in his eyes. "I didn't think it was necessary," he replied, his tone tinged with irritation. "I didn't want to embarrass her or make things awkward."
You felt a surge of frustration rising within you, the sting of jealousy and insecurity reigniting in your chest. "But by not saying anything, you made me feel like my feelings didn't matter," you countered, your voice tinged with hurt. "You made me doubt myself; doubt us."
Joel sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice strained. "I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I just didn't know how to handle the situation."
The tension between you hung heavy in the air, the weight of unspoken words and unresolved emotions pressing down on both of you. You wanted to believe Joel's assurances of love and devotion, but the lingering doubts and insecurities threatened to cloud your judgment.
"I need to rest," you said, changing the subject, your voice steady but tinged with sadness. "Tomorrow, we need to get up early for the patrol.”
“Actually, I’m not coming with you,” he said carefully.
“What? Why?”
“I’ll promise Rachel to...“
The air crackled with tension as Joel's words hung between you, his admission weighing heavily on your heart. Anger flared within you, fueled by hurt and betrayal.
"Why?" you demanded, your voice laced with frustration and disappointment. "Why would you choose her over me?
Joel's expression softened, and his eyes filled with regret. "I’m not choosing her over you; I would never do that," he replied, his voice tinged with guilt. "I didn't realize it would upset you."
You shook your head, unable to hide your frustration. "You should have talked to me about it first," you said, your voice trembling with emotion. "You should have considered my feelings."
With a heavy heart, you turned away from Joel, the ache of disappointment echoing within you. As you retreated into the solitude of your thoughts, you couldn't help but wonder if your relationship could withstand this latest test or if it was destined to crumble beneath the weight of unresolved conflicts and broken promises.
“You’re sleeping on the couch tonight!” you exclaimed as you kept walking.
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The next morning dawned with a strong sense of tension in the air, the previous night's events still fresh in your mind. As you awoke from your sleep and began to prepare for the day ahead, the pain of disappointment and deceit chewed at your heart, casting a shadow on the early sun.
With a heavy sigh, you pushed aside any remaining doubts and concerns, determined to focus on the task at hand. As you approached the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, a soothing reminder of Joel's presence.
You discovered him standing by the counter, holding a warm mug of coffee, and preparing a second cup for you. His expression was solemn.
His eyes were downcast, as if weighted down by the events of the night before.
"Morning, angel," he said, his voice tinged with regret, as he gave you the mug. "I made some coffee."
“Thank you, but I’m leaving,” you replied, shortly walking towards the door.
"Angel, wait," Joel called out, his voice pleading as he reached out to gently grasp your arm, halting your departure. His touch was warm against your skin, a silent plea for you to stay and hear him out.
You hesitated, torn between the desire to escape the tension that hung between you and the longing to resolve the issues that had driven a wedge between you and Joel. With a heavy sigh, you turned to face him, the weight of uncertainty pressing down on you like a leaden blanket.
“Take care; you know your safety is the most important thing for me,” he reassured, meeting your sad gaze.
"What a shame you're not going to be there to protect me," you replied bitterly, unable to mask the hurt in your voice. The words spilled out before you could stop them, a reflection of the pain and frustration that churned within you.
Joel's expression softened; his eyes filled with remorse as he reached out to gently cup your cheek.
Joel closed the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a tender kiss filled with longing and remorse. It was a silent reassurance of his love and commitment, a promise to mend the wounds that had been inflicted upon your relationship.
As the kiss lingered, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, the weight of uncertainty lifting ever so slightly from your shoulders. Despite the pain and hurt, you knew that Joel was sincere in his desire to make things right, and you were willing to give him another chance.
Pulling away, Joel met your gaze with a mixture of regret and determination. "We'll talk when you get back," he said softly, his voice filled with resolve. "I'll be here waiting for you, ready to make things right."
With a nod of agreement, you returned Joel's gaze, a silent acknowledgment of your shared commitment to each other.
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As you and Tommy ventured out on patrol, the rhythm of your footsteps echoed against the deserted streets of Jackson. The tension that had weighed heavily on you began to ease slightly, replaced by a sense of purpose as you focused on the task at hand.
"So, what happened between you and Joel?" Tommy asked, breaking the silence that had settled between you. His voice was filled with concern, and his eyes were studying your expression carefully.
You sighed, the events of the previous night still fresh in your mind. "We had an argument," you admitted reluctantly, the words heavy on your tongue. "I just don't know how to trust him again."
Tommy nodded in understanding, his expression sympathetic. "I get it," he said softly. "But you have to remember, Joel cares about you more than anything. He'd do anything to protect you, even if he doesn't always show it the right way."
You mulled over Tommy's words, the weight of his reassurance providing some measure of comfort amidst the uncertainty that plagued you. Despite the doubts that lingered in your mind, you knew that, deep down, Joel's intentions were genuine and his love for you was unwavering.
"I know," you replied, a sense of resolve creeping into your voice. "I just need to figure things out."
Tommy placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, his gaze filled with empathy. "You will," he said confidently. "And when you do, Joel will be right there waiting for you, ready to make things right."
With a nod of gratitude, you continued on your patrol, the weight of uncertainty still heavy on your shoulders but with a glimmer of hope shining through the darkness. As you walked, you couldn't help but feel grateful for Tommy's support and reassurance, knowing that with his guidance and the strength of your bond with Joel, you would find a way to navigate the challenges that lay ahead.
“Of course, you will say nice things about your stupid brother,” you joked.
Tommy chuckled at your jest, the sound carrying through the quiet streets as you continued on your patrol. "Hey, he may be stubborn and thick-headed sometimes, but Joel's got a good heart," he said with a grin. "And he cares about you more than anything."
You couldn't help but smile at Tommy's words, grateful for his unwavering support and his ability to see the best in Joel, even in the midst of conflict. "Thanks, Tommy," you said sincerely, the weight of uncertainty lifting ever so slightly from your shoulders. "I appreciate it."
Tommy nodded in response, his expression filled with understanding. "Anytime," he replied, his voice laced with warmth. "We're family, after all. And family sticks together, no matter what."
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As you and Tommy continued your patrol around Jackson, everything was eerily quiet, with the only sound being the subtle crunch of gravel beneath your feet. The weight of insecurity lingered in the air, but you pressed on, determined to do your job and safeguard your town.
A group of people appeared from the shadows unexpectedly, their faces hidden by the night's darkness. Your heart jumped into your throat as you understood the danger that was immediately surrounding you.
You weren't a weak person; in fact, people considered you a powerful fighter, always merciless when it was required and determined to save the ones you cared about, so your instincts kicked in and your senses heightened as adrenaline flowed through veins. Despite the suddenness of the attack, you maintained your composure, guided by your training and expertise.
Until one of them grabbed you and pinned you down, your heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. You struggled against their hold, every muscle in your body tensing as you fought to break free. Despite the adrenaline coursing through your veins, the grip of your assailant remained firm, their strength overpowering.
With a surge of desperation, you summoned all your strength and training, channeling it into a fierce struggle to break free. Your mind raced with thoughts of escape, of finding a way to overcome this unexpected obstacle and emerge victorious.
Beside you, Tommy fought valiantly against the other attackers, his determination matching your own as he defended against the onslaught. Though outnumbered and caught off guard, you refused to give in, clinging to the hope that help would soon arrive.
“So, you’re Joel’s Miller girl,” a feminine voice said.
The voice cut through the chaos, freezing you momentarily as you tried to recognize the mocking tone. Despite the tense situation, a surge of anger flared within you at the mention of Joel's name. You refused to let fear or intimidation weaken your resolve.
With renewed determination, you continued to struggle against your assailant's hold, your mind racing with thoughts of escape and survival. Every fiber of your being was focused on breaking free and finding a way to overcome this threat and protect yourself and Tommy.
“Tommy!” you exclaimed, worry creeping up with you.
“I’m fine!” he reassured back.
“What do you want?” You asked the girl, who is now in front of you.
The girl smirked, her eyes filled with venom as she peered down at you, pinned under her. "What do I want?" she said, her voice full of scorn. "I'd like to send a message to your dear Joel. I want him to understand that no one is safe, including his girl."
Her statements enraged your fury, but you kept calm, refusing to show any signs of weakness in the face of her remarks. "And what message would that be?" you asked, your voice steady despite what was occurring.
As she drew in closer, the girl's smirk deepened, and her eyes took on a malicious glitter. "The message is simple," she stated, her voice low and frightening. "I will take away what he loves.
the most from him, as he did with me.”
“What?” but before you could even realize what was happening, you felt a sharp pain through your abdomen.
The sharp pain ripped through your abdomen, stealing the breath from your lungs as you gasped in shock. A guttural cry of agony escaped your lips as you felt blood seeping from the wound, staining your clothes crimson.
The girl's cruel laughter echoed in your ears as she withdrew the weapon, a twisted smirk of satisfaction twisting her features. "That's the message," she said coldly, her voice dripping with malice.
You didn’t want to die here without seeing the smiles of the people you loved.
Your vision blurred as waves of pain washed over you, threatening to drag you into unconsciousness. Through the haze of agony, you fought to stay conscious, your thoughts consumed by a desperate need to survive, to make it back to Joel, to warn him of the danger that now threatened you both.
“Hey, stay with me. I’m taking you to Jackson,” Tommy said desperately, but his voice was just an echo at this time.
The world seemed to spin around you as you fought to hold onto consciousness, Tommy's voice barely registering amidst the haze of pain and confusion. Every fiber of your being screamed in agony, but you refused to succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume you.
With a herculean effort, you summoned whatever strength remained within you, clinging to Tommy's words like a lifeline. Through sheer force of will, you forced your eyes to focus, locking onto Tommy's determined gaze as he lifted you into his arms.
The journey back to Jackson was a blur of agony and desperation, with each step sending waves of pain coursing through your battered body. But with every labored breath, you clung to the hope that burned within you—a determination to survive and protect those you loved.
As the walls of Jackson loomed into view, relief flooded through you, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness. With Tommy's unwavering support, you stumbled towards safety, with the promise of medical aid and the comfort of Joel's embrace urging you forward.
As you were carried through the gates of Jackson, the weight of exhaustion and pain threatened to overwhelm you.
Tommy stepped into Jackson's doors, crying out for help as you lay practically still in his arms. The wound in your stomach was major, and he couldn't shake the thought that you would die as a result of his inability to protect you.
As Tommy stormed through the doors of Jackson, his voice buzzing with desperation, terror spread throughout the neighborhoods. People turned their heads, concerned expressions on their faces, as they saw you almost unresponsive in his arms, crimson blood covering the clothes you were wearing.
A crowd swiftly gathered around Tommy, their alarming murmuring filling the air. Tommy ignored them, focusing entirely on getting you the help you so desperately needed.
As Tommy went towards the improvised infirmary, frantic yells sounded out, requesting the medical attention they had here. His steps were heavy with guilt, and each instant seemed to last forever as he feared the worst.
Finally, the infirmary doors swung open, and a team of medics led by Jackson hurried forward to take you from Tommy's arms. They worked fast and effectively, their expressions serious as they assessed the seriousness of your injury. 
