#classes are starting soon for me ahahah
kanndlila · 2 months
The Gossip behind Closed Doors
tw: bullying, slut shaming ; established relationship ; scaramouche x reader ; not proofread, and got the idea from tea hahaha ; crossposted on ao3
You were walking to school together, having spent last night at his house *wink* *wink*. The both of you enter the campus and after a locker visit, then next time you see him is in your classroom. When you entered, you heard hushed whispers all around. There's gotta be something juicy going on right now.
You tried gossiping with the girl who sits beside you. Apparently it's something along the lines of Scaramouche having a girlfriend. "That tea is bland, there has to be something more to it." You chuckled, giving her a fake intrigued look. 
Of course you knew, you were the girlfriend after all. 
"Yeah," She leans into you, trying to get Scaramouche out of earshot, who's catching up on sleep on your other side. "The boys are thinking of talking to him after class." You recoil a little, faking shock. "Why?" She shrugs. "Probably to cause trouble. They're keeping the others like Heizou out of it. They know he can take them all but Mr. Grumpy over there? I don't think so." It was your turn to shrug. After all, Scaramouche is much leaner than Heizou and Heizou is one of Scara's good friends.
It wasn't until after class ended when it became apparent. All the girls quickly made their way out, the some of the guys staying behind. You read the room, sparing Scaramouche a glance, who was sitting on his table, waiting for you. You went past the boys and to the whiteboard, putting away trinkets like magnets, markers, and board erasers into the teacher's desk. You recognized that they had grins on their face, as you've walk past them, eavesdropping. "The others are all gone. Now it's just him alone..."
Soon enough, the boys surround him. "Hey, pretty boy~" A group of boys, (5 heads, you've counted) slowly approach him. "We heard you're dating a girl." Scaramouche just watches them with the stupid smiles on their faces.  "And we've also heard you like to have fun behind closed doors when you're after school." Well shit. "hmm yeah, I guess we do." He finally taunts back before looking at your figure. This will quickly turn bad of you don't interrupt.
You sit on the teacher's table, "What's it to you?" You sound very much annoyed right now. "Oh? She also decided to join the fun." One of the boys, turns to face you. Their names you don't know because they're all irresponsible anyway. "Okay and...? Don't you have your own girlfriends to worry about?" You started twirling a marker in between your fingers. They seemed taken aback, but not enough.
"We came here to mess with the two of you, you little slut." He slowly walks to you. 
Instead of being intimidated, you laughed. "ahahah, me? a slut?" You squint your eyes at him. "Did you know that your girlfriends come to me for birth control?" Now, that shook them to the core. You break the silence, "Well? You can't bite the hand that feeds you. unless you want to get your girlfriends pregnant? I heard y'all get flustered when buying condoms HAHAHAH" That also breaks Scaramouche into a smile.
Clearly defeated, they look amongst themselves. Unsure of what to do. You show them your sweetest smile, before quickly changing your expression to a menacing one. "Scram."
Once they've left, you walked to where Scaramouche is. He's holding both his and your bag, ready to leave. "Feisty." He commented, smirking at you. "Oh shut up, I know you like it."
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Kalim Al-Asim Beastly Garb Personal Story: Part 1
"No can do!"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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[Sunset Savanna – Sunset Villa]
Kalim: Aaah! Breakfast was so goood!
Lilia: I agree. The food from the street stalls sure were tasty, but a grand breakfast from a high-class hotel is also excellent.
Kalim: It's all thanks to Leona that I get to have fun and eat the same stuff as you guys.
Lilia: Alright, we still have a ton of time until the Catch the Tail tournament starts. What should we do?
Kalim: Then, let's head out to town! We gotta celebrate Tamashina-Mina in style!
Lilia: Yes, let's do that!
Jamil: So this is the Sunset Villa, where Kalim is staying.
Jamil: I'm sure he's still asleep. I should wake him up as soon as I can.
Jamil: Hey, Kalim. Time to wake up. I'll go over the plans for the day. First, we'll go pay our respects to the royal family…
Jamil: …
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[Sunset Savanna – Market]
Kalim: Oooh, there's a huge crowd here today, too. Everyone looks like they're having sooo much fun. Oh, I love festivals so much!
Kalim: Ah! Look, there's some people playing some instruments over there!
Lilia: You're right. Street-side musical performances like this are quite charming.
Lilia: When I last came to this country, there were people singing and dancing to music in the streets, too.
Lilia: The people of this nation enjoy music in many aspects of their everyday lives. What a lovely culture of people.
Kalim: Oh, I know! Hey, what if we ask to play with 'em?
Lilia: Great idea! We can show them what the Pop Music Club can do.
Kalim: Heeey! We wanna join you guys!
Townperson A: Yeah, sure, you're totally welcome to! Pick whatever instrument you'd like.
Kalim: Awesome. Thanks!
Kalim: Ummm… Which one should I choose? There's so many instruments here I've never seen before.
Lilia: These are all traditional instruments from the Sunset Savanna. …Oh! I've played this flute before.
Kalim: I think I could pick it up easily if it's some kind of drum. I play percussion all the time back in the Scalding Sands.
Kalim: Alright, let's play!
[playing ♪]
Townperson B: Hey, you guys are pretty good! I dig it!
Kalim: Really? All your singing and dancing's super awesome too!
Townperson A: Thanks, man!
Kalim: Heheheh, this is sooo fun!
Kalim: It woulda been great if Cater was here so we'd have the whole band together. That woulda been so much more fun.
Lilia: Agreed. We have to have fun for his sake too! And we'll tell him this story when we get back ♪
Kalim: Yeah! Let's go, Lilia!!
[playing ♪]
Kalim: Let's go! Everyone dance!
Townperson A: Thanks to your performances, so many more people are joining in!
Lilia: Woah, I didn't even notice that we're completely surrounded by a ton of the city folk. The Pop Music Club's free performance grand tour is a huge success!
Lilia: Kufufu. Even in a foreign country, we were able to show everyone exactly what we're capable of.
Townperson B: Tamashina-Mina is rain festival. It's said that the more energy thrown into it, the more rain we'll get.
Kalim: Oookay. Then we gotta go even more all out!
Townperson A: Thanks. This fruit is for you. Take it.
Kalim: Thanks! I'll bring it safely back home with me.
Townperson B: I'll give you this accessory too. I handmade this!
Townperson C: You should take one of the ornaments I have at my store, too. Take it as a memento of our fun performance together.
Kalim: Thanks so much for everything! Ahahah! Man, I really love festivals!
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[Sunset Savanna – Arena]
Scalding Sands Staff Member: DID YOU FIND HIM OVER THERE――!!??
Jamil: HE'S NOT HERE――!!!
Jamil: This is bad… The Catch the Tail tournament is going to start soon.
Jamil: Kalim has to watch the competition from the VIP seats, so where did he go…!?
Referee: We'll now begin the first bout of the first match of the first round!
Referee: First competitor of the Night Raven College Team! Please step onto the arena!
???: YEAH!
Jamil: That voice, there's no way…
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by @mister-jedblack.
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the-weeping-author · 1 year
Weird Face
A/N: hiii im back, and boy do I have some fics in store for you guys! Thats for then this is for now! However let's reel back to why i made this post ahahah This is my first Bakugou fic so please go easy on me im super excited, and I hope you guys enjoy this. Not like I'm nervous or anything 😅 .
Wordcount: 4,000
Warnings: some cussing other than that none.
Tag list: None so far!
I really want to thank @batsybeanies so much for helping me with this fic! They helped me edit it and helped me when I got stumped so thank you so much I really appreciate you!
Please enjoy 😊
Bakugo was someone I never really thought I'd fall in love with, in fact I never really thought of it at all. With trying to be a pro-hero and all it just never really seemed possible to have a romantic life, but unfortunately my heart had other plans. It didn't come easy to accept at first, but now it is starting to have its appeal. 
Now, of course, being in class 1-A meant everyone knew everything there was to know  about your crush on the overly loud blonde. It didn't come as a surprise when everyone knew but him. Now telling him of said feelings was way harder than it sounded, most people would just be blunt about a topic as serious as such. Anyone who knew Bakugo knew he wasn't approachable.
Bakugo always made it known he wasn't afraid to blow someone away if they even attempted to talk to. It didn't matter what the topic was about. He never talked about having a love interest, and he definitely made it overly known how much he hated valentines day. So of course knowing all of  that anyone in their right mind wouldn't even try to attempt making a move on him right??
Well, I guess I'm out of my mind because that's what I planned on doing. I just didn't know when, I tried several times to confess to him in person, but once his crimson red eyes burned into mine, I chickened out every time. After all, I didn't want to get blown across the school, cafeteria, or the park. Today was no different from any other failed attempt, but this time I didn't think I could face him anymore. 
It was early in the morning, and I was walking down the hallways of UA. Bakugou was at his locker, Kirishima was talking to Bakugou while he propped himself against the locker grunting in response. I wouldn't say I was a member of the Baku-Squad officially, but I was pretty good friends with a few members outside of the blonde. I took a deep breath and walked up to both of them giving them a warm smile. 
"Good morning boys, how are you both doing this morning?"
Kirishima parted his lips before Bakugou quickly cut him off. 
"What the hell are you so cheery for? It's Monday, eight thirty in the morning. Why the hell are you two extras bothering me?" 
I rolled my eyes at his response, and huffed dramatically, putting my hand on my hip. I flipped my hair over my shoulder before quickly responding to him. 
"I'm so cheery because I get to see all my wonderful classmates, and I'm bothering you because it's fun."
Bakugou didn't seem to like my response to him; however, he let out a low growl before he narrowed his eyes at me. For a moment I was intimated, but like I said for a moment. His fist clenched tightly, and I softly smirked at him before making it disappear.
"Ttch I don't know what's so damn wonderful about them, and it's gonna be fun when I blow your ass into bits for purposely messing with me." 
This time I let out a giggle at his response, I softly put my hand on my chest, and quickly faked a cough as I tried to regain my composure. He was too cute when he got all worked up, but I wouldn't tell him that not in front of Kirishima anyway instead I decided to pout playfully at him. 
"Awe you know you love me Bakugou, besides if I were you I'd appreciate my presence. What other girl is going to willingly walk up and talk to you, hmm?"
As soon as I finished my sentence Bakugou made sure to quickly follow back with a response. Kirishima was watching our interaction with a small smile on his face, he knew about my crush on his best friend. At first I refused to talk to him about it in fear that he would tell the hot-headed boy, but after pinky promises and reassurances I ended up caving and telling the hardening hero. 
If Kirishima didn't like me before he sure did after my confession to him, I knew he was happy that someone had finally taken a liking to his pal king murder explosion. The red head looked at me with wide eyes before he looked back at Bakugou. His eye twitched in annoyance as he stared me down, he pushed himself off the locker making the distance between us go from a foot or two to mere inches.
He puffed his chest out and stepped into my personal space. The sudden closeness made me blush softly, my fingers started instinctively playing with the bottom hem of my shirt. My eyes looked at the floor as his breath brushed lightly against my forehead, I've really done it this time. Since I've known the ash blonde, he's never stood this close to me; my eyes dance across his covered chest softly. 
"How obscure! Love is for the weak, and I'm nowhere near weak! Dont tell me what I need to appreciate, and I couldn't give a shot if girls talked to me or not. That just makes another sappy extra like you getting in my way." 
My stomach knotted up at his words, and my smile slowly faltered. I swallowed thickly, my eyes making direct contact with his red ones. My eyes tingled softly at his words indicating that tears were pooling in them. I took in a deep breath, feeling my heart pound in my ears. His scent filled my nostrils, but his words echoed in my mind. My lips parted, and my nails dug into my thigh tightly. 
