#dad council has answered
how many words has the longest submission been so far (and for who)?
The longest submission is 450 words and is for John silver from treasure planet
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puppetmaster13u · 1 month
Prompt 345
Let it be known that none of them actually expected the idiots’ of the week’s ritual to work. The summoning hadn’t worked for literal centuries- everyone knew it had been sealed away, presumably forever!
(Of course they had no way to know that in the Infinite Realms actually used the term forever as a measurement of time, what with how time itself wasn’t particularly linear within. And to beings that could hypothetically live for eternity? Forever was a nice vacation time really) 
So maybe they hadn’t been exactly focused on stopping the ritual as much as they could of been, and by the time they realized it was working, well, it’d been a bit too late then. So yes, mistakes had perhaps in fact, been made. 
First had come the chill, the cold of the ground as your body was lowered down, the cold of your blood dripping from your living corpse. Then came the shadows, the darkness creeping along their vision as their soul slipped from their body. Followed by boiling heat, flames scorching through their flesh and tearing from their chests like a blade piercing their hearts. 
The form that emerged was massive, a cloak dripping crimson fluttering in the wind of an unseen battlefield, verdant flames licking at the air and causing the surrounding shadows to writhe. A dark growl echoed through the building, the stone below them shaking while deathly green eyes glowered down at the living with utter contempt. 
“Do any of you imbeciles know how long it takes to get ghostlings to sleep-” 
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dcxdpdabbles · 1 year
DC X DP: The Summoning Conditions of the Ghost King.
Danny Fenton is new to his title.
It's been about two years since he defeated Pariah Dark and inherited his seat through the right of conquest. Now Danny knew, on some level, that Pariah was King of Ghosts, but in all honestly, he had been preoccupied with getting his town back from the zone and keeping his friends and family (and the rest of the town, he guessed) alive.
The victory had been just within the lines of a fair fight, only because a dew ghost argued that his shifting his dad's ecto-skeleton suit was a form of armor only after his power ran over it.
If Danny had fought in the ecto-skeleton suit without doing so then it would not have been considered a fair fight as it wasn't his own strength, and thus, he would not won the right of conquest.
But he did. And now Danny was crowned Ghost King. Which came with all sorts of responsibilities and proper conduct for someone of his new stature.
Many ghosts were willing to teach him the way- Princess Dora, Clockwork, Frostbite, Ghostwriter, and even the Observants- but Danny struggled to adjust. He had no idea being King meant he had to play diplomat to the literal multiverse- as the Ghost Zone or Infinite Realms touched every possible world at every possible time- and follow specific rules of being a Ghost.
A vampire could not entire a home without being invited in.
A fae could not take control over a human without knowing their name.
And a ghost could not make a chance to the living plane without meeting requirements, like an agreement on a contract.
That was why the Ghosts never passed Amity Park's limits and why Pariah Dark had chosen to take the town into his domain instead of expanding his attack. The Fentons have unknowingly created an open contract with anything that could get past their portal by opening it up and claiming themselves the protectors against ghosts kind.
If a ghost could defeat everyone in the Fenton household- as the ground of where the zone was open and the beings calling that location a home- then they would become the portal's rulers and be able to leave the city. Thankfully, that contact applied to Danny, and he had never lost, no matter who challenged him.
His ghost sense activated the contract, alerting him of a new challenger. After finding his family contract, Danny had thrown a fit in the Ghost King's Keep. Thankfully, he could close it with the help of Clockwork, who agreed to be his final challenger, and once he won, the portal was forever closed.
Danny then discovered he had to create his own Ghost Conditions as Phantom, The Protective Spirt of Amity Park, and Phantom, the Ghost King. He argued with the Infinite Releams council, something he installed to help him rule and to lowkey have them continue to govern themselves with his own laws, keeping them from killing each other- until his core began to deteriorate the more he neglected his Ghost Conditions.
Clockwork has to intervene, telling him in little words to write up his Ghost Conditions and have them ready in a month or experience his soul being ripped apart by nature.
Danny agreed to write up the Conditions as soon as he could....and then did what any sixteen-year-old teenager would do with a work assignment. He procrastinated until the night before it was due.
Panicked, he sat down in front of his laptop to write, telling his parents he had a big essay due and could not answer any calls until late.
At three am of the following day, Clockworked appeared for his Ghost Conditions which outlined his limitations and certain requirements for Danny to operate.
He worked hard on Phantom, The Protective Spirt of Amity Park, to allow him to live everyday human life and shift into a ghost to protect his town whenever he needs to. He ensured that he could not be used to cause human death by a weapon in a mortal war, and his condition for working on behalf of a human was to have a recommendation letter from both FrostBite and Clockwork out of both ghost-freewill.
He figured it would make it practically impossible to make him a weapon or make him do anything against his will. He didn't want to end up like Ember or Desiree, who relied on mortals to get power, but he also did not want to be so obsessive about protecting something he forwent everything like Sculker or Walker.
He spent so much time on it that he forgot to leave time to work on the Phantom, and Ghost King lists until his eyes were dropping closed and Clockwork was messaging him that he was on his way to both lists.
Danny panicked and wrote something down- hoping he would redo the assignment later on- just to have something to turn in. The lack of sleep and stress caused him to not think clearly.
When he woke seven hours later, he realized this wasn't just some English assignment he could ask his teacher to let him redo. This was set in stone conditions and said conditions had already been passed around the multiverse. Some of his work even appears in his timeline, in some ancient civilization, thanks to Clockwork flinging copies of his Ghost Conditions into time portals.
Thank the Ancient Cores that Danny had copied and pasted the parts of about not making him a weapon for mortal wars or mindlessly killer. He hoped that it wouldn't come to bite him in the ass.
It bit him in the ass a week later when an alien threat so big the Heros of the Justice League were so desperate for a counter-attack they allowed Batman to attempt to summon the Ghost King even at the Justice League Dark's warning.
Batman had known about the Ghost King's Summoning Conditions from his time with Ra's Al Ghul. It was, after all, Ra's civilization that had been the one to find Danny's list from Clockworks time portals.
Danny knew this because one of the conditions was letting him know of the human's intention before they could summon him. He honestly heard whatever Batman was thinking and whatever the man could hear.
"Bats, this is baty even for you!" A disembodied voice hissed. Danny was startled so hard on his bed, having been scrolling on his phone when the British man spoke.
"If we can convince the King that the lives of Earth are at risk, he will aid us in the battle. He can not kill humans, but the aliens are not human." Batman answered, and Danny felt his core drop. Oh no. a loophole.
"Or he could kill everything around in a fit of rage!" The other man yelled. "No one understands the Ghost King! His Conditions were so open-ended anything could happen!"
Hey, Danny thought they were pretty solid, actually.
"Doesn't matter. We are out of options." Batman replied, and between one moment and the next, Danny was floating above a summoning circle, still wearing his snowflake pajamas- complete with a large holding- his phone in the same lying on his stomach position.
Thankfully, he was in his ghost form.
"Phantom, Ghost King, I call upon you for aid. The lives of all human life are at risk of destruction." Batman said, his thoughts silent like the grave, and Danny had no idea what he was thinking.
Danm. Danny's wording of "Knowing a human's intention before summoning the King" meant that he could not hear the human's intention once the summon happened. Maybe his language was too open-ended.
"Ugh." He slowly sat up in a cross-leg position, eyeing the gathered heroes. It looked like all of the Justice League was present- all looking worse for wear. Whatever aliens were, the League wasn't kidding when they sent out an emergency shelter notice. "Um, that is...Well, you see, the funny thing is you have to pass some trials before I can help you. Batman Sir."
The Dark Knight showed no outward emotion as he nodded even as a few heroes seemed confused by Danny's nervousness. "I will undergo them."
Please disagree. Danny wanted to scream, flushing a bright green. He wrote those trails in two minutes. They are embarrassing!
Instead, he heard himself say as if speaking from his frozen ice core. "You must pass all my trails. The first shall begin right now and you must have opponents of those you cherish the most. They must be someone you love so much that the thought of them hurting will destroy you. They must take part now or drop dead if they refuse."
A glowing green snowflake appears under the feet of five individuals in the crowd. Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan and Spoiler.are dragged to the front of the crowd, to stand next to Batman in the Ghost Kind's trails.
Batman froze and a man in a trench coat swore. "I warned you!"
"Wait!" Flash yelled, but it was too late. The Ghost King Trails had already begun. Danny wanted to scream, but he felt his body move one arm up, creating a sizeable frozen slate of ice to hover over the heroes.
A familiar song filled the air as smaller slates appeared before each hero. Words slowly carved across the large and small ice, much to the confusion of everyone present.
"Is...Is this Kahoot?" Red Robin dared to ask, watching the words finish being made, and the Kahoot music continued to count down.
Danny wants to hide his face in his hands, but he instead shouts, "The first to twenty is the victor and shall be the one I shall give my aid to! Now time is running out, humans, pick your answer for... Question one...According to the Ghost King, which Gotham hero has the best ass?"
Everyone turned to Orphan when she quickly pressed B. on her ice tablet. Since she was the only one who moved in time before the timer ran out, her answer was displayed before all eyes.
She chose correctly. B. for Red Robin.
Orphan shrugs at Red Robin's gape. "His Highness' eyes did a slow up and down when they spotted you. It wasn't hard to guess."
Danny thought making a Kahoot was fast, and no one would be able to guess the answers to questions about himself. He thought it was foolproof.
He was wrong.
"Question two: Which is the prettiest star in the Milky Way!" Danny shouts in a pompous tone that contradicts his embarrassed frown and glowing green blush.
The heroes of Gotham stare at him before they all press A for Sirius.
"How!?" He asks when all of them get the answer right. Right now, Orphan is winning, so she is the closest to his contact dealer.
"You're wearing the star on your nightcap," Red Hood deadpans.
"Q-Question three.....What is the Ghost King's favorite Holiday?"
Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.
Nightwing, Red Robin, Red Hood, Spoiler, and Orphan picked D. for Halloween but only Batman chooses correctly with B. for Valentine's Day.
He does not explain how he knows that, and Danny is starting to worry the greatest detective in the world is going to figure all his answers out, and he will end up serving them.
Sweating, he moves on to the next question as John Consistent watches on, wondering if he indeed was an Occult expert as he thought or not because none of what was happening was what he thought would happen.
They may stand a chance yet.
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puppetwoman17 · 2 months
If you were to tell Billy that Batman is the world’s greatest detective, he would laugh at you. Honest to gods laugh in your face and call you stupid.
Then he’d tell you that the world’s greatest detective is obviously the Question. He won’t tell you why.
The Question is practically his son. He learns about what the Council of Eternity did to the Trinity of sin and is like: cool, but it’s been hundreds of years, so I’m gonna call for time. He likes to think that because the council(including Shazam) turned the Trinity into what they are, he is, somehow, in line to be their dad. Do not ask why he feels parental feelings for these grown adults. He will not have a good answer.
Does the Question know about this? Hell yes. He’s the Question. He and Phantom Stranger make sure to treat Marvel normally around others, and act like old friends when alone. Pandora, meanwhile, has no qualms with going up to Marvel and giving him a big hug when he’s surrounded by the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman.
Naturally, Billy is biased towards his 3 overgrown, mature, but still childish children.
“Question solved this one crime without ANY MONEY *wink wink batman*.”
“Stranger just sent another lord of chaos to hell! I’m so proud!”
“Pandora trapped all those monsters back inside her box—Yeah, I know she opened it in the first place— I’m so proud of her!”
The JL is confused. Bonus points if they know his identity and are worried as to why their tween-teen coworker is treating these people like his children.
Mary and Freddy are determined to be the best aunt and uncle. Nothing is stopping them.
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Deadpool quotes but with my Lucifer's older sibling!reader idea-
Reader: [First day in Hell, in the middle of a fistfight] Have you seen this woman?
[holds up a bad crayon drawing of Charlie]
Sera: You've been warned, Reader. This is a shameful and reckless use of your powers. You will be coming with us
Reader: Look, Sera, I don't have time for the goody two-shoes bullshit right now
Alastor: Do you have off an switch?
Reader: Yeah, it's right next to the prostate. Or is that the on switch?
Reader; [after finding out about Charlie's existence] You're clowning. You're not clowning? I sense clowns
Charlie: Feeling a bit lonely?
Reader: Only sometimes when I'm by myself. Or other times when I'm with other people.
Reader: [First ever conversation with an awe-eyed Charlie] You're probably thinking, "My dad said that his older sibling is the second most just being in all of creation, but his sibling just turned that guy into a fucking kabab!" Well, I may be just, but I'm no hero. And yeah, technically, that was a murder. But some of the best love stories start with a murder. And that's exactly what this is, a platonic love story.
Reader: [to Sera] Listen, the day I decide to become a crime-fighting shit swizzler, who rooms with a bunch of other little whiners in the Lord's Kingdom with some creepy, [points to Adam] Heaven's Gate-looking motherfucker... on that day, [points to Emily] I'll send her shiny, happy ass a friend request
Reader [Helping in the second extermination]: Daddy needs to express some rage.
[starts firing their guns]
Reader: Listen, Angel, if I never see you again, I want you to know that I love you very much. I also buried 1,600 kilos of cocaine somewhere in the hotel - right next to the answer for getting out of a soul contract. Good luck.
Angel Dust: [Grinning] You fucking asshole
Alastor: Morningstar!
Reader: How can I help you? Besides luring women into dark, creepy basements.
Reader: [Just learned how to use a phone, looking at a text from Angel] What is that?
Husk: That's the shit emoji. You know the turd with the smiling face and the eyes. I thought it was chocolate yogurt for so long
Sera: I've given Reader every chance to join us but they'd rather act like a child. A heavily armed child. When will they grow up and see benefits of joining the Angelic Council?
Emily: Which benefits? Commiting genocide for amusement? Or the Angel that falls every few decades?
