#company man mad as hell but has to ask
flatstarcarcosa · 1 year
it's not JUST the stabbing, it's also that Old Dude is an ornery fuck that continually chases people off but meets his match with felix being just as fucking ornery.
Old Dude stops trying to Out Petty and Out Nasty felix because they're too evenly matched.
he also has like, no kids or family and there's a property development company that's been sniffing around the bar and the lot its on for a long time and the last act of enjoyment he gets out of the bar is when he finally tells the latest company rep that good news, he is gonna sell it, meet back next week to find out more info.
company man strolls in the next week and felix is like "yeah he fucking sold it to me for [shuffles papers] like 20 bucks, but 19 of that is because i offered to pay more if i'm contractually unable to sell pepsi products. so fuck off, it's mine now."
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sweetnans · 4 months
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love me already
Pairing: f. reader/bakugo katsuki Summary: dual POV where mc is tired of waiting for Bakugo to be truth and confess his feelings for her. tw: none. Just fluff and chaos.
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"Y'know, I think I'll just tell Bakugo I like him." You were drunk, and a sort sense of boldness invaded you all of a sudden.
"Girl, don't do that." Mina put her hands on your bare thigh from your skirt ridden up. "Wait till you sober up"
You were hanging with Mina after a month of not seeing each other, being pro heroes tide up your schedule so you were out of reach most of the time, only reachable by the phone. You had a blast of a night, went clubbing, and drank while dancing like old times.
"He's playing with my mind, I swear," the words spurred out of your system, and you felt like you might start to cry in any second. "He's always sending texts and asking if I'm hurt after a fight and-"
"Hey! He doesn't do that to me!" Mina whined, putting her left hand above his heart.
"Exactly! He's this obsessive fucker who thinks he's better than everyone else, always so cocky and he had me wrapped around his fingers with the details that I know he only do to me, so obnoxious" you let a sigh trying to come down from your despertarion but something made you see red again. "And yet he never confessed! I'm tired Mina what if he's just playing with me and doesn't want anything serious just fuck with me and hop on to the next. Maybe he thinks I'm playing hard to get, and now I'm kind of a challenge to him, you know the bastard"
Now you were upset.
"Mmhm, just give him some time. He has had a crush on you since we were at UA" Mina bit his nails and poured another glass for you.
"Exactly, that's what everyone says! His mom, his dad even Midoriya who can't catch a fucking clue even if it's tingling in front of his eyes. If He thinks I'm going to wait forever for him to grow a pair of balls? He's got another thing coming. " You downed the entire glass, and Mina hurried to pour another.
"She haven't talked to me in an hour," Katsuki stated, folding some papers on his desk.
"Man, it's her night off duty, I heard Mina said that they were going out tonight," Kirishima made a spun in his chair. "Partying and doing girl's shit"
Bakugo hated staying in the office so late, but the papers were not going to fill themselves out. At least Kirishima was there with him, trying to calm him down, but doing a pretty bad job.
"I swear if Mina let her fall into a ditch again I'm going to-"
"For fuck sake, bro!" Kirishima rolled his eyes, almost disappearing in his skull. "It was one time! Let it go. She was fine and giggling like a mad woman when you went to her rescue"
"I just worry about her," he grunted. "I'm a hero, that's my work"
"Yeah, with civilians, but she's a real hero, y'know." Kirishima pushed. Not in the six years that he'd seen Bakugo after you, has he been able to get the real confession out of his mouth.
Bakugo checked his phone again. Nothing.
"I'm going to get up there and tell him that I'm done waiting for him"
You didn't know how you convinced Mina into your crazy idea, but now you were outside, in front of your apartment's lobby, waiting for a cab.
"Don't you think you need to reconsider, maybe? You're tipsy honey, what if he's not even there" Mina tried to talk to you out of it, but she knew better, you were stubborn as hell, the least she could do was following you and making sure that, this time, you didn't end up in a ditch.
"He's there, he told me," you stopped a cab lifting a finger and told the driver the direction.
The way to Katsuki's agency was a haze. You remember looking at Mina, her eyes closed, trying to rest before the chaos breaks loose.
"Do you know what you are going to say?" She mumbled with her eyes closed and grabbed your hand to reaffirm her company and her friendship.
You had no idea.
"This is taking ages," Kirishima complained, trying to read the papers and arrange them by dates. "Why can't we just shred them and pretend it didn't happen?"
"The TV broadcasted the fight, you dumbass"
Katsuki was tired too, but he needed to make and fill the reports before tomorrow morning.
"Did she answered you?" Kirishima asked.
It was a lame night. He was practically locked up with his best friend all alone in his office. He had a purpose, and that was making him confess his love for you.
"No," he briefly checked his phone again before returning his eyes to the files. "What if she's in a ditch?"
"She's not!" Kirishima raised his voice qhile laughing, and Katsuki only grunted in response. "So what's the deal with her? You still like her or what?"
"Who told you I liked her in the first place?" He was smug about his answer, not giving away any hint of his real feelings for you.
"C'mon, everybody knows," something dark flowed into Kirishima's mind. He felt like a child poking a mad dog with a stick. "At least in our class, I mean, I remember Todoroki showing interest in her once, and you completely beat him up in spared fight, and Mirio that time he gave her a flower from the patio, you were fuming I still remember the red shade of angry in the tips of your ears"
"Keep working"
That phrase only gave him more fuel to continue the poking the beast game.
"Man, why don't you just be truth to yourself? Like, is it that hard to accept the feelings you have for her? She's amazing, smart, beautiful, She's a beast on the field and has a great heart. What's the problem, Dynamight?
He touched a sensitive fiber using his hero name. He always bragged about being the best, bold and facing everything, and everybody who dared to get in his way, but he was acting like a real pussy with you.
"I'm scared I'm not good enough, you happy?" He was upset, and Kirishima was astonished with his confession. He expected an angry gremlin yelling at him for being so annoying, spurring out his confession between variabilities of insults, but he didn't expect his best friend, the know it all and do it all feeling like he wasn't enough.
"Not enough? Have you seen yourself in the mirror lately? Yeah, of course you have a shitty attitude, but you care for her. You're the main example of manliness. You are always taking care of her, giving her your attention, making time for taking her out of a ditch while you were patrolling, I mean, I would've left her there" Kirishima joked to make Bakugo less worried about himself. "I'm telling you man, you are it for her, but you gotta hurry the fuck up because what you see in her, everybody could see it too"
In the quietness of his office, full of papers with his best friend, giving shitty but quiet good advice, he realized that he needed to tell you his feelings, he couldn't wait anymore time.
You sobered up real quick. Having the massive building in front of you in the middle of a cold and freezing night, returned every sense that you needed in your body.
"You are doubting" Mina established.
"I'm freezing," you counterattacked. "Why didn't you tell me to put some jeans on?"
The dancing and the drinking made you feel hot and raised your temperature and you knew it, so you put on a skirt before going out without thinking you would come out of the house after coming from the club.
The lights were on, in the floor where Bakugo's office was situated. If you squinted your eyes, you could even see the shapes of Kirishima's and Bakugo's bodies through the glass. Or you were just still drunk.
"He won't be there forever, and you're going to catch a cold if you keep us waiting here for something to happen," Mina urged, hugging herself to keep the cold out.
"You're right, it's now or never," you said, walking determinated into the big glass doors to make yourself in.
With Mina behind you, you pushed the doors, and the guard glanced at you. He recognized you and Mina immediately, but you two put your credentials out just for safety. He gave you a nod and you continued your way to the elevator.
"Are you nervous?" Mina asked while you pressed the elevator button.
"Like shit." You watched the countdown in red numbers above the elevator doors. The elevator was in Bakugo's floor so no one was around.
The ding in the elevator startled you a little, and the turmoil in your stomach didn't make it any better. Mina pushed you through the open doors and pressed the button to Bakugo's floor.
"Thank god it's done." Kirishima was spining in his chair while Katsuki looked for his stuff to bring them home with him. "Are you ready to face your true feelings?"
Kirishima didn't drop the topic after the big confession and the great advice, he kept pushing his best friend and giving him ideas on how to tell you, some of them were good and some of them were trash, but Bakugo just listened and ignored at the same time.
"Shut the fuck up" Katsuki growled lowly stuffing his belonging into his black backpack.
"Isn't it romantic? Like, after all this time, you could just walk in with a bouquet of flowers and, wait no, walking? That's lame. What about a white horse? Yeah, that's manly. " Kirishima was hopeless, and even though Bakugo showed a scowl at his words he was actually having fun.
"No horses, but maybe a bouquet will be cool," he was making peace with his own feelings. At the end of the day, what was the worst that could happen?
"I think I'm going to pee, shit," you pressed your bladder, and Mina laughed at you.
"You can't be serious right now, we are halfway," she said while you danced funny in front of her.
"I'm sorry I process my emotions somatically," you started to feel cloudy, and your hands started to sweat.
"Hey, relax. He's so into you, maybe he'll stand like a rock for the first three seconds but then he will be all over you confessing, don't worry, and if I'm wrong you can always have Shindo"
You made a gag.
"I hate Shindo," you told her.
"But he follow you like a puppy," Mina imitated a cute puppy joining his hands under her chin and poked out her tongue.
The elevator stopped with a big thump, and you feared in a good way. You had your adrenaline up, and there were still remains of booze in your system to give you a boost.
"It's time, big girl." Mina patted your shoulder and gave you a little push.
Kirishima stretched himself, and Bakugo took his backpack, grabbing the zipper of a back pocket to fetch the keys of his office to close it.
He was busy looking for the keys when Kirishima started patting him in the arm repeatedly.
"What?" He told him tired and with heavy eyes. Kirishima's eyes were the exact opposite of him. They were big and surprised, looking at the other side of the glass doors of his office.
He followed Kirishima's look and stopped in you.
At first, he thought it was a kind of a mirage, then he thought that maybe he was more tired than he realized, and then he thought that maybe it was a villain whose quirk was morphing into peoples body's.
Every thought ended at the sound of your voice.
You walked through the hallway, practicing a speech of what you were going to say to him. You did it over and over, stumbling words in your own mind. You were there, physically and mentally, ready to take all your feelings for him out. You couldn't chicken out.
You saw his figure in the last office at the end of the hallway, body contouring to grab something from his backpack.
Kirishima was the first to notice you, his eyes wide open at the sight of you two walking in the middle of the night like you owned the place. He gave multiple pats to Bakugo's arm, and from afar, you could notice that he was tired.
Maybe your boldness wasn't the best thing to do at that moment.
You couldn't make your way out because he turned his gaze from the backpack to you in a second. By his look, you could see the gears in his brain moving to give some sort of explanation of what was happening in front of him.
He opened the door, forgetting completely that Kirishima was in his way. The red-haired boy pushed him a little, giving him courage, not caring that his best friend kinda kicked him, stumbling against him.
You two were in the same hallway looking face to face. Your two best friends a step back making themselves a crowd in what was about to happen.
"What are -" Katsuki started disoriented, looking for proof or a mark that you were injured or hurt.
"Shut up," you told him. Katsuki was very surprised at your determined tone.
"I'm liking this already," Kirishima muttered behind Katsuki, grinning like the Chesire cat.
The silence between the four of you was something that was eating your bones. It wasn't awkward, but it was heavy. You told him to shut up, but you weren't talking either, and you knew it. All the speech that you practiced before vanishing from your mind.
"Are you-
"Are you going to love me already!?"
You spoke at the same time, but your message was clear. Mina was right, Katsuki stood like he was made of stone, rigid, stoic, not even a muscle moving from your confession.
You sounded desperate. You blamed your thoughts, your desire to go pee, that you were at least fifteen percent still drunk and that you were freezing. You wanted to get over this chapter in your life, you didn't want to fool around any longer and for that you needed to know if Katsuki was on the same page as you.
"Oh my god," Mina said, holding his face with both hands.
"Shh," Kirishima silenced her. "This is better than the ditch episode"
You could tell that the booze in your system worn off just by waiting for Katsuki's response. The tic tac in your intern clock made it impossible to bear the silence.
"Are you going to say something, or are you going to stay there forever?" You hurried him, trying to hide the anxious feeling that you felt coming out of your voice.
Kirishima kicked Bakugo's heavy boots to take him out of his trance. It worked.
You always said to him that you were half witch, at least, always feeling before it happened. He wandered if this was one of those situations.
It was the first time that he felt speechless. He knew you from head to toe, and now he noticed that you were under the effects of alcohol but sounded sure about it. The way that you let it out was some kind of outburst from the time he took to process what he really felt about you. He knew he treated you differently. He liked spending time with you, and he found himself checking his phone very often, looking for a message from you. He was whipped.
He saw your bottom lip quivering, and he knew he had to do something.
It happened quickly.
First, you throwing your feelings at him like it was a ball of fire, then his eternal silence, and after that, your guts twisting inside of you, your throat closing, your nose pricking and your bottom lip trembling.
It was over for your fantasies with him.
Was it the worst-case scenario? Yes. Will you be able to get over it? Absolutely. Will the healing process hurt? Like hell.
You were weighing your options when the sound of heavy boots against the carpeted floor woke you up from your suffering.
He was a mere inch from you. Your body and his body were separated by a thin layer of air. You could feel the air coming out from his nose, hitting your forehead. He was tall, and you were almost the size of a elf.
"Never call me out about what I already do"
That's everything that came out of his mouth before joining his lips with yours in a feverish kiss. He wasn't gentle, but the way that he grabbed you by both sides of your face made you float in your spot.
You didn't have the time to process what he said or why he said that, forgetting what you said first, but ignoring the cheerful sounds coming from your friends mouth, you could only concentrate in his mouth moving against yours. Finally.
Do not edit or reupload my works elsewhere! All rights reserved.
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mysicklove · 1 year
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With: Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Sub! Hawks, gn! reader, sounding, HEAVY sub/dom spaces, hints of sado/masochism, mentions of anal fingering, keigo crying and twitching, cursing, pee/urine mentioned throughout
A/N: This is one of those smut fics that are heavily unrealistic (which i LOVEEEE), keigo says some cringe things at some points tho. LOL
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Keigo has such a pretty face. People stop and stare at him on the street, he has been recruited by multiple modeling companies and is lusted over by teenage girls all over the world. Born to be nicknamed, “Pretty Boy”. It was cute, really, and he seemed to love the name.
But to you, he doesn't look his best when he is photographed in lewd poses, or when the media catches the way he looks at you, or even with his candid hero photos that are unbearably hot.
No, to you, Keigo looks his absolute best when he cried. Of course, not from sadness, from pleasure and pain. When his face is flushed, his eyes are hazy, and tears coat his cheeks. When he looks up at you in pure adoration, and trembles under your hold.
But that was the sadistic side of you talking. The side of you who wants to completely ruin the man. It's hard not to when he looks so pretty during it.
So, slowly you've been finding new ways to wreck him and with each one, he reacts perfectly. You've gotten addicted to it. Him, really.
Tonight you are going to try sounding. You stare at the small metal rod, and then back to your lover, who is leaning against the headboard, and trying to act like he is not completely terrified. He gulps when you peer at him, straightening his back, and trying to uphold his cocky grin.
“You're scared, aren't ya?”
He scoffs, looking away. “No. I'm the one who asked for this, why would I be scared?”
As much as you like ruining Keigo, Keigo loves being ruined. You have to keep a close eye on him because he swears he has no limits and has not used his safeword so far. Everything is on the table for him, and that sometimes worries you. You've held down your desires but he voices them and is the one to beg you for more and more.
Urethra play was not something he has tried. “Mhmm. It will be fine, we will go slow,” You reassure him despite his words. You place a comforting hand on his thigh and he sighs, smiling at you softly.
“Yeah. It'll be fine. You're right.”
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Horrifying is the best word to describe what's in front of him right now. The “thin” rod is now lodged halfway into his urethra and he's panting out, thighs trembling. It doesn't exactly feel bad, but it's foreign, and the sight in front of him makes him uneasy. Nothing is supposed to go in that hole.
He's gripping onto your hand for comfort, eyes wide as saucers. “We aren't even all the way in yet, Keigo.”
He whines out at the words, resting his head on your shoulder. Sweat beads at his forehead and his face is flushed. “F-Feels so full.”
You teasingly tap on the rod, and his back arches, wings fluttering out at the strange feeling. He grips your hand and stares at you, silently pleading. “Sorry. Forgot. Let's put it all in, yeah?”
“Dont–Dont know if I can.”
You stroke the bottom of his shaft and smile at him. “Got plenty of room still. It's supposed to touch your prostate, y'know.”
Yeah, he definitely knew that. For the last couple of days, he researched the ins and outs of this. But still, he doesn't know how the hell it could go any deeper. He feels overwhelmingly stuffed even from half of it being inserted. He gulps and glances at you, but nods.
“Take a deep breath for me, Keigo. Promise it'll feel good in a bit.” You're right, and he knows it. Just like when you fingered him for the first time, it feels weird in the beginning, but now he's addicted to it. This could be a new thing to drive him mad. He sure hopes so.
He takes a deep breath, and you slowly continue to inch it in, letting gravity do the most part. The road is slippery from the lube and it goes in without much difficulty.
Keigo on the other hand is going insane. He is moaning and whining, gripping onto the sheets with such force that you are afraid he is going to rip it. You watch his arm muscles clench and unclench, and he throws his head back. “Oh. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” He cries with every second it goes deeper.
You hush him, using your other hand to stroke him gently, hoping to coax it in. His squirming makes it harder, and you don't want to hurt him, so you try your best to pin his hips down beneath you so they won't jump up.
And at last, it reaches the bottom. You pull away and look up at him. Keigo is trembling, back arched pornographically, and staring at the ceiling with an open mouth. Tears drip down his cheeks, and his legs are trembling, bent, and spread wide. “All done, it's all the way in now. Shhh, just gotta get adjusted to it.”
He shakes his head and lets out a cry, “Fuck. It's weird. Feels so weird! Full–I cant–”
You lean forward to press your lips to his, cutting his frantic rambling off. “Keigo, do you want to use your safeword?” You ask, just for reassurance.
He shakes his head frantically. “No! Wait! I-I never said I didn't like it!” He pleads desperately to you, even if you haven't tried to make an effort to remove it. His mind seems to be scattered, but this is how he is when he usually tries new things in bed. Today, just a little bit more extreme, considering you haven't tried anything even close to this.
“What does it feel like, Birdie?”
He takes a deep, shaky breath. “Feels full. D-Different type of full. It's weird. And it also feels like I gotta pee a little bit. But in a good way? It's all so weird and overwhelming, Y/N!”
You gulp, watching the way his eyes move around frantically. The way his body is bright red, and he's staring at you with desperate eyes. His mouth is glossy, and his eyes are wet. This is your favorite face of Keigos. This is what you have been wanting to see.
The urges get the better of you. “I'm going to move it now Keigo.”
His eyes widen, and before he can even protest, you move it upward, slightly. His back arches again and he gasps for air. “O-Oh–Its–Fuckkkkk.”
You push it back in completely and he keens, gripping onto your hand with wide eyes. A loud, desperate whine is let out, and more tears stream down his face. He's withering under you, and you can't help but stare at his pretty physique. “Are you oka–”
“Again!” He sobs, legs moving sporadically against the sheets.
His words make you gulp. He's falling into that state again. The one where his only task is to get himself completely fucked dumb. He doesn't want to think about anything except his pleasure, and frankly, his adorable facial expression is pulling you into your very own state with him.
You lift the rod up, farther than last time, until more than half of it sticks out. He stares at it, panting loudly and waiting for you to push it back in. It makes his adrenal pulse, and his mouth begins to water.
You don't tease him too long, and abide by his wishes, pressing the full thing in until it reaches the very bottom of his cock. He moans this time, enjoying it more with every second. Tears continue to fall, but he can't pay attention to them, instead focused on the feeling of being so full. If he had a toy in the other end, he surely would have lost his mind. Next time, for sure.
You continue to bring it up and down and he gets louder and louder with each stroke, not caring for whoever hears him. He is feeling such intense pleasure, everyone should hear his cries. Or at least that is what he believes.
“So cute. We found another hole for me to abuse, yeah Keigo?” You purr, eyes traveling up his shaking body with hunger.
He nods his head frantically. “Yes. Yes! Please fuck it more, I'm begging!”
You stop for a moment, a teasing gleam in your eyes. “Want me to fuck your pee hole? How lewd, Birdie.”
But to your dismay, he isn't responding to the teasing as you hoped. Instead, just agreeing with every word, too lost in the subspace to really care for how dirty your words are. “Yes! F-Fuck my pee hole. Need it. S-So full!”
You don't mind your failed attempt, now staring fondly at the pretty boy in front of you, who is completely out of it by now. It usually takes him longer to get to this state, and it was intriguing that this little rod had such a huge effect on him.
Your pace is quicker, and you use your other hand to stroke him off. His mouth hangs open, and drool begins to bead at the corner of his mouth. Every breath is a high-pitched, airy moan. It's adorable, really.
You watch his thighs start to clench and you raise your eyebrows, knowing that he's going to cum sometime soon. When you glance back up at his face, he's staring back at you, sniffling gently, but his eyes are full of adoration.
“C-Cum? Please?” He is struggling to speak, and you can't help but take mercy on him. He was so cute not to.
“Sure, baby. You can cum,” You coo, leaning forward to kiss his abdomen. He lets out a whine in thanks and nods his head.
A couple seconds go by and his breaths become quicker, louder too. His toes begin to curl, and he grips onto the bedsheets. “N-Now!” He begs, and you quickly take out the rod for him to cum.
White liquid flies out and falls onto his stomach, and you continue to use one hand to stroke him through it all. He takes loud gasps and lets out a loud shaky moan, and then another equally loud and high in pitch. His body constricts in odd, but cute ways, and he clenches his eyes shut, causing more tears to fall down his face.
You sit and admire him, only stopping your hand movements when he lets out a broken sob at the feeling of overstimulation.
A couple seconds go by, and you hum quietly, waiting for him to talk. Depending on what he says will determine if he wants to keep going or rest. The ball is in his court.
It doesn't take him too long to decide, obviously still in the subspace, but willing to communicate.
“Wanna. I wanna. H-Hey, why did you stop?” He complains, whiny and dramatic. You raise your eyebrows at him and bark a short laugh.
You aren't even surprised at this point. So, you pick up the rod again, and he stares at it, like a dog to a bone. He grins, the smile fucked out, and lazy. “Feels, so empty. Put it back, pleaseeeee!”
When you plunge it back in, he almost cums again on the spot.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 months
[For context: after making it through the Death House the party decides to get wasted at the tavern in the village where Ismark (the Lesser) approaches us to seek help escorting his sister.]