"Yeah, I might be an extra to you Bakugou, but at least I'm not a coward and use anger as a crutch to hide my true emotions."
Kirishima gasped softly at my response, his eyes softened when he looked at me. Bakugou opened and closed his mouth like a fish out of water, he blinked softly as he looked me up and down. His breath became less aggressive, but confusion etched its way on his face. 
"Weird face what do yo-" 
"Don't worry about it Bakugou. I'll see you at lunch, Kirishima."
Kirishima looked at me with sympathy, but before either of them could respond I walked away quickly. Bakugou looked to Kirishima, but he just shrugged his shoulders not wanting to reveal his friend's secret to her crush. He just put his hands up, and before Bakugou could ask him what was wrong with me the bell for homeroom rang. They both brushed it off before making their way to their homeroom class. 
When I turned away from the boys I sighed heavily, my want of confessing to Bakugou slightly went away. Maybe I was being overly sensitive, but I couldn't help it in my mind he just made it overly clear he didn't need anyone. He didn't care about my feelings, nor would he ever so what's the point? Why should I put myself out there when I'm just gonna get called hurtful names?
'What did he experience in life that made him that way? Why did he have to be so dismissive? Why did he always have to act like he doesn't care? Did he really not need anyone but himself?' I quickly shook my head clearing my thoughts as I walked Into homeroom, I felt two pairs of eyes on me almost the whole time in the homeroom. Instinctively I wanted to look towards the two pairs of eyes looking at me, but I shook my head clearing my mind to focus on the day ahead of me. 
The school day seemed to rush by quickly, and I avoided Bakugou at all costs. When lunch time came around, I made sure to not sit at the table with the Baku-Squad, when Kirishima sat In Front of me I arched my eyebrow. I was surprised he sat away from everyone he knew, but I didn't let his presence shake me. I continued to pick at the food on the tray. 
"Y/N are you okay?" 
My eyes drifted from my food tray to Kirishima, and back down to the tray on top of the grey table. When they made eye contact, she nodded her head softly, he didn't look convinced but started eating his lunch. I ate the pasta on my tray, and I watched him through my eyelashes. It usually wasn't this awkward with Kirishima, I found it very easy to talk to him. He was honest, and he was very open no matter the situation.
I shrugged softly, looking up at him sighing loudly. I tossed the plastic fork in my hand on the tray dramatically; I tucked some hair behind my ear a bit too aggressively. 
"I'm fine Kirishima, I just don't understand why Bakugou always has to be like that. Will it kill him to be pleasant just once?" 
Kirishima let out a breathy laugh, but put his hands up in defense. 
"Well, you know how Bakugou is, he's just rough around the edges. He li- ca- enjoys you being around trust me." Kirishima smiled widely at me when he stumbled over his words. He rubbed the back of his neck softly and looked away from me for a second. 
I arched my eyebrow at the sudden shift in his behavior, but decided not to question it. I let out a defeated sigh, and deflated in the seat I sat in whining under my breath. 
"Yeah well he sure doesn't act like it, his mood seems to worsen when I come around. You and him can hold a conversation for a while, but when I come around everything just explodes."
Kirishima went to speak, but got cut off by a familiar gruff voice. My eyes widened hearing it two seats away from me.
"Oi, why are you damn extras sitting alone? Are you on some kinda date?" 
My face dropped into an annoyed scowl, I turned towards the said voice. Bakugou was looking directly at Kirishima, when I turned my head to look towards the red haired boy he was blushing softly. He let out a soft laugh at Bakugou's assumptions before responding. 
"Come on Bakubro! You know we aren't on a date." 
It was my turn to cut Mister boom boom off, I let out a scoff shifting my body towards him. My eyes narrowed as I spoke with a venomous tone. 
"Even if we were on a date, what's it to you? You always say how much I annoy you so why would you care?"
Bakugou opened and closed his mouth once again, and I shook my head, grabbing my tray as I stood up from the table. I looked at Kirishima and smiled softly at him as he just sat there speechless. My eyes looked over Bakugou before turning my attention to Kirishima, I smiled softly at him before turning around. 
"It was nice talking to you Kirishima, talk to you later." 
Before either boy could say anything I put my tray up, and walked out the cafeteria. I felt eyes on me until the door shut. Bakugo turned towards Kirishima and started eating his food. 
Kirishima's POV
"The hell is that dumbasses' problem?" 
I looked up at my hot-headed friend, and just stared In disbelief. I ate my food with a knowing look, and just shook my head softly. 
"Hello? Airhead don't you hear me? She's stormed off, and now you're giving me the silent treatment. The fucks up with you two?"
I couldn't let this go on any longer, in fact if I do I don't think Bakugou will have a chance with her at all. I blinked at him in shock, and I tsked him under my breath. I took a deep breath, and let it out hoping this wouldn't end badly. 
 "Bakubro I think you're a little too harsh on Y/L/N. I know you like her, but it's not coming off that way. In fact, it's the total opposite. I think she thinks you don't like her at all."
Bakugou quickly looked around and leaned over the table softly. He whispered softly at me before he grew silent, and his cheeks flushed lightly. Before I could call him out in it he cut me off, hissing softly as spoke wildly.
"Don't go around blurting my business, big mouth, of course I like Y/L/N. Her stupid face just annoys me, and I get all nervous. I can't help that." 
"then act nervous, not like you hate her guts! She- she's not getting that you like her at all. You're just making this harder on yourself. You have to remember some people are sensitive, and need to be treated tenderly like a small panda stranded in the wild especially if you like them."
3rd POV
Bakugou grunted in response, not wanting to admit his friend was right. He knew he was, he just didn't want to admit it. He knew what he had to do, it was time for him to stop being stubborn. He had to admit his feelings to Y/N, he finally had to tell her how much he wanted her in his life. He decided he would do it after school when you both were walking home. 
 The bell signaling it was time to head back to class pulled the blond and redhead from the conversation.They both put their tray up, and made their way back to class. As soon as Bakugou walked through the classroom of 1A, he stopped in his tracks looking at his desk. A folded piece of paper was sitting on top of his desk, he cooked his eyebrow as he eyed the note wondering who the hell put something on his desk. 
Bakugou’s POV
"What the hell? Who put that on my desk?" 
I mumbled under my breath and made my way to my desk. When I got to it I slid into the seat and stared at the small neatly folded squared paper. I decided to finally pick the paper up, and I started to unfold the paper. Once I unfolded it my eyes widened. I recognized the penmanship immediately, my heart started beating faster, as my eyes scanned the beginning of the letter.
Dear, Bakugou 
I know you're probably wondering who left a note on your desk, and you're probably wondering why. Well here it goes, I've been meaning to tell you something for a while, but never really knew how to say it. I know you probably don't like me due to how you react to me, but Bakugou Katsuki I think I'm in love with you. I didn't mean for it to happen, and I know you aren't the fondest of the whole Love thing, but if you gave it a shot, I promise I wouldn't let you down. You’re number one in everything, and I'd love it if you were my number one officially. So if you didn't hate the idea too much would you like to call me yours? Only if you wanted of course. 
P.S. don't blow me up after reading this 
With Love Y/L/N, Y/N 
My cheeks flushed as I finished reading the letter, I quickly put it face down on top of my desk. I turned my head towards Y/N’s desk, and she was facing the whiteboard. My heart was pounding in my ears, but I smirked softly at her. I quickly folded the piece of paper into how it originally was before putting it in my pocket, returning back to my schoolwork. I definitely had to talk to Y/N now, I couldn't leave her hanging.
3rd POV
Since Y/N placed the confession she wrote on Bakugou's desk she couldn't stop thinking about it, her stomach was in knots for the rest of the day. She avoided him the best she couldn't until she finally couldn't. Hearing his voice call after her made her stop in the tracks, she turned to face him in the middle of the hallway. She sighed softly to herself, when she saw him walk faster to catch up to her; her heart skipped a beat when he finally reached her she turned back towards the doors. 
She walked slowly with him by her side; they didn't say a word. The silence was getting to her, did he read her letter? How did he feel about it? Why did he wanna walk home with her? His voice pulled her out of her thoughts. 
"We need to talk Y/N." 
She turned her head and smiled at him nervously. She nodded her head, then looked ahead, continuing the way she was walking. Her eyes stayed looking ahead not wanting to look at the red-eyed beauty beside her.
"Okay Bakugou, I don't mind talking to you. What's up?" 
He looked around the hall noticing the eyes looking at them both, he ‘ttched’ then stuffed his hands in his pockets grumbling softly. Not at you, but the lingering gazes. 
"Not here, wait until we get out of this damn nosy school."
Y/N looked around casually and noticed the lingering gazes and hushed whispers. She snapped her eyes forward and grinned slyly. They were pretty nosy weren't they? Probably wondering what such a brash guy was doing walking with a soft social butterfly. Once they reached the school doors Bakugou quickly opened the door for her, she froze at his gesture, and her heart swelled with adoration. 
"Are you gonna walk through, dummy, or just stand there like a deer in headlights?"
She quickly regained her composure, she blushed furiously at his statement. She quickly nodded her head and walked out the door she sighed happily feeling the sun dance on her skin. Bakugou quickly followed her and was once again by her side. They exited UA's schoolyard, and started walking down the sidewalk to their homes. Once they got to the part of the street where they parted ways they stopped their walking. 
Y/N faced Bakugou, but waited for him to speak. Once it was silent for a minute or two, she decided to break the comfortable silence. 
"So what's up Bakugou? You wanted to talk to me."
He nodded his head at her statement, Bakugou swallowed thickly, and let out a shaky breath. He pulled both of his hands out his pockets, and wiped them on his pants. He grabbed her hands, closing the distance between the two. 
Bakugou's POV
This was it, It was now or never. I looked into her e/c and took a mental picture of this moment, he couldn't help himself get lost in her eyes. The way the sun made them shine took his breath away, the way the warm sun lit up your face made his knees weak. The smell of your shampoo and perfume mixed deliciously, was this what love felt like? Did it really make you feel like you were flying high in the sky? Was it always gonna be this easy? To love you that is, he knew relationships had their problems, but he knew as long as he had you he needed nothing else.
"Y/N I read the letter you wrote me, and I just wanted to apologize. I'm not the best at my feelings or words, but I'm willing to try to get better for you. I didn't know you felt the same way I did, and if I did I sure as hell wouldn't have been such an ass to you. You're just always annoying me with your weirdly stupid pretty face, and your gorgeous laugh, your voice alone makes my heart do somersaults. Since we've met, you've been so nice to me, and I've just pushed you away afraid to let you in. Somehow you wiggled your way into my heart, and I regretted it at one point however now I don't. I have feelings for you too little butterfly, I'd love to be your boyfriend if you'd let me Y/L/N." 
3rd POV
Y/N's eyes widened at his confession, she was smiling widely. Her cheeks, face, ears and nose were covered in a deep blush. She tucked some hair behind her ear as she bit her bottom lip, her fingers played with the sleeve of her blazer. Her breath picked up a bit, Bakugou was currently a mess. Y/N hasn't said anything since he started talking. What if she didn't want him the way she said in her letter? What if she changed her mind? 
Her grabbing his hand made him leave his spiraling thoughts, when he looked at her she was smiling softly at him. His blood rushed to his cheeks, and his knees began to get weak as she leaned towards him. His eyes widened at her, when her soft lips met his cheek he blushed furiously. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him.
