#currently feeling quite burnt out
pridoo · 1 month
My bday is coming up on Monday so it's time to hit that 30% off sale in the shops soon, too ✨
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onlyswan · 4 months
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summary: in which you want to turn back the clock and jungkook wants you to stay.
idol!jungkook x reader, est. relationship / angst, fluff / word count: 5.8k
content/warnings: mistreatment of service workers / oc felt inappropriately touched by a customer (only mentioned in passing) / (oc works part-time in a restaurant) (then quits) / another dive into oc’s lore / allusion to death / grief grief grief / lots of crying :( / jk wants to move in together :") / mention of s*x (24/7=heaven?) / mention of period blood (they’re in diff contexts js to be clear lol) / u will get pissed and cry and laugh it’s fun <3
playlist! knees - iu ; chinese satellite - phoebe bridgers ; love wins all - iu
> in which masterlist
note: contains lil flashblacks from the giving up drabbles ^^ can be found in the timeline masterlist above this incase u haven’t read them and want to ^^ listen to love wins all when jungkook tells oc to wear their seatbelt (trust me). tried to encapsulate the epiphany of oh. everything’s going to be okay because i am loved when i’m at my lowest. as always reblogs & feedback are appreciated :") come chat!!
the rusty swing-set creaks as you unsteadily swing back and forth, staring lifelessly at your white socks and shoes stained with burnt orange. you look up to the sky but the moon and the stars are shrouded by the clouds. not even your favorite snack can poison your sadness with optimism. mouthful of bungeoppang, but you taste nothing, and every swallow only adds to the heaviness weighing on your chest.
your shift should be ending by now, which means you probably should be heading home, but your limbs have given up and refuses to move.
jungkook’s special ringtone ceaselessly disrupts the night scene’s quiet, but there’s no point in answering his calls when you know no words would come out of you.
“are you an imbecile?! you can’t understand basic instructions?!”
“ma’am, i’m so sorry. i’ll take it back and give you the right ord-”
“we’re fucking starving! move faster!”
you flinch as the bowl collides with the tiled floor, producing an ear-splitting sound that reverberates throughout the entire restaurant. you want to give the woman the benefit of the doubt and believe that she just shoved the bowl a little too harshly due to her frustration, but you have a hand over your mouth not due to shock, but the inexplicable pain of having your skin burnt by the piping hot soup… and she’s just… there.
“i’m sorry, i’m sorry! please understand. she’s just in a bad mood. she’s not- she’s not usually like this.”
you stand on your spot, frozen and speechless, as her husband profusely apologizes. you’re only jolted out from trance when you feel him wiping your legs with crumpled tissue papers, a little too farther up for your comfort. a fleeting tug-of-war ensues when you forcefully rip them away from his hands. you thank him despite not meaning it.
you grip the edge of your skirt as you sit on your heels, picking up the broken shards of glass scattered across the floor. a concerned co-worker swoops in with a broom and you instantly jump the opportunity to save yourself from the mortifying stares, mumbling another thank you as you take your leave.
“you said table six.”
“____, i’m sorry. that was a fault on my part.”
your manager observes your current state. his stare lingers at your feet.
“but they don’t know that! she literally burnt me!”
“look, we don’t have to take this too far. it couldn’t have been that hot. we can see you’re still walking.” his condescending tone makes you feel so small, but it fuels the anger inside of you. “you don’t have to pay for the damages, so let’s just put this behind us.”
you gasp in disbelief, and it borders on a laugh. you feel crazy. you can’t believe this is actually happening to you. he can’t be fucking serious.
the workers in the kitchen remain quiet as tension arises, minds a tornado of thoughts but mouths remaining shut in fear of getting on the bad side of their superior.
“well you…” you hastily strip off your apron, bunching it up into one big ball. “don’t have to pay me anymore, because i fucking quit! i hope this place burns down!”
and you ensure that it hits him on the face before you turn around to march out of the kitchen. on the way out of the restaurant, you nonchalantly grab a bottle of water from the fridge, twisting off the cap as you push the door open. you leave a wet trail behind your steps as you pour the cold water over your feet, a poor attempt to soothe the sharp pain of the injury.
you know it will be alright eventually; you will heal, but this… this is leaving a permanent scar on your dignity.
with a vexed groan, you retrieve your vibrating phone from your pocket.
LAST EVICTION NOTICE— you do not even bother reading the rest of the words that come after that.
“fuck!” you scream, throwing the bottle at the nearest wall, hands coming up to your hair to roughly pull in frustration. the heels of your palm dig into your eyes and your knees give way to the ground. “this is a nightmare.”
it dawns on you that you’ve finally arrived at a surface on the rock bottom that you so awfully dread. you find yourself standing here— infront of the atm machine, staring blankly at the large number displayed on the screen. this money isn’t yours. this didn’t come from your blood, sweat, and tears. it’s an amount that you’re supposed to accept as a payment for the eulogies you had to deliver. you swore you would never do this, but desperate times come when you’re forced to swallow your pride and allow it to rot you from the inside.
you’re once again faced with the ugly difference between surviving and living.
you grab the cash, hastily pushing them inside the pocket of your jacket as if you’re being burnt by them. you feel so nauseous; if only emptying your stomach would untangle its knots.
you don’t need anything from anyone. this is the first and the last time, you swear to yourself in place of your defeated oath.
you don’t want jungkook to see you like this, helpless and hollow, the antonym of the sun he willingly flew too close to. you look pathetic seeking for solace in an abandoned playground, unfortunate soul stuck at fifteen, in denial of the passage of time.
but there goes your lover running towards you, calling out your name, and you begin praying for yourself to disappear into thin air.
much to your disappointment, no wiser being grants your plea, and now you have a man tucking you in his safe embrace, uncaring of his knees being bruised by the ground.
does he need to surprise you when you least anticipate his presence?
“i’ve been looking everywhere for you! i went to pick you up at the restaurant but they told me that you quit! what happened?”
he pulls away, tenderly cupping your cheeks in his warm hands.
“was it your boss again? it’s him, isn’t it? what did he do?”
jungkook dies a little inside. your glassy eyes study his face, a clear picture of distress and concern, but at the same time, they seem so far away… like you’re not certain if you’re truly here.
you unconsciously squirm— your feet retract themselves, escaping underneath the swing; and your ankles twist, and twist, one hiding behind the other.
this doesn’t feel like being stripped naked.
you feel like you’re being turned inside out.
“what’s wrong? baby…” he utters sadly as tears drip from your lashes—one by one— even they are lost and hesitant.
your distant stare remains.
he doesn’t know if you’re even aware that you’re crying. it’s a frightening sight and he doesn’t know what else to do. he holds you in his arms but you feel too stiff for this to be comfortable. the time passes, and he lets it do so in silence.
he waits for you to come back to him.
he waits, and waits, and waits.
“jungkook… i want to go home.”
“okay. i’ll bring you home, baby.” he strokes your hair, breathing out in relief. “yours? or mine?”
only for his world to crumble into pieces.
“my mom…” you whisper, breathless, releasing yourself from his embrace. “i want to be with my mom.”
and only then does he see traces of emotions written on your face.
“i miss my mom so much.”
the crack of your voice gives him an opening to catch a glimpse of your heart, that is but a mosaic of broken parts. pain, grief, longing… the past two years haven’t been enough to make him well-acquainted with the anatomy of your afflictions. he has only witnessed you speak of your family with a proud and affectionate beam; old stories that spark the agent of joy. and despite knowing that you must’ve been battling your pain all these years all alone, he couldn’t bring himself to meddle with how you handled your grief. however, if he’s going to be completely truthful, he was terrified of this— of seeing you so unmoored and broken. his pain is no comparison. quite frankly, it is an insult to yours.
“i miss her so, so, so much. what do i do? i…” you sobs become uncontrollable, overcome by the weight of the world crashing down on you.
how is it possible that you feel nothing and too much at the same time? is what you would often ask before, but today you realize that your pain simply goes beyond what any of your human parts is able to fathom.
“this is too hard… it’s too tiring. i can’t- i can’t. i don’t want to be here anymore. i’m always so scared. i don’t know what i’m doing anym-”
“shh, shhh, baby- baby, breathe for me-”
“how did my life end up like this? i don’t understand! the world- it’s so cruel- i can’t stand it.”
jungkook wipes away your tears, but it’s no use. once you break down, it becomes impossible to remedy. nonetheless, that doesn’t deter your boyfriend from trying. he gathers your weeping and trembling vessel in an attempt to glue you back together, and in while doing so, he also wills himself to be strong for you.
“why did she have to go after them and leave me all alone here? am i not her child too?”
the obtuse questions you’ve been too afraid to ask out loud are being brought out in the open, spilling out from the torn seams of your soul as they’ve become too agonizing to annihilate over and over and over again.
you know the answer. you know she didn’t want to leave.
but you can’t help but to be angry at the fact that her heart gave up. you don’t understand why it had to happen and why you’re being grinded in the mouth of the world.
“i’m tired, i’m so tired. it’s so unfair… i need her with me too…”
jungkook squeezes his eyes shut, gently rocking your tangled bodies — a defense mechanism. you’re succumbing to defeat as if it’s been long overdue; even your voice is giving up on you.
if he had to imagine, the earth must have shared his current dread when it witnessed a solar eclipse for the first time, wired to assume the worst of perpetual darkness.
your weak fists desperately grasping at the fabric of his hoodie— the final thread you are hanging on. your words break into stutters and hiccups, salty tears slipping past your lips and stirring their bitter taste.
“i just want to go and be my mom’s child again.”
and he would truly fucking hate to try and get into the implication of your words, but if jungkook is going to be completely truthful— he is terrified beyond words can say. of this; of witnessing you slip away from everything you’ve ever known; of losing you. maybe he’s being selfish, but whatever it takes, he will make you stay.
he swallows the lump in his throat, hurriedly drying his eyes with his sleeve before facing you.
“listen to me, okay…?” his voice isn’t enough to pull your head from underwater; he lightly taps your cheek, even though it breaks his heart. “hey, hey, hey. look at me, baby- look at me.”
he searches for your eyes, begging them to focus on him. and it’s silly, what he does next, pressing a kiss to your lips as if this is a fairytale. but then it works— you tilt your head to subtly nuzzle your cheek against his palm— and he has to quickly recover from being taken aback. you effortlessly make a slave out of his heart.
“you never stopped being her child. and that will never happen! because even with them being gone, you haven’t stopped trying your best to be a good child and older sibling to them. i… i’m a witness to that. every single day. are you hearing me?”
can he get some sort of sign whether he is doing this right or wrong?
“you’re not alone here because you have me. you do know that, right?”
and you want to believe him… you do. but just like how you’re clinging onto him right now for dear life, you can’t forget how you had to beg him to stay.
“so stop working all these jobs! please, i’m begging you! it must also break your mom’s heart to see you torturing yourself like this. it’s not healthy! just focus on studying and let me take away your burdens, please?”
you stop breathing; your features soften like you’ve made it out of a nightmare.
“let’s live together, baby.” he sounds sure; he sounds steady, but the waver of his eyes beseeches you. “you’ve been so good to me, even when i didn’t deserve it. please… let me love you in my own way too.”
“stop. i told you… i’m still thinking about it.” you say meekly, avoiding his intense gaze. “i mean, let’s be honest. what would your family even think of me? your aunt already hates me. what if she uses this to prove that she was right about me and-”
“fuck what everyone else thinks. i couldn’t care less.”
the reminder of the disrespect you were subjected to because of him has him seething all over again. his jaw clenches in anger, and he feels obligated to take a deep breath so he can keep himself composed. growing up, he was always taught to be the bigger person, but he simply can’t implore himself to do that if it means turning a blind eye to your hurt.
“i won’t let her get away with that type of bullshit so don’t even bother thinking about her anymore. i’ll take care of it. we can’t let that get into our heads. right, baby? we said that?” his thumb caresses your cheek softly, and you hold on to his wrist, silent as you try to understand him through the thick haze clouding your mind. “i want to be with the person i love. how could that be so wrong?”
you slowly shake your head in response, a little hesitant.
“i won’t leave again. no matter how hard you push me away, i will stay within your reach.”
and here he is, kneeling infront of you, seeking to make true of what he solemnly vowed to you.
are you going to take this away from him? after everything you’ve gone through together?
he is the only thing you have left to lose.
“i love you.” you whisper, initiating the hug this time.
you’re holding him tight, like you don’t ever want to let go, and it brings jungkook to the brink of tears once more.
“i love you so much.”
he sweetly kisses your cheek, but when you pull away to give him that look, a wordless command for more, his lips finally meet yours for the first time in forty-eight hours. they slowly curve into a smile, not at all surprised that he’s tasting sugar. he’d go through hell and back to experience this kind of kiss one time, only to do it all over again.
“let’s go home?”
you blink at him cluelessly. you don’t know why he’s wearing a dimpled smile out of the blue, neither do you know which home he is referring to. nevertheless, you intertwine your fingers with his, choosing to save yourself from this forlorn neverland.
there’s just… one teeny… tiny problem…
“shit,” you mutter to yourself, freezing on your tracks.
“what’s wrong?”
you awkwardly glance down at your shoes, the origin of the squeaky sound that was impossible to be missed by your ears. after inspecting you from head to toe, a worried expression morphs on his face, and you can only show him a shy wince in response.
“i don’t want to make your car dirty.”
his chest feels so much heavier. he is nearly blinded with red. he wants to scream and be infuriated. what the fuck happened back there?
you merely shrug, sending him a forced smile. “do you still have those extra slippers?”
“jungkook, i can do it myself.”
he clicks his tongue, his hand around your calf gripping. “stay still!”
you watch him from the passenger seat, your legs dangling from the edge as he carefully takes off your shoes and socks, yet again kneeling on the ground.
“does it hurt a lot?”
“not… a lot.” you answer through gritted teeth.
perhaps the stinging never did quell; it was just pushed to the back of your mind when more painful things surfaced succeeding it.
“who did this to you, huh? i need to go back there and make them pay! what kind of decent human being would do that?!”
“a miserable woman in a miserable marriage.”
in her eyes, you may be naive and she, the decades old wiser— but who is the one with a lover who would wash not their dirty hands, but their feet that have walked a million miles?
“i feel bad for her.” you comment absentmindedly.
you’re too far deep in awe watching jungkook gingerly clean your bare feet with his hands and a bottle of cool water, doing what you were meant to do earlier, if only granted that you weren’t erupting with rage.
“____, you’re too nice.”
“you’re too nice.” you argue. “also, those shoes are hopeless. just throw them away.”
he glances at you with fondness, shaking his head as he softly pats you dry with a clean towel. you stifle a gasp. it’s no longer as bad as before, but your skin still feels warm and raw. this wasn’t in the job description. you decide that you can practice empathy, as well as your strong belief in karma, at the same time. at this moment, you hope that the universe is already crafting tricks up its sleeve, because you’re in a world of fucking pain.
“there you go. wait until we get off the car before you wear the slippers, alright? and you’re not allowed to wear tight shoes.”
he rises to his feet, not wasting the opportunity to steal a kiss.
“yeah, it was wildly uncomfortable.” you mumble against his lips, tugging at his collar to properly respond to his display of affection. “thank you.”
“wear your seatbelt.” his eyes shines with a glint of with uncontainable excitement. “we’re going home.”
you stir as jungkook gently shakes your body awake, his muffled voice gradually becoming clearer as you gain your consciousness.
“wake up, baby. we’re here.”
you tiredly rub off the sleep from your swollen eyes, discovering your boyfriend waiting for you where the door of the passenger seat should be.
“let’s get you some more rest.” he places a chaste kiss on your forehead, before standing aside to make way for you, offering his hand as a gentleman.
you must still be dreaming. you assumed he would bring you to his apartment, but you do not recognize this place. this is a different parking space, a different parking lot.
“um… t-this is…” you stumble on your words, feeling lost. “where are we?”
“home,” he smiles, the kind that reaches his eyes and turn them into little crescent moons.
you must still be dreaming. the clock attached to a nearby pillar strikes midnight, and unbeknownst to you, a brand new day awaits beyond the dark and empty sky.
you were so thoroughly convinced that you’ve been living a life past the point of salvation… but life stands before you overflowing with hope and glowing with ardor.
you take his hand and allow him to whisk you away to another world.
this is beginning to feel real, jungkook thinks as he presses the elevator button. earlier’s excitement becomes interweaved with nervousness. he’s a little dizzy as the giant box ascends. if you feel his hand’s growing clamminess, you don’t show it, your clasp still as firm as before.
“you bought another house…”
“hmm, but this one is a secret.” a confession that is yours truly. “this one is ours.”
your eyes wordlessly speak with each other. neither of you imagined following your hearts could materialize your future plans to the present time. what goes beyond dreaming of beautiful things is still foreign to the both of you, but jungkook is here, willing to free fall with you.
the elevator dings.
he guides you through a well-lit hallway, to a door, and you pay close attention as he punches in the passcode— another set of numbers you ought to have memorized alongside birthdays and anniversaries and id numbers.
your heart races but everything else moves in slow motion. the door opens and you get swallowed by the need to remember every moment so vividly as if you’re reliving it.
the first time you set foot into your own apartment,, the empty space daunted you despite its modest dimensions. however, right now, your head is tracing half of a circle, from left to right, just to study this large space in its entirety— and all you can think about are the endless possibilities forming intimate images of a sanctuary in your head— a place where fears and sadness can co-exist with tenderness and joy.
beside you, jungkook patiently holds your hand.
“this one is ours…” you repeat the words, more so to convince yourself, and they drip with disbelief.
you follow his lead as he walks to the other half of the room, bare feet sliding across the floor.
“this is the living room, and the other side is the kitchen.”
he faces you with a wide grin, the kind he wears when he wants to tell you something he is proud of.
“i was thinking that if we get a big television bolted on the wall…”
he gestures to the blank canvas, letting go of your hand to draw an invisible rectangle on the air with his arms fully outstretched.
“then we can easily watch even from the kitchen.”
he puffs up his chest, side-eyeing you expectantly.
“genius, right?”
“and greedy.” you blink. “i don’t think that’s safe to do while you’re cooking.”
“but i’ll be very, very careful!”
“that’s the bare minimum when you’re holding a knife.”
“okay! i look forward to arguing with you about that on a different day!”
his enthusiasm doesn’t waver. in fact, it is fueled. how could it not? when you’re starting to sound exactly like a couple who lives together?
he captures your wrist and tugs you towards the other side of the room, but you pull him back with a noise of protest.
“are we not going to address…” you hang on to your words, eyes wandering to the floor where there are signs of living. “whatever is going on here?”
a single mattress with a single pillow; a folded blanket neatly sitting on top of it. surrounding them are bottles of water, a laptop, a speaker, and a basket of what you assume are skincare products.
“i’ve been sleeping here lately…”
“i can see that.”
“i didn’t want to buy furnitures yet while you haven’t given me an answer… i just thought that if we’re living together, then we should decide on those things as a couple.”
…he dips down to kiss you. “it was hell without you…”
his teeth captures your bottom lip, nipping at the supple flesh.
“going to build a life with you. i’ll build furniture, and they’re going to be ours.”
jungkook feels your stare. oblivious of your thoughts reigning chaos, he tilts his head in question.
how long has he been planning this?
“you okay?”
you blink away the tears brimming your eyes. you shake your head, clinging to his arm. “where were you taking me?”
“this is the kitchen!”
a smile of contentment graces your lips. you’re guilty of admiring the pure, unadulterated joy on jungkook’s face instead of what he is passionately endorsing to you.
“this is the fridge!” he presents to you, swinging the door open. “but there’s nothing inside.”
“what are you saying? there is something.”
the two of you peer at the green can of soda, chilsung cider, left at a far corner. the refrigerator light casts over your curious faces.
“oh, that’s still there?”
the animated sound of your giggles prompts him to look at you, and he couldn’t be more glad to be laughing with you again, bellies aching at the same time.
“do you want it?”
“it’s not peach.”
“let’s move on then!”
there are cups of ramyeon and packs of dried seaweed on the countertop, the photo of his dinner that he sent last night still vivid in your memory. your hand daintily brushes across the white marble, stealing a feel as jungkook drags you to a new space.
“this is the second kitchen and laundry room!”
he waits for a reaction as you survey the room and its overhead cabinets.
“it’s not supposed to be the pantry…? eh, you know what? cooking and doing laundry are more of your thing so you can have them however you want.”
you turn on your heel to walk away, and jungkook follows behind you, celebrating his victory by punching the air and whisper-shouting a yeah!
“what’s here?”
you reach another hallway beside the living room.
“what’s here?” he zooms past you to open a door. “bathroom. there’s a bathtub! but i still need to install grip bars so no one will slip.”
he needs to stop saying things that make you want to make him your husband on the spot.
“and we have my favorite part! the master bedroom, of course!” he swings the door open on the other side. “where else would we spend the most time in?”
“wow, really? i thought you were also endorsing the living room as the bedroom.” you jokingly quirk an eyebrow.
“nonsense!” he cheekily chides you. “you deserve better than that.”
you take a step, peeking inside the empty room that you estimate to be as twice as larger than yours. you can’t say that you care so much about its size, because behind the white curtains, you reel at the prospect of the natural light shining over your face every time you wake up. your mornings have been gloomy since you arrived at seoul four years ago.
he sneaks his arms around your waist, your back resting against his chest, and your being feels so light you might just begin floating when he lets go.
“let’s stay like this for a while.”
“okay,” he puts his chin on top of your shoulder, his soft smile becoming permanent.
the two of you stand at the bedroom’s doorway; the cusp of what could be your entire lives.
“what’s that other room?”
“which one?”
“i don’t know. i see it from the side of my eye.”
he cackles at your humorous nonchalance. “i have more to show you. there’s a guest room… if we decide it to be.”
“cute. i have somewhere else to sleep when i’m mad at you.”
“that’s fine,” he replies after a beat of silence. “at least i’d know where to find you.”
“don’t make me change my mind.”
he cries out your name childishly, burying his face by the crook of your neck. he hugs you tighter. he wants to sleep every night drowning in the sweet scent of your hair. if he had to choose, it would be the most peaceful way to go.
“we have a walk-in closet too!”
“i expected nothing less.” you giggle, not a stranger to his lifestyle. “what’s exciting is that we can finally have a big bed.”
“but i like our small beds.”
“cuddling isn’t all that fun during the summer. trust me, you’d eventually want space.”
“nuh-uh! that’s what aircons are for!”
you roll your eyes at his persistence. “then why did you choose such a huge apartment if you wanted a small bed?”
“so we can have all the space to slow-dance to love songs.”
jungkook, ever the charmer. the butterflies in your stomach come alive beneath his embrace.
“why are you suddenly quiet?” he laughs. “was that too cheesy?”
“really?” he spins you around, and heat creeps to your cheeks when he leans in so close that you can perfectly distinguish the brown in his eyes. “so have you given it more thought?”
“given what more thought?”
“there’s nothing to be scared of. it’s only the two of us here, see?” he tells you like overeager puppy. “will you move in with me?”
if this is a dream, you wish to never wake up from it. to have a person care for you this deeply and unconditionally, you want to believe that you have done something right to deserve it.
“i just don’t think you understand what you’re getting yourself into.”
his eyebrows knit together in defense. “what does that mean?”
“the thing is… yeah, sex 24/7 and cuddling and having first times together, that sounds amazing and all… but living with me would probably drive you crazy.”
a tired yawn almost interrupts the end of your sentence, and you cover your face out of courtesy. you sniffle and wipe your teary eyes with the back of your hand.
“i’ve lived on my own for so long. i’m messy and clumsy and i’m used to having everything my way… i mean… i’m willing to compromise, but i can’t promise i won’t be insufferable as hell about it.”
“ah, seriously! you scared me for nothing!” he exclaims, throwing his head back with a groan. “baby, i’ve been living with six other men for the past decade. you know that there was a time when we even slept together in one small room. can you imagine how that must’ve been like for a bunch of teenage boys…? you? messy? think about it again. living with you can’t possibly get worse than that. you don’t have to worry about me! really, i can take it! watch me!”
“but i bleed every month.”
“i’m a man. seeing a little blood doesn’t faze me.”
you make a face. “it’s actually a lot.”
“yah, why are you acting like we haven’t been together for two years?”
“it’s different living together!”
“it’s only natural! i don’t care!”
a noise of complaint bubbles in your throat when he shakes you by your shoulders, coaxing you with an whiny “please baby.”
your chest deflates in defeat. “sure, i guess… as long as we have the big bed, and the slow-dancing-”
“done!” he doesn’t waste his breath, not keen on wasting this opportunity. “anything you want, you have it!”
you narrow your eyes. “and i’ll keep my tutoring job.”
“will you punch the next guy that insists you study at his dorm for me?”
“or i can just keep saying no firmly, baby boy.”
and with that pet name, he instantly folds. “okay.”
