#connor rhodes x will halstead
sarahmadpeople · 1 year
I’ve got you, Will
Summary: Connor Rhodes is there for Will after his building apartment fire.
Pairing: platonic Connor Rhodes x Will Halstead
Characters: Connor Rhodes, Will Halstead, Maggie Lockwood, Ethan Choi, April Sexton, Jay Halstead (mentioned)
Tags: hurt will halstead, will halstead whump, worried connor rhodes, hurt/comfort, reunion
Warnings: none
Word count: 2081
Disclaimer: i don’t own any of the characters and this is purely fiction ~~ not a medical professional so any medical scenes/references may not be accurate.
a/n: back with another chicago med fic, this time, it’s all about Will because he just couldn’t catch a break (i doubt that he’s all okay after everything that happened) and i was craving for connor and will crumbs,, sorry for any mistakes and hope you enjoy ~~
Connor checked his phone as he went for his break and frowned when he saw 15 missed calls. Said frown went deeper when half of the calls were from an unknown number and half were from Maggie. Conner’s heart raced, knowing that there’s only one reason why Maggie had called him. There’s only person who would make Maggie called Connor.
He thought of the possible scenarios that might’ve happened as he pressed on Maggie’s number and waited for her to pick up. Fortunately for Connor, Maggie answered within 2 rings. It took less than 2 minutes within the phone call for Connor to go to his boss and request for a few days of emergency leave which was granted to him straight away.
Connor rushed home to book a ticket back to Chicago and as soon as he’d gotten the confirmed ticket, he packed whatever essentials he needed and headed to the airport.
Maggie’s words repeated itself in his head. “It’s Will, he was in a building fire and it’s bad. Jay’s unreachable and nobody’s here to take care of him.”
Connor knew that he was Will’s next emergency contact after Jay but he never would’ve thought this day would come. For whatever reason Jay was unreachable, he hoped nothing bad happened to the younger Halstead. Will would be devastated. Speaking of Will, how in the world did he get involved in a building fire?
As Connor was deep in his thoughts, his feet subconsciously brought him up to his gate and for the next 4 hours, he was on his way back to Chicago. Back to someone who he’d never thought he’d get along with let alone care like a brother.
Connor didn’t waste any time getting to Med and when he reached the reception area, he saw April.
“Hey, come on, I’ll bring you in,” April knew why Connor was here. She brought him in to Maggie and went off to do her work.
“Hi Mags,” Connor greeted her, “thanks for calling me. Where’s Will?”
“He’s up in the ICU. He was brought in with severe smoke inhalation and a broken leg. I heard he was pinned after helping to get Hannah out. Doctor Choi is upstairs, he’ll update you more,” Maggie explained.
“What happened Mags? How did it get this bad?” Connor asked.
Maggie looked at him. She sighed. Her eyes were teary, Connor noticed but he was not surprised because of all the staff in this hospital, Maggie was the closest to Will who saw her like a sister.
“You know about the apartment building he purchased?” Connor nodded, Will had told him about it and whatever transpired before that. Then, it clicked in his mind. Connor’s face gave away to Maggie that he had figured it out.
“The entire building?”
Maggie nodded, “That’s what I heard from 51.”
God, just when things were starting to look bright for Will.
Connor was pulled from his thoughts as they stopped in front of a room where Dr Choi was. Their footsteps alerted Ethan, who turned and smiled at the approaching figures. Ethan kept his greetings short, knowing that Connor would want to hear about Will as soon as possible.
“I’m sure Maggie told you about Will’s condition when he was brought in. And I’m sure you know and understand the treatment we’re giving him. We’ve put him under and intubated him to relieve the stress on his lungs and allow them to heal. We’re optimistic that he'll recover with minimal damage, but we’ll continue to monitor. As for his leg, he had surgery to fix it. It’s looking better so far,” Ethan paused, allowing Connor to digest his explanation. It was one thing being a doctor and hearing these information but it was another being a caretaker, a guardian hearing them. Ethan knew Connor understood, but right now he wasn’t here as a doctor, he was here as Will’s emergency contact. Someone personal, and so he needed time.
Connor nodded and asked a few questions which Ethan answered before ultimately asking if he could sit with Will. “Sure, as long as you’re not in the way of any of the nurses or doctors here.”
As he sat down, Connor took in the sight of Will in front of him. It was unnerving to see Will so still and quiet, the guy was talkative and always on the move. Honestly, it scared Connor. Connor and Will started off on the wrong foot but over the years, both of them had formed a tight bond and their friendship was never like the ones Connor had with other people.
“Hey Will, I’m here,” Connor held Will’s cold hand, “you better get better, you hear me? You have to, for Jay, for me, for your patients, for yourself. You’re gonna be okay,” Connor reassured, gripping Will’s hand.
It was 5 days after the incident and Connor hoped that Will would wake up soon. The doctors had reduced the sedation as Will’s numbers improved over the days and when Will started breathing on his own, they removed the breathing tube. But Will remained asleep, and he deserved this rest as long as Connor knew Will’s okay.
As Connor sat by Will, for the umpteenth time of the week, Maggie’s words once again rang in his mind.
“Jay left. Nobody knew except for his team and Will only got to know from Voight after he couldn’t reach Jay. God, Connor, the look on his face. People around him kept leaving him and he believed that it was his fault. That it was karma because he left his family a long time ago. He just hasn’t been himself these days and then the fire happened. I tried calling Jay and other methods to contact him but all failed. I checked Will’s details and saw you were listed as his 2nd emergency contact so I crossed my fingers and called you. Thanks for answering and dropping everything, which I know you did, to come here. That man doesn’t deserve to wake up after such a horrific incident alone.”
Connor remembered wincing at the mention of people around Will leaving, knowing that he was one of them and he too left without saying anything, not even a goodbye. And hearing that Will blamed himself made the guilt stabbed deeper. Connor couldn’t think of anything to say so he just settled with thanking her for calling him and updating him with what she felt he needed to know.
Eyes teary, Connor looked up to Will’s face. Time froze as he stared into the brown eyes he’d missed ever since he left Chicago. Apparently as he was deep in his thoughts, Connor missed his friend waking up. Connor could only smile before a nurse, who chanced upon an awake Will, came in.
Then, the next few moments were busy with Will’s doctors and nurses checking in on him and informing him about his injuries and treatment. Connor waited patiently at the corner of the room, not wanting to impose or be in the way. But that doesn’t mean that he didn’t notice how Will’s eyes kept drifting to him. Each time it happened, Connor would smile his way.
Will’s doctor then turned and talked to Connor regarding Will’s care including the next steps now that Will’s awake. It wasn’t long before it’s finally just the two of them in the room again.
Connor sat back in the seat he’s occupied beside Will’s bed. A lap of silence as the two looked at each other. “You-“ Will’s voice cracked, showing how long his throat had been inactive. Connor fetched the glass of water nearby and held it for Will to drink from the straw.
“You’re back?” Will’s sentence sounded like a question. Connor placed the glass on the table and looked back at Will. He smiled as he said, “I came right after hearing what happened, I’m sorry this happened. Good to know you’re gonna be okay.”
“Me too. Sorry to trouble you,” Will managed to say before a coughing bout.
“Easy, Will. You’re still recovering, so save your energy,” Connor patted his back, alternating with running his hand up and down Will’s back, to relieve the cough. “And it’s no trouble, Will, really. I’m just glad that you have someone here to take care of you.”
Will kept quiet. Connor kind of knew what was going on in his friend’s mind.
“I heard about Jay and I’m sorry about that too. It must’ve been hard not having your brother around and even more so for him to leave without saying goodbye. And I know I left too, without saying anything either. But I’m here now and I’m sure if Jay knew, he’d be here in an instant too.”
Connor placed his hand on Will’s arm, “Look at me,” he said and didn’t continue until Will tilted his head up and made eye contact with Connor.
“I know that people around you have been drifting away and unfortunate things keep happening. But it’s not on you, Will. It’s not your fault. So don’t you dare start blaming yourself for the fire.” Connor knew he had to touch this subject as soon as possible before Will could bottle it up and keep everything to himself.
“No matter who was affected, why it happened or how much damage it cost, it’s not your fault. Ya hear me?”
Will nodded. Connor really had a way to convince people.
Connor removed his hand and gave Will the time and space to settle down.
“Thanks for being here,” Will whispered, “I don’t know what to do now,” he said as he looked down and fiddled with the blanket.
Connor’s heart broke a bit seeing Will so dejected. “Hey, it’s okay. We’ll figure this out together, I’ll be here,” Connor then placed his hand gently on Will’s shoulder. “I still have my old apartment, if you want to stay after you’re discharged. We can sort everything else along the way or once you’ve recovered.”
Will was silent and Connor let him be, not wanting to push Will into anything. It took a while before Will said, “I don’t think I wanna stay here anymore.”
Connor, surprised, couldn’t hold himself from asking what Will meant.
“I wanna leave Chicago. There’s nothing here for me anymore. Dad’s gone, Jay’s gone, you’re not staying here anymore and I’m sure the moment I’m well enough, you’re gonna leave again. And I’m not in any relationship. So there’s nothing tying me here except my parent’s graves and my brother’s wife.” Apparently Will was still not up to long talks as he started coughing again the moment he finished his words.
Connor gave Will water to relieve his cough and soon, it stopped but Will was out of breath.
“Okay, you need to take it easy Will, your lungs are still not that strong yet. Now listen, you wanna leave? I hear you and it’s fine by me. But you have to wait until your doctor gives you the all clear, okay. In the meantime, you need to rest and maybe you could start to think of where you want to go.” Connor patted Will’s arm.
Not even a beat after Connor’s words, Will croaked out, “Is your offer still up?”
Connor widened his eyes. Connor had offered Will to move to where he was if he wanted. It was a spur of the moment thought and he didn’t expect Will to remember. “You remembered?”
He saw Will nodding, “But it’s okay if it’s not. I could think of something else,” Will said.
“No, don’t trouble yourself. My offer still stands. I have an extra room in my apartment and I’m sure there are hospitals that would accept you, especially the one I’m working at. But please, don’t rush to make any decisions. Take your time, don’t worry, I’ll be here. Just focus on getting better first.”
Will nodded and yawned. Connor chuckled and helped Will settle against the pillows.
“Thanks, Connor. I’m really glad you’re here,” Will said before he lost the battle of keeping his eyes open.
“It’s okay, Will. I’ve got you. Sleep, you need the rest. I’ll be here when you wake up.” Connor patted Will’s arm again and settled against his own seat and closed his eyes. He vowed to take care of Will the way Will had done for everyone else. It was the least he could do but first, Connor’s gonna get some rest too.
thanks for reading!! ❤️ lemme know what you think about this ✨
37 notes · View notes
deanstead · 1 year
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader, Rhodestead
Requested: no
Summary: As Will finds himself dealing with an unwelcome presence in his life, you disappear in the middle of shift.
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Word Count: 5.3K+
Tags/Warnings: established relationships, stalking, kidnapping, hostage situations
A/N: First time I'm trying out writing for Rhodestead so I put this as a double pairing fic. Wasn't sure I was going to let this fic see the light of day but bestie @sheetsonfire gave her stamp of approval (and I haven't posted in a while) so here goes! Kinda (read: very) nervous about this so let me know what you guys think!
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“Hey, you wanna grab dinner?” Will asked as he opened his locker next to you.
You glanced back at him, your eyes betraying the mental exhaustion from the day. Losing children was never easy, everyone knew that.
You gave Will a small smile. “No date with Connor?” You lightly teased.
Will chuckled.
Will and Connor had been dancing around each other for almost forever and it had taken you an unbelievable amount of self control not to literally bonk their heads together. Thankfully, they’d gotten off their asses before you had to.
“Connor got pulled into a surgery so I got stood up.”
You let out a small laugh, closing your locker. “Your brother’s on a case so… dinner’s on you.”
Will laughed, nodding. “I got you.”
The both of you ended up in one of the eateries you frequented that was near Med which opened late exactly for this reason - a place that had saved all of you from many late nights. Be it when Jay came to get you from a late shift, or when you, Connor and Will needed to eat after a shift before going to crash. All four of you had even been here together shortly after the shift in dynamics - you and Jay had just gotten married, while Will and Connor had finally started seeing each other officially.
In an effort to steer both your thoughts away from work, Will started a conversation about Connor, and you watched a light in Will’s eyes as he talked about Connor, a light that had finally let its way out into the world.
“What?” Will asked, angling his eyebrows at you before you realized you were smiling cheekily at him.
You shrugged. “Just nice to see you so happy.”
Will smiled, reaching over to ruffle your hair.
“You know you transitioned into this annoying older brother role way too smoothly.” You growled playfully, your eyes narrowing at him.
Will laughed, retracting his hand and chuckling.
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Jay’s voice reached you first before you saw him but it still made you smile.
“You said you were going to be late?” You said but you were already looping your arms around his waist and pressing yourself into his embrace.
Jay let out a small chuckle. “Sorry, I know things have been a little crazy.”
You shook your head, burying your face deeper into his shoulder. “I just missed you.”
Jay leaned back before leaning back down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. “Shall we stay in tonight?”
You grinned back at him. “Sounds perfect.”
It felt like it had been a while since you and Jay had done this, just stayed in, the television turned on while the two of you had a cozy meal before cuddling on the couch with the wine glasses sitting just a little precariously on the small coffee table Will and Connor had gotten the both of you as a wedding present.
“Everything at work okay?” Jay asked quietly, his arms resting around your waist.
“You know, same-old. We have the bullies, the overbearing parents, but there are also families that remind me why I became a doctor.”
Jay rested his chin gently on your shoulder, his cheek resting lightly against yours before he closed his eyes.
“I think that if you’re here, if I know that I get to come home to you at the end of any day or case, I’ll be able to do about anything.” He whispered.
You knew that voice, the voice that told you he'd had a hard day.
You took his hand gently in yours. “I’ll always be here, Jay. At the end of every difficult case, or day, no matter what.”
Jay pressed a kiss to your cheek lightly and you leaned further back into his embrace.
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“Dr Y/L/N, someone’s asking for you in the waiting room if you have a few minutes.” One of the nurses came up to you as you were studying a patient’s chart.
You looked around the ED, it was a quiet sort of day but you weren’t in the best of moods since you’d lost your card holder. Just thinking about having to replace your credit cards already made you feel tired and anxious. Regardless, you nodded with a smile at the nurse, thanking her for letting you know.
Putting on your best professional smile you headed towards the waiting room, scanning the crowd for someone who looked like they’d be waiting for you.
A woman who was about your age made eye contact with you, giving you a small smile. “Y/N Y/L/N?”
You frowned just a little in confusion although you kept your expression mostly neutral and nodded. She seemed a little familiar to you even though you weren’t fully certain where you’d seen her before.
The woman just smiled, handing you back a card case that was most definitely yours.
“I think you dropped this, this morning at the coffee place. I got your name from one of your cards and luckily the cafe said you were a regular so they knew you worked here.”
You felt the relief flood your system, the anxiety that had been clawing at you the whole morning finally seeming to let up.
“Oh my god, thank you.” You could even hear the relief in your voice bounce back at you but you weren't even embarrassed. “You saved me a lot of trouble and well... stress.”
You paused as you looked at her. “I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before. Have we met?”
The woman just smiled and shook her head. “Maybe in the mornings, I get my coffee there too most days.”
It didn’t feel like a correct answer but you let it go, reminding yourself this was not the time to obsess over unimportant details.
“Look, you did me a huge favor today. Is there something I can do to thank you?”
The woman just smiled. “Maybe you can just buy me a coffee. Tomorrow morning?”
You studied her for a bit and then nodded. She smiled, extending her hand. “Grace.”
You smiled back at her and shook it, agreeing to see each other the next morning at the cafe.
As you watched her walk back out the main door with a friendly wave, you felt that weird feeling again, like something wasn’t quite sitting right with you.
You definitely knew her from somewhere.
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As agreed, you’d met Grace the next morning at your morning coffee stop and it had gone better than you'd expected, so much so that you’d talked yourself out of that weird feeling in your gut, putting it down to that tinge of social anxiety you had with new people.
You’d almost caved and asked Will or Connor if they could come with you but decided you didn’t really wanna be a wuss. Besides, the rational part of your brain was telling you that your anxiety was being irrational once again.
Grace had been easy to talk to though, so you were glad you hadn’t overreacted.
But when you opened the door to the doctors’ lounge armed with coffees for both Connor and Will, you sensed something was off.
Will was sitting on the couch, his head ticked up just a little as the door opened and Connor’s arm was around Will’s shoulders, Will gently pressed up against Connor. Even though it was no secret, they didn't usually behave much like a couple at work.
“What’s wrong?” You asked, frowning as you quickly put the coffees down on the table and headed towards them.
Will glanced at Connor. “I’m fine.”
Connor gave him half an exasperated look, even though you could still see the frown lines tinged with worry.
Will might be your brother-in-law, but way before you and Jay had gotten close, the three of you had always been great friends so it wasn’t surprising you could tell they were holding something back.
You raised an eyebrow at Connor. “Someone better tell me what’s going on.”
Will exchanged a look with Connor before he gave him a small nod.
