#class 8 no. 46
vintageviewmaster · 1 year
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Front Caption: Typical Street Scene in Algeria, Africa.
Brand: Montgomery Ward & Co. Chicago Type: Stereoscope Card Card Series or Grouping: Travelers Series Card Number: Class A, No. 46 Date: Undated Copyright: N/A
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m1d-45 · 2 years
small miracles
summary: washed up on the sands of ritou, inazuma’s famous helper lends you a hand.
word count: ~2k
-> warnings: n/a, just standard imposter au things. you are on the run, technically. very minor gore i guess(like veeeery tiny)
-> lowercase intended!
< masterlist > || second part >>
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dirt collapses beneath your feet, your torn shoes skidding on the edge of the cliff north of liyue harbor. you can hear the waves lap at the rock thousands of feet below you, layered under the huffs of the people in front of you.
steel blades shine in the hot sun, the millelith wielding them just as fierce. you can see the hatred in their eyes, the need for your end, whether by the spears in their hand or the waters behind you. the only reason they haven’t struck is because of the woman behind the ring of them.
a dark oak pipe balances on the tip of ningguang’s finger, her eyes as sharp as their ruby hue. she lets it tip to one side, her head following the tilt, before she spins it back into her palm. every action is defined with grace, not so much as a hair out of place. every golden ornament shows off her prestige, her power, how without even lifting a finger she has you pinned in place against a cliff.
perhaps if you weren’t at risk of dying, you might feel different about it.
one of the millelith asks if they’re allowed to strike. the red tassel on her forehead swings as she shakes her head.
“no. this fake is not worth liyuen metal.” ningguang tucks the pipe away in a smooth motion, crossing one arm over her chest to rest the opposite elbow on it. a clawed finger swipes an invisible hair back into place on her bangs. “send them to the sea. their bones will serve as an excellent toothpick for osial.“
well, that was a horrific visual.
in an instant, the millelith spin their spears around, careful to keep the blades away from themselves and each other to jab to dull ends at you. behind them, ningguang barely looks fazed, examining a geo crystal in her hand. you know the nonchalance is manufactured, a subdued silence, but that doesn’t make it any better. she doesn’t care that she’s sending you to your death. she knows it, wants it, and what would the millelith be if they couldn’t remove one person from the tianquan’s presence?
your left foot is standing half on air. the part that is on ground is shaky, uncertain, dirt nowhere near as stable as stone.
you risk a look at ningguang.
ruby eyes are the last thing you see before you fall.
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you wake up on a beach, sandy and exhausted. invisible wounds bleed harder as sand gets into them as you sit up to look around. your clothes are hard with saltwater, and it’s a miracle you made it here alive. though teyvat has been kind, fruit and clean water always within reach, you didn’t think that you would live long enough to hit land.
you stand—nearly falling—and shake out as much sand as you can, looking around. across the sea is a small island, within swimming range, but youre not inclined to explore when your limbs still feel so heavy. to your right, the beach narrows off, overtaken by the cliff behind you, but it seems to open up more to the left.
you decide to stumble that way, passing a spike of driftwood, and stop just as quickly.
you can see green roofs of houses, spires and what is maybe a watchtower in the distance, the architecture familiar. red and orange trees are interspersed between them, and your hopes fall.
you’d hoped you were in the stone forest. you’d hoped that you’d have a chance, knowing the abundance of hilichurls on the small islands, but now you’re…
you start walking, hoping to find some clues to prove your hunch wrong.
you see an okay looking boat, but youre preoccupied by the path branching to the left. wooden boards seem to make a walkway, and you step over them on your way inside. theres a small tent, a lantern, a block of supplies and a cooking pot. in the tent is a bed fashioned of hay, but embers light up the wood beneath the pot.
it would be a cozy enough place to stay, but you can’t risk whoever owns it coming back.
you head back the way you came and continue towards the city. the sand slides beneath your ragged shoes, but theres flowers following the breeze in the grass near the cliff. purple and a soft blue, they distract you long enough that a guard walks to their post further down the beach.
oh no.
you recognize the uniform, and the logo of the tenryou commission embossed on the armor. if inazuma is the same as any other nation—likely worse, considering the way its run—you need to avoid those guards at any cost.
you look to the cliffside. its steep, too steep to climb when youre still soaked from the sea.
you sigh, and decide to find another way up.
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youre not quite sure how none of the guards saw you, but under the dwindling light of dusk, you manage to make to the southern(?) outskirts of what appears to be ritou.
…not that that means anything. you still don’t know how to get off the island, and trying to forcibly get deported will only result in an arrest. though there’s a food cart that most certainly can see you, the worker didn’t report you to the guards when they passed. you don’t remember her name, but know she sells some kind of food. maybe a fish dish? or was it egg? not that it matters, food is food, and if you’re lucky you’ll have enough mora for some.
you sit against a wall, checking your pockets. most of your stuff was either stolen or lost to sea, but your mora was still securely tied to your waist. after checking twice that you were out of people’s line of sight, you started to count, stacking the coins in piles of 10 on the grass in front of you. after a hundred, you moved them into one bigger pile.
you had more than you expected. though your pouch always seemed to weigh about the same, you didn’t think you could fit almost three thousand mora inside- or that you even had that. then again, chests typically had a few hundred, and you’d been pretty lucky in mondstat…
you set aside five hundred and hope it’s enough, but knowing teyvat’s economy… if salt was 60 mora, who knew how much you’d need?
whatever the case, you needed to eat. cradling the coins against you as you attach your pouch back at your waist, the go to move for the food stall.
your plans are dashed the second you stand.
a familiar face walked up the path towards the food stall, but quickly diverted towards you.
you step away, behind a tree, hoping against hope that he’d only seen somebody next to you instead of-
“hello there!”
you jump at how quickly thomas voice appeared at your side, taking another step back.
shit. that’s definitely him. weird horn headpiece, blonde hair, too-short jacket, dog tags and all.
you lick at your lips. they taste of salt. “hi?”
you hate how shattered your voice is. how quiet and rough it’s gotten.
“hey! i’m thoma.” he extends a hand, the small ribbon on the back of his glove rippling in the soft breeze. “it’s nice to meet you!”
you hesitate. it feels like you do a lot of that lately.
you remember him being affiliated with the kamisatos, which means he’s almost certainly heard of everything you’ve been accused of. but… there’s no way he would come up to you so casually if that was the case, right?
you want to trust him. you do. but there hasn’t been anybody else yet that you could.
carefully, you meet his hand with your own weak grip. the cloth on his gloves is leather, unsurprisingly, and though it is cold with the dusk chill, his fingers are warm. you have a feeling it’s from his vision, and your mind flickers to the last time you slept by a fire.
it’s been months.