“okay, since that’s the only one that you genuinely like.”
“you-” your teeth unconsciously finds your bottom lip to dig into, and you inhale sharply. “…you really love me, don’t you?”
suddenly, you’re raising your voice and waving your hands in the air. you’re feeling too many emotions at once; it’s like when you mix all the colors in a palette and end up creating black. you’re angry and happy and you may be fucking crying again.
“you were just picking up speakers one night and a pretty stranger offers you some boring food and now you want to be stuck with me forever?”
your fist throws a restrained punch to his chest, shoving him backwards.
“oh my god, you’re so stupid!”
jungkook finds this too amusing, tries to hide that he is enjoying this but a smirk is plastered on his face.
“you are loved by so many,” he brushes away the hair that has fallen over your eyes. he tucks them behind you ears and tenderly holds your face in his warm hands. “but i’m confident that i love you the most.”
you are the muse in his dreams. your perfume clings to his clothes. you make him the happiest man on the planet and your pain torments him. what is this, if not love?
“and if that makes me the stupid one? then so be it.”
“when did it become a competition?”
“since you got yourself a competitive boyfriend!”
“okay, fine! let’s make it my fault!”
you throw your arms around his neck, peppering kisses all over his face until he’s an uncontainable giggling mess.
“i’m drowning in kisses! nobody help!”
and you hope you’re hugging him close enough that he can feel the love and gratitude flowing through your veins. your eyes flutter shut, and you sigh— tranquility triumphs over chaos.
“are you falling asleep standing up again?”
“no!” you blatantly lie, drawing back with innocence masking your drowsiness. “we still need to go online shopping!”
“what are we buying?”
your face lights up. “appliances first?”
“appliances?” he cheerfully says. “sure! let’s get you new shoes too!”
as he gets dragged to the living room where his laptop is, he mumbles something with an enamored expression. “i should keep working hard.”
“yah, why are looking at me like that?” jungkook chuckles upon feeling your poorly concealed stare, diverting his attention away from the laptop over his stomach. “i’m the real deal. the tv is over there, on the screen.”
“just because…”
you snuggle closer to his side, heart fluttering when his arm that is your pillow moves to also hold you. you don’t really mind a small bed. this is the most favorable consequence a nuisance could have.
“i feel sorry.”
“sorry? for what?”
“because i made you sad, didn’t i? i hate that so much.” you sniffle, hand coming up to pat his cheek affectionately. “i know it must be hard for you too.”
“you’re the one who’s in a lot of pain.” he means to firmly speak, but the tremble of his voice rudely refuses to cooperate. “how could you even think of me feeling sad?”
“because i love you. of course i always think of you.” you argue, bottom lip jutting out into a pout. “i can’t do that now?”
he sighs. “you know that’s not what i meant.”
a kiss is planted on your forehead— tender and cherishing.
“let’s be happy, baby.”
the sharp edges of jungkook’s fears are eroded in a way. in a universe that relentlessly challenges you to be optimistic, your heart that is well-versed in loving continues to rise above it all.
you echo his words wistfully. “let’s be happy.”
taglist in the reblogs! send an ask/dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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stylesharrys · 7 months
Love Me Like You Do
Harry’s never had someone take care of him the way that Y/N does. 
A/N: here's another old exclusive guys. there are lots and lots of fics lined up for you for the next couple of months while I work on a 20k realtor!y/n and a 20k ex-boyfriend! Harry so enjoy!
WC: 2,361
At first, Harry thought nothing of it.
The honeymoon phase, he told himself. It made sense, it was expected. His past lovers had all been the same during that time — always obsessed and seemingly in love. Seemingly. 
But after a few months, they always started to change. They’d distance themselves first, take a while longer to reply or to get in contact with him. Then, they’d get blunt and annoyed quickly with him. They wouldn’t want him close, wouldn’t shower him in affection. Wouldn’t let him touch them. 
And then, eventually, they’d leave. Maybe on the odd occasion, they’d butter him up and get a little splurge on his card, or go to him just for their release. A few had cheated, some just left. Nothing for Harry has ever lasted past a year and a half, and now it’s nearing the two-year mark and he’s confused. 
Y/N is a lovely woman. She’s kind, funny, smart, gorgeous. Harry thinks her kindness and wit is what attracted him to her in the first place, and in the two years he’s known her, he’s only started to love her more. 
It’s not like he thinks deep down she’s a horrible person, but Harry has grown accustomed to how things typically work in his relationships, and none of the above has yet occurred. 
Currently, he’s lying on his stomach with his face smushed into Y/N’s pillow. She’s straddling his lower back, her bum on his bum and his shirt is long gone as she massages the tender knots out of his shoulders. She’s been doing it for thirty minutes now. Harry’s been watching the clock. 
He’s been feeling a little ill the past few days. Migraine, sore muscles and the occasional fleeting moments of nausea. He lost his appetite and strength pretty quickly and Y/N has been on the ball with it — at his feet with a sick bucket, coddling his head to her chest with a cold compress against his skin. She’s done it all and Harry can’t quite understand it. 
From past experiences of being ill or caught with the flu, the only person to have ever taken proper care of him had been his mother. And now, his lover is doing what past lovers didn’t, and Harry’s confused.
It’s not that Y/N isn’t an overwhelmingly kind and compassionate person, because she is. Her caring and nurturing behaviour is nothing out of the ordinary for Y/N, but Harry has never experienced such care from a romantic partner before. 
It’s like Y/N has forgotten about the gruelling twelve-hour shift she just got home from, but Harry hasn’t ,and although he’s the one that’s sick, she’s the one that’s been on her feet all day. 
“Come on, I’ll do you.” His words come out gruffly, muffled slightly by the pillow that restricts the fluid movements of his lips. He can feel Y/N shake her head from above him. She sinks the balls of her palms into the backs of his shoulders. 
“You need to relax and rest.” She argues, thinks her reasoning will be enough for him not to ask again.
Harry shakes his head and shuffles beneath the weight of her body. Y/N lifts to her knees, allowing him to turn beneath her and onto his back. Harry’s eyes are bleary and sleepy as he blinks to gain his bearings. He stretches for her hips, hands finding them with ease. 
She’s sitting on his lower tummy, dressed in a pair of cycling shorts and one of his old Rolling Stones t-shirts that she changed into the second she got home. There’s dotting of mascara smudged below her eyes and a couple of pimples that are starting to show through the worn, minimal makeup. 
He knows she’s had a long day, could tell the second she got in and pretended that she was okay for his sake. Her hair is tied back low on her neck, stray strands wildly framing her face. She looks tired, burnt out. Harry just wants to look after her. 
“Bad day?” He finally asks. 
Y/N blinks twice and shrugs, head rolling as her shoulders raise and her cheek meets it. “Busy,” she tells him. “Nothing I’m not used to.” 
Harry squints. 
He knows she’s used to it — the long days with early starts and late finishes, the ones without a break in-between, where she doesn’t get to eat, save for a few grapes she manages to steal every now and then. He knows she’s used to it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not exhausting her.
He squeezes her hips gently. “Know you’re used to it, pet. Don’t make it any easier, though.”
She doesn’t say anything. Her hands are on his, encouraging them to sneak up her shirt to feel her skin. She’s warm, soft. Y/N pouts down at him. “Want a kiss.” She says, eyes glassy with affectionate need. 
Harry copies her expression, reaching up to caress the side of her face. “Can’t let ya get sick, babe. Why don’t you let me run you a bath and you can relax?” He offers, eyes gentle and she lets hers flitter closed for a moment, like she’s pondering over her answer. 
She shakes her head. 
“You’re the sick one. I’m going to run you a bath, and then I’m going to make you some soup for your throat. Know it’s still been hurting you.” 
Harry doesn’t say anything — knows that whatever he argues, she’ll bite back better. His body sinks into the sheets, head in the pillow as a heavy huff of annoyance and adoration slips from his mouth. 
When Y/N said she’d run him a bath, Harry didn’t expect it to be overflowing with bubbles or for every possible available surface to be littered in glowing candles. But the bathroom wasdecorated with such and Harry was overcome with an overwhelming amount of love for his girl. 
She let him take his time in there, relaxing and soothing his muscles while she cooked up some magic for his throat. Getting out of the bath, Harry most definitely does not expect to wander into the kitchen to see what he does. 
Y/N behind the stove, dishing up the soup with two fresh rolls from the bakery a mile from them. She’s got the lights dim for him — knows they’re hurting his head — and there are more candles around the living room. 
The coffee table is littered with them mostly, Netflix is up and ready on the TV and as he looks to the sofa, he notices she got out her favourite blanket — the soft one that Harry swears is made from angel wings. 
And he looks at her, starry-eyed and all. She’s got a gentle smile on her lips when she notices his presence and Harry is fucked. 
He can’t stop the rush of emotion that consumes him. His eyes turn glassy, nose tingling and heart aching. Harry reckons he’s easily the most loved man in the world and he doesn’t know what to do with himself. 
He can’t help the single tear that slips down his face but he wipes it before she notices. 
Harry approaches her, arms wrapping around the middle of his love and he nuzzles his face into the crook of her neck. “Thank you, for all of this. Love you so much.” He rasps into her skin. 
He can feel her body warm against his touch and she smiles, rashes down to hold her hand over his. “Love you loads, too. And you haven’t got to thank me, this is just what you do when you love someone.”
When you love someone. 
She shrugs her own words off like they’re the most obvious thing she’s ever said, but Harry can’t stop falling harder for her. 
He’s loved people before, he knows that. But now, looking back, he wonders if anyone has ever loved him before her. 
Harry doesn’t remember a time that a previous lover put him before themselves. Where they cared for him and put his needs first. Where they showered him with care and adoration just because. 
No ones ever loved him as she does. 
The tears start to pool again as he pulls away and helps her carry their bowls and drinks to the sofa. They sit close, dipping pieces of bread into the creamy soup Y/N prepared and keeping their eyes on the TV. 
Harry is struggling to focus though when Y/N takes a glance at the clock and carries their empty bowls to the kitchen. He cranes his neck across the back of the sofa to see what she’s doing, but her back is to him as she runs the sink tap and rummages through the cupboard. 
What he does see is her shuffling back to the living room with a small glass of water and a curled open palm carrying three little white tablets atop it. 
Y/N settles beside him, handing him the glass with a tired smile and offering him the pills. “They’ll help with your head and throat, hun.” She curls into the sofa, her knees to her chest and close to Harry’s side. Y/N props one arm against the back of the pillows and her fingers find the long hairs at the nape of Harry’s neck, gently craving through the soft locks. 
He watches her for a moment, completely dumbfounded and speechless if he’s honest. 
Something like Y/N taking care of him when he’s sick shouldn’t have him feeling so fucked and in love, but it does. He’s teary-eyed because his girl is taking care of him off her own back. Because she isn’t complaining once or making anything about herself. 
Because she’s loving him beyond the words of saying it. 
And he cries. 
Y/N’s stunned at the sight, thinks maybe he’s about to sneeze, but his body starts to tremble and she realises what’s going on. So, gently, she pries the glass and pills from his wanton hands and places them blindly on the coffee table before reaching back for him. 
“Hey,” she coos. 
Her hands caress the damp and flushed skin of his cheeks to bring Harry’s gaze to meet her reassuring one. “Why are you crying, H?” Her words are asked in a light and airy voice, one that isn’t serious as she chuckles softly, but he still knows she’s concerned for him. 
He shakes his head and pulls her into his side, laughing at himself too because, why is he crying? 
“Just never had anyone look after me apart from my mum before. Really fucking lucky to have you, love. No ones ever loved me like you do before.”
Her hand is sprawled across his gently heaving chest and she kisses his neck with a soft peck, offering a squeeze. His hand is brushing comfortingly up and down her arm but neither of them really know why he’s the one trying to comfort her.
Y/N swallows, reaching her right hand across her chest to find his hand that lingers over the front of her shoulder, and she interlaces their fingers, squeezing. “I wish I could show you how in love with you I am… no words can describe it.” She admits, bashfully. 
Harry squeezes her hand, using his other to wipe his face and he laughs again, because he’s so in love that it hurts. It hurts so fucking good because he knows this is it for him. She is it for him. Together against the world. Their future, their everything. 
“I know, baby. S’the same for me.”
His raw voice sends a shiver through her spine and her own eyes are watering with salty drops of emotion. It hurts her too. More so knowing nobody has ever treated him right, nobody has ever taken care of him and loved him like he’s always deserved. 
“I’m always gonna love you like this, H. Always gonna put you before me. Put us before anything else. You’re it for me, hope I’m it for you, too.”
He grins, cranes his neck to look down at her through hooded eyes. “‘Course you’re it for me. Been my future since I fucking laid eyes on ya, pet. It’s us forever, yeah?” 
She breathes, tears slipping but she nods her head. He doesn’t get the chance to stop her before she’s leaning up and smacking a kiss to his lips, eager and sweet. He doesn’t pull away either, as selfish as it is. 
Y/N reads his mind, knows what he’s thinking. “Don’t care if I get a bloody cold. You’re worth it.” 
“God, I fucking love you.”
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yeonzzzn · 13 days
to be popular: park jongseong
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pairing: jay x afab!reader word count: 2.3k
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synopsis: when all you want is to be in the spotlight along with your best friend and he helps you out.
genre: childhood friends!, popular!jay, friends to ?, smut.
warnings: swearing, alcohol, unprotected sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, degradation, fingering.
a/n: had this in my drafts for awhile and finally decided to finish it up! enjoy it! ~
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“Do you think he would though?” 
All Jay could do was lock eyes with you at your question. This was normal for the two of you at parties. 
“YN…” He sighs, lifting the beer can to his lips, “You know how I feel about this.” 
You pouted at your best friend, clenching the empty beer can in your hand, and hearing the crack of the tin above the music. 
You wouldn’t call yourself a loser, but you weren’t exactly below a loser or even more than a loser. You were just normal. Completely and simply normal. Jay though? Has been the most popular guy since kindergarten. 
The two of you grew up together as neighbors, both being the only children in your families, it was only natural you both grew attached to each other. Jay was popular from the moment you both started school. And as the years went on it only got worse. As a child, you figured your popularity would come along with being best friends with Jay, mostly since homeboy was the captain on every sports team he played on and was even top of your class as well. Not to mention he was the head guitar player for the school's band growing up as well. Jay had multiple reasons under his belt for being popular. But you were always in his shadow. The most people knew of you was that you lived next door to him and were one of his best friends. That’s it. Nothing more. Nothing less. 
And it infuriated you. 
Nothing you did put you in the spotlight. People barely remembered your name or who you were until you were standing right next to him. At first, you thought it was just kids being mean, but as the years went on, you slowly learned that maybe it was just you. Someone who was forgettable. 
Jay always got pissed off with you anytime you would mention how forgettable you were, “You’re literally my BEST FRIEND, YN!” he’d snapped at you, “You’re everything but forgettable.” 
Sure, you had some boys knocking on your door for attention, and you’d give them it. But your popularity never went anywhere. It’s not like you even wanted the popularity for the attention really, you just wanted to feel like an equal with Jay. To have everyone remember your name and who you were. To not be well…barely above a loser. 
“Jay,” you turned your body fully towards him, lifting your knee to your chest and taking a hold of the burnt orange colored couch with your free hand, “It’s a yes or no question!” 
Jay chugged down the rest of his beer and shifted his eyes from you over to Heeseung, the guy you are basically begging him to answer on if he’d be down to fuck you. Heeseung was a friend of Jay’s and also one of the most popular guys at your college. Heeseung has a reputation for fucking any girl who comes his way. Jay knew it was only a matter of time before you resorted to trying to get Heeseung to spread your legs. 
Heeseung was probably six or seven drinks in at this party and was currently getting touchy with another girl in the kitchen. Eyes completely locked on her. 
Jay looked back at you with a slight smirk, “He looks busy.” 
You rolled your eyes, “That’s not what I'm asking.” 
Jay looked down at the coffee table in front of him, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth. Why did this matter so much to you? Chasing after popular guys at the college just to get your name out there. Jay never understood why you wanted this popularity. If anything, Jay wished he was in your position. To be normal and not have multiple females at every party he attends jumping his bones. 
And quite frankly, Jay was tired of having this conversation with you. 
“I’m not answering this,” he said with a wave of his hand, “You know I don’t like the idea of you throwing yourself at random guys just for attention.”
You tossed the empty beer can on the table and clenched your fist, starting to get up from the couch, “Fuck you then, if you feel that way. I'll try to seduce him myself.” This is how every conversation about this topic goes with Jay. Him always shutting you down. But you've had enough of it. 
And apparently, so did Jay. 
Because you were down flat on your back on the couch with him hovering over you. 
“J-Jay,” you glanced your eyes around the room, “W-what are you doing?” 
He didn’t answer you, taking your arms and pinning them above your head, his lips now attached to your neck. Your body reacted in a way you weren’t expecting it to. You tilted your head to the side, giving him more access to you. Your heart rate increased, and the thoughts not circulating in your brain scared you. 
“Jay,” you called his name again, shifting yourself as best as you could away from his lips. 
One of his hands left your wrist and took your jaw between his fingers, “This is what you wanted, wasn’t it?” Jay hovered his lips above yours, barely brushing them together and sliding his free hand down to the button of your jeans, “To be fucked like a slut publicly. All to be popular.” 
He was angry. Frustrated. Pissed at every man in this room that you’ve tried to pull into bed with you. Pissed at you. This was the only way he knew to not only set you straight but also get his feelings out of the way. 
He pressed his lips to yours in the same motion of unbuttoning your jeans, his cold fingers slipping down your panties and rubbing at your folds, humming against your lips, “Already so wet? Just from me barely touching you?” 
“Shut up,” you snapped, lifting yourself to connect your lips back together. Jay’s cock twitched at your sudden action and pushed two fingers into your cunt, groaning at how perfectly you clenched around him. How perfectly you feel. 
It amazed him how unfazed you were right now. Jay was sure you’d push him off or snap at him for even making a move on you. The two of you were best friends after all, and never once crossed this line until well, now. Jay could blame it on the alcohol he’s consumed. Could even blame it on all that you’ve had to drink as well. 
But it was all further from the truth. 
Jay pushed his fingers in you faster and parted your lips with his tongue, wrapping the muscle around yours. He was getting so drunk off your taste. Was so turned on over the fact you’re letting him do this to you in the middle of a public college party. You surprised yourself. Your whole plan was just to get Heeseung to make out with you in front of everyone and then drag him off into an empty bedroom or even the bathroom. The last thing you expected was your best friend to be knuckled deep in your pussy and his tongue down your throat.
And by god with the way he was working his fingers in and out of you, you knew your orgasm was fast approaching. As if he already knew how to work your body before even touching you. 
The truth…he’s only ever dreamed of how it would feel to do something like this with you. He pulled his fingers from your cunt and looped them at your jeans and pushed them down and leaving your mouth, “You’ve made your rounds asking every single fuck boy possible,” he scoffed, flying his hands to undo his belt, jeans button and zipper, “To fuck you like a slut all for popularity.” The truth…the truth the truth the truth, “Asked everyone but me.” 
Your eyes widened at his words, a new feeling sinking into your heart. He sounded angry, his face showed hints of jealousy as his eyes pierced into you and his hands worked at shoving his pants and boxers down past his hips, setting his cock free. 
It surprised you how willingly Jay was to do this. How he didn’t seem to care that he was about to fuck you on a couch in the middle of some random party with everyone around to witness it. But it’s what you wanted, right? 
Jay lined his tip to your entrance and wasted no time pushing himself in, flinging his head back when it kissed your cervix, “Fuck, YN,” he hissed, taking your wrists back in his hands to pin against the leather of the couch. Jay was already seeing stars at how perfectly you felt wrapped around him. How good you felt. Like your cunt was made for him and him only. 
He fucked into you hard, keeping his face tucked perfectly in the crook of your neck. You tried to keep your moans down, eyes wandering the living room to see if anyone was watching. 
“Why are you so nervous now, baby?” he whispered in your ear, fucking into you harder, “You wanted this,” You clenched your fists, your nails digging into your calm to focus on that pain instead of the pleasure he was giving you down south, “Everyone fucks at parties. Moan for me, YN. Let everyone see how good I’m giving it to you.” 
He bit down into your neck and you couldn’t hold back anymore. Your lips parted and a loud wet moan escaped. Jay smirked at the sound, darting his eyes over to Heeseung and loving the way his friend's jaw was dropped and eyes locked onto the two of you. 
“See that, baby?” he cooed, “All eyes are on you now,” you barely tilted your head to the side, seeing Heeseung and the female at his side both staring at you and Jay. Seeing the eyes of random partygoers staring as they walked past the living with their eyes wide. Heeseung finally closed his mouth and tucked his lips between his teeth, making Jay spiral, “See, now he fucking wants you,” you looked back at Jay, seeing the fire burning within him, “No one is allowed to have you, understand?” 
He slid his hands down to your hips, squeezing them tightly as he fucked into you faster and harder, forcing more moans to leave your lips. 
“Asked everyone but me to fucked you,” he scoffed, “Never once did you think to ask me. Would have done it with no second thoughts.” The truth the truth the truth, “I’ve dreamed of having you underneath me like this, wrapped around my cock so perfectly. I’ve been so in love with you since we were kids. Kids, YN.” his anger burned hotter as he unleashed all his emotions, “Never gave a fuck how unpopular you were. Never cared that no one knew who you were because I wanted you all to myself,” he pressed his forehead to yours, brushing his lips to yours as he moans out from the pleasure, “But you? You just wanted to be popular.” 
You pulled your wrists from his hands and tangled your fingers in his hair, pushing him down to you to connect your lips together and wrapping your legs over his hips, “I only care about you right now, Seongie. Who cares about being popular.”
Your words had his heart doing flips. He finally got to you after so long. He smiled and looked back at Heeseung, feeling even more excited knowing Heeseung was still very much watching. It only pushed Jay to fuck into you faster. Harder. To kiss you harder. To bite your lip and pull and squeeze your hips harder to force you to arch your back at his every touch and pull. He loved knowing that another man was getting hard just by watching him fuck you. Loved seeing said man thirst for you knowing he wouldn’t be able to have you. 
You belonged to him. Always had. And always would. Because Jay isn’t letting you go after this. 
He kissed down your jaw and to your neck, “I’m fixing to cum, my love,” he whispered, placing opened-mouthed kisses to your skin, feeling the way you clench around him, “And I know you’re at your limit too.” 
You nodded, tanging your fingers more into his dark hair and pulling slightly, “I want to cum with you.” 
He chuckled, sliding one hand to your thigh and the other cupping your face, “All you had to do was ask,” and he pressed his lips to yours, moaning into your mouth as he gave one final thrust and squeezed the plush of your thigh. You both were filled with so much ecstasy as you came together. Breathing in each other's breaths. 
Once his head stopped spinning, Jay quickly pulled his jacket from his body and covered your lower halves, “I don’t need Heeseung over there seeing any more than he already has.” 
You giggled at him, sitting yourself up on your elbows, “You didn’t seem to care that I was exposed earlier.” 
Jay pinched your jaw between his fingers, “Not my fault you wanted to act like such a slut earlier.” 
You bit at your lips and gave him pleading eyes. Loving the way he smirked down at you. 
“You got your wish though, my love,” he said, pulling out of you and keeping the jacket in place as he pulled his jeans back up over his hips and helped you pull yours up too, “To be popular. Everyone will be talking about us now.” 
You pulled at his shirt collar and kissed him tenderly. Never did you ever think your childhood best friend would be in this position with you. To be so in love with you. Deep down you felt the same and didn’t want to admit it to yourself. And it only took you acting on your said wish. 
“At least we both will be the talk.” 
Jay just chuckles against your lips, “Only come to me when you want a good fuck, ya? You’re mine.”
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—perm.tlist: @alvojake @ikeuverse @woniebae @shawnyle @jwnghyuns @in-somnias-world @zyvlxqht @aaa-sia @wonniethepoo @addictedtohobi @eneiyri @skzenhalove @fakeuwus @cherry-park @vousty @ladyartemesia @criminalyun @cmoundiamante @enhaverse713586 @wondipity @lhsvibez @jaeyunq @rikizm @kaykay11sworld @pockettwinzz @vixialuvs @seunghancore @enha-cafe @ppanghoon @sunpov @zeeloveshee @hxxsxxng @moonrisearies @brownsugarbaybee @nshmrarki @vveebee @teddybeartaetae @kookify @abysofsteel @aileeeeeeeeeeeee @hee-lvrr @1309zip
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dungeonpuppykai · 5 months
Hey lovely, I just want to say I love your bucky fics and especially dark bucky fics, it just hits the spot and it's so good so keep up the great work love. Now i'm not sure if you're still taking requests if so could you please do one of reader wearing absolutely nothing but bucky's army dog tag and him seeing reader like this makes him go feral.
