#cujo will love you with all his heart
finemealprompt · 23 days
DP x DC Prompt #43
Cujo was a good boy. He was! He promises! He just didn't want to sit still when Danny asked him to. How could he! There were so many scents to explore, so many spirits around, too many things to do to sit still!
Unfortunately, Cujo got lost. And scared. It's a big city, and he was told he wasn't allowed to turn big and go on a rampage or else he wouldn't get to go on trips with Danny anymore. So he wanders, trying to get back to where he was.
Then, a young boy runs across Cujo. He speaks softly, is kind, and doesn't seem off put by his abnormal coloring. So, Cujo decides to go with the boy! Danny won't be that mad ... right?
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bet-on-me-13 · 5 months
The First Supervillain
So! A Typical "Early Start" AU where the events of The Show happen early in the Timeline. Like, in the 70's or 80's.
Danny never quite managed to fix his Public Perception, and even years into his career people still saw him as the Villain.
Coincidentally Valerie was seen as a Hero because of how often they were seen fighting. Even after they revealed their Identities and got together, they still had the occasional Battle. It was their love language.
His role as the Villain was Cemented when Pariah launched his Second Invasion of Earth after some dumbass accidentally freed him, and Danny took the Blame for it. Instead of being seen as the Hero who battled Pariah and stopped the Invasion, he was seen as the Tyrant to launched the Invasion in the first place, with Red Huntess being the one to defeat him in one final Ultimate Battle.
And honestly? He was fine with that. Now that he was the King of the Ghost Zone, he had the Authority to Regulate the Portal so villains stopped getting through. And that meant that he wasn't needed to stop random Ghost Attacks anymore. He could finally focus on College and his own Life, instead of sacrificing everything to act as the Protector of the Human Realm.
Val continued to be a Hero for a few more years, eventually retiring when it became Clear that the new generation of Heroes could pick up the Slack.
He went to College, got a Job as an Aerospace Engineer, and eventually proposed to Valerie.
About 20 years since his initial Accident, and he was doing great! He had moved into a humble home on the edge of town with his loving wife Val, his beautiful daughter Ellie, and his cute dog Cujo.
Yeah, life was good.
Until the day Danny accidently caused a Mass Crisis.
Superman was having some extreme trouble in dealing with his current Opponent. He had just been flying around the City, patrolling as Usual, when all of a sudden he had been attacked by a Flying Mech Suit.
At first he had assumed that Lex was giving it another Go, but he quickly realized that was not the case when the Armor seemed to Phase though solid matter in the middle of the battle. Lex had never made Tech advanced enough to do that on the fly.
This opponent was tough too. Strong enough and Durable enough to go blow for blow with him, and seemingly able to pull Advanced Weaponry from out of nowhere whenever he wanted. As tough as it was to admit, Superman as losing the Battle.
Then, without warning, the battle stopped. His opponent was staring at the space just behind him, with a look of pure dread. He turned around, and his heart stopped.
Floating behind him, staring right past him and directly at the Mech Suit, was the First Villain Phantom.
He looked much the same as when he had last been seen, although he was definitely Older. He had snow white hair, and glowing green eyes that seemed to stare right past him and into his very soul. He was wearing what seemed to be a costume of sorts, with an all black suit, white gloves, and white boots. Over his Shoulders sat a Cloak made of Stars, and above his head sat a Crown made of an Icy Blue Fire.
The Mech tried for a greeting, "Er- Hello t-Lord Phantom. How do you d-"
"What are you doing here? I thought I gave you explicit orders to stay in the Ghost Zone until further notice. You disobeyed me."
"Okay look. I got excited, that's my fault. It's just, I got anxious waiting. Can you really blame me? I've been waiting 20 years to take another Crack at the Human World, what's it matter if I left a few weeks Early?"
"I told you. You were supposed to wait exactly 20 Years, and you left Early. This calls for punishment."
"No wait!"
"Let's see how you feel after a few days as Soup."
The Villain pulled out a Thermos, and in a flash of green light, Skulker was gone, and the King was capping the Thermos. He then turned to Superman.
"I apologize for him, he decided to leave ahead of schedule." The King addressed him. "Now, Kryptonian. Rest and tend to your wounds, you will need to be in your best health if you want to continue saving the lives of those people below us."
With a dramatic flare, the King reached up and Tore a hole in Space. Through the Hole, Superman could only see an infinite Green Void, with the sound of screams cheering being heard through the rift.
The King departed through the Tear in Spacetime, and it closed behind him.
Superman tried to collect himself, and activated his League Emergency Comms.
"Attention All Founding Members, and Justice League Dark Members. This is Superman calling for an immediate Emergency Meeting."
He took a deep breath.
"Phantom is Back."
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
Life on the farm pt 5 ghosts are in fact scary
The training session goes well, Danny shows off a little (he most definitely wasn’t checking out aqualad shut up Clark) but ultimately he decides against transforming in front of them. Ever since he defeated pariah his ghost form has slowly started to…change and the last thing he needed was mass hysteria. Before he leaves he corners Conner “I don’t care what Supes says im your brother whether you like it or not, I’ve been waiting my whole life to be a big brother, he is NOT taking this from me. I’ll pick you up next week and we can hang out.” Danny heads over to the zeta tube before turning around and heading the other way “yeah not doing that again, c’mon cujo let’s head home.”he pauses before looking Clark straight in the eye, “I can tell them or you can tell them, but before the end of the day someone is telling Ma and Pa about Conner.” Before Clark could try to stop him the two of them disappeared.
Kid flash then said the words that sealed their fate “y’know, for a guy that claims to be a ghost he wasn’t that scary, I mean really dropping the temperature, shadows? That’s child’s play.”
No one noticed a silent figure hidden on the ceiling or her sharp smile so very full of such… lovely promises
It started out small.
Things start going missing at first, just small things, a communicator that wasn’t where he left it. Furniture moved an inch to the left, small things that Are mostly ignored
Then comes the sounds, first it’s the sound of a girl laughing echoing through the halls and then it all came to a head.
The team found themselves trapped in the mountain with red tornado offline and the power stuck on the emergency back up they tried to stick together but they were quickly separated by the emergency hatches slamming down. So here we find Wally speeding through the halls, trying to find a way to reunite with the rest of the team when he comes across a little girl crying in a corner. Cautiously he approached the little girl asking her what’s wrong,
“He didn’t want me, I wasn’t good enough…” while he’s confused he starts to get angry somebody hurt a little girl, probably the same person that broke into the mountain he kneels in front of the girl
“Don’t worry kid I’m gonna get you out of here and he’s not gonna hurt you again.”
The little girl sniffles, her face still hidden in her arms “you promise?”
Wally sighs “yeah I promise now let’s get out of here.” He goes to help her up
“Leave? I can’t leave, he’ll get angry. He always gets angry!” Wally pauses as the room starts to feel unbearably still, he tries to move, just a finger, just an inch, as he feels the room closing in around him. He tries to look away but his eyes are drawn to the little girl as she slowly stands, her hair hanging in her face She looks up and screams Ị̷̼̦͈͎͇̋͆͛͑́͘͘͘ ̵̢͍̯̗̻̮̲͖͔͓͆̈́͂̌̅͂̾̀̊͠C̴̖̦͐̈͊̈́͆̉͋̿̾̒A̴̢̙̱̙͓̺̝͆͆́̕N̶̨̛̻͙̱̩̜̓́̀̽̿͆͒̇̍͘͠ ̸̨̢̡̘̻̗̜̼̗̔̂͑N̵̢̟͉̦̫͉̮̱͉̙̖̝̑E̶̻̞̰͔̫͔͙̺͕̥̬͂͐͊̓͂̿̈́͒ͅV̶̤̖̮͚͇̪̓͆̽̿͊̀͑͠Ê̵̛͉̭͖͚̥̼̱̺̱̜̻̺͛̓̋̇̂̏͘Ṟ̴͓͕̤́͜ ̵̣͚͐̑͂̅̕L̴̨̝̥̰̱̜̰̮̪̙̦̩̍̉̓ͅȨ̷̡͖͖̘̞̰̯̄͗́̌̃́̐̅́̽̉̚͘Ḁ̷͙́͗́̿͊V̸̮̘̄̈́̀̀̀̉̂E̸̤̻͔͛͊̀̓̚!̷̧̛̃̎!̶̨͖̜͈͎̳̩̬͚͒̅͐̊̀̔͂̀̆̉̍̂͝!̷̗̼͒̽̆̂̉̊̄͐́ͅ
Her face is half gone, melting into green goo as her eye falls out, before his very eyes her features grow sharper. She screams as she charges at Wally who squeezes his eyes shut using his arms to block his face with a shout he feels as though he’s been electrocuted and then… nothing. he opens his eyes and she’s gone, the lights flicker as he feels his heart beat impossibly fast. He races through the corridors before he finds himself back in the comm room, he races up to Robin who quickly turns around ready to strike.
“If you’re asking if I saw a little girl who is hanging from the ceiling with sharp eyes and large fangs staring like she wants to eat us, then yea I see her.” Wally tenses “See?!” He quickly turns around searching the ceiling as robin throws a flash grenade. But the little girl catches the grenade with a laugh and eats it whole. There’s a small puff of smoke leaving her mouth as she laughs, giving no other indication of her accomplishment. She drops to the floor, twisting her body at impossible angles, the two flinch at the sound of her cracking joints. With a low chuckle she says “don’t you want to play with me?”
The two young heroes scream
Clark would probably prefer to be in a haunted mountain than sitting at the living room table with his parents sitting across from him as Danny putters around in the kitchen preparing a pie for his new little brother.
“Clark Joseph Kent! I have never been so disappointed in my life!” Ma gave him a look that says not to interrupt
“Not only did you neglect to inform us of our youngest sons existence, but you basically made him feel ashamed for being made!”
“But ma!”