Bakugou nodded his head, taking her phone from her hands. He quickly typed his number in her phone and handed it back to her. Once she had her phone back, she saved his name as king hot head, He quickly copied her actions fishing his phone out of his pocket, once he had it he handed it to her. Once she typed her number in she gave him his phone back. He saved her name as ‘Weird Face’ and pocketed his phone. Y/N pulled away and turned away from him.
 She quickly walked across the street heading to her house. Her calling out to him pulled him from the clouds he was currently floating with. They both walked to their house with each other on their minds, Y/N constantly checked her phone hoping to have a message from him. She knew she shouldn't have been, but she was sad each time she saw nothing had been sent to her. So she bit the bullet and texted him first. 
"See you tomorrow, hot head!" 
The notification sound pulled him from his thoughts, he was currently standing in the mirror touching his cheek where she kissed him at. When he saw he had a message from her, he smirked cockily. Missed him already, huh? He read the message and quickly replied to her. 
"See you tomorrow morning weird face, we're going to be waking with each other from now on."
Y/N sat on her bed and squealed when he responded so quickly. Honestly, she didn't think he would, but she guessed she was wrong. As she read his response she giggled at it and quickly replied back. 
"I'll be honored to walk with you from now on, how weird is it to be in a relationship?? It’s not a bad weird though."
Bakugou stared at her response and blushed as he re-read it more times than he'd like to admit. His thumbs danced across the keyboard of his phone and pressed send immediately. 
"It is pretty weird, but it could be worse dumbass. You could be with that damn Deku, but thank you for choosing me. Since you did, how about a date? Saturday 2 o'clock? How does that sound?" 
Y/N checked her calendar once she got his response, and bit her bottom lip as she replied once she did she pressed the send button.  
"Sounds like a plan Bakugou. I look forward to it." 
Y/N put her phone on the charger and she let out a squeal. What were the odds of her crush liking her back? She never believed in luck, but now that she experienced it she knew it was real. She thanked whoever was up there watching down on her and finally felt a weight lift off her shoulders. She was on cloud nine, and she didn’t ever want to come down.
A/N: thank you so much for reading my fic I hope you guys enjoyed it, and I hope you continue to come back for more! If you want to be added to my anime tag list just message me! My next fic will be a Levi Ackerman fic. So keep an eye out for that!
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chuluoyi · 6 months
Chu!! Noo it's fine I enjoy talking to youuuu
HAHHA well what can I say? I just love Lukey! Aww hope you'll get a good break soon! When are you taking your 1 week off?
FR Unholy blood is unbeatable 💪🏻💪🏻
OMG SAME but for me it's either I end up liking the guy or hating him... Like for Gojo and Callisto I was like "Omg they're so hot but why are they so full of themselves?!" at first. Then after some time I ended up liking them HAHA- And omg ikr his hair >>>>> It's the side-swept hair that adds on to his looks. AHAAH LIKE Vinter is actually nice and all but he has so little screen time!
Thanks Chu!! Hehe I love beaches! And I have this childish obsession with picking seashells oops- Aww... You don't have to know how to swim to enjoy the beach tho! I don't like beaches cause I want to get tanned or play beach volleyball, it's more of the scenery that draws me in! Plus the sea creatures!
YEAH the leaks broke me... 2 Panels but I miss him sm now...
Yepp! But I'm unsure if I chose the right path... Like my interests are more arty like I love reading, writing, drawing, music, etc. But I chose a business course hahaha. There's no turning back for me too.... LOL A WALKING STICK 😭😭 AHAHH your teacher tho! My secondary school made it mandatory to have skirts at knee-level too... But I didn't change my skirt for the 4 years I was in school so as I grew taller over the years my skirt just naturally went above my knees... My teacher did scold me for that tho, I just didn't care...
FR like bros why don't you guys try putting on makeup bruh. Like y'all judge us girls as if you guys are hot asf... If you guys WERE that hot I wouldn't even complain about you talking shit about us girls... But you aren't so f off.
RIGHT My mum and I couldn't stop laughing omg It's easily one of the best comedy K-drama I've watched! Yeah omg "See you in my 19th life" Webtoon was great but after ep 1 of the drama I stopped cause it was honestly disappointing... "Good day to be a dog" is good tho! Not Shin Hyesun but this and "See you in my 19th life" are by the same webtoon artist!
Oh damn Gojo figurines never fail to impress... Did you see the new one with the skeletons and all? It's the one where he's been sealed and the skeletons just all around him. He's super hot there like I almost wanted to start being a Gojo simp...
I somehow want to go back to school... I've been swamped with housework and miscellaneous stuff that I'm so close to losing my mind... Thinking about New year's makes me want to pull my hair out... And Chinese New year is in Feb too... I'm so doomed for the next few months...
30 isn't that bad! Hahaha I feel you mate... I flunked my end semester test and it pulled my A all the way to C+ AHAHAH my GPA really suffered from that... Eh that 'interesting' doesn't sound too convincing 🥲🥲 How did you survive that class omg Chu ...
Hmmm that makes sense! I'll keep your words in mind. 😭😭It's always the luck.... Our gacha luck sucks too... I think we should avoid taking risks yeah?
HAAHAHAH I just enjoy solving the qns! I prefer math to the rest of the weird stuff I used to take... I had English, Chinese, elementary math, Additional math, Chem, Bio, History, Social studies, Accounting, Literature. It's real disgusting I tell you. Algebra really made my life slightly better in Secondary school... Omg 😭Fr Bio is really not easy I don't get how people get A+ in that like your memory must be crazy good. SO TRUE Chem is complicated at times but if you compare that to bio... sigh...
YAAA Omg I have a soft spot for sea animals (Not snails and worms tho) Especially baby ones like ahhhh they're so cute 😭😭
Nahh it's not my room walls I'm painting... It's my whole living room... Like 4 walls.... I didn't want to do it but my mum forced me to soooo I didn't really have a choice hahah!
Also Merry Christmas!!! I know I'm slightly late but 😭😭 Hope you had a good rest!
discoo anoon!!🫶🏻 finally i can sit in front of my laptop!!🥹
i'm taking my break in mid january!! i just have to bc if not then i'll surely go mad with how little i'm taking my leave🤧 like i still have so many leave balance too! lately i've been thinking "why am i so tired"😵‍💫 and when i look at the whopping number of my leave balance, i realize "this is why i'm so miserable i barely take any leave!"🤡
HAHAHAHA same same i didn't use to love gojo the way i do now if you can believe it. but he's so charismatic in the way he presents himself that's why... and HAIR it's so true the hair makes the looks, especially for men🤭
omg me tooo!!! i love finding seashells too! but i hate the way the sand would submerge my feet🤧 it's stupid but i'm afraid of a crab or something will bite my feet off ugh and yeah, so true the scenery is one of the points that make us want to go to the beach too!!
ah... i don't mean to presume but i once felt like that too. i chose engineering as my major, and yet i'm neither that good or bad at it, and neither do i like it (i hate it occasionally)😔 my interests are more in reading and writing too! and obviously i can't go back to restart my major bc my mom would hang me🤧 i once had 0 thoughts as to where and how i should get a job, and yet now i found the best job there is for me, unexpectedly, that's (thank god) not related to engineering at all! i don't think it's easy at first, we'll get lost and even doubt ourselves often, but i believe that by doing the best at what you do, we'll find a way somehow, and it's always the unexpected that's the best <3 <- this is my words of encouragement!! i don't mean to preach or anything bc when i was in that position, i wished someone would say those exact words to me :')
BUT FR I FELT LIKE A WALKING SUSHI ROLL😭😭 thank the gods the teacher don't realize it. but omg that's nice that you're tall! :') i'm short so yeah, i'm still a walking sushi roll
HAHAHAHAHAAH i wish i could say all of that to their faces! i did say some of it to them though, about "you don't get to say that when you're that lousy yourself"🙃 but yeah, in the end, to each their own. it's irritating but we have to protect our peace first🤧
my mom loves her too!🥹 ahahahha oh really?! i put off watching a good day to be a dog bc i heard the ratings aren't that good... maybe i'll watch it then! now i'm watching gyeongseong creature! it's a good watch, kinda like sweet home, a bit dark and sinister but it's park seojoon!👀 and his dramas never fail ehehehe do you watch it too??
I SAW THAT FIGURINE omg that can be preordered now but will be released in 2025? i was like whaaat that long? but yeah, i want to be the skeletons—
OMG SOOO TRUE🤧 new years and our traditions :') now my mom is fussing over stocking food and getting new sheets and tomorrow i'm accompanying her to... stock up more food. and so true about the chinese new year! ahahahha i celebrate it too and it's a bit of a hassle esp with the family questions, but don't worry! we just have to keep our eyes on the prize... the 红包 :3 more pocket money!!😈
i know the feeling! like one mistake and the A... dissolved🤧 it's so disheartening. how did i pass?😦 by sending my prayers and confessing my sins daily basically🤧😵‍💫
yes yes!!
omg you're so smart for that!! and i do agree those are weird stuff HAHAHA literature got me like questioning my phrasing sometimes i was like 🤯 am i dumb bc i’m lazy or am i lazy bc i’m dumb— okay nevermind🫢
SNAILS AND WORMS😭 yes baby seals are like aaaaaa so precious🥲🫶🏻
AHAHAHHA it must have been a good exercise though!!🥹
and ofc merry christmas too disco anon!!🫶🏻✨ and happy holidays too!! wishing you only the best for the upcoming year also! pls keep healthy and don’t forget to take breaks and drink water🫶🏻✨
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boralogues · 1 year
I've continued playing Miitopia and here's some more silly stuff:
-Candi and Joe start fighting but as soon as zubes needs help they stop trying to kill eachother and help him
-Joe buys Rob a "thank-you vase"
-The party gets a pet horse named "Sweety"
-The party beats up a talking pink gorilla
-An enemy imp tries to turn joe evil but he is completely unaffected (same when a banshee cried crocodile tears, he has a heart of stone)
-Banana Man kidnaps Zubin, Joe and Rob and leaves them in an empty void
-Candi gets acupuncture by sitting on a cactus
-Andy, Ross and Bora join the party (Imp, Cat and Popstar respectively [zubin was a cleric, joe was a thief, rob was a warrior, candi was a chef and is now a mage])
-Gordon Ramsey gives the party cheesecake and doner kebabs
-a rich guy who just broke up with a princess releases a genie named Jii-Mii who steals a bunch of money from a lady named SwathOCash
also i did a few doodles of the guys as their class/job do u want me to send them :D?
AHAHAH OH MY GOD candi and Joe fighting until zubin breaks it up is so real I love that. Also love that Gordon Ramsey is just hanging out with them HAHAHAHZHAHSHS . BANANA MAN KIDNAPPIMG IS SO FUNNY I MUST DRAW THAT 😭😭😭
YES please send the doodles I would love seeing those :D
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faeryarchives · 2 years
UWAAAA CONGRATS ON THE MILESTONE!!!!!! Quick (unrelated?) note I think you're very cool and seem like a fantastic person to hang around with (+ thank you for feeding us content to gush over!!)
I was gonna ask for no. 100 “There is nothing I would change about you.” with Jamil for your event if you're down for that!! :O (gender neutral please :D)
Have a great day <3333
omg thank you so much anon i feel so happy ahihi i am really glad that you guys are enjoying my works too 🥺
you are perfect (gn!reader)
“there is nothing I would change about you.”