And if you don't want to that's perfectly fine and i hope you have a great day/night and keep up the great work love 💕
Thank you so much! I am so happy that you like them and I know it's been a hot minute but the way this ask short circuited my brain omg!!!
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Warning(s): Dark!Bucky, stockholm syndrome, sir kink, use of makeshift leash, choking, rough p-in-v, power imbalance, m!dom, f!sub, puppy kink, humping, dumbification, cock riding, mention of somnophilia. Browse at your own discretion. Contains dark and mature 18+ content. Minors do not interact. 
Bucky was honestly skeptical at first. 
As you were still getting used to your new home he knew better than to fully trust you. 
But you were just so fucking irresistible and adorable. 
Sometimes he didn't know just what to do with you.
"Just trust me, sir!" Your tone was determined but demeanor shy when you had hurriedly pecked his lips and scurried off into the walk-in wardrobe after prying his hands off you. 
The night was quite silver with the moon on full display, the inside of your room dimly lit as Bucky took a swig of his chilled after dinner beer. 
When you took longer than was comfortable for him doing whatever it was that you were doing, he called out to you. 
"Puppy? What's taking so–"
The older man's voice locked in his throat and he had to do a double take when you did appear. 
Your cheeks were a bright red as you nibbled on your bottom lip, hips swaying but posture stiff as you came into his view. 
Bucky's hand reached for his neck in realization when he noticed the article– the only article on your otherwise nude body.
You sneaky little thing. 
He had been so busy and stressed because of his recent mission that he hadn't noticed when you had slipped his dog tags off him. 
A small smirk made its way on his face as he felt his cock harden instantly, feeling his head spin a little at the seductive way you leaned against the doorframe of the wardrobe, toying with the chain in as much a sexy manner as you could muster.
Just like that, Bucky made his resolve. 
Even if you had been sneaky (and he would definitely have to do something about it to nip it in the bud), it had been to give him a show. 
And who was Bucky to refuse you finally coming around and doing something out of your own free will. 
Or, at least, as free as it could get given your rather coercive circumstances. 
"Come here, puppy" his voice was dark and strained as he held back pouncing on you with all the force in his body and crushing you with the violent passion that was surging like electric currents within his being right now. 
He always held back on you for he knew you were far too fragile to take his raw might. 
"Y- Yes sir…" You obediently answered like you had been trained to do so as you made your way to your captor and owner. 
Bucky bit his lip as he sipped on his drink again, reaching out towards you before he twirled the dog tags around the index finger of his metal arm and gently pulled you in, resuming his earlier position on the bed. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as your lips brushed against his. He had brought you in until you were bending over his form. Your heart was starting to thrum.
Excitement. Anxiety. Need.
"Puppy, you naughty, naughty fucking thing" Bucky rasped after making out with you a little. 
The older man didn't speak before he pressed his lips onto yours and when he transferred the beer in his mouth to yours, you knew why he hadn't praised you yet. 
The drink burnt its way down your throat.
Your nose scrunched a bit at the strong taste of his beer.
You weren't really allowed any adult beverages so they were almost foreign to your taste buds at this point. 
"N- Need you, sir~" you were becoming more and more hormonal by the day and the man wasn't complaining. 
"Is that why you put up this cute little show, huh? To seduce sir into playing with that sweet little pussy that's always so needy for him?" You couldn't help but lower your head and nod sheepishly, blushing under his dark and hungry gaze. "Aren't you becoming a cute little horndog?" 
He couldn't help but smirk at the way you whined under your breath, both aroused and embarrassed.
"Aw, you don't like that, puppy?" He gently tugged at the makeshift leash. "Don't want sir to tease you?" You softly pouted as you shook your head and avoided his gaze. "Awww…" Now his hand wrapped around the rest of the chain and he jerked your head closer. "Then what do you want, puppy?" 
"Y- You, sir…" You shyly looked up at him through your lashes although just for a second. "Want– need you… so, so bad."
"How bad, puppy?"
"Very bad, sir…"
He loosened up his grip but didn't let go of the silver chain. 
"Get on up here and show me." You didn't need to be told twice. 
"Yes sir!" You were eager as you scrambled onto his built thighs, whimpering out a shaky moan when your wet sex exposed itself due to your position and grazed against the material of his pants. "Oh…" A sound too vile for your personal comfort escaped you as you settled yourself on his lap, the upper half of your body being forced to bend towards him due to his hold on the chain. 
"You like that, my little baby puppy?" Your mouth was agape as you could only nod, your own thighs trembling as you begin to slowly rub yourself against the grainy fabric of Bucky's pants. 
"Love that, sir. Love it so much…" Your hand shakily grasped his metal one that was holding the chain for support, hips increasing their speed with this newfound stability and balance.
"Good puppy… good girl… good fucking girl" Bucky praised as he wrapped his hand around the chain once more, toying with one of your boobs with his other hand. "That's it, babygirl. Just like that… rub that slutty pussy all over my jeans like the desperate little toy that you are."
Fuck, he was too good with his soft, breathy praises as he stared up at you, mouth agape.
Your heavy breaths were restricted next and you could cum right there and then. As the oxygen slowly dissipated from your lungs, your eyes rolled to the back of your head and back arched when he suddenly twisted one of your nipples, eliciting a loud squeak from you. 
When he finally let go of your windpipe and eased his hold on the chain, you whined upon coming to your senses when you realized that he'd lifted you off his lap. 
You needed him so bad. 
He was way too good at fucking you.
Though Bucky quickly shut you up with a wet kiss as he lowered you onto his cock next, remaining his hold on the dog tags all the while. 
Your hands were removed from his bicep and metal arm and bound behind your back with his free hand that wasn't guiding you with your makeshift leash. 
Bucky loved to restrain you; there was just something so hot seeing you tied up completely helpless at his mercy. 
"That's right, fuck yourself on my cock. You look so fucking pretty when you're all dumbed out like a silly little puppy slut up on my cock…" His words had you clenching as you rocked your hips, moaning as loud as you could, shame forgotten and disposed of. 
"P- Please…" You begged, too weak and sensitive to increase your pace but in desperate need to do so. "Please, sir… please… Need you… so bad… please…" Bucky tightened the chain one more time, this time not letting go until your flushed face had turned red, veins bulging out against the skin of your temples. "Th- Thank you, sir…" You whispered out like you'd been taught to do so. You were so close. Your head was about to split with emotion and anticipation of what was coming. "... L- Love you so much…" The man froze for a few moments. 
He had not taught you that yet.
As oxygen was allowed back in to your brain, you almost halted when you realized that Bucky was quietly staring up at you now and had let go of both the chain as well as your hands. 
Your brows furrowed, since you hadn't even realized what you had just confessed. "W- What's–" 
But the man beat you to it. 
Before you could ponder over it and possibly change your mind.
Bucky had tackled you onto your back.
The movement caused his thick cock to bang all the way inside your cavern, causing stars to appear in your vision. 
"I love you more, puppy." Trapping both your hands above your head like he had done you -mind and body-, he resumed his hold on the dog tags and began pounding into you like an actual animal. 
You best believe he did not stop for the rest of the night. 
So what if you passed out a couple times?
You loved him, so he was sure you didn't mind. 
951 notes · View notes
nionom-art · 10 months
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A few people have been asking about my Miraculous Coccinella AU, wondering if I was still working on it. The short answer is yes.
The long answer is under the cut:
So. I’ve been working on this au for a long time now. It was kind of my passion project I was keeping under wraps due to the fact that I had a lot of fun plot twists in mind and all that jazz- you can kinda see some of those plot ideas in my character concept designs above. I have full scripts and even a comic page done for this au- however- I don’t think I’ll be working a lot on this in the near future. I love the story and designs I’ve come up with, but I’ve honestly just been more interested in other fandoms and stories recently, including one about my current ocs (they have become my obsession recently).
I’ve really hated season 5 of Miraculous in all honesty (the handling of Chloe, Luka, and Gabriel is quite honestly atrocious), and I haven’t had as much interest in this au as season 5 progressed as a result. I’ve been quite frankly falling out of love with the show, making my motivation to work on this project not as high. This coupled with the fact that I’ve been rather burnt out lately has resulted in me posting less often.
I guess what I’m saying is that while I might post a few things here and there for Miraculous Coccinella (and miraculous in general) I don’t think it will be frequent or a full blown project or anything. That being said, feel free to ask me any questions regarding this au- it was my baby for a while and it still kinda holds a place in my heart. Maybe one day I’ll do something with it, but for now, I’m going to keep it on the down low. Thanks for reading if you got this far, haha.
2K notes · View notes
starsinthesky5 · 16 days
you belong with me l || joe burrow x reader
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description: you and joe have been best friends ever since ohio state and you’ve been his biggest supporter for as long as you both could remember. it was always the same dynamic between you both, friends. very very very close friends. but what if you wanted to be more than just friends?
a/n: best friends to lovers HELLO? you are both so oblivious yet so aware of your feelings at the same time it is crazy. so many little moments that have you like “how the hell are you not aware you’re in love with each other?”.
you’re in denial for a lot of this fic, and Joe pretty much knows what he wants but is a little scared to actually do something about it 
part 2
warnings: language, mentions of sex (no actual smut)
word count: 13.3 k 
You had just gotten home from running a few errands, absolutely exhausted from all the running around you had been doing from Christmas shopping and planning for your sister's wedding. You left all the bags in your entryway and collapsed on your couch. 
“Ughh,” you groaned into the pillow. It had been a pretty chaotic week for you and you felt tired and burnt out, and were in desperate need of a night out. 
You heard your phone buzz in your pocket so you moved to lay on your back and pulled your phone out to see who was calling. The name on your screen immediately made you smile and forget about your fatigue, so naturally, you answered it. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Joe said over the phone as he sat down on his couch.
“Hi Joe,” you smiled as you started twirling your his sweatshirt string. Somehow you ended up with a few of Joe’s shirts or hoodies in your closet from when you’d be over at his place or him at yours. Currently, you have one of his old LSU hoodies which was a little big on you, but that made it even more comfier. “How was practice?”. 
“Good,” He breathed out, sounding a little weary. 
“Is something wrong? You sound extra tired,” you ask your best friend. 
“Nah, Just the usual tiredness from practice but I’m fine,” he lied.
You could tell when Joe would lie to you, the tone of his voice would usually give it away. And right now, he was lying to you. “I know you too well Joe, what's up?”. 
He let out a sigh and said, “The Bengals Christmas Party is tomorrow night and I’m dreading it,”. 
“Ahhh, I see. Mr. Hermit Crab has to go to a partyyyy,” you tease. 
“Really funny,” He says, rolling his eyes which you could feel through the screen.
“I know you don’t partially enjoy parties but it’s Christmas, lighten up,” you tell him. “There will be lots of people there to keep you company,”.
“And that’s just the problem. Everyone there is just gonna wanna talk about football and I need one night to just relax,” he says. 
You felt bad for Joe since you knew how all of this would get draining for him. It was already stressful enough that the playoffs were slowly creeping up and the background noise was only getting louder by the day, and then he had 50 other things on top of that to do. He didn’t get any break time once December rolled around. That’s also why it was hard for him to enjoy his birthday, which happened to be next Sunday. 
“I know, I’m sorry. I wish I could do something to stop you from going but you are the face of the team and not going would look bad,”.
As he listens to you, an idea pops into his head. He sits up and says, “You know, it would be a lot more tolerable if you came with me?”. 
Your eyes light up at his offer. Joe always ended up bringing you with him to events like this. Ever since he got drafted by the Bengals, you’d be right by his side at any team activities that needed a plus 1. At first, you weren’t really sure why he’d bring you along with him, and quite honestly you still aren’t really sure since he could just go alone or bring anyone else, but it always seemed to make him more comfortable when you were there and you’d be happy to keep him company at any given time.
“That’s if you're free?” He adds.
“Oh trust me, I am. I’m in desperate need of a night out so this might be the thing I need,” you say as you hop off the couch and walk into your bedroom to figure out an outfit for tomorrow. 
“Everything alright?” He asks as he gets up to figure out his own outfit for tomorrow now that he actually has a reason to go. 
“Yeah, just a triple homicide. Work, Christmas, and my Sister's wedding planning,” you say as you pull out a few Christmasy dresses, none really catching your eye. 
“Damn, December really isn’t our month,” he laughs. “You need a night out,”. 
“You got that right,” you smile. You're just about to ask him what he was thinking of wearing to the party but your sister calls you, interrupting you and Joe’s call. 
“Shit, my Sister’s calling me. Probably more wedding stuff,” you sigh.
“That’s okay,” he laughs. “I’ll pick you up at 6 tomorrow,” he adds.
“Sounds perfect. See you tomorrow,” you smile.
“Bye, Y/N,” he replies before hanging up. You then call your sister back, placing the phone on speaker and throwing it onto the bed.
“Hey Kaylee,” you say as you go back to outfit hunting for tomorrow. 
“Hey, you busy?” She asks.
“A little. I’m trying to find an outfit for tomorrow,” you say as you pull out a cropped red sweater. 
“What’s tomorrow?” She asks.
“Joe asked me to go with him to the team Christmas party,” you said as you dug through your closet for a black mini skirt and sheer tights to go with the sweater. 
“Aw that’s nice,” she says. “You know, with the number of things Joe brings you to or does with you, you’d think that you both would be a couple by now. You are practically his girlfriend,” she jokes, only partly though. 
You immediately stop looking through your closet and turn back to face your phone. “What?” you say as you feel yourself turning red at the mention of being his girlfriend, a thought you buried all those years ago because you thought it was silly. 
“I’m just joking, Y/N, kind of. But I mean, you are doing what girlfriends typically do. I know you’re really close friends and you have been for years, but he brings you to like everything and you’re always doing something together. People think you’re his secret girlfriend for a reason,” she says. 
You find yourself staring off into space as she’s talking. Deep down, you knew she was right but you just didn’t want to look at it that way. You were doing girlfriend duties for him and it became clearer as time passed by. At first, it didn’t bother you much, it was just two best friends doing best friend things right? It was completely normal for you to go to every single one of his games, go to these team events with him, and spend so much time together, right? But as time went on, you started to realize that maybe people’s comments weren’t totally out of left field. It did look like you were his girlfriend, especially since he didn’t have any other girl with him most of the time. 
You had feelings for Joe back when you first met at Ohio State, but you never did anything about them because you thought he didn’t feel the same. You spent weeks spiraling over your feelings towards him, but you eventually gave up because you didn’t want to lose him as a friend in case he felt differently about you, so you buried the feelings and moved on. Or so you thought you buried them. Clearly, that wasn’t the case since you were spiraling, again, at the thought of being his girlfriend and being told that you were acting like it too.  
You never pushed Joe about his dating life because you thought that was boundary stomping. Yes, you two were very close, but you didn’t really want to know the details about his love life for many reasons. You just watched that part of his life from a distance. He had a few girlfriends over the years, none of which stuck around or fizzled out over time. The only consistent girl in his life was you. And that’s why everyone thought you were his girlfriend when he first got drafted.
They were convinced you both were either dating or hooking up, neither of which was true. It was a little awkward when that gained traction, but it slowly faded out over time but still lingered to this day. You both tried to not let it affect your friendship and for the most part, it worked. You ignored and continued to support him in every way possible, but those thoughts of you being a couple were buried deep inside your mind and sometimes peeked through, just like how they were right now. 
“I haven’t really looked at it that way,” you lied. 
“Of course you haven’t. Why would you? Joe is such a great guy and has been a great friend to you for years. Why would you ever think that way,” she laughs.
Being best friends with one of the best quarterbacks in the league had its perks. But you weren’t one to take advantage of that often. You were just there to support your best friend and enjoy the ride. To everyone else, he was Joe Burrow. But to you, he was just Joe. And you loved that you got to see the real him and the guy you met in college was still there regardless of everything that’s changed since then. 
“Rightttt,” you say as you sit down on your bed.
“Well anyways, I’ll leave you to it. I was just calling about what the menu should look like for the pre-wedding brunch but we can talk about that later,” she says.
“You sure?” You ask.
“Positive. Have fun at the party and tell Joe I said hi,”.
“Thanks, Kaylee and I will. I’ll call you soon,” you say as you hang up. You toss your phone to the side and fall back onto your bed. The thought of you and Joe being a couple was stupid, right? You both had been friends for years and never once did he show any other feelings other than friendship towards you, so why was this even a thought? Were you not seeing something that everyone else was? Did Joe ever have the same thoughts as you?
He was the perfect guy. He was kind, selfless, funny, attractive, smart, and charming. Any girl would be so lucky to have him as her boyfriend. Wouldn’t it be nice if he was your boyfriend? He matches your vibe completely and you both have so much in common, plus you already know so much about each other. You would be the perfect couple and people wouldn’t even be surprised if you got together. 
“Nah, this is stupid,” you shook your head as you broke out of whatever fantasy you were dreaming about. 
But was it a fantasy, or was it something that you both wished was reality deep down?
Friday Night 
The next day flew by pretty quickly and you found yourself sitting at your vanity, applying the last bit of makeup before Joe picked you up. You opted for a cropped red sweater, a black mini skirt with sheer tights, and black knee-high boots. Jewelry-wise, you didn’t go all out. Just your usual earrings and necklaces, but you made sure to wear the diamond tennis bracelet Joe got you after he signed his rookie contract. You didn’t wear it often since it was so expensive, but whenever you did, Joe would notice and a huge smile would appear on his face. 
Flashback to 2020
You sat down on Joe’s couch as he brought over two glasses of red wine. He had called you over for dinner tonight at his new place that he bought once his contract money came through.
“I loveee your house. It’s very homey,” you chirp as you pull a plush blanket over your legs. 
“Thank you,” he smiles as he sits down, handing you your wine glass. “If everything goes according to plan, I’ll be upgrading in a few years,”.
“Oh trust me, it’ll go just as planned,” you say, taking a sip of the blood red wine. “You’re about to set the league on fire,”.
“I appreciate the confidence,” Joe laughs as he sips his wine. 
“I’m so glad you got drafted to Cincy. It was already tough enough that you were down in Baton Rouge for 2 years, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you got drafted anywhere else,” you sigh. 
“Sounds like somebody missed me,” he said as he threw his head back into the couch pillow.
“No shit, goofball. I missed my best friend,” you laughed as you playfully shoved his shoulder. 
“Well, take this as an apology,” he says, putting his glass to the side and reaching down to grab something from the side of the couch. He pulls up a small lilac gift bag and places it in your lap. 
“What’s this?” you question as butterflies fill your stomach. You place your glass on the side table and examine the little bag.
“An apology for being away for 2 years,” he says, raising his eyebrows and motioning you to open the bag.
“It’s not like I didn’t see you at all. I went to a few games and you still came back here during your breaks,” you said as you patted his thigh. 
“Still, I wasn’t at your fingertips like I usually am,” he laughs, causing a blush to creep up your face. “Just open it,”.
You nod and open the bag and are met with a beige box. You open the box and your jaw drops at the sight of a shiny, very real-looking, diamond tennis bracelet sitting inside. 
“Joe, what the fuck,” you whispered as you ran your fingers across the big diamonds. “You didn’t have to- This must’ve been so expensive,”.
“Don’t worry about all that. It’s a gift from me to my best friend and saying no would be rude,” he says, grabbing the bracelet and helping you put it on. “In case you forgot, I am a millionaire now, and you never wanna upset a millionaire,” he jokes. 
“Don’t send your minions on me now,” you joke as he clasps the bracelet onto your wrist. “But seriously, you didn’t have to do this,”.
He tilts his head, giving you a look that you never were one to argue with. “Fine, Fine. Thank you sooo much. I love it,” you say as you launch yourself onto him, pulling him in for a warm hug. 
He wraps his arms around you tightly and laughs into your shoulder. His hand runs up and down your back as you run your fingers through his soft hair. You weren’t sure how long you both were hugging; you were waiting for him to pull away, but he was waiting for you to pull away. But at the same time, neither of you really wanted to pull away. 
You appreciated the glamorous gift from him, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel butterflies in your belly when you opened the box. Little did you know this bracelet was his first official purchase from his contract money. He knew that once the money hit his account, he wanted to buy you something to show how much he cared for you, the only girl that has been by his side through thick and thin. 
End of flashback 
Last night’s thoughts were no longer in your head as you reminded yourself that Joe was just your best friend. Nothing more, and nothing less. There was no reason to ruin your bond with a silly little pipe dream. 
You heard your phone buzz from what was probably a text from Joe. You opened the text, laughing at the text, which was a little inside joke you two had made over the years.
Joe: getaway car 
“Getaway Car” was a term you both would use whenever you needed to escape something. Whether it was wanting to leave a college party because you were feeling uncomfortable, wanting to leave an awkward situation, or like right now, when either of you needed a break from life and needed to do something fun. All you would say to each other was “getaway car” and you’d know what was up.  
You smiled at the text, grabbed your purse, and made your way out the door and down to his car. 
Meanwhile, Joe was humming along to the song playing on his aux, ‘Lovers Rock’ by TV Girl. You both had made a shared Spotify playlist years ago back at OSU and would often listen to the playlist whenever you were together, so naturally he had to play it on the way to the party. This song was clearly your addition as Joe’s music taste was a little different, but he’d learn to enjoy songs like this because of you. 
You also used to listen to this playlist during the time Joe was away at LSU and you would miss talking to him since he was extremely busy. He would do the same on those nights when he was alone and couldn’t sleep because he would be missing your silly little movie nights, thinking about if you were having these movie nights with anyone else while he was away. 
You made your way out of your apartment building, spotted Joe’s car, and walked over to it. You knocked on the window since he was too busy staring off into space to notice you walk over. He jumped slightly at the sudden noise but then relaxed as he realized it was just you. He unlocks the door which you swing open, hopping inside and letting out a deep breath.
“Woo, it’s freezing out there,” you say as you rub your hands together for some warmth. 
He stares at you up and down, taking in your outfit which you looked stunning in, his eyes stopping at your wrist which was decked with the diamond bracelet he got you. A smile creeps on his face, which you notice. 
“You look really beautiful,” He smiles as he puts the car into drive and exits the parking lot. 
You blushed at his compliment as you also took in what he was wearing. Black jeans and a dark green sweater along with one of his many diamond chains. He looked so good right now. The way his hair naturally fell into place, the way his mouth was curled up into a smile, and the way his sweater fit perfectly around his muscular arms. He just looked so good. 
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Burrow,” you tease. 
“Thanks for coming with me by the way,” he smiles over at you.
“Anytime,” you smile back. “Remember, just say ‘getaway car’ if you wanna leave if you get overwhelmed or something,”. 
“Aye-Aye, Captain,” he salutes. 
You take note of the song playing in the car and you blush again, and then hear Joe singing a bit of the song under his breath.
"While the others talk, We were listening to lovers rock, In her bedroom," he mumbles.
“Lovers Rock?” You question. “Damn, someone’s music taste def rubbed off on you,”.
“Actually, it’s our playlist that’s on right now. But yeah, I’ve learned to enjoy this kinda music. Might be because of a certain someone,” he shrugs. 
“Hmm, whoever she is must have excellent taste,” you say as you turn up the volume.
“Oh trust me,” he says looking over at you, the look on his face sending shivers down your spine. “She definitely does,”. 
A short drive later, you both arrive at the party. Joe turns the car off, hops out, and jogs over to your side, helping you out of the car before you can even open the door. 
“Such a gentleman,” you tease as you reach to close the car door, but he beats you to it. 
“For you? Always,” he winks as he closes your door and loops your arm around his, leading you into the party. You blush at the contact, but why were you blushing? He’s just being friendly, right?
Before you can dive deeper into those thoughts again, you find yourself already inside the party. soft Christmas music was playing over the speakers as the room was filled with people. You could see why he didn’t want to go now, especially alone. There were a bunch of food stations around the room, holiday photo ops, Christmas games, and the whole 9 yards. It was all a little overwhelming and it looked like Christmas threw up all over the party venue. 
“Merry Christmas,” you whisper. 
“See why I didn’t wanna come here alone?” he laughs. 
“Ohh yeah,” you nod as he leads you over to your friends. 
“Joe! Y/N!,” Jess says as she gets up from the table, a huge grin on her face. 
“Hey Jess,” you chirp as you pull away from Joe’s arm to hug your friend. 
“Hi Jess,” Joe smiles. “Where’s Sam?”.
“Oh, I think he’s over by the drinks with Ja’Marr and Ted,” she says as she pulls away from the hug. 
Joe looks over at you and you already know what he is going to ask, “Go,” you laugh. “I’ll be here with Jess. Yell if you need me?”.
“You got it,” he smiles as he walks over to the guys. 
“I guess Joe strung you along with him tonight?” Jess asks as she sits back down, pulling out the chair next to her for you. 
“Yeah,” you laugh as you sit down. “He didn’t wanna go and asked if I could go with him to make it more tolerable,”.