Paladin after hearing the vampire wants her as his bride: "Is your sister hot?“
Blood Hunter: [Paladin], I can’t believe I’m the one saying this, but…time and place man.”
Paladin: “What? It could be important. If he has a type, we can just follow a trail of missing people.”
Blood Hunter: “Missing…hot…people?”
Paladin leans over and whispers: “I also want to know, if he’s the lesser… who’s the not lesser?”
[Later in the conversation, we learn that a village girl has been missing and her mother has gone mad from that.]
Paladin: Don’t look at me, okay, I don’t mean it like that. But… was she hot?“
Blood Hunter: "Hells, [Paladin], are you sure we shouldn’t just buy you some company for tonight? Or do you wanna keep asking about everyone’s sister?”
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sant-riley · 2 years
[ More task force 141 × OFC! reader headcanons] [pt2]
A/N: thank yall so much for all the love on the last hcs!! I hope these live up to yalls expectations <3 please tell me which ones are yalls favorites <3!!!
CW: She/her pronouns, Codename is Teddy, Simping, crude humor, Age gaps, cursing, British slander (if I miss anything, let me know!)
If you dye your hair, Ghost helps you dye it when y'all go on extended leave. The military doesn't allow unnatural colors so when you have a few weeks to a couple of months, he'll be the one to ask. "Cm'ere, I got the bleach already."
The guys like to go with her when/if she gets tattooed. Do they know what she's getting inked? Nope, but they like to keep her company and will go get her food if needed.
Teddy vocal stims,, alot. She has picked up on "Fuckin' hell" and it has yet to leave her brain and Ghost just stares in amusement. You can hear her echo it back to them once he says it on a mission.
Teddy is her codename but her nicknames vary from who's talking about her!
Ghost: Ted, Teds, Sweetheart, Runt
Soap: Bonnie, Rascal, Barra, Lass
Price: Rookie, Dear
Gaz: Love, Darling, Hun
They get on her ASS for being an American. They will poke fun at her every fucking chance esp if she speaks in slang.
Price shakes his head and tries to teach her the "proper" way of speaking but all she does is mock the accent. He has since given up.
The first time they see her off duty, it's shock. She looks so different when she's not in uniform, (if you have it: dyed hair, makeup) her normal civilian clothes. Soap is almost convinced it's not Teddy until she smacks him upside the head and calls him an asshole.
Being the first one to see Ghosts face because you're having a breakdown about all the murder and bullshit you've gone through, crying profusely and no one knows how to help bc everyone just shoves it down and represses it.
He trusts you, he knows he does so it doesn't take him much to take you into a secluded room and expose himself. He will say that seeing you silently stare up at him with awe made his feelings grow for you. He will not, but his heart definitely would.
Soap actively teaching you how to curse in Gaelic bc he thinks it's funny with your accent. Too bad you can barely understand when he tries teaching you so you're just kinda staring at him dead eyed.
Soap plays with your hair, alot. It soothes him to run his fingers through it or simply to yank it bc he's a little dickhead. He's the kind of person who'd let your hair routine and learn how to help you take care of it.
Ghost and Price straight up rustle your hair and thinks it's funny when you shove their hand away and get all huffy lmfao.
HELPING SOAP SHAVE HIS MOHAWK, there's no barber on base so you're the next best thing he has. Many of the team have walked in with Soap sitting between your legs bc he's way too fucking tall for you to cut his hair comfortably. Ghost walking in with you holding a razor to Soap's neck and just turning around and walking out immediately.
Price has given you a cigar to smoke, he knows for a damn fact you cannot handle it and laughs his ass off when you sputter. Top 10 favorite moments of his.
Gaz likes to give you British foods to try, he knows for a damn fact you will not like it.
"C'mon love, just one bite?" "I am not fucking eating beans on toast, you're insane." "It's a good meal!"
He gets so fucking mad when yall go to Las Almas and you devour the food there. Literally pouts bc he sees you with Alejandro and Rudy eating food and laughing together.
You play video games alot when on leave, please imagine trying to teach Ghost on the newer games that are out now. You make fun of him calling him an old man but he actually fucking wins potg/apex most of the time and looks at you smug as hell.
No one knows why you're called Teddy, so they all make up their own stories but you neither confirm nor deny. Soap says it's bc you're cuddly and cute like a teddy bear while Ghost says its bc you can maim someone like one. Duality of man.
Speaking of cuddling, it's not uncommon to have to huddle for warmth on missions. They all manhandle you to them and they all slightly do it differently.
Ghost sits you front to front with your chests touching While he sits up, arms around your waist with him playing with his knife, staring past your head and at the wall.
Price presses you into his side, a arm wrapped around your shoulders as he tells you stories about missions gone wrong, the smell of cigar smoke flooding your senses.
Soap also sits you on his lap with your back against his front while he buries his face in your hair. He tells you stories about his childhood and growing up with his mom, he wants yall to meet one day.
Gaz is usually the best prepared and has either a sleeping bag or a blanket, so he wraps it around yall making sure you're more covered than he is and sits close, yalls legs intertwined.
They worry so fucking much about you, you're young and while they have come to love and appreciate you, they can't help but wish you were anywhere else but here risking your life.
"You're too young to be here Kid." "And you weren't?" Ghost has to swallow down how much he wants to scream that he just wants you safe but he knows that's not his place, he isn't your boyfriend or husband.
Alejandro has doubts when everything goes to shit if they can trust you, since he hadn't seen much of you like he had with Ghost and Soap. But then he sees the way they speak about you and how these two burly strong men get a tender look in their eyes. He finds it funny but also feels great respect to you. It is not easy to get task force 141 to care so much about a new member but hey, you did it.
Alejandro takes you out dancing and drinking when you go back to visit Las Almas. He knows how to dance so fucking well and it's always a good time. He always has his hands on your waist and always makes sure you're okay with it. Perfect gentleman 10/10
Now Graves thinks that you're just some stupid kid but realizes quickly that while you can fight your own battles, you never need to. Just one look at Ghost staring daggers into his forehead is enough for him to swallow his tongue less it gets cut out.
Laswell treats you like her own kid, especially when she finds out if you have a bad home life. She always makes sure you're stocked up on necessaties at the base and invites you for lunch along with her wife often. She is the first one you call when you have anything personal to speak of and she is the mother figure you have while on missions.
Taglist <3 (If you'd like to be tagged in future works, please comment under my rules that are pinned to my blog!)
@tamayakii @teacupcollector @sweet-as-an-angel @marsbar127xx
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tacticaldiary · 10 months
Frightened Of The Fall
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
"Simon." He rasps, grip tightening around her arms. "Call me Simon."
Her smile widens and it makes something in him break with a need to let her light smooth over his jagged, broken pieces.
"I love you, Simon."
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Baby birds are born with an innate fear of falling. Frightening little things, skittering over to the edges of their nests and peering down, curious but never brave enough to take a leap. It's their mothers that nudge them along, shove them over the edge knowing that they'll come out unscathed.
Simon remembers the soft look on his mother's face when she used to read to him at night, locking the door and draping his bedsheets over their heads like a little makeshift tent.
It's one of the clearer memories in his head, but nothing in his life comes completely untainted.
His father always got tired of yelling and banging on his door. He'd find the master key somewhere and click the lock back open, ending her attempts to distract him on the worst days.
His father had shoved him off the edge too soon, not accustomed to a mother's intuition and only driven by the cruel need to see him flail and fall as he hit the ground hard.
                               · · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·  
"Does pasta sound okay?"
Ghost hums into his cup of coffee, skimming over a document he'd put off till the last minute to review. Their kitchen table is littered with files and folders belonging to them both. "Thought you were going out tonight.?"
Working in the same division of the military means their privy to the same confidential information, luckily.
"I was," She nods, setting down the packet of pasta. "But I cancelled. Thought some time alone with you would be better..."
He nods, and the knot of unease that's been tightening in her chest for the past week makes an appearance again. He doesn't say anything, he hasn't been saying much at all these days, and it's making her more than uneasy.
Ghost wasn't an overly silent man, especially not with her, so this behaviour has been out of character enough to raise some flags. A little frustrated at his lack of interest, she walks across the kitchen to join him at the table.
"Is something wrong?"
Sometimes, Ghost sees the gentle nature of his mother in her.
When she smiles at him like he's hung the moon and the stars for doing her a simple favour. The quiet nights together spent soaking in company that he hasn't had the chance to experience in years...
"Nothing's wrong."
"You're angry at me."
He glances up at her, raising an eyebrow. "You'd know if I was mad at you, love."
"Then what is it?" She pushes, "You've been so...so disinterested lately." She really tries to word it eloquently in a way that's not too intense. "You don't join me for any activity apart from work, you barely say a word to me if I don't initiate a conversation!"
She's certainly got his attention now.
"You didn't even ask where I was going when I told you I had plans tonight, it's like...it's like you don't care anymore." She finishes, pushing out the last part of her sentence in a voice wrapped with hurt. "If you don't...don't want me, I'd rather you just say it. I'll understand, but it's not fair to keep me at arm's length when-"
"Stop." He cuts her off loudly. "You think I don't want you anymore?" The papers lay on the table, completely forgotten as he pushes himself to stand up next to her. There's an urgency in his movements that she hasn't seen before.
"You sure make it seem that way."
"I don't." His gaze flickers across her face and his stomach sinks when he sees nothing but raw honesty and hurt. "Of course I want you-"
"Then why don't you talk to me?"
That shuts him up.
"I was thinking." He clenches and unclenches his jaw. "About everything. About...us." When he sees devastation flash across her face, he's quick to correct her misunderstanding. "Fucking hell, not like that." He assures her, taking her arms in his hands and stepping closer. "Never like that, darling. Shouldn't have made you doubt anything, didn't mean to." Ghost presses her face to the crook of his neck, loosening a sigh of relief when she doesn't push him away and nestles there instead.
"Then what is it?" She draws in a shaky breath. "If it's not me, why are you pulling away?"
It's a beat before he answers.
"I've always wanted a family." He squeezes her arms briefly. "Never thought I'd have anyone else to call that." His gaze is fixed firmly on the wall behind them, even when she tilts her head up to peer at him.
She doesn't push him, doesn't beg for details. Patient as always, and the knowledge that she would not force him to tell her anything he couldn't is the very thing that drives him to bear his thoughts to her.
Ghost tells her about coming home to a house of cold bodies. He doesn't spare any details, she's not frail or fragile. Hell, she's drawn just as much blood, just as viciously as he had, so he lays it all out as it happened. He tells her about his mother, about the good in his life ripped away by a fate that he dragged across their doormat.
"You're afraid it'll happen again." She whispers when he finishes.
"It's okay to be afraid." She smooths a hand over his hair much more gently than a man like him deserves. "You're human, Ghost. You're alive, they would be glad that you made it out alive."
"Shit luck I brought them, though." A hoarse voice he lets mingle with the loathing he's carried ever since he could remember.
"It won't happen again." His gaze flickers down to her at the declaration, "It's in the past, baby. Unless you let me go, I'm not going anyway."
"I don't." He tightens his grip instinctively. The very idea of being the reason he's lost the best thing that's ever happened to him is revolting. He intends to keep her for as long as she'll have him.
"Good." She cracks a small smile. Her fingers ghost over the scars on his cheek, marred with years of memories. "Neither of us are good people." She whispers. "Not with the things we've done, the things we've seen. But we're good for each other. You're so good to me and nothing in your past is going to take that away. Not even you."
Earnest and honest and determined, there's no protest Ghost can make that would strike her words untrue. He takes in an unsteady breath instead, letting himself sink into her promises.
"Let me in." She whispers, soft and pleading. "Build a life with me. Let me take care of you, Ghost."
He loosens a shuddering sigh out of his chest, a feeling so viscerally overwhelming washing him inside and out. It grows and expands, sheds lights on the corners of him untouched by love and safety.
Always shrouded in caution and fear, the sudden light is bound to sting the eyes of someone who's kept in the dark. The warmth is enough to burn someone kept in the cold.
She searches his eyes for something, for anything. A hint of agreement, a crack in the iron walls she can take as a sign to start chipping at.
"I love you."
And he believes it.
"Simon." He rasps, grip tightening around her arms. "Call me Simon."
Her smile widens and it makes something in him break with a need to let her light smooth over his jagged, broken pieces.
"I love you, Simon."
And she can see the light shining through.
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
I don't request often, but I had this idea in mind and I absolutely NEEDED to see it in ur writing style 😭
a fic where Hobie and reader both work at the daily bugle, and they both take photos of spider-man for hte newspaper. except obviously Hobie's going to have the better pictures because he literally is spider-man and reader absolutely despises him for it
he loves beating her in this little competition but what he doesn't know is that she's only a few pictures away from being fired because at the end, there can only be one photographer for the bugle
and she really needs this job
hopefully this made sense!!
Hihi! Thank you for requesting! ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, co-worker! Hobie, Fluff.
Hobie acts like he's making coffee, the coffee table is conveniently placed in front of JJJ’s office. Where said man is currently screaming his head off at you, hell even laughing at you occasionally. Hobie can't hear what he's saying or why he's screaming, the sound proof glass walls seem to do the trick. But because of the glass, he can see everything.
JJJ is so mad that Hobie can see the veins on his temple pop out, and face turning into a giant tomato. Hobie's sure you're about to break your composure by how you grip your expensive camera on your lap. He's kind of proud of you that way, the way you don't break your resolve and eye contact even though your infamous boss is screaming his head off and looking like a character in an old 90s cartoon about a cat and mouse.
Hobie watches on, he tells himself that he only does just in case one of you gets physical. If JJJ gets hurt, and he will get hurt based on your searing glare, then no one's gonna pay him if the boss is injured. If you get hurt then who is gonna push his buttons down at the bullpen? Who's gonna push him to do a better job and take better pictures when you're gone? It's definitely not because he fancies you or anything like that. Or so he likes to lie to himself so he doesn't actually act on the feeling lest he gets called to HR and have the most uncomfortable talk of his life since the birds and the bees conversation.
JJJ seems to finally cool off, fixing his obvious combover, he sits down on his leather seat, sighing, eyes still aflame. Hobie wonders what you've done to get him all riled up like that. He hasn't seen him that mad since the doc ock debacle.
Everyone in the office seems to have the same curiosity as him, some blatantly watch in their seats, ignoring their own paperwork. Some hide the fact that they're watching the car crash right in front of them. And you're in the middle of the road.
Right when JJJ dismisses you, the entire office returns to their work as if nothing happened. You open the door with hidden anger, knuckles shaking on the doorknob, eyebrows knitted together. Hobie can feel your restrained anger from where he stands on the doorway of the break room. You pass by him and he swears that he felt heat radiating from you.
You close the microwave door that someone left open with a slam. Huffing over the sink, hands gripping the sides, you want to punch something but at the same time you don't want to break company property.
“What did the poor microwave do to you?” Hobie jokes to lighten your mood, but it lands wrong over to you.
“Not in the fucking mood, Hobart.” You turn to leave but he blocks your way. “What? You here to goad?”
“No,” he almost sounds offended. “I was gonna ask if you're alright.” With his tone sounding genuine, you sigh heavily, hand rubbing across your tired face. Hobie guides you towards a chair, sitting you down gently, you crumble immediately on the old chair.
Head in your hands, back curled, you refuse to cry especially in front of a co-worker who you've grown fond of over the years of working together. A cup of cold water is placed in front of you, ice clinking inside the mug that has your name scribbled with a red marker.
“Here, figured coffee wouldn't be good for you right now and we ran out of the tea you like so much.” Hobie sits across you, eyes scanning you for distress.
“Thanks.” You murmur, taking a small sip. “You know what tea I like?” For some reason, you calm down from his stare, when it's someone else it would piss you off more.
“Who do you think buys it? J? Fucker won't even shell out for two-ply toilet paper.”
You smile, now remembering all the times he has brought you tea whenever you're both at the field hunting down the latest scoop. “I remember now, it's because I always had the label out.”
“Yeah,” he nods, even though he knew about your favourite from the first time he saw you make it on your first day. Which was also his first day.
“He's gonna fire me.” You blurt out after a few beats of silence. “My photos were, he said and I quote, ‘fucking horrible, the worst pictures of Spider-Man I've ever seen!’ for someone who hates Spider-Man he's awfully obsessed with him.” You scoff.
“You're not gettin' fired over that. You're a better photographer than me.”
You chuckle softly, “I am,” he shakes his head with a ghost of a smile on his pierced lips. “but your Spider-Man pictures are much better than mine. And a photo of him sells more than a picture of some new public park.”
“Don't belittle yourself, love, he's hard to shoot. Anyway I loved those pictures of yours. Nice angles and lighting.”
“Stop trying to make me feel better, Hobart.” You take a gulp of water when you feel the tremors start again. “I can't get fired. I have so much shit to pay, I'm behind on rent, utilities and I haven't even bought my own car!” Hobie wants to scooch his chair closer to try and calm your shaking. So he does.
Standing up, he picks up the chair, plopping it right next to you. Sitting down, arm casually draped on the back of his chair, silver chains on his neck in full display thanks to the two buttons undone on his work shirt that you know he hates so much. You watch him with curious eyes. Your heart hammers in your chest, and you have no idea why. Knee to knee, he ducks down to meet your downturned eyes.
“How behind?”
“You gonna pay my rent for me?” You joke, eyes flicking away from his chest.
“Nah, even better.” You tilt your head, wordlessly saying, ‘go on’ “want to know my secret?” He pauses, trepidation behind his eyes. “On how I get those pictures of Spider-Man?” Hobie's nervous, you can tell by how he taps his index finger rhymically on his jean clad thigh. A tell you've come to be endeared to.
“Yeah, you're gonna tell me?” Your eyes widen. Will he finally tell you what you've pieced together years ago?
He leans closer, you can see every speck of green in his hazel eyes, a detail you take note of in your mind. He whispers lowly. “...he's a mate of mine.”
You take a deep breath, “oh, that's cool.”
“I just told you I'm best mates with Spider-Man and all you can say is ‘cool’?”
You straighten up in your seat, eyes warm for him. And in turn, he copies your movements. “If you put it that way, then yeah.” Chuckling, your worries are pushed aside for now. He has that effect on you. “I'm impressed, Hobart. I guess it makes sense that you both run with the same crowd. Are you in the same band or something?” The last comment was to throw him off the scent that you already know of his alter ego.
“Fuckin' Hobart,” he clicks his tongue but his own smile betrays him. He has a brilliant idea. “If I can convince him to meet you somewhere so you could take his pictures, will you finally stop callin’ me Hobart?”
You grin, heart full and eternally grateful. “Yeah, okay, it's a deal.” Reaching towards him, he takes your hand and shakes it. Your thumb rubs softly on his knuckles, so gentle that he can barely feel it, but he does. While his warmth practically consumes you, he drowns in your own. “Thank you, Hobart.”
“You haven't arranged it yet, so until then, I'm going to keep calling you that.” You both don't notice how your hand is still clasped in his. Or maybe you two chose to ignore it.
“Cheeky,” He has no idea what he's in for.
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spamgyu · 11 months
Always // oneshot
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DESCRIPTION: Sometimes, one man's burden is everything another man has ever wished for.
PAIRING: Mingyu x Reader / Hoshi x Reader
GENRE: Angst (Fluff if you squint really hard)
Time was the greatest enemy of most couples.
Time apart.
Time together.
After four years of being together, time had allowed them to grow apart instead of growing together. It was inevitable for a person to grow and become a better version of who they were before; including those in relationships. It takes a couple with a strong understanding of one another's wants and needs to be able to survive this constant change; both needing to be able to see eye to eye as time goes.
They allowed their time together to slowly pull them apart.
He never noticed it. No, he was far too oblivious and too busy with his own world to see that time has done far too much damage in their relationship.
She watched the boy she once planned a future with, drift away from her. He no longer made an effort to keep their relationship alive. He used to be such a romantic; planning dates at least once a week despite their busy schedules, showing up at her door with ingredients of her favorite meals and flowers in hand, staying up all night to study with her – despite studying for two different majors.
He had become someone she no longer recognized.
She wanted to be upset with him, but love was a strange thing.
In her eyes, he could do no wrong. Constantly making excuses for each time she was left hanging and disappointed by his lack of efforts.
"What's his excuse this time?" Their mutual friend asked, taking her by surprise. Everyone around her saw her boyfriend's shortcomings, some urging her to break it off to end the constant disappointments.
Pulling her headphones off her head, she greeted him with a soft smile – it was more than enough confirmation for him to know that her boyfriend, his best friend, had forgotten the two's plans to study for the upcoming midterms.
"Want some company?" He didn't wait for her response, taking a seat across from her.
"Thank you."
"Always." He winked playfully, digging in his back pack to pull out two cans of energy drinks and a bag of sour gummy worms.
"Your choice in snacks scares me." She laughed.
He rolled his eyes, opening both cans and placing one in front of her – earning a thank you from the girl. She had always hated opening cans herself, claiming that it hurt her nails each time she tried to do it herself.
"So, where's Mingyu?" He asked, leaning back in his chair.
Y/n shrugged. He hadn't replied to her text letting her know that she had arrived at the library two hours ago. Hell, he had yet to open the message.
Hoshi gave her a look before quickly changing his expression before she could catch the sour look on his face.
He loved his friend, having known him since freshman year, but god was he a fucking idiot.
Hoshi knew not everyone was perfect; especially not Mingyu who was the smartest in their business department. A man who seemed to be able to juggle being a part of the frat board and being a student athlete.
No definitely not even him. He had everything, a supportive girlfriend, a loving family, the brain, even the looks. He just didn't seem to have the right priorities in line.
Though, if anyone were to ask Mingyu, having school as a top priority was the best choice. And y/n was right there to defend him as well.
Even if it meant putting his relationship on the line.
How hard is it to be a business major anyways?
"Okay, I give up. If I don't know it now, I won't know it tomorrow." Y/n exasperated, putting her head down on the table.
The two had managed to put in two and half hours of studying, with a few minor distractions from Hoshi who swore it was for comedic break – that way they wouldn't go mad from all the reading they needed to have done.
"Thank god." Hoshi slammed his laptop shut. "Let's get dinner."
"Mingyu and I made plans." She frowned in apology.
Half way through Hoshi and y/n impromptu study session, Mingyu had finally responded to her text: apologizing for forgetting that they were meant to meet at the library to study for the upcoming midterms. He claimed he had accidentally double booked her with Seungcheol and Wonwoo.
Y/n couldn't help but forgive him, knowing that it was far better studying with those who were taking the same tests as him and accepted his efforts to make it up by taking her out to a quick bite after her own study session with her friend.
Little did he know, it was his friend Hoshi.
Not that this was information he needed to know.
"Ah." He nodded.
"Tomorrow?" Y/n offered.
"If you're buying." He laughed.