“Don’t you ‘but ma!’ Her, your mother is right. Luthor may be a piece of horse shit but that does not make any of this conners fault. That poor boy looks up to you, he woke up in this world by himself, you had us when you arrived, but all he had was luthor.”
Ma nods “that’s right! Now you are gonna bring that boy over for dinner and we are going to welcome him into this family with open arms. Danny is already making a pie so that leaves you with plenty of time to get your chores done, WITHOUT SUPERSPEED, while I run into town to pick up some groceries, Pa is gonna supervise.”
Danny walks in with a grin on his face “pies ready for the oven, but I gotta run out and pick up my cousin, she’s out making trouble, I can pick up Conner while I’m at it if you’d like?” Ma gives Danny a warm smile
“Oh! You’re bringing Ellie to dinner? How exciting! I thought you said she was stuck in the other universe” Danny laughs “the infinite realms are weird, what can I say. All I know is that I could feel it when she entered the dimension so I should probably go pick her up before she causes too much damage.” Danny gives a whistle and cujo comes running “I gave up figuring out how this one gets around a long time ago, he always finds me wherever I go.”
Ma and Pa smile “well that sounds lovely, We can’t wait to meet her.” With that Danny gives his parents a hug and pats Clark on the shoulder “don’t worry, once you get to know him youll realize he’s his own person, it gets a lot less awkward after that.” And Danny walks out the door and disappears.
Back at the mountain
The team is in position, ready to strike but the creature who invaded the mountains seems to have multiplied each new creature more grotesque than the last Conner stood at the front of the group ready to defend as the creatures (for surely this was no mere little girl) slowly cornered the team when everything went COLD. The creatures looked up as a great pressure fell upon the mountain the creature laughed slowly as the turned to the team. Ḩ̵̢̣̝͖̭̝̮͇̮͎͕͚͊̈́̈̾̂̀̈́͝é̵̡̡̲͉̖͈͓̪̓̄̊̄̐͌͆̕͝͝ͅ’̸̧̘̘͙̝̥͑̇s̵̻̒͌̋ͅ ̸̢̞͓͉̝̜̘͂̑̈́̇͌͛̆͝ͅḩ̵́e̴̟͉̫̹̲̫̼̝͚͇̖̿̌̑̉͘͘r̴͕̝̦͔̣̣͎͈̜̅́̑̾̅͐̔ͅe̴̢̨̝̮͙̩͈̳̬̙͖̪̓͐
Conner tensed as the creature made to strike, but before it could reach the team a great overbearing shadow creature reached out and grabbed it by the collar.
Slowly the room returned to normal as the creature shrunk and the various beings vanished.
“Danny!” The little girl? Creature? None of them are sure anymore as she wrapped her arms around the creature
Everyone stared as the shadows coalesced into the form of none other than Danny Kent, casually holding the creature, that will surely haunt their nightmares for days to come, by the collar.
“How did you even get here?!” Danny laughed
“The old timepiece gave me a ride before booking it, you know how he is, but that’s not important. What’s important is why do you smell like pie?”
Danny laughs and he’s about to explain as Wally losses his shit and yells “what the actual hell is going on?!?”
“Hey man, I warned you. You just chose not to believe me.” He turns to Conner “meet my cousin Ellie, she’s my clone.” Conner looks at Ellie in surprise.
“I didn’t know you could make copies.” Danny comments
Ellie shrugs “their not as good as yours, I can never keep them stable enough for a fight, but they’re great for scaring teens.”
Robin comes up to Ellie “I gotta admit you had us going there.” He said with a laugh Ellie giggles in response
“That’s nothing, you should see Danny when he’s trying to scare people, he’s terrifying.” Danny laughs sheepishly
“That’s enough of that, Conner, ma should be putting the pie in the oven now, if we hurry we can help make dinner.” Conner looks at Danny confused.
“Don’t look at me like that, you’re family now cmon Clark’s gonna finish his chores before we get there at this rate.” With a huge smile the three head out.
Artemis turns to Wally with a scowl, what was that about ghosts not being scary, Wally gulped.
Clark did not get any pie that night, Lois made sure of it.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
I was inspired by your name.
Cujo is a dog. He may be dead, but he is still a dog and dogs love bones.
Cujo knows the fun-toy-finder protects the premises. Cujo was a good gard dog, he understands.
That's why he dug outside. Cujo has learnt by now to search for the good bones. Cujo knows the green food (ectoplasm) likes the dead bones. Cujo likes the ones that still have some earth fleash on them. Cujo has fun getting in the boxes.
-current pathways-
1) The unusual grave robbings are detected by the league.
2) Danny finds out cujo still is eating bones reacts somehow, mean while Jason wakes up panicking and missing a bone in his foot.
The last one made me choke I’m-
Fun little tidbit about me is that stealingyourbones is my username because I collect bones! I take hikes in open forest and just bring back whatever bones I find. Most of them are deer but I got a few bird and raccoon bones :)
So there are a metric fuck ton of bones in the feet. By a metric ton I really only mean 26 but who’s countin. Having a singular bone gone could mean a lot of pain but not fully fuck you over. Heavily depends on what bone you’re taking.
I raise you one better: Jason now has his 3rd rib down on his left removed. The rib that goes over the main part of your heart. Danny finds Cujo chewing on a whole ass human rib bone, cartilage and bits of sinew still fully attached, and is now on a hunt to return the bone back to the grave of the deceased.
Jokes on Danny, that grave is now empty. Fuck he already made it all the way to Gotham, might as well complete the task he headed out to do. Time to find Jason Todd.
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redg5 · 5 months
This might be the most active my blog has ever been. Oh well. Time to talk more phantom because oh my god watching this show again is amazing. Few things I wanted to highlight this time round.
First, Danny really spends a good portion of season one believing most ghosts are evil. Like his opinion does not change until the episode he meets Vlad and it’s because the dairy king guy tells him not all ghosts are evil while helping him. Up until this point, Danny has only met ghosts who want to do him harm in one way or another and this ghost helping him is a shock. Then he takes this lesson to heart and even tells Paulina the same thing in episode 15. Bonus is that this becomes the start of what I like to call the “Superman lover” syndrome. I might go into it more in another post if I keep this up. It’s also after episode 7, the one he meets the king ghost, that we meet friendlier ghosts like Cujo and Wulf. And sometimes Johnny and Kitty, depends on their relationship status that episode.
Then there is the episode you see Danny become afraid to tell his parents the truth. Season 1 episode 15, “Public Enemies”, is when everyone sees phantom in a negative light. This is the episode where it’s clear his parents aren’t afraid to take him down as the ghost boy. Before hand he’s ok with telling his parents for the most part, just trying to find his own way to do so, but after? After his parents despise the ghost boy and that terrifies him. Maybe I’m reading too much into things but like, this show man. I love it.
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kthynes · 1 year
Hii!!! In Husband for Hire in the hearts dilemma, I kinda wondered what happened when Lloyd went to talk to mi Luna? How was she feeling after the whole ordeal with her fathers men and what did he say to her?
to your hearts content
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authors note: a follow up to the hearts dilemma. Lloyd struggles with showing true emotional intelligence. He’s a caveman with secrets. In this series, the reader and LH will always be under fire for something and so he has to constantly assure and safeguard mi Luna, even beyond their T&C. But sometimes shit gets past him and even though he’s the most dangerous mobster he still finds it voraciously hard to protect the girl he loves.
This has not been beta’d
Breathing stout and unsteady, it took everything in you to calm down, disbarring the pitiful looks from Maria and the house help who would precariously walk in and out of the suite. Life was coming at you fast, paralyzing you in your tracks.
“She’s not saying much, Mr. Hansen.” Maria finally states from behind the bedroom door. She idles by with Lloyd for a good minute, contemplating their stark indifferences with sullen expectitude.
“Did she eat?” He asks and you hear his genuine concern. Maria shakes her head no. There’s silence that grafts the unknown, proving that little could be said or done.
In Lloyd’s room you were sitting upright in an abandoned lazy boy, knees drawn close to your chest, hair sopping wet while recollecting a near death experience. Your father knew. He knew you were playing games. Figuratively sleeping with the enemy. Fear was insolvent so were the many wire transfers that kept you in the clear.
“I’ll take care of her tonight.” Lloyd wagers and after a few short words in exchange, Maria’s pointed feet scurried down the hallway. Lloyd sucks in a deep breath and raps at the door, honoring his presence while coming into yours.
“Mi Luna?”
Radio silence. Nothing. Cujo, who protectively lays by your feet, perks his head up when Lloyd decides to enter the room, uninvited. “Sweetheart…” He tenderly coaxes from the crux of his own despair. Your glassy eyes meet his, following a painful proclamation that leaves your lips.
“This is getting way out of hand, Lloyd.” The madness was maddening. You were lucky to be unscathed this time around but the chances were a gamble. There wouldn’t be a next time. Lloyd made sure of it with rigor.
“I know and it won’t get any easier but I promise you that I—“
“See the thing is I want to trust you but I don’t.” You disassociate and the man you felt guarded from was crumbling, yearning to be your everything when all you did tactfully was shut him out. “Promises mean nothing to me.”
“I have you in my home, under my guise. You are my fight, my first, my last and my everything.” He confesses, Sebastian’s words are rearing him to be impassioned and truthful. “I saw what I needed to see today and with utmost conviction, I will not let your father take you away from me.”
Your brows beetle together, discernible digression takes form. He says what he means and means what he says.
“Are you in love with me Lloyd Hansen?”
He’s bludgeoned with disbelief, standing right before you and away from Cujo who wonders the same. Like mother like pup.
“Love is a choice and a feeling that I don’t feel.” He glumly adds, concealing his true feelings that gnaw at him to be amorous. “I’m only owing favours here.”
“Of course.” You scoff, remembering the initial plan.
“Now come down. Let’s eat.”
