#civilian medic oc
Chapter 2
fic masterlist // series masterlist // previous chapter // next chapter
Featured Characters: fem!OC Brynn Clarke, fem!OC Orli’Va, clone!OC Skip
Rating: General (However this series is 18+ as a whole so MINORS BEGONE PLEASE)
Tags: Language, Brief allusions to past loss/familial death, Feelings of inadequacy, Talk of clones being expendable
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divider by: @djarrex
Location: The Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant // Year: 22 BBY
The shrill tone signifying the end of class interrupts the final portion of the lecture. As everyone surrounding Brynn begins to pack up their datapads, the Ithorian professor’s modulated voice rings out once more. 
“Be sure to finish and submit your specialty applications before you sign up to take the certification exams!” 
Brynn fights the urge to roll her eyes as she puts her own datapad in her bag. For the entire semester, students have been deciding which specialty they want to dedicate their lives to. If she were to make a decision right this minute, her specialty would be trauma. You don’t experience what she did at such a young age and not be fundamentally changed by it. If there had been a trauma specialist on level 1757 that night, she wouldn’t have lost everything. The rings dance against her chest as she recalls the fateful memory. Brynn wants to be that difference for someone, somewhere in the galaxy, but she needs to get away from the city-planet first. Her scrub top bunches up at the shoulder when she slings her bag on. Walking leisurely out of the classroom and down the wide halls, Brynn fixes the folded shoulder of her top and fishes a few credits out of her breast pocket when she reaches a caf stand— a perfect melding point for caffeine addicted students like herself and businesses looking to capitalize. 
“Just my usual ‘Va.” Brynn tells the Pantoran barista when she reaches her counter.
“Of course B! One large hot chocolate with two dashes of caffeine crystals comin right up.” Orli’Va uses Brynn’s nickname before flashing her a cute smile. Brynn returns her smile with a wink before turning to face the immense window behind her. 
The Grand Republic Medical Facility. It's a different view than the lower levels where Brynn grew up since it actually, you know, has a view. Until she came here, Brynn had never even seen the sky. So whenever she gets the chance, she stops by what she likes to call the Eye of Coruscant. Even though Brynn is still on one of the lowest levels of the spire, she is able to see far and wide across the city planet. Today’s skyline is no different than the rest, sprawling across the lanes of traffic and overtaking the skyscrapers. She just can’t get enough of the light. She has been here for 5 years and the sun fills her with the same amount of awe as it did the first day.
“B! Order up!” Orli’Va’s sweet voice brings Brynn out of her trance. 
“Thank you, love,” Brynn tells the Pantoran. 
“As always, darlin’,” she responds, “Have you made a decision about a specialty?” 
“How did you know I needed to decide?”
“Hun, this is a caf stand in the Grand Republic Medical Facility,” Orli’Va moves her arms in a sweeping motion, gesturing to the extensive structures around them. “You can’t serve beautiful fifth years their caffeine without knowing when specialty applications are due.” 
“Oh well, no, I haven’t decided on a specialty yet.” Brynn leans in further onto the counter, “But I am leaning towards not submitting one.” Orli’Va’s eyes get wider in surprise; the barista leaning in closer as well. 
“Wait, so what are you wanting to do then?” 
“Well I was thinking, and don’t judge me for this,” Brynn gently points a finger at the blue skinned woman, “I was thinking of applying to be a contracted medic for the GAR.” Orli’Va backs away in shock, a look of astonished horror glazing her eyes. 
“Darlin’, why would you do something like that?”
“Because, O, I feel like it's the least I could do. These men deserve all that this genius could offer,” Brynn changes the subject with a joke before grabbing her hot chocolate, “I will let you know how it goes, beautiful. I’ll see you later.” She says with a smile over her shoulder as she walks away. 
Brynn’s head is reeling with choices by the time she walks into the medical facility’s dining hall. She thinks that maybe talking to Skip could help her further decide about what to apply for, a speciality or a medic contract. The hall is packed this afternoon, classes all being let out early due to the term ending. Brynn stands on her tiptoes, scanning the crowd for the armor of her friend. Most of the Coruscant Guard refrains from painting their armor in brash ways—as Brynn has noticed among the other battalions around Coruscant. Skip has the notorious red painted in ripple patterns over his shoulder bells and vambraces—while his leg armor drowns in the color, leaving the rest a clean canvas of white.
“Hey, Brynnie!” Once she hears her name, Brynn’s eyes lock onto a trooper waving his arm. 
“Skip!” she laughs out his name, “I was beginning to think you weren’t here yet.”
“Nah, you’re just a short shit so I figured I’d give you an assist,” Skip teases. She sets down her drink and pulls a sandwich from her bag as she sits across from the soldier. 
“Ohhh, so someone is feeling bold today,” Brynn rolls her eyes. When she begins to unwrap her food, Skip snatches half of it before she can stop him. 
“I am always bold Brynn, you should be used to it,” Skip replies, “Now what do we have today?”
“I…” Brynn emphasizes, grabbing to get her lunch back, “have a sliced nuna sandwich with Strider cheese sauce and Ferroan spinach.” Skip draws further out of Brynn’s reach, keeping the sandwich close to his chestplate. 
“Aw, c’mon Brynn,” Skip takes a massive bite from the sandwich before continuing. Brynn is pretty sure that the noises Skip makes are supposed to be a sentence, but with a mouthful of her sandwich— she can’t make out a single word. Brynn tries to hide her laughter and fails miserably at his attempt to talk.
“I’m sorry, what?!” she says between laughs. Skip swallows before repeating himself. 
“I said, you’ve never tasted the shit the Guard mess has. You would be stealing your best friend's food too.” Brynn rolls her eyes. She clenches her jaw while Skip continues to eat his half of her sandwich. She fights the urge to blurt out her life-changing decision, but before she can, Skip speaks up. “So, I have been hearing whispers that you will be choosing a speciality soon?”
“Yeah,” Brynn draws out, “Something like that.” Brynn absentmindedly picks at her own half of the sandwich.
“Okay, B, you better spill whatever the fuck it is that you are hiding,” Skip says pointedly, “Or I will get it out of you myself.”
“Ugh fine, okay. So, um, do you remember about a week or two ago when I told you that I was thinking of being a trauma specialist? Because of my parents?”
“Yeah, you seemed pretty adamant about working in the lower levels too. From my patrols down there it seems like they really need it.”
“Are you rethinking that? What do you want to do now?” Skip interrupts.
“Maker, Skip, shut up and let me tell you.”
“Okay sorry, continue.”
“I am rethinking it. I’ve downloaded the application for fifth years to go straight to the war effort, to be a field medic.”
“Brynn, why in the fuck would you want to go to literal war?” Skip enunciates each word with careful vitriol.
“Skip, you know for a fact that I have seen shit, and been helpless,” Brynn leans forward and stares the member of the Coruscant Guard in the face, “I can’t just stand back and not do anything. I want to be there and I want to help and do something that matters.”
“Brynn, listen to me, this isn’t the front lines. My brothers out there are literally in the midst of hell day in and day out. You can stay here. Save lives here. After what you’ve told me about how you grew up? You can be there for the children, the families, that actually need you here. Don’t risk your life for us. For clones. We are expendable. Replaced by the next model off the line.” Skip’s expression went from worried curiosity to a scowl as he spoke.
“No, Skip, you can’t say that. You and your brothers, you are all sentient human beings. You matter to me, and there are thousands of citizens that believe the same. You all are fighting a war. Those men on the front lines? I would trade an asshole who blew up himself and his neighbors for selfless men any day.” Brynn tries earnestly to explain her choice to not remain on the comparable safety of Coruscant. 
“Brynn you call us clones selfless. Why? We don’t have a choice. We come off the lines living, breathing, and fighting for the Republic. We are bred to be expendable.” Skip explains again, his scowl deepening. 
“Expendable? Why would there even be medics then? There are clone medics. There are positions for civilian medics. Skip, if you were truly expendable those positions would not exist.”
After that Brynn grabbed the rest of her lunch and left. Skip’s words hit her, in a way she wasn’t expecting. The amount of confusion, determination, and rage was starting to boil over. Now she has to submit the application. Not to prove a point to her best friend, but to show herself that she is capable and talented enough to make a difference in the lives of the men that she desperately wants to help. Because in this war, Skip is right, they have no choice. Brynn knows they deserve to be shown the kindness and the support that no one else wants to give them. 
By the time Brynn gets to her final class of the afternoon, she had tear stains on her cheeks. The clones aren’t expendable like Skip said, are they? No, Brynn shakes herself out of her thoughts, out of the propaganda. They are human-fucking-beings, and Brynn will be damned if she’ll let them die without knowing how much they mean to the citizens they are dying for. 
Her final class, a throwaway neurobiology course, comes and goes. Brynn could honestly do these procedures in her sleep. Her mind is still reeling from the conversations with Skip and with Orli’Va. Should she do this? Devote her life and well-being to the war effort? Brynn knows that she is smart, and that she is capable. Yet, she sees the look on the faces of her classmates. So young. So naive. They don’t know that she hears them talking about her. Second guessing her, and undermining her when they know she is correct. Brynn hears all of the comments, but they don’t know that she’ll remember every single one. 
When Brynn finally makes it back to her dorm for the evening, she just sits. She sits and thinks about what she is about to do, and if she is doing it for the right reasons. Is she doing something crazy just to prove everybody wrong? No. She is not. Opening the blank application, Brynn decides to put her ego aside and think about everything she’s seen with the clones. Skip, last week, being yelled at by one of the instructors, just for doing his job. Other members of the Coruscant Guard being verbally assaulted, or having things thrown at them. Working for a Republic that doesn’t want them to exist. But then Brynn thinks about those few people who handed the soldiers a cloth to wipe their armor. The one who told the professor to walk away. 
Tapping ‘Submit’ on the request, Brynn huffs and sets her datapad on the small desk in her dorm. Brynn looks around the small area, thinking back to when she first moved in; five years ago, with nothing more than a hand-me-down bag and some notebooks. One would think that after living at the Grand Republic Medical Facility for the last five years she would have a bigger living space, but a singular room and a refresher is all Brynn calls her own. Five years ago, she set out to try and make a difference. This field application is just the next step. As she settles down for bed, her mind wanders to what her future holds. Will she be in the thick of it? On the front lines, dodging blaster fire, surrounded by death? Or will she be aboard a medical frigate? Assisting the Kaminoan doctors and surgeons in a hospital setting? Brynn succumbs to the weight of her eyelids, drifting into a deep sleep. Her final thought of the night; is that in a day or two her request to serve the Grand Army of the Republic will either be accepted or denied.
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Location: The Grand Republic Medical Facility on Coruscant // Year: 22 BBY
It has been well over a week since Brynn submitted her medic application and she is getting anxious. Brynn should be used to it, being anxious comes with the territory of being the youngest human among the fifth years. How long does Brynn have to prove herself? Everyone is always second guessing her because of her age. Yes, it has rubbed off on Brynn; she does second guess herself more than she would like to admit. However at the same time, 95% of it Brynn would say, her confidence outweighs the anxiety. She maintains some of the highest marks among her class, and she is still fighting for her place in the ‘big kids’ crowd. 
“Just because you haven’t heard back on your request, doesn’t mean you’ve been rejected.” Brynn whispers to herself. Her datapad dings with a new message notification as she walks away from the caf stand. She senses that it is the answer she needs to quell her anxiety and quickens her pace to the dining hall. Maybe she can have Skip read it? 
Finding Skip in the sea of hungry students wasn’t difficult; Brynn was on a mission. Once she reaches the table with her friend, Brynn unceremoniously plops her datapad in front of the soldier and spins it towards him.
“Um, what do you want me to do with your datapad?” Skip wipes off the corner of his mouth with a gloved hand.