Sera: Please, falling out of Heaven builds character
Reader: Superhero landing. She's gonna do a superhero landing. Wait for it...
[Lute jumps from the platform and lands]
Reader: [clapping their hands] Whoo! Superhero landing! You know, that's really hard on your knees
Charlie: [Stopping Reader from killing Valentino] I can't allow this, Reader. Please, come quietly.
Reader: You blonde cock-gobbler!
Charlie: That's not nice.
Reader: You're really gonna fuck this up for me? Trust me, that squeaking bag of dick-tips has it coming. He's pure evil. Besides... Nobody's getting hurt.
[a dead body falls off an overhead building]
Reader: That guy was already up there when I got here.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 2 years
hi! will you write an aegon x reader imagine in which they are married out of love. and after she gives birth, alicent (or otto idk) requests to see her child like she did to rhaenyra. like what would aegon do to see his wife in pain and how would he react? thank you!
Ugh, I live for this type of angst!!! I reckon Aegon would be so fucking pisssssed. How dare they try to get you to lift a finger, let alone stand after birthing his child!!!! sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy xx
Our Child.
PAIRING: Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 1,948.
WARNINGS: swearing, fluff, angst, Dad!Aegon, mentions of pregnancy/birth, mentions of bullying.
A/N - I apologise for getting carried away with the beginning lmao, but I felt the need to lay some background, so don't mind me. hope you enjoy!
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Within this realm, gossip and scepticism was not unfamiliar territory. Especially regarding the livelihood and innocence of maidens such as yourself, whispers were constant, back and forth, the ongoing judgement would never be silenced although, you'd grown ignorant to. It did not matter, many accused you of being a whore, many expressed their disgust over hearing your so-called promiscuous nature, and many had ridiculed your poor upbringing.
"Surely, she's bedded men before, and the Prince seems to not mind? I heard she was betrothed to a farmer in the North, although ran away."
"Aegon is no saint either... Although he is a man, and men have needs."
"What would the Prince want with someone of her kind? She has nothing to offer, not even a dowry, and he is to be King."
The scrutiny was constant, and Aegon knew at times, no matter how well you masked it, that the words stung. He knew your story, having allowed him and granting him the time to really get to know you, Aegon had pestered you for so long, he listened and knew your truth.
The rest were all lies, deceit and gossip, for many lords had intended for their own daughters to wed the King to be.
"The realm have already made up their minds, Aegon, I stand no chance against them."
Aegon did not care. He loved you undeniably, and whatever he saw in you, made him a better man.
"They can answer to me, I'd like to hear their judgement directly."
It was true, no one dared to question Aegon's intentions with you, not at least in front of him. First off, he had a dragon. Secondly, a terribly, quick temper, the notorious Targaryen temper... The two fused well together depending on who asked.
Overtime, just as you always had, the scrutiny of the high class and council did not matter to you, for it was the least of your concerns.
Although, it bothered you greatly that his mother, Queen Alicent, had tuned into such gossip and determined herself that you unworthy.
She did not completely ignore your presence in the castle, although she was cold. She never warmed unto you like she did with other high-borne ladies, nor did she give you the chance to speak or tell your truth. Her mind was made.
Alicent was certain that you had other intentions with her son, that you'd wanted riches, gold, money, anything to help redeem your family's status in society. She assumed that you would use the Crown in all its glory, all through Aegon.
"I see you as you are, Y/N. Aegon may think with his cock when it comes to you, although I see right through you," Her words cut sharp as Valyrian blade, left you defeated and speechless.
Aegon knew of this, for he could tell how quickly your mood had shifted. He knew of his mother's sour attitude towards you, for she'd plead with him many times to let you go, even proposing the idea of offering you money in return that you leave King's Landing for good.
In despite of the adversity, Aegon held his ground, for one of the first times in his life. He remained with you, by your side relentlessly, and defended your honour. He often returned to your chambers tiresome of the repetitive quarrelling with his mother about you, and yet he did not intend to stop, until she'd accepted you. In time, he had asked for your hand, wedding you in a private ceremony, upholding his Valyrian heritage, and not before long, you were with child, Aegon's child and his rightful heir.
The birthing was difficult to say the least, going on for a fair few hours in the night, right until sunlight could be seen in the horizon. The instant cry of your newborn babe filled the room, and much to your relief, caused you to beam with a smile on your face, as you embraced the small bub in your arms.
"A boy, your Grace. Kicking like a goat," The experienced midwife exclaimed, as she tended to the sweat dripping on your face, and the blood marked on your cheeks, from kissing the babe, trying to make you somewhat decent if Aegon was to return.
Aegon although, desperate to be with you, was caught in a council meeting. Much to his dismay, his abrupt marriage to you left many lords in uproar as his family had promised them the opportunities for their daughters to meet the young Prince, determined to see if he'd take a liking to one of the them. Many now furious at the Crown, refusing to pay taxes and levies.
As you cradled the baby in your arms, enamoured by the bundle of joy, little shrouds of hair on his head, parallel to his father's Targaryen heritage, his nose even a copy of Aegon's. It was his little twin. Trying to take your son's presence all in, was suddenly interrupted by a loud knock on the door, jolting your attention towards the entrance. Your heart raced with excitement, as you'd relished in the image of Aegon rushing through to your bedside, meeting his newborn son for the first moment ever.
Much to your disappointment it was a knight, although, one that you'd grown familiar to seeing in the Queen's company.
"Apologies to bother you, your Grace. Although, Queen Alicent wishes to see you and the babe at this very moment."
A puzzled look drenched your face, as you scanned the faces of the midwives and maester present during your birth, each of them sharing a discerning look, some quickly looking to their shuffling feet, trying to seem busy.
"Right now?" You stuttered, holding your newborn tightly instinctively.
The knight merely nodded, as though hesitant to giving such orders considering the ordeal you'd endured just mere minutes ago.
Now you'd grown annoyed, you gestured for one of the midwives to hold your dear son, who continued to wail as he left your arms, whilst the others helped you to your feet, blood drenched clothes, pooling down your legs as you gained steadiness.
You couldn't stand by yourself, your head whirling and your belly and thighs aching in a dull pain, sudden movements and long strides caused sharp pains to bellow your lower back and hips, cramping your muscles. It was pain you'd never felt like before.
The maester attempted to convince you of taking milk of the poppy for the walk, although short, would be tormenting with the stairs you had to conquer.
Although, milk of the poppy made you feel weaker, less conscious. You did not want to wish dropping the babe in your arms, nor be less alert for Alicent.
The midwives carefully donned you in a clean, silk gown, attempting to make you as decent and proper as possible, for people began to bustle through the castle now. Hearing their conversations and steps outside the door, for it was morning and you'd grown familiar to its routine.
"Y/N dearest, perhaps we can send a message to the Queen that your condition does not allow for you to travel currently-" The maester pitied.
"No, it is fine. If this is what the Queen wants, this is what she shall get."
The midwife that had held your son, returned him to your arms, as the knight helped to guide you out, holding out his armoured arm as you gripped it tightly for support. Thankfully, he did not rush you, for he could see how slow and careful you were taking your steps.
Some lords and ladies passing by would congratulate you, whilst others remained ignorant to your presence, and some in pure shock that you were travelling in such a state.
Their whispers again, filled the morning air, although before reaching the steps, you'd taken a glance at your newborn son, snug in his blankets. Again, the same, warm smile gleamed on your face as you watched him, before a sharp pain pierced through your lower abdomen. Your grip on the knight tensed and he knew immediately, questioning if you wished to turn back.
"No-No, let's just fucking go."
As you took the first, agonising step up, a familiar voice yelled out your name. Slowly turning back, your body straining, resisting all the physical movement, you could see Aegon down the other side of the corridor, rushing past as he reached your side.
"What's the meaning of this, where are you going in such a state?"
He kept his focus on you, oblivious to the babe in your arms, as one hand massaged your back, whilst the other held your arm for support, as you began to cower in pain.
"Ughh-Y-Your mother, wanted t-to see the babe, now."
You stuttered, your voice trembling as the pain worsened the more you remained on your feet, becoming breathless by the second.
As you mentioned the babe, Aegon looked down, his eyes meeting his newborn son, a cherished look on his face appeared for a split second, before he realised the situation. His eyes darted towards the knight and commanded that he tell his mother, "That would not be wise, if she so wishes to see the babe, she can come down herself."
You reassured the knight that you were fine, as Aegon took his place by your side, turning you back around to your chambers, the midwives still present as they remained cleaning the bloody scene, were relieved to see you return. They all helped you back down cautiously, propping pillows behind your back for support, even preparing a small cup of milk of the poppy, now that you were rested in bed.
"What were you thinking Y/N? Don't you ever think that you need to prove yourself like that, my mother can answer to me."
"I-I don't know, Aegon. She is the Queen, a-and I thought... I am sorry husband."
Aegon had been pacing himself up and down the room, as the midwives left to give you both peace and privacy, shaking and rubbing his head. Out of fury, he slammed his fist against the wooden post of the bed railing, before calming himself. Seating himself down by your side, as he ran his fingers through his short, tussled platinum hair. A low sigh escaping his mouth, as he exchanged a worried look on his face, your hand reaching over to hold his reddened knuckles, as your thumb grazed the small, fresh cut.
"You-You my dearest, need not to apologise, you did nothing wrong. I just cannot fathom how my mother think it okay to torment you like that."
"I-I do not know, Aegon. But rest assured, our son is happy and healthy, come-"
You pulled his fingers, beckoning to come closer, as you pulled down the cover on your son's little face, despite all the mayhem that ensued following his birth, he remained quiet and slept. Unphased by the drama of his presence, he was your calm before the storm.
"He's beautiful isn't he? Our child." You softly whisper, as you looked up from the babe to Aegon, and back down again, gently cradling him in your arms.
Aegon's arm wrapped beneath yours, as his free hand, a finger gently grazed over his son's nose, dotting it. Helplessly, a smile beamed up on his face, as his son cooed against his father's touch.
"As angelic as his mother is." He uttered, before resting his head against your shoulder.
"She will be dealt with, Y/N. Rest assured, I will speak with her and it will be the last time we speak of this matter again. She did not deem me fit to be King before, she will now."
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thewulf · 7 months
My Purpose || Aragorn
Summary: Request - Can you do a Aragorn x Female Reader where she’s from earth not middle earth? Like the modern reader in middle earth trope? Reader dies in an accident of some sort and wakes up in a field in Rivendell. It’s right before everyone is gathering for the Council of Elrond... Read Rest Here
A/N: LOVED writing this one. Aragorn is just... the best. This one got away from me, as usual. Thank you for the requests!! Hope you like this as much as I loved writing this :) Love a good modern girl in middle earth trope!
Pairing: Aragorn x Female Reader
Word Count: 7.5k +
TW: swords, blades, training, homesickness
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It still didn’t seem real. The vast valley with flowing waterfalls where the light seemed to hit perfectly. Standing out on the balcony of the room you were given for however long you were permitted to stay you watched as the city ebbed and flowed throughout the day. You had no idea how long you sat there watching from the mansion of the home of the elf-man that had found you for you had no idea how to tell time here. You’d either lost you phone or the elves had taken it from you. The thought of actual elves sent shivers down your spine. It had only been a few days since you’d woken up in this place that definitely wasn’t close to home. There wasn’t even electricity that you could tell, at least not in your room. It wasn’t that you weren’t given the opportunity to leave you just didn’t want to. These elves were terribly intimidating, so beautiful and even the children seemed to stand taller than you.
Nobody had so much bothered you other than Elrond coming to check in on you a few times throughout each day with food in his hand each time. It wasn’t until the fourth day that he came without it.
“Miss Y/N.” He spoke at the open door leading to the balcony. He had tried knocking at the door a few times. He was more concerned than anything when you didn’t answer for it had become a sort of a routine at this point for him to greet you at your door. You never really wanted him to come in further, so you never invited him in.
You jumped slightly in your stupor being interrupted by your usual companion, “Lord Elrond. I’m sorry. I was just watching, didn’t hear you.”
He nodded before walking out to sit next to you on the bench you were already occupying, “Are you well? A friend of mine has told me you have been out here in a daze nearly all day.”
You turned your head to him with a small smile, “I’m fine. Just thinking.”
“What ever about?” He pressed. You had been fairly tight lipped about how you ended up here. It’s not like you wish you couldn’t tell him about how you got here you just didn’t know. You were… different. Your clothing was something he had never seen. You had called them jean pants and a polyester blouse. You might have been speaking an entirely different language. Regardless he had given you back you clothes plus some elven dress clothes that he had hemmed shorter fort you. He was pleasantly surprised that on the third day you were wearing the newly provided elven clothes to your strange human clothes.
“Home. The memories are starting to become harder to recall. It’s weird. It’s like they’re all fuzzy. I’m afraid…” You swallowed back a frightening wave of emotions as you spoke to the kind elderly elf, “I’m afraid I will forget it all. My mom and dad. My friends and family. What it was like… It was nothing like this.”
He grabbed for your fidgeting hand that was clearly in distress, “Tell me what you can recall. I will not forget. I will tell you of your own memories.” He bowed his head towards you letting you know his utmost sincerity at the request.
Giving him a sad smile, you gave into his request finally. It did you no good to hide it all away and seem to forget it completely. Then you may never make it home. Telling him was really you only option at this point, “I miss my mom the most. We never got along the best when I lived at home, but we’ve become close after I’ve left home for school. I was just hoping that if I never make it home that she had some sort of closure.” You sighed feeling the weight of reality setting in. You thought maybe you would just wake up int you bed one morning but that was certainly not happening.
He cocked his head to the side, “You went off for school? Tell me about your mother. What was she like?” He pressed knowing you would crave these memories should you forget them for some odd reason. You were a puzzle for Elrond. He couldn’t connect the dots.
