#communicating with God
daylerogers · 2 months
Why Gather?
There are many reasons why groups of people gather. For families, it’s holiday celebrations, reunions, tripping over cousins, and gabbing with grandparents. With companies, it’s meetings, conferences, brainstorming sessions, and fun employee interactions. When family merges with company, gatherings tend to be more intimate and honest. Confrontations can be uncomfortable but can draw people into…
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pens-personal · 9 months
Really hate that the queer community's response to the creation of a gender trinary (girl, boy, and nonbinary, which is still not all-encompassing) was to... reinvent the binary. We just started grouping all genders into "masc/male-aligned" and "fem/female-aligned" and it's so fucking stupid. Even with the occasional allowance of "neutral/unaligned" it still maintains the binary as the standard. And then they don't let you use certain labels if you don't have the "right" gender alignment. The fuck.
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bioshzrd · 5 months
this random ass guy who’s entire bit is that he can move like this is the only good wesker fan ever
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objectamour · 2 months
am I into 'rope and rigging'?🤨 uh yeah I guess you could say so
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apparently necessary edit: this post is about having sex with ships. i want to fuck the boats nasty style all over every one of the seven seas.
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literallyaflame · 8 months
okay. listen. if you ever find yourself falling into a new ideological circle, pay attention. if you notice that you’re among people who define themselves as part of an “in-group” with a pre-prepared human “enemy” to constantly rail against—if everyone fantasizes about the mental state of these loathsome monsters, if they participate in witch hunts or (perhaps worse) poke bears and court harassment on purpose to comfort each other over—get the fuck out. you haven’t been enlightened to some grand conspiracy, there are no evil “enemies” or “degenerates” trying to rip apart the fabric of society, and you do not have the moral duty to “enlighten” anyone to whatever you think the “truth” is. it’s neither safe nor normal to spend hours of your day fighting with strangers on the internet
a lot of people wear this shit like a badge of honor, but it’s also not normal to hide your “in-group” status as a form of martyrdom, relishing when the “enemy” slips up around you. it’s comforting in the moment, but in the long run, you’re alienating yourself from the world outside of your bubble. the more you alienate yourself, the more vulnerable and lonely you become, and the harder it is to reject the comfort of belonging to the “in-group”
i’m writing this from the perspective of someone who grew up in a cesspool of awful, cult-like rural churches—which is its own situation—but i see similar shit happening in online communities all the time, both within and 800 miles outside of my own ideological principles. yes, every toxicass radfem i block seems to be trapped in a version of this vicious cycle, but i also see it happening in random queer circles and niche fandom communities. no one is immune, not even me. i’ve watched people fall into this shit and never make it out. be careful
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affixjoy · 20 days
My darlings, my loves, my fellow weirdos, I am begging you all to REST after you have covid.
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I know it is very hard, and our society asks you to get back up and running at full speed as soon as possible, before you’re even done testing positive even.
But please my friends, please rest.
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If you push too hard too fast you might be sicker for longer, you might be doing long lasting damage to yourself.
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So please my beautiful nerds, take care of yourselves and REST.
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queerism1969 · 14 days
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midnights-dragon · 8 months
things critics hate, apparently:
people having fun
movies that are good as fuck and that ignite a viscerally emotional reaction from an audience of thousands and thousands of people
movies that are good
anyways go watch fnaf
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leafsfromthevine · 3 months
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🩶 ☆ ☄. *. ⋆ ☆ 🩶
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apolloslyrics · 3 months
I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:
Not having deities is okay.
Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.
Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.
Playing games with your deities is okay.
Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.
Doing fun things with your deities is okay.
Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.
Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.
Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.
Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.
Not having an altar for your deities is okay.
Laughing with your deities is okay.
Crying with your deities is okay.
Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.
Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.
Being able to hear/see deities is okay.
Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.
Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.
Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities for help in general is okay.
This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶
It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!
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naturalharmonicas · 4 months
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Shhh he's FINALLY getting a good night's rest
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medusas-vengeance · 23 days
Yesterday I was watching a podcast and the topic of saunas came up. This man said that a man was talking to him and other men about how much he hates his wife. But he doesn't want to divorce her because she does his laundry. And then men will complain about how women initiate majority of divorces. Yes, sir, that's because you're the only one benefiting from the marriage. Getting a divorce wouldn't benefit you.
Not too long ago I saw a man post a video on TikTok about how he knew his girlfriend was the one when he invited her over to his dirty apartment and she immediately started cleaning his apartment.
And why are women doing chores whilst sick, pregnant or taking care of a newborn??? HOLY SHT
It's more expensive for him to hire a maid, a cook, prostitute etc when he can get a woman to do it for free. Men have been exploiting women's labour for eons. Men don't even recognize the labour women are doing for them. Which is why it's invisible labour. They belittle it and view it as something that is expected of a woman and is easy to do yet won't do it themselves. But as a woman, don't you dare have preferences. Don't you dare ask for a tall, financially secure man or romantic loving relationship etc.