“oh, you’re freezing! what are you doing outside?” his voice jumps a few octaves and his hand tightens around yours. “oh jeez, you’re going to catch a cold if you’re not careful. what are you doing without a coat in the middle of winter?“
is it winter? you don’t really remember the last time you knew the date for certain, but if that was true, then it was bad news. the clothes you wore you got from hilichurls and abyss mages, but the main enemies in inazuma were nobushi…
your worry must show on your face, because thoma’s frown deepens.
“now that i look at you… you’re not from inazuma, are you?”
you shake your head no.
“oh no… did you get caught up in the outlander affairs agency? they haven’t gotten any better after the decree, have they….”
“no, i-“ you cut yourself off with a coughing fit, tasting a bitter mixture of salt, blood, and bile climb up your throat. it’s disgusting, and alarmingly salty. you must have drank more ocean water than you meant to; it’s a wonder you didn’t choke on the trip over.
(how did you make it over? the distance from liyue to inazuma was too large for you to have simply floated, surely? but didn’t thoma himself float over?)
thoma’s other hand lands between your shoulder blades, patting lightly. “hey, it’s okay. it’s good you haven’t ran into the agency, but that cough doesn’t sound good at all…”
you adjust the tattered mask on your face, straightening and doing your best to look like you haven’t been on the run. “i’ll be fine.”
your chest tightens with the need to cough, but you set your jaw. you can’t afford to get involved with the yashiro commission. you’re certain the mora clutched in your grip is enough to buy you a decent meal and—alongside the rest of it—some kind of warm herbal tea.
gentle green eyes catch the money in your palm and widen. you can see the gears clicking inside his head, and he speaks before you can.
“is that all the mora you have?”
“and you don’t even have a- ah, i can’t leave you out here like this. could you come with me to the teahouse? there’s a waypoint just inside ritou, and i’d feel a lot better if i could get you some tea and clean clothes. it won’t be the fanciest, but i know there’s some spare sets and anything would be better than risking an illness. inazuman winters aren’t kind, and the shogun hasn’t been in the best mood as of late.”
the pros and cons weigh in your head. you could go with somebody you know is kind, and get what is certainly good food and hot drinks with clean clothes to boot. or, you could risk walking into a trap with, arguably, one of the most influential people in the yashiro commission at least, if not all of inazuma. it’ll either be the best choice you’ll ever make, or one that’ll land you in front of tenshukaku in chains.
thoma picks up on your hesitation, taking his hand off your shoulder and giving you space, though he keeps your hands linked. “can i at least bring you some dinner, then, if you don’t want to come with me? or a blanket? or- or something?“
he’s awfully worried for somebody he just met. you’re not sure if his determination is evidence of his benevolent nature, or if he’s trying to make you trust him as he calls over some shogunate soldiers.
…you also can’t decide if it’s your desperation for connection with somebody you can rely on or your need for a better environment that makes you agree.
maybe his bright smile has something to do with it. or the comforting warmth in his hands as he leads you away? maybe it’s the way he holds you tightly against him after you ask to go to the teahouse and are nearly sick coming out of the teleporter.
or maybe, by chance, it’s the light in his eyes when you say ‘thank you’.
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isa-ghost · 5 days
Fuck it, I'll share this with the class.
Do YOU want to rewatch all of Phil's QSMP Hardcore Deity Lore in one big binge like a total fucking masochist? LOOK NO FURTHER!
In order to drag my friends into Bird Man Brainrot Hell with me, I made a bullet list of all the major lore vods with dates and timestamps included for a streamlined list of what and where to watch!
All you have to do is use this [QPhil Lore Playlist] I made from our beloved Crow Mercy's Phil vods channel and refer to the bullet list below!
Tallulah & Chayanne would've loved this day (Sept 15th 2023, 8:00:15)
What Happened to Me? (Sept 24th 2023, 1:09:11-1:15:00)
Finding the Line (Oct 27th 2023, 2:50:00-3:03:00)
A discovery… (Dec 6th 2023, 2:19:47 to 3:15:26)
Another discovery (Dec 15th 2023, 2:42:07, 2:57:18, 5:37:39)
Healing (Dec 18th 2023, 3:07:10, 6:10:59)
Xmas Event & A New Threat (Dec 20th 2023, 3:11:25, 3:36:33 to 3:42:46, 6:19:06)
A message or a warning? (Jan 12th 2024, 7:53 to 19:04)
The date is fast approaching (Jan 17th 2024, 2:21:31, 6:08:28)
oh boy oh gosh it's island time (Feb 21st 2024, 6:21:12)
A Strange Gift (Feb 23rd 2024, 2:15:11 to 2:20:11) (OPTIONAL: WATCH WHOLE VOD)
Greed comes with a price (Feb 26th 2024) (WATCH WHOLE VOD)
Break past the void (March 1st, 2024) (WATCH WHOLE VOD)
If YouTube is giving you trouble for one reason or another, YOU'RE IN LUCK!!
Kristin uploads all of Phil's vods to an archive on his Twitch, so you can actually find ALL these vods on Phil's Twitch channel too! I did this myself just a few days before posting this, they're all uploaded and relatively easy to find!
In order to do it this way, all you have to do is go to here on Phil's Twitch, then refer to the dates in the above bullet list in the vod titles. Once you find the right vod, just refer to the timestamps above and go nuts!
Happy binging and reliving Bird Man Trauma! :D
And as a bonus note: The vods in my playlist that AREN'T major Hardcore Deity Lore moments are other significant QSMP Lore moments Phil was involved in or present for, so you could actually binge the entire playlist chronologically if you want to relive it all! :)
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joelswritingmistress · 6 months
You Scare Me, Professor Masterlist
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Summary: The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
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v4mporino · 10 months
ask game
1. whats your favorite thing in your room?
2. how tall do you wish you were?
3. what color is your hair?
4. whats a rare fear that you have?
5. are you single?
6. has your heart ever been broken?
7. what was your favorite thing as a kid?
8. favorite coping mechanism?
9. whats your favorite love language?
10. how often do you get nervous?
11. if you had three wishes, would you use them?
12. if you could be fluent in any language which one would it be?
13. where do you wish to live?
14. what’s something surprising about you?
15. when did you last shower?
16. when did you first join tumblr?
17. do you want any tattoos? if so, where, what, and why?
18. whats the most prominent dream youve had?
19. whats your dream job?
20. whats your ideal date?
21. what do you wish you could do better?
22. what country would you live in if you could?
23. whos the best person you know?
24. have you ever walked into something you shouldnt have?
25. whats your favorite holiday?
26. when have you been most embarrassed?
27. whats your favorite halloween costume?
28. what are you best at?
29. do you know how to tie your shoes?
30. do you have siblings?
31. if you could know one thing about the future what do you wanna know?
32. whats a dealbreaker for you?
33. whats your favorite current class?
34. how many people have you dated?
35. how often do you wash your hair?
36. do you daydream? what about?
37. where do you go to be alone?