“I know how you feel about me wanting to join the war effort, Skip,” Brynn begins, her eyes cast downward, “But I need, need, you to read this notification that I got. I just can’t do it myself.”
Skip takes the datapad in his hands, tapping on its screen to navigate to the message Brynn spoke of. The soldier narrows his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Wait, what?! My application got denied?” Worry fills her voice. Skip slides her datapad back across the table and she scans the message before glaring back at her friend.. She reaches across the table and gives the man a slight, but firm, whack on the back of his head. 
“You can’t stress me out like that Skip, you know how much I wanted this.” Brynn begins to feel her heart rate increase, the excited anxiety of uncharted territory blossoming in her chest. 
“Ah Brynnie, I just want to keep you around,” Skip looks into Brynn’s eyes, giving her a small smile, and grabs her free hand, “You are my favorite lunch date.” Brynn returns his smile. She’ll miss her best friend. The tears finally spill as she rounds the table, crushing the trooper in the tightest hug she can manage. 
“You’ll have to tell me all about Kamino,” she whispers into his neck.
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Location: Transport Docking Station on Coruscant // Year: 22 BBY
The morning sun is blinding as Brynn and Skip walk towards her transport. In less than five minutes she will be embarking upon a brand new adventure. Saving lives, doing good in the galaxy. Before they reach the gate Skip turns and grabs her shoulders, stopping them in their tracks.
“Okay! Review time!” Skip’s voice comes through his helmet’s modulator. 
“Number one, remember, stay away from the tubies. You will definitely get attached because we are adorable little shits when we are babies.” Brynn nods her head in agreement.
“Okay, number two! If you see a reptavian flying overhead?” 
“Just duck,” Brynn finishes, rolling her eyes.
“Hey! None of that dude, they will actually snatch you up for a quick meal.” Brynn scoffs as he continues, “And finally, you will soon realize, Kaminoans are weird as hell. Absolutely do not stare, they think it’s rude.”
“Skip, you do remember I grew up on Coruscant. I have seen probably every species that a humanoid deems as weird.” Brynn finishes with a slight laugh. After an awkward moment of silence she drops the bag on her shoulder and throws her arms around her armored friend.
“I’ll miss you Skip,” Brynn says. Skip gives her a strong squeeze and pulls away.
“I will miss you too, short shit,” he returns, a sniffle interrupting his goodbye. 
Brynn grabs her bag off the landing pad and starts walking toward the ramp of the transport. Halfway up the ramp Brynn turns around, her braid fluttering in the morning breeze. She sees Skip still standing where they parted ways, bringing two fingers to her temple in a mock salute. Seeing Skip laugh, Brynn smirks to herself. Once she boards the ship, she catches a final glimpse of her best friend as the door closes.
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divider by: @maysdigitalarts
@lady--kenobi @sleepingsun501 @cocolinagoodnight @ulchabhangorm @justanothersadperson93 @corrieguards @ariadnes-red-thread @baba-fett @rexxdjarin
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"You're a evil doctor?!"
"...yeah? What else would I be?"
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ikilledamanforthisurl · 11 months
i'm not sure if this is bias from someone whose only seen voy+ds9 or if it's maybe more due to the setting of ds9 (a place people visit instead of people who visit places) but it is soooo delightful seeing all the PEOPLE!!! all of these unspeaking extras all dressed up in weird costume and extraordinary makeup. all of these aliens so different from one another and yet blending perfectly and harmoniously into the background, entirely irrelevant but no doubt leading unique and interesting lives. that probably sounds contradictory to love seeing the people when the show is no longer about Exploring To Meet People but idk something about ds9 feels different. feels alive and intriguing. maybe ds9 simply cant throw in human extras and call it a day like on a starfleet vessel because that just Is Not The Setting but also maybe ds9 does it willingly. happily. look at all of these different people. so many good unique character gimmicks get used in ds9 namely related to business owners/local workers and we are only so blessed with getting to know a few of them. a spy from the planet of state servitude who is drawn to the mundane and hedonistic self gratification owns a tailoring shop because hes banished from home. a bar tender who gets blackmailed into staying and his cop-vs-criminal dynamic best frenemy the Unknown Sample butt heads every day. all of the bajorans and their religious sites!!!!!! the school!!!!!! a worker from Capitalism Planet forms a union and then quits his job to be a freelance engineer and his sex worker wife who he loves very much. a guy from some sorta warrior culture who instead works as a chef serving live worms to his patrons who'll also burst into song during downtime. all of the shady visitors dealing in illicit substances and goods. all of the weird shapes and colours on these visitors from races whose names we may not even know. one of the starfleet crew guys gives birth to litters and he does this multiple times and some longterm professor on the station has a transparent skull and all this & more is conveyed to us strictly thru crewmembers gossiping about all the strange new different People around them because this show is all about People
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dee-guin · 2 years
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Day 1 - Eclipse
"I thought the skies only went dark for Halloween,"
"So did I. It's definetly not Halloween anymore though."
Taking the oppertunity to push myself by doing some backgrounds for this art challenge as well as exploring what my OCs got up to during the blackout 🤔
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outoftheseine · 10 months
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a lot of dad!simon fics here. i am not sorry. i want to bear this man's child(ren) | note: this is COD so there are some trigger warnings like: blood, guns, injuries, military stuff, death so please beware of them. there also also 18+ content so minors DNI. don't forget to read the authors' warnings | more will be added!
main masterlist
haunted | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @babygirl-riley (heavy angst, tw: depression, drugs, addiction suicide, toxic relationship, please read the warnings!)
too old for you | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x medic!fem!reader
↳ by @lunarw0rks (smut, hurt/comfort, age-gap)
soft spot • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @cordeliawhohung
the red means, i love you • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader x john 'soap' mactavish
↳ by @thewriterg
smashing pumpkins • simon 'ghost' riley x civilian!fem!reader
↳ by @qwimchii
last kiss | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @milf-murdock (angst, unestablished relationship, smut, fluff)
secret lovers | part 2 • husband!simon 'ghost' riley x wife!reader
↳ by @savemefromanepicoftimewasted
my baby swingin' • biker!simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @tojisun (very sexy biker!simon, smut, fluff)
happiness • simon 'ghost' riley x wife!fem!reader
↳ by @lethalchiralium (i feel so fuzzy when i read this series, fluff, sometimes angst, some tw be aware)
i'm with you | keep you close • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @undercoverpena (angst, feelings, explicit)
being yelled at by ghost | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @hxltic (angst! simon is an asshole)
northern attitude | part 2 • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @bubbles-for-all-of-us (enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, angst)
lights on • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @peachesofteal (single mom!reader, fluff, slight angst, protective!simon)
one night stand | part 2 | part 3 • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @cmncisspnandmore
break in, break down • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @hyperactively-me (home invasion, comfort, fluff)
his girls • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @babygirl-riley (so so so fluffy, dad!simon)
one fucking mistake • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @codfanficedits (very angsty, hurt but no comfort for a whilez grieving, tw:depression)
book boyfriend • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @stargirlrchive (fluff)
lime-sized • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @imperihoe-writes (pregnant!reader, very fluffy)
bloodied bullets, soft confessions • simon 'ghost' riley x gn!reader
↳ by @ghosts-cyphera (a little mean!simon, hurt/comfort, injuries, fluffy end)
monster • neighbor!simon 'ghost' riley x afab!reader
↳ by @rowarn (smut, protective!simon, zombie au)
unmasked love • simon 'ghost' riley x afab!reader
↳ by @springtyme (so so so cute! dad!simon)
adoration • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @yawnderu (dad!simon, fluff)
simon 'ghost' riley x sensitive!gn!reader
↳ by @cherryredstars (fluff and nswf content)
this chapter is over • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @colonelarr0w (character death, angst, injuries, some fluff)
simon says • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @unreliablesnake (smut)
salt in an old wound • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!oc!reader
↳ by @ghouljams (hurt/comfort, explicit content, fae au)
blood on my shirt, rose in my hand • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @alwaysshallow (friends to lovers, the continuation is on ao3!)
antique soldiers • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @mangowafflesss
why? • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @riverbutghost (asshole!simon, injuries, slightly explicit at the end)
cold but warm • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @riverbutghost (asshole!simon, injuries, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff)
pretty pink flowers and bloody cherry blossom tree • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @underscorewriting (really really angsty, ugly cried)
for the last time • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @wttcsms (pregnant!reader, mentions of death, angst but fluff)
welcome home • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @nastybuckybarnes (home invasion, arguing, fluff)
medical leave • simon 'ghost' riley x gn!reader
↳ by @kib-ble (mentions of injuries, hurt/comfort, fluff)
no more stars left to count • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @lvlyghost (angst, hurt/comfort)
protective • simon 'ghost' riley x reader
↳ by @ponyosmom35 (medic!reader, protective!simon, tw: sexual harassement)
return • simon 'ghost' riley x fem!reader
↳ by @bruhrobs (fluff, colleagues to lovers, single mom!reader)
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tossawary · 4 months
This is a very niche fic idea that I have no solid intention of actually writing, but... "Naruto" has more than a few self-insert fics and some of them are transmigrations into canon characters. Some of them are about OCs who do not want to be a ninja and are desperately trying to get out of it. There's usually some deliciously frustrating tragedy and horror about the brutal and inescapable military system of Konoha.
So, I thought that it would be kind of interesting to do an OC-insert into Sasuke, probably ultimately more comedic than angsty, as the OC tries to fail out of having to become a ninja, but then has to struggle against the fact that a civilian Sasuke would probably be expected to start a new Uchiha clan ASAP. (They probably have to concede to at least becoming a genin for the benefits of legal adulthood of some kind at 12 years old, even if it means being a part of the damn military.)
But even if the OC would personally love to be a parent someday, they cannot condone participating in what's essentially a breeding program for a new generation of Sharingan-wielding super-soldiers. Children who are probably going to be chewed up and spat out by Konoha someday too.
I think it would be neat to have a character treat the Sharingan like a genetic disorder that they don't want a child to suffer. I think it would have been interesting if canon Sasuke had also wrestled with the idea of letting the Sharingan die out. Fuck it, he'll adopt if he wants to be a dad someday. I also think it would be funny to have an OC-insert whose goal is to get a secret vasectomy (body autonomy!) without the leadership of Konoha finding out.
Sasuke, as soon as Sakura becomes a medical nin: "I need you to do me a huge secret favor and NOT be weird about it."
Sakura, also still currently a teenager: "You're asking me to CASTRATE YOU, AT HOME, IN SECRET, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO NOT BE WEIRD ABOUT THIS?!"
(And there's the whole fucking issue of the "Naruto" universe having cloning, so, no, a vasectomy isn't a solid guarantee of getting out of this. But it might buy Sasuke a few years to figure out how to avoid the mad science route too if anyone tries to force marriage on him at any point.)
Even throwing aside the issue of children, even in an AU where the OC-Insert is cool with having bio children, I think it would be really funny to have a Transmigrator Sasuke announcing outright in the first Team 7 meeting that his dream is to retire super early and become a shinobi tradwife to a super strong ninja.
Kakashi: "...What?"
Sasuke, possibly talking out of his ass to troll his team and because he's already spitefully exhausted: "I said what I said. I'm the only Uchiha left to pass on my clan's techniques, so my dream is to be a stay-at-home ninja, supported by a super strong spouse who can protect my family."
I think this would break Naruto and Sakura's brains. ("Marry Hokage Naruto" is not the worst plan that a transmigrator could come up with, probably.) I think that this would be a super funny start to a Team 7 OT3 in which Naruto and Sakura become rivals for the position of Sasuke's shinobi sugar daddy/mommy. (Naruto doesn't consciously realize that he's competing for Sasuke's hand in marriage at first, but he gets it after a few years or so.)
Kakashi is... So Tired. Obito, are you seeing this shit??? What the fuck.