“Sounds like Joe,” she laughs. “He really hasn’t changed since college has he? He always used to drag you along to all the parties,”. 
“Not at all,” you smile as you see him laughing with the guys. 
“So, first thoughts about the party? Since it’s your first time here,” she asks as she takes a sip of her drink. 
“Verrry Christmasy and grand. Maybe a little Overwhelming?” you sigh. 
“That sounds about right,” she laughs, looking up and smiling, prompting you to turn your head. 
Joe was walking over, a grin on his face and a drink in his hand. “I got you your favorite,” he says, placing the Peach Mojito down in front of you. 
“Thank You,” you smile up at him, squeezing his hand for a second. 
“I’m not drinking tonight so make sure you drink for me too,” he says. 
“Say less,” you say while you pick up your delicious drink. 
“You good though?” He asks.
“I’m great, go with the guys,” you say, flashing him a reassuring smile. 
“Okay. But if you need anything, just come over,” he says. 
“Same goes for you,” you say as he gives you two thumbs up before walking away. 
“Always making sure you’re good before he does anything else. Classic Joe,” Jess smiles, causing you to freeze for a second. He always did that though, right? That’s just what he does with all his friends, not just you. 
“No big deal,” you whisper to yourself. 
“Hm?” Jess asks. 
“Oh nothing, just talking to myself,” you brush off. “So wait. Did Joe go to the party last year?” you ask, changing the subject as you take a sip of your drink. That question was floating through your mind all day, and you needed to know the answer. He didn’t take you last year but he definitely went, but with who? 
“Mhm,” she nods. “He went with Stella,”.
Your heart drops when she says that name. “Ohh right, his ex,” you sigh. 
“Yup,” she nods.  
His ex-girlfriend Stella. You didn’t really know much about her since you only talked to her a couple of times. One day she was in the suite, then suddenly she wasn’t. You didn’t push Joe to tell you what happened, especially since he didn’t seem too upset about it. All he told you was that they both just didn’t work. 
“What happened between them? You know I usually don’t push him about his love life,”. 
“Oh I know,” she laughs. “I don’t really know the full story myself. All Sam told me was that Joe felt like it didn’t fit. Like it wasn’t really what he was looking for relationship-wise or person-wise,”. 
“Interesting,” you say as you sip your drink. You rarely interacted with his girlfriends. Not just because they wouldn’t stick around so why bother, but also because you felt like they didn’t really like your vibe for some reason. Maybe it was because he would always talk about you and spend time with you, but did they care that much? You were just friends anyway and you thought that was obvious.
Joe’s POV
“Sooo, you brought Y/N?” Ja’Marr teases.
“Yes… I did,” you say, taking a sip of your water. 
“Anything going on over there,” Sam teases as he pats your shoulder. 
“What? With me and Y/N?” You scoff. “Please, we would never-”.
“Now don’t lie to me Burrow,” Ja’Marr says. “Don’t act like you wouldn’t go running to her if she looked at you that way,”. 
“Ja’Marr is right,” Ted adds. “It’s kinda obvious you have a thing for her,”. 
“Are you guys drunk?” You scoff. “What’s with the sudden attack?”. 
“Nah, but you might be,” Ja’Marr says. “Wake up Man. You clearly like her. You’re always talking about her, you’re always with her and don’t forget all those times at LSU when you’d be going on about how you wished she was with you right now. Those feelings ain’t die that easily,”.
“There’s a reason that everyone thought and still thinks that she’s your girlfriend,” Sam says.
“That’s just overly invasive fans and their stupid speculation,” you deflect. 
“Mmm, not to mention, have there been any ladies on your radar since Stella? You both broke up in January which was 11 months ago. And the reason was that you didn’t think she was the right person for you,” Ted says.
“Mhm, and does the right person that you’re looking for happen to be sitting there next to my girlfriend?” Sam adds as points over at you. 
You look over at her, smiling as you see her laughing like a hyena at something Jess said. She looked angelic as the soft glow of the lights reflected off her beautiful face; her cute laugh caught your attention even though you were so far away from each other in the crowded room. 
Deep down, you knew they were right. You didn’t want to admit it, but you did have a thing for her and have had a thing for her since OSU. You never brought up those feelings to anyone, not even Y/N. You didn’t know if she felt the same way about you and you were too scared that you’d ruin your friendship if she didn’t feel the same way. 
Those feelings even stuck around at LSU. They actually got stronger since you were away from her for so long. But you once again didn’t want to screw up your bond, so you repressed those feelings as much as you could and tried to distract yourself, but distractions were only temporary. That’s also why none of your girlfriends suck around. They weren’t what you were looking for and you weren’t invested.  What you were looking for had always been by your side since Day 1, but you just didn’t know what to do about it without risking your friendship. You knew you loved her, and she knew that you loved her as a friend. But she didn’t know that you loved her a lot more than how just friends loved each other.
She was the perfect girl. Any man would be lucky to have her as his girlfriend. She was stunning, genuine, funny, fearless, the epitome of a dream girl. Her being your girlfriend was a dream, but it probably would never happen. It never happened all these years you had known each other, so why now? 
But what if she liked you back? You wouldn’t know because you never tried that door, even though you had the key in your pocket all along.
End of Joe’s POV
The party flew by quickly as you talked with the WAGs for a little, ate some yummy food, and Joe made his rounds as QB1 talking to as many people as he could before his social battery ran out. Occasionally, he’d look over at you if he got a little nervous or overwhelmed. The mere sight of you always calmed him down. And once his battery died, he found himself sitting next to you, as usual. 
Joe’s conversation with the guys still lingered in his mind as he watched you chat and drink with your friends. He didn’t know what to do about the feelings he was feeling towards you and how to handle them, so he decided to let it be and just let things flow the way they were. If something was going to happen, it would. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t. Forcing something would be the last thing he’d ever do with you. 
You were extra giggly for the past hour, definitely drunk since you were on your 4th, maybe 5th drink of the night. You weren’t really sure anymore since you and the other girls did shots at the bar earlier, so it was definitely more than 5. 
“Y/N, how many drinks have you had,” Joe asks as he looks over at you. 
“Hmmm, I don’t know. Numbers are funny,” you giggle as you grab his arms. “You look really pretty tonight, Joey,” you giggle as you grab another drink. “Have you thought about being a male model? I heard Calvin Klein does some pretty fun shots. The girlies would lose it. I know I would,” you giggle.  
Joe’s eyes widened as he blushed a little. You were clearly out of your mind drunk and he knew exactly what would happen when you got this wasted. You’d be all giggly, then you’d have the zoomies, and then you’d crash, hard. He couldn’t have this happen at the party in front of everyone and he knew you’d kick his ass if he let you act like this in front of them. 
“Okayyy, I think that’s enough drinks for tonight,” he says, taking your drink out of your hand.
“Noooo,” you whine as you reach for the drink. “It’s so good though,”.
“And so is weed but you don’t see me being high all the time,” he jokes as he pushes the drink further away from you. 
You raise your eyebrow at him and say, “That’s funnyyyy. Those shades are glued to your face for a reason,”. 
He stares at you for a few seconds, taking in every detail of your face. How your glossy lips were curled up into a smile, how little strands of your hair were falling onto your face, and how you were practically glowing in the soft light of the room. 
“I don’t think you’d particularly enjoy being crossfaded,” he says matter-of-factly. 
“Do you have some right now? Let’s test it out,” You say as your eyes light up.
Oh hell no. How drunk were you? Joe thought to himself.  “Y/N,” he says, staring deeply into your eyes, grabbing both your hands. 
“What?” You giggle softly as you play with the wristbands on his wrist. 
“Getaway Car,” he says.
You immediately sit up in your chair and turn serious at the words that left his mouth, reminding you what those words meant and what they were used for. “Are you okay? Did something happen?”. 
“I’m fine,” he laughs as he grabs your hand that was playing with his wristbands. “But you’re not. You’re 2 seconds away from falling over,”.
“What do you mean? I’m amazingggg,” you laugh as you stand up to prove your point, almost falling over but Joe places his hands on your hips, catching you before you can. His big warm hands were firmly holding you in place as heat climbed up your body at his electric touch. 
“Yeaah, we’re going home now,” he says as he gets up from his chair, not giving you a second to protest. He grabbed your waist with one hand to make sure you didn’t fall over as you said your goodbyes and made your final lap around the room. The hand that was wrapped around your waist caused butterflies to fill your belly. His touch was so gentle and fulfilling, yet had you craving more.
He led you out to the car, his hand still gripping your waist, as you were going on about how much you loved Christmas. 
“I just love giving gifts,” you giggle as you lean your head on his shoulder. “It’s sooo fun getting to see everyone’s reactions when they open the gifts I give them. Speaking of, what do you want for Christmas Joey?”. 
“Nothing,” Joe smiles. “I already have everything I want,” he says, looking down at you. 
You pause for a few seconds as your drunken mind tries to process what he said. You didn’t see him look down at you, but you could feel his gaze on you. He wasn’t talking about you, was he? He was definitely just talking about his life and career. 
“That’s funny. I already got your birthday gift down for next Sunday, but you gotta meet me halfway for Christmas,” you say, quickly dodging those thoughts again. 
“Mmm, still don’t want anything. For either occasion in fact,” he says as you reach the car. He removes his hand from your waist to open your door and then helps you sit inside. 
“Well too bad,” you smile as he sits in the driver’s seat. “I guess I’ll have to figure it out myself,”.
“Have fun,” he says as he connects his phone to the Bluetooth; your playlist once again playing on the speakers. 
You fall back into your seat and bob your head along to the music as Joe pulls the car out of the parking spot, and leaves the party venue. A few minutes later, you’ve made it onto the highway. Your head is leaning against the comfy headrest as you look over at Joe. His tan skin was shining in the moonlight and his pink lips were curled up into a smile. You move your head to look out the window, taking in the gorgeous view of the Cinncinati Skyline, and then notice that Joe drove past the exit that you would take to get downtown to your apartment.
“Joe, you missed the exit,” you say as you flip your head back over to him.
“I know,” he laughs. 
“Uhhh, well are you gonna go a different way or?” you mumble.
“Nah, you’re way too drunk to be left alone tonight. We’re going back to my place,” he says.
“Joe, you don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine on my own and I don’t wanna intrude,” you say, sitting up in your seat.
“Intrude on what? It’s just me in that big-ass house,” he laughs. “Having some company won’t hurt,”.
“Are you sure?” you ask.
“Positive. I know how you get when you’re this drunk and I would be a terrible friend to make you deal with that alone,” he laughs. 
“Yeahh,” you trail off. “You’re such a great..friend,”. It pained you a little to say “friend” and you weren’t entirely sure why. It also pained Joe a little to hear you say “friend”. If only you would put “boy” in front of it, he thought to himself. 
“So it’s settled then. You’re getting the Burrow treatment tonight,” he winks, looking over at you, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight. 
“Uhhh, are we still talking about hangover care or?” you joke, breaking out into a fit of laughter. 
“Dirty, Dirty Mind,” he chuckles as he shakes his head. 
You bit your bottom lip as you stared out the window again, watching the cars pass by one by one you let out a content sigh and got comfy in the car seat again. But then, the song on the aux changed, immediately catching your attention and causing you to flip your head back to him. 
Joe’s eyes light up as he hears the soft music playing in the background, recognizing the song instantly and raising the volume. 
“Ohh yeah,” you say, moving up in your seat and swaying your shoulders as you recite the song lyrics. 
“Because I'm eighteen, And I still live with my parents. Yeah, they're not like yours,” you belt out as you close your eyes and dance in your seat. 
“Well, yours are more understanding. I've never fell in love, I've saved those feelings for you,” Joe sings, looking right over at you as he sings that last bit. He watches you cutely dance around in your seat, his heart softening as he takes in the moment. Something about you sitting in his car seat, after a late night, on the way back to his house, made him feel all giddy inside. 
“So let's do all the stupid shit that young kids do. It's me and you, youuu,” you sing as you open your eyes and point at Joe, who looks a little..lovestruck?
Lovestruck? Please, as if he would ever feel that about you out of all people, you thought to yourself. The alcohol in your system was really messing with your mind right now. 
About 20 minutes later, Joe pulled into the driveway of his house, which was massive. He definitely had upgraded from his last house, just as he had hoped to and just as you said he would do. It was just him in this big house, all alone. He would often get bored since he didn’t have anyone around to keep him company, so he was more than ecstatic to have you over for the night.  
After parking in the garage, he helps you inside the house. He walks you over to the kitchen island, pulling out a barstool with his leg, and motioning for you to sit down.
“First order of business, Water and Advil,” he says as he grabs a water bottle from the fridge, then moves to open the drawer to grab the bottle of Advil. He pulls out two tablets and hands them to you along with the water. 
“Thank you,” you say after you wash down the medicine with the water. 
“Second order of business, getting you something comfy to wear,” he says, grabbing your hand and yanking you off the stool. His warm hand molded perfectly against yours as he led you up the stairs to his bedroom. 
“But I don’t have any clothes here,” you mumbled as he pulled you into his room, still holding your hand. 
“That’s okay, you can just wear one of my big shirts,” he says as drops your hand and walks into his closet, returning to the room after a few moments with a purple LSU shirt in hand. “Is this good?” he asks.
“Perfect,” you whisper as you take the shirt from his hand. “Be right back,” you smile as you walk into his bathroom. 
You peel off your clothes from tonight, placing them into a neat pile on the vanity as you slip on his shirt. It was massive on you, no surprise there though. You smiled as you read the text on the shirt; it was his championship t-shirt from when he won the Natty. You scrunched up the fabric, bringing it to your nose, taking a deep breath, and remembering that amazing night.
Flashback to 2020 – New Orleans, Louisiana 
You looked over at the scoreboard, the score reading 42-25 just as the clock was winding down with only a few minutes left in the 4th quarter. 
“He did it, he really fucking did it,” you whispered as tears started to fall from your eyes, your friends all jumping up and down around you and screaming at the top of their lungs. 
“3..2..1,” Lydia screamed as purple and yellow confetti filled the stadium. The LSU tigers had just won the national championship, Joe had just won the national championship. After years of hard work and dedication, never backing down from a challenge, his dreams had finally come true, and you got to be apart of it and witness it. 
After watching the trophy presentation and the celebrations on the field from the stands, you made your way down to the field, hoping to get a moment with Joe before he was pulled in for media. 
You made your way through the crowds of reporters, players, and families in search of him, but you literally could not figure out where he was. 
“Did he already get pulled in for media?” you asked yourself as you looked around the field, your smile dropping. 
Suddenly, you felt two arms snake around your waist and pull you back into a warm embrace. “What the F-”.
“Calm down, Y/N, it’s just me,” he says, swaying you back and forth. You could recognize that voice anywhere, even in the loudest settings. You place your hands on his and turn your head up, meeting his baby-blue eyes. 
“Joe,” you whisper, feeling tears fill your eyes again. 
“Hi,” he mumbled before you flipped around in his arms and looped your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. 
“You did it,” you said, crying into his shoulder. “I’m s- so proud of you,”.
“Hey, Hey, why are you crying?” he asked, rubbing circles on your back for comfort. 
You pulled your face out from his shoulder and said, “Because, you’re a national champion now, Silly. This is what you’ve been working for and it finally happened. I’ve been fortunate enough to be by your side through the whole thing and can’t help but get emotional when my best friend just had his dream come true,”. 
He stays silent for a few moments before he pushes your head back into his chest. “Thank you. For everything,” he says, his grip on your waist getting tighter. He remembered how you had been nothing but supportive of his dreams since you met. There were days back at OSU when he would come back to his dorm after practice, feeling shitty and lost since nothing felt like it was going his way, and you would drop whatever you were doing at the moment to go and comfort him since he didn’t want to be alone. Those many late nights you spent trying to help him study and catch up on his work so that he could focus on football during the day. And nothing would ever come close to how you refused to miss a single one of his games, even if you were watching back in Ohio. He remembers you telling him that at your friend's bachelorette party, you had the game pulled up on your phone and sat at the bar the entire night watching instead of doing shots and dancing with your friends. 
The day he decided that he was going to LSU was hard for both of you. He could tell how you were holding back from telling him how you really felt, which was incredibly sad and upset, but you knew he had to do this for himself, and he watched as you plastered a smile on your face and cheered him on, even if it broke your heart. 
“You are the most strongest, dedicated, and talented person I know. I am so proud of youuu,” you squeal into his chest. 
Joe felt fireworks in his heart as he listened to you go on and on about how well he did in the game. Those feelings he had for you were so hard to avoid, and right now he felt like ripping the bandaid off and telling you how he felt straight up. But he couldn’t. He wanted nothing more than to kiss your soft lips right now and tell you that he loved you more than anything in the world, but he just couldn’t. Instead, he just enjoyed the feeling of you with him right now during one of the happiest moments in his life. There was no need to ruin it with his pipe dream.   
End of flashback 
You spent a few moments fixing your hair and washing your makeup off before turning off the lights and joining him back outside, but you stopped as you realized something. 
“Fuck, I don’t have shorts on,” you realize. You were just in his shirt, your white lace panties, and your socks, and didn’t know what to do. The shirt was big enough to cover your upper thighs and if you avoided any movement that caused the shirt to ride up, you would be fine.
“He won’t care regardless,” you whisper as you shake your head and leave the bathroom. 
While you were changing, Joe had changed into a pair of sweat shorts and a short-sleeved tee and was sitting on the bed, scrolling through his phone.
“Aren’t you cold? It’s December,” you giggle as you join him in the room again.
He looks up from his phone, heat rising up his cheeks as he takes in the sight of your bare legs and your body which was clothed by one of his shirts. Your cheeks were a little rosy, definitely an effect of all the alcohol you consumed. A feeling of nervousness now filled his body as he watched you put your stuff down on his table, the way your hips swayed from side to side, and how your hair bounced with each step. He realized that he hadn’t given you any shorts or boxers, so you were definitely just in your underwear right now, and that made him want to pass out. Why did he feel like a teenage boy all of a sudden? He had seen you in pajamas many times so why was he feeling like this? Whatever it was, it definitely was not helping the thoughts he had about your relationship earlier in the night because here you were, standing in his room, looking absolutely incredible. 
“You tell me,” he says as he raises his eyebrows. 
“Fair point,” you laugh as you walk over to his bookshelf, a photo frame catching your eye. He carefully watches you as you walk over to the picture, his heart feeling like it is about to beat out of his chest as he realizes what you are looking at. 
It was a photo of the two of you from one of his games at LSU. He was looking down at you, a huge grin on his face as if he was laughing at something you said. You were looking back up at him, smiling at his expression. You both were almost lost in each other’s eyes in this photo, something you hadn’t noticed before. This was Joe’s favorite photo of the two of you and he had managed to keep it to himself, up until now. 
Flashback to 2019 - LSU
You had flown into Baton Rouge early this morning and were going to surprise Joe at his game tonight since he had no idea you were coming. He had been begging you for weeks to come down for a weekend to see him because he missed you, but you kept pushing it off with lazy excuses so you could pull one on him. But little did he know, you had been planning a trip to see him for the past month. 
He caught a glimpse of you in the stands earlier, his entire face lighting up and his heart soaring. He thought he was dreaming for a second as he saw you sitting with his mom, wearing his number, and screaming his name, You waved over at him before the game started, but didn’t get a chance to talk to him as he was pulled into pregame warmups. Now, you were waiting in the tunnel as the game finished, eagerly waiting to see your best friend. 
You were chatting with Joe’s Mom as you waited for him to come out from the locker room. A few minutes later, you heard an all too familiar voice behind you. 
“You fucking liar,” he laughs.
You spin around, your heart skipping a beat as you see Joe standing in front of you. 
You walk over to him, launching yourself into his open arms and letting out a squeal as he tightly wraps them around your waist, slightly lifting you off the ground and swaying you from side to side. “I mm- missed you,” you sputtered, trying to hold back your emotions.
“And you said you were too busy with Jake’s cousin's wedding this weekend,” he says, his hand rubbing your lower back.
“Please, as if I would go to the wedding of my ex’s cousin rather than flying down to see my best friend who I haven’t seen in 5 months,” you say as he lets go of you, slowly sliding you back down to the floor. 
“Ex?” He asked.
“Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you over the phone. We broke up,” you say as you meet his eyes. 
“Really?” He asks, trying hard not to smile. He felt bad that you and Jake broke up, but part of him felt a little happy that there wasn’t any other guy in your life taking his space at the moment. Jake got to do everything Joe would do with you but couldn’t because he was away. The movie marathons, game nights, trying new restaurants, arcade runs, shopping, building legos, literally everything, he got to do, and it made Joe a little jealous. 
He never really got too involved in your dating life. He felt like it was uncharted territory since he was your best friend and a guy. It would be a little weird if he was getting involved. He also didn’t want to give the guys the wrong idea about your friendship. Although, he did have moments where he wished that it was a little more than just a friendship.
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Just didn’t feel right. He didn’t seem invested in the relationship lately anyway,”.
“Mr. Lovebombing not being invested? Shocker,” he teases. You felt your smile drop a little bit at his teasing. Yes, you were over him, but it still stung a little bit since you were pretty unlucky in the boyfriend department and this was just another addition.
He immediately felt bad for saying that, knowing how you felt about relationships, so he pulled you into a side hug. “Sorry, that was jerky,” he mumbles. 
“It’s okay,” you say as you pat his chest. “I should’ve seen it coming,”.
“Well if it makes you feel better, I never liked him anyway, he laughs. 
“Joe,” you say as you playfully swat his arm while pulling away from the hug. 
“Hey, can you blame me? He doesn’t like ‘The Office’. That’s a crime,” he deadpans. 
“I missed you so much,” you laughed, staring deeply into his eyes. God you missed him. You missed his cheery attitude, his million-dollar smile, and the comfort you’d feel when you were with him. Joe could turn your mood around in an instant and make you forget about everything bad in your life. No other guy could ever make you feel the way he did, it was an irreplicable feeling. 
“Me too,” he sighed. “5 months is way too long and you’re so far away,” he mumbled, looking down at his feet.
“I know but hey, I’m here now. And even if it’s for a few days, I’m here,” you say, gently rubbing his bicep.
He looks back up at you with a smile, “Yeah, you are,”. He looked into your chocolaty eyes, searching them for a few moments, hoping to find something in them that he’d been waiting for, but he was interrupted by your laughter. 
“They might have to force me onto the plane back to Ohio. I’ve been here for a day and I don’t want to go back,” you giggle. 
“I can sneak you into my apartment,” he shrugs. “Just act like you’re on the football team and you’re golden,” he jokes. 
While you two were talking, Joe’s mom snapped a few photos of your reunion, neither of you noticing the camera snaps.
“Oh yeahh. I’ll totally fit right in,” you say, shaking your head. “I can be your new star Wide Receiver,”.
“Ja’Marr and Justin might have a problem with that,” he shrugged. 
“They won’t when they see how great of a duo we make, on the field and off,” you wink. 
 End of flashback 
“I haven’t seen this one,” you smile as you look back at him. “Gatekeeping, Burrow?”.
“It’s one of my faves so yes, yes I am gatekeeping,” he shrugs. 
“Well, I’m stealing it,” you say, picking up the frame. 
“Uhh, no you’re not,” he says, slowly standing up from the bed. 
“Ohh yes, I am,” you tease as you turn around to meet his eyes. He walks over to you as you slowly walk backward, moving away from him. 
“Okayyy, I think it’s time for bed,” he says as he reaches out to grab you, but you take another leap back towards the door. 
“Nopeee,” you smirk. “Catch me if you can,” you say, sticking your tongue out at him before running out the door. 
“We are not about to do this,” Joe mumbles as he runs out the door, following you as you run through the halls of his house. Giggles and Laughter echo throughout the house as you run down the stairs, looking back a couple of times to see if he is still there, and he is. Even though he was exhausted, he was enjoying chasing you throughout the halls of his house. The usually quiet halls were now filled with your shrieks and giggles, a sound that he loved to hear. You run over to the kitchen, standing on the other side of the island as Joe runs to the couch to grab a pillow. 
“Joe!” you scream as he grabs a couch pillow, launching it straight at your head but you quickly duck. 
“You asked for it,” he laughed. 
“Oh, it’s on,” you grin as you place the photo on the island, making sure it didn’t get caught in the battle. 
“Whatcha gonna do?” he smirks as he places his hands on his hips, bouncing from side to side.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” you say as you slowly walk over to the comfy chair next to the dining table, grabbing a stray couch pillow and hiding it behind your back. 
He notices you hiding a pillow behind your back, so he leans down and grabs another one. While he was doing this, you ran over and started hitting him, gently of course, with the soft pillow. 
“Got youu,” you giggle as you smack him with a pillow repeatedly. 
“Nope,” he smirks as he grabs his pillow and swings at your abdomen. His strength was unmatched so the hit sent you back a little, almost causing you to fall over.