A part of you is hurt by his dismissive tendency. But time would reveal his whole hand to you and you’ll just have to wait till then. Because if there’s one thing most certain, it’s the fact that Lloyd was a no good liar, a harping lover and someone who’d look to you as his forever. You don’t miss his aim nor his intention. That look in his eye told you everything you needed to confirm.
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randomly-a-fan · 7 months
Malon's Guardian Angel Pt. 2
Part 1
MJ didn't have a choice, Malon and Jason voted her out to keep the dog for a while. Once the dog entered the house, he immediately hopped onto the couch. "Well, there goes my seat." MJ said glumly. "I'm going to take a nap." MJ added, as she walks towards her room and shuts the door. Jason just stares at the door for a few minutes until he turns back towards Malon and the Saint Bernard. "Dad... How come mom doesn't like dogs?" Malon asked while snuggling against the dog. Jason doesn't exactly know how to answer her question, since it's been a while since MJ's parents came over, and showed him some family photos, then the subject came up to how MJ hated their dog. So, he only shrugged to Malon's question.
In the middle of the night, MJ was tossing and turning, as she was having a nightmare; thank goodness that Freddy Krueger wasn't the one responsible. But her nightmare was how a Saint Bernard that same into their home, was actually the murderous dog that attacks people, and it charged right at her. MJ jolted up in shock and fright before lying back down to sleep. That is, until she heard panting.
The Saint Bernard was standing next to MJ's face, which indicated that Jason forgot to shut the door on his way back from the middle of the night perimeter check. "Shoo! Get!" MJ snapped in a silent but loud tone. "Get out!" MJ added in a loud tone. When the dog didn't move, MJ got up and escorted her out of the room, until the dog jumped onto her spot on the bed. "NO, GET OFF." MJ yelled in a quiet tone. Only, the dog fell asleep. "Stupid dog!" MJ said as she barged out; she would have slammed the door, but she didn't want to scare Jason.
MJ was sitting on the comfy recliner and decided to sleep on that, since the dog didn't lie on it. MJ doesn't like the warm feeling of the spot that the dog was on; she doesn't know why, but in her head, it's like having a naked guy sitting or lying down on the couch, no thank you. When morning finally came, Jason woke up with, for some strange reason, he doesn't find his wife on her side of the bed, but the dog on the bed. Jason isn't cold-hearted though; he gives the Saint Bernard some love in the morning. Now, he needed to get up to look for his wife.
Jason's heart broke when he saw MJ sleeping awkwardly on the recliner, the position she was in looked so uncomfortable. Jason gently woken up his wife and escorted her to her room, so she can get proper rest. "After I get some sleep, I'm going over to Eric's place for the day; I want to be away from the stupid dog!" MJ said angrily. Jason nodded, while thinking that she's just saying that because she's tired.
Malon then woke up and happy to see the dog again. "Hi girl!" Malon called excitedly, giving her a hug. "Where's mommy? I thought I've heard her voice." Malon asked her dad. Jason pointed towards the door then placed a finger on his lips, telling her to be quiet. "Oh, okay... I'll take her out for a walk then." Then she made the dog follow her. "Come on girl, let's go for a walk." She called out to the dog. The dog barked before she followed.
As Jason was about to check on his wife, he heard the door knock. He took a peek and saw that it was Papawise. Since the summoning, he was all weak and helpless, he can barely stand. Jason lets Papawise in and gave him a hand. "Now, Bucko! I may be weak, but I'm not dead yet." He laughed. "Actually, I came because I'm looking for my dog, a Saint Bernard, you haven't seen it around didn't yeh?" Papawise asked. Jason was shocked, could the Saint Bernard that Malon befriended with, be Papawise's dog? "Cujo is his name, he terrorizes people, and kills and brings back some children for me, he's a big help since my condition." Jason sighed in relief that Malon's Saint Bernard wasn't Papawise's; since he said 'he' and the dog that Malon found is a girl. But then he was shocked to what else Papawise mentioned. 'Cujo? is that the dog that the rumor talks about?' Jason asked himself in his head. "Ah, so you did hear about him, yeah, that was Cujo, he's a real savage beast and I love him. Well, can't stay for long, do inform me if you've seen him, would you? his complexion can't be too hard to spot, he's all dirty and covered in dried up blood." Papawise described.
Hearing about Cujo gives him shivers, he hoped that he, or/and his family, didn't have to face that dangerous dog. Malon was just outside of her home when she saw Papawise. "Hi Papawise!" Malon greeted. "Hello Malon, you're looking well..." He said as he petted her head, then he turned to look at the dog that Malon was with. "I see that you've found a missing dog." Papawise notices with a smile. "No, she's a stray, I know because she's not wearing a collar." Malon explained. Papawise chuckled. "That's not what I have smelled, she had the same scent as that little victim that I've gone after..." The Saint Bernard was barking angrily, remembering the time what that clown did to her little master. "Girl, shhh! What's the matter?" Malon tried to calm the dog down.
Papawise chuckled, as he assumes that the dog remembered that day when he tortured the little master and then ate her. "I better get going... OH... And Jason, do give me a shout--uh... or uh... Give me a call--uh... Well... I'll check in on yeh, okay goodbye." Papawise left after that. Jason shook his head slowly to Papawise's ignorance. Then he saw that the dog whimpered as she lower herself, missing her family. "I think she misses her home, daddy." Malon said in concern. Jason crouched down to look at the dog, he then petted her to calm her down. "If what Papawise said is true... Do we need to return her to her real home?" Malon asked. Jason placed his hand on her back and nodded slowly; only because it's the right thing to do.
MJ was going to snap from the window from hearing the dog barking at Papawise; it reminded her of the time when her parents had a boxer, and she keeps barking at random people that come by, it drives her insane, it kept her out of the family bond because of that stupid dog. Still, MJ does feel sorrow when she sees Malon looking so sad, she didn't know what to do. So... She decided to not go over to Eric's and try to get used to the dog for a while longer, for her daughter sake.
A couple of hours later, MJ was still with her family. Jason was glad that MJ decided to stay home, since he's worried about her running into Cujo. "Malon, I thought that maybe later, we can take the dog out to the park, so I can at least try to get along with the dog." MJ suggested. Malon smiled big. "Really? That's great... But, if you don't mind me asking... How come you don't like dogs?" Malon asked. Jason turned his head towards MJ, as he wanted to know the reason for her hatred to dogs. "It's not that I hate dogs, I'm alright with small breeds and well-trained dogs. My parents had a puppy a long time ago, a boxer; they got her because my baby niece has experienced death of her previous boxer that she loved so much. She's not a good dog as she grew bigger. She sniffs the inappropriate area, she jumps every time I come back home for a visit, and she doesn't even let me hug my mom, she'll just jump up and ruin the bond..." Then I took a few breaths. "That's why I have no likings to dogs, and I never want to own one." MJ explained.
Malon and Jason stared at each other as they started to understand her point of view. "Well... I know dogs do strange things, but they're just being themselves, you just have to be patient with them, I got the love for animals from my daddy." Malon explained. Jason sits proudly to what his daughter just said. "I know sweetie, it's just hard for me to get used to that doggy behavior, which is why I thought I make it up to you and the Saint Bernard." MJ admits.
So, it turns out that MJ and Malon go out for a walk with the Saint Bernard by their side. "I'm sure you'll grow to like her mom, I understand what you've been through, and I understand that I can't make you love dogs." Malon assures. MJ giggled. "Well, there are some dogs that I'm alright with; such as small breeds of dogs, since they can't reach the crotch." MJ knows that it's okay to say that word, since in school, Malon was in the age where they learn about the male and female anatomy. "And I respect well-trained service dogs, since they're well-trained and know how to behave; they're good for people with a mental disability." MJ explained. Malon was fascinated by what her mom just told her, even though she already knew what service dogs do and stuff like that.
As they all got closer to the park, they didn't realize that they were being watched, and it wasn't Jason, but a furry animal with the tendency to attack.
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Jason was just checking the perimeter of the camp until he heard two girls screaming. "JASON!" When Jason heard his wife, he knew that she and their daughter are in danger. Jason quickly speed walked as fast as he could to reach his two girls, while MJ and Malon were running for their lives from the murderous dog. But then, Malon tripped on a gopher hole. "MOMMY!" Malon cried. "MALON." She screamed as she ran back for Malon. That's when Cujo leaped and was about to finish them, until the other Saint Bernard leaped out of nowhere. "Girl!" Malon exclaimed. Jason came to the scene as MJ and Malon watched in panic when their Saint Bernard attacks roughly with Cujo. Jason doesn't think the girls should see this scene, so he strongly picked his two girls up like they were logs on each shoulder. "Daddy wait! What about my friend!" Malon cried. Jason knew that she was talking about the Saint Bernard, but he knew that he needed to keep the girls safe and bring them back to the house.
After Jason left the girls to check on the Saint Bernard, MJ was checking to see if Malon sprang her ankle. "It doesn't look swollen..." MJ observed. "I don't care about my ankle, I'm worried about Jewel!" Malon exclaimed. "Jewel?" MJ raised her eyebrow. "That's what I'm naming the Saint Bernard." Malon explained. Just then, they both heard a noise.
They took a peek out the window and saw that Jason is coming back with the injured Saint Bernard in his arms. "Jewel!" Malon rushed out in panic. Jason kneeled down and placed the Saint Bernard gently on the ground. "She's hurt, we have to do something!" Malon cried as tears run down her cheeks. MJ crouched down to Malon's height. "We'll take her to the animal hospital, they'll save her." MJ assures, even though deep inside, she's not sure if she will survive this serious case.
To Be Continued
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cromaka3666 · 1 year
a rant/series of ideas
So I've posted these on SB before but to put it simply, the phandom is stagnant. The same ideas are repeated over and over again mixed up but too similar to tell apart. Over on ao3s dp crossover section I've noticed a ton of these stories are created after the author reads a prompt here so I figured I'd gather the posts I've made on SB and post them here in hopes those authors can see them. I'm just copy/pasting these so they will look weird as they were originally posted on SB and I can't be bothered to edit them.