“Only once you become an adult. Once you turn eighteen you can enter the workforce full time or go to advanced education called college or university.” You paused thinking further about his second question. Your mother. What was she like? She was remarkable, “My mom is an angel. She thinks of those she loves above all else. She taught me how to be a good human. How to be kind in the face of adversity. How to face challenges head on and with a smile on my face. She’s the reason I’m not sitting here crying every day. But the thoughts of not seeing her again… I knew it would happen one day just not so soon. Not before I got married and had kids and… I’m sorry I’m rambling.” You quieted down almost afraid to look into his eyes once more. 
“You are lucky to have her. Do not give up. We have not talked to Gandalf. He has just arrived and wishes to speak to you. He’s been informed of your strange arrival.” Elrond spoke hoping it would be easy to persuade you to come with him outside your room in his home.
“Gandalf?” You asked. It sounded so familiar. His name so strange yet I come right to the forefront of your mind as if you’d heard it before when he spoke it.
Elrond nodded holding out his hand to you, “He is a wizard. If anybody should have answers it would be him.”
“A wizard?” You’d remembered Harry Potter, maybe he could whisk you home through some Floo powder or something of the sort.
Elrond nodded his head, “A very dear old friend of mine. He may have better knowledge than I on your situation. I have scoured all the libraries of Imladris and could find no such cases as yours.”
You took his hand letting him lead you through his home and out the back towards the gardens you’d come to know and love in your short stay thus far. You opened and closed your mouth a few times to continue the conversation between you and Elrond, but you could not find the words to ask the question you wanted. When you finally stopped you were greeted by exactly what you pictured a wizard to look like. He looked like Dumbledore. Your heart warmed in comfort as his eyes crinkled into a smile.
“Y/N, my dear. Elrond has told me so much about you. It’s lovely to meet you.” He walked over towards you making sure to greet the both of you. His eyes, however, never left you. He was all too curious of the mortal human girl not from middle earth Elrond had told him so little about.
You dipped your head in slight unease over the entire ordeal. You, indubitably, knew that you were the talk of the town but to hear it out loud sent your heart racing. Being the middle child growing up meant you spent your life hidden and out of the way. Overshadowed by your older siblings accomplishments and overlooked for your younger siblings needs. You kind of felt like you were just floating by until you had moved out and your relationship had grown drastically with your mom and siblings.
“Uhm, likewise. Sir wizard.” You gave him that shy smile where your head tilted to the side trying to read him.
A subtle chuckle emanated from the elderly man’s lips, “You may call me Gandalf, dear Y/N. Now, we don’t have too much time before the council joins this afternoon for a final decision to be made. Come sit, Lord Elrond will join us. Start from the beginning, do you remember the last time you were home?” He led you to the small table in the garden that was likely used for afternoon tea, not for conversations such of these.
You knew you’d have to tell your story all over again so you might as well get it over with, “It was cold. A really cold and miserable day in Indiana. Middle of winter. Lots of snow. Blizzard like conditions.” You sighed recounting your seemingly last minutes on earth. You’d concluded you had died but it was weird to say it out loud. To admit your defeat, “There was a really bad accident on the road home. Big pileup. I was able to stop my car in time but the people behind me were not able to. My car was pushed under a semi where I was trapped. I don’t remember much else other than panicking because I couldn’t get out… My car started making weird noises. I’m pretty sure my engine exploded from being crushed in a way it shouldn’t have. I’m pretty sure I died.” You frowned accepting your death. God, you hoped your family had closure. That they were okay.
Gandalf bobbed his head considering your story, “What is a car? A semi? An engine?” He needed help with your strange words he’d never heard of before. Surely this was proof enough that you were from nowhere near here.
You laughed more to yourself than at his lack of knowledge, “Cars are new in my world. We were using horses and carriages not even a hundred years ago. A car uses and engine to propel forward instead of a horse. It uses some sort of fuel and ignition to propel cranks and wheels forward making your car go forward. A car is just an enclosed carriage. And a truck is just a massive car to transport goods.”
He continued listening to you, “That sounds like an unpleasant death.”
You hummed in agreement, “For what it’s worth I don’t remember it hurting. Just waking up here in the middle of a field. I’m fortunate to have run into his sons and not something more sinister from the sounds of it.”
Gandalf ran his hands along his beard, “Fortunate or you were placed for a reason. Curious.” He paused giving you another once over before continuing, “Elrond speaks as if you know of this world even though you may not be from here?” The old wizard pressed as his eyes bore into yours even though you couldn’t quite meet his gaze completely.
You agreed with him, “Yes, some things seem familiar. Like I’ve seen things here before.”
Elrond finally spoke up, “Tell him what you told me the other night. When you first got here.”
You turned your head looking between the two males, “I asked if you were gathering to talk about the ring.”
“How do you know of the ring?” Gandalf looked between you and Elrond with a perplexed expression on his face.
You shook your head trying to recall but the memories were becoming fuzzy. The further your time away from home the harder it was becoming to recall memories from your time there, “I believe it was a story of some sort where I’m from. We have books as well and it was a book written for entertainment.”
Gandalf eyed you before turning his attention to Elrond, “You must keep Y/N in your home. If you are correct and the fellowship is formed later we may need your knowledge before we partake on the quest. Even after.” The wizard’s eyes flashed with a newfound hope having you show up the most opportune of time. The more he thought about it the less curious you become. You were becoming more and more so seemingly a gift from Eru Ilúvatar himself.
Elrond bowed his head in acceptance of Gandalf’s decree, “How are your quarters now Lady Y/N? You may have an extended stay. I can move you to a different spot in the house if you would like.”
“That’s not necessary. The room is great.” You gave him a genuine smile and thumbs up before turning back to Gandalf, “But what about home? Lord Elrond said you may be able to get me home?” You asked with the same hope you seemed to give him.
But his frown told you all that you needed to know, “My child. You had died on your home. You have been given another chance. Likely because we prayed for you and you passed on too early in your own life.” He gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze from his seat next to you.
Your eyes drifted down in that sadness you had been holding back. You knew that was somehow going to be the answer, but it still didn’t sting any less actually hearing it from him, “So I’m stuck here?” The question came out closer
Elrond took the liberty of grabbing for your hand trying to provide any sort of comfort, “You get to live out the rest of your life here.” Gandalf nodded knowing that was exactly what you didn’t want to hear.
“Can you tell me if my family got closure? They know I’ve passed?” You asked feeling squeezing Elrond’s hand right back, thankful he had given you that small amount of comfort. It had been days since you’ve had physical contact with anyone or anything. You thought you hated it but man did you miss it. You craved it.
The wizard gave you solemn shake of his head, “For that I cannot be certain young one. But I can be certain that you have been put here for a reason. You have been given another chance. I would not waste it.” Gandalf rose giving you and Elrond a bow before walking away, “I must take to conversation with Boromir before this afternoon. I shall see you in due time.” He waved more towards Elrond than you leaving you that much more confused than when you had started.
Your eyes upturned to Lord Elrond still holding your hand from the seat next to yours. His kind brown eyes had turned sympathetic in the news Gandalf had given you. All he could do was offer his own kindness to the ever out of place human girl giving him a crushed look, “You are more than welcome to stay here in Rivendell. Most of the residents and my children have decided to set sail as the time has come.”
“Thank you.” Giving him a small smile that hardly reached your cheeks you let the news consume you. You were quiet as he led you back to your room. Your official room now that you had zero plans of getting out of here. At least it was easily the most beautiful place you had ever seen.
“Lunch will be soon. Shall I bring you a plate or would you care to join me in the halls this time?” He asked pressing his luck once he had dropped you back off in your room.
“A plate is fine. Thank you again Elrond. I’d like to think on my own for a bit if you do not mind.”
“As you wish.” He bowed before gliding off. He sent one more concerned look before you shut yourself out from the elven world. Damn. You were stuck in a place called middle earth. Who would’ve thought this could’ve been your life?
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You found yourself in the same gardens later that night after your handmaiden had brought you dinner. Flush with emotions you found yourself crying and not being able to stop once you’d found a somewhat secluded spot hidden away.
“Excuse me miss? Are you all right?” A man had asked breaking you out of your own head full of thoughts and tears. Your sniffles must have drawn the dark-haired strangers attention to your quiet corner that nobody had seemed to bother you in, until now.
You turned seeing that handsome man you had spotted a few times since the Council of Elrond had begun. You were all too curious what they discussed for hours on end, but it had to have been critical so many seemingly important people to gather to discuss matters. Wiping away your tears with the sleeves of the elven dress all you could do was nod rapidly, “I am okay. Just terribly overwhelmed is all.”
He cocked his head to the side looking you over, “You speak differently than any human woman I have talked to. You must be the mortal girl Elrond has spoken of?” You did not have the height nor the ears to be an elf he concluded. But, you certainly had the beauty to rival an elf. Aragorn was quite taken aback at your doe-eyed expression on his even though your eyes were blood-shot from the many tears you had spilt.
Letting out a laugh you could only agree with him, “If only you know how weird you sound to me too. But yes, I am.” You confirmed by meeting your eyes with his icy blue ones. You pushed back your rushing thoughts of just how stunning this stranger was. Everybody here in this middle earth seemed otherworldly. Beautiful beyond belief. A far cry from your home however far away it was.
His eyes roamed over you for the first time up close. He had seen you sitting on the balcony from Elrond’s residence a few times in the few days he’d arrived. But this was the first he’d seen the other worldly girl up close and personal. Elrond made no mention of your simple beauty. Your big, beautiful eyes laced in a red stain from the tears you’d been clearly crying made his heart twist unexpectantly.
He too was in the process of grieving a loss of his own. His Arwen, his first love, had taken to sailing away. Truly, he had no idea what she would choose in the end and chose the best for herself and her family. He could never blame her, no. He pushed her to go do exactly that. He would always have love in his heart for the ellith he could never have. How blissful were the few years he got to spend with her… they were everything and more. But she had to go. Elrond, her father, pushed her off a few months ago and that was that for him. He was no stranger to the sadness in your expression.
“Dare I ask why?” The man walked towards you stopping just shy. Closer than any of the other elves or man had dared to step to you. Other than Lord Elrond, your healer, and Ioanoa, your handmaiden, assigned to you by the lord for the time being.
His eyes looked innocent enough. Might as well tell him as you really didn’t have anything to lose anymore. You’ve already lost it all, “I am forgetting everything of my home. I barely remember my mom’s face now. I’m worried I’ll forget it all. I have to accept that this is my new life. I just… I never got to say goodbye. I can’t remember everyone anymore, but I know I had people I loved, I just feel it.”
He contemplated what to say for a moment as he had never come across a situation so complex as yours before. He did not know what to tell you. He could never fathom your situation. Essentially dying in your own reality to wake up in something so different only to forget where you came from? Aragorn shuddered at the thought. He might’ve even gone mad at the thought.
“Fear not. They will not forget you. They will always be looking for you or have thoughts of you. You may forget the fine details of them, but you will never forget of them and their love. Like you said, you can feel it.” He placed a hand over his heart praying his words offered you some sort of comfort.
You looked down wiping the fresh tears away, “What if they do forget me?”
He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder drawing your eyes back up to him, “From what I hear it sounds like your mother had much love for you. As long as she walks in her world she will have love for you. As long as you walk in middle earth you will have love for her.” Aragorn was nervous as he met your eyes once more. He felt relief wash over him as you kept his gaze and gave him a gentle smile. You weren’t mad, not in the slightest. You looked relieved at his words.
“Thank you, sir.” You had yet to get or catch his name. You’d learned of a few of the other members through Elrond’s stories, but he had yet to come up. He seemed to be human. You couldn’t spot anything that made him stand out as anything other than. But who new in this middle earth.
He returned your soft smile with one of his own, “Aragorn is my name.”
“Thank you, Aragorn. Mine is Y/N.” His eyes remained on yours as you couldn’t keep ahold of his gaze. He was daunting in the best way. Handsome beyond belief. Words of advice more than you can dream of. Smarter than any man on earth you’d had to converse with. You’d been talking to him for less than thirty minutes, yet you had deduced he was the entire package. The first man you’d met on this planet was far better than any man on your earth.
He nodded taking a seat at the bench you were previously occupying, “Would it be rude of me to say that I already knew of that? You have been quite the discussion amongst the fellowship and council.”
You continued to stand there unsure of if you should join him or not. Would it be weird if you just stood there? Would it be weird to sit on the already small bench with him? Thankfully he must have seen your dilemma as he patted the seat next to you, inviting you to sit next to him. Trying not to make things more awkward for yourself you obliged sitting down next to him before continuing the conversation, “You all talk about me?”
He broke out into a cheeky grin, “Aye. You are most of the conversation. We cannot figure you out.”
Oh, was that all this was? He was simply trying to figure you out? That deflated whatever hope you had right then and there, “There’s not much to figure out. I’m a girl not meant to be here.” The tone of your voice came out more bitterly than it had prior sending Aragorn on edge. Had he said something?
“Indeed. That’s the perplexing part. Why are you here?” He asked more to himself than to you. A question nobody could seem to answer for a sure fact.
You shrugged, “Has to be by mistake.”
He shook his head, “I do not believe so. Nothing happens by chance here. The Valar have placed you here for a reason. We may not know now but we will soon figure it out.”
You let out a soft laugh, “How different your world is than mine.” Failing to elaborate you just looked ahead longing for your home. It was lovely here, but it wasn’t home. Even though you forgot most of what made home, home. You still longed for something you couldn’t completely remember.
“What do you miss the most of your home?” He asked hoping that talking about it would help take your mind away from the sadness that seemed to be overcoming you. Talking to you was helping him immensely. He had no idea how heavy the council’s discussions had been plus the loss of his love was weighing heavily on him. But talking to you seemed to help even if he didn’t even realize it.
“I think it’s my family and friends. As boring and monotonous my life was my family and friends were just down the road or a drive away.” You frowned having a sinking feeling you’d never see you best friend or brother again. You’d never get to tell your mom and dad how much you loved them.