“Oh, now you’re done for,” you grin as you attack him with the soft pillow and he does the same to you. Giggles and squeals filled the room as you playfully battled it out, neither of you willing to give up. But soon, the teasing turned into a full-blown pillow fight as you both unleashed your inner children, swinging your pillows with wild abandon. Feathers flew everywhere, coating the floor in a soft, white blanket. A couple of swings later, you catch Joe off guard, tackling him to the ground as you place your legs on each side of his hips, caging him in on the floor. 
You hold your pillow above your head in mock triumph. He wriggled beneath you, trying to grab the pillow away, but you held it just out of reach, teasing and taunting him.
“I winnn,” you laugh as you look down, smiling at Joe's disheveled hair and flushed cheeks. You were so caught up in the childish moment that you didn’t even realize you were straddling his hips right now, and his hands were resting firmly on your hips. Your shirt had ridden up your thighs a little and you were definitely showing a little too much down there, but you were so caught up in the moment that you couldn’t care less.
“Zoomies?” Joe giggles as he looks into your eyes. 
“Zoomies,” you nod as you throw the pillow to the side, trying to catch your breath. A million thoughts were now rushing into your head at once. You were literally on top of him right now, but he didn’t even seem bothered by it. It was like he was enjoying it. Was he enjoying it? You move your hand down, placing each one on his biceps and digging your nails into his soft skin. 
Joe was trying so hard not to say something about how you were on top of him right now. He was just enjoying the sight of you above, as silly and sultry as that sounded. He looked down and noticed your bare thighs and the shirt riding up and you seemingly weren’t wearing anything under it other than your underwear, just like he had thought. God, you just looked so pretty and sexy, he thought to himself. Your hair was messy and your cheeks were blush pink, but you still looked gorgeous. You seemed so relaxed and comfortable, and he was trying so hard not to ruin the moment by saying something stupid. 
“You look so pretty,” he thought out loud, his face turning red as he realized he said that to you.
“Thank you,” you smile back, internally screaming at his comment. Was he being extra affectionate tonight, or were you just delusional? You definitely looked like a mess right now, and in no way did you look pretty, but his compliment still made your heart soar. A soft yawn left your lips as you rubbed your eyes, now feeling the ‘crash’ part of your hangover. 
“Crash time?” he asks as he rubs your thighs, your stomach fluttering at the contact. Why was he being so lovey-dovey right now? His soft hands massaged the plush skin of your thighs as you stared deeply into his baby blues, trying to make sense of what was going on. 
“Yeah,” you say as another yawn escapes your lips. You get off of him, slowly standing up as you are feeling the aftermath of the zoomies. Joe holds out his hands just in case you fall over as he gets up. 
“You can sleep in my bed and I can take the couch. The guest bedroom is kinda a mess right now since I’m using it for storage until they finish the basement,” he says.
“Hell no. I don’t wanna kick you out of your own bed,” you say as you pick up the pillows from the floor and put them back on the couch, your legs a little wobbly and your head feeling a little woozy. “I’ll take the couch,”.
“No way. You take the bed,” he says as he picks up the stray feathers from the floor. 
“Not happening, Joseph,” you mumble as you help him gather the feathers.
He heaves out a sigh, “I’m too tired to fight you on this. Why don’t we just share it?”. 
Your heart skips a beat as you look up at him, the look on his face telling you he is 100% serious. Although you and Joe had been friends for years, you had never slept in the same bed together. 
“As long as you’re not a kicker,” he jokes.
“Please, I sleep like a baby,” you say as you walk over to the trash can, throwing the feathers into the bin. “Besides, I’m more of a cuddler and not a kicker,”. 
“So that’s a yes?” He asks, trying not to sound too eager, especially at the mention of cuddling. 
“Fineee,” you smile. “If you insist,”.  
Internally, Joe was screaming. He told himself that he’d let things flow the way they were and let things happen naturally, that’s if something were to happen. He didn’t know if he was just reading into things a little too much, but was it just him or were you acting a little different around him?
Your heart felt like it was about to beat out of your chest. There was no reason for you to get so worked up over sharing a bed with Joe. It was nothing, just you sleeping right next to him, together under the covers, so incredibly close to his body. It was definitely nothing. 
A little later, you're getting ready for bed as Joe brings out an extra pillow for you. You walk over to the bed, open the soft covers, and slide in. His bed was so comfortable; so soft and like a cloud. He turns off the lights and plugs in his phone before joining you in bed. Your heart was beating so fast as he moved into the bed next to you. There was no reason for this to be weird, but you were making it weird. 
You moved back against the pillow, sliding down the bed, and pulling the covers up to protect you from the chilly room and to hide your nervousness. 
“Did you have fun tonight?” You asked Joe as you stared up at the ceiling. 
“Actually? I did. All thanks to you,” he said. 
“Really?” You giggled, moving your head to look at him. You could barely make out his face in the darkness, but you could tell he was looking at you. 
“Yup. You make everything more enjoyable and bearable for me,” he said, turning his head back over and staring up at the ceiling. “Did you have fun? I hope these football things aren’t getting too repetitive for you,”.
“Not at all repetitive. You know I love doing this stuff with you. I needed a break from life and this was just the thing. Thanks for bringing me with you,” you smiled.
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N. You know I’m always here when you need something, even if it’s an escape from life for a day,” he says as he moves his hand down to yours, entwining your fingers together as he gives your hand a soft squeeze. Butterflies filled your stomach at his soft touch and meaningful words. 
“Besides, I enjoy having you as my permanent plus 1,” he laughs. 
“Permanent?” You ask, feeling the heat rise up your body again. 
“Yeah,” he sighs. “If you haven’t noticed, I’m not having much luck in the girlfriend department,”. 
“Not saying you’re filling in those shoes and are a filler,” he says, quickly trying to soften his words because of how jerky it sounded. “I just like having you with me all the time, Ya know? That’s prob why people think you’re my girlfriend”.
“It’s okay, Joe. I know what you mean,” you say, adding a fake laugh into the mix. Your stomach did a somersault when he said that. Were you really about to have this conversation about that topic right now? 
“But please, I could name at least 100 girls who would be standing at your doorstep in an instant,” you giggle. 
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I want any of those girls,” he says, craning his head over to face you, his hand still holding yours, now tighter. 
“I want someone who matches my vibe. Someone who makes me feel normal and doesn’t constantly remind me that I’m a millionaire quarterback. Someone that I can take home to my parents and can feel comfortable around. Someone who can enjoy the simplicity of playing Smash-Bros and building Legos as a date. Someone that appreciates the real me and not the superficial flashy shit,” he says. As he was saying all of this, the girl he pictured in his mind was you. He was describing you. You were what he wanted. 
“You didn’t find that with Stella?” You asked, completely oblivious to what he was implying.
“Nah. She was great at first but as time went on I realized that she was more into the lifestyle of dating a football player than the actual relationship part. And I also didn’t feel fireworks with her,” he said.
“Ah yes. Fireworks. Just like your Mom told us,” you remembered. His mom had told you at dinner a few years ago that when she met his dad, she felt fireworks. Fireworks are what you feel when you meet the right person, according to Robin. You hadn’t felt fireworks with any other guy other than Joe, but you never told that to anyone. And he felt the same. He felt fireworks every time he was with you and he’d never felt that with any girl. 
“Yeah so I’ll probably die alone, he jokes.
“Please, we’ll die alone together,” you say as you take your hand out of hold and playfully shove his shoulder.
“I’m assuming there’s no guys on your radar?” He wonders, hoping you would say no.
“Nope. There hasn’t been any since Noah,” you replied.
“That was 8 months ago,” Joe gasped.
“Why do you sound so surprised?” you laughed. “You know I’ve never had luck with guys. None of them match my vibe and want something else out of the relationship that I don’t agree with. I want someone real, genuine, and serious,”. 
“I could name 100 guys that would be at your doorstep in an instant,” he says, echoing your words from earlier.
“Doesn’t mean I want any of them,” you say, echoing his words. 
“Fair point,” he laughs. 
“Yeah. So I’ll die alone too,” you joke.
“Technically not alone if we die alone together. We’ll have each other,” he said. 
“I wouldn’t want it any other way,” you yawned, feeling another wave of tiredness
“Sleepy time?” Joe chuckles. 
“Mhmmm,” you groan as you stretch out your arms. “Don't ever let me drink that much again,” you mumble as you pull the covers higher. 
“You got it. Goodnight, Y/N,” he smiles as he turns his head over to you. 
“Night, Joey,” you smile before turning over and letting out a deep breath. 
20 minutes passed by and you were still wide awake, not finding comfort in his bed which was odd considering it was like a cloud. Your thoughts about you and Joe were also keeping you from sleeping. Ever since your sister mentioned that you were acting like Joe’s girlfriend yesterday, your head was spiraling and the alcohol from tonight was making it worse. And the conversation you just had with him was making it even more confusing. Sure, you did some girlfriend-type things, but you knew he would never look at you that way. He saw you as a friend and that’s all, at least that’s what you thought. 
Suddenly, you felt Joe’s hand creep around your waist, pulling you into his chest. Your heart stopped and your body froze from the sudden movement. What the actual fuck was going on. 
“Joe?” You mumbled, not meeting his eyes because you were literally about to scream.
“Hm?” He mumbled, half asleep. 
“Your arm,” you whispered.
“I’m cold,” he muttered as he held you tighter. “And you’re so warm and comfy,”. 
Your heartbeat picked up again as you felt his big hand sprawled out against your belly, not to mention that your ass was literally on his crotch right now. His body, although saying he felt cold, was hot. So very hot. 
“Is this weird?” he mumbles, opening his eyes. He really hoped that this didn’t weird you out.
You stayed silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to say or do. You didn’t feel weird oddly enough as that sounded. Something about this felt natural and so right. 
“It’s okay,” you softly spoke. “I’m good,”. 
Joe smiled at your response, feeling like he was flying through the clouds right now as he was practically cuddling with his favorite person. Everything about this just felt so right, and he wasn’t the only one who thought so. 
“Good, you said you were a cuddler so I hope this is comfy,” he mumbled. 
You felt your heart exploding as he moved closer to you. His arm around you felt like a safety blanket, protecting you from everything on the outside. A comfortable embrace that you wished you had around you forever. It felt right.
“Trust me, it’s perfect,” you whisper, closing your eyes and losing yourself in his embrace, too tired from the night to fight back. 
A few moments later, you were fast asleep, finally feeling comfortable and it was all because of him. 
The next morning 
Your eyes slowly flutter open as the golden light shines through the windows. You reach out to grab your phone, the time reading 7:35 AM. You felt your head slowly start to throb, a sure result of your hangover from last night. You were just about to get up but you felt a heavy force holding you down. 
“What the-” you whisper as you look down, noticing Joe’s hand is still wrapped around your stomach. You had forgotten that you were at his house and in his bed, and he was still wrapped around you. 
“Uh oh,” you whisper. You turned your head around and saw Joe sound asleep, looking so adorable as his hair was sprawled out against the pillow and soft snores coming from his mouth. You remember that he brought you here after the party last night, which meant you had no way of getting back home. You didn’t want to wake him up because first, he looked so comfortable right now, and second, you didn’t know how to talk to him after what happened last night. Those thoughts you had about your relationship with Joe only got stronger after the night you had. Although nothing like that happened, your feelings for him surely got more complicated. 
“Don’t leave me,” you heard Joe mumble in his sleep. 
Your eyes widened at his soft words, was he talking about you? You turned your head around to see if he was awake, but he was still sound asleep and snoring again. He must’ve been sleeptalking, you thought to yourself. 
You pulled out your phone again, opening up your messages to beg your friend Lydia to come pick you up. She usually got up early on Saturdays for Pilates so she should respond.
You: emergency! please come pick me up 
Lydia: good morning to you too lol. everything alright? 
You: everything’s fine I just uhh need a ride home
Lydia: home? where are you?? 
You: joe’s house 
Lydia: oh 👀 
You sighed at your friend's text. Now was not the time to have this conversation and you knew exactly what she was going to say. You and Lydia had known each other since Ohio State so she pretty much knew everything about you and Joe’s friendship since you were all a part of the same friend group. She was a huge advocate for you and Joe to be a couple back at OSU, but you always shut her down before she could get too matchmaker-ish. She claimed that she saw something “special” between you two, but your ignorant ass brushed it off over and over, just like how you were doing now. 
You: just pls come pick me up
Lydia: on my way ;) be there in 10
You let out a relieved sigh as you carefully peeled Joe’s hand off from your waist, quickly replacing it with a pillow so he wouldn’t feel the difference, and thankfully he didn’t. You walked into the bathroom, grabbed your clothes from last night, and quickly exited his room. You glanced back at him for a few seconds, taking note of the smile on his adorable face and his arms wrapped tightly around the pillow that he thought was your waist. 
“Man,” you whispered to yourself as you turned back around and made your way down the stairs. 
You waited by the door for Lydia as your mind was exploding with thoughts now that you were sober enough to process everything. What the hell happened last night? Was Joe just being the usual Joe because something felt different about his mannerisms, words, and attitude toward you the entire night? And even this morning, his arm was still around your waist and seemingly wasn’t planning on moving it. 
You heard a car pull up and peeked out the window, seeing that it was your bestie. “Thank fuck,” you sighed as you had to escape the scene. You don’t know what you would’ve said to him once he had woken up. Especially since you were 100% in your senses now. 
You quickly opened the door, softly shutting it on your way out. You ran over to her car and hopped inside without a second thought. 
“Damn, you’re in a rush,” she laughs as she locks the door after you shut it. 
“No rush. Just uhh, need to get home,” you say as you buckle your seatbelt.
“Whatever you say,” Lydia giggles as she puts the car in drive. “So how was it?” She asks. 
“How was what?” You say, raising your eyebrows.
“The sex, dummy,” she laughs.
“What?” You shriek as your eyes widen.
“Don't play dumb with me, Y/N. Is he as good in bed as he is on the field?”. 
You stare at her for a few quiet seconds before breaking out into a fit of laughter. 
“Oh my god,” you laugh as you lean forward. 
“Took you long enough. I’ve been saying this would happen for yeaaaars,” she boasts. “Why else would you need me to come to pick you up from Joe’s house at 8 am while you’re wearing what definitely is his t-shirt and I assume no shorts and just panties underneath?” She adds. 
“You’ve got it all wrong,” you wheeze. “I was super drunk last night from the Christmas party and he just brought me to his place,”. 
“Ahh, so drunken sex? Even better,” she teases as she winks at you.
“Lydia, we didn’t hook up,” you say, your laughter dying down. “He just gave me his shirt so I wouldn’t have to sleep in my outfit from the party,”. 
“Okayyy sure, but that still doesn’t explain why you ran out of his house so early in the morning and why he couldn’t take you home,” she said. 
“That’s a long story,” you say, taking a deep breath and falling back into your seat.
“We’ve got time,” she laughs.
“I don’t really know,” you breathe out, staring up at the ceiling of the car. “My sister mentioned the other day that I’m acting like Joe’s girlfriend and it just got me thinking,” you sigh. 
“Oh?” She says, a smile forming on her face.
“And last night was weird. I feel like he was being extra affectionate but I don’t know if that was just the alcohol in my system messing with me. And he was talking to me about how he hadn’t found the right girl yet, how he brings me everywhere and that’s why people think we’re dating, and how I’m his ‘permanent plus 1’ because he likes having me around,”. 
“Ohhhhh?” Lydia drags out, her face scrunching up as she tries to hold back from saying something about it.
“Don’t get too excited. I already knew that the general public thought that we were together, but I thought we were over that,”. 
“You won’t be able to get over that until you admit the truth. And the truth is that you like him. Like more than just a friend,” Lydia blurts out. “I see it, the public sees it, and I honestly think Joe sees it too,”. 
You stay silent for a few seconds, a little taken aback by her observation and not knowing how to respond to her since you can barely make sense of your feelings.
“Oh my god? You like him don’t you?!” She yells as she looks over at you.  
“I don’t knowwww,” you said. “There’s a lot of thoughts in my head right now and I don’t know what to think. I feel like he’s been acting differently around me, like more lovey-dovey differently but I don’t know if I’m reading into it too much,” you respond. 
“Okay, well what are the thoughts in your head saying?”.
“That I think I like him? Or still like him I guess. But I don’t know if he feels the same and I don’t wanna say anything because if he doesn’t, it’ll fuck up our friendship and I can’t lose him,” you say. 
“He’s so sweet and perfect. Joe knows me better than anyone and knows exactly how to cheer me up, calm me down, and make me have fun. I’ve never met anyone like him before and being by his side since day 1 has been a dream but also crazy. And the fact that he hasn't changed since we met is even more crazy. Even with all the money, fame, and attention, he's still Joe. My Joe," you smile. “The same adorable, nerdy, football player that was my lab partner in chemistry freshman year,”.
“Girl, you definitely love him,” your friend says, looking over at you with a straight face.
“Love?” You ask, your heart skipping a beat. 
“Yes, love. You’ve known each other since freshman year of college and if I’m not mistaken, those feelings have been there since then. You’re doing the same thing you did back then, letting your overthinking get in the way. You’re too afraid of losing him as a friend, but Y/N, what if he has the same feelings as you? This isn’t a matter of liking a boy, it’s a matter of you being in love with someone who you’ve had feelings for since you both met. That’s years and years of unanswered feelings that were being built up inside of you and spilling out right now,”. 
Were you in love with Joe? Have you been in love with him all this time? You find yourself smiling as you imagine you and Joe as a couple. Waking up to his adorable smile and sexy morning voice every day, going on cute little dates with him every week around town, kissing him good luck before every game, getting to curl up on the couch with him after every game, and talking about anything and everything together for hours on end without any limitations. It all sounded like a dream, a dream you wished was reality. 
Lydia looked over at your face, seeing you with a huge grin on your face and a blush creeping up on your cheeks.
“I knew it. You love him,” she says as she playfully shoves your shoulder. "There is a reason why none of your relationships work out. The person who you've been waiting for has been right in front of you this entire time,".
“Again, I don’t know,” you giggle. “I don’t wanna say anything to him because I don’t know if he feels the same way,”.
“I get that, I do. You don’t want to risk your friendship, but here’s my advice. Go with the flow. If something’s going to happen, it will. If nothing’s gonna happen, it won’t. Let things unfold naturally and if he’s there and waiting for you at the door, open it and never let him leave,” she says. “And I have a feeling that he’s gonna be at the door,” she adds. 
You spent a few seconds thinking about her advice. She was right, if you weren’t overthinking it and he really did feel the same way about you, he would be there. And if you were overthinking it, and he didn’t feel the same, you would accept it, bury those feelings for real this time, and keep the ball rolling.
You just had to wait and see.
To be continued! 
part 2
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osachiyo · 1 year
°˖✧✿✧˖°SO HOT!°˖✧✿✧˖°
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➳INCLUDING! kaeya, diluc, childe, zhongli
➳CONTENT WARNINGS! grown ass men going feral over sudresses, spanking, breeding, outdoor sex, choking, impact play, nipple play, cunnilingus, fellatio, only a liiiiitle bit of assplay etc
➳SUMMARY! you wear a sundress and your man just cannot keep it in his pants
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Kaeya Alberich
It was a scorching summer day in Mondstadt, meaning the absolute perfect day for you to wear that skimpy see-through sundress you had bought a while back! You bought it last summer but alas, had no chance to wear it. So you decided to wear it this year. Nothing could go wrong right? You knew your boyfriend, Kaeya, would adore it.
Your back was arched like a cat against the wall of the cathedral as Kaeya went down on you. His left hand pinning you against the wall as his right hand lifted your leg over his shoulder. You could feel him mouthing your soaked cunt. He fucking loved your taste. You could feel his tongue flicking over your clit in fast circles as he moaned into your pussy, the vibrations of his voice making you lean your head back with your eyes squeezed shut. Your hand found it's way over to his dark blue locks, clutching it for dear life as he groaned and shoved his face impossibly further into your dripping pussy. He flattened his tongue and ran it over your slit multiple times before spreading apart your labia with his thumbs. He spit directly on your twitching hole before slurping it all up and shoving his tongue inside. This was so embarrassing. So fucking sinful but you couldn't get enough of it.
Atleast you were right about one thing, Kaeya definitely adored the sundress on you.
Diluc Ragnvindr
You had begged Diluc to rate some of your outfits while you showcased them to him. He, of course, was a little reluctant of course but agreed nonetheless. He just couldn't help but give in to your demands. You both were currently in your shared room, giving him a tiny fashion show with all of your adorable outfits. He rated almost everything ten out of ten because come on, you look gorgeous in everything. You changed into your little sundress that you had bought and it was a little more revealing than you thought it'd be but that's alright. A little skin never hurt nobody, right?
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Diluc slammed into you repeatedly, making a mess on the carpet beneath you. You were currently bent over the bed as your husband pounded into your tight, gooey hole. He already came two times inside of you but alas, he still craved for more. Seems like seeing you in that sundress switched something in him. His fingers rubbed tight and fast circles on your clit, coaxing you into your 3rd orgasm. Or was it your 4th? You honestly couldn't remember. Diluc groaned as he saw a creamy white ring around his cock every time he pulled out, just to shove it back in.
If you had known Diluc would react like that to the sundress, you would've worn it a long time ago.
You and your boyfriend, Childe, were on a cute little picnic-date today. You packed some sandwiches and other stuff as well. You also did some light makeup and wore a cute sundress too! You were really really happy to finally spend some time with your amazing boyfriend. Yes, he was the best boyfriend you could ask for but he was quite busy due to his fatui duties. So you really looked forward today. But upon arriving at the picnic spot, you realized your boyfriend wasn't too interested into eating the sandwiches, rather much more looking forward to ravishing you.
"F-fuck, Ajax! What if someone catches us?!" You complained, looking behind your shoulder at your boyfriend, who had you bent over a tree while he kneeled behind you, too focused on your ass to care about whatever you're yapping about. He caressed the back of your thigh, laughing, "They'd be real fuckin' lucky, baby. Now spread those legs a bit more, yeah?" You grumbled angrily but complied nonetheless, spreading your legs more. He flips your skirt up as he felt his mouth water upon seeing the damp spot on your lacy panties. He curled his finger around the waistband pulled it back, before letting it snap against your waist, making you jolt at the slight pain. He suddenly buried his face between your legs, his nose bumping against your ass. Ajax pushed your panties to the side before licking a long stripe from your clit to your twitching hole, making you shiver in pleasure. He smirked then landed a harsh slap against your right asscheek, making you cry out curses at him. He only laughed in response as he landed another slap on your other cheek. He spread your cheeks apart and blew on your twitching hole. You whispered in anticipation. He then plunged his tongue into your hole, while gripping your ass. You moaned in appreciation as you gripped the tree harder. Ajax slurped at your pussy like he had been deprived of water for days. Then suddenly, you felt his finger prodding at your other hole before slipping right in, making you arch your back and push yourself more into his face.
God he loved eating you out from the back.
It was the hottest day you've encountered in Liyue so far. What better time than now to wear the skimpiest fucking dress you owned? Luckily, your husband, Zhongli, wasn't quite affected by it. He still couldn't keep his eyes off of your pretty tits, though. But he was a level-headed man with self control. But then you just had to eat some darn ice cream. It was on a stick, as well. Then you just fucking had to accidentally spill it all over your tits, the creamy, milky white substance sticking to your little dress and coating your beautiful tits. You should've known better, really.
You gargled around Zhongli's fat cock down your throat while he gripped your hair tightly in his still-gloved hand. The ice cream was still on your tits, all dried and sticky on your soft skin. You were getting his cream on them next though, worry not. Your eyes rolled back as he tried to push himself even deeper in your already stuffed throat, his own head tipping back when you whined around his girth. "Just a little longer, little one," he'd grunt, while thrusting up wildly into your mouth.
Level headed man with self control your ass.
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©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, reblogs are very appreciated♡
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hyperfixatedbastard · 4 months
do you write hypnosis stuff?? it's not specifically against the rules but idk it's kind of an iffy era for a lot of writers-
if it's okay with you, could you write some Vox x Singer!Reader who he uses his mind control on to sell their soul to him so they remain under the VoxTek label? (im sure remaining with him is an ulterior motive of his as well lol)
thanks :]
I can absolutely do that! I’m a little iffy about NSFW hypnosis, but I can do a SFW oneshot :)
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siren songs
Obsessed!Vox x Singer!GN!Reader
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Word Count: 1.4k
WARNINGS: Yandere-ish behavior, hypnosis, manipulation, toxic behavior, all that good stuff
A/N: I told y'all I'd be back with some toxic Vox!! I wasn't entirely sure how to end this one, but I've spent enough time rewriting it to stop caring. This one is only romantic in theory - nothing actually romantic happens between Vox and Reader, it's more mutual pining than anything else This is also my first time writing obsessive behavior, so I hope I did it well!