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everyone has their own bad days - tripping over air, getting burned from drinking hot coffee and getting splashed by rain water etc. and tthere are several things that can cheer someone up after having a bad day such as buying their favorite food or talking it out right? right.
so why do you still refuse to get up from your bed? jamil couldn't help but let out a heavy sigh.
after gym class, the second year was approached by grim saying that and he quotes that - "(name) has been holing up in their bedroom and wouldn't get out. even the ghosts are getting worried - can you check up on them?" and when he got at the ramshackle dorm with your favorite snacks and drink on hand, his heart ache hearing your cries through your door.
being accustomed from always hanging out in your room, jamil just casually opened the door but the look on his face is not so casual but worried seeing you buried under your blanket.
"(nickname), you don't have to blame yourself for what happened today okay? you just had a very bad day." his voice resounding through the quiet room as his hand gently removed the blanket from you, (eye color) eyes meeting worried charcoal grey ones.
"jamil..." tears start to well up again around your eyes, memories of today's events rushing back in your mind. the vice dorm leader couldn't help but to feel bad - hand reaching out to pull you into his warm embrace. "it's okay, let it out. i am here and ready to listen, my treasure."
"it's because i fucked up so bad jamil. i always try my best to belong here even though i am not originally from this world so no one would make fun of me for being magicless or weak without my friends. but i can't even i achieve anything on my own. why can't i change myself - why am i so useless?"
quiet sobs turn into loud wailing, pouring all the worries and problems that has built up inside of you to your boyfriend. no one could imagine how heavy each of your responsibilities are and he really admires you for being able to achieve your goals.
"you are not useless okay?" jamil gently grab your shoulders making you face each other, his heart aching to see you hurting. he gave you a smile before giving you a soft peck on the cheek. "(name) it's already a big thing that you are here because you keep saving each one of us." you could feel his voice becoming softer and softer each word.
"you saved me. you don't need to change for anyone. there is nothing i can change about you. that is why -" a ray of sunlight reflected the tear escaped through his eye making you gasp.
"you are perfect just the way you are, don't think less of yourself okay?"
"thank you, jamil. really, but stop crying or else i'll cry too!"
"ahahah, sorry sorry. come on eat up or i'll finish them all." cries turn into joyous laughter as the two of you decided to spend the whole afternoon watching your favorite show and soon - you fell asleep on jamil's shoulder. the male brushed his hand on your cheek and kissed your forehead with a smile.
"sweet dreams, my treasure."
ueueue i got a writer's block at the last minute and by the way the event will extend until may 22 >< i haven't been able to update due to personal reasons im so sorry 🙏
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nazuqi · 2 years
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⊹  · 𝐧𝐚𝐳𝐮𝐪𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞
a collection of short moments that matters to the couple in question
// this is part 1
chapter 1 | the meeting
nazuna and qian met at a very young age, when she had moved to their town around first grade. it was summer then, and qian was not familiar with the area. although she had gone with her aunt to the park, she'd somehow lost her, and thus she was alone. alone and scared, she'd found nazuna.
"Uh, are you okay?" he asked. qian shook her head.
"'m lost..." she mumbled.
"Hm?" he didn't hear her well.
"i'm lost..." she said it more clearly this time.
"oh! let me help you!" he smiled and reached out his hand. she took it, and a smile soon appeared on her face. she didn't know why, but she liked it. it was different than holding her mom's or aunt's hand; it fit well- hers in his- and it was more comforting than a constraint to keep her in place. it wasn't a hand that she would squeeze hard to cause a bruise, it would be enough to simply hold to alleviate her anxiety.
chapter 2 | regular church encounters
qian didn't like music that much. her perception of music was classical music without much singing at all; she'd quite forgotten that it existed and had forgotten the times she used to listen to abba on the laptop on the dinner table for hours.
but when nazuna had asked if she wanted to join him in the church choir, she couldn't help but say yes. she wanted to spend more time with him, no matter what it was. she hadn't made too many friends besides him either. she didn't really seek out many others, and those she did meet, usually in her class, just didn't click. but with nazuna, it was different. somehow, she opened up. it was new, exciting, and everything in-between.
qian didn't like the church music. she didn't know shit about being a christian (despite being one all her life) and her parents barely took her to church- they eventually settled on him taking her there for church and sunday school.
qian wasn't bad at singing, but nazuna was infinitely better. it was a competition, and she wouldn't lose. (that's what she told herself, but was she really winning?) she often froze up on the stage, and she went with whatever everyone was going with.
chapter 3 | singing lessons & toy shopping
when they were in middle school, qian and nazuna took voice lessons, aka singing lessons. they had different teachers, but they had lessons around the same time- though nazuna's ended (and started) a bit earlier than hers.
voice lessons were tough, but they were fun overall. every week, he came over to pick her up, and they would go to the toy store next door. there were all sorts of toys there, including ones to "cosplay" with. these two had great imaginations, ones which included becoming valiant warriors and great protectors of sacred land. a slight chuunibyou phase, if you would.
they saved up allowance and lunch money to buy items to fuel such fantasies, and they would act them out on their roundabout detour back home- it was always qian's house first, then nazuna's.
chapter 4 | separation
"i'm gonna go to yumenosaki, i'm gonna be an idol"
"hmmm~ thats cool. i think i'm going to go into business... or maybe computer science. i dunno. good luck, i heard it's hard to be an idol"
"mhm! i'm gonna work hard and make lots of money! i'll take you a lot of places when we're older with that money!"
"ahahah, no i'm going to make big money with my multi-million-dollar international corporation and take you places, ahahaha"
"ahaha, we'll see about that!"
"nazu. im moving to america."
"eh? does this mean that-"
"we can still call each other silly"
"yeah, that's true"
that was true, but was it easy? it was a strong force, stronger than even the wills of these two childhood friends. time passed, and especially when they lived in opposite timezones, it was especially hard to find times when they would both be awake. voice calls and text messages were sent only to be replied to hours later, and it wasn't too long until the messages stopped altogether.
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minaramen · 3 years
IORI & TAMAKI & HARUKA [Shuffle talk 2021] Part 1: Iori, Tamaki and Haruka
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Tamaki: ‘morning, Iorin and Isumin. Take care of me for today’s recording
Iori: Please, take care of me
Haruka: Take care of me
Tamaki: Isumin, you don’t look worried at all despite having to record with us. Is it because Tenten isn’t there?
Haruka: Whaat…?! I’m never worried! Also, there is no reason to be worried since it's you I have to record with
Iori: That’s because we’re quite used to seeing each other at school. Be sure not to replicate your scholastic behaviour during the recording
Haruka: I won’t. You should tell Yotsuba that…
Tamaki: Uh. Well then, about today’s recording, shall we give it a try?
Haruka: Wah…! That’s what Tanaka from physics class always says! 
Haruka: You suddenly imitated him!
Iori: Your scholastic behaviour is already coming out…
Tamaki: Fufu. The other day I practiced with our classmates 
Haruka: What kind of practice did you do? It was just like him! Ahahah….!
Iori: Is this for real? Stop getting excited about school stuff before work
Tamaki&Haruka: Well then, shall we give it a try?
Haruka: Izumi is laughing as well!
Tamaki: We won!
Tamaki&Haruka: Yeah!
Iori: What kind of game are you playing?
Staff: Ahaha. I know you’re classmates, but you really get along!
Iori: I’m very sorry about the noise. We’ll get ready for the recording
Staff: Don’t worry, it perfectly fits with today’s location!  Since it’s an animal variety show, having fun is essential! 
Tamaki: Yes! Take care of me!
Haruka: ...I-I’ll do my best!
Staff: We’re relying on your energy!
Iori: At any rate, it’s a big petting farm 
Iori: It was written in the document that first of all we’ll take a tractor-trailer train and do a tour of the farm
Tamaki: We’ll take that huge thing which looks like a robot train! 
Haruka: Robot…? Aah, because of its big tires? It’s got carriages attached to it, and definitely gives the impression of a train
Staff: During the farm tour you’ll get to see many animals. Foals, llamas, alpacas, rabbits...and many others
Iori: Foals....
Tamaki: That’s good, isn’t it, Iorin? 
Iori:...what? Since it’s a petting farm, it’s  probably normal to see families of animals 
Staff: Oh, it seems that the tractor-trailer train is ready. The guide will be with us soon, so we can start the recording!
Iori&Tamaki&Haruka: Yes!
Staff: The recording is about to start! 3, 2, 1…!
Iori: Yotsuba san, Isumi san, look over there! There are many animals playing around! 
Haruka: Aah...The wind feels so nice, too!
Iori: Yes
Tamaki: Look! Those piglets are so cute! 
Haruka:...they really are! They get along, don’t they? There are some babies racing!
Haruka: ...uh? What’s going on, Izumi?
Iori:...it’s nothing. It’s a sight that makes you smile, isn’t it? 
Haruka:...okay then
Tamaki: Ah! The smallest one is really closing the gap!
Tamaki: Looks like they’re rolling over and over! So cute!
Iori: Anyway, this place is really big. There are grasslands as far as the eye can see
Guide: The size of the ranch is also huge. We could definitely put 700 tennis courts in there 
Tamaki: 700!? Amazing!! Even if I don’t really get what it means…
Tamaki: But I understand it must be amazing!
Guide: Ahah! It’s okay if you think that this place is good enough to allow many animals to live comfortably 
Tamaki: Yeah!
Haruka: Ah! There’s a new place over there!
Haruka: What kind of animals will there be?
Guide: There are alpacas and other animals from the Andes over there 
Iori: Alpacas? They’re quite popular animals in Japan as well, aren’t they?
Iori: It’s nice to see them from the tractor, but is it actually possible to come into contact with them?
Guide: Of course! Okay, shall we do a stopover here?
Tamaki: Really!? Can we touch them!?
Guide: You can, since they’re just mild babies! 
Guide: Anyway they get scared quite easily, so please pet them gently 
Tamaki: Yes! Hooray! I can hardly wait! 