38. which parent do you like more?
39. whats the one standard you hold yourself to?
40. whos voice do you enjoy?
41. if you could announce one thing to the world what would it be?
42. whats one thing you wanna do but havent yet?
43. what do you wish you never did?
44. do you believe in life after death?
45. do you prefer book over movie?
46. whats your favorite season?
47. whats your favorite time of day
48. do you have a beloved stuffed animal?
49. whens a time you wish you acted differently?
50. what’s something you wish that you never bought?
51. do you have your own room?
52. whats your favorite book?
53. who’s someone you hate?
54. whats your best hottake?
55. whats your favorite game?
56. whens a time you felt real genuine fear?
57. are you a morning person?
58. do you drink enough water?
59. how different are you from the little kid you used to be?
60. do you enjoy tumblr?
61. have you ever had a tumblr experience that made you wanna delete the app?
62. whats your least favorite game?
63. were you a markiplier fan?
64. how do you respond to compliments?
65. whats something that would make you fall in love?
66. do you believe in marriage?
67. do you have a crush on someone?
68. do you like tumblr?
69. were you a voltron stan?
70. whats your favorite ship?
71. whats your favorite song?
72. do you like loud crowds?
73. have you ever created conflict on purpose?
74. how do you sleep?
75. do you bite your lips?
76. do you use chapstick?
77. do you have any pets?
78. what color are your eyes?
79. what’s something you wish you could change about yourself?
80. have you ever had surgery?
81. whats your least favorite animal?
82. whats something that youre really bad at?
83. do you have an sqishmellows?
84. do you enjoy fast food?
85. do you like soda?
86. what grade are you in?
87. do you wear any jewelry?
88. what socials do you use?
89. whats your lowest grade in school right now?
90. whats the latest youve stayed up till?
91. did you ever have bangs?
92. what trends did you hate?
93. whats your favorite item of clothing?
94. do you like dinosaurs?
95. whats your opinion on body hair?
96. whats your least favorite time?
97. do you make a wish at 11:11?
98. do you have your phone on military or regular?
99. have you ever been to church?
100. are you lgbtq?
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dragonpyre · 1 year
Secret Robin AU masterpost
Part 1
Part 2 Robin's beginning
Part 3 Red Hood enters the scene
Part 4 A wild Timmy appears
Part 5 Dick introduces Jason to vigilantism
Part 6 Hood takes a hit
Part 7 Excuses
Part 8 Spoiler!
Part 9 Bruce is faceblind
Part 10 Dami!
Part 11 No, Jason did not die
Part 12 It's not kidnapping it's express adoption
Part 13 Cass <3
Part 14 Jason's year abroad
Part 15 Pay my tuition, B
Part 16 Bruce's photo album
Part 17 Part 6 follow up
Part 18 Bruce is a dad
Part 19 Batdad with his batkids
Part 20 Nightmares
Part 21 Merry Christmas!
Part 22 Belated presents for the robins
Part 23 Naptime
Part 24 Bruce is a meanie
Part 25 Babs
Part 26 Dami has the flu
Part 27 When you call your teacher "dad"
Part 28 ASL
Part 29 The secret's out
Part 30 Bagged lunches
Part 31 Bruce likes to brag
Part 32 Duke!
Part 33 Commit to the bit
Part 34 Birthdays
Part 35 Allowance
Part 36 The Talk
Part 37 Auntie Kate
Part 38 Adoption amnesia
Part 39 Red Robin (yummm)
Part 40 Growth Spurt
Part 41 Piggy back ride
Part 42 Lift the bebe
Part 43 Tim's polycule
Part 44 Trouble at a Gala
Part 45 Bruce doesn't have favorites
Part 46 Grounded
Part 47 Family photo
Part 48 Sibling fun
Part 49 Betting pool
Part 50 Meme on dad
Part 51 Talia's patented growth serum
Part 52 Secret identity scale
Part 53 Bruce's coping skills
Part 54 Close calls
Part 55 Dichotomy
Part 56 Robin HQ
Part 57 Caramelldansen
Part 58 Detective Tim
Part 59 Happy Purim
Part 60 Plight of the adopted
Part 61 Identity reveal(?)
Part 62 Commissioner Gordon
Part 63 Dis Track
Part 64 A win is a win
Part 65 Family secret
Part 66 Don't carry your phone on you
Part 67 Eat the rich
Part 68 Trampoline
Part 69 (nice) Grief
Part 70 Fencing class
Part 71 Adopting Tim
Part 72 Spoiler's motives
Jason's outfits
Chronological order
Dick's shirts
Fanfic based on the AU
Little Known Fact: Bruce Wayne Is Face blind by LittleDoot
Secret Robins by alliumtoms
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aettuddae · 8 months
hole in one — karina [smau]
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⌕ pairing: karina/yu jimin x fem!reader/oc
⌕ synopsis: at one of the most prestigious universities in the country, where everyone is battling to be the center of attention, yu jimin is just a regular. people want her because of her beauty, but all she cares about is sharing her freaky stuff with her friends and passing her subjects. although there's one thing that might push her out of her comfort zone, revenge. when nakamura kazuha, one of the richest and most well-known students of NCU, starts to spread gossip about her for thousands of followers to see, jimin decides to get back by taking away the thing kazuha cares about the most: her perfect girlfriend, the young golf star, kwon haru.
⌕ genre: social media au, college au, sports au, high class au. comedy, fluff, angst, slow burn, non-idol.
⌕ warnings: main character is an original character. insults, swearing, kms/kys jokes, suggestive jokes grammar mistakes (english not my first language), will add on.
⌕ status: finished.
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⌕ featuring: aespa, and members of le sserafim, seventeen, wjsn, monsta x.
— profiles.
karina's friends | haru's friends
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— chapters.
• chapter 1.
• chapter 2.
• chapter 3.
• chapter 4.
• chapter 5.
• chapter 6.
• chapter 7.
• chapter 8.
• chapter 9. part 1 - part 2 - part 3.
• chapter 10.
• chapter 11.
• chapter 12.
• chapter 13.
• chapter 14. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 15.
• chapter 16.
• chapter 17.
• chapter 18.
• chapter 19. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 20.
• chapter 21.
• chapter 22.
• chapter 23.
• chapter 24.
• chapter 25.
• chapter 26.
• chapter 27.
• chapter 28.
• chapter 29. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 30.
• chapter 31.
• chapter 32.
• chapter 33.
• chapter 34.
• chapter 35.
• chapter 36.
• chapter 37.
• chapter 38.
• chapter 39.
• chapter 40.
• chapter 41.
• chapter 42.
• chapter 43. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 44.
• chapter 45.
• chapter 46.
• chapter 47.
• chapter 48.
• chapter 49.
• chapter 50.
• chapter 51.
• chapter 52.
• chapter 53.
• chapter 54.