"I'll use my free swipe at the dining hall just for you." She joked as she continued to pack up her belongings.
"You're so kind."
"Hey fucker– Y/n hey." Hoshi walked through the front door of the shared home he and his frat brothers resided in, expecting to be greeted by his housemates who were typically sitting in the living room; screaming at the television over whichever video game they decided to brain rot away with. Instead, he was greeted by y/n who had made herself at the empty home, laying on the couch as she scrolled away on her phone.
Most of the guys' partners were very much welcomed at their home, each having their own set copy of keys. Not that it was needed, considering half of the time the front door was unlocked.
So much for campus safety.
"Mingyu's at an event today."
"Oh." She sat up in her position. "I– thought–"
Hoshi watched as she attempted to hide the wave of disappointment flash across her face, masking it with a quick smile.
"I guess that frees my Saturday, then." She forced out a laugh.
He felt pity for the girl, knowing that his friend must have forgotten to notify her that a few of the boys from the frat board had a mandatory chapter event they had to attend in another city. Again.
"He should be back soon, you can hang around." He offered.
She shook her head. "I– I'll probably just head home. Been here for a few hours."
Of course she has.
"No, come on. I just bought stuff for dinner, just stay." He motioned for her to follow him into the kitchen.
"I mean, I can't say no to a free meal." She trailed behind him. "Lemme know how I can help."
"I'm making katsu curry. Cut some carrots and potatoes, yeah?"
"Yes, chef!" Y/n saluted, heading straight to the fridge to pull out the ingredients.
"I finished The Bear, by the way!" Hoshi beamed proudly. She had previously recommended the show to him a few months back after he had complained that there were no good shows on the streaming services. He was sold after he allowed her to ramble on and on about how she believed Carm and Sydney were the perfect platonic soulmates; going as far as sending him a few clips she found on Tiktok.
"How'd you like it?"
"I think Carm loves Sydney but he doesn't quite know it yet." He hummed, whisking the egg batter.
"No, no." Y/n shook her head. "They just have a great understanding of each other. She gets him, you know? She knows who he is outside of what his family knows of him. She doesn't see him as this ball of anger or trauma. She sees him as a person."
"Exactly. Claire only knows his past, but she doesn't fully understand Carm's deepest thoughts and the man he became after he left Chicago. Sydney on the other hand, knows his wants and needs in the present and future. Not to mention, when he was having a panic attack, it was only the thought of Sydney that could calm him down." 
Y/n threw her head back and laughed. "I didn't know you went in full character analysis."
"It's a good show!" Hoshi cried. "You did this to me!"
"I'm still defending the platonic soulmate trope. A guy and girl can be friends without any romantic feelings."
"They can." He nodded. "Just not Carm and Sydney."
"You're insufferable."
"Just wait until season three, I'm going to be getting the last laugh."
"Yeah, we'll see about that." Y/n rolled her eyes playfully. "Am I cutting this right?"
Hoshi walked over to her, taking the knife from her hands. "For someone who spent two days binge watching a show about chefs, you're ass in the kitchen."
He proceeded to show her the proper sizing of the vegetables before handing her back the utensil. "Cut them all the same size, dummy."
"Watch it," She shook the knife at him. "I'll pull a Carm and have a mental break down right here."
In the midst of the laughter, while the two busied themselves with prepping the dish – the sound of indistinct voices flooded the once quiet home. 
Y/n looked at the direction of the sound, knowing that in just seconds, the group would appear in the room. 
"Babe, hey, what are you doing here?" Mingyu asked, with Wonwoo and Seungcheol not too far behind. 
Y/n smiled, stopping what she was doing to meet him halfway, leaning into his touch as he placed a kiss on her head. "I came earlier, thinking you were home."
"Were you waiting long?" 
"Not really, Hoshi kept me company." She smiled, looking over at Hoshi who had continued to bread the last piece of pork loin – sending over a tightlipped smile and peace sign to the couple. 
"Got enough for us?" Mingyu chuckled, eyeing the dish the two had been preparing. 
It was raining.
No, it was pouring rain.
She was completely drenched; the dress she had spent nearly half an hour steaming clinging onto her body, her make up practically washed away from the downpour. 
He had promised her a nice dinner to celebrate her new internship, claiming that he would pick her up from her apartment. 
One hour turned to two and she figured he had forgotten yet again, opting to walk over to his place that was no more than a ten minute walk from hers, to remind him of their plans.
She should have known that the overcast that was persistent throughout the day would mean that some precipitation would roll through. Halfway through her journey, the slight drizzle turned into larger droplets of water. 
There was no going back. She was nearly there. She could simply dry off and opt for a dinner and movie at home once she reached his place.
She could see his place in the distance. Just a few more steps.
Lost in her own thoughts, the once downpour that beat down on her stopped – looking up at the source of the sudden shade that covered her. 
"I've been yelling at you to get in the car for the past minute." 
It was Hoshi.
He had been on his way back from work when he had seen a girl walking slowly in the rain that can almost be classified as a storm.
Who would be walking in this weather?
As he approached the figure, he realized that it was y/n; completely lost in her own thoughts. Again. 
Pulling off to the side, he rolled down the window to call out for her but it was no use. The sound of the water hitting the ground and cars zooming past drowned out his voice. 
Quickly hopping out of his car, he shrugged off his jacket; using it as a makeshift umbrella to cover both their heads. "You know Uber and Lyft exist right?"
"I know, I thought spending $5 was stupid for such a short distance." She let out a laugh. 
"Come on." He guided her to the passenger seat, letting out a frustrated sigh once the door was shut. 
"Before you say anything, I'm already drenched and I'm on my first day of my period." Y/n said, beating him to the punch once he had entered the car.
He wasn't one to bad mouth Mingyu, knowing that no matter what he said, y/n would have some sort of reason to defend her poor excuse of a boyfriend. But this was the last straw. 
He didn't care if he was his best friend. 
Mingyu may have been a great guy, a great friend, but he was a terrible terrible boyfriend.
"Can I at least say that he's a fucking shitbag and I hope he fails tomorrow's quiz?" Hoshi grumbled, reaching back to grab a hoodie he had left in the back seat – handing it to her.
"No." She slipped her head through the warm oversize article of clothing, taking in his lingering scent. 
"Y/n, you're kidding right?" He deadpanned. 
"I know what you're going to say, okay." Y/n put her arms around herself, stopping herself from shivering. "I'll talk to him."
She never did talk to him.
Not because she didn't want to. She was fully ready to barge into his room, ready to finally lay it all on him. But of course, he wasn't home and Hoshi had no choice but to bring the girl back to her apartment. 
He was angry. 
No he was beyond that. Hoshi was seething. 
If he hadn't made prior plans with Woozi to hit up the gym after work, he would have gladly stayed behind and kept y/n company. But unlike Mingyu, he stuck by his word. Whether this was with someone he was romantically seeing or his friends.
Hoshi was persistent in being loyal to the people he cared most.
Not that this was something Mingyu knew how to do. 
"You're fucking kidding me." Hoshi huffed as he wiped away the sweat that dripped from his forehead; watching as Mingyu and Seungcheol stroll into the school's gym – the two laughing at god knows what.
"Where the hell were you?" He wasted no time getting to the point, his voice catching the attention of others who were also preoccupied with their own gym equipment. 
"Whoa there, hi?" Mingyu took a step back, letting out a nervous laugh. He had only seen Hoshi worked up once, and it was during last year's chapter meeting when a pledge complained about the rules they had set for the incoming freshmen and pledges. 
This particular pledge had been getting under everyone's skin at the time, nitpicking at almost everything that was being said at the meeting. Hoshi wasn't known to be the patient one in the group, but he wasn't one to snap at strangers either  – taking their group by surprise when he got up from his seat to yell at the poor kid. 
"What excuse did you give y/n this time? Had practice? Studying? You forgot?"
"Hey, keep your voice down, dude." Seungcheol placed a hand on Hoshi's chest, gently pushing him back and away from Mingyu – very aware of the eyes that were now on them. 
"What– shit." A wave of realization hit Mingyu, his eyes widening in shock. "Damn it!"
Hoshi shook his head, scoffing at his friend. "You're a shit excuse for a boyfriend."
Now it was Mingyu's turn to be annoyed. Not that Hoshi was wrong. He was a horrible boyfriend; he just hadn't realized it yet.
"My bad, let me just take advice from someone who hasn't had a girlfriend in three years." Mingyu side stepped to avoid Seungcheol, getting closer to Hoshi who showed no signs of backing away.
"I don't need a girlfriend to know you treat yours like she's fucking trash. Everyone knows it. We all talk shit about you behind your back, telling her to break up with you."
"Why? So you can finally get the chance. I don't think so." 
Hoshi narrowed his eyes, feeling his fists ball up at his sides. 
"You don't think I know about your little crush?" Mingyu smirked, knowing that he was getting inside his head. "We also talk about you. We all know you like y/n."
"Guys, come on." Seungcheol stepped in between the two. 
"Punch me. I know you want to." Mingyu egged on.
Hoshi shook his head, not giving into his friend. Opting to walk away – knowing that if he did decide to punch him, he might not be able to hold back from landing a few more. 
All it took was one call and he was at her doorstep, a bottle of wine and her favorite take out from the campus' local Thai Food restaurant in hand; ready to clean up whatever mess Mingyu had made. Something he seemed to be doing quite often. 
"We had a fight." She sniffled on the other line. 
Hoshi didn't care if he had laundry he had to fold. He had more important things to tend to. 
"Wanna tell me what happened?" He asked, pouring himself another glass. 
Hoshi allowed for her to enjoy her dinner, not wanting to pry until she had some food in her system and time to process whatever it was that she and Mingyu disagreed over. 
"It was going fine, but– I don't know, I brought up wanting him to put more of an effort and he just snapped. He said sometimes, it feels more like a chore to be with me."
Hoshi began coughing, nearly spitting out the drink in his mouth. "I'm sorry, he said what?"
"He was probably just angry, you know how he gets when he's angry." Y/n shook her head, swirling the drink in her glass – watching the bubbles form. 
"You know he just told you that he thinks you're more of a chore than a girlfriend, right?" He said slowly, almost as if he too was attempting to comprehend what Mingyu told her. 
"I know I just– I love him, Hosh." Y/n let out a defeated sigh. "You don't think I know how stupid it is to continuously try to make something work with someone who clearly doesn't want things to work out?"
"Good, because I genuinely thought you were deranged for not seeing it." 
She couldn't help but let out a laugh at his dry humor. Despite the heartache and disappointment she was currently feeling, she was always grateful for Hoshi's ability to add humor into their serious conversations. 
"I think I might be." Y/n sighed, standing from the couch. "Want water?"
"And some gummy worms." Hoshi followed behind, rummaging through her pantry.
"You ate my last bag last week."
"Deranged and broke. Nice."
"I'm going through something here, please be nice." Y/n pouted.
Hoshi watched as she poured the two of them a glass of water, leaning against the counter. He couldn't help but stare at her, something he seemed to allow himself more often than before. 
If his friend didn't want to cherish and care for the girl that was right in front of him, why can't he? 
"I know you love him, but I don't think that's enough of a reason to stay with him."
Y/n looked over at him, a puzzled look on her face. This was the first time she's seen him this serious. In all the years she had known him, she had always seen him as her friend who provided her comfort through humor – making her smile when her days seemed to be nothing but gray skies.
In this case, it was almost every day.
"You know, you can love someone and not be with them." He continued, taking a step closer to her. "Be with someone who's willing to love you the way you love them."
He was right.
In the past year since she had been with Mingyu, she had been the only one pulling the weight in their relationship. She had been the one to make an effort to reach out, plan dates, show up to all his games, and bring him dinner when he needed to pull all-nighters for upcoming tests.
Love had a funny thing of blinding people. Everyone around her saw that she had been suffering, constantly making excuses for the mistreatment she had been receiving from the man she swore she would marry when the right time came.
He was busy.
He has a game.
His frat had an event.
Because she knew he hadn't always been like this, for the first three years of being together he made sure not a day went by without him making her feel his love for her. They were simply going through a rough patch.
"Be with me."
She felt her whole world come to a complete stop once the words left his lips. Y/n's girl friends had joked about Hoshi possibly having feelings for her. She thought it was simply them poking fun at the fact that they had been spending far more time with each other than she did with Mingyu – arguing that Hoshi was simply just a friend, just as she was friends with Jeonghan and Minghao.
"I– I've liked you since freshman year." Hoshi swallowed. There was no turning back now. He had laid out all his cards and he was going to go all in. "From the moment Jeonghan introduced you into the group– you– I wanted to do something about it but Mingyu got to you first and I–"
He was stuttering over his words, unable to put his thoughts into one comprehendible sentence. "I kept my distance, and I was doing so well– but he fucked up and I can't stand back and watch him continuously break the heart that I know I would have held so carefully if I wasn't so fucking scared three years ago."
Y/n could hear her heart beating in her ears as she tried to process his sudden confession. She wanted to say something, she really did but she had become confused – because a part of her was happy to hear him say these words.
Somehow, over the time she had spent with him, all while her boyfriend was far too busy pre-occupied with his own life, she had grown to see Hoshi in another light. He was no longer just her friend who she called when no one else was available, happily obliging to her requests to accompany her to the grocery store, stay up late to finish the homework she had put off until the last minute, or simply watch movies at her apartment .
He had become a part of her daily life, getting excited each time she saw his name appear on her phone and looking forward to any time they made plans to hang out.
Y/n had unintentionally fell for her boyfriend's best friend – a sudden wave of guilt washing over her.
"I- we can't. You know we can't." She felt her heart sink to the pit of her stomach at her realization.
This can't happen. Especially not with him.
He shook his head. "I'm not asking for anything right now. Look– I'm sorry for putting you in a tough spot, I've stuck around this long and I am willing to stick around however long I need to."
"I'm sorry." Y/n hung her head. No matter how much Mingyu has fucked up, she couldn't help but hold on to the hope that he would go back to the same person she had originally fallen for.
Maybe it was love or maybe it was Stockholm Syndrome.
"Hey, hey– fuck." Hoshi pulled her into a hug. He had done this many times, but somehow this time felt different. He felt her melt into his arms, pulling her tighter when he heard a muffled sniffle against his chest. "Sorry I– I'm here. As a friend or whatever you need me to be. I don't care, I'm here."
"Always?" Y/n she looked up at him, apologetically. She knew she couldn't give him what he wanted – not right now, at least.
"Always." He nodded.
«« [an] aha........... ummm yeah we love pain here HAHAHAHAHAHHA
tag list: @leah-rose03 @yoonzinuhh
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eddiernunson · 1 year
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Really Drives Me Mad | EX-bfs dad!Eddie Munson x Reader | 18+
Previous Part | Master List | Next Part
Word Count: 12.8k
Big big thank you to @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you for editing for me I appreciate it, bestie
Another big thank you to @bebe07011 for spitting ideas and giving feedback.
Warnings: Degradation/praise, eating out, public sex, daddy kink, and several scenes where smut is mentioned but not described. There is about 1k of words just from Dylan's perspective but its worth it trust me.
Eddie is a bit of a sugar daddy in this part, but its ok cause we all want him to spoil us anyway.
Author's note: Some of y'all are gonna make me cry with how kind you are with your words for this fic. I cannot believe how much this story has truly taken over my life. People have expressed sharing it with friends and I just cannot get over that. Thank you.
Your hands held a home-made cocktail on ice while The Princess Diaries played on the tv, a soft blanket covered your crossed legs as you sat with both Sky and Bethany in your living room, scattered along your couch.
Bethany often snuck a joint or two while she visited, the window staying open to minimize a smell with a 20-dollar fan in front of it to promote air circulation. It was nice to have a girls’ night, to order bags of chips and candy over SkiptheDishes, wear face masks, do your makeup for the hell of it, and just let loose.
Bethany made her way over about a movie and a half ago, and she was now explaining a stupid mishap from her office administrative position that quite literally pulled the company to a halt for 45 minutes. “I swear, you could not pay me enough to put up with those drivers.” She claims, taking an inhale from the joint in her two painted fingers.
Sky makes a sudden movement in her seat, reaching to the remote next to her to pause the movie. “Holy shit. Did I tell you I saw Eddie?” Her question is directed across you to Bethany, and you’re left wondering why the hell your boyfriend is the new topic of discussion.
“Wait, what?” Bethany asks, wide green eyes moving back and forth between you and Sky. “When and where?”
“Our date?” You interject her, a little weirded out by the turn this conversation has taken. “When Eddie picked me up, she was here.”
“Oh, I see.” She hums to herself. “Well, since she won’t show us a photo, please tell me what the man who’s old enough to be her father looks like.”
You roll your eyes at this, a cheeky thought occurring to you. “Well Dylan might be great; but he is a sequel. Ain’t nothing compared to the original.”
Sky nods, agreeing. “Eddie is… very good looking.” You shoot her a warning look, for some reason, her just alluding to his good looks makes you feel territorial. “Show her a picture if you don’t want to hear it, damn! Just telling the truth…”
“It’s not that I won’t show you guys,” you explain, unlocking your phone. “It’s that he doesn’t use social media, so he has no good photos of himself.” On the internet, at least.
“What, no throw back photos from Dylan’s insta?” Sky asks, mostly joking.
You go to Dylan’s insta, and you can’t view it. Fuck, you forgot. He blocked you. Even though he seems to be on better terms with you, simple reminders like being blocked from his social media or him refusing to tell any details about his life remind you he’s still nursing a healing wound. “Still blocked.” You look up, and their faces tell you they’re not letting up on it. “Fine. I’ll go to Eddie’s Facebook.”
Eddie added you as a friend the day after your date, adorably waiting as you went on your phone to accept it. The moment you did he went onto your profile and dove into your photos. His eyes were comically wide as he scrolled through them, and after the first few swipes he lifted his head to you. “You just put these on here? Fuck.” The photos weren’t even particularly bad, just you in a bikini on the beach or in a summer dress, he’s just that obsessed with you. You asked him if he minded and he shook his head comically, his dimples so prominent from his wide smile, he looked manic. “Oh, I never said to stop, sweetheart.”
Your thumb slides into Eddie’s profile, and while you were afraid of the calls from a judgemental relative about the relationship with him the word single on his relationship status still hits you hard in the chest. You move to his photos, past the useless profile picture that was his company logo of Munson’s Garage and swipe through the regular posts, past Dylan’s graduation from college, from high school, a picture of a nice car, an old one of his ex with Dylan, (barf), until you finally got through to a throwback, one posted in 2011.
It was taken in the 90s, so a picture of a picture of him sitting at an old kitchen table arm in arm with another dude. One of his feet was up on the table, and he was clutching a beer, lifting it to the camera. His friend was talking to someone off camera, distracted for the moment, his slightly freckled face in a scowl. His friend had brown hair down to his neck styled specifically in a swoop, and they seemed about the same age.
His friend was quite attractive, but younger Eddie made you fucking drool. God, he was so gorgeous. He wore a leather jacket under a denim vest, ripped blue jeans over his big black boots. Fuck. You almost didn’t want to share this photo.
You go to the next photo, and a giggle leaves your mouth as you see him posing with a friend, tongues out and devil horns on their heads as smiles peek through. The background is a stage at an Iron Maiden concert, and they both look ecstatic. It’s a different friend in this one with curly hair, but it looked like he had posted from the Iron Maiden concert. A few more scrolls told you that the throwback photo would be the best option.
“Ok.” You finally say, and both girls have been waiting so long at this point they’ve started scrolling on their own phones. “Guys. You wanna see it or not?”
You hand your phone to Bethany, indicating he was the one on the right. The possessiveness that hits you when you see her reaction, her wide eyes and jaw literally dropping, stunted you. “Holy shit. This is him from how long ago?”
“In the late 90s, I guess.” You tell her.
She hands the phone to Sky, who was asking for it repeatedly as soon as Bethany let out her reaction. “Oh, yeah. He was a cutie. Honestly, he’s hotter now.” Your teeth grit, and you take a deep breath in to calm yourself.
“How?” Bethany asks, gesturing to your phone.
“Ok. Enough. He’s very good looking. But he’s fucking taken.” You bark out, holding your hand out for the phone.
They both stop talking, your sudden anger very uncharacteristic of you. Usually when you find someone particularly good looking, you’d show them off, agreeing with your two friends when they would praise their good looks. This wasn’t anything like those times. Hearing their praises just makes you want to sink your teeth into Eddie’s neck and mark your territory the next time you see him.
“Woah, girl.” Sky says, laughing lightly to diffuse the tension. “Never seen that side of you before.”
“Well, I didn’t even know she existed until a waitress looked at Eddie on our date and I wanted to throttle her,” You admit, grabbing the nearly empty cocktail and taking a sip. “I just…I don’t know why I’m so territorial over him, but God, the thought of him with someone else makes me sick to my stomach.”
Bethany holds her hands up in surrender, “Alright, we won’t compliment him anymore. But you did good, girl. You did mighty good.”
As per usual, the girls'-day-in resulted in the three of you falling asleep in the living room, blankets and pillows scattered across the three of you. The sun cascading through a window by the couch wakes you up, disgruntled, as you pat around for your phone. The screen greets you harshly, your notifications indicating you have three messages from Eddie, two from a manager at work, and the several random ones, which you clear out, not caring about Instagram stories for the moment. Eddie texted to say he was going into work for a few hours. The next two messages indicated if you were there when he got home, he wouldn’t be against it.
Basically, he just told you to please be there when he got home. Fuck, the feeling of him reaching out first was enough to send a wide smile to your face, staring stupidly at your phone. You message him back, letting him know you’ll be there.
The messages from your manager were one from two hours ago, asking if you’d be able to come in for 10 o’clock– Which was thirty-five minutes ago– and the second asked if you were able to come in at all. You quirk your eyebrow, glad your read receipts are off for her, because you’re planning now to text at 3 o'clock to let her know that, oops, you just saw this. No, you’re not going in on your day off, you’ll be spending it with your ridiculously hot boyfriend.
You leap from your couch, running into your room to pack another overnight bag. You’re out the door before the others even stir.
As you pull into Eddie’s driveway, you notice Dylan’s truck there, but Eddie’s is still gone. You wonder when he’ll be back, because although Dylan is civil towards you, interactions with him are still stunted. You open the front door, grateful Dylan tended to leave it unlocked. You drop your overnight bag and pillow off at the staircase, its usual spot, before you trot off to the living room where Dylan sits watching tv.
As you plop down next to him on the other side of the couch, Dylan looks to you, startled by the movement, but his eyes roll in exasperation when he realizes that it’s you. “Hi.” You sing-song to him, knowing you’re annoying him, but having fun with it anyways.
“Hey.” He deadpans, watching the tv instead of looking over to you.