Iori: Eventually, we’ll really get to come into contact with animals
Haruka: So, alpacas are fearful. I hope we’ll get along well, so they won’t get scared
Haruka: Just to reassure them, I’ll be gentle
End of part 1
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Could you more of the reader ignoring the boys for a prank headcanons? Maybe with Tsukishima, Ushijima, and Tendou?
tsukishima, ushijima, and tendou when their s/o ignores them as a prank {headcanons!}
these are obviously a lot shorter bc theyre hcs but i still think i got the point across ykyk ¿
you and tsukishima were doing homework together
you finished before him and called out his name to start getting his attention
but he didn’t respond or react to you
granted, he could’ve been really invested in whatever he was doing at the moment… but he would usually look up at you or ask, “what do you want, y/n?”
you started feeling petty tho… and thought, “well two can play that game.”
so you just stopped calling him and did some extra studying on his bed
you heard tsuki close his textbook and watched him sit beside you on the bed
if it were any other day, you’d probably pounce on him or something
but you decided to act as if he wasn’t even there
after about five minutes of sitting next to you in silence, he finally said something
you looked at him but didn’t respond
he grabbed the textbook out of your hand and closed it
“really y/n? is this cause i didn’t answer you earlier?”
you shrugged your shoulders and grabbed the textbook to open it again
“fine. you can continue to ignore me. it won’t phase me.”
tsukishima went back to his previous seat, put his headphones on, and buried his head in a textbook
you two stayed like this for a couple more hours
soon enough, you had to return home
you started packing up your things and walked towards tsukishima’s bedroom door
before you could leave, tsuki lightly grabbed your wrist
you two stared at each other for a bit
he quickly pecked you lips and said, “love you..”
you stared at him blankly for a couple of seconds before muttering a “love you, too,” back
LMAO yall both annoying byeyeyydyshs
tbh if yall had like a legitimate argument, youse could ignore/ stop talking to each other for DAYS
“so is ushijima the clingy type?”
you and your friend were talking about your boyfriend, ushijima
“eh, not really. i mean, i only think i consider myself the “clingy” one because he’s just really straightforward and isn’t super lovey dovey,” you explained
“what would happen if you began ignoring him, then?”, your friend asked
you shrugged your shoulders,,, you weren’t sure
somehow, you and your friend decided that you were going to ignore ushijima the next day at school
ushijima always eats lunch with you
he went to your classroom and sat down next to you
“hi, y/n.”
you didn’t even acknowledge his presence
he waited for a couple seconds before speaking up again, “how has your day been?”
again, you gave him no response
he grabbed your hand… you couldn’t ignore him anymore, so you looked up at him
“is everything alright?”, he asked
you pulled your hand out of his grasp and continued eating your lunch as if he wasn’t there
you weren’t looking at him, but you could tell he was staring at you
“okay,” was all he said and continued eating his lunch with you in silence
you went on with your day,,, ushijima had practice after school so you did worry about having to purposely ignore him again
at around 9pm, you wondered if ushijima would call or text to check up on you… although it seemed very unlikely at this point
you heard your doorbell ring so you answered it and
ushijima was there, holding a bag in his hand
“hello y/n. i don’t know if you’re sad about something or mad at me, but i brought you your favorite cookies.”
he handed them out to you and you accepted
then, ushijima wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him
he kissed you on top of your head and whispered, “i love you.”
at this point, you couldn’t even say you were playing a little joke on him, you just let him hold you for that short while
you saw someone on tiktok talk about a prank they did on their boyfriend where they ignored him for a day
you immediately thought of doing the same thing to tendou
you and tendou met up at your usual spot in the morning to head to class together
“good morning, sweetie,” he cooed
usually you’d say good morning back or give him a kiss, but today you didn’t
you heard him make a “hmpfff” sound
“i get it… i’m really tired, too.”
you two continued walking in silence
when you guys were with your other classmates, tendou expected you to become more lively
and you did, except not towards him
he became curious as to why you weren’t talking to him so he pulled you aside
“is everything alright, y/n? you’re not really talking to me...”
you were about to turn away from him but he grabbed you by your shoulders to make you stay
“woahhh, are you mad at me or something?”
honestly, you were about to answer and tell him it was all a joke but the bell rang, saving your prank
during class, tendou texted you
“do you want to talk about this during lunch?”
he saw you read the message and became annoyed when you didn’t reply
tendou pulled you out the classroom when it was lunch time
“are you gonna tell me what i did? or why you’re just not talking to me, actually? cause i didn’t do anything,” he reasoned
you stared at him in silence and after a couple of minutes, he became whiny
“babyyyyy. talk to me. what did i do?”
he tried his best to start making you laugh or smile but you didn’t budge
“okay… fine,” he muttered, finally walking away from you
tendou saw you walking out of the building before his practice started
“y/n! wait up!”
you tried to walk faster to get away but he caught up to you
“i don’t want to see you go home today knowing that something’s up between us. can you please explain what’s wrong so i can fix it?”
you looked at him and saw he had his serious face on
so you being you, you laughed in his face
“ahahah!!!! sorry babe, you just looked so funny. and my apologies, i was playing a prank. i was ignoring you for the day!”
tendou’s face dropped and he gave you a disgusted look
“you’re foul for that one… making me think i did something wrong,” he complained
you flashed him a cheeky grin
“c’mere, give me a kiss before practice!”
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knightofameris · 4 years
period pains pt. 2
also just like i mentioned in pt 1, i’m still getting used to writing for haikyuu boys but i think i have an okay grasp at them,,, bokuto is the one i’m least confident on
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haikyuu boys taking care of their s/o who’s on their period ;-;
the boys in question: Nishinoya Yuu, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Sawamura Daichi, Bokuto Koutarou [i had to do noya and tanaka cus they’re PERFECT for THIS] [also under the cut, i didn’t realize how long it was ahahah]
[reposting AGAIN because it’s not showing up in the tags ):<]
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nishinoya yuu
okay okay let’s say you’re stuck at home and you’re like oh shit
i don’t have anymore pads or tampons
must be pretty shitty so anyway (im sorry im not judging because this deadass happened to me twice LOL)
anyway you decide to text your boyfriend bb noya to get you some
because ya know he’s a simp king for yOU his sunshine
so he runs to the store to get you whatever you use
but then he sees all these different types of tampons and pads
this boy is overwhelmed
but then there’s some people in the same aisle as him
a couple he notices, and the girl giggles while whispering to her boyfriend “wow what a sweet boyfriend he is.” and he gets so PROUD
and the girl probably realized how lost he is and just told him to ask you.
so anyways he grabs the ones you told him to and the girl also tells him to get her favorite snacks and chocolate and heat packs and just everything you’d ever need
and he gets them he doesn’t care about no price tag 😤😤 anything for his queen
so when he gets to your place with all of these bags you’re like overwhelmed but your heart just BURSTS because he’s pulling out your favorite snacks and every other item while saying “this is for you in case you want to snack.” or “these heat packs will help your cramps” or “your favorite ghibli movie so we can watch together”
he’s so sweet i love him so much <3
needless to say y’all spend the rest of the day cuddling and stuff <3
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tanaka ryuunosuke
okay i just really like the idea of the boys going on a tampon/pad run for you so like
a lot like noya, he is a SIMP KING for YOU his GIRL and he’s on a mission
so when he see’s all of these different types, like noya he’s overWHELMED
so he deadass texts you “what size vagina are you” while sending a photo of all the tampons and pads
what a dumbass
but you love him and at least it got a good laugh out of ya especially with everything.
when he goes to check out he feels people staring at him and but unlike that one text of those series of boyfriends buying pads/tampons for their girlfriends ( i hope you guys know which one i’m talking about)
tanaka would be so proud like “hell yeah i got a girlfriend and hell yeah i’m doing this for her because i LOVE HER”
we stan one man and his name’s tanaka ryuunosuke
anyways on his way home he also stops by a boba store and gets you your favorite drink
how sweet i love him
he also decides to spend the rest of the day with you and y’all watch movies or just sleep and he does whatever he can to help you get through your period
also he might’ve bought you wAY too much
like deadass probably a years worth. his reasoning is that there’s so much BLOOD probably i love him
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sawamura daichi
daichi goes dadchi well i mean he is daddy but ya know
anywayyyyyy you probably were complaining to him about how your period was coming soon but that it was also late but you were still having ghost cramps
daichi has a moment of fear because he thinks you’re pregnant but then he remembers that the last time y’all did the do was before your last period, y’all been busy with volleyball and school okay lol
so daichi asks if there’s anything he can do because he wants to help however he can
but you’re probably just shake your head knowing he’s pretty busy with captain duties
he is a responsible dad and you love him for that and you dont want to take him from his kids but he kinda like is hesitant to not do anything for you.
so he just asks you to wait for him after practice so that he could walk you home and he also invites you to watch them
so that’s how you find yourself suddenly very aware of your period coming like the niagra falls and you dash over to your bag to see if you have any pads and for some reason!!! you forgot to restock!!! so you ask kiyoko
and she gives you some of hers
and you rush to the restroom
daichi’s confused but when you get back he looks over at you and has a look of concern so you just smile and give him a nod and a thumbs up
so anyway practice ended earlier than usual (probably because Daichi asked Ukai, but you didn’t know that but you did have a feeling)
Daichi walked with you (and the team also walked with you lol) and he went ahead to the store on the way home and just bought ALL of your favorite snacks AND chocolate
Noya and Tanaka go full on sad mode because they were like “that’s what I WOULD DO if I had a girlfriend” like that one meme with timmy turner’s dad, i hope y’all knwo what im talking about luh mao
so he walks you ALL the way to your place and he decides to stay awhile and your mom LOVES him so she’s fine with him in your room
he cuddles with you the rest of the evening before he has to go home and he makes sure to give you a bunch of forehead kisses or any other type of kisses.
i luv him <3
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bokuto koutarou
okay sorry i had to use that gif cus HE’S SO THICC HIS ARMS BRO sorry sorry okay anyways
so you’re probably in hella pain one day but like you’re trying to get through the day with classes
usually you do work after school to wait for bokuto but this was a particularly bad day
so when you told bokuto that you’re gonna head home early he got all emo mode
“wha- do you not love me” and he has those dot eyes and you start to feel bad but like you’re in PAIN but you also know that he doesn’t particularly have the skill to tell how you’re feeling and stuff
ya gotta be really good at open communication with this kid
but open communication is good in general so like ya know
anyway, you’ll probably just tell him that you’re feeling sick because of your period or akaashi might mention something if he’s there
but anyway bokuto becomes hella understanding and tells you to rest up
during practice bokuto gets a little bit worried because he also wants to be a good boyfriend, ya know, so he probably talks to akaashi about all these things he’s going to do (it’s a little bit ,,, much. very extra LMAO)
but akaashi stops him and tells him that something small and simple might be best for you
so, he just makes sure to get some of your favorite snacks and runs on over to your place as soon as practice ends
once he gets to your place and you notice that he got you snacks and such it probably just makes your kokoro go doki doki LMAO
he probably apologizes for not really like realizing you were tired and in pain but you just make grabby motions towards him and he goes :D and dives into your bed, gently
he’s such a baby he probably rests his head ontop of your chest and like his legs are slotted against yours and you just hug him while playing with his hair
he lets you talk about your day and he talks about his day and as the two of you guys talk slowly the two of you fall asleep.
a/n: like i said in pt. 1, i was gon make parts of it nsfw because ya know, sometimes a little spice can help yo cramps LOL so if anyone wants an nsfw version i can do it, also again if someone wants other characters too ill do it. also im so sorry i felt a little lack of motivation for bokuto’s part im a clown
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viastro · 4 years
home | jeon wonwoo
ミ★ synopsis: in which you decide to tell your old high school bully that your roommate you’ve been pining after for the past eight months is your boyfriend.
ミ★ genre: crack, fluff, fake relationship tings, roommates!
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 2,089
ミ★ pairings: wonwoo x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi! back with another oneshot ! I plan to release a oneshot for each member of seventeen at some point during my tumblr career hehe. I recently hit 60 followers which is really crazy? I gained a lot from the mini social media au I made and it really made me like :,) because hehe validation anyways, enjoy this cute little oneshot i wrote for my boy wonwoo!
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“There’s no way he’s your boyfriend yn, not even the high school furry liked you!” Your old bully tells you, staring at the guy you pointed at in disbelief. You frown at her, feeling the nerves building up in your stomach from the blatant LIE you just spoke.
Now here you were at the coffee shop you work at to help pay for your basic needs while you’re in college. It’s a rather cute shop, if you do say so yourself, not too far from your shared apartment with your roommate Wonwoo.
The story of how you and Wonwoo became roommates is rather short and anticlimactic. Basically you and Wonwoo had mutual friends (read: Mingyu) and said mutual friend was like “Okay, my bffie Wonwoo is looking for a roommate and you need a place to stay, I think I’ve connected the dots.”
“You didn’t connect shit.”
“No, I’ve connected them.”
And that’s how you and Wonwoo met, through sir Mingyu. You guys have been living together for a year and a half now. You both get along rather well, your dynamic is nice. Wonwoo is rather clean, but he can’t really cook for the life of him so you’re the one who does the cooking at the apartment. You both like to read beside each other at night. Usually you guys have discussions on your current read and whether or not you guys would recommend the book to anyone or not. It’s like your own mini book club.
