#contest for writers
rozmorris · 6 months
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Our robot masters, finding Michael, enter this competition if you write creative non-fiction poetry or memoir, my first online reading, a little horse. All in my newsletter https://mailchi.mp/39151833ee83/our-robot-masters-finding-michael-enter-this-competition-my-first-online-reading-a-little-horse
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queermania · 1 year
No but seriously why is Robbie's Dean so good and why can't anybody else write him that well?
berens: dean is the straight guy who led me on and broke my heart in college
gamble: dean is the gay guy who led me on and broke my heart in college
robbie: dean is just a little guy who likes to dress up in outfits and nerd out with his lesbian bestie oh and also he's in love with cas and everybody knows it but cas
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Eurovision Prompts
needing help to get the glitter off ✨
countries who are sitting next to each other during the show
having totally different music styles, but completely vibing together
getting a little too drunk and now acting a fool in the background when the cameras come their way
exploring the city where ESC takes place and running into other artists
becoming the it couple of this year's ESC over social media before ever actually meeting
(accidentally) creating the perfect new meme
hanging out with every country except your direct neighbors
but celebrating with them when you give each other points
doing interviews that start professional but turn into pure chaos at the end
seeing a piano and thinking (hoping) it won't survive the finale
there is someone in a bear costume on stage and everyone is dying to find out who it is
playing silly games inbetween rehearsals
meeting some artists and later hearing their music and they never thought they would vibe to that kind of music
trying to pronounce their names right and learn a few words in their native languages
celebrating each 12 points with whoever got them
dancing with the other countries in front of the stage
meeting former contestants and getting advice from them
having whole conversations with other artists, without knowing each other's languages
the usual suspects landing in the bottom spots but still having a great time (I'm German)
I love ESC! Have fun this week! :)
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
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….there goes my dream of being a writer one day. My degree in English is worthless.
Link to Article
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writingwithfolklore · 11 months
How to Write a Contest Winner
                Contests are a great way to get your name out there as a writer, gain credibility points for publishers, and sometimes earn a little bit of money or a prize along the way. I have submitted work to many, many contests, and now I’m on the editorial team for a magazine hosting its own!
                Here’s what I’ve learned about contest-winning writing:
1. It pushes the envelope
The biggest disappointment for me was learning that contests aren’t just looking for good writing. It’s not enough to just be a good writer—to win, you’re creating a piece that holds social, political, or cultural meaning.
                This means it has some sort of point, some reason for existing. It tells something important and new about the world or is commenting on a real issue.
                Writers tend to connect these real issues within society through personal experiences or stories told in an artistic/creative style. Creative non-fiction (if applicable) is great for this, but you can imbue these themes in any type of writing.
2. It has a clear point or theme
Your first step should be to create your theme. What are you saying about the world? What is it now, and what should it be? Solid themes may be: There isn't enough support for immigrants coming into the US, the schooling system ignores LGBTQ+ students getting bullied, traditional values ruin modern relationships with family across generations, etc.
3. It takes risks
This one is huge. Maybe I should have put it first on the list—consider this as a reward for getting this far in the post haha. Contest-winning writing does not (typically) look like traditionally published writing (this of course definitely depends where the contest is being held. It is true for many literary magazines, but may not be true everywhere. Double check what the formatting requirements are where you’re submitting). It can—but us editors want to read something we haven’t seen before. I want to be surprised and delighted by the chances and risks you take.
An example of this is playing with the form or design of the writing. Play with the space on the page—don’t just stick to how books are typically formatted. Go for the themes that push a boundary, opt for the unsafe ending.
This is the other side to ‘pushing the envelope’, your writing should also push the envelope on how we write. Know the rules of the game, break them tactfully and you’ve got a first placer.
4. But it also follows the rules
Best way to lose a contest is to ignore or forget the guidelines/rules of the contest. If there’s a theme, adhere to the theme. If they want you to keep your name off your submission, make sure you do so. If they need every submission to be under 1000 words, yours better be 999 or under.
The guidelines are usually found where you submit your work and they are the key to having a shot at the contest. If your piece doesn’t adhere to the rules, you may not get a second chance. Don’t waste your time and follow the guidelines!
Good luck! (Expect a follow-up post on contests to submit soon!)
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bulbagarden · 2 days
hiya trainers, lisia here again!! just wanting to tell you about our one-shot fanfiction contest that i'm running over on our forums, specifically in our writers' workshop, which i'm the head of! our theme this year is fall -- very open-ended, but we think our writers will be able to use it in many creative ways!
here's the link! https://bulbagarden.net/threads/fall-2024-one-shot-contest-announcement.303264/unread
signups close on the 24th, so please register even if you're not fully sure you'll be able to commit to submitting an entry! me and blanc are both hoping to write entries for it, and i'll be judging, so we hope to see you there~.
our prizes range from advertisement on our social media accounts, to (maybe) a forums badge, to a secret new forums feature being unveiled just for this!! you don't wanna miss it, so please, sign up if you're interested, or share with any you know who would be! o//
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huewrite · 1 month
The Reincarnated Shapeshifter's Godly Feast
Before I go into everything. Hi! I'm Hue and I write this story here.