“Oh, wow you’re almost caught up.” You say, indicating to a show that you had recommended he watched a while back.
“Turned out to be a good show.” He comments, sounding annoyed.
“Well, how about that?” You retort, and Dylan rolls his eyes before a small smile lands on his face.
Less than an hour later, the front door closes, indicating Eddie’s homecoming. He walks in, and as you pay attention to a particularly good episode in this series, you hear a big stretch come from him. “Hi, Ed!” You call out, finally turning towards him.
Fuck. Holy shit.
A few grease stains paint Eddie’s hands and chin, and he’s wearing a pair of blue coveralls from work with a patch on his chest of his name. The grease monkey suit shows off his muscles beautifully, both sleeves rolled up to his forearms. His hair is tied back into a messy bun, and you’re sure he forgot about the reading glasses on his head. Oh god, he is mouth watering.
A throw pillow hits your face, completely startling you. You whip your head around, glaring at  the culprit. “Little drool.” Dylan mouths, pointing to his chin.
“Oh, little drool?” You mock, getting up to hit him with the pillow hard. He chuckles, fighting you off.
You push his shoulder off, shuffling into the kitchen. You turn to see Eddie moving around the kitchen, making himself a quick sandwich. “Hi baby!” You greet him, reaching out for him.
“Oh, hi baby.” He says, following up with an air kiss. He breaks into laughter at your scowl. “Sorry, you don’t want this grease on you. It smells terrible and it’s not fun to wash off.”
“But there’s no grease on your lips.” You point out, staring at those pretty pink lips of his.
“Baby, I cannot kiss you without touching you and there is grease all over my hands.” He chuckles, holding them out.
You want to point out that he’s getting things dirty with grease in the kitchen, including his sandwich, by his own logic, but you have a feeling you won’t get away with it very easily. “Fine. Come see me when you’ve had a shower then.” You tell him, attempting to waddle back to the living room.
“Ah, ah.” Eddie tuts, grabbing your hand. “Come with me, after I shower, I need time with you in my bed.”
“In your bed? Or, in your bed?” You ask, your eyebrows furrowing suggestively at the second option.
“If you didn’t know the answer by now, clearly I haven’t done my job right.” He says in a lowly, his eyes darkening in an instant.
Eddie turns around to the sandwich he made as if he hadn’t said a word, grabbing it quickly before tugging on your hand to take you up the stairs.
He hops into the shower, you scroll through your phone on his bed as you wait, somewhat impatiently, your panties already uncomfortable from his stroll into the house in his work uniform.
Fuck, he was hot. You thought about him. His muscles, the slight glisten of sweat, and your phone was tossed aside before you even realized your hands were roaming over your body. You close your eyes, the image of him busy at work on his back on one of those…rolly things in your head. His forearms flexing, the look of concentration on his face.
Your hands itch for your center and you can barely hold back anymore, thankful you opted for a pair of stretchy shorts. Your fingers graze your center easily, rolling around in small circles as you picture the easy access his coveralls would give you, showing up with a dress and no panties and just riding him in his office. Fuck, maybe you wouldn’t even make it there. Goddamn, the images were too hot, your panties finding their way around your ankles as you grind up against your own fingers.
Your eyes fling open to see your boyfriend in his towel. You were so wrapped up you didn’t even notice the water from his shower turn off. He’s staring, open mouthed and eyes dark, and Jesus… This was a fantasy of yours from the beginning. You continue, staring half lidded back at him, hand grabbing up at his bed frame when it started to feel so fucking good.
Eddie’s towel drops when his brain catches up, jumping into his bed to lay next to you. “Couldn’t even wait, huh?” He asks, and you let out a whimper as he lightly kisses your neck. “Just couldn’t fucking wait.”
“You were so hot—” you gasp out, moving faster on yourself now. “—in that goddamn uniform. Wanna…wanna ride you in it.”
The very indication that you were playing with yourself because you found him that hot in his uniform is too much for Eddie to process. He nearly moans, leaning for another kiss on your neck. His hands are itching to help you, itching to take off the rest of those clothes that hide your gorgeous body, but he holds back, needing to know more about it. “What—what were you thinkin’ ‘bout, baby?”
“You, in the uniform…” you tell him, your hips starting to move when your want grows. Why isn’t he helping?
“C’mon, baby. I wanna touch you but I just gotta know.” Eddie tells you, his voice gruff.
A gulp moves through your throat before opening your mouth to tell him. “Your dick out of the uniform, and me with no panties and a dress at your shop, riding you anywhere…your office, the rolly thing, god, just you in that uniform…Ed…”
Goddammit, was that an idea Eddie certainly had before. He has wanted to show you around his workplace, but also christen it with you, and he had had the exact idea with his uniform and you in a dress, to boot. “Fuck, my horny, eager little slut, hey?” Eddie asks, watching your closed eyes as you continue to work yourself.
“Please…please touch me?” You ask him, the torture of his voice there but not actually helping you is too much. “Want…want you.”
“Hmm. Horny little slut didn’t wait for me…I dunno if she even deserves my help.” He bluffs, wanting nothing more than to reach out and feel the slick of your wet pussy.
You nearly cry out in protest, not calling him on his bluff. “I’m sorry, couldn’t help myself…you’re just so…fuck…you’re so fucking hot, Ed.”
He leans in to kiss you and you accept it gratefully, a smile against his lips. As his lips move against yours, deepening the kiss to easily work his tongue against yours, his hands land on yours against your pussy delicately, gently pulling your fingers to the side. He slides a digit in and you whimper into his mouth, your hips thrusting up. “Oh, so fucking desperate.” You nod your head, agreeing with him. You’re desperate for more. Even with Eddie on your mind, your fingers never even compared to his.
He leans into your neck, the scent of his aftershave and body wash strong but oh-so-goddamn good. He slides your shirt up your torso smoothly with his free hand and pulls it from your neck fiercely. You feel his hand somewhat desperately go around your back to unhook your bra, and as it falls casually over the edge onto the floor, he moans at the sight of your exposed tit, your nipple just begging to be touched.
He leans in to mouth the bud, and you whimper at the sensation. He pauses, breathing heavily and open mouthed onto it. You gasp, his hot breath sending waves down your body. “Fuck, so pretty.” Eddie mutters to himself, dark eyes watching your face as you get closer.
A desperate hand of yours tugs him up to your face, desperate for more of his wet and hypnotizing kisses. “Fuck me.” You gasp, suddenly feeling that his fingers weren’t enough. “Need…need your cock. Please.”
Eddie’s mouth opens at the prospect of you simply begging for him, and you can feel a shift in his energy as he starts to kiss you deeper and hungrier. “When you beg so sweetly, how could I possibly say no?” He hums, his hand framing your face.
He finishes yanking the last of your pants off your ankles. As he settles himself in between your legs, he can’t help himself. He leans down, taking one long lick along your folds, for just a taste. You whimper in response, knees springing up to your chest. Eddie chuckles, crawling up slowly until his chest lines up with yours, the tingle of him against you too much to handle. Slowly, he moves into you, and as he stretches you open, your eyes roll back and your toes curl. Eddie watches the utter bliss that takes over your face.
“Oh that beautiful face you make, sweetheart.” He grunts, smoothing his hands over your forehead. His words make you pulse around him. “This fucking tight little pussy wrapped around—” he stops, grunting as you continue to pulse around him. One hand moves down to your hip, caressing it softly he uses the leverage to buck into you.
A hushed swear comes out of you, the simple pleasure from his cock alone sending you into euphoria. Eddie continues slowly, enjoying every inch of your heat around him. “Your pussy…god how did I live without it?”
You clutch onto him, staring up into his darkened brown eyes. You open your mouth to respond in kind, but the particularly harsh rut into you leaves your mouth gasping open and your eyes fluttering shut in pure heaven. “Oh, that’s it.” He mutters, hips moving faster. “That’s my cock-drunk little whore.”
Your nails scratch down his back, and he moans in response. “Eddie, your cock. There’s…I…please.”
“I-I know, baby. I know.”
He collapses onto your chest, and you feel his cock twitch into you as your orgasm takes over your body. His hand carefully sweeps your sweaty forehead as he watches you recover, your eyes losing their haze as you return to earth. “Hi.” He mutters, leaning in to kiss you softly.
“Hi.” You smile. For once, he does take his dick out of you right away, despite your protests. However, you can’t protest any further when he comes back and wraps his arms around you with his chest pressed against your back, his still steadying breaths lulling you into a quiet nap.
Somehow, you know that his arms are always going to be the best place in the world.
About an hour later, you’re snuggled against his side, legs intertwined as Eddie watches his show and you work on a crossword puzzle. “What’s a six-letter word for angry?” You ask him, stumped for a good minute.
“Uh…grumpy? Heated? Hmm…raging?”
“Raging! Fuck, I couldn’t get that one. Thanks, baby.” You tell him, receiving a kiss on the head as a response. “Why’d you go in for work, Ed?”
“Other than making my baby horny?” He jokes, muttering it into your hair. “Well, one of my best-known clients called and my men know that when he calls, they need to call me in, because his car is just—” he cuts himself off, holding out the OK sign. He continues talking about the mechanics/politics of handling a car like this in his job. The caliber, the horsepower, the specialized engine, and everything else.
It’s not like you know a whole lot about cars. Most of what he is saying comes out as gibberish. But you listen to him, watching as he gets more and more animated, his hands gesturing wildly as he excitedly explains his morning. You watch him, a soft smile creeping up your face as he describes…what, you weren’t even sure, to you.
He stops as he notices the peculiar look on your face, your eyes glazed over. “What?” he asks, wondering if you caught even a word of his story.
“I love you.” It comes out before you even realize. But it’s true.
With your whole chest, you love him.
Eddie inhales sharply, and he looks at you like you had placed each star in the sky just for him. Because you did. “I-I’ve been wanting to say that to you since I first saw you.”
His words feel both impossible and like they make the most sense in the entire world. Because since day one, you have been captivated by him in every sense imaginable. Taking the time to get to know, see and love every inch of him before recognizing that yes, this is love.
This all occurs to you within a second, because Eddie’s hand is framing your face and you feel his lips on yours, deep and caring to a point that takes your goddamn breath away. Your tongue collides with his, and his fingers are so gentle as they cradle your face it barely feels like he’s holding it. He tastes so good, like the air you breathe is suddenly useless, and all you need to do is breathe him. His fingers intertwine in your hair, he gasps as his forehead collides with your own, clinging onto you for dear life.
“Will you say it?” You ask, realizing he still hasn’t.
“I fucking love you.” He says in a low, soft voice. He uses a hand to force you back and you open your eyes to look into his beautiful brown ones. “I love you.”
Your chest inflates rapidly, like all the emotion just bursts into it. A giggle escapes your lips, the smile on your face seeming to be permanently etched there. He tugs you into the tightest hug, and you feel his heart beat rapidly against your own as your arms fling themselves around his torso, burying your head in his neck.
God, it’s like you fit perfectly there.
He slouches down, ignoring the book you dropped and the forgotten tv show, and lays you down, chest to chest, his arms wrapped around you as you curl into his chest. He nestles his nose into your hair, breathing you in, feeling the breath, the life in you as you breathe in sync with him.
Any sense of time, responsibilities, or the outside world become muted and pale in comparison.
It’s just you and him.  
The sizzling sounds of bacon for dinner mixed with Eddie’s humming to some oldies fill the kitchen. Every time he turns around from the stove to grab something, he shoots you a smile that captivates his face, something that you wholeheartedly return each time. The acknowledgement that this is love somehow didn’t feel like it had tied you to anything or that any new expectations were put on either one of you. You simply want his company and he, yours.
You scroll through your phone absentmindedly, though the sight of his hips in his low sitting sweatpants are much more enticing than anything your phone’s algorithms have to show you. Playfully, Eddie keeps dancing a little too hard to the music, head banging and swinging his hips to even the softest of Dad Rock.
God, it’s Heaven. As Eddie serves up a few plates, Dylan comes down dressed in one of his better date night outfits.
“Ooh, hot date?” You ask him, leaning forward onto the kitchen island.
Dylan’s brows furrow, stopping mid stride. “Yeah. Not talking to you about that. You’re still my ex. And you’re still seeing my dad. Weirdo.”
Eddie sends a glare his way, eyes darkening in a split second. Dylan rolls his eyes, sneaking around him to grab a bite of bacon. Ignoring it, Eddie places a plate in front of you with eggs, bacon and toast, and you thank him as he leans in for a kiss.
“Love you.” Eddie mutters, and you smile into his lips and feel him do the same.
“L-love?” Dylan spits out, his voice exasperated. He shakes his head, still chewing on the bacon. “Fuck right off.”
“Dyl.” Eddie starts, leaning forward as he takes a bite from his toast. He has a devious smile on his face, chewing on his idea. “Quiet. The adults are talking.”
If you had expected something out of pocket, it certainly wasn’t that.
The brown eyes Dylan shares with his father widen in pure exasperation. “What?? Dad, I’m six months older than her!”
You barely keep in the laughter that bubbles out of your chest. Eddie grins at you and lets out his own chuckle. “That’ll teach you to be an ass, huh?”
Dylan doesn’t respond, just grits his teeth and yanks one more piece of bacon before leaving through the front door.
Dylan Munson got dealt a dirty fucking hand from whoever the fuck is in charge of this shit.
It was only a mere nine weeks ago when you made your way across the mixer to say hi to him that he thought things were going his way. The more he saw you, the more he thought that this had to be leading to something. It made sense to him, but as he had started mentioning long term plans or anything of the like, he could feel you clam up. Every time he mentioned something requiring commitment, your shoulders tensed up, your face winced by only a smidge, but when it became a regular occurrence, Dylan realized you might not have been ready as you thought you were.
He was willing to accept it. So, he took matters into his own hands. Honestly, he would’ve been fine paying the daily fee for parking, but he knew his dad was there, and he was excited to introduce you to him. Boy, what a shit show that turned out to be.
As he woke up to an empty bed, he had expected you to be downstairs. Instead, he was faced with a bowl of cereal without the milk, and he couldn’t tell how long it had been there. He searched the whole house. Your bag, clothes, and shoes were still there, so he knew you couldn’t have gone far. Turns out, he was right. You didn’t. You went two doors down from his own.
The sight of you and his fucking dad in the white sheets was already too much to bear, and then the stab of betrayal from his own father hurt more the initial shock of yours, tugging angry tears from his eyes as he ran to his room. The torture of hearing your whimpers, a sound he knew well, while downstairs trying to cheer himself up was fucking brutal.
When you finally left, his dad came home with a terribly apologetic look on his face as he walked through the front door. Dylan refused to hear a damn word out of his mouth, dismissing all his claims of ‘holding back as long as he could’ and ‘I’ve never felt this strongly about anyone before.’ Shit just hurt.
A day later, Dylan couldn’t hold it in anymore. He screamed at the top of his lungs, the anger finally kicking in. His dad did yell back, but mostly at the choice words aimed at you. It hurt for a moment, as it felt like he cared more about someone he had met last week, his (now ex) girlfriend.
When you and his dad showed no signs of slowing or stopping any time soon, he realized this would become a new normal. Didn’t mean he liked it.
He came home after a relatively long day at work to you and his dad sitting and watching a movie comfortably. His knee jerk reaction was to swear angrily, but the look on your face stuck with him. You had never relaxed with him. You were always looking around corners or there was some part in your body unable to lean into him completely.
As you apologized awkwardly on his bed, his hurt finally felt acknowledged by you, and fuck, he needed to hear that he didn’t do anything wrong. He genuinely started to wonder if he did.
Most of his nights he spent going out, his friends asking where the hot new girlfriend he was bragging about now was. He just said you cheated on him and it was over and they called you a bitch and moved on.
Yes, even Ethan. (The one friend you actually liked)
He drowned his sorrows in alcohol, always making his way back to the house where his ex was expected to be at any given time. God, it was so shit.
After your apology, though, he had to admit, you looked good together. It seemed like his dad’s smile just hadn’t left his face for days, and goddamn, was it annoying to admit that you were good for him. That remaining anger seemed to itch at him, unable to forgive or forget, a buried hatchet with an X to mark the spot.
Ethan eventually brought his girlfriend to boys’ night out, which was met with disgruntled groans from the collective group. Ethan’s girlfriend invited a friend who would be joining, and Dylan fought hard not to roll his eyes.
An hour into the night, a drink, and a few good dances in, Ethan’s girlfriend brought her in, and Dylan stopped dead in his tracks. Okay, no one said she would be fucking gorgeous.
If Dylan thought you were out of his league, then Maya wasn’t even playing the same game. His heart pounded out of his chest, and he knew he had to grab this girl a drink and get her number, now. As he pulled into an easy conversation with her, the hairs stood on his arms as it felt electric just being near her.
Maya met his enthusiasm, agreeing to a date within the first hour of conversation with him. One of his buddies mentioned Dylan had been cheated on by his most recent girlfriend, and Maya was floored. If any girl was lucky enough to have him, how could they even think of cheating?
As Dylan rode home in the backseat of his friend’s truck, drunk on her undivided attention and, well, plain ol’ drunk, something his dad had said came to mind. “I can’t explain it, I just had to know her. In every sense of the word.”
He felt the same way about Maya. Everything about her drew him in. Her smell, the way her jeans hugged her hips, the shine of her red hair. God, she was fucking beautiful.
As he smelled bacon on the way down the stairs, he decided to grab a piece on his way out to his first date with Maya, jitters galore. You asking him about the date was kind, but still too weird for him to gush about the gorgeous girl from the bar he met when that ‘gorgeous girl’ was once you.
Love you, his dad said. The word struck him, it occurred to him he doesn’t truly understand how much you and his father cared for one another. The L word didn’t come easily to Munson men, after all. Dylan walked to his car, disgruntled as the interaction rolled over in his mind.
What a mess he would be bringing her home to, if he ever got lucky enough.
Since you worked the next day, you had to go home for the night. The lingering kisses at Eddie’s door were too much to bear.
Too much for Eddie, too. You get a text about twenty minutes after you get home, Need you.
You grit your teeth, you need him, too. Working four days in a row sounds manageable, at least it usually does. Without Eddie to come home to or to wake up with, it’s nearly torture. You ignore Skylar’s comment of codependency. Fuck co-dependency, it isn’t that you depend on him too much, you just need him too much. You need to come home to him, to sit and watch tv with him… It’s the domestic bliss you miss.
Somehow, just reading a book at the end of the night without his even breaths has you on edge. You shoot him a text letting him know you’d be there soon.
As you walk through the doorway of Eddie’s house, he welcomes you and you hop into his arms, inhaling his shampoo as soon as you get close enough to, his familiar scent bringing you an indescribable feeling of safety.  “Need you to stop leaving for so long.” He mutters, feeling nearly crazy for missing you so much while you were gone.
You hum in response, staring into his pretty eyes as they stare down at you lovingly, resting your chin on his chest.
“Move in with me.” It’s impulsive.
You blink, unable to register what he just said. “Uh, what?”
He chuckles, hoping the stunned look on your face is a good thing. “It’s stupid for you to keep moving back and forth between here and your apartment all the time. Move in with me.”
It’s a tempting offer. Could you do it? Realistically, could you bring your things in, set up your skin care routine in his bathroom, have a horde of snacks at your disposal, bring Bethany over for sleepovers…is it possible? He watches as you think it through, and his heart skips a beat as he watches it falter. “I-I can’t. Not yet, at least.”
His head tilts curiously, eyebrows furrowed. “Hmm?”
“I’m still tied to my lease for another three months.” You can’t abandon Sky, not after all this time. “Skylar would be pissed if I just up and left her to either scramble for a new roommate or for a new apartment.”
Was that it? “Oh,” Eddie says, relieved. “I can pay that.”
His answer momentarily stuns you, and a gorgeous laugh escapes his lips as he takes in your slack jaw and wide eyes. “W-what?”
He leans in, kissing your lips sweetly. “Sweetheart. I’m not gonna wait another ninety days when I can just pay it now and get you here tomorrow.”
“You’ll pay my half?” You ask, eyebrows raised, a light smile on your face.
“What’s your rent?”
“1800 for the apartment, we both pay 900 plus utilities.”
He does the quick math. “Oh, so 54 (hundred) to buy the lease out? Yeah, I’ll pay it. Might relieve Sky from being pissed at me for stealing her roommate.”
The casualty of his words drench your underwear, his urge to take care of you sending a heat to your center you can’t explain. You lean in, swiping your tongue on his bottom lip, showing your appreciation. “Can-can we go upstairs?” You ask him, out of breath.
Eddie smiles, taking in your lust-blown eyes and slack expression. “You know that’s not why I offered, right?”
The overwhelming happiness bubbles up from the inside and you shoot a wide smile up at him, chin resting on his chest again. “I know. Still, baby. Want you. Please,”
Eddie smirks, framing your face with his thumbs lightly. “When you say it so nicely, how could I ever refuse?”
You tug him by the hand and start running up the stairs. A yelp echoes through the house as Eddie grabs at your ass near the top, and when he lies down on the bed, you can’t get his cock down your throat fast enough.
To say the least, Sky couldn’t find it in her to be angry. She was going to miss you, more than she could describe as her roommate. She also had a three month warning to find a new roommate or a new apartment and had ample time to put at least some money aside while she didn’t have to pay for rent. She really had nothing to complain about. Still, she was gonna miss you.
As soon as the lust of him offering to take care of you died down, you went into overdrive, remembering how stressed you were when you had to move in your current apartment, a lease you’ve renewed twice now. You started making a list of things you needed, working between your phone and a random spiral notebook you found in a junk drawer. How many boxes did you need to get? If you used both Eddie and Dylan’s trucks how many hours would it take to move down the stairs-only building you had?
“What’re you working on?” You hear his voice over your shoulder.
“Oh, just working out the kinks of moving. My car won’t be enough, I’ll need your guys’ trucks to help. I also have my own furniture to worry about. The entertainment center is hers, but the couch is mine. My dresser, my bed, my bathroom shelf, all my bathroom junk—”
“Baby.” He interrupts you, a hand sliding up to your neck. “Relax. I can hire someone to take care of all of this for you. Just focus on packing your things and directing the men around on where to put them.” He places his hands delicately beneath your chin. “Ok?”
Fuck, you might just blow him again.
And you did just that. You shared your list to Eddie’s phone, who called a smaller moving truck with three men to assist, hired an organizer to assist in organizing what you do or don’t need and who will handle selling your furniture, and finally, paying the rest of your rent to your front office without blinking an eye to get you out of the lease.
Soon, you were on the driveway on a hot day, watching as all the boxes containing your clothes, shoes, makeup, and other junk went up the stairs to Eddie’s (and now your) bedroom, a few staying downstairs.