“She’s back.”
You knew exactly who Connor was talking about. That was the part that really made you feel like shit.
Will had been reluctant to call it stalking at first, reluctant to put Jay on this even though the laws on stalking had already greatly improved the past few years. But now it seemed like Will was getting concerned too.
“Will, maybe we need to tell Jay about this.” You said gently, even though you understood why Will didn’t want to tell Jay and make it all official.
Will just nodded. “Maybe. I’ll talk to him.”
Connor glanced at Will before squeezing his hand gently. “I’ll see you later, alright? I've got a surgery."
With a quick kiss, Will and Connor parted and you nodded at Connor to assure him that you were here anyway.
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Will had told himself that if it persisted he'd go to Jay but she'd suddenly stopped showing up. The notes stopped and the street was empty when Will left the house.
“Maybe she finally gave up. Like she had one last look and she left.” You said, even though just saying it sounded stupid.
Will just smiled back, asking everyone to stop worrying.
“Y/N, you’re wanted in the waiting room.” Maggie called across the ED and you nodded, patting Will on the arm before heading straight out, shrugging at Maggie.
You’d barely stepped out of the automatic doors when you saw her.
She looked a little frazzled, like she was startled.
“Y/N, thank god. I didn’t know anyone else and…”
You frowned, stopping her with a hand on her arm. “Okay, slow down. What’s going on?”
“My friend, she got hurt and I don’t think I can move her. It’s just at the next street. Can you…”
You frowned. “How is she hurt, Grace? What happened?”
Grace shook her head. “I don’t know, can you just…”
You took a glance back at Leah, who nodded at you quickly disappearing back into the ED.
Feeling certain that whoever it was that Leah alerted would be able to catch up to you quickly, you let Grace lead you out of the ED, so preoccupied that you didn’t notice the shift in the look in her eyes.
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Will asked, jogging up towards Ethan who shook his head.
Having just gotten a bit of time between patients, Will and Ethan had come out after you almost immediately but somehow you were nowhere to be found.
Will already had his phone pressed to his ear but while it had been ringing earlier, it was now dead.
“Are we sure…” Will’s voice trailed off as his eye caught on something right by the side of the sidewalk. “Wait.”
Will bent down, picking it up. There was no mistaking it, Will thought, as the key-shaped pendant from your necklace lay in his palm. “This is hers. I better call Jay.”
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The ringing in Jay’s ears hadn’t stopped since he’d heard from Will.
With no hesitation whatsoever, Voight had sent Jay and Hailey along to Med, while Kim went straight to try to track movements from traffic pods.
Jay frowned now as he leaned over the computer in the security office with Hailey, watching as you spoke to a woman in the waiting room, her face not fully visible from the angle she was standing at.
Hailey glanced at Jay. “She knows where the cameras are.”
Jay nodded absentmindedly, his eyes locked on the image of you leaving the hospital - the last time any of your colleagues had seen you.
Jay ran a hand across his face as he tried to empty his brain to think. Nothing made sense. It didn’t make sense why anyone would want to take you. There’d been no violent patients that you had mentioned recently and everyone Hailey had spoken to earlier couldn’t think of anyone from the past few months either. Sure, there’d been difficult patients and family members but no one that jumped out as being dangerous.
Which meant they had no starting point. And Jay was worried that his brain was too clouded with worry to even think straight. He felt like he was missing something.
“Jay. Here.” Will said, his voice quiet as he put the necklace in Jay’s hand.
Jay’s eyes lingered for a while on the pendant now and Will glanced at his brother worriedly, unable to even imagine being in Jay’s shoes right now.
“Jay, if you…”
Will was interrupted as Jay’s phone rang, his eyes wandering towards the screen of the image capture.
What the hell?
Will glanced up again where Jay was still talking on the phone, before his eyes found the screen again, feeling the knot in his gut seemingly grow in size.
“Will, I just heard.” Connor’s voice broke Will out of what was almost a trance, turning to look at Connor.
Connor registered the look in Will’s eyes almost immediately, his eyes flitting to the screen before he glanced at Will. “That’s…”
“What?” Jay asked now, joining them again as he finished talking to Kim.
Will could barely look his brother in the eye as he glanced up.
“Her name is Grace. Grace Turner.”
Jay frowned. “You know this woman?”
Will exchanged a look with Connor, who merely squeezed his hand. “She's been stalking me."
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The room was still spinning but at least it seemed to be slowing down.
Grace had her back to you as she fiddled with something on her table. You knew you should have trusted your gut.
From the beginning, something had felt off about her, like she was being too friendly. But then you’d put it down to your social anxiety, swallowing it down like a bad pill.
Yet now, as you became more aware of the ache around your shoulders from your arms being pulled towards your back, feel the rough material of whatever she’d used to tie your wrists together, you knew your gut had been right all along. You should have just listened to it.
Just as you were trying to figure what the hell you were supposed to do, Grace turned to look at you.
Her lips curled up into a smile that you’d never seen on her face before, something that made the feeling of unease balloon up in the pit of your stomach.
“You’re awake.”
You frowned, your eyes scanning her expression for more clues.
“Grace, what’s going on? What… is this?” You asked, trying your best to keep your voice level and calm, as you’d done many times in the course of your work in the ED, regardless of what you were feeling.
Grace looked back at you, blinking. “I’ve been trying to figure out why he likes you. There’s nothing truly outstanding, you know?”
You frowned.
You weren’t sure if she wasn’t making sense or if your head was still kind of spinning from inhaling whatever drug she’d soaked that cloth with before she’d pressed it against your mouth and nose earlier.
Grace turned back to look at you now and you didn’t like the glint in her eye. “I’ve been trying to figure it out for weeks, why he's been keeping his distance. And then I saw you with him, and then I knew. It was you. You’re the one standing between us.”
You frowned, your mind spinning as you tried to figure out what she was getting at. Jay hadn’t mentioned anything in particular and you were sure if there’d been someone following the both of you around, he’d have said something or changed up the routine for the both of you.
“You… what? Listen, if there’s…”
Grace didn’t seem to be listening though. “Is it because you’re both doctors?”
“You.” You couldn’t hide the contempt in your voice as you realized this was her. She was the woman who’d been stressing Will out.
Nervous as you were, your gut still feeling like it was flipped inside out, you also felt annoyance and the extreme urge to protect someone you cared about despite the situation you were in.
Even with the ache in your arms, you glared up at her. “If you really cared about him, you wouldn’t be doing this.”
Grace turned back towards you, the anger in her eyes more pronounced now. “No one cares about him more than I do!”
You didn’t avert your eyes, the anger you felt bubbling over in you overtaking the fear and uncertainty that was still hanging over you.
“Not even his brother?” Your voice was still even, as you looked at her. “You took me because you thought Will and I were seeing each other?”
Grace didn’t say anything, just narrowed her eyes at you.
“If we really were seeing each other, did you think taking me here was going to solve anything?”
Grace exhaled loudly. “I’ve been watching you with him.”
You studied Grace, feeling your thoughts swirl. She’d been so obsessed with Will, that she saw you when you were with him but she didn’t watch you any further. She didn’t see the times that you went home or on dates with Jay. You were actually more surprised she didn’t know about Connor.
“So what do you actually want?”
Your eyes flicked to the scissors she had in her hand as you finished your question, before she stepped towards you.
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Jay was quite literally going out of his mind.
They’d matched the woman’s identity, and went straight to her last known address but the apartment looked like it hadn’t been lived in for months judging by the layer of dust that had settled on the furniture. What they did find was a bunch of photos of Will scattered along the walls and other corners of the apartment.
Jay could feel the anger building inside him. Even if this crazy woman hadn’t taken you right under everyone’s nose, the fact that this was somehow connected to his brother was pissing him off so much it was taking all his effort not to punch something.
The sounds of fingers dancing across keyboards, as well as the sound of rifling papers reminded Jay that he needed to keep his head in the game.
“Hey, Jay.”
Jay glanced up to see Connor heading out of the pantry where he’d been with Will, his eyes flicking towards the back view of his brother before he nodded.
“Listen, I was thinking. Will mentioned he’s seen her around his apartment a few times, so couldn’t we…”
Jay froze. “Wait, what?”
Connor frowned. “He didn’t say anything to you?”
Jay’s eyes flicked back in the direction of his brother. “He should have told me about this when it happened.” His voice was slightly reproachful but Connor could hear the tinge of worry as well.
Connor just nodded, realizing he needed to tell Jay almost everything.
“So, can we…”
Jay’s mind was already there as he nodded, leaning back down over his computer, trying to run matches between Grace’s known family and acquaintances with recent rentals near Will’s apartment.
Jay’s eyes scanned the screen in front of him quickly before he paused. “Ruz, what did you say her sister’s name was?”
Jay frowned. “I have a Kayla Lloyd here.”
Kim was right on it. “I think you’re on the right track. Kayla Turner married Nash Lloyd three years ago.”
The team exchanged looks. Hailey nodded. “It’s the best we got so far. I say we go.”
Voight was already standing at his office door before he nodded. “Let’s go.”
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Connor glanced at Will from where they were sitting in the back of Jay’s truck.
Will was glancing out, his fist curled into a ball as it rested on the seat between him and Connor. It wasn’t that he was that affected by this woman, but the fact that he hadn’t done anything which ultimately got the people around him dragged in was really eating at him.
Jay glanced at his brother through the rear view mirror before training his eyes back on the road. He didn’t have the capacity to think of anyone else but you right now. He didn’t know how to. But he could feel the fear clawing at him, but he just exhaled slowly, turning the corner towards the address they’d found earlier.
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You exhaled, hearing Grace pacing outside the bedroom she’d put you in.
Your eyes darted around the room, your brain feeling like it was finally clearing up enough for you to form thoughts that were coherent enough for you to take in other details you hadn’t noticed earlier, like your phone sitting on the dresser.
Grace had been a little out for it for a while, alternating between mumbling to herself or ranting at you about Will. You hadn’t exactly pointed out the fact that you weren’t Will’s girlfriend, like she’d been thinking when she’d grabbed you. Other than the insinuation that had seemed to pass right over her head, you weren’t sure if it was going to make things worse if you pointed out that there was nothing going on between you and Will.
But you needed to do something.
You struggled a little to get to your feet, especially considering that your hands and feet were bound together but you managed to stand a little shakily with minimal sound, feeling a bead of sweat travel down the side of your face.
Gritting your teeth to try not to make any other sound, you gently hopped, grateful that at least she’d put a carpet on her bedroom floor. You angled your body, wobbling backwards as you neared the dresser, your hands finally closing around your phone. You fumbled with your fingers trying to at least turn it on so that Jay could somehow find you. You felt like it was forever, trying to wait for the stupid logo to disappear and for the phone to start but you’d just turned around again to peer at the screen when the door opened.
You froze as you watched the look on Grace’s face shift to one of rage as she took in the scene before her.
She lunged and you threw yourself out of the way, your eyes not missing the fact that she was still gripping onto the scissors in her hand. Your phone slid out of your hands and onto the floor with a thud and you felt your heart sink with it as you tried to reposition yourself on the floor, trying to ignore the shooting pains from the shoulder you’d landed on.
But you knew it was useless, especially as you heard her frustrated breath and a low growl before you felt yourself get yanked up by the hair.
She was freakishly strong for a woman her size.
That was the thought that entered your mind as you tried to regain as much balance as you could. You felt your breath catch in your throat as the threatening cold metal blades hovered near your neck right before the door crashed open.
You’d never felt such a sense of safety overwhelm you until you saw your husband’s face now, his gun ticked up high, his eyes betraying a mixed look of relief and worry at the same time, if that was even possible.
“Y/N.” Your name left his lips like a reflex, his eyes locked directly on yours, even the unspoken words putting you slowly at ease.
Jay was here.
Jay’s eyes flicked towards the woman standing behind you who looked as startled as a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.
“Put the scissors down.”
You heard the effort it took for Jay to keep his voice steady, knowing that it would just take something small for Jay to lose it. So you locked your eyes on his, even though you felt the anxiety once again eat at you.
Grace hadn’t reacted and Jay kept his gun raised, his trained eyes looking around the room.
“Stay out of this.” Grace forced the words out through her clenched teeth. “I wouldn’t have done this if she didn’t…”
Her words trailed off as your body froze, your eyes catching the flash of ginger at the door.
“Will.” You felt the jolt of worry hit you, interrupted only by a growl from behind you, the scissors that inched dangerously closer towards your neck reminding you that maybe you shouldn’t have said his name.
Will’s eyes lighted on yours and despite the predicament you found yourself in, you wanted to smack him upside the head for that guilt swimming in his eyes.
Your eyes moved back towards Jay’s and he nodded discreetly at you.
“Grace. Listen to me. Put it down and we can all talk, alright?” Jay said quietly, lowering his gun just a little as a show of faith.
Grace frowned, her eyes flicking up towards Will before she spoke. “All I needed to do was get rid of her, right?”
Will’s frown deepened just slightly as he absorbed what Grace was saying.
“I was just getting rid of the obstacles standing in our way.” Grace said, her voice cracking just a little. “I see the way you look at her, but if it wasn’t for her, we'd be together!"
Will glanced at you and you frowned just as his eyes flicked back to Grace, his head shaking slowly. “I need you to let her go. Can’t you see you’re hurting everyone?”
You heard Will’s voice crack softly, Jay’s eyes flicking towards his older brother as well.
“She’s my… she’s my sister. There’s nothing… You… you’ve misunderstood.”
You could hear how much it was killing Will to keep his voice even and steady, when he was just as close to losing his cool as Jay was.
You felt Grace’s hold on you loosen just a little as her focus shifted entirely to Will. “Your…”
She shook her head, her shaking hand once again inching closer towards you. “I’ve seen the both of you… you don’t have a sister, don’t lie to me!”
“It’s true.” Will said quietly, glancing at Jay who nodded, now lowering his gun even more, Hailey stepping just half a step forward in case.
“Grace.” Jay said quietly. “Look at me.”
As Grace turned her attention to him, Jay exhaled gently. “You know me, don’t you? If you know Will as well as you do.”
Grace nodded slowly. “I just want my wife back.” He said quietly and you heard the quiet crack in his voice, one that only you would have picked up on. “Just give her back to me, please.”
Grace angled her head back down to you and you nodded. “I tried to tell you.”
Caught off-guard, Grace looked like she wasn’t sure what to do next. In her hesitation, her hand holding the blade moved slightly away from you, hovering off to the side and Jay nodded at you.
You threw yourself in the opposite direction, falling back down onto the ground with a crash, the pain in your shoulder causing you to groan. Jay lunged towards Grace, the metal blades of the scissors clattering across the ground as she lost grip.
“Y/N, are you hurt?”
Will’s voice reached you first and you opened your eyes, the groan escaping your lips. “My shoulder. I think…”
Jay was back at your side as Hailey took over the arrest, slicing through the cables around your wrists quickly. The relief was almost immediate and a quiet sigh escaped your lips as the pressure of your arms being pulled behind you was released, even though your shoulder still gave a small throb.
“Are you hurt?” Jay’s voice was quiet but you could feel every single emotion that pulsated through those three words.
You winced as Will’s fingers applied pressure on your shoulder but Will glanced up a little guiltily at his brother, shaking his head. “It’s a little strained but I don’t think it’s a serious injury.”
“Chloroform I think.” You told Will, glancing a little worriedly at Jay for an impending reaction.
Instead, Jay just leaned in, pressing you gently into his embrace, as if worried you’d disappear right out of his arms.
You felt tears well up in your eyes as the adrenaline still pumped through your veins, the anxiety from everything that had happened pulling to the surface, a quiet sob escaping through your lips.
Putting a gentle hand on your head, Jay pulled you deeper into his embrace, soothing you quietly and as you felt your heartbeat slow, you didn’t feel like crying anymore.
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The only time Jay had let go of your hand was briefly in the ambulance when the paramedics needed to put a line in, as well as when Ethan had asked him to wait outside and you’d nodded quietly at him with an encouraging smile.
But the moment Ethan had let him back in, Jay was once again next to you almost like a bodyguard while Ethan assured him that everything seemed to be okay except that your shoulder was slightly bruised from the fall and that you were getting an ice compress and they’d examine you again after.
As Ethan left the both of you alone in the room again, you leaned your head against Jay with a soft sigh.
“You doing okay?” Jay asked quietly.
You didn’t answer immediately before you nodded. “You heard Ethan.”
“You know that wasn’t what I was asking.” A reproachful tone crept into Jay’s voice despite his efforts to hide it.
You pulled away to look up at him and Jay took the opportunity to lower himself down towards you, sitting at the edge of your bed so he could be close enough for you to remain snuggled into his side.
“I remembered where I knew her from…” You’d barely begun when your eyes caught Will hovering at the entrance of the room.
Jay glanced up, nodding at his brother who was closely followed by Connor. Connor had Will’s hand protectively clamped in his own, which only made you want to smile.
“Hey, you doing okay?” Will asked. “Ethan said whatever she gave you was probably just a sedative and that other than a busted shoulder you’re…”
You smiled. “I’m fine.”
Will glanced at Jay, which made you look at your husband as well.