I know some OC-insert / SI-insert into Sasuke fics exist, I just think the funniest plot direction for a transmigrator in this situation would be to completely bail on both the "take revenge on Itachi" and "rebuild the Uchiha clan" dreams in the least macho ways available.
Also, what WOULD Itachi think of Sasuke abruptly deciding to give up on revenge and to become a house husband instead?
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sleepyfan-blog · 1 month
In The Medbay
Author’s Note: This is the second part of Pallius’ in Husbandry. First. Other Black Templar adventures here. Thank you to @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan for letting me borrow her oc Zariel!
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @i-am-a-dragon34 
Warnings: none? Please ask me to tag something if I need to.
Summary: Pallius wakes up. He’s surprised by this. This is only the first of many surprises in store for the young Black Templar.
Pallius was pleasantly surprised to find himself awake. Considering how badly He had beaten him, the young Primaris Marine hadn’t expected to survive it. He wouldn’t have been the first Primaris Marine to fall to Petras’ bad temper and lethal hands, though he knew that the medicae would do their best to stabilize him, if he was able to be found in time. How he had ended up on a world with civilians on it, when he had been aboard The Sigismund when the punishment Petras had been delivering unto him moments ago made no sense whatsoever. 
His wounds ached somewhat, but far less than he was expecting them to… Was… Was he being given morpha, to relieve some of his pain? Pallius’ eyes shot open, and the view of an astartes-sized and grade medical bay filled his vision. He spotted a couple of Ultramarine apothecaries tending to other patients, moving swiftly and efficiently between them. 
… How had he ended up on a world of Ultramar? The Sigismund had been deep in Imperium Nihilus, chasing rumors of a second Primarch's possible awakening… And the strange moments of The Dark Angels…
Well, stranger movements of the Dark Angels. That particular chapter of Astartes had always been extremely secretive and unwilling to explain anything whatsoever. The way they operated reminded him of the Silver Bastard Trainers back on Mars. The ones he wasn't supposed to talk or even think about very much.
Despite the odd mysteries before him, his mind wandered back to the young mortal who had first found him, upon this world. She had been scared for him, and so earnestly trying to help. Her light touches had soothed wherever they had landed, and her voice had been a soothing balm to his ragged, guilt-ridden soil. Pallius needed to find her.
The young Black Templar looked down at himself assessingly. He had an IV attached to a clear plastic bag that was dripping… Something into his veins. His wounds that needed it were bandaged and presumably cleaned beforehand, per proper protocols.
And if there was one thing Ultramarines were good at, it was following proper protocol. Most of them, anyways.
Pallius’ body was covered by some egregious thin and flimsy light blue smock-thing and a blanket. He wiggled his toes, finding them free of the Vile Abominations known as socks, and bare. He needed to find that baseline mortal and thank her for what she had done. It was as if someone had tied steel cabling to the deepest part of his soul and tethered him to that mortal girl. He found that he did not mind this tether, but the near-frantic urge to find her and keep her safe and happy was enough to force him up and off of the comfortable bed.
A wave of morpha-induced dizziness hit Pallius hard as he managed to silently heave himself off of the bed and onto his bare feet. His fingers clumsily tied the blanket around himself over one shoulder in a parody of a toga, but it was better than the gown-thing he was wearing underneath the blanket alone.
One of his hands flew over to and grasped the IV pole, allowing himself to steady against it. Some clever soul had attached wheels to the base of the pole, which meant pushing it and the IV attached to him a lot easier. His wounds all protested simultaneously at the movement, but Pallius ignored them with all of the grit and determination that he could muster.
Pallius allowed himself a couple of seconds to breathe silently through the pain before taking a quiet step toward the medbay doors. Then another. Then a third. The young Black Templar moved slowly and with caution, so as to not aggravate his still-healing wounds to the best of his abilities, willing none of the Apothecaries to come over and bother him.
He had a (self-imposed) mission to complete, and by the God Emperor Himself, Pallius would see it done, or die in the process. Nothing and no one would be able to stop him on this righteous quest. Pallius continued to make his way to the medbay doors, and reached about three-quarters of the way there from the bed he’d woken up in, when an amused voice drawled out from behind him.
“Just where do you think you’re going, Scout?” One of the Ultramarines called out, an amused expression on his face and mirth shining in his blue-black eyes. 
“I need to find the mortal who first helped me. She was so nice and worried and I… I need to reassure her that I have survived. Do you know where she is?” Pallius asked, having partially turned to explain himself to the Apothecary before returning to his task of Leaving The Medbay.
“... And you want to find the mortal who helped you dressed like this, do you?” The Ultramarine asked, sounding very judgmental and amused.
Rude bastard. “Do you have any better ideas?” Pallius huffed, scowling (not pouting! He was a space marine, damn it) down at the older but shorter Astartes. “Or know where I may borrow some better clothes?”
“The answer to both of those questions is yes.” The Ultramarine Apothecary answered, still clearly laughing at him silently. “But first, please sit down. There is much to explain to you, and I daresay the explanation will help.”
Pallius blinked, obeying the tone of command without thought. A sigh of relief left him and the gray that had been eating at the edges of his vision faded. The pain ebbed and hey, he could breathe better again. “Will the explanation include how I arrived on a world of Ultramar?”
“Considering who you see in the medbay, I understand why you’ve guessed that. But no, we are not within the Realm of Ultramar. We are on Terra.” The Ultramarine revealed.
The Primaris Marine physically recoiled a little in shock and surprise, a silent gasp leaving him, his eyes widening as he tried to process this information. “H… Holy Terra? But… But I was many years from the Sol system, even by Warp Travel… And I thought that Terra’s atmosphere had long since become thin and heavily polluted. That is what we were told, sir.”
“In M42, this is true. However -” The Ultramarine - who introduced himself as Apothecary Zariel - explained the utterly wild and nonsensical tale of time travel that apparently every Marine currently on M3 Holy Terra had somehow undergone. Allegedly Zariel was from M36. He talked of the alliance, of bonds, of many fantastical and heretical things, ending with “And, as I can tell you don’t believe most of what I say -not that I blame you for that young one, this is a tale I would scarcely believe myself if I did not have proof of it, there are a few other Primaris Marines from M42 on base. I have asked two of them to join us. Cedric - who is an apothecary, and Ramiel, who is a Chaplain-in-training. Both of them are also Primaris Black Templars.”
“... Could you go over what these bonds are? How do you know if you have a bond? They… They aren’t heretical, are they?” Pallius asked, light blue eyes widening in surprise and recognition of the names of two of his Brothers.
Zariel smiled and gently patted one of his shoulders, having sat down partway through the long-winded lecture of absolute nonsense that he’d been trying to feed him. Why the other was trying to lie to Pallius so much, the young marine couldn’t begin to guess. All the other had to say was that it was classified for him to know where he was, and Pallius would have accepted that from the other. “Most commonly, a marine bonded to a baseline human feels the need to protect and care for that human. To ensure that they are happy and loved and that they know this. It is also common to want to spend as much time as possible around the human one is bonded to, and to feel a sense of anxiety or concern when away from one’s human for one reason or another.”
Pallius’ eyes widened and he fidgeted with his hands a little, looking away from the older Marine “And… And these bonds, they are… They are good things?”
“Yes, lad, They are wonderful gifts. Is there a particular reason why you ask?” Zariel asked, and he could hear a smile in the other’s voice.
“I think. I think I have a bonded human. The blue haired human who helped me until medicae got on the scene. I feel… I need. I need to find her. I need to make sure that she’s okay. I want to see her smile and laugh and be happy. I-I need to let her know that her care and concern weren’t wasted on someone who died, or does not think of her concern as the precious gift it is.” Pallius explained, a desperate desire to explain himself rising up within the young marine. “Please… I… I need to find her. To see her again.”
“Easy… Easy… Deep breaths. Follow my lead, lad.” Zariel instructed him, breathing in the manner that he wanted Pallius to copy. “Once you’re in a bit better shape -”
Pallius shook his head, his eyes wide and pleading “No! No, I need to see her now! I can’t… It can’t wait! I… I need to see her again. I will leave this medbay and find her on my own, the moment you leave me alone. Please! Her presence was a soothing balm. I know that I would do much better, heal faster, were she around.”
“Do you want your bonded human to see you half-dead from your wounds and half-delirious from both the morpha and blood loss?” Zariel asked, a sharpness in his voice, but a gentle understanding on his face. 
A chill ran through him. Would she see him as an ill-fitting protector, if she were to be brought to him while he was so injured, so frantic? The urge to find her was nearly all-consuming… But the idea of her rejecting him because he was a weak mess of emotions and injuries was enough to get him to stop dead in his tracks, both literally and metaphorically. “I… No…” He answered, his voice small and meek. “I don’t.”
“That’s what I thought. Now, I’m going to help you back to your bed. There are some gentle exercises that I will be happy to teach you that will help you heal better, but you must listen to me. You also must not push yourself, or you will strain your injuries and cause them to take longer to heal.” Zariel rumbled, a stern expression on his face.
Pallius ducked his head, shame burning in his hearts “Yes sir… Sorry sir…”
The stern expression on Zariel’s face softened somewhat. “I understand your eagerness to meet your bonded again. I, too have a bonded human. They are a wonderful companion, however the baseline you are bonded to would be distraught to see you in such a weakened state. Not because she’d judge you for being so badly hurt, but because she’d worry as to how you got into such a state. M3 is much more peaceful, and isolated from the horrors of the Galaxy. You want to be at your best when you meet her properly, yes?”
“Yes sir!” Pallius answered, nodding. He still felt the desire to go find the human he was Bonded to, but was able to temper that desire with the knowledge that he did not want to find them, only to collapse into a puddle of pain and bloodied meat before her feet. He obediently followed Zariel back to his bed and laid down, a sigh of relief leaving him, his eyes closing as he was stunned by how exhausted the short distance he had moved had made him.
Zariel untied the blanket he’d been wearing and tucked him into bed, running a gentle hand through his hair. “Sleep well, young one. Try not to sprint for the medbay doors when you wake up again, mm?”
“Yes sir…” Pallius yawned, letting himself settle into the comfortable embrace of sleep.
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milkywayhou · 6 months
YOU'VE GOT EMAIL (König X OC: Medical Student!Snow) PART I
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Summary: When the Colonel from some Private Military Corporation group accidentally send KorTac's secret file via email to a random civilian girl.
König send wrong email to a wrong person
TWs: A lot curse words (from Snow), both of them being passive-aggressive, slow burn (kinda). I just wrote this for fun
Words Count: 3k (That's a lot for an email lol)
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 03:42 pm
Subject: KorTac Tactical Operations File E12345 Classification: Top Secret
Apologies for the inappropriate transmission. As head of KorTac Special Forces, securing sensitive documents is of utmost priority. Please confirm deletion of the attached file and we’ll consider the matter closed.
While I understand your confusion receiving such a file unsolicited, KorTac business must remain confidential. I trust a responsible professional such as yourself understands the necessity of discretion in such matters. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if any other issues arise.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 07:12 pm
Subject: RE: Creepy email
Excuse me,
I have no idea what you’re talking about. All I know is I got some weird files from “KorTac Tactical” that I definitely did NOT ask for. Do you know how scary it is to get secret military documents out of nowhere? I thought it was one of my friends pranking me at first.
Instead of lecturing me about deleting things, maybe you should be more careful who you send your “top secret” info to. I’m just trying to study neurology over here, not get dragged into some clandestine Special Forces stuff.
Lighten up a little, yeah? It was an honest mistake I’m sure. No harm done.
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 08:02 pm
Subject: RE: RE: Creepy email
Ms. Farron,
I can assure you there was no “creepy email” or files sent from this office. As Commander of one of the world’s premier private military factions, securing classified intel is of utmost priority. If some file was erroneously transmitted to your address in error, it did not originate from my users.