He stands next to you in a white muscle shirt with a band you don’t know pictured on the front and some sweats, hands on his hips as he watches the movers go back and forth between the house and the truck. He radiates authority, each mover couldn’t be much older or younger than you, but they all look to him with respect, all of their words followed by the word ‘sir’.
“Sir, huh?” You ask, teasing him.
Eddie slightly grimaces, rejecting it. “Yeah, they insisted.”
“Dunno, kinda suits you.” You tease, and you walk back to the house, missing the audible gulp that comes from his throat, imagining it. You, on your knees, begging for him, calling him sir…
“Sir?” One of the movers asks, getting his attention. He flicks back, seeing the clipboard held in front of him. “Need you to sign.”
“Oh, shit, sorry.” He mumbles, picking up the pen to sign.
As he signs his name, Dylan pulls up, taking in the men, the truck, the boxes on the floor visible past the open front door. “She’s moving in?”
Eddie looks at him, apologetic. He had asked you yesterday, and since then, he hasn’t had time to sit down and tell Dylan in person. “Sorry, bud. Kind of just happened all at once.”
Dylan thinks of his new girlfriend’s apartment, the night he had just spent wrapped up in her sheets. “I-I get that.”
Eddie blinks, expecting more of a push-back. “So, dad. I met this girl.” Oh, that explains it. “She’s…” the smile that lands on Dylan’s face is peaceful, and Eddie feels both curious and reassured. “Anyway. I wanted to bring her over for dinner to introduce her. Is that okay?”
A firm hand lands on Dylan’s shoulder, bringing him for a hug. “Of course, bud. When did you want to bring her over?”
“Friday at 6?”
It’s Wednesday, so that gives you both ample time to unpack and get the house ready for a dinner guest. “Friday works. Bring her over.”
“Hey, do you guys need any more help with the boxes?” He asks, running into the house.
Eddie doesn’t answer as he stands, stunned at the change in his son over the last, what, week?
The next two days make Dylan realize although he was in a much forgiving mood, he’s going to need to move out and fast. Just when he thought the two of you were bad, he didn’t realize how much worse you’d be when you moved in. In hindsight, he wasn’t sure how he didn’t see it coming.
Soon, he texted a friend he knew who was looking for another apartment about maybe moving in together after realizing your moans were not coming from your bedroom as he grabbed his keys and booked it for the front door.
You were on Eddie’s laundry room floor, wrapped in his arms, with only your shirt around your torso and his hair halfway out of its ponytail. You were still in the middle of recovering; Eddie edged you twice before finally letting you finish. “Did you hear the front door close?” Eddie asks, still breathing heavily as he does.
“N-no.” You gasp, moving your head up to face him, his chest hair tickling your chin. “Were we that loud?”
Eddie laughs, letting a thumb pet your face lightly. “Have you ever tried to be quiet, sweetheart?”
You shut him up with a kiss, slippery, but filled to the brim with everything you had. “Shut up.”
“I love you.” He mutters as you wrap yourself in his arms, and you whisper it back into his chest. “We do have company coming over, so we should probably finish unpacking.”
You groan lightly, but Eddie takes your hands and forces the two of you onto your feet, your knees lightly buckling. “I have so much stuff! There’s so much left to unpack.”
“Oh, I’m sure unpacking yourself into the second half of the walk-in is so hard, baby. C’mon, I’ll help you out.”
Again, Eddie’s house looks humble from the outside, but it was nothing to snark at. As he made more money, he slowly upgraded and renovated instead of just moving into a bigger house. The one upgrade that wasn’t really for him, but a constant reminder of what he lost, was the his-and-hers closet he had made for his ex, something she only enjoyed for six months before leaving him. He was excited to see your dresses, skirts, pants, and underwear in his closet, and especially your smell. Basically, he was excited for your invasion of the house.
You walk over to his–your–room where there are still boxes sitting, waiting to be unpacked. You start unpacking the one labeled dresses/skirts. As you start laying out a pile, separating the skirts you knew you weren’t gonna wear from the ones you would, Eddie sidled up beside you, pulling one you knew looked good on you up from the pile you weren’t gonna wear. “Hey, hey. Why haven’t I seen you in this one?”
You hesitate in your answer, pulling two more dresses out before answering. “Dylan fucked me while I wore that.” You admit, and he drops it immediately. He pulls another one up, hands moving over the silky blue fabric. Damn that one looked great on you. “That one, too.”
He drops it unceremoniously, hands moving to his hips. “Which ones hasn’t he touched you in?”
You put your hands on the much smaller, less appealing pile. “These.”
Eddie sighs, scratching his head. “Alright. We’re going shopping.” He announces, placing the pile of your old ‘rejects’ onto the floor.
“Huh?” You ask him, not sure you heard him correctly.
“Yep. Just leave all the clothes in a pile right there, and on Saturday I’m taking you shopping.”
“Baby, I work Saturday.”
“So call in.”
After Eddie helps you settle in for the next day and a half, you spend a good portion of your Friday in the kitchen, working in tandem to make supper together. You place plates at the dining room table Eddie and Dylan barely used, straighten up the napkins and the utensils when Eddie comes from behind you, and you feel his cock press right up against your ass. You grind back into it, closing your eyes and whimpering.
“Ed, they’ll be here in like,” you let out a sigh, “half an hour.”
He turns you, giving you a dirty kiss and gripping your hips harshly. “Then we better get moving.” He slips your dress up your hips and your underwear down.
“Hmm…take off your pants.”
He slips his cock in, bending you over the table, making you gasp. “Already off, baby.”
Dylan pulls up in his truck, now having to park in the same spot you did in the street since you took over his spot on the driveway. “So, this is my house.”
“For three more weeks?” Maya asks, teasing him.
He lets their hands intertwine, leading her to the door. “I did grow up here.”
“Yet your dad is kicking you out.” She says, eyes narrowed.
“No, not kicking me out…” He drifts off, when Maya’s green eyes silently ask him, he dismisses it. “I’ll tell you later. C’mon.” He unlocks the front door, and as soon as it’s open, a very peculiar, very annoying sound is heard echoing in the house.
“Fuck, Ed, oh shit.”
Maya’s eyes go wide, it takes her a second longer to understand what they were listening to than it did for Dylan. Dylan shuts the front door, shoving his hand into his pocket for his phone. He dials his dad right away. “…Hello?” Eddie asks after three rings.
Dylan puts him on speaker. “Dad, wrap it up, we’re here.”
“Shit, sorry. Give us five—” the sound of your giggles interrupts him, “sorry, ten minutes. W-we’ll call you.”
He hangs up.
Maya’s face is the picture-perfect expression of what the fuck. “Dyl, when you said your family dynamic is odd…”
“I meant it. C’mon, let’s go for a walk to the corner store.”
Maya is taken aback, but she easily falls in line as Dylan holds his hand out for her. “Can’t believe the first thing I heard from your dad was that.”
“Darling, I have never meant it more than I have right now.” Dylan assures her, and she can see how much he means it in his brown eyes. “My dad has met my girlfriends in worse situations. Just be glad we didn’t see anything…’cause that was not coming from their bedroom.”
Eventually, you had to go upstairs to find a new dress to wear, Eddie having completely soiled it during your tryst as he phoned Dylan to let them know they were in the clear. Turns out, the two of you had time blindness when it came to one another, because neither of you were even close to done when Dylan had called.
As you climb down the stairs, there’s a knock on the door, and Eddie meets you there in time to open it to face Dylan and his new girlfriend. It was an intriguing feeling, opening the door to Dylan while Eddie’s arm was behind your back. Like a couple welcoming their son home. It was…bizarre to say the least. “Hey, sorry about—”
“It’s fine, dad. Rather not talk about it.” Dylan insists, his arm around a pretty redhead.
“Sure. Come on in.”
They step in, Maya taking a look around at the place as she does. “Maya, this is my dad and his girlfriend, Y/N. Guys, this is Maya.”
You weren’t used to Dylan being suddenly so cool with you and Eddie being together. He’s never out loud said that you were his dad’s girlfriend before without rolling his eyes or gagging. Whatever he had with Maya seemed to bring him some peace.
Thank god, you didn’t know if you could handle more eye rolls from Eddie’s 25-year-old teenage son. “Maya! Nice to meet you.” You hold your hand out to her, which she accepts graciously.
You remember meeting Eddie as a father to Dylan, and while your thoughts were occupied, whatever you were expecting for Dylan’s dad, it certainly wasn’t Eddie. You could see it clear in her face she wasn’t expecting this metalhead, either.
“Hi, Mr. Munson, nice to meet you.” She extends her hand to Eddie, and Eddie just about loses his mind.
“Ew. Don’t. Call me Eddie. Please.” Eddie gags, the same reaction he had when you addressed him that way when you first met.
“Oh. Sorry. Nice to meet you, Eddie.”
Eddie smiles back, purposefully dressing himself down as a parental figure. You could tell he was poising himself differently for them. Whether it was self consciousness over the last time he met a girlfriend, or making it clear to Dylan he had no plans for a second contender, it did the job.
“Alright, the dining room is this way.” You extend your hand out down the hall, leading the way out of a somewhat awkward situation.
The four of you sit at the table, both men at the heads of the table while you and Maya sit across from one another. Eddie picks up the salad bowl, plating himself quickly and handing it over to you. “So, Dylan. Tell us how you and Maya met.”
They both start the story, eager to share. “Oh, can I tell, Dyl? You always get to.”
“Fine by me.”
Maya giggles softly before facing you and Eddie. “Well, my best friend sort of ditched me to tag along to guys’ night, and I refused to be ditched, so I got myself ready and ended up being fashionably late. When she invited me, I was already done for the night, pajamas and all but I got dressed up out of pure spite.” You chuckle, that’s something Bethany would do. “I got to the club, and suddenly I saw Dylan, and I didn’t want to talk to anyone else for the rest of the night.” She looks over to him, her eyes soft and her pink lips in a sweet smile. “He just drew me right in. We talked for so long we didn’t even realize it was time for last call.”
“Wow.” You comment, taking the last bowl in rotation from Eddie’s hands, the stir-fry vegetables. “Sounds like you guys have a great connection.” You look at Dylan at the last word, hoping he receives your message.
“Oh, we truly do.” Maya grins, Dylan shooting a wink at her in response.
Eddie grabs your hand under the table, and you hold it, petting at the tough skin and colliding with his rings.
“Our first date was incredible.” Maya mentions off-hand but doesn’t elaborate. If it was anything like your first date with Eddie, you knew better than to pry further. “So Dylan told me how you guys met, tell me about that.”
You and Eddie share a look of surprise at how casually she mentions it. You weren’t expecting her to know yet, in fact you were wondering if Dylan was going to tell her at all. Eddie lets out a chuckle. “A shitshow, let’s just say. When Dylan found us, it just became real messy in here.”
Unfortunately, Eddie missed the continuous waving Dylan was doing across the table to stop, please!
“How would meeting online make things messy?” Maya asks, the story Eddie had just told her and the story Dylan explained not exactly lining up.
“What?” Eddie asks, now unsure himself.
Your hand meets your mouth in understanding, facing Dylan with his head in his own hands. “Baby, I don’t think he told her, yet.”
“Nope.” Dylan musters out, annoyed.
“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” Maya asks, watching everyone’s facial expressions one by one.
Dylan sighs, not ready to explain this part. “They didn’t meet online. Remember, my ex? The one who cheated on me?”
Maya rolls her eyes. “Of course I remember that bitch.” She says, giving you a look that says, ‘am I right’.
Dylan sighs, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Uh, Maya?”
“That’s her.” He says, pointing to you. “She cheated with my dad.”
Maya looks at you, dumbfounded, as you wave with a tight smile on your face. Being called that cheating bitch behind your back was certainly a new development from him. Not the…greatest feeling in the world. She looks to Eddie, who isn’t smiling, somewhat insulted on your behalf, but gives a friendly wave nonetheless.
“I said my family dynamic is different, didn’t I?”
“I thought you meant with how young she is…”
“There’s that…and there’s this. It used to hurt me a lot more, but honestly, since I met you, I don’t really feel that pain anymore.” He says to her. “I wish we could’ve had this conversation in private, but I guess I didn’t warn them.” A new hardness reaches Maya’s eyes as she looks at you, and you’re slightly taken aback by it. “Don’t be mad at them, because I’m not anymore. Well, mostly anyway. My dad said when he met her that he had to know everything about her or he was going to lose his mind.” You look to Eddie, and he winks at you slyly as you mouth the words I love you to him. “I used to think that was bullshit… But when I met you, Maya, I felt the same way, and I realized I couldn’t blame them for pursuing it if it was half as strong as what I felt when I saw you.”
The ice in Maya’s stare all melts the gloss in her eyes. “That’s still super messed up.”
“One hundred percent.” Dylan looks over to you and Eddie, and you’re wondering if the two of you were supposed to leave the table and give them privacy. “But now…they look good together. They’re good for one another. She puts this smile on his face that I never get to see anymore, and she seems more happy with him than she ever was with me.”
Your phone buzzes in your chair under your thigh. A text from Eddie. For the record, no one feels as strongly for anyone as I do for you. No one ever will.
You look at him and he nods once, his lips in a firm line. Your hands reach for his, interlocking with his. “Maya, I know you didn’t mean to but I would appreciate you not calling her a bitch.” Eddie tells her, parent voice on. “Now that we have all that out of the way, Maya, tell us what you do for work.”
Maya was a peach, and she seemed great for Dylan. As she helped clear the table she asked Dylan a question and it led to him announcing he was moving out. Out loud, Eddie gave him a proud hug, telling him it was a great idea.
To you, Eddie pumped his fist in celebration. As you washed the dishes that night, insisting Dylan and Maya go enjoy a movie on the couch, Eddie comes up behind you, wrapping his arms around you. “When Dylan finally moves out, I’m fucking you on every surface in this house. I might just tell you to stay naked for easier access.” He leaves a wet kiss on your neck, and you’re left to imagine the possibilities as he adjusts himself while clearing the rest of the table.
True to his word, as Saturday dawns, Eddie wakes you up two hours before you start work and tosses your phone to call in sick for it. You text your manager at his request, and as soon as you hit send, Eddie sends you to his bathroom to get ready for a shopping day. In your first outfit, a pair of shorts and an oversized sweater, Eddie looks up and down at you exasperated and tells you to go get all dressed up and put some makeup on.
When your hands land on your hips at this he backtracks hard. “Of course you can wear what you want, baby! I just know that you love to get all dressed up, and I thought it would be fun for you. That’s all. We’re going to be trying on lots of clothes and I want my girl feeling her best.”
Okay, he has a point. An hour passes by, Eddie moving around you as he gets dressed up himself, less dramatic than his date night outfit, but dressed up all the same. As you finish, a wing on your eye, he comes behind you, looking over your shoulder for something. “You know I used to wear eyeliner all the time?”
“I…no?” You stutter, turning to face him.
“Might put some on today.” He mutters, slightly teasing you.
“If you don’t want to scare the general public, maybe we’ll save it for a date night, Ed.” You yank the pencil away from him, terrified that if you look away for one second, he’ll go overboard.
“Not even a little on my water line?” He asks, and you suddenly realize that yes, he does want some makeup for the day.
“I don’t see why not.” You shrug.
Now you walk hand in hand in the largest mall in town, starting the journey down the large aisle, leading Eddie. But eventually, Eddie ends up leading you, knowing exactly which stores he wants to go to. In the first store he takes you to, you look around the racks timidly, putting away anything you see over 20 bucks. In less than five minutes, Eddie comes by with a pile of clothes in his arms. “I’m gonna get a dressing room started, ok?” He pauses, noticing the 45 dollar dress you just put back. “Ooh, can you hand me that?”
“No, it’s too much.” You insist, looking at the large pile of clothes he has. You thought he meant like, three or four items at the most.
“I didn’t ask how much it was, sweetheart. Hand it over.” He tells you, to which you do. Only five minutes later, as you have only picked out two or three more dresses yourself, does he swing by and tug you to the biggest dressing room, the walls decorated with clothing.
“I-I’m not trying all of this on, am I?” You look around, it would take you at least an hour, and that’s if you hurried.
“Yep. And you’re showing me every piece.” He says, before closing the door on your stunned face.
“Eddie, this is way too much.”
“No complaining, just show me the first one!” he yells to you, no real bark behind his command.
The first dress you wear was a bit revealing, an open back, up to your thighs with a cowl neckline that shows cleavage. He smiles at you, leaning his elbows onto his knees in the seat offered in the dressing room. “Nice… Do a spin.” You roll your eyes, spinning for him slowly and timidly. He whistles lowly. “Man, I’m good. Next!”
He asked for a spin in everything you modeled for him until he didn’t need to, you did it for him. With each new piece, you were learning to not care if you were in a store with him, posing for him as he assessed each piece. Some you thought looked decent on you, he put in the no pile, while others you thought were a sure no, he put in the yes. He told you ultimately, it was your decision and if you felt uncomfortable, you could put one in the no pile, but he knew your body better than anyone. If he insisted it looked good, it must’ve looked good.
At the last piece you put on, he can’t seem to decide, asking an attendant for her opinion. She says she thinks the shirt looks amazing on you but isn’t sure about the style of pants. “Yeah, I chose them just to see if you’d wear it.” You shook your head no, feeling uncomfortable in the business type pants. “Cool. Get dressed in your clothes, we have more stores to hit up.” You toss the shirt to him after yanking it off, and by the time you make your way to the register, the attendant is already handing over two oversized bags to him.
“Eddie, this is enough clothes, I really don’t need anymore!” You insist as he directs you to a store only three spaces over.
As soon as you walk in, they see the big bags Eddie’s carrying and immediately offer their assistance. Eddie rolls his eyes, knowing he only ever gets the star treatment if he’s walking around with the occasional designer bag. (He likes their underwear). “Well, I don’t know if you noticed, but the women’s side of our closet is huge, and you didn’t have nearly enough clothes to fill it anyway.”
Our closet. You’re so fixated on the use of the word our that you don’t realize he’s waiting for you to talk. “Doesn’t mean I need more.”
“Oh, that’s exactly what it means!” He turns to the employee who’s been following him around and hands her the bags. “Be a dear and hold on to these, will ya?” He turns back to you, resting one hand on the rack beside him and staring down at you intensely. “Baby. I want to spoil you. Let me. Please! Pick out some clothes you want, I’ll pick some out, too, and you can try them on.”
“You’ve spoiled me so much already!” You insist, gulping at the sincerity in his eyes. “You’re all I could ever ask for.”
“That’s exactly why I have to spoil you.” He retorts, placing a gentle kiss on your lips. “I love you. Let me show you how much. I have a stupid amount in savings. I kind of want to chuck some out just to keep me humble.”
You giggle at this, finally, fully giving in to his madness.
Madness, it is. As you go from store to store, he gets about two more bags full from each one, and you’re sure some of these outfits will never see the light of day after you see how he looks at you in them. About ten percent will just be something you put on for about two seconds before he takes it off you. He’s buying dresses he knows he’ll be the only person to ever take them off or see you in them.
At one point, he runs back to his truck to put the eight bags he got tired of carrying around away, coming back to meet you in the store he left you in. It wasn’t much of a clothing store, but you had a basket of things you were planning to buy for yourself. Earrings, a knick knack for your desk, a cute notebook and the like. (There was a shirt you found for Eddie that you got just for the hell of it.) You're waiting in line, and you’re digging through your purse for your wallet when Eddie comes behind you, wallet out, card in the machine. “I—”
“Baby. Your money is useless today. Let me.”
You roll your eyes, and the cashier’s wide eyes at his pet-name for you catches your eye, a laugh escaping you. “Yeah, sorry. Guess I forgot to mention my boyfriend is also in his 40s.” You giggle, having just gushed about how Eddie was spoiling you to him.
“What? 40s? I’m clearly in my 20s.” Eddie asks, acting offended.
The poor cashier looks genuinely frightened, holding up his hands in surrender. “He’s joking. He is. Likes to make people squirm.”
“Oh I love to make you squirm—”
“Eddie!” You berate him, yanking him out of the store as he lets out a bout of laughter. He catches his breath, still laughing as you cross your arms, waiting impatiently for him to stop.
“Sorry, sweetheart, you made it too easy! C’mon, two more stores, then we can grab food.”
“Can I pay for food?” You ask, holding his hand.
Eddie smiles, petting your hand with his thumb. “Of course.”
The second to last store he brings you to is an underwear store. Eddie lets you do all the picking, following closely behind and offering any commentary when you ask for it. For once, he doesn’t insist that you model for him, claiming that just seeing you go through the lacier drawers of panties was torture enough. You walk out with a wardrobe’s worth of new underwear, bras, and a little bit of lingerie. It was the first time you were there to see the total, your eyes widening as Eddie takes out his card.
He smirks at your stunned expression. “Oh, this isn’t even the highest bill, sweetheart.” The transaction goes through and the kind lady behind the desks offers the bags to him. “This isn’t even half of it.”
The bill was at about 700 dollars, so the very idea drove you insane that he had already collected every receipt and refused to let you see them.
He brings you to one last store, wall to wall, covered in clothes. He goes a little ham this time, and you notice he focuses on basics. Sweatpants, sweaters, shorts, and under shirts. There’s one thing he chooses that has you struggling to get the zipper up, and eventually you call out for him for help after a good five minutes of fumbling .
He opens the curtain delicately so as to not reveal anything, and you look at him helplessly as your hand can’t reach the zipper sitting low on your ass. His fingers are light to the touch, as one hand rests on your shoulder, one on the zipper as it goes up to your neck, your hair held by your hands. You can’t help the shiver that runs through you as your hair curtains down around your neck, and you turn to face him, holding your hands out to silently ask him what he thought.
What does he think? He thinks that this fucking dress looks so good on you that it would be a crime to get you to start trying on those shorts and sweaters. Hell, you knew your size, you were probably good to go. It was much less revealing than any dress you tried on, a number he’ll probably get you to wear on your next date. He couldn’t help himself, surrounded by the privacy of the small room, he leans in to kiss you sweetly, one hand going up to frame your neck. “Baby.” He mutters, his voice sounding desperate. “You look…fucking gorgeous.”
You smile into it, your hand tracing the seam of his shirt along his torso. “Thanks. Help me out of it? I still need to try on all these clothes.”
His tongue swipes across your bottom lip, surprising you. A slight whimper escapes you as he backs you into the wall against a few clothing articles hanging there. “I will absolutely help you out of this dress.” He says, his voice husky and a touch of arousal lands in your underwear as you realize why. “But then I’m going to get my cock in you.”
“In-in here?” You ask, highly aware you’re in a public space.