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You’ve been working with the Vees for years now. You were originally recruited by Velvette, who’s like a bloodhound for new talent. She saw some popular videos of your singing online, and she made you famous.
But you don’t work with her that much, oddly enough. Over time, you gradually started to see her less and less. Vox was the one to take her place. By the time you noticed, there wasn’t much you could do about it—you’re certainly not an equal to the Vees, so there wasn’t much you could do. Sure, you could’ve quit then and there, as you’d never signed a soul-binding contract, but you really liked your job. You were getting to do what you loved for a living! Who wouldn’t want that?
Well, you. You don’t want that anymore. You’re getting burnt out. You feel like you’re out of creativity for writing songs, and singing no longer has the same appeal it used to. It feels like a chore. Getting on stage doesn’t get you excited—it just fills you with dread.
Then you saw the videos of the annual clown pageant down in the Greed Ring. How Fizzarolli, Mammon’s favorite little jester, just…quit. Just like that. 
Can you do that?
You don’t have backup like Fizzarolli did. There’s no Prince of Hell to protect you if the Vees lash out in response to your resignation. But the Vees aren’t Mammon. They’re powerful Overlords, sure, but they wouldn’t kill off an easy cash grab like you. And they don’t have any leverage to use against you—you’re a fucking superstar, you learned to stop keeping secrets a long time ago.
Yeah, you can totally do this!
You spend the next week making a plan. You currently live in V Tower, so finding another living arrangement is a priority. Luckily, your standards are just as low as before you got famous, so snatching up an apartment doesn’t take long. You’ve been building up savings for some time now, just little bits here and there that wouldn’t look suspicious among your bank withdrawls, so you have enough money to last you a while. You’ve made a go-bag, but you’re not too worried about bringing anything with you, as you have enough cash to just buy new shit. By the time the end of the week comes around, you’ve got your escape plan ready to go. All that’s left is to actually quit.
You decide that directly speaking to Vox is your best option. Velvette and you don’t have the same rapport that you used to, and Valentino is just… no. During your time working with Vox, you like to think there’s some sort of friendship there. The two of you chat amicably, and he always makes sure you’re okay when it comes to creepy fans and the like. You feel like there could be something more than just friendship, but you don’t plan on staying long enough to find out. As much as you like Vox, you’re not willing to spend the rest of your afterlife hating every second of your job just for him.
You stand outside Vox’s lair, mentally preparing yourself for this conversation. You take a deep breath, and right before you can knock on the door, it opens.
Okay, here goes.
You aren’t as sneaky as you seem to think you are.
A normal boss wouldn’t have noticed the small transactions in your bank account, or the little trips you’ve been taking to go look at apartments. But Vox isn’t a ‘normal boss’ by any means. And he noticed.
From the moment Vox set eyes on you, he knew he wanted you. You’re beautiful, and fuck, your voice—he just can’t get you out of his damn head, no matter how hard he tries. And he really fucking tried. But he couldn’t avoid you, thanks to VoxTek being such an integral part of your performances. And you’re like a damn siren with that voice of yours, even though he’s supposed to be the hypnotizing one here. Eventually, he just gave in and accepted that he was more than a little obsessed with you. That’s why he started drawing you closer to him, pushing away Velvette and taking control of your brand. He doesn’t like sharing.
Obsession isn’t a particularly new feeling for Vox. He certainly has… tendencies. But this isn’t like whatever the fuck he’s got going on with that deer-headed, old-timey bastard Alastor. It’s not a lust thing, either. You’re certainly attractive, and Vox most definitely would sleep with you, but that’s not the main factor at play here. This is a deeper obsession than any of that bullshit.
Vox knows that he doesn’t own your soul. He’s well aware that he can’t truly stop you from quitting. Even if he managed to trap you inside V Tower, he can’t force you to keep up the performances. If he had you under a proper soul-binding contract, though…
He would own you.
Now, he’s not Valentino. He doesn’t plan to take that kind of advantage over you. He doesn’t want to change a damn thing. He just wants you to stay.
And he will make you stay.
He knows when you approach his office, and he opens the doors with the touch of a button on his desk. He plasters that casually perfect smile on his screen and turns to face you as you enter. The doors shut behind you.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you today, my dear,” he lies easily, the charismatic mask fitting into place like it was never absent in the first place. “How can I help you?”
You hesitate, your anxiety starting to get to you. But you’re determined to do this. You clear your throat and step forward. “I’m resigning.”
Vox’s smile doesn’t falter, nor does his screen glitch. His demeanor is…unnerving, to say the least. You’ve known him to be temperamental, emotional. You expected some kind of reaction. But he’s just smirking at you like he always does.
“I don’t suppose there’s anything I can do to change your mind,” he replies smoothly, tilting his head to the side just slightly.
“No,” you confirm, trying to sound confident in your answer. You’re not sure if you succeed. “I’ve already made my decision.”
Vox sighs, though he doesn’t sound very defeated. His smirk hasn’t gone away, either. “Well, then. It’s been a pleasure working with you, darling.”
He holds his hand out for you to shake. The gesture immediately worries you, as it’s the well-known sign of a deal. But you reassure yourself that there’s no deal being made here. Hell may be chaotic, but there’s rules when it comes to these kinds of things. Neither of you have offered anything, therefore there’s no harm in shaking his hand. It’s just a respectful gesture of a boss wishing their employee farewell. It all feels too easy, but you’re too relieved to think too hard about it.
You go to take his hand, but as you lift your head up to meet his gaze, everything goes fuzzy.
Vox grabs you by your wrist before you can shake his hand. He’s not rough with you. He’s careful of his claws, ensuring they don’t put too much pressure on your skin. Not that you’d notice, either way—your mind is far gone at this point, thanks to those spirals in his eye.
“In exchange for your soul, you’ll remain under the VoxTek label and continue working for me. Your work will remain the same as before. You’ll forget about leaving. You will want to stay here. You will want to stay here with me.”
A golden scroll appears out of thin air, and it floats in front of you as it unfurls. “Sign it.”
Your body moves on its own. You sign your name on the line at the bottom of the page.
Vox releases your wrist, and takes your hand in his own as his eye reverts back to its normal state. When you come to just moments later, he’s shaking your hand with calm professionality.
“I’m glad we got that sorted out,” Vox remarks smoothly, his smirk looking almost proud now. “I look forward to your next performance, my dear.”
You blink a few times as you become more lucid and aware. “Uh, yeah. Can’t wait!”
You smile, and Vox releases your hand, seemingly satisfied with your answer. You don’t remember what exactly you came in here for, but you’re happy with the outcome.  “Perfect.”
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shroomdreams · 9 days
jealousy doesnt look good on you hunny
various possessive!HSR characters x gn!reader
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cw: somewhat dark content, slightly yandere, amab and afab reader (yukong’s part)
Lets get one thing straight: you’re burnt out from love, having been heartbroken so many times by partners you thought you could trust. Eventually you gave up and started fooling around for fun and fortune, giving your intimacy to some lonely souls in exchange for money, gifts, or food. You have a good system going on, but that may change...
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Welt Yang
You first saw the gentleman from the Astral Express during the whole fiasco in Penacony, being there to serve as arm candy to a rather wealthy businessman while he parades his wealth around. You seemed quite bored with your surrounding, taking the occasional sip from your drink when you spot Welt from the corner of your eye.
Something about him was captivating... Was it his golden eyes, filled with so much wisdom and experience? Was it perhaps the way he spoke, how his words seem to make you want to fall to your knees? Or maybe it was because you have a thing for older men?
Either way, when your contract with your previous client ended, you couldn’t help but hope that Welt would make another appearance before you left Penacony. It was unlikely to happen and you were more than ready to accept that he’d be another passing interest in the grand cosmos. That’s what you thought until you met him again, this time before the Astral Express departed from the land of dreams.
You talked with Welt about your situation, finding it easy to admit that you aren’t exactly in a good place in your life. Welt seemed to understand, but you wouldn’t be surprised if he was just pretending to sympathize. Most older folk you’ve met disapproved of your current lifestyle, calling you all sorts of awful names. But not Welt. Welt listened to your story, and appeared to genuinely feel sorry for you.
Somehow, you find yourself on the Astral Express as a passenger. Welt said you were allowed to stay on the train until they reach your final stop. You were very grateful for that, and perhaps the constant change of scenery would do you some good.
Of course, old habits are hard to break. Cozying up to Welt was second nature to you, leaning your head on his shoulder while he talks to you about his experiences on a planet called “Earth.” He doesn’t seem to mind, running a hand through your hair as you snuggle into your arms. The flustered face he makes when March takes a couple of cheeky photos is something you want to forever.
On times where Welt’s frustrations are close to breaching the surface, you’re more than happy to help. You could feel his hand struggling not to tighten around your hair as you suckle on his cock, your moans muffled as he came in your mouth. Sometimes, he’d simply ask you to keep his cock warm, sighing heavily as you sink down on his length. He’s probably the oldest man you’ve taken, if you didn’t count any of your Xianzhou clients.
There are times where Welt’s dominance shines through. He huffs, bending you over his desk as lubricates his cock. You squeal when the tip of his cock enters your hole, moaning when he sheaths himself all the way in, hitting the sensitive spot within your walls. Welt groans out your name as his hips make contact with your ass, obscene noises filling his room as he roughly pounds you. His eyes hold a golden glint as he cums deep inside, painting your walls with his whites as he rubs circles on your hips.
Sessions of lovemaking slowly turn rougher and rougher, to the point where you wake up with hickeys, bruises, and cum splattered on your thighs from how intensely Welt treated you. He’s even drawn your fucked out state in a secret sketchbook of his, something to keep him company when you eventually leave...
...Which is something Welt doesn’t want. There are times where you seem keen on the newest place the Astral Express stopped at, which fuels his possessiveness. You’re safe here on the Express with your new family, and most importantly him.
One day, Welt has you on his bed with just his scarf on, the item wrapped around your wrists. You cry out his name when Welt’s mouth wrap around your nipple, his hand playing with the other bud as you arched your back. When Welt finally relented from his teasing, you were panting heavily, chest overstimulated from his actions. “Stay-” He mutters, placing one of your legs over his shoulder as he enters you. “Stay with me, please... You don’t have to- mmm- Be on the move all the time.”
As you lay in Welt’s hold, you wonder if staying in the Express would be better for you in the long run. You have food, shelter, and bed to share with Welt... And to be fair, you’ve left many things behind. Why not leave your old life as well?
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Getting tangled with the Galaxy Rangers was not something you wanted to experience, and yet here you were, slung over a cyborg’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Apparently, the client you were with had a bounty on her head, and was also a very dangerous individual. You didn’t mean to pick such a high value target- You were just enticed by the money, that’s all. But according to Boothill, that made you a bad guy as well. However, he seemed pretty flustered when he barged into the room while you were about to go down on your client. You didn’t so much as blink when your benefactor fled the scene, leaving you at Boothill’s mercy.
The cowboy wanted to turn you in, but when he couldn’t find any bounties on your head, he just shook his head, grumbled as he let you go. Before you left, you slipped him your number, cheekily telling him to call when he’s feeling lonely. You thought that would be the last of your interactions with Boothill, that was until your phone rang with an unknown number displayed on the screen.
Boothill asked- more like demanded that you meet with him somewhere, told you he’d make it worth your while. With a shrug, you throw on a sensible outfit and follow the coordinates he sent, leading you to a carnival ran by the Masked Fools. Boothill gives you a grin, slinging an arm over your shoulder as he takes you out on a date. By the end of the day, you’ve filled up on cotton candy and popcorn, while Boothill proudly carries the large stuff animal he won you.
When you get home, you decide to let Boothill in. He sits on the couch, legs spread wide as you go about your business, preparing some refreshments. When you set the tray of snacks on the coffee table, trying to sit on the cushions leads you to straddling Boothill, hands on his shoulders. Boothill’s sharp teeth grazes your neck as his hands wander your body, squeezing your flesh.
Whether you have a pussy or a cock, it doesn’t matter, you will be riding Boothill’s dick until you’re brainless. Metal makes contact with your skin, ass jiggling as you try to keep yourself awake while Boothill’s length rubs against your walls. You had no idea he could even cum- You’re pretty sure his release is just some kind of white lubricant. Either way, he has you crying by the end of the night, and he’s such a bastard about it. He licks away your tears while he fingers your cunt/strokes your dick.
Boothill becomes something of a random event in your life. He’ll either call you and vie for your attention, or he’ll just show up with some gifts, holding your hips as he grinds against you. At some point you learn that he’s a very jealous man, growling when you come home with hickeys on your neck (you’ve given him a spare key since he decided he wants to make your home his base.) Perhaps he’s forgotten, but you made sure to remind him that what you had was not exclusive. You had to make a living somehow, after all. However, this response just pisses him off.
“Maybe yer sweetie little tush don’t belong to no shirtbag before,” He growled, trapping you against the wall, looking down at you with an angry expression. “But that changes now. Yer mine, ya hear?” You don’t get a change to respond before Boothill captures your lips, his tongue tangling with yours as he shreds your clothing, leaving you in underwear... the same underwear your previous client bought you. The cowboy slides between your legs, making you cling onto him as he pulls out his cock.
“Those good-fer-nothing sons of nice ladies don’t deserve ya,” Boothill growled into your ear as he slides in, his cock providing a generous amount of lube so as to not hurt you. “Always flaunting you around like yer nothin’- fffffudge- nothin’ but a pretty accessory they bought, but- haaah- that won’t be the case with me, baby.” You could barely comprehend the words coming out from his mouth, gasping and panting as he grips your hips tight, bouncing you on his cock. “Shirt- Dang it!” Your back makes contact with the wall as Boothill speeds up, his length hitting the deepest spots in your walls as you beg for his mercy.
“Mine mine mine mine-” He rasps, mouthing at your jaw as you wail out his name, babbling about how you’ll break. Boothill pushes up into your hole as he cums deep- groaning into your ear as you shudder around him, whimpering from the overstimulation. “Say it,” Boothill urges, looking at you through lust-filled eyes. “Say that yer mine, darlin’...”
You mumble his name before promptly passing out.
Perhaps it’s time you changed the locks on your door... Maybe even move out and find a new place.
Then again, the Galaxy Rangers are pathstriders of the Hunt. It wouldn’t be long until Boothill finds you once more. Maybe it’s time you retire from your “job,” just to keep your clients safe until Boothill gets bored of you... Hopefully.
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How did you even get involved with the Helm Master of the Sky Faring Commission? It’s a bit of a story. It involves some missing documents, your client getting into a scuffle with the Cloud Knights, and now you’re sat in an interrogation room. When you see Madam Yukong herself walking in, you’re nearly certain that you’re in deep, deep shit. However, she surprises you by making you a cup of tea and asking about how you’re feeling.
The foxian clarifies that she just wanted to check on your status, since seeing your boyfriend be apprehended must have been a shock. Her face sports a confused expression when you laugh and shake your head, saying that he man they apprehended is more of a business partner than a boyfriend. Though not visible on her face, anger bubbles within her as you admit that you’re just an escort for that man. She asks a few more questions before bidding you farewell.
You don’t hear from your client after you are released. Yukong says he was kicked out from the Luofu shortly after. Realizing you don’t have a place to stay, you were about to ask Yukong where you could take up residence when she happily offered for you to stay at her home. That’s how you wound up in guest room, sat on the bed as Yukong explains a few rules: 1. You would no longer offer your services to the citizens of the Luofu. 2. You tell if her anything bothers your. 3. No funny business when Caiyi visits. 4. No staying out at nighttime.
Rules you’re familiar with. She reminds you of your previous landlady. You can’t complain too much, but you’re worried about how you could repay her for her kindness. So you end up working a few odd jobs here and there, stashing away your strales until you felt you had enough to give to Yukong. But when you presented the strales to the foxian, she just shook her head and told you to spend it on yourself.
A routine settles between the two of you. You would wake up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for the two of you, and when Yukong leaves, you take care of the housework (which admittedly isn’t much.) And when she comes home, you greet her with a smile joining her for dinner. Sometimes, she gives you a trinket or two.
However, you’re unused to this level of domesticity. The lights outside tempt you to flee, find some lost soul, and just... do whatever. So that’s exactly what you do. One night, when Yukong was too busy with work to come home, you put on a traditional Xianzhou outfit and head out to Aurum Alley. You quickly found a foxian to hang out with, clinging to his arm as he showed you around. A quick drink or two, and you find yourself in an alleyway, sat on a crate as he made out with you.
What you both fail to realize is that another foxian had been following the two of you for some time. Yukong glowers at the man as he begins disrobing. “That’s enough.” Her sharp tone has him freezing up in alarm, while you gulp. “Leave, and I’ll consider not reporting the two of you for indecent behavior in a public space.” Cowed by her words, the foxian man ditches you, leaving you with a very angry Yukong.
She drags you back home, the journey heavy with silence. You’ve never seen her so mad before, her gentle features warped into one of pure wrath. But instead of hitting you or screaming into your ears, Yukong beckons you over with her finger. When you get close to her, she has you sat on her lap as her violet eyes bore into yours. Her hand settles on your cheek, her thumb swiping at your bottom lip. “I told you before that you are to cease your activities.” She growls, her tail swishing in anticipation as she kisses your face. “Perhaps I need to teach you a lesson.”
She captures your lips in a frenzied haze as she starts taking off your clothes, leaving you bare while she remains fully clothed. One of her hands stays at your neck as the other one makes its way down to your intimate parts. If you have a vagina, her fingers would be sliding over the lips of your cunt, getting you wet enough so she could start pumping her digits inside, watching as you gush around her. If you have a penis, she would wet her hand before grasping your length, stimulating your shaft until you came all over yourself.
And she doesn’t stop, not until she thinks you’ve learned your lesson. You gasp and grab at her hands, feebly trying to stop her as she sped up, driving you to another orgasm. Yukong forces her fingers into your mouth, making you taste yourself as she commands you to clean off her fingers. After that, you find yourself blindfolded and tied up, laying on your back.
(AFAB!Reader) You whine as you feel her cunny rubbing up against yours, her clit kissing your sensitive nub as she pants. Yukong plays with your tits, kneading and squishing your nipples as she ruts against you, your union creating a cacophony of wet noise. Yukong sighs as she ground her pussy against yours, cumming on your cunny as you gasp out her name.
(AMAB!Reader) Yukong pushes your thighs to your chest, folding you in half as she hovers above your cock. A moan tumbles out your mouth when Yukong sinks her warmth down, squeezing your length. She growls, bouncing her hips while you moan out loud, feeling your release building up. Yukong slams down one last time as your cock twitches, breathing heavily as you cum deep in her walls.
As you recover from your orgasm, Yukong leans over and sinks her teeth into the junction between your neck and your shoulder, marking you with a very noticeable hickey.
Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to be Yukong’s cute house spouse, is what your lust-addled mind tells you. And to be frank- It would be difficult to leave. Not after Yukong hastily kisses you with an iron-stained mouth, moving her hips once more.
In the end, you begin the process of fully integrating into the Xianzhou society, Yukong beaming and helping you with any documents.
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She’s actually one of your regulars, if you can believe it. You had no idea of her Stellaron Hunter status until she showed up at your place, bloodied and covered with viscera did you finally discover her true identity. But that didn’t exactly deter you. Maybe it’s because you got used to her antics, or that you might be a fellow pathstrider of the Nihility, but you took it in stride. You just prepared a nice bath for her while taking her clothes, running the washing machine while she chats about her day.
She’s basically your sugar mommy, buying you pretty clothes, foods, trinkets, and other oddities when she swings on by. Kafka has you model various outfits for her, humming in appreciation as she eyes your body, sending shivers down your spine. Admittedly, the idea that you have such a dangerous woman desiring you has your mind in a heated tizzy. Still, you still have other people to entertain...
...Which does irritate Kafka just the tiniest bit. She knows that you two are worlds apart, you being a very promiscuous, yet law abiding citizen while the IPC has several billion credits hanging above her head. But she keeps her cool, smiling as her hands ghost your body, teasing you.
One day, when you came home crying, Kafka is quick to let you fall into her arms. You don’t say anything, just curling up in her hold as she whispers into your ear. One of your toys hurt you? Oh, poor little pookie. Don’t worry, Kafka’s here to keep you company. You don’t protest when Kafka takes you to the bathroom, pulling off your clothes and sitting you on a stool while she gets the water running. Warm water surrounds you, tears merging with the liquid as Kafka pampers you.
And when you’re dried and dressed in a bathrobe, Kafka leans in and whispers... Suggestions into your ear. The next day, you’ve canceled some plans with your other partners, leaving just Kafka in your schedule. She takes full advantage of this, kisses peppering your neck as she mumbles her adoration for you. “Such a good darling,” She laughs. “Listen to me: You don’t need to do anything else. Just let your beloved Kafka take care of you, okay?” You feel your head nod as Kafka settles between your legs, kissing your thighs.
The Stellaron Hunter gives you the best head of your life. The wind knocked out of your lungs as Kafka licks up your sex, suckling and tonguing intimately while you whine and buck your hips. As you reach your peak, Kafka seals her mouth over your hot, sticky cunt/cock, making you cum in her mouth. You’re definitely not the one in control, though, let me remind you of that.
“Hmm? You want to eat me out, honey?” Kafka says. You aren’t quite sure when you said it out loud, but Kafka wastes no time in discarding her shorts and tights, hovering above your face with a wicked smile. Your hands fly up to her hips, trying to tug her down. Kafka chuckles. “Go on then, darling. Eat up~” She sits on your face, her presence nearly suffocating you, but you don’t care. All you cared about is making her cum on your face, tongue swiping over her cunt.
She rewarded you with hums and moans while her nectar dripped down your face, your mouth eagerly collecting her slick. Kafka ground her hips down when you sucked her clit, gripping your hair as husky laughs escaped her. Eventually, her release covered your face, Kafka beaming with pride as she cleaned you up.
Eventually, Kafka becomes the only one you see. The only person you pleasure, the only person allowed to touch you. And she couldn’t be happier about it.
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prettieinpink · 3 months
How do I stop procrastinating getting my life together. I'm not sure if you understand what I mean....as in how do I stop procrastinating getting out of my comfor zone to do better
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Procrastination is delaying a task because of fear or anxiety about doing it. If you frequently procrastinate, it may result from your current mindset. In this post, I will discuss the reasons behind procrastination and how to overcome it by getting started.
If you’ve been in their comfort zone for quite a long time, you may be familiar with this term. An avoidance mindset is when we focus more on preventing possible negative consequences, rather than pursuing positive outcomes. This leads to procrastination, avoiding risks or challenges and generally staying in their comfort zones to avoid discomfort and failure.
This mindset usually stems from a fear that is holding you back which is keeping you ‘safe’, which is why we feel discomfort when trying new things. Fear of failure, wasting time, rejection and change are a few common ones.
Doing self-reflection or quizzes are the most efficient way to identify your fears if you haven’t already. Challenge negative beliefs that cause that fear to grow. 
The recommended way to shift your mindset from an avoidance one to a growth mindset is by focusing on the benefits that you’ll get from it. E.g.
‘Exercising is too hard’ -> ‘I’ll feel good about myself after’
‘Studying is boring’ -> ‘I’ll be proud of myself after achieving high grades’
‘Meeting new people is scary’ -> ‘I can’t wait to have a new friend’
BREAK TASKS INTO SMALLER CHUNKS, and if it seems too difficult, do it over a week/fortnight. When tasks are smaller, they seem simpler and easier, so we don’t feel the need to delay them. For example...
Deep clean my room -> Wipe down all surfaces & put new bedding OR Monday I’ll wipe down surfaces, then Wednesday I’ll put new bedding. 
 MAKE THE TASK SPECIFIC. If the task is vague, it can seem too daunting to start because we have no idea how to start. For example, instead of saying studying for my science test, say do 3 rounds of science flashcards. We know exactly what to do, so it doesn’t give reason for us to delay it.
HAVE A ROUTINE. Having a consistent daily routine helps us to stay on track because our brains love routines and familiar activities, and it pushes us further because our brains will feel discomfort if that routine is not done. 
However, if you are someone who procrastinates, avoid micromanaging your day. It can seem way too overwhelming, but even if you do it, it can lead to being burnt out. 
KEEP ORGANISED. Being in an environment which is constantly cluttered, or having no way to remember everything that goes in your life, will make you have a cluttered mind, A cluttered mind will influence your actions to also be out of place.
DEVELOP A GROWTH MINDSET. I do have a post on this which is linked on my masterlist. The whole idea of a growth mindset is to embrace the idea that failure further improves us, instead of setting us back.
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mostly-marvel-musings · 3 months
So Inappropriate
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A/N: Alright, you guys wanted it, here it is. This little ficlet based off of the video that’s got our Stark Squad all riled up. Leave a comment, heart or reblog if you enjoyed it.