At first, this next activity was just a you thing. On Fridays when you weren’t busy, you’d put in a movie and make pizza. In the first month you started doing this, Wonwoo would just take a piece of pizza then retreat to his room after bidding you a small, “Thanks!” In the second month of you living together, Wonwoo started joining in on your movie nights. You both started switching off on who would choose the movie every week, and now it’s a tradition.
and now you both have hidden feelings towards each other but are too afraid to make a move, but that’s not important. yes it is you’re lying.
Wonwoo also likes to stop by and pick you up from work at times because he knows you don’t appreciate walking home alone, even though you do work rather close to where you guys live. This is due to an incident where a homeless man got mad at you for only giving him a five dollar bill, grabbing your arm forcefully so that you couldn’t run away. You ended up kicking him in the area where the sun does not shine, and you sprinted to your apartment crying. Wonwoo calmed you down by making you tea, and promised to try and pick you up from work when he could.
So that’s how you end up in this position now. You’re about to end your shift, and Wonwoo is waiting at one of the tables drinking the hot chocolate you made him as he waits for you. Only for your old bully from high school to suddenly walk in and start… a whole… conversation with you….
“Oh my god, yn?” You glance up from the latte you’re making, only to immediately look back down at it because jesus christ it’s fucking Eunji.
Eunji made your high school life absolute ass. She always befriended the people you’d start talking to, making them leave you behind as she told them false rumors. Of course, her being the more sociable one, they believed her right away. Who would believe the quiet one who has like one friend? Yeah, that’s right. You were rather lonely during high school due to this, but as soon as you entered college, things got a lot better.
You met Mingyu first, the 6’2” giant who has the personality that resembles a puppy. You became friends due to a shared chemistry class you were both forced to take. You bonded well over the fact that you both dislike science, and became best friends. He introduced you to his other friends after you and Wonwoo moved in together, and now your friend group consists of 12 other guys who act like babies. Basically, Mingyu is a friend matchmaker, a rather successful one at that.
“My god, it really is you. Do you go to Seoul University too?” She asks as she steps closer to the counter, tapping her acrylics on the hard surface. You clench your jaw slightly, turning around and placing the now finished latte on the other counter, calling out the customer’s name, before heading back over to take her order.
“Yeah, I’m in the psychology building.” You tell her with a fake smile, preparing the register to take her order.
“Oh really? Still quite a nerd, huh?” She asks with the most shit eating grin you've ever seen in your life, and it makes you want to jump across this counter and choke her. However, you choose to ignore her comment for the sake of your income.
“What would you like to order Eunji?”
“Are you dating anyone yet?” She asks instead, and it takes everything in your being to not sigh out loud.
“Yn, I’ll be taking over now.” You hear Yeri say behind you, and you let out a small smile. “It was nice seeing you Eunji.” You tell her, turning around and taking off your apron.
“Thank you Yeri.” You whisper and she gives you a knowing smile, nodding her head as you walk off.
You head towards the back where the break room is, unlocking your locker. You bite your lip at the recent conversation with the spawn of satan herself, letting your head hit the metal for a moment. You haven’t had a boyfriend, ever. You’ve been a bit luckier during your time in college because you have had a few guys ask you out, but you always turn them down. Why? Because you only want one guy, and that happens to be your goddamn roommate.
Letting out a sigh, you take out your padded coat and put it on, along with your red scarf. You step out of the break room, making your way to Wonwoo, only for Eunji to stop right in front of you with a big smile on her face.
“You never answered my question, do you have a boyfriend yet, yn?” You stare at her with the most deadpan expression, trying to step past her but she blocks you once again.
“Why aren’t you answering? Is it cause you still haven’t managed to get a guy to like you?” She asks with a small chuckle and you feel your blood boil.
god. this bitch is obsessed with me !!
“Actually Eunji, I do have a boyfriend. He’s waiting for me right now at that table over there.” You say, pointing over to where Wonwoo is sitting. She turns to look, and her eyes widen before she turns back to look at you.
“Jeon Wonwoo??” You nod your head with a small smile, feeling the regret pooling at your stomach.
haha why did i just do that :D
When you told Eunji that Wonwoo was your boyfriend, you completely forgot the fact that Jeon Wonwoo... was one of the most eligible bachelors at Seoul University... aha… ahahah….
“Yeah, we’ve been together for over a year now.” You say with a forced smile, which you hope looks genuine. She gapes at you, “There’s no way he’s your boyfriend yn, not even the high school furry liked you!”
“Thanks Eunji.” You tell her, trying to walk over to Wonwoo who is too invested in his book to have even noticed you being harrassed by this purple haired twat. Eunji’s faster though, and she walks over and starts a conversation with Wonwoo despite the absolute horror written across your face.
“Hi Wonwoo, my name is Eunji.” She says, giving a rather.. flirtatious smile. You frown immediately at the sight.
“Uh, hi?” He says, placing his bookmark into the book and turning to give her his attention.
“That girl, yn, over there,” She turns to point at you and his eyes widen a bit once he realizes that you’re off your shift. He gives you a smile and you give him a nervous smile back. “She says you’re her boyfriend?”
It’s almost comical how Wonwoo’s eyes widen even more and you almost facepalm. Eunji takes notice of this, and her lips form into a small smirk.
“Is this true?” She asks him and he glances over at you. You’re staring down at the floor, fiddling with your hands. Wonwoo feels his heart warm, and he stands up, towering over Eunji. She smiles at Wonwoo, thinking he’s gonna flirt with her as she takes in his handsome features from close up, only for him to step past her and make his way over to you.
“Wait wha-”
Wonwoo pulls you into his warm embrace and your eyes widen, arms instinctively wrapping around his middle. He plants a kiss on the top of your head and you feel your face turn red. “How cute, you’re telling people I’m your boyfriend now?” He whispers as you pull away from him to look at his face. You give him a playful glare, about to push him away when Eunji stops you in your tracks.
“Wait. You’re actually dating this girl?”
“Uh, hell yeah? She’s perfect hello.” Wonwoo says as if it’s the most obvious thing ever, and you feel your knees turn to jelly. Thinking to yourself, oh my god the guy i’ve been pining over for the past eight months just said i’m perfect. Eunji gives you a death glare, her ears turning red from anger.
“T-that’s ridiculous! You could’ve dated literally anybody else, and you choose her?!” She asks, voice getting higher in pitch the angrier she gets. Wonwoo glares at her, immediately making her cower a bit. You raise an eyebrow at the sight of Eunji actually being a bit afraid.
“I don’t know who you think you are that you have the right to say that about my girlfriend, or anyone in that matter, but it’s not right. I love yn, she’s my girlfriend for a reason. I’m sorry that you’re too jealous of her to even realize how wonderful of a person she is.” He defends you and you feel your face heat up again.
ima kiss this man right square on the mouth with his CONSENT.
“B-but, you never… you never made it apparent that you guys were even dating! There’s no way, this has to be a setup-” Wonwoo effectively cuts off Eunji.
By turning his head towards you and planting his lips onto yours. Your eyes widen for a split second because holy fucking shit, before closing them and kissing him back. You take notice of how soft his lips are, and how they taste faintly of chocolate and whipped cream. Wonwoo tastes a bit of coffee on your lips with a hint of caramel as well. He smiles against your lips at the thought of you sneaking some caramel syrup, thus causing you to smile as well.
“Were you eating some of the caramel syrup while you were making coffee?” He whispers against your lips teasingly, and you giggle. “What kind of person would I be if I wasn’t, Jeon Wonwoo.”
“O-oh my God.” Eunji mutters defeatedly, turning around and basically running out of the coffee shop. Once she’s gone, you and Wonwoo stare at each other with blushing faces.
“So, you like me huh?” He asks and you roll your eyes playfully, getting ready to push him away once again, only for him to squeeze your shoulders.
“You’re the one who kissed me Wonu.”
“You’re the one who said I’m your boyfriend, when I don’t remember us having reached that step yet.”
You both stare at each other, challenge in your eyes. Only for you to let out a small giggle after a moment, and he chuckles too. He places a small kiss on your forehead, before pulling back and intertwining your fingers together.
“Let’s talk about this at home, huh?” He suggests and you nod your head eagerly.
“Please.” You both head out of the coffee shop, starting your walk home.
“I’m sorry for kissing you without your consent yn, I realize I should’ve asked you before I did it.” Wonwoo apologizes, and you nudge him a bit. 
“I’ve been pining after you for like eight months, it was quite literally a dream come true.”
“Eight months huh?” He teases and you hit his arm making him laugh.
“You know, who was that girl? Why was she so mean to you?” Wonwoo asks after a moment of walking in silence and you let out a small sigh as you swing your guys’ intertwined hands.
“Now that, is a long story…. that I will tell at home.” You answer and he smiles. You both think to yourselves a bit more, settling back into a comfortable silence. Only for Wonwoo to break it and ask,
“Wanna make jjajangmyeon?”
“Hell fucking yeah I do.”
“Great, it’s a date.”
“Wonwoo, we live together.”
“Even better!”
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yellowpaperdaisyy · 3 years
bestie bestie its raining! we were supposed to have online classes but our teacher is busy :< was looking forward bc studying feels so cozy! but im also freezing to death 💀 anyway the rain made me think of you again <3 have a nice day !!! <3
ahahah I'm so sorry for answering this late
eeehhh it rained here yesterday for some time too!!
aw... I am gonna start offline classes soon and I'm terrified and excited for them!!
😂😂 I love how rain makes you think of me and I think of you evertime it rains!!
I hope you have a nice day too!!
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briswriting · 4 years
Hello hello hellooo ☺️ Can I request a hcs with Bokugo, Midoriya and Todoroki with a s/o who has to study but she’s procrastinating so they have to find out a way to motivate her? Thank youuuu 💝💝💝
motivating s/o
pairing: bakugou/midoriya/todoroki x reader genre: fluff
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「 bakugou 」
he probably scoffs at you when he finds out you’re procrastinating
lectures you about it like he’s your daddy
“y/n seriously? again? you need to get on top of your work”
will sit with you and watch you study to make sure you don’t get distracted
having him there distracts you though
“you know you’re just distracting me even more by sitting there and looking pretty”
“don’t call me pretty dumbass”
helps you study because it also helps him review what he already knows
“thanks for helping me study”
“yeah yeah whatever it’s not like i had a choice. don’t want you flunking out of UA”
he presses a kiss to your forehead and makes you start studying with him again 
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「 midoriya 」
he goes crazy when he finds out you’ve been procrastinating on studying
will literally write copies of his notes to give to you
the notes have little tips in the margins along with cute motivational comments and doodles for you
hands you his notes after class
“y/n i made these for you”
“izuku you didn’t have to. i have my own notes from class”
gets embarrassed because duh ofc you have your own notes, you weren’t stupid
“but thank you anyways i appreciate it a lot”
press a quick kiss to his cheek
when you look through the notes later that day, you smile because of your boyfriend’s cute annotations in the margins which motivates you to study so you can keep reading his messages to you  
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「 todoroki 」
he catches you procrastinating
“y/n why aren’t you studying? exams are coming up soon”
“ummm you see about that…”
he grabs your hand and drags you to his room so he can study with you
sits you down on the floor next to him, with all of his books and notes in front of you guys
offers to get you food the next day if you study with him
tries his best to explain everything to you and makes sure you don’t get distracted by anything
kisses you every now and then to keep you motivated
“if you finish studying this last chapter, we can take a break and cuddle”
he finds out that his cuddles are the best motivator to get you to study
bnha taglist: @lapofthegodss @astra-the-cat
ask to be tagged if you want!