While I understand the desire to shrug off mistakenly received sensitive documents, national security does not warrant such lackadaisical treatment. If you have relevant data in your possession, basic courtesy requires replying to the original correspondent – in this case, myself – to ascertain the source of error.
Do let me know if you retrieve any files in question. And in future, a bit more discretion and less indignation may serve you well when inadvertently encountering restricted information networks. Consider this a learning experience.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 08:22 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Creepy email
Hi Colonel Tightpants,
Thank you for the condescending lecture. As I’ve said THREE times now, I never got any files from you or KorTac or wherever before. All I know is I woke up to an ominous email saying “Top Secret KorTac files” or something. Pretty annoying/alarming for a simple student!
And excuse me for not dropping everything to thoroughly investigate a mistake that wasn’t even mine. Some of us have actual classes to study for, not play secret agent all day.
If you’re so worried about security breaches, maybe focus on your end instead of harassing innocent people via multiple snobby emails. I’ve got better things to do than argue in circles with Mr. High-and-Mighty.
Please remove me from your contact list going forward. And do try to lighten up a little!
P.S. The file is attached. I called it “Creepy Email From Creepy Colonel” for your convenience. Have fun decrypting your own mystery ;)
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
02/28/23 at 09:42 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: Creepy email
Ms. Farron,
I will not be spoken to in such a disrespectful and unprofessional manner. While your frustrations are understandable, maintaining proper decorum and respect for sensitive operational matters is not an optional courtesy – it is imperative.
You’re accusations of “harassment” are as unfounded as they are insulting. Do not mistake my patience and courtesy thus far for weakness. Should any real documents surface from my network in error, I expect their immediate return without petulant games or sass.
As a private military organization operating across the globe, security is no light concern for this command. If unable to grasp even the basic responsibility of confirming received documents' origins for the sake of national safety, perhaps the world of intelligence is beyond your current realm of comprehension.
Consider this your final warning. Any further unsubstantiated claims or uncooperative behavior will be met with the full weight of legal action and your academic institution will be notified accordingly. Is that absolutely clear, Ms. Farron?
Reply confirming so or cease contact immediately. I will not tolerate insubordination, especially from an civilian amateur dabbling where she has no clearance. Maintain discretion as instructed or suffer consequences – the choice is yours.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/01/23 at 09:29 am
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Creepy Email
Colonel High-Horse,
Spare me your thinly veiled threats. If you’re so sure I have hide some Top Secret Files™, by all means come search my dorm room yourself since you clearly don’t believe a word I say. Oh wait, you can’t – because there’s NOTHING.
Maybe take a break from power tripping over email and try listening to the person who’s actually involved for once. Not my fault if your big bad security systems have holes. But I guess acknowledging mistakes isn’t very military, is it?
You wanna see uncooperative and petulant? Keep harassing me and I’ll forward our whole conversation to the national news. Something tells me they’d love to hear how easily “the world’s premier private military” loses confidential files.
So for the last time – I did NOT receive ANY files from you or KorTac aside the one you accidentally send. If you’re incapable of comprehending that, then you’re dumber than you look. Consider THIS your final warning to lay off before I take action, Colonel Tightass.
Formerly Civilian, Currently Pissed Off
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/01/23 at 08:55 am
Subject: Enough
Ms. Farron,
Your insubordination has crossed several lines. While I sought to resolve this discreetly, you force my hand with threats and insults. Know that I do not respond kindly to such provocation.
If you insist upon escalating this beyond reason, so be it. However, tread carefully – you are ignorant of forces beyond your control. Dare to sully KorTac’s name to fuel your petulance, and all your academic and personal records will undergo… thorough review.
Accidents happen, as you claim. But any damage to our operations will not be taken lightly, no matter your perceived innocence. Heed my words well, girl – you do not wish to become an enemy of this command.
Consider this last attempt at civil discourse. Cease contact and let this die, or suffer consequences you cannot imagine. The choice, as before, remains yours.
I expect no further correspondence. You are now on formal notice – proceed at your own peril.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/01/23 at 11:38 pm
Subject: Go to Hell
You want a fight, you’ll get one you pompous prick. Your “command” and threats mean nothing to me.
If anything happens to my academic career or personal life, the world will know exactly who’s responsible. I don’t care how elite you think you are.
Bring whatever you’ve got – I’m not afraid of some borderline psychotic and his glorified gun club. You want a target? Consider it painted on your back from now on.
Have fun trying to intimidate me, ASSHOLE. You just made the worst enemy of your pathetic life.
Goodbye forever. Don’t bother responding – you’re officially dead to me.
Snow Farron
Future Doctor, Current Pain in Your Ass
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/02/23 at 01:29 am
Subject: So Be It
Foolish girl. You have no concept of the forces you now contend with. Consider carefully the hole you’ve dug, for there will be no mercy if you proceed.
However, my integrity will not permit baseless threats against civilians. If you agree to cease hostilities and let this dissolve quietly, no further action will be taken. Your record and life will remain untouched.
The choice is simple – walk away unscathed, or persist in this idiocy and face consequences beyond imagination. Think carefully on your next move, little one. Tread no further, and this can end.
You have one hour for a sensible reply before measures are taken. Make them count.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/03/23 at 02:04 am
Subject: Bite Me
Yeah, I’m real scared of your “forces” and “consequences beyond imagination.” Give me a break.
You think I’m going to bow down to your threats just because you’re some big shot Colonel? Please. I’ve dealt with way scarier than pompous bully babies like you.
So do your worst, tough guy. Come at me with everything you’ve got. I promise it still won’t be enough to make me back down from a pissant fraud like you.
Your “hour” can go fuck itself. You want to end this? Then stay the hell away from me and leave me alone forever. Otherwise this isn’t over by a long shot.
Tick tock, pal. Your time is running out and so is your chance to slink away with your tail between your legs. Better figure out your next move fast!
Not holding my breath for anything “sensible” though. Later, loser!
Snow “Untouchable” Farron
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/05/23 at 11:09 pm
Subject: wassup bitchhhhh
Hey asshooooole its ur girl Snow again!! Had a few dranks w/ friends to forget ur stupid email but the pain remainsss lolll
Jus wanted to let u kno ur still a total dickhead no matter how drunk I get. Probly shouldn’t be emailing u since last time but fuck it YOLO right???
Anyway ur threats meant nothing I had a blast tonight. Try n stop me next time I feel like partying fuck face!!! No1 messes w snow n gets away with it
Also saw some guy who looked like u at the bar what a coincidink lol. Hope he feels as stupid as u in the morn ;))
Hope ur having a shit night missing out on the fun. Don’t reply I prob wont even remember this! Byeeeeeee loser stay mad <33333
Xoxo drunk snow
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/06/23 at 01:50 am
Subject: RE: wassup bitchhhhh
Well well, what have we here. It seems our intrepid Dr. Farron has landed herself in an inebriated state this night.
Can’t say I blame you for seeking alcohol’s comfort after our little disagreement. Dealing with my “stupid emails” and “threats” must have been terribly traumatic. You have my deepest sympathies, truly.
While unwise to conduct militarized business intoxicated, I’ll admit your drunken ramblings provided some mild amusement. The imagery of you partying it up solely to spite me was rather quaint. Do try to stay safe in your revelries, dear – would hate for some unfortunate accident.
As for your daring insinuation about encountering my likeness at a bar, I can assure you my nights are occupied with matters far more pressing than drinking. But I appreciate the laugh, strange as it came from such a belligerent tongue.
Enjoy your hangover, Snow. And sleep well – who knows what mischief tomorrow may bring.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
P.S. Do refrain from over-indulging too often. Wouldn’t want those fine medical skills to dull prematurely, now would we?
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/06/23 at 05:28 am
Subject: RE: RE: wassup bitchhhhh
Yeah yeah, laugh it up. We all do dumb shit when we’re drunk occasionally. At least I have an excuse, unlike you and your constant stick up the ass personality.
That being said, I suppose I owe you an apology for that ridiculous email last night. Not my finest moment, to say the least. But you seem to bring out the worst in me, so.
Consider us even for any “amusement” you got at my expense. I’m suffering enough with this hangover from hell as it is.
Just so we’re clear though – I’m not some damsel for you to patronize or imply threats towards. Keep your smug sarcasm, I don’t need it. We’re done here, got it?
Good. Now fuck off and leave me alone to die in peace, Dickhead von Buzzkill. And next time – lay off the sauce OR lay off me. Your choice, Colonel
Snow “Moderately Sober But Still Pissed” Farron
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/06/23 at 09:33 am
Subject: RE: RE: RE: wassup bitchhhhh
Alright Colonel Buzzkill, I’ll admit my constant insults aren’t getting us anywhere. As much as I hate to inflate that already massive ego of yours, maybe there was a tiny little misunderstanding somewhere along the way.
Med school has been kicking my ass lately and I’ve been on edge. Between the mounting student loans, endless assignments, and stressful exams, I’m about one Red Bull away from a full breakdown. Not that you probably care about such peasant problems.
Anyways, my point is – I may have overreacted a bit to this whole email mixup. Even if it WAS totally not my fault *eyes emoji*. Can’t a girl blow off some steam without the world’s most uptight Colonel threatening her into an early grave?
Lay off with the intimidation tactics already. I said I was sorry for getting drunk and belligerent, more or less. What more do you want, my first born child in sacrifice?
Just, try to lighten up a little if we have to keep interacting for god knows what reason. I’m too exhausted to keep fighting a war on 20 different fronts. Truce?
Overworked and Underpaid,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/06/23 at 09:01 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: wassup bitchhhhh
Oh? So the fledgling doctor deigns to admit a modicum of culpability at last. How gracious of her highness to acknowledge her part in this debacle, no matter how begrudgingly.
Though I’ll not deny deriving a certain satisfaction from seeing you squirm, that was never my aim. As Commander of KorTac, security of sensitive data is no laughing matter – a concept you seemed unwilling or unable to grasp at the time.
However, as one engaged in higher pursuits of intellectual rigor and public service, I can understand the pressures that come with such territory. Medical education is a noble yet arduous path, as I’m sure even your addled mind comprehends on occasion.
Very well, Ms. Farron – consider this matter put to rest. A temporary ceasefire it is, for the sake of future global stability if nothing else. But tread not again where you have been warned, or I shall not be so gracious next transgression.
Do try to mind your health and studies in lieu of drunken revelry. Wouldn’t want to lose such a pugnacious spirit to frivolity or misfortune. Now, do run along – no doubt some looming assignment awaits its dissection.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/07/23 at 02:19 am
Subject: Aw, you DO care!
Aww, is that actually concern I detect underneath all the big important Colonel bluster? I’m touched, really. Who knew you had a soft spot for lowly students like me.
Admit it – you just can’t stand the thought of little ol’ me disappearing in some “frivolous misfortune.” You’d miss having me around to aggravate that permanent stick up your butt!
But don’t worry, it’ll take more than a silly paper or two to take me out of commission. Unlike some people, I actually know how to unwind without threatening international incidents *cough cough*.
All jokes aside though, truce accepted on my end too. Maybe now we can move past wanting to strangle each other every time we’re in the same email chain. Small victories, right?
Anyways, gotta get back to the grind. Thanks for not making me regret extending the olive branch…this time. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!
Your Favorite Almost-Doctor,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/07/23 at 08:05 am
Subject: RE: Aw, you DO care!
Cease this incessant jesting at once, fraulein. I neither “care” for you as anything more than a potential security concern, nor possess any jovial qualities to “aggravate.”
A commander's duties require maintaining surveillance of volatile elements wherever they arise. You have thus far proven yourself quite the unpredictable variable, so forgive my reluctance to take eyes fully off the matter.
As for your studies, consider this the only encouragement they shall receive from me. Master your craft with distinction, then mayhaps our paths need not cross again in the future. Though I admit the thought of you disappearing into obscurity does bring its own satisfactions to ponder.