Tommy stood back, his hands quivering with terror and remorse, as he saw the doctor rush into action. He couldn't shake the notion that your condition was a result of his failing to safeguard you from harm.
Joel's heart was tight with fear when he saw a commotion near the infirmary. Without hesitation, he raced towards the crowd, his instincts screaming for him to get to you as soon as possible.
Joel's heart raced in his chest as he pushed his way through the crowd, finally arriving at the infirmary entrance. He saw you, pale and frail, in the arms of the doctors, your life hanging in limbo.
Joel moved forward without hesitation, arms outstretched, reaching for you. "No," he murmured hoarsely, terror and desperation evident in his tone. "Please, don't let her die."
The medics stepped aside, allowing Joel to take you into his arms. As he held you close, he could feel the warmth of your body against his, but it was too still, too fragile. Tears welled in his eyes as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, silently praying for your recovery.
“Hey, angel,” he murmured, finding strength in his voice. “Open those beautiful eyes of yours for me, baby, okay? Please, do it!” He continued sobbing as he caressed your hair. “I can lose everything, but not you... Oh god, not you, please?”
Joel kept holding you in his arms, preventing you from going away from him, and you could feel his touch, his care, and his voice pleading with you to stay with him. You wanted that, you wanted so bad, but the strength was dying inside you, and everything you ever knew went black.
You became a lifeless frame in the arms of your biggest love. When you stopped breathing, Joel’s heart stopped beating because, as if it was glass, it shattered.
The look of the doctor and the face of Tommy told them the truth he didn’t want to acknowledge, confirming the unthinkable: you were gone. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as Joel's world shattered around him. He clung to your lifeless form, his body racked with sobs as he struggled to comprehend the enormity of his loss.
"No, no, please," Joel choked out, his voice breaking with grief as he held you close, unwilling to accept the truth of what had just happened. Tears streamed down his cheeks unchecked, his sobs echoing in the silence of the infirmary.
For a moment, time stood still as Joel clung to you, unwilling to let go and unwilling to accept that you were gone. The world around him blurred, and the pain in his heart was too overwhelming to bear.
But as the reality of your loss settled over him, Joel's grief turned to rage, a primal, consuming fury that burned through him like wildfire. With a guttural cry of anguish, he cradled you in his arms, his body trembling with the force of his emotions.
In that moment, Joel felt as if his world had come crashing down around him, leaving nothing but darkness and despair in its wake. He had lost everything—the love of his life, his reason for living, his angel.
And as he held you close, his heart shattered into a million pieces, each one a painful reminder of the love he had lost and the life that had been snuffed out too soon. For Joel, the world had ceased to exist, consumed by the gaping void left in the wake of your passing.
He was never going to kiss you again; he was never going to hold you close at night or wake up to your smile in the morning. The future he had imagined, filled with laughter and love, now lay shattered at his feet.
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A few hours later, Joel woke up in your shared bed, and you were sleeping next to him.
Joel's hand extended out to touch you, and a sense of warmth and comfort came over him. For a little while, he felt the smoothness of your skin beneath his fingertips and the rise and fall of your chest as you breathed peacefully beside him.
But then reality slammed back in like a tidal wave, yanking him from his comfortable state of sleep. His hand gripped the empty air, his fingers wrapping around nothing but chilly emptiness.
Joel's eyes opened abruptly, and he found himself lying in the dimly lit space, alone in the bed that had previously accommodated both of you. The ache in his chest returned with vengeance, a searing pang of anguish piercing his heart as he realized you were no longer alongside him.
Joel let out a deep sigh as he ran his hand through his hair, the memories of the dream still fresh in his mind. It felt so genuine and so vivid that, for a brief minute, he believed you were still alive and with him.
You were gone, taken from him in a cruel twist of fate, and no amount of dreaming could bring you back to him.
It's been a week, and he didn't attend your funeral because he was unable to accept that you were no longer alive.
Until today, when he stepped out of the house, which was surrounded by the flowers that some members of the community had left for you, and walked to your graveyard.
As Joel approached your graveyard, he felt an enormous burden settle over him—the weight of grief and loss that had been his constant companion in the days since your death. The walk appeared longer than it had ever been, with each step weighed down by the weight of his grief.
As he reached the grave, Joel's heart tightened with agony and need. The sight of the newly turned earth and the plain headstone traced your name as if it were your face. Joel's heart tightened with agony and need. The sight of freshly churned ground, with a simple monument marking your final resting place, acted as a sharp reminder of your absence.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you; I'm sorry I couldn't save you."
Tears welled in Joel's eyes as he laid a bouquet of flowers at the foot of the headstone, each bloom a silent tribute to the love and loss he felt in his heart. The scent of the flowers mingled with the earthy aroma of the graveyard, a poignant reminder of the fleeting beauty of life and the inevitability of death.
Joel's voice quivered as he spoke, every word heavy with the weight of his despair and sorrow. He kneeled near the grave, his hand resting on the cool surface of the headstone, seeking comfort in the memory of your love.
"I want you to know that it was never me who protected you, but you who protected me," Joel said quietly, his words barely audible above the delicate murmur of the wind through the trees. "You were always the one who gave me strength, who showed me what it meant to love and to be loved."
As Joel spoke, tears streamed down his cheeks, revealing his real and unadulterated grief. At that time, surrounded by the serene tranquility of the graveyard, he felt profound loss, a yawning void that could never be filled.
"But now you're gone," Joel added, his voice breaking with sadness. "And I do not know how to go on without you."
Joel rose to his feet after one final long glance at the headstone, a sensation of purpose coming over him. He may have lost you, but he promised to always carry your love with him, to respect your memory in all he did, and to find a way to move forward, even in the face of his greatest pain.
You were always in every star shining above, in the sky.
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He was back in the dimly lit room, with the weight of the grief still over his shoulders, and with trembling hands, he reached for the small camera you had traded, his fingers tracing the familiar contours of the device.
As he turned it on, the screen flickered to life, illuminating the darkness with a soft glow. And there, displayed before him, was the image he had captured of your sleeping, your peaceful expression a bittersweet reminder of how simply you could make him happy.
With a heavy heart, Joel reached out, his fingertips gently tracing the patterns of your face on the screen. It was as if he could feel your presence beside him.
Tears welled in Joel's eyes as he lingered on the image, his heart aching with longing for the touch he could no longer feel. But in that moment, surrounded by memories of you, he found a glimmer of solace, a reminder that though you were gone, your love would always remain.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 2 months
Okay, this is not without a point, but (screenshot):
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(A post and reblog which read: Nonbinary legit means outside established gender ideas yet you racist, transmisogynist, otherwise bioessentialist assholes keep bothering amab nb people because you think theyre too masc or whatever to be nb. Hey newsflash not all nb people are androgynous-femme white stick thin transmascs with undercuts - and - We're never making it out cisheteropatriarchy without you analyzing your beliefs on who is trans or nb enough)
If you think "transmasc" is the default nonbinary person or even considered to be the default nonbinary person, perhaps you haven't unlearned your bioessentialism either. And like, sure, maybe they don't think that way and meant "afab nonbinary person" by "transmasc nonbinary person", which is itself bioessentialist as those aren't equivalent in either direction (there's plenty of amab transmasc and afab non-transmasc nonbinary people), but the specific issue they're talking about (being perceived as too masc to be nonbinary) actually very specifically prominently affects transmascs as well.
It's almost as if your sex OR gender OR presentation being perceived as too masc can cause this, and also that trans people's AGAB (especially transitioning and intersex trans' peoples AGAB) can be misread by other trans people. Like do you think that all AMAB nonbinary people face this forever, or could this perhaps have a whole lot to do with passing as binary and AMAB people who transition and pass as cis women might in fact face this less than AFAB people who transition and pass as cis men? Never mind that this affects people who are androgenous in an additive way (tits and a beard, as an example) rather than a subtractive way (neither masc nor femme characteristics).
I'd also wonder about how they seem to be conflating "nonbinary" with "nontransitioning" in the way they describe the theoretical standard "femme androgenous transmasc" nonbinary person and think that AMAB nonbinary experiences are somehow universal.
Like, newsflash, anyone who appears masc enough gets hit with the essentialist (bio AND gender) antimasculinity that is such a problem in the queer community. Anyone who appears femme enough typically doesn't, though there are always exceptions. This includes presentation, perceived sex, and perceived gender. Butch trans people in general also face this regardless of gender.
Also this is bothering me especially so. AFAB≠transmasc. AMAB≠transfem. AFAB transfems and AMAB transmascs exist. Nonbinary people who aren't transfem OR transmasc, or who are both, exist. Transmasc/transfem as a new binary just excludes the majority of nonbinary people, because not all nonbinary people are "masc" or "femme" and in fact that's kinda the whole point of nonbinary as a gender category, not JUST that most nonbinary people aren't "men" (only*) or "women" (only*)
*because multigender people who experience binary genders are also just as nonbinary as any other nonbinary person
But (screenshot):
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(A comment marked as by the original poster which reads: Transandrophobia believers don't rb this btw. heart emoji I'm late but whatever)
Ah, right, you haven't unlearned your bioessentialism. You seem to think only AMAB nonbinary people face exorsexism, or perhaps you don't even understand that exorsexism is a specific type of transphobia to nonbinary people and think AFAB nonbinary people "only" face transphobia. And I shudder to imagine your opinions on intersex trans people in general.
"Transandrophobia believers" like sorry not sorry I actually believe that transmascs face specific targeted transphobia and that transfems aren't the most oppressed, and also that all trans people can experience any type of specific transphobia and that bigots who famously don't respect trans people's internal identity and infamously can't "always tell" don't choose to be bigoted based on either your ontological identity or your physical sex. It's almost like I base my understanding of oppression on actual material experience and not just what I want to be true so I can pretend I'm punching up at vulnerable people in my community
Also wtf (screenshot):
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(A comment marked as by the original poster which reads: Proshippers also don't rb i fucking hate you all)
Like not surprised this person has dogshit views lacking any critical analysis whatsoever but honey sweetie baby pie this is just sad
Anyway take your own advice and analyze your own beliefs on who is trans or nonbinary enough and also unlearn your own bioessentialism because simply saying "only AMAB trans people face more than basic transphobia and are the most oppressed" is bog standard gender essentialism and bioessentialism, and in fact treating all AMAB trans people as transfem or transfem adjacent is WILDLY exorsexist and misgendering a WHOLE lot of nonbinary people
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ahungeringknife · 3 months
Let's talk about Aspec characters and relationships!
I'm aroace. I write a lot of characters who are aspec in some way. I have a lot of aspec friends. And this is why your aspec character is driving me crazy. There's also sex talk in here so if you're not mature enough to handle it please scroll past.
Edit: Allos also should reblog this if you found it helpful.
First lets get some terms right:
Aromantic (aro) and Asexual (ace) are two distinct things. Aroace means you're both aromantic and asexual at the same time. It is generally referred to as 'aspec' (aro/ace spectrum) when you fall on one or both spectrums. If you are not aspec you are allosexual/alloromantic (allo). It just means someone who isn't ace or aro. You can also be aroallo or aceallo (aromantic allosexual, asexual alloromantic). All these terms are neutral and not used in derogatory ways similar to trans/cis. It's a descriptive word not a put down.