• chapter 55. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 56.
• chapter 57.
• chapter 58.
• chapter 59.
• chapter 60.
• chapter 61.
• chapter 62.
• chapter 63.
• chapter 64. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 65. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 66.
• chapter 67.
• chapter 68.
• chapter 69.
• chapter 70.
• chapter 71.
• chapter 72.
• chapter 73.
• chapter 74.
• chapter 75.
• chapter 76.
• chapter 77. part 1 - part 2.
• chapter 78.
• chapter 79.
• chapter 80.
• chapter 81.
• chapter 82.
• chapter 83.
• chapter 84.
• chapter 85.
• chapter 86.
• chapter 87.
— chapters 2.
[can't put more than 100 links in one post, so to see the rest of the chapter list, click here]
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luxthestrange · 9 months
WTDSIK Incorrect Quotes#46...No More snacks
Baby!Iruma: Mah...
Kalego*Looking at his child*No
Baby!Iruma*"Glares at his Papa*abUA ama bu!
Kalego*Frowns at the baby, with a gasp*Dont you talk back to me
Baby!Iruma*Starts pouting and turns his face away from pushing himself from Kalego's hug*ABU!BUH BUH!
Kalego: I said "NO" and I overrule you youngling!
Balam*Is being used as a ...demon mattress by you whose hands keep squeezing his pecs like stress balls, sighs looking at kalego*Would you please stop arguing with our child...
Kalego:...I might as well Shichirou, think he is winning...
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part 8 of:
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euryalex · 9 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Tav Ask List
May contain spoilers!! Please reblog!
• Origin & Class 1. What is their backstory and why did you choose it? 2. What is their class (+ subclass) and why did you choose it? 3. Do they multiclass? Why (not)? 4. Is there a reason why your Tav starts out as Level 1? 5. Does your Tav have family members? Are they close? 6. Does your Tav have any friends from their past? Are they still friends? 7. Does your Tav have connections to other characters (I.e.: NPCs)? 8. Where did your character live before the events of the game? 9. Does your Tav have a different class/race/origin than in the game? (I.e.: Your Tav is Aasimar, fisherman backstory ...) 10. What was your Tav like as a child?
• Prologue 11. What goes through your Tav's head when they wake up on the Nautiloid? Are they scared or do they push those feelings aside to focus on escaping? 12. How does your Tav feel about Us? Did they free them, maim them or leave them behind? 13. What was your Tav's first reaction to Lae'Zel? 14. What was your Tav's first reaction to Shadowheart? 15. Does your Tav use their Arcana knowledge to free Shadowheart or do they use the rune found in the next room? 16. Does your Tav help the mindflayer against Commander Zhalk or do they run straight to the helm? 17. Does your Tav's starting armor reflect them? If not, what would they wear instead? 18. If you could, would your Tav see any of the other companions? If so, how would they react? 19. What's your Tav's personality like at the start of the game? Does it change as the game goes on? 20. Finally, what does your Tav feel as the Nautiloid crashes? Are they scared? Are they thinking of a way to survive?
• Act 1 21. Which companion do you get first? If you get Shadowheart first no matter what, who's the second one? 22. What is your Tav's first impression of the other companions (Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Wyll ...) 23. What's their opinion of Emerald Grove? Do they help the tieflings or side with the druids? 24. How does your Tav feel about Mol and her friends? 25. What does your Tav think of Aradin? 26. What does your Tav think of the Raphael? 27. Does your Tav adopt Scratch and the Owlbear cub? Did you name him? 28. What does your Tav think of Auntie Ethel? What do they tell Mayrina? 29. What does your Tav do about the Goblin camp? Do they free Halsin or side with Minthara? What's their opinion of them? 30. Who does your Tav think of when they go to sleep at the goblin/tiefling party? Or are they lucky and do they get to spend the night with the person they want? 31. What does your Tav think of the Underdark and the Myconids? 32. Does your Tav help Glut or do they fight him? 33. Do you bring the potion ingredients to Omeluum and, if so, did you drink it? Did you barter for his ring? 34. Does your Tav react to the Sussur flower (Sorcerer) or how would they react if it affected them? 35. Do they deliver Nere's head to the Myconids and save the slaves? 36. Did your Tav fight the Forge Protector? How did the fight go for them? 37. Did your Tav go to Creche Y'llek? Did they know something was up with the healer? 38. Did your Tav deface the portrait of Vlaakith? 39. Did your Tav get the Blood of Lathandar? 40. Did your Tav agree to kill the Guardian or did they go talk to them instead?
• Act 2 41. Which way did they take? Did they run into Elminster? What was their opinion of his news for Gale? 42. How does your Tav react to the shadow curse? Are they scared of the dark? 43. What does your Tav think of Jaheira and the Harpers? 44. What does your Tav think of Isobel? 45. Does your Tav help Mol win against Raphael? 46. Does your Tav help Astarion make a deal with Raphael? 47. Does your Tav help Markus or do they warn Isobel? 48. Does your Tav steal the moonlantern from Kar'Niss or do they fight him? 49. How does your Tav react to Ketheric Thorm? What about his family (Gerringothe Thorm, Malus Thorm ...)? 50. Does your Tav save the tieflings & gnomes? 51. What does your Tav think of the Gauntlet of Shar? 52. What does your Tav think of Dame Aylin? 53. Did your Tav help Art Cullagh? 54. What did your Tav tell Arabella about her parents? 55. Did your Tav reunite with Us? 56. What did your Tav think of the Mindflayer colony? 57. Did your Tav free Zevlor? Did they free Mizora? 58. Did your Tav complete the Brain Node puzzle? 59. Did you use the Minds you find on the head near the brain node puzzle? 60. Did you clear Moonrise Towers of the shadow curse?
• Act 3 61. How does your Tav feel about Baldur's Gate? Is it their home? Is it their first time in the city? 62. What's their first impression when they enter Rivington? 63. If Shadowheart got a new haircut, how does your Tav react? 64. What does your Tav do with the trapped kids' toys? 65. Does your Tav go to the circus? Do they like the activities? 66. Does your Tav help with the murder investigation? 67. Does your Tav meet Tara? What's their opinion? 68. What does your Tav do with the Mindflayer in the windmill? 69. Does your Tav run into Orin? If so, what's their first opinion? 70. Does your Tav make a deal with Raphael? 71. Does your Tav 'spend time' at Sharess' Caress? 72. How does your Tav enter the city? 73. Do they free Florrick? 74. What do they do at Gortash' coronation? 75. What does your Tav do with the serial killer running rampant? 76. Does your Tav tell Dame Aylin about Lorroaken? Do they help her fight him? 77. Does your Tav go to the House of Hopes? If so, do they sleep with Haarlep? 78. Does your Tav help the Wavemother? 79. Does your Tav rescue the prisoners in the Iron Throne? 80. Does your Tav free the slaves from Steel Watch Foundry? Do they side with the Gondians or with Wulbren? 81. If you saved Oskar in Act 1, did you meet him again? If so, did you help him? Did you side with the Mystic Carrion or with Thrumbo? 82. What does your Tav do with the Counting House robbery? 83. Does your Tav reunite with Mayrina? Do they fight Auntie Ethel? Do they save Vanra? 84. Does your Tav find all of Dribbles' body parts? 85. Who did Orin abduct from your party? 86. Did your Tav complete the trial of Bhaal? 87. Did your Tav side with Gortash or did they agree to kill him for Orin? 88. Does your Tav successfully resist the Nether Brain? 89. Does your Tav side with the Emperor or do they free Orpheus? Do they become Illithid to use the Nether Stones or does one of their companions do it? Do they give the Nether Stones to the Emperor/Orpheus? 90. Do they betray the Emperor/Orpheus/their companions for the Absolute?