“Look, Y/N. I’m sorry. This is all…”
“Will Halstead.” You snapped, interrupting him. “I swear to God, if you take all the blame for this one I will smack you upside the head. Hard.”
You narrowed your eyes at him as Will looked a little startled, even though a smile was playing on the corner of Connor’s lips.
“How the hell were any of us supposed to know this was her? Or that this woman following you around would actually think I was your girlfriend and kidnap me in broad daylight?” You said, glancing over at Jay as if this was directed at him as well.
Jay just nodded at you before looking at his brother. “Will, I wasn’t blaming you, I just…”
Will nodded. “I know. I kept thinking if Connor had disappeared…”
Connor gave Will’s hand another reassuring squeeze.
“We done?” You asked, almost accusingly at Will.
Will’s eyebrows bunched together in slight confusion as he nodded.
“Now, get over here. I need a hug from my older brother.” You snapped.
Will let out the first real smile that day and stepped forward to pull his arms around you. “I’m sorry.” Will whispered.
You shook your head. “All of you came to get me. That’s what matters.”
Will pulled away and Connor reached for his hand once more. “Told you so.”
You smiled, leaning back into Jay’s embrace. “You almost induced a heart attack today. Don’t ever disappear on me again.” Jay whispered, pressing his lips onto your temple.
You just closed your eyes, letting out a soft hum of satisfaction at being safe with Jay, accompanied by Will and Connor, the ache in your shoulder barely even bothering you anymore.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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valentinajadehill · 11 months
one chicago masterlist
jay, adam, kevin
admirer central o
adam ruzek
memory lane o
jay halstead
crossing lines o
jealousy jealousy o
leap of faith o
showtime part one, part two, part three
only mine o
back off o
bullpen chatter o
work related encounters o
jesse lee soffer
new romance o
closer than most o
connor rhodes
come back to me o
ethan choi
secret relationship o
attention o
nerf gun war o
the toothbrush o
antonio dawson
hug me o
nurse dawson at your service o
i tried to help o
fight me o
will halstead
medicinal purposes o
kelly severide
resanoona masterlist
give into you o
second chances part one, part two, part three, part four, part five
the way home masterlist
479 notes · View notes
sjhhemmings · 6 months
Dream Partner
Connor Rhodes x Fem!Reader
A/N: Connor is my bae now. I started watching med and i’m OBSESSED. God I love him. also sorry i’ve been like MIA? I just haven’t had the motivation to write :(
Lmk if you guys like this by REBLOGGING AND LIKING AND COMMENTING!!! Support your writers 🤞🏻🩵
warnings: alcohol, fluff, confessing feelings
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“Y/N, truth or dare.” Ethan asks from across the table at Molly’s.
Most of you guys from the hospital decided drinks after shift would be fun, but now that they’re bringing in games, this isn’t going to end well for you.
Sucking in a deep breath you scrunch your nose in response, “Sorry, but I think it’s time for me to go home!” You say a little sarcastically because you don’t want to leave, but you don’t want to play the game.
“No, no, no, no, you’re not leaving me here with these maniacs.” Natalie said grabbing the back of your coat and sitting you back into your chair.
You glanced around the table of your colleagues and sighed. Whatever.
You and Ethan were sitting across from each other on the end of the table. Will sitting next to Ethan, and Natalie sitting next to you. Maggie sitting next to Will closest to the wall, then finally Connor sitting next to Natalie across from Maggie.
“Herrmann, get me another shot!” You yelled from across the bar earning a thumbs up and an eye roll before looking back at Ethan.
“You’re on. Dare.” You say confidently as Herrmann sets down another shot of tequila in front of you.
“I dare you to try and get as many phone numbers as you can from guys in this bar in under 2 minutes. Depending on how many you get is what determines your punishment.” Ethan says with a coy smile making your jaw drop.
“Woah, punishment?” You ask a little lost.
“Like if you get 5 or less, you take 3 shots, 6-15, only 2 shots, and then 16+ you can give me a dare twice as bad. With a punishment.”
“You’re so on.” You say taking your tequila shot and hopping off your stool.
“You timer starts…Now!” Ethan says starting your two minute timer.
As you walk away you pull your shirt down exposing a little more cleavage in hopes that would raise your chances as you make your way around the bar.
Exhausted and out of breath, 2 minutes later you make your way back to the table.
“Damn it.” Is all you say with a sigh as you sit down.
“How many did you get? 3?” Ethan asks with a smirk not confident in your abilities at all.
Exhaling deeply you roll your eyes and pull out the napkin you had every number on.
“Not quite…” You say looking disappointedly down at your results.
“Only…23 numbers.” You say looking up at Ethan’s dropped jaw. As the rest of the table hypes you up, you bask in the success.
“Now what did you say, I get to double the punishment?” You ask in a smart ass tone.
“Hm, okay! Truth or dare Ethan? Choose wisely.” You say with a wink earning an eye roll.
“Truth.” He says sighing obviously still butt hurt.
“Is someone a chicken?” You ask pointedly making everyone else laugh.
“Nope. Just have fun coming up with someone that’s worth double the punishment for a truth.” He says taking a sip of his drink making you huff. If he wants to play it that way, then so be it.
“Have you ever filmed a sex tape?” You ask with the words rolling off your tongue. Ethan’s face turns bright red as the people at your table feel the awkward tension between you two.
“Remember, be truthful or you can choose to not answer for 4 shots.” You add while taking a sip of your own drink.
“No answer.” Is all Ethan says as he starts taking his shots as everyone else as the table dies from laughter.
After a few minutes of silence and miscellaneous conversations the table settles down. Making you forget about the game completely.
“Okay, okay, Y/N, truth or dare.” Natalie asks you to which you respond with an eye roll.
“Shouldn’t it be someone else’s turn?”
“Nah, you’re good at this game. You make it entertaining, pick one.” Natalie says making you chuckle.
“Truth. I don’t want to get up again.” You say giving her a pleading look.
“Describe your perfect dream partner. From head to toe, first thing that comes to your mind.”
“Do you want me to paint your nails next too? What is this a 12 year olds birthday party?” You ask laughing making her lightly hit your shoulder.
“I don’t even know where to start.” You whine making her give you a look of disbelief. You stare at your fingers that your fidgeting with as you start to think of your dream type.
“Okay, uh, Brown hair. Brunettes are alway cute.” You trail off not really knowing what to say next.
“Go on…” Natalie urges you making you rub your forehead from stress.
“I like green or blue eyes, wait just blue eyes. I like the deep ocean-y blue ones, not really icy. A stubble is always cute, or a little bit of facial hair. Oh and he needs to be tall, or taller than me at least.”
“Okay… give us some personality.” Will says with you rolling your eyes in response.
“God you people are needy!” You say faking annoyance. The alcohol has really helped in you not really caring with these things. “Confident but not cocky. Funny, able to take a joke and match energy. Communicates. Empathetic, and passionate. Pretty smile. Oh and respects me and my body or boundaries. ”
“Oh those are good,” Maggie adds making you blush a little.
“Hm. Give us some ideal careers.” Will adds making you think. Also a little suspicious. Why is he so interested.
“Surgeon.” You say without thinking.
“I need to be with someone who understands our job and is able to work with me on not having the most accommodative schedule. Or an NHL player so I can become his trophy wife.” You say with a smile toasting your beer with Natalie who mutters a ‘true that’.”
Before anyone really responds you a hear a soft chuckle from across the table. Will.
“What’s so funny?” You ask slightly glaring at him.
“You know, I was putting the puzzle pieces together, and you know who sounds like your Dream Partner Y/N?” He asks making you confused.
“Humor me, Will.” You say because you weren’t specifically thinking about anyone while describing your ideal type. It’s just your type that’s all.
“Mr. Connor Rhodes over here.” He says with a smirk making your face drop at the realization.
“Hm. Yeah, actually that makes a lot of sense.” Natalie says after thinking it over.
“Yeah the brown hair, stubble, blue ocean eyes, not the icy ones!” Ethan adds making you kick his shin under the table.
You can’t see Connor’s reaction to all of this but you know it’s probably not good. You wipe your hands down your face before you decide to get up, “I’m gonna go get another drink.” You say announcing your departure as you walk away.
Fuck what were you thinking. You and Connor? Dating? More than friends? Of course it crossed your mind, but for it to be a reality? Hell no. You can’t even imagine how much he doesn’t like you. He’s always second-guessing your choices as a doctor, and you’re never on the same page with anything.
It seems like he always has a problem with you, so now that you basically told him to his face he’s your dream type. That’s embarrassing.
Resting your head on the bar counter in front of you, you try your hardest not to cry from embarrassment right here right now.
Feeling a soft hand on your shoulder, you keep your face buried in your arms not willing to face Natalie or Will right now.
“Go away, Will.” You mutter but instead of the person walking away, you feel their presence shift to sit in the seat next to you.
“It’s not Will.” You hear Connor say making your face blush even more. Fuck why did he have to come over here. He’s probably going to give you the talk that, ‘As flattering as it is that you have a secret crush on me, I’m gonna have to say we’re better as friends.’ No way, you’re not putting yourself through that tonight.
“Oh. Well you can go away too.” You mutter again.
“Can we talk?” He asks in a softer tone making you basically become the whole emotion on embarrassment. God why tonight?
“I’d rather not.” You say still not lifting your head up.
“That’s fine. I can talk…just, listen?”
Finally lifting your head up and looking Connor in the eye you sigh.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you in this awkward position where you feel obligated to come reassure me and gently let me down, saying ‘you’re flattered but we’re better as friends.’ Because I know, not that we’re really friends and I’m pretty sure you hate me but that’s besides the point. I understand. Now I’m going to excuse myself saying I’ll go to the bathroom, when i’m probably just going to walk out the door. Have a good night Connor.”
“Y/N wait!” He says grabbing your elbow to stop you from walking away.
“No, it’s okay,”
“No. Let me talk.” He pleads looking you in the eye. This sends butterflies to your stomach and also makes you overly aware of him touching your arm right now. Oh my god, Connor Rhodes is touching your arm right now. You could faint.
Sighing you sit back down next to him. Turning your chair so your knees are facing each other and you guys are sideways to the bar counter you run your hand through your hair as a nervously.
“I’m sorry that Will put you in that position, I’m sure you didn’t mean anything by it and that was kind of a dick move on his part, I’m also sorry I gave you the idea I don’t like you. Because I do, a lot. Thats partially the reason Will was pushing you to share so much. I always thought you never liked me, and they’ve been trying to convince me to ask you out. So now I guess, that’s what i’m doing? Y/N, would you want to-”
“Wow, Connor um…” You say interrupting him quietly, shocked from his confession.
“And now this is the part you try to let me down gently?” He asks chuckling a little but obviously hurt.
“No! No, i’m just surprised is all. We’ve just never really agreed on anything as doctors and I was convinced that you always had something against me…I never really thought of the idea of us together. I guess I never really allowed myself too. I mean, like, I would love to go out with you don’t get me wrong…But if this is just out of pity because I ran off embarrassed, again I hope you don’t feel obligated to-” You say rambling but he cuts you off.
“Y/N, that’s not what I’m doing. I want to do this. I like you, a lot.”
Another blush creeps onto your face as you make eye contact with Connor. Your heart is in your throat, not really knowing what to say you smile shyly.
“So will you please, go out with me?” He asks furrowing his brow in anticipation of your answer.
“Yes,” You say smiling a little awkwardly because you don’t know where to go from here.
“And now is the part where one of you invites each other to their house, and then you guys make beautiful drunken love, allllll night!” Will says coming in between you guys, holding each of your shoulders.
“Will, if you don’t get out of my sight in the next 5 seconds I’m going to punch you in the mouth.” You say with your eyes not leaving Connor’s as he sits back in his seat and snickers.
As you and Connor both get up to leave, Connor grabs your hand to guide you out behind him.
“Wanna come back to my place?” Connor asks once you both are outside.
“I’d like that.” You say grabbing his other hand holding them between you guys.
Before you would even be able to prepare let alone register what was going to happen, Connor leaned down and placed his lips on yours.
It was a soft but needy kiss that you only broke because you needed air. Only pulling away far enough to rest his forehead against yours you both chuckle.
“I like you too, Connor.” You whisper as he places his lips back on yours and smiles in between the kisses.
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americaswritings · 1 year
When we fall | Part 3
Warnings (for all parts): Fluff, angst, description of injuries and blood, gun use, cursing, probably unaccurate policing/medicine
Summary: You moved to Chicago to start a new life. Working as a doctor alongside your brother Connor you make new friends and although you swore to yourself not to let any man in your life at least for a while, your promises fail when you lock eyes with a handsome stranger in a bar.
Words: 6k
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Doctor!Rhodes!reader
A/N: And here is the last part of the short series. The events are inspired by a chicago med ep. I really hope you enjoyed it :)
Part 1 | Part 2
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“We’ll take care of you and your daughter.” You smiled at your patient reassuringly, noticing someone moving towards you in corner of your eye. Turning your head you saw a man with tousled hair standing at the threshold, his eyes almost hazy as his gaze skipped around the room.
“Where’s Leah?!”, he barked out, his eyes only focused on your patient. Your gaze flickered towards her, taking in the fear in her eyes and the gasp that left her lips. “Jake? How did you find us here?”, she whispered, oblivion dripping from her voice.
“Did you really think you could just leave and take our daughter with you? She’s my daughter too!” He took a threatening step closer, eyes narrowed. “Now, where is she?!”
Your patient’s breathing had quickened and a look at the heart monitor told you she was about to have a panic attack. “Sir, I need you to calm down and take a step back”, you said forcefully, drawing his attention on you. His eyes jumped to you, anger brimming in them.
“Like hell I will! I’m taking my wife and my kid home now!” Your eyes flickered towards the nurse, giving her a little nod to signal her to call the security service, before you met his again. “I can see you’re upset. But your wife and your daughter are sick. They need treatment and rest-”
“Shut up!” You flinched as he yelled at you, his loud voice alarming multiple people around you. “Everything okay in here?” Will appeared at the door, his eyes scanning the room until they landed at yours, staying there as he waited for an honest answer.
The man shook his head furiously, but he took a step back. You almost exhaled in relief. “I want to see my daughter! Now!”, he demanded, but before anyone could gave him an answer, he turned and ripped open the curtain to the next room.
You heard squeals, alarmed voices mixing with the sound of another curtain being ripped open. “Sir, I need you to leave now!” Will leaned forward to grab the man’s shoulder when suddenly he yanked out a gun, twisting around and pointing it right at Will’s chest.
A gasp escaped you as you watched Will stumble back, his hands raised. “Look man, we’re just trying to help, okay?” But the man, Jake, didn’t seem to hear any of it, his eyes filled with hatred and something that scared you even more; desperation and determination. A dangerous combination.
He wouldn’t leave until he got what he wanted.
“What’s going on here?” You heard Connor’s voice, saw him step out of a patient’s room and move towards the intruder. From his angle he couldn’t see the gun, couldn’t know the severity of the situation.
“Connor, no!” Your legs moved forward at the same time as the man turned around, the gun pointed at your brother. Everything seemed to happen so fast and in slow-motion at once as your body reacted purely on instinct, the fear for your brother carrying you forward.
You didn’t know if he meant to pull the trigger or if it was out of reflex, but you had no time to think about it as a shot rang out.
You would have screamed, but no sound left your mouth as the impact hit you, sending your body tumbling backwards until it hit the wall. Only moments before your feet had carried you forward, but now they suddenly couldn’t take your weight anymore, your body sinking to the ground.
Around you screams were erupting, but they sounded drowned out, as if you were underwater. Your name was being called, but it all seemed to blend into a haze.
You tried to peek at where you felt a sudden pressure in your body, shock mixing with confusion as you saw blood staining your clothes. Just seconds ago you had been standing in a patient’s room and now you were on the ground, your own blood pooling around your feet. It didn’t make sense.
From the periphery of your eye you saw people running. Some moved towards you, but most of them the opposite way. Away. They were running away.
And they were pushing, tripping, falling over each other. “Put down the gun!” You saw one of the security men approach, his own gun drawn at the attacker. Another shot cut through the atmosphere, but to your horror it was the security man that fell, blood splattering from a wound to his front.
“Everyone just back off!”
Jake’s sharp voice snapped you out of your shock and all at once reality hit you. Pain sank in, slowly at first and then in a stream of hot sensations. Tears formed in your eyes at the burning pain and you grit your teeth, trying to will it away, because you knew you needed to be aware of what happened next.
Lifting your head slightly you found the ER had mostly cleared out, only a few people remaining. Among them were Will and Connor, both of their bodies’ turned towards you in a way that suggested they had tried to get to you, their hands raised.
“Just let me get to my sister, okay? I’m a doctor and she needs help.” You stared at Connor, seeing the panic he tried to restrain as he appealed to the man reasonably. Jake’s eyes flickered towards you, hesitance written over his face.
“You didn’t want this to happen, do you?” Connor asked, his voice strained. “So let me make this better. Let me help.” He was pleading now and another wave of panic filled you as you realized he was only mere seconds away from doing something reckless.
For a moment you thought you were going to throw up from the sickness that cursed through your body, but you feared you wouldn’t even be able to move your body in the state you were in.