Now about those characters and their relationships. Because that is the most :))))) to me as an aroace is when people just don't know how to handle an aspec character. Usually because they're allo. But that's okay you probably don't know and we're all here to learn from each other. Here's some things to consider when you want to make or write an aspec person.
Ace's do sometimes have sex. They just aren't motivated by sex. That's it.
Along with sex your ace character may also masturbate and feel good being touched. They also might only like touching themselves and hate when other people do it. They usually also know when someone is hot/sexy and will comment on it. Finding someone sexy =/= we want to fuck them. Thinking someone is hot =/= we want to fuck them. We're still human. We know what a hot human looks like. Your ace character might be attracted to someone's appearance aesthetically but have no interest in their bits. Your ace character might fall in love with the most beautiful person in your story and never show any interest of wanting to bed them.
They can have boyfriends/girlfriends/romantic partners they do or don't have sex with. But they can be anywhere on the spectrum of sex repulsive, to sex positive, to absolute sex hound. Some of the horniest people you know are probably ace. Some of the horniest people I know are ace, and I have a lot of ace friends.
And we're not all virgins. Some ace's had sex and realized 'nah fam. Didn't do it for me' and never did it again. Others are virgins and have no intention ever of having sex. Others are virgins but don't care either way? It just hasn't happened. Others enjoy sex with their partners. Some are parents! You can be ace and had enough sex to procreate. Some also think sex is icky or it squicks them out. Some might be squicked out at the thought of sex with another person but they're fine looking at porn or doing it themselves. There is a wide range of what asexuals are into just like allos.
Aros also sometimes do the sex. They are not motivated by romance. That's it.
That being said your aro character can have a boyfriend/girlfriend/partner and it can be 'romantic'. It doesn't have to be a queer platonic relationship. Your aro character also might not want to be in a relationship at all. It is not weird for your aro character to call their partner their partner or bf/gf or if they're married their husband/wife.
Aro people do not get butterflies. They don't really get flustered around people they like. There's no spark. And they don't feel that romantic attraction allos do when they meet someone and fall in love with them. I've found that aro people are also terrible at flirting or picking up flirting cues. At least in my own personal experience when it took my aro ass 3 years to realize some girl was flirting with me and I just thought she was being nice to me. Take the 'useless lesbian' trope and take it to 11. We just don't know. Aro people also know when other people are hot. Just like aces just because we're aro doesn't mean we don't know a baddy when we see one. We just probably won't realize said baddy is flirting with us...
Aro character still love. They love their family, they love their friends, they love their partners. And it's all real love. The love is still there. Aro characters also probably know what they should do to mimic being in love. Even if we don't love someone more than platonically they may still do the things romantic partners do with their partner. Some don't! And that's fine too. Sometimes you're boyfriends and you share the same bed with him, and sometimes your girlfriend is just your roommate. Both are totally valid aro relationships. Maybe your character kisses their partner passionately and they like it, or they might only kiss during sex, or they might not kiss on the mouth. All valid and correct, still no romo. Kissing =/= romance for aros. Sex =/=romance for aros.
Aroace characters do all those things! At once! They can do the sex, and the boyfriend/girlfriend/partner and loving their friends. They just are not motivated by sex or romance. Kissing =/= sexual attraction. Sex =/= romantic love.
Being aspec is looking at the most beautiful and delicious cake in the world and going 'neat, cake' and walking away not even wondering what it tastes like, not even for a second considering having a bite. It's a cake. Neat. You are not motivated by cake. You don't even really care about cake. It's nice that other people fucking loooooooove cake but it's just not for you.
We also know what love is supposed to be like, what a 'healthy sexual' relationship should feel like. It's everywhere. All around us. Constantly. It's also sometimes fucking exhausting! It's why some aspec people can be a bit agro. We get it you're in love/got a new partner/are sleeping with someone/really sexually attracted to this person/keep spamming us with your celeb thirst pics/etc. It does get tiring sometimes. We don't care about the cake and sometimes listening to you talk about the cake drives us crazy. Consider that too when writing aspec characters. Sometimes their friends and their cakes are annoying no matter how much they love them platonically or romantically.
Anyway just some things to consider for your aspec OCs from an older aroace. Should be said aspec is a wide spectrum and I'm drawing on my own experience as an aroace with aspec friends, and my writing of those characters. If you have more questions about writing characters on this spectrum feel free to ask!
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
The post about "we need feminism because there's a men's rights movement in LGBT" is from radfems. "Baeddelations" has a pinned post about being a baeddel, "men's rights" in this context pretty much means trans men speaking about being trans men. (I'm not denying issues in the community but I know you've wanted it pointing out when you've missed dogwhistles before, and the post is all very thinly veilled references.)
I did some looking into this, because I was not familiar with the term "baeddel."For anyone else who didn't know: It's an Old English word generally meaning "effeminate or castrated man" as far as I can tell, and some transfem people adopted it primarily back in the 2010s (although some still use it, like the user in question). Baeddels in the modern sense claim to focus on transmisogyny and trans women's issues...but as you say, some can lapse into prejudice against trans men. To the point where, while it doesn't seem like they ALL hold that view, it has become one of the most prominent things about the movement. Kind of like radfems and transphobia. The poster in question seemed, when I looked through their blog, to come down in the middle- there were some comments that raised my eyebrows, but not as extreme as things I saw on other blogs.
I went back and forth about what to do re: the post in question, though. Because I don't want to be associated with hatred of trans men, since. You know. I don't hate trans men. However, I do feel that the modern left, and even the LGBT community, believes misogyny has been fixed and refuses to examine the undercurrents thereof that women in these circles still struggle with.
(Trans men can be misogynistic. NB people can be misogynistic. Anyone can be misogynistic, and the community letting misogynistic people off the hook because they're not cis men, or the expectation thereof, is a real issue that I have witnessed/experienced IRL. Shoutout to the trans guy who insisted I let him do everything for me out in public, and got mad when I didn't want to, because it "made him feel more masculine" so I should apparently just shut up and act helpless, for example.)
(There's also been a lot of "not all men" going around in response to women expressing frustration with the bullshit we face for our gender, which is like. Come on. I thought we all figured out in the 2010s that no-one sensible is talking about LITERALLY all men; we just shouldn't be expected to water down our anger to make men comfortable. Tacking "but what about trans men?" onto that doesn't negate the entire rest of the conversation.)
I disagree that the post is "all thinly veiled references" because it looks like most people reblogging it are like me- folks who aren't familiar with that term but feel that there's a still a misogyny issue in progressive and queer spaces. However, because of the association with a specific movement I am not part of and largely disagree with an apparent key point of, I will be deleting it.
Do not mistake this for me recanting my personal sentiments on the matter. There is a misogyny problem in my community, because the misogyny problem in broader society remains. Trans men and NB people are not exempt from being misogynistic. This needs to be talked about, and it is deeply frustrating to me as a queer woman.
Do I even have to say "this is not for t*rfs?" Well, just in case, it is Not. Fuck off.
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zeno-zero · 17 days
Avatar's sexuality + gender headcanons:
What motivates me by making this is all thanks to this post! (<- love you op /p). I'll be sharing my own headcanons for all these avatars (excluding Salai, and Gun unfortunately - I don't know these guys that very well despite I already explored their wiki a couple of times TvT). However, there are some headcanons that doesn't exactly revolves around their sexuality and gender, and there could be spoilers as well. So beware of that!!
You can even share yours in reblogs or comment under my post! Happy pride month guys!! <3
Cis-male, He/Him/His
Bi, on the aro-spec (demiromantic)
Formed a beautiful, emotional bond with Jaya. Despite how different they are in personality departments, Wan has always adored him but has a hard time expressing his endearment towards him [Jaya relates as well].
In their short reunion, when they haven't seen each other for 2 years - Wan stiffened when Jaya hugs him tightly, he grins widely while a red blush slowly creeps in across his face.
They never get to spend time with each other as they used to though. Grief struck him greatly when he starts to bargain, there was so much time yet there's little he can do. There was once a man he knew, loved adored. Now, he was nowhere to be seen.
While he does enjoy each company from different genders, he couldn't let his walls down and be completely vulnerable towards them. The slightest attraction is immediately met with suppression, leading the other party be confused towards his nervous and timid demeanor.
He would rather die alone than dragging someone with him in this war he has to fight against. He still hasn't accept that the fact Jaya is gone because of him, because he couldn't save them all in time.
Demiboy, He/Him/His
Pan, on the ace-spec (apothisexual)
Known in front of the public's eye for being such a honest man, there are some things he always kept to himself that he couldn't bring those to let it be exposed [he finds it quite embarrassing].
His relationship with Firelord Yosor has always been strictly professional but there were also some unresolved romantic tension between them both, in rare occasions, Szeto would have his clipboard be pressed against his lips nervously while standing close to Yosor, who would rub the back of his neck shyly.
When subtly asking if he ever wants to be in a romantic relationship, he'll respond; "I'll consider it, sure. I wouldn't mind to be with someone who loves me just as I love them as well." with a tiny smile.
..Which is all up for interpretation since he never specified whether his romantic interest can be a man or woman [although, rumor says that the relationship between him and Fire Lord Yosor are so much more, then meets the eye].
But with a well crafted image, and story - he is intriguing as he is mysterious in a way. People can theorize all they want but what they all had in an agreement is that his literature is fantastic.
Cis-female, She/Her/Hers
AroAce (spectrum)
(I am unfortunately not that knowledge about her, so forgive me if all of these are mischaracterizations ToT) While yes, finding Kavik, well, indeed quite attractive - there wasn't a time or the right place to tell him that she loves him.
Uncertainty has always choke her, never the one to be keen in relationships. The thought of being one doesn't disgust her but she couldn't prioritize it, especially her position has people always constantly need her attention.
But Kavik? Her future is unknown, there could be a hassle after a hassle for all she knows but him being in hers - him being there for every step she takes? Him for supporting her on? Him to always have her bring up to her feet?
It would be really lovely, endearing even.
Similarly like Szeto's case, its all up for interpretation. The world only know her as a holy figure, this divine and graceful avatar - Kavik knew the real her. They're the only ones who knew what's their relationship heading towards to, even if it takes so much patience and trust to rebuild again.
Cis-male, He/Him/His
Bi, female lean
Actually, he's quite unsure of himself if he's even bisexual if you considered his up-bringings. However, he does travel and not only learn about the elements but even their culture differences. It took a long time for his mindset to reboot (although the internalized homphobia definitely left a huge impact on him).
But due to his fights against the spirits, spiraling himself in depression, and never has the time to find peace in his later life - not only this dude struggle a lot with his image but can't seem for the life of him if he actually likes men or not. It is left with "I enjoy the company." statement.
He is supportive and understanding of Ummi, who comes out to him as trans (mtf) before they could start dating and held the same love to her as before.
He was about to leave the past behind him, and start a new one with Ummi - he was gonna be grateful, he was gonna be better not only as a man but as the Avatar as well.. He relapsed once she's stripped away from his life, and couldn't be returned back.