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It's over on the Tapas App and it'd be really cool if you checked it out. What's it about?
Enoki had a simple life of trying new foods, cooking, and showing what ze learned on hir blog. While trying a new dish, ze suddenly found out ze was deathly allergic to the main ingredient. Luckily for hir, the gods had a need for such a person. Gifting hir a new shapeshifting body, the gods set Enoki on a quest. Find the ingredients for and cook the dishes for the Godly Feast before time runs out. Succeed and gain blessings for the races whose dishes are well represented. Fail, and watch as everyone is destroyed.
Yes it's an isekai, but I am trying to make it funny while keeping up the drama. Plus I'm putting in recipes every so often. I'm not going to lie, there is a contest on Tapas that I've entered it into. Even if I don't win, it's going to continue because I like my lil Neo pronoun shapeshifter.
Even if you don't want to read my story, I encourage you to go check out the other entries. Your reads and views will influence what sorts of stories the Tapas App offers contracts to in the future.
Now onto today's update!
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Poor Random Elf #12. But can you imagine being given something you KNOW isn't safe for non elves and told to give it to the non elf?
Is Enoki going to eat it?
Of course ze is. Ze is very hungry and it smells great. Honestly, this is probably why ze died in the first place. "Oh yeah this is making my throat itch but the seasoning is amazing! Maybe one more bite."
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swampstew · 11 months
It's time to flashily vote on your favorite costume!
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Didn't read every story? No stress - you can find every entry below before you vote! Please like, reblog, and support every writer who put their ENTIRE soul into each writing piece - we all had so much fun putting this together for fandom!
@swampstew - Eustass Kid - Slutty Sauron
@quinloki - Marco, Ace & Reader - Full Metal Alchemist
@zoros-sheath - Zoro, Kaku & Reader - Little Red Riding Hood
@sanjis-all-blue - Diez Drake & Reader - The Princess Bride
@leakyweep - Doflamingo & Reader & Rosinante - Twilight
@icy-spicy - Killer - The First Man
@writing-yarn-goblin - Bartolomeo & Reader - American Gothic Painting
@mew-ya- Katakuri & Reader - Frankenstein's Monster
@bulle-d-bulliver - Kin'emon & O-tsuru & Reader & Kiku as the 4 Musketeers
@quinloki - Buggy the Red Nosed Reindeer
Voting will run for 24 hours with the winner being announced Halloween Day!
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revolvingfanatic · 1 year
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✨ Win a one-shot contest!! ✨ 
If anyone can guess the upcoming major(ish) plot twist in my Puss in Boots fic “I Do Not Fear Death” I will write them a one-shot of basically anything they want. 🌈🎉 Can even be from a different fandom than PiB (given I’m familiar with the material). I’m cool with writing basically anything (will include more info in the replies on that). 
•Guesses can be made in the replies, reblogs, tags, asks, messages on here, or as comments on the fic itself (basically anywhere as long as I can see it)
•You can make as many guesses as you want (go hog wild!)
•The one-shot can be gifted to a friend for them to choose what it's about if you so desire
•You have until the next chapter is posted (ch14) to make your guesses, at which point I will reveal if anyone was correct! If more than one person guesses it correctly, whoever was first will win 
Feel free to tag people so they too can take part in the fun! Also I may possibly drop a hint or two a bit later, so keep an eye out~
Good luck everyone! 🍀✨
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gamerkats · 4 months
Best part about having a Bard at game night? They tend to come in with an ear worm that will drive you NUTS!!! So excited we get to post this!!!!
Sung to the tune of "The Devil Went Down To Georgia", by The Charlie Daniels Band.
The Devil went down to Hazbin, He was lookin' for a dream to kill. He was in a bind 'cause in Charlie’s mind, She was doin’ up Heaven’s will.
When he came upon this tall man, Sawblade in a smile and spittin' it hot And the Devil jumped on the chandelier stump And said, “Alright then, tell you what,”
“I guess you just don’t know me, I must’a stayed away too long. But if you'd dare to take a care, I'll meet you horns head on. Now you tickle pretty good ivory, boy, but give the Devil his due, I’ll bet Charlie’s love gold against your soul, ‘Cause I know I’m better than you."
The man said, “My name's Alastor, and it might be a sin, But I'll take your bet, I’ll make you regret You ever came to our Hazbin.
Alastor, tighten up your grin, and play your piano hard. ‘Cause Hell has come to Hazbin, and the Devil is a bard. And if you lose, the Devil’s now the owner in control. But if you win, you just might get your soul.