Jake let out a frustrated breath, gesturing towards you with his gun. “Okay. Okay!” Connor rushed over to you immediately, his concerned eyes meeting yours. “Are you okay? How do you feel? Can you tell me where you’ve been hit?”
You tried to follow his questions, your mind spinning. Instead of an answer you let out a groan as Connor found your wound, pressing down on it. “We need to stop the bleeding.”
Now that he was here by your side a weakness took over your body and you welcomed it. Welcomed the dark, because it felt easier to lean into it than fight it. But it never swallowed you. As much as you wished you could just pass out, the pain didn’t end, keeping you caged in your body.
You didn’t need to ask him how serious your condition was. The urgency in Connor’s movement alone was enough for you to confirm it was bad, the seeping hot pain a further indicator.
You saw Jake still waving his gun around, speaking in an animated tone with Will and Maggie. To your left someone had crouched down next to the security guard and you felt a flicker of relief when you saw it was Ethan.
A cough rose up your throat and your body shook, sending an ache through you. When you wiped your mouth you noticed your skin had turned red.
“No, no, no”, your brother whispered, his eyes frantic. “Connor”, you said, your voice a little hoarse. He paused for a moment, both of you locking eyes in a quiet exchange. “I’m scared”, you whispered, feeling a few tears escape your eyes.
Connor swallowed, his eyes filled with desperation. “I know”, he leaned closer, “But you will be okay. I will fix it, okay?.”
You nodded slowly, needing to cling to his words. To hold onto the reminder that you would be okay. That your life wasn’t over when you hadn’t even started fully living yet.
It didn’t make sense. You had woken up a few minutes before your alarm clock, had been in an oddly good mood as you had gotten ready for work and even your patients had been unusually patient and grateful. Today was a good day. Not a day that could turn into such a catastrophe in the blink of an eye.
This didn’t happen. Maybe in books or on tv. But not here, not to people like you.
“Hey!” Dr. Goodwin appeared in your vision, bending down to Connor and you. “What’s the status?” You hadn’t seen her before, but knowing she was here already gave you a sparkle of hope. As the hospital’s executive director it was her job to find solutions, even in the face of the worst possible events. She would get them out of here, somehow.
“She’s been shot in the abdomen. No exit wound so the bullet is still inside. I believe she’s bleeding internally.”
You saw a shadow cloud Dr. Goodwin’s as she looked at you and it was as if you could see the wheels in her head turning as she assessed the situation.
“What’s going on?”, you asked weakly, needing to know if the others were safe. “Mr. Whitman demands to take his wife and daughter and leave. I was on the phone with the Chicago police department. They told me he’s got a history of domestic abuse and violence. The wife filed a report on him and moved states to get him out of her life.”
“And he found her now.” You gulped, slowly piecing the pieces together. Dr. Goodwin nodded, graveness written over her face. “So what’s the plan?” It was Connor, his voice urgent.
Dr. Goodwin sighed, taking off her glasses and pinching the brick of her nose. You had never seen her like this, so defeated, and it filled you with unease.
“The police is here and a squad team too. But there is no way we can let them inside or get someone outside right now without Mr. Whitman noticing. Right now they are preparing for getting just one person in. Unarmed.”
“What help is that going to be?” Connor let out a scoff and it annoyed you how quick to judge he was, and more so, that you agreed with him. What would another person talking to Jake change?
“It would be a trained officer, who has the experience and skills to deal with these kind of high pressure situations. The plan would be for him to try and talk to Mr. Whitman first and if that’s not effective either, assess the situation and make a move or get back to the team and share valuable information with them.”
You could see Connor still shaking his head, but Dr. Goodwin stood again. “It’s the only thing Mr. Whitman has agreed to. You know I would prefer to get everyone else out, but he has been clear. If one person leaves, he is going to make use of his gun again.”
“And what are we supposed to do now? Just wait?”
“Connor”, you tried to calm him, but his eyes snapped to yours. “We need an OR now! Monique!” The blonde nurse standing next to Ethan looked over. You could see the fear written all over her face. “Can you take over for a moment?”
She gave a nod, her eyes flickering to Jake who didn’t let them out of sight. Crouching down next to you the two quickly exchanged their hands applying pressure onto your wound, the sensation making you let out a groan.
But you pushed away the pain, trying to focus on Connor. “What are you doing?”, you hissed as you watched him get up, wishing you could hold him back.
“Dr. Rhodes, we should wait for the officer to arrive. Right now the situation is stable and I can’t risk-” “Stable? Is that what you call this?” Connor pushed himself fully up now, the movement catching Jake’s eye.
“Sit back down!” But Connor lifted his hands, taking a cautious step forward. “My sister likely suffers from an internal bleeding. We need an OR to-” “No! Nobody goes anywhere!”
Connor’s face fell, his shoulders sinking, but he took another step forward. The grip the fear had around your heart tightened. “Please, I need to stop the bleeding. You don’t want her to die, right?”
Jake stared at you for a moment before his attention was back on your brother. “I just want my daughter and my wife!”
“And we get that. We do. But she-”, he turned halfway towards you, his eyes not leaving Jake for a second, “has nothing to do with this. Let me save her life.”
“I said no one goes anywhere! You save her here or you don’t save her at all. It’s on you!”
You watched Connor open his mouth again, but before he could say another word Jake stepped forward, his gun pointed directly at his chest.
“Do I look like someone who’s joking?!”, he yelled, making everyone around him flinch. Connor made himself a little smaller, taking a small step backwards while shaking his head. “Yeah, so you better listen to what I’m saying! No get your ass back down there!”
You didn’t have the heart to watch Connor when he returned to you, to see the defeat and hopeless on his face. The fear.
He had barely sat down again when another turmoil broke loose, gaining everyone’s attention. It had to be the officer Jake had allowed in, though you didn’t want to know what he would get in return for the favour.
Although you didn’t feel much hope regarding the plan, you trusted the police to make the right choice. This couldn’t be their first hostage situation, so they knew what to do, right?
What you hadn’t anticipated was that the officer coming in could be someone you knew. Someone you knew very well.
You blinked a few times, but it was unmistakably him.
His voice. His physique.
A touch at your hand drew your attention away from him for a moment and you noticed Monique had reached for it. Only now you saw you had balled your hand into a fist, all the tension left in your body visible in that one grip. Slowly she loosened it, taking your hand into hers instead and squeezing it in reassurance.
You didn’t know the young nurse so well- she was a little more on the reserved and quiet side- but the gesture filled you with deep gratitude, giving you the strength to look up again and face this new reality.
Jay hadn’t noticed you yet, his whole focus on calming Jake enough to make an uneventful entrance. When he seemed confident in the situation he scanned the room, assessing the conditions they were dealing with.
He did it with a professional calmness you wished you could have right now, his face only giving away his emotion when they fell on his brother. “Hey, man. You alright?”
He stepped forward, avoiding any rapid movements and Will nodded. “I’m okay. But Mrs. Kaden is in a bad condition. The stress on top of her physical state worries me.”
He said something else, but he had lowered his voice that it was impossible for you to understand anything. Jay nodded. “What about the two victims?”
“The security guard got hit at the shoulder. He’s stable.” “And the other one?” Will shook his head, his eyes filled with sadness. “She’s over there with Connor. It doesn’t look good, Jay.”
It was strange, listening to them and knowing they were talking about you. Waiting for the moment Jay’s eyes fell upon you.
You didn’t know what kind of reaction you were anticipating, but nothing could have prepared you for the utter shock that filled Jay’s face as he looked at you.
You watched him do a double take, every trace of his confidence and expressionlessness gone, replaced by a turmoil of emotions. He almost lunged forward, stopping himself when Jake’s warning voice filled the air.
You could see Connor’s questioning gaze on you, but you were focused fully on Jay as he made his way over to you with careful movements.
When he crouched down in front of you, he was close enough for you to see a hint of fear in his eyes. “What happened?”
Your petty argument, the distance, it all seemed forgotten as you stared at him, not strong enough to hide your own fear. “I got shot.”
Although it was obvious, it was the first time you had said the words out loud, had acknowledged the fact that this was really happening to you. It felt surreal, even with the burning pain spreading through your body, making it impossible to keep your composure.
Jay’s eyes softened as he heard your husky voice, the effort it took you to form the words another sign how bad your current shape was. For a moment his eyes drifted over your body, his face twisting in pain as he stared at your blood, before he looked up again.
“He said he’s going to kill us if he doesn’t walk out of here with his wife and his kid.” Jay nodded, his lips pressed into a thin line. “I know.”
“But- you’re here now…right?”
“Yeah, I am.” Jay tried to force an encouraging smile on his face, but you knew him well enough to know it was strained.
“You’re here”, you repeated relieved, your voice almost giving up at the end and you coughed. Jay stared at you, his eyes a little widened, his pupils dilated in fear.
He was scared. For you. He was scared for you.
“Her pulse is up to 120 and she’s sweating.” It was Monique and you saw her exchange a look with Connor. “What’s her condition?” Jay was talking to Connor now, as if he had only now realized he was there.
Under different circumstances your brother wouldn’t have let go what had just happened right in front of his eyes. He would have teased you until you would have told him the truth about Jay and you. But now he did, just like that, knowing there was no time for it as yours was running out.
The thought sent another wave of fear through your body, but with the hot pain and the growing weakness you felt too overwhelmed to do anything about it. So you tried to focus on the feeling of Monique’s hand holding yours, on Jay’s closeness and your brother’s words.
“The bullet likely caused internal bleeding. She’s losing too much blood.” Connor almost ran a hand over his face like he always did when he was stressed, stopping himself when he saw your blood on his hands.
“What do you need?”
“I need an OR. I need to find the bleeding and stop it.” His voice was a mix of desperation and determination and Jay listened intensely. His mask of professionalism was back in place, the sight having something grounding to it in the midst of this chaos, but you could detect a few flaws where his emotions threatened to pour in.
“I’m here to negotiate”, he began, eyes cast towards Jake, continuing lowly, “but really I think this will take a different ending.”
You wanted to ask him what that meant, but it seemed too difficult and you were forced to watch him get up instead. As Connor tried to get up too you tried to catch his wrist. You failed, but the movement still let him pause.
“Don’t go, please”, you whispered, your body shaking. You wished you could stop it, but you had lost all control over it, and when had it become so cold?
You felt Jay’s eyes on you as Connor leaned down to you, placing his hands on the sides of your face. “You’re sweating and your pulse is way up. Your skin is ice cold and you’re pale. I don’t need to tell you what that means. We need to do something now.”
You felt tears run down your cheeks as you tried to shake your head, silently pleading him to stay. He had already risked it with Jake once. What would he do when Connor tried it again and this time he wouldn’t give up?
“I’m coming back.” Connor stroked your cheek once before pressing a kiss against your forehead. Then he was gone, his touch only a faint memory as your head sank back against the wall.
As the two walked away from you they blurred into nothing more than silhouettes. Muffled voices filled your ears, but they were too drowned out for you to understand anything. Monique was speaking to you too, the level of her tone indicating she was saying something to soothe you, but her words never reached you either.
A part of you wanted to pass out. As much as you wanted to know what happened, with Connor and Jay not by your side any longer all your fight had left you. The pain felt unbearable now, as if someone had lit your body on fire and the flames were eating at you, slowly burning you alive.
Your throat was closing and it was getting hard to breathe. Every once in a while you choked on air, raspy coughs escaping your mouth. And it was so cold. Colder than the winter in Chicago.
The last sound you heard before the darkness finally swallowed you was a gunshot.
The first thing you felt when you woke was the heaviness of your body, as if an invisible weight had been placed upon you.
You could hear the steady beeping of a monitor, the sound having something reassuring to it. You listened to it for a while, too tired to pull yourself out of the haze yet.
But then the events of the day came crashing back to you, the image of Jay and Connor both leaving your side to get Jake to let them save you. The sound of a gun going off.
You blinked your eyes open, your vision only slowly clearing. But eventually it sharpened, revealing the inside of a hospital room.
You weren’t surprised at the sight, but you still paused when you took in the IV you were hooked upon. “Look who’s awake.”
Turning your head you found April at the door, a smile on her lips. But you could see it wasn’t as effortless as usual and you wondered where she had been when all of it had happened.
Had she gotten out, left to wonder about Ethan’s and everyone else’s wellbeing? Or had she been hiding in one of the other patient rooms?
“How are you feeling?” She stepped into the room, beginning her check-up on you. You let her do it, squinting when she shone a bright light in your eyes. “I’ve felt better before”, you answered truthfully, growing slightly more aware or the pressure in your abdomen.
At least it didn’t hurt yet. You didn’t want to think of the moment the pain meds would wear off.
“Where’s my brother?” April had finished her tests, squeezing your hand. “He’s still in the hospital. I told him to go home and get some rest, but he insisted on staying.”
April shook her head, clearly disapproving of your brother’s choices. “But I did get him to take a shower. He should be in the on-call rooms right now. Do you want me to go and get him?”
You thought about it for a moment. “No, let him sleep. It’s been a hell of a day for him too.”
April nodded, a small smile on her lips. “What about detective Halstead? Do you want me to send him home too?”
You stared at her in surprise. “He’s still here? Wait- how much time passed?”
“5 hours. And yes, he’s here. Actually, he just got himself a coffee. I might have forgotten to mention how disgusting the one from the vending machine is.”
“You’re evil.” You narrowed your eyes at her, chuckling. April shrugged. “Can’t have anyone know our secrets. So what is it with you and the other Halstead. Is he the one you’ve been texting this whole time?”
You hesitated, ready to deny her words, because you were used to keeping it a secret. But you weren’t sure that was possible after today, and honestly it all seemed so unimportant know that you had almost lost your life.
“We were. But things are kind of- complicated between us so I’m not sure where we’re standing.”
“Well”, April walked towards the door, a smile on her lips, “whatever it is it can’t be so serious. You should have seen the way he looked at you when you came out of surgery.”
Your chest tightened as a wave of emotions flooded you. “He really stayed for me?”
April grinned. “He might have claimed there to be paperwork at first. And then that he wanted to look after his brother. But Will went home hours ago and guess who spend the whole time of your surgery pacing the waiting room.”
April winked at you. “I’m going to search for Ethan now. I wanted to wait for you to wake up before leaving.”
Warmth filled you and you had to blink away the tears, touched by everyone’s concern for you. But the mention of Ethan’s name had also reminded you that you hadn’t been the only one hurt today.
“Is everyone okay? The security guard, did he make it?”
“Oh yeah, we’re all okay.” Before she could say another word someone else appeared in the doorway and April left, a knowing smile on her lips.
“Hey.” You didn’t think you had ever heard Jay speak so softly. It made you want to pull him close and snuggle up beside him, be safe in his arms and forget everything else.
“Hey”, you said, trying to sit up a little, but realizing it was a pointless mission.
You supressed a grin when you noticed the coffee cup in his hand, but Jay had followed your gaze, lifting it up. “That’s the worst coffee I’ve ever had”, he declared, “and we’ve only got a new machine at the precinct last year.”
You chuckled lightly. “We have the good one hidden in the break room. But don’t tell anyone I’ve told you that.”
Jay grinned. “Your secret’s safe with me.” Pulling a chair to your bedside and setting his cup on the nightstand he sat next to you, his eyes flickering over your face.
“I prefer when I am the one taking the bullet.”
He smiled, but it was a sad smile, the stress from the past hours visible on his face. “What can I say? You made it seem so effortless.”
But Jay didn’t seem amused, his eyes heavy. “When I heard about the hostage situation, I hoped you weren’t on shift. I called you, but you didn’t pick up.” He blew out a breath.
“And my brother didn’t either so-” He ran a hand over his face. “It’s why I needed to be the one going in. I needed to know if you were okay.”
“And they let you?” Although you knew they had, you were surprised Jay had been chosen. You didn’t doubt his capability as a cop, but just like you weren’t allowed to be on a personal case you had believed Jay’s involvement would have been a red flag as well.
“Not at first, no. But I was very convincing. And Voight’s not too strict about the rules anyway.”
You didn’t want to imagine the length Jay might have gone to, to get what he wanted. Especially with Voight, who didn’t appreciate anyone speaking up against him or acting out of line.
You stirred a little, your body beginning to ache. “What happened after I passed out?”
Jay’s brows drew together and you could see the graveness in his eyes. “He wouldn’t let you go.” His jaw hardened. “Like I said, negotiations didn’t work with him.”
“Does that mean…-”, you trailed of, your heart heavy. Jay gritted his teeth. “Our backup plan was for me to lead him somewhere the squat team could take the shot.”
“So he’s dead now?” You didn’t know what to feel when Jay nodded his head once. Certainly not regret, not after what he had done, but there was no relief either. Instead you just felt numb, like the turmoil of emotions you had experienced in the past hours had left you completely empty.
“And the mother and her kid?” “They are okay.” Jay seemed as relieved to deliver those news as you felt and for the first you truly allowed yourself to take a big exhale. “As okay as they can be under these circumstances.”
“How could he even walk in with a gun?” You shook your head in disbelief, wishing for answers you know you would never get. “The hospital’s head launched an investigation”, Jay told you and you imagined the stress Dr. Goodwin must be facing even now that it was over.