• Epilogue 91. Does your Tav get a happily ever after? 92. Where does your Tav end up after defeating/siding with the Nether Brain? 93. What do you think happens to the party, afterwards? Do they go for drinks? Do they go their separate ways? 94. Years after the game, what do you think your Tav is up to? 95. What do you think of your Tav's development throughout the game? If you compared them to who they were at the start, what would be different?
• Companions 96. Does Lae'Zel remain loyal to Vlaakith, or does she follow Orpheus? Or neither? 97. Does Astarion kill Cazador? Does he remain a vampire spawn or does he complete the ritual? 98. What does Gale want? The crown for himself? For Mystra? Or has he given up on chasing power? 99. Did Wyll get freed from Mizora? Did he save his father? 100. Did Karlach get upgraded? Did she turn Illithid? Did she return to Avernus? If so, did Tav join her, or Wyll, or both? 101. Did your Tav recruit Minsc? What's their opinion of him? 102. Did Shadowheart turn to Selûne or did she remain loyal to Shar? Did she free her parents or let them go? 103. Did Tav help Jaheira with the Harpers? 104. Who did your Tav romance? How did this romance develop throughout the game? What happened at the end?
105. Anything you want to say about your Tav! Give a random headcanon, answer a random question, say whatever you want!
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janmisali · 1 year
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[link to all polls]
seed: 11 (46 nominations)
class: imaginary
definition: the number which when multiplied by itself equals negative one
47 (forty-seven)
seed: 54 (8 nominations)
class: prime number
definition: multiple subcultures want to claim this one and I am going to make no stance on if this is "the Pomona number" or "the Star Trek number" or "the Hitman number". just a prime number with a bunch of separate cultural associations
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blackcouplesera · 2 months
50 intimacy building exercises for black couples ❤️‍🔥
1. Take a long walk together for the sole purpose of sharing your thoughts and feelings with each other.
2. Plan a surprise date night in for one another.
3. Cook a meal together and enjoy it by candlelight.
4. Write love letters to each other, bonus points if you exchange and read them.
5. Take a couple’s dance class together.
6. Read an erotic novel together. Reenacting it is up to you!
7. Volunteer together for a cause you both care about.
8. Make time to shower together, let your partner cleanse you.
9. Go on a weekend getaway and spend quality time in bed.
10. Take a bubble bath and enjoy wine.
11. Watch your favorite movies and cuddle.
12. Take a hike and enjoy nature together.
13. Write down your goals and dreams together, affirm each other in the process.
14. Take a cooking class together.
15. Try a new hobby together.
16. Plan a picnic to enjoy each other's company.
17. Schedule a couples' massage or self care day.
18. Create a vision board for your future together.
19. Take a pottery class together.
20. Spend a day exploring your city and discovering new places.
21. Invest in a polaroid or film camera and take spicy photos of each other.
22. Write a poem or song for each other.
23. Plan a surprise weekend getaway.
24. Create a couple’s board game to play together.
25. Go on a road trip to explore new places together.
26. Plan a sip and paint night together. Grab some body paint, and use each other as canvases!
27. Attend a concert or live performance together.
28. Create a language for only you to use together.
29. Go on a bike ride together.
30. Watch the sunset and enjoy each other's company.
31. Play a couples' trivia game.
32. Attend a wine tasting together.
33. Create a recipe together.
34. Plan a date night at home and cook a romantic dinner together.
35. Attend a drive-in movie together.
36. Visit a botanical garden.
37. Go on a cabin trip and disconnect from technology.
38. Take a hot air balloon ride together.
39. Attend a poetry night together.
40. Go on a boat ride and enjoy the water.
41. Take a couples' pole dancing class.
42. Have a game night with other couples.
43. Try meditating together.
44. Attend a book reading or signing together.
45. Go on a couple’s retreat.
46. Bake each other’s favorite sweets.
47. Create a playlist and swap headphones.
48. Take a mixology class together.
49. Plan a scavenger hunt for each other.
50. Go on a day trip to a nearby town.
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zushikiss · 10 months
genshin men as random times
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summary ; random times and which genshin men + scenario i associate them with
warnings ; petnames (darling, baby in ayato's), slight mentions of a panic attack in xiao's
pairings ; ayato, venti, xiao x gn!reader
notes ; vv domestic and fluffy!! i've been writing these at random times in between classes and i think i finally have enough to post 🥹
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and when the clock strucks 8:30 the door opens like always, you stand up from the dining table where you're trying to figure out how to do an origami you saw online, you stand and jog over to the door to greet your boyfriend.
"Welcome home!"
He smiles and immediately and he hugs you, placing half his weight on you as you then whine about how heavy he is.
"Yah, you're too heavy!"
"Work was tiring, let me rest a bit, darling."
"Rest as long as you want but please, take a shower first so we can go to sleep right away. "
and like clockwork, he'll whine but leave nonetheless, the offer of sleeping sounding amazing, and like always, on 8:42 he'll emerge from the bathroom and lay in between your legs, burying his face into your stomach as you let out a chuckle and play with his hair.
"Yatoo, baby you can't sleep like that."
"Yes i can, who'll stop me?"
"Me!! Now come up so we can sleep."
he looks up and he sees you staring right at him with a small pleading smile, he jokingly rolls his eyes as he climbs up, now nuzzling his face into your neck as you press a kiss on his temple.
"Goodnight, even if you're like a big baby."
9:32 am - VENTI
venti knew nothing about cooking, that was clear to anyone who knew him, so to say that diluc and jean were shocked when they got pulled into a video call at the ass crack of morning was no exageration.
"Why'd you call? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, are you alright?"
"Everything's fine! I just need help."
"Help with?"
"I wanna cook for my s/o, they said the've been missing the food from their homeland soooo."
and with that, the cooking started, though it took her a couple tries, he finally succeeded, he checks the time and its 9:32 am, as he ended the call and started to clean up the mess, you sleepily emerged from your room, you navigated towards him as you wrapped your arms around venti, resting your head on his shoulder.