He nodded, “I live a very… nomadic life. I understand the heaviness your heart undergoes. My love, she left not too long ago. I have been wandering ever since she set sail.” Aragorn admitted to you. It came out all too easily. You had admitted what was making you sad it felt too natural to do the same. He wanted to be vulnerable with you. So different from how he felt with nearly everyone since Arwen had left.
You felt your heart pounding in your chest. You felt guilty for talking about you when his heart was hurting just as much as yours, “I’m so sorry. I have never truly been in love. I can’t imagine how that feels. I hope it gets easier for you.”
“Talking to you helps, my lady.” He smiled grabbing for your hand hesitantly. When you didn’t pull away he gave your hand a gentle squeeze, “You are a great mystery, fascinating beyond belief, seemingly selfless and kinder than the day is long. As sad as you are I hope that you can find the beauty in middle earth too.”
“That’s very kind of you, thank you.” You looked away sure that there was a blush coating your cheeks, “I do find it beautiful here. Your world is not polluted like mine is. The air is fresh, the animals are plentiful, the water is safe. It is like an old version of a world that humans have not destroyed.”
He frowned, “Just humans?”
“Yep. There are no elves or dwarves or hobbits where I’m from. There are no evil monsters or magic or any kind, that I know of. Just humans and a polluted world.” You hummed missing your messy home.
He looked at your warily, “I will not lie, that sounds miserable miss Y/N.”
You laughed, your hand was still sitting in his comfortably, “We know no different. It is rather boring compared to all of this.”
He cracked a more genuine smile than you had seen from him yet, “You are honest. Be careful.”
You sighed, “Here too?”
“Bad people take advantage of good ones.” He nodded his head solemnly, “You are fine in Rivendell though. The elves will treat you well, as a novelty.”
You scrunched your eyes trying to figure out why, “Why? Because I’m a human?”
“Your entire lifetime is less time than it takes for them to mature to adulthood. There is nothing that anyone here could want from you other than to learn about mortality.”
You blinked at him, “Are elves immortal?”
He nodded as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, “Indeed.”
“Oh, wow.” You gulped at the knowledge.
“In fact, humans have the shortest span among sentient creatures in middle earth.” He said as if you weren’t already a little more than freaked out by the new revelation of the home you had been invited too earlier in the day.
Considering his words you continued along, “Makes you feel a little useless.”
He continued looking at you as you got vulnerable with him in turn, “On the positive side, nothing you can do can’t be undone. It cannot be messed up too severely.”
Your smile reached your eyes for the first time since you’d landed in middle-earth thanks to this handsome man, “I like your optimism Aragorn.”
He reached for your hand like Elrond had earlier giving it a soft squeeze, “I heard the news of your guidance from Gandalf. I am sorry your life on your earth was cut short to be here. But I am thankful for the gift we have been given. I am sure you have heard of the formation of the fellowship by now. It will be but a few fortnights before we depart as we prepare. I hope to see you soon before we are set to depart.” He spoke as he knew the journey to Mordor would be long and deadly.
“I am planning to attempt to pick up a sword here tomorrow with Elladan as a teacher here tomorrow at sunrise. If Elrond doesn’t have you busy then maybe you would care to join us?” You invited him taking any chance at the opportunity to spend time with him.
He bowed his head slowly at you, “I will see to it. Until then, lady Y/N it has been a pleasure talking with you this evening.” He stood pulling you up with him, “I trust that you can make it back to your chambers on your own?” He looked around hesitantly knowing it was perfectly safe here in Rivendell. Likely safer than anywhere on your home earth considering the elves were guarding it.
“I can. Thank you. I’ll see you in the morning.” You waved as he walked away. As much as you tried you couldn’t erase the silly little smile that crossed your face as you walked back to your room.
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Aragorn was not there when you and Elladan began to train. Nobody had informed you how downright exhausting it was to hold a sword, defend yourself and attack all at the same time. You’d never felt so damn weak before as you worked up a sweat within minutes of beginning the session ordered by Elrond. Lord Elrond was going to see through on his promise to Gandalf. He was going to keep you safe. Who knew how you fit into the puzzle of destroying the ring and saving middle earth? Keeping you safe meant making sure meant knowing how to wield a weapon.
“Not bad, keep your eyes moving though. Someone could sneak up right beside you and strike.” You heard that same voice from last night. He kept true to his word by placing a dull blade against your rib cage. One more move and he could slice into your side if he wasn’t careful. But you had the feeling he was being more than careful.
You took the opportunity to rest and lowered the heavy blade you’d been sparring Elladan with and turned to the taller human male next to you, “Spare me. This is the first time I’ve picked one of these up.” You motioned to the dull blade meant for sparring, “These are heavier than they look.”
“You are faring quite well for it being the first time you picked up a blade.” Elladan smiled taking a few steps back seeing the way Aragorn was watching you. It was the same way he had watched over his sister after they had professed a love for one another. A spark that had vanished after Arwen left nearly half a year ago. Yet here you were. A human girl not even born under the Valar, hand-picked by Eru Ilúvatar to be here, giving Aragorn a hope that he so desperately needed before this quest.
You laughed after catching your breath, “You are just being nice. I’m an out of shape mess.”
Elladan took a few more steps back while shrugging his shoulders, “You’re a natural then, my lady. Forgive me. I must go. I see my father calling. I see that Aragorn can continue your lessons?”
You being none the wiser simply shrugged looking between the two of them who had funny expressions written on their faces as you waited for his answer, “I do not see Lord Elrond summoning you.” Aragorn raised his eyebrows challenging the ellon as he knew what Elladan was playing at. For he might have been accused by the twins for harboring a liking towards you after the few interactions he actually had. Aragorn, naturally, refuted it as he hadn’t even properly talked to you until last night. But even he knew that sentiment was growing truer the more he spent time with you. The weird speaking mortal girl from a different world.
Elladan offered a soft chuckle, “He’s already retreated. Need not worry Aragorn. You’ll take it from here?” He asked this time before actually walking away.
“Aye, Elladan. I’ll take it from here.” He waved him off before turning to you, “Why don’t we start you with a blade more suitable to your size?” He asked before leading you off towards the equipment area.
“Are you calling me weak Mr. Aragorn?” You grinned feeling suddenly giddy you’d gotten him alone twice in such a short period of time. Your mood was rubbing off on your attitude. Even though you were already tired, sweaty, and felt gross you were thrilled for the sudden change of instructor.
He shook his head quickly while searching for something smaller for you, “Nay my lady. The blade you were yielding is far too big for you. We just need to find you something more in line with your arms. For a blade is but an extension of your arm.” You watched as he sorted through the different blades lining the walls before pulling one that hadn’t been used in some time down, “This will do quite nice for you.” He handed it to you for you to get a feel for.
It was far lighter in your hands as you held it and swished the air quietly in front of you, “You were right. This is very nice.”
He grinned seeing you able to hold the blade far easier than you had the man-made sword that was far heavier than an elf-made on you were holding, “Keep that with you. Elrond will want to see that later. I think he’ll get a laugh at who used to own that particular sword.”
“Used to?” You questioned placing the lighter blade in a sheath at your hip.
His eyes crossed with an unfamiliar emotion as he nodded his head, “Indeed. Elves take nothing with them when they sail to the Undying Lands.”
You just looked at him with confusion in your eyes, “I’m going to need you to elaborate on this Undying Lands place.”
He sighed knowing you were clueless when it came to middle earth and its customs, but it didn’t make the thought of where Arwen was off living any less painful. Not that it was your fault for asking, “It is where most immortals go when they are called. After their lives on middle earth are complete. Most elves go. My Arwen was called not too long ago.” He added knowing he didn’t need to. But he wanted to. Something about you made him feel comfortable enough to delve deeper with you.
“I’m sorry she could not stay with you.”
“I am too.” He smiled to you knowing just talking about it with you was healing for him as well, “But it is for the best. She does not fit into this world any longer.”
You walked with him back out to the training fields that were slowly getting busier with random groups of different elves alike training and practicing, “Can I tell you my thoughts?” You asked him after a long while of comfortable silence between the two of you.
“Always, my lady.” He pulled his own training sword out of its own sheath waiting for your next words carefully.
You mimicked his actions, “That sounds like a miserably long life. At least where I’m from. That would be so tiring.”
He held his sword up waiting for you to mimic him, “I must agree. It makes sense why they take yearlong breaks then, no?” Aragorn laughed as he watched you more easily following along to his stances and postures.
“I’d still like to take a yearlong break.” You admitted earning another beautiful laugh from the handsome man that was becoming more of a friend than a stranger. The rest of the morning went as such. Aragorn showing you a few moves before he had your try it out in practice on him. Elladan wasn’t lying, you had a natural skill with the blade. A few of your maneuvers caught him off guard for you being so new, nothing he couldn’t deflect. But your potential was there.
As he walked you back to Lord Elrond’s residence he decided to break the growing comfortable silence that seemed to occur more often than not in your presence, “You did well today, Lady Y/N. You are very much a natural with the blade.” He complimented you as you got closer to the residences front doors where he knew he would have drop you off. Surely your handmaiden would be there waiting to take you off to your next venture. He’d watched as you started as a cooped up and frightened girl who opted to stay in your chambers rather than show her face but in the week he had been here he had seen you slowly open up to the outside world after you’d seen it could cause you no harm.
Your heart rate sped up at his words. You spun on your heals once you made it to the door, “Thank you Aragorn. I had a wonderful instructor who showed me the way.” You giggled seeing a small blush rise to his cheeks at your kind words.
Aragorn was right that he would have to give you at the doorway, but he wasn’t expecting a usually busy Lord Elrond to be waiting, “There you are. You said you’d be back before lunch. It is nearly dinner.” He knew you were in perfectly capable hands being with Aragorn. He asked more to tease his friend more so than scold you. For it was not only his sons who had noticed his growing affections towards you, but Elrond had noticed as well. He’d missed nearly an entire day’s worth of meetings to train you. But Elrond also had the utmost faith in the future king to be making the right decisions. If that meant spending the day with the beautiful mortal girl then that’s what he was going to do.
You looked down in embarrassment for being called out on your tardiness so forthright, “Ah, my apologies. We got carried away with the lessons.” You patted your side letting him know you had quite literally been training for the last ten hours.
Lord Elrond smiled at the both of you, “I am sure Aragorn had his reasons. Now come, we are already late for dinner.” He pulled you inside where you only could wave to him before Elrond had closed the door after bidding his own goodbye. Elrond gave you a wicked smirk as he led you down to the dining room on the other side of his residence.
“What’s that look for?” You asked trying to play off your absence as training and nothing more, that’s all it was, right?
“No reason. None at all. Nothing to do with Master Aragorn.” He grinned letting you through the door before him.
“It was training!” You tried to defend yourself before the twins barged in on your conversation.
Elladan scoffed at the table, “Hardly. You couldn’t wait to push e
You gave him an exasperated look, “You were the one who ran away!”
“I could no longer stand the longing looks between the two humans.” Elladan smiled knowing he was changing the story to fit his narrative better.
“Oh whatever.” You grumbled grabbing for the salad that sat in the middle of the table earning a round of laughs from all the elves who had happily taken you into their home.
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You walked into the hall that contained the sword that eliminated Sauron the first time, Isildur’s blade. And there he was, the man that you had been looking for sitting there staring at the blade that clearly haunted him. He must have lost track of time thinking as he promised to continue training the next day, the day before leaving on the quest.
“Elrohir said I could find you here.” You spoke quietly hoping not to startle him.
He jumped slightly. His head turned to you giving you a bow, “I have been spending quite a bit of time in here.”
“Why’s that?” You asked, pressing.
He sighed, “Thinking. About the ring. The quest. The danger. The hobbits. All of it.” He admitted letting the weight of it crash, “My susceptibility to the ring.” He added as you stepped closer to him.
“But you are not him, Isildur. Lord Elrond told me all about him, he knew him! You are nothing like him Aragorn.” You gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze before he shook you off gently.
That haunted look was still superimposed on his face, “It is his blood running through my veins as his did! Weak!” He sounded more upset than you had grown to see him in the few weeks you had gotten to know him.
“That’s untrue. You may have the same blood as him, but you are far from weak. You simply admitting that you are susceptible to its evils proves you to be anything but weak Aragorn. You are stronger than any man on my earth and any middle earth man I’ve come to know, although it’s not too many.” You laughed off the last bit hoping he would see his strength that had helped you grow further than you could’ve imagined in your short time here.
He looked at you with a new look as he heard your words. A look filled with adoration and love, “How do you know exactly what to say?” His eyes frantically searched your face as he realized your purpose being here was to help him as well. You were doing a flawless job at it. First with Arwen and now his insecurities surrounding the ring. How did you do it?
You smiled taking his hands in yours. Carefully, one by one, you snaked your fingers in between his before locking them down in your grip. You prayed it gave him some of the comfort he had given you over the last few weeks, “It’s easy with you.” It came out as more of whisper. You knew he had lingering feelings for the ellith he could no longer have. Why couldn’t you take her place?
You watched as he gulped. His eyes moved from your hands laced in between his, “Are you still searching for your purpose, my lady?” He asked as he took a daring step forward towards you. He heard as you breath got caught in your throat at his overly bold action.
You shook your head slowly, “I am not. I have found it.”
He nodded his head. Slowly he broke his hand away from yours. In place he brushed away the stray hairs that had been coated to your cheeks. The wind had displaced the stray hairs that blocked your view unknowingly. He relished in his touch on your warm, soft skin. He noticed the way your skin erupted in goosebumps under his touch, a physical reaction letting him know you felt the same way as he had. It had amazed him how quickly he had developed such deep feelings for you over the short time he had known you. With Arwen it was slow and took years only to crush him in the end. But with you it was fast but steady. Quicker than he anticipated but it made sense to him.
“May I ask what it is, my lady?” He brushed his hand along your cheek enjoying the way you seemed to squirm under his touch.