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rotruff · 29 days
wising you a very sleeping on your f/os chest so you can hear their hearbeat or vice versa. wishing you a very instinctively moving towards one another and pulling eachother close and holding on tighter in sleep. wishing you a very one quietly talking to the other who's spouting off sleeptalk-nonsense in loose responses. wishing you a very ignoring blankets in favor of eachothers warmth. wishing you a very kisses to the crown of the forehead and the cheek and the collarbone and the shoulder and the crook of the jaw right where it meets the neck. ok?
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rhad-barks · 6 months
how on earth are we still having aspec and mspec and neopronoun discourse it's almost 2024 do you guys understand that we need to embrace all sides of the queer community or the infighting will get us all killed. do you get that. lawmakers want all of us dead whether we're queers with palatable easy to understand identities or cishet alloaro men or he/him lesbians or genderfluid fagdykes with emojiself pronouns. in a world that's trying to erase us all we have is each other Do You Understand That. please be kind to people with identities you might not understand or agree with because they deserve to live freely as much as you do.
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obsidian-pages777 · 1 month
Pick a Card: Future Friend/partner/Spouse Reading Message from Goddess Hera
Top Left [Pile 1], Top Right [Pile 2], Bottom Left[ Pile 3], Bottom Right [Pile 4]
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Goddess Hera, the queen of the Greek gods and wife of Zeus, is the deity of marriage, women, childbirth, and family. Revered for her regal authority, she wields power over familial bonds and marital fidelity. Hera is often depicted as a majestic figure, symbolizing the sanctity and strength of marriage. Her powers include protecting women in childbirth, ensuring marital harmony, and bestowing blessings upon families, embodying the virtues of loyalty, fidelity, and nurturing within the household.
Pile 1
Message from Goddess Hera: In this pile, Hera emphasizes the importance of loyalty and trust in your relationships. She advises you to seek out and cherish those who are truly devoted to you.
Physical Description of Future Partner/Friend: The person coming into your life will have striking features, possibly dark hair and deep, expressive eyes. They might have a medium to tall build and an air of confidence and mystery about them. Their presence is charismatic, drawing others to them effortlessly.
Quote from Goddess Hera: "True loyalty is rare; honor it when found."
The Empress
Future Marriage Description: Your future marriage will be characterized by abundance, nurturing, and growth. The Empress signifies a relationship filled with love, fertility, and creativity. You and your partner will create a harmonious and bountiful home, where both emotional and material needs are met. This marriage will feel like a sanctuary, where you both can thrive and support each other's dreams.
Key Traits:
Abundance and Prosperity
Nurturing and Caring
Creative and Fertile Environment
Pile 2
Message from Goddess Hera: Hera speaks of the nurturing aspects of love and family. She encourages you to cultivate a space where those you care for can feel safe and supported.
Physical Description of Future Partner/Friend: This individual will have a warm and approachable demeanor. They may have light hair, such as blonde or light brown, and a gentle smile. Their physical build might be average, with a touch of softness that makes them appear very approachable and kind.
Quote from Goddess Hera: "To nurture and be nurtured is the essence of family."
The Lovers
Future Marriage Description: This marriage will be founded on deep emotional connection and mutual respect. The Lovers card signifies a strong bond, where both partners share values, goals, and a profound love for each other. Your relationship will be marked by harmony, balance, and unity. You will face challenges together with a strong sense of partnership and commitment.
Key Traits:
Deep Emotional Connection
Mutual Respect and Unity
Shared Values and Goals
Pile 3
Message from Goddess Hera: Hera highlights the strength in unity and mutual respect within your relationships. She advises you to build connections based on equality and shared values.
Physical Description of Future Partner/Friend: The significant person entering your life may have a distinctive, athletic build. They could have dark, curly hair and a vibrant, energetic presence. Their eyes might be a striking color, like green or blue, and they carry themselves with a natural grace and poise.
Quote from Goddess Hera: "In unity and mutual respect, love and family thrive."
The Hierophant
Future Marriage Description: Your future marriage will be deeply rooted in tradition, structure, and spiritual connection. The Hierophant suggests a union that honors cultural or religious practices and values. This marriage will be stable and secure, with both partners committed to upholding shared beliefs and maintaining a strong moral foundation. Your relationship will be a source of guidance and wisdom for others.
Key Traits:
Tradition and Structure
Spiritual Connection
Stability and Security
Pile 4
Message from Goddess Hera: Hera conveys the power of enduring love and the bonds that withstand the test of time. She encourages you to look for relationships that promise longevity and depth.
Physical Description of Future Partner/Friend: This person might have an elegant and refined appearance. They could have dark, wavy hair and a slender, tall frame. Their style is classic and timeless, often dressed in a way that exudes sophistication. Their eyes reflect wisdom and compassion.
Quote from Goddess Hera: "Enduring love withstands all trials."
The Sun
Future Marriage Description: This marriage will be filled with joy, positivity, and vitality. The Sun card signifies a bright and optimistic relationship, where both partners radiate happiness and enthusiasm. Your union will bring out the best in each other, fostering a sense of warmth and fulfillment. Together, you will create a joyful and supportive environment, where you can both shine and achieve great things.
Key Traits:
Joy and Positivity
Vitality and Enthusiasm
Warmth and Fulfillment
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babydolllblogger · 5 days
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happy birthday ultraviolence ౨ৎ˙⊹˚ made by me
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