So yall know how d.c. crossovers are really common. Well I just had a small idea to add to the list of why heroes don't usually kill, batman especially. Obsessions can help make ghosts and few people are more obsessed than villains, the heroes know this and don't want to risk powering up their rogue gallery more, especially since hell is real and as we saw with deathstroke/slade it's easy to make deals and return. Just another angle to add for those crossovers. Last thing anyone wants is a ghost/demon empowered joker running around.
We have tons of danny phantom dc crossovers but not a single one has Cujo join the super pets for adventures. This is a crime that should be rectified immediately. Best pup should be allowed to play with Ace and Krypto and fight animal crimes.
What aren't there any stories where danny is in the marvels zombies storyline, or dceased, or blackest night, or even the new dc vs vampires storyline.
Why are almost all horror stories about him being tortured when there are perfectly good zombie apocalypses he can fight in. I'd love to see danny wield a black lantern ring and be in total control because he's already dead and as such doesn't need to eat hearts to gain power.
I'd love to see danny get bite by a vampire only for them to taste what's basically deadmans blood. We need less secret sibling, torture filled, betrayal fics and more danny pulling a doomslayer and fighting trigons armies when he invades.
Pariah Dark pulling amity into the gz would have gotten international attention just like cannon. Something that's brought up but never really explored are meta humans rights clashing with the anti ecto laws, I'd love to see the various magic users testifying in congress, debunking the fentons beliefs that ghosts aren't people and as such deserve the same rights as everyone else.
Also I'd love to see walker put in control of arkham, blackgate, or Belle reve. He'd have those places on lockdown, and the thought of the joker trying to escape only for walker to toss him back in his cell is hilarious to me.
All these DC crossovers but not one shows an alternate danny in the justice lords, injustice, or crime syndicate version of the league.
I'm tired of rereading the same stuff, let me read about an evil crime boss danny or one who rules over the GZ like how the justice lords rule earth, or one that sides with superman after metropolis gets nuked. So many alternate worlds, timelines, and dimensions to choose from and they always pick the same ones.
Forget JLU, YJ, or TT let me see danny in the justice league dark apocalypse war movie as a trigon possed Dan Phantom and have him fight Darksied
The infinite realms is so underutilized in the dc crossovers, and just the phandom in general.
You have an entire dimension that can take you any when and anywhere you want/don't want and you don't use it to let superman meet his parents before krypton blows up, or any other orphan superhero for that matter.
Hell you don't have to save his family, you can set up a stable time loop where this meeting is what convinced them to send him to earth rather then any of kryptons dying colonies.
Have Pandora meet wonder women, I don't think I've seen anything more then a passing reference about her in any dc stories to date. The 4 armed ghost of a Greek Goddess would absolutely be something the Amazon's would want to meet.
I'd love to see more stories exploring the factions in the gz like make up a rivalry between the far frozen and Atlantis before the yetis died out and less stories about Lazarus pits being ectoplasm, and Danny bring the lover/secret brother to the entire bat clan.
Give me poison ivy possed by Undergrowth or the joker being terrorized by the box ghost because joker gas doesn't work on the dead. Hell weather wizard/ any other weather villain teaming up with vortex would be fun. Or have technus hijack brainiac/amazo, now that be a good threat.
Let's see Danny put on the helmet of fate and fight klarion because he's not at the same level as the cosmic forces of order and chaos rather then the gz being some super dimension that John "I sold my soul to 30 devils, 10 gods, an angel and a fae" Constantine is too scared to touch. Pariah was powerful, but he ain't Darkseid, Trigon, Child, or Nekron powerful.
Let's see more, superheroes deal with ghostly shit rather then Danny runs away/moves to Gotham for the 30th time. Like lets say the flash has to deal with Kitty and Johnny joy riding in Central city but he can't touch them or freakshow stops in Gotham and kidnaps Jason since the phandom is obsessed with making him a halfa or halfa adjacent. So much potential and none of it explored!
So, yall know how the phandom likes to make ectoplasm an emotional conduit. Where ghosts either can feel / feed on emotions and ectoplasm can have emitions without being a ghost, usually when talking about the pit rage Jason has in the DC stories. Well, let's roll with that and add the Emotional Entities that the lantern corps use.
If ghosts feed on emotions then the lanterns are basically walking snacks, if they sense emotions then the lanterns are walking flash bangs, and if ectoplasm can have emotions then let's have some ghosts get lantern rings simply because they are emotions given physical forms.
Also, yall know how the Danny defeats pariah and becomes king stories are a whole thing, why doesn't that apply to Dan?
Rant/prompt ideas done for now but I have so many more. Let's bring some life back to this half dead phandom.
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elegantwoes · 2 years
“It is better than the songs,” she whispered when they found the places that her father had promised her, among the high lords and ladies. Sansa was dressed beautifully that day, in a green gown that brought out the auburn of her hair, and she knew they were looking at her and smiling.
Our precious cinammon roll is enjoying herself (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
“His armor is bronze, thousands and thousands of years old, engraved with magic runes that ward him against harm,” she whispered to Jeyne. Septa Mordane pointed out Lord Jason Mallister, in indigo chased with silver, the wings of an eagle on his helm. ... The twins Ser Horas and Ser Hobber, whose shields displayed the grape cluster sigil of the Redwynes, burgundy on blue. Patrek Mallister, Lord Jason’s son. Six Freys of the Crossing: Ser Jared, Ser Hosteen, Ser Danwell, Ser Emmon, Ser Theo, Ser Perwyn, sons and grandsons of old Lord Walder Frey, and his bastard son Martyn Rivers as well
Look at Sansa showing off her skils in history and heraldy.
Jeyne covered her eyes whenever a man fell, like a frightened little girl, but Sansa was made of sterner stuff. A great lady knew how to behave at tournaments. Even Septa Mordane noted her composure and nodded in approval.
GRRM subtly reminding the readers that Sansa has a certain inner strength that is rivalled by few.
The most terrifying moment of the day came during Ser Gregor’s second joust, when his lance rode up and struck a young knight from the Vale under the gorget with such force that it drove through his throat, killing him instantly ... His cloak was blue, the color of the sky on a clear summer’s day, trimmed with a border of crescent moons, but as his blood seeped into it, the cloth darkened and the moons turned red, one by one
This is clearly a foreshadowing for the Mountain Clansmen interrupting the Winged Knight's Tourney and blood spilling into the Gates of the Moon.
She had never seen a man die before. She ought to be crying too, she thought, but the tears would not come. Perhaps she had used up all her tears for Lady and Bran. It would be different if it had been Jory or Ser Rodrik or Father, she told herself. The young knight in the blue cloak was nothing to her, some stranger from the Vale of Arryn whose name she had forgotten as soon as she heard it. And now the world would forget his name too, Sansa realized; there would be no songs sung for him. That was sad
I remember in the early years of being part of the ASOIAF fandom and frequently going on the forum site Westeros.org. This scene was often used to proof that Sansa was a sociopath. Which is weird, because first of she admonishes herself for her lack of reaction and in the end she's still saddened by Ser Hugh's death. Secondly, anyone with a brain can see this scene establishes that Sansa, like her brother Bran, can keep her composure in the face of death.
Ser Loras was the youngest son of Mace Tyrell, the Lord of Highgarden and Warden of the South. At sixteen, he was the youngest rider on the field, yet he had unhorsed three knights of the Kingsguard that morning in his first three jousts. Sansa had never seen anyone so beautiful .... To the other maidens he had given white roses, but the one he plucked for her was red. “Sweet lady,” he said, “no victory is half so beautiful as you.” Sansa took the flower timidly, struck dumb by his gallantry. His hair was a mass of lazy brown curls, his eyes like liquid gold. She inhaled the sweet fragrance of the rose and sat clutching it long after Ser Loras had ridden off.
It should be noted that while Sansa initially was taken by Ser Loras beautiful looks, what made her fall for him was the romantic courtly gesture of him giving her a red rose and unofficially declaring her Queen of Love and Beauty. Meaning in order to capture Sansa's heart you have to shower her with romantic gestures. Interestingly enough, the pedophilic characters who Sansa is often shipped with (*coughs* cujo come again *coughs*) don't show any sign of being romantic enough to court Sansa in the way she wants to be courted. The oone who does fit this description is our sour patch kid Jon Snow. Now he knows how to court a lady. Your ugly pedophile fave can never compare to him (✿◡‿◡).
“You must be one of her daughters,” he said to her. He had grey-green eyes that did not smile when his mouth did. “You have the Tully look.” “I’m Sansa Stark,” she said, ill at ease. The man wore a heavy cloak with a fur collar, fastened with a silver mockingbird, and he had the effortless manner of a high lord, but she did not know him. “I have not had the honor, my lord.” Septa Mordane quickly took a hand. “Sweet child, this is Lord Petyr Baelish, of the king’s small council.” “Your mother was my queen of beauty once,” the man said quietly. His breath smelled of mint. “You have her hair.” His fingers brushed against her cheek as he stroked one auburn lock. Quite abruptly he turned and walked away.
What I would like to know is WHY ON EARTH IS SEPTA MORDANE SITTING IDLY BY AS THIS CREEP IS TOUCHING SANSA. This old woman has one job and she can't even do it right. ╰(艹皿艹 )
Sansa and Septa Mordane were given places of high honor, to the left of the raised dais where the king himself sat beside his queen. When Prince Joffrey seated himself to her right, she felt her throat tighten. He had not spoken a word to her since the awful thing had happened, and she had not dared to speak to him. At first she thought she hated him for what they’d done to Lady, but after Sansa had wept her eyes dry, she told herself that it had not been Joffrey’s doing, not truly. The queen had done it; she was the one to hate, her and Arya. Nothing bad would have happened except for Arya.
imagine reading this part and not seeing how Sansa is desperately trying to convince herself that Joffrey isn't who she thinks he is and even then she barely convinces herself by the looks of the next passage:
She could not hate Joffrey tonight. He was too beautiful to hate. He wore a deep blue doublet studded with a double row of golden lion’s heads, and around his brow a slim coronet made of gold and sapphires. His hair was as bright as the metal. Sansa looked at him and trembled, afraid that he might ignore her or, worse, turn hateful again and send her weeping from the table.