He couldn't hug her and lift her off her feet to spin her around happily. So every once in a while, he gets comforted and be embraced by Yangchen who witnessed it all but she couldn't remove the pain that Kuruk still has deep down inside.
Cis-female, she/her/hers
Bi (canonly), on the ace-spec (demisexual)
(I am not interested in Kyoshi at all, so again with the apology - theres gonna be mischaracterizations 😭) Because of the way she's treated especially while growing up, she never thought she could be loved by someone romantically. I mean, who would love a servant?
At least, not until Yun and Rangi comes to the picture..
And her life as a content servant who wanted to live comfortably morphs into as an Avatar she didn't want to become! Huzzah! /hj <- okay but there was never a day she thought she could be dating someone who not only wishes happiness only for her, not the avatar, but is willing to be by her side no matter what.
She loves Rangi with all of her heart but a part of it wishes that Yun didn't turn out the way he is. She always often visit his grave, and contemplates that things could've been different - there were so many what ifs, there were so many choices that could've been carefully chosen.. She always bring flowers with her, and place it on his grave everytime. She still held love for someone she lost.
In her later life, where Rangi couldn't keep up with her. Kyoshi is there to kiss her knuckles softly, tears rolling down across her face. She is her purpose to keep on living yet she's slowly dying in front of her. She'd spent the rest of her life, thinking about her constantly. Reminiscing the past she has with her. When Koko slowly adapts to become her daughter - she would tell her stories about her and Rangi which makes Koko fully believed that Rangi is her mother as well, just like Kyoshi is towards her.
Transman, he/him/his
Struggled a lot with gender dysphoria (doesn't help the fact his mind is plague by self-doubts). However, his parents were kind towards him, and doesn't dismiss it as "You're just a kid, it will pass." letting him dress himself masculine, which he finds himself most comfortable in. His journey to become a young man is easy, and its all thanks to his loving parents who were ready to lend an ear to listen carefully about his personal thoughts and doing the best they can to help him (the projection is crazy).
He comes out to Sozin about it, and Sozin is happy for him. Although, he did find it difficult at first since its a new change and there were a couple of accidental slip-ups - its good enough to know that Sozin actually wants Roku to be really comfortable within himself.
But because he is also a young lad, there was too much unresolved romantic tension between them both. The deja vu is insane, at least, for Szeto (who had to keep himself in check everytime Roku is oblivious towards Sozin's flirty tendencies. He was suffering every second of it).
While traveling, and understanding culture differences to not only enhance his bending - he had some couple of hook ups there, and there. Letting himself relax a bit, and savor the moment as he is gently taken care of (mind you, this headcannon alone is coming from someone who is aegosexual lol!!)
Coming back home, with his no-longer low self-esteem - able to finally ask Ta Min out, to which Ta Min agrees ecstatically. Those months of dating each other, Ta Min is the first one to propose and Roku accepts it with a delighted, tearful face. Both partners are fortunate, and proud to be each other's wife and husband.
But oh my gosh, the unresolved romantic tension he had with Sozin is finally resolved when Roku realized that Sozin is down bad for him. That their entire situationship is the sole reason why the 100 year old war started. /j okay, but after everything Roku gone through, he couldn't help but maybe, just maybe, he pondered that there could've been at least another situation where he and Sozin ended in good terms. Firmly gripping the once artifact that is dear to him, is meaningless in Sozin's behalf.
I can't do Aang, and Korra. The headcanons are already established by the canon sources.. So, I'm so sorry for those who are Aang and Korra enjoyers 💔 There is always next time if I can actually think uniquely. Also, this is so LONG oh my gosh 😭😭😭
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whitefoxgirl · 10 months
🦊Culture Shock🐰 A Jungkook Series - Episode 5: Television/Shows (Ft. Yoongi) (+ mini scenario)
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Summary: Jungkook starts a podcast with his best friend who is a foreigner to discuss different topics they were shocked culturally about.
Author's Note: Hello my beautiful readers! I GOT A JOB! WOOOOOO!!! I manifested this!
Author's Note PS: If you'd like to be tagged, interact with this. I am tagging people who reblog, but if you wish to be tagged comment or simply reblog and I will add you! If you see your name in red, I was unable to tag you for some reason, so for that I do apologize.
Pairing: Jungkook x BFF!Reader (not dating, just two best friends)
Fandom: BTS
Warnings: Mentions of sex, cringy, full of crack moments.
Genre: Fluff, crack.
Word Count: 5.3k
Taglist: @7ndipity; @yoongimentita7; @ancoraesisto; @lovemeforeternity; @hrtss4jk; @ellelabelle; @fullpaperperfection; @minpdrecs; @chaconnelatte; @myemmap; @4ev3rdarkarti5t; @hushbabesblog; @drop-dead-yulisa; @bubbletae-1e; @alylista; @jarenpolitovari
🡸 Previous episode
🦊: *bumps into the mic* Oop! *in between chuckles* Sorry guys!~
Jungkook: Get it together!
🦊: Oh my god~ HEY, King!
Jungkook: Hello peasant.
Yoongi: *snickers*
🦊: O- You know what? That's mean~
Jungkook: *trying not to laugh* Okay
🦊: He's just pouty because he lost in a 1-v-1 on Splatoon against me. Jungkook: It's a stupid game~ Why is it in third person?~ And, why can you see my snipper laser?
🦊: Just get over it!~
Jungkook: Okay!~ Fine! *long pause* For our listeners~
🦊: Exactly. For our listeners~
Jungkook: Before we begin, we do have a millennial in our sights.
🦊: *snickers*
Jungkook: *in between chuckles* This is our second guest! Min Yoongi!~
🦊: *claps their hands*
Yoongi: Hello everyone! I'm Suga from BTS.
Jungkook: Hyung, don't be so formal~ Our listeners don't care.
🦊: Legit, they like that we're relatable.
Yoongi: Okay, okay
🦊: Just like Suchwita.
Yoongi: Without the alcohol.
Jungkook: *gasps* Should we?!~
🦊: *gasps* Daehyun?
*long pause* *muffled voice*
🦊: *gasps* Okay! I'll get it! *in a distant voice* Whiskey?
Yoongi: Yes, please
Jungkook: Get us a beer, please!~
[Spongebob Narrator: Five minutes later]
🦊: We all have our alcohol!~
Yoongi: Thank you, Y/N.
Jungkook: Thank you!
🦊: I would just like to say, we saw Barbie~
Jungkook: We saw Barbie.
Yoongi: Oh! I haven't seen it.
🦊: *gasps* Oh my god~ You know, it's okay. I'll take you.
Jungkook: Y/N cried!
Yoongi: Really?~ Why?
Both: Well-
🦊: Okay! First off, I did NOT expect that Billie Eilish song to hit me so hard!
Jungkook: And not to give spoilers but, it was everything good.
🦊: It's a TRUE feminist icon. It's not misandry, which is what basically every publication is saying it is-
Jungkook: Oh! Absolutely not.
🦊: And it's not misogyny. It's true feminism. Wh-
Jungkook: Without spoiling anything, it had all three-
🦊: Yeah!
Jungkook: It had misandry, misogyny, AND feminism. And it showed how both misandry and misogyny can just be downright ugly and hurtful for the people who are being disliked, and prejudiced while feminism is genuinely something we should all aspire to do.
Yoongi: Oh! I'll give it a shot.
🦊: I saw that in East Asia, a lot of women are taking their partners, especially their cis-male partners, to see Barbie. And basically, they're testing how much of a green flag they are depending on how they feel before the movie, how long they last during the movie and what is their thoughts after the movie.
Jungkook: Oh! Wait, am I a green flag?
🦊: *long pause* Well-
Jungkook: *in between laughs* WHY'RE YOU THINKING ABOUT IT?!
Yoongi: *laughs*
🦊: *in between laughs* Okay! You're the type of green that is making its way toward yellow, but it's not completely yellow.
Jungkook: Okay, at least I'm not completely yellow or orange OR RED!
Yoongi: Be grateful.
🦊: Exa- Thank you, Yoongi!~
Jungkook: Definitely watch it, hyung.
Yoongi: Would you have watched it if Y/N hadn't taken you to the movies?
Jungkook: *silence*
*Yoongi and 🦊 laugh loudly*
Jungkook: Okay! Okay! I would have, but I would not have dressed up!
🦊: I was SO surprised we were the only ones dressed up!
Jungkook: Obviously, I was Ken!
🦊: I dressed up as Barbie!
Yoongi: Y/N when we go, do you wanna dress up too?
🦊: *gasps* Really?!
Yoongi: Yeah, I'll be K-
🦊: No~ Be Allan~ Because you're one of a kind~
Jungkook: *gasps* OH! Okay RIZZGOD!
Yoongi: *snickers then laughs*
Jungkook: You trying to rizz up Yoongi-hyung?
🦊: No~ *long pause* Okay, yeah~
*All laugh*
🦊: Before we begin! I would just like to say that this topic was thought up by Jungkook.
Yoongi: I would have liked to participate in the music one.
🦊: Oh! We can have your opinion on that!
Yoongi: *long pause* Well, I would but honestly Jungkook basically said what I thought about reggaetón.
🦊: Fair enough. I know you have some... *chuckles* Opinions on dembow and phonk.
Yoongi: *chuckles* They're just not for me, but you and Jungkook look like you have fun while dancing to it.
Jungkook: And not like... perreando!
Jungkook: Rrrrr~ *laughs* We just goof around.
🦊: We meme dance.
Yoongi: *chuckles*
🦊: Like... You know how there's the stereotype that white people can't dance? We dance like that stereotype.
Jungkook: Just for fun. Not to make fun of anyone.
🦊: Mmno
Yoongi: They look cute together.
Jungkook: We're not dating.
🦊: So, in this episode we're gonna talk about television shows.
Jungkook: Y/N wanted to bring Yoongi on because he's about to head to th-
🦊: Oh my god! Please don't remind me!
Yoongi: *snickers then laughs*
Jungkook: Y/N is really close to all seven of us, but they're especially close to Hobi-hyung, Yoongi-hyung, and me. And since Hobi-hyung is already there~
🦊: I'm suffering...
Jungkook: They have- Okay, they have not taken it well!
Yoongi: Really?
🦊: Yeah... I think that's why in the last episode I cried. You told us- Or, rather, told your close friends when you were leaving, and it was no joke, the day before we decided to record.
Yoongi: Oh!~ I'm sorry!
🦊: I really tried to hold it in, but like thinking about Hobi already being there, and you leaving, just made me think, you know-
Yoongi: It's inevitable...
🦊: Yeah... Jungkook is gonna leave too, and that made me really sad because Hobi and you are my close friends, and that hurts. And I have cried. But Jungkook is my BEST friend... So...
Jungkook: But it's not like you're NOT gonna see us for a year and a half. We saw Hobi-hyung and Jin-hyung!
🦊: Oh my god, I hugged Hobi SO HARD! You guys have no idea. I lowkey cried too.
Jungkook: Both of them had tears in their eyes.
Yoongi: It was so beautiful to see.