[music interlude part, you know you're hearing it....]
The Devil was the first to sing, and he felt he could not lose. With fire just like a video killing all the radio’s reviews. And he plucked on every single string to fiddle with their hearts, And if Charlie would not barter, at least that smile’d be torn apart.
[music interlude that sounds like Adam just chimed in]
Before the Devil finished, Alastor said, “Well, not bad for an old man, Who’s least is quite his forte, I’ll show you how to lend a hand.”
Charlie’s got a dream, fun, what fun, The Devil’s jealous of all that I have done. I should really fear his seven wrath woe, Charlie, should I bite him? No, Al, no.
[more music!!!!]
The Devil ground his accordion down to Alastor’s hooved feet, And he readied for a second verse to make that deer heart bleat. Alastor said, “Devil, let’s go again, if you’re not all spent and flimsy.” Then the door broke down, to stomp on their bitch, Truest best of all was Mimsy. She played,
Charlie’s got a dream, fun, what fun, The Devil’s jealous of all that I have done. I should really fear his seven wrath woe, Charlie, should I bite him? No, Al, no.
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
if you as a fic reader ever become possessed by the urge to do a popularity bracket with the fics other people wrote and shared for fun and for free, consider:
don't ❤️ 
#just!!!! make a rec list!!!!!!!!!#popularity contests do nothing but drive writers out of fandoms by pitting people against their friends#and invariably result in people being assholes in the comments as if the people who wrote the fic can't see it#like ''oh clearly fic x is better than fic y''#or ''why is fic c even in this poll?''#nobody gains anything by you doing a bracket to see which fic is the ''most popular''#a stat which could be found more easily & less cruelly by simply hitting the sort by bookmarks/kudos button on ao3#anyway ugh. i saw that one of my fics was being pitted against one of my friend's fics in this bracket that's going around#and i have no idea who is ''winning'' because i refuse to look. but either way it's gonna feel bad!!!#because i want my friend to get his flowers so i want him to win!!! but i also would like to know that people like my fic!!!!#so it's just a lose/lose situation even though i generally don't give a shit about numbers#but this turns it into a schoolyard popularity thing#and the emotional response to having people *vote* on if your work is *better or worse* than other fic is hard to ignore#cannot reiterate enough JUST MAKE A REC LIST#or if you absolutely must do a bracket like this do it in a private chat server or something#don't create a public forum for people to pass value judgements where the authors can see it#and feel bad if they get told their fic is ''worse'' than someone elses#but also feel bad if they get told theirs is ''better'' because it came at the cost of telling another author they weren't good enough#ANYWAY i still feel sick with a super sore throat and a headache & am probably extra cranky because of it#(still testing negative thankfully so it's probably just weather/allergen related)#gonna go make some tea and prep the fic updates i want to post today#cass says things#fandom problems#wank adjacent
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novlr · 1 year
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lesawrites · 21 days
I finished the three day novel contest! I actually think I did really well. I have a decent first draft, especially for being written in just three days. I even had about six hours extra time to edit and rewrite things. Now it’s after midnight and I can’t do any more work on it, and it’s at 23,351 words!
I’m really proud of myself for completing this, especially with how little I prepared for it beforehand. My outline was vague, and I ended up changing a few major things last minute, and somehow I still pulled through. Even if I don’t win the actual contest part of it, which I doubt I will, I’m super happy I did this.
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nivasichakano · 4 months
Help, I can't stop writing Bloodweave AUs. Blame @bloodweaveyaoi for fuelling the obsession. ~ Summary: Gale and Astarion are two wildly different Eurovision hopefuls from the UK. Gale has a pared-back, soaring ballad while Astarion's manic technopop track features a troupe of dancers in bondage-inspired outfits. At the national finals, they split the public vote — so their management teams and the BBC decide that the best solution is for them to team up and represent the country together.
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bulbagarden · 6 months
we're running a shipping one-shot fanfiction contest over on our forums! signups end on march 31, and we have quite a few categories for entrants to be winners in -- both romantic and platonic ships are accepted! winners get free reviews and possibly other prizes, and go in our writers' workshop hall of fame!! i (lisia) am helping run the event, and blanc and i are going to try and participate, so come join us if you'd like...! hope to see you there o7
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I’ll never get around to drawing/writing this BUT Hannibal Cutthroat Kitchen AU where Hannibal is the host and the contestants are unknowingly cooking people during those insane challenges. And Will goes undercover on the next season as a contestant bc he believes that TV personality Hannibal Lector is somehow behind the string of murders that have been going on in that area and the closest he can get to him is to become a contestant on the show. And Jack reluctantly pulls some strings to get Will on the show bc he wouldn’t Shut Up about it and it’s messing with how efficient he is at his job. The problem is Will actually has to compete and he sucks at cooking anything but fish dishes, but for some Mysterious Reason he keeps winning the challenges okay goodnight 💀
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