“That’s good I guess”, you muttered. “Yeah.” But Jay seemed somewhere else with his thoughts and for a moment you feared he would go back to being distanced towards you.
But to your surprise he leaned forward, his hand almost touching yours on the bed. “What happened?”
You scrunched up your nose in confusion. “To you. What happened to you? How did you get shot?”
You took a deep breath, knowing you would have to face that question again once Connor was up. He would be upset, but as much as you regretted your action, wished things had gone differently, you couldn’t say it had been a mistake. Not if you had prevented something worse, like a bullet hitting your brother.
“It all happened so fast.” You closed your eyes, trying to recall the moment. But your memories were hazy, the images blurry, only in fragments.
“I saw Connor coming out of a patient’s room and he- he couldn’t see the gun. Jake would have shot him. He- I- I had to do something.”
When you opened your eyes again you saw Jay’s green eyes staring intensely at you, his brows furrowed deeply.
A shadow covered his face, but it vanished before you could ask about it.
“So you’d rather get yourself killed?” It sounded a little accusing and your face fell, anger filling you. “Don’t you think I know that now? But you would have done the same for Will. I know you would have.”
Jay shifted. “That’s different”, he said, but you tilted your head at him. “I’m too tired for that conversation.”
Jay looked hurt and disappointed, but you didn’t regret your words. You couldn’t take his arguments now, not now when you were still coming to terms with the reality that you had almost lost your life.
“I didn’t know you were so selfless. I mean-”, Jay rubbed the back of his head, “I knew, because of your job and how you treat your patients, but taking a bullet for someone else? I didn’t know you were a hero.”
He was smiling now, trying to loosen the atmosphere, but this words had the opposite effect on you. “I’m not”, you said quietly. “I didn’t even mean to do that. My body just- reacted. That’s not bravery or selflessness.”
This time Jay touched your hand, the unexpected gesture drawing your attention back to him. “It’s always an instinct. It happens too quickly for anyone to make a conscious decision. It can be a reflex and still be brave. Because you didn’t hesitate.”
You hadn’t thought of it like that before and you started at him, your thoughts swirling in your brain as the desire to be close to him clouded your mind once more.
“Does it ever get easier?” You blinked, a little scared to be so vulnerable in front of him. “On tv they are fine after that. They are so cool about it. But what if I’m not fine? What if that was probably the worst thing that ever happened to me and I’m so scared?”
You bit your lip, forcing back the tears. But the truth was you weren’t ready to die yet. And coming so close to death had left its marks on you. You could feel it everywhere, as you gazed around the room, took in all the sensations you could feel, looked at Jay beside you. It was all so much.
“Hey.” Jay squeezed your hand. “That’s acting. It’s fake. You almost died. You’re not supposed to be fine right now.”
A tear escaped your eye and you wiped at it, trying not to be furious at yourself for losing your composure in front of Jay. “I don’t know how you do it. Getting shot at and still running towards danger and not away.”
Jay seemed sheepish out of a sudden, no hint of his usual confidence and wit. “It’s my job. Just like I could never do what you do.” You felt yourself smile a little, his recognition making you feel a little less small in the hospital bed. “And sometimes there are- things that happen on this job that you don’t just get over. We all have things we’re dealing with. Even I.”
Now you squeezed his hand, trying to show him you were there if he ever needed to talk to someone. Jay looked at you with gratitude in his eyes. He understood, even without words.
Silence settled in, but it didn’t feel uncomfortable. There came no pressure to come up with something to say, no need to say anything at all and you could see it was the same for Jay, his thoughts drifting.
“So Connor huh?”
You hadn’t expected the question, drawing your brows together. “What?”
Jay licked his lips, inhaling. “I saw you two together. And then today-”, he trailed off, gazing to the side as he collected himself.
“I don’t know what you saw-”, you began, but Jay raised a hand. “Don’t deny it. I’m not blind. It’s obvious how much you care for each other.”
You started at him, rendered speechless as you tried to imagine what he could have seen. But it didn’t matter, because Jay was- “You’re jealous!”
He twisted in his chair, pulling his hand away. “I’m not jealous”, he said, but you shook your head, grinning. “Yes, you are.”
Annoyance flashed over his face. “I just don’t like to be played with.” Your smile faded a little, but the relief you felt only grew as your slowly began to piece it all together.
“That’s why you acted so cold towards me out of a sudden. You saw me and Connor and you thought-” You almost let out a laugh, only suppressing it as you took in Jay’s unamused expression.
“Well detective Halstead, Connor is my brother.”
You watched with delight how his face turned into confusion, surprise and then hope. “He’s your brother”, he repeated in disbelief and you nodded. “I told you I came to Chicago, because I have family here.”
Jay let out a groan, the previous tension melting from his body as your words sank in. “But Will-”, he paused, clearly rethinking something his brother had said to him, “that bastard. When I saw you together I asked him about you and he warned me not to try anything, because of Connor. He never thought to mention once that he’s your brother.”
“You asked Will about me?”
Jay narrowed his eyes playfully. “That’s what you’re concerned about?”
You let out a laugh. “Not concerned, no. I just- you asked your brother about me.”
Jay raised his brow. “Why is that so hard to believe? I mean, you asked him about me too.”
Your face flushed. “I did not!”
“Yes, you did!” Jay chuckled, clearly enjoying your embarrassment. “Will told me about it. It’s why he got so suspicious so fast when I brought you up.”
“And then he mentioned Connor and you figured-” “he said that if I tried anything with you I would have to deal with Connor Rhodes. And it’s not like you two have the same last name.”
“Different moms”, you explained and he sighed. “I should have just talked to you, but I got so mad and then I heard you two talk and I just- reacted.”
“You should have”, you agreed, “but I should have been more open with you too.”
“So, let’s try again?”
His voice sounded so soft when he said it you felt yourself melt under the covers. “If you’re ready to deal with Connor Rhodes”, you pointed out playfully and Jay shrugged, his natural confidence back.
“After I helped save your life I’m pretty sure I’m well in with him. Which reminds me, you owe me three times now.”
You rolled your eyes, feeling the tiredness return to your body. Soon enough you would be drifting off again. “It’s twice, considering you cancelled our first date.”
Jay grinned. “Fair enough. But I’m taking you out once you’re out of here.”
You smiled. “I’m counting on it.”
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halsteadlover · 1 year
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❝ Some stories may be 18+ as they contain smut and/or detailed descriptions of content that may be upsetting, so if you’re underage and see a mark next to a story please do not read. I’ll always try to carefully highlight the warnings before each fic but it can happen I forget some of them, in that case feel free to notify me with an ask. ❞
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• ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔤𝔬 𝔓𝔇
☾ 𝐉𝐚𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝
☾ 𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐑𝐮𝐳𝐞𝐤
• ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔤𝔬 𝔐𝔢𝔡
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☾ 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐝
• ℭ𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔰
☾ 𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐧
☾ 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐑𝐞𝐢𝐝
☾ 𝐀𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫
• 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔲𝔩𝔞 𝔒𝔫𝔢
☾ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜
☾ 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
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Hello! For the minific game
Fire, flames, or excessive heat - rhodestead
Hi! Thanks for sending this in! I decided to play off of the camping mini fic I started in this one. It's ridiculous, but I'm committed to the bit now:
Will whooped as the wood finally ignited and he coaxed the flames higher. "I have made fire!" he yelled.
"Okay, caveman," Connor laughed as he tugged the back of Will's shirt until he sat back in his chair beside him. "Good job."
"Make fire," Will grunted at him, then a grin spread across his face. The 'I just had an idea and it's really dumb but I think it's funny so look out' grin that Connor was becoming unfortunately very familiar with. Mostly because it seemed to be a smile shared by Will, Jay, Bex, and Chris.
"Will make fire. Now Will hunt! Provide for Connor!" Will leapt up and stalked around their camp chairs to where the food was packed up. He rummaged around for a while, grunting some more, before he emerged and held up a package over his head with another triumphant yell.
He loped back over and presented Connor with a bag of marshmallows. "For you."
"What an amazing display of skills," Connor said as he ripped open the bag with snort. "Gonna help me cook some of this bounty, o' great hunter gatherer?"
"Oh, yeah, wait, hang on, I got special sticks." Will darted back to the car and returned with some fancy looking metal pronged roasters. He grinned at Connor as he stuck marshmallows on one before handing it over and then setting up his own.
Connor smiled at him as they started roasting them carefully. "You really did think of everything for this trip," he said. "It's been amazing. Thank you." He leaned in for a kiss which they both quickly got lost in...
Until the plop of their flaming marshmallows falling into the fire had Will pulling away. "My bounty!"
This was for the mini fic ask game if anyone else wants to play!
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lure-of-writing · 3 months
Chicago PD/Med Masterlist
Jay Halstead
Not today
Summary: You were partners long before Hailey was. It didn't help that you were in love with him
Not like I used to part 2
Summary: Finally you were able to move on
Out of love with you
Summary: He wasn’t even sure when it happened or more importantly, how. Like everything else it was slow at first, not noticeable by even the most trained eye, but eventually anyone within a twenty foot radius could tell he wasn’t even close to being in love with you.
Connor rhodes
My Love
Summary: If one thing about life was guaranteed, it's that absolutely nothing about life is guaranteed. Waking up, going to work, coming home at the end of the day, none of it was promised.
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sarahmadpeople · 1 year
A sight for sore eyes
Summary: One of Chicago Med’s finest doctors is back and reunited with his favourite person.
Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Reader, Connor Rhodes x Halstead!Sister Reader
Characters: Halstead!Sister Reader, Connor Rhodes, Will Halstead (mentioned)
Tags: fluff, reunion
Warnings: none (just pure fluff)
Word count: 683
Disclaimer: i don’t own any of the characters and this is purely fiction ~
a/n: back with another chicago med fic and it’s one of my shortest fic >< this is one of the ways I imagined Connor coming back to Chicago,, sorry for any mistakes and enjoyy ~~
“Room for one more?” A voice so familiar rang through my ears. A voice I’ve wished so many times to hear other than through the phone. I looked up and my eyes got misty. All the air seemed to have sucked out from my lungs as I took in the sight in front of me.
Standing gloriously a few feet away was Connor. Connor Rhodes.
Connor, who left because traumatising things happened one after another and he needed a break from the city. Connor, who left, leaving a distraught girlfriend back in Chicago, threading life with little to no support, what with her boyfriend being in another city, her older brother leaving and her other older brother being so close to losing it with whatever’s been happening in his life, the not-so recent building apartment fire flashed by in her mind. God, I nearly lost Will, lost my brother.
“Mind if I sit with you?” Connor’s voice once again brought me back from my thoughts.
“Connor,” I managed to utter because if I were to say anything else, the flood works would come. Connor took it as an invitation to sit next to me, on the bench outside the hospital overlooking a park nearby.
“You’re back,” I said as I looked at him, cataloging every feature of his face. I’ve missed this so much. It’s been almost a year since he left and that one year was downright a crazy year.
Connor chuckled and let out a soft but bright smile that never failed to spread warmth all over me, “I’m back, babe. For good.” Connor reached his arm and pulled towards him. The moment I was attached to him in a sort of a side hug, I sagged and melted into him.
I took in the smell of his cologne, one that I’ve been trying to keep up with over the year, because this man didn’t think through his decision of leaving at least his cologne so I could remember his smell.
I wrapped my arms around him and it took no more than a few seconds for me to start crying. I can’t believe that he is really here, beside me, that it is his arms that’s finally wrapped around me.
Connor didn’t say anything, just held me tighter and occasionally rubbed his hand up and down my arm to comfort me.
“I’m sorry babe, that you had to go through everything alone. I’m here now, we’ll get through whatever together, all right,” Connor was no stranger to my life even after he left Chicago. Every single night I’d text or call him to give life updates but it was one thing to be a listening ear miles away and another to be physically there to support you.
“I’m never leaving you again and if I have to get away from here, I’ll bring you with me,” he said, tone suggesting that he’s making a promise.
I nodded, not trusting myself to say anything yet although the tears have stopped. I rested my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath in.
“Glad you came back, babe. I know it’s hard for you too, this place doesn’t really give you a lot of good memories, and I’m sorry for not being there for you too,” I started after a stretch of silence.
“It’s okay, maybe the happy memories are not much but it’s enough and I think I’m open to the idea of making more since my favourite person is still here. What’d you think?” I turned my head to see him looking at me. I nodded.
“I love you, Connor Rhodes, thanks for coming back,” I hugged him tighter and felt his arms hugging me back. “I love you too,” Connor kissed the top of my head.
“Do you need to go back in anytime soon?” I heard him ask. I shook my head, my shift was already over but I wasn’t ready to go back to an empty apartment, not after the day I had. But now that my home is here, “Let’s go back, my shift’s over.”
thanks for readingg!! ❤️
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nsfw alphabet [connor rhodes]
Chicago Med / One Chicago
Connor Rhodes x GN!Reader
1.4k words
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a - aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
after sex, Connor turns into a stage 5 clinger. once you’re finished you’re basically attached at the hip for the rest of the night. all he wants to do is make sure you feel okay and that you enjoyed it. he basically waits on you hand and foot.
b - body part (their favorite body part of theirs and of yours)
theirs - hands. his favorite part of his own body is definitely his hands. he’s a surgeon, he’s obviously good with his hands. he knows exactly how to touch you to get you going and he’s clearly proud of it.
yours - your arms. he loves when you wrap your arms around his waist, or wrap them around his neck when he’s on top of you.
c - cum (anything to do with cum basically… i’m a disgusting person)
Connor loves to pull out and cum on your stomach. he loves that he has an unobscured view of your entire body. he’s not much into cumming on your face, he feels it’s degrading and he is all about worshipping you.
d - dirty secret (self explanatory)
submission and exhibitionism. he’s thought about getting on his knees for you in an on-call room countless times. someone walking in on you with your hands in his hair, fucking his face. word getting around the hospital that the Connor Rhodes is such a good boy for you.
e - experience
Connor has been with his fair share of partners. Not too many, but he’s definitely learned how to be good in bed. All of them have been pretty vanilla, so you’re the first who has let him explore his kinkier side and he could not be more thrilled.
f - favorite position
missionary - he loves to see your face when he’s fucking you. being able to kiss you is pretty much his main requirement for whether or not he enjoys a position.
riding - he absolutely loves when you’re on top. he can keep his hands on your waist, and he is all about you being in control of him.
g - goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous)
he knows it’s impolite to talk with his mouth full, no matter what’s in it.
h - hair (are they well groomed? does the carpet match the drapes?)
he keeps it trimmed downstairs. not clean shaven but he definitely doesn’t have a bush. the carpet definitely matches the drapes.
i - intimacy
Connor absolutely worships you. he is the most romantic man you have ever met, and it definitely carries over into the bedroom. all he ever wants to do is make you feel good and make you feel like you’re beautiful.
j- jack off (masturbation)
Connor gets his fair share of solo time whenever you work different shifts, but he always has a picture or video of you to keep him company.
k - kink
Connor most definitely has several kinks.
he is 1000% a service sub. he wants nothing more than to make you cum, and he can only get off if he’s already made you at least once. connor absolutely loves when you sit on his face, he’s ecstatic when you’re in control of the pleasure he’s giving you. praise is a must. whether it’s directed at him or at you (usually both), praise is something absolutely necessary in your sex life. tell him he’s being a good boy and he will rail you into the mattress.
l - location
connor is willing to take you anywhere he can. he prefers when it’s somewhere that he can hear you moan, but if you’re on call he’s perfectly fine with kissing you to shut you up. if you’re at home he’ll draw it out for as long as he can. at work, he doesn’t care if he cums. it’s all about you if he has to go fast.
m - motivation (what turns him on)
sharing clothes. if he sees you in one of his shirts, you might as well kiss the rest of your day goodbye.
hickeys/marks. connor absolutely loves when you leave marks on him. when he catches a glimpse of them in the shower or while he’s changing he always accidentally lets a whine slip from his mouth.
hair pulling. he’s a bit of a masochist, he loves when you run your fingers through his hair and unexpectedly pull his head backwards so he’ll look you in the eye. how you tangle your fingers in it when he’s on his knees for you.
n - no (something they wouldn’t do)
he would never do anything that could hurt you in any way. he’d hate to be the reason you felt any kind of pain at all.
o - oral
connor most definitely prefer giving rather than receiving. he won’t turn you down if you offer, but he’d much rather be on his knees or have you on his face. he could give you head all day long. he doesn’t care if he’s on call or if his jaw is sore. he absolutely loves having his face fucked. he wants you to use him for your pleasure.
p - pace
connor will give it to you however you want it. if you just got off a long shift and you’re both tired, he’ll take it slow and gently rut into you until you finish. if you’ve had a particularly bad day then he’ll fuck you into the mattress and make sure you remember how good he was for you when you can barely walk the next day.
q - quickie
he’s always down for a quickie. whether you’re riding him in an on-call room during your shift, or he’s fucking you against the wall in the bathroom of a charity event. he’ll always make time to make you feel good.
r - risk
connor is definitely an exhibitionist. he’s a little too willing to risk getting caught by one of your coworkers or neighbors. you’ve been walked in on many times in pretty much every supply closet or on-call room of the hospital. all he does is keep going. half the hospital knows that he’ll do anything to please you.
s - stamina
he can go for quite a while before he gets tired. you usually get at least two rounds in before he’s spent. even then, if you’re still in the mood, he’ll let you use him to get off as much as you want.
t - toys
connor doesn’t personally own any toys, but he will happily let you use them on him if that’s what you want. he’s quite fond of when you make him wear a plug for most of his shift, secretly hoping someone notices him rocking back on his chair when he sits down for lunch with you.
u - unfair
connor isn’t much of a brat, he’d much rather be pleasing you than being punished. he does very much enjoy it when you tease him in public. tracing your finger along the outline of his dick when you’re at dinner. hands ghosting over his throat when you end up alone in the doctors lounge. he loves when you make him so needy for you.
v - volume
he is definitely not quiet in the bedroom. he loves making noises for you, showing how good you’re making him feel. he loves giving you an ego boost by whining in your ear when you’re riding him.
w - wildcard (random headcannon)
connor absolutely loves being manhandled. he’s a pretty large guy, so when you make him feel small he’ll immediately do anything you want. he loves when you pin him against a wall, or grab him by the throat. hold his hair while you fuck his mouth and he’ll melt.
x - x-ray
above average, probably about 6.5 - 7 inches.
y - yearning
his sex drive is pretty high, mostly because if you’re in the mood then he’s most definitely in the mood. he’s down to take you (or let you take him) pretty much any time of day or night.
z - zzz
connor won’t fall asleep until he’s made sure you’re okay. he may be the sub in the bedroom, but once sex is over he does everything he can to take care of you. once he’s made sure you’re okay, he wraps you in his arms and absolutely passes out.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
🥺 first time headcanon. For our Chicago Med boys please?