Now then, if you’re quite finished wasting both our time with your misguided attempts at levity, some of us have real work to which attending. Do try and keep yourself from causing further disruptions, medic. You may resume your “grind” in peace.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
To: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/07/23 at 12:56 pm
Subject: RE: RE: Aw, you DO care!
Always so grumpy, Colonel Grumpy Pants! Lighten up a little, will ya? Not all of us can be stoic hard asses all the time.
Speaking of asses, mine is practically dragging on the floor from exhaustion. Between classes, labs, studying, and my various part-time jobs, I’m surprised I have any brain cells left at all.
Don’t even get me started on these student loans. At this rate, I’ll be paying them off until I’m 90. Not that you military bigwigs have to worry about pesky things like money, I’m sure. Must be nice.
You know, maybe I should just forget this whole doctor thing and become a sugar baby instead. At least then I could afford to eat once in a while AND maybe some lucky rich person would be willing to pay off my debts. What do you think – interested in an investment opportunity? I promise I come with lots of free sass and jokes at your expense!
Kidding of course…or am I? You’ll never know!
Your favorite broke and tired med student,
From: Colonel_Kö[email protected]
03/07/23 at 03:37 pm
Subject: RE: RE: RE: Aw, you DO care!
One of these days that improperly-filtered mouth of yours will find its owner in hot water she can’t jest her way out of, medic. I’d advise reigning in these fanciful sugar baby musings before they land you in a far less pleasant situation.
However, your frustration with the systemic burdens of medical education is…understandable. The modern model leaves much to be desired in terms of sustainability for both student and society. A dysfunction perpetuated by greed and shortsightedness at the highest levels, as with so many ills in this world.
As for offers of “investment,” I’ve no surplus funds to patronize frivolities. Nor the patience to entertain speculative propositions from volatile girls who can’t keep themselves from inviting more trouble than they bargain for. Focus that restless energy on your studies as discussed, and all should proceed smoothly.
Now then, if there are no further inanities requiring response, I’ve a command to oversee. Best of luck with exams and endeavors, Farron. Dismissed.
Colonel König
KorTac Commanding Officer
I will write the next part later when I have time <3
Also comment love and reblogged are very appreciated! 💖
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softspeirs · 6 months
These Heartbeats Clear (4): Rosie Rosenthal x OC
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A/N: You mean I was supposed to watch ep 7 and Rosie run towards a recently landed B-17 all heroically and not write something where he helps with the wounded? *laughs maniacally* These Heartbeats Clear Masterlist
four (loss & grief)
Heads tilted upwards, every stood-down pilot, crew member, and civilian on base counts the number of planes coming in.
It's always fewer than they expect.
The 100th is taking so many losses at this point in the war, Rosie is not surprised when two planes barely make the runway. Red-red flares, wounded aboard. Landing gear screeching, holes in wings smoking, and he's moving before he can even think about what he's doing.
The hatch is open and a slew of bullet casings come tumbling out, a crew member not far behind, dazed. Rosie reaches for him out of instinct, gripping his elbow to keep him upright.
"You're all right, son." He says, but the Captain either doesn't hear him, or hasn't processed it. Rosie lets go.
His attention is drawn, as it tends to be, to the arrival of Lieutenant Grace Fleming. Her face is pale, but set in grim determination.
She meets his eyes for a split second. If she’s surprised to see him there, she doesn’t show it, instead she focuses on the man in front of her, fallen to his knees. His breath comes in fits and spurts.
“Captain—“ She barks, eyes flicking up to Rosie’s once more. “A hand.”
It’s not a request. If he’s here, he has to make himself useful. Another nurse on her left, they’re lowering the man to the ground.
“Need him on a litter right away.”
“Count of three.” Rosie confirms, another member of the medical corps arriving at their side with a stretcher.
“Nurse—“ the man stutters, blood seeping from between his chattering teeth. “Miss Grace, please.”
Grace freezes for only a moment, but it’s enough for Rosie to see. Her jaw clenches. “I’m here, you’re alright. Try to slow your breathing for me, okay?” Her hands are gentle as she clasps his. She presses their interlocked hands to the man’s chest, leaning over him. “You’ve got a bad leg wound and some shrapnel elsewhere, we’re going to get you inside and take care of you.”
“Please,” he begs again. “Grace, I don’t want to die.”
Rosie is relieved when Grace looks at him, nodding once. “Count of three.” She says.
One, two, three, and they’re lifting. Into the ambulance the young Lieutenant goes, and Grace is right behind. Rosie helps her in, hands gripping around her waist and hoisting her inside before he can second guess touching her like that.
“Later.” She says to him quietly before shutting the door.
It didn’t need to be said - their sunset meetings on the hard stand have been a staple for the both of them since he came back from the flak house.
He turns back to the chaotic scene behind him, wanting to help. Scenes like this are becoming more and more common. It makes alarm bells ring in his head. Somehow, though, it makes him more sure about his next move.
He waits around on the hard stand for a half hour before a feeling in his gut has him turning back towards the barracks.
He goes to the women's hut first. Shaking his head at his sudden nervousness, he raps his knuckles on the door. Entering uninvited seems wrong, and when the door is opened in front of him, he hastily whips off his hat and clutches it between his fingers.
"Captain!" The woman says, and Rosie is embarrassed to admit to himself that he doesn't know her name.
"I'm looking for--"
"Grace?" Word has gotten around, then. "She hasn't been here. Still at the hospital as far as I know. She missed dinner."
Rosie frowns. That's not like her.
Following his gut, he thanks the woman at the door and turns on his heels, heading in the opposite direction. Not for the first time, he wishes he had a jeep or a bike at his disposal - he knows he could find someone to give him a lift, but he doesn't want to draw any more attention to his meeting with Grace than he apparently already has.
The hospital is eerily silent. He forces himself inside - he still hates the smell and the way everything is so blindingly white.
A few men he recognizes from the landing earlier are in bed, most asleep. Their wounds range from what appear to be minor to a man who is bandaged nearly from head to toe.
There is still blood on the floor.
He steps carefully past the last bed. Still no sign of Grace.
Water runs in a small room to his left, and he makes his footfalls a little heavier in hopes that he doesn't startle her if she is indeed still here, preparing to leave for the day.
He peers around the corner to see her, hands deep in the washing basin. She is scrubbing at her hands so hard, she sounds out of breath. A sick, sinking feeling hits him in the gut.
"Grace." He says her name softly. It comes out hoarse. He takes a few steps closer when she doesn't react. "Grace?"
She's still scrubbing at her hands. When he gets close enough, he can see the color of her skin - bright pink, the water so hot steam is rising from the tap. The soap running from her fingers is clean, not a tinge of any color that shouldn't be there running down the drain.
Her hands are shaking.
Without saying anything else, he reaches for the tap and shuts it off. She doesn't stop rubbing at her hands, her knuckles, her fingernails.
"Grace." His voice is firmer this time. His hands settle over hers. He almost pulls away because of how hot her touch is, but the shaking only gets worse in her long fingers, and he grips her tighter out of instinct.
"He didn't make it." She says, voice like he's never heard it before. Flat. Emotionless. "The Lieutenant from--" She stops, and it's not really a cry, but more of a strangled noise that leaves her throat. "His plane was called Borrowed Time."
Rosie's throat is tight as he watches her. He gently guides her away from the sink, hands still tight around hers. "Come on, sit down for a second."
"I can't-- I have to get the blood off."
"Gracie, you're clean, okay?"
"He-- he begged me." She looks at him then. There are tears in her eyes, but he knows her well enough to know she won't let them fall. "He didn't call for his mother, or for God. He begged me."
Rosie throws all caution to the wind. He pulls her sideways so she's half in his lap. His arms go around her, tugging her close, her head finding purchase on his shoulder. Her breathing is strangled, and he knows she's trying not to break.
"You did everything you could." He assures her. "I know you did everything you could."
"You don't know that. Not for sure."
He's shaking his head before she can even finish her sentence. "Yes, I do. There's no one better than you, Grace."
She's quiet for a long time before she pulls away from him. His arms open automatically, and he clears his throat as a sudden awkwardness lands between them like an anvil. "I need to get out of here." She whispers.
"Come on." He says, holding his hand out to her. It feels like an eternity waiting to see if she'll take it.
She does.
Lemmons appears at some point to hand over a hastily wrapped parcel of sandwiches and sodas. Rosie looks up at him gratefully, even more grateful when Ken doesn't say anything - he's gotten used to seeing Rosie and Grace out here together.
Grace's face is a mask of stoicism, but Rosie knows better by now. He can see the crease in between her eyebrows that only shows up when she's tired or worried.
He can see the way her shoulders slump downward, her posture normally ramrod straight from years of being shouted at by her parents.
When they're alone again, he watches her carefully for signs that she's knitting herself back together. He doesn't know if his more-than-forward touch in the hospital was wanted, so he doesn't try again, though his fingers itch with the urge to take her hand or pull her close so he can feel her warmth.
"Your twenty-fifth is coming soon." She says suddenly.
He frowns at her. "Why are you thinking about that?"
"You have to go home, Rosie." Her voice trembles.
He takes a step backward. "What? I--"
"Captain Rosenthal, so help me, if you go up there again, you're going to end up in a hospital bed, and if you make me have to tend to you like that, I'll never speak to you again."
His hands go to his hips as he weighs his words. He doesn't want to upset her, he doesn't want to pretend that everything is going to be fine -- hell, he might not make it back at all, let alone without a scratch.
"I can't promise you that."
She stares at him. "You're going to re-up after twenty five." It's not a question.
"The thought has crossed my mind."
She wraps her arms around herself, and he sees it for what it is, shielding herself for what she sees as an unavoidable blow coming her way.
He takes a few steps closer to her, unable to stand the distance any longer. "I'm going to come back." His voice is firm, full of the conviction he feels because he trusts himself, he trusts his men, and because he has something to come back for. He's tired of pretending that's not the case. "I'm going to come back, and I swear I won't have more than minor mending for you to do, all right?"
She looks up at him, the slight widening of her eyes the only indication that he's standing closer than she thought he was. But she doesn't back away.
Her arms fall from around her waist, and reach for him instead. He lets out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
Her touch moves from grasping his hand up to his elbow, and then she's tugging him closer, folding him into an embrace. This time it's him who finds a spot for his forehead on her shoulder, inhaling as he feels her grip him tight.
"Thank you." She whispers. Whether it's for the promise of coming back or for pulling her back from the brink today, he wants to tell her that she doesn't need to thank him, that he would be the one to pull her back a hundred times over if it meant he'd get to have these moments with her.
When they pull apart, arms still around each other, he watches the fading sunlight in her eyes and thinks he's never wanted to kiss someone so badly in his entire life.
How he restrains himself, he has no idea.
They walk back to the barracks hand in hand after he stares her down, laughing when she rolls her eyes at him demanding she eat some food in his presence before she goes to sleep.
At the door, he watches her shoulders straighten and hears her take a big, deep breath. He recognizes the motions because he does them too, every time before he hauls himself through the hatch again.
Once more unto the breach.
He's so proud of her. For fighting her way through the hardest day of the war for her so far, for getting up each day and finding a way to be a comforting touch, a healing hand, and a smiling face for these men. He wonders if she has any idea how many lives she's saved, and not just from medicine.
One day he'll have the courage to put into words what she means to him, too.
Today, though, he raises his hand in a farewell as he takes a few steps backward, and laughs under his breath as she blushes just a little.
Her smile plays on a loop over and over again as he falls asleep that night.
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Picrew v1.2 is out !
I added a Borg category and cardassian, human and bajoran civilian clothing ! (check colours for alternative versions)
Also reorganized the accessories categories + added headscarf and medical coat; and lowered the spoon on cardassian foreheads 'cause that was causing layering issues.