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut-ish fluff. There is a significant age gap between the reader and Tony (say 20 years?) Also the reader is Bruce Banner’s assistant.
Word count: 1896
Tony Stark Masterlist
You were just about done arranging the equipment in the lab when you heard the door slide open.
“Dr. Banner, I’m done for the day unless you need me for anything else!” you called out without glancing up, not realizing the person who had walked in certainly wasn’t your boss.
“Dr. Banner has left the premises for the day, Miss Y/L/N. But I might need you for something.”
Tony Stark made an appearance, his signature smirk adorning his face as he traipsed in closer, his walk oozing all sorts of confidence and authority. Of course, your face did very little to hide the blush that creeped up, heating your cheeks in an instant.
Why did this man have such an influence on you? You’d never know.
Well, not exactly. It was pretty obvious. The genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist had this effect on most individuals. His natural charisma and intimidating presence was all wrapped in an impeccably trimmed-goatee-bearing handsome package. The guy was senior to you. Much senior. But there was something about him that always drew you in, an impish charm that was all too endearing, his commanding aura that compelled you to behave. Almost challenged you to confront your deepest, darkest desires.
“Earth to Y/N?” he snapped you out of your reverie, making you accidentally knock over a set of beakers kept on the platform.
Cursing under your breath, you bent to pick up the shattered glass as did Tony, resulting in your head banging against his, further adding to your embarrassment.
Just great!
“Careful, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Tony murmured, taking the shards of glass from your hand as Dum-E, one of his bots zoomed in to sweep it all away.
“Thank you, Mr. Stark. I–I’m sorry.” you fumbled, wincing as you saw you an angry drop of red ooze out of your finger from where you had evidently cut yourself.
“Ah, you poor thing. C’mere.” not awaiting a response, Tony clutched your hand and brought it to his lips, gently sucking on your index finger all while his eyes bore into yours.
A part of you wanted to run away from the scene like a scaredy cat but, the other part was completely rooted to the spot. Not daring to move an inch, as if if you did, your little daydream would break. Your cheeks probably burnt with the heat, and you could feel your pulse rush to the part of your finger that was currently in his mouth, smarting. His tongue soothed over the cut softly, sending tingles of desire down your back, the moistness between your legs increasing with his little action.
He is your boss. Not exactly but he built this place. He was your boss’s best friend. These thoughts were quite inappropriate.
Almost as quickly as it began, he let go of your hand, his touch still lingering strong as you cleared your throat, watching his bot whir away from the scene.
“Thank you, I think. Um. For your help.” you stared at your feet, unsure what to do next.
You grabbed your things and stuffed them in your bag, very aware of the fact that Tony and signature smirk were following your every move.
Why was this man allowed to have this effect on you?
You stopped right by the door, turning back to face the man who hadn’t moved from his spot.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? You said you wanted me for something?”
“Right! Well, we have a charity, inauguration, felicitation, something here at the Tower in two days. I wanted you to come.”
He shoved his hands in his pockets, looking at you intently as he waited for an answer.
“Oh! Are–are you sure?”
That was a surprise. You had been working with Dr. Banner for a better part of a year now however it had always been strictly professional. You were aware of the many, many galas and events that took place, you were just never a part of them. Until now.
“Yeah. I’ll have Big Green send you the details. You can bring a date. Or not.”
He winked cheekily, walking up the stairs right next to you before the doors slid open once again, gesturing you to go first.
Needless to say you were flabbergasted. A rush of excitement brought a pep in your step as you headed home, going through your wardrobe in detail and what could be a Stark-party-worthy outfit.
Tony’s eyes scanned the room, eager to find you in a sea of impeccably dressed people. He couldn’t shake you off from his thoughts. Not for a while now, if he would admit to himself.
His curiosity grew ever since he saw you for the first time, entering the lab and giving Bruce Banner a shy smile, eyes locking with him and holding his gaze, almost unable to look away. He sensed you were nervous, it was cute. It made his cock stir. He could not remember the last time he felt this way. You were a young, smart, vivacious thing that was too young for him, and yet he couldn’t resist you.
Not that he tried. You drew him in right from the start.
Tony had found you chatting animatedly to your boss some time later. You looked stunning in the floor-length number you had decided on. Your features were beautifully highlighted with the hair and make-up you’d chosen.
His wish to have you closer had been fulfilled as the party warmed up, people sat around in groups, drinks in their hands while conversation flowed. Of course, the Avengers had a favorite corner they had gathered at, the center of attention being the one and only, Iron Man. He was awarded a trophy for his philanthropic work earlier which now sat in his lap proudly, an almost phallic-shaped glass that had his name etched.
“I can’t be the only one thinking this.” Tony smirked, holding the award against his crotch and earning collective groans from the crowd around. The action brought warmth rushing to your cheeks, your wildly imaginative mind pictured him doing that to his member, letting out soft grunts.
“You alright, Miss Y/L/N?” Your attention was captured by someone standing next to you, pointing to your dress.
Unknown to your preoccupied self, the filled glass of wine you held had tilted enough to spill on your dress.
“Oh God! Shit!” you exclaimed, turning a few heads your way as you grabbed a few tissues to blot the spilled liquid as much as you could. The darker color of your dress masked the big stain that had probably formed.
It was hard to miss Tony’s piercing gaze as he gave you one of his lopsided grins, clearly giddy with the reaction he had hoped his stunt would achieve. If anything, one fact was becoming clearer by the day.
Your attraction towards this man was increasing and it seemed he was equally interested in you too.
It had been a hectic week, you sighed and leaned back against your chair, closing your eyes for a moment as your exhausted body relaxed momentarily. You couldn’t wait to get home and soak your butt in a hot bubble bath.
With the events of Ultron, there had been extra work load that you had volunteered to help out with at the Tower. You didn’t mind, of course. It meant spending a lot of time with the Avengers and a particular one at that too. Tony spent hours, sometimes days holed up in the lab, working with Bruce and yourself.
It was almost impossible not to be distracted or turned on by his presence there. To see him laser-focused at work, fingers gliding over keyboards and holograms in front of them as he paced about the space. It was all too hot.
Shutting your computer for the day, you grabbed your things and made your way out of the lab. Tony had retreated back to his floor some time ago and had promptly forgotten his phone on his work desk. It rang with a start, catching your attention and making you walk back in to grab it.
It wasn’t uncommon for you to bother the billionaire genius in his home since there had been multiple occasions where Dr. Banner asked you to summon the man whenever he got a lead on Ultron.
The elevator dinged to a stop, the doors opening to his grand living room that offered a view of New York people would kill for. His bedroom door seemed left ajar as you made your way over, stopping in your tracks as you heard a muffled groan.
Curiosity got the better of you as you sneaked a look inside his bedroom, not able to stop yourself as the sounds increased.
You felt your mouth go dry at the sight before you. Tony lay on his bed against the pillows, eyes scrunched up, pants undone., soft sighs leaving his lips as his hand moved up and down on his erect cock.
It felt so wrong to watch him pleasure himself in the privacy of his own home and yet so right, you felt yourself blush at the sight. It was like you were unable to look away, he had his fingers wrapped around his shaft, moving at a steady pace as you saw precum leak at the tip of his head. His pretty, thick lips were parted while his chest rose and fell, eyes shut in ecstasy.
You were about to peel your gaze away from the scene when you heard a faint whisper of what you thought was your name.
“Oh Y/N..” his breathy moan sent desire to pool right between your legs, a part of you still processing the whole thing while the other wanting to push that door open and join the man or perhaps help him finish.
His thumb swiped across his red tip before the pace of his strokes increased, his pants echoed in the room while you felt your entrance clench around nothing, desiring the very man who was masturbating while thinking of you.
You were sure your panties were ruined by the time Tony’s hips jerked and you saw him climax, ropes of cum spurting from his cock and spilling on his hand and lower abdomen. That had to be the hottest thing you’d seen in your life.
You definitely needed to take care of yourself after this, that bubble bath was going to be an elaborate one. His softened cock still lay open for your eyes to feast on, his cum scattered on his body begging you to be licked clean.
Your thoughts came to a standstill when the phone you held in your hand rang terribly loudly, interrupting the little moment. Your scramble to hide or run was rendered useless when Tony glanced outside and saw you.
“It is rude of you to just stand out there and watch, Miss Y/L/N. So inappropriate.”
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dudecreature · 1 year
Clean Shaven
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Pairing: [Established] Price x GN! Reader Synopsis: Price shaves his beard after a mission goes haywire. Word Count: 2.7k Warnings: descriptions of razors A/N: I feel like I was MIA (´~`) it is finals season after all. - the reader's callsign is Bullseye (they're a sniper and I am unoriginal lol) and - we are definitely not going to talk about how I had to google whether a movie would be on a DVD or a CD... - Enjoy! Like and reblog if you did <3
“Fuckin’ HELL. Soap!”
“Price! Shite! I’m so sorry!!”
That is all that was heard over the comms. You and Gaz shot a mix of concerned and confused looks at each other on the rooftop they were currently located. Soap and Price were the ones to infiltrate the building to find the information they needed, then blow it all to hell. You were there to provide sniper assistance and Gaz was there to fly the helicopter (he got his license and no way in hell was he going to let anyone else do that. not with his track record). 
“Price, Soap. How copy?” Gaz said through the comms. There was silence for a short while, but you could still see movement through the windows of the compound. They seemed like they were still alive and hopefully uninjured. you kept your eyes through the scope tracking both men through the building, waiting with bated breath to hear back from them. 
“Guys, how copy?” You had asked over the comms after Gaz had already asked twice. It was frustrating silence, but you understood not having a safe opening to answer comms. Suddenly the comms crackle back to life from their end.
“Copy fine Bullseye, nice an’ crispy.” Price sounded angry and he hesitated at the last bit. Soap was going to get it this time. According to the mission, the team needed to get as much information as possible, and then blow the place to smithereens. Price knew what they were looking for, and Soap liked to make things go boom. The pairing made sense at the time. 
You looked at Gaz in bewilderment 'What the hell is he talking about?' printed across their faces. Gaz could only shrug, he knew as much as you did. Soap and Price ended up splitting through the rooms. Price headed to the office where all of the files were stored and Soap to find the weak points of the buildings. 
"Soap I've got as much as I can find. You ready to detonate those planted bombs, mate?" Price's gruff voice sounded in your ear. You smile to yourself, proud of the man as always. In and out with no injuries, as it should be. Soap chatters off an excited reply and the two exit the building. 
You watch through the scope of your rifle as the two stealthily exit the building. You notice that something seems… off about Price. You can sense the scowl from where they are from a hundred meters away. He looked a little different, though you couldn’t quite place it. 
You could finally place it once the two had gotten closer. Soap trailed behind a grouchy Price. Oh... Oh no... Oh no no no. You now understood why Price was so grouchy. 
Half of his beard was burnt off. The left half of his face looked naked, the hair on his face was half burnt. The charred hair traveled from his nose all the way up his cheek and near his ear. Barely missing his precious hat.
“What the hell happened to you?” You were unabashedly shocked at what you had seen. You trodded up to the pair with Gaz at their side, Bullseye and Gaz stared at their captain in awe. The former had packed their things quickly to get out of there quickly. You had gotten in close to assess the damage to his beard, their hands ghosting over his cheek and above his lip. 
“I’m fine darling, don't fuss ‘bout it.” He paused and shot a thumb back at a very remorseful Soap and said “This one was playin' with a lighter he found and lit my beard on fire.” His hands found yours and held them while you traced his cheekbone. He looked down at them with tender eyes, appreciating the fact you were worried about him, but hated the look on your face. He leaned down to their left ear, the intact half of his beard scratching their face slightly, and whispered to them,
“Jus’ a bit of cosmetic damage.” He kissed your cheek and neck quickly before moving to get in the helicopter. You sighed at the loss of contact, threw your stuff on the bed of the helicopter, and climbed in. Gaz at the wheel the group got into the air and flew over the enemy compound. With confirming word from Price, Soap excitedly detonated the bombs he had placed and the place erupted into flames and fell to rubble in a matter of seconds. You could almost feel the heat of the flames that engulfed where the building once stood. 
You looked to Price to admire him, only to catch his eye. You smiled softly at the captain and looked down at what was left of his beard. He saw this and touched the charred hair, cringing at how different it felt. It had been a while since he could feel the wind on his upper lip, it made him shift his mouth awkwardly. He needed a reflection to judge just how bad it was, and to decide how he would deal with it. 
Price knew that his lover liked his beard, you had often commented on how it tickled when they kissed (among other things *wink wink*), and would help him groom it on occasion. His beard was a staple of his look, aside from his hat, and having to part with it gave him a sense of anxiety he hadn’t ever felt before. He worried how his Bullseye would feel if he had to shave it all off, maybe he could keep a little of it just to hopefully keep them with him. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Bullseye bumped his shoulder.
“Hey, it’ll be alright love, it grows back.” You said with endearment. He huffed a response and scratched awkwardly at his face still. When the group arrived back to base Price was able to hide the accident behind his hand in the debrief, the darkness of the room aiding him. Once the four were dismissed he was the first to leave the room, bustling down the halls praying no one saw him. 
You followed at a slower pace, allowing for the man much-needed space from everyone. When you arrived at the door of their shared room you knocked gently calling out for him. When you had heard a response you then asked if you could join him. The door suddenly opened and he looked down at them with a look in his eyes that you were not able to place.
“It’s your room too you know, of course you can come in,” he grumbled and made space for them to make their way into the room. 
“I know, I just wanted to give you the option of having a moment to yourself, love.” Bullseye responded in a soft and caring tone. You knew how much he liked his facial hair, and he also knew how much you liked his facial hair. However, you wanted to check in on him first. you sat on the shared bed and patted the spot next to them, offering a seat to the Captain.
He sat down next to them with a soft sigh and leaned his head on their shoulder. you were trying to comfort him and he knew this. Accepting the gentle affection and support, he closed his eyes and took a deep, steadying breath. He wasn't the type to talk about his insecurities or when he was feeling anything but confident, but there was something inherently trustworthy about Bullseye. It had drawn him in the first time they had met so many years ago.
“Will you help me fix this?” he asked in a soft tone. you nodded and stroked his back. As he stood, you stood with him and followed him into his personal bathroom. you knew where everything was, so you pulled out the scissors, shears, and the razor and shaving cream. Taking a washcloth, you had run it under warm water and heated it to a very comforting temperature. Price was pushed to sit on a chair that was brought into the bathroom, right in front of the large mirror. Bullseye stood in front of him as you wrung out the washcloth of excess water. When you turned, Price was looking up at them, with so much love in his eyes one would think that he hadn’t been a hardened soldier for nearly two decades. 
you smile softly at the man, gently take his hat off, and place the warm cloth on the bottom half of his face. After a few silent minutes, you took the washcloth off and wiped as much of the grime left on his face as you could. You took your time and were able to admire the man's face. The way his eyebrows furrowed when they got close to his eyes. The straight bridge of his nose and the crow's feet developing near the corners of his eyes. You suddenly broke the silence as gently as you could.
“Are we trying to salvage the chops or are we going for a clean shave?” you ran their hands through the right half of his face, scratching at the salvaged portion of the beard. He grumbled and his top lip twitched in thought. you waited patiently for the man to make up his mind and you ran your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. 
“Do you think it can be saved?” he asked slightly hopeful, but honestly he knew there was no chance of saving it. He ran a gentle hand down the burnt hairs on his face and sighed; he looked up at them catching their eyes. you shook their head solemnly, just as he figured. “Clean-shaven it is then, love.”
you nodded in response and grabbed the army-issued shaving cream and his straight razor. you gather some of the shaving cream into the palm of their hand before gently lathering it over his cheeks, and chin. 
“Ready?” you ask, looking at him waiting for an answer. He took a deep breath and nodded, his eyes still looking at you. They never left. Bullseye takes the handle of the razor and carefully glides it down his right cheek. The sharp blade takes all of the hair with it leaving the soft skin of his cheek exposed to the air. 
Bullseye wipes the stolen hair onto a towel next to the sink. Readying for another stroke you look down at Price, his eyes closed in a relaxed state. You smile to yourself and continue their actions, curving with the shapes of his face, and being careful not to knick him. 
After you had fully finished shaving his face (you even cleaned up his eyebrows a little), you put the washcloth back onto his face. It had been rewarmed by the water. Ensuring to get all the leftover hair off, you then put his aftershave on his cheeks. 
Price had then opened his eyes when he felt the slight sting of the aftershave, but he didn't flinch. He hesitated before looking from their eyes to the mirror. When he did he was slightly shocked, he had forgotten how much older the beard had made him look. His beard definitely added about 5 years to his looks. After examining his face for a few moments, he looked back to the other person in the room.
“Well… how do I look, darling?” He looked up at you expectantly (and with so much rizz). You chucked at the goofy face he made and shook your head with a smile. 
“You look as pretty as always.” You shoot back at him. You turn around and begin cleaning up the impromptu barber shop. He stood up from his seat and admired your work, his hand rubbing where his chops once were. Once you had finished cleaning up your station you had turned back around to face him. You wrapped your arms around his torso and smiled at him lovingly.
“Do ya wanna go watch a movie?” you ask him. The common room would be a good place for you to both unwind (in the most wholesome of ways). All you wanted to do was curl up with him and watch one of the movies on base. He hummed a confirming nod and squeezed you back. He led the way to the common room after you separated.
Price was thankful for the lack of people in the halls, he didn't want to have to deal with the odd looks and stares he would likely have gotten if there were anyone there. The two of you made your way through the halls, your pinkies intertwined, gently guiding each other. 
As the two of you make it to the common room, you cross over the threshold of the doorway and are greeted by three other figures. Gaz, Soap, and Ghost have already claimed the common room as their choice of relaxation. The three men notice your presence at roughly the same time, and an awkwardly tense silence fills the space. The three of them, with their heads all locked onto the two of you still frozen in the doorway, shock visible in each of their faces.
Soap’s face configures from shock to that of what looked like genuine horror. Ghost’s eyes were wide and unmoving from Price’s face and Gaz’s mouth hung open, unable to comprehend the new look their Captain was given. You managed to stifle your laughter but a smile still tugged its way to your cheeks, you had never seen them so emotive before. Price sighed and tried to hide his face saying
“Take a bloody picture, it’ll last longer you muppets,” he grumbled aggravated at the attention.
“Did I do that?!” Soap yelled at a volume able to burst ear drums. He leapt from his seat on the couch and stood in front of Price with his head bowed downward.
“I am so sorry, Price!” he all but wept in the older man's arms at the apology. The silence from the other two men in the room was noticed when you and Price found yourselves looking at them, waiting for their input on the situation.
Ghost stayed still as ever, unmoving and steady.
“Put it back,” he muttered, barely audible. You make a noise of confusion, that Ghost reads as if you were not able to hear him.
“Put. It. Back.” he says with a more stern tone. You burst out a laugh unable to contain it. They all look at you in confusion and when you notice you stumble something about how stupid the three of them look right now. Gaz still mouth wide open finally shuts it and states very proudly
“Well, I think it looks great. You have a very handsome face.” His arms are crossed over his chest and he is nodding in confidence. Price deadpans at his statement and sighs for what feels like the millionth time that day. His beard was going to grow back totally gray at the rate of these idiots.
You put your hand on the top of Price’s back and tell the team that the two of you were going to wind down with a movie of Price’s choice. After the initial shock had worn off the two still on the couch, they agreed. Soap however still looked upset at himself, and every time he looked at Price he frowned a little more.
Price pulled the man aside and barely within earshot tells Soap he wasn’t that mad about it, but he would be on bathroom and dish duty for the next four months. You chuckle to yourself at his punishment and ready the movie on an old DVD player that Gaz had brought to the base. Classic Price chose a Clint Eastwood movie to watch.
The two of you curled onto the loveseat together while the other three sat on the couch. Price held your hand the entire movie and when you leaned to whisper into his ear he leaned down to hear you.
“How long will it take to grow back… Ghost wants to know." That last bit was definitely a lie. Price knew this, chuckled, and pushed your face away from him. You let out an undignified noise and kissed his hand looking at him. You smiled and mouthed the words that he would parrot back to you for the rest of your lives. 
“I love you.”
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baldval · 1 month
More Husk please! I loved the one you did. My heart was like 😚❤️‍🔥
It's common knowledge that some cats don't like water. Mine actually does though, haha 😆
So maybe somehow Husk got wet and is all grumpy because of it. (Maybe Niffty set something on fire and caused the sprinklers to go off, idk) so reader helps dry him off and is being all soft and sweet and he can't keep his feelings to himself anymore?
Ughhh I love this purrfect man so much ♡
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characters: husk x gn!reader
wc: 861
warnings: cursing, making out
a/n: idk if i like this but here it is
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"For fuck's sake." Husk was mad. Very mad.
You had decided to bake something for the group, some simple chocolate chip cookies. You were following a recipe you had found online, and everything was going great, until you confused Farenheit with Celsius. That lead to, not only the cookies being burnt, but the smoke also activated the sprinkles in the kitchen.
Coincidentally, Husk had just entered the kitchen to look for a snack.
So now Husk is wet, and he hates being wet.
You felt terribly sorry, apologising a million times as Husk kept telling you it was okay, but you could tell he was angry, even if he tried to hide it to not hurt your feelings.
So you offered to help him dry up, taking him to the bathroom and caressing his body with a towel. However, his fur seemed to be hyper-absorbant since that didn't really seem to help and Husk kept being annoyed at his current state.
He closed his eyes and sighed, your fingers lifted his chin up so you could start using the towel to dry up his face. He groaned.
"Sorry" you mumbled "I'm almost done."
His eyelids opened slowly, finding you close to him, his dark eyes fixed on yours, you noticed he started studying your face, growing ashamed of the fact you were ashamed.
"Really though, it's okay" You looked away from him as he spoke. "I really don't mind."
"Except you do." You took a step back, away from him, unaware of the fact Husk wanted you to be closer not further. "I can feel it."
"I mean- yes I was a bit annoyed..." you turned your gaze towards the floor, when he realised this, he held your chin, forcing you to look at him. "but, it's okay. It will be a funny story." You smiled at him and he chuckled. "How do you even confuse Farenheit with Celsius?" You laughed. "I really don't know. I guess I never bake." "I'll have to teach you then."
"Oh, I would love that."
A silence filled the room, yet not uncomfortable. The towel was now laying on a table while you both stared at eachother, smiling.
Husk's eyes moved towards your lips, it seemed as if he was almost analysing them.
You noticed this. "Do you like my lips or why are you staring?" You teased, he immediately stopped staring and you could see how his cheeks where gradually getting redder. "I'm joking, don't worry." "Yes." You looked at him confused. "I do like them." It was your turn to blush as he got up and closer to you, a finger of his over your lip. "They're quite pretty." Your body went stiff, realising what was going on: dim lighting, silence, being the closest to one another you had ever been.
Oh, and also, Husk had just confessed he liked your lips, whatever that meant.
Dark eyes wandered over your mouth, following his thumb as it now slid to the other side. Hesitantly, he moved even closer until his lips hovered over yours. The anticipation that filled the room made sure to cut off both your breathing and his. But then, Husk closed the distance between your mouths, hidden feelings bursting out into the open. Husk’s kiss was soft, and you made sure to reciprocate slowly, easing into the unknown sensation of kissing him.
When the kiss stopped he remained still. Your shaky hands slid up his torso, fingertips grasping his fur to keep him in place for as long as the sweet burning sensation sat on your guts. You weren't sure of what came over yourself, maybe it was the curiosity of having him as more than a friend. Maybe it was the thoughts that had constantly whispered at the back of your head how attractive you thought he was, the thoughts you had made sure to ignore and so you never acted on them. Maybe it was the thrill of crumbling his aloof and distant demeanor in between your hands.
Maybe it had been all of those things together, but you slightly and eagerly nudged your nose against his. And so he kissed you again, with a deep sigh of surrender and his hands roaming up your thighs. The sounds of kissing filled the kitchen, your tongue sliding across his tongue, his hungry mouth now fighting against your, your hands moving towards his neck. His fingers squeezed your skin, a breathy exhale left your throat almost becoming a soft whine.
“What…” the cat-like bartender tried to form a coherent sentence, but it seemed like his brain for once wasn’t cooperating.
“I…” you cleared your throat, blinking a couple of times “I don’t know.”
He swallowed, trying to find words once again.
“Listen, I…”
“It’s okay” nervously you tightened your grip on the back of his neck, now anxious of letting him go “we don’t have to talk about this today or tomorrow. We can just… forget it happened.”
“We can just let it be… for tonight.”
“Yeah” you pulled him close again, his body relaxed as he followed your movement and searched for your lips once more.
“Yeah, just for tonight…”
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miguel-ohara-lover · 9 months
Kinktober day 1 - Body Worship
Prompt list
CW: nsfw, body worship, blowjob, gn reader(no body parts specified!)