“Mmhmm. Be quiet and no one will suspect a thing.” he says, hand slipping under the skirt of the dress to start palming at your folds over your panties. You whimper at the touch into his mouth, focusing all your energy on not alerting the kind sales lady that you were hooking up in her dressing room. “Oh, good girl, keeping herself quiet.”
“It’s…it’s hard.” You whimper, the light touches over your panties not enough, but still causing more arousal.
“So am I.” Eddie chuckles, watching your face as he teases you. He slips the hand into your panties, letting them drop on the floor. “Oh, so wet, huh?” He asks you, eyebrows furrowed as he plays with the slick on your folds.
“Does daddy buying all the pretty clothes make you all hot, baby?” He asks, voice in your ear and fingers rubbing at your clit gentle, but enough to start you to your destination. You nod your head, because on some level, this was a big turn on for you. “Oh, you horny little slut.”
“Good girl…” You whimper, and Eddie leans back from your shoulder. “Good girl. Please?” You ask him, the slut shaming wasn’t doing it for you.
“Oh, you wanna be called a good girl, huh? Daddy’s good girl?” You nod, your eyes closing as he starts to rub at your clit faster.
“Feels…feels good, Daddy…”
“Daddy’s gonna make you cum, and since you’re a good girl you’re not gonna make a fucking sound. Okay?” You nod, holding a whimper in your throat from the finger he slides into your heat. “Oh she’s close.” He mutters to himself, placing gentle kisses on your neck. “Fall apart on my fingers so I can fuck you, my good girl.”
Your mouth is open in a silent scream, an orgasm shaking through you as you wither against the dressing room wall.  
“Oh, that’s my good girl, such a good listener. Now, turn around and hold on to those hooks.” You do as he says, and as you brace yourself with your hands awkwardly against the hooks decorated with hangers, he zips the dress off you, lifting it over your head and nearly forgetting to muffle his own moan when he sees you aren’t wearing a bra. He lets his pants fall around his calves, and as his cock pushes you, you let your jaw open and eyes close, doing everything you could not to moan out loud.
He slowly bucks into you, and you close your eyes and lean against the wall headfirst while the scent of store clothes invades your senses. Soon, Eddie leans forward, forcing your torso up against his back as he places his ringed hand around you like a necklace. He kisses at the skin he can reach sweetly, eyes open as he watches your reaction to everything he does to you.
While the prospect of being caught by someone was hot, Eddie found himself watching for your visual reactions than listening for your audible ones. Hmm. He didn’t realize he had begun to rely on them. “How’s Daddy’s cock?”
“G-good.” You whisper, leaning into his chest with your head back against his shoulder.
“Gonna cum in you.” He mutters. He starts fucking into you a little harder, and it has to be perfectly timed because if he went all the way in, the sound of his balls against your pussy would be a dead giveaway.
“How’s everything in there?”
“Speak.” Eddie commands you, and you have to tear yourself from outer space for a moment.
“Great, thank you!”
“Just a reminder we try not to encourage two people in one dressing room.”
“She was just needing help with a zipper. Almost done.” Eddie pipes out, sounding relatively normal for someone seconds away from cumming.
“If you need any help or sizes, let us know.”
 “Thanks…” Shit, that sounded out of breath.
“Cum in me.” You whisper, and Eddie does just that, slowly fucking his way through his orgasm, his cheeks flushed, shirt clinging onto the sweat.
You nearly protest as he takes himself out and tucks himself back into his pants. At this point, you were so turned on you kind of wanted to blow him while you had him in the room. You hold his face in your hands and connect your foreheads. “Is it bad I still want more?” You mutter under your breath.
Eddie swears softly, his boner fighting harshly against his slacks. “Fuck. No, I do, too.” He tugs your naked self into his arms, kissing your hair softly. “But…she was suspicious. Unless we want to get kicked out, we should quit while we’re ahead.”
“Can I blow you when we get home?” You ask him, turning to grab your own clothes off the floor.
Eddie chuckles, shaking his head as he grabs the clothes scattered around the dressing room. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”
It took multiple trips from Eddie’s truck to bring in all the bags. You truly didn’t realize how many pieces of clothing he had bought you until you saw it all scattered on the closet floor, all ready to be reorganized. Eddie starts hanging them, and you notice the outline of his cock in his slacks. He was still throbbing.
“Can I?” You ask, sitting pretty on your knees and looking up at him.
“Fuck, I’m never gonna say no to that.” Eddie answers, placing a hand under your chin.
You undo his pants, giving him a hungry look as his cock springs free. “You’re still hard?” You ask, knowing you’ve gotten food at the food court and walked around the mall a bit more before coming home.
“Mmhm.” You smile, jerking him lazily as you eye the length hungrily. You have the idea to tease him more, but the need to feel the weight of his cock on your tongue is too much. Eddie swears loudly as you take him in your mouth, gripping onto the center console for accessories and underwear. “Fuck”
You slowly bob your head up and down, staring up at him through your eyelashes as you relax your throat and allow your nose to meet his stomach. His hands skim through your hair, moving your head lightly, and again, you find it ridiculously easy to submit to him.
Eddie is uncharacteristically quiet, head thrown back in bliss as he feels the spit gather at his base. His stomach starts to tighten up a little bit and under your hands, his thighs are tense. Somehow it spells out to you he’s close.
You prepare yourself, moving your head faster on your own accord, opening your eyes at him again to watch for his reaction as you double down. A goddamn whimper escapes his throat as you continue, and suddenly it’s your goddamn mission to make him make that sound again. “Fuck, baby. Fuck…” Without any warning, the warm salty taste of his cum hits your tongue and you moan around him as he rides through his orgasm.
For once, as you wipe your mouth, you can tell he’s the one that needs recovery. You move to your feet, waiting for him to catch his breath. “Need some water?” You ask him, somewhat joking.
“The fuck was that?” He asks, his face in awe as he looks at you.
You give a cheeky and quick little kiss to the hand on your cheek. “Wanted to make you feel good.”
“Jesus Christ—” he tugs you into a hug, habitually kissing your hair. “How did I get so lucky?”
“Uh Ed.” You push lightly on his chest to get out of the hug, giving him a look of disbelief. You look gesture around the closet to the half of the clothes still not put away. “How are you the lucky one?”
Eddie’s face breaks into a wide smile, his dimples prominent, his smile lines deep. “You keep thinking that, darling.” He laughs, tugging you back into his arms.
As you stand there against his chest, relaxing into him with your eyes closed, the doorbell rings. “I’ll get it. You put away my clothes since you know where everything goes.”
“I did design this closet.” He retorts, pointing a finger at you.
You walk down the stairs to the front door, seeing a tall figure facing away through the smart glass. You open the door to a gorgeous set of brown locks, perfectly coiffed. The figure turns around, and clearly doesn’t expect to see you standing there. “Hey, Ed- whoa.” You recognize his face, but you aren’t sure where from. You subtly fix your hair; suddenly aware you had just given head to your boyfriend. “Uh, sorry, little lady. Is Eddie here?”
“He’s upstairs in the closet. Can I help you?”
The stranger smiles kindly, and you notice the freckles on his face are like constellations. “Oh sorry! I told him I’d be coming through town, but I forgot to say when. I’m Steve, Steve Harrington.”
Thank you so much for reading! I love to read your comments, replies, and reblogs. As always, reblogging is the best way to support your fic writers on tumblr.
Taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinncore @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you
Taglist for Really Drives Me Mad: @yunnie-f1 @hollster88 @corrodedcoffincumslut @daisyridleyyyy @daniellabrandt @lail1010 @alicentswife @names-were-taken @bl4ckt00thgr1n
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magxnoria · 2 years
Starring Tokyo Revengers Men In ✰ Fight Night
Cast Line Up Ran, Rindou, Haruchiyo, Mikey, Kakucho, Hajime and Current Shuji
Rated PG-13
Minors This Isn’t For You
Summary ✰ How The Men react When you defend them! Your Hands getting Bloody Got Their Minds Getting Hazy!
No pronouns up in here but the Reader has a Kitty 
Ran Haitani
✰ For the First time in Ran’s Life he can truly say he flabbergasted, Seeing you one punch a fool out got him standing there shocked
✰ He can't help but Fanboy, You knocked this idiot lights out for him? Oh he's flattered and turned on at the same time
✰ He boasts and Brags about how you defended his “honor” to Rindou and Sanzu whenever he gets the opportunity
✰ “One punch and the fuckers teeth flew out” Ran boasts as Rindou sighs, “ And you stood there just fawning like a fucking idiot while your babe's hands got dirty with blood?” Sanzu asked making Ran dramatically gasp. “Hell No. I got a few stomps in” Ran grinned as Sanzu laughed and Rindou tried his best to ignore the conversation
✰ Ran Hates to admit it but he loves seeing you fight, something about you getting Violent just makes him hot and bothered
✰ “ You look so hot when you're angry maybe I should keep you mad then” Ran teases as his fingers hold your chin up
The day was going well, Ran and you were spending your time together basking in each other's company. You were happy to have Ran all to yourself without him being busy with work or whatever Shenanigans he has with Haruchiyo and Rindou but every good thing comes to an end
“You a bitch, Ran Haitani. A good for nothing blight on society!” Bolstering fool yelled making Ran roll his eyes, “And what makes you able to judge Him huh? Look at you with those grease stains on your shirt and your uneven Haircut” You said back to Bolstering Fool before Ran could even open his mouth 
“You think you're bad because of your Haitani little plaything? Your boyfriend isn't shi-” Bolster fool said before your fist connected with his head, The punch you landed made the man crumble to the ground like a balled up piece of paper. Ran couldn't keep himself from staring at you slack jawed, “ You knocked him out like it was nothing? When you learn how to do that?” Ran asked before grabbing your hand 
“I learned a few things hanging out with the guys and you, thought it would help to be strong myself” You answer back nonchalantly making Ran grin, “ Never thought I would see the day that you would defend me like that” Ran grinned before pulling you close to him. “Now let us go get something to eat I'm hungry” You sighed as Ran kissed your forehead, “ Okay anything for my bodyguard” Ran Giggled 
Rindou Haitani
✰Rindou's eyes had never been wider than the moment he saw you toss the annoying woman who was flirting with him across the floor of the club
✰ The way You was able to bob & weave before picking her up by her hair and rag dolling her got Rindou stunned
✰ Never has he ever seen the side of you, Now he needs to know what makes you tick and when you learned how to fight like this.
✰ “What Rinnie Thought you were the only one who knew how to break bones huh?” You teased as Rindou's eyebrow only raised at you
✰ Rindou's nerves getting worked by Ran and Sanzu every day now, They can't keep quiet about how strong you are 
✰ “Hulked up in the fucking club, Never seen ya babe do that before man” Sanzu laughed while Ran Giggled,” Like wrestling or some shit” Ran grins before Rindou made them hush up. “Keep talking, maybe I'll let the love of my life put your asses in casts” Rindou glared making the laughter stop
✰ With You by his side he feels oddly unstoppable now. He just got to keep an eye on you, don't need you getting hurt or snapping bones like twigs 
Rindou was Annoyed, This woman has been flirting with him up for the last thirty minutes and he had more than enough. “Can't you take a hint?” I’m not interested” Rindou glared as the trifling broad kept flapping her lips, “How can I leave you alone? You look so lonely sitting here by yourself” Trifling broad pouted making Rindou pray for you to show up
His prayers were answered when he heard your voice, “Who the fuck do you think you're flirting with?” You asked Making Trifling Broad look at you uglily. “And who are you?” She answered back with a question of her own, “The one who his heart belongs to. So back off before I get mad” You said while smiling making Trifling Broad's eye twitch before she tried to sucker punch you but you were faster than her
You dodge her punch without any effort before punching her in the ribs and grabbing her by her hair, Rindou's eyes widening as you tossed Trifling Broad across the club by Her hair before coming to sit on his lap while acting as you didn't just use a woman as a human frisbee
“Since when did you know how to fight?” Rindou as you smiled up at him, “I always knew how to fight. Just The opportunity for me to fight never came up” You said before kiss his cheek. “Damn I love you” Rindou groaned before Ran interrupted you two, “That was Amazing” Ran gushed making Rindou sigh
Haruchiyo Sanzu
✰ You got Haruchiyo questioning reality, One Minute this drunk bitch was splashing her drink in his face and the next she was on the floor like a broken chip
✰ He's used to being the crazy one in the relationship but seeing you resort to violence for him? Got him straining in his pants
✰ “Fuck. I  never knew you had this in you” Haruchiyo exclaims as he pushed his wet bangs out of his face
✰ He had never been more turned on in his life, he got to take you someplace less crowded and show you what you did to him
✰ The Haitani's are more cautious around you now, you're as crazy as your boyfriend in their eyes
✰ “Kicked the girl's nose in while wearing stilettos” Ran whispers to Takeomi as Haruchiyo laughs, “Dont forget My babe was Wearing a dress too and looked graceful as fucked while doing it” Haruchiyo grins while Ran just stares at the madman
✰ Yes he's Insane but he's insanely in love with you and that's all that matters
Haruchiyo leaned against the bar as he watched you dance from afar, His drink in his hand as he took in the way you moved only to be disturbed by drunken slurs. “So you're gonna pretend you don't know me, Huh?? After Breaking My heart!” Drunken bitch spat out pulling Haruchiyo from his trance
“Look Lady I don't fucking know you. Can You please get out of my fucking space?” Haruchiyo said while trying not to get pissed off, “You know what? Fuck you bastard” the Drunken bitch slurred before tossing the entire glass of liquor in Haruchiyo's face. Like in a movie you turned around to see everything happen in slow motion.
Before everyone knew it you had delivered a roundhouse kick to a drunken bitch head that Even Made Manjiro Sano say damn, Haruchiyo couldn't help but be shocked as you walked over to him. “You okay baby?” You asked as you grabbed a napkin and dried off his face while he pushed back his bangs 
“I'm alright. That was just so fucking hot” Haruchiyo groaned as he pulled you close to him, “Let's leave. Go somewhere quiet for a while hmmm?” Haruchiyo whispered in your ear as you bit your lip. “Okay Haru, Let's go” You grinned before grabbing his hand and walking over the unconscious body of Drunken Bitch to leave.
“I got that all on Camera, World star!” Ran giggled as Rindou rolled his eyes at his brother.
Manjiro Sano
✰ Manjiro is used to protecting you, The thought never crossed his mind that one day you might defend him
✰ But now he sits in his chair chilled to the core as you wail on the fool that disrespected his name 
✰ The same hands that lovingly caress him is currently turning a man's face bloody, even Sanzu is shocked seeing you go wild with rage
✰ Manjiro is touched, That you would dirty your hands for him and spill blood but he doesn't want you to harm yourself
✰ Is quick to grab your fist and calm you down while his man takes care of the mess you made and the unconscious fool
✰ Manjiro's Love for you is solidified more than ever now, You love him so much that you bruised up your knuckles because a fucker disrespected his name? He needs to buy you a wedding ring ASAP
Another Night in the club but you didn't mind, You liked being around Manjiro and his Men after all he is a king and this is his kingdom. You focused on dancing and enjoying the night but unfortunately, that would be ruined for you. “ Manjiro is a weakling. A tapeworm” Drunk Bastard said pissing you off
“What did you say?” You asked before cracking your knuckles, “ You heard me bitch. Manjiro Sano is nothing but a piece of garbage pail sludge” Drunk bastard slurred making you jump out of your heels as you approached him at rapid speed before decking him in the mouth with your fist
“Say that shit again… Oh, you can't huh? You grinned as you let rage take over as you continued to beat the man senseless, the club coming to a halt as Manjiro and his men watched you Pummel Drunk bastard to a pulp. You only stopped when Manjiro himself had grabbed your fist, “I don't want you to Hurt yourself. Let Sanzu Take care of him” Manjiro said before helping you up
“You didn't have to get your hands bruised and dirty for me you know.” Manjiro said as he cleaned you up, “I want to protect you because i love you” You respond back to him making him sigh. “ You're the most precious person to me, I can't risk you getting hurt.” Manjiro said before kissing your lips, “I love you” Manjiro whispered before kissing your hand 
✰ Maybe it's because he just got smacked across the face but did Kakucho Just see you bodyslam the woman who slapped him unprovoked?
✰ Mans thinks he's hallucinating cause he had Never seen you this angry before nor has he seen you lay your hands on someone like this 
✰ You got Kakucho worried for you, did you get hurt? Has any harm come to you? Got him stressing
✰ “ You didn't have to do that you know” Kakucho whispers in your ear as you iced his face, “ Like hell I didn't. I got to protect you like you protect me” You sighed making Kakucho feel warm
✰ Man does he loves you but please don't put yourself in Harm's way for him, He doesn't know how he would handle it if something happened to you
✰ He hears wedding bells in the distance and he knows that's not a hallucination 
Kakucho was sitting on the park bench waiting for you, the day was beautiful but everything had to turn ugly. “You piece of shit! You broke me!” Misguided wretch screamed shaking Kakucho out of his thoughts, “ I'm sorry but you got me confused for someone else” Kakucho said as he tried to reason with a visibly drunk woman
“How dare you try to gaslight me?” Misguided Wretch screamed before slapping Kakucho across the face but before Misguided Wretch knew it She was being slammed to the ground by you, “ How dare you slap him? My man” You yelled out as your hands pounded on the woman's face
You let your anger boil over as continued to beat her ass even as she clawed at you. You were hellbent on making her pay for what she did, Only stopping when you finally knocked her light out. Kakucho was quick to help you up and fix your clothes but your concern was all on him
“Kaku, are you okay? You asked as you softly held his face, “ Im alright but are you okay? Kakucho replied back as he searched you for injuries. “ You didn't have to do that you know,” Kakucho said making you smile, “ I did it because I love you and no one disrespects the one I love” you responded back before kissing his face. “Now to get some ice for your face” you said before grabbing his hand 
Hajime Kokonoi
✰ You got Hajime's brain not working. he puzzled and in the deepest stages of shock, seeing you knock out the man who spanked your ass in passing
✰ It happened so quickly that Hajime questioning his thoughts, The only thing that confirms that it happens is your bruised knuckles and the unconscious fool who lays before you
✰ He's so turned on right now, he can't hide it. You can fight? Like this? Fuck.
✰ Is quick to clean your knuckles off before massaging them while staring at you with eyes full of infatuation 
✰ “I never knew you could punch like that,” Hajime said while his eyes searched yours for a reaction, “I just got mad that's all” You answer him back
✰ Remind him to never get you mad then, Your punches are lethal. But he has to admit it's so hot seeing this side of you
✰ He got a new weakness and again it involves you.
You couldn't help but feel warm all over as you walked with Hajime, He always made you feel like heaven when your hand was held by his but you were pulled back to earth when you felt a hand that wasn't Hajime Spanked your ass. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” You asked before letting go of Hajime Hand and approaching disgusting Sleazebag
“A man who knows when he sees a beautiful ass he has to spank it” Disgusting sleazebag answered back making you snap, before you knew it your anger had taken control of you and your fist was against Disgusting sleazebag's head. You sent disgusting sleazebag flying against the pavement as Hajime stood there confused
“What the fuck just happened?” Hajime asked while you wrapped your arms around him, “ He spanked my ass and I punched his lights out Koko” You sighed While Hajime rubbed your back. “I never knew you had power in your punches” Hajime said making you giggle, “ I never got this pissed off before” You smiled as Hajime Grabbed your hand
“Let get some ice for your hand” Hajime said before walking away with you leaving Disgusting sleazebag on the ground dazed and confused
Shuji Hanma
✰ Shuji thought he knew everything about you but apparently he was wrong, The way you just dropped this fucker who was starting shit with Him got Shuji grinning like a madman
✰ Damn you were made for each other, fucking soulmates in his mind. He can't believe you could be so ruthless
✰ Got Him leaking just from seeing you draw blood from this idiot's head it's like he woke up in the hottest dream ever 
✰ “ Damn Babe. He's out” Shuji says while he pulls you away from the imbecile, “ So fucking Hot, Now let's leave this scene” Shuji groans before catching your lips in a sloppy kiss
✰ He's always talking about how good of a fighter you are, Kisaki is sick of hearing about it
✰ “ before I knew it babe had dodged his punches and had him laying there like a wet duvet,” Shuji says while Kisaki massages his temples 
✰ The damn world better get used to hearing Shuji gush about how quick with your hands you is because he's never gonna shut up
You spent the day with Shuji as he took pictures of the scenery, Your head on his shoulder as he looked through his camera roll. “Looks good Shu” You smiled only for that smile to run off your face. “Look at this, a bitch sitting here with his camera” Blubbering dumbass said making Shuji roll his eyes, “ I dont know who the fuck you think you are but leave us alone before things get ugly” Shuji Responded back making Blubbering dumbass sneer
“You can't tell me what to do, you weak pathetic worm.” Blubbering dumbass quickly snapped back making you stand up, “Look leave us alone.” You said before glaring the man down. “Oh, you think you make me scared? You and your boyfriend isn't nothing but bitc-” Blubber asshole said before he was cut off with a punch to the gut
Shuji's mouth opening up as he watched you beat the shit out of blubbering dumbass, your fist damaging the man with every blow you gave making Shuji get aroused, “ Fuck babe. You got hands” Shuji said as he walked to you before grabbing your arms. “Hes out cold. Don't want you to damage your hands” Shuji said before helping you up
“Fuck. That was hot. Never knew you had that in you” Shuji grinned before kissing your lips, “now let's go home because I got another way you can take your anger out” Shuji groaned as he held your hand
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Please Don’t Steal My Shit 
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alexa-fika · 6 months
hey I'm so so sorry but can you make nifty reader a female? I'm so so sorry I didn't clarify 😭 you don't have to at all I'm so so sorry
Menace Ahoy (Whitebeard pirates x f!child!reader)
A/N Absolutely no problem! Thank you for asking!
Talking about this post with male!reader
Reader here is replaced by Dokucha as a placeholder which means Reader in japanese
Dividers by @/saradika
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“You lost her?!”
“The hell do you mean me?! You were also supposed to keep an eye on her!”
“That’s enough the both of you! Right now, we need to focus on finding her before she sneaks into the kitchen or the training areas.” The first-man yelled, scolding his crewmates
“I swear I had her by my side a few seconds ago. I just I blinked, and just like that, gone! It’s like she just up and vanished!” Ace said desperately, looking around
“That’s why you can’t take your eyes off her; she is quick like that,” mutters Vista, thinking of where the little menace could have run off to now
“She wouldn’t get off the ship, would she?” He questions
“Unlikely, she will only get down once she sees one of us has deboarded, and despite looking for trouble, she won’t leave our side unless we tell her she can,” Izou pipes in
Their discussion is quickly cut short as two voices join their conversation
“What have I told you about sneaking into the kitchen?” Thatch grumbles, holding a girl by the scruff of her shirt walking closer to the men
“But it was a mess! I needed to clean the mess up!” She fusses, looking up at the chef
“No, uh, Kitchen is a big No, No, don’t trust you not to steal one of my knives again.”