"Morning ven. You woke up pretty early."
"I cooked for you! Quick give it a taste!"
1:57 am - XIAO
it was 1:46 in the morning and you couldn't sleep, you had a huge event later that day and you couldn't help but be nervous, your chest tightens as you struggle to breathe, tears soak your shirt as you find it difficult to breathe, you couldn't bring herself to call anyone, you hesitate but you call out to him.
"Are you okay?"
he appeared in an instant, once he noticed the state you were in he hesitated but he disappeared, you thought he didn't want to deal with you but at 1:57 he appears once again, he finds you near the foot of your bed, just the same as he left you earlier, he sat beside you as he hugged you, nudging you head towards his chest as you stained his shirt with tears.
"I got you some food... and flowers. They tend to calm me down when i'm upset so i hope they comfort you the same way the do to me."
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yanderesimp2000 · 2 months
yan Adam x fem reader chap 6/6 "the end?"
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Finale? kinda I might do a spinoff to this series in the future but the reader is pregnant because you people kept asking for it
TWS ,HEAVILY BRAINWASHED READER, Adam being Adam,possessiveness, Inceliness
Tags, Marriage proposal , snuggles, fluff, Travel, I tried way to hard on heaven world building
BTW this takes place in a universe where Adam won in S1 EP 8
You just finished making lunch from Adam he was laughing about something while he ate something about Lucifer's face when he killed his "precious daughter" you heard story's about what Lucifer did and you were glad he was suffering "serves that scum right" was what you thought Adam then finished his food and said "y'know what we should do today, We should go to the Empathy borough there lots of fun shit to do their and... I got a surprise for you" he teased
your face lit up you were excited to finally be able to go out somewhere after the "incident" Adam was very very controlling and made sure you were either locked in a room or in his sight at all times Adam cackled and said " that means I get to dress you up again my little doll" he then gently picked you up and walked you over to the closet where he started to look at dresses before finding one a red dress that was elegant but also soft and gentle it was perfect for you. You quickly put it on and it was perfect you looked amazing adam chuckled and said "thats it hottie" before slapping your ass
Adam started to put on his robe that he wore everywhere and then said "y'know we should fly to the transport system it would be nice to get out of the house" usually Adam would just use his high ranking angel magic to teleport but I guess he wanted to fly to the transport station which was who low ranking angels got from borough to borough heavens boroughs are HUGE most of these boroughs were about the sizes of the rings of hell so flying is not that feasible for traveling long distances but the transit station was a 7 minute flight from Adams house
Adam then grabbed your hand kissed you on the cheeks and said "ready to go hot-tits" you nodded your head before starting to guide you to the door before you two left to go to the transit port
the Virtue borough was the most well known of the 17 boroughs it was the most populated and home to all of the important stuff like the seraphim, the elder angels, the arch angels, the saints and much more. the Virtue borough has huge Golden skyscrapers and marble road you would think it would have a lot to do but no it was pretty boring "even the angels here are boring " Adam said you couldn't argue because unlike the other 16 species of angels virtue angels have no species wide ability that they all have. Adam tells you that you are a humility angels you trust him because your life before that was a blur and why would he lie to you, as you flew to the block were the transport station was Adam said "your gonna love this surprised I'm so fuckin pumped to see your reaction" his joy was plasterd all over him he was practically shaking as you two entered the transport station
The transport station was exactly what you would expect from a VERY high class area of heaven golden lots of guards and very fast lines you and Adam got on the teleportation pad leading to the Empathy ring you two chatted and waited for about 2 minutes before a voice on the intercome said "Virtue station 17 departing to Empathy station 3" and suddenly the doors closed before you all started to be teleported to the empathy ring
you guys quickly arrived at the empathy ring in around 3 minutes which was VERY LONG because Empathy is on the far west of heaven and virtue is on the East-central part their about 13 boroughs in-between the two borough. Only the humility and sacrifice boroughs are east of the Virtue borough so you were far far from home so that meant new customs to get used to
when you got out the station the first thing you noticed about empathy was how different it was The borough is Literally a group of 1160 small densely packed floating islands that are connected via bridge and instead of having the same white and gold color scheme of the virtue and other central and east boroughs the empathy borough was made of emeralds and has a dark blue-green color the entire borough looked like a rain forest and you loved it and another interesting thing about the empathy ring was their people they looked aquatic even though they didn't need to be underwater to survive. the diffrence between empathy and the seaside borough is that the seaside borough usually get no rain while its always almost wet in the empathy ring but not rainy just wet
Adam looked around seeming unfazed before laughing at how amazed you are "what are you so shocked about theirs nothing extraordinary about this place it just a little different" he mocked. You quickly agreed with him and said "yeah theirs nothing special about this place" you don't know why but when he said that you immediately agreed with him Adam then said "now I wanna show you all the cool shit to do here" before Grabbing you and flying couple streets down till you get to a restaurant that he always talked about
You two walked in and the waiter there looked shocked but said "oh oh my sir it is a pleasure to be in your presence" before bowing Adam just looked annoyed and said "you didn't have to do all that but it was still fucking sweet I just want a table for 2 in my usual seat" the waiter got up quickly and said "oh right this way sir" before Before raising his arms and quickly one of the display little Lakes where some koi and other fish were turned into a staircase of water you were at first a little scared but Adam quickly put his foot on it and he could stand it was strange you are just shocked he started walking and said "come on babe what the fuck are you waiting for get up here" before taking your hand and you to start to walk up this is the first time you've seen the power of these angels and it was very surprising you thought they just lived with water you didn't know they could control them but after all there was a lot of things you didn't remember that's why I needed him right?