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mihidecet · 4 years
Sbi&Co d&d AU: Niki Nihachu Character Analysis
Alright friends, it's time for another character creation fun time! Is that English? I have no idea. Who cares, it's d&d time!
So this has been a request from the lovely @awebo ! Thank you so much for this, I do hope you'll enjoy it! <3
Niki has been in the works for a actually a pretty long time! Me and Lando have been talking about her since probably mid September, but then the smp picked up and I started the WritingTober so it never got finalized ahahah
But I have to say I'm quite glad! The last couple of days have really changed which class I think would fit her best ahah
In the beginning, Niki was supposed to be a cleric. While clerics are the standard support class, with access to the most powerful healing spells and various different types of ways of helping your teammates, it's safe to say that clerics are absolutely not "just healers".
For example, if I were to make a d&d version of Thor, I'd choose a cleric of thunder, which is one of the most badass clerics there are (second only to the light cleric which can cast Fireball, the best spell ever).
We'd picked a nature cleric for Niki, because the nature theme does fit her very well with her attitude towards plants.
Another option was a druid. Which could still fit, as druids are badass support and healers. Maybe a druid with circle of the Shepard, so that she can have many animal companions, in honour of her many irl pets.
In the end I'd excluded the druid option simply because we already have a druid. This is not to say that you can't have two characters with the same class in the same party. I just like to change things up.
What I am as of now really sure about, is this. Niki as a Paladin, with Oath of the Ancients.
Niki, who stood up (in the Dream SMP) to Schlatt's tyranny the most, who was the most vocal, who survived mostly on her own? Who was so hecking determined to bring back the true spirit of L'Manburg? Who instantly saw how bad Wilbur's gotten, and knew which side she wanted to be on?
Yup, that is 100% paladin behaviour for me.
Paladins are one of the most op classes you can get in d&d, and honestly, she deserves that (she also beat Techno in pvp once, and we have to respect that).
Oath of the Ancients too is a very good subclass, and it's generally connected to nature and ancient spirituak guides, which still fits the original theme we'd chosen.
Also, while in general paladins are hard-hitters with mainly all strength and no brains, dexterity based paladins can also exist (Techno for example is paladin+rogue, with focus on dexterity).
And, the second most important abilty for paladins is charisma (used to cast spells) and Niki is deffo a lot charismatic!!
So yeah, Paladin with Oath of the Ancients is my final choice for her.
As for race, there is nothing more clear to me than an Aasimar Niki. Aasimars are the descendants of humans with traces of godly entities in their blood - basically the opposite of Tieflings.
They look like humans mostly, except for a general etherealness, but after a certain level they become able to temporarily transform and sprout wings - either normal angel wings, or fire wings by becoming literally the human torch, or skeletal bat wings that terrify everyone around them.
For personal reasons, I can see Niki being the sort of Aasimar that sprouts normal wings (protector aasimar).
As for the background, I'm not quite sure yet.
Probably an Acolyte, meaning someone who's spent their entire life in a temple, working to learn what needs to be known in order to take care of the faithful and to guard the temple itself.
Judging by where she ends up, it might not have gone that well, but maybe she just wanted to help in another way. Her own way.
Niki 100% chose her own path. Nobody's going to ever tell her what to do.
So, in summary:
Niki is born from the union between a noble lady and a respectful good spirit, who fell in love and wished all of the best for their soon to be daughter.
Not that she'll ever know about it, as the moment she is conceived she is sent off to a temple on the other side of the county, to hide the shame of the illicit relationship.
Niki is raised between the walls of the temple, by the love of her tutors and for the love of the patron of the temple she resides in.
She grows strong, with a heart of gold and the spirit of a lion, and one of her tutors sees it in her - thankfully. Her training as a scholar is quickly shifted into training as a defender, and she is taught all she needs to do to heal the sick, protect the innocents and slay the evil-doers.
She is trained well, and the goodness in her heart guides her to do better in her world.
When she'd started her training, her mentor had chuckled and said she'd be better than him one day; Niki had never expected that, as she grew up, she'd come to realise the incurable sickness growing inside the structure she'd grown to love.
The realisation shakes her, but the acceptance of it frees her: she leaves the temple, and chooses to work on her own, to do better, to make up for the stains left by the ones who taught her.
Promising to herself she'll do better by her elders, to make them proud but also to let them know how wrong they were.
And maybe this choice of going against what she'd been taught, will bring her on a path not so clearly right.
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tremblingstockings · 3 years
(Like my writing ahahah… Anyway chapter one. Omo at the end. Also might be a bit hard to tell, but they’re both 18 and in their final year of high school)  _______________
My name is Kaiyo Hashimoto, and I’ve made the worst mistake of my life.
Now, I made a few mistakes in my life. Particularly recently in my relationship with my beloved Hinako, but none nearly as bad as the ones made after the last argument we had. Our relationship was about as perfect as a high school relationship could be, which was something that was really hard to accomplish at my school. We were together for months, and the school year seemed to float by when thinking of her in my arms or holding my hand. We would daydream of growing up and living together. I still remember her pale skin, inviting dark eyes, and long silky black hair that fell like curtains framing her face. I remember how elegant she looked in our school uniform: a white blouse, black vest, dark red bow, dark red skirt, black knee high socks and black dress shoes.
She was the envy of the school, a graceful and quiet mystery.
She shared her secrets, thoughts and body with me. She was my first time, and as nervous as I was she embraced me into a trusting passion that wasn’t possible to forget. She was the light of my dreary world, but that all of that came crashing down in our last fight. I don’t remember what it was about, but I remember her declaring the end of the relationship: the end of the beautiful dream we shared, and slamming the door. She wouldn’t answer my calls or texts since then. My world grew dark and I became Kaiyo the Cold. I didn’t want a relationship. But it turned out I was more popular than I expected, because girl after girl, day after day, week after week, I would be asked out. At first it was just awkward and inconvenient. But I lost sleep, lost my appetite, lost my care about this last semester and graduation, and I lost desire to have any type of patience. The only thing I wanted was my beloved Hinako back, so the denials became mean. I grew blunt, and just didn’t care. No girl was stubborn enough to fight my rebuttals and I was pleased with that. Over time the proposals grew thinner and thinner.
And then there was her: Chizuru.
Chizuru Miura was, to say the least, not normal. She was a bit eccentric, with dark brown hair worn into ringlet twin tails and curly bangs, which already set her apart from most of our class. I also noticed she wore a bracelet with a little star charm, and not a day went by when she didn’t have it on. Even in P.E. she sported it. But the oddest thing about her is that she was my stalker. At first I didn’t notice much, she’d be nearby and then she wouldn’t be, a simple passing closeness. But as the days went she grew closer to me in a way that couldn’t be ignored so easily. And then of course, it happened: she asked me out. I smiled, knowing this moment would come and knowing she’d leave me alone, and answered simply, “No.”
She blinked a bit and nodded, then walked away.
A few days passed, she placed a bento in front of me at lunch. It was cute and appeared to have had a lot of love put into it. But it wouldn’t bring back Hinako, so I didn’t care. I picked it up and swiftly dumped its contents into the trash, surely breaking her heart, but when I looked to her, her expression didn’t change. It was the same as before. She blinked, nodded, and walked away.
She was starting to creep me out.
Soon as I worked in class it grew harder and harder to focus, because I could feel her deep brown eyes on me. Walking at night felt strange, because I swore I could still feel her eyes. Whether she was there or not I felt that stare on me, on my face, on my neck, on my head, on my shoulders: like two warm needles stinging and piercing into me.
I’d had enough.
 Walking to class the next day with bread, happy to finally eat, she stopped me in the hallway. I looked at her again, trying to feel any sense of compassion for this new reason I’ve been lacking sleep.
She was a harmless girl – stubborn, and a little off - but harmless. I had no reason to hate her so much. But anyone would be uncomfortable being constantly stalked and stared at right? She smiled big, as if I hadn’t been constantly turning her down and glaring at her or ignoring her. She pulled out two movie tickets from her pocket.
“Lets go on a date to the movies? I bought these tickets and I know you’ve thought about this movie!”
She was right, I had been thinking about it, but I never told anyone about it. The only possible reason she could know is if she saw my expressions while going through my phone, and what I was looking at. No one is that observant, but leave it to Chizuru to put a clammy chill down my spine over something almost harmless.
Taking a bite of my bread I answered “No. Stop following me,” and I walked on. However, knowing her eyes would be on me and that she wouldn’t give up, the taste of the bread was like sand.
Class was difficult after that. I couldn’t focus, and she was staring at me, unnerved, while I was losing this battle of confidence. I overheard something drop from where she was sitting. It was her pencil, which I casually grabbed and put on her desk. Clumsy. She only stared at me, but her eyes changed for a moment. They seemed to glitter, like something you’d see in an old film. I couldn’t help but pause in place for a moment before quickly returning to my seat before the teacher could say something.  
After class, she was quiet, and didn’t bother me like usual as I walked toward the exit near some lockers. However, two other girls from class approached me. 
One smiled big and asked, “So who do you like?”
I furrowed my brow at this. “Huh?”
She put her index fingers together “I mean obviously you like someone! Just about every girl has tried to ask you out now and you always say no. So who is it?”
Chizuru was nearby.
The other girl with her chimed in, “Yeah who is it?”
I could feel her eyes on me.
I sighed, “It’s not like that. I just don’t like anyone.” “Eh? That’s kind of sad…”  
“Maybe its Chizuru since he got her pencil!”
I could feel her getting closer… “Ohh, she can be weird though. I heard she doesn’t have any friends… Is it her that you li-“ Boom!
In that moment an arm was stretched out in front of me holding a pen that was jammed into the locker before me with enough force to dent it. The girls gave a high-pitched shriek and scurried off.
Sure enough, that arm belonged to Chizuru.  
She had no emotion on her face, but then her face slowly formed a smile and her eyes widened a bit with excitement. “Look, Kaiyo! This is your pen!”
I nodded, frozen in place. “Just like you gave me back my pencil, I’m returning your pen to you!”
After that, she held it in the palms of her hands and reached it closer to me.
“Uh, I…” I didn’t know what to say. This whole interaction was weird. I wondered if she overheard what those girls were saying.
“You can keep it.” Her smile faded, surprised, then her smile grew again into one that was bigger and her eyes lit up. “Do you mean it?”
I couldn’t help but be confused. “I mean, yeah I guess. It’s just a pen.”
She clutched it close to her, smiling, the way a girl would smile if you gave her a rose or a teddy bear.
“Thank you… I’ll cherish it.”
I have no idea what I was feeling in that moment; but I didn’t like it.
In that moment the bell rung for the end of the day, and for whatever reason the words “Get home safe,” fell out of my mouth, exciting her even more. Her voice grew soft as she spoke, “I will! For you… Kaiyo…”
This prompted me to turn on my heel and hurry off.
 The next weekend is where things fell apart. 
I should’ve been studying. I should have just studied for once instead of spending my time trying to find some sort of happiness only to be disappointed every time…
It was a beautiful day though, no sense in wasting it. So I walked downtown where the movie theater was. I wasn’t planning on seeing the movie, and was instead considering where to eat and there was a restaurant across from the theater. But I should’ve known Chizuru would be there, waiting.