“It was dirty; I need to go back and clean it; I need to make sure it’s clean, so much mess, I need to clean it,” she rambled on as she began to spiral on the thought of the kitchen and all the tools and areas that needed to be cleaned up
“Hey, Hey, I get you want to clean, but you can’t just barge in and start cleaning; you could get badly hurt if you touched one of the hot surfaces. Please don’t go back in there without one of us,” He said, lowering the child to the ground
“Just don’t sneak in there again, got it?”
“It’s okay; I'm not mad at you. I'm just worried you could get badly hurt. How about you come to ask me first, and I‘ll let you know if I help clean?”
She grins, nodding excitedly
“Hey, Dokucha, are you coming with us?” Called Vista; Marco and Izou already waiting for the pair at the port
“Yeah!” She exclaimed, running her way but skidding to a stop and looking at the two behind him
“Are you not coming?” She asked, looking at Thatch and Ace
“I’ll stay here; I have some things to attend to in the kitchen,” Thatch replies; he takes a moment to sigh and rub his head
“Someone has to keep this idiot some company,” quips Ace with a grin, only to groan as his comment was received with a hit on the back of the head
“What the hell, Thatch?!”
She snickers at her brothers' antics and resumes running her way to Vista, joining her as they go down the gangway
“Where are we going?”
Marco looks back at the two
“I need to refill some of the medical supplies; after that, we need to stack up on drinks,” Marco answered, looking down at the list he held in his hands
She jumps her way to Marco, hanging from his shoulder to take a look at the note
“What’s gunpowder? And what the hell is whetstone?” the girl asked, squinting at the words in the note
“Language,” muttered Marco, giving a side eye to the kid on his shoulder
“Whetstones are used to sharpen swords, Dokucha; I need it to sharpen my swords; the one we have has grown dull,” Vista answered
“Hehehehe, Can I have the swords when you sharpen them?”
“Certainly not.”
“Just for a little bit, just want to test them; how do you know if they go through the skin if you don’t try it?” She grinned, a maniacal look growing in her eyes
“Who are you trying this on?!”
“I can find people to stab real quick; you won’t miss them.”
“I can use the blood of our enemies.”
“Still no.”
“Bah, what about gunpowder?”
“It’s used for firing weapons like my pistols,” Izou replied, showing the kid his pistols as he said that
“Din’t even ask!”
“Don’t need to; you wouldn’t be allowed.”
“Ugh, party poopers,” she whined, sticking her tongue at the two
They roll their eyes at her antics, a chuckle escaping Vista as he shakes his head
“You’re quite something, Dokucha,” Marco stated, putting the note away and beginning to make his way into town
“I wouldn’t trust you with a wea- Agh!” His words were cut off as one of the locals knocked into him, causing him to stumble slightly in surprise
“Watch where you’re walking, dumbass,” they growl, continuing their way deeper into town
“Stab, Stab?” She said, not taking her eyes off the person as they walked away, an ominous-looking smile growing on her face
“Leave them,” Marco groaned, brushing himself off
“But they deserve it to have their blood splattered!”
“They are not worth it,” Vista sighed, shaking his head
“It’s fine. Let them have their rude ways; they hardly deserve any of your attention,” Izou added
“Don’t let people like that bother you, Dokucha; people like that enjoy pushing people around. It’s best not to waste your time with them,” Vista finished
“They were rude; come on, just one stab! I’ll make the prettiest painting with their blood.”
“No one will mis-
“Absolutely not”
Everyone would be hap-
“Just drop it.”
“Come o-
The three stated their answers firmly, all three sharing a similar tone that told him there was no room for discussion
“Party poopers”
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Again thank you for asking nicely, I have no problem publishing a piece again with the pronouns changed for you guys as long as you guys asked nicely! So don’t be afraid to ask, it’s an easy fix!
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
they drank too much and have now entered the drunken stupor stage (each gets their Nfsw moments, also fuck me benckmans so hot)
shanks, rayleigh, benn, sanji, ace
a bit more coy than usual, laughs way more aswell as loves giving gentle smiles and looks at you.
hes kind of in the state between drunk and concious so he feels free although his head is swirling a little he looks perfectly fine
drags your chair closer to his with ease the calmest of smiles on his face as he does so whilst you blush
likes to cover his face when laughing , the odd numbing sensation feels pleasant to him but makes him look rather gentlemanly as he does.
kisses your hand while mid convo totally not caring if anyone's looking
also the guy to keep his hand on your thigh rubbing intimate circles and squeezing it while the person hes talking with is trying their hardest not to stare
drops back in his bed asking you to lay on top of him, hell play with your hair whilst staring into the celing
there's something about his gentle nature in this drunken stupor
kisses your temples if you tell him youre going for something
if you arrive late defenetley excuses himself to be the first to greet you
wakes up to greet the guys telling everyone the ladys still asleep
the nice guy who greets you with coffee as you stroll through in his shirt
he doesn't mind if you get touchy with him however he'd like to continue this behind closed doors
as close as they'd get he has a thing for leaving the door slightly open while he fucks you
his hips thusting agaisnt you as he guides his hands all over your back
after sex glow is inevitable with this guy he walks back with you hand in hand the two of yours necks littered with love bites all over
usually glum and taking no shit this man is open for more casual banter, throws curses every now and then, his look is mean but it means more than just a mad gaze, he's a bit of a horny drunk.
you might need to let him hold on to you as you make it back , he knows his liqour but he loves your company on the moving ship as you two stumble and laugh along the way.
the two of you rejoin the group while you're wearing his shirt your hair messy, him bare-chested as he goes around on his drunken munchies.
Oh you fucked allright
he looks hotter after sex there's something to it you're sure. could just be the way you keep imagining his body over yours, but no he definetley looks hotter
takes more liqour loves to do the cross hand shot with you.
also loves to take a shot and feed it to you though a kiss the liqour seeping in your mouth it trickles down the sides he licks it all up
the huband x wife combo of the evening more like the zooted parents wihtout a sense of privacy at times
kisses you when he sees someone staring at you, eyeing the bastard like hell
its a need for you to sit in his lap at times not just for making himself feel better but to know you're alright and in good company
cares not for policy loves to squeeze your hips watching you squirm as you hold onto his chest when he pulls you closer
turns into a light goop
loves to talk your ear off about things
also loves to compliment you whispering in your ear about how pretty you look while his eyes are glued to your cleavage his breath hot and heavy his cheeks a bright crimson
remind him its a public setting and hell fix his unexistant tie falsley sobering up
the type of guy to wave and nod when someone asks how hes doing clearly not well with the way his eyes are rolling in the back of his head at times
thats just shanks
loves to pester the introverts, makes them open up
somehow starts a drinkning game purposefully losing
forget about getting him to bed he's the dude that's the only one up making himself cocktails at 5am whilst the music is roaring and everyone's passed out
you wake up from your own nap he greets you with a smile offering you a drink , fucking loves back hugs
the dude who suggests for the party to last another day
he's in for many quickies that night , bathroom someone's bedroom , closet, outside on the balcony, on the sofa while everyone's passed out phew his libido is high
but nothing will beat the warm sensation when he lays you down on the bed with care toppling over you, his red hair brushing over his eyes he looks at you with drunken love and admiration
a puppy seriously, the type of guy to walk around greeting everyone and hours later offering hugs for anyone willing to participate
remind him to drink water because he won't , his hangovers are an absolute horror show you'll need to take care of him for the next following day
life of the party at some point doing the most absurd shit with his fire loves creating a show
waits for your rescue as he's over his limit
when you hoist him up drools over you a lot
hes dead meat by the time he reaches the bed slurring for you to come join
if he drank water hes fresh as a pickle annoying everyone else whos got a hangover
if he didnt no chores no work nothing zilch
whitebeard makes an appearance for the groggy boy showing up with some much needed food like an auntie at thanksgiving
rub his hair please he says it makes him feel better
you have to make him take a bath after one he comes out with new energy shining skin and hair mans looks like a million bucks
drops on the bed playfully wastes no time to push you in aswell
leaves kisses, somehow horny from the whole aftercare act
while established he wont last long during drunk sex, it's the hand-jobs that do it for him, he's absolutely tongue tied watching your hands run down his shaft mouth kissing and licking all over his tip
cum's more than usual, walks out with a mad blush while fastening his belt you come out seconds later pretending nothing happened
oh my little duckling
he's coy like Rayleigh though his blush is far worse his actions are way sweeter than when he's sober
he offers food a warm hand on your thigh, loves to go for a smoke break while he traps you under him his head on yours, the two of you exchange the smoke under the nights sky
an absolute sucker for affection from you
might get along with zoro
he's warm and soft towards you while trying to keep chopper from being the confused kid of the party, ends up shirtless in an odd hawaii type shirt
gets wrapped in random things people give him
dancer absolute dancer
loves to twirl you to slow songs sweeping you off your feet
close and intimate afterwards, his hands on your hips while yours are on his shoulders
foreheads touching is a must
always asks for you to light his cigarette, not that he can't himself he just likes the sparkle in your eyes when you light it
hes stuck between giving and recieving
hell do everything to eat you out that night just to make sure you're feeling good, he'll worry about himself later when he's not stuck between your thighs marking the supple skin there
he loves it when you ride him , your chest bouncing right before his eyes he cant help to hug you while he keeps pumping inside of you
tug his hair a little watch him moan at the sensation
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maithefluffychicken · 3 months
It's a shock, for Astarion, when Wyll simply says "no" to Halsin, once the big druid openly asks the young man for his favours.
Astarion is, as he does, eavesdropping their conversation - a terrible, awful habit he has - and has to suppress a gasp when Wyll rejects Halsin, in a gentlemanly, extremely polite way.
If Halsin looks disappointed by it, Astarion can't say. In his shock, the pale elf rushes to his tent, ignoring the inquisitive glances of his favourite ex-sharran cleric. Maybe he'd tell her later, sharing one of the expensive bottles of wine Astarion likes to borrow from forgotten shelves.
Back in his tent, and with Gale muttering far too close to his liking, Astarion tries to distract himself with a spicy book he found earlier that day in the city. And right before the fierce pirate captain could kiss the hero of the story, Wyll clears his throat to get his attention.
Astarion smiles at him, his stomach feeling light and funny. Fuck him, to feel all flustered just because of a human.
Is Wyll still human? Not that Astarion cares. A devil lives longer than a human, if they both survive all this illithid shit, then... maybe then...
"Gods, you're beautiful," Astarion lets the praise slip through his lips. He wishes his voice wouldn't sound as needy as he feels. But Wyll really is breathtaking, his dark skin glowing softly thanks to the closer candles.
"Astarion, I..." Wyll is nervous, he has to clear his throat again. He's so delightful. "Halsin..."
"Oh, darling, I was wondering how long it'd take for him to try!" Astarion barks a high pitched laugh, feigning surprise.
"How did you know?!"
"I guessed it!" Astarion lies. Imitates the druid's voice and speech about free love. Wyll looks both shocked and amused.
"I said no, anyway," Wyll continues. "Just wanted to tell you what happened."
"You saif 'no'? Why would you refuse the company of such a creature?" Astarion asks and he honestly wants to know the answer. "I wouldn't get mad if you ever wanted to have a ride with the bear, darling."
"I know you wouldn't oppose to open our relationship, my star," Wyll says, smiles at Astarion so sweetly it hurts. "But I'd rather be just us, if that's ok? I'm too old fashioned I'm afraid, and I'd understand if you-"
Astarion takes Wyll's hands in his. He doesn't initiates contact first often, so this small gesture is enough to get Wyll's full attention.
"You don't want to? Even if it's been a while since we haven't...?" Astarion asks, if he had a heart, the poor thing would be hammering in his chest like a bat out of hell.
"Astarion, my love, I'm not with you because of sex," Wyll says slowly, looking at Astarion's ruby eyes intently. "If you don't want to have sex ever again, that'd be fine. I just want to be with you, because of you, and I'd be happy to be with you for as long as you'll have me."
"I- Yeah, I was being foolish, wasn't I?"
"May I kiss you, my star?"
"Y-yes," Astarion swallows, taken aback by the duke's warmth, by his soft, gentle manners. By the love this young man proclaims to feel towards him.
Their lips meet in the middle, and Astarion doesn't doubt to deepen it, pouring all his feeligs, his needs and his fears into it.
Wyll look dazed when they take a step back, his lips glistening, a soft dopey smile in them.
"Ah, you are perfect, Wyll Ravengard."
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shakirawastaken · 2 years
dsmp if...they wanted to propose to you!
dsmp if... series goes wild  anyway
dream: - he’d put himself out there with a poise of confidence and strategy - like bro is prepared . he knows when where what why and how all this shit is happening  - but is also kinda like “ill just wing it and we’ll see how it goes lol” - get this man a schedule - he doesnt want to do a whole public thing so in my head i see him proposing to you in like a restaurant but like a fancy one - hed splurge for sURE  - one of those guys who had like 50 million meeting with ring companies to design the perfect one - asked his mom for help on designing a ring  - he had the blueprint for a speech in his head but when the moment came he went with the flow  - but when hes proposing hed remember his speech so hed be like - “i had this speech that id written, but looking at you made me forget it all, will you marry me?” or some shit like that LMFAOOO - pays sapnap money to come eat the place too so he can take pictures 
sapnap: - okay sapnap is a family man in my head - hed also want to do a destination proposal - maybe greece? rome? somewhere not in america is what im feeling - or hed do it in a fucking ranch in texas or like down the street from the dream team house either one - EITHER WAY he would want your parents and his parents MINIMUM to be there - searches up “best wedding ring designs 2022″ in google and hopes and prays - hed have one or two meeting to plan the ring but i think he’d be confident in what you like  - even if he has no clue - like “so sir, do you think your future fiance would like a rose gold band or gold band?” “rose gold for sure” *has no idea what you like * - would not try to plan a speech, he knows he’d forget it and wouldn’t even use it - saves all that material for the vows - so confident you’ll say yes that he starts calling ahead to look at venues to tour - LMFAO IMAGINE YOU ANSWER HIS PHONE AND THE GUY IS LIKE “hello yes we’re calling nick because he had interest in touring our wedding venue! congrats on the engagement!” - and youd be like “tf” - so you know - but dont tell him you know please it would make his year 
george: - is nervous - “dream what if they say no idk” “bro youre a fucking idiot” - def doesnt want to do a public proposal, he likes the private aspect - so he does it at home or some shit and his phone up to record cause bro knows youd be mad if you had no memento - but he doesnt do it secretly - hed press record and set it up so you can obviously see it - and youre expecting some prank - but then he gets down on one knee and youre tearing up and shi right in the middle of your kitchen - get mad at him for not letting you dress up and look nice for it - has a speech planned out in his head. word for word. and recites that shit back to you like its fucking drama class - once u say yes hes on discord like “SHE SAID YES” and sapnaps like “no fucking shit” - he’s the type of guy to make a ring that he likes and hopes that you like it too - luckily you do like the ring so it all works out - if not just tell him he wont be mad hell just go make a new one
quackity: - asks you like a few months earlier if you want to get married - “do you wanna get married” “sure” - so he knows youre locked in and ready to go LMFAOO even if you interpreted it as light hearted at the time - because of that theres a little suspicion that goes on in your mind when you see him go “i gotta take this call” or “no im def not looking up wedding venues 2023 what do you mean” - but you being the great s/o you are just ignore it - is he proposing or did he take you on a late night drive to an outlook thing - is he proposing or did you catch karl in the bushes with a camera - is he proposing or did he say youre beautiful - is he proposing or did he get down on one knee?? YK WHAT IM SAYING - bro just stares at you and you stare at him like - “babe” “babe” love - youre nodding ur head yes before bro gets a chance to speak - which is good cause he didn’t know what he wanted to say - not that he doesnt know what to say its just - he has so many words for you that he cant put them into words - was ready to blurt out a mixture of spanish and english and hope u caught his drift
karl: - enlists the help of his friend - “hey tina take y/n to get their nails done” - “hey brooke take y/n to get a new dress” - “hey sapnap give me money to buy y/n a ring” LMFAOFMOA - no hed be saving up that shit for AGES - started a proposal dream pinterest board the minute he knew you were the one - subtly ran ideas by you over the course of the years you were together - you didnt think of anything. blissfully unaware - “look at this picture on pinterest!” “oh its sO PRETTY!! imagine getting engaged there” - *saves it to the board* - BUT AS A RESULT he cant make up his mind on where to propose - so he just picks one enie-meanie-miney-mo or however you spell it  - wherever it ends up being its so sweet - mr beast or someone tricks you into coming to the location under the guise of a video  - and you show up and its karl in a suit - “lets go on a walk love” “okay?” - you get an idea of whats about to happen
wilbur: - stalks your pinterest stalks your moms pinterest stalks your ex friends sister met someone at the club and he kissed her’s pinterest - is SO CONFIDENT he’s got everything right because all his information is form you directly - plans that shit out to a T  - “okay phil at 11:02 am you call y/n and say good morning any plans for the day then tommy at 11:34 am call y/n and ask her if she wants to join you for a vlog at [location]” “dude wil we know lets just get on with it” - chooses somewhere with ambience with music perhaps by the ocean or a river or something - meticulously listens to all of spotify for the perfect song to play in the background - hired james and ash (professionals) to film  -  public proposal wants the world to know that he is wilbur and he loves you -  isnt nervous about proposing but is scared something is gonna go wrong -  the whole build up to the proposal is a blur to him  - he wants it to be perfect - hes mentally checking everything off in his head as it happens - “okay so we arrived on time, check” “we’re standing in the right direction check” - when the time comes to propose he blanks - cause everything went right and now its showtime - says whatever is on his mind and then gets on track - “oh my god everything i alright this is amazing! but i love you dear like a lot and...” - cue cheering from tommy (and a lot of soft smiles from random people) when you say yes 
please send me requests it took me days to figure out what to write about here
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johnwickb1tsch · 7 months
Yandere Tex Johnson x Witness!Reader x John Wick Imagine Part 4 by @treedaddymcpuffpuff @sweetwolfcupcake and @johnwickb1tsch
Original Post Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Warnings: So many dead doves! Do not eat! Unless you like dead doves, that is. You're in good company here. 😘 Violence, sexual content, blood, murder, kidnapping, possessive behavior, yandere sh!t...it's all here! Please take care! 😘
They’re trying to kill you.
That is the thought that plays through your mind as Tex takes you to the top of the mountain with that wicked tongue, only to pull back at the last moment. Again, and again, he drives you to madness with long hard licks and wet little flicks over your clit, two of those thick fingers buried inside your needy little cunt. The bed is soaked beneath you; your thighs have begun to tremble uncontrollably; your throat is hoarse from the violence of the moans he forces from your throat.
That you could be a stone, hard and unyielding and unaffected by any of this.
But you’re just a woman made of flesh and blood, and these two men may as well have read the book on how exactly to stretch you down that fine line between heaven and hell.  
After edging you for the umpteenth time Tex wipes his mouth your thigh with a satisfied smirk, those dark eyes burning up at you. “You ready for me, honey?”
You know you resemble a haggard and small creature of the woods, your eyes huge and tear-filled as you look up at him. You should be proud, that a part of you still wants to tell him to go to hell. But some little voice warns you from the back of your head, that you wouldn’t survive it.
Language isn’t really working for you right now. All you can manage is a plaintive whine that makes him smirk down at you. Someday you bargain with yourself. Someday, you’ll figure out how to make them pay for this. But right now…you’re helpless. And so you might as well…
Your thoughts stop dead as Tex unzips his jeans. Your gaze follows that leading line of dark hair down, and you lay eyes on just what this man has in store for you. You’re not sure if the whimper you make is out of anticipation, or fear.
“Shh,” says John from behind you. You hadn’t forgotten about him, of course, his hands still full of your breasts. “You’ll be fine.” Easy for him to say, and from the firm bulge that keeps pressing your cheek with your head in his lap, you can tell he’s not going to be any easier on you either.
Tex sizes you up with that smoldering gaze, as though he’s plotting something nefarious. Just that look makes you ache all over again, even while you tremble with nerves.
“Goddamn,” he grumbles, almost to himself as he pumps himself in his hand, spreading the beads of precum from his tip. “You sure you don’t want a piece of this, Johnny?”
You’re not really sure what he means by that, and you look up at John with wide eyes, what has become your knee-jerk reaction when you seek assurance, or mercy. You forgot that right now, at least, he has none left for you. His sharp look aimed down at you is nothing less than that of a hungry wolf.
“Would you do that for me, sweet girl?” he asks, stroking you from the tips of your nipples up to your hair. That one touch makes you writhe, and the corner of his mouth turns up in a smirk.
With those big hands on your hips Tex flips you onto all fours, manhandling you into position exactly as he pleases. As he presses his length against the seam of your buttocks, grinding, your arms already begin to shake.
When John unzips his pants you begin to understand what they have in mind.
“Think you can handle us both, darlin’?” asks Tex, his hand lightly smoothing over the curve of your freshly bruised ass.     
“She can do it,” John answers for you, sweeping your hair away from your face to turn your eyes up to his. He kisses you, coaxing you with his tongue, dragging your lower lip lightly with his teeth. “For me?” You hate yourself so much, for finding that you don’t want to disappoint him. You blink up at him, at a loss for words. But just slightly, you feel yourself nod, and he smiles at you like you have just signed your soul away to this wicked man.  
With hands bracketing your head he guides you down to his massive erection. You take the velvety soft skin of his glans like a strawberry between your lips, licking messily before his light fingers on the back of your head guide you down. Simultaneously you savor Tex’s thick tip at your weeping entrance, your aching pussy craving to be stretched and ruined, before slowly he slides himself inside. He’s damn near gentle with you at first, as much as he can be with a cock like a weapon of massive destruction. Maybe it’s because of the mouthful you’ve got on the other end, or maybe…he’s savoring it too.
“Such a sweet little pussy,” he groans, working himself inside. “So tight and wet for me. Fuck.” Your answering moan is echoed all around, the cause and effect of Tex’s thrust driving you deeper onto John’s cock, to the very back of your throat, making you gag a little. The back and forth of it would almost have been comical, if not for the bone-melting madness overtaking the three of you in your quest for that ultimate release. For the moment your enmity with these men is forgotten. There is just flesh, and friction, and the promise of something absolutely incandescent on the horizon.  
When Tex’s thick fingers slide between your legs to tease your nub you double down, clenching him fiercely inside you, so desperate to cum. It makes him swear behind you, pinching your clit in revenge. You see stars, so close to finally going to pieces. “Gaddamn, honey. I think you’d break a lesser man with that thing.”