🦊: *singing* When did it end?~ All the enjoyment?~
Jungkook: *singing* I'm sad again!~
Both: *singing* Don't tell my boyfriend~
Jungkook: *singing* It's not what he's made for~
Yoongi: *chuckles*
Jungkook: Going back to it.
Yoongi: Mhm.
Jungkook: Y/N wanted you here to get a perspective of shows you watched as a kid since when you were in first grade, we were both just about to be born.
🦊: *snickers*
Yoongi: *hums* Interesting.
🦊: Which, okay, let's be honest. You at the age of 12 were already a professional producer, so...-
Jungkook: Ballin' with a dollar in his pocket.
Yoongi: I was making money but it wasn't like-
🦊: A lot.
Yoongi: Exactly.
Jungkook: Funny how we brought a guest who didn't watch-
Yoongi: *laughs*
Jungkook: *in between chuckles* A lot of television as a kid.
🦊: But he wasn't ostracized, right?
Yoongi: *in between chuckles* No~ no... I did see it here and there, I just didn't dedicate my time to it since I was focused on music.
🦊: We love an ambitious person.
Jungkook: I didn't watch a lot of television either, but, Y/N introduced me to a lot of shows.
🦊: And he doesn't have time for a lot of them but-
Jungkook: The ones that I really like, I invest A LOT of time. I poop with my phone on my lap-
*Yoongi and 🦊 laugh*
Jungkook: *in between laughs* Everywhere! I try not to lose sleep, but when I'm invested. I am in. ves. ted!
🦊: I remember when I was obsessed with "House of Dragons" and I wanted to gatekeep it from Kookie because~
Jungkook: Wh-!
🦊: BECAUSE! It's such like... Okay, it's the prequel to "Game of Thrones" and the television series is over, but the BOOK series is not over! So I didn't want you to get invested so that afterward you get disappointed!
Jungkook: I didn't know that the "Game of Thrones" ending in the series is not canon!
Yoongi: It's not canon and in the book, Jon is still asleep or in a comma.
🦊: Iconic.
Yoongi: Y/N got me into it because they know that I would get invested but I don't make it my personality, like Jungkook and them.
🦊: Yoongi is an observer~
Jungkook: He is.
🦊: Slytherin energy~
Yoongi: *imitates a snake*
*Jungkook and 🦊 laugh*
🦊: First things first, my first exposure to East Asian shows was anime. And I don't remember which one came first because they all kind of merged together in my head, and it was "Inuyasha", "Naruto", "Pokémon", and "Yu-gi-oh!"
Yoongi: Interesting, because all those shows are from the 90's.
Jungkook: Yeah, when I was born those were already long running.
🦊: Well, I think it's because getting them to the western side, especially to the U.S. and Latin America, took some time.
Yoongi: In Korea, Pokémon first aired in 1999, and I was 6~
🦊: Oh! Puerto Rico, it was also 1999 too
Yoongi: You watched it from the womb?
🦊: *snickers* *in between laughs* Okay! Okay! I remember watching the first episode but I GENIUNELY don't remember how old I was.
Jungkook: I didn't watch ANY western shows as a kid other than Spongebob.
🦊: The icon himself!
Yoongi: Jungkook and Y/N watch Spongebob for fun.
Jungkook: But the first seasons, you know?
🦊: It's the most fun, you can tell when the creator walked away and when it because just not fun.
Jungkook: Mhm.
Yoongi: So, what's your culture shock?
🦊: Oh! Okay! Sorry! Okay, so, I did get exposed to shows, but it was interesting when I grew up I started watching dramas. And with dramas, there's like reality shows and stuff like that.
Yoongi: Right, for promo.
🦊: Exactly. Especially if you wanna be *in between chuckles* Delulu~ And you fall in love with the actor's looks~ And~ *laughs*
*Yoongi and Jungkook laugh*
🦊: Wanna get to know them?~
Yoongi: Right, right.
🦊: One of the things that I picked up on quickly was, the plots were all the same. Poor girl meets asshole rich dude. The rich dude has either a cousin, brother, friend, like someone close to him who is just the nicest person ever and THAT'S the love rival. She still chooses the rich asshole because he changed for her, but then something happens. The most common one is that the mom of the rich asshole finds out and pays her to leave, then one of them has an accident and somehow they make it work and boom. Happily ever after.
Yoongi: That's pretty much the jist of them.
🦊: But, my biggest culture shock is the variety shows.
Jungkook: Really?
🦊: Yeah, I just... Okay. It was- I had a weird feeling, like, I didn't know how to feel.
Jungkook: Why, what happened?
🦊: Okay, so, I remember the first one I watched was Weekly Idol, or Doni and Coni which... EW! They're... I remember when I watched you guys' episode, like the first time you were there and I loved it because I was a child. But watching it as an adult? I was like... Oh my god-
Jungkook: *chuckles* Your ARMY is showing.
🦊: I just! Okay... I just don't understand how someone can harass and be so mean to their guests and get away with it because it's "comedy"... Like... How is saying that Yoongi's song was "shit" comedy?
Jungkook: Ugh...
Yoongi: People have their own opinions, I guess.
🦊: Well, their opinion is WRONG. Like... Side eye. You could have just said it wasn't your taste without saying that it was bad and shit, you know?
Yoongi: I agree.
🦊: But, going back to it, the variety shows took me aback because everything is over-edited.
Jungkook: What do you mean?
🦊: Like... They put colorful subtitles on almost every sentence and these subtitles could be what the person is saying, what the person is doing, or what the editors think the person's inner thoughts are.
Jungkook: Ooooh! I hadn't noticed that. But, it's true~
🦊: And then replaying something shocking multiple times in *in between chuckles* multiple angles
Yoongi: *chuckles* 맞아~
🦊: Which, if you think about it, it's very stimulating and lowkey catering to the deaf community, since closed captions and interpreters are in scarcity on the Western side.
Jungkook: I hadn't really thought about it that way, but it's true~
🦊: That was my biggest culture shock. I got used to it after a while but, you know?
Yoongi: Were you shocked about the games?
🦊: *hums* Okay, so, I was but at the same time I wasn't? I don't know how to explain it.
Jungkook: Says as they're about to explain *chuckles*
🦊: *chuckles* So, I wasn't shocked because variety shows on the Western side also have games, but I was shocked at how queerbait-y the games are.
Yoongi: Like passing a paper member to member with our lips
🦊: It's so obvious fan service, but fan service can be very queerbait-y.
Yoongi: That's true.
🦊: Like, shipping friends with each other is... *groans* Not good~
Jungkook: Yeah.
🦊: But, yeah, I don't have any negative culture shock. Except for me being a Doni and Coni lowkey-highkey hater.
*all laugh*
Yoongi: Y/N introduced me to a lot of 90's shows. And, even though this wraps into the music category, I was shocked at how rock-inspired a lot of shows' intro was.
🦊: Which shows do you have in mind?
Yoongi: "Total Drama Island", "Teen Titans" from the 2000s. "American Dragon: Jake Long", and "Ben 10".
🦊: Okay but the other ones~
Yoongi: We saw "Wizards of Waverly Place", "Hannah Montana", "Sonny with a Chance" and a couple others with real people. And some of those also had inspiration in pop-rock.
🦊: Which is so 2000s if you think about it.
Yoongi: Was pop-rock popular in the 2000s?
🦊: In the western side, ESPECIALLY in the U.S. it was very popular.
Yoongi: I was just listening to hip-hop.
Jungkook: Yes he was~ Hip-hop classes were real.
Yoongi: You loved them
Jungkook: I did!~
🦊: As you can hear, Yoongi truly is an observer.
Jungkook: That was your culture shock?
Yoongi: Yeah!~ I was exposed to U.S. culture fairly young since I really like hip-hop culture.
🦊: What was your culture shock, Galletita?
Jungkook: Mine was... I guess the pipeline?
Yoongi: Pipeline?
🦊: Ooh~
Jungkook: So, Y/N basically explained that there's a pipeline of television, especially if you grew up in the 2000s.
🦊: Yep.
Jungkook: Basically, every kid in the U.S. watched either Disney channel with sitcoms or watched cartoons, but all of them came together to watch the hot new show-
JK and 🦊: "Total Drama Island"!
Jungkook: And basically "Total Drama Island" was-
Yoongi: It was a cartoon reality show.
Jungkook: Exactly. So it didn't take long for a lot of kids to get into real reality shows like "Next", "Cribs", and basically any reality show on MTV.
🦊: The pipeline gets split though. If you continued to watch cartoons, you get into anime. The pipeline goes EVEN DEEPER because if you watched anime, and listened to the openings, you probably got into Vocaloids, which are synthesized voca- I don't know why I'm telling you, yo-
Yoongi: I know about Vocaloids, yeah. I danced with one.
🦊: I. CO. NIC! I was genuinely SO jealous when I found out you were dancing with her. SeeU was SUCH an icon.
Yoongi: *laughs* Really?
🦊: I- Well, I fell in BOTH pipelines, but, I definitely fell more into the anime one.
Yoongi: Right.
🦊: But like, the vocaloid pipeline somehow brings you to the kpop pipeline. Which WEIRDLY the heavy metal rock or even rock music pipeline ALSO brings you to the kpop pipeline.
Yoongi: Interesting.
Jungkook: So, one day Y/N got nostalgic and we kind of watched a show that they were into as a child and I, unknowingly, also followed Y/N's pipeline.
Yoongi: Do we have a pipeline?
Jungkook: *long pause* I guess one of the biggest pipeline is that a lot of men in Korea want to be in either entertainment OR sports just to avoid military duty.
Yoongi: Which is not common, but happens a LOT!
🦊: Did you follow that pipeline?
Yoongi: No, hell no. I wanted to be a producer from a very young age not because I wanted to avoid military duty, but because I genuinely love music.
🦊: You did say it was your first love.
Yoongi: It was.
🦊: *sighs smiling*
Jungkook: If we had a camera recording us, I would look at it as if I was Jim from "The Office"
🦊: *snickers then laughs* Why?~
Jungkook: If you know, you know.
Yoongi: *long pause* I feel like I'm out of the loop for the first time.
🦊: You and I both.
Jungkook: You're ALWAYS out of the loop.
🦊: Okay! If I was out of the loop, how did I find out about the aliens BEFORE you?
Jungkook: Oh god~
Yoongi: What kind of aliens would you like? Ones that can transform like Ben 10? Aliens that look human but have superpowers? Or shapesh-
*Jungkook and Yoongi laughs*
🦊: You guys DON'T understand! If the aliens could shapeshift, I have a LIST!
Jungkook: *in between laughs* A LIST?!?!
🦊: *in between laughs* I have a list that the alien MUST follow!
Yoongi: Who's on top of the list?
🦊: Okay, right now, Toji Fushiguro~
Yoongi: Mmmm~
🦊: I have a lot of people, mainly anime men, because... I can bag a human.
Jungkook: You can't BAG YOUR CRUSH!
🦊: *gasps*
Yoongi: Jungkook-ah!~ *chuckles* Be nice to Y/N!
🦊: I can bag him, I'm just being respectful.
Yoongi: Exactly... Y/N just respects people's boundaries. Wait... So... Who's on the bottom?