Sansa shows signs of having the battered woman syndrome. Did the fandom notice this? Did they even care about Sansa and the horrible situation is in? Of course they don't. They are too busy hating on her. This is why I fucking hate a certain section of this fandom when they speak on the so called dangers of Sansa being the ideal westerosi noble lady. When you can't understand the great nuance to why Sansa made that choice during the Trident incident and why she chose to forgive both Cersei and Joffrey then you should keep your mouth shut and never ever talk about Sansa.
And Joffrey was the soul of courtesy. He talked to Sansa all night, showering her with compliments, making her laugh, sharing little bits of court gossip, explaining Moon Boy’s japes. Sansa was so captivated that she quite forgot all her courtesies and ignored Septa Mordane, seated to her left
Notice how only after Joffrey love bombs her that Sansa finally decides to forgive him and thinks that what happened at the Trident was only a fluke. Once again does the fandom notice? Of course not. They are too busy sucking off the fan favorite characters and don't bother to understand the nuance to Sansa's chapters, especially her AGOT chapters.
“Do you need an escort back to the castle?” “No,” Sansa began. She looked for Septa Mordane, and was startled to find her with her head on the table, snoring soft and ladylike snores. “I mean to say … yes, thank you, that would be most kind. I am tired, and the way is so dark. I should be glad for some protection.”
I swear this woman is the WORST SEPTA IN PLANETOS.
Sansa could feel the Hound watching her. “Did you think Joff was going to take you himself?” He laughed. He had a laugh like the snarling of dogs in a pit ... Suddenly terrified, Sansa pushed at Septa Mordane’s shoulder, hoping to wake her, but she only snored the louder. King Robert had stumbled off and half the benches were suddenly empty. The feast was over, and the beautiful dream had ended with it.
Sansa is clearly terrified by Cujo come again and yet some people have convinced themselves that this is a grand romance.
Sansa could not bear the sight of him, he frightened her so, yet she had been raised in all the ways of courtesy. A true lady would not notice his face, she told herself. “You rode gallantly today, Ser Sandor,” she made herself say. Sandor Clegane snarled at her. “Spare me your empty little compliments, girl … and your ser’s. I am no knight. I spit on them and their vows. My brother is a knight. Did you see him ride today?” “Yes,” Sansa whispered, trembling. “He was …” “Gallant?” the Hound finished. He was mocking her, she realized. “No one could withstand him,” she managed at last, proud of herself. It was no lie. Sandor Clegane stopped suddenly in the middle of a dark and empty field. She had no choice but to stop beside him. “Some septa trained you well. You’re like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren’t you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite.” “That’s unkind.” Sansa could feel her heart fluttering in her chest. “You’re frightening me. I want to go now.”
Sansa tries to start a conversation out of politeness and this nasty man has to derride her for this. He goes on to mock her skills and even when she makes a clever comment he still denigrates her despite knowing full well that her courtesies is something she should be fucking proud of. God this man is so hateful. He can't accept anything being good and kind. Everyone needs to be as equally miserable as him. (*  ̄︿ ̄).
Sandor Clegane put a huge hand under her chin and forced her face up. He squatted in front of her, and moved the torch close. “There’s a pretty for you. Take a good long stare. You know you want to. I’ve watched you turning away all the way down the kingsroad. Piss on that. Take your look.”
This is the second older man that touches Sansa's face without her consent, but sure tell me how cujo come again, is so much better than Pedofinger and the King of Incels.
The rasping voice trailed off. He squatted silently before her, a hulking black shape shrouded in the night, hidden from her eyes. Sansa could hear his ragged breathing. She was sad for him, she realized. Somehow, the fear had gone away. The silence went on and on, so long that she began to grow afraid once more, but she was afraid for him now, not for herself. She found his massive shoulder with her hand. “He was no true knight,” she whispered to him.
Despite the fact that cujo come again has been so rude to her, had every intention to break her spirit and her ideals, Sansa rises above it, and shows us her unyielding side. 'He was no true knight.' And she's right. Even if the insitution of knighthood is corrupt that doesn't mean chivalry isn't worth upholding. In fact it's especially in face of adversity that you should stay true to the knightly ideals. Cujo come again take note from Sansa Stark.
The Hound caught her by the arm and leaned close. “The things I told you tonight,” he said, his voice sounding even rougher than usual. “If you ever tell Joffrey … your sister, your father … any of them …” “I won’t,” Sansa whispered. “I promise.” It was not enough. “If you ever tell anyone,” he finished, “I’ll kill you.
In case you guys didn't know, threatening to kill someone is a great way to start off a romance. /s
Next chapter our reluctant detective: Ned Stark.
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cssnder · 2 months
7 and 22 for the writing ask.
--from @wintherlywords
What books have shaped the way you think about writing the most? Why?
Donna Tartt, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Emily Brontë. Donna for her masterful use of the language, the realism of her dialogues, and the intricacies of her novels; Fyodor for his philosophical themes and his accurate understanding of the human condition; and Emily for her intensity and fearlessness to write about evil and the taboo in such a sensitive manner. Their work, their words, — I think about constantly. It is always in my mind, and if I'm being completely honest, I think they are the trio that influenced me most because they gave me an understanding of what I want my writing to be like and what I want my work to reflect. Their work resonates with me in a way nothing else ever has. This is no small thing. And when I write, it is undeniable that their influence can be found in my own words.
But while these are my most notable influences, it would be a lie to say that no other writer had an impact on me. I believe that every book I've ever read impacted me on some level, some in subtle ways and others in a more significant, essential manner. When I was 10, — after my first attempt at writing a fantasy book I found I wasn't too passionate about, — I discovered Stephen King's work. The supernatural and the horror had, by then, become my bailiwick, and very quickly I found myself diving into his work. When I was eleven, my grandma offered me Carrie and Cujo for my birthday. Carrie has been a notable influence ever since. The theme of fanaticism and religion, the imagery, the structure of the novel with its press articles in between the actual narration — all of this has been incredibly meaningful to me back then, not only creatively speaking but also personally; for just like Carrie, I too was bullied during the majority of my school years. For a very long time, Carrie has been my favourite book, and it still holds a special place in my heart, at least because of the role it played during my childhood.
Poetry plays an important role as well in the way I think about writing. Especially when it comes to rhythm. I don't know if I've ever mentioned it here but everything I write, I say aloud. I “speak-write”, one could say. I pay close attention to the rhythm of each sentence, each paragraph, making sure it all flows well. If I don't like a sentence, I re-work it, repeat it in different ways, change it until I come up with something that satisfies me. I'm constantly reading and re-reading aloud what I wrote. Some would say it is a form of perfectionism, and perhaps it is, but I believe it is simply my way of working. Oh, surely it is nothing new. Plenty of writers have been doing it I suppose and among them — that, I learnt only recently — my beloved Dostoevsky. William Mills Todd wrote in his introduction of The Idiot (the Penguin Classics edition):
“Dostoevsky would work late into the might over his notebooks, jotting down ideas. Then he would dictate passages to [Snitkina], and she would transcribe them and promptly return them neatly copied for editing.”
The man would dictate while pacing around the room like a maniac. Todd also quotes Jacques Catteau from his 1989 study Dostoevsky and the Process of Literary Creation:
“From this time on, the rhythm of the Dostoevskian sentence may be defined as a walking movement, where the breath of the spoken word is marked in the written style.”
Besides Dostoevsky, Donna Tartt herself talks about writers reading their own work as well, although not specifically during the writing process:
“I remember the first time I ever heard a recording of TS Eliot reading The Waste Land, which was a poem I knew very well. I was so enchanted by the stresses that he put on different lines and he made you see the poem in a completely different way. Much more in his way. I think it's wonderful to hear a writer read their own work. I love to read my work.”
I'm only using my biggest influences as examples here — but anyway, I'm digressing.
Of course, many different pieces of literature have impacted me throughout the years and it would be unfair not to mention them, considering that they are still a part of me even to this day: The Picture of Dorian Gray, Edgar A. Poe's work, Frankenstein, The Strange Case of the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Iliad & The Odyssey — the last, were very important to me when I was 14! —, Macbeth... Quite frankly, I have read so many different books and so many of them I cherish! It is regrettable that can't possibly name them all. Even if I could, it would take far too much time and I'm afraid this reply is already very long anyway. I will end it here, I suppose.
How much of your own self/experiences do you believe pours into your projects? If this differs per project, which projects have the most and least of you?
I believe it is pretty much impossible for an author to create any sort of work without pouring at least a little bit of themselves in it.
Thus Saith The Lord is the work I poured the most of myself in so far, but that's probably because it is my main project. From Wilhelm's refusal to believe in morality to Oliver's gastritis passing by the existential ponderings in the novel, these are inspired by my own thoughts — generally found in my diary entries —, experiences or beliefs. And when it isn't inspired by me, it is inspired by people I know or used to know in the past. I think that, by the time my novels will be brought to completion, all of them shall end up with pretty much the same amount of myself in them. It'll just differ in the execution, in what ways I chose to pour my soul. That's what will make the difference.
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djtheabishai · 1 year
This Is How MY Obey Me! Barbatos Is
This can get a bit NSFWy, so I'll put a divider before going into the section. He is also shipped with Simeon in my Obey! Verse, so, Simebarb. Also, cursing and purring demon
The game stated he was never a kid, but didn't mention he was never a teen (haha! Loop hole!) So he was raising Brook and Diavolo at the age of (appearance wise) 16 - 18
He has 4 kids. D.J., Brook, Luke and Willow. Brook he found as an egg and raised her since she was egg. He got D.J. when she was thrown out by a unwilling 14 year old (by appearance) Simeon at the age of 8. He kept in content with Simeon so he can keep the angel in the light with how D.J. is doing in the Devildom. He got Luke when Simeon came along. They are a packaged deal. Willow is his only biological child he has with Simeon (Read Willow: Daughter of Simebarb for information how). He doesn't see Diavolo as his child, but more likely his nephew that he happened to raise and serve.