And I hear that you’re having a birthday soon. I know what you’re favorite animal is but what’s your favorite flower/plant?
Lmao my 36th birthday would you believe. I am really digging peonys at the moment! And peace lily's for plants.
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So I have already written a fic on this but to revise it, the two of you met when you were both helping Goodwin with the Chicago Med Christmas Toydrive. The two of you got roped into wrapping in the conference room. Both of you got a little tipsy off home made eggnog and ended up making love on the conference table amidst the wrapping paper and bows. Jimmy knew he was in love because he never does shit like that and you bring something out in him.
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Ohh you make this baby work for it.
Initially he makes a pass at you and you turn him down. Your next convo has him leaving the table pissed but the third... he tells you about Harper and you tell him why you got into children's custody law. It's the first time he's been up front with anyone and he kinda likes it.
It's the fifth date when he eventually gets to undress you. By this time he's gotten to know you as a person, and he's falling in love. He's slow, the way he strips off your clothes, lingering kisses on your skin as he whispers tender words over your form. He makes love for the first time in years that night.
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Connor Rhodes - You are friends that turn to lovers. You met in Molly's bonded over a tough day and you make each other laugh. You move in seperate circles but always end up in the same space, gravitating towards one another. It starts with little touches, a hand on the shoulder, palm on the lower back and hugs and it starts from there.
One night he invites you back to his apartment to test his top shelf booze and you end up in each other's personal space, clothes brushing and he asks you why have we never...
You kiss and it's all over for that two of you. He makes love to you on the couch because he can't stand not being able to touch you, or waiting any longer. You straddle his waist, hands in his hair tugging just a little and it blows his mind.
Throughout the duration of your friendship you have care of one another and even in bed you are still taking care of him.
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Will falls in love with you the moment he sees you. When Jay introduces you as his colleague from Intelligence he is smitten almost immediately and the feeling is mutual. A couple of drinks later and the chemistry is flying. You end up going home with him that night. He's attentive in his love making, taking you apart and leaving you wrecked in his sheets. When you try to leave the next morning, he's already drawing you back into bed for round two and how can you resist
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kiddbegins · 3 months
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Hey guys !!
With the changes I've made to the characters I write for and such, I'm going to reset my taglists.
Here is the link to resubmit your user. HERE pretty please do I want to make sure you guys can still see my stuff. <3
A/n: I don't write for Chicago PD anymore (Jay, Hailey, Kev) And I've also decided to close my Connor requests probably for good. I'm not sure if I'll open them back up again. I did have two requests for him that I have been trying to write but I unfortunately probably won't because of my brain.
I'm sorry if any of this is upsetting? I don't know lol but my form is very messy so I want to clean it up.
Have a good day babes.
xx Teddy
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sjhhemmings · 6 months
Chicago Med Masterlist 🩺
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Character List (closed for requests):
Connor Rhodes
Will Halstead
One Shots:
Dream Partner - Connor Rhodes
Surprise? - Connor Rhodes
Accident - Connor Rhodes
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halsteadlover · 1 year
꧁༺ 𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 ༻꧂
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⁺˚⋆。°✩₊ 𝐌𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐮𝐠𝐥𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊
❝ Some stories may be 18+ as they contain smut and/or detailed descriptions of content that may be upsetting, so if you’re underage and see a mark next to a story please do not read. I’ll always try to carefully highlight the warnings before each fic but it can happen I forget some of them, in that case feel free to notify me with an ask. ❞
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❃ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 📖
⊱ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 💫
ꕤ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 🖊️
⚝ 𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐊𝐨-𝐅𝐢 ☕️
❥ 𝐀𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 💭
✢ 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 -> @halsteadloverslibrary
✧࿓☾ Thank you so much for the support you constantly show me, for every single like, comment and reblog, for taking your time to read my stories. I appreciate every single one of you and I’m so grateful for everything you do for me, you have no idea how a single comment makes me happy and motivated to always write. I love you all ✧࿓☾
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trixieloves1d · 6 months
Hey guys! Can you help me find a fanfic please?
It’s a one Chicago fic where the reader is Will Halstead’s sister and is married to Connor Rhodes. She’s a surgeon like Connor and is pregnant. She goes into labour whilst performing surgery and Connor is called to help her as well as her doctor. Will and a nurse watch on from the observation area. The nurse seems to think that the reader is faking it to get out of doing the surgery.
Thanks guys 😊
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That Herrmann/Halstead DNA (Chapter Seven)
Summary: This is Part Twenty-One of my series A Herrmann/Halstead Production. It is an AU where Christopher Herrmann's mom had an affair with Pat Halstead resulting in a baby. The series follows this OC character (Rebecca "Bex" Herrmann) as she grows up and gets to know her brothers and the various Chicago teams. It is very much an AU, just to underscore that. It doesn't follow the same timeline and characters will follow different paths.
Click here for the Series Rundown where you can find the links to read all of the previous installments (which I highly recommend you do so that this one makes sense.)
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Christopher Herrmann & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Original Female Character, Will Halstead & Original Female Character, Jay Halstead & Will Halstead, Greg 'Mouse' Gerwitz/Original Female Character, Will Halstead/Connor Rhodes, Assorted OC Couples
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Injury, Assault, Stabbing, Gunshot Wounds, Blood and Injury, Whump, Trauma, Eventual Hopeful Ending
A/N: I received my degree from the medical school of Television Drama which means while things might not (*cough* will not *cough*) be accurate, they will be exciting. *jazz hands* SEE END FOR MORE NOTES
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Jay was about ready to crawl out of his skin.
He needed to do something—anything—but…Mouse was taking care of Bex, Connor was with Will, and Chris was on the phone updating Cindy.
Ms. Goodwin had come by and said she would take care of checking on Connor and Will. (And hopefully get an update about how the operation was going.)
Nobody needed snacks. (He’d asked.)
He couldn’t even work the friggin’ case. (Detective Medeiros said so.)
Waiting around, not knowing what shape Bex was in or if Will—
If Will was going to—
Jay scrubbed a hand down his face. He was two seconds away from losing his damn mind.
“Halstead!” Platt came charging down the hall with most of Bex’s school friends trailing behind her. “They put us on lockdown upstairs and just let us out now. Said there was a shooter. What the hell happened down here? Everyone okay?”
A debrief. He could do that.
Jay looked at the huddle of worried faces in front of him and gave a pared down version of what happened, trusting that Platt could read between the lines.
“But they’ve got him now?” Isaac asked, sending an anxious glance back at the elevators. “Ty? He’s in custody? Sam’s up with Emery by himself. Is that—”
“There’s absolutely no way he’s getting loose again,” Jay reassured him. Between Detective Medeiros and Voight, that was an iron-clad guarantee.
“Any word on how Will’s doing?” Devon asked quietly and Jay shook his head.
He was trying not to think about it too hard. Surgery like that always took awhile and they really hadn’t been gone that long. Will was strong. He was going to be okay. He had to be.
Jay wasn’t going to accept anything less.
“Yeah, no, we, uh, we haven’t heard anything yet,” Jay said, sighing. He jerked his chin in a little nod at Chris as he ambled toward their group, finishing up his call with Cindy.
“I love you too,” Chris said, stopping to stand beside Jay. “I will. Yes! I promise!” he said into his phone, raising his eyebrows. “He’s right here. It’ll be the first thing I do. Yup. Yup. Okay. Hug the kids. Love you. Bye.” Chris ended the call with a tired smile. He stuffed his phone into his back pocket and turned to Jay, immediately pulling him into a bear hug.
“This is from Cindy,” Chris said, squeezing him tighter. “You gotta take it. No arguing.”
Jay hesitated a moment before letting himself melt into the hug. He had a feeling Cindy would somehow know if he didn’t accept it and would immediately call Chris back.
Besides, he was tired. So tired of this shitty, shitty day.
He needed the damn hugs.
Chris gave him a couple of pats before finally letting go. “Guess who we forgot about?”
“I can’t even think right now,” Jay said. “Just tell me and—oh, crap, it’s Kol, isn’t it?” Poor dog had been left alone for hours now. “We have to go get him. Where can we—”
“Hey, it’s okay,” Chris said, reaching out to squeeze his shoulder. “Cindy realized as she was leaving and swung by Will and Bex’s place to pick him up. Thank god she’s in charge of the spare keys. The kids are thrilled to be looking after him for a few days and honestly?” He rubbed at his face and sighed. “It’s a good distraction for them right now.”
Yeah, Jay didn’t envy Chris and Cindy trying to navigate explaining everything that had gone down to the kids. Annabelle and Max would probably be satisfied with the bare bones now that they had Kol there, but Lee Henry and Luke were getting to the age where they caught on when their parents were trying to hide stuff from them. And were insisting more and more that they could handle it all.
Jay could barely handle it.
Ms. Goodwin returned just then and Jay felt Chris stiffen beside him, neither of them sure how to read the look on her face. Jay was almost afraid to ask, but he forced himself to try. “Were you able to—”
“Yes, I have an update from Dr. Allan,” Ms. Goodwin cut in immediately, a small smile pulling at the corner of her lips. “Dr. Halstead lost a lot of blood and there was some damage to his spleen, but they’re making good progress with the repair. I think we can be cautiously optimistic.”
Okay. Jay let out a shuddery breath. That was—he would take that.
“How’s Connor doing?” Chris asked.
Her smile gave way to a sad frown. “I’m not sure he even knew I was there,” she said. “He’s very concerned about Dr. Halstead and I—I think the sooner we’re able to convince him to get some rest, the better.”
“We’ll work on him,” Chris promised. “Thank you, Ms. Goodwin, for checking on them.”
“They’re my people too.” She handed Chris a card. “This has my number on it,” she said. “Please keep me updated on—” she waved a hand through the air “—all of this, as you can. I’m going to see what I can do about covering the ED for the next few weeks.”
Chris pocketed the card with a grateful nod and she headed off. A clatter of wheels in the hall had Malia craning her neck to take a peek and she let out a soft gasp. “It’s Bex.” She and the others moved aside to let Chris and Jay through.
Sure enough, Dr. Fahir and a nurse Jay didn’t recognize were bringing a bed with Bex back to her room. Mouse was walking along beside, talking quietly to Bex as they went. More surprising was seeing Dr. Abrams consulting a tablet as he followed along behind them.
Was Bex’s concussion more serious that they’d thought?
Chris and Jay followed them into Bex’s room, hanging back while they got her set up again. Tried to hang back anyway. Bex spotted them right away and started to push herself up with a grimace which set off Dr. Fahir, Dr. Abrams, the nurse, and Mouse; all four of them quickly trying to get her to lie back down.
“Ms. Herrmann,” Dr. Abrams said firmly. “Remember what we talked about.”
“Rest,” Dr. Fahir added.
“You gotta try and stay still,” Mouse urged as he leaned in, stroking her hair away from her face. “What do you need? I’ll get it for you.” He followed her finger, understanding dawning when he caught sight of Jay and Chris. “Oh! Yeah, one sec.”
Mouse waved them over, moving back so the two of them could stand closer to Bex.
“Wh-what’s happening with Will? Is he—is he okay?” Bex looked up at them with teary eyes as she took a shaky breath. Jay wished more than anything that he had good news for her.
“He’s still in surgery,” he said. “But it sounds like it’s going well—whoa!” Jay reached out, trying to steady Bex as she fought to sit up again. “No, hey, come on—what are you doing?”
“Need to go,” she muttered. “Gotta see him.”
“Bex, sweetie.” Chris moved in to gently stop her and made eye contact with her. “Will is in surgery. You can’t see him right now. We will tell you as soon as we hear anything else.”
“He—Will’s hurt, Chris.” Bex’s voice cracked as a tear slipped down her cheek. “I need—”
“I know, baby girl, I know.” Chris kept whispering to Bex as he coaxed back down and got her settled against the pillows. “I promise he’s being taken care of and I’ll take to you see him as soon as I can. But for now—can you close your eyes and rest for a minute while I talk to the docs. Can you do that for me?”
Bex grumbled something that Jay missed, but made Chris smile. Her eyes fluttered shut finally and Chris stepped over to pull a haggard-looking Mouse into a quick hug. Jay grabbed him for another one immediately after.
Fuck it. Tonight was hug night now.
“How’s she doing?” Chris asked quietly, looking between Mouse, Dr. Fahir, and Dr. Abrams. The nurse turned down the lights in the room and they all moved closer to the door to speak in low tones.
“The fractures in her arm and ribs have been aggravated further,” Dr. Fahir said. “One of her ribs has become subluxated.” She caught was Jay was sure was a completely confused look on his face and took pity on him. “That means it’s slipped out of place, but hasn’t been fully dislocated. It will heal on its own along with the fractures, but she’ll be in a lot of pain.”
“Did the contusion get worse?” Chris asked. “What about the internal bleeding?”
“The internal bleeding has slowed, but not as much as I’d hoped,” she said. “We’re still keeping an eye on that and the contusion along with her concussion symptoms.”
“How bad is the concussion?” Jay asked as he dug out his phone so he could start writing this stuff down.
“Mild, luckily,” Dr. Abrams said. “Aside from the pain, she’s also dealing with some confusion. There was…a bit of difficulty getting her to stay still for the scans.”
“She got upset while she was getting checked out because she forgot Will had been shot,” Mouse murmured to them. “Doc had to give her something to calm her down.”
“Her memories of the last few hours are foggy and that may or may not clear up,” Dr. Abrams said. “Someone should stay with her to make sure she doesn’t make it out of bed on her own.”
“Yeah, we can, uh, we can handle that,” Chris said, running a hand through his hair. “Gotta say, Dr. Abrams, I freaked out a little when I saw you here. Had me headed straight for the worst-case scenarios.”
“I was having dinner with Ms. Goodwin and Dr. Charles when she received the call about the shooting and we all returned to the hospital,” Dr. Abrams said in that very clipped and professional tone he had. “When I heard about Ms. Herrmann’s injuries, I offered to do a consult since I was here anyway.”
His voice was all business, but Jay caught the ever-so-slightly fond and faintly worried glance he gave Bex. She might be right about him being a secret softie.
“I know you all have your hands full at the moment,” Dr. Fahir said, drawing Jay’s attention back to their discussion. “But I cannot emphasize enough how important it will be for Bex to truly rest over the next few weeks. Overexerting herself will set any healing back exponentially.”
Jay bit back a groan as he met Chris and then Mouse’s eyes.
Make sure Bex stays still and rests.
While Will and Emery are in the hospital.
“I mean, we’ll do our best,” Chris said, shaking his head. “But it’s gonna be a battle.”
Jay and Mouse snorted, but Dr. Fahir’s next words had them sobering up.
“She’ll be in too much pain the first couple of weeks to get very far.” Dr. Fahir gave them all a stern look. “The medication can only do so much.” Jay remembered that from his own times at Med. Rib injuries especially were a beast.
“Rest. It’s the most important thing, gentlemen,” Dr. Fahir repeated. “I’m counting on all of you to help her navigate this.”
“None of us want to see her back in a hospital bed anytime soon,” Dr. Abrams added.
After promising to check back in tomorrow, the medical team swept out of the room, leaving Jay, Chris, and Mouse watching a restlessly snoozing Bex.
“Tying her to the bed is probably out,” Chris whispered. “But what are the odds on us getting her a prescription for that sedative to last the next few weeks?”
“I mean…I know a guy,” Mouse said, holding up a hand when Jay smacked him in the side. “Kidding. Jeez.”