You can’t tell him to shut up, so you moan in answer, the vibration on John’s cock causing him to buck up into your mouth, his long fingers grasping at your hair. You push your ass further up in the air in offering, tilting your hips, chasing your pleasure on Tex’s fingers with his manhood filling you to the hilt, and you minding your teeth all the while. Who knew you were such a champion multitasker? You deserved a fucking medal.
Tex’s thrusts grow more erratic behind you. His voice has dropped an octave, turned to pure gravel as he asks, “You close, baby?”
You’re not sure how he interprets your answering groan, but when his hips snap against you, filling you with the hot rush of his seed, it’s exactly the angle and the pressure you need. The explosion of scintillating warmth fills your womb and spreads outward, all the way to the tips of your fingers. John’s strong hands on your shoulders are all that save you from collapsing on him, as he spills salty cum into your mouth. You shudder with your aftershocks as you swallow him down, Tex’s fingers gripping your hips so hard you know you’ll have bruises.
To say you collapse is an understatement. The three of you lay curled together as though you are nearly dead, unable to move for several minutes more. It’s John who recovers first, not shy about kissing you with his mitt of a hand holding your cheek, sliding down your neck, then teasing your nipple. You cry out for the overstimulation, squirming away, and Tex’s broad chest rumbles with low laughter behind you.  
“See,” says Tex sleepily, always having to get in the last word. “I knew you’d cum ‘round.”
“If I could move, I would kick you,” you grumble, even as you nestle down on his arm beneath you, the swell of his bicep your pillow.
“Sticks and stones, rattlesnake,” he fires back softy into your hair, just this side of the line between awake and asleep.
“I’m going to gag you both,” John threatens, sounding just as tired, his hand on your waist. When you look to him through heavy lashes you see the slight curve of his smile, his dark eyes all for you.
You all fall into a deep slumber before he has to make good on the threat.
When you wake up next time, you notice two things first--
One, that your clothes are not the same from last night, they smell fresh-- you smell fresh.
Second, despite the freshness, there is a dull ache between your legs and exhaustion in your limbs.
All you want to do is to remain in bed.
The bed... It smells fresh, too. You sigh, dream-like flashes of being in a tub with them come to you one by one. Were you so out of it?
Why wouldn't you be? They exhausted you, left you sore, reeling, and alone.
You don't realise the dull sting behind your eyes until you are blinking away tears.
You really are their plaything, aren't you?
And you could not even resist them, resist the temptation last night.
Frustrated and rather disappointed at yourself, yet not finding much heat to the fire as you would have liked, you sink further into the softness of the bedding, letting your tired limbs relax.
But the state does not last long, as you hear the door to the room being unlocked. You perk up- alert as a deer as you turn your head.
"Good morn'n, Rattlesnake! In mood to bite?"
You roll your eyes and let your head fall back. You have no energy for another round of war of words.
"Aww, are you all spent-up now? No hissin' ?"
And the most annoying person award goes to him.
But you hold back the biting reply at the tip of your tongue. Instead, choosing to nestle into the covers.
"You still sore down there?"
You frown, surprised at the question. Hid voice lack the usual biting playfulness, instead has a tinge of... something. You are almost afraid to say but, something like concern hides in his question.
But you mentally shake your head, Tex doesn't really care, neither of them care, according to your conclusions.
"I'm asking something."
The edge in his voice makes you glare back at him as he looms over the bed.
"I--Im--" Your mouth feels dry and throat, slightly irritated. "I'm good." You manage to finish after clearing your throat.
Tex's eyes remain locked with yours for a good moment before he nods and turns to the nightstand, pouring some water into a glass.
"Sit up now, breakfast's on comin'."
Your stomach grumbles at the word, and you are suddenly famished. Yes, breakfast would be good.
Only if you can eat alone.
Somehow, after last night, you do not want to face them. More embarrassed at yuyr broken resolution to not get tempted by them than afraid of them mocking you.
You are waiting for the stinging mockery, but for now, Tex shows no sign of it. Instead, he ushers you to sit up, and you do with a slight groan.
"Why are you being like this?"
The question slips out of you before you can think twice, and Tex rewards you with a smirk.
"Aww, I thought you'll like me better then."
He leans closer, invading your space like je owns it, owns you.
Fun fact, he doesn't.
"I don't like you." You narrow your eyes at him.
"Didn't feel that like last night, honey."
There was the mockery back in his tone. Strangely, a concerned, or even mildly sweet Tex puts you on edge more than an silent, observant John.
But you can't help the flush on your cheeks and neck at the mention if the previous night.
They pulled you to the heights you have never been before and sunk you to the depths you do not think you can be in again.
Before you can come up with an apt reply, the door opens again, and the quieter devil walks in with a tray in his hold.
Well, isn't it a lovely morning?
You shovel food and orange juice down your gullet like you’ve been starving for weeks. You feel like you have been starving for weeks. You have got to admit, whoever made this meal knows what they’re doing - no complaints from you as you stuff yourself with delicious eggs and thick buttery toast.
“Slow down, honey,” John says, catching your attention. You look up to see them both watching you eat like you’re some kind of circus freak.
You glower at him. “What, I’m not even allowed to eat like I want?”
It’s sort of like you’re a little honey bee using its dying stinger on an armored Rhino, because he just stares you down with a tiny crinkled warning at the corner of his eyes - you hate that you know enough about him to get nervous just from that look.
Tex snorts. “Told ya she’d get her bite back. Listen, little snake, you better start being nicer to the two men that decide whether you get to have orgasms or not.”
He laughs at your expression. “Oh no, don’t gimme that curled lip. It’s true.”
“Is that what I am?” You ask, batting your eyelashes and scrunching your nose - trying another approach. If being a bitch hasn’t worked so far, maybe adorable and pathetic will yield some results. “Am I a sex slave? Like, some kind of cheap whore.”
“Oh, my Bonnie lady,” Tex says, sitting on the edge of the bed and tucking a loc of hair behind your ear. “You are not some cheap whore.” For a minute, his expression turns genuine. Ah, so maybe acting like a sweet bimbo is the ticket.
“After all, 2.5 million dollars ain’t exactly cheap.” Your hopes are dashed as the wicked grin slides back onto his face like it belongs there permanently.
You can’t help it - you glare bullets into him. Fucking asshole.
After you’re done eating, John takes your plate out. You try and stand up, but your legs are still wacky inflatable wailing tube men. Tex picks you up in one swoop, even though you threaten to curse his family bloodline, and then carries you into the living room. Oh, this place is nice.
Open, white sandstone. Coral brick trim. A warm breeze drifting through gauzy cream curtains that you can’t quite see behind. Massive windows blocked by climbing vines. You don’t know much about architecture - you haven’t traveled - but it sort of looks like you’re in a rainforest bungalow.
“Where are we?” You ask Tex, wide eyed and open mouthed.
“I’ll tell you if you give me another kiss.”
Not a chance in hell, cowboy, you think, turning your head away.
John is sitting on the big red linen sectional, thumbing over some kind of electronic, sleek tablet. When he sees you, he beams a devastating smile that could snuff Tex’s cheeky grin any day. Maybe that’s just because he doesn’t smile a lot, though.
Your mouth can’t help but raise a little. Visions of last night are starting to flood back into your head, and, with John and Tex center in all of them, you’re getting shyer and more embarrassed by the minute.
There’s a reason for the aching soreness between your legs and your inability to stand for more than five seconds: They had fucked the absolute shit out of you. On the bed several times, in the bathtub, on the counter, tongues and teeth and hands and cocks stretching you and filling to the brim. Pretty soon, it had turned into a contest of who could make you scream the loudest, or who could make you beg harder, or who could transform you into a babbling, incoherent, mindless set of holes. And then they started working together again, giving a new meaning to the word human fucktoy.
The verdict is clear, you are definitely now an expensive whore.
“C’mere,” John murmurs, holding out his arms for Tex to hand you over. They pass you along like you’re a pampered kitten instead of a grown woman, and John curls you up on his lap. He gives your head a little kiss. “How are you feeling? Any unbearable discomfort?”
“Yes. Please. I need to go to a hospital right away.” You roll your eyes.
“That mean you’re ready for another round?” Tex asks, toying with the hem of your silky nightie.
You practically climb up John’s chest to get away from him. “No. No. Too much.”
John unhooks your arms from his head, looking all too amused, and settles you back into his lap. He completely ignores the back and forth between Tex and you, opting instead to pull up something on his device and show Tex.
“Really? What in the fuck.” Tex raises an eyebrow. “He’s either dumb or stupid.”
You look between them, oblivious.
John speaks like he’s having a casual picnic conversation. “We’re going to kill Bradford. How do you want us to do it?”
For once, you’re looking at Tex for help.
He shrugs. “Ladies choice.”
It dawns on you with horror that these two men are trying to draw you even further into complicity with the horrible events of the past couple of days. If you help plot Bradford's death--youre not a hapless victim anymore.
You'd be an accomplice.
"I don't want him dead," you say quietly. "Jesus, you're not putting that on me."
"After what he did to you?" asks John, genuinely surprised. "He betrayed you."
"He's an asshole. Yeah. But...what about his kids? His wife?"
John just looks at you blankly. Tex, however, is not so skilled at hiding his emotions, his handsome features pulled in a frown.
"Guess that's what we get for tryin' to do somethin' nice." Rather incongruously, he pulls your feet into his lap, squeezing them in his big hands. That part, at least, feels heavenly. Everything is sore...but why do your feet hurt?
So how do you break it to your assassin boyfriends--lovers?--captors??-- that murder is not the best gift for a sweetheart?
John just sighs, and you can't help but feel like you've disappointed him.
"She's kinda ungrateful, isn't she? Maybe we should teach her a lesson." Suddenly Tex's hold on your feet becomes restraining.
You look to John for help, but his arms just tighten around your waist. You have gone from pampered kitten to mouse in a trap in two seconds flat.
"When someone offers you a gift, you say Thank you."
"Murder is not a gift," you snarl, pushing at him with your heels. It's fruitless, of course, but it does make him smile. He slides to the floor, wedging his body between your legs, and you are fucked.
Maybe literally as much as figuratively.
"What if it's his life or yours?" asks John behind you.
"What do you mean?"
"He's talking to reporters."
"And he is not tellin' the story he was paid to."
You look down at Tex who is grazing his teeth against the inside of your knee, almost absently, like a puppy gnawing on a toy.
"It could put us all at risk."
You blink, not sure what to make of all this. "...Why would he do that? Surely he knows you would go after him?"
"Maybe he's settin' a trap. Tryin' to smoke us out."
"Then doesn't it make sense to lay low here?" you ask hopefully.
"Aww, she wants us at home," purrs Tex. "But there is the principle of the matter. Poor Johnny boy'll be goin' broke pretty soon here, payin' Bradford first for information, then for silence, and then he's gotta pay you..." The man flashes you a shit eating grin, and you can hear the rest on the tip of his tongue.
The whore.
"Sounds like that makes me his whore, cowboy. Maybe you shouldn't be touching me." His hand had been sliding slowly up your thigh as he ran his mouth, which was kinda nice, but now you smack it like a naughty boy caught with his paw in the cookie jar.
At first he's actually surprised--by the snap of the sound, or that you would even dare. Then an evil little grin curls his full lips, his dark eyes glittering like you just handed him a marvelous gift. "John, where's that rope? The fancy stuff you were talkin' about?"
John, however, is still as a statue behind you, considering his answer.
Suddenly, he stands with you in his arms. You clutch at him for the sudden loss of gravity, but he is solid and unyielding in his grip of you. "Sorry, but she raises a good point. I think I've earned some alone time with my darling."
He strides for the bedroom, and you peek over his broad shoulder at Tex, who watches you go with a rather forlorn look on his stupidly handsome face. He narrows his eyes though, when he catches you looking. You flip him the bird behind John's back, knowing full well you'll pay for it later...but God it feels good. 🖕
You smell, feel, and hear the tension even before he is inside the bedroom again. But the moment he slams the door shut, the deafening sound rings all kinds of warning bells inside you.
Okay, okay, you were being a smart mouth a few moments ago. You wanted to piss off the meaner of the two, horned-hell crawlers. But now, when John marches towards the bed, you feel regret, fear and anticipation creeping in like a deadly cocktail.
You can't see his face first, but the moment he drops you on the bed, you can.
Oh boy,
You have dug your own grave.
You realise this while you are trying to back away, an involuntary movement, as if your body understands the danger much before your mind processes it.
"Now, now-- this would be cheating, no backing down." His heavy hand comes to cease her movements with ease.
His voice is honeyed, his touch still soft but his eyes, his eyes are the grounds of clashes-- softness with a steely resolve, burning hunger and cold malice. This...this is what you are scared of.
This is why he is a dangerous man-- he can't be deciphered, he can't be read but he knows himself, and he knows you, he reads you like a school book and every time he would urge, you know you will open up to him, bend to his whims.
" John..." the name slips out of you like a habit, but it is not supposed to be a habit. It is supposed to be a warning, your last attempt to save your soul, your heart, and yourself. "I think---"
"You think after your mouth moves,"
He smirks, as if he has been waiting for the slip-up. Maybe he has been indeed waiting. Like a patient tiger.
His lips are soft, almost delicate on yours, your thoughts melt as his lips mould with yours as if sculpted to be one with you, as if you both are the perfect sculptures of ancient lovers, marbled into immortality.
He steals your breath, along with your thoughts and perhaps most of your sense of self-preservation as you let his hands lay heavy on your thighs and pull down the oh-so-comfortable shorts. You let him, because you hardly feel it.
You hardly feel, see, or even hear anything beyond the kiss, beyond the sensation of his lips on yours, his breathing mixing with yours. And when he finally pulls away, leaving a string of saliva connecting your lips to his, your eyes open to his dark, passionate, but oddly calm orbs-- like he has jumped into a fire-pit, but he knows what he is doing.
He obviously knows what he is doing because you realise your half-naked state only after he has settled himself between your knees, holding down your thighs and spreading them open like he has just discovered a treasure box.
"WAIT! Wait---"
Your voice is cut short into silent, gasps and heavy breathing with shivering forms as his fingers reach in between, swiping over your opening, flicking over your pearl with practised ease and precision-- he does not even have to try, he has you glistening and shaking even before you can scramble through your thoughts and push for an arguement.
The desired, needed argument never truly comes. All that comes through are meaningless worlds, half-hearted protests and the sounds you do not even realise you make.
"It's okay to give in, you know...What's the point of fighting anyway?"
His fingers move with purpose this time, eyes gleaming as if you are a puzzle, a challenge for him to undo, to solve, to disarm. And mostly, he does, he almost wins. Until this question. Like he is challenging yu, testing you.
What's the point of fighting this? These insane circumstances?
"Because---because I'm not a plaything!" You grit out, now fighting the steady build of pleasure as your body threatens to bend to his will.
Not a whore!
You want to scream that on their stupidly handsome faces, but you know that it might not be in your best interest-- screaming at them.
To your surprise, he stops, just as you are about to have your eyes rolled back. You are breathless against his calm, frowning face. It is the rare times you can read his eyes-- confusion, surprise and something else that you cannot point out blooms in them.
"You... you are not a plaything." His voice is soft, but sure, like his eyes.
Yes, you do notice his pretty-brown eyes, which look deceptively sweet. The man is a beguiling as a whole. Hiding his horns so well under his smooth, soft hair, his hunger behind his kind eyes and his brutality, under the soft touch, the gentle hold.
But this time, you do not fall for it. You raise an eyebrow, almost smiling sarcastically.
"Oh yeah?"
Something in his eyes shifts, something in his whole form, his aura, shifts.
There is a hardness to it. And somehow, this time, it does not scare you. Instead, a certain warmth shows its tiny, unsure head, just touching the surface, scared to break, but it is there.
"Yeah, because I-- we, do not fake a death for a plaything."
He continues, pulling you closer, simultaneously, pushing his finger back into you. You grasp and scramble for an anchor, conveniently finding his shoulders.
"Because, I won't topple a whole damn empire, for a plaything."
His voice only hardens, as his gaze meets yours, while his finger digs deeper, making a heat erupt in you that threatens to consume you.
"Because Tex won't be risking it all, erasing all that is left of your previous poor, miserable life, just to keep you, if you were a plaything, to him, to us."
He growls into your ear, pulling you flush against him, adding another finger before they curve into the perfect angle, reaching your sweet spot and you bite your lip, threatening to draw blood while trying to keep a sane mind-- at least sane enough to absorb his words.
"Because we don't trace the medical history of our plaything just to make sure nothing, nothing bad touches her but us."
He sounds almost unhinged and it should be concerning how less bothered you are by this. How can this be bothering you when you feel like a ship stuck in a storm? Threatened, tossed around by waves of pleasure while you desperately hold on to the very source of your plight.
"Tell me, honey, does that sound like us playing?"
You want to shake your head but all you can do is to gasp and inhale as much air as you can, as if you are drowning. You are not. But you are thrumming as your eyes roll back and you moan aloud, feeling yourself gushing around his still-moving but slowed fingers. You bend to the crook of his neck, rocking your hips against his fingers. You feel the intensity of it as it washes over you, leaving a serene tiredness behind.
But he is far from done.
"A Plaything is not studied, not observed, not cared for, not kissed like I kiss you." John hisses, pulling his fingers out, your essence glazed over them.
He does not wait for your response. Simply, pushes you down until you are flat on your back, and despite the t-shirt covering your upper half, you have never felt more exposed.
He tilts his head at the T-shirt before, in an abrupt, yet buttery motion, he tore it apart. And while you do gasp in surprise, it sends a tingle down your spine and makes your core throb. There is a different gleam in his eyes this time.
"We do not turn against our codes just for a plaything. We did it for you-- risked it all for you..." He leans in to kiss you again and this time, you welcome it with open arms.
The feeling of his intimidating length against your opening makes you gulp with nerves and anticipation. You are sore still, but so ready for him. As if you are made for him. For them.
Are the words true?
Is he telling you the truth?
"We don't do after FBI agents for playthings, honey, get those stupid thoughts fucking out of your little head." he hisses as he pushes in, slow but barely restrained.
There is a sincere madness in his eyes, in his tone, as if the mask of 'civilised' just meted before your eyes and all you can see, through the inky strands hanging, those raw, primal eyes that remind you of an apex predator right before it bites and tear into its prey.
He decks down too, and you almost expect him to sink his teeth into your skin, draw blood, and tear you apart. But you only feel his teeth graze against your skin, as if tasting, sniffing before he thrusts in, eliciting a short, sharp scream from you.
It feels full, yet not full enough. There is a dull but pleasant throb and you crave more, legs tempted to wrap around his hips. But you feel so spent, so conflicted, so ready, so good-- the odd mix of emotions frustrates you to the point of tears.
Is this how you surrender to this? To your fate?
Is this how the conflict ends? Or is it the beginning of a war.
"By the way..."
John speaks through his moving hips, lips and teeth on your skin, measuring, tracing, marking.
"Whether you want to or not, Bradford dies. And he dies a sorry death for trying to snatch away what isn't his."
Are you really out of your mind, or does this sound like a dark promise?
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 months
Man (gn), I have this idea for a breakup/makeup story for Buck and Tommy that I'll probably place in the Denial-Verse.
I think it's going to happen after Gerrard has taken over the 118. And for weeks, Buck's been coming home and decompressing. He's been talking about the experience of it, and Tommy's been there for him. He's been listening. He understands just how bad it can be to work under Gerrard. And it's draining for both of them to work through it, especially as it becomes a facet of their lives.
But sometimes in a relationship, one partner needs more love and care than the other for a period of time. It's a balance of giving, and you support who you love. So, Tommy can do that. He can be there for Buck.
But living with that constant low-level to high-level trauma isn't good for anyone.
Slowly but surely, they both become a little raw and stressed and prickly because dealing with that sort of stuff for a long period of time can get to people.
Then, Tommy has the worst shift. One of the worst shifts in his life. It was genuinely terrible and there were some horrible moments not just because of how bad the shift went, but because people didn't treat Tommy particularly well either.
And so he comes home to Buck's apartment, and he tries to start talking about the shift. And Buck talks about his own shift, but this hits Tommy the wrong way. Because they're always talking about how bad Buck's shifts are now. And sometimes, maybe Tommy's shift was bad and he wants to talk about it. And Tommy's feeling insecure about how it feels like this is some sort of "my shift was worse" competition with how Buck framed his response to Tommy talking about his shift from hell.
And they get into an argument.
Not because either of them feels like they don't deserve to have space to talk about what's happened to them, but from a clear misunderstanding and a tiredness from both having horrible shifts and a rawness from the last few weeks that has made them both a little less patient than they usually are. And neither of them are exactly expressing themselves in a way that makes them feel like they're actually getting anywhere with this fight, their first big fight.
And Tommy decides to go home to his apartment. To calm down. To clear his head. To try not to be mad about this because maybe he gets to have a moment to talk about bad shit, even if Buck's going through it too.
And Buck's not happy about it, he says as much, but he doesn't stop Tommy from leaving. And for Tommy's part, Tommy expressly tells Buck this isn't him leaving leaving, he's not abandoning Buck, but he needs the space, and Buck concedes to that. And respects Tommy when Tommy asks Buck to let Tommy be the one to reach out when he's ready to finish this conversation.
And Buck's confused and annoyed and frustrated and mad at himself for not understanding what went wrong with the conversation; at Tommy for putting a pause button on the argument. He starts going around asking for advice to figure out what to do because he wants to work through this, he just doesn't know how.
And Tommy becomes insular. He places back that distance he used to have before he started to open up with Evan's influence, but through prodding from his friends - from Lucy and Melton and Chimney and Eddie - Tommy concedes and starts to actually work through why he reacted like that; tries to figure out how he can talk to Buck about this.
And after another shift, Tommy meets up with Buck at the 118 to pick him up from work because Tommy always picks Buck up from work on his second shift of the week, that's just what they do. Which is tense more because of Gerrard, but they walk out together. Tommy drives them.
And the drive is a little aimless. And the silence they start with - it isn't uncomfortable, it's actually very comfortable. There's a love there that hasn't gone away; hasn't disappeared because of one giant fight. They love each other's company.
And they start to actually talk things through. With some time and clearer heads and advice from friends, they explain how they feel to one another. How Buck hadn't meant to bring up what happened to him that day to minimize what happened to Tommy. How Tommy didn't mean to lash out, but he's always had problems opening up about how he's felt, about putting his own negative feelings out there for someone to judge. And he needed the support too. Which, of course he knows Evan will give him, but he was in such a bad headspace after that shift.
They make up. Stronger than before. Aimlessly driving around together for a while before going back home to Buck's loft.
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