He doesn't use his power unless told to by Diavolo or he REALLY feels the need to disobey Diavolo and see the possible outcomes.
When it comes to Brook and Willow, he is "Father" Luke calls him "Barbatos" , and D.J. calls him either "Barb" or "Father Barb". He is also very protective of his children. He's not the over baring type, but he WILL NOT show mercy if one of his kids gets hurt.
"SOLOMON STAY THE FUCK OUT MY KITCHEN!!" He won't even let him stick his head in the room.
*sees a rat* ... "Where's my knife?" He'll freeze before he'll turn the place upside down trying to catch and kill the poor rodent and find it's nest to do the same. Not so bothered by mice though, he'll just catch and release them into the wild far from where ever he caught it.
Helps tend to D.J. and Diavolo's two headed dog, Cujo.
"You break my daughter's heart, I'll break your neck." - Barbatos to Lucifer about Brook
Doesn't know what to say to D.J. and Diavolo since she's with the prince and he's with Barbatos's daughter.
"I'm sorry, I love you, Father Barb, but if you break my Papa's heart, I'm coming after you." Barbatos slowly looks at the half dragon. " I wouldn't dream of it." Barbatos forms a shit eating smirk. " I'd also LOVE to see you try to come after me." - D.J. and Barbatos about Simeon
When it's just his family in the room, he's more than willing to playfully fight and argue with D.J. and Brook (mostly D.J. since she's the troublesome twin).
"Yup, that's my husband, Barbatos, the Demon Lord's Steward, almighty Master of Time and feared by all, " He's unable to keep a straight face. " arguing with D.J. about butter in the kicthen!" The fallen angel puts his face in his hand and laughs. - Simeon to M.C.
If you say something dumb, he'll stop whatever's he's doing, look at you, go back to whatever he's doing and call you a dumbass by "coughing" or he just closes his eyes, inhails, shakes his head, exhails and go about his business.
"My Lord... Get. Back. To. Work. D.J., stop distracting him."
Doesn't care what D.J. does, as long as she doesn't distract him or the Young Master from working. (She's usually working on Dragon Training anyway to be a distraction.)
Gave Willow a time controlling pocket watch when she was 5.
Willow is his baby girl. You mess with her, you're dead no matter the incident. But he also won't hesitate to punish her if she did something wrong.
He loves baking with Luke. It's his one of his favorite pass times and is getting more and more proud and prideful the more Luke gets better at it.
His other favorite pass time is spending time with Simeon. No matter what it is. Baking, relaxing, talking, "bed time". Don't matter. He loves his fallen angel and wouldn't trade his time with him for anything. He'll tell Diavolo to wait unless it's a dire need. (Diavolo doesn't really bother him that often anyway, knowing even he needs breaks and Simeon is the only one that can give it to him.)
One of his favorite positions is laying on the couch or bed, Simeon behind him, with the fallen angel's legs on either side of him, running his gloves less fingers through the demon's hair, massaging his scalp and base of horns, making him purr and tail wag (more like sway back and forth) a bit. The demon's ankles are crossed, Simeon's other arm is resting on the steward's stomach or by his side, holding his hand. Barbatos's tail tips, toes, feet or legs and fingers twitch every now and then, purring getting a little louder each twitch.
The moment Barbatos sits between Simeon's legs, the fallen angel automatically brings his fingers to the demons head and begins scratching and rubbing. With each pull of the fallen angel's fingers, Barbatos's vision begins to get more blurry and slowly droop and he slowly leans back into his lover, and his head eventually falls on Simeon's chest, the demon purring at that point and eyes closed.
Barbatos at this point is halfway between being awake and being alseep. He feels asleep but he's well aware of his surroundings and what's going on. Sometimes they talk about their day. Any other time it's a comfortable silence with Barbatos's purrs and the sound of Simeon scratching the demon's head fills the room with whatever is playing in the background, rather it be a show their kids are watching, whatever song is softly playing or just purring and scratching. If it's late at night, they'll eventually fall asleep like that, Barbatos still purring in his sleep.
The man is a switch.
If he feels he hasn't been useful enough by the end of the day, he'll let Simeon dominate the fuck out of him. Any other time he dominates the fallen angel. Which is half the time.
He loves to use his tail to tease and pleasure Simeon.
He has a master kink. Both Dominating and Submitting (Simeon found it to be very effective on hard, rough days at the castle and days when Barbatos feels he didn't do enough). He also growls.
Before Simeon fell, he'd feel a bit guilty about bedding the angel a majority of the time because he'd feel paritly responsible if the reason the angel fell (he paritly is). Now that he's fallen, he doesn't feel no guilt what so ever except when he accidentally hurts him.
Starts slow and teasing that gradually gets rougher and heated the longer they go at it.
Simeon's cries, moans and whines drives him up the wall. He loves giving Simeon blow jobs for this exact reason. He'll keep Simeon's hands and hips down with his hands and tail as he goes to blows him. (Simeon both hates and loves it because he can't move his arms and hips.)
After they go at it, he's tired, and very cuddly. He'll wrap his tail and arms around Simeon and hold him close. They tease each other on what the other said during their moment. Leads to round 2 half the time with the previous sub dominanting.
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thebubblesareevil · 2 years
Life on the farm pt 8 dog sitting is not for the faint of heart pt 1
Everyone celebrated Danny’s success in making portals, Conner on the other hand dreaded it. He only just got his big brother and now he’s leaving and he can’t even go with him to make sure he stays safe. Clark has really come around but he’s not Danny. Danny helped him realize that he will never be Superman and that’s okay, he can just be Conner and no one will be mad. He stood on the porch as Danny ran around the house packing. When the door opens he expects Danny to walk out and instead surprised to find Clark instead.
“It looks like a tornado has gone through the house.” He says with a laugh before sitting on the porch. The two sat in awkward silence for a moment before Conner tried to break the ice.
“What was it like… growing up on a farm?”
“Um, well there were a lot of cows…” he said awkwardly. Neither really sure how to interact away from league work and training.
From inside Ma sees the interaction and sighs, turning to Danny “they’re trying so hard but they just can’t seem to click. Clark’s improved a bit but I think it’s still hard for him to disassociate Conner from the fact that he’s a clone.”
Danny pauses in his frenzy as he places a pie in a suitcase. “Hmmm, I think they just need a little push.” He stops for a moment before popping up and snapping his fingers. “I’ve got an idea.”
The awkward silence was suffocating. When Danny came charging out of the house both of them nearly sighed in relief. “Alright everyone, I’ve gotten everything I need for the next few weeks together, called everyone to let them know they won’t be able to reach me, and gotten all my chores done for the week. I’ve only got one thing left to do before I leave.” Danny swings his bag around and pulls out an excited Cujo “Ma and Pa have a lot going on for the next week with the festival coming up and the last thing they need is Cujo underfoot. I’d take him with me except the observants hate him with a fiery passion because he made a mess of their lair. Unfortunately they are some of the main ghosts I have to deal with so he’s staying here… with the two of you.” The two of them looked at each other before looking back, ready to protest, but stop as Danny holds up a hand “I know you guys think you could probably handle him alone but trust me when I say… you can’t. So team work it is, I’m sure Conner could stay with you in metropolis and take care of him while youre at work.” Danny smiles while plopping Cujo in Clark’s hands “Make sure you take him to visit Wolf every now and again, he loves playing with his little buddy. Oh and don’t forget, he’s a ghost. You don’t need to feed him but it wouldn’t hurt to bring him around grave yards, he loves playing with young spirits.” Danny takes a deep breath and grins at the flabbergasted looks on his brothers’ faces “oh yeah your gonna do great.” He crouched down to look Cujo in the eye. “They’re idiots, but they’re our idiots so be a good boy, keep them safe okay?” Cujo perks up and gives him a loud bark “that’s my big boy!” Danny gives him some behind the ear scratches.
Ma and Pa join them outside as Danny rips open the portal, they stand side by side as Danny prepares to leave “You stay safe now son! Don’t let those Observant fellas push you around hear me” Pa yelled. Danny laughed before charging up the porch to give his parents a hug. He then turns to clark and Conner with a demented grin on his face.
“You didn’t think I was leaving without a hug did you?” He tackled his brothers into a hug, surprising the two heroes with his strength. “Okay guys I gotta head out but I’ll be back, and Ma I promise I won’t forget to get you that recipe!” She nodded at him
“See that you don’t” and with that he was gone.
The next day
Conner sits on Clark’s couch in metropolis while he’s at work, staring at the forlorn dog plopped on the floor. He sighs “Cmon buddy he’s not gonna be gone long I promise.” Cujo gives him a whiny groan and curls in on himself. Looking around the apartment he sees a glowing leash sitting in the basket of supplies Ma and Pa provided for them. After a little digging he managed to locate the collar Zatanna enchanted to disguise wolf, he held the two items up and turned to cujo. “You feeling up to a walk buddy.” Cujo perked up wagging his tail. He gave a happy bark in the affirmative. After getting Cujo on the leash the two make their way to the park. Cujo seemed enamored with everything, he stopped at every fire hydrant to sniff and pounced at every group of pigeons. When they arrived they just took a normal path, just to get Cujo some exercise, this is when they encountered their first obstacle. About halfway through their walk they came upon a girl with a large Great Dane, Cujo had wandered a good distance on his extending leash when the girl approached Conner. With a smile she tucked some hair behind her ear.
“Is that your dog? Aww he’s sooo cute! What his name?” Conner looked over at the girl.