You closed your eyes knowing you wouldn’t be able to take it back but what did you have to lose? He was leaving with most of your new friends anyway. Might as well lay it out on the line, “Helping the fellowship, trying to guide Gandalf, you. Many such purposes.”
He cracked that smile that you’d grown to find a great comfort in, “I was hoping you may say that.” He didn’t dare drop his hand as he let his large hand cup your face. Your eyes fluttered closed as his pointer finger rubbed back and forth underneath your ear. It was like a form of kryptonite you did not know you had, “You know I must guide Frodo on this quest. But I can promise you that I will come back as soon as I can to you. For you are my purpose too, Lady Y/N.” He grinned loving the way that you seemed to melt right into his touch. As heartbroken as he felt from the loss of Arwen it did feel like you were sent here to mend his wounds right on up. He was not kidding. He found a purpose in you. His purpose.
Your eyes opened up looking into his once more, fully letting yourself fall into his touch, “My purpose.” You nuzzled your head into his calloused hand that had seen more battles than you could ever even imagine. For as difficult as your transition was into an entirely different world he had made it that much easier. You’d found it. He was it. Your purpose.
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Permanent Taglist (If you'd like to be added to any or all works please fill out the form here: Taglist Sign Up): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @guacam011y @illisea
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vorfreudevortex · 20 days
just thinking about nanami...
no curse!au nanami is that guy in a meeting.
parent teacher conference? he's showing up 20 minutes early, is taking notes of what the teacher is saying, asking about the best tutors for his sweet child to make sure they're getting the best and most out of their education. he's also low-key grilling the teacher with questions about their lessons and teaching style, secretly testing them to make sure they're good enough to teach HIS child.
city council? he knows exactly what roads need to be fixed first and has the best ideas for community development initiatives.
school board? has done all the research about what changes to make in the curriculum and how to help with teacher shortages.
hoa meetings? has the cleanest yard in the neighborhood (no fines EVER, the other dads are so jealous), is helping raise money to put in a new pool so his kid can swim, and is always the first to volunteer for neighborhood watch.
he's always there. those administrators know him and HATE to see him coming. deep down, he enjoys going off on those idiots trying to raise taxes or cut funding for the school's art program- how dare they not appreciate the arts and refuse to fund them as much as the sports program? arts are just as important as sports!!
he's got a clipboard and notepad and knows more about the meeting topics than the people running it. he's got a list of grievances to air out and is gonna make sure everyone not only knows about it, but will actually do something about it.
aside from his grievances, he always has the best answers and opinions from his research and is always looking to help out his family and community in any way he can... he just won't admit it.
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What is ticket to ride
It’s a table top game where you make train tracks
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Thursday May 18.
One time I dreamt... 
Dreams, dreams, dreams. Such mysteries. Like one of those few funny pockets in life that not even science can truly explain. They can be profound, elusive, frightening, and often downright weird. They can disappear in an instant as you wake with a jolt, overwhelmed by what you have just experienced (and experience would be the key word here) but not entirely sure what it is. Is there a greater significance to dreaming? Is there a message or sign to be deciphered? Is it simply your brain's mechanism for processing the mass of information and noise it has processed over the day? If someone appears to you in a dream, is that a form of communication?
There is surely nothing stranger than dreaming of someone known, perhaps someone close, who is there, in the dream, yet not themselves: whether by appearance or by character. It's them, but it isn't. Questions, questions. And questions without answers. Luckily, @one-time-i-dreamt has been rounding up a few of the dashboard's stranger after-dark experiences, and they make for a, uh, read. They make for a read.
We hope this will please the dashboard's vast army of dreamers. But it's important to say that while @one-time-i-dreamt deals with the world of dreams, it doesn't deal entirely with the world of dreams. Sometimes it deals in frustrated dads who use their 6ft sons to shame councils into fixing deep potholes.
So arm yourselves with all the 6ft sons you can muster x
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anonymityisfunwriter · 2 months
There Is No Coming Back From This - Chapter 2
Characters: Stark!Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Summary: "It's her time, Tony. And I hate that as much as you do, but there's some things you can't fix. There is no coming back from this."
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"I'm sorry." He reaches for your hand, squeezing it gently. "I couldn't - I couldn't let you die."
"Dad? What did you do?"
He embraces you, whispering, "I'm sorry."
He wakes in a cold sweat from the dream.
Except, it's not a dream. It's the reality he singlehandedly created.
He barely registers his phone blaring on his nightstand until Pepper also jolts upright from he phone's ringer. 
"What? What's wrong?" she gasps. 
"Relax." He pats her hand, jutting his chin toward her nightstand. "It's your phone."
She snatches up her phone, answering on the third ring. 
"Who is it?" he grumbles, still half asleep and rattled from his latest trip down memory lane. "And do they know that it's 4 in the morning?"
She waves him off, abruptly standing out of her bed. "It's Agent Ross."
"It better be important enough for him to wake us up."
"Shh..." Pepper hisses, trying to keep up with Agent Ross' rambling. "What's out of your hands? No, you can't be serious." 
Tony's ears perk up at the sound of Pepper's short, clipped answers and the look of shock painting her face. "What? What's going on?"
Pepper reaches for Tony, ushering him up and out of bed, "Tony, go get-"
Her words are cut off by your blood curdling scream.
There are no other thoughts in his head as he takes off, running faster than he's ever gone before. He can hear your screams for him. Once. Twice. There's a fear in your voice that he's never heard. Not even as you were handed a death sentence. Not even when he told you he'd dosed you with an untested super solider serum days ago. 
When he bursts into your room, he immediately notices two things. 
First, he's not the only person frantically checking on you. Steve and Bruce skid into your makeshift hospital room right behind Tony, the same disheveled yet guarded looks on their faces. 
And second, and most pertinently, a SWORD agent placing you in reinforced handcuffs. 
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Tony demands, practically lunging at the man until he hears a voice he'd only hoped to never hear again. 
"I wouldn't do that if I were you."
"Dad?" you call out to him, trembling as the agent pulls on your wrists again. 
"It's okay, sweetie. It's alright, I'm going to take care of this," Tony tries to console you from afar. He turns on his heels, glaring at the person responsible for this, "General Ross."
General Ross hands him a warrant. "We have authorization to detain your daughter. She's coming with us."
Tony crumples the paper in his hand, "Like hell you do."
"On what grounds?" Bruce pipes in. 
General Ross' eyes flicker to Bruce, then back to Tony, "We received word that you've been experimenting on your daughter. It's been decided by the council that you and Dr. Banner are no longer fit to monitor such a volatile and dangerous experiment."
"She's not an experiment. She's a child," Bruce finally pipes in.
"A child who is a U.S. citizen - last time, I checked she has rights," Tony remarks, his eyes more on you than anyone else. You're shaking, because you're cold or afraid he's not sure. Your eyes are glassy though you've yet to shed a single tear. And the thing that enrages him the most, there's blood dripping down both your arms, probably where the idiot agent ripped out your IV.
"Those rights were null and void the second you injected her with an untested, highly experimental super soldier serum, Tony. I will not tell you again. You signed the Accords. You agreed to this, remember?"
"I did not agree to this," Tony counters. "And even if I did, you don't have control over Stark intellectual property or its assets."
"That may be, but you've left us no choice. The child is a threat to everyone around her. She's a threat to national security, one that must be contained.”
"And just how long do you plan on holding her?" Bruce interrupts before Tony says anything to further escalate the situation.
"Yeah," Tony scoffs. "Over my dead body will you be taking her."
"I will. Or every person in this compound will be considered an enemy of the State. And don't think I won't have you arrested for aiding and abetting a fugitive," Ross says, looking directly at Steve.
"Enemy of the State?" you exhale, flinching at the severity of the situation and just how quickly it all continues to escalate. You're not even really sure what happens, but one second your arms are unnaturally pulled behind your back and the next they're in front of you, cuffs pulled clean off.
"This is what I'm talking about." General Ross shakes his head, watching you carefully. "You've gone too far, Tony. She needs to be contained and monitored."
"She is being monitored. Here."
"That's not good enough."
Pepper's the next one speaking, having slipped into the room during all of the commotion. "General Ross, can't we have a little time? It's the middle of the night."
"Absolutely not. As far as I'm concerned you are all flight risks with a motive and unlimited resources to escape. The answer is no."
"Just an hour? She's bleeding," Pepper points out the places on your arm where the IV's were roughly pulled out. "I'll even give you the blueprints of the compound and you can station someone at all of the exits. No one will be able to get out without you knowing. Please?"
Ross battles with himself for a moment, wondering just how far he's willing to push all three men. "You have an hour."
"Thank you."
General Ross nods at his agents, ushering them out of the room and out of the building. He utters one last warning as he walks out of the room. "We'll know if you try to escape."
Not a person in the room has a response to that. Instead, Pepper reaches for Tony, embracing him tightly. As discreetly as possible, she whispers in his ear, "You've got an hour."
The entirety of your last hour out in the world is spent with Pepper. She ushers you out of your medical room, back to your old bedroom. She sits you on the edge of your bed and immediately begins fawning over you, brushing your hair from the tangled bed head, braiding it neatly. She tends to the irritated IV site, cleaning it and bandaging it.
"Pepper?" you whisper, stopping her whirlwind movements in their tracks. She turns to you, looking as frantic as you felt. You look up to her, the only mother figure you'd ever known and softly utter, "What's gonna happen to me?"
"I don't know, sweetie." She strokes your face. "But you're going to be okay. Your dad will make sure of that."
The hour goes by like seconds.
Then you're back in handcuffs, being walked outside into the pitch black night. All you can hear is the sound of the engine rumbling and the slight crunch of the gravel beneath your feet.
You're at least thankful that you got to change out of your pajamas and into something a little more appropriate for being hauled off to whatever prison they deem fit for you.
When you finally get to the transport, the man takes no time in placing chains around your waist and to your ankles, effectively restricting all of your movement.
"Are the cuffs necessary?" Tony fumes, watching helplessly as they take you away. "She's voluntarily going with you."
"It's just protocol, Mr. Stark."
There's not a single cohesive sentence you can string together, let alone say, as you're dragged into the van. They take the combined chains and bolt you to the floor.
You watch the despair on your father's face as the agent climbs in behind you and shuts the door.
Even though it's dark, you're still very acutely aware of the gun being pointed at your face. You try to stay completely still, worried that the slightest mishap will be misconstrued as an act of aggression. You focus on the sounds of the person breathing in front of you, that's all you can hear except the rumble of the engine.
You breathe slowly, careful not to move your arms or hands. You think back to when you'd just woken up from your near death experience. You reached for the railing of the bed to ground yourself and broke the thing clean off. It terrified you to your core, thinking about the things you could do. Even on accident.
It simultaneously feels like 5 minutes and 5 hours have passed when the rumble of the engine suddenly cuts, leaving you all in a deafening silence. You hold your breath and try not to panic even as you hear muted thuds and isolated yelps coming from outside.
The very agent sitting in front of you looks at you like you're going to be the one to tell them to go look. They take a deep breath and for the first time all night, there's not a single gun on you.
The man creaks the door open ever so slowly. He takes a moment to crane his neck out into the open, when suddenly another yelp leaves his mouth as he's jerked forward into the night.
"Kid, are you okay in there?" you hear a familiar voice ask.
Both doors opened to the shining moonlight, you can see the vague outline of Steve Rogers' face. You sigh in relief, "It's you."
"Come on, we don't have a lot of time," he urges, reaching out to grab your hand.
As if you're testing the waters, you experimentally take one hand and try to break the chain on your left hand. It falls away with ease, and you're not sure whether you're terrified or in awe of yourself. It takes you less than a minute to break free of your constraints.
"Where exactly are we going?" you ask, taking Steve's hand and jumping out of the van.
He points into the direction of the heavily wooded area surrounding the lonely road. "We're going right through there."
"Just follow me. I won't let anything happen to you," he promises
"Okay," you nod, following Steve's brisk walk into the woods.
The two of you trek through the darkness for quite some time and never once is there a clear path or road that you're following. Steve's confidence and stride never once waver and you remind yourself over and over that you trust Steve. You trust him to keep his word and keep you safe.
"Just up ahead."
You look up and there's a large clearing illuminated by two headlights not far from you. As you get closer, you can make out one shadowy figure. You squint your eyes and crane your neck until you see him.
"Dad," you call much louder than you should in the dead of the night.
You bolt the second you're sure it's him, and the second you're in reach you throw yourself into his open arms. Tony takes a moment to relish in this reunion - to breathe in a sigh of relief that you're okay. That you got away and you're safe in his arms.
Unfortunately, he knows that that moment can't last, and he pulls away.
You vehemently shake your head, not liking the look on his face. "Dad, what's going on?"
"I need you to listen to me, we don't have a lot of time," Tony pleads, grabbing your face with his hands and forcing you to look at him. "Steve will explain everything later, but right now you just need to listen."
You continue shaking your head, but he maintains his grip on you. "Dad, please, just tell me. What's happening?"
"What's happening is you're going to go with Steve, okay? You and Steve are going to go somewhere away from here, somewhere where no one can find you. You stay with Steve no matter what, you hear me? He's going to take care of you. He'll protect you... And I'm not going to see you for a while."
You tremble, "No."
"Listen, you're going to go. Get away from here. And I'm going to fix this. And once I've fixed it, you can come back home. Okay?"
"I don't want to go," you sob.
"I know, I know, I don't want you to go either, but right now you need to be safe, okay?"
"What about you? What if they figure out you're involved with all of this?"
"I will be fine. I'll be completely fine as long as you stay safe. Don't you worry about me for a single minute, because I will be fine. And once I fix this, you can come home. I promise." Tony removes his hands from your face and moves you into Steve's arms. "Protect her?"
"With my life," Steve promises.
Tony nods, seeing the solemnity on Steve's face. He hands you a dark oversized hoodie. "Put this on."