🦊: Sukuna. Ryomen Sukuna. But, not because he's not hot, it's just tha- *muffled giggles*
Yoongi: Oh! They're covering their face!
Jungkook: *groans* Here we go
🦊: He has four arms~
Yoongi: *long pause* Right...
🦊: Two mouths~
Yoongi: *long pause* Okay...
🦊: *long pause* And one of those mouths can move anywhere.
Yoongi: Wait... *snickers* Are you...? *laughs* Are you sayin- I don't even wanna say it!
🦊: I'll say it for you!
Jungkook: *laughs* Stop!
🦊: Please let me say it!
Jungkook: Okay!~
🦊: I want an alien to shapeshift into Ryomen Sukuna because he has four arms, so, he can touch my chest with one hand, guide me with the other hand, stimulate my *clears throats* south with the other hand, and grab the back of my head and pull my hair with the other.
Jungkook: You're forgetting something.
🦊: Oh! Because one of the mouths can move, while he's kissing me, he can lick ANYWHERE he wants with the OTHER tongue~
Yoongi: 세상에!
Jungkook: Tell him about-
🦊: OH MY GOD! Okay... So, he- Okay, he... has two... *long pause*
Yoongi: *gasps* TWO?!
🦊: TWO!
Yoongi: Are they side by side? Up and down?
🦊: We actually DON'T have ANY confirmation. But my headcanon is that they're up and down.
Yoongi: How many balls does he have? Two or four? Are they ALSO up and down or side to side?
🦊: Hmm... I hadn't thought about it.
Yoongi: If it's four, there's more.. um... Milk *giggles*
*Jungkook and 🦊 laughs*
🦊: Yeah... And I wanna be filled by Sukuna.
Jungkook: WHY Sukuna, he's LEGIT EVIL!
🦊: Okay~ He's not EVIL!~ He's just... Umm... He's ju-
Jungkook: *deadpan* Y/N, his first lines were "Where are the people? The women? What a wonderful era to be in. Women and children are crawling everywhere like maggots. It's marvelous. It'll be a massacre."
🦊: I can fix him.
Yoongi: *laughs* Can you?!
🦊: I can!~
Jungkook: I mean-
🦊: Well, I-
Yoongi: I have no doubt about that.
🦊: *silent*
Jungkook: I'm looking at the invisible camera.
🦊: Guys?
Yoongi: Hmm?
🦊: Let's pause for a minute. I need to use the bathroom. *muffled movement sounds*
Jungkook: They have a small bladder when it comes to alcohol *chuckles*
🦊: *in a distant voice* You can edit it out, right Dae?
*muffled voice*
🦊: Purr, be right back.
Jungkook: *whispering* Are you gonna do it today?
Yoongi: I don't see a point...
Jungkook: Why?~
Yoongi: Well... They JUST called me their "close friend" just now, and I'm about to leave for the mi-
Jungkook: *scoffs* Okay. YOU get to go home because you're going to go to a government office because of your shoulder
Yoongi: Yeah, but I can't do an-
Jungkook: Hyung... Why can't you trust me? I'm their best friend! I know better!
Yoongi: *sighs* *mumbles* You don't get it...
Jungkook: *sighs* *long pause* I'll leave the episode early, so you can close with them. They listen to the podcast, so, if you don't do anything, I'll post it unedited.
Yoongi: Why would y-
Jungkook: Because I know you, and I know them... You two need a little push and this is it.
Yoongi: *gulps* *sighs softly* fine...
🦊: *from a distance* I'm back!~ Sorry I took so long *giggles*
🦊: What else is there to talk about?
Jungkook: How was your first time at HYBE?
🦊: Oh! It was awesome! I was so happy I get to teach the trainees~ Though I wouldn't have minded if I got you!
Yoongi: It would have been fun for you to teach me Spanish...
🦊: Right?! But, I don't need a job to teach you! We're friends, right?
Yoongi: *hums agreeing*
Jungkook: Plus, he's just learning to impress you!
🦊: *scoffs then giggles* Stop! He already impresses me with his music. 28 is my ANTHEM!
Jungkook: You switch the lyrics to Spanish!
🦊: It's fun!~ *singing* Me 'stoy volviendo un adulto~ No me acueLdo 'e na'~ Mis sueños y ambiciones donde estan? Estan lejanas~ Ya no veo ni donde esta la meta!~
Yoongi: *chuckles* 재밌네~
🦊: 그죠~ Jungkook doesn't like it when I do it, but it's SO fun~
Jungkook: Guys... Do the closing without me, I have to go somewhere.
🦊: Wha~ *pouty* But your schedule is free! I got it right here...
Jungkook: It's something with Bam... I'm sorry! It's an emergency!
🦊: OH MY GOD! GO GO! Take care of my nephew! HURRY!
Jungkook: *muffles movements* *in a slightly distant voice* *chuckles* I will! *long pause* Hyung...
Yoongi: 어... 할게...
🦊: 뭐가 할거예요?
Jungkook: Don't worry about it.
🦊: Well! Kookie had an emergency! But Yoongi and I can finish up, right?
Yoongi: Yeah. Thank you for having me here today.
🦊: Thank you for being here!
Yoongi: *gulps* What if I came back to the podcast, would that be okay?
🦊: Oh! That'll be so dope! I'd love to hear your opinion on more things.
Yoongi: I'm an avid listener, so, it's gonna be weird listening to today's podcast once it goes live.
🦊: You'll love it. Daehyun does aMAZING editing.
Yoongi: *long pause* You never reveal your crush, do you?
🦊: *in between chuckles* No... I just- *long pause* *mumbles shyly* I know he listens, his friends have told me...
Yoongi: *hums*... *long pause* Do I know him?
🦊: Mmmm... Maybe!~ *chuckles*
Yoongi: *hums*
🦊: *in between chuckles* Why are you staring at me?
Yoongi: I just noticed how long your lashes are...
🦊: What?~ That was so sudden!
Yoongi: Well... *chuckles* I don't know, it's- I find it kinda cute..
🦊: W-WELP! That's all the time we have! Our producer is telling us to wrap it up!
Yoongi: Leave suggestions for Jungkook and Y/N in the comments and what you would like for them to talk about in the future.
🦊: Yep. And don't forget to stream the D-Day trilogy but Agust D!
Yoongi: Again, thank you so much for having me.
🦊: *mumbles shyly* You're welcome anytime...
Yoongi: 여러분 안녕히게세요
🦊: Hasta el proximo episodio!
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Daehyun gives you a thumbs up, indicating that the recording is done for Yoongi and you. You look at him and bow slightly as he smiles softly. You take off your headphones and look back at him smiling slightly then said
"You did great, our listeners are gonna like it!"
"You think so?" He responded. A bit shyly, but not enough to be shown.
You nod and then stand up, a bit too enthusiastically. Daehyun signals you to come to him to inspect the track and what needs to be edited out. You nod at him and then look back at Yoongi, asking him if he would like to be shown out. He shakes his head and then tells Daehyun that he would like to help edit the episode, something that surprised you.
"I thought you had a schedule to-"
"It's okay. I can stay for a little longer" He interrupted.
"I don't want you to get in trouble..."
"I won't. Daehyun can you play it back at exactly minute 49?"
You furrow your eyebrows and look at his empty whiskey glass, thinking to yourself how he couldn't be drunk, since nobody got refills, as per Daehyun's request. Then you put on your headphones to listen back to the audio, pushing the microphone slightly away and taking off your notebook to take notes. You hear yourself stumbling away from the microphone and telling Yoongi and Jungkook that you would be right back. There's a long pause, and you weren't there, but you could feel the air thickening, just as it is at the moment you and Yoongi are playing back the audio. You gulp writing down that this part should definitely be taken away. Then, you hear it. Yoongi and Jungkook talking about how he should do something today, by the sounds of it, a confession. A love confession. You pause your writing, keeping your face as neutral as possible. Looking at the notebook, rather than the eyes that are definitely looking for your reaction. You feel your eyes begin to twitch as if they're about to sprout water, your nose begin to flare, and your cheeks begin to redden as you puzzle that they're talking about you.
Jungkook knew about your crush on Yoongi. He also knew that you didn't want to do anything because you thought it was only a simple crush, but that came to a crash when he called you and told you when he was leaving for the military. You faked your nonchalantness and told him that you would miss him as much as you missed Hobi, but that was the day that the snow melted and spring came when it came to your feelings. You cried to Jungkook that day, and coming into the studio he rented to record was hard. Especially because you had to fake being enthusiastic and happy. In the end, you couldn't hold it in. You were gonna miss Jungkook, he was your best friend. But missing Yoongi was gonna tear your heart apart. When recording that episode ended, Jungkook said to not give up hope and that something for sure was gonna happen. Something happy.
You looked at Daehyun nonchalantly and told him to keep it as it is without any editing, the excuse being that the listeners would like the authenticity. Then, you quickly took off your headphones and gathered your things. Fearing that you wouldn't make it to the door, you rushed your steps. It's not you... You don't wanna get your hopes up. You know he wouldn't like you in a romantic sense. You two are vastly different, another reason why you never spoke your feelings to him. You were bubbly, outgoing, a bit extroverted, loud, and talked with anybody and anything. Complete opposite of him. When you stepped out the door, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and let your tears fall. Silently crying.
"Y/N? You okay?" You heard Jungkook's voice, but that was quickly dismissed as a hand grabbed yours.
You looked up and saw Yoongi, motioning you to follow him. You nodded and followed him to an empty studio.
"You don't like me?" He asked, a bit unsure and insecure.
You shook your head, disagreeing with him, something he understood. You felt tears staining your cheeks, your breath shorten, and your cheeks reddened as you said
"I like you..." In a shaky voice. "I like you a lot. I just didn't think that you'd like me. I'm not tall, I'm loud, I'm- I don't have any qualities that you'd like..."
His face softened as he got closer. He cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears with his thumbs. You continued by saying
"I stumble in my Korean. I'm not even Korean! Why would you like me?"
"Why wouldn't I?" He responded in a soft, slightly hushed voice, taking you by surprise.
"I like that you're extroverted." He continued "If we eat out, I know I can count on you helping me with my social anxiety. So what if you're not tall? I think you'd fit nicely in my arms."
He pulled you into a hug, smiling softly. He then nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck and slowly took in your scent. He leaned back a little.
"I was right." He said smiling gently. "You have other qualities that I like... Like... How excited you get talking about anime and video games is so beautiful to me. Your eyes sparkle, your tone of voice gets higher, your body language gets more expressive, you use your hands more."
He gently pushed a strand of hair away and looked into your eyes while saying "So what if you stumble in your Korean? At least you know Korean! Which is more than I can say when it comes to Spanish."
You chuckled, smiling while wiping your tears.
"And so what if you're not Korean?... I fell in love with YOU, not your nationality or ethnicity"
You gasped softly and looked into his eyes whispering "Love?" He chuckled and nodded then sighed.
"I know it's a big word, but it's how I feel... And I don't wanna leave for the military without telling you how I feel."
You cupped his cheek and studied his face. He has gotten chubbier in the cheeks, his skin paler than usual, and his hair was shorter, probably to prepare it to get cut. You got on your tippy toes slightly and pecked his lips first to see if it was okay. This took him by surprise but it didn't last long for him to hug your waist and kiss you back.