“His name is Cujo, he’s actually my brother’s we’re just dog sitting while he’s on a trip.” She moves to stand next to him, making him a little uncomfortable.
“That’s so sweet! This is Maximus, he’s my precious baby. Hey here’s a thought, we come through the park just about every morning. Maxi just has to have his exercise, how would you feel about joining us?” She asked batting her eyelashes
Conner hesitated. The girl seemed nice and Cujo seemed to be lonely with Danny gone. He’s just getting ready to agree when Cujo returns to his side, the friendly dog suddenly stepping between Conner and the girl. Maximus pins his ears back and starts to growl at the smaller dog. The girl starts trying to pull him back “I’m so sorry! He’s never like this!” Cujo takes a step towards the bigger dog and barks at the bigger dog.
Maximus’ tail goes between his legs and he starts whining. “What’s wrong baby? You’re not scared of that itty bitty thing are you?” Cujo starts to growl at the girl. Conner picks him up
“Sorry I don’t think Cujo likes Maximus too much, them hanging out would probably be a bad idea. She quickly turns around
“What? Why should that matter? They’ll get used to each other.” She tried to persuade him. Cujo barked again and Maximus started to pull her away.
“I don’t think they’re gonna get along. Sorry we should probably get going.” Conner quickly made his escape. Once they made it a good distance away Conner gave Cujo a sigh of relief. “Thanks buddy. She was weird, you wanna head over to the grave yard? You’ll probably find more friends over there.” Cujo bounced up and down and ran in an excited circle, Conner laughed at his antics. “I’ll take that as a yes” and so the two made their way to the nearest grave yard. When they arrived Cujo went crazy, he choked himself on the leash a few times before Conner let him off the leash. Conner slowly walked among the graves, trailing behind the graves.
While he couldn’t see what, or who, he was playing with Cujo ran around as though chasing someone. He was having the time of his afterlife. After awhile Conner noticed it was getting late and called Cujo back. He raced back and attempted to tackle Conner to the ground, unfortunately he was used to such behavior from wolf and so Cujo had little success. Conner laughed and put the leash back on the puppy “we gotta head back bud, Clark should be back soon.” Cujo gave Conner a happy bark “you like Clark huh? Can you keep a secret?” Cujo tilts his head “I like Clark too. I know we didn’t get off on the right foot but he’s everything I wanna be. I don’t me his powers, those are amazing but I’ve come to the understanding that I’ll never have those. I did at one point but, they cost me big time. I’d rather stay me than be Superman, Clark on the other hand? He seems to have everything figured out. I can barely walk through the park without getting mixed up!”conner sighed “what do you think buddy?” Cujo tilts his head in confusion “yeah it’s pretty weird huh? C’mon let’s get back, Clark said he might invite Lois over for dinner.”
‘My idiots are weird.’ Cujo thought to himself as he escorts the child back to the den. Honestly they were ridiculous, that girl clearly wanted to mate with the child, but he is much too young for mating. Poor thing has no idea, Cujo made a promise to his Phantom. He would protect his idiots. The big one is the keeper of the den he’s staying at, it is a small den. Not like his Phantom’s den, his den is very big, with plenty of room to stretch and run. Nightmare calls it a castle but what does that stupid alicorn know anyway? He’s got flames in his head. The child says the loud story teller is coming for dinner. She’s fun, she will be a fine mate for his big idiot.
Cujo races up the steps checking behind him to make sure the child is following, silly child likes to wander. When they approach the den he hears voices from the inside. At first he plans to simply walk through the tree wall but the child hasn’t learned to do that yet, not like his phantom, so he waits for him to open the wall. The loud story teller is inside with the big idiot. She smells nice. He wanders over too her and she picks him up “Hey little guy, how have you been?” Cujo barks and give the loud story teller some welcome kisses. She needs to know she is welcome in the pack. After all his phantom has already approved.
“He’s such a sweetheart!” Lois exclaims before catching sight of his collar ‘Axiom labs’ there’s a frown on her face, Clark gives her a concerned look “later, for now let’s eat before the food gets cold. I worked hard to put that Chinese on the table.” She said with a smirk. Conner laughed as he finished setting the table (well trained from his visits to the farm).
Once they all sat down and started to eat Clark try to make conversation. “So what did you two get up to while we were at work?” He asked politely
“We went to the park for a bit, at least until Cujo here scared off this girls Great Dane.” He said with a grin. Lois suddenly looked interested “a girl?” She questioned
Conner shrugged “yeah, she was walking her dog in the park. She wanted Cujo to hang out with her dog but it seems not all alive dogs are big fans of ghost dogs. She was pretty weird though, she wouldn’t stop blinking.” Lois snorted her wine, laughing at the poor boy. Clark jumped up with a napkin
“Oh boy! You may not have been raised on that farm, but you are a farm boy through and through!” She said through her laughs. Clark looked confused.
“How so?” Lois looked back and forth between the two confused Kryptonians. She laughed even louder.
“Oh man smallville, you two are a class act you know that?” She tries to calm down “she didn’t care about the dog, she was flirting with you. Don’t worry Clark here took an entire year to realize I was flirting with him.” Conner blushed, embarrassed, and Clark wasn’t doing much better.
“We’ll then it’s a good thing Cujo was there. I don’t think M’gann would appreciate her hanging around.”
Clark perked up “how are things going between you two?” Conner shrug
“Okay I guess. When we’re at the mountain everything is fine…it’s just..” Clark nudged him
“What’s wrong?”
“M’gann has started to use her mind control on our enemies more and I don’t like it. I’ve tried talking to her about it but… she just doesn’t get it. I’ve been there before, I know what it’s like to not be in control. I hate it.” Conner accidentally crushes the chopsticks in his hands. He looks at the utensils angry that he lost control. Clark just passes him a new pair.
“Don’t worry, I always grab extras just incase. You know when I first started dating Lois she would insist on Chinese at least once a week. I went to the store and bought as many pairs of chopsticks as I could so I could practice not breaking them.” He laughed “I went through so many pairs of chopsticks, I used them to make a fire for marshmallows afterwards. That fire burned for over an hour.” Conner snorted his noodles. Clark smiled “as for M’gann, I know she comes from a different culture, but if she’s doing something that makes you uncomfortable you need to talk to her about it. I know it’s hard to hear but you shouldn’t be in a relationship with someone if they don’t respect your boundaries.” Lois smiled.
“I’ll admit I probably pushed those boundaries more than my fair share when we first started out.” Clark snorted
“Yeah, I think shooting me with blanks pushed a few boundaries” Conner looked at Lois in shock.
“I’m gonna need a little more context here.”
The two reporters dove into the story of the great identity reveal with gusto. The three ate and laughed until the food was gone.
Cujo curled up in his bed, proud of his accomplishments. He enjoys his rest while his people eat, but soon enough the den goes quiet and Cujo gets bored.
When Conner woke up the next morning Clark had already left for work. He eats his breakfast and gets to work on his summer reading list. After about an hour of that he goes looking for Cujo so he can take him for a walk. He searches the apartment, then he searches again. He frantically grabs the phone to call Clark, he picks up on the third ring. Before he can even greet Conner he’s interrupted
“IS CUJO WITH YOU?!?!” Clark jumps from his seat, surprising Jimmy, who was showing him pictures.
“No, I thought he was with you.” He can hear Conner searching the apartment through the phone. “I need you to calm down, I gotta talk to Perry and I’ll be there soon, we’re gonna find him.”
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camels-pen · 2 years
Maple Hill
Summary: Danny’s well versed in being invisible, ignored, stepped over in a crowd. Now though, he would take the first step in getting lost.
warning: implied/referenced self-harm, suicidal thoughts
Ao3 Link
“Don’t listen to those people out there, honey. They’re trying to steer you from the right path.”
Kitty had sent him a sad smile before giving him a large hug and floating away, hand in hand with Johnny who was resolutely trying to avoid all eye contact. Shadow was curled around his shoulders like a scarf and not so discreetly trying to wipe at Johnny’s face.
“We’re all useless without our anti-ghost weaponry keeping us safe and nothing else matters more than keeping them in tip top shape.”
Cujo had whined in his arms and he had scratched lightly behind his ears, letting his core hum while pressing the dog closer to his chest. Though he had tried to send him off, Cujo stubbornly stayed close to him.
“You don’t want to be killed by a ghost do you?”
Youngblood had sniffled loudly as he clutched a small model rocket in his hands, still hovering close by. He was ushered away with a harmless blast and a quip. The young ghost had sobbed around a goodbye and disappeared through the wall, the light reflecting on his new astronaut helmet as he left.
“They’re getting sneakier everyday, Danny, so just keep this on you alright?”
Danny shivered. The echoes of denial still rang in his ears, as if the walls of his home— 
As if the walls of Fentonworks stretched to follow behind him on his long journey.
“Where did my baby boy go?” 
Danny felt his heart start to race. 
“The one who was excited for all our new inventions, that baby boy. I wish I could have him back.”
“All passengers waiting for the 3:15, Illinois North train, please make your way to track 6.”
He tugged the straps of his bag painfully tight across his shoulders and breathed deeply, silently mouthing his thanks to the automated announcement.
“We’re just looking out for you, dear. We want you to be safe.”
The can of anti-ghost mace they sprayed on him when he came home from a brutal patrol said otherwise. Not that they knew about patrol, but… he’d learned to accept that wasn’t the problem.
“I’m disappointed in you, Danny.”
The tone and voice and words sent a pang of melancholy through him. Not for the first time he wished they were strangers. At least they had the decency to try being polite and accepting of people they’d never met before.
And his mind wondered, lingered, treaded deeper into that place he knew it shouldn’t go. 
“I’m disappointed in you, Danny.”
He gave up the fight with non-committal hums and placating words. He ignored the thoughts of friends and family showing up any moment, disgust for him clear on his face, and ready to renounce their love.
He didn’t sleep that night. Or the next.
“I’m disappointed in you, Danny.”