There was a soft knock at the door before Platt stuck her head in. “Got a pile of firefighters out here hoping for an update.”
“You guys can go,” Mouse said, pulling a chair over to the side of the bed. “I’ll stay.”
“You sure?” Jay would rather stay too, but he didn’t blame 51 for wanting to know what was going on. Bex was as much their family as Chris was. And he really didn’t want to leave Chris to face what was guaranteed to be a flood of questions all on his own.
“I, uh, I don’t think I’m going to be able to leave this spot any time soon, man.” Mouse carefully took Bex’s hand in his own.
Jay felt that down to his bones. He was pretty sure Bex’s pullout couch was going to be his new home for the foreseeable future.
“We’ll be right outside,” Jay said, following Chris to the door. “Yell if you need anything.”
He and Chris didn’t make it very far. Platt hadn’t been lying about the pile of firefighters. It looked like all of 51 was crammed into the hallway. Boden, Severide, and Casey standing at the front with matching worried frowns etched into their faces.
“What the hell happened after we left?” Severide asked.
Jay sighed as he leaned against the wall and Chris huffed out short laugh. “The answer to that depends,” he said.
“On what?” Severide demanded.
“How long your break is?”
“—nor? Connor. Look at me, please.”
Maggie’s voice broke through the rushing pulse of blood pounding in Connor’s ears. He tore his gaze away from the flaking patches of blood—Will’s blood—on his hands and met her eyes.
“There you are,” she said softly. “The surgery is done—”
“Done?” Connor scrambled to his feet, gripping at the sink as he peered through the window. Which was empty save for a couple of orderlies doing clean up. “Wh-where is he? What happened? Is he okay? Maggie, I—”
“Need to breathe,” Maggie said, gripping his hands in hers. “He made it through surgery. Dr. Allan was able to repair all of the damage and Will is stable. She’s taking him to observation.”
“Oh,” Connor gasped out, trying to what she was telling him sink in. “Oh. That’s—that’s good, that’s, uh—jesus, that’s—” Maggie helped guide him back to the floor as his legs gave out and his words crumbled into sobs.
She rubbed at his back, holding onto him for who knew how long as everything Connor had been trying to keep a lid on for the last few hours bled out of him.
When his sobs petered out into sniffles, a paper towel appeared in front of his face. Connor looked up to see April crouched in front of them with a sympathetic smile on her face. Ethan stood behind her with a bundle of clothes in his arms.
“Dr. Allan said you can come with her to let everyone know the good news, but you’ve got to get cleaned up first,” April said.
“She said you’re going to terrify the patients if you want through the halls like that,” Ethan added.
If he looked half as bad as he felt, Connor figured she probably wasn’t far off.
“Okay.” Connor took a bracing breath before heaving himself to his feet and reaching down a hand to help Maggie up. “Gimme five minutes and I’ll be good to go.”
“Yeah, we’re not trusting you to do this without keeling over yourself,” April said. “Strip that top off, Rhodes. It’s nothing we haven’t seen before.”
Connor was too tired to argue. He let himself be manhandled until they deemed him fit for the public eye again. After he was dressed in fresh clothes, Ethan handed him one last item.
Taking it in his hands, Connor unfolded it, throat growing tight as he recognized it as one of Will’s hoodies.
“Grabbed it from his locker,” Ethan said, not quite meeting his eye. “He may or may not need a new lock.”
Stifling his laugh against the fabric, Connor took a moment to breathe in Will’s scent before putting it on. “I’ll replace it,” he said. Connor looked around at the three of them, ducking his head in a grateful nod. “Thank you. All of you.”
“You’d do it for us,” Maggie said as April and Ethan nodded. “You and Will—you’re our family too, you know?”
Maggie and April hugged him while Ethan clapped a hand on his shoulder and steered the group of them out the door.
“Let’s go,” April said, breaking away to lead them toward the stairs. “The sooner we let everyone know the good news, the sooner you can go and see Will.”
Connor sped up, beating her to the stairwell.
He didn’t want to wait another second.
Bex stirred shortly after Jay and Chris left the room. She blinked blearily at him.
“Hey,” he said, leaning in. “I’m right here.”
He shook his head. “Nothing new yet.”
“Time izzit?”
“Uh, late?” Mouse laughed softly, letting go of her hand to pull out his phone. “Yeah, it’s after midnight.”
“You should go home,” she mumbled. “Get sleep.”
“I’m good right here,” he said before pausing as doubt crept in. “Unless, I mean…do you want me to go home?” He seriously didn’t want to do that, but if she didn’t want him here, he’d go and sit in the hall or something.
“No, wan’ you to stay.” Bex frowned, reaching for him and he took her hand again. “But…”
“But what?” he prompted when she trailed off.
“We were gonna have our big date,” she sniffled. “And now you’re stuck taking care of me.”
Mouse reached out with his free hand to gently wipe away the tears that were welling up in her eyes. “Bex, if it was me in this bed and you in this chair, would you consider yourself stuck taking care of me?”
“Can’t shake my head,” she grumbled. “Hurts. But you know.”
“Yeah, I do.” Knew without a doubt she’d be doing the exact same thing if their situation was reversed. Wouldn’t even question it. “Of course, I want to be here, Bex,” he said. “I lo—”
“No!” Bex’s eyes flew open and she winced back against the soft light. “No, don’t—”
“Don’t what?” Mouse hoped the problem wasn’t what he thought it was.
“Don’t say it,” she whispered and his heart sank. Did she not—not that she had to. They’d come so far already. It didn’t mean she had to be ready to say or even be ready to hear—
“Stop,” Bex said, squeezing his fingers. “Stop thinking bad stuff. It’s not—I just—I don’t want you to say that because of today. We can’t—it’s not fair.” She paused, closing her eyes and taking a breath before opening them again. The next sentence came out slowly. Deliberately. “I don’t want that memory to be tied with today. Does that—do you know what I mean?”
Once he’d parsed through her words and thought about it, he did. They both deserved better than a declaration that was partially a knee-jerk reaction to fear and trauma.
But this was—it wasn’t that. It was different and more than that in its own way and he couldn’t let it go, not completely. “I promise this is not me saying it or making a big declaration,” he said. “But I need to say this. Please.”
“Okay,” Bex whispered, giving his hand another gentle squeeze.
“I almost lost you today.” Mouse shook his head, trying to clear away the haunting images from the last few hours and focus on what he wanted to say. “I heard that shot and for a few horrible minutes, I had to live in a world where I didn’t know if you were still in it or not.” He scrubbed at his face with his free hand and Bex made a soft sound.
“Yeah, it was, uh, it was kind of terrifying,” Mouse said. “I kept thinking, I haven’t said enough. I haven’t—I haven’t shown her how much she means to me.”
“Hey, you promised.”
She pressed her lips together tight and watched him with shiny eyes.
Mouse took a deep breath, collecting his thoughts. “You’re my family, Bex,” he said. “You and Jay. And you know—you’ve, uh, you’ve been that for a lot longer that you and I have been circling each other.” He tapped his fingers against his chest. “You’re here. You’re a part of my heart—like, a pretty large and permanent piece. That’s, uh, that’s what I needed you to know. I’m full of regular, lower-case love. For you.”
He didn’t even want to think about what it would have felt like if he’d lost her and never had a chance to tell her that.
“Nothing regular about it,” Bex whispered.
But she was right before—now wasn’t the time for that. Mouse could wait until it was.
They both deserved that.
Bex tugged him closer and he hugged her as carefully as he could. She mumbled something against his chest.
“What was that?” Mouse pulled back, still hovering close though as he returned to his seat.
“I said I’m full of regular, lower-case love for you too,” she said, sighing into her pillow. “If you were wondering. And to be clear about what kind of moment we’re having.”
“Still a good moment.” Mouse raised her hand and pressed a kiss into her fingers. “You gonna let me take care of you now?”
“Yeah.” Bex sighed. “My feet are freezing.”
He grinned, remembering the bag from Lucy that Ed had given him. “I’m on it.”
“Hey,” Jay whispered as he and Chris came back into the room. The 51 crew had headed back out on shift and Chris had managed to convince Bex and Emery’s friends to go with Platt and rest in the ICU lounge. It had better couches and was closer to Emery. And the three of them had Bex covered for now. “How’s she doing?”
“Her medicine’s really kicking in and she was pretty out of it,” Mouse said. He looked down at Bex and the side of his mouth ticked up in a smile. “She was, uh, she was pretty cold and I got her some socks, but that wasn’t enough so she tried to talk me into getting in the bed with her. Said I was warmer and she wanted to sleep inside me like a tauntaun. I gave her my hoodie instead.”
Jay pressed a hand to his mouth, trying to smother his laugh as Chris looked between the two of them in confusion.
“Like a what now?”
“A tauntaun,” Mouse repeated. “It’s from Star Wars—when they’re on Hoth and Luke is about to freeze to death so Han cuts it open—”
“And stuffs him inside!” Chris finished for him, finally making the connection. “She said that? What the hell, Bex?”
Jay snorted at Chris’s flabbergasted look, but then they all froze when Bex stirred, holding their breath until she settled again under Mouse’s hoodie.
Chris shook his head as he stared at her. “She’s such a weirdo,” he whispered, half to himself. “I raised a friggin’ weirdo.”
That set off another round of laughter in Jay that he tried to keep quiet, but he lost it again when Mouse just shrugged and said, “I thought it was sweet.”
Jay dropped down into one of the chairs and buried his face in his hands, muffling the sound as his shoulders shook with giggles.
Chris sat down beside him and patted his back. “Okay there, Jay?”
He sat back up, wiping at his face, a little startled to realize there were tears running down his face. “Yeah,” he said, sniffling. “Shit.” Mouse handed him a tissue and Jay wiped at his nose. He sighed. “I just—I love you guys.”
“We love you too,” Chris said and Mouse murmured his agreement.
“I, uh, I wish Will had been here for that,” Jay said, turning to Chris. “Your face—”
“You can tell him all about it when we see him,” Chris said quietly before grinning. “In full detail so he can roast Bex too.”
“What are we roasting Bex for?” a tired voice asked for the doorway.
The three of them were on their feet as soon as they turned to see Connor standing there.
“How is he? How did it go? Is he okay? Is he—is he good?” Question after question spilled out of Jay as Connor stepped back to bring them out into the hallway. Maggie, April, and Ethan were standing there along with a doctor Jay had never met. Chris joined them in the hall and Mouse hung back in the doorway, keeping one eye on Bex.
“He’s okay,” Connor said, reaching out to squeeze Jay’s shoulder.
Jay slumped back against the wall in relief. “That’s—I mean, Ms. Goodwin said it was going well, but I’m really, really happy to hear that.”
“You and me both.” Connor gestured to the short woman standing beside him in wrinkled scrubs. “This is Dr. Allan,” he said. “She performed the surgery on Will and can give you all of the details.” He came over to rest on the wall beside Jay, leaning into his side a bit as they listened to Dr. Allan give the details on Will’s injuries and how he was doing.
Which was pretty good for someone who got a big hole blasted through their middle.
There was a long list of things they were keeping an eye on and things they’d have to watch for—most of which Jay was going to have to get Connor to translate for him later—but he made it. And he was going to be okay.
And Bex made it. And she was going to be okay.
And Emery made it. And if there was any justice in the world, she was going to be okay too.
Jay didn’t think he could ask for much more than that.
Dr. Allan left after giving her update and Maggie, April, and Ethan said their good-byes shortly after that. Maggie with strict instructions for Connor to get some sleep.
Good advice for all of them at this point.
“Well?” Chris shot a look at him and Connor and Mouse. “How do we wanna do this? Divide and conquer?”
“I’ll go with Connor and you stay here with Mouse?” Jay suggested.
“Keep our phones on and keep in touch,” Connor added.
“Works for me,” Mouse said, nodding at them, already turning back toward Bex’s bed.
“Go team,” Chris said with a little grin. “Say what you want, but we sure can handle a crisis.” He gave Jay and Connor a pair of back-slapping hugs before heading into the room.
Connor and Jay stood there in the hall for a moment while Connor checked his messages for Will’s new room number.
“Mind if we take the stairs?” Connor asked as they started walked and Jay shook his head. “Thanks,” he sighed. “Think I need a few days before I can step foot in the elevator again.”
Jay got it. Probably more than Connor realized. But he was also happy Will was only one floor up. He could’ve forced himself to do more if he had to, but the sooner he could find a chair to pass out in, the better.
“So,” Connor began while they both focused on putting one foot in front of the other up the stairs. “What are we roasting Bex for?”
The laugh Jay let out echoed around them in the stairwell. “Apparently she was cold and the socks Mouse had weren’t cutting it…”
The sun was peeking up over the horizon when Will finally woke up.
Connor had been watching him, cataloguing every breath and twitch he’d had since they’d moved him into this room, waiting for that first flutter of his eyelids.
Not wanting to miss it.
Not quite able to believe Will was going to be okay until Connor could look into his eyes.
“Will?” he whispered, gripping his hand as he leaned in. “Hey. There you are. Hi.”
“C’nr…” Will mumbled, groaning softly as he scrunched his eyes shut again for a moment.
“I’m here,” Connor said quietly. “You gonna wake up so I can see those pretty brown eyes?”
Will blinked a few times before managing to focus on him. “Hi.” A loud snore cut through the quiet and Will’s eyes widened. “Was that me?”
“No.” Connor shook his head with a little laugh. “That was Jay.” He shifted to the side so Will could see his brother sacked out in a chair on the other side of the room. “He’s been pretty worried about you guys.”
“Is okay,” Connor cut in quickly, running a gentle hand through Will’s hair. “She’s got a mild concussion and a little bit more rib damage, but she’s been checked out and Chris and Mouse are with her now.”
“Good. Okay.” Will settled back into his pillows with a quiet hum, face tilting into Connor’s hand still stroking his hair. “Hey, Con?”
“Yeah, Will?”
A tired, but still fully shit-eating grin spread across Will’s face. “Saved your life.”
The surprised laugh that burst out of Connor quickly became mixed with sobs. “My hero,” he managed to get out.
“C’mere.” Will pulled him in for a hug, fumbling to pat at him with clumsy hands as Connor buried his face into his neck. They stayed like that for awhile until another snore from Jay had them giggling and pulling apart.
“Don’t ever do that to me again,” Connor whispered as he tangled Will’s fingers in his. Every bit of fear and frustration and anger from the last few hours bubbled up in his throat, but Connor swallowed it back when he saw Will’s eyes already starting to fall shut.
“’m sorry,” Will mumbled. “Love you.”
“I love you too.” Connor leaned in, pressing a kiss onto his cheek. “So much.”
Another little smile flitted across Will’s face before it relaxed as he fell asleep again. Connor scooted his chair forward, keeping Will’s hand tight in his and rested his other arm on the bed. He watched his chest rise and fall, needing to reassure himself a little while longer before he could close his eyes.
That Will was still here. Still alive.
Still Connor’s.
Saturday morning
Bex was miserable.
Everything hurt.
Chris and Mouse had told her that Will made it through surgery and was doing well and Dr. Latham was happy with how Emery’s stats were trending although they were keeping her sedated for a while longer.
But Bex wasn’t allowed to go and see either of them.
Wasn’t allowed to move.
Not that she could move much if she wanted to because again, everything hurt.
But still. She wanted—needed to see them both. For herself.
Apparently, that was out of the question.
She was trying not to be miserable—on the outside at least—because she could see how tired and stressed everyone was and she didn’t want to add to that, but if she wasn’t going to be allowed to see Will or Emery, the least people could do was leave her alone.
“So, this Detective Medeiros,” Mouse was saying, bouncing his leg as he sat beside her bed, like he always did when he was nervous or stressed. “She wants to ask you some questions about what happened and she was hoping to take some pictures of, uh, of your injuries.” His head whipped up and his eyes met hers as he frowned. “But you don’t have to, Bex,” he said. “We can do it tomorrow or never. It’s up to you.”
Never honestly sounded pretty good. But Bex knew that wasn’t really an option. “It would help the case though, wouldn’t it?”
Mouse nodded reluctantly and Bex sighed.
That was important. Probably more important than how she was feeling right now. She wanted to know she’d done everything she could to make sure Ty gets put away for hopefully forever this time. And she knew enough about how things worked to realize this—her statements, her injuries—were all important pieces to making that happen.
“I’ll do it,” she said.
“We can stay with you,” Chris said quietly from where he’d been standing at the end of her bed. “If you want.”
“No,” Bex said quickly. Maybe a little too quickly judging from the tiny flash of hurt crossing both of their faces. “It’s not that I don’t want you here…”
But she didn’t want them to see.
Not yet.
Not when the little glimpses she’d caught on her own today showed ugly purpling skin and angry red scrapes. Technicolour violence that hurt to look at. She knew it would hurt worse to see them looking at it. Whether that made sense to them or not, she just—she couldn’t have them here.
Not for this.
“Is Cindy here?” she asked and Chris’s face softened with understanding.
“She’s already on her way,” he said. “I’ll let Detective Medeiros know we’re waiting until she gets here.”
“Anyone else?” Mouse asked. “There’s time to get them and you should have as much support as you want for this, Bex.”