You pulled away and smiled then hugged him. His arms hugged you back as you leaned your head on his right shoulder, sniffling slightly and apologizing for crying, something he dismissed quickly. Your moment was quickly ruined when you and Yoongi almost fell from Jungkook jump-hugging you.
"AY! YA! Don't be stupid!" You said as you pushed Jungkook away. Yoongi already taking the liberty of letting go of you so that you and Jungkook could push each other around.
"You got your love confession! Thanks to ME~ The BEST wingman EVER!" Jungkook exclaimed as he wrapped his tattooed arm around your shoulder and neck. You groaned playfully and pushed him off you, but that didn't stop him from doing it again.
"Say I'm the best, and I'll let you go~" Jungkook said smiling from ear to ear.
"You're the WORST! Estupido, how could you force a confession out of Yoongles!~"
"Hey! He wasn't planning on doing it, and you were all mopy. I had to do something!"
You sighed and hugged him, burying your face in his chest, and said in a mumbled voice
"You're the best..." which came out in a slightly muffled sound.
"AH! Did you hear that, hyung?! THE. BEST! I gotta tell Jimin!" Jungkook said as he pushed you off of him and took off his phone.
You and Yoongi looked at each other and smiled. Promising to talk to each other more in his apartment.
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cazort · 1 year
Why "Men DNI" Excludes Transfem People, Is Unclear Communication & Promotes Gender Essentialism
I see increasing numbers of people on Tumblr saying "men DNI" and treating it like it's normal or acceptable to say this sort of thing. First I wanna say, I always leave these people alone. I don't message them, I don't comment on or reblog their posts. I err on the side of caution when trying to respect people's boundaries. But I want to talk about what comes up for me when people say this, and why I don't say this and why I don't really think it's good for anyone to say it.
I'm AMAB and nonbinary, and whenever people say "men DNI", I never know if, in their head, they think it applies to me or not. Plenty of people are overtly transphobic, and to them, all AMAB people are "men". And, me being transfem is like, the ultimate sin to these people, I'm a "man pretending to be a woman" and they will direct hate my way if they put me in that category. This is, BTW, one of the main motivators for violence against transfem people.
Some people (probably a much bigger group) are at least somewhat acknowledging of trans women and transfem people's identities, but in practice I know that many of these people don't really care how you identify, they just gender you based on how you present. And it's always a crapshoot, like do I tick enough of the "man" boxes in your head that you consider me a "man"? Cause that's really what it's about, it's not about who I am, it's about how your brain processes me. To a lot of people, even people who acknowledge the validity of some trans people, I am "not trans enough". I'm not trans because I'm nonbinary. I'm not trans people I look too masculine or not feminine enough. I'm not trans because I haven't chosen particular aspects of medical transition "that I would want if I were really trans". These are all things I've had said to me by cis women.
And I really just hate that. Like when you say "men DNI", you're asking a certain class of people not to interact with you.
But I'm not in your head. I don't know how you're going to gender me. So you're not expressing your boundary in a way that is actually clear to me. It's poor communication.
And like before some cis woman turns around and says: "You're overthinking this, you know very well that I am not talking about you I just am trying to discourage all the harassment from cis men." let me ask each and every one of these cis women: how do I know? How do I know that you're safe to interact with? I don't.
I live in a world where there are an awful lot of people who will direct a lot of hate and negativity at people for being transfem. And I never know who those people are going to be until they do.
This whole phenomenon parallels a thing that goes on in in-person spaces that advertise they are open to "women and nonbinary people". If you show up in these spaces and are too male-presenting (such as a nonbinary person, either transmasc or transfem, who looks sufficiently like a cis/gender-conforming man, or a trans woman who is gender-non-conforming and not conforming to enough norms to be consistently gendered female), people can sometimes react really negatively.
And I don't want to deal with this so I just stay out of these spaces.
This is why I perceive "men DNI" as a sign that not only I, but most trans people and most nonbinary people, are unwelcome. I think someone who really cared about trans people, including nonbinary people and AMAB transfem people, would understand these concerns, because they would have heard us talking about these things, they would listen to us, and they would care, and as a result, they wouldn't say something like that. It's like, a statement that ends up reinforcing gender essentialism and gender conformity and is just kinda hostile towards queerness in general. Saying it is like one of the strongest ways to advertise to me that you are not safe for me to interact with.
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martinshep · 5 months
Going by only what I've come across online myself, in comments and forums, and in direct conversation, therians will say therianthropy is not at all correlated with being trans or with being lgbtq as a whole. I've not really understood why that's the case. My own experience has always felt very transgender. Even that I'm uncertain of as I haven't (and don't plan to) socially transition, so I can't properly compare the two, I don't even know what it feels like to be (have?) a gender. Maybe it's just not been explained to me in the right way, maybe my experience is unique, I'm trying to find out.
Therians, trans people, both, please tell me about your own experiences with that if you feel comfortable doing so. Especially if you're both please tell me how they're different for you, or how they're similar for you! I'm trying to figure this out for myself so if you're not comfortable sharing your experiences please reblog so I can hear from more people.
For context on my own experience:
I recognised having dysphoria over being human not long after becoming interested in furry culture. I had heard of otherkin before but assumed that because I didn't want to be fully animal I didn't count, and also because I thought I only wanted to be an anthro, and not that I am an anthro. Currently my belief is that the true self exists in the ideal self, and so wanting to be an anthro means I am one. Because I didn't feel like I was therian, or know much about it to begin with, I didn't look into therian and otherkin spaces. When I got these dysphoric feelings I kept them to myself for the most part as I felt like I was weird and strange, only talking about it to my trans partner (at the time), and she had never heard of otherkins or therians, and so related it to her own trans experience. From her I then figured my dysphoria is similar to gender dysphoria. I even have a trans sister and so learnt plenty about what it means to be trans from my mum telling us both about it.
A year or two later my cis parter convinced me that I do count as otherkin/therian, and only then did I look into those communities. I assumed others would have the same feelings I did that it's like gender dysphoria but haven't yet come across a single otherkin/therian saying that their otherkinity/therianthropy feels similar to being trans/lgbtq. I didn't say or ask anything because I was (and still am) quite socially anxious.
I'm currently sick with something and it's given me time to think and reflect, and introspection doesn't seem to be giving me any answers. Describe your own experiences, say why you think they are similar or not, I just want to hear what people think so I can come to a conclusion on myself.
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amateur-art-critic · 2 months
Assigned TERF by trans women (or; we should teach people about Occams Razor)
So this is a new development. I got accused of being a TERF for writing this on a post I reblogged:
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So I'm a TERF because I think TMA/TME as terms have set back trans solidarity? Because I think TMA and TME just reinvent the gender binary? That's TERF-y to you?
But there's more; OP decided to comment as well;
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Me when I'm not a TERF
Yes, that is the point of my blog. To hate TERFs. Because I was harassed by TERFs at one point.
and then her pinned is signaling how opposed to radfeminism [she is].
Radfems/gendercrits/TERFs are the same breed and I use the terms synonymously. There's nothing more to it.
bitch your header has a play on the terfs term TIM.
Yes, because I was trying to co-opt their language to piss them off. @/butchbarbieagainstterfs was the one to introduce me to the concept of using FIT, Feminist Identified Transphobe, as an alternative to TERF.
And if anything, it's a play on TIF (trans identified female), because it uses the exact same letters as FIT.
Your entire blog is predicated on transfem exclusionism
No it's fucking not? Never have I excluded transfems and trans women. I focus on transmasc and trans men's issues because they fucking apply to me.
This is the most "i like pancakes"/"so you hate waffles?" argument ever.
you ain't slick
Neither are you.
Then @/june-egbert-official decided to add onto OPs reblogs with an "analysis" of my bio, from the view of me being a TERF;
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"Shrödinger's Woman" - Shrödinger's Cat was a thought experiment of being unable to measure something without investing it [...] - in other words they want to be allowed to look at your junk.
Or, maybe, we Occams Razor this: maybe I am both a woman and not a woman. You won't know unless you ask, but everyone always assumes and argues I'm one or the other.
In other words: I'm fucking nonbinary, you dumb fuck. I'm not a woman and I am also not not a woman, because I'm also not a man. And saying I'm "Shrödinger's Woman" is a subtle nod to TERFs assuming I'm either a cis woman, a trans man (who they see as women) or a trans woman (who they see as men, but I don't) when I argue with them.
I don't think I have ever in my life seen a more bad faith argument.
Aforementioned TIF as a play on TERFs TIM shit.
Well, if you knew anything about TERF lore outside them targeting trans women and transfems, you would know that "TIF" is already a term coined by gendercrits for trans men and transmascs.
I recognize that it's probably just a spelling mistake, but I just want to clarify in case it isn't. But, if it is;
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But I digress.
Actively calling out where TERFs should go.
Or, and bare with me here, I want TERFs off of Tumblr. That's literally what I say in that sentence in my bio! Can you not read between the lines when I call TERFs an "invasive species" and how they "cause an imbalance to the tumblr ecosystem"?
Tumblr is the only social media left that I feel safe on and I don't want TERFs to poison it for me. So I would rather send them to an echo chamber of equally insane people than to other popular social media.
Just how much bad faith do you have to read my bio with to jump to this conclusion?
Calls themself a female pink and purple toed tarantula (generally considered "feminine colors, for what that's worth) [...]
...I just fucking like purple and pink. And I like spiders.
As for the "female" part, I'm literally just stating the sex I was assigned at birth. I may be female, but that doesn't mean I'm a woman.
Once again; Occams Razor.
[...] and, probably at least a little tangential, they become aggressive against males this time of year.
That's not tangential, it's just straight up wrong. Not the spider facts, but that you think that it's implying I'm aggressive towards males because I have a female spider motif. It's not symbolic of anything other than that I like spiders and that I was assigned female at birth.
To end this, I would just like to ask both @/june-egbert-official and @/0w0tsuki, in the small chance either of you are stalking my blog and reading this; Why did you think I was a TERF? Do you just see all AFABs who disagree with you as gendercrit radfems?
Or was it because I believe that transandrophobia is real you see me as a TERF? Because I can't find any other reason as to why you would call me a TERF other than the fact that I'm nonbinary transmasc and I disagree with trans women.
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dazzlerazz · 8 months
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I am putting this into its own post because the reblog chains are getting long, but this is a comment under this post. But, @starsilt
For starters - One does not need to have dysphoria to be trans. You are not a dictator of the queer experience.
Second - Euphoria is a more powerful indicator than Dysphoria.
Third - Not all trans people have dysphoria in the same ways. Some have chest dysphoria, others don't. Some have voice dysphoria, others don't.
Fourth - Not having dysphoria is not an issue. Your lack of dysphoria does not mean you're faking it, nor does it mean you're not actually trans.
Fifth - You can be trans without having had an ounce of dysphoria in your life. It was and never has been uncommon to be trans and not have dysphoria.
Sixth - You do not need to pass as cis to be trans. Being trans is different for everybody. Their experiences, how they perceive themself, and many more. The trans experience is not uniform, nor is it binary. It is different for every trans person, but there are some experiences that more than one trans person will have, such as body or voice dysphoria.