The scissors had been dull, just like the other times he’d checked. It was more out of a curious thought than anything. A small one. Not enough to care to find something sharper.
“I’m disappointed in you, Danny.”
He tried something small, right on his hip. The metal was dulled from years of use. His skin was tough, thick. 
It was a fruitless endeavour.
“I’m disappointed in you, Danny.”
For a moment, he hoped for the bravery to simply end all of this. Tried to imagine the reactions from those people. It may be exaggerated, but the conclusion was the same: those people would be better off if he were gone, if he were never here in the first place. 
But it only lasted a moment.
A flash of familiar faces raced through his head. His lip wobbled as he imagined causing them such irreversible pain. And despite that small moment of yearning with whispered promises of a swift end, the thought of never getting to see them—to simply be with them again—was too much to bear. He couldn’t do that to his sister, his friends—his true family.
And he was far far too accustomed to their love to ever do that to himself. 
“I’m disappointed in you,”
A plan was made. A destination set. A quiet promise to head out right after they walked across the stage. He’d never forgive himself if they gave up a diploma for him. 
“I’m disappointed—”
It took time—saving the funds, mapping out nondescript locations and shelters, creating a false route that would place an average person two towns south of Amity—but the different parts were already starting to piece themselves together into a clear view of the goal.
Thus he was here. Packed, ready to disappear. With a tired but content smile, he shuffled to the conductor, careful not to jostle the furry bundle in his sweater that was chewing lightly at his hoodie strings. 
Ticket scanned and bag stowed away at his feet, he leisurely settled in his seat and tugged his headphones over his ears.
“Final call for boarding the 3:15, Illinois North train. Final call.”
A quiet ding. A slow moving cabin. The scenery quickly started to speed past the windows.
The welcome sign was a speck in the distance. The humans on the train wouldn’t even notice it.
A brief mourning overwhelmed him. Filled his lungs and throat and mouth until he thought it would spill from his body and drown the dog in his arms once it was done with him.
A wet, insistent tongue licked his cheek. He blinked. Reached down to pull the little bundle of love through the fabric and into his lap. His hands automatically sought out furry ears to scratch. Small paws jumped on his chest, tugging at the hoodie strings again and he sighed, a small smile on his face.
The announcement called the name of the next stop, due in three hours. 
Danny leaned back in his seat, watched the view passing by, and breathed.
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garebearandnan · 10 months
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New Chapter out.  ‘A Bit of Me’ - Day 10 Part 1.1
It's about to get complicated... (Lead up to New Challenge, ‘Meet Your Match)
CLICK ON LINK to read full chapter on WATTPAD: 
CLICK ON LINK to read full chapter on A03:
SUMMARY: The Islanders recoupled, and things are hotting up!
You trace your fingertips along his formidable biceps to his forearms and trace his piston tattoo. A looks a little bit lighter than the other ones, and a little faded. “I love your tattoo. What’s the piston tattoo about?”
“Ah, that’s my very first tattoo. I’m really into machines and mechanical stuff, like model building, woodworking, y’know stuff like that. Symbolises power, endurance, and, I guess, tirelessness at work. When I was a kid, one of my toys was this train set, so it means a lot to me. Brings back happy memories.” He looks a bit wistful, like he’s guarding something private. I better leave it for now. We all have our past secrets.
A moment later, the shadow on his face is gone, and he’s beaming at you again. “Suits me, right?”
“Yeah. I can’t deny that.” You let out a giggle and manoeuvred behind him, wrapping your arms and legs around him. You gently kiss the soft skin on his gear tattoo, and Gary shivers against your lips.
“What about these?” You gently ran your hands over the gear tattoo and said, “You're a decent spoon.”
He chuckled. “I just really like gears and, like, knowing how things work. The mechanisation of things.”
“And the lightsaber?” You questioned before acknowledging, “It represents ‘a force within!”
“Yeah. Y’know I’m a hardcore Star Wars fan. I’m glad we have that in common.” He continued explaining, “I had the tattoo done as a reminder that you can gain control and overcome any obstacle in your life. It’s a symbol for strength and courage.”
You pointed to the bottom of his leg tattoo, asking, “Is that a scar?”
“How did that happen?”
Gary rolled his eyes. “Oh, my nan's puppy was a little knobhead. Fucking hell. He used to bully me all the time. He was horrible to me.Love him to bits now, but…” He trails off.
You chuckled. “I think I'm gonna love him. What’s his name?”
Gary huffed. “Ollie. She should have named him Cujo. He can be an arsehole to new people.”
Iain Stirling: It’s time for a challenge, and this one’s called ‘Meet Your Match.’ When our Islanders applied, they filled out detailed questionnaires. We have shamelessly stolen a load of confidential information from the questionnaires for ‘The Compatibility Test’. (It's all the rage right now.) And ran it through a complex algorithm on the Love Island supercomputer. Nay, okay, we showed it to Andy the Intern. And he ranked the five boys with each girl in terms of compatibility. The girls will take turns trying to rank the boys in order of their compatibility. They’ll place a love heart emoji on the boy she thinks is most compatible with them, and a sad face emoji on the least compatible boy. She will then arrange the rest of the boys. Every time a girl needs to re-jig the order, she gets a mark.The girl with the least marks wins.
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danishpastri · 1 year
And now it's Cujo's turn for headcanons :3
He basically makes custom dog collars for his victims- he makes them wear it-
He really loves animals and protects them from animal abusers (he kills/kidnaps animal abusers)
He volunteers at animal shelters and stuff, likes to find lost pets too.
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Hi, holy fuck you have a lot of amazing OCs 🥺
Cujo general + reader headcannons !!!
He loves dogs the most. They’re all his babies in his eyes.
He volunteers at many nearby shelters, making a name for himself as a sort of “Angel” among the animal-loving communities
If only they knew his darker side
He calls the reader “puppy” a lot. It’s his favorite pet name
He still treats them like a human, mostly…
He enjoys watching the reader eat and drink from a dog bowl; although, he still gives them regular human food. No need to make them eat dog food
He’s absolutely in love with the reader, and he shows his love by helping the reader learn tricks. Like a good dog
“Up!” “Shake” “Gimmie paw” “roll over” “play dead”
He loves all of his pet dogs, you included. There’s no separating him from them
Probably has dogs in the double digits. His whole house is practically covered in dog beds
A master trainer; he never fails to train a dog to learn neat tricks (or to potty train them)
Always has new dogs coming in to his home.
He’s not quite the cat person, but he still loves them with his whole heart nonetheless
He’s got a way with ALL animals. It’s a miracle that he hasn’t been in the local newspaper yet with his big of a name he is around the shelters he volunteers at
Idk he just gives piss kink vibes
Loves watching the reader go potty out in the grass outside.
That is, if he lets them outside
He loves using leashes while having sex, pulling the reader in close to they can’t escape when the pleasure becomes too much
While doing the deed, he often spouts out commands for the reader to follow
“Speak!” And you have to bark for him, but you get head-pats in response
“Good pup.”
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chronic-boogara · 2 years
I was wondering if I could request a slasher matchup? Feel free to ignore if your too busy :]]
I am a 5’3 they/it goblin, my sign is Gemini and my personality type is INFP-T (meditator :]). My sexuality is Panromantic Ace. My love language is Physical Touch and Acts of Service, I love to bake and draw things for my friends/loved ones! My have horror movie has probably got to be House of Wax, gotta respect that art grind 😎👍
My style mainly consists of goblin/cottagecore types of clothing! I love small, shiny things and pretty rocks! I have a box in my room of just…metal. Like just random stuff I find on the ground or the road that I think looks cool. My sleep schedule is nonexistent and are too chaotically dumb to realize things. I’ve been recently getting into embroidery and sewing, I also like to press flowers! :]] My favorite animal has got to be opossums, oh to be a trash goblin. I have a habit of chewing at my nails and bouncing my leg, I am also pretty sensitive to sound. My dream job is to be a baker, just to own my own little bakery by the sea and have a Saint Bernard named Cujo.
I am so sorry that this is so out of place and random 😅 me and my nerodivergent ass
Again, feel free to ignore!!
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𝐢 𝗺𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐲𝗼𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡- 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐫
♡your perfect match is the king of the dumpster mr. lester sinclair. his hygiene is not the best but he makes up for it with his cooking.
♡you’re lester’s first partner so you’ll need to be a little patient with the man. he doesn’t know what to do and bo’s advice..isn’t great. his love language he soon learns is the same as yours. holding hands on the couch, little kisses here and there , hugs goodbye. it’s the little things he loves the most. and if you were to do a chore for him or something. oh my god he is in LOVE.
♡he’s never liked to draw but he enjoys your work. he’ll hang it in the living room and all around the house. he’s glad you’re artsy like vince, it means you’ll be able to connect with at least one of his brothers. now baking lester is a fan of. he’s not too bad at it himself so making cakes together on a chilly fall evening ? i think yes.
♡oh my god he thinks you look stunning in everything. your style is adorable to him and he loves to stare at you when he thinks you aren’t looking.
♡shiny things ??? lester is there. he collects trinkets to keep in his little box. he’d love to take a look at your collection sometimes. maybe even merge them?
♡you two are literally the idiots in love trope personified. two dummies going about life together in the best way possible. his brothers just watch from the sidelines happy to see their little brother happy.
♡PLS SEW HIM SOMETHING. HE WILL BEG. maybe make him and the pup little matching hats. he will ask you if you love dogs or cats more in the beginning of your relationship so lucky for you you passed the test.
♡lester’s favorite animals are dogs and raccoons. opossums fit perfectly onto his animal roster. he love show unique a choice that is, he’s never met someone with a favorite animal like that.
♡lester will happily help you with your bakery dream. you’ll have to get out of ambrose first, that’s the hardest part. he is more than willing to risk everything for you. he has probably a scary amount of trust in you and your ideas.
♡he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed but he will love with every bit of his heart and treat you like a goddess.
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