You slip it on and then he's handing you a large black backpack. "Everything you two will need is in here. Money, passports, documents. It's all there."
You see the conflicted look on your father's face as he closes his eyes and exhales deeply. "You don't have a lot of time before they figure out that you're gone. I love you, kid. Don't forget that."
"I love you too, Dad."
And then you're walking away from everything you've ever known.
This time the trek isn't nearly as long or rugged. In fact, before you can process everything that's happened you're back on well-lit pavement. "There's a bus stop just up ahead."
"Where are we going?" you ask.
"As far away from here as possible, as quickly as possible, find a place to lay low while this whole thing blows over."
"Any ideas?"
"I've got a place in mind."
"Are you going to elaborate or are you going for that cryptic, dramatic vibe?" you joke.
He chuckles, slightly shaking his hung head. "I've got a friend that can help."
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist 'There Is No Coming Back From This' Chapter List
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064 @michealharrypotter @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @withyoutilltheendoftheline @the-photo-hoe @rae-nna @sarachabeans1@double-shot-of-tequila @spookyparadisesheep @lunaalovesyouu @daisy-loves-bucky@roseproseposts @theoraekenslover@king814318 @maybesomedaytho @carlie-babes99 @sunshinechikin @as-white-as-snow-love @melala1030 @badasswlthafatass @armystay89 @multiversefanfics @cherrysscinema @breathlesspieceofdeath @ravenn-darkholme @bxckybxrnes24 @guiltyasreid @bellabarnes1378
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anakinskywalker97 · 8 months
What you are capable of
Anakin X Platonic Padawan Reader
Summary: The reader is given a mission from Palpatine to negotiate air space access. It's a big trap to get her killed off to pull Anakin closer to the dark side.
Warnings: non-graphic mentions of rape and assault - not to the reader. Anakin freaking out, murder, happy ending, big dad vibes, hurt comfort
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Being Anakin’s Padawan had meant that your Jedi journey had not been the usual sort. When Yoda had summoned you to the chancellor's office you weren't surprised. You got dressed and moved quickly not wanting to keep everyone waiting. What did surprise you was the absence of your master and Obi-Wan. Normally the three of you went everywhere together. You felt it was like being a family, in the darker parts of Anakin's mind you sensed he felt it was a kind of exile or alienation. 
You felt uncomfortable being in the presence of so many powerful people without Anakin. Normally he would help you navigate these types of situations. You bowed and waited for them to speak first. 
“Ah, lovely to see you dear!” The chancellor looked at you with a big smile on his face. Obi-wan and Anakin trusted him but he always made you feel strange. “We have a special task for you.” 
“We need you to negotiate an air space passage with someone in the outer rim,” Windu spoke clearly but you could feel he didn't approve of this plan. 
“Oh, I’m sure that won’t be an issue for us.” 
“We all feel it would be best to send you in with a team of troopers. He has a bit of a history with Anakin.” You tried hard not to let your emotions bleed through. “Your language skills are a necessity for this mission, really there is no better person to send.” 
You thought about it for a moment. Everything inside you was screaming not to do this, especially without Anakin’s approval. 
“Help you must,” Yoda said nodding. 
“Alright, thank you for the opportunity. I’ll go let Anakin know -” 
“I’m afraid there isn't time, I will speak with your master as soon as he returns from his tasks.” Palpatine gave you a reassuring look and a soft smile. You nodded and Windu escorted you to the ship. As far as you knew Anakin was asleep in his quarters, you reached out your mind and tried to wake him up. 
Anakin was asleep. A rare occurrence these days. He could feel himself lying in the grass, wildflowers around him. The sun was shining on his face and the air was warm. Qui-gon and Obi-wan were laughing and he was very at peace. Anakin sat up when he felt you pressing into his mind. You were channeling all of your fear to him, pushing into his mind with as much force as you could. 
He shot out of bed and tried to reach out to you. He could tell you weren't in your room, but that you had moved a far distance in a short span of time. 
You were too far away. 
Where the fuck did you go?
He threw his robes on quickly and ran out into the hall, Obi-Wan moved around the corner and greeted him with a concerned face. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked grabbing Anakin’s shoulder 
“Where the fuck is my Padawan?” He asked angrily. 
He and Obi-Wan approached the council. Anakin knew he needed to control himself, but he could tell he was at his breaking point. They had no right to give you orders or send you anywhere without him, or his approval. You were tied to him, every move you made or any move the world made against you was his sole responsibility. Obi-Wan had his usual deep sense of calm surrounding him, Anakin wanted to shout at him for it. 
“The chancellor insisted Anakin, you have to understand the importance of this trade route -” One of the Jedi masters tried to explain, but he could sense Windu’s discomfort and focused his attention on him. 
“She’s with a whole crew of troopers. The chancellor was very clear he wanted her to be the one who made contact.” Windu finally broke. 
“Who is she meeting with?” Obi-Wan asked in a casual voice. 
“Orar Baize,” Windu answered and Obi-Wan clamped his hand on Anakin’s shoulder tightly. Anakin was tempted to hit him but felt slightly subdued by his master's energy. Making a scene here only meant it would be harder to go after you. 
“When is she to return,” Obi-Wan asked seemingly unbothered by this information. 
“If everything goes to plan, three days.” Windu said firmly. 
“Thank you.” Obi-Wan directed Anakin to the door and they moved down the hallway quickly. Once in the elevator, Anakin was ready to explode. 
“Don’t” Anakin pushed his master's hand away as Obi-Wan tried to help him. Rage and betrayal pulsed through him if he started to side with the council Anakin would kill him. 
We need to get to a ship. Just keep it together till then.
His master's words felt like a cool cloth being pressed to his forehead. He could feel his walls slip a little and realized he was just as angry as Anakin. 
We need to be practical if we are to reach her in time
For once Anakin wasn't annoyed with his master's reminder to be practical. He took a deep breath and felt his emotions focus. 
They climbed into a two-seater and managed to slip away without too much attention being drawn to themselves. It wasn’t unusual for Anakin to take a fighter out for a ride. 
He got the coordinates locked in and let the ship do its thing. 
“We should have dealt with him after what he did to Master Kenau.” Anakin's voice was venomous and he felt Obi-Wan sigh. 
“I agree. What he did and his reputation for collecting Jedi is unforgivable.” Obi-Wan nodded. Master Kenau, was badly assaulted years ago, Anakin found out and insisted they press the council to do something about him, but she refused. She wasn’t herself after that and Anakin felt her pain to this day. 
“She’s just a kid. They sent a child into the hands of a rapist with a special appetite for Jedi.” Anakin had only reached this level of anger when he had the sand people incident. He tried to remember there was a lesson in all of that, how painful it was to tell Obi-Wan. Thinking of something happening to you erased all feelings of remorse or logic.
“The council has become more and more influenced by the politics of The Republic,” Obi-Wan said taking Anakin off guard. “It is not our place to be involved with these kinds of things.” 
“What do we do about it?” Anakin asked genuinely curious about his master's stance. 
“I get the feeling it will all fall into place after we get her back.” He said calmly. 
“I didn’t think you would help,” Anakin said in a quiet voice, unsure if he wanted to discuss these issues now. 
“Please, Anakin. The girl is like a granddaughter to me.” Obi-Wan chided. 
That would make me your son, Anakin thought to himself. He held those words with him while they tried to catch up with you. 
You were starting to realize that this was a trap. Your stomach was right. You should have kicked and screamed and stalled till Anakin or Obi-Wan could get to you. 
But here you were, alone. Clones were murdered in the landing bay, and you were in Orar’s office after taking out a bunch of droids. You had never met a species of his kind. He was large with mint green skin. 
“What’s your name?” He asked with the smile of a predator. His teeth were long and pointed. You decided not to answer. 
“Well, tiny Jedi. The Chancellor has held up his end of the bargain.” His eyes were dark and you stood there with good posture like Anakin had taught you. “Your life was traded for something of little value.” He was trying to get a rise out of you. But that’s what men like that fed on, he wanted you to argue your value. He wanted to watch you dance and react, wanted to feel your youth and belittle you. 
“Come on little Jedi, Say something.” 
“Something.” You said easily and his jaw clenched. 
“Don’t make this difficult, it could be a nice time if you let it be.” You started to feel what he wanted and you fought harder than ever to keep your emotions closed off and contained. 
“I think I should be leaving now.” You said diplomatically, you would try to walk out of here the Jedi way first. 
“That’s not going to happen.” His body radiated a sick pleasure and you let it feed the anger in your chest the way Anakin showed you too.
The sound of dueling rang through the landing bay as they moved through the bodies of clones and droids. Anakin moved quicker than he could ever remember moving in his life. They moved onto the top platform and watched you duel with Orar. 
Anakin could tell you had been at it for a long while by this point. He watched as you defended yourself. He moved forward and Obi-Wan put a hand on his arm. Anger shot through him.
I had to watch you fight your first battle too 
Obi-Wan’s voice ran through his mind, his hand still firm on Anakin's arm. He watched your ruthless form and could see the man faltering. He had taught you every form from the archives he could find. He wanted you to be the best Jedi he wanted you to be able to overcome all evil and triumph. 
Did you teach her illegal forms?
Obi-Wan hissed. He watched you execute it perfectly, slicing through the man’s body twice before his body hit the ground. Blood sprayed and he watched you sink to your knees chest heaving. 
Anakin rushed up to you picking you up as if his embrace could somehow stop the feelings that would eat into you. Your body shook hard and he took on all of your weight, picking you up properly. The three of you moved in silence back to the landing bay. He found a utility sink and put you down in front of him. He helped keep you up right and he washed your hands. Then he got the blood off your face and neck. Something he wished someone had done for him after the sand-people. 
He carried you back towards the ship. Obi-Wan held his arms out towards Anakin, he could feel his master’s reluctance to hold the girl. He only shook his head and got into the passenger side. 
He took his robe off and wrapped you in it. Your eyes were still closed tightly as your mind and body fought against each other for control. 
Obi-Wan watched as Anakin held you tightly. Your face pressed against his chest and his arms around you. He reflected on all of the times he wanted to hold Anakin just as tightly but didn't.  He could feel the struggle inside you to overcome the situation, to make peace with what you had been forced to do. Anakin was angrier than he had ever seen him before, but he also watched his Padawan try to control it more than ever before. Obi-Wan got them locked in on the path home, he put his hand on Anakin’s shoulder, glad that he accepted Obi-Wan’s help. 
You need to clear your mind. It will be easier for her to process the feelings with your help. 
He could feel Anakin’s usual annoyance at his advice. But then he could feel Anakin center himself and then slowly start to take on your emotions. Eventually, you stopped shaking, he could tell the two of you were talking. 
He could also feel the dangerous bonds of attachment weaving around them. Something he realized he could only see because of his own attachment to Anakin. 
He sighed. He felt they were so far off the path they should be on. 
Tears fell down Anakin's cheeks as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. They had been soldiers in this war for too long. 
He knew Anakin wouldn't let this slide. He would be out for blood the second they reached Coruscant. Obi-Wan could hardly blame him, as the overwhelming anger was boiling in his own blood. Sacrificing a 15-year-old to such evils was unforgivable. 
Obi-Wan was with you for most of the day. He spared with you and you wondered if he would talk about the forbidden forms you had used. You wanted to talk to him about it but you were worried he would be angry with Anakin. You hated it when they fought. 
You were reluctant to sleep in your own bed. It's not that you regretted your actions you just felt overwhelmed by the feeling of killing someone. You knew the day would find you but the weight was relentless on your mind. You tried to revisit that ride home, sitting in his embrace. His love was an easy feeling to find in the bond between you now. You tried to hold it and breathe deeply when the memories would resurface.
Anakin had told you how to act over the next few days. You could feel his mind keeping tabs on you constantly. He told you to act normal and to tell him when they called upon you. You weren't allowed to leave the temple under any circumstances, keeping to your room and the training room. 
“Master Obi-Wan.” You asked turning off your lightsaber, he did the same. 
“Yes.” You could tell he knew what you wanted to talk about. 
“I wanted to let you know that I tried to leave like a Jedi.” You took a deep breath. “I asked to leave, I tried to fight defensively. He- I -” 
“I think you tried to fix the situation, and eventually realized the threat he posed was too large. You knew what he wanted to do to you and others. You did what you had to do. If I didn’t think it was right, I would have stepped in and handled it for you.” 
“Why didn’t you?” 
“Anakin and I needed you to see for yourself what you are capable of. I do wish that it could have been in a lesser conflict.” His eyes were empathetic and you wanted to hug him. 
“You don’t think it makes me a sith?” You whispered.
“No” He laughed. “I don’t think the Sith could take you, even if they tried their hardest. Your heart is pure, more pure than most.” 
“Anakin said that’s why I need to learn everything to be prepared.” 
“He feels that you won’t lose yourself or be tempted by the power.” Obi-Wan made a face. “He worries about where the war is headed, above all Anakin wants you to survive.” 
You nodded thinking about your master's faith in you.
The call came sooner than you thought. Obi-Wan was in a meeting with Anakin and you were reading in your room. 
Master - you reached out 
What - Anakin responded right away 
The chancellor has summoned me 
Don’t leave your room - his voice was grave and you sat on your bed waiting for Anakin. 
He was there in moments, just long enough for the anxiety to take hold in your stomach. He told you to walk in there and listen and be polite, panic overtook you when you realized he wouldn't be following you in. 
Master - you reached out hesitantly with your mind and your fingers curled into the arm of his robe.
Just relay what he says to me 
You nodded and walked out of the elevator and down the long hall to his office. 
“Ah!’ Palpatine's eyes looked you over. “Thank you for coming to meet with me on such short notice!” His smile was wide and you wanted to hit him. 
“I understand that there was a complication with the mission, I just wanted to see how you were feeling about everything.” he tried to look understanding and you wondered what Obi-Wan had told the council. 