In the end I didn't have the time to add any hair stuff so that's gonna be for next time ! I'm gonna add as many hairstyles as i can + at least two new hair colours (I'm thinking purple, blue and maybe pink)
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lambsouvlaki · 11 months
The Crime Lord - 3
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Characters: Jason Todd x fem!oc
Rating and warnings: G, no warnings
Word Count: 740
Summary: Jason never stopped his crime lord ways, but he did find someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
In the early hours of the morning, she sat in a chair in the medical facility Red Hood’s most secure compound. 
Jason lay unmoving on the bed.
He was more gauze than skin. 
She had been too horrified to weep when she saw his injuries at first. During the long hours of surgery she broke down and bawled her eyes out. His lieutenants tried to give her privacy throughout the night, but mostly had to settle for not making eye contact. 
When the morning came she dried her eyes. Out of place civilian or not, she was the Red Hood’s partner and she didn’t weep while there was work to be done. Even if her heart felt like it was going to cave in on itself. 
She sat at his side with a laptop in front of her. The screen kept going dark. Jason’s eyes fluttered open. 
“Flint-” he croaked.
“He’s dead.” His traitorous second in command hadn’t survived the night. “Anja took his place. Something called protocol delta, apparently.” 
He breathed out a long sigh, his eyes falling shut again. His bandaged chest rose and fell. “Good. Good.” 
She swallowed the lump in her throat at getting to hear him again, lucid and whole, more or less. She put her things aside and dragged her chair closer to him.
“How are you feeling?”
“Like I’ve been cooked.”
“You did look like a hotdog forgotten at the back of the grill for a while there.” 
He scoffed a laugh, then whined in pain. She bit her lip. “Lots of skin grafts in your near future… but you’re going to be alright.”
“Yeah?” His eyes flicked to her, the only part of him he could really move right now. There was a fear in his eyes that shattered her heart. 
“Yeah.” Her fingers brushed over his exposed forearm, one of the few parts of him she could actually touch. She grasped his wrist tight. “The world’s not taking you from me today.” 
She leaned forward and brushed her lips softly as she could over the exposed wedge of his cheek. His eyes fluttered closed. His good arm rose a quarter inch further into her hold. 
When the moment drew to a close she sank back into her chair. His eyes looked damp. She didn’t want to make a fuss but he didn’t look away or gruffly clear his throat. 
“You know... I had a thought while falling into the fire,” he said. His voice was scratchy but strong. “A couple of thoughts actually. Like ‘I can’t believe I’m getting blown to death again,’ and ‘should’ve seen that coming.’”
“Better late than never, I suppose.”
“But more than all of that,” he said, ignoring her interjection, “I wished I’d married you.”
Her eyes widened. “Jay…”
“I thought… ‘you idiot. Didn’t even marry the girl of your dreams. And she was right there. Gonna leave behind a wonderful woman… who deserved better.’” He swallowed and looked at her sincerely. “You deserve better.”
“Are you proposing or breaking up with me?” she said with a laugh and tears in her eyes. “Full disclosure, the wrong answer here will get you yelled at.” 
“I’m proposing.” His thumb brushed her knuckle. “Should have gotten a ring. Sorry. I’ll get you one later. Didn’t want to waste any more time.” 
She tried to hold back a watery grin and failed. “I’m not hearing a question.” 
He smiled back as much as he could. 
“Baby. Sweetheart. My darling,” he drawled. Wrapped up like a mummy and still a cocky bastard, that was her Jay. “Will you marry me?”
“Yeah,” she said. “‘Course I will.” 
 “You’re the most beautiful, clever, patient, amazing woman in the whole world.”
She leaned forward and kissed the scarred skin of his wrist. “Then we’re matching. Because you’re the best man I’ve ever met.”
He blinked through glassy eyes. “That can’t be true.” 
“I wouldn’t have anyone else, Jay.”
The tears burst their banks and travelled down his cheeks to soak into bandages and gauze. 
“I love you so much.” 
“I love you too.” 
She cradled his cheek lightly. He closed his eyes and leaned incrementally into it. 
She pulled her chair up as close as she could and leaned forward to rest her head against the empty side of his pillow. They enjoyed the closeness. 
“What happened to Flint?” he asked some time later.
“I shot him,” she said quietly.
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silverior968 · 2 months
Since there's a SP oc resurgence going on, here's one that I made in collaboration with Schädelgräber Angenehm from the SP fanclub discord server. (Scroll past Image ID for Cleaver Salix lore)
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[Image ID: A digital drawing of a middle-aged white person with large, blotchy scars on their face and hands. Their eyes are green and the spaces under them are dark. Their hair is short and dark brown. Their outfit consists of a white tailcoat with gold buttons and embroidery resembling flower petals, and gold epaulettes with daisy-shaped decorations. They also have white trousers, brown boots, a white turtleneck and a scythe in one hand. The text next to them reads "Cleaver Salix, They/them. / End ID]
Cleaver Salix was a Vitakinetic born in the 1400s (making them about the same age as Kenspeckle or Corrival). They survived the bubonic plague at a very young age, but watched most of their community die, unable to save them. Because of this, Cleaver always strived for what was best for their patients, what would make them the most comfortable. If Cleaver was unable to help their dying patients otherwise, they had less qualms about granting them a quick, painless death than many other medics. This made some think of Cleaver as callous.
During the start of the war Cleaver became unhappy with how little the Sanctuary seemed to care about recovery missions and the safety of their soldiers, and founded a rogue group of Sanctuary medics who would barge into battle disguised with masks and wielding scythes to recover injured soldiers and civilians and provide field healing. They, and Cleaver especially, would do anything to keep the wounded safe. They were a force to reckon with in battle.
Eventually they were found out, but due to the impact of Cleaver's group the Sanctuary decided to make them an official military unit instead, which meant that Cleaver's group could operate more freely and actually announce their coming, but lead to conflicts between Cleaver and the Elders about certain aspects of the operation.
Later on Cleaver would go on to die in battle, in a heroic but very violent manner (as is the fate of many Vitakinetics due to how sturdy they are). The command of Cleaver's group got transferred to the Elders, who renamed the group the Cleavers as a form of posthumous respect. Their policies for the group, however, were more violent than Cleaver's had been, which along with their other decisions displeased the old members of the group (mostly Vitakinetics, many of whom had been taught by Cleaver) to the point that they left.
This is when the Sanctuary started training new Cleavers, the kind we see in the books. Cleaver Salix became a symbol for propaganda, portrayed as a ruthless fighter for the Sanctuary rather than the soft-spoken, if strict healer that they were. Centuries later Cleaver Salix is remembered only by a few, their legacy buried under hundreds of years of misconceptions. Oh and they have an adoptive daughter, the child of a patient who they couldn't save whose last wish was for her child to be taken care of.
Fun fact! Cleaver's group was later referred to as the Proto-cleavers, and Larrikin was one of them in this version of events!
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mi-i-zori · 7 months
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When Her Blood Burns
CoD - Krueger x Fem!Medic!OC/Reader (Callsign : Nephilim)
SYNOPSIS : What I think Nephilim and Krueger’s relationship would be like.
WARNINGS : NSFW. Mentions of wounds, violence, blood, death and torture, smut, switch!Krueger and OC/Reader, mention of kinks. Kind of religious metaphors, though they do not indicate any of the character’s beliefs.
I do not give permission to re-publish, re-use and/or translate my work, be it here or on any other platform, including AI.
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Based on his Reaper skin, as well as other similar attires of his, it’s obvious Krueger doesn’t mind going on a battlefield without any kind of protection for his torso and arms. Just him, and his massive balls I guess.
So my headcanon is that he could be at least a little bit masochistic, and definitely a sadist sometimes. Addicted to the adrenaline flowing from the idea of being injured, in a dangerous environment or in the middle of a certain type of stimulation.
On that note, I also don’t think he would mind his carnal adventures being a little risky too.
So I’m gonna throw him into Nephilim’s life like a goddamn feral raccoon. Always up to no good, enjoying being scolded when the pretty medic patches him up after inevitably getting injured in one way or another. Focusing on her soft, steady whispers as she comforts the injured soldiers and civilians who end up in her care ; coming up with fascinating stories whenever she needs to soothe the minds of the terrified children she holds in her arms after saving them from the wicked hands of the terrorists she and her group are trying to destroy. He is shameless when it comes to flirting, drinking up the tiniest reactions that slip through her tough façade. Loving the way she sometimes allows herself to actually be shy in front of him.
He takes the time to slowly unravel the web she hides behind as he holds her flushed skin against his. He drinks every noise flying past her lips, hands holding her hips and breasts in a bruising grip - grunting and growling as he pounds into her. The feeling of his teeth sinking into her shoulders sends her over the edge, pleasured tears dripping down her face and nails tearing through his arms. Waves of scorching heat never fail to rise from every touch they share, burning flesh and mind as their climax drips between them like lava flooding an endless valley, filled with their most primal wilderness.
As he watches her struggle to catch her breath afterwards, pressing corrosive kisses down her spine and slowly descending from his own high, Krueger thinks he could not have found a prettiest angel.
Yet those thoughts come to a screeching halt once he actually witnesses first-hand the real reason behind her callsign. When he sees her fly through the ruins littering the battlefield, all bloodied and bruised, leaving a trail of utter destruction in her wake. Her curses rise like a storm as she tries to maintain everyone in one piece, the emergency medical supplies working flawlessly in her dexterous hands. She doesn’t hesitate when it comes to dragging the enemy soldiers’ names and faces in the dirt, tearing their own supplies from their soon-to-be cold carcasses whenever she can.
Krueger shivers madly when he sees her bring the most cold-hearted war veteran to shame during an interrogation, making her targets whimper and beg before filling their very souls with lead. The burning wisps of her cigarettes light her blood-soaked fingers with each drag, a cold breeze whisking the smoke away from her lips as soon as they part, frozen eyes staring into the night before meeting his.
An Angel and a Demon live in harmony behind the humanity of her mesmerising features. Should any of the Sacred Texts hold even the slightest ounce of truth, he might indeed be the only man to taste the flesh of a Nephilim, at least since the first Divine Purge. The first mortal to savour this rare kind of danger multiple times and come out of it as unscathed as one can be.
It makes him wish he was in her enemies’ place as he watches her with a new kind of interest, lust rippling through every single one of his muscles.
And he does ends up being in their place, in a way, once she really gets more confident with him and their relationship. He realises the façade was not always a fluke when she forces him to kneel, not budging under his touches - for she’s in a bad mood tonight, and it’s finally time she let go of her own chains. He acts like a brat when she digs her nails into his skin into a series of scorching touches while restraining his hands, smirking and not uttering a single sound. Until he can’t take it anymore. Her scent is too tempting behind the blindfold, her touches too mesmerising, her voice too hypnotising.
She takes advantage of his heightened senses, turning his own little tricks against him. Whispering honeyed threats in his ears, pressing her bare self against his back, hands wandering up and down his body without ever going where he wants them to be.
He’s never been so hard.
And he cracks, savouring her coos as he pleads and begs, fighting against his restraints. Whimpering when she finally goes down on him, only to deny him his release. Stimulating him far beyond his limits like he has done countless times to her, biting his lips until blood floods from under his teeth. She licks it up, the flavours of his skin, sweat and blood mixing with the taste of her lips as she kisses him, riding him feverishly until there nothing left of them but groans, moans and pants - whimpers, cries and thundering heartbeats. Rendering them both as brainless as one can be.
After this, Krueger realises that, as dominant as he likes to be, he may or may not have a huge mommy kink.
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venomous-ragno · 2 years
Writing advice...
... About military things from a soldier
Pt. 2 / ?: Women and relationships in the military
You wanna write a story with a militaristic setting, like CoD or R6S? You wanna create a female OC, self insert or character, but you don't know where to start, if women are even allowed in the military?