I don’t know why she was there waiting when I turned her down, instead of just stalking me so she could get her wish of seeing me like usual, but she gave the benefit of the doubt this particular day and ran up to greet me. She was out of uniform since it was a Saturday, and was instead wearing a pink shirt, light blue short overalls, and black thigh high socks and pink sneakers.
I wanted to keep walking. I was already mean a few times, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary, but there were also a few people around and it was ingrained in me growing up not to be rude; especially in public.
I forced a smile. “Hello, Chizuru.”
“I’m glad you could come!” She said happily. I couldn’t help but notice something was off about her though, she was shifting on her feet and fidgeting more than usual. I decided to ignore it.
“I’m not watching a movie with you, I already said no.”
The light in her eyes faded and she tilted her head. Her voice changed to one that was strangely calming yet threatening. “You know… You’ve said no to me a lot lately.”
I nodded, I’m glad she noticed. “Yes. I don’t want to date you. I’m not interested.”
She tilted her head again, looking to the side. “Now how… can you say that, if you’ve never tried it?” “Because I don’t want to date anyone!” I snapped, and then quickly lowered my voice when I felt a few stares.
“Dating is pathetic and a waste of time. All it does is hurt you,” I added, and couldn’t help but feel tears prick my eyes and I quickly shook it off.
“I won’t hurt you.” She said with a serious tone and expression. “I don’t. Care.” I answered. I tried to walk on but she blocked me, now seeming angry even, “Just give me a chance!”
I don’t know how the desperation took over me, but it did, and the next thing I knew I yelled, “Fine!” and shoved my face and lips against hers. Her lips were soft, and warm, and I could feel the heat of her face. But I wasn’t going to do it. I wasn’t going to feel for her. I wasn’t going to lose to my pain. I wasn’t going to lose to Chizuru.
I glanced to her body below me, noting it was trembling. That’s when I noticed how she was squirming. It was familiar. And then I remembered that time in gym a girl was doing the same type of squirming before she ran to the… Oh don’t tell me she needs to pee…
A mean thought, a cruel thought, ran through my mind. I glanced around as her eyes were closed and saw that the majority of people had left and that we were basically alone. This was too perfect of a chance, and if it meant she’d leave me alone…
With that, I firmly pressed my fist against where her bladder would be.
I felt her sharply inhale and pull her lips off mine. “Aah!” She shrieked. Tears filled her eyes and her face grew pink. “I… I…!” She stuttered, breathing heavy, but it was too late. With a low hissing noise, I glanced down to see a dark patch was forming at the crotch of her overalls. She stumbled back from me as she continued, awkward and trembling. The patch spreading quickly until the urine spilled down her legs, soaking her thigh highs and pattering unto the ground beneath her. Strangely, I could only watch with an emotion I couldn’t quite describe. The kind part of me felt guilty, but the irritated and numb part of me liked what I was seeing. Any girl would be humiliated right now, and sure enough her hands covered her face as she grew wobbly and fell to her knees, softly crying. “Pathetic.” I murmured coldly.
I backed up and then turned to walk away, partly guilty but partly relieved.
Sorry Chizuru. This was cruel, but at least you know to leave me alone now.
That was when I heard her mutter something: “More.”
I stopped in my tracks. More? What do you mean more? More what?
I fearfully turned around to see that she was smiling, shakily standing back up.
“Did you hear me?” She said, walking toward me now, while I was frozen in place.
She reached her hands for my shoulders “I… Said… MORE!” She exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders now.
I was frozen; all I could do was take in the look in her eyes and the heat radiating off her face and off her lower half, the smell of the fresh urine lightly hitting my nose. She was breathing very heavy and I took in her expression; it was aggressive, it was excited, it was… Lustful?
I didn’t want to believe it but I remembered how Hinako looked when it was time to play. She was horny. But how? How would this turn her on? How could this possibly turn anyone on? But there was no sadness or shame on her face, only pure unadulterated, bona-fide, lust.
She was giggling, “Heh… Come… Come on now…” Her warm hands now trembled on my shoulders and she went in for another kiss, I could only stare confused into the distance as she put her soft lips back on mine. This… This I believe was my biggest mistake.
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riskeith · 3 years
awwww i’m here now darling so you better feel amazing <33333
ok miss i see the subtle flex you just pulled on me, just say your team is op and go... :pp jk!! no but yeah if you’re stronger than the goddamn bosses it usually goes easily. can’t say i’ve seen those days in a while tho rip
YOU ARE MY BABY!!!!!! you could do a doodle for me and i’ll literally cry abt it until i die. ooooh that seems good tho??? especially ningguang and beidou... the ladies are making a comeback 🥴 i agree with you actually!! i’d love for chongyun to come back (so you can get his c6 mostly) and for selfish reasons i want razor to come back to... bc boy scouts. i really want the boy scouts... hope it happens soon tho 🥺
speaking of boy scouts i just got him.... xingqiu.. i felt so bad bc i know how much you want him... :( but i didn’t get any xiangling so. i lost successfully shskdhsk. also I WISH they had cross-server co-op more than ever at this moment bc then we could do our chongyun + xingqiu dates... 🥺
cluna you’re literally so cool! you work through them? help couldn’t be me. i get super annoyed and if it’s not working i’ll just let it go and write something else instead shskdhdksk. for instance, i was working on this fic two months ago and i got really far into it when i hit a writers block. so, its just been collecting dusts for months now. a couple days ago i accidentally stumbled upon it and realize the potential it had so i might pick it up sksjdkd. i was literally prepared to just let it rot like so many other fics i write. so yeah idk sometimes i just give up because it’s easier even if it hurts me bc i spent so much time writing them sjshdkdj. yikes.
right?? and when you write a fic that takes place during the day you can get inspired by the atmosphere outside!! and yes!! i have to study outside i can’t get anything done at home. i used to be able to do that when i was younger but now it feels sooo impossible. especially with online school and stuff. either i go to a library, cafe or school. although most of these are closed now so i have to book a room somewhere to study. do you have a specific area at home where you write or can you just sit down anywhere and study?
for sure!! if i had the space i’d absolutely consider buying more books. right now i just have them scattered around everywhere (even some in my makeup drawer shdjdh). do you have a bookshelf? 🥺 that’s so pretty...! what are some of your other favorites btw? oh grade school is basically class 1 to 9... so from 6 years old to 15? girl no worries i know how difficult it is to understand all of that. when my friends used to explain their countries school systems before i’d just sit like owl eyes.
THE ALBEDO FANART!!!!! during his quest i took sooo many screenshots god he’s just perfect. he’s such a gentle and sweet boy ughhhhh.... he’s been gone for 2 days and i already miss him. and xiao and aether are just... yeah... i love how everyone ships aether with the boys yet i don’t think i’ve ever seen lumine shipping fanart? let’s just say gay rights and leave it at that.
BEFORE I CLICKED ON THE LINK I HAD A FEELING IT WOULD BE THAT POST.... literally us!!!! don’t make one in america no worries!! idk why my acc was set to that lmao. i’ll make one in asia tonight and just hustle for a few weeks until i reach co-op (i think it was ar 15?) plus i really want aether so i’m kind of not so stressed about it tbh? god i’m actually so exciiiiiteeeeed...... 😭 you gotta promise you’ll help me with domains and bosses tho you’re gonna be at a much higher rank than me while i’ll just be a little nooby girl. 😭
thank you so much for the encouragement!!! ♥️
today i didn’t keep you waiting too long, hehe. i missed you too much. but you’re porobably asleep now though :( oh well, can’t wait to hear from you my love <333
hiya!! i’m still up bc i miscalculated the length of a fic chdjcnskjd and thought to check if you’d sent anything before i went to sleep!! made me v excited to see there was not only 1 but 2 asks from you hehe (also it’s 2am rn so apologies for any incoherence!!)
AHAHAH fjskdjskdn genuinely tho,,, i’m really happy with my team rn LOL. and noooo you’ll get there someday!! before your world level increases and you’re stuck being many levels below the bosses again fhdjdjkd it’s a cycle 😩
NFKSKDLAKS i wish i could manage even a doodle… drawing hair is literally my worst nightmare (along with drawing anything else tbh) and all the genshin charas have such complex layered hair ugh it’s like they don’t want me to even try. yass beiguang (idk if that’s their ship name) actual queens 👑. razor!!!! what a good boye. i love his idle animation so much, pls he deserves everything 🥺🥺 and you deserve to get the boy scouts!!! can’t wait for that day to come <33
AHHH!!!! no don’t feel bad i’m so happy for you omg… live out all my xingqiu-having dreams for me please 😩😩😩😩 our xingyun dates!!!! some day it’ll be a reality <333
DHJAJSHS nooooo fuck writer’s block 😤😤😤 but i hope you’re able to finish that fic now!! (vaguely, if you prefer) what’s it about? also i have plenty of fics/ideas just rotting too, but that’s usually bc i get caught up in a new idea which i like more ? i think? lmao so yeah i definitely do give up on my fics too omg wait do you have those fics where you’re like omg this concept is god tier i’m so big brained and then you write out a scene and then it’s like … wtf do i do with this now? HAHAHAH like my attention span is slowly too short to write any long af fics, i can’t stay dedicated or interested enough for that but a lot of the ideas i have have the potential to be those 300k 40 chapter slow burn etc etc so there are so many docs in my drive that are just. works with like 2-3 written scenes and an entirely fleshed out plan but i know i’ll never actually end up writing it bc of aforementioned factors lolllll. that’s another reason why i think about just releasing all my wips some day! so people can see all the ideas im unable to execute jfjsndns. do you [like] writing super long fics like that? i admire your tenacity if you do ahah
agreeeeeed <3 and oh i see!! i always feel like people who don’t study at home are so studious fjskdksk it gives off that kinda vibe for me 🤪 and i have a study! so i usually do most of my work there. sometimes tho when i get bored and if i’m not watching a lecture i’ll sit on my couch or on the floor and change things up a bit lolol
djxkkakdks omg don’t let your makeup ruin the books.. or is the makeup more important djskskks. i do have a bookshelf!! it has like… 6 levels? and it’s all full 😳😳 other faves are defs the hunger games (catching fire >>>>>>>>) and you know the others like percy jackson, divergent, the mortal instruments. oh and the maze runner!!!!!!! the prequel (? sequel???) is probably one of the recent books i’ve actually read, even tho that was like back in 2017 lmao. i liked the john green stuff too.. just a lot of the like. basic ones LMAO. hbu??
6-15??? damn that’s an interesting range djsksk i guess the closest for us would be primary school which covers ages 6-12!
albedo is legit SO prettt and for what. his hair, his eyes, his soft spoken manner. ugh 😩😩😩 and taking a bunch of screenshots is a big mood!! ooo i’ve seen some lumine ones but yeah def not a lot ! (i know there’s discourse surrounding that lmao) but yes gay rights 😤 wait that reminds me i saw the cutest razor pic the other day and saved it i’ll show you when i’m in a more awake state to attach the image fjdjnd
!!!!!! ours minds… actually connected 🧠
okay that sounds good!!! and yeah wtf why does co-op unlock so like late lol let us play together NOW 😤 and good luck with starting again!! and have fun with aether hehe we’ll be able to have both ours meet 🤪🤪 AND YES I PROMISE!!!! i’ll carry you until we’re both the same AR and we can suffer fighting bosses together <3 you can just sit back and watch me do all the work 🤪 i’m super excited too!!! 🤩🤩🤩 and thank you for doing thisss even tho i know you said you don’t mind but still!! 💗💘💝💕💓💗💞
no problem!!! i believe in you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
eagerly (but patiently) anticipating your response~ xo!
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