“Fine.” You gave a little shrug. 
“I understand that our contact had attacked you. I just wanted to apologize for what happened dear.” You watched him closely but didn't accept his apology wanting him to continue. “I did hear that your exceptional skills with a lightsaber saved you. I had no idea you were so gifted with all the forms.” 
“It’s complicated. But I’d rather be prepared for what's out there.” 
“Exactly! My thoughts exactly.” He looked so happy. “There is so much untapped power out there. Something I think you can feel quite well.” He looked at you expectantly. As if he was waiting for you to get the secret meaning of his words. 
“You and Anakin are both so special. I think that the three of us should work closer together in the future.” He nodded. Suddenly you caught on to what he was saying. 
“Sir, not to overstep -” 
“Please, child. We are friends.” He smiled again, his eyes hungry. 
“Well, there is a lot of power, I feel angry that The Order keeps it from me. There is a war out there and we need more than -” You waved your hands around. “This. Something stronger.” 
He looked positively deranged with joy. 
“I know the ways beyond the order, I could teach you and your master.” 
“What would you teach us?” You asked innocently. 
“The true power of the force.” 
“Like the dark side?” You tried to sound even more curious. 
“Perhaps.” He nodded, but you could see in his eyes what he was. His eyes had changed with his excitement. Of course, he was at the center of everything. 
Master, Palpatine is the sith
It only took a moment for Anakin to knock on the door. He opened it and smiled at Palpatine, and you felt his force presence push you down onto the red carpet. You let it push you down and hold you there. in a flash of a second everything had changed.
Before Palpatine could react you felt the Jedi storm the room. Anakin killed Palpatine and a strange feeling washed over the room. You reached for Obi-Wan and he let you hold on to his side, placing an arm around your shoulders.
“He was a mother-fucking sith.” Windu groaned. Yoda put his hands over this face. Anakin looked triumphant and gave you a big smile.
Fulfilled my prophecy. Now let's get out of here.
Qui-Gon's force ghost finds Obi-Wan and puts them on the right path.
The Order being stupid and Obi-Wan finally siding with Anakin. them going into exile to learn from Qui-Gon and train you. Family vibes.
Anakin being more and more like your father. His love for you always being open and accessible as you navigate your own journey. Even when you are fighting you can reach out and feel it. When you get older and follow your calling into conflicts you can reach out and feel no matter how far away you are.
Just anything other than what happened in cannon.
Him finally falling for Padme and being anxious about your response to her. Them having the twins and him always refering to you as his eldest daughter.
Obi-Wan spoiling all three of the kids and always giving you advice when you didn't want to go to Anakin.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
Keep thinking bout Yutu and his relationship to his dad. Like we know a little more about Ace, Floyd, Azul and Riddle (maybe I miss someone else?) but I was curious about other details or interactions with the other Overblot boys.
Like how does talking with someone who tries his best to not get involved in other people's business like Jamil work for making his parents fall in love (if that's even something Yutu can see happening with how distant he is)? How does Yutu go about trying to lay some clues for Vil without being found when Vil's doing his best (with Rook's help) to figure out what's going on?
Or what about the shenanigans Ortho would get to to ensure Idia and Yuu get together so they can try to stop the apocalypse and how would Yutu feel about having at least one person (his uncle at that!) who he can rely on? Or does Yutu ever find himself in a situation that makes him go "oh, I could've had this with dad if it weren't for the council" whenever Malleus says something deep without realizing?
Gaaaaahhhhh I just really like this au and I wanna ask you so many questions but I also don't wanna be annoying
ask is referencing the fyuuture kid au, information on which can be found here and here, or under the series section on my masterlist.
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No one is annoying for asking questions! I have asks for Idia and Leona's Yutus, which I think makes every overblot boy except for Jamil and Vil due for a detailed post. Azul! Yutu is a bit of a grey area since I have talked about him a bunch but haven't done detailed hc for him. Yet anyway, Jade and Floyd got one so he needs one too otherwise it'll bug me.
Jamil! Yutu absolutely has a lot of guilt and self hatred around his entire existence. As I talked about in the post about the main cast, Jamil was executed in Yutu's future, and he feels personally responsible for that. If his dad had never fallen in love with Yuu then he would have had a chance at his freedom, that's how Yutu has come to see it anyway. He doesn't want Jamil to fall in love with Yuu, even if it means erasing his existence. Down that road lies only tragedy, but there is also something so beautiful about the way Jamil interacts with Yuu when he thinks no one is looking. There is a degree of mutual respect for how hard the other works and intense desire for approval and praise he can sympathize with. He just doesn't see a way for this to end well if it's allowed to continue, he's a very pessimistic kid Jamil! Yutu. But then again the others didn't have to see the rotted corpse of their father getting dragged around by a blot phantom and be told by a few angry relatives of Kalim that he is the one who put him there.
Vil! Yutu is a bit afraid of his dad. He knows from personal experience that the man is intense and does not take no for an answer but he's never been in the position to see 1) what a good thing that can be or 2) just how silly that can make him act. He's also NEVER had to contend with the real Rook before. The Rook he's familiar with is a mindless monster, dangerous sure, but with patterns you can memorize and protect yourself from. This guy is just wild, sure his dad says that he's only putting up for his behavior "for now" but someone tell him where the fucking line is??? The last thing he wants is to just say everything and risk ruining the timeline but Vil keeps demanding specifics. The main thing Yutu tries to do is get him cooperating with Idia in learning about blot phantoms, the way he sees it things will be much easier if his two most trusted adults are on the same page. It's not a difficult ask either post chapter six, I think Vil is someone who would want to understand what happened to him on a scientific level to some degree, but oh Yutu. Now you've just made him wonder how you know that little piece of information, not everyone knows about his overblot, but he didn't know that bit did he?
Ortho and Idia! Yutu wind up being very close. Having his uncle on his side puts Yutu in a much more stable place emotionally and mentally than other Yutus. They spend a lot of time analyzing old records about blot and phantoms, everyone else is convinced they're just hyping each other up for some weird PhD project inspired by the Ramshackle Prefect's time at NRC and hey. They aren't exactly wrong. As for how they go about trying to get Idia and Yuu together... it's a lot of anime recommendations and conveniently forgetting they had something else to do. Yutu has just as in depth knowledge of Idia's tastes as Ortho does, and the added bonus of knowing Yuu's, so they search through lists of things, pick out the shows they know will get the two of you talking and then sit back and let you interact. Yutu is genuinely confused about why or if this is working... but Ortho did send him a video of his dad hyping himself up to try and ask you out (he over heated and just hid inside his room instead but hey. It's the thought that counts.)
Malleus! Yutu just got his post here. And yes he does think regularly about what he could have had with his father if things had been different, but a lot of those thoughts come from his sillier moments. Hearing Malleus talk at length about ruins or seeing him confused about how to interact with technology make him seem more... human for lack of a better term to him. He's very familiar with the myth of Malleus Draconia, but he wasn't fathered by a myth. He was fathered by a man who fell in love with a human under very extraordinary circumstances and Yutu wants to know about why. What things did Malleus like most about Yuu? About Twisted Wonderland? If he had gotten a chance to be raised by him what things would Malleus have wanted to teach him? Would he be any different?
Azul! Yutu is also afraid of his dad, but not based on any personal experiences just his own insecurities. He's not a thin guy, he's not in Octavinelle, and he is extremely worried that his dad will see him as some sort of stupid muscle head and be disappointed in having him. He's also, understandably, extremely angry at him when he learns what he did in Book 3 to his parent. Fuck this guy, he'll just save Yuu himself and hopefully if they still get together he'll grow up to be a totally different person when he's born in this good timeline. But there's just something about Azul's approval that he can't help but want now that drives him crazy. Why can't he just be ok with being alone? He has been all this time anyway...
(Meanwhile Azul is deeply impressed with how well Yutu is at disguising himself as a dumb muscle head. Just look at the kid, he's got everyone thinking he just is controlling their shadows while he's actually using a really complicated bit of cosmic magic. Suckers all of them. Not him though. He's not being fooled by anything about Yutu, no sir.)
Leona, Leona, Leona. He's tricky for me to write. Scar apparently has children? In one the the Lion King sequels? Leona's dislike of kids seems to come from his complicated feelings around the throne and his want for people to be independent. I think he would be one of those gruff intense kind of dads who does the whole "we are never getting a pet" thing and then you see him asleep on the recliner with Princess Nooodles III chilling on his lap with him. Anyway back to Yutu-
Leona! Yutu's relationship with his dad is tempered by the fact Leona knows who and what he is from the start and demands to know why he has traveled back in time. He doesn't explicitly say he knows that he is his father or that Yuu is his other parent, just that he knows time travel is involved, so they have a fairly open amount of communication regarding the overblot "business" but not on much else. Yutu has a desire to understand his father and Leona has a desire to not disappoint him. Who would want their dad to be the second prince? He's destined for nothing but a miserable life anyway, all of the responsibility and none of the privilege (outside of the money but lets be real, Leona's ass does not understand that.) I don't think either Leona or Yutu fully understands that his existence is enough for the other to be happy. When they are forced to talk about it they both laugh it off and roll their eyes at how cheesy that sounds but deep down it means a lot to both of them.
Riddle! Yutu has gotten a lot of posts about him and his "hatred" of his dad but I thought I'd take this post to mention I like the idea of Yutu's favorite food being the chestnut tarts/mont blanc that aren't allowed at Unbirthday Parties but that Riddle still wanted to eat anyway. He's a lot like his father in his love of sweets and his determined denial of it, but he isn't the exact same. Also gives him one more thing to pick a fight with Riddle over (his dad doesn't get the big deal, they can just have a private tea party with Yuu and have all the different sweets they want... can't they?)
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leupagus · 6 months
I firmly believe Stannis is the Westerosi equivalent of the dad who hates cats, doesn't want to get a cat, makes a big deal about not liking the cat, and ends up being the cat's absolute favorite (except instead of a cat it's a huge fuckoff direwolf with boundary issues)
The door to the workroom opened and Ghost bounded inside, snuffling at Stannis's hands. Lady Stark, following behind, narrowed her eyes at him as she closed the door.
"You fed him something recently, didn't you?" she said. Ghost, finding nothing, gave a disapproving huff and flopped down by the fireplace.
He had, but that was besides the point. "What are the Knights of the Vale doing here?"
"Just don't give him chicken, we had a terrible problem with the henhouses when they were puppies," she said absently, and circled round to sit at her chair on the far side of the work table. "I brought them here for you."
Stannis, still standing, paused. "For me?"
"Yes, for you. I can't bend the knee, Your Grace. Not yet. But I'm not entirely useless."
"Of all the adjectives I've thought to describe you with, 'useless' has never been one of them."
She smiled at that and looked down at the papers strewn across the table. "Littlefinger — Lord Baelish," she corrected, "had plans for the North. Marrying my Aunt Lysa and becoming Lord Protector of the Vale wasn't enough for him; he wanted more."
"How much more?" Stannis asked as he took his seat again. He was already well able to guess the answer.
"Everything," she answered, a distant look in her eye that Stannis did not like. "He wanted to marry me off to the Boltons. I think the plan was for you you to come sweeping down from the Wall and either take Winterfell or kill out enough of the Bolton forces to weaken them. At which point Littlefinger could come riding to my rescue with the Knights of the Vale. He'd have a ward at the Vale who looked to him for approval, and a new Lady of Winterfell who'd be grateful to him for saving her from monsters twice over." She nodded at his moue of distaste. "Yes, well, he always did consider me one of his cyvasse pieces, to be moved around the board as needed."
Stannis had avoided Baelish at King's Landing, insofar as he could while both of them served on Robert's Small Council. But he well remembered how Baelish spoke of women, how effortlessly he used them and used them up. What damage had he inflicted on a young, friendless girl while he'd had her in his custody? No wonder Lady Stark had fled from him at the first chance of escape.
If that's what had truly happened. The story from the Riverlands was that Baelish had been killed by his own men, and there was no reason to doubt it — such a treacherous man would have succumbed to treachery sooner or later. But Lady Stark had proven herself capable of surprising things, these past months.
It didn't bear thinking of too closely. He cleared his throat. "The Vale, the North — if Baelish wanted the Iron Throne, he'd have needed more than two kingdoms at his command."
"The Riverlands probably would have been next," said Lady Stark with a frown. She pawed through the papers and pulled out a book. "I've been going through the maester accounts, such as they are, from the time my father left Winterfell until now," she said, flipping through it. "There are gaps, obviously, but Maester Wolkan's been keeping remarkably faithful records. Including copies of every raven scroll." She passed the book over to him, tapping at a particular passage. "This was sent to Roose Bolton from the Twins, only a few days before we began the siege."
"'The Blackfish traitor has stolen Riverrun from us. In the name of fellowship among the new Lord Paramounts and the victors over House Stark, we ask for your aid in catching this damned fish and roasting him on a spit.'" Stannis set the book back on the table with the peculiar urge to wipe his hands clean. "Walder Frey was always a craven. Wanting everyone else to fight his battles for him."
"He didn't even have the courage to murder my brother himself," said Lady Stark, taking back the book and closing it with a snap. "Though I've been told it was his son who murdered my mother. A great warrior family, clearly. Plus he doesn't know it's 'Lords Paramount' and not 'Lord Paramounts.'"
Stannis had seen flares of temper from Lady Stark before (on any number of occasions), but the icy rage in her voice gave him pause. Not for the first time, he considered how very merciful she had been with him, in the end. A man responsible for his own brother's murder, when she herself had lost her brother to the very basest of treachery — what might she have done to him, if he'd been anyone other than the rightful king?
Even as he wondered, he knew that his titles had not been what had stayed her hand in judgement. The Starks had never been particularly pragmatic, mostly to disastrous ends, and for all her intelligence Sansa seemed to have inherited a fair helping of the Tully pig-headedness on top of the Stark romanticism. King Stannis would have had no better luck against her judgement than Lord Stannis or Ser Stannis or even Goodman Stannis; it had been for some other reason she had spared him. He wondered when the bill would come due, and if it would ever be in his capacity to pay it.