Well, lucky for you or not I know what that feels like and I've also got the combat / real life experience to help ya out!
Feel free to hop in my askbox or dm's and ask questions. I'll gladly elaborate and do my best to answer in full and plenty.
Disclaimer: My experiences and knowledge are mostly based on the German military, the Bundeswehr. They may differ from those of other countries.
Happy writing y'all! :)
Are women allowed in the military?
The answer seems obvious: Yes. Most militaries around the world do allow women to enlist. Some, however, do not allow women to join the special forces, such as the SAS, for example.
Certain branches report a higher number of female soldiers than others. The US army air force and sanitation in the German military are two examples I can think of.
Some countries do allow women to enlist but forbid them from partaking in "action", such as North Korea, Sweden, Norway, Bolivia and some more.
What about misogyny by male soldiers?
In my six years of active duty I've learnt that sexism rarely occurs, but when it does, it's straight forward and nasty. Most men don't care about your gender. They treat you like you're one of them, and oftentimes even forget about the fact that you're a woman. The few times I was talked down to for my gender was blatant and hateful though; but even then, some of these opinions didn't come from within the military, but from civilians. (Cue the old granpa who saw me travelling back home in uniform and just had to tell me that women belong in the kitchen, how in the good old days women were still women yadda yadda. Yeah, I had the same look about on my face like you now.)
Appearance is important!
As is in any military. I can't speak for them though, but in my experience, light and natural make up is allowed. Nail polish and lipstick are a hard no though, albeit the latter may be allowed for special occassions. If there's one thing my comrades have taught me it's that most men in the military got no clue about make up, so you'll probs get away with more than you'd think.
The exact rules however depend on your unit and what you do. Back when I was in sanitation I'd be working a pretty standard 9 to 5. Worked in the medbay and treated patients, kept the medical archive in order, pretty normal stuff. My superior allowed us to wear small ear studs. When I got deployed to another base I was almost lynched for wearing them. Really depends on the ones in charge.
As for hairstyles: Most units are fine with anything as long as your hair is up and out of your face. Now, we didn't have to use gel to keep stray hairs at bay. It wasn't that strict. Just don't use any flashy hair accessories and hair ties that match your hair colour. Oh, and your hair must be a) one colour and b) a naturally occuring one. The length doesn't matter as long as you're not Rapunzel. If your hairstyle is anything other than a pixie cut, you will have to wear a hair net under your combat helmet.
Do men and women stay in seperate dorms?
Seperate rooms? Yeah. Seperate dorms? Nope.
Sometimes you'd have couples who shared a dorm room. It's a whole process that your superior has to give his ok to, but I honestly wouldn't recommend it. Dorm rooms aren't exactly big. You need privacy? Well, that's too bad.
If you're lucky enough you get to have a room for yourself. Depending on what branch / base you're in, the rooms will be more or less furnished. Back when I worked at the ministry of foreign affairs, my room was pretty luxurious for milutary standards: TV, fridge, sofa, bed, desk w chair, a closet and a bathroom next door. That's definitely not the standard though. We usually had to buy and bring our own stuff, like blankets, fridge, decorations, whatever you'd need to make that cold room somewhat comfy. (Wifi is also not a given. Gotta get your own connection running.)
Flings, relationships, cheating spouses... How common is it really?
They do happen, though not as often as you'd think.
It's more common to hear rumors about who has smth going with who and these rumors can get BAD. As in reputation and career ruining bad. At that point there's gonna be an order from higher up to stop talking about these rumors and punishment can be quite strict. (Speaking of rumors...Hate to say it, but the more women a unit had, the worse talking behind others backs was.)
One thing that I always found particularly disgusting were relationships between higher ups and recruits. Yes, they happen. No, they're not allowed. These things are like open secrets. If found out and proven to exist, the superiors will be held accountable by military law. Outside of basic training it may be frowned upon if a superior were to enter any kind of relation with someone of lower rank, thought not outright punishable.
As for cheating... Well, I haven't enountered any cheating myself, nor heard of it (yet). Not saying that it doesn't happen, but at least over here in Germany it's rare. It's highly frowned upon and will open you up to rumors and... Not so nice treatment by comrades. Cheating on a spouse is punishable by military law. A soldier found guilty may be demoted in rank, suffer financial losses or even get dishonourably discharged.
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These prompts have snowballed into an ongoing series following the beloved Fem!medic!oc trope (written via 1st person reader with no real descriptors). They're in chronological order, and I've tried to make sure to mention if any earlier works in particular are referenced in each one.
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If there is a trigger warning that you are concerned about but want to enjoy the story, please please please reach out! In many instances I can alter snip-its or tone things down, or at least highlight the sections in question so you can avoid them (I could do a vague summary for continuity).
Also, these stories are getting added to Ao3 via Monday updates. I'm not dumping them all at once, but you're welcome to pop on over if you prefer that format - just don't forget to drop a kudos/comment!
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Touch Starved - Echo - The new medic catches Echo hiding a strained shoulder and gives him a much needed massage.
Warnings: Pretty mild – some cussing, a bit of angst, otherwise just a lot of comfort via a much needed massage
Round 2 with Echo! - just a soft second massage because I wanted to write it - Warnings: Body dysphmorphia from prosthetic limbs, angst, some anxiety/tension from a thigh massage
TS Ch 2 - Hunter - Doc convinces Hunter to let her help him through a tension headache.
Warnings: Tension headache, no real warnings - just another much needed massage
TS Ch 3 - Wrecker - An innocent request leads Doc to a horrifying discovery that she's quick to remedy.
Warnings: Reference to child neglect/ starvation, star wars cursing
TS Ch 4 – Tech - Left alone on the Marauder while the others retrieve a replacement part, Doc and Tech discuss the local culture while Tech works on mechanical upgrades. The unfortunate side effects of his poor posture prompt Doc to step in with a helping hand.
Warnings: Discussion of cultural/religious differences, joking reference to reverse harem, touch aversion, medical language
TS Ch5 – Crosshair - Fed up with Crosshair's dismissal of her help after a nearly disastrous escape, Doc finally snaps.
Warnings: Maybe light arachnophobia? Cursing, yelling, brief mention of injection
Flinching - OC&TBB - Doc has a dangerous near-encounter while away from the boys. They aren't pleased when they find out.
Warnings: Reference to attempted SA, reference to physical assault, some cursing, borderline panic attack.
F Ch 2 - OC&Echo - Echo patches Doc up after her attack.
Warnings: Reference to attempted SA, reference to physical assault, some cursing, wound care, energy crash from excessive bacta use, non-intimate undressing, some self-deprecating thoughts
F Ch 3 - OC&TBB - Doc tries to lighten the mood en route to speaking with her superior officers.
Warnings: Mostly fluff, but still some reference to attempted SA, reference to physical assault, reference to victim blaming
F Ch 4 - OC&TBB - After the grueling retelling, Doc has a brief talk with Cody regarding her place in the GAR before finally returning to learn that her squad has a surprise for her.
Warnings: Summarized attempted SA, reference to physical assault, reference to victim blaming. The first half is heavy, not gonna lie, but there's nothing explicit.
Muzzled - Crosshair - Crosshair is captured by Separatist forces. Though brief, his time imprisoned left him in need of help.
Warnings: Some light medical jargon and an injection, a bit of cussing, kinda muzzle/gag duo complete with saliva
M Ch 2 - Crosshair - Hiding an injury rarely ever ends well. Luckily, Doc notices something is still wrong.
Warnings: This one's gone some proper medical procedures - gore/blood/injections. Adult language. Good bit of guilt and angst.
TS Ch1.5.5 (because Cross needs more attention) - Crosshair - Nothing's easy with Crosshair, but after a joke goes too far, he and Doc manage to find a deeper trust in each other.
Warnings: More cursing, panic attack
Knife to Throat - OC&TBB - Doc is blindsided by a grief-maddened civilian.
Warnings: Blood and cursing. Kinda flirting with death a bit, and some light fluff that goes with it. Knife wound and subsequent medical procedures.
Soft Words - Hunter - A Separatist outpost sets a cruel trap for Hunter. The Doc tries to keep him sane until rescue comes.
Warnings: Went very heavy in the whump with this one – sound torture, imprisonment, mild language
Secrets Revealed – OC&TBB - An unexpected EMP forces Doc to reveal aspects of their past that could well turn the batch against them. (Censored version for those uncomfortable with heavy gore)
Warnings: Explicit details of severe injury – blood/gore, language, panic attacks, angst, PTSD flashbacks, self-depreciation, offhand reference to minor character death. This one hits a lot of potentially triggering topics pretty intensely and is fueled from a very dark place I was in with my own injury. Be kind to yourself. Healing is a nonlinear process.
Made to Watch - OC&TBB - Doc becomes the subject of torture in an attempt to force intel from Hunter.
Warnings: Get yuh whump here! Fresh, violent whump! Explicit details of torture and physical injuries, blood and minor gore, broken bones, near death, language.
Panic - Echo - A quiet discussion between Doc and Hunter is delayed when Echo has a nightmare. Doc tries to ease him through it, resulting in a fun bit of shared taunts with Crosshair the following morning.
Warnings: Nightmare-induced panic attack. Non-intimate bed sharing. Fictional curses (does that need a warning?), sexual innuendo
No Anesthesia (Extra per request) – OC&TBB – Wrecker’s overzealous efforts to destroy a building lead to Doc getting pinned in a dire situation.
Warnings: Very heavy whump in this one, with a couple moments of descriptive gore and medical procedures, impalement, difficulty breathing, near death, cursing. TW: claustrophobia
Found Footage - OC&TBB – A pleasant moment at 79s is shattered when someone tries to blackmail doc with footage of the crash on Agamar.
Warnings: Huge PTSD warning here. Flashbacks, disassociating, past injury description, blackmail, grief, angst, some alcohol use (social, not abuse), cursing
Difficulty Breathing – Medic OC&Wrecker- During a mission in a cave, Doc realizes she didn't come out of the rubble of that building with only physical scars, but is determined to push through.
Warnings: Big Claustrophobia warning. and Bats. Ptsd, panic attack. That's about it for this one!
DB Ch 2 - OC&Wrecker - Wrecker and Doc face additional challenges in their attempt to reach the surface.
Warnings: Heights, bats, mild gore, drowning, near death, hypothermia
DB Ch 3 - OC&TBB- When Hunter reveals what really prompted the cave beasts to attack, Doc is faced with an impossible decision.
Warnings: hypothermia recovery, thought of mortality (no character deaths), extreme guilt/angst/self doubt. Talked of wartime casualties. Dis one do be pretty tense, sooo prepare yourselves I guess
Fever – Tech - Tension are high after Doc's discussion with Commander Cody, but when Tech is exposed to a certain fungus, she doesn't hesitate to help.
Warnings: Angst, accidental drug exposure via fungal spores.
Fever - Tech Pt 2 - The effects of the spores quickly wear off, rending Tech into a severe withdrawal.
Warnings: TW: symptoms of withdrawal, accidental drug exposure via fungal spores, sense of impeding doom, high fever, vomiting, delirium-induced violence, strangulation, cursing, needles/IV
Fever - Tech Pt 3 - Crosshair and Echo take a moment to remind Doc that she needs to take care of herself, too, as Tech continues fighting through the effects of withdrawal.
Warnings: TW: symptoms of withdrawal, accidental drug exposure via fungal spores, high fever, needles/IV, seizures, light angst
Fever - Tech Pt 4 - Hunter and Wrecker each spend time helping Doc tend their brother.
Warnings: TW: symptoms of withdrawal, accidental drug exposure via fungal spores, high fever, needles/IV, paranoia induced violence, blood, broken nose, vomiting, dry heaves, mild sexual tension
Fever - Tech Pt 5 - Things get worse before they get better.