I am transmasc, I am nonbinary. These are umbrella terms, but they do not explain all that I am. I'm bisexual. I'm asexual. I'm bi-romantic, but I'm also aromantic. I have dysphoria in some places, like my voice, but I do not have dysphoria in other places, such as my height (I am 4'8 without shoes and I'm an adult). I have boobs, I don't bind. I pass for a cis girl, but I'm okay with that. I do not need to pass as a cis guy to know that some part of me is a guy, that some part of me is masculine
I do not need to medically transition to be trans. Nobody does. Nobody needs to get top surgery to be trans. Nobody needs bottom surgery to be trans. Medical/physical transition does help with dysphoria, which some trans people do have, but it does not mean that one is suddenly "better at being trans" than someone who doesn't want to medically transition.
Only you will know if you are trans. Nobody can tell you that you're trans, but nobody can tell you if you're not.
Nobody needs to pass to be respected as a trans person. Love trans people, no matter their bodies, no matter their surgeries or lack thereof. Deep voices, high voices, big boobs or top scars, or anything else about them. They're trans, and they're going to BE trans whether you think they're a passing trans person or not.
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dotster001 · 3 months
Hi, dot!
You mentioned "queer platonic relationships." Legitimate question (and I really hope I'm not being insensitive by asking; I genuinely don't understand and wish to): is that not just a friendship? Or is it more just specifying the fact that it's friendships with non-cis and/or non-hetero people?
It can be just a friendship? The way I view it, is a friend who you do stuff that would be reserved for a romantic relationship usually. Almost friendship, but more, and maybe your friends and family always assume you guys have a crush on each other.
Or like, a bonded pair of animals. You separate them, and they die of the big sads.
My dream qpr, is that we live together, we raise our adopted kids together, we take care of each other when we are sick, we're emotional support for one another, we go everywhere together... Someone who we both know each other better than anyone else in the world knows us. We play house together... Basically, my dream qpr member is essentially a romantic partner...but without the romantic part.
Idk if that made sense, it's kind of a tricky concept. As someone without romantic emotions, I see the vision, but I get how not everyone would...😅 And, like everything that the aro aces like, it's a spectrum, so different people would like different things in their qpr
Idk, if other people wanna sound off in the comments or in reblogs that might help 😂
Tbh, I think anyone can have a QPR. We all knew those kids at school who were childhood friends, and inseparable, and they still are to this day, and you'd almost think they could date, but you know they don't feel that way about eachother...I think that's also a QPR, just without a label?
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mangedog · 1 year
there's a post i reblogged recently about trans people and reproductive disorders and forced outing, and it reminded me of my own experiences as a trans man with a “female” reproductive disorder.
very long rant disguised as an info post below the cut:
so, i have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). it's a horribly named syndrome because polycystic ovaries - which are just one symptom of PCOS - aren't required to have PCOS, and you can have polycystic ovaries without having PCOS.
it's also badly named because it shifts the focus immediately to the “female” reproductive system, when PCOS is a complex, genetic, multi-system syndrome that affects the neuroendocrine, immune, digestive and metabolic systems. it's actually primarily a disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis... not a disorder of the ovaries. i mean, i don't have ovaries anymore, and i never had cysts, but i still have PCOS.
it has a lot of subtypes and varieties (some researchers think it's actually different disorders all being misdiagnosed & lumped under the PCOS label), some of which can be considered intersex variations.
the other reason it's so badly named? dyadic cisgender men can have PCOS too.
and yet... absolutely no one recognises this. only (some) researchers actually acknowledge that PCOS isn't just a reproductive disorder and that anyone can have it and that its intersex. and the people who ignore it the most are the women with PCOS.
(yes, women with PCOS, because it's [almost] always the cis 'wouldn't touch the intersex label with a ten foot pole' (white) women who push the PCOS female reproductive disorder narrative the most)
PCOS spaces are almost invariably full of stories from women who are upset at their 'lack of femininity' and 'losing their bodies' to become fat, hairy un-women. the kind of people who go on 800 calories per day diets because they're so desperate to lose weight, even though PCOS itself makes this near impossible (as a metabolic disorder). and there are so so many snake oil websites (that are always pink and flowery) that are selling the magic cure for weight loss - hirsuitism - femininity all rolled into one.
all these PCOS women reassure each other that they're still women, even though they're fat and hairy and can't get pregnant - which , sure, if that's what you need to hear then there's no shame in that. but... not all people with PCOS are women. some are trans men, some are cis men, some are nonbinary, some are intersex women or men or nonbinary people... and sure. i don't expect every person looking for community support with their PCOS to read scientific papers on cis male PCOS, or to be aware of the existence of nonbinary people or trans men (though if they have an internet connection i'm sure they've heard something lol), but some thought would be nice.
i mean. the r/pcos subreddit explicitly states they're inclusive of LGBT people with PCOS but every second post begins with "ladies" or "cysters"... and there have been many posts and comments outraged at the notion of PCOS as intersex. (many supportive, too, but the overall vibe is definitely the latter). that's just one space on one social media website, and there will be spaces that are better than r/pcos ... and spaces that will be worse.
my point is, PCOS is a very complex syndrome that is terribly named, not restricted to the reproductive system or dyadic cis women, and community spaces need to reflect that.
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poorks · 5 months
Hot take that I'm gonna make not rebloggable because I don't want to make it a discussion but like. I think people on tumblr especially are too sensitive about other people looking at their content.
I get it. The Internet, especially so now, is a space where you have zero control over who's looking at you and reacting to you and it feels nice to have some sort of control over that. But the answer is not policing strangers.
Personally, I find DNI lists to be incredibly silly. You are not interacting with me personally. I don't give a shit about who you are or what you do, and I mean that in the kindest way. You can leave whatever comments you want if you enjoy my work. I remember once, years ago, someone trying to get me to push "no straight/cis people allowed" and like. It means absolutely nothing to me what the orientation of someone interacting with my work is. And it shouldn't matter.
Yes, I do look at tags. I adore looking at tags when people leave them. It makes me feel like a person when people have a real reaction and, silent likes and reblogs make me feel like I'm churning out art for the machine. Sometimes I see tags with a cold take and I have my feelings, maybe send it to a friend in a private chat to poke and prod at, then I move on.
And if I DO decide to take any action, that's my decision and not something a viewer should worry about dancing around. Sometimes you might ruffle a feather or two. Its okay, you'll live.
These visceral reactions to strangers leaving some sort of comment also is what's riling people up to be so afraid to leave comments. Relax. It will be okay.
Especially so with kink/fetish content, you need to have the thick skin to be able to roll your eyes or take action quietly, on top of simply being able to put up with someone having an intense sexual reaction to the content you put out. Its the mature thing to do, at least, in an adult space like this. If you cannot handle the response to mature content, do not post mature content. (Also some of yall vet every single one of your followers it seems like??? What kind of energy do you have to put towards that)
It is every much your right to act like a feral hog in the tags of a reblog just as much as it is the right of the original poster to hit the block button if that makes them uncomfortable. Nobody is inherently wrong on either side. Do not live in fear of those around or or those you admire, just Be.
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start-where-i-end · 1 year
Okay, I'm gonna drop the typing quirk for this one, because even though it makes me focus much better on what I'm saying, it's still hard to express long complex thoughts in it.
There's this TikTok going around. Summary: a stand up comedian talks about how his cousin came out as a trans man and named himself Devonte, and how his family (including the comedian) doesn't accept this new name, because he is white. Instead they renamed him Greg behind his back.
I've only seen this video reblogged with a comment "See? You can make jokes about trans people and not be transphobic!". And I'm wondering if I'm alone in thinking this is still kind of shitty.
Yes, the bare minimum, accepting a trans man as a man, is met. But I don't think it's okay to just reassign a trans person's name like that. That's not something that gets done to cis people who were given a name they're "not allowed" to have at birth.
Plus, the whole punchline is "Haha, you expected my family to be transphobic? Pranked, we just hate that guy's name". That joke format already has been discussed as bigoted by multiple people before and compared to raising a hand at people and laughing when they flinch.
And while I agree that this comedian is doing a better job than most, this is just not something I expected to see passed around like an example of trans positive humor.
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gayowlsntitans · 5 months
Since op of the post has me blocked I can't reply in a reblog:
What's a man? And how can trans men even be trans if they're already male? Actually adding onto that, what's the meaning of the word male?
You are wrong about intersex people, they are still either male or female, but with a disorder, they have a medical condition. If an individual has an SRY gene they're male and if they don't then they're female, but once again with a disorder. And sure they may be trans, that doesn't change their sex though.
What's the definition of menstrustion? Also a period is a synonym for menstruation, and it's not a scientific word. So once again what's menstruation?
Trans man is a man assigned female at birth, they arent originally male they transitioned to be a man. The main definition of man is an adult human man. Who grows up as a man, which most trans men do cause they transition earlier, go on hormones early to have a make puberty.
No Im not, considering the definition of Intersex is that "They dont fit into an exclusive male or female autonomy. They are either male, female or other. I didn't say it changed their sex, thats not what determines your gender, that determines your sex, gender is different then sex, gender is how you identify, sex is your reproductive organs. But being intersex is no longer considered a disorder, ad someone with SRY gene can still transition to change their gender, so they'd still be more than just male or female.
Menstration: the process in a woman of discharging blood and other materials from the lining of the uterus at intervals of about one lunar month from puberty until menopause, except during pregnancy.
Menstration and period are still synonyms that mean the same thing.
Trans women can get uteruses, it's been a thing for awhile now.
@luesmainblog made a good comment about menstruation.
just a quick addition: a "period", as we know it, is JUST a collection of symptoms. if a cis women went through all the pain and bloating and craving and such, but didn't bleed, she could ask her gyno what happened and they would tell her that WAS a period. she just didn't have anything to push out at the time. and that itself would be a cause for concern, but only because she usually DOES produce a lining to remove. periods without bleeding happen all the time.
Phantom Periods, not mentioned in the article are a thing, so its possible to still have your period but not bleed, for both Cis and trans women.
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rjalker · 2 years
Trans men, nonbinary people, and genderqueer people: Not everyone who can get pregnant is a woman. Discussions around pregnancy and abortion rights need to include us, people who are not women, who can still get pregnant, and still deserve the right to bodily autonomy.
Cis people who are very confused: Yes! Trans women are women!! That's why we should make the words we use to describe pregnant people gender neutral, for trans women's sake!!!!!
Trans women, trans men, nonbinaries, and genderqueers:
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[ID: A painting of a woman reading a book, edited so her eyes are wide, looking stressed out, with a search bar added over the book, searching for, "Understanding of trans issues and identities", with the results displaying, "Nothing found". End ID.]
Edit: Oh no actually it got worse, this cis woman isn't confused, in another reblog she's literally telling a trans man to stop making his need for gender neutral language in regards to prengancy and abortion all about men!!!!!! Because hating trans men is cool and fun and denying them basic fucking rights is cool because men are all evil and scary and don't deserve equal rights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i-just-like-commenting for your free transmisic fucking blocklist!!!!
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