Note: the kinktober oneshots are supposed to be short and simple, so I doubt any will be some big grand fanfic ya know. This’ll make is easier on me so I won’t get burnt out and probably easier for people to enjoy too, for those who like the quick plot-less stuff. Also I haven’t slept in almost 24 hours at the time of writing this… so this one’s extra short, the rest might be longer but I’m like running on empty currently…
Your hands traveled ever so gently up the soft skin of Miguel’s thighs. Your fingers traced the curves of his muscles, feeling him tense and flex under your touch as he watched. His cock stood stiff in front of you, just begging for your attention, but you wanted to take your time.
Slowly moving your hands up, you made your way to his hips, gently kneading at his flesh and feeling just how warm he was. Then you to his waist, then to his abs… fuck those muscles are hot.
Your hands moved up further, caressing every curve of his body. He loved this, he loved the gentle message of your hands on his skin. It made his dick twitch with anticipation. You then dragged your hands back down, wrapping them around his erection and earning a low grunt from him.
He felt amazing in your hands. Your finger traced the veins and slight curve of his cock, like it was the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. You traced the tip of his dick then back down to the base, as if you were trying to memorize this feeling.
Miguel was started to grow impatient. As much as he loved the worship, he was hard for quite some time now. You knew this, and couldn’t help but smirk knowing you’ve made him needy. Slowly you licked the length of his cock from base to tip before taking the tip in your mouth. He groaned slightly as his head leaned back. Your eyes were fixated on his chest and torso as all those muscles moved so beautifully.
You were eager to make him finish, eager to get back to admiring his very being. The quickened pace of your head bobbing on his cock sent him over the edge with ease, and it wasn’t long before he spilled into your mouth. Turns out all that touching, all that feeling him up was edging him. No wonder he became desperate. He’s so sensitive to touch it was driving him mad in such great ways.
If anyone wants to be on a kinktober taglist lmk
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twis-world · 10 days
The Duty of Friendship
Mentions: Malleus Centric (platonically), Second Person, Gender Neutral Reader
This takes place when Malleus and Reader are kids, this was meant to be nonsensical funny lil one-shot, remember that folks. It's very specific towards this post, not quite entirely but that was the start of the inspiration. So I'm gonna drop this off, run, and hope that it makes a bit of sense to be enjoyed haha...ha...yeah.
Word Count: 5k
Raising a fae child is never a small feat.
Fae were sensitive creatures, both physically and emotionally. Passionate but delicate beings with such heightened senses that in turn spun around their own inner dealings. It often took decades for the newly born creatures to get a hold of their own feelings, sometimes a century or two if needed in some cases. Patience was the key.
However, there was always an end to such tolerance.
Lilia resisted the urge to sigh at the sight before him. Time and time again he prayed to the Seven that the outcome would be different, and time and time again disappointment was thrown his way. Just once he would like to be called for assistance for a matter that didn’t involve yet another tantrum from the beloved soon to be crown prince. One that didn’t involve the smell of burnt paper, thrown books, and talon carved furniture. Dreadfully, the fact that the newest tutor was only cowering tearfully in the corner instead of screaming down the castle halls was the only hint that his previous lectures got through to the volatile child. If just barely.
Said child stood in the middle of the destruction with shoulders heaving as he caught his breath. Small wisps of smoke flowed around him with each exhale, showcasing the fury that had yet to quell in the time Lilia arrived. The fae glanced down at the fists that were clenched at his side, sharp claws barely poking out of them and making him wonder for just a moment if he potentially cut his palms. 
It seemed that Malleus was narrowly calming down, each breath he took noticeably longer than the last. Some relief flooded into the older, knowing that finally he was taking some of his advice from the last few instances, the main focus being on how to help the young one regulate his emotions. It was obvious that Malleus struggled with such a task, the current scene being very clear of that, but Lilia would not deny the slight sense of pride he felt at the sight. 
When his eyes clashed with fearful ones, however, that spark quickly diminished. No words were exchanged as Lilia tilted his head to the exit behind him and in turn he didn’t so much as blink as the tutor rushed to their feet and ran out with barely muffled sobs. Greatly unbefitting of someone employed by royalty, though no one would fault them. The temper of a dragon was a great one and to escape unscathed as they did was a feat in itself.
Glass crunched under Lilia’s boots as he slowly approached the prince. A quick glance confirmed that it was the remains of a thrown inkwell and he noted that at some point he would need to notify her highness that material alternatives were needed. If not for the safety of her grandson, then most definitely that of her citizens dealing with him. It would certainly once again test Malleus’s already short temper with his peeve of being underestimated, but it would just have to be another bump in the road he would have to help him get across. 
A slight twitch of his ears was the only indication that the younger noticed his presence, but turn he did not as he continued his breathing exercises. With each step closer Lilia got the less and less smoke there was to dance in the air. By the time he was a foot behind the sound of labored breathing was but a memory and the remaining smog an illusion.
The silence was undeniably tense. Disappointment flooded off Lilia in waves that Malleus would be a fool not to notice, but it didn’t stop him from pointedly avoiding his stern gaze. More often than not the other wouldn’t hesitate to begin berating the child, but he felt this time should be a learning opportunity. Malleus was already aware of what he had done, now was the time to address it.
“...I didn’t mean to,” his meek voice finally spoke, so quiet that even with his enhanced hearing Lilia needed to strain his ears slightly. Clenched hands unraveled to anxiously fiddle with one another before him, nails thankfully retracted into small points.
“That excuse will get you nowhere this time, Malleus,” Lilia replied sternly. The other’s head dipped even further, a small sniffle echoing through the room. Lilia’s eyes softened at the sound, weak as always to tears of the young try as he may, and this time he couldn’t hold in his sigh. Kneeling down he slowly reached out to cup Malleus’s hands in his and it wasn’t until after a soft call of his name did he finally look up to meet his gaze. “Your grandmother and I tire of repeating ourselves time and time again. You know better than this.”
“But they-” Malleus tearfully began, but hushed when a gentle hand cupped his face.
“They are only doing as they were told, which is to help educate you to the best of their abilities. No one is belittling your intelligence, we all know how bright you are, but you must not get offended at their attempts to help you grow.”
Silence is all he received in return. Shining orbs flickered to stare at the ground in contemplation, pointed ears drooping as they received the message. Lilia stared on knowing no further explanation was needed. At this point it was solely up to Malleus to conquer this fault, all that was left for him to do was to help encourage it.
After enough time passed, he spoke once more. “Would it help for you to get out of this stuffy old castle for a bit? You’ve been cooped up here for some time now.”
He couldn’t help the small smile that grew as Malleus’s gaze instantly brightened, snapping back up with glee. “Really?” Just as quick, though, his mood dampened with apparent shame and before Lilia could ask, spoke. “Grandmother told me that I wasn’t to be caught outside of my room and the study after last time.”
Ah, yes, the last instance was particularly violent. It was probably the angriest Lilia had seen her highness in decades…
His hand shifted higher until it rested gently between small horns, where it caressed ebony locks with care. “Worry not, I’m sure your grandmother will understand once I explain. Besides, I don’t think she would be so cruel as to not allow her favorite grandson from attending the new circus in the town~”
This time there Lilia was sure that literal stars were in Maelleus’s eyes. “A circus? Really?”
“Why shouldn’t I? You would do good with some sunlight,” Lilia teased, giving one last pat before straightening to his full height. “Now run along now and get on some proper clothing. I will be waiting in the foyer once you are ready.”
Within a blink of an eye Malleus was off, excited giggles echoing through the halls with the quick patterns of his shoes running on the fine tile. It was probably the most genuinely thrilled he had seen him in ages, the past few years being rather rough on him. Fae were sensitive creatures, handling new emotions had always been particularly troubling for their kind. It was simply in their nature.
~ ~ ~
For as long as you could remember your life was dedicated to the road and the traveling circus it took with it. The circus that your family had dedicated their lives to before you were born. The one that you as well cherished immensely.
From the Queendom of Roses to the Shaftlands, from the Sunset Savannah to the beautiful shores of the Coral Sea. From the Scalding Sands to the now whimsical Briar Valley. It was a tiring yet rewarding profession that you wouldn't dare trade for anything more. To be able to spend your life performing, thriving off of the loud cheers of the crowd was a blessing that you dare not take for granted. The joyous laughs they let out and the breathtaking grins each and every single one shone, that was what you truly lived for.
No matter how challenging the road has been, the many bumps and winding twists and turns it threw, you and your troop pressed on. Striving to never be delayed for even a mere moment, rushing to make it to your next ‘stage’ and try your best to bring dreams to life. Even if it meant the sacrifice of a proper home, a place to call your own.
It was your passion, so even as your fellow performers rushed to finish getting ready with clear anxiety and nerves for whatever reason you did not dare falter. You couldn’t help but continue to practically vibrate with clear joy and excitement, nearly jumping in place if not for your father’s continuous scolding.
For the hundredth time it felt like he called your name lowly, stern frown glaring down at you. “If I end up poking your eye out it’ll be all your fault. For the last time. Hold. Still.”
Despite the clear agitation in his voice your mood did not sour, your grin still just as bright as you brought your wiggles under control. “Sorry Papa,” you giggled, slightly gazing up and holding your eyes wide for him. Whatever curses he surely directed towards you went unheard, gliding in one ear then out the other with not a thought. Your eyes watered a bit as the mascara wand repeatedly pressed up against your lashes, over and over again until the older man felt satisfied and switched to the other. Once done with that he gave your face a quick once over and nodded in satisfaction, rushing to put all the other makeup products into a small bag. “Perfect, you should be all set. Go and make sure you have all of your props before the show begins.”
“Why does everyone look so nervous?” You questioned instead, small hands clutching the sides of the stool you sat on whilst swinging your legs. It was obvious tensions were high, the usual hustle and bustle pre-show seemingly more chaotic than usual. What would normally be a time of high spirits was instead one of great anxiety delving into near irritation in striving for perfection. Anyone could see it, even a small one such as yourself.
Your father paused for a moment, turning to gaze around and easily seeing what you were talking about. Many were panicking over the perfection of their make-up and costumes, attempting to make them even flashier than what was needed. Numerous shouts were passed around in hysteria, nitpicking over every little stage prop or setup. He sighed. “We got a letter about half an hour ago that the crown prince himself was coming down to watch. I didn’t think it was going to be that big of a deal but apparently this one in particular is rather important.”
“More than the one’s back in the desert?” You were referencing the ever so proud Al-Asim family, the rulers of the Scalding Sands you had come from. A rather large group that took up nearly three rows of your stands, yet were louder than the entire audience combined. You quite liked them. After the show they invited themselves backstage to meet everyone. You vividly remember several of the younger ones running circles around you, praising you to the moon and back on your various tricks. Despite being a kid yourself, the ones younger than you were always your favorite spectators. The way the tiny prince and princesses gazed up at you with such painfully pure admiration, it was that that you continuously strived for. That gaze, those feelings. Children were no doubt greedy creatures, striving for attention of any kind. You were no different.
“I guess,” your father simply shrugged. “They’re all the same in my opinion, but I guess this one is just that much of a big-shot. We had to reserve an entire section of the stands just for him and his…advisor? I’m not too sure who but both of them just cost us a good chunk of people.”
Clear annoyance was present on his face. From the furrow of his brows, the deep scowl, the way his hands clutched a few makeup brushes with more strength than needed. Whoever these royals were they really seemed to have tipped him off.
Not wanting for his mood to ruin yours you gave him a quick farewell before hopping off the stool and disappearing amongst the crowd. Sure, there not being as many people as usual was disappointing, but you really didn’t see how it was something to be angry over. Not just one but perhaps two royals coming to see your beloved circus? Oh, you couldn’t contain your excitement any longer and could not resist giggling gleefully as you searched for your show partner. 
You secretly hoped whoever it was would be similar to the tiny Al-Asims, one who would be absolutely mesmerized.
You could not wait.
~ ~ ~
Malleus enjoyed learning.
He liked it quite a lot.
More than any other kid or, in his case, fae child would. He wanted to know everything, learn all he could about every little thing possible. Never did he hesitate to ask questions and if none of the ‘adults’ in his life could give him a proper answer then to the castle library he went. So, he was no stranger to this supposed ‘circus’ Lilia insisted on taking him to. Though few, there were books that mentioned the extravagant traveling caravans dedicated to a life of entertainment on the road. He always believed them to be quite strange before, not quite understanding the excitement of it all.
Yet, simply knowing something was far different than experiencing it.
Such as the wonders of cotton candy.
“It really does melt!” Malleus exclaimed, hand raised to his mouth and eyes wide in awe. The delightful, sweet taste of the fluffy pink cloud he had taken a bite of danced on his tongue, the muscle coated in pure melted sugar. In his other hand he held the giant sweet treat, one far bigger than he had seen any of the other children having. The nice man at the candy stand insisted he take it and with Lilia’s gentle goading as well he seized it. After it took no time at all to find their seats, a giant ‘Draconia’ banner having hung just above their section. Now they sat front and center, perfect viewing for the show they awaited on.
Beside him Lilia chuckled holding a matching treat of his own. Unlike Malleus who insisted on waiting to eat his until they were seated he had taken to snacking on it during the walk over. Barely half of it remained but the man remained content. “Why of course! Such is the wonder of these delightful little treats. Humans never cease to amaze me with their culinary creativity.” He ripped off another large piece, humming in content as it melted in his mouth. “I urge you not to tell your grandmother about this though. She would not be too happy with me indulging you in so many sweets.”
The younger giggled, holding a finger to his lips in a show of secrecy.
Suddenly all entrances were drawn shut, the giant curtains blocking out any and all sunlight. It was pitch dark, silent, before a series of bright orbs began to light up all around. They started off small, gliding around and illuminating many faces of all ages in the crowd and drawing out faint cheers and laughter. Then they began to grow, continuing to get bigger and bigger as they slowly raised to the ceiling. In no time they were large enough to light up the whole tent, enough for every corner of the area to be seen in brightness. It was then that everyone noticed the once empty center was filled with the anticipated stars of the show.
They were unlike anything Malleus had seen before. They all wore different costumes of many different colors and designs, some unique to different individuals and some specific to the many small groups spread out. Extravagant makeup was painted on all of their faces, all of which he noticed held bright grins as they held a pose.
The audience erupted into applause at their long awaited arrival and once it died down the fun began.
With each act Malleus began to understand more and more the praise many of his books gave to the circus. Never before had he been able to bear witness to such magnificence. The jugglers, the acrobats, the tightropers, it was all so…so magical! He couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed so much, utterly delighted at every trick he saw no matter how big or small. The heat he felt on his face as the fire breathers sent raging flames into the air further ignited the sheer joy he was experiencing, face already beginning to grow sore at how much he was smiling. 
It never seemed to end. Various animals were brought out to perform as well, stage props dragged onto the stage to further the excitement with things such as knife throwing and plate spinning, all done with many trumpets and drums playing a silly tune somewhere around the tent.
Just as he thought it couldn’t get any better, his attention was directed to the ceiling above. Two towers stood across from one another on opposing sides of the stage, both of which held out a wooden plank. It was blinding at first looking up, all of the bright orbs still shining above, yet they dimmed down to allow a clear view of what act awaited next. That was when he saw them. That was when he saw you.
A small thing filled with nothing but utter confidence as you stood near the edge, dressed in a leotard. One of your hands held onto a rather long rope that hung from somewhere above, nowhere that he could see even with his enhanced vision, but that wasn’t what concerned him. It was that you, a human he assumed, stood in the face of danger. Inches away from a plummet that would surely injure you gravely. Yet there you stood, facing it all with a daring smile as you looked to your counterpart on the other side.
Then, you jumped.
Malleus gasped and along with him all the other viewers, watching as descended from the safety of plank and into the space below. Fall you did not, however, clutching onto the rope as you swung towards another, an older woman in the same outfit. She, too, swung towards you on a rope but as you neared each other you let go. Soaring into the air with a ‘whoop’ before clutching the hand she held out for you. Together you practically flew around the perimeter of the stage, closer and closer to the audience with each rotation. Closer and closer and when you finally flew close enough for Malleus to touch you if he tried to reach out, it felt as if time froze.
Your expression was one of pure, genuine happiness.
A smile so blinding yet he dare not look away from.
Eyes alight with such glee it was hypnotizing.
The very sight of you was more beautiful than any other he had come to see in all his years.
Even as you flew away as quickly as you came; doing one more circle around before your partner released you, allowing you to gracefully flip in the air before landing, his eyes did not once leave you.
Even as you joined the other performers in the many cartwheels and handstands they performed, his eyes did not once leave you.
Even as the show neared its ending and you had taken to doing personalized tricks for different children in the audience, his eyes did not once leave you.
Which was why he immediately noticed how your eyes eventually fell onto him, still shining oh so brightly as they did in the air.
When you began to skip over the smallest of nerves began to settle in his stomach. Small hands clutched the stick of his cotton candy tighter than before. Why he was feeling so anxious he had no clue, but just as quickly as it came it disappeared once you appeared before him.
“Heya!” You chirped, standing on your tiptoes in order to properly gaze at him over the separation barrier. A small sheen of sweat covered your face, an expression of your great effort during the show, and it seemed as if you were still trying to catch your breath. However, the same grand smile he was beginning to like remained. “How you folks doing?”
Malleus couldn’t think of anything to say. Even as Lilia gave him a small nudge of assurance, he still couldn’t think of something. It had been ages since anyone outside of his family talked to him so casually, without an ounce of trepidation. Even his numerous tutors couldn't accomplish that. Here you stood though, achieving more than any of them could.
“He’s a bit shy,” Lilia responded for him. Gentle hands rubbed the small of his back, still attempting to goad him into talking, yet his mouth remained shut. “You did a spectacular job out there I should say. You children are becoming more and more daring by the ages.”
“Why thank you mister.” You glanced at him for a second, seemingly contemplating on something. “Would he like a balloon? I’ve been working on a bunch of new animals lately. I can make almost anything!”
“Can you make a gargoyle?” Malleus found himself exclaiming.
Your eyes widened just a bit, head tilting in confusion. “Uh, not sure what a gargoyle is.”
“Why don’t you try naming something simpler,” Lilia softly chided. Despite that, amusement shone clear as day on his face. Ever so persistent in his gargoyle obsession the young prince was.
Slight disappointment panged Malleus, but he considered his options for a moment regardless. “What about a…horse?” A horse was a simple animal wasn’t it?
Your smile grew. “You got it!”
From a small pocket of your costume you drew out a small balloon. It was green, a color Malleus rather liked. With a few large breaths you stretched it out into a long shape, then with speed he didn’t think was possible began to twist and bend it into numerous shapes. Within seconds you held out a horse shaped balloon in your palms, satisfied at what you had done.
As you should have been. Though…
“Why, I wonder what happened to the poor thing's legs,” Lilia pondered, voice strained in a poor attempt to contain his laughter.
Yes, you were successful in creating a horse. The upper part that is.
As Malleus gently took the creature into his own palms, mindful of his nails, he tilted his head in slight confusion. Was this a part of the act that he did not understand? A clown joke perhaps? Maybe he should confirm. “Are you sure this is a horse?” He asked gently, innocent and wide eyes staring up at you.
It was obvious how your smile became slightly strained, hands behind your back as you nervously rocked on the heels of your feet.
Maybe you should have practiced just a bit more…
Good on you to lie when you struggled to make the legs of any of your supposed masterful works…
“Well, uh,” you stuttered, face growing hot at the expectant gaze the two were giving you. “Um, you see, it uh…it was a horse! Yes, it was a horse, but then it ate too much sugar and its legs stopped working. So they had to um…they had to amputate it! Yes, yes, poor thing, so now it’s a worm horse!”
You took a large breath at the end of your rant, hands having lifted in a dramatic display at some point. Whilst one was rather entertained it seemed, the prince was still blankly staring. 
Your father was most definitely going to kill you if he heard word of this.
Your saving grace, though, came in the form of an unexpected burst of laughter coming from Malleus himself. Hand raised to his mouth in a show of trained courtesy, yet doing nothing to hide his reaction. 
Your mouth dropped just a bit, expecting failure from your improvisation, but you quickly got your act back together. “See! He gets it! These horses, they make no sense,” you finished, shaking your head in mock disappointment.
Just as you finished, the same woman who you first performed with came over, gently whispering something in your ear before giving a polite smile to the two. Whatever she had to say you nodded in response, giving a final wave before skipping away.
“How lovely,” Lilia said, giving a wave of his own before turning to Malleus. The other it seemed was still trying to get a hold of himself, shoulders still shaking with barely contained laughter. “Was their joke really that funny young one? I couldn’t quite make sense of it myself.”
The boy needed a few seconds, but once he regained himself he turned to Lilia with a wide grin. “A horse’s legs do stop working when they eat too much sugar. It’s called Laminitis.” In emphasis he held out the balloon a little. “That’s why it doesn’t have any legs!”
Ah, Lilia thought, of course the prince would be ever so knowledgeable.
Delighted as he was that Malleus was having such a grand time, he noticed something as well. As the show slowly began to come to a close, young emerald eyes never once left the very clown that raised his spirits so high.
~ ~ ~
“Do you mind waiting out here for a minute, Malleus?” Lilia requested, a hand on the other’s shoulder as he waited for a response.
In turn Malleus looked up at him with curious eyes, another thing of cotton candy held in his hand. The boy absolutely refused to go back to the castle without it and whilst Lilia was usually better at refusing such demands, the evening was supposed to be one of grand fun. He never did mind spoiling children. 
The other hand still continued to gently cradle the ‘horse’ balloon, not once letting it go the rest of the show. It worried Lilia a bit how attached he seemed, he did not think the other realized by tomorrow it would become wilted. However, that was a future issue he would deal with once it arrived.
A nod was all he was given, Malleus being more interested in his treat than whatever matter his caretaker may have. After ensuring that he was placed in a safe spot just barely outside the circus tent he waltzed straight back inside, though not without one final glance back. Most of the crowd had filtered out and all that seemed to be left were the performers getting to clean up. A few paid him no mind while many others almost approached him in what may have been a reminder that it was now time for everyone to depart. Yet one glance at the insignia on his chest was enough to remind them of who he was, and thus he was left to his own devices. 
The backstage was rather easy to find, nothing but another large curtain separating it from the stage. It seemed as if most of the people were on the other side assisting with clean up, the backstage being rather void of anyone. The fae found himself pursing his lips at the sight, but remained undeterred in his search. Further back, perhaps?
Lilia spun around at the sound, tilting his head up slightly to meet the gaze of a rather tall man. He wore no costume nor had a smidge of makeup as all the others had, instead dressed simply in a white shirt and overalls. A stage-hand maybe? It wouldn’t be an impossibility, the display of muscles in his crossed arms suggested as such.
“Ah,” he smiled, taking a small step back to create distance. “Pardon my rude intrusion, but I was wondering where I may find the one in charge of your wonderful crew. The ringleader, if you may.”
“You’re looking at him,” the man stated bluntly, glare undying.
Lilia took it in stride. “Wonderful! So you would know who the guardian of the little one out there would be? About…” Lilia put out a hand to the side, palm down. “This high I would say. (H/C) hair and the cutest little (E/C) eyes.”
“That would be my kid you’re talking about,” your father responded, eyes narrowing and deep scowl drooping even further. “The hell do you want with them? I’m warning you right now if I hear anything about wanting a personal show I have no problem pummeling your ass all the way back to the castle.”
Whilst Lilia found himself taken a bit aback at the proclamation, he couldn’t resist a chuckle. “Let's not get crass here. I assure you it’s nothing of the sort, though I do admire your confidence and fierce desire to protect your children.”
“Thanks. What do you want?”
“I do love a businessman. Now while it appears you all are packing up after only a day here, I do know that you will be resting here for a few more…Correct?”
An eyebrow raises. “Yes.”
The fae clapped his hands together. “Splendid. In that case I have a proposition to make. You see my charge happens to adore your little one. He simply could not get enough of them and I found that the two of them got along swell during their performance. That being said, I was perhaps wondering if you would allow the two to have a series of,” he paused, looking up in thought. “What do you humans call it? Play dates? Yes! Playdates?”
Both of your father’s eyebrows raised this time. “You…you came back here to ask if my kid could entertain yours for a few days? Does that brat not have enough toys back up at his castle?”
“You misinterpret my request. You see, his highness has a rather hard time making any friends of any sort and is quite lonely. I think it would benefit not just him but your child as well to be able to socialize with someone their age.”
“My kid socializes plenty.”
“But with someone else their age?” Lilia pushed. “I noticed you have no other children present in your little circus. I imagine it can get quite lonely, can it not?”
At that your father silenced, pursing his lips as he looked down in thought. While he knew you adored this life, wanting nothing more than to continue your days in the show business, he often regretted not being able to give you more. A proper home, a proper place to live, a place to stay and make plenty of friends of your own. If this was his one chance to give you that, even for a short while…
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