Bex thought it over. Dr. Fahir was going to be there to help document her injuries. Even though they’d only met yesterday and under some pretty crap circumstances, Bex liked her. She was straightforward and…kind, but not in a pitying kind of way. Bex had a feeling she’d help make the process as short and too the point as possible.
She honestly didn’t want many more people in there with her. It was going to be hard enough without feeling like she was on display.
“Just Cindy, please.”
Twenty minutes later, her room had been cleared of everyone except for Detective Medeiros, Dr. Fahir, and Cindy. The door was closed. The lights were still low. And Cindy had a gentle grip on her good arm.
“We’ll go as slow as you need to, Bex,” Detective Medeiros said. “Let’s start at the beginning…”
Chris paced the hall as he typed away in the 51 group chat. Everyone had been making plans to come by and see Bex, but he’d had to nip that in the bud. She hadn’t been in any shape for that this morning and she definitely wasn’t going to be after this interview.
They all understood, obviously, but had wrangled a promise from him to let them know as soon as they could come by. No one was going to be happy until they’d had a chance to see her for themselves. And he had a suspicion there was some kind of giant card in the works.
Maybe that would put a smile on her face.
Not that she wasn’t trying to put on a good front, but even her best front didn’t much of a chance against what she was dealing with. Poor kid had been through the wringer and she was in pain. So much pain. Chris hated seeing her like that.
He just wished there was something more he could do to help. To make it better.
Wished he could be in there with her right now.
At least she let Cindy in. Cindy could always see right through her and she’d put a pause on things if Bex needed it, even if Bex wouldn’t. Especially when.
Kid was too damn good at plowing her way through shit.
She’d fallen apart a bit yesterday, but Chris could see her already shoring things up. Putting her focus on Will and Emery. The case.
What she needed to focus on was herself. He hadn’t been joking yesterday when he said getting her to do that would be a battle.
He needed to make some kind of game plan with Jay and Mouse and Cindy and anyone else who was going to help take care of her. Make sure she didn’t try to plow her way through recovery.
Chris stopped his pacing when the door to Bex’s room finally opened. Cindy, Detective Medeiros, and Dr. Fahir came out and Mouse slipped back inside.
“Thank you for all of your help,” Detective Medeiros said to Cindy and Dr. Fahir. “I’ll be in touch.” She nodded at Chris before heading down the hall.
“I need to start my rounds,” Dr. Fahir said. “But I’ll be back to check on Bex soon.” She patted Cindy’s arm with a smile before leaving.
“Hey, hun, how did—” Chris didn’t even get the question out before Cindy was throwing herself into his arms and burying her face in her chest. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight when he felt how much she was shaking. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m here. Talk to me, Cinds, please.”
“It’s not okay,” Cindy said, voice muffled by his shirt. She finally looked up at him with red eyes, sniffling as she shook her head. “It’s not—Christopher, she—what he did? God, he hurt her. He hurt her so much and I’m just—oh, I am so angry. I want him to pay and I want him gone and I want to never ever let Bex out of our sight.” She let out a hiccupping sob as he pulled her close again.
“I’ve already been working on my pitch to convince her to move into our house,” Chris said, running his hands up and down her back as he kissed the side of her head.
Cindy huffed out a laugh. “The kids would be over the moon.” Then she sighed. “How do we get her through this?”
“It’s just gonna take time,” he said. “And patience.”
“I wish there was something we could do right now,” she said. “Something that would help even a little bit.”
“Actually, I think I have an idea about that.”
Jay sat up as he read through the text from Chris. He’d been trying to distract himself while Will slept, knowing he couldn’t pop down and see Bex while she was being interviewed.
Detective Medeiros wanted to keep them separate since Jay was a witness.
He knew why—it was a process he’d been on the other side of any number of times—but knowing the why, knowing the process almost made it worse.
He knew exactly what Bex was going through right now. Reliving everything. Having to sit there and be catalogued.
At least Cindy was there with her.
And now Chris had a genius idea that would probably be helpful to not only Bex, but Will too.
The soft sounds of conversation had him standing and walking over to the bed. Connor and Will both looked up at him, pausing their quiet chat.
“Feel up for a chat with Bex?” Jay asked, waving his phone at Will.
“Yes!” Will’s eyes lit up. Jay laughed at the grabby hands he made, shooting off a confirmation to Chris.
“Okay, let’s get you set up.” Between him and Connor, they very carefully moved Will into a slightly more raised position. Jay grabbed the table tray and moved it into place before setting his phone on top. He started up a video chat with Chris who answered after a few seconds.
Sort of.
“Chris,” Jay called out as Will and Connor chuckled beside him. “Chris! You’ve gotta—you’ve got the camera turned around, man—”
“Aw, heck.” Chris’s muffled voice came through the speaker and then finally, instead of a view of a table and sheets, they saw Bex’s face.
All three of them tried to cover their shock, but Will couldn’t quite stop the wince at the sharp breath he took. She’d been in rough shape yesterday, but now that her bruises were starting to come up, it was—it was hard to see.
“Will?” Her voice shook a bit as she peered at the screen.
“Hey, Bex,” Will said, smiling softly at her.
“Hi.” She smiled back…and then her face crumpled and she burst into tears.
“Oh, shit.” Will tried to reach for the phone, but fell back with a grunt. Connor grabbed it and held it closer for him. “Bex, I’m here. I’m okay, see? Dr. Allan said I’m going to be fine.”
That didn’t help much. Bex just cried harder and Jay was at a loss for what to do. She might hurt herself at this rate.
Chris’s face came on the screen, looking tense. “Hey, guys,” he said. “We’re gonna hang up for now and maybe try this later, okay?”
“Chris?” Will called out faintly.
“Yeah, bud?”
“Just…give her a hug for me, okay?”
Chris nodded at the screen. “Always.” The call ended and the three of them slumped back.
“Well,” Jay said eventually. “That didn’t go as well as I’d hoped.”
“Help me up.” Will held out a hand to Connor, shaking it impatiently when he didn’t take it. “Come on, we can get me in a wheel chair and I can go down and see her.”
“Absolutely not,” Connor said, crossing his arms as he stared Will down.
“I’m in better shape than she is right now—”
“Bullshit!” Connor exclaimed.
“Dude, you were shot,” Jay chimed in. “You might have come through surgery okay, but now’s not the time to get cocky.”
Connor nodded, but Will ignored him to point a finger at Jay. “Yeah, I’m not taking advice from you on how to safely navigate recovery.”
“Okay, okay, okay.” Connor sliced his arms through the air, cutting off the rest of their argument. “Listen, there’s a solution here that I think will make everyone happy. I can make it happen, but there’s one condition.”
“I’m listening,” Will said slowly.
Chris was on board as soon as he heard Connor’s plan. He didn’t care about what anyone else thought at this point. He couldn’t sit through Bex crying like that again. Not if he could help it.
Or Connor, rather.
Dr. Fahir took a bit of convincing, but she agreed to it once she realized they could get it all done while Bex was sleeping. Minimal disruption seemed to be her magic words.
It was actually kind of fun, whispering and sneaking a whole hospital bed through the halls while Bex slept. She was going to be so surprised when she woke up.
Oh, god. Chris hoped she didn’t cry again.
That would be counterproductive.
As the medical team worked on getting Bex set up in the new space, Chris went to stand beside Jay, whistling under his breath. “This is pretty sweet,” he said, looking around at the spacious private room. Will and Bex’s beds were side by side, but there was also not one, but two couches and a few plush arm chairs. Chris lowered his voice, tilting his head toward Jay. “How much do you think—”
“Ah.” Jay held up a finger. “That’s the one condition,” he said. “We’re not allowed to ask how much it costs. Something about not wanting to have to fight about it with Will later.”
“Fair enough.” Chris nodded. “But seriously, is he like loaded loaded because this is a crazy nice room.”
Jay shushed him, shaking his head as he laughed.
“Yeah, alright, no more questions.” Chris grinned at him. “Man, I kind of want to wake Bex up just to see her face. I’m joking!” He held his hands up when Dr. Fahir sent a glare his way.
Time to go sit on that fancy looking couch and stay out of the way. He plopped himself down and immediately waved Cindy and Jay over. “You gotta try this. It’s better than Jay’s!”
Bex blinked as she slowly began to surface, eyes still a bit sore from her, ugh, ridiculous cry session from earlier. She started to rub at them and someone gently pulled her hand away.
She blinked again, focusing. “Jay?”
“Hey, sleepy head.”
“Why aren’t you with Will?” He was supposed to be keeping an eye on him along with Connor. He shouldn’t—
“I am,” Jay said, grinning as he stepped back.
Bex squinted in the dim light, looking around the room. Mouse was on her other side. Chris and Cindy were…on a couch? Where did that come from?
Was this a different room?
A quiet chuckle on her right had her turning to see Connor standing beside…another bed? And—
“Surprise!” He waved at her while Connor did jazz hands.
“They decided to put all of their problem cases in one room,” Jay said, quirking an eyebrow at her. Chris snorted and Cindy shook her head, leaving the couch to go and stand beside Connor.
“Ignore them,” Cindy said, wrapping an arm around Connor’s waist. “It was his idea and he made it happen too.”
“Thank you,” Bex whispered to him and he came over to give her a smooch on her forehead.
“Now I can keep an eye on you both,” he said,
“Can we bring Emery in here too?” Bex asked hopefully, but Connor shook his head.
“Not yet,” he said. “She’s needs to stay in the ICU, but I promise you they’re keeping a close eye on her and she’s doing really well.”
“For now, you focus on resting,” Chris said, turning a stern eye on her and Will. “Both of you.”
Bex looked over at Will and he smiled at her again. “Hey.”
“Hey yourself,” she said, trying her best not to tear up again at the sight of him. Here. Alive.
“You know what I think would help us rest right now?”
“What?” Bex asked, voice going hoarse.
“French fries.”
They both laughed and then groaned, clutching at their sides.
“Okay, maybe this wasn’t the best idea,” Connor said, shaking his head at the two of them.
“No,” Bex said. “It’s perfect.”
Statesville Correctional Center
The guard—Peters—stood outside of the cell, shifting his weight on his feet nervously.
He was the perfect kind of lackey. Easily bought and yet ferociously loyal after the fact. And still wary enough of the stories he’d heard to have a healthy amount of fear during their dealings.
He’d certainly lasted longer than some of the others.
And he was proving himself to be quite diligent.
“That name you wanted me to keep an ear out for,” Peters said. “It came up. There was an attack.”
That deserved attention. “What happened?”
“Domestic of some kind, it sounds like? Trying to help her friend?” Peters shrugged. His attention to detail would need to be addressed. All in good time.
“And what?” Peters squinted at him.
“How is she?”
“Oh! She’s alive, but it sounds like she’s pretty banged up,” Peters said. “They got her at Med.”
A hospital stay.
He should send flowers.
“Thank you, Peters,” he said, dismissing the man. “Let me know if you hear anything else.”
Waiting until Peters was on the other side of the doors, he headed back to his bunk, digging out his phone. A few messages had his plan in motion.
But what to send?
He couldn’t include a card. Not yet. It was too risky.
But flowers had their own beautiful language. If he picked carefully, there would be no way his songbird wouldn’t know they were from him.
“More flowers!” Cindy exclaimed as Chris accepted another delivery.
Will and Bex’s room was almost overflowing with flowers and balloons and treats that neither of them were cleared to eat, but that Chris, Connor, Jay, and Mouse were steadily working their way through.
“Oh, those are beautiful.” Cindy took the bouquet of red asters and set them over by the window. She plucked out the card and, hunh, that was funny. “They say they’re for Bex, but there’s no message or name on it. Any idea who they could be from?”
Bex frowned as she stared at them. “No,” she said. “I feel like everyone I know has already sent something so I have no clue.” She frowned harder. “I want to be able to thank them though.”
“Why don’t we post a picture,” Cindy suggested, scooping up Bex’s phone. “We can put it on all of your accounts so you can say thank you and mention there was no name on the card. Maybe it was just a mistake and whoever they’re from will speak up.”
“That’s a good idea.” She sighed. “Would you mind doing it? I’m not supposed to look at screens still.”
“I’m on it,” Cindy said, setting up the shot. “Hashtag, beautiful flowers. Hashtag, mystery gift!”
Bex giggled a bit which was exactly what Cindy had been hoping for. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
“Ten bucks says Capp will try to pretend it was him,” Chris said.
“Hand it over then because he sent those daisies,” Bex said, pointing at the shelf behind him.
The rest of the guys laughed as Chris squawked and stalked over to read the card. “Hunh. He didn’t even try to piggy back on Tony’s gift. That’s a first.”
Bex wasn’t wrong about pretty much everyone they knew sending something. They’d had to be pretty firm about spacing out the visits and keeping them to one or two people at a time so Bex and Will didn’t get overwhelmed. As it was, Cindy could already see them fading.
And no wonder. Her eyebrows flew up as she caught sight of the time. “It’s lunchtime! I bet you’re all starving.” She set Bex’s phone down and started hustling Christopher toward the door. “We’ll go grab something and bring it back up here. Any requests?”
“I will eat literally anything you put in front of me,” Will said.
“Not you, mister.” Cindy waggled a finger at him. “I’ll be following your restrictions until Dr. Allen tells me otherwise.”
“Cindy, anything you can grab will be wonderful,” Connor said, reaching for his wallet. “Let me—”
“Nope.” Mouse beat him to it, handing a card over to Cindy. “This one’s on me.”
“Ooh, get extra cookies,” Jay called out from where he was lounging beside Bex’s bed.
“Thank you, Mouse,” Cindy said, ignoring the general shenanigans of the room and utterly charmed by how he blushed when she smiled at him. “Behave yourselves,” she told the rest of them. “We’ll be back soon.”
Soon turned out to be a generous estimate.
Christopher, sick of hospital food, insisted on going to a sub shop “nearby” that was apparently delicious, but still took almost ten minutes to get to. It was a hole in the wall kind of place with a perfectly worn feel that made her think his claims of deliciousness probably weren’t too far off. That and it was incredibly busy—even for a lunch time rush.
Forty minutes later, they made it back to the room with their miniature feast only to find the whole gang passed out cold.
Will and Bex were asleep in their beds. Connor was curled up in an arm chair beside Will’s bed and Jay was sacked out on one of the couches. Mouse was tucked in on the edge of Bex’s bed, one hand gently keeping hold of her un-splinted arm.
“Guess this’ll have to keep,” Chris whispered to her, smiling as he shook his head at their family. They put everything that needed to be kept cold in the fridge and left the rest on the table. Chris tugged on her hand, leading her over to the other couch and pulling her down into his lap.
Cindy relaxed back into him with a sigh.
It was the first truly peaceful feeling moment they’d had since Friday. Cindy could hardly believe everything that had happened since then. It was too overwhelming.
Took her right back to—to when Chris was here and they all rallied together, scared and unsure of what was going to happen, but helping each other through it as best they could.
It made her want to weep sometimes, how much violence and heartache her family had been through. How many scars they now bore.
“You look like you’re thinking heavy thoughts,” Christopher murmured, nuzzling his nose into her hair. “Wanna talk about it?”
“I just—” Cindy brought her hands up to press over her stomach. “What kind of world are we bringing this little bean into?”
Chris was quiet for a moment before he placed a hand over hers. “One where they’ll be surrounded by family,” he said slowly. “A family that will support them and help them learn how to be strong and smart and kind and brave and silly. It’ll be a world where they will always, always know that they are loved.” He held her close. “Always.”
She tilted her head back to look at him. “How did you get so wonderful and wise?”
“You.” Chris smiled, leaning in to give her a kiss. He gave her a little squeeze before settling the both of them into the back of the couch. “Now, come on and get comfy,” he said. “We need to get back into practice.”
“What on earth are you talking about, Christopher?”
He gestured at their sleeping family. “Gotta sleep when the babies sleep, right?” Cindy stifled a giggle and he shushed her. “I’m serious!” he whispered, fighting his own giggles. “Nap time!”
Their giggles settled down as he snuggled into her side and closed his eyes, quickly falling asleep and Cindy followed him soon after.
Bex cracked her eyes open, smiling to herself as she watched Cindy and Chris sleep tangled up in each other on the couch.
Mouse stirred beside her. “You okay?” he asked quietly.
She thought about it for a moment before answering. “Yeah.” Definitely not all the way, not yet and maybe not for awhile, but—
“I will be,” Bex said.
Because she had her family. One that was strong and smart and kind and brave and silly and that she knew always, always loved her.
Click here to read on ao3:
A/N #2: If you haven't read the rest of the series, that Statesville scene is a call back to one that happened in a 'Honesty. Horrible, Horrible Honesty.' Consider this to be the start of a slow burn villain arc.
A/N #3: I'll do another 'coming up next' post for those of you who enjoy spoilers so keep an eye out for that.
And here is the tag list (let me know if you wish to be added or removed):
@sorry-i-spaced, @thegirlwhowishedeveryonelived, @ivyalmighty, @thewannabewriter, @lexhalstead3, @multifandomgrl08, @foxes-and-cats, @sensitivemallysix, @thebewingedjewelcat, @emme-looou, @trulylavandedarling
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