Warnings: TW: symptoms of withdrawal, accidental drug exposure via fungal spores, high fever, needles/IV, angst, fear of death/decommissioning
Fever - Tech Pt 6 - Finally through the worst of it, everyone is allotted a moment to breathe before returning to Kamino.
Warnings: TW: symptoms of withdrawal, accidental drug exposure via fungal spores, high fever, reference to vomiting, delirium induced violence, guilt
More then Skin Deep - Wrecker - Doc notices something about Wrecker while training and offers her help.
Warnings: Light sexual tension, reference to past injury, disabilities and light prejudice from appearance - It's mostly just some softness fluff.
"Not Gonna Believe This" - Doc & Tbb - Chow time on Kamino dissolves into chaos in the wake of thoughtless words.
Warnings: Fighting, broken nose, blood, light medical procedures, mild guilt, bit of sexual tension, reference to bullying
Arrows (Special Request) - Doc - A brief moment of peace precedes a mission doomed to misfortune.
Warnings: Bone/joint injury, some PTSD, brief insect creature, mild sexual tension (when isn't there with these guys)
Arrows - Doc Pt 2 - Rapid medical care is given, but it offered little reprieve.
Warnings: Bone/joint injury, profanity, vomiting, heavy whump, medical procedures, needles
Arrows - Doc Pt 3 - Medication offers some relief before the team splits up to retrieve a cure.
Warnings: This one's pretty mild - descriptions of pain, some guilt... I think that's about it
Arrows - Doc Pt 4 - Doc continues to decline as the others race to get back with the cure.
Warnings: Near death, vague drowning (kinda?), reference to light medical procedures, some guilt and profanity
Breaking Point - Doc - Sent to Devaron under the guise of a med-leave, Doc and the boys get a chance to relax, and Doc learns a disturbing truth of Crosshair’s specialty.
Warnings: Vague, cryptic warnings, moral dilemma over assassination, mild tension
Breaking Point - Doc Pt 2 - The squad enjoys the remainder of that day on the lake before finally fulfilling the real reason they were sent there.
Warnings: Sexual tension galore, mild brotherly bullying, profanity, mild body dismorphia regarding prosthetics, assassination, minor character death, blood, guilt, angst, horrors of war
Breaking Point - Doc Pt 3 - Doc struggles with the aftermath of Crosshair's mission.
Warnings: Intense descriptions of grief and guilt. Heavy angst.
Breaking Point - Doc Pt 4 (Explicit) - Doc and Crosshair find an escape in each other. (Click Here for the Censored Version)
Warnings: Guys. It's smut (unless you opt for the censored version, then it's steamy kisses and implied sex). In fact, it's inappropriate use of sex to cope with grief. See tag for explicit version's detailed warnings, profanity, and dread/guilt
Breaking Point - Doc Pt 5 - Before she can deal with the ramifications of her actions, Doc seeks out Crosshair for answers.
Warnings: Non-explicit sex scene, profanity, and dread/guilt - might offer an explicit chapter later, but it wasn't important to the scene, so I didn't go into it this time
Breaking Point - Doc Pt 6 - Tensions are high about the squad as they struggle to accept changing dynamics.
Warnings: Vague reference to sex/ sexual innuendoes, profanity, and more dread/guilt
You'll Have to Go Through Me - Doc Pt 1 - Tensions are still high as the squad attempts to prepare for their next mission.
Warnings: Lots of heavy emotions in this one - angst, guilt, angry, blame, got some profanity in there, and reference to child soldiers kinda
You'll Have to Go Through Me - Doc Pt 2 - A brief distraction from Crosshair offers little comfort once the mission actually starts.
Warnings: Some sexual tension, mild making out, severe anxiety, profanity, war typical violence, and some gory killing
You'll Have to Go Through Me - Doc Pt 3 - Doc shows just how far she's willing to go to save her men.
Warnings: It dark. Ye be warned. Torture. Blood. Broken/dislocated bones. Disassociation. Stabbing. Big profanity warning. Murder.
You'll Have to Go Through Me - Doc Pt 4 - They escape the planet before Doc's actions finally catch up with her.
Warnings: Reference to bone trauma, blood, vomit, disassociation, medical procedures, guilt, angst, needles
You'll Have to Go Through Me - Doc Pt 5 - Doc has a couple conversations that have been held off for too long.
Warnings: Nightmares, guilt, reference to torture/gore, reference to murder/assassination, profanity
You'll Have to Go Through Me - Doc Pt 6 - Doc has the chance to reconnect with most of her squad before plans change.
Warnings: Mild PTSF, guilt, reference to torture/gore, profanity, heated kissing
You'll Have to Go Through Me - Xtra Scene - Crosshair and Echo have a chat.
Warnings: Just some standard guilt, angst, and regret, along with a little sprinkling of profanity.
Identity - Doc Pt 1 - Awkward goodbyes precede the beginning to Doc's secretive mission.
Warnings: Nothing serious - some cursing, a bit of sexual tension/heavy kissing, and some tension in general. Well, lots of tension in general
Identity - Doc Pt 2 - Doc reconnects with her old squad.
Warnings: Brotherly fighting, talk of hunting, nightmares with reference to gore/torture, heavy tension, profanity
Identity - Doc Pt 3 - After a final chat with the 104th, Doc enters the gala.
Warnings: Brotherly bullying, varying degrees of dread, unwanted advances (between two women, though I want to be clear: the 'unwanted' aspect is not due to gender), profanity, brief descriptions of gore and burns, needles, brief description of dead bodies
Identity - Doc Pt 4 - The gala starts of well enough...
Warnings: torture, waterboarding, drowning, interrogation, panic, panic attack, flashbacks, self-blame, giving up, longing for death, temporary insanity, arguably inappropriate use of sedation, guilt, profanity, intense whump
Identity - Doc Pt 5 - Her old squad struggles in the aftermath of the gala.
Warnings: Minor flashbacks/PTSD, reference to torture, loads of guilt and tension, otherwise mostly just fluff and angst
Identity - 99 & 104th Pt 6 - Crosshair demands answers from the remaining members of the 104th.
Warnings: Big emotions in this - rage, guilt, blame, and the like. There do be a bit of fighting, but it's not gory. Brief description of water torture. Profanity
Identity - Doc Pt 7 - The debrief with Cody doesn't go well.
Warnings: Flashbacks/PTSD, description of torture, loads of angst, reference to gore, profanity, self-deprecating thoughts
Identity - Doc Pt 8 - After composing herself, Doc finally returns to her squad.
Warnings: Honestly, aside from the standard guilt and regret, this chapter is mostly fluff
An Ode to Artists - Doc/Crosshair Pt 1 - The squad is sent on a mission with the sole intent of being granted a moment of peace.
Warnings: This arc will mostly be fluffy stuff, but there will be references to past torture here and there. This one has some flashbacks, profanity, and loads of emotions like guilt, fear, anger, and general angst, as well some brief mention of wanting to die (not SI - with relation to ending torture), and I supposed some dependency
An Ode to Artists - Doc/Crosshair Pt 2 - A soft morning precedes an important chat.
Warnings: Kissing in bed with some light sexual tension if you squint, then right back into the good ol' hard emotions: self blame, guilt, anxiety; reference to torture, Crosshair being Crosshair, I think there's some light profanity, too
An Ode to Artists - Doc/Crosshair Pt 3 - The squad lands on Alderaan.
Warnings: sexual tension, mild ptsd
An Ode to Artists - Doc/Crosshair Pt 4 (Explicit) - Doc and Crosshair finally enjoy some isolation. (Click here for the censored version)
Warnings: Um... so, it's over 8k of smut. Unprotected PiV, oral (m & f receiving), light teasing, profanity
An Ode to Artists - Doc/Crosshair Pt 5 - Wrecker is shown a moment of the kindness he deserves, and Echo and Doc have a chat
Warnings: reference to sex but nothing explicit. Profanity. Some of the usual, heavy emotions (guilt, dread, etc). This one's pretty calm
Fool's Errand - Hunter Pt 1 - Plans never survive first contact with the enemy.
Warnings: Back to some good, ol' whump here. Minor ptsd, blood, broken nose, needles, profanity
Fool's Errand - Hunter Pt 2 - Doc patches up Hunter while Echo tries to coordinate with Tech and Wrecker to escape.
Warnings: Medical procedures, broken nose, blood, needles, profanity
Fool's Errand - Hunter Pt 3 - Echo and Doc race to get Hunter out of the prison.
Warnings: Suspense, profanity, dread, mild PTSD, mention of blood, reference to medical procedures
Fool's Errand - TBB Pt 4 - Doc races to rescue her squadmates.
Warnings: decent bit of cursing, blood, needles, minor body horror, some ptsd/ minor flashbacks, dislocated knee
Fool's Errand - TBB Pt 5 - The worst injuries are tended to first.
Warnings: fair bit of medical procedures in this one: blood, needles, big needle, body horror, brief mention of child prisoner
Fool's Errand - TBB Pt 6 - The flight back is mostly quiet.
Warnings: reference to previous medical procedures (blood/ needles), wound cleaning, some, uh, tension, child trauma
Fool's Errand - TBB Pt 7 - Doc starts trying to fix things.
Warnings: impatience toward a child (kinda? I mean, yuh know... Crosshair), guilt, medical procedure/ gore, fantasy profanity (that warning always makes me giggle), sexual innuendo ish, gonna also add romantic tension because it's not really sexual tension, self-depreciating thoughts, body horror
Flowers - Doc x Crosshair - Fluffy prompt for Clone x Reader Bingo (set a couple arcs ahead of Breaking Point)
Warnings: none really - just has a fluffy kiss
I Missed You, Too - Doc x Crosshair - Another fluff fic for Clone x Reader Bingo (a couple arcs after You'll Have to Go Through Me)
Warnings: Crosshair being Crosshair, but he's really a softy. Snuggling in bed. Probably one of the least Warning-heavy things I've written
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Doc's Tales with the 104th
Recommended reading Found Footage first though these will take place before Doc joins CF99.
First Impressions - The wolf pack get their first real meeting with Doc.
Warnings: vague bugs
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snugg-slugg · 4 months
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Hello everyone!
As I’m sure most people are aware, the genocide in Palestine has been getting worse and worse with Israeli forces bombing civilians and restricting aid from reaching survivors.
The death toll keeps rising and I want to do everything I can to help. Unfortunately, I do not have enough money to donate regularly, so I’d like to encourage others to with my artwork.
I am new to taking commissions, so I’m going to have to ask for everyone’s patience as I find my footing. Prices are firm and I’m not open to negotiation (remember, this is for Palestine).
Commission Information
Headshot: 5$
Bust: 10$
Full body: 15$
Add Color: +5$
Add shading and color: +10$
Add background: +10$
Additional characters: 50% of other character price
Other Information
Payment through my Venmo will go directly to the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) but, if you don’t have Venmo or would like to donate to a different Palestinian charity, I will also take a screenshot of your digital receipt/proof of your donation as payment as well.
Some charities you can donate to are listed below, but this is not an inclusive list so others are welcome.
ANERA (American Near East Refugee Aid)- organization that aims to provide humanitarian aid to Palestine, Jordan, and Lebanon.
Doctors Without Borders- an organization that provides medical assistance to victims of violence in Palestine and other countries facing genocide.
Islamic Relief Fund- provides relief to people in Palestine.
UNICEF (United Nations’ Children Educational Funds)- provides vaccines, medical aid, education, and other resources to children in Palestine.
Gaza Funds- various gofundme’s from families living in Palestine
You can contact me here or on instagram.
Will do:
Object heads
Furries (anthro and otherwise)
Fandom (characters, ship art, oc x fandom, etc)
Wont do:
Mecha (sorry :/)
Racist/homophobic/bigoted themes
Proship stuff
Not sure if your request fits within the guidelines or have any questions? Just ask! I’d be delighted to answer.
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