The waiter walked you to what he said was his favorite see it it was a wonderful seat overlooking one of the many gorgeous parks of the empathy Borough you two sat down and he said "man this place is even better than when I last came don't know why I didn't take you here sooner just it's a long way but that's no excuse I'm fucking sorry babe I deprived you" you just said sad that you made him feel bad " it's okay don't be sad we would have gone here eventually so why Rush" "Yeah you're right" Adam said then saying "let's just enjoy The View" the view was gorgeous it was facing right next to one of them thousands of parks inside the empathy Borough this one had waterfalls and wonderful Greenery you two are sat next to each other so you cozied into him "awwwww how precious" Adam teased before putting his hand on your head you were disappointed when the waiter interrupted your moment to ask what your drink order would be you ordered what you thought would be good the dragon fruit smoothie Adams are they ordered something non-alcoholic instead " aww is wittle baby too scared to get drunk that's okay" he teased then saying his order " I'll have the white vodka with fruit juice and three shots of strawberry syrup" the way to seemed to be anxious why though why would he be anxious around Adam the gracious first man "o-o-o-ok sir right away" he stuttered before scurrying off somewhere 
You and Adam went back to looking at the wonderful view of the park his wings seemed to snuggle around you since you cleaned his feathers they've been really soft almost like a blanket so you didn't try and complain not like you were going to anyways but it was just nice to be wrapped around the big blanket like feathers Adam seem to pull his wings closer to him also pulling you closer to him as he started to pet your back and said "you're all mine you know that I'll protect you and keep you safe and make sure you don't see or think anything dangerous" it's really the least I could do as a decent husband you're nodded and ran your hands through his feathers seeming to make sure that was nothing stuck in between them and if there was anything you would pluck them out because you didn't want him to have dirty feathers it just urked you Adam chuckled and said ' that feels nice you really are perfect" he kept petting you and even going down to your wings even though they were slightly smaller because of what happened he's still said they were cute and adorable and it was even better that you couldn't fly so you couldn't try and do anything "rash"
You then saw the waiter  come over with your drinks he put them down on your guys table and said "enjoy" in that same anxious tone before scurrying off somewhere again " what's his problem" Adam Scoffed " I only banished three of the waiters here to hell it wasn't my fault they will be until slow and they were heaven born anyway so nobody really cared" he said with a slight sadistic undertone you two then kept looking around at the park " I wish this moment would never end" you said so Adam knew you were happy " me too... because this drink is fucking delicious" Adam said as he asked you what you wanted to order " I think the Tropical salad would be delightful" you said Adam was shocked and said "ugh diet food I'm gonna get the marinated Teriyaki ribs extra ribs" he mocked before calling over the waiter and placing the order " you better be quick or you know what happeneds" in a cruel the threatening way but that's just because he wants his food not because he's evil or anything it's their fault is what you thought he waiter then scurried off again and you two kept looking out at the park as he cuddling you ever so gently it was like the fluffiest down pillow " keep doing that babe its adorable" Adam whispered into your ear making you flustered which adam just found even more adorable "I love you and you're all flustered like that it's so hot" Adam teased you just giggled enjoying his teasing you like that when I talk to you like that you found it attractive for some reason but it's best not to question it right? The waiter then came rushing in with your food the plate the atoms ribs are serve one is bigger than you and you think the ribs were around half your size your salad was a bit more modest but you're still big it was served in a nice wooden Bowl it was filled with colorful fruits they didn't even know existed along with crumbly cheese pieces of crispy bread and very fresh vegetables the waiter then left in the same anxious pace as last time 
You and Adam continue to eat your food it was delicious and he seemed to love it too " told you this place would be delicious they make these ribs so good I just can't eat thousands of them at a time you know what I'm feeling " you're nodding along listening intently but not knowing what to say Adam seem to be very passionate about this place "I swear this place ever goes out of business I'll kill everybody who helped to make it out of business the tax  the people who chose to shut it down and the owners for not telling me that it's shutting down " once you to finish your food Adam just picked you up and flew out of the window " don't worry I'm allowed to eat here for free they  love me here "
He then landed with you at the same park you guys were overlooking it was beautiful there was a wonderful draping trees and all sorts of colors and the path you are on was there for thousands of years this park was one of the oldest in heaven so you could see all the old landmarks that were there since the times of the elder  angels " pretty soon we're going to be at that place where I have a surprise for you" Adam said as you two continue to walk
 The park was better than anything you've ever seen there were traditional old monuments there from the era before Humanity was created it depicted beautiful Elder angels and the entire shrine was grown with vines but strangely it felt like it was meant to be that way it matched the aesthetic of the green Lush empathy ring Adam then chirped in and said  "I'm so pumped to show you my surprise your gonna  love it you're going to be like wow Adam you're so great I love you that's fuck" you blushed slightly trying to hide it you are so excited to see what a surprise was it's like Adam was a genius the setting the ambiance there was light roses everywhere and Lush flowers to compliment it it was a perfect place to  visit especially on a nice spring day you and Adam eventually got to a small area where nobody was right by one of the hundreds of lakes in this park he lifted up a vine to show a small area not for you too that was beautiful flowers it was a little cave basically made of flowers and it was right by the water he sat down in motion due to sit next to him " well I know what technically "married " but I don't feel like I made it official you feel me so will you spend the rest of your life with me " Adam then pulled out a beautiful ring it was everything you could have imagined that had a beautiful rose gemstone on it complimented with the wonderful gold exterior " yes yes yes Adam I will " you said before leaning and giving them a big hug he hugged you too and said " I knew you would say that sorry for not proposing earlier I was scared you would get overwhelmed or some shit like that women are strange and sensitive like that " he said before continuing to hug you you to stayed like that hugging each other just enjoying each other's company until Adam finally said " let's go home babe we can prepare for the wedding " before I picked you up and you too flew into the distance
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juhaknyeonies · 1 year
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choi seungcheol smau (scoups)
music major!seungcheol x cinematography major!reader
summary: you left home early and don’t have anyone to dorm with at the dorms so you take up rent with a friend, you need to find a job but it’s been a struggle for you and you can’t just let your friend pay rent by yourself so when you find a job you immediately take it but what you didn’t realise was this job had you moving around a lot more than you wanted too. atleast he’s rich, right?
genre: humour, fluff, romance, slight angst
warnings: landlord is a prick, sick people (illness), isolation and arguements
started 27/06/23 - ended tba
updates: every saturday and thursday
feel free to ask to be apart of taglist
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a/n: i am not american so the dates when the academic term starts and ends may be a little different, also years of when certain people graduate will be different based on their major.
term 1: early february - early april (beginning of the academic year)
2 week break
term 2: late april - late june
2 week break
term 3: late july - late september
2 week break
term 4: early october - mid december (end of academic year)
6 week break and repeat again
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the beginning
profiles 1 (y/n’s squad 😝)
profiles 2 and 2.5 (12 broke uni students + mingyu)
beginning of academic year
recording #1: day too early..
recording #2: job stealer
recording #3: the girl in vernon’s class
recording #4: ncity liquor
recording #5: job interview = happy cheol
recording #6: can you drive??
recording #7: today is not my day
recording #8: guilty
recording #9: are you girlypop?
recording #10: accidentally asked a girl out…
recording #11: cute
recording #12: sleep on the floor
recording #13: texting, i’m bored
recording #14: my fav cousin
recording #15: i wanna go, but i don’t but i did!
recording #16: drunk one-sided fight
recording #17: not jeonghan approved
recording #18: they finally did work!!
recording #19: stupid landlord
recording #20: sorry lee seokmin
recording #21: no they aren’t actually dating.. yet!
recording #22: he’s whipped whipped
recording #23: rtl or fear?
recording #24: rejected but not to your face.. ouch.
recording #25: y/n’s twitter
recording #26: delulu
recording #27: woozi got my back
recording #28: ngl thought it was obvious
recording #29: best wingmans ever
recording #30: spending $127 on someone (simp!)