Lady Stark had continued on. "I haven't found any record of a message sent back to the Twins, but I doubt the Boltons sent one. Lord Bolton were never much for rousing himself for anyone else's interests, even before he betrayed my family. I sent a raven to House Mallister of Seaguard; he sided with Robb during the war, and the Mallisters have always been loyal to House Tully." This time she handed over a scroll, flattened out but still curling slightly at each end.
It was only a bit longer than Walder Frey's, and about as useful. Blackfish holds fast; they have supplies within to last two years or more, and the siege set by the Freys will not last half a season. Brynden has not called the banners of the Riverlands, for Lord Tully is still hostage to the Freys. But if Lady Stark should call, Mallister will answer.
"'If Lady Stark should call,'" he repeated wryly.
"Lord Mallister bounced my mother on his knee when she was a babe, Your Grace," she said, equally wry. "All the oaths of fealty in the world can't replace the bonds of family and friendship between the northern Houses, even those not in the North itself."
"So I am beginning to understand," he said, handing the scroll back. "So the Twins are undefended at present."
"Most likely — Lord Frey is still there, but the bulk of his army will be at Riverrun." She leaned forward. "I've spoken with Lord Royce; he swears to me that Lord Arryn will bend the knee if you lead the Knights of the Vale and your own army and take the Twins. From there, you'll be able to break the Frey's siege at Riverrun — you'll have both the Vale and the Riverlands in a matter of months."
It was a fine strategy, but Stannis couldn't help but feel vaguely offended by it. "Do you mean to tell me that because you refuse to bend the knee, or promise any of your own army to my cause, you've delivered the Knights of the Vale and a promise of House Arryn's fealty as a...consolation prize?"
Lady Stark shrugged. "I suppose so," she admitted. "But a prize, nonetheless. I've only known Lord Royce since I was a guest at the Eyrie, but he seems an honorable man."
"He's an able commander, which is more to the point," Stannis contradicted absently, frowning down at the desk as he mulled it over. Two thousand men was no very great sum — but the Knights of the Vale were one of the best cavalry forces in the kingdoms, for all that they rarely strayed outside their mountains. With the Knights, Stannis's army could divide and take each half of the Twins in a pincer. It would be over nearly before it began.
"Of course, how foolish of me to consider such petty things as honor," grumbled Lady Stark.
Stannis ignored that. "Which leaves the Iron Islands to deal with. Has Lord Greyjoy sent any word?" Even the honorific stuck in his craw. Balon Greyjoy, the only other "king" to survive the war. Stannis had regretted the man's existence ever since the Greyjoy Rebellion.
Lady Stark shook her head. "Nothing. We've beaten back the last of the Ironborn holdouts, but I doubt they'll begrudge us that. My father always said the iron price never spent well. And they rightly blame the Boltons for whatever might have happened to Theon."
Which was still a mystery, so far as Stannis could tell. Theon Greyjoy had not been found among the dead at Winterfell, nor at the Dreadfort. If he'd escaped, there'd been no sightings reported. "No doubt you'll wish to execute him yourself, if he's found, but it would be better—"
"Execute Theon?" she said, her brow furrowing. "I — no. I don't wish that."
He leaned back in his seat. "You surprise me, my lady. I wouldn't have thought you squeamish after all this time." Perhaps that was his answer: she'd spared himself and Lady Brienne not out of principle but cowardice. In a way, it might be a relief: or at least it would be easier to understand.
She looked away. "Father did always say that whoever passes the sentence should swing the sword."
"That's not an answer. Your kindness does you credit, my lady, but if you show too much your people won't fear you. Which means they won't follow you, when the time comes." He'd said the same thing to her brother, more than a year ago when they'd argued over the fate of the wildlings and the drawbacks of mercy. The Lord Commander hadn't heeded the advice; was it a Stark family failing?
It must be, for Lady Stark sighed in frustration and said, "I don't want to be feared, Your Grace. And though you've failed to notice, I'm in no need of anyone following me anywhere. I'm staying—" She broke off and shook her head. "This always happens," she muttered, an odd smile tugging at her mouth.
He frowned. "What always happens?"
"This," she said, gesturing vaguely at the distance between them. "We can't go five minutes without arguing about something."
"That's not true." She sighed again and he reconsidered. "Perhaps if you didn't contradict everything I said."
"Perhaps if you had sisters, growing up," she countered. "My mother always said Arya and I were more trouble than all five of the boys put together." Her expression darkened and Stannis followed her thoughts — Theon had been one of those five boys. Raised alongside the rest of them, within these very walls.
"I thought you would want him dead," he admitted. "More than anyone else in the North."
She got to her feet and went over to the window, resting her arms on the sill as she looked out onto the courtyard. Stannis rose and joined her: down below were a dozen carts piled high with hay. All around them men and women were busy unloading the bales and stacking them up in a corner, where more workers took them away in a brisk line deeper into the Keep. Each cart was in the courtyard only a few minutes; when it was empty, the driver mounted up again and drove slowly out through the great gates, replaced by another cart yet more heavily laden. Supplies from the Northern Houses, to lay in for the oncoming winter.
"I don't want Theon dead," said Lady Stark after a long while observing in silence. He glanced over to her, but she was still looking down at the carts. "I don't want anyone dead, Stannis — there's been so much death. And more coming, if what Jon told you about the White Walkers is true."
She'd never called him by his name before; indeed she didn't seem aware she'd done it. "I believed him," he replied. "I still do. Your brother didn't seem the sort to make up stories."
"He always was honest to a fault," she said, turning to look at him at last. Her blue eyes were bright — tears, unshed. "I wish he'd come with you."
So did he, he realized. Not for his skill in battle or his perception or bravery: but only so his sister would not look so devastated at his loss. "He took an oath to the Night's Watch," he said, cursing at himself for his clumsy words even as he did so.
"I know that," she huffed. "Five minutes without arguing, is that really so difficult?"
"Evidently," he conceded, and she laughed. A watery sound, and she pressed the heels of her hand to her eyes quickly as she turned back toward the table, but laughter nonetheless.
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nightingale2004 · 16 days
Teen wolf fans, I have a vision/fanfic Idea.
Alright, so one of my old posts mentioned a time travel fic.
So my idea is that both the McCall and the Hale pack (+Peter, maybe) both get transported in the past to when their parents were teenagers.
In this timeline, they have to blend in and get help from the past Hale pack to get back to their original timeline.
But in the past, both packs learn something about their own families.
Stiles and Derek learn that both their mothers loved each other like sisters and that Stiles's moms family has been allies with the Hales for a very long time.
The Gajos family is also very magical (yes, I'm in love with magic! Stiles) and they have been the protectors of Beacon Hills with spark magic running through their veins, and they have also been emissaries to the Hale pack since forever.
Stiles learns about his mother's side of the family and sees how both his parents met in high school, which was Claudia making the first move, and Derek gets to see his family and his parents fall in love. Stiles also learns that Peter had a major crush on his own mother when he was a kid since Claudia was not just Talia's best friend and future emissary but also his babysitter, which Peter was not proud to admit.
Stiles also learns where he gets his attention span, adhd, and toughness from. Because young Claudia was definitely a force of nature, especially with her car Roscoe.
Stiles and Scott also learn that both their dad's actually knew each other, and Stiles' dad Noah was actually Rafael McCall's bestfriend and wingman for Scott's mother Melissa Delgado, whom they also knew in highschool. Stiles also learns that his dad was very socially awkward but extremely sarcastic and clumsy and will trip over air but give a non-serious answer. Stiles also learns how bad his dad Noah's relationship was with his own father. But Stiles is always eternally grateful that his mother made the first move.
Lydia also learns that her grandmother had a decent understanding of the supernatural and her banshee abilities.
Stiles also learns the reason why Claudia left the supernatural life and gave her position as emissary to Alan Deaton, which was to be with his dad. But that never stopped Talia from always seeking her council, emissary or not, Talia and the Hales always saw Claudia as family. Including Peter, and even though he will never admit it, Claudia was and still is his first love, and he was more than happy to have a piece of her within Stiles.
Stiles and Derek also get to see both their mothers being a bad@$$ duo against hunters and many other supernatural beings. Including them being powerful political leaders trying to keep the peace in Beacon hills and for everyone, including negotiating with the Argents and going to war w/ Gerard Argent. Also, I have no doubt that Peter and Noah were the only ones falling for Claudia's charms.
Also, let me know what you guys think.
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itsmoonpeaches · 8 months
Title: Storge
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial
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Word count: 1,004
Rating: G
Summary: As the quest concludes and the war ends, Poseidon is left with the truth and the realization that Percy means more to him than he knew.
Also available on ao3.
Camp Half-Blood celebrated. The night sky bloomed with multicolored fireworks. And amid the cacophony, the gods discovered the truth.
At Zeus’s command, Athena had called for a meeting with the whole council to end the war between him and Poseidon. But now Olympus shuddered with war’s echoes once again.
“So much for a swift and crushing victory, eh dad?” sneered Ares. He leaned back on his throne, the ancient stone pressed against the back of his leather trench coat.
“Silence,” Zeus ordered with a scowl. Thunder rumbled above them. “Your role in this has not been forgotten.” His irises swirled with storm clouds. He propped himself up, resting his arms on the circular marble table that the Olympians sat around. “We must decide what to do with Luke Castellan.”
Poseidon watched the proceedings with feigned indifference. He clenched his fists beneath the table and felt the leftover prickle of electricity dance across his fingertips. Even for a god as prominent as he, stopping Zeus’s Master Bolt with his bare hands was a harrowing experience. It was not often that gods held onto another’s symbol of power.  
Across from him, Hermes twitched. His face shuttered.
“He is lost to us,” answered Athena with the authoritative tone he always recognized. She looked like that girl who went on the quest with Perseus except she was taller with narrower, more angular features. She had the same dark curls, but never wore her hair down. It was slicked back into a tight knot and accentuated her calculating gray eyes. “He eludes us with the power of his sword, and that puts him under Kronos’s protection. It is inadvisable to deduce where the portals will take him with so little information.”
Zeus frowned.
Athena clicked her tongue. “We must decide what to do with the other one…Poseidon’s spawn. Perseus Jackson.”
Poseidon straightened. The quake inside his chest threatened to release the force he held back. Long Island’s shores were bombarded with waves. “Enough,” he growled. He unclenched his fists. His trident crackled in its sheath attached to his throne.
The council quieted. Athena narrowed her eyes.
Zeus grunted, folding his arms as he glared. “I will not renege on the prize I have awarded the boy if he does not cause a disturbance,” he said. “I refuse to be indebted to a half-blood.” He lifted the Master Bolt. Its energy reverberated from the floors to the Corinthian columns that enclosed them. “He has returned what is mine. For now, we watch him.”
Poseidon thought to relax, but that was before Apollo with his sunny grin and even sunnier disposition, decided to interrupt.
“My Oracle spoke,” Apollo started with a singsong tune that grated on Poseidon’s nerves. “This may be the Prophecy. We must prepare soon.”
Poseidon sucked in a steadying breath. A new squall formed near Australia’s Shipwreck Coast.
Artemis rolled her eyes. “Not everything needs to be said in haiku, brother,” she admonished. The silver in her hair gleamed like the moon.
Poseidon sighed. The tension in his shoulders never lessened. “Perseus is not yet sixteen,” he said. “Leave him be.”
“We will get nothing done talking in circles. I have duties to attend to,” Zeus added. He nodded to Athena. “Finish this.”
The meeting adjourned. The gods flashed away, vanishing to tend to their domains. But Poseidon lingered. He had not moved. He stared at a pearl he rolled in his palm.
“Do you ever dream about mom?”
His son’s voice rushed into his head like an endless current. Perseus’s eyes were so much like his own, so much more than he had imagined. Poseidon had not answered his question. He had not forgotten.
He clutched the pearl tight and stood, trident in hand.
“He is your weakness, the boy.” Someone disrupted the silence.
Poseidon turned.
Athena observed him from the pathway that led to the rest of Olympus’s sprawling city. “If you are not careful, he will become a liability to you.”
He inclined his head. “What's this?” he asked with a sardonic smirk. “The goddess of wisdom and battle strategy giving me advice?”
“It is simply an observation.”
“An observation I do not crave.”
Athena scoffed. “You surrendered for him,” she replied. “You lost the war for that boy. He is nothing more than a blip in our eternity. What will happen in the future when there is more at stake? What will you choose, your son or the Fifth Age?”
He parted his lips, but no answer came. Athena departed down the path. He was alone.
He walked to the edge of the council room, intent on watching what remained of the fireworks below. Even from here, he could see them. If he concentrated, he could hear the laughter of the demigods and smell their offerings scraped into the bonfire. Most of them did not know what had transpired yet.
He only wished Perseus was spared betrayal.
The hearth that occupied the edge of the room snapped. Out of the warmth appeared the form of a little girl in drab robes.  
“Hestia,” he said with a slight bow. “I am sorry to disturb you. I will soon depart.”
“You are lost,” she remarked. She always sounded so much younger than she was. “You are thinking of him…of your family.”
“You are my family,” he countered.
She smiled and offered her right hand. “Take my hand.”
With caution, he took it.
As soon as they touched, images flooded his mind. He saw Sally Jackson. She pressed her forehead to their son’s. The sunlight dappled the rivulets of her hair and brightened Perseus’s blue eyes.
He saw Perseus in his cabin at camp, running his fingers along the water in the fountain, a pensive look on his face. On his neck, he wore a new bead on the necklace Chiron had given him. Painted against black was a delicate sea-green trident.
When Poseidon remembered himself, Hestia was gone. The visions tucked away inside him.
“Yes,” he whispered into nothing. “I do dream of you.”
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