recording #31: something on your mind
recording #32: oh okay
recording #33: mansae mansae mansae
recording #34: i’m sorry, it was urgent
recording #35: yayaya lets have fun!!
recording #36: gotta go (not by chungha)
recording #37: just s.coups and woozi
recording #38: jeonghan and y/n
recording #39: get on twitter!!!
recording #40: im back, im sorry
recording #41: same dream, same mind, same night
recording #42: cinematography is fun
recording #43: regular (job version)
recording #44: ubb file??
recording #45: creation of adore u (wip)!!
recording #46: quiet
recording #47: for you ofc <3
recording #48: its obvious i adore you
recording #49: lets wait for the future
recording #50: thank you
end of academic year
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wanderingsimsfinds · 5 months
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WanderingSims Fave CC - Asian Community Pt. 1
1, 3, 7-8, 25 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Sims-KKB Korean Style Goods Set (Posters, Signboard, Signboard (Sims41ife recolors), Shadow Screen, Standing Board)
2, 4 - VivianDang - 4t3 DominationKid Japanese Retro Shop Signs & Street Bulletin Boards
5-6, 35-36 - Ziva-Sims - 2t3 Japasims Set (Cheap Shop Sign, Emergency Lamp, Noren, Pori Waste Bags)
9, 19, 58-59 - SimpleStudio404 - Izakaya Set (Menu Poster, Akanoren, Beer Case 1, Beer Case 2)*
10 - SimpleStudio404 - Clutter Set (Retoro Kanban 1)*
11-13, 16-17, 21 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Slox Expressway Set Pt. 4 (Awning, Magazine Rack, Sign 1, Sign 2, Sign 3, Banner)
14-15, 18 - Martassimsbook - The Sims 4 Snowy Escape Noren Curtains Long, Mini, Short
20 - SimpleStudio404 - Retoro Set (Bench)*
22 - simnaru - Nobori Sign
23 - NoirandDarkSims - Gatchapon Machine
24 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 Sims-KKB Utensils 2 Set The Shade
26, 68 - NoirandDarkSims - Japanese Festival Ultimate Edition Nobori & Cash Register
27-29 - SimpleStudio404 - Retoro B Set (Ice Box Table, Refrigerator, Post Deco)*
30, 33-34 - NoirandDarkSims - Tokyo City Decor (Mailbox, Road Decor 09, Road Decor 10)
31, 51-56 - NoirandDarkSims - School Days Set (Shoukaki, Sink School, Blackboard, Desk, Chair, Class Plate, Locker)
32 - NoirandDarkSims - Yuxi Tkangie Noren
37-43 - Mitarsi - Graveyard Set (Sotoba 2, Haka S1, Floral Tribute, Haka S2, Haka 1, Candle, Sotoba 1)
44-45 - Martassimsbook - 4t3 StudioK Convenience Store Set Copy Machine & Sticker
46-50 - simnaru - School Set 1 (School Poster 4, School Plate, Sink School (3 Pieces), Shoebox, Classroom Locker)
57 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Spirited Away Set Paper Lanterns
60-61 - SimpleStudio404 - Ob Set (Dining Chair & Yatai Dining Table)*
62-64 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Senran Kagura Bon Appetit Conversions (Yakuza Restaurant Spice Tray, Plate, Napkin)
65-66 - SimpleStudio404 - Takoyaki ki Set & Charcoal Stove Set*
67, 71 - Ziva-Sims - 2t3 Simsconnection Soy Sauce & Sake
69 - MurfeeL - Taru 1-3
70 - Kewai-Dou - Japanese Sake Set
72 - NoirandDarkSims - Mitarsi Sims Tori Gate
73, 75 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Lighting Outdoor & Street Pennant Static
74 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Nobori Flag
76-77 - MurfeeL - C2077 Round String Lanterns & Oval String Lanterns
78 - jazzysimlife - 4t3 Snowy Escape Deco Buildings
79 - HydrangeaChainsaw - Japanese Houses
*All the SimpleStudio404 downloads are in the same ZIP graciously uploaded by @ameriko-steelie. I listed the set name so that you can find the specific CC without opening every folder.
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prismaticpichu · 3 months
Why not, y’know?? :3c Let’s have some fun! Never done one these so go easy on me lmao. Feel free to reblog and ask away!
FF7 Ask List 🌎 ☄️
1. Gotta start with the obvious: favorite character? How come?
2. Favorite piece of music?
3. Favorite scene? What makes it so impactful to you?
4. Favorite installment in the compilation? (EC + AC included!)
5. Have you played every game? If so, wowsers! Respect!
6. Favorite ship? You into platonic stuff? No sweat! Favorite friendship?
7. On that note: favorite character interactions in general?
8. A line of dialogue you find hilarious? Heartbreaking?
9. Who do you consider the most “evil” in FF7? Sephiroth? Jenova? Pres ShinRa? Hojo? Hollander? Lucrecia? Other?
10. Do you believe Sephiroth is being controlled? To what extent?
11. Most underrated character?
12. Most overrated character? (If you think one exists!)
13. Favorite location?
14. Favorite weapon?
15. Favorite member of AVALANCHE?
16. Favorite Turk?
17. Favorite enemy/monster?
18. Favorite DMW cutscene?
19. Favorite fanfic? Fanfics?
20. Have you seen Advent Children? Thoughts??
21. If you could have one plushie of a character, who’d it be?
22. What is YOUR ideal Nibelheim fix-it? <3
23. If you could say one thing to one character, who and what would it be?
24. Who do you want to be real?
25. Would you want to be a SOLDIER? What color would you want your eyes?
26. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite snack? (Yep yep we know Seph likes pasta shssjshhs)
27. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite movie?
28. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite song?
29. What do you think is each of the First Classes’ favorite ___? (insert your own!)
30. What adjective would you describe each of the First Classes with? Can only pick one!
31. Write a small letter to one character of the asker’s choice
32. Doodle a pic of one character of the asker’s choice. (Art skills don’t matter here! No judgment <3 Only fun!)
33. Write a 3-5 sentence fic crumb of ___! (Asker’s choice; can be pairing, platonic, or just a single fella!)
34. Make up your own materia/spell!
35. Favorite memory with FF7?
36 Favorite part of the FF7 community? <3
37. Make an FF7 joke/pun :3c
38. What’s a fanon thing that you believed to be canon for the LONGEST time?
39. Favorite fan theory?
40. Favorite side quest?
41. Favorite cutscene?
42. What’s one thing about any of the FF7 games (+ AC) that you would change or add?
43. How many lines of Loveless do you know by heart?
44. Create a propaganda slogan for SOLDIER
45. Make a silly acronym for SOLDIER!
46. Rank all the games/AC in the compilation
47. What character do you relate the most to??
48. How would you describe FF7 in 7 words?
49. What got you into the series?! <3
50. Bonus